Trends in the Legal Profession Report - Volume 2 Issue 2

Page 11

H O W L A W Y E R S C A N N E T W O R K B E T T E R , V I R T U A L LY A N D I N P E R S O N

4 compelling reasons why attorneys at law firms and on legal teams need to network well:

1. Succession planning 2. Diversity, equity and

inclusion/access to opportunity

3. Talent retention 4. Business development Networking Tips for Law Firms and Legal Teams to Consider Implementing • Encourage a relationship management culture that incorporates both internal and external networking. • Support strong networking acumen across all seniority levels. • Adopt approaches to relationship management and business development that are efficient, deliberate and effective. • Consider a strengths-based, customized approach to encouraging networking among staff, associates and partners that takes into account the introvert/ extrovert distinction and individuals’ comfort levels with and styles for networking effectively. • No individual at a law firm or on a legal team is too busy, too smart, already too well-networked, or too anything else to carve out the time needed to build strong relationships. • Think ahead to already-scheduled virtual and in-person events, and be strategic about which to attend. • Acknowledge the connection between networking and wellness, and foster your firm’s commitment to attorney and staff wellness by building and encouraging a healthy and strong networking culture. (Source: medium=email&utm_campaign=special)



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