4-21-08 Cayuga Collegian 4-21-08

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The Voice of Cayuga Community College Students for more than 50 years


Vol. 56 Issue 19

April 21, 2008

Leader in Alternative Energy Solutions to Speak at CCC Presentation to be held as part of college’s Earth Day Plan By Meghan Rindfleisch, Staff Writer

Telcom Student Michael Speck (center) at the PTK Induction Ceremony March 27, 2008 with his faculty sponsor: Chairperson, English/Humanities/Communications Division, Steve Keeler (left of Speck) along with members of Specks’ family.

PTK Honors New Inductees Omicron Gamma Chapter of Phi the Kappa, an academic honorary society, recently welcomed a new class of inductees into the organization. The ceremony was held March 17th in the Auburn campus’ student lounge. The new inductees include: Erin Abrams, Zina Aguirre, Sarah Aldrich, Samual Basl, David Clay, Matthew

Crawford, Christian Disanto, Kevin Donohue, Abigail Droppa, Heather Gulliver, Stephen Gustke, Judy Hill, Jack Jarvis, Mark Johnson, Renay Kelley, June Lathrop, Jessica Miles, Courtney Miskell, Daniel Murphy, Kimberly Patch, Jorden Pritchard, Alaric Robin, Michael Speck, Valerie Smith, Jesse Switzer and Michele Williams.

CCC will be hosting John D. Manning, P.E., president and founder of Earth Sensitive Solutions in Auburn, to speak in the evening on April 22 in the Bisgrove Theater as a part of the college’s Earth Day Celebration. Manning, a Central New York native, plans to present a slide show presentation on the Academy Award-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” in order to educate students about the potential and current hazards of global warming. A graduate of Syracuse University, Manning has worked with former vice-president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore on “An Inconvenient Truth.” Inspired by Gore’s active participation in global warming issues, Manning also travels around the globe speaking about the environment. “Manning is one of three Cayuga County residents to travel to Nashville, Tennessee to receive Al Gore’s materials and training to deliver the very same presentation offered by Mr. Gore,” Norman Lee,

director of student activities said. Earth Sensitive Solutions, LLC, Manning’s company, is an engineering firm that explores geothermal energy solutions in Auburn. In addition to having six patents in heat pump design, Manning helps design various geothermal and solar energy systems across the world, according to the Center for Economic and Environmental Partnership, Inc. The student activities board, with the help of Lee, has planned an allday celebration in honor of Earth Day. The Discovery Channel’s series, Planet Earth, will be shown throughout the day in the student lounge. The 11-part miniseries contains rare footage of some of the most beautiful animals, habitats, and cultures ever seen on earth. “I am so proud of these students for putting this together,” remarked Lee. The SAB is still actively planning the Earth Day Celebration. For more information on CCC’s Earth Day plans, check in with SAB members.

Congressman Acuri Visits CCC By Kevin Donovan, Staff Writer

PTK inductee Erin Abrams and her boyfriend/sponsor Mark Rittenmeyer

PTK inductee June Lathrop, left, and her daughter, Natasha, who is also a CCC student.

PTK inductee and Collegian Editor-in-chief Jess Miles with her parents. Collegian Advisor Mary G. Merritt was Miles’ sponsor.

PTK inductee Valerie Smith with her parents and faculty sponsor.

Congressman Michael Arcuri (24th District) came into Cayuga Community College recently to be a guest on the college-produced cable television talk show “Inside Government” hosted by f o r m e r Auburn Mayor Guy Cosentino. Congressman Acuri During the taping of the show, the Congressman gave viewers insight as to what’s going on in Washington right now. First, Cosentino asked Arcuri about his reaction to the scandal involving former New York State Governor Elliot Spitzer. Congressman Arcuri says he wasn’t even called ahead of time or notified before the public found out, in fact he says he heard the news from a staff member who told him to turn on the cable news channel CNN. Congressman Arcuri says he was good friends with the former Governor and they had campaigned together a lot. “I was very shocked when I heard the news and I still am.” said Arcuri. Congressman Arcuri says he had inside information about Spitzer resignation before it was announced to the public from officials who con-

tacted him in Albany. The Congressman says he didn’t feel so much betrayed by the former Governor’s actions, but he was more disappointed on a personal level and said he had had high hopes for the former Governor because the sate was running in the right direction. The next topic Arcuri was asked to address was the situation in Iraq where the death toll for American soldiers has now reach 4,000. Arcuri says he just returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Congressman says he visited a village in Iraq called Hidefah. In the village, he went to the market place and talked to the locals. He says their concerns weren’t about the war, many saying their situation is now much safer. He says what locals are really looking for is money to fix their roads and to fix the water system. Congressman Arcuri then answered questions about the United States’ economy. “I think we are in some seriously difficult times. We feel it much less in our region than the rest of the country does.” This was the second time Congressman Arcuri has visited the CCC campus. Congressman Michael Arcuri was elected to Congress in 2006. He is now in the 15th month of his term.

Autism: How Aware are You?

By Jessica Miles, Editor-in-Chief Imagine a disease that is not social, ethnically, or racially specific. A disease that affects more children than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. While this disease is hardly ever life threatening, it is life changing. Autism is diagnosed in one in every 150 people daily. While the disease seems not to target any one group, it does tends to be gender specific. Males are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than females. Autism, which was first discovered in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, is a disease that affects the complex neurological development of a person’s brain. Autism hinders the ability to communicate and relate to others. This disease is almost always identified by the age of three. New developments in technology are making it easier for the disease to be diagnosed at an age as early as six months. Parents, or other adults closely involved with the children, are the first to notice a

problem. A key indicator that autism may affect your child is not reaching crucial milestones in development There are no tests to diagnosed autism; the actions of a child are commonly watched closely. The earlier autism is diagnosed in a child, the earlier treatment can begin. While there is no cure for autism, treatment can be delivered to help development along. The disease also doesn’t occur the same in all people, and their actions may be different. While there is no set cause of autism, it is believed it may be caused by abnormalities in the brain. Brain scans that have been performed on people with autism show a difference in the shape and structure of the brain versus children that do not have the disease. This disease seems to still confuse many medical professionals. Further research is being conducted all the time to try and find a cure as well as a cause of autism.

ear Tasha

with Natasha King

Q: Dear Tasha: A guy that I met the a couple of nights ago gave me his number (but I didn’t give him mine) and I’m thinking of getting in touch with him. He seemed really sweet, polite and very cute :-). The thing is, it sounds silly, I haven’t been on a date in a while and I don’t know whether to text or call him? Any ideas? -Confused A: Dear Confused : It’s still new and you don’t want to seem extremely clingy. Play it cool and text him. When he responds and asks who you are since he doesn’t have your number just tell him who you are and ask him about school or something you know that he likes or does. Just make sure this is what you really want. It wouldn’t be fair of you to lead him on.

Send your stories and questions to Tasha at collegian_advice@yahoo.com

Earth Day Clean-up Planned

By Jessica Miles, Editor-in-Chief In honor of Earth Day, the Criminal Justice club of CCC will be cleaning up. Starting on Monday, April 22, the CJ club will start to pick up trash on and around the Auburn campus. The club will be taking part in the nationwide push to get a handle on the environment and improve the way it looks. The club will also be planting a tree as well as collecting trash and other debris from the area. The idea of Earth Day took over seven years to be completed. The idea originated in 1962 by Senator Gaylord Nelson, and was brought to the attention of Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Kennedy then brought the idea to his brother, President John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy also liked the idea and ran with it. Over 20 Million people took part in the first Earth Day held on April 22, 1970. The main goal of Earth Day is to inspire awareness and appreciation to the earth’s environment. Many of

the same people that took part in rallies against oil spills, polluting factories, power plants, raw sewage, toxic dumps, and pesticides, all took part in rallying for Earth Day. As the millennium grew closer, it was very clear another rally would have to be held to help prevent global warming and to promote clean air energy. There were over 5,000 environmental groups by the time Earth Day arrived in 2000...all ready to fight to create a better awareness of a cleaner earth. Earth Day 2007 saw the largest response to the day then ever before. There was an estimated 1 billion participants in last year’s day. So this year, go outside and pick up some trash and clean up around you. Don’t just improve the world you live in on Earth Day, do something every day to help promote a cleaner, better, Earth we all can live on.

CCC Students Visit Washington, D.C. By Natasha King, Staff Writer

Editorial Board

JESSICA MILES, Editor in Chief BEN BOLDING, Chief Photographer JESSE CASES, Sports Editor MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor


Kathleen Sperduti, Fulton Correspondent Martha Reutlinger, Staff Writer Kara Kinney, Columnist Andrew Brown, Staff Writer Meghan Rindfleisch, Staff Writer Natasha King, Staff Writer Kevin Cool, Staff Writer Kevin Donovan, Staff Writer Stephanie Quinn, Music Reviewer The Cayuga Collegian is published on announced publication dates during regular semesters at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Our phone number is 315-255-1743. The Cayuga Collegian is funded by CCC’s Faculty-Student Association through student activity fees. Opinions expressed in columns, news stories, features, interviews or letters to the editor are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty, staff or students at CCC. The Cayuga Collegian is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.

The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be in a word document on a PC formatted disc or emailed. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.


Students from Cayuga Community College left for Washington DC Friday March 28 at 10:30 in the morning. Both campuses sent students on this meaningful trip. Approximately twenty-two students visited Washington for the weekend. The students arrived on Friday evening, and had planned to see the Holocaust Museum on Saturday in the early afternoon. At 7:00 pm they arrived in our nation’s capital, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the cherry blossoms were in bloom everywhere. On Saturday morning, they started out on their various journeys. A city so rich in history; this is our story. The students spent some time at the Smithsonian, Christina Tarry, Vice president of IMPACT said, “ there was so much to see, I want to go back because I did not see it all!” She also stated, “The mammals were so cool, and I did not want to leave the Hope Diamond!” After visiting the Museums, the group met up at the Holocaust Museum. “When you enter the museum you are asked to turn ALL electronic devices off. The visitors thought that it was an odd request; there was a purpose. Everyone was told to take an ID card and board the steal elevator. They packed everyone onto the elevators shoulder to shoulder. It was hard to exit because there were two elevators and the corridor was very narrow. A person could barely move around in there,” recalled a Fulton student named Jen. The students toured all of the floors of the exhibit and Eric Burns said “ It was really an eye opener, there was a train in there that you could stand in and suitcases outside of it to show how many were packed into the train

car; it was creepy!” The students explored the museum until it closed at 5:30 pm. The were surprised to find out that day that is was the Cherry Blossom Festival unfortunately, they were unable to acquire tickets to the evening ceremony. Apparently, at 8:00 in the evening there is a ceremony where everyone parades through the park with Japanese lanterns and watch the cherry blossoms open. Everyone was so tired from walking all day that they just went back to their hotel. By the way, the hotel was right up on the George Washington University campus. On Sunday morning the students loaded their belongings onto the bus, and headed out for more sightseeing before leaving Washington. They went to the Jefferson Memorial and one student wept, she said, “ can you feel that; the power of one of the founding fathers?” The memorial was round and marble, the statue was 20 feet tall and bronze. The next stop was The Lincoln Memorial and the reflecting pool, The Vietnam wall, The WWII memorial. At the WWII memorial some students threw change into the water and made a wish. The students ate lunch before they left, Christa Cambs, Vice president of SGO had lunch at the Watergate Hotel. Yes, that would be the hotel that the scandal took place at. Christa said that the food was good and the hotel was nice. Cayuga Community College does plan this trip for every spring and students can sign up to go in the spring. If you are interested in visiting Washington DC next spring, ask Norman Lee when you can sign up.

SPARTAN SPORTS CCC Lax Men Struggle Lady Laxers Cope; Support Men

By Jesse Cases, Staff Sports Writer

By Martha Reutlinger, Staff Writer

After a dismal start to the 2008 lacrosse season for the Spartans of CCC, which saw the team lose their first two games by a combined score of 42-16 to Monroe CC and Genesee CC, the trend of losing continues. The Spartans have fought valiantly but unfortunately have failed to come out on the winning side of any games so far this season. After the Spartans first two early season losses the team suffered an embarrassing defeat by a score of 33-4 to the Generals of Herkimer CC, who undoubtedly will be contending for the national championship again this season. Pat Cameron and Mark Green combined for 28 saves in the game, splitting time in goal. The Spartans then began to show some defensive improvements during their next three games, losing by an average of just higher than 4 goals a game. Allowing a high of 14 goals to Finger lakes CC and Tompkins-Cort-

As we all know the girls’ lacrosse team isn’t having a season, but they plan to support the boys’ team. The girls who haven’t transferred are still adjusting to not playing. A surprising factor is that several girls have expressed interest in playing and said that if they had known at the beginning of the semester that the school was looking for players they would have spoken up. Sherri Stanton, one of the wouldbe returning girls lax players, said she goes to open gym and shoots around with some of the guys to keep up her skills and possibly help out the boys. She has two jobs on top of classes, working at the Fingerlakes mall and she is the student athletic trainer for the boys’ team. Therefore she is at all of the games helping and supporting the team. Although she doesn’t plan on continuing lacrosse at a four year school, she is happy about the time

land CC, and just 13 goals to Mohawk Valley CC. Nate North continues to lead the Spartans as they search for their first victory of the season. The Spartans then suffered another dismal loss, coming by the hands of the last year’s national champion Lazers of Onondaga Community College, by a score of 33-5. Following the loss to OCC came another loss this time to by the hands of the pioneers of Alfred State College by a score of 19-8. The pioneers rallied after a 7-5 halftime deficit to give the Spartans their eighth defeat of the season. The Spartans have six games remaining on the season against SUNY Cobleskill, Mercyhurst, Dean College, Jefferson CC, SUNY Delhi and Hudson Valley CC. With the last home game of the season coming on Wednesday April 16th against Mercyhurst. Hopefully with the talent and leadership of players like Nate North the team can end the season on a positive note.

she did get to play. Andrea Musso was also on the team and is disappointed that the girls aren’t having a season but she, just like Sherri, has a job outside of school. She also travels with the team working for the school keeping score and doing stats. She said she is happy to support the team because she has several friends on the team. With several first time players and several longtime players on the men’s team, the team will need all the support they can get. As of Wednesday the 19th the team was 0-2. Surprisingly the team does play harder when there are fans in the bleachers and on the side lines. For anyone who wants to come out and support the boys’ team the schedule is posted on the CCC website. Cayuga’s home lacrosse games are played in Corcoran. Please come out and support your team and pump up their confidence from the stands.

Calling all CCC Alums... By Natasha King, Staff Writer The Alumni Association does not let bad weather stop the Phone-AThon. At least 14 participants, both students and non-students, came out to help raise over $15,000. “We are very pleased with the outcome” says Louise Wilson, interim Alumni Director. “The Phone-A-Thon has undergone some organizational changes through the years, but has been running consistently since 1992” says Wilson, who attended 11 of the 14 nights that the Phone-A-Thon took place.

Wilson worked with Campus Services to design and produce forms for the pledges. She also worked with the Data Center to get the information they needed to make the calls for the pledges. Plus, on every night of the PhoneA-Thon there was so much paperwork to be filed, that they had at least two people working on just paperwork. This years Phone-A-Thon ran for a shorter amount of time than in previous years. “We’ve found that we can generate as many pledge dollars in less

time” Wilson said. Last year, eleven workers participated in the Phone-AThon, which ran three days longer than it did this year. “The bottom line was very close, but when all the numbers were tallied, we generated a little more pledge dollars this year.” The Phone-A-Thon had many hurdles to jump in including a snow day, two holidays in which the school was closed, and one night closed due to a workers illness, however, they still ended up raising more revenue than last year.

Wilson and her coordinator are already planning next years PhoneA-Thon with very few changes from this year. One of the changes that will take place in next years PhoneA-Thon will be an easier and faster way to simplify the stream of paperwork. She said, “The bottom line is we had a great bunch of workers who I think enjoyed what they were doing, while earning some extra money for spring break.”


Panic at the Disco: Pretty. Odd.

Alumni Update


Josh Cradduck, 2006 CCC graduate and former Collegian Editor-in-chief, is continuing his education at Ithaca College. Recently he emailed Collegian Advisor Mary G. Merritt about his brush with greatness when he helped host NBC anchorwoman Natalie Morales at Ithaca. “This was so awesome. We sat at the same table and talked one-on-one about the news over red wine, salmon and pork tenderloin! She said I had a “COMMANDING VOICE” and reminded her of BROKAW! She really said that! WOW!!! She gave me her email address and said to send her my reel to look at (if she has time)! She was so humbled and I think quite intimidated by the whole thing. Now, since the Newswatch Thursday crew had to do the show and thus miss the lecture, our news director arraigned to have Natalie along with Jessica Savitch’s sister (who always comes) and Roberta Spring, associate director of Nightly News (who also comes and who I also talked a lot with and got a picture), come meet in the Dean’s room to talk to the crew who had to miss the lecture. Because I am greedy, I went too...so I was with Natalie for almost 5 hours! 4-5 conference, 5-7 dinner, 7-9 lecture!

2006 CCC graduate and former Collegian Editor-inchief Josh Cradduck with NBC News’ Natalie Morales during her visit to Ithaca College. It was SO amazing to hear these network folks talk about things. I sat across from Roberta, the Nightly News director, and she told me about when she first was introduced to David Brinkley, Brokaw etc... I asked her about Roger Mudd (who I have modeled my interview “skills” after) and she called him a ‘southern gentleman.’ I told her I was obsessed with NBC Nightly News and she said she thought Brian Williams would be glad to hear it and she’ll tell him.”



In an unexpected approach to their newest release, Panic at the Disco demonstrates that the boys have been doing their homework; by studying the most successful and celebrated band of all time, The Beatles. Obviously in less of a panic to release the next platinum album, the band not only took three years to make “ P r e t t y. Odd.”, but also dropping the exclamation point (!) from their name. No longer falling victim to repetitive and, at times, confusing melodies; Panic creates a more sophisticated yet inventive method of songwriting. The album initiates with an apology for taking so long to release new music and moves quickly into the first single, “Nine in the Afternoon”. Other than being a weird concept, this song is one of the few with remnants of the old Panic!, as well

as the distinctive bell sound from The Beatles’ “Penny Lane”. Further pushing their transformation with “That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)”, the lyrics explain, “Things have changed for me, and that’s ok. I feel the same and I’m on my way…” “I Have Friends in Holy Space” begins with a quiet ukulele and horns, a definite new and nonmainstream sound. Conveying more direct Beatles’ sound with familiar drums in “Northern Downpour” with a relaxed, but heavy and low drumbeat. “When the Day Met the Night” and “Pas De Cheval”(footsteps of a horse) are undeniably going to be crowd pleasers with their big, fun sound. An unmistakable folk and bluegrass sound rings from “Folkin Around”, which closes with the desperate lyrics, “If love is not enough to put my enemies to sleep, then I’m putting out the lantern, find your own way back home”. Ending with a cry to change the world with “Mad as Rabbits”, Panic at the Disco reveals their true mission, “Paul Cates bought himself a trumpet from the Salvation Army. But there ain’t no sunshine in his song. We must reinvent love”.

Collegian Movie Trivia 1. Jim Carey starred in the movie Horton Hears A Who. What is the other Disney movie he starred in? a. The Cat in the Hat b. How The Grinch Stole Christmas c. Ice Age d. Shark Tale 2. What school is the movie 21 filmed at? a. Boston University b. MIT c. Harvard d. Yale 3. Which false title did some theatres receive release prints for the movie 10,000 BC? a. Stone Ages b. Orion c. Sign of the Warrior d. King Dinosurs 4. How many movies were released by Fox Searchlight Pictures before Juno that reached the $100 million mark at the box office? a. 4 b. 6 c. 0 d. 1 5. The film Cloverfield was shot in 2 cities, New York and Los Angeles. In both cities the movie was shot under a different name; in Los Angeles it was known as Slusho. What was the name of the movie when it was being shot in New York? a. Cheese c. H.U.D. b. Bertha d. 47

DID YOU KNOW? BIRTHDAYS J The top layer of a wedding cake, known as the groom’s cake, traditionally is a fruit cake. That way it will save until the first anniversary. J Montpelier, Vermont is the only U.S. state capital without a McDonalds. J Hacky-sack was invented in Turkey. J There are six five words in the English language with the letter combination “uu.” Muumuu, vacuum, continuum, duumvirate and duumvir, residuum. J Goat’s eyes have rectangular pupils.

May 20 – Cher 1946, Busta Rhymes 1972 May 21 – Mr. T 1952, Notorious B.I.G. 1972 May 22 – Naomi Canpbell 1970, Jadakiss 1975 May 23 – Drew Carey 1958, Jewel 1974 May 24 – Priscilla Presley 1955, Bob Dylan 1941 May 25 – Mike Meyers 1963, Molly Sims 1973 May 26 – John Wayne 1907, Lenny Kravitz 1964

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