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September 2021 laudare, benedicere, praedicare T O P R A I S E , T O B L E S S , T O P R E A C H

St GregorytheGreat was pope during the 6th century is a Doctor of the Church He is known, among other things, for reform of the liturgy and Gregorian

OurLadyofSorrows iscelebratedtheday followingtheExaltation oftheHolyCross St Bernardwrites,"Truly,O blessedMother,asword haspiercedyourheart Foronlybypassing throughyourheartcould theswordentertheflesh ofyourSon "

St.Matthew theapostle Tradition holdsthatSt Dominic alwayscarriedtheGospel ofMatthewwithhim

Sts Michael,Gabrieland Raphael arethearchangels namedinSacred Scripture

Cross 15
16 /
17 / 18 / 19 / TWENTY-FIFTHSUNDAYINORDINARYTIME 20 / Sts. Andrew Kim Tae-gon and Paul Chong Ha-sang and Companions 21 / St. Matthew, Apostle 22 / 23/ St. Pius of Pietrelcina 24 / 25 / 26 / TWENTY-S IXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 27 /St Vincent de Paul 28 / 29 / Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael 30/St Jerome 1 / 2/ 3
Great 4 / 5 / TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 6 / Anniv.ofDeceasedFriendsandBenefactorsoftheOrder(transferredfromSept.5) 7 / 8 / The
of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9 / St.
2 0 2 1 Celebrationsfromthe Dominicancalendar appearinitalics
/ St. John Chrysostom
/ The Exaltation of the Holy
/ Our Lady of Sorrows
Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian
/ St. Gregory the
Peter Claver

On the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

To celebrate the "Triumph of the Cross" on September 14 can, at first, seem puzzling. Having already commemorated Christ’s Passion and Death on Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, why then does the Church provide us with a separate feast on which she calls us to celebrate the Cross as a sign of triumph? To solve this puzzle, we must first ask ourselves, “What is the reason for the Cross of Christ? What does it signify?” The answer to these questions is profound in its simplicity: love. When Adam sinned at the very beginning of the world, man’s nature was wounded, and mankind was separated from God; but God did not forsake him. On the contrary, out of love, He foretold in a mysterious way that He would lift man up from the fall. Sacred Scripture unfolds his mysterious plan: God chose to redeem us through the passion, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. On Good Friday we commemorate this passion and death with mourning; but we know that the great mystery does not end there The Paschal Mystery reaches its fulfillment in the Resurrection,

In the cross we see the love and faithfulness of God.

through which He conquers death forever. What we celebrate on September 14th is the Cross as a sign of Love's triumph over evil and sin and death We rejoice in the reconciliation of Man with God. In the cross we see the love and faithfulness of God. St Catherine of Siena said that the nails would never have held Jesus to the cross. No. It was Love for us that held him there, love for us which we do not deserve, but which He freely gives. So, on this feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, let us thank the Lord for his great love; and let us beg Him for the grace to offer our crosses of everyday life in union with his; and let us exalt his Cross, for in it we see the cause of all joy and experience the loving faithfulness of God.

From one of our canonical novices,SisterRoseCaritas

Looking back on the Summer

With Gratitude and Joy

Summertime allows the sisters a chance to reflect and thank the Lord for the completion of another school year and for His promise of

future blessing Our sisters found this summer to be especially touched by joy and gratitude, deepening the already joyful events that annually punctuate summer at St. Cecilia Motherhouse

The sisters' first delight came in simply being together at our Motherhouse. After completing an unusual school year filled with often difficult challenges, this time to come together in community was a particular time of gratitude. Many hours were spent in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, helping with practical duties at the Motherhouse, personal and community prayer, and simply spending welcome time with one another in community.

Some sisters embarked on summer studies in Theology and Education at various institutions throughout the U S and at the Motherhouse; some traveled for apostolic outreach, and some supported the daily life of the community through various assignments at home Despite so many possibilities for action, the days together at the Motherhouse were also a special time of rest.

July ushered in a new wave of Community blessings. Two groups of sisters the first group having been delayed by pandemic restrictions in 2020 celebrated their Silver Jubilee of profession This began a period of retreat and renewal. The annual retreat in July culminated in the renewal of vows of fourteen sisters and the profession of perpetual vows of six sisters July ended with the annual Community Days, in the course of which there were presentations about individual missions; conferences on religious life by Bishop Andrew Cozzens of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis; a talk by Mother Anna Grace; and time in Community During these days, each sister received a hand-carved Dominican cross, made by one of the sisters from cedar wood taken from the original foundation of the Motherhouse building It is a beautiful reminder that the Lord has protected the community since its beginnings, and continues to sustain us in every trial.

Early August found some sisters beginning retreat, while others began returning to various missions and schools for the new academic year. By St. Dominic’s Day, August 8th, many had already returned to their yearly assignments and the Sisters assigned to schools near our Motherhouse found the preparations of the year to be well underway. But the summer would not let go without three gifts of new life: in mid- August nine sisters received the habit and their religious names; four professed their first vows; and on the Solemnity of the Assumption, the community welcomed thirteen new postulants.

For each of us, this past year has presented its own particular challenges As we move forward into this new year, the memory of these summer blessings reminds us that each challenge can be a participation in the grace of the Lord's Cross - and allows to walk with Him and those to whom He sends us

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July 9th

Silver Jubilee Celebration

This summer we honored the sisters celebrating 25 years of religious profession in 2020 It was postponed from last summer

Congratulations to Sr. Martha Ann, Sr. Mary Johanna, Sr. Mary Veronica, Sr. Maria Christi, Sr. Mary Seton, Sr. Mary Emily, and Sr. Rosemary.

The sisters renew their vows during the Jubilee Mass

Silver Jubilee Celebration

July 11th


The celebration for the sisters who made religious profession 25 years ago was held at the Motherhouse two days later.

Congratulations to Ann Hyacinth, Sr. Mary Celeste, Sr. Maria Frassati, Sr. Jane Dominic, Sr. Mary Ellen, Sr. Agnes Marie, and Sr. Mary Esther.

Perpetual Profession of Vows

July 26th

Reception of the Habit

August 8th

First Profession of Vows

August 10th

Postulant Entrance

August 15th

Community Days


Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction on the front mound at the Motherhouse MiddleRow

While many sisters were at the Motherhouse this summer, we took the opportunity to enjoy community.


The sisters went back to mission renewed and ready for a new school year.

Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia
For More Information Sister Mara Grace, O.P. | 615.256.0147 | vocation@op-tn.org | 801 Dominican Drive nashvilledominican.org | facebook.com/dominicansistersofsaintcecilia Retreats at the Motherhouse for single, Catholic women ages 17-30 Vocation Retreats October 1-3, 2021 February 25-27, 2022 November 4-7, 2021 January 6-9, 2022 March 10-13, 2022 Jesu Caritas Retreat almostfullCome & See Retreat
Nashville, Tennessee
nashvilledominican org

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