September 2022 laudare, benedicere, praedicare T O P R A I S E , T O B L E S S , T O P R E A C H
10 / 11 / TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 12 / 13 / St. John Chrysostom 14 / The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 15 / Our Lady of Sorrows 16 / Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian 17 / 18 / TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 19 / 20 / Sts Andrew Kim Tae gon and Paul Chong Ha sang and Companions 21 / St. Matthew, Apostle 22 / 23/ St. Pio of Pietrelcina 24 / 25 / TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 26 / 27 /St. Vincent de Paul 28 / 29 / Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael 30/St. Jerome 1 / 2/ 3 / St. Gregory the Great 4 / TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5 / AnniversaryofDeceasedFriendsandBenefactorsoftheOrder 6 / 7 / 8 / The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9 / St. Peter Claver S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 Celebrationsfromthe Dominicancalendar appearinitalics
The Eucharist and Eucharistic devotion has always been at the heart of the Dominican Order. One can see in the very architecture of our Motherhouse, for example, that the Eucharist is at the center of our lives as Dominican Sisters. In the encounter with the Lord present in the Eucharist, we find the One for whom our hearts long We desire to share this good news, and so in communion with the Church in the U S , we will be focusing on this great mystery and gift in the upcoming e-newsletters. Our hope is that these reflections will inspire greater love for the Lord, as well as give others hope in darkness and strengthen their faith in His real presence in the Eucharist May Jesus Christ, who has been broken and given for each of us, reawaken the world to the depths of His mercy and love
According to a recent survey sponsored by the Pew Research Center, 70% of Catholics think of the Eucharist as merely a symbol of Christ The truth, of course, is far more sublime Christ Himself, in instituting the Eucharist at the Last Supper, said these words that the priest repeats at every Mass: “This is my Body This is my Blood ” The constant teaching of the Catholic Church from its beginning has always been that Jesus Christ is truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. His real presence in the Eucharist is the mystery of our faith, the greatest gift Christ has left us until He comes again Desiring to reawaken within us a deep love for and devotion to the Eucharistic presence of Christ, the United States Bishops have initiated a three-year Eucharistic Revival in order to foster love and devotion for Jesus' real presence in the Holy Eucharist
Reviving Faith TheRealPresence
EucharisticRevival churches will provide the opportunity where you can take time to be in the Lord's presence in stillness peace committing to a regular time of Eucharistic
Your Own Making the Here are some ways you can enter into the Eucharistic Revival Deepen Your Participation in the Mass Eucharistic Adoration Learn More Many
for Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharist Check
www eucharisticrevival org for free
and other resources In
There are many resources where you can learn the Church's beautiful teachings about the out videos addition to Sunday, consider attending Mass an other time during the week or even daily To foster devotion and fuller participation prepare for Mass in an intentional way by praying with the readings or the prayers of the Mass beforehand
Most of our sisters were able to gather at the Motherhouse this summer for time in community and community celebrations. The following pages highlight the grace-filled summer days.
Summer 2022
Silver Jubilee
Sister Gabriella and Sister Andrea Marie celebrated 25 years of religious profession on July 10th. The Jubilee Mass was held at the Motherhouse with Fr. Albert Trudel, O.P. as the main celebrant.
Golden Jubilee
On July 8, Sister Elizabeth Anne and Sister Jean Marie celebrated their Golden Jubilee of religious profession. Bishop Mark Spalding celebrated the Jubilee Mass in our Motherhouse chapel.
ABOVELEFT/ SisterMonicaMarieprofessesvowsasherhandis placedonthecommunity'sRuleandConstitutions.Thewordsof thevowsformula,"ImaketoGodinyourhands,MotherAnna GraceNeenan,"aremadevisiblewithMother'shandplacedover thehandofthesisterprofessingvows
ABOVE / Front row: Sister Teresa Joy, Sister Maria Beatriz, Sister Maria Frassati (Director of Novices), Mother Anna Grace, Sister Mary Imelda, Sister Maria Grace Middle row: Sister Madeline Rose, Sister Monica Marie, Sister Mary Martin, Sister Mary Judith Back row: Bishop Mark Spalding of Nashville, Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. Archbishop Christophe Pierre, Archbishop Emeritus J. Peter Sartain of Seattle, Bishop David Talley of Memphis.
ABOVERIGHT/Beforeprofessingvows,thesisterslieprostratein frontofthealtarwiththescapularovertheirheads Thisgesture symbolizes the self offering each sister makes through her consecration RIGHT/SisterMaryJudithsmilesatMotherAnnaGraceaftershe signedhervowsonthealtar
Perpetual Profession of Vows
First Profession of Vows ABOVE/Front:SisterMariaFrassati(DirectorofNovices),SisterChaira Grace,SisterGloriaChristi,MotherAnnaGrace.Back:SisterSimone, SisterLauraImmaculata,BishopMarkSpaldingofNashville,Sister HannahRose,SisterLilyAnne LEFT/ThecelebrantattheMassblessestheblackveilsandgivesoneto eachsister.Theblackveilisthedistinguishingmarkofonewhohas professedvows,andsymbolizespenance BOTTOMLEFT/SisterLauraImmaculatasignshernameunderthe writtenvowssheprofessed. BOTTOMRIGHT/Thesisterskneelafterprofessingvowsandreceivea blessingfromBishopMarkSpalding.
Reception of the Habit ABOVELEFT/Thepostulants arepresentedtoMother,one atatime,toreceivethehabit andareligiousname ABOVERIGHT/Afterthe sistersareclothedinthehabit, theyprocessintothechapel forafinalprayer. CENTER/Thesistersgreetthe newnovices. ABOVE/Front row: Sister Maria Frassati (Director of novices), Sister Amata Magdalene, Sister Catherine Grace, Sister Abigail Therese, Sister Faustina, Sister Casey Joy, Sister Claire Eilis Back row: Sister Natalia Thomas, Sister Teresa Rey, Sister Raphaela, Sister Perpetua Lucy, Sister Monica Beatriz, Sister Cecile Bernadette
Postulant Entrance
BOTTOM RIGHT / There is a big celebrationforthe4thofJuly,andthe sisters are getting readyinpreparation
ABOVELEFT/Manysisterstakeclasses duringthesummer Thenovicesare picturedhereintheirEthicsclasswith SisterTerese
a festive dessert
LEFT/ Sisters
Summer at the Motherhouse
RIGHT AND BOTTOM enjoyingeachother'scompanyonthe backporch
ABOVE RIGHT / The sisters receive ongoingformationduringthesummer. BishopAndrewCozzensoftheDiocese ofCrookston,Minnesotaspoketothe community about the Eucharistic Revival that began in June and will continueforthenextthreeyears.
Sacrament Intro Released on the third Thursday of every month 1stVideo 2ndVideo
for the
of love and
As part of our efforts to support the Eucharistic Revival called for by the US Bishops, our sisters are releasing catechetical Eucharist which we hope will foster growth devotion Blessed
Video series with the Sisters
Catechesisonthe Eucharist
available at
videos on the