05-10-11 Cayuga Collegian 5-10-2011

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Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York

Collegian www.cayugacollegian.com

CAYUGABriefs End of the Semester Bird Hike

Vol. 59 Issue 17

May 10, 2011

Cayuga Collegian Awarded First Place By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief Every year student-run newspapers and magazines are reviewed by the American Scholastic Association. This year, the Cayuga Collegian and our Adviser, Mary Merritt, were awarded First Place in Scholastic Newspaper awards for the 2010-2011 academic year. A full list of winners is available for viewing at http://www.asan.com/ asa/aspa1.htm. We’re very proud to see our hard work recognized, and can’t wait to continue the devotion to this paper we so dearly love.

The 5th Annual End of the Semester Bird Hike with Paul Richardson is planned for Monday, May 9th, Wednesday, May 11th, and Friday, May 13th from 11 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. Groups will meet at the gazebo and then walk on the Nature Trail weather permitting All faculty, staff, administration, and students are welcome! The walk is sponsored by the Professional Growth and Scholarship Committee and the Cayuga Community College Faculty Association.

The Cayuga Collegian staff poses with their First Place Certificate. L to R: Kaitlynn Morley, Editor-in-chief Kat Taylor, Sports Editor D.J. DuVall, Marshall Merritt and Mark Comstock.

The Healing Field CCC Lacrosse players Matt Festa (11) and Nate Nelson (17)

Honors for CCC Lacrosse Players Congratulations to Matt Festa (Auburn, NY) and Nate Nelson (Lancaster, PA) for making the 2011 Mid-State Athletic AllConference Men’s Lacrosse Team. Festa led the Spartan offense with 25 goals and 10 assists. Nelson anchored the Spartan’s zone defense with an aggressive style of play and was responsible for 42 ground balls on the season. Freshman defenseman Mike Galka (Auburn, NY) also received some votes from the Mid-State Athletic Conference coaches…who select the team. -Pete Liddell, Director of Athletics


St. Joseph’s School is proud to announce the 2011 Healing Field, Field of Hopes & Dreams. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11. Please support this heartfelt event. This field is for the community and will become a part of Auburn’s History. MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND MAY 27-30, 2011 @ HOOPES PARK IN AUBURN NY. OPENING CEREMONY FRIDAY MAY 27 @ 7PM For those of you who have witnessed this before, you can attest to this Spectacular display! You can open the following link for an order form: http://schools.dor.org/ files/8819/flag%20form%202011.pdf If you are unable to utilize the link for the form, please contact Cheryl (CCC’s contact for the Healing Field) who will get one for you. Cheryl can be reached on the Auburn Campus at ext. 2254, or via e-mail at: Fosterc@cayuga-cc.edu. Flags are $36 each and can be purchased in honor or in memory of someone special in your life. You also have the opportunity to have your flag stored to fly at the September 11th event that will be held at East Middle School. Visit : http://www.healingfield. org/auburn-ny-2011/ to purchase a flag or get more information.

Telecommunications Students Celebrate

By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief

Telecommunications students at Cayuga had more than the upcoming end of semester to celebrate this past week. On May 4th, the RAT (Radio and Television) Guild, hosted the annual Telecommunications Banquet. This year it was sponsored by AmeriCU Credit Union, and held at Auburn Public Theater in downtown Auburn. Rocko Dorsey kicked off the event with music, and there was a cash bar, and great food from Mesa Grande, plus pizza and wings! Students received awards for their work over the past year; among those was our very own Jim Collins. Collins received the Biden award,

which is reserved for graduating s t u d e n t s that achieve excellence in Journalism. The majority of the awards were presented by Division Chair, Steve Keeler, Jim Collins as well as Jeff Szczesniak, who heads Win 89.1 FM, the College’s radio station. The RAT Guild cabinet was also recognized for their hard work. After awards were presented, the students’ film projects were

The R.A.T. Guild Cabinet with Division Chair Steve Keeler (far left). Ryan Parlo, President (far right); Bridget McNally (center), Treasurer; Gussie Mull, Secretary and Michael Reyes, Vice President. CONTINUED WITH MORE PHOTOS BACK PAGE


Opinions An Answer for Hatred Opinions Opinions

Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian

Seriously, Learn To Drive Every morning that I make the trip from my house to Cayuga (Community College) in the morning, I am bombarded with awful drivers. These drivers are everywhere, and there is no avoiding them, but I want to share some opinions on certain things that just drive me crazy. Stop signs are seemingly the most difficult concept to understand in life, “He stopped before me? Okay, I’ll just go now,” says the clueless driver. How could you possibly not have mastered this skill when you were 16? So many times, usually right down the street from the college, I come to a stop, it’s my turn, and some soccer mom cuts me off. I can’t beep at them, because my car is falling apart and my horn stopped working after so much use, all I can do now is quietly rage in my car. I should really get that horn fixed. If there is one thing though that is worse than getting cut off at a

stop sign, it’s getting there after someone, and watch as they try to wave you through. I get it, you’re being nice, but you’re also wasting my time. You obviously got there first, GO! You aren’t going to be impressing the ladies with your excellent hand wave gestures, and you’re only ticking me off, and if you wave me through, don’t wait for me to get moving and suddenly decide I was taking too long, making us both stop, AGAIN. That’s about it, I could go on forever ranting about things people do that make me angry, but I won’t. I’m not an angry person, but something about intersections makes me very irritated. I do not propose any solutions to fix this problem, because I can’t think of anything to fix stupid people, and humans will always be idiots behind the wheel, and it seems to get worse with age. —Garrett Walsh

Grandparents are Important Without grandparents, we wouldn’t have our parents, as we all know. Grandparents love their grandchildren, and they spoil them rotten when it comes to what kids want: whether it is toys, candy, food, or anything they want. I can remember when my grandparents would buy a lot of Schwan’s food for the grandchildren, including me. As we all know, Schwan’s stuff is very expensive. My grandparents were poor, but they still managed to buy food for the grandchildren. They would buy ice cream, and basically any kind of junk food that you’ve always wanted. My favorite would be the frozen ice. Along with food, grandparents are known for telling the grandchildren about their parents, in my case--my mother and father. They would always make jokes about our parents, and it would be pretty funny. There was one time when my grandparents got mad when my mom and aunt would take

The Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be in a word document on a PC formatted disc. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.


the new towels, hang them up, then spray them with aerosol cans. They would get smacked hard by my grandmother, but they lived through it. Still today, our parents would always yell at us if we did something bad. I’ve always wondered how to get our parents back by telling us, kids, that they were bad, too. Grandparents are also known for telling us about life. My grandparents would always tell me that no matter whether there is drama in your life, you can always save it from going overboard. Grandparents always have great wisdom, and strength to deal with grandchildren. Do you know why? Because it always reminds them what our parents were like. However, grandparents are more prepared by the time grandchildren arrive. My Grandparents were definitely prepared for us. Without us, grandparents probably wouldn’t remember flashbacks involving our parents. —Michael Bianco


The Cayuga Collegian staff was in NYC to see Margie Phelps execute her “vision” firsthand. She explained simply how soldiers are dying overseas only as a punishment to America for being so corrupt. If only we’d stop divorcing, stop being gay, stop fornicating and stop sodomizing, soldiers would stop dying, end of story. But it’s not the end of the story for the families of fallen soldiers. Margie Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church and her followers protest soldiers’ funerals chanting hate-speech and holding signs with phrases such as, “Thank God for 9/11”,

“Thank God for IEDS” and “Semper Fi, Semper Fags”. Veterans and bikers have united to allow families to grieve in as much peace as they can provide. These kind veterans and citizens are invited guests to the funerals, and they form a barrier between the protesters and the family of the fallen soldier. They rev the engines on their motorcycles to drown out the protesters’ hate speech, and with the united flag-carrying band of volunteers, it’s almost as if Westboro’s disciples don’t exist. —Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief

How is your Instrument? Many people at one time or another have tried to learn how to play a musical instrument. A large majority of these people give up because the ability to learn basic chords seem too difficult to obtain. There are many causes for this, the quality of the instrument, the motivation behind learning, and the time that is dedicated to practice. I find one of the biggest reasons is the quality of the instrument. There are many different manufactures that make various types and qualities of instruments. Most people get a low quality instrument to start learning on because they don’t want to spend a lot of money on something they might change their mind about. I believe that starting out using a higher quality instrument greatly increases the chance for success. If the instrument is harder to play or has poor sound quality, the person is less likely to practice. Vanity is one of the biggest reasons people will learn an instrument. I find that usually people have a strong motivation toward something they can show off to their friends. I believe that it is also enjoyable to learn to play and be able to benefit others. Some people wanting to fit in

with social cliques will learn an instrument just to be accepted. In order to become great at anything repetition is the key. Lots of people when they first learn how to play, they will practice for a reasonable amount of time. Some people learn enough to play at a basic level and lose the motivation they once had that drove them to practice. Sometimes jobs, education,and family can take up the time of day that once was used to practice. I believe it is better to start music at a young age, because when your young you have more time to spend on hobbies, and entertainment such as learning a musical instrument. I also believe its better to buy a high quality instrument and have the person change their

mind than have them change their mind because of a poor quality instrument. Music has influenced everyone in some way or another. A small amount of time each day is worth the lifetime of enjoyment that music brings. —Emmett Drury

If I ran CCC, I would...

Subject: If I Ran CCC I Would... “...have students deposit their powered-off cell

phones in a bin by the door at the start of class! ” -a frustrated instructor

What would you do if you ran CCC?

Send in your answers to: cayugacollegian@gmail.com with the subject “If I ran CCC”.

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Kids Need Something to Do Kids these days have nothing constructive to do. I feel that it should be a state or even national law, that the government across America make it mandatory to have a fund or program aimed specifically at providing kids something to do, that takes them off the streets, and I’m not talking about a REC center either. I am talking about a legit program in every town that has to provide either a club, amusement park, arcade, concert hall, roller rink or anything that a kid would really want to do When I moved to New Jersey, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had just moved there from New York City where there was constantly something to do, in a generally white, upn I was living in a much nicer araea, higher up in society, the kids had literally nothing to do. We would skateboard in town for lack of anything better to do and we would get arrested for doing so. Then the white suburb wondered why they had such a bad drug problem. It’s simple. Gather up a bunch of youth in a upper-class suburb where money is abundant, combine that with nothing to do for the kids, combine that with a

ghetto that’s a 10 minute car drive away and you have yourself the perfect formula for drug problems. This could be avoided if the kids had something to do. Yeah, we have a public pool, but that’s only good in the summer. Where can kids congregate together without getting hassled by adults and cops? My town decided a Bocce ball court which cost $10,000 was necessary to put into place near the public pool, when kids are getting arrested left and right for drugs, and theft, and vandalism. I wonder why? That $10,000 could have being used to invest in actually opening up a rec center the town started to build and never finished. My whole point in telling you this story is simple. We need a government-run program that’s committed to figuring out ways to get kids off streets, and I’m not talking about under-cover cop programs or bigger juvy/rehab halls. I’m talking about figuring out what it is kids want in each town and try to do your best to provide it so that kids can grow up happy, and continue to grow positively by doing the right thing. —Greg Guevara

New Social Network for Foreign Language Learners Offers Global Language Exchange A free resource was recently launched for students around the globe who are studying foreign languages. Bilingual Chat (bilingualchat.com) allows members to practice a language with native speakers using video/ voice chat, instant messaging, email, and group chat rooms. With growing globalization and the increase in international travel, more and more people are learning foreign languages. However, there is only so much that books and classrooms can teach. To really master a language, a person must practice writing and speaking with natives. Making international friends is one solution to this issue, and allows the student to learn colloquial terms and phrases that aren’t usually part of a formal curriculum. “While immersing oneself in a foreign country is the best way to learn a language, not everyone has access to such time and money,” says Florida Gulf Coast University student Sofia Shepard, in an article published in her university newspaper. “The site serves as an alternative way to interact with a different culture.”



Features of the site include flashdriven voice and video chat, forums, resource blogs, interest groups, chat rooms, a Google Translate tool for interpreting the site content into multiple languages, as well as a soft keyboard for inserting foreign characters and accent marks into chats, comments and blogs. Those interested in




international culture can make friends from around the world, help others with their English, learn about foreign countries, and get first-hand travel advice. “Bilingual Chat crosses virtual borders and breaks language barriers by promoting global communication and cultural awareness,” says the founder and 2008 Davidson College graduate. “Use of the website is fun, educational, and will advance your language proficiency in your own home and on your own schedule.”

-Jamie Sprenger


CCC Alumni Association Awards 27 Scholarships To Area High School Seniors On May 1, Cayuga Community College recognized 27 area high school seniors with scholarships to help cover the cost of tuition when they begin their studies at Cayuga this fall. The College hosted the students and their families at an awards breakfast in the Faculty/ Staff Dining Room on the Auburn Campus. College President Daniel P. Larson welcomed the students and congratulated them on their scholastic achievements. “You are among our best and brightest,” Larson said. “You will be entering the College at a very dynamic point in its history with a number of projects in the works, including an expansion into a new facility for our Fulton Campus, the construction of a new arts education and performance center in downtown Auburn, and the exploration of student housing and outdoor athletic facilities. We hope that you take advantage of all the opportunities a Cayuga education opens up for you, and we wish you great success here, and beyond.” Sponsored by the Auburn Community College/Cayuga Community College Alumni Association, the awards breakfast highlights the incoming students with merit-based scholarships who have all been accepted into the College’s Honors Program.

The Honors option is designed for academically motivated students wishing to study the liberal arts and sciences and ultimately preparing to transfer to a four-year college. “The Alumni Association is pleased to once again sponsor this event,” Director of Alumni Affairs Louise B. Wilson said to the students. “It’s hard to imagine right now, but before you know it, you will be an alum. Hopefully, you will continue your education, but wherever your path takes you, we hope you don’t forget where it all began - right here at Cayuga.” The College gave out full-tuition Honors Scholarships to Philip F. DeCicca of Auburn High School and Patricia J. Stephenson of Mexico Academy. These scholarships not only cover the cost of tuition, but also any fees. They were selected based on their academic excellence by the Honors Committee, which is made up of representatives from the admissions office and the Honors Program. College Foundation Executive Director Jeffrey Hoffman said that the foundation awards nearly $300,000 annually in scholarships to Cayuga students, and reminded students and families to apply for second-year student scholarships next spring. “We give out even more money to second-year students,”

Hoffman said. “So keep your eye out for those opportunities next year.” In addition to Wilson, the ceremony featured several speakers from the College, including Bruce Blodgett, director of admissions; Kathy Gross, math professor and Honors Program coordinator; and Mary Bulkot, English professor and Honors Program coordinator. Other award recipients are: Antonino and Matteo Bartolotta Scholarships of Merit Connor H. Terry of Weedsport, Weedsport Jr./Sr. High School Emily K. Sherman of Auburn, Auburn High School Erica M. Baird of Jordan, Cato-Meridian High School Kathryn G. Carter of Auburn, Southern Cayuga High School

Freshman Scholarships of Merit Kimberly S. Rose of Fulton, G. Ray Bodley High School Eamon G. Teeling of Wolcott, Sodus Central School Edward A. Chalon of Cato, Cato-Meridian High School Jennifer B. Marshall of Auburn, Auburn High School Chelsea L. Morrissey of Union Springs, Southern Cayuga High School Joseph E. Copeland of Skaneateles, Skaneateles Central School Tia M. Segretto of Memphis, Jordan-Elbridge High School Patrick D. DeSantis of Skaneateles, Tyburn Academy Zachary C. Simolo of Seneca Falls, Mynderse Academy James R. Chetney of Oswego, Oswego High School Joseph W. Rusaw of Fulton, G. Ray Bodley High School

Richard Bunn Memorial Scholarship Teri J. Stornelli of Auburn, Dana L. West High School

Margaret E. DeLine of Central Square, Paul V. Moore High School

Vincent M. Klein Scholarship Michael J. Ferlenda of Auburn, Auburn High School Christina M. Giroux of Martville, Cato-Meridian High School

Crue V. Dutcher of Savannah, Clyde-Savannah High School Ketelyn N. Ford of Hannibal, Hannibal Central School Peter G. Klock of Auburn, Union Springs High School

Kenneth and Margaret Lesch Jahn Memorial Scholarship Andrew D. Schemerhorn of Auburn, Auburn High School William and Esther Norris Scholarships Kyle L. Glanville of Moravia, Moravia High School Audriana M. Murray of Genoa, Southern Cayuga High School

CCC Hosts Baltimore Police Recruitment Event May 14 In Auburn

New Initiative to Help Make Graduating Students Aware of the New Health Coverage Options under the Affordable Care Act

The Baltimore City Police Department—the eighth largest police force in the United States— has selected Cayuga Community College to assist with recruiting in New York. Representatives from the Baltimore Police Department will offer its Civil Service Test at 10 a.m. on May 14 and its fitness test following the completion of the written test at Cayuga’s Auburn Campus, 197 Franklin St. The test is free and open to any high school graduate (or the equivalent GED) 20 years or older with a valid driver’s license. No pre-registration is required. The department is hiring 300 new officers this year and more next year. “All applicants that pass both portions will be processed, and upon successful completion of the entire background process, they will be offered full-time employment with the department,” said Detective Gregory W. Ostrander, who is coordinating the recruitment event. “The Baltimore Police Department processes applications continuously and faster than most departments. There is funding for these positions and the spots need to be filled this year. We’re eager to get to the Cayuga campus and find some new recruits.” The department selected Cayuga to be its recruitment center because of its central location in the state

Education (ED) Secretary Arne Duncan and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius launched a new initiative to help educate graduating college and university seniors about their new health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act. Thanks to the new law, many young adults will be eligible to remain on their parent’s health insurance plan until their 26th birthday. The Secretaries sent letters to college and university presidents as well as student body presidents encouraging them to help spread that information to college students. “Young adults shouldn’t have to lose their health insurance on graduation day,” said Sebelius. “Under the Affordable Care Act, many young adults have more health coverage choices, including the opportunity to stay on their parent’s health insurance plan until they are 26 years old.” It is estimated that approximately 1.2 million young adults may be eligible to stay on their parent’s health plan, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. In the past, many young adults were removed from their parent’s health plan when they graduated from college. “Americans in their twenties are almost twice as likely to go without


and because it has a strong criminal justice program. Currently, 427 Cayuga Community College students take criminal justice courses online or at the Auburn or Fulton campus. “I think that this is a great employment opportunity for anyone who wants to enter into law enforcement,” said Cayuga Criminal Justice Professor John Lamphere. People interested in applying for a position are encouraged to show up 30 minutes before the start time and to bring athletic gear for the fitness test. The written exam tests the areas that are important for success as a police officer, including the ability to learn, remember, and apply facts; ability to remember faces and details about people and events; ability to use logic and reasoning to solve? problems related to police work; and personal interests. The fitness test challenges applicants to complete sit-ups (29) and push-ups (20 for men, 10 for women) within a minute, demonstrate flexibility, run 1.5 miles in 16:28 minutes, and control a firearm in both the weak and strong hand. For more information, contact the Baltimore City Police Recruitment Unit at 410-396-2340 or visit the web site at www.BaltimorePolice.org and click “Join the Team.”

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health insurance as older adults, making them vulnerable to debt from high medical bills,” Duncan said. “We want to work with college and university presidents and campus leaders to ensure more young adults can get the coverage and care they need to stay healthy, even if they are unemployed or looking for a job.” The letter outlined several ways university officials and student leaders can reach out to graduating students: • Universities or student groups can post a new “badge” on their website that automatically links to information about how students can remain on a parent’s health insurance plan. Download the badge by visiting www.healthcare. gov/stay_connected.html#ya. • Flyers outlining the new benefits can be distributed to students and are available for download at www. healthcare.gov/center/brochures/ new_benefits_for_graduates_and_ young_adults.pdf. • HHS and ED will help colleges or student groups host a session to explain insurance options. • Information for young adults and parents about coverage for individuals under age 26 is available on a Facebook page that can be found at: www.facebook. com/youngadultcoverage.


Collegian Adviser Embarks on New Adventure By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief Long-time Cayuga Collegian adviser and CCC Telcom Department A s s i s t a n t Professor Mary Merritt is getting a new title soon. In addition to her duties at Mary G. Merritt the college and running her public relations and graphic design company, MGM Word Studio, Inc., Merritt will join her husband, Donald, in a brand new venture planning cruises and travel. “My husband has served in the Syracuse Fire Department for more than 20 years and as a Lieutenant in charge of the Training Division for the past three years, he is looking into retiring,” explained Merritt. “I told him he needed to find something to do with his time because I planned to keep teaching, writing and designing.” So, the couple researched different options and finally came upon the one idea that made the most sense for both of them--

planning cruises and travel for other people. “I love the ocean and we love to cruise on it,” said Merritt. “My husband is so organized and meticulous about details, all of our trips have gone smoothly. We find cruising is a great way to visit different places and only unpack once. Also, since everything you need from entertainment to restaurants is on board... ‘cruising’ definitely helps cut down the time spent on hunting for good places to eat or for things to do...on board there is something for everyone. We love participating in many of the ship’s activities like the trivia contests, The Newlywed Game, (which they’ve won twice), and Karaoke. We even won the title of Perfect Couple on one cruise-but you’ll have to ask our youngest son what we had to do to win that one. Unfortunately, I think he was scarred for life after that! ” Merritt and her husband took their first cruise two years into their marriage on a ship named ‘The Starward’. “Stars have been a big influence in my life ever since,” Merritt

said. “My first car was a Toyota Starlet, my first pediatrician for my sons was named Dr. Starr, I owned a Windstar van, I worked for a woman named ‘Starr’ and I before I cognitively made the ‘star’ connection--I designed the logo for MGM Word Studio, Inc. with a ‘star’ in it.” Merritt said it was an eerie coincidence after she was diagnosed with Stage III colorectal cancer six years ago, that the symbol for Colorectal Cancer is a blue ribbon shaped like a star. “So it only made sense to call our new division of MGM Word Studio, Inc. ‘Starfire Cruises’,” she said. The Merritts bought a franchise of the nationally-renown, awardwinning and accredited company called Cruise Planners. In May, the Merritts will travel to Florida to attend Cruise Planners University to add a degree in cruising to their vast experience of vacationing on ships.

“It’s an excellent company and program,” said Merritt. “We’ll not only be able to offer people firsthand experience and advice, with the Cruise Planners buying power, we can offer our clients the best prices, even better than on the Internet, with in some instances, shipboard extras.” Merritt hopes to organize some group travel packages. “I’ve had many students tell me they would love to go on a cruise, but they’re too intimidated to go by themselves. Hopefully, I can help them get where they want to go at a price they can afford.” Starfire Cruises is ready for reservations. For more information call 315-673-9194 or email them at donandmary@starfirecruises.com. You can also check out their website at starfirecruises.com.

Business Students Learn Valuable Lessons from April Guest In April, business instructor Amy Valente’s Business students heard from disabled veteran Les Swartz, 2009 Small Business Person of the Year, U.S. SBA Syracuse District. Swartz grew his safety equipment company from a residential garage to assist fire departments and ambulance services in Southern New York and now Federal Safety Equipment, Inc. is recognized throughout New York and Pennsylvania. As FSE President, Swartz’s intuitive management style-foresight, dedication, consistency and daring—helped him expand from a simple start-up in a garage to a 38,000 square foot facility with revenues exceeding $1.5 million. He employs six, plans to diversify and hire two more in Candor, NY, a small town sorely in need of employment opportunities. Swartz’s presentation included humor along with advice. “Don’t procrastinate on making a business decision,” he told the students, “just dive in and take the plunge. Business is risky, but you’ll never know ‘til you try.” He said creating a budget within the first few years of starting up gets a handle on costs. He also stressed the importance of passion for the business.“If you want an 8-to-5 job, you should not start your own business,” he said. Swartz works from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on weekends, but he loves it. “Work smarter, not harder!” he said. “Ask dumb questions; it’s better than making dumb mistakes, and learn from your mistakes.” Sometimes it’s easier and simpler to have small companies rather than large companies as customers, he said. Customer focus is so important that Swartz keeps track of all customers and proactively contacts

them when their next services are due. “Customers are hard to get. Once you get them, you need to keep them,” he said. Swartz empowers employees to make their own decisions, considering them a core strength of the company. The majority were raised in the emergency services environment and understand the need for prompt and accurate service, he said. Fiscally conservative, Swartz makes all of his own marketing materials, brochures and business cards. Under the leadership of Les Swartz and his family, FSE has an exciting and dynamic future. Its original mission--to provide medical supplies to the EMS services as well as fire equipment to local fire departments--has evolved, adding vehicle sales for ambulance and emergency response as well as manufacturing small fire apparatus (fire response vehicles). Les Swartz President Federal Safety Equipment, Inc. SERVICE DISABLED VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS PO Box 73, Candor, NY 13743 Allison DiMatteo, owner of and president of Crème Della Crème Copywriting & Communication, LLC, also shared what she learned over the years and received feedback from her visit to Valente’s marketing class in April. Students found DiMatteo very genuine during the discussion and learned a lot from her talk., Valente said. They learned a lot from DiMatteo: *Stay true to your word and what you’re known for. *Freelancing can become a career.

Les Swartz, President, Federal Safety Equipment, Inc. *Use your talent and market it to people who need it. *Don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your current boundaries. *A lot goes into pricing services to make a profit. *When marketing, consider : So what? Who cares? What’s in it for me? *Resumes are personal marketing tools--show action and results. *Do what no one else will or can do to make yourself irreplaceable. *Sometimes you learn the most from failures. *Building and maintaining customer relationships are very important. *Work in different fields within your major to figure out what you like. *Even small businesses can be very successful with will power and dedication.


*Find a niche. *A college education is very important. *A career does not have to be completely planned out. Sometimes, you suddenly stumble on what you really want to do in life. *Find mentors to help you start a business. *Research, ask for opinions, and test the waters when developing marketing communications. Valente said DiMatteo was “absolutely great!” covering her journey through life, personal lessons and sharing marketing tips with the class. Valente appreciated DiMatteo’s mention of starting out in a particular niche because the class had previously discussed this approach. She considered this presentation “a wonderful supplement for this class.”


Bringing Business to Auburn New Student Housing? By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief

Several businesses that have come to Auburn don’t stay very long. In an effort to promote economic growth and business ventures that last, there’s the Stardust Entrepreneurial Institute. This is different from the Stardust Foundation, which aims to make investments, not grants, that better the community. This could mean increasing capacity of a notfor-profit organization, or a project that creates jobs, or supports the arts. One such project was to fund renovations to Auburn Memorial Hospital’s maternity ward. The renovations will give the facility the upgrades it needs to support the community at roughly 500 births they’re estimated to have this year. Guy Cosentino, former Mayor of Auburn and columnist of The Citizen, was hired by the Foundation in the spring of 2007. One of the projects he helped to create was the birth of the Stardust Entrepreneurial Institute. “It’s a great economic first stop,” Cosentino says. Budding entrepreneurs and those in need of business expertise should speak to someone at the Institute, located at 2 State Street in downtown Auburn. The first floor of the building is in fact used mainly by the community and Cayuga Community College. There are business incubators, conference rooms for teleconferencing, and even a SMART classroom. On July 1st there will even be “a grantwriter’s library; for educators, local government, community and not-forprofits,” Cosentino stated. The Stardust Entrepreneurial Institute is a major investor of the Musical Theater Festival, which along with CCC will own the new building that will replace the now demolished Kalet building. Other than the boost for Auburn the proposed $1.1 million project will accomplish, the removal of the Kalet building was also “removing

By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief

an urban blight issue,” Cosentino said. The Institute thoroughly researches all their investments, “We don’t just write checks,” Cosentino said. Anything over five hundred thousand requires a partnership. An example is an important piece of equipment for Cayuga Counseling called a “culposcope” which helps women after a rape. In this partnership, Auburn Memorial Hospital provided nurses, and training was provided by Cayuga County. The Stardust Entrepreneurial Institute has even tackled illiteracy in our area with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Helping create a branch here in Auburn, sixty thousand books were given for free to children over the last three years. This program is free to all children under the age of five, regardless of income. They want to encourage parents to read to their children, and with an estimated 19% of Auburn suffering illiteracy, it’s important. “We don’t pay for operating money necessarily; we want to pay for things that are investments to community and can be sustained,” Cosentino stated. Foundation cannot give money to businesses, but to not-for-profit organizations only. Startup businesses do come in to the Entrepreneurial Institute (economic first stop) and/or the small business development center at OCC. To get money from the Stardust Foundation must be 501(c)3, Cosentino explains. This designation exempts benefits for cancer patients et cetera, the Foundation cannot participate. An organization must be certified by Federal government to have the 501(c)3 designation. The plan is for Cayuga Community College to operate the building at 2 State Street by mid-2012.

Some changes under way have been noted in the May 6th President’s Report, one being the recent acquisition of the old P&C Building to become the new CCC Fulton campus. Another is the controversial Arts and Education Center, formerly the Kalet building. The demolition complete, two workgroups are currently engaged in planning for the physical structure to be constructed, and for programming that will be delivered, the President’s report states. Construction is estimated to commence this Fall, with completion a year later. Capital projects were also mentioned, including a new Child Care Center, and re-design of the area of the Auburn campus between

Spartan Hall and Prospect Street. This will include the old bookstore and along the current library location. No decisions have been made for what the space will be used for as of yet, but discussions are under way to decide how best to utilize it for the opportunities it could present to students. Student Housing, a hot button issue for many students, is being addressed by the Housing Committee. All factors are being taken into consideration before a decision can be reached, such as design and location, cost, required staffing, and programs and services that would be needed to make the project a success. The Board of Trustees anticipates making a decision later this spring.

Add a Member to Your Family for the Summer

by D.J. DuVall, Sports Editor

Expecting a boring summer? Here is an idea that could make it much more enjoyable for you, your family, and a lucky child from New York City. The Fresh Air fund was started in 1877 and has been sending children from NYC to places considered to be a little more “country” ever since. Last summer the program provided over 4,000 children with free vacations, and looks to add to the growing list in the summer of 2011. The demand for families is high as more NYC children hear about the program and want to experience life outside the city for a few short weeks.

Some of these children have never left the city limits, and have never been introduced to many insects, animals, or even something as simple as sitting around a campfire. It can turn out to be quite the eye-opener for them, and if the new addition is a good fit, they can continue to visit every summer. For more information contact Anya Korshak at 1-800-367-8931, or email her at akorshak@freshair.org. You can also visit the website at www. freshair.org and get all the details about bringing a temporary addition of life into your home.

It’s Finals Time Again! by Alyssa Angyal, Staff Writer

Did the end of the year approach too fast? Or did it seem to drag on by? Either way, the end of the year is here now at Cayuga Community College and many students are trying their best to get ready for finals. There are quite a few ways for students to get ready for the finals. Of course the biggest thing is studying. CCC freshman Micheal Rickerson is one of the students that are going to study. He said that he would look over his notes and try his best on the few finals in his classes. CCC sophomore Julia Ryan is another student who wants to study before her finals. “I will go in a quiet place such as my room, and I will read and re-read all my study packets until I memorize all the term definitions and everything else we’re supposed to know.” “To get ready for the finals I do mulitiple things. I complete practice tests in the text books and on the computer, I study from the workbook that goes along with text book, and I


study highlighted or important areas in the handouts/ study guides that were given throughout the semester. Study and hope for the best!” Sophomore Laura Blaisdel said. “To get ready for finals I make flash cards re-read my notes study with friends, attend study groups and de-stress by eating well and listening to music right before the test.” Said sophomore PJ Mickle. Luckily for CCC freshman Katie Smith, she took notes in one of her classes. Which takes the place of her final. But she said that she would go over her notes and study for the rest of her classes. Some students however find it hard to concentrate on studying. Freshman Bill Bryant is one of those students. “I sort of study. I end up getting too distracted to study.” While some students decide it’s best not to study. Sophomore Molly Drancsak happens to be one of those students. “I don’t really study for finals.”

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Meet Lacrosse Spartan Nick Topichak by D.J. DuVall, Sports Editor

Nick Topichak, or as his friends call him “Tope”, is a sophomore here at Cayuga Community College in Auburn. He is majoring in GIS, or Geographic Information Systems, and has plans of transferring next fall. Tope is a 2009 graduate of Weedsport high school, where lacrosse was not one of the sports

offered. He began playing in his freshman year at CCC, and says that “This year’s group was more of a team than last season. Once we got to know each other, team chemistry was pretty good.” Tope started this season as a goalie but due to lack of athletes, he was moved to defense between the Fall Ball season, and the regular

season. “We should have went club, because more players would have been eligible to play” Tope added. He helped lead the Spartans to four victories this season, as the Spartans closed out 2011 with a 4-9 record. Tope will be transferring to Morrisville and plans to continue his lacrosse career as a Mustang in the fall.

Hey, Whatcha Got In There? Real Deals… Nick “Tope” Topichak

CCC to host Peace Festival May 20 in Fulton The Cayuga Community College Student Activities Board and student organizations will host a Peace Festival from noon to 6 p.m. on Friday, May 20 at the Fulton Campus, 806 West Broadway. The event is free and open to the public. “The Peace Festival is really a celebration of the end of our academic year,” said Director of Student Activities Norman Lee. “It will have a carnival-like atmosphere and we’re hoping to attract families in the area as well as the campus community. We’ve got lots of activities, food, and music. It’s going to be a lot of fun.” The festival will feature karaoke, tie-dying T-shirts, dunk tank, and carnival games. People of all ages can also participate in a range of “inflatable activities,” including Sumo wrestling, bouncing boxing, and bungee bowling. Most of the events are free or available for a minimal fee. Caricature artist J.P. Crangle will be on hand to do drawings for people, and pop/rock artist Travis Rocco will provide the musical entertainment. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, smoothies, and popular carnival foods like popcorn, cotton candy, and fried dough will be available for purchase. “I hope everyone will come enjoy this event with their families and friends,” said event organizer Angela Wornick, student activity coordinator at the Fulton Campus. “The Fulton Campus is a great place, and we want to show it off and let people in the community know that we’re a resource for them.” The event was organized by Wornick and students Heidie Donahue, Kiaya Cali, Kathy Curley, Michael Butterfield, Cralynne Abbott, and Carey Fleming from the Fulton Campus and Tanya Crane and Missy Weatherstone from the Auburn Campus. Members of all the student organizations are also assisting with the event.

by Kaitlynn Morley, Contributing Writer

By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief

Have you ever That’s the least of my wondered, “Am I worries.” the only one that Another student has a messy car?” Brandi Slone added, Don’t be worried; “I work a part time unkempt vehicles job and I go to school seem to be a trend full-time. I am always going on with on the go and with the Cayuga students. last couple weeks of As the semester school my car seems comes to an end to look like I am it seems that most starting a collection of students tend to fast- food cups. And worry more about (I) have my very own their school work, library.” This is the Brandi Slone and less about much last week of classes else. Especially the way the inside for CCC students; maybe then a sunny their vehicle looks. CCC Student day will be the calling to get rid of Caitlin Smith states, “I have more that trash. If the car on my mind then is at all indicative to throw out the of normal routine… excess trash in my imagine what their car and worry about bedrooms look like. how neat it may be.

In our last issue of the semester I have a few last money-saving ideas for all those recognizing the value of saving money in this recession. One of which is a store called Real Deals in the Movieplex plaza in Auburn. Real Deals is a “dollar” store in the sense that everything they sell never costs more than a dollar, but some items cost less. Real Deals is a store to check out regularly, as they have such bargains that when the really good things come in their doors, they go out in customers’ hands just as quickly. Manufacturers and large stores sell their excess merchandise to places like Real Deals at a severe discount to purge it from warehouses and shelves when off-season or overstocked. Items from stores such as Kohls and Sears have been spotted at Real Deals, and these are undamaged goods, great deals to be had! Another great money (and time!) saver is Amazon Student. Last issue I mentioned getting your mom an Amazon Mom account, but you can benefit too. Amazon Student allows students with a valid .edu address to a free year of Prime membership. Prime allows for unlimited free two-day shipping and 3.99 per item one day shipping. This membership normally costs $79, so it’s something to take advantage of while you’re a student, and then save money with the bargains Amazon gives versus retail pricing. I know most students are avid cell phone users, so something else to consider is looking for free apps that can save you money. Android users can download free apps such as: “Coupons” and “Shopping” – which give you discounts and coupons in your location, and also spot gas deals! These aren’t the times to worry about having the latest thing, or the newest electronics. Rather, it shows a stronger person that you can manage and stretch the money you possess, and maintain what you have. My repair technician informed me recently that I was lucky to have even my four year old dishwasher versus what’s in stores today. “They’re crap,” he said simply.

The Grass Could Be Greener By Kat Taylor, Editor-in-chief The focus on being “green” is a big one these days, with concerns about the environment at an all-time high. Most people know that they are supposed to recycle, and it is even required by law for several materials. There are however, questions that aren’t easy to find the answers to. One example is, what are we supposed to do with household batteries? Your typical alkaline nonrechargeable batteries (such as AA, AAA, C and D) have been deemed by the Environmental Protection Agency to be hazardous, and should never be just tossed into the trash. According a March 2002 EPA Enforcement Alert, “The law serves two purposes: to phase out the use of mercury in batteries, and to provide for the efficient and cost-effective collection and recycling or proper disposal of used nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries, used small sealed leadacid (SSLA) batteries, and certain other regulated batteries.” Batteries leak poisonous elements into the Earth, and also into the air especially when waste is incinerated. What to do with them instead? Although the Battery Act is in place largely to facilitate consumer

awareness and keep batteries out of landfills, it’s extremely difficult to try to figure out what else to do with them. Looking online you can find recycling services to send your batteries to, but there is a cost. Earth911.org is a search engine where you look for services near you, but finding one that takes nonchargeable batteries may prove difficult. Also important to keep in mind: your choice of materials, no matter the purchase. When you order a coffee, make sure not to get it in a Styrofoam cup. Styrofoam takes the longest to decompose, as illustrated in the chart below: one Styrofoam cup will still be here over a million years from now. When you shop for groceries, a reusable bag is always the best choice but if you’ve left them at home, pick paper, not plastic. Plastic is almost as bad as Styrofoam, but a paper bag will decompose in one year. Making the Earth last a little longer seems like a lot of work, but knowledge really is power. Knowing what harmful choices you can avoid can make all the difference.



Telcom Students Celebrate...

CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE viewed, provoking laughter and reminiscence among those in attendance. Two days later, the RAT Guild sponsored the first annual Teleprom. For two dollars, all students were invited to refreshments and a DJ in the Spartan gym. The event was a chance for students to dress up and mingle, which was a great idea, and a great way to carry the fun of May 6th’s Awards event over to Friday. Students shared again the moments from the Telcom Banquet with those that missed it, and celebrated also the upcoming graduation for many. PHOTOS BY KAT TAYLOR AND OTHERS

CCC Alum and Telcom Major Rockey Dorsey performed at the Telcom Banquet.

R.A.T. Guild President Ryan Parlo

Steve Keeler and Lucy Hall

Josh Cook, Lance Hall, Jon Stamp and Kyle Winder. CCC Alum Yovi Valiz

CCC Alum Jeffrey M. Szczesniak

Lauren Maltese, Chase Sereno, Ryan Parlo, and Gussie Mull with her friend.

The cool dudes at the fun table.

Lucy Lynne Hall, Tess Eller, and Megan McLaughlin

Benni Lee Janssen, , Megan McLaughlin, and Joe Librandi-Cowan

Lucy Lynne Hall, Former CCC Instructor and CCC Alum Dave Rowe and Tess Eller

Steve Keeler, Mike Cortese, Bruce Walter and Josh Rogalski

Lauren Maltese


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