September 2018 Vocation Office E-Newsletter

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Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia


Beatitude: Our Heart's Desire

Rosselli, Cosimo. The Sermon on the Mount. 1481-1482. Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Inside this issue: Reflection on the Beatitudes Profession of Vows More Summer Blessings

September 2018 Reception of the Habit Postulant Pinning Recommended Reading: The Eight Doors of the Kingdom

What do you desire? A Reflection on the Eight Beatitudes

“What do you desire?” This question occupied a central place in our community celebrations this past summer. The postulants responded to it as they prepared to receive the habit, as did the sisters preparing to make their vows during the Masses of Profession; but it is also a question relevant for each and every person. “What do you desire?” Although answers may vary depending on one’s stage in life or religious beliefs, all responses are rooted in the central and intrinsic desire of the human person: happiness. We all desire happiness because we were made for happiness. Over the course of the next eight newsletters, we will reflect on eight attitudes or patterns of thinking and acting that lead, counter-intuitively, to the happiness for which we were created. These are commonly known as the “Eight Beatitudes” which open Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount found in chapters five through seven of Saint Matthew’s Gospel. Much has been written on the Beatitudes since Jesus first preached these words on a hill near the Sea of Galilee, because they articulate the radical good news of Christianity. Prayerful reflection can lead us to a deeper discovery of their mysterious truth. Pope Francis, in his recent Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, wrote, “The Beatitudes are like a Christian’s identity card. So if anyone asks: ‘What must one do to be a good Christian?’ the answer is clear. We have to do, each in our own way, what Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount. In the Beatitudes, we find a portrait of the Master, which we are called to reflect in our daily lives. The word ‘happy’ or ‘blessed’ thus becomes a synonym for ‘holy’. It expresses the fact that those faithful to God and his word, by their self-giving, gain true happiness” (#63-64). During the course of the next month, let us take time to hear the Lord ask us personally, “What do you desire?” As we prayerfully reflect on his teaching, may we begin to understand that only by seeking to live as He did can we come to find what we truly desire.

Recommended Reading

The Eight Doors of the Kingdom Meditations on the Beatitudes By: Father Jacques Philippe In his newly published book, Father Jacques Philippe describes the Beatitudes as "A path toward the happiness of the Kingdom" which often comes in unexpected ways and times. In the first and longest chapter, poverty of spirit is highlighted as the "key to the spiritual life, to holiness, to fruitfulness, as well as true happiness." Father goes on to describe the true freedom that comes from living the Beatitudes. Readers of this book will come away with a greater desire to live the Gospel ideals by becoming true consolers, meek, just in all their dealings, forgiving, pure of heart, and people of peace.

"A beautiful promise accompanies purity: God himself. And not only will the pure of heart see him some day in paradise - a vision that will fill them with happiness - but here and now, in the recognition of God's action in their lives. There is nothing greater than to know God."

Click on the image above for a link to order the book.

Perpetual Profession of Vows 2018

The Sisters exchange the sign of peace, a sign of welcome Sister Maria Joy pronounces her vows. from the perpetually professed Sisters. Front row (l tor): Sister Joanna, Sister Ann Thomas, Sister Marie Genevieve, Mother Anna Grace, Sister Elena Marie, Sister Delia Grace, and Sister Malia Grace Back row (l to r): Sister Elise, Sister Joanna Marie, Sister Anne Elise, and Sister Maria Joy

The Sisters preparing to make their Perpetual Profession make the prostration as the Litany of Saints is sung.

First Profession of Vows 2018

Sister Rosaria signs her vows.

"The mission of consecrated persons ... is to remind their other brothers and sisters to keep their eyes fixed on the peace which is to come, and to strive for the definitive happiness found in God." - Vita Consecrata, 33

Top: First row (l tor): Sister Rosaria, Sister Maria Frassati, Sister Lucia Christi, Second row: Sister Sofia Thomas, Sister Eva Marie, Sister Isabelle Marie, Sister Felicity, Sister Moana Grace, Third row: Sister Jane Karol, Sister Rachel Marie, Sister Anna Joy, and Sister Clare Dominic.

Mother Anna Grace signs Sister Clare Dominic's vows.

Reception of the Habit 2018

Postulant Entrance 2018 "We are called to know and show that God is able to fill our hearts to the brim with happiness; that we need not seek our happiness elsewhere." Â - Apostolic Letter to all Consecrated People of His Holiness, Pope Francis, 2014

Summer Days Together in Community " The authentic fraternity found in our communities increases our joy; and... our total self-giving in service to the Church, to families and young people... brings us life-long personal fulfillment." - Apostolic Letter to all Consecrated People of His Holiness, Pope Francis, 2014

During our Community Days, we enjoyed time together in discussion and fellowship. Each sister helped to make this time beautiful and renewing for the other.

- Apostolic Letter to all Consecrated People of His Holiness, Pope Francis, 2014

Summer Visitors to the Motherhouse Father Christian Rabb, OSB and interns from the "One Bread, One Cup" program run at Saint Meinrad's in Indiana visited us at the Motherhouse this summer.

Brother Nathaniel Szidik, OSB (left), Sister Mary Xavier Winterrowd, OP, and Brother Simon Herrmann, OSB served as interns together for "One Bread, One Cup" program in 2008 and 2009 before they entered religious life.

Day of Recollection Sunday, September 23 ~ New Haven, Connecticut ~ 10:30am-5:30pm Join the Nashville Dominicans and Father Joachim Kenney, O.P. for prayer, hiking, picnic lunch, spiritual conference, Mass, Holy Hour, Confession, and dinner. Open to single, Catholic women ages 18-30. For more information, please contact Sister Anne Frances, O.P. at or 401-528-9671.

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