3-18-08 Cayuga Collegian 3-18-08

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The Voice of Cayuga Community College Students for more than 50 years

Vol. 56 Issue 17


March 17, 2008

125 Students Sign Petition Asking for Faculty Raises

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125 Cayuga Community College students have signed a petition released to area newspapers along with a letter asking ‘the powers that be’ to agree to the terms of Cayuga Community College faculty contract. The Cayuga Community College faculty has been working without a contact since August 31, 2004. Two other groups on campus are also working without a contract: clerical and administrative professional. Faculty members say they are grateful for the student support and are impressed with the initiative taken on their behalf.

New Semester, New Courses By Kara Kinney, Contributing Writer When you go to register for the fall semester, you may be surprised to find out that there are some new classes added to the course catalog. Fall of 2008 will be the beginning of Blacks in America (hist. 199) Dr. R Grube will be teaching the new Blacks in America course. Two more courses will be added to the spring 2009 semester; Women in History (Hist.239) and Leaders of the 20th Century (hist. 115), which will be taught on Sundays. History 115 will be taught by Dr. R Grube. History 239 is currently taught online but by next spring Dr. M Grube will be teaching this course in the classroom. When registering for spring 08 last November Doug Owen, a student at CCC started questioning why there were courses in our catalog that were not being offered. Owen said “the fact that these courses are supposed to be available should be brought to the attention of the school. People should be held accountable for not informing students that these courses exist”. The new courses will only be offered on a trial basis, therefore registration is important. The upshot of this is that if you are not interested in the traditional history courses you now have more options. Meg Churney, a tutor at the ASC, who is currently a sophomore, said

“I’m surprised that they were not offered before, unfortunately I am graduating this semester. It is good to focus on a specific area; survey courses tend to be just the surface of a lot of different areas”. Dr. Grube believes that by expanding one of the new courses to the Sunday accelerated program it will peak the interest of more students. Ron Grube also stated that because numbers are important as far as registration is concerned, the people who are willing to give up their Sundays for class will probably not drop. The social and behavioral sciences department is really anxious to know how these new classes will fare. Owen, a member of I.M.P.A.C.T. student club, never imagined that by bringing this issue to Dr. Grube’s attention things would move forward so quickly. Owen believes that these courses will bring a better awareness of the differences in our society to both the students and the community in general. Whether or not you are a history buff, these courses could prove to be useful to you. If you are the type of student who is sick of the same old history courses these are definitely for you. Advisement week is approaching so if you are interested let your advisers know.



DEAD MEN DON’T ITCH A HIT! By Natasha King, Staff Writer

A murder mystery that happens to be a comedy at the same time, seems like a good time, right? Where were you for the six nights of the play, “Dead Men Don’t Itch”? If you missed this comedy by John R. Arco and directed by Robert Frame, then you missed your opportunity to see the cast perform this hilarious piece. The cast, which consisted of 10 actors and actresses, portrayed either a victim of murder or a suspect of murder. The setting of the play was in Los Angeles in the 1940’s. The set was complete with an office, a bar, a park, and an alley. Each cast member seemed to fit their character pretty well. The victim is private eye Jake Chapel, a comical character with incredible wit, who was played by DeForrest, is shot to death. He then comes back as a ghost to figure out who exactly out of the rest of the cast killed him. He seeks the help of Lester “Honey Lips” Meeks, played by Matthew Crawford, to help him find his murderer. However Lester, being a coward, is a hard person to

work with. Especially when he has to stand up to the big shots like Frankie Fra’Diavolo played by James Adler, Sergeant Kupcheck played by Travis Summerville, Lieutenant Mohel played by Donald Brewer, and The Kid played by Brie O’Connell. The play starts with the shooting of Jake Chapel, then does a flashback to show who he encountered in the hours before his death, and the rest of the play is all about figuring out who killed him. In the end, practically every character ends up dead on the floor, each having been shot by a different character. So who actually shot Jake? Well if you had gone to the play you would know that it was a female character that just so happened to also be a man. Natasha Lathrop played Ivy Crane who was madly in love with Jake. The twist - her character was a man in disguise. This play showed the best parts of all the actors and actresses.


ear Tasha

OPINIONS Something to Say... I am sitting here at my computer trying to decide what to say to you, when it occurred to me that St. Patrick’s Day was coming up. When I was a child, St. Patrick’s Day was a very big deal to my Grandpa Kinney. I remember the smell of corned beef brisket and cabbage. March 17th meant a lot of prayer and the entire family had to be there. The stories, oh the stories; what happens when there is about 30 Irish people all drinking beer together… stories! Grandpa would sit all the children down and tell us the story of how St. Patrick led all of the snakes out of Ireland. He would explain to us that with out St. Patrick, Ireland would never have been a Catholic nation. He was such a great storyteller; of course he was he was Irish! All of the stories Grandpa told were wonderful, but the truth is; children grow up. As a history major it is very hard for me to learn that Grandpa was wrong.

There is no proof that St. Patrick ever led snakes out of Ireland. In fact, Patrick was actually born to a wealthy family in Britain, around 400 C.E. When he was 16 years old, Irish raiders kidnapped him. Patrick was imprisoned for 7 years and during that time, he became very religious. Patrick escaped and went back to England where God spoke to him; God sent him on a mission to help the Irish. He returned to Ireland to maintain the already small number of Catholics and convert Pagans to Catholicism. This Saint may have saved Ireland from itself- or did he? St. Patrick was a great man, and I believe he thought that he was doing what was right. I wonder about that now. Would Ireland have been locked in a bitter Civil war (Catholics v. protestants) if he never came back? There is not any evidence either way. I hope not I really like the old person! -Kara Kinney

The Earth is not your ashtray...

Put your butt where it belongs!

Editorial Board

JESSICA MILES, Editor in Chief BEN BOLDING, Chief Photographer JESSE CASES, Sports Editor MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor


Kathleen Sperduti, Fulton Correspondent Martha Reutlinger, Staff Writer Kara Kinney, Columnist Andrew Brown, Staff Writer Meghan Rindfleisch, Staff Writer Natasha King, Staff Writer Kevin Cool, Staff Writer Kevin Donovan, Staff Writer Stephanie Quinn, Music Reviewer The Cayuga Collegian is published on announced publication dates during regular semesters at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Our phone number is 315-255-1743. The Cayuga Collegian is funded by CCC’s Faculty-Student Association through student activity fees. Opinions expressed in columns, news stories, features, interviews or letters to the editor are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty, staff or students at CCC. The Cayuga Collegian is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.

The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be in a word document on a PC formatted disc or emailed. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.


with Natasha King

Q: Dear Tasha: He wanted to break up because of something I did that made him upset. No answer from him in 3 weeks and after 3 weeks he answered my call finally!!! And said he will call me. I told him that I learned a lesson; I will respect him and give him space. I really miss him, I want to call him. Should I send him email or text him? -Hopelessly Devoted A: Dear Hopelessly Devoted: No, you shouldn’t call him. You said you would give some space and it’s a promise. If you call him or text/email him it will show him that 1, you are not giving him space and 2, and you can’t keep your promises. Wait for him to call/text/email you, and if he doesn’t then he’s moved on and you should too. Q: Dear Tasha: There’s this boy that I really like. And I want him more than I’ve ever wanted any boy before. I met him about 5 days ago, and he hasn’t left my mind since. When we talk, it’s like fatal attraction and my heart starts pounding fast and my heart sinks into my stomach and I get sort of shaky. He’s an incredible and amazing person. I would really like to date him, but I am not sure how to go about telling him how important he is to me. He knows I think he’s cute, but he knows nothing else, and I can’t seem to find the words to tell him how I really feel. My questions are: A. - How do I bring up the subject? B. - What do I say? C. - When is a good time to say it? D. - How do I ask how he feels about me? -In a Hurry to Find Love A: Dear In a Hurry: It’s only been five days, so wait a little while and get to know each other a little better. When you’re ready just bring it up like its normal conversation. If your hanging out or something and there is a point in the conversation that no one is talking just jump right in, be like ‘so you interested in anyone?” and what he thinks about you, although he might be shy too about telling you his feelings and you should probably do it alone so that you’re much more comfortable and less embarrassed and pressured. If you want to be daring you could just say ‘hey can I tell you a secret? I like you... a lot.’ but of course it’ll be hard, it always is. No one can make it easier, if only they could though…

Send your stories and questions to Tasha at collegian_advice@yahoo.com


1. What year did American women learn the right to vote? A. 1850 B. 1870 C. 1900 D. 1920

1. First Lady Abigail Fillmore was the first President’s wife to continue working outside of the home after moving into The White House.

2. The first state where women could vote in national elections was: A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Wyoming D. Oregon

2. Did you know that women actually enlisted in the Civil War… as soldiers?

3. Which of the following women did NOT run her own entertainment company? A. Mary Tyler Moore B. Ida Lupino C. Mary Pickford D. Dinah Shore 4. Which of these movies was NOT written by a woman? A. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom B. E.T. The Extraterrestrial C. Five Easy Pieces D. Shrek 5. Which architectural site was designed by Julia Morgan? A. The Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California B. The Eiffel Tower in Paris C. The Empire State Building in New York City D. The Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC ANSWERS ON BACK PAGE

3. Maria Mitchell was the first professional female astronomer in the U.S. and she is credited with the discovery of a comet in 1848. 4. The first female American Medical Association member was Sarah Ann Hackett Stevenson; 1876. 5. It is because of women that most of the modern domestic conveniences exist, women developed crude equipment in the 19th century to make their lives easier, and things just developed from there.

Get Ready for the Big Day The Real Story: By Jessica Miles, Editor in Chief With the end of the semester coming to a close in a month a half, you may have questions about what you need to do to prepare for the end of your time at Cayuga Community College. There is a lot to think about and get ready for Commencement is approaching rather quickly and to ensure a smooth day, there are many things that need to be done in advance to get ready for the big day. Each student up for graduation should have received a letter in mail detailing your course and what the next step is. If you did not receive this letter, and believe you are graduating, you should immediately go speak with the Registrar’s office. Once you have received notification of graduation, you should start to prepare. All students must go down to the book store to order their cap and gown for the ceremony. The cap and gown need to be ordered by March 21, or there will be a $10 fee for any orders placed after the deadline. Cap and gown pickup will be held in the college bookstore from Monday May 12 to Thursday May 15 from 9AM to 4PM, or immediately following rehearsal on Friday May 16. Students must also go to the registrar’s office and fill out a survey for what they want said and graduation and put on their diploma. Mandatory rehearsal for

commencement will be held on Friday, May 16 at 11:00 am in the Spartan Hall Gym. Rehearsal should take no more than an hour and all questions will be answered. All students wishing to attend commencement must attend rehearsal. There are no tickets required for guests at commencement, nor is there a limit on seating for general seating. However, if someone requires accommodative seating, tickets are required and are limited, for these tickets please go to the Human Resource Office, M242, May 12-16. The commencement ceremony will be held Sunday May 18 at 1PM. Procession for commencement will begin to form in the Main Building at 11:45 AM. Commencement will be over right around 3PM for those of you who want to make plans after. There will be an informal reception held for graduates, family, and friends, immediately following the ceremony, Sunday May 18 in the tent, located on the campus quad. Diplomas can be picked up on the Information Desk on May 18. Any time after that, they can be picked up until Friday May 30, in the Registrar’s office. Diplomas not picked up will be mailed to the last known address on record. If you have any question regarding commencement go to the Registrar’s office.

Sara Bareilles-Little Voice

A REVIEW by STEPHANIE QUINN The first wide release album from seasoned artist Sara Bareilles leaves her audience a little shorthanded. Currently best known for the infectious melody of “Love Song”, Bareilles constructs an album that is safe and doesn’t quite live up to the hype of her first single. However, Bareilles is able to save herself with her not so “little voice” and stunning writing ability, still, this 28 year old seems to fit more into the genre of adult contemporary. The California native brings the same old cry for more love in the world with the lyrics of her next single “Bottle it Up”. Bareilles offers advice to a lost and greedy friend in the blues-induced “Vegas” where she explains she would “Hate to lose you to the fortune you see”. “Morningside” delivers the

story of a girl falling for the bad boy over and over again, but conveys an interesting take with multiple girl voices on the chorus showing how every girl falls into the trap. Bareilles has an intoxicating way of presenting free vocals with big choruses, instantly relaxing the listener, such as in the jazz pop song “Many the Miles”. The fun continues in “Love on the Rocks” with swaying chords on a free chorus which could easily become a summer anthem. The most brilliant lyrics of the record come with her “Fairytale”, the second verse reads “The tall blonde lets out a cry of despair, says would have to cut it myself if I knew men could climb hair. I’ll have to find a tower somewhere and keep away from the windows”. From the beginning, “Between the Lines” grabs the ear of the listener with beautiful piano lines and sad lyrics of a cheating partner. The record closes with the striking “Gravity”, as it is written classically and includes the perfect collaboration of strings. The bridge builds up to a big vocal solo where the music turns soft and does not follow the voice; a perfect display of how the gravity in Bareilles’ life continues to return her to a certain person. The song finalizes on imperfect minor chords and cloudy confusion as she sings, “The one thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down…something always brings me back to you, it never takes too long.”

St. Patrick Even if you are not Irish, on Saint Patrick’s Day, everyone is Irish. The exact details of Saint Patrick’s Day are very vague. However, the basics are well known through-out the world. Saint Patrick’s Day is the day that celebrates the life of Saint Patrick who is known as the patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick was not actually a born Irish. He was born in the later half of the fourth century, but the exact time and location is not known. He is thought to have been born in Scotland or Roman England. His real name was Maewyn Succat, but he later became known as Patricius, then even later Patrick. Patrick was the son of a RomanBritish officer. One day, Patrick was kidnapped by a band of pirates and was forced into slavery in Ireland. He was in slavery for six years before he started dreaming of God telling him to escape. He escaped to Britain, but then moved to France where he joined a monastery. In the monastery he studied under the Saint Germain, the bishop of Auxerre.

By Natasha King, Staff Writer

After he finished his training, he went to Ireland and converted the Gaelic Irish, who were Pagans, to Christianity. Patrick was arrested several times throughout the 20 years that he traveled around Ireland setting up monasteries. He managed to escape each time. In addition to the monasteries that he set up, he also set up many school and churches around Ireland. His doctrine is considered anti-Pagan and orthodox. By the seventh century, Patrick was a well known figure. It is said that Saint Patrick used the three-leaf clover to explain the concept of trinity. Saint Patrick died on March 17, 461 AD. Saint Patrick’s Day is used as a day to celebrate the universal baptization of Ireland. It originally was an all Catholic holiday, but over the year it has become a universal holiday for every religion. This year Saint Patrick’s Day, however, is being celebrated on the 15th because the actual day of Saint Patrick’s Day falls in the middle of holy week.

Call for Entries: Alumni Scholarships

The Auburn/Cayuga Community College Alumni Association will accept applications for its annual scholarship and commencement awards through March 31, 2008. Awards of up to $500 are granted to entering freshmen, returning sophomores, graduating

students accepted by a transfer school, and students upgrading or changing careers. Details, specific criteria, and application forms are available from the college’s financial aid offices in Auburn and Fulton.

CCC Recognized at National Conference Cayuga CC Recognized at National Entrepreneurship Conference At this year’s fifth annual conference of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship, Cayuga Community College was honored for creating the nation’s first endowed chair in entrepreneurship at a community college. Funded by a $500,000 grant from the Emerson Foundation, the Fred L. Emerson Foundation Endowed Chair in Enterprise and Innovation signifies the college’s commitment to foster innovation in business and community organizations through courses and outreach programs. Thomas Goodrow, founder of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship, awarded a plaque saluting Cayuga’s leadership at the NACCE conference held in San Antonio in January. Some 450

attendees were on hand at the plenary session where Cayuga was honored. Thomas J. Paczkowski, the professor who holds the Emerson chair, was unable to attend. He was among several professors leading Cayuga’s January travel-study courses in London. Paczkowski’s students explored International Business at venues including Lloyds of London, the London Stock Exchange, Harrods, and the Bank of England. “While Professor Paczkowski was unable to join us in Texas to receive recognition of entrepreneurship activities at Cayuga Community College,” said Goodrow, “his London course helped students trace innovation, as a basis for growth and success, from the British trading heritage to today’s worldwide competitive landscape.”

Free Film Series Offered at CCC FROM PUBLISHED REPORT

Local film enthusiasts have a chance to expand their knowledge of the medium without leaving the area. In March, a group of filmmakers will show and discuss their work at Cayuga Community College. Cayuga Community College’s Contemporary Film series examines many applications of the medium

by modern artists. Sponsored by the Schweinfurth Art Center, “Making Movies: A Contemporary Film and Video Series” is Thursdays in March. Each week a new film or video artist from around the state will hold a free screening. Film enthusiasts of all ages are encouraged to attend.


DEAD MEN DON’T ITCH A HIT! Grants Help CCC Projects Cayuga Community College will add an element of business savvy to courses in a variety of fields, thanks to $58,000 in funding from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation of Kansas City, Missouri, a nationwide organization dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship. To coordinate this entrepreneurial focus, an additional $20,000 Kauffman grant will sponsor Cayuga business professor Thomas Paczkowski as one of a group of Kauffman “e-Professors” at six area colleges and universities. The plan is part of a five-year, $3million “Enitiative” program unfolding across Central New York (www. entrepreneurship.syr.edu). Through this program, Kauffman grants are launching a slate of projects to foster applied learning and innovative regional development. “The Enitiative program connects forward-looking people in higher education, business and the arts,” said Bruce Kingma, associate provost for entrepreneurship and innovation at Syracuse University; Kingma serves as the regional academic liaison with the Kauffman Foundation. “The goal is to enhance regional assets by energizing a spirit of innovation among future managers and professionals.” As Cayuga’s e-Professor, Paczkowski will provide leadership in teaching, scholarship, and service-learning projects to build entrepreneurship into the College curriculum. “Our projects will yield both business and social benefits,” said Paczkowski. “To help promote a stable, attractive community, future entrepreneurs need to balance revenues and profitability with quality of life.” Working with Paczkowski, several Cayuga faculty members and administrators have already developed “enterprise-infused” coursework and research plans. Five proposals have won $10,000 to $12,000 each in Kauffman grant funding. Further support for the e-professorship and project proposals will come from matching funds totaling $418,500 from the Emerson Foundation, the Stardust Foundation of Central New York, and New York State through the office of State Senator Michael Nozzolio. Plans for grant-funded projects include: • Patricia Gridley, associate professor of early childhood, will work with students to create a handbook for owning, managing, and securing funding for a high-quality child care center; a workshop series based at the College’s on-campus preschool will augment the manual. • Steven Keeler, professor of broadcasting and telecommunications, will develop a music business practicum in which students will manage an independent record label and music publishing enterprise, from auditioning local talent to recording, producing, marketing and distribution.

Mike Deforest as Jake Chaple and Natasha Lathrop as Ive Crane in DEAD MEN DON’T ITCH


• Nancy Kramer, professor of art, will engage Cayuga’s art and design students in analyzing the operation and funding of arts organizations. The class will then design and produce advertising and promotional campaigns for the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in Auburn. • Michael Pacelli, assistant professor of biology, and William Prosser, assistant professor of business

and economics, will develop a Wine Institute focused on the Finger Lakes wine industry, with a laboratory, kitchen, climatecontrolled wine storage area, and classes in nutrition, conservation and agronomy.

• Philip Gover, vice president of academic and student affairs, and Deborah Moeckel, associate vice president of academic and student affairs, will research successful entrepreneurial approaches by community colleges and their partners across the country and compile a report on best practices in this emerging field. The Kauffman awards dovetail with funding from other sources in support of entrepreneurship projects by Cayuga Community College and the regional Stardust Institute for Entrepreneurship. Working in parallel academic and business tracks, the College and the Stardust Institute are partnering to help fulfill the “Blueprint for the Future” presented in January 2007 by Senator Nozzolio as an economic development strategy for Auburn and Cayuga County. With funding from the local Emerson Foundation, Paczkowski was recently named the Fred L. Emerson Foundation Endowed Chair in Enterprise and Innovation at the College, to design academic programs specifically in entrepreneurship. As early as 2008, Cayuga students will be able to take entrepreneurship-infused courses for credit, and Cayuga instructors will assist the Stardust Institute in offering entrepreneurship training for working professionals.

What’s Happening! J J J J J

Alumni phone-a-thon continues March 19 Think Fast, 10 AM in Café March 20-23 March break no classes March 24 advisement begins March 28-30 SAB/SGO Washington D.C. trip

DID YOU KNOW? J  Barbie’s measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33 J The slogan on New Hampshire license plates is ‘Live Free or Die’. These license plates are manufactured by prisoners in the state prison in Concord J The United States government keeps its supply of silver at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY J There are only thirteen blimps in the world. Nine of the thirteen blimps are in the United States. J The three largest land-owners in England are the Queen, the Church of England and Trinity College, Cambridge

BIRTHDAYS March 16 – Lauren Graham 1967, Erik Estrada 1949 March 17 – Paris Hilton 1981, Michael Jordan 1963 March 18 – Vanessa Williams 1963, Queen Latifah 1970 March 19 – Glenn Close 1947, Bruce Willis 1955 March 20 – Pat Riley 1945, Christy Carlson Romano March 21 – Rosie O’Donnell 1962, Matthew Broderick 1962 March 22 – Reese Witherspoon 1976, Marcel Marceau 1923

Answers: 1. D, 2. C, 3. D, 4. D, 5. A

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