4 17 2018 collegian vol 64 issue 17 final

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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York


Vol. 64 Issue 17




By Parker Howell, staff writer


Two Cayuga Community College students earn the prestigious Chancellor’s Award which honors outstanding students. The honorees are Mitchell Phillips (Fulton Campus) and Glyn Davenport (Auburn Campus). “I feel honored,” Phillips said in reac-

The Auburn campus’ Veteran’s Club is excited to announce that they are holding the 1st ANNUAL AUBURN CAMPUS BAKE OFF! All faculty and staff are welcome to enter the contest. Bake your favorite dessert or treat for the campus to sample! 1st and 2nd place winners will each win a prize! All proceeds will be donated to a charity selected by the Auburn Veteran’s Club students. Please contact Emily Cameron, emily.cameron@ cayuga-cc.edu or x2227.

April 30 – 11am AUBURN CAMPUS Start in the Library, walk to the Art Studios and see the end-of-year exhibition by Cayuga’s Art students. Refreshments provided.


The Cayuga Collegian, is looking for news items, story ideas, club news, etc. Please send your items, ideas, and photographs to cayugacollegian@gmail.com

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Members of the Sean M. Walsh K-9 Memorial Foundation: (left to right) Shirley Quigley, Sharon McNeil, and Mary Ann Carnicelli


Last Wednesday was Criminal Justice proK-9 equipment, and training. Because of the fessional day on the Auburn Campus, held in Foundation, two K-9’s have been brought to the main hallway. There was a large variety, as 27 agencies, departments, and offices were in attendance to talk to students. The representatives were on campus from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. In attendance was the Sean M. Walsh K-9 Memorial Foundation. The foundation is a non-profit organization and is based 100% on volunteering. Representing the organization was Sean’s aunt, Sharon McNeil, cousin, Mary Ann Carnicelli, and grandmother, Shirley Quigley. Sharon McNeil is the leader of the Central New York Chapter. Sean M. Walsh had intended on becoming a K-9 handler, and to further his training for law enforcement enlisted in the National Guard. 10 days before he was to come back from his year long deployment in Afghanistan, Students on the Auburn Campus meet with he was killed by indirect fire. The goal of the Foundation helps Criminal Justice professionals from 27 agencies provide grants to purchase dogs, to discuss career choices last Wednesday.




THE CAYUGA COLLEGIAN IS LOOKING FOR STUDENT WRITERS & PHOTOGRAPHERS The award-winning newspaper, The Cayuga Collegian, is looking to recruit more student help for this semester and the next school year. Presently in its 64th year of publishing, the student-run newspaper was recently located to the 1st floor of the Tech Building (T109). Despite its proximity to the traditionally Telcom area of the college, the newspaper wishes to recruit student writers and photographers from all majors on both campuses. There are also some leadership positions available, which come with a paycheck, depending on your enthusiasm and qualifications. If you’re interested in working immediately and/or interested in applying for a future paid position, please send a letter of intent to Cayuga Collegian faculty advisor, Mary Merritt, at merrittm@cayuga-cc.edu.

April 17, 2018

tion to being selected for the Chancellor’s Award. Originally, he felt as if he didn’t “stack up” to the competition that was ahead of him. When Philips first came to CCC’s Fulton campus, he says he didn’t plan to be involved in extracurricular activities. He says that all changed Mitchell Phillips when he was invited Fulton Campus to Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and then asked to be a tutor in the Center for Academic Success (CAS). Phillips says his college experience turned out to be better than he expected. “I just came here to work hard,” Phillips said. “I felt like was a part of something that was bigger than myself. I started to see the benefit of being involved.” Phillips says he is now is extremely involved on campus. He serves as president of the Student Government Organization on the Fulton Campus. He also tutors other students in multiple subjects like math, writing, physics, and chemistry. After graduating in May, Phillips says he plans to transfer to University at Buffalo or Syracuse University to study Chemical Engineering with a minor in Cognition or Neuroscience. The Auburn campus winner, Glyn Davenport says his CCC experience began before even setting foot on campus. He says he took several CCC courses online while still in high school. Along with earning AP credits in high school, Davenport was Glyn Davenport able to get his first Auburn Campus degree from Cayuga in Liberal Arts and Sciences: Math & Science in December of 2017. Davenport works as a tutor for the CAS at both the writing and math tables. He also leads study groups for chemistry and English. He likes to help fellow classmates in Calculus I, II, and III. “If I hadn’t been recruited to become a tutor, I wouldn’t have discovered my love of helping others to learn.” Davenport said. Davenport says he was inspired by tutor coordinator, Teresa Hoercher, for her “positive outlook on life, patience, and drive to support all of CCC’s students.” “I am honored to be one of the two recipients from CCC to receive the SUNY Chancellor’s Award,” he said excitedly. “It feels great to have my hard work recognized.” Davenport says he is transferring to a four-year school in the fall. He hopes to major in the math field. He says he also wants to continue his passion for tutoring after he transfers. The Chancellor’s Award is the highest honor awarded to students by SUNY Schools. Students are nominated by their school’s president and administration who consider a student’s academic standing, campus involvement, community service, art studies, and sport activites.



OPINIONS HOW I SEE IT... Gabby Rizzo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Coachella, the annual music festival held in California, kicked off this past weekend. By now, nearly everyone knows what Coachella is, but for those who don’t, it’s pretty much a massive cultivation of popular music. There is no one specific genre that it promotes. It ranges from performers like Post Malone, The Weeknd, Fleet Foxes, Portugal. The Man, and, of course, Beyoncé. For decades, when people thought of music festivals, Woodstock would come to mind. Today, Coachella is added to that thought. Music festivals have had a fairly recent surge in popularity. More and more groups are booking festivals around the country. Some other notable festivals include the more rock-centric Shaky Knees, a two day music festival, held in Atlanta, Georgia, and Bonnaroo, held in Manchester, Tennessee. It’s a testament to the times and its generations. There’s multiple factors that go into what makes a music fest alluring. While there may be one group that really pulls a

In today’s society we are hearing more and more about mass shootings. These aren’t terrorist attacks. These are the citizens of the U.S. who are shedding blood on their own country’s soil. We shouldn’t have to live in a society where it’s every other week or so that we hear about another mass shooting, and hear that there’s nothing being done about it. Recently, there was a school shooting in Florida at a high school where 17 students were killed and 16 were wounded. I believe we need stricter gun laws. Today it’s getting dangerous to send your kids to school. School is a place where you should be going to learn and study, but now it’s becoming less and less safe. Since the start of 2018 there have been 15 plus school shootings already. There have been recent school shootings ranging from elementary school all the way up to the college level. Yet nothing is being done to protect the upcoming generations. There’s no reason that any kid should have to worry about getting shot in their school. They go there to get an education.

Now the place that they go to learn isn’t safe for them to do that in. They should be able to go to school to study and learn. Not have to worry about if someone is going to come in with a gun. Now I know there is the second amendment in the constitution that gives the citizens of the U.S. the right to bear arms and have the right to own pretty much any weapons that we desire. On the other hand even though we do have that right to bear arms, why is there a need to carry fully automatic weapons, and guns that can hold 30 rounds of ammunition in them? We have a massive army that can defend our country and can keep us safe. We also have police men and women, and security guards in big malls and plazas to help keep us safe. The Atlantic magazine says that guns cause 30,000 deaths a

person in, they may discover two or three other bands that interest them. It generates buzz for a group giving them more success. Another reason, statistically speaking, is that Millennials and Generation Y is more apt to spend money on experiences as opposed to physical belongings. A big reasoning for the enjoyment of experiences is that it gives a sense of escape for a short while. With that in mind, big brands spend more money sponsoring the various music festivals. There’s also the comparison of festivals to concerts. While concerts provide longer setlists, a festival might have a bigger bang for your buck because there may be several bands you’re interested in seeing. It’s all contingent on the circumstance, as well. But because of the time that we’re in, it’s the perfect environment for such events to thrive. —Gabby Rizzo, Cayuga Collegian editor-in-chief

When you have acrylic nails they have a lot of bacteria that grows under them. The acrylics ruin your real nails under the fake ones. Also, the chemicals they use are bad for you to be breathing in. I myself love getting my nails done because it’s my time to relax and it makes me feel at peace. I also know that it’s not good for me either but I still do it. I think professional nail salons should figure out a way that getting my nails done can be relaxing but safe and bacteria free. I like going so much that I refuse to stop. I have gotten my nails done since I was in ninth grade. When I walk in the environment is so welcoming and makes me feel relaxed. I get my nails done because I feel they make my hands look better. I get compliments on my nails a lot. I know this is bad but I have been doing it forever so I never really thought of it being bad. I don’t want to stop going but I hope that they can solve the problems with the chemical use and the bacteria. These are the things that I hope could be solved in the future. When you get your nails done you don’t really think about all the bacteria that can come with them. I never really thought about how gross it can be. We should change our set of nails more often. This could help with the bacteria. When you have acrylics your nails underneath

TALENT showcase April 18th

AUBURN CAMPUS 3 – 4:30 pm - College Café

SOMA students will perform music, poetry, fiction and non-fiction readings, and theatrical performances. SOMA Art students will be presenting their work. This is a fun event. Stop by and support our wonderfully creative SOMA students.

The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian@gmail. com. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor do not reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisor. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves. All letters may be edited for content or length.



year in America. The second amendment was made when the U.S. had just become a country and we didn’t have any of that. They gave us that right so we could defend ourselves if the British were to come back and try to take back their colonies, but this isn’t an issue for us anymore. I believe that we need regulations on what weapons we should be able to own. There is no need for kids to have to be scared to go to school. Also there is no need for military style weapons for the civilians of the U.S. because they cause more harm than good. I’m not saying we should completely eradicate guns from the people of the U.S., but I do believe we need more gun laws and stricter regulations on them because we shouldn’t have this many, or any, mass shootings. —Garett Furnia, Cayuga student

IS GETTING YOUR NAILS DONE KILLING YOU? cannot breathe so the bacteria grows on them because you can’t take your nails off to wash under them. The chemicals they use are very strong. According to The New York Times, there was a study done on how fake nails can cause cancer and reproductive health issues. I hope that they can do an experiment and try to make less potent chemicals. This would help people who like to get their nails done but have breathing problems and can’t. It could also help people who don’t have breathing problems. Another concern is that UV light is known to cause cancer. They use the UV light if you get gel nail polish. The light dries your nails faster. They should tell you that cancer could be a possibility. I think using the other dryer with a fan could be better because there is less of a chance of getting cancer. These are some hazards when getting your nails done. I hope that they can fix the chemicals that are being used. This would be nice for myself and others because there are concerns about breathing in the chemicals and the bacteria acrylics can cause. Cancer could also be a factor. Hopefully, they can fix some of these issues. In the meantime, I’m still going to my peaceful place. —Samantha Staring, Cayuga student


Did you know there are ways you can become a staff member of The Cayuga Collegian and get something back? 1. REGISTER FOR TELCOM 204: JOURNALISM PRACTICUM and earn credit while you learn to write and work! 2. EMPLOYMENT: Submit your resume (highlighting your writing experience), contact information, and a short essay on how you would make an impact as a paid member of The Cayuga Collegian staff to merrittm@cayuga-cc.edu. Email merrittm@cayuga-cc.edu for job descriptions. 3. VOLUNTEER: Get involved in The Collegian and watch your life change for the better. You’ll gain resume-building experiences! (We have free coffee in the office!)



LOCAL OVERDOSES ON THE RISE ByWilliam Sellin, contributing student writer Cayuga County is at its all-time high of drug overdoses. That’s the startling news from Cayuga County Sheriff Detective, Lieutenant Brian Schenck. He says his department has seen deaths from opioid overdoses rapidly increase over the past few years. “The situation is dire. A lot of people are struggling with addiction,” Schenck said. He says no family is immune from drug abuse. He says people who struggle from

addiction often hide because they’re afraid others will think less of them or label them as a bad person. “The stigma needs to change so people will ask for help,” explained Schenck. “This unfavorable stigma sometimes prevents people from asking for help.” Schenck has a message for anyone struggling with addiction. “Don’t give up. Seek help. If you’ve tried and failed, try again!”



NAMI representatives Bart Wasilenko and Angela Slater-Miles

CJ PROFESSIONAL DAY CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE different police departments in the CNY area. NAMI, the National Alliance for Mental Illness, was represented by Bart Wasilenko and Angela Slater-Miles. Bart Wasilenko and his wife, Terri Wasilenko facilitated the Cayuga County affiliate 15 years ago. They are located in Auburn, and hold Bi-Monthly family support group meetings as well as training for mental health first aid. Mental health first aid is an eight hour course that teaches how to help an individual who may be experiencing a mental health crisis or concern. NAMI is a volunteer based organization.

Thugocracy: The Russian Mafia and the Trump Presidency a lecture by Colgate University Professor Nancy Ries

Thursday, April 26th @ 6:30 P.M.

Submitted to The Collegian by CCC Professor Jackie Darquea College students are notorious for making mistakes with money, from misusing student loans to racking up credit card debt to treating their parents as ATMs. Let’s face it: most of us were irresponsible with money at some point, but we can help our kids avoid our mistakes. Here are some of the biggest financial blunders college freshmen make and what you can do to help your child avoid or minimize them. MISUSING STUDENT LOANS Without student loans, your child might not be able to attend college or might have to attend a less academically rigorous school because of affordability issues. But student loans should only be used for essential education expenses. (Calculator: College costs) A big financial mistake is that students use loans to pay for things they don’t need, said Andrew Josuweit, CEO of Student Loan Hero, a website that analyzes borrowers’ student loans and creates customized repayment plans, in an email interview. “Some students just say, ‘Hey, I can take out these student loans and use them for a spring break trip. I can worry about paying it back later.’” Students can indeed use loan proceeds for expenses other than tuition,1 as student loan provider Sallie Mae notes, but it’s not a good idea. Explain to your child that when you’re already living outside your means to afford college, you don’t want to burden yourself more than necessary. Also, if you take 15 years to repay $1,000 borrowed for a spring break trip at 6 percent interest, that trip really costs more than $1,500. (You can make them run the numbers here.) USING PARENTS AS AN ATM “Parents want their kids to enjoy college and not be stressed about finances, but I think that’s a huge mistake,” said Marcella Harkness, a Certified Financial Planner with San Diego-based advisory firm Capital Growth, in an email exchange. For most people, life will be full of financial stresses, so why not have your child learn how to handle all the challenges of college, money included? “Providing unlimited resources to college students does nothing to prepare them for financial independence in the future,” Harkness said. Instead, be clear with your child about how much you’ll contribute to his or her tuition and other expenses and what you expect them to contribute from their savings and from working. Then, create a budget that shows how to make the money last. BLOWING THE BUDGET Creating a budget for college expenses won’t help if your child doesn’t stick to it, though. In a single semester, college students can blow through an entire summer’s worth

Cayuga Community College Student Lounge This talk will explain how the Soviet Union gave rise to a global kleptocracy that helped bring both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to power. Dr. Nancy Ries is Professor of Anthropology and Peace and Conflict Studies at Colgate University. Her specialty is contemporary Russia. She has three decades of research in Russia.

of earnings that are supposed to cover a year’s worth of expenses like laundry, snacks and off-campus activities. Harkness, the mother of one college graduate and one college freshman, said the result may be getting a job in the second semester and cutting expenses to make ends meet. If your child does make this mistake, at least it won’t have dire consequences. He or she will learn a lesson about budgeting that will benefit him or her long after they graduate. When creating that budget, don’t forget about extracurricular activities. Fraternities, clubs and organizations often charge dues that students need to budget for when calculating what they need to make it through the semester, Kinkaid said. GETTING INTO CREDIT CARD DEBT Even worse than ending up with a zero balance in your bank account or using student loans for spring break is taking on high-interest consumer debt. “It’s relatively easy to get a student credit card and even easier to rack up a balance on it,” Josuweit said. “Credit cards allow students to buy things even if they don’t have the cash. It’s really easy to get behind on payments and then watch as the interest rapidly adds up.” Parents can teach their kids to manage credit responsibly by helping them get a card with a low credit limit. Then, monitor spending and payments online to make sure the charges are reasonable and to make sure the balance gets paid in full and on time each month. (Calculator: Establishing Financial Goals) As an alternative, stick to debit cards so there’s no risk of going into debt, Josuweit said. BUYING TEXTBOOKS AT THE CAMPUS BOOKSTORE New textbooks from the campus bookstore come at full price. Used copies come at a discount but might not be the best deal available. Instead, buy books online using Amazon, eBay, Chegg and similar sites, Kinkaid suggested. Some campus bookstores and websites even let students rent textbooks. Hanging on to textbooks after students are done with them is another mistake, Kinkaid said. Unless students will need the books for future reference, they should sell them back to the bookstore or through one of the same websites they purchased them from. It’s important for parents to foster a relationship where their children feel comfortable approaching them about any money problems they run into during college. This way, students can get help with any money issues while they’re small and manageable.






FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA — PHI BETA LAMBDA (PBL) NEWS CCC HOSTS 5TH ANNUAL STATE BUSINESS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Submitted to The Collegian by CCC Professor Amy Valente Recently, Cayuga Community College hosted the 5th annual State Leadership Conference for Future Business Leaders of America - Phi Beta Lambda. This event brought in students from across NYS from SUNY Morrisville, SUNY Oswego, Hilbert College, SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Stonybrook and LeMoyne College to attend workshops,

network and compete in various business-related events. I wanted to let everyone know that our students did very well in the competitions. I’m pleased to announce that the following students placed at the State level and are now eligible to compete in the National Competitions being held in Baltimore, MD this summer:

BUSINESS DECISION MAKING: 1st, Nick Eveland BUSINESS ETHICS: 2nd, Nick Eveland & Jaydan Janes BUSINESS LAW: 1st, Kathryn Stover & Deanna Kinney COMMUNITY SERVICE: 1st, Marissa Catherine COMPUTER CONCEPTS: 2nd, Steven Gillespie CONTEMPORARY SPORTS ISSUES: 2nd, Steven Gillespie FINANCIAL ANALYSIS & DECISION MAKING: 1st, Emily Cummings FORENSIC ACCOUNTING: 1st, Bethany Jorolemon FUTURE BUSINESS EDUCATOR: 1st, Deanna Kinney FUTURE BUSINESS EXECUTIVE: 2nd, Nick Eveland HELP DESK: 2nd, Emily Cummings INFORMATION MANAGEMENT: 2nd, Allison Pilipczak JOB INTERVIEW: 3rd, Marissa Catherine JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION: 1st, Bethany Jorolemon MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS: 3rd, Daniel Abbott RETAIL MANAGEMENT: 1st, Daniel Abbott RETAIL MANAGEMENT: 3rd, Nick Eveland During the conference, the new NY State officers for PBL were elected. Out of the five NYS Officer positions, three of the students were elected from Cayuga: Nick Eveland (Executive Vice President), Marissa Wick (Parliamentarian), and Kathryn Stover (Treasurer). The opportunity for our students to assume leadership positions for NYS PBL is incredible. We should all be very proud! I’d like to thank those of you who vol-

unteered as judges for the competitive events: Dr. Anne Herron, Dawn Matijas, Sheila Myers, Meg Osborn, and two alumni, Natalie Krone and Alexandra Osborne. Thank you to Bob Frame for doing an amazing job producing the Opening and Closing Ceremonies in the theater. Also, I’d like to thank the wonderful maintenance staff, Dave and Frank for helping us throughout the day. All of your time, expertise and efforts are greatly appreciated!


The Collegian wants to know what is going on up there!



Contact our Fulton Correspondent Parker Howell (phowell2@ cayuga-cc.edu) or just email us your news at Cayugacollegian@ gmail.com






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