5 6 14 cayuga collegian vol 60 issue 19 final

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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York


Get ready for GRADUATION!!!



By Brittany Glassey, associate editor

Join an awardwinning team! FIVE REASONS TO WRITE FOR THE CAYUGA COLLEGIAN NEXT FALL! By Danielle Skowron, editor-on-chief The Cayuga Collegian is a very rewarding experience. Here are five reasons to volunteer to write for the paper next fall. 1. Breaking out of your comfort zone- Being on the staff allows you to interview many people that you never thought you would. It’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone and having a killer story. 2. Having a home- The Collegian has an office that you can hang out in, equipped with a refrigerator, a microwave, computers and free coffee! 3. Expressing yourself- You get to write about things that you love! You’re the one in charger of getting the word out. 4. Being Informed- You become more informed about what’s going on campusl. You’ll be able to cover all the hot news 5. Having fun- Most importantly, the staff says they all have fun while reporting and writing for The Collegian.

May 6, 2014



Just a reminder to all graduating students commencement will be on Sunday, May 18,2014 at 1pm in the Spartan Gymnasium on the Auburn Campus. Tickets will not be required and seating will be available on a first come first serve basis. There will also be a large screen set up in the auditorium got guests to watch . Rehearsal for candidates will be held at 11 am on Friday May 16th in the Spartan Gymnasium. Caps and gowns will be available for pickup at the college book store beginning May 12th thru May 15th and after rehearsals on May 16th on the Auburn Campus. For Fulton caps and gowns can also be picked up in the book store on the same dates. This year flowers will also be available for purchase at the ceremony. • ½ Dozen roses $20 • 1 Dozen roses $25 • Open Faced Presentation Graduation Bouquet $30

Vol. 60 Issue 19

FIRST PLACE IN NATIONAL CONTEST Congratulations to the 2013-2014 staff of Cayuga Community College’s only student-run newspaper, The Cayuga Collegian, for earning first place in a national contest held by the American Scholastic Press Association. For the past 10 years or more, Collegian staffs under the direction of faculty adviser, Mary G. Merritt, have placed first or second in this national review of college newspapers. Pictured left: Associate editor Brittany Glassey, Editor-in-chief Danielle Skowron, Associate editor Kelsey Mclean, and staff writer James Granger. “I am so proud,” said Merritt.

Former Secretary of State Rice says ‘no’ to Rutgers Students protested the college’s decision to invite Rice to speak at Commencement By Keith Sargeant, mycentralnewjersey.com Following nearly two months of is at issue here. As a Professor for protests by faculty and students, thirty years at Stanford University former U.S. Secretary of State and as its former Provost and Chief Condoleezza Rice on Saturday academic officer, I understand declined her invitation to deliver and embrace the purpose of the the commencement address at commencement ceremony and I am Rutgers University. simply unwilling Rice, who drew to detract from it rebuke from the in any way. campus community “Good luck to for her role in the graduates and advising former c o n g ra t u l a t i o n s President George W. to the families, Bush into the Iraq friends and loved War, announced ones who will her decision on her Former U.S. Secretary of gather to honor Facebook page. them.” State Condoleezza Rice “Commencement In addition to should be a time of joyous speaking to the Rutgers community celebration for the graduates at the May 18 commencement for and their families,’’ she wrote. a fee of $35,000, Rice was set to “Rutgers’ invitation to me to speak receive an honorary Doctor of Laws has become a distraction for the degree. In a statement released university community at this very Saturday, Rutgers President Robert special time. I am honored to have Barchi said university officials served my country. I have defended would announce “further details America’s belief in free speech and about the commencement ... in the the exchange of ideas. These values coming days.’’ are essential to the health of our Rice’s decision came during democracy. But that is not what a week when students twice

conducted nonviolent protests on campus, staging a sit-in at university President Robert Barchi’s Old Queens administrative office and disrupting Barchi’s address to the University Senate.

In contrast.... It is interesting to

note that Rutgers University paid “Jersey Shore” star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi $32,000 to speak at the college in 2011 when she told the students, ” Study hard, but party harder.”


It was at the latter protest Friday when Barchi addressed the protestors in his most candid public comments to date, offering Rice a vote of confidence by saying he would be “extraordinarily surprised if the Board of Governors would rescind the invitation’’ for Rice to speak at commencement. Barchi wasn’t available for CONTINUED ON PAGE SEVEN


Goodbye to Cayuga-CC Ban Leggings? OPINIONS Here’s how I see it! Danielle Skowron All I can really say after this Spring Semester is wow. The Cayuga Collegian had an amazing semester of news gathering, reporting and article writing. This is our last edition of the Spring 2014 semester. I’m sad to say goodbye… for now. This year two of the staff members are graduating and moving on. This year, with this staff, has been truly amazing. Kelsey, Brittany, James, Christine and myself worked hard this year to bring you a paper all students would like to read. We are open to any and all suggestions about what you want to see in YOUR school newspaper. We hope to come back to the fall semester stronger than ever.

As this school year comes to an end and my time here at Cayuga finishes, I have been thinking a lot about my future and my past. I am so grateful for my Brittany Glassey two years here. I learned so much and have had some amazing teachers. I would like to thank each and every one of them because I know that they all truly cared about how well their students did. I have made some amazing friends, friends that I did not think I would make coming to a two-year school. While I am nervous, I am

confident that my time here at Cayuga has truly prepared me to take this next step in my life to a four-year school. I have been lucky enough to get so much hands on experience that I know it is going to help me a lot when it comes time to start looking for real world jobs. I was hesitant coming here, but I am so glad that I did. I was also lucky enough to have a family that has supported me all the way and has been there for me and for that, I will always be great full. As I move on, I have one thing to say to everyone who has time left here, enjoy it and take advantage of every learning experience you can. The staff here truly cares and wants to see us all go on to bigger and better things.

Schools are starting to band tight yoga pants and leggings from the dress code. The reason? It is too distracting to the male species. Girls in middle and high school have a hard enough time growing up and understanding why and the way that their bodies change. Now because sometimes men can be pigs, they can’t wear two pieces of clothing, that most of them wear because it is comfortable. This to me, is a blow to girl’s self esteem and it’s teaching girls that it is our fault that men at times can be pigs. I believe that girls should be able to wear, with taste, leggings and yoga pants.

—Danielle Skowron

WDWN DJs move to next level in their education WDWN DJ’s are a highly eclectic bunch. Each student who wants to be part of the staff at the station or to host a night show is required to obtain their radio operator license in their first semester. Telcom students are required to get their license, but they aren’t compelled to take part in the operation of the WDWN radio station. After we get our license we work 15-1 hour air shifts and then apply for the opportunity to host and produce our own live radio shows at night with a format of our choosing. It’s a great experience that helps us

Write for The Collegian and earn credits at the same time! Register for Telcom 204,

to find our voices and share our love of music. Those of us who do go the distance, get addicted pretty quickly to the daily grind and the sense of camaraderie that comes from being a part of the station’s crew. We also grow fairly close so that when the end of the spring semester arrives and some of our DJ’s make commencement and leave for fouryear universities and/or careers in the broadcasting field. Some DJ’s that I’m going to miss seeing on a daily basis are: DJ Martin James, Nick Gilmour, Cassie Dauphin, Rosemarie Farrar, and Ashlee N. Saret. Best of luck everyone. Don’t ever forget your time here but don’t ever stop moving forward either. You will be missed.

Michael Miano

—Christine Jackson, staff writer

(Journalism Practicum),

with Collegian faculty advisor Mary Merritt. James and Gilmour on air at WDWN

DJ Martin James and Nick Gilmour

Rosemarie Farrar

Cassie Dauphin




New SGO President

Alyssa Zmarthie is the new leader on the Auburn campus By Kelsey Mclean, associate editor CCC is proud to welcome our new student government president, Alyssa Zmarthie, into the fold! While not acting president quite yet, she will be soon enough for the coming year. How she got elected is quite the story. The former candidate for Student Gov’t president had suddenly stepped down with little warning. With no one else to take up the title, the rest of the committee asked her to take up the title and, of course, she said yes. Who wouldn’t? With no one to oppose her, she snagged the position easily. But the real question, of course, isn’t how she got there. It’s what she’s going to do with it. Well, have no fear, because Zmarthie has a lot of plans for the new semester. A new training course is being implemented over the summer to train in new Student Government employees so they can, in her own words, ‘hit the ground running’. Another new system she wants to implement is a ‘three strikes’ system regarding the student clubs. There had apparently been some issues regarding the clubs and their inability to attend the Student Senate -- an important meeting that tells Student Gov’t, what, exactly, the various clubs


Alyssa Zmarthie are doing with their budget. Well a few absences here and there are fine -- things happen, after all -- any more than ‘just a few’ won’t be tolerated and could result in dire consequences. More importantly, however, Zmarthie wants to do more ‘big things’ for the CCC community. “There’s never anything going on anymore,” she says “There’s no community here.” But she’s looking to change that, with plenty of new events in the works, including a cook out, a weekly movie night, and much, much more. Fostering a campus community can be hard, especially without one with hardly any dorming or rooming like ours, but Zmarthie is determined to make it happen. Hopefully, with a little luck, we can bring some life back into CCC!


Phi Beta Lambda hosts Student Leadership Conference By Natalie Krone, contributing writer Students dressed in pristine business suits filled the lobby on Saturday April 26th, as The NYS Future Business Leaders of America Phi Beta Lambda Chapter held its first state wide Student Leadership Conference on the Auburn Campus of Cayuga Community College. Our college was selected over Syracuse University and Rochester Institute of Technology to hold this prestigious statewide conference due to its centralized location, and its generous accommodations for such an event. In attendance were college students and faculty members from Herkimer, LeMoyne, Binghamton University, Rochester Institute of Technology and Morrisville State College. There were also over 20 professional,community members who participated as judges. Some representatives were from Welch Allyn, Auburn BID, the National Division of Future Business Leaders of America and several faculty members from Cayuga Community College. The day started with a luncheon at noon, so those in attendance could enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in which to meet all who were participating, and start the day off comfortably. It was straight to business after lunch, however, as those in attendance were moved into the Bisgrove Theatre for the opening ceremony. As CCC’s PBL Vice President & NYS PBL President, I began the ceremony by introducing the current NYS Officers, who helped form the newly developed NYS team. A quick speech from National Director of Marketing with FBLA, Troy White, explained how membership had risen an impressive 40% in NY. The opening ceremony concluded with a keynote speaker:


life coach and local author, Heather Paris. Heather inspired the group to find, and pursue your passion and to not settle for the “lemons” that life gives us. Students were then dismissed from the theater, to attend their individual competitive performance events, or workshops. There were eight events that students had pre-registered for, to compete in, ranging from Business Ethics to Small Business Management Plan. Students were required to role play, present a case study, or do a presentation depending on the requirements of their specific event. Once they finished the events, they were encouraged to attend one of the business related workshops scheduled for those attending. Several workshops were available to choose from, each being presented by professional members, CCC faculty members or PBL students. The conferencewas concluded with a closing ceremony, in which awards were presented for the top two performances of each category. The top two performers will continue on, to compete in the National Student Leadership Conference, held in Nashville, Tennessee, at the end of June. These students will compete against students from colleges and universities across the country for the top 10 places, some of which incorporate cash prizes. Two students from CCC qualified for the trip to Nationals: Eric Kahle and myself, due to our performances. CCC also had qualifiers from the online tests: Rebecca McDonald, James Granger, Richard Myers, Max Appleby, Pranita Chawda, Jeremy Hilton and Mindy Fedele. Out of the list of qualifying students, Rebecca McDonald,

Alexandra Osborne, Amy Valente, Natalie Krone and Cindy Clark Richard Myers , James Granger and I will be competing in Nationals. Warren Bennis is an American scholar of the University of Southern California, an organizational consultant and author, widely regarded as a pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies. Warren Bennis stated that, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”. A select group of dedicated individuals devoted their time and energy to facilitate this vision into reality; including students from Amy Valente’s Event Planning class and certain select NYS PBL State Officers. Months of dedication and planning went into the creation of this successful event. I worked as a liaison between the Event Planning students and the NYS officers on a weekly basis. CCC’s students also worked to gather donations from local businesses to support this event. Everyone involved, including students, staff, and volunteers learned the important steps and details required to

PBL members initiate and successfully produce an event this complex. All the work performed was a great hands-on learning experience to prepare me for future employment opportunities. I am grateful for the chance to be part of a large organization and furthermore that this organization is a part of our campus. I have made so many connections with students and faculty and all I had to do was get involved.


2014 Spring Semester Sports round up By James Granger, staff writer

With the end of the spring semester, sports teams are finishing their regular season schedules or are preparing for tournament action. The Spartan Men’s Basketball team completed their season with qualifying for the NJCAA Region III Tournament. After an overtime win in the first round against Onondaga Community College the Spartan’s season ended when they lost to SUNY Delhi 73-55. With only three sophomores on this year’s11-18 team and team standout Zaki Martin as one of the many freshman returning, men’s basketball will have high expectations next year. The men’s lacrosse team had a tough season but closed out the season with a thrilling win over Mohawk and a dominating win

over Niagara Community Colleges. The men’s lacrosse team plays their home games at Corcoran High School in Syracuse so with the planned athletic fields project having obtained state funding the Spartan Men will be playing true home games and this year’s squad helps lay the foundation for future success with their hard play and playing spirit. The Lady Spartans basketball team had a rough season but played hard and ended their season with a win by beating neighboring Tompkins Cortland Community College 62-48. Their effort at the end of the season lead the Lady Spartans to win two of their last three games. While the team will lose several top scorers, leading

scorer Allison Chase (12.4ppg) will return with several other freshman. The Lady Spartans will look to build upon the momentum made at the end of this season by adding incoming freshman with their returning players. The women’s softball team has yet to conclude their season. While the Lady Spartans softball team has had a rough season so far, several games have been cancelled so there are still games to be won. This year’s team is very young featuring just two sophomores. At press time, the softball team is 1-13 withseveral postponed and cancelled games. Featuring such a young team and hopefully more cooperative weather next season the Lady Spartans will have reason for optimism next year.

SPORTS GO SPARTANS! GO SPARTANS! GO SPARTANS! Telcom Department hosts banquet to honor students The Telcom Department held their annual awards banquet, Wednesday, April 30th at the Auburn Public Theatre. The following students were honored: Mark Castiglione Commencement Award Martin James Seaman and Eric Baldwin Telcom Faculty Award for Service to the Telcom Dept (Commencement Award) Established in 1994 by Telecommunications

Professor Steven Keeler. This award is presented to graduates of the telecommunications degree programs who distinguish themselves by service to the department, excellence in production skills and/or exhibiting a willingness to serve as peer mentors. The recipients are selected by the telecommunications faculty and staff.

Ashlee Saret, Amanda Bauso and Owen Parseghian SBE 2012-13 Scholarships: Awarded by the Society of Broadcast Engineers Martin James Seaman and Eric Baldwin Radio Advisors Award For Oustanding Service to the College Radio Station – WDWN. This award was established by Telecommunications faculty serving as advisors to the Cayuga Community College radio station WDWN. This award is presented to graduates of the telecommunications degree programs who distinguish themselves by service to the college radio station WDWN. The recipients are selected by the Telecommunications faculty and staff.

Cassie Dauphin Telcom Audio Production Award For Excellence in Audio Production (Commencement Award) Established by Telcom faculty members Steve Keeler and Mike Cortese to honor the efforts of Telcom students in audio production

Christopher Ossit and Ryan Wilkinson These five awards will be memorialized with a plaque in the Telcom hallway.

WDWN Service Award- For dedication to the College Radio Station Christine Jackson and Nick Gilmour Golden Voice Award-Nick Gilmour Best Production-Mandi Bauso with “Behind The Curtain” Night Show of the Year-Martin James with Thursday Night Grab Bag Personality of the Year-Christine Jackson The Annual Jeff Sez Award-Matt Henry Best Video – Video Production of the Year-K-Pop -Owen Parseghian Best Music Video-Cats in Cradle- Nick Gilmour, Bryan Murray, Mustapha Bility Best Video Editor-Martin Seaman, Sean Reidy Best Director-Owen Parseghian, Nick Gilmour Best Actor-Amanda Bauso Best Script-Greg Norton Best Narrative Video-Final Project-Greg Norton, Ryan Adams, Ryan Wilkinson Best PSA-Don’t Text and Drive - Nick Gilmour, Bryan Murray, Darryl Rupert Best Commercial-Computer Doc – Mark Iwanicki Best Comedy-Dasockeys - Mike Easton, Martin Seaman, Mike Miano, Eric Baldwin Best Promotional Video-King Ferry Winery – Owen Parseghian, Brittany Glassey, Rosemary Bell Best Informational Video-Speno’s Music – Ryan Wilkinson, Ryan Adams, Greg Norton, Jon Jones Best Instructional Video-Cooking the Goods – Scott Blauvelt, Sean Reidy Best Pizza Topping - Chicken Wing Communicator Awards- For Service to the Telcom Dept -Dee Henderson -James Lokulele -Ryan Adams -Lauren Maltese -Mike Easton -Alex Marro



Last Call for the Spring 2014 Season of Inside Government By Christine Jackson, staff writer

Thursday, May 1st marked editor of The Citizen. One the final production of of the challenges discussed “Inside Government with included student and parent Guy Cosentino” in the reactions to New York State’s Telcom Cayuga television controversial Common Core studio. The episode aired program. The production an Auburn school board lasted for approximately forum in which potential one hour with Telcom candidates for the board department students at the responded to questions helm under the direction Cosentino about the challenges that of Telcom instructor, Mike currently face the school board and Murano. The series will pick back up how they would work to resolve in the fall when students return to them from Jeremy Boyer, executive campus for regular classes.

Telcom students direct and crew for a public affairs program which plays on Auburn’s local cable company.

Dr. DeCinque and Danielle Skowron, Collegian editor-in-chief



Campus assaults increase By James Granger, staff writer

Malaysian plane still missing By James Granger, staff writer

On March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 departed from the airport outside of the capital Kuala Lumpur destined for Beijing, China. Not even an hour after takeoff, the plane lost contact with the air traffic control center. The plane then disappeared without any explanation or activation of the emergency distress signal. When the flight disappeared, theories ranged from the plane being lost in the South China Sea to even landing on a remote island. Fox News even reported that two fake passport were used by Iranians, the house of the plane’s captain was searched and the captain’s links with a popular Muslim politician said this could have possibly been terror related. At this point, the disappearance is being treated as if there was no foul play. The plane was a Boeing 777 that was built in 2002, and this type of plane has one of the best safety records of any commercial aviation planes built.

After reviewing technical and satellite information, the search area was changed to the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean to the west of Malaysia and Australia. There has been criticisms of the Malaysian Government and Malaysian Airlines for the problems with communication to the families and media about details of the search and the response to the disappearance. There have been several search areas in remote parts of the Indian Ocean west of Australia. The search is trying find the flight data recorders (black boxes) that contain cockpit voice recordings from the final moments of any plane’s flight. Numerous leads such as spotting debris and oil slicks have proven to be false leads. The search has turned into a multinational effort and is now bringing in private companies to help in the search. The mystery of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 may never be solved without the flight data recorders.

There have been recent news stories coming out about sexual assault at national colleges and universities. Florida State Quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston was accused of sexually abusing a woman, but was not arrested. The New York Times reported earlier in April that the Tallahassee Police did not conduct a standard investigation. This is just one case of thousands that are not reported, mishandled or poorly investigated by colleges or universities and the police jurisdictions they are in. President Obama created a task force in late April to address college sexual assault. The United States Department of Education is now investigating 55 schools and how sexual assault complaints have been handled. Four of the schools are in New York State. These four schools are: City University of New York Hunter College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Sarah Lawrence College, and SUNY Binghamton. Exact statistics about college sexual assault are difficult to find. The website Politifact.com examined Vice President Joe Biden’s cited statistic

of every 1 in 5 college women being sexually assaulted, not even counting men being sexually assaulted. The website said this statistic is common with most surveys that have been conducted in the past. Experts agree do agree that sexual assaults are underreported or not even reported on. People should remember that sexual assault can happen to anybody and be perpetrated by men and women both.


comment Saturday, but said in his statement: “While Rutgers University stands fully behind the invitation to Dr. Rice to be our commencement speaker and receive an honorary degree, we respect the decision she made and clearly articulated in her statement this morning,’’ Barchi said. “Now is the time to focus on our commencement, a day to celebrate the accomplishments and promising futures of our graduates. We look forward to joining them and their families on May 18, 2014.’’ While the Board of Governors’ decision to appoint Rice as commencement speaker following an open vote Feb. 4 has drawn a string of protests — including a faculty movement that included two resolutions aimed at convincing the Board to rescind its invitation — Barchi told student protestors at Friday’s University Senate meeting the opposing views isn’t the majority opinion of the more than 400,000 alumni that university officials have polled.


Game show host, Pat Sajak, weighed in on the Rutgers-Rice controversy.

Tweet from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Rice declining. “I can tell you that 90 to 95 percent (of the alumni) are in favor of this. We have those numbers,” Barchi said. “I don’t know who is right or wrong, I just think you have to be careful about extrapolating our own opinions to everyone. ... I frankly wish from my point of view that this whole affair was not here right now because it’s distracting from what great things we’re doing as a university. ... It does have us, for better or worse, right in the crosshairs right now.’’


What’s “trending” now? By Brittany Glassey, associate editor Every day Carla Marie from Elvis Durran and the Morning Show does a segment called what’s trending where she introduces different trends to listeners these are some that should be checked out.


Album Review

By Christine Jackson, staff writer

“And We All Go Together” Barry’s Crossing reaches another milestone in their journey, but they didn’t arrive there alone. Sarah King and Sean Rosenberry came together by chance as band members often do. Sarah was playing with a punk Celtic band similar in style to the Drop Kick Murpheys. The band developed a need for a fiddle player. Sarah promptly placed an ad for one on Craig’s List. Sean came across the ad and auditioned for the position. They soon realized that the direction the band was going in no longer coincided with the musical vision that they both shared. They left the band to give small performances at Barry’s Old School Irish in Webster. It was there that the duo began to build a following and there that the band’s name was derived from. The duo utilizes about eight instruments between them during live performances. They have showcased at pubs and bars in the Syracuse and Rochester areas. The pair performs together like

Here’s the Dish with Brittany Glassey Although with the weather lately it doesn’t seem like summer is right around the corner. With summer comes a fun change in wardrobe. It’s time to put away the boots, hoodies, and jeans and bring out the shorts, flip flops, and tanks. This summer is sure to be a trendy one when it comes to fashion.


two pieces of a very harmonic puzzle. They share an equal say in the direction that their music goes in and arrive at decisions together with tolerance, compassion and a contagious sense of humor. All of these qualities and more can be heard in their 2014 release, “Along the Way We Follow.” From the beckoning of the traditional familial ties between Celtic tradition and nature expressed through Sara’s rich performance of “Wild Mountain Thyme” to the hearty pub jig of “Finnegan’s Wake” to the haunting call for courage in “Bonny Ship” the album emulates the time of an unadulterated Celtic identity and the struggle to remain a cohesive Celtic nation. The EP was produced by Telcom students participating in the Cayuga Records Club here on the CCC Auburn campus. The EP is available for purchase through the band’s website. Along with the option of purchasing the EP, further information about the band and upcoming performances can be obtained at www.barryscrossing. com.

This summer floppy hats are a huge thing. These hats are perfect for throwing on when your having a bad hair day and they can easily put together an outfit. They are great for a casual day out or a day on the beach. Sunglasses are always fashionable anytime of the year but this summer they are out in full force. Sunglasses have taken all kinds of shapes and adding all kinds of colors. Kendall Jenner rocked the perfect summer shades while at Coachella music festival, her shades were black and surrounded with flowers. These sunglasses will also look cute with bathing suites which we all will be wearing this summer after being bundled up all through winter. Bathing suites are also becoming fashion statements this summer. Bathing suites can now be high wasted or they can be little enough to cover up not so much. Tops are becoming flowery and bright colors which is also going to be big this summer .Fun flats and sandals are also going to be great to pair with every outfit. This is the summer to have fun with your clothes.

Speakeasy Briefs These are briefs with a pocket right in the front. Now one may wonder what in the world do I need this for well on their website they sell a party package that comes with a pair of the briefs and a flask. This package can be yours for $32.95, now this is a little pricy but its something fun to have. You can log on to speakeasybriefs.com to check them out. Fifth &Mae Fifth&Mae is the perfect website for college girls on a budget. Fifth & Mae offers trendy and affordable jewelry and by affordable I mean gorgeous pieces for under ten dollars. Coastermatic Yes coaster’s they are twenty five dollars for each set but what is special about these coaster is you get to custom make them with your own pictures. This is the perfect gift to your self for your new dorm room or apartment in the fall. Rad Nails Rad Nails is the latest trend in nail art. They sell nail wraps so you can easily be on the top of the nail game. They also sell what is the newest trend Cuticle Tattoos these are the newest way to add to any nail style. The latest in nail art can be found at radnails.com

Killer Duck Decals This website sells thinks such as phone cases, stickers,shirts, buttons and vinyl but what makes it really cool is they sell really cool sticker skins for your keyboard for just twelve dollars. You can check them out at killerduckdecals.com Love It Buy It Love it buy it is a segment that can be found on E! news. What they do is bring in some of the hottest trends by the hottest designers and discount them for viewers discounts usually range from 30-70 percent off. Viewers can log on to loveitbuyit.tv. This is a great way to get hands on items that would usually cost you a lot more. Grovebook This one is an app that allows you to have all the picture in your phone in your hands. Grovebook will take your phone pictures and turn them in to a photo album that you can the leave in the album or tear out to frame or hang on the wall. Candy Kittens This last one is something I decided to throw in. Candy Kittens is a brand straight out of London well Chelsea to be specific. Candy Kittens brings fun to fashion. It is a brand that was created from ones love of sweets but it has grown to something much more. If you visit candy kittens.co.uk you can check out some really cute cloths and maybe try some London treats

I Heart Radio Awards Show By Brittany Glassey, associate editor Thursday, May 1st, NBC broadcasted the first ever I Heart Radio Music Awards. The award show brought all kinds of music together. The night had a common theme and that was ‘following your dreams’. The show opened with an intro by Katy Perry reminding viewers to follow their dreams because she was just like all of us. After her somewhat heartfelt introduction the show continued with a performance by Pitbull but before he even took the stage, some girl group, that if I’m being honest, looked a bit scary, took the stage with their exaggerated dance moves that was just bad enough to almost take away from the fact they were obviously lip syncing. After this horrific performance Pitbull kept on performing this time singing Timber which is just horrible and kind of sad without Kesha being present. After he stopped singing, he went straight into an opening monologue that would make viewers assume he was the host, but nope, he was just talking, going straight into awards with Rihanna wining her first award of the night, unfortunately, she was stuck in traffic, so was unable to accept the award herself, however, when she finally showed up, she also took home awards for best fan army, song of the year, and artist of the year. Other winners of the night included Miley Cyrus for best lyrics. Unfortunately, she was not in attendance so her father Billy Ray Cyrus, who looked less than thrilled

to be there, accepted the award on her behalf, but it seemed he was more into the moment for himself then doing this for his daughter. Lord took home best new artist and she also was not in attendance, accepting her award via video. Austin Mahone took home the Instagram award. Ariana Grande also won and the highlight of the night was having Hilary Duff come out to present her the award it was nice to see the Lizzie McGuire actress back at it. Pharell took home the innovator award and he was very emotional when the time came to accept his award. He was also wearing his famous hat. Also notable, when it comes to what the stars were wearing is Rihanna’s hair. It is a style you just need to see to believe. Before each commercial they played different artist stories about when they came to Los Angels to follow their dreams and each and every story was an inspiring reminder to never give up on your dreams. Of course, no music award show is complete without the performances. Luke Bryan took the stage rocking it with his dance moves that always make the ladies in the crowd go crazy. Ed Sheeren brought an old hit and a newer song together in his performance, like most of his performances, he can always capture the audience just with his guitar and his voice. The night was pretty successful considering it was the first one and will only get bigger and better throughout the years.


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