9 14 16 collegian fall vol 63 issue 2

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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York


6 FOR #1

CAYUGABRIEFS CCC Fitness Center now available to all President of the Faculty-Student Association Ed Wagner announced recently that “due to popular demand the Auburn fitness center is now open to all faculty, staff and students who have paid the newlyimplemented wellness fee.” Wagner advises to see Dr. Daniel C. DoBell about registering. The center is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm and Fridays 7:30 am to 1:30 pm. He says the center will be staffed during the hours of operation. Wagner encourages anyone with suggestions on how to make the center more enjoyable to send him an email at WagnerE@cayuga-cc.edu.

Warning about car thefts from CCC Security Force In recent days many Police Departments in the Central New York area have responded to a uniquely high rate of larcenies from parked and unoccupied vehicles. Stolen in those thefts were valuables left in plain sight in locked vehicles in public parking lots. Valuables such as purses, wallets, phones, lap-top computers are among items to have been reported as stolen from unattended vehicles. Please do not leave valuables in your car even if the car has been locked. If possible, bring valuables with you while on campus or locked them in an area of your car where they can’t be seen from outside of the vehicle ( glove compartments or trunks etc.) Should you observed suspicious activity in our campus parking lots please contact Public Safety by calling any of the following numbers: Auburn: 246-4708 Fulton: 246-0116 As always, thank you for your assistance in keeping Cayuga a safe campus. — Douglas A. Kinney Director of Public Safety/Chief of Campus Police

Join the staff of The Cayuga Collegian! Staff meetings are Wednesday at 11 am in M213. All are welcome! Can’t make the meeting? Just email cayugacollegian@gmail.com.

Vol. 63 Issue 2 September 14, 2016

CCC Women’s Volleyball Team dedicates season in memory of former Spartan,Taylor King-Carr The CCC volleyball team poses before their home-opening match with the uniform shirt of their beloved teammate Taylor King-Carr. Taylor King-Carr of Savannah passed away on July 25th, 2016. She was born on February 2nd, 1997 in Sodus to Kelly King and Galvin (Kip) Carr. Taylor was a 2015 graduate of Clyde-Savannah High School where she was a very active athlete. A Varsity swimmer and Softball player for 5 years she served as Captain for both teams. In addition Taylor played Volleyball at the Varsity level for 2 years and went on to play at Cayuga Community College where she was once again voted team Captain. Taylor was awarded All-Star status for all sports. President of the Varsity Club and a Taylor King-Carr Dollars for Scholars volunteer kept her busy in 1997 -2016 her down time at high school. Taylor worked at the high school as a summer aide and life guard. She also was a life guard at the YMCA in Auburn. Presently she worked as a bus girl at Skippers Landing. As an organ donor Taylor’s gift will bring hope and life to someone in need. She is survived by her parents Kelly Rice (King) and Galvin (Kip) Carr; maternal grandparents Theresa and Gary King; paternal grandparents Sandra and Galvin (Dutch) Carr; great grandmother Laura Carr; brothers and sisters, Collin, Chelsea, GP, Dylan, Logan, Lexus; best friend Christopher Dean; many aunts and uncles; several cousins, nieces and nephews.

The Cayuga Community College women’s volleyball team hosted their first home match on Tuesday, September 6th by honoring their former Spartan captain Taylor King-Carr of Savannah,who passed away unexpectedly in late July. The entire team has been wearing warm-up t-shirts with the former player’s uniform #1 on the back with the phrase “6FOR#1” above the number. The team will hang her #1 uniform jersey above the scorer’s table at home matches in her memory during the season. King-Carr was a true leader on the floor and was selected captain as a freshman when she played for Cayuga in the Fall 2015 season. She was a respected player by teams in Region III. Prior to coming to Cayuga…KingCarr was a standout student-athlete at Clyde-Savannah HS. King-Carr would have been extremely proud of her volleyball teammates on Tuesday night…as the team dropped the first two games against Davis College…but fought back in exciting fashion to win the next three games and the match. — Pete Liddell CCC Director of Athletics

Cayuga-CC welcomes former ITT students

A demonstration of common sense on a college campus! No more muddy, worn foot path on the way to the front entrance from the parking lot or walking out of your way to find dry pavement on the Cayuga Community College Auburn Campus thanks to some common sense thinking! Thank you!

Cayuga Community College has announced they will immediately welcome all former ITT Technical Institute students, who are searching for an alternative educational program following the sudden closure of all ITT campuses nationwide. “Cayuga Community College stands ready to help these students, whether they were just starting or finishing up a degree,” said President Brian M. Durant. “I think Cayuga will be a great option for them based on our program options, small classes, great professors, and overall affordability. Our message to them is that we want them to continue their education and we want them to be a part of Cayuga Community College.” Though the fall semester has begun, many on-line and late-start courses are still available.


The world has a gay problem and needs to get over it In the early hours of June 12th a gunman entered Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida and opened fire beginning a shooting spree that would last four hours and claim the lives of 49 innocent people. Support for the families and friends quickly

OPINIONS Have an opinion you would like to share? Send your submission to cayugacollegian@gmail.com. Your submission must include the writer’s full name, college year and home town. Anonymous letters and letters written under pseudonyms will not be published. For verification purposes, submissions must also include the writer’s home address, e-mail address and telephone number.

Third Party Candidates in the 2016 Election Cycle The 2016 election has been a crazy journey so far and we are now down to two candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton… Or are we? The answer to that is actually no. Not many people realize that there are more than two people left in this race. Two third party candidates, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, have gained a lot of popularity this election due to the general dislike of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Starting with Gary Johnson, he is the Libertarian party candidate. He is the highest polling third party candidate in this election with some polls having him as high as 12% which is huge because a third party would need 15% to be on the debate stage with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The Libertarian party was founded in 1971 and libertarianism/ classical liberalism as a political philosophy has been around for years. There are different types of libertarians but to put it simply libertarians are generally socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and non-­ interventionist when it comes to foreign policy. They believe that you should be allowed to do whatever you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else as Gary Johnson would put it himself. Gary Johnson combines both political worlds with his views; he wants to end the war on drugs, supports a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, he is for marriage equality, he is for allowing transgender people to use any bathroom they want, believes that we should embrace immigration, against NSA spying and supports Snowden etc. When it comes to economics Gary Johnson supports a free market based economy. He does not just want to decrease income or corporate taxes, his goal would be to eliminate the income tax, corporate tax, and the IRS and replace it with a federal consumption tax. He does not believe in a federal minimum wage and thinks it should be up to the states, he does not believe businesses should be allowed to pollute the air, also as stated before he is a non­-interventionist so Gary believes our interventions in other countries affairs have the unintended consequence of us


by Steve Brewer ASSOCIATE EDITOR began pouring in as people around the world reeled over the senseless carnage, but there was a more subtle and quiet counter reaction to the shooting. While it did not take long for most opponents of the LGBT community to begin offering their thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families, there were others who had an even sicker inclination of openly applauding and praising the shooting. This was just a sickening thing to do, the Pulse Nightclub Shooting was a true tragedy yet these people were applauding it as if it was what the LGBT community deserved after having pushed so hard in recent years to secure equal rights in marriage equality, the end of the permanent ban on gay men donating blood, and the end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the military. This reaction of praising a tragedy against the LGBT community is an ugly reminder that homophobia still exists and needs to be challenged. If it is left unchecked it can truly undo much of the progress that the LGBT community has achieved in recent years leading to refighting battles already won. Homophobia stems from the lack of understanding and respect for the LGBT community and is prevalent in many being less safe and that we should decrease military spending. To learn more about him Google Gary Johnson or look up the Libertarian party website. Moving on to the second most popular third party candidate Jill Stein with some polls having her at 4%, she as stated before is part of the Green party. The Green Party was founded in 1984 and is largely based on environmentalism, social justice, and nonviolence. Jill Stein would be considered part of the left. She is for ending the war on drugs, marriage equality, embracing immigration, supports a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, allowing transgenders to use any bathroom, etc. Jill is a non-­ interventionist when it comes to foreign policy believing that our interferences in other countries have the unintended consequence of making us less safe and is for decreasing military spending. When it comes to the economy Jill believes a big part of the government’s job should be taking care of the environment and supports a socialist based economy. She believes raising taxes on the rich, free health care, a $15 an hour federal minimum wage, does not believe businesses should be allowed to pollute the air etc. To learn more about her Google Jill Stein or look up the Green Party website. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein agree on a lot of issues but differ on some when it comes to economics, they agree on the result but have a different method on how to solve the problem which is important to remember because just because someone may disagree with your political position does not mean you aren’t trying to achieve the same goal of improving our society. After hearing about both of these candidates if you don’t want to vote for Trump or Clinton one of these third party candidates may be the one for you. — John Exner “The Collegian Report”

other countries where homosexuality is restricted or illegal. This lack of respect led the newspaper, The Daily Beast, to print an article in which a straight reporter used several gay dating apps to identify gay athletes at the Olympics. While the reporter did not list them by name, he still posted their statistics and other facts about them which could lead to them being identified. The Daily Beast ultimately apologized for the article and later pulled it, while the reporter had his press clearance for the games revoked and was made to leave, but the damage was already done. Many of the athletes involved are still in the closet and live in countries where homosexuality is illegal and a punishable offense. I still have to ask why this was necessary in the first place? In the case of the Pulse Shooting, news observers postulated that perhaps the LGBT community was doing too much to get itself in the public eye. The Olympic athletes, who are doing anything they can to keep their sexual

“One of the campus custodians told me that he had fixed my ‘freak flag’ referring to the gay pride flag. I was floored by this.” — Steve Brewer orientation private, but end up being forcefully outted and put into danger by someone who doesn’t appreciate their situation just for an article to capitalize on the Olympics. Both of these stories have shown to me something that I have known for awhile, the world has a gay problem and

does not know what to do about it. LGBT people can’t unwind in a public place without being injured or killed, nor can we socialize in private without fearing someone exploiting us for a headline. Bringing the issue to a more local level, I was recently called a ‘faggot’ while out on a late night walk. I was not flaunting myself as a homosexual. I was not dressed in a way that would cause anyone to know that I am gay, I was just walking along a sidewalk in a tee-shirt, shorts, and light jacket when a passerby yelled ‘faggot”’at me. Another example came a few hours before I started writing this article and it is the reason I decided to write this piece. I was setting up tables for CCC’s Orientation including one for the Sexuality & Gender Acceptance Club, (formerly the Gay-Straight Alliance). On the front of the table I had draped a gay pride flag to attract new students who are looking for support with their sexual orientation or gender identity questions to the table. I returned to my office for a moment to retrieve fliers I had made for the club, and when I was walking back one of the campus custodians told me that he had fixed my ‘freak flag’ referring to the gay pride flag. I was floored by this. The words the custodian used took me completely off guard. This is someone who is employed by the college, paid by my and other students’ tuition, saying something derogatory about me and other students on campus. So to recap, the LGBT shouldn’t push itself into the public eye, but can’t keep out of it without people outing us to make a headline? Nor can we walk down the street while not overtly appearing to be gay, nor we cannot show that we will offer each other support by showing our gay pride flags? It is time to admit it, the world has a gay problem and it has no clue what it wants us to do.

Are you looking for a way to make a difference on campus, while gaining valuable experience? The Cayuga Collegian is seeking applicants for the paid position of Editor-in-chief to work in concert with the paper’s Associate Editor. Interested? Please email Faculty Advisor Mary G. Merritt at merrittm@cayuga-cc.edu your resume and a writing sample.

ACTIVELY RECRUITING - EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian@gmail. com. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor do not reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisor. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves. All letters may be edited for content or length.





Visit the Fulton Wellness Center FULTON



As the new school year begins and students and professors settle into their respective roles, we can see the changes that have begun in the Cayuga community. In the past, the Fulton campus of CCC did not have a Wellness Center. When the center was first put in, only faculty and staff could use it. I am happy to announce that the Wellness Center at the Fulton campus is officially open to all students, staff and faculty that have paid the Wellness Fee. The Wellness Center is located in front of the Starbucks book store at door number 25. Its convenient location allows patrons to stop in between classes. After a good work out, it is easy to pop in the book store and pick up a protein drink or other snack as you prepare to go back to the classroom. You


Meet Steve Brewer ASSOCIATE EDITOR Steve Brewer is a full­ -time college student at Cayuga Community College, freelance author and a store clerk at a local drugstore. Steve recently graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cayuga with a degree in Business Administration before he re­ -enrolled at Cayuga to obtain a degree in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Psychology. He currently serves as Student Government President and Associate Editor of Cayuga’s studentrun newspaper The Cayuga Collegian. In his spare time, Steve helps his sister with his two young nephews who

Meet Monica Espada STAFF WRITER Hello everyone! My name is Monica. I am nineteen years old, and this is my third semester at Cayuga. I am in the Liberal Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Degree program, because I have no clue what I want to do with my life. I live right here in Auburn, but I was born in Long Beach California. I moved to Oswego, New York when I was around six years old and lived in various other places over time. When I was in 8th grade, I joined the Jordan Elbridge modified track team, and soon discovered I was a talented runner. As a freshman in high school, my favorite event was the 4x400 meter sprint medley. Our team won first in the event at the Weedsport Invitational and so we got to compete in State Quals. That was the most incredible moment in my life. It was great to see all the hard work and hours we put on

he has helped with since their first days home from the hospital. Steve is also an avid racquetball player and has won dozens of local leagues and tournaments. He also published two books over this summer while working a part -time job. It is Steve’s hope to one day open a school for LGBT youth who have been disowned by their families, run away from their homes, or cannot finish their educations at their own schools due to bullying. Steve is very active in the LGBT community having helped reform Cayuga’s Gay ­ Straight Alliance to provide crucial support for students who may be struggling with their sexual orientation or gender identity. Steve even earned Cayuga’s first Honorable Mention in the David A. Garfinkel Scholarship Contest when he penned a ten page entry for the 2014 contest about how the New York Supreme Court can better help LGBT youth. the track pay off. We made our families proud, our Coach proud, but mostly we were proud of ourselves. That feeling of self­accomplishment simply cannot be put into words. I hope that other people will at some point, even if it’s just for a second, feel the way I felt that day. Anyways, I am currently on Cayuga’s women’s soccer team. I am also the secretary for SGO (Student Government Organization), and obviously write for the newspaper. My hope for this year, is to figure out my passions so I can hopefully figure out my career options. Over the past Summer, I took an Internship with the Auburn Rescue Mission. I was able to help the formerly homeless participate in fun activities that they might had not been able to partake in before. The families had opportunities to go to Summer Camp, Amusement Parks, Cook outs, and even get some school shopping taken care of. It was a great experience to give back to those in need, and I would highly recommend anyone to volunteer some of their time to help or even just chat with these amazing families. They inspire me to keep my head up, and to keep on going even when life hits an all time low. Eventually, good things will come your way. So, I’m hoping some good grades will come my way this semester too. Fingers Crossed.

will find a variety of equipment for a well-rounded workout. The hours run from 9 am to 3 pm Monday through Thursday, and Friday 9 am-1 pm. At this time, use of the center does not count toward any Super Circuit or Physical Education credits. However, if you are looking for something to change up your day, raise your energy level, and help you stay fit, this is the place. I encourage everyone to stop in and check it out. You cannot fully appreciate the facility without seeing it for yourself. I look forward to seeing you soon! — Sandra Pelkey ’16 Fitness Center

Meet Allison Wellington STAFF WRITER Hello, my name is Allison Wellington. I live a pretty average life. I work full-time at Jreck Subs

The Cayuga Collegian wants to know what is going on up there! Be a Fulton Correspondent or just email us your news at Cayugacollegian@gmail.com


Meet Zakary Haines SPORTS WRITER Hello my name is Zakary Haines and I am a sports writer for The Cayuga Collegian. I am a fan of multiple sports like Football, Lacrosse, Basketball, etc. You name a sport and I normally have something to talk about it. I follow a lot of national sports leagues but I also follow Cayuga Athletics, too.

Meet Gavin Ellis STAFF WRITER My name is Gavin Robert Ellis, born on June 4th, 1998 at Auburn Community Hospital. I grew up in an environment which taught me that treating people fairly and with kindness was a number one priority. I love to always try and put a smile on my friends’ faces, regardless of whether I just met them, or have known them all my life. I have grown up to be very passionate about music, playing instruments such as piano, guitar, and violin (and occasionally I like to believe that I am a good singer, when in reality I am probably not even average). During the end of my high school senior year, I was offered an opportunity to get involved with and meet Jeff Szczesniak, who is the manager of the radio station here at the college. I decided to take up

Meet Chumani Ketcham STAFF WRITER

and I also go to school full-time. I live here in Auburn, New York, all year round. I am president of SAGA here on campus. For those of you who may not know, SAGA is a Gay ­Straight Alliance Club. We provide a safe environment for people who are struggling with their sexual identity. As far as school goes, I major in business and I hope to transfer to Oneonta for fashion merchandising and marketing.


Hi, my name is Chumani Ketcham. I am 20 years old and from Hannibal, New York. I work at the college and at Wegmans part-time. I am Vice President of the Sexual And Gender Acceptance Club, VP of Criminal Justice Club and of Anime Club. I am in the running to be VP of the Student Government as well. In my free time I enjoy playing my clarinet, listening to music, binge watching shows and being with my friends.


Besides being into sports, I am a Telecommunications major and a second year student. I am part of the R.A.T. Guild and radio station Win89FM. I have participated in radio broadcasting since high school and have four years of experience. I have broadcasted multiple sporting events including a broadcast of a semi-pro football team known as the Auburn Commanders this past August. Outside of school my hobbies include video games, reading books, board games, and many more. I love writing for The Collegian and typing big news in my own style of Journalism and I hope it’s a good year for sports across the nation. the opportunity and learned about how the radio station works, what it’s like to go live on air, how some of the technology works within the station, and those kind of things. After some time, I decided to pursue this opportunity further, later being able to do 15 hours of backells and PSAs, which basically talk about some songs that were just played and also say new public announcements live on air. After doing the 15 hours, which required coming in once every week, Jeff offered me a chance to host my own live radio show every week! After hearing this, I was in awe! Deep down, I had a slight desire to know what it was like to be on the radio after listening to people on NPR and certain programs like “All Songs Considered.” With this thought in mind, I decided that I might want to further my dream and hopefully someday work as a radio DJ or radio broadcaster! I am very happy that I am taking classes that will help me pursue this dream and help me with audio and tech productions! I am very happy to be a part of the class, COM 101, this semester and learn new skills and lessons about the wide world of Mass Media!

THE COLLEGIAN REPORT A VIDEO NEWS DIGEST is looking for volunteers to crew the production of The Collegian’s new video news digest. To find out more or join email us at Cayugacollegian@gmail.com


Women’s Soccer Open Season, Names Captains



Jenna Alberici

No. Name 1 Makenzie Loomis 3 Miranda McGloon 5 Kathleen Pelc 6 Paola Figueroa 7 Courtney LaFleur 8 Jenna Alberici 9 Bethany Murphy 10 Karlie Kehoe 12 Monica Espada 15 Michaela Breeze 17 Kali Purt 19 Marisa Pannetti 22 Destinee Frink 23 Widzar Weche

Yr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. Fr. So. So. Fr. Fr. So. Fr.

Hometown/High School Deep Run, NC / South Lenoir HS Waterloo, NY / Waterloo HS Weedsport, NY / Weedsport HS Romulus, NY / Romulus HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Popular Ridge, NY / So. Cayuga HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Oswego, NY / Oswego HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Auburn, NY / Auburn HS Brooklyn, NY / Midwood HS

Michaela Breeze

The women’s soccer team fell in their opening home game to a very strong William Smith team. The team looks to bounce back in the Mid-State Athletic Conference opener at Onondaga this afternoon. Coach Robie Robillard announced the team captains for this 2016 campaign….they are returning sophomores Michaela Breeze (Auburn, NY) and Jenna Alberici (Auburn, NY).

CCC Women’s Soccer Schedule SEPTEMBER Fri. 2 Willam Smith JV L, 8-0 Wed. 7 at Onondaga Community College * L, 12-0 Sat. 10 Niagara County Community College W, 5-3 Wed. 14 at SUNY Broome Community College * Sat. 17 at Jamestown Community College Wed. 21 Genesee Community College Sat. 24 at Finger Lakes Community College * OCTOBER Sat. 1 Hudson Valley Community College Wed. 5 Erie Community College Sat. 8 at Corning Community College * Wed. 12 Tompkins Cortland Community College * Sat. 15 at Lehigh-Carbon Community College Wed. 19 Jefferson Community College

Final Final Final 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM

Men’s Soccer Open Season, Names Captains Erin Brahney-Taro

Men’s soccer traveled to Fulton-Montgomery CC on Sunday 9/2 and came away with a convincing 8-2 win…as they enter the season as #3 ranked team in the pre-season Region III Coaches poll. Head Coach Petrut Bumbanac announced the team captains for the season: Ricky Rodriguez (captain-Pflugerville, TX), and Daniel Bonehill (co-captain-Birmingham, England) and Cameron Pashley (co-captain-Aberdeen, Scotland).

Mikel Abando


Ricky Rodriguez Daniel Bonehill Cameron Pashley Captain Co-Captain Co-Captain

Summer 2016 Sports Recap

No. Name Yr. 1 Joe Wilkins So. 2 Cameron Pashley So. 3 Meyson Paz-Orozco Fr. 5 Hector Rojas Fr. 6 Daniel Bonehill So. 7 Chris Barrie So. 8 Benlly Galvan Fr. 9 Marcus Bartholomew Fr. 10 Juan Garza Fr. 11 Spencer Urquiza Fr. 12 Daniel Gethin Fr. 14 Enoch Chondol So. 15 Selim Prenci Fr. 16 Ricky Rodriguez Fr. 17 Cody Mitchell So. 18 Matthew Malchoff 19 Mikel Abando Fr. 20 John Exner Fr. 27 Konrad Pawlikowski Fr.

Hometown/High School Rochester, England/Thomas Aveling School Aberdeen, Scotland/Portlethen Academy Union Springs, NY/Union Springs Brownsville, TX/James Pace Worchestershire, England/Blessed Edward Catholic Galston, Scotland/Loudoun Academy Bownsville, TX/James Pace Frankfort, KY/Frankfort Brownsville, TX/James Pace Pflugerville, TX/Hendrickson Glasgow, Scotland/Jordanhill School Liverpool, England/Liverpool College Bristol, England/St. Brendans 6th Form Pflugerville, TX/Hendrickson Auburn NY/Auburn Wolcott, NY/North Rose-Wolcott Leioa, Vizcaya, Spain/Ies Artaza-Romo Abuurn, NY/Auburn Humble, TX/Humble

By Zak Haines, sports writer As summer is winding down many fall sports such as Football and Basketball are getting ready for their upcoming seasons. But a lot occurred during the summer and anyone who has taken their eyes off of social media, television, radio, etc. would need a major review of what happened. So here it is, the Summer 2016 recap: sports edition NBA: The NBA had a grand finale as the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Golden State Warriors overcoming a 3-1 lead from the Warriors. This is the first time any team in NBA history has overcome a 3-1 series lead in the NBA finals. Kevin Durant was the biggest free agent this offseason and made a big splash by signing with the Golden State Warriors, the team that beat Durant’s former team in the Western Conference finals, the Oklahoma City Thunder. Durant signed a two year deal worth $54.3 million with the second year being a player option so Durant could leave Golden State after the 2016-2017 season. The NBA draft was a highlight for many teams as the Philadelphia 76ers with the 1st pick choosed Ben Simmons of LSU first overall. The Los Angeles Lakers chose Brandon Ingram of Duke in hoping to fill the gap with Kobe Bryant retiring. And finally, Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs retired after 19 seasons in the NBA. The Power Forward/Center for the Spurs kept his retirement announcement humble with no big press conference as he let friends, colleagues, fellow NBA players, and many others speak on how great the five time NBA champion is. This leaves Kevin Garnett as the oldest NBA player in the league who has been playing NBA basketball since 1995. Olympics: The Rio De Janeiro Olympics had a lot of controversy before the games took place dealing with a corrupt government, increased crime rates, and major sanitation issues. How-

ever this did not derail many countries as the games continued with the U.S. winning the medal count with 121 medals total, 46 of the medals are gold. Great Britain placed 2nd with 67 total medals, 27 gold and China in 3rd with 70 total medals, 26 gold medals. Michael Phelps was dominating in swimming events in what would be his final Olympics, as Phelps participated in six swimming events getting gold in five of the events and settling for silver in one event. Fellow swimmer Ryan Lochte is now in legal trouble with Brazilian Police as he made a false claim of a robbery and is now being charged with falsifying a robbery claim. And finally, the Men’s Basketball team won their third straight gold medal as they go undefeated in the Olympics, winning the gold medal match against Serbia 96-66. Carmelo Anthony also became the highest scoring player in USA Men’s basketball history, passing Lebron James and Michael Jordan. Anthony also became the most decorated men’s basketball player in the history of the team. This will be the last Olympics Anthony will participate in. Baseball: Baseball has been overshadowed between the Olympics and the presidential candidates speeches this year and it’s not due to a lack of coverage but rather it being a “regular” season except for a few major moments. At the beginning of the season David Ortiz of the Boston Red Sox announced that the 2016 season will be his last season. Ortiz helped lead Boston to 3 World Series titles, the first one in 2004 that help break the highly known “Curse of Bambino” Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees is now retired from playing baseball. After the game on the 12th of August, Rodriguez took a job with the Yankees to help run the club. Rodriguez in a press conference said “Today, I’m saying goodbye to both. I never thought I could play for 22 years.”

CCC Men’s Soccer Schedule SEPTEMBER Sun. 4 at Fulton-Montgomery Community College W, 7-2 Wed. 7 at Onondaga Community College * W, 2-1 Sat. 10 Niagara County Community College W, 6-3 Wed. 14 at SUNY Broome Community College * Sat. 17 at Jamestown Community College Wed. 21 Genesee Community College Sat. 24 at Finger Lakes Community College * OCTOBER Sat. 1 Hudson Valley Community College Wed. 5 Erie Community College Sat. 8 at Corning Community College * Wed. 12 Tompkins Cortland Community College * Wed. 19 Jefferson Community College Sat. 22 Bryant & Stratton

Final Final Final 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:00 PM

Kaepernick takes a stand against racism By Zak Haines, sports writer Sometimes actions speak louder than words. For 49ers Quarterback, Colin Kaepernick this holds true. During the NFL’s preseason, Kaepernick decided to sit during the National Anthem. When approached by reporters about why he sat, Kaepernick gave this statement: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said in an interview right after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” To some, this seems disrespectful to the veterans who have served for the country with many people showing anger by burning 49ers jerseys with Kaepernick’s name on them. Others have shown support for Kaepernick. Kaepernick has the most jerseys sold on the 49ers as of right now and is one of the top trending players in the NFL. With two sides in the greater picture shows either standing with Kaepernick or not. For the people who do support Kaepernick in his protest, there are some big names throwing their support for the Quarterback. Fellow NFL athletes include Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks, Terrell Owens; retired Wide Receiver, and teammate Eric Reed, who took a knee with Kaepernick before their most recent game. Support also comes from celebrities like John Legend and President Barack Obama, saying Kaepernick is within his constitutional rights. Kaeper-

Colin Kaepernick with his parents nick also has gained support from veterans who support him with the hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick. For people against Kaepernick, multiple voices come from all over the country with talk show hosts, letters to the 49ers organization including the San Francisco Police Officers Association asking for an apology from Kaepernick himself. The letter, written by President Martin Halloran of the SFPOA, states that Kaepernick needs to “do the right thing” which would be to apologize. For a local viewpoint, it is hard to how this affects our community. The Cayuga Collegian will be doing a follow up with you, the readers, during the Activities Fair on September 14th at the Collegian’s table. We will be doing a survey to find out what the communities’ view is on not only Colin Kaepernick, but what he is standing for.


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