Spartan magazine spring 2017 final

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Cayuga Community College Alumni Association

Spring/Summer 2017

Making Good on ‘Breaking Bad’ Darryl L. Frank ’83, CAS Production Sound Mixer on the set of AMC’s Breaking Bad series

In this issue:




Dear Alumni and Friends, Whenever I begin working on a new issue of Spartan, I am always astonished with the activities that have taken place over the past semester on our wonderful community college campuses. In this issue, you can witness how your generous contributions help to bring bright and driven students to our College through the Mary Kriever ’09 Presidential Scholarship Program. Speaking Director of of our students, they merit great praise for Alumni Affairs the many wonderful causes they represent and participate in each semester. Your campus communities, under the direction of Dr. Brian Durant, have worked hard to realize new ways to support the needs of our student body and local community members. Taking great pride in your Alma mater, your dedicated Alumni Board of Directors have provided wonderful programs, including book grants and scholarships for our students, participated in College events, and are offering two new trips this year. It is hard to believe that this is the sixth issue of Spartan I have edited since my return to the Alumni Office in the Summer of 2014. It has truly been an honor to have learned so much about the many Auburn/Cayuga Alumni that have been featured in each issue, and I am grateful to have been given the chance to share their experiences and successes. It has been a privileged to have met so many wonderful friends and supporters of the College during events and through our travel activities over the years, and it is my hope to have provided value to the Alumni Association and its more than 25,000 members during my tenure. Serving as the Alumni Director has brought satisfaction and fulfillment that no other position could have ever offered, and I am truly thankful to have been given this opportunity.

Dear Alumni: As I sit down to write this letter, spring is upon us. It’s hard to believe that Commencement 2017 is right around the corner. On March 8th, I addressed the Cayuga Community College community at our annual Assessment Day and spent time providing an update on our 2016 – 2017 goals and Dr. Brian M. Durant initiatives. We highlighted improvements CCC President in the areas of academic programs, the student experience, four-year pathways for transferring, and policies, procedures, and compliance. In addition, we spent time celebrating our institutional successes. I am pleased to report that all key indicators are on the upswing, including the number of graduates, FTE enrolled in Cayuga Advantage programs, and Fall-to-Fall Persistence Rates. Of greater importance is the work that our students are doing. Two of our students - Lisa Church and Amanda Deavers - were recently recognized as SUNY Chancellor Award winners for Student Excellence. With hard work and dedication, our students continue to make me proud and show on a daily basis that all things are possible. Dr. Brian M. Durant President

With Warmest Regards, Mary Kriever ’09 Director of Alumni Affairs

Acknowledgments It has been my honor to work with the many wonderful individuals who have provided assistance with this issue of Spartan. Bringing each issue to fruition is a direct result of your support. Thank You! -Mary

Spartan Alumni News Staff Editor: Mary J. Kriever ’09 Contributors: Alumni Participants, College Community, Collegian staff & others as referenced. Graphic Design: Mary G. Merritt, MGM Word Studio, Inc. Photography: Alumni; CCC Staff; College Archives; Collegian photographer, Kody Fowler; and others as referenced. Alumni Class Notes: Alumni Staff Data Entry Management: CCC Data Center Staff

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION TRAVELS TO THE BIG APPLE In November, the CCC Alumni Association traveled to New York City for the weekend, staying at the Hampton Inn Times Square for the second year. The Big Apple was abuzz with activity as President-elect Donald Trump was in town, and our group enjoyed themselves as usual. Our travelers visited museums, saw plays, and the exceptional weather was perfect for a stroll in Central Park and for shopping. It was fun to have a coffee and watch a crew setting up the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. We are already preparing for next Fall’s excursion to NYC, and you are welcome to join us. ~Fred Falsey ’76

Circulation: Gregory Szczepanski ’75

Cover Photo Credit

Publication: Jacobs Press (Michael Trapani ’76 and David Verdi ’06) Proofreading: Frederick Falsey ’76 and Guy Cosentino


ON THE COVER: Darryl L. Frank ’83, CAS in a mix of Breaking Bad. Photo by AMC.


ALUMNI GREETINGS FROM THE ALUMNI PRESIDENT Dear College Alumni and Friends, Welcome to a new edition of Spartan! Included in this issue are some of the Alumni Association’s involvement from this past Fall. We presented John Walsh ’65 with his 2016 Alumni Award at a reception held in October, participated in the College’s Fall Open Houses on both campuses, and escorted another successful bus trip to New York City in November. In December the Association once again participated in the College’s Holiday Craft Fair, where we offered a free raffle to the community for an Alumni tote filled with goodies. We’ve enjoyed bringing holiday cheer to both campuses in our decorations; and Gerry Guiney ‘82 once again included the children from the campus’s preschool in Auburn. We Alumni Association provided Book Grants to fifteen students in the Fall, and will offer additional President funding for the Spring semester. As we head into Spring you will see that our Committees have been very busy. The Travel Committee and Chairperson Rebecca Reese ’06 have put together two new excursions; the Scholarships and Awards Committee has made applications available for student scholarships and the Outstanding Alumni Award; and the Outreach Committee with Chairs Amanda Reed ’06 and Michael Fochman ’12 have begun preparing for May’s Commencement and our annual Alumni Awards reception. As always, our Treasurer Fred Falsey ’76, with the help of his Finance Committee, provide many hours to the Association to help bring our activities to fruition. I would like to offer my sincere appreciation to the Alumni Board of Directors for their energy and devotion to the Association. We are committed to continuing our work with College President Brian Durant and Foundation Director Guy Cosentino to support the goals and objectives of the College and Foundation. I would also like to thank our Alumni Director, Mary Kriever ’09 for her guidance and dedication in keeping our Alumni Board focused and moving along with all of the endeavors we are involved in. To the Alumni and Friends of the College who made a contribution last year, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for your support! The gifts you offer to the Foundation provide much needed funding for our students and College programs. We have included The Foundation’s Donor Roll Call in this issue. Many Thanks! Gerry Guiney ‘82 Alumni Association President

WELCOME TO THE BOARD! The Alumni Association Board of Director’s welcomed Douglas A. Kinney ’80 to the board in September. Doug worked for the Fulton Police Department from 1984-2005, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant, and was Vice President of Campus Safety and Security with Onondaga Community College from 2008-2015. Doug is currently the Director of Public Safety and Chief of Campus Police at Cayuga Community College. He has been an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice on Douglas A. the Fulton Campus since 2005. In addition to his CJ Kinney ’80 Police Science degree from Cayuga, Doug earned his B.S. in Police Administration with a minor in Security Administration from Eastern Kentucky University. Among his professional affiliations he serves as President of the SUNY Public Safety Administrators Association. He has been the recipient of many achievements including the Negotiator Laurel Award and a mayoral commendation. Doug resides in Wolcott, with his wife Maree and has four children. He is serving on the Outreach and Travel Committees for the Association, and said he is looking forward to assisting the Association and “bringing attention to the quality organization that Cayuga is.”



Cayuga Community College Alumni Association 2016-2017 Board Members President Gerard (Gerry) Guiney ‘82 Vice President Terry Wilbur ‘08 Treasurer Frederick Falsey ‘76 Secretary John Lamphere ’74 Past President Edward F. (Ted) Herrling ‘72 Board Members Susan Beck ’96 Janet Cole ’72 Felicia Franceschelli ‘11 Michael Fochtman ‘12 Anthony (Tony) Gucciardi ‘61 Jo Ann Harris ‘95 William F. (Bill) Jacobs ‘73 Douglas A. Kinney ‘80 John McLeod ‘08

ADVANCED GETTYSBURG BATTLEFIELD SEPTEMBER 15-17, 2017 Escorted by John Lamphere, this excursion requires the ability to cover long distances walking, as well as exploring multiple types of terrain. on Sale Now!

NYC OVERNIGHT TRIP NOVEMBER 11 & 12, 2017 Returning to Times Square South provides a great base for your “do your own thing” weekend! Goes on Sale July 10th NOTE: You don’t need to be an alum to join us! Contact the Alumni Office for more information.

Amanda Reed ‘06 Rebecca Reese ‘06 Amanda Stankus ‘03 Ex Officio Members Mary J. Kriever ’09, Director of Alumni Affairs Dr. Brian M. Durant, President, Cayuga Community College Mr. Guy T. Cosentino, CCCC Foundation Director


ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AT THE CRAFT FAIR The Alumni Association participated in Cayuga Community College’s 43rd Annual Craft Fair in December. Board members enjoyed greeting Alumni and friends of the College and offered a free raffle for an Association logoed tote filled with goodies…Congratulations to Cindy T.! The Association also sold bottled water, Association logoed key chains, totes and aluminum water bottles; with all proceeds going toward funding Alumni Programs. To purchase Cayuga Alumni Association logoed items, contact the Alumni Association Office.

Alumni Board President Gerry Guiney ’82, Treasurer Fred Falsey ’76, and member Bill Jacobs ’73

Alumni board members Janet Cole ’72 and Susan A. Beck ’96 with Past President Ted Herrling ’72 (center) Board members John McLeod ’08, Doug Kinney ’80, and Michael Fochtman ’12

Alumni board members Amanda Stankus ’03 and Felicia Franceschelli ’11


Janet with board member JoAnn Harris ’95 and board Secretary John Lamphere ’74


ACC/CCC Alumni Association Board members John McLeod ’08, Doug Kinney ’80, Alumni Director Mary Kriever ’09, Board President Gerry Guiney ’82, 2016 Alumni Award Recipient John E. Walsh ’65, Board Treasurer Fred Falsey ’76, Board members JoAnn Harris ’95 and Bill Jacobs ’73, and Board Secretary John Lamphere ’74.

JOHN WALSH ‘65 HONORED In October, John E. Walsh ’65, most visible for his work on America’s Most Wanted, attended a reception in his honor to receive his 2016 ACC/CCC Alumni Association Award. Members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, College faculty and staff, and family members were in attenJohn E. Walsh ’65 and Gerry Guiney ’82 dance. Alumni Board President Gerry Guiney ’82 presented Mr. Walsh his plaque and expressed appreciation for his good works. For more about this story and additional photos check out our free eMagazine, Cayuga Alumni Voices, and our Facebook page.



Representatives from the Alumni Association Board of Directors were on hand to greet future students and family members during the Fall Open House events in November. Association President Gerry Guiney ’82 and board member Bill Jacobs ’73 assisted with the event in Fulton and Past President Tony Guicciardi ’61 joined them the following weekend on the Auburn Campus. The Open Houses showcased information about the College’s degree programs, services, student clubs, activities and events. Both occasions were a great success with more than more than 200 attending in Auburn, and 170 in Fulton.

The Alumni Association Board of Directors would like to thank Kristan L. JohnsonThomas ’13 for her two years of service on our Board. She served on the Outreach and Events committees and participated in Association events such as the Holiday Craft Fair and the Alumni, Family & Friends Night events. Kristan is married with two daughters, is a Student Success Advocate on the Fulton Campus, and is pursuing her Master’s degree in Communications. We wish her the best of luck!


Kristan L. JohnsonThomas ’13




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Active performer, author, educator and clinician, Mathew “Mat” R. Marucci ’65 was classically trained on the piano before switching to drums at the age of 19, where he studied with Dick Howard in Auburn, NY. He relocated to the West Coast in 1969 and has lived between New York City, Mathew “Mat” R. Marucci ’65 Los Angeles and Sacramento since that time. Mat is listed in Who’s Who In America, International Who’s Who In Music and the Institute of Jazz Studies. His performing credits includes playing with many jazz greats such as Kenny Burrell, James Moody, Eddie Harris, Les McCann, and Pharoah Sanders, among others. Marucci has numerous critically acclaimed recordings to his credit as a leader and others as a sideman, including those with John Tchicai and Jimmy Smith. He is the author of several books on drumming for both Lewis Music and Mel Bay Publications and has written numerous articles on drumming for music magazines. His recordings and books have garnered four and five star reviews in musical magazines and on prominent jazz websites. Contributing to jazz education, Marucci has been an Adjunct Professor in the Los Rios Community College District in the Sacramento area, an Applied Music Instructor at American River College in Sacramento and at the Jazzschool in Berkeley. He has also served as an Applied Drumset Instructor at the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society. Maintaining connections with his Central New York roots, Mat has three new CDs coming out on upstate New York record label, CIMP Records. He has his own working trio/quartet, and is playing with the Sacramento Classic Jazz Messengers. Additionally, Marucci is working with a Northern California area vocalist and has some big band work coming up. He has recently written articles for AllAboutJazz. com and has completed two additional books. Mat was born into a musical family. His sister, Mena Marucci Colella, was a concert pianist, and his brother, Ed Marucci, was a professional trumpeter. Carrying on the Marucci musical legacy his son Mathew, who is a Project Manager for an Aeronautical Company, is a semi-professional drummer; and daughter Therese Renee, who recently received her master’s degree and is lead teacher for pre-school children, is an amateur pianist and flutist. Mat proclaims that his wife, Diane Marie, who has been with a magazine distribution company for 25 years with plans to retire this spring, is his biggest supporter. Sharing his thoughts on his education at Cayuga, Mat said, “In many ways, my two years at ACC were some of the most important growth periods of my life. The education I received as a business major has served me well throughout the past 50+ years, as has some of my friendships.” Samples of Mat’s recordings can be heard at matmarucci and on his website



Album cover art featured on Mathew Marucci’s recordings.

Mathew “Mat” R. Marucci ’65 with his family.



is a recognition of our alumni who graduated 50 years (or more) ago. If you fit into our “Golden Spartan” category, we’d love to hear from you!

JUST A BUNCH OF LOCAL GUYS Recounting tales of their former basketball ‘glory days,’ members of the 196364 Cayuga Men’s Basketball Team gathered this past summer for a long awaited reunion. Organized by Zinc LaDuce , Bob Readon and Dave Dec (all 1965 Alums), the men met in August to play a little golf at Highland Golf Course and share a picnic dinner at the Owasco Yacht Club. The following day the team arrived on campus to take a tour with Athletic Director, Pete Liddell; all the while reliving games and sharing stories of their time at Auburn Community College. While not all team members were able to make the event, those in attendance shared some of their fondest memories. Coach Jack Nichols arrived from Bel Air, Maryland to partake in the events. He said, “Although I never let the guys know it, coaching at ACC was the biggest honor I ever had.” Frank Plis ’64 resides in Auburn and shares that he always enjoyed reviewing game results at The Sunset and Pear’s Place. Richard (Dick) Ruschak ’65, who lives in Canandaigua, NY said that he recalls, “Keeping the team calm, especially during the game against Ithaca College.” Gregory (Greg) Cornish ’65 passed away in 2009; his teammates said that he enjoyed his time with the team, especially having to separate Ruschak and Baker during practices. Charles (Zinc) LaDouce ’65, who has a home in Auburn and Hiltonhead Island, SC, said that some of his favorite memories were, “Beating Broome Tech, Mr. Collier’s Botany labs, and reviewing game results at The Sunset Restaurant.” David Baker ’79 talked about the game against Broome Tech, where they held All-American Charlie Georgia to 2 points, “It was our 10th victory beating a nationally ranked team.” He said, “Coach Jack Nichols taught us that discipline and hard work would be valuable, not only in school, but in life.”

Donald Torrey ’65 currently resides in Skaneateles and said he remembers, “Coach Nichols giving me complements when he compared me to a better opposing player, he would say: He gets more rebounds than you Torrey, but doesn’t look as classy as you warming up.” Robert (Rabbit) Reardon ’65 said he enjoys reminiscing about “the overnight trip to Canton, the Rally Day at Regionals in Troy, NY, the West End Club beer blast, and late night wrestling at The Owasco Lounge.” William (Bill) Green ’64 lives in Williamstown, NJ and Sherwood, NY. He said that he holds two strong memories, “The triple overtime loss to Monroe Community College and post-game reviews at The Sunset Restaurant.” David Dec ’65 lives in El Paso, Texas and said he most remembers, “Listening to Team manager, Rick Bradshaw’s ‘Why we won or lost,’ while enjoying a cold one at The Sunset Restaurant.” Dennis Walsh ’69 lives in Liverpool, NY and shares his most vivid memory while attending ACC; “was when Professor Joe Camardo burst into our classroom, white as a ghost, announcing John F. Kennedy’s assassination.” Ronald (Ron) Bobbett ’65 resides in Nokomis, FL enjoyed “the post season team dinner, follow-up gatherings at The Sunset Restaurant, and being a member of the Championship Regional NJCAA Golf team, which qualified for the National NJCAA Golf championship in Michigan.” Other members of the team Allen Henrekson ’64 and Manager Edward M. “Eddie” Bishop ‘64, were unable to attend. The former team mates were friends on and off the court and many remain close to this day. All things being equal, one of the things the men are most proud about should be given a social media ‘hashtag’ of their own: #justabunchoflocalguys!



ALUMNI NEWS MAKING GOOD ON BREAKING BAD Independent broadcast media professional Darryl L. Frank ’83, CAS, started D3 Productions Inc. in 1983, and has worked on hundreds of projects including major films, television series, documentaries and commercials. One of his most identifiable works being the American crime drama series Breaking Bad on AMC, for which he has received three Primetime Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Sound Mixing. Following his graduation from Eastman School of Music in Rochester for Recording Technology, Frank worked for companies in the Rochester area including Kodak and Xerox, before moving to San Diego. To get his foot in the door, he “I was the only cold called local produccrew member that tion studios until he found was hired like this one that needed a sound tech fill-in. The short-term … and that was because of what I assignment turned into a full-time position for Frank learned at CCC.” because he knew how to – Darryl L. Frank ’83 shoot, edit, light. etc.; “this made me a valuable asset to their production company,” Darryl said. In his early years he was hired on a daily basis by Kodak Business Television, filling in for absent crew because he could do every position. “I was the only crew member that was hired like this … and that was because of what I learned at CCC.” They hired him each day without a specific job, “I would find out what I was doing when I showed up at the studio that day,” he said. His advice to students who want to “break” into the business is to get as much experience as possible, “if you can volunteer on student films or whatever, that’s how to do it; and follow your passions, that’s what I did.” Relying on a variety of sound devices, mixers, and recorders to keep viewers hooked on the popular Breaking Bad series, Frank worked to ensure that the show sounded as real to the ears as it did visually. The series was set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he and his crew were responsible for recording audio components and on-screen dialogue. While he loved being on location, it had its challenges, “We’ll run into some real crappy locations, most with no electricity,” he told Sound & Pictures. Some of his other well-known works include Terminator Salvation, the fourth installment of the Terminator franchise; The Last Stand, an American action film; and From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series. Frank has just completed the feature film Villa Capri, starring Morgan Freeman,


Darryl L. Frank ’83

All photos courtesy of AMC and the Television Academy

A scene in production from the American crime drama series Breaking Bad on AMC.

Darryl L. Frank ’83 on location with the crew of Breaking Bad.

Tommy Lee Jones and Renée Russo. He is currently working on Season 1 of a new supernatural show for NBC, Midnight Texas, with plans to work on the new NASA TV drama for CBS, Mission Control, created by the author of The Martian. Darryl credits his varied production background as the reason he’s been able to land jobs ranging from camera operator to sound mixing. In addition to his three Primetime Emmy nominations for Breaking Bad, he also received one for Comanche Moon and one for Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, along with four Cinema Audio Society (CAS) nominations; three for Breaking Bad, with one for Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey; and won a Technical Excellence and Creativity Award (TEC) for Best Television Sound for his work on Breaking Bad. Speaking of his education from Cayuga Community College, Darryl said, “I have been very appreciative of my education at Cayuga, you learn hands-on skills that you use every day on the job. After Cayuga, you realize that your two year degree is better than most four year degrees.”


Darryl L. Frank ’83 and his wife on the red carpet at The Emmys.



When we last interviewed Shawn Gray ’07 for our Fall 2013 issue of Spartan, he was living in China teaching Math, Science and test prep at an international high school; a position he held for four years. He happily announces that he is now married to Brooke Yulan Chang and they have recently returned to the U.S. and are living in San Antonio while he pursues his PhD in Biomedical Engineering. The couple has been arranging summer community service and work internship opportunities for visiting Chinese high school students in the Auburn, New York area. This past summer, they focused on both community service and internships in actual work environments in Cayuga County. Students enjoyed working at places such as the Merry-Go-Round Playhouse and the Cayuga County Office of the District Attorney. Shawn’s return to academia for a PhD degree has been his goal since the completion of his Master’s degree in Biotechnology from Northwestern University in 2012. He has also earned a Certification in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Training, and obtained his B.S. in Biology with a Minor in Physics from SUNY Oswego. In 2015 Shawn and Brooke founded a company, PANDA EMPIRE, Culture and Language Exchange Consultancy, LLC, which is currently registered only


Shawn and Brooke Yulan Chang-Gray on their wedding day.

in China. Gray admits that right now it is a lot of work, but he and Brooke believe that their programs are too rewarding to put on pause during his PhD studies. The couple hopes to continue to build their program each year, while adding new internships and new opportunities for our visiting Chinese students. Also new since 2013, in addition to his alumni parents Lois A. (Terino) Gray ’83 and Kenneth Gray ’78, who met while attending CCC, his brother Brett T. Gray ’14 has also received degree from Cayuga!

Supervised by Shawn Gray, students from Chengdu, China visited with members of the Auburn City Council in August 2015, as part of an American cultural experience. (Photo Courtesy of The Citizen).


Jeff Szczesniak ‘01 & ‘03, advisor of Cayuga Community College’s WDWN-FM (Win 89 FM) has been named President of the 2017 College Radio Day Task Force. The 7th annual College Radio Day will take place on Friday, October 6, when hundreds of college radio stations will come together to celebrate the unique medium of college radio. The aim of College Radio Day is to harness the combined listenership of hundreds of thousands of college radio listeners throughout the world and to celebrate the important contribution of college radio by uniting for this one day and to raise a greater awareness. In 2012, Jeff was named “Advisor of the Year” from College Radio Day’s Spirit of College Radio Awards and in 2015 he was selected to represent the medium of college radio at the White House to celebrate College Radio Day. College radio is the only free live medium brave enough to play unsigned, local, and independent artists on a regular basis. Indeed, many famous and successful bands today, owe their initial break to being played on college radio. Put simply, college radio is an important part of the media landscape because of its unique and fearless programming.

Jeff Szczesniak ‘01 & ‘03, was invited to The White House for National College Radio Day.


CCC FOUNDATION FROM THE FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR When you send an unrestricted donation to the College Foundation, one of the scholarships that you support is the Presidential Scholarship, which was started in the Fall of 2014. Since its inception, we have had more than 70 students take advantage of this scholarship that provides a free education to qualified high school students in Cayuga and Oswego counties, who are in the top twenty percent of their classes. One of the great benefits to your Alma Mater is that it has brought in new students who might not have chosen Cayuga, increasing our enrollment. On our Auburn Campus in February, we held what we expect to be an annual event, our first Presidential Scholars Luncheon. You can read about this event on Guy Cosentino the next page. I am also happy to announce we recently mailed our next round of Executive Director CCC Foundation letters to nearly two dozen new students for the Class of 2019 Presidential Scholars. Over the last year, the Foundation has been working with the Fred L. Emerson Foundation to create a new scholarship. We were thrilled that this local foundation, a longtime supporter of Cayuga Community College, created the Fred L. Emerson Foundation Academic Scholarship in December. Candidates for this new scholarship must be enrolled as a first-time, fulltime student at Cayuga Community College and have a 75% average or above. The equivalent of nine scholarships will be awarded to the most deserving students from component high schools in Cayuga County. We are looking for students from across Cayuga County, who have the potential to succeed in college and who have demonstrated their outstanding community involvement, leadership, service or commitment to employment. The Emerson Foundation has also graciously funded three years of support of Student Success Advocates, who will work closely with the Emerson Scholars to ensure their long-term academic success. The College has found that the use of Student Success Advocates increases the retention of students from semester to semester, as they seek to complete their degree program. We cannot thank the Emerson Foundation enough for their investment in Cayuga and their continued support of our students. I would like to thank Professor Lorraine Miller ‘73, who recently rotated off the College Foundation after her nine years of service. She was the Chair of our Development Committee and Secretary to the Board of the Foundation for many years. She brought a unique perspective to our discussions, especially regarding the needs of our students and faculty. I also want to take a moment to note the passing of three long-standing supporters of the Foundation. Professor Linda Rooker ’66 and Adjunct Professor Robert Wojnar passed away this Winter. Our Alumni Director, Mary Kriever’09, has written about them in our Class Notes Section. Both were terrific cheerleaders for our College, our students and the Foundation. We also lost a long-time supporter of the College, Lois Schwartz Ellenoff, who passed away in early March in New York City. Born in Auburn, she and her family foundation, the Schwartz Family Foundation have long supported Cayuga. For example, many of our students and staff, especially during the Winter, utilize the “link” that connects our Main Building with the Tech Building that was funded in 1990 by her and her family members. As you may be aware, this is Mary Kriever’s last issue of Spartan, as she steps down this month as our Alumni Director. Her affection for the College and more specifically, the Alumni Association has been unparalleled. As one of the Foundation’s Board Members told me when they heard she was leaving, she “…was very helpful and always upbeat.” Regular readers of this bi-annual magazine know that it has grown and improved with each edition and that is due to her hard work and dedication. She has taken the Alumni Association to new levels and I, the Alumni Association and the Foundation appreciate and thank her for all she has done for the Association and the College. As we head toward Commencement, the Foundation continues to process and fund Commencement and Moving Up awards. Whether your donation is for a named scholarship or for general support, I want to thank you and your fellow Alumni for your continued support of our scholarships and awards, especially those of you who regularly take advantage of the envelope enclosed in issues of Spartan to show support for your Alma Mater.

President Kelley Gridley Vice President Christopher Todd Treasurer John Latanyshyn Secretary Lisa Green Assistant Secretary Aliza Querns Board Members Barbara J. Bateman Patricia Callahan Dr. Brian M. Durant Dr. Dennis Golladay Edward F. Herrling ’72 Gail Homick Herrling ’62 Pamela Kirkwood ’84 John J. Klink ’66 David P. Mamuscia ’64 L. Michael Treadwell Caroline M. Westover Drew Wilcox Honorary Director Peter J. Emerson Dr. Joseph F. Karpinski Sr. Daniel C. Labeille

All the best, Guy Cosentino Executive Director, CCC Foundation


Cayuga Community College Foundation Board of Directors for 2017


Front row: Foundation Board members, John Latanyshyn, Treasurer; Loraine Miller ’73, former Secretary; Patti Callahan; Presidential Scholarship recipients: Lily Nelson; Maggie Lesch; Abbiegael Connors; Emma Jarvis; Amanda Deavers; Taylor Green; Foundation members Lisa Green, Secretary; and Pamela Kirkwood ’84; with Foundation Executive Director Guy Cosentino. Back row: Foundation Board President, Kelley Gridley; Presidential Scholarship recipients Brandon Androsko; Jeffrey Stechuchak; Emily Serling; Morgan Gagliostro; with College President Dr. Brian M. Durant.

PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS RECOGNIZED A Presidential Scholarship Luncheon was held on February 10th, in honor of Cayuga’s Presidential Scholarship recipients. The event was attended by members of the College, Foundation Board, Board of Trustees, along with family members and representatives from the local high school districts they had graduated from. Following a welcome by the Foundation’s Executive Director, Guy Cosentino, a BBQ style luncheon, prepared by alumnus Luke Szabo ’15 of Scratch Farmhouse Catering, was served. Speakers at the event included College President, Dr. Brian Durant; Dr. Linda Van Buskirk, College Trustee, Board Chair; and Presidential Scholar recipient, Taylor Green - Class of 2017. Dr. Durant began by congratulating the scholars on their achievements. Dr. Van Buskirk encouraged students to create goals for themselves and dare to take risks. Honor Study Program student, Taylor Green, explained her reasons for choosing Cayuga and

expressed her gratitude for the Presidential Scholarship she received. Foundation Board President, Kelley Gridley, thanked the students for selecting Cayuga Community College. “I speak for the entire College Foundation Board when I say we are honored to play a role in your continuing education.” She reported that through Fall Foundation Board President, Kelley 2016, the Foundation Gridley, presents Taylor Green and the other Presidential Scholarship recipients has awarded over with a special embossed pad folio. $260,000 in Presidential Scholarships, sponsoring 73 students thus far. Ms. Gridley was also happy to announce that the Foundation Board has decided to continue its support of the Presidential Scholarship for another cycle. “It is our hope that it becomes a permanent endeavor of the Foundation,” she commented. Kelley Gridley and Guy Cosentino recognized each of the Presidential Scholarship recipients and presented them with a special embossed pad folios.

Luke Szabo ’15 (on the right) of Scratch Farmhouse Catering


College Trustee Board Chair, Dr. Linda Van Buskirk encourages students.


COLLEGE FULTON NEWS NEW INTERIM MANAGER OF FULTON OPERATION Amanda Reed ’06 has been appointed Interim Manager of Fulton Operations. As Manager of the Fulton Campus, Amanda is responsible for the effective operation of the campus, including the assignment of space/rooms, the coordination of services, switchboard operations, and the handling of student, staff, or faculty Amanda Reed ’06 issues. Amanda received her B.S. in Human Resource Management from SUNY Oswego in 2008 and a M.S. in Adult Education from SUNY Buffalo in 2012, and she has been part of the Fulton team since 2006. Amanda has been a valuable member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors since September 2012, where she currently co-chairs the Outreach Committee. Amanda and her fiancé David are expecting their first child this Spring.

Arranged by Amanda Reed ’06 on the Fulton campus, members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors helped to bring on the Holiday cheer by decorating the Alumni Christmas tree. Pictured: Board Secretary John Lamphere ’74, Vice-President Terry Wilbur ’08, and members JoAnn Harris ’95, Amanda, and Michael Fochtman ’12.

RETURNING TO FACULTY John Lamphere ’74 has recently stepped down from his position as Associate Vice President and Dean of the Fulton Campus, to return to the faculty as a full professor of Criminal Justice and History.He said that while the request to take on the interim position of Dean of Fulton Campus came as a surprise he found the new position to be enjoyable serving John Lamphere ’74 with Sue Witmer ’90 at Sue’s retirement party. the College in a different capacity. However, with a new mindset gained following a knee injury and an unexpected opening in his field of study, John had decided to return to his faculty position. “I want to thank President Brian Durant, former (Interim) President Greg DeCinque, along with the Board of Trustees for the opportunity to serve as the Associate Vice President for the past three years.” Cayuga President Dr. Brian M. Durant said, “We are grateful for John’s leadership and thank him for his significant impact to the Fulton campus, local and regional businesses, and Oswego County. We welcome his return to the faculty where he can share his knowledge and passion for teaching with Cayuga students.”


Note: Pictures courtesy of Collegian photographer, Kody Fowler

FULTON CAMPUS HONORS VETERANS Faculty, students, and community members gathered to recognize Veterans Day on the River Glen Campus in November. While the crowd sang the National Anthem, cadets from Oswego’s USNSCC Truxtun DDG-103 Division conducted a flag raising ceremony in honor of Veterans Day. Other events and activities took place on both campuses in respect and appreciation of our Veterans.




Sue with her family.

Sue with Amanda Reed.

“As a young 22-year-old college graduate, Sue took me under wing and showed me how to navigate the big world of College Administration. As my mentor, teacher, boss and friend, she has taught me so much over the past ten years and for that, I am truly grateful. Thank you Sue for your decades of service to the institution! CCC Fulton will not be the same without you! ~Amanda Reed ’06

Sue and Dr. Durant.

Sue, family, friends and colleagues enjoying the slide show at her retirement party.

Sue handing down the Fulton Campus “hotline” phone to JoAnn Harris.


After more than 33 years with Cayuga Community College, Sue Witmer ’90, Director of Fulton Operations, and Bills fan, retired at the end of November. She fondly recalled when the Fulton Education “I want to recognize Center opened, and and say good-bye to a how quickly they distinguished alum who outgrew its space; has served the College and the subsequent for over 30 years, Sue expansions to the Holy Family Location, Witmer. I once said of Broadway, and now her, ‘she bleeds Cayuga the River Glen campus. red…’, and she needs Sue participated in to be recognized for and led endless Fulton her contribution and Campus activities and dedication to this College. events over the years, such as the United Best of luck in your future, Way campaigns and Susan.” ~John Lamphere ’74 the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Fulton Campus. Among her many accolades she was a 2008 recipient of the ACC/CCC Alumni Award, and was named Oswego County Rotarian of the year in 2010. Faculty, staff, family & friends gathered last fall to wish her well in her retirement, with many co-workers providing emotional accounts and stories about Sue. The group enjoyed viewing a slide show of her many years with Cayuga; it was a touching farewell. In a final email to her Cayuga family Sue said, “More than half my life has been spent at this fine institution and I’ve made so many friends during my tenure - faculty, staff, students, folks I’ve done busi- “You were not only my ness with, community supervisor, but in a very people - many who short time, we became will remain in my life good friends. Together we for years to come. It’s have been through good been a great career and I’m thankful for times and sad times; but all I’m able to walk through all of the changes away with, what I’ve we’ve endured throughout learned, and will hold the years here in Fulton, dear in my heart.” you were always a More photos of this constant. I love you Sue, event can be found in our November and am certainly going to 2016 issue of Cayuga miss you.” ~JoAnn Harris ’95 Alumni Voices.


COLLEGE NEWS MIDDLE STATES COMMISSION REAFFIRMS CAYUGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACCREDITATION President Brian M. Durant announced in November that the Middle States Commission on Higher Education reaffirmed accreditation of the Cayuga Community College with no requirements for a follow-up report. “Our Middle States affiliation and reaccreditation demonstrates our commitment to self-assessment and to providing an outstanding education for our students,” Dr. Durant said. The Middle States Commission also commended the College for the quality of the self-study process and report, and recognized the institution for its progress to date.

CAYUGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE MATCHES COMMUNITY PARTNERS AND BUSINESSES WITH ALUMNI AND STUDENT THROUGH CAYUGA ENGAGE Cayuga Community College has invested in a new career/community service management system that allows alumni and students to develop resumes and portfolios online to share with potential employers and internship host sites. The system, called Cayuga Engage, can be found on the College’s website on the Alumni Association and Career Services pages. Alumni are welcome to register on the site and develop a portfolio, use one of the resume templates, or look for positions. Currently, there are over 250 regional and national employers registered in the system. Companies who would like to take part in recruiting Cayuga’s alumni or students, may use the Cayuga Engage link to register as an employer. Please contact Sheila Myers ( or Denise Markowsky (Denise. ) for more information.

WELCOME & GOODBYE* NEW HIRES (full-time employees) October 2016: Kelly A. Albrecht ’86 Bursar

January 2017: Shannon Patrie


February 2017: Virginia Rudnick Director of Institutional Research and Planning RETIREMENTS (full-time employees) September 2016: Ronald Grube ’73 Professor of History

November 2016: Susan C. Witmer ’90

Director of Fulton Campus Operations

December 2016: Jill Gage Senior Typist Linda A. (Lin) Rooker ’66 Professor Physical Education and Health Dorothy K. (Dee Dee) Schlappi ’97 Senior Machine Operator (Campus Services) Robert Torrisi Associate Professor: Sociology

TELCOM students Dylan Pappa and Brooke Dunn serve as camera operators for a Spartan Basketball Game production.


January 2017: Dr. Susan Wolstenholme *List provided by the CCC HR Department


Professor of English

Members of the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Business Leaders of America distributed educational materials and fundraised for the March of Dimes.


Students on Fulton and Auburn campuses made more than 700 sandwiches which were donated to local food pantries and homeless shelters.

Students, faculty, staff, and President Durant gathered wearing their purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Criminal Justice Club placed purple pinwheels in front of the Auburn campus and held other awareness activities during the month of October.


Cayuga students and campus clubs showed their generosity by giving back this Fall. From raising money and collecting clothing and food, to bringing awareness, CCC students have been volunteering and showing support for their community and beyond. The Student Government Organization (SGO) on the Fulton Campus sponsored “Penny Wars” which raised over $1600 for the Hurricane relief efforts in Haiti, and SGO in Auburn sponsored a Blood Drive with the Red Cross. Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) collected hats, scarves, mittens and toys to help local families in need. The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) made PBJ sandwiches on both campuses, which were donated to the local food pantries and homeless shelters. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL), Business Leaders of America, worked to raise awareness and fundraised for the March of Dimes. The Criminal Justice Club took part in Wreaths Across America and participated in Domestic Violence Awareness month. Club Advisors, Student Advocates, and College Administration recognize that activities such as these strengthen school-community understanding and relations, and enrich the lives of our student volunteers. “I am proud to see our students being active and engaged in supporting important local causes,“ said President Brian Durant, “their efforts make a difference in people’s lives and increase awareness across the greater college community.”


The entire student cast and crew of Benches.

HARLEQUIN PRODUCTIONS For the first time in a number of years Harlequin Productions was faced with an almost complete turnover in their experienced cast and crew. Due to this opportunity, we decided to choose a series of ‘one acts’ for our Fall 2016 production. Thus, “Benches- a series of short plays that will delight the soul,” was born. Eight original plays by five playwrights that all take place around a bench, was the theme of the evening. Taking advantage of the minimal space needed for the plays, the audience was placed on the Bisgrove stage alongside the actors, which made for a very intimate evening of theatre! Of the 12-student cast and crew, 10 of them had never been involved with a Harlequin production before! It was a quick 6 weeks from auditions to performance, but by the time opening night came about, a very polished work was presented to our audiences over the 6-night run. An Adjudicator from the Theatre Association of New York State

A view of the stage showing the intimacy between the actors and audience as Tony Fethers tries to impress Becky White in Male Call by George Bryjak.


came to view our production and provide a critique session with the company at the end of the show. She was impressed by the work she saw and honored the cast and crew with 3 merit awards: Excellence in Ensemble Work to the Cast; Excellence in Directing and Overall Production Design and Execution to myself; and Outstanding Achievement in Set Design to Virginia Fennessy! In addition to these recognitions for the fine work of the company, Benches was also invited to perform at the annual TANYS Festival; chosen from a field of close to 100 shows seen by TANYS adjudicators during the year! The three Festival adjudicators chose to honor one of the Cayuga student actors, Becky White, with an Adjudicator Discretionary Award for her acting. All in all, it was a great first semester for these new Harlequin members. Plans are currently underway for a world premiere production this Spring! Watch the local media for more information! ~Bob Frame, Advisor Harlequin Productions


Hannah Abrams reacts to what her boyfriend, played by Tristan Nolan, tells her as Beijing Saleem and John Exner look on in Soccer Mamas by Carrie Printz.

Beijing Saleem clarifies a point from Tyler Foulkrod as Marissa Adams looks on in the premiere of George Bryjak’s It’s for the Birds.


The Cayuga Community College men’s soccer team ended their outstanding 2016 campaign ranked #20 in the country. The Spartans finished 10-1-1 in NJCAA Region III play before being upset in the quarter-final round of the playoffs by a solid Erie CC team. Two young lovers (John Exner and Liz Stanistreet) check their cell phones before they profess their love for each other in the world premier of Nano Romance by George Bryjak.

SPARTAN SOCCER WELL REPRESENTED ON ALL-CONFERENCE TEAMS Five Spartan student-athletes were named to the Mid-State Athletic All-Conference teams in 2016. From the women’s program sophomore standout Michaela Breeze finished her second season as one of the most prolific scorers in program history. Four were tabbed from the Conference runner-up men’s team including: Daniel Bonehill (Worchestershire, England), Spencer Urquiza (Pflugerville, TX), Mikel Abando (Leioa, Vizcaya, Spain) and Cameron Pashley (Aberdeen, Scotland). Also, men’s head coach, Petrut Bumbanac, was named Conference Co-coach of the Year. Congratulations to all!

Bryjak’s Grin and Bear it has a Republican leaning bear (Tony Fethers) being told off by hiker Hannah Abrams.


TANYS Festival award winner Becky White explains why she is not a stalker in A Birthday Party by Mark Harvey Levine.

Cayuga’s Spartan Nijuwan Smith (Henninger HS, Syracuse, NY) was named the NJCAA Division III National Player-of-the-Week in November. Smith averaged 21 points and 11 rebounds in three games during week one of the 2016-17 men’s basketball season for the Spartans.

artan Spar


COLLEGE NEWS CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING DRAWS PROFESSIONALS TO CAYUGA Criminal justice training drew nearly 150 professionals to Cayuga Community College last Fall. The event was sponsored by New York State Minorities in Criminal Justice, Inc. Marcus Babb ’85, Vice President of MICJ and a sergeant Marcus Babb at Auburn Correctional ’85, VP of MICJ Facility, told The Citizen, “We tried to bring different types of training to people in criminal justice, whether you’re a clerk or a commissioner.” Dozens of professionals came from areas such as Albany, New York City and Buffalo for the day’s events, which included lectures and seminars on all levels of law enforcement. As part of the occasion, CJ student Angela Slater-Miles was presented with a $500 scholarship. Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of the Criminal Justice Department at CCC, Teri Misiaszek said, “This training gives students the opportunity to engage and network with professionals, and it’s a great opportunity to house and support our local criminal justice community.”

Assoc. Professor Teri Misiaszek, scholarship recipient Angela Slater-Miles, and Jacob DiMatteo, Corrections Officer and MICJ planning committee member

CAYUGA NURSING GRADUATES ACHIEVE 100% PASS RATE Surpassing the state and national average pass rates by 17 and 15 points respectively, Cayuga’s 2016 nursing graduates have achieved 100% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX). “The demands in both Cayuga and Oswego counties for nursing graduates continues to be strong and the rigorous education these students receive from Cayuga Community College prepares them

not only for the NCLEX, but for careers in the demanding profession of nursing,” said Cayuga President Dr. Brian Durant. The new alumni are also experiencing a 100% employment rate. “We are very proud of these outcomes,” said Professor and Nursing Program Director Linda Alfieri. “Cayuga’s forty-first graduating class continues our rich tradition of excellence.”

THE ART AND CRAFT OF CREATING DOCUMENTARIES Documentary filmmaker, writer and producer, Eileen Jerrett ’01 & ’02, shared her experiences of creating films with more than 75 students last fall, as part of the Alumni Voices Program which was co-sponsored by the School of Media and the Arts (SOMA). Eileen explained what it took to create her first film, Blueberry Soup, and how she traveled around Iceland with her camera and her “Mary Poppins” purse. “It was a weird hobo way of making a film, with a “Nobody Production,” she said. Living on a tight budget, Eileen described how she negotiated for meals, a warm coat, and bartered for a hotel room by offering to make a commercial in trade. During the session, students felt at ease opening up to the filmmaker with their personal thoughts and ideas. Eileen’s generous nature encouraged their concepts with reflections of her own. To date, Blueberry Soup has had 90 screenings in 12 different countries and Jerrett is in discussions with Netflix for the rights to Blueberry Soup. Eileen is also the Brunell Visiting Scholar this semester, and presented new work from her documentary series and two short student documentaries from her Cayuga Documentary class in March. Check out the November issue of Cayuga Alumni Voices for more on this story.



Documentary filmmaker Eileen Jerrett ’01 & ’02 and CCC student filmmaker Zak Steele.



We have made every attempt to list donor information accurately. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you please contact us at with any corrections.

September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016 Presidents’ Circle- Laureate ($25,000 +) Richard S. Shineman Foundation Presidents’ Circle- Excelsior ($5,000+) Dixon G. and Mary L. Blodgett Charitable Trust Fred L. Emerson Foundation, Inc. Fulton Savings Bank Novelis Corporation Estate of Jean M. Wright Presidents’ Circle- Philanthropist ($2,500+) Linda L. Alfieri Sharon L. Detzer, 1986 W. Gary Emerson Dr. Arthur and Joanne Foresman Robert P. Gallager Harry and Dorothy George Charitable Trust Presidents’ Circle- Sovereign ($1,000+) Anonymous Dr. Brian and Shawn Durant Cayuga Foundation CNY Community Foundation, Inc. David Contiguglia, Esq. Guy and Crystal Cosentino Edward M. Dean, 1963 Faculty Student Association of CCC Dr. Dennis Golladay Jeffrey, 1991 and Lisa Green Georgette and Lloyd Hoskins, 1974 John A. and Nancy Karpinski Douglas A. Kinney, 1980 Barbara and Richard Knaul, 1963 John Lamphere, 1974 David P. Mamuscia, 1964 John P. and Kathryn B. McLane Loraine Miller, 1973

T. David and Helene Stapleton Eric and Meghan Steenburgh Everett and Myrna Sullivan Willie M. Testa and Pat Finkle, 1965 L. Michael and Elisa Treadwell Patron ($500+) Joseph and Judith Anderson Auburn Community Hospital Auxiliary Marjorie and Joseph Belth, 1958 Cayuga County Community College ESP Michael R. Frame, 1999 Theresa A. Holmes, 1974 Margot Hood-Rogers Steven R. Keeler Dr. Cathleen McColgin, 1986 Michelle McMahon Dr. Lawrence and Jean Poole Raymond Sindone Michael, 1976 and Molly Trapani Stuart, 1979 and Carol C., 1977 Wood Associate ($250+) Auburn Police Union Local 195 Susan A. Beck, 1996 Marianne Bertini, 1981 Michael Bristol Buffington & Hoatland CPAs, PLLC Bruce, 1972 and Amy Burton, 1966 Vicki L. Condie MacTavish Joanne J. Dabulewicz, 1983 Gary P. Douglass, 1972 Luann M. Giannone, 1994 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ted, 1972 and Paige Herrling Teresa R. Hoercher, 1978 James J. Hohman, 1975

HOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE Your contributions help to fund numerous programs for our students, including the Cayuga Presidential Scholarships, which is funded by the Cayuga County Community College Foundation, Inc. The Cayuga Presidential Scholarship program was established to reward outstanding students in Cayuga and Oswego counties, including students from Jordan-Elbridge and Skaneateles high schools. To be eligible for these full-tuition scholarships, students must graduate in the top 20 percent of their high school class based on academic performance. We have featured some our Presidential Scholarship recipients within these pages.

Holy Family Alumni 1955 Gail Homick Herrling, 1962 Joel R. Huhtanen, 1975 Kurt D. Kabelac, 1965 Bradley and Anne Komanecky Jacquelyn O. Komanecky, 1958 Melissa Komanecky Stanley J. Kott, 1968 Gary and Nancy Kuter Gary A. Marco, 1970 David P. Martin, 1961 Dawn Matijas-Czolowski, 1996 Martin Nodzo, 1969 Col. Thomas J. Powell (Ret.), 1966 John, 1982 and Elizabeth (Jane) Pysnack, 1982 Edward L. Raymond, 1977 Marilyn Ringwood, 1973 Daria A. and James F. Shaw, 1966 Vincent P. Shaw, 1959 Joe, 1966 and Gail Sullivan, 1968 Patricia E. Walter, 1961 Susan Wiegand, 1964 Carol A. Wilson, 1962 Ray and Valerie Young, 1982 Sustaining Member ($100+) Margaret Abdallah, 1968 Michael T. Adey, 1969 Carolyn A. Ashe Cynthia A. Ashe John A. Bellomo, 1955 Jane J. Bowen Anderson Bradshaw, 1969 Patricia A. Callahan Rocco J. Carbone, 1968 Melina Carnicelli Mr. Edward Carroway Michael Cogswell Janet H., 1972 and Jeffrey Cole, 2008 James Cranfield Stanley M., 1972 and Carol Czolowski, 1981 Joanne J. Dabulewicz, 1983 Roberta M. Dobbertin MaryKay Fager Frederick P. Falsey, 1976 Daniel J. Fisher, 1974 Delinda A. Fuller Fulton Rotary Club, Inc. Chester J. Galka, 1994 Theresa A. Goss, 1957 William J. Green, 1980 Gerard Guiney, 1982 Marc C. Hahn, 1988 Lawrence Hart Michael F. Herrling, 1972 CONTINUED PAGE 22




Lewis J. Hicks, 1964 Debra B. Holmes, 1974 Jeffrey A. Horner, 1990 William K. Hudson, 1965 James E. Hutchinson, 1969 Joseph and Valerie (Yonke) Hutchinson, 1969 William F. Jacobs, 1973 Patricia Karpinski Faye Kimball, 1968 Erin and James Kissane, 1968 John, 1966 Suzanne Klink, 1966 Michael and Mary J. Kriever, 2009 Mr. and Mrs. James LaMay Joanne and Don Lawler, 1958 Harold E. Leonard Robert and Laureen Maiorano, 1967 David E. Maitland, 1976 James Malvaso Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mandelers Jay Mavor Kyle D. McIntyre, 2012 Linda E. Minde, 1968 James A. Miskell, 1966 Lynn D. Mozur, 1971 Joan M. Muldoon, 1972 and Robert Gallagher Joan B. Muldoon Mr. and Mrs. John Muldoon Karen Orr Mary S. Ottaviano, 1994 Lee Parker Richard G. Paulino, 1961 Barry L. Pickard, 1959 William A. 1985 and Linda Prosser Sandra L. Race, 1962 Thomas B. Riford, 2008 Therese M. Risley

Cayuga Community College has become a legacy for the Androsko family. Presidential Scholar Brandon A. Androsko is currently enrolled in the Liberal Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Program. He chose Cayuga because it allowed him to work while attending College. His sister, Brittany C. Androsko ’15, graduated from Cayuga and was a SUNY Chancellor’s Award recipient. Brandon’s plan is to become a police officer, like his father, David A. Androsko ’89, another Cayuga Alum.

Yvonne C. Rosecrans, 1959 Mitchell R. Ross, 1966 Louise Ryan, 1992 Jon, 1976 and Diane Salvati A. C. Sandstorm, 1973 Randolph E. Schmid, 1964 Daniel F. Schultz Andrea J. Seamans, 1969 Richard Shappell, 1965 Betty Putnam Short, 1962 Michael C. Stinson, 1969 Ronald F. Stowell, 1978 Mary C. Turner, 1997 Dr. Linda P. Van Buskirk Jane H. Van Dam Peter C. Van Vlack, 1963 Jean and John Vincent, 1976

In additional to being a Presidential Scholarship recipients, Amanda L. Deavers received the Faculty Association Scholarship, the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholarship, was named to the PTK All New York Academic Team, and was recently selected as a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. Amanda in involved with the PTK, Tutor Club, Psychology Club, is Vice President of the SGO on the Fulton Campus, a student ambassador and orientation leader, as well as a math and writing tutor. Currently in the Liberal Arts Humanities and Social Sciences program with a concentration in Psychology, Amanda has maintained a 4.0 GPA and is planning to attend Brockport to pursue social work. Her goal is to become a pediatric oncology social worker.

Michael E., 1962 and Marcia Walsh Anthony V. Walters, 1970 Phillip Waterman, 1969 Carlton H. West, 1959 Karen L. Wheat D. Ronald Whipple, 1964 Susan C. Witmer, 1990 Spartan ($50+) Richard and Barbara Anderson Judith M. Ashe Sharon K. Bennett, 1976 Daniel L. Bragg, 1974 Mark A. Braun, 2006 Dennis M. Brewer, 1966 Elaine and Michael P. Buza, 1974 Robert F. Calimeri, 1960 Mark J. Carr, 1991 Donna J.Carter, 1985 Michael Clancy, 1977 Randy F. Clark, 1986 Bill, 1967 and Kathy, 1970 Cowmey Michael L. Coyle, 1964 Peter R. Crouse, 1974 Thomas J. Cuff, 1972 James P. Cullinan III, 1978 Robert and Kathleen M. Cuthbert, 1985 Janice Daum, 1976 Ernie M. DeCaro, 1982 John, 1981 and Jacquilyn, 1981 Dmytrenko Camille M. Dragone, 1962 Jeffrey L. and Kathy Edwards Thomas and Colleen Eidson, 1978 Maryanne Felter and Kristopher Willumsen Linda Simkin, 1986 and James Frisch, 1986 Jack Geherin Family Jacqueliyn Gibbs, 2005 Kathleen A. Graham, 1965 Charles and Patricia Gridley Bertrand N. Guerrette, 1971 Georgena Gunn, 1963 CONTINUED PAGE 23



ALUMNI DONORS Currently enrolled in the Business Administration Program, Taylor Green has plans to transfer into the 5 year Accounting Program at Le Moyne College, where she has recently been accepted, and earn her MBA. She is an accounting tutor and a member of the Business Club, Phi Beta Lambda, and serves as its treasurer. Taylor is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society, and recently spoke at the Foundation’s Presidential Scholarship Luncheon.

Federica Hammond James A. Harris Jeanne L. Harris, 1965 Gerald L. Hogan, 1961 Patrick B. Holmes Maureen T. Holmes Teresa R. Houghton, 1973 Kay S. Kraatz, 1985 Debra J. Kuepper, 1973 Judith M. Kulis, 1980 Daniel and Grace Labeille Donna J. Laird, 1975 Daniel C. Larkin Daniel G. Lepak, 1969 The Liberty Store David E. Maitland, 1976 Christopher McGum James McKeon, 1973 Janet Miller, 1982 Joe, 1958 and Joanne Mitchell, 1968 Rosemary Morrow, 1960 Lynn Mozur, 1971 Thomas E. Murray Jr., 1992 Joseph M. Nemecek, 1964 Ann B. Oaks, 1972 Robert Padula, 1983 Kenneth Park, 1972 Jim, 1967 and Cindy Pasternak, 1967 Marty Reed, 1971 Paul Rosenberg, 1981 Barbara S. Salvagin Thomas R. Scanlon, 1976 Randolph Schmid, 1964 Joanne L. Shernesky, 1969 Richard, 1966 and Geralyn Spencer Carolyn M. Steigerwald, 1966 Susan M. Stilles, 1976 Susan A. Stubbs, 1961 John H. Switzer, 1973 Joan A. Tamul, 1967 Edward P. Tefft, 1978 David H. Thayer, 1968

Elaine Turner, 1994 Peter C. Van Vlack, 1963 Marylou, 1982 and Dennis Walsh, 1969 David, 1972 and Cheryl Wawrzaszek, 1972 Carlton H. West, 1959 Adam Williams Joseph, 1990 and Kelly Wiseman, 1987 Carolyn A. Wood, 1957 Cayugan ($1+) Roberta T. Ames, 1964 Shereen and David Androsko, 1989 Penelope L. Austin, 2007 James S. Baier, 1973 Raymond E. Baier, 1972 Patricia A. Baran, 1976 Paulia W. Bates, 1974

Philip Bauso, 1982 Thomas Bebee, 1972 Roseanne Bourke Joan C. Brown, 1965 Kevin Burns Carol M. Burke, 1987 Teresa L. Burke, 1986 Catherine Bush John M. Camardo, 1984 Jacqueline S. Caputa Patricia Conway Stuart J. Cook, 1972 Leane J. Cool, 1978 Mary Ann Cooper, 1974 Elizabeth (Tish) Costello, 1986 Carol Darling, 1970 James and Dianne Darnell, 1967 Mark J. Dec, 1982 David, 1982 and Tina Dec, 1983 Linda DeForest, 1989 Anthony F. DeNiro, 2008 Frank DeOrio Lizabeth Doty, 1996 Helen M. Dykoschak, 1965 M. D. Emmett, 1980 Karen L. Fadden, 1973 Carlene J. Flier, 1975 Robert Flummerfelt, 1962 Cheryl A. Foster, 1977 Alice Foster Robert M. Frame M. Grace Frumento, 1956 Marilyn U. Fuller, 1999 Sherry J. Gabak, 1988 Anges Gasparro, 1993 Linda B. Glowacki, 1979 CONTINUED PAGE 24

Jenna R. McLaughlin is in planning to transfer to the University of Pittsburgh in the Fall where she will be studying Biological Sciences (premed), with her career goal to become a Pediatric Anesthesiologist. During her senior year in high school Jenna took courses at Cayuga; when she was informed she was to receive a Presidential Scholarship, she said, “it made my choice to stay at Cayuga an easy one.” She is the Vice-President of the National Society of Leadership and Success, is a member of the Creative Writing Club and Phi Theta Kappa. Jenna is on the Dean’s List with a 4.0 GPA and is part of the Honors Program.




Lily A. Nelson is part of Cayuga’s new degree program in Physical Therapy and is hoping to attend Keuka College in their Occupational Therapy Program next Fall. In addition to being a Presidential Scholarship recipient, Lily is the Parliamentarian for the Future Business Leaders of America Club. She is also a tutor for English, Anatomy and Physiology.

Jay Goldman and Rebecca Salon Thomas Greer Bertrand N. Guerrette, 1971 Catherine Gutter Patricia M. Hahn, 1993 David L. Denise Harbaugh, 1990 G. Bryan Honold, 1972 Highland Ladies Twilight League Vincent J. Indelicato, 1966 Gerald, 1976 and Linda Jones, 1978 Edward J. Kalet Dr. Lawrence M. Kenney, 1960 Carol Kenny, 1984 Seymour M. Ketchum, 1956 Faye L. Kimball, 1988 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kukella Carol A. Lauzon, 1968 William E. Lavarnway, 1968 Joann P. Lepak, 1985 Richard S. Longley, 1968 Mike A. Maltese, 1984 Barry D. Martz, 1984 Bernard J. May, Jr., 1970 Suzanne M. McBath, 1973 Sharon L. McGee, 1967 Joseph E. Meyers, 2007 Deborah Michales, 1975 Kathleen M. Mietz, 1983 David A. Miller, 1968 Joan M. Miller, 1977 Stephen E., 1986 and Maria A. Moriarity, 1986 Stephen Morse Felix, 1970 and MaryAnn Mucedola, 1971 Kathleen (Kee) Murphy and Kevin Ryan Mr. Thomas J. Murphy, Esq., 1969 Anthony F. Musso, 1971 Jerry, 1979 and Diane Nachtrieb, 1977


Elizabeth Nash, 1978 Emily Nekritz, 1975 Marie A. Nellenback Elizabeth A. Nolan, 1979 Andrew F. O’Mara, 1971 Jane Orofino Margaret A. Osborne Mary B. Parsons, 1978 Carolyn Pastell Carol, 1977 and Robert Pennell, 1974 Carol Pestell, 1967 Kathryn (Capacci), 1975 and Robert Peterson, 1975

Alumnae Emma E. Jarvis ’16 received her Humanities and Social Sciences: Writing Concentration Degree at Cayuga last year and is currently taking additional courses to prepare to transfer to a 4 year school, “hopefully Cornell,” to study communications, with plans to pursue a career in public relations. Emma is the president of our school’s Creative Writing Club, and a peer tutor for math and writing. She also works with Professor Teresa Hoercher, Tutorial Coordinator of the Center for Academic Success, in a communications internship.


Cindy Jewell Phillips, 1973 Bill Podfigurny, 1985 James B. Porten, 1966 Russell T. Pulver, 1964 Robert, 1964 and Sharon Redder Alice Rizzo Carol E. Runge John D. Scollan, 1964 David C. Scrimale, 1976 Susan E. Secaur, 1976 James Sexton Karen Shea Helen Skomsky Nancy W. Smith, 1983 Donna Parker- Smith, 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith Nancy J. Soules, 1967 Edward J. Spedding, 2001 Irene L. Stafford, 1978 Gladys K. Stevens, 1974 Carolyn A. and Kenneth Stevenson Katherine Stout Lucy A. Sylvester, 1969 Martin Szkotak, 1973 James D. Talbot Joanne M. Terpening, 1966 Kelly J. Tuttle, 1997 Judith A. Usowski, 1961 Gene M. Volpe, 1964 Lois J. Vreeland, 1973 Joyce A. Wallace, 1969 Marcia E. Walsh Doris M. Wayne Richard Williams Ronald E. Wilson, 1968 Ryan and Nanette Zalone, 1976

ALUMNI CLASS NOTES A NOTE ON CLASS NOTES: We appreciate having our alums send us their news and updates. In many cases, though, our staff enlists the aid of all available news sources to bring these Class Notes to our readers. We apologize for any omissions or errors that may occur.


Friend: Leo J. Stack shares, “I always thought that the school’s name of Cayuga County Community College made a perfect use of ‘4 C Your Future!’” Mr. Stack has been a true friend of the College and has shown continued support over the years. He was in Real Estate for 52 years where he “enjoyed success because customers kept me moving!” He and his wife of 53 years, Marge, have traveled to 70 countries (including Antarctica) and all 50 states. Leo said that he would like people to remember him as, “A prince of a guy.”


Friend: Dennis M. Brewer is celebrating his twenty-seventh year as the Director of Parks and Recreation in the Town of Canandaigua.


Anthony (Tony) Gucciardi is being inducted as a 2017 member of the Auburn Alumni Hall of Distinction by the Auburn Education Foundation. The Hall honors Auburn High School graduates who have distinguished themselves through academic, professional, personal and/or civic achievements. Tony, a 1959 Auburn High Alumnus, is being recAnthony (Tony) ognized as an educator, Gucciardi, ’61 coach and administrator for the Auburn schools. He is a member of the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors and serves on the Town of Owasco Board. The induction and celebration is scheduled for May 19th at the Hilton Garden Inn in Auburn. Patricia E. (Dinsmore) Walter continues to enjoy retirement … or “semi-retirement.” She keeps busy with her grandchildren, family, singing in the church choir and a community chorus, and enjoys her volunteer work.


William ‘Bill’ J. Keough shared that this August Auburn will be celebrating the 40th year anniversary of the Capt. Myles Keogh “Great Race.” His brother, Martin D. Keough ’69 was a founder, organizer and primary contributor to this event. “This special community gathering produces ‘Great Race’ t-shirts that are worn proudly and recognized the world over!” he said. Each year the family, including sister’s Ann Keough, Joan Keough-Kehoskie, her husband Steve, along with Bill and his wife of 51 years, Donna, volunteer for the annual event.

Christine Connors, ’66 with husband, James.

Richard K Fuller (Via Facebook) “HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY CCC CLASS OF 1966!!! Alum Phi Theta Kappa.” Joseph E. Sullivan shared that “In retirement, I enjoy being running coach to my wife, Gail E. (Belknap) Sullivan ’68. Most recently, we finished both the Detroit and the Savannah half marathon.”


Vincent “Vince” J. Busce now lives in Florida where he works part-time at a “beautiful” golf course. “What a different environment from the classrooms at East Middle School in Auburn.” Vince recalls that he parked cars during the winter of 1965-66 at ACC, receiving $1.00 an hour. “And I froze doing it!”


Michael T. Adey retired this year as the head basketball coach at New York Mills High School, following a career of 35 years. Michael was the alltime Section III leader in career wins, with a record of 566 and 200.


Friend: Helen L. (Chapman) Eshleman worked with Chronicle Guidance, Inc. in Moravia until she moved to Florida where she worked for the US Treasury Department in the Anti-Smuggling Unit until she retired in 1992. Helen’s husband passed away in 2014; they had 8 children, 19 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

Betty (Putnam) Short is retired and volunteers for “Faith in Action,” and creates a newsletter each month for her co-op. Barbara M. (Androsko) Moody is retired from Auburn High School. Her husband Blaine Moody retired from Auburn/Cayuga Community College where he taught English.

Christine (Fantasia) Connors and her husband James were honored with the Humanitarian Service Medallion by Catholic Charities of Onondaga County at the 2016 House of Providence Dinner in May. The event was held at the OnCenter where 600 attended the celebration.

Grube in the 70’s

Dr. Ronald R. Grube is retiring from Cayuga Community College in May. He started teaching History, Geography, and Psychology 21 years ago, and full time History 11 years ago. “I will say with absolute confidence that my time in the classroom has been the most worthwhile professional experience I have ever had,”


h e said. “Everyone should have the chance to spend a part of their career doing what they truly love.” You can read more about Dr. Grube in February’s issue of our free alumni eMagazine Cayuga Alumni Voices.

Dr. Ronald R. Grube, ’73 Vincent G. Puliatti is retired from the NYS OMH Finance Group.


Peter R. Crouse was re-elected to a second – four year term on the Albany County Legislature.


Charlene (Butler) Maville was recognized with a lifetime achievement award from WPTV for her service to the community during the annual “Walk Now For Autism Speaks” Award Banquet in Palm Beach, Florida this past May.


Frederick Falsey was named The Big John Connor Volunteer of the Year at The Great Race Charlene XXXIX in Auburn, New York on Maville, ’75 August 14th, 2016. Fred has been helping to organize the canoe staging area for almost 20 years! Fred is also serving as Treasurer on the Community Preservation Committee and the Alumni Association Board. Michael K. Trapani was the recipient of the Chair’s Award, presented by The Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Dinner in October. The winner is selected by the Chamber’s Executive Michael K. Trapani, ’76 Committee and is with his family. given to a member or Board Member that does great things not only for the Chamber but for the community. Mike is the Owner and President of Jacobs Press, and is involved in every aspect of the business. As a Certified Graphic Arts Executive, he offers 35 years



ALUMNI CLASS NOTES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 of experience in print project management. An active member of the community, Mike currently serves as the Treasurer of the Seymour Public Library. He is also an active member of the Family Business Center at the Madden School of Business at Le Moyne College, and the Rotary Club of Auburn. He lives in Auburn with his wife Molly.


Edward L. Raymond is retired from the New York Thruway Authority and recently moved from North Carolina to Virginia. Jeffrey N. Rowoth is the Manager of Global Travel Services with ITT Inc. in Seneca Falls, and his wife works for RIT.


David Baker shared that after completing his 1st year at ACC he didn’t return for the 64-65 Academic School Year. He played basketball for a traveling team based out of Auburn and worked for a company in Seneca Falls. Six months later he was drafted into the Army and spent one year in Vietnam, where he became close to many children who lived in a village near his camp. Following the service, he met his wife, Donna, returned to his job, and continued to play basketball. Dave’s return to ACC in the seventies qualified him to play in the ‘Alumni Game.” His career was in manufacturing and he coached varsity basketball and softball at Mynderse Academy High School in Seneca Falls. “ACC had a big impact on my life. My teammates were not only teammates but good lifetime friends.” David and his wife Donna live in Seneca Falls and have two daughters; Julie and Jennifer, and two grandsons; Keegan and Brady.


Dr. Timothy Coville holds a Ph.D. in Business Management from Rutgers University. He earned an M.B.A. in Finance from New York University and is a Phi Beta Kappa key-holder, having graduated Summa Cum Laude from S.U.N.Y. Albany with a B.S. dual-major in Accounting & Economics. He is a licensed Certified Public Accountant, and credits his undergraduate education “thanks to the support of the G.I. Bill.” Dr. Coville Dr. Timothy served as a paratrooper Coville, ’80 with the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division. Following a 20 year career as a controller and risk manager for international derivatives trading firms, he is now an Associate Professor at St. John’s University, teaching accounting and taxation. Dr. Coville has been married for over 30 years and has two sons.


Mark R. Locastro, ’80

Mark R. Locastro, a Police Officer with the Auburn Police Department, joined fellow Alumni and Police Sargent Joseph Divietro at a Criminal Justice Training event held at CCC in October. They provided information about the work of the APD to those in attendance.


Margaret ‘Marsy’ R. Bourke was a 2016 recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service for Upstate Medical University, where she has served in a variety of roles for nearly Margaret thirty years. She is currently Bourke, ’84 Administrative Assistant in the Office of Academic Affairs; Government and Community Relations; University Compliance and Ethics. She is daughter of Susan A. (Powers) Bourke ’55 and Norman F. Bourke, former ACC/CCC Dean. Norman F. Bourke and his family with Margaret as a baby. Victoria B. Quimby is retired from the City of Auburn.


Professor William A. Prosser has been appointed as the Chair of the Division of Behavioral/Social Science, Business, Criminal Justice, Teacher Education, Health and Physical Education at Cayuga. Bill will complete Loraine Miller ’73’s three-year term that began on June 1, 2015. Prior to his appointment as a full-time faculty member in Fall 2000, Bill worked as an adjunct professor for ten years. A SUNY Chancellor’s Award recipient, Bill is held in regard by students, faculty, and staff.

Randy F. Clark is in the final stretch of planning his own “Trouble shooting business,” which will start in the Spring of 2017. Richard J. Steele started his career in the cable advertising business, shortly after graduating from Cayuga, where he quickly rose to the rank of Corporate VP for AT&T Media Services. Richard also coordinated all sales initiatives, including those like NFL Football, The Olympics, and NASCAR. In 2006 he joined the world of OOH (Out-Of-Home) advertising, where he enjoys the challenge and gratification of recruiting, coaching and mentoring Account Executives and Managers. “Cayuga played a very important role for me. It gave me hands on experience that helped me develop a passion and interest in all types of media.” Richard is married to Martha (Mackenzie) Steele ’86.


Kathleen (DeJoy) Genkos (1987 & 2000) and co-author brother, Scott, participated in Cayuga Community College’s Holiday Craft Fair this past December, with help of family members who created an impressive table display. The duo were on hand to sign books, answer questions, and chat with locals about their book “Hometown Heroes: The History of the Auburn Fire Department.” Kathy shared that they are exploring ideas for a Kathleen Genkos, ’87 & ‘00 new book.



Kelly A. (Casey) Albrecht shares, “I am so honored and excited to be the first ever Bursar for Cayuga Community College.” She began in October of 2016, after serving as the Controller of Cayuga County Nursing Home for 13 years, and more recently as the Regional Finance Director of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester. During that time, she served two terms on the Board of Directors of Hospice of The Fingerlakes. “As an alumni of Cayuga, I was thrilled to be warmly welcomed back to the College where my accounting education began,” she said. Kelly lives in Sennett with her husband, Todd D. Albrecht ’94, and her two children. Son, Tyler, is finishing his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Nazareth College, and daughter, Sydney, who is a senior at Weedsport High School, was named Valedictorian of Weedsport’s Class of 2017; she will begin pursuing a Law Degree in the Fall.


Joseph Divietro Jr., ’90

Joseph (Joe) E. Divietro Jr., Auburn Police Department Sergeant, was joined by fellow Officer Mike Locastro to participate in the NYS Minorities in Criminal Justice event held on Cayuga’s Auburn Campus in October. The officer’s provided information about the APD to the professionals and students in attendance.


Michael R. Frame has recently taken the position of Vice President of External Relations and Chief of Staff at SUNY Polytechnic Institute in Upstate New York.


Joseph T. Nauseef and Beth A. (Lupien) Nauseef ’09 were married on September 24, 2016, and they have a daughter, Aubrey Noel. Joseph graduated Cayuga with a degree in Police Science and has




a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice: Crime Analysis, a Master of Science in Management (MSM) in Homeland Security. He plans to receive his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Homeland Security later this year. Beth is working on a degree in Chemical Dependency from Empire State College and Joe works at Xylem through US Security Associates as a security guard.

Richard D. Mamorella ’63 passed away Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at St. Joseph’s Hospital. He is survived by his wife of 38 years, Ann Marie “Lucille” (Addabbo) Mamorella ’63 and three sons.


Judith E. Hill provided us with an update, “because it has been an incredible trip between graduation and finding myself back on campus.” After receiving her A.A.S. in Studio Art and Design from CCC she transferred to SUNY-Empire State College where she got her B.A. in Historical Studies in 2011. She stayed with SUNY-ESC, and entered the School of Graduate Studies, where she received her Master of Arts in Liberal Studies: Early European History in 2016. Judy was hired here at Cayuga as an adjunct professor of History under the mentorship of Professor Ronald Grube ’73. She taught her first course here in the Spring of 2016, and taught four courses for the Fall 2016 semester.


Megan S. (Barber) Daniels has had a very exciting few years. She married in 2013 and moved to North Carolina to be with her husband, who was in the Marine Corps. She attended Coastal Carolina Community College in NC where she received an Architectural Technician Degree. Following the service, her husband, Steven, became a Paramedic. Shortly after the couple bought a house, Megan found out she was pregnant. The couple lives in Jacksonville, NC with their daughter Kenlei Annette, who was born in April of 2016. Bridget A. McNally is a Program Assistant in the Communications Department with the Mental Health Association (MHA) of Erie County. She also works part time for the MHA in collaboration with the Veterans One-stop Center of Western New York and co-facilitates a support group for military children ages 2-18. Bridget also volunteers for the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) Program advocating for children in the family court system. “Everything I learned at CCC, and especially my time spent at WDWN doing marketing and planning events, really helped me get this job with the MHA!”


Caleb Slater was recently featured in The Citizen about his experience attending President Trump’s Inauguration. Caleb is a photojournalist currently attending Ithaca College. He told The Citizen that he attended the Inauguration Caleb Slater, ’16 from a “desire to simply be a part of history.” For more on this story, check out

John F. Guest ’72 of Canandaigua, NY died September 22, 2015. Nancy H. Banning ’82 of Guilford, CT passed away December 29, 2014.

FACULTY/STAFF PASSINGS With more than 40 years of teaching at Cayuga Community College, Linda (Lin) A. Rooker ’66 was our faculty’s most senior member upon her passing on December 5th, 2016. She began as an adjunct instructor with ACC in 1970, becoming an Associate Professor and Instructor of Physical Education and Linda (Lin) A. Health in 1981. Professor Rooker, ’66 Rooker received Cayuga Community College’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1997, and was valuable member of the Alumni Association’s Board of Director’s from 1992-2000; serving as president from 1994-1997. Professor Rooker was a 1994 recipient of the ACC/ CCC Alumni Award and in 2016, she kindly donated Cayuga College and Athletic memorabilia to the Association. “I first met Lin in 1977 as a freshman student at Cayuga. When I returned to Campus in 1991 as an instructor I shared an office with her for many years. Lin truly loved Cayuga, her students and colleagues. She will forever be part of Cayuga Community College.” Ed Wagner, Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. (HPER). “Linda Rooker was a kind, thoughtful, and passionate educator. I will miss her warm smile and calming presence,” Bill Prosser, Division Chair. “In Lin’s passing, we will all miss a valued colleague, friend, mentor, teacher, and respected senior faculty leader. On a personal note, I will be forever grateful for her kindness, support, and ability to persevere no matter what challenges she faced. I have been fortunate to work with a person of Lin’s integrity and sincere kindness.” Ann Herron, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. “Lin Rooker literally lived for this place. She loved CCC and the students. As a Physical Education & Health professional, she had an opportunity to be involved in teaching and Linda Rooker in coaching over a very long 1966 tenure and leaves behind


a great trail of students she has made an impact on. She will be missed! ~Pete Liddell, Director of Athletics / Associate Professor of HPER. In addition to Cayuga, Professor Rooker graduated from SUNY Brockport and Syracuse University, and later earned her Ph.D. from SU. Professor Rooker was a devoted member and Elder of First Presbyterian Church, and gave her time to volunLinda Rooker in teer at Freedom Camp, 1971 The CANUS Games, Easter Seals, area food banks, and area clothing drives. She enjoyed traveling, especially to her family retreat in southern Vermont. She is survived by her sister, Barbara J. Moore, nieces, Beth Anne Rabuano ’88, Becky (Moore) Caza ’92 (Peter); great-niece, Brittany Rabuano; great-nephew, Dan Rabuano; many friends from First Presbyterian Church and Cayuga Community College, especially Steven T. Yaple ’92, Colleen Nickerson, Bonnie Davis, and a beloved dog and companion, “Babe.” Robert D. Wojnar, Sr., long term wine class instructor at Cayuga Community College, passed away on November 16th. Bob shared his passion for the Finger Lakes Wine Region with students by comparing and contrasting wines from the Finger Lakes with wines from around the world, for 16 years. He Robert D. had a unique ability to Wojnar, Sr. make learning about wine enjoyable and entertaining. Bob enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the wine industry, with a particular interest and passion for promoting Finger Lakes NY wineries. He worked for many wineries, including Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery, where he was National Sales Manager, and was a member of the board of Finger Lakes Culinary Bounty, an organization dedicated to educating consumers on locally produced food and beverages. Bob majored in business administration and played football at Ithaca College. He received numerous honors during his sports career including NYS Sportswriters All Star Team and Kodak Coaches small college All American First Team Offensive Guard. Bob was inducted into Auburn High School Sports Hall of Fame in 2005, and the Ithaca College Hall of Fame in 1996. Robert is survived by his son, Robert D. Wojnar II (Lisa); daughter, Jennifer Wojnar; sister, Deborah Ackley (Chas); grandchildren, Jack, Riley Anne, Noah and Sage Wojnar; aunt, Pauline Kaczmar; and several cousins. A fund has been set up in his memory at the Cayuga County Community College Foundation. Contact the Foundation Office to make a donation at


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Cayuga Community College Alumni Association

Spring/Summer 2017

NATIONAL WEAR RED DAY was recognized by members of Cayuga Community College in February. The day is set aside to bring awareness of Heart Disease, especially among women. Donations were made to the American Heart Association and many of the campus community wore red in acknowledgment of the day. Pictured: Front row: Sue Dungey ’78, Sue Arliss ‘00, Emily Cameron ’02, Marie Nellenback, Karen Wheat; Second row: Kelly Diego ‘89, Bruce Walter, Margaret Swartz ’74, Jackie Caputa, Tony Giannettino, Guy Cosentino; Back row: Ed Wagner, Dr. Brian Durant and Dr. Dan DoBell.

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