March 31 2015 cayuga collegian vol 61 issue 17

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Collegian Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York

CAYUGABRIEFS Long time CCC staff member retires

Wish Carolyn Guariglia well in her retirement!

Dr. DeCinque fine after procedure It was reported through a campuswide email last week that interim CCC President Dr. Gregory DeCinque was admitted to a hospital with chest pains. Fortunately, he underwent a minor procedure and is now recovering.

CCC Library wants your old games “The Library would like your assistance. Sometimes the students need a little break from their studies, so we have designated an area for puzzles and games to help them relax. As you start your spring cleaning, if you have any puzzles or games that you no longer use, would you consider donating them to the Library? Not only do the students use them, but when community users and employees take a break, they walk by and add a piece or two in the puzzle. Thank you for helping us to make the Library a friendly place to study and work.” —Sherry Kelsey

Vol. 61 Issue 17 March 31, 2015

Change is coming to CCC

By Kelsey McLean, Co- Editor-in-chief

You might not be aware of it, in County gives the school permission fact you might not be aware of it to update them. at all, but there’s already changes There’s a very good reason why happening in CCC. the proposed budget Interim President is what everyone’s DeCinque recently talking about, gave his President’s though, and there’s Report, detailing the good reason to. With school’s plan of action Governor Cuomo’s for the next few performance based months or so. proposal still under Some of these review, the fate of have been well the school is still in advertised-- the new the air, and it could sexual assault policy, go either way. While the school’s fears of DeCinque has tried the new proposed his best to plan for the budget-- while others future, meeting with less so. One of the the Board Finance less advertised Committee to plan proposals, the out the new 15-16 Energy Performance budget, it’s difficult to Dr. Gregory DeCinque Contract, however, is plan for a future that one that ought to be -- the school’s is so unsure. Despite this, however, terrible inconsistency with its DeCinque has promised to share heating and air condition are more specific details in the coming notorious throughout the whole weeks -- “It is my goal to keep campus, and the boilers are fit to everyone aware of the facts about burst, some of them being nearly what we face over the next several fifty years old and ready to fall apart years.” any time. It will be a relief when the What everyone wants to know,

however, ominous new budget aside, is the search for a new permanent president. With the search well underway, the candidates have already been chosen for the job. The committee was held on March 6th to review each of the 12 candidates. The ones who pass the review will be interviewed, narrowing it down even further to just 3 or 4 candidates, to be submitted to the board of trustees -- your new possible president. While the potential candidates are all kept under lock and key, rumors will spread regardless, and the word on the street is that there’s people right here at CCC with their eyes on the prize. Who will be our new president, then? No one knows for sure, only the Presidential Search committee, but we all wait with bated breath. No matter what though, with whatever budget we have, and whoever president we have, the school will move along -- just like it always does.


What is Cyrotherapy? By Dustin Albino, Sports Editor

By definition, cyrotherapy is the extreme cold in surgery or medical treatment. However, the treatment wasn’t all that big until 2011. Cyrotherapy is one of the new ways that athletes treat their body. In 2011, American sprinter Justin Gatlin showed up at the World Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Daegu, South Korea, with frostbite on his feet. This condition was painful — he told reporters that he had blisters on both heels — but it was also improbable, given that he’d developed the frostbite in Florida in August. But Mr. Gatlin had been sampling one of the newest, trendiest innovations in elite athlete training. He’d gone into a whole-body cryotherapy chamber, and his feet had frozen there. Whole-body cryotherapy is, essentially, ice baths taken to a new and otherworldly level, and it is drawing considerable attention among athletes, both elite and recreational. In the cryotherapy chambers, the ambient temperature is lowered to a numbing minus 110 Celsius or minus 166 Fahrenheit.

This seems to be like a bad treatment then right? Wrong. Athletes have always been noted with taking extreme cold ice baths after practices or even performances on their field of concentration. It is often noted with football players, which is why they have picked up on cyrotherapy. Cyrotherapy is like no other athletic treatment, it is extreme. Current star on the Real Madrid soccer team, Christiano Ronaldo recently purchased one of these ice chambers. And with two threeminute sessions a week he has taken his already incredible strength and fitness to another level. Ronaldo would sleep in the chamber and occasionally, allowing its revolutionary high-altitude conditions that would increase red blood cells meaning oxygen reached the muscles more quickly, delaying fatigue and speeding his post-match recovery. Now that cyrotherapy is out to the public, many athletes have used it to their advantage. It will be interesting to see on how it transforms in the next decade or so.

PBL is selling Easter Candy The Phi Beta Lambda business club is doing a fundraiser to help students to go to the PBL national conference in Chicago in June. They are selling Gertrude Hawk chocolate bars with Easter wrapping for $1.50 each. There are a variety of flavors including: Dark Chocolate Coconut, Dark Chocolate Raspberry, Dark Chocolate Mint, Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate Caramel, Peanut Butter, White Chocolate, Almond and Crispy. Contact Amy Valente or ask a PBL member to order before Easter!


OPINIONS Here’s how I see it!

Take a tip, before you take a trip!

Caleb Slater

I don’t know what’s scarier, the idea of flying, or the idea of paying WAY too much to fly in the first place. If any of you plan on taking a trip this summer, then it’s a good idea to follow some of the insider secrets to save you money on booking a flight that the airlines don’t want you to know about.

For s t a r t e r s , focus on the journey, not the destination. To put that in better terms, you should explore your flight options. Often times your layover, (If you have one), will make a price difference in the grand scheme of things. Even the airport you fly out of can make a difference, for example when I was booking my flight to Orlando, I found two different flights from the airline company Delta, one that flies out of Rochester and another that flies out of Syracuse, keep in mind that was the only difference in the two flights; they had the same layover, return and departure days, with similar departure times, but for some reason the Syracuse flight was almost $50 more expensive! Another thing to keep in mind is your date of departure, this is a

big tip, because for some reason people tend to fly most frequently on Mondays and the weekend, so by booking on any other day, you’re bound to save money. I’ll give you another example with my flight to Orlando, I was originally looking to fly out on a Friday afternoon, until I saw the same flight was $35 cheaper on a Thursday afternoon! Trust me, the day of departure makes a difference. This next tip sounds a bit strange and won’t necessarily work for everyone, bit it doesn’t hurt to try checking Facebook, that’s right Facebook. More and more airlines have taken the initiative to interact with their customers over social media sources, such as Facebook and often times will promote their sales and deals over the site. The only issue with the Facebook flight is that their post is sent out to a wide array of people around the world and by the time you see it they could be sold out, so if you take the Facebook option you’ve got to act fast! Try,try again. If you’re not satisfied with your pricing options, check back again the next day, as airlines tend to lower their prices as the day of departure grows near. Don’t wait too long though, as you might end up missing an opportunity with a flight getting completely booked and that’s the last thing you want to happen. Check a plethora of sites, as I stated before, be open to explore your flight options, this same pinch of advice can be said about the very source that you use to book your flight in the first place. Different websites can offer a specific set of deals. Don’t be afraid to check the official airline website, as well. The official airline websites are often overlooked, which is strange because that’s where you can find offers specific to that particular airline and that’s also where you’ll find oh information on luggage pricing, which is pretty handy to know. When I purchased my flight to Orlando, I did it right off of the Delta website because I discovered, through the other sites I checked that Delta was giving out consistently low rates. Just to recap, be sure to: explore your flight options, fly TuesdayThursday, check on social media sources, such as Facebook and just keep checking. It has often been said that flying is the cheapest way to travel, other than walking, hopefully these insider tips will make your trip the most economical as well!




Give me liberty or at least not a Bush! By by Kevin Shutter, staff writer

Monday morning March, 23rd America Senator Cruz hasn’t lost Senator Ted Cruz announced his any sleep due to the comments candidacy for the Republican from a hardly conservative John nomination for President in 2016. McCain. Cruz announced his candidacy at The Republican Party since the Liberty University in Lynchburg, end of the 1980’s has failed to propel Virginia. A mere 100 miles from a conservative candidate to the the spot and 240 years to the day party’s nomination for President. when Patrick Henry stood up and It has been moderate Republican said his iconic words “Give me after moderate Republican. The liberty or give me death.” names Bob Dole and John McCain Ted Cruz has ascended in our come to mind. political system at a very rapid Both parties in every election pace. Much like everything else he cycle never fail to equate their has done in his life Senator Cruz has own campaigns to that of the late excelled in his role in the Senate Ronald Reagan, who still holds the much like his days at Harvard and record for not only the greatest Princeton where he was a champion Parliamentary debater. Unlike most in his position Ted Cruz came from a very modest upbringing. Cruz’s father was born in Cuba and he lived there until he was 18 years of age. During the 1950’s the elder Cruz joined the anti Bautista movement in hopes of ousting the brutal dictator. At 17 years of age he was imprisoned and tortured by the regime. At 18, he was able to escape to the Florida Keys, and from there he hopped on a Greyhound bus to the freedom that is Austin, Texas. Cruz’s father never let his son forget the true meaning of America and his struggle Republican United States Senator Ted to get here. He is quoted Cruz from Texas announced last week saying “I must have told that he is a candidate for the office of Ted a dozen times ‘when I was in Cuba and they United States President in 2016. took away our freedoms, I had a place to go. If we lose our landslide victory in a presidential freedoms here, where are we going election in American History, to go’?” These lessons from his but he also still holds the highest father certainly shaped Senator approval rating of any former Cruz’s political mindset. president. A Ted Cruz Presidency It has been the teachings from will look to be a lot like the third his father that has fueled his desire term of Reagan. Much like the first for success. From his early days at George. H. W. Bush term promised “The Free Enterprise Institute” to be. Read my lips “No new taxes.” where he studied the Constitution, Cruz’s beliefs are in line with a as well as the Federalist Papers, and vast majority of Americans and his the debates during the ratification no nonsense approach at governing process, to his days arguing before will resonate with Americans at the Supreme Court. every stop on the campaign trail Perhaps one of the most valuable and during each stump speech. assets Senator Cruz has going into Ted Cruz has a long and rocky his Campaign for the presidency path to the Presidency. The is the heat he has taken from toughest of which will be the both Democrats and Republicans millions spent by the Bush family alike. Some would think this may to resurrect their own relevancy not be such a good quality to hold and stamp on American politics. onto, however with a majority The last thing The United States of Americans looking at the two needs is another Bush in the Oval parties with absolute disdain Office. What America truly needs it just might propel Mr. Cruz is a President who will restore the to where he aims to be. It has Constitutional principles set in been Senator Cruz’s unwavering place over 200 years ago as well commitment to the truths that he as restoring the economy in the holds to be self-evident that have process. caused him most of the flack he Essentially we need a Jack of has received while in the Senate. all trades to ascend to the highest The 2008 Republican nominee for office in our Republic. Perhaps we President John McCain refereed to have found him. Although his name Cruz’s unwavering style as “not a isn’t Jack it’s Rafael, although most productive enterprise.” Luckily for know him as Senator Ted Cruz.


Selections for SWFF GRADUATING STUDENTS Apply for CCC Foundation awards now! 2015 announced Organizers have announced the 35 films selected for the 2015 SUNYWide Film Festival, April 24-26 at SUNY Oswego. “We had 235 submissions (totaling over 29 hours of screen time) from which we could select only a small percentage due to the limited screen time available during the festival,” announced their website. “We wish we had time to screen them all but look forward to celebrating the films and filmmakers at the festival.” General Admission is $10. You can also sign up to attend the opening night reception and pre-order a festival t-shirt. Register now! at their website http://www. The SUNY Wide Film Festival (SWFF) was launched in 2009 as an opportunity to showcase the cinematic work of student

and faculty from throughout the SUNY system. For the first five festivals, SUNY Fredonia hosted the festival. This year, we head east (but not too far south) to SUNY Oswego where we will once again celebrate the wide range of cinematic

work being produced in New York State’s public higher education system. From the traditional Hollywood narrative to animation, experimental film and video to documentary work, SUNY students and faculty are creating entertaining, thoughtprovoking and challenging film and video work. SWFF gives us the chance to showcase this work.

2015 Official Selections Following are the Official Selections for the 2015 SUNYWide Film Festival. Films are currently listed by title and SUNY campus affiliation only; student names will be included in festival materials after we have confirmed details with the filmmakers. Representatives from four SUNY campuses participated in the pre-screening process this year to help determine the Official Selections: SUNY Fredonia (originating campus of SWFF), SUNY Oswego (2015 host campus), SUNY Broome and SUNY Tompkins County Community College. Films selected will be screened during the festival and are in competition for category prizes (First Place & Honorable Mention in each category) as well as the Grand Jury Prize.

ANIMATION A Winter’s Tale (SUNY Oswego)

Students who completed graduation requirements and received their degrees between June 2014 and May 2015 are eligible to apply for graduation awards that are funded by the College Foundation and awarded by the Student Awards Committee. Applications forms will be sent by email to all students. Additional application forms can be picked up in the Auburn CAS (Teresa Hoercher) and the Fulton Library (Kathy Sipling). Specific criteria apply to each award. Applicants should read the criteria carefully for each award to determine eligibility. Applications are due by email to Kathy Gross gross@cayuga-cc. edu by Friday, April 17, 2014. Late applications will not be considered. DEAN NORMAN F. BOURKE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $312 Awarded to a graduate who possesses the qualities of scholarship, sense of humor, and the ability to win the affection of coworkers, faculty and students. IRVING & HELEN BELTH MEMORIAL AWARD $500 Awarded to a graduate for outstanding scholarship and student citizenship. Designated to an Auburn Campus in 2015. TRUSTEES MEMORIAL AWARD $225 Awarded to an outstanding graduate. Designated to an Auburn Campus Student in 2015. DR. G. BURNETT & VERA K. ATWATER AWARD $368 Awarded to an outstanding graduate. Designated to a Fulton Campus student in 2015.

FRED M. EVERETT AWARD $500 Awarded to a male graduate who intends to continue his education and who exemplifies in his personality and influence upon others the highest traditions of citizenship, compassion, and human commitment. Recipient must be a Cayuga County Resident. ORA H. EVERETT AWARD $500 Awarded to a female graduate who intends to continue hers education and who exemplifies in her personality and influence upon others the highest traditions of citizenship, compassion, and human commitment. Recipient must be a Cayuga County Resident. SAMUEL V. AND MARION B. KENNEDY MEMORIAL AWARD $470 Awarded to an outstanding graduate of non-traditional age who demonstrated perseverance and determination in advancing his/ her education while overcoming difficult hurdles, either economic or personal. Designated to a Fulton Campus student in 2015. SUE COURT MEMORIAL AWARD $204 Awarded to a graduate who possesses a zest for life, an enthusiasm and an ebullience that revitalizes others. This person must accept other’s individuality, show genuine love and concern, and inspire the best in others. WALTER W. & MABEL C. HORNBURG MEMORIAL AWARD $500 Awarded to an outstanding graduate who is a resident of Cayuga County and who is a non-traditional student.

Around my Head (SUNY Alfred)


Astro (SUNY Alfred)

Heal the World (SUNY Buffalo)

Exorcism of The Rose (SUNY Fredonia)

How to Breathe Underwater (SUNY Purchase)

For Whom the Bell Knows (SUNY Alfred)

Nascent (SUNY Fredonia)

Subway (SUNY Fredonia)

Nothing is Perfect (SUNY Fredonia)


reaction (SUNY Fredonia)

Being (SUNY Dutchess County Community College) Better than the Weatherman (SUNY New Paltz)

Thrall (SUNY Oswego) We Often Cross the Lines We Draw (SUNY Stony Brook)

Bridges (SUNY Fredonia)


Nuptial Gift (SUNY Environmental Sciences and Forestry)

As Ever, (SUNY Oswego)

Obnoxious Growth (SUNY Purchase)

Dead Meat (SUNY Binghamton)

The Superman Letters (SUNY New Paltz)

Ember (SUNY Binghamton)

The World of Vibration with Jim Metzner (SUNY New Paltz)

Fallout (SUNY Binghamton)

Waning Wolf (SUNY New Paltz)

Hello, Stranger (SUNY New Paltz)


How Things Are (SUNY Purchase)

BLOOM (SUNY Oswego) Cycle (SUNY Fredonia) Fabric Save-A-Tron (SUNY Purchase) Football Season is Over (SUNY Oswego)

Luna and the Tide (SUNY Purchase) Neighborhoods (SUNY Stony Brook) Spectral Transmission: Fate of The Oracle (SUNY Oswego) The Way It Is (SUNY Oswego)



DANCING a b FOR m u Z PEGGY! You’re invited to come kick up your heals to benefit the Peggy Carroway Scholarship Fund

DATE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 TIME: 5:30 pm WHERE: Spartan Gym, Auburn Campus Fulton Campus (TBA) DONATION: $5.00 Caitlin Smith in the Financial Aid Office is collecting donations. All proceeds go to the Peggy Carroway Scholarship Fund.



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