10-6-08 Cayuga Collegian October 6 08 Issue

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Vol. 57 Issue 5

October 6, 2008

Student Government: Hard at Work By Mike Ouimette, Staff Writer

CCC sophomore Brian “Buzz” Black won the big prize in CCC’s “Think Fast” question competition.

CCC “Thinks Fast” By Natasha King, Editor-in-chief

Imagine an interactive game where the audience actually plays along. Think Fast brings the audience into the game. All participants within the audience are given a remote that allows their answers to be counted towards their final score. There are two rounds leading up to a final round where four contestants get to compete for 200 dollars. Questions ranged from the Television show Road Rules to M a c D o n a l d ’s nutritional facts to the War of Darfur. Some of the questions included road rules, Baltimore Raven’s draft, and Arrested Development. The questions were about anything and everything including history, TV shows, movies, and the NAVY. During each round, the audience competes for the highest score. Then the contestant with the most points goes on to compete in the final round against three others contestants for the final win. And at the end of each round, they hold a mini-contest for the other two finalists. Between each round, some members of the audience were asked to go to the front of the

theater and compete for a spot in the final round. The first minicompetition was a dance off, and the second was a ‘singing’ competition. The audience was amused by the ‘Straight Talk’ questions, where random people on a street were asked silly questions, such as the number of one-night stands they had and if they would sleep with a teacher to get an A in their class, and the audience had to guess what they thought the answer would be. Brian “Buzz” Black made it all the way to the final round, beating out several competitors, to win the $200. “’Cause I’m smart” Buzz laughed when asked why he won. Host Jason Luong is the owner of the Think Fast collaboration. He works with 26 other companies, and 40-60 ‘heads’. Luong has owned the company for three and a half of the four years the company has been around. Over the four years, they have been featured in three different magazines. They have also been on Letterman. “If you can name a college or club, we’ve been there.” Luong says. “We are the most famous non-famous company.”

On Friday September 26th, CCC’s student senate held a meeting in the BIC room at the Fulton Campus, and in the Distance Learning Room, M-328, at the Auburn Campus. The ideology of the senate meetings is to have clubs present their ideas and to pass new legislation. The first order of business was to go over the old business from the final meeting of last year’s senate. Drew Young, SGO President, brought up the notion of changing the legislation of Article 3 – Section 2, Line 1, ‘There must be two officers from a club to cast a vote.’ The changes would permit only one club officer to be at the senate meeting and still be allowed to cast a vote. The vote was nearly unanimous, and this has become the new rule at the senate. The second order of business was to inform the clubs of the new SGO E-Mail network, in order to have clarified communication between all of the clubs and SGO. The SGO e-mail is cayugasgo@gmail.com.

Each club is to give SGO their club e-mail address to allow ease in conveying messages back and forth. The third order of business was to elect new members to the SGO. The first was the new treasurer, voted in 12-8, Alaric Robin. The second was the new secretary, uncontested victory, Brandon Gilmore. The fourth order of business was to speak on the budgets for the clubs. Some clubs may get part of their budgets cut because of not spending all of it. Others may not receive the increase based on their spending. Nothing is set in stone until after FSA board meeting. The fifth and final order of business was to mention upcoming events planned by SGO and the other clubs. Currently planned is a blood drive for November 13th, which people are needed to volunteer and sit at the table, or just to donate blood. Other events are still in the planning phase, including the Fall Festival.

CCC to ‘Rock the Vote’ By Andy Brown, Assistant Editor On Wednesday, October 15th, in the Cayuga’s Bisgrove Theatre, it is “Rock the Vote” time. Way back when, MTV initiated “Rock the Vote,” a movement orchestrated to get young college students interested in being registered to vote, and then voting. The presentation will take place at 7 o’clock PM, and attending will be MTV’s own Rachel Robinson, the Road Rules contestant. The 25 year-old will speak to students and try to interact with them to get students to play their part in the voting process. MTV’s “Rock the Vote” has a mission that they strive to complete. It is to “engage and build the political power of young people in order to achieve progressive change in our country,” according to rockthevote. com. “Rock the Vote” uses specific methods including music, popular culture, and new technology to try and sway young people to register and vote in every election. At the seminars that MTV hosts, they give the youth the tools that they need to identify, learn about, and react to the issues that affect their lives, and then use this knowledge in a constructive way in the political process. The Student Activities Board wanted to do this because it is a huge election year. So, Norman Lee

called the MTV agency and booked it, and MTV said that Robinson was available to come and try and empower CCC students, and get them to realize that voting is important, and that a difference can be made. Don Brewer, of Cayuga, thinks “it is a great idea to get kids to try and vote, but if they know nothing about it then it is pointless. This is why I like this movement, because it will teach kids about the power that they have, and it’ll teach them about the big-time topics in politics. I hope it’s a hit.”

MTV’s Rachel Robinson

Transfer Troubles Answered Breast Cancer Car Show Success Despite Rain By Zach Bellerdine, Staff Writer

Even though it’s just October the time is nearing for a new semester. That can only mean one-thing… thoughts of transferring. Transfer Day will be making its presence come Thursday, October 9th in the lobby of the Cayuga Community College. Over 40 schools will be attending the Transfer Day. Among them are several SUNY state schools and even out of state schools. “The great thing about Auburn’s location,” Transfer director Eric Zizza said. “It just so happens to be in the center of a lot of great schools.” Not only are New York State schools attending, but also Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are sending colleges to attend. Each school offers there own major that they tend to centralize in. Syracuse University with the Newhouse Center, SUNY Oswego with Arts and Education, SUNY Cortland also their education and Fingerlakes School Of Massage that favors in massage therapy. “The nice thing about all the schools we have,” Zizza said. “Is that each one majors in it’s own thing. So it’s a nice mix of each major interest for a student in attendance. Everyone can use this for their future.” The feedback is been positive

over the past five years that Zizza has been holding the Transfer Day. “I thought it was very cool,” Former Cayuga Community College student Dan Keegan said. “I thought most of the schools were willing to do anything to help potential students that they could. It was very refreshing and very nice for me. However some students talk about the interest of adding more schools from out of state.. “It’s hard to do that,” He said. The representatives of the colleges however are quite pleased with the knowledge and interest that students show in their schools. “The key things though are the requirements that are needed for that school,” He said. Each student should focus on his or her major and make a list of their colleges they want. The advice that Zizza best offers them is to look through the credits they are taking and then work with an advisor at the college they are looking at. “It’s best to know which credits will transfer or not,” He said. “If you know what credits will carry or not it makes the process easier for you.” So with the time flying it always helps to get a heads start on your future. A future that could get started, Thursday. “Even if you’re a freshman you should check it out,” Zizza said.

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The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be in a word document on a PC formatted disc. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.

Editorial Board

NATASHA KING, Editor in Chief JESSE CASES, Sports Editor ANDY BROWN, Assistant Editor KEN ALNUTT, Chief Photographer MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor




The Cayuga Collegian is published on announced publication dates during regular semesters at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Our phone number is 315-255-1743. The Cayuga Collegian is funded by CCC’s Faculty-Student Association through student activity fees. Opinions expressed in columns, news stories, features, interviews or letters to the editor are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty, staff or students at CCC. The Cayuga Collegian is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.


By Natasha King, Editor-in-chief The Poorboys Classic Hot Rods hosted their 6th annual car show this year in Marcellus. This year’s car show benefited the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund of CNY, Inc. The weather wasn’t cooperative as it was rainy and cold most of the day. However, after lunchtime the weather cleared up and the sun started shining. At first it seemed as if the car show wouldn’t be successful. But then, Carol Baldwin showed up, the sun came out and it seemed more and more cars were finally coming out to show their support. Baldwin had a three tables set up under two tents to keep from everything getting wet. This year, they had a fairly different variety of things that you could’ve purchased. Including bracelets, key chains, and Teddy Bears, which Baldwin signed for many of the buyers. Everything was pink or at least had pink on it. And, of course, the “Save The Boobies” T-Shirts were there too. The Poorboys car club was created approximately seven years ago and

consists of 20 members. Each year the club puts on one big show that benefit’s a different cause. They have raised money for organizations such as the Golisano Children’s Hospital, Juvenile Diabetes, and different types of Cancer. Even with a rainy day, the club raised almost $800 to go to Carol’s Breast Cancer Fund. All of the money came from pre-registration, which was $8, registration at the gate, $12, and the 50/50, which ended up being over $100. Carol met as many people as she could, and told stories about her children, and basically anything else to anyone who would listen. Poorboys presented her with an award for her coming out to the car show both year’s and meeting the people who came to support her. “Early detection is the key.” Baldwin said. “The number of death’s as a result of breast cancer has decreased so much because of early detection. We are that much closer to a cure.”


Tough Week for Soccer By Jesse Cases, Sports Editor The Cayuga Community College Men始s Soccer team started the week off on a high note with a 3-0 victory on the road over a tough FultonMontgomery Community College Team on Tuesday September 23rd.. Mark Darling opened the scoring with a sizzling left footed shot from 25 yards out to beat the FultonMontgomery defensive and give the Spartans the lead. Minutes later Shazz Obiora raised his season goal total to 5 with a great strike from the left side to give the Spartans a 2-0 lead and further drown the hopes of the host team. The Spartans then added another in the second half as Obiora stole the ball in the opponents penalty box and scored his second of the game finishing the scoring at 3-0. A great effort all around by the Spartans especially on the defensive end securing the teams second shutout of the season. The Spartans second game of the week came with much more disappointment as the team lost a hard game 3-1 to Jefferson Community College, two defensive breakdowns in the first half allowed

Jefferson to take a 2-0 lead before Tim Hughes was taken out in the penalty area and Geo Bateman scored the Penalty kick to cut the lead in half and finish the first half scoring. A third defensive breakdown in the second half allowed the away team to finish the scoring off at 3-1. The Spartans had two goals disallowed due to questionable calls but played hard throughout. The Lady Spartans did not enjoy the same luck early in the week as the Men始s team, playing a tough game against a very physical FultonMontgomery team. The ladies played hard but were unable to capitalize on several opportunities leading to the 5-0 loss. The ladies second game of

the week came against one of the top teams in the region, Jefferson Community College. The ladies played by far their best game o f the

find the back of the net. Jefferson scored late to preserve the win but got more than they could handle from the Lady Spartans. A great game and great effort by the ladies. The Men始s and Women始s next games will both be on Thursday October 2nd versus Tompkins Cortland Community College at Emerson Park at 2:30 and 4:30.


season, keeping possession throughout the game and playing hard with several opportunities to score failed to

Savion Adams-Tillman 21 FR Auburn John Applebee 24 FR Port Byron Geoffrey Bateman 4 SO G. Ray Bodley Andy Brown 12 SO Auburn Danny Browne 7 SO Manchester, England Jesse Cases-Villablanca 18 SO Jordan-Elbridge Mark Darling 20 SO Massena Chris Felter 23 FR Auburn Rob Ferro 9 FR Union Springs Alex Gatewood 14 FR Auburn Tim Hughes 22 FR Cato-Meridian Kevin Lehtonen 3 FR Southern Cayuga Alex Lewis 17 FR Lynn Classical Jon Mulcahey 19 SO G. Ray Bodley Shazz Obiora 10 SO London, England Andrew Rotko 5 FR Auburn Shawn Seamans 11 FR Port Byron Dave Shea 6 SO Auburn Dylan Warter 2 FR Auburn Zach Wertman 8 FR Union Springs HEAD COACH: George Vazenios ASST. COACH: Dennis Hillyard

Nick Chapman and Arielle LeBlanc enjoying a game of ping-pong in the Rec Room. PAGE THREE

with Mike Ouimette

Mike Ouimette: Who is in the band? Knuckle Dragger: Matt Driscol, vocals. Jake Powers, Bass. Eric Congdon, Guitars. Chris Reilly, guitar. Sam Demarco, drums. MO: What Genre is the band? KD: Hardcore, Punk. MO: How did the band get started? KD: We needed something to do, between being on safari “Macy’s/Lord and Taylor beauty department” cougar hunting. MO: What has Influenced you? KD: Not heroine (heroine the narcotic). Problem Child 2. MO: How did you come up with the KNUCKLE DRAGGER name? KD: The name is influenced by Mongoloidian knuckle dragging cavemen, keeping it primitive, and all that stuff you hear on old timey radio. “And Chicken Hawks.” Sam. Basically, its like as if Encino man was a band, and really good. We’re like that deleted scene, from Encino man, where his band plays, and everyone moshes. “You that deleted scene that honestly that would have been the only reason to watch the movie.” Jake. “For real, that movie sucks.” Matt. MO: What are your current goals? KD: We want to put out a seven inch record with outrage records shortly. We’d like to do a short east coast winter tour. “I want to get out of my dry spell. ‘Sup.” Matt. “Its my goal for the Bills to win the super bowl.” Jake. “That’s not a goal, it’s a desire. What does that even have to do with a goal?” Mike. “Field goal.” Jake. “Its my goal to build a time machine and party with a young Steve Keeler.” Matt. “Make that my goal too.” Jake. “I want to get out of my dry spell. ‘Sup.” Matt. “I want to get out of this band.” Sam. MO: Are there any shows planned? KD: “None are currently planned.” Matt. “But when our next show happens, car pool. Go green.” Jake. MO: Favorite Foods? “Cougar Meat” Jake. “A home cooked meal by a southern Belle.” Matt. “Tofu from New China Royal.” Sam. “Good call.” Jake. “It’s the bombdiggedy.” Sam. “Crayons. Lead Paint.” Eric. “We took the liberty to answer this question in Eric’s absence.” MO: Any final comments? KD: “I want a pet ferret. Their awesome and steal your stuff. Go watch the movie “About Schmigt’” Sam. “I want one of the little refrigerators you have to open with a key. Credit Card, you got it.” Jake. “The other day I was watching TV, and I stopped on a program that caught my eye. I was intrigued, interested, as I delved into the story plot. It was desperate housewives. F-my life.” Matt. “Shelly I miss you.” Eric. “This interview is written proof that no girls hang out with us.” Jake. Contact information: www.myspace.com/knucklexdragger or you can find 4/5 of the members down in the Telecom department.

If you are a musician or in a band and want to be interviewed, e-mail me at Stalfos101@gmail.com


Movie Trivia Quiz 1. Which actress hurt her knee in the filming of Forgetting Sarah Marshall?: a- Mila Kunis b- Krsiten Bell c- Liz Cackowski d- Maria Thayer 2. Who was the first choice to cast the role of Pepper Potts in Iron Man?: a- Rachel McAdams b- Julia Roberts c- Reese Witherspoon d- Jessica Alba 3. When did Daredevil make his first appearance in a Marvel Comic book?: a- 1960 b- 1965 c- 1971 d- 1964 4. In the movie Ronin how many automobiles were destroyed?: a- 90 b- 75 c- 80 d- 100 5. The picture of General Hummel (Ed Harris) in The Rock was taken from on of Harris’ early movies. Which movie was it?: a- Radio b- The Firm c- Apollo 13 d- Borderline

ANSWERS: 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c, 5d


Joke of the Week

WORD SEARCH carolbaldwin daredevil

Celebrity Birthdays


October 5 - Bernie Mac 1958, Bobo Balde1975


October 7 - Taylor Hicks 1976, Simon Cowell 1959

rockthevote ronin senate soccer taylorhicks therock thinkfast transfer

October 6 - Richard Seymour 1979, Go So Young 1972 October 8 - Chevy Chase 1943, Matt Damon 1970 October 9 - Zachery Ty Bryan 1981, Sharon Osbourne 1952 October 10 - Brett Favre 1969, Dale Earnhardt Jr. 1974 October 11 - Joan Cusack 1962, Luke Perry 1966

DID YOU KNOW? J If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side. J Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. J Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die. J Most soccer players run 7 miles in a game. J The average person laughs 13 times a day.

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