Miami Gazette January 12, 1910 - June 29,1910

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To the Owners and Tenant s of olty, will I:\gliin be a ollndld ate fr- r F. C. Ca~ey was in Cincinnati Tues- I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hole, though the cold weath er kept a few tbe ttepubliooD nomina tion for Oon day on busmesa. Mr. and Mrs. Benj . Hawkins had Tuesday, Januar y I,lth, a boy. Real Estate In Warren at hom. e, there was quite a large as thel'r guests for Sunday . gress, in this, tbe Rlxtll distrlot . Mr. 'and Count)'. 'tbe st,atem ent of Mr, Taylor is a th Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hough were in Messrs. W. H . Allen and Chas. Cor- ga ermg present . 'lIRin, mu-Uet of faol, one, and de Dayton Sunday. . Mrs, B. S. Howell, Mr. and Mr\!. . nell were in Lebanon Monday. hAt 8:15 Master Cartwr tght callp.d E. Sherwood and daught er, Mr. F. t e assemb lage to rll~!:IerV08 the attentio n /lnd SerlOO!l order, and after a Mrs. Thad Zimme rman and son; and ROBS Irons, who was quite sick last Mrs. Warren Barnet t was taken few happy remarks, announced In' order that the owners and ten· oont~lderf>tion of every voter the in t.hp. wee, k is much better. . k Sund very SiC ay b ut'IS muc h b etter. progra m. J . E • J anney an d M'ISS Mrs. J. ants of rt!al estate in Warren County dlstrio t The oampl1l~n of H. Coleman, M 1908, In rs.E V .. may be of some assistance to the whlah Mr , 'l'aylor WaH t,be Repob Louella Cotnel lgave reading s. Har- Barnha rt and Mrs_ n. L. Crane . . h , Mrs. F. C. Schwar tz was in Cincinwere LoUIse, the httle daught er of Mr. old Howell followed with legerde · Quadrennial Assessors I will here Mn nominee and WIlS defellte - hostesses to the Card Club lastThu rsd, is nati Sunday and 'Monday. and Mrs. Ray Smith, hIlS been sick. main. and following this came state some of the duties of said asses- yet fresb 10 t,be minds of the the day evening at the home of the form}>utlio Harry Jacobs, of Cincinnati, spent Mrs. Urith Thoma s was taken sick aU-important part- the lunch, sors. which el'. There were six tables of "500" In this olSwpliign be Wli8 defeate d, Sunday with Miss Emma Heighw ay. last week at the home of T.J. Brown_ was served in tl~e lower 1st. Tn :l assessors shall begin the oot becaose be W'l~ not olt.pable hall, buffet and sandwiches and coffee were 01 valuation of the real proper~ on or filling the POSitiOD Dor beoaolll ' style, and was greatly relished by all served. I l tht' ,John Caskey, Supt. of the Home, Mis:'es Edn"l and Sarah Bur~ett present . before the fifteent h day of Januar y ISRoes he repref.ented were --wroDg. at Lebanon. was in town Tuesday, were m Dayton Saturd ay shoppm g. During the evening 1". C. Schwar tz Two large bob-sleds of Eastern after thel'r electl'on and shall com bat becaose of 11 oamnal g" suoh a8 Star , ..-- .. Mrs. Mamie Cummings, of Xenia, plete the same Mrs. S. E. Ketterm an, of Dayton. h ad h'IS grap h ap hone an,d f urnls' . hed people went to the home of Mr and '-nown , made . on ot' before tile hat! never before be"D '" .. . . was the guest of relative s here last is visiting relative s here for a first day of July following. O' a~ain8t. blm in a ma.nDer decidedl,V week. few anum bero f goo d se Iechons . Ai. ter Mrs.H. A . Cornell Tuesda y evenl'na, days. ' The constit ution prescri bes that all ~oorrilooll "nd ooming, 1108 It the lunch Warren Keys organIz ed and completely surpris ed them. The did, a compan y and acted charad es. real and personal proper ty shall be right at the last minute , effeoted evenir.g was spent in social pleasur e, hie J. W Murphy, cif neal' Spring ValMrs. Cynthi a Evans, is home after The affair was one of several taxed bv a uniform rule at its true defeat, the and a t a seasonable hour oysters were ley, made U8 a pleasan t call Inst a pleasan t visit with Cincinn ati rela- Masons are anticip ating giving this served. The Stars Yalue in money. Govern or Harmon Two ,ears bave gone by had an enjoya ble aDd tbe Thursd ay. tives. and Audito r of State Fulling ton both voters of tbe dit!trio& Ilre now winter . and this one was certain ly time. folly Miss Pearl Carey is much better in~ist that all proper ty be apprais ed awalteDl:!d ' to , M F k T I the InjQ8tice ot tbe f Ch' e~Joyed bY a II present . A qleddin a party composed of sev· accord ing' to the constit ution or at deoillion rendbre ran ayor, 0 Icago. - .- - - - ---- d agains~ Mr. Tay after a protrac ted siege of sciatic spentr ,Sunday • wi~h Mrs. Edith Harris t its true value in money. "Ac- lor, HRd tbey had time to conllide A SURPR ISE eral of our young people went to Harr rheuma tism. and family. ' cording to its trl.le value," at its the w"tter , Mr, Deuver would veysbu rg Saturd ay evening, startin g not Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Sherwood . true value" and" at its cash value" hue been elec&ed. . Mr. and Mrs. Horace Compton about 7 'o'clock. The team were guests of Allen Kibler and fam, was MIf'S Bertha Stephenson, of J~me8- pleasantly enterta ined a numbe when applied to the valuation 01 ' Taking thetle things tnto conside r of made up of ,three horses, and a mule r. ily last liTiday. town w~ the gU,est of her friend. young people on the evenin g of the which propert y- for taxatio n all mean the litlon It. ia eTidenli that Mr. obstrep erous. They Mrs WIll Allen, Sunday . 31s·t. The event was the nature of a reached was T"ylor same thing, that is, that propert their destina tion about 10 y shoold be the RepobUcllD ollndidate Cather ine Burnet spent la1t week Frankli n Pac"er , of Newton , Pa., Watch Meetin g also a !,!urpris shall be assessed at what it is worth, &glSin tbis year, It will take e on o'clock and had supper at the 1<:ay10r more with ber ,~randfather Rosnagle and .rrived here Monday and will probatheir oldest or what it would sell for as between th'D II. mud fllDging olSmpa daught er Marian na, who \ restaur ant. __ _ ign , to family, at Spring boro. bly be here for some time. was home ~rom Wilmingto.n college a willing seller 'and a willing buyer. beat bim ~bis time. 'fhe voters COPSE Y- HAWK E !\frs. John VanHa rlingen , of Dean, 2nd. It ~omes the duty of the QClW oogniz an' ot tbe tnjastio e are for the holidays. The surprIse provf:d done was the gueSt of her daught er, Mrs. M~. and Mrs. John Fromm and to be a success. The following per- A pretty weddio , aesessor to inspect every tract or, par- bioi II.nd lire aD%iool! tu sbow g was solemD.i~d thAir Upsher e White last week. famtly, of Dayton, are guests of Mr. sons were presen t : Frank Melncelof land 'and with the consen t of appreo lation of the game ol,mpai in Spring Vtllley, Thursda.y evenin g' gn , . Jlnd Mrs. J.C. ~~~foraf~w days. tire, Lester Compton, Archie · the owner or tenant thereof exam. he made. - The Repobllcans Peter- .JaDoary 6tih, at 6 o'olook, whl:!n' need a Dr.,J. T. Elha has purcha sed Mrs'P OUL TRV CI\TAl OGUE ine all buildingA and structu res of RepubUoa.n caDdidate from son, Edgar Hurley , Raymo nd Wilson, Mis8 Elsie Copsey, dao~hter of Mr. tbe old Cynthi a Evans' proper ty, the purAndra Cr.ews, Leroy Jones, Amos aDd Mrs. Manoe l, Oopsev, whatev er kind which are either liable Six~h di81rio& liad Mr. Taylor became is the I chase price being $8,200. We publish ed from this office last Compton, Lawren ce Michen er , or 8Xtlmpt from taxatio n. The~e- man to lead the ~raDd Old Parly Herthe bride of Mr . Philip B HaWke , on Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall week R. H. Wadsw ort",s poultry fore when the assessor asks perm18- 'ovioto r" ma~ Jones, Horace Harner , Everet t SOD of Mr , and Mrs Joseph ~awlre . • " 't' • I . D to • .I ' VlSI mg re a t'IVes 10 Hames, S. K. Le Mar, Carl Jones, The weddin g oooorred a& tbe ~Ion to enter and mspect your bUIl~ay nan d catalog , '. ue. Mr. . Wadsw orth makes a V The JQurDal bfolieves that Mr. are bQme Richmond, Ind., this week. '~lalt y of Smgle Comb Black Mi· ergo M'IC h ener,.M,r. an d Mrs. H y t mgs do not bec?me otfe,nded as he ~s Taylor IS entitled to the nomin~t Ql',r of ,the bride's pareD&8 toD, and I was per· . . norc~, which is considered one of Lytle, R~sa . MIlls, Franct!S Wdonly undert akmg to perform hIS Ilbd tbat the voters of the formed by Rev. Frank Zell iD the (li8'liot Fran~ Crew IS now loca~~d I~ Day- \he greates t Elgg-breeds. He shipped I swom duty 88 ajust and fair asses- wlll he glad of the opportu son, FlOSSIe MIchener, .E thel?O mpton presenoe af flfty guests who (lity &0 ton haVing secured a posItIon In the over 10,000 eggs for tor the hatchin g last Amy McKay, Hattle MIchener. most part were sor., , If, ~he assessors identity is repair the iDjustice done two relative s, Rev. ;ears Bantey and Smita car shops. Zell spring. bes!des several hundre d head Glenna Hurley . E.~ther S~amba doubte d he will presen t to you cre- ago, Tht; primar y i!l yet ugh, was the offioiating mini8\ er a' the lIome Goldilocks does a little dance with of ~tock for breedin g purpos es, His Ina May ,Compton, MarIe Harner , weddin g of the bride-~ - dential s duly certifie d by myself as mont.bll lD the futu.8 ~Ilt room's parwe OODft a real live Teddy Bear at School Balt t;0~uct goes to every state in the Mrs. R. ~. Jones, Lorena Compton ents, thirtyAudl'tor• " . toor dentJy E'xpeot to aee thil'sen ttment Friday evening, Januar y 14th. years ago. , • ..:."I ' II I ' f . and MarIan na Compton n. as we as sev~ra oTel~ 3rd. In to,wnships and VIllages 80 strong that tb~re will be Af·- th . . ltt.tle _r e ' ~remODY a ,d e11010118 ' ' coontn es. If you are mteres ted m . Aft~r playmg games,' the auditor shaH cause to be o'ppnSltion tf) bis nomina tion of dIfferent weddin g supper was served. rhe It h'18 Miss Kathe~i~e ' ~~_~ander spent a illeat :eei.-w rite him) -at kmdsllghtrefreshl1len~wereserved, bride's table wall very prettily printed,in pamph let form a list show: al ways been ~he oostom thllt Repu b several days last week in Elida, Ohio W~yn~vme. Ohio, for deo.- his catalog ue, and all dep&:ted declan ng they had orated iD pln.k in&' all the real estate in such town- 1I0l\n Dominees when el 'ottld and white, wit~ a were the guest of Dr. and Mrs Alexan der. whIch 18 sent free on reques t. had a good time. , ship or villqe, to~etherwith the lot given a seoond term witbou . ' large white weddlDg ben baDlln g t 'oppo Mr. and Mrs. ,Newto n Bunnell left • -- • numbe r, townshIP, range, surv,ey , lIition, while Ib, Oblule s Q. , gn! ~ho was there. over the oeDter. Wtth the , bride Hilde M d ' .L I . h VISITI!D THE SCHOOLS on ay mornm g f or Day t on, were UNIQU E INVITA TION acreaa'8 anU'va uation made by the!",' braDd' wa. elected twtoe a.lid aDd groom were IJe8ted teD of tbeir , 1 ti d fiend Mr, S, K , Mardis state sohool inas the case may be. and cause iCopy tbe nomiDation a third tilDe, given they will spend the rest of the win, yoong and it ter re a vea 8D r s. .peotor visited the"sohools her i t ' An invitati on in the form of the same to be mailed to each own- is only right and faii' ,th&t \lr, of a cel-. Mr. aDd Mrs. Hawke left Friday tray . week a~d tound ev .. rytbin~ in e o68 luloid blotter was issued by the Ohio mornin g er of real estate in their respective lor should be grante d this for BellefontaiDe for a d 800ttd Mr. Sam Davis has been sick for order. ' g 0 Canner s' :Asaociation as ~ invitati on ~hor' visit aUer wbioh political division, Theref ore the as- oppnrt onUy and a oomplA they will go te vin several days, and at presen t is some Mr Mardi8 was 00 pIt ta i to their ·convention to be held at the to bonsek eeplng sessor is require d to obtain the ad- dioaUon.-:-GreeD County JourDa at Baney sburg .l. bett~r'. Fred Everha rt is doing the reg~;d to tbe OODdl,:::n ::~iO;: b~ Al&,onquin hotel, Dayton, f~om the XeDio GIl~tte , d~ess of each own.;r ofi~:\:s~te : '. • - • hauhng from the depot, ~oond everyth y at iDg, aDd ' espeolally to ~he 14~h. tth adC?tPY ma , ma t if '" th t 1m y FEE~ ~~TICf . ' DEATHS .1 J. C. Wilson, of King's Mills, pres- tbe library , wbioh be 8ay. 18 far lllr .eau~or, l ncade a e~an , occuta°tbl~rbumquet Taesd was. e idento fthe Waynesville Cannin g Co., IIheRd ofto"n sollarg erpopu PIes a pIece hof proper ty It would be ,Word WIlH reoelved by Mrs l.sion. vege e anque ~ aye~en mg, The Waynesville Mills has been Geo '.. . k . , h' ·· I f' ' . ' I. reJolcmg over the arrlva that will b ave when produc ts of OhlO cannen es was 0 a mne- ' There is ODe a.ld" well for suc a tenant to . now I~ Ha)lVke Ttldflday tba t ber brothe "',~. . . g mg . ht and day and have all ed r, . pound hrunnm baby airl at his home. , to be pat in, aDd of Olnue tbe board aerv , ~h . company furnls , land~orda address 80 that It may be Mr Mtlltud Dakin, had died mg .feed ground that ,was 'left at milt. at will put tt in. furmsh ed the ~'380r. some of th~lr products. _ a hospita l in New York, &tur<l ay, " FI!lED GRINDING' Mother Goose fa comin&, with her • -. .th: .The' asseaso~ Is require d to Januar y 8th, at 6 p m. We are tndebte d to the secreta ry, Tuesda y, Thursd ay and Saturd ay. ---,_ _ large and interea ting-la mily-to -visit w. c. T.- U. - ME&:f.S Mr. J.mea.S~op~, for one of these commencing Januar y 16th. c:- --aoe-d1V1~ach tract of farmla nd, Mr. Dakin bll~ been a soffere r all thepeo ple of Waynesville, Januar " y Th W 0 'f U as nearly as he can, under -three hit! Ufe trom epinal tronble handso me lDVltatiOns. WAYNE , bot of 14th. S~rklingmU8ic, clever speech· t SVILLE ' MILLS. e th met Friday af'head,, ;-" plow land," "meado w and late yeara bad been muob • .. • .. - • "orlle, es, quaint costum es. Admission. 25c ~rnoo,tDt a Roeti ome " d bot iMra . Too J. .. It' ted d ' H TO LOVERS OF BIRDS paat ure Ian d an uneu ,Iva See Mother Goose, Old ~ing Cole, an I eWaB ' h e talooa d eon of tbe late mar a. D ne ua nt!88 WIUI ' t ted wood land." d b DoriDg thlshea vYllno w tberew iJl Mother Hubba rd and the rest of Dr, and' Mrs Ell'. Dattu . Mr. ChIS. W. Sch~,. of Leba.. ranaao , lin t e arterD~n them "Plow land" should include Bueh was be hundre ds and thoosa nds of birds at School HaU, Friday Be leaves to monrn hill deaf,h his non, who has been JrUlte. SIck for evenin&" Janthe 'peat on ~be Dltma n d aDtl'Cl ' garette .. bill land as is used perman,e,nrly for. pas- siater ner." Mra IIIl1w Barf d ua"" w hi 0h can ft n d no.h eIter nor f00. ." 14th . . ture and meadow. , Uncult tvated New York Citv I Mra Elmer old, of last .. te~ ays, 18 ~lowly Improvm~, It will be a l&bor of love to teed Latoh, and It IS hoped wIll , 800n be at hIS - -- ... - • . A oommi was appolDted, for tb litt! 1 t· h d baa ti b . . S i the porpos ettee and wood land" should include aU f'm, of MODteliuma, Iowa; qf sendin g in a petitioD WANTl?D e e ea ere u es. pr n Rev, usmess &.gam. aDd t,h!y are bard d work getting kle orllmbll or ama11 graiu wood land. s,va!Dp or o~her unculti ~ Wtl-lter EdwiD Dakin, of Oolomb wher.. Foor mlllioDs of men aDd womeD o-, Dr. J. T. ' Ellis went -to Dayton slgoers the bird. caD Ret at it, vated lan~ no: lDcluded In the other Miss; W,arren J. f.>akJn, and in Ohio to write person al lettere Aifrf'd Sund/lY to see his wife, who was op• -. two claaalficatlons. Quail will die b, thoulll nds Onl6l8 to their SflnatoraaDd represe Dtative I Dakin, of Hanntb al, Mo, erated' on last week at the Miami s AT THE M.· E. CHURCH· In .o~er that the ~r ~ay &,et tbe farmer~ and hODters living in nrgiog them to wOlk aDd TOte Mr Dakin W8a wt'll kDown berEl, Valley Hospital. He says she for i.e get, a fair Idea. of the. 4 I,t ept I would a.l'hoog~ ~()(It-of 'hl!,Ufe had tbe oountr y do sometb ing to aave the Ditmar s aDti oigaret te bill ' Theme etlDga atthel! 4 E. O~urob them. The Stat. Game Warde sunes t that each Illl1d owner and tlpent iD New York Bl8 been tingalo n&,ver ywell. ns wbioh prohib maDY ita Import atiuD, are growin g in favor, and a gre"t will appreo iate the eiforts of teDantstudY~iBm~tteroveri~order friends are sorry to hear of bis de Mothe~ Goose any fa t e &ale or giving away thiDks that a goose Dla.DY people are attendi ng, Rev. people in the ooontr y wqo will feed :t;;a.r that~. may mtelll~ently enh~hten mu.e ~t~:S ~r cigaret t" pa.pers to , is too slow as a means of locomotion,' BaildY itl workin g hard to · the'UI e8)r. malle It the birdll or !!l'rinkle fodder or hay anY'od y In Obio. There w~ vagoe word in rpgard She is riding on a bat now-a-days Will vou be ODtI? and tbe snooee'J It is. Rev. ' Ro,o.l, dis about wh'3re the birds 6th. Sec. 2792 provides that the tp bl" funera l wbloh will be Olen Mn get at it , D 't says it is as good as an ainhip . Don't trtot' 80,periDtendimt, of DRY ton, ,lUI8I88Or shall deduct from the ' value tioDed later, • _. 0 1 now, • _ ••- - fail to see her start from her home preaoh ed there Sonday evanin g to a RECEIVED FINE PRESF.NT of any 8uch tracts of, land lying o\ltA BAI) MISTAKE Friday evenin g at School Hall. large coDgregation. ade of 'municipal corpora tions the Miss Jessie Marlat t, alSista nt post_ In'l!Ult week 's ii:ls~e in tbe Mi.s MaOlemeD " A-nuh ·, of ad of .. 1 , .... __r The_ Ohio Canner s' A~ociation, • amoun t of land ·occupied and used tbe late John REFOR.. M- BUREA U 1 master E lind , receive Ca'~ert f K d from ne Zl Clem_ her brother , H. ,. 'by ~ Canal.or, u~ VBDS, 0 er 0 DO, th e a p.u blic , hi~h- 'entl!. died f"tday morDh\ .. , JaDuar " which c~nven eB in Dayton on Januat h d hi ' Mr. .. nd -Marlatt, of Eugene , y}>e8 a a ,was DK ~ t a 00s t of 24 oT ry 11th to the, will be well repMen are DOW Rt work tbroog hout Oreg.,Raymo waY. , Th~ Sta~e Audito~ holds't hat 7, 1tl0, .. &IS o'oluolr; after' an a short,tir r,t~ ago, a Mongol.ian oants, ~h,e~ It $hould h~VA been 2X tUn... resente d b., Wa"nesville people. tbe .~ate holding meetin gs, distriba.. the ,d~uction muat ,b& made alone ip of I18veral montba pheasa nt, whIch . was shot by hIm. oeuR. 1hlSlH & great wllshtng n, She Mt!88ta. J. oT powde r F. Snook. Roy Irons, Wm. Hng literflto re, aDd iDtervi ewin" Miss mo~ey, hence if t~e . l~nd oWrter or "~8 the Dt~th , of a faolil,. JesSie ~ill ' qave the bird pre-. fln d silvas I \) t 8 o.f _a: h Ii wor k : T r .vit. tenant is asked for infonn ation cOil- Ohlldrea. of whom ooly ODeof ten • ed lire Zen, Fred FJ· $berwo od, ~I'&'e Zell, poli&ic:al le"ders iD suppor = t ot anti .,ar to orname~t .h er ', room.. I t :IS ' 'What h~s b\ioome ee11ling.thia item i~ wo~ld be well Abram Sboem aker" elef'" of the ol~'asbThe ta Adam S!»~p8 an~ Frank Zell allti&,- oigaret te ItlgislatioD: l'bon8a Dds of a beauty: a~d s~e!!~stlyp~ouuoflt. i,)ne~ " . ~or the ~upant to ~ ~re~~.1 , , n,ral ' ..,r'~l088 '~e~ beld wb6 tol~ his , .W:ite, when Snnd_, . nify theIr mtentlo n to at~d. ,- let$er. are ald,o being mailed from STOCK FARM , FOR SAtE 6th. See. 2799 provldea . that the mqrrin g.'a t 10 o'ol~k at the Mprt.Q ~he lillked for a 'piano, that be' wODld · . Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hawke Mias tbe lJleyeland omoe. Wb,e~ tbe I &BIMlII8Or .,han af.t~e ,time of ~, . '. '. get ber a washbo ard to play on? 'a r, Ob.pel~ Rev', €ooPer . of Leba. ,Chln Hawke , ~r ..,d M~. GeoJ'&'8 leg:& :"7 D)ee: iD 'Jan\l~ry ezperl -. In anothe r column ' appeal'$ ~ertain:as nearly as maY be nqD, nmo1~tln~' , '" Anothe r F;I1-:C; IblPIOd~ ' , " . Larrick.an4 family. of.,IAbanon; ~r. en orm nreau me,~ wlll be of a, Stock Farm for Bale . Thisfar~ •. from the owner or ....... nt the amoun t ' , .. . The tact that t,l. much more d" _..., U J h bo8 - , . U ..I U an Mrs. 0 n,..'d...._ to look after is a good 'one and Mr. Otis Hadley "rOne to \produc ~\Wlm. Mr. an" mn. .tat~OD th Ott ed at (Jolntn ' o~ the mottg qe Indr~~n"' lIpon ','Eight bill e hIII art ",hat t~ eo.. ' , y little folka pve a daint.,. JolmC . COUeft. Mf8a Marv' cOllett . . , 1 - tb rlsldJ I ' ' , e . .. _ .. .-ell tract and'\I~tin-JU8ldi,~irict ':~d, bri&'inal 'a nd ehan;mq>: operet~ "A Mr. 'who lives near'i~ w~1l :soon , be here, :e~~~::.e be : al~ ml~d :~ ', and' o r , )frs. s 'Frank , We~kiDe iater, . , CO~N WAJt!(J'ED " ~rt the ag&'I'8Ca~ ,amoun t oUhe Vlait From StoJIYland" a~ the opera Mr. and Mrs. and, any. on.e ,wantin&, tnf?rm ation critics wb.o ' annor ead,. ·to ,bruid .. Morrla Marq"i,te. of ' , , &ame to theeoQilty~.u~ltor~ ' . would do well -to cODSult blm wbe~ morbid ~U1d d~!ld8Dt eYer)' '. hoqae 11nntd ay evenirqt"-XIDia Dayton ; were' &'Oeste oUln, artllu. Clar.a 'fellow ' and wbi~; hi&,best cash he arrives ,.as he know~ the (~ntinued OIl pap I farm,'f or 48T~o~Dlen,t ",bleb co~tUota. ~ . . . ,Guette~ " Roberti, of na,toh. "S~daJ. l)~.. WA~ MIwt. eate w~ll. .' ...~, ~~L0D4'!., ~ 01 ,







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CC\bQ.\;~,n~.'\.l\n .

are a very b&d Ipun," tl)e "Oh, no, my dear; l'in reall y 0. very " I have come good man; but rm a very bad Wizard, marked ,the Scarefor my brains." 1'& crow, a IItUe un· ~,,,"'" I Il\ust adUllt.h easily. "Can't . you $ive m brains? " asked '''0\1 , yes; sit down In that chair, Everg reens ,Shou ne,t\\\G."e\\~y Ow,tCOl\\8J ld Be Plant ed ps Near Fence as Possib le Ule Scarecr ow, '7 pfease," repli ed Os, "You must ex· {..,c{rw\'c. 'l\\~ and Shoul d Be Twent .y Feet Apart . "You don't need them. You nre cuse' me for taking your ~v~t~"tl\ ..JJ"~~~ <l$o hO!ld off, but I nrnlng someth Ing Gvery day. -By W. T. Mason . A baby I shall have to do It In o,r der to put ~\sml\C~"'~Q\\I:.\lU~ ~\\c.Sk;~\ has brains, but It do sn't know much, your braiDs III theIr UJ or: 1:,:' proper place." Exper ience Is the only thing tha.t \OlO.\\\fe te\\\eA~,SytU\lOll\~&""\x.\" "That's all right," sa id the Scarebrin gs Imowled ge, and the longe r you crow, "You ar. quite w l<;on1 to tak e ..lSe."W'm\\~" \\Q~'~ooew&wm~'ar . O~CffARO ure on earth the more experle uce you my h ead orr, a£i long '0 ... Y"" as' It wlll be a , "~\)\'Sali\\\Jso\"~\ G~\5\"W h s ure to get." It _I" .!i'O 'rul\\\~ betler one W II .JHA/./.. you (lut ,.,AFf.£J ALONe WlR£ F"LJYr"£ on agNn, "That may a.l1 be true," said the ;;; So tb e Wlza.rd unfas te ned hi!! head -n,\1 b 6"oaUtl\\\J ~\'!tl)el\~Q(\ w\\\\ 1. A/YE carecro w, " but I sball be v ry un · aud mpl! d out th ",..". o.. !o 'J strnw. Then he . happy unless YO U give me brains." I u,\. nnnl\ \C\\oo\, "ee~e~.QS \,,~ bes\ oj e ntered th back room and toolt up a I~: " 1: l( iC H .AtI"J.L .. ' •. _. ~~:_.. ' wU", \ \ V b · The false wizard looked at him measur of brun , wblch " oN"'· jtf.6P/£J " ... :\. be mixed wIth. ~ \'Q \s\ ~;t~ L l'l~ ~"w.d\eS WuCl\ ,(I:.~\ll ca r fully . , Y£RAlYOII - - -, . <l5S :c;: n great many pins a nd needles , linv, \ :\.. ~ . :\ , .. ' " \\, ('11 ," h(' sa id, with a. slgb, "I'm Ing Ilha kc n th "'I~ "tlm\'e.~"~"C\ \Q SUl>?\G III \\\ tog '\\e,,~\ thor thoroug ~~~ hl)(, ~"~ 1101 muc h of 11 mnglcla n, as I said; bUl Il fill ed OlO lop 'CJ ~ at tho Scarecr ow's ~I~ ".n"\~\ O"C.,W\ \\"\\\\ : ~ U!l\~eo o~u\\\, : ~ : If ~'OU will om to me to-morr ow head with tile mixture €I! J~'~"" ~"" {"and s lutted tbe ,~ '!"'l I Ulo;'n lng, I wi ll stuff your h ead with rest of the S[HlC .. }: ,: \.01'< "'tl\~\\J \\1\0\\ yl'O~\' \\O\lt\s\\\\\e\\\. with straw, to ho ld l : hi I ';',...': bmln s, [ nn not t ell yo u how to use It lu place, Wh o 1~1 J \" • n he had taste n d \. ~, L. Frank Baum !.. '.' •. ~--- -- ~ . tbe m, how(' \'cr; you must find that out the SCllrec row' s 11 llfO'{>t'l' ejjOt\s,Q\\d n~' W\\\* ~et~ ~ 'ad on hi s botly I • I fo r YOUI'!;f'lt ." To~\" bc"eSiG\\l\~~d~o\woy5b\lY It~ ~el\\U.\\ar n he said 10 im : "011, t hnnk you- th a nk you!" cried ngal ."H e r aftcr you hwill bc n ~r at man, -::~ CALM.I~F ~ rAO < ·uQR" oN ·-cIA .. the SC'ar C I'UW , ''1'11 find 11 way to use [or' h a ve glvc n you ~ ~ a lot uf bran-ne w ~~ them, nc vcr r a r !" FIG SYR UP "Dut how about my ourago? " ask ed brains." SYNOP SIS. ~ BY ALL LEADII'<" ORUOGIS TS The Scarec row was hoth pleas{'d =til; iIIIIU'SOLD ZEO"lY-R [OU~APR' u: 504 P£R aOTT~ t he Lion, an xio us ly, ,;::~ and proud at th c fulfillrTl c nt of hi s "Y ou bal'l' ]llent.y at courage , 1 um g realpst wi s h, an!l hnvlnt; l)orOlh), 1I , ' ed In l{ nnsn. wIth Aunt F:m Laying th un lled Oz Out S mall Ground s. alld Uncle J-! enry, A yclone Ittl~d 110 Ir sur ," a il s\\, r d Oz. " All you n ed Is AT FIRST SIGHT. warml y b e w nt back to his fr ie nds. hom I' lnto th.. Illr. LorDlhy u" IN'p ::onfid n('f) In yours e lf. There Is Eve rg amidst th e tlxcllenl lit. A ~ rntalltng re ens as trees no sbould Doroth be y 9h llWal< ned ke lool.ed pt at him curious Incbes, ly, A space from 13 to Hi r et hoI'. The hous,) h ad lande,l In a untry . living thlug that III not afraid when It His head was qllite bulging out ot marvelous beouly. Groupll otao Queer at t he Cram 25 to 40 feet away from places mIg ht be left In tront of the terra ce II t11 .. r oplll I(r" 1 d her to the LAnd ot fae 8 !langer, True courag Is In facing top with brains, ' It Is desired to k eep as, fr ee as' POE' b e tw e n the ends ot th e bedges Munchl.:lII8, Th hou8e had l<tIled Iholr dang r w h on y ou al'e afra id, aod that for "H'ow do YOII feci ?" s h e !lsked .. sible from !ilnow. It Is weH to kee p tbe 'path and a little grass all ench en 01)' Ih wi 1< l'i1 \'1I eh Eust. Dor· k ind o f co ufIlge yo u othy 1'0 k Iho wll <'h'R ~lIv eot have 10 pI nty." '" feel wis e, Indeed, " be a n swered, the mass as close to the r sho..... She fence as side of -it and to hide the unclil grass sta rt ed for I h o Em raid Ity " Pe rh aps' have, but I'm scared jus t ftJld tho arnest1y . "Wilen I get used t o my prac ti ca bl e, Th " ' lzard ot z wh o, oh \\'a8 topromlsod , ey could eIther bo further down the orname ntnl shrubs tho s am ," snld the LIon, "I shall brains 1 s hall know ve ry thing," might flit>' ,\ '''''t)' 10 send bn el. to put K a nsns_ Dnrnthy "elena d ahersctlrocro In n slralgh t or irregula r line, but mlgbt be plouted on cach s ide and w, r a ll y b' v ry uubapp y unless you "\Vby nre those ne edles and pins givll)S him Itte. If W IIS doslr would evenlun lly form a screen, at ac· g ive m e lbe sor t of should be k.ept we ll bacle from tb e QUiring brains and s\llrled wUhus hc courage that s licking out of your head ?" nslied tb e r to Flower beds would look well across the wl zn rd 10 get them, Th scarecro llIuk es one forge t be Is afraid," walk. w It sbould be planned to bave the angles Tin Woodm an. tord hl8 hIstory. The), -met a tin wood· formed by the junction ot " Ve ry well ; I will give you that s ort man who 10111:0tl for 1\ hearl, "That Is proof that he Is sharp," r . the evergre ens, It they are spruce, at the propose d hedges, nlso jOined th m. . They cnme upon a He If desi red, of courage to·molT ow," r plied Oz, terrlb lo least 20 feet apart eventua marl,ed lly, lile Lion , as they shrubs mIght be planted west at liOD, The \l aD he had nn cour· , the " How about my ace. He deeld donfto ssed hea.rt?" lose their asked beau ty If crowded . Ten feet rows of evergre ens tbe acrompl\ "We ll, I must go t o Oz anll get my to He-Ro salie, I cnn't t 11 y ou down to the blg h· tho Wizard or z to get some. n~~!l thmn scare· Tin Woodm an, apart would 'do now, but lbey should way, bearl," said th e Woodm crow In pushlng th o raft became an, So wors blp your almond I:'y S , yo ur vel· he The trees could 1m· be trallspla nted "Wby, as for t ba t," answere d Oz, walk d to the' throne room plllfd upon his poto In the mid dle of the and be planted with lbe Idea o~ thinnIn g success fully this spring. Th e en rlle r ve t cheelts, I1ko peacb s, . aud your river, Th 8Cllrec row was rescued by • "I thInk you are wrong to want them later on. It desI red, part at the the y nre a knocked at th e door, trlpndl y stork, T hey entered a planted after the ground Is cherr)' lips ! poppY lIold, wblch caused Doroth y to t a.U heart. It makes ll)os t people unb apl1Y, evergre ens might be used to form a dry enough "Come In," called Oz, and t.h e Wood· Ros l\lIc-I l! UPIJOSC ypu are tbe lIew the' better the res ults will CUll ep, Tho sr.:j recrow a nd Un woodman If you only kne w It, you arp. In luck hedge liS marked In th e diagram . If be. In man entered and said: rescued her a nti her dolt from the deRd ly g ::rll ener. the dlngram the places whe re not to hav a beart." flow eta. The \1 011 ( .. 11 rull,'e p and th e trees are spruce they could be tbe eve rgreens "I have come for my beart." too nre now have bee n bCll\'y to 11ft. W IlS Ic!1. On t he 8 being "That a rch must tor be a maller of opInion planted ," about "Very well," answer ed th e little three feet apart for rubbed out and the s the rond ot yellow bl'lok whi ch led to the FAMILY COUGH SYRUP uggeste d cbanges Emerald ltv they met a wllil cat and sald tb e Tin Woodm an , "For my part, man: "But 1 s hall have to cut a hole bedge purpose s, and If cednr about 18 made. Cure. Any Cough In Five Hour., neld m l o. The woor1mon Iclll d the wild In your brcast, so I can put your cat. The queen mOil e, b camo NEW PRESCR IPTION HERE. endl y, She sent thousa nds of h r mI ce fri beart in the rIght plnee. 1 bope It s ubjects Here Is g h 'on to draw 0 10 lion · aWIlY from the pOppy wax. These scions are to serve as a coug h presc riptiontbe Illos t effectiv e won't hurt you:' flold. Doroth y awok e from her long kn ow n to the IIle p. They s tRrled aga in on the brIdge through which plant food may medlCi,1 world. It Is a mild "Oh, no," a ns wered tb Woodm an . la :owU,'o, ald Ity rontl. Th 'y cnme to 11 Emer· tenoe. pass and If growth stnrts on them It too, all,i this Is what a botly II eds "1 shall not feel It at nil ," painted gr en. TheTo wero farm ers of ~'Te n. hous 8 of gr ('n anti p opl should when Suffe be ring ru/>bed So Oz with oft, brought cough Bud cold They sbould a pair at Unners In gr en. It WI\ 8 tho Lnnd of Oz.dressod be set as close togethe r as possible on th e lungs. A cough or cold Indl· shears aud 'cut a small, square hole In m t th e guardia n of Ule gatcs. a They decate s poisons IIcrib d Ule power of the Wlznrd of Oz, tn tha s ystem, cau~lng around tbe stem, tbe le ft side of lbe TIn Woodm an's Ot'ten Nec;es anry to Resor t to All put on gree n s p('Q tnelcs lUI lhe bright. Inflamm ation ;lIld con~o6Uon, N arly breast. Then, goIng to a chest ot noss and glory of :Em' raid City blind Graltt na to Repai r Injury tI all cough syrups r e lieve, hut make the th m, The wizard decldo.d drawers , b e took out a pretty heart, Keeping F~rm Accoun t., reoelve one Done by Rabbit s. Mice trouble worse by til Ir constlpatln~ ef· of the pa rty nch day. Allto were put In Farmer s who vIsIted the Ohio State fe cts, This mnde e ntirely ot silk nnd shifted with gre n rooms. Dorothy w nt to th e throne and Other Roden ta. pr s rlption . not ollly reo roOm, In s ' I)hlllr 8parkllnl/: with mer· unIve rs Ity were Interest ed In the sys· lie.\"os qulcldy. but It curOl! sawdus t. any cougb aIds s he b held an norm6U 8 head wllh· t a m ot "Isn't account It s a used that beauty? on Is " be asked. c urable. Get one·hal f Ollnce the tarm, out body. legs 01: arms, blg'f rOtan the It is often necessa ry to resort to WIllie the Innd Is not tilled biggest ~nnt. "I um Oz, th e gr at ane! fluId " It Is, Indeed! " re,p lled th e Wood· wlltl che rry barIc, aile ounoe tor th e terrible. ' aid tb h a(1, Oz her that man, wbo was greatly pleased . "But grafting to says a tree lhat has been same experim ental purpose s nS the compou nd esse nce ca rdlol and thr e wh on 8ho killed th wicked lold wit h ot the gIrdled by. mice ounces or rabhlts. This Is fields at the agricult ural experIm ent s yrup whit e pine COII1POllnd , mll.llt he would aend he r hom o, Is It a kind benrt?" scar • orow, n"mlttpd to t\1 0 prell nce The of a b au· "Oh, very!" answer ed Oz. He put done by forming whnt is called a station at Wooste r, a certain amount Mix In n bot tic. T oke fnr Il.c ut ough tllul lady. wh o lIatd she Wtl.8 lhe wlzlI.rtl. WI\8 promised brains when ho kill d thft the h eart In the Woodm nn's breast brIdge gratt. Tbe wound should first of eXJIerlm eutntlon has to be don e In or broncbl Us tw nty drops v ry hal t hour for four hours , Then on ·hult to witch, 'rhe wootlma n beheld 1\ terrlbl and then replace d the s quare of Un, be dressed by cutting away the rag· order to d e termine the most profi tab le one teaspoo benet with ' a head ot a r hinocero nflll thre or four Umes s anti ged edges and painting the exposed method s at handlin g the tlv oYell, The wlzartl promllled him solderIn g It neatly togetbe land. r Th se dally. GIl' childre n less accordi ng to wbe re It Burfnce hearl It he would slay the witch. T.ha.. with lead paint. Sle experIm nder had ents b e ,are n cut. the same In kind as age. A fe w hours' treatme o t will cur lion saw 1\ ball ot fire and a voice from the ol;lJoot promlsetl him ('OUTage It he "There :' sald be; "now you have 8 scIons are used and are cut thinly, should b e conduct ed by farm e rs gen· nn d h ul tho I.brool an d lungs of all tdew th e Witch, The Bearch com mO/lC wedge-s baped at bolb ends and trom eral1y. Tbe account s lire k ept In 8uch but cOllsum ptlves, d. h eart lbat nny mnp might be proud of. lit this out and The wllch saw the pArty when It entered her domain anil roused ..a o( wolvos "That ,. Proof That He I. Sharp," I'm sorry I had to put a palch 011 yOUl 1% to two Inchos longer than the form as to show the r esults ot th e dlf· glva It to some frl nd who may n d to nttallk lL THe woodma.n kIlled tho Remark ed the Lion, breast, but It reany couldn' t be wound Is wide. Slip the knife blade ferent me thods employe d on lbe dlt· It to be saved from an early d ea th by 'Wolves, She BOIlt rowa which scare· oousum ptlon, between the bark and wood on one ferent fields. ...helped.!' e l'ow ecared anti killed. Bees th • wer dis· 'pstchetl ne:'fL bu . th woodma n recel\·et) r wfll bear all the unbt\1lp lness with· "Never mind the patcb," exclaim ed lIide of the wound . Stnrt one e nd of To Spare Hb Neighbo rs, t bo atl nglf. J1'lnlllly wI nged monkeyS took (out a murmu r if you wlll give me lbe tbe happy Woodm an. "I am very the scIon und e r the bark and push th m prisoner a nd conveyed them to Mrs. 0 , H. P. 'Relmon t, dis cussing III Dirt In Potatoe s, ·the wltchery . Do rotl~y threw water on !J.e~t." " . rateful te you, and s hall never for· down firmly, then spring out tbe scion The pure food Inspecto r at Kansas le w York h r book on the rearing the wlckt!\l wltt·h, destroyIng he.r, D To Very well, ans wered Oz, mee kl Y, gget your kindnes s." and start" the other end under the OIty recently found othy rescued lhe lIe)o, woO dmau Ilnd " ,ome to me to·morr ow an<\ you shall a sack suppose d ot hlldrou, uld : 6cn re(','ow. Sh tound 1\ chl\rmed golden bark an the other sIde In the Snme to contain 112 "Don't speak ot It," repli ed Oz. " 'hlld re n must be trnln d to be un · pounds of pot.atoe s nc· up and atart d bar.l. to Oz. She bEl' bavo a h enrI. I bave played Wizard The n the Tin Woodm an went back wny. The .scion ,should now extend tuallY to ba\'e cam lost. !:Ihe Ullod the up to eall the (or s o many ;elfish nlld tn Uu l. With out tbis trliln· 98 pounds of real poln· that I mny as ~vel1 to bls friends, who wIshed him every three·fo urths ,to one Inch under the winged monk eys who toolc to tho toes and 14 pounds of dirt. H e reafter Ing f_hn ny rage child Is as Inco ns idEmerald Clty_ The r.harmedthem up's Illory co~Unue the" tJart n lItUe lo~ger. bark on each side. The bark Is tied the slate board joy on account of his good fortnne. was told. Dorothy dlilco\'er d the wizard of health wl\l prose- er ate as a D:.lI'k Harbor fi sb e rman tho And nQw, said Dorolby , how tigbtly am to The LIon -now walked lo th e t brone ove r the scions and the cu~ the mnll who b() 1\ humbug, He told hi!! nco, slory. . I sells dirt for tu· Mnlne fq lkl:l t ell about. _ __ , 1 to $et h ,a ck t 0 K fln Ii; as ?" whole, Bclons and a ll, cove red with bers, . · " room and 'ltooclte d at tbe door. "This fish rlllnn , walking along t he "We sh a II haVe to tbln,~ about that, " Come In," said Oz. CHAPT ER XV-Co ntinued . road one day, saw n vc ry ugly man The wlzartl continu ed his lite reviled !.he little man, Give me two "I have come for my courage ," RU' sitt Ing on a f nce whllt.lln g a stlcl, . story, H e said: "T'be baBoon came or tbree days to conslde l' the matter nounced ,!.he Lion, enterIn g the room, li e s topp d nnd looltetl nt tb lIla n for ,an d \ '1\ try to find a way to carry you "Very well" ans wer ed the little down gradu ally, and I was not 'Some. time in disgusted s llencc, 'fhen ove r tho desert. In the meanltm e you man; "r will ~et It tor YOII," hurt a bit. But r fou nd myse lf be said: \1hl1l1 all be treated as my guests, and He went to a cupboar d' and r eaching In th e mid st or a. stran ge p ople, who, "'Well, you're ugly for fair: while you live In the palaee my 1>eople up to a. blgh shelf too), dOWll a s quare s elng me conle from t he clouds, " '1 can;t b Ip it, en n I?' the ugly will walt \ upqn you and obey your g reen bottle, tbe, conte nts of which he tbought I WIIS a lOr ' nt WI:r:nrd. Of man Bsked, ,In a hurt tone, sll$'htes t wish. The re Is ~nly one poured Into a green.g old dish, CO~ll'se I let tb ~m t hink 50, becauso beaut!. " 'rhe fi s herlnnn t holl~ht n mom nt. thin g . I ask In . return for my help- fully carved. PlaCin they w r nfrald o f me. nnd l>rollllsed g tbis before the Then he snld, indigna ntly : such as it Is. You mus t Iteep my s~: Coward ly LIon, wbo to do nny thing r wIsh d tbom to. sniff d ' at It as " 'You could slu y In the house, cret and t e ll no one I am . a humbu g, if he did ' not like It, "Just t.b n.muse myseJr, and l,ee1l the the Wizard said: couldn't you?' " Tbey agreed to say nothing of what "Drink" gootl people busy , I orde r ed thcul to they liad leurned, and went back to "What Is It?" asked, the Lion. WOUld Depond, build this cIty , and my palace; and their _rooms In hi gh spirits. FJ~en Dol" "Well," answere d Oz, " It It were She-Yo u've seen they did It all wmln gly a nd well, Then llal"iey's wife. othy had' liop that "The Great and Ins ide of you, it Wou.ld you· cnll be l' pretlY? would be cOUl"age . 1 though t, as th e counlry wus 80 gr ee n OF...tY "AIZZ OR ~Q :) ~ :rerrlble Humbu g," ns she called him, You know, of course, tbat H - I might If I were talking to and beautifu l, 1 wou ld call It the Emcourage Is . ~ ..I'D&- OK.S~ ;Y.l~ Charley . erald City, and to malte the nnme tit wo uld find a way to send 11 e l' back to always ' Inside one; BO tbat this 'r eally b I put green I;p ctacles on nil Kansas, and If he did that sbe wns cannot be calied courage until you l'ERItY DAV1S' PATmU LLER have swallow ed It. Tberefo re I ad. the people, so that everyt hin g they willlug to forgive him everyth ing. basnn on\~ lnlll (' r OI,ut nLlun of o" Or lu y,lnlyyo,l rta •• s aw was g ree n." ~~~g!~. ~('.,~~, t&~n~UC:OC::"trAi ni'f~n~:IJ~UUrll' vise you lo drInk It 118 s oon as pos· "Out iso't every th ing he ro g r een?" s Ible." When doctors disagre e th e y nre apt Bsk':ld Dorothy , The Lion hesitate d 110 longe r, but to make sarcasti c remarks about eacb "No more than In a ny othe r city," drank un the dish was empty, othe r that sa'v or of the truth, r ep lied Oz ; "but wben you we nr g ren n ,"HOW do you feol now?" asked Oz, s pectacle s, why, at course, e ve ry t hin g TO CURl': A cOI.n IN ONE DA Y " Ful1 of cOUl'age ," r e plied lhe Lion, 'l'nke I,A.'l:A'j'l v III 1lilOMO R"lblb" 'l'Ilblel& you see 1001,s gree n to you . Tbe Em· who we nt joyfnlly back to his friends Next morning the Bfll'~':~r~I~1~~{t~~~r:~Dt~~tb ~~ ~ure. B . W e rald City was built n g reat many to tell tbem ot his good fortune. Scarecr ow said to years ago, for I was a. young mRD Oz, left to The girl who nbce llta a man seldom hImself , smiled to tblnk his friends : wh e n the bn.lloon brou ght me bere, of hIs success In gIving th e Scarecr ow takes him at his own valuatio n. ' "Congr atulate m e, . and [ am a ve ry old man now. But 1 nm going to Oz to ge t my brains at and the Tlti Woodm an and the LIon my lleople have worn green glasses on exactly what they thought they their eyes so long t bat most of , lbe m last. Wben 1 re turn I shall be as oth· wanted. "How can 1 help beIng a er m en are .:' thlnlt It really Is an Ememld City, and "I have always IIlle d you as you humbug ," be snld, "wben all tbese peo· It ce rtainly Is a bea utitul place, pIe make me do thIngs that everybo dy were," said Porothy , sImply. 'lbound lng- In jewels and precloll s knows can't be done? It was ~a!!y to "It Is Illnd ·of YOIl to like a Scare!:ne tal s, and \,ery good thin g that Is Olalla the Scnrecr ow and tho Lion and needed to muke one happy. I have crow," he replied, "But surely you the Woodm an bappy, becnuse they w1l1 think more of me when you hear lIee n good to the people, and they Imagine d I could do anythin g. But It •. like DI : but ever since, this palace the splendi d thought s my new brain wllI take more tban Imagina tIon to was buill I have shut myse lf up nnd Is going to turn out." Tben be said cnrry Dorothy back to KanBns, and good-by to them all In a cheerfu l would not Reo any oc th e m, I'm sure I don't kllOW how It can be "One of my gTeates t fenrs was th e voice and went to the throne room, done." Wltcbe s, for while I had no mogl cal whel'e he rappetl UPOD the door. (TO BEl CONTINUED.) powers al all I soon found out that the Witche s we re renlly able to do wonde rfu l things, The l'e were fOllr of the m In this country , and th e y . , ,,..-:-----~--,'uled tho people who In th e 'North -----------------------Grimste ad, who Wn!! a foremsn In a ~~---"I suppose they'd do It any time and South null Eas t nnd West. For,· New ElDgl!ind fnct~ry, was visite d !Jne tbey thought 1 wanted to he retlred," tunat Iy, tb e Witche s of the North day by nn olil frIend from the west. said the old foreman , spnklng -------~------....flls' and outh we re good, nnd r ""e w th y "Old man," said his friend, "how long head with profoiln d sadness , "but · I ,.'ould do me no harm; bu t the Witches bave you boen working In this 1l11l1?" , don't want to quit so rong as '1'1D ' of the Ells t and Wes t were t rrlbly' "N earl.y thlrty·f:lye years," he an· still capable •of doing illY work. .. wl!:lced, nnd . bad ' .1I1ey not thoug ht I swared, . )OO, ~,, '. , , vi>l/,O!~I,~, . '""" """, ,000 • 160,000,000. 40,000,000, " "I'v.e been keepIng tab on inYBeU l,600,OOO,j 11>,000,000. WAil mo·r!) owerf ul tban \!.h y them· eNorth J£lIro~, :' isn't It customa ry In -estnblls l\ . South AlII a. . A.trlca. ' an:d Ocollnlca, the mIsery of It Is,. WlgtnlJ: tliat .AIll,e rl,ca. 8 iv s~ ,th e}' would , s ure ly '· de· mcntS of thIs kind, wben a man has , _ ;_ ,,\merlca. " troy d nle. As It was, t lI yed I~ dead- been In Its employ lis long ns y,OU I haven't begun to let up the least Ji!1~ , NQ'.l'Jli~ :~North, America In'clu~e~: M'exll;:o, qcntrlll AlDel1cia . the Weat In41." ly f CIl\' of· them for many, years; RO bave, to r e ure him on a regular stipend I m just as good as ever!"- Youth' ! .nt! : ~anll.da. , Q.U~ilt,ltles· are slven In bll.!'b,el~ . YOIl can Jmag1ne how pi as d I wa's -a sort of bonorar him, as It were?" , ComLJanlon. ,\' • , . : : '/ The anmial ytold of Indian 'm ay ·taken to, winm 1 hel\rd your lio~s Ilnd fall en on reached the above ' ''To 'Ut him 011 , the trllt, do' Took Her at Her Word. amount since the daYB' of CoIUinbus-Ih~ Is given somewh: Ih~ WI ked:-Wl tch of tb e East. \~ hen you mean?" a~ . , "1'11 never tell an(lther man I'd the -;:Oiistomll,TY cr,o p reporh, because it' takelHn to conside ration higher DiaD )'QU c:am 10 m e I was 'w lllilll; to prom. "'Yes, fl t~at's ' wbat you call It;" the ~es~ rsther 'dance thnl;1 eat." "Why Dot1" of parts of Mex.l eo,. Central Amerl~, large areas .o f South · Amerl~a. hw any\h1\J g Lt you \\"ould only do "Well, yeB, It Is." ~d of "He kept me waltzin g until all tbe India. where mUle Is growD to-day. but cODsumed ~y the with. ,th •• otbGr Wit 11; bUl, now \iwiien do YOp suppose tbey'll reUre restaura nta wore' cloa8ll. "-Low. tDhnbtta util vill • 'I n domest ic '1.1 ••, 10 tlat It does not enter Into commer cialnative ti.rll ,," lin,'!! melted l1('r, , am 101.11" cIalCU!a.tlOnR, fi r Couri4!r·J lumu, • ~"ed vanatlo1ll. however. Qccur

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WAS A CASE OF ' EMERGENCY ,Here, if Ever, Was a Time Whan Telegraphic Limitations Were . to Be Deplored. In





Th e nnUon pollUclans would like to obtain- Nomination. The one tbnt n. king Is certain to gnlu- arona tion . '1'h natloll for thos who ri se to rebel- I nsubordin ntton. Th e Oil to avoid ir YOU wish to keep well-Co nta mlna lloll. '1'h nation for him who laughs loud and lon g'- nchln a tloll. 'T v o found a nice Ilpple," 'fh p oll e for those III n who plot to S~ ld P oll y t o 1"au l. do wrong-l\1ac hln nt ton. , "A nd yo u' d heller some The nallon f or those wIth hearts a·rurc I ent It all. S (' t you r 111 0 11111 o p e n w ide, rull of Borrow- ReRlg llutlon . PU!lh lhe a ppl e In ti gh t, 'fh Oll l' 1'0 1' th o ma n who' delays till A n d bll u Ii t r - m en·d ull s, to·lllorl·O \· -Procrns tlna tlon, E-llor-mous big bite." Th na tion for thOH who are weak Th e np p le wnl! IIm nll In t h e h ad- JIallucinatlon. An d the opl'nl n l:' wld l'. Th e one thnt nil puplll:l most cer· An d th!' mou lh o r yo ung Pllul tn lnly dr e ad -l~xaUllnntlon. M OS I · lul< l lc Insi de. S \\' t 1".l ll y d ec ln r d 'fh e nation for pests of al\ klndsT h o r e"ul t w ns n il rlghtEx tO I·llllnallolJ. , But h go t th a pple Th e one tbe Irresolute s bould seek A nd Hh e sot lhl! bile ! till he find s-Determination. Th nation to whi ch the fanctrul go TWO VERY NOVEL ILLUSIONS -Imoglnatlon, Th e one wh ere an actor may make Difficult to Believe That Two Figurea a Iw od ebow-Impersonatlon. Are Same Size and that Lines Th e oue that for t achers 18 'cerAre Pa,.allel. tainly meant· - Explanatlon. A nation for tboBe who darkness 1. Things a l'e not whal they s em. ahun-IIIumlnatlon, It Is difficult, yen a fter meaurement 'l'he one we shall reach when our jonrD y Is don e-Des tination. The nation for him who the highest point gains- Culmination. 'l'be one tor the man wbo the Sabba til profanes-Protana tlon. '1 'ho one where amaz ment and fri ght may be seen-Conl:lternation. The nation , to which I now have cODle-Termlaation. ' Same Size.

HOWARD IN WAR AND PRAYER Brigadier Geheral Prayed for SWCCCI.. In Battle and Fought for Right to Pray. When O. 0, Howard, who di ed reo cf' ntly, wu,'1 il. briga dier general in the civil war, so eurn 5t was he In his religiou s efforts lhat In a s bort tltue he had conl'Cltcd every Ul tl n In the brigade, all but ono hll l'(Iene4 ,old teamster. Going to hi s commander one day, this man said ellrn estly : Howard, I'm lonesome. "G 'n, Eve ry man In the camp has been con· verted except me. I'd like mig hty well to be a Christi a n, just to be In with th e otber boys, I suppose Il's tbe right thing, too, but I don't s ee how I can manage It." The man shook his heaa mourn· fully. "\Vhy, my good man," said the gen· eral, "I Bce no difficulty in the way of It, If you will just s urrender your own wtll· and ask for guidance." "That's just It, general," responded the would-be convert. "If I'm con· verted, wbo jn blazes Is goln' to drive them mules?" When he commanded the Eleventh Army corps, which was made up of foreigners, be found more opposition, however. Many accounts were ra-








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,For OV·Sf . Thirty Yaars

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'ac Simile Signature 0'; "Hey, janitor, come quick. Dere's a man tell down de coal bole!" "All right, sonny, I'll look Into It!"


to bell ve that these figures are of the same size. But they will s tand the G~at Deal of U&eful Information May test of the ruler. Be Absorbed In Pleasant Form 2. A Parallel Freak. ' of Entertainment. Here Is another curious illusion: The four straight lines are parallel, A game which Is both ent rtalnlng and IO lltructlve Is that devised by a It Florida man. 'l.'be rules of the 'game may vary and are or mlnol' Impor· tance, lh fen t Ire of t h novelty lying Face Covered with Pimples , In the characte r of til cards. These ·'1 congratulate Cutlcura upon mr are number d from 1 to 100, the one speedy recovery from pimples which wllb tlt e highest number bearing the covered my tace. I used putlcura Soap, ' lIkenellll oC a military I /,idel' ot ana· Ointment and Resolvent .for ten days tlon and t.he others baring' th 1m· ~~~ and my face cleared and t am perfect.I ag s of office rs of the army of su h Pa.:allel Freak. ly well. , I hRd tried doctors for sevlead or, gradua tea Rccordlng to the nu· eral month but got no results. win. J_ merlcnl valu~s of , t he cnrds. COI·tain but the divergent " herring bone" linea SadUer.1614 Susquehanna Ave., PbllaI'"' hjgb~numbered n.rds sr nlso letter d distract the eye. 4elphla, May I, 1909." to furth er complica te the game. Be· sides lhe high card s are low r ones , Two of a Kind, with pi tures of private soldiers ou COLLEGE A TEACHING MACHINE M~s. J3oggs-1 hate to have !I. man tb m. In playing th e ga m , ' wbleh always cOluplalnlng about some little may be one of severa l pOPl.llal' gnmes President Wilson of Princeton Say. thing'. Now, 'uy ):,usbaud Is contlnu· Modern Institution II No Longer In whlcb ordinary play ing cards are -- - - - -- - - - : -ralTv llarpillg l~ Q the lace curtains. a Boarding School. "If I'm Converted Who In Blaze!! Mrs. WOggfto-YllS. nnd my husband ally e mploy d. the higher values Going to Drive Them Mules?" bas been k.l c :.l'og on our front door The college having determined, every morning olt three o'clOCk for tbe wisely enough, some generation or two ceived !rom the front in which the last 20 years.-Puck. ' ago, not to be any longer a boarding "psalm·slnging soldier" was held up scl'lOQI, has resolved itself, writes to rldloule; but these reports came Rough on Rat. In Out Building', President Wilson of Princeton. lata a from the worst element In the servIn setting ROllgh on Bnll! in out build· mere teaching machine, wlth' the nec- Ice and bad no ell'ect on the conduct ings after mixing it well with IIny food deessal'Y lecture rooms and laboratorlee of Howard, who always found time cidcd upon I!Cpa~te into emallbite.plllce on . b severnl pieces of boar<l8, and put thcse bere attached; and sometimes a (ew dorml- for religious' services. and never eo and there 'under the flooT)!. Close up all tories, which It regards (\S desirable gan an lmpQrtant , move without' ask- openinlJll lnrge enough for DogtlJ ~te 01' but not Indlsllensable, and has reo leg the aid ,of GOd. He was asked Ohickens to enter, bllt leave SOIllO small signed Into the hands of .the under- on~e by a clvlll~ll: opening8 for R~ta to get in and mit. One 25c.. ' bOx ' of Rough on Rilta, being aU graduatcs themselves the whole man"Is there not much prejudice poil!On, will make enough mixtul'l! to clear agement of their Ufe outside the among soldiers' against the ' Christian out in one higbtA settin~I, hund,edtl cll,l ssroom i an'd not only ' Ita manage- In the mJlltary service?"" " ot Rate and Mice. 150" , 200., 75c.. nt ment, hut 111so the setUng up of all Its "Oh, no," silld Gen. Howard; "on Druggists. 'E. B. ~e119, Jersey City, N. J, macblnel'Y of every kind-as mUQh as the contrary, th soldiers, aU things Cupid'. Cynlclam. they please-and the constitution of being equal, reUed more upon the "Is it 80, that you USed to call regu' Its whole envlronmen~ so that teach- man who fear'e d G<ld and .trIed to 'Jarly on that girl?" ers and pupils are not members of one keep his commandments. A man "Yes i she always sang a song to me Each Ca,r d ' Has Dlffere,!'t Value, university body, bllt constitute might be a professing 'P.l'l'ri-..tf1onr"JI.l~1t-+--t:tmH-:lalved - - !te re presented-lly the blgber om~erG, bodies sharply distinguished-and th. yet 'b'e a weak, snivelling, ,good·for- "Why didn't you marry ber?" '~l round I could buy the song for Instead of by meaningless kings, undergraduate body tbe more highly nothing ' fellow, and they consIdered queen nnd jacl{s. In this way a grent organized and Independent of the two, all such as hypocrites; but the man 50 cents."-:-The , Circle. deal or useful Informat1on can be They parley wlttl one another, but who loved and fear d God did his absl)rbed tn nn ellSY ahd p1easant form they do not live with one another, and duty better, kept bls gun cleaner and ,Beware of Ointments for Catarrh It Is ·much casler for tbe Infiuence 01 minded hfs o\vn busln~ss ' more, and that Contain Mercury, of • ntertalnme nt. the highly organized and very seU, did every duty with selt·sacrlfice and .. mercury ,..0\ au rely deetroy tbe IeflIO of mea completely ' derange tIlo wholo ', system .. ~ COMPASS PLIiANT, AIDS M,ANY consolous undorgraduate body to pene- fearlessness .. Because a man was a and enterln, 1\ through tno mucoua aurfAef8. Suil!) trata tbe faculty than It Is for the In ChristIan he lost no credit 'e'l ther arunles mould never bo U8t'd except Oil p""",rlp.. ' " from rtputJ\blo phv.lclana. ... tile damago tho, Vegetable Growing , on 'Prairies of , ... 'uuence.o f th e f acult y t 0 p ermeat e th. with h Is company or wltb h Is com- tiona will 40 II un fold to the ,004 you can poooibly I1&und el·graduates. ' mander." rlvo (rom UHlm, Ball'8 Catarrh cure. manutactun!Cl North Ame rica 18 of Great Value by F. J. Cheney'" Co" ToledO. 0 .. cootalnl 'no intI'to Wanderer. ~t was I nevltable It should turn ou\ U Gen. Howard 'bad been a less cury. and III ....kcn Internally, aet!n. dlffillly upOIIll · tance I d n t w n lbo blood ond mllCO\l.l eurlaCfll 01 tire ~em. I the ctrc so u umB s. 0 0 o· modest man ,be might bave add~d tbat buyln. Hall'O Catarrh au", bo lUre you pt UIeQ The compas~ plant grows In the der tha~ the oonsequences were not It wouldn't be particularly healthy for f>~:~~~":f J~J~ ~~~y~tc~,IJ.J:e!~~C:::~:'"~ Sold ~ru~lsta. PrIce. 11lC. per botUe. ' pt.lrle~ of western ' north America, foreseeq and that the whole develo~ the man W'b o ridiculed him to his tace. 'l'ak<! '0 FamIlY PIliI (or ~t.ID&tlOD. and, as Its name Indicates, Is 'of great ment has crept upon us almost. una· At any rate., that 'tact 'was dlscovA Wi".per of Hope. "alue to the wanderer. It Is a dwarf wures. But the consequences have ered by many of his fellow cadets In Knlcker - Several ' thousand shirt' variety .of ,the osler, Is perennial" at- been very Important and verT far· hls West Point days. In spite of tbe tn.lns usually n helght'of three feet ,six reaohlng. It is easy now to se& that strong religious side to his cbaracter, waist makers , are ,on strike. ,Henpekt-Do you suppose It would Inches and lias a ~eflC! ot yellow ~ow- It you leave undergraduates, entlrel) Gen. Ho~ard from bis youth had aito themselves, to organize their own ways been a fighter. At tl\e academy do any good for tbe shirt waist butors. , The help It renders the travele" lives while In college as .tbey please- bls quick temper and outspoken opln- toners to strike'! arises from the fnct that the 100lg and organize It In some way they must Ions got him Into frequent disputes Take 'for LaGrlppe. leaves at the base o.f the stem, which If thus cast adrift-that life, and not where blows resulted, the fiery youns Add to a half-pint of good whtakq, are placed, not flat, as In plants gen- tile deeper Interests of the university, cadet usually coming off tho victor, ounce ,compound fluid bah'llwort erally, but In a vertical position, pre- will presontly, dOllllnate their thoughts" because his IUBty vigor. was stich that' one their Imaginations, their favorite pur· ' few could, overcome him In single and two ounces glycerine. ,bake well sent their edges north and south., and take In tablespool). doses three , The peculiar propensity of the foli- poses. And not only ' that, The work combat. . Once there was a bloody to sit times dally, Thta ' Will cbeek, of ,adminiStering this ,complex Ufe, strug;gle, an'!. the young, man reoelved age or this Jliant Is attributed to the prevent and cur.e coldl and , lagTtpPl' tilct that bOth surfaces o( its leavea with all Its organizations and lnde- from 'another cadet wound!! that laid Quicker ;than anythlnc knoWD. ~ 'display an eQ.ual ,rec~ptlvlty fpr IIghL' pendent Interests, successfully absorbs him up for ; many days, arid the ra- druggist can 8upply' it. ,All ,the othe r Ihlown 'varieties ot ttl!! the, energies, the Initiative, tbeplan· sulta.nt Injuries froubled ' hlm through If, you are ever beaten It will be br c1~Bs , are f\).l\racterlzed by the p~es­ Dlng I\.nd orlglDa~ng I!~wers o~ the' lI(e. ' TJie West Pointers soon ,learned you.r own lelf. NobOdy elae call bea& ence, ' on the ,lower surfi1:c e ' or their best men among the " undergraduates. to r'e svect Howard's rellgJoli; " , ' ,ou. ' . leaves ' of from' Uvlce to thrice ils many , It ie no small 'task. It would tax and ever. nbsOt;b older men' and only tliQ ,ftner, .' Atter' hls ,regular army life began resjlix1;~tOl'Y' 'vess~ls a.s ilre contalried ' 011 th" upper surfa ce, whlcn IlJ. thera- triore spirited, more attraotlve, more ~e ,80,on :bad , ~cO~~lo~ to " show 'his fore ;tbe m03t 8otl !lltlve or" ilie two··to original and trectlve men "are fitted colors. It. Wl1s ·tlt a, l\t:~thodlst revival, 1'01' It or equa,l to It, wblle lea"ersblp when ' he was stationed 'in Flo~!la, the tnn uenc : of JJglii. ,',. 'But both Illllrrn,Ce$ of thE\ compass go'e s b~: gifts bf pel'sonal\ty ~ 1i9 well ~ , ,At the close of Q.' tJ:l Elting, 'When 'the ' mlnllJter had pr~ach ed ', on , plant . are cICl~Ii.'~1J 3)J1te, " wft~ nn. epl~ by !\blllty. mental religion, Ii call wall D;lade ' tlerli.l119 exceptionally r~(i~pUve ' of ftl'Jlt. No one rtiBPond~d .. Names ofl Dutci:l Home.. Ilgllt; and' .the s. ,le . 1nstll\ct of its e.ettaln YOj1ng 'men' seemed, to . lE!Il ve~ 'that prOIll.lI\.s thelli to requ1re' A 're~ent traveler in that land ' of the ' .tlttiatton·. Howard , an eglleJ dJstrlbutJpn ,ot 1,I ght upon dlk,es apd· windmills hll,/lbeen at paills Hdlllllle either elirtaC'e MU S s them to Bsswne to make netes at the names be.towea wouldn't IItsnd that" 'Jle 'Went · l'l vertical position, nnd io Pfl nt their by the ' Du't ch merohli)Jts upon their Wlrd, his sword cl~tterlng , at hIs ~eel, ~b~ men edges' due north and 90~th. ' countl'Y hous4ia, Here are a few ex, and knelt at the altat, 'frav- ~ re, on 'dark nights, are said nmpiQs , t' anelated: "Our Contebt· knew Howard, the flgbter. a'JJd ' to fe('l t he C~g(!s or tbe ' leaves to all- ment," "J01 and Peace," ''l.ellJlre an~ rtdlcule !leasee! at once. certaill tll~ potntli of ,Ute cOmpailit HapPlneu}' "Mr Dealre Llke , flavelock' and stonewall lacJr· Ba\l.fted," wbeD no m-eang IlrEj livnnable for b." 'fll'rlendl aDd QQlat." ·'111 Ware aDd 10": he alwan offered praJer lHIfuN , I~ i ' thttr ' I' ~ot IIO~" ' JoInlna battle.




"CuUcura did wonders for me. For twenty·five years I suffered agony from a terrible humor, oompletely cov· erlng my head, neck and shoulders, so even to mY' wlte, I became !!-n. object of 'dread. At 'large expense I consulted the moat able doctors far and near. Their treatment was of no avall, nor was that of the - - Hospital, during six mo~ths' efforts. I Buffered on and concluded there wae no help for me this side of the grave. Then I heard of some Ono who had been cured by Cutlcura Remedlel! and thougbt that a trial coltlld do no harm. In a surprlslngly short tfme 1 was completely cured . . S. P. Keyes, 147 Oongress Sl, Boston, Mass., Oct. 12, '09,"


For Infanti and ChllcJre1l.

11"'lIlIltlllllllllllllllll lll"IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII&I'''IIIIIIIII,

said, full of et l~orH. Aeroplanes oan't do what this chap claim s: He do su't understand them. "In ract, lIe's l11[e ol(} George Ket· Ue of Trotwood . George l'u sbed into th Trot wood t I gro ph offi the othe l' day wi th a small pacJ\age wrapped 1.0 a n wl; paper und er his arm. •. 'Telegraph tbl's to my wife down t(l Day ton . lI ul'vey ,' ho saId to the l l ~ l egl'll ph ('I r k. Ih I'ull tlng th {la "age l h l'o u'gh tb II tt lo Willdo-\y, .. '1'\0 . no. Geo rge; w cao'l do an y· th in g like luat,' laug hlxl the clerk, .. 'Drat ye ,' suld Goorg , angrily, 'ye gol to do It. It's my wire's te tb.' ..


~~C~IQBIA Hubby Waf Too Willing. In the midst of her tears over a late dJsagreement she announced that she would take a trip ot tbree weeks In tbe country for a {est from his-abuse. Hooray! Hooray! ' He hurried to the statton" bought ttokets,hurried back home, pulled off hls coat, plunged into the cellar, Ingged out her trunks and com· menced to pack. Lying on a couch, she watched bim through her tears with 'great curiosity. From time to time, In reply to many questions, she advised blm what articles would be useful in the country, and they were eagerly included. Pen;ptrlng and exhau.sted after some hours of preJ)aratory ' detail for her departure, lie sa.nk Into a cba lr al')d said:' "Everything is 'r eady .. now. You have , abundant time to , catch train." "I have decld d," she said, softly. "not to go."


You Can Rely on 'Reslnol 'to Do It. Work QulckJy an4 Perfectly. Have ,b'len troubled With drT Eczema for several months. and, hBv~ tried many dllrerent remedies, but. I have gotten more relief and better results with two apJ,>lIcations ' ot :UDg~. Reslnol tban all other remedies. 'wm gladly recom~end ' It , ,whenever and wherever I Can. A. E_ Hatch, D. D. S .. Cleveland, OhIo. ·S hlp'. Figurehead, Carvfngs 1.o r more ilian 600 ' vessels were made by Wllllam Southw~rtb: who recently 'dled at Bath. He m'a~e a specialty of the carving of figure· !:leads tqr D;lany 'years, and s ome .splen· did ones were the product or hl~ ' liktll. T~e rise' ot cpmmercla,llim farbl.o tted out, tbe poetic significance of tbe figurehead and few figureheads are seen no~adaYB.-Kennebec Journal. . ' Commission Orfer, on Earth. New-":all retallera-tiam· pies, coat pock~t. "Bostpn," Dept. C 1, . Iowa City, Iowa. A woman DIllY be as old us she looks, but It :makes a dltterenoe whetber it's before or atter she Is dressed to go out.



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tonsil)ti6, quins;\'; Ilnd diph~herill imp08l1ible. It is Irimply ~t Ior the relieI of ',u11 pain~ IOre.nell8 und in1lnmmation. ' ,

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Compliments should be thoroug\11y F1etcberlzed betore they are swal, PILES CUBED IN 8 TO 1.6 DAYS. PA7.o OmTM.aNTI'C1!aran\.eed 10 CI'D .... an,. caM of Itcllln" Blind, Bleil.lInll or ProttnQla.l'Uea ID 6 c.o If

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.S oml' people's' moral8 are like their best clothea7""Only WO~ on ex~ordJD. Br;. OCcaa.9D8. ' '

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FrankUD'~Dd Mi.\ud 1\1. SrandoD,

. Of::~::~~;

~4 farm'e~


Burton., ' .• of . . ~bll~on and Nellte '. Taylor 22. miUin~r of Lebanon. ' Rev. W, A, Coup r. Ajv'in M . . MoCllbe 19, tooo <'co wOl-kllt o{ Jr.rabklin Ilnd ',J ulia A, Patrick (Jay nor va. Josepb lilly ouctc, milD filotory em ploye , of On motion of defendaD' thl.·~ Ie F.rllukJin. -Ru . ~"I't:Jd Douglass. di.mi.48d ,. '. C.lSt8 of plaintiff for .rauure to pro..ecute. I Real Estate Transfers. 'Phntp . f:lall va. ·L lda Rrtndall FJ otll W . 'retrio/C l i u(1 George ~ . . ~ud· gr.ot. plaintiff leav~ to fil e T tl'i k to .Jolx u \ . Wilsou t il.! .tl1~dment to pet·ition. PeOP,lee Building LoaDS & Sa viogfl 'rru.. t de of D~erfl 1<1 tow nship re d "tllt.e in Warr n County, $1600. Co•• ft, ~Jmer JC. Whitacre et a) 8.11\ ' 1111 1..e\\' 11I to W ilJllllli S. Stltc.u.. dlamiued witbout prejudice . tl CWl1h' l' flit I O:lt-u t e in ,V'arren Coua S, Woodward et ai administrator r.y, ~ .t. ~U~beth Hopkins Roaoh et &1. 8ylvIln A. Lowis , exeoutor to Court orden certain bequests paid. Willia.m ' So t. tl l ' ll) 0 iI' , reu l estt.l · tn I'rederiok R, Baokman VB , Wyno. Da ,H , BupUlof, et al. Dean Ht.aoley Wllrl'en CI1!1fJty. ~:lUjO, Willitlru Ward to Alplllt 'I'. ·W aru, appointed goardian ad litem for real eetat l u WI~rr 0 uncl ClI ntun ednor defendant. C o uD tie~ $ t luv e !Lud es teem . WilhtlUl \ -nrd t0Jumes W . W ard, . Probate Court. rea l estate in C1fu ton Couuty, $1, . '' '&ate of George A. Dombaober, Willitlnl , '. Uugleshy to Ma ria u" Dia'ributlve account filed. But ~ r elll tlStlit in Fruuk lin tow n · In re .&ale ot Mah&la Ward . de- ship, ~, ordered '0 pay tax on lege · Bert R eed to W.. R. Fitts t1nd 0181. Mary Fitt r Sti.l estate in Fran klin ,_Jloward W, hiD., administrator township , . 1. ~~. Hlirah B. K1nlf et a1. Report of Tbeodor e C. Field I\nd Mary Ettb. . F,i'V'a,. ~le of property approved ,Field '0 Mary A . MalO, telL! esmtAin aDd ,0cm8.nned and dl.trlbution of Franklin town hip, 'LOOO •. prooeedl o~ered. Be&a... for ..,"lement: Proof ot Commissioners' Proceedings. 'pUblioa'taD of Doth_ of estates for '' ''tlement be heard on December .Bills- 'rbe Western Star, fee reoord 2'7t~ flied. ' for Recorder, ' $12 i blanks " f~r Re· 'iIIta...df .BortLyman elal miD ore )corder, $1.60 j eov~lo~es Bod postal8 '1'1...., ,'aOoonot approvad, allowed for treasurer, '35 ,60 j lD~e:lt oards fo r aDd. ~nflrmed: ' Recorder, 'SO ~ F. D, MIller,) brid~e • ,,~*e.of Th9nlll1 Morphy, inBane. repairs. ~ran'khn townsbi~, $",7. Al ( , :.~t 'UOO1lnt approved, allowed and bert Houk, damages for road around ~e«. bridge, '12 i Georgo :Vei~t, bridge reof. SaNh P ," Steddom, de. pairs Harlan townsbip, '19. 12. John ~ l'im and ilnal aOOOUD' 'p." IroDs. bridge repfl.lra . Tn.rtleo~eok j.o~ .Uowed and.oonflnDed, " . t.o~Ds~i. p, .In 30; Sha~~le ~ Burs, . .....,af.Lewl. " SbmphteY'j de- Maohtoe Co,! contraot, U~ , 66. DIlD ~, ,~lmd (Inai ..ooount ap p, Bone, fE)8$, ,~O. U i Mra. A .. ,..M . Robe~ton, mdse, for jail, $4. {5 ; , provecl dOWeid an4 oODflrmecl. " '.&aledf,' iv.iiuamp. Miller mtDor. Auditor's Fee Fund,indesingl4S 20 j .nit. aDa1 accwnt a~proved Lebanon Gas Co,. g";8 for jlill, '10 ; ,.Uow.d:ud ooDflrDied. . ' , Pbiltp SpenO~t .general indexs., ...... of l' ....wler d.;a.ea .' 672.15; R. 1;\ Smith, coal for conrt ...... .,aDd ••1 aooGunt approved. h~Ule, ' .47.'5; Catbarine Nan1ist, .Uo'w ed aDA oonfinDed. . .. wallbing·towels. 19 i Lebanon loe ~ Boward ------"'k Ell", Coal C~" toe ~1.10 j' J , W. McCray, . • ~w bnria 1 of "cKin.8ey, '7'"u; W • .. !.-.......:... 'a 0 _A ' , Al~-" .,.,.. _.. ·- -I-dr. ' ..... ~ ~:::~.-. =~- ppr VIN, Un. glesby & !:lon, burial of John .uOWIIRII _ OODIU"-.u. l • G ... '" . of \V.!t. Jack, ' deoeued. anemanD, .QU. . , , NUt ,.... a0c01lD* -apprOved Mt8oellaDeoQs-Aooounts of tbe 1W1ft...r.t ' Oon8nDeCl , ; 'Vld depositories . T~e J.eb"uoJl '. Boo~, m'-o'r . National B,'s nlt and. '.rhe OUi~en8' .,






. '

iUi, .

' ~~~~e fU~d ~f 1~08 ~o

tbe county, .


A Wild BUZzard Raging


brings danger, soifertng, to tboU;Sl1nds,wbo talte ooIds, oougb lI·nd 'lugrippe-toBt terror of 'Wlnter lind Sp·ring. J.ts danger .ignuls I:Il'e ." stuffed .u p" nost·rils 1 lower part of nOSe sore, ohills and rever, pllin in back of head and" tb • I ' , ,. rOI1<-gr as pPID~ oOllgb. When GrllJ a.ttaoks, you valoE! your life, don't, delllY' getting Dr. King 's New Discovery "One bottle oured me," wrltel:! A. L Dunn. of Pine Vlllley, Mis , "after bein#t 'lttid up ' t br,e a weeki! with Grip." LEFT LAROE ESTATE For sore, luu~s , Bemorrh';lges, Oou~bs. Cold Whoopjng Cough, A compllrutively lo.rge estate is f3ronobltis, Asthti.lll, its supreme. divided by the wil1 of Mrs. Cl1ther~ 500 *1.00. GOllmnteed by Fred C ioa M. Comptoo, Jato of n ar Naw ~ohwurtz . BurltngtoD, wbich was admitted to ' pr0ba te Thori5day. Oha.rlell Men • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~


. a20 a~rt',g, fnc II and ross-fenced, Oarre.· hof,! ti ~h l, ~o "I:l'eA ilIabl e; orchards and s mall i.· ruits; 2 et ~ of impro v l'II IElIIt " H'i~llr:n house anti lame bam, tit el wind-mill, tower and .ta1.l k; ll t'U lI.1 ifill , Jiving Mtream " fl ows more than I{. mil e :i\' I'I'S,q th iS t .u·rn I' lnel~ , .l'J . ).{I"' :' , ·, '" ., ~II\' adapt d to peaches and uther fruit~; ::i7., m i wl:'~ l (If J\II.' sou th wE'st of Luokeba, (lll th l1il ~e R. R. tl)W IIS . ) ~ III " ; al"IlII ,g country, 6 c<it~on-gil1' and 3 gmin elt- va tul S wil h i~1 ·asy , ·nc h .of . this farm; ~, mile to hOol. Up· l o-d a ll;! I>.r0).rrl::~!v. y>o ll e all around us. TeJephol1f' in ou r lllluse ami It r . I). [ I " ~ I !' a Il "\tl~ymakir.gcoun t ry, and a n en t rgel ic family CH II rHY fl1l' th' ~ farlll I'a.l s ing cotton and alfa lfa and CO rll and hogs. C; ·)od marhts a nd ~hlpping faciliti . Very mild climate. Pr'ice $2::! ' :. 1)(' 1'. aCI'e ; $ \OUO down. long lime on i>alallc , or will a ll ;)w a h ' ft V)' rhstl)Unl 0 11 1111 cash paid over $1000. 11 you pretor. you can wrlle LO Otiil Iladloy . Lookollll. Ilkhl.. who f rmarlv lived tI~ \VnYDIlIIVUle, lIDd who wlll allswer your qut'lltlull8 or show )'ou I lio ullo \'o (arm .

C. B. Phelps, Owner.

Or address

R. D. I, Binger, caddo Co., Okla.

2qt 6Se at

------.. -- ..------


Saved at ..Death's Door ' I The door of death seemed ready to Methodist Episcopal Churc... open for Murrav W . Ayers, of'1'ranRev. n. W. Balley. Paator. 81t Brillge, NY, wben his Ufe ~as lJ,uday Sebool, 0 :;)0 a. m . Morn ing s r· wonderfully saved. "I Wl\8 in Ii vice, 10 :80 a. m. Elpwor~h Le tlgue, 7 :00 pdreadful oondition," be writes, "my m . I!lvenlng s ervice, 7 : 00 p . m . Mldweelr skin W1l8 almost yellow; eyeH sonk. Pr \yer Aloe,lng. 7 p. m. en ; tongue ooated ; emaoili.ted frOID Christian Church. losing 40 pounds, growing weaker daily, Virulent liver t:rouble ' pull. Sund Re8c v· ·:ar" E "aD aW80D .. Pastor. 9 oa. m. SocIal meetIng If ' ay h ~~l' 1ng me d owu •.0 d elh.h 1n sp.te 0 10.30 a, m, Onnsclan Endeavor. 6:30 p. m: doctors. Then that matobless medi :~h&r ~~~ servlce,'~Dd Sunday each OiDe, Eleotrio Bitters cared me. 1 a . a. m, aud 7.00 p. m. regained the 40 pounds l~~t and now .. Hicksite' Friends Church, am well and strong. For all Fil'8t Da, Meetlnll;. 10 :00 11. m. Fi r at Day ItomllOh, liver and kidney trouble!', Sphool, 11 :0(1 a. m. lI'our~b Day l\Ieellnl they're 8upreme. ' ·500 at Fr~d C. 10 :00 a..m .' Schwartz's. .... Orthodox Friends Church,


Will be f' )l1n(1 III t. he old Blll,k Hlllldin'! . opposite tbe Nlltiolllli U,tllk '1'el epbIlJltl iu linn "," ILlIl} of fl '11 wh ere ) ~~:1 ue CII~lleu dn v 'O r l' i l(b l ,


Immediate relief from PILES Dr. Shoop's OlntmeR: gd



.,. . (I) "TME

sm ..... ~



===8 A F R






A; A. , McNeil,

Bees In a Church. For more than 20. a swarm of bel'Js has b.een. in the root of tb,e nave or lfleld (Eng.) Parish church. Th.ey have lately abused .the bOil.' pltallty sh.own them by coming .insIde t.he bulldlng and even aUngln'g a member of the choir as w U as annoylng the vJcar while he .WU In the pulpit. A week a.go they entered tbe church In hundreds and their dead bodlel !:overed the floor. ., A bee expe'r't b t:~ "1" ." heen called and 'atter rer I'tll,ln of th.e root .he succee.. ( ing off the whole ' colony . h. . The · vIcar ' said, / '1 part . with . . without 1'9-' gret.'· .





cnl. CMEP I'"

ROn "lUll ,

- -,


Fann and Fireside Free to You "

A·Great Opportunity for Miami Gazette Readers

A Beautiful Calendar, Too

, But this is not aU, This offer includes not only the Farm and Fireside for a w.hole year, but the most , be~uti'ul ,and 9riginal art calendar fo;r 1910: The : iJapy calendar is 11 by 17 . inches in size; an:J is print-. . ed in 'many' colors on the most expensive art-stOck. You get the calendar, free . of cost, with this oirer if you act at once. . The orilrtnal painting of . this baby has .excited m.or~ admiration . and deligbll than any baby picture ever exhibit.ed. It is truly wonderful. Every time you ·1 look at this sl~epy boy YOH . want to yawn, too The calendar wil~ be shipped to you carefully rolled in a tube, postage fully prepaid. To get the calendar you should act today . .





EveryJ.>ody to k~ow : that· , the' . .,Miami

Gazett~ Job Room ' .<"

is t.h e, , Co~reet place .t o , ge~ your 'Sale I$.ills printed: .C'o..reetly arid. in

GoodT~ste. '

i .

Try .. ,: UI .one,,~ ' and . . . "

·~ee ~()..

Yogrllelf. '


The Miami Gazette has just concluded an e1Ctraofdinary arrangem~nt by which we can 'end vou tht' new 'and greater' Farm and Fireside, the greatest farm and home paper in America, ab olutely without cost to you~ elf. lo'ann and Fil'eside comt's t wice every month, twenty-four blg issues during the yelll'_. The publi~hE' I'$ .oL.Earm ju t and Fil'as de hay spenl' $60,000 in improving this g reat paper which for 3~ , years has bee n Ih standa l'd fa l'm paper of America. They want more of our reno r:;! to know t his g rea t farm ~n (l home pap·!r. and chat is why we are llble to make you chis offer in connection with the Miami Gazette.



of All ".

THE C. W. HllN SAFE CO' Columbus, Ohio,





Succeed Should Be Well . . Dr~'..ed •

2qt 6Se at

Waynesvilla, Ohio.

~=--=== " F.CO ~f)

,Time Lock and Work

1) :30 a . m. Rel(Ular ohureh service. 10 '''0 a. til. hrllItlan Endeavor . S.II-Supportlng Woman Who Would 7 :30 p. m


~hOlII:! 14-2.

Main Stret't.

TbeBesl farm Paper free for aYear

Rev. Benjamin Hawkins, p,ns tor, Rabbnth

Undertaker and Embalmer.

General Auctioneer,

Sunday ohoal. 9 :UO II. m MornIng s er· vice, 10 :80 a. m, Holy Commuulon ,ho firs t uuday ot each month ,

.- _....,...--





Bom6br, 27, farmer Of Sharon'riU. and Ethel 19, of Monow, ,". .. :. . ~toD ..L. Deu:doff, ' 27, farmar of



denbtll1, nephew of the tesrllt ,'r, is HOT WATER BOTTLES tile prin oipl\llegatee, but thflr,j l\fe IL number of b que~ts to nl,h~r rl'la. . ti ves. 'fhe Friends" (\l1 u l"ch t:'s at Cl\l-lEuLrcreek aDd Ne w BIl!'lin ~ ton tHe made beoefioiluies to t,ll e I;\x tl'nt. of $500 eaoh , • '1'l1e personal prop- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erty left, by Mrs . Compton is elltimated at $10.000, a nd there ill 0 0 0_ WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. siderable va.lul\ble relll estll.te, part of wbioh is n 195 u.ore farm in St. AugustJne's Catholic Church. Fathe r George Mavenhoefcr, Pastor Hpring Va.lley townsh1p . The will eve-Sf seeoml Sundtly or the mooth al was exeouted Novem'b er 7, 1907. 0 :Ma8S 00 a. DI. . Charles Menr!eobl\l1 was appointed St. Ma..r;y·s Episcopal Church.~ exeoutor, acoording to 'be term8 of Re v. J . F . Cadwa lltlder, Hector. the document .

..••• of




oftend~a.tb, .OK-LAHOMA' FARM F-OR S''A--L-E

It was 'ordered -that the following. .,, " amount be trllIl~ferred frolD the .undi ~ided Ge~erll.l Tllx fund to tb~ tol lowing funds :-Ju'cJiclll l,Fund $000' Children IS Home foud 1900 . Orpha~ , . ' A ylom . , SIIOO. I Contl'aOM-A . Contraot was enta red Into wit b Ben j .. miu Mills ~or lumbel' ItPl d.e s.oribed. --'_ __ _ ....

4.ny woman who has bel' way to ma1fe lQ th" world, whether In socIal 01' , b~alnesa clrcle8, must recognize that d're8s 18 one ot her chtet' assets , AU,CTIONEER .\ writer In the Dellileat~r says. .The C · emctency of a aale8woman, a 8t~nOI::'J entervdle, rapher, a teacher-in tact of any wOm'. . ari whowork.-Is judged by 'her ct,es8~' 'rpe' wan who can Hell YOOt ,Shabbiness 18 almost always taken aa BOlses .cows BOg,; Farm a Sign of .1ll,succetls-arid-it , t • • pOPu' arm ~g ' Uteri8lEl !l:IOOtlfl' ' . ._ w lar it some~hat failacloU8 theory ~hat · ' 1 ~~~_"'lt!~lria4 balaoOouu'ap~ve'dNat1onal Bank fort1).b month of ",al merit and abU1ty always succeed hold ~.oods, or anything l n ,'f?ecember 190Q, (were aud{ted Bud C~elessness Is quite ,88 blighting to . the selllng · lin~. , ooDtlrmed. . '. BOWard I',ederlck Ell fonnd correct. . one a prospects as sbapbiness. , It may C II Him ~ p for Dates ' . , . .' . '. . . Dot be altogether Just or (aIr, ' but it. nfl" ~,.' .~proved, ' The financis.l ,ta.t ements ~f . t.h e •• true that wherever you go your 8C>iIIaw. __ 00Iitlrm~ au~ttor and tro88urQr showing ' the' clal position, your income, success or ~!!!~~~~~~~!!!~!!!!~~ , . lDl,~" Tliiile," cJecellsed, balarioe iD .eaob. fond a~d acoount at failure, your ,~U1ty and charadel' are. ~iH':\'l;.'I111", •.,~, .aPPft.)v8d, .Uowed · the ,~gtnnio~ of the . month were apptaised b, . e 'clothes you wear.. ~f, . ~oODli""" .l. i presen.ed and ordered placed·on file , 1 were start!n, In ,b.ual.n~s8-I don .t . I" l. ~ :-:-:;:.' . ' \ . care 10 .w hat capaclty-alid"had on I>:: : ( ' , r ~ :~ ,• •"t' G.~,. 1mbe. ~ ~roposal, from Dombaugh an~a 'Yer., little money t-o invest, ' I woul~ ",:,~ . , ~ r' ~ .D'4JI~l '~~' .C!'P- Bol~.,r for re~ir8 on Bot ',Water put It I~to c.othes-elo~es t~at were ' . '''~ . ~,!~ aDt 00~":Dl!~: '. .;!:Ieatiog aop~t:a~us at tiheriff's r:esi- suItable, attractive ·and ",ell made, I~ . '~~""'k Vi SIUl," ·."....Iol._tor of denoe a~d jail was received and 110 fa wh.a,t llniln~~er. ,call ,.. good risk' I, .. , ",.. . . , .' --en Investment tha~ ia almost certaI'D ..' • •,Cd. Willlam<.~W. ~_", ;, e* ~al. t 'on deferred n~til a "future time . 'to 'tinn'. out':wfill, ", ~. "-.1."; .J~' '~nM4. ~b Report of t be vi~w!3rs .00 the fl.}. 1 don't' for~ a moment advOoate ,exi : 'fol' mlDeb' defeDdan&a. teration 'QJ the Oolom~~a pike in ~vligance in dress .except '(or .w"mell to :.. . . . . ; of ~ Cle~e~t., inlbe. U,nicm ~own hip w"s thts day pu b- oflat~e means. With them extl'la,," '. .oc,.,1llllt 1Ued " ,t' Holy read for the seoClnd ti~e. . ..anqe , is more than ~xcu8lible-JI. Ie , . ' . .. " . ., justillable.' It ~ee~s money In circul~ , ~ , ~'rI8f,' dp. ~epol't of viewers on. the alter~ . don that would other,Yise be Idle. It ,~~~=~~~~ ","00.08" ,: appoiDted. tion of the Union road In Fr~nkhn gi~e8 .1~glt1mate employment, wbich IlVin; ,boDd of 16590' township wu, this day publioly r eall is the :wi~est an~ mos~ )Jenellc'ent form·. , Jltohe~or aD~ ·R.:'J. for tho second time. of charity, \0 women who n.eed ~ork.. ~I' . . .uieti.. " and Jo"'n It wlAs.ordered that U 800 be tra.ns- taBnut Jor women iin mOlder~te Qlrcum~ • :. "" '., . , .... . .' . • /J • ces a pars mon ous attitude, Lo~ '. ThOJ!lllpaGn and MIl.' ferred t,emporarlly from tbe Speoial toward dress Is a talse and often ratlil :b ,J?i,U J.'POlD~ ·~ppralsOr.. eco~omy. If you want to .sucot:ed .itt . , .. . . . of Anna 'M. Lewis, de~nythlng, look successful, able, compa. . - . 'I 'tm and flnal aoOoont fll d t~nt. Otherwise you can never inspire . '," . e , confidence In otbers, a.nd to loo}t sue:. ,I ", __._ LIceaIea. ,' FOUNrAIN S,YIUNGES oessf';ll, prosperous, assured, you must .........."i' be well dressed.

.1_...'-.:e , .•



The Miami" Gazette Needs no intr6d'p ction, as our readers know that it is the best news dispenser in the cou~ty.

For a .hort time only the MI~.:n1 CUette makea : yO~ this areat ,ubacrtptlo~' offer.. We ~1I1 send ' YOU Farm. and Fireside ,t~lce .every month, ~or o~~ yearl we will al~o eend you .th~ Baby palenciar, carefullY 'p~ed In a~ tube,,' posta8e ..PrePald, '~nd we .WIII Hnd ' . : YQU~hj"VI,~ml cazett'e~LL FOR ONLY '" , the Qf '.the {~%e~.' .Ione~ ~T.~~ un"'~Ied,• . ,y~ ShO,U~' iaCt rI~t .'.v~~ ,





7:0 e? _ _.!:::s:::s








' . Our old friend, b:1r. W. B. Ollrd l Where Housewives Buy Living Bird. for Mor~ ThQn One '- - - - - - - - of Long Beaob, Col., "'endll tl8 a bis. IN. " LI . I~N 11 M AI II f;1REF,T tory of this pJ" o~, whiob we repro . Reason.

" lI ll l,II "., · W ,·,· kly

110' 10'1",·

W l\~' iI ~s v llh!.




, Il

tlOOf' , in part, FIll' up Hastings street, wbere long The oeneos of 11100 ~It ve 'Long r owEl of po plar lr es mark the up. Bea h II. popllllt tlon of 2252 Today I proach LO lhe Poli sh BE!lllcment, Bays I) I . t ~ I!.AN P., l':' ~ and Manager It is tbe third olty io t,be (louo IY t h e 1?e U'ol l Free Prells. Is a market . . 'th hl(G Of wbl h Is not to be found wi~b frow 18,000 to 20,000 pOpul l~tlOu c is II'h I' hI til ci ty. - ~ro w n from Ii !!umme r resort to Ou a va a nt ' col'uer, surrounded by L Ull ,',hrlv \o 'Ii , ,,,.!'o r,llIl :: t :l r,:v wit,h 0001 a h ig h f nce, un entcrprls lng east ' " O! Year (- t r l ll i ly I n " """ '" ' I') , I ,U(, rn t' roia,1 prd,Plll"lItn S 1'11 11 "ita .. f si deI' has estab li sh ed a gOOlle a nd duck "l lIjl l c 0 01')'" . \.... n),( Utl/, Oil 11'1 I' ll " \I f t,li u m .)"t f .1 maJ'ket thal attra cts patrons fr om far and near. The women of the nelgb· Tha t's what c omes of ge t t ing t ogether . We have combined with the publisher of the ):lest vored 1111 l,h M ,.ou ut.h wellt CO It~I, lIt-s nd borhood nre a trille particular as to KateK of AdvertiHemente woman's magazine. The result is t hat you can h av e:the magazine, Woman' s Home Companion, and 'ng on ItO Ilit'v h l ed IJh lel\u fr o m :'\!i ho w t hey buy their poultry. The lteadlng Locals, jlO! I 11 M,. , ., ' ., .,' , , ~ Th+-: l iaml li a'lelte f o!' the ve ry lo w price g i en below . Woman's Home Companion is too well ' ~e ll I v,l , lind fuoito ;,{ guaranty of freshness furnished by the Re a d l nillocn ) ~ , \) 1110) \; r ace , lA'r II,." .," IOc ' 0 75 " 1tH tlU11\ ('IWlHllled All • . nut 10 exce"1i 1\ 1' . IInl!1<, dlr,," r,I\' sO\ll,h ,Iver t. lll' wa,ter!l of ; fact that a ~oose or duck Is alive 19 known to nee0 indor eme nt f r om u . With its fine stories, its sple ndid articles, itS marti ' praCtical f1 ' I d not of so much consequence as the 'l'brett' I n serl itllll1 . . . . . .. .. .. ... . _. 26c depa rtmen ts, Woman 's H ome Compal1ior; stands at the very front rank of woman's magazines. 'ql~ P d etan , e rll bttY, with ,atll IDB nu knowledge that feathers, which might "'hllulArleK. rll'c I n c h • • free ; o ,' a III'" pl'i ~e of Woman 's Home Companion is now $1.50 a year, and t his offe r is a speci~l bargajn which we Inc he N. pcr lIue , . , , ... , . , , , , , , , , . , ~o .-\ .• n Cll1msllttl I s ltlood~ in the imlU fl I otherwise be waBted, can be trans· can o ffe r f or a sho rt time only, Take II tt, La fortotcrounll , Oil tbe WtlHt ure ferred to the ticks so much In vogue ClArd of tbllnkH.. . , .. .... " ... , .. , .... ,' ~iic advan tage of the bargain while . )'Ou BeHoluUon H . ," " , . , . , . , ." ., , ", " " ,. 60c cbe P:1los Verdes hi\l~ uud on the l in this quarter, Thus It comes that SUMMER STO'-'V ,",UMBER. Sool ll.l lI eiC. wher.e ubnr l1c I . ma~e " "" no nor'h SII(Qall BII\ wb lob temper the ' on market day, which Is almost any can. It won't be good for long. '118(113, AdvenlHlrlll, (ler Inc h " . ,., ., ' " 10e ' , , morning of the week, tbe housewUe winds and, with tb., equalizing 10 with a longing for poultry journeys DI ~ c o ulitH "h' on on co nt r ac ~ , 6uanoe .. of tbe uoelin oombtne 50 bere, enterll the Inclosure, Belects the give Lon'g Belloh an ideal oHm .te the fowl that strikes her fancy or appeals JAN U ARY 12. JaIO, year round, A fourteen.mlle stret.ob to ,her mature judgment, and Itands by, whll\! lhe proprietor, with a long or Wide, shllllow beacb offen the pole on tbe end of wblch a wire bdok dO,uble adVIlntage of surf bll.tbtng Is faBtened, proceeds to separate the DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTURE and B hard sand boulevard for driv· bird In question trom tbe r est of tba Ing. A tblrty-foot oemElot walk, flock and deftly slip the book about one year and The following estimllt(>s tHEI bll8~d illuminated Ilt nlgM with boulevard Ita neck, making It a captive. . There Is much dickering. Often the on the reports reoeived froQ) the e leotrlo I_hts, flloes tbe beaoh, and first cbolce does not prove satlBfac. offiolal orop ~nd live . stook oorre work 18 now well onuer wlI.y for tory and a aecond and tblrd bird 18 lpondents of thf3 Dll}Jortment: • a. continuance 'of tbl8 promenade to snared and Inspected carefully to see Corn-Condition in orlb oompared tbe ellflt jetty of the San fiabriel that the feathers are thick enough and one year, ~at It Is sufficiently plump. When all wit b ,eun, 97 per oeot, r~ver at a oost "r tl25,000, tbe 1m· tpe preliminaries bave been attended Oorn-Coudltlon In sbook oom· provement having been asked for by to the purchaser pays over the price, pared witb Itverage ytllll'S, 93 per 73 per oent of the property dwners grabB the bird firmly by tbe legs, with oent rhe olty bos II. oomplete system of Its bead banding down, or tuckB it Uorn-Amount not yet bosked, hnltaty sewerage 30 miles long, 8nugly under ber arm ~nd waddles off bome, the env,. of her nelghbdrs, U per oeot. boilt at a coat of 1108,000, whloh wbo may not be -able to Indulge In Corn:':Amouot of orop thll' will ruos Into II. lIeptlo tll.nk for purlfien- such a luxury. A NOVECSY. br fed ou .the ttLrm, 77 rer I'ent. 'ion before being dls:;h8rged loto .Greater Woman's Home Companion KATE J;>OUc;LAS _WIGGIN Rogl~QoodlUon oomptned with the Ollean . 10 Ilddition tbere is a r .... Caowt.u. P"""' Il"' tNClo COt"'.""; Will be the most interestinll'- the most, 86 paroeot. storm sewer whioh drains the oity SHOW THEM YOUR TICKETS -~."'---. useful- the most beautiful w9man's BOils-Number flttt ,ning still in d,u ring _t.he wln,er and wblob OORt magazine published. farmen' h"nds, 20 pet ooot. 150,000, Thl. Will Surely Relieve tJ'te German Fan Pigs-Number oompartld wit,b Uong 'Beaoh bas tour parks, wit h Railway Guard of Hi. yea18, 7~ per oeut, a total auea ot 25 Rcres, valued Itt Sadnea•• Fall PIKA-Vonditlon oompared ove,' $2,000,000 , 'l'be 6sses8ed val Whenever a German raHway guard wl\have~d~e yellr", 96 per oeot. uatlon of property t,bis year til feela 10neBome. and does not know Th~re will be fiction by Anna Katharine Green, Elizabeth Stua rt Phelps , Mary Wilkins ~ee­ ijbeep-Uondnillo ollUlpare,d with 117,411,266, with a tax rate of $1 fo r what else to do wltb blmself, be takes ~an, Kate- Douglas Wiggin , Margaret D eland. Juliet Wilbor Tompkins, Myra Kelly, Josephine averagA, YA'Hl', 96 11M cent. Kener". pnrpodes. The bonded in a walk rOllnd the train and i ets the Kam Bacon - and a host of others-alllhe best writers now before the public. CIlUIe-Coodlti ol n o')D1pared with (l1l88enl!erS to show him their tickets, iebtedD981t ill but ,203 688, and of a ft~r which be returus to his box! vetHtI, 95 per OIHlt. tillS 120.000 will be retired tbe , oom. cheered and refreshed. Some peo))\e All this and The Miami Gazette you can have for only $1.75. But you ing year. Tile lobool ceneus show. rave about suns'e ta and mountaln8 and must or~er NOW. Remember it's a special concession we've seCured an enrollment of 3822 pupils with old, old masters, but to tbe German Making Life Safer for you that won't last long. You will be in time if you order tOday. railway guard tbe world can show Everywlltml li le is being mlltle ,ovo~ 2QO telloherM . Tbe tobl value, notblng more satillying, more InBplrmore SUfM thruugh the work of Dr. pf sobool property is 1500,000 lng, than the sight of a railway ticket. Oue ~fthe telltures of Long Beacb Nearly all tbe German railway of· ICtng's ~ ~ W Life l?llltl In , Coul'lt,ip". tioo, I;3I)iousoes"', D.'-8ll pillA, Indificlals have this B~me craving for RestlIOll .. Li v~r 'I ol\bh~8. Kldn tl ,\' i8 it.s m8!,;nUloent tourillt b9$~1. the tickets. If only they get someboll), And 'Dj~ll;' , . U" It1 B" wtil DI ..o l dpr~ : Vlrginlw, whl')h cost over $1,000,000 to show them a railway Ucket, they Tbay're AI\....\' , hilt, lI ure, uod perfeot. ,lI.nd is regarded as the e1ua,l of !lny are hap))y. It seemed a harmless Iy boild op I.U'" heltlr.h 250 Itt Fr. d bostelry west of the U,ookles, It id weakness of tbelrs, and B, and I deAddress THE MIAMI ,CAZETTE, .Waynesville, C. I:!Obw ll rtz !t .• _ • loo~ted on the beaoh and afJorcl~ clded that It would be only kln~ to humor them I.n It during our stay. Evtiry cIDtl 11" .. t,o, I mQ h oonfi lance a spleo~id 8el\ view. During the Accordingly, when we saw a Gerp.-t ~~ year the t utal 8Ble~ of real es man rallwa v omclal ltandlng about, In mer.l lotll E\ _ _ _ ........ _ ..._ __ tate wer .. villued .. , about 110,000,0(10. lookln. sad ' or weary, we went up to An Elveot of grellt Import-anoe will blm and showed him 'our tickets. The : - - - - - -.....-~. C. W. HENDERSON,M.D_ • Ight was like a ray of sunshine to HICKS' AL"'~NAC FOR 1910 ooour abuut JolY 1st mftrklng new him; all his care was Immedlatlely forWay.nesville, Ohio• Funeral !Direr.tor. R tl8d :v ,1II{)v:~ mbe'r 151b, 1909, a cODllneroialllfe'for the oi'y by the ,otten. if we bad not a ticket with U8 epleodid Y ~llrbook, on 1l8tronomy openiug of the mouth of the San at the time, we went and bought one. Main Street· Valley Phone 153 {. and me~t!orol.,,,,:v, the only ooe oon Uabrl~l river, utfo.n ding an ooe~n en · .\ mere ' llngle third to the ne:lt BtaTelephone day or nigh' • •_-lnlng tbe ,.....rl·.... "I·n ...1.. 81o .. ... We".hAr 'be gre.~ inland harbor ,Uon himpoor sufllclent1y In , Vailey phone No, f. I"qog • "' tranoe . mostwould cases;gladden but If ~he fellow ap' H. SMITH, Prop" Jroreoa.., " By maU, poetpal.1, S60, whlob baa been building on the peared very woe· begone, anll as If be Dl8~noe No, 69-'''~ ., R~ IJATHAWAY Waynesville, Ohio. on newltand., 300. One copy free dat8 we8' of town for tbe Pili' " bra. 'Wanted more than ordinary cheering WAyNESVILLE, " ". , . 01:110. Waynesville'S Leading DenUd with ' a ye"r'llIoblortption Word year.., and where .re now lOO4ted up, we got nlm " second·clu. ~eturn. I~ room tormerly oooupied by' Office in Keys Bldg. Main Hi ' .. h R I I R Hi" many large indD8'rie8 no'.bly· 'he -Jero~e K. Jerome, "Diary of a PU· Branch Oftice, Barve,tib1uy.o; Katherlne Alexander. • and W Ora8, t e av. t ,. Oal . ' ! ', ' , grimace." Montbly I4ligazlne , tbe bee' Ii .h work", ultntoa fao'or1 , whose 8pec1al AttentIOn elven to ~on'blv 10 Atn~riOa . lJlseountl! on foel i8 ,8!1gplled by nllotorsl gas frOID Children'. Halr"Cuttl""o • a . . wlni(, well of •• ter, the UrRII' ~, " . AlmanllOf! i.nqo.nt.t'~ea . Allentll IIhlP ph,nt, whioh em io,8 175 Dieo MODEL,. PENNSYLVANIA ROAD '\ p ,. ., wanted Ramo-ruber, the , !leuninp and la Df'lW buUdlol lIuKotog 1I~1· Hummelltown Pike 10 Conltructed II Bio~For~~ " "U!,not pu bUshed II That It Wlth.tande Traffic anywhere 611'e~yon get them only boiled ' vtlsllell4 ' On tbe nOl'tber~ portion (,f 'be bllrb,or the ~t80n and W.ath.r. i~ hl8 own p~bfiOlltionll Wurd an~ A model road I the H melstowD Works1,lnblt..hing CO, 22U1 LoOOMt, Eleo'rlo oompany,'hlla " sU.e'on wbioh l'l8 a,?p nt to ereot a miUton..(1ollar pike, near Harril:urg. made of S&,' 8t.. ' Lool!l, Mp. Ra8 plaot to SUPI>l,. all the 00Il~' a mixture of water ali tar, cement, 'own" fr r,m ~",nta lIlontOil ,0 ,buJlt l llqUld alphaltum, road 011,. ca~bollc lng,un BIi.oh, RtIoently tbe. Dook r dllllnfecUoc ' powder, lulphate of cop. ! per, and 011 of wintergreen. 'rhe 8ul· and Ter.minlll ~IJIPUIlY 'and ~It LItke ·ptiate of copper Is used to preveot uilrllfld b .. V6 l4t~ ...lgbtRned a.nd "tbe ,oil. from becoming' Ignited, apd dre(18~4 Cerrlt"t4 .. Iougb from tha the wlntercreen counteracts' the odor VaIIeallJa,J.KldDe1111Uc ImplU'C aJoocL harb" ~' tl) Wllmln"tOn Imd hlive of . the others. Tbere la notblng dis· . "' lagreeable about tbe smell. A curious re- a IIhort, deep. Oil Dill tOl' vellllt!ls drll. w ~ effect of the mixture Ie Its dlBlnfectlng , Weak and urihealthy kidney. , spouaitileformuc:hlicknessan~ilufr~ringl Ing 20 feet of wa. , ,! po:.ver. Durin, the past ' year tbere , . therefore. If. kidney I trouble is permitted to L '"I( Btiuch h t. lun~ ~youd the was not a alngle contagious disease In UI:IIIrAAlllIalPriI c'oD~inue, serious reo ~r,ltge of relyiog on t()urtst~ t he'r 10- 1 that secUon. The cost of , applying Since i847, the ye~r Rogers ,Bros. originated electro-.ilver _\llta are mOllt 'Ukely d lltlt.:"ittll OumlJrhlllll( three pla.nlng theml~turel8 6% , ce~ts . a8quare · yard. to follow. Your other . " , The cement holds the dJrt together plating, silverware bearing the trade mark "00 ROGERS.BROS.· organa milY' need at· mIll"" five Illundrl" .., ~w " brlok phmtll Uke stone, and the olls make It water· baa been renow'n ed fot quality, w~arability a.od .'beauty. ' tentioD, but your kid· "'fO fuu'1 ,jry ltn(} mftotiine ~h o p . , · proof, so that It really sheds water. ney' most, because tWOtC,v! " "d Un(' Ine pl~nt. th rfle' , Tberoadisnevermuddy,aOd,Unllk,e do . mo,st end shell !.CrillQlUg r. .. t:1I bliHbruelltli U 11 ,ur \. • ta 1', ' roa d ~ doe8 - no t b ecome s 11 pp,ery ' tbey • bollid have attention It.op}lCd In W mluu l.e8 ' , ,' , . . In whiter Ume. Frost has no effect Bure with p r. '1100.119 1 ' Croup . lI ull100y. Oue first. Therefore, when mill , fo,vo ' D"WIIP'lpe~S II.n(l, five job ) on It at ,aU, aa tb~ mixture will' ,not . tes~ will s.urel, pruvu. 0U kidney. arc weak or out ~f order, 0&0"", t:-Ill telf)pb. '1116 Axoh&nl88 wl',h . 'f ree,le. The .cost of a":plylng Is ve.... , . No yoml tictl. co d is'stam.~ on fQ"ks,. spoons aqd . f~cy arving pieceS il • , uliderstand bow quickly you en... • J ~ A . .te'and pleu1Da8Y"Qp--6Oe D~t.a 17""""""f i. affected and bow every organ "'000 lIub'orlberi.t. a lI,h ip plant, Rsbea.. .amall, ,&II. !t' Is , sprinkled ,C?n ~. like . guaI~tee of, heavles~ plating, perfec( wqi'kmanship ~ . faiUo do ita Pllty. tOll f~ol or\" I\Dd SKit work. which water. T~at the me~od and the inlx· , ex~ulslte d~slgn, ass~rJng I~K and satiafying Service. . Ail, . . ..' .,', ture I. a perf~ctsil~cess' bas bello are,.ick or ," feel badly," beJliD arucle of ' marked , ".lM7 ROiERS ,BROSP may be " " ~t lddiley' remedy Dr. :oont.rol Uu, putput of S..o utbern Oalli abown this summer. ,'Desplte the' beavy .elected withou't further investi~tion. . , 1r~lliiti;P'. Swamp-Root: :A trial'wiUcon. fornf. The cl,t.y OWnM ~ ~tllol oyl; I'a\1tomObtleand wagon ttamc;-the road .. , l ea~in!t deale~ everyWhere. ," &end' for ~talQ1U8 wi"_"lrnn aD"t!.:~~te '''eff~ 'of l~der pf~r ~xt:eqdJflW , ~80~' f~et tnto " . aJl1!JOth. arid very hard, aJ;ld , ,~•.L , Ihow,mg all pau,ms; ,',' '.. "\ ,:", / S."'iI~RoC)t. . the great ki,ll~ey ·a)td tbe ~eao, aocl uq lI~dltor~um , .Ui~ · ~e,~t In evel'1,. ~ay.'1 , II·. Y

II'! I ""1I0N I':

l' Al .1,


0 , 11 2



Woman's Home Companion

The Miami 'Gazette

Both for $1.75



Twelve Big-, Numbers



Woman's ~om~ C~mpanion ' (Both for onl $1.75\ ~ The Miami Gazette . . "~Yo '. . 1,









. ,

°1 .





Silver 'Plate 'tlaat Wears'"



_I. no.'taeled 1Id"JI Are ., OYer-I.rk. are





la .- lOOn: realized. .. ' It tn~ 6000 people, . In \lVh,lotev'er -it , un. Herald, ~;£i:i=i;taJemarkable ' . , ~Obg l' , ' , , ' . tlP"tl'e8?!> '" , ' hive been "de.rtilktell; , B~tloh e~ ' !!!;!!i!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~. tJle ~08tdiatreeit-. ' p"lI~~ ,and ~"n~,:hll' ~on}h,, ',8~~rl~ ,

a-med~,ci~e ~yO\l q~~, of "tl!,e ot~Y.. ~~ . <Ipee ,tb~~~'; ~ , i'r·;i~:~~~~~~r:~n';~j~~;rt[rillli.' tll


' _r~


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_==== ,::::::::::::::= I




1841R06ERS . BROS~T~p~; ".

• • RID . . . ." . .



ness that was , 1I0urtshed fn 'beaT nJ1 pIa s. ~o n ver xposed hImself to ' . !> t he peril of t everls hness an.d p ~ss lon. In t.1I , moments of te mplatloQ 11 r e· D. l. CRANE, ti l' d t th mount. l!lv n In the midst . of tlle c\' \I'd b had '(lui t commuulon 01 11.0. wi h Ule et I:UOI. B e knew bow to' , THE STORY OF BIG YIELDS OP make ri. solit ude ev n In tbe very , BT tho Rov_ J. H. Jowett ~lIe fireproof mine hna not yet beeD GRAIN COMES fROM EVERY h a l·t of publicity. He could make a ' .U(" SECTICN. sanctuary amid tb " ry 'Iamor of tb on Interesting Topics of Many Kinds, by mn rk t·p lace. uti so h e kept his spirit ' a Recol!nized Authority U :you have lI;n ,enemy, persuade h'lm coo'l , and the p r llOU 8 fir was n ver When the man In the States waa ~ go deer h,u nUng. I!l ndl d, "I a m not alone, tho Father tolel that he could gC't 160 ncres or Is with me." IlInd in Central Cannda-comprls lns Na,t ure smiled on footb all-and the It OV(!l'cnme the world by a a· For T~elfth Night. ' \ sealed wIthout an envelope. A COpy the provinces of Mnnltoba, Sosl(ntcbeund erta kers-tbl~ year. ti en e which waiLed for the hour to Tb e firs t special day chronlc l d for follows : wan and Albe rta- that under ultlvane w year's month Is My Dear Madnm , Ye dI sti nguished tlon would lll'oduce from 20 to 30 bu,s hi Snowbirds are cro wding the quail . ,_ _ _ _. . . HAVEl ove r ome the st rll( . and which would not be the glud pretty clos!,! In the nortbwest. world ." And yet hus tled lulo pre ma t ure ac tion . One of "Twelfth Night," whlab comes on the HOllar of YOII I' Presence Is I'cquested alII of wheat to the ~lcre , or It floeded could t here he all)" th e' firat temptntl ons with whl h th e s ixtb . In old en days the celebration Tbursday, yo cond of Oc tob 1', from to Ollts tbe yield would be 40 to GO I See that your horse IB well blanketthIng mot· sugg s· d vII assa ils n lIIa n Is In the attempt of hrlstmas lasted until this date, or, Three of ye Clocle until ye fll'l y an· bush els , he was ske ptical. T he snme ed and w el\ shod durIng the wlIlter. tl ve of fa il ure t ha n to pror e to hIm that his noble purpose as It was oall ed, "old hrls tmas," d lellght, a t Fo ur Hundr d and Se ven, story was tol d the m an who wished to ~~!'!!~~!t the ci rcumsta nces Is Infnmoufl, or n eedl ess, or Impos· when the "Lord of JI \1s rule." whose 8b rlda n Rond, yo ity of - - , ye get nearer to exi s ting li nes ot rall· Mars mus t bave s tarted a deep wa· I In which thes word s sIbl e. Tf he Cnlls In tbls t mptntion he reig n !l egan on hrlstmns e ve, nded Swt of - -, to meOl Mis tress Abl gllll " 'ay. and was f)nly nal(ed to pay ,10 !terwaYI movement thousand of years IV e r s J) 0 k e n ? proceeds 0 11 Quite nnothe r tacl(. See· wit h the burning of all the ChrIstmas Has tings onnol' a nd Mistr ess ?lIa r), to $1 2 nn acre. But man y trIed It• • ,0. Treac hery. had bre>- In ~ t hat we nre Immovnble In our 1'0- g r ens. ThIs was done to propitiate mlth Brown. ye Honora ble Mother Borne ono pla n and BOlD' anothe r. The ken out In tbe dis· s'o l\' , he next attempts to mn k li S pr· th e vII s pirits, who m Ight otherwise !lnd ye Aun t of YOUI' mos t Obedient mun who nccepted tbe 160 acres e:; .. The football season Is ended, lind bolters are figuring up the dead and clple ba nd , J udas had gone out bent Ipltate In Its 1\ cutl on ... Don't wn lt." molost the house hold . This will give nnd hllmble Servant, MIstr ess Pell' free g ift, as a hom cstead . and wal upon the mali g n purpose of s Illng ho says. "Cf!t It o ver at on e !" An d the ul rt hos tess tb e I(eynote for an d nnls. willing to put In the r equired resl· injured. tbe Lord. A ' mob was even now as· so wo ar frequentl y " rus hed." a nd Impromptu party. " dence dull S ot three yea rs has now What an opportunity for an oyster , A Postc a rd Party. a farm wortb from fift een to twenty It wlll be new Turkey In fact, with semblin g to rag llim to judg ment, the boly plIl'pose Is s poll d by Its la ck At a church social l he g uests were dollars an acre. 'rhe ma n who chose telephones and telephone girls In Con· and CalYnry. and death . And It WlIS or holy restra Int. J es us refused to be s uppe r nfter tho bon fir , with piping In conditions Ilke these that th MIUI' rllsh <1 . " Min e hour Is not yet com e! " hot cheese sandwi ches made In a ask ed to bring 11 post ut'd ot Interest, to purchase, and dId 60, took up his lta.ntlnople. . tel' proclaI med bls trlumpb! H e wa ited 30 ye> nrs befor begInn ing chafing dish! There must be a "mYII· wh lcb th ey we re to talk about for resIdence jus t the sa me. He has land, The high prIce of food has s erIously And who was the conqueror? A bl s ministr y, a nd ther A Is a wond erful tery" cake. too. According to tradl· three minutes ; the Invitations we re that, In nHlOj' cnses, Itl w~rth twice reduced the Income of mllDY stomacb poor Galilean peasant, ' speakIng a sense of quI et lelsllrelln eRfl a hout him tlOIl. It sbould contain two beans. The Issued on postcnrds bearing a pic ture the money be paid tor It. , Both have :specialists. of the church. Jud ges awn.rded a post· round that tb e s tOry ot sp I en did y I0 Id s P rovIncial accent, obscure nnd unln· c h aracterl zlng ven, bls publle II fe. H e ones ge tU ng th ese sym b 0I s 0 f ravor Ing and qlleen and card album Inscribed with the lines was verifi ed. They he, e had crops fluenUal, having no pilace to lay hIs wHltet! for til clock to strike, and a re to be crowned k Ohio may be the grentest state up f tl of t h e evenlns below to the one who told the most exceeding that promised ; they have In the alr, but Texas Is pre-emment head! Let me say It a gain , be Is when It had struck lle a cted, nnd thor I Ie remainder ,Inter esting story. As the descrIptions s een oats that yielded 100 busheIs to d IB Iaw. about to be betrayed, to be deserted, ne ve r swerved. And he conqu rE'd e r wor on the ground. to b put to tbo mos t contemptuous the world by , iove t hat flow ed fr esb The hostess has an Ideal chance In we re related the cards were laid on a elIe acre. and have grown wheat that t Ian a se rt 8a 0 f d e II g h t f uI Bill:· tal?le - where all could see them . averaged 40 and os high as 60 b us h e Is , IndIan slimmer Is always sure of get, \I.nd humiliating death! And yet this an d f \I II to tb e very end of hi 8 "aM·S. thl sop tlng the slad band when It playa a man claims to be wearing the purple Even Calvary did not e mbitte r his prlses to be carried out for the will· Fro mc~~~Da the world lh ese enrda hnve to the acre. Their wheat was not a )f sovereignty, to be trailing mystic s pirit! Even the s hadow of d atp did Ing subjects. One good stunt Is to Th ro' every sort or W ather : 67 lb. to tbe bushel article but 6:: and return engagemenl clouds ot glory even wltlle he was not sour his s01l1 by the senSe of de· command cer aln couples (congenial. But here they nnd a Qui thorne 83 Ibs. They have seen within the WJtb your five or sIx Inch obleot marcWng to the tomb! He had not teat. The revilIng of those who passed of course. that goes without saying) And 8pend t h Ir day together. :>ast year or two trunk lines of rall. Ilass telesoope, :you may easily see Mr "one down before the world, he had by the crOSB brought no cynlcol re- to discuss great and weighty subjects Could we bl\t hear with llIor tnl, ear way oonstructed thl"uugh their distrIct. ... ., .: The tnles th y tell each othe.r. HaUey'a comet now. not shared Its tone, be had DOt been sponse. And so he died, a. ronqu ror s uch as, Sbould a Woman Propose? Wh nt JOYS of travel 'Wo mIght have, and throwIng out branch Unes to the Infected by Its contagion, he had not in dyIng, having overcome tbe world "How Much Pin Money Should a Without a bit of b(l ~ h e r ! ptes , of tbelr farm. They havu aeen ~ If football would eUmmate ma•• bowed to Its compromises, he had not In the very moment wh en It seemed Wire HaveT" "An Ideal Way to Bpend MADAM.El MERIU. schools established In their nelgb PlayS It would no longer be .Ileum· been ensnared by ItB seductions. he tbe world was most trlumpbant. a Honeymoon," etc. ' In 10 mInutes a bourhood and the Government con. had not sunk to Its degradations. He FInding the Perfect Peace. report IB tf> be made to the royal palr·I~II.<"".~~~~ oF.~· trlbutlng largely to their eJpense. ,IIered with a death Ust. No",," we bave to face the same an- who in the Interim from affairs of ~~.u~ Churches have been erected, vlllagea , , A Nebraska court bas deolded that had "overcome the wor]d." Le t us • • ~nA\ ~'nnTTI1tft~ , bave been estsblls hed, toWUB have ," 'elol a girl doeB .'DOt con8t1tute a contemplate the promInent features ,tagonlBms. "In the world ye have state wl11 mand'ge to have an enjoy· of the vlctol')'. tribulation." W e have to be In the able tete·a.tete themselves. If a bon· J.1~~\lVA'" • .' Jprung Into existence and cities are propolal. So 1'0 ahead, fellersl He had overcome tbe smlles of the same straits. We bave to e ncoun ter fire In the open Is not practical, let us Milan lace Is worn as collar and ~pldlY springing up, lUI If the magtc band of some unseen conjurer was at . In Qhfcago are ' men who make world. And that Is ever the subtlest the parlls of the smile, and th e frown, hope there will at leaBt be a grate cuffs or collarette. Dark tones Bre more fashionable work. But It waa Ilot; It was the IeI bomb·tbrowln~ a profession. In Ru. and most par, yzlng of all entice- and the contempt, and the suspic Ion, available for tbe burning of the gltlmate offerIng of the wealth ot the m ents. 1t we can make comparisons and the neglect. We . too, have to greens. A rule Is that each person than light or brtght effects. lita It fa a habit, Dot a profession, between the different moments In pass from shine Into sbadow, and to makes .a wish ;while bls or her armful Very attractive blouses are made at l oeld which made all these thlngB come ;' Lots ot old·ta,Shloned people wtt1 Christ's Hfe. one would Bay that the faoe 'the menace of the sword and the Is being consllmed. This gives an ex· the Persian printed sUk musUns that about, naturally, and easy. The prat· "lIoon begin to tell us,of the Ume wheu perU was , greater when they "took seductions of the crown. "But be or ,c ellent opportunity for a stunt party. 'u.ome for scarfs. . rte thnt three years ago was merely l ~h~lltm~~ used' to come In ,the winter. him by force to make him a kIng" good cheer , I have overcome the each one being requested to do someA gorgeous dinner gown wns of prolrle, a patch of brulVn, '\lst waltlnl when "aU men forsook him and wor]d." But wltat Is that to tbe au'd thlng- l!lng a song, tell a story or In cloudy black chilTon, spangled In for the ploughman. 1s to-dsy , dotted '! Spots on Uae 8qn 'DOW may be seeD than fled." Many a man can keep his moral me? It Is everything to thee and me. some 'vay contribute a part of the gold. . with tilled farms and splendid homel. wtth the naked eye. provided the eye bealth tn . defeat who Is overcome with There Is power In tbe Lord's conquest evening's fun . Nowadays the accept· The favorite skirt for s uits and The Une of elevators with theIr glls· 'Is ftnt modestly veiled '!Vlth IImoked succel1s. An l11us tratlon can be found to make conquerors of all. "In me ye able guest Is the person with some tenlng metalled fireproof sides and " Ial.. ' ' .. may have peace." Not In ordinances. s pecialty: and just at present the art lin n fro cks Is k1lted on to a deep, on the public platform. Every pub· of telling stories well 'Is an accom. pla in yoke. ' roofs, Indicate.. the location of the ' town and the railroad There is the , VietOr 1:Iqgo m,llde blmself rleb ~rl lIc man knows that tb' er'e Is nothing not In bare religIous e xerCises, not I.n pllshment worthy ot cultivation. Bronze Me phlstophelt:s lend a . h jou,n ty air to a tal1ol'ed hat. glow of newness about It all, but the ,IIJg1 books, but that. doesn't aay that so InsIdIous as the. snare of applause. uman fellowship, not In nature's ora,. A rather attractive millinery nov. elevator. the splendlrl store building. every man should take to wrlUn, A man can walk the narrow wa.y t ory; the'se rna}' aU be helpful mean s. wben. he Is con'fronted' by abostlle but they are not radical and ulthnat e, An Old·Fashloned Tea. elty Is a hat of IIght.colored silk wltb and the com fortabl e h Qs lcl~l cs denote ,bQokl. , audience, but he Is In great jeopardy The deep fundamental peace Is to lic For ' a dozen elderly wome n this black chantilly Ince stretched s mooth. I wealth, beyon4 that of the stten,th . ' l One difference ' tn current sports when he Is met by nothIng but cheers. found only In Cllrlst. "In ·me re may charming tea w,as given. The bouse Iy over and a large velvet bow for Dr th e man who fasbloned Ilnd built seems to be that tn avIation necks It Is the.n be Is liable to be "carried bave peace," bllt to be In Christ , Is to \Vas lighted with candles and for eucb U'l m ml~g. them but the wealth of the soil, which are lmperiled, while In football they away" by the enthusiasm Into grave be more th~ a companion. Elft'thly "'uest the h t h d b II COllld anything be more -.'Iurlngly moans that the newness will be tol-, os ess a 11 nosegay u t In relationships supply no word sume!. .. are broke~. Imprudences. Ben Jonson used to say ently Intimate and Immediate. It Is around a stick with a frill of lacey pa· beautiful tb l1n the absurd ne w color t !owed by a steady growth. The writer I recently was a 1)RSsengc.r over the , Euna'r ecUpses that hope to receive that "of ' all wild beaSts, preserve me nearer than linked arms and clasped p r. Tbese were pres ented when ra- name "ashes of amethys t." or a pure rad iance a ehlmmerlng Grand Trunk PacI fi c, tb latest taei taTorable menUon In thIs column from the tyrant; and of all ' tame liands ; It Is the Incon ceivable union fl'eshme nts were served. The re was 'l mul~ sbo", up at a respectably early beasts, a flQtterel'." I suppose that of oneness of s pirit. It Is the. unIon a program of old·tlme Bongs. and the whIte moonlight coldn~ss are the love- I tor In this grent m a rv Ions field of r ho~r In 9le, 'e,.enl~g. , . . ' the culmlnatlng point of tempts,. oLthe branch wIth ,the vIne. Our UV~B guests brought their fancy work. The I~ e vening gowns of filmy white gauze ' development. Tho rapidity with ",h.ioh tlon In the life 01 the aposUe Paul ' menu, cons sted of tea, ' vressed ov~ matching ,liberty satin, trimmed I towns were being built liP, ·the fa rm· can become embedded In th(l Lord, chIcken tin h t b i st.eads occupIed was some thing even An Indlan"a woman calls her bu. was not when he encountered the via- and his conquering energles, like rlsI ' y, o. uttered biscuit. with narrow gleaming silver ribbons I ' , lband Ii "nag" a,n~ a "scold." ' I)c)ubt: le nce of the mob at Lystra, but when Ing sap wUl fill 'o ur moral and spirit. je. .ly and pound!I'he u 'v4ta-Ho d sprlnkled- mIstilY with s liver bls e)(perlenced eye hnd not looked Ilesl the quel oreature has refused to the people magnified his Importance' . were written on paper folded and opangles. for. Everywhero along the line of and deolared that "th~ gods are come uat powers, until we, too, become trl. , (his new trans continental was tbe disIbutton her town In the back. 1 ' , down" In the guIse ,of men. Now, the umphant. We become more tli tln con.. , ~ , - - mark 01 progreSs. There • ' :, ~ A blg CODcern I~ · New .re~sey Is to Lord met this ,seductJve smile of the Querol's through him that lo" es us. ,.,.. 1 liN was not a mile of the length or tho , ;brlng about a cut In ~Ibbons. So there world, and did not succumb to It. He "Thanks be unto God who gIveth us. ~a road from ~Innlpeg to Edmonton and be 80qle comforUng exceptions to was Dot deluded Inlo a shining servl- tbe victory through 0111' Lord Jesul . . '. west that did not bear tohen of Itft ' ,the rise at , the nec4\lssarles 'of Itfe. tude. Chrlst."-The Standard. ablllty to pay tribut e to the r evenue Superior to World'. Suspicion.. of At laat" th~ B~I~an states have Sowing for Eternity. '0 II the road. Mention Is made 01 thll And Jesus h. ad overcome the su.... :--:--...., lie. Dot because It Is the laBt ID ,fonnecl some klnd of union for the .,"In the mornIng sow thY ' seed, and th e fi e ld • b u t beeause . I I r th e · t sane 0 Ipurpose of pushIng the , Balkan W81 P lclon8 of the world. There Is somebe Bt 'bU lIt roa d s on th e' Con tl nen t an cI thing very affrIghting In the contem- In thej evening wltbbold not thine , . cloud oft' the polrUcal weather map. < • plation of an untrue eye. Men are hand. '-Eecl. xl. 6. , trave'rses .one ot tno l1est districts I' It Is a law of· the harvest that we o·• ' an e xe c II en t coun t ry. It Is we II 1 There recently died In N(!braaka • frequently overcome by the malicious op e r a ted ,andaIrea dy h it • "I1D8n Wh~ , saw ~~. Chicago ftre; the eyes of tbelr te\1ows. And this wa3 roap more than we sow. Then how tIS gone n 0 (Galveli~~ ftQOd, ' the. Ban F.rancl!,cQ .the kInd of "look" whloh' was ce" ne. caroful ought we to be of the seed we acllve service as another means . of ..., 'are sowln.g day b Ju ,, daYI It we would• " /d,faaa,t er and 8pent (our winters In le8s]y fixed upon the Lord, "And they ma klng , It poss Ibl e to s ecure more 'Alaska.. '~ watched him'" , It Is the kind of slgbt reap a rich harvest 'ot golden grain.' epee dll y tr ons I't f r'.>m t"ue g rn In fl el d 8 which misinterprets all it sees. 1t 1m. for the Mnster.· Very much depend!!' to the shipping centr 9. I t. had been I The new Chinese mlnillter to thlf ~utes tu motives and turns, everytblng upon the manner In whlcb the seed Is the Intentlon. 1n thIs article to have 'country bHngs 67 serval\ls With blm . Awry. Betore ,tbat kind of onslaught SOWD. and the tertlllty .of the soU to spoken ot ' some or ~o yields ot palll Astute ma~. , 'H ad he made It t7 he receive the seed , that It may t ake deep that ....lJ ave -ade th All , e f nrmors 0 f Cen· rWOU~d have 'been 10 . , J)lckle ' thl many men suocumb. Tbey are driven tbe post ot duty by malicious root and spring up nnd .,remaln pre>tral Canada contented thIs yea r • . but 'from paragraphers. tongues; they retire, from tbe fight. ductlve. In nature, like produces like, space will not permit, so thnt deltght.: ful task wlJl be taken up In another , !~,' It , must ,be really awkward for 8 A man said In my hf'nrln.g some little often In tenfold ratio. In grace, the I IS8I1e. In the meantime It VoIould be . ' brtde whose.' husband was careless while ago that "pub II lire has become ' seell sown sprang up and ': brought .! well for .the reatier, U he Is lnterellt. about ' the staying 9u9Jlttes of his dl: Intolerable," and that be was deter. forth som e thirty, some sixty. and : ed, to put himself In touch with some 'Yorce to dIscover that she never 'WIUI mIned to r etire Into privacy. And thIs some a hundred·fold. Are we sowIng mall allowe d the world to drive him constantly wllat It w\1l be our joy and I I offiQlll1 of the Clln a rll lln Gf'vornment really marrIed) from tbe fi'e id of service. But that pleasure to reap In the vast eternity ... and get Information that might bo use., T)lere Is ' no' wUd enthusIasm over was not tb way of the Master. He that lies before us aU? :, tul Inma,dng a oeleotlon for a homfl the succeSSful effo~ts ot a French sci· would not turn back because men In Centrnl Canada, and become one entlst to make a dead oog ,howl. It men fixed upon hIm on evil eye. He BeIng Through Polng. of those Who w111 be Instrumental In lis hardly ' J;1ecessary to start an lnves· would n9t turn aside from the ap· It fs n great deal more 'Important. building up a grent country to ttie itltratlon Into the oause tor' thIs lack pointed way because of the unfriendly to do rlgbt than It Is to want to do north. In doing so, you will bo a. !of apl?r~ojatlon. gaze of his enemies. He stood up, rig ht. or to enjoy right. The only peo. , : I, slsUng the United States. In a few , , years' Ume ·tbe l'nlted States ' wlll be' i Director L«>weU of the observatol'1 and strode on, unntrrlgbted and unde- pIe who r eally hunger and thIrst after rJghteollsn-ess are the people Who aTe 1 a wheat Importer. Cannda ' wui supJat Flagstaff, A. T., report8 the ~Iscov· terred by malice and frown . . he overcame the contempt or practtclng r'lghteousness. The ·deslre ' ply the whent and you will be one of. And , 'er)- of the ' first Antarctio snowfall 01 the producers, the season on Mars. Ia It not now' the world. Many ' a mnn can bear a comes from the practtce, not the prac, bea a In It 0 tlce from desire. Enjoyment ,Is e. cblef ------up to ~b~ dIrector ot SOUle other 01>- wrong who cn"not .... , r n su . ur Eve's New Costume. lervatory to demand at once sample. Lord was "despIsed." "He hatb a consIderation In the playing it ,games, "Oh, \'leur!" said Eve, after she had ' lOt the snow before the report can be devil nnd Is mad." He was denied yet In any game of real skill there Is common courtesy. He was refused little enjoyment unUl ,one has worked &ecured all the best fig .h~aves there [believed? Discoverers are not taking All crut teatber III one of tbe "opu. Nazt Jay the leather on a pIece of were to be denr, had, ''I'm BO ulihappy." ,the words of other dlBcoverers with· th e or dl nary amen ItIes 0 t b osp ltallty. at the game enough to master Its flrst .. "Come, cheer up," .r eplled There was no water for him when be principles, RIght living demands ~kl11; lar crafts :If 'the season. we are , gtv· glaslt and cut out with a sharp knife. ."dam. "Things might be worse t han ,out proofs these da~~. came In from the dusty way. There wh.y should we think that enjoyment Ins a tab]u mat design. 1'he work Is The , parts of the design that are they are. We'stl11 have each otber\" ; ' National budr;ets appear to be the WIUI no kiss of recognition and wei· can come more easlly here than In the not dlmcult and ' the results are a~U8- blackened and grllyed fn are tbe 'parts "Yes, bllt JlOW ~hat'l've got to wear. chlet source of worry to tlluropean come. "He was despIsed and rejected playing of a game'? It Is propEir to ask tic and pleasing. '· to be cut out. A paIr or manicure Ing ' clothes there's no other woman covernments. France Is the latest to of men." And yet he WIUI not un· God to create In us the desire for hIs The fir!!t step, Is to make a whole Bclasors 1V1ll help with the 'rowld parts with whom ' I 'caD 'talk about them."eXperience trol,lble In this direction. manned by the ·c ontempt. It dId not will, but It Is also necessary to recog- pattern on m1lnlla P!lper. One.quarter of the de\!lgn. . Chicago Record.Herald. Her proposed budget this yeu IB $40,· make him hard. unforgiving, resentful. nlze that he answers' that prayer ohlef. of the ,pattern Is given. 'r~e easiest Mlrolr velvet Is to bE\ pasted under " __,'_ _ _ _ __ (lOO,OOQ greater ,uian the precedinG and revengeful. It dId not turn hIm Iy for those who are doing his will. way tp do thIs Is to blacken the back the bertles and ' satin under , the' , ,T hen '"T:hey Came to BIQw., one, and provides for new taxes which sour. He was not overCOIM by the of ' the pattern cut from the page, leaves. Cut smjlWblts of ' velvet that ' ''What , starte.!. 'the . fight ' between make the taxpayers sit up nnd take treatment. He went through It In . Willing Doers ~f HIs WCI~' using 'a very, soft. pencil. ,,Lay the pat- wtIJ : fit un,der the 'g roups of berrIes Lobster and ' Shr.lmp?" , .. '." notice., As the taxes , were pretty sovereign and unimpaired health and Foolish Is the man who holds back ,tern on the maella ' paper and go over Rnd gllle wlth , tb" wrong side' ot the ' . ,:'Why:. Shl'lmp called Lobster a ' heavy be.r ore, the addlUonal burden holiness. All these antagonisms, arle· wben God. Is calJlng to him to ' come all' tbe;'lIir~' of· the deslgn .. very care" 'Ieatb~r "on th ' rlgbt sldo of ,the vel· Imeasly little , ebrlInp,' a~d .he caU8d will not rna ke the ' people any ', more Ing from smJ]es, and rrowns, iuid con· on. It Is always safe to follow a Prov- fully, Be sure to keep the sweep of 'vet. Usb a very strong glue and: be , Shr!mp , Ii. 'l~bster.' ,) , 'v " .' contented., ' ' t empts" and negl ots, .lIe fnc ed and tdenUaJ leading, and It Is nevel' safe the black leav~s all gOln'g In one, dl. careful that It does not lipread. conqll red. :Apd In ,!bat ' d.isPOSltlOn to r~fuRe suc~ divine ' gi1ida~ce. Ev- recUon, that Is, one following the oth·. . T~Em 'cu~ a' pi co of ' s'~Un ' t~e Biz!! 'i .~, Those so·ealleJ craters 6n the moon' wall trltjmp~ , won, ne overcame ' ery Ohtistian man should pl'olJerly.b~, .\If l'ight . arou~d q~ cach ' Qlfarter..', . of ~.he ma,t a~ d, g!u e Ih, with th~ ' rlght "'" . ~ , ", S~ may be ' merely the " markB Of bumps world. by a refusal . to lltooP to. lise u pathfinder, along,some ro ad or "prog: 'N' 't I ' t' f b' · . ' sld,~ Q.l'lxt to the wrong sid of the · rece ived" In eolll$lons with other orbs. the th e ~)l)wers of tbe ,world. He wonl<J ress.'whlch will, If pur~,ued, advnntnge , , e~ . ay a .p ec~ a car ~m 'paper, Ie ther, 'Speclal cal' 'must ba ' tal(oD :'. '. ' ' but ,thnt .th ~ory does not se 'm to ex, never use, wo~ld 8 sword. Ho woult! ,humanity. Whe~ . J~hovab would send', b]aqk s~~e down. on th~ rlf;bt side ~f ,that. it d~es not ' n ltrJlle over the 'V I ,. . " , Jlle,ln ' tile _presence ot a tall cone In never use, thf-' fir s,of persecu ~!oN , He hltp abroad: on erran<~s ' of mlnlstry to the l~,ather, and ~he d,esllpl on top;~ vet already glued · In, . .' '. the e~ter of ~~ many of them. n~veJ' p.,~t hi. hand to mere co relyes mankind let no Mos'e s' , hang' b~C1(; FjJ,sten dow~ wlth ,thumb tacks. ~elnJ The COlor s9heme' (.: ~hls mat 1;3 O{d ' '. a~d . co.m~lIl slons. JIe Bought .splrltual· Meana and ' strengdl ,(0 perform the care{ul to plnce them olltsl~e the, Clr: bllle leather.' blue- gleen vl-llvet an'~ '" ..>, The top recor~ or Amerlcan ,bui]dlug ' ends by s pll'itllnl menns, and be never mission \Vm In ' due' tlln e b ~ proVIded cle . .o~herwlse there woul~ be a hole ' black Ilatin' It fs ' a slrlking c 1>1 permits III OCLober we re : S attie, 1" B!lllght to eUelt tbe aId ot un'!orldly bY thll Lord for those who as tal~l1fl\l In' the D)a~' .tlQD. ' . " ~~ np. I .~4'7: Br 90klyn ..Boro~j;b, 1,325; ~hl1a - ~Ings. - HerG'.:! SQug1tt his ·fl!fentlahtr. serv n stHv~ t<RJObTs~ ng. ~ .0: bey shoulctibe :1l1ace4 'on .a DUd : Suede ' caVokfn"" ls tbe mORt ottrac; :!lelpbfll', 1.. 253 :, Chloago" 986. rn cost 'He was desh'0~8 to see him or a: ,long us each be wllUn. doers of h<Js worcl. " boaJld. With a ~harp llencU go ov~r .trvo 1 'atber. It ome$ from 35 'to 46' . Brooklyn and Chl~gO ; were nearly Sp.lison," but the ~d 1'6tul'I'9(1 , tbe '1»____ _ ' aU Unea. ltemOYCil the paper and 10 cents a 'square foot. 000 square ,t oot &lUre, with New York county. whlcb tercoul'le, a~d "He . answered '11100 Tbe J'ellglon we lJlost llke. to reo, over ~e design again III penCil. so ",10 be onougb to make tbe ,Qaat., ...ets '(e w bulldh'''1 but bl, onel. fa. ·oothlns....• count · may bG tbRt ,",hIe,," do., Dcf th.t aU Pill'll m~ ' 118 perfeqU, dla- Wben purchasing. be.. .~e : thl\.t- '. lb. of eltllar. He O"ION; W'orld by a calm- . cOunt at ,all. . ;i.haot -<to" 'c:u!1tlll. leather ,fIj a porfect lICIua".

.The l'Aiami Gazette

Forfhe Hostess







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"AUII'!KES"T 'w· ITH '


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@rn(~r~i1D~@ OD~~CJ[}~nMJ~~~tj~C=J em:::l .----IIiOUNTING billions or dollars -tn all form s of mone)' and nil kInd s ot securities Is th o bercu lean taBk In Impor. prog ress In tant branch of our natlo llal gove rnment. Th o necessity tor thu s takin g stoc k of Uncle Sam 's hoard a rose qul l unexpectedly Iodeed, s uch nn Invoice ot the gO Y: tll'nme nt.'s finull cJal resour es has lI ever been taken at stated Inter. vala, as a mercbu nt tak's in ven. tory Or a bank r bala nces bls ac. counts perlodi a lly . Th e summons tor n recoun ting of the repub lic's trens lI l'e invariably comes, as this d id . a t CO Ulj>arulll'ely sbort no. A lIJ1eclal squad of tlJe most tlCe. . expe rt money haudlc rs in th world we re (JJ'ganh:ed to ullm ra te all the coi n and cll rren y and bonds In ' tb federa l &t rongbox aud this boely o~ till' 0 «.lor. n mon and women will 'Work steadily for weelts and month s in the money caverns that consU.



W~o~~1N [1£lW~(J'IT'IT




. h co Ios. welg s II pOlin d s. I 0 we Ig h lng Olu at th e tr asu ry ve ry accurale has to be kept by tellers wh o ~ tund beside the scalos and raco rd l he oUlcome of each operation. }o'or ull thnt th e wei ghing ot coln will he dOllblless resorted to tor the mnjor portion of , tb e account.lng of n('\ ' am's cash, th ere w III be tons ot coi n whl 'il fo r ono renson or an· other will probably ha ve to be gone over by hnn d. An expert womao CO\l:1ter tlln hand le about 60,000 BII· ve r dollars, ha lf·doll ars or quarters In a working day, On,geri ng tbem over one by onll, but lh ls method ot work Is now bel llg di s placed In Uncle Sam's mon y stOI' honse by an In· !,Wllious II II' t ype of lectl'l('all y ope rute rl mnchln , which ('o uuls co ins of :lny d nomination at th rate of ],00 0 Iler minute . All :)utomatic reg· it;tC'l'l ng de l' ico kel'ps 'uunt wllh absolute acclIrIlcy. Dimes, nl cltels and cents uro more difllcu lt tlf- coun t by ha nd than the larg r coins, but tbe h:\milin g ot th ese mi nor coin s has



"m, ,,", "'0, '"


overtnke the best or men. Born li ttle WIll 8 kl~ .. elouds' ll 8het T h sun ort now a nd thon; Th ey nln't no Bons U8 I lttn lIee In mor tals slch 89 you and me, A fllllltln' NnturQ's wIse Inten ts, And lockln' . hOU'III wIth ProvIdence."

Something for Our Invalid, There Is nothi ng like grape juice tor a r efr esh ing drink. Use one-tMrd gra po juice and add water to flll tbe ghlss two-thirds full . It Is said to build up the blood especially tbe cor· pliscies. A dainty way ot serving an ogg to change the motonoy at a poache d el;g. Toas t a c ircular piece of tbast dip In snlted water; bu tter, tben heap on lt the wllite of egg beate n stitt and salted, then drop In tb e yolk and set In tbe ove n un til a de ll cate brown. A nourishing drink given wben liquid food Is th e only tood taken 19 egg nog. Beat an egg separating the white and yolk, add sugar and nutm es to the yolle, a littl e rich mtlk or cream. then s tlr In tbe b aten whlte,,,and a daBh ot salt. Serve very coleJ,..·· A very dainty salad that Dray btl eaten by an, Inva lid Is made ot grapea (the alirornlan variety), remove the Bkln and seeds, add an ' equal quan, tlty Qt cboPl;led celeJ;y and ·Use. tbe following dressing.

Household HI"tl, A scant half cu pful ot strained t() matoes placed tn the pan wbere lamb or mutton Is roasting, greatly Improves th e flavor of the meat. The tomato IDlxes with tbe gravy and I. used in the basting. Chop th cold lamb roast, and make Into croquettes.. Season with a little parboil ed, cllopped green pe}lper. Serve garn ished with peas,_ Sugar doughnuts by pu ~tlng pow· dered Bugar In a paper 'ba& and sha· klng one doughnut at a Ume In It un· Ui it Is well coated. . :I Wbe.n frosting wlll not barden sUp tbe ca ke Into the uveu tor a minute. It wlll be hard on tbe outsIde and Cl'eamy underneatb. Cider Jelly. Soak tbree-fourths of a t easpoonful ot ge.Jattne In one·ha lf ot tablespoon of cold water, then add onet' and onehalt tablespoonfuls of bomng . water. one-balf c upful ot cide r RIl." lJl ugal' to taste, BtlI' until the gela tine Is well di ssolve d, mold and chm. . '.


tute the nulio naJ fortress against panic. TlIe n cesslty to r this lengthy heen g r a Uy facilitated In recen, and costly job arOBe trom tbe sbl[t· years by the introduction of connt· fn g of responsibilities In tbo ofilce lug boards, which flll m chanlcall1 t tb~as ur r ot tbe United wilen a tream of oln Is poured St&tes, 111 th ey s at n major lJOrL10 n ot the newspaper over tb elll , alld each of which. t'eadJog public th e announcement 111M hlrleB H . Treat wh en full, hol ds a given nu mbe r of co ins. Bags, wb en had resign eI as trea urer dtd not s om to carry nea'r the 1I11 ed wILli co ins , nr duly scaled OD the SO Ill e pr inc iple tiS slgnill canc tbat wonld be ntttlched to a c hange In the t ho I)uckages of bills a r seal d, out th e closing oC the personnel ot lile resident's abinel or may hap the pass· opening of a coin suole is lIot dOllo wltb n stl It of wax , ing" of a I arlc r In tlle ' nited Slnt 's sOn ate, - However, as ill the case of thl> Cl1rr ney pnrCl'llB, ullt with 1\ mewUh th o lll' 1 hint oC Mr. TrHnt's intention to leave the chan lcnl Ull pll ullC \ha t enn b held In ono hand a nd somego rnlDent s n ' l e, tile J deml emp loyes most directly ",' hat r s ' \lIul s in aflPct1ranco tbe punch used by the interes t d- that is , tbe trons ury lel'ks who have to a vcrage stl' et-car conductor. CIUfY dn tll big oUllt-i n effect had noli e ot tbe big cbore t hat await d them, for be it lmown such a wholeUNIQUE ' BANKING SYSTEM sale census of tlle go\' rnm ent's fina ncia l resources Is take n only when oue nlan steps down as lreasur rand Very little Is 'lmown In t his co.why of th GII'o system ·anoth r lit ps In....!.som thing that Is s a reely el'llectet} to ot bani ing In G -l'many. This system has U e n In li se In bap pen oft [\ r tha n one In rour y a rs at ttJe most. t he state or' Hamburg since the e"tubJlshlllent af he Ham. Tlle r spon IbUities of tho treaSllr r at tho ' nlted burger banle in 161 9. Stat s Ulat ma le Mces nry very ear ful balancing of Au account Is .opened In tbo usunt mannqr, and when a Olllln ts at n tlrn suctJ US tJlls a ri se from Ule tact tbat paym nts a re to b e mad the p lly~ r inst arl or prepllrl ng thl officlal'ls , by law, charged wltb the rllcelpt and 'dls. a cb cIt merely lu trl1cts his banke l' to deb it his account burs m nt of a ll public moueys not ollly in the treasury with tll S UIll Im·olved and to credit Rlcba rd Ro e's ac· ~t . W<\Stdugto n but al so In the ubtrcnStirlcs at Bos ton, ~~-.'nUllt with a li ke amoun t. New, Pb illule lph ln; tlallimpre, Incillua tl , ~hi cago, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~ If. however, 'puye l' alld payeo have thei r accounts I" st. Louis, New Orleans and San lo' rancl sco, lind dlfforent ba nl{s th pnye r th n r equests his banker to ttl the na tional-ba nk 1. fllted States depos ito' t ransfe r th e amoullt In question to tb e bnde rles.' He Is also trustee for the bouds held to bulky. will be Intrnst ed almollt entirely to men, ment are famous as the most expert currency of the payee, with illst ructlons to credit H i~ h; aooure natio na l·bank ci rcu lation and the pub· wlJereas tho enumeration of tho bills and counters In the world a nd the most blghly nl'd Roc 's acco unt wllh tho amou nt of the ro· IIc deposit s III national banks, so that this bonds will be largely In the hands ot youn, sldlled of the force we re drafted for thls extra d ebted noss. head 'ptlymas t r of tho go vernment has In his women, whom xpe rlence has de monstrated undertaking. ~ont re. ry to the supposition of 'ontOnient blank forms are provided tor' k eeping no t ouly .all of ucle ~arn's wealtb but are .deCter at suoh work than th Ir masculine many people, the countel's at th e treasury In mnltln g these notifi cations. Wb en th o banker hundreds of ' millions of dollars . ot other co,worlters. Indeed, at the previous . event of golug over a paclmge ot currency actuallY l'eceiv s nn ln stru ctlon ot thl B characle r , saya people 's uioney, which he must keep In such this kind ' some of tbe most oxpert ot the young un each nol e by the upper right·band corner. the Boolck ap r, be In turn notifi es Rlelmrd sbape liS to b e able to render an acoountlng at women developed an nbllIty to count 20,000 To be sure, the VlomeD are a ided nt tbeir Hoe of the paYlllent to bls credit and tbe nnme Bny dllY amI bour. bills In fiv e hours, I work and have a check on acouracy by the of th J)llyer. .Now when the new treasurer or tbe Unltell The young women who are engaged I.n this 'keeping tab on th e progression of tbe numbers In Hamburg th e Re ich sbank and flve 1m. prlntcd In blue Ink on tho [aoe of all notesStates took oVllr the office be was obliged to work give th eir undivided attention to count· portant banles use tbe Giro system . Represcn· the notes In a pa c ~.age being plac·ed In regular give the outgoing treas urer a receipt In tull ing bills. Ma le aS60c iates give out the bundles t:lU\'es of th ese ballics meet several tim et! clally rotation, hut as itle from this s upplem cntary of money to be counted and take cbarge of tor all of tbe moneys In 'bls keeping. Natuat the Refchsbank, wherd transactions belween scheme for verifying there Is actual counting t h !ll 8S the count of eacb package Is finished. rally ' he would want to tlo this ouly Ilfter as· th II' s I'er a l custom e rs a re clenred. In HamIn thtl good, old·tnshlon ed way. Records as iurlng himself that all tbe tunds were Intact - The fast st work In this wbole big undertak· burg very little material money Is tilled In high as 6,000 notes an ~o\Jr have been made Ing Is done In counllng the reserve fund- that to the last dollar and penny- hence tbe big e ffecting tran saotions, the bablt being t(J settle by the most expert ot tb., 400 wom en counters Is, the mlllions upon mlllions ot dollars In count. As may be surmised, tMs apprnlsal of nil obllgntioflS, even of th e most Ins ignificant In Uncle Sam's employ, but such blgh-speed brand ne w currency tbat III held In reserve wbat Uucle Sam has la id by for a rainy day charuC!te r, by Uberwels uugszettel. Whe n pay· work cannot be maintained for any great ready to be Issued whonever called tor. This cannot. be exactly coincIdent with the entry meuts a re to be made from Olle city to another length of time. wea lth Is In tbe forni of CriBP bills, rangln~ and exit In · the treasure r's omce. To ' count this Is done usually tbrougb the R<llr.hsbank, In denomination from $1 to $10,000 eacb. There one by on e all the bills and gold pieces and A most important feature of the task II th~ which bas 6 00 bra nches, more Ilr tesB, tbrougb. are tbousands of bundleB of this paper money, silver and copper coins in tbe · governmental counting of the bonds held by Ule government out tb e empire. All tran sactions are under. each bundl e conta.l,n lng 4,000 notes ' ot one dehoard III a Ume-consumlng tasl~ and tbe new as . security for the circulation of national talte n without cost to eltber payer .or payee, nomlllRtiC'D . ' Inside a main bUDdle of the size treasu er w1l1 probably have betln 10. office banks Rnd as seourlty tor governmeht money and on tho eontrar! deposits subje.:t to this Indicated are 40 small packages, each contain· three or · tour monttJs and perhaps even six deposited with the banl(s. Thelie bouds occupy nlodlfl E:'d torm ot ohecklng usually draw one Ing JOO notes. Thus a bundle . containing montlis ere he Is in .a posltlon to hand to the a special , vault In tho treasury bulldJng and pe:, · ~ent. Interest per annum. $4,000,000 In $1(1,000 bms IB nQ bulkier to outgplng oIDola, a' formal 'recelpt closing tbe tbe)> total sonietblng like three·q uarters · of a handle and no more trouble to count than a Tbe advantages ot the Giro sy" te11l tllll transfer. Of course, it the count ot the money blIllon dollars In value. A conlmlttee (If seven p/lCkago contalnlfJg' j $4,000 In $l b11l8. . , partly under tbe hl'.ad of security lind partly officials ' 'W1I1 count tbe bonds, qnd imiont.uch and .securltles sboul4 show ant shortage tr.o m . •• , of <)onv:enlenee. Dange r ·{rom fOI 'g ry Is An' official of the treasury · has persoDal ' 88 great care Is neces Bary In going over the .. thfi total amount calJed ' tor' by the ~ooks, the. Iimlnated, as the,llotlfl c'utiotl !lent to a banker cbarge of the count and working under 'hIm' Is bonds, coupon and registered , It IB tlxpected reUring official "Ill have ta, make g004 out of that at least two" months will be necessary ' tor . by ·a payer could · not by nny pon lbility be' his ow.n pocket...:....wblch ' Is n.t ber hard, since' a;' forne re~rulted ' on' the ratio of ' about five 8u'bQrdillntes handle 'the funds ,a r.d do !ill tbe . count'eis to 'One baUer and ' sealer. 'AS ' the· thIs task alone. : The last .time a cOunt of the ' utllJzed ' adval1t~~eoulllY by crl.JLlnally dis· count progt'esaes allch packa,e In tum has the . oonds was made six weeks WIlS allowed for the . posed persons. 'rhe . only . Inconvenience ob'coun.UQt- but ' tllls ~8S ' never o~cuJ:rp.d ~lnce heaVy \v,ax Beal broYen and -I.·..nnv.:rapped by' ~sk, b'u t yncle Sam n~w bas on':' I,land 50 per .s-ervabJe arls'os from the tact that receipts tor ' the . pre8en ~,;8chem.e.. of ac.copnt~ was 'one , of 'tbe : menl .who hands' [t to one of the cent.- · ¢or'e .bouds ·than· "'ete In storage .at, that '. payments are not, acknowledged Oll bills . ' d ered~ unless . suob :recelpts ar(t 8pe'c lally ,':w6men counters, . 'taJdng het receipt for tlie ' time. • :., :.. aO\lght by ,messenger after the bank exohang.: bundle of ntonel. She proceeds to' count the legaL tender is ,coqntry-w.l de In 8~ope ow.l ng to 'the' co'untJn~ ot t he coln .....gpld .. /lilver, nick· bu, been made: '. Ul\cle Slim's ~oroon of. branch offioes ItretC!b· .bill!! and If ·the pa~ge le 'found ·tb . contain el aDd ' coppel'':'''l~ tlie. pos8e~slon oc the gov· , J: lnC"'''cirOIll . tlie conJ .h ient:! tb'e big ' end,' ~t the. .the (amou~t oalled !o~ . turn~ It . b~k . ;Wltb, ';a~ ·~ ernru~n' cODiititl.l tea yet . anoHler branch ot thIs ' tt. 1.8 cUstO.lnary.. In B1l1all local trana.~cUon., for ' the payer to, noie nt the toot of bUls the ·.job and the mo~t 8pectacuJar·,pha.l e of'lt haa , Indorsement. as to Its' corr(>~tJies8 .and the ' N.: ceipt . wblch. sbe haa liven la , deatro1od or· unIque, enter-prise, In ·tbe ease of the coin tbe 'date ' of · p~ymeDt hr,o ltgh hIs bllnker and ID Its l()(UJ.Ie \II the trealurl building at WallJlIDgret1Irn41d to her. ' Each :packig,e ~hlch Iii·. pr'Or t:~rin' colintln.g· must not, be ~kell tp() · lite~lIY. cue of possible dlspute_ ~he bank la al:l'."" ton, wU~r(t ~WI b:Utk qf i7ncI~ ~IUD'S .".~alth Is nouncect o. K. is taken In 'hp=a by the bailers for aa a matte~ of filet muCh ' of the ' accum'u' prepared to cleat' up misunderstandings, Oon. .to~ Thete are upward of a SCOfe Q,f dlfterlat~on of coin la w.el~'ned on the deUcAte BCale. cerns dolDg ~ I~e v,olllme · of bl,lllne•• ent YIUdtlt .In ' ,the "IUry bulldlng and ever:r . and selJers, 'l'eWrapped, labeled 'aDd eealed with the ~at: daub. of red """ beanDI die . at ,the treaaul')' tD8tead · ~f C01,lDttd. Wel,binl. obl",ed.. to 'make Di1~erou.' paylDenta dally ont of these. ~pactou~ ,troDg "OIl~.S ",m , be oOSctal. tieaaUl!1 . . .~ act that .'at the' .l1d .iii the 'cue 01 f ~lnted ._Dc} unuH4 colD apared tbe aIlDOJ'1UlQ. 'Or preparing hundred.,,~d b, the moneF mODI tor. charaed with the talk cd 'VerIfJ1q- tile pvenunellt thla p~lq tbit PAcap loob ~ult.. t ..... jUit. . . .~\\rate a ,.rer4lct ., to V~q. . . . ot.lDdlv-lduJJ. eh8C)JctJ al theJ have mereb' to' . dON! ('f).u adN. . Certain . nulPbere of cotn .... WtI~ Out a 3at Of Pill...· and uDanllla on • _lkltl",pl!DI. · It the pia 01 PNwIOU CIOUIlta dta Ware wor_beiaD. 101i1 .beet. wblola HII4 to thell' blllk.., 'l'be woom... at "'~d.JU1 . Im- 'Ia b......' ."becl u " .I.al1O'!,..., ..· ~ ~ the aoID. II ~


,,~o~:il~t' tb~ ~ng~~~ng :o.v~~ ~f .al! (~r~. ' ~r.






_.dUd&. ...

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ro .

Wh n

EARhour, '0 mo . ", ' "


.'ho. ;.",gh'

d ee pen nnd tbe dBY 1.,1----

spent· " Then sorrow ann care seem to' los8 the ir pow r . And over my soul comes . a sweet COD,

t e nt. ' I


We have como to t he ti"?e ,,: ben we l'ocogn lze the "allle or n1lLl as a food_ T h e reason many people 'llDd them b a rd or di gestion Is beca use they are not sillIlclently divided In, tl1e mouth. N uts ne.ed a tborough m·Qstfoatlon. The· peean Is a nut which Is a general fa vorIte Rnd bas been [ound to ac· cli mate ItseJr to many parts of ' tbe Uni ted States bltberto thougbt too severe in climate. A cupful o( walnuts added to en· Ure wheat bread mak, s a most, nutrl· tious 10 at Then one may prepare a nut loar Hlat will take tbe ' plnce ot ment. Use aile pint of brend cl'umbs. one nnd one·halt cupful s or grou~d tllltmllacs, salt, sage, t wo ta~ l c!l }loon­ fu la of butter, one bealen eg~ and suffic ient bOiling water to moisten. Form luto a loaf and bake In a mod· erate oven. An uuus ual salad but a' mo st ap· petlzlng 011 Is made of two cupfuls or ' ~rat e d cocoan ut (It d sslcated, wash out lhe s liga r), two tart apples, onebalr cupflll of celery, two tablespoon· fuls ot chopped onion, one tablespoon· ful of chopped parsley, a bit of chopped red pepper, cut In strips wltb' the Bb enrs. Serve with Frencb dl'css lng, tbree tablespoonfuls of all tl) one of vinegar, re d pepper and salt (0 taste. Nut Mince Pie.

Take one cllpful of wnlnut . m ~ at8 chopped fln e, t1l'o cupfuls of chopped apple, one cupCul of rais ins, one' and on e·half cups of sugat· mixed with one teaspoon.ful each Qf ci nnamon and a1Jsplce, one·halt a teaspoonful eacb of cloves and snit, one-half cupful pf vinegar and one·halr cupful of grape Juice ' or any f1'ult juice. Mix we ll. Tbis· quant'lty will. make two or three pies. . . . GIblet ~auc., Chop the chicken giblets after coo\{· little Ing slow.lY un \:l I tendel'; ' add, onion julco. t1)lckeo.. with fopr table· spoontuls ' .c hlcken ta~ and·tbe sl\m e o.mouilt of ' flour, _ browl\ed . together. Add a teaspoontul ot wotcestersWre . sauce and ' sElr;ve. ;· :



_ _ _--;---.!£2!


---- :-~

**,**,**',***,* .~*,:\'(.******;" . .* Itmustbellnder \.ood (;hut onJ HIe .~' * ****~******~*******--. tI:'J!'f. ~(-*~~**** 'w:'** *',' ! aggregate '01' I:otal Indebt' dness of ''''; *" *' THE ASSESSORS


•J• • • • • • • • • •


BONeS from 4 tolQ years old. sound and faf, will be bought

at the highi'st market price,


E. F. Will be at

IIII_• •U • •U • • •u • •·• • •"~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!'"!~~~~~~~~~--::-~':'!' -~-

•• ••

•• ••

........ --

The Neighborhood News



:: Apples! Apples!

•• ••

Ten oouple of WayoellVille young. tit-era Ol~me over Saturlluj owll t 10 Q toor horse bob sled aDd took ,, supper at the Kaylor restaurant. W. Freeman representing the Instantaneous 'fire exUngulsher, of Detroit, Mioh ., spent several days here recently selUng many extin. gntahere.

Tbe marriage of Miss Elsie CoPSv to Mr. Philip B. HBwke took plaoe ThundAy at the bride's home. The oouple left the n,e xt m orning for Bellefontaine where they will .. Isit hil brother, Jamel Hawke lind fam , Uy. A "Kttohea t:lhower" waa a!van Jostlph Smart, of Cinolnnati, spent by 6Ire. .&y EQ,gle at he:r home and the holidays with his sister, . MR. a '!~I~l!&neoU8Shower" ~aaglven W 1ft &~ th•.,liome of Mr. and 14.r l. 0. M. m. & U88. . \. Fulkei1l6n in honor of Mila Elaie Dr. i ; u . Maoy is at homelhis week, ' we are always (dad to have Copaey. him home, . !rtielnfant ohtJd of Jaspel' Armen. 0 h 1 k-.~ tlr tIC 00 ......rdmat Bever.. l ',"out and wife was buried In our Ttl . times 1",1; week, bu8ines8. must' be oem~Mry eeday. pioking up. Mn. J818 Smith. of Xenia, wu ' 'be~cUen lut week of her parents, Frank Binkley, Ohas, Soroggy and - I d -If Je88e Mounts, of Lebanon, came up W Di' .... n ay an W~ a. in"~ 'a utomobile Satllrdl1Y. jOkn' 8mith' was ~h.e luea' 8QDday ,... Of .h1.llet-:, Mn, HalneS: Mr. Mardle the t:ltate High 8 }hool 'lltu Olive Auabee was a Xenia Inspector, of Uolumbne, wal! here , one da1laat week , "'I\tor Saturday. Do"malter and wife are Our olt!zen John Tooker still r-e" ., . !Daina qul~e poorly with not muoh 1~~I'\ l8vera.lweeh with hie improvemen~ at tbia wridn . pUd.. (0 8,owenviUe. . _ , g G. V~ SIIDI 'WIle a vt8itor in Xenia . John _M adden .after being 8hut In rdday. . . on IlOOOtlD~ ', of slokneesfor ',8everal eel tt be S"'- week!! 18 out again eojoying ~tm8eU. mee ng gan (lIlUDY . , " , , ... . , . II Ed ev ~ ~~ ~~ '14. E: '9~uroh. ",. . ' r .' .gar l3~i~oD:• .~~o bR8 'be\3n ·lIft'·.., • : D; Pe~raon and 'Mlsi tn Tens for 8everal weeke hlLB been

Stock being reduced every d"y "nd .. <> Bure to be $1.00 a ba lT,el higher t he nex.lot. " have a few barrels of BaldStill wins, Northern Spies, Talpahockins, RUMets. etc.



,' !;I



2qt 65c · at

W '




Storyland! Motber Goose .operetta AT






No extra.cb8l'le for reserved

To. Cure ' a .C old ". 24 . , . Hours, ". . ,;USE ' I



Tteketa .on · Sale \ it. Jan~ ,:·ne,'. 'Dna, Store ",,:.


: !*'


For this purpose the bank h,as been appointed an agent of the Company. Parties tl~siring to t end m ney to any of the sev ral tholl!land cities reached by the Western Union. CIlII do S. l with : greater ease and less cosllhan eve r befo re.

~ -'?~l:











:.~ ' Bank ers ' A SSOCla . t'lOn.! *' **i Member ' A mencan *" *' *. *-*-*->11_"",*"*>11.**********************

llIaynesvl' lle Natl'onal Bank. n







1*" *~ ***'**'*' 71'"


*"**************** *******11,'* ***'1."'*******

Farm for Sale! A desirable farm of about fifty acres situated' two and one half miles northeast of Harveysburg. on the Harv~Y8bul g and New Burling'ton pike.



Has about twenty-six acres of fil'st-c1as.'1 bottom land that cau not be excelled anywhere. The remainder g06d upland. A comfortable five-room house, good roads and an excellent quality of never-failing spring water. TERMS EASY. . Call on or address

J. W .. Ward, . . . D. Amos Van Doran,


. ~arveysburg, Ohio.


'-' .

You read and look afar with

equal facility, but no one obIe"_ that you arewearin. bifo. cal. because the ulual "Jinea" are abient. Wear th

. hil ' ed aenume ' .wililngly • • aw return ean you will never to oldIlyle bifocalgluaea. 0



J. N. HOYT, Expert 'Optician, Will be "t the


W:ash ' Day Made JE~sy . '.



*'-* *''*

By the Uae Of . '




*"* .~*'*


F. Snook, Sec'y.

! •


Gustin Hotel,


be Inlert.ed nrl er bead for IAds lI'hoD twenty·6vo cents for three Insertlotl •• ullng Dot more tbaD Dve IIDea. will




At 8

ChiJdren uqder 14,' •


All hunting~ trappIng or dtggh11l'-'""o ..................... - - ...... ___ uut nf tbe ground of fur.bearlng f\~.1 WANTED imills is Ktriot}y forblddeu on my farm: . _. EDWIN 8 ~URNAS. NURSE-A responsible party Ito ~! ~elp take calle of a year-old . , - chIld, In WaynesVille. Address P .. O. . . Pox 195, WaynesVille, .Ohio.

JanuarY ' l~th . • .. •

"* !i




Adml~8Io". ·


th is bank and ,t he Westerll Union Teleg raph Company for th tran!ifer of


wayne~~~~:~~E CANNING Co.


'''*** ~*" * * . *' *' * M 0 n cy bTl ' h * -\;J e L gra P !-'" ;,~,_ 7~ -'II:



---.. ...- --


The Waynesville Canning 6:,. is now ready to contract for corn and tomat.oes for thfa year 1910, at their


'-* :

All persons knowing themselves W Oil indebted to me will please call and aynesvl e, Ohio, settle the same at once, as I expect First Saturday I~ Every to leave Waynesville 800n. I have . Month for sale one large Steel Range, like ne~; also, one very fine combination ~~!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!~~~i!!!~ folding bed with book case and writ. Classillad .A.ds in", desk. DR. F. C. ADAMS.

Notice to Farmers



.: . '* ';


Saturday, January · 29, 1910,



-II< •

1; ~ Transmission of Money * '* i : Telegraph : "* '* .. '* * . * *" :: Arrangempnte have beeJi consummat.ed betwe·n :

tob&ooo shedsl\tid 1.11 uther neoes.I1' ry outbuildings Railway Mail Clerks Wanted I Thi8 ~al'm iA weH \vl1te~ad. 1 good well 8ndolstorn at hou8e, good living The Government pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1-,200 and other t\prlng at barn and other 8prings on employees up to U,SOO annually • the farm. . It is nicely looote<l, on a go d rond, oonvenilmt \'0 ohuroh, f:oltooland U nole SIiID wi ll bold RprlOg t'X81D market. Nice location for any O:le iOl.UOUS thriJU(!bout the oCluu tr.v for • 1(a.\lWu.y Mati Ulerks, UU'Itom Bouse wantmg "good hoine. Terms: One third 08sh j o ne lerkll, "It nogrBpherll, BnO kkeeperM. Flp&rtUlento l U ltll' k s.110cl o th~r lCoV third In one year, one third in two ,'rnment J)o Itloo Thoutlll.uds of yellrs, deferred pGyment'l <iru wi'ng ,q:·pointments will be mild . An v 6' per (;fInt rom dtUi6 secured by 1.11"'0 or wO~llau over 1_. in oi tv or ~~o rlDtry ~l1n geti nl!.t rll )tlOD.and frflf' on the farm . '\t,lon by WfJt.lOg at OOOfl 10 For fw·ther par~iou!ars, 011-11 00 or lnform !he Burelto of Instrnn t.lon , 44-4 · [, ao.mllo_ BuHning. Roobest !lf, NY ad\$.rl'sfI, G. WOR J . . 8Awxm ______ . O. T. Bllwke, Auot . TAKEN TO HOME I will offer at Pob)to &le at my residenoe S mile8 north.west " of " Waynesville on the Eerry and Trust-ee Cbltta Cornel1 took' the WayneSVille road on what i8 known wooohl1d~en 'of Fra.nk Millar to tbe "s the Oharley Jan ey'r:irm tb~ fol- ChlldreJ) 15 Home t\t Lebt\non Monlo",ing ohatte~a on, ' ·do.y . • __ .. _ __



'* by"! .



A Visit from ·



?t * * '.

_ _ _ Five thou811.od persons t o send Ilt New Burlington. lellst *1.00 ellch to ,he internatlOIla.l ReCorm bureau, 7014 Cllxton BuUdIDR, A. H. Harlan was a Dilyton vi~it(1 r .Oleve} und, Ohio, for \he Anti Cigl1r on Saturday , ett8 Campld ga Fund. Will yon ba one? Do it now Mias NelUa Turner spenta pBrt of • '___ • _ __ l~t week at the home of her sister. PUBLIC SALES Mrs. Cblls. Wea.ver, near Maple Cor_ nero We will uffer the ~oHowi oK RattI . E8ta~ at Publlo Auotion un tbfl !dlsses ,lorB Ilnd Maud a "rIan en· tertsined II. oompany of young ladietl prem.ise8 on Moudl~Y night of last week. Thursday, January 20, 1910, . Beginning II.t I(j 'luok !'harp, Mies Daisy LeMa.r formerly of t his pill-oe now QC Jack80n. Mo., waa ma r. tbe farm owoed by thlt Inte Philip r led to It. promineut busines8 mlln or auwke ,8itut1ted iu U1ea.rcrliek Town that oity Illst ·week. .. ship, Warren Cuuuty, X mil a north ' Mi88 Savanna.h Hufl'ma.n i8 ' t he of Ridgeville on the Dn.yton o,nd Leban on pike, 14 miles from Dayton guest ~f ;' Lebanon, and 8 m.Il"s to LebllDon, This fum ' Born to Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. M , ~a.t~ oontaioB 1-19 aores of good 1uol1 euit, tereon JlUlullry 6th, a daughter. Born to Rev. , and Mrs. H . H. able fOl' rBising all kiods of l{rtlio, Compton, of Wiilil1msbllrg,-ohio, tobaooo and stook-100 acrel! hUll': a daughter ble a.nd HI u.Ore8 per mull u to po. tur . -with plent·y of g ood builumgs; Mis8 Ntl.noy Smitlt is very Rick good briok hou.e of 8 roomtl; good with pneumonia.. bank blirn, ;lOX60, duuble coro cribi!,



alsocomparesamewi thyourtax re- :: ceipt and find if they conespond 8th . For information I will state 7,: that taxes will not be upon th . '1 Decem-" e new appraIsement untl ber 1911. All the taxes to b~ paid in 1910 an d J une 1911 WI'11 bC based .' upon the old appraisement of 1900, T. PATTERSON, Al1ditor of Warren County.


GWiiiUJlRJD Barrett are very IIot. tender~ a 8oh~1 but when hs"rd I~__"".-.-.'."'.·~~~~~~_~ AI. P C E held" 800111.1 Bat- from last had not aooepted the offer . . '. . .. . ... . '. It Is to be hoped that he will ~oon . uU7 edv~Dlng Il' the home .o f P.:A. return &nd Ma.y with OB, I1S he Ie HOT WAT:ER B01'TLES Aluan .er. a very good man tn acommuuity. n..· .... _Iy "ee~-'" W •• held a" tl1e . . . . .Ir_1r -"'It.... • !::3everal from this oommunity o.~ .M .lt (Jhuroh iut Sunday. ' Sended Ule Orawford fine horse lale SOBWARTZ'S be f th Leo The .""ro e '"___tpUlrU Th num L 1 -.:Ii Q\lIre a~ Newark, W, ednesc1tt.y. J~nu~ry 12. ""'~, e 7ooum..-~.. ua.r.• - • ..". mIl be h 14 11' td nt t • - • . . BaU.• . ~ r ay ev~ ' ng r;s ellm·an. Corw j' , .. Town n. ,. Mr. Ilud Mrs . Frank Howe and lire. Alioe MoKinsey il spendinjl .......,. . ... . . . . ._.illil d~t'lghter and Mr. and Mrs, Lew thil. 'WAek with her Bon Joe at Mor FOUNTAIN SYRINGES Beare IIUd. Ion ,.,ere gll8Sts of Elvin row. Jl'ireR and, family tJuuday. J M... Smith, of Ne IVport, Kv ., hilt' Yr, and Mn. George Davie spent been spendlD' thA PIISt t wo weeks • •SWARTZ'S.. Suodaywlt.h Mrs. Katheriue Davis.·lwitb her son Ray aod fanil]y 1 George Bogan and'@on visited with ! . Mr. Iln~ Mrs . P ease, of North -IEd Bogan and family, Of. near : CarpJina, are visiting their relatives Wayne~rille, BIlturday. . ' Mre. ·Chlls. Werlltz Ilnd family. Ed Martin and wife 8~nt Sunda7 , Mr. Wru. Nedry, 'or Harveysburg, Harveysburg. with Mr. 'and 1!4r:a. George Ellis, I WitS ·Il recent gnest of hi't nieoe W. IR, LlD4am~ repr8flentlng Mn. George Davia apent Monday Mr". AUo McKlnaoy. Col. ONwtoid, of ~eWark" 'pen' with Mre. . Mary Oleavn, of Bar RaySml~h and wire vislted hiA . ~ dar' hen .howing a Belgium veya~urg . brother, Otto t!mtth in Cinolnnati '~OD weIahlr.r UOO pouna .. very • _ • recftntly. ~.ma1 IDdlvtdaal. 8uoh e'ock Iho~ h on 'eTery farm. Subscribe for tbe Guett . Ml.8s Yaud Stroud spent Sunday e with Lll.ura MoKinsey. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Char les Brown and wi fe visited =~~~-.----o: 1ble mother .~ BI'llbrook JaR week. Edith Dllvls is mailing Il protrl\ot. ed villit with her Sister, Mrs. U. R Adami', &~LaOtto, Ind .

. -' "2q' -'6'5 .:' t e a t

eac;:h assessors district b'e reporLed t o the auditor, t h refore there shQuld be no hesitancy by anyone in giving the assessor the proper information. . 7th. The owne~ of town lots and farms should know the exa t {eet front of their resp ctive lots 'and the exact acreage of their respective farms in order to lend 3.'lSistalll:e to the asses80re in correcting any errors that now exist on the tax duplicate of our county. since many such errors occur from the fact that the appraisers heretofore were not required to take this into con. sideration. Get your deed and cal· aulate your frontage if in town and your acreage if a farm and make a note of same so that it will be easi· ly of access when the as2essor calls,

**************, '-*~l' **

3 _

I ..

Lo~rr '




m ,H'I' Y F.AR.


~~~~~-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ -~-~.-~-~ . --~~

iF~;~~; Citi~~~;i F:i:::I::~::\. S~::a~N~th,l+-P;r;o~~i M~~ti~~ +H;r~~ ~~d- T~;~~] i "::V,,.~~;,', "[~~~; ":~ ~~'~"~~: .... 1 ~ ~ ~:-:~.;~.;~~- j -----+--. .~'.~~--~------~~--~~~


.---------.-.-. Prof. and Mrs. Chas Carey, of West Alexan dria. are rejoicin g over th e arrival of. anothe r daug hter at thei!: home .

; : Mother Goose and family came to - - - - - ,- --~-corpora t ed in 'vVarren oun tv. at . - - - - - - - - - -. 1 School Hall, ?nd was ~armly greeted Elsie Gustin has been on the sick \ Frank Z II was in BellbrOOK Sun- Dudds , The compan~ was inco;-por. j Mrs. has. Smar t by K ~?od-slZed audlenc.e. Mot:her list. will enterta in uay. a.ted last, week. anti WI ll. start ope:'a- the Card lub nex t Thund ~!!e Jing les !ire always .mterestm~ , ay after. . , . . . but when laid by the httle onel In tlOns thIS year, The in corpora tIon Mrs.H m y Sattert hwaIte has b en , Wal ter Elzey IS very III With stompapers are fo r $1G.000 . noon. music. prove doublY interes ting. very sick. 'ach tr oub le. Th e plan fo r the fac t ory was start, : Miss Be~tha Step~enson has made Mrs. Nathan Jones was on the s iC\, ! MI'. Harry Sherwood. of Lebano We are Indebte d to Mr. Henry an attl'act lve story and has n, e~ by Warren Wood. of Lebanon, and Mr . .and . Mrs. J oh.n C. Smith h"? weaved list last week. was in town Friday . Matthe ws, of Mine ral Point. Wis .• the differen t charac ters WIll opera e the old wareho us at as thell' guests a t dinner Sunday into each ' . 1' . for a calen,la r - one that you can 'see other so effectively that it Dodds, and also put up new builuin gs M. Milten berger and fumily. make an J esse Burton was in Dayton Tues· 'I r. 0. ' W, Hamilt on visited his in addition. withou t crodsin g the room . It is l evenin g of rare enjoym ent. ' day on busines chi ldren in Dayton Sund ay. The c mpany will be compos ed of ~ good one and we were gl~d to get l To tell which of the charact~ls Chas. Smarts. spent Sunday wi t h Jared Mar is , f Lhe Friends Home Igood s ubstant ial busi ness men, It. · and was best, woul~ be ~ard, as the his family here. MI'. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke en· is visiti ng fri ntis in 'olu mbus. las it is midway betwee n the Wayne s. tertain ed 'at dinner Sunday whole compan y dId thetr parts well' j . John , Wm. H. Kt!lsner, aged 46, son of .nile and Lebano n canneri es a nd on Fromm The chorus of s!xteen, voices was Miss ' and Annie family, U. Brown of Dayton spent Saturanti . . Miss Eth.el "~, i \liamson , ~~ Dayton , a railroad , they ought to d~ ,a good Mr. and Mrs , John Kelsne r, of Day- strong and the vOICes blended well. ' day and Sunday at home. W. H. Dinwid die and family. !;pen tSunda y \\ Ith her pal ell tH. busines s. ton died at his home there last It is a matter of conject how . ' C. E. Bratten. uf Ki ng's '!il ls •. w;ts One of the im'p roveme nts Th~rsday, and was buried Saturd ay a play like. t~i:ci can be ~iven ure at this in so far George .Hart.:'ock, who has been ill a Waynesv ille viei Lo r Saturd in Oakwood cemete ry Mr. Kelsne r as no musIc IS taught In the ay . fact(1 I'Y will be an elevato r to take the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clemen ts schools . for some time, IS much better. . ' . corn to the huskers thti s allowing was a short tIme of his boyhood, a I t IS . a sa d f eature 0 f a fi rst grad e Sun.lay the followl'ng M d M R I Mrs J W Hisey who has been ent ertame d r . an rs. oy . ~ons an d son. I t he farme r to unload' tesiden t o( Waynesville and lived in sch~ol that music is not his corn a nd go f d' ti M taught, in I quite ~ick is ~ble to beout again. Estb Ross, were L bunon vIsItors Sunday . \ back home after anothe r load thehousenowoccupiedbyJesseBu~- a sm.allwayatleas~. . . ~~:~~ Mi: Ed~~~~~ut, :a'ria Stou~~ . ' Born. Tu selay, Januar y l;th, to ton and family. - - --.-MISS Stevenson IS to ?e Mr. 'Isaac Stout and Miss ,Cecilia The J~hn Concer t Company Mr. and MI·s. has . Fr~e, a son, comme nded for her l'luccesa m tram- next FrIdayE~erly fARME RS' CLUB Brand mght. at School Hall. . ing the childre n, especially the solM 1 S t f N C \. I In a letter to hl' s mother Mr John d' • !-{HY Mill , of Dayton , is spendin g The Wayne Townsh ip Farmer s' , r. . ""ac tou, lers , ewth arhIS e , f tS d 'th 0h' Dau ..o-hters who I'S at Jeffers Mont 'tslfi'St ' Ia l!\',' days WIt' h ili' S paren ts' a t Cor- CI u b h eId l ' Th e rfis t scene h • th e T ,.. mee t 109 OL IS mo er ere. . he stormy weathe r was entirel y sows Mot h er spen un ay WI h e horne 0 f M WIl1. d M C foriirotten year say!. in part: at t r. an rs.. Goose ready to make the start from on Friday in the cheery Born, Wednesd ay, J an uary 12th, , "It started to snow the day after h M' d ~,[ \V'II " 'I ' .. d T . Hawke. The new o ffic ers were home f Mr. and Th e secon d scenE.>, 'h ' ' t R M orne. h II d if Mrs. H. Murray , d h t e VISI I. . to oy ars a an w e. '1 aug - f ' I an. UJY r s , I n lite vlslte Thank Bgivi F ollowm ,g-Is . the . wor k who were 1d I ng and a Imost ev ery d ay a 11 presen t an d began th elr cast: rlen< celebra S In avton ting their nineter. severa ays ast ,weII Th 'k since. The snow is- drifted fifteen . e curren t event! were pre· teenth anniver sary. A most sumptu d ' M' · t h I A I w~c. f ee t d eep on e eve, an d . __~, sented by Luella Cornell. "Rural ous dinner was served mgu Ich es Mother Goose .....Edna Sattert hwai te K Mrs . Stanton alY to Mrs. Hoblit, ' 1 \ ' an sIster L h: Dr. C. L . Hj el m. of incinna ti Advant ages and Disadv antages is from forty to fifty feet deep. Old , I:<'ather Guose ......... ... Edward of Mr and Mrs John Hawlte and daughLewis weeeekver WI move to e anon , t IS was the week.·e nd g uest of Erof. and the r;ast and Prese~t" was the topic ; tu: Clara, timers say this is the worst Dame Trot ... .. .. Marie Lippin cott Mr. and Mrs. S. L, Cart. . winter since 1865. 'the stoelt is sUf- Jack .......... ......... Mrs. C. A , Bruner . for the day, and It brough t out a wright , Mr. and Mrs. John ...... .... Keller Dunham Fromm Nathan .. Lupton will take up hi . Th fering, locs of them dying, one man JiIl .......... .......... . . :.Helen ' . . . . spmte d d'ISCUs.'!lo n. Sherwo od abode at. the Friend s Boardi ng Home e regu I11.1' eS- Iiand interes ting little daught er, of Mr . BenJ . Hawk'n s lsJnCo lu~bus sayist being absent Mrs. H. M. Dill ' nay ton . . here losing 250 sheep in one night. Tom, the Pipp.r's Son .. ..... ...... ....... thO k for a few days the guest of het· SIster, r ead an article entitled Educat . "Am going to a dance eightee n ll 10 tt W ht IS wee . E ... ...... ion I All .... ... .. .. M ...... .. ~ ed th I nil . h th t , I S. .:ltan ey S eII ers. ' bl G express H d e WIS and Overall s a be many milesf romhe re,will startl'i ghtafte l' J ac k the N 1m " d I' h fl ' . . ht e ... eorge . W. H.Alle n attende d t he fun eral . dinner and aet back. the next day . Mother Hubba rd ...... Lavoneen erRon e Ig t u M' anmver &1' sarles hC mIg f enLeb Invited guests were Burton Warren of Mrs and Matild . db a McKay th ' k' r' in dh Leballo t d n ISS' It rane,o near anon, Ell K R d M H W B' Joye y elr 10 os an h os t ess. "StaLte d Januar y 1st, . to Hunger - Boy BI ue ······· ......... . . :.J 0h n B : , was the guest of Miss Martha O'Neal urton l laat FrIday. l a eys, rs. " . 81fords, but t.he snow was falling and Bo Peep .. .......... I d M AI' H k ... Florenc e lPonar d I . . several days laRt ., wind week. , blowing yan rs. Ice awe . 80 hard I could hardly Old Woman .......... . .... .. Irma H h Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Madden were .. - • ER BACK Mr. and Mrs. . B. t hapma n spent see twenty fefOt ahead Of me. Got Red Riding Hood ...... France s ou g S a t urd ay . g Prof. and Mrs PUT THE •BURN Janney guests . of frIends 10 Harvey sbu,rg Sunday in SpringJ boro, evemn . guests of Mr 'lost and my hOfl:1e wouldn ' t go on King Cole ... . :; ....... ... Ca. rl , C. A. Bruner enterta ined McC.lur in a e de; last Fl'1day. . ' and Mrs. Chas. Chapm an. -accoun t of big drifts. I tied the Tommy Green l manne r in honor of their ..... Frederl ck Robltz er The man who was-seen, to remove I, lightfu Mrs. Chas. Rye is not improv in.r ts M' BI h Wh I of horse and went ahead and broke the Jo hnnie S tout .......... Forest th b n f 0 the street la p at gues, e ISS m anc . e ... e an, m Mrs. Cliff Lewis, of Lytle, who has ·h Cur ~r r d f h . w.ay.• but had 'di'ffioulty in finding th Captain ..... .......... .. Milton Woolley as well as her many friends would b 'd . Haml'lt t on, and Dr. {;. E. HJ'elm, of Thomp son like her to. been so very sick for the last three corwi n en 0 t e rIver . rl ge IS \ Cincinn ati. horae. '1.fiDl~lly made the . journey , Queen ....... .. ........: ... .. Edyt h weeks is slowly improv ing. known ~nd w~. 'seen to do It by two The evening a Macy Mrs. Tyson of Dayton , spent spent with music, .. .. . after' J<>sing myself once or twice 'king . ~ credlrableCltJze~s as can be .found I recitati ons andwas .......... . .. ... Howa.r d Gustin various games. De--' t . d I t k t th F' more, ' but WI18 almost frozen when Maid ....... d' Mrs. fitzpat rIck, of New RIchmond 10 Wayne townshIp. !'-low If you .......... .......... ... Leafy Emley a· ew ays as wee a licious refresh ments w~e served. e nen 8 . d' t h . t B . h d' . h H '1 I ' . ~s spen 109 I, got , th~re." e . wm er WIt er WI 1 rep ace It prosecutIOn Old Woman in Shoe ...... Gail Duu am oar 109 orne. WI'11 no t Those presen t were: isses Edith daught er, Mrs. Cynthi a Evans. - - -.. - follow, Jack otherw Homer ise you .......... will .. .... be Stanley prose- Crane Martha O'Neal l Jessie MarPE:nce CAP C R C BFRLY C' 0 NET Mrs ted ... erry- 'and I'IttIe son h OMPANY Miss Muffet t ...........Heler. })jnwid.die f II f h Th J Eb I C ' . , . .. cu .f' d . C·· tot e u extent 0 t e awasi t' e. latt Stella Lemmo n DOnlla y ompany IS , .... eonc eded th Hawke t --ta d d to a k s m mcmna I by mUSI'cal er Tom Tucker ' ... ... .. ... Kel1er Dunham v" ISII 109 nen , crl·t·I·CS to be t , leadl'ng d ese wo men Mr. ,E~erly tlffectively interpr ets Pieman . s n rea y m e Edith M osh . er and ...... ..... : .. .... ... Alft.ed Wrigh t Fndal andSa turay. Luella Cornell h . II concer'tcompa ny of Americ a.- Fri- oaththat~ ey k now you . all of ,bis songs . to the. delight of his Jack, the Giant Killer .. . Ethan per~na y Messrs. Warren Keys, Harold Howell Crane Robert Bratten , of King's Mills, day night. audienc e. Miss Deerin g is a musical Queen of Hearts'......... Minnie ~:d ca~ gIve the day date an h...our Ronald Hawke" Ray Hawke , and Davis was the guest of Alfred and Elliott wonde r" Miss Wilson has a, clear rich Knave of Hearts :... ... .. James I was one. ... * Harrie Fromm , of Dayton. Phl'III'ps W . ht ItS t d Messrs. O. C. Colvin, of Lumbe rrIg as a ur ay.. • -.. beau~ul voice,'Miss Reed is a unique GoldilockC3 .... ..... ... ..Jeanet te Janney tori, and Dr. Jung, -. of Dayton , were W. F. M. S. MEETING OLD HIS FARM and pleasin g. enterta iner and reader. Tedd3 Bear. ;....... ..Milton fhomps on S Miss Blanch e Whelan ,of Hamilt y: on, guests t f '1 to h of Mr. E. H. Colvin and fam· h ou must no al ear l,~em next Mrs. Sprat .......... . .... Louella Janney has been' the guest of Prof. and ilv several days last w~k. A very pleasan t meetin g 'of the Quincy Carroll of near' Wellma . ' n, Friday !light W. F. M.. S. of th.e M. E. church was sold • ~ • ' Jack Sprat ......... ·:.... Kennet h J(,iJbon Mrs. C A. Bruner . his far m last week to Harvey MISS Bertha Stephe nson lef~ Mon- held at "the home of Mrs. C. A. Bruner OREA T CUT IN PR~CES Schrach , of near Wilmin gton, the Margu erite Thompson preside d at W. ,E, Bogan, who has beel1 ill day for Lebanon. where she Will p~e- last Wedne sday afterno on. ' _ __ ' the piano, Justina Hartsoc k, ·violinist. about two weeks with stpmac pUl'cha se price being $80 an acre. h trou- ~ent her pretty ll!t,l~ operett a, A VlS- Althou gh the weathe So in~Y ~we come tifte!' the sale It would be almost impossible to ble, r was not all Mr. Carroll is going to move to Texis improv ing slowly. 1~ f~mBStolt~n~, ~~r the ben~fit that could be desired there was quite as the is o~er and t ~hou~h t , you were give space to all the parts-w hich hitter part of next month. ' 0 t e oar 0 han ties. selling at such 1i)fJ~; remem ber. we ! were excelle ntly done-a a large attenda nce. ..s it would Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight are Harriso n Dinwiddie of Wells Coun- A.fter the usual busines s can only self a t the great cut l,>rIces take too long, but all were' was dis· FOR SALE eQl1ally domici led In theirne~ bome on Nortb t.y, Ind .. is the guest the ,remain der of-this month. Now ' ~f Allen Haines posed of a very interes ting progra.m d d't t t to' street. They moved m last Thursd ay. atld wife. . . . I b I d J h Igoo ,an I sureI This is Mr. Dinwid die's was rendere d. y was a rea come m·tlme , yo,)1 WII eg a ' . 0 n hear the , little ones in their A Farm of 121~ acres, 2X miles . . "Visit h . I h Mrs. Yeo, apd'son Harry, of Ricnd' t est of Spring Valley. , We\l first visit to Waynes ville since he left , ~. F~nkey. . __ • Durmg t e socIa our am .y re- southw ' from Storyla nd." improv ed farm and good buildin gs. ' mond .. Ind., visited friends and rela- about fifty years ago. He intends freshm ents were served. . WILL Sf: HERE L.ATER. Call on. or address . M. E. Evans, • ~ ... tives here and in Harveysburg-, last to spend a month here enjoyin g visits F9R FORTY-SIX YEARS week. Spring Valley, Ohio. to old scenes. .\\ASONIC NO~ICE _ ___ • _ _ E. F. Cunnin gham, who adverti sed . for horses and mules for last Friday . ' .D •. W. ~eeks, who WIll celebra te Dr. Ellis was in Dayton .Tuesday, POMONA GRANGE Mr. O. M. Hadley , of Lookeba, Regula r commu nication of Waynesaid not have much luck. on accoun t hIS 56~h bIrthda y Saturd ay. . h~ been and found his wife who IS at the Okla .. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. vi\le Lodge No, 163 F.& A. M. Tuesbf high .wa.ter and siip.p.ery roads, trave_h~g to and from Corwm Pomon a Grange will hold its counfOrr_ \ ~iami Valley h06pital, \lery much ehas. Shirlak er and other friends but he -w.lll 10 all probab lhty be here forty SIX years. He comme ~ day evening , Januar y 25,1910, at 7 ty session a t Lebano n Januar nced ca Improv y 29th. ed. and around Harvey sburg. ' Mr. Had- o'clock. The Chaplain of the a in in a short time rying tile Comme rcial at this time, Lodge. All Grange rs are invited to come. ley says his father, Mr. I'll Milton Had- Re.v, Brothe r J. F. Cadwa llader will ••• ' and is still handlin g the paper, al· __ • Mrs. Ehza ~alnes, MISS Ruth ley, who is seventy-seven years old deliver an address , subject "The HAS HAD HARD TIME though for several years other parties Morfor d and neIce, Eva. PROPE RTY ,SOLD ' gues.ts has never had a clay's sickness nor Buildin g of the Templ e." • ..--had it. 10f Prof. G. J. Graham , m Xenia, missed a m(::al since he has been in Mr. Frank~. Snook isquara 'ntine:I I Af~r Web g~t the contrac J. O. CARTWRIGHT, W. M . H. D. Kel1ison has sold his proper t .for Saturd ay. Oklaho ma ' E. V. BARNHART, Sec'y. at h~sl,tome an S~pth Lebano n, hIS carrY10g the mads he travele d frOm! ty, on Fourth street to Mrs. J . N., 10u~~est ·c~itd. bei!lg ~uite sick '."i~h here ~o Corwin on an 'a verage of Don't fail to at,tend John A. Fun- J. A. Funkev has cut loose- notice • • • Lemmo n. , key's Januar y S~le. You can not af- prices given, and in face of the great a mahgn ant , dlse~ . . The child IS 10 four times a day for years, REVIVAL SERVI CES • - • and ' has ford to miss the money ~ precari ous conditi on. ., ~aQe in round 'figures about 100,000 only about 12 days. saving chance; advanc e, 18 yds best Calico for $1, Bee. In a Church . 11 .. d f th b 'd d FI , " .-. I tt round triPs ' to Corwin : and has Will begin at the Christi an Church For more than 20 years a .' . of yar sO h e ,roca e 'ad NEW SCHOOL BOARD · nne e de Sundny , Jan 23rd, by Rev. W. L. bel!8 has been In the roof of swarm Iwalkect and rode abuut, 150,OOO miles Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Stacey and for $1, wort 12~cayd, lly the nave . s , ]2y . S Thomp , '. ' son, Evange .: list, Bible throug h all kin'lts of weathe r and has son, of Saltsou rg, Pa., have School, oIlfteld (Eng.) Parish church. been the and 15 yds, Outmg Flanne ls for $1, 9:30 a. m.; sermon , 10:3() a. m.; Th.e newd8Cbool'~~~~fJ1let 'tMhoilday faithfu lly served the people They bave lately abused the ho. 1 of guests of Israel Satte~thwa.ite and 9 {ds , Id ~ds'r 12/dS$'1~~~ ~veDll)g, ~n orgam= :u., o~ . ~,_com- Wayne sville during. ;~ ~~s Christi an Endeav or. 6:30 p. m.; !leI'· ~!~~~I:~~W:n~h::nb~u~o;::gal::,:: all these years. f~mily. Mrs. StacE.>Y IS a sIster of b eae h e I1S m or . ' . ' log year, ' The orgamZAtton 88 ef' , ' mon, 7:00 p .. m.; . .-. . ber of the choir WI Wen as annoyjng Mrs SatteTt hwaite. 14 yds Unblea ched MUllhn $1. Men s fectea ia ~88 follows: .- B. S. Howell, Everyo ne cordially invited to these the vicar while ~e ".. In the NATIONAL BANK ELECTION pUlpit. ' tIrtde rwear suits 50c,85c , Women 's service s. " preluq'e nt; ~. ·C. Schwar~, cl~rk amd _ ._'_ A week ago they entered the church Januar y Shoe .Sale, every pair I.n Underw ear'sui ts 50c,65c, 9Oc, Misses' , treaSur er; " C!orrimlt~-h.ouse, ~nd .. - .. '10. hun.drede and their· dead bodlea At the annual election of 'g·l-onntia, 'J. ,C. Hawke .and ,0. J .,Ed- fo' r the 'e' nsu' el'ng year on dire~tors' oUl'lar~e !,itock IS reduce d for thiS Underw',e ar suits 50c. 60c, 9Oc. Over HUitT WHILE COASTING covered the ftoor. Tuesda y ' mont", , ',. ."" ,- ;r ' In face of ' the .. , , 18 per " cent ad- 200 Men's Dress Shirts, 45c, former " , ' ., '. . '11 h war.d~ 8Uppli~, ·' C. f:I. Clemen ts and, janUar f , .) A beearexpert }1 " l' ~t...,· , been oalled y lIth the former memb~rs, . vanc~ Qn a .·s oes ~r spnng. : ' ~r price 65c" 75c; 100. . and ter r en rtlon or the Boy's and Men's ·F. :t!.~~~~I,',ts. HaroJd Meredi th, s6n of Mr. and tn ". , ~ ,:; ';' . viz' ,J. ·W. · Whlte~ ' C. Sears" Geo. cut!f~r. pyo weeks wII~ save you bIg root U8eucc e • ' {ing orr the Caps to close" 25~ worth 35c. 4?c Ml·s. ~alliL Mer~d;th, w~ilec ' , . ~e ~ard ~l~ted ,: thelr ow.? ,treas .. ~. , ~i1e>,, ; J:I;J. P~lice; " C. T. Hawl(e, mo?~y ~ .you need , sho~. Bur your o~~ing, :whole colony I . ,'rlle vicar 200 G~nt ~ l~test ,st,Yles fouNn - on MIddle Run ~lll.last week~. urer'th ls ,year• . ~ere~y sav1l1~ ,$25. S;' L : Ciir't wrigbt , and W. had t~e IIlP;ld," "I p~t wlt~ . . . wlt,llout reo R·. Allen sprm~ shoes now . .' If YOII ,don ,t, y~u hand ~O~. tIes !!hOlce SSc, 100 pent's ,misfor tune .to' run mto a b!>b-sled and. gret. , aYQllr~ . i1te'i ~~ talked ."ov.e r tile .'W~~e · 'elect,ed , withou t' -. ' : o~~sition; Will.wj 8~ you h~ ~~.en_, Y6u ,lel\~n, f~ur·in ~hand ,:and teek Ti~s for.~c, cut his thrd'a t ba~ly. The 'wound ; " 'Z:IrQO(J ulCl welJ~~ .,qf; the aCboOl,~" and ' which ':fact alone spealU for the' .• - .. ~ti,s- ~Ilr~ " and Aprll pncE¥I, "'f.'I e , Will w9rth 35(',,, 40~. 'Do?'~ fai.1t~ , ijl. ~ere 6tol!e accord t~~t the,~~oI8' fa,c tary ,C!oJldit.i.o n ot', get your 'wasdt'e ssed and the pa.tien t is,get~ing AI'Io~·h.r · tlie ',b~nk~~ sell you ~! ~ur 'Ru~~er. Shoes., Bo~ts. s~e oj ,the IlXpI~.ct. . Ba~gams J~ulI:ry only. ~lol1~pUcely·. ' . 't hll ).r ~n a V~yY 'lin~ .. oohdi~ affairs. Immed iately' at~Hhe. alec-. Fe~t ~ta ~nd " ' . . The faot tha,t InswtJ 'I.' much mo", Ov~rah oea, at .the o, l d t' n - . . !" _ .'. ;' ..,' " ,- '.,' " b "b' .0.1 " , 'zed b ' ", ' I t priciMS Tbey 'have adv~ced . '.' - ~ .• ' ! ': ' . prone .t~ pniduce '1~ ~rt' ,,~t I. co~ ~o. . ," _ ,I .~• • " ' ' ' 16 to . FEl2 0 GRII\JDINO ',' t ' " , bon t e oa~ O~I HAS' ,y appql~ '~ .... ,, " BOUG HT' PROPE RTY ' :mooplace thaD 1I'\lat " ,orlglnaJ. , Ul&7. It b~ 'n ;',.if ts ' t ' $4 Q)UN WAN:r EO ., . , ~' ing the old OffiC6rB ,as fOllt!W8, W. H. 11. per. ~e~t . . ~ .. r .o~ , " , perbaps, be borne l.D Dod lIJ . tho.. _. a J , " t ~ : , ,'t '. '.' . , :' ;\lIen, p,re'!ident; ~. E: RiI,e1';Vi~e- W~rt.h.~, c~m~ iUld ' • . or-lUes- wbo" are ao ~.d'J. to brt.lld II, get t:h~ R~. t '· Tuesday. 'rhu~ay ~d. Satu~ay. . -aay ~llUth, . Yellow and. "bite, 'hignest , cult presidenv;: ~. O•.C&rtwriJlit, e8ahier; ba'r.l,l"I of Corw~n, ~B8. ~g~b,t motbl4 &Det 4~dent. • 1'81')';, artlatl• l8:' .. Sav.e ~oney " -w~en you cOlI\m~ci'J:1g 'January' 16th. price 0.1' .El11S' prolM!rty on Third ". street, .d."~opmeDt "btilh confllot ll -,with . , WA~LLIIl MJi.uI. ; F'•.B.,Sb:erwoOa, bop.~~. " .. ~n,llovetQ,~elp1~~ J.A Fuhkey , WAYNESVILLE MILLs. fand 'will m~vemtoit80on.



















' I






--tlOU1 . ~~r;ad~ x.u-.

} .

that the frIends stand ready at· mu· luat c~Il. . . One Is no sodner sick tbaD tils friend Is at the gate. So it. Is. be· D. L, CRANE. tween the soul and the I,.ord. I stand at atltentlon, and if he culls I answer. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO And If I call ' upon hIm, he, too, makes spe dy r eply. "BefOre 'he calls I will answer hIm ." True {!'I ends are su r· Winter overhead and spnng under Injurious Insect Ravaging tn Massachusetts. ew Hampr endered to mutual servIce. fo ot. s . h lre and Maine-Adjacent States All this is true of our friends hip Also Su{ti r. . ShootJng AmerIcans Is very dangerwith the Lord. And, therefore, you ous sport tor any nation . . s e. I am not dealing with abst rac· "Yo nrc my (rt e nds It yo <1('0 w hn tsoc\, r tlon s. I am not descrIbing some ethe.. Now for a gun that wl\1 put the ) ommRnd ~·o u .' · -J o hn 15 :14. N w England Is again at wllr. Hel' irs. Drown Tail has them, aod IIses IIl rshlp destroyer out of bu siness. ~ HAT a title to have! Ln that r ea l attitud e to a radiant and pas· hls to··Ir. hills are rin ging with the th l'l11 ve ry well. Sbe 'Is a dl sslpalf'll s h' Ideal. Nor Is our fri end, the Iml)erlnl da y wben tbe title European rlll ers are cutting merry wns firs t coufe rred, when Lord. a mere posthumous Influence a so unds ot combat, and ·h ~ verdant young thing, too, for stl always Hies valleys are volleying d efiance to a by ni ght. nnd often t e legraph \Ioles ~lipers. Capers otten jar thrones. t t honors wero la vll,hl y be- dumb, den!, blinc;1 enel·ID·, livIng' In SOUls mad e b tter by his un onsclous common enemy. The brown tall moth Ilnd th e s id s of hous's will be liter· Castro to Zelaya: "I'd rather be out. , , s low ed and ORten latlous ly presena. Nor are w dea llu g wllh Is tb e It:~vad e r that th e farmers and ally whlt(, lI ed In tb o latter purl or IIld e lookIng In than Inside looking worn. was th er e any honor sci ntillc m n of N w Engla nd are July . The time of tll ght Is from th e out." to compare with this? And. In ollr th o In6u ence of some rndlant spIrit In battling, nnu a lth ough the s tllte or ] s t lo th e 20tb uf .luly, and as th e own tlm o. wbat can wo Jl l ac ~ by Its t~lC world or spirits who Is a bsolutely Massa ' !lusells alone has Sll nt Illor pr valJlng winds III Ne w England are nO)lcognlznnt ot tbee nnd me. It I Maybe the hread trust kneads the Id e ? A ll parchments. lind diplomas, t han $i,OOO,OOO In lh o wal· IIgulnst and dl gnftl s are the m ra flumm ery ca n be his fri end, he can be my him and hi s t rrlble broUl er , th e from tho tlou tbwest. th spread of th e dougb . pest hilS been mosUy toward th o r th e bOllr compared with this, which frl nd. and out from my great com. A Phfladelphla paslor Is usIng girls shin es amId all the lemp s tuous va· panlon tber Is an In tel ligent rnc.llilllo n Gypsy moth, th e human forc es have north ellst.. Tbo molhs begin layin g lheir eggs 85 ush ars . A cl ever scheme to get the garles of circumstances, lind Is Inde· of persona l f'lIorg), dir ec t 'd to me Rnd UIUS fnr met n othing but defeat. Like the Gypsy, the hrow n tull moth works soon afte r their flight Is comlJll" lIcl'd, m en to. church. pe ndent of popular whim and caprIce. to thee and to 1\11 who s ek to do his hill havoc In th e saterplllnr slate. Each and th e larvae hatch In the early purt will. That ord r to lhe Ice mlln to begi n "My friend s !" ·Whnt a biography, a nd molh er moth lays about 300 ggs. a nd of · Aug ust. They begin entillg a s 1I00n at will he the Issues of a And wh biB dnfly calls again may now be wh a t a g lorious epllaph! eacb (:a te l'plllar converts se vern l hun· liS they are hatchod, first r edill g on Wbat Is th e lmt h whIch leads to fri endship like thIs? Let me quote a dred leaves into s keletons In the countermand ed. the leav s where th ey were broup;ht thi G frl e lld ll hlp? ·· Ye arc my frIends. ve ry beau tiflil pa ragraph from Prof. course of a season. to light, and lat l' wnnderlng all o\·er "Not ed Palntlng In Sull" snys a If ye do whatsoever I command you ." Halelgb 's g reat hook on Words· At first the sc i ntlsts tbou ght th e lhe tree. At night, like w l1·tralned beadllne. W e bave seen a lot of pa.1nt· Le t us qui etly think what this condl· worth : ··To know him Is to learn caterpillar wel·e partial to p('nr leaves, littl e ones, they r eturn to th eir orlg· Ings that weren't. tlon Implies . First of aU, It Im plies an COli ra ge : 10 walk with him Is to feel but th ey soon dlsco\'er d lbat while Inal leaf. When th ey are hatched exploration. A man who wishes t.o be a the vlsltings of a larger, purer air, nnd the v rmln a lways askcd fo r a so ond The nntural presumption Is thnt the they are about one·twelfth of 00 Inoh the peace of an unfathomable sk y. " l fri end of the a vlour must dliligenUy or t'llird helping ot Bartlett bllds or In length. a nd In fiv e or six weeks !ihed man who mnrrled his Inndlady Is ex· consult his will. Wbat says the Mns· da re to ta ke lh ese words and rever· leaves, thoy would also pass up their eeptional1y fond of prunes. ter of his word 1 If I would be In his ently apply th e lD In Infinlt Iy ri cher plate for more when on peach, ch erry , lhelr first s kin . Later ill the season they molt agllin. Along In September Intima te circle . I must "meditate In his sIgnificance to the fri endship or the oal(, maple, 1m or any olh t· old tree Auto racing, deer bunting and tootlh aterpllla rs b gi n to s pin their soul with th e Lord. ball come In for si milar censure. But law day and nlghL" This will g ive me except th e evergreens. "Aba." c rl d winte r w bs by drawing logether R Working with Him. principl es. whi ch wllll1Iumlne the mind the harvest goes merrily on. "To know him Is to learn courage." th e dee p·th lnkln g sclentisls when they number of leaves with s illcan threads and exercise the judgment, nnd mak~ . Storms on sea and land l'T'Ove that me sensitive to his aprpoach. And Ay, Chrlst"s frI ends are very brave. made this di scove ry, "th e brown tall of their own manufacture. and when the wintry winds stU! laugh at man'. what SIlYS my Master In the con· "Wh n - they saw the-boldness-t>f Pe moth eeterpl\lars will not hal'm the tb wealhe r becQmes r eal cold, fo rm conlf rs! That at least Is a victory!" colonies or 200 or 300, nter their puny etrorts .to withstand them. science? . I must steadily cons ult Its ter!" That chivalrous soul was one Bllt the owne r of an orchard that · Is nesls or "w bs," as th e' ex perts call of th e Lord's creations. The friends guidance as being that of a "lamp un· A college president wants to put • being rapIdly skt'nned by th e Indu strl· them, and close the hotes after t h m. of tbe Maste r have courage to plan, ban on spooning. Suppose he would to my feet nnd a light unto my path." ous calerplllars may h pardoned It They are tb en about ·olle·qUarter Thus mu st I be a n explorer In the and to do, and to dare, !lnd to di e ! he do es not jubilate over that fact . grown. use Lovers' lane for a catUe drive. King'S desires, and I must seek for "Pel'fect love casteth out fea r'" It de· It Is, ot course. consoling to kno\v In the spring, as soon IlS th llltds The "deer Beason" Is ended and them as for hidd en t.reasure. In the parts like a fearsome sP(jcte~ hurry. that the pesky brutes will not eat appear. the calerpillal·s omerge from Ing away In the bright light of the deer may browse In peace, not helng Eecond place, It Implies paInstaking dis· pi no con, 's. but how about the or· th >Ir winter quarters with a six called to witness hunters shoot down crimination. 1 do not always .find that morning. chnrd? months' appetite , and proceed to ent "To walk with blm is to feel the each other. the will of the Lord becomes clear .Just nt present the brown tall moth the farm e r out of hIs orchard . Th e vls lUngs · of a larger, pUI·er air." Does and obtrusive In a momenl The bal. Is pr tty well s pread over Massachus· caterpillar by dint of rapid and can· The young king of Portugal, who did .not this suggest the opening of a win. a·woolng go, failed to wIn an English ance does not Ul t violently and make dow. nnd letting In the breath of ~ttB. New Hampshire and Connecticut, tlnuous eating r eaches tun size, e It Immediately clear where the weight bride. But he had plenty of fun by of r evelation falls. More fre qu ently boundless moors? There Is nothing way of compensation. Ibe Lalance Deems to turn with a hall' small and petty and oonflned about The ultimate consumer may be par· .and I have to watch most scrupulousl; lhe frI ends of the Mnster. They are cloned for the o'l>lnlon that the exclu· (0 recognize tbe turning. Now and, InclU Sive In thought, broad In sym. . .ilIon :-.ct ought to b e extended to cover a gain the case Is .s o clear that my jury pa lllY, and ge ne l'OUS In service. "Thou those. eggs from Ohlna. can give a verdict, witllout leaving the hast 'set my fe e t In a large place ." "And the peace of an unfa!.bomab le box. At other times the jury r eUres to Now that the fO'?tbaU and hunting consider Its verdict, and judgment Is sky." And such Is the wonderful ex. seasO.n s are over, there won't he 80 t emporartl y stuyed. Now, It Is In those · perlence of the true friends of tb e much work for the undertaker, but a emergencies, when I have .to exercise Lord. To become h is frIen d Is to better outlook for the census take7. d elicate discrimination, thnt I tind pass out of the res tless, Irritable shal. Although those Chicago girls have moral dlsclpUne and moral growth. My low ·Into the still, cool d epths of the been refused permIssion to sell kisses Lord puts this r esponsihlllty upon me infinite. "My )Jelice I give unto you." . Caterpillar of the Brown Tall ~toth. Enlarged About FIve Times. for charIty, there Is no law tbat can' In order that I may be exercised In -Rev. J. 14. Jowett. prevent them from gIving them away. eplrltual discernment, and may become more and more sensitive In the percep· FAITH'THE GREAT NECESSITY and has appeured h re and there In tr~fl e over an inch In length, early In Rhod Island and Maine. Tbe old JI;ne. During th lalter part or JUli e Berlin has 'ust heard a "Zeppelin" tion at his wl1l. And still a third thing symphony with an auto born as an is Implied, and that Is II. determin ed Without That Power Is It Impossible Bar state, however, hus received th e It s pl ns Its co oon, transforms !tseir instrument. As the airshIp Is . de.. npprobatlon. Once 1 know the will brunt of lhe uttack and hundreds of into a, und r mains In that stat to Please God or to Move square miles ' of fo rest and orchnrd fo .. 20 days. Til n It comes · out a strayed It Is presumed the wind sec· once the road Is clear beroTe me, Men. have been devas tated within Lhe m th In July, fil es to mol' cong nlal tion dominated. must walk ·It wil,h unwavering and un· Faith Is that power In man wblch bounda ries of Massachuse tts. Just orchards. and s tarts ' the worlc of mul· h esitating decision. On oe I lmow th e The U nited States manufactures til/II atlo n and dE::vustatioll an w. King's commandments, I mus t conse. dreams and se s visions. It Is a $350,000.000 worth of shoes every crate every power to chivalrous abe. kind of spiritual Imaglnntlon that yellr, and. thIs doesn't tal(e into con· Rolled Oats In Calf Feeding. dl nee .. And now-l-cRo-brlng -tb-is_·re!i--+..:S~Ia.h O!-t~s_afar fl.·nromlsed ls ud-...o less BlderaUon the fact that many people An 'xl1crim r nt lasU ng 13 weelts was Ilonlng to bear upon th e great words of lng, as snllors from th o rosstr es sun wear boots. at the North arollnn station to my Lord. He graciously tells me that of ba rqu es far out on the ocean dis· COlllP:1I"C cooked rolled oals with skim 1t I thus seek to do his wUl, the very c~rn in tbe distance the faint ' o utlln e Art should bt.' not only welcomed, milk li S a feed for calves. Nine calves but also Invited.. Al't wandering ahout obed Ien ce will be. instrumental In the of a e.hore to which lltey a re home· fod t he rolled oats Illade an average creatlon of vital ties ot frIendship be. ward bound. Faith le nds inspiration seeking for a home Is not a credltable da lly gain per bead of 1.143 pounds. tween the SOil 1 and him. It Is not mere. to I1fe, and breaflles In to humanity spectaCle tor any. up·to·date commu· whereas two vah'es f d the skim mille ly that my obedience Is labe led friend. the spirit of hOllefuln ss. Wilbout nlty to be prolld .of. made an a verage dally galll pe r h ad ship; It is that obedience creates faith It Is Impossible either to please of ] .21 pounds. On tho basis that . We learn from one of t he trade jour- frl ends l\lp, generating those wonderful God or to move men. one pound of rolled onts is equal to nals that noIseless street car wheels intimacies which are the richest and But this faith which does wonders Fema!e Brown Ta II Moth. one gullo n of wholo milk, and that wlll soon .be in use. The world would sublimest of the soul. In humah history Is no merely Imag· wlt ere and whe n the scourge wns lin· whole milk is worth e ight cents per go crazy with JOY If aI)ytbtng like Intimacy Must Be Vital. Inatl've or speculative fa culty. The that were .to happen. Now let us glance at some of the test of all 'true fa ith Is that It be found ported Is not definitely known. It Is quart to mllkm n , the cost· of the milk primary obaracterlstics of friendship at work, from the noonday to the eve believed, bo",,'ever, tha t it was first for a 13·weelcs·old calf reoeivillg no Thieves tn Amsterdam, N. Y., have In order. that we may see SODlethln~ ' of life, until the Master comes to brought froIU Holland or France on rolled oats Is $26.96. When rolled • 8ense of humor peculiar to the Amer- ot the fair realm in which our souls reckon with th e laborers and to pro· 80m e rose Somervllle, Mass., oats (which cost 4.4 cents per pound delivered In barrel lots) are substi. Ican temperame~t. -' They lately looted may ft~d an entrance In the home. Let mote to higher usefulness all faithful In 1890. the office!! of the district attorney, att- us survey some . of the . outstanding toilers. Life at the longest is but a When one consIders the remarkable tutell for mi\le, as shown above , the uated In the police department. things whloh are significant of excel. brief span, and Its Significance Is Indus try the caterpLllar displays, its cost ot tile oalf feed for the same period Is only $12.4G. a Savln'g of lent friendship. First of . all, there are thereby seen to be th~ greater. If Dutch descent seems prohable. It The authorities of WashlngtoD haTe W BS not reco¢nlzed, however, by the $14.50 In favor of the rolled oats. . ordere~ the banlshm~nt ot roosters kindred tastes. "Can two walk together there Is so little time, and so much to scient!flo sharps until. 1897, wben the Cowpas for Hay. · from the city. In view of the el:pe- except they be agreed 1" There must do In th~t time. how heavy is human resIdents of Somerv111e and OamThe only. force or Gr~wlng co\vpess tor hay has gen. nence of anolent Rome the goose wllJ be some IdenUty of Inclination It the responsibility. bridge found the strange caterplilar be permitted to remain In the swim Intimacy Is to be one at vital union. faculty that Is equal to thIs strain of fe eding upon their pear trees. The erally been found to be satisfactory There Is enough similarity among the duty·dolng Is the grace of faith. Man. at the capital. hut the main objection to th e cro~ Lake school of. poets to enable tbem when be labors alone, In his own sup- Gypsy moth commission ot the state, for this purpose Is that the etf?ms of The man who as engineer ran the to come together and sit at the com. posed strength, Is a Inmentable fall· which was then fighting Its hopeless the plants are very soppy and diflicllit John BulJ, the first railroad locomo· mon feast. And yet, even In this Inti. ure, but when he works wIth God, In· battle wIth the larger and hetter to cllre. A week of good weather Is tlve brought to this country, before male s<)11001 there are wide differences spired by fallh In t.he Highest, he known caterpillar, was at once notl· required to cure cowpea hny, and If American engine builders had "caught in the scale of fri endshIp. The fellow. works calmly, courageollsly, efficient· fl ed, and th e id entity of the Immigrant rains nnd damp weath('f come while on," has jUllt died. Those were the ship of Wordsworth and De Quincy ly, and with permane ncy of r esults. was establis hed. It had bee n known the bay Is down mllcb damage r esults. days at small things In railroads. But might be placed In the outer circle ot The end of the commandment Is faith, for 200 years all over Europe, where If Ih e crop is stored before . It Is well what a transformation had been associa tes; that of Wordsworth and and the fulflllrll ent of life's purposes It had operated from th e Mediterran- cured the bay Is very likely to mold wrought w.ithln the span of this one ColerIdge comell much nearer the cen. comes of a faith that worleeth by love. ean to Sweden. Dy lhe close of 1905 the brown tall in the stack or mow, maIling it unDt man's life! ter ; that of Wordsworth and Dorothy Let tbe Christian dream dreams and for feeding. had spread pretty well over New Eng· Word sworlh dwells in the innermost build high his castles of hea~enlY The government has not raised lhe h eurt. Their tastes were so akin that hope, but lot him also, while life lasts, land from lower Massachusetts to the Keep Off Vel'mln. price ot dolls, which wlJl rejOice the the two beings almost constituted show his faith by his worles. White mountaIns, and was still A very esscnllnl thing wl't h' pOIII. hearts ot the little ones. It has ofspreading. 1\'l rs. Drown · Tall Is a trav· try L, to keep the flocl( free from lice. one soul. Anq so It is with the friends ficially been decided dolls are not eler, which makes her a great deal and mites. 'edar or sassafras poles God's Light and Leading. ot the Lord. By a sacred obedience we toys. EvIdently, they are to be treated It a mun expects to be led of Go!! more dangerous than Mrs. Gypsy. The for roosts are good to keep off vermIn. are Introduced Into the Inn ermost as necessaries of life, tor what Is nte he must at leas t be willing to turn latter bus wings, but cannot use them. Tobacco smolla Is good to kl11 the lice. realm of fellOWship, where we feast to the little future mothers of the aside from paths in which he knows upon common delights, and drink. of country without the ir dolls to nourish God could ne ver lead him. A man tbe river of hIs pleasures. the maternal Instinct? cannot deliberat ely fol1Q\v a wrong And surely another characteristic of course in on e thing and expect to Ida Lewis, tbe well·kno"l\'n IIfe·sav. friendship Is the readiness of one have clear light as to God's leading friend to catch the other's poInt of Ing Ji ghtkeeper on LIme rock. off New. In other things . He must take his / port. has been made an honorary life view. It Is quite possible to do thl! choice betwee n his own will ana member of the Newport Yacht club with an author \~Ith whom we have God's; for God's wl\1 Is not made as and Is tbe first and only women memo bad Intimate communIon. We can cl enr as It might be to tho man who ber of tbat organization. The latter become so famlllar wIth hIs mental prefers In some cases to follow his fact Is remarkable, as yacht skippers attitude, with his spiritual pose, that own will. Wh en one learns this plain In eastern waters Include many wo- we can tell In any new set of circum. lesson he has far fewer llroblems of men ~'ho are experts at the h elms of stances. how he will confront them. guidance 'and he steps out with a sloop" and schooners. There are also And tlO it Is with a personal frlenll: stride that means confidence In the wome l' owners of yachts and the New· we can so enter Into tho biases and Way. Until be learns that lesson his port Yacht club must be an exception· Inclination of his soul that we can footing can never be sure. al organization wIth Its almost exclu apprehend his aaltud.e before be has • expressed It "I know bow he will 81vely male membership .. The Need of the Day. . lo~k at tt!" W.e are able to . make . Tbe nee~ to·day Is for men of posi. Perh.tpl! women got the habit of h h~ deductions , to draw hIs Inferences" tive conviction. Th ~ popular . tendency reading th e last pag6 of a novel l1rsl ana to arrive at bls conclusions. And is too much In the direction of an To secure horse·power from a mow- pole . fastfmed . to' the same and a 81D~' from re cel :Ing love letters. and having are we not Justified in applying tbllJ easl·golng tol eran ce of almost an:r ' 'a natural i.l eslrfl to flod out whom ' reasoning to the fri endship of the view that some crank or faddist orlll lng .machlne, ,remove the drive wheel gl~tl'ee tn~tened to t~e ' end of · the. froOl ,the side QPposlte the -geal'lng ot sw!!ep. Gas pille may. he used for the they coul,d be from. . soul and ' the Lo:d? . It ' Is one' or · tite Inntes out of a disordered bt:a.ln or 'a mowing nll~ohlne, turn. the machIne tumbling d d th chllrncterIBt~o~ of ,h igh sp,rltual com. o..n I.ts 's lde: so' the._ wheel. shaft stan". s . ~~ the .pItman ro an tJ sa!llt) (astened .., u shalt with a bolt which Th . ~ost . tllnglble eYldence of bad munlon tha.t It pos~ess~s ,a fine appr~ worse, an Jmmoral life. True religion luck In ' co~nectlo)'l with that liope dla . ?Iatlon of the · Lprd's point of Ylew. must ever ha,;e a .q uantlty of 'posltlva. vertical, and .bolt It . betwe~n' . two passes tl!rougb bpth the . gas pipe and. 'mond (lom.el'! from. 1\ man In Paris 'We have the .mlnd of Chrlst,!' By ness, even, ;we might ,say, of . Into1!ir~ h'envy planlcs ~bout six Qr seven t$ot tbe ,. pltttl!ln. Lea"e th~ rRtchet' In the : who, aftel' the jewel was reported to 'o bedlence .the ~ e Jlberatlve Uie . anc~, to It. Tn~th Is Jntolerant of er- long. This WlU give a reasonably good ,drive wheel s() the" ,m achine may be have rivaled ltfcGlnty·, comelJ torwa'rd Inslructive, and-.. ..we kn.ow, evcn- as ror, justlce can· l1U11te no all6wance (at h.oue-power fQr...any light wOI'It. . The ~~sed wnnout If}terfel'lng ' with the crime. ,. But· the spirit In whlcb ' un. plank must be faste~ed· tQ good, heavy sweep'. These hors~PQwers al'e (1ft to- remark .mournfully that he bas It. al~o we. are known.", . . compromlsLng .truth Is· preached · ~bould' 8takc.B th.t have l?een driven well Into' seen In tbe >(loal districts about Jo l~n latlvln~ been deceived Into )laying barcl 'Mutual Dependency'. ·be that' ·of love, and Justice, lI'bere the Cl'ound. A Umber, >possibly the Mo aQd Plttsbur lP Kan and a ~ n. ocah tor It, ~nd belhg unable to wor) . f th chi J , ., D'.J 1'e .Used And ftnally, there la -tbJ~ gracious possible, ou_llt to be ·t.ml1ered WJ~ ' tongue o . e ma . ne, ~ next bolt!1a for pumping the watp.f out ot 'bi ; .It ,lIff on an)q,ne .'-e. eharuter.istlc of til" t1Ve friendship. mercy to tbe ' driVe wlle~Js as SbOW,D, a leAd I DItG. 8 "


The ~·iami ·G azette




01 Friettdshi'p


COUGHED ALL NIGHT Till ThllR(!cipe Was. Tried.

Cure Followed In I? Hou ~ . A prominen t medical mau,· wlto sut. fer ed wll ll n se\' fe cmjgh an d cold . on tll lungs, oft e n bl~ ln g k pt awa·lre all \light. and weal< lI orl by 16ss of sltw p. finall y <1lsoo \' rad a s imple formula whl h will ('11m uny cOllgh III fil'C' hours by lit cI leI . H . ls II lux· 8t11"E.~ tonic COli 'h sy rllp whidl can be l1)ulle (It hom by ullyolle nllll the formula Is here ,;1"l'u ful' th bene fit of th ose who pass 61 III ('s8 JIi~hlS III pllinful paroxys ms. Those w110 bln'e trl f'd It say It Is L1Ia g ll':!1 Illill beals IIny hlglr·jlricClI. slow·ucllng cough nl ·didlle 0 ' ·(' 1· soili. :\llx In II butt Ie one·hll if Olln,'f' fluid wild cherry Ila l'll, olle Oll l l(~ e CIIU1\J1lIIUd eSK nC ('aI'1I1111 II lid lhroe Ollnces tl)T\ljl wllit ~ pill e comp(lllnd . TllkCi t ll'olily drn ps ,'e I'Y half hour for fOUl' \t oll rs. Tlr e ll talc one· half to ono te a· sl10p nful three' nr fpllr tilJl('1\ a day. (;l l'e c- hlld rc lI Il'ss ac("onllng to age. Thl" will t{llltl 1IJ1 nnu rid thl' !lYH te ru ot deC IH;leateu co ugbs 0\ cry lime. Charity by Prox y.

TIHlre 11'1 flll Orl'fluh f; 'n ' t· ~II I!\1I who l ~ \'(l ry I'I"IHI I' nt wllh hi H III 11 1.'), . II I' rnrel y s penri s Illl y lhillg If be ell n ge l. som 0111' t' !!;" lu do III !' pl'ndl ng l'lI r hllll . One IIlonrlll i-: hI,· WII S II'lI lklnp; (\l/WII!' " Ircpt 11'1111 a fl'l " lId tlnri III y IIIl'l a Ul'ggul' who hnrt II !!l It:' ur \l' lIl' t hat WllS 1Il1l:1zillg. Th e tl tultl8· nlnll listl' ncd and a s k o:cI SUIIlt:' qll ell' Il oII S. The n 11 , lllrtl l'd to his fl'l c nci nnd su ld : ·"John. Ihl s mun ·s s tory ar!"("' l", lII e grclILly. Ulvc hllll II CI lia I" tcr"·- Ll(e. Child of the Press. rs. C:y nlbla We.;t(,\,c r Aftl ' n \ lI 1. 111(' rounll I' of th e IlI w rnnllo nnl Sun· s hin soel . ty. whi ch hi no w 8ald to hlln: (\ ItIl'lIIlJ .rshlp of :1,11 0,111)0. SII(' Is prcsiri (' nl ge ne ral of th ' sfll·le ty . which \I'lI H hl'i s lc n tI wit h I Sllon· s i r,.; iu K e w York l'IlY at t'hri ,u llll c' 1!l!I(I. II Il lls been l'ldl l:(\ 11ll' dllhl ur th e' press. ~Ir .. . t dd " 11 iwln g onn N' ll·d wllh u :>I\!W Yorl. pHjlPI·. ~I

Reason Enough.

··lIis fe lin gs nrc I;:relltly h url

he Inst his job." ":>10 wond I' hfl'5 burt. a hig h I)os lt lo n."

li e fl'lI fro m

:\ srelll lle1l 1·18 hl'!Hd lOr th t:' a n or e mb rin g. alld Ullt lilt! of Ihtl nil(! a rt of forge llillg. r


i\frill. WII"Ilow's

t<' i\f

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Itlnlr S,·-rUlt.

r!tl h lrtoo lI'I.! lb lu1:. "O(Il'U~ tH~ j;lIruM. rt'tJ lI CA Ill.. ""to .• OUflJ. W nil collu. 2Sc .. bo ttle.

t1dDl r~ln t Hm , alluYIi

t be truah, don't


- -- - - -


(Voo add"""" nOArctoC Joa).


A Clean Face Will be a Habit NO STROPPING NO HONING




. BaOWN-;'S-" BRONCHIAL TROCHES Sabi1eth. 'tOIea tn,aU kind. of "c~lhe.. Slnl'~ and

"" -..It... find tt... InvaTuabt. for cJUiI h ;rca. "1"h... i. nofhlnl eo'effectlve for Sate T~~ and CoUozhe; Plfty tatlon !,~I", 25 cenl., 50- c:enta anil $ j ,00 bait •


... mpla mailed




JOHN I. BROWN ·&;·SON, Booten .....Ii.

Hints · 'For Hostess. .


TIMELY ' SUGGESTlONS 'for Those .Planning Seasonable Entertainments

For Charity Entertainment. Ent I·tlli nm ote for charity, both e laborate Dnd Simple, nre e ngrossing th e uttentlon of Bocl ty folk and catch· punny nov III Bar e fUany and varied. A mos t attractive booth at one of t hese alTa Irs Is worthy of description; It muy be canl d out with ve ry little eX (l~' lI se , whl e b Is an Ite'm to be con· sld c red . It was called "The Morning Glory [i'alr." The space occupied wns tr lun gular, and the foundation of sliles !lnd front was constructed ot bamboo poles. 1nte rlaced ove r this was a bewildering tan g- Ie ot morning glories In dell 'ute luve nder, pink, blue and whit . The attendants wore thin gowns of these snme colors with ling 1'1 hats trimmed with wreaths of morning glories. Und r a large umbrella, which was completely cOvered ',vlth "glories," tea nnd wafers w rc served. Each guest WIIS presented with a morning glory c llpp d from the trellis. These blossoms pinned to coat lapel and gown 8 rved to ad vertise "morning glory" t n . . They were made ot crepe tissue I'Uller ot various hues. 1"01' sen lng cocoa there was a booth r e presenting Holland, Delft b.lue. yel· low tulips, wooden shoes holding ' f rns , and tb e attendants garbed ex· a Uy like the malde n on the cocoa cans so famili a r to all ot us. Quaint m ugs ot blue were uRed to serve this piping hot beverage. A marshmallow floated on top aDd hottoast d graham crackers accompanied eadl ord r.

for a oontest for her club may find this suited to he r needs. It Is not new, but so old that with the resurr etlon of all 0111 things It may b e strango; at any rate, I give It with th e hope that everyone who may need It In the futur o will cut It out: Whnt n rough mnn >ll\ la when h wished his 80n to eat pl·oJ,)Hl y. (Chn ucer.) b n lion's houi'!' Illll;" III lh e .. llle or 11 hili wherc t here Is no wntor. ( I·ydo n.) Pilgrims and flatt erers have I,noll low to Illas him. (POp'.) Mlll,,,s nnd meods for lint-class custom I·S. (Tny lor.) Represen ls lhe dWl!lIlnga or civilized men. (Holmell.) Is worn on Ihe head. (Hore.) A n 'lme Ih nl mCll.llS s uch fi ery things I ca n't dC8" rllle tholr J,)ulns nnd sUugs. (Burns.) Belonging to 11 monastery. (Abllott.) Not one or th e tour points of the compass but Inclined tow ard ono ot them. (Southey.) Is what 8n oyster heap Is like to be. (Shelley.) . 18 II. chain of hills containi ng a dark treasure. (Coleridge.) Always youthful. (Yo ung.) An Ame.rtcan mlUlurac turlng town. (Lowell.) Humpbacked but not deformed. (Camp-

Inc,",a.ed. Price ot Elk T ~eth "During !.he Ia.~ Bve years the value of elle teeth bas more than trebled," laid a western traveler at the Fred~ eric, aoeoriilng to the St. . Paul Dis· paten, "Ill 1904 you could get any num· ber of fin e specimens In Idaho, Mon· tana. Washington and bordering states for ,2,50 apiece. Now you will pay trOm $1.60 to $10, and th ey are bard. to get tor e ve n that. TIle Apache, Sioux, Comanche Ilnd Chippewa fndlans used to have doiens of th e m In their possession and trad~d th em tor . trinkets. But the r eds kin got wise to their value, !lnd you clln buy Ulem from a r egular deale r cheaper now than Crom the Indian. Tbe passing o.t Ule e lk and the great de maud made by th e members of the Elk lod ge for teeth Cor embl ms have boosted th u price." 'l'he traveler recited an Incident ot an Oklahoman who bought a robe cov· e red with e lk teeth from a Wichita Indian for $] 00. He cut OtTt he t eetb aud· cleanod up $2,200 on th e Ileal.

A Drama on the Street. A remarkabl e coincidence oocurred at San Bernardino, Cal., one day lately, where by 'a couple about to be dl· vorced we re ha ppily brought toge th e r agaln. Mrs. \Valte r Preston was on her way to th e court to secure a dl· vorce against her husband when her little daughter darted In the path of an onrushing motor car. The mother's screams attracte d th~ attention of a man who dashed In front ot the machine, seized the little girl and leaped to satety aB tbe automobile ahot by. Tbe rescuer proved to be the husband and tather. Explanations were soon made. and the two made bell .) , their way to tbe attorney'B omce, An Internal pnln. (Akenslde.) where Mrs. Preston tore up tbe dJVnlue oC 1\ word. (Wordsworth.) A ten rooter whoso name beglnll wHh vorce complaint. fifty. (Longrellow.) A worker In pr c10us metals. (Goldsmith.) A vital I'>nrt of the body. (Hnrte.) Smnll talk a nd 11 hca.vy weight. (Chattorton.), . Com " trom II. pl~ (Bneon.) A domes ti c work r. (Butler.) A slang ()~pro8slon. (DIckens.) A you ng domOllllc nn lm nl. (Lnmb.) "Mumma Is In perrect health. my ohlld," And thull he names II poot mild. (Mothorwell.) A gtrl'. name and a male relation. (AdNovel Handkerchief Shower. diso n.) , A disagreeable fellow to havo on one'. A IllOSt enjoyable s bower was given (Bunyan,) re enUy to a January bride, which In· fooL An ofllclnl dreaded by the IItudentll ot Bome people Bwell up on "emotion" luded the brld· Itroom and otber men. English universities. (Proctor.) brewed from absolute untruth. HIli mJadl name Is 8Ugg stlve at an InThe girls brought one "moucholr" tor It's an old trlok of the leaders of the ti:le brldo and the men one for the dian or a Hottentot. (ThIs mo.)' bo Whit- Labor Trust to twist facts and make ti er or Thackeray.) bridegroom . They were accompanied A game and a male or the human IIpe- the "sympathetic ones" "weep at the by sentime nts written on hearl·shaped clcl!. Tennyson.) Ice house.!' (That's part of tbe tale Menll What are you doing? (Brown- further on.) clirM. Aft r tbe me rry presentation mg .) the re was an Informal little dance. Gompen et (11 sneer at. spit upon I~ n t Indeed. (Swift.) The re · w re just 20 I'uests, all Inti· and defy our courts, seeking sympathy 'ro ubrJtuto a weapon. (Shakesp@Rre.) }'ut nn e<Ubl.., graJn ·twlxt an ant and by falsely telling the people the courts male trl Dds. u bee, were trying to deprive them of tree And l\ mu h loved poet you will lice. speech and tree press. . Suggestions from a "Reader." (Bryant,) Men can speak freely and print opinA orresl)ondent from Tiffin, a., A com mon dam sllc animal and what Ions treely In thlB country and no it CI.ln n vcr do. (Cowper.) th II I hi h d f It se n s e. 0 ow ng ems w c are Each \lvlng head In time, 'Us lIaJd, court will object, but they cannot be gratefully I' celved: Will turn to him. though he be dead. allowed to print matter aa part of a "Here are some plans you mlgbt (G ray.) criminal conlplracy to Injure and ruin s uggest to others. Use a needle To pr eedo. (prior.) other citizens. A oln fraction nnd a welghL (Miltl1read d double with about a yard Gompers and his trust associates ton.) and a halt of wblte thread. Pin a slip An t' lcvated womnn. (Toplndv,) started out to ruin the Bucks Stove ot paper b(larlng the nam e ot an anl- A name and a IIm a l1 house. (AicotL) Co., drIVe Its hundreds of workmen mal to a square of black cloth about N~Ilt' Ilnd rapid. (I!yroll.) out of work and destroy the value .of Cel brllted In war and literature. (Sller- the pla.nt without relnrd to the fact three by thrt!e. These are given out Idan,) tmlong3t.-the boys and girls a nd the A meot.(ng house nnd a j)lgh plnc-. that llarl1 earned money of men who 'Worked, had beEln Invested the re. animals are to be outlined In stitches (Churchill.) The conspirators were told by the on the cloth. We found this very enA work r In barrels: (Cooper.) A. Illy pig. (Cunningham.) courts to stop these vicious "trust" t rtalnlng. A boy's nama Ilnd a boy. (Emerson.) methods. (el!orts to break the firm "My sister entertained In a novel A renter. (Tennllnt.) that won't come under trust rule), but I lit Id I t I True ot tll Illdles. (Lovelace.) d an or g na way a a m w n er pc· III 1I1Ied lown rd royalty. (Kingsley.) instead of stopplng they "dare'" the 11lc·. The Invitations read: 'Midwinter WIth my Ural I a berry disclose. courts to punJsh the m and de mand lJlcnlc (date. Please wear straw hats My B cond's a tear ot a rose. (Haw- Dew laws to protect them In sucll destructive and tyrannical acts as they and Bumm r clothes.' Many tunny 1Ulorne.) . experiences resulted ' when the boys . MADAME ERl;lI. may desire to do. • • • The rea SOD Gompers and his band persisted In trywere seen on the streets with Whlte~J\~ ~ ~ ing to ruin the Bucks Stove Works duck trouse rs and slraw hats, with was because the stove comp.any insistsnow on the ground. Picnic lunch was ~~~ ed on the right· to keep some old emserved on a table cl.lth on the floor, ' ~ • .u.~mm~ ployees a~ work when "de union" orand the scheme was carried on In L._ _"';:===';;:::=;;"';:=;";'''';'_'''';_..J_ dered them discharged and some of summer fashion. Rat-tall. seems to be supplanting "de gang" put on. "H re Is a plan for a 'ChaftDg Dish' soutacbe. Now let ua reverse the condlUoDa party for 32 young ladlea, InfQrma\. This season probably will see but and bave a look. This scqeme will not permit party few hats In felt. ' . Suppose the compnn,. had ordered dresses. The gue~t8 wUl come find: Qu11lB braided In gold and silver are the union to dismiss certain men from Ing eight chafinr; dlsbes and tables In 11 mlIllnery novelty. their union, and, the demand being rethe different rooms. On the table will Long lace sleeves are a feature of 'fUBed, sbould insUtute a boycott be tho 'CI!6UYeJllu1. vir.;-{lhafing dish tbe deliciouslY pretty tea gowns tor against that union, publisb Ita name in an "untalr list," Instruct other man· recipe books, with dainty covers and the winter. ufacturers all over the United States a name on the face. Each girl finds The general tendency Is away trom not to buy the labor of that union, her place and wben the tour for eacb vivid colorings and tew lustTous sur- have committees call at stores and Individual table arrive they are given faces are seen. threaten to boycott it the merchants money (26 cents for each table). and Among the colors that will be mucb sold anything made by that union. they will go to a near·by grocery worn are the blues, pink, brown and a Picket the lactoriea where members work and slug them on the waY' home. store and buy tbe Ingredients for the great deal of green. . hosen dish. Tbey come back and' Black will be much used not only in blow up their bouses -and wreck the makl' It. Then luncbeon Is to be daytime, but evening toilets during the worlta, and even murder a few membe.r s of the boycotted union to teach served, fQllowed by cards." coming seaSOD. wem they must obey the orders ot Newest skirts show a combination of "organized Capital?" Authors Gue.slng Contelt. the popular prlncess panel and the It would certainly be talr tor the The requests for contests come In n ew fashionable plaits. company to do theso thlngll it lawful with a regularity that would put the The roll that bas been removed trom for the Labor Trust to do them. " little brook" ot Tennyson fame In the pompadour allows hats to sit more I In such a case, under our laws the tbe . shade-they literally go on for· firmly, and. theT wlll be worn low on boycotted union could ' apply to our courts and the courts would order ever. The correspondent who asks tbe head, company ceaseunion boycotUng and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.............._ _......_______................,.-........_ _ _ _ - ....-_ .. _ _- ...'"'-.,.",.., the tryinc to ruintothese men. Sup-

A I_eason In Economy,


Knowledge Enough.

At t_he mom 'nt of their fall Adam convey-. utl d Evl', h In " Innoce n t. were used t.o

"J noU ce you always 0ln8 tbe driver

YOllr purse wilen we take n nnce," said. tbe heroine of the hl~· torlcnl novel. , . "I do," 'admItted the b ero ot the same . "How do you xpect lo s upport a: wIre? Give him tbe exa"t legal rare hereaf ter." - Louls vlll.. C()urter·Journa~.

he Novice, Old Lawre r (to young pa rtner)Did you draw UJl old Mone ybag's will? 'Young Partn er-Yes, sir; and so tlgllt that all the relatives 10 the world cannot break Il Old Lawye r (wllh ~ me 'dl sg uRt ) Th ne:-:t ti me th e re Is a will to be dr awn uP. L'll do It myse lf! "-J'iew York Sun.

tiolng thln;;s tn nll un oo nsclous man· n'r. 'fhnt Is to lIAY, th e y d ldn·t Fletcher· lae. \.Vltb the r esu lt that they rail d or g ttlng 1h full effect of the appleall the prot Ills and cnrbo bydrat S . How e v r, In tbl e r blind. ' blund e rin g way, th ey altulu d to ~ougb knowl odge of good Holl ~vll to mal<e th e m te rrihl~ bores to Ihe mse lv s for e ver nl t ' r , nnd to 11 11 their des endants 1IJ!6\\'Iso unto ilie present get.. eralion.Puclt.


Interesting Information. In an InteJ''' \e w p\lbl\sbed In the KleIer NOli Iltd ac hrl chten. Grosea& mlral von Ro"lcr says many I ,nteres~ log thlnj!; ~ IIhollt bls visit to New York, amulIg Ulem th (olloltlng: "10 th e nhseJlce of President Taft, wbo wus IIway on n trip to tho Mexican tronti()r, the pIa e of hono r wu tnicen by the yle·p reslll e nt of the Vnited Stnt~ . . S.' cr ~~ry of State Sh rt nnn of New 10r1<. Graphic Va riations. "Civilize 1I0ll," I' ' marl! d the co.nnl, bal king, "promoles some stran". Id eas." "To whom do you ea pe lally rerer?" Inqui red tb e missionary. "Among yo u th lllUlIIllte con· sumer is r gnnled with fiy m pathy. Here he hi con sldl.'red \' ' ry lucky ."

HIli Business. "You see that lIlan acrOSB the street? Welt: you can always get cut , rut 8 from hi m for bls work." All Kinds. "'''''hat 15 It?" Sorry He Spoke. "It lakes all Itllllhl of pC(lple to "Trimmin g trees and l~ e dse8 ." -Dal. Mr. Dubbs (w ith news pnpc r)-It milli e a world," said th e ready·made timore American. tell s h re, 111)' dl'ar, how a progreso philosop her . s lvo l"cw York wo man makes he r Ta king No Chances. "Ce rtainly," answered th e plai n per· sotlnl cn lls by tele phono. Grl' s-Odd that theso doctors can't son: " look at l'xplor rR. Some of the m 1\11'8. Dubbs- I'rug l·cssl vc. Huh! glgb' h Ives Th e re's exctll with math e matical In stru men~ h 's pr ulmuly Ilk m o, nut n d ce nt pr u~lC'·r e. t,or l umse th ' 1 i Ian and some with ,ty pewriters anel picture t C u t ' lll JUS gone to UDO er p l YS c I hi · " thing to w nr. -l1ost(ln Trunscrlpl. to b Lrea t d. I mac neB. -------IIrlggs -That's wh ere he Is wise. I' Would Surprise HIm All RIght. Where Pepys Won Fame. s ps· .. ~ ho was this fellow PellYs, and First Glrl - l want tn give my fiance Cu llom kno ws how fo w ot n surprise [or 1\ birthday presllnt. t1 e n~s r ecover. what Is bls claim to fame?" an't you suggest somet hing? "Hlo clulln to tame Is well founded, On Time. Second Girl- You mlgbt le ll him my frl enrt. He's the man who k e pt • "That man spends bls life In an en· diary for more than a year." your age. d avor to get people to do things oa time." MIstakes Will Happen. And Mother Officiate •. "That's fine and philanthropic! Lady ' (to her sister. a doctor)Eddi e-Do you have morning pray· What does be do for a living ?" Tbe re-I cooked a meal fc r the first ers at your house? "S lis book on the Ins tallm nt tim e to·dny and I made' a mess of It. Freddie-We have somo kind ot a "We ll, denr, neve r mind; It's noth· service when father gilts In. plan." tng. I los t my first patie nt." Happiness In marrIage would be Occuslonally we Ulee t people who It you see l\ fault In others, tblnll spend halt th eir tim e t e lling what more prevalent If a man would handle they are going to do and the other half his wire as tenderly and carefully all of two of your own, and do Dot add • third one hy your hasty judgment. explaining why th ey dldn't do' It. be does an old briar plpo.

Don't Weep At The Ice House. I

upright citizens. The noisy, violent excite a wave of sympathetic entbusl- see It the object lesson wblch they ones get Into office and the leaders of asm tor him, whlcb would carry the have heen forced to give to these lead the great Labor Trust know how to ],de legates off their feet, and result In e rs Is going to be recognized and U the, are gOing to conform themselves anti mass this kind of m n, In labor con- bls re-election . . "That his long leadership, and this ' tbelr fUlUre work and actions In ao ventlons and thus carry out the leede rs' schemes. frequently abhorrent to apparent Impossibility to till bls place cordance thereto." Let the people remember that com the rank and fil e: so It was at the late has gone to hi8 head. and made blm Toronto convention. imagine that he Is much greater a Dlan ment, "Tbe Federation of Labor in par The paid delegates 'Would applaud than he really Is, Is undoubtedly tbe tlcular stands before the bar of publh and "resolute" as Gom'Oers wantell, but case, and accounts for the tactics be opinion having been convicted of set· now and th en somo of the real work- has adopted In dealing with questions fishn ess and a disposition to rule al Ingmen In sist on being beard, some- before congress, where be has unneceB- the people ot the country In the Inter times at the risk of their lives. sarlly antagonized ruen to whom 01'- est of the few." Delegate Egan Is reported to have ganlzed lahor must look for recognlThe great 90 per ce nt of AmerlcaDl said at the Toronto convention: tlon of' their demands, nnd where labOl: do not take kindly to tho acts 01 "U th e officers of th e federation measures are often opposed on account tyranny of these trust leaders openl) would only adh e re to the law we would of this very antagonism, which would d emanding that all people bow down til think a lot more of them." otherwise r eceive support. the rul es or the Labor Trust and w. The Grand Council of th e Provincial "There is no doubt but what organ- are treated to the humiliating ·specta. Workingmen's Ass' n of Canada has Ized labor In this country would be cle of our Congr~ss and ven the Chlet de<;lared In favor of se 'e l'tng all con- much stronger with a leader who WIlS Executive e ntertaining lbese convicted nections with unions In the U. S., say- more In touch with conditions as th ey law-breakers and listening wllh consid· Ing "any unIon bavlng Its seat of actually e xist, and wbo would bring to eratlon to theli' Insole nt demands that Gov't in AmerIca, antI pretending to be the front th e new policies which organ- th e ve ry laws be chang d to allow international In Its scope, must fight Ized labor mus t adopt if It expects to them to safely carryon their plan 01 Industrial battles accord.lng to Ame rl· e ve n maintain Its present standing. to gaining control over the a1fulrs of lhQ can methods. Said methods have con- say nothIng ot making future progress." people. sequences whic h are abhorrent to the We quote portions of another arUcle, The sturdy workers of Ameri ca hnve law-abiding Ileople ot Canada Involving a r eprint. from the same labor pape r: come to know the truth nbout t hese hunger, misery, rIot, bloodshed and "Organized labor, through lis lead- "m artyrs sllcriflclng th ems lve!! 1::1 the murder. all of which might be termed ers, must recognize the mista kes of the noble cause of labor" but It's only the 8S a r es ult ot the practical war now IJast If they expect to perpetuate their hyslel'lcal ones who swen up and cry In progress In our fair provinces and organlzalions or to deve lop the move- over the aforesalll "heroes," remilldlng directed by foreign e missaries of the ment which thoy bead . No movement, one of the two romantic elderly maJda United Miners of Ame rica!' no organization, no nation can deve lop who, wec plng copiously, were discov· That Is an honest Canadian view ot beyond tbe Intellects which guide ered by the old janitor at Mt. Vernon. our Infamous "Labor Trust." these organizations, and if the leaders "What Is It ails you ladles?" A few days ago the dally papers are dominated by a seUlsh motive the Taking the handkercblef trom one printed the following: organization will become tinged wltb swolle n red eye, between Bobs she said: (By the Associated Press.» a spirit of selfishness. wblch baB never "Why we have so long revered the Washington, D. C., Nov. 10.-Char- appealed to mankind In allY walk of memory ot ·George Washington thai acterlzlng the attitude of Samuel Gom- Ufe at any Uille since history began. we feel It a privilege to come here and "It can be said In. extenuation ot cer· weep at his tomb." pel'S, John Mllchell and Frank Morrison of the American Federation of tnln leallers of organized labor tbat "Yas'm, yas'm, yo' shore has a destre Labor' In the contempt proceedings In the precarious position which they oc· to express yo' sympathy but yo' a re the courts ot the District of Columbia, cupy as leaderll has had a tendency to overflow In' at de wrong spot, yO' 111 In connection with the Ducks' Stove cause th em to lose sight ot the object WeeI)ln' at de Ice bouse." nnd range company,' as "a willful, pre- behind the organization. Tbe natural Don't get maudlin about law·brenk· meditated violation of the Ilnv," Simon Instinct In man for power and position e rs who must be . punished If the very Burns, general master workman of the IS .ln no smull measure responsible for existe nce ot our people Is to be main· general assembly, Knights of Labor. the mistakes ot the leaders, not n e ces· talned. has voiced a ,s e vere condemnation ot sarlly In lahor unions alone, but In It you have any surplus sympathy It these three le nd ers. Mr. Bu rns ex· overy bran ch ot society. This desire can be extended to the hon st wor\tere pressed his confldence In courts in gen- for power and lead e rship rmd personal wbo continue to ellrn food whe n threat· era 1 and In · those ot the District ot llggrandlzem e nt causes men who have ened and nre fr equently hurt and Columbia In particular. been earnest and sincere In their ef- sometimes killed before the courts can A.J'1'1I0V ED BY IlELEOATES. forts In the start to deteriorate Into in tervene to protect them. This rebuke by Burns was In his an· m e re politicians wbose every act and Now the Labor Trust leaders denual report to the general ass e mbly ot utteranoe Is tinged with the desire mand of Congress that Ihe courts he his organization. He r eceived the to cater to the baser passions of the stripped ot powe r to issue Injunctions hearty approval of the delegates who working majority in the societies or to prevent them from assaulting or per· heard It read at their annual meeting organizations and this Is undoubtedly haps murde rIng men who dare earn In tbls city. true when applied to tue present lead- a living wh en ordered by the Labor . "There Is no trust or co~lnaUon of e rs of the Federation ot Labor. W e Trus t to quit work. capital In the world," auld Mr. Burn s , .mentlon the Federation of Labor parDon't "weep at the Ice H :m se" and "that violates lawB oftener than do the ticularly In this article, because that don't permit any set of law-breakers truBt lahor organizations, wblch resort organlzatlon Is tbe only organization to bully our courts,' If your voice and to more dIs honest, ul!falr and dlshon- of labor which has yet found Itself In vote clln prevent. Be sure and write orable methods toward their compeU· direct opposition to the law. of the your Representatives and Senators In tors than any trust or comblnatloas In land. There are other organizations ot Congl'ess asking them not to vote for the country," labor whose leaders havo made mls- any measure to prevent the courts Mr. BUrns said the action of "these takes, but they have always kept them- from protecting bomes. prope rty and pose thereupon the company should sneer at the court and In open defiance so-called leaders" would be harmlul selves and their organizations wltbln persons from attack by lmld agents ot continue the unt'awtul acts In a per· for years to come whenever attempts the bounds of the law and r espected this great Labor Trust. slstent, caretully laid out plan, pur- were made to obtain labor legislation. the rights ot every olher man In con· Let every reader write, and write "The Labor Digest," n reputable slde:lng the rl!;bts of themselves and now. posely Intended to ruin the union and force Ite members Into poverty workingman's paper, Rays. as part of their conlltltuelicy; whereas, the motto Don't sit silent and nllo,* the organWbat a bowl would GO up trom the an article entitled "Tbe beginning ot of the Federation Is jUlt the reverse, Ized and paid Dlen of this sr at trust unlOD demanding that the courts pro· the end ot Gomliersls m, many organ· and unless the leaders conform them- to forc e Congres~ .t) believe. hey reptect tbem and punlsb tbelr law-break- IzaUons becoming Ured of the rule·or· ,elves and th eir organization In accord- resent the great masses of the AmerIng oppressors. Then they would ruin policies which bave bee n en· ance with the laws of th e land. the Ica n people. Say your sny and let praise the courte and go on earning a forced by the president . of the A. leaders and the organization Itself your rCllI'esenta lives in Congress know mu st he dis integrated nnd pass Into that you do not -:;ant· to be govern"ld IIvlng protected from ruin and happy F. of L." "That he hilS maintained bls lender· his lory, Cor In America the common und e r new laws which would emp'o wer bi the knowledge that · the people's ship for so long a time In th e fac e of sense of mankind Is d e velopell to a the ' L abor Trust leaders with legai courts could defend them. aow could any ot us 'recelve protec- Ws stubbor n clinging to policies which grenter extent than In any othor nation right to t ell you when to work, Wherel tion from la w-breake rs unless the courts tbe more thoughtClil worldngmen have on the carth, and the p eople, who are For w hom! A t what price! What to bave power to, and do 'punlsh such seen for Veal'S must be abaudoned, has the court of last resort In this country, buy! What not to buy! Who'm to been on' Q count parUy of the senti· will never allow any system to devolop voto for! How much you sball pay JDj!.n? ~he cou~ I. placed In pOlltlon where mental feeling on the part or he or- In this country which does not meet p r month Ill. fees to the Labor Trustt . It mUlt do one thing or the other- ganlzatJolJs that be ought not to be de- with the Ilpproval of the majorlly of elc .. e lc .• etc. . This . power Is now being d emanded punlih. m~n who ,persist In .,defyln" Ita ·posed. 'tud the unwl1llngner;s .ot the Ithe citizens ot the . country. "This must have forc ed Itselt upon by the passage of laws In ongress • peace orderl or go out of lervlce, let merl who were mentioned fol' tbe place. . anarchy r~lg'n, and "tho mo~ ' pow~tful to accept a nomina tion In OPI)osltion til tbe. lead ers of the Fede ration by this T"lU · ~' oUl· Senators and R epresentad ..troy the weaker, ' .: . hhn;: In addition to 'this . tbe~.., . Is no time. It It bas not, th e 'leaders mus t tives plaInly that 'you don't Wlint them ' Peaceful citizens .us~ the courts denying the ·shrewdnes&.lof the leader be' ellmlnated . . The organization wblch · to vo te Cor uny measure· that, will allow al . thei~ . ~efen.der.j . whereas , thieves, ot, tbe A. F. of L., ~nd his po·lItical sa- t~ey head bas done lOany m eritorious IIny set of men either 'representlng 'forgers, 1>urglaTs, croo\UI ot all ktnds· gaclt1, which hns ebabled ~Imto. keep ~ngs In times past alid the people are papital. or l..aboJ: to gO\lern and dic~i.nd viqient·· members ot. labor tinlpnsl ' a firm grip on tbe·.machinery ot the ,o r· always ready and ",HUng to noknowl- tate 'to the common people, ',,' ho preteI' bate thefu and threaten ft olence If ganlzatton, . and to bave' his faithful edge the benefits whlcb their- e1torts to b~ free ·to go and c9111e, wor~ or their'member. are punl/ihed .(ol" ,b reak- hencbm.en In the positions wbere tJ;ley bave brougbt to their constituency as.. not. ,and vote Cor whom , they pJease. Every man's libertY "'111 ' disappear 1.n& the. law. '.l1he7, want Ute C9urta to could do ht,;n tlle most goO~ whenev~r a wQoltt, but at the. 'present _time Jabor , organizations In general .. Il,nd' tb.e Fed· when t,he leaders of the grent J. . aool' let them gq free .. and at the sa~e time thell".servlces might be needed. ' uJrurther than thle, batJ never eratiQIl ot Labor In. particular, Itand Tl'us~ or: any othel' tl'UB,t can·tide fOtilCb ...:lelJWld ·pu.n1a~e~t for other men "ou~. ·l1de.. de unlijn" when the, break the failed. at. tbe last conv.eDtlOJL9, to have beto,", the bar of ··publlc opinion, ' hay· shod over people and mas~ their fprr.N 'A veQ decorative de.11'D tbfa to work around a mOllolt'aJD or ~IUal let. ·. taw. • . • !' ~O«ce . the above refer· .ome •• n.atron . to e~rlng . on the con.' Ing been convlqted of 1.ltI.lIne•• and a to prevent cur courts ttom "trordbaC . ten on the end of toWell••.Icleb,oard ~0th8 or aD)'th.inl ~ked "tth · oro.. .D~ to ,..ytoleQV·~ mambe,. ·ot labor YNitlo" at ,he plyohologlcal mOMent. d'lpo.ltlon to rule all the reC!Ple of protel!~lon. "Tbere'/I R Rea 011." .tttcli° It fa qQt~ almp}. and' may ....,. be copled.from tile lllualnUOn. UD.lODl. . 'ne peat majoritY, .of the whlch 'jj!ouN 'P'ace him In the IIl1ht of the ca.ntry In the Int.....t 0 the few, 0. W. POST, ' UDJGD 'lptll are peaoeab1e. • 1b1'\1r tt ,he ..... of unf~I.m, aDd Tbe people are taUeat aDd awutlDs to

I~~~~ or-r~'1

• .


Cross Stitch







trator giving bond o~ ~1500 with \'1'lleAetuIlJDdemnlty Co. a lIurety. Webster Schaffor, Peter l:ihuper\ . and ~anlel 9baluberlllin appointed: Common Pleas Court. appraisers. . In matter of estate of .John L. ~ven. indiotments were returned BarkRlow, d eoell~ed . W. M . .Corby the I rand jury a~t(or a se~slOn of wiD appointed administrator giving three days. Four have been made bond of $1 500 . .

County Courts


those .a~inst

publio, George Perr.y, The estate of John Marsh, defor pooket pioking Robert Mou~t. ceaspd . First account filed. ,

!~it,::l~n~~~ i:~~i~~~~r, i~~e::lD!I;:,

MYMM )M{~~~~~~£~~~Y~ ~~~~~~~U ~~MM~~ ~ t:Wt~ tZRtZR~~~~~~~~~~-~ , ~~~~~ ~ . ' . , .~

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J,anuar'y, ReduCt'10n' SaIe eLOT H In {j I







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1D Franklin Walter~ . . Dean flnd Mary Etta ~ " . Dean to WIlham B . O~ndorf real es- ~ tate i,D Wayne townshlp, f,36 ~0 . ~ Orpha M. UDglesby .to WilhaM M. Pettit, real estate 1D Claaroreek ~ T towntlhip, '300? , ~ _ s' Rebecca Whitaore to Cha rles Cor . win real. i. Harlan township 13000 • CynthIa A. White and hU8ba nd to • Mllry J . Morrisreal elltate in Wlish-. iugton township, 11. ~ New Suits. BesHie Doughman and Charles ~ Sid Dey Boff, plaintiff. V8. Barry Dough~an to MlU'th~ Gud gen rea ~ V H ff d f ndant Petition for 88tate 1D l'leasant Plain *1. ~ Men's Suits and Overcoats, reduced from 530, $28, 525. and 523 divot:"~n :r:unds ~f gloss negleot· William Griffin ~o Anna Quiek ~ to of duty. Pray. for restoration of Griffin, real estate ~n Frank1i~. ~ Men's Suits and Overcoats, reduced from $~2, $~O and $18 to maiden nam&Sidney Hurtt. Bam· Ed~ard L. Retalllck, admlD1stra.· ~ Men's Suits and Overcoats, reduced from $15, $14 and $12 to lUon & Brown attorney for plain. tor to Evan L. Retalliok real estate 'UI ' in Warren County *1453.40. . Court Proceedlnzs. George W. BranttoBesterMoCol· . lum real estate in Salem township, ~ Lee R. Randall vs. Wlllliam R. $1. ~ Randall. Uourt finds that plaintUf Mabel M. DODly et 11.1 heirs of Jer- G has right to Qnd1vi~ed one·&hird emiah Mills and wife, deceased, to . . part of lands described iD petition Gel)rgeLaSeier realesta.te in Wash. • aDd partition of same is ordered. ingtoD t.oWllship, $425. ~ l:Ita~ of Ohio V8. Robert MountMabel M. Donley et al real estate • . U joy, defendant pleads gnmy &0 in Washington towD8hip, oharg& iD indiotment and il\ fine<l Edward L. l'eta}liok, ' admini8tra$100 and 008&8. tor to Evan L . Retalliok, real estate sta\e of Ohio vs. Robert Mount- in Warren County 11453.40 $12 ami $10 values . $7.50, $7 and $f: values joy. DefeDdant pleads guilty t:> Jame8 L. Riohards and Florll B. • reduced to..... ......... ................. .... R duccd to .. .... ... .. .. ... .. ....... .... .... .. oharge ,iDindiotment and i8dned Riohards to Fred H. Webster and jji $10, $8 andr!iu~~~............... ......... ............ 0 and $:~~~cv:Ju~ ..... ... .. ........... .. ............ . $75 ~nd 008te. wife real estate In Tnrtlereek town- ,~ $4 .50 and $5-00 values $3.00 and $2.50 values 8t&&e of Ohio V8. Ora Ca8ey. De· ship, reduced to...... ......... ......... ............ r educed to ........ ...... ......... .. .... . . . . . . . fen!1ant pl~ Dot gullty to oharge . ID' indlo~8Dt and 1n detaul\ of 1200 CoinJDiasioners' Proceedinzs. ~ ball i8TeCained i~ jail. . . .Bills-F. P. l!'orgy, boarding and ~ sCa\e of Obio VB. Ora Ca8ey. De-washing, '49.10; jail fees for quat- . . f.ndan\ pleiu1sDo\guutytochar~e ter, 122;. maintainanoe of horses • Men~s .1D .i ndiotment a~d. in ~fau1t of ,200 and vebiole8, ,25 ; Corkin8 ohemical 'l ~ . bailla retained In jan. 90 , 8~ppliee for jail, .a.15 j Xenia S~te of Ohio v~'. John DonghmaD. work~oU86, . boardfbg-prieoIierilj . --Defendant plead8 not guilty to 124.35; M. B. HymaD, olothing for Men's Trousers, reduced from Boys' Trou ers, reduced from aharge in iDdiotment aDd in default pr\eoDers, '2.70'; The We8tern Star. $8.00, .$7,oo.and $6.90 to ................ .., • . Bo;s' Tro~~~~ :~~!;~opf~~~ .. · .. ·...... .... .... .. .. of $500 ban ~ retained. . record8 for ,Reoorder, '45.50; TrusMen's Tr°$r,w' ~uu~otr~~ ........ ... ,......... ... $1 ,25 and $1.00 to..... .... ... ... ........... . State 'of Obiova GeorgeL. Perry. tees Qf Publio Affair8, Ugbt aud ~ Men's Trousers, reduced from Boys' Trousers. reduced from Defendant .pleads not gnilty to water, 140.19 j R. Wilda Gilohrist, ~ $3.00 and '2.60 to ......... ...... ...... . . . . . . '.. 75c to .. .... :........... ....... . .......... .... oharRe in indiotment and in default office re,n t (or prosecuting attorney, Men'a Trousers reduced from Boys' Trousel's~ :reduced !rom of '500 bail is retained. *25 ·, It .. G. Hufford,compensation $1.75' and $1,60 to ....................... .. •. 50c to ...... . ;........ ..... ........ ...... ... .. . .M attie MoDermott, a~m~nf8tra. and ' damages for road; 'SO; Je Ise • trlx, va. Frank II. COQd~n . Qefen- Ments, 'same, '175; s,tate of Ohio VS. dant given Ie,~veto file answerfor.t h- George L. Perry, coste, t9 .i State of with. Ohio V8; UlInt StDnard, oosts .U8, 10; R. A. MoOutoheon vs. Philip Niok- State of OhioV8. H.iohard Mitohell eJ. Aotion \s ~iSmii!sed for waDt of oosts, ~6·. 95 i B : ·H arshbarger, soa~ • .L~.I.;, proeeontion. , · . for jail, $1; Central Union Telephone • Oy~ W. YouD~v~Lo~isa ~rant, Co'.,"rents and toIJs, '~I.l0 i Valley Manhattan Shirts . Neckwe$r Fancy Hose at a1. Court ~nfirms sale of prop. Telephogp Co., rent8.and tolls, 130.40 erty and ord~r. deed aDd diltribu· Mtsoellabeons-It ' was ordered. $3.00 valu'e $1.00 and 76cTies, $1.00 and $1.25 values ~lon of proceeds. ' . that .1~00 ~ transferred temporar- _ r e d u c e d to.............. now .................. ·.... . C, . ·reduced to .. .. ........ ·

,,~ ~

~ ~I




In this regular semi-annual Reduction Sale we guarantee every ~ ~ garment to be as represented. True fits, hand tailored, in qualities at ~ hI i.~ muc ess than their real values. ,.~ ~~ $18 50 ~ $14.• 75 ~ $ 9 7~ Ii~






· '-'






B OYS' CI0' th·lng·.'


0 vercoats





SuIts ·

$ 7.50


$4.98 $3.50

• . l!I

~ ~ ~

$4.98 $3.50 $1' 9 7








~ ~ ~


and B'o ys' ·' Trousers' $4 98 $3.50 $1 98 $1 24

I I M I'

~:=:F~~i~l Brld~e

of 1.9.08

to.•·. '::.:a:~~~Zft~~l.~.~:

Esta.te of Henry Daw80n, deRe8ignation ' of J . M. ' Snook a8 • o8l8ed. First .an~ final account memberof Soldiers ' Bu.r ial Qommlt- • filed. tee of Union township accepted. el fi;:l tiff


1l1:;ta.tes tor settlement:


oe:::~ :!et~~la

,":!O::; u!::o:~~~ Vjj:w;;::!~~e;;~~:h~;

Mary~. :eg'~ !~i;~7~~: ~:=:::tza:~o~::. ~

~elef, guardian of Bertha Keier, final aooo~nt. Jokn F. Stober, ad· minlltrator of Jnlla Stober, de· oaaled jfirltaDdfinalaooount. Geo. W. Carey, gQtl.rdian of Bester Gerrard; eighth and .final account. J. W. Ward, guardian of Mary Clem ant8, 1mbeoUe i :first aooount. Syl· van E. Lewis eX80utor of Anna M. Lewis' deoea~ed' . ' first and dnal . ac.. oount. Frances E. Daw80n, admin. i8trator of Benry Daw80n, deoea8ed; first and final account. Frank C. Anderson executor of 'Prilot1la Ire· ' land, decea8ed; tirat and final flecount. Estate of Abbie E. Keever, de. oea8ed. B. W. Dudley Keever, up. pobited !ldmini8tratpr giving . bond 0112.4QOO .wUh Juliet .~. ~ta~ton and

:i~~::::';:'.:·::--Oh::: '. ~i&:':'PW~ll~:. w. Stilt" d·e .. '···oea.8d · Proof 'of' pnbUe&tlQn ' fiied . EBtiatJ " Qt ., Oh~J'ie8': .NaYI6r,· de Naylor apPointed


. ... ..

$3.00 values

:~~~~ed to ......... ... .. reduced to..............

25c ::::~~ce~

Men's Stiff Hats



$1.98 $1.39




' , '. '.:. ..

»:!. .

.!VI"~.~ .: ..

~' ''''A ,

Wilson Bros. and York Shirts

89c 59c 45c


'. .;,:


~ r ~_

.. . "

26c Fancy, now,.. :..... ...... .. :.. ... I6c Fancy, now...... ..... .. .. ........ 10c Fancy, now ...... ................ ..




',. I~'

.11 C

.. ~


,~ .. ~ •



'1 . -

1') 1 --,j I' ...

- - - -...



. .




.Y. ',


_ >. M '


~eD}a, Ohio. ·.. ~

.... . "





,. ~~~'7~.~.,~. . .~,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ ~ .. •


J." .WA. . .vNeSV.LLa ';, . . ,"". ,.' • .,. '.:. ., .:~=:';:;:;;;;;=*=;::~;;~=::=:.l ." _. ~ " Bruch ~.ifarqp.~. 0.



$100 and 75c Caps, now...... ....... . .......

. : . .' .. '.-": .. , '.;;" .. 1

39c I9c


Special .Cap Sale

.. :, . , . ',

." ., " .'. "


a I)t

15C 8 c 4c

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ __

. ''., ...


,t) ~ ~

HantdC'ik"e"'r'c" h'"•.'e"'s

Puneral·· D.j'r~tor~·

.1'01leD ·Sr. OW&n s. 'BiggIn8 and .. . ' ....!, ~ ••p. :rre.I~~. ~elepl1O~~ .~ay ~ dr. n~g~~~ .. ' .. #other ~te~Pt baa .~ed . to wr;.t. . . V('lIey ph9D~ No. 1. J'~Qg. ~1b.eii ~~I~t, ~pprat~8"". .. ·fIOm the >!I~cIa ..or -til. ¥8xlcan ~ore . ' . 'Dlet&tloe .Nci,' '6Q-''':·.:. . 111...':8 ·. bf .Dellla . MQQa~, de. lID. the · tre. . . . .np,.,.ect. to IHa lJIDa' :~. ..... - '. . . . ' .•. oeMed • .' ~oof ~t pubUoation " fi~ed ., wt~ ~ ~::~ ~ria'"..qol4Ia, OHIO ' - ..... of"'ane.BarkalOw,d_ _8dI~ .~ldela ... ~~. ,~

the: .~ .tpOtDte4 WDlDlI-l~.". ua.



H(jl'r.WA~EJ{B<;)TT~ . . .... :','. :.,'. ,".' .. ", '.':.' 2'q ;' 't . .··'6' 5' C.'..·:. a:".·t: "'.' .:'..... WA.~TE·R : '"·

, .

;.... . ..

R . S .K·In gs'bUttY ~_~

·saSW4.B'z,s ..... , ~D:a.m~t~a~~ix iJ~D~ ; baM 9f. ,~.~ '. .. . , " .:.. ' .. . .... :.. ' ~~~;O:s~,~~~~~a~~d~.o~:~!~. ,:,: :" .~' ' .. '. ,:.: ~:' ~'~:'~ '">'.,' . ':.' ', \ . '


75c ,

reduced I6c values to ...... .... .. reduced

~.OO a~~J::~~..;~~~~.~. ..... $1.96

89c 45c


beaaed. .J.iUoy .A.

'W. "

5oeTi~ow ....~:...:............


~~=ed to...............



A I>etitio~ signed by Charle_E. . $1.50 values I $1~15 $1.00 values JOQn8 and others asking for new reduced to .............. redpced to ...... ... .. : road north of Lytle is presented and • $1.00 and $1.25 values 76c "FamoJls" values ordered on ·file. reduced to..... ... ...... reduced to............ • - eo 'ii 65c and 60c values ' 50c and ~ "Famous" Saved at Peath's D o o r . reduced tQ ........... ·.. values, reduced to.. The door of death·8eemed ready to Fancy V est~ Bags and. SuitCases o~en :tor Murray W . .Ayers, of TranSIt Bridge, N. Y., when ht8 life was ~5 ~O wonderfully ~ved . .he. "Iwrites, WI\8 iil a • per ,Di8CQunt per cent Discount dr:ea.dful,oondltlOn," "my . . ..._ _ _.... _ _cent _ _ _..._ _ _ ... 8kin waa almost yellow,; eyes snn". . ,. en; tongne ooated ; emaolated from ~ losiug 40 pounds; growing weaker fi16 daily. Virulent liver trouble pull· lng me down death 1n spite of. . dootors. l'bentothat matohless medi •. . . oine, Electrio .Blt,ers o~red me . . I ~ , . " '. ~., -' ..., , '. " regained the .40poulldslost and.uow f i . . . ' . , a~ wellaud str~ng." For all ~ . . . ' .. '. . . , . . ! ::~~r;~~h'sl!1~~:n~? ~~:~:t t~:,~l~~ ." 50 a~d B~Bt .~a.~" t. Bohwartz's. ·. . " r.•• ·: .'...

.. ..,. ·


$1.24 ~ 9ff. 89c ~ 6c 7 ~ . 4c3 . ~

1\Jr:en · 'So FUrnl-Sbl" .. ngs


Probate Court. .




ton, J. A. Kebby, L. R. Randall and .1amesl:lt. John, Joseph Lnce wal oon8'able . . Uourt reoords 8how that since the oommenoement of the term of the present Pr08e1outing Attorney Alton F. Brown, one year ago not a oase has been 108t to the 8tatt', not an indiotmelit quashed and not a oompromise made.

~ ~.




Marriage Licenses. mau, (or burglary. Nine C8@es were . ~ investigated Ilnd 24 witnesses ex- Ed L . Irvin, 2:$, farmer of Blnn ~ amiueS. The jury was oomposed of cl10 ter Ilud MlliE' )1 . Mounts 23, of ~ J. O. Mitchell, foreman , Frank Levol. ~ Stubbe, Jaoob R, . IiiRey, W. D. UorReal Estate Tr..msfers. win, Earl MoCreary, R. M . Uox, to Eugene Evans, Cb~rles Cornell, George .H. ~mlth a~d wife

;lll~~m~1~~U::~v:~/~eo;::~:~~ ~~ry 8 . Gill renI estate



___ ____ ££2!s: '

MI~MI. ' G.1~ZETT,E · ·----~--~·-_:_-;-t l

THE "' ,ltI NII\;'"

W " , k l.l'

\-\ U\· ·"·'f\·I II \·,

,, ,

I'h ln


__ __ ,_-.

Country ~chooll i





S 'l'ItI~ I~1'

. R port. of t~t> W~yoe Towoship 'ohuohl ttll' tbe mont.ll eodiog ,De. ALI.I·; " ·1' ~: r. I '. I · II O " ! : l 'A ' , \. N il Il ~ oamber 2.1, 19u9 , l'h~ followlUg Pllilils were oeither 0 , L, CRA NE', Edi tor and Manager tlbsent UUl' hll'dy: Rab~tI


for Weak. Run-Down People.

Mt. Holly

of Sullscri :)tilln' ,

.. I w as run down and weak from indigestion and general debility, also suffered from verti go. I saw a cod liVer preparation called Vinol advertl.sed and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most gratifying. After taking two bottles I regained my strength, and am now feeling unusually well." - HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Elder Baptist C~1trch, Kinston. N ~C.

(I' .. .

Georg" 1'\1I11th AdriH. Oorndl Leou Mllri" tt ' J,·hu Mytlr .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ri!!sitl Luo,,!! Plluli[ e MarltLtt Rates of Advertisements ~uroJ1weot 26, 0IU!6t1 uf tardloestl 6 R ead In g Lot'a ls , p"r lIn'l . . ,. , . c ' r,c • Pel:ll'l O. ulll, ·1'atLobar. Readin g loclI l ~. hlut'k f il ce , pe r 11111' , " ., 10c O nt'

\'t' n r (" t r l"l1 y I II IJllV, UH . . . . . . , ..

"11l.1 ~ CUI',\' .. ,..


C l u"~ tl1

d ,,!Is , n Ol 10 exceed III'<' II n OR. 'l' h l't'c I n ~ ' r tl n lu; . . . . . . . . . .. ','. :.!!ic


rI \'e' In c h l'N (ref' : UI'C r f1vo ll1 chct"i . IH.: r li n,· . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . ~c il l tt llu l k , ..... . .. .. . .. .... , .. .. .. ~;j C

(;al'(l Hesr,lull Ullri , .. ... : ................ .. ,

f, Oc

Socl a ll" f: H ', w ll t.' I"" Ch Ur,t l ' l ti- m ade . . . . . . !!50 'Ilspl llV A(I I't: r ll ~ h u( rcr I II h ... ..(. ... I Ue UISCuU llt H 1!"' CI1 Il l! co ntrac t ,

Harmony Grove Edoll Rhllbert 0


Vinol contains the two most world-famed tonics-the medicinal, strengthening, bOdy-bulldmg elements of Cod Li ver Oil and T onic Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Strengthening Tonic obtajn~ble. We re~ your money without question




Clarll ."Uu !;jrt lve son UlarEl ooe Rhubert EurollrnsoL 24, olise. of tardiness 6 Mlouie l!. BurKett, Tel:.oher,

~ol does not accomplish all we claim for it.


Lowell Hill JA :-il1A ftY








MAl. '



- ,


OKLAHOMA FARIYI FOR SALE.! 3_0 acrf'S fene d and cros. -f nc d. Oacl' hQg·ti,l.!ht, 290 acres till a bl e; urch~l'ds and small J'nd! i 2 s t.:l f imp! V('ml nt·, 5-r~om ' hou' e and lan-:-s ba rn , st('el winu-mill. tow I' a nd .tank; bea~,llft:d ' Jiving t t e'a m. /'l o. s me 1'(' than ; :; mil .IAC1' , thlS ~a.. m. 1' 1" 1)' adapted to pea lh. ~ ~ulll ollwl' fl'l it'$; '. '/:~ Oli , W t of .RIT,lgel'. 3 1~ ~nl. south west of LOlJk O . hoth ni~e R n. tow n~ ". [i'J ne fa rm mg coun try, 6 cottoll-gins and a g!'ain el1?vators wlthl!'! easy reach of this farm; X mil a to school. p-lo-, f ta pro . resslv~ '. p opl \;l all around us. ' T '! ephon p in lilt I' hl j '.l "~ I · nllt! R. f' . D, Thl~ I S a rnon~y­ makir.g counll'Y. and Ull 't1lrJ.('elic fami ly r:un PAY fo r t h's far.m r:a,l ' ing colton ant! a lf If a and COl'll' ,d 110 "'$. l~lll)rI mar k~ts a nd ~hlp­ ping facilili c>l. cry mi ld c!illla,' P if!C 2::!~·~ pel'. acre; $1000 down , long time on balance, or will a ll w a heavy discoun t on I:lll cash paid over $1000. . 11 you prefer , YOII cnn wrll e to LIN fl nu l"y, lukOl)ll. QkIQ .• wbp tonnerly li ved at Waynesville, Qnd who will 1Q8\\e t' your qu

lio ns ur mow you theabo~e lann ,

C. B. Phelps, Owner.

Or addr ss

R. D. " Blr\ger, caddo CO'~, Okla.



===8 A F :F..J S===sec(J'/iio HAND Time Lock and Repair Work of All Khd.



Ill. 1910.

Ex clu ~ l \'e


Agen cy for " Cenlur y" Ad justable Steel Dr.wln, Tlblel

Coru. Andert.'on J "bn Aoderson THE G. HAl" SAFE GO •• Columbus, Ohio, ~~~'Tc~mm Jumell Woolllird Jennie , Anderson A Wretchtd Mistake Edith Anderl!on Henry Orodod A TRAGIC DEATH Enroilweot, otl.l:les of tardiness 33, to endora the itoblng, painful dis · FOUNTAIN SYRINGES !' hA illl.;cklll g n"'w s W ll R reoeh·ed tre!l8 of PIles, 1'here'l:I no Deed t o, liooriettll McKinlley. Teaoher. LIAteo: t'I sllffflrfld muoh from in Xanl!t MondllY ev ening thllto Plle 1 ," writes Will A, MarAh, of Sugar Grove Erlgnr Tltt,l', n ~ I,hls city, hud belm ~n e r Olty. N , C , "till I got a box of SCHWARTZ'S orusb ed t.o rlAut,h h nellth the whealI' Buoklen '8 Aroioa Sal ve, aod WII B Eroest tihutts of e'lI.t bouod Penm!yl vltnia frelgb 1 IUtlZ Thomas soon oored" Burn@, Boil II, Ulcer!", Fever SorSfI, Ec~mll, ClltS, I :happed No. 78. at Trot.wooli,ubnut 6 u'clook lbruld &rnhtlrt Luwell Tbom~ B e WttS n brh kemll-O on tbe freig ht Everett'l'homlls , EtLrnest Etlrnhart Baods. ehllbltliD8. vanish before it, J. H. SMITH, Prop: Madlson I!)tlrnh~rt 250 at Fred C 8obwartz·fI. Mc,cAU> I'ATfERNS o.nd WIlS rjdlll~ 0 0 thfl engine us it l!:VLt. Prliler -..--C t:I ..·I':Ih·i l (.,r :;tylc. " effect fi' m p,1tcity no Enrollweot16,OII.8es of tllrdiness O. pulled Into ')'rot wOOII statiou' . Wh ll.. Waynesville, O1lio. n... H, l i" 11 y fwnrl y 413 y l ';ll s . ho ltl ,n IIc:u ly TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION c n~ rv cllya nd ll Jw n in tll ~ Un i t J S l n l~s ;' Jl MerKueri\e Aiuofort, 'l'et1ohor. tbe trllin WIlS still :n motion hI' C:If~ jlda , or hy !Huil di t'cr l. 1,l ore ~nJ d th on ,.:l .In r oo~ former ly occupied by :Jnv ulh c r makt!. S,,·lId l or fl cc ca~ J 0l: u c. jumped to the plll~rorOl lind slip{W,d Kl1ther lne Alexander. To be held at University Chapel, Spring Branch McCA LL'S M AGAZI NE liod fell un(J tir Lb~ wl1eels of Iht' More su b ~cr-Ih 'n th un nn, othe r fa shIon Lebanon, Ohio, January 22. 1910. lI1ag:1Zine- m ai lin n a mont h. l uvaluable.. Lot .. b envitv htlll "ri, BiB iife WA !- tieoeva' Cllrlis Special Attention Clven to Clit b l yl e~l pa Ut r'll s 1 (trl's mn k i ng. lII illi nerv, <.lIard Berryhill 10 o'clock a. m. p la.i n se wI ng , fa n cy nced lcwol t, h nird rcss lng , Children's Halr·Cutting. orullh ed 'Ollt in a twinkling 80d hil4 Lester Curtis Eroest Brll.Qdook Devotions . . . . .. Rev. Arth,ur Cooper t'l iquctte, Rom! stories, te. O u ly 60 cents a yt.J:t.r (wo rth double), including n fr ee pn tt ern. body waB horribly mntilllted. Bernard Aileo HO.rmao Coooer !:o nh'~ rllJe tndu), •. o r send lor snll/plc cOl'Y. The Te1lching of Literature to Be'l'he hOI ror Htrieketl trflill mates of Hllrry Liley WO o' DE RFUL INDUCEMENTS ... Forer-t Hublit ginners . . . .. , . ..... Miss Etta Beck t i l A Re n ~ . P oMa ) brings prem i um cntalope t the unfortuollte young mttn ploked ;mJ m!W' cn ~ h prize o.fers. A ddress . Enrollmeot U, ol:l8eo of tllrdiness 1. The Teaching (of History .... . : . , . ClJE I\l~U.u CO.• 23810 ~ W. nit St.. NEW YOI!ll: ' , . Supt. $ . B. Harris, Franklin, 0 up his remains with teoder haods Jobn W. :iLra RO, 'retlohar. aod oarried t,hflm to the Trotwood General Discussion of papers pre· sented. depot The !'/ls t I'ound pl\8senger Green Briar Und~rtaker and Embalmer! W. HENDERSON,M.D. . 1:00 o'clock p. m. No . au< wh loh WIiS foll owing tht' Will be fOllnd in the oJd freight W'I H fh g o,tp,cI and ,t he bcYiy Lena Whitliker Bowa.rd Whit-Ilker Vocal Music ..... .. . ,' ..... ' .. . . . , . Ban k Boilding . oppo i ta Waynesville, O~io. · .... . . . ,Miss Laura Cunningham EugeDla Whitl1ker Wll8 til II on int,o Oa." too In the bog tbe Nution ul Baok, Enrollment 10, calles Elf tlirdiness 8 Our Mut~al Development .. ... . . . Telephon e in h Ollse and of· guge Oilr, It- happeD ed thut Obmer Valley Phone 153 Main Street fioe wh ere J'oan be called &rah Bllrnet, '[elloher. · .Supt.J.P.Sharkey, Van Wert. 0 Tilts. brother 01 roh il rltloeuliEld YOllng dny 0 1' nigbt. The Perfect Tribute (a reading) . . , " man, WII R u brBk tl1nlln on the '1I\OS College' , HIII · , . Miss Marie Antoinette Monfort Way. M srille's Lellu\ng Deotist VlLHey l"hone 14-2. lIen~er tmin Ilnd wb en ha ArrIved on 'get Immediate ftIId ftom . E. C. Van WINKLE, Pres, Dr. Shoop's Mqlc OIBtIDcD~ Office io KeY!1 Bldg. Mllln at Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio. the Boeoe of tile lerrible neoirlent-. hI' Florenoe Bes8 Edna Cornell ALICE CoOKE, Sec'y. Wll" almost proHr'u ted wit,h grief , Kdnl\ titplth Uu.yJe Evans T. H. ROGERS Edgllr 'rR,te W/j " 25 yeArs of IlgEl Enrollmeot 10, Ol\sel of tllrdiness 13 Ex. Com. C. A. BRUNER - . .- - - - - -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . .I. . . . . . . . . .~. .. And het bas been wor:l'ing 00 the fIIiJ. Helen McClore. l'eaoher. MRS. L. B. BERRY road le!ll! Ihl10 six months. He Willi born In B ~ llhrollk, !lOd wus the son of WIlli/un P Tllte, I)f that place Eu.ollme.t of tanll.... D. I Five years IIf.t O he Ilod his brother EVil 011 vis. Tesoher. more safe throogh the work of Dr. • '" ~ Ohmer OIl,me te. XeniA Ilnd entered . 'Ktll'K~"~nrPttI 1rCm:r8fl a· the emplQym ent uf the Adl1lU8 Ex Summary tiOD, Billousoess, Dyspepsia, Indlpre8s Complluy. 1' he,Y lUlul e their Total eorollmeot. ....................... 130 gestiuo, Liver troubles, Kidney _ bome wi tb their Iluole••Jn8eph Tate NUlPber ,oeither ab,eut nur tardy 41 DiAeIlSell IlDd Bowel Disorders u.nd family, of Chc!:Itnut stre.,r:, ,ROO Ollses of tardine'.h...................... 77 Tbey'reeaHy,botsure,Bnd ly boild up the health. 250'perfeot"tFred bo,ll oonti.fllll'd to live after Vi~it8 'of SOp6riDteDdent .... : ....... 25 'C. .• _ • they ' ...eonrad l>uHitiCt'lfl wjt·b the Pennsylvilnifl olJwpllny as brakemen Notes I TRAPPI;RS, ATTENTION 1 Edgar ,hlHi Il frHigilt rlln betwef\n Cbrietmlls exercises were held in That's what comes of getting together. We' have combined with the~; publisher ..of the bes , All bunting, trapping or dlggiog XeJit~ aod Richmood Ilild his brotb 0.11 the schools exoept Greeo Br:i.r womlln·smag~ine. The r esult is that you can have' the magazine, Woman's Home Companion, and er was a. pliliRenger brakemll.n be· whi lb WIlS forced to postpone tht> out nf the ground of fnr.bearinl( AOThe Miami Gazette for the very low price given below. Woman's Home Companion is too well ' im~l.s is IItriotly forbiddeu 00 my iW8flb Sprinl!fleld lind R,iobmond . literlLl'Y plirt 00 IiOCOOOt of slokn ~ss known to need indorsement from us. With its fine stories, its splendid articles, its 'many practical EDWIN ~. FURNAS. <Beside " his I fut,bin·. the deoeased prorlociog irregular attetidaooe. departments., Woman's Home ,Companion stands ~t the very' fro~t ranJ< ~f woma~'8 ma~i~ea: The ~-----..---~.~----~ yp"ln'g m!\il .i'i 8nrvivell b!Il , two At 8ugar Grove and Lowell BUI price of Woman's Home· Companion is now $1.50 a year, and thlS offer IS a sp.eclal bargam whIch we llrot,herll, Ohmer. of. tohiR oit,v; Ilod the OX~rcIS"S were held aDd treat HICKS' ALMANAC FOR 1910 , ' can offer. fc1): a short time o~ly. Take .' ltalph, of Wa"hin to!" Pit,. given .m Th'ur'stlay night. advantage of the bargain while you ReadyeNo. v ember 15th, 1909, a ~be b01,y, wh ioh Wit S fir!\t viewed Ked Oak, Htl.rmo,ny Grove, College splendid yearbook, on Ilstrooomy SUMMER STOftV NUMBEst , can. It won'.t be good for .long. by the ooro~er in DRY too" woe aill and Sprio!C Branoh held theirs "od meteorolog'y , the oQly ODe COil . bronght to X'Elnj~ 'r, ,es!iay ufteroooo on Friday ufternooo, tatning ~he, origln"l"Hloke Wel\tht'lr and ,t,akeo tu t,he home of Mr. "nd Mt. Holly held hers on Cbristmll8 Forecas'te .. By mail, post-pai,i. 350., Mrs. Joseph l'.lte, wbere t,he fuoeral leve. ~ _, AUGUST I.5CDm1 on newstands, 300. One oopy free took plaeR Thursday mOf[ iog -Xe. The entert.atnmeote given with a ye"r's subscriptioo to Word nia Gazette, olgbt were wellll.n~nded by patrons aDd Works, the Rev. Irl R , Hioks anrl friends . M.oothly ~o.gllzioe , ,tbe best 'fhe DHmes of Sosle and Earl Clev- monthlv in America. lJiSOOIlOtS nn one year and enger, frotU Dear Bellbrook hlive Almanao" io qUtl.ntitieA. A,gents been lidded to the 'Harmooy Grove wauted, Remember, the genuine Sohool. wblle Wil8~D a.nd Erne-t "Biok8 Forecastl- ',' are not publisbed Shepherd were wit.hdrllwn, having Bow To ltlD4 out. anywbere el/le-'-you get them only Fill a bottle or common glas9 with your moved to .New Burliogton . iD' his own·pnblications. Word and 6reen Briar's enrollmeot has been water and 'let it stand twenty·four hours; a brick dust sedi· inorell.8ed by the addition of BesSie, Works PubJishlng Uo, 22U1 Looust 8t.. St. Loois, lto. ment, or settling, o stringy or milky George aod ,Jeonie Warber, from .... i appearance often D88-r Cedarville, Owing to the inclemeDoy of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _111 indicates an un-




2qt 6Se at ,








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Woman's, Home Oompanion·


DOllIDds BaJe KidneJ •Trouble and Neyer Suspect It.

bealthy condition of the kid· neys; too frequent desire to ... _. _ _ pass it or pai.n in the back are also symptoms that tell you the kidney.' and bladder are out of order and need attention. , WbatTo Do. There comfort in the knowledge 80 oftCb eXpressed, tbat . Dr. Kilnler's Swamp-:Root, the gre,.t)d~ney reme?y, , fuI6Uj, -almost every W1sh 1D correctlDg rbewnatislD, pail! in the bac~, ki~eyl!, 'liver bladder and every p'artof.~eunnary ~~ . C9rte~ts ~\labl~tr'to bold wat~r and IChlding pall} In passlDg bad effects&D' fbllowing use t10~flit, un'pl~lIS8lnt d oVercomes , ';of '


The Miami Gazette


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weatber the Borior Roll baR de '1'0 Remo.e · UOJ:D'S withou~ oreased arid the Dumber of oCaRelil of. Pain or Sore~~e. UIlU d t.Brd. ioesa hilS Inore"fle , for ~em· SCHW'AR ' TZ'S COm " " Remover bpi-. On aooollnt of the I'xtra work on . teacher tl.od pnpils. inoident · to the' . . . . .IIi• • •II[lII1.JI!II• •1Ili1 holiday lleaRoo, the examiDatlon wall postponed until the .secood wet>Jt·of ~anuary. ·E. U. Cn~V~N. , Mu.,t.



Both for $1.75

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Greater Woman's Home Companion Will be the most interesting- the most useful- the r:nost beautiful woman's magazine pubhshed.

,Twelve Big ,Numbers



...- -. . VERY Ume the czar goes

tra veling adds ten years to tbe lives of hIs minis' ters. and precautions without number are tao ke n to In suJ'e the satety o[ t he Llltle Father. Con· sequ ntly. wben the ozar annotlnced his Intention to visit the lUng of It· oil' a somewhat worried loo k s tol e over their of· ficlally sl1I llIog fac es. Contrury to puhll c report, Nicho las n. Is not t he terror·slrlcken belnr; who wb en he Is not Immured In the palace of Pe te rhor, Is scouring the 6 us In hi s private yac ht, where he may be secure from the bomb, knife a nd rC\'olver or th e nihilist. As a mntter o[ fact, though he has been ncU ng on the advice of his ministers a nd keel?lng In retire ment, he Is real· Izlng that to s how fear Is to court tbe fate ot his grandfather, and be haa late ly talten to driving through th streets of St. P etersburg without his lIsual escort. His ministers are ta'klng no risks, I t~otlgb , a nd his steps are followed and guardd by the secre t police, who on the slightest Indication 0 ,[ an accident, would appear, In the guise of begg!lrs , street merchants, passersby. It is when he goeS on the railroad that the ris ks or greater. There Is no s imple sending hIs secretm'y to get a ticket Bnd book seats. N o! The whole rallrbad system over which he is to trav I has ,to be mentally re viewed. The Qruclals have to be cal1ed to a conference wltb t h o minis ter In ch arge, when the route Is arranged; th~ time ta ble fix ed and then the tele· graph gets busy. The speci al' train Is prepare d and steam is k ept up ready to start at any lrunute. \Vord Is sent ahead to the gnrr1sons along the line, Bnd the soldiery have to be PI·e· pared to talte positions along each Bide of the Hn e a t dl tan e of a very fe w yards. Station Sllastere are Warned and the whole plan 15 alt· lSolut Iy p rlect. But one thlng Is wanting, t he <exact day a nd hour of the journey. That Is lmt,lwn only .to the ,czar and one 01' two In his complete confidence. Once his mind Is made l IP ' bls train leaves, and word Is passed on jll t ailead 0[, It. A pilot engine wltb carriages Is run a sho r t time In front, and no one knows whether the czar' Is on the pilot train or the tralJi behind; but both trains are ' lml)arUally saluted. Any person found lurklng In the vi· olnlty of the I'8l1road 19 liable to be s llot, for It Is not once, but many times that the secret k e llt so closely has leaked out by some un· known channe l, and the raUs have beeD under· mlne.d. bridges have been l)artlally destroyed, and all kinds or Inferna l machines deposited on lhe tracl" timed to explode at , the exact mom ent of the pa ssage of the train . It Is the same whenever the czar travels, bls presence in 8 for eIgn town Is always denoted by the number of apparently casual vis· Itors of Russia n appearance. Wha te ver his fee llugs may be, the czarIna D1n)l(~ 6 no secr et of her fear for herselr, her Illtle girls nn d the little Czarevltch Alexi s, whose Iriclnaplng may take pince at any mo· m ent. Mp unwhile the czar hIm self sa fely met hl K royal host. Noth ing os tensibly occurred to dis· turb hi s njoy men L The numerOllS function!! passed o tt safe ly. a nd now that he has return d by a clrcu ltolls route to St. Petersburg, the czarIna ('a n I,reathe [reely- untll tbe next time h goes a·lra \'ellng. Govcrnm ent Ilawns hops are the latest move (In thc 113rt of RussIa to raise mocoy for her rcven ue, and ostensIbly to help the people. Of (,ourse, behInd every schemc of thIs kind t here must be a "ponular" Illotlve ; nnd to Rup(lly thl!l t be RussIan !{OVC' rIlTll Cllt aUaelu; tll "terribl e .Je w mon ey lend ers ," who ha'!e so long preyed uJlon the poor, The peop le th emBcl\, cs a rc be·' l.w en the de vil and the brIny deep; but per, ha ps at the t\\'o e vil s tbe government Is the 1 ,l':ser. Aftcr RlI. It comes down to a qucstlon of TIe r cnt. Tbe .1 \vs charge 24' pE' r cent. on lonns find as mIlch morc as t.bey cnn reason· abl y !l 11 ze. On the on trur y, the government Jlropo . c.· to charge only G per c~ nt . Hav ln p; Inl{ II tll n mo nopo ly ()f vodka - the POlllJl:lr Russia n In tox lcant- th er by in Tea 'Ing t he r~ v e n u e Ill' sOlli e $10,000,00(1 :; earlr, th o mltJisll v of (lnan ('t' In Russin Is aboul. to Rta r t t mp rl ul pawll shollS . The autho r of til project. M. Ko\!(n'crrr. says Ihul It will, In th COllr. HC Q[ a [ ' w y ar;;, proyt' a S OUl·C of noon!. $50,000., 000 yc , · rl~ . l\oL nIl' lhl ' , IJIlt It wil l na hlo til [lO'''' to oIJralu cr' tilt at a hll II rio UIl: ·ltOG·.... n "I\tl'. , lhat of G por ' p r a nnulll . Tb 10\\ .. ~ t loon will be 2 rub l ~-nol quIte $1 ,..-and, tuqncy w ill b e a on e 'PI'y con· <,el\'nIJIt< I hlng . Ttl Im peria l bank will s llpply ',(he 1\11ai na'cd d 1.0 s tart. the pawnsl.l pps, at the I'a l o[ 4 per ,cent. Int rest. - The c ntral pawnllhop will be at · St. Peters' , burg'; ~ t firs t branches are' t(,) b - op ncd In t he 1nrger cit! s. In ' Iudl~g Kiev, Od s 'n.. Riga, Tlr· \I • 1{barko\:. nnd wur~a'v.-., Wh n these are f:lll') • sl'fl rl d '11t h ra wJll be Ollen d In' smu ll I . ' towns ... 11\1 lilfl whole empire I. studded with ! ' /'I rt,ll '''I ~ n&h(1)s, just · as It Is with vodka


shops at the present moment. The account. w11l be audtted by • .branch or the ,Imperial finan ce control. In time 11rlvate pawnshops wJU be bought up by the atate. The authors are confident of s uccess and there seems little doubt that tlie e nterprise wlU prove a very great blow to similar establish· ments kept by private people or small com· panles. Tbese are pel" fect sbarks. In Bome towns they huve founded a trust, s o as not to lend 'money on pledgea at less than 18 per oent. This Is tbe case 10 large cIties like Peter. burg, Odessa and WarRaw. In the last there are two enterprl8es which hold the paw.shops In t heIr grip. AecordiD& to law tIle1 are not allowed to take more than 6 per cent. per annum . But to this they add ' 6 per cent. for accommodation and G per cent. for losurance. The owner or the largest six pawnshops Is a Coun t Lublenskl, a man of good family and oonsiderable wealth. The owners of the others are all well to do. Need less to say, they tlnd the business most lucraUve, and have ex· pressed tbelr determlnat.lon to lise 1\11 their In· flu ance 'against t he Introduction of these new pawn shops Nobody wl11 pay them 18 pel' cent. when 'they enn get the same thing for 6. They know only too well lhat their days are num· bered as 600n as t he project becomes law. The rIch owners of th ese pawnshops are cor· (lla ll y haled by the poor classes and by the soclalls ts. From time to time they are attacked by th e latte r. Not vel'y long ago there was an epidemic or pawnshop raiding In Russian town·s. Some socialists armed with r evolvers a nd supported by a large fo llowing, at tucked the shops, toolt awny all t he pledges, returned them to their owners and told them to take Ihem hom e. Those who bad pawn ed beddIng, warm clothing and such necessities paId noth·


The man from Iowa b gan to tall land bofore th e t l'llin was w ' l1 out of the '. N. n. depot In Wlnnlp g, The tal k begu n In ra the r w1<1 clr'l ea, 'l'he ru sh to Lho Illnd , the bUllll1 r c rop, ,t he syste m of S lIlUm l' fallowing 11I11'sued In th e Ii 'lul·urid dlstrlct.s . were a ll (1IIlC I1 >;,; d, a ud 111 n, wll h II sort or apologet ic !Hll lle, t.h Iowa /lIlln sai d : " I'm a bit InterC's l d In Ihis co uu try mys If. SOIllO of t he men dow n home got n f w se('lIons up 11 ' I'e ILlong luis linc, lIml I'm going 10 hav a loolt a t th Ill. ~L'\'('I' h £'11 liP In C:lllu do b ' for e"- (it I ~ c \ll'lou ~ h ow tb e: e mid, \\' s lel'l1 AII'! rlCllm{ I"'o nou u '0 Ihe nalUe or th' DOllllnlon as if It was " all '!I y") -" but If It, l oo l(~ good we will be li P to ~ lay 11 xt fil iI." "You SE' • It's III; till::!," s nld t he man from lown- qulte Illa nif 's lly eon· t iJlII ing 11 0 a rgument t hat had ut " n ~o· Ing on In his millu fol' ~Ol\lO lim e, "lIack In 0111' Slut lanll ba::! be('omo dea r. Anybody wantlug to SE' 1i can get $70 01' $80 an acr ' fol' It. a nd e v ' ry farm that'I! orrered Is sHupp'd lip . In ilslta tchowan wo have J\I!;l 1\8 good land thll t cost us $11 ond $12, so that a man c:tn take np Ovo or Ix lImcs n::! u1lll'h th re as In Iowa on the same Inves tlll 'ut of mon oy. "It isn't tile mou y; though, that brlugtl mos t of Ul! ul' fro m Iowa. I'm not s Ul'e that money wou ld be nougb. The ' Inv a~lo n' Is 11 family alTa ir. We have no cha nce of kee ping our son s Th ey have arollnd IlS back horne. to lellve the fu rm a nd go Into Ih big cI ti es of the neIghborIng States to get work. To keep th m on the fa rm a nd In tOllch wltb UB, we com Ill) here nn$! wuke little colonl s with til children aro und us. on hom esteads or bought Illnd . ThIs makes It os ler for the far mers baclt there In Iowa to get land for the stay·aL·hom es. Th e fam ilies that come to Canada are kept togetber and the families that buy Ibe farm s tlley leave are ke pt to· gethe r. too. There won't be a ny s lackcn lng of the I'ush, e1th r, for th y s tili raise big famili es back In Iowa." One coulrl ulmost see tho mental process of lhls typical America n (arme r In defendIng a s Lep tha t meant a new flag. a ne w alI glance, a new land, Ilnd new assoclnt S . To abandon Old Glory oC the Declnra\.lon of lndepend nce [or a good thing in cheu » lund would hard ly be playing the game, hut 10 go out Into Sas· katch wan to "keep the family together." was a nother a nd a qui te higher moti ve. Wby Boelt too closely to analyze the renson s for the g r Illest land trelt in the hi story of America? It Is enough to lmow that the sons of the fronti ersmen ot Iowa, and Kansas , and Minnesota- th e best blood of the mld,westare pouring In to the Canadian west In IH -<LU-.l:-.c •.ou......,;;u..... g s tl'eam: a nd are learn ing tpat "God av the King" nnd "My ountry 'Tis of Th e." are su ng to the salDe tune.-Toronlo (Ontario) Globe.


, IllI, whereas tbose wbo had jewels were clos eIy Questioned a8 to their origin, and when they were proved to be stolen the trinkets were r eturned to lhelr ri ghtful ·owners'. In country places the pawnbroker'lf shop do08 not exist. Its work Is done by Jews, who. keep a geoeral shop or do factor's work In the neigh· borhood among the peasants ,a nd 'squires. These men lend money on anything. Some will advance It on condition that they take all the .f arme r 's milk or eggs for some time. Ot.hers give money to the 'squires wben the corn Is stl\1 young, claiming the crop wh en It, hss been r eaped. It' does not always happen that the pawnhroker has the better of the bargain. The RU Bsian peasants and 'squires are often tar rrom honest In their dealings. A 'squire w111 manage to borrow money on one field of wheat 01' one crop at clo\'er from three distinct Jews In three districts. When the two last come t.hey find the clover has gone. They do not, as s rule, trouble to go to law about It, as jus· tle t Is tardy as well as partla\. SomeUmes those who have thus been taken In a re 'q uite enthuslasUo about the otb.e r man's cleverneslI, There Is a sporUng spirit on each side, and the man who gots the better of the

bargain earns his opponent's approval for havIng done a good thIng. There ' are cases, loo, of diamond cut dIamond. But these rural pawnbrokers ha ve no fear ' ot the ne w project. Jt cannot affect them, beclluse t hey advance 'money on th in gs which Imperlal p~wnbrokers cannot, and run risks they would not. " A miserly peasant In the government of Moscow used a pawnbrOKer for the saKe 0 deprlv· Ing his sons of their small Inheritance. He waa on very bad terms with them, nnd committed suicide, But betore doing so he pledged his crops and cattle, determined tbat his children should have nothing but debts after he died. They searched tor the money when be was burled, on learning that th e estate was pledged for gold, but could not tlnd It. Yea rs passed and th ~ y torgot about the trick he had played them. The other day they were told that their father's corpse was to be removed t,o another part of tbe cemetery. One son went while the transfer was being made, and when 1he grave· diggers opened .the coffin they \v ere astonlsbed to tlnd Inside ' the skeleton ~ number of gold pieces, which the man had evidently s wallowed before committing suicide.

Is an awful1y fin e xe r· clse, don't you think? She-Ob, yes. Why, It makes the III n so strong In their arms that 001! can scarcely breathe. A Pessim istic View. Among th e patients In a eerlnln hOB· pltal of Harris burg Iher e was recently on e di sposed to take a dark vie w oj hIs chan ces for recovery. " hee l' up, old man!" admoni shed the youthful medico attached to the wal'd wherein the patient lay . "Your tiYlnlllOm S are Id nl.lclll with thoRe 01 my own case four years ago. I was just as sick n~ YOll aro. Look at me now! " The patient ran hIs eyes over tbe physlclnn 'u stnlwart fl'8m e. "What <Ioctor did YOll have?" be finally asked, feebly.- lIlustrated Sunday Magazine

..... of..,...,..!>'J+WKl+H+..........~<oO<i..!+!>o........,.

New TonIc Mixture; At this seuson many people espetwo of their relatives set forth to nnd them clal1y old tollts need a toulc appetizer Much to my Burprlse, my men -refused en INDIA STILL HAS which will a lBO relie ve kltln ey and they likewise returned not. masse to help me In any way. They at first bladder troubles ' and strengthe n the "Some days atter these events a brother ITS MURDERERS ' oft'ered al1 sorts of feeble objections to the blood and Uss ues. A well known phy· of mine was hunting for thatch In the neighpos ition, which liid not deceive me. ' siclan clnlrus there,ls nothing superior borhood of the ' temple and came across four us &.\\'Intel' tunic to the followin g taken I telt that there was some strong supernatDiscoverers of Burl~d Treasure Feel Knotted d ~ad bodies. Two of them were slcelcton!\, the 'three to s ix times dally In tablespoon. ura l r epagnance which made them hostile to third was partially devoured, but the fourth, ful doses. To a half·plnt of good Handke rc hief. a~ macharl being erected on that particular which was inside tbe temple, was- owing to whiskey add one ounce compouud fluid spot. J went to my, tent and pondered, and the Incident havlqg occurred about Ch rist. balmwort and one oun ce compounc1 while 80 doing my 'bead shtkaree approached Indl n has ITlnny fill sp del\l s lC1n s, 011 0 or th em . mas- In a fair state or preser vation . Th ere syrup Barsllllurllla. ' me ami told' mo thqt he would explain matters hei ng that crim es pra tl od In days go ne by were no wounds on th e bO dy, but sImply a to' the best ot his ability, ' . , One Idea of Economy, Rrf! nolV xl In t . dark blue mark around the neck , proving ··What do you mean when yO U tell Wb~t the shlkaree said' to me I will enJ ha \'(> Sl:pn It wr' tl n th :l! Ihuggp has strangulation by ~ thug's knotted handker- the pepllie they ougbt to economl zo?" fl efU'or to repeat In his own word s. "SahIb," b c'e~ ernd iC'[.tod. It li n" 1!.l?ne1'llll y acce pt. chief. and a bruise at th e nape or t he neck." "I mean," salcl 'MI'. Dus tin Stax, he said, "Tantla the dacolt Is in thesp regions. ('d tiln the fearfu l In ,thod of mnlilJ1j: nway The shlkaree added that Tantta had In his "tha t they ollght to &,0 slow In patron. FTe Is 1\ fri end of, the 'poor, bu t a blHer e nemy with mnn l(lnd dlselof:pll .\' r ;Jr ~ Ht; O hy :'Ill'. Tay. employ, two renowned thugs who coulrl It III b:lng most hu Slu !IS enlerpl'l R s ' hi 0 1" or the Ferlngee . $illilb '!ind th.e ,rlcb. He ha,s 1M in "1'ho COllff'8!l iOnt. of a Thu g" ho s disap. their 'v ictims betore they reached the ground, d I' tbat they 'wuy ha v pl9re t oney mllrdered plariy , IJl~n and , the riches he has peal' ~ d; bill In my oplni<1Il as hmg n!l J nula is and those experts watcbed Tantla 's treasure. ~o I<IIO),Hl with U1ln e.'·-'Wu~h lnl;ton gathered ar:e ' hlddp,n' In man! 'plnces., b eetoo, I ldla thut ancient sys tPIll or murci er wi ll reo J was, liot 8u r.p fl~ed t:hat the ' shlltarees a vo ided one or his followerll, has se.rv.e d YOll we1\ and , the spot, tho).lg~. It, was knowJl that '(a'ntla Star. IlllJill as RII b irl om Ii) ,!J e r:l(:e Of Asill tics he once knew wbat '~ am saying Is ,t ru e. , " pro ne to lhat pa rticnlnr rri 111 fo, sayg R wliter III had long IHted bls lIl·go,t.ten gains and plauted , Impor,~ant to Mothers , "It had ; become known tpai" Ta,ntln Pheel LO:1rIOn Fll'ld. 'I'll s tor.\' I IHI\' to i-e l ll ~e IN them ' elseWhere. ' E~n_mi!1 Q careful)y VCF ~' , botUo of ha d hidden halt a lac of: -rupees in the vicinity In dlr , C' t~ly on necI'l1 with dn 01 Tnnlla ' nnd CAS'l'ORIA , a saf anll sore romedy fOr his ' followc rs. of ~he temple, near )Vb'e ,r e you wish to 'erec,t ,n ILLUSTRATE CIW'EL PRACTICES, In (ants and c hl1(ll'en, a~:d' see that If It was in 18' 4 that r $ear!'hed a ', certala , mocha'n. OheEltpfJ, Y<lur' "late " lIunte~. ' knew It, Beats the ~ ' '. ,,' also and he com!liunlcated- the Jl~VfS to , his The New Y.ork Antivivisection SOCiety, or Signatm'e o,r. -I\ a ter . urso in til(! J\asef' rghlll: jun gles fOl' ' ~~~-: brotber.. ' They both reso!:ved to gather the wtilg-h ,r.lra, Dlnna Bela,s Is tlle pr~sldept, gave ~ Ir;tek s of ,a lige l' I found II 'nJ abOut five In Ulle For 0 '\'6r 30 Years. wea!Ui ~tille -Tan a -~l1ewhere dnd having lUI eilribttlon r,eccntly ot the worlt on 'an-Imals, mil S I frem a rlll:l l;l' 1111 II Kjl.~rla, In ,. collected BOJ;l1e digging Implements they set sbowlng' stutr"d c reatures 'fastened to b'o arda, , The 'KInd -rou Have h,l ~ays Dougbt" roundl.ngs thlll SUItI' !! my 1l1l)lhnds In e rery , . fUl'naeel! In which tile trial by fire wns made, 'ay tor the rl'C'1 ion of a -:I.(·1>a n, and I called, out 'at , Blindown fC;)1' ,the temple ..-' There 18 no use going luto a pllIIU, . "The treas'Ur. wail actually burled beneath . aall othe,r ' demonSlratlol''I!o Dr vivise ction. The cal campaign With any -reputation, be. Ipan my [oll owI!rs to Ie Ill) tile bnffai'o, 'anll ladles go C?n the prlncll,le that ~bat one B 08S the temple l.io1. Clieetoo and his 'brnt~er . Rullrepar th pla!'r [or a kill. J ' ~I\r by WitS a' e'a use' you WGn't liave auy when )'UII I. lIlote cODYlnc1n, than what Is re!1d or belU'lf, como out, jp)c) Ilever retutDt4 to, tli~r ' bome.,aod wheu lcmplc, ancient an I! moss bound

oi·o!"~3H£4K!+l"3><!H3><N><!wM..g" g.<!>\!>io'!o o2ooe><3><3+:+S><~Mo"~<!o''' •• '.''.'"'~+S+i>.'

sur- '





Wizard pfOz



L. Frank Baum

II.·" I'Y,·IJ;'III. I,y

II ,,'

l; r,l>bs· MI·rrlll


II '''I'lll<;hl hy I,. 1··.-n,,1< lia UIII & 'N . W . lJ Jls Juw . l

SYNOPSIS, noroilly ~I\' e " In l~ n " sns with Aunt Em lIl1d Illl.-le "'·lIry . A <'Ye l"n!! IIfl ('d L1I1'lr 11011\" 1111 0 I I,,· IIlr. JJOl'o lhr fnllln); IIS ICl' P 1I11 1i\llt t lil t' (\Xd lt'II'ItH ll. A c r ash (Lwn l({' o ctl I"·r. Th u 111,1,"0 1I1l 11 In ndcll III Il cu ulltry or

l1 U1 n ',' l ollH lWfl U t y .

Groups o r fJ U~C ('

11 111" P""I,I" !; rcc tNI Iw l' lo th o 1.llnd 0' ~h "1( ' lIldIl M . 1I0llse had 1<llletl 1III'Ir f ' n t' n l)" ' til' wkl(l'd w iC " h of Basl. DUI'nlhy f(lol< 1111' wll('h's RIIYer 6 h o'~8. Hh" ~Innl!d Cor Ih" Emoruld Ity hI fl lltl Iho WI"nrtl of z, wh o... h o wns IHO,o IM·,I, rnhCli l. !llltl n ' II'ny Hl'nd h r bacl. 10




IJofl,ll l}" rl'lcuHuu

fL @


Ill v lng him IIC... I Ie \\'118 .lrMlrous IIC ac· .4,ulrIIlS brains anJ lI lnn erl wll h hl! r 10 Ih f' wlzllrrl II) 1-:0 1 Ilwn>. 'rhl' R 'nreerow lold hlft hleH ol·);. T hey mel u L1 11 \\' bod· IIlHn wh u 10ll gcll for a heu r!. H o also Joln 'd Ih m. T it y ('limo UpOIl 11 I rrtble li on. '1'ho li on ('onC"M"c.1 he h,,(\ no ou r· Itt; . II u f1ec lll ... 1 10 1I c:,:nlllpn Il Y 1111'111 10 , he Wi za rd of Uz 10 ce t 80nll!. Th e 8Clir • \'roll' In pUMhlng th o r1lfl b"cam' Im Pilip!! upon his polo In Iho mlUdlc of tho I'IVl'r. 'rho "rll r\" 'r w wus r IIeu·d ur a (rl""d ly !l1!J ,·k. Th,'y c ntar "11 U POIlIlY i1eld. whl h , I'n ll 5ed Dnrolhy 10 full n" l.. p. Th e SCIlI' crow IIntl t in wOlldlrlltn rf'~,'ul'<l hl! r nlltl h 'r dOl-: from Ih e <leurtly 110 \\' I'r8. The li on r.' 11 1l~ 1 l'''p 'Inll h Illl{ 100 I,,'nv}, 10 IIf l, W IlS I f1. 11 lh o poa rch for II w rond <>t yell(lw brlelt ".· lI ll'll I(!II lo lh )', '"ornld Il y Ih Y mf't a wll'l rill nnd 11 <' ld mice. Th WOO(lm11n hilled Ih ... wil d CIl L Th o QUl! II rn oullO ueca mc frl ~ IIt1 I)' . Hhl' Mnl Ih ouso nll:! of her mi t:" suhJ ds 10 ll row Ih · lion owny fr om Ih .-. PI'VP)' fl el d. nor,ll hy (tw ol,1' frulIl h .. r lonl; . I "~ p. Th y ~tnr l ('. 1 r\(: nln on t h~ I:;mor· 11111 Cit y roorl. Th ey (,IIJIIO iii rt f"n cc. I",fnled ,.;r e ll . ,\'111:1''' w"ru fll"11Ipr9 of H' r C(Hl, h UUtW K

or ;; r~ c n

nn ll P Nl p1 l' fl r'f'Ht4ct.l

III !: I',," n. II \VIIS th o Ln nd r> f O z. They In "l Ih ' ~H ' '''I II HII or UI I' ~n.l"H . ) I" .le· ~('rlb ('(1 lh~ power of lht. \V lzn r<l of Oz . All pill on grCl'1I Hp('r l \'1 " 8 O. t ho brIght · neS8 an;1 I-:Io r.\' or EIlIl'r llld 'lty bUnt! d III m. 'l'h · wlzurd II I' ltl~(1 to """ elvll 011 of Ih pa rty ('a('h \~ny. A ll wl'r' put In !IT(!on rOUrnK. nnrolhy W"lIl In Ih l] Ill mn r om. ln II elml r sp orl< lIn~ with eme r· aIds sho beh Id 11 11 <'1Il'1'I11<'11 9 hl'lHI Wl lh· Ollt botl)'. I ,;s or orms. ulgJ;cr t hu n Ih <' bll:G" ' 9l !'Cloll t. "I nm Oz. tI gr at und I('rrthl('." ~olcl Ih •.· heod. O~ lui,) II I' l hlll wh ell sho kll l('tI Ihe wll'l"'11 \\'Iu'h of lilt' I-~"Bl h wuuld 8 ' 1It1 he r 110m. T h ... Hen r('· crow, ndmltl!'d 10 Ih e I,r(l ('liN' or C1 U <1\1IlCul lully. WhO 811 1d 8h \\'II S Ih (' wl7.flrrl. WILH prorn ls d hrulns wh e n I\(\ klll('t! Ihe ,,·!tch. Til e \\'(jollmnn hl! hplcl II lprrllJ-l.' b Ilst whh n 111-,,,.1 f n r hlnc'c(' I'O!\ n lld th'e yos. Th wlznrt! prom llll'rl htm " h a rt It 11(\ wou ld "Inl' IIle \\'liell. 'I' ll" 11011 IInw n bo ll of Il,' nnd a vnh'" f" nm tit ohJ 'cl lll·olHt~.,. 1 him o url\ ~1' Ifit., 'rh ~ Rf.:'-n..rc h ("Ot n rl1 n, ll" J. \\'1t"l1 It ; ' III" " ~J nlld C II\l~ ( I Il pa de of II' Iw's

• 1(>", th o wltt' h .

The wit ' II

Gil \\'

til,' pari)'

her 111 IImln to atlu te It. 'l'he wood",a" 1<lII 'd th e wol\' 8. ho 81'111 rows whklt Ih., re(l\\' S.·I1,·,.,1 nnll I Ill ed. UN'H w.-r Ills· pnlched nex l. bllt t hn wo ,11I.nn r" ,·,·I\·o I t il " ~tlll/(ll. Fina lly wln ge L! IIltJ lllu'Yri II, II lI~rl tt"'l (' r nn,1 ~O ll\" ' y d Ih 'llI to tI \{\ wll .: h ' r l·. noro l hr Ih r ew wat.' r on th " wlck ('i l wll l' h. ,I.' SI I·O YIlIg h lr. !'lnroth)' I' 'se ,,,' (1 l h· 1111" .


\v ocuhnl\ n

a nd

the throne TOOm ile laId, pleasantly: "Sit down, ~JlY de9-I' ; 1 tblnll ! bave found t.he wny to g e t you out of thIs country." . "An(l ba I, to , Kan sas ?" li h~ as'k e d, ca/terly. " \Veil, 1'm . nOl SUI' about K81l81l1>," s ald Oz; "for I h av n't tll faillt st notion wbleb wuy It 11 s, Bllt th o flrst thing to rio Is to cross t 1111 d t·s I't, nnd th 11 It !!hould b ",tll,lY to lind your way hom e:' "How c nn I cross the d se rl? " s h e Inquired . -- W II. I'll t e ll yo u whal 1 thInk," sa id th little mnn . "You see, when I CIIIll(, to Ihl s country It WIUI In a bal· loou. You al s o cam o throu g h tll air, boln g ear I'I ,If by 11 cyelo ue. So I be· lIeve t b bes t way to g t a c ro ss lh e d(>sa r l will be throu g h th e all'. Now, II iK' flulte beyon d lilY powers to mul\l~ /I cy('l ot) ; b'ut I'vo b "n t hlnldn p: :he IOU tle r ov c r, and I b f' 1I '\'f' I ('ti ll ma 1( 0 a ballooll ." " How ?" a ~ k e d Dorothy. -- A balloon," said Oz, "I s 1I11\11 e of s ilk, whi c h IR coaled with g lu to I(ce p th e gaR In It. 1 hu \' 0 111 ' nty of s lll( in (h ' paltlr e , s o Il will be no troubl e for us to lI1al;e th e balloon . But In this counll'Y there is n o g a s· ( 0 fill the ha. lloo ll with. to mak e It flo at:' "Jr it won 't flo at ," I' ' marllcl! Dor· oth)', --It will lw of no us (> 10 li B." " Tru ," !lnswc red Oz. -- Out th C' r Is anoth er way to m al(e It fl Olll, which Is 'to till It wi th hot a ll'. Hot air' Isn't IlS good as gas, for It tho air s bould ge t ('old thl~ b a lloon would cO lll e down III Ih e II s(> rt, and w !!hould b' loSt." " \\' e~" ('xc lalm e d th gi rl ; --!Ire you goin g with UI ?" " Yes , of co urse." r e l1l1 e d Oz. " I am tired of being s uc h a hu mbug. It 1 shou ld goo OUl of thi s 110.10. e my P o· pi would sao II discover I aID not a \Vl za rd , und th e n lb y would be vexed wit h m ror IUI\'lng d ec .... 1ve d th e m . So

~ (" lLr (\s(' rfHV .



.' hUrtl) II goltl e n l' \I(I .llItI ~lnrl .. d bn k II' 07. . Shl' 1" '('11 nil' Ins [. Sill: u s II l ho (' liP t 1'1111 t1i \· wlnA'.!(1 1lI ,)Il' k ey w ho l no le Ih .'1ll In i h .. T': , "I'I'!l Itl (' 11y. '1'h o 1" '1' 11",,1 (' lip ' ,. " torr wil l' , ,, 101 DOI'Ol h~' dis ov\!r.!tI t hp. wlzo "d t .. h o 1\ humbu g. H t (ltd bls II f(' " t llr.\'. wlza r g rl\' lh sen ... ·ol'ow \)1'1\1118. th e wo o.lnlti ll a htlll rl :11111 Ihe II II a eo urnge Iluid.



CHAP. How the



Am Gone the Scarecrow Will

Rule Over You." I have to s tay !CU li t up In t.h S I'oom s all day, nnd It gets LiI'l!sO Il1 . I'd r ath e l' '0 back to K a ll sas with yo u nnd b in n CI I'C II S a g a in ." "J s b all he slad to have youI' com· IlRU)'." sa Id Dorot hy. "Thank yo u," he answ r d. ":'>1ow, If you wi ll h elp III s w the s ilk to· g th e r, we will begi n to worl( on our bal loon." o . Dorothy took a n eedle and tbr ad, anel as fast a s 07) Ul the stl'l ps ot s ill, Jnto pro lJ(! r s h ape t he gi rl s wed th m n ra lly tog' th el'. I<' lrst th e re w as u strip at lig ht g reen sll1(, th e u 0. strip or dark g r e n Ilnd then a 8t·(41) 6f III 'raid /;1' an; for 0<: bad a frl ney to mal, tbe balloon Iii dirt: rent s had s o[ th e color aboul th e m . It took thr day s to Rew all l he strips togo th (> r. bu t. \\Ih n It WUB fini s h d th r h ad n bi g bag of gre n s ilk more than 20 feet long. Th e n 07) poInted It OD the Inside with a cant of (hln g lu , to mnl( e It air· Ilg hl, after which be an noun ced that th balloon WIIS r e ady, "O ut we mnst hnve a b!l s l, t to ride In ," h e said. So h e sent th e s oldlo r Wllh (11 grn whi s ke rs for a big clo thes bnske t. whi c h ho fo st ne d with mauy rO)1 es to the boltom ot the hlllloon. Wh e n It wus nil r e ady, Oz sent word to hi ),('ople thal he was going to mak e IL \'1 : lt to a great brothe r Wizard who )j y .1 In I he c loud s. The news SI)r ud rap idl y throughout tb e city and eve ryon e Cllllle to so'o the wond e rful

For lhre dnys Dorothy h e ard nothIng from Oz. These we r e s ad dn ys for the ilttle g irl, althou g h h OI' friends woFe att-qutte ha~ nnd con tente d. 'fhe Scal' crow laid th e m there we r e wonderful thoughts In hi s head; but h e would not say what lh (>y w ' r be· c ause h e 1m w no one ('au ld und ' I" staud ~h 111 but him se lf. Wh e n I h Tin 'Voodllllln wail, d about h fu lt hi s s l ~ht. h nn rnl 1Iin g nt'ound in hi s brf' II Sl ; 07. on] ererl th balloon carrie d out :llId he told Dorot.hy h e hnll di scover d In front of tb e palace, and the people It to be Il Ilind e r nud mOl" (e nd c' r gazed upon It with milch curio s l(~·. h ear t Ihan th n on 11(' had own d Th e Tin Woodman had chopp cI n biJ;' wh e n b WIl S 1Ilf!lle of fl es h. 1' he Lion pll of wood, li nd now h e mad e a fire of It, and Oz he ld th e bottom of th e 1)Rlloon ov e l' I he fir e s o t ha t th e hal air that arose from It would be caught In th e sl ll( on bag. G:'udunlly the bal· loon swell ed out and rose Into th e al l', until tlnnllr th basl, e t jnst t o nc h d th ground. 'fhe n Oz got Into tb e bas l\ e t nnG said to all the pe ol11e III Il loud voic e: "I am now going away to mul{ e a vlslL 'Whlle 1 om go n e t.he Scure· crow w!ll rul e over you. I com maud YOl.I te obey him as you would m e ." The balloon was by thIs tim e tug· gl ng hard at the rope that held It to the ground. for the all' within It was hot. Ilnd this made It s o much lighte r In wight than tl1,o air without that It Imlled h ard to ri se Into the ' sky. "Come, Dorothy!" cried t he Wizard; "hun'y up , or th e balloon will Ily llwn~r ."

A ·Tinsmlth. declared he was aJrald of not bIng on earth; and wonld glad ly . fllo~ an ' army of men at a dozen pf the fierce Kalt-

"·aba, . .. . 'Thus ea.c li of th9 llttle party was saUafled· except Dorothy·, who longed .. more than ever' to get "back to KanBaa. Or; lhcJourth da)', to het: great joy, O~ aent for hel', 1U!d, wHen she entered

"'J cs,lft . fInd 'Toto u nywher ," r epUeci Doroth y , ' who did ' 1I0t wlsb to leave h I' lit tie dog be hind. Toto liad r\ln Into tb'e crowd to ha,l( nt a kitte n, and Dorothy at las t found him. She plclted him up and ran t OWul'd the bal· loon. She was within .n . fe.w steps at It, and 091 wu s · holdIng ont his hands to h e ll> ller Intp tbe basket, When crackl went tbe ropes, and ' the balloon rose Into. the ai!' without ller. "Oome .J>ael,!" :lhe s~reamed; "I want to ~o, too '" , "I can't, come back., my dear," called OJ trom the basket. "Good-by!" . "Good·by!" slio.uted every one, and ~I eyer, were tumed upward·


wh re the WIzard· was rldlnr In the bas ltet, rIsing ' very moment farther aDd Jnrlh r Iqto th e sky, And thnt; Win the last any ot tb e m ver su w of '1:, t h Wond e rful \\ Izard, tho\lgh h o may h ave r It ' h d OmMa, s nfely, and be th r now, for all we know. Hill th e I' 'O ll ie r elUf'mbf' l'e d hIm lovlu g l ~, n n d suld \0 on ' u noth r : "01 was a lways OUI' frJend . '~h e n he was h e r h e hullt [a\' us thi s b onu· tlfbl Emera ld Ity, nnd now h a Is gone he h as lett Lh o Wis e Scare ' row to rul e ov r li S." 'stili, for mnny da~' s they gri vc d ove r th e 10811 of th '\Vollll edul W izard, and w01I11,\ nol lJ e com fortr' d.

Make the Liver Do its Duty



R ich Prize for ~ari Wh o Disc overs the Long· Sought Cure for Tuberculo,ls.

Nine in


tAla WheD

Itomacla aod bowel. ate

the UftI'


ia,.. ..


Dr. co rg VI. OIool1lel' of Yul e llDl· v rlllty, n 'ling as spok p.sma n for aD anonymOU s gl\'(' r, ha!Hl nnOllll l'cd thut a pl'l z of $ 100,000 has b(> .n 1\ t a s ldp, ~1 -If-lJo.. IJ(>-.a.\II-l\r.(J,I,l(1.-1·t-G--t-l1 e nr IOt- fle1:SU n • I whpr ' In tll p world w ll o rli ('ovcrs a ' 111' for tub p l·( ' lIlu ~ I !i . Th girt Is un · \ conditi onal a ' to tim .. , pI8(' e, or Idnd , of CIII' 'the on I" r f'U I co nd ill u be ing I J llin !' I'- ll aVl' you 8 n tb a t II doc tor Int('nd s t o h lll/' Il late hlll1l' If wi lh lh e : :: : cho l ' ra \'Iru $ so thnt th Ill' Illay ha ve lhat the prom otel' of UI A {,lire o n· , th r r, 's llll ~; 01 th ' pxpl'rill1 e nl. Is n't \' In(' th e III \'f's tlp:at In board of th e : th at fln p'! me rits of bls dl sco \, p ry . ' I'ropl'lt' lIJr - :"". 1It'l'ff'clly TIlrHI . A large lI umb"r of ph ys i 1:lOs have cu ll It.. SIlJll'o ~j ni; J lit ' till; ,mlllc b An worklll g fo r y 'aI's t o )I f'rf/~'l \'ac· llI eu),1 :It,, 111 .\ ' r·!I"lI l s. c in e , 01' !Inll· toxln for lub rrt: lll ml is. or to find s ome uge nt, RUl' h 11!'( luhl'rc ulln , I BOY TORTURED BY ECZEMA whl('11 wi ll assi s t In till" 111'1' 01' tb o dl i;·; a s... Thus far, ttl(' ')( IWI'111I(' lIt s IIll\'(' " Wh c n my boy was s ix yea r s old, h e not fllrni s h p.rl a prOUll<'l wllich will fiufr erp d I 'nlb ly witb ecze ma. H e (' Ilh e r absolu! Iy tur' or Jl r( ' \' e nl ('on · cOll ld n(' llu e r sit !lU ll nol' li e quietly In s umptlon , or r r nd e r thl'! patient im· b ed, for lhl' 11c hing was dr ead fu l. H e nllll1 e aga ln s l tlH' dl sf'ase . Mllny of would IrriUlte ~pot by sc ratc hing tb es se rum s h ave )Jro\' d e trf'{'UV O In wIth hi s na il s a nd thut only mad e In c r eaS in g th e' r eS ista nce f th e pa· th III "·or!!e. A doctor t r(>a t e d him tI nt a nd thu s h e l)li n g In lh e ('urI', hut . un ll wlrl '<1 a lmos t everything, bul no flc le ntlsl of r e pu( ' to ·d ny r la im s ( II th e eczerua 1; I' m d to s l1read. It h nv c dls covc r e d n tuber" ' ulln wh lr-h : started . i.n n ij lll a ll place on th e low e r wil l produ ce ~ c ure ~\'I~I'~u t t11l' . ( ' Uli~ ' ('xlre mltl S. li nd s preau for two yea r s \bl n d old of rlesh all, I Rt lInri \\h OI I .' un li l It ye ry ne arly co verc d th e back . am' food . pa,l;t of b ls leg to (h e kn re. - F- o- r- C-e- t-e-s-ti-a-I-s .-

fitml, I tenll,but pel a lazy li_

do it. duty. CUJOC. .



atipatioD, Jodi,... \iora, Sick Headache, aad Diltr..1 aft... EatiD., Small PiU, Small Do&., Small Pric. GENUINE must bear aignature:


1_ ~~

,.--,,-........~.....- - - _..........,........__1IIb.


Doroth y w pt bl llpl'ly at Ille passin g or h e r hOIl to .. ( h Olm' t o Ka nsas Ilgu ln; but wh (> n !< h th oug h l It nil ove r she wa s g lad sl! h a d not go ne up In a ha lloon . A nd s h e a lso fe lt sorry III losing 01., nUll s o did b I' compa n· Ion s. The Tin \Vo od mau c nme to bel'. llnd sa id : " Truly I s holiid I) ungTnlefui If I fa il e d 10 mourn for the m a n who gil \' e lIl e my lov e ly hen rt. I sho uld III; t o c r~' a IItll h {'au s Oz Is g OIH' , H Y0 1l will Idndly w ipe n way my l ear~ . s o t ba t 1 sha ll n ot ru s t." "With pl ensur ." s he HD5wered , and broll~ht 11 towe l at once. Tben (h e Tin Woodman wepl for several min · utos. and s he wat hed the t nr~ (',are· fully snd wlpe il lh m away wi t h th · towel. Wh e n h h a d finish e d h e thank d he r leindly a nd oile d hlm s Jr thorou g hlr with hi s j e w le d all can. 10 g uard a g aInst mil:lbap. The Scar crow was now th e rul I' of th e Em e rald City, and nllhoug h b e wa s not 11 VJlznrd lb e peoplo were ' proud of him . "For," they s nld, "tbel'e Is nol anoth e r cit y In all the world that Is ru\e d by a s lUlTe d m an." And, 50 fa r a s th y iw w, t h y " r quit righ t. The morning nfte r the balloon bad gon e up with Oz tbe four travelers met In the (hrone room a nd ta lked m atte r s ove r. Th S 1ll'ecl'OW s at In the big thron and th oth rs stood I' s pcc tfullr before blm . " \ e nre [lOl so \lnlll c l, Yo" sa id n ew rul e !'; "for f bls pal ace and Emerald Ity be lo n g to us, and wo ctm do just as we pJease. V.' h n I re· m mber thal n sho rt tim e ug o I was up on 11 pol In a farmer's cornfie ld, a nd that I am now the rlli e r of t his be autiful city, I 8m quit s atisll ' d with my lot." · "1 ru s o," snld the Tin Woodman, "n01 w e ll p leased with my n e w har t ; and. rea lly, Ih at w as the o nl y t hing I wished In a ll th world." "\:0"01' my part, J am ontent In know· In g I nm as b rav as an)' beast that e ve r 1\ \'e ll, I~ not bra ver,'" s nl d th e Li on . mod · stly . "It Dorothy would o ll ly be con te nl d t o IIv In th o Emerald Ity," cantin· u d til coree ro\\', " \'.' mlgbt all be hapJJ Y toge t hel'." "nut I don't Wunt to live h ere," cried Do rot hy. "I want to go to Kan· sas, and II v with Aunt Em and Un Ie Hen r y ." "Well , th n . what nn b don e ?" In· Qllir U th e " ·oodma n . The Sea l' . row d c ld d to thin I" nnd h e tbou g ht so hard that th pins aDd n e dl s b 'an to stiel_ out o f his brains. Finally he saW : "\\ hy nO.l ca ll th Winged Monk eys, and as k the m to c arry YOll ove r th e dese rt?" "J n e \'er thoug ht of UlDt~" said Dor· othy, joyfully. "It's just the thing. I'll go at once tor Ih e go ld n cap." Whfln s h e broug ht It Into the thrbne room s he spoke the magtc words und soon the band at "Inged Manit ys flew In through all open window and stood beside her.




. . .--?l the


1 ,Adn




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RIDDEL EASY WEAR HOSE Weor like Iroo, floe as aUk, aUII I aoft as velv"t, fbe only sure preveo. lollve for swollen. tired. acblnll feeC_ Makea life's walk easy, Don'c make your feel tender by WllDIl powders aad SO.pSI. Weill' RIDDEL'S EASY WEAR BOSE. Hundreds of CeaUmoola!a. 5."4 25c: for Sampl. Pair. JOHN If. RJDDEL 600•• LeRoy.N. Y.




Finally I got C'utlcura S oa )l, CuU· lan ce vi s it d n v ry I'oll/th boo m I CIlI':1 Olnll1) n t a nd CullcII!'R Pill s and town in Orego n , n !II' rOllag l' Gro\' . ga\'e th elll a co rding to d irec tions. I In the I ndlng sa loon a man in a r e d 1 • I u!?l'll thelll In th f' morning nnd that Rhil't said 10 m e: e y ' nlng, b fore I put my boy to b d, " Y wante r car r y yer s If almighty "bat ~,..r or Bowel medialDe yoa I 11 d th em again and th e Improv e· strai g ht In t hes pnrt s , sl rang 'I' . 00 I are uliall, ~top It "0lIl. Get .100 m ont v n in those f w hours was s ur· wron g Ih e I asl mite a nd, by CriUll S, b()x - "eek I treatment-of CA!Jpl'I~ ln g, th e infl ammu llon seem e d to wo '1l Iynl!h yo as Illlick a;t 1001, at y CARBTS today from your druUi" h s o fII U(' b less. I used two box 8 o f I s mil e d and leara bow euily. oatureUy uel !u t lell ra 0lUlI1JPDl, th e sani at the " Would ~O\l Ivn ch me '.' I ns l({'u "If I delightfully your U",er can be made Pill s and th e Soap and my boy was ,):, " towork,andyour60wer.moveeYerr Itill e d II we?" dog . he Hnon tI doy There's newlif. in everr cllr(1d . :lIy so n Is now ' In his . sev· " Would " Why b Ibox • e ntee nth yea r and h o has n e ver bad sl ru· ng ' I' W , ~.p I"nch' d I' 1I;'I's h pl'~ CAS~RETS laar~,,'!.,ature 1/ c per, at · f th ' J You Will .ee. t • UUTC~"ce _ r e til n a e cze ma. fur 1(\11111' 'hlnam n' -"I took I'u r o[ a fri e nd's child that __. _ _ ~ "___ U TTOI 0 T, mnU It wltb your ntlllrl!&8 to h ad eczema on Its fnce and limbs ond How's This? " I"rll II II' TIerne" y Co., OblcnjO, JU . ~nd r erelve I liS d th r ('nl!eura Roap and Ointme nt. We otrPf One Elundrl'll DoIIB", n~\V.rd for an, ' ~ IInn ~~~ vtlnlr Irol Don on FREE. 1'h y :tCl d CHI tbe (' bild just a s th e y . ~;~ ~:~b Lhat cannot be curl'll by Uall'8 ) THICK, SWOLLEN GLAND8 did on my s on a nd it ha s n e ver reF . 1 . CHENE Y ct co .. Toll'do. O . thtH ulIlko u 1I0 rloO Whe te, I wo uld I' com m nd th e CuUWe. lhe .nd~."JJ:I1.d . h w' knowu F . J . Cb~n.y Hon r , htl" Th ick Wln<1. of for l.h o IM t I ~ )'l'tlMl. nod ~1I~"e bi ro l'Ktl'fl'c tly hou.. Co h u ko .. duwn, ciln bo r ocllrn R medles to anyone. lIfrs . A. J. omble 10 lUI bUlllu."", ,rslIMclloU> alld nnanrtBlly wuv cd wlLb ochrun , ] 23 ('Olll'.o bia .'ve ., Phlln- Al>le to carry ouL !\t.), olollvallnlut InBdil tol' IlL, IIrm. 1 ~ WALDING. h ' NAN & MAlIVIN. ABSORBINE delpbla Pa 0 I "0 1909" Wholesnle Dru,""st., Tnledo. O. , ., .. ~ , '. n.n', Cat.!u'rh CUre '" Lnk!' 11 Interunllv. actina dlrcclly u])On Ule blood nnd mliCOIl" Ru r' cctI 01 the Easily Explained , IJI""rm. TrRllmonlnls ..,01 Ire-e. Prlce : O reDIAl per Rold by nil DrU ~R,"~. 1\11'. waln son Is u pow r[ul preae h· 1>0\11.. 'l'ake llllll'a FlunJly PUla tor coDsLlpalion. er, bllt Is n ('\'(' r alia e leaven ing hi s' • I Very Funny, sermons with hlllllor. Bo rrou gh s- Mr. M erc bnl1 l's alit, YOll A good SLO l' y b t e ll R co n ' ' rn s II s!ly1 Why, b e bad an a ppol ntm en l visit onc' paid to th e coltage of on of hi s pari~hlo n p r s. It was a rly wi t h m e he r e. That's \' ry funny . N w O(llce Boy- Yes. til l'; I guess sp rlllg and f{lr a lo ng time h e s nt by be thou~ht It wa s, too . A n y ways h e til(' win d ow \\'ith t b e woman 's II t tl wa s laugblo' when he w lit ou t.gir l. 'utboll Stan<illrd anti Tim S. -- I n loo ldllg 0 111." he r e marl{ d to I he ('hlld, --tlo YOIi no li bow brI g ht Is 'Vlle r ve l' I flnd g reat g rutl t ud o In th ·r\~ n of th e I nves and grass ?" n poor mao I take It f~r g l'ante d there 'I'll£< lit t l gil' l ll od d II. Senl8, Slenclls, Badll'8~ -- :"ow t l? lI III w h y does It app e al' would b e mu c h g 11 rtJsity if b e w e re Trndu Ohceks, e\.C. w. a ri c h lll o n .Pop . arc no tnnllcr from your bome or oRloe tboo /) IIIlIe h brIgh t er at this time r Mr. t he D,<tnr".H. l)bOneor ~ _. waJll!:;o n as l( d .S.",all boll'. Ar;: ntl 'It it IlARJtlNG . BACIU1'iO, ItA I'INO CO UG II enn bn hrok~1I "IJ qukkl)' b y A1J('n 'ti J4\1 n" lI al 'llf). w amell . O~ t catro.lolr. " , os," WIIS tll e ull e ' pec t d r ply, 'ril ls u1('1, rl' lIa h l ,1 rf1 Tm'ftl tin , hN' 11 61))(1 tor y ,' I "fIla's just wash d th w ind ow and Ilrenrtl. A ~"-)'~\l r_d~~~ 51 nlJ~~ t.. you ca n se o ut bette r." Th e ro's a diffe r ne betwee n di gn ity tl GA'I'Af"(\(l ~ OF SI'L E ~'n1D DAROAINS a nd )lo Dl)Josity, but SOIOC p ople d o u'l I.n.ltl·: jl, V UA,,·.,' L'II 6;. (;0., Illc., JUuhUloncl, ",._ T e{TI peramental Toile't T a ble. s e m to be a bl e t o r nll?tl It. A 'n ary ag(>d Englishman man y y 'u rs rR.UlrLlII B. nOUOl/, """qtoo, D. Co ng-n ga \'p' thi s advlc tQ hi s dnll ' hte r :;.y:~~ mUr;t!'~~~I~~.u'I~I~~bli:J"ct~ in II le tt I' as to what a Ind y 's dress in s taulo should c ontain: Jr :CI~~~~'?~l~ Thompson's. Water T he be st bea utifi e r n young Indy can A mn ll can'L h oll> fe lin g res tless us Is g ood bUlllor. 'fh bost I' nov lllor when evell hi s hill s a r e Ulll! W e d . w. N. U. CINCINNATI, NO. 2-1910. (rllth; th e hl'st rOll ge IS modes ty; Uw best eyew nt e r Is th tars o[ s ym· pathy; th e bes t gargl e for the voi ce Is cheprfllin ss; th e best was h fo r 0 -~ smoo thin g wrinkles Is onlrntm e nt ; Z 0) ZO th e nesl CIII't'! for d afn S8 i s atte n· C I&t =CD:D tlon; th e bes t mirror Is r e fl ec tion, and c:I ~ I&t z-0-4 .. Z lh e whitest powd e l' Is iunoc e n ce. ! II. 0 :r; 0 Z ::: . -4 A Dye That Will Color any Fabric, 0 I&t 0 TH,EYSAY lTISTHE VERY BEST OINTMENT MADE AND Mrs. Adam Herbeson writes, "I hnv e ~ ~ .. 11'1S. 50 CENTS ALL ORUCCISTS OR SENT DIRECT ON 111.0 <II!. ~:D~ us ed Dyola and find It superior to any If) ... C RECEIPT OF PRICE, 0) III other package dye I havo ever tri e d, II. I&. RESlNOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. III~ns tb e sam package colors wool, cot· 0 Z - .. "This Is the s e cond Umo you h ave ton, silk nnd mix e d goods perfectly ." .. Eczema, ErJllpelu. Herpes. Polsoa (Y)', Scalds, lruptio.., .. Ii) Z "4 call ed liS," said lh e Monl( e)~'~K~i~n~g~'-h~:ol<iI,-,D5'@1l~~ilQ-4I~~~OI!4-1}-I=lIUi~+2-_.!O)L_ _ _-tot.MIle--a.. .,-l~_ _Ir-*h;, Cbaflar, BllrDI, Emhema. bowt'ng be fore -th e little girl. "What {'alaI'S. 10 cents per package at your do you wish 7" d ea ler's. WrIte Dyoln. Burlington, "I W:lnt you to fly with m e to Kan Vt" for color card and book of dlrec· sas ," said Dorothy. lions sen t free, Dul lhe Monke y King shook his hea d. Tne . Difference. "Ollr co ntin ental marriages nre ju st , "That c annot be done ," he said . " W e be lon g to liti s country alone and can· as huppy ns those mud e In yo ur xplaln ed the foreigner. I ' not le ave It. There hn s ne ve r bee n a c-ollu try," Winge d Monlte y In Kan s a s y el, and I ,, \\. nil admll that marriage Is a lot· I Sllppose th re n ve l' will be , for they r eS PoDC.le d th e Am e rl cnn, II don't belong the r e. \\'e shaH he g l::t d to ser ve you In nny way In our )J ow\"r, " we pr e f r to le t n girl seleet h e r ow n but we cannot cross lh e dl;! s o rt. Goud· lIc ll e t ." '[ I - - - -A cow and an ncre of alfalfa will earn $1 20 a year in th e San Joaquin Valley. by ." "hl Will Interest Mothers. Grapes will yi e ld from $ '00 10 $ 300 per a e n :;. peaches.and apricol . $150 (0 $500; . And wIth anoth er bow tho ~10nl"' y )IOlh"'lI~IlY 'B Swe"t Powd ers f o r Children, while o ranges will prod uce from $25010 $500, and III man y 111stances mure than $1000, [(lng s pread his win"'s and fi ew aw a y cure ' Jl'c\'crlshIlP6t1, Jlentlllehc, Dllli Stom,..,b, " an ac re. .Thore arc tell milli on arable a nd irricabie a c res he re. You slilI may buy elh l ult Dlsor<lc ..... Hegulilte the Bow 'I" nnll . did f $ through , the window, follow e d by ail -r~ n" Htru" W orm.. 'l'h y urenk liP cOlrls In 2. umm provc an ur 50 an a c re. . his band. hourH. 'l'I NI~nl1t to lake, nntl bnrmless n~ milk. Tim ne res are coou/( h tu com forlably support a small family. T\~ e nty acres afford' h,'" 'I<!Hr ("II . At ,,11 DrugIlIRI9,:!!Jc. lSample a fine li ving wilh mon ey in the bank. Fony acres should make you ncb. Dorothy was almosl read y to cr y TUlll liNI FHEE. Addrc SH, Allen S. Olmsted, ' with dlsaJlPolntment. Lt· 1I"v, N . Y . ' "O ll pay from on e· f()lIrth t o one('nr 80 n n ~e.J , R oe dl o~. Cal. .' (rom .. . I ""'d lIown, balan el: ~o.lI)' CAD be pold I w \' nly ·acr u l' rop o{ :sultana raIsins. "I bave waste d the c harm of th Cruel. 'or OU( 01 (he cro".. n e tt ed $ 3. ~OO. golden cnp to no pllrposo," she said, ? It's my Aln"'''' t anylhing nn b o "Ill sed In th n 1 kilO ... (hi. vnlleT from end to end. "1 !<l1 't thnt a goo d j 0 k e. Snn JonQ uln country-o rung"" U. llt! I hov" "ce ll crup" pl a nt d and harves t. "for the Winged Monl( e ys rannot he l)J o\\' n." wh l'al. I1 gs and Ililpi es. d lI en l l: gra Jle s t'u In CVl' r), 0 11 0 or lI S ·o untles. 1 have me." . Id nnll IIardy pOllltoes. Prod 11 t s uf til e Int (' rvl c w C!ll tltrm 'rt!, ran chers and mer"G r ent 5'<('0 1(! !1r1~ . you so o · as l em p erate nn/] suml - tropl u zon cs lI ou r . dialll s. r h:\\' e co ll a l etl the tesUmony "It 18 cel·talnly too bad! " snid the thnt ?"- Ll)Jpln coU' s. Ish s ltl e by sldo. of crop exper t8. tende r ·he arted V. oodman. 1'len(T 01 wnte .. tor Irr ga tlon tlrawn A ll tltls \'aluable In fo rmntlon Is ean The Scarecrow Was thlnl,lng ngain, from th e nenr-by Slerm :-mOW8. It .. t a ln etl In Ih o Sa n JoaquIn Valley Innd Quick as Wink, . I en .. ,. for ODe Co make a .(nrC, LlIIIU be· fo ltl cr I"s uetl l> y th" Ra nIa 1\0 Rnllway. and hIs h ead bulged out so horribly If your c,·o' ache \\'ith n. srnnrtmg1 burn· I tW Nm lh o rows ca n be U8 d, whllo or- '\' l'Il e for It. gl "lng lull name and adthat Dorothy' feared It would burst. in S;' " ~l\ l il;n U"I' l'ETTIT'R EYE R/\LVE. ! cho rtl I"' . youn g. (or mll ny prolltabl c d'· PRII. 1 will al:<o send yOU our Imml. ' . " . -t orI low·lI·dliros. Uutfulo ~. Y. c rops . 'rho p o int Is to mllke ever)' ~T:Jtlon journa l. 'rhe Earth, six month. ' "Let us call In the. so l<1ler with th o :\1II1( ul UI!!;' < , , .quure lOCl( benr .ome.hlt.... f r •.". · .green wblskers," h e said, "and a s k hl~ \\'bu( .onl" farmer. have dODel 'rit e S'\lIla FE' employs me to h e lp . - . - advice." Th e 11CO IJl e who ha ve th o gre atest I J~ r u nk 'J'hnmns. o f Pr eH no. en\.. 8('1 11 0' UP' 11 ~ Stlll lhw es t lines. 'rhe Como Inlon s o f (h ~ lIl~ e l \' s nrc fr e qu ' ully ! bOll g ht tw ollty ner.18 oC In nll th e y el~rK nany IlII s no la nrl t o s l' lI . but I wlU (TO BEl CONTINUED.) .p I ago. H hnd bUI $300 to Slurt 011 . '10 ' gladly r e for your InquIr y to r e liable th e pilar !H, jurl ges of hUlUan nature . . dn y hi s place Is puld (or n'nd h hll 8 an land o\vn ('rs wllI~ hnv". Red·Headell Glrla ;md Autos, In co m l1 ot. o\'o r $~ . 00<l a y 'U. . rr db'y th e S anta · 'Vlll ll~ m Shrayr. R. F . D. 7. FrEs no. . I,ow lare. IIr ll 0 t\r "Alltomobll.e8 Ilnd red·b~uded girls Ca l hought h'IR t1r~t l e n n 'TI'R MIl( F clully. omforlnbl t~urll!t s lee per".both 'flourtsb abundantly ' hi this Inr po'rs ago 'Now <lwnlO !'I lxr-v ar:-rNI a ll rllld chl'Llr ('a I'''. Th o jQul'lIey I1I!~o may. d" . "f $1' 0' 00 f · J' b mud a t oth l' tim \' tor k rl)O . onvlgor~t!ng climate," nys the . ij.och es~r,~ C. (u r, anU. 1'0 us S~. or .1111 bl , ('o" t. S u ntn ,F c .tou rl s t. ·servlce · to;.-,. ter Democrat and ChronJc:le: "giving M, F , Tarpey. (It Frl's no. ownll "InoFru n c tsl'O la qu ic k s t. . . On good thing about Il. fall that Uj; ,one PO'ttlt' of sup~l'lorlty ove r ynrd of 1.21)0' ncr II. from whI c h hi ' C. L. SEACRAVES C..eriJ Coloaiutloa A• • a n annual protlt of $I ~&.O ~.· . ' ... Oharleston." But.· will not" our con· ha ugs on Is t.hol It kee)ls back the' tnltes On the Harold estate: twe nty -two , 11., T. eft S. F, R,.. S,at•• , aares 'of peaches yielded u. ,16,0 00 crop. 1 ISO Railw.,. EaCbaD~. Cltlcaao,lIL temporary admIt that the RoCile st r "belmt Ifu'l snow" poem s . red·beaded glJ'1 nourishes' a little too oxr.v ('~1t "UROl\IO 9.V1N'J.NE." ~ 1 AXA'I'U' ~: IIROMI) OUIN)Nt>. l •.,ok rll' abundantly? th"t.nk that" she 'rbad tlw siJ,!n :.u·rtl Il r e. \V . fH·t OVt!. UI'k.\\1 lhe Wor:Lcl . should beOve (eef four or be and uy "r to oron c,,11110 oQ. J)ay • • 25tI. weigh not over 110, but our Impres· Rem emb r tll·a.t a sound argument sian 18 that the neches' er beauty doesn't meRn 10\1d tal'" ~__________. flour'!lhes . to the weight of about 140 aud somethnes 160; Th'e . Ideal , Is a lissome, ~lllOW7 . add slim and not an: abundant ftourtabw•..:...charlestoD Ne",.. aDd Couri...:



:' 1 I



- -- ----:..,-:::;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;::::;


Virginia Fanns and Homes.





.",.. a-

$125,000 net from 1200 acres grapes. $15 000 f rom 22 acres peaches. I $3 200 f rom 20 acres raiSins, ·· · . the In

S'an Joaqwn · V II a ey, California

I E':\~:CII :'





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(~lfIlJleto llr lng line ' : * ::JIIIllhll wl'lOl WNlh fl111rlCS.lllJlCY Th G ' ", -II" \\"Istlu~ ) ~f111 ,. 01HultlOI,'lI, . .. hdklll, IU:e8 IIDd poHl,e 0 ernmen t pays Railwa y Mall *~~* **** COIlt.!. All IIP' I,o-uaLtJ Now \ork I~)' plILttlrnli. *'** **** * ** **;~'Hi H~** ** *'}:i~';~* 7~ - ", CIer k 800 t Yin ~ IIJlII on tile mll~kiJt. DOIlIiIlll diroot S $ 0 $I"goo 'a nd other ",Itll Iho mUla you 'wLll, find ur prl(1l8 low. I 1\' ~ p. roUts SIU.OOt6 saO.UO weekly. amplea I\IIlI emp oyees Up to '$2,500 annually. 71' fnll jUBtru tlons packed in II uellt 811mple cn shipped A: Pre&8 preplIJd. No mon y reqUired : -J. 0 71'" Exc1ulih'e t rrltory. ' rila tor 1!IU'tICUIIlI'8. 110 Ill'1lt !() IIpply 71< ...., ST NDARD DRll:tiS . *= no Ie I:;llm will bold s prin g eXfull "" "'*' 'Po Intn:llhl'() our ''!;In'

of 1

Sa le!

, . " A desirab l f:11'!l1 of about fiflv s situate d two and on half mil n I'the t of ' HaI'Y ysburg . on th~ Harvey sbul g and N w Burling ton ~ik,. \,'\

Railway Mail Clerks Want ed ,l*****·***:***~h~**** ***,'*' ****~ *'***~{t~H\~*

'*'* '* *"*



(,OODS CO ..

Dev~. 1r 1.

lDoHoDS throug hout the ountry for Hallwa y Mall VI ' r ,k e, VU!ltom Bouse Clerks, t)tenog rf\pber !l, Boo kkeepe rs. Depart mental Vlerk!l und other KOV PUBLIC SALES erDme nt positio ns . Thousl lnds of • I appoin tments will be mllde , Any We will uffer the followi ng Rtla Has about twenty - ix acres of fil'~t- la..~ bo l land man or woman over 1 , In oltyor Estll.te nt Public Aootlo n on t,he oonntry that can not be excelle d anywh re o The remain der Olln gtlt iostru Jtlon und free premise~ ou , good upland . A comfor table five-ruom h ou~' , good inforDl ation lJy writing a t ouce to road. and an excel! nt Illlalily of lW\'t'l'-fniling 81) I'ing the Bureau of Instruo tion 44-1 L Thursd ay, Januar y 2Cl, IQIO, Bamlin Buildin g . Roohe!lt9~, N Y. water. TERM S EA Y. , 13e~inni ng at 1(j 0 'oluok I- h l~ rp. all on or addr ss t,he ffum owned by tbe la te Philip / I:lll wkt', situate d in Ulearc n'tl k 'l'uwn , Wash Day Made Easy Sbi P) Warren County , X 01111:1 nortb of Ridgev ille ou the DII)'t011 I,nd By the Use of Or, Amo s LebrlD uu pike, 14 miJtls f1'l ' 1I 1 Lb.v rm } anti 8 miles to Lebuno n . 'I'LII:i 1:11 In Harv eysb urg, Of:lio. oontain s IHI aores o f ~oou 11111'\ 111'___ ___ ___ ___ _ • ___ ___ ___ ___ __ able for all kinds of i tobl\Coo and stook-l OO acres ti lIuble lind 19 !lCras permll nan t pa!ltnre Saves two hours' hard rubbin g in \ -with plunt.y of good buihh ngs ' an ordinar y washin g, at a co t' of •• •• •• •• only two (2) cents. , Hundl eds of home teslilllonials furnished as to to bacoo sheds Iwd all other nece ~ll.. its worth_ FO!' ~al e by Harve ysbur g • ferr nd ou Il lf1rge Cl"88 In the near b Illl . d logs ' " fnturf\ IIft·ar wblch R. banque t V\l 11I ry out • ' b I. f I d ThiS farlll I, S well weltered, good O. M. Badley of LookeuR. Ok labo bo gwen y mem u>3r8 0 our 0 ge. weil , ' and O1st6r Ohio · n at. b ou e, good ]I vlng Frank L. Barris one of Qur popu· mo., arrived here Friday night, oom· Rp rlng Ilt barn !LlId other "prin gs on Wayn esvil le, hIDing bn~iD ess lind pleasur e, lea v lar gro rym8n bas been appoin ted tbe farlll. !\eoond 8uhstlt ute for R. F . D . No.!. tng his family well. It is nioely lOOllted, on Il go)d roull, ~:W-Sampl es of Ker-o-z ino can b had by calling at M I-S. Omar LeW id', Mr . JolIn berwood one of the oonvl"nient: t~l ohuroh , H. E . Wil on vi i~ed fri emls in chool and next door to lhe Chri tian hurch. Cinoin natl 'undoy returni ng Mon, leading bo iness men of Oregon lo , market . Nice locatio n for ILny One was Been on our streets here Friday . g 1\ gopd day. home. v. illinm Murrel l, of UlarkBville, Terms : One third clHlh; one Mr. and Mr , Carl Miller, of Col, umbus, lire visiting their p~rents, represe nting t,he R oller Flour Mills third in one year, ODe third in two Mr. Bnd Mrs. 1. N . Miller, of Ea t of thl\t place transac ted bOBines here yellrs, deferre d payme nt8 drs wing Wedne sday of last week . Mllin strE'et. 6 per cont from date seoored by , 'FAR VI,S.I~~ , _ . , ~.~J Robert Ward who has been em· mortga ge on the farm. Belen Badgle y, of rhe Coit Ly· For further particu lllrs, 0011 on or oeom Bureau Ilppear ed here before a ploy ed in Da.yton for some time is address , U. W. OR J . C. BAWKE , good sized audienoe Monda y night at h ome until MBroh first. . C. T . Hawke , Auol , Januar y 17th. ~li'EAR.J /~ISI~~" , Jobn Tuoker stil l remain i quite poorly, DJuoh to the regl'et of his HOT WAT ER BOTT LES I will offer at Publio Sale at m y ) ; e n s many friends . residen ce S miles north-w est of "" , . Wayne aville on the Ferry and , ..riI read. ~nd look afar Milton Bowe was taken siok, with Wayne sville rOllct on what is known ~a1 fhacibt Yt but no Tuesda y, Januar y 11th, and it is reo ~:me !>b. SC HW AR TZ' S as the CbBrle aenes t at you are w earmg blfc.. ported he bas the pleuro pneum onia. y Jaoney f .. rm the 1'01- cala becaua e the usual "lineatt e hope for a speedy reoove ry. lowing ohattel s on, are absent . Wear the genuin e --:Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wrigh t of Saturda y, Januar y 29, 1910, KRYPT<?~ awhile and you will Well man. Wilmi ngton, spent Sunday with. never willmg ly return to old. ~eRinning at 10 o 'olock A. M. style bifoca l glalSe•• frie nds bere. Mr. and Mrs. George Ellill and Two good gener~l purpos e horses Frank Shidak er 8~n't two days of daught er spent Sunday with Mr a good line mare' 1 good miloh last week at Oolumb uB, and ",hilt! and Mrs . Ed Mil. tin. oow, due to be fresh' about t~e flrilt there visited the Corn Show, and on Mrs. Mary Jane Cleave r , of Bar. of April; 1 new B ~mis Tob.oo o hiB return gave a very interes ting vAysbo rg, spent several days last Transp lanter has n ot set over 6 aores aoooun t of our friend aud neighb or, week With her daught er, . of toba.cco, 1 new Deerin g mow er ' Will be at the . Bo"ar d MoCu~e's s uooess with hIS George Davis. not out. over 15 aOfes of rass ~xbiblt. 'Mr. MoODne was born and Mrs. George Bogan spent Monda y hal 1 new two-ho rse breaklD g-plow , No . -ustin Hotel, raised to manho od 00 a farm near with Ed Bogau and family, of neBr 7; 1 Bookey e oultiv~or, 1 fift.y-tooth our town . Wayne sville, barrow , 1 three-I noh trend r Of\d Waynesville, Ohio, . Mr. and Mrs . Samue l Stoops and Mrs. Ea.rnes t BQyden called on wagon ,l piano box buggy, 1 eet of 'Firs t Satu rday in Every daught er Anoa, of thtl p08toffioe en- Mrs. Earnes t Manno n Monda y at. bay!lad ders, 1 gravel bt>d, 1 good Mon th tertain ed Mr. and Mre. Wm. Mad. tern oon . farm sled, 2 good sets of work ha.r · den, of Wayne sviUe, and Miss Ada Mr. and Mrs . Walter Stiner are ness, 1 ~ood Bet 'If buggy hlrness , Had<!~n, of this oity, SundB ! for enterto ining relativ es fro~ Dayton . singletr~eB, .dooble trees, forks, • dinner . stopped In !:Omlnut0 9 , barrels) boxes, grain saoks 8uro with Dr, 1:1I1UOJl'8 Protrao ted meetin g will begin at shovEtls . Mr. 8l!d Mrs. Frank FOrDsbell will ' CrollP Remedy. One tesS will sure!r prove. ~ to house ' keeplDg in parl of their Beeoh Rrove Tuesda y evenin g, Jan· 4000 tob'lcoo l'ti \ks and other arti No oles not , no dl", ,mentln ned . . &rea. A sate &DdJ)leasina87ft1~ .D~t.a hOtls~ on Bast Main atreet, in the nary 18th. Condtlosed by Rev ., and Termp : All " UDlS of,5 and under spring. Mrs. Carlyle , ~~OinJ1a'i. OBsh, all sums overl ~5 00 oredit of MI'. Rnd Mrs. Charle s Shidak er g moblhs wi1l be given by the pur· eDterta ined, for s~pper Saturd ay ev. To RemOTe CIWns withoQ t Ola ssiB ed Ads ohaser giving a note with approv ed entnRI Mr. and Mrs. Bern Shidak ar Pai n or SOl'ens!ls, uao seourit y. CLAREN CE I::i. SIIIlTR . . Walter Kenrio k, merk . Ads will be Insened unll er thi s hrad for and 0, M. Badley . SCHWARTZ'S Com twenly ·H l'o cents ror three . ln8ertl"1I~. Remov er O. T. Hawke , Auot. It is,rumo red that two fAmilies of wben u sl na: QQl more thaD Hl'e fiDeM. ..... ~ our v~l1llge wm 800n move away . v~~ ~ The Orienta l d,egree will be oonFOR-8Ald3BWllhllJDt.on. N. Y.

== =T Hi s FA RM == =



Wa rd, M" D. Van Dor en,




Th N· hb ' h




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*~~ 7t'


'*'* '**;'It: ~~ * "*:»L * -* '* ~'" "* '* * '* *



Waynesville National Bank,







Zimmerman's Oyst ers. Crac kers Cran berri es I' Cele ry Use SNOW DRIFT . It goes farther than Lard , only 14c a lb. TrY our SNOW WHITE MOLASSES. It's fi ne. 45c for large pails. APPLE S 25c per peck up. ORANG ES, 15c per doz. I,1p. Cabba ge,On ions) Grapes , Dates, Figs) Lemon s, Grapes Fruit. SPECIA L FOR SATUR Ot\ Y Galifor n ia Lemon Cling ·Peaches, $omethin~ fine, '

1,5c a can






...--- -


Bun'. HCl!t to E.n dure Long. It la estimat ed tbat tbe IUO will be able to lupply tbe preseat amollDt of uat !~I' ao,ooo,OOO fear a. .'

2qt 6Se at SCH WA RTZ 'S

T0»'!:l p.rQ'p~rty, 4 lots 50x200.

In. .~. ulre of Wm. Lashley, Wayne sville, Ohio. WANT ED

A NURSEhelp take

pa rty to care of a year·o ld child, in Waynesvi lle, , Address P. O. rox 19&, Waynes vi lle, Ohio,


- ,WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. St. Augustine's CatfJolic Churcb. Fu ther George Mnrcoboe fcr. Pas tor MU88 evr.ry secOllC) Sundur of ·tbe mOD\h at

II :011

assured in spoons t forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the

renowned trade mark:

1841 ROGERS ·BROS.T~p~E 5

There ar~ various makes of silverplated tablew~re

~~ic~ ' are c~med to be '~j~st as good," but~ like all !lDlta~~ms, !hey lac~. the beauty. and wearing qua1itv

Identified WIth the ongmal an~ genume II 00 RDSERSBROf,f, , .~e popularly kno~nas .,S,llie.r Platii llat Wears, " ··Sold · by "leading dealers eyeryw here. Send fOr ' ciltalogtie .. C';L" showing

a . Ul.

"* '* $ 1*'* ...



. ~ "" * **************** * '***'** .**.**~ *. * .***

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______ -~-

qGe t you r Sale Bills prin ted at the Mia mi Gaz ette office, at righ t prices. ....---

The Best farm Paper free for aYear A Great Oppo rtunit y for Miam i Gazette

Readers The M iallli ' uzette has just conclud,>d an e'(traor dinary al'rang ement by which we C<'\11 send vou the flew ano! Ill'eat t!r !"arm and Fire.qide, the greates t farm and hllmp lJRper in America, abHolutely withou t cost to yourse lf. Farm and Fil'e;;idp com ~s twice every month . twnnt,v. fuul' uig i . ue.. during the . reill' . The publi hers ot Farm anel · F'jr S Cltl have just pHnl $60,OOO-tfl im vroving this I!I'ea~paper which fo" 3~: years nns been tha standard farm pap r o+' America . Th y want more of our reader:! to know this great fArm and home pap'lr. and that is why we are able to mnk you this offer in connection with the Miami Gazette .


, .:C


Farm and Firesid e Free ~o You


A Bea utif ul Cale nda r, Too But this is not all. This offer includ es not only the Farm and Firesid e for a whole year, but the most beautif ul and orhlina l art calenda r for 1910. The aaby Calend ar is 11 by 1'7 inches in size, anj is printed in many colors on the most expensive art-stoc k. You get the calenda r, free of cost, with this offer if you act at once. Th~ origina l paintin g of this baby has exc ited more admira tion and delight than any .baby picture ever exhibit-ed _ It is t I'uly wonderful. EVP I y time you look ·a t this s l~ e py boy yo u want to yawn, too . The calend ar will be shi pped to' you careful ly rolled in a tube, f.ost age fully pre· pl\id. To get the calenda r you should act today. The Miami Gazette Needs no introd uction, as our readers know that it is the best news dispen. e1' in the county. .




fll 's ~alen(hr t=re: to Y"B

St. Mary's Episcopal Chur~h.

Unque stione d durability and exquisi te design -the highest ideals in plated ware- are



**~ * : *"*

** Member American Bankerr,' Ass cint.i( n. "*•-* *.*******-***********-* -*******'*'* •• • 1**

ptlc ian,


"i\< : I I .


EO· xpe rt



J. N. HO YT ,



.. "* Arrang emf'nts have been consum ma ted betwee n '>I/:* '*-tit' this banl{ and th Wester n Uni on Teleg raph ' Company fOI: the tl'am;fer f **"* *'**' Mo ney by Telegr' ~ph ' :-~ ! * '* *' "* Fo r this e th e bank has b en appoint ed un *'* *'* agent of l he Compa ny . Pal·ti s d~siring to '* '* sen d mOlley to any of the several thou!'anu, cilie~ :;'*1: , * ' "* I'CiLched by the Westel'll Un iun, can do !u with *' * g reatel' ease and less COHt than evel' befor .



, ,- '*'* '*"" * *?f' '*""'* ~ *

" ''*' T , .' ranSm.·SSl·On f M ooey 'by T eleg raph *'* *--* •


2qt 6Sc at





IEllDEN BRITANNIA CO.., (~I"I.• • ..::~I~::.~VI. 00..


Rev. J . F. Cudwalli itler. Rector. Sunday , S0I100I. 9 :UO



Morning ser,

vlco. 10,:30 a. m. 8.oly Commun ion tho Out each mouth.

~iJlidQY ,01 .


' Methodist' EpiScopal Churcil.

Rev, H. Smidl)Y Scbool. "lce,,]0: 30 II. m .

w; Blllloy.


9 :)10 a.

' ill. .\ lornllUt ser· El'"pr th Leugue, 7 :00 p . f;vcnlDg servlee. '7 :00 p . ' UI, ', MIdweek '

1Il. Pr LyeI' j(~~I_ng. " 7 p, In.,


. .:. Ch-ristlail ' Church . -

. " R~~. ' M:.1:.'i)~W80D, ~aetoi.

Sun4a;y J illhool 9: , 0 •. m. ~a1 meetlDal 10:80 Ii: m: OWJan Endeavo r. ,6:80 · p. m.

ReguJu: dI~: ""Jce,t.. 8econd Sun,day

mOD~' a" ~,o:.o ~ m. aDd .':OO"P. m: .

For a ~tiort time only the Miami cazett e 'makes . / YO,U~tliS great 8ubscr lptlon offer. We will send you . Farm' and Firesid e twice' every month , for one , yeal'J ' we will al80 8end you the Baby ' Calend ar, carefUllY ' " pabked In a tube, P08tag~ prepaid , and ~e ' will '~nd ' YOuthe~Vllaml Ca:i:et teALL FOR ,ONLY 'l~th; 'P~ of the caze~e, alone. This offer Is unpara lleled. ', tt · ' wo~~ Jas,t long. YO.u a.h t right away• •

e.ada .,

'.,First > H~te F~d•.:Cburcb: · , ,

n~ ileetIDl';. Hi :00 ,~ .• m. ~, FIr., Day Sob'OOt . U(O.(\ a. m. lI'o~rUl Dax , Meel1D, · lQ:OO~l aL. ~ '. j , . : "

, Ortbcxlox.friend.


Rev, ·sei.Jaml ll sa',.,ttna , P;aator,

" s,bbaih 8chool. II :80' a:"m. ~ar oba,reb · .-flOe,

', - .

l!t ·eo •. , aI. •CIlrJatla a Ipdeal'o r, '

" ~'O., .~



8el,d ~o~r' order t~ to'


. . ....

M9ney must' aecqmpan~ order






__ :-\IX1'Y-FIR~'I'






Drril ER. a040 '

-- ...--,------

26 ~ 1910.

\ rh ()I.I~ :'<



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IF:,;;~;citiz~;;-i ~::~:~~fi~~:!UI~:s~~~ Pe~;;;n-;.lii~;ti;~~;~~:!~~~e~I s~~u:;~:::~:~~:p::~:.:'". -:-+.~ • • ~--- - - - - . interest

me I always did like Mildred. little daughtt>I' of MI'. Waynesville and ita people. It is and Mrs. Bakel' of Wilming ton. is , co lder outTher~hthan commhonl Y for . ..' . , Oregon. he t ermometer 18 b een se rtouslycan. III ~lth Clinton Republi Mrs. Baker -was for- f rom 20 w 80 d egrees a bovehzer0 for 1M' C Stok ' several weelts. We always ave unmer Y IS ora es. usual weather here. but this is unu8ually unusual." The marriage of Miss Verna --- Lackey, dnug,ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mi=lS Ion a Redfern is dangerously J ames H. Lackey. to Frederick Schnell was solemnized Mondayev- ill of typhoid pneumonia at the home ening, January Srd, at the home of of friends in Kemmerer, Wyo. The the bride's parents in Detroi t . first news of her illness was received

'Marla Surface' bJl,thday, q UIte .a "' . ---School Hall-MacInnes Nell on hool Hail- MacInnes Neilson. nu mber of relat ives and fl:iends galh- Catus ure out al\ll oun~ i llg the mar. Mrs. Emma Dakin is on the sick , Ray Hawke is in Dayton t his week . eWl' d at h~lrl h.omhe threefm, lIes westtof riage of Miss Lyd ia Mayer!;! and ~h. , ay nesvl e In onor 0 ler seyen y- F red E. a win in Dayton. Sunday . list. I A . B. handler was in Columb us second birthday. To say sh waH Jal1ual'Y ._ .','J~ . 191(). Th y wi ll be lit Raymond Davis was a Xenia visitor Friday. au rpl'ised is tru ,a she was not .'- home ill Waynesville a nc r March 1 ~ t. Sunday. . I pecting company O'n tha t day. L. A. Zimmerman was in Cincin- At the noon hour t.he baskets and Frank Zell· was a Lebanon visitor nati Tuesday. ' boxes w(>re unload ed and spread UP. k t t' d t Tuesday. . . , I • MI S Donna Haw e en er ame a W . H . AI len was .m C"mcmna t"f on th e table, and such a f east. f Ol I' S d y the followl'ng ,I u e s · . . . ( mner on un a Mrs. Chas. Frye is seriously ill at tiayon business. th e lach es are nolted f~H' thelll.c~lh- g uests, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fromm her home. nary art. evera ch Ol.ce s ec tlOns and dau ht er. Messrs. Raymond and M' A M ffit t T ~ ..l .th Dr .. and M~. J . .W. Ward are were I·endered. on t.h e plano. a~d the Carl an~ Miss Clal'a Hawke. rs. . . 8 , . speI) u-..ay WI ~pendlOg t he wmter an Dayton. afternoon which was spent In con• . .~ ver ation . ned quickly and th e guests friends in Harveysburg. . . , .~ Mr. James Stoop~, of Dayton. return ed to their hom s wishinrr her in a telegram at midnight Wedn~ , Dane Hartsock, of this city, who day, and her motber, Mrs. Melhea George Dum will move hls.famlly ~pent Monday with friend s here. h . 1. b MI'. and Mrs. M. W. Silvers enterhasbeenemployed as switchman in the Redfern. prepared to start at once to Middletown thie week. m~nhY retur\ns of ~ e ,Udl:lY' . • James Zell, of Yellow Springs. rose W 10 cnJ oye t h occasIOn tained the following g uests Sunday: railroad yards in Cincinnati had a leg for Krmmerer when another mescut off Sunday while in charge of his sage came saYi~g that her condition Guy Dakin, of the P. C. & St. L. was in town Tuesday on busin ess' were: William ul·fac' . wife and Prof. a nd MI'!) . . A. Bruner, Mr. duties. According to word received was siightly improved. and advising R. R. is home for a few days. . . da,ughter Edith , Edwal'd 'urface und anll Ml's. J. J . Edingfield and Mr. here he slipped off the running board Mrs. Redfern not to leave until fur. . ' J. E. Janney IS 10 Dayton attend· sons Howard and Lawl'enc ,Cliffo rd and Mrs. J . L. Rhoades and child. and fell in front oithe engine. The ther word was received. Miss Red- . Mrs. Mary Cathflrine Dav~slS very ing the Laym'an's Missionary Cnll- Ha\~k and wife , Clarence Surface. vention. wife and childrGn, 1 uss II. l\fat'ie :.l110 injured man was taken to a hospital fern went West last 1ummer to visit III at her home near Oregoma. and the leg amputated. The young a girl friend at Kemmerer, with W. H. Allen and C. A. Clements J. K. Spencer, of Oregonia . paid K~n t n; .Hiram Ey t' a~~ \V if >, A. L. MI'. and Mrs. E. S. Bailey enter~ man is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William whom she became acquainted while were in Lebanon last week on busi- this office a pleasant visi~ Monday KlI1g, \ ' 1 e. and son , .!rtf rd ; W. A. Laincd at a n elegan t four-cou rse Hartsock, Springfield, and Mr. Hart· both, w.ere students at Berea.College. ness. afternoon. Surface. Wi fe s nu Bon. Oral; Mrs .. 1. tu rl. y dinner Su nday. given in honJ, 'urfa e. hus. Po ~ c and Wi fe , or of Miss Rowena Wright, of Red sock:left thi. morning for the Queen She decided to remain in the .west city to take chargeofris son. He has for a time and lleCured a position as Miss Rowena Wright, of Red Lion. Rev . J. F. Cadwallader is in Day- Chas. Surface and baby. and Howa nl Lion, t he following guests: Dr. and W. A. S. M rs.A. T . Wright. Mr. and Mrs. been working in the Cincinnati yards ateacherat Fontenelle. Wyo.- Xe- istheguestafMr. and Mrs. E. V. ton today attending the Laymen's Chenow t ho aboutayear.-Springfleld News. nia Gazette. Barnhart. Missionary Convention. - -- -Warren Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. . REVIVAL SERVICES Chapman and son. Charles, Mr. and E. E. Ebriaht, of Franklin, was A large gang 0' workmen in the circulatinir among old friends here Grover. Me~~lth, of Columbus. ' . ' Mrs. K V. Barnhar t, Mr. aqd Mrs. /Th red dropped In on nlS parents 1a.'1l week. The Gosp I meet mgs at the Chl'ls' G W H k M' E H . h employ of the Bellefontaine Bridge Los Angeles, CaL, Jan 14.1IH(I. u , ay. and enjoyed a short visit with them. tian hurch held by Evangelist L .. O. eo. d' M~w Le.' .ISS .mlrna elg& Steel Company have arrived in ~he Edl' tor Miami Gazette:-There were Th omp. on are very In ' t er s t'lOg. H e way an ISS IZZle Bat ey. Miss l,{aria Reeves, ' Wbo h as been city and are . quartered at the Hotel three Wayne township par~ies that ill at the hOme of F. C. Schwartz, is Mr. L. L. Allen, of Dayton, is is a forceful and enthusiastic speakHolzbach. The gang is in charge of witnessed Patilhan's flight Wednes· much tietter. .' spendin2' a few da~ s with his family er. The su bjects fo r the rest of the Supt. James Hawke who has charge day, M. McKi~y, Waynf'Sville. F. . her e .the .guest of Dr. and MI'S. week are as follows : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph· Hawke very of the erection of the new hot mill Thomas anti myself. of Lytle. Ohio. E~ Coleman, of Cincinnati, was John Hyatt. "The Get Up and Get Relig ion. " pleasantly ent ertained a crowd of addition to tr e plant of the Empire It wa.s s~ml?l! grand to witness a hu- the gu~t of his father, J. H. Coleq S ah . 1fT _ "What Must I Believe?" young people a t tneir country home ' Iron & Steel Cott:lpany. " man , being m ~ c~ft, start on the I man, laIt w~,k. . Mr.. ar ZImmerman e t u.~ "A Voice From t he Outside World. II on Saturday evening in honor of their g The .B elletontain~ Company. is orie gro.tinll H.k e a tricyde and raise like ~v. H. W. Bailev is aU ending the dr::,r An ele8 Cal. :thO~ a VISit "Th~ Pivotical Question." son Ben and bride. The evening was of the largest ert!ctmg firms m the a bird in a circle off the ground going Lay 's MiMiori~ ConventiOh in ~a u d .,:e~l mon th s WI er son, "Juror!:!1 n the Case," spent in dancing' and 'card playing Unlteji' States having at ~he p,r eeent ·higher and higher until only a speck n manth" ~ k ' y, an ml y. "A Cry From Hell ." . latter which a deJiciqus two t course ,' be ' f ' ts . Ter- ·a,vt on '18 ... ee. . Mrs. L. L. Allen and 'two children. "Tho Judgement. . " ed t' h f II . ' time a Jtreat num r 0 c~nt~. . m the heavens. GrandT Yesl . lunch: was serv !> t eo owmg ~in'li1ar to ~he one .at. the E.m plre mill ribly grand! It in great,meet from '. ~l :' Davis ...ou~ &pin ~tel' ~ te.n- of Dayton.. are the guest4 of her par- "Willlt Pay?" . .gl.\ests: Mr. and Mrs. John ~mm, m cou~e tof. ~.r~~lon.Mr. Hawke, everywhere. The crowds are estl- days dlDtIB. H~ lilter, tat.. Libble, ents, Dr. and Mrs. Hyatt. Mrs. Fraternal Services at 2:30 p. m .• Mr. and .Mrs . . N. A. Hamllt?n, of ~~ b9.· : l",..e~ 18. ~~,e..ot the most ~ted40.000 .t'n 60,000 people. ~ iamuch..beuernow. Allen, Who has been quite sick is Sunday, in which' all f eSidentpastors Dayton. ~ Donna Hawke, ~tel1a experienced men on the road and has IS a wonderful ooun~ of sunshme , ' some better. are invited to take part. Subject. Lemon, MI!I~le at:ld Laura McKmsey. 8pent.yea~ in the performance of and ' flowers. Grand indeed!. Mr. Mr. and Mm. J. J~ Ed~eld, of "The Sun Clothed Woman. ' Emma. Mary and Clara Hawke, Henvanous duties in the .hop in Bene- and MrS. Charles F. Clark, Millia and Mason. are the guestaof ~ell' daugh. On Wednesday night MacInnes Services at 7 p . m. sharp. Every- rietta McKinsey, and Miss Falkner. fontaine before beina- '-igned to th, m~ self have our tickets to go to ~ ter, C. A. Bruner. Neilson, a son of Scotland, pve a body welcome. Messl'S. Ronald Hawke. Warr~n KeYil, _ _ management of c~~ws on the road. Die~ tomorrow .via ~e ' 8teamshlP Mi88 Olive Morris,north of Ferry. fine impersOnation of the Bard of '-_ . Ray Hawke. Walter Larrick and . Th~ wo~k ~f raiSing th,e 8.t ru.ctul'al ~resldent-a da~hght ride ~~ the ~a was the gUest of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ayr in a lecture so much O?t of the BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION Carl Hawk~. lron lD dus k;lOd ~~ :weat1;ler IS .v~ry clfic ocean. ,whtle I .un wrIting thIS Brown and family Saturday. ordinary that it had a pecuhar charm arduous and It requu'e8 the exerclSlDg Frank Stokes and daughterH are play· ' and attractiveness.-Norwalk (0.) The Waynesville Business Men's olgreatcare.toavo!d accidents~~~g Inir very beftutifuUv. We are locatM.iIs Lilla S.~m~am, tach~r in the Daily Reflector. -At School Hall Association will meet Monday evenOn last Tue'iday. January 18th, to the snow a.nd shppery·. cond~bons ed' in the BIlme house. 'T!'ey fur- I8COn~ roo~, ~ slC~, and Mill Ella Tuesday evening, Felaruary 1st. ing in the directors room of t he a heavy show~r fell only in one spot of the materIal. Only 'Skl~led work· nished the for the OhiO society Ke1l1S lupplymir In her place. • - • National £ank at !3 o'clock. All at Ridgeyille, Ohio. It was in the men areem~l?yed, man~/.ofthe gana- last Tuesday ntgh~ and were enco~ Dr. and Mr.s. Hathaway are in atBAND ENTERTAINMENT members should be present. , form of a "post card shower." and here now bavlOg been 'Nltll the ~m. by the large audl~nce. ~he ~~ein- tendance at the La,yman's Misaionary F. B. Sherwood. Sec y. occured at t he 'home of l\;1rs. Phebe panr. for a number of y:ears.- Nlles, dent eulogized them b..lghly and Co f 'Dano th·s week At its regular weekly practice --A Kirby she re eiving 169 cards (0.) Daily News. they were from Ohio." ~ nven 10n In n 1 . meeting last Monday 8venillg, the ASHES INTERRED HERE fr~m her devoted relatives and lovMr. Hawke ill the son of Mr. and W. C Cornell Mrs. Edwin·S.Ji'umas spent Wed- Waynesville band decided to give a' . , ing friends. To have seen her reMrs . .' Joa. H. Hawk~, and , ~n who .. - • needay and Ttoursday with her sister, musical and literary entertainment The. as~es of the late Millard ])~km lieving her mail box of its burdens THE LECTURE COURSE Mrs. Joseph Heaton, of Springboro. in' the n~r future for the purpose of who 41ed ID New York recent ly. ar- was surely amusing her joUy goodknow him, and 1'!ls friends are many. eongratul~te him upon hi~ advanceM k 0 . k' dl raising ,funds to procure new uni- ~ived her~ last .We~nesday, and·were natured countenan~e beamin'g with mentin hJschosenprofesslon. Friday night .w asthetbird number Mr.: Verywi ~ y re- forms. . mt~rred M amI ~e.m~tery, Rev. wonder and delight . ead ,I iA the Jecture course, and it proved mfembefir us ~ BY t a m~ While the date has, no~ yet been J. F . Cadwallader, officlat1Og. Included in the list were two beaube' deed The 0 as ne parsmps 88 ever grew m d fi " 1 t 'ttees h bee • __ .. . · '. a very p 1easmg num r, m -;rd e mte y Be • comml ave n tiful post card albums donated by Our old frumd, Tom Zell, who..!'. 'J ohn Eberly Concert Co. a ga en. . ted 'd work has started in CIOA DS AND TOBACCO " " f c::.. cently moved to .' EUgene, . OF~., Th'e n'u mbers'w'ere heartily' 'encored .. . . appol~ a.n , . '" loving ones. and also a letter full 0 ' . 'Mi88 Sue Crane, of ClDclOnati, 1S earnest to give Waynesvdle the very . ,. well wish{. and good cheer from the writes the ~olloWing interesting I.e tter and each artist had to respond. 'J ohn the guest of her brother, D. L Crane best entertainment of the kind ever I have ju~t received a fresh s.upply Christian All iance, of Dayton , Ohio. to ~s:' I ' . ' . Eberly has a pleasing . voice and ~r:~ and sjster, Mrs. Eli ' Burnett, for sev- produced here, Several of the best of ch!>ice Cigar~ and Tobacco m my May she live to see many returns We are all in usual health. and all fEct control, wbich made him well eral weeks. .. local musical and literary talent have pool room. Th~ best tha~ money can of each and ev ry one of t he number. emp.oyed, Earl Robertson is ,still 'liked , . , . ; . . sii"llified their willingness to help the buy. Your patronage Will be appre- plus' man)' more. ' **. with us and has a nice position as , Miss·Effie WIl.on sang some dlffi· MaCInnes ~etlson, who wil! be ~t boys, and this in connection with ciated. OTTO HORNICK. III'lesman with tlieChll,mb~rs Hard- cult aelections, and was forced to School Ha~l next ~esday even1Og. IS their own effort. assures success. .. - • ware ~nd Furnitur~. Co.: the .lar~est respond. a .Scotchm,.n. He 1S a 8Chol~r,. and The band has been practicing hard WILL MOVE IN NEW OFPICE ' . ' ., . A very dehghtful surprls: was arQoncern pf the kmd..\O' th~ cIty. . Mi88 Mollie Reed, the reader, was hiS lecturf'S . are cbaraeterIBtlcal1y and faithfully and is now able to exBlanche has a fine pobltton ~Ith the one of the beet ever heard here. Sbe Se~tch .. makmir ~ e~eninir 'of rare ecu.te a grade 'of ' mUldc seldom at- Dr. ElliS will. have ~is office at ran,ged on Wednesday evem~g. Janf·T..i!>le~," one o'f the leadmg lady was equally good in both her dra- etIJoyment. . t.empted by \lands which have been his new home fi nished ~hlS week and ual'Y 19th , by Lampton _SmIth and and dry goods sto~, h~ ma~ic 'and lighter -efforts; . ~d , mOlt Mrs. Amanda Gallimore. who has organized no longer. This is prac- expects to t~I<e :o~: swn on Monday Jesse Roland at the .ho~e of Mr. Jafull charge of the cloak Ilndsul~ de· of h~r selectio.n s we~ ..enttrely ~e:",. been visiting' Chu. ' Sherwood and tically their first attempt to raise . . cob Scott a~d family, 'in ho~or .of partt;n~nt. W~rre~, (?r Pe~ ~ he Ml8!l,Blanche Peenng, the~ioh~lSt family l'eturneci to her home in Wil. fnnds. other than by p.laying when Qregonla. J ohn and Nora S<;ott, The was fO,r merly , kno,,:n In QhlO) an~ ....well we have h_rd lady vl0limste . ton Tuesday., called upon, and, as they pave not . ' was :omplete. and a. ver~ el.1J,o yable been before the public with subscrip. Mrs .. ~~e l{N H Y . o ( e nb~ a . biUfS I evenmg was spent 10 miscellaneous .Raymond are ' workmg at plumbing; but ' none to equ~ this lady. Her mmg . . .me~l., wo~ ' k• ~ ' d teC~i!lue al'ldharrnony ' , wer~ superb! . Mrs. Emerson 'Mason, who was op- tion papers,'we beSpeak .for . them a bbeef tlU. VI It! o g bar Ijon u.ucl I w e ga~es. At 10 0 'I beating and sh eet C,ock . d e I'19htl . UI reare , busy all the tIme. ElsIe still In her De Beriot 7th. Concerto, she erated on at Miami Valley hospital la-e and liberal patronage ' . b ~ I fresl)ments y.rere serveP.. At a late ' d la ' ·th ' , ., . . .... . MI S Gltulv!l pflocer, W 0 Ilfis l h 11 d d ' h' . J b d plays her d,J1lms 'an P : ~S. .wl ~wo ,noton}y~owed thatsh~couldmaster in Dayton is gettinir 'along nicely, The date and further particulars beell quit iii fo r the P'lst, w ek, is ou~' a epsrte WIS . mg. 0 n .an orchestras-;-Prol•.. B~mp sand ,H,l gh the ytolln, but also Interpret the and Wi1l800rl be ~t home. will be announced through these muob Improved, .Nota many . more ; s~ch surprlses. School orches~.. Mrs· zell~.. ~n.a author's feeling:' Mj88 Deeriftg can . colUlnns as soon as they are definitely EltrJ 'l'h rl111SOD IID(l Hom er Dontb .those present were: .Ml!~S~ Glee Hess , , ~d the baby (MlIo) ;,.are eIlJoymgeo., ·tiaek atain and be 82SUred ot. Mr. and Mrs. JobP Fromm,Wt.o d~ided upon. era ga, of D1,ly torJ , were b OUl A o ver lo.renee Hess. ElSIe S~lJth, Alma ' tbeir' new ,home and. ~n tbe best of a itood bouse in her b,halt. ~ve been the gtlests of Mr. and.!'cffs. ' ' • _. Buadny. Maxwell, Ru~h Ml\Xwel'J ~lah Hart.; ' health, an~ ' as for . mysel~ EU&'1!11e , . . ' . ' . • ~ .. . J. C. HawlCe. ~or. tJte ;.P88t ten dars. FOR SALE Miss LuoilA Mason hns been visit. ock. Mabel Satter~~w~ite, Win'ni.Orerc)n, is &-cod enough for me. If ' WAS REMEMBERED returned to thei~ bome in Dayton log r ellLti ,( In luOi !.l n"t.i. While fred Jl4eredith, Sarah Satterthwaite, . "ny. of'my trh!nd~ ~~ ,tQ ~~o~ , an~- . . . . \. . .. ' . . ' '. '. Sunday. ·", . , , : ' , AFarm of ]21~ acres~ 2X miles t.her~ . be SI.I.W B:!ll;1Cbe Bllte in " T ilt! :Emily, ~erty.~m . 'E~~el "PJn.~ew'it~,. ~h.i~ir lJlQ~ abQ~t in~, ~ey ~l~ 6nd. ?:,akmg,t~e1.r o~el fro~ the .'.Ml~ml , '., ' Wife of the sou~west of Spnng Valley: . ;Well Fl~ htl g .1-11 1P" . ;. . ; Mary · ?ennew~tt. Ada, ' ,Snook. Gol,dle,.: . the latoh8trlng~an~nr outsi4e.and Gazette's an~o~nee~~t of ~ •. -W'. M~. .ch~. W:. $~, " ... ' improved farm and,goo4 qUlldmgs. . TlJ Ml ~ .. P DOflr · entflrtl:'it,le':l Hartsock . .l\4&y. Folker€h; R.uth' wnf only bHtoO glad to ,have them . Meek'8 birtbdaY' In l~t. week's . issue mo,nu~~nt ~.~, 4f ,Lebanon. is qui~e ~ll"\on or' address M,'; E. Evans~1l t.ll~lll Y" 11lght u.t,(I.' hlr waJI. p ~t\y 'sock N ina ' and Nora,Scott. : 'Messrs .': . , .... P ' .. " fri ' a' , 'tit ' , I.. r f 150 t tM!rloualyUl;bavinglUft'eredarelapae · . " ' . ' ,... . • In h O'n or o" MIS . en~ .Myer.s ... ·wup. ., ' , "h J' e,' H' .:" Al come -.nd .~ ~me. ': Fred e~ce ate , , ~ ,~ ~o e .n.u~~~ 0, . .'. ~n S,· .. ' i bt,~ l Mii8 ·:",.GwendolyQ Spr~!,g Valley, ?h.o~ ',' w 111 tNe'.abor~l.v· for' l,ler 'new b.o me ,G~or~e '~lll~t • , ~ '. ~~.' .' v ' dinn,e.r "~it" ,Q~ a. f~w, dm alW~ J~e him ,~~'U'da, '.' ....~ 1,: I. _.: u.n . &)' ~i' ~ ""'~.:. -'tndf_l ':'·,:j · Yr . ' . . . .. . _ • ' . " H1 M', .t~e Mt't~e Lillie. and ,H.f,lrtSo~K:i .Lamp't<>n. ~~ltb! J.~e~. employeat'on"a lar~ ·rinch. 9·mUes. !,fro J. 4·. Funkey ' ~~t ,aUttltt Schwu:tz . S. 'IUIIU ",~. ... . , ' . ' . ' My rtl K il)lel', Luoile 19'qr.too(.le¥l land ,·Frank HeSs, R9Y Smlth ..Tbom~ :. \' Qut"on ~~ . MeJ{ir sey weU farther; and gQt inO!)" to tIle''8Dlount, ~h~artz..~ lI~l»k'ov~g. ~eelY. ' . 1\9~IN~.~ T~.BACC~ . ~ 'an,~ 'Ol" f,1I. \ ~u mU~on,. Imq .~ he! 't4s ' B~t.¥hilk i;Iill'ry':< S,~ jjf~rth~aite:' ,_ . . 'L,' h' h ' d '" t '. f $16 &0 hi la,WiII": en to Ml'1"S . ' , ."'" '.-" b ••"::"r " • . , • Sl\l~rwo:1d R~d Met;lsr . John I"bar- B- :t.., . S· · ·th G1 . ' H ' ·S · · P . ~ ~'pl~~.tu ls.-,om~~ ~s ' flo ov~~· .9 . . ~. CJI .\. ,.IV , : '. .•.. . • • .. rhe larture . ••ven l mawnnes. M; .F~ Sh,arp, or.ganiz~r" ~ll ba.~e.' wanA. Z~i'n 'aWl V r ' j3 ' 4t'r.iliti:lg~, . ell.~ .. m1, ..', e!l~. e~i , wa.m·'. ~!l. " : wor~":. ~ ~,th)~ ,b.e,a~ 9~~0',. L~ C¢w~t,. !~Q, ~~~t ~~ a~d ,Nei~n,' lUt .ev~inj~ <proVecJ to. ~ il inee~ing at Spfinirboro tonight, S;ebe~ .B.ii'D1i 1tOtl , Gny 1{fbler: VSI.~ll newltt,.J;)!lVI8 Furn~. J~e.,M~rMlth ';, '. two to one," Mr. f,,;, A.,·, Brown.. and ~~'f()r bQ,.... ' . ' . . the 1l100t ln~ ~ . ~~c~v. ancs'~l),hold 'one at Ridgeville Thm:s- PQtotif~ Dma,rlaolHnl.l~~ortii, Robert John Tracr. '. Ed,wa~ :~ar~k, Cl~. fam\tY. ar, eIaj~yiq tb~~~elS:ln~~e , Web'~ti, throUgh,· the. :columns , ~t baa been ~.u!eNd bere i~l ~ 1_ d I)igbt~ ' tObaccO ., ra~rs. in $Pl\tts, Earl" l.'li~:~'ODt ,. Hom~r ~o·t:d, Davis,' ·F~~J~ueaa. ~l~ <. . '.', l'\tCelilt ~~~ In ,.,r ~nt, o~ tt~e · Mlwt·~~te tb thank ._ch,, titDe;~J ~ver (0.•) ~ aectiqu are aro~!ld, .~d the 0.1'- ~~~ho~:j~U:~:~~:~d~n!~~::fU~~ Folket:th, . J?harl~· ~.~~~~, .. aoJin. " near _~.un~vlrn~. Mr. ~l.r. an~ andev~.Qn~for~ir~emtinu.- ~rtet~ ,!4.", ~.nton,...ll beat~ pijf_r ' 18 meeting with irreat sue- Di8hed the a~'IlsemeDts of' ev:e,~ and ~!lk.e :&Co~t. :' \,. ,. ..,' tug ; ,. ... ' . . . ,. Oile Who W~ · lwereoUtridq 'I!It~eveiUq•. H.lQ1ItbIa~thebelit birtbfW >~ BaU'lu..,89IIliq, r.~~

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B.~1n ~~t~tb.

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.... bIMl · '.






"How can ,I gC't to her oastlo?" " "He knew llow to give m bl'llin .. Dorothy" a n d v ry good IlriUllS, too," saId t,be "1'h rOi,d ' is stl'lli':;ht to t tl KOllth ," Scnrecrow, he R.hs we l' d , "h ut It Is 'aid to be full "\t ' I Z bad talte n a dose of tb l} 1I1Ull, of d llu ~ rS . \ 'trave l r. Tb' ra are ourag h gav me." add ed th Ll n. wild l)oa ls In I he woods, and a rar. " b w0l1111' hav b , 'II a brav," of q1le r meo wl!o do not , lik e I'I lr8\1' Doro thy said nothiag, Oz h nd not g r~ to cross theh' coun try, • 1"01" this k pt th e prollli se he made 11 r', lIut ho r NHlOn nOll e ot t il QlIadlings evo'r had cion his b st, 8 0 s be [ol'gav blm, 1'0 01 'to th o Em mid Ity," s he said, he was t\ 800d m a n, even The Ro ldi I' tben loft th om and the If he was a bad ' Vll.Znrd. Scare row saJd ; The flrllt dll Y's journey -was th rough "' It BCr nl S, In l' plte of dang~rs , that Lhe, g l'ce n ,1lelds aod ' bright fio v.'e rs til 1(' t thlnl! Do rothy cnn c~ Is to '.hat sIr (('het. about t he Em rn ld I ra n ' l to lh p Land of th o outh and C ity on v ry s id ' , Th ' y s ll>;I;' l hllt :lsk , linda 10 he lp h r. For , of course, n lg tl t on Ih c rass, '~ith no thin g hu t it Dorothy 8tllYR bere s he wi ll oe \' I' Ule slurs over tit 'm; a od th ey I' sted ~f't lJ ac:l\ 10 Knn!'lIs," \'cry w e ll , In nect! . :' Y UII III lis t have be n thlnldnt; In th o m07lillng th l' trave lt> d on ag ain, " re- murk II Ih Tin \\'onlillllltl . un til th y came !o ft tbl clt wood. The re " J hnl' e," Rllid Ill e SCllr I'OW, wa s no wa:; of golK{J around It, for It " I s holl 1):0 wi tll Dorothy," declared Se' m d to 'xtend 10 th e right and left I the Lion , " fo r) 11111 tired of your ci t y ns fa r 118 U1 Y could see; nod , b s ides, an d long for Ih ' woods and Ihe oun· th ey did not dare cba ngo the dlr c Uou try n/:ll in . I Il lU I' ally a wlld b IlSI., or th II' jOllt'lley for foa r of gelll og yo u Imo w, Bes id es, Dorothy will Il 'cd lost. So they looll ed fO l' th e plal}e sr. rne one to protect h er," wh orn It woult! b as lost to' g t In lO By L. Frank Baum "Tbat Is tru e," ogre d the Wood· th forcst. The Scarecrow, who WIUI In the Clan. "My IlX mllY be of se rvlc to I ·oprrls-ht. h)' thl' B o \)b~ · ~t rrlll \ ',),) he r : so I, aiso, will go with h I' to lhe I nrl , fin ally di scovered Ii big tree ( opy rl ght, b~' L F rnnk 8num &. \V , W" Lnnrl of lll e .oul h," with s lich wide sp readlug branches Denslo w, \ " Wh en s ha ll we start?" as lted th e ihat t here WUB room tor th e pnrl y to S('nr ' c row , Ilass und e l'Ooa lh, So he walk d forSYN OPSIS, "Are YOIl going?" they ns ked, lu' wUI'd to th e tree, but ' just. a8 b CIIDl e Oorothy U",'d In Kn nsn s ",Ilh Awnl I::m s urprise, und e r l h first branch they be ut dowlI a uLi 'ncle Henn', A c),clone IIrI"L1 their " 'erllll lll )" If. It ,,'asn' t for Doro th y a ll d I win d around him, and th e n e ll' h 111(\ Ini O th e nlr, Dorot hy rnlllng Il ij l ep Qmldst the axell rnen t. ' A crash 1l\\,llk l' tlo<l I s bould nove l' have h ad brains, She mlnlll It wus rai sed fr om the gro llll. hl!r. Th hous(' hnd Inllll ~d In 11 .-oulllry ot marvelous bOllu ty, Uroup.. oC qllc('r lift e d me from he pol In th e corn· and flun g h adlong run ong bl s fe llow IIt ~l e pE'Oll te gr ted her 10 t h~ Ln uri or Ileld and brought ru e t o the Eme ra ld tl'/lve l rs, MUIl Chkl l1s, The hOUHC hud 1c1ll ~(1 t ""I r Ily . So my good luck Is all du e to Tbls tlld not hu rt the Scarecrow, but c " ~ m y, th o wlel, d wllch of E}l\st. Doroth)' took t h wlld) '8 .1 1""r sh,,,'s , Sh o It 1', nnd I sit II n \'e r lea ve h I' unlll II 8url1rl8 d him, and h looked rat he r at3 rled tor Ihe Emerntd 'It l' to tlnrl the Wlr.nrd 01 Oz; wtw, h Willi promised, s be s tllrls back to Kan s ns for good di zzy wh en Dorothy picked him up , mIgh t fin d a \\'ay to 8t'nd her b)\\.'k to " He r o Is anotbe r s pace betw on the Knn88S. Dorothy rei li S d )\ Hl'a r~ ro w, and a iL" "l'hnnl{ yo u," said Dorolh)', grate· trees," culled th e Lion, gi vIng him life. H e wns d IItrous ot RCQuiring bra Ins nnd stn r led with h r to rully, "You nr all ve ry kind to me. " Let me try It first," said th th o wizard to gel them. The scarecro w t old' hl8 hI8tor),. They met a Un wood- Hut I s hollid Ilk to stn rt as soon as crow, "for It doesu't hu rt m e to get mon who Ion,; d for a henrt. H e a lso t.hrown about," He walke d up to nnjoined th m , Th y come upon n terrible Ilossibl e." " We t;hn ll go to·mOl'row mornin g," otb e r tree, as he s poke. but Its lion, Tho lion on feSBed he had no couragl!, He deCided to nceompany them to the Wlznrd of Oil to get 80 m • T he Bcare- I' turned th e SClu'ccrow, " So now let branches Imm ediate ly seb;ed him and crow In pushIng the ra tt became Im- us a ll get rendy, for It will be a long tossed him back again. IIIJ.led upon hla pole In the mIddle of the journ e y," "Thi s Is strnnge," exclaimed Dororl n ' r, The scn recrow was rescued by a t rlendly stork, The:r ent erl'd a POppy thy, "what' shall we do?" !leld. which cnus e Dorothy to to II "The trees seem to have made up as leep. Tho scarecrow and Un woollmnn TeBCU d her a nd her (log trom th e dead ly the lr minds to fight us, and stop our tlower8, The 1J0n tell asleep and being too journey," r e marked the Lion, hea,;y to 11 ft, WILS I tt. On t he soorch tor Att~cked the rond of Y 110w brICK whleh, led to the "I be lie ve I will try It myse lf," soJd Emerald Cltv th ey met 11 wild cat Ilnd the Woodman, and shouldering his ax ftf' ld m.lce, Tho woodmun killed tho wild cat, Tho qu en mOU8e became trl endly, he marched up to the first tree that Bhe lIent thoussnds of her mIce su bjec ts 'rh e nex.t morn· had handled the Scarecrow 80 rough· t.o draw We lion awn.y tram the poppy lIeld. Dorothy awoke from her long Ing Dorothy kissed ly. When a big bMnoh bent d~n to sleep, They started agn ln on the Emer- the pre tty green girl seize him the Woodman 'c hopped at It ,ala City rondo They oame to n. lenoel painted green, Thero were farm ers o[ good-lly, and they all s hook hands so fi e rcely that he out It in two. At !I1'een, houles of green and peoplo ' dresaod (n Kreen. Jt waa lbe Land of Oz. They with the green soldier with, the green once the tree began ehaklng all Ita mot the gunrdJan of the Irl\tell. He d • whiskers, who bad walked wIth the m branches as if In pain, and ,the TID eerlbed the power of tho Wl,aard of 0., as far as the 'gate, When tbe Guar· Woodman passed safely und!!r it. All put on green spectaclea U tho bl1ghtnesa ,and ,lory of Emerald City blinded dian of the Gate saw them again he "Come on!" he shouted to the othtbem, The ~lIaTd decld~ to receive ono wondered greatly that they could leave ers; " be quick!" of the party each day. All were put In the beauUful olty to get Into new trou· lrTeell rooms, Dorothy went to We throne They all ran forward and passed room, , In 11 chair sp~kUn. wIth emeralds abe beheld an I<normoua head With- ble. But he at once unlocked their I,lnder the tree without Injury, except out body, lep or arms, bigger ' than tIle spectacles, which he put baQk ' lnto the Toto, who was caught by a small blgl'OtIt etant. "t , am Oz. tho great and terrIble " aald th e hend. Oz ,"old her that green box. and gave them many good wtien . be kl1.1tid the wloked wltoh of the wlshes' to carry wlth them, East he ;would send her home. The loare"You are now our rule r," he said to c r 9w, admitted to the presence of a benu· tlful lady, who lald IIhe wall the wlsard. the Scarecrow; "so you mnst come Willi promilled, bralnll when ·he \t.U\ed tho wltoh. The woodman beheld 11 temble back to us as Boon as possible." " I certainly shall It I am able," the 'beast with n. head of Ii rhlnoce1'o. and ~ve eye.. The wtzal'd promllled Wm a Scarecrow repUed; "but I mus~ help tieal't if ho would slay tho wltoh. Tho Uon uw a ball Of ftre and n. ,"alee from Dorothy to get bome Orsl" th object promleed blm courage If he , As Dorothy bade t he good·natured til w tile ",' Itch. The , Bea1'ch commenced, Tile .Witch saw Ihe party Wilen it ,enterod gu~dlan a last tare:we ll, she said : het· dOnialn and cauaed n. pack of wolvell "I have , been very kindly treated In to' a I t. The woodman ' .lUlled the wolves, She lIent crowe which the seare- ~~~~~~~ cr(lw eeared nnd killed, Bees were die- been ' good to m e . I cannot te ll you patched next. but the, woodman l' cetved 1.h s Hnp, 1<'lo81ly wl_ed monkeys lOok ho" grateful I am,or them prisoner a nd convt!yed them to ''Don't try, my dear," he answered, , th e wItche ry. DorQthy, throw wa- "W e should 1lke to ke~p ' you with U8, t l' on th e ' wioked witch, des troying h pr. Dorothy rellcued tho li on, wood- but If It is your wish t o return to Kan· man and sca.reorow. She tou nd a charmed golden cup nnd s ta rted baok sas 1 !lope you will find a ",ay." He to Oz. ali b eam Jost . She used the then opene d the gale of the oute r wall CUJl to oall the wing d mon k eys who t OQk th em to th E mera ld City. The and t hey wallted forth and started charmed UP'8 story wns tolll Dar- upon their jorn ey. , . Qtby dlseov red t ho -wIzard to b a. The s un shone hrlghtly as our humbug. :ae t old hili lit s tory. The wizard gav th 8car crow brnlns, tbe friends turned the ir faces toward the woodman . (I. h eart n nd the lion a cour- Land of the So.uth. 'fhey were all In ug OuJd. Tho Wizard or Oz co n" ruoted n. balloon to ta ke Dorothy the b est or spirits, and laughed and Chopped at It So Fiercely That He home. The all' cra.ft br oko laotle and cbatte d toge ther. D,o rothy wIls 'once Chopped It In Two, t h wizard WRII carrt ed I\.way without the gtrl, Dorothy ol).lI ed th e mOl'e fill e d with the hope 'of getting winged m onk Y8, but th ey wor e pow· home , and the Scarecrow and the TIn branch and shaken until he howle d, rlcll8. Woodman we rc glad to be of UBe to , B ut tho , Woodman promptly chopped he r. As for the Lion, he Ijnllfed the o'ff t he branch and set tbe Ilttle dog ~HAPTER XVIII.-Continued, fresh air with de light and whl,slte4 his free, . ' . , Tho othe r trees \ Of the fores~ ;!Id So the s~dl e r was s ummone d and tall from side to side In pure joy of e n tered ' the torone room timidly, for being In the country again, while Toto no thing to l(eep Uiem bac\t, so they while Oz was he ne·ver was al· ran around t~em ,and oh~ed tli~ made up their minds that only the lowed to come further than the door. moths. and butterfli es, barking m e l'rU y first row of trees could bend down ,th e ir b~anohes, and that probably "This little girl," s aid the Scare· all the tim e. "C1t¥ Ufe does not llI;Tee with m e at t hese wero the PQilCemen '!t. th e fo rcroW to the soldie r. " wlslles to crOSB all," remarked th e Lion, as they walked est, and give n their wonderful power the desert" How can she do s o ?" II I ' canno t tell," answer ed the sol· along at II. brlslt pace. "I have lost In orde r to k eep stranger s out of It. ,The four trave le rs walked with dle r, "for nobod y has e ve r crossed milch fi es11 s Ince I lived th ere, and ' now I am anxlons tor a chalIce to' ease through the trees unUI tb ey came 'the desert, unl ess It Is 01. himse lf," "Is t here no ono wbo can h e lp me?" s how the olhe r beasts bow courageous to th e further edge of t hl' wood. Then, I have grown." to th e ir s urprise, the y found before IlSlted Dorotby, earnestly. They now ' turned and took a last tb e m n high Willi which s eemed to be "G1l nda m l8'ht." h suggosted. "Who Is Olinda 7" Inquire d t he Rcare- loolc at th e E m e rald City. All they made of whHe c hin a. It was smooth, could see was a mass of towers and IIke ' tlt e Burfaep. of a dish, and higher crow , "The Witc h of the South. She Is s tee ples be hind th e green walls, and than their h e ads. the mos l powe rfu l pt a ll the Witc h s high up a bove e ve rything the spires' " What shall we do now?" asked Dot· !lnd dome of the palace of Oz. otby. "01. W8S not such a bad Wizard, " I will m a ke a ladder," said the ane r all," said Ihe Tin Woodman, as Tin Woodman, " for \l,Oe certahily muat he fe lt 'his beart rattling aronnd In hJs climb over the wlll1." ' breast. (TO BE CON'l'rNUED,)


Wizard pfOz






,.,. " f B rlftany · ~ ale 0



r 0 Rlore



,r:\'i\~ oS S~\\\\(l .

~S ~",\y y~ \ltOm\l\\Y

The I OPO!! I'o m tb grain 11 Ids ot e l\tra l- !lll ndn, (wh ich COlll l)rlses t he Q\\ ~ SAW LINCOLN WHEN GREATEST Pro\' lnccl:I of lanltoba usk atche wan lIud - Ib rtn) nrc to h~nd , Tho year W ayn e MacVeagh Tells of His Im pro", 1909 bus nOl only k pl pn ' with PI' _ si an of Em anci pator'. Famou s vlous years In provin g tha t this porGettysburg Splech . li on of tb e ouUn nt is capab le of produclng a sple ndid yie ld of all tho \\ uyne !llacVeag h, t be we ll-kn ow n sUlall I' gl'lllns, but it bns thoroughly a Uorue y ' Rnd forlll e r cn blllOI mill 1st 1'; outs tr ipped previous s easons . Tbe re In enl ury llIugllzln, gives SO IllO Is qunntlty, qua lity and ()rl ce !lnd f rom grnl.hlc Il nd inte resll ng p rsonal memo a orll's of th e de ll \' I' y of LIn col n's Get , ll parts of a n urea of about 320,000 square m il s th er e comes tbe s tro ng tysbu l'g add rcss, a nd o[ the Im)JreRslon I' (rain of cOllt entm nt and s atlsfac. Il r r"'ll te u. Part or his n arrnUv fol· tlon. In th e distribution of th e conlows : dlUons ca using It no dis trict has been TH[ , " T h address of Mr, Ev ere tt s e me d ove rlooke d. 10 me tb e ll, liS It hall wh e ne ver I have Various s Umales ot the total yield r ead Il s lnre, pe l'fectl y a dllJ1t ed 10 tb of whe at fOI' lIle cOll ntry have been occlltllon, a nd xaetly wh at s lI ch an made , but It Is not the vast 'total that o ra tion ought to be. Influe nces the general r ead e'r so lUuch SOLD rJ'( LEADING DRUOOISTS SO'ADOmI "At Its close, as I r emembe r, lb ra as what has been done Individually, wn s Il s hOl'l Inte rval of mus l.c, a nd The grand total-say 130 million bush. the n Mr. Lin coln was pr sen l d, alol only 10 a Cflpt, In a fe w torUlal words, e ls-ruay have Its effect on the grain price of the world; it may be Inte rest. lhe ceme t ry In beh a lf or tbe na· Ing to know that In the world's mar. tlon , k e ts the wheut crop ot Canada bas " As It t" ca me forward , he seomod to s udd e nly broke n UI)on tbe trading me , a nd 1 wos silting nellr lo him , boards, and with the Argentine, and v is ibly 10 domlna tc th e BC n , nnd with Russia and India, is now a fac· tor In the making of prices. It so to· day, wbat w11l be Its e ffect five or t e n years from now, wb en, instead of there being seven mUllon acres under crop with a total yield of 125 or 130 million bushels , there wlll be from 11 to 30 million acres In wheat with a Much of the chronic lamenes.t yield of (rom 326 to 600 million bush· in horses is due to neglect. e ls . Wben it Is conside re d that the See that your horse is not illlargest yield in the United States but lowed to go lame. K eep Sloan's slightly exceede d 700 mUllon bus he ls, Liniment on band and apply at the greatness ot these figures may be the first sign of stiffness, It's understood. Wen, such Is a safe fore· wonderfully penetrating - goes cast. tor Canada has tbe land and It right to ' the spot - relieves the bas the soil, Even today the Provo soreness-limbers up the joints Ince of Saskatohewan, one ot the tbree and makes the muscles elastic great wheat growing provinces ot Can· and pliant. ada, with 400,000 acres under wbeat, Here'. the Proof. produces nearly 90 million bushels, or Mr. G. T, Robert. of Resaca, Ga,. upwards of one-tenth of tbe greatest R,P.D, No ..!, BOll 43, writes: - " I ha.. Yield of the United States, And SQ.s· ,ned yo,lIr Llnlment.oD a hone for '''e60 katcbewan 'is yet only in the begin· lIey and effected a thorOlllh cure. I al10 remond a .payin on a mule. Thla n~ng of Its deve lopment. As Lord .puln wae as large as a ",Ina en, h' Grey recently pOinted out In speaking my estimation the ~t rsmecIy,for tam. on thl.l very subject, this year's ' orop lIeU and IOro_ 1t docs not represent one-tenth .o f the soil equally fertile , that Is yet to be brought under the plough, Individually, reports are to hand ot yields · of twenty-five, thirty and Udrty~five bushela to the acre. Scores of yields are roported of forty and s ome as high 8S sixty bushels, The Ill'. H.Il.Glbba rof Lawren~, Kan, .. farmer., who takes care ot bls soU, R,P,O. No, ], wntes: - " Your Llnlwho gets hJs see.d·bed ready early, Is IlleJ\t I. the best that 1 hll.,. enr uled. certain of a splendid crop. , I had a mare with an abscess on her nedt The news , of the magnificent crop and one Soc, bottle of Sloan', Liniment entirely cured her. 1 keep It arollnd all neld throughout the Canadian Wes~ the tIme for pn. and small ."'elllop will he to the friends of the &lid for _ythlDI about the atock." _....."-.. '-"11.• .~!!.!l!~..!1Wu., , 9f_ Americans who are resl· • SJO'!-D'S Linim~nt ~ tn that country and who are _ill kill a spavin, vastly Instrumental In the assistance while over bls plaIn and rugged coun. they are rendering ~o lot the world curb or splint. ret e nanee appeared to settle a . great duce wind puffs and know Its oapabllltles. m e lancholy, It was somehow light· llwollen ,jotnts, and is a sure and speedy ened as by a great hope. Aa he h eStill In the Family. remedy, for fistW a, gan to s peak 1 Inst!ncUvely felt 'that Among the domestic duties 'of a sweeney, founder the occasion was tIlklng on a n ew young hus band Is tile car .ful sup · rvland lhrush, grandeUl', I\S or , a great moment In slon of. tbe toilets ot his wlte's t.wo history, and there followed, hi 8'OW dogs, one a Oreat Dane and th e Otll I' P,ictJ60o. and $1.00 autl ImpressIVe and tar·reachlng utte r, a by no means diminuti ve St. Bernard, al_n'.....ok oa au e , th e words with wblch the wbol e "Ob, Marie," shouled hubby from " _••, .,,,ttle, .he ... and .o •• Ury aeDt world has long been tamlllar. ' A s th e yard late .ono afternoon, " th ere's .-._ A.d .. ...,•• each word was s poken ,It aJ,lpeared to 110t a fi ea on tbe dogs now ! " ~t, Earl S, Sloan, "How s ple ndid I" sbouted ' back me so clearly frau ght with a message BoetoD, ....., V. I. A. no t only for liS o[ his d ay, but for the Me rl e. "Not a si ngle fie n 1" "No!" yelled Tom, "They are aU Imtold generation s of men, that b e· fore he concluue d I fo und myself pos· on me!" ----~---------- .----.--~.-----sessed by a r e v r entlal awe for Its oruplet.e jusUflc,Uon ot the great A Jar of Reslnol OIntment la a t:f~nd)' , . Remedy to Aa'v. In th .. House ' ' war h was conduotl ng, as If conduct· All the Time. e d, as In t'ruth It W8S, In t he In terest In twenty years' experience as , • of milD kind. ' ' , Cat OIIlcathulico ud ~ n.,_ ..... "Surely a t that · mome nt h e justl. Durse 1 have never found as good ' a remedy for Skhi' Troubles, ECZema., fl ed th e lus J)lreil portraiture of Low. CARTER'S elb" as Resinol Ohl,t menl Its c,!ollng, UVER ell: bea\lng effeet pn sore nipples Is truly ' Greal cnptllfns wlLh theIr guns aRlt wonderful, drum"" Disturb our Judgment tor the hour, Mrs. T. B ~ Henderson. Alb~ny, N. Y. Bul at lnilt s lip- nee O(lnles: These 0 1'0 n il gon e, and, slllncllng IfIfe Every mother knows a . .lot of good :l. tower, ' ' rules tor raising otber people's ohll· Our chll c1ren shu ll behold his fu r .. , I'll kind ly, carnest, bravo, forWlE'" lns dren, 11lnn, 1Ick~""""",,, ...... PJLJlJS (lU.RED ~'N 6 TO U , DA 1:8, Sagu(!lous, putlenl, c1rcudlng " ra isc ' not PAZO OllllTM ElIll'l' i 8l11l1lf/lOUled to curo IIn1 Cili . Small PilL Small Do .. : Saaall ' bin m e, , ' Ilr IUlh"'., Blind , 1I1ctldiUll' ur l'rotrudlOIl rUol 1a GENUINE mlilt bear lillltalure: WDn06 rolundL'd. !"JO. N e w bI rth of our now 8011, the firs t ,\0 16 America n, Absen-ce of occupation Is not rest; a "And 1I0W comes t be only Inex.pllc. able PaIt of thIs statemen t. I walt. mind Q.~lte vacant Is a mind distressed. ed until tile ' guests who wish ed to 'do so h·a d· spoken to him and th e n ~ said to him with great earn es tness f ' You have . made , an ,lmlJlortnl address.' To

\\\e \)owe\s c\e<.\\\SeS \\\e S~S\~", ~SJeQ'\\o.\\y ~

<.\SS\S\S Ol\~\\\OVe~Om\l\~

ao.\}\\\\<i\ CO\\Sl\p~\\O\\ ~t"'o."e\\'!Y.

To Qe\ \~s b"'l\~3\c;\(l\ ~ec's.Q\W<lYS buy the ~e\\\i\~~~I"ACTU"'~O"'"


Stops Lameness

'Sloalis Liniment

Don't Persecute

," your Bowds ...-....--00. '" _


dn,. "'



$1,2S,QOO I"net from 1200 acres grapes. $15,000, 'f rom 22 acres peaches. ~ :~~~h n!: s:;,I~~!t. ri~~e~u~~~otY~~ $3;200 'from 20 acres raisins, ' in the ,extravagant about tt.' ,

San Joaquin Van~y, California

7i ' "Others then came around tllm and Piper Who Playecl for the Unholy about him on th e grass. Not a Dote I did not see hIm again untfl on the Korrigans, and the Curl. Theredid be rulss until tbe moonllght faded ' train on our way home, fIe was sulby Entailed, and ,th e cock crow , soundIng dawn" fering from a severe headache ' and gave the Signal for bls companIons, to lying down ip' the ,drawing room . wltb • ,. A cow &n~ an !lcre of alfalfa will earn 'SI20 a year in tho ~an Joaquin Valley, The korrlgan s are the blllck dwarfs vanish. All the night he had played, his forehead bathed in cold Nater, H e' 00 acre; peaches lind apricots SI50 10 Ssoo' of Brittany wbo dwell in the sacred obedie nt to the magic cry "Pipe, prize hali sent ,tor mei as I ku~w, to. re- , . Grapes win [Ield from $100 to S3 per whll~ orang~ wi! produ,ce t.r?m S250 to $5 00 : a~d ·in mauy instnnces mo~o than SJ~ Druidic circles ot the menblrs and pipe r, pipe and lIet the dance 01' the Dew our talk 'of the ~!lY before, bui 1 an ,acr~ THere, are ~en million arable and Irrtgabhi acre!! here. You still m b , ay U1 count th e ir cash In tbe moonshine. I{orrlgnns! " Exhausted with the C9m. could not restrain fIlyseU from saying unuqproved, land for $50 an Bore. When mere mortals encounter them Ing of th e day, the bag.pll!e~ lett b.1~ 'to him: 'Y~u did not 11lte what I said , ,T".n ,acres .ar'r enoug~ to comfortably support a smail family, T\venty acres affo~d by nlgbt the korrlgaDs force tbelr pipes and be tell ahenp at the loot " tills , mprnln~ about yuur address.and afuie ",I,r lllg, With m~ney I,n the bank. [. Orty acres ~ot.ld make you ricb. \'Is itors to dance with them around of the menblr, and the ' llillt sound , ,r,have thou~ht It carefully over ,and' J from 'one-fourth to oneCarson Reed Reedl C I • balanco ~1!lJi1l, eaD be' paid ,· tw enty-n.c ro c~op' ot o~UII:n;;, ~:,?FI a. ' and aroulld, singIng luono touously the which tell upon his drowsy' ears WaB ,cap only ~ay that ~h~ w.llril ~ · , , " nottod $3,2 00, . , ,. 8 nil names ot , th e days ot the week from "Sleep, prize piper; lileep! Thou ' hast ~l>~1t9 \Y~11 live In tho ~and's be rnis ed In'thl) , I kno", .Ia •• 'VnUoT ' tr om at ' ' , Monday to Sunday. This Is the theme s t tb e dance of tbe , korrlgan's ;' n~ver ~u,~g~." , ,. " , .", ' '", , /' of the best known tradition dea ling more s balt thou set a ', Chrls,tian " ~e ar;tswerM: . You , are mor~.,, ~lt, -troplo 1I0nes fioUr~ ~~~~i~.owle~h~~rm:;I~n[~J'~ih'J'~t and mer· wllh th em, the s tory ot Lao and the " . trBvagatJ~, Qll;lb ' e,v er and fOll ar,e tbe at crop experts, 1)8tJmonr 'k otrlgans. Lao was a prize piper and 'onl~ p'1rilo~ 'flio b!,s . s,!c~ , a DlI.8CCln: 'It ' A,I1 tills valtuj,blo Intar'ill ati on , fa .con ' cn m,e to set. the tlnnc,e at the pardon cep.tloil 'o( 'Wliat ,I, ald . but' I , In ed In ' the SIU\ Joaqu in Vall Y' Innd ~11or ,Itlll!ttc:d ,by th e, 'S\lntli.·, Fo R l\rlway' vf Ar.mor. Women; terrl!led at their . ··'tor. ' ~o talk {lb.op-t:~Y . OlUlo\.l;"ilill ,r to ,or ~t, glvlng f\ll1 na m '\I\ri(l 1i'11; discovery of a lrorrlgall' t~WI1, b ,I~p<!rtant . , ~r08i1 . t WI,1l also lIend' YOU 'QurlmmlrratlQn JOU,l lO!;l, Tqo Ea rth, alx month. so ught him 'to avoid the little black doael : ,.. ~~h' '" t : I . . . . ' " " " fo lic, bu't he laughed tbem ,dOWn. .",- _.,-- Cal.. " <> ' ~nnt~ ' ,~'o e\1l ploys me -, to b' l p ,Bravely ,enough be went to th~ ' kol'l'(, ""_'_'''' '',va, yel\r~ .lIettle, uP, I ~1I SouUnYl!st lInoa, Th' Com. Te>- fln} y , hn,1I no lanel t !l' ,, 11 but t wtll gan tc)\vn" but terrol' came ' oyer him . - 'ari' gl.. ~IY retet "y(n)r tnqulri to r etlable In th e dark when he heard whispered ~ Ian .. o,",or". Who ha vc. · " Fl'e8}lo, ...~ f ..... ere 011:( r ed , by t,h~' Santa sounds an',;t .dlm~y saw dark s hadows _._ . . ~'-_-_, 1 11"F"ddn.hU)'., ' Comfortablo ~Ollrfllt '811'epel'I marching with ' him in ilie glooru, all an c all' <ta r ". Tht' Jou"n ~Y ' lllso mllJ' ' Then the lUoan,, ' rose and the ' IItlle his' h~, ~I\d ll at..~ther tlD\cs (or a , re"'I\1" : , , :,: ..... ' 1\ e c,.,,,t.! c;on,'11 ta l"e tnUJ'IBt .ervlc to creatures bade blm play for their 11', 'l'al'lH!"; ~t l'Tetlno. ' ~wna vlne- 84" ~!'fln(illloo, II qtllQk etlt, II . 'at 1.200 , acr~, from 'whIch ' he Co L IIA-&- C - I ...1_____ ,,' dance. .All night iong he. played upon an annual J)~ftt ' of n2ll.001)1 , . . . ' .._ - _ _tIaIa AP-I his plIles aul! the IItUe pe'o pla capered Ute .Ba:rold .state. twentY4wo A. T•• So P . . ~.-' oflleub" ,mlGe4 a 'l~O" crop. lIiD . . . . . . . . . . .• . '-"-~ ,

. pr'odu""fM:~~af~~ !lJhf;ee:~~; g~~pgf~~~n~Q~;~r~. ha{ll~r~


Winged Monkey.

and rul ' s· over th e Quadllngs, .De· Id s, h, r castle s tands 0 11 the edge of ,UI dese rt, so sh~ mill' kn,o'w a' way t n ross l't," "Ollniln: I ' n. good 'Wltcb, Isn't sbe ?" 8 , ked th chl,ld . " ' "Tlt Quadll ngs thllJlc she Is good," IInltl th soldi e r , ",nnd eh Is klud to (Vl'ryO(l(.', i htl h l\rd that Gllnds II ,beau tHlll \\OIUan, wbo ltnows how tp 'tt' I) YU1m g i n f'J1 lt \.' of Ih 'ruun~' yeurs .h · 1'.11 Ih;'J,l,"

____- zz ,



Wooden Wedding Suggeatlon •. A r equest c.omel! tor suggestions for a wooden weddlllg. which Is the fifth anniversary. The InvItations llIay be written or prInted upon blroh bark, or on Imitation wood pape r. giving th e dute of original weddIng and th e day lind date of propos d cel e bration . For a lable c nter plece a Il1rg canoe of birch hark would be charming 111led with viol ts 01' othe r s mall flow rs; s llIa 1\ e r cano es could be IIsed to hold sulll d nllts and us place cards, too, with th e g uest's name wr itten on the side In fancy .le tterlng. A wooden chopping bowl, fl1\ ed wIth [rult and flow ers, co uld be utilized as a ce nter· piece It th e caTloe Is not obtainable. Little wood ' n dis hes thut come for ' dolls make fin e Individual lIut or bon· bon holders. Place cards may also be made from squares of birch bark. If a CR I"J)ente l' Is uccesslble get him to make some nice long curly shavings to use as fe s toons about th e rooms. For amusement, try a nall·poundlng c onLes t for th e girls and a wblttlln& contst tor the men, or let ull dres's ,dolls made from olothesplns. Flll a slUnll tub with ouwdust a.nd make a "pie" out of whIch the guests may draw tiny woode n boxes fill ed with wedding cake. One . of the "stuutB" at a wooden wedding celebration was to gather tile guests In one room In two long lines. LIghts were extlngl11she<! and- wooden arllc1e& In ~ommon , everyday use were passed from hand to hand down the line. After each one had held and felt of 1111 the articles, the lights were turned on, and the one writing out the most complete list troll) mem'o ry r eceIve d a prize.

A Contelt' for Matron.. This unique arrair was arranged for a bride, and was a decided success. The outside cover of the little booklet I handed to ' the guests wa~ decorated wIth a whIte pearl button imd a needle and thread. the emblems of domesUc"ity. Below in letters ot gold were proverbs re la ting to ",oman In the home, s\loh as "She looke th well to the WI\YS ot her household;" "A fa ithful wIfe Is 0. joy to her husbaDd."

. I


TIMELY .SUGGESTIONS fot Those Planning Seasonable Entertainments


Pain in tbe back is tbe kidneys'signal of distress. If this timely warning is ignored, kidney disease silently fastens its deadly grip-for kidney sickness first shows itself in pains and disorders in other parts, and the real cause is too often hidden until fatal Bright's diseas.e or diabetes has set m. Suspect the kidneys if you .are rheumatic and nervous or have lame back, painful, too frequent or scanty urination, weak heart, dizzy spells, headaches, bloating or neuralgia. What you want IS a special" kidney medicine - riot an experiment, but one th at has stood th ~ test for years. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve weak, congested kidneys - cure backache -regulate the urine.

pei· and put III 11 : ovely pie made In shape of a wedding bell; a white saUn ribbon mil to each place. When the bl' ld pull d he r ribbon a spoon bea r· Ing thi s jingle was forthcoming : Ono spoon tor two. h ! whnt (un: But th en. yo u seo. You two are on . T he reBt of th e girls eac h dr e w a s poon, a nd exclaimed as they jllst matched the one drawn by th e brIdee lect that th ey mus t all go to be r . The r efre s hme nts were a little out o.r the ordinary, so I'll t ell abou~ th e m. First, shrimp sulad serv ed In heart·shaped caselli, with co rree and nut sandwlclH:!s mixed with mayonnaise dress ing. The n a de llclolls tutU·frult! In be lls haped molds.

A KIDNEY REMEDY OF '75 YEARS' EXPERIENCE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS began t uting lame backs and sick kidneys 75 years ago. The demand Jead a nearby druggist, James Doan, to prepare it for sale. From him the magic formula passed to the pres· ent proprietors. Now, as in those ~a rl y days, Doall:s K£dney Pzlls are made from only the purest drugs and are absolutely non-poisonous. They are used and praised all over the civilized world.

After· Dinner Trick •. A .tunt which Is Bew and amu!!lnr and never tails to make tun, Is a trick In balancing. Have the one who tri es the thing, measure exactly three times the length of hIs own foot out trom the wall of th e room. then stand wIth heels togeth e r facing th e wall, then stoop forward until the top of hIs heag touches the wall. Then place a tight stool or tabouret, about 20 Inches In height, between him and the wall. The trIck Is to hold the tabouret off the floor and at the same 'time lift the head from the wall, A woman generally suoceeds In dOing thIs with comparative ease,. but tor some reason the trIck Is not so eallY for a man. So ask a woman to do It flrst, then It Is ,"ery funny . to see the man [all.

DOAN'S KIDNEY PIUS MAKE LASTING CURES J. R. Black. 1005 E . Sixth street, Topeka, KansAS, says : "In the spring of 1899 Doan's Kidn ey Pills brought me such great relief that I did not hesitate to make the {act known and give .this remedy my most earnest endorsement. In my statement I said that for three years I had luffered from kidney complaint. I bad a dull grumbl ing ache across the small of my back that greatly inconvenienced me when reaching and straining in doing my work, An annoying kidney weakness Wa!! also in evidence-and- it-wa!!,out of the question for me to sleep well. In the mOfning I Wa!! all tired out and it can be seen that I was in bad shape. The use of Doan's Kidney Pills quickly and surely drove away these symptoms of kidney complaint aDd I bave since been in good health. . . The foregoing statement was given in March 1905 . and when Mr. Black was interviewed on Nov. 12, J908. he said: "1 have never had a return attack ot kidney complaint and 1 know that mr ·c\lre is a permanent one. My faith in Doan's KldDey Pills is stronger than ever.


A Measuring Conteat. Ask the guests to state what they thlJik Is the he ight of a man's silk hat ' by Indicating on the wall the height. Take a record of each guess, the n bring In a hat and see how far short m,.pst of the guesses are, A hat box candy box may be awarded for a prize to the one who comes the near· est.

Mrs. James Crooks, First St., N. W .• American Fork, Utab, says, "I had kidney complaint for ten years or more. Sometimes a twinge darted through the small of my back and I often became so helpleS!l that 1 Wa!! compelled to go to bed with my clothes on. The attacks often lasted for days a t a time and 1 could not even stoop to put on my shoes. My condition was certainly alarming. The secretions from my kidneys were irregular in p=ge and contained a heavy sediment after standing. 1 well know what the mi~ ry kidney complaint causes and 1 can therefore appreciate the merits Qf a remedy that cures tbis disease. Doan:s Kidney Pills Jived up to the claims made for them in my case and effected a cure. My kidneys were restored to a uorm.a l condition ODd my health sreatly improved." (Statement given Aug.n.I907. ) On Aug, 24, 1909,101r5. Crooks was interviewed by one of our representatives and she said: "It gives me pleasure to reendorse Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured JOy backache and my bealth is DOW ~ood. Other members of my family han taken tbis remedy with decided benefit. "

A TRIAL.FREE !::fm:;~

Cut out tbis coupon, mail itia Foster·Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A free trial package of Doan'l Kidney Pills will be mailed you W . N .U. promptly.


te. The qu estions we re nnswered by the names of characters 'famous In history and fiction : . ' V'lIl t talth[ul \vJCe ' set hel'S If It' neverelidIng t QS~ or w!\{lvlng whtle her bUB' bond was awny nt war ? P nelope. Wh a t I;o\lpl e In chlldhood's best loved c. book' were eRpe lall)' co ngenial regardln&" therratiit ? J ac l( Sprat.t ond wIfe. ' What well Imown li terary coupl!! IV 1'e n\lver Hepar\lte.d tor a day during their marrIed I!fe? The Brownings. Wha.t chor!lctl,lr. In DI k lnlll' was etemalI)' hopefu, ,while hl8 wire Wll8 eternally fa Ithful? Mlcawber. What mon In 1he Bible 10llt his wife through h I' lookIng book? Lot. Whnt Roman 's ' wlto waH abOVe .UIplclon ? neHar's. IL wIfe who was . noted tor her .hrewIshness? Xantippe: A Spoon Shower• . A young girl ~~o was to marrY a man not blessed wIth a great store of thIs world's goods was ' the r ecipient ot thIs novel and acceptable s hower. The gIrls,' 12 In number, contrll)uted the price of· a doz ~n spoons. l)lach one was done sl!llaiately In tissue pa-

Silk blo11ses are sevar e. The sleeves are flat. with little or no fullness. Flat jet ornaments, as well as thoBe of metal"nre treIJuently 'used as trimming. Xbe . vogue for gilt Is now at Its height and s ilver trImming Is also In demand . Tasseled ornaments aud !rlnge vie with each other for chief favor In tr.lmmlng. Except•.!"heil the brim Is ~..!!!'ned over, n f nt, very little of the hall' Is shown. . Some of the ne w ,brace.l ets enclrc;le the wrist and end In 0: tiny jeweled bowknoL • CO&ts nre i1 bit ('loser than the halt fitting ones of the past season. and skirts ore usually plaited. A fetching suIt was of canard blue homespun, with the jacket, sleeves and hem outlined with a fine band of skunk fur- which. by the way. ia the leadIng fur of the season for ev· ery /lay wear. ' ....... ............ ~ ~ .. ~ ,


'P arty, Dresses



rs. . on ability to tral.n · her servants, and she had' just been bragging about the treasure she had in her new. colored cook when th~ {ollowlllg !Italogue oc· curred: . r "Now, Amarapth, I'll come out and try the chicken, but 1 'want you to

SCHIRIER'S 'HOUSEHOLD SERIES OF IUSIC BOOIS NEW MUSIC BOOKS lor the home circle. ~1I~y yolume81 'Foe at and In.tromental, ..aeh about 100 page.. Bee' print. SuperIor paper. H.". million oop'•• n ·. old CENTioPEirvoeUME POST PAID

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"Th.e n cut It up just 8S I showed TaUor-J cannpt malte you a new you the other day. Do you remem· ber?" suit until you haf paid for your last "Yas'm." one, yet. . Mr. Nopay-But I can't walt so long. "Wash and drain It well. You unWinter Is h ere an,d . I need something derstand?" "Yas'm," Then, as an afte rthought. warm. ' , Th CI 1 -----..,.-"Sha11 I kJIl I~ ?"- e rc e. ,- Fair, Fat and Ttde.y. . A Kansan snt on the bench lnntlc CIty watching a f bather disporting b erself In the surf. cure ' He knew nothing 'o f tides, and he did Dealn.. eawted muoollI. l10lnl 01 \hl8 not notice that eac h succeeding wave tube II Inflamed you a rumbUo( lOund or 1mcame a little closer to his teet. At t':.~~~·I~n.~d·~~..:.! ~eel'o't:.rm~='·c~~ last an extrn big wave washed over taken out and tbll tube r~tored to Ita Dormal condlhis s lloe tops. ~I~r'ol'':~''~~ ~:t~?~b%h ~n:o= "Hey, the re !" he yelled nt the fall', bUMn, ~II!"':%~:"U;r::. 01 fat bather. "Quit yer - jumpln' up aud DCIlIn.t11 (caused by eatarrbA that eannot be cured down! . D'ye want to drown me?"- by nail'. catarrb ~.''t cSU'EN~~°.r~.~To~O, 0, Everybody's Mag!l1.lne. . 801<1 by Druqtna. 7&c. Tal<o ·llAlI·. ~am1l.y PIIII tor coutipatloD.

lodern Song F.,orlt.1 Vol •. landll. H.trhOl'lowyolce.

VOL. 1, eontalnloB 2S f.vorlt.e sooBa by' eucb composera aal C_" ••IIKttrJ'''.



Codard. d 'llard,f.t.II""""" N,.,i", It~ St,.,l,sld, TIt."'d~. T~.t;.'tr. . VuL. n, contalololl" 2Slayorlte -.0011"8 by • ucb eompo,.el's a.: a,It .....". C",It. Il...vlq. Hlldncft. S"lIirJ,.", T,,,,,k, ''''{Jlg ..,ltc.

",K"",,.. lIf.If"", NII""....

a..1 0f S.' cr.d Song' ' \


sue l~t:~~~!:~j!~~~~:~~~~~~~~~+ti~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~ H,.,.,k",


Lightning Change. "Marla. who Is the spider-legged gawk. that comes to see Bpssle two or three times a week?" "Why, don't you know, John? That's YO. \IIjg ·Mr. Welloph, the junior partner In th e firm Of Spotcash & Co." "WeJl, confound her, why doesn ' t she give him a ' lIttle more encouragement?" Calumny I~ not . only the greatest benefit 11 rogue can coil fer on 1,IS, but t he only servIce he· ~.~11 pertorm for t1othlng.-L!ivate r. ' , ·When. a '. fellow fee~fi ' like. throwIng hllliself down aqd worshiping a girl he should walt. She Wi11 probably throw hIm down her!lelf. · . . .' PERRY DAvl8' PABIOLLER

Anticipation Safer Than Realization. "It h~ not always necessary to make a direct accusation," said the la'wyer wbo was askhig dnmages because In· slnuations had beeu made agaInst hIs client's good name. "You may have heard of the woman wh.o caJled to the hired girl, 'Mary, .Mary, come here and take the parrot down slalrs-the mus ter has dropped his collar button!' "-Everybody's Magazine,

'lie • .crap play.. r .04 Dot

&be.MIIb' of to be lou04 10


=~~~.:c'~~ :lecUOj""~J:~'lrm;~ 90<14.11. Q"f(/~. Bd~I"'4,PIM'lM,



a...r.'tl-album ",· .




'FOlum.... A eollectlonofop.. raUa fantali&aan4trao"'rllJUon.. ...,... rataIJclUlloolt,aDclCoprecl. VOL. cootalolllJL 11 tayorlta ope~.: ... rtll.,I,Tro ..tore,wm.ToII~Bobeml.D.Olrl, Loola. PurltaDI~ Norm.... o.. ~lIo..IIJI.I. VOL. U,aontalolnlr lIf. .orlteo&:ral: Obe.... ' I'nII",bu .. u. rra vlayolo, nlllO e..... ~. Fao''c!'ro~bel~ c~~o. ~:::.~=, Lor.:g:fin, .. er ,. ,



yo]U ~'~Js~~~i?:~~t-PIM'PLES [

"I tried all kinds of blood remedis which failed to do me any good, but I ;r~~ ~~Or~Ot~~c~r::: ':~::'~I*::~.t1Tb~~~ have found the right thing at last. My . Dot bU.ttlr or remoT"O the tj,QO face was full of pimples and black-heads. ~ POlt'~~\i,R~~. ~ ::,'fo~~lianklnd. 1I After taking Cascarets they all left. I am _, ~ ~':..~~~It~oiJy~~~CI';,~ y\,,:~~~~vi'~:: continuing the use of them and :~I~'k~~~r.,~.:~~~~~to..,r:::\~~~yd~n.tJl~~~Ir. mbndijg t~em~thmy friend.. I feel fine 'tnoe.. Will tell you llIore If TOil .. rTte. Mfd. only by W ell r Be e · morning. Hope tow. r. l"ouIlI,.r. II. r., 1111 1'. . St., -.....n.w. _ have a chance to recommend Cascarets,'· FredC. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N.J. <;:UT THIS OUT, mOoIl It Wtjh your adTightness acrOM the chest mean. a cold' dress to Sterling Remedy Company, Chion the lungs. It means miscrr and die~ cago. IllinoIs, nnd receive ' a handsome comfort every minute if notbmg ~'orl!C. touvenlr gold Bon Bon FREE. Wi What's the answer! Rlib the cheat ·wit4 HamlinB Wizard Oil quick. . It costs a: young man more to unlldu· cnte himself than It cost~ his father to educate him. . . '1"0 CURE A COLD ·IN ONE DA Y "


tbORllllblJ rubbeCl In ' ralloY". ot.. ln& IIn4 IJ'ako hAXAT1V~ ' BRO¥O ' QuInine Tablet• spmln8 10 Julnta or 11101011\. from nnT enU!Mj• . All . Dn~Klats rt\tond lIIoneT It· It f811 . to oore. ·B :.W drD"Isu.J6. a6,6Oc ~lle ...'blrao bott!~ llIe. cbeapest. GR y ~~ ~ 'O.tll~ I, on each ~~ . 2&c. .: blame 'the phonograph If It hall ". ",~' .', .' .

. • bon

Rodan. ScAtu&,/ t".,

Th. Plano .0.1.11 AoCollectlonoflO pl_ • ..,IUlla






color.. 100 perpack..eaUeat..,.. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , . 18 It rall\ nut 0brilliant otocll ...nd 100 IlatlDII ·oolor 4ellre4 aDd DoOkaadAclTloe FRIi•• a-, .m!'.\11 be lent • Itb 41reollon booltanlS coloreaf\2. r .............- . WUblnf(toD.! DY o-LA '. Burllllawo, Vt. J).C. Jest. " , ' '' Beot r .. fereDOU. raAUUII If. IIOCGH,:.~aat-. Do c:. . . .. , No aUor1!I!)" 'UeeaooUI pillAlotl*obDo TO~ waot to ' IIDJ .. ' laloed. WrllAllorJoyeolOr'aODl. , I" MI Obl~D. Wrl\eorcall \lD ..': . ' . " ~11.oIa\e . ~ ..... ~ . . .




_.~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#~~~~I~W~77~~~~~~~~~~~3!1~~~~~~.~!??~.. ~~~,~~~~ ~ l ~_~~~~ ,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"' ~ ~~~~ t~~


Coun ,' ty C'O ' urts' .

no Lllwler , ueoeased. I tl p r oun l p'ro11ert y .

.--.. . .--;-

Order ou t





f t r:l

t mporllrily from p ' ill} bridge funu t, 'Ouuty fuu~l. 'u n rllot WIH!' nt r.ed into wtt,h All hun in l:(, truPIlllI~ or (\Igl(illf,t Wa lter N. Allen tor r plllr of brtdg t\ uut {'If tb e gr nud f fur... htluriog flllon r oad in we t pnrt of . '~en.r r alI hUllls is fI~ri 'tly forbi ' ld 0 ' 011 my ' IlOu ·' W 1H l l'fI ( I'Ire t d w',', fO l m. L' I) \YI N , F\ ' I!~"" «" ' ''. toWUtl b III u n JJJ t" t,h e c . t,.of uch 'r epR,i l' urltlgf'! at nny nn l u n iu ono \ AYN E VILLE CI1 UR.C H ~ .











E tate t' Edwin 'utI r, de ells \1. '?' FinuJ uccount l\ppro'V d, ullow daud . " . .,.' , confirmed. . . 20 ncr • f~nCt d and ' l'O '8,] nc ci, ~O acres h~lg tigh t , 2'. (J It ' I' Com non Pleas Cd~rt. ' bl e,' or hal'ds and small iruit.: 2 setli of imlll' 'v ln ent~ . 1'1 ' 1' om Itill E !! tllte a t Etluly n J onss, tn i nc..r. 1011," amI lan-:-E:l onrn, s le 'I wino-mi ll , tt \\' ' I' lind LlI l1 lc L 'u ntif lll New Suits. Fift h a ooou~t ILppr oveil, allowed and livin g- hl.ream, f\ ws 111\)1" than ~ u mile. ,\l' I 'IJ~" t hi. f>l r m. Fi'1t' ly tate of hlo ax r e i, T. E. rleet oonlirmed. adaJ,lt , d t II a hes a nd ol h!:!!' f l'uil!\; : ',~ m i \\' st of Hinge l', ~ I ~ "TIL EtJt~ t of .b"'r e lle r ick Mille r , U ll o Dot o~t over *Ill . ----- :( llltll\\' {'~ 1 uC LookeLa. (b .lh ni'p rt 'l t lo \vn:::. ) Fine fn l'1'll ing pl&in~Ur V 8 Will R. Lewis, treasnr- - - .. - - - St. Augustine) Cathol ic Church. lIUllt ry, li 'otlOl I ~g i n 8 and a g rai n ele\'ato!. wi th in U.'l. 'eac h of er of W l1rren Ctmnty. Plaintiff oensed, I!'ionl no ount appr oved, ... I,lu ther (;cnrj(" ~lur~nhod"l'. !'"slur this farm; ~~ mile to choo\. Up·to·d\lle lJ rogre~' ive p op le all .aver8 money du" him in I\wount of allo wed nnd oo nflrm d. A Wild Blizzard Ra i'I( M"~s C\'rry ~"cUIIlI Sumlll\' 0 1 l!l,· mou\I\' , unci us. T I pit on in lIr house and R. I;'. D. This i:; H money · ' ' BO (\8 sQrvioes lUI d _teot! v ~. EfoIt,lta of CIll\r l ~s L lie Bol mer b l'i ugs du n ~ 1'. ~u Il'tlri n g, ft n den t h, It uo a . 111. mal< i f! g Cl)lI nl ry , a nd an ell t rp: tic fa mi l.v can JlHr for I h;s fa rm rni s 6eori:e lin tbhinsOD, plainti ff vs e t til tUln ors . l'lt ird 11 :1 oont ap · to tho usnol18, who Illkr>oold • onuglt~ St. Mary's Episcopal Church. 1 iug I'oltOIl !Inti aliHlfa nnd com alld hop: . Cou I mark to' 811d l-hip· tl nd lugrippe- illu t- torror llf WlUt r pinp: fa 'ililics. V ~H'y mild t;IiI11Hle. Pri! $~:21 ~ I (' I' H'I'(,: $1000 Samnel E. ntter, d efendant . Peti- Prove ,a ll owo·Ul no. d confirm d. .1 . It I' , J . Ii'. llltlll' lIuIII'r , HI' el , l!' d lI WIl. Iollg l'lin e 011 ba I anI: . or WI'11 a II JW a Ileavy ul!:lcu . 1' Ilod ' prin g . lt s ulln gor sIgn II IS liro un l Ull l1 II tion Ilvers t·h llt defondan t stUd In E ta t of W. H. Wi ~ hum,d ecense d . " ti t u!l'od u p " not:! t,ril. , low r purt of u,ul.IY School. n :llil II. "' ~h,rulu~ , I,,' cush paid OVt! J' $100 . I Ie', lU :ao a . m . 1I 0ly omu , olll .. " L1,,' I1I',t nresence ,of Wilhur Gilli s, of Wa!\h F It )"HI Jlrpfl'r. YO\l Clln writ 10 Oils lI auloy, TA,IIln' ltil . ()l ln .. who fOrlll l.' r1v . ou r t h If{lCOUU t appr o.... d , 1\I Iowed !lose o r ~, hill ' nuel f Ytlr, lJuln i ll bUllll u y 01 e aeh molt LIl . u! of h ontl . Dod It tb lllllt t_!.!I'ipp lul! III rI u~ WII l'JIl·s\' llltl,IIIlLlwhlJwlllf\II ~ WUr)·o u r·IUI; stl()II~\l .. , IrU\\ )'uulh,'ul>o\'(, rUrllt. In,g ton tOWDship ~ -'"George Hutcb- ood confirm ed. inson has been arrested and is now Estat~ of Ed gllr '1' , H u. eltl ne, (\e- co ngb . Wh e ll C:trlp nt.t.noll R, Ih l ,I' OU Methodist EpIscopal Churcb. 01' uuun" C. B. Phel Owner. tlev , II. W. Bullo),. 1'11..;(ur, R. D. I, Bing er, Caddo Co •• Okla. in jail and t4at the Turtlecr eek celised . Fion1 1\' ooont I\PPl'O Y d \"nlo R you I' lif ~. don ·t· dulu y IjI' I II 11K Dr . Ki o g 't:! ~ow IJisoovp rv .. ( ltw ~ullclllY :i('hll"I, It : :lll a . 10 . ~J" ' lIlll g H r , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . Township l1'or8e , Ran gers hud a ll o wed !lnll oon fi r med. b t,tl e urell 'me, " wr itE'tl A. L I III IJ, " I"e, I II ::1\1 :I. III . ~; pWllr, h L "I\I;Ut: , : . 1111 I' « selU'Ched his honse and fonnd 11 lot EstatE! c,f Lev i Fau non. docensod . of Pine Vu ll e ,V, Mifl!;, ""1'1, ,,· I" i u/{ HI , r;I'I' ''ln ~ ken' lcc . : : 00 I' , UI. ~J11 "\'l''' l< I' r ' ye r ~ln !.!. 'j p. IU. of stolen robes and whips ." Pet.!· Fi rst, a nd Onnl uo ;ouot Ilpproved '1Iljd up' Ih r I w ee K:! wi ! II (~, ip." 01 . Christian Churc h . , For sore, , lungEl . BC'II I rt'It ·, l! Il!'l, tion oites other alleged slanderous a ll owed aod oonfir med . " THI SHI MI N" NEW =-===R A F' I': P --Huv. lIJ. E. ' Dawson. Pasto r. Es tn.te of Perr y Bulley, idiot . Coughs, Coins, Wh ooping 'lIl.fh, reports and plaintiff wants ~5000 Tim e Lo c k .. nd R .. pnl r ''\' 011. "f ~ II K. Ids Bronoblti fl, A t h ru , . it~ "UH r'· IIIO . Sunda)' Schoo l. 9: 30 n. Ill . oelil l III ling, 0 n. 1Il. Uhrl ~ llllJ\ E.lIlelLvor, G:30 p . l1I. d"mages. Fifth /locou n t nf/pr oved, ltll owl:ld . GOo ;1;1. 00. G ultrliuteeu by Fr ' u C, ItJ O:3 R E,S IU E N CE S AF F.S A , 1' 1 1, 1 I~ l'gulll.r 'h ur'lI Hl'rvlco,: ~ onu Su"du y ncb George F. Johnston , plaintiff va. and ooo firmed . 'ob wart ;· . moulh I1t 10:3011. Ill. lIud 7,00 p . 111 . b cl usl ve A,cn cy ror " Centn ry " Alii"". " ,' ~ I " r l Ur, win! Tablrs -------. ~ ~.------Oharles R. 8impkins et oJ , defen. Estate of MileI'! Young , min or . Hlcksite Friends Church, WILL YOU JOIN IN? dants answer and Or088 petition.filed. F ioal uocou nt /l p prov ed, nll owed THE C. W, HAIN SAFE CO.. Col umb us, Firllt Oay M cc t ln~. 111 ,00 n. m.' 1" lr8 ~ 11 •• y uol. 11 ;O(l Il , IU . l '\)u nb D .I)" {\h 't: Li llg a ud confi rmed. More t111lU ordltl liry interest cel1- ~111d..00 Court Proceedin2s. a. w. ''!O. __ Es ta te of Cla udia E. HurflLce, benf . State or Ohio, ex rei, T . E , Griest Il'ourteen th uocoun t approved, al- t.ers io !~ meatlDg b I d ut t,lle hume Orthodox Friends Ch urch . of Mrll. Chur l s ~ext n, of Dllyt,Ol1 , vs. Will R. Lewis, coonty treasurer. ReI' , UcnJa,ul n lI awklns. P u~uo r , lowod and ooofi rm ed . Ohio, the purpose of whi ch WA to or Writ of Mandamus ordered issued ~alJb:lLh SI·h"ol. lJ:au:t, UI I l'"lIl nr dll,,'p h E tate of T homas Soider, m inor . gR.niz n soolety \\o utch wi ll 'cunvtls , , ' n-I~c , I II q() II 111. Cllrldtlall ~;l1 rJ Cll vu r , and defendant ordered to indorse ThIrd a coount Ilpprovetl, ullowed 7 ; :\0 JI. u; . overy fuo tor y !lnd w urks b op iu the cheok of 'SO in question ' INot paid a nti oon fl rmed , oity a lid per flv ury one eUl for want of funds." Estate of No,nnie R, a nd George Thom"s L . Humphreys 'VB . Wil. W , E, a signera, Final d istrl- ployed t il refmiu f rom eu ti og m ilt liam Settlemeyer. Motion for new bufion aooount approved. a llowed for t hirty dAYS. J. H. SMITH, Prop. ! I\I"CA L L r i\':-rr:R NS Wh ile the idou I n ot orl g innl with ity :u~, ct , l~~ 11"<'lh.. d I ' r qy \' , I "' r~ j' l fi IollIIml)'i, trial overruled. and oonfirmed. I I n I ~ I '( Wa y nes ville, Ohio. I r dl.d ll llt )' Ih .1l " ., I " " Mr s. c'oxt,on , or "ul t i dne be r ~o r Mamie Evans VS . Boord of EduM· I ~I ' .~ 11 t I t \ I'r v cit y :1111\ '" " " hi 1 V I Es tn~ of B enry Dilatash , de· . : t l .1 I ' n L •• II.hl" or hv III •• I ' J' Iu r ( II II formerl y occnpi ed hy tion of, Lytl,e t)peoia) Sohool distriot. oerised. Fina l dis tributive accou nt bei og the fi r t tostar t t he oampaig n f l \.u (',lLllu&;tl l! . :1I1y ol ll.' r m .l l.e. ~ l:'hl 1\" Ktlt lI el' lo A Itlxtlo der , In t his oit,y, Rud iu d ioli tious are 80 l'IIeC' Lt.'S ' 1\t I\ G .' Z1 ~E Court finds 110 due plaintiff for a~ approved , allowed and oonfi rm ed. Mille 1o uh H.',d ••' : i , h.1ll :.,,\ t) ' lwr f n!'.hlC'1t favorable Ui! to lelld t o tb e belief tending teaoher's institute and same IIl ,lu nl. iHc - Ji ll ,I ." n m It t ., ~ ' , \ .. "l.lh' " 1 .... 1. Estate of CharlE1s, Young, min or , t hat the suoo ss \vill be I\S g ren t n8 Special Attention Clven to C~l btvlc s )1111 III"', (1 >tm .11 III l' , lIil d ine.rv , i8 ordered paid, p latn ;'cwl "Jl . f. UlI"V lH l.'J h· ,,'l,.' \ , ld4i ; t.l,,:,. i ll ...... Children's Hair-Cutting. 'I'hird aooount filed . ct iClurtt c. ~ ,,,' d ·t,;d,·... , , ff. " hi)' tIl l"'l' \l I. a. is bei ng experi enoed in ot,u ' : lr oitl es Eogene Lewis vs, Milton Naylor. yt:.l t (i\Ort.I ,I, ), i ll~" d,ll'- It l ' ll! J'lu ll C1'tl . E state of Mahala Wo,rd . d eoeas ed. Full outlin es of the oumpllign were ~ubtJc r ibQ 1I,J,I', r . I'm l i,,- 5UII ,. ,JC CUl '}'. e~ a!. Leave given Llloy A. Naylor 'l'hird Ilooount filed, _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -~ .. t ii . ' DER FVL INDVCE M i!N1 S Rt h and. Bri btly, it is p r os~ ed t o a defendant to file answer forth with. h I \ ~e " tt; . P :l ' Hti hrlng pr(" ': 111" c.\t . dO~Q.t! Estate of John B. Dugan. deoeased. join with othet' citlea of th coun t r y .. nJ" new l~ :l ~ h pri1.c flel s . lui 11 NO."" Mollen vs. Charles MuHen. First Rnd final acoount filed . ruE UcCAU. CO .. 238 to~W.m. I.. r..:\. YOlll1 i n setting tl sido 11 (lilY when 11 11 flim ~fendant is permitted to dispose of Estate of Oharley Ford, min or, ilies will begi n IL 30.doy oampalgn I ~--~--- --- .~ , ali arlloles belonging to him against First accou~t filed. . Undertaker and Embalmer. HENOERSON,M~D. th !lt, i t is a rg ued, will lea d to 0. r awhiob." a rest'r aining order was isIn matter of estl\te of Rebecca a uotion In the prloe of meats of all Will he fount \ iu t,lt old ,sued, ,toOOooo. La we, deceased Ordered to aooept B ttll k BU Ildin g , oppo ir e .' S~te of Ohio vs. George L . Perry 'J)aymep.t of riote by J. B. B oppi ng. kindS thnt are now pru oti oo.lIy out Waynesville, Ohio. . 1 I he N 1\ t.irlllul Bli n k the ordinar y work r's g ro p, and of Court appoints Seth W. Brown IlS ----- --- 'l'pl 1,) 11 )ne in hO\l :\f'! unt! of Estate of Bharles ' and , Walter whioh ho ws no d\lwowar u tendenValley Phone 153 Main Street oounsel tor defendant. R08S, minor s . ;Riohard R oss tl p. oy. R ATIIA WAY ike whe1',e ] 00:1 1J oll l1l~rl Charles Whitneok va. King Pow· pOinted gaardian g iving bond of Iln, " 1' ll"~ h r, , Soor es of oities ara taking up th e der ,Co. Oourt finds demurrer wen S3000 with T . 0 , Patterson and S , 1:). \Tl1n \, l'lI on 14-2. Waynes ville 's Letld' ng Dentilst get Immed'lIt~ RDef ft'om same movement and petitioDS Ilnd taken and aame is sustained on Ross sureties. Office in Key. Bldg. Ma in t Main Strct·t, Waynesvillo, Ohio. . Dr. Sbooo's n1ll~C Olntmtn; s ooieties are being fo rm ed in nIl ground that petition' as amended parf!B of the ooun try . Marriage LIcenses. does nbt state facts 8n~cient to oon· Sinoe the above Wll8 printed sev- ~. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .~. .. .__ . . . s .. . . . . . . . . . . .__ .titute a cause for aotion., , Frank E , Bill ' 23, brakeman of Madha D. Hlzar' VB. John L . Bizar Lebanon !lnd Lavina M. Baldwin 1 , eral handred thou8llnd people hl\ve et a1. Court order/l sheriff to pay of Lebanon. Rev , W, A, Cooper, signed pledgell to abs tain fr aw ell.ttng meat for 30 days and longer if '1150 to administrator. Frank M. Baul 21, farmer of Leb- neoesstlry. Over 3,000 people have anon aDd Pei\d A. Beal 21, of L eb· signed in Da.y too. and the smaller Probate Court. anon. Rev, Mr. Dalby, of Spring. towDS are adding ' their quota of 1-~----1iI!;rtMf'ij, of Frank W. Balzhiser, de- boro. signers, Real Estate Transfers. oell.led. ' William Balzhizer appoint. -------.~--- ~.~----I~-"':"'__l- admmlaLrator giving bond of, . Clifford G. L..ookwood Elt at to , Making Life Safer 18000 with Mary E. Balzhiser and verywhere lif e is 'oei nJ mude E George B " Anderson IlS sureties. Mary Amelia Bigler real estate in more safe through t h e work of Dr. , , Fraoklin $1. L. W. Smith, Fred' /derr and ,T. J , Howard W. Ivins to Sarah _B King 's' }l ew Life :Pill s in 'oos tipution, Bi\ionsnes, DY!lpepsia, IndiTrainer are appc'>IQted appraisers. In matter of wlll of Mary C. ClelD. King, real estate in Cle~roreek to wn· gestion, Li vel' troubl es~ Kidoey Diseas6s and Bowe l Disordj'l Es ents, ileoeased. Applioation ~o ad ship, $200. ,L T hat' \vhat come of getting togelh r . W e hav ombined wit h t h publisher of the bes 'I'hey 're on,sy bu t s ur e, nn d p rfect. mit same ,to probate set' for hearing Frank p, Forgy, sherilY ,to Cyrus ly build up the hea lth . 250 tLt Fn !d woman's magazine. The result i' that you can have t he magazine, Woma n's Home Companion, an~ W. Younoe real Rstate in Woshing- O. 1:)0hwJlrt ~' , The Mia mi Gazette for t he very low pric g iven below. Woma n' s Home Companion is too well January 20 at 10 a. m,' ton township 15112 . known t o need indor ement f rom us. Wit h Its fine storie'. its s plendid articles, its many pra !tical Santa Maria Italian Eduoo.tionli) . Estate of B. M. Yeager, deoeased. 0000 FOR LARRV! , d ~ partm ents , Woma n's Home Oompanion s tands at the very f ron t rank of woman's magazinel:!. The Firs' 'a nd final aooount flIed. and Innustrial Institute to Theodore price of WQman's -Home Compan i~n is now $ 1.50 a y a I', and this offer is a special bargain which we Represeutlltive LllwrenoGK.L!lo gE8ta~ of IBaiah R088. Lawler, de. nu tt . COZtl dd Il.1e, ..~ 1 . J..gar reaIes a e tn can offer for a short time only. Take . oeased. Inventory and apprai83. M' S ' 1 t th .., t M l' don hIlS reoeived infurmat,ion of 'filed . " . ary ega e 0 e ",Iln a ar a advantage of. the bargain while you &. be'q ueRt tllah will eventually rel1ch m~~' f' Q_ I' A Ch b l ' I . E , L I. rea.l estate in Uozadda1e, , SU~ER STORY NUMBER. a n. It won't be good for long. .IloWta~ 0 J:Mmue . am er am, ' . between U OO,OOO and '~ 5 0,OO O , The insane, Firstaccount.flled. .. wiudfa.1l, whioh mas entirely anex lIiata~ af Ell H. Rogers', deoeased. Commiasioners Proceedmfs. peoted', com ea from &n /lunt, Mr£!. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m.. . . ._ Fir.~ ' al;ld fin a' 8~ount filed. . Bills-L. M, Prinoe, iok for sur· Helen K . Smith, of SUlOmit, N . J , AUGUST , :::>. 16CDITS l~-- - Estate qf Wilson Kirby, '_ insane . veyor, $1.25; W. Unglesby &r, Son, who died reoently, Seooad and filial acoount filed. oot for jail, ~2 ; W . B , aopping, re'l'he bulk 'of her estate goes to Es.te of James Mounts, imbeoile. pairs at Court House, '5 80; W. B , Langdon, part of it dlreotly nnd the Fir.t account 'filed. Anderson Co" statutes for prose- remainder on the den,th of hiS moth Estella M. Brown, executrix vs. out-in~ attorney. ~12 i John LltW, r e er if he Burvi vus hel'. one' year ~nd Sa,rah E , Unglesby et Ill. Ordered patrs at Court Bouse. $7.75 ; Wllrren Larry is o· gr uduu.t e o f the U oi ver · to sell real estate at publio sale. Oounty Times, pubhshing delln , sity of Cill ciooati , uud Jl, j olly good Estate of Earl B, Cadwallader, quent tax hst, ~63 , 48; Tbomlls C fellow. !lS welllls an exoellen t utminor. Lollie Brant appOinted (.)bristie, fees i~ ouse of Andrew tOl'ney_, ___,__ _ - - gnardian Riving bond of S400 with Yeazel.~'25 j I!'. P. ForKY, expenses. one ye~r ' , Saved at Death's Door Margaret Brant and E. O. Dunham S32, 90; Dowbaugh & Bolmer. reo 'rhe door of dent,h !leerned rendy to snreties. pairs at jllil, 16.46. In the matter 'of eatate of Isaiah It is ordered that $1800 be traos- open for Murray W . Ayers, of Tran· sit Bridge, NY , wh en hi /:! life ~n s = wooc!erfully 811 \'ed . "1 wn s io 11 drelldful oondltioo ," he writes, "m y ~kio was almo t yell ow i eyeH s unk ~ ~ ~ . eo ; tongue oOllt,ed i cmn cinted from A NOVEL'BY losiu g 40 pnt1l1ds, gr ow ing .wenker o,o.i1:y. Virul eo t live r tronble puIl Greater Woman's 'Home \ompanion " KATE DOUCLAS 'WIGGIN . Cured of severe com pc lund lOj.{ me d own to oell th 1/1 spit.e of t .. e. CltOWtu ~ IU·f '.:.aC. C Q~ 'AH~· Will be the .most intereStinR':-the most' d ()c~o r s, Tlt on t b At rnllt o b l {)~s medi .... cold and cough b" vi oe. Ell:'ct ric 13itterEl ou red rna , 1 useful- the m'as't beautiful woman's regaio ed the .J O ponTIus lost und t10W magar-ine published. a m well a nd f:! tl'!'log," F or all stOnl II cl.J , liver aud kidn ey troubles, th tly 'r tl !l uprellle. 500 a t Fred C. "From Dec. 10, '08, to Mal'd\l J, '09. Sch wur tzl!,!. I had three bad cold8, one on top of the other. I got 80 weak I could hardly Th e~e will be fi ction , by Al'm~ Kath~rine 9reen, ,E lizabeth Stuart Phelps, Mary Wilkins' Fre~ WANTED .\19RE get around. Nothing seemed to belp man, Kate Douglas Wigg in, Mat'ga~et Del~nd, Juliet. Wilbor Tompkins,' Myra Keliy, JOSephine Dasme until I began to take Vinal. The change w~ magic. Three bottlfls comA.n ton , R ushltll.1, Dayt·oo, while .kam Ba~on ~and ·.a host of others....:~II. he b ~t liVtiters now bEfore the public. - " . . . , pletely flxeel that compound oDld and ml:lndlngll p:\ir of boots l!lst 'l'burs; atop'ped the ter,rlble c:ough-a.d what dtloY ev ening wo s held u'p by ,'two ,8urprlses 'me most. ,at the 8s-.,.e time It cured me .severe atomacta trQuble meil , who ordered him .to liand over ' " tl¥tt has bOthered me lor 2P years. all h e hlld . . The UUl o~ , 1~3 W~8, ~ VI~I ..,ce~I~ly a1t:o!lderful modl,cIDe.". .. . h!lDll ed over. , ~r. TOPJ>an is.Qne of Lynn's. most pro.mment a nd highly ret' Ipected 'rb e man OIOS611t · Rusha'm h,ad '. . merchants, wh~ word, is a's -goqd as hiS bond: ' (I, gun in bis haod. f,l.D,d ,whep 'tit; ~ .Tbe reason Vinol is so 5uccessflil in ' s,:!ch cases ·is WA~ it , lea rned thutills.~iciim Ot~.1iho'd'13 1 cont,aitlS the two most wo.rld-f~med tonics.-the medicinal, strength-• ... slopped bill face 'Il'n d apb.rai.d~ ¥m ' bOdy..6Uiiding elements of COd Liver Oil and Tonic >:roo. for carrying so UUle a' pi.l~. '. t 'You Back U You Aft Not Satiaue-. '

LI ar









: c. w.



DR. fl.E.



11 £itt£at Saving








Woman's Home Companion The"Miami Gazette

B<?th. for $1. 75




Twelve.' Big ·Numbers






S. E. 'ANNEX, Dru~giStt, ,Waynesvil:t".

...... ............ ..








"'1'iwe ,flies,' \' ot-ie4' tpe ' . lov~. "Time. or:awls," moa~., ·the PlUoDeJ" ,





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One of tbe 1I8we ·t ('>1' rllih 011(1 pr"tlltieotH Is . J l.Isepb K. PI~rro. ~t. ohlef exeou '·ive 'o t tile E'lor.i da Elldt

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a . ·n~rldl eu dretlm of hIt! boYb.o od ~ and Manage r It I,. It fliMuinllt \ll ~ .. tory, as told in the L _ _ _ _ _ _ ,____ ____ _ JliU 'll1ry lJUDlUCJ Lite, )f typioa l 1 A UlUrlOll n lJl uuli It UJ lJerslst uooll in Rale!! o f Subscr il)linn glJ 'll~ ui't"l" t bu llliu~ VUtl most do. ~ 011 ' Y" llr('Ir\"t! y In ,,,1 ,,,,,,,'1', . . 1. 011 dlre!l, - All Aig"r ''''''II'y from reo.l ~ ~ llI c lo ' ClljJl'.. . , I) .

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Ja nu ar y Re du al e * I .sI m..En1 C L O T H in G

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II tl .. T he k tJenn t'tI!:I a nti e ntertlri se \ f ~~ II' Rates .of Advert iseme nts , tlltl young IUIl U I1ttl'110L tld tile notioe Realllog Lf)c" I ~ . l"" IIn~ .. r,c of Hl:lory M. F lugler, and h e WIi!! sa Readll1~ locol•. blul' k fact' . jJer II .. " 10.: ' r'lussllled Au s. nu l 10 e. c~e'l II " ,' !Iue, . leoted to, ou rry ou li the fllr reaohin g 'l'hree Il1de rt loU 6. .. . . :.l lic u.nd ambitlo Q8 plt1D8 ,of tbe Rretl t PIJl t uar les . rI\'~ I II Ch l'~ trec ; OVe r !I.-u fi ul10oler , who bad Doted b is flioility Incite . \If ' I' lI .. e ..... ... . . ..... ..... 50 in mukiug sl'le&lu hl dream!! oome



ar.1 o t lh ll llk R.. . .. ... ...... . ..... .. .






~~c~;~~l::~::,H \\ I;I: ':~ ·C·b~;· ~~· I~·;, ;~~~·. ::: ·. ·. ~~:: . Th e t l'lltl.

!!toryo f Alucldin is beaten to - . fru z'tltl by tll work of Mr. F ll1gle r ~ UI .c" u nl . gI nn " " r cWl r 'lC l.. Ilud 111r> tirelt!::!::1 yo ung Iieuteu tlnt in trli urlfor min g huJf I~ thousan d 10Iles J AN AllY 26. 19 10, of sundy w u~ttl lO Floriult into Ii. gar- ~ clen of deligbt by the wonder tul rllH· wily lIue thl1t st rel,oho:. boldly out ~ THE LAST CHANCE ioto t·he i.. lnu(l s of the sell, IlDd by ~ DurIng 1,111' p" "t t' W Wl\o k,. Wfl wbiuh, utlx LFebrul1 ry, it will be pos- . bav been IIl.doug lin fl x l.r,\"rnl oll l .'i' S' lI le to go to t:!UVI\DI 1 b,)' rail.-H uoffer in Ili A \\fl y of go rI I'ell.i illg m :.IO Life Pqblldl llOg Co, BOllton. m!l.tlie r. Wp bl\ ve virtlllllJ y bNlo A Wretchl;.() Mistake givjn~ yoo t.h,· '\'1101.1.111 n'oI Huw"! ()Olllto endure the Itohing , puinful dis· pRni oo und Fllrlll IkllU l! irarlide to r. rtl::ltt or PIled. 'l' bllrtl 's LO need to. conneot.hlll Iylt.ll the old l'elidbJe Li ~ t A n: •. I sutI red m uoh from ~ Mtbmi (jRz ~t le Pile ," writes W Ill A. Mursb. ot While ' newsjJu pors nil (jvtlr t,be , 11 ,,1' elts, N (), "till 1 go~ b box of ~ oouutr .v bllV fl flll!led thei r prlot' t.) 1 Buok le n 'r! ArDiOu Sulve, and was sub!lor ipt.ionl:! . W lire d te rm inl·d "IJUII cUflld .·· Burll!', BOIIt!, UlceTs, Fdvllr wbilA th l' r HI~ller .. uf lih~ Mil1ml (;Iu· duod oorol', EczemH, Cnt8. •,happed • CllllblulllEl, vUDish zette ! .. n 11I'y II I 0 it" not to rHI ;;, &60 IH Fred C t:loh wartz 'l4. before It. tlHl suh,. 'riptl ,)lI pl'hlt', but wi ll ~ I v, added rending IOI11iter lD stenct . WATCHED THEM WORKING We have ' ~IV 0 t hill opporlu nity Assis ted by t:lheriff EAhbliugb lind to all ur I' I\dt' rfl , but ull gnod thing .. Deputy l:lherlffs Panon. Qldt and do not· 1I1st,. t her dore, after tbe lsi Leo, J B . Wa.lker . fu,m omr Pinket: of FebrUA ry you will bllVe to pRl' ton detecti ve, of !luyton , trapped • the ragulRr price for tbese mllg · and nrre8te d t.brol:) wire thieves ~ \laiDR!'! .. abo nt 2 o 'olock Ili s t Tborsd llY morn. ~ Our 1-00" E1 hElW Q 01 tA 4 numh el lng, wqo have stoleD uearly '3.000 ~ of Dopai.} tlu btlc rJptlo nll Ilud this It worth of oopper wire fro'o tb e Day- ~ your be6~ /lod I" t OilllflOtl to ge t t·WI ton lind Xenia. 'l'rtl ot~oo Otlmplln y in for ODe. tbe po st tbree years. The meD, • who Ilre looked io the oounty jail, ~ RETUR NS TO XENIA " re R oy Andeni on, 3S, profesR ionul wire thief l10d linema n, wanted in It will be Kood new!' ii I) Ib a mlln friend s of Rev. l:I .1. ~impS" lI, wh( "Dumb er of oi ties for big thefts ; ~ suved for evera l YtlUrH 118 reotor \)j Ezra. fiaDna . 38," Illborer r esidlog Christ El>lsoopul Churob io thisolt y, with his wife at 249 Kiser !'teet; and to lea.rLl thut Ufl bRS deoided to giv, Benr y. JltOk8o n. ~8, a line~a n whose np hi8 presen t chllrge in Ro"bb8 ter. Ilome IS ~t P.)rtflDlouth, Ohio ~ N . Y , und r tlf,Urn to Xenia Bh ' The thll)ve~ were trupped In rAga. oongra glltioD 10 Xenia bl1 ve been la r old-f ,sb onpd we!\t~rn style wit.h very 10Mb t.o I5'VEl blm up tlDd hRVP ~un8 dra.wn on both ' tildes, and it 18 ~ een in oUnlmu ujolttio n with him i1 Illmost a. miraole t hllt no blOOd was ~ referen oe to Il~HID bllonmi ng t he reo ~ pilled . The jo b IVIlII pulled off ~ tor here and on Tt1 e~dLl.y mornin i/ " bout fj ve mileR fl' , ' 01 the at t .V On the ~ a defioit euns wcr WIIS receive d fro m Spring VaJleyd i viHoll" f rb O. & X hi~ stating (.hot h e would return t DetE'o~!ve WalkeI' Iltludle: .l the ollse ,I t Xe oJ'a that he knew a lmost the It oo ce. It was Iarge1-y so t'hrewd ly , . ' 11 hi tI eI f · th a t tl. 1e new mloute t,h e Job was to oome off. and th roug 'Je-s . Oburch w"" built aod h e was one 01 when tht! tbree men began onttmg the live putors llf libeoi·ty . ' Be wil l down .the ?eavv copper feed wires be given a oordl nl weloom e npon hl~ about 100 olook •. be and the flh", . X., 0 I Il R I'll 101100 ' Uls "Yere In hldm re t arn.g watobi ng the epa 0 N _____ . ... _ .. ..,or\[- fiyto n eW!l '1ISJlI " V t\,"·e nl, I!,I!. pllr Iu d • ... . .. ... . Ill!' R




In this regu lar sem i-an nua l Red ucti on Sale we gua rant ee eve garm ent to be as repr esen ted. T rue fits, han d tailo red, in qua litie ry s at muc h less than thei r real valu es.



Men 's Suits and Over coats , redu ced from $30, $28, $25 and $23 to Men 's Suits and Over coats , redu ced from $22, $20 and $18 to Men 's Suits and Over coats , redu ced from $15, $14 and $12 to

I ___. _.. ___ I Ia

Bo ys ' Cl ot hi ng Ove rcoa ts u


....... ..

$7.50 $4.9 8 $3.5 0

$7.60, $7 and $6 values Reduced to ......... .. .. ..... .......... ..... .. $5.00 and $4.50 values reduced to .. .. ·.· .. ....... ... .......... ..... .. $3.00 and $2.50 values reduced to .......... ......... ...... .... .. .. ..

$4.9 8 $3.5 0 $1.9 7


-M en 's






. Maiahattan Shirt s $3.00 value reduce d to....... ....... $2.00 and $1,75 values reduce d to......... .....

, Wtal... WeD lea Iidelisenble IIdu, 'and Bladder' Traublo.

$1 • 98 $1 • 39 $1.1 5




$4._98 $3.5 0 $1.9 8 $1.2 4

Boys' Trouse rs, redU(!ed from $1.60 and $2.00 to ..... .......... ......... .. Boys' Trouse rs, reduced from $1,25 and $l.OO to .. ......... .......... ... .. Boys' Trouse rs, reduce d from 75c to .......... .......... .......... ....... .. . .. Boys' Trouse rs, reduced from 50c to ......... ... ......... ....... ; .......... . .

$1.2 4 8ge

67c 43c

M en 's Fu rn is hi ng s

Hotel ; ; t-c-h -A-rrl - val& \ r V( II@ pIR}\lng ... lIRd. plaintI ve air nn t h e plltno ·Adeilll d.. [0 (1.11 pri vo.te re8ldeno~ the JBp- • had been Jis te nlUg lI.nd s he tl ' /loese kit.ohen is _litnate d Ilt the baok • her m,other . ,. Ml\wo.. don 't yon foel of ,the h'o u!!B, I'ut the hotels, res~rry for tba.t pi oll?"- ThEl Delln tlltlrUDt-8, e to, have tht"r oulsine s "e&tor for .Ionultr y. facln~ the lDa.i n entran ce; the.rea soD ------~.~.~ ----- gi ven for tbis being that there the The mao who 1.9 III wuys pnt:tin~ oook. hidden from vieR bv a hang his foot down is pretty Bure In timE' log b amboo ourtRln , oan watch the to enQouat~ r B t.uok . arrivld O ( the g uests. and with qniok in tult.lon judge them plebeia n or Ptltrloillu nd serve tbem plnin or elab IS art o rate disbei'l us be tbinks fJ.t. !-'rhe Dellnel ltor for JAn nltry. by .. , Adelllide's"lfI~

Bo ys ' Tr ol ls er s

Men's Trouse rs, reduce d from $8 00 $7,00 and $6.00 to .. .......... .. .. Men's Troy~rs: ~ce -from ' ... $4,50 and $4.00 to ............. .... ~ .. ... .. . Men's:T rousen , I'educed from . .$3.00 and .2.50 to ........................ .. Men's Trouse rs, reduce d from . $1.76 and $1,50 to ....................... ..

$1.50 v:3:e d to .....

NeCkwear $1.00 and 75c Ties, . now .......... .......... . .. 50c Ties, \I' now ...... .......... ...... .

Men's Stiff Hats

Underwear $3.00 values reduce d ~ .......... .. .. '2.00 values reduce d to ............. · $1.50 vaiues reduce d to ............ .. $1.00 and $l.25 values reduce d to .......... , ... 65c and 50c values reduce d to .... ......... ·

'$1. 98 $1.39 $1.15 89c 45c

Fancy Hose

'50c 25c

Wilson Bros. and York Shirt s '$1.00 values reduce d to .. .. ..... .. . 75c "Famo us" values reduce d to .......... .. 50c and 65(' "Famo us" values, reduced to ..

89c 59c 45e

•I "I

I I· I


•• I

Suit s

$12 and $10 values reduce d to ... .. .... ... .......... ......... .. .. $10. $8 and $7 values reduce d to ...... .... , .... .. .. ...... $4 .50 and $5-00 values reduce d to ...... .......... .......... .... .... ..



$18 .50 $14 .75 $ 9.75



$1.00 and $1.25 values reduced to .......... .. 50c values reduce d to ... ;.. ..... . 25c values reduce d to ...... .. ... . 15c values reduce d to ...... .... ..

75c 39c 19c lIe

Handkerchiefs 25c Fancy,

15c '

now ......... ........... .. .

15c Fancy,


•• •II


••I I •••I I I ·1 I

\ ~ now .. ...... .. ..... ...... .. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, The Lonely and Isolated GIrl ~ diIcolUagesaud'lessellsnmbjtion; beauty, 10c Fancy, -now .. .. ........ ....... .. .. vigor 8ml cheerful· " rbe olr! who tbillka COllst~ntly ness Boon disappe ar .. when the kidlleysare about !lelr Is it good deal like the girl ~ J';U~!!", out of order Or dia- who is const.t nlly g\tlnola Special Cap Sale g. at hflr , . Fancy Vests Bags and Suit Cases ~~~:;". ea~~t1eytroubleha!! ,.elf t~ thfl mir,ror , " says Anne B $100 and 75c Caps, 25 per cent Disc ount become 60 preyal~t MoCall·ln Wom,m 's Bome Compa n. 20 per cent Disc ount now .......... .. ......... . that it is 'tIot uucomf J "H ~~Il~=.t~ mon for a child to be ~on or IlnuQ,ry "ve yon ever ' born afflicted with notioed bo N by and by pe«;lplR turn ~eak kidneys. If thea wily from 'flnoh ,t girl to !lome onl' ehild iuinates tooofte n,if.the urinesc alds who!\e eye Otln moet tbeirll the flesh, or if, wiletl the child reaches an age .when it should l)e able to control the getfull y. some ODe whflt!e etten~lon paSsage, ilis yet 8,ffiicted with bed·~et- t.liey can keep? So the girl Is 11 0 1l1l v ~ ling depend·up<?u It, thecaus eofthed tffi. d h 'l fi cultY 'iII kidney . trouble, and the first left a 1~~e \IV It ,.1 h " rl'el.f a.~ t e.m rror step should be towards the ·treatme nt of In t·he same wa.y thf gIrl who fa1l8 t· theseimportimto. f Thil!.unpl~sant, t the habit' of thinkin g of self i~ trOllble fa due to'arga~.: a~ . . .:iiit diseased condition of into a . B .' . ..a D , re.8 . . die. and blo,d.~er ,and, .~ot to a ~radna~ly. lert mpre Hnd .m ore IlloDP, eD a, o. .peoplesuppo!!e. ., . bell.· llfe ~radllfl.lly ·become s lI'I(\rf- ~_IIII _ _ ikM~~aM ~~ Jt~"'~~~~~~""' well· aameDa re~~de m.lser. Rorid ~~a6!..~"_W _ _ _ ' more 1801 ~ 'ed . 00 yon oirl.. f i _ _·~""" lind bladder . trouble, . "~~!~~~YRl~W~-..w~~~ . ' Po • ~"'~ "'.fi"'_fi" know wb&t ' tll~ yvorrl I lIollI.~~d really Iaold. means? Tti~ ~~rd "Mola' 'ie 'the 4 "r'e the deUgbt fol . ltalleD. for ~ 18Iand. \ I.l'Iq1&ted · mean~ those who jn\eres ' yon in ings) r . . to be like ab.' isla:.od",:,oot oft'. that Is, ', vmpalh etil) people YOli'k no.? The ,ont.ld3 tbe mselve s ftnd yori r AIf. WAL TER MeN~i, from.tb e mRiohilid: ." Tbe Iifs'of thE> m as,l will wllr.ran t, ·.hose ltvel are And the moet beautlf ol lIve'3 ? The . , Ibl .hO :taU~ ~ "n.d., tb\Dkl aboat '8elf ~ Pill'S ,he:ma tal/lad of hnman life role ' applies bere, too'. Tl:i:ey are " . AUCTI QNEER ...:to, r.. . Ie grad~ftU'1 mor~ )1nd more oot off ...vho"w nea tbey ·meet you, are ' ~ot thOtle wbt9h ~a;'e . ~orgotten them- Centerville, . Ohio, .J~ eRRf'r to .ktlll' yon of their health _Ivee in iove for othere. " ~~i:~~=~~~~~ "ftoni aU the' frreaf woo~erfQl , mlllD~ iaDd of bnman 8ymp_ tby and tilter. ,nd lhelt all.tra .. ~tbef !lre._lI er . • -:- • 1;'b~ man who can Rell 'your ~lephoDe da,. ,01 1iicbt. She ta oat· off from helplD8 . ~ knOW aboat) 'onr. . ~ad .~e mO.' . Tb., raler of tbe roost. provtd eth,. Borees , CoWl, 'Boge, Farm, VaUey Phoae No. f. Loaa lall and Qh~rDl1 nl oon'Yer.. got thtl egg. iure othere 88 othera 'ar~o,llt ~ft from Farmi ag Ut~nl!li18, Honse.· ~.oe ·No. eg.;.~. paper. . ~e auy helplnRl~er , The world of joy aa{l .. dtoDaU~"? , Tbey are tho~ who &ell It la odd lID:,-; ~at In a world hold' Goods, er anythi DI in . ' .-.1_ • ' temeiDb et. .th:~ ( .orrow aadlD~re.t · aad l~ve' lot"~ 'no sbe eelllal lllle. abo~t other people, DQt ~U"t! fall of lOIS ~Qhob'...9De .Dever by ·,.DY '-' . ;,.• ___"·l~ OD~ battle. 00 .tth01l~ her. .hotel,1yov.abo.'the~lV81i·Ul"

»! til!

8e 4e





fl •. S . Ki.n g buJty,

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-A.. A.


Oa.. Him

~p ..for D.~••



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MCOLURE; . 'Fu'oeral, O•



. obaDoeoom.apoaalOllU'Q~toulul~'



The .Miami Gazette D. l., CRANE.




'Ware the pneumonia 'term!

The Kinsmen of .the ·Lord

Tho oV,ershoo stock begins to move. New York' a bonded debt Is $1,000,· «10,000. ' Greatl It the railroads do nothing else. the' should be careful. Our tellc-1-t-a-u.L~-n-s-t-o-th-e-lc-e man, but not the artlficlal Ice man. Cons ~v e your coal supply It you can, hut avoid overdoing It.

No matter bow chilly twice zero Is, we have no present deslro to ex perlc nce It. Cipriano Castro to Joso Santos Ze· laya : "Come to ParIs : the climate's ftn e." In this ,cold weather the defecUvB "ftu e finds the opportunity It has been waiting for.


KansBs astronomers h~ve now looat· ed Halley's comet. It may as welJ come In and surrender. Some wealthy persons go to the Rlvlora and others stay at home and spend theIr money for fresh eggs. Every cold 'snap means Intense suftering to- many; Be charitable and make your charity <!ount for good. This beneficent cold-all' treatment Is what the janitor has been trying to clv,e YOU, but you dId not apprecIate It. No wonder Columbia university Is willing to spend $2;000,000 for an agrl· . cultural 'school when foodstuffs are 80 hl&h. A motor road from the AtlanUo to the Paclftc Is proposed, wtth road bouses, garages and hospItals every Cive miles. People who will not clean off their sidewalks . should contribute to a fund to supply the public with arctIcs, gum I ~hoes 8D(\. hlp ,b oots. T91al resources of all the bnnks In the United States reach ,21,100,000,· 000. Industry and Bobrlety are grand Uttle tools, are they not1 AustrIa thInks It wants a navy to protect Its citizens workIng In "the undeveloped countries overseas." Now, what <:ountrles are those? One of the fashion journQls says the ladles wlU not wear rats next year. Pessimists wlJl at once decide that something equally absurd will be worn. A new book fs entitled "Short Talks With Young Mothers," Don't spank la the best sbort talk for young ' -- "'m"':o1 ers that comes to mind at theo moment. custom of waving the handker· chlet vlgorousl) In the all' Is a dan· gerous one," says Dr. Badlng. Yes, the handkerchief ftlrtatlon has led to lerlous results. Church. debta commonly have to be canceled with stress and train. But a Hoboken church actually had Ita canceled mOrtgllge dropped In the contrIbUtion plate. One of the professors says woman's senses are leiS acute than those ot man. He probably bas~s his decIsIon on the tact that a woman can get along all winter with low shoes. A burglar stole diamonds worth $300,000 from ' a woman's room In a New York hotel." ' We shall probably hear, now, how, he overlooked $80,000,. , 000,000 In cash ,which was lying on the d,resset. - .If cereals can be substituted top meat In the makIng ot sausage, reducing the cost while addIng weIght, and if butter Is surcharged with salt for the same reason, where does the u. "tmate consumer get his?

A man is soon to be re leased from the Connecticut . penltent1alY atter having been for 60 years a prisoner. He will flnd that there are many more things to be dodged tha n .... ben bo .... ent In. A Roumanian physician has dlscov. ered an an esthetic by which opera. tions can be performed upon con. 8clous patients without any feeling of pain to them. It would be a fine test to a}lply this remarkable discovery to the ope ration due these shopping Urnes of operating upon the keenly 8ensltlve pocket nerve of the heads of tamllies. A petition Is In cIrculation In Pennsylvania Rsklng the legislature to es· tabllsh a closed season tor muskrat. The reasoll for this Is found In the taot that In Pennsylvania and Mary. land the fl esh of the muskrat Is es. teemed as highly by epIcures as the flesh of the ' 'possum Is esteemed hi the s outh . Instead of bunting tor 'rat hides, the marsh sll'ortsmen are oow after food that brings a good price In tile nlar~ets . "In nve yea rs tram now," aays an emln nt physician . "It will no t be r eo 8pectflbl to be Ill." Does he tqlul( all .the verm iform ap pe~ dl ces wlll hq,ve . ~ een removed In tb,e meantJme?

0 1 the tronslator In the employ of the govElrnmen't, who knows 20 ode] lallguog.lEl nnd os -many dllliects. It I. ..all. that ,be knowS' more dlvlomatl o le('retll thaD any nth r man excel/tlng th,. prtlsld nt and t ho secretary of 'It .te. It JI'IW't be a areat. thing to b. able tu , loop .WI In 20 dUrereQ\ \aDo


not 'llk 1\ «Run tel' down' a countrY lane; It Is more like the paSSion Of a man who Is digging ' for bldd .n tr as· ure. Our busln 8S with the " rord Is o.( ten painfully . sup 1'flclal. We . find .nothlng of any sterling worth. It \ s here as lsewbere, ho who loses blR life shall find; acquisition Is propol" tloned to sacrlftoo. And let th pupil further ascend the obs rvatory of · his own day, and watch for "the signs 01 the times." What a re the sllggestion9 of the Lord's wlll In the movements of my own day, And 1 t hi m mRrk the fiashlng guidance oC his own can, science. Let him watcb It as a mar· In l' watch s tb e lighthouse. L t him kneel In til oratory of prayer . And wh ll he kn eels let him speak to the Lord, but lot him also listen! Too mu ch of OUI' prayer Is m r spec h. T h lips Arc e ngng d, but the the aI's. "With whut meuslIre ye heal' It s ba ll be III aBur d to YOll a gA in ." "De s\1ont unto the Lord," nnd In the s l· lence the Lord '\\'111 find a way to speak to the , and bis wish es known . In wi t hese many realm s ot promise 1 can come to know the will of God. Doing the Known W ill of God. Yet to know th will cannot mako me a kinsman of the Lord. Now that I kno,v It, I must regard It with un· shaken reverence. Let It be to m e B.B though my Lord bad appeared Hi per· son and s poken the words directly to my own soul. Let me refuse to hIm Its luster by any com llrom'l se. Let me be on my guard agai nst tbe se· d'u ctlons of tile devil. Let me not be ensna/e'd to lower and cheapen the moral Ideal. Let me r emember that my peril Is never so grave as wben I h ave discovered my Father's wlU. For It may be t hat time for obedIence haa not yet come. I am therefore to walt In the attitude ot r eve rence. With what majestic patience our Mas· ter waited for the hour to etrlke l "Mine hour Is not yet come." We too often spall our labor by rasb and precipitate action. "Your holir Is al· ways ready." There Is no flne r ever· e nt restraint. We anticipate the clock. But when the hour does s trike then let me do the will with Imm& dlate and unswervIng obedience. Yes, let me set out "on the tick of the clock." And let no one make me budge trom my saored m1sslon. And whosoever sball do the will of God Is of royal lineage, one of the Intlmat r elations of the Lord J esus. We are In the deepest fellowship b& cause we are his kinsmen 1n the spIrIt. We are tuned to the same pltcb. And we shall be able to under· stand him all be Is able to understand us. "Tben shall I know even as also I am known." There will be pe rfect correspondence between the soul and and the Lord.-J. H. Jowett, 'tn The Standard. .

H.O Is my molber?" ]s there an apparent harshness about these words of the Lord? . Does It suggest a rather ; ~ heedless demeanor toward those of his own fl esh and blood? Once or twice ~erore hav bls words appeared a lmost ungracious Bnd s evere. "Woman, what have I to do "ith thee?" And th n again : " It \s not meet to tnk the children's bread and give It to dogs." And the extraordinary thing Is thi s, thut a ll these seeming bars hn esses nrc CODcerned wltb .womcn. That In Itself Is sufficient to show us that ware OD the wrong track. Tbe se mlng hars hness Is or our own making. It was not present In tbe Lord . We have not apprehended his tono and his spirit, and so we misconstrue his words. It Is possl bl to give an acourate report of 1\ man's words and yet by th e tone In wblch w pronounco thorn w may absolutely distort thclr mennlng. A lals tone can make accurate words untrue. It Is ev n so wltb th words of the Master. We can read our ow n tones Into his words and they sound ungracious. We protrude ourselves, and we se ourselves reftected . We may depend upon It, .... henel'er our Saviour Ii ins \Jallous we are Illterpreting him through the film of our own moods. Whate ver the words of my text may moa n, they Are most as· suredly sulfused In love and t enderness and grace. It WRS the farth est tbought from the Master'. mInd to depreciate his mother: he was only seeking to r eveal e verybody as with· b\ the cIrcle of his Infinite love. The True Klnlhlp. It Is tberefore clear that [n our Master's estimate of tblngs, blood relations are far from belpg the most vital and Influential of our kin ships. There are no strangers like those who frequently live together In the same house. There are no gulfs comparable to those ' whIch divide the children of the same blOOd. How rarely the home conversation goes down Into the deeps, or Ilway up Into the heights! How rarel1 the famUy clr· cle gathers Its In.tercourse round about the Lord, and holds communion concerning the thIngs of God! Is It not true that the ordinary llfe of the ordinary famUy Is exceedIngly superfiCial, and Its sl,leech Is far more can· cerned wIth gOSSip than with gospel, and the deep, secret tblngs of life are discarded or Ignored? It seems as HUMAN LIFE MADE BEAUTIFUL though blood r elations flnd It 1m· mensely, dUllcult to share t be deepest In Just That Whatsoever We Do II secrets. How often have I heard a Done Unto God, and Service young fel10w say of bls father: "I Becomel Royal. cannot speak 'to him about It!" And how often have I h eard a young girl Life Is strong and peaceful If what say that she could not take her moth· soever we do Is done unto God. Lite er Into her confldence ! Blood seems connected with God Is sublimely beau· to be a bnrrler, and on the profound· tlfUI and Inspiring. Human applause est things of Ufe It acts as a m[nlster or dissent should die away below one's of estrangement. And so, I think; it feet. It Is a splendid thing to detach true that we have commonly to go oneself nil bondage to Dien, sub· outside our family circle tor spiritual mlttlng self constantly ,to GOd. The communion. Inside the hOUSe the re- lite 'of a ChrlsUan wlll he transfigured lationships are only skln·deep; for In proportion as the apostolic' Injuncthe beart·depths :we must seek elsetion la heeded, living "not eye·servlce where. as men-pleasers, but In slnglen\!ss of Secret of the Belt Klnlhlp. heart unto Christ;" thIs brings Ufe The grades ot kInship seem to beInt. living touch wltb tbe great foun· long to the following levels: There tatn of all lite. A man-pleasing life Is Is, ftrat all, phys[cal kinship, whlcb servitude and brings corroding ' care Is -merely a matler of blood. The klns· and chafing anxiety. LivIng in conmen are one In name, one In nature, one In a common descent. As I have stant fellowsblp with God Rnd com· already said, this may be notblng but mlttlng one's work unto him, brings an abounding and an abiding peace, a skin-relationship, and there Is no commerce In the spirit Then there and a precIous assurance that the tlfe "fiows on In endless s ong." , Such a 18 socIal kinsblp, man meeting with llte Is transfigured, and in Its 'Influence man for purposes of business, table talk, conviviality, and the thin pleas· will be a benediction to all whom it ures of common life. Then tbere I. touches. Paul declared: "For me to mental kinship, which leads us a lit- Uve Is Cbrlst." That was his pur· tle way Into the deeps. Here there Is pose and goal. It tranSfigured his life. Ruman lite has a Godward and a common thought, common Ideals, oomman conviction, and such relation- manward relation. When Its deep .un· sblp lead s to th'e formation of clubs del' current flows Godward, It lends and societies, th o establishment of dignity to all other rela tions: and It parties and sects. Deeper still there becomes sublime: even In Its lowliest Is moml klnsbip,-where the relation Ie phaaes, service will' not be menial or constituted at the ardors , of a com· common or dese crating. All phases man crusade, ' and the fellowship of of life are under' the transfigurIng sacred e ndeavor. But lastly, and fnn- power of grace and the llluminating damentally, there Is spirItual klnsblp, Infiuences of tbe Holy Spirit. All Is In which the deepest secrets are on God's altar and Is sacred unto, the shared ; In wbloh thcre Is coml1Junlon Lord, so that the wbole life Is sac· of desire and aspiration: where com- ramental. Tbls thought and expel" mon faith [s found, and common lence gives to the most ordinary lite bope, Bud comnlon love. All other re- divine honor and permanent rest and lationships become pale before this. delight, as well as permanent value. This [s the kinship ot souls, and In Its Every service becomes royal and rare IntlJllacies we discover tbe finest evert Influence inspirational. . The . 8ecret Place: Where It? dellgbts. This Is the sort of klDllhlp which every soul Is privileged to have "He that dwelleth In the secret place with the Lord. We can be relnted to of the Most Sigh shall abIde under the blm at the ve ry nprlngs of our beIng. shadow of the Almighty." . ' Fostered by Obedience. ' The secret place of the Mos ~ HlghNow my text tells me that this pro- where Is It? Where Is this abiding found kin ship wIth th e Lord Is toster- place, this safe and ' sure refuge, ' this ed by obedience to the will of God. stro....g and Impregnable This To do the will begets and assures tile placo In which I shalt l?e deUy:ered kinshi p. Now see what this Implies; from the snare of the fo"".e~, and from If l. am to do the will of God and be. the noisomeness lind da:ngel' of 'every come one of the Intimate relatIons of pestl1~ri~eT , Tbls blesled .plac~ ' where brillt, I must know what the will Is. I 's hall be covered 8D~ p'rotected by his How am I to' know ? By seeking tor presimce . a8 tQe chlclte,n s, are, protect· It. (must bec,ome a pupil, and "medl. ed" by" the' broodtng care ot the moth, tate In hi s law day and nlgtit." And er? W~~re ts tM r)sec~et pl~ce ' ot tU to wbat kind of school sb811 the pupil "AJmlghty, .and 'w,bo ha~ found It! ThE! go ill order that he may apprehend · :place :wliere. no, pe"tue~c~' 'of"the night Lbe di vine w ill ? Let him go Int.o ~~ orterrOl; f)f t~e., day can. disturb th~ school of bfstory. "Ask now ot the 'soul? ' The place ,,,~ere all danger 18 times that bave been?" Let him make ~b80lutely eUmlaatell, where a thou· bls Qllest In Babylon, and Jeruealem, sand nyiY fall at. thy' Side. and ten and RolU~. Let him study the .livia thousand !,it tby~ right hand" and , yet of men, heir pOlicIes, anll their . • e": thou mayest ,know' that thy soul ill II~ Unl s, Let hjm watch the great .mo.. cure.' that it sliaU ~ot come nigh. tIIee! mant of th e ce.tturnes, .Bnd tee their '0 , where 18 th18 refug~ ot the Moat mllj sUa drift. Al,ld let bJm alao m.&k. 'H1ch, .~I' ' B~ret place of tbe Loret? InQl1lry III the lIBered Sc.-I;.turee. ~t:. Wbere can It be but to. thj! secre~ let him rhalca a HI"Ioua b....laetIi of 1~ cibamber of bls. blessild will" tbe place 'j'b 1"llks 'I1Ql1eB' Jllto'tJae WID GI ,a ,tI "bere lIr~ Is bid wUb Chrlat Ja fJodr .

~ W





Sassested . by ~he Growing Demond tor Light Mac:hlne to ,Take the , Place ot Big Teams on Western Ranc:hes.

'I'll Po t- Just nrold ed a s rloll t! OC· clden t, old cbup. Whll th wind s t I'm wus TUglng the ten '0 b! ew down nnd ' i had 10 dodg a blllbO/l rd. The Artist-You nr luclty. my to fl'l ' ud. In n f ew hours I'll huv dollge a bOfJ.rdblll.


New Type of Farm Tractor. The n ~v type oC gasoline farm trac· tor as shown III the illustration was s ugg sted by the growing demand for a light farm tractor to take the place of til e two. four or six horse teams used for plowing, harrowing and haul· Ing on oW stern ranches, says J?opular l\l echan[cs. T he special feature of the macblne Is tbat It may be driven tram the s1!at oC the ordinary wheel plow or harro w, enabling oue man to drive

tbe tractor and to operuto t he I, .. ern of t he tilling implemeut at the same time. The machine 18 particularly nn or· chard tractor, having low, wide wheels, narrow t read, short wheel base and a s hort runnin g radIus. 'To obtain the greatest e fficacy the front wheels a re tbe tractlou as well as steering wheels. a nOl'e l departure In this type of machine. It sells tor $1,000.



, ..!~~.,. ,.. " , , ~

a.,,~~~ , , , ,

The poultry house here Illustrated' Js not on a concrete wall, but If tbe sandlmd ; gravel can be gotten without much dIfficulty, It makes an Ideal waU, writes Ira G. Shellabarger, In Farmer's RevIew. Ours Is on a wooden foundation. Our house (a 10 feet long, 6 feet wide, 5% feot ,!dab, tn rear and front corner posts are 7 feet long. The, houBe Is boarded within two teet of the bottom of the front posts, but If the house is ~et on a foundatfon it wUl have an opening pf about ao Inohes which we believe Is too much and think 26 inches at most Is sumclent openIng. Tbe cloth to be used In the front ot the house sbould, of course, be long or wide enough to reach from top or opening to · bottom. Ours Is simply tacked fast to top of (rame of build· Ing and on a 2x5 piece at bottom. The muslin should be securely tacked and the bottom piece be securely fastened as tn' heavy wInds It' may blow but .of place. Some recommend tacking tlJ.e mUslin to a frame and then lowerIng or raisIng the frame at will.. Tho frame Idea, of course, will pre vent the wind from 'blowing the curtain jn and out and llerhaps keep It stretched . tighter at 811 Umes. The door to our house Is 6 feet 5 Inches by 211h inches. However, the door may be larger or smaller as the lumber at band may cut out to better advantage another size, · Our door happens to be from an old dwelling closet. The 'wln(]ow we bave Is one that was at hand from a dwelling an~ Its sIze 's uits us very well and we believe It Is about rIght. It Is a two·lIght sash aOx35 Inches. However, this may 'Vary In size to suit the ' builder. In our house 'the drop board Is two feet tram the sUls, lI3 Inches from tbe south wall, leavIng an alley through the house. The roosts are 12 Inches

"Four Y ars ago I sUC!E:'red severely with a terrible ecz OIR, lJ lug a mass of sores froUl h ad to f e t and fo r Ix wcelts confined to illY b d, During tbat time 1 sull'CI'ed continual tor· lure fr om itching and bUl'lllng. A(tpr belll g gIve n up by my docto r I was ad· vised to try uticura Hc modles. After the tlrst bath with uti ura Soap a nd uPllll calion of Cutlcura Olulnwnt 1 en· JOY d the first good 81' p during my ennre Illness . I a lso uscd Cull urn Resolvent and the tr utment was cQn· tlnued for about three woks. At the end of that ti me 1 was able to be about the hou se. enti r I), cured. and bave fe lt no 1lI elfecls slncc, 1 would a dvIse any person sulJerlng from any for m of skin trouble to t ry the ulleura Remedies as 1 know wha t they did for me. Mrs. Edward Nennlng, 1112 Sail-no. St., Watertown, N. Y., Apr. 11, l!H>a."

--- ---

Asking Too Much, "Why, Willie," said the teacher, " I am pained to hear you s peak so sllgbt· Ingly of your parents. I a m afraid you hav not been properly Instructed con· cernln g the respect YOli should pay to your cId ers. That Is one of the sad th ings about our scheme of civilization. We do not InsJst strongly enough on having the chlldren accord to their parents that deference and respect which Is so common and so beautiful In most of the Europe/in and oriental countries. tn Chfna and Japan, for Instance, the children always look up' to their parents as to sU llerlor helngs. 1 am ashamed of you, Willie. You sbould have the deepest veneration for your father and mother." "Well," Willie snlffied, "how's a fel· low goln' to have ven ration when bls rna puts on n bale of hair every morn· In' that she bought at a store and his po Wears a yellow plush hat?" Harvard Scored. II was the mornIng of tbe Yale·Har-


frqm the drop boards, two In number, ten Inches apart, held In place by cleats at either end and two cleats through the middle, held In place by being fastened to the studdIn g at one end and by a wIre at the other: the wIre 1'uns from the cleat to the sup· porting piece of the roof wblch runs lengthwise , of the roof. The sbeetlng for the roof Is held In place by . beIng naJled at eIther end and In the middle onto . t~e piece above mention il. The nests in oUr case ar , coulman store boxes set on ' the sills beneath the roost boards and the y are easily gotten a t from the alley mentioned. In our experIence we find heavy, unbleache muslin, obtl\lned: at any country Sl re to be the most satisfactory with us. Some poultrymen recommend that the cloth be dipped In flaxs eed oU, but we prefer to use It unolled. The particular house shown 'In tho cut ,cost us le$1I than $8, but we got the . frame sturr, sheeting, fioor and window tram a dIsmantled buildIng. Wltb a concrete wall It would have cost about $12. All new lumber would also add much to thIs cost. Factors In 8110. 'There are at least tbree fa ctors thnt should be kept In mind In bulld[ng a sllo, damely, the walls sbould be smooth and perpe'n dlcular, they must be airtight. In order to avoid the expenditure of unnecessary labor In getting the eosllage out, it Is necessary to place doors continuously from the bottom to the top. , Selecting Orcha'rd 81te, The selection of an orchard site Is not governed by any arbitrary rule. All farms do not alford the best solis and exposures for orcbards. Tbe owners or such ,as do not are untortunate. yet they should not feed dis. couraged to the extent at not planting trees and caring for them afterwards.

vard game ' ut Cambridge, and two of th e Ne w Haven collegians were wan· derlng through the Harvard yard, looking at the unIversIty buildings. Down a walk town I' 'em came a youth of serIous aspect, but palpably Bn undergraduate. "I beg your pardon," said the Yale man, who Is a bIt of a wag, to Lhe stranger, "can you teU me where 1 can flnd Harvard uni vers ity?" "I'm very sorry," said the serIous one, with never a s mile. "They've locked it up. You see, there are 60 many Yale men In town." The Sa/fllh Hunter. James 'R. Keene, apropos of the jumping contests at tbe New York horBe show, ta lked a,b out fox bunting. "Hunting," he saId. "develops a race ot very savage, selfish men . There was, for Instance, Jones. "Jones, on a bitter cold day, was riding hard at a brook, when h per. celved the head of .bls dearest friend stickIng dismally out of tho Icy water. Did Jones go to his friend's .assl t. ance? Not a bit of It. " 'Duc k, you fool(' he shouted, and jumped over hlm."- St. Louis GlobeDemocrat, It Would Him. "I give you my word, the next per. son who Inte rrupts the proceedings," said the judge, sternly, "will be expelled from the courtroom and ordered home." . "Hooray!" cried the prisoner. Then the judge pondercd.-Judge. A WOMAN DOCTOR

Vial Quick to 8ee that Coffee w•• Doing the Mllchlef•

A lady tells of a bad case of coffee poIsoning and tells It In a way so sim~ pie and straIghtforward that lIterar), skill could not improve It. ' ''I had n euralgic beadaches for 12 years," sbe sa),s, "and sulfered untold , agony. When I first began to have ~~ .... - ... ~..,..,-----~~..". ... ~w~ them I weighed 140 pounds. but they brought me down to 110. I went to many doctors and they gave ine only temporary relief. So I sulfered on, UII one day a ,voman doctor told . , me to 'use Postum. She saId I looked like I was , coffee poIsoned. ' "So I began to drink Postum and I gaIned .16 pounds In th'e first few weeks and continued to gain, but not so fast os at ' first. My headaches be' gap to leave' ~e after I had uled Postum , about two weeks - long enough to get 'tbe .colfee polson out of ' my ,sYstem. ," ,,' " " Sln~e .1 be~an . to u~e' p,ostum I can gladlY .s6y that t .never ,know wbat a ~eu.!alglc he~~ache ' ~s like any mor~, and it h vas noQllng- but Postum that .:made me welt. Before I used Potltum I ne:ver went cut;. I would, get '. ,bewildered 'a,n d would not know which "ay, to turn. '. Now I go alone and m), bead Ie a./ clear as a bell, .~y br81n and nllr"e" are stronger than they have been for years. ~" 'I • . , Read 'the. ltttJe ' bQ,O~, "Th~ Road to . a'he . arrangement lUuatr,'.ated abo•• ,11I .8.t~etched ' ~rom tile b~.e8 of tbe two We lvHh!,"ln plqr•• "There's ,a ~elllon:\ anobors , a p<!8t .0 It ~Ill Dot puO out POlta over the top ~ the lower post hi ~ t . . ...,.. ~ wben tbe wile. are tightened. A wire .. bJ'OOk of • • • . . . .'Ift. ftOIII .".... to flme. ''I'll







lett."", .\




. . . . ..



ro ll ctiOH nnd profonlty , I' lurnlng a: Boen to Hn fl him so\) ' 1', 5U\)(\II(,(\ nod N THOSEl oays w~len the Miasissippl plant II was hungry . l'pnll promla of ·good beha vio r [01' th futlll'. he \Vu's tak ' D on ly something less than R fe'udnl ' \)aron, with lldor n jIl 6t i(' . whc r he' pi a~~ d s la ves and wide domnln Rulltv a nd Ila id a II lit'. Then he too lt and \'ested rights; with hi s place liS the first exumpl of a hors s. hounds and lhe Ion$' chase i O Il~ li ne of wOlI\lerfu l ''' Ires set ciown art r fox aud good r ed deer; with to ' HpL Dill ;\1 (' nona ! ~ 's credit today. horn and flagon qnd high hOlDe wasfor h' ga \' lit tJ . trouble aft e r tb at sail In th e hall- In those days was a mi l'emahHHI mos tly In retirom lit. to TOIDIll Y- ny, auntie. wh ut d id 'nrle born William J sse M Donaltl, Seph ot npun ot last by his own dogs Johll OIarry you ror? t mll r :l8, 18(;2_ HIs fath er, Ellocil nnd ltill c t!' A IInl- \ V h )'. fOI' iovl'. of ('O\lrse. McDonald, was a Jll nnter of tho teuHut th Gordon experienc was Tommy (m edi tnt. iI' Iy ) - II'III! I. UVtl dal typo- fa, riess, fond of til chus, mild clloll!,\b. nit r oli. compured to tile Own er of wide acres and hnlf 11 th e J1I OIIY which followed. and Is on ly will make n man do a lmo ~l anything, bundred sla ves- whil e hi s grandfas t d uwn becau se It marks the begill- won·t II. auntie? ning of n CO l' cr. Ind ed, an epi.sode ther, at the Ian l\loDonald on his na Truth "Sassler" Than Fiction. tI \' e heuth , was a step nearer In the of lurger pl'oporlion s was air ady un1II0st s outh rn e rs nre gaiial:l. An bnokwul'd line to some old laird whe d r wa y. In th e timber lying ndjacent exception Is lh e Georgian \\'ho gnve led hi s lllon In roisteri ng hunt or In h1~Ody Donald fortune . Slaves to Min eola some 300 ti e cutters were hi s Bon lhls advice: fray amid the green hills and In dim gl ns of and cotton wen~ gone. e nca mp d. s upplying cross-ties for the "Jlly boy. neve r run aHer n woman Scotland. _ Only a r mnant of land. 1. & G. . rand . They w re n drink- or a st reet ca r- th ere will he anot her 'rl18t was good blood, and from his mother, then worthless, r ' malned. ill g , lawl ss lot and on Sa turday one along In a minute or two,"'fI'ho was a Durnam- Eunlce Durbam- the lit- Eunice l\fcDonl\,1d. wldnlghtl:l the l'\ineoln streets were llJled Eve rybody's Jllagazine. tle chal) that was one day to he a lead er aD owed, with two childron, with ': Iot nnd di sorder. Th e city marhis own account Inherited as clear a strain. her home leCt desolnte by s hol. G org R el'es . nnd Dcputy I\1cFree to Our Readers. Tb e t udal hall In Mlsslsslllpl, however was a the ravnges of war, kn ew Donnld had on se\'e ral occasions mad e Write Mllrln Eye Ite m ' lly ',;,." Ch icago, C or 4B-pag lIIu8lrallld Byo :.:sou lc Free. big. old p1.antalldn house, built of h ~n log. ~ot whlcb way to turn. A arrests and s uch enforcement of the 1'1 1<\ n it abo ut Your li:y'; Traub!> aod and riven boards, wllh woods and cotton fields bachelor brothe r with his law hlld been regarded by tho tie-gang \\' th ey wilt advise W:I to th PrClfj I' AppllOIJ very band; with cabins tor the slaves and tace set Texasward otfi"NZ'as lin atfronl to nil. They se nt word ~nllon o C til ·lItllrlne E)'c R m e lll 's In You Specia l 'u8e. Your Drull'glst " '111 outbuildings of every sort. That was In Kemfered to make a home tor ..oY..n::» to tho omeers. at Jast. that they would t II rYOII th a t Murlno R e ll ves S ro Eye~. per county, o\'er near tbe ~Iabama Itne, with her In the new land. Sbe hU::r b e ou hand In full force on the fol- Sire ngth ens ~V cn k I;;YC8. Does n't Smart. Soothes Eye Pllln, Ilnd se liR tor 6Oc. Try De Kalb, thll county seat, about 20 miles away. accepted the ol'l'er and In ~ oP.....r<P.&a.~~~ lowin ~: SaturdRl' and thnt tbe cala- 11 In Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes tor It wss s peculiar chlldbood that IttUe "Bill 1866 they reached east boose might as well go out of com- Sca t y E)' c Uds and rnnulatlon . .7ess" McDonald had. It was tull at sllch things Texas and settled In Rusk count,., near Henern prIson many years before be was finally mission so far as they w re concerned. A Question to Be Considered. 88 tbe homeco ming of the hunters with a deer dllrson, the county seat. Here the !>rotber and re leased. Dave Culbersoa afterwards repreSaturday night caine, and according to "Do you consider plagiarIsm permisor a tax- sometimes (and these were grand sister made an effort to retrieve their broken sen ted hie district In congress and the boy he promise the tle-outlers were on the street, nusible und er any circumstances?" occ8slons) even with a besr. T.h en there were tortunes. with moderate success . defended eventually served the ' son, Charles merous and noisy. Seolng n commotion at the "Well," nnswer d Senator Sorghum. wondertul ball games played by the Bogue But though sUI1 a boy In yenrs, being not G_ Culberson-then governor- now United rear at a cheap hote l. where a numbnr of tbe "It's pretty hard when you find yourChlta and Mueldlutla Indians; exciting shootmore tban 16, his youth came really to an cnd States senator from Texas. men had gathered, McDonald went ol'er there solf compelled to make a choloe be~ Inl matohes and horse races, long fisblng and now. It was the period of reconstruction In It Is likely this bit of experience wltlI hotand found Reeves surrounded. Without besl- tween being Interesting or originaL" s~'lmmlng days with companions black and the soulh- a time at obnoxious enforcements head ed lawl essness and the result thereof tation he shoved a way through with bls pistol white. and the ever-recurring cbase, with the . on the one hand and rebt'llious bitterness on proved of Immense value to young JI·l cDonald. until he stood by Reeves' side. Reeves bad Important to Mothers. bloodhounds, ot some runaway slave. There Examln csre rll~ly e very bottle of the other, with general lawlessness In· the From that time forward we find him a peacearrested a man and a general riot was Immlwas not much book-schooling In a semi-barblack settlements. The military dominated maker, a (\uelJer of disturbances, a separator nent. The prlEoner was very drunk and dls- CASTORIA, a sM a anrl sure remedy tor baric childhood such as that. There was a the towns and there were continuous mlsunof combatants, even at great personal risk. orderly and demanding that he be allowed to Infants nnd children, and see that It schoolhouse "Of ours, which was used for a df.rstnndlngs between the still resentful cooAfter a brief sojourn at Longview he esgo to ' hl s room. Catching the drift of matters, Bears the ~--­ hurch and gatherIngs at any sort, and someque red and the aggressive and sometimes Insotabllsbed hJmself In Wood county, at Mineola, fcDonald snld: Signature at • ~ times the children had lessona there. But the lent conquerors. Young McDonald, with the then a newly established and busr railway ter"All right, talte him to hts room. It he's In Use For Over 30 Years. . Kemper county teaohlng ot tbat day was memory of his hero father shot dead while minus. Tbls was In 1876 nnd his venture was got one; I'll take care at tbls crowd," The Kind You llav~ Always BouSht. - mainly to ride well, shoot straight and to act leading his regiment against these men '.' ~n ,a success. Soon he was considered the leadTbere was someth.lng In the business-like On the Beat Authority, quickly In the taee' of danger_ Tbat was the blue, wa1l In no frame of mind to submit to Illg grocer at tbe town. confidenoe of that statement which Impressed 'MIss Rogers-How did you Imagine proper education tor the boy who was one day any indignity, real or fancied, at their bands, It was during this )er)od that McDonald the crOWd. And then he bad such a handy to ' make the Texas Panhandle and No-man's It happeoed just at this time tbat oDe Col. made the acquaintance oC James S. Hogg, who w'ay of boldlng a six-shooter. Nobody quite anytblng 80 beautiful as the angel In land his bunting ground, 'WIth men for h.l a Greene, a relative of the McDonalds. WIUJ mur· In later JI~e, as governor of Texas, was to conwanted to die first pnd Reeves started for the your ploturo? quorry. Artlst-Got an engaged man to dedered by negroes, who; being arrested, contel' his most useful .officlal posltlon-tbat of back entrance of the hotel with his man. As Presence at mind he bad as a gilt, and It fessed tbe killing, stating that tbey' bad misranger captain-thus enabling him to do much they entered tbc;l door tbe tellow reeled against scribe his fiancee to me. v.'as early manifested. Tbere was a lake not taken Greene tal' a mule-buyer supposed to 01 the work whi 11 ha Id lIfied ' hi name the casing and tell to the ground. Then a It Is barde r ror n woman to pray her ~ .1 c . s en s general stampede started, for It was called out fnr away, where fisblng and swimming went have a large sum of mouey. The men were with the state s constructive history. Hogg, that Reeves bad struck him . McDonald said: hus hand Into heaven than It Is to oag on almost con.t lnuously during the summer lodged In jail, but It was believed that under then a young man, was justice of the peace at 'llm Into the other place. days, and sometimes the smaU swimmers the "carpet-bag" military law then prevailing the county seat, QultmlUl, a few miles distant "Stop, you tellers I The fool fell down. would muddy 'tbe water near the shore and they would escape punlsbment. In later years from Jll1neola. and was also conducting .a pa1'1\ kill the first man that Interferes!" then catoh the fish In their hands. They were young McDonald was to become one of the per there. He bought his groceries ot McThnt was another dIscouraging statement doing this one day when Bill Jess was heard most strenuous defenders of omclal procedure D Id d th t I I tram a man who had Ii habit of keeping his ana an e accoun ran a ong n a go·asword. It seem61i to the crowd that an ' officer to announce, excitedly, "I've got him. boys! Sermons. are based upon texts; poyou please sort of a way They were good "':"one of the bitterest opponents of lynch ·Iaw like that didn't play fair. He didn't argue at Ulical speecbes pon pretexts. . I've got him! You can't beat mine!" at the t,be state of Texas bas eyer known; but he friends and courted together and It · was all. Soniebody was likely to get burt It they s nme instant swinging bls oatoh blgh for them WIUI hot-hlooded In 'slrly-elght and the sltuathrough Hogg that young McDonald met Miss Hn, WlrYlow • 8ootblpII' Syrup, to seo_ Rboda Isabel Carter, a young woman with fine didn't get that gun away from him. Movements For children t.,ew lng. 10t"'0' tbo III"", r .. du .... fa. tion was not one to develop moral principles. 1I."'OILlolI, ~IIIY. paID, Clure< .IDII collil. ~. boUI .. Tbat wa a correct statement. They Wben, therefore, a mob formed and took the nerve and force of character~just the girl (or to this end w ere slarted bere and there, but couldn't beat his cntcb IUld thel' didn't want ncgroes out of Jail and banged them there Is a Texas regulator's wife. And such, In due they dlrln't get near enough to the ohlef actor A small boy never looks comfortable to . . ,What they wanted to do was to get out no record at. Bill Jess having dlstingulsbed time, she was to become, tor he married her to be e.ffeotlve. Finally, wben. Reeves and his In his Sunday clothes. of his ne ighborhood without any unnecessary hlmseU In their defense, as he certainly would In January, 1876. His frlendsblp tor Hogg \ prisoner set out for th e calaboose, the crowd delay, for tbe thing he beld up to view was an have don') In later years. Indeed, It Is likely continued tor some time after tbat, bllt came mO'\'ed In tbat direction, timing their steps to -.inuuenl!e, deadly moccasin, grnsp!!d with both that if he did not help pull a rope that night to a sudden end one day, when Hogg. who h1l.d a chorus of tbreats a~d profanity. Reeves hands by tbe neck, the rest of it curling InIt was only because the rope was fully occubeen elected county attorney. wltb characterand l\icDonald made no reply until they ars tantly Qround the lower arm . His bold was pled with otber wlJllng hands. Istic conscientlousn.ess prosecuted McDonald rived at the lock-up; then , the dIsturbers being &:> tight and so near th bead that the snake and others for carrying concealed weaponsthere bandy. the offic rs began gathering them h e m liita ry descen d ed on H. eno t course t In, a d9zen at a time. It was a genuine surcould not bite him, but the problem was to McDonald's possess lOll of such a wapon bnv· derson and set In to discipline I·t for this ....Aonprise party ior the tie-men. Tbey were too turn It loose. His friends were all ashore and I certe u" lawle 8S n ess. Th e t ow n sp eo peas a 'Ing been revealed by his aiding In the capture mucb nstonlshed for any concerted movement, at Il sare distance. He did not lose his bead, o' e relatives of Col Gr'eene In par of a gang of boisterous disturbers ot the pence. wllole "" . 'and when Invited at tbe points of those guns , ,nnd hOW0\1er, but" adlng ashore himself he In v\ted this occupation Charley Me. Donald rose aud defended his own case, deticular , r ncented ~. to step Inside and make themselves at home Ih m olle n(ter another to unwilHl tllnt snakfl. n brother' of the murdered man In clarlng he had quit business to do his duly as Greene, .. . , they did not have tbe bad taste to refuse_ . Nobody cared for the job and be told them In a good citizen and ' that be would stay In jail conlpony with Bill ,Jess , presently got Into The turbulent ti e-men were sober and senturn and collectl I' Iy whnt he thought of th"w. trouble with some soldiers who were deporting tbe balance of his days before he would pay a :;Jble by Monday morning and allowed to go, 'l'ben be offered tbe honor to a little slave boy themselves . in a manner considered otl'eDslve fine. und el' promise of good behavior. on attra UTe terms. and the result was a running figbt with tbe With his usual trank feal·lessness. he said Mineola suddenly became a moral town. "Jim," he said, "et you-all don't come an' military In the lead. The soldiers made for Bome hard things to Hogg In lIle presence of unwind this heRh snake, I'll beat you-all to their Quarters III tbe courthollse. It would the court, and though discharged the ' two were !\musemen ts of the old sort languished . Bllt by tbllj time Deputy Bill Jeess WRS not death an' cut orr yo' ears an' skin YOll alive have been proper to leave tbem alone thenestranged for a considerable period . Tben a Satisfied with tile quiet lJfe. He bad found nnd give yo' cahcass to the buzzarJ8,'; to retire flushed with victory, as the books truce was patch~d up, but only for a time. his proper vocation- that ot active enforceTbose were the days when 0 little slavesay, and .satlsfied. But Greene could ~ot rest. But now came Bill McDonald's first official ment of tbe law- nnd he was moved to pursue boy could not resist Iln earnest entreaty He pe rsuaded Bill Jess to stay with him nnd appOintment and service, LivIng just outside It In remoter pla<;es. A ce.rtalu desperate nethat so~ from the son at the housebold, and tbey rode ul? and down 1.0 troltt of the courtof Mineola was a man named Gordon, of hard gro outlaw by tbe name of Jim Beon had comJim CBlue forward, bls facQ gray with grnt!charActer and the owner of soveral bull-dogs, mltted orlmes In Smith county. whence he had house, ocoaslonally taking a shot at the win· t ud , nnd tnll-Ing hold 0ln{;er y be unwound a dows, to punctuate the II' challenge to warfure. similarly endowed . Man and dogs became a escaped to Kansas. Th e re he had killed a y~ ~f water-moccasIn from Bill Jess, Finally Greene decided tbat they could menace to travel In that neighborhood, as they ci~y marshal. ami re turned once more to Smith What Governor Dene.n, of IlIInol., wbo, with the last colt, fiung bls prize to the Says About It I cbarge the courthouse and callture It. He lived near a public road and were allowed at county, which adjOins Wood on the sOllth. · ground, ·w bere It wag quickly killed, It being Deneon.or 11110011. own. ".coprimed bJmself with liquor for tbe onset and large. The mnn was particularly quarrelsome This was th e klnu of game that Depllty well-nig h choked to deatb already_ ot l~~~t1l!:& li~6t:'~1~urn an lutu.rYio,,: and ugly and wa·s said to have kllied several Bill nlwnys n.loyed huntin g. It was wortll refused to het;ld bls oompanlon's advice to But even the gift at presence of mlnq will ab.nndon the campaign. The two asoended the more 01' less Inoffensive persons. He always while. H e ma de frequent stili-hunts !lIang the sometimes balk at uufamlllnr dangers. It was cOUl'thouse stairs at last with pistols cocked_ carried arms - tb e customary plsto) and a Sabine river, the <l\vldlng line bel.w en ' ulwlIl tbl time thnt the civil war broke out, bowie knife, the latter worn In a scahbard Wood and Smith, hoping to locate his quurry. Greene had one In ach hand and with Ulem and Enoch McDonald enlisted n company to "down bls back." He was an expert at throwHe lind heard a rumor that a ce rtain shoved open the double doors at the head of defend the southern cause. The IItlle boy left 'the stairs. That was another mistake. The Ing tlll.s weallon and altogether a terror to the fam Iy of Bwam{l-dwe ll J'S were in lengue behind was heart-broken. His father was his soldiers were "laying for him" just Inside and community. Bill McDonald would naturally wllh the me n, and: refl ecting on the mat. hero and when by R'ld by the news came that In an Instant lat r his arms were pinioned and resent the domination I)f a man like Gordon ter, .11e concludcd to visit thi s house. both the .soldlers were encamped nt Merldlan-6 he was n prisoner. The doors swung to, then, and wlien one dill' the Intter came to town for the purpose of Investigation and to borrow railway stnUgn about 60 miles distant- the and Bill Jess stood outside, wondering whether with one of his unruly dogs and the dog set a shotgun, which he thought might be more Iud made liP bls ' mind to join them. He ar· be ougtit to charge to tbe rescue, walt there lipan and Injured McDonald's prized pointer useful In n man-chase thnn his rin.e. Arriving rived at l\lerldlan one morning and began to and be captured or retire in good order. With there was trouble active and Immediate. Meat the suspected house. be told In his mildest look over the ground and· to piake a few ' Inthat gift ot logic and rare presence of mind . Donald's reputation as a good man to let alone manner n tale of a wounded deer not tar away quiries as to bls father's headquarters. He wils already established at Mineola. He was aud borrowed a sbotgun as well as the Inforbad never scen a railroad before, and be fol- . wblch would one day make him famolls he decided to get out of there. No attempt was known as a cllpable marksman- fearless, resomatlon U1at the Olen and dogs of tbe place lowed along the track with Increasing Interest made at the time to arrest young McDonald, lute and very sudden. . When. therefore. he were In the brakes. He now bsgan a careful till he reached the engine., which he thought though soldiers frequently loitered about hie produced a six-shooter for the avowed purpose still-hullt for bls 'game and presently came full must be thfl mosl wonderful and benl1t1ful of killing the bulldog, its master, who, like upon .lIm Bean, who wns on a horse, with a home premises nnd with these he had many thing ever Cleated. Then suddenly It let off c011l&Ions, usually coming orr victorious. every bully by, was a coward at heart, shotgun, guardlng Bome stolen hogs. steam, the beil rung and the air was split by Still. he was laying up trouble for himself, interceded bumbly for the dog's life, promising Before Belin could move now Deputy Mca screaming whistle. It was too sudden and tor Greene's court-martial was coming oft and to take the animal home and leave him there. Donald had blm covered and oommanded him too strange for his gift to work. The son of Bm Jess, wbo went over to see If he could be McDonald agreed to the arrangement. but tor to get off his horse or he would shoot him all the MeDonalds and ot a gallast soldier set of any assistance, ~as promptly arrested whUe the benefit of the cQm.m unity at large he d'3ad. Dean obeyed Ilnd McDonald threw his out for the horizon, never pausln.r until halted nosing about the stockade and landed with bls promptly applied to Sherlrr Pete Dowell for a leg over his saddle and sJld to .tbe ground, by the sentry of hili tather's camp_ commission as deputy, In order that In future ,still covering Benn with his gun . Suddenly reaUve on the Inside. Tbls waB a serious !:qat" He was permitted to enter aDd was direct. tcr. The boy realized that, as soon as the he might restrain officially the obno'x lous 'GorDean made a dash for a large tree, t\lralng ed to the drill ground, where his tather, who gates closed .behlnd him, He reallzell it stl.ll don and ·others of his kind. The commission to shoot just as he reached this cover. Mchad been promoted (or bravery to the rank at more forcibly ,when a ·t ew days later ' heand waB v~omptly conferred and tbus Bill Jess MeDonald wa':l too quick, however, and let .go . major, was superintending certain maneuvers. Greeile ·were led :Into tJJe courtJ:oom for mtll· Donald, quietly and without any , special manlwith a load of buckshot, which struck Bean The little hoy In bls eagerness: ran dlrecllY tary trial and I he took a look at tlie ·men Wbo feat, ·stepped . Into tbe ranks. ot Texas official In several places, causing him to make off ill Into the midst of thJOgs and Major McDonald, were.lo pros.ecute him for aiding In tbe ~rlme regulators, :where, In' c;me ~apnclty or another, . the dJrectioll of a Slougb toward . thick hiding . suddenly seeing' him: was ~tart\~d. . .I ntd . 'tbe of treason. Nor 'was he reassured when Jone . he waif to serve so long and well. . McDonald nowv mol.\nted hi!! horse and started ' conclusion that some dire -calamity had be, . But )1owever quiet h,ls .enllstmebt, his serIn pursu'\t of tl\.e wounded Jim Bean. Bloodfallen bJs family and only Bill ,less' bad .. of ,lbe lawyers presentannciunced t)lat ~ he would "defend that bo)"s clUle." For tbere vice was to be of, another . sort . . ,Tbose were staIns m~de the trail easy to follow; , escaped to tell th~ ~le. Halt sliding, half npt quiet !lays, !lnd Hie o:~cer who . set' alit ,to Soon ' Q: powder bnrn and then a " pall' f!illlng, he 'dropped tram .hls, horse. t\lleilm Uie · was nothing ln~pliing :about this champion's . truth. --Then'· gratefully lie lifted lIle lad uP . 'appellrallce. His ey" .were _halt-croaed an!1' be. enfQrce the law wa~ ~pt ~ 'be~ome ~ .b,!sy ~err . of bbO~" lay Iti tbe . paWl ot tlt'gbt. . McDon' of ~leepy indJfrerence wtilciJi . son_ QordiJri very SO'QD appeared .. again in ald ~ol1owed six ' mlles if! .a cabin 'occupled by' ,behind - him ' 'and continued th~' drll~" Eunice " ,had' a · gen'e ral Mineola, and after Investing In a ·.80od deal of negroes. Bean was 'not In the' cabln, but boreMcDonald wlis only adaf or two behind, B~I~· did n,ot dlsaJlpear unui ... n calJ).e Ms ,turn to telll, to," b~r. Instinct ~I~ bel' wbere t1i~. ,boy ' take 'part In the . prOC~ed~~gs,. The~ 8uddenl,. ' . bad ",lilslcY ;wellt on the wD.,rpatb'\ftOurl.shlng a ·' fOo.t prints led Into the' woods, 'rhe· ·.lIlan· huater fonowed ' them. and· . 1101,t.lly overtook bad gope. ,T hey remalDed ~ few days In camp. the s.1eepy. ··.~,.~s .became alive, . the.,shaggy' hair ,. 81x'8boot~1' and ' glvinl!i qut the !1l!orm'atioD th!lt :iv,as tossed back, the clay; pipe waa laid ob the . ." nobOdy could atrest him. lie was hl' the very tbetr owner_ It 'was not: nean. The offlcer and ,pteri' ~ade their Boldlel' g~d'by: T.~ey table' .an~ Dave Ci1!be~o~,.rafterWard known. as ..mIdst .of. a\ mllltant hal'llniNe . when "poptity -' bad been tricked-;Bean had escaped while ' bls Dever ellw Mm again·, tor he w~s 1dlle~ ~t the an eminent lawyer aria 8ta~esman~ ar988 and.. Mcl><m~d 8udd~nl1. ·aPP.6~red 00 the scene ~d pursuer had /lieen' foUowlng"tbfa talse lead. It battle or" COl'lntb 'at the head of his regl'Dlent. made ,snch .. 'plea In 'ebalf o~ the 00,. ~ho.~ ~erOl'! Gordon coUld pth~r .hlml!elf .he was~ by .was Hark no~ .,'!ond further search · waa .bopehla lace to the 8nem1••1 a Boldier ahould d~e. The ~f wa noW' the .:bead of the (ather bad died at Corillth and' wh08e mother ',BOlDe Dla&ic "twist of. tlte wriatr dl88~~, .' lea1l, . Nut motnl~g the outlawa' had vanished . frpm' the ' c9untry. TbeT never retumJd hOUlebold, He' bad biB mother aDd a atater~ and .atater relied. OD _him to:da,. ~r protection, " ~ted' and oJl~the .~ .t()' the calabOole. He demurred .ahd 'reata"", ,?ut alept . ~~ 1l1.b~ '. beard ot ~o JDore until. 80me time. after, ,. and IDOIit o( the negroes atU,1' 'remafped; but : ~at onJi one ~erilict. rsmalned in ·' the mtnci~ he was the 01 U.e IIcni1e and " .. ~tIlN of ~ ... beiCren wben be clOaecl' . BIU ' Jeu ".. b.blnd Joc~ and ban . ~,, · mol'tllOf .he .... ~beD lIew. came l~m Wise ItoUn\Y .that both acqal\~.· bat hie' relalt... ClWle, u~ fuaed b~ arut df'~d.ed. ...1..... Pep.: the Beall brothers bad baa JdUed rtatatlbf . before biS· .. ~ ... fOl'taUte, . He mu''tea-1Il . HcJ)OaatcHirt _ ~ ..,_ GD114tttn of arHIt.




. j







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:, Ziminerman's ' l Hard'. Burnt Tile




Chicken Feed

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1 $350 P iano. Mahog any Case, ~ sed

[j months, all new. !:lale pl'ice :.... .. .... .. .. ..... ...... ... ......... .. ... ... .... .. _good .. ......... ...... ... $~50 1 $450 Piano. Walnu t Case. U ~ d 1 year, sl rictly hig h g rade, sale price ... ...... .... ...... .. ... ... .... :..... ..... .. . ........... . .. . . .. .. .... . .. .. ... . $275 1 $450 Piano Mahog any Case. new, sale price ..... . ......... .... ........ 1 $400 Piano, Massive Oak Case. new . salt! price .. ... ... ......... .. .. $:i25 1 ~275 Piano, Oak Case. new, sale price .. .......... .... .. ... ........... .. .. . *.l40 1 *275 Piallo. Mahog a ny Case , ne w. sa ..... .. ... .. . .. ........... .. *\95 ......."195 . 4 '310 Pianos, Oak Cases: ne w, each. sale price .... . ..... .. .. ......... . fI95

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I have coming a car 'of , 4 In. and 6 In. Hard Burnt Tile. ~ me before buying elsewhcre~


·Just ree ived 2500 pounds of :hi k and Ren Feed. pecial price-f 01'l1sh ort time: Chick Feed, $2.10 per 100 ·Ibs. Hen F'eed, $2.00 per lO~. Blackb erries, 3 lb. cans. ·· ...... 10 Malaga 'Grapes, 3-lb. can .. .. .. 15c Lomba rd Plums. 3·lb. cans ... l0e Okio Canne dorn , a can ...... 7e "Snow Drift' - better than : Lard, per lb . .. : ...... .. ... . 14c Arizon a Naval orange s. doz ... 25c Apple I, Apples I Apples! Medium-size Baldwi ns. a pk .. 25c. Orchar d-run Baldwi ns, bbl .. $3.00 Fancy Eating Apples - Belleflowers. Grimes ' Golden, pys and Tappah ockens . Special for Saturda y, Jan. 29th: Fancy Rolled Oats - packag es weigh more th9Jl t he od,er brands. Special price for one day only, 4 Packag es for 26c . Now is the time for you to lay in a supply , Watch for the Saturd ay's Special s at
















er: -gr)Od BS new, 1 corn .rhe hom e of E. M. Lukens was planter .lIke new, 2 good Buokey e rid. ' Born barned to the ground t3aturd ay af · to Mr . aDd Mrs . R be t . To In~rod\lco our very complete Spring line I . I will offer at Publio Sale at my in. g oorn plows 2 Aughe breukln ternoon SIHO losing. hiB . hOll''''hold Stanley Januar y 18th, a aon, . 0 r l'! -Up of beallliful woo . I sultlngll. wBIlh fabrics. tao y Charle s .... Edw"r d reaiden oe S miles north-w est of P ows, 1 d ou bl e- b oveI p Iow, 1 1 gOOdS and provls.i ons. walstiog8 . sJlks. tiLe .. hdkfs InOOB alld pettl... . p ow coati!. All u"-1.O-dal.e New York Oltr; patterns. ' Wayne Milton Howe is very mu'oh imnille on the Ferry and trnok, 150-too th barrow good as new, 'F I I" Walton Compt on is serious ly ill ~'I~;:SfheI~1I~uy~ll Ue ~uarktJ°otd' oDllerlllpnrgc=dllreco,v~. I proved at this wri ting . i "t is known aga n. ' 1 old 50-tooth harrow 1 O~boro Proflt&S10.uO to ISO.OO weekly. ' Wayne sville road on wb.. II~o lind ' rboma s Carbao k Is sick at the as the Charle y Janney fllrm t all lua'ructlons packod In a noat SlImplcs .. from here attende d t.he Sever"l II/ullplo Clllltl. ,I the folPped di~k harroW ', wooden htlY rake, 1 1!,!1 Jrnif(hta of Pythia s oonolav e at home of hlB son &m iD Sonth . 1ci , OXPrefl8 prepaid. No monoy requJrod. 'us ve lorrltory. Write for RllrLlculllJ'8. Bur· lowing ollattel s OD, j:Spnngboro Thund ay night. oarrlag e polt.l , extra good flet double "" IingtoD . Be Ill'llt to a~I)'. STANDARD DRE S driving harnel' s, -set single hR rness, GOODS co.. pt. F 1. DluabtUDton. N. Y. Walter Gra.y had his team to trot Wm . Hawki ns Is oon~Ded to hill Saturda y, Januar y 29, 1910, 2 set lelld harness . 1 big hogsheac1 , . away from him 8aturd ay doing uo home with a. gather ing in ht8 hip. Beginn ing at 10 o'clook A. M. 1 big iron kettle /lnd spider 1 oro~ harm. Rev. Levi Mills, of. Wilmin gtoD, .Two.g ood genera l purpos Notice of Appo intme nt YOq read and look e horses, oot laW, log ohains and m 'l IlY ot.b er The Instant aneoO$ Chemio al Co.~ preaoh ed .at She rriend 8' ohuroh afar with on 1 a aood line mAre 1 good milob artiol ...... too nomero us of Detroit , Mioh., throug h thetr ~unday moruin g. Pootra to mentio n eqqa) facility, but . no one ob. .. ~Blesma.n, W. H . . Freema n, gave iD£S beg~D i~ the evenin g.oted meet· ~tate of MIU'Y . lemO IlUl. deceasod . th The lind Mr. and QOW, due to be fresh about the flrst Terms : All snms • bifc... has boon iWpolnle d lind lerva a t you are weann a very success fnl demlilnstraUoD up. Mrs. Whlner,...evaDg~i.t8~ of IS 00 a,nd. qualified WIl'!I[jCued ox lI.or of t ho estllte of ~rary '. cal. becau le the UIUal g of April; 1 new B,mis Tobaooo under, oasb; all sums "Iinea~' Clement8 , late of Warren Colwty. doover that celUled. Dalied ~bls 20th on our streets . Friday RfterDoon to Ira I::loroggy was & bOiineM b day of Ohio. visitol' Transp lanter has not set over 6aores amoun t a oredit of Jnnuary are a lent. Wear the genuin e' /!. very muoh Interes ted aodienc e. i~ . Dayton one 12 month s will A D . 1910. day laatwe ek. KRYP TOKS aw hileand you will of tobacc o,l new Deerin l mower be given puroha ser giving W. H. ALLEN. Executor. ' note with Mrs. Ma.ud 'A nderso n and son, Jesse HawJdDS; ,Ohaa. Mende nhall ~not oof, over 15 aores of grass, approv ed securit y. never willinglr. return hold.. Carlto n,after avisit with Mr. and aDdC~lPeterllonaredelega Q~ANDFATHER'S CLOCK teefro~ l ·newtw o.hors ebreal ttng-pl o" No . .lyle bifoa. t g aue .. Mrs. Amos EWs for severa l weeks the Fnend s Ohuroh JOHN V EDWAR DS to the Layme n 8 . returD edtoth eir home at Dllyton .1I(ls1110n8ry Conven tion ' A A iii N '1 A t ' in Dayton 7j1Buo lteyecn ltlvato r,lfifty -tootb • . ~ el~ _u~ . I::!onday. The grilDdf ather's c!ocki ssome· this week. barrow , 1 three-i noh tread road D_:l __ ", U '1"1 what llr. Sam Tooker ' oLXen ia, came dlffiool t to Rrrang e !IUCO "lIfu1. • '. • -. wagon, ~ piano box bogr,., -l-aet -DaI"" ';rua& I«:1 el' sa urdaY .Dight and l'emsin ed over ly. The baollgr und ill mo!'t tmpnr Exp ert O p hay-lad ' ticia n, ders, 1 gravel bed, 1 good S.iltlday with his brothe r who is. very . tunt, ilud one of the most artistio is To Remoy e Corna withou t farm sled, .2 goodae ts. of work hRr. The Govern ment pays Railwa y Mall amllize -col,ro d plain or 8atin I!ltrip '-11 _ PaiD or Sorene e8, uit! nels, 11lood set of b1llgy h ...rness, Will be at the Clerks $800 to $1,200 and other ~d pilper An old I'U b-botto Sd~~~D EotOD " BHU8.! Irod ,BiDgleton med einglet rees, aD aus. B arrt et alDae are report. double trees forlts, eDJployees up to $2,500 annual ly. ch air or un Rotlque "orloke t" SCHWARTZ'S Com ' ed quite s.ol at tbis writing . pold 'ng Gustin Hotel, , Remov er shovels , barrels , boxes, gra.ln saoks '1 h d ' Ii dull green j rdiniet' e may breilk The 'Zion Baptist,S are st~n holding k Unole WI I 01 sprlDg C 4000 tobacc o etl) s and other arti ination s Sam Waynesville, Ohio, throug hout the countrexam their protrac ted revtval and doing y for the lower wall ·!IB-oe:l. . . olea not mentio ned . Hallwa y Man Clerks Custom Bouse oOU8id~rable good. The es8~ntil\l idea. ill plaoin g t.he First ' Satu rday In ' . Termll : Allsom s oU5 and ~nder Olerke ,Stenog rRphe; s, BooJtke Every Mi~ ; Louisa Vandervo~rt iJ5 out eper8" tall olook is to bllve nothing offen cash. . allsom Mon 8 th over 00 a oredit of Depart lpental Clerks and other "ov. sively modern very olose again after being MUt in for a few neighb or ~ month s will be given by the pnr- ernme nt POSltiODS , days. Thoo8a nds of to it beoaus e it stands soeK!lentially Well man. . . Mr. John Tuoker stHl remain s appoin tments wlll be made . . Any , chaser giVlOg a note WIth approv ed man or womau over 18, da·nger ously ill with ltttle hopei of in olty or for anothe r day and time. ~bme seourit y. CLABElC OE S. SMITH. oonntr r o~n getinst ru)tion and free times tbere is a niobe in his recove ry. ' MiS8 nuth Edwar ds spent Sunday ball way. Walter Kenric k, Clerk. inform ation by writing at onoe to or on the !'trirca se of a~be The flre . departm ent rea"ond ed with Mrs . George Davis. bouse into ~ - - . "'""""'""'" - - ___ C. T. HaWke , Auo," . the Bureau ot Instruo tion, 444 L whioh ~he olook lleemll just .. ·Mrs. Chaun cy Bunnel l and ohil. to flt,l .Ada will be lnaerte!l uncler ~blH for ~~ th.e call of fire Saturd ay. The oit· dren Bamlin Bundin g. Roobe shr, N ' spent Monda . Y.. twenty-live cents for ~bree IQsortl ~.,. lze~s of our village deserve grea.t Bogan and family , y ' with George • _ • and then nothmg need be oon~lde red . when U!llog nol more tban live linea. ' We will ofter at Poblio Sale, on HICKS ' ALM/l praIse for_8erv~es they rellder on Nt\C F . OR 1910 e;.oept tbllt the M wall p"per Is of a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ lIore ." f H ' the Isaac Compt on farm, three SUOb ocoaalons . r, y0 with 'one t·ho t arveys bellt reve~l the mao burg,rs . .uary spent Vleave Monda her m IIee wee t. 0 f N ew BorIi n gt on, · an d R'ea dy ~,ovem ..T b er l"'th 1909 ; u, ,a bogany woC?d FOR - - -...SALE cf tbe olock Mse '____ ___ daoght er, Mrs .. George Davis. '_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . . four miles east of Wayne sVille, on splend id yearbOok, on aatrono my Most of the g~audfl itber's olooks are l Mr. Theodo re Smil:h attende d the ' .' , , and meteor ology·, the-onl y one oon· 80 belotif ol that they call HOT-WATER BO"'TLES funeral of William Thomp son at . Wednesday, Februa for Uttle HOU~E Ofd7 t~Orn8. wiitbbl lth,aod ry 9, 1910 .I. 1ia.ining the oriotna l "Hinks Weath er i ' th Clarksv'ille Sun .. ...:.y. di roo flrn oon~en 800ell, good T n e sorrou n ogs to Ien. d oroa. b~rD, awith At 10 a. m. the fo)lowiliB proper ty: .l!'oreoa.t8." By.. mall; po8tpai M Al T i d n. oity water In it. AIIIO, . d d, Suo, t ti be d a hi n t 0 f 00 I()r.-:C a y r~ . men d a mage an 1\ on you eVa an 5 head of horses 5 a goo pay I nJ( invest ment-t he .' on newsta ndll, 300. ' One oopy free The Oetligner for Ja,JIoa ry. ~tOOP8 bLlok, inolndlDg postoflioe a:~ ·wi~~I~~en~~~e~f~:r~:~. (Jarner ODegr ayhol'S fl,COm log4ye arsold, with a yetir', snbsori ption to Word ' .... . ! ? ' .. _ flxto~e 1 s For further part~otlillra roan horae ooming 5 years old 1 and Works the Rev. Irl R. Bioks Mrs . Will Duon spent W~dDesda.y . ' . inqlllre of Jas SMO})!" 122 Centl'lll " . ___ . ' with her parents , Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo' l dra~t mare,i o . foal, com1ng 7 years Month ly Magazi , Ohio · the best ·11 FOU.NTAI N SYRI NGES Ave, Ud.yton Bogan. eld, 'l colt, ccming S years old, 1 colt. mont.h ly in Amerione, The 'son ' d nes" item in mo' a. Ui8000 nts on 0. ,n s George Davis WIlS called to ooming 2 y~n old . WBIT E Orpin., ton ('.ookerel". flne . Alman acs in qUBntltiee. Agents per8on~1 aocoun t may often covtlr theMr, .. hatobe bedside of his mother last week. blood, Rarly 10-oo wl-l0 d. ..PriOd . wanted . Remem ber the genuiP 8 0. multitu de of sins M r. J 0 h n G u th r i . II d _ __ _._._- - Ill. Inqaire El of W. A. SlIrface , a. O. e oa e on yin l'art of them fr~h, "nd part of "Bioks .l!'oreollst·" are not publish ed [i, Wayne sville, Ohio. . A boil is the • r;s:lt of Il humor in Fires and family Mondl\Y. ~'S them will be fresh soon, 11 y~arUng anywh ere elite-y ou get them only Protrac ted meetin g is still in pro!J' oalves -fat Mnd in good shape the blood, but few viotl'ms see any. rells TOWN pro~rty, 4 lots 5OlC2OO.' In. ready tn his own publicatiOD8. Wl)rd and a.t Beecb Grove ohuroh o.nd Will thing funny about it. . ' 'Suire 0 Wm Lnabley W oontinu e this week. . • - • ~o butche r. : ,...., , aynes.. Works PubJts hing Co, 2201 Looust No matter how many entrIes there ville, hio. . SO head of sheep 30 St:. St. Louis, lto. !!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!' may be in the raoe of Itfe, the olook All eWEs, -all bred, will lamS in I~·~~!!.!!"_!!'-~ _~_.~!!'~'~~!!'!!'~!!!!!!~ is rigbt there at the Wind up , Maroh . I W4NTED A lot of farmin g implem ents, and .... -~--It does not ' necessa rilly folio N - - - - - . . -,-----1I0me harness . ~-I tbat the one .who OIln indite the m Ol' t I NURS E-A responsible ! Terms :-Al1s ums of 15 and o~der, party to OD 8f'hntm be"otBI vale~tipe will make Chiid,~~~~:S.;ttr: o~dadr~p.ob~ cash j all 80me over 15 a oredit of t. e . st mate. 9 months will be given pnrcha ser Pox 195, Waynesville, Ohio, I with approv ed secorit y. The mOl& beaDtIfa1, , A desirab le farm of about fifty acres situate d two , 'moM durable oIl'te1'COMPTON & ~cJNTIRE : a~d one half miles northea st of Harvey sburg. on the plated foru. 'Ipoona Wm. M;i1lIl, Aoot. and tauq --"III pI_ Hal'vey sbm g and New Burlin.g ton pike. are .taiDped wltb 1lIe ' re. . W. C. Smith. Clerk . •. 1l0WDed U'ad~ mark,' . LtlDoh Stand reserve d.










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2qt 65 ' SOB



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Fa rm fo r Sa le!




I will l\eU.t Poblio Bale at my " 'resideo ce 3ml188 .lIooth of Center ville on the Dayton bnd ' LebftnoD pike' whl\ '. known as the old' Cros I~V farPl on . '

Has about twenty- six acres of first-class bottom land that ~n npt excelfed· anywh ere .. The remain der good ~pland • . A comf!?rtable ~ve-roo~ house, g~ ,0' roads and an excelhm t -quality ofneve r~fai1ing spring . water. TERM S EASY. ,- Call on' or address


Monday, February 7, . 1910 . . . ...... , Beginn ing at 10o'olo ck •• M. the , follow hil piopert Y ,to wit; , 'head of · boniee, Sgenera ]- parpdi e hon_ a~d • .lilal'88, 1 ~da :flne oolt,. oomti'ig S year old j 8 ,oOcl tnllk 00"., all: Ii'" ·'his mill '; 1 I~ r~d "alHi a.in_ ' ,Ibeaci,.' of ~"1a44. ., I .farm'r" ~

Or• .




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M. :~z,. -


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B,'thllI_ fll olilfean;O tI dllI\IDIUlIII . tbe . or\Pl&l lI4lpn

Wan (IltJt IDAlfetn '

JMTl.1III4 uiIir.70ci rwlr of tbe beet III Clllall~f,

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---:--+. -_. - - -- --_._-+ NEW CENTURY CLUB • L .?~~_~t~~~~.: w~ta ';::~b:; ~~e t;::~:~ngh~~~-':e;~~n~! ~_e?!I~~ .1:I~r:e_~..?_ !~~-:e The New Cenlu" 'Iub met '<lh., ")UC1~-~;~t; -j . AI)' S f Leb- Iwere stopping, at that famous hostel· Post.master F H F I D \ home of Mrs. W. H. Allen, Frid~y, ,e - - - - - - - - - -. Mrs, ur, ,near, . a ry, at the s'u pper table one of thtlm . . arr wu n ay- : Glenn little IOn of Chaa! Fr has afternoon January 2S 1910. Six· ' Ie

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--'!'"...... . -------_

non.. died at Christ hospital ClOcm· remarke:1 that the corn was the best ton Monday. ~ been quite alck. . ye, teen members responded 'to roll-cal1 The Card Clu~ will ~eet at the natl Wednesday J 26 19111 ' . . I b "h f f bome of Mrs. Edith HamlThursday b ' d' f an uahrv h' f he had ever eaten, and conversation Mrs. Jane SJdes JS out apin after I Born to Mr and M G H d Y ~vmg t e name 0 some amous , ' F b 3 ~ · IH! ~, a8 ur,le rom t e omeo /commenced on cannl'ngfactorl'''''and l \son on Monday ' January rs. eo. en er- seatofleaming . " · :evemn-g, e ruary rUt h ..., asrIght'll I ness. 31st a son ' er paren Bellevue. Ky., Satur· the'r products. One of the men re\ ' ., . After the reaumg of the mInutes day. January 29th . marked that the WaynesviJIeCannlng J. C. Ha~ke was in Morrow Sa~J'- Mr. and Mrs. John Davia, of Day· and other business the regular pro. !dr. and ~rs. C. A. Bruner enterCo. had a wide reputation for its day on busmess. ton, were guesta offriends Saturday gram for the day was taken up. tained at danner Sunday. Mr. and C. Schwartz w ' as I'n C and Sunday. A beautiful piano solo was reno J. D. Marlatt and daughters, Jeaie · F , Mrs. Marcellus Thackel'a, of Spri ng products ,an d he h ad heard th a t It incinnati dH I Mr. AI. Orborn, of Richmond, Ind., de~ed by Mrs. Fred B. Sherwood. an e en. boro, h~d the misfortune to fall reo was the cleanest f~ctory in Ohio, and Tuesday on business. . . . attended the funeral of Mrs. Chas. ThiS was}ollowed by an excellent Mr. and Mrs.J. H. Coleman had as cently and bl'eak her wrist. Mrs, he threw boquetsrlght and lett about th f t Mrs. Anme Leonard IS recoverm, Frye , paper on Chatauqua" by Mrs. J. L. th . ts t d' S d M' Thackera su/fered a gIeat deal of;t :ae ory. from a severe illness. ' , Mendenhall. This was one of a ser- elr gues a I.nn~r u~ ay, 188 pain from the accident but she is happened that Mr. J. F. Snook, Mrs Harry Brown of Dayton at iesofp "P I Ed t' .. Sue Crane, ot Cincmnati, Mr. and getting along nicely now'. the c~pable manager of Waynesville Mr. alld Mrs. Otto Hornick wee tended the funeral ~f Mrs. Chas~ which ~:~~~ ge~~~a~r t~p~cc~:Ot~e Mrs. E. D. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. D. Can nlOg Co., stopped at the hotel for Xenia visitors Sunday , Frye last Saturday day A ' t' t' d ' L. Crane and son, Ethan, supper, and it is said by those who . • ~. . very In eres mg an 10H. F. ampbell, Gooding, Idaho. saw him, that his hat was entirely Dr. Clagett was a business visi~r ' OR HAT FEBRUARY SALE stJ'uctive paper on "College Settle- Mesdames Barnett amd Barnhart sends for the Gazette another year, too small for his head when he left in Lebanon Thursday. ments" by Mrs. Edith M. Harris was 't an. eletrant dinn~r Our great February sale will be next on the program" which was fol. entertaioed and says: "We have had it quite cold the hotel. here for a week, but otherwise the Mr. Snook is making an effort to Mr: Chas. Smart and IOn, Wales, interesting to every person that lowed by an ably written paper by Wednesday~ glVen an hon~r ofll188 1 wants a dollar to buy as much aspos- Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader on ','Our Debt ~:;'~~:¥.f!:,:~~l~.J:':: winter tlas been fine. We had a have the government establish in. were at home over Sunday. spl ndid view of the comet last Sptcto~s for canning factories, and to Mrs, F. C Adams and daughter sible. We will give you more for to Our Ancestors." The paper on J E J E S Ba'i .J Cha ' night. We are all wtlll and wish to this end has entered into corres- are ,visiting relatives in Indiana. I the dollar than any house in southern "Corl'espondenc Schools" by Mrs. . . ;n~eyw . h't I:, M: . Em pbe r~embered to all WaynesVille pondtmce with Senators Dick and 1 Ohio. I don't want to burden you I E. S, Baily brought out many inter. m~, • . rig an UIB ma friend$," Burtr>n, and Representative Denver: W..H. Madden and Alfred M~~ with a great large bill to read but ~ting points along' this line. A pleas- Helghway. " • - • who have individually replied to him were 10 Lebanon Monday on busmessr will give you e~ough items to show !~g ~eature of the "program was' MiBII Clara Hawke planned and sucMrs. Al WY8;Ong is very ill at the you how our prices are cut through TopICS of the Day, presented by cessfully carried out a very pleasant DEATHS in a satisfactory manner. - -It is a shame that the consumer home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy IronsJ our ~rge stock, to convince yo~ that I Mrs. A. Maffit. , birthday IUrprise upon her mother Mrs,. Charles Fry., after a, brief ill· has to eat the products of some can. '" \ we Will save you good money If you I Many comments were made by on Thursday even~. The order of n~. died at her home ,nea~ WaYl)es· ning factories. and as a h:aveling man Edw~rd Rlc~ I~ ape~dmg a few come and buy of us this month, when -t~ose ~resent on the exceUence and the Ei&stern Star , and a few oUaer ville, last l',h ursda), mormni'. The said he was in a factory near here d.ays With relatlvesmCovmgton, Ky. you read car~fully, and note the high hterary standard,of the day', close and intimate friends of Mrs. funer~1 services were he Ie! Saturday where it was all he'could do to get Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clements and great cut on staple roods ' that have work: The program was.brought to Hawk~ weI:" the fortunate go.ta. mor~lI~g, Rev. ~. F.. Ca? wa.llader tbrough the place un account of dirt, two sons were in Dayton last Wednes- advanced in the market, will prove a flttmg close by the rendition of two The eveniDg wa~ spent in social con~:Clatmg. In terment In MIamI cern· Manager Snook has men at the day. td you that are determined to re- nu~bers of M~?'s "Sonp verse and in games into whicla both ry. factory here that do nothing else but . . ' duce this large stock. Notice the Without Words, beautlfullyexecut- old and younr entered with equal inMrs, Fry Will a most estimable clean'up the refuse all day long, and Cyru8 Smith, who has been 111 for reduction ottormer prices' ed by Mrs. F. R. Sherwood. te t d til· De)' . woman. beloved by all who knew her the company invites' the publl'c to a long time, still continues in poor The 10 aDd 12% cent FI~nnelette During the social hour delicious rfes_L an ts enf . UIlasmd• '0. ICl0US d h d th h k th health 2 , f } . re re8Umen 0 ICes an ca...e were a~ er ea , was a s oc to e en- cQmeand inspect their factory during . onl,: SUc; 10 and 12Y.c velvet nap re res lments were served In two served by the dalnty hostess. Ifill tire commumty. the canning season. Dane Hanby, of Dayton, viai~ Outmg Flannel, only SYac; lOe Out- courses. Clara who iriiieted on ker mother , Here's to long life and prosperity, the home of Wm. Hay Saturday ~nd in&,: 7Y.c;.8c Outing,~; 85cblueand Guesta of the hostess were Mas- being'one of the pesta; she was . . Word was received last Wednesday to the Waynesville Canning Co. Sunday. white, pmk and white alqo bleach d~es Thornton. Kane~ A. B. Chand- aitted by her brother Carl and Mies by E. V. Barnhart from Denver,Col. • -.. Dr. John Hyatt waS called to 'f able Damuk for 200, lasta; ler, H. H. WUhamson, J. O. Cart- MaryHawke. • that ' his ' brothel"s wife, Mrs. Fred OBITUARY ZanesvilJe last week on profesaiollal $2.00,12:4 Blankets. $1.45; 11", $1.15 wright, H. F •. Murray, F. B. Sher- At a lat. heur the &'\lia~ tQpk Bllrnhart, had died in a hospital in '- business. Blankets only $1.25; the $1.50 Blank- w~, A. T. Wright, D. L. C~e and a reluctant departure Mr.. that city from the effects of an ope. Stella~. Frye, ~~~!hter of ,Samuel '. . _ .~ for .$1.00. Our Underw,ear....t.Gck M1I8e8 Emma. He1ah.way.- and Helen Hawke man)t'more happy 1'etunuI'<'Ot ration , Mrs. Barnhart leaves, b~ and Sarah Butterworth, was. bot'll . Mn.,ltfolhe Eawaida, of llayton~ reduced in proportion to the above. Bawldna. • __ the day. ' ' , ' sides her husband two children November 6, 1874, was married to IS the gue..t of her IOn, O. J •.Edward. over one hundred ladies' $2.00 Sboes ' ' " -', boy and a girL The tuneral ~: Charles Fry, Deeember24, 1896, died and family., tor ,1.'1>; large lot SI)c ehlldren'~ RUNS AWAY WITH OflL On Saturday eYening, M~ Donna place in Denvel- Sunday morning. January 27, 1910, aged. S5 years 2 Lou Printz Was tDe Sundar goeat Shoes for 5ic; one bundred pain Diatracte4 over the disappearance Hawke in her uauU , etianni~r and Fred's many friends here sympa. tnc:~~s and 21 d~ys, leaVlng husband of his siAter, Mrs. E. A. Well.r, of children',26e mittAml for l~; and ot hia fifteen-year old daurhter, Liz- gra'ciolU manner, entertained about thize with him in his bereavement, an d ree sons, .(:arl aged 10, Glenn, Centerville. de. Georce Sama, of near Red Lion, twenty-five guests in honor of her , age .. and Gilbert, aged 9 days oua to mention. All will becloled at illCOuring the country and declares brother Raald's birthday. The ---:father, mot~er, one ~~ther an~ a Mrs. A. A. Linton, of Wilmiqton, great money-savina' pnee.. ~ewill ne'v er cease his efforts until eYening ·Wu ....t I in mume- and . ~ohn Tucker, a hlghTy :"espec~ hpst of relativeJI and frlend~ to milS attended the fuperal of Mrs, Chas. ~ow come early and-wben ,.ou can, he hu located the girl and Owen K. games' which proved such a pleasant citizen of Harv~ysburg~ d~ed at hiS her more than they yet reahze. Frye Saturc:ia3. you will Bee at a glanee you can Ave Stockton, 82, a married man with one mode of entertainment, that the home last Friday evenIng. Mr. Today we follow to her last resting M' Lill Be ham' money , Yourfriend ' eltild living in the Red Oak district time paaaecl all too quickly in the Tucker was a director of Miami cern· place, an affectionate daughter, a .188 f a n • IS back in school John Funkey Depar~ tm.... t Store wher~ he farms who also disan: opinion of all preee..t. A deUci,uI II h0 f al'thf U1 WI'fe, a I ' mother and a agam a ter , time Stockton .. - three ~oune lunch wu aerved by t eery, an d was es t eem ed b'yaw oVlng . a week s abaence on ac•,~~.. .. • peared at the same knew him. The funeral took place kind neighbQr; trusting in him who count of allness. IS MARRIED 'fODAV. il a Kentuckian and ~ Jived here Mrs. Hawke Ulilted by Mrs. BamSunday, ~onducted by Rev. Sa~ient, doeth all things well. M. N. H. Miss Ethel and Dft~m d W'll' _ MI:' F C Care h i e d card about two y~. The couple were hait and theM. .'EmJD& aniClara ,and was 10 charge of the MaSons I _ • - .. ' ..~?n I lam . .., . )' aarece v a . . • ' ter t' M' . . f\ BUSINESS ' ~EN'S ASS'N son, ot, Day~n, I""t Sunday w:ith annOUnClll&' the marriage of hie last heard ot in Cmcannati .where Hawke. 'Th~ p.ta w.ere.,Mr. and , mel'! In laml cemetery. , ,, thei rparents here. nephew, Howard Dyke"ofPittabW'a', they are supposed to have, alighted Mrs. Brun~r, IIr. ~d )(.n. Ben The wooiation t jat'l . " ' . , to an estiJllable lad)' of that place together from a Norwood Rapid Hawke, Mr. and lin. ~ Hartaoek. Wm.- Corwin, an auctioneer, died ; . " ~e n re._ 1.1'.'" Mrs. L. J. WlIleDlborg, nf Spnna: Mr. has a ... _::".1 position I'" the Transit,car and the police of that Miale B,e nri.tta MeKinl!eY. Stlllia eek d t f"'~ .uuu "'I suddenly last week at his home in Slon Monday'-evenmgat th.e National Valley was th Franklin Mr C ' i Bank rooms,,,and the meeting proyed u_ 'd M ~ '; -en_ pea 0 , WestiqhouH IY.~ in Pittsburg, city have come to the aid of tbe par- Le,nmon, Helen , Orleabee. b.eUa . " orwm was a gen a 'to be . 'ted I h mall ~. an rs. '1. ronl. , ud hie'friends here are heartily' con- ent in hi' search for the,.couple. Come.I, ~l8Iie M~latt, Katberfne man and had a host of friends, many , a spm " one, ~ tough as . Moah .II t:" f} I' J h H . attendance, '; ., ' Mr. Stokes9ilver, o,f Columbus-,, -,rBfulating him. M.r. and Mr.. HA TSOC--K:B " OWN Alexander, Edith ' er"..n. ;~!~:;I. IVlng ere. e ~as burled Matte~s ot'!~po'rtance wubrought spent Saturday and S~nday With hie D~ke will' ~d their hone~oon . R . R Fred ~lbon, Edward Rl~, Bert - - -_ _ up, and If carried through will be for parents near Waynesville. With Mr. Dyke'S mother, Mrs. Flo A qUiet weddlDg occurred at the H~~, Warren KeJ8, Curt HIleY BAND CONCERT the betterment o'f the town. DyJte, in Spring Valley. Methodist parsonage Friday evening Stokes Silvers, R;a1 Hawke. an~ Wal· All>ert M~Oray, of Dayton was Miss Maggie Edwards, of Dayton, • _.. , January 28th, at 7:30 o'clock, at ter Allen, of Spnn~boro. ' The WaynesvilleCad~t Band decid. present, and_pvea good talk ~n the I was the week-end l1Iestof her broth· LEBANON FARMERS' CLUB which time Rev. T. W. Locke joined ed last Monday~evening to give their appraisement. He was.familiar with er, O. J~ Edwards and family. The January meatiq of ,the Leba- together Mr. Jesse V. Ilartsock, a The friends and neirhbora in ,anel entertainment, ot which we spoke this, as he had been secretary of the I , ' non Farmers' Club was held at the prosperous young business mn of around Mt. Holly planned a IU~ last week, on Washin~ton's Birthday Dayton branch 'of the Ohio 'Board of I l.1!lldr . and Mrs, John ,Hole and two home of J. M. Keys 'lut Wednesday Waynesville, Ohio, and Miss Lulu O. ful surprise on Saturday ...niq at February 22nd. By selecting thi~ Commerce. He spoke particularly I C~II ren ,were the.~eek~nd,gu~~ of and waS well attended. Brown, book·keeper . and stenogra- the home of Mrs. Vaqhan. in bonor date, the boys will ' not only give a of the men wbo had 'stOod in their Mr. and Mrs. Alhe ~o)e and tanulY'The" R. E. Mooney die· pher in the Dahl·MflIikan wholesale ot our estimable teacher, M. Pearl ~ooq entertainment b~t will cele- 1 o~n liihtand voted a~iD8t the tax- Alfred McCray, of Dayton, was the cuaed ''It,faintai~ng the Fertility of house of this cit~. The young co~p~e C. Hill" showing their h~ ,.teem brate one ~f o~r national holidays. latlOn amend~ent~ ' His talk was plain &'\lcst of his cousins, Mr. and, Mra. the Soil" in such a forceful ' mann~r were accompanied. by th~ bride s for her 8U~ul wo~k, in oUrichool: They Will gIVe a grand p~rade at land ~o the pomt, and all present en- W H Madden the forep t t tho that a spirited discU88ion followed,. brother, Mr. Brown, and her near Her nobletraltofehatacter,,herp.l noon and will ulso play on the streets joyed it. " ' ' w~k . , ar 0 18 Thespeeial topic,"Do FarmersRecre- friend and roommate, MiaS Moore. ial social merriment ~ ,won 1D;U1 shortly before the performance in I A committee was appointed to see ' ate Enourh?" was also discussed. Mrs. Hartsock will be greatly missed tt:uefrien~l. Theeveauaawuapent the evening. about having a luncheon and smoker -Don't f~il to go to John A,: Fun· An excellent r~citation.wll.S given by in the wholesale office, where, for a in ~ial conversation, and approPa:tThe program co nmittee is making at the next meeting, and fuller de- ket during his February sale. .The Miss Luella Cornell. The bounteous number of month.'! past, she has held ate ~ames : ' up one of the strongest strictly home. tails will be given ' in due time. way he baa cut prices, you can save dinner was an imPortant feature of a very responsible, position with the Wishing her many happy birthdayl , talent· pr~grams ever ~ut b~fore the "OET--RIOHT"money on, whatever you need. the meeting. " ~reatest satisfaction: In a short and a ,Ion,: an4i Qaeful I~fe, w. bad. local ~ubhc an~ you Will miss a rare : ' _ ' __'. HOO~ Mesars. Robert Smart, of West ~ve~l ~arieties of ftn~ . apples time MI'. and ~t's. J:IartS()ck ex~t h~r g~,~lght. Mondll1, cam~ *he tr;; If y~U fallhto :tte~d: . Re\Tival meetings held at the Chris.. Cbestet. and Carroll Smart of Cin- raised b~ bnna.elf. were exhibited by ~ ,b~ set~~~ , \n ~lelr ~ew h~~e 10 ~~thd~ greeti~~ carda . mem er f t e an I~ trymg to I tian Church by Evlmgelist L:' o. cinnati, ' were pests of M~. Chas. J. Q. ~er. ~y n, 110,' w :rf f ley w~ r; ~: o~rs::. good will U r~use hm~ney orbnew uruf~rms and I Thompson 'are r~hi ...g the ears of Smart and family, Friday and Satur. '. Besides the members tho~ present ~e1Ve mCan Y cODn~l~ H a 10 ns.,-:- as· p ' .:. .. ~L a PdPYh , ~ they a~e never een out With a sub·' the people Altead 01 • te' t ' 'd i' , ', were, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hartsock, mgton . g . al y era1d . ost '~"" aro~ er ~e~_ . t'lOnpape~ask"mgth'~pu bl'IC f.or isfelt butthe~tWineiayetbflow. . y a ueep 10 res ay. ' ' U J n~.Thom. •- • Addressed'", to Hill • scrip ' . , Mr.Geo.Riley,A..,esdamefl , ' I4iII Pearl ..

, I?











'I '


The program for this week is as .o.?~ Elha and , Ruth E. Janney IOn and Oren Strawn and M1S8E'S Lumoney ,f qr w~~ch they did , not Klve f~,llv~lu,: recelv~. , Ma\<~ y?nrar- folloWS: , / ;" , '" " werelDb.~~n Mondvr.alling on e~laCol1'ell,BlancheRileyand~tel\a

, tan~~m~n~ to t~r~ ouf; an~ glve the, "The Man That'J~~ltoved~' boys a hft"and d~l.l~t forget ,to . tell '~Ol1taide , C~risti~" , "


EC~O MEETINO A hundted aDd thirty and seven ~n~ho,Me~ti"gwiUbeheldatthe Ofbeautifuld~AalCOre: '.

, Mri., ~na E!hs, ,whom they found lemmon._ • _. M. E."church, next Sunday evenin.., TokeDa of friends that 'pve: th4!lJl : to be .lmproVl¥1g an~ sitt,,~g up 8O~n~ " BAD ACCIDENT whez:t there ~ill b!3. an expression of' 'Whenever'ahe lookS them o'at. , "Regeneration and the New Birth" in ~. . ' , .. , , the Impre!lSlOnS ,given by the . dele- ' , " An Obeerver. , your frientis a~ut It. , " Wa~h this "pa~r,tor the. p~m •"Two' 'Roads to 'H_ven 'Two Road. M ' , Wal ' S""'art IeIt CincinMti' .. One day last week, ,t he 101) of Mr. gates 'i n:attendance at, the Laymen's ' ' . :- ~ " ", ' " , ~d tu~er ,particulars~ ' " ~' to 'l,len" "', " ", . , TuJ} , .esh't'~" Char1 t'te ' ...., C Ul~ Mrs. JameJ' McDonald, of ,Cor~ Convention: held in Payton-Jeuar, , Notice to FanDen ' ~--:;...--.. ' ' , ,.auay nil' ..or 0 , ....... •• wi r i Ij k tli hi" Lt., " "", , , " i/'i, ' k . ' .~he TWf'lntieth,t::entury Creed", wherebetak~ a ~Dai"le position , n, ~ p a~ ,qa crac e w p., 26m to the 2'Tth. Rev. J. F. Cadwal" . " ,,' , , ,C~RD' , O F lnAN S ' "Po.aitive Divine Law" , t ' 'fft " l Th I d'_-' and was t)ll"Ownto the l'l'Oun4., b~.. lad &ad-Re" -J nr -I.-!ley WI'11 be 'J;he Wayneevllie CUmlnt QQ. , ~ " . ' , , asmanqer 0 -"0 ceo e n IIUl ' - _ hl - II..'~L.":"'" -.. ... 1· 1 • II er v. It. n .. DIU ___ ill.!. I tnC ' I ' aDd ' ..I ' , " .1.1.' " ,, , ,"Tr!lthan~J.ife" " ReftDi~Co ~ . ~ ... co~' uulle: ' &:I. . ltt,e~e o.w tlie;Princlp.tspeakers. ' now, ~ t:o ~n ' t oroom " W , . ~ l.IeBl}'e to ~~ our fl'lends ana, ."$at1afted With a... Liken_" " iI pttiq ~oq nicely., .. . '. I , • e ""; .., < ' , I tomatoee for the :t~ 1910. et tWr ne~hbors for th81r ldndiJe;aa ~o u. In "Can We Be WI:Ona?" ~ " ...we tbtnk.noont.,ouahUo miu the " ,..-.::q~OTlCE ' ~ " , NOTJeE,! " Wayneaville, ottlce: ~ v thelOll,of oQ,r w,j~e an~ mothet. !ol~ Mother's meetiba fOr Women onl areat ~t Sale durlDar ,...m,-y at , .' " .. ' : ' ' . Wo\YNU\'Iu.. CANJONq. , to"lbe KftUlae. the achQ01. and o~_ Sunday~ 2:30, p.,m. Subject: J!A. Funk81'L 1'he -"aD~~ofthe W. C. The , patti. who took the barber J. F. SDook, '. friends t.or ft~wera, aJIo Miaa ,~CY Three-fold Idea ofliom' " , ' ' er of tbII paper .,..,~. . . . ofT• .U. ~l meet fJ!b~ 4th at the atIn fl'OlDtDT,pllC8 were" taIdaa', . -,' _ley for ~n~, and to the Rev· ' . •• e, .' Reb lQOD8f--tiDa ....... ~_ bcae of'lIN. ~ aa4 Mra 1I0Ih· it, and DDlealltiuepllCed. tbtI' wlIl Aft. peel.... . a~. . . . . . . . . . J •. P.c.dWaUild"rfor~~d~. A ob_peooDom1 oan 81'" jo'U A.WUI -. . . . 0. _ _ & ~. . . . . . . . . ,ba"'.l'OUIIDabeprGllCate4t.o U-f\Ill atlDt.Q(tAtoool4..... .,.. wUl· ___.\ I








bul.4.... GpertlDae.


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The Miami Gazette

bread anI! wine to aymboJII of a B'lIIft· tic II nIld prlstlan people e'fery'HER POINT VIEW. wllere into tile most miserab le 01 D. l. C~ANE. men . • t th mere sugg~sUon , that an ' ' nrcti c explore r. r portln, a dhll:ove ry OH IO. ot the ,north pole. way bave decelvecl' t h world. men ba\'e gon wbl te In Rev. William E. Tlbroe. D. D., It Is becomi ng pOIlIUve )y dangeroue a tonlshm ent a nd al.llrm, To find ou t. IIcC.b. lIemorla l Church, Chlcello \0 smuggl e. thnt Jesus ot Nazaret h Is only, J esus' SUG GES TION S or· ~n z aretb would be to discredi t Even In Central Americ a fue weatb- "'~-''''_ _ _ _ _ _ _''--''' '' . elghteen centurie s or civiliza tion. to ~r , Is cbUJy ·ror lIome. f,o r Thos e Plann ing Seasonable And ' w o b held h i!! "Iory,-J (\hn 1: 14. sink tho stream at modern history un· HAT a citizen of tbe eartb dergrou nd, to l earn that empires may . Enter tainm ents Shoveli ng snow Is Sood. exercIse . some 19 oenturle s ago, a bulld safely on decepL\on us on Hire some man wbo Deeds tbe exerthe aIBe to do it. c rtain Syrian h,J ew, sus of Nazaret Je- hope trut11. man IlI'edone Iln d cver 8 life t hat kn tb ow sanes t, gian t deIs the tllat was Il lire of glory , is sTHll r at a ll th age. BelD.& cblet of tbe RUllllan secret fi Sweet Ma1d ~ You lUust r member the tblng lhat Is her s uld. pOlice Is sometim es a lite-long Job, but '0 mall worship s down . A T/llmbl e Party. No man powder , toilet water. wash cloUle and th nt OU1'S wos n SUmUl"! ' e ngoge m nt. Other things tire suld, but "'ors hlps at a 100·el. To his OWl! Dot a long·llfe one. Since mind sew Ing Is again classed umong a fin b l~ hum per Qur matre r ot talk Is lhls. It Is not a e\' ry lnaTl worship s The Man-T hat means, If you e lip. rt. may b '(! til nne ,arts, thimble parties are ti ed ,with tremend for soiled Unen, ous bows or ·wh.lto anyone you Ilk!! b t ter; you'll broak It ? J\propo s .of that Boston poet.' club thno'log ical .vlslon , but 0 plllin record, stic k · o r. stitt' or beast 01' the 11111Cll in fn \'or for afteru oon ent.-tal n- rlbboll. The souveni "is loD rs w ()rginlzed .by. an ·edltor there- most ed· "Th e 'Word was mad e fl esh. sud dw It or his dream, but It Is Sw c t l\Iald- \' s , alwlI),S and 111(' nt6. The host{,S8 s nus h r carn with t ubs, bourds. tc.. wWch ru doll wash among UB and we b b ld his glory." itors have a club tor poets. were used Th ~I an-A nu If 1 see nnyone I forever up. A hrls l that Is not above, day and dllte wrltt n the reon, with or the rf:'tresh ment table. Not tha t to the son of Zebedef' theo· lwyo nd . clu iyo , Infinite, like lJ It e rwill never re- a needl lhreaded with some gay·col · 1f yOU have an Idea tbo.t ten below logical \-Is lon was wa ntin g. Swe t Muld- J'll s uo you for IJrencn To hi m c \\'e sac rifice!:! or hea r prayers . He ored s ilk thrust thl'Ollgll one corner. lero 18 twice as cold as flvs below the bls tori c .Jesus of his gcnl'Tst A Curio Party. or promi se. lon may have a virgin birth. wo rk mil' Aft r the g u sts hIIve ar I~ro~ Yt>U are enUtled to another \VaR an ternal. In !Tall I sam tb lnl! oe Ask each guest to bring 'some ob· l s : rise frOID t il dad, oscend lhe nn hour or more of merry rlv d and guess. cbat, wltb ject of Inte r s t and b e prp. par d to reo known as th e Word or C:od . "In Th l' s id s os th e stairwa y , . of his bome. and compar i son of work h as past, cards late SOFT, WHITE HANDS Its history. It Is Ilstonls hlng begi llnlng was th e ' o rd a nd the 1 n ~ecJ not doubt OJ'" be nlormed , J bea ring the followin g "lords are hand· what FIrst tblng you know, cburche s may Word was with an Interest ing evening God and w the ill Word W08 could do blm reveren ce w re he !lot ed to each be try tbe pay·ent er scheme ror getting Ood ," ond May be Obtaine d In One Night. with a pencil an u the r o- the result. For Instance, a sword "Tb e cnp· collecti ons. That's bow tbe tbeaters and dw elt among\Vonl was mad e r s h ol11f'how !lupt>rhu man . Such a Christ quest to straight e n Ollt the seerulng ly tured durIng the us." A s spe{' b !8 n may aSlound m e, lI~lt be docl! not sur, rebellio do It. For preserv ing the hauds as well uulntelllgible ongloOl erapon Into good handke rchi ef b longing n, a lace re vealin g, a messag e from th e s01l1 In · priAe. He Is th ve r y to Mllrle An- as hrlst I would words. the objects des ri lled being In tOl' prevent toln visible, tte. a so piece th o Christ from an was old battle nnd chappin ing r~ uness, roughne ss, a wo rd f!'OID look for, my :Mast e r, the Lord of my commo Radium Is Quoted at $85,000 • n g, Ilnd ImvairtJllS that vel- , ev ry·dl\Y U II~. flug, God. a Further , thi s Christ wos with llfe. tile from an old Texas mlsslun . ,potiod, In spite at all tbe Dew tarl!! u h Is th e hrlst of God, thlt· voty softnes s a nd whit ness mucb deAfter a lim it d time , the cards are curious pieces or' poltery, J ohn th e potent unl\"oTs al jewelry Creator , nn . transcol lder.t 'bill has done to reduce tbe cost ot Chris t. "And we bebeld to be collect d and compar d with the old book, e tc. Nearly everyo ne IU\15 sired by women 'ullcurll Soup, uss lst"All thin gs were mad by him on d hi s glory." , Uviog. , key, whic h I kept secr t by ' Ule somethI ng wblch ed by Cutlcur a Ointme n t, ls bell eved w1thout him was not mad e a nything would contrib ute toTbo record is hardly given justlcl! hostess . No II to lie superio r 1.0 a ll oth r skin soups. Ip Is allowed and ach (hat was made." This same reator It \\·.e do not say that the glory wards making a delightf ul and In· Betwee n divorcin g In, baste and mar· of the guest Is to work out her own 'problem. For tbose who work In corrosiv e structlv e e ntertain ment. rytDg _In hasoo tbere does DOt seem tp and Word was also Lire and Light. hns t life Is s een in that It Is every· A dai nty lIquJds, or at occupat io ns which tend prize Is given fo tbe one wbo be a creat deal of dUferen ce wben It "In him was lite and Ule life was tho wb re su perlativ e. It WDS a glor, suc(lced to Injure the hands, III Is Invalullble. s In transpo sing the moat light at men." comes to repenta nce, The re may be exlst- "full of truth a nd grace." A Faggot Party. . Treatm eut.-Ba the unu soak the ence wltbout ligh t. but exlstcnc e \\' Ith· ness bav e all we recelv(!"Of bls full· worda, also a consola tion prize to All the hostess needs Is an o t:~ n d." He t. tbe one lIovlng the least, Such daloty Koweft r, eTen If tbe furnace g081 out life tbere Is not, and thot new evermo re the Unsurp fire place and Q f w friends who will ba nds 011 reUrlng in u strong, hot, assable One. trl1les as work bags, embroid ery, scls· agree creamy lather or UtiCUl'l1 Soap. Dry out urd Ule cold wind blows UDder tbe tbrllling thing, . the key ot being, tbe ~o te ll a story and bring a fug·, When a scientis t will study IUn, sors. emery, and a noint needle cases, e tq., make got, wblch Is a 'door 'AD4 tlIe pIpes freeze and all tbat llgbt of tbe world, and the secret of shine be runs bundle ot sticks a bout ment, and free ly with Cutlcur a OInt· It through a prism and thl! most appropr 1n seyerc cases spread tbe iate prizes. Refresh - balf n yard long tied -tbere are Do 1Ue•. destiny, Is In the Christ. Surely tbe con fin es It to the limits togethe r. Tilts Cullcur a Ointme of his desk ments, elabora te or sl mpl , nt on thin .pl ,c es of Invisibl e and ever-abldlrig Jesus sbone The tblng tha t floods may be Is done more tor amusem ent than a univers e does to TheBe ·old·fash loned wlntere oU&bt zen ith hIgh In the eyes of John and not van ish or change In two teet sened, Ices and creams frozen In furnish fllel. ot coune. There Is to old lin n or cotton. W a r during tbe to bring with tbem an adequat e IU~ tbsre molds to r present thlmbl s, spools. be no night old, lpose glove!!. or a light ban· was theolog ical vision In plenty. square. So the Im.m ortal Christ, light except from t he fli ckering light and emeries are a pre t ty conceIt Ipl,. of old-fashioned knitted 'Wool But It was this vis dage of old cotton or linen to protect , but ion become flames. Hesh at tbe world, shut up In tbe sbort eXlJensl ve. A vote Is to be taken at tbe ,glovel and warm socks. . and dwellin g t\mong us tbat was the years of end of the evening as to the most Colt· the cloUllng fr om stll lu. For r ed, bls Palestin ian abiding Sewing l'1trlcac ie •• c iting story, the most pathetic aud roug b, and obappe d hands, dry, 118+ : 'rhe one objectio n to winter In tbe Immedi ate concern . One too poor tor shows still the prilnal glories at tbe L :-;Ips-plne. the most amusing , Prizes to be award- sured, itcblng, r Y rlsh palms, and . east Is tbe lon, watt one has to un· wbere to lay bls bead; b!lrren of so- eterniti es and thc Father' s house 2. Rad eth- thread. clal prestige without culture of' the Does be bring grace and truth to th6 ed accordi ng to vote, Long sticks of shapele ss nnUs with painful finger dergo between Chrlstm all and the 1I. R e ns notc mnp.-la p m ensure. schools wrlUng no books showing earth? He Is "full andy tied wltb ribbon arc given as nds, this treatmo nt Is most effecUve, 4. !opening of the basebal l season. OSSIC3B ·Issors. of grace and CuUc urll Remedi es are liolcl througb . scant r~gard for organis m ~r Institu- truth," Does be speak o. Bllmeththlmbl. favors when re!tesh ments are served. wltb men ' out the world, Potter Drug & Chem. 6. Eselden- nc dl ·K. r ~nce, as well as OerJnIUlY, I. to tlons setting tbe sword Into Its "Never man spake like this man." ~DAME MEl\RI. 7. H (lPI!o-ho ops, Corp" sale propl'le tors, Bostou, Masa. •bave an alrsbtp fleet. In the DSW cen· sbeath, beggari ng himself <\ellbera tely Is he accused of ,~ong, "I find K lICd~'u k . no of every arm of power In bonor with fault In lbis man. ' Does he feed turj war the only satety for noncom · TulwotbuUon. tb e 9. the ages, and yet so mlgbty as to multitu de, from a lunch ~MART MAN LEFT PONDERING R cyme- m ry. batant.. w111 be In c,c1one eellarL box! Tb e~ i~: Wltst.-l wi'st. bend and rock the earth with his gatiter . ot the fragme nts by tbe bal" fil 1 ra~. brnld, ' One beautiu l feature 1D connect ion tread making men su&pect him noth·' ~etlu For Once He' Had , Ask d Que.tlo!) J. Does he beal the sick? It is 13. NoUn- lin ' n . ,wltb Uncle Bam's new ll-1nch naval Ing J~S8 tban God was a spectaclll un. not lind Received A.nswer T hat a matte r of visits. mumbli ng And ~~: Stork be daw-wo r k bllsket. aun 18 tbe fact tbat no erratio citizen speakab le (or . a Gamean fisherm an. Income. Tono t-co tton. Floored Him. but men take up their bed 10. :£v Tbe army cape and overcoa t are tvl cn e-vel" t n , looldJ>g tor trouble w\U be ' able to FU'ty years and more he rememb ers and walk. Is ~ere an hour ,when 17. EhlnOllw h whu.\ eb(ln fashion ab le wraps for tate tall days. II. carry It ~n bis pistol pocket. '. lJ e WRS a r gular patron of t he reg· what his eyes have s~en and only the speech Is fotly. He Velvete en Is a fashion able and prac· answer s not II ~:. Pc lanlr ~pc l' 'ulln . tiLurant greates t words under lhe ' sun and word alld the mJghty . Per la p ~ thot Is why be felt '1'0 \fatet-atll lt~. , tical lnoterla l ror the lo'n g dras y coat. of the eartb' 21 . Bald girl urm-oln Haile,..s comet 18 getting nearer. It stars are able to tell hIs jUI\t\ft d In making clever remark s to rnln& bull. tale. ."And marvel. Finally, 'Ill'une·c wltb olored his Ufe clot at h. hb with long ties th e waltros ses, reQlarlc s whl <Is not yet known whethe r Its comIng we beheld 'his glory" h til y back and his face to t he sky he. crl1!9 and gold orname nt s make a handsom e jPOrtend s war In Europe, Central wCf puzzl ed how' to al111W r. One Chrllt S~preme. A Bathroo m In Shower triumph . . "It Is flnl s lle!l," nnd me(lu thenter cloo.1<. 'Amerlc a or congren , Matbe it , w111 dny, how vel'. the sfllllll est and tiniest The glory ot tbe Christ lire may be the Et ' rnal wltb hJs record. A bathroo m shower was gotten up Black stili Indlcate s t\:lat It means gi rl AlwaYIl bunch Ita belliger ent hlta. hnpp n d to b 6 T\' lng this Irri. seen earUest , possibly , in that It Is the and everyw he re \ he Is the , s~verIatlve r eally as 0. joke on a young girl and to ule In tailor as well 8S In atter· tating us tom r. and It tel1 to b el' to only one her or flance, its kind. but It who was were a unique known Christ. to D,oon gowns. , It appeare from the dispatcheB tbat Ufe. nn s,,' r him In klud . Jesu8. CbTlst was be addI one, cted "only to water, belellow swimm ers Ot course tbe Christ migh t have New willter materIa ls aTe rougb for a few amateu r Santa ' Claullell have gotten." In all "I'll hav some s teak," h saId . om· the ages he has no done ve ry differen tly. Reveall ns truth, and advocat es at cold water plunges street. and repe. IIbown the ullual m timed and mi. feUow. al,ld dull finished ' for Ing III lnt e for dinner. "and When Napoleo n said, "No one he might have told us wholesa som ' KIllded confide nce In tbe ability of le the so when the e llgag ment' was an. the bous~. • squash. a nd some-g ot sOllie bilk il voIs Uke him," be had tbls vision. It Is minds of m en, tbe discove nounced on of the crowd saldi StrIp s prevail In the latest'" French tato s, nn cotton battin, to wltbJlta nd tbe con· ries of tb. , browll , ntiked. potatoe s?" of the genius at greatne ss to carve a age.s and tbe secre~s "Well, the only thi ng 'Polly' will flannels, ~nd . some of tact of a Ughted Walt candle, ' tbe m are highly "Baked potutoe s are all over," sold niche tor Itself, to 6y Ln Its own or- Bringin g the grace of ' of destiny: appreci ate will' be a bathroo m Go~, he ,eould effectiv e. ' the girl. In vIew of the brand of . weathe r bit. to evermo re walk lonely. Moses, have dr!ven poverty , sicknes s, sin and sbower :' The result was a most . ' Colors are the ,s ame In pames as He leaned back III his chOir nnd that baa been JJanded out during the Aristotl e, Caesar, Sbakes peare nre ' death from under tbe sun. Comma nd· jolly , evening , for the lOen were In. last Year, but thla season they oro gazed at her qulzzlca l1y. last tew weeu "The Ooq~ Old Sum· memori es o.r the ,forgolt en and " live Ing righteou sness . In the eartb, he cluded. As the couple were to go into of duller hues.' , "Bakecl \1otatoes a ll over. a re tbey?" mertlm e" did DOt IIbow aa' well in among the dead. So there was never might have .sent the spirits _of the a new bouse, the soap dis hes, towel E very well·fitt ed wardrob the 'n ational anthem compet ition as anotber ijke tbe Son of Mary. Rev. dead to enforce hIs, w1lJ. Surely be racks, etc., were most accepta ble, be. n black ,suit a!' costume e wl\l bave he repeated. "All Qver what 1" of some sort "With ," sbe repllell, shnply, -Youtb 's mlgbt DatUrally bave bee~ expecte d. erence is born of respect aniI' worship mlgbt have done d rrrerent ly; bu.t be- sldea- towele, soap, sponges , bath this season. CODl panlo~. of tbe Christ may well begin by find: ing the superln tlve Christ be could - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ~ ---- --....--. ~"" TIle )dng of Bwede~ has recentl, . Ing blm among the solttary tew. HIs- not suppose dl have dQne '-:' ~ l;letter. Tbe Sold Again. bee~ workin g as a stevedo re' for tbe tory can neltber be written nor read alarmin g mesug e of Jesus Is that ~e Little Willie WM fond of sprlp. ~ JlIg "purpos e ot finding· out how. the tabor- wJtbou t mention of his name. Jesus Is the last and ~rtbest su rprises ou hIs \11l1'ents by nun,OUDCreach of, the 'ers of his coun(ry feel. He has taken of Nazare th is even now Jei us of the mind and hand Ing some te rrific happen ing, and thell. of Ood. , To go far, a wise course'. The qu!ckli!st and sur· I ther would be to do worse. to be les9 t when exc itement was at r "er point: ellt way to find out bow, a laborer pane But . 'the glory of the Christ is wI se an d I0 vi ng, t 0 set decla ring that noth ing or the kind 'feels Is to labor for a wbUe, unique especia lly In being such a the seat of l)OW(!r Ilnd weakne ss In had occurre d. But he played the trick to glory to the mind of God. Jellus Is eart~ at, last t1M! thins furnIsh ,the , ' --~;~,--------,once too often. A new and very pretty ' It ,Is hungry A large New York dry goods store' the only begotte n "of tbe fatber," Afar, a I eal excuse for sin. A God governe ss come to stay at the bous bas opened 'il departm ent f9r tbe lillIe compJlm f)nt of benedlc tlbn fo~ Willie's be n.etlt a few weeks b ack ~ of goods made by the bUild. They music an.d fragran ce from gatbers Its who might bave done more and better Its source. for bls children and w!tbbel d his hand suet n day or two afte r her arrival! IIDClude. a large catalog ue of staple ar- Tbe great of eartb must Willie rus hOd 'to hi s moth r saying: ticles ran,lng from woolen boola and ~Iory always In a revisedread their would be dumb on bls own judgme nt version , day, Tbe 9uperlat §ve Christ, Is the "Mumm a, there's a strange ma n upbaby BOCks to rugll and hammo cks. Tbe rioonda y 'Ught of ODe genlJraUon exhaust ion ot , divinity for . the good st~lrs who' bas jllst PHt bill arm around rThe departm ent has opened .eU and fades In anotber to a smokin g taper. of men. '?Dlque, transce ndent, Miss Wilson' s waist and kissed l1er Iff It provel pertnsn enU,. .uccell8 ful It ~'Call no man happy until he Is dead," passabl e, t~e same Yesterd ay. unsur· Ileve ral tim es- " to-day ,' win alrorc)' maDV -'bllnd worker . the is an ancient epitaph . Only the Judg. and forever , we behold his ,glory."What:?" said th mol her. as sbe , means of ma1ntalnJDg tliellHlelvel In ments at the Immort al stand. Tbat Northw estern Christia n Advoca te. jumped up to plIlI tb e bell for the butcomtor t by their owa labor. The Idea ler. II one , tbat with good effect mlgbt be the life of tbe Cbrist Is a glory wltb Earthly Cron-B earlng, the Eternal Is at once a patent of "Sold again, momma !" su ld Willie, put Into pra~lce ellewhe re. A certatn undert() ne of sadness ,. worth and a call to prayer, That war· recogni zed In tbe words In g reat glee. ''It wasn't 0 stran&:& of tbat marvel. man at all. It WUB papa! " , . The Americ an apple at Its belt baa sb\'O of tbe historic Jesus Is not rank QUs compou nd of eynlcltlm and music, :Iong been reC08ulz'3d a. one ot the finds its one reason bere: he tbe book of Ecclesi astes: "The clouds " Notblng thal was worthy In lhe past mOlt healthfu l and appetis ing of Is In ' tfl'Wl .a veritabl e manifes tation of return after tbe rafn." The allusIon de'p urts-DO truth or 'goodn ess realized ', trolta. It now has a new claim to pub- the eternal God. Forever more the AI- to the "sevent b.. trouble that comes' lJ y mun ever dies, or can dle.-C arlyle. 'lic favor. An Iowa pbYlllclan, a pI-OInt· mighty Father exists In some fashion aUer tbe delivera nce from the "stxtb," Dent membe r of the Nationa l Medica l as a Reveale r and In this 'f~sblon as cIted In Job, has tbe same underWHEN DINNER COMES society, alleges that apple-e atlng cures never reper.·:; himself , "In the begIn· lone. All true seers and singers han One Ought to Have a Good Appetit e .• tho desire tor atrong drink. , Applell nlng was the Word and the Word was his underto ne, That It will be parted tLemse lvea have been uled to produce wltb God and tbe Word was God." with In/llde tbe gates of that clty of cider, and tl\e "bard': , variety of that "The same Wall 11, tbe beginni ng w!tll God where sin 's unknow n Is certain, I A good appetite Is the best sauce. God." Like the shock of earthqu ake Tbe Inevitab ntty of eartbly cross-b ear. beversK e has otten been're garded as t goes a long way towarli helping lu a f,a lrly ' powerfu l alcoholi c stimula nt. or tbe rising of the sun this divin e lng, witb the certaInt y of dellvera neE th'e digestiv e process , and that Is ahllo, But If eating apples Is a cbeck upon Word breaks Into human history I!S tbat Is comple te-we will accept the 1utely essentia l to hellltb and strength . desire for IIntoxtc antB It would seem Jesus ot Nazare tb and passes on. anc! first as It comes: w.e will elalm the , Many persons have fa lind that Grape· that bane and antidote sre combin ed very rlgbtly men tarry In reveren ce at second and be ready for It when the Nuts rood Is not only nourish ing but bl s feet. That human soul whlcb !lees glad day shall arrive. 1D . ~he same <lllIoduct. is a grent appetiz er. Even children In Ch rist a unique. sQUtary, uns har. Uke the taste or it and grow strong The NauUca l Gazette conLlnl l a de- able rev.'lallng of God nlone may wor· and rosy trom its use. The Divine Voice. _. I t is especia lly the food to DII' ~e a "'"llUO n ,\U.a 40..... All tbrough history the divine voice MUC H of ' tbe motor bo~t wblch ebtp him, He may arise, r espect, tol· ~ equippe d with·.>uot new neckwe ar Is over collars or rucbes are 'worn wltb weak a ga. prod\1cer tbat low, but to bend the knee and say that spoke stomach strong nnd orellt."l an -'_ to Samuel haa been speak. tb I tl d b made o( m~l1 · of tbo ,s Iiewest (unlsbe e the fiuel for Its Intetnal com. prayerJI he must see f . e r es an ows of velvet ribbon ap IIe tit God. That there Ing to hUman hearts everyw here. Wol ' e or dl nner, bustlon ' engine. During tbe paat ,sea. Is none other name and dalntle[ .t vari~ty, co~blned are worn Wltb stiff collars under heaven or of to-day wonder why It Is that a and there "I am 57 years old," wrItes a Tl'nn .. scn this HIlUe eraft traveled a IIttlo given among men: tbat with lace. Irish , cl'o~het (~d are 1I0me ple~es ot silk and lace, tbere Is but poem or a song or a pbrase lodges lts very clevel' ,Imitati on), cluny ,a nd era of cblffon and velvet ribbon. oth. grnndm«;,ther, ;'Il n d have had u w~ ak . ove:' tbree ~u88Qd miles Without faU. one Lord, one faltb; one not stolnllch !tom childhoo d. By great-ca re ure In a slnCle Instanc e ,by tbe pro- 'adore the Christ. "And baptism , we in th~ memory and Clings tenaclou ely, Imitatio n· ",ciuny nre tbe fasblon able Intende d to! wasblng . , Tbe best or as ' to my diet I enjoyed a reasona ble' we beheld his making its appeal to our hearts, We lace.8, )latblng Is pretUer , ucer tc t>lIOtid. the fuel I!ecesllary ,to «lory." , . ~!le neckwe ar, boweve r, Is , washab le, and degl'ee of healtb; . wonder why a tender reoollec tlon out band cl'Qchet ,and , tatting, than but never found OilY' keep the eraft ill moti OJ1. ThIll Is en. f9 r .. pretty It II a lady's work to wash them tor thing , to MUlt Accept Divinity. ot the , equal GI'ape·N uts ' ail a , past should come to' us In I neckple cos, ,and tbese, provide dence of Nlfab1Uty wortby ot DOte [ This leads me natural fa.cln. one's ~eU. , ' . ly to say tbat momen t of sore temptat Ion, lending Its aUng standby . ' . plck,.up work, ~hlch Is toore 1I~eand It II supp&emeDted by .: record ~ tbe glory ot the Christ Fine elilbrolder~es are used, as well lite Is seen :'\Yhen , I have no ,a.ppetlte tor bre!lk: strengt b to our weaken ed resol~t1 on . till than doing notblnff: A r41vlval ot, as , I';lce" 'In , ,~omblna to o.,.t that oupt to make motor-b oat &1so In Us transce ndence. tlon . WI.tbsb eer fast and just eat to keep up my OWlHlrtl think seriou.l y at the . ... ognph, . e~'ermore parting It Is a bl· God speaks to us tbUD. In many ways, tatting may,,:~e " toOke~ tC!r, ~,nd ' tbose m~U,s" R~nd: e~broldery, It' goe" with. str ngth, , I tak~ 4 teaspoonful8 of from , men sometim es audiblY ,' Bometlmes tlirough wbo( bave p:-oduce r ..' ao Improv ement upon tae" and. eanied alit of their , a sbt,lU,l e ' sho~ld I bNng It ~a~lng, Is ~ost b~aut1tul. " vIsion. "The a beautifu l lite, ... beautifu l flower a out ,and Oral1e-N.uts with «COd ricll milk anti dangero ul C1lsollft9 tank. and take :up ,!n,ce , ,m ore thl. . J:,lt~l,e · ·buckl~s l11-ake a ' ,pretty dar~J1ess compre bended' It , not." "~he lI't rah) ot music, or a whl8per fin. ' when ' d~D~er comeo 'r. , am ' hungcy, ot m~m. WC1r~, wMcb 'is .tflally'< a, recreati on,' Isb, ~or; some ple<;es" an,d ~Iny 'pearl,but. Wblle It I go Wifuout nny breakfa world knew him not.'~ "His own .re· ory; )mt 'a.ways Jt Ist,he ,lI'ntlier's /ltw(I , ,in ,~~~~, ti:, fu,lflll tb1l: " re~ulr~meqts ,ton. are st 1 The ,re~rt II going the rounds o( celved' him n9t." Men face the : used, on others, . iomllUm es neve~ feel 1,lke ea,tl);1g dinner;. 'Chrlst Ing call. · , G~ape. ' . ot ~leganei 3, nec~~~ar s~\ild be w.~b" wlt h ' a pearl ' buck~e. Llftle balls the l)rellS that 'a failure of the supply not only with moral oPPollll and Nuts tor 'bl'e,!lkfast seems. to make, a , on but able: ,. Plec~8 are . mOlt .,: ~\\cc~lltul of taw· materia l' from '~hlch cbewlD I with mental "'qllapse . of" croc~~t , make' the 'pret tiest fin . . li~?- lthY ,apP41tlt e' fat ' ~Inner., They rejecn bJm Never "do ' great . thougb~ come to . . wb~~ ,th~y_ ca~ :be eull, .ta~ell apart, 114 , fC!r ,.. tbos~ , p1e,ceB ma4e ,pm II made , Is threaten ed. Vislonll a. larely that a~ UtUe :ot 'irish' . My ' ~3-:monthB.pld. ; grandsC?n, bail; as that they man while he Is dIscont ented or ·fret. . "undel'e .~ properl y, .~~d ,put· tO$~tber lace.' ;Cluny .ace . "hould ,0( higH prices for the· .8 weetene d slabl ue wicked. 'Their lOgic falls In a fut. There ,must be Quiet In the tern. lie ' e ho.en be.l,lll 'Very sick wltb stomach trouble. again. , ' of 1I01a~e tilt acros.8 ,the brains Qf h.!! . . "I:hey wal1~ by .faitb ~ •. ' ., ' ;""'; for neCk, pl~es which are 'to, be· Wl)rD durlAg the ~ast or ' stagger pie ot his soul b~fore th'e ,Windows ot s4mz:ner , and, finally we: TbeBe -datD~~ 'W~b I)lecea' ,,,hould ·tie mtnlon l Qf. chewtug lum vlC)tlms, to the dUllt. Unle8ll tallOI'M gowns and ·apt to lleed ,p ut hlD;l 'oq Gr(lPe-NuH, Now he they bell_ve on ItwUl o[)e~ tor l1,J~ ta,Jee. 'o ut· ' Is ,madfl :'l>illa nd. , .Iaves' to-the mastica tory hahlt. The his name,. recjllvO es ~l'! to . be ,requea.t 1~Q,nd~r,lnl. '1um ; are given rigbt them tnto t,l1e Infhilte ,-l\Ioun tford. g~Win$ p~ump ~nd well. When asked 1fhlppeel to nano" !Oiled ' or ,be~- • f!IiIl:Rt',lIec'kwe~~ is tho~t of a KIlm famIne 18 and power to be son8 of God\ are ,. ~n e'Xpenlrve U . he ,wBnrS bts nurse or Grape-NutS, ' , .,' . ' ' Itlteb~ "elb, T~~ mull shoulll be' Item, if , 0PliI ,,,m~t buX appallin g. A total fAIlure of tbe pea- veritabl y born as.atn, Jt a:ea~7 made. he brIghte ns , ~ and points to -the, they.n. rer catch Lire I. mad~ ".p, ~ot of l1'f!at sacrl- 'WeU , ,O'feb a,ncl ~~ aut crop ~uld be contem plated with the glory of the Christ. , . Uttle ' allff· But·",lt h t'lme ' t~ llUlke It; Bny woman cuPboar d. H~ ,.,ae no A -SIImpl,. hu, ftees or duttea, 1)lIt of .Il~e thIng., 01 .1lH·. . trouble , to -"'ealL ~ l1'ea~er equanlml1;J'. It t. Impo. ma~ When ~~ plea. ~ ~8~ furn~ her own, .u,ppl, of theae at (ll1-tb~JI, Chrillt. , Chrl.t whq IB nottran - whleb· BinDea and: )dndDe.. OI'llPe-NIlt&.'; Reael aJld small . ~~)' r.equll't, ome ,IW"eJl. . • fbl. to QOlieeJYe , the mental &tid .een4eD-t, pre~ ~rie ~ turns :whlOh do mU9h to- tbe ~~ttle, boot. uThe every Chrfalfa n obUp,UOnB, alveQ;': .... ."hal aud to Well. clet.t:.· " •mont ,..u1ts of lbe cutUq 01 or Utf ahuNh Into · a heathen tempi., ba»ward eompletlb~ tile 'toUet 8Ild BlYlq vlll$, ,111 'plcp. ''ThereRoad wID 04 preae" 1 &bl _ _...:.aIr BIUf '. a ReIUlO1l ." Som8' Ie malt. NIl of Pill., Deable u, Ua4 Salah 'tibtcll ... tIUl to an eiXlpty, wicked taree. Ule' pbr87 Da\'f. . .


The Glo ry of the Naz.a ren e

flints For ' Hostess TIM ELY









Ne ckw ear 01



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flLIC', Ml. ond 'lgci ~ -5U5IN ~. .



Recent ad vi ces (rom annun. our n xt door ne igh bour, th e uc lgbllo\II'ly countl'y across th bOll nd nry llllt! , nl'e tllat up ward s of ninety thousand s e ttlers from the 'nit{!u W nt Inlo Western Ca nada during the pnst y ar, most or lhelll for th e I)UflJosc.ot tuklng up and settling upon the vacnnt lands, 160 acrcs of whfch are gIven free by the governm ent, and lands adjoInIng held by railway and land companies are se iling at (rom nIn e to fifteen and twenty dollarw per acre. Even f! thirty and forty dollant per acre were- paul, the prIce 'WOuld be low, a8 the-lands. pl'mluce· wondertttIl,., and at these higher figures there is a la rge Interest ani tile- money and rabOC' Invested. Tlle ninety thousand' e~t­ tI ers of Inst year, tC!lllowed aboul ....."rt:vthousand oC the prevl'crus year, and' tor sevrnl yeus the' nmnber has lJe-e.o runn ing IntOlthes8'lm:ge' figures. 'l'heTe must be a reaBOD! tor ft. It may be tpund In the- sIngle' ~lIrase, "they are satisfied." NotWng- a.ttTacts peollllemore than the su.cCeBS , ~ others, IIII1d the n ws of IIhfs, !Teaching other thousands, causes them, tOlm'\1'eStigate, 'IDleInvestlgatlotll In this; case Is al,ways. satisfactory. The spli'm-dld land or Iowa, of lndmna, at Nl:lfiraska, KanBas. 1.1 Innesota, WIsconsIn" Ml'cWgan. Cllrt() and other States hns\ rIsen, to III 111gb value, and It IB worth e.·cry dollar aske" tor It. But tbere 10 not room now for a ll on. these funds. Wltb thE!> ever Increasing demand·1 for grain. there comes t be ever Inc easIng de· mand tor land. Canada is the only counlry on t he conUnnt lifo a posUlom to supply It. Land there thnt costs, say · flfteen d'ollars an [lcre, protluces on a reasonable calculation,. 25 bU811eIs of wheat to the acrel 01" about $2D .OO. 'rhe most lib ral calculation as (0 cost makes the oat to prod uce $7.50 l) er acre. leaving a balance' of $1'2.!i0 perac re. The $1.60 carries good' wages. for the ral'met;~ nnd nil othor conceIvable can tlngencies, WIth conditionslike this, coverIng the entire area ot' about 600.000 sQlmre m il s, It Is readIly undorstood why 90.000 Americans should follow he sIxty thousand' of the PI' vlous y ~ar : CanadIan Goverllr ment AgencIes at different poInts 1m the Un ion EIre rulwayo rendy to g Ive Information regTlTdlng the free homestead Innds, r eady to advise the settI r as ' to tho <lisU'lcts whIch· waulc1t Bult hIm best.




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~H" O"b1lo m.o .1 tho o.tloo,

lire Uttla, If any.. behInd the proverbIally r e' s 0 u r c e f u I AmerIcan busIn ess man In the extent to wblch they are now savIng time and labor by means of mechanIcal aIds and oHlce appllI1U('CS. ThIs tendency to economIze In mInutes nnd muscle Is manifest to 11 surprIsIng and constantly IncreasIng extent among mon engaged In political, protesslonal and even artistic purs!llts- vocatlons that are not commonly Bupposed to quIcken the quest tor maxImum efficIency wIth mInI. mum wllste as does the fierce competition of modern IndustrIal, comtnerclal and mercantile lite. Under the new order of things, however, the vIsItor to the omce or study ot the progressIve statesman, laWyer, preacher, musicIan, artist, lecturer, phYBI Ian, librarIan or educator may

ments are sent to more than 50,000 addresses 'In all parts of the UnIted States. In one government office wbere envelopes are addressed by means of cbaln apparatus, employIng links In wblch the necessary type Is held, a young man devote8 his entire time tG setting up n ew addresBeB In the movable rubber type as names are added to the mailing It st, and In making COl'rectlonB of Btreet addreBBeB, etc., In the addreBseB alrendy In type. Not on ly are envelopeB mechaulcally addreBsed to Uncle Sl1m'B regular correspond ents, but Bald en vel opes, after theIr destined contents are In place, are sealed by el ctrlcally operated envelope sealing machlneB, each ot whlob 1A0eB the work of a dozen men. OUT public men, If they used postl1ge stamps on thelt official correspondence, would undoubtedly foll ow the exam pI of prIvate buslnesB houBes In utilizIng meg 0 v e rnment phone to be transmitted later to the presIdent. charilcal contrIvan ces for molBtenlng and afbusIness, ThlB scheme baB been found very convenIent fixIng postage BtampB, bllt thlB Is unneceBsary The natlon'B when other dutleB prevented the presIdent because governmental mall Is transmitted uuofficials are trom listenIng to the lon g dlBtance con versader frank or In pe nalty envelopeB, whIch are fully abreast tlon as It came over the wIre. Impressed at the tim e of manufacture wltb the times In Speaking ot the use at the taiklng machIne that "dead h ead " InscrIption In the upper the extent to In governmental practice, It may be added rIght-band corner whIch answers In lieu at w h I c h the.y that In all branches of the federal establlshpostage stampfl. make use ot ment the busIness phonograph IB finding exIt Is Blgnlficant that the demands ot the tenslve employment. Many ofllclals government servIce for mechanIcal aIds for eoonomlcal .buslnesB admlnlBtratlon has benow talk Into phouog rl1 phs all their replies to correspondence and even stIrred many In ventive mInds among the tedl' ports and ' public addresses preeral employes, In Borne instances government pared In advance, thus eITectl ng a officIals have found It most BatlBfactory to clear saving ot nil tbnt portIon ot lhe have the mal1ufacturers ot book l)-pewrl ters, stenographer's tIme that WOUld, unad dIng ma hin es and other standard office der the old plan, be devoted to the helpers sImply va ry or modIfy theIr Btock takJng of dlct-atlon. One of the most models In order to meet the' s pecIfic requlreInter esting exemplifications of the adments of the government servIce, but In other vantages to be derIved from the use cases men on Uncle Sam's payroa have Inof tMs Invention IB found In the em- ' vented npparatus thnt WI1S adopted In pretployment at the phonograph In the erence to anything evolved by outsIde experts. reporting ot the debates of the Bennte A notable case 'In poInt Is the new Btyle card. and bouse ot representatives. The punching machIne Invented by James Powers. expect to find tbe b'r aln worker SUl'expert stenographers who In the roles m challical expert In the service of the depart. rounded by an array at fiUng sysof official reporters make the short- In nt of commerce and labor- a type of sem ltems, desk devIces and other parnhand recor'd of proc.eedlngs on the Automatic apparatus that will be employed for phernalla of rapid-fire office admlnlsfloor ot eacb legislative chamber Bave compiling the greatest card Index In the hlstration that would do credit to the much time by 's lmply readIng tb~lr . eral census hs and then goI ng tory of the world , nl\mely the fed notes to phonograp most up-to·date oapitalist, mercbant 01 1910, wMoh will requIre more than 90,000.or manufacturer, . ' back to theIr dutleB on the floor, OOll IndivIdual cards. Other examples ot the WbereaB st$te and municIpal headleavIng the reCQr tl!_be transcrIb ed products of Inventive genluB when besl.irred ~ quarters 10 nil sectlonB of the coun· by typewrIter onerat01'3. In behalf of th e government I1re found In the try aO'ord Interesting object lessons The fountaIn pen, one of the most unIque numbering maohlneB at the United as to the ex-tent to whloh mechanfamiliar of tlme-saverB, Is b eld In States bureau ot engra \'lng and printIng- a teal time-savers and labor-Bavers have hIgh esteem by every member of tho Bort ot gIgantic outgrowth of the familiar Jnvaded the couservatlve sphere" ot presIdent's cabInet and will probably hnnd dating mach Ine found on almoBt , every public ntralr,s the mOBt convincIng continue to be so long as custom deoffice desk. The machInes desIgned aud conJ),roof ot the. revolutionary Influence crees that th e bead of each governstructed for the treasury department not only at work Is to be found at the national ment department mUBt sIgn In autoprint In red Ink but Bet theIr own type and Beat of government. All branches gTaph every letter dispatched fro m number consecutively from 1 to 1,000,000,000. of the 'fp'Jernl government- the exMs omce-a volume of corresponThe tlat-top desk, wlUI Its numerOUB con. ecuth'e, leg IslatIve and jllllltlarydence that rellcbes hundreds, mayhap ven lences, not to men tion sanItary ad vanhav~ improved and syste~atlzed the as much as a thousand letters a day. lages, IB rapIdly gaIning vogue In officIaldom handling of ,detail lIn~er the Bpur of SIgnatures In typewriting or by autoaB In the bus lnesB world , As speclmenB of twentteth-ceqtury practice and twengraph rubber stamp. such as are BO costly furnItur e the desks ot mOBt ot our pubcommon In the bUBlness world, Ilre IIc men will not bear comparIson wltb the ,tleth-ccntury utlllties. ThIs Is more notnble In view of the oft-repeated strIctly tabooed In the hIgher offimassive mahogany pleceB to he found In Bome oharge by critIcs of the government clal circles. The presIdent escapes ,banks and In the offices of some wealtby corthat Unnle Sam. enmeshed In red this ordeal because of the fact that poratlonB, but your progreBalve public man tape. Qountenanced an . extravagance, the great preponderance of the mall has hlB desk equIpped with all tholle attachnot t<> · say waB,tefuj~ess of time, lasent out from the White House bears m ents which greaBe the grooves tor hIgh tentbe telephone and telegraph In the transaotlon the sIgnature, "Fred W. Carpenter, Secretary slon work. There Is a swIngIng stand to shift . bor and, ma~~ rlal In the dlBcharge ot his buslneBB ~bat would not••,be tolerated In' any pr\of business and few ' if any captaIns at Industo the President." This plan of Blgnlng correthe typewrIter out of tlle way when the rnavat4f""buslnes1t: . ' try rival Uncle Sam's best-paid employes In spondence by proxy baB also heen employed cblne Is not In UBe; a balanced arnl, adjUBt· Naturally some sectl<?nB ot the gove rnmeuthe extent to whIch they make UBe of the wireby other hIgh officlalB, notably army and navy abl~ In all dIrectIons, tbat lifts the telephone tal machIne are much more advanced than le8s telegraph. ThIs Is but natural sInce officers of hIgh rank, who are ' served In this a side when It Is not needed ; special desk otbers In thefr adoption of busIness aids and practically all government veBsels of any Imcapacity by aIds, fiag lieutenants, etc. lamps that focus theIr rays on the work while portance are equIpped with the wlreleBs and A phase of governmental work whIch has sheltering the eyes of the worker trom the omce appltllnce3. For Instance, ,there Is the forest Bervlce, which under the direction of the government maIntains Us own Ihore stacalled Into requIsItion a great number of modglare, and rubber stamps wIth clockwork that human dynamo, GIfford Plnchot, Is the tlons tor wIreless work at various points on ern buslneBs aIds, representing a wlue diverattaohment, which prInt not only the date but pe"e r of any priloate busIness establishment In the seaconsts and will ultimately have , at slty of types, Is the Issuance of the dally and tbe hour at whIch each letter or report has the country In point ' of record keeping. adWashington a statton of 3,000 mil es radluB '!teekly and monthly bulletins, announceme'n ts. been receIved or been gIven attention. The mlnlBtratlon and celerity In the dlspatc:h or that wUl enable oommunlcatlon dlr.e ct ..-\th reports, statements. etc., whIch constantly Improved pencil sharpenerB and the cutting business. Borne Inst~tliUons under ' the gov- 'almost any shIp In the Atlantic. The federal emunllte from al\ government departments devlceB whIch open a whole package of let ernment are yet ,n long , way behInd tbls prize government parallels 'the precautions' of the and tbe purpose of whIch Is to make notlflcllterB at one sweep by clipping the ends of tbe exnmple In the matter of oftlce 'equlpment, but most' alert private busIness houses by having tlon of changes In various branches ot the envelopes deserve mention In the BOrne catethe poInt IB that practically all of them have Its own secret codes for teiegraphlc communI' public service, the condition of treasury gory of ttme savers. ' So, IIkewlBe, do the varl· cattons. · There are more than halt a dozen funds, etc., etc. It has lately been propoBed ous torms of prInting telegraphB which record . maRl a beginning In 'the rIght direction. Wltb bUBlneBs ~en and corporatl6n , lawyers being ot Utese. The navy department and the war that Uncle Sam shall follow the example of orders or bulletins Blmultaneously at various department each has several codes; lhe statE! various foreign gQvernments by ISBuing a points. • ,dratted, as .... a matter" of course tor cabInet -posts and the most I~portant reBPo~Blble ' po- ' depart~ent has one; and the presIdent has a gazEltte or official dally ~ewBpaper, In whIch The newest wrinkle In the conduct ot Isltjons under the government. therr Is e.very specIal ~ecret code tor his own UBe. Tbese shall be published all of theBe governmental Uncle Sam's buslnesB establishment-namely, :teaBon. to expect that mechanical assIstants codes are changed It Busplclon Is arouBed on announcementB of whatloever chataoter, but the scheme tor purchaBlng the supplies tor all the part the officIals that a key to a code up to da'te there has been no other method the government dej:lIlrtments at WashIngton wl,l conUnue to make tbelr appearance In Increallng number,' as ;'alds In the discharge ot hal fallen Into allen bands: tbl\n to allow each public officIal to make hIs through one general purchaBlng agency-Is the ever-Increasing volume ot- government At the Wblte Houlile offices there Is a teleannouncements In hIs own way. expected to bring to the attention of our pubI ~USIMSI. ' . graph and telephone depaJ,'tment tbat more Some of the dally statelhents of what IIc omclals many new office appliances and The preBldentlal businesl establishment, than measures up agalnlt any ot the similar Uncle Sam ' II doing In various lines of actlvnumerous Improvements on old devIces detor all that a certain dignity must be ' malnadjun<;ts provided at the general officeB of Ity are nQw printed from metal type on ordlsIgned to adapt them to governmental reQulrements. · the Withcontracts Uncle to Sam's purchases avi ng' b rallc h es In widenary pr In tl nil; ' pressos, j UI t a B C Ircu Iara 0r lumped. be awarded . willthus' be talned In all P'r ocedure. Is thoroughlv# up to ' '. we.."lth Y corpora tl pns h date both methods and eqUipment. The '1, separated localities, The, presIdent's "Intel· pamphletB are printed, but for the most part enough to sUr Inventors and manufacturers rule (and It , II by' no means a dead letter) Ugence 'omoe," as this communicative nerve the'se dally broadsides are ,Ptepared In the , that 'every ' communloatlon ,ahall be answ.ered center ' Is _called. Is, ffrst of 'I\U; tbe " ce~traf" for omce where the lntorQlaUon originates, by to the greatest energy In producIng noveltle/,l on the ' sa.m. d,ar on wblch ' It .11 "received mlghll , prIvate ' branch exchange pf ~ .telephone system means of some one ot tliole numerous new that federal offlclals will Include In their office be' adopt'ed with advantage by many p1'lv¥-te with upwar4 ', Of a sco.,e of 's taUons ·at differInventions , for duplicating' or reproducing, InBtallationl. The central purchasIng " agency , }buillneis establlsbmllnts that' do business with ent 'poln't s hi' the White , Houae 'bulldlngfand typewritten sheeta. Some tbese tmprom"ptu will also InBure quality In all supplies by .far ' more ' tuss and fluetep . thlUl the White" grounds. 8\mllarly it la .the liu~· of system' '. printing outftts In the government offices' are means thorol\gh teats. It Ill' safe to say that Houae, A :'\¥ord, .houl~ be ~A1J, Iii favor ,of the : " Plat' "e n:a,blca the'" 'President to, talk oon'ftdenoperated by hand, but .for ' ~e most par~ they ·~nder ~hls new teglme there will , be no repetl' Wbite House ilys'telD,.' ot ,securlns "the mall at 't at any' time wlth ' any 'ot the :members of.' 'u se electrical energy aDd tbls Is otten ,welltlons ot' tbe,. experl~!lce of the offlclal ' who rafrelluen~ Int,erv~IiLdurlng" the da" by specIal ' bls ',cablne'f,. FlnnllY', IV ls " ~ clearlDg '~ hoUlio ' nlgb. ~issentlal, sln04l 'In, many Instan,Qes ' an cently \'ulned 'Pore t~an 160, wor:tb of ~ul\~er I . d b I II /Incoming letterl for,' Inng-dtstance te,leptiogfl " an.·d · .te' le'g' raph'· ·...e. dltlon·. '! of 'thousAnAs o,f copies has . to 110 . 8tatpJ)s th~ough ) the uss '(,l,f a new "qulck-dl'Y.' ,messenger . a~ , av ng a . '" " ,.' M . r- " " .Ing" 'wblc;J.1 'he . had ' nb~ ,h ad , an ~portunlt1 to. 'o~ened- bt ,o ne man" wh'O 89rts tbe communlca-, work'J laAdled -by meanl ot- dlrect , wl(e~~ Up- ' pz:t"t~d w!tJ:l!n a fe~. hl>urS, In mOlt ~nst~nce9 tryout ,.a,re It :wall ~ntroduced In htll omcel. , a lona and so :, dlstrlbutel them :amolig' tbe oft\ce ward ot , ~wo do~en 'te~~gr:ap~ 'l!1~~ , e~ter . ~b.e ·: young.. men: set the type .0J: pre~aJ'e the ,." ,ax ",. " . .' . , ftotce ,' as ' to \ 11!'8~!e IIl;1eedy re.p,~nsB' . The ,'Whlte' Houjle offi~e!l and the expet:t '; telegra- , ~tenQ.ns "thl!-t ' a,r e neces~rr for this dupllcat". , ::W'btte , House usee approv.ed card Index IJ1I' phers who. ~orkll!' . !n' abltta, ate' ~n 1 duty . Ing opeJ;atltin, and' since statistics .figure In New Vork'i L:.,te",ry GIIIII. The y,oung man who 'said he'd never eaten , !l. i,t ems ro~, .a\90J1;1.4~fl'ble' , l!ortlp~, 9,1 Us ~co.i~ , ' ev,ery: .in1nute of -tbe 24 ~oui's.•are ,enabtelil. to _almoit , even: one 'of these , ,governil)ental an- " lk6e~l~g anel. to~ tt8. ~ery :tm~~allt ,"mailing .', liecu're 'adirec( ~Ire ~ :.nrl J)otn~" aL~ni ;'~llJie ; nOQDCernel'i~8 extreme , care '1111 oeCeBl81'.1 to ' a~ .. to ' ~meb.od>: .wbo-;asked hlni, If be l\~ed ' H.~,'· InClludlng .,t hose o~ a loclal natl1re. earand to. . reBerve _It fot ~ exeeuUve r ~Slnellls as , I~ure , accu,,~. . . .' " ., ._ ' \ TrollQpe,. wa.~ outdon.e the other daY ,ln"a Flftb ·' 1iytri'-thottAllda.of natiles alJ~aditr.e8...,whto _ ,' , 'O~g as ~!lY be .,desired. :~beae .Whlte. HOU8!l ....,. o10.e.;!~IUl" to Vncle, SBm'r,lu1n-Ung '. avenue book-atore, A gt.rl' of 17 .canie In and ,ate , used in iendl.!!L o9t . lnvJ~t1('1na tor the ' telegr~er8 ' , hAY~. Qnde~ stJ'eaa , of ~us~al . anil dupllcatlng . equlp~en.t, both J.n " Dum~er allked., the clerk .f,?r , "Prometheus," ':b1 ". mAD ,-card 1'e.c eptlons ~~ othiar funcUo.Ds at the press ot business, eD1.Plo,ed 'untCiue ex· and , vanety. I~, tb,e array ot ,governm~nta~ ~p-' named Kelly. or Sheeta, or !lomethrng like 'presldentlal manelon. _;' lJlclctentally, ,It may be ~dlentti. " Graphophones of' careruDy ' pUled pantull '101' , 'handllni . the ma1lln, lilt. to be tbat." acd Ite'Dext of 8peed bave been illed to ..~rd king m~8B1es ~Hd ' In lendln,' out tbeae various bulleUns, .. Ob...• said the, c=lerJt. "SheUe,'s ' mentioned that ~he 'e&rd 'Jdn, tJle verUcal ·.ftla ilta now III ' ciltolt,ed ~tr b, the telemPh!II-'tn Tbat tbe,: m~Cbtnea r9i mecbantciall,addrel" tbetia Unbound';" , . • :practtlcan, uDlv.tUl pVVDmeD~ be tran!'crlbed later":'ud, on q~oa.ton.. 10Dl· lUI, "velop. and Jh'appm m\U!t be QuallQed "Yea," replled the "rl~ "tbat', Jt. But,' oalon at .. dtttance telephoDe '1l1iDag8ii haft beell' re- 101 rap14 - ork-• .,. be apl)l'ec,,~ frOIIl ·the' ,ou. plaue. I'd 'father ban It ~UD4. It', • •,....._ of " _ted ~nl for ~tJte4 to • .__,boo fact tb.t ~ 01 til. . ~mm.llt UDQ1IIlce- . , . to laIt ~. pap8, 1011 bow. If It 1If!.,....


She Wants a Bonnet, The manage r of a depal·tmenl store

rece Ived the fQllow lng order from onll oC hIs out·of·town cns tom rs, whu wanted a bOlUle t: "luzllr of hend froll1 enr to ear ov r tall of II ad 12 Inc hes; from ear 'to enr undel' my chin nIne nud one·lll~lf Inches; fl'oll1 flu'ahead I,Q back hull', seveu inches. I wnnt a black lase bon, n t with su' IImers nnd rosetto of red or yallel' suttlng ribbon nnd would like n bunch ot p h~k Rozes or a blue plume 'with n black jet buckel. If nrtl6s11els are sUII the alll e I want n hunch or grapes or a blrd's tale Bomewhere. I do not wont IIl1Jytblllg to taDsy, but It you thlulc a WI' ntb or pansIes wliluld look good why put one on. I have'some good pln~ rl lJbon here at home' 1I1lI) Y(l)tl need not put on strlngs."- Llppln'Cet!t's MagazIne.

- - -- TO I&" DA.YS.


PA.ZO OINTMI~N 'I' I lrunn'"t ~c'l

t .. c\lr~


c~[l.~'::* :"1:::I~n:~l~~~~~~~u~~ }ic)g~rUd!nK


Plu~ In.

Every time wo see a sponge It J:e. minds us of BDme men we know,




ha.. .






latost bIH,,,,ln •.

, 01611 nlnll up uur United ' SUlt... 8prlnlfH 111 hroac h loaOU11( i1r101 4.\-""IIIJe~ ""rrent condition ; JIOO<I ohoo'or.: on:;- lUll. &04


ltaIDJ'" for oth~r trO'Vernmenc. Iluns aD sup,,"es. OUJO 8Urn" 110. 80.. ,,!MM...


"- -

-\.eU8 Ii.

W. a. Allen



utrr,gIV- \ THe DAY wlthJ.. W. W h ittl . , . . tLnd IS .,L r . Cnrtwrigbt aSBu·r etle .1 ~n . addition to the ~suul stories ~,f - .\ B. 'bundler, . L~v . 'artwright p.eaple bY 'well-known authors whioh P roba te: COurt. nd 0 orge V . Whitoraft appoint d are f atm.- ad in etlch issue of H uman T appraiser!! . Life, ~h8 F . br ullry Dumher , u nder beoobilcl r n of J ohn Br en, on e In tll mil tel' of Catherine ... . the ' (lutioD, "Celebri tiA!I of t be D II.Y'" of t he most oapular fl\ r merA in Wil l'· --:---l'ei'l Ooun ty, ":-h~ 'nstituted-p _ ~urn tt., d oellsed. Will Ild mlttec1 coutltins shor t , lIlustrtlted s ketohes, - t h d' . to probllte. written in bright Bnd ohatty sty Ie, cee di a g 0 ave a. gUILr Ian (lppow t f f 11 ed f.or Uleir {ather on gr ounds thot Estate o ~ Jame.s L .. Mounts, de- 0 the a owing: heis an .l mbeoUe 8.nd unable to prop Oflll~ d , Inventory and a.pprlliS1ll6nt Euslgn ' Kenneth Whiti ng, w ho erly take c~re of t he et'tollte .M r. til d , r ecen t ly ris ked il is life 111 on of t lle Bt:een , however w ill oppose this' l\ Estllte of .FMwin Hodn~y abin, strllngest experiments ever t rillcl, iu tion t hrou gh his at,tolDey Willllrd deceased, W ill ilull.E. Sllbin appoint. order to solve 11 g reat Bubmll.rin e ened I\dministnto..r giving bond of giueeri ng pr oblem , J . Wright and t r en uously decltLrefl ~1500 with F. M. Ham ilton Jr. a nd Mrs. Eliz&.b jt h W. ilson, oak tl-ITl'lk. t ha,t he is thorowghly capable of fit tending properl y to h is own business C. E La WIS, s:Jretios. Joh n t:i00_ er to presidents, ki ngs tLnd ot,her , fie ld 0 , S. B Iggins and El m r E , foreigu potenta tes. affairs and needs no assistanoe from 0 anyone, The ohildren ha ve ~m . t:illl ith are appointed nppm i erB, Mujor eneral Elliott, who I;; ou t with a radiclll plan to attruct lI1\biployed Mark Shoup, of Xenia, and l\\arria2"e Licenses. tioua youn g men t h e arm\' {ng bOlld ot . *~OOG O

o eoo RAPHICA", M,y little (lluIHhter ,H I lI .r centJy blld her lh'Ht.ln t,roduol.ioD to g gN . phy, Her flltblir tbi n kH t ha t per hupR tlhe is Uti 't l u d to!J OOlUe 0. j.(rt>l\ t Arctio explor r . ' If you tood with your right hllnd to\va.r d t tl eust .n nd your I ft bli nd towa.rd tlte w to, YOll would be fll iug th o north, ' suM t he tElfloh er. "Now, tell me ,whnt would 1)0 buok of you 1" 1 • My balr," A n welf~tl Helen ill ' a-patien t ton .-WoDln n 's Borne Companion for Februa.ry .



OKLAHOMA FARM 'FOR 'SA.I1E t 320 acl' S, f ne d nntl 'ro" :f n ell,l.~O aCrl! hO)f li g h I. . l>m 1;1 ' )'eg' .ti lluulu: ordllu,tl lim) slIlall fl'uit.s;::' llcL-; of inlfjl·vvclllt:lll '. ij ,','J\ Jnr houSE;! and lSI'r,e barn , steel wino ·mill, low r aud lank; b.h.llil ul . living strea m, fl ow m I'e t han .x mil 'ucr ss this fa rm , F irlely adapt d to peaches and othe l' fl'uits; , !.< rni w eflt of I i nJ.!t'I'. 3 ~ nt i. southwest of Lookeba, both nice rt. R (iwtl. fin,> fa r minJr country, 6 cotton-gin. al1 t1 ~gl'lli n t'.l evator: within eu: y lea'h of thi farm; ;'~ mile to s ·hool. U p-to-dal \lI'og'l'cH.'liv · ~J 'apIa all around us. Tel phone in ou r houl:lc and R. F. 0 . T his is tI lI1oneymakillg cou n try , and an t!ntl'g ti ' fUllIily tall pay fnl' t: h ;~ I'arlll ra;s iug colt m and alfalfa and corn and hi gH. Cowl 1lI:.lrkell:l and !'hip· ping fac iliti S. Verv mild cli l1lHl '. Prj ~e $:.!~ ' " PI~ I' Hel't> ; $1000 d own. long time on balance, or wi ll a lt.)w a It 'avy dis uun t on 1;\11 cash paid over $1000. .



It you pret r . you CIlU ",rile tn Otis lI ndle y . l ,on k(1h , Oldl\ .. who formerlv liv I ilL WBYO "llle. autl who w l lllln ~ wor ypllr <1 11111111011 ur ~ hflw yuu tllllllbnV(l t"rlll.

Or addre'>8

C. B. Phelps, Owner.

R. D. I, Binger, Caddo Co., Okla. Ballut l! ul Gi rl- " Gnrdener, don 't, make a flo wer. bed there. It will 110il our oroquet g round . .. !i::~:6':!~:~=:1~0~n~e~~v:~D~0 ~~~: Robert W, Olltter muth 27, editor Now Mrs . Am y C. Gouruud , 1\ w " lilly - -.Gardtlner-" '!m 't h elp it lpi88. York woma n, a nd h ow !lilt'! h 'hat Mr • Breen is not capable of oon. of Milson a nd EUJ'Y RM . Fox i 4 , of . Btldd llil. 1'hem 's my orders. Your father B cl1me a worshipper of tinuing this work . T hey IlSk the South Lebauon . ev. ngeman. Time Loc k and Rf'palr W or ~ of ~" Kt Ida Miss Eleanora Bears, and j ust w hy 88·Y S he is going to huve t,his garden RE5IDENCE 5AFES A ~" P. C IAL T' appointment af a guardian and the . Common Pleas Court. she is rau ~ed tu6 U!lI:l&.Ul·6db U \yUUl . jevotl'd to tlOrt ioulture, not: hu@ bnndry. "-Ex. O&8e will be heard in proba ~e oourt , au in t he United Stat es. hel.slye Agency for " Century" Adlu ~ t a b lf . It t l "r.wln, T. blu ------•• -- +-----Estate of Mabel Young et aI, mi· Lee R . Randall VB " W illiAm R. Mrs. Van De Man, who t hwarted U ' IUI THE C. W. HAIN SAf E CO" Columbus, Ohio, :~C' r. nloi, e MSIIUTI TRAPPERS, ATTENTION! nol'8 ~ Third aooount flIed. Randllll et al. herlft' _ordered to Alioe Lon g worth's p et a mbition to Estate of Raymond A . ~pahr, 8ell oertllin desoribed real esta.te for be the first Ameriolln woman to 11y All lIunti ng, t rapping or digging ainor. Final aooount fi led, the purpole of parmion. in a h eavier-t h m aohi ne. out of tbe grou ud of fur-bearing nD. Estate of Charles NayJor , de- Thoma8 Corwin vs. A , S. Ford. Miss Winl~red Gibbs, who is t aacp im uls is striot ly forbidden on my oeased. Invuntory and appraise- Jury finds there is due plaintiff from in g the poor of New York'il gr eat far m . EDWfN 8. .FURNAS. ment filed. defendant on his olaim '8~.54 whiJh East ~id e h ow to market and oook, Eetate of B erbert--6hmllY, de is ordered paid. -Human Life Publishing Coo, Bos cel\8i!d·. May Olenny appointed ad- Magic Ctty Land Co./ vs. J ames ton. ministratrlx giving bond of $400 H . F ennessyet al. . De~endan tgran t. - ••- -DR.H.E.HATH~WAY I with Barryet C. Wright and Willard ad lea ve to file amendment to an· Saved from Awful Peril. J. H. SMITH, Prop. Mc CALL PATI"ERNS swer for thwith and same is filed. "I never felt 80 near my grave, " J Wright sureties. Celehr:llcd 1M l yle. rrrl tr l G', . iml'1I lIy nnd Wayoesville 's Leading Denbs' r c li.lbil h y n,·nt'~ v 41) Y' 1. . t .ltl in il L '1 Wayncsville, Ohio. In ~he matter of the estate 01 Reuben Tilford vs. Or een P egs et writes 'Lewis Chamblin of Manobes- ()ffice in Keys Bldg. ~\'C'V city and hl\' 11 in I . VI . d ' '' te"" III .1 MlLln i* '0 11 lHt_t\ , or by m., aI ,ti n!, t. } ,I II U 1;" tt t l a n Oharles lIiaylor, dooeased. Ordered a1. Cause dismissed for fa ilure t,o ter, Obio, R. R . No. '3 'as when In r oom formerly oooupied by :Iny othe r muk r.. Sl',,,1 (~ I ' I CC cutu lu~u c:.. th8.t a certificate of indebtedness be give security for costs . a frightful oough !lnd lung troubJI' Katherine Ale a nder . McC/\ LL' S MACAZINE lII o re 'ubscrll'~rs 1I '~ n n~ , olhrr r••l"nn issued to administratrix to flle ia . pnlled me down to 115 ponuds in rnn g:lzlJle- mi illon n. nlr·nth. J \v:&l uuh :" . Lat.. . Real Estate Transfers. spite of many rembdietl and the be8t est styleJ , p a lt ~r n 5, ' tlr ' JH1I ni il11r. m i"incry. Special Attention elven to partition prooe~lDgs . dootors . And thB't I am a live todllY p lain ,c.\Vi.n ~. f:t n cy " l.-cdl C: WD I \. , hal rdrC1sli nl::'. Children's ~alr7Cuttlnlr. cl iqudtc, g O\'d to rte ". (·tc. U n y W cC"nU • Eata~ of WillIam H. Wi111ams delJavid Davis Ilnd Alloe S . Havis is due sole ly to Dr. Klng 's Ntl w 'car (worth Ilo" hl<) , I .. hnll ng u , ,,~. phil,,",. ' u bseribc \od"y, or sen I '0' " ""I,le (ol'y. ceased. Ordered to sell personal r eal estate in Warren County,1200. Discovery, whioh oompletely oured , ...~ . ' DERFVL INDVCEI\IENlS property at private D Kellison and DelJa Kel. me . Now J weigh 160 pounds ~nd H) ~ en U. Pc1t lnt bring. r rel , hun ' llllo~ ue F k J B d i I . . . can work hard. It 61so oured my >nd ""IV clUh I'rl, .. otTCri. A ~ Ire. ~n _. rOWll,. a m n trator lison·to MaryE. Lemmon reale8to.te. tour ohildren of croup." Infallible (J£ MtC.UL CO_ it.. NEW YOIU( V8. Malvtn R. PhIllips et al. Or- ia Waynesville 11. • for Coughs and Vold8, its the most TRADE MARK. , dered to 8~U real ·estate an(l Thomas Mella D. Smith to Robbin Thirkield certllin r emedy for LaOrippe Asthma DEtllGNII d DUlitneh, Albert Brant a.n~ Ed win a, Anderllon real e~tll t.e in Frankhu de~perate 1un.g trouble alld all brop, CO..' ....GHTaclts. Undertaker an Embalmer. HENDERSO~,M.O. Wood, appointed,appraiserll. t,l4400 chla~ affeotlons, DOc lind n ,oo. q~:l!OD:':~~~r.~ ~'~::'~~I.~d~,::~g~\r.a~~ I'" Will be fo und in th e old 1l'8 • • , A trIal bottle free. ' Guaranteed by In yenlJOQ II probably p,uon~tl~()Ol\lmU"IC.. tlonutr lcU,. CIOnDd n~'a1. HAND Kon Pllteo,.... tate of John A. Debold, fleBuston h. Jaokson and wife to Fred C, Schwartz, Waynesville, Ohjo. . •e~!l.s'g~ ~~:nt W;g~~~o'l~e:::r I'&!'~~':i" BIl n k BuUding. oppo ito oeased. ~e bill tUeel. Frank J!loksoa real estate in Barlan - ---- - ~notke, wltbouLcbarae. mtbe the N~tiot}al Bank. Eet&~ of John Gbnnor, deoealed. townl!lhip Conservation of Water S'upply Valley Phone 153 Main StTeet ~Antlll~ JlmA"i~~". Teleph one i n h onsa ILnd of \,1" " "1 ,,"II fiee wher e J ca...'l 1>6 called Fhal ~Ooount filed. Charles V. Mohler to Laura B. A. bandiom elrlll u tral.ed wee"I,. J tl\I'aeeL at", J , l. 1 t wl>y · ,r 11 1~ 1 '. Estate of EUzabeUl A . Ulements, Ltnkhart real estate in ir~anklin 11. After all i8 said, the water·power cul.lIon (1f a ny. lentiDo 1""rn..1. ~'or"\I,.a . get Immediate renel hom MiI:NiriCo:i~';::~~Uewdf~et1 0 Vlln~y l-'h on.e ~~2. deceased. Eiret and flu) 8000unt Selma T, Hennetes and hosba.nd' resouroes of New York are limited, Dr. Shooo's ~l~~fc: Olntmm' rran~ ~mce. sa., St... W • ..., lql" ", D.O: Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio. flJed~ ' to Frank Maag real esta'e in Warren when oonsideration is given to . the Estate of Frank,W. Balzhi&er, de· Connty,l1. astonishingly rapid rate of in 1rease ~. In:ventory and appraism~nt · Albert I'.renoh _to French Bros. in population. To insure the pre filed. . ", '. Dairy Company, rea.lestateibCozad. eervation of the wa.ter powers tlnd .'ate of J08ephine Witham, de-Idale, II.' . to 8eonre the maximum praotic \1 ceased. L. ,W. Witham, and W. J . Albert Frenoh to the Frenoh Br08. utilization are subjeots for serlous HooU appointed administrator8 giv- Dairy Company, real estate in War thought on the Plut of ' the people Ibg~,:,doU.866.wiL,hBoBella W,ith ren Connty 11. II.ndthe lawmakers of the Stale am, Emma M, WItham, and R08e~la Albert Burger to Nancy S. Moln- Sucoinotly stated. the wise oonser.. &00&& a8 suntiel. Robel t Jrwi tyie real estate in Hamilt.on tCiwn. vation of 'he supply means : Job B~'ler ,a nd ~enr~ Ben'thein apo Shlp,11200. · 1. Water power developed in ev PQiotod'apprai8ers, J. P : Gilohrist and wife real e8tate ery region where people live, ~lIloh Estate · of Emma Kenter et 0.1, in Turtteoreek township development increasing largely the miDors • . Ca~ie Keu&er appointed .Cynthia A. White 8~d bnsband outpnt of plants now in operation. RuardiaQ giV1~g bond of $200 and. re{'i eitate I.n Morrow, $125, oreatin.K opportunities for the e t lb. Berman Kenter and James Follen Dr. Cnrry Oanoer Cure Company 11shment of many others, ~ iving em 8~reties. to B. 1;. Wetzel rea l estate in Turtle- ployment to thoudllnds of skilled That's what comes of g~tting together. We have combined with the~ublisher of t he bes Estate of Jane BarkalOW, de · oreek township, $1 . and nnskilled laborers . woman's magazine. The result is th~t you can have the, magazine, Woman ~s llome Companion, ,and oeased. Inventory and appraise. Frederiok D. Mitohellto John M. 2. Indefinite postponement of ! be The Miami Gaoz:ett e f or the very low price g iven below, Woman' s Home Companion is t oo well men' fihid.f J hn ~-tat ' Shelly leal estate in Washington COli. II e~s age. known to need indorsement from us. With It s fin e stories, it.s splendid articles, its manY pra!tical .... e 0 0 L. Barka.low, de· township, t118.76, S. Protection 'from destructive departments, Woman's1iome Companion stands at the very f ront rank of woman's magazinetl. Th oe&aed. In ventory. and appraise. floods, entailing loss of life, ,millioqs price of Woman's Home Compa nion is'now $1.5()" a year·, and this offer is a special bargain which w ment filed.: . Coilimlssloners' ,ProceedinKs.1 of dollars in property, and the can offer for a short time only. Take . E8t.ate ~ Phineas Bradley, deContracts-Contraot \"tas entered of thousands of aOJ;'es of productive ad vantage of the . bargain while yOU d oeaae. """"on and flnal acoonnt. · . ._ agrtcnlturalland . . Eatate of John. L Bark low d into ,vith A. M. Monfort for wirinR . I ~an. It won't be good for long. .. . ' a , e. jail and .eherltf residence a.nd fur4. The reolamation ot rioh alluvi ' Oealed. Ordered to sell ' personal ' 1 b ttoms whioh ill provide h s . nishlng fixtures for 118 35 not in- a 0 w . ome property at private sale. 1 d' l ' for thousands of families and add m III, the matter of the will of Mar. y cUIng .. 1 Contract entered into with Ed millions to the taxR.b e property of O. Clement., deceased. W1l1 admIt. the St te ted °to probate~ . Murrell for repair of bridges on Leb· 6 ' 1{.a t' t' f h lthf 1 dt Estate of Mary ' C. Clement8 de. anon and Wilmington pike and tl' . . esthora .Iolln 0 ea - u oon • , wh~redireoted in Washington town ons 10 e va ays. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ .hi p. 6. The trans forma ti on of un '.Ii g h t . onel year and , Bil1s-Rugglfls liale Co., blllDks ly swamps into beautiful Jakes in the The Cause of Many for Probate Judge. $4. 50; W. H. loenio pl~yground of the people. Sudden Deaths. ~tanage & Co., reoord for trell8urer, 7, By increasing t.h e low wlLter There 'is a disease prevaiiiDg in this 118 60 j The Western ijta.r , publish. flow of the polluted stre~ms II. dUu coaDtrymostdau erous bec8use80decep- ing report of exa.mination of ,treas- Sion will res l1lt whioh will improve one year ~::ih~~l:~«!::i ury, 17.25 j The Western I;tar, sanitary con~ltions. by it-heart .dis- stllmped envelop.s for treasurer 8, Navigation will be benefited 00 ~~rt'1~Id(.d1~iJ!. ease, pD,:umonia, 12'.60' Dan P . Bone' clerk oosts i~ the streams a.nd tr~nsportation faheart1 fallure or caRe N~ 10814 17 24 '. Leba'non Ioe & oilities will be extended on ·the reser· '[ apop exyareo f ten ' . , , the res~lt of kid· Ooal Company coal for Court Bouse, voirs. n~y disease. ~I ,4.6 50' Tbe Lebanon Patriot sta 9. The water lIupply of growing kIdney °trouble IS . , " • oommumtie's will fie inorea8e i IIobd I ~.iiII._ ~~~~ allo,,:edtoac)v~nce tionary for ,Blind Commission, $6; I' ~ thekldney.p~)J80n. The ~, Fred Co., olothing for pris . improved.-From "New York'8 Con. A NOVEL- BY . tack the Vital org:;s, ~u~~~a:~ha~i onerp, 16; James Fallen IIr., as salary servation of Wa.ter Resources," in Greater Woman's Home romparilon KAT,E DOUCLAS ..WIGGIN the bladder, brick-dust or sediment iii janitor ILt Conrt House during Jan the American Review of Review8. Will be the most interestini-:the moat the urine, head ache, baek ache, lame $50 R B hb . --- • : . ars !lrger, as salary Won't Need a Crutch. baclt,"diuiness! flleeplessness, Del'VQu.... uarv. useful-the most beautiful woman's Dell8, or the kIdneys themselves break assi8tant Janitor at Court Boutle duro magaZine pub1i~ed~ down and waste away cell by cell. ing Jannary 140 ' John 1.1 Mulford When Editor J P. Sossman of . Bladder troubles alDlost al~ays result, P" t ' t' f ' A d·t 'Oornellos, N. C" bruised his leg bad. from a derangement of the kidneys and OStmas er, s amps or u I ,or, 1 At S t t d 1 '· M ~ter ~ea1th in that organ is obtain.ed 15; Austin Thaokau, bridge repairs, s!lves a~deOin~~e~ttpr~o;:d wo:tnh~ by·. pr~ treatment of the Iud· h • 13 10; Sa m less . . Then' BuokleD 's ~rDioa 8alve ' quickest Deya. S:wamp-Root corrects inabitit to CIearoree k t own.sIp, " hOldurine~nd_ 6CaldingJ)aininpnll8iniit, D, Henkle, . fees and expenses a8 healed it · tho~ouKJ,11y: . Nothing . . and oyercomell tbat unpleasant necessity surveyor for December 1909 ,,115.45' 80 prompt and sure for Uloers, Boils, of bebJg compelled to go o!~en thro~gh D ' . L P " . BrlijRes" Cu~, Corns. Sores, Pimples, . the day, and t~ get up many times dunng aa.rry , _lme.r.. :refunder of taxes Eoz ~l1la or Piles . . 2 50 at.. Fred ' () '.~heuigbt. The miid and immed_i~te effect on, '100 . oha~ls, listed by error in Soh wurtz.'. . . . . Of, Sw.m~~oot, the great kidn~y .reniedy Mason 'OorpOration for December ' '!' - ~ _ ~ soon realized. It-stands the Jiigheit be-. -. WHAT'S' IN' A NAMc~ , caule of it's rCJDarkable health restoring 190~., ,'1 , 49 j B . .M ;·' ~~erwood ' refund. ' , , '" -." Inoperti,ea. . M:~ial. lril1 co~vinc;e anyone. er of taxes on '$150 ohattels·listed bi " _ . ,.. , , S1fPJP-R~ IS p!.~~ to take an4 -is error iil LebllDon COl!por~tton for ;.P'qu.a i~ ~n.?w~·)Vl:Jerever. ~he oity \ ~ld ,by ~ dtuggtlitS )n firty-cent .and . ,. , . ,·s k~o-n -s tb . "a a..... Ol·t " ,." oaHQ~ me bOtt1~... You may h~ve a D~m~er. 1'.0~; .2:4,0 ;' J, J: ' War. ... .'"! , I l . e . _ or g. ' y: '. ialqpte l)ottle and .a bOc?k ·t~at tells all bingtoil was a'ppointedoto fill vacan. BOrd,e, whfit,why? The orl,1Ii ~~~lec~t free - .b~'ha .mallt·, 0", on the &)dier8 Bnrlal r·'o-m m · it"te e' of the na~e i. lost in t~e ~istB of &n"~ . er ~ o.~ .BIDI:> m on, N. V. " ·0 . v "'t t T fl de t..;h it ~~ ~ tbig:m~btio!l reac'I.iDg-thia, geu • .o( Union tqwn8hip. " _ ~ s ory~ 0 Q,. ,?U .. Y &pO. 80 I ..... lofer in thil paiJe:r. Don~t make .. . • .. .. . , oall~ a .too ...lll~wspaper" ' offe~1 / . uJ ~e. but remember the Dame . One can very ofte~ c"'t down his a ,prize to tbe ·olde•• "lident wh" S......,..C!Ot, and doa't tet a -dealer setl . . ~ , l!* ......hl.hip1aceofSwalllP':&oot-lupens88 b)Ultatttng outh1' ex~rava·IOIln te1~ the true 8t017 wi&h the ..Ilp~n-~bo~ · l&Does. . ' wh,"8nd wberefor... '


. . - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - -







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Woman's Home Companion

The Mlami Gazette


Both for $1.75

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. Twelve Big Numbers .










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MI ·~ i'1·(

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)IlJI.II1 ..·. i·' i t,hH fundtl!nant.ul r rJn- I~ You're , Waldl1~J Call -"11; Earl) olpl \l., "I IIHUli"r.I·... . . .. •.. IV ' " ~ Iy .Ll ~\. \'.~'.h)" '· 11.·, " 1\ , On tll~ rl)lI 1)1' 'h. lIor. .n i 1)1' mn ~ ... .. [I' YOIJ·1'1'\··' \\·,. 1( " , t ' II i..., II""~' ! ' ,I -----nUi AIlI ~nct "Duo~l lItl c'>~ ion~1 Ol" ·urlv ·Snd gr.t. ,1 tr, ' 1 I " '=" 1 111') I!:'t' .. LI \.) ,·nr'V 1/ \1111111 110: " t, W ; n'h)Ilj( - n rt , l'her~ ' .. j ' ID. t." " "'. ·, .. rJ " ff'" t , E I.h \l V, (1,1,11 1'1 '10\1(1 ".~ rlllu l rnr~\" "I; ' . 1,1 I' I ,'I. 1\1" .1';" '1'1-:1.". 1'11 0 I': 1 AI,!- Nil. I , ~ J fir"l ' If nIl r, IJI~ It l " " 1'00101 11 0"'" I 11''',,'" .I't n'; ' ' ~ I' ' If ----~-- : ftl -l'ir"''' ' lthrl nc' mpllti.)n~ · I lu I'~ 1 lill 11 'I, " .,It ' " 111/":11 , II I I' :' L RAN!!:, Ed it.or and · Manal{er ; . '1'11., 1;,.1 1 I. Ih,' N oi l.ml1 ' I" fnr IIll IlMt ., 11' "j""

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To fa~1 htate

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t,l1 l\lethod orha ud· I

li~g 'rnrt\l ut[lil ~od ave thecarri rS 1 'T he ag d father and r lother un aonutLIl082 of hard.earned - mon of a pr :11i h t _ , O~j \r)' 1 fOy, an order has boen :\I:lfmed I rom tbe Itffic - 0 m, F01ll'th- A ~Istl~ n t safely C3.r ncci Lr Postmllster General at W Il£jhington, two wintel"s by m ak iD ~ it lUlD eOe saq· for theD1 to handlA lootle OOillS plaoed in tllliil ' \ '.. boxes fol' pos tllga ',' PO!'tlU /\ t. r Wit.h oH, in Elpol\ kin~ Th e S ()!' ~, - • • , If of t he matter, sn!(l tlln t the prt\otloe d l ' (·t · !" "'(,1 ~ t h" d III t'I1 u uutled 1J pat r ou on th strength ana go d to ,U II " ' ·U UI ..-t:j Ull ~ or U ltYI.UfI. i 'Utl Vinol. During the la!,t two carriers were required to colleot trying winter neither of them had a cold, ani) were from almost ev~r:v box mail matter able to walk farther and do more than for years. uosttlwped, but oontuining ooioS. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful. It certainly is In mnny C(lSeR durinr( the winter months the IllSI'! of rural oarrier::! the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic lor old hRs amounted to oon iderll ble fl Um!!. people I ever heard of." rhe praotise has al so delayed the We wanl every leeble old person In this loW. 10 try delivery in many instances. VlnoL We will return their mODey without q~esU-O U .. . The following is Bn extraot of the does Dol accompUsh au we claim lor II. ·)r\1er reoelved from Fout'th A8SistJ. E. JANNEY, Druggist, Waynesville. ant Poatmaster General' P. V. OeUraw: "In view of the extent to whioh tbe praotice of plaolng loose 00ln8 A SMART CROW WALTER MCOLURE, In boxes by rural p8 tron! has grown and the delllY in the delivery and Mr. L. I!'. Crenmor, of Osborn, has oolleotion of mail and the hardship n orow wbioh arises with the first Funeral Direr.tor. imposed on the rural oarriers iooi- gru.y st~eak of dn.wn, unmindful of dent tbereto, you are informed that, the wea tb er, and usually perching O'lmmenoing February 15th, proxi. himsel f at a safe distanoe h e mooks . Telephone' day 01 night. rna, rural oarriers will BOt. be re- every sound that reaobes bis iDvlai. 1 Valley phone No. f. lAng quired to oolleot loose ooins from ble ears uutil the hens arOllod the Distance No, 69-'''. rur/ll mail boxes. CruBlller home llre in I\n uproar OHIO• "P.~trona tlhonld enolose ooins in when he will adit t ,) their fury mook· WAYNESVILLE, • an eo lIelope, wrap them seo\1rely in iog them'l\s perfeotly liS if be be. Branch Office, Barve1!lburc. O. a pieoe of ptlper, or deposit them in 'Ionged to their trib6.-Xenia Re. a. coio ' holding receptHole, so they publioon . oan beeJ\sily And qulokly takAn from - - ----- .. - - WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. boxell, anti oarri rs will be reqllired 000 't 'be to TUn al! impr essed witb to lift suoh coios, and , where I\ccom whllt "~ver:vbodv says." ~ome­ punted by mllil for displltob, a ttMih t·iOle tbis "('veryl)ody" is nothing St. AUgUstine's Catholic Church. Fulher George Muvenboefer, PastilI' requisitelltamps -Du.yton .Jour- more t,hllU IIlDe t) t'ighborllOod gos- Mass-ever, sccood Sunday · of tbe month a' Sip. O: Ou a . m. . . nnl.



Rates of Advertisements

'l'brue II'KcrUOIIH •. •.• .• .. . . ... . .. rln· Inchell Cree ; over five

~ r.c

Inc he •. por lIue . .... . .. . ... .. . .. ..


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II I'll of UllIllk". . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . •

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Soolals et , where (Jllllrg ~ Id malle . . . .. . ;!;,c ~IHpIDV AdverlislulI , por Incb ... ....... . III., Di scoun t s given on contract.

- - --.- ...- - A WINNING WAY



A MiRllouri eX:.lbange threatened The Laymen's meeting. the like laHt week to publisb the Dame of of whloh D~ytoD has never experi. young mlln seen wit·h his sweet- dnoed before came to a olose Thurs henrt's head on bie shoulller if he day night with one of the most Em. didn 't oome Iloross with a dollar on thusillstio and ' largely . attended THE. CALL OF THE NATION 8uh(O.oriptlon. '!'wentY-ileven young meetinl{s of the oonference. It WIlS fellows slipped In aud paid a doJlln indeed ., great oonferenoe flnd marks The call of the nat·iOD is aR'rioulThe editnr has letters from two ~he Laymen's Move.:nent IL8 ODe that ture. . or t.hree oth6rsllaving tlley will hand wlU make for muoh good t.hroughout Pl.lpulBt!on Inoreasing. AverugA hi m n. d 0 II II r tb e fi rs t· ti me tb ey are the oountry, The ol08e ,.. of 'be meetorop yield deoreililing. in town -Ex ing in DIIoyton, it is needlees to say, Tbe gill', gaudy, gilded oity is the • - • is Dot n. disoontinul\noe. bot only oandle whioh lures tbe human moth WHERE THE COAL GOES the beginning of 0. great work in t.hiil into ltl! belly. and by this sign the distriot. "produoiug I~rmy" is depleted while Who Ueles most of thtl ooal? ·First The majority of tile 1,900 delethe "oon.u'r:t:lin~ lirmy" til multiplied and foremm.t of .4ny !lIngle industry glLteti representing vario!J,s religious Humanity i:4 manacled to the "brend the railroads oonsume from 90,000, denominations in forty-thrtieooun . Une'" by obains thut win not break. 000 to 100,000,000 toos B year, aDd ties of the s~te, took notes throngh . 'rhs "Mtafl of -I'ire" is-II. preserver tbese and steamships probably use ouUbe oonrse of the conferenoe !lnd of tbtl pencLI. nearly 30 per cent of tbe oountry's have firmly fixed In their minds Runl{r.v lDPD hl,ve but 1 ttl.e re- output, whioh is 08 muoh or more the iOOtls ex U'esgE'd by tbe leuders in I!IPE'ot for Iltw . thaD is 'nsed for all dome~tio and tbis mighty movement . Over 500 At winter'tI t1.1r1~sbold the pdoe of hetttin~ purpolINL 'l'his lea ves ap. ohurches iIi. the distriot wlll take IIp mBIL' and 'breltd I1soends, while the proximately one balf ot tb~ totlll the wark In their missioDarv de -..:::...wBgtla of him or her who toils by pro(l:!ction-prlnoipallv bituminous partmeute with renewt>d activity and St. Mary's EpiSCopal Church. Do not keep the bnby'!lnd ot,her Cnt Up the old. worn bedspread Etay or honr, remain8 the. slime. -to be accounted fo; by tbe indus· t'noreosed vigor. fne follow-up Rev. ;T. F. Cadwallader, Rector. into bath towels . Hem 6S u s ua,). chlldre 01 io 0. room where any oua is unday chool. 0 :80 u. m MornIng fier' 'l'he tl1emtlt.c turn. "Baoltto the tries ~f tbecoootry work III the mostimportllut featUre Make bibs or WashrR~s of tbe small- smoki·ug . 'l'he fumes of tobaooo a re vice, IU :30 :l. m. nol, Oommunlon 'be IlraL ooan~ry" .IIJUS~ be the slollan. elSE! COlll'Uld mllDufaot.uriDgareterme of thsL!lymen's Movement and in Suuduy 01' each mOD~b, er pieoel . Attl\ob a piece of tape to blld for t he eyes, nnd injurions when the nation will uot feed itself whioh are ip genera) p'faotloe olosely tbislt is hoped to get aoUon and hang them up by. breathed. Methodist Episcopal Churda. Many wbo tbruol!( tbe 8~r~t and reluted. but ·thtly· are ooo!lttlntly results Crom the big d·emonl4trat.i on 11. w. Dlllley, PlIBtor. nllrr;>w 1l1lOY IUti!!t 11way to thl' ohAnging tboir adjust.ment, wbioh Exeoutive ~tloretl)ry Frank W, Hllr- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____1111!_""'!!_'!""!'_~.~_~~~-~-'!"~~~~-- J undny~ev, SCllool, 0 :110 B, m . Morning servfce, 10 :80 B. m. Epworth League, 7 :00 pfielde . afff'ot and are io turD aifeoted by old, to whom IL great deal of oredlt m. Evening service, 7:00 p. In. MIdweek 80me wbo wO/'k b n.e ath tbe roof *rIlDsport:8$ioo, For , New IS due for the 8uocess of ~be oonf!'r Pr lyer Meeting. 7 p. m. 1 must go out "od till I b~oeath ~k~ Y(lrk 18 tht' grelltest: mft.nur'lloturign SDoe, wl\1 remain in DAytJn no t.11 Christian Church. ~ome rnu,.t ~o bllck /lDd h ulp t,n Stilts, yet 8hll po SAI"1I68 no ooal the worle is fiuished nnd the ml)v , Rev. M, E. Dn.w80n. Pastor. II plow"ud turro tlltl tlllrth, wiDes. Ou t he ot.bRr .ba.nd, West ment. pl>lo" d on " working ba8is. Sunday School 9: aoa. m. J?OcIalllIeetlnl, JO:30 11. m. (Jillistlan Endeavor. 6:tI() p . m. UnA of the most importllnt features Bnpply 'ill not keeping paoe wHh Virfshlia t tbe thad Il\r~8st 00111 Uegnll1l' church 6Ilr\'ice,1 Second Sunda,. eada month at lo:aq •• m. and 7!OO p . m, demand 'l'be f"rmer ill ,,,mog to p.rodnoer, but she has oompa·rllt.ive. nf the o'mferenC+l .was the .sqpply t,wo tllrnllif'!4 in t)le olt~ Iy no maoufaotur!!H '{It.-e Hme will for woillen held at ~':morial AIIll Hkksite Frieni:ls Church. --'w Ie he k ~~p!4 bl!! own l>"sldelO. '. dO!1bH8!lB COme WbAD WAitt Virginia, Thu1'8dHY IlfternooD. WomeD obnroh 1, irst Day M ce lln~. 1U:00 II. m. FIrat Da, 01.001 . II ;0(1 a. m. Fourlb DilY Mee'Jn, 'l'be titrm t' r ~H ll" ~ verythl~g hI' with her VR8t 'oMI rCS(l\lroefl, will workerI' from all over ttle I5tate were 10 :00 a. m , grows tt" prlo.." lJ'eyuu\i his drdtlwij. atop shipping a WA'y all of her fnel. In 8tte~<i~noe, aDd the I!pliOlou~ seil' . Orthodox Friends Church. .,.- . but lIUII ~be ory ~"6~ ' up (or more lar~.ely ., to .New ., Ynrk . and New ing oaP" OI~" uf the bldl was t.(lx .. 11 Rev: Benjamin Hawkins. Pa8tor, No nIU!"" ' w .. " ('ver ovt\rthro NO Eo~l"nd, !lnd, bI'OO'llA '" /il'reat maDU- to overft l)win~ -Xenlli. Gllz"tte _ abbB~b U!looJ, ' 1J : 80 a. m. ReRular oburob by ita farmerfl. . faot-urlot; StA~. Jc ii ~"ly (Ieoeltoa· - - - --service. 10 .. " II. w . Cl1rlllUan EDdeavor, .. :ao I'. re . I In the olt ell h,InU thl' red light,. ry to oODllult· tb" P! 81IHh,,, of 101I1la· ~csJdent HelpS Orphans. '..aud tiaDK!'!' IIh(nl.1M II< t:bi.!' republio faotorlng of IlD.Y· '\'agion to arrive at Bundred" of orpbanil billie bOBo a bAr ulltl l l "!" httve fooud tbat "ololle Itppr,.xlination of Ittl relative help~' by tbe President of 'he Instoppod In lIOmlnutes . sure with Dr. Shoop's high prioes and uD~a.tia6ed 8tomaohll doal oonsomption . "nme Ojfures d ust~it, 1 and Orpb!l.D'S Homfi at Ma . Croull Remedy. One test will sweb prove. were token~ of d ..ollne and ' deo"y I'rep~red trom tbe 1"905 IlDt:hraoUe oon, ~a., who .writ.e ... : loW" hav~ No 1'omJiJlllfl no .disSince .1847, the year Rogers Bros. originated electro-silver The 'f"rmer mU!4t ~avH tbeofluDf,ry ~0"1 l!ut.ptlt-praotionlly. 1111 froOl nsed Eleotrio Bitters in t,hls irit'tit.u t.reu. A safe and pleasinasyftl&)-(\Oo. J)"OIqlIIw, th~ trade mark "1.19 ROGERS BROS." plating,silverwate bearing by"'rnwing' U\ ' " 'e' oor~ 01) ,,0 Itore P~ou8yl, v, It"ill. mioes-IVIII ollovey ttn tion for nine years . It has prov d ... Il moa~ exot-Ilent,medio'ne for "'\omhas b~ renowned for quality. wearability and beauty. ' of ground uett, vel,r tban he did thill. idea. of ' Where 'fb", nouMi'y's hllrd aob, Liver Kidney troubles , • Be mnllt prt'vent hili ' tertile field 000.1 rco.durfl It.8 fioul .. ooountlllj{. We regllrd it ooe of t;he b~J:\t f,.m from ' heoo'mID~ tL ', hll~ren' w~~te I.n · tb~t Yfl~r Ne~ York, New Jtlr,.ey, i~y medioin~8 on t'ar~h" ~t, tDvil{' AUCTIONEf;R ~U~'Ofl '" It Ol'''.it ' tlr. . fl"~ion of t.hfl aod t he PeDu~yl v~nl" ' ooo~umed In .~r~~~·~1~8v~t;!s~~~:))oie~~~ i~;~t-:~: w.o rld . Prosperity ",bIde .. wit h btlr rOl,lDd n~mber. 41,OOO,OOO'tont4 i New To streugt,ben and, build up pale, .tam~ 'o,n forks, spoons and fancy .erving pieces is a Ohio, Centerville, I!'r,.oo~ m"lnt.lio~ 4li,IJUIl rar.n) lJO~onl~ Eo.~~an~. 8,000,000 ton~ ; State!& wes~ thin, wellk ohildren ' or , rood 'wn ' guar~tee of. heavies~ plating, Perfect workmanship and with agriCilltnrll1 d~pllrtDler\t. .. ! with of the nhloRlv'~J, 7,00(1. 000 tOilS ; people it' has ~o' eqnttl B ~lIt for, assuring 10Da and satisfying service. Any 'l'he UlBn who CRO AeU your aud ~'fl all tJtllds whllrfl ilytl. ~onf.heru . St.. te~ 2 000.000 tooe .f emale ,. Ollmr)IIlID~ : Ouly 500 Ilt article of silverware marked • .lI9 R08£RS BROS:· may be g llf.deotl 80rses, Vows, 80gs, Farm, ...,,-, ~ , ". . . • , , Fred C Sohwllrtz'~ 'telec~ed .w ithout further investigation. tematlo, '~oien .tU10 O.u ltlva.t·ton nnd ..a~d ~ 1\':"Ida 2;000.OO? tons. Ooly • __ '- _ __ Farming Uteosils, House · . Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for cataloeue . oon88rV:llltoo ·lIf . Tbe IIOU it- tangM 40,OOO ..toDa (ere e.xpor~ed -FrOID Be wide ll\"V:ake hustle, tlnd Plake bold Goods, er anything in " C-L" .bowing all patterns. '. F~r 'hirty·six yel\rl:l ever.V 8Ohool ,'.our (;0111 ~upply Today," by Gny !tracks; but do oo~, on any pretext'j tbe selling line. . MI.IDE • • •iT••••• co., •• rl •••• c .... 1n Belgium hllt4 m~IDt.lliDf~d ,,~leut Elli ,·tt. Mitchell, in t.he AmerlollD make muddy .ones 011 yoor Wife's (llIter""Uo~ BUnr Co .. 8Q~r.) . one-four~h of Iln aore to iD-ltruot. Review ot Reviews for Jeb'ruary. I belt ollrpet. Call Him Up for Dates IrEBRUARY 2, 1810,



----- ...._--

Silver Plate tha.t Wears"






A . .A. McNeil,

DON'T ,P rinted': :.;


Don't Delay



Wizard 9fOz



' -_ _.....

L.FrankB· _

L _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _

fL'v pyrlgh t. by tho; l:I o11bS- 1I1 I' rrUI 0.) ( ·opy rish l. by),. Fmnk ULlum &. \Y . W. Denslow.) SYNOPSIS. J orolh y II\'cd In Ka nsas with Aunt Em (lnll n Ie Hen ry. A ye lon Ilrtf'd their horne tnlo th e all'. Dorothy ! n.ll l ng as leo p am ldllt the eX!:it ment. A crnsh Ilwak" nod ,her. The house had la nd ed In Ll ooulltry of m,u\'elous beauty. Groups oC Qu eI' II III 0 peoplo grt~ d her to th e Land or 1IlunehkhlS. Tt..,. houso had ktU 'd th eir t!nllm y th e wlClled witch at !i..1l8t. Dol''athy t'ook the '"tch's ellver Bho 8. Bho , ln rled for th o Emerald City to find thdo Wizard or O~, who, sho WlUl promise. tlnd a way to sond her bnck to lKansaB. DoroUlY released a sca re row. .-t vlng him lite. Ho wn. deslrouB o( acQ.ulring brains and sta, rled wllh her to th e wizard to got them. The sCllrecrow told hl8 hl8tory. Thoy mot B tin wood,man who lonlf. d for u. h OA rt. He a lso 'joined them. rhey came upon a ter rlblo lion. Tho lion confessed 110 had no cour~e. He declded to accompany th em to Ith Wlzu.rd ot Oz to get some. Tho scare'crow In pushing the rnCt beoam 1mlPuled uPr0n hili poh~ In the middle ot the lrh'!!r, rhe sca recrow was rescued by Il Il rlf'ndly s tork. They u. pOppy tleld, Which caus d Dorothy to ( n il Ul03Cp. The scarecrow and tin woodm..nn res 'ued her and her dog from the doauly tflow rs. The lion foil IlSltp and being too heavy to 11ft, waa left. On th sca rch for he rand ot y 1I0w brick whi ch led to the Emerald City they met a wild cn t (lnd field mlco. Th woodmlll' killed th e wild Cllt. The Que n mou8e 1>ecl\ me fri endly. aha sent thousands ot her mJ ce sub]ecu Ito draw til Iton (lway tram the popp)' Jlold. Dorothy awoke from I)er long !IIlecp. They started agfUn on tho EmerInld CJ ty road. Th y came to a fence, IDllJnted green. Thore fnrm ers or !ire n, houses oC gre n nnd People dress d iln gre n. It WIUI the Land ot 01. They 1IJlet tho guardIan or the g tea. He deMllrl bQd the power at tho Wizard at 01. T! put on groon speotacle8 as the brightIn es8 nnd glory at Emerald City blinded ~h em . The wt.ard II aided to I' celve one at the party aoh day: All w" re put In greeD rooms. Dorothy went to lhe throne 01'0 m, 1.0 II. chair sparkling willI emeral ds sh b held an enormous hoad wIthout , body. IOgll or arms. bigger thll.D the bigges t ~lllnt. "I am Oz the great and ,terrible.' 81\ 1\1 th e head.' 01 ,told her that when she killed lIle wlcke6 witch or tho Ell.!'It he would fiend hor homo. The Bcarecrow. admitted to the prelleri~O ot 0. beauIfl,ll lady. who said she was lhe wizard, W ill! bromls d brQlnB when tio killed the witch. The woodman beheld 0. terrlbl bast with a hca<l of a rhlnocoros nnel fNo oye8. The ,,' Izard llromliled hIm 1\ henrt If he would s lay the. witch. The lion saw a ball ot fire and a votce tram ' th o objoc t promised hIm courage If he 81ew the wit ch. The senrch co mmenced. The Witch 8 J1W the party when It entered ,her dQlJlt.\ln a nd caused a pack or wolvCl' to attllck IL Tho woodman killed the ~' olves. Bho sent crows whloh the 8care, crow scared nnd killed. B es were dispatched nexl. bllt the woodman received , th BUngs. F inally winged monkey's took tIlI,lm prisoner and con v yed them to the wHchery. Dorothy threlY water on th e wicked \\1t h, destroying 'hc r . Dorothy resc ued til lion, woodShe found a. lOan and scnrec ro~. charmed golden cup and started back to Oz. Sr'e b cq m lalit, She used the cup , to call th e wing d monk eys who t~" them to the Em rn\(l City. The c , armed, cup's story wall (olll. Dar, 0 y dlscov red 'th wlzart! to b 0. lIurnbug. He ' told hIs lite stor),. The wizard gllve Ute soarecrow bruins. th o wood\nan a hea rt und the lion tl courag OUld_ Til Wizard of Oz ot\lllru ted 1\ balloon to tnlte Dorolhy home. ThO aJr craft broke loose and tho wIzard was 001'1'1 d away without tho girl. Dorothy called th e wlng\ltl monkeys. but they wero powe l'l SS. She went to Gllllda. th e 19ooc,1 wit h , Or th e south, A 11 journeyed tow ard the ' Ltlnd of the ' South.

man Wtul sure it wnllstron~ and would answ r Ib Ir PUI·POS. The ' r crow wa ked DOI'otby nnd III Lion an d Toto, a nd told t b III thllt tb ladd" r wus readr· 'rile '1I r' I'OW 11mb 'd up lh' ladder firs t , but hE! was so a wkward tbn Dorcx,hy 111"111 to foil w rJos l b hind lind I(c II h i m from flll JlII ' . orr. \Vh n hI' gOl h is b ' ad o\"er til t \l ~f til wall tb{\ SCllr'rrow s l1l1l : '. "Oh . my ,! " " 00 on," ex I llhll~d Dorothy. o t he nrc row climb d illrth !)r lip and sat down on tllc top of th wnll , nnd DOI:othy put h r h ud OV()\' and I' ril'u : "all. my : " h llll <illn .

jus t


th e

Then Tolo camC' liP, lint.! ImlU ed illlpIy bc~an to harl(, ulit Dorothy mad him bE' still. Th Lion !'Iimued t h e Inddel' next, ai1(l lhe Tin Woodman earn las t; but uot h of IIH' nl rled " all, m y!" as soo n liS Ih Y loolil'd 0\'1' 1' l he wall. \Vh n I.hl'Y w"re 1111 !:l itting In It row ali the 1 top of til e wnll' I h 'y loolied down IIlld sa w 11 s lra ugo s ight. jJpfore i he m wus a J;reat stretch of ('all nil')' Illl"ln /!' 11 fl oor ns s mooth nnd s hining a nd whi tl' us th e bo ttom or a IIlg Illlltter. caller ed arou nd we re ma n y hou!';£'s mad e e ntire ly of china lind palllled in the brightest colors. Th se ho uses wc re quite small, the hfggest of th III I' Rch lng on i)' as hlgb as Dorothy'l> waist. The re w re also pretty IItt! > barnt!, wilh china t ncos around the m. and many cows and s he ep nnd horses and pigs and chickons, all ma de o C cblna, we re standing about In gro uns. Dut Ole s trangC'st of nJI we re the people who live d In thi s qu e r country. Thcre wcr mllk·malds and shepherdesses. with urlgbt-colore d bodices and golden s pots all ovcr their gowns; and IJrlnc 5\S s with mos t gorgeous trocks ot s ll v I' anll gold and purple; and s hep h .. ds dressed In kneebreech es wi t h pink and ye llow a ud blue strip s down Ihe m, and golden



Managed to Scramble to the Top,

buckles on tbelr sboes; and princes with jeweled crOWDs upon their heads, wearing ermine robes and salin double ts; and funny clowns In rumed gowns, with round red spots .upon lhelr cl1eek!l and . tall pOinted caps. And, strangest of all, these people were made or china, even to tbelr clothes, and were so smnll that tbe tallest of them was no hl~ber tban Dorothy's knee. No one did so much as look at the trBvolet·s at first, e xcept one UtUe purple china dog with an extra-large head, who came to the' wall and barked at them tn a tin y voice, afterwards running away again. "How shall we get down?" asked Dorothy. They tound the ladder so heavy tbey could not pull It up,. so the Scarecrow fell off th , wall and the others jumped down upon blm so that tbe hard fioor 1heDai~~ would not hlll' t their feet. or cOUrB'e they tool, pnlns not to light on bls head and get the pins In their (eet. -While the When all we r e safely down they W 'o odman was ' picked up the Scarecrow, whose body maldog a. ladder was Quite flattened out" and patted his from wood which he tound in t.ho for- straw Into shape again . est ' Dorothy lay down and slept, tor "Wc must cross thIs stl'ange place 'she was tired by the long wn1k. The In order to get to the other side," said Lion alao curled himself lip to sle el) Dorothy; " ror It woul(l be unwise for and Toto lay beside him. us to go any otb er wuy except due The Scarecrow' watcbed the Wood- SOuth." man while ho worked, and said to him: They began wa.lklng through the '!1 cannot tblnl, why OIls wall ItI country or the china people , nnd the b e r e, nor what It 15 made of." first thing they came to was a china "Rest your brains and do not worry mlll{maid mllliing a cblna cow. As about th e wall:' replied the Wood- they dre w nElar the cow suddenly gave a ' kick and I,icl(ed ove r the stool, the pall and e ven the milkmaid h erself, all failing on t h e china ground with a great clatter. Doroth y was !;hocked to see that tbe cow had hroken ber leg short ott, and that the pall was lying In several small pieces, while tho poor milkmaid had a nick in he r left e lbow. "There!" Cried the milkmaid. an, grill'; "see what yoU have done! Wy cow has broken her leg. and I must talte ber to the monder's shop and have It glued on again. What do you mean by coming here and frightening my cow?" "I'm very sorry," returned Dorothy; "please forgiVe us." But 'the Ilrt>tly milkmaid was much too vexed to make any ,auswer. Sbe plcl,cd uptbe leg sulkily and led her cqw 6 way, the PPOI' animal limping on three ·Iegll . . As 'she left them the m1lkmaid cast many ,reproacbful glances over. her shoulder at \~lie clum,sy, strangers, holding' het nicked elbow . close to· her side. .." Dorothy ' was _quite grieved 'at this , mishap.... , ,:'".. "We , mus~ be very cateful bere," ·sald ,the klnd-h~llI'ted Woodltlan, ' "or we Alay Jiurt '1.h~s,e pretty little, people . The Chh:lr ~Iown, so they W1ll never get over It." . man: "when we 'lIave cltm\) dover ·tt A little fur bher 'on DOl'othy met a .e' I\)1a1l know whitt' Is on' tb~ · other most beautirunY_ ~ dretBed young prln1 , alGe: eess, . who stO'pp~d ~hprt all s.he ' saw. After'a :ume tbe ladd r was flnl!bed. the stl'angers ~n4 atarted to nUl ,away. *~~ chunq, bu~ the :TIn WoodDorotby 'W~,ted' ~. see more oI-'- Uae


prfpccS8, 80 IIbe ran Ilner ber; btl' III hlu tl gi rl rl ed out : "on'l ('bu . 1U! don't chall .m !~ S h e hlld s lIoh 1\ frlglit UE'1l !Ittle ,·oler. l hn O(.\l'l)tb~' sto'l)ped Ilnd said : ." h\' not .. " (' ~us ,'. lltis w ~ "ed Ule 11l'lhc ss, al n sIOll]) 'd g, a Imf (1lstlUl I\way, " It J rUIl I m ay (1111 down Ilnl! br ak DIY !!

' It."

" nut

('ou:dn 'l YOU bo meud d 1" asl( d th g irl. "alt . yrs; but Oil III fl V r so p tty net.. u lu g me nded, you Imow," I'CrlJf d UIC princes s , ',j suppose no l," said DOl'othy. "Now t hor Is MI'. Jol( r, one of our clowns." conti nu e d tn china lady . "w ho Is nl ways try ln~ to stand UpOIl hill b ead, H has brok,e n himself s o ofte n that be Is m nded In a huudre d plue s. nnd d oes n 't look at all prelly. Hero h c omes now, 80 you can 'see for yourself." Indeed, a jolly IItlle clo",n now ca m e wnlldng toward them, nnd Doratby could see that In spite of his pretty c loth e!.! of I' d and yellow and gree n he was complelely covered with cracllS running very which way and show. Ing plainly that he had been m e nde d In maul' places. The clown put his hands In his pock. ets, and, after puffing out his cheeks nnd nodding his h ead at them saucily b sa id :



F "VE R' 0 0 .,,,1. b , 01, hn lf UM I': 0 " tlS h I'l< pr II< hlK 1ll'lghbor to b e. whn t a heRve n lh ls world would become."


"tn o \· e r~·thlllg you do. ai m to ex.:"': For wh nt Is wOl'lh (lolng. Is wOl'th .Iolng well."


After the Hunt, Provided, with s ome tropbles of the chase in lb' sbal)e at rabblt.s, Rev. Sunford C. lienrn, pastor of the },'Jr8t Me thodist Epilicopal ohurch, ~onkerll, IJroceeded to dress t.hem for dinner In th ' JlarBOnas- ' ceJlar. .HIs smllll son watched tb e fath 1"5 work with lnlel'cst. Going ups tairs , th youngster 1'1111 d his mothe r. "Oh, mamma ," said he. "what do yOIl SUJlPOS papil Is doing ?" "r cun't gUOSS, child. What Is he doing'?" , "Well, be'S just skinning, shnl'lng lIod c-utilng up cnts,"

Vanishes , F"....A I. Prompt ReUef··Permueat CARTER'S UTnE UVER PIlJ.S_ fail. PurcI,.q..


.bJe-.d .urel, bill OIl 'the liver. Slop after cure pioo- imp"''''

aho eya,

1M cOlDplClllioo- Pill. s-tl 00.., s..u

GENUINE muat bear aianature : George RefraIned. "Oeorge d!,! lar II he would kl as the Some Sunday NIght Supper DIshes. first woman thllt pass d under th Arter a hea vy, late dlnn I' on Sun- mls tl toe, a lld she was tll O colored da.y, one does not care fOI' nnythlng cook." -DRBUIlJ(If.4RTSWMIJI!IIFIII, PFIEIf " Old George ki llS h r? " but a light BUppel' as a rul e. Milk " l\:l s8 h I'! 1 guess IIOt. Nobody tORSt mak 8 a nice SlllJper di sh, with t ea, cake and preserves a s ufficiently <lares to tuke any . Uberties wllh the coolt." sa tisfying 1lI al may be made. For those who like a mor substa n · Did vou ever havo a good, old·faah· tlal supper th e rarebits are tIliJI favor- inned h Oy'R stomflch Bche ? O~ COU':8C Ites. The tomnto rarebit Is a little 1'011 h,,\'. A little dose of Hamllns 'V,:G"I'd it w-iIJ llllRse awtl)' II. colicky pain out of the ordinary, and ve ry nice. in the stomach like mallic. Put two tabl espoonfuls of butter In Le t liS hav falt.h tbat right makes If 10U .re a IlLluce pUD . When melted add two ta"Ith..tny or tbe (01\0,,101( bles poonfuls of flour. Pour on gradu- might, and In tbal faith let us dare to symptom.: Ilde~ blck, uoder .boulder •• lick ao ur .• 0 .Iomach, beadache, bl"d ally, three,fourths of a cup of thin do our duty as \\'0 und erstand it. conatlpallon, cat.lTb, lh,erand kidney <\laun, rbeumatism, nee ral.rll, palpitation or beart. cren m, and :1.8 soon as the mixture Ie bad blood, Ite to to YOll. d.u&, . tore an!1llet a DAVIS' rAI'NKILI,ER thl kened add three-fourths of a cup ho a no ubslIluto. No olllor r~mnd, 18 10 ~IrL'OlIye 30 days Iteatlll'"t of Dr. Burkhart', Vegetallle 5"l or rIWUIllIu.hnn. )umbaao ...unoega, neuf'a_ 1tr1a. or My Indy raIl', of tomatoes , strained nnd mixed with .,0ICl or CUlT fiO rI. l'u\ Ul' In 260, Me aoCl 600 balUe ... DOund and be cured. Wh y do you stare on e-eighth of a teaspoon of soda. Add Al poor old Mr. Jol(er1 jJ:nthuslas m Is the poultice men ap' PATEIY ~!!Rr.I~~ ':-~':71i~';).k~~ two cggs, s lightly beaten, two cupfu ls You'ro quito M stilt JlloliloralClIk 00 .. Pat..\tl.~:r fC. W ..JI:~D.D.o. And prim as It of fln Iy cut h eesc, salt, mustard and ply or their Bcara. Vou'd eaten up " pokort cayenn e to taste. S rve on graham "Be quie t, sir!" said the princess; toast. "can't you see th es are strangers, A tomato cr e am soup Is always a and s bould be treated with respect?" good di s h to ser\' for supper. An ""'ell, that's res pect. I expect," de- oys ter s t ew goes without saying, for ' clare d tho clown, and Immediately almos t any occ asion. stood upon his head. Sandwiches ot mnny kinds, appro"Don't mind Mr. Joker," Baid the priate, may b served with a oream prince ss to Dorothy; "he Is consider- eoup. ably era ked In his bead, and that makes him too\lsh," Winter DeIBert., "Ob. I don't mind him a bit:' 8ald In winter tt Is easie r to digest heav, Dorothy. "But you are so beaullful," ler toods and the complex desserts !:lhe contlnued, "that I am sure 1 could Hnd favor. Rich puddings with sauces love you d early. Won't you let me car- are never e asy ot digestion, but In 'r)' you uacle to Kansas and stand you winter th e y are the least harmful, as on Aunt Ern's mantel-sbelf? I could we need more hearty foods to supply carry you In my basket!' h eat to the body. As eggs are always "Tha't would make me very unhap- an Itt>m to be reckoned with during py," answered the ohlna princess. the cold months recipes wblch c~lI for "You s ee, here In our own country we few or non e are In d emand. A very live contfilutedly, and can ' talk end ruce pudding thnt bas not even one move around as we plelUle. Dut egg Is the whenever any of us are taken away our joints at once stiffen, and we can Oyster Rarebit, only stand stralgh't and look pretty. Clean, parboil and drain one cupful Of course that 1$ al1 that is exper:tad of oysters. reserving the Uquor. Melt or ' us when we are on mantel-shelves two tablespoonfuls o'f butter, add half When shown {>ositive and reliable proof that a ,c ertain and cabinets and drawIng-room tables, a pound of soft, mild cheese, cut In I remedy had cu;ect numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't b\!t our lives are much nleasanter here amaH pie ces, one-fourth of a teaspoonIn our own country," any sensi!;>le woman conclude that the same remedy would "I would not make you unhappy for ful of salt, a few grains ot cayenne and two ggs, s lighOy beaten. As also benefit her if sufferin~ with the same trouble 1 all the world!" exclaimed Dorothy; soon as the mlx.ture Is smooth, add Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia "so I'll just say good-by." the oysters with the tough muscle dis"Good·by," r~ plled the princess. E., Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. carded. The y walke d caretulJy through tho IJ'itch\'Ule, Ohlo.-" My dAughter was aD rtm china country. The little animals and down, auttered tMm pains tn her side. head and al1 tbe people scampered out ot their limbe, and could walk but a .hort distance at a way, fearing tbe strangers would tlme. She eame very Dear haVing ne",ous brenk them, anci after an hour or 110 ~'J::!t-l~W]'DIlt had beJgun 't o coug"-"a good cleal, the tra ve ~ rs tl.hed melancholy by "I!Ipell8. Sho trled of the country and came to another TUDY Bhnp\lelty In the numbor doctors bu.t got lIttle help. SPIce taking china wall. at tho dishes nnd variety In tho chal'llcter at tho Lydia B. Plukham' ,. Vegetable <Jofupound, It was not as hIgh as the first, bownloals." Blood PurHler and Liver Pills she has imever, and by standing upon the Lion's proved 80 much that sh.e feels and looks Iqte bacl, they all managed to scrlUIlble to wrong anO , you '''Vhen an)'lhlng go laDlotJler glrL"-Mrs. C. Cole, Fltehvllle, Ohio. the top. Then the Lion gatbered his can't help It-sing." Irasburg,' Vormont.-"I feel it my duty to· legs und er him and jumped on the Popovers, sa3'l " fow words In praise of your medicine. When I began wall; but just 'as he jumped he upset Measure one cupful ot flour; add a tf\.king It I had been very sick with lddney and bladder Voua , china cburch with bls tall and balf teaspoonful of salt and one cup , bles and nervous prostration. I am DOW taking the sixth botsmashed it all to pieces. of milk, gradually. Add an egg yolk tle of Lydia E.Plnkham'lI Voge_blo (Jompound and find mySelf "That was too Dad," said Dorothy, well beaten. Beat two minutes, tl!.en greatly improved. My friends who call to see me bave DOtiCed "but really I think we were lucl", In cut and fold In the stlffiy beaten white a great cbangOo" -MrIt A. H. Sanborn. Irasburg, Vermont. not doing these little people more of the egg, TuI'll Into hissing, hot. harm than breaking a cow's leg ami a ,greased gem Irons. Bake 30 minutes We will pay a handsome reward to any 'p~rson who will churcb. They are all so brittle!" In a hot oven. pr-ove to us that these letters are not gen!lm~ ,and trUtHf,!l "They are, Indeea," saId the SC8re' crow, "and I am thankful I am ~a4e -or thflt either these women were paid .l D any 'Yay for of straw and cannot be easily damtheir testimonials, '01' that the letters published without be aged. There are WOnle things 1n the with their. permission, or that the origipal lett~r from ea,ch did world than be Ing b. BOarecrow:' anynot come to us entirely unso1ici~ed. ' " I 'l (TO BE CONTINUED,)

~~;;;< ----- --- --_.



- -------


. W!lat m~re proof ~n any: one :8$k?




HI. Definition of, Echo, .'

.' " Ob, 1 ,Jino~ what . "cho ,Is." l1e eselalmed jOyfully' " .~Jt'. tht 'lh&l:Iow, of .our volues.'" ' . , " ,. .. , ' , ·Wlae .It,llan- R"gulatl~n .... Italian women DiIlT not engage fa ,any ibdustrlal pUJ1lult w~rch 000.... plea th~lr time .~t nlcbt. ' ,iMales' t;mdl!l 16 feU. af !ale are a1ao IIarred f'h!*t

nlallt ,wC)rt.



POI' 80 ~ LJ:dIa E. PIDMaam.•• V~bte remedy for 'henelf " e wbo lUI. No slok WOma.Il ' d0e8 . j~ce to will'not tr1,:&hIa fam01ll med.lalne. Hade exc1UdvelY from l'OOtI and ....bI, and has thoJiMD.", of ~ to Ifa.cred1t. " ,, . Mrs. Pinkham lnvlteS all 8lek WOID_ to W1'lte ' her ' for , _viae. She has ' thODBaDda to health free of, c~. .. «::~und Jaaa been tbe '~

Some Proper Name. That at Lea.t Have the DI.tlngul.hlng Merit of Novelty. In the Zuyder Ze& there Is a bar caUed y, and Amsterdam has a river y, while. strange to aay, in quite another part of the earth, In Ohlna, the same brief, name Is gt'\'en to a town. Elsewilere In tbe flowery kingdom, In_J he province ot Honan, there Is a city caJled U, and tn France there Is a river and In Sweden a town rejoicIng In the name of A. Proper names of this brief nature are not, however, monopolized by places; Instances are on record where Individuals have heen IIlmllarly named. Some years ago there "'as a sbop kep\ on the Rue de Louvan, Brussels, by Theresa 0, at;ld there Is a Mtne. a in Paris, who Is well-known as the proprietor of a popular cate. ' An amusing Incident. 18 recounted In connection with the Impressment Into tbe mtlltary service ot the son ',o f one ot the members of thft a family. The young man could not write, and so signed his na'me on the ' mllltary pa, pers with a cross, 'ft not occurring to him or " to any ot tbe omolals how easily lie could' Ilave . '. written. bls ,nam,.



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,RE~INOt .,






I, RIMowoi...




·., ., ·•• ,.·• ,



used In tlma will cure nearly ev'e~form of akln' dl~e, It la a wondor worb,i . A recognized apeclflc ..for Itohlng and Inflamed plies,


· Reslnol OIDtment, R~slDol Toilet SO!IP, Medicated' "~ , ,. ·• are at ·• • •• •••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~baVID8 Stick


Reslnol Dru8 Stores. .


- - ' - - - - . . : . - - ....

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1 ~,

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WOULDN'T MA'KE ANY TROUB,LE Mra. Beta), Baxter a Type of Visitor Many of Us Have Been Called on to Entertain. "I.. a,

lIOW, ~lIlls

I oallUI . don't you,

Harvest.." Has Maintained Its Place as go to -a-mi eo' truuble on my nccount." said ,\1 rs. B (IlY Baxt er ~vh ell she arl .... "dlns Standard .".11 Over the rived IIn eXllect dly fur dinner at the United States.


home ot l\1 rs, Our 'us Doolittl. "You know tbat I'm a II raon for whom you ca n just Iny down an Ilxlrn plnte an' set before me nnythil)g YOII haplJ n to lIa ve III lh e hOlls. lf YOIl just fry Il chi ' ken sa me o ~ you would for YOllr own talk s. lin ' mnk up n pun o· your lEOa biscuit s thnt no on e 'an beat. im' open a glass 0' YULI r red ('urrulll j lIy , nn' hfl ve a dl llh u' your quin c pree rves. un' some 0' that pound cu l( yb ll 1ll0llt allu s havC'. llome Illpln' hot npp1 fritters, with hol map1 ' l» TIII' to go with 'E'IlJ. 1111' ~o m 0' yullr good corroll nil' lIny I'rg talJl es yo u ha 1!pen t o hfll' in 1 h(O hOllse. I lik e s wec t po· tntoes lh e wa y YOII bak "m mightily, hut. In. jll ~ t laal'!' anyl hing Ise YOIl hnpllt'n to hav e. I'm on that xp e c~s lin' Is 1I'11I1n' 10 ea t what's set bpfore me, (\1)' no qll Rli ons nslled nor faull found wh en J go vi sltln ', So 1I0n't you Pllt yoursplf our tl mit for me. It you hal" whot 1'1' mt:! ntioned nn' anything 'l!;e you want to lIa ve I'll be satlsll ed. I . ain 't on e that canis I' ery Illuch ubout what 1 eat. an yhow . As th e sayln' Is, 'allY old thing' will do for me."--Puck.

rl Man Relatea How Hla Father ned Third Degree During Bitter Contllct• . Mr. E. E. WillIams of KJrkwood. Mo., a suburb of St. Louis. who Is ons ot tbo trusted employes oC the Missouri PacIfic raJlroad, II passepger conduc· tor, stopped oJ! In Washington the other day. en roule from the east to Columbus, 0 ., where he was about to vlBlt n daugbter. \Vblle In the natIonal capilal Mr. Wllliama hobnobbed wIth a tew of bls friends ot the Maaonlc order, and to them be related one ot those remarkable stories of the civil war wblch d Illonstrnte how seriously Masonry was regarded In those dRYS and wblch furni shed n chapter calculated to awaken tbe Interest and enthualasm ot members of the fraternIty the country over. Tbls Is the Btory he told: "I ha'/e just been on a :vlait to my rather, I... J. Williams. whose home Is In Harvard, N. Y. My father served In the civil war as a member ot tbe One Hundred and lJ'orty·tourth New York volunteers. Jle Is a member · ot tbe DownsvUle 10dKe. No. 464. When the war broke out the entered apprentice and fellowcraft degrees had been conterred on blm In New York. He went out In de. lense of his country, without having 1!'~en r&.laed to the degree at Yaster Mason. It waa his misfortune to be ~ken a prisoner of war while at or ' Ileal' s.avannah. WhJ1e he Jay ill the southern prison be communIcated with lome or his friends In the INrth. His lodgo In New York, througb tbe prop· er omclals, got In touch with Zerubbabel lodge. In Savannah. and made the request that the Savannab lodge, '8.9 a favor to the brethren of the borth, confer the thlrd degree on the (ellowcraft brother. L. J: Wllliams. One nIght ' my fath r W!iS taken from hls prIson and conducted to the Savannah lodge, ·1'0000. It WRS -a remarkable 00callron., He wore his bedraggled blue uniform, token of Ills 'sympathy with the <;3use of the ' north. He was BUt'rounded by men who wore, the gray. AU the chaIrs were occupIed by confederate omcers. Ther were on OPPOIIlte sides In a 8truggle t the death. but t~ y were ,brethren. Theu and

Spray of E.rly Harvest Blackberry. For many y ars the Early Harvest blackberry haB maintained Its plaoe as the leading standard xtra early blackberry all over the United State's , and so fat· no rival has ever been able to displace It. It Is endoweu with sam qualities tbat wUl not be easy to surpass and which have talrly 'fall It its posl\lolI as .1l. really great market anll family berry, says Orange Judd Farmer. 1n productlven ss It Is unexcelled. It loads Itselt with fruit In an astonlsltlng way that must be seen to be bell vel1. It 18 no uncommon thing [or a pickel' to gath r a

gallon ot berries wIthout mqvhig trom hIs tracks. With all that It Is a vigoroUS grower, makes !Io- Iarge, well-sho.ped, bush ot Ideal tree form, Is ad8J)table to almost any Botl and cUmate, nnd Is n.lways ready to reward tbe grower with a heavy crop ot fruit that Is a}ways the first of Its kind on the market and, tberefore, brings blgh ,Prices. Its Bille and flavor depend much upon Ita general treahneht. WhElD closely pruned to prevent overbearIng and well fertlllzed, the ber· rl s are of good sIze, a shiny, aUrac' Uve black, juicy and well flavored,


lime and water. Atter adding the areenate ot lead tbe whole mixture should be thoroughly sUrred to ·mlx the llolRon with the wash. This wash Is 'put on with an ordInary paInt brush aad the trunk of the tree should be covered as high 8S the rabbits can reach. It sbould be renewed It there Is any Indication of Injury to the treell by rabbits. One-hAlt pound of paris green may be substituted fOl- the arsenate of lead. 'rhe trunks ot the trees are wrapped with paper, the paper beIng tied on with corn to hold It Ln plae/). Old n wspapers may be. used tor tbe above purpose, the care necessary being to see tbat the paper entlrely covers the trunk of ·the tree blgh enough to prevent the rabblta rell-chlng the exposed, portion above the paper. . , ,


M_y Frwt aud Shad-e Ornamenta A~. Loat AnnuaUy by Be.... Girdled by Little AnllDaJa.

A Good He.d for BUlin .... "I want a hat pin," sRld' little Mary' of tour years, as she gazed eagerly at the cuahlon full of sparkling orDaments on the mllliner's sbowcaae. "How much · Is It?" sbe· asked, atler maklug a very deUb rate choice and laying her \lUrcbase money, a brlgbt penoy. on the counter. "Ob, nothing," r turned the klnd-h enrted ,M rs. Drlgga, as Mary's mother was one ot ber regular customers. ImagIne hcr amuse· m Dt I\S tbr lIltle "bargain hunter" said most eagerly: "I'll take two, th en."-Dellneator. Following an IIluatrlous Example. "My dear," announcell Mr. Ad . Herewatl. " 1 pl"OpOIi to dOn/Ltc you $46, to \J applied to th e purchase of one of those n \I" , topsy·turvy, wIc ker-basket bllts."· She look d IIIl at him, very much o larm II at tbe lluddt:!11 outbr ak at I generosit y. "On ondilion YOU rnlse an equa l amount Dill of the t eu cents a weele Jlln nloney r gu larly ll'llow ed you, " fin· Isb.ed Mr, Her ' wad , magnaulmollsly .Judge.



If You Are a Trifle SensitIve "c'uple I;IJ"kClluIO h cure .. l'irpd, . wollen, AclJlng Iree t Gnd gtveIi rC3t ... ntl comfort. Just the thing for Abou~ the . Ixe of ;your IIbot'K, mUIl Y w eB r lIuH>ller 8hO~ d by u ~ ln..: AlleD' H ~' ou t· E,, ~e , the Anllse},',tic Powder tu I he Bbo~" .

br~u."lng In ne w ~ buea . Sold e,·crywht.'ru . ~. Slltnpl Rent FI1EE. Addrc~g, Ailen S. Olm,lted, Le !toy, N , Y.

A Question of Time, "How Illuch does It cost to get mar· rled ?, ask ' d lh(~ eag t· YOlltll . "That depends enUrely an how long YO\l liv e," replied the sad·looklug man.

Fight Against Plague Goes On. Although th SUfi" y of th l)a8t year's anti-tub r ulosis work shaW l! In Demand. thut mucb ha s been tlone, th reports "Thal's n very· popular man." from all parts of th e country Indicate "Yes, he'll listen to the details of that this year th e umOllnt of money to be expended, and the a ctual number your summer trip without InsIsting on of Ilall nts tliat will be Ir ated will be telling you about his own." more than double that of th e past ONE "DltOllIO 0 lNJNE." year. For Instance, special approprla· Thot Ol'o"1:Y 18 I.A X.A·I' t v III IlItU)\U OI1iNINIi. Look for .111""111 ' 0 or 1'). W. (lIIllVI!; l i l<.-<I Illu Wurld t10ns bav e been made In tll various th, u... rtuCuruaUo ld InOnoOn,. 25<:. municipalities for next y ur's nntl· tub rculosls work. tlggregat!ng $3,970. MORt ot 'a man's frlenlls ar of the 500. In allllition to these approprla· l ong.dj8tan~ ~a:!=ty._ _ _ tlons over $4,000,000 hus l!een set 1I1n. Wlnll1o,,·. Boothloll" ByrDI', aside by lbe diffe r. nt state leglsla· 'or r.l11hlren lect.btng. IHfltUI \he guml , rcdueel La· tur. s tor th e campaign against tuber- lI~mCl l llou, all~y. p.ID, curet! WIDcl collu. :I3o.00LUO. culosis this yenr. Besides th se sums, Men deserve res.pect only as they a large numb r of tb e present exist- give It. Ing Institutions and filiso clnUons are planning enlargements of til Ir work, and new organization s nrc bing formed dally .

An Ideal



RUBBER. STAMPS ~~~~ glt'~t~e~~

Bre no '''rUler ~m your home ,o r omee Clan the neare .. ~ JllJoneor~ .B.m .. 11 Jr. AlCenlll Il • ",',-,!ted .

~t. cBtu.loQ'.


W. N. U., CINCINNATI, N'9. 4-11110..

A Woman's DIplomacy. It. was tbe hlcago man's turn, and he told this all : ':Dlplomucy, YOII Imow. I a remar·k· , able agent 1'h otlJel' day a lally said

to ber busband : ,. 'Jllmes, I have decld d tp do without a ne w fall dr S5. and with the money It would cost } !lhall · hav . mother her for tl nlc long "Isit.' "James turn II on her excltftdly. 'What, wear thot old brown loth thing anotber season? I guess not!' h )(claimed, vehem ently. 'You go right down to your tallor's to·day and order something 'h andsome. It member. please. tbut as my wlCe you have a cer· taln position to maintain!' "The wife bowed her head In sub· mission. Ou her lips played a peculiar smlle.'·-J..lpplncolt'll Magnzlne.

The Kind You Havi Always BouSbl Bears the Signature of

Gave Hlm&elf Away. "Michael," familIarly Inquired the Many frUit and sho,de trees nre lost employer, thinking he had seen his annUally by beIng girded by rabblll!. employe carrying one of th e banners The sea Bon In whIch most' o! tbe damIn tl1e St. Patrick's parade of rh day age Is done Is during the winter prevIous, In which procession the months. Irishman Il·a d laId off work to march, With regard to remedies. there are "didn't I see yO\l cnrrylng somethIng seyeral advocated and ' UJese are usual· In the parade yesterday?" , Iy o,r two torms. The trunk ~r the ~ee , "Yls," 'admitted Michael, blushing ... perfeci Remedy ror~onslipa­ Is eIther painted. wl~h some ·solutlon scarlet. "but 01 bad no 8usplcl,on me lion , 50ur'Stomach,DlarrhOfa, Or wrapped with, some material., Many bottle luade me ·hlp p,o cket sh'tick out Adopting a Lamb. Worms ,Conwlsions.feveri5hp,atent ·prQtecto~1J .a re ou the , market, In case an ewe 10S6S her lamb slle so milch! "- J11ustrated SundllY Jaga· ness and Loss OF SLEEP. sUlOh as Wire .colis and thin sheeta of sbould be ,made to adopt ; a twin, and ' Jlne, wood. The wit coli' protector !iU~s ,this la often a dJmcult 1h(ng to do. One .;, foe" -r~ SImile S,gnatu~ 01 'ftI81I11 more catarrh In Ult. _ tton of tho toun"" over· tbe tree ·and 'can be lett 'o n the ot the best methods Is to strip the Ulan IU otll~r dllleAlel put tAlR~Lber. and unlil tbo lAA yeu aroUnd , and ulltn the tre,e · gets yea........ supJ)Ole(l \.0 be ID~ursblc. Fur .. Irt,,' tram "tIie" dead .lamb' wblle 'It Is i~ aw:v y.,.,. dOO\Ora pronouor,e<! I~ " local dIM...., and .too Iarie .tor "tb.c co~t .T hen It must yet warm and place it over the boily Pn>OCl' .1Ie<l, local remedl... and by ...... LAnUy ralllDl to Clue " lUI toeal treatment. pronouDced ' lt tnrurab~ ' be removed. ' When ·the sheets . ot Jhe lamb thilt Is to 'be adopted. ty· &lehOll \WI proveD Catarrb tAl bCl a oonstllUtkinal dllwood are used .they ·are put aD ine Ing It .on by wrapplng'.!' . light string _ . ' and Ult!'elore rc;qull'l!li .eonatltuUOOAI ueatmtot. llall·. Catarrh CUte. JJWlut•• tu"", .by F , J . Oheney ttee 111 'the tall and are removed In about it many times. ·Then It Uils )It- a: Co., Toledo. Olilo, It! the only Collftllutlonr.1 ""re OQ tbe IP~lng. A· strlp·;of tqe ', wood nt- tle orphan In ' another's clothing Is t.Ile market. It Is taken ID\UOAlIy In dOl!<l !tOm 10 dropa tAl "U~fUl. Jt-..c\JI ·dlffilUy 0.0 t.he .blOod flclentl1 ' l~rge to' extend· ~round the lurf.... 01 tho ")ltt.m. They orler one Illuced wltb the mother, nine Um~a ollt and rou·COIIa doll.... for any ....... It 1.liI to CON!. 8eII4 tree Is \Ised. ,It Ii tied on with ' some of ·ten she wlll adopt It without pro- hundred lUI" clrr,ulara /lD4 '\eIIIlmonta\a. . kind cord. care : belng tal,len to Ue, test. As soon as the lamb ,bas suckled Atl4rTM! F. J. CI1ENE¥ a: 00., Toledo, 0Il10. Sol4 by Dl'IIlIlIlIU. 7&0. it firmly io it wUl stay. There are two or three times the skin may be reTaU Hall" ~y, ~1I11 ~.~paUoll. many otber ' meUioda ot protecting moved and no fur~her dlmCU)tY w.~ll be He Wa& an Old Hand. tree(t than the , above, two of w,hleh ,exp_ e rlenced. . "Do not anger me!" she said, are here descrlbe~: Thele are a's fol· stemly. Breed. of Hogi. , ,lows: , " How am I to know when you are Paint the trunks <!f. the trees' wlt,h There are many J>reeds of hogs and lime ' wRsh macl.e rather thick, ' to -~ll have their partisans; but U[)Y bog angry?" he asked. "I always stamp my feet," she an· wbl<;h h4S been added about (lOe-balr \18 a good. hog ,that wllL.keep on growpouud ot ars!!nate ,'of lead,.· to ' each· ', Ing Into· mone~ eVtlry day. However, ·swered. "Impossible" he sold. "There Isn't palleul .c fwaab. Tbs lIme ·,wash lIS .no ' J>·l'eed wlll ,do ·this without Int~U~· room for a st.amp on Ither of them!" .malie In the usual manner by mlxlns gent care. 1'11at retched her,-:--Llpplncott's'. i-~ .. ." A New Dreaa for 10 Cent., the cost of a package of Dyola Dyes. A cow and an acre of alfalfa will earn '120 a year in the San Joaquin Valley. You don't hilve to kno~ whethe.r it Is Grapea will, yield from 1100 to 1300 per acre;. peaches. and apricots; 'I50 to 'soo; ~ 1: _, ," '" '7' _. ~. . . cotton, :wOOl, sllk '· or· mixed goods. while oranges WIll produco from '250 to 1500, aDd In many JIIstancea more tban'looo Dy01a gives the same fast brillIant an aore. There are teo milljoo arable and irrigable acres here. Y.ou &till may buy colors on ,all goOds. ·Comes In ~6 col- unimproved land for $so an licre. . ors. · At your deal~r 's or If not In Teo aores are enough to comfortably support a smaU family. T~eDty acree a1Iord stock ·we will Bend' you any color for a fine livil1g, with money in thc! bank. Forty acres should make you rich. . ," 10 cents with direction book and color You pay from one-tourth to onoCarson lleed. Reedley, Cal., trom III card" Dyola, Burlinlton, Vt. . Ullrd down, balanoe cllilll,.. e_ be paSeI tWllntY-IlCre crop ot . Sultana rlltaln. .~ --:...:. -10.. out or tbe :C!J'O." netted sa,200. , .. Pa;. 'Sleepy Day• Almost anything. can be raised In the l-kDOW tbls ".Ue,.. trom end to end. • ,-!":- ';..'___..l> ..:.~.. , -.:";'~"'. _,:,,1 $an Joaquin ,. connlry-orangea and I have 'seen croJls plilnted and harvilst. ' "Pa., what do you.go ~p oburch for?" wllent. !lgs. nnd apple., <lellcate_sraplls cd In everyone 'ot Ill! countlell. , I hall'. . ..Why:......ei'-;-;to Ust('!n · to the ser~on, and haTdy potataes. . Protlucte ot·. tho Intervttlw,ed farmers, ranchers and mer·temperate and .8eml-troplo ,1I0nCII ftour- chanta. I hal'e .collated the te.tlmon), J·Of', course." . ' . '; .. , .. . , lab· alll8' by Bide. I· , ' of expert8. . . ;'That's ·. wbati 'go fo~, · bilt ',1 ·c·an't J'lciDc,.. ' Iljable Information la con-" hear',lt ' . Y~lU l;!reilthe 80 heaVY,'; 'the Ban Joaquin. Valley land 'a.. by the Santa Fe Railway: . glv.lng ,f ull name lind ad· . . Ollila aen4 you onr Imml.urll~l, The .Earth, "I~ ~ontll" . (BY J. E. MUNDELl... )







For Ovar Thirty Years



$125,000 net from 1200 acres grapeS. $15,000 from 22 acres peaches. $3,200 from 20 acres raisins, in the San Joaquin Valley, California



~ ---"---












•• ••

•• ••

"The" Neighborhood ,News

•• ••



~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :.. - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . '

--;8-I .:~~ ;::7:o~;:~:;;ri~0::::0:; ~oa; ;::'-,'1 will olfer a' publio st\le ILt my resi. broad t,read, Hay Lndd"rs, Ornvl


Mrs. L. fl . 8()1~liu anu daughter, St,ella, of Kings Mills IIpen t Slltu r· d~y and unday ~ it.h ' Mrs . Myers. Mrs. Will Kersey, who bal:! been at the bedside of ber dying father ba.s 'returlJ ed home. Grover Cleaver hll been vi iting hi. pllrents bere the pllllt week. 'fom <Jill, of lowll., bas been viSIt -i nre relativea ~ere . The business meetillg of the C. E Sooiety met at the b ome of tbe Misses Spenoer Friday night.


Coming Public Sales ~ "AI"

Expert OPticIan,


Over 20 cal's P adical [ Mllllor, 0 0 tbe Wm. Bed ; ~o Shoats w ighio g u bont 75 redpoot,ed clt\zeDs after a long Hiok. Kjndle (lirol, on pounds. "'arm Implemellt!l"':"~ brenk. neSR died Friday nt J 0 p . m., funer. Wednesday, February 23, 1910 iug plows, Oliv:er /Iud An g h ·, 2 1~1. 1\1 from bis lat.e ra Idenoe tiunday tivators, I ron Age nud KOooel. 1 Begi,n ning ut 10 o'clock, the fol at, 11 11.. m. ::;ervloes were oonduot. I st Saturday In every me)nl'.... SO-tooth double barrow, 2 mowinj( fld by Rev. A. K &f'gen~ , ot Wil. lowing property: ' I H orses-a bay mares, 1 blaok mncbines~ I) Hnel 6 foo tont., 1 tobuoro ~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mington , interment tit Mlami oeme· geldiog. 2 J ersey COWil, ODe to be setter, 1 2-horse oorn DrIll, 1 revoh ~--. ter.V of whioh he Wtl.S a director . stiok!', ont !'IIW, log ohn ins IIllri ll \!,n y other Ing ha,y rake, :3000 tobao Classified freah in Maroh , Mr. and Mrs , Silm Tuoker , of Xeni", tobaooo oanvas, fork", boes, hovelS, ar t icI fI too UnlnIJ f UU" tfl IIwllt-I., n Fl1rming Implement -1 2-horse a.ttended Mr. Tuoker's funeml 8un. single trees, eto. Harn&B-2 se ts Terms : All /l UUl of ~5 00 II tld ."Is w ill be I""'nell ""lIar Lhl, hr l,lI (or 8&udeb~ker wagon, 1 2 horse iron IlI't' n ly ' IIH c en t s [lOr LI) rc e l u ~e rtl· ,., q . day . work harnel's, 1 set buggy harnells, onder, ('11 II ; nl1 !'1n m,. nv I" til'" wb n u~ I ,, !: nul nlor lhnu U \'~ Ilnc, . wagon, a two sea.ted oarribgo. 1 JJh tl.eohec~ lines, oollars, bridles, horse aUl oout Il oY(', Iif. of 12 tn ' uti!" will 'l'be fri.e nd@ of H. W. Smit.h reo ton, 1 Milwankee binder, 1 lJtlt'ring be given pn\'(lh se-I" gi vi II/.( unl F wlt,1I gret to hear tbllt he is not improve mower, 1 Bllmilton Corn plltnter blanktlts, halter., etc. FOR SALE Terms: All sum a of '5 00 and tl.ppT()V d s AourHS. ing as he sbould . --- -with hiller attaohments, 2 wh~a~ ,I OII N V. I!;uw IlU Our.K. of P . lod ge Is doing work drills, witb attaohments, h OM drill, under, oosh; ull 8ums. over thut Bellbrook A. A. MeNI·il, Au t LlI ER I:lEED-Heol IIl le,I, IIud and the b{others of tho sister lodges ha.rrow, plows, tuUtU.hhJ oul. amoont a credit of 9 months wl1lbe in gonil ~lllItJl' Ioqu ll'e of Linooln Swallow, who hall been will please sit up and take notioe, ti vator and setter, tobllcoo !I~rt1 ver, given purohaser giving note with ap· '"'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;:;;; W. E () 'l pu ll , H. 0 3, Wilyntltl. John Beokett very siok with the grip is better at work in tbe rank of Page, Thnrsday. harrows, sleigh, bay ra ke. htl,V fo rk proved security. vill e, Ollio. this .wrhing. . C. T . Haw ke, Auot. 1<'ebruary 3nd . You are oordlally rope ~nd polleys. OWN PropI rtv for sl1l e-aOll~e Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brelsford on- invited. . BurntJo~-~ Dut uf wOl'k ha flltldd , of 'j ruom,.. tllld wond s bed, I1n!! terkined last t;unday, Mr . and Mrs. The initiation of 12 oandldates in 2 set boggy harness nearly new. We will offer at Public Salo,oll oellor, w tl lI lind {1"le rO , htlro lind Harry Weaver, of DaytoD, al~o Mr. ·the Oriental took plaoe Wednesday 1200 Syrup Cans Terms-):;ums of '5 cash ; over the Isall o Compton furm three . ttibla wit.b "11\ ,,. l oquire of Wru biu, $a.50 per hundred Lushl y . Wn.\·lw,.v ll h" and Mr8. J. D. Harnes8 and family. night, Maroh 26th. Everything that a oredit of 13 months with miles wost. of New Burlin gton, and Mad e from No . 1 stock, with Protraoted meeting i8 still going passed off fine . After lodge the ban. seonrity. 6 percent off for oash. four miles eBst of W tlynesv ille, on o ~E IIf 'i l \lo· n... with bn,th,llnd JonN REIJMONO . on at the M. P. Cburoh. qnet was enjoyed by all present. large openings. A special price a ll mod. I'J I c'lII v6ui!:luces. good Wednesday, February 9, 1910 A. A . MoNilil, Auot. for this lot only· blLrn, with tl!['Y wut tl r In it. A180, Mi88 Gertrude Ames, of Dayton, February 2nd tbere will be work tl gnorl p" yi llil i nVt'tl t.rn nt-I,h e who died with oonsumption was and banquet on that night. ~ At 10 11 . m . the following property; eood Coffees\ , toops ' bl) h. iuol1l(11!11i p!l!lt moo the Bellbrook cemetery last Mrs. Lizzie Lesh oalled on her s1s. I will offer at Publio /:;1l1e at my 6 bead of borflO 5 At reru:.onable prices, has buil t fixt,ures Ii' ur furl h.. r nll .. tlou illra Saturday afternoon. ters, of tbe Central and attended tbe residence, 1 mile froOl Lytle and 3 One gray bors!", conung 4 yetir old , up for us a splendid bu, ines&. luq uir of J II Kt. ( ." )l~, 1 2~ Centra I Av ., iJ"ytou . Uh l" Mrs. John Kable and Mnghter, funeral of her oousin, Mr. Tooker. miles from Waynesville, un the Ly- 1 r t\n horse, ooming 5 yellrs old, 1 No prizes! No pt'emiumsl No draft mare, in foal. oOOling 7 ye Carrie oalJed on Mr. arid Mrs. Da~ Levi Kennedy, of Bremen, 0., w~s tie and Waynesville road , OD scheme! Just the plain COft'4'C 8ITE Orllin)(tol1 (,0 k reI!:!. tine 6Jd, loolt, ooming 3 yeors old, l oolt Jonea, of Trebines, last Wednesday. calling on friends and reJlLtives here Tuesday, February 22, 1910 b1u d . "tlt·'.V hllt/'hert . Prlo. quality attached ' to evel')' pack· Air. and Mrs. , Freeman Smith, IJaturday and Sunllay. Beginning at 10 o'clook, the fol . COOling 2 years old age and every pound of Chase & $ l loqulr f' of W A SllrfllOe, R D. 5, Wti.v u ~vi\l !:' , hll 10-oowll-10 south of tOWD, were 8beppincin Day. Dr. and Mrs. Corwin, of Lebanon lowing: Two bore~8-1 bay horse, Sanborn's Coffees. PInt of them freQb, lind pR,rt of ton Friday. oalled on the dootor's trade Tburs- 6 years old, weigh8 1225 pounds; 1 --em will be fresh soon, 11 yallrling day . iron gray, coming 5 years old, weigh WANTED al ~es-f ut nnd in good shape ready 15c a pound Spring Branch The Mas8ie Township Sohool Board 1350 ponnds; 1 good mill!: oow, 8 to but.cher. A good coff e, and the quality Mr. and, Mre. tiarry. lriurray were held their meeting Saturday after head of hogs, 3 brood sows, II. lot of 30 head of sheep 30 INGLE U lli n 10 tI~"i. I on Dlli r v alw81 s up to the standardcalling on Mia8 Alice Chenoweth and noon. , \ chiokens, 1 Milburn wagon , laet log Farm ; *ilO pp, r Ol , .,l th "no ho"r(1. All ewt:s.-all bred, will IUI;nb in makes friend s everywhere. Bertha Smith last Sunday afternoon. Mrs . •wing, one of the teachers In bol8ten, 1 wago'! bed, 1 jolt wagon, Mllroh . t\odr~f!. WIT h r fl ltlr nCI'l_l, \V . H . Gllmb l ,MiIlID 'sbUr a , hlo .' Choioe Blended M.ia8 Bertha Chenoweth was 011.11. our high 8obool has been quite 8iok 1 spring wagon, ,~ Troy boggies, rob A lot of farmin g impl ements, una 20.c a pound tng on nanie} Morgan ' and family for a week p.lUlt. bnt at tbi8 writing be.r-,t ired, 1 Buokeye oultivator, 1 some bluness. With 30 year of experience in ~~~~~~~~~~~=~~, laet Monday aftet:noon. 'she \s improving. Angbe plOW, 1 50-tooth harrow, to Terms :-All ,flUIDS of and under, Mr. and Mrs. '.rhoma8 Laoy and David Compton, of, Wilmington, baooo~preader •.t\lUlea.eto, 100 bush casb '; ull s oms over th'.! coffe busineS positivel)i 11 ol'edlt of never before have we found , as daugh~rs, Florence and Edna, and was 01l.11In8 on friends last &bbatb. els of oorn,.harness, blanKets, ropes, 9 mon tha will be 1:;1 v U I.)ul'chftser popular a coffee rudhis. '}'o Introducc' ollr \. ry 1:0111111 t Spri ng )1ne IIrl. · Bethany ehenoweth were at Hi8 work surely bgroos with him pulleys, hll.Y forks, some Red olover wi*b approved seourit.y. o.t oolLutiful \\'001 sultl l\gs. wnsb tllbn ·8,ro:.nCY . . seed. One cu tomer said "Nothing wnlBllull8. silk. 01' .. htlkf,,/ 18 lind JJet~· CoUPTON & lJ fN'rm m' ,.a wood obopping on last Tbnraday Mr. and Mr8. S. Edwards were . COILl1!. All up·to-t1nlo rcw " ork Ulty llatUl,ll1i. · . " Honsehold goods-stoves, orgaD, , . el e mil, kes goo d coff e but tillS. 1·' 111 ~n Une on thll UlarkeL. DOIlIrDIr dll'8(ft' Wm . MUlti, Aoct . o&lled to Olarklville Wednesday on st.ands,obair8, bedsteads, tables, mat. ,at Biram Dakin's. \ with L wlllll )'ou' will l1utl Our -prfces Ibw . , , lava and Mocha Prollta$ t O.~Oto 130.00 wook ly. Samples and W. C. mith. Clerk . MI•• Bertha Chenoweth W..8 en. a'o oount of the' death Of Mrs. James tings carpets, eto. U fall IUlltru Lloua Ilack d In a uoat 8IU1l Dte ~. Ipped oxpr prepaid. No IIIOll )' roQUI\red . LtJDoh 8 tnnd reserve tl. . 30c a pound lih tedained ·br MIs8 Belle Myres, of Gray, siater to'Mrs. Edward!t. Terms-All sums of '5 and under E xcI ul!.\ v ·WTrlliOry. Write for partleu III'I!.! Ue tlntt to 3PIII),. DA ItD OnE8!!. Thi combina ti on, which you GOOpS CO .. Dopt. F 1.'r :\"UlugharutoD, N. Y. lit. Bolly, on .last Tueaday. C~";in. cash; all sums over that amount . will find nowhere else, mak s an lin. Charle8 Rye ia lmprpvlna ' 180 Qredit o.f II months will be given I will flell at Public Sule at my ideal drink. , " alo",ly afta, a long illnesa. W. J . KUbon was in Clnolnnati on purohaaer giving approved ,security, residence 3 mIles south of Ceoter Also, other grades at 17c, 18c Railway.'MaiilClerks Wanted There Will be meeting at Middle baeiness one day last week. Four per oent disoount for cash. ville on the D"yton ~nd L13bIl.I,On and 25c alb, - -,_ ' ...' d flY a t 1 :30 on S UR EI ry ALe' pike whRt .is known 8S 't he old Cros R ~ 'nex t ugo.,ur Barton Kelly and wife, of CiQOln. . . WIS. pays Railway Mail day at 10 :31, preaobing by Elder ~ati, spent Idanday with Mrs. Alio~ A. A. McNeil, Auot. lev farm on Cler~ $800 to $1,200 and other' Geo~ A. Bretz, of Indiana. 14oKin~y and da~ghter. Waltflr Kenriok, Clerlr. Monday, February ,1, 1910 employees up to' $2,500 annually. Several from this vl01nit~ attend. Mis8 .Edith Spray IS seriously ill 'Beginning at 100 'olook A M. the ed a woodohopplng'atFrank Cook's with typhoid fever . Having arranged to go baok $0 '.following propArty·to wit, 4 heRd of .U~(Jle ~IUi1 will h old s prlUg l'xam . il'lutl0ns throughout 'he ooulltry tor tlaturday ~ week as!>· ~a. Ray Smith was in Dayton Kentno~y; I wil~ seliat Pnbllo Sale horses, 3 generlll purpose h?rSeSllnd I(nllway Mall t'le l'k , Custom 80u e MI'. ()hA~lee' S,~lres and family reoently visiting her .sister, Mrs, on tbe Chapma~Jfarm, one mile east m'a res, 1 extra fine colt, ooming 2 Clerk!l, St.euograpberl,l, BooltlleApt'rt!, have moved in~ the nelghborbood Lutber Sellars. of Waynesville, Ohio, o~veal' old; 3 good milk OOWS, I1l~ giv DeplHtmental UI l'kH I~no ,.It:he r Kf)V . ' on qharles ~one8 fllrm. . ~rs . Lid~ MoKinsey, of Dayton, Thursday, February 11, 19m . tng mil',,; 1 good roan wagon, 3.inob ~rnment ~ o!l lti o n ~ Tb oo !tuoe nf , a pp llotmen!, ~ill b robdt'! . .An:;r Mr. Guy, Chenoweth tQak dinner visited Mrs, Alioe MoKinsey -last Beginning' at 10 a . m ., my entire trt:l&d, Het of hay ladders, 1 farmer's I .. ____________ • mlln or woman over 1 , in olty Qr wU~ b1s aunt EUzabe,th Ch'enow.etb Monday. ' ~arming equlpmeat, oonsisting in 8a~r'ey, 1 oart. 1 Bemis tobaooo pIau i. OOllDtl'Y Olin gijtlustro )tion tlnrt fJ'ae on Sunday. Mrs. Anna Jones, ot Xenia, visit. part of 7 hOrBtls-l team big Bayer, . gl)od as new, 1 Rlohmo)1d oorn , I have coming a ca:~ of 4 in, inform>t. tion by !tt on08 to .. Wood ohopping and tobaoo08trip. ed her mothet, Mrs. Patriok Clark Work Borses, broke single line and planter. like new; a good Buokeye rid the . Burflau of In 'raotion. 444 U and 6 fn. Hard Burnt Tile, See Hamlin Bundlng. Roobe8Mr, N Y. ping i.-,the order of the day . last week. good auywlJere; 1 four.year.old iog oorn plows, 2 Aughe breaking.up me before bu~ing elsewhere" , Mt88~ Alice ~~enoweth 18 a little • - • Gelding, broke · single or doable, 1 plOW8, 1 double-shovel plow, 1 plow better at the tiQle of 'his writing. New Burlington. thtee year old Dun M,a re, baIter. ~rnok,15~.tooth barr(lW good as nqw, I~ewis, broke, nioe driver; 1 two.year.old 1 old · 50-tooth har~ow, 1 Osborn Notice Appointment WaynesvlfJe, OhIO. . Mr.'ant:" Mrs. Th~mas Willta~' The W . . F . M. S. of the Friends ~orrel Gelding, balter broke and di.k h.rro~, wooden ·. hay rake, I lpent 8atntday night with MI88~ ohuroh :met at the home of Mra handled some; 1 five-year.old Brown" carriage pole, extra good flGt donble :Alice ()henoweth and ~rtha Smith. M~rgaret Burnet, Idaturday p. m. . G"ldiog, very gso'Je and ~Ood any driving ' harneEs, aet single ha 'r eess, ~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!~ nl4"~ft~ft~(\~~!~~Jlt(\~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!! ' !!!!!!!!!~ Our teachers attended tbe town- where; 1 Red Cow, .. good one; 800 2 set lead bll.rnesa, 1 big hogs head, •_________....._ - - _••,..., 8hip tBaoher's meeting Friday p m. bushell Corn in Crlb~ 8 ton8 Timothy 1 big iron kettle and· 8pider, 1 o rosS- Bring us your Sale J bn W. 'l'uoker, ODe of our well tien06 DelU

.. - ..


Will White's Store News T




.. -.








Hard Burnt Jile




Chas. B.




1,11••- ••••- . -..--1-1



Zimmerman's Coarse Salt

The'kind that don't get

hard, . in 25, 50 and 100 pound sacks and in barrels.

Syrup Cans

The fnneral of Th08 Carbaok 00- I!!!l~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~ ~.~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ourred at the Friends ohuroh on '. Thursday. CMS. Mendenballl,nd wife, Jesse Hawkins and wife', Bornoe Compton and wife attended the Laymen 's l Convention in DaytoD . Word wos reoeived here last week . . . that the ohildren of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reeves, of Riohmond, Ind ,Iue siok with soarle' fever. ' John Compton has bought the property of Wm. Miller, opposite the school building, and will move into it soon.



Best quality, extra large open· mg, with slot for making secure. New lot just in.

Enamelware , Special prices this month before invoicing.


·Brooms Plenty of good brooms SOc up.

Apples Eating and Ceoking Apples, $3.00 per bbl. up. Sweet PotatOes, Cabbage, Onions, .Cranberries, Celery, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas. White Syrup, gallon canSoaps ........ 45c Lenox, Star arid 'JlqCon .






print your Sale Bills I

1$35sglpf:~~e ·w~i.:;~t:·c~: ..~~~·t;i·~i'~~~ib~: ..ii~~ ~~~di·ti~~: ';:i~$l851 $3f6~f~~~: O~k '6;;;: ~~~ ·i~·~;;·;t·Bij~~:,Th~~t;~:·~~i~ P~!·~~·::::.$~~,!

Wash Day Made Easy B~

KER0ZIN the Uae of


' .- , :. -


CALlF()~I.A. CANNED .APlU· . . Saves two hours' hard rubbi~g ~

~ 'l.n · heavy , $tr':lP. Tp~ :. an' ordinary' 'washing" at , a cost' of bes,t can,!~ ~rqumez, Win· two : ~2)" c~mts. ' ll~ndreds of tet. 8 Mar;ineand M~o",brook testlmonUlls furnished 8s.:OO . b~da..,.. not over 8P.c·,.C8JlJ .~o i'tai worth. ' For sale by , '. o~e c..~~ei'-r1l~cla1 .. price ·

for .on.,d.y" ...~

. 'USC _a . "Can"


., 0


1 Second Hand Piano, used 3 years, cost $300 new, sale price ........ $155 1 Second Hand Piano, Oak Case, used 6 montbs, cost $275 new, sale price.·..... : ~ ............ :.. ............................................. ~ ..... $t76 1 Second Hand ;Piano, Dark Oak Case, used 8 months; cost $300 new,

1 1 $550 Piano,

Wa~nut 'CaSe, used for concer~ wor~; Sale price .......'j415

1 $35Q Piano, Mahogany Case, used 5 month~, good a.q new asle price ............ ............ :....... :...... .. ................ .............. : .~......... $250 1 $450. Piano, Walnut Case, useq 1 year, sf rictly high grade, sale price ............, ... ,~ ............................ ................................·... $275 1 $450 P!ano Malio~/lpy Case, new, sale price ......................... ~.$825 1 $400 Rlano, MassIVe.OBk Case, new, sale price ...... .:.... ; .. .. ... ; .......~O 1 '275 Piano, Oak,Case, new, sale price .....................................,.. '195 1$275 P~ano . .Mahogany C8se', ne~, 881epric~ , .............. ... :.;·...... :, .•195·. 4 '310 PIanos, Oak CaS~s; · a;tew, e~ch, sale price, .... ,........ .... ........... l~Q ,' 1 . . . ..



l '




.... IX /' \' -FfRt;l ' Y It;\ H




Steals Into Home an Bur Child to Deat h-No th·


fou,'ee .

n years , daught er of MI'. and Mrs. Ell i::

WED NES DAY FEBR ARY !l . l {llO •


[~:~~~!~!~~~;:~~~=~~~~~~J :~t~:~e:::~~::t~,:u~a:~::e,

I'esults in two of the slapl agricul pray, of Corwin. died at her late " Ju st Becaus e I Love You." "Just Beca use I Love Y u." tura l produc ts of the commu nity the home Thursd aymorn ingat 100'clock. Rachel Burnet t is very sick again . Fon::;tG t'ahllln h<t!i veen on lhe sick Waynesv ille Naliona l Bank will, The funeral was held at the chapel for 'Miss Emma Heighw ay enterta ined ing Saved. list. the season of HHO, offer pri zes as fol- a few friends at ginner Tuesda at 1 o'clock Sunday afterno on, Rev. Adam Stoops was in Dayton SatuI'y. lows for corn and tobacco. Thomp~on, of the Christi an church, day. Reviva l ::;el'vices are in progress in Lru t Thursday evening th e word officiating. Corn to be ' cultiva ted by any boy Mrs. Israel Sattert hwaite enterL. A. Zim merma n is in Cincinn ati · th e ~ytle chur ch. carne·to town that the home of ~red under twen ty yeal's of age and not tai ned a few friend s at djnner today Thurs. Mrs , J. C. Hawke and Mrs. Harry less tllan one tenth of an acre Cu llally, wh lived in a teneme nt Miss Alice Adams, asi tel' of Mrs. raised: day . Murray were in Dayton Thur·d av. hou~e on t 11" Will Card farm, had Fanny SquireA of t his place, . died at Wal ter Burnet t -""as in Dayton " ~ M ' N . , J h' b . .- Ye ll ow, first Pl"l Z~ ... .... ... . ...... . $6.00 Friday . burned to the gl"<ru nd , with all the her home in Spring Valley, Mr. and Mrs. AlHe Hole were very rs. ettle Kep er a1 een VISlt- Yell ow, second prize .. .... ...... . ... 4.00 ing her sister, Mrs. O. Davis . ' contents. and an 18-mon th-old baby night. Februa ry 1st. MissTuesda y at Co rY II th ' 'd .' 200 pleasa ntlyen tertam Adams O. C. Henderson wasa Dayton vis- win edatdm nerSun e .ow, with it, nothing but tre trunk 0 f t h e was tak en SIC 11 ~lI ze. .. ... ... ...... ... . ' k a bou t 3 0'I k 10 day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' th e itor F I·iday. co,:: . I White, d M first pl'lZe dM .. ......... .. ........ 600 L t K F t M t afterno 'on and dl'ed at 11 o'clock. df Wh ' · . k f L tl ' 'ody ueing f',un ' . I'. an rs. ' os er oe an amIte, second pr ize ....... ....... ... 4.00 es er enrlc. 0 y e. The news . 0 ' 10 spread, but tele. The fun eral . was held at her M h O'N II . L b ' 1 fK' M' lI " t d M M late t Miss 'ar t a ea was 10 e aI y'.o lOgs h If S, VISI ~ d 1'. 0 es Whi Le, third prize .... ..... .: ......... phone connf'ct iuns were bqd , and the home Friday mornin g at 10 2.00 Last Wedne sday Mias Rowen a o'clock. non Thursday. pal ents so ut 0 town un ay . Any other colot', fi rst PrtZ~ ...... 6.00 Wright was the guest of Gazette could learn nothing of thl'! Burial in Spring Valley cemete honor at a ry. Lee Hawke was a Payton business Do not let t he name " Becaus e Any other color, second prize affair until next day. . ... 4.00 dinner party given by Mrs. A. T. visitor Thursd ay. 1 Love You" mislead ~ ou, for ."its Any other color. th ird prize Mrs. Gullady had put her bab " to ...... 2.00 Wright . Hannah P. Plumm er, of Chicago, . h b . sentim ent and pathos are of the stel'.. A b . h' Miss t Emma Hawke di t ed h at '11 I as her h een home h qU ite Monday I' --hone t 1<1l1u.1 and ' will· sleep, and had gone to e p . er ush' . h . . . i t ny o.y WIS mg mg, 0 compe e WI W Ie M'lases J oseph' appea sOi l SIck With tons lttlS. 0 g Iebee h b bandst rip :obacc ointhe shed,as hort be buried today. Mrs. " every man and me woman wi s , Ellen th a human Plumm er a at t e ank and receIve mstruc- Sh d d M H k distance fl'om the house across the was an able writer and was tions. erwoo an a strong ary Emmo r Baily was in Lebanon heart." The comedy elemen awe were t is es- T b ' th Z' road. She was in the habit of adhere nt in the Friends church S' h the fortuna Thursday on business. te guests at an elegan t p cially _ . stl·ong. 1mmer __ pamsto bore di ner Sunday at the home of Miss --· _ _ _ see dO lacafco e , el going to th door ('very litt le 'whilf one eracre or more . ed Music, Fl'iday . ng, betwee n and looking toward the houlle tl. SERVICES FOR LENT raised, open to any man ('I r boy. Word was received by Mr. Harry acts furnish ed byeveni Clara ~awke, M~ Cla~a PJov Girl's Orches tra. a charmm g hostess t e enttre ay. see jf the lit tl e one was awake ne O. Burnet t r?latives Wednesdays had ir° out a bout thirty minute: Albert Bradst reet, was killed Mrs . J. B. Chapm an was hostess at in Chi- In Center ville Saturd llY and Sunday . Ash '.V.ed-nesd "e~. th ... 10:00a.m. Third prize.... .. ... .. .. .. ... ....... .. 3,00 dinner before the hopse was discovered to Monday to Mesdam es A . T. be on fire; and all looked well. Mrs. Ch • Rye, aa who has been ill cago on Monday. No particu lars Wedne sdays follOWIn g .. ...... 7:00 p.m. .... ' . . Wright , Emmor Baily, Geo. Hawke , were .g ivep. Th t t II b d for d d several weeks. is tllowly improv_ Id. Simpkins, who Hved close by. Sunday s e .com can es WI ing. happened to see smoke issuing · Morn ing Prayer and serm oll ....10:30 and prizes awarde d about e eCI e Israel Sattert hwaite , E. V. Barnha rt, from J h W B b d' d t th Dec~mber Annie Thorpe , Lina Devitt and Missthe house, and at once sen his little osep . ar eau, Ie a b t M h 1 (1 W E O'Neal l as petit juror at- Evenin g Prayer and sermon .. .... 7:00 1 1910 a d t b • home of his lOn, C. J. Barbea 19'11 u, in 'c n 0 . atcco . adod~' .. " arc d' es Emma Heighw ay and Rowena daught er ton\o lify the Gulldayl'. Circleville, Friday mornin . ompete n an g, Febru- .tended cour ' .Thursd ay at the county Ismtere ste Wright . Holy Week judg s will decide each contest . ~Y ~he, time t~ey carne to ~he house ary 4th, 1lJ1d was brough t to Waynes - seat. Service daily except SatuI'd ay It was a seeth10g mass of flames, and ville and was burjed in Miami ' cem~ , M s Walter Mra, Edith Harris and Mrs. Laura McClu re and Mrs. .. .. ..... ............ .. · t .. • .. . . . . . . . 7:00 p.m. ~r . . ~u.l\iday and MI'. Simpkins ete";', Sunday .mornin g, Rev. J. F, F. C~ 'Carey were REAL ESTATE CHANGES Mosher , assisted by Mrs. Geo. Hawke Dayton visitors aturday - Easter Even ... ... 3:45 p.m. crawled mto the house t~ hunt th Cadwa llader officiating. very delight fully enterta ined the Tuesda y. Eastel' Day . baby, ~u~could not locattp t. Itwru:. . W. H. Ma~den compl~ted a deal membe rs of the Card Club and their . F C H ts k d P D Holy 'ommun ion ......... .. ...7:00 a . m. last week which places by the hardes t work of the strong George J. Robert s 75 years old hIm owner of friends lastThu rsdaye vening . "500" . Messrs. ~ ' " ar o~. an. C'h" J Mornin g Prayer sermon and the profjer ty known as the Thorpe was the feature of the evenin men to k eep t he mot h er f rom rus h- manufa cturer Mason ' of. hIgh degree I Claget t 'were bUSiness Vls1torsm 1 g and . nion ' ...... ... . mto . h ' . h t y, b t f I ·t e Holy Commu ' 10:30 109 a. m. t e b urmng prQper; .. s refresh , cago u 0 a owne d by 1\.'~Ol.- at a late hour dehclou ouse. and one of the best known and most IFriday ments ' . R It ' . t h The ' Holy . Com munion , the second flS oger. I fhe ori gin of t he fire is unknow IS e IntentIOn 0 f were served. n. highly respect ed ~f Dayton 's citizens Miss Clara Lile. of Xenia, was the and fourth Sunday s in Lent. The mother haa left but a modera tl passed away early Thursd ay Mr. Madden to remode l t he house, mornin g, guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. CadW4ll- - fire in the st~ve, and .it is on~ theory Februa ry 3~d; at his home and make it modern in all itsappo int- Mrs. Clara Lewis, who will ~n at Second lader Sunday . 1\ FILLS VACANCY ments. that the soot 10 t ht! chimne y had been and Boulevard , Bis death .leave for Dayton , where !lhe .wIlI Fr It S k a e oft~e Way- . burnin g for sOme tillie, and finallv to heart failure recurte ntwas due . 0 J Ed 'd b ht attacks f M ~ make- herfqt ure home, enterta med ~n, no~ ,mCona ~ r b ' At the regular meetm g of the burned its wa ·t hrou h the bricks .. wal s oug . rom roo. W~yne Temple Lodge, K, . I ~. Cannm g ., was a usmess \ _oard oftrlls tees of Miami Cemete y g of whlrh led to hiS retlrem eut .from nesvllle ry C. A. Brown, the old Pugh·fa rm last Saturd ay evening About. of G. E., visitor in Dayton Saturd'BY to the buiJding. I Ass . t' forty-n ine S t d I t busines s activity some ! ears ago, M week There are about /150 acres il1 .. ') ' . ' oCla 10~ op a ur. ay as . The S3 Qlpathy of the entire com· althoug h he continu ed as preside r. the f~rm and ML' Edw;rds will im- were present , and nt P. F. Kelly, dls.t rlct· deputy o~ ~he Sam A. Elhs was appom al had a good ted to fin the . muwty are with the Gullida y's. 'Kind of the G. J. Robert s Machin . ' . . time. Refresh ments of apples, pOpery Com- M. W. of A., IS here orgamz lng vac~ncy caused by the deat~ o~ M:. prove It . neighb ors took them in, and theyart> pany, and particip ated in the corn balls and candy were served. direc- a 10dEe of the .Modern.W.oo.dmen. John-W !l'ueke . he assocmtn~111S /taIph Mill er bought the proper ty ~_ _ at presen t making t~eir home with tion of the affairs of other enterpr is. Miss Sue Crane, of Cincinn ati, who to be congratul~:! on the selectIO n. occupied by Lon Burton , last week Chas. ~ynolds' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chenow eth . esin wnich he was ted. . is the guest of her ' sister, Mrs. Eli NEW UNIFORMS ORDE RED Mr. and .Mrs. GuJlady have 8 chl1- ' Mr. Robert;s wasinteres from Mrs. O. J. Edward s. Ralph inw~re H.e last of his im: Burnet t has been ill for a few days. ~urp~ised Sunday by a numbe r tends to rent the place. dren liVing. T~ey ('arne from Kp.n mediat e . family. Hi~ wife, of t heIr frIends , who,to ok well-filled. sons, Littl~' Rhea Dyke, daugh~ l' of Mr. All a~rangelDents fo~' the big band tucky about seven years ago, aQd ar~ daught er silter and brothe baskets with them to the Chenow eth r precedI Dyke, who has enterta inment to be;'8'lven ~'ebruary . Amos Cook b II . th ;;;' .' weII 1'ked has purcha sed t.he fam- home. Those presen t were: Mr. apd . . Y a . wh 0 ' k . now Sherma e~ ad hu.n to the grave. The last of and Mrs. n . , . . Therem atns of httle Myrtle was m· thes idl • 2~d, are coming along famous ly. A Ily•farm ' and e~pects to remam there M k H ar t k ' 'e' was hl's brothe r Jabez H Rob- been qUIte . . rs. F Sick IS Improv ing rap Y soc.' and f am~'1y, t t' f P tt'b , B' . f MIS. Cook, son and daught er WIll Mr andran terred in Miami cemete ry Friday erts, hiR business partne . represe n Mrs. a Iveo Danl. Chnea nd famlly, e lone 10S.,O r, who passed b hi W t Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen w~re c'incinn ati, was present at the . t . , regu- ~ro a y go es thO19 sprIng afte~oon. . 0 re- Mr. and Mr8. Oscar Mowre r, Mrs. 'away twb yellrs a~o. Ro.b ert Jamj- guests of .Mr. a~d Mrs. Ch~. A, .Fi~h- lar pr~ctice meetin g last Monday SId e. Cha:'o HeYMlds. st.arted out Satur- son : 12, son of his decease d daught • _.. Bethan ia Chltno~eth,. Mr. and Mrs. er er (nee Kath~r me Allen). 10 Cmcm- evenin g and took the measur day With a,su..b~rlptlOn papel' for ~h~ Minme, is the only direct desceni ements ECHO MEETING T~omas Lacy and .famlly. i(!nt nati Sunday . of the boys for nobby, dark blue uni_ un.f~rtunate family and succeede<t in survivi ng, '• - • . Mrs. Ed. Bergda ll, a nd dau'g hter, forms . The suits are to be deliver ed ' The Echo meetin g 'at the Metho- '. - _ , _' - - - - : ral~I~g- abou~ $100. . . ' The deceased was born' l~ Cornwa ll, who were the guests of her :'- parents , in Wayn~ville the 21st, an? wi\l dist church on .S~nday rely w~ .a grod Idea, and Englan d, and came. to thIS evening ,. of country .Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hopkin s, have make their first appear ance In the the Layme n's MISSIOnary conventIOn as Mr. ev- when a boy with his ' mother broth· boa Reynol d ~s could t not reach ~,_. . d h ome. . . . big 'noon-day para·le the followi ng recentl y held in Dayton was . '. returne ~ry y; a~ , ~ grea many .w~uId. er and sIster. helpful . .. The family located ' . . ' day. hke to add .tllelr. mit~, 8ubscn ptions in Dayton and, startin g with and inspirin g . The speake rs, Mr. J. here WIll be an oyste~ supper _ nothing , at . The 'pr ogram co,!O mittee report E. Janney, Dr. Hathaw ay, REw. will be rece~ved at tlte Gaz~tte office. 't he brothe rs: by dint of Cad- George P. Brown, of Bloominlrton, energe tic Mt. Holly....8aturday ev. . . rapl progres s in their work and wallad er and Dr. Bailey ,.§end or b~mg .your o~e~mg , to u.s, effort, built uj)a business were atten- III., one of the prominerit' edu~tors that gave bene~t of. th~ c~urch_ Everybody IS promis e to have the. comple te pro tively listened to in thei!' resume of of 1llinois and we WIll see that It IS placed 10 each someth ing more than , died Feb 1st, aged 72 years, , a compe· cordIally mVlted. g l"am ready for publica tion iT') these that conven t ion, in th e interes pr~p~r hand: . A good mllny su~- tency. 'Their specialty was the man- Mr. and t of He was editor of the Public School Mrs. S. L, Cartwr ight column s next week. The boys are Mission '8Crlbe~ are gl~mg househol~ furnt- uf~cture of water motor pumps, but were in s, a movement engage d in by Journa l and was the author of many Lebano n Thursd ay attendi ng putting in lots of harn work at prac- Ch ristians ture and clothll'~g •. and qUlt~ . a lot their operati ons embrac ed of every nam e. books in connec tion with sehool opemuch oth- the monthl y meetin g of directo rs at tice and will surpris e you with the ·"'have.a lreadY, been donate d. . . er machin ery making . ration. 1<"01' thirty years he \Vas 0!1e the Childre n's Home. class of music they are able to exeThIS ca.use IS awort~y one, ansi ev- ' Mr. Robert s, in his' earlier MARR IED IN UTICA of the most active promo ters of the years, . dM R I and ' son cute and the manner in which they erybod y In t~e townsh Ip ought to add was one of the most aetive . Illinois School .Mason~ Teache rs' as..qociation. Mr. an rs, o~ ro~s Wh'l ' play it. Besides ensemble work by The many friends .to the already growin g sum, until .it in Dayton ' and. the . ~r.tern of Mr. Amos Mr. Brown began teachin g in ity con-I went to Lebano n katura y. ~ k ~ ~ the band t\nd t he Ladies' High School Cook, son of Mrs. B. Cook, and Miss Wayne sville reaches larger propor tions. ferred upon him the thirty-th~rd de- there Mr. 1.r0!1s toho", very Novem ber 5, 1855, in . SIC ~ u Orches tra there wi1l be solos quar- Ella Keys, daught • _. \ . . at er presen of Mr. ' ORTHODOX QUAR TERlV t Ismuc ",etter. and Mrs. t he school house on the hill, known . gree, an honor. enJoyed by but ten ' . ' J M K . . d teta (both vocal and mstrum . d ental) . . eys, were g rea ty 1 other M88Qns m this city. He was sl1r~rts e afterw ards as the I~ac W~9 . pro!,", Mrs. Mary GrIffith and daught er . and r.eadings, which you wiIJ be sure when th.e news came that th.ey slipped erty. He was the Miami Quarte rly Meetitl,g . of Or- a 'past master of ·St. Johns Lodge . first prmclp alm and Miss Edith, of Lawten ce, Ran ., are to enjoy very much, away quietly , and was "1arrie d in the Union School house, ~hich thodox Friends will be held Jlt Spring . trustee ~ntil dellth, and had held visiting Miss Li.zzie Carroll at the ' This is a worthy was caus'! and richly Utica by Rev, McKinsey. MI'. and finished in Valley next Saturd ay and Sabbat h. I high offices in the Knight s 1858, school comme ncing Templa r Friends Boardi ng llome for a short 'd eserves youI' hearty ~upport: Re- Ml's. Cook will li ve on the f~rm late- there in the fall, Preach ing service s at 10:30 a . m. t alld Scottis h Rite societie s. . , T.he fu- tir,ne. membe r the band has nevel' asked ly owned by the Cook hem!. The .He was very . • -. . n~aJ, Saturd ayafter hoon at 2,from J. M. Balling er and Eddie Brown· highly respect ed and for one fOI' which every possi- Gazette , con~l'atulates the .happy honore ST. MAR V'S CH URCti .~he ~~.qence, was held ~ndel\Mason- ing, two promir ient gentlem en of Fal- ble effort'penny d by every one. He was the was not made to give full coupl.e and Wishes them long Me and Lent-1 910 A. D. last of the trio of teacher~ f?r Whom . Ic. auspl~es. . " mollth, Ky., are visiting friends in value receive d. . happm i>ss. The seaSon of Dent lias been ob- .Mr. Rob,er~ was an;tan of a __ the Old School AssOCIatIon was I>erson- this .c ounty. They are in the market Don't forget the date, Februa ry served by CqristilUl~ fr9m th~ ea~li- ahty possess mg pec~har charm ST. MARY 'S QUILD formed .' that for farms. 22nd. Come and bring aIJ your est .a ""''' as ·a .'time of prepara tion for wbri and held a legion of friends ~nd '. ' d M' "¥" . 0 I' D " h' b friends with you . Furthe r particu - The Ladles of St. Mary's . h' assirl - . I 0 Mr. an . rs, the ' proper eomme mor"tio n of our church Ie aVIs ave een Mrs. ~at~ McComas, o~ P~rk~r, . ISP ~, ..gwi'llbesm~er , ' . e .ym ur~'ed • visiting thei' . daught er Mra. C: R. lar~. and the progra Wrltes us .the followm glnter- , m Will be pub- aa in tormer years, will during Lent'Col , BI~ ' Saviou r's ' Death ~nd Re8ul'- ' T"Da~ton Herald . , . 1'" I tt. · • .' . . . KdamR 'at LaOtto Ind 'and to their jished in this paper next week. :. " ' . . , . . . . . Mr., Robert s wae . a COUSlO sew for of the ~ . . ,"J' . ' the Ohildre recflon .' These are the . greates t . , p ' S n's fiospita • ) at "; ~Mmg ' e ~r. h· , . . ' w . • ~ . t . . . •• • surprl • ~ they fl ' found a blg bouncm g . '1 Y staY"in t e canyon I~ . roml~g' . ~vents of time an,d are' all-jm~or'tant !ate re~ , .,:,-~" . .. .' ,~." CIncmnatI. The rat meetm g Wli : ;;.11 t boy. . l 'l'heyw ' t h i't. call the baby C~lho. u n . ,WaDD ING . ANN.IVERSARV .. h ..,-.:1 • I . d" be with Mrs. Cadwa l\ader at the ree- "':a8 veryd"t'h ea8ha~ b' · d~has: , S •OF - t..lEe' • ",TINOS . lto those whom I C~" "nst . as 1l\lU~ ne . , j.' SERIE . ' ~ tDlYh • -' - - . Reed. Adams . , : n· .. .. , ·'· t:t'm t' . '''''''td t Jr . d ••·· ft · . ' .l! thO . . d . me<:e an er uS an, e welDi e M' ' . . J '" If . ' ' R ." f . ory, . We d nes , .• .. a, • , .. . a ' ernoon . ", ,.' ~nt ~ a,.. B~c,la ". 1,. ~ . .~;~r~, --: ,., ." -. ;'"'' ~ , ~'.'.: 0, IS .}.... . Mr. ~n . . .. rs., I OSIM 1 . . ' .'. ti k "CO . nd h I thO . . , ' " Dr .. W. -Me,Millen; p,r~ident of ne!l'r~ Har~evsburs:, ~e~ebraagers, ~ thy CIVI eug'lne er on a ~rg~ lrt;lp ng . . ted theu! w~e. ..; · r.epent~. ~a f~~~e : ~II1,. tp . f9..rgi~~ : :F:"i.~n~. ~vi M,illj\ ,ltFG-,' m~ a . '. e p ,I.S. wor dam,' ari eastern ~oll)pa E.varia:e ny is' ~i!r pu~tint 'Qu~n ., . .qity . ' M~g. ·Co .. , . Cineinn at~, IS 60th weddm ~ . a~rl1ve raary , Monday off~ce . ~au$e. . s•. do ~~9~, ~,_ .. . " . .t~ I~tq.,GOd s. ~1(f.Sup~tlD~ende.!'if .Q.f ' W~lmin~rr 8penQih ~ g few .day'S' w'ith:hi in the canyo~ on tife ~ .p;eoel~~. yv~ . will ' . '. ~I ,...... s friend t ; ,Mhl'll.)!~llen SldC$twast tthhe,~nlY Ir.!l~t u~t' . 'fF ' d " Ohi ' . 'M ARRIE D .IN ,LEBANON . P , ... ' , . .'; .: .. . "",, -,,' ... :; . , ' f l ', .1, ~e Y~' rl~' ~'''' .... • left. there the ·"firat day of.the,y ear. W o was presen la . ell m.arrla ge ,tngO , .r~en. s lh • 0, ~.~.~.w~wo . . rlJi.~·, The.~li~etor · is)ook" . ... 60 years"! lio, · 1.nosepresentwer~, . I ,. I . 1~ .i~ 8,. ~!"~ ~~.~m~ tIme. 0 p , e~~ :;, WJll'C~~e~ce , . : ,. . . . . " a~~les and J ·.of ~~ti~ thdayllande4ml?~nv'el'.,. p" ingabo uttopu rcha:s eaW~rl 'f!nCo unDr.-and M~: ~ohn ~roWn, Mrs. Lin- . ' Mr. Roy ~~er, of near Clarks- Our thenin , for'~oly: 1~~~~~. ·{?~ ·Co~~~~atlOn~.: . ~t\ ~~e :, grthpdbx ".F~ends' ··qburc h tyfarrh 'for.'an j,nvestm delay was c~usea bY..8Il9 bloclt• .. ell t • ton ; · pf Wilmlngto~; Mrs• ., ~annl\b VIlle, an4;· M.I~... , Et~el ~ ,'fb~.mJ or Holy, OommuDlon.",: .. w . . '" next sabbat li 18th at 10'30 and >90n. ades. It is not' a \twenty.:'fo~liour8 ' . ' ; . ' l '. '.' Cr~wel ; .. '. Y6\ e4' to\ "do. -ebme·'()f.-U,lese, <J'u~, ev.ening ·· eei,yices:. t' uIt l Marw,_E thsi Mr. ~nd Mrs. daughte .r of ,,~. and lYlrs. 7' p r. ' ~m in · " All . . . . . ' GOa are ' F. ~\':Sn66K lett ~on~~ .,eY«miu th 'i. O '1. mafia ". 1,,: ' """",·' h ~" alter 'Ellis, l\f~. Hough , ,o~ Har T.hamps6n, west oUoWJ!l were ""1 " ('fh:"lt '~ th .. ,. ,., . .... ' . • r ' " . " f r Atlt.ntf c'· City to ~ttend " theg ·'vWeysbur mar- tr~ ~~ &'. wi:~' ,; .I ur .~ :. '~'~j ~r .a~ ~ , .••. ':'-. ' 'P,J)". a·ReV •.andMn r.Cowg 1U,.of rledb'ytheRev~ W.A• .u>oper !1ttbe -. , .. Cdrd~aIJY . lhvi~ed ,".to 8tt~"d. I COme· .0 . , i Can we~everyll'!regu ,0 en or.a. . I . ti ' ~l h New Burhn8'~ton; Mrs. Ellen Sia~~. lJe!)anon M. E. pal'8dri~ge last ~atu:: ~e .' ) - thin~/ '!; .~~~~8 .~.le8I1ma o~ ~Ollr.· ~q,t a"d. b~ tllia . ~f~) 'mbtis wo~ld not h~ from tHe ' o~tllcle . , i . ~.n~e~ ~n ..:.~ck 1tIrs: Alice ' ~cKinsey, MrS. lif~. ~~ · hl~. faV,OI' 8n~ .ofter. ~uri'1' ,tHe-W.otd., .~, ,-, ; .',... at', of.. Na~i~d _Ch~isti a ~ay aftem()()n'. The ~appy PJl\r will worl(io nly by telephOne and'~t W8I '. ~~. t s er~ \' . wee. r. noo 'M~i~ y, ~r. and MI'8. Joe Ha~"e. co~~ence ho~k~'plq at onc.e .on 110t satl8fa " ble 'worihi p tn 1lia Ch~r,:Cti. ' . . , " •- ~ etory, at'tim•• . '" " &~ ... a ,~pr.~tatl\1e of the ;Mi. Iffi-d Mrs. Fran" , : '~Now iJ, tHe ' aCCepted .: ~e.", F4; -Ban~, west of tc)WD, Me98l'. . ~ farm. betwee n Hatveys~urg and . I ' ' is ~u~ \VQn~l1e Quuiina 09. H~ will be sampel .and _Ernest d Pttlna ' al ' . ' all '''lIou t·J.qt ~Of · tomoriow~" ~utte.rworth. of):}larksvil1e;..1~~e ~ Ilelnrt"cb~p•. · ~ h~ Kind : . . .to al1 " cmc . . .ione~ week.;'· . . . Wa)mt)1!mlle. . ' . . ,lta conlr~"~ ~M. " nc • . , . . f S





~~~r~~a~~:::::' 8;nO~~i~~. ~:J ~;!~ . M~s. ~.

~!~~~r~~~~·~:::::::::::: :::.·::::::::::$l~:~~


-r _ ., •. _._

t For mer CltlZ,ens 1-_ ___



,to" ,










What Realnol Aocompllsh.. i. Wonderful. I frequently hnv ,patients wbo RU' ' troubled with s kin rupll on ~, Ilnd buv tnltcn occnalot\ to r con1mend Reslnal. Ilnd In some CRses th ' cures have fl lDed mira ulous. nnd had I Dot s n .tll 11\ both befor and aft r. would flrarcoly bave bali vetllheUl true. One lauy f old me that s he bad SIlent ove r $100 In various remedl s, Ilnd was cur d 'with one 60c jar of R siuol. It 's truly a wonderful cure for eczema Bnd other itching troubles. ' F. M. Stevens, D. D. S., Dover, N. H. True Friendship. Why did you t(' ll YOllr frien I thut 11ll' rlres!\l1 l::lk r hurl tollllly ruined )'Ullr tlr(!ss, " OIl . I ~ i mJl ly thouShl it wOllld muk > II I' hlll}Py,'·-J.'1i ge ud a Biaott!.'r ,


Wizard' w-Oz


U,,"\,18' ",,"lSKIt ,l ,EIt

Ihou ld IX' t3""O \w-ltho uL I\. · h l\· , .. II"n t<l lfO II"hl'-=t nn4 tll'\dhllt Ibnm\ ,,, Ihi" un nnnovl u6l (',l ld \II r{,.. lrna. A. ~ G\ldnll:l!l slf lnmc, Mc llDd OOc bOl\1 s.



world dell&i1ls ill SlI nll), P ople. The old ar hllnge ring for lo\'o more thun for bread,- Drullllllond, 'I'll

III .... Wln.low·" Soothln", "pnp. '0'. c: hHdrCQ teethluw:, ..aflnUII the ,cum". rodu(l.el tn·

M n who hav" advice to give are n ever stingy with It.



~dded to tbe LoDg List due


L. Frank Baum

Cl'n p\'f lght, h y t h~ Jl ob b s- M e rrlll Co, )

(~tt}' rl& ht

by L . PI'unl, Un um It W. W. Dens low.)

~. \JolLlo.

aaulf...1MJon, .U"78 pain. wlDtl eollu.

This Famous Remedy.

has Diy nervee a deal of good ~~;;;~;A:~;;-IlaT~ also relieved •~ I 'recommended it to 'some and two of them bavs been greatlY .benefited by it." - Mrs. :MAE MCKNIGHT, Oronog~Mo.

. Another QrQ.te(ul ' woman. ' at. Louis. Mo. - .. I was ,bothered ,

terribly with a female weakness. and ' had backache, bearing down pains and pains in lower parts. 1 began taking Lydia E. :Pinkham's Vegeta,b le Compound reJrolarlya.nd nsed, the ~anatlv.8 Wash ana now I have no more troubles that way."-Mrs. AL, HEUZOG, r.'l22 , Prescott Ave., St. Louis, Mo, Because your caae is a di,f tlcnlt ~n~ doctors baVing done you no gootL do not continue to suffer ,without Riving Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely bas cured many cases of female 111s, such as in. flammation, ulceration. displacements, ' fibroid tumors, irregularities t 'perlodlo pains, backache, that be(mng-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner. VOU8, prostration. It costs but a trifte to try it. and the result is worth mil· ,U01l9 to many autlering women.


:sllld ~e SCal'&, " ~Ol B bll of II," answered tb Lion; " t s hould Ilk to ll\' 11 r all my lire. Se how soft Ule dried lellv s 'l ir tlnd r ) ' OUI' f t aud how rfoh and r e n th ' moss is thnt lings to th s e old tl'oe ll, Sill' iy 1\0 wild beast could \l'ls h f1 l)ie'nsnn ter h file." " P rhuI 'S lh r lire WIld bensts to th for st IIOW, " snld Dorothy. "[ sUPPos lher al'." r turn d the Lio n ; "hut I do not see any of tbem abo llt." 'J' h y wal\( d lhrough th e forest until Il b cum teo da rk go any furthl'r. Dorothy and Toto and the Lion lay down to 51 p, whll the Woodman und Ul cur crow ltC' pt watch ove r th m a, II s ual. Whon 1U0l1llng oame they started again , 13erore t hey bad gone tal' they hard a low rumble, as of the grow ling or many wlld animals. Toto whim· PCI' d a lit tl e, but non c of tho otbe rs was frightened und they IlCpt along t h w lJ- trod el n path until tbey came to nn opening In th wood, in wllich wer gnthe r d bundreds ot beasls ot ev I'l' vn.rlely, Tb re w ro Ugers and lu pbants and bea rs and wolves and foxes nnd nil the oth I'll in the natural hlslory, and for a moment Dorothy was afraid . Hut the L ion xplalned thAt the animals we l'e boldlng a meet· lng, and he judged by lhelr snarling aud growling that they were In great trollble, . As he spoke several of the beasts cnught sight ot him, and at once the great ass mblage hushed It by magic. The biggest ot the tigers came , up to the Lion nnd bowed, saying: "Welcome. O. King of Beasts! You hav,e come In good twe to fight our "It 8 crow,

SYNOPSIS. Dorothy \h'cc'I In R ansoll "'lIh Aunt Em IIcls J[I'lI r y. A cyclone \tHell th eIr hOIll <' Into tlle "Ir, Dorothy Calling ne leep 11/1.,1I18t the ~)( ~ ll e lll e nt. A crl\sh n vnkcned he.', Tho housc hnd Innded In II. country of mnn'elous bcnll ty, Oroups or queer lillie pcople llr('oted her to the Land of MUllchklns, 'file house hnd klllod th eir enPIllY, the wlt-kcd wItch oC Eust. Dorothy took tho wltch's stiv er 8hoell, She Bl ll rt d tor th e ElUerald lly to find the 'Vl znrd ot Oz, wllo, she wall promIsed, might tlnd a way to send' her back to KonBns. Do rothy relensed n scar crow, giving hIm UCe, Ho wns dcslroull of ncqulrlng brolns and s tll.1'ted with her to th e wizard to get them. The scnr orow told hIs history, They m t II. tin woodman who lonl':'ed for n hca rt. He alllO joIned Ihem, '.rhey came upon a terrible lion. The lfon co nfessed he bad no courage, He deolded to accom pany them to '.he Wizard at Oz to get Borne. The 8CRrer.row In pushIng the ro.!t becnme tmpaled upon hla pole In Ule mIddle of tbe rlv r, The I!Ictu ·e row wn B r scue<\ by n Crlendly stork. They entered a POPtPYl1 tI Id, which enuRed Dorothy to 11 oel ep, Tho scare row and tin wooilmaa\n resc ued her and her dog from the den Y flowers. The lion tell asleep Rnd bIng tfoo henvy to lilt. Wo.lI I ft. On the scorch or the rond pt yellow brlok which led to the Emernld City lhey mct a wtld cat I1nd lIeld mice. Th" '\\'oodmo.n killed tho wild cot. The , QU n mouse b cnme fri endly. SII sent t/lousiLnda of her ' mlco subj aU to draw the lion 'awny from tho pOppy tleld, Porothy o.wol(e from her long 81e p. They I'I14rted I1gaJn p n the Emerald City road. They came to a fence. pOint d green. There w re fnrmofll of gre n. 110ullca of green Ilnd people dr lIIIed In green. U Willi the Lnnd of Oz. They met the guardlan of the gnte8, Be deIQrlbed the power of tbe Wlzar() of Oa. All put on green 8peota lell 8.9 the brightnesll Ilnd glory ot Elm rnld ' City blinded them. The wIzard decided to receive one of the pllrty each . day, All were pu tin Irf'I! n rooms. Dorothy went to the throne room. ~ a chair sparkling with emeralds IIhe beheld an enormous head without body. !er ' 0'1' arms. bigger than the biggest flan "I nm Oz, thc great and terrible.' said the' llead, Oz told h r that when she killed the wicked wttch of tl10 Enst .he would aend her ho",o. The IIcaro-, crow, admitted to the presence of a 1>eauUtul lady. ' who said IIhe WIlS the wlzl1rd. was promised brains when he killed the witch. The woodmnn behold n terri tile 'OOl18t w1tQ a head of a rhlnoceroll and five ,eYe8" The wIzard promised htm a heart If he 'would slay tlto wltoh. The llqn lIaw i1 ball of tire and a voice from tb ll objoct promIsed him courage If he I!Ir(lw the wltl h. The seorch commenced. The witch 8aw tbe partY ' when It entered her domllln I1nd caused n pnck of wolvc8 to attaclc It. The woodman klJled th e wolves, Sho lIenl crOW8 which the 8Cll.1'ecrow scared nnd ktlled. Boca were dlllPlitched next, but tho woodman received tho sUngs. Finally winged monk eys took th m prlaoner and oonveyed them to tho witchery, Dorothy throw Wllter on the wloked witCh, deslroylng b!!r. ,Dorothy 1'08cued tho lion. woodmlln and 8carecrow. She found a cho.l'n'Ied goldell cup ' and started baok to Oa. Sho became lost. She uscd the cup to call the winged monic Y8 who took them til the Elm raId Pty, Tho chnrmed oup's stQry wus told. Dorothy ' dlsoov rod t!le wizurd to be a humb" g, Be told his lteo IItory, '1'he w!:lmr gave the !:1cnrecrow brnlns, the woodm In 1l. henrt and t he lion II. courage tlUI 1. ';l'he WtZflrd of Oz constructed a balloon to take Dorothy home. The air crnft 1>roko loose and thc wizard was carried away without tho girl. Dorothy called the wing d monkll'YlI, bu.t th oy were powllrl II . She w nt to Olinda, the gOOd witch Or the south. AlI joul'neyed toward tb Land ,o( tho South, They wcr attacked by IlghUnlT tr ees. 'rhey ent red ' th chI na cou nt ry, all thCl InhabIlants being made of elllna. an (\



A"Ii•• , BrollobiU. .liil


18 ......



llAtI·. Funny PllIIlOr CDllltlpatJoo.

That'. Wh,. You're Tir.d-Out ..' Sorll-Hay. No CARTER'S


, ~ilI fout you right a 0 .... day•. They do

, 10

Iheir duty. Cwe Coaalipati~., BiIiOllllen, lAdigutlOll, SMALL flU.. SMALL DOSE. SIIALL Pile! GENUINE rowt bear Jignature:


Bad Breathm,

• 'Por months I bad great trouble with .tomoch and used oll kinds of medicines. My tongue bas been act!1l111y as green a!l grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two Weeksngo a friend recommended CascAret!l and nfter using them I cau willingly and cheerfully say that thcy have entirely cured me, I therefore let you know that I shall recommend them to 8ny ODe suffering from lIuch troublcs."-Cilas. H. Hn!. pern, tl4 E. 7th St., New York, N, Y. 'UT THIS 0 T, mnll It with your address to SL rltng Rilm <ly Company. Chicago, ]lllnol8 , nnd rcc 1\'o II. handsome souvenir gold Bon Bon FREE. 023

Shoe BoUa, Capped Hook, Bur.ltI.



TtI\o LA.XA.TtV I'l D{\UMO ~ulnlno TAbl.t!!. 'UU~~I~~~r~l~':,~~,::.'0r:~D\!U.~t" ~x~ ~urQ. 1:1, W,


Enough Said. "Do you ever dress in a cold room 1" "\VeU. I married a Boston girL"

·RUBBER STAMPS ~s.; gte:c~l~c~~~" are 110 CIlrtber trom YOl\r bome or 0111(1 than






"re t Phouoor~~

U.S,mull boJC. AlWJlts 'H . wanted, Oet cataloi,



t~{r." {'k(~'~~'l~l~r~~I~\I~~'rJl~D ~~V,'.:':nr~dlg:

oyur <10 ,enrs. :IIic. 60<:. '1.00 boUles. All dealera.

ClJeap notoriety often turns out to be an ~J)enslve luxury,


, "Not One of Us Is Safe While Thi. Fierce Creature la Alive."


,,~~~~ea.t.~~ ' to ... tab.dO

01 t.bts "",per will be ploued

t!:'b't'",~~,:'t~~~\ll'na~M~:= ~~\~tll~

is Clogged up

07-0·1 .. , Dorlfnat0D, Vermoot.

IIDDEL'S EASY WEAR HOSE. H_drecle of .uUmoa'.... ' , SiM 2Sr: SOirtp,I. Pair. JO,IIN II. llDDEI. & 00.. 1.10)" N. Y.

WID. .iaIteDdy reu..::.~" .dllDC ~ 1'I*e"h '00 like it for '

$tOO Reward, $100. 'nI~ ~1'8

,Your 'Liver

In the Ark. SOllh-I know what 1'01 going to do. 18 f~ beautlftll colono, lOe Il'lr pal!k.,o .. t Clealeta '1\1I'S, Noah-What is It? U DO~ In . took, IIOnll uolOO III&tll1l1 color doAlred. Noah-liold the elephant's trunk for board. Color <:IU,", and book at dlroetlonl freo br wrlUq

MAke. Itle'. walk eea,.. DoD'( make

"Ut ~l.Utl't ft'.[U~ '

Real Early Rising. Fnrmer Brown lInd Farmer Jonea wore n Ill' ne lgbbors , and many n dis· put e took )llace as to who WBS the earII r ri seI'. Doth maintained that each exoelled tho other. Oue day Farmer Brown determIned to put the subject to test. Rising very arly one morning, about two o'clock he proceeded to Visit hie friend. Great was his astonishment ' when he saw Mrs. Jones hangin g out the clotlJes lu the gurden. "Farmer Jon 8 about?" he asked. "Well." r eplied the lady. "he was th e first part of 'the mornlu', but I dunno whore he be now."


)'0111' 'eet tender by ualoll pOWder. ead_pa. Wear

'D ISaS(~ ~: : CURE

Great Brlt;;I"- buy. Ita oatmeal of us? , e rtalnly It seemB IIkc oarrylng coala to Newcas tl e to s o ak of xportIng oolmc.a l to Scotlund and yet, very yoar Lhe Qualter Oats Omplmy sends hundr ds o( thousnnds of cus s of Qua ke r Oula LO ' Gl'cat Brituln and ElI l'ope. '''he I' nSOIl. is simple; while the E1U.lIsh and Scotch have fer c I\tlll'les oulcn olltm al in qllllntltles and with a l'egulal'lly that bas made them tb e mo t ru gged phys loally, a nd active mentally of all peopl , the Am rican hns heen eating ontmeal and trying all III time to impl'ovo tb'l mot hods of manllfa cturo s o thtH h o mlghl get that d s imble fore Ign trlld , Uow well h e hilS s ucl~ec d ed would b e seen at a glance at th e export reDorts of Quai(e r Oats. 'fhls brand is r cognized as without a l'lval in cleanI1nesa and delicious fia v(Jr. 61

A Moout Doctor. While on his vacation, a city doctor ARE nARD TO CORE,let attended the Sunday morning service ABSORBINE at a IIttl country chllrch. When the congregation was dismissed sev ral of the mcmb rs shook hands with him, und ()n , wishing to learn If h e were a Methodist, inquired: "Are you n pr-ofessor, brother?" "Ob . no, ' Ind, ed," answered the phYSician. modestly; "just an ordlna.rY doctor,"-Llpplncott's .

Weal' lroo, fIne as allk. alill soft as velvet, the only aure 'preven. taUve for swoll~ tired ••chtDIl feet.


' :.(f~);'~




.D9n't Cough!~Use



~Buy ?e}?.!ua @.


"That will ".)!! a butt climb," sat~ lhe Scarecroll. "but we roust' get ove r Ule hili, ne;Vl·th less," So he I d tb way and tlla othon Collow d. 'J'h y had nellrly reached th first ' roclt wh n they bean) 'a rou gh voice cry out : " K p . buclt!" "Who fl.r YO\l 1" Rs l< d. the S 'arecrow. Th n a head showed Itself over the rock und th same voi '0 so ld: "This h1ll belongs to liS, and we don't allow allY one to cross It." "But we mus t cross It," !laid the Scar crow, "" e're going to tho :;:llun· try of the Quadlings," "Out YOll shall not!" replied the voico, n ud 1h ore stepped from beb.Jntl liJe rock lh strangest man tho travlers hnd over seen. He was quite short and stout and had a. big head, which was tlat at the tOll nnd supporl d hy a thiclt n ecle flll1 of wr"lnlcl Cs. But he blld uo arms at all, and, s ee ing t his, th o Scarecrow did not fenr that so he lvl ess a creature could prevent Ul om trom climbing the b II J. So he sald: "I'm sorry not to do as you Wish, but we mllst pass over your hill wh e th e r yO\l tllce it or not." lind he WIII\( CIt boltlly forward. As Qulcl, a s IIghlnlng the man's head sbot fOl'ward and hlA necle stretched out unttl tbe top of the bead, wbere It was ,fiat, strllck the Scare· crow In the mlddlo and s e ut hlnl tumbling, ovor and over, down the hilI. AI· most as qlll lily as It came the head went back 10 the body, and the man laughed hlll'shly as be Baid: ' "It isu't as easy as you think!" A ohorlls at boisterous laughter came from lhe othe r rocks, tlnd Doro· thy saw hundreds of the armless lIam·

caUlrrh. ""II's CII\4rTb Cure .. lhe only potnlvo curo DOW known to lho medlcul ll'6tmllty. Cawrb bcl!llJ a eonsUtulIonat d lscGae. rcqulml • constitutional U'C4tmolll , Uall's tarrh Cure fII taken (n. ten."lIy a.UIII! d~t1y upon thft blood and mucoUl $urr._ 01 Iho .ystorn , theroby dl'Stroytru: tllo loundAtion 01 tho cJ .....- . Itnd IIlt lnll Ut e pallollt 8tNlIl ~ lb by bulld(nll \Ill Ut. eon.Ulullon G"d 11118"t.1"11 "aturo In dO"'J 11:1 work. 11.0 proprlelol'l havo ID mu.h 18111\ In ItII ~u",lIv. 'PO"~ lhat Iboy olfer Ono Hunltred Dollal'l lor any cuo lhat It 1,,1Ia t.O eurr, Send lor 01 lcellInon lal. AddN'Sll F. J . CHEs-EY '" (;0 .. Toledo. 0 , Bold by all DrUlt1!ltU!, 71k!.



~ Ioom,.."


Atte r climbing down from tlle chinn wall the travelers f 0 u n d themselves in a'eeable country, tul1 of bogs and marshes, and covered wilh tal1, falilt grass, It was difficult to wall, far WIU10Ut falllng into muddy holes, for th e grass was so thick that It hid them from s ight. However, by carefully picking their way, they got safe ly along until they reacbed solid ground. But h ere the country seemed wildeI' than ever, and aUel' a long and Uresome ~alk through tho' unde r-

. ~~


11 my and bring peace to wi the a1}lmals of the torest once more." "What Is your trouble?" asked the Lion. quietly. "We nre all threate ned," answered the tiger, "by a. fiel'ce enemy whicp has late ly come Into this forest. It is a most tremendous monster, like a great spider, with a body as big as an elepbant and legs ' as long as a tree t runk , U hall eight of· these long legs, and IU! the monster crawls through the forest he seizes an animal with a. leg and drags It to his moutb. where be eats it as a spider does a fly, Not ono' of us is safe whJle tbls fieroe creat ure Is alLve, and we bad called a meeting to decide how to talce care ot ourselves when you came among US," "Where Is this grellt spider ot yours now?" asked the Lion, "Yondel', among the oalt trees," said the tiger. pointing with his tOl'etoot. ' The great spider · was lying asleep when the Lion found him, and it looked so ugly that Its foe turned up hill nose in disgust. Its legs were quite as long as the tiger had said. and its body covered with coarse black hair. It had a great mouth, with a row of sbarp teeth a foot long; but its head was jolued to lbe pudgy bod)' by a neck as slender as a wasp's waist. ' Then. with one blow ot bis heavy paw, all armed witb sharp claws, he knoclted tbe spider's h~ad trom Its body. Jumpl,n g down, be watched It until the long legs stopped wiggling. when be kneW' it was Quite dead. The ' Llon went baek to the opentng w!,lere the' heasts of tbe forest were ,waiting for blt:n 'a nd said, proudly.: , , "You need tear your enemy no longer." . The t he b'etl.s·ti; ,bowed' d,oWll ,to the Lion 8s"Ulelr kini. and he promised to come buok and rule over them as . as Dorothy safely. on 'l ier way to

'KanSBS. , '.



". "

: :;':

mer·Heads upon the h.111sldc, one h&hind every rock. ' The Lion bec.e-::e quite angry at the lllugbt~r caused by the Scarecrow'. mishap, and 'giving a loud roar thal eohoed llke thunder be dasbed up the hill . . , Again a head sbot swiftly out, and the great Lion went I'olllng down tho hili as It he bad been struck by 'a can· non ball. ' Dorotby ran down and h e lped the Scarecrow to his feet, and the Lion came ,up to her, feeling rather bruised and sore, and said: ' "It is useless to fight people with shQotlng heads; no one can withstand them." "What can we do, tben?" - <lha 'asked. , "Call the Winged Monkeys," sug· gested tho Tin Woouman; "yoll bilve stIlI the right to command them once more." , "Very well," sh!'l answered, aud put. tlng on the golden C8P sbe uttered the magic words, The Monkeys wel'e as prompt as ever, and In a few moments the enUre band sto:Jll before her. (TO BE CONCLUDED.) Thoae Frail Boata. "In an account ,of , a wreck on tho Long Island 'coast that I read the other day," observed the reUred yachtsman. "I was pained to notille In one paper that the orew left the scbooner In a 'frail boat,' the said craft being properl,. descrJbed In the Press as the sblp.'s long 'boal ' I knoW' ·that ia tbe conventional, pbraSe to scribe a vessel's small 'boat, but lUI I read ,It I wond~red If the 'fraU boat' writer ' ever had lieen one ' of those ponderous fabrlos of' oak' called . tile ship's long ,boat! ' Or , If he ever bad 'tried: to" b'aul ,'a 14-root yawl be'a ch alter ,It bad been lett high and dry . by: ~e tide? :, Such 'a job on a Jllly, 'day probab),. woUld cure hUn forever d'flscttlHng ,,~,h a .,Oat, Y '· ,fral!."


oft '.


A Bear.

bl'U8h they entered anotber ·.torest, ' where tbe trees were bigger anet old~r 'than any tbeY' had ev r ie~D.

W. N. U •• CINCINNATI, NO. 6-1910.

$125,000 ,n et from 1200 acres grapes. $15,000 from' 22 acres peaches. $3,200 from 20 acres raisins, in the San J9aquin ,Valley, California A cow an~ !lcre ~f alfaHa will earn $120 a year in the San Joaquin Valley. . Grapes WIll. Yield from $lOO to $300 per acre:. peaches.and apricots, $J50 10 $500; while oranges will prolJuce from $250 t.o $500, nod In mnny Instanoes more than $l QOO an acre. There are ten million arable' and lrrigable acres here. You b-ti 1J may buy unlmprov~d land for $50 an acre, 'fe.n .acres .are enong~ to comfortably support a small family, Twcnty acres afford a fino !tVlng, With money ~ the bank.' Forty acre!! should make you rich. You pny from one-fourth to O}leCl\rljon Recd, Rccc'lley, Cnl. trom & thtrd down, bl\)nnoe eun,. ce.. be .eld twelity-nCrtl crop or l:iull!;lmi. rulsl ns (01' out of the cropa. netted $3,200. Almost anything oan be raised In the I koo,... 111.. 'VnlleT from cnd to . d San Joaquin coun try-or~nlJ'cs und I hl\vo Beon crops plllnt tl unu hl\rv~~t~ whcnt, flgs and npples. delicate grapes cd In ev ry on' or Its countl.ll ) I and hardy potatoes, Products at' th e Interviewed (Rrm ra rllnch . rs 'nnd ' InV. temperatCl and semi-tropIc zones flout·- ohunt!!. I huv e collated t1~e t eal! meris h side by side. . of crop expc rts mony .'Ieaty of wnter tor Irrigation drawn All tl I . ' trom the rtcll'I'-by tllerra snows. It Ie t III d ; S t~nluefble Information Ie oon_aT (01' ODe to m.ake a atel't lA\nd be- fa e n .e an JOllqllln "Vullcy la nd twee n tbo rows can be us ed. while or- ,ynlr~f~ ~~~urr bgf :ho St"lnl La Fe Rnllwny. chard Is young tor mnl)Y profltablc d , v nil' u namo nnd ndcrops. Tho polnt_ Is to meke every ress, wtJ\ 1\160 /lenl'! YOU our Imml~ lon Ijournal, .quaft! (oot bellI' aometillog. Tho Enrth. Six months WII.t aome (.I'mel'. lIeve doae. T' Frl\nk Thomas, ot Frellno. Cal.. he San,t a Fc employs me to h elp bought twenty acre,s of land five yea r s settle up Its Southwos t llncs. The Comago. He had but S31)0 to ' 8tart on, TO- ~Ilny has no lund to sell, but I will day h. Is plnce Is 'patd tor and he has an f'a~IY r efer your Inquiry to reliable InClome of over $2.000 a. year. an" owners who have. Wtlliam Shrayer. R. F. D. 7. Fresno, Low (OHII nre Orrercd by the Santa Cal" bought his flrst ten acres six Fe dally. Comfortablo touri st sloepers ;,eara ago. NO,w owns sixty acres aU nbnd chaIr carl!. Tho journey also may pnl4 for, and refuse's $12.000 tor his bel made Ilt other Urnes for n. reason. plaoe, 8 e co"t, Santa Fe tourist lorvlce tG M. F. Tarpey, ot Frelno., owns vine- San Frnnclsco Is Qulck ost. yard of 1,200 acres. from which he C L SEACRAVES takea1an annual profit of U2ti,OOO.· , CaenJ Coloaiutioe Ar-t On the Barol() e8tate~ twenty-two A. T.1t 9. F. 9,., •• acr.. of peachea yielded a 116.000 crop. 1110 RaIl.u Eac.......
















Stops . Neuralgia

TOe) oft n Ule kidneys are the cause and tb s urr rer Is not aware of it. Sick kidneys bri ng backacb e and side pains, lamenes s 1Ind slitTn ess, dlzzl· , n 'ss, headach es, ti red f e llng, urinary Penne y-Ivan la Grape Grow er Pr~er. Well-r ia-alne d LOlnr. ) troubl rtS, Donn' s KId. Eleva ted Sulltc lently to Sc=cur e hey -pn s cure the Ail" Drcln arre. caus , fr s. N , E . G r a v e s , Villisca, Iowa , :;lays : "I suffered from kidney

The above caption about represe nts the growth of Centl'al Canada . The stateme nt was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have mlllile the remarka ble discove ry ,that such WIlS the case, There Is Dot a district of a fair amount of settlement In any of the throe Provlbc es of Manitob a, Saskatc hewan and Alberta , but has its school" and the railway s have stations overy seven or eight miles apart, around which group the towns, sOlUe largo and Bome -small, but eaeh Importa nt to Its own district. Schools are largely nmlntal ned by pub· IIc funds and the expense of tuition Is but a nominal sum , The final returns of the grain produ lion for Central Canada for 1909 Is now In, and the , figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers ot that country Is about 196 million dollars, I\S compar ed wllh 120 OI111lon last yenr. Americ an farmers 01' those who have gone trom the United States, will part! Ipato largely In these splendi d re turns, and theso compris e those who have gone from nearly very State In th nlon. ne of t.he many proofs that might be put forward showing tbe Immens e wealth that comes to the farmers of C!!nlrn.1 Can ad Is seen In the Bum that has been spent durin g the past two -or three montbs by the farmers who ,have for the time being ceased worryin g over the reaper and the threshe r, nnd are taking to e njoying A Few Bunche l of Delawa re Grapes. themsel ves for two or three 1L0nths, It Is said that fifty thousan d people of In a thoroug hly practica l talk L. roots, but this llractlce does nol give these Western Provinc es spent the O. Youngs or North East told the best results. holiday season visiting their old Pennlly lvanla Hdrtlcu ltural A tew grapes may be gnthere J the associa tion homes. Most 9t- these passeng ers paid nt a recent meeting of the method s second year, when the vines are tied forty nnd some forty-five dollars for he employs In grape growing. For (or tbt> first time to wires stretche d the round trip. Some w('nt to Great t!ltller aCter the Kniffin or the arm Britain , somo to the Contine nt, others beet results he prerers n well drained ystems. The first wire Is about 30 loam, elevate d sufficien tly to provide In c h ~s to their old homes In Eastern Canada , from the ground and the secand many thou sands went to visit good all' drainage. The ground Is ond about 24 incheB higher. A few their fri ends In the States, The amount thoroug hly fitted by plowing and the vIneyar ds employ three wires. The one·yea r paid alone In transpo rtation would be one-roo t vines set In rows can(,b IlI'e tied with soft wire, so that upward of two million dollars. Some 'n ine teet apart. Concord s are placed after the fruiting make the trip every years. It need eigbt teet asunde r in the rows and Ing Is done, these season, when prunsmall wires readily no t be asked, "Can they alrord It?" Delawa res somewh at. closer, thus reo drop ort the trellls. Summe r pruning qulring about 600 and 800 vines to the Is not practice V Ith crops yield LUg them a profit ot d, but cultivat ion with $20 to $25 per ncre, and some having ncre, respecti vely. low, horse Before planting the roots are q'l nt. As hoe and harrow Is freas much as twel\'e hundred or more a resu lt , the crop Is well neres the question fs answere d. The trimme d BO they extend about 16 develop ed and of high quality. It is Oanadla n Oovern ment Agents at dlf· Inches, and' ln setting these roots are rnarkete q through co·opera ferent points In lhe States report that spread out In aU directio ns, so as to lies which have et)abled tlve sClclegrower s to they have Intervie wed a great' many bave the largest . possible feeding do far better than they could previground. Many growers bunch the ously through commis of those who are 'now visiting friends sion m en. In the dllre rent states, and they all express the mselves as well satisfie d, ,and promise to take some of their fri ends baok with them, There Is ItIll a lot of tree homeste ad land In splendid dlstrlot s, and other landS' can ' be purchas ed at a r easonab le price from rallway and land comDan(es, The Rul.lng Pas,lon . An old Irish woman, In describ ing a "gone but not forgotte n," said: "Mike was the tolne man entolrel y and he'd be living now. If It wasn't for the dhrlnk. He had a dog and suro tha't baste would bring bUn home from the 8a100n whin be was so blind , wid lIeiuor he oouldn' t lee a shtep before him. And whln he dled- 'till the truth I'm shpakl ng-hls gbost walked at night, botb back nnd tOorUI, betuJie the saloon and his house- and liedad 'twas so dhrunk hIs dog knew him!" BIN.


troubl e




The sec re Uons were dlsordc red, t bel' e we re I1I11ns In my l.Jack and swelling s at the ankles. Often 1 had smotberIng s pell s , T had to be helped about. Doan's Kidn e y PHIs cured me five years ago and I bav been well since, They SIlV d my life ," Rf!memb l' the nnm e-Doan 's, For sale by nil deale n; , 50 cents a box, Fos te r-Milburn Co" Buffalo. . ' " Y.


The shooting. tearin g pains of neura lgia are caused by, excitement of the nerves. Sciati ca is also a nerve pam. Sloan's Liniment, a soothi ng extern al application, stops neuraigia pains at once, quiets the nerves, relieves that feeli'ng of numb ness which is often a warni ng of paralysis, and by its tonic effect on the nervo us and mnscular tissues, gives perma nent as well as immediate relief.

One Application Relieved the Pain.

Mr. J. C.

Thief-W hat's lhe time, please? Victim -Much too late for you , Your pal just got my wa tch. Preside nt Taft on Discont ent. Pres ide nt Taft, In on of hi s acIdl' sses to til farm ers or Flor nce, N, C" told a s tory about dI scontent. " No man." he said, "can really un· :lcrelan d chronic dlscont nt art I' hav· Ing eaten on e of those famous pine 3leWR of No rth Carolin a, Chronic di scontent does, howeve r, exis t. 'ow a nd then we find u case or two among fanners wben the weathe r goes wrong. " 'Ah, Y S, ,Josepb, you have c'a use 10 complain ,' 11 lawye r said to a farm. el'. 'The harvest bus been very 'bad, IW doubt of thnt. But you sllould r eo member that provide nce cares for all, sud even the birds of tile all' are provided for ," "'Yes,' said the disconte nted farm· er, 'so they a r -o1I my potutol !I' " Wasbln gton Post. . StagIng a Trial, "Now, YOllr conduct during tbe trial may have conside rable errect on the Jury. "Ab, quit so," respond ed the ultraswell defe ndant. "A nd should ' l appear interest ed, or just mildly .,bored ?"

Free to Our Readers .

Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlca· Write all abou t Your Eye Trouble nnd th ey wUl advise as to th e Proper Application ot the MurIne Eyo Reme dIes In Your Spec ial Cue. Your Dru ggist \'till te ll YOI1 that 'Murine Relle \'es Sore Eye8., Strength ens Weak Ey es. Doesn't Smart, SootheS Eye Pain. and 8ella tor 50<:, '1'ry It In Your EYCR and In Baby's Eyel!l tor Scaly Eyelids and Gra nu lation. gO, (or 4lj-puge Illustra led Eye Hook Free.

LEE, .of 1100 Ninth St .• S. E .• Washing ton, D. .. I advised a lady who was a great sufferer from neuralgia to try C., writes :ment. After one application tbe pain left her and she has not Sloan's Unlbeen troubled with it since." '

Sloans Liniment

is the best remedy for Rheum atism, Stiff Joints and Sprain s and all Pains. At All Druggla ta. Price 200., SOc. and .t.OO~ 81oan'. TNau.e


the Dol'M Hot

Free. AddreU





The beallng und germ destroy ing effects ot this salve are wonder ful, causing no Irritatio n, but can be ap1>J1ed to the most skIn or mem"ranes. Druggis ts, PhysiCians and Sanitar iums endorsetender this formula for Its remarka ble effects In' treatme nt ot Interna l and Externa l Plies, Elczemas, Tetter, SnIt rheum, Ulcers, Sores, Cuts, Cracked Skin, Chappe d bands, sore corns, Dandru ft and all scalp diseases, Nasal oatarrh , colds, croup, etc. Ask ' for CLOVE RINE S'ALVlll. at all drug stores 25c or Bend. cents The Oermlth ol ChemIc al Co., Piqua, Ohio, We will mall you freeIn stamps 'to of charge a package ('ach ot CLQVERTNE PILL~, OLOVERINE QUININ E LAXATIVE, Oreenam ye r's ANTI-PAIN POWDE RS, also an order on your bome druggIs t for a tree 25c package of CLOVE RINE SAL~ the above formula . State name ot druggis t on wbom you want this free with order. \


aucces.l n irrigatin g 400,000 acrea In


r. Dept

K. lOS LaSaUe St" Chic8go, DL


'. -

-Sligh t "'Error.



"Nevert heless;" sald tbe young Roman, "he Is an ambitio us poet. He would serve the muses all his life." ,"But/ ' replied his older, "he makes' LcK:o:te the Home on a HtU ,aDd the mlstnke of supposi ng that BacThen Beautl {y the Groun ds -Ihah t and Wnm . of chus Is one of the muses. "-Catho llc GetUu a starte d. Standar d and Times. We nfC not to blame because you sufTer from Jtbeumn tiHm or Neurnlgi n, but you nrc if you do , not t ry Hnrnlin~ Wiznrd Oil. It quiekly soothes nnd nllnYIJ all pain, 80rene88 and inflamm ation. ~

Awful Though t,

"When 1 leave here 1 shall have to depend on. my bra ins tor a living." "Don't take such a peSSimistic view of thlngs. "-Corn ell Widow. The only reason we care to be a milliona ire Is for the purpose of Induc· Ing bill collecto rs to cut ,o ur ncqualn tance. PJLJtS (JURED IN 8 TO 1,4 DAYS,

PA7,o Oll'iTMI!lNTI./I1!omnWe ~ ~<i enl"illln,. caM uf Iwhln., Blind, B1cedlnl( ur l'rolru4lD/ J l'U.. LA lio ICI1a1lor lUoner rofun4e4. 600.

One fisherm an ought to belleye, the stories bf another', but be seldom does. ;



....... """"", ...




out around the little mound, more of the top soli Is thrown In and packed tightly around the rots, filling up all air spaces and holding them In proper place. Next some rotten straw, not manure, JiJ thrown In, then the ' rest ot the so\) Is tamped well, around the tree. I do not use any manure next to the Mots of trees, The manure Is Bcatte~ed around the trees, the rain takes the t('rtlllty down to the roots, and the soUd matter, while rotting, serves as a mUlch, ' , Tbc above !,hethod, It closely follo~ed, will take a tree through the first summe r, which Is the most critIcal part of the life of a ' tree. Oet them started rl6ht. The way Is easy. A bad start causes much trouble and delay.

(By J. W. Griffen,) In selectin g a list of trees to plant' for shade- on your rawn, or aiong the avenue, make a note ot the cbaract er ot the soli and plant accordi ngly. Make a note of the trees that grow on the hillsIde s and those that glow on the ht1l~ops. Pick out, those that hold their foliage longest, also those whose fOliage Is healthie st and most dense, f;lome advocat e spring and some tall planting of fruit and forest trees. I have It tb'a t the followin g gives good Manurin g Rhubar b. results: Manure tbe rhubarb .' Any kind of Where the trees to be set out are stable manure , ohl <!r fresb, may ulied with freedom at this season be larger than two or , three year olj! th of T trees I dig a hole four feet wide each e year. be prOfits of this crop way and two feet deep some time duro a~e ma,lnly de pendeD t upon the amount Ing the late tall or early' whiter. ' 0 manure used. The crop thrives The to.... soli ' IS"th, rown on one side. beet In SOlis which' contain .. amount s of vegetab le matter, and iarge It II the s~bsoll on the ,other. also Importa nt to supply an abounThe , combin ed actions ot the rain, ' dance of availab le nitrogen . freezing and thraw!n g produce a' good ' etrect on ~he Roll thrown out and ,upon ' ' Care of, Late Ch'lck~" '. 'the, sides of,the ,hole. " . '~,ate, bl)tcbeIJ 'chlcken s should be fed , The trees to , be set are I,lrocUred 8,p a r!nglY dU!,lDg hot, weatber durIng the fall and are heeled Ih ,in a ,sbould , be ' turt;llshe"d wIth , liut they plenty- of protecte d , pI~ce and are reatly' at a-ny, r~oOd ' drlJiR~ng " wat~I" , 11helr forage _tlroe (they are W!lnte.d. 'i A tew days of 'groun,d s should ~e tree ot tan , weed~ _unshln el :a,nd. "In,d ! ' w~!1ther In ,early an,d, ot~"r rflpk vegetat ion ",,~ere' they "prl-ng putq the mOlin,d s of earth be-, will become wet an,l cbJlled Mth dewil Ilde the holell in Dne ahape' to pu~ In and ra.lnB. ,. Se1>!lrate them into 8n'laU ' around , ~he · t,e'es. , flocks an~ avo .... crowdin g. , Tbe ' trees :mal be lIet out two or three ,,,eeks ' Irfor~ tbe ', aUrrOundlng chlqk'e n. 'Mult Be Fed. fO\l will do to ~ulUvate. So ,many people. ~ave !l ,' mi.talr a First :straw mBnure ,III tamped elx Idea tbet a cbl~ken CAn P(Ck up Ita 11._ 'Mlies deep tn the bottom tbe'boje l. tng: or course they can. then about six Incbell of the top loll Ilro~ele4. but Qtcllnar lly. where It III II throWD ID. lean,a a a , little 1DO,11Dd ID pouJtr)' ~at'd III 10 elelltitu the ave!':1p te ot food . . the ceil. Of tile bole. ilpog wblcb til. to lnake It abllotu t.t, nec... ". tbt :center- or tap Toot 1Ih~aJ4 _ ", tbe (004 be pnm4e11 tor til. . 'I~ ,t ilt


The btl' or' 114• .root.' .,...~ pro.... propo~


to Twin Falla Country, Idaho, tb" Kuhns aretbelr Il'rlgaUn S' ' Eab)' tel'lllS to aeUlera We wan'

2ltO,OOO aares in the Sacrame nto VoJlel. Send names of frlcnda. Low · shoes and high heels may be you. Bend 100 for 48fuhlona blfl extreme s. paP~k In colora. H. L. Holliste

·rue little picture tells It ail. wl11 sllve many steps your tlm'~ Thl" little dcvlce may be worked 18 most valuable , Trywhen It once and be through any cellar door (lr window. It convinced. ~_~.a",.

Now 'or Nev er!"

Occasio nally a girl discove rs tbat the young man after h er own heart It enr you wlabed for a bome In Californ ia aend for tree Intol'lllat lon abont 'b~ gnatea\ lrriSa. Isn't after It at all, tlon, colonizin g aud bome·ma klng enterpris e ever undertak eJ\. In ail.IIUon

Import ant to Mothe r.,

Examin e carefull y every bottle of CASTORIA, asa{e and aure remedy -for infants Qnd children , and see that It Bearll the ~ ",~n~ Signatu re ot~~ In Use For Over 30 Years. Tbe 'Kind You Have Alwaya Bouglit.


Cnn you copy tbls drawID«? Then Win a ...1nable prIze! , Do you want tho only publlsbed cnllrely ilO'lot ed to IIIuslraUmagazIne ng. signing and Cartooni ng? Eacb edition costs Deten tbous<Ul4 doll ars to produce. Mako a {reebanil drawing af tbls picture wlLb pen or pencil and moll it to us STATING YOUR AGE AND WHAT YOU ARE WORKlN G AT. ' If your drnwlug Is 4b per cent. lUI good as the orlglnol wo will send you tbo most fascinati ng .A rl Journa l In existence. The 6rs! lasue olono bos 125 PICTURE S: mosl or them b)' WOHLD- FAMOUS ILLUSTR ATORS.



Hundred s have talent tal' drawing but do not know II. This f!onleat will pleB80 tbousond s and all interest In IIIus troting , Meru!), au bour copyIng atimuloto tb ls s ketcb moy win lhJa splendtd Arl wagaline . \t's worth mlng tor. Send III your sketclt, a nd you must etate yOUr age. IT YOU NO,THIN G. If you do nol b ear trom our ArtCOSTS Directors within 10 days It means your sketcb Is Dot (0 per couto u gocd aa tbe origInal. W• •1111 . . . . . tIoete .....we • Hint flf ....... : _ ••rN , _ , Itt C.... will 'Hul .. tIII&

Carmpondlllci balti'tate of America DEPT.Il82, IC~ PI.

_ _:..- _


Ol'f lO DA.IRV NEWS AND SECONo.-t-tAND - - F. M. C unrli ng~am Bdminitltra.tor "l'be depnrtlD nt. of Roimfit llU8~ ' Combinations Ch'D'8d"7" Lock~ Ourhauled- Saf8l' RIltiullt AUCTIONEER VS. John L . Hizar eta!. Oourt find bandry lS coutln ll ing the expert. Ohio, that r al stllte mentiona(\ hUll sen ment in the , produotion Of milk CenteJ'ville, Common Pleas Court. . davieed to ::;eely Bizfl.r !1.I~d OAnn ot wbJoh b uv l;>een oot1duot 1\ by t be " -________ _ _ _ _ _01110 _ _ _- J COLUMBUS. 'I'he ma.n who eRn ~ell YOllr , . CHESTNUT ANO FROHT STS., New Suits. be sold to pay legaoies. 'tation for m~nr yau.rr.! , a.n d this Hors !J, (Jows, Hogs, FarOl John W. Lingo, plaintiff vs. Owen In r of assignment of Geo. W'ork i beiu g uppl emented by da.ta ---- - ..._.,.--_.-.---. F~rmi~g Uteu ii, Ho use· D. Stockton, defendant. P."tion W. risw cHd, George E . ~ oung np. on produotion, colleot ed by tbe de hold Good , ~r flDy t hlU g in to reoover 112425 on promissol'Y pOIDted n8lgnee. Bond ' 2,000. purtmentof coop rRtlvecxp rimenta the selling line. noto. Dean E . Stanley, attorney for 0. B. Rumbort. Ed. A. Bone lin 1 from 'n e'lrly 1000 ows in (j O herds plaIntiff. . Ma on Hall, appraisers. 10 uted In d!lfcreut se Uons of tbe 9all Him 'Up ' for Dates , ! Anna Lytl , plaintiff v . Henry Willl\r\l Wrl gbt exe.o utor "\.'s. til t ." . 320 a cre , fen d and croS!'l·fen ed. Oac r('~ h go. Light : 290 Ivr . C. Sburts, defendant. Petlti0n for Ma.ry E . Starry et Ill. Orr1er g runt W e feel that in formntion is b iu g ---,- - - ' tillabl . orcha rds anti small fru its· 2 ~~L-; of improv '1\1 'I1 ts , 5·1' ( m hearing of oause in distribution of ed to ell real estate. acoumulu tea in Ulill work whiob ' rt. RA'fHA WAY house ~nd larf(e barn, steel wi nd-mill , tow >r <lnd .lank ; beau.tiful living trellm, flows mol' thnn' ~ mil e ncros:; tlH f; fUl'm, Fi n Iy retll estate for benefit of oh Idren Lollie Brant , gutlrdiun vs. Earl will bavery b lpful t o the dniry adapted t peach R and other fr uits; 8.';;; mi W !:i t of Hil1 ~e r, 3 : '~ !nt. whom it is oh~Imed defendant bas UlldwaI1l\der, o)inor. MnttAr et farm el', but it mn t be aoknuwll"ged Wayuesville 's , LefLding .Denu8t southwest of Lookeba, (bOLh niee R. H. tuwns. ) 1" IIl t:! fa nning not ' (Inpported. Brandon, Burr & for bearing February 3. tlJlI t the work bing done i8 1l1!:1 ig Offioe in Key" Bld~. l:!t country, 6 cotton-gins and S grain e levaturs wilhill 'liSY reac h of Ivins, attornbYS for plaintiff. E tate of Sar ab ~ . VaaHQrne, im nifionn t us with tlt t\ !Illig. this farm; y.; mile to school. Up-to·oat lll'og-ressiv > pe pi all Clyde G. Cox, plaintiff vs. Pearl becil e. 'I'rustee fil edflrst Booount. nitude nnu imp0l'tance of th (]"iry around us. Telephone in our house and R. F. D. Thi ~ is a mont;ymaking cou ntry , and an entrgetic family can pay for til'S farm 1·8.' S Cox, defendant. Petition for di- . EstateofU. B. flDd M. A . Hum · indust·ry. The stat., stat,lstic" fo r iog cotton and a lfal fa and corn and hogs. Good mark t!:! Hnd !!hlpvoroe on grounds ofnagleot ofdnty . bert., as ignore . Fi rst ucoount tiled . 190 show 1\ tot.a l of 1.I69,1l1 :! " \\" !\ in "ing f acilities. V I'Y mild cl imate. Price $2l ' ~ pe r acre; $1000 VapDeman, Burkhardt and Smitb, Ettate of Edwin Rodney nbin tlJ'e stn.te, whioh witb 'hl:l ·t~pit,. d i n · Funeral Direr.tor. down. long time on balance, or wi ll all w a h ' avy discount on i:411 attorneys for plaintiff. . Inventory I~nd apprn.isement flied. I ve ted in dairy equipml nt would cash paid over $10 O. Order granted to sell chattels. represent a inv stment of not 11 yolt llref r )'ou enn wrll,o to OUs II ntll Y. l '<lolw lm . IIkln .. who I"rlllorly li ved u ~ Wuyu08vtile. Dud Who wlillUlSwer your (IUllStlOUS or shu ll' YI1U th u ll txil"ll lurl11 . less t bnn ~ :.l0,00 0 , 00 0 . Th ~ lll,lry Court Proceedinls. 'I'elephon day or night,_ Marriale Licenses. " ~d ' I d d Or address C. B. Phelps, Owner. Thomas Cor wiD VS. A. S. Ford. pr d uo t II s..., IDO 0 e near Iy 56 ,. Valley phone No. ;'. I.Jong R. D. I, BInger, Caddo Co., Okla. J ory returns verdlot favoring plain. Ned Hioks, 27, farmer. Morrow 000,000 pounds of butter, over 10. 000,. Dlstnuco No. 6U-9 ~. tiff in 8um of '78.'2. . and Hazel Ktrk, 20, Morrow. Rev. 000 pounds of oh eese a nd over 64, t)tate of Ohio vs. John Doughman, J. P . Nmde. 000,000 gallons of milk sold for fam WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • Jury finds defendant goilty of petU Wilber G. South, 24, tnrmer, Red ily ust'. Tha e produots would larCEny. . Lion and MarRluet M . Kennett, 20, rept'e eut a total RnDunl va lue t o the iBranch Office, Harvey" burg. O. Smokeless Fuel Company vs. domestic, Red Lion . Rev. Dalby. fur mer of" !nore than $20,000.000. A . B. Bides . . Case is oompromlsed <..:eoil M. Downs, 21, t· -Ohio Experi ment , tati on . ~ aad dillmi88ed. operator Marysville Bnd 1)orothy ~~~1t~nD~':tI~~~~ operlL. Won't Need a Crutch. I CrouP . lleU/ody. Ouo . John W. Lingo vs. Owen D. Stook Alarie Niokel., 20, tel""phone "" t S1lr ly ·provu. ton. IUs ordered that an ,order of tor, Franklin. When Editor J P . SORSnltlU , of tress. A Baroandllloa~~n:~~[:' Cornelius, N. C., bruised his leg bad. J. H. SMITH, Prop. M"CALL r ATTERNS aUaohment in the eum of 1160 il!sne Real Estate Transfers. ly, j t started on ngly Bo re. Many 4. 'lilt I'ruled fur .. t)'II' , lWrr"("1 Ii l,§imp k ity nn d on the plalntlff giving an nndertak· salve aod ointment proved worth· n : Ha\'i ln y "" .I r . y .;" y t " . r-: .,I(I i n IU .11 1Y Waynesville. Ohio. c,' \'t- ry d ty nll d \ U\\ !l iii I U t !! I . l .. t t" u n il Ing lUI provided by law in !tnm of William H Brown to William Z Ie s. Then Buokl n '8 Arnica t:)t1lve 4t US print your Sale Bills. L'.m tllJ.I.. o r h y "".11 t lhl·\ l . 1 1!' l e .,1 Ii l iMn In r oom formerly cnpled by n ny ot he r m:d ;c. S cud (0 " t,,'c clol t.ilo ':lJc.. 1320 . . healed it thorougbly . Nothing is Ruth dne At xtlnd r . . Roll, r~l estate in Turtleoreek so prompt a nd s.u re tor Uloers. B;)ils, McCALL'S 'MAGAZINE !'t " re "" b.,"lIhcI O{ t h.1Il t\I1 Y ('l ltl' r fns.llIo n Phillips HaH vs. Lee R. RandaU. to,WDshiPI '1. BruiAes, Cuts, Oorns, 80res, Pimple , m n~Azine - m ilh(l n n n wn t h. 1 I\;d l. ulhJ" . L ;u. c s t nylt'~ 1 JMll\·f n .;, tlr e :.",n n ' lu J! , u dJli m:ry, Time'of filing amended. Petition exHarry S . Jj'ordand wife to Charles Eoz9ma or Piles. 250 at Fred (). 'fEARS· SpecIal AttentIon Clven to plui n 'C= \vII \ ~ 1 I,a nry n l'cJ It.' wul L, 1 Ii IiIdrt.'li~i n t; • I:ll DllrAIENCE . Children's HaIr-CuttIng. tended for 16 days. R. )(9,Y. real estate In Hamilton 8ahwartz·s. c t iquc; u e . tP).!--,l " Ifl r-ie <: , , U', U II V 00 Cl l t g, YCll r (worth ',' n u IJJc ), ill rhu.i Il' J.! !\ l i l e pi"u "",_ Ro~rt · 1:, Spohr VI. Yillage of towDship, 112,000. HOW -T-O- F- I-Q-;-T· JOINTWORM !lu h cr ibc t o d :IY, or ficOtt fut Iitu u J'l \: tOl))'_ \ );l:DERFUL INDUCEMENTS Fr.nkUn. Oourtovermlesdemnrrer Charles F. Vandervoort and wife . t u " lt en ts. f'o Yo ltt l h ri nKs prt"r"' :' lIl Ci tu loJ: u e State Of. Ohio U8. John Doughman,' to A. F. Stewart real estate in WnrPl'aoticaJ)y the whole of Ohio, ex:HHt new c"u s h p r i7.c o lr~ rI. Au ' I ~ :" rOlE McCo\U co .• 23810 ~ w. nu 51_ NEW YOU Daf."dant ~DteaOed to twenty day. ren Oonnty, 17500, cept fif teen or liwen ty of the northin ooDD", .~ail. . ~owar~ .Collett, administr ator, to ea stern' counties, has ~fferelt more {,"hrt.*JD!, Barding VII. Oharles W. James P. Zell, real estate in Wan:en or jess seriously ·from the wbeat Undertakel: and Embalmer. C. W. HENDERSON,M.O. Thom~n at AI~ Courtrnlee that oounty 18148. . " jOintworm, the pa t seRson. The Will be fonnd tn t,he old plalDtiff HOOver '629.18 for delend. Joe B. SUver etal to Allen T . Lay. loss the state us 8. whole bas -been Waynesville, Ohio. Blink Boildin/!. oppo ita Ant u due. oook et.l real estate in Frankl U in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 per tlHI Nutionill Bnnk . Valley Phone 153 Main Street " Probate Court. '715. . cent of t~e oroI'. , Many .townl5bips Tp.l< phone in .-b e 11. e Imd of Ada Flenner to . MIU'Y . Rebold, report a damage of 50' to 60 per oe~t fice \Vb~re ] CIl,!\ be Oll.\led A ".I1~lom a', IlIn.f1'Atod ,.~ nh l,. J ... rA41~t " Irday "T Tl i~ ht,. Eitate of Frank W. Balzhtzer, d.. real eetate in Warren County, '1. The wheo.t grower should therefore CU u ot nn18 0loJiLlUo JI"urunb 'llc r l1l . • ' 3 . ,efU': rour n,ontllo, 8,,"1111 AI 110" . ~ ol\l(jMl Valllw P h Qn~ 1. ...2. · oeued, <f'der granted to 8ell per.. '.r. B, Holmes and wife to G ~or~e keep thelle points well in inind whep ' get Immedlate rend ftom CO'80IBF9idwny, .Uew YDr~ Main 'S treet . Waynesville.. Ohio. .onal property. Hol~ee real est.! ,te in Olin ton aud plan.lling for next year's orop: Dr. Shoop's ~latJc Olntmm Branch omco. e:s ll' St.. '/:!<"J. D. C. EataM of W. Jay Ball. a88lgnor Warren Ooun~ies '1000. . 1. Sow from one wet'k to ten days order IrftUlted ,to 1811 p6no.1llI1 prop. Alva Hm, gnardian of E: O. Mar- earlier thau is 'oustomary in your er" at ~v~te sale. , tin, to Ada Walker, real estl\te in neighborhoo~. Other tbmgs belD~ 1i'.etaie Jeute Roinine, deoeaeed. Hamilton t~wnsbip, $1472.60. I equal, in 'every insta.noe of whioh we Fint acoount filed. have knowledge, the early sown ' Eltate . of P. P. Maxwell, de. CoDtpliAsloners' Proceed~,nls. whea.t was muoh better the past !,"'beaIed. .I!'tna~ aoooUD' filed. Billl-M.. O. Gordon, bridge 1'e· s6atlon; in badly masted -.t errltory, ~k J. Browd. administrator pairs ot Ma88ie towDship, '.35; than\ that wbioh was, sown late. . .. t • de bonia Don vs, ~lvtn B, Phillipe George B. J'eldkamp, bridge res 2: Have the seed b~d worked into et al. Order grlUlM4 to 'teU real . .Irs in Bllmilt,o n t-ownshi,p, . 112; the ~t possible oondition before ~. ea'-~. , Bert Reed, ' bridge repairs in Deer. seeding. .' • Eetate of Ralph B. Carby. minor. field township, '13.60; Ruggles· Gale 3. Sow an early milturlng variety . r • ADna ·L . o.rby appolDtet gaardJan. Co., appraiaement record, $SO; Sta. 4. Fertllize wel~ wi~h .oommeroial BoDel. kalta fea 00., Mdse. for Reoorder, fertilizer, ba,r nyard manure o~ bet~er, fn matter of gnardilUl8hip 'o f John 13.60; Warren Connty Times, blanks ,vith both . A formula oQntaining 8MB an a~eged imbecile. Cause for land appraisers, 14 50 ;250 de. 3 or 4 per cent of ammonia, to 10 That's what comes of gettipg together. We have combined with the ; publisher of the bes poatponed .untU February 3. ' linquent tax slips, 14.50 i notice to per ,,'eDt of pho. photio Iloid,a.nd 2 to woma~'s,~agazine. The result is that.yoQ can ha~~ the magazine. Woman's .Home. Companion. and 'Boward Collett, administrator tax payeJ:'8, '4; ' '.rhe Western St.a r, a per oent of potash, IS suggested as The MIami Ga-zette for the very low price g iven below. Woman's Home Companion is too well VI. Bernard ' Y. Collett 8t a1. Sale index for reoorder, '~1.50 jThe snited to wheat on the avertlge Ohio known to need indorsemel)t from us. With Its ti,ne stories. its splendid ~rticles, its many pra~tical Oonflrmed and dietrihution 9rd~~ ~ami Gazette, J>lanks for auditor, farm .. Apply at the rate of 200 to , departments, Woman's JIome Companion stands 'a t the very froot rank Qf woman's magazine!!: Th. 1D matter,of .the eetate of John L. ,1'60; W·.- Z . Roll, defending John 300·poundsper t1ore, Wheat on poor pr~ce of Woman's Hom~ ComI,>ab\on i~ now $1.50 a year,· and thi offer is a special bargain which w ~erri". dece&.ed. Admillietr~to'r t;oogbm8J;l, 136; Ham ,D. Benkle, soil suffers tn the i! .miui~ei as '" can offer for a short time only. Take aU'hortzed to pay Clara Merritt tht' servioes a8 &ax map draftemun, '48; late sown wheat Bnd for the . , advantage of" the bargain while you State of Ohio VS. John Dougbm~D, reason"viz., it is 11\Ie in' maturing , aum oft200 wt$h ln$er88t. ' S\Il'tq(RR ~TOav, "UN8ER. Can. It" won't ge good for long . . : ID$bematter of will of Eraatn. 90stll,117.90. andgivesthewormtltoolongapariod Oo~ deceased. W111 a4mltted to The bond of William in ~hioh to work . . p~obate. John . W :. Cox appointed W. O. ~gdell and Ii. M. Olark in . 5. Sow us far 6S possible from COM~NION ~'I admlniatrator giving bond of 11,000. penal .am of all ooats flnd expenses wheat fields of the p~eceding year. > ,AUGUST?:i,' I~~ In matter, qf alsignment of A : i. aoorning in establishing of n stat~ • Watkin8, Frank q. Andersoa ap. road 'as peti~ioned for by William HYPNOTIC INFLUfNCE pointed aMignee, Bond 11600. Burley, was pre8en~~d to and ~() . A young o(llcar who was drining !!!!'!!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!. oepted ~y the oomDllsslOners. . the awkward sqUid delivered him· Resignation Cif J . J . Thompson 8.R self of this oommand: "Now, my one] year and infirmary dlrec'or aocepted and men listen .to me . When I snv \ The Cause of M8JlY John LlDder was apPOinted to fill 'Halt!' put the foot that's on t.b~ -' . Sudden Deat.hs. 'he vao. R.DOY. __ • ground beside the one that's .iil the There is a .ds.sease prevailing in this ' c:ountr moefdaDgerou8 becaU&e80 decep~ved from Awful Peril. air. an'd remain motionless. " one year --tive. Mauysudden "I",Dever (eJt 80 Dear my grave." , • ~. t;a~s ~:.:tdi! writes Lewis Uha.mblin,of ),fanobes. fo mend a granUa kettle, put. . . . .:r:1r....... M~''\YJ..n~ease. pneumonia, tet, Obio, R. R. No.3 "118 "wheo a rivet in the bole !lnd pound it (lat. I heart failure or a frightful oougb and lung troubJA - - - -' . . [apoPlexyare'often pulled me down to 115 ponnds in . .'" II the result of kid- spite at many rembdietl and the best WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. ~W!~"If1 n'~a diseaae. ~f Idootors. ADd tbat 18m alive today .;. ~ \ \ :;lo'!:kt~~d~~~~: iIJ due solely . to Dr. King's N~w St. Augustine's Ca~o1Jc Churcb. , ' '<J ' thekidney.poi60u- DI80overy. WlllOh oompletely cured l' lllhcr OcorliCM.H·cnhocfilr. Pastor A NOVECBY ed blood will at. me. Now J weigh 160 pounds li nd l'>!I'HS e very co/ill SIlD(lt~y of lbe moo\b a& KAtE DOUCL.AS ~WJGGIN Greater Woman's tJome ('ompanlon tack the vttal orgaus, C!lusing catanh of can work hard. It I1lso cured my 0 :ou a. ID. the b~dder, brick-dust or sediment in tour ohildren of oroup." Infl\11Ible Will be the ' most interesting- the most ' St. Ma..ry·s Episcopal Church. the urtJ.1c\h.ead ache, ba!=k ache, lame for Coughs and (JoJds, its t·he most the most beautiful Yloman'~ useful·Rev.". l". dwallnder, Rector. back, diZZiness! sleeplessness, .nervous· "certain remedy for LaGrippe Asthma mllg8zine. pu blished. ness, or the kidneys themselves break desperate lung trouble alld all bron. Su nll ay SobO(lI. D :30 n. m MQrnlng aero doWn and.waste away cell by.cell. . . \'Ice. XU iUO a. w. Holy Cllnill)UD,l on ~bO IIrs t Bladder troubles almost al,,'ay. result. ohl!,l affeotlons, . 500 llnd ~l.. OO. !:luuday ot tacit .1O Qmb, Crom a derang~ment of the kidn~YJ aDd A trial b~t.:tJe free. Guaranteed by ·better health In that organ is obtained Fred C. Sphwartz. . . Methodist Episcopal Churcll. quickest by a pr~r treatment of the Idd· .. - R~v. H. W. BalI6Y. Pastor• . ' Jley•• .sWAlllp-ltoot co~ts inability to IMPORTANCE OF GRIT , . . . Tl?ere will .~e·fic~i9~, bY:A.ilna·~at~a~in~. G:J'~.ep, ~m~abe~h S~u~'rt :Pheips, Mar~ Wilkihg Fr~ \ \Iuc1~y 5chool,. 0 :!30 a. m . MornIng. Her· . hold urine and scalding painiil~jugit, '. . , \'Iot , 10 :80 a . m. l:lp\\,onh L ellgue, '1/ :00 p . man•. Kate. DougJ~ WIgglD. Marga~et Deland. Juhet. ",Vilbor Tompkins Myra Ketl 'j ' h' n . and,overc:omes that unpleasant llecetSity , m. \l:venln g He~\' lce , ':' : 00 p. Ill . Udweelr karn Bacon-and a host o~ others'-7all thebE¥3t wri'terS' now before the ~ublic. · y. osap me as· .."of being coptpelled to .go often through' M.any who keep poultry,'overJook Pr }yer Meeting, ~' P '. ~. I~ ~' 'p f ,.,. , ' , . ., .,', \ the dfy, ~nd to gef up many time. during the importance of grit. Laok of grit the Dlght. The mild .nd inlluediate effect· , . , 'd ' ' . of' S~p.~oq!; the gt:e8t kidney r~edy means ~t. ige.qtlo~ Il nd (e~, eggs. .:. Al.1 thi~ at\~ Th~ ·Miaf.i1.~. G~~~," ~QU can 'have,for Ol'\ly~ $1.75l· "'But you . ia IIOO!I ~bzed. It stands the highest be- A load q~ gravel near the ohlokens ' , ..rn~t ot:der NP.~. &rqem~er It'S a"~~eci~l, cO,nceSsion we've I catlle'O! ltuem~ka~le heal~ restoripg home would impJ:ove the health and . for you ·tha~ ~?n <~ last lo~g. You WIll ~ in time if YOu ol'de'r to4ay, . / . .. pl'()perti~. A lnal WIll convmce anyo\le. ' . • &oramp-Root is pleasant to bike and is ~norea~ . tb~ . ag". yield on many· ,.~ .,~ ~1~ by ;,. l• . !,u in fifty-c!ent and a. farm . ., Ikno,w , 'it i8 olaimed ,thu,t ,",H91Jar size bOWeli. You may .have a.h . . t' f . i ·h be " t'" t iample bottk and • book that lell. all ' ,. e g~l 0 oommerce s .. . t! s, uU First Day Meetln~. II) :00 It.. m, Firlt .botit,it, ~ eentfree b,y mail. Addreia, the IraTeI is good 8.nough gtinding. SOhool. P :0(1 ii, m. li'l)unh Dlly MeettDC '. . A"d . . 1)1'. ~lmer It Co., BiDJhamton. ,N • .Y. material . If you have never tried 10 :00 a. m • . WIleD writillg mention n:.amg·this geu.. . " .. . . __ erou ofIf!I ill .thia paper. Don't make it yon will' be snt'prised how fa,s t 1t Orthodox Friend. "ourdi•. u,. ~e. but remem,ber the name ,w ill·diaappeu when plaoed In • boX' Rev .. BenJamhi Bawtin.. Pastor, . . . . . .lloot, . and dOD/Uet .~ealer'eeii \where the heDS Oall help' tbstDaelve8 f .Rabba~h Soh09l, 0:80 a.1D"Il~Ular obureli; "_hl",~~1aceolS-..m~JI.ocItI' ,. eemoe. lQ'1CI a. Ill, Obril't1Ul J!I*yor• • .. -From February J'AnQ • .'7:80,\).111: . ' . .

Cqunty Courts



10 maUer qf will of Dt\,v EI tI,8~d.


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Will ad ruitted to probrlt

A. A. McNeil,






D H. E.





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Woman's Home .Companion

The Miami- Gazette

Both for $1.75






. 'Twe~ye Big :Nllmbers "





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' ( ' 8 ~ · tii .f ' .'. The Miami' Gazette ' ~ ,., .. ~r ,


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poopl" ~'r~ oouvinofld t·hllt tb~re I.. IA[:-/ S'I Rh!I!l'I' at 18ft 'lt one corpornt:lon that has ." heart ,\ few dltYs ago the "l. LI!:Y 'n:L I': )J II ON I~ C'A 1. 1. NO . II :!. Iolt • Louls York fl yer, thut never . .NAw , , AVAn be~it"te(l " to th e v m ~ ge before, D. L ·RA NI!:. l';djtol' tmtl M aliag r flo t r'ljn thll t ne ver etops ' between DILytl1n and J .lolur:nh u.!I, Oil me to u. dendHtQpat-the Chtnl eston etation 'tat~H uf Subscription a od the br"kewan dafl'rentiully ItS li n ,· \"'~ r li lrkl l' 11I 11I)\·an rr·) •.... , .. ' 1.1111 siRted 140 "ld' )"uy f.r) tho p\lltform "I '1j! I.· l ·ul'Y ...... ..... . .un nn<l thll ~plelJdicl t rnln WIlOt on. Bul Y of th e t o wn WIlli gain" und Rates of Adverti8em~nts _ o'lI x loUII Inq uiries which ~ere set on H a,lIn g I.flea ls. vc r ~I o"" "" . _..... '.. ~~ fnot. r evetLlecl t he s tartling news 1/ ,,;lI'lIl1l{ IIICIlIK h lllck .:tCl' . per lin e , , , 10" h n\o,k.,III ·d ,\Js: no t l u "" ' Cdl' ,Iv(' 1111 W. , t hat t,be pllsstlDger for ~bom t " 'I'h,· 'c In"f' rtl ("l~ , ..... .. .... . :! f, fine trllin s topped WH S JUlit M:rs. "hll'larll'N , !I\'(' \" elle" (n" : fl yer flv u . i Ellen Ktllly. a plttin Iitt!e old Irlt1h , . I IlChl'~. 1~)1' lillc .. .. .. : ..... . ..... zr:~ WIdow, who llud lived in Soutb ( ,.,,\ of lhu"k~ .• " .... . . , . ..• , . .. , .. ' r.u e Ch 'Irlelitou ev er since the fllmiJy over from tbe old countl'y 60 "I\~llla V "'1\"'r'I~II1I/, pur I n h ... . ...... 10 ' V8ILrS or more dgO IJI.cllu nt . lj"ll'oll on contract. It develol~d t h"t Pt\tl'ick Kelly, who was the hushandof Mrs. Kelly, F IUiR .~ H \, 9. J910 . h!ld been kill e d nmny ,years ogo while In faithful performanoe of his duty as IlU employe of the Pennsyl. STILL AT WORK va'llt.l rllllrol\d. Tbe company de· Rlred to ~how Its appreoiation of his Mark 1'w tl in, ~luggurd , who, service u,nd ever after that Mrs. nlt bou l{h oo.l y 7;; Y(i(lrR. old, sllys he Kf'Jly hart a home free of rent in iN tired a nd i!4 !?oi ng 10 Quit writin J.!, a little bouse on the oo,u oany's should go t,II WtllUlID B Venable 73, ground at Houth Ubarleston and a nod ~ep. hi m w or k nl y t'!o ye/ir~ free pas!! over the I'oad and employ. Yt) l1n gf'r t,h " n Mllrk TWllln, but ment for her sons us they got old Prof Ven8hl~ I .. bll s.V writ.lDganoth enougb.-Xenht Republican . ar hook uno n il baR written close to ---.. 50 of '" ,I • • 00' ..... of w" , Took All HI. Money. iol't, Prof V,-tutbl" boe alwuys writ. Often.l'\1 " man earOli goes tu dOc.. t. 11 u.boot ot.ha r people sod thmgs ators for medioine8, oure a ~tem. eb orLiver or Kidneyto trooble thllt rrb is ti me, I x y 8rf' trom t he fOllr Or' Kin g 's .Ne.. Ltfe PiUs woold Roorll rnll r k , IH is in a retrospective quickly cure Itt 111Igh' ooet. ne.t mood no rl l!' writlu g uboot himself, tor DytlpepMia, Indlge"tlon, B\Ilons and to,y w iii cov."b. .e'iod . .... Uo...;.at'o•• J, n.dioe. Ma',rla of his lifa, htginmng with the thna !lnd Debill t y. 2:0.!t! .. 9, t; lh wart·.. wbeq e veot... I,-orl things he~Bn t o , TO C.\N 'BEEF im prell8 t.hptnsel v upon hi s mem o'rY,and enrtin g when be Ot\Mt first. Oook until teoderso thaf.the flbet:1I btLll ot, which wu m'lTlted tOl' Abra wlll break aput, 8eason alld ou, h a iti Llnooln , '{'he soene of the ioto small piece. ;,boil the gravy on ' tory II! lnlrt i n the Wlnren Count v '11 80 thiok it will jelly When oold. fa rm ne~r ~irll!flVl1l , ou whioh he Disoard ail pieoes of gristle and with 'WllS born I od rp.lLred -Xenta Gil. a wooden masher preas the meat, ~ette. a little at a time, firmly lnto hot jars. Then pour in enough .ravy Orphans. to flll all plaoes arooDd tt,-not PreSident Bund"redll of ' rlJbl~n. hli ve beAn enougb to float the meat, but to oov th A t ofl! thA 10. er It ' Then add dh eulped t riltlby a,nd \lrPrps\tlen " h '~u ' 8 Bom at Ma . 'more meat aod oon . 6 1\ . who · wr lt.e: " Webave gravy tUl the Jl\rs ILre fil~ed wUhin ' u !\ed Elec tric ~it.t.~r In t,hls inl'tit·u ao inoh of 'be top; and see th ..t tion for nine years It has proved there are no air sp!lees between tbe II. Then 'fill over' Bob Liver Al\d Kidn ey for trou les pieces. . . the W e 'ragHrd i t' Il," 'ln~ ot the beR~ f,.m flo'wing wUh bolli 0 8 melted soet,and Hy medtolnAiI_fl n t'n.nh ." It. tnvt~. seat, using new rubbers with Hated .


~(I:I~~:I::::~ '\' I;~:' CC·I ;~~~~· ~~'I~;:I~'.·.~ ·, ·,: ~.;c CHm~

tb~ O~

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m~st flx~,...IJAnt. rri~~io'ne



j~l'tI *0

• . a.tell oIl vl t'll (lrgaD n ", purifie!! the bl oQd, Hid ... dt fleS f.i"d appettlte To st-renf{then fill UI up p8 e, thin weak c bildren or rnnd ,wn people it has no equal. B"'l't for femule Mrnpl>ii ot.R , Only 500 . at Fred C, SohWllrfz'fI. - - --- - . FUTURH PAPER. SUPPLY

, l.wlJ'l offer at PUblio Bale .on the 8tl&osei farm, 3 mUes southwest of Centerville, on the Yankee Street R oad't on ' Thursday, February, 24, 1910 Beginning at 10 o 'olock. a. m .; tbe following property: 6 llead Horses -1 Brown Borse, 8 years old, good liner i 1 Sorrel general. purp08e liorlle 5 years old not afraid of anything; 1 g ood Br~d Mare , 14 years old, 1 /'iorrel general. purpose mare, oom ing 4 y eul'8 old (stred by Has'e Boy ). 1 Uolt comin g 2 Years old (sired by Meteor 2 :14y' > a Colt coming oneyear old (sired by Niokle Pltlte,) 1 gOLJd Milk (!ow, will be Fl'esh SOOD , Farming Implements-2 Bre~king Plows J 50-tooth Harrows, a Spring Tooth 'and tL di.k Barrow,a Hamil. ton tougu.eluss Ualti vater, 1 Hllm. i1ton Riding and 1 Buckeye Riding CnltivlLtor. 1 doubl~shovel Cultiva. tor, 1 Tobaooo Oultivator, 1 large Shovel Plow, 1 Corn ' Planter with abeok.row attachment, 1 'l:3uperlor Wheat Drill 1 ~ientlfio Corn Har. vester, 1 Be~IS Tobu.oco l' ansplant e~ (new ), 1 Deering Mower,l Re volving Hey Rake, 1 BttLlk Rake,l MoUormiok Binder, i -set Bay Lad ders,1 Gravel Bed, 1 flne Farm tiled, 1 1000 Ib Plat,form I::M)ale, 1 heavy Road aQd Tobaoco Wa"on, good Rubber tire Buggy, Steel tire Buggy, ll'razier Break Cart, Bay Fork, Rope ••d Ladd.... ",. '...... ,., Crose-out Saw, Dlnner Bell, Feed Bin, Doobletrees, ;Ungletrees, Forks, Shovels, J.og Cbatne, Sledge and Wedgell, and many otb er artioles Dot m«>ntioned. BBrne~lI:

-1 ••t 8.,.. Bar....,

".1I ....

Work Barness!!, Biting ' Rig with Bridle, 2 good 8trande Sleigh Bells; 150 bnsbels Corn, 100 bU8heis Oats, or 3 tons of mixed bay, Hou8,,· hold Goods-2 Bedllteads, a Lounge a Oupboard, 6 kitcben 'Jhair&, Benf. Wood ("'horn, Uook Stove, Beating Stove, 25 yards Rag Carpet, 20 yards M:lUlng, lot of old carpet for oover lng tobacco. Terms-All foums of '5.00 and UD· der, oallh; aUsoms over thtAt amount a oredit of 12 montbs will be given, by the purohaser givlog a note with IlPprllved .ecurity. · M. A Cornell. A . . A. McNeil, A uot. ' Jerry lUmes, ' Clerk. Lonoh stand reeerved.


jar8,-F'rom February Farm ,loornal We,wi1l offer for 9ale 1 mile eaRt • of on the Waynesville EA~LY CHRISTI"NITY II pike, on 1 10 "Privilege" hi a. word that haa F~lday, FebHruary 131~,)9k Co both=t>roadenfld and Dar wed In Four head af OI'88S, -.& wS , Engbllh ~ee. Its original Latin 40 head of Fal,l PiKS, Vehioles and meaniog 'wils a lllw In rnor of or Barn~, Honsehold Goode . Keever SJsters · id na, 1 more com· aglliost an i il d IV ,. It Is possible that the wor Id 'II f 0 manly agllinst bim. Nowadars Benj. James t tl re supply of pupel' palp will be "~po rivilege" is never' nRed as meaDE. Lopten. d.nlved from th e .M~\)oo .r orests 0 f ing anything to tbe disadvantage C. H. Surfao~. Auot . - the tr~plos. of th f.emperaf.e zonss l qf!l man or olus. On tbe other Chae. Graham, Clerk, Huc,?P8l.1ful E'XIJArr~ 8~t!\ been hllnd, the wurd is 'loosely used 1811011 ~tlde In .J"pan pOlnt.log to that di.· (lorte of way!! The old «-*lonoes. , r potlon, A " pmpAny bas obtained Iterahlre women in Bir MO'lDtetoar' ' We wi.l offer at Publlo 8ale at our a pea:petu~l b tL e of e,lgbt thousand Grllnt DQff's dillry, being a.88~red retlidenoe OD the Ohae ,L ewis farm, aores of bllmbn(l forest in Formolla, tbd ,SolomoD really had seveD ~no. back of, the Quaker Meeting BOUBt', !!!..oug·b to prCl,.v_id_e "'.ix bundred t:~IlS ' dred 'Wtves,exol.imed, "Lor,mnm , 'I, on Saturday, February 26, 1910 amon, th o ,. What privileges them, early OhrieBeoinning at 1 o ~olook the follow , tlans had I" ' .. 00· 08s1\)Oolly we meet with pennIe in" property: 3 Horses- rhe.e are <l'" , who Ilre )tke lIome. of, the modern The 'I r eat8t!t blessillgin,h e 'World good work horRes: 5 Cattle-S milk cows, ~ yearlltsg heifers. 1 80w and b~dste&ds-all blBss. ts a oheerfol sunny beart.






.. .




I '.

•- . . .


HERE ·IS l~.

'O ur . l\J and st,ext

8 Pigs, 1 Road Wago~, 1 tongu eless Corn Plow. 1 Breaking Plow and oth. er artioles nO;.t~ ;: m;e;;n~t~i;on~e~d;.:.~-=:-:o.~=-t~ - 1'ertns-i\ 1 sums of t 5 00 and un .


der, oash ; a118ums over t,hu.t RIDount a orodlt of t welve m ont bs will be gl.ven purohaser gi ving note with approved security. tI per cen t dis· coun* for cllsh , ' G. F . Henderson. J. A, Henderson .

D81i~ial .. My two chi~dren, ~ I a nd ailiq, rapidly ...n ~ I d h b t atrell8th whe1' I began I .."e her ViDO .. an a . e ellll'! 0 Vinol. I proved thAt Vinet tho once. She lamed rap:~ly d'ld toru'c for delicate chi ht. color and atrenlth. M..:~H. ClLMORE, Durand, Mich. Mra. C. AlLEN, Ne w Bedfo.

As I ~ m going to q uit fa rming, I 8 11.10 at my resi. dence n6l\r Mllllor , on the Wm. Kindle fum , on

.. My 9

T. ,........nm.

of "




weak, pale, and had DO a ppetite.

wlll olfel' at publio

Wednesday, February 23, 1910 Beginning at 10 o'olock, the fol lowing preperty: BorS88-2 bay marall, 1 blapk gelding, 2 Jersey COW", one to be fresh in Maroh. Farming Implements-l t:!tudebaker wagon, 1 2 horse iron wagon, a two sea ted carrillse, 1 phae. ton, 1 Milwaukee binder, 1 Deering mower, 1 Hamilton oorn planter with hiUer attachments, 2 wh~at drills, with attllohments, hoe drill, harrow, pluws, tobaooo oal. tivator and setter, tobacco .prayer, barrows, sleigh, bay rake, hay 'fork rope "nd pulleys. BHrnees-2 set of work harness, 2 set buggy hl\rness nearly new.

,ear old


Vinol builds up healthy flesh and .makes thin little limbs ~ and plump. Children love to ta ke It. ., We return people's money wltbont qnesUon U VIa. does not aeeomplls~ aU we elalm for II. Try It. ple.-e.

J. E. JANNEY, Drug~ist, Waynesville. Gelding, broke single or double, 1 three· year old Dan Mare, hal ter broke, nioe driver j 1 two.year.old Sorrel Gelding, baIter broke and handled some ; 1 five.year.old .Brown Gelding, very geoile aud " ood any .. where ; 1 Red Cow, a g ood one i 300 bushels Corn in Crib, 8 tons Timothy Hay in mow, 2 good Road Wagons' broad trend, Bay La(1ders, Gravel Bed; 20 Shoats w eighing about 75

; ov., ponnd•. , '"m Imp'.m....- . br••k .

that a oredit of 12 months with security. 6 per oent off for O&sh. JOHN R ElJMOND, A , A . MoNt-il, 'Auot .

amount a oredit of 9 months will be given porohaser giving note with ap. proved seourity. John Beckett C. T. H awke, Auet.



All hunting, trapping or digging uut of the ground of for.beariDg anim~ls is st riotly forbidden on my _ • So FURNAS. falm. _ _ __•EDWIN


inB' plOWII, Oliver and Aughe, 20ul. tivators, Iron Age aDd Koons, 1 John D, White, of Ne, w Vi ann,., 60-tooth double harrow, 2 mowing was Iworn in adiAyor, January 3rd, m&Ohines, 5 and 6 foot out, 1 tobacco got drunk Jannary 4th and setter 1 oorn Drill, 1 revol • . to resign by oooooil and did 80 Je.n.


~y "k..

waaask~ '



.ary ,...

Tb'••bow, ....., poo'

I will offer at Publlo t:!ale at my \obaooo oanvas, forks, hoes, shovelS, ohoiae on the part of 'he town polio residence, 1 mtle from Lytle and 8 single trees, eto. Harne£s-2 sets tioian8, '

miles from Waynesville, on the Ly- work harness 1 set buggy harness, • _ • tie and WaynesVille road, on lines', bridles, hor8e ! My kitohen stove i8. kept brigM Tuesday, February 22, ' 1910 blankets. halter., etc. land olean by rubbing it , bnskly Beginning at 10 o'olock, the fol. Terms::AlI soms of '5 ,00, and aftereaohmeal old newspaperR, lowing: Two horses-1 bay horse, onder, cash; ull soms over t hat This saves many polishings, 6 years old, wei"hs 1215 pounds; 1 iron gray,c6ming 5 yearaold, welglls1 1350 pounds; 1 good milk OOW, a head of hogs, 3 brood sows, a lot of ohickens, 1 Milburn wagon, lliet log bolsters,l wlIgO'l bed, 1 jolt wagon, lspri'ng waoon," rnb .. ~ Tloy -.&& ber. Ured,' 1 Bookeye oultivator, 1 Au/!he plow, 1 50.tooth harrow, to. bacoo spreader, kettles eto, 100 baeh els of corn, haroess, bla.nkets. lopes, palleys, ha.y forn._some Red olover seed .






Homehold good8-8toves, organ, stands, olaairs bedsteads, tables, mat. t tings carpets, etc. Termt'-All f ums of 15 Bnd onder cash" all sumS over that atilount ' h III be ivan

ap:::::e~f~v:~n:p:r:Vetlsec:rity Fllur per oent disooontfor A oash, La i Elry , w s. A. A . MoNell, Auot. If Walter Kenriok, Cler •

Silver ' Of Proven ,Quality

. Rich design and refined beauty in knives, forks, spoons , Having. arranged to go baok to and' fancy serving pieces are not attribu~es of solid Kentuoky' I will sell d Poblio Sale silverware alone. The skill born of long experIence has proon the Ch~pman.t&rm, one mile east duced, in the famous ".!!!!! ROGERS BROS." sliver plate"eHects in of Waynesville, OhiO, on pattern and design which make its name for beauty se~nd only . 'bunda" 'February 17; 19In. fo its reputation for quality-".W",r Plat, that Wean i .10 _ my entire Sold by leatiing dealers everywhere.' Se~d for catalogue ng tpment au a . .....oonsisting ., ., C·L ." showing aU patterns. f Begion 1 in arm ng 7'eqo , , , MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., h 1 Bay ClDlenWlollAl l!lI'fcr Co. , So_r.) part of 01'8*'S.. aDd B b k ~m 1 Ie line Meriden, Conn. Work orses,, ro e s ng f ld gocd ' anywilere; 1 oor· year·o __"""!"'~.~~~~~~!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.ft_ bi~

Y~U)i . ,



.At··t he' Mi~i ~ette .pffice; where ':the prices are rig.~t,-' ' water.proof.'· paper~'· and ~~ ·best "ofl workman.hip~" . ~ caIl ~d' _ o~ · work~ :' ··We· also ... · ~ ' giv~ FREE ' adver- . tiaing. until day . of



Don~t .Delay

·In matter of will of~Dav~tl Wi1.on,· - , OHIO DAIRY ,NEWS A. :A. .McNeil, . . Wi.lI.adwitted probate I'1deoJr. Reea M. 'unningbamrile d pn.rtm nt auimi.Ll 11u •. to admtnis~rator


NEW AND SECOND -HAND 'Combinations Cnan,ed-Lock~ Onrhaulod- Safea. Rebuilt



vs·. •10hn L . 'Hizaretal. 'Oourtfind bBndry i.s (}Ontlnuing . thE! ' experi. Commop Pleas Court. ~l;lll' real ~state mentione!l hilS been 0' nt in he prodll~tio n of .miLk Centerville;' . , devil!e~. to :dee1y Hlzar Rod Cl\tlDot wb ioh hllve ~een oonducten ',by th~ COLUMBUS. 01110 1.'he man who elUl ~ 11 y ur CHESTNUT AND FRONT m ., be sold to pay legaoies. :dtntion for many yaarC!, and th'ls Horses, (Jows, B og ~ Ftt.rm \ ' John Lingo, plaintiff VB; Owen in matt r of a8signme'n~ of ~eo. work is being uppl fl lllent.ed by dMIi • - ,--' ---Flu'ming iltl, I:I UBO ' 'D. StocK&on, defendant. P.'iti.o n W. Griswold, Geurge E . Young I\P- on production, oolleoted by the de bold Goods. or I\nyt.hln~ in . » uc " to reoover '124 25 on promissory pojnted ' Rsslgnee, Bond ' 2,500. partment, of oooperative eXp'eriw6~~14 1.11 selling line. note. Dean E. Stanley, attorney fot (). B. Rumbprt. Ed. A . Bone ,lind from ne'lrly 1000 oows in 6Q herds plamtiff. ' Mason Hall, o,ppraisers. loollted in different Aec~ions of the Oall Him Up for dates __ I Anna Lytle, plaintiff v . Henry ~ml\rd Wright exeoutor V!'I . stl\te. 820 acr s, fenc d nnd CI'O g.fen ced . ~O acr ';; hog-· tight: 290 acre!! O. Shurts, defendant. Petitian for Mary E. otarty tal. Orrl r g ra nt. We f el thnt hlformation is bing tillabl e; or<;ha rds and small frui ts; 2 seL'I or impl'ovelll 'ilt. 5- r~om hearing of cause in dist,ribotion of ed to sell real estl\te. , . aooumulated itl til it; work whiQh I1A'J'HAWAY hous and lar)~e barn. ste I wind-mi ll. tow el' Hnd YlIll,; heau.llCul real estate for benefit of oh.ldren . Lollie Brant, guardia n vs, Earl will be very helpful to tile dn.iry Iy Jiving stream, flows mOl' than .I,~ mile acl'O~s thl.~ .~ul'm. adapted to peach s ~\nd othel' f \'u~ts ; 5'", l1li w e~ t of HI~.l g' >r: 3'.'1 !lll. Viat'l ville 's Leuding Dent.lst . whom it is olaimed defendant bas Cadwl\J)nder, minor. MllttAr set farme r , but it· OlD .t be aoknllwlpged southwest of Lookeba . ll.lUl.n ntl!' R. It tuwn~. J . Flilt.' fallmng not npported. Brandon Burr & for hearin g Februa.ry 3, thl\t the work bein'g don ill in ilig Office in KeYH I31dg. Mu.ln I:It counLI'Y, 6 cotton-g ins and:3 go t'uin elevators WIlhl!l ' HSY reach of Ivins, attornbYs for plaintiff. j<~stltte?f Sarl\h :d. Va_Horne, im nificllnt. as compured with the IIlIigthis firm; X mile to school. UI)- to·clate 'l rogTt.'~!SIV ~ yeop le a ll Clyde G. Cox, plaintiff vs. Pea.rl becHe. 1.'rustee filed first a cooont. nitude and ilnportltnoe of the IJI\Iry around us. Telephone in our house and R. F. D. Thl~ IS a Illon~y­ maki r.g co untry. and an entrA' tic family can pay for III'S farm AL'rE n. . L U R E, Oox, defendant. Petition for di, Estate of C. B. nod M , A . Hum· industry. The state stu t.l!!Ii c:4 for iog cotton and alfalfa and corn and hogs. Good mHrkets t\nd shlpvorce on grounds ofnagleot of duty, bert,8s ignors . Fi rst noooontfiled. Hl08 show 1\ total of 669,(iJ~ cllwn in )ling fucili tie . Vel'Y mild climate. Price $2l' " pel'. acr e; $1000 VanDeman, Burkhardt and Smith, Ettate of Edwin Rodney Babin thestnte, \vhioh with the 'tlpi tJIl in · down. long t ime on balance, or will all w a heavy dlscuunt 0 11 11.11 Funeral Dire<':tor. attorneys for plaintiff. Inventory Ilnd appraisement filed . vested tn dairy eq uipDltmt would cash paid over $1000. Order granted to sell chattels. represent a total inve tlDeot of not It you pre! r . you CliO writ to O~iN U ,I()I y, Louk .. bll , Ilkl ll .. wllo turlll rly live() lin Wllyu esvUle. and who wlllllu8wcr your (Iuesllous ()r . 1101\' yuu 1lin IIbu\'u ttll'lIl . Court Proceedin2s. less than .. :lO,OOO,OGO. TIll1 dulrY Telephone day or night. Marriage Licenses. Or address C. B. Phelps, Owner. prodoots listed inoluded nearly 56,Va.lley phone No. ;'. Long Thomas Oorwia vs. A. S. Ford. R. D. I, Binger, Caddo Co" Okla. 000,000 pounds of, over 10.000,Ned Rjoks,21, fanner. Morrow Distance No. G9-'J~ . Jury returns verdlot favoring plain. 000 pounds of cheese and over 6~ , and I:IB:.:el Kirk, 20, Morrow. Rev . tiff in 8um af '78.4,2. 000,000 gallop of mIlk sold for fam WA YNESVILLE ~tate of Ohio vs. John Doughman, J. P . Ninde. OHJO • ' ilber G. South, 24., ~fl,rmer , Red ily use'. 1.'bese products would' . Jury finds defendant guilty of petit Branch Office, HarveY/Iburg: O. Lion and Margaret M. Kennett, 20, repre ent a. total onnuI11 value to the larcEny. fllrmer of more than "20,000.000 . domestiC, Red Lion. Rev. Da,)by. S.mokeless Fuel Company VS. Ceoil M. Downs, 21, telegraph , bio Experiment. tat,ion . A. B. Sides. Oase is oompromised - - -... - - "p WiUl0 Dr. !!() roloUI OS operatt,>r MarYllville and Dorotby ss ure 'hoOp's I aRd dismissed. , roop R IDQdy. UIIO Won't Need a Crutch. Marie Ntokell, 20, teJephone opera· , tc~ will sore!)' prm'!). John W. Lingo VS. Owen D. Stook No 'fomltiIlS, 0 0 disWhen Editor J P . 'os O1ltn, of ton. It is ordered that an order of tot:. Franklin. 'Oornelills, N. C., bruised his leg bad- tress. A 88rO and p1u8Sing 8Yru~ ~1Bt& J. H. SMITH, Prop. aUaohment in the su~ of ,160 iUU6 . McCALL PATrERNS ly, It started an ugly sore. Many . Real £stan, Transfers. 'c!lh ItcJ f ll r !>, l·yk. l't"rf,lct fi ' . itnp Ud ty Dntl en the plaintiff giving an undettak.' salves and ointment proved worth· rc:1i:tLili ty II C;l f v .; )' 1 ' '- . • I l td In III .l l l y Waynesville, Ohio. ' \(' ry city :wd w'· 11 in 1 " V I \l l .. ' I t(' UIt J lng ~I!I provided by law in 8um of Willinm If. Brown w William Z. less. T11en Buoklen 's ArD\clI. ~alve Let US 'p rint your Sale Bills I C UII:"t. •• or bv lII,lll ~I itt.:' l. I J"I'I! t., d ,1 ,.ln In r oom formerly 0 cnpied 1Iy healed it thoroughJy. Nothing is :I I1Y Other tn ul:&.~. Sc ud 10" hu: C1t l:llo.:-uc. fS20. . . ' noll, renl estate in Turtleoreek /:10 prompt and Bure fOT Ulcers. B.:>1Is, I . \ t Kllth rln Alexund er . McCALL'S MAGAZINE M nJ'c 8u h bC rlhl'l S: l h.m nny olhrr fn tll11nn llhillips 8 '811 VS. Lee R. R&ndftlJ. tOWD~hip '1. • . Bruise , Cnts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, 1TI1I1:1l7.;nC- 1111 11t" " Il lI u' nt h. 1 H·hhiu hh'. L at .. Time' of .1l1!DI ~~ende4 pemlon ex· ' Harry 1i'ord and wife to Cl1!l.rles Eczema. or l'iles. 250 Itt Fred lJ . to $t :uylc!I p..1Ul.r!li.t, ur"b~ m u ' IfI ).; , l ui1Ji n c~t. Speolal Attention Clven to p lllin sewi ng, Uncv n ~cd l~ wol " , h nltdrcJulti nt; , . Children's Hair-Cutting. tended for 16 dir.Ys. . R. 140.1, re~l estate Hamilton Soh wurt,z 'Ii. ct l qLU:tl ~t nonl l ~ I ilr i e-" . d e. O n y 00 C('ItU " Yl'ur (wo rth \l p ublt'L ill elu di n ..... n JlI 'C pnltl"rn. Robert 1. , Spohr VI. Y~~age of tOWDship, 112,000. ' . • -- • ' M hu bJ.'r'ibe lmlny, o r ac: nd ful 6;uuph: COl'')". FraD~UD. COnr'overnilel!ldemurrer Charles F. Vandervoort and wife HOW TO FIGHT JOINTWOR W O;\lDERFVL INDUCEMENTS ~~~~~~~~.!'!!'!!.!'!!!!.!'!..!!...!'!!....~.!'!!.!'!!~to A e c nt l'. P U"'1tt l br!"g5 prr r' ~ \1nl c n ta lo~uu Sta\e O~~hl0 na.; Jo~n DODghma~. to A. F . .Stewa.rt r~81 est.ate In. War. Prnotic~lly t,he whole of Ohio, ex"",I new c~.h p rize one, ... Ad rc ". Def.n'd&~~ !l"Dtno~to-twenty day~ ren County, '7500, cept fifteen or twenty of the northraE McCAlL CO .. Z3S10 IMw.nQ St_ N~W YOU tn OotlDlY j'U,' " ". . .' , Soward Collett, admi~istrQ.tor,to esste'r ll \countiel!, hitS suffered more · '. ('~Un., ~rdln~VI!I. Oharl~ W.. ~am,e8 P. Zell, r~al eet"te in Warten Qr le~s seriou,s ly from the - wheat Uhderta~er and Embalmer. C. W. HENDEI~SON,M.D.• Th9~peon e~ aI, COurt , rules that county 18148; . ' ,. jointwqrm, the po. t s8!lson. The WUI be fonnd in t.he old p~aln~ ~ov.r '6~9.l3 for defend- ·Joe B. Silver etllJ to Allen T. La;Y.. loss .to t)le Stllte as a whole bas'-been Waynesville, Ohio. Bflnk Blltldin~ . oppo ita an' ... ·due. cook ~t al real e".t ate in Frankliu in the neighborhoqd pf 15 to 20 .per tbe Nll-tion,.) Bunk " Valley Phone 153 Main Street cent of the oroI': . Mliony . townships Tp,lephone in , h n a Imd of '. ..' . Ada Flenner to Mary ' ll-ebold, report a Of 50 to 60 per oent ' fioe wllere J otl,!'\ be ('.ailed day IIr niRht,. ~tate ofJ'~'nk W , &1Zhizer, de..' rAdo) estate ~n W~rren COllnt~" Th~ wheat grow~r shoold therefore Vu.llf'v '''-h onA ~!h2. · 08Me!I.. Order. gr~ted to seH per. T. ;B. Hobnell alid. wife to George keep thetle poiQts weJl'in inin~ when get ImmedIate reDer. ftOm ., ' ~o.rpro~~ · , . , Holm~ .real eBt~te in Olinton and ,Plalfl.4ing for next yeu's orop : M';lin' Strel't. Waynesville, Ohio. Dr. Shooo's ~J~tlG Olntmto; '''Elitat.e.. of W. Jay Ball, assignor, Warren Oo~nties $1000. _ . . 1. Sow: from o.n e week to ten days prdet- ~$ed' to·8811 penona) prop. ' ~lva. ~ll~, :g~8!~an Of,.E. C. Ma~- ea~1ier tha.n is oostoma~y . in your erty ~v.\e sale. ', ,~ tin; to ~aa,. Walker, . real ·estate in ,neig,hborhoOl. Other th\nga bewg 'j!leate of Jelllie BOmtne deoea~6d. Hamilton t(n~~8hip, 11472.60, equ&l, in every insta.n96 of .w hioh we r ' I'" FUa' • .c~!lt ~ed. , . " ,CODUhJssioners' Proceedinls., nave knowledge, the e~rlY ,Bown . EI~\e of ' P; , P. i. Maxwell, d.~ " ' '\ ', .:. ~. w4eat was mooh better thl';l past .- ~. JI'ln'a l 8OC?OUDt l1Jed. ': Bill....,.~·. O. 6 'o rdon, b~idge reo s~l:Ion, ' in ' ba~ny infested'"'T.e:-::r=rnll:-=o= ry ==-,-HlI:--:---",j~""" '. I'nui)t .(. ' .tJrOWJt. ' adm1n1etratOr· pairs, of ,Musle ' ~wWlhip, 18.35; than that ",hioh was sown lilte. . '. de ,' ~I• .Don· VI. MalViD B. EhlUi~ ~rle II~ ~I'eidkamp, : b~idge ' reo ~ ! aa~e the seed bed w,orked into " at ·~ ' Order Kr&D~ ~ leU real P!'lrJ) in ' Bamilton t.ownsqip" 112; the best possible condition befor~ .. uta&e. ·,,) I ' . ' . , : ' . : '~rt~, brlag~, repairs in ~eer.- 8~edh:~g. • 'Eetate'.Qf J;lalph B.0a1by, mlnor~' field towDship, 11~.50 j Ruggles.Gale 3. Sow an early ma.turing variety'. ' , Anna L : ,Oarby appolDW gbar~IUI. · 00., appr~i8e~~bt ~89otd; ··,SO.; StB. 4. Ferblize wen with 'c ommercial , 'tBo~;" 10,090; . . I , ' ' ' ' , ' . kalta P~D , qp.'t )ldse. ,fp:r n~order, fertilize'r,barnYI\J;'d manure or better, In !DaUer of pardtaDship. of Johtl IS.oO j Wa,r ren.County Times, blanks '.vith both . A formola. . containing BMn an all~g8d ,imbeOUel Canas for land~ppralser's;14 . 50; 250 de. 3 or 4 per cent of ammonia, 8 to 10 Tllat's what comes of.gettipg togethel'. We have combined with the:publisher of the bes pbstpoD8d ~n~J1 ..FebrUary, 3, . li~quent sUps, .. $4.50; notice to ~r t:ent of phosp1;loric a'cid,and 2 to '. r .' ' .. .. .. woma~'s ~ag~ine. The result is that,¥ou can ha,,:e the magazine. Woman's Home Companion, and .' Boward . :,OOlleU, admlDlstra$or ~' P,f!tyel'8, $;4; 'fh!" Western S~ar, ,8 per ce.n t of potl1S0, IS suggested as The M~a':rll Gazette f~r the v~ry 'low price given below. Wom~n's Home Companion is too well Bernard Y. , OQllett e$.1. ~le .~D~ex for ,z:eoorder, 121,50 ; The snlted to wheat on the 8.vertlge Ohio known to neoo indorsemel'}t from '\ls.With fine stories, its splendid articles, its many pra.! tical OOD~~ aD~", ordeft;d, 'Miami ~a~ette, I pianks ' for. a'udlt9r, farm . Apply at the z:ate' of 200 to ~epartplents, .woman's Hplile' COmpanion stands at the very front rank of woman's ' magazine!!. Th lD'O:& Qf m~'1!JII•• of' John "J.. ,11'50; W .....Z :,· ~ol1, defending John 300'po;nnds per, l1cr~, Wheat on poor price of Woman's Home Companion is now $1.50 a year, and ·. this .offel: is a special bargain which w ~en1.~'~ decea8ed: . 'A dmini8ba,<>r ,, ('35; t)~m J>.-. Renkle, spit suifol's l~ t,h e . ~m~ mannEll' ~ri offer for a short time only. Take ' anUlo~ '<> ~y ,Cl",.. Merrltt·the servioes as tax mllP draftsman, 1411'j late 'sown wheat a.n~ fot ' ~he aame a<h;antage of the bl;lrgain wh'i1e you ,. 1IUI;Dof·t200 with in&~re8t. ' State of Ohi'o VS. Joh~ Doug)nDllo, re.ason,' viz, .; ll, i8, l" .l~ in pliltoring ca,n. It won't be good for long: · , , .rD Ule pl~tte1'l'· of !.wU1 of ' Eraetritt ~Qst8, $17..90. ; . ..,' I and gi es the wo~ml:l toolo~g a 'period Cox, " d·eQ8Ued. Will' . admitted to · 'rhe. bOnd .df William Sudey' in wbioli to work. . ,probiate. ' John, W;~.:~x" ~ppoi~te4 0: ~g4ell Ilnd,I1 . . O1l1.rk' ~', 5. &~.' ill:! far a's 'possib.l e from , adm1nletrator kf"~Dg, bond 'of I!,POO. penals.m of·.all «;losts ~Jld , expenses. wheat fields of tl;!e preo~ding yeltr. '. 10 matter of.a'l!Iignment of' A:-J. aoormng' ,in est8bUshi~g of 'a 'stllte . .. - • . 0; Anderaoa. ap. l'<?ad as petitioned ' for by .willian;i' HYPNOTIC INFLUENCE , ' Wa'kins, ,pOinted uelln88, Bond. ll~OO; aurley, was pre8ent~d tJo :~ud ac. A young 'otlicer who was drilling I. oepted ~y the o?mmiSSloners; ~ the a~~war~ 1!1.u~d · de'l ivered him. R.e signation of~ . J . Thompson a. self of this comma)ld: "Now, my onel year and infirmary , dtreo~or accepted \\nd men, liaten , to me. When I say . Cause' ~aDY Joh~ Lmder. was appoiJlted to 1111 'Ra'lt I' put the 'foot that's Oil the SuddeD Deaths. 'he vaCllDOY· ~ _ • . ground beside the one that.!s,in the Saved from AWful Peril. 'air., and remllin motionless."






Di{. H.E.













. '









j ,













Woman's Home '·Companion


The. .Miami Gazette··

"I never 'f elt so near my grave,"

write~ Lewis Chamblin of Manobes.


one year.

• - ., To mend a. grantto kettl,e, pot, a rlvet in tbe nole Rnd poundtt fillt ,


Both for $1. t-t5'

WA¥NESVILLE CHURCHES. . ' St. Augustine's Catholic Church. 'PlIlher OeOrt~C M (WeDh~eter, Pastor

M1I6S every 8 '(\O Dd ,' uod(Lj' of th O!OO a. m. '

mOI>\h Ill ·

St. Mary's EpiacQpal Ct,urch.•




4. .








Woman's Home ('0n:'panioli

Will be tile ~ost int~resting-the most ' useful-the most beautiful. woman's . ' magazine" publishE!d. , \'


,- ---

___ - ~ ----_ 2225

STOPPED T":.:~~::

MIA~U \ II vn "M '·I II (,., 0111

tbe - - . . _ .




p IJ1" ure oODvlnopd "bat lib ere il 1 will oft'~r at Publio Sale on 'he 8 Pigs. 1 Road Wagon, 1 tongoel~1I11 MAIN' 81 RIl:l!!'J' Rt /8IISI: onf> ·c orporllt.lo·n that has. 8"'n8eJ farm, 3 miles 80uthweet of Corn Plow. 1 Breaking PJow and oth. the best body-building Il ' h~Rrt 1\ rllw ' d'lYs It go the Centerville, on the Yankee Street er artloles not mentioned. Al, I.I1:Y '1'1': I. I,; I'll 0 I~ I; L\ , .L N . 11 2 ' ~t. I..ooll;J N wYorkflyer,t~'otntJver Road, on • Terms-Allllums of 1500 and un. and strengthening tonic. for - --------. ..:.- - - - IIVfln be"itderl ~It;t.he village before, Thursday, February 24,1910 del' oash ; aniumsover , " Bwount and Manager a t,r·lin. thHt never stops bfltween Beginning a.t 10 o'olock, 11. m . , tbe a. orodlt of twelve months will be ------~------.~ Dayt,on and Colmni UII, ol1me to following prope"rty: 6. llead ijorses given purohaser giving note with .~!l lid "top of.thfl Charleston station -1 Brown Elone,8 years old, good approved lIeourity. Ii per oent d is. Rat~~ of SUbscriptiun --is .~ and the brtlkemao def(>r~n~ILLllY AS liner; 1 Sorrel genera.l-purp08e Horse ooun$ for oasb. Ill'" v" 'r f ~l r"'lll' In Olh- ;LIl (. ) ., .. . .. ... * I.II~ sisted I1n uld ludy tl) tbe platform 5 yeaI'll old, not afraid of anytbing; G . F. Henderson. ' 111 1( 1 :° 1·)'........ . . . . ........ .11" Anll thll Hpleudid trllin went on. 1 good Brood Mare, 14 years old, J. A. Henderllon. . Balf ' of the town Will!! going Ilnd 1 ti6rrel general, purpose mare, oom .0:.'''.' . . Rates of Advertisements ~ a IIxiout! inquiries "Nhiob were lIet on ling 4 yeu1'8 old (sired by Ba8te Boy ), Ilca,lllng I.flca ls, per IIUt! ........... -, . r.c fnot. revealed tbe 8tartliog news 1 Colt ooming 2 years old (sired by As lim going to quit farming, I .. My 9 old c1auahter WIUI II My two children. who were pun,. n ea(\llI~ ll,clIl H. hill ul: ~I1C·. !)l'r 1111 .. . ... 10" f I' whom t.he . 3 . weak, pale, and had no appetite. I and ailina. rapidly aained fle.h and publio sllle at my resi. nl"l\.~ llIc d M is. nol 10.} UX(' IJt'd 11,·(· 1Ir \l)~. I t.bnt the pa8st!nger 0 _ Meteor 2 :14;%&' ) a Colt oomlOg one. wlll otTer ave her Vinol, and .he beaaD to .trenath when I began. to ~ve them 'I'liroo I I1H('nlun , . . . .. . . ...... :!r.e fiDe traif\ 8topp d WII8 J08t Mrs . YAa,r old (si red by Niokle Plate.) denoe near Mtt.llor, on the Wm. ~ri'le at once. She aained rapidly ~inol. ~ proved Van~.i:t.p!:,~ " hl luarIcN. fin' III - hes In'c : I) \' e r filiI) • Elleo Ktllly. a pillin little ~ld Iril'h 1 goud. Milk (!ow, will be Fresh 8000. Kindle ftlrm, on . in weisht, color and .treDath." - did toruc for debcate cdfl dreM-. Mra.W. H. GILMORE. Durand, Mic:h. Mr.. C. AllEN, New Be or, •. Furming Implements-2 Bre&king , ,., Illf c h ' IS, k.."r line ... . .. . .... . .... .. " 5'0. , Widow , who h"d Jived 10 Soutb VVedneiday, February 23, 1910 ( li t " " UIII " ~ . . . . . .........•...... . . - • 'buletlton ever slnoe tbe family Plows J 50.tooth Harrowe a Spring Vinol builds up health)" flesh and .makes thin little limbs round J( " ~"lu " ,," ~ , . . . . . . .. ....... . . .. . rlOc f th ' Id ntry 6 0 ' ' . Beginning at 10 0 'olook, the . fol and plump. Children love to take It. . • u"'a l ~ ,, 1('. wit '1' " cl",rlft! I ~ maue .. . ... :!.:;c ollme over rom e 0 oou Tooth and a dilk Barrow, a Bamll. lowing preperty : ')I>l pl r,v AUHnINlnll , p r In c h ... . .. . . . . lUll. venrs or more d~O tOll tougueless Cnlt! va tor, 1 Hllm. We ~eturn people"s money wltbout quesUon U \'Iaol Borses--2 bay mareR, 1 blaok does Dot accompllsb aU we elalm lor It. Try It. ple_e. IJIK 'IU III . gll'en on con l raCL. It developl.'ld tbat Patriok Kelly, ilton Riding and 1 Buokeye Riding gelding. 2 Jer8ey Cow,., one to be J. E. JANNEY, Drug.,;ist, Way~esvi11e. who was the bDs~andof Mrs. Kelly, Culttvdor. 1 doubla.shovel Oultiva. fresh In Maroh. FElIR A U), 9, ' J910. hlld been kil/eu many year8 ogo tor, 1 Tobaooo Cultivator, · 1 large Farming Implements-l while In f(lithful performanoe of his Shovel Plow, 1 Uorn Planter with Mtudebaker wagon. 1 2 horse iron duty BS fln employe of the Penn8yl. abeok-row attaohment, 1 'Superior wagon, a two seated carriage, 1 phae. Gelding, broke single or double, 1 amonnt a oredit of 9 months will be STILL AT VVORK va'lla nllrolld. 'L'he oompany de· Wheat DrilJ 1 boientitio Corn Bar_ ton, 1 MilwaUkee binder, 1 Deering three· year old Dun M.are, halter given pnroha8er giving note with ap. sired to I!how ita appreoiation of hi8 v~ster, 1 Be~i81.·obllooo T nsplant mower, 1 Hamilton oorn planter broke, nioe driver; 1 two.year.old proved seouri'y. John Beokett Mnrk 1'WIIlIl, sluggltrd, who, servloe tl·nd ever after tbat Mrs. et' (new), 1 Deering Mower,l Be with hiller attaohments, 2 whuat &rrel Gelding, baIter broke and nlt.bO Ol;b only 7 ;; ytm rH old, SUy8 hA Kp.J1y hllrt a home free of rent io volving HIIY Rake,] Stalk Rake, 1 C. T. Hawke, Auot. drills, with attaohments, hoe drill, bandied some ; 1 five-year . old Brown i~ t1red and III !!Oil1g to Quit wrltio/!, a 1.IItle bou8e on the ooJlll)llny's MoUormiok Binder, 1'set Bay Lad harrow, pluws, toblLooo oul- Gelding, very gen'le aud good anyTRAPPERS, ATTENTION t Rhould gn to WilhalO B Venable 73, ground at Houth Uharleston and a ders, 1 Gravel Bed, 1 fine Farm 81ed, tivator and setter, tobllooo aprBl'er, 110d "fie him work Only two year!! free pa8s over t,be rOlld tlnd employ. 1 1000 Ib Plat.form Moale. 1 heavy .All hunting, trapping or digging barrows, sleigh, hay rake, hay fork where; 1 Red Cow, a good one; 300 ytlllD(Jpr t,b" 0 Murk TWllln. but Dlont for bel' 800S us they got old Road and Tobaoco Wagon, ' goqd bushels Corn in Crib, 8 tons Timothy o-nt of the ground of fur-bea~ing anrope llnd pnlleys. Prof Veno,hltl i .. bnsy writlDg anoth enougb.-Xenlu Republican. Rubber tire Baggy, Steel tire BogBay in mow, 2 good Roa.d Wagons' imals is striotly forbidden on my BnrnSSs-2 Bet of work harnells, er book, unllh A bllR writ.ten ('Jose to • -. gy, E'razier Break Cart, Bay Fork, brcad trood, Hay Ladders, Gravel EDW1N S. FURNAS. Bed; 20 Shoats weighing about 75 farm. • _ ....._ - - 50 of tb~ln D!lrio~ 60 ynrs of writ Took All His Money. Rope and Ladders, Hra.s Beeder, 2 lIet buggy harnees nearly new. Te. IDs-Mums of S5 casl1; over ing , Prof. Vl1w,blll bos alwaYII writ. Often 11.\1 Ii ma.o earnlJ goes to doc. Grindlltone, Cr08l1-out Saw, Dinner ponnds. Ifarm Implements-2break. SVVORN, DRUNK, RF.SIONEDI thlLt a oredit of 12 months with inK t,on II.b ot. other people snd thmg8 torsor for medicin88, to oure a !::ltom. D bl 8i 1 plow8, Oliver Rnd Aughe, 20ul. . aob, Liver or KidntlY trouble thllt. Bell, Feed Bin, ou etrees, ng e· l180urlty. 6 per oent off for cash. tivlltors, Iron Age and Koons, 1 John D. White, of New Vienna, 'l'his t\ine, Rix yarE! (rom tbe fOllr Or . KiI;lg's .Ne,., Life Pills would trees, Forks, Shovels, I.og Chaln.8, JOHN RElJMOND. Roore mfl,rk. is in a retrospective qui kly oure tlt lllight ~t. Be!tt, Sledge and Wedges, and mauy oth 60-tooth double harrow, 2 mowing was Iworn in asM~yor, January 3rd, A . A. MoNt'il, Anot. mood, aDd III writing Itbont himself, tor Dy!!pe)llilia, IndlgelitloD, BtlIons erartlolesnot mf'ntioned. Barne",.: machioes. 5· and 6 foot out, 1 tobaooo gotdrunkJannary4thandwB8a.eked tl.od t·he loItory will oover the period nil8s, CODl!!tipatioD, Jaundice, Malaria -1 set Boggy Barn888, 3 full setll setter, 1 2.borse oorn Drill, 1 re~oh"1 to resign by oounoil and did 80 Jan. of his life, l'flgiomug with the time und Debility. 2:a.:.t.F· 9 · MJhwarta. Work Baroessl'l, Biting Rig with I wlll offer at Publio Male at my iog hay rake, . 3000 tobacoo stloks, nary 5th. Tbis shows rather poor when veotH I\nrl thing!l 1",~R.n t o , TO C:\N BEEF Bridle, 2 good s'r8n<l. Sleigb Bells; re8idence, 1 mile from Lytle and 3 'obaooo Cl8onv~s, forks, hoes, shovels, ohoioe on the part of the town poll- . impreJ48 t.hAmselves upon his me m 150 bushels' CorD, 100 bushels Oats, miles from Wa.ynesville. on the Ly- lIingle trees, eto. Harnef8-2 sets tioians. work harness, 1 set buggy har~e!!s, ' • _ • O1'y and enliinK when be oaRt bis first. Cook untH teoder so tha(: the fibet:s 2 or 3 tons of mixed bay. Boustl, tle and WayneSVille road, on obeck lines, collars, bndlt;ls, hor8e I My kitohen stove is kept bright ballot, whioh was m'lrked for Abra will break apllrt. 8eason alad ou~ hold Goods-2 Bedsteads, a Lonnge Tuesday, February 22, 1910 blankets, halter., etc. and olean by rubbing it briskly b n~ Linooln . Tbe scene of thl> toto small piece. ;b()il ~he gravy un a Cupboard, 6 kik)ben '.)bairs, Bent Terms: All SOlUS of '5.00, and after eaoh meal Wi~h old newspapers. Beginning at 10 o'olookJ the fol· story i 1"lrt in I he W'lrren Countv '11 so thiok it will jelly when cold. Wood Churn, Cook Stove, Heating farm ne .. 1' Ri(lgAvllle, ou 'whloh he Disoard all pieces of gristle and with Stove, 25 yards Rag Carpet, 20 yards lowing: Two horsell.-1 bay horse, uuder, OI1sb; all sums over tbat This saves manl' poli8hing8. wo,.s . born u.od red red -Xenia Gil. a wooden masher presll the meat, M:t.tttng, lot of old carpet for oover 6 years old, weiKbs 1215 pounds; 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~~~~~==== iron gray, ooming 5 years old, we.lgb8} zette. _ _ a I1ttle at a time, firmly into hot tng tobacoo. . jars. Then . pour In enough arav)' Terms-All .nms of t5.00 aud uo. 1350 pounds; 1 good milk 00", 8 President Helps Orphans. to fill ail tb~' planes around I~,-DO' del', O8lth ; all sums over that amount head of hogs, 3 brood sows, a lot of Bundred I)f nrphBn~ bave bean enougb to .float ~be mMt, but to oov tI. oredit of 12 months will be given, ohi~kens, 1 M.ilburn wagon, lltet log b8lp~ bv thA Prtl81tlent of tbfl Indd ' t d . h . i te ith bolsteis, 1 Wtl~O'l bed, 1 jolt wagon, dtultrittl a.Dd (Irl'b'iou '8 Boma at M'8 er It. ~ben a more mea aD by the puro B8er glv ng a no Vi 1 spring wagon,:d Troy buggies, rub · 090, 0/1,. ' who writ.e,,: "We h,av8 gravy t111 tbe JILrs are filled wUhlo approved lecurity. ·ber.Ured, 1 Bookeye onltlvator, 1 used Eleqtrio Bit.t.ATS In this inllt1t·u au inoh of tile top; ~nil see tb"t M. A Cornell. Atlghe plOW, 1 50-tooth barrow, to. tion' for nine y~,.rs. It blls proved there are no air spaces between tbe A. A. MoNeil, Auot. bllooo spreader, keUles etc, 100 bnsh Il most Axo ... llent. OlAnlo 'ne '91' t.!tom- Jjieces Then 111i the jan to overJerry liimes, ' Clerk. Boh L, ver fllIIl Kinney trouble . els of oorn, harness, blaDkets, ropes, We'ragllrd It 111l' one a't ~he b8s~ f,lm flowing with bolltns ·melted 8uet,and Lunoh 8tand reserved. pulleys, by forks, some Red olover ti:v medlornA~ lin ~a.l'th." . If; tnvt~. seal, Ul!lng new rubber8 with teet.ed ' OflLtos all vlttll nrglln~, purifies the jal'8,-II'rom February FarlD .10urDal seed .. . b~ldl1 rlht88f.i(Jn orentes appetite " •_ • , W~will offer for sale 1 mile east HOW!8hold good8-8toves, organ, To 8t.rengthen ~ nd bnild, up pille, EARL'y CHR ISTI ANITY of Rt.1geviUe on the Waynesv11le stands,obalr8, bedsteads, tables,mat. tbin weak ohlldrAn or rond ,wn pike, on 'lngs oarpekt, etc. people it ' h~ no eqUAL. B"1It for .- - female oilmpl'liOti4. Ooly 500. at "Privilege'!, ill • word that hu Friday, February II, 1910 Terml'-All !,nms of 15 and under Fred C, So·hW>t .. lz·R. both bro"depftd and nar wed In FOUl: head .f Horael, S Milk COWl, 08sb' ; all sums over that amount - - - -... - • Engbsh nile. Its original Latin 40 h d of Fall Pip Vehlo1811 and a oredit. of 9 monthl will be given FUTU,RB PAPER SUPPLY meaning WIlS a law in favor of or Barnel8, ea Household Goode. , pnroliuer giring approved security . '. againflt 8n indhldnal, more CC?mKeever 81sters - Four per oent disoount for oasb. It Is pos8ible tbat the world'EI fu monly ' agalq8t him. Nowada~1 Elry A. Le~ls. Benj. Jamel ttrre 8upply of puper pnlp will be "privilege" 18 never ,nRed 8S meaD• L A. A . MoNell, Auot. N . .I!l. upten. derIved from_tbe :bam-boo forest8 of ing an1thing to the diaadvantage WaltAI' Kenriok, Clerlr. C. R. Borfaoo, Anc.t . . , the tr~pl08 of the t.emperate zones Qf" mlln. or ol&41s. On the other Chaa . .Urah.a m, Clerk. ~nQOe~stul pJ;IJ~rimtl~t.,~ · have been hand, t~e word is loosely used III all Rich design and refined beauty in knives! forks. spoons Having arranged to go baok to and fancy serving pieces are not attribu!es of solid , mnde 1n J"pun polnUug i~ thilt di~ Ilorts of -way8 The old Ulo~8silverware alone. The skill born of long e~penencebas pro- . We will offer at Publio !::lale at our Kentuoky, I will sell d PubUo Sale I' otion . A tI\lmpAny bAR o~ta.ined I tershtre women tn Sir Moqntlltuart on the Ohapman.fa.rm, one mile east duced In the famous "'847 ROGERS 8ROS." sliver plate, effects in 8 perpetott.l t)1l e ot elgbti thousand Grtlnt Duft'lI diary, being a8811: red retlidenoe on the Ohae Lewis farm, pattern' and design whic!l make .lts name for beauty s~~?n4 only of Waynesville, Ohio, on aores ~r b~mlillo f~r8~t in For~08". tbtt.t Solomon really had lIeven hun- baok' of the Quaker ~eetlug Hou8!!', to its reputation for quahty-"SrlI1,r Pial. 'hilI, Weart. " Thursday, 'February 11, 19m '8n09gb to ,pr,(\vide Itix hU,n dred (:ons ' dred wiv.,s,exoI4imed, . "Lor, mum 1 on Sold by -leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue Beginning at 0 a . my entire Saturday, February 26; 1910 ., C'L ,It showing all patterns. . lit mGntb ~What privileges them earll' Chrisfarming eqUipment, oons18tlng in Beginning at 1 o'olock tb~ follow MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., •- • tians bad 'I" ( I n _lon.1 8U .. cr co .• Su~r.) 000Bsil)n811y we meet with people • _ • ing property: 3 Ror888- rhe.e are part · of 7 horsas-l team big Bay M.rld.n, Conn. wbo ure like Romu of the modern Tbe ~reat8(lt ltlesslngin tbe world gpod work horlteS: 5 Cattle-3 milk Work Hors88, broke 81ngle line and . bedsteads-all brass. Is a obeerful sUllnl' beart. Cows, :I yearling he~fer8. 1 Bow aud good ' auywb'ere; 1 four,year.old

Dalicate Children







Silver Of Proven Quality






I !

The l'JJiami Gazette D. L. CRANE.


WAYNES ILI..E. Sign of sprln~: IIchcdul s Brc ouL



A New Day in Religion. By REV. JOSEPH NEWTON

- -- - -

ThIs Is hanl w ather on germs that ha ppen to be I ft aLIt all nlghL "E gs will soon como down," says th e mll l'k t page. Look out below!

else that Is-worth while. 'More <iI' leS', tb Ilnme f ellog ae ma to be In most gooll 1Il n, no matLel' what tbelr vie ws ar,e. All now 'ee thai It Is th spirit whl h IIttests Itself In good nnd lise· (u l 1I\'lng, In octlve and high moral ex· nence, thnt Is'· of value, and 'pot Borne Int II clnol varlntlon as to whnt mllY be th natur of d ity or t he destin)' TIMELY SUGGESTIONS of ' \ he ruce of mn n. . Gladslono remarked that Ule ch lel for Those Planning Seasonable bange In the temper at the buma n Entertainments mind wlJlch h bad not noted In a long lit lime, was a decay of tbe senae of slu . I t anyone wishes an example of Ibis let him compare "The Pilgrim's Pro!;!' s "-or Dunyan with the J'law· Two palrl'l ot- Just pni rs, you know; A Wonder·Ball Party, thorne story of the "Celestial Hall· This was n rainbow and wond er r lit li n lov pats. one or I WO, wny." In the Bunyan nllegory the Or onc !lilt! '<, zrd hand wtll Jo . POOl' pilgrim makes his slow journe y ba ll party combined and It was a A wulst Ih~ size to b Ill bru '''J. beset on all sides, tempted without mos t delightful afl'n lr. There were AmI lWO I'lpo IIplI- roaR·red 10 Iu.~te . and torment ed within. He Ilaw noth· se ven guests, all people who kn w Ano! If tho IIPA nro .~rt and 8WN' t. Ing of the bea uties ot nature along bow t o 1(11 It, and In this ag with the You' lI find yotll· hat'JllnC8S comp lete. th wuy-SO tbat wh en an artist con· re"lvn l or many of lhe lost nrts .(knit· Tor 'lt to d Bride. suited Kingsley about illustrating tbe ting among them) many young mn lds This Is a charming 8 ntlment to story, ho was told to draw character allll mat rOlls Iwol\' how to wi eld the send to a bride 011 b r wedliing da}", faces. with bits of old Implements and n _(' dIes In Iln xp rt mann r. 'fbe 0 1' may be given as a toast If the nrmo r. no flowe r s or vInes. But by h08t(·SS produ('ed balls, on e of eac h right opportunity olf ra. Tb re have the Hmo w e como to the Hawthorne of tho rainhow colors. tho gu sts tak· bee n num ' rous r. quests (01' a v rse s tory a bridge 61)ans the Slough of De· Ing nn " from the pretty basket pussed of this IdllU, and artl<!' carefu l s arch· spond, nnd Vanity Fair Is a salu brious hy t h, 11 t til' dnugh ter of t h house. ing 1 think Is the b 'tll of a ll tho OUOi village In wb lch passengers stop 01I Tho obj t tn bo sturted wus optiona l I It av looked over lutnly : for a few days. Thls 'dlll' rence be· - 11 pai r of miltens for a slUall child, TO A BRInE. , tokens not a declining but 1\ saner .ll ~('n rf. II w e s woater, a pnlr of All ('arthly good 1 wish lhe", f' C " pa l'\; n I I th se wore commonced. Iw and more wbolesome moral life. Life A \I J;O. tI for I he a nd t li l[lft; In the days of Jobn Dunynn \ as a As t he knitting progrossed, little fa· Anti Rt l\l Iwt onl)' cu rlh ly nightmare In a demon·hunnt ed world. VUI'S \\' ro unwound . Tho first one BU l a ll ' thnl Is divine. The In tell tun l outlook of that tlill e Is wns awarded a lovely box of home· 1\{ny earOI Ilnd hrn von mingle, so utterly forc lgn to th e mind of our mart c/tndy, tbe on who found b · I' Mny eu rth 111111 IIl'a\' 11 b 011. lime thnt It Is with dlfll culty that ll'casu r s the last had 11 home·mnde ;\11 throllgh your 'Irlhly )our,. ·y. '1'111 sels your eUrlhly IIUII. we cnn Imagine It. And yet tbe wbole cnkl': . b nutlfully Iced . tone of our social life Is not only Thi s J,lartl' was given fo r friends 1'h hart Ihnt you lill.\'e given. purer IInll higher, bllt g reat social who did not piny a rde nnd cost no Tho heart I hut 's gl" on to YOtl , wrongs whi h were overlooked In tbe more t han the average card party. Muy bOI~1 bo IInll cd together, age or nunyan no w rise up before us The refr eshment table was especially J\lny both ll~ gOod and true. pretty; nt each cover there was a In ~ll n Bhlne and In sbadow, In a ll t heir horror. Altruism has grown, whereas ' the tripod mnd e of steel knitting needles in /llghlng and In aonc, ma n In the Dunyan allegory thougbl from wblch wns s~pen d e d a wee May hca\'en bles8 your union, only of himself. The world fe els more brnss k ttle (doll size) filled with Throughout your Whole lifo Ion • . and Its sympathy Is Quicker and deep- salted almonds. A chafing dIsh was A January Lunclleon. er. Men have come to 11 ldnder know 1. used for creamed cWcken aud mush· This was given for a bride-elect and ther e was cotree a nd choc~ rooms edge oC man , It not to a kinder Ignowbose birthday happened to 'be on the rance of Ood. Here Is no assault upon . served In tall glasses with small date selected for tbe luncheon at the past, no disr espect for the old, no oakes. wblch the g uests were to be the maids bostlle criticism of yesterday-far a nd matrons of the bridal party. So An Anecdote Party. from It. But It Is a simple fact that WIth a dinne r Invitation went the the hostess used this as a keynote for a de ep moral and religious cbange bas the decorations. and tbe girls come over the spirit of the age, r eno request that each guest come prepared "chipped" In and boultbt an exqulslto story or an anecdote. to t ell a good derlng obs61ete mucb both of the ralth veH or bar pin of garneta accomand ·tbe fears of othe r days. No one In this way the bostess Insured her- panied by the following verselet: self agaInst that dreadful cnlm which now a ttacks those Ideas and there are her who In this month III born, few to defend them. They have s uf· all hostesses 8 0 dread. I heard a By No gem 81lV8 gnrnl!t should bo wom clever woman say once tbat sbe felt fered the deepest and most terrible ot They will Insure her constnne")', all refutations, for the moral senSe! tbat each guest owed It to hlmllelf TrUll trlcndal\lp and IIdeUty. or herself. as the oase might be, to of the race bas outgrown them. Jl Tbe box was done up In red paper anyone asks for proof that a n ew day make It a bounden duty to be all brll· a nd all tbe table decorations we re bas dawned. le t blm take note of the lIant as possible at any social tunc· r d, Including candles which were In signs of the Umes-the penetrating tlon. Story telling lIlay be cultivated, glass holders. The flowers were r ed IIgbt of science, lhe' drum·beat of a as with everytblng else pracUce makes carnations, with n lovely bunch tied Quickened and splendid moral sense. perfect, Keep a book wltb bright say· with r ed tulle on the ba k of the In It and consult It while dress· guest's of bonor's cbalr. The faVol's~ the words of those prophets who teach Ings Ing. us the beauty of holiness, nnd the were Quaint beart·shaped boxes COy· works of those arUsts wbo show us er ed with deep red satin: the mono· Tlt·Blts for a MUllcale Lunchllon, gram of bride and bridegroom worked the holiness of beauty. Never were As musicale luncheons and teas out In red beads. there so many sweet voices echoln, Beem to be the correot thing just now, MADA.ME !tfEJlRL from end to end of the earth. Never were the relations of God to the following quotations are approman closer or more r eal than the;, are priate for"menu carda or programs: There's music In all tblnlrt, It l'Ilen had to·day;· Men do not feel that they work alone In theIr struggle to aDollsh ears. Here we will lilt Ilnll let the lounds ot poverty, cruelty and sin. One of our mUlllc break on our ears. . great free souls of IHerature, George Meredith, has been for 60 years not ThUll 1>8.8.11 our joyoUS hours away, The large rolllng·brim hats ot the !Jowers. and music, books nnd only a singer of faltb, of courage, or With trlendL Jalnsborough type hold flrst place for the zeIt and joy of life In a God· U· afternoon and evening wear. I am never merry when I hear sweet lumined world, but a' teacher as well ot Small boys are wearing tam,o'·shan· the reality of prayer, and Its value as mUBIc. ter bats In cloth, bearskin and cordu· a factor In the culture of personality. Some to the church repair, roy, the a'r flaps sUk lined. While speaking of Meredith, let me Not for the doctrlno, but the music Fine old wire III entwined tbroilr;h there. quote a sayIng of hIs which strikes curls, while Immense cabochons of dull the keynote of our day: "For 'thls rea- . MUlllu exalts each JO)', allays each ·grlef. coloring appear In the hair. son so many fall from God, who have Mandarin Is tbe name given to a attained him; tbat they cling to him And softly the dellcilte veil was hellrd, m'urmur of love or the notes of yellowish tan, while Corinth Is an exwith their weakness, not with their Like athe tremely faded shade of old rose. bIrd. . . strength." This Is a day of strong Two rich materlall,. tapestry and men who, layIng bold ot God, with Music Is nothing r.lae Slit wild sounds 'fur, are to be found on some lovely strength, are making tbe cburch civilized Into tune ' and time. I1ttle turbans, and the etrect Is beaut_: ...i-and religIon strong, attractive, rea. ' (ul. "A Recipe for Happlne .. ," sonable, beautiful, devout-a tower ot . The new scarfs thll year are wIde, The following came to the depart· good citizenshIp, a power ·for right. perfectly flat and very l~nR. many eousness-a happy, hearty, hospitable ment, and 8S tbls Is tbe seuon wbe~ reaching to b~low the knees In tr~nt. tellowship 01 clear·handed and Jdnd. rules and suggestions tor "happiness" muo the short coat has little. vogue heartod folk who are ready to le"e are In order we print· It. The recIpe for the winter, It la predicted that It their race. They stand erect under may be accompanied 'by 'water col()r wtll be the leader In the spring styles. a wide sky, at once subdued and in. or pen and Ink sketcbes. Here Is the As trimming on dayUme dresses spired with a' sen,se of the beauty II1ld "recipe: " and evening robeB, btjalJ8 are used with klnsblp of their souls with the Spirit Take a hall dimly lit, great success. 'I'hey are leen In at! pnir ot stairs where two may lit, wblch gives to the world IbJ s'trange A colors, Of mUsic 80rt a bar or so; and solemn loveliness. They do not know all things, but tbey make what Newman called "Ule venture or faith," , and no one has stated their feelings better than Robert Louis Stevenson: "If I from my · spy hole, looking with purbllnd eyes upon the least part of a traallon of tbe universe, yet perceive In my destiny some broken evidence of a plan and .iome signals ' of an over· ruling Godliness, shall I then be ao : mad as to complain th~t all can'n ot be explained? Shall I not rather wonder with grateful surprise tbat In 110 ·vaat t a 'scheme r seem to have been able • to read, however llttJe, nnd that little. encournging to raith?" We nre Uvlng, we are movIng In the dawn of a new day of faith. No mere funcy Is ' It that this age Is big with etblcal and spiritual adventures. and with ungu essed conquests of truth and of character. No good thlllg wlll be lost, no beautiful thing destroyed. ;: t . And In the ne w day, wltb 'tb':! magic I of Its passing hour, Ump., which • changes all good and evil things, Is rashlonlng from the' old lov,fl new •: sbapes of "eauty and servIce. SUII . holy lives re... ~al ilie t:brlBt OC whom th e letter told, And (he De\V dllY verifies the 0111. -U nity.

'Hints Fo·r · HO'stess =

Bpholl. 2'1:5.

VERY dny Is R new day, 113 i, alu re fills "be r blue urn of Ih e s ky" aud pours OU.t PricE's or 1I1'lng are soaring so that her 1100d of light. Ench Uncle Sam now admits It I up to him. morulng, (1111 of wonder and In r(lformlng foothRII th ere Is no surprise, mak s all things lack ot places at lI' hlch to malle tbe new. Let tbls be for liS Ii pllnthl of stlHL the blsto ry of rnlth, In which th re have been many cloudy sunse ts and Onl\' n merci ful mnn should be P\lt mnny golden dawns. Happy are we In h,;rge oC a team of horses In tbls wbo live In ' tbo morning rnlilanca or w alhe r. a new dny or faith, for th lI[e of the On o thIng ailing liS Is the faC't t hat spirit Is as chang ful r~' :be sk y and th n IIIlld winters we bav e b en having as mutable as the sen. Some bave 'thought that r eligion ha r e spoiled us. would finally fnd oul of tb ~ \Jurl of ~ a tlSRS e , spare rIbs, ham, bacon and man. Bu t they torg t a fun damelltal pigs' knuckl es are no'\" popular. Tbe hum an fact. No realiLy Is more dlle p· pigskin has been lai d aWRY. Iy rooted In the natu re of man, ~lDd, If It has somettmes assumed forolf; al· Are our monthly mngazlnes losing luring, terrible nnd fantasUc, one who tbelr enterprls ? Not one of th em as looks ove r the 10llg past knows tbllt It yet has sent out Its Fourtb of July hecomea every year more lovely nud Issue. retlnr.d. It Is tbe life of God In tbe Mlnls tC"r Wu hns tRlked to a phono- no ul or man, an In, nUable hunger for graph. It Is the firs t conversationalist ete rnity, an unqu nchablo nsplratlon he ever met tllBt he couldu 't ask ques· tor tbe per fect, nnd It Is by such bl'ead that man lives. Little acquaintance tlons ot. with history Is necessary to show that A barefoot dancer Is drawIng large while religion Is one, its sha pes nre crowds In N w York. The next· thing many. The very fact that It Is a li fe Is for Chicago to claim ber as ana· promIses variety of form , for In same· ness there Is death. It Is not a slBg· tlve dnugb ter. nant pool, but a flo wing stream. Farms In the nlted States are estl, Lowell tells us In hIs poem In "Am· mated to be wortb $30,000,000,000. brose" how the good sain t len rnod 'tbls 'rbese are figures wblch make even a lesson. Walking along a brook SL copper trust envious. Ambrose was joined by an angel, who, picking up a shell, dipped It Into the It costs the Amerlcnn citizen many brook, and filled It with water. He times 8S much tor fire protection aa pointed out to the Iloly man th e fact the European pays. EvIdently In Eu·_ that the water assum ed the shape ot rope they buHd bette r than we know. the shell, and at tbe same time that Don't get worried about the price the shell did not contaIn all the wa· of steers and hogs. You don't bave tel' In the brook. Even 80 the good to boy any. Cont~nt yourself with man learned that beavenly trutb flows s irloin steaks and nice Virginia bam. Into the Intellectual forms of eaoh age, but that tbose forms however Jt does not require the wisdom ot large and well wrought, do not exhaust the oldest Inbabltant to know that the stream of truth . Should an angel those "/Vho . talk the most about riding visit us on sucb an e rrand now, be on the water wagon atey on It tor the might quote the Hnes of Tenn yson , shortest tlme. which report the brook saying, with Its silver voice: A Oana41an police Inspector thInks . Men may come, nnd men mny go, the marksmanship ot our policemen Dut I IfO on fore\·er. Our age Is dIstin ctly practical, If not ,Is bad. He ought to seo tbelr record wben tbere ar,e enough Innooent spec: pragmatic. Its passion for reality Is Itself religious. It hns learned trom tatora In the line ot fire. science to be at once critical snd Love stories and love plays ,are com· teachable, to sit reverently at tbe feet Ing back Into fasblon ngaln, Bnd we of truth and learn its secrots. In an· are glad or tt., We have bad these swer to the InquIry as to whether rell· new ' thought and problem things untn glon Is decUnlng, the r eply of Sir Con· we are sick at our lltomachs. an Doyle fs typical of hIs age, coming A Philadelphia. man has given to a8 It does trom a man ot letters and a' 1111, wife a Christmas present c6nslst- man of the world-though not from Ing ot a rope of pearls worth ,760,000. a worldly man. He asserts that flr;· Tbe amount of his contrlbutlons to the ures afford no data as to the real mind charitable Inlltltut~ons or Pblladelphla of the age, or its faith. He says: "Never yet hllve I known a peraon II not mentioned. who was good because he went to .. 'Plunk' Is a useful word to have ohurch, or evil because he did not about the house," observes the Lon· And yet such practices are lBken 8S · don Ohronlcle. "It denotes the sound teets ' ~hether ' reUglon Is walnlng or ot the string of a musical Instrument IncreasIng, The real tests of the pr.og· · A plunk may also be a Budden bloW, res a of reUglon must be sought else· tbe grass within a talry ring, a thick· where. Is there a kinder and broader set person and-In AmerIcan slang- view ot such subjects, enabling men a large sum 'ot money." True enough. of all creeds to llve In amity and char· Almost everybody bas seen the time Ity? Are the criminal statistics .betwben . a "'plunk" was a large sum ot ter? Are the drink returns better, money. showing that man Is acquIring greater animal self·C'.,ontrol? Is there more Naturally the question arises how Is readlDg, sbo,,-Ing tbat the mind Is gain. · ft, seeing that we have the greatest Ing upon the body? Are . the savings actual and relative banking power ot bank reports better, showing thrift all nations In the world, that we must ·and self-denlalT Are the trade restUl borrow money 1lbroad? The an· turna hetter. sbowlng greater Indus· swet fa easy. We have still many re- try and better tlfficlency? Are there sources to develop, many buslnesa moz:e Auman InsUtut!ons, and does man propositions to exploit, wblle the old· Ihow more clearly his sense of duty er nations of the world find thnt do· towards the lower nnlmals? mestlc busineas has well nigh reacbed Let no one think tbat the large and It" profitable Umlt. They preter Amer- generous tolerance of our time Is only Ican Investments wltb their larger re- a good·natured Indllrerence-that tn. turns In Inte.r est, dJlrerence which III at heart skeptl· Rear Admiral William P. Potter, clsm; letting error be as good as truth, chiet ot the bureau ot navIgation, In on the ground that Inasmuob as no ont! bls recommendation that the age for can know anything about. such things, admisllion otcadeta Into the Naval tbere Is room In the Infinite for each acade'm y shall be lower has the sup· man to Cashion his own romance. Far port of tacts that have time and again from It. It has Its basis In the Insight been given serious attentton. These whi ch sees that In every form of faith facts relate to .the advanced age at tbere Is some truth which can be seen which officers arrive at commands In from no otJ:or angle, and the wish to the AmerIcan navy. Before they make that tl:utb Its own. It also knows reach tbe hlgheJtt grade In .the serv- that the truth Is larger than a1\ these ice they are about ready fQr re tire- segments. No one hns stated tho feel. ment and the great ma.jorlty never Ing of our day hetter than the half·hu. ha ve a chance to reach those grades, morous, balf·tendel' and always wise philosopher who wrote tbe story of Th e fire fiend Is rampant tbese days. "Lady Baltimore?" Yet wben one considers bow careless ';Forever and forever lhe humnn th e gr eRt majority ar~ ~Itb ~hls spedl· race reaches out Its hnnds and shapes ~st nnd most destructive of the ele- Bome system, some creed, and aeclares Ull'nts. the wonder Is that tires are It to be tbe finnl tblng, .and 10 and be. not even more frequent. In the hold, something Howlng and eternal blaze of tb e past week or so fn 'dlffer- In the race itself presently splits that ent \llaces th e careless cigar' stump creed all to pieces. Truth Is a mar· bus plnyed quite a prominent pilrt. velolls tblng. We fe el It, It can fill It seems a little thing at the· Ume to our eyes with tears, ollr hearts with atl nr! to, but If there Is a law against , JOY; It can make us die for It ; bllt throwing r efuse on the street "the~' once our bumnn ilps atl.em pt to fo rmu. s)lOuld be an even more stringent one late and thus to Imlll'i son It. It he. against .toBsl ng away a spark capable comes a lie nnd eludes li S. You can. of starting an expensIve fire or' en- not shut up the tru th In any fo rlll of dangering a hll m(lJl ' e words." ~ '. , . .. So; and quHe nntllrlllly so, the word He only Is good who Is good for ft, Gotliam jud~ as decided that it Christian Is a con~ prehenslve word III something, and the real measure ot Is ' not ncllolloble for a man to cal] our day, Includlpe many ' who . Voi 're his goodness Is .In th~ givIng of em. bls. n I ghbol" ~ \\' Ife and 'daugbter cats. excluded In a form er thrie. Lincoln did. clent. servicp. 'to hIs w~rld. To 110 good · Dut It Is to he boped tbat no ·Goth· .not prot.es8 . ~at It' Included him, .but meaDS that yo,u . ~ave caught the aml.t 1s. .y a rnlng for thllt prIvilege, · Toistol, who . loo.ked ,at the me " of 'vision' of .the possible Roodness ' ot the' As 8. gel.\tleman, Buch a olle would cer- Lincoln rather tllan at his absenoe' of complete, ordered, traIned lite, that . 'not. come up to the Hcratcb. . stited '1e~" spoke of hl~ tbe other lIfc has become. worth th~ living tor day . IlS ,:'a l,hl'lst- In miniature:" In the, sake of thl) ~alue a.nd meaJijn, A Missouri g81U,Ieman ill ctemavdlDg 1860 every m'lnl8ter In his city, . excep~ you may pot Into It. . . · tbat h be ~yen l()fDe attar of rQses three, voted j\galnst 'Lincoln on the ~ie8~too, to ' hllt .h e allq,. ,. ground that be was Dot a Christian. One must look driwnwar~a &S' well Jdent MOD , by the .;Japan a8..'R6veru. fo-day men feel that If the Quality of liS upwards In human life; thougb ment: In UlJI IbstaDce thO! gentlemlU) character se~D In luch men aa LJ~collJ ~. aDf ha~e passed ua In t}J, race therf IlOna Afl~ourr does DOt .deman~ to .be !!oDd EmersoD fa 'oot to be ~OD'''' 8)'8 man!, we have left bthlDd.-~4' abcnvR but to ~ aUo1Nil to qUilL u r.luuUau. thaD tbere t. Dot Dlllc1a S~Jth, .' .









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~~ .. .,······ .. •••..• ...•• .. •••... ••••••• . , ... 1If .~


TO CURE ' RHEUMATISM Prescription that Cured Hundred. Since Pu'bll ahed Here, "One oUllce syrup of Sllrsuparllla compound; one ourice 1'OI'ls com· pOtlnd: Add these to a half pint of good wblskey: Taite a tabl espoon fu l bfore each Uleul and at /Jed tim: Sbake th bottle well each time." · Any druggl t bas these Ingre(lt en t8 In s tock or will gulckly g t them from Ills wbolesul houlle, Good r'esults ar relt rrom this treatmellt arlel' tile 1\rst few doses hut it should be conUnued until cllred. '1'hls also ncts as a .syst m build r, eventually restoring strength and vitallly .


"Wbile we WOl'e on our hon eymoon, I always spolco French to my bus band, s o t hat no one sbould unders tnnd us." "So you went to Franco, diu you 1"

EPIDEMIC OF I TCH IN WELSH VILLAGE "In Dowla'ls, South Wales, about fif· teen yenrs ago, famlli cs were stricken wbolesale by n dlseaso known as the Itch, Delleve me. it Is th most terrible dlseaso of Its kind ·that I know of, as It itches all throllgh yo ur body and makes your life an Inferno. Sleep Is out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes we re attacking you at th e samo ti me. 1 knew a dozen families thnt were so alrected. "The doctors did their best, but their remedies wore of no avail what· ever. Then the fam ilies tried a druggist wbo was noted far and wide for his r emarka ble cures. People came to him from all parts of the country for treatment. but his medicine made matters sUll worse, as a last resort they were advised by a friend to ul,le the CuUcura Remedies. 1 am glad to tell you that after a t ew days' treat· ment with Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolven t, tbe elreot was wonder· ful nnd the result was a perfect cure in all cases. "I may add that my three brother., three sisters, mysel1 and all our tamtiles have been users of the Cuticur&. Remedies for fifteen years. Thomas Hugh, 1660 West Huron St., Cblcailo. ' Ill•• June 29. 1909." A Reat Catastrophe, Philip, aged four, is In tho habit of going across the street to a nelgbbor's house I for milk. One day In Decem· ber be returned homo with an empty bucket and a grave face. "We can't get any more milk" he announced In a tone weighty with the Importance of his messnge. "The COl"8 dried up." And, as we s tarted In surprise' at him, be suddenly clinched the ·mat· ter wltb an observation, evidently ot his own: "They don't think that. sbe'll thaw out uit s prlng,"-Dellneator. . Profllisional Conduct. One of the best stories told about Mr. BIrrell concerns a poor Client, whose case he took up for nothing. When the case had bsen won, the cll· ont gratefully sent blm the sum of 1 6s~ which he accepted In orde r not to give· offense. A colleague reproached blm, bow ever, tor this "unprofessional conduct" In taking less tban gold, "But 1 took all the lloor beggar had," sall1. Mr. Birrell, "and I consider that: Ie not unprofesslonal . "-M~ A. P. Kangaroo Not In It. "floosevelt says th e kangaroo can jump further than any other creatures." "Aw, sbucks! He never saw a wom· nn wltb' a mocse loose around r,er fE'et." There are ttm ~s II e very modern woman's life w'hen she bas a prlmltlv~ yearning 0 be grnsped by the hair and ordered a.bout; It takes 80 mucb responsIbility orr her shol,llders. If'lterestlng Problem, Knlcker-New brooms sweep clean. Bocker-WIII new vaouums, also? INSOMNIA I..;ead, to Madne.., 'If not Remedied I", . 'Time. . "~perlments satisfied me, /Iome..& years ago," writes a Topeka woman, ·/that colree was the direct cause of tbe Insomnia from 'whlch I lI uffered ter-. rlbly, as well as the extreme nervou ~. ness and acute dYspepsia whl~h made lUe a most painful thing tor me. " . "I had . bee.n ·a colroe drinker since childhood, and dfd not like to' think that the beverage was' doing me all thishlU'm. But it was, 'and the time came. wben I had to face the fact, and prOtect myselt, I tberefore ga ve up colree. abruptly and absolutely, and adopted PostuJ'n; as ,my hot, drink; at meal\l. ; " "'I began to. note Improvement In 'my condition very soon after " I , took on ' P<i$tu~.~ ~h:e. ch.a.nge!1 ~rad~ ' tially. Jjut' sur~IY, and It wa~ 'a mattel' qnly ,a few weeks b~(ore .J found ~y" Beit e~~lteIY 're~eved .....·:the ner\'ousnea", . passed . away.; · my digestive . app~ratu.· was r~8toted~' to normal emcle~ct. ~ct, Ii began J,? SI\l9P,. l'¢striiuy an~ .Peace..






' /,'l'heii~ Ila'ppy' con~ltIon!il hav~ contlnued'7 dut:lng ,nil of the 6 years. and i ERE tlJ • pretty design In embl'Old-;' To tranllf'!r d,eslp to haDdkerchlef. IUD' Bafe 1n aaYlng that lowe them eDo. err tor ornamentinR tbe corne~ Of-a mate '. clear traclne of It, ,tub 8 sort . bandkerehlet. _tln:Btlt.C~ with .,mall black-leai'l penel! over the back, place titel,y' to Pontu~, {or when I, began to dot. tor ftlUne ' aome ot ,the leaves Is tracing black Iide (iowll on h8.Ddker. drink It I ceased to use. medicine:' ' RojLd to worll..o4 with dne cottoJ! a la croix; dller, then so over tho · desllD wltb II Read ' the little ' boOk. •• the llaQel. · are. twCl Ifilel of ..On· b&rcl .·P'Inoll. • cll!Ar outline . wJU be Wellvllle,"ln pkgs, , .• Utoll,1UI4 ta tIlIIlDltJaIa are t4t ... teA OD -ban4hrchlef.· . Ii: :....... =-.~ '


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With his commission In bls pocltet Bill J ess was not long In getting .AI.. ~-""'-pj.. V<'~ ·.-.:.0'...... T..... MEl"rO~ 01" CAPTAIK."BILJ,--MCJ?~~~F ~ _ down to his .favorlte employment. ' - '.. -'-'&' :A.-A, a.a&; c;:ot:aP.r ....en:,..-r'" _" that at man huntin g. He bega n Cf'o. qUietly, tor he wanted to identify some of the men n a re r at hand who were In on e WB}' or anoth er connected with . tli e Ceda r Bra l<es gang. Boll Brooken, t hIng but the truth just '1 then . a notori ous outlaw; was the head of the "--"ARD Umes came on In "Y~s." he lIold. band and his brol her Dood .... as one of Its lI1 lneola. Railroad build· McDonald was dla. ch ief me mbers. Th e Brool-ens were wanted Ing was at an end; crops charged and !\Iel vln pllid not on ly for cattl e s tealing. but for t rai n rob. a fin e as before noted. failed; men who had bing and murd er 8 S well. A cerlaln Bu ll Following tbls In cid ent bought goods on long Tu rner \1 as oll e at their victims. Turner credit could not · pay. carn e another, which so. was said to ha \ '(l be n one of the Broolle D "Bill" McDonald, as be Il dlfled the Bill McDon. gang at an e arli ~ r tim e, but had nban· WRS now usually call ed, aId repulntlon tor nerve, don ed t ha t way of life and made an e ftor t In \\ Icblta Fulls. Bill had b ee(~. one to carry to becom e a decent citi zen. Tbe gang believed long lines or credit tor H a II y , the aro re.m en. he had g ive n In formntlon and some what lat e r, tloned- whose name In his custom e rs and he was wh II he was drlrlng across the country with hurt accordingly. He R.nothcr part of tba state a promln enl stockmuu- a Jew named Lazarus gnve \:p bu sin ess at last had been Buck Holly- the Brook ens and half a dozen of thei r tol· and In 1883 Invested whatever reo becoming Bill after a mix. lowe rs sudd nly dash ed out at roads id e can. up during which th e oth r maillcd to him In cattl e and set his cealm ent and b gan firing. Turner was In· step turther westward, where there man di ed- one day nb, stantly kill ed and Lnzarus f ell over the dash· was free grass. He heuded :oward sorbed an overdose at his board In a wild e ffort to get behind somethi ng. Wichita county, which wus almost an Th e fright ened horses, one of th em wound ed own stock In trade and unlmown la nd In that day, dri vIng his set forth to s hoot up the In the foot, ran mad ly all the way to town cattl e hefo re him, his young wife st town. He went aroot and with Lazarus stili Clinging to the whlmetrees. bls aide, both eager to begin a new let go at things generally. With the assistance Alley-also . em ptying the streets and Ufe In a neW land. short a horse, through of the Sherltr IndustTles at the To drive catlle across the wild bringing bu s iness to a Brooken gang-and one Pat Wolfortb, who T exas prairies 2ii years ago was an stand.stlll. Th e city mar. was acquainted with certain of the silent experi ence "worth wblle. The grass shal was organizing a partn ers or the outlaws and stood ready to was freo, hut there were always those posse to take him and give inrormatlon':""severnl Who wanted to Corm a trust of It II summoned :McDonald, wbo presentl),:Rnd trouble filled arrests the air. were made . vast areas and make trespassers of said : Threat eni ng letters now began to come to the t=mnller men. \IIcDonald had "G ive me the key to the the new deputy, warning btm against further procedure- promising him death and torture scarcely located bls herd an d pitched be no neednnd of athe' posse." calaboose won't of many varieties If he did not suspend opera.. bls tent when two at th ese magnates He took the key In one tions. Such letters always stimulated Bill Mcnotified him t hnt be bad belter move. hand and 0 slx.shooter In He Ils ked lu that Quiet way of his to Donald to renewed enterprise. let him have a look at their tHIes, the otber and marcbed UD Menntlme the railroad bad reached Hardeand when they could not prod uce to where Holly was prac. man and the town of Quanah-named for them he add d that he thought he'd tlclng on front doors and Chief Quanah Parker, son of the blstorlo Cyn. stay where he was. They began to hardware signs , stu c k thla Ann Parker- had s prung up. It was tbe typical tough place and certain bad men still t he nose gun or close und er tell him of some of tile things t hat the the up disturber at large came there to proclaim vengeance and were likely to ha'ppen If he did that, and with his Quick maglo to "lay" tor the men who were makIng them bu~ he dirt not seem Im}lressed by th e disarmed him and set trouble. Among these disturbers was one information . He repeated that he out with him for the lock. d Would stay wh ere be was and that John Davidson of WlIIbarger county, on the snyon who did not Wish to be In his up. Holly begged an borders at which the Cedar Brakes gang WQl nelghborhoo~ bad his permiSSion to pleaded and was finally locatec\. DavIdson appeared presently on the streets t tI f loc i(ed In 1\ room In tbe hotel; He broke a move Oll, . a a ler ree g ross. Perhaps they man from "very far up the creek.'! However, Window before morning ,and promptly paid tor of Quanah, nourishIng his firearms and mak. looked him orer a bit more carefully tben, and this was a mistake. McDonald ascertained Ing his boasts. Bill McDonald suddenly ' ar. noticed tile peculJarlty at bls nose a nd his tbat his customer ban reany sent the money It by McDona!l\'s request. rived on the scene and wIthout any parley e yes and the bandy and casual way be had ot by Melvin to pay hIs bill, and considered what Removing to Hardeman county wall the whatever stepped quIckly up to DavIdson and pickI ng otr the heads Or rattlesnakes and such he ought to do. Morany, perhaps legall y, he only thing that. saved Bill MoDonald [rom be· disarmed him s o suddenly that the terror of things with a slx'shooter while he talked. In could have demanded paym ent a second time, Ing drafted Into official service where he was. Wlll ba rger stood dazed and did not recover a neighborhood where cattle thieves were be· on the ground that t he said customer, being In the counties bordering on Indian territory himself until he was half way to the omce of «lnnJng 'to bo troublesome a man like that acquaInted with Melvin, s hould have selected aud up througb the Panhandle a man bad to justice, where h e paId a fine. • a more reliable messenge.r. But that was not "stand pat" whatever his hand and hold his .• ould bo handy to have around, They were to · have tin example presently at his willing. tbe Bill McDonald way. What he did was to own by strengtb at arm and ~ulckness at He tried It aga!'1 the next . week, with the same result. r~n trying It and each il l'S and ability to d fend tbe rights of owner· write to Melvin, demanding an explanation, trigger. Cow thieves and cutthroats abounded. ship- a small e, ample, but convlnolng. adding 16 pretty positive terms that he ex. Officials often worked In accord with them or time settled for his amusement with a fine. It was no easy matter to keep a he rd Intact pected Immed lllle settlement. No reply came, were atrald to prosecute. The man who would The Davidson crowd was stlll In town and and (\ second and a t hird letter followed, each nolth er co-operate with outlawl\ nor condone far from satisfied. DaVidson felt that he had In those days. The outlaw pure and Simple was bad enough , but to the. newcomer with" getting more definite as to phrase. Then one thelr oft'enses was already on the ground and support enough now to tackle even that hard. small b\lncb of "cows" (cattle, regardless of day fE" \rln and ce rtai n henchmen from Baylor would presently be In the field . headed McDonald and he enlisted a big butoher named Williams to stir up the meSB. gender) the , vast, roaming herd guarded by a appeared on the streets or Wichita Falls: Mc· Hardeman county had lately been organ. The gang armed tbemselves with long butcher veritable a rmy of punchers, wbose respect for Donald, who had heard of their arrival, sud· Ized and the settlers :were cowmen, cowboys knives from WlI1lams' shop and started out to any law Was small enough, was an even denly o'nfronted Me lvin and delivered himself and gamblers- lawless enough themselveshunt up their vIctim. Th ey located him In a greater menace. McDonald knew of these In such terms and with what emphasis as he anll another ' elem ent, whIch pretended to be saloon where trauules of various kinds were condlUobs and wben, soon atter bls arrival bad 'on hand at the moment. Melvin withdrew, the se things, but In reallty were outlaws, pure likely to originate and the presence of an om. some of bla cattJe strayed away be set out to gathered his. clans and laid for McDonald In and simple. The latter lived chIefly otr the cer was desirable. . Big BI11 Williams, the inspect the surroundin g herds. After rIding front of a saloon where tbe latter had to pass. he rds, drl vJng_ott horses and cattle and hiding butcher, entered first, and comIng near to Mc. .....80JllJl distance he came upon' a large drove, Though previously warned of the ambush , Mc· them In re mo te and Inaccessible places. Often Donald s ligh tly bumped against him. Not e \'ldently on Its way to mnrket. It was about Donald did pass, with the result tbat next the cattle were butchered, theIr hides, which mornIng Melv'ln settled his bill In full . paid were marked with bra nd and earmarks, dewl sh l~ trouble, McDonald walked away, fol. Iloon and tbe men were "roundlng·ln" for dl!:!· lowed by WlIIlams, who bumped against him Iler. McDonald started t\) address a berd er for a glass door tbat he had brollen and n flne stroyed to avoId Identification and the meat when ~he man turned /lbruptly and started otr. and costs' amounting to $65, ror carrying can· sold. Men who did these things were known agaIn. Deputy BUI then walked to the other well enough, but wen t unapprehended for tbe McDonald Immediately began looking through \ cealed weapons. What really happened to sIde of the room, which was unoccupied and when WlIIlam-s lind his orowd started to fol. the cattle, when the herder wheeled and Melvin Is bast told In Bill J ess's own testl· reasons nam ' d. In certain sections of the roughly asked hIm what he wanted.. mony, when that same morning he had hi m· territo ry Itself and In's Land (a piece low he wllrned them not to come any closer. . "I wa/llookltlg for hobbl edhorse8," was the solf been summoned to a nswer a charge (or of disputed ground Iylpg to the north at t he At this a number ot cowmen who were pres. C!asy reply, wher upon the 'puncher made some carrying concealed weapons, di sturbing tbe Panhandle, now a part of Okl ahoma) matters e nt saw the trouble Rnd helng friendly to Mc. surly comment and' rode away. peace and for assault-saId action being tho were eveil worse. In these places there was Donald stepped In, pusblng Williams and his McDonald, p'r esently satisfled t hat his stray result of Melvin's judicia l pull.. Arriving at hardly a s'lmblance of law . crowd toward the door. Outsid e, the disturbers gave vent to th eir animosity ror McDon. c:atUe were not with that portion of the drove, the courtroom, the prosecuting attorney asked It was tn 1885 that Bill McDonald disposed old In violent language and opprobrious names. continued hIs search furthnr along and came McDonald It be, had a lawyer. or his lumber Interests In WichIta FaJls, reo Suddenly McDonald himself stepped out IIp with the "chuck wagon," Where dinner was "No," he said, "I don't need an ybody to Invested In cattle and set out once more for among them and seei ng 0 piece of soantllng b eing prepared. ow·men are hospitable and defend me for knocking a scoundrel over. J'l1 the still farther west. tIe bad ' filed some about four feet long lying by ,the door he tbe foreman Invited 111m to dismount and join attend to my own case, whatever Is neces· scbool land on Wnnderer's creek In Hardeman seized It and as WUlInms 'started toward him them, He' me did so and a little later the surly sary." county, about four miles fI'om where tbe town he gave the big butcher a lick across the faoe JlUpoher <fll In, giving the' camp guest any: The attorney then '!tated the charge to the of .Quanah now stands. the beart at what was with It that flattenEld bls features and put a tblng but n friendly . look. In tbe course of court. Bill Jess waIted unUI he was through then the wilderness. He did not go there 1m. habitual crook 'In his nose. The crowd thought the meal ~h(l " Isltor was asked wh!!re he was and th"n asked Permission to speak. medIately, however ; he conducted for a brief Williams was kill ed and his supporters began from . ' "Your honor," he sl1ld, risIng, "I'm a busy Ume a lumber business at Hartold, WlIlbarger to get out of the way of that 8cantllng. But '-:'M lneola," b~ald, "WOOd oounty." man, with no time . to he fooling around thts . county-a clroumstance hardly worth men. McDonald dropped It and had 'out bls guns way wltl,l men who give bogus checks and lIonltlS save for an incident of another sort "-The sur y herder spoke up. In a moment. '''I'hese d-d sand lappenl (east Texans) steal horses and such like, but It your honor whIch ·occurred. at this place nnd period. Mc. "Halt! .. he sold, "C\'ery one of you. I'll kill are getting too thick out bere." will spare about a minute I'll tell wbat hap. Donald, whose reputation as a man of nerve \ McDonald set down ' his cotree, hi t f h I I bt II d the first man that runs." Then to the Rang. "Tbe d-d !lkllnks and prairie dogti are al· pened." He then gave a s ory .o t e umber had traveled' to Harrold, was one n g ca e ers, who at that moment appeared on the ready too t~l ck," be s'aJd, . transaction and added the sequel as follows:· upon hy Ranger Lieut. Sam Platt to assist him scene, "Search those men for weallons." In handling a gang at outlaws, known as the "W1ten I wrote hIm as strong a lette r as An Instant later the pun.oher had out hIs I could frame up and as would go througb the Br:>oken band, that Infested tbat nelgbborhood. S arch wa.s made and long butcher knh'es mall be come down with a crowd at what be The Brookens bad ridden Into Harrold and pIstol. but the sand·lapper was sui! quloker. Intended for l\lcDo\lald oame to light, A knlte The puncber wne · covered .betore he could thought was fighting men and I met him and were run.p1ng thIngs pretty much In theIr own of th e SBme kind was found on Williams. bring his weapon to bear, . McDonald sald: tried like a gentleman to persuade him to way. Platt and McDonald promptly bore down Somewhat later word was brought to Dep. uty Bill that what was left of the Davidson "Turu It loose!. Drop ttl" ssttle up and to convince hIm What a dad. , upon them and a running fight ensued as the and Williams crowd had collected In Tip Mc. Tbe berder still Clutched the weapon 'Which blamed rascal he was, which he plead guilty Brookens retreated . About 100 shots were Dowell's saloon, where a brother of Williams be ""al' afraid to ralBe. . to and didn't deny . . Then he' gathers hIs teeble fire d altogether, but It was dark and the rn,nge ten ded bar. lind were declaring war to the The !land lapper stepped nearer to him and bunch at figbters together, arms them up with foo great for accura('y. Notblng was accom. death. McDonald promptly went down th ere with a sudden movement rapped him \ Imartly slx·ibooters and corrals them In Bill Holly's pUshed, but the event marked the beginning and entered. with a revolver In each band. on the bead with the heavy barre.1 of his six· saloon, that I hnd to pass, going home. I of a warfare between Bill McDonald and a The crowd of would·be assll..Bslns, about 0. shooter. It. was a thIng thnt a~ a deputy be met Johnny Hammond, ' who tried to persllad~ band of : cutthroats, the end of which would dozen or so. tool< one look and m·ade . a break me not to take .that street-sald those fellows be history. It was soon after this Orat sklr. ba'd . done otten anc'! it was a1V1aY~trectlve, tor thEl back window lind fted . Tbe puncher ·' d ~o~.ped his gun. O.n e of hi, were up there and I'd belter go In some otber mlsh that McDonald 80ld out hI .. business In McDonald now resolved to hunt on his own CIOmrades sprang to his aBBlstance, but was direction. I said I wasn't In the habJt ot go· Harrold and set out for bls Harda man count y hook. As deputy sherltr he was restricted to IDg out my way for such cattle and pro· ranch: As on hl r.: former migration, he drove covered and disarmed with amallng sudden· nes l. The f()reman Interf.e red 'now, and tbe his own county, but this naDdlcop was reo ceeded on up qui street, Wlien · J got tn front his cattle to tbe new land , and after the first beglhner ot,- t~e dl~turbance was Ie d a,way to. 0 t· Blil H o . Melvin and his warriors , day's drive camped at nightfall In a moved through Ranger Captain S. A. McMurIly's ha'"d ray, who had him appointed by Governor Ross a broolt to have hIs bead b~thed . and ban· stepped out. Melvin wanted an explanation · pleasant spot where grass wall plentiful and as special range r, w'ltb sherltr's rights In any daged, )Vhereupon the s~nd -lapper quIetly ~n. of my former remarks and I gave It to him water was handy. county In the state. One day he received a lind added some more whIch I \Vould not like Tb~ next morning, when preparation" lor lebed ,hllJ dinner, thlUlked bls .h oat, conUnu~d lette r from Capt, George A. Knight of Dalla's , '. :. Ute , searc~..t0r bill ml,slng stook and when lie to · mentlon ,In the presence ot ' this court. · an early start were undM' headway, It was Texas, U. B. marshal of the northern distrIct .... und ' the.... s-et out for home. Meeting a Tben he pull.ed out a big, white-handled rorty· . h .. t ---up of punchers a~on. wblcb was his surly Ove slx'lIhooter, but b e Ing a Iittl e s Iow wItb It, ot Texas, asking him to come to Dallas and be J,U ... s_uddenly discovered that four of t e .. es t;~nd ,w)tIl a ,·now bandaged bead. h.e ~xpect· 'grabbed It by the barrel and htt hIm ''With liorses and ' 8 ftne ~ewtoundland dog were mqde U. B. .deputy marshal, with authority to operate In soutbern Indian Territory and No. ed furth., r trouble. Nothlng . happened: The my Oal two or three ' times, whIch kl~der m'ls~lng. Two 'o f the -borsell wore found astray, und'.'lllt51ier 'Bn~ hlB ml,alng'. cows ,.h ad 'the '~arrecl 111m loose' from bi~ gun. Then I gav~ .. evidently' having broken loose from their cap. . man's Land. McDonald went down without delay nnd reported at KnIght's office. rlgbnlf y.ray. . , him a ' rap on tbe l1 ea d with It a'n~ knocked .. tor8~ ' It WDS further . discovered ~hat the "I have heard abou t you and your work up r Commercial .Venture and Adventur,e. . 'blm through .BllI Holly's glass front ~oor, ~ntoi .. ''Brooken band ~ad a rendez vous In ~hat 'was In Hardeman," . saId Capt. Knight, '''imd I want tbe saloon. Rls pals pulled. their g~I;lSI bll~ . k.nown Iili the' Cedar Brakes, a stretch pf rougl1 ,,""'. The to enttrprlse . . oo;vElred them wltb ' one , I' ' country, densely', covered 'wlth 'scrubby. cedar, yoU tor .a . deputy, But first tell me what are . ' ".ttll l\u\,:vS"ed.,\ At,tlle, end, of ar -year MClJ~ald Melyll\ _and . t~ey n~~lr b~Qke the f~rnl~ure to . located' about I? r,nlles. to the:'.southwe.8 tward, your ·.polltlcs,'" . '.' : , . p1eces "getdng out of there. I dl~n t, see Rny _ . l\loDonald . qllturally telt . that it was now h.1.a sold ' .bls caitle, ~~G Inv,s~ed ' tn ·,the IUD;lber Mc;Dona~1l did I;.ot 'b'ulllneBB: a t:' Wlql:\lta ':aJla. . . ,., . more of any of Ithem until next mornln~. Theq.. ,' turn to,,m'ove ag~ln 'In' the 'Brooken gal!le, llut a ReDutillcan. ' hesi tate. McDonald w ..., .. Tbere was ' a merohant. In ,Baylor county, I looke~ up ' the bunch and ~ot ,11 cbe!!l~ fn futI, I 'It ;di~l 1\,,1' seem exped.l~nt to . II,tQP Uie' ~~u~n~ , to 'W:b'oni . sold Intere,st, ·.tro.m ,Melvin and made payi, . with the berd and 'Undertake the move Just '. :"Capt. Knight: ·; .he Bllld, "I am damped. ' h~Il'roat lngest; I\Il'..llredest· Democrat 'YOU a ·-good l)1l1, on . time, .. Tbe a.oc9\,\nt ran a!ong ) BIl.l .H9Ul $5. tor bls· gl~l~ door . . So far .a.... then, so, biding liSa ~lme, he pusHed on to hla , ',est, ever' saw: - If poltttt;s haa ' R:lythlng to. do ' wUb. I uutu' one da':: 'the'.co\1~ty . judge. of Ba1to~, on~ . carrying il gu~ I,ll COnCCl!ned, 1; had obe, a~4 " , f land 010 Wanderer's !lreek, wh,ere he ' estabthis apliolntment I'd just 4s well go ··b:ack." .' 'Melvin, dropped tn aItd 'sta~ed . t~at be had . got anotber from 'tbltj t(lllo'Y here. w~o ~ad . 1fsll6d ' bla ranl,'b, .fenced JhIS ' proptlrt)', built a "Well," !laid' KnlgJIt, '''Yo!)'!'e '' pre~' em. · r Itel2 .t o .set",te the', an'lou~t (pr. hi. ~elgbbor, '. pulled .It oo;' me, topk ,It aw;ay f~o_~ blm :habltation for' lilmaelt:' atid the wife 1V~o ' was . pbatlc, but I lJUe/!s .you'll' 120, 1'.0\11' lilnd of .,011hJa ' oWn cbe(1k (or' It ,McDonald bit , w,th It and T. have the s81tJe alwaye re.ady to- follow 61m into tbe IUP~oied the ' had ended. " ~' few ~a,.a,: lilY. ~88eselon now. to turn ~ve~. to the ('.QUit ; . n~88, then PNlDlIl*ly be rode Over to Margar'et, Ucs sef!ln to 1l\11t' yout' JOb pretty .well." It 'Was only a little wHile dUer t)lls 'that ·1.te~ tile bank returne~ "{elvln. cbeck as . BlII tea. reacbed down somewhere and, '.at tbat Utile the county' seat,. and aeted Sheriff B.ll McDonald .was matte also 'peputj .U, S~ Worthless. Evide\ltl)'·... tbe t}ulet, ~uobt~.IY. , drawlnK forth. tbe ., JllR/ "tilte·handled alx·. ' :tltrl AlleYr a good man wIth ~a ha.nds overof the souibern .dlstr.l~t kansas. Ilte~bICIi 'Um J.,.s ~d. been "vlna ~ a ~~mt ' aflooter laid it doJV~ 1n1. front ,of 'fhe eoua-t.. f.UJ~-to'. npJlOint.·~lql'· deputy. that he mtaht be- marah",l He brqught In 13004 'BrGoken hISt,. ,lot 111m . bet m~rchallt -BIven the ~mpree. op. a Tben euddenly tuml n • . uJI()n "16~\1n, :who... stn the 'WOrk wbt~h . clet.r17 mult be do~e to senten~d . tor flve ")'61U'.8 ·and broke up tb~ ".. ' "e~lI, . p~t. loobcl him 'I tralnt tlnouab. betOTe It coul4 become a ........ . . dem.sutecl. ~hlt8 .aen." The ~lIUIIrtaloa PD. utterly" . 'B m BroOkep bhntan eseaped to . captullf/d tb...... bT01llb~ UJIo . . .' " jq . ._ and to\' 1-1'1 1.euL·




A . ~-..xr ~ VfT"C£O~~.... f.dLNZ'


Our Next


I Tbe Mast er f .+11:==*. 0 .*.==*. Cr ave.n



Inclln~t1oQ '


;. ;re. ,a~e·


~umberman .,r.{~P(;lDald



' wltl~

.~ook a_W aY·. f~l'm ~I~


~m '




~ · t1aat ·







A charming love story of a typical American girl and an English author Interesting from the u 'n u·Sua 1 .m e e t in g described;' . j.·-n .f h e'first few lines -to ' the happy' en4i~g, ., '


~Ilder. _





~~ter ~~



L __ _





-$ '$ $

Ali A . A ,

Before making our Annual Inve"tory we will offer· some rare Bargains to . close out our Winter Stock.



TtlkEl n tloe, work in t.he rank of The play to be given F riday night e, qui e Tuur- dtLY night . Memb -'rs th.e 11th in chool Hall is fo r t be pUl" 11.1' cordillily invit d to be pre eot pOs of raising money to purchase ,IJ . E . Wil son ~)J nt MondAY in basket ball sui fo r the .girls both lo(\uutlt,l. g' h I I d . I sho , Robert Park I' Ml lt :i of 't.he · Coit. I Ig ~ 100 an . town. hg lr s. Lycau rn BUf f' 1I \1 will I) ppellr before t.o rent a '. rOOm In. W hIC ~o play t e our people I::IIl tnr,lu.y n igh t, February game untll the weather IS favorable l ~th . . Mr. Mil es comes t os w 11. f or outside playing. This movemen t faoulUUleollerl. has been endorsed by the Business .~(1 Dakin !lpent; Tb or da y in Wi! Men's Cl ub and merits the support mlOj.{ton f II I . . t d'In gIVing .. 'fh I } ' f 0 a w 10 are In e reste l ' at I R 0 tue Ellstern I::Itf\r l,odlTo are II tb 0 l1 17utfn ' s t t 0 l our young people propm' amusement. ... ,., "" 0 1)6 P e, I . d d . h I .)vl n g for the neelly. twas mten to g Ive t e pay Dn.niel Ol\w. au one of' onr up-to- about the middle of J anuary, but dllt.e fortUertl onm in PQssessiulJ of that it might not conflict with other .. fin bt1Y mare lit. t w k . ~Ilooess meetings and en tertainments t he to yo u un. matte r was deferred until Friday Milton Howe bad 11, ~Ollr(;l r f'l 'f' ntly, night of Lhis week . fi r WliI:! the Mnlle whl b h e llo lt. out, . by belD'" pre with 1\ lI" wrler Cast of Characters . '" for furthe r InrUl'lI11tt.ion Imogene Courtleigh (he roine) .. .. ob m icnl inqui r e of Mil t M CAB . . . .... . .. .. .. . . rs. . . runer The iOK nre impr o vlll ~ IIlU II to C·Inger, a gyp y W81' f ., . .. . . . .... . t h e d a Iiglt t of our clti7.el s. Frank Fnrn !l111'11 nn,l wifo !lpent . ... , . . .. . . . , ... Stella Lemmon two d llY ltlflt wea k · tbA gue ts of Nance Tyson. her supposed mother Mr . FOl'Utlhl' II"" ur uth er William oDll ' ... .. . . . .... . . . . . . '. J esse Marlatt family nenr Leba non . Prudence Freehart, poor relation Tbe Orl ntlll Un nts w ill InitllLtE:' Louella ('torr.ell twelv oonc1ldntes into th'" hid(len . .... , ... .. ' ...... . , ,. H ' V ' t .... . ... . myateri 8 Jj ridny ni ght . A bunq uet, orace erner, an ar t IS C A Bruner · II ill· teo f d.ow II wuvl . Mem b er are oor d III y D .' 'k' p" 't'ts" 'h'" ·h· · ·· · · . . . ' \ In 0 , , IS C um . .. , .. , . .. . . . - - - -.. , .. , .. . . .... . Dr. H. E. Hathaway

The Daylight Store


Men's Shirts


$1:50 Coat · Shirts ......... .. $1:19






25 Ibs beQt Gran,

ugar ..$1.35 3 Ibs Fancy Prunes .. _... 25c 2% Ibs Fancy P eaches .. . 25c 2 Ibs Fancy A.pricots..... 25c arqu inez Lemon Cling Peach~, t he finest you ever saw, only 18c, or, pe r dozen .... ........ ... ... $2.10 Carquinez Apricots........ 1 c Underwear Carquinez Plums ... :....... 15c Yellow Peaches in good 50 Men's Shirts or Drawsyrup, only............... 12c ers, all sizes.. ...... 39c Big K Tomatoes, the best 50c Ladies' Vests or on the market, 8 cans.. 25c Pants, those Set~ Standard Tomatoes, wort h Snug garments at.. 89c 10c, now. per can .... · ... 7X c 250 Vest or Pants .... ..... 190 Ohio Sugar Corn 7c $1.00 Union Suits .. : ........ 79c Standard or SOc per do~., worth $1 50c Union Suik........ ... 3ge Brand Pumpkin. Children's Vest or Pants .. 19c Vesper per can .... ·... · .. .. ........ ... 5c Vesper Sauer Kraut. a can 8c Vesper Spinach, a can ...... 14c Vesper Lye Hominy, a can .7c Ladies' Hose 6-lb kitts White Fish .. ...... 45c 25c Burson Hose ...... ....... . 19c Fancy Mackerel. . 16c Hose ............. " ........... 12c Fancy Cod Fish. , 10" Hose .................... .. .... 8c 25c Children'S Hose ......... ..19c H\th!!~~.~~.i.~ ~.. ~~~.~:" ..~~.80C Every sack guaranteed (The 'famous Bear brand) 15c Children's Hose ......... llc These prices are for a sh ort 10c Children's Hose ......... 8e time only, and are strictly 16c Men,s Sox .................. 12c cash or exchange. Nothing . lOe Men's Sox .................. 8c charged at t hese pric es. 1.00 Gem Shirts .. .......... 79c 50c Gem Shirts ........... . a9c SOc Gem Work Shirts .... 43c These are good "alues and a saving to you.

McNel-l Auctioneer

• .




Both Phones.

Wednesday. Feb. 2,- S. . Stevi k, Tu sday, F b. 22. - E. Lewis, % 2X miles northwest of W st Carroll- mile east of Lytl e . t --on. Wednesday, Feb. 23,- J. Redmond F 'd F b 4 J 0 M C b 1 ' f C ' '11 rl ay, e. ,- . . cae, . 4 miles soatheast 0 entervi e. mile east of We t Carrollton. - - _. Thursday, Feb. 24, - M. A. CorMonday, Feb. 7, - Jbhn Edwards, nell, 4 miles southeast of Centerville. 3 mil es south of Centerville, - - Friday, Feb. 2:i,- J. Highfill, oX Tuesday, Feb. S, - Herbe rt E. Wy- mile north of Centel'yille. song, 2 miles ' west of Miamisburg. _ _ _ ---Saturday, Feb. 26,- Wm . Phillips, Wednt"sday, Feb. 9,- Wilbur Griest 4 ml'les southeast of Centervl·lle. 2 miles northwest of Centerville. - - -Monday, Feb. 2 ,- David AlbriO'ht Thursday, Feb. lU,- J. A. Traoy, .. 2 miles nortb of Centerville. 3 II uth f D t m es s~ 0 ay Oil. Tuesday, March I, - Frank Kehrle ; Iva Courtieigh, Imogene'sguardian Friday, Feb. n,- Wm. Rabold,2X 2 miles west of e nterville. .... . . .. . .... ... Raymond Davis miles northwest of West Carroll ton. Buck Tyson, a gypsy tinker . . .. . . . Wednesda), March 2,. - DanSchud. , ........ . .. .... , . . Warren Keys Saturday, Feb. 12,- J. Grissom. 1 er, 2 miles northwest of West CarE lmer yan Si tte rt, dude comedy . . mile ,"outhof Lytle . rollton. .. : . ... , ... . .. . . , . " .J. E. Janney , · Du ffy, coun ty c Ier k ........ Monday, Feb: 14,- Horace Welch, Th urs d ay, Marc h'~0),-J. H . K U h ns, MIlJor 4 ml'1 es .sou th eas t 0 f M'lamlS 'b urg .. . .. ; . . . . . . . . . .. F r ed B . Sh erwoo d 3 miles east of Centerville. Squire Ripley, Virginia landlord .. V H k Tuesday, Feb. 15- Lewis Keyser, Friday, March 4,- Edw. Harp, a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ernon aw e 2 miles east of Alexanderville. miles north of West Carrollton. Lige, a gentleman of color . , .. ... .. . . .. . . . . , . .. . .. . . . John Strawn Wednesday, Feb 16,-W. E. ChlU'tlSaturday, March ~,- Marion Duke,


---C. F. M.v er , o f Min ter , 0 hom e Jr ri rhty t m l\k~ Il frKD geme ntl' for th m ovin r of his flllnHy t,o hlf prp_ ant looAtion . W i ll Mooney I\ I1 r1 wifeeoh:rtu.i ned IL num b r of t.b If fr ien ds at a d !~noe 8llturda.v night . · Ed W b 8S r Aturne d . na oppncer M ISS from a week e nd vifllt to Lebanon b e RaW "Moth .r Uoo fl." whioh W,,(I gi ven at the op ra. bou se ' Friday nigh t. . Mrs, C. F , Myers, M iss Lenn , aud Clttrenoe p ut Mond'IY with u . ft . berlain, 3 mile! east of Miamisburg. at Lytle. Synopsis. Bolzlin ond family in Kings Mills. Ths nro r ilcted m eeting !lervic !l Act I. The"Geol'ge Washington," Thursday, Feb. 17,- Franklin LuMonday" March 7.- J. Benge, 2 nt the U, B h urch will begin next , a country tave rn in Old Virginia . t;ondl1Y nl~ht. An Impromptu wedding. cas,4 miles southeast of Miamisb.urg. miles southwest of Springboro. Mrs . La e ur bB returned fr om an , .. extend Cl vi it with her 6110ghter in Act II. Lover s Leap. A blue Friday, Feb. lS, - Daniel Apple. 2 Tuesday, March 8 "":'John Hamilton Rubber Goods Corduroy Clothing Toledo. mountain precipice. A daring rescue. miles south of Soldif'ra' Home. 4 miles southwest of Centerville. J. K . 51) ncer 1 ft Monday m ornAct III. ThE) Courtleigh place, $3.00 Felt Boots ............ ~2.49 $2.60 Men's Pants ......... $1.98 ing f or Springfield and other north- plantation mansion. A woman's folly. Saturday, Feb. 19, - G. W. Scheit, Wednesday, March9,- Geo. Weller 4.50 Duck Baots ........... 4.00 2.00 Men's Pants ..... .-... 1.79 2.25 Overs for Felts ..... . 1.85 ern t wns . __ Act IV. The mountain studio. 3 miles north\ye~t of Centerville. 1 mile north of Centerville. 4.50 Men's .COats ......... 3.49 A painter'E practice. An affair of . . 2,25 Men's Duck Coats .. 1.75 Ladies' Overs.... ...... ... .. . 50e Spring Valley •. honor. Monday, Feb. 21,- Elmer Parlett, Thursday, March to,- Walter Lu2.00 Men's puck Coats .. 1.49 Children's Overs ............ 85c BOWilrd Dyohe and Oride are Children under 12 will be admitted 2 miles no~th of Ridgeville, cas, 3 miles southeast of Miamisburg . spending toh eir h oneymoon with hid for 15c. All others 25c. Tickets Post Cards ... .,; . .-' r--;-- -. .Flannels mother, Mrs . Flora. Dyoh e . . were placed on sale, Tuesda ,2 P. M" , A nice line of Post Cards for Wm 'frout wife a nd daughter at Janney's drug store. lOe Outing Flannels ... : ..... 8c m()ved t.o I:;pringfield 11\ t week . . e _ ....._ __ 1 cent; others sell at 2 and lOe Flannelettes...... ... ...... 8c 3 for (; cents jU8t Ii_e them. Miss Alloe Adams died sudde.nly JlLSt.Tuesdny night of h eart trooble WAYNESVILLE ORANOE eneral Suggestio n8 A(/a Lwen\V· ""Ill lie In8l'rLc(\ Dnller thl b t :.c1 for An Calicoes :.;...... ...... ...... 8c We have the Valentine Cards, Uve CenLH for three In ~er p ·". " Remnants ....................... 5c Easter Cards, St. Patrick's Funeral ervioe W8 S oonduotell Fri. wheD u~lnl! nol more than five hno:, . 12c Muslin, bleached 01" Day Cards, Washington's day b y :Elder · Williams' from tb The Farmers' Grange met in reg- ABOUT PRICES - These compare w"~,~.~,,,~"~,y,y.......................... .-.............., ........................,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . Brown ........ ......... ..... lOe Birthday Cards, and in fact M P . Ohuroh . ular session Saturday evening. First . avoraLly with those Of a year ago . 12c Dress Ginghams ......... lOc FOR SALE any kind you want. The pnpils Of-~ef.:-:R"trt'tdrrH-very- an secon egrees 'were confer~ed Very few higher, some, lower. ' pleasantly s urprIsed hUn Satur- . . dayt eveniog upon Mr. and Mrs. Saml Hmkle and SALT FISH Y . ht Miss LilJia~ Anabee w 18 the gnest Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke. . - ?u mig use more FAUll of 121 U aores. 2X' miles over SundRY of her oousin. , ·Mrs. 'Aboutninety members were presof these. Amce fat mackerel or tloothw'*It tit tipriug \1,\II.,v. half a dozen small white fish make Well improved farm and goud bOlillOarl Andrews in Xenia. ent 4UId ice cream and cake were . . Ca.rl 8herwood and Wife A,re par. se rv''ed ' a splendid meal- cheaper than ings. 'Oull fill or Qclllrl!l4!1 M I!;. • Elvanp. Spring Valley; Ohio e nt,s of If, little "on . meat . . . Friends Quarterly Meeting will WILL HAVE ANNIVERSA RY .' . . . . tiALE A de8y..mA bu1ldlnIJ ~. APPLES- No one need to go WithJot on ' !l'onCJJt"8t inquire (,If be held here next week . Mrs. Randnll is tbe guest of her K . out fruit. Call and .we' will show F. B. tiherwuqd, W~YDesdlle Qblo (Ion, Prot. Rnndall. The , of P'a are preparing for d . . lIi s BI<\nohe Uopsey was thegu8st a big time on ..their anniversary, you a, ar~e assortment, an prices C' LOVER AEI!lD-MedinID O\o\'er, Sunday of Mr . and Mrs. M. A. Sims Wednesday. February 16th Prepaare certa~ly · low enough. . a smli1l10t lett of the 1908 orop, No. 2220 Mr. a nd Mrs Rav Eagle et;\ter. rations are being made for a big supBUTrER AND EGGSPrices drop. pqr4\ seed. P.hone Harveyltburtt. REPORT REPORT tained Sundar Mr . and Mrs. Philip 'd d . .. 15 lU E Underwood. Ha.wke nnd Mr . and Mrs. E. M per an .a goo proiT~m. pmg a little, as well 8S lard and , I Of the Condition of the WaynesRidg~;ille pork. . . ' H ' OUIdEKEEP,ER'~' FRIE~O tor Of th~ Condition of the Citizens ville National Bank, at Waynes · Oopsev. • e . oleaning oarpetta, 11i1(8 or drOll. at Waynesville in the State ville in the State of Ohio, at the Notice to Farmers . CANNED PEAS-If served p~op~r'!' gete, at O. H. Olements' grocery. of Ohio, at:the close of business, close of business, January 31, (D ~l~yed ) . I ' t .hll th f f h . 1910. em )'om res , ' vlltD. "'E"'D-R' I y you can.... lir. Ho-ward E'lfnblll't and t;imeon -r\ Add th 'b ' ll t "",I Il''l' '" Il' 69 ~IlDt\d. an d January 81, 1910. ' RESOUROES. The Waynesvj)le Canning Co'. is Oreager are on the siok li8~.J . ,IIeos. em ~ your I 0 ; tu good SltIlPd " rnql'iire ..uuan.8 ' 1-&counts .. .... . . . .. .120.,600.02 . ' now ready to contract for corn and RESOUROES and ,D Mrs. Martha. Swain spent a few f~re; 10c to J5c a can. w. &. O'Neall, R . D. 3, WI1YO(!8. ·. Overdrafts. lIOOured and ullS(lcured 1,100.99 tomatQes for the year 1910, at their LbIDl on real e.tate ............ 1 28.81)6.00 11.8, Bonds to securo circulation .. 110.00000 , days' ln Dayton IBl\t week. . COARSE SALT"':'Aoarofnic~ clea~ ville, .Ohlo. . '-" LoanaoncoUateral............. 5829.10 Bonda. securities. (l~c ............. 03.2 49. 25 Waynesville office. ,.- Oth8rJolillTt.1ld dl8counts. ...... (a.n8. 86 B1U1klng hOIlS(l.. ...... ... . ..... ..000.00 , Md iMs~e8E~bell ' ·a. n d , Lohuisa t:ltok. e ll . steam salt in this week. G~aranPropartv for I\ltle-"Iouole Ov~............ . . ... ... 451.91 DuetrOmllpprovedreservo agonts I II.u I O. IO WAYNESVILLE CANNINO CO. 0 WN SLate. county and . municipal OllOCkB aud oLber CWi h ILems, .:. . 10. ss .an ' "'1Y ,.ar att· were t e gnelts of . eed h d . h b I ' " . Lola Stokes near Springboro 'fues. t .not ~ a1' e? lD t e. arre of 7 ~oomH Rod wOOQ .sbed t I\D,d ' liondJi not included in l'C8eI'Ve 9.000.00 Notes Of other NlltloDal Danks.... 100.00 J. F. Snook, :Sec'y. . Otber bond. andaecurltJllII... . ... 1.500.00 FractilonaJ paper currency. nickels. day SpeCial price at the·car. oella.r. well Rnd oilltern, blnn "t:l4 FurnIture and t1xtu,ee..... . .. . . 2.836, 00 IUld couts . . .. ........... . .. 25 8.7 0 , . stable wit.b 4 In.s. IDqulre of ~m . Other real _tate owned.. . . . . . . 6.100.00 Lawful MODOY Reserve In Dllnk,vlz: . Mrs. Mi1tenbergtir, who nnder- BUSINESS GOOD-Weather just LIlshley, Wa.y.oesvllle tJblo. . , '. Du"fImD ~rv8baok 16.(09.29 Specie ... · .. ... . .... ... 10.119. 06 Exchann c181!J1.nir h01llle 19U5 Legal-t.oDder notes .; .... . 2,090.00 12.119.0~ went. an operation, is Improviog . .. ' \. /., ' .' Gol4 cOIn............. 666.00 Redemlltlon fund ~Ith U.S. 'lrelU!nioely . nght and an early sprmg IS preIII f' 7 itlib ' .·1 . d Silver dollaN.. ....... .. 2U.00 urer(5% of cJrculatlon )... . . . 2.600.00 , \ d' d N ' d seed O' ,.' -I,?"'" 0 10010S. Y{ • Ih It an , FrlloCtIonal (lOin........ 318.14 . • ,~lIrion Boger Wll~ in Mlamil4burg Ict~ .' . e~ g~r en ' s, mon aU modt>rn oon"eriieD~iI. ~o~ U . 8. and' National bank Total. . .. ..... ... . ... . .... . 361.71 8.9 9 Tuesduy on uusinp8$. . Sets all commg 10; also new crop b"rD, witb oity w.ter 10 it., AIItO, DO. . ..... • ••.•••• 2.857.00 9.1I1S6. 76 . LIABILITIES ' 'iFran~ Cook Il!ld famlly spent SUQNew Orleans Morasses. " ' good JIl'yinll " investrneDt-..:t,be · Tota..... · : ......... . ....... ll07.7111.69IcaPlttlI8tocJt paid In .• •..•.•. . .. IS O.OO O. OO day with EdwtI.rrl COOl!: Bnd family . l:itOrJPS bl >ok, i~olod1Dg P08t01:Jioe , LIABlLITIEa urplus fuud ... : .. . .. ... ....... 00, 000.00 Undivided prollts. less expeuses S04P Mr. HowijTcJ' ..Et.rnbart QtlS ]:hir . W~ · 8~tnre8 . For fu"t~er . partl~';Il·rlt Oapltalltock paidin ... ~ ........ I 25.000.00 N tlIlU~ ~xes pll.Jd .. .... ... . .. . 2~. 75. 46 chased the Elm l' Sheetll farm . inquire of JIl~. I$ toOp'-'4 t 129 oeD'ral Special for the balance of this SurDl\J.II lund ....... ..... ·..... 1.200.00 I~!! d n.nk I~O\,()lj OUl81lLlldlng 60.000. ou Ave., lJ"ytOD. OhIO. v...,n 8 unplI u. ... .. ... ...... 22 5.0 0 'UndiVided pro1lt,l_ ~.inweek. Mr. Jesse 1t homas apd Jesse Par-:' '. > terelt. and taxllll paiCi... . ... 210.38 Individual doposits subj ect to D1v1danda unpaid'. •.•••••••..••. 15.00 check ••. . .. . ... .. 108.626.80 let~ were in 1.ebanon on busines8 . ' . , . . " . ' , . WH. 1 TE OrpioKro'o ~ke.reitl. fine Lenox, Jaxon and ·Star Soap TUdIv1i1\lal deDolllte BUbDemand cortUlcMcs. . . . 9,992.7U 17 ,6 1 54. TUl!sday. STRO.K~ OF PARALYSlS blood, flarly hlltobed. ' Prlo" ioct to clieek ..... 148.886.011 'f aJ Demand certl1Icatee ... 19.228.8' ot .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . . ... a5 7 . 7J ~.9 9 '3 Cakes for I OC . Mr. Lafe ('Jraham a.n d wife took . . ', . It. Inqalre of W . A. Sorfaoe, ~ , D. SIlV!np deDOlllte .. :.. . 1,418.• 2 76.882.31 STATE OF OHIO WAUREN COUNTY SS' DfUe payal)le................. 0,000.00 . . . Not over 30 Cakes to one cusdinoer wnh Allred SWBlD and f"ID. Allen Hai\les, ohe" of' our oldest Wllyne8vill.e, O~to. ... _ . I. J. O. CBrt\vrlght, Onshler of tho above Total. ............... . ; .. . ... 1107.101.611 named bank. do 80IemDly swear that tho tomer. . l1y;ruefld.IlY. and ' most resp.e cted . citizens, hl¥i' above sto.tument Is Lrue to the bost Ot' DlY ·Wee••-m-an' • a sU• stroke.' of 'p·si8 Tuesday : ' .. .... .... . 10c · , TATE OF OIPO.\.WARREN COUNTY. 88: knowledge Qnd bellet. 3lb cans BI ac kb errles· f. F. O. BIU'UIOCI<. CUhler ,of ,be aboveJ. O. OAR'),WRlGHT. Cnshler g I~ cans Cala Grapes ....... ..... 15c !Dorning. lIamed bank. do IIOlemnl1 ."8101' that the Subscribed nnd sworn before 010 tills 3m above at.atement is true to tbe belt of my day of Febrllry. 19l0. .E. V. fil\rnhnrt. Qt Jar Prepared Mustard .... ... 10c - -- _ --"-'-kllowledge and pbe1l0eftt "RTSOOK Cubler Oorroot Attest: Notary Puulic. Qt jar Sweet Pickles ........... 15c New Burlington.• . •• ~ " J . ,,,. WHITE, Qt jar Queen Olives ...... :..... 25c S ubllCribed and aworu to before me , thla 7th C. T. HAWRE. Fancy Jap Rice, per lb ......... 5c do.y of February. 1910, . ·E. ,!~Barnhart, · W. H. ALLEN... '. . ' .l'IotlU')' PubUc; J,Jirectors. Fancy Se~d ed Raisins, 3 Ibs..25c


. ----



$. $' $'

W'Ie)) Wh Ite e ,s

. ClassiBed Ads






Walter J. Kilbon



- - -_e _.
















- _

_ ..L

_ ,

Get our prices on Syrup Cans in quafltities; it will p~y yqu.


,'.Hard Burnt THe ; ~~~r! m~:~=:~~ :r:lt~;~! .

. .- , • .- . - - - .'..\,;. ., _ _


....;i.<~'. .., .

, I have ,0miDg:. car of 410.\ and·6 In. Burnt Tlle. ·See . me before.burlng elJewbere. '.




.Cb~. . .B•. Lewi.~ t.' ..... , WQ""V!Re.


day stating that a pim of, his stock took first premiums over a number ot.othe~.~ va~ietie!l ~t L~Porte, . Ind .; ~eiit]y·. , Althq.u ghMt. Wadswortb doeli not preed <for' purpOsef(, tbf! ,~bQve speaks well for 'hiutock;

& ... .'vOW "



l ,.',

B\J5)~-mSS~" is ~'U~INESS'

.' ;:: .




8e .Can~·S I ~OS · a doz.

This. priee ·,~ lee.s than it:can be . bought "


t he carload. . .


The fin~t uqortment, Fr~it;~ . ~nd V~~tables .. th~ w~k at .


';",;,; ,. "Bere waiter: ' There'8 a ohl~ke~' . . , ba tJits bpiled egg. .See :tba-t OJ,.', :t · ·O;"'.-4r--J.lIR-...'F-IY-IIIF. ,'.

C!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' oht!o~ isa(Uusted.:" .

B~- · ' '''

Special Sale Saturday

'Roney Drop SUgar Corn j packed . . hi Maine, sold' ever.ywhere at 15c a can- our. price for.' one day. only . .

Sale B:UIB I1...



, ..

"Y88~ elf. Boiled 'ohlolteQ ilt 80











e - - - ,--, _...-. ....... _ _ _ _

: For mer Citizens • ..-............... -

-~-- ...... --..-..


WB l ..E NUMB ER 3043

I r~~Bc::~V :t ~ ~:::~~~:id ay +i-p~~;o~~IM~~;i~~ ~ii;;-~;d- There] Th:::: "~'":::::t:':o~' ,:eh;. rS~~i~l-E;;nt;-j --- - - -, - - --- +- --- --- --

cv ning. wa not as w II atlende d a~ basd entertainm 'n l on 'Y\'ashillgton' ~ . - - - - - ,- - -• A l 'ltt!I' fl'o rr H\)wa rrll ,ll l. 'hem, of it should have b 11, it being' one of Banu enterta inment - Feb. 22 d. Band ·entert ainmen t.-Feb. 2211d. Bil·thday are about. compl eted. t he best 111ay that has e vel' b' en g-i vThel '1 ,I'" B ull'eevill , <l. " he hil S l/(ILl j( ht Ll fU l'lll S H II t Chas. ~ rnart was home over unday b' . 1 I F. C. Ca rey attende d lodge in Ig m\( ·t ay paral Ie WI'11 Ieavl' I 1\ r. anu j~LI·S . . . owe en erl11:!al' that pia .t! and will l1 'OV (m_t.h _n here. Th':! cast was a strong one, t 1(' tain ed at Sunday dinner Mr. and L. A. Zimme rman is in Cincinn ati 'pring Valley last f'dday evening. T,OWllShi p Ho.u sC! prompt l y ~t ~ ~I ~'i'l . W. E.. Bogan sum ' "0011 , L Icl< to yon f1 uwa l'd! not Ii sintY ... le weak place in it. and Rev. Levi M 'd M Th e titl .of th e play does not g ive t 0 day. C b II N I f 0 clock an d WI II t r averac pr'a ct Ica IIy i\1111s. r. an I'S, atn p e e son. 0 . every s tt'eet III O . W. Hamilt on was ill Payton N ampe , 1d a h0, an d M E J M Benjam in Davis. uI'othe r to Mark the Ill ay itself cr dit, as it is a comedy rna k'mg on . o r , .1 "I J B Ch I'S . ' . . ayer::; t t town. l ' kh t r I bl f ,.(1'. anu !y rs. 0 d I t ' , Davis and fOI'Il Il'l' lv - of this plae: , wr. unday. . . . ~ ad: man en0 to p ay 0 1' l ' . l l·tal·11 ayon , are gues..., 0 f M1'. an d wo s ops enrouLe s rong ensem es an c ImaXCiI , u d a t dl'nnel' Sun ay, Seth . ' M J ... H ' di ed In.' \. weel< a-fl r a long icknf'. s. and the stJ'>ngth of the who are shut In be 'uu :-;e of physlI , -, FtI \'ll LlS and family, Israel Sattert hcompan y C. H. Clemen ts was at the co un ty rs. os. ames. 'fhi;; is l he seco nd brother of Mr. bl'ough t Oll t ~very point vet·y infirmi lies. wa ite and family, E. S. Eaily and vivid ly. seat I~riday. ' It will s UI'prise you to !'lee the cut Ticket., are now on sale at a ll the fal11ily. Dav i". to ol'e w i tl1 1'n I'tl'hf days, the The pl ay oIJelled with " a scene in , • Dr. A. r. Wright was in Spring . in prices t hroug h th~ enti,re .. lahrge Wavnes';i1le stores or may be IlI'Olil's t bl' ak in th e fa mily of six . ~ t k f J A F" k a co un tl'Y tavern in Vi rgini a where boro Il:lSt week . MI·s. Agn R Wl'ig ht enterta ine d at s .oe soc 0 . . un ey s w en cur d from any lU erliber o f the band. dinner -- a headstr ong woman marrie s a str anSunday . Mt·. and Mrs CampJ . A. Kilpatr i ck was in lown Fri- w holesale and manufa cturers Dr. J. L. Z~II , a loong th e be ·t ger fr'om pique. This pal't,lm have Admi s iun, adults 25c; childre n un- hell NelHon and son, ugene day on business. Stanley. from ad~anced 1 cent. He cut., old der]5 years of age, l :ic. All kn own uenliHt."l in this Pdl' t of the ourtl i h. was t.aken by ,Mrs. adult ampe, Idaho, Mrs . J. E ..Mayers , of C. A. prices, .YOlH tune to buy you r shoes tickets may be e.xchalwed for reI Watch for the state, di d Thursd ay mornin g at {; Emner . alld she cel·tainly Uayton . and Mrs. Jos . Hames . did credi t Birthda y Parade ! big Washin gton's f or sprmg an d f '" . o::~w. I served seat tickets at the Townsh ip ,o'cloc k ut t he I. Elizab th Hospita l. to it . I\1his Dora E llis was hostess to a he is an accomplish~d L d' db 23 F . t FARM ERS' CLUB 01'. Zell waSstl'i cken shortly bef re nct re."is. and port rayed' the I House, aturda y afterno on . Februa - 'party of friends on Saturd outh e m t ; :s~o ~n , uya c · ascma or ay evehristm ' " I ul it was n t untillw (l U li e tu perfect ion. ry 19th. at 2 o'clocl . After the ning. each g uest being asked to rea . . n ey.s. The Februa ry mE week ago that his co ndition becam Ling of the ! drawin g of seats, the \llat wi ll be at l!lte some iryciden t per~ain Betwee n the ti cond and third acts Fra.nk Brando n, of Lebano n, was W ing to the ' · h' F . . .. ' h such at; t o demand d ie atten tion of Mrs. Brun rl'ecit d"The Handic F'd ayne Towns hfe of .Lm coln. Damty refresh Ip armet.s ' l u b was I' J . E . Janney 's drug s tore . ap," a b usmess VISltO~ ere f1 ay. ments were served. held at the hom e of Mr. S. L. Cart h spitarn u l's ~ and physicians . '\In· a vel'~ dilticul t composition, Remem ber this band does no t and and reMrs. A. T. Wright , and son, Alfred wright last Thursd ay. Mrs. Cart- I never has ask d for one penny for day he und t!l'Wellt an op ration, but spo nd ed to an encor e. Mril. Mrs. George Hawke enterta ined at F. B. were Dayton shoppe rs F riday. wright, who is always a charmi n ~hich ~hey did. not make hia co ndition ,\ (IS ' 0 weaken d al· Sh rwood played her acco mpanim every.p os- dinner Thu rsday, Mesdam es Harrill, ent. Frank Zell has purcha sed the hom e hostess , was ably assigted by Mrs. ' Sible effort to give full val ue r ecei ved. Mosher , Devitt, Thorpe , E. S. Baily, read y t ha t hI! " '.'S unabl e t.o surviy ha -'ourtle ig h tak n by Raymond of J as. Stoops on Third street. FranK Zell, Mrs. Charles Corne)) th e sh"ck of it. Read the fo llo wing progra m and J. B. Chapm an, E. V. Barnhart, IsDa vi s ~ual'dian of Imogen e , was Blanch e RI·ley. At' nOOl1 see what a treat is in store ,for you rael Salte rthwait e, A. T, Wright and The Ladies Guild will meet with and MI'''~ Dr. Z·II was bo rn ir Wayn r'Hvilie tn~ hcavy villian part, and .,., . Misses Rowen a Wright and Emma he gave Mrs. Harri ~ on Thursd ay afterno on. a sumptu ous dinner was loerved, to 55 years ago , 81\J ' ,"1I11e to this (:ity it a g-ootI r endition . me and bring all your friends . Heighw ay. a1'ly in life. I I.. took up the pl'uct ic!:' · ... hich all did full justice . A balld of gypsies the leader of Th e IOc Towels at John A. Funkey 's Ab 130 h ' I. arll 'a surpris e to everyo ne. Get your Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Barnet t I)r dentist ry ami was-am ong th e b ~st wI10m was BUC k Tyson, tak en by share. out : p. m. t e meetlllg was March -"KingPART S I" ....... .. ........ Band and Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha called tr order by the preside nt, Mr. Overtu rt in Imown m n ;n tllat PI' fession in t he WUrt't'll K ys, who bad the l'e-"J ollifica lion" ........ Band their usual hospita ble manne r g!lve faculty Heber M. Diil. After the r egular Selectio n ...... .... ~ .... .... Male city. He was a membe r of sevenll ' of tak ing eve rything not nl1i1ed Quarte t an elegant s uppe: Tuesda y eve!llD&, down, Miss Pearl Carey was down town busine&! was disposed of the fl'aterlllil 01)(aniZ8 lions, ch ief among l and who t' droll speech always progra m Readin g .... ......... Miss Luella Cornell I. of last wee~ for prolast MISS ~owena. WrI&'ht, week, after a long and severe f th d tak . t d vohd laugllte r Selecti on-tlM ajestic " ...... rrhestl' a of Red LIOn, who IS their Warren was ' at illness. th em th e M a'3 0n8, bemg house or e ay was connec e en up. . " ' Violin Solo .. ......... .... Thos. L. Pier e guest. Those presen t were, Mr. '.: Mrs. Carl Duke read a vel'Y mter- '1 rombon with Unity ha' tel' und Reese Coun- home in this tlr a~pe t·ati n " and e Solo ......... ... ... ' has. Duke ' Mrs. J. H . olem an, Dr. and Mrs, part . Mrs. Hough and daug hter, Erma, esting article, entitled "The Home Selection- " A RUI'al cil. · He ",a al 0 a mem ber of th elebrat ion' Miss Jessie Mal'lat t, as Nance Ty- were visiting in Dayton a few I A. T. Wrigh t , Mr. and Mrs. D. L. days Beauti ful," which was followed by a Veiled Prophetc:, th Ind penden t on, \Va:" good, and he r superb ........ ......... ....... ......... . ... Band ' ranean d Dr. J ohn Miller, 9cting last week. selectio " n Id from h James " Whi tcombe Ri' '1,'1010 ot ploying 16 rulnllLIlI<. Ul!glnnlng In h Ordel' of For st. ', s, Ingoma r Gal tIe, 0 f t h e. 0 ag par t .was umorotl s • t liu early lIlo,·nl u ~ . rousters crOWlllf' clOC\(S Allen Haines , .o f Xenia, came down ley,. t'Farm er Whipp le-Bac Mr and M rs W C Tbomp son en dd I helor," K . 0 f P '. an d t I1 Dayton A sociati.on I b0 th. In ~a k e-ul str iking; 111111<101{ I.lle sLarL ; arl'l at Ihe • • an • la ogu . Sunday to see his grandf ather, Mr. by Mr. Carl Duke. CUITenl; events , grounds' welcolDo by tile Plink l'u vlll UOJl(!; tertain ed most•delight on Fri-of Dentt~ts. HE watl popu lar With PtliHtorlO OIUI tl ; II", rocl:"; tlght. wire; IOllv- day, in their beautif ulfully MISS Ste1la , Lem mon, the gyp y Allen Haines . new home, which Were very well p repared by hundre ds of ci liy.e ns of Dayton and waif, took het· part like Dj; tor hO~O. • • the superin tenden t and matron of a vettlran , I J h A F k . I ' t 35 Mrs A M Swain but who was una. the sUI'roun ding country , and hi and althoug h a difficult one, n Mmute In termiss ion. the Ch ildren's Home, Mr. and Mrs. both in F o. n t ' un Y• ls66c °l~mg t04U5 .tl c li , . I' 'd ~resent' was read by the ' d t b ble to f asoma ors a t 'AC, c mea deat.h comes to PART II. c, th m With th deepes t , lO ~S an acting, l£! J: H. the ~ttendi • ' 'II. prov 0 e a ea- dollar line at 80C.. . . . Clan, Dr.askey; E. Tbomp son and n~ physisecreta ry, MISS Edith Cnne. The Impersonatlon s .. ...... J. Wilbur Mr. sadness .. LewIs . and Mrs. Horace Stokes, Wife; ture . Mr. and . . discussion of "Home Conven iences. " Comed y Sketch ... ...... '/ Mr. He is sur vived by a widow, one sis· Horace Verner , an artist, was taken ,Johns(' n Mrs. C, T. Brown . Mr, and Mrs. A. MISS. M~ry Leffers on, of Mlddl e- \was opened by MillS Luella tel', Elizabe th, . b nd three brother s, by Prof. C. A. Bruner , Cornell Mt;. Rastus . D. Haney, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Earand as the town, IS t he ~est of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. G. E . Rile which was en. Trom~ one Solo ...... ... ... ... Chas Duke hart. Harry Willi am arid Louis all resid -! hero he carried hill audien ce Mr. and Mrs. Ed. D,echant. Mr, with him J. O. Cartw nght. " t d' to b ' M y'Ch· '1 H . h SReledc~lOl1 .. :;T "M' ah J h . " · · · h .. ·H .... ·"d·: .... ·;·,orCh ing here.- Daytoll journa l. d stra "M' and h Mrs ' ere . S. Lev. Cartwr ight. In ~ rs His . ch a1 um, Dink oug Potts.. ea mg-who aLways . e a n Icap ...... .. . 1St . Ista and, Dr P 0 Clagett es B " '11 0b nsmg anI Mr G E The funera l of Mr. ZeU' took place tood by hIm, ... ... ........... ... Mrs . . • C. • A. Bruner . . Ch . . . .m every d ta'l . and who furnish ed . . rown WI e s~re to p ease you at Riley read an excelle nt article armmg e I was a from his late re 'idence Monday morn- a g reat part of the comedy on .(Select lon II!! by req uest) I "valen , and tine who lunche on" civen by Mrs. the Band Enterta mment . , . .. Hi h Prices of Farm Produc ts. 930' I k Wh'l 'd Selec J t!on • I ......... .. lllfl' ap. : 'th ... ...... G' Brass 0 c oc . Quar.te r t Mrs. H J. O. Cartwr ight last SaturdllY in I e a resl ent was a so 111 ove . WI . tta H k' g mger, was enrle Selectl on ....... ......... .. .. Male Qual tet op loS, W h 0 h as Last on the progra m was 'a fine Selecti of Wayne sville Dr. Zell was very taken by Dr. Hathaw ay. t M'ISS, M on-tlW at' Songs" ... .. .... Band comp I'nnen t t 0 h e.r gues, . been . q uite sick at ary the fMrs. -0 "Th G ' . . I 0' f th F " paper n opula~ and w II Irked by all who e Leffers ospe on, e o~ arm, Mlddle. town. Hearts Fred Sh~rwo~d, ~ ~taJor Duffy, Allce Keys, IS some better were stmng m profUSion around tlaa prepare d and read by Mr. J. T. Dear- MIAMI QUAIH ERLY knew him . MEETING dining room and hearts and cupids I who always earned hiS docum ents" Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Michen er, of doff., in which he very c learly por' A Thoug h a. numbe r of sttlllooh were artist ically hand painted ISCELL -N~;UI; SHOW ER Iwith him as count.v clerk, was on the cer- Lebano n, attende d the funera l of trayed that there is . . AI ~ no infideli ty on memb'e rs were n.bS611t heouutle of place car~s. I tainlr great in his part, produc ing. Mi8i3 Rachel Burnet Covers were laid for t Monda y. the farm. mirth at alm08t every, s peech. His the fo.lIowm g : Mesdam es W. H, AlThe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C b • . sioknes s and Inol ement weath er, len d It ' h d Howar d Hopkin s, of Dayton , came In re.'iponse to an invitati , Fred B. Hender son, C. A. BruPhillips was th., scene of avery pre - ' emg ma e ove 0 m on from 110 good sized oom pany partici pated ne r, J. B. Chapm t e secon act, down to see his mother , Mrs. Henri ... the preside an, E. V. Barnha rt, nt, Mr. J. O. Cartwr ight In the varlou tyaffa..i r Monday afterno on from xerolse . Su wuel P. D. Clagett , F. B. Sherwo od; MissW1\S t he funnies t of the whol~ play, etta Hopkin s last Wedne sday. to .5, Mrs Phillips being hostess at a2 I, and and Rev. J, F. Cadwa llhder gave his make-u p was fine. M h f tta McKin sey, Luella Corh b' misce llan eous sho~er given fo r Miss l Luella Cornell as the . Bu.ttin a.nd dun gbter a r t 11, rom nesell,l;lenrie poor reI aDonna Hawke , Rowen a Wright Mrs. Anna Mohr, of Dayton , was sort ut mteres tlng talkS. Amy Hay, Who wtll soon become a . . Selma, Reuben M , RobtlT ts n.nd wi fe, and Mary Leffers on. • . here Monda y in attenda nce at the Mr. Frank Cadwa llader and.fam lly , of t30uth Ch lu le tOD. R,lJph bride. The rooms were daintily dec- l bon and compam on to Imogen e, clev funera l of Miss Jtachel Burnet t. of near Lebano n, were unamm ously of S ringflel d Emily Y ~o, Ho we ll, orated in blue and pink hearts, I erly portray ed the part, and he( loveof Rioh. Misses Jessie . Mllrlat t and Lut:l1a In the dining 1'00 111, ~ huge bl:lSket making to Major Duffy was elected membe rs of the club. P Indi~n f1, I nd F 1111' Cornell enterta ined mirthRonald Hawke , of Dayton , came at a valentm e trimme d in blue and pink was p laced I f I mond, down Saturd ay and had a pleasan t The meetin g then adjourn ed to Pa()ker, of Ne town, Pu..,rn ' to l'at'ty at the Cornel l home Monda y in the oenter of the table to receive : u. were evening , Progre . ssive games wereta 'th h's ar nts for f d meet at the horne of Mr. Charles present .. The two latter the sh?wer A large punoh bowl ! Ve:nod .Ha.w~e proved spoke played until a late hour when a three s ,y WI I .p e a ew ays. Cornell in March. ~lIed With orang~d~ wa!l an attract - a tYPical v,lrglnl an landlor d, hl,mself words of cheer and e nooura geme nt. co~rse lunc~eon was served by ~he The guests for the day were Kev. IOn fOt·. the guesta dUlling the afte r· tlaough he had but few lines and al- . Special ~eetiqgs at. the Red Brick The subjec t of ' ,Higbe r Plltrlot - Mtsses Luctle Cornell and Joseph he made chur~h Will go on me thl8 week, 'every and Mrs. J . F. Cadwa llader Mr. and ·" noon · Refre hments of blue and a hit in the~ dis d . . , for Oglesb ee. Mrs. F.,C. Hartso ck an4 evenj~g, All are cordial ly invited . Mrs. J. O. pink ice cream made in heatt.s haped Cartwr ight, Miss , Mary ISID was . u!!se, 111 u. pa.per : ' . . Mr. Harold Howell won the prizes. b1'icks and blue and pink heart~ .... John Strawh warden from Millml Month ly ~ et, 'as the colored coachDon't forget the Band En'terta in- Leffers on, Mrs. Hannah Rogers Those t were Misses F..,dith d\baped cakes ~~re served and tng . It demon strated t.hat u. true l\1oshe'r , presen man, was good, ~nd his lines were ment Donna Hawke , Kathe~ne School Hall, Februa ry 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. D. L, Crane. Th~ enterta mment . 'Yas tar~et true to the 'southe rn vocabu lary., Plltrlot is viotorio Qt. in the bl1ttle of Alexan der, Helen Ogl~bee, ~arlanCurtain rises at 8: 16 p. m., sharp. shootm g a~ a heart. MISS Flol'n Ber- , . ' 'olf-oon quest Ilnd th I t Dll1teri lilcon. na, Allen, Martha 0 Neall, . M J A Fu k ryhil\ coming closest and Mrs Lizzie . . Ch' S.tella OBITU J. E. J~nney as the eccentr ic ARY :0 • dude, rs. . . • n e'l 18 m Lemmo n. Mary Letrers on, Henne tta lcago Lewis ff\rthes t from the heat't . di~lon s can be dOIDJDl1ted by the VI · McKins mad e a hit from th~ start, and he the guest of her childre ey, Messrs Ber~ Hartso ck, n, Mr. Geo. Edith Edna, daught er of Ellis and vine Spirit in milO . "It is Many be.a utiful an"d useful present s was given a good band several not b t · Edward Ricks, .Curt Hisey, Ernest times, £<'unkey and wife and Miss Eva Nettie Spray was born "'were receive d March 26, 1895 t Ies, which dren '11 the Ilrtb with Robinson, Sid Ellis, , His handlin g of this .t rying and diffi- Funkey . Warren Keys, dd ed h' I'f F b e : MBrs SC~rha cult :part was good from '1'hbos e Pdldes nt twe'M' start y 3 the blood of h er sons hut uDchro ni- Ronald Hawke , Fred Elbon, Harold to Mr. Ed Hathaw ay, of Columb us a n ePlar1tO'46 t IS I e de H an yan aug lj er. rs. en mit fi' h r u ar s' olod vlotori es , of t-he ' Divin e Spirit Hpl?Owfelaln' dWaMltl?sl' ' G 's th e gues t f h' Mrs L I:St John arid children Mrs, nl. ' . ts 1910 ' a ~nd ACh~rrule~e~lki~' . m., a g e 14, y.ear , . . rove, I • . 0 IS paren , 10 months and a. 1 . ..: Grant Lewis and son M'rs Richard 8 days ,. leaving father tbat hft Ulan Of f,Tom course, the everyth Ollre Ilnd ing and ended MI·s. hapJ. O. r.J ross, MR" Mr Cartwr and Mrs. F, W. Hathaw ay for ight, Mr. ,and " . . d th th " t e . L a th e olay' d rs , and obert Croos, Mrs. make him the higher plly; and at t he last curtam the auMrs. W. E. O'Neal l, Mr, and Mra. an mo er ins rs en, ays. Ved' F C H t I d Ei· ree t b th' 0M~meM W'l pa triot" ' r LewRis. Mrs·MVfalMter ~c~lur!:!, dience was of one mind that it was a few . . a.r soce ____ J. Wilbur Lewis ISS ary eev~, ISS aria ~\oeeve." has no superio rs I' aaann LesteSr1eand' WaohosrtOoferreSla'tl'vles- In a, ~t\lle r ; h b' S forw~r Mrs. Sch\yar tz, 'George ZelJ, a success Wit ded by Green d One of the most enjoyab le occa. lam a Ig . and few equals as a r.eader and Im- and friends \vho mourn her loss, and Plnin. . Mrs LiZZie Y~azel Miss Mary ' Mon thly Meetl~g pr par d' Not only was the comedy a success, person ator. Hear him at the by .I?~S of the seEl;Son ·~as t h e surprl~ · . I Band h . "11' ' } b h' Y " g L d' , 0 h h - ' th th yet a.1ovlD k M Isses Susfln ' Wrig g m other .H awe, sohoito ufl for the lllIunge W 1t, Ellen ut t e oun . ales 0 dbyMuWI miss tb'3Nm ler aS7cohtt more .onhMon an ey rc ~s ,a Enterta mment , day evening Fe realize. Her friends were numbe red bon·lth of her o wn BODS ~ m onot She~w90dS' Mary Grey. Ethel St~kes, was there and added to the us weJl IlS of Winnif red. Samruary evenm g s Mr and Mrs ' W B -M ather of b II and Jake'M eredith ,LoUisa tokes , Florenc e Wilson, L. t . I ~ t b ' h ' I ay f or llth r sons ' in our Berth~Smitb, Flora Berryh ill, Carrie enter amman y Its good p I . ... land, wbo p erat ' their beautif ul home on the y a . WI'O ever ~new er, a w s , ~. aymg . Burling ton, Kan" started for home . . f " a kind sweet ' obedie nt child willing slst.l~ the VIOIOUS Phillips James Phill~ps O.·ville Phil- The orches tra was sUl:lple pl"llctic e of o~t Wayn~vI!le an d Belib rook pI'ke, . mented by Tuesda y after a ten days' visit with t 11 t' t d h er lips, M~s. Will PlJillips ~nd Miss Amy ' several male musicia ns, which t and ball. Its direful Ml eots were abl y dla- The SUl prise ~~ a grand success , made relative s' and friends here Ha ' . a f~'" dl~es al~ ~ ch ot:~~ was oussed . Thin It of our I It ·, h t . ' . vigorous bbl!ca~sebondarrTlvb~!1gb.t~ey found ~he y ' a r1",n 0 , n s 1a mor~ camp: e or~ es .ra. 0 , .1 • M,r. and Mrs, G~o~~e Kindle, Mr. a bright and industr ious scholar J. f OYS 111 e . IS emg_ ~ surp~!!e be- young men · enu l1n g~rlDg ~ e 1\,Dd ' ·each ~hlle passlllg,' I.t woul~ n~t b~ l\ndMr s. W. E. Slack, and 'boy was requt>.sted t? brmg Orland o loved by her teacher and schoolm ates Itmhin ordert oobtlu n lI h yslcnl de apouT! , NOTICE . amiss say tha~ thiS orga.ntf ation I Hollowell of Marion , Ind: dofcandy,. Th.e e"enm g was attende d notonl for ,her beaut but for ber velopOJent, 8,ud .' -_ ,a to the town, and It IS hoped thl1t thei r coll ege spent 111 ma,nY differe nt games ••At , ' . . The .pronae di n~8. of t·he Cflo tennilll b credit J • y. . . . y, th If , may be widely advertised I Long a late hour all depl;\rt ' th t't ' 11 b the ,f uneral of MISS Rachel Burnet~ ktndly 'of Whitew tt.rer Mon'bl y Me ti ng aTfl . y .• overs ed dec1¥-rm~ <llsposlbon and cheerfu lness. 0 musIc a 1 WI , e Monday . f t lhey had . l)a~ a fine time, and WIB,h ed Our loss is her gain, a,nd as we follow live tb~t oollege tImt b'lS now ready .for Itt 250 perpetu ated, and finally becom put 00 , they could eome eafac bl1ck oon. Th~ J '0 H k d Frank' her to her last resting place we can ball under tb~ bu.u per oOPT, A , ' 6 Cbft.ndl el' will soon tor ,here, I All houor bo present were:. Mil\lSe9.Glee Hess, Fa)" . esst;S. ... . ~W e an. . ' I send tot noples Any who wirlll one . The enterta inment was 't' G d' ' 1 1 1 H' "11 I,hose ' iustr~lotor8 that feflrles~l y Hess, Elsie Smith, Pearl Smith, a financial Farr Dayton Saturd ay m a~ on ~ say I IS Rutq 0 S WI et . IS WI stand for the rigbt ngll.tnat' strong or more. ooplfi~. 1,1 I\~e give tbeir o~. success.,aiso. Ma.'{well, Nora SCott,Isa\>ell Smith ~ ' About $30 w1l1 be tendan ce, at the' ~Republ ictm Sta~ be dar to hIm IH on ce . r1on~. A Fnend . popula ' '.' r opinion d' , h' . These pl~p(>l'l! pUliS Alma ~axweU, Nina ' Scott, Et,h~ . ' .:'.:J Clues They ~:.:..-....,... a &,ood meetin g · " ~ . _. . " reahzed l an . I~ IS ' oped' bh ~ at a g?~ ". h'l . 'f report ' .~ . . Pennew .May Folker tn, rEattier , . CARD OF THA.NKS. ' . ' " up to be t,he Yearly ad ~~ tlng "nd IDILY Berryhillltt,Ma;bel It· gym~aslUm cli\n ., s~ur '. Satterthwaite " ' . ' We c;ieslre .IS .Wlt pentyo . to,thank our f' . ': entb,u8 ,. , Iasm. ' d " db b l i t h b rlen san e pu . ishe 'w too bad tba~ a PElrm~neqt place cant ,e prooee d'lOgS Attel' th" '''i.. · waIte,' Maty,p'ennewl·'R Oply I.~O :wee.Ks longer, for the neighbo~ for their kindnes s tt, q"" and sym- \If that 'b ody. ' ~6t be · t1;()ttfD, Whereby a ~egu~ &,rea~ eut-~~c~ ~Ie at, John A>funk '., Ha1·. t sock, Idena Osborn , ~lah H~' ... duri~g the ' ,illness and death . ,) tbis~ oomiol( " . II! ~. " or l~ 'gymna sium can 'b e 'maintain~. ey's. Ladles ' buy the ,Fh,~el~ttes- pat;)ly: • • Bock, Eleanol.',Eamh art. , Ma'l'gue~itcl ,,(rllm • ,", - 8l91l.t40n . ' . :,. ' : ., ' . . ST. MARY S CHUR CH . . ' . a 0 ' t' FI ' 1 f eo" f tabl · of. our~aug' !\t~r. . Monf.Qr~ ~da .,,~da f:!nook, or ~,~ rd , JUr:Qb~r ' of ~ryy . dtl, .1'-~ EllIS SpraY and Fannly . .... otblng· adds tee? the I:lhysI('.aI"fMi~ca, :&9 . u .~g ann~ ~ or Bertba l:;mlth an , Wihmf red Merem o~ ~ • _ • IQldpJiOD,1 may Q\l ~?!1l .' , Sunday , seoobd fr~ Len't; Febru!l.I'Y dith, Rlij»tlg Q~ ~ion ' of ~oth ~o~s and rt~18 like ?oIY!k 2 Messr-s. Jesse HeSs,' Roy Smith cents. ,more ~n eahco.:--~t .. EASTE~N STAR OOl'.r8spondlng with '019 b f.ore doin g a g.ymnasIQm. . 20tb. Lttaqy: . aerrilon and Holy: Frank Hes9'~ HarrY .Smi~b, Ol~ffm , _ lS,the,1 0 apd.12 Y.~u~l ., !. ty., Buy your . ' ~'i, , . · ll'R~KLlNPAOKIiR .'· Oomm unlon.a t 19 : ~O 8. m. ; even\n g Max~el,I, J~bn Trac.Y/ J~ ltis' thewi ahofth e Ge.zette ,tha't ..MU81,inno'Yandsavemo~ey" ROland • . C~il~"8 .:. JIlaste rDtnarl odg~met ...:-_.;..._ •••;-:.-..;: int;eg' :tla~ w~rBhi p an~ serm this plan ' can. at no distant date be Mitten s 10, 15 and 2Oe, worth double MllIstOD Monda y eveDin g . Afte~ Ule Sun(}ay t;ohool and nat 7 n. 'm " j JohnSc 'ott,. Ohas. PenneW1tt,J?~. i' , Bible OIIlt18If8 tl.t ence Wolke~th~ .BI.UTY ,SatterthWBJW. . , ' Ladi' Al . t 28c ~h 85c U;..-l consum mated. , dl -eel f II A 9 :3. ta. m . . .f!JIJ . ~ O\l't!8 -a ' . ~ 'f9r r. Lampto n . South, ,-lames ~ . UIAII D~ was "t""g 0 r, . ~ wtany, Penlte u·" al oOlce !Lad ad, --- _. . Cliffor d 'Davis, Ladlf!JIJ' ~d Child'• . S~, at lOe, Yamt 10'" few ObOleD r,emat:ks,pre· Davis, AI ; dn.8 WedDesday~veoing at. ~ .p. Ill, H~rtsock:, EmersoGeo., ..,MrII! ru,y B~thaw&f WI' in Dayton WOrth 10'· and 26c; ' HOI8~ 20C n Earnhart. . two HD&e4,.Jln,. AmOil Cook ·wl$ll_ ...... , )!4verybody to vtted "> thea~ lento. ~rnas. Sam. Jab and H~bert Mer" lISt Ftidal. . .: _' ' .. , ,', ' ~ tor 8IiC. '~' i













I .






M .

sara .


." 01.





,The Miami Gazette

, Renowned Doctor'a Preacrlpt!on for Rheumatism and Backache, "One ounce Syrup ' Sarsaparilla com· I)ound : ana ounce T oris compound; Add these to a hai r pint of g ood wblll:" key: Take a tatll spoonful before e acb meal and lit bed time; Shake the bot· tie before using eaoh time." Any drug· gl8t has these Ingredients In stock or will Quickly get them from hIS whole· sale hOllse. 'l'hls was published prevl· ously and hundreds here have been oured by It. Good results shcw atter the first few df'ses. This also acts as a system builder, eventually restorln, strength and vitality. '


'\\ AY:>lES lLLE, Save your conflagraUons I'ourth of July.

OHIO. for


Several other things besides college foo tba ll need reforming. W ill alltornla att mpt to put on the tall of tho comet?


Whatever the fashion notes may say, th is la no lime for low shoes. Why Is a cold usually "a"'ful , .. And why Is cold so often "bllterT"


lars may be wondering If the earth has suddenly turned Into a snowball. It we were fill coal baron s we s hould not fret abou t the staUonary oold wave. 1\Jlnlster Wu ex pects to live 200, yenrs, By that time he may be able t6 get all his questions a nswered. Ae to the question of the ohann of whiskers, that depends somewhat upon their s tyle of landscape garden· Ing.

"My ba lr's exactly like a turhan, Isn' t It ?" "Exactly. You can eveh take It olr."

Famo and fortun e await tbo genius wbo will construct a furnac e th at will always produce the right Quantity of heat.

Knew the Calendar, They Wl'r little girls, so s mall that the teuc/ll' r wus le ll ing th m about dl· \'Islons or tillie, a ud r 'e lvlng all s orts of nDllwers to h r sim ple questions. The IHUe Sid who Iiv('(l In a board· Ing house was a year o\(lcr than any of t he others. " \\ e have I arned t hat yea rs are dl· vlded Into month s, months Into weeks, lmd we I,B Into duys," sR ld th teacher. "Now can uuy one t e ll me ho')" t h e dRYS are dlvldt' d?" Tho Iiltl gi rl who IIv d In a bOllrdIng hous rnlsed ber ha ud , a nd was a ke d lo speale. "Mondays, 'ru el1days, \ V dn sdays nnd Thursdays, beef," s he s3 1d, glibly ; " Friday, fis h; Saturday, CO I'D d beet a nd " beans: li nd Sun day, chi Icen."Youehs's Companion.

U the peddlers of this city are not allowed to cry their wares they wlll have to keep silent In about 67 Ian· guages.

We venture to suggest that the tall of the approaching comet Is composed of Icicles. If not, It wl11 be It It comea too cloae. The demand for diamonds has recently Increased very largely, which may in part account for the terrible cost of living.

- -----

A gentleman up In Maine hRS won fame by eating 54 eggs. Thl.s ought to get him a good Mtlng with the commerclal agencies.


When a farmer sells bls hogs at Dearly nine cents a pound be rerralns from joining in the howl about the high oost of living. . A fatal duel was 'Iately fought In P arll. If this Is a precedent, dueling wtll take rank with football as a high· ly d~,ngerous ·sport.

The IItate o( ~alne shows an tn· crease In a total valuaUon of nearly $10,000,000, and even now the Maine itrls are not counted In. To the bon est and hard-worJrlng hen It should be a reUe f to see the cold· storage houses held accountable for the high price of eggs. Tbe Paolfic coast Is to paS8 tbrough

the tall of Halley's comet In May, according to a professor. Save money for the excursIons. .


Unearned increment comes aUke to the just and the unjl\st. A church In New York recently sold a site for '660,000 that oost but $46,000. One objection to cutting down ,the number ot tire Insurance companIes fs that It would reduce the great public's ,annual supply of blotters. ..'

. Tbey making ment In add its a,ge.

are going to Install an Iceplant at Ui e treasury departWashington, but'they will not product to the national coin-

The smoke of Pittsburg Is Interfer, fng with the throats of grand opera slngers. It Is just the right retributive sort ot pill tor tbe Smoky City to . swallow. New Yorkers spent a mllllon cross\pging the line between 1909 and 1910. No ulle talking, those gay New Yorkers won't be denied their little "Ume" now and then. Now ,It Is charged that the bubonlo plague Is spread by fieas brought over the ocean by rats. This Is enough to make the bealth authorities and the general publlp hopping mad. Tbe board of education In New York bas barred football from the city public schools. The .step seems a timely one, says Baltj~ore Amerlca.n. A game at all times dangerous Is not apt to have Its perils minimized In the over-enthuslastlc zeaJ Of schoolboys. What the youth of the country need to be taught Is mod, ratlon 10 all things, nnd In this sport, as In the speed mania, moderation S8ems to be next to a physical impossibility. The annual statistics of fatal ualtl es In th e New England ' big game hunting season, showing more deaths than the football season, cause some or the footb all advocates to draw false deductions as to tlie lack ' c.-f nenecsslty tor reforming football ; E"eryone wtll agree that the shootinl' of human beings In hunUng shouJd be stopped. However, til ere Is the somewbat Important distin ction that · the killing of tbe hunte rs Is not made a public show tor thousands at a ~ed price ,ot admission. Not In a boastful way, bu.t merel, 8S slaUng ,a n Interesting '(act, .New York city takes oocaslon to mentioD that It !!onsumed. 600,000 quarts of champagne on New Year's eve. One of the scientists thinks ' h.e haa dlacov.ered the cause ot tbe aurora borealla, but nob~y has aa' yet found out why certain people continue to believe that . a which brln •• epldtlmlc. of 4ls~aae, coal' famines aDd 'I'allwa)' ,wrecb and cauee. travelen ,to pertlh mJaerabl7 Ia lIlow4rttt8 .. tbftaJ . .

How's This? _

We otrff


Jlullllroo<! DoIIAra Rew1rd tor aQY

o r catarrh IllAt

canoot bo CW't'<I by RAU ..

catarrb CUte.

F. J . CIIESE\' It: CO., Tolrodo, O. We. \J\e underalaue<!. I14va known F. J . Ch_y fOr Ibe lU I 1& Y.""', and bolle,·. him perrrcUy honorable In ~II bualn_ tranurtloM IUld ftnan, 1\y Ablll to CAllY out nny oblt,atlons made by b ill !Inn. • 'VA LD INO . K1N" AS tt: l1A lt YI .\'. Whol_le DnJ!Ulb!tI. Toledo. O. Hall's catArrb CUre III taken In ternally. acllu. dl.....,Uy upon \be b lood ancl muoo,," lu rra .... or lbe .)'Item. T ... UmonlAl8 eent lree. Prl 1 ~ a!D II bntUe. !:!old by aU Dl'UlCIIlItI. 'l&U FamUy l'U1I lot' colIIUpallol1.

.--I11III-... .

BOUT the middle or August, 1862, Com· pany K of the One hun d red and fifth Pennsylva nia ,·olun· teers, known as the "Bucktan" regiment, of wb lch I was a prIvate, was detailed as a bodyguard ot Presl· dent Lincoln and continued In that ca· paclty unUI bls assassination In the spring of 1865. During tb e tbree years of my stay In Washington, tb e most critical period of the natlon ~ s history, ( saw nnd board many thlngs that have never found their way Into the public prints. Some of the bodyguard were constantly with the pres ident and his family, whether at fashionable levees, receptions to forei gn legations or private Interviews. At nil such function s we were silent spectators of all that took place. We were always treated with the high. est res pect by the Lincoln family, who regarded us as a· part of the household. Every private at the guard received the same atte n· til!lns of courtesy as the most famous states· man or diplomat at tbe capital. We all tormed a I!trong personal attachment for the pre.sldent and when the grand old man laid down his Itte In behalf of the cause that had been hIs life work we felt as If we had lost the dearest friend we ever had. During the first two years of our term of service the most rigid discipline was enforced , Sometimes we . would be ordered to UBe extraordinary vIgilance and to let~ no one enter the grounds of th e Wblt e House without the proper passes and to be very particular as to who approached the president. Often ' the order '~ould come tor the gua rds on duty to be doubled . It was seldom tbat he kn ew the direct cause of these extra precaution s, but we supposed that {he officers of the secret s e rvice were In possession of Infor mation of some plot · that brooded ' harm to t he prestdent. Uo to 1864, owing to our "lgUan ce and the protecting hand of Providence, Oll r beloved ohlef had escaped th e hand of violence, The back of the confederacy was' brol,en, a good feeling pervaded all Washin gto n and consequently the strict watchfulness t hat had prevRlled grew Into laxity. Thi s was the fatal period. for It was at this ttm e that conspiracies we re hatched and confederates overran the city, comparaUvt'ly unmolested. The pres· Ident and tamlly spent the summ er' at the soldier's home, slllJ'nted about three miles north of the city. and thither the bodyguard always accompanied them. It was In the summ er of 1864, while we were up at the home, thllt an Incident hap· pened that came very near Ilolmlnatlng in just such· an awful tr:lgedy as follow e d only Ii few months later at Ford's theater, It was the custom of the president to remal late at tbe war department wh en anything ' of great Importance was happ ening In the army, oonsultlng with tb.e s creta ry of wa r and transmitting ~nd rece lvi lig ·dlspatche s. and atter his wo'rk was fini shed ' be would 'rlde out 'to the soldiers' ho~(> . · That summer he had persl,stontly refused un escort., Imagining himself perfectly secure, .. , . One nIght abou t t he middle of AUgUlt .( was dolI\g ~se ntry dllty' at the large . gate through ' which entrance was had ; Into tbe gTounds at the home. "The place Is altuated about n quart er of a mile otr; tbe Bladensburg , rond and 'Is reached b.y a ' devious driveWaY. ' About one o'ciock I heard a rifle . shot In the dlreotlon of, the cltr and shortl, afte",ard could hear a-ppruachlil& boof)Jeat.. In two or three ~Inutea the horae came Jlea~ enou,h .0 tbat In the dim moo'illl,ht I reeGplled lbe rider a. the belate4 »mldtlllto. ft. 110..... •




A Modern Kid. "How Old urc you, It tU girl ?" "Six." "And how Is It 1hat you or alit walking without YOll r mamma ?" , "Oh, mamma do esn't go out for xerclse. R eally w huve very illll In common."

Important to Mothers_ Examine carefully e very bott! of CASTORLA.. a safe nnd sure rem dl' for infants a nd children, and see that It Bears the ~. I~~ rr Sign ature In Usc FOl' Over 30 YenTS. The, Kind You Have Always Eought.


" cry spirited one, belonging to Lamon. tbe marshal of tbe District ' of Colum· bla, was ~{r. Lincoln's favorite sad· die ·a n I m a I and when ,be was In the White House sta. bles he a I WilY. ohose him . As horse and ~Id· er approached the ' gate I noticed that th e president was bl1reheaded . Atter I had asssited him In cbecking his steed the presl, dent sall1 to me: "He came pretty near getting away with me, didn't he? H e took the bit In bls teeth before J could draw tile reins." I then asked him where his hat was and he replied that somebody had fired a gun otr 'down at the foot of the hili, which scared his horse, and the lurch of the animal toppled hla hat ofr. I led the horse to the cottage where the presl· dent and bls family was staying. There he dis· mounted and' went In. Thinking the proceeding a little strange, a corporal and I · started In .the direction from which the report of tbe gun had been heard, to In vestigate. When we came to the place wbere the driveway meets the main road we found the president's hat- a plain silk hat-and on examinIng It found n bullet hole , through the corner of the , crown. The shot had been fired upward and It was evident .that tbo person · who had fired It had secreted himself close to the roadside. We ' listened and searched the locality tboroughly, but to no avail . The next day I gave Mr. Lincoln his hat ~~ called bls attention to the bullet hole. He uncon· cernedly remarked that 1t'1"as put there hy _ome foolish gUD11er and was not Intended for him, ' He slild, however, that 'he wanted the matter kept QuIet and 'admonlshed 'ua to say nothing about It. The oext fall, atter we had taken up. our winter. Quarters at the Wblte HGulle, a conspiracy to ,kidnap the preslde'n t was unknQwlngly frustrated by us. Had the truth ,of tile" atralr leake~ put Jl.t the ' time 'ft; doubtless would bave created great excitement, Our' quar~er8 were, immediately In 'front ot : the south porch cir 'the Executlv;e Manlion; a position' which jllao43d': u~ at ab'btit, eqll,a l 'dlstance from tb'e treasury building on tbe· east 'lI;Ild the waf' aha navy bulldlDIr 'on' the, weet. . . For reasons at the 'time unknown' to UI we "l~re ordered ' to move OUT ,pard ~ent and' place it at the west end of the Bravel . Walk, dlrecU, In .tb. ~ai' of ~be war department. Whlle ' we I!tA.ied. there D9.tblnB 'occutTed ·t o arouse BUIIII-' elon. ' ShorU, afterward w. learned, . however. that on lbe verr nleht after wit had' movecl lb. teDt the confed,ratea bad. a plaD Iald to '1I!Il11rtU1N the prealdent. · Tbe collaplratora were to *be tJml1»Jl..,. ... wIleD ·tIl. "lleIeD. CI"~_"

Luck, "Does you believe It's lucky to see de new moon over yoh right s houl· der?" "Sho I does," replie d Mr. Erastus Pinkney, " Dese here stormy dayS" yOU'S lucky to see any k'ind ot a moon nny~l!y . "-Wasblngton, Star. Children Who Are Sickly,

MOlber. should DeVer ~ wltbo ut a box or MOLbe r Gr~Y ' 8 S weet Powdere lor Ohlldren. 'Cbey break up c:old8 tn


b our s, cnre Jr(>YerI 8b- .

IIC88, CO II ~rplltlon, Bl'n,l" .. be, T eelhlng Di s · orders IlI1< S lomac h 'froubl"s. OYer 10.000 lullmonllll ... At all DrulTlfl stR,~. ARk t o· dllY. S.lIIpie mailed fREE. Addrell8, All an S . Olmsted, La Roy, N . y,

the walk they were to seize, gog and carry him across the river Into Virginia. Thence he was to be taken to Richmond or some other confed· erate stronghold, where he was to be held as a hostage. The members of the bodyguard always supposed that the conspirators were frightened away when they saw our guard tent and abandoned the plan of kidnapping. Not long after the attempted kidnapping an· other episode took place, w)lIch afterward was found to have been planned by a band of assail' sillS who made' tbelr headquarters In the city. Bolirke, the veteran coachman, who had ser,"od at the White House through Pierce's and Buchanan's administrations and thus fal' Into Lincoln's. was taken sick and compelled to be olr duty. Immediately a stranger, who rElpresented him· ·self as an experienced coachman from Balthnore, applied . at the Wblte HOUle and ·was employed as coachman. From the ftrst he was domineerIng and "fter a few weeks became 80 Important that he WRS discharged and Bourke reinstated. One night shortly afterward , just about' dusk, the discharged coachman was seen sneaking around the stables by some Of the guard . Tile stables had been locked for the night Ilnd It was 'n ot supposed that he coqld do any damage and ,c}~n!,e';l'Ae~tl¥- 'tthe men who saw him did not go to Ute stables. ( Presently the whole Interior or Ule , barhs was found . to be on fire. ,' The..guard was called out and by dint of great exertion we saved ' the president's coach and team, but Tad Lincoln's ponies and ' Col. Hay's carriage team perished In the lInmes. · . \ The " plltn was to lIave " tbla man fire ' the stables and ,thus to' ilistraot our attention. Dul'Jng ,the exoltement some of the conspirators were ready .. to rullh hito the White Houae dnd murder the president; but Instead 'of 'remaining 'In '. tile hOUSG . Mr. LtncoliJ ran out 1UD0ti" us aiid thus. In ,all probability t~.trate!l. another' attempt at

The L.atest Scheme. "That new bote l' will bave r od wallDal,er In all the rooms." ,"Heavens! Why?" '~ So lhat when th o guests klll- eranything, it won't show." There Is no cOllvf' rsatlon so agree· able as that of a man of Int grlty, who hears without any Intention to be· tray, and speaks without any Intention to decelve .-Plato . . PILES (JURED IN 6 TO 1.& D4'\'8, PA1-O OIN'l'M tilll'l .1. jIl1aranl".d lu e ll .... any . ...n 01 lwhlna, Dllnd . Hl"rdl nll o r I"n.lruc1.lDj( Vile, In Ito U dan or 'm unQ7 r~rtul ded. 6011.

Before she Is married to a man a woman always wants to think of blm; afterword she wants to think for him . WHY Buffer wi~h eye troubles qujck relief by " sinl.: PE'l"fIT'S EYE ALVE 25c.

All druggistllor Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. y,

He lovell his country best who strives tr. make It best.-Ingersoll. Rh"aIUQUMm ReUeTed I. 5h1 HoDI'll by

Or,D tchor!'s R ollef tor Rhc uma tlam.75 0.

Time caunot remove from a Iratllful heart.

klndly actll

- aallflss~lon.


What 'makes th.l s appear more likely now Is the- tact tha.t, after tbe!)' w"l1 arrested ' he produlled several wltnes.ea, ' who later found employment Ford'. theater, to' tesUfy tfiat ' he -"u 40n In the cltJ' durl...,· tlae ~ wbole of the

evwDS_ Theai"• .., the


periOD. ' who


Ulat brOUi1lt



' - '- - -

P--"ROUBLES whIch the UnIted States government has had wIth NIcaragua 1lave not been confined to recent years, nor were Groce and Cannon, who were killed some time ago by Zelaya's orders, the only Americans wbo ever went hunting ad· venture In the Central American republic. The slate department Is full ot records ot Insurrections and expedl. tlons whIch bad to do with N'l caraguan alfalrs and the UnIted States' connec. tlon therewith. It Is said tn WashIngton that tbere WIlS living nt Inst reports a man named F. 1\1. Baker, .who Is perhaps the solo survivor of tho famous, or as you will, Walker filibusterIng expedItion Into NIcaragua more than halt a century nso, Mr. Bake,r at last accounts was livIng In the cIty ot ChIcago: wbere bls trlen'as knew hIm as "Dad" Baker. 'rhe tull story of Baker's Central American adventures Is told by a man who recently saw Mr. Da'k er and heard the iltory of the Nicaragua expedition from bls lips. "Dad" Baker was a torty-nlner. He Isft wltb a party trom Daylon: 0 ., and In 20 days reacbed Independence, 1\10. From that place the ('xpedltlon, 120 men strong, start.ed across tbe plaIns. When the heart ot tbe Rockies was reach'ed there were just flve m n left In Baker's party. tho others having dIed, or desert d tor oUler caravans on tbe way. Wh.en part way across a,nd betore ·the dlsln.tegratlon ot tb~ outflt, the re was a hnrd fight with tho Indians, who attempted to stampede the stock. This fight In's ted tor Bome tIme, with beavy 10Bses to both sid but the fight, so Mr. Baker says, w~~ not halt so BeVere as was that which they encountered when tbey struck mountaIn tever. "When a . man has mountain tever and nothing to eat b t bard brend and bacon, he has Ul~ 0 ~t ot bls lite and (or hIs lite," Is tile .: "Dad" Baker put It. ay "I shaved deatb then," he saId as ~II ,stOry goes, "but I did not act~allY die until otter I bad reached Calltor~L OJ";yz:,cr , nla_ Tbere, In company wltb a Ilcore .£JA::S- rHep.ep.r~ ot otbers, I bad smallpox. We were In ~...o ....;r..l".LOO~ bunks tn huts ond we bad, YOU may ~~Orfzrbelieve, none ot the delicaCies ot· tbe leason. It wos there tbat I 'died' Th doctor was o\'erworked and wb . b e I was bound to die anyway he ~~ e saw that out of filtbusters as rIvIng me medICine and told onem~:y~tot>bPed were taken to stop the who was not yet stricken down just ~ oys expeditions beaded for me"fn a comfortable "osition and let mOe dPluet. Cuba before the Spant h " fsh war. Neither tbe eard this bit ot cheerrul Inlltructlon first expedition headed gtven, but I was at that low ebb When a man by Walker hlmsolt nor takes death as a relief. By and by 1 dIed those whIch tollowed ...You may not believe tbls when you see ho~ wIth arms and re-enatro~g and healthy I look to-day, but tbe doo- forcements had the slightest dlIDculty In get,: tor said I was dead and a\l the others agreed tlng away trom San FrancIsco. "The autbor\' wIth blm. My jaw was set and my eyes were ties watohed us a little," saId Mr. Baker, "but fixed. I felt dead, and yet, wltbal, J had a arms, ammunItion, men and prOVisions were semiconsciousness that somewbere about me put on b,oard a steamship wIthout any sort ot . there was a spark ot lite, tbough It mIght be troUble." .. tar away as my toes. Only 62 men went wIth Walker on tbe first "I was laid out there and expected In a expedltlon. One of these men wal a man subconscious way to h'e ar soon the funeral named Anderson, who was elected captaIn dl!!course, but then all at once I began to teel of the foroes. There Is a chance that Capt. a symptom, of returnIng lite. SomethIng like , Anderson Is stili alive. Mr. Baker Is saId to' II. glow came over 'me-and In a tew minutes have ,met him In Kentucky a tew days ago. I had streDgth enough to wink and move my 'Capt, Anderson, tbe I{entucklan, was the jaw. It ,ls my bellet that tlley were just about hero of a remarkable adventure upon the first to bind up my jaw as tliey do after people landIng ot the expedltlon fn NIcaragua. Llke have ~Ied. When I literally gave them the . Achilles, Capt_ Anderson's only vulnerable wink that I was alive some of them came . apat seems to have been hIs heel. Walker pretty near dying themselves. I thInk the and bls followers landed at Realejo and were madd est man In the party was the doctor . . If joIned by a tew natives. Capt. Anderson with doctors haa beon plenUtul In tholle diggings a tew men went to a point about six miles thIs nne would have lost his practice then and away and were there surrounded by a large c-there,.lor by -co~lng to 'lite after being pronumber of Nloaraguans, enemies to that pnrty . bounced dead by- him I nearly ruined his medwhose cause Walker bad' come down to ·toal reputation. When you are getting rendy espouse. Tbe Kentucklnn toolt his men Into to die just nsk some trustworthy friend to a stout adobe hut and there, tbough suffering stick pins Into you or do some'thlng else like tenrfully trom hunger Q.n d tblrst, defied the that after the doctor has ' pronounced you attacking hordes. Every once In a wblle Capt. dead, to see It he knows bls business, tor I . Anderson, to Instill courage Into his men and give you the word of a man who has been at the same time to show bls contempt tor there that It's not pleasant to be "oIDclally" the 'enemy, would go c;mtnlde the door of hIs dead, to be unable to move a' muscle and yet ' bllt and shake bls fists and make faces at the to realize, even though dImly, that you may besieging hosts. They sent volleys at blm, lIoon hear tile clods tailing on your coffin lid." but, like the Filipinos, they shot high. Finally Atter I\Ir. Baker came back to lite he took they seemed to realize the fact thnt tbey were up a mining clalm_ He worked It a day- Mon- 'shooting at the sun and so tile next time that day-and saw but comparatively little prosAnderson appenred at tbe door for tbe purpects of success ahead. Monday night two pose of hurling defiance at them they all with Dutchmen otrered $600 for tbe claIm. Baker one accord shot low. Most ot the bullets burgave It to them and took the money. Tuesday led themselves In the ground about halt way the purcbaslng Dutchmen took out $26,000 to tbe adobe sback, but one ricocheted and wortb of gold. Then "Dad' Baker became a tore otr the bold. Kentucklnn's heel. Tbe capbit disgusted and struck out for San' Fran· taln retired, bound up bls foot and found that cisco nnd It was not long before he made up walkIng was Impossible. Then took place the hta mhid to cast hie lot wIth WillIam Walker ' most remarkable charge known to military I and aee what he could do In tbe way of plckhistory, unless there be foundation In tact for Ing up some money at NIcaragua. Kipling's yarn of thll assault at Lungtenpen_ It Is' a good many years since the ftllbusThe beleaguered garrison In tbe adobe hut terlng espedltlon s~arted for the Central was nearly dead from thlrat. It wlla decided American atate, ostensIbly to aId the popular tilat notwithstanding the great' numbers of sIde In a cIvil Itr'fe wagIng In that country, the enemy a charge ,m ust be made and the but In reality probably ·to see ho~ much . lIn~ ot the be' be broken 'through at the money could be pIcked up "loose In , the center. Anderson coullln't walk ' a step, let streets." , " alone do any , cbarglng. There were ,only 36 whilam Walker was a newspaper ,man, a ' men In the party, all tcJtd. The Kentuckian lawyer and a physlolan, but prlmnrily, Intl1n- ' saId: "BOY8, I'm In command bere and "1 Inaleally and before .all he was an adventurer. tend · to ,lend thIs oharge, beel or no heel. f ID ' the yeat 1863 , be 'started ' out to 'captur;e wan't the two blggcst and stronge&t Olen In -lonora tram' f-he Mexicans . . He aotually SUO·" the 'crowd' to steP ·out here. All ,rlBbt there c:eeded 'In gettlng 'a grIp' on ,lower Ctilltor!lla how. You two will do . . Drop your rlftei. Take and probably. ';wo~d bave s¥cceedeq In takIng me up on your ' shou~Qers. Now gll'e me a .. Sonora. but.' for , the',faot, that hls 'suppItes gaye gUn: Now, bOYB, we'll make a charge and ,I out. Notw!t¥st~ndlng the fao\, that ', ac-. am goIng at ' the head ' of t,he · prooession. ,\ All .tuatty Invaded Mexloan terrItory wIth" an of you yell -Uke' ·the devil and sboot atralght. Armed for.~~, ~e 'wall ,ac.QWtteLby the UnIted Come on_~' " ' " ' ,. ,- " . Statpll court, by whlc;h h~' was , tded after ~.I1 " And ou~ ot 't~e but they poured,. l>reaklna , arreat, . of any 'vIolation of neutrality law8. ! a nttle 'to ' the nlht and the lett, 'Wblle In 'After Jila acquittal in ,San Franclsoo ~e ,f». thefr center., l!Q~e, on lb. 8tal~ar.t ahQulilers ",am. acquaInted wIth ~. Ba~er, wbo;' u baa of two loldlers, we'Dt theIr captaIn, who, from tIIeG aall1. la probabl,. the 'Iaat B~"~' memo . hlB el,!v.a~ec1 perch, took a ,pOt' ahot ~t ; the of the expedJUon into ,Ntcarapa, enemy U "BOOn. bl. head cleared thtt ' door"It la-.ppa'ren't fl'~m Mi, Buer'. awry that "'/ ~.Y" SUch a Illbt u \. thta h8d ne.var befol'e . ~ tr,Dlte4 $ta~ · autJaorlUes, of' that 4., diet ~ NI~I\Wl"'" A lot of hated, lot. tab ~. ' pa1u to D"'~ ~ attfDJ. ItrafIbt-tlbOOUq. 1l0WUq AlDertcau. l~ b,



c- -






. , .

The Master

• · of


Craven ....--BY

MARIE VAN celebrate mass, Immedlatel, atter whIch be slew 846 natives a. tbe InlUatory step to clvlllzaUon. Then he stole everythIng portable In the country, had some more prlloyers saId, killed another ~bou· sand of the Inhabitants and then cleared out. So IDe ot Walker'. followers succeeded In maklnr theIr way back to the United States. among them being the Ohl· c.a go man, Baker. A vast majority ot these men beHeved when tbey went down to NIcaragua that tbe, were going there for the slmpl. purpose of makIng certain a democratic form ot government. They had no hand In pUlage or outlawry. "Walker," saId Mr. Baker, "Onai· ly saw hIs ftnlsh. He caulled blmselt to be elected pres\dent of NIcaragua and by bll arbItrary aots not only provoked a domesUa rebellion agaInst his authority )lut brought on a war wIth lome of the surroundIng statae. , He Onally ned wIth 18 of hIs omcera and gave himself up to Capt. Dun, oJ the old sloop of war St. Mary'., which Is stlIt In the servIce al a traInIng shfp_ Walker was taken to New Orleans, where be was put under bonds to keep the peace, but. In November be went to Nlcara· gua agaIn. There Commodore Paulding, U. S. N., captured 'hIm, w.,t th 132 of III men and took them to New Yd'rk. Preslde~t B~chanaD saId that Walker's arrest on foreIgn soU was tIlegal and be was liberated. H~ sailed agaIn with a new expedltlon from Moblle In a vessel wIthout a olea rance, but was captured In the Gulf of MexIco, taken to New Orleans, trIed and agaIn acquitted. In June; 1860, he formed an expedition to go to Hondnras, a place which he reached only to be sclzed by the autborlties and shot. to

• man rIdIng on the sboulders ot two other men and makIng taces tbat were nothing 8bort ot demonlacal. Central America courage could not stand thIs. The besiegers let loose one volley t hat may have cut the clouds somewhere and then ned, while the trIumphant , Kentuckian, wltb trequent ohanges ot mounts, led and rode hIs men back to Realejo. After the Oght near Realejo Walker and his followers had two battles In close successIon at Rivas Ilnd VIrgin bay. Tbe AmerIcans and (heIr naUve Rilles were successful In botb tights and tbe cIty ot Granada soon tell Into Wnlker's hands. Mr. Baker hns saId that thero was but little opposition mnde to the 'c ntrance or the troops at Granada and tbat the command be wns with lost but 25 men. He bas told what took place atter the filibustering leader had firm pOl!sesslon ot the town. Corral was the leader opposing the American adventurers and tllelr native friends. He made a trenty ",Itil Walker October In, by which Corral wall to be made generalissImo of all the torces. Walker said tbls would be a very nIce plan and Corral donned bls unIform as generalissimo. Two weeks later Corral was a prisoner before a drum bend court martial, of which Walker was president. Tbe Nlcnraguan generalissimo was shot at day· break the next mornIng. ' "You see, ehortIy after tbls," said the Chicago survivor of these troubloul times, "Costa Rica took a ·hand In the fight on account of • Its tear that Walker's example ,mlgbt be tollowed and that all Central America mlgbt be mnde the object of attacks by torelgn ad venturers: The Costa RIcan army came up and tbere was a 'terrible tight near Granada. As n matter of tact, both sides were licked and lJcked hard. In a secol1d battle at Rivas; however, the Americana bad the advant~e and bcstlllUes cllased and tllen Walker went to work to rule thIngs." . It Is curlOU!!- at thl8 day to read the COII)ments that were made by Spanlell-Amerlcana at that time and to compare them wIth ' col11m('nts being made by tbe same ' people at the present dq.y_ There was tbe sa~e fear eD.tlng thell that Anglo-Saxon America ·was go- , Ing to try to domInate SpanIsh America that seema ' to bave hold of the Central an'd South American people.a now. Public men of Latin Amerlea asld that all oyer the :UnIted States prayer~ ,were beIng offered for Walker's ' 8UCce88 aDd for,' tbe progress an,d domln.a tion , ot the Engllsh:speaklng race. Ono journ~l said ' ,~battbe .. sufferings hUUoted by Walker w'ere ten 't bousand ttmes ~re dreadfUl thOn those Inntcted by Raveneau De LUllan, who de- ' 8cen'd~d ' on Granada In 1686. :, ' No~ wheb one' read. wb~t L\t8su dId 8J)!Jle Id~' can b. gained of how Walker. tan thou· 'Bud ~in" 'Wort. than LU88&D; earned on..: Ao. . corc!lDs to h&tc;17. , Luaasn told the IItOple round atKmt OraJW1a that be cam. aolely to clvU~ them.

Be . ~"

cmJertcl tile cuplalu

PROGRESS IN AERONAUTICS Co'~sul Talbot J. Alhert ot Brunswick makes tho following report on tbe plans ot tbe new company organized In Germany to c>perate airships: , This age will soon see passenger ships navIgntlng tbe air. The projected German AIrship Company, alrendy , mentioned In Dally COD!!1Ilnr R'n d Trade Reports, haa beoome an accompllsbed tact. The orgnnlzaUmi ot the Deutsche Luftschltrabrts - Aktlengese~lsobaft was effected In Frankfort on November 16, 1909. The 3,000,000 marlts ($714,000) neces· sary was over-subscribed; one-sixth each of the stock was taken In Hl.lmburg, Frankfort and Munich, while In Baden-Bade'n 100,000 marks was subscribed privately and 60,000 marks by the city. Tbe company Intends to promote aerial navIgation . generally and tile operatIon of airshIps as vehIcles for the conveyance ot passengers. Tbe ptesldent la cblef mayor of Frankfort, wblle tbere are 26 otber directors from Duesseldorf, Cologne, Stuttgart, Essen. Elberteld. Mannbelm, Munloh, Letpsla and Hamburg. It Is proposed to establlsb airIIblp stations In '"the cIties mentioned. Frankfort will be the 8eat of t1\e company and receive the two tlrst aIrships, namely, Zeppelll' IV_ In .April" 1910, and Zeppelin V, In June, 1910, If the I\lrjilhlp station there Is fInlshed_ It not, In ord~r to make \he enterprIse lucra· tive, passenger , trips will start from Frledrlol)shaven, the ortgln~l and pr,eStlllt 'statlon ot. the Zeppelin shIllS and the first halting. place and 's tations will be Baden-Daden. Ample cap~' Ita) has been 8up\:lIIed I\t tbat cltr' to lay ou~ an airshIp s'1\tlon and ancQ.orage ground ,al vast as 'tbat projeoted 'at Frankfort. " The next station "ru be on the coast of tbe North Ilea, prQl>ab~y. Hamburg.-Dally Consulat and Trad. RepoN. TRUE STAGE REALISM.

,~'Talk about Your realism, thIs shOw loob

awful natural to m.... . "How much?" . "six montbs' bave elap'ad 'sInce tbe pIa, started- and the ltouaem~ld hun't -doDe aQJ bou,,~ol'k yet,"-Loullvlll. Co~rf.No ..rn.aL

. 1




A charming love story of a typical American girl and an English author Interesting from the un u sua 1 . m e e tin ~ described i nth e first few lines to .the happy ending




i~~'~;;'y -&h~~I;r DAIR\, COM~_

wJll b })Alii the m wbms


·WOULD IMPOSE o,~~;::~;~;,~'". '~';;~~·'~·~~th. ~,-----~-;-~-~-O r :~s I·D~ ~~;lO~()~IP~~f~t,. n;~~) ~r:ll/ ~Il!l "ltl~d l 'r {~in .'HEAVIER T~XES I 'PED PLE 1ng to th jnulKhlU lion , RS to ,"bat would I,111PII(m If ' 1 ttu l'.'


Combination. Ch.n,.d~luO~S om~.ulea-,s.!8S nebulll :


h' P hi' III innatl ' f. ntflUlp ltHolL.TI\ r g ' l' ayne owns 1'p u IC It i~ oluim d thll,t all t ",a b l1( 0 COLUMBUS, 01110 CHEsnUT AND FRONT STS., )Jposcd to all such class Iegisl tlon chuols for the m n th OKre d upon Ilud tbllt as Is IlOIl't UJPlat'ed by tht' . ~ltCl 'nl d <> al'Y 28, 1910. b min or d tn il o.ra ...J____ .... '!.. The foil wing pupils \V r n ith r rnnged. { rs ar the vIew o~ som of th E> b When till b UR bAen 1II'I'Illl" d an'd . , t hinkers or our d?~y. The l a~ Prore&- abs nt nor t.ardy: ___ sor Thomas>. Buxl y slIJd: "A large ' . '" nUl lO.ber or P ()p l 5 m to b of thE' Spri g Branch the CO il trtl o 10 fuJI fo roe lind e11' t 8ENATE BILL NOW BEFORE COM· opi nion that l.h stllte is bo und 10 tnJ,e ' oldi e I1ne1' G neva CUI.tis thay will b t he lllrgest d II I r in I MITTEE PROVIDES FOR 12 DISFuneral Dir~·; tor. CMe of the gencm l pu bli c :1I d Ii that Erne t l'addnck H erman milk und dlli l' produo t in Ib e l TRICT MEDICAL INSPEC· It Is pror ·ted " ai nst In omp ' tl'nt onne r nit,ed 't,ntfl8 TORS IN OHIO. 1) rsons and qua l,s. I do not tnke this Harry Lacy E nrollment 14 1'l1e Fn,n 11 Bros. now vi rt u lI y view. J thln'k It III mu ch more whole. 'l\.( ~p bone tIllY 0 '1 Ig h t. J. H. SMITH, Prop. "POLITICAL" DOCTO'RS BEHIND IT some for tbe put...l l · to 19k care ut It· J ohn l ra wn , Teacher, ootr ol tho m ilk outpu fm' miles all ey ph o lll'! N , , ". L im ·.! >Ir In thi s as III other m:l,tt rM.' · Lo\\ cfl Hill urt\uOll 'inomnati, aDd hilS InrlJe in i~ t.flU No. 09- Q- • Waynes,tille, Ohio. Prof 5S0 1' Fran c iS ,Yo l'\ ' \Yll1'.m, or t ro t,sin diff r nt par't ofths ' tll te. , ora Ann el'soll The Bnuer OUlPUDY 'Il l~s go oe t.o I n r oolll form r1y occ npifld. hy Me.aure, Which at First Glance Oxford un l vel'slly, wro l : "1'0 ('uact a farie hu tt Kutb Ol: 11J AloxlLIld r . some of the Itll'gest dlliries in Anl 1'- WAYNESVILLE, . OHIO. Might Appeal to Many aa Wise and med l al Cl' cd or ('onrm end a medi(~1 Bertha Ornd orf J ohn And ' I'son I)TOCOSS is USlll'pfllion-lIot legi llmale Edith Ander. on J ennie An lel'$o n . t f Neceuary, I. Merely a Subterfuge legislation." HOI f L I R I 1C(l 0 (!; eUl'e or nm or th i r Ice Branch Office, HarveY·lburg. () I Special Attention Clven to to Create Office fOr Certain PortiOn Th~ people of OWo arc now witness. enry l'l1e or e u Y CC \./i·t erA~1.U1 . Both compa nies b tl. ve 3Children'S Hair-Cutting. of Regular School of Medlcln~ . Ing an attompt 0 11 t.b pa rt of th e po. Joseph Shutts PearIOl'lIo o)'f tnQ Ii hod khh ming ~t.n.ti~ns in th l': llUcal doctors to ga,i n III ore pow r, l [r ne Gullady Melboum e "illilund nodl\dj oinin g !:It-a te!'! ant! tb e oream ArrHA WAY ID these modern days ot "trust- more patronage and a monopoly of the Enrollment 2-1 ill s hipped to 'incmnttti for ,·b eir iOIl buaUng," Hent'I' tta •~, lcT.L l' tl~"Y , 'r . . a(·,ll··I·. _, when the people list! are revG1t-f heallng art In this stat e. ~'" " ~ 'oretlm t rll d e. Wa. '.1 t<vi lle's Lend ng Dentist Ing as ... nst Dlonopo c control 0 Merits Careful ConSideration. the oommodlU s of life and against Senate Blll No. 61, now before the Harmon_ Grove Albert Fre n oll YII tlmt t h ~ m or- om e in Koy~ BlUg. Mu.ln St every form ot enCJ'Qachment uvon in- Committee on Medical oll eges and Edna Rhubcrt Anna Furnas g e r will in n o wily effeot the loold Undertaker and Embalmer. div1dual riS'htB, wh n !the plain c1Uzen Societies, merits car fu l con&1deru\lon !N va Stanfield Clara Rhubert pltlnt b t'l re onl y to m a ke I to tltronger . ---- - - - - --.--.Wi II hfl fuourl III t.hl) 0111 hs tbe~Dnlng to realize that hIs. or- ot all thoughtful peopl e In the stute,, II' ve WI'lson H ' t Sl t -Lebanon Po t rlot C. W. HENDERSON,M.D. B01' \; Rl1llriinQ . o pposit gantzed protest will be of some avail I ot Ohio. 1t pUl'(lorts to provide for ' . arrte ewar ------~.~~ tb H Nlltjllllul Ha nk In putting a stop to the increasi ng de- the prevention of con ta~r10 us di s HII ' 8 I Roscoe Furnas Ru~ el Stanley President Helps Orphans, Waynesville, Ohio. '1' lepLnue in h O I1 !'A IIlId of mand. of special InterestB, Lt I. ' In- and at first glance It might appelll to ' larence Rhubprt Earl lev nger E nrollme nt 2·1 teresttng Ix> note on the one hand the many as 'belng a wise and n c ssary Bundred of rphnns be n Valley Phone 153 Main treet fiCA wher.(\ hI cnll he Cl ill d dnv 'I r lilA' t.. bel ped by tbe President of th e Iugrowing strength of what ~ been measure As a m~tler of fact this Minnie Burgett, Teacher. called "Th~ Medical Trust,' and on bill me;ely creates n w omce~ for ~~_~_~~~~~~ . Vllllf>\' l' honA 14-~. d ns trhll nnd Orph n's H om lit MIl ~~~~~"!'!.....!!'!.~_!"_~~_~._~_ _ the other hand a tendency ()Il the pa.rt the "political" doctors. l IB only prac. "ugar Grove on, Ga.., WIIO writ,e.: 'We havtI . Main Strct't. Waynes ville, Ohio. of the people to reeent what many tical eft,eet will be to impose a Inez Thomas Paul Stokes n ed Eleot.rlo Bitters in tbis iu ' t it u consider to be the dangerous 111I'lu- heavIer tax t th Lioll for nin e :I'ea.r. It blul proved • ence in poUtics of a. small percentage I ' . ra e on e cltlzl!IJl of tlle Lowell Thomas Eyerett Thoma most exol.'l1eut, rnedio'o for ."t,om0( the medical protesslon known 1\6 state. It can not b~ any possibility Marie Surface Eva Prater Ceneral Auctioneer nob, Liver n.lId Ridn y troubles . "pOUtlcal doctors." Current Itterature do ~y good to the people. TIle Howard hu tb~ Russel urface We regtlrd it tlS ODe of 1>he b es~ f"ru Ohio in map.zine'S and newspapers contains tact that this bill Is not needed Is Opal ray Il y medioiue tl o~ el\.rth." It iDVj~ Waynt'sville, .mm), warnings aga4ne.t, the growing proved when It Is known that e omte nll vitlll organ;!, pnrifi ' th e medlcal'mooopoly, and these warnings Is no ~G.Pular demand for It. Indeed, Enrollment 16 Valle Phone 22· 3 billod uids di ges tion CJ' lit s n pp tll'e ISSUe, not from ~anks. but from men the publlc Is beglnnJng to Inquire what Marguerite Monfort, Teacher. To strength nand bllild np pn.l , whose position in the protesslODal and has happened to create such an Red Oak t,bin, weRk c hildren or rnn d lWll buslnen world entitIes them to more ardent demand tor more medical legis- Harold Burge lJeople it be. qo equal. B 'flt for Let us print your Sale Bills tha.n .passlng respect . lation. f Inllio complllintft. Ooly 500 Ilt Provides Twelve Districts. Enrollment 7 Already Well Entrenched Fr d C. SOhWllrtz's. The -. "MedIcal Tiust," ItCHmll~, ,Is Senate' Blll No. 61 provides tor the Eva Davis, Teacher. of recent orl~n ; It Is, in ,fa.('t, only division or the state Into twelve alS' Co llege Hill TRAPPERS, ATTEN TION I about teo )'ean old, but if Indications trlcts and rer the appOintmen t ot mlQ' be rell~ nc;ion, it Is already we.Jl properly qualified pbysl clans ns med· Edna Cornell . E llis Smith A \I hunting, tra.pping o r diggin g . A~'S::TIONEER eJltreDdled , Pd tta ·ambltlons a.nd leal Inspectors tor each d is trict, anrl Enrollment 10 bope8 aN lIoundle.m. The present these l.w!pectors wlll have powers BU· Helen McClure, Teacher_ urtt "f the gro und of fur-beorin~ 1\0- Centervill,e, Ohio, imlLls is striotly forbirld n on my efforts' ot a .~l of tbe med- perlor tp the. local boards of health Mt. Holly prof8ll81oD to· create a medical and their word will be law. They. . ( rm. EI)\V1N 1:), F RN S. l'b fl 111 1\,0 whn CI n 'r ll ynur mODOPOly Sa in rea.Ulf a reappearanoe may examine, Inspect, order, dlctatf:l, Adria Corn ell Lester DIll H I f; II, <.:0 .... ", B ~8 , {I'llrm of ' aodal CQtldltJons long sInce out- intrude, not ooly In. pubila matlers, Enrollment 25 Fn r lll i n~ UII:'I). ill-l, ~.l onRA · sJ.cnm by the .advance of modern cJv- but in ' the home as well. I Pearl C. Hill, Teacher. hnld GOOll f-;. or nnyt,illn g in 'stoP\JCd 10 lIOrnlnnf (lS illsa.tJoll. . These ooa.dJtlons are, In bhe This bill Is a distinct Insult to the Oret:n Briar suro willi .D.. ' boop's t b e I' Illng Itn . . .aientl~o phrase, a reVel'610D to type, family phYSician, and to consclentlolls ro up Romudy. 110 test wm l'urciy pro vo. Jennie Warner Howard Wl,il;aker as wiil be seen by a glance at the local health ,b oards. It mans, In' ef· gdlmmedlllfe relief from 1 No YomillllfJJ 110 di", pliCren of alviIJzat,on. feet, that our local pbysiclans do not George Warner Eugenia Whitaker tross. A &&fe andploas1ngll)'l1lp-OOc. ~1sl5. Call Him Up for Qates \ . Dr.ShooD's MIl~cOlntmen; tn anaient Jilgypt the adult male llOP-l know enough to take such precau· Lena Whitaker uJatlOll "u ,alp:l108t equall)' ·dlvlded tiona as wtll protect this commu· Enrollment 12 into 'three OUBes: One-thlJ'd were oity from epidemics ot disease. It Sarah Burnet, Teach~r. aoldfen. one-thfrd were priests; the means In the opln Ion of those baclt of! , . other thIrd 1Iupported the 9011liers and the bUl, that superior knowledge the prleats. 81mtlar CQudttloDs enst- dwells wIth a state medical Inspector, Summary ed tor oonturles In most Aslatlo and no matter who he may be, and It Total eprQIlment ............... · ........ 132 Eu.ropean COW1trleil. 'From the mtd- clothes him with power to ito about as Total neither absent nor tardy ..... 46 1-=.---=-_ _ cDe . age. to the present time much he pleases wlt.b the entire commun ity. Cases of tardiness .. .... ... ........ .. ... 9Cj'HI- ----1 pr()lp'eM baa been made toward In' Pay When They W o r k ' ' the percentage ot produeers A llttl ' fI -tl on wnI convince . most Tardmess caused by .................... 36. ~-"'!8 I . ere ec 1-:--,:-- _eDCl-4eca'eMlng the percent age of per· ot us ot the utter arrogance nnd un. Percent of Attendance .. ............. 88 aOml , maSntalned at the public ex- limited impudence ot th is bill and Th h I ·t ColI H'Il h b peJl.lle. At the present time In most " e se 00 a ege I as een / ClOWltJ1es clercrme I d b whlln It becomes kll'OWID that, by the increased by the addition of Walter . n 8it'e emp oye ! terms of this measure, the necessarily . ' '. t. . . ~ho , w8pt them. They are no heavy expensan of the proposed bu- l<'rances and Carl Squires, very exIo~ • (lODlIP~Jsory charge · or tax t'elLU would have to be bome by cellent pupils from Clearl!reek townREMA~KABL Upoll the cqmmunLty. ' b' '. A p I Proof 01 d the villages, towns and cltles SIp . e aco~er~. h where the siate Insp ctora can We tl'ust that the epidemic of · l~ That's what comes of getting together, We have cqmbined with the publisher of the bes ..,.... appear~ ~h~ ca:u~'g~: . ~:;, find anythJng to do, tbe humor ot the measles in the Lowell Hill school woman's magazine. The result is that you can have the magazine. Woman's Home Companion, and thlrsti tor the prtvlleges and the au- proposition becomes apparent. The will soon pass by. The Miami Ga~ette for the very, low pri c given below. Woman's Home Companion is too well tbOrlQ- formerly enjoyed by the further tact that the proposed state Th M t H II h I 'l\ I J,rie.te At the last meeting of the Inspectors would be paid $10 a day, , e. . 0 y sc 00 WI 08e known to need indorsement from us. Wi th Its fine stories, its splendid articles, its many pra!tical A.merl~ Med§cal Assoclatfon :a paper when they worked, Is a gu~rontee that Johnme ~ryer~ fura few weeks. He departments, Woman's Home Companion stands at the very front rank of woman's magazinel;. 'l'h " .. read and received with evident they would find IlJe work, wblle their accompamed hIS parents to the south price of Woman's Home Companion is now $] .50 a year, and this offer is a specia l bargain which w aplIrcnal, which predIcted that tn Qle !.ocal victims paid .the bllls. for a Short time. can offer for a short time only. Take I\ear tuture the whole medical profesFItty years ago the Hlustrlous Eng· The eighth graders are anxiously , " advl!ntage o( the bargain while rou 111 11 would b~ employed by the state-, Ush ~hUosopher, Herbert ' peocer, looking forward the Boxwell-PatSUMMER STORY NUMBER. 1-;-.;-;-..,.-.-·...· MllClfig OrglnlzeCf Effort. 8,ald, Little do t.he public a t large . . can. It won't be gooq for long. ' to th e O........~ 'erva.tJon 0 f }plow how actively professional publlterson exammatIon. , • It fs OpeD .rff117 well fnfo1'lltoo person that cations are agitating i for . state·ap· E. H. Colvm, Supt. . tih. medt.oal profession Is making pol,n ted overseers of the public health. - .. orjiiiJiid and 8j-steJiiiiltiC etroru,' to- Whoever has watched how lustilutlons Wori't Need a Crutch. > . AUGUST IOC£)f'r.J ward thla end. ' Hardly a session of a g;row, how little by IItlle a very In· When Editor.J P. /:;oSSD1lm, of Ieglslature goes by without a petmon nacent looking Infnncy unrolds Into Ii Corne l,ills N. 0., brui ed bis leg badfrom the medical protesslon for more formldalble maturity, with vested In· Iy, It. sturted lI,n ugly sore. Many authority and more privilege. There tereslB, political Influence. a'llc1 u. sllives Rnd ointments proved worth . Ie even a pro&pect tha.t an effort wtU Itrong Instinct of selt·prese rvatlon, ess. Theil Buolden 'S Arnica I:)IiJve be Diade to enlarge the soope of na- 'Will see that the 'germ s h r creeping heill ed it thoroug hly . Nothing i onel year and t10ual government s~ as to Include a forth are qijlte capable, under favor· so prompt n.nd sure for Uloers, BIli]s, med10al bure8IU or department. able elrcumstances , ot dev loping into Brui!lo , Oots, Corns, Sores, Pimples, If, Ule medloal profession succeeds such an organJzation. He will see Eczl wa 01' Piles 250 at Fred I :. tn OILNYtng out Its J71'ogram, the time further that favorable clrcumstanc 8 I:)ohw"rtz·s. will came when 'a considerable part at are not wanting-that the prevalencG - - --.... - • the 4lUe. palil by every citizen will go ot unemployed professional men wltll SHAKER SOCIETY SHIP CATTLE one year t9 the support [)If this profession, and whom these proposals for sanitary I}l' The largest.delil in Ii ve stook made not only the scllool, but the home and spectors and Pllblic surgeons mostll evetf'7 activity or Ute W'lU be conducted originate, Is likely to continue." in Warren c onnty ~o many yenrs llnder the scrutiny anil Bubjeot to t!he Conditions have not cbanged mUCh, WIlS consumm:l t '.ld li'ndl\Y by the U oj approval ot the medical J71'oteselon. apparently, since Herbert Spencer ted /::!oQioty of Shakers, when they '. Under Medical Rule, thus exposed the vast ambitions of shipped a oonsignment of five onr It' there were any doobt as to the certain professional men to live at loads of fino olLttie to 11 New York ~ ~ truth ot these statements the follow- tile erpetlse of tb.e state and to create ' . A NOVE.L BY Inr ' bank avowal from J~dBon Perry wholly unnecessary offices' to meet firm for flXP~l'tfl~l on llu rp oses. . Greater Woma!l's Home Companion needs. In the t'blpment. were 86 hflad of Welsh, Ph.D., would. set ~em at rest. t;elr clamoring personal KATE DOUCLAS WIGGIN "I expect," 'he says, "before the mid. The present proposed legislati on Is 's tock. Of t-hese 5 bl.l,d aD ave rage Will be the most ihteresting- the most die Of the twentieth: century, that we ot this nature, but the good s nse ot \Velgh~ of 141 poundt; nnd the re useful- the ;no~t beautiful woman's .ball lee towns and p.robatbly portions the people ot Ohio ",111 d~feat It. m"inder ltD nveruge of 1350 pounds. magazine ·l?,ublished. , of the JQrrounding oountTY, uniler tLhe Subject Is Made Plain. rhis sl\le ILlone brought ~6 800 and care of a staff of phY£,lclans, in the Most of the writers on this subject .. , . employ of the government, state or make It plain thnt, In tal,lng up 'the follows olosely nnother dtltl.l II. few poealb1)' national. They wUl have at Cludge1s against monopollst1c menlc:l) weelts Itgo of *2,~00 , rhis mt4kes th'e fr ' dlsposal a hospital and dis-pen. legislation, they are not fi.gbtlng the I.L totul of ~!},4QO rece ived by the eary. No cues will 'be treated in the medical profeS1llon, as such. Tb ey d~ Shokers for tbeir stook.und they are There will be fic.tio~ by ~p~~ ~atharille Green, Etiza~eth Stuart· Phelps,' Mary' 'Wilkins ' ft:~ homee. ' The' hospital wl11 be larp clare that the nslde organization, the still f eding a5 head. ' .-man, Kate Dou~las . WlgglD, Deland. Juliet. WilbQ'r Tompkins, Myra Kelly, Josephine DI\8enouch to a.ooommodate all the slok of ring, Is misrepresenting th ranlr aud . . . kam .Bacon,;-and a host of other~-all the pest ''-Irlters now before'-the pub\.ic. .. - _ " . ..', '., the cocDmu~lty••• ! • T.h is medical file ot physiCians and that the ~e tter The I:ltock or 8b':lker ?nttlehns f<?r , . . . . . 6t&1r wID b8Te to do with many other element In the pro r ssion Is not In' been kuown 1l90t the best In th1Jlpin ,the community. sympathy with the efforts or the pc>- .t he 90untry and buyers for miles ·All ~his and TJ:t~. M.iami G~ette ~ou. ean have ·~or onlyJf$1.r15~· llut yo~ '?t . a , iobool bOwie ' or. . a· dweIHng Utical clique. · In tile words ' ot Dr. aroun!! joilrn~y every yea.r , to . the must .Q rder- ~W.. Remember it's' a .special cdncE!l!ISion 'w~'ve secured hpuae . '. ~ - -Is fo be bunt, the pla,ns WllUam Hitchman, pre,s ldent ot the fertile fllrms of ~bes8 q ua.tnt people. f~r you that wpn't last lorig'. You wi.1l be ' l~ time'if you oider. to,day,. ~ ....0 ~ must be submitted to ,t his sta1f for ap- British .Medical R etol'm association, '. -'. . . .'.' ,. pmal. The ' street. cleaning arid pas· ." Great iuen bave been g;lol'-Ious exv.AiN FE~\ININrrY elbly 'tJle bo~'lIe Cle,aning wlU ·also be . ceptlons to the rule.ii of bi gotry, cus, ~*,4e.r ·the- t:'~OQ of. th~e .mootc:ia.l tom a~ prejudice ev n I,n orth~dox Jj'irst ' 8portsmrin- Well, ' how do eS1l811& , It ~11 take ai many physic, and thJs Is undoubtedly tl'ue you like that '1lew mllre of yours? pbpfctau to ca.r:e thus for the wel(afe of the thotJsan4,s ' ot ·great men and -~."';''-,---:~-=..,..;c-"":",,,..-r''''-;----'~:-",,;.' ." the ~unlty : .. are req\dre4 at >~oJiieD In tb medical protellS Ion ~hci' . Second S~or sma D-;- H, fair y we~l' the pren~ time, aild It ,rna,·. ~eect. a have d,one th Ir oWn worl! w 11 and Btu I wish 1 ha,d bought a horae . ....... upnctJ~ of PllbUc fuJida to b,een cOlltent to let others do p3h.6,'8 always stopphlg to look . ' .' b carne a t1\ ,t.



' .j









Di<.. II . E. If



I C H, Surfal.e


A. A. McNeil,












Woman's Home Companion The ,Miami Gazette

Both for $1. 7·5




............ ..........


"Twelve Big Numbers.


~.~~b~ ,~. ~~th*WMkw~~~thou~~~I~MHH_·~epd~~. • • • MId tile pror..IIoD wID fa? totally cWrerent ltDea of endeavor. , .

111/ ... ' " ...,...". .

~ ,,,

~- .

~- ...







.. .










Cou nty CQurts

ville ·and E Ua ' B. K eys 32, 8Q)1001 1 PUBLIC SALES teaoher , WaYJlesville. ".' Thomas C~uroh 25, l.bore r of Bav'iog decided t o go W est, I wil Fra nklin ~nd Miss Lizzie Rober t s offer m y Ub!l.ttels, l:iouseh old Goods, CIl.n, non Pleas Court. 27, E'ra uk{in, Rev . Floyd P oe , etc , at Publio Sale 1 mBe llorthea st ~ U. L eroy. R eeder 26, farmer of o f Ore~onia, an d 4 (' ,\ 1.1. I'D . 1 12 ~i1es from WayNew SOits. Cltnks ville and S. Et hel 'fh ompson nesvill e on . ooper Elizll beth F . Ch llpm 't o t1t· al V8, 1 , W llynesvllle. R e . ' D L CI{ANb: , Editor and Manag~r Monday , Februa ry 21,191 0 Th.eOfio re D. Lyon et.ltl. Petition Real Estate Troosfe rs. Beginn ing a t 10 0 'clook the follow. .>Y oo mpl ain t to ' Me t u.~ lde will on George M. Bro wn to 1... on Conne r io g: 2 HorS88 -1 g ood Ra te of Subsc ript iot! Driving g round li t lHl t AmllDdn D L .v en was rea l estate iu Sltle m t ownshi p, 11 B orse sired b y Col. Bnllit, 1111 " \'carl'trl l'lly 10 ud " 11n " 'J.••. .. .• 1.(111 a goo d of nU!io uud m in d \V h 0 she mlld A Rlllpb P . Beel to 'Sarah J . Denr':' I r tl vel r fwd fine fum1\y ~ III QI COlly .. .... ... ,. . ..... ,U;, willl1n d thl\t hone, 1 will was uod uly AX dflff r eal estltt e in F rao klln townsh ip Work M.llre, H years old. 17 Cattle ecuted. .J . l:i . Neff, a ttoruey for . 9000. Ratl's of Adv('rt iscmen ts -6 Milk UWS, all good Cattle ; 2 pl uln titi'. F ranklin M. Housew or th t o Lizzie Co ws, 5 yea rs old in I:) p ri~g, Hendln g "" ·al~. pC!" II n ~.. .. .. .. .. .. . . flC f.or Feeble Old People , Delicat e Childre n, Weak, Run-do wn btl fresh Chtlrle ll A ShinKl e. plllintiff Vii. Hea<lInll l ucn \ . tlliluk facc. v"'r lin ... .. . 10c H ouse worth real eatll.te In Deerfie ld in April, good milkers, Polled Person s, and to Counte r act Chroni c Coughs , Colds and OurEffie L. Sh in kle, defe ndant . P eti('II'HSIII'( I ,\, Is . •lIll 10 "XI'''''''' 111'(' IIn eg. tow08h ip fl . ha.m anll Hoed Po llE'ti i 1 J Elrsey Cow, t·I'lD Bronch f)f di vorce on ground ll of wlll_ itis, is because it combin es the two most world-famed 'rlu"'l! J n ·r lln II ..• ., . , . . • . . . . •• 200 .J oseph Rals ton and William 9 :v rs. old , pure blood , good Ohllllarl e,. fi ve \ nch~ . frO',, : Ol'"r flv milker i rull1bs e noe . Coull)e were mn.rrle d tonics 'the medicinal, strength ening, body-bu ilding elemen ts. Thack er jr., to Willlr.m Thaoke r jr , 1 l:ow, 8 y rs. old, b e fre!~h IIIl· lt Ch, ,. ' 1' linl' .... in Maroh ; "u Au g ust 16, 190G, p,od have one ohild , of Cod 'Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, and Lonls Tha oker jr ,and Louis P. l l:ow,:l y rs. old , II. registe red Polled 'a \'(\ o ( l bll"k~ ... . . . . .. .. .... , . . . . . . :!.; c G dorge W , for wbo ~e oURtody, plain tastes good, and agrees with everyo ne. K retz r H ' ~"\ ull(lli ri eal esta te in ' .... . .. ' .. . . ........ ..... f,O c ti ff prays. Mallon I I. Augu II, d ue to calve Ma roh 10th, WihilLm MoDon ald, atSlll\ lal ~ '\1'. w here uhll ru~ I ~ malIc ... . . . :!:;l' Robert . 1 . Kelly and wife to We Frank 'retum your money withou t questi on if Vmol a fi ne oow i 1 ,Jersey l:ow, was fre!ll1 'lIijpl:IV Ad vcn ls lrlll , Jlur I ncl.' . ... , ...... lUI: toroey for pillintlfl'. Winfit'lld and Clan does not accom plish all we claim for iL Winfiel d 'real Deo Uth, a good milker , every oow LJ\ 8cnu nl~ gl cn un contract . estate in Warren Oounty ' 1. is exa ctls sound a nd ha ~ ~ ood teats, Court Proceed inzs. J. E. JANNEY, Drug gist, Wayn esvill e. Sil-rah .J. Dearda ff to Edward M, oome from Brown & 8tokes , Wayne s F I, UR I1A1tY H, 191 0, Eth er E. Miller V B. Lebano n & Deardo ff. relll estate iAl Frankl in ville; 2 J er sey Beifers , extra good, . Frankl in 'I'rootio n l:o, Jury finds towDsh ip 1 y ear lind 11:1 montbs old i 1 R et! vtlr diot of ' 2000 for dumag es in in Commi ssioner s' Procee dJnrs. Polled Heifer , 18 ruonth s old. ShE ep PRICES OF HORSES IN MONTANA juries lIu8tuinAd in collisio n with - 29 head of good Shrops hire and Road and Tobaooo Wa gon, good that a oredit of r2 month s with Jobn LInder preseo ted his bond IlS Oxford Ewes all bred some OlH on said r Ol1d. have Rubber tire 8uggy, Steel tire Bug- 8eou rity A Mon tao'l s ub oribe!" bRs thh! t o . G per cent. off for oash. ' Infirmu ry Direoto r io 8um of 15 000 lambs i good b'lg s heep bred to regis. Ehz,Lbe th C. t;hoem aker et al VB . gy, F razier Break Oart, Bay F ork, sl ~y of tbe ll orse bll iness in bis lltute: Joa N RlIlI,)1Il0ND. and 8ame J eOllie O. Bllm\lt oo at a1. Hearin g Is approv ed . . . tered l:!hrops hire rams, and a. few Rope and ,I1 8ell y u quute rungA h o rse~ 01 Ladder8, ~ ra~s Beeder , A. A. McNE'il , Auot. Accouo ts of the ~wo depcslt orles ewes bred t v a r egil:!ter ed O~'ord to set aside will now io sellsion . ram Griods w s tflr D bra Dd t d {rom ' llOto I1S b 19b !State of Ohla vs. George L . Perry. The n Nu.tlonal Blink a nd Bogs- 8 fine young Brood Sows, 2 Bell , tone, Oross-out Saw, Dinner Feed Bin, Oouble trees, Singleu.s 112G . If a b UY llr were to oom e I will offer at Publio Sale at my Dafend llnt pleads guilty to pooket OItlzenll Nationl il Bank for month ~hoatB Farmin g Implem ents-1 trees, Forks, Shovel 8, J.og Chains , resilien oe, 1 mile from Lytle and to t bls p Irt of Mont ana looking for S of Jllonllr y were a.udlted lind foond Mower , l B ay Rake, Sulky Breaki ng Sledge plokin~ Ilnd is senteno ed to oounty and Wedge 8, an d laany oth- mil es from W a ynesvil le, OD th~ 120 h orslll! vao pl e would thin k him Lyj ail tor fiVA days . oorreot . Pl ow, good Wagon Jllck, Plat form er o.r tioles not m pntione d . Barne s : tie and 11 ti t ubj tlot, f o r the lunatio I1sy lu u1. WayneSVille road, on 81l1s-S penoer & Monroe, brid ge ~lel! in good oondHi on, Lydia El. Van Barllllg en vs E P. Fa nning -1 set Buggy Ho.rnes8, 3 full 8ets 'I.'be re arM pleuty 0 1 men here rul FTuesda y, . Februa ry 22, 1910 N elis . Oourt ~rl1ntR dofend lln t leave lumber , S321. 82 i Oregon ia Inid ~ e Mill , Corn Sheller , Buggie s, Oarriag e, ing r !lnge bll f !!l:It! I row g rude m Bo r e~ Work B arnesss, Biting Rig with Beginn ing a t 10 o'olook, the fol. Co ,oontra ots,$6(l4 i TrtJ8tf1 esof Pub- ~pl'io g Wagon , PlowN,Oultiv to file Ans wer forthw ith . ators, I nd a ~u. l liolh, t bllt arc getting froul Frederi ok R. Euokm an VS. Wino lio Affll.ir8, water, 17 ; baao Pitmlln Corn PJant08r , lioe8, Forks, eto. Al80 Bridle, 2 good strand s Sleigh Bells; lowing : Two horses -I bay horae, 150 bushels Corn, 100 bU8heis Oats, 6 y ellrs old, weighs 1215 ' l 50 t< '~2;) fu r t heir horses uo tJr () ~ nB B . Baupth o f et ai, Court rules & !dOQ8, supplie s for stenog rapher, some Grain Saoks , IIond severl11 toos pounds : 1 en ilL tlJ,l'tle Ytlllrll old . The dlfficul t\ 2 or 3 tons of mixed hay , HoulltI- I Iron g raY,com ing 5 years old,. thtlt eatate oannot be divided with- $250 ; F P Ji'orl{Y, mainta ining of Timoth y Hav. welgba is to ru i ~H uo i,ugb of "'them: There bold Good8 -2 BedElte ads, ~ Lounge 1360 pounds i 1 good milk outiinj ury to proper ty and oourt or horses /tnd vehioles, 125 i boardin g oow, 8 TermsAll sums under '10.00 are plenty o f lJuyerJ:j but not enough ders IIherlff to r eoeive sum of $ 4~ 38 I1nd washin g for prisone rs, $79.30 i cash i over tbat amoun t a oredit 0: 11 Cupboa rd, 6 kltohen obair s, Bent head of hogs, 3 brood sows, a lot of hors 8 to I{ v II ruunli, Wood Cburn, Cook Stove, Beatin g ohioken s, 1 Milbur n wagon, Leb~no[) GIlS 00., glls for jail, .~ 93 i 9 month8 will be given, in full for di8trib ulion . 1 Itet log by puroha s- Stove, 25 yards Rag Carpet , We ha.vtl fr ouLled atten20 yard8 bol8ter s, 1 wago'l bed, 1 jolt wagoD , Nlohola s Bigler vs Riohar d Whited Xenia Workh ouse, boardtn g prlson- er giving bankl1ble n ote . 5 per oent tivn to t he fllot tha t t he best hl)l lIell M"t tiog, lot of old 08rpet for oover· 1 spring wagon, 2 Tloy bURgiN era, $1i.50. Aaon F . Brown , ex- off for cash. Ca use is sett·leri o.od dis missed. , rubRobert Bunt. of all 0111 ses Obl1U gA han(1t! at private Ing tobacco . ber-tire pen set!. $2l. 90 i B. F . Wade & l:Ions, d, 1 Buokey e . oultiva tor, 1 . C. T. Hawke , Anct. 8 ..1tl at bi ghfl r figures thn·n tlre ole Term8 -All bums of '5,00 and un· Anghe plow, 1 50.toot h harrow Probat e Court. supphe s tor survey or, '2 i mdl!e . for , to· W. E O 'Nel1)), Clerk. tained u.t IlllO li tJUB, Il1r re ly ' beoaus t1 . der, CBsh ; ~llsums over tbat amoun t baooo spread er, kettles etc, reoorde r, $2 i 8upplie s for Iluditor , 100 bUlh . Es tate of Bertha Meier, mioor . a oredit of 12 m onths will be gi ven, els of oorn, harne8 s, blanket ooly 11 fe w of extrem e qUlllity redoh $3.aO i E . B. Kehoe, 8hoes for pris s, IOpe8, Floal aOOIHln t appr~ve d,l1l1o wed and by the puroba ser giving a note with pulleys , hl1.Y forks, some the ml1rk etll GU O th ere is a oram ble onerll, t2 i H . E. Warwi ck, mdse. for Red olover oonfirm ed. 1 will offer at P.u blio Sale on the approv ed leourit . amootr I.m ye r!! 't tl gtlt posgess loo of y. jail, 50 oents; The Frankl in Ohronl 8eed. . Stansel Estate farm, 3 miles sont)lw est of of JUliA M. Stober, de· them wl ~h o n t gI vIng them a ohanot' ole, printin g, $13.70 i envelop es, M/ A . Cornel l, Househ old gOOd&-8toV88, organ, Oenter ville, on the Yankee Street ceased. F rst I1nd final boooun t ap. to i~ unde r t h", h mmsr. A. A. MoN ell, Auot. $12.76 i R . B. Smith, ooal for jail, $16 i 8tande, ohair8, bedstea ds, tables, matRoad, on Jerry Himes, (Jlerk. Horaet! w o i g hl lJ ~ over 1,350 pounds proved , alJowe d aad oonfirm ed. W. O. Turton , ooal for jail, $25 94 ; tings carpets , eta. . Estate of Bester Gerrar d, imbe Thursd ay, Februa ry 24, 1910 seldom OUOl e f l om weste rn rtluches Lunoh st.and reserve d. L, M .. Prmoe, 8uppUe s for lurvey or, TermsAll Rums of $5 and under t o Umllba . ril e lllrger ones stuy 111 oUe . EIRhth and final acoeun t ap $1.15 .Beginn ing at 10 o'olock , a. m., the oash i all sums over that amoun t proved , allowe d and oootlrm ed. ------ -.... - • th e Wellt . Thu 8upply 18 not enough fo Howing proper t.y : 6 Head Borses We will offer at Publio 1:!111e Ilt our a oredit of 9 month , wlll be given Estate of Mary Olemen ts, imbeoi le. Saved from Awful Peril. to fill Ihe de mllud ther e and 0008-1 Brown Borse, 8 year8 old, good retliden oe on the Chas. Lewis farm, puroha aer giving a.pprov ed securit y Firet acooQ.n. approv ed, allowe d aud "I never felt 80 near my grave, " liner i 1 Sorrel general -purpo SiOORlllblpm e ot,~ of fini llhed drf\fter~ ae Horae back of the Quaker Meetin g Bouse, Four per O8nt di800u nt for oash, writas Lewil ("'bamb lin,of Manobell- I) years old, not afraid of Brd m t~de fr urn li t! fftr eus t Ilsl:hlo ago ;)onfirmt1Ci. Bnythi Dg: on Elry A. LewSe. E 'Jt-ate of Anna M. . Lewis. First tet, Obio, R, R. No. 3 "all when 1 good Brood Mare t o tbe CORtl t,.· 14 years old A. A. MoNeil , Auo'. Saturda II. and frightf y, fioal Februa ul aoooun ry 26, 1910 cough and lung troublp 1 Sorrel general-pur~ose mare co~' t I1pproved, allowe d 'fhese fllots do not Illter the marpolled me down to 115 pounds Walter Kenric k, Clerlr. in . Beginn ing at 1 o:olock the follow ' spite ot many rembdi8 d and the best lng k et q uot,ll ti\' nti on w6Bter n horses I1nd oonfirm ed. 4 yearl old (sired by Ba8te Boy), Estate of lieury Dawson , decease d, dootors . And that l-am-af ue-todf c , _ ._~·04<>, ooJy wily 10 r f'tieot open lUarket, Bavlng arraog ed to go baok to \Y -t-eolt- ooming 2 yearll old (sired by ing proper ty: a Borses "'- rhelle are First Ilud fio.lao Is count due approv 801ely ed, to alDr. King's NtSW Meteor 2 :14% ) ~ Colt- oomlng one- good work horses . 5 Cattle -3 milk ' Kentuo ky, I will sell at Pnblio Sale olnditi ons is .to quote them exaotly Dl8cov ery, whiob oomple tely oured by Nlokle Plate.) oows, 2 yearlin g heifers . 1 Sow and on tl 1e Ch"'pm Oountr y pr icell Qre a diffe rent mllttel' lowed and oonflrmerl. an~far m one mile ea8"• me. N ow J weigh 160. pounds ~nd year old (sired .. ;, 8 Pigs. 1 Road Wa gon, 1 tongue less E8~llte of Prillollll1 bElland , de· oan ,. Worl! hard, It a180 oured my 1 gOud Kilk Cow, His u ~J dtlS to try·t6 m!\iotlt ln q~o. of Wa.yoe sville, Will Ohio, be Fresh on soon. Corn Plow' ta tions un p ri v.,te oouotr y trnnll110 oeased . Firat Rnd final aocoun t apo.: four ohildre o of oroup. " Cnfalli ble Farmin g Implem ents-2 Breaki ng er artioles , 1 Breaki ng Plow and othnot m entione d. Thursd ay, Februa ry 17, 1910 for Coughs and Cold8, its the most Plows, 2 50-toot h Barrow tion8 b Ol\Uile it I imposs ible to giv e roved, allowe d and oonfirm ed. s, a Spring Term8 -A)) sum8 of ,5 00 and unEstate O8rtllin for lIettlem remedy Beginn ent. for ing at l~)'a. m., my e~tire Proof L&Grlp of pe Asthtp 8 Tooth and 0. disk Barrow , a Hamilthor o u ~ bly r Il ll ble, Ilnd l'egular In der, cash: all sums over t,h llt awouo t farm iog equlpmeDt, oonslst lng in de8per ate lung 'rouble aad all bron. tOll tougue lese Cultiva~or fornlluiiuu o f IIn ytbiog bu t publio pubhoa tl oo flied of all estates lIet for ohtal 1 Ham. affectio ns, 600 and 00. . a oredit of twelve months will be part of 7 h orsbs- l team big Bay hellring Januar y in. ' . A trial ·bottle free. Guaran teed by llton. dell Is - 'rhe BrAed r 'ri Gllzette . 'Rldlng and 18uoke ye Biding giv~n Duroha ser EatatB g\ vingno te with Wurk Horses, broke single' Une and ' of William M. Corwio Fred , deC. l:!ohwartz ~4.------_ Cultiva tor, 1 double. 8hovel Oultiva . approv ed seourit y. 6 per oent die· good auywll ere i 1 four. year-ol oe'Uled, A. O. Vall aPI)oin ted lid. TOOk All His Money . d PASTOR ~'M~RRIED tor, 1 Tobaoo o Cultiva tor, 1 large oouni for oash. Geldin g, broke single or double, 1 Ofteo all Ii I1Ift.O euros goe8 to. doe- ministr ator giving bond of ' 11500 Shovel Plow, ll:orn Plante r with G. F , Hender son. thre~ . year old Dun ~re, bal~r ' "'I nor for ,w d10in61' , to onreal: !t.ow. with B. J . Corwin and I!'rank Oor Cupid would brook no separa tion cheok. row attaohm ent, 1 Superi or J. A . Hender 80n. a ob, Li vel' or Kidlltly truub'le thl1t win suretie s. G dorge e, In of heart~ broke, nioe driver ; 1 ar.old hi8 arrows had pu~iced, 80 Wheat DriB, 1 liIoientlfio Corn Bar. Dr. King 's lSe"f' Life PIlls would m~o Monge r Rond N .. thaniel Cole· 80rrel Geldin g, 'halter broke and when the Rev. Charle s J. !deba8till.n vester, Bemis Tobaoc o' quickly oure ~t tllIgM oost. Bellt mlio appoint8<i TraOllp lant. A8 I ~m going to quit fa rming, I hundle d some i 1 five-ye ar. old BrowD apprats ere. tor l)y tlpeV~~Il , Indlgell tl on, Bmous left Cinoin nati Friday , Februa ry '&th, er (new)/ Deerin g M.ower , Re' wtll offer In the matter of Jane Barkalo w" publio stl.le II.t my resi. Geldin g, very g entle .aud !foOd any· n1::88, COU8tlpa ~ IIJ O, Jl1uutli ot', Malaria to aocept a call to a. ohuroh ID Gas v01ving Hay Rake, a Stalk ' Rak., denoe near Mauor, undDe bllity. 250Rt ·F. C . l:! bwarl'. : deOeu.sAd P. B . Rue appoin ted ad- (,,'Uy, lnd , he took with him the Woo. where i 1 Red Cow, a good one; 300 a brlde. MoOormiok . Binder , set Hay Ladminillt rator giving bond of 11500. bushels Corn in Orib, 8 tons Timoth~ ~---- ~~4.-----d fi The resigna tiou r808n'1 y ot the d ers, G rave I Be, "'I d Kindle fum , on ne F arm.., cFor a tltiaerlt rltut weight tall e , In toe Tbom8 s Mu~phy insane Rev. Mr. l:!ebaat Hay in mow, 2 good Road Wagon.s ' ian 0.8 plUttor of the 1 1000 Ib a Plat·for m I::loale. a hea.vy a g ~lloo ·jug, fill it with dry sllnd, Guardi an grante d IMv8 to sell bond. Wedne aday, februa ry 23, 1910 broad t read, Bay Ladder s, Gravel Camp Washin gton Christi an ohurob obrk tight Ilod you will haye Beginn ing at 10 o'clock , the fol Bed ; 20 Sh oats weighi ng abont 76 10 matter 01 e8tate of William came 80mew hat us a 8urpris e to the a weIght fOr li fe . lowlog proper ty: 8tHt, deoe" sed, Ordere d to Sdll pounds . b'arm Implem ent8-2 break. ' members of his oongre gation and B Qrses-2 bay mareB, 1 blaok ing plow!, Oliver Ilnd Aug he, 20ui. persona l proper ty. t.hey recel ved a seoond surpris e when gelding . 2 Jersey COWIJ, one to be tivlltors, Iron Age and Koons, 1 Estate of Charle s NlIoylor, de. the resigna tion. WI1S tollowt ld by tbe fre8h in Maroh. Do' You Get. Up oeased. Proof of publ1~tion filed . GO-toot h double harrow , 2 mowin l announ oemen t of the engage ment of Fl1rmio g Implem eots- l 2-horse m n.ohlnl!s , 5 and 6 foot cut, 1 tobaooo Estate of Abbie E. Keever , de. Wit.h Lam e !lack ? cealled. Proof of marria ge betwee n t~e young pastor Studeb aker wagon, 1 2 horse iron seUer, 1 2-horse oorn Drlll, 1 revolY. publ1ol1tion filed . and Mills 'S arah Wei88, the talente d K14Dcy Trouble Mallts You 1IlserIbJe. wagon, a. two 8eated oarriag e, 1 phu.e. ing ha y rake, 3000 tobacoo 8tioks, Estate of Cdher lne Mounts Kebey orgl1oist of the oburoh . 'I'he wed. AlJp08t e~eryone kno~of Dt.~lmer'a deoease d. '!deoond and ton, 1 Milwau kee binder, 1 Deerin g tobacoo oanvas , forks, hoes, shovel8 , McCALL PA'n'ER NS final aoooun t ding Swamp-Root, the great kldne,'. liver and was oel~brl\ted at her home, Cc1chr:ucd lo r sl yle., l'erf .c~ fif , s lmJ'licity and mower , 1 Humilt on oorn pll1nter single trees, eto. HarneE B-2 setll . n_,---...II relillbHi ly n c;;a r ly 40 Y"'u rs.. f;nlJ in tH.'n rly .bladde rremed y, be- filed. 1235 Bates avenue , Tuesda y, Febru~\' e ry c.lly and low n in t he Un il.:tl .~ I j' t ~:j :11:J ~ cause of its remiu'k~ with hiller attaohm ents, 2 wheat work harnes s, set buggy harnesl I, Elstlite of Fay Surfaoe , dooeaM d. Cn nnda, or by mail bC )l d tha n II able be~lth restoring ~rl1ncl. A . ~urflloe appoin ted ad- ary lI!t. The ceremo ny was per- :1ny ol he r mnk e. elld i ed.lor 1.ltlfc Ii-c:c C!ll4lul:'uc . drills, with att~ohments, hoe drill, oheok lines, oollars, bridle8 , horse l! propertI es. Swampformed bY' McCALL the ,win "S MAGAZ brothe INE r of the . Root fulfills almost mlnistr ator giving bond of 11000 M ore subscr ibers tle un In, 01 leer l ..s l.lo n 4-horse ha.rrow , plows, ~obaooo oul- blauke ts, haltel'l , eto. mngu l. l n ~-millio n a mont h. h l\'y luahlc. L at. every wish in over- with, Silas O. !durfaCfl' Burety . In· groom, wbo has II. oharge. in Bethei. tivator aod setter, tobll.cco spraye r, Terms: All sums of 15,00 and e l t s tylel pnttern", d rcssnln k ing m illi nery, -;-Tim el.Star . coming rlleumotism, ventory dispens ed with. "lain l ew tng . f:l ncy n eedte w o r ~, Ilnirdrc"si ng . harrow 8, sleigh, baj[ rake, hay fork under, Ca8h; all sum8 over that pain iii the back, kidctlquen e, good ' S\u ri. ~, cle. On ly!iO cellU • Rev. Sebasti an was . (' . yen, (worth " ",uble) , Including " fl cu " .. n om, rope "nd pulleys . amoun t a or edit of 9 month8 Will be neys, liver, bl~der E'~te Of JOleph ine Witham , de abont seven year. ago,pastor here Subscribe tod uy, or lend for .allll,le COllY. ,this heiJ:lg . Harness-2 set of work harness , given pnroha ser giving note witb ap. and every part of the oeas"d. lnven tory and spprail le. hie firstoha RFtIL INDUCE MENTS .. rg(ll, and liis many friends WO!llDE , - sa g e. It menli filed . urinary l'8S to A gents. P \)5lnl bring. prem ium C.l:lI0I:'20 2 set buggy harnes s nel1rly new. ~ proved 8eourit y, ~. Corrects Ulabili~y to John Becket t And new cash rr lze offe, .. Add ress bere are wishin g him lot8 of happi holdwater·, Tel'm8 -l:lum8 of '5 ca8h i over C. T. liawke , Anot. Estate 01 William E. Snook, de- n988. OlE McUU, c:o~ :13110 1M W. mt SL. NIW YOU or tiadelJects followinguseofliquof, Wine oeased. First ~nd fin "I'IlCOO l1nt filed or beer, and overcomes .that 'unpleasant J U necessity of ~ng ,compell ed to,go often n the mlltter of eatll to of F ay ..... STINKING SMUT IN WHEAT through the .daY,,· and to get up many Snrfaoe , dE'Oeliosed. Admin Wash .Day Made Easy istrato r times duril!K the night: _ , . ' to deliver bond to Francl8 A. 'the Bot,.rill~ o~ tbe Ohio Experi · Swamp-Root ia Dot recommended, for orEil3rad . . By the Use 'every,thibKbut if yO!! ~ve kidDey, bver l:iurll\oe ment Station hu determ ,ined trom , 8~le belr. .or bladder trouble "lt W11~ ~ found lUst . ·. Estat~ of 'John Adam' ' direct examin at:ionl! and from re. 320 acres, fenced and cross·fe nced, 80 acres hog-tig ht, the remedy .y~u ne~d , It:¥~ ~n.t1i~r. beelle. EigHth acoono t Keller, im· port~ acres reoelva d, thllt 8tinklo g smut filed, oug~y tested'lvate practice, and hila tillable · orchard s and small fruits; 2 sets of improv ements290 . .. .6-room , proved so-ilucce88ful that a ' lpeqal arl house. ~d 'large bam, steel wind-mill,. tower and .tank; Est.a te of Mary Clemen ti, fmbeoi le or bu~t . o'f wheat is widesp read in ul uusgemen\ baa ~ made by :whic.l all Heoond and fiDalac living stream flows more than X mile across thiS .farm.oeau.tif Oonnt filed , . ~hlo ~hellt fieldl the .,resen t J,ea!lon , Finelr t'eade~.?' t¥s pa~, wh~ hllvel .n~~ttal1adapte d to peache s and other fruits; SY:\' mi. west of Binger , In re ,applic ation olll:Dardb~ for This trouble is caused by rin. . , ready tried It,.mal have a sample ~ , e the 's tink . BOutbwes,t of Loo~eb'iL, (both n~oe R. R. town~.) : Fine farlQin 't .. IIOnt ~ ' by niall~ also a book telliog John . ' d h .. t g B.reen 8r., .allelle4. Saves two hours' hard . imbeci le og sm~ufl. f ungus all rubbing , in , country . w , "6 en cottonp .. 81eD gins and 3 gram elevato rs Withl!1 eaay reach of 'more ,abqut Swam~Root, and how to O1l8ft dit4mtssed wUhou ' record. ordinar y washin g, at a cos~ of in , tbe this Be~ ' f arm; wbeat X mUe thi$ to school. . Up·t9-d ate progresalv~ :p~ple " all dillealle Is pro. fiDdoaUf~IS~~ld-, ' • duCecl in the nex, ' year'. · orop. only two \2) cents. Hundre ds of around u~. Telephori~ in ourh~use at:!d' R. F. D. Thl!! 18'a ~oneyJi,eyorbtaader IDle. ', . M homete • ..a .. _ stlmon Lk:ellae ial8 s. furnish ed Wb as to Whea writlngulention .. " making country , .and an entrge "c famlly c~n pay for th,s ·farm .. . ' d ' l-~ '.1 . ":~ ..~.. ~ raia- ; ~.. gro .ie~ are ~ V ~ tb ere its worth. For sale by . "~g thi. genel'Oua ing cotton !!'nd alfalfa and com and hop: ,Good matlCets and ahip-. 'Ol~ I W' So " 2" " " forI!, to "treat leed whelLt, If any Offer 10~p a~ ' and ping facilitie s, · .Very mild clima~e .. PrIce $22X' per. acre; oar e8 .. ' .., .. rmer, ti ~l_-:.I t0 t $1000 ' . ' t ~arvey..b urg. . d 'gan leDd your... A " U .. Ca pbe11 • n. ug "Imu s presen down. long time on balance , pr Wlll allow a h~V'Y 4ascro.unt Qn an ... Ilr.,. m Dr Gaier &: Co .... ei D~ I i 8 .. . . . per all .,' . b g ~ G' III e ely feoily. olean casll paid over crop $1000. can be Brown from . .', BiillbamtDr}l N. "!. ~~,!olar~ftiil:eeu-etd '-" t I . ~ edar~~YI,t ur ...: -r v. '. • . .;. ......ow . .mQt~d "I1:rou ~ ,ou can wrloo to Otll Hadley. Lookeba• •IlIa;, ,,00 tonPerb' f!8ed. ',There are two "ell. Waynesville, , . - OhiO anel" oaMou ar liize uu..~ are 10 uy 11 I' Um M Wa)'lliiiV ihe: aDd woo ,will aDIIwer ... 0 ery .e~, .rDlei ........ Don JOur queetlOlia 0, ~ JOU &11. .110,. ~. k . tnl method f t taU ~ta. tbnos.'~ mak':..~~oote AD ,1 ~e&rl WOodr uff 23i olerk, bat n:tDemlM!r e Dame, aw.....p-K • ,. ..... no~'I ·u~tb 'b t .. Or _ addres 'dO f rea s O. B. Phel PS, les Of Ker-o-zino can be Be W 'Ooope Ulen", v • , e o wa_ .. ·an orma- '~--p Dr. KibIieJ'. ~wampoROot. an4" ~.d~ Lebaoo~, ~~. , •A r~ llD metho d.: of ~ 'he ~_ 131" bJc;a1l R. D. I ..... .. 0IidII0 00.. ~ ~""~R.Y.. CIIl~~ £.01 Cook ~.8'- tarmet i~g at _~.o ~ Lewis I . W.,. .. ..-_ ~door t.o \he ChriaijaD Cll1u:ch.



















H. 1... EVANS,






!n. 'l'be


Parlor Maid Was" 1..01411, B;ut · It Doubtful If Explanatlon Helped ~ atter8 Very MUch. 'J

ulter Lonsdale, Dr.

ook's sect'e·

iarY, was pdduclng fncts tn praise ' Qt Dr. ook. ' "And these fn ts," he on luded, " prov my l'hle'f's honor; and ui OU1-

,('r s id 's defense is as w~k; ' Il. t he w II-known cle fense of t he parlor maid ." ' MI'. Lonsdale glanc d at his lug· gnge packed for Cf>penhag n. '!'hen he la llgh d nnd reslIllled: .. 'Mary: sn ld a mistress to her par· lor maid, 'wbat Ume did my husband g ot born last n ig ht?' " 'Not Ull four, mum: the maid ans w('red. "'1 thought so,' said the mistress. ·He re. It's e vening. nnd the brule ' hot liP yet!' "T he maid b ridled defensively. I ' 'Oh, 'b ut, mum,' she said ' 'be has hcen liP once, mum; but h just drnnk his bath and Went back to bed aga in ,'" '

SCRATCHEO SO ; SH~ . COULD NOT SLEEP , "I write to tel~ you bow tbanJiful I am for 'the wondeJ'ful CuUcura Rem• OOles. 'Bib uttle nteC4;! hM, eczema for llve years and' when her mother died I took care Of the cbUd. It was nU over h.e r face and body, Glso on her bead ~ .S he scratched 60 that she could Dot aleep nights. I: used Cutloura SOaP ·to ·wash her wlt~ and then aD»1100 CUUoura Ointment. I did not use quite half the· Cutlcurn Soap and Olhtment, ·together with Cuticura Resolvent, when you could Bee a change anil the.1 cured h er nloely. Now she ·18 eleven year8 old aDd bas never been bothered with eczeJJla since. My fnenda think It Is just great the wa)' the ' bab, W8S cUTed by Cutlcura. I , send 70u a picture taken when she was about 18 months old. , "She was taken with the eczema when: two 1ears old. She Wlui covered 'With big aores and her mother had all the hellt doctors and tried all , kinds of IIpIlIV88 ' and medlohies without effect ilDtU we 'used Cuttcura Remedies. M;I. H. Kleman, 663 Quln,c y St., Brookl:rn. ~, y .. ~p't. 17, 1909." Fog.Eye's Plaintive Protest. Fog-Eye Smltli of northwest Wyoming bore an appalling (acade. His Il~yl e of beauty was a blight. DependIn'g upon his horrific exterior, he was In the habit of trying to awe n.e wcomers. On one occ8slon, altecUng some displeasure at the manner In which a " pallid stranger watored his 'Uquor, Mr. , 'Smith announced;, fTownlng, that un1888 be detected Immediate amend· ment8 he WQuid "end the neopbyte home In a market 'b asket. "Which I'll sure tear you up a whole fot," said Fog·Eye. Half an hour later Mr. Smith was found groping about on the fioor l1nder the poker table, hunting for his glaSs eye, and muttering to hlmselt. The etranger' Bsked with some evidence of Impatience what new line of sentiments Mr. Smith W8S now harboring. That 'inJured resident, glaring malevolently trom beneath tbe turnlture, replied: "Which 1 sure do hate a man with no sense ·of humor." Her Idel of Dllclpllne. One day recently, just after the opening of the Bailimore schools, the teacher of a "primary class had occa. sian right at the start to enforce dis· ,clpUne. "Here, young man!" she excJ'almed, indicating a pupil wbose name she did ' not yet know. "I saw you la ughing ' Just now. That won't do. No laughing In this school." "I was Qnly , thinking about sometblllg ma'am," said the youngster, - - sheepishly. "Well, don't let that happen In " scht)()l agllln." said .the teucher, sternIy .-Sunday Magazine o~ the Cleve· land Leader.

------------Rather Tall.


"That," said Se nator Tillman of a.n opponent's argument, " is au amusing exaggeration!' He smiled. "In fact," be conUnu ed, " It Is 8 S bad all exaggeration as the slory about Bon Johnson's height. They s aId of Bpn. you Imow, lhe caudldate for sberif!, tliat whe n he made a stump slleech, ins tead of gettin g II. s tump ready for him to mount, they would, b ecause he was so ta\[. dig a hole for blm to stand in." When Coloring Rags for Carpets or qlgs. always use Dyola Dyes be. clluse the one package will color 'nny .materlal. Satisfaction guaranteed Once try Dyola and you wl\l never go back to the old fashion ed dyes. 10c per package at your dealer's. Writ£! Dyola, Burlington. Vt., for free book of directions and color card. CQunter Irritants. Fuddy-\\' ell , 1 SU[>llose men anll women both have their troubles. Duddy-Yes, an~ I've noticed thnt tbe chIef trouble of one Is generally the other. He who gives be ller nomes, better better tools, n fairer outlook and n beUer bope , him wlll we crown wltb laurels.-Iilmerson.

' boo~s,

The fellow who s ays he could never love Ii woman wi th money may dis· cOYer that h fil can't ti uc;cesstully love a woman If he JIilsn't any. om. Y ONE"I:JR(lftH) QlHXIN.• ,."

'IlJlAlla .J, /lXA'rl\'1!I


l.f,onlteY8 hat! set ttiem ~01nl , Then tbe 'Witch looltecl at the .farmhouse. a,n d the four trllv- shaggy Lion, and 'a sked: , I elers walked up to It and knocked' at "When Dorothy ' ha~ returned to' her th door, It W8.11 opened by the farm· own hom , what will become of you ?'; . e r'l w1(e, and wben Oorothy asked for "Over the hili t h e Hnmmer· somethIn g to e at the woman gave Beads," h e a·ns w red, " \I s a grand old th em a ll ' a good dinner, with three rorest, and all the beasts that liV E kind or cake and tour kinds of cook- there have made me t il Ir king. If I Ies, and a bowl of milk :for Toto. (\ould only get back to t his rorest I "How fnr Is It to ' the Castle tlf would pass my life very happily Olinda 1" asked the chIld. ' there." "My t hird command to the WInged I "It Is not II. grent way," answer d the farm er's wife. " Take the road to Monkeys," said Gllnda, "shall be to I the 80uth and YOIl will s;)on reach It." carry you to yOtlr fOfast. Then, havThanking the good woman, they Ing used up the powers or t he golden fla rted afresh and Will ked by the call, I shall gly It (.0 the KIng at th o fi elds and across the prelty brid ges Monkeys, that h e and Ills bOllb 41a), I unlU tll y saw hefore them a very thereafter be fr e for eve rmore." The Scarecrow and the Tin Wood· beautiful casUe. Before the gates were three you ng girls. dressed In man and the Lion now thanked the handsome red untrorms trimmed with Gocd Wllch earnestly, for her kind, gold braid ; and as Do'rothy approached ness. nnd DorotllY exclaim d: "You are certainly I\S good as yo', one of them said to her: "Why have you come to the South are beautiful! But you have not yet told me how to get back to Kansas." ountry!" "Your silver shoes vlll carry you "To aee the Good Witch who rules here," she answered. "Will you take over the desert," replied Olinda. "If you had Imown their power you cOllld me to ber!" have gon back to your Aunt Em the "Let me have your name and I will (Copyright. by the ~obb8-h{e rill Co.) very first day you came to thIs coun· (Copyright. by L. Frank Baum '" W . W. ask OlInda If she will receive you ," try." Denalow.) They told who th ey wer e, and the girl "But then 1 should not have had my s oldier went Into the ca stle. After a SYNOPSIS. tew moments s he canl e back to say wonderful brains!" cried the Scarecrow. "I might have passe d my whole Dorothy lived In Kansall with Auut Em that Dorothy a nd the others were to lite In the rarmer's cornfie ld." and Uncle Henry. A eyclone IItted their b e admItted at once. li o m~ Into the aIr. Dorothy failing aaleep "And t should not have had my ~m.ld8 t the excJ'tement. A crll8h o.wak ened lovely h earl." sold lhe Tin Woodman. her. The house had land d In a country at marvelous beauty. Groups of Queer "I might have stood and rusted In the IItt1<l pooplo greeted her to the Land at forest till the end of the world." MUDcbkln.. Th. houee hlld killed thlllr ~\y¥enemy, the wicked 'wllCh of EasL Oar"And I should have lived a coward olhy took the wltoh's .lIlvor IIhoOIl. Bhe forever," declared the Lion, "and no .to.rt d tor the Emerallf City to ftnd lho \Vllard ot Oil, who, ehe wo.. promised. beast In all the forest would have bad ,.~""'" might ftnd 0. way to send her bnck to a good word to say to me." KanSILB. DorothY releued 0. lIear row. Wish gtvlng him 1Ife. Ho waa d081roUII ot ac"This Is all true," said Dorothy, qulrtng bro.ln. and ltarted with her to Be fo re they went "and J am glad I Willi of use to th es!! the wizard to Irot them. The 8carf)(lrOW to seo Olinda, bowtold his his tory. They met 1\ tin woodgood friends. But now t bat each of mall who longed tor u heart. H e 0.110 ever, they we re them has had what he most desll-eel . Jollied them. They came upon a terrible taken to, a room of \Ion. Tho \lon confessed he had no co urIlge. He deCided to accompany th em to the castle whe re Dorothy washed her and each Is happy In having a kingdom to rule bsslde, I think I shou,ld th Wizard I)t 0" fa get acme. The acarecrow In pushing the raft became Im- race and combed h er llalr, nod the like to go back to Kansas." . ,00.100 upon his pol In tb e mlddlo at the Lion shook the dust out of his mallO, river. The scarecrow waa rellcued by 0 II.nd the Scarecrow patted himse lf Into "Tbe silver shoes," said the Oo~d frie ndly stork. 'rhey entered a pOPO>' fiold. whloh eaufted Dorothy to tal\ his best shape, and tbe Woodman pol- Witch, "have wonderful powers. And u le p. Tho II areorow and tin woodman Isbed his tin and oiled his joints. one ot tbe most curious things lI.oout rWlcu d h r Ilnd her dog trom Ihe deadly rloweu. The lion tell asleep and beIng too When they were all quite present- them Is that they can carry you lo heavy to UCt. was lett. On the soaroh fOf any place In the world In three steps, t 11'e rOfld at ye llow brlok which led to the able they followed the soldier girl Into and each step be made In thll Fometald CIty t/ley met a wl\d eat and a big room where tbe Witch GUnda field mIce. The woodman kUled the wild wink of an eye. All you have to do Is sat upon a throne of rubles. at. Tho qu en mouee became trlen\lly. to knock tbe heels together three S h e sent thoullandl of h l' mlc aubJec:tlI She was both benutl!ul and young [0 dr~w the Uon a_y from ths POppy times and command the shoes to carry neld. Dorothy awoke from her long to their e yea. Her hair was a 'rlch 8leep. Tliey start d again on the Emer- red In color and feU In flowing ring' you whe rever you ""Ish to go." ld Ily rOltd. Thoy to a fence, "If that Is so," said the child, JOY' "~ nt ed gr n. "here were farmers or lets over her sboulder". H er dress was In"eel'i . houses ot sr.een and people drellsed pure white; but her e yel were blue. fully, "I wUl ask them to carry ms In green. It wall the Land ot 0.. They bock to Kansas at once." mf't tho j;unrdlltn Of the gates. He de- and they looked kindly upon the little Sbe threw her arms around tbe ~crt be d the, po wer of the Wlllnrd at 0 • .' girl. ' !~ll Pl\t on In' en Bpectnclell ILl the ,brlghtn 811 and wlory at Emerald City blinded ''What CIUl I do ror you, my child?" Lion'", n eck and kissed hlni, patting his big head tenderly. Then she kl.l sed tlem. The wizard decided to reqelve ono or Ihe party each day. All were put In she asked. the Tin Woodman. who WIui weeping 1ft' en rooms, Dorothy went to th e throne Dorothy ,told tbe Wltcb all h er in a. way most dangerous to his jOlnes. room. In n. cbalr IplIJ'kllng, with emer" 'ds 8he beheld nn enormous hoad wIth· story; bow the cyclone had brought But she hugged the sott, "tuffed body "U l body, loga or arms. blglrer than the her to the Land of Oz, how she had of the Scarecrow In her arms Inltead I)lgge8t '1'ant. "r nm 0 •• the peat and II'l'1'Ible,' lIald tho head. Oz told her that of kissing his palnt'ed face, and round when IIhe killed tho wicked wItch at the she was crying berself at this sorrow· P,;lUIt he would send her homo. The scare"ttr ""l" n<1mlttf'd to th e preaence of a beauful parting from her loving comradel. til lady, Wh9 said sho wae the wizard. Olinda the Good Itepped down {rom was promised brains when ho killed the \Vltoh:' The 'Woodman heheld a tlll'rlbls ber ruhy throne to give the little girl 1)(>IUlt wltb a head at a rhlno<:or08 and a good-by l<1'ss. &Dd Dorothy tl1anked five eyes, ' The wIzard proml8ed hIm a Ijeart If he would slay the witch. The her tor all the klndnel8 she had shown lion saw a ball of ftre 'and a voice from to her {rlends and herself. he object promised Wm courage 1f he IIlew tho wltoh. The search commenced. n.o w took Toto up trolemnl, 'rho witch (law the party wben It entered In her arms, and having sBld one la.t her domnln nnd cauled a pack of wolvea o O'C laek It. The woodman killed the good-by; she slapped the heels of her lVolve!!. She lIent crowII WhIch the loare. snoes together three times, saying: prow Ilea red and 1<11104, Beel 'Iller. dllp"tchcd next. but the ~oodman receIved "Take me home to Aunt' Em'" , he aUnp, Finally wlnwed monkl)YII took them prlson ~ r and conveyed them to tho wltoh ry. I;>orothy thr' w waler 0 11 the wicked witch. destroying her. Dorothy rescued the lion, woodrna " and I'!CaTOerow. Bhe tOUcnd B ~' hormed golden cup ' and 8tarled back 10 Oz. She became 108t. Bhe 1111011 the _up to call the winged monkeys who ' ook th em to the Emeralil City.' Th Parting from Her Loving Comrade., Dorhnrmed CliP'S etory WILl told. othy dlecov red Ih.. wIzard to bo a to~nd her companIons, and ot the hu mbug. H e told hIs , lito story. The wIzard gavo th e scarecrow brains, the wonderful adventures they had met woodman (l. heart and tho . 1J0n a coul'' Instantly sbe was whirling tbrough <:I gO nUld. 'rhe Wizard at Oz conlltructed with. 11 balloon to t ltke Dorothy home. The "My greatest wish now,/I she added, the air, so swtttly that all she could Ir c:rn(t broke ,1098'e am! tho wizard was "Is to get bac1' t9 Kansas. for Aunt see or teel was the wfnd whistling " FI~led 'away wIthout th girl. Dorothy IlI!ed t he winged monkeys, but they Em will surely think something dread- vast he r ears. ',\'cte pow rl ss. Bhe 1vont to Gllnda, the The sliver sboes took 'but three ;:ood ,-Itch of the lIouth. All 10urm\YOd ful has happened to me,' and that wlll IIHt aru the ~nd at tho Sou h. They make ' her put on mo:urnlng; and . un- steps, Ilnd tben she stopped 80 sudden. W l' attacked by ftghtlng tret'1I. TIley less the crops are beUer this year Iy that she rolled ' over upon the grass entered the china Co\lnlry. all th, Inhnbltanll being made ot china. They cam than they were last I am sure Uncle sev~ral times before abe knew where upon a beautiful tores,t. where they fOUnd Henry cannot afford ' It." she was. •. hu nd reds of wlld beasts. At lengtli, however, Ishe sat up 'and Gllnda leaned forward and kissed t,he sweet, uljtunled face of the loylng looked about her. ", ' CHAPTER XXII-Contlnulld. "Good gracious! , 's·he cried. "What Bre your' commauds?" In- little girl. , "Bress your dear h eart," she said. For she was sltUng on the _hroaa qt.ll r d th e King of the Monlceys , bow"I am sure I can tell you or a way ·to Kansas prairie, and Just before ·her I ng low. "Ca.rry Il S over the hill to the coun· get back to Kansas." Then she added: was the new farmhouse ' Uncle 'Henry "But, If I do, you must give Ule gold- built after q~e cyclone had carried try of the Quadllngs," answered ,the en , cap." ' girl. awny ' the old one. Uncle Henry was " Willingly!" exclaimed Do:'othy; milkIng the cows In the barnyard, and "It shall h e done." said the KIng, an d Ilt once th e Winged Monkeys ' " Indeed, It Is of no use ' to me now, 'l'bto had jumped out of her arms and caught the four travelers an4 Toto up and when you havo It yoa can com- was runnIng towards the barn, bar\(In their arms and flew away with tbem. mand Ule Winged Mon.keys tbree Ing joyously. Dorothy stood up and found she was AS the passed ovel' the hill the Ham- time .... "And I think ~ shall need their serv- In her stocking teet For the sllv~r mer-Heads yelled with vexation, and shot their be ads hlgb 'In the air' but Ice just those tbree times," Ilnswer&d shoes had faUen off In her ·f!jght they could not reach the Winged Olinda, smiling. tbltlougb the air, and were loat forever Dorothy then gave her the golden In the desert. Monk ys, which carried Dorothy and cap, and the Witch said to the ScareAunt Em had Just come out of the crow: house to water the cabbages when ' she "'Wbat wJ1I you d'o when Dorothy looked up alld saw Doro·thy running bas left us?" toward her. ' "I will return to tbe Emerald City," "My darllag child! to she cried, told. he replied. "for Oz has made me Its Ing tbe little girl In her arms and cov. ruler and the people like ine_ The erlng her tace with kisses; "where In only thing that worries me Is how to tbe world did you come from 1" cross the bill of the 'Hammer-Heads," "From the Land of 0 .... lIald. Doro"By means of the golden cap I shall thy, gravely. "And here, Is 'T oto, too. command the Winged Monkeys to car· And oh, Aunt Em!, I'm 80 p;lad to be at ry you to tbe gates of the Emerald home again! to . Olty," sold Olinda, "tor It would be a 'tHE END. shame to deprive the Ileople ,of so wonderful a ruler." , Pl., "Am 1 really wonderful?" asked the There are many people who .nsnr Scarecrow. . ' eat bread, but always eat pie, ' anti are "You are unusual," replied Olinda. . healtby. , There Is scarcely one InTurning to the ~in Woodman, she gredlent , In either of, these articlea' asked: that If not In the other; and yet poa·' "What wI\) become of you when dltlon ' praises bread and ,coQdemns DorOthy leaves this country?" pie. As, a matter ' of flrct, no', longer He ,leaned on his a:x and thought a' pie what It .was 60 years ago. The A Hammer-Head. moment. Then'he said: , _. ; . ' pie whlcp nourI8he,d · . Abra)lal!l U ,nh er C!ommdes safely over the hill arid : "The' Wlnkles Welle very kind to coIn, Ben Franklin, the ,Adamases; set them down In the benutlCul coun-' m~, and wanted me to rule over: ihem . an'd J'ohn; 'the pie' 'a b,o ut which try of' the Quadltngll, after the· Wicked Witch dled~ I am . Wl'ote" wbJch Emerson "This Ie the 1I1st tim e "you can 'sum. p>neJ of the Wln~les, and It I cOuld get ate three tllilell ,4 day, ,pie that, w&a. mon us," said t.he' leader to· Dorothy' back il~~n. (0 tbe O~)Untry of Jhe West once an ibsplraUoD, a 'l;!ymphOD1, a ," r o good,b y a:ncJ good luck to )'ou." ' I should ,like nothing better t.han to ripe achievement and the most sacred "Good-by. and l.lIo.nk you ver, rule over them forever." pertor;nanee of a patriotic dtilt, Isuch m'Jcb:' returned the girl; alld 't he . J'My second..command to.tbe..WiIll1ad.I.plle Is no longer ate-not 'even In New Mopk YS I'ose Inlo the all' and werEt Monkeys," said OIlnd'a , "will be tblLt ~ out of sl;1)t If) a twinkling; they carry you sately to the land of The cOuRlry of the Quadl1Dg8 the ·Wlnkles. Your tiralns may ' not a"rel ' seemed rich and happy. There' was b so large to look Ilt as those of the . "De man dot don't do nUmD' bul ~eld uPf)n field of r.lpenlng grain, Wltb Scarecrow, but you a1'e realI, brighter IQOk Dut tor D1)mber 011.," liaillUDe1e welJ,plLved roads I'UIlnfDI bet.ween. thaD lie fs-when. ,ou are poU....4- BbID, "II purU'· lUre or lam and prett, rlppllD. brooke wttb anci I am .ure ,"ou' -wlU JQle tile .,.·ID· ttrolll brfdps u.-oII tbem. u JdeI WllelT· I.~ .,

Not the Proper Atmospher., , Overheard 6utslde ·13t. Ann'lI ct i1rcb , , yesterdllY : );0'11" City Man-Arc you galllg In to h ar t h nrchd ucon' to-day? Second Ity Man- No, 1 t11Inl;c not. H puts me In the wrong fra me ot mind Cor bUMlness for til reat of the dlly.-,.l'ttanchesl r Guardia n.

81' , ~


(,WININ8, Look.4!lr

'''''' iillIlI'''",rC! (\f.1:l W .· U lttlV ~. 11&0<.\ th o Wo rld UY rkJ CUftiAl"oTct 'j nOrwHal . :$c , •

,A bl end Is m~l'ely a perl;!o~ we caD' tell our troubles to.



Wizar,d w-OZ






CHAR.XXIl';~: : ~?~'~' The Good Wit . GrAnts Dorot





.UI eure l1ot.onITulr.·. b auld , hul onouCtbo88 stuh·

OLDEST ARMY OFFICER ANGRY Brig. Gen. Daniel H. Rucker. Retired, ROlenla Declalon That He Is Te~hnlca"y Dead. Brig. Gen. DanIe l H. Rucker, r90 tired, Is ,not only the oldest officer 111 the nlted States army now living. but also the oldest man that lla's eve .. been In the military service of thb country. He was two yoat'!! old and able to toddle about when ' the White Houl's was burned by British troops In the administration of President Madlst\D . He was seven years. of age when Florida was bought from Spain aod added to the union. He was eight years old when Maine (which up to that time had been part of Massacbusetts, though not contiguous thereto) became a state. He was 33 yeara of age when Iowa and Florida were admitted to the union as states. The lapse of time since his birth Is most vividly rea\1nd when It I. considered that Gen. Rueker bas lived In every presidential administration since the government began, save only three-those of Washington, Adams and Jefferson. He was born only 13 years after the deatb ot 'the first presIdent, and among his friends and ac· Qualnta,n ces have ~een a good many persons who knew Oilorge Wasblngton. But anybody who saw the general to-day would never 'Imagine that th ese things could be true. He .Is Quite as spry and youthful In his ways as mllny a man of 66. In Wasb.tngton. where he Uves, he walks downtown nearly every morning, and Is often seen on the street carl;!. Only the other 'day he was noticed standing on the running-board of an open car. hav· Ing got up and stepped out to allow some ladles to pnss. ' Qen. Rucker was 97 years old on the 28th day last April. But It does not seem to him that this fact gave any excuse tor the remarkable &ealousness of a certain Ufe Insurance company which, a tew weeks a·go, sent a nlan to his' house on JeJferson place to make a ,money settlement for bJa death. Oreatly Irritated by this sum· mary notic of his own demIse, he

~~'t~~'II~~~ t~~vu1.: 1~",~i~¥ ;'k.f~ ·1~';::;~II'l».


Health may be waaltll, bllt that Isn't whal makes th e doclors rlcb .

Quaker Oats is the world's food Eaten in every country; eaten by infants, athletes, young and old. Recognized as the great strength builder. 62

Delicious a nd economical.




The Wretchedneu' of Constipation Caa quldJ,be ~ b,


- * 1UI'Cl1 _


_,oulbo ,

Ii",. Cure





au" ..



Went Away In a Rage. walked downtown the next morning and dropped In at the otDce ot the company . . The company was very apologetic. ,Yes, It waa obUged to admit the gen· eral ,had the appearance of being alive. Hl~ p,resence In tbe omce waa evIdence In favor Qf . such a sup1)Osltlon. But In a technical sense he was dead. From ' a llte 'Insurance vjew; point, be bad passed over the Beyond. There bad been nothing to do, therefore. but to pay up the policy-though the company waa sorry If the gen~ eral bad been inconvenienced In the matter. ' The general telt very &Teatly In.cOl1' vonlenced-In taot, he went away In a rage. The money which the com. pany declared to be' due be refused to accept. He 'Is sUIl so ,angry about the matter that his friends do not dare ~entlon It to blm ' even In joke....:.. Harper'. Weekly.


Mother of the Regiment, There dle~ recently at New Market, V,a., a woman who was of the greatest Interest to every survivor .of Hunter's and Sheridan's men. Miss JesslQ Helnnlng' was a Yankee school.teach. lir, who had gone to thee She'n andaab vulley to become the head ot an' ' eniy. ' She married' a young S. P. Rupert. ' When , the war he entered .the con(ederl\te anny; left his young wife at home with two !!mall chl)drelL Thf! battle of New Market was 'fOUght aroupd her; house apd 'artel' providing tor the sarlit)" 0; her two ohlldren abe ~e/lt' out uPOIi a work of mer!lY to care -"'r the y.rounded.-Th~ members of tbe-.'lit,,' fourth Massachusetts and Flrty·to~tb Pennsylvania came ."arU~,",I' Ulidel' her care, and' BUch. were be.. 'efl$ctant mtDlstraUon.1 t,bat the , MuaacbUAtta .. ..oollllUCllj



are lulf'erfnlrwltb In,. o( the (01l0w181r symplOms: 'psI'll ~n Ilde~ blck. undeuhoulder bl.du. sick .:.ur blo.lea .Iomlch, hea.dac:he, conllli pQtlon, CQtarth, lIverAnd ItIc1neydl ~ ~ale, rheumallsm, neural/tll, "oll>ltlllon of heart, bad blood, 110 10 to your drug store and ~

I ( you

30 clayt butmanlo' Dr. I..,khart', V",taIIIt po~nd

Ind be oured:









, BHER .STAMPS Trade 8eal'~ Checks, 8tenCl1l1,B~ etc. "'We

nil farther from your home or omee Ulan tbo near est pbon or ~ U,8.mi'" bo ... Agents . wauted. Got ea~nloll'. ,








·Keeping the Heart' M. M. DaVis tn tbe Ohrlstian Standard


HE Bible has much to sa1

about tbe heart. In the Book ot Proverbs alone It Is spoken of 90 times. In the fourth chapter and twenty·thlrd :verse we are told to "keep·' It "with all \ Minneapolis, Minn.-"I was'a great diligence, for out of It are tbe Issues ltl1ferer f rom female troubles which of Jlfe." caused a weakness Why Thul Keep the Heart? and broken down condi tion of the 1. Because it Is the source of all system. I read so outward lire. Solomon used tbese much words long before Harvey di sE. Pinkham's Veg. covered th c irculation ot tbe blood. etable Compound had done for other But they are so tl'ue to life that tb ey su1l'e ring women I may be raoked among th e many an· fe lt sure it would ticlpations of sc.lence to be found in help me, and I must tbls old Book. Tbe literal beart Is tbe say it d.Id belp me {ountaln of our material lire. So long wonderfully. My as It beats we live, and wilen It censes s aU left me, I to beat we die. Every part of tbe body gr w tbreemontba depends wholly on tbls centra l power 1 was 0. woman, "I want this made public to lor sustenance in health, and for reshow the benefit women mAY derive pair III case of Injury. And when the from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable doctor whould know the true condition Compouud."-Mrs. JOllNG. MOLDAN. of his patient, he places his fln g rs SHU> Second St., North, Minneapolis. on tbe pulse that be may learn ' by It Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu· the fr equency and (ullness of Its ine testimonials like the above prove etrokes. And th e same Is equally true the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's r egarding the spiritual heart. 'fhe Vegetable Compound, which is made Master teaches tbls when he says, exclusl vely from roots and berbs. "From wllMn, out of tbe heart ot men, Women who suffer from those dis- prooeed evl\ thoughts, adulteries, for· tressing ills peculiar to their sex should nlcatlons, murders, thefts, covetousnot lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability . of Lydia E. Pinkham's ness, wlokedness, deceit, lascivious· Vegetable Compound to restore their ness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness." And from th is same health. , If you want special advice write prolific source also come all the good to Mn. Pinkham, at LynnJ ~Ia8" tblngs ot life. The words and actions Sbewill treatyoUl' letteras8trlctl, which we hear and see are' oot nut, Clon1lfleutlal. For 20 years abe but last. They are not the beglnnlnl, Ilas been iac lplng sick women in but the end, of a process. Like seed this way, tree of charge. Doa.. In the soli, they had to exist and ger· laealtat8- wr1t.o at oace. mlnate In secret before they could strike the outward sense. In the case 'CROPE THROUGH A CRACK" ot every word and deed, however brief and rapid tbe stages, tbe heart has Uncle Eph Had at Least One Idea of thought and felt and willed. How His HO!J~ Might Have 2. Because It colors our every word Got Away. and acUon, The ' lunatic and l1ttle child are not crimlnnls whatever the,. 1 nele Ephraim had two hogs, whlcb may do. They may burn our housel1, be 11. pt In a pen at the r ar end ot Ills or take the lives of our loved ones, 'littl e lot. They were of the " razor· and there ls no guilt. They know' Doth~ ba ck" variety. and although they wCl:e Ing of motive, and hence their, actions fed bountifully wltll kitchen waste, are without color. Whlln you or I It se m d Impossibl e to put any fat do such things the world condemns, on the ir a ttenuated fr am s. One morn· aud the law prosecutes I\S as crlm· Ing wh n he went out to Ceed them Inals. In every case of murder It illey were not th ere, They had dis· must be shown that the deed was "ppenred, 'leaving no clew t.o tbe roan· done with "malice aforethought." If n r In Whi ch tbey had wade tbelr es- this cannot be dooe, even oold·hearted ape, Caesar w1ll say that the cbnrge breaks ··Wbat's the mal ter, Uncle EpbY" down. nut Ood, the great judge, beInquired a neighbor, noUclbg tile deep .fore wllom all of us ' are to stand, dejection with wblch th old man was lulows the unseen as ,well as the seen, 100klIJg down Into the empty pen. aDd the moUve, otten concealed from "My I.lawgs III done go n , sah," he men, as well as the deed. He knew 8W red. tbat Achan a nd Anantas were tblev'es, "Stolen ?" and that Ju·das wall a , traitor long be"No, sah. I don' t see no signs dat fore their deeds so published tbem to anybody tuck 'em." men. "Old they climb out over the top?" 3. Because our heart thoughts, "No, dey couldn't 'a done dat." though never coined Into words and "How do you think they got away?" deeds, are good or bad. The law In "We ll. sab ," said Uncle Epbralm, dealing with men takes account of out· "my 'pinion Is dat dem hawgs kind 0' ward acllona, and such motives as raise d delrselves up cin aldge an' crope may be InCerred from them. A , man's th rough a crack."-Youth's Com· heart may be full of treason, robber1 Ilanlon. and murder, and he may be restrained from them only by fear of .punlsh· Latest Coffee Roaster. The latest coif e I'oaster has a sta· ment: but until theae desires break tlonary looel' cylinder aod a rotating forth Into action the law holds ' him outer one of perforated steel, with as guiltless as tbe best citizen. But space 'between for the cotTee beaos, th'e Lord looks back tar beyond these and blndes to Insure thorough mixing 3~ed.b' eds, much ot 'which ' never grows and even roasting. Heat Is Ilpplled to Into plant and nower and trult, and the Inner cyUnder by electric current. , we stand or fall according to these, as For sampling the roasting, a small weli 8S the actual deeds of lJfe. j'BeeCu~arra&ged that 9n l)resslng a hold, thou deslrest truth In the Inward knob three or four benns _are thrown parts" (Pa. 61:6). '·Let the words of. my mouth, and the meditation of my out , without stopping the cylinder. heart, be acceptable In thy sight, Q • They Win, Lord, my strength, aud my Redeemer" Do you look for a ravorable out· (P8. 19:11) . "You have heard tbat It come to your lawsuit?" wal1 said by them of old time, Thou "No; bllt the la,wl'ers do." -Hollston shalt not commit adultry. But f s87 Post. unto you, That wbosoeve r looketh OD a womall to luat after her ,hath comHARD TO DROP mitted adultery already with ber In But Many Drop It, ht. beart" (Matt. 6:27, 28). "WhosoA young CaUf. wife talks abor.! coffee: OHlr hateth his brother Is a murderer" "It was bard to drop Mocha and ( 1 John 3:16). These !ire heart· Java and give Postum a trial, but my searching Scriptures, and should brin, nerves were so shattered that twas us all to our knees. They should sura nervous wreck and of course that round us with holy reverence and god· ly fear, and drive away forever the means aU kinds of, aUs. ' "At first I thought bicycle riding thought of hypocrisy, and we sbould caused It and I gave it up, but my con· cl-y out with David, "0 Lord, thou dltlon remained unchanged. 1 did not hast searched me and known me. want to acknowledge colfee caused the Thou knowest my downslttlng and trouble for I was very fond of It. At mine uprising. Thou understandest that lime a trlend came to live with 'my thought atar olf." In the light of an Illustration, let ' us us, and 'I noUced that after he ,hnd ' been wIth ua a week he would not lee this all·lmportant tbought. There drink hla colfee any more. I asked hIm are two men in prison. One ... bas a the reason. He repUed, 'I have not had heart like that just described by the a beadache since I left olf drinking cot- Savour, filled with all manner of "evil fee, aome 'months ago, till last week, thoughts," and for some of these he w)len '1 began again, here at your table, has been arrested and is held behind r don't-see bow anyone can like colfee, prison bars. He hates , God and all anyway~ , after drlnklng ' Postum!' " ' good; and would, If he co,u ld,. dethrone "I sa.ld' notbhlg" 'b,ut at once ordered .Tehovah , and enthrone " Satan; he "a packlllJe 'of Postum, Tbat was five would drive out ,v irtue and bring ' in .Diontbs ago, ~d we , have drank no nce; ' be 'would bat!lsh :the , angels and the · world with ' demons' from the coffee' since, except on two 'occnslon!! '.. ' But , 'he is' a helpless prlsouer, '.·when we had ceimtlapy, and the result eacb time , "':as that my' ,1;lUB~and could and does , not, 'utter a alngle word', or not sleep, but tay 'awake and to,s~ed 10 n ,single deed: and yet, even with· lUll! talked h8.lf ' the night. ' We, wer~ out l11ese; he Is a great sinner. " 1'he o~er man Is also !l l)rlsoner, 'coDlllnced' tha~ e~tree caused..bis ~ulfer. lng, ,6 he re.turned , to Pos,t um, con- but not (or crime. He, Is ~ sick, Ilearlng ,.the ,'grave.' , In ,early · "IDoe~ \hat co!ee' ' as a~ ,enemy, I~· Mo'd he: :,ave hts heart to God, ud .. tead ot' a friend; ' and be ~ troubl~ throiigtio\lt a lo~~ and ua~ful Ufe b!! IlO more ~th 1n8qmnfa. haa been "'t rue to Mil chl1dhOOd "', ~, ~ve , gained, 8 !lOunds 1118 .uength' III, .nOW "frone: and even Weight, a~ct "')' Denes bave bill' "ice 'baa t.ned, ',80 that be CaD ~ Quiver: It .leema lO .ea8)' nbw to neither do nor .peak (or bi8 Lord, eoiree 'th,at our acb~ anel au. be 8Ull lOVeS blm With all the aDd tate 'up POIlhuD. Il""or ~( )'outb aqd til'. powur 'Of mao, a. ,Iloo«, aDd .otllel ".dl7~ If be coul~ be wlU1 \lie In tile of

Por.Benefit of Women who Suffer from Pemale Ills


Like the other ",!loner, b. not utter a 'alJllle word, or do a single dee,l ," hut. lIulJke 01111. "even wit hout Uiesp. h ' , Is 1\ ",I'eat" satnt. Desires as well as deeds wdgb In Ood's scal s. A wish on earth WilY be a coln 'in heaven. How to Keep It. 1. With all diligence. Ke"p It as tile miser bls gOld, with ceaselllss vlg· Ilance durin g the day, and under lock and bolt during the night. Keep It at a ll times, not only on the Lord's day, but on the other six days also. This holy day tilled with righteous· ness, and the otbers filled wllh evil, would ruake a good Pharisee, but a poor Christian. A man should keep hI s heart as much wnen measuring onions and potatoes as wben singing Psalms. In the time of Chrlst the sacred serv ices of prayer and alms· deeds were perverted Into an effort to secure the "glory of men," Would to God that all sl\ch vile perversions had di ed with that day, 2. Feed It good food . If, Instead ot atlng whol some food from which good blood can be made, we fi ll our stomachs with Indigestible matter un· fit for ma n; or if we stint them, or ove rload them with that which Is good; or Inflame an,d polson them with strong drin k, the heart cannot bo healthy. Good food Is absolutely essential to a healthy heart. Even so our spiritual h earts cannot be strongs except they feed on truth. Who cnn estimat e tbe danger of receiving ev n one sin 10 the soul ? Adam and Eve were bappy t ill they rcc Ived one. Afterward Ute was fi lled with s in', Borrow and death, 3. OIve It to God , Thi s ls the Fa· ther's earnest appeal : "My son, give me thine heart"' (Prov. 23:26). And If we heed this appeal, he will keep It whatever may betide. In the storm and In the calm; in the bright days and In the dark; In sickness and In health ; In life and In death-he wlll keep It safe aod secure from all harm. "I know him whom I bave believed, and am persuade d that he Is able to keep that which I have committed unto blm against lhat day" (2 Tim. 1: 12). But this Is not a ll, nor the best, he does. He not only keells It, but purifies It. It Is said there Is a little stream In Corsica possessing the rare facu lty of making white every· thIng it touches. Tho flowers which stoop to kiss Its rippling surface are white as I1gbt. The little birds bath· iog In Its waters emerge from tbls baptism ' white as the driven s now. The little pebbles which line Its bottom are pures t white. And a bar of Iron Ipped beneath Its waves becom s bright as a bar of tbe fin est silver. ~11 this Is b cause of mineral properties In tbe fouotaln trom wblch It flow s, "Purge me with hyssop, a nd I shnll be clean ; wash me, and I sball be whiter than s uow" (Ps. 61 :7).

El=: =FSS IPleasant ~elre$U .Beneficia[ THAN 3 DOLLARS

Sy r up o f Figs and Elixir pf I' Sen na appeals to tr1e cuitured HE IS NOW ONE OF THE RICHEST and the w c1l-informed aoel the FARMERS IN SASKATCHEWAN, h ea lth y becau 'c it s component CENTRAL CANADA, I pa rt are 'simple and wholeso m e and bccause it acts with, l out disturbing th e natural'funcArllvlng In Canada. In 189 ~, just tion. as it i wholly free from eI ght 'en years ago, E, A , GU lllomlu '., . coulll spel1k but hI s native lan ~uage, 'very bjcctlOnable qu~lJt.Y 011 H e Is a I"renchma n. He hod but sub ta nee. 1 n its productIon a a lillie over .t wo d 1101'S III bls po ket' l plf'a sa nt and rcfreshing syru~ thus bei ng tillort over seven dollars of or'the figs o f Ca lifornia is unitth I n 1I0llal's required to secure en· ed with th e laxative and cartry for a homes tead of one hundred , . , . , anll sixty acree, H' ventually bor. n1l1latl\' C properties of certain rowed th e mou ey nnd neal' Forget, plant:; known to act most beneSus kntchewim, he SlUrt d life In 'an· ti ci:,d ly, o n th e h uman system, ada 011 t ho hom es t ad In whi ch to·day , wh en it s gent le clean s ing i s dehe Is the fortunate pass Bsor or fift y I s ired, T g tits bene1icial e£quarter secllon s o[ lan d. or 8,000 acres. \ . Now 1IIr, GulIlomln .d Id not acquire fec t - , a lways buy t h e gemnoe" all th se acres as a result ullOg til r of f r sa le by a ll reputable drug- , bls rarming operations, whI ch Wl'fe ~i sts; one s ize only, price extensive, He looked with saUsfac· fift y cent a bottle. The name Uon upon what ~e was doIng on bill o f the company _ California limited ~lren, he wus savi ng, ca r fu l. , '' . • nnd hm] fo r sight. Surrounding Innd FI !~ Syrup 0 , -15 always plalncould be had for about $::1,00 p r ael·e, Iy prin ted upon the front of eva nd he contlnu d lJllyl ng as his sav- ery package of the genuine. ings wou ld perm it, unti l now he hus






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S¥fUP - . i .. i



of whi ch he sold 34,000 bushels, one truln load, at a price var ying from 84 LOUISVILLE, KY. SAN 'FRANCISCO , CAL. NEW YORK, N. Y: to 87 cents per bushel. He has on " . I ; band sUII 16,000 bushels. In addition L. to wheat he raI sed ao,ooo bus hels of , oats, 7,000 bUl!hels or barley .nod 600 busbels of fl ax, He owns 104 borses &' and a numbe r of cattle, but since the coosU·uction of tbe raHway he h a s , g:' been ngaged chiefly In raIsing wheal. This year b e bougbt his first t hresbq~ ' III Ing machIne, paying for It the sum " a.ot $2,100, He estimates thnt t be ruaI chine earned for him tllis fall $3,000. A cow and an acr. of air~J£a will earn $120 Ii year in the San Joaquin Valley. thus paying for itlleIr In one season Grapes Will yield from $100 to $3 00 per acre; p aches and apricots, $150 to Jsoor and leavlug $900 to the good , The while oranges will produce (rom Saso to $ 500, and in many iust.'lDces more than ~l OQo .....eather was very propitious for farm an acre. There are tep million arable and irrigable acres here. \'ou still may 'bllY threshing, not a s ingle day being lost unimproved land for $50 an acre. ' In th e two months which were Silent T en acres are enough to comfortably support a small family. Twenty acres afford , In this 'work. Tbe wbent averaged 23 a fine living, with mOlley in th~' bank. Forty acres should make you ricb. bushels to tho acre and graded No.1 You p,~y trom on e~totirt h to Qn C!,rson R d, Re dley, Cal., fr Om a:: and No. '2 Northe rn. In th e past nine · ~~~r ~u~o :::I'c:el\l:,.!!,C:..~..u,. caD be pold ~':l~~:?· -$~~~Oo. crall ot Slllta ntl rul !il u$years seven good crops have been har·' Almost a nythlug cOon b raIsed In to I know thl. " .. Ue), fron, end to end. vested on this farm. For sIx slJcces. fI,l.n JoaquIn country-orangus nnd 1 hllve s ·ell cropl! plnnt d tl nd ba rv ' 8 t~ whl!at, II I;S and apples, dell cltt grapcl! .' t! in v · ry one or Its counti es. I have s lve years the returns were excellent. nnd ha rd y potato II. Products ot t he In t(·rvl ew d (nr m r!l, ra nohers ILnd m rthat Is In tb e years 1901, ISO!!, 1903, t empern t.. nnd semi-tropIc zones flour- 'hn nts, I h:w o colin ted the testimony' ish sl \l e by !!Ide. ot crop experts, ,190( 1905 and 1906. In the two fol· f"1«!nt)' 01 wntel' tor IrrI gatIon lI ra wn All t his valu uble Information Is conlowing years there was a partlnl fall· fr om til n a.r-b¥ ~I rra s nows, It I" ta hl£>d In th e San Joa quin Vnlley Innd: " """ lor one Co Dlllke n atArt. Lnnd be- rnlll r Iss ued by th o Santa F <l Rnllway_ ure. As the years havc puss d the t w n th l! rows ca.n be used, willi ' or - Write tor It, gIving (ull name a nd a(l. quality of the buildings on the farm chnrd Is youn ~, tor mnny Ilrofllnl,lll dr ,,,,.. J wIll a lso Hc nd you ollr Imml ~ have been steadily Improved, and are 1I~~~';:e i~ho; :~~~t "~~lo:f.ln,:.nke en..,. ~:::.I o n journnl, Th Earth, sIx montha now as good as can be found In the l' \Ybot lIon,e tnrmerll hnve done , 'I' he Sunta. Fe employs me to h Jp Franktw 'l'homll.8, F r s no. Cnl.. t I 1S t I TI Ie ComALL HAVE NEED OF RELIGION district. About $10,000 bas be n In· bou"llt ' nt y acrp9 of or la nt! fi ve yen r>! 9' t . up II! o ut ,west I nC9, n po ny h ilS no l:tnd to fl II , bllt I will vested In this way by Mr, GuilJomln. ago, 1-1' hnd but 1300 to Hta rt on. 'fo- ~; I IJ,dly r f" r yo ur InquIry to r liabl e, hla plucc Is pnld t or a nd he has an I d Complete Life II Imp08llble Where It. Th farm coos lsts of I), 80 acres, of dny Incom e of o\' r $2,000 n. y A.r. . un own ' rs wI10 h nv , Willi SI R F D 7 F I.ow torr .. orc ol'ter ed by the Snnta Spirit and Power Are which about 6,000 acres were under Cnl., bg~~hllr~~e rtirs t t'~ n ' u ~re:eS~I~ Fe dnlly. Comfortnble tourI st sJeepurs Absent. crop this season. y('urs ngo. 'w owns IIlx ty ac rclI nil lind chnl r cn rs. The Journey also mltY bu eml\de other Ftim es for n. rCIlRO Il • 2000 r paId tor. nnd re f uscs .1 , or t II8 nhl Cllll t. atSanta e tourl!lt servIce toplac . I I I "I will lift up mJne eyes unto the INSULT TO INJURY. M , F. Tnr ppy, of Frt'Bno. owns ,'In j!- Sun Fra nc ROO 8 QU ck cllt. hills from whence cometli my llelp:'ynrll of 1 ,20 0 aCrl18, fr om whl h ba C. L, SEAGRAVES, Geller•• Coleaia.tioD A-I t nk as un annUlll profit ,or $1 20,000. .-Psalms, 12 :1 , . On th e Harold fltn teo twent y-t wo A . T. '" S. F. RJ'. STat.1ft It Is not so strange that many &crell ot penclle. yielded a 115.000 crop. III10RailwQ Esc....... auc....1IL should say they have no need for religion in their lives. To some It seems rather a mark of weakness than of strength, a yielding to superstitious HOW CAN THEY AFFORD IT fear or to populnr custom ' or a sacrl· The Germlthol Chemical Co. of Plqun, Ohio, has an unusual method of fice of the Independent judgment 10 introducing their CLOVERINE REMEDIES , We have noticed their adds at. favor of a scheme whlob has been detimes ,ln dlfforent papers where they agl·eEl to send free of charge a package vised by the few for the deception of each of CLOvERINE LIVEn. P ILLS, CLOVElRJNE QUININE LAXATIVE. the many. Greenll.myer's Antl·Paln Powders and an order on your bome druggist for a There Is a good deal that "goes un· tree 25c package ot CLOVERINE SALVE, by merely Inoloslng to tbelr add ross, 4 cents ill stamps. We find this company have remedies ot unusual der \he name of reUgion that one merH and the sale In every territory is enormous where these remedies are" ought to be asltllmed' not to disown; glyen 'a 'trial. This eXl1lRlns tor Itselt bow they can nlford It. there are types of piety that are but . tost ot patent medicine firms tell YOll what tbelr remedi es will do and confessions of poverty of Intellect, and Sboemaker-Well, If that Isn't all cure, but want the mon ey In advance. The Germlthol Cheml<lal Co. Beem t<> there are forms of faith that ar~ only want the merits of Ulelr remedies first proven and then depend upon after evidences of cowardly and superatl· right. Instead ot paying my bill, he salo to make their money. This olfer Is fair and a. good one for sulferlng tlous fear. Where'v er religion means kicks me down stairs, and with the humanity. ' ~elng less a mao, means dwarfing, new boots I've made him, 1.90. - - - - - - - - -shrinking the life, then one dare not SUFFERED TERRIBLY. acknowledge allegiance to It. But there are so many Imitations, 80 many pretenslona of religion simply How Relief from Dlltrelsltlg Kidney Trouble Wal Found, because the thing Itself I. so essential ECZEMA ERYSIPELAS to the life of man. So far (rom the HERPES Mra. Elizabeth Wolt, 388 W . Morgan religious life being ODe at lesser livPOISON IVY says: "Inflnmmatlon St., Tipton, Mo., ERUPTlO' NS Ing, so far from religion signifying the ~RASIONS SCALDS of the b 1 add e I' sacrifice of powers, the denying of reareached Its climax son, judgment nnd the will, the truth In Ihe house you have a quick, cerealn remedy for all kinds of SkIn Discues. last s pI·lng and 1 suf· Is that no I1te can be In any sense A few applicaelollll will relieve the WOfst case of itching pllas, fered terribly. My complete without ita spirit and power. SO tts. 8 J.,. of III Drunlsu, or sent direct on receipt of price. back ached a nd RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE. MD. pained 8 0 1 could Religlon'l True MeanIng, hardly get around Reslno. Medicated Shaving Stick makes shaving easy. Religion means living life for the and the secre tions lIake of Jlfe Itself; It mean~ nndlng a were scanty, fresufficient motive 'In living. It Is tbe quent of p08sase point of view and the 1!plrlt in life and painful. I was that sets things In right relations, helps one to find true vahres and to tired all the time and very nervous. f kiJow the things that are worth living pegan using Doan's Kidney Pllls, and' for, to set the tools of' lite and the after taking a few boxes was cured and have been well ever since." products of life In rlgbt relations. ' ABSOF/SINE Remember the name-Doan's. Sold Wbo , Is sufficient for living without by all deal era. 60 cents a box. Foster. tbls spirit? He who Uves the rlglit , Ufe knows that be has struck , tlme Mllburn CO., 'Bulfalo, N. y, Tomorrow A. M. too late. Teke and tune with the eternal laws of the An Educational Problem, a CASCARET at bed time; set universe; he who lives for love finds Little Margery has just begun to go up in the morning feeling fD;te the real law of lite . . the goex.' to the kindergarten, and Is filled with we flnd the infinite goodness; the Ufe a due sense of the importance of 'her dandy. No Deed for .ic/mea.' and love that are the ' heart ,of all be- studies there and the solemn value 'of from over:-eati1lll, and come a certall).ty to aU ot "those ~bo tlae attainments that have thus been They surely wed.while you" follow the light they have, 'who do the put within her reach. ' The . other artsleep _ aDd 'helP Dature ' help yOu. will Qf love. ' ernoon. " after coming home from Millions take them,and keep weD.,' IIchool, she remained In a brown study CASCARltTS I~ ,_ boz lor a week'. W . for a Ume, and 'then said: ,"Mamma.. \lUtment, .114~ 'B1qat .Uer ,do 1 know as ' much n~w as 1 don' t· til the wwld. boac.. 1IIOIlua. , • kno",?" ' ",

$125 000 net" om 1200" acres grapes. $15,000 from 22' ac' peaches. , $3 200 from 20 acres raums, •• • thlo!lo. m

San Joa' ·n V a IIey, Caliform· '






R'·;E:I'"INOL , - N'_t ~:_~ H


Dolt'Now! ana




, The' world IB all gatetl, all opportuni· ties, stl'lnga or ' tenslOll wait1rtg io be' i1tt;uck.-Etperlon. . .

.... w ......... 80atblq S,nP,' ,

tor IIIIUmll 1IIeIb_, IOfteu Ut. CI!J1Ia, __ re4_ litlIOaIe.


We are

Denr ~ old to acquire tbe

lateet wrinkle,



,'Zimmerman~s FISH Mew White Fish a nd Herring 6-rb. ails .. , ... ................. 45 ] , -lb. Pai ls .. .. ................. $1.10

Try our Snow Whi te Syrup can ................ .... lOc a nd 15c A gallon ... ..... , .. .... .............. 45c hreddcd Wheat and Gra pe Nuts .... ............. .. .. ,2 for 25c Dried Aples, alb .. .. .... : ..... . lOc Oranges Nuts

Bananas, A pples Grapes Figs

Don't forget to get our prices on Syrup Cans-the Best Made, with Slot. Special Sale Saturday

Another lot of those nice Cala Lemon Cling P eaches; also (:ala White Cherries. Speciai price for one day, only

15c a Can Everything ~ood to eat at'



•.--II Ii.-.-..UIi-IEI••allli----•.


He Wilt! tuk n slok thert. nod l'f1l~Ji7.. . . ._~.IIiiIII!~-• • •- ..IIiI~.._lDmail~ io g b t t'olllltt.i 'on his n d , 11'0 won ' . , t,o be brought t othe home of hit! 0 It's Your ONE Saving Chance of a Lifetime '- Lad ie' ,. LOl1g Coats Men's Hats wb re 11 mi ght be 1:\1'I rt'llUIlll tl b. L. di is ' ,'18.1)0, ' $:.!2.50 and $.25.00 ) vin g tac' .!I l1,nc1 Ul' d for by I .. 11 , 'o ft and ~ liff Hats; M Long 'ou\,,'l and . ou s . l:Ii. S n 1 \'oogllt him t blf'r UI1 -}Ji'e • h om ou Tm!:ldo.y )f thIS W()l\c . • I 1)1' . es.. .... ...... • D elL h 11 m ]I a efo.1 nod WI Clt, t il e nd 11 l O ll ' lind wull "J) JlI if!', b r tllinin g lJ usolon nl' until t11 ( In >l roomen Iwul1 IJurtel1 tIJi" 111 wi' Ladies' "Me 'ode" UnMen s Underwf'ar outplliu' llnd\Vith llsmilt,of ont nl weal' Men's 50 ' PI eee-l in d Und ron Ihlt! f!lcO for that< nlmnt hi!'> h ll. ,wear: ni l si;: s; Ladi :-;' CIOe ano 6 c qualilies of Isido. pel' "MeJ'o(] ' " nd rwear, , . D cen" d wu t; burn in Mn,r!leill "". t ga "ment .. .... .... · .. .. . ll' rau ce 'ept mllor :!5. I :3:i. a.nd E\'c r)' lh in~ in Ihis Mammoth Stock marh:ed at prices less f han Olllll to CtlUttUIl. whf'n 1,1 y !lrs I Cost of "t<mufac! uJ'c. a go. He 1l:l1I 1' IIt~ U the tl'lHh' or n lUll ler whi oh II fl fnll ow()(1 'for Y6111'''. ull il ' Bovs' Suits Men's Gloves fo r thH In t. 20 yenrl:l Ol' \1 llUll b een Boys' Kni kerbock ' I' Suit; with Men's and Young Boys' Long Pants \ t rave lin g for mill Rupnly hp nso;; Adl 1" 8 $1.50 Dreg: two pa irs uJ ' pants: Men 's Suits School Suits ! B e WII mllrrind in Eeul'lln r y 185\', Glo\'es .... .. ,.. ........ '" Dent's and Perrin's Odd lots 'o f the befit m akes at HrockwllY, Canadll. t o F lorn Ann $6, $7, ~B and $9 Values, $~,(\O (.,;10\0'(':...... • of $ 15, UI to $25 Scotch 1M 'Kay , of 'ootoh o ri ~ iu , Ilnll thr (. and a' inwre lohildren sn r vlve hIm 'harl s J ' . 01 ffec l~ ....... . ." tbis ('i t,r ; Sn rry n., of ::;teu hUll vi 11 0 i Men s Trousers I~nd Mrs. Bn rriet Ry!le r , of l.n A IlChildren's Long Coats Men's $1. 75 geles, CIlIl fornia, it wiII 'pay you to buy now and prepare for flJlurc wants. Pan ts .. .... ............ .. !)O Chi lrl rl'n's Long 'oats; so ld H e nlso lenves t wo broth 1'8, r..., E. for 4.9 ' and MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS, IBarbeu u, ef Silver e r e k, N.Y , unit Men~a~t~? ........ ... : $:').V ... ... ....... .. Samuel Blnbe 0, of t , Mnr us, Ne w DAYTON, OHIO ' M exioo , andon esi~t r, MisBDelphin ll Barbeau , of Canada -Cir levillf' Herald.


$6 98 '




~;:'u"ut........ .. .... ...




Of High-Class Merchandise for Men vv omen and Children.

99c $1 20




W. C. T. U.

......... . .... $2.69

99c $1.49




$6 75







$ 1.95



'Phs fUUflTllI f ,Ertll!L j\Jnrie rny, 1<::1 viII Fil'o~nnu fnmi i,v werfl g ll fls t Exper t OptiCian, Th e W. . T. U . meeting last Fri- 1111.U hl t' r I t 1£lnm W, lind CMU M , o f Mr , unct Mrs, ,Johu Gu thri .' un day at t h e h om e of Mrs. Harr is wail limy, of H d Lion WI l li b Id 'tt the d'lY well a t tended, the president in the \ortutll'Y Cll'qll'l 011 ~lltnrdllY IU!lt. MI'8 ,fohn Tlll llllp!llln rln ll el1 on Ovcr 20 Yt;!a n~ I'rael : ',11 Expe rience JOSEPH W. BARBEAU chair. condnctf'11 b R v, 'n d wul\ uue r , Mrll , .J ohn \ 11 1'ne r Thul'. ti llY afterJoseph Wttllaoe B"rbeau died Fri· Th e topic, Physical Education ail T h obi ld Willi, fivtl y aI's of ug nod 110,., >\11, ' d nb 11. 10I'R" ' t,r,p . , . . ' '". orgo "'11 Il. UI m u Gustin Hotel, W&ynesville,O. dr.y morning, Feh. 4th, at the home a Preventative Temperance Work , , . meu l)f typbOll1 fevo \' Inte rm e nt lD to ~p r i n !!fl Id'I'tw<,dn .v . of his son, C . J, BQ,rbeau, in East was ably handl ed by Miss Ellis, the MiuIUI 'OUl I,cry , M t~8 J flsie ORrn t> r II nd 1\) 1' Loe I at Saturday In every month ~alD street, due to oomplication of lead er for the day. The re IVa con'rll lrn:ige ofl ll ed lIO MrR. Geo rg Oflvi. diseaaea inoident to old age, after an siderable d iscussion on t he subject. Mies , rachel A. Burnett died at . undllY ufte l:ooon ilIueu of about two weeks. . ' One new member, Mrs. Rhod her late hom on Friday afternoon, Mr , a nd Mrs. El vin Ftf(·~ ILod Har veysburg. Ble home was In Batavia, O. was welcomed in to oul' ranks. and was buri ci from t he White dn llgbter 8p nt· ThursrttLY with Mr uod Mr . Le w 61\ \'S, where helen about three weeks ago The next meeting will be at Mrs . Brick meeting-house , Monday mornTb P,l'lhlll ll /11"tEllt! WIll glv" nn 11', 1I0d Mrs , Ed . Mllrtin s pen t to go to Mlahawaka,lDd .. to superin McClure's unde r th leadership f ing a~ 11 o.cloc k. Rev . J. F. CadTtl sday witil their daug hte r, Mrs f' o 'ertlli om ' 11I, "..\111 1; ,\jilin , " on tend . the of a flour mill Mrs. Hough. Sec'y. wallader, Re\ . Benj. Hawkins Georg EIII , I'hUl·... dll ,V n l ·111. \j·i, Ul'll lll'.V ~·ll, h . l'h l'r will ' b .. f ','('(, llt . ll ll~; In I,h e Mrs (;i ~o r gt> Div is and Mrs pIll .', anti I' V!lr\ ."\1'1111 111' 1 ti l', It 18 t hfl t~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!~~~~!'!!!!!!:! Friend Frank in Packer and Emily Yeo spoke to the bereaved relat~ves . E roe!i t. Munn n tipe nt T har duy 1 have comin$t a car of .t in. du ty Ilf Ill! onr c,': z nl< t,n li lli e ut, Interment was made ill the' Friend's wi t,b Mrs , KIl therine Ou vi s, and 6 111. Hard Burnt Tile. See nd :lirnulu t Ih n lll , IIlId IIlllk e It Mr Ueor ge B O~lln 8p at ~a tnr(I,. y 1\ , 1)(' P~!'I T it ,. 1111 111 1",.1( II wi ll be burying ground . A more extended me before buying cJs wh\!rc. ufte rnoon wit b h e r dnugb t r , Mrfl 10 lind 15 c a ut,!, Til '.'1 III' '' n uving notice will be g iven in next issue. Will Qun n , ollld e Vt'I'V ellt burllt'" 008tllW Eil! Itt. Mise FlosFlie Fire s pe n t se v!)ruJ (\l;U HnU ~p tHle Th ey h uve onn OBITUARY days llist week with r e lu tive in CIUUfld 10 llIuk.· Mlf\ n lH ht . t'"0rl~ in WayneavlUe. Ohio, town!' unrl I' l 20,OOO lind \ III t r ll ve l Mary Ethal Whitu.ker wa~ born Ha.rveysbure; , d ove l' th e ua t J'OUliN /I vuirll Ut; IIHIU Ootober 2~, 1 0, clied February 5, Bellbrook r aclA fb y wi 1l lip r no timq or 1910, aged ",9 years, 3 months, 13 day s , mOrley to w llit it I~b /)w lin g ncce,:s. Bri'ng US your Sale Bills 'be waH married to Amos L eWiS, B(1ro to Mr , nnd Mrs, Alphn, !:;t.ev- Remember I'eu d I ' "h ilt ynu nr c cordiullv io " ltecl -FrOID I~ lIro hl, r of January 9, 1900, 'l'll re were born to ens llls t Sa tnrdn,y II flno gi rl MitiS Dorothy Barn s ii> visiting I on ~ of .th t t rA this union five ohildren , two haVing AH a r v y b\1 r ~lI uf1i ence pro bl\hly ........r=r""""' oe,.,i:led th ir m ther t9 tbe better her a un t,M r.!l ella . Brelsford Ilortl) rrev r Iln j yen - sucQ " t r Ail t-mrtrl- Ads wlH be InSl'rW(\ under thIs htl,d (or land , 'B efore making our Annual Inventory we Edwurd R!l pe r. of Duyton, visited R'Jher t Pllrk er Mil el:l ga ve th em his twen t v· Uve ce "L~ ror three In, rtl"'1~. Mrs, Lewis acoepted Chrieat 8S b e l' bis ptll'ents . Mr, nnd Mrs Lewis leo lure I'T.dl o w OIPS" HiEl oe!<ol'ip wben usl"1: uot more l ba a an: II nes. will offer some rare Bargains to ~lIvior when liut a m ere child and Raper lus t !:;uturdllyand !:;undf\.V tion s were pi ctllr q~ a an(l VIvid, Claude Burtis nnd Mi s Effie 'In d weI' j.{l vtm wllll u nuturul close out our Winter Stock. has ever inee been identified with FOR SALE were married in Davton '1Ilst' chlu'm nnd g m oe of UltiUUel' ~bat the Ortb odox Friends Churoh at Brown fuesdayevening, . mude the two h ool's p tlS~ tuo qUIck. Waynesville, Ohio. MALL form of 32 IIcrt',,""':good Mrs. Woo . Cunningham return ed Iy She was a flllt htull1nd loving wife bome lust Wednesday from .il visit. farm for tobIlOC'O , It quire at Quincy IIrroli and wife ·wil1 be IHld mother and m ude oHiny friends in DarKe Count.v with ner sister!! miss d by Ih elr " limy friendS when this office for plut,louh rs Men's Shirts Grocery Specials , She lellves a futh er, Dlothe'l', four Leeter Pierce of U. S. Navy is ViR thAy a.l·t on e to Te x!,,,, their fu t·ore LACK, 'y oung Poland CliiDlL h Olt, .t 50 Coat Shirts ...........$1:19 25 lbs best Gran. Sugal'..S;1.35 brothers, t,h\'ee si!Jters, I~ faithful iting his grundmotber, Mrs , L J. home. Tbey hn ve our be t wl!:lhes, Inquire or pllone tlal'la>l W, 1.00 Gem Shirts ......... .. . 79c 3 Ibs Fancy Prunes.. .... 25c Woodrow Cnllln8 r e portEi the col Frye. R. 'D. 4,:Wuymsville, Ohio. 11u bafl,d nnd tU r ee ohlld r en tll?d Pierce. 50c Gem Shirts .. ,....... ... S9c. 2Ya lbs Fancy Peaches... 25c Wulldce Berrybill, Who got hurt IActi on of $26 for Fred Oull'\dy u'nd m any fri ends t o 1D0uru b e r loss, 50c Gem Work Shirts.... 43c 2 lbs Fancy Apricots... .. 25c by falling throogh a trill> door in famil y . ' FARM of 121X aores, 2U ,mlles These are good values and a Carquinez Lemon Cling _ CA n o (I I!' T[(ANKS , Ilonthwe t lit Spring VILI1"y. t he barn, Is DOW getting better . Dr . S .J , Ellison s pen t e voflll du ys Peaches, t he finest you savini" to you. ever saw, only 1 c, or, Miil!! BertblL howland vi ited her IO!Jt week I\,t. 'h t>.r ry Fod{ Adunis Well improved far~u and good bUild~ We desire to expr ess our heartC unty, Ohio, re~urnlng l::Iuturda.v Ings. Call on or addrllsM M, K. per dozen ............... ... $2.l0 felt t hanks to OUl' friends and neigh pareuts last Thursday evening , Ev~ns, Rpring Vulley, Ohi o, Carquinez Apricots... ..... 1 c 1111lt. ·nlght . Dr , B~dtDge r was in Xenia bars for th ir kindness. help a.nd Underwear . Carquinez Plums.. .. ....... 15c Mr Wesl, hos tn,klln nbarge of tbe l!'riday on business, OR t;A.LE A d~i ruble : bu.iyUnK sympfltby i n our reoentsad bereaveYellow Peac.hes in g ood room in our "ohool 0 o\lpi er.t by Mrl:l',' 60c Men's Shirts or Drawjut (In Fontl , . It1qull'6 of syrup, only .......... . :. .. 12c ment., a l 0 t the minister al?d, ~ing . Ewing who onucoonnt of aio kn eflN ers/ alI"aizes........ 3ge Big K Tomatoes, the best F., B , t;h ~ rw ll od, ~y n ' viII (.)1110 , hud to ret,ire for awhila, ers. Amo L ewi and Family, 50c Ladles' Vests or on the market, 8 cans.. 25c tltf' ven E oton who for f\ lullg I·ime Pants, those Set~ ~ J oseph BOrJ~l: IIDd Family. LOVER AEEO-Medil1lo CI,wAr, Tomatoes, worth hAS been ailing is at pr~ ae nt thought Snug garments at.. age Standard a smtlli lot left of the 1908 orol , 10c, now,. per can .. .... .. 7Y-;c 25c Vest or Pants ......... 19c purl\ seed , Ph on e HllrveysburU, Ceneral Suggestio ns to he i mp.r o vlng SWELLS THE FUND Standard Ohio Sugar Corn 7c $1.00 Union Suits........ ... 7ge The Knight Rnnk will be eOD- Hi lX E... Undorwood. or 80c per doz., wor th $1 Wc Union Suits........... 39c fe rred (.'0 one cllndiltute Fobrullry ~ Woodrow Collins, of Wellman, One Secret Vesper Brand Pumpkin , Children'S Vest or Pants .. 19c OU~E KEEPER'H FRlEND for per can ........ · ........... .... 5c ~ t urn ed ov'a l' to Chas, Reynolds ,26 75 Of wholesome and economical liv- 24th . Members be present! Chu a Winfield, of n Ill' ClarkSVille, oleaning ollrpet.i', I u~a or dru gVEsper Sauer Kraut. a can 8c wbich It ft ItIHI oo1Jeoted for the Gul- ing you'll find in the little tin can. get8, ut C, B , Clem nt",' gronary . \VIIS in town Sutludtl.y . Vesper Spinach, a can ...... 14c We have a lat'g e r supply of canned llud 'lY's , He wish~s t o th unk a ll for Vesper Lye Hominy. a can 7c Public Su les ure tile ol)ly thing Fruits and Vegetables than ever beLadies' Hose LOVER tlEEP-Recleaned, aull 6-lb kitts White Fish ........ 45e fore. 67 varieties alJd everyone now, drll wing I;{ood orowds a nd flV ,t,heir kiud nesR . in good slitl,pe , Inquire uf ery thinlY sei lin g weI\. guaranteed p ure and sanitary. . 25c Burson Hose ..... ......... 1ge Fancy Mackerel. Notice to Farmers W. E O 'Neall, R D , 3; Wilyntls.' 15c Hose ...................... .... 12c Fancy Cod Fish. Jos Kruse, of 'iooinnati, ctl llerl .T he Pea Pod 10e Hose ....... ~................ .. 8c Highland Chief Flour, 25 on Weloh & Oukin, " ed nl;l!!drIY, hav ville, Ohio. lb sack ........ ...... ...... .. .. 80c 25c Children's Hose ...........19c Says "The po 'tscripts you add to Ing been some time !lin otl btl wo The Wayn mw ille Can ning Co. is Every sack g ua ranteed .JWN Propertv for 8t11e-HouQe (The famous Bear brund) ' now ready to contract for corn and to your living is what keeps you her e, 15c Children's Hose .... ..... l1c These prices are for a short hustling. It isn ' t. the essentialR like of 7 roo m~ Ilnd wona s hed unl\ : t omatoes for the year 1910, at their IOc Children's Hose ......... 8e cellar, well /tnll Oll:lterll, btli'n "n~ an~ ,Fruits Oregonia. canned Peas, Beans. time only, and are strictly " I Waynesv ille office. ' i'ttlble wit,h ,1 Ill,!! , Ioquire of Will , 15c Men,s Sox ............... ... 12c as well as P otatoes, Hommy and ' cash or exchange. Nothing lOc Men's Sox ... '........ ....... 8c ~ WAYNESVILLE CANNING Co. charged at t hese prices. I J ' K , 'pencer " !!pent li'rlduy wi th LlIsbley, Waynesville, Ob\o , g riddle cakes."


Hard Burnt Tile

Chas. B. ·l.ew:is,



Classified Ads










WiJl' White's








, $

'$ $ '$





New Customers

F . B DOllgl nss, of Monroe. More of them, the past week on Harrv ~b arwood and wife f\ud Rubber Goods Corduroy Clothing FOR RENT Chase and Sanborn's coffees. Just Mr. and Mrs . U A , 8penoer , of Leb ask for the h lue package and .you anon , were in town !:ionc1I\Y· $2.50 Men's Pants ......... $1.98 $3.00 Felt Boo ~ .. .... .. .... $2.49 Qill te Il n UIll ber of Friends attrnd· will get the best. 'I'he protra,ot-ed m ee t iu gs did Dot 4.50 Duck Boots ........... 4.00 2.00 Men's Pants ...... ... 1.79 MA LL farm I)f 115 aores' to rent. begin ' b ere Snnday night : owing to' cd (~ ul\r tf'f l y Meeting at Spring Val- O· ne Family 2,25 Overs for F elts .... .. 1.85 4.5Q-Men's Coats ......... 3.49 !nqulre of Mrl!l ' Aima. 'l'hot:pe, . ley ~at uruuy aud :SundllY . the incl ement weathe r, lIud the ill. 2,25 Men's Duck Coats .. 1.75 Ladies ' Overs ..... , .. .. ... , .. 50c W.hO formerly liv~p here sent from Iness of severnl ~f the members , ' .R D. 3, Wuyne~vllle, Ollio,.,:" ..,' . T h e bun d plauso nt.l v surpri ed Mr Children's Overs ..... .. ..... 35c 2.00 ¥en's Duck Coats.. 1.49 Geo. eml!,;, t c ondoctor. IlD Putnam county for 6lbs. of the best The C E , S OOlety b~ ld its m onth: 'l'h ursdlly even in g. Oysters were Coffee pn earth at ~Oc alb." That's ly bo iness l1I e tin/! llt tbe borne (If served lind tbe boys enjoyed a pleas. Cbase an,d Sanborn s sure. t,he Mt"!1 s Speu cer Friduy e venin g, Ra'i M'I CI k W ' ' d Post Cards Flannels uut e~eni~g. , 'Cheaper.-Than Meat and to~k np tbe Hturly of Misr3tons .' ~ way ~l , ~r ~ .' ante , . A nice line of Post Cards 'for Invltutlons h a ve be n iEsue,): f r , . ' . ' In Afrl :JIl. '.' "" ' -" .", . , 10c Outing Flannels .. : ...... Bc 1 cent; others sell a t 2 and t be mll1' of Fred ' MO,K lnney and That s our .~ake FI.s,5c a·lb ~r ' Mrs , Myers anu two ohildren IMt The Govem",eqt ,I?IIYV 'Railway,Mall lOc Flannelettes ..... ~ ......... Bc 3 for 5 cents just like t hem. Nelli ,voungoti t. dau.ght,er o~. David t~e ,F.'ancY Macker,e l at·lOc or the .Iltr Thursday mOI't;ltn~ Jor tl heir new ' Clerks "$800 to $I,~~ ~d; oth~r" \ All CaliCoes .................. : .. 6e We have the Valen t ine Cal'd~, '1 orne r . 'rlla marl'1l'ge WIll .. take tIe ;tln of Salm?n, llb.of gOQ~ clean h9tne in Minster, Ohio , , ,>' "'1 • "500 ," I ' '........ ;...... 1........ 5c pluce F ebrua rY' 23rd at tbe home eatmg.for We. , ," . ' M M ' f W ' . 'I ' emp ~yee8 up to.j. 2, !or Easter Cards, St Patric.k 8 . . f t h 'b ' ct " ! ' P ' . B "" ' r : organ, 0 Bynes'Vi l'e,ls . " , : ' r.l,t" ,', . 12c Muslin, ' bleached 'or " Day Cards, Washington's ' .,- o . ,e ' ,J;'! ~': ,." . " ", '" e~nut . ~tter , ", ' ~owthe. "thir~tJ.:ioli,1'·rl1'~01' b~r6 · .'''U,DOle 'SitDi' wiUbQ,ld, ~p~lPg'exa:~': ~ Brown. .. ,i ... . .. .'........ ; ... -!Oc Birthday Cards , and .ill fac:t . ' !d-rs.Ju , ,ShambaugbJr. enter•. .' • t, ',' 15c,a ,lb ' GIlY~har~0' ,of varpo l)u1Iu ir;l!ltioq8throughou~'heOoul1tr,y 'rQr " ,\" 12c Dress Gingh.ams .! .....: .. 1.0c any kind you want. tOlD d tI. party ,.of , r,oung people o~ .Made~tom the finest Spanish Pea- ynung men, an I Miss May . Bt:olnley, .l~~lIw~y ,MaI1 .' ·letlks j Uul!'t om 8,p.U8~ .'. . ~lI.tur~ay eVllOlng. l,n lw~or" of her ' nuts... and it is ~ph!l'.1did eating. · We o~ K·ings M.lll I w~rA D)nr'ri~~ iUJ.oeb- Clerkta,·~t6,~~grBpherfl. t;Iook~eeper8,' .' !lIster, Miss Glenna ~url6:r ,w hoseISUJge,st yoU ,. try a sample .at least: S~tnr,da.v: nl~ht, M~IJ. ~her- Oep!frt~~D~I .CI~rk8'IIDd Rtllel' ~ov . . " ".;,.' ' . " .. llI~rrittge to RaYln PDd ~llson'pcour8 , . , " ~." , . ' . wood·tl4U'~ht sohool b~re tb'rae .yearli\ ' Hi n.meut · ppsltlons , .Thousl4u~Ef !\f' ~lilS week . . " . Apr~~t !l0II~ , ' r ' " !Ago; and made ',many; frie~d8; who . appolntm~nt8 wUl be m,de,. Any !V.V " ..' . l1rll. 4,1t.oe W,!l,lton ,}s sutl'e"r1Dg " ' . : , '",100 alb ., ,DOW extend their best , wishes .nd, man or womao over 18, lD oityor .~ ,.; ':*\ '. - - ." " " ' " , . ,' 'neweake-JuBt oat-fi'iie eatitl. .. ra'alations to her and ber .buS.. oorl~~ry 01t0' get-sDittu ~"OJl IlDd.tree' , , ' , " ., , " . ..' I . .' . •.... ' ,. . ~ ., , Re~iv~l servioes' ' Q.ontiQue ,at the 1Jh~Ch~pest and , ~~ ~e have seen! balld. .'.,' : : ' , l.n1Ql''m~t10Jl 'by \Vl'.tt~a at · ODoe ',0 ....:a:.a.,~&.:.. ....&' ... .A.~:............ , ~Frlend·8~· ohuroh wit.h lnorease,d.l~· AlSo Cb~colate.q&~ar'8:Dd Sw~t Wa- ": ' '." • ~ - ." ,, : . : 'tbe bureau, of iPIS'a:UO&tOD i ~4'~ '



'y. ,

TrTa ' Iter," Ji 'K llbon


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' . , ' , ' . feJ."!i to ~rve~tfilce.~~ . "


I I ;


, ·Let US ..

pnnt·your Sale ,BUIs

" ~




~~11D Bal141qi ,BOObeIj,8I', No



I!.?~~£~t~!~~! M!'~~;~::;;;r~:.~: [~~~~~I~~~~~:~~~~;~{ !~~~e]

· I V I W II d -ht ' f ' March 5, 1905, and departe d this life CarrolJ Smart is visitlnl Lltte ela 001 l' relative s 0 " b d M L > W~Y .II aug f el' D y I,e ruary 10, 19] 0,aged 4 years, 11 here. r , an rs. ee 00 ey, 0 Sunday . .a · months and '5 days. ton, .wh.o had aBe\e~eattack of dlph. , 'Althou gh Erma's life was a very thel1a, IS now on llle road to recover y. brief one it brough t sunshin e and - -gladnes s into the 'home. She was Chas Lamar wno used to operate a lovable, affectio nate child, and was . Clh the Telegra ph ,Mills below town un . muc h a tt ac.hed to her paren t s. ~ e country home last week. . derwen t an operati on Februa ry 11 at was ve~y brIght for one of her.age, Ellswo rth Baines visited hiB brothMrs, W. E. O'Neal l an4 Miss Edba St. Elizabetl1's hospiCll, at Cincinnati and whll~ we cannot unders tand why er, W. S. Haines Sunda) ·. Janney were in Dayton Tuesda y. Be is very eick, a.nd his life was de one so brIght and lovable should be . spaired of when la~t heard from. snatche d from us. we are sure that MIllS Anna Brown was home on the Lord Hath need of her, for hea vacation of two days this week. fering with an bas said, "Suffe r little childre n to C. M. Cartwr igh., manag ing editor C4)me unto me." Mles Belle Gallahe r, of Lebar1on. Mrs. A. T. Wright and ·Mrs. Cynof the Western Underw r.i ter at its She had aommi tted a numbe r of is the guest of Mrs. E. D. Burn~tt . thiaEv ans were Dayton visitors MonChicago office. a\!ted a'3 toastm aster little poems and songs to memor y, . .. day. last week at the bis: fire ' insuranc(> and she took great delight in Ml'!" C. A. Bru~er VI.lted her par· .,.. banque t at Alton, Ill., where anum ing and singing the following: recit. ' ,ents 10 Mason FrIday and Saturda y. The Ladles Gutld Wln meet w1th . Mrs. W. H. Allen (In Thursd ay afbero~II1inois tate officers and l)rom, "Baby sleeps 90 ~e must tread ' Paulina ButterW orth spent Sab- ternoon . inent insuran ce men in differe nt Softly rou~ her little 'bed. bath with her friends Mary and Ulia parts o~ the country spoke. Mr. Ana be careful that ou. toyS Youllll: . Messrs. CI,iff and Walter Burnet t, Car~wrlgr,,, was one of the, speake r' Do not fal\ and make a noise who have been on the sick list are at the Lincoln birthda y annive rsary I , ' Mrs. Eva Barger is attendi nll the out again. banque t at the Union Qlub in Clev'e- We must not talk but whispe r low, sprinll openinlrl' in Cincinnati this land. Mother wants to work, we know, ' w~k. Adelbe rt McKay. of Dayton , was - ... Tha t, when father comes to tea, , • a i'ueet of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Brown Mr, .1..... W. Collett, ' of Daytor. , AI\ may neat ~d cheerfu l be." ilMI'rs • ,J . B Smith attende d the and family Sunday . th I' I' h h BS re~p.n tl y come . mery 9penin p in Cincinnati 11t~ e 1 • • I~ \: ; She leaves a father, mother , broth- m Thursd ay. Roy Irons, who has been as an tnvent'1 r. -~ e , IS P~~den of er and two Bisters to mourn her loss. in Lebanon, is much better the Foglesong Machine Co., and has , D r . Alexan der, Mr. Shobe and Mr. 'expect ed home this week recentl y invente d a machine for fill· Reat in peace, deares t Erma. McBribe, -of Elida were in town Sa~ ing horse collars. Manuf acturer sof I Rc...ost in peace, thy toil is o'er, urday. on business.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank ze harness.mak~r" machinery have been But deal't!8t child, , plov~ ing into their new home which they trying t o get a machine that. would ' We hope to meet you on yondl'r ftJisses Je~ Cook and Lor~ine lately purcha sed from James Stoops . do this 8utisfactorily for the past , shore. Hamilt on, of Lebano n, visited r~latwenty-five yeurs and ~r. Collett 's ,' , tiveti here Saturd ay. maehin e iSl:laid to be thefirs tpracti .' When at night the 8ta.r8 , are .. shmtng , cal inveritil'n 'to meet the need. It is ' .1~ the heaven s b"fht. and clear, OIC&l'Smith, who has been quite Said they wnl make a 'mint of m\>ney \,Fllltng all QU~ hearts, WIth 'sorrow , sick, is out again and attend.i qe to ,out of the inventtotl, h~ve already I Then we fmBS you Erma de~r. c.u8tome1'8 at the old stand. M


c,ommg .

I --. . tBut your voice' is loaUor ever Prot. C. M·. Austin, instruc tor jn 'f In the da8h~ng of the tide. mathem atics in the high school .



line! , dunseon" where slaves were kept. Wb 0. Cht-Ist wal . ' born slavery ,was as lns U· D. J... CRANE:. tlltlon and us much acc ~teil as in the order of society as marriage. As the ,WAYNESVTLLEl. OHIO. dJ:v!ne leaveu of 'hrlstlanlty began ' to . beget In nl n the worth and dignity o( the human Boul !lnd the doct1'lne at Get ready for a spring real state brotherhood and human rights, tbe ConservaUve Farmer Estimates that {rom 30 to 50 Per t>oom. Cent of Value of Crops' Annually propbets began to Bee the evil of slav- · Lost by Pest. ery and its Inher nt contradiction to Is th re really Buch a lhlng as "sill)lPery weather?" URlOUSLY enough, In e •• the 1I1rlt of the n w religion. -But as In ery generaUon since OhriBt they Bl101'.e they h eard the same old (BY Z. P. METCALF.) holes depends upon tbe sIze ot the InL.Aeroplanes never get stalled was born there have been story: Slavery bas al ways been. It Anyone walkIng through a tobacco Bect and the strength at Its mouth tS11owdrUts, an7way. large n umbers of men , ott· seemt! to hav been a sort at divine en followers of thlB very Institution. Qne cannot make over the fi eld, If he Is at all obscrvlng, cannot parts. Tbe boles rnnge In size t~m Thuggery has become a hazardoua hrlst, wbo have h Id as human race. We did make over thp fall to bave Impressed upon his mind the ·mlnute boles made by Oea bugs a,coupatlon In Chicago. a sort of ~undamental postulate of human raco and no one IB now lett, tbe enormous loss occasioned every to th e almost complete destruction of the leaf by full-grown horn worms. Th Inventor of the pay·as·you·enter their pbllosophy that you cannot since 1860, to 11ft bls ,'olce for Its ex- year by Insecta. Hardly a leaf can Bud wormB riddle tbe leavea betor. change human nature. One who reads Istence. T he owning of man by man be found wblch Is not Injured In some ar could not have been a smoker. they have completely unfolded tram Lbe literature or the ages carefully Is gone, and soon other IndIrect forms way by Insect lIesta. Ellther the leaf bud. GraBshoppers, orlckets, tree Uncle Slllll'S warships do no bonor will see thnt often the great stumhllng of Indu strlnl slavery wll\ go wltl1 It. Is punctured by the Oea bug or large, cr1ckets and katydids eat larger or 'lto the navy when they spend all night block In Ule way of buman progress Some tim e ago we were in Nurem- Irregular holes are eaten through tbe smaller }101es In the leat. The spotted ~n shoals or mud bonks. and emancllJation has been tWs obses- berg. '\\Te climbed the hill to the old leaf by horn worms or the whole top melon beeUe or corn bud worm otten That Januory thow did not bring sian ot good people. So deep·rooted ca3t1e. and there we were shown has been shattered by bud worms. cats small, Irregular holes In the leaf 'the hens to a meltlng mood. Eggs has It been that It has pasBed Into through the gl'ea t towe r where a ll the True, much of the Injury Is so sllgJ1t and vu rlous wormB , such aB cutworms pro verbs : "Whatever bas been mUBt torlur machines are preserved. We that It has no etrect whatsoev I' upon and cabbage loopers, eat larger or kontl nuo just as high as ever. always be," " \Vha tever Is, Is right," saw the roasting pans, the racks for the price of tbe leaf tobacco, but smaller portions of the leaf. Tho best proof at high or low prices "As Is a boy so Is the man," and , stretchIng aud cruBbing bones, the much of the tobacco whlcb ought ·to Us~ally vIrgIn soil Is selected for Is found by the ave rage man In his quollng an older cynic, "Can a leopard other In strum nls too horrible to sell tor first-daBS wroppers sell for the Beed bed and s uch selection has ('osh balance at the month's end. change his s pots," "Temperament Is a men tion, along with the Iron 'v lrgln, a lower grade becauBe at bl emlsbes but vcry little Influence upon the crop fix ed quantity," "Human nature Is the who op e embraced hundreds of mls· The mon who Invented that phaD' same In every age." These proverbs erable creatures In her s piked a rms. clue to Insecla. A conservative tobac· of Insects foun d In the seedbed. The Itom ' airship Is a genius either tor In- !1re generally coined by good people. And t he awtul th ing was not that men co farmer estimates that from 30 to us ual situation Is In the woodS and a 60 per cent. of the money value of hlB soutbeasterly exposure IIhould be Berventlng or tor weaving raJry tales. It has been In the church thnt tWs praclls d this torture, but that they If Halley's comet must strike the phllosophy has been prevalent, as well enjoyed It and flocked to see it. But one day a p\'ophet arose In Nurem-eartb somewhero, we hope It will s how as among the scoff rs.. And yet the fact of transrormatlon berg and said: "ThIs to rture Is horn sense ot dlscrimlnatlon and land In of human nature Is the very center rlbIe, utlerly Inhuman. against a ll the tNlcaragua. and core at ChrlBt'B Gospel, and bow sweet mercy and pity of Jeslls Christ, A whole village In Italy Is sliding his discIples could ever doub t It, and unworthy of our cIvilization. It must Idown tho hili on whIch It was bnllt. remain his dlsclplea, Is one of the stop." When he had spok n It was 'The coasUng must be unusually tine In mysteries and paradoxes of hIstory. the good people who discouraged him. that locality. It Is 'Blmply another of those strange They Bald : "Yes, It Is Inhuman and It has just been dIscovered that misunderstandings of the OospelB that un-Chris tian, but you canno t stop It. the earth has existed only 60,000,000 one witnessed among tho Be Christians , People hav,e always tortured, ther. yeara. And this country Is just b. wbo could not see that- Blavery and tore t hey always will. It Is part of the 8lnnlng to realIze Its full posslblllUes. Obrlstianlty bad no part together, But order of olvlllzatlon, because It has this Is not the strangest tbing. Far always been. . YOIl cannot .change." Pa, aa you enter and pay al you stranger Is the fact that tully half Needless to say: I~ wal! s topped In all SO are good rules to tollow whether of the Christians at to-day are BUll clvUlzed countries In 100 years, and applied to· street cars of a.oy other under the spell of thIs delusion. Not where once the wHole city loved It, lervice or want tn the way of lIy· iong ago a great wrIter called the at· not one but wbo would shudder at it. Jng. tenUon of the world to the fact that If now. You can change human nature reformera would only take human na- completely. The faCt that eggs retuaed to coun· One of the last great barbarltleB, tAlnance a further Increaae In price ture as It Is, they would stop reformprobably Is due to ' the fact that age Ing. To his mind reforms originate In most Inhuman ot all, a pagan InsUtuhaa lent them at, leaat aome mod. an idealizing of human nature It can· lion to linger on In our Christian clvnot Btand. Many Christians share that flIzatlon, Is war. Tbe prophetlc soull •• tYr · , view. On our way homle trom church know tbat it Is doomed and mUllt go, The latest Clure tor tuberculosis II one Sunday a good Christian mother, becauBe It is an abachronlsm In Cbrlsn.tt1eanalte venom. . Th,e re does not wor~ed by some tend~ncles of her Uanfty, and becquse the torceB are ..eem to tbe a1'8rage individual much young boy, remarked tllat sbe SUI)- now at work before wblch it needa choIce between the remedy and the posed there was no hope of changing must fall. But the one thing tbat predlseue. hJm because he was born so. You vents Its going in a generaUon Is thIs cannot .cbange human nature, half of obsession of good people: that ' you While It la all right for ~ tarmer oU,r ChrlBtlanB believe. Now, the cannot change buman nature. Tbe to' buy a motor car If .he can aftord It, ObrlsUans of tbe early ages, and even cburcb alone could Btop wara ta"mor11e abould not mortgage hla farm In of 'the m'l ddle ages, had only the prom- row dId It believe Its own Gospel had Life History of Southern -Horn Worm. order to do so. It takes a (ast motor Ise of the Gospel to convIct them at power to do what It c1aJms to do, and . to ou~ a mortgage. error-and, to be sure, that ougbt to did it dare believe that human nature (a) A.dult (natural alae) : (b) egg en larg d) ; ~c) l arva (natural allc); (d) PUpil. (allghU)' en l arged.) , Unprecedented things ate happen- have been enough-but the Cbri~t1ans cO\lld .be BO changed as to see the reaJng the world over. But do not get of to-day havetbat aud thts tact, too, sonableness of Christian Bettlement of crop Is annually lost tbrough tb~ de- lected, It possible. Tbe plants will atarmed~ Bome thlnp are 1ust aa b. thllt htstory and most Uterature is national disputes as already It settles strucUve work of insects. The larger grow much faste~ If llrolected In thlB fore. For ' t,natance, a revoluUon 18 nothltlg but the record of a 'gradual lndlvldual dlfference~. It bas baen part. of this inJUry' Is, however, pre- way fr6m ' the cold ' northern winds transrormatfo'n of human natbre. And' changed to do' that. Once all plen 1\ t.olng on 1D Bap~o Domingo: ventable If tbe farmer wlll only em- and In tbls ·w ay the plants will; to a ~ot , only tn Individuals, but tn whole tied personal disputes w,lth fists. That ploy the proper metbods_ certain extent outgrow the attack of . and oommunltles. FOr clvlll· pasled, and ·the duel oame. That has A man In New .Terset came neal' wltb the sowing of Insects In the beds, ,To thIs end every' Oommenclng ,droWJilng ~ a tank In mlda1r. Its cit- zaUoa Is nothing but the collective ex- gone, and 9fe bave the courts. More seeds In the sprIng, BucceBslve waves care Ill!ould be taken to see that the bens catlDot even shume oft this mor- pression of the human nature -of the and more private quarrels are now ad· of Inaects pass ovetthe aeed bed and bed Is well draIned. tbat the soli Is tal coO In a conYenUonai aDd usual Ume. The Pll8llng of clvlllzaUon from judJcated, before they even reach tbe over tbe fleld of growing tobacco. The tull ot humus and tertlllty and that barbarism to the leml-ChrlsUan clvUl- courts, by diplomacy. ThIs evolution W87 111 that Ipe.c tacular state. utloa of the middle agel Is the his- has gone on side by side with aU this plants that are lett for seed have tbelr nothing but good. SUODg plants, which , When aD aviator baa bta aeroplane tory of the tranlformatlon of human abaurd talk or not being able to pods devoured by In.s ects and tbe are to a great extent resistant · to. Inpotnted upward we ,He nor reuon The pass!f,ge from the cruelty change human nature. And the suckers whJch grow ' up In tbe field secta. A gogd stand of thrifty plants -"h7 he POllld not keep on going. It and ' feudaUBm and vice of the middle change tram· warB as the metbod of after the tobacco la barvested are Is such an essential thing to the growjWoul4 not be much · worae to tall a ages to our more Cbrlstlan ctvUIz(Ltion adjudIcation between groups of peo- riddled by Insects, the work of which Ing of a good tobacco crop tbat no '!nUe than ' to fall hall t,bat diatance. ~ay Is . further story of tbe. ~l~ pl~ to international courts iB in tbla' Ia ·cut short only when ' the plants are amount' ot labor shouid be spared In tbo preparation and c~re of the seed\. . of chemlstlc change in the human h~art lnbltable evolution; but' lt limps and killed by trost. ; !'rom the way that war between by the deeper 'and larger applIcatIon baIts because goOd people cillng to this Leaves are of cO\1rse tile most lin., bed, The Inl!ectJI whlcb are destrilc· Ohlnese Tonga In New York and elsethe ,seed.bed R1!e usually easl1) , and underl\t.andlng ot the Gospel. Tbe outgrown obBesslons: You cdDnot portant part of the tObacco plant and ttl'e ~here la raging It looka like a ca.s InsectB' do the most rea,1 4amage to contr~lled by spraying. A «,reat' deal promise of Christianity Is the trans- change 'buman nature. Wars bave al· ,of hammer and tongs. C&Dnot aome the leaves. Tbe aim of tbe , tobacco of spraying may be done on the seedone take a poker to the combatants? formaUon of human nature .Into ' dl- ways been, therefore they must al· farmer Is to grow · good, firat-class 'bell • . at comparatJ~elY small Co t. for vine nature, the subduing of the ani- ways be. We are writing this edJ· wrappers, as this grade at tobacco the area Ia small and easily accesslhle , OhIna now wants railroads. The m,al In man by tbe rising, conquering; torlal to call tbe attenUon at these brIngs the best price; but tobacco and as most of tbe Insects In the beds creat waJl between that emplre and spiritual. This needs no proof. It good people to the effect that thlB ob- riddled by flea bugl or wIth large follow the plants to tbe field, there to !tbe clvllh:ed world Ia down at last. On Is the whole 'asservation of the GOB' Besslon w111 prove talse here as It has holel cbewed tnto It by bud WOnDJI Or Increaae' ln enormous numbers, It necthe new railroads occidental Ideas and pel. It It fall, then Ohrlstlanlty Is a , everywbere. You can d'o away witb born worms must · always be classed easarlly tallows tbat a reduction ot tnsUtuUona wtll be the principal part taflure. But perhaps It mlgbt be help- war Boon because you .can cbange hu. wIth lower and cheaper gtades, The the bIsects tn tbe bed means a carre.. ful to us, and deepen our fa1th In tbe man nature. The earth is rull of tbe of the freight they will carry. power ot Ohrlstlanlty to accomplish Blgns that buman nature iB obanginl number of InsectS InjurIng the tobac- spondlng reduction of ~he same I~' 11, at the .tnlt,l atlve at the 'UntteeS what It purposes to do, If we flnd that· very fast In this t:egard. The calendar co leaf ' is l!\rge ,w ith tl),e sects In tll,e ftel~ . Then" too, ",hlle States, the world, fo~s a general hlBto'r y, as we said, Is the recOrd of .or 190~, printed In our laBt two Issues Dumbers tbat Injure other par.t s of.t~~ the ,Plants are YOllng, they may b~ :peace court, at wblcb Its dUferences the fulfilment of this promlBe. We Is only n slight Indication of what Is · tobacqo' Pl§nt. Tbe Injury cauBed to sllla'1e4 In Bafety wlth 'a m\1ch Btrongcan be arbitrated and arranged, It will tbink we can show it Is by looking at goln~ on In the mInd of the world. leaves by Insects Is largely du'e to er solution than' cbuld be used' In th~ be the greatest work a nation could two or three great spberes of buman Read It car efully, 'and remember that' the fact tbat thes.e Insects are chew- flerds, for a slIght burning ot the ever pertorm. But its realization conduct wbere tbe chan~e haB been 60 years ago on e could not bave w~lt­ Ing Insects and eat holes . directly Jel\ves ,In the beds would In no ' way ,sounds ' too mucb like tbe establlsb. most manifested. ten one. World unity, Internatlonal through the leaf. The size of these toppre the 'salable tobacco. ment of an Intfll'DaUonal millennium. There Is a paBsage In SIenkIewIcz's peace, world federation, Hague courta, It will require so many concessIons "Quo VadJs," wbere a wretch named ~bl tra tlon t reaties, brotherhood of tram buman nature to International Ohllo, wbo has been plotting against m~n-these are the growing words politics. , the Christians-It Is the time of the everywbere. They b etoken a cbange The old story ot the plt·c ller that first Christians In Rome-falls Into coming over buman nature. Link your· goes too otten to the well Is told the hands of the OhrlBtlans, and one selt Ill) to It and hasten the ,transfol'agaIn In the case at that New York ot them, the ' gIant slave ' UrBuB, Is matlon with your Christian faIth. rhe of bliman nature Is easy to a 'farmer killed a tew days ago by an ready to crush blm t9 death, when the ('bange C/lrlstlanlty really . beUeved.-The explQslon ot' dynamlte~ He had been AposUe P eter hlses from the table ·blowlng out stumps, and lett dynamIte and speaks these words ! "The 'Savlour Christian ,W ork and Evangelist. capa In hIs pocket. While he was said this to us: 'If thy brotbel' bas pltcblng Bome bay Into bls barn the sinned agaInst tbee, chasti Be blm; Fullnell of L1vi.lg. fork ,h tt bls ' pocket and be was biown but It he Is repentant, forgIve hIm.''' Row foolish are we wbo lay waste up. A correBpondent says: "He wal Then Glaucus, against whose lite Chl- tbe best at our powers figbUn'g one an expert at blastIng, and bad become careless (rom conBtant use of dyna· 10 ,bad been especially plotting, turns agalnBt another for ·tbe poorest thlnge to Chilo and says: "May God forgive that earth affords when heaven ' Ie mIte." thy offenses, as I torglve them tn tbe open ,right bet?re us, wben in way. The police claim to have 'arrested name of ChrIBt." The point IB that available to the weakest tbe greatesl the "Spanish prisoner" lil New York. Chilo cannot believe bls own earB and glories and highest valueB are to' be' Dut It ""'111 make little dltrerence as eyes. Wben at, last 'h e fin!iB blmself found. The tblngs ,f or whlcq· our as saving , vIctims Is concerne1!. free and tells the Romans they wtlJ hellrts eternally bunger are ever close Fool/l In ,thls world are BO eager to be not believe It In every century, even to our bands. Too late we learn that happlnese parted from tbelr money that almost within ~e church, :men keep on say· an y kind o(easy trIck will do It. Tbe Ing that torglvenes,s of the enemy Is ' and richness 'of livIng ar ' tt length of time whlcb the "SpanIsh ImpossIble;' revenge Is the natural law' wbolly dependent on how ;e f~k e~~ prisoner" Bwlhdle . hali ' exlBted lind of ' l~fe, of man as well aa of the ani- life and wbat we -Beek to .get and give tlourlshed, I.n spite at repeated ex- mal, an eye for an eye, a tooth tor a In It. To believe In goodneBs, to reposures, shows Uils. Other SpanlBb tooth, Is all humanity Is capable at. 'joice In . Ufe as Just an hour given UI prisoners will ariae; and atter nil" It Even to-day one meets ChrlsUans who In wl1lcb to love and serve, to live makes no real dlfte~nce to the dupes canl!ot believe In tbls pOBBlblllty of tor the truth before us thlB I t O d forgiveness as a. law of lite: And yet fullness or' lIvlng. ' s ,0 a who gets their ·money. . we find that every ' age In .h lstory has All criticisms' of ' the ' woather· man bap-n :full , of exqulBlte Instances at 'It. G~~at W~.rl~, .Thl .... 101' pr santlng the. , 90~nt~t with Buch We find many' Ii soul .. Uke, 9t. F.ranc1s, ,..~ tr,~e re may be ' larger worlds, nnd n ; mlld winter ,.ha1e- , boen ' recalled. pracUctng It. ' , To-day there are r~er~ was n otl1lng ~e matte I,' wltll hili ' UOJ:ls 9.~ -P!lrls~li~ns praotlcln'g It.. and 81:~nd~r . and bett'er wo~ldB _tl1a1\' thla; hum- but thla, Is. a gr~at' w~rld, . Its style at wlnteX' weathet; be had plenty thousands, from Tolstoy ,t o blest 'apostle, '1)re'nohh:ig it.' The chll rch are ~09's thoughts ulled u~, its ptat or It. but ' sl~plf ClOnqen'trat~d , , , 'enfolns · It" ul?on' every new 'member. 'rles. God 's thougbts s~read . out;t It. EnterprIse ' does ,Dot tag ,1n New We have seen tho\lsands of uu(orgti, rivers Ood's ~boughts In mollon! 'Itt Jersey. A grave-dfggeJ:' there was re- lng' natures ' since ~h'l'lst's day. i9 flowers God's tholjgbta '11 bloom; Its cently, nn ~d for'" aelH1l1 liquor In the transformed by the ·\ll'f!n alcbemy of b'a rvests God's thoughts hi bread; ' Itl cem tory ·to mou.rn~ 8:l tliaerala, TbJs, Christ's Gospel tbat they, be&u"- de~d~opa (Joers thougbts In pearJ;. aDd, ,.,ase, It has ~ ",hen~ver we lc:.~ B!>out UI, e.ery · ~~ unique melbod ' of olreriDg ,coJisQlaUoQ to practice come the 14olvers,IL1 law or thou8and8~ jeet .s'mtJes back upon us dd BaY8:. "J to' tbIJ grief-.trlclceJl, ,..lth prollta am ,but' the gin at a IracJous . Fath'e. CQn~ler, wal PJ'ODlptb nipped Ia , yet good uie~ ~ave said. apd "tJI~ say, yoU: C8tl1l0t ebange hUDlaD nature. . t9 bts wayward oJlll"rea:·-Rev•. 8iur . the bud. . : ,Aa JOU 10 up down ~urop8 .vou Jonel.

The Miami


.Can Human Nature Be,Changed?






rrHE WONDER8ERRY OR SUNBERRY Hila Proved " ~reat 8ucoeo-Thou.

.anda S'.y It'. the Belt Thing , .' They Ever. Grow. The Wonderberry or Sunberry, ~e marvelous garden fruit orig inated by Luther Burbank, and Introduced by John Lewis Childs, tbe well-known' Beedsman of Floral Park, N. Y., bas proved' a great BucceSB all over the country. Tbousan'ds of people Bay It 1s the best thing they ever grew. Mr. John Bup'oughs, the well-known. au lboI', NaturallBt and bosom·frlend ot Theodore Roosevelt, says It hi the most deUclous Ille berry he. ever taBted, and a marvelous cropper. A 'DIrector of the New York Agrlcul. tural Experiment StaUon says It fruits ~bundant1y even In pure Band. In tbe short season of North-western Oanada It IB a godsend, and trults long after fros t h as killed most garden truck. D. S. Hall, Wlcllltn, lean., says thirty people grew It there las t Beason with perfect Batlsfactlon. K. S. Enochs, Hammond, Ln., saYI it ylelda $260 worth ot trult per acre with hIm. 1' J. H. Powers, 4732 Kenwood avenue, Chicago, raised enougb berrlcs on a space 4x10 feet to , supply berself and fr iend s. J. P. Swallow, Keulon, Ohlo, says Its eQ.ual for all purposes does ngt exis t . Rev. H. D. Sheldon, Pacific Grove, Oal., says b e likes the berries Berved in any and every way. W. T. Davis, Elnon, Va., says It ia true to description In every way, and fruUs In three months trom ailed. Judge Morrow, of U. S. Circuit Court. says the Wonderberry Is simply delicious r aw or cooked. Mr. Childs ' exhibited' one plant fi ve montbs old bearing 10,376 berries whlch' DleaBured about elrJt.t quarts. Mrs. Hattie Vincent, Hayden, New 1.\'exlco, BayS It Btands the long, hard droughts ot that climate an.d fruits abundantly all aummer. Is certainly tbe most satlBractory n trult and the greatest Nonll7 introduced. People Realize the Danger. As an Indication of the torce of the crusade agaInst tub rculosls, tbe NaUonal Association tor the Study and Prevention ot , 10. bu,letln Issued recently points to the tact that whtle 63.6 per cent. of tbe· ex· pendltures for tuberculosIs 1909 were made [rom public resource~, allproprlaUons made tor 1910 hidlcnte that over 76 per cent.· at tbe money to be spent this year will be from federal, state, city and county fund s. ,In 1909, out of th~ $8,180,621,60. spent for tbe prevention tl.nd. t reatment of tu· berculosls, " ,362,760.03 was Bpent trom publlo money, and $3,817,871.47 'from funds voluntarily contributed. For the carrying on of state, feileral and municipal tUbetc~Iq.sls · work In 1910, over S9,OOO,()OO hall been appro· prio,ted. Of thfssum, tbe s tate legislatures bave granted.-,4,100,OOO, the municipal and count-y bodIes, $3,975,600 and the [ederal government, $1,000,000. .





PractTcal Chrlltlanlty. "On behalf of the sewIng cIrcle of thla church," lIald the pastor at tbe conclusion or tbe morning service, "I desIre to thank th.e congregaUon for 67 blJttonB , placed' 'In the contrlllutJon box during the past month. It now the pbllabthroplcally incUned donors ' of tbese objilots will put a hal[·dozen undersblrts . and three palrs ot other atrlctly secular garments on tbe plate next Sunday· morning, so tbat we may have something to 's ew thoBe buttons on, we shall be additionally grateluJ." -H!'rper's Weekly. . Teamater.. Punl.~ment Earr\e~. Apparently It pays not to ,be cruel to hOl:ses· out In Ohlcago.. A teamstef .. V>'bo admitted, abandoning hls . horS$8 for' six bO-\1rB a 'a recent' stormy da~ was fined $50 by a ,magistrate. The hum!lne society prosecuted ' the caSE vIgorously and promised to rfPor~ the mat~er ,to the drIver's emplpyers. Pre· sumably be will lose his job, a1l be was ullable to , pay tbe fine anei will have to serve a jail term.









GET , POWEf'. Supply Come. Prom Food.


T ,l \c d coli tt gown dealoDstratea thl,1t wh n It WOlUan i s 1n tl,le swim sbe wants to w Ut· as few clothes U8 pos· I,'Ilble. , PI,I.ES mJREO IN 8 TO 1<& O A.T8. PA7.0 OtWl'ME1'ITI 'j(Ul n,nl od t (\ enro) "nJ cu.

or l Lc 1 1In~. Htlnt! , nlt'Cltln~ ' o~ l'rot rud l tIjJ I'll. la

e 100 1. c1ar8 o r WODO, re1UD40Cl. IiIJu.

F e w men )lut olt until to·morrow the mean ness lhey can do to·duy. AS TO "BEING A BOY." " 'hen J


Vanderbilt's Clutching Hands ~~'--------------------------------

It Was Not Avarice, But the Rowing


of HIli Old Ferry Days That Made His Flngere Curv •• The la te Samlle l Barton, n ephew of Commodore VIlJldel'bllt and the broke r through whom the Commodore did much of his business, was a ver· Itab le trea s ure 'house of Vanderbilt anecdotes; and for this hitherto unpubUs hed one of how the Commodore came by his clutching hands 'I have Mr. Barton as my authori ty. . "There w~s one personal pecullar· Ily aboue the Commodore whIch, all of U8 who were In close assoclatlon with hIm from the time he began bls rail· way career nollced and orten spoke to ODe another about," said Mr. Barton. "Tbls waB the )Yay In which he held bls bands, the fingers and thumbs of each beIng so extended and curved that they constantly seemed to be about to grasp somethIng. "This pecullarlty was not due to any s tiffness. or rheumatic trouble, as we all knew, for the Commodore's fingers were very e lastic and strong, a nd so there caIpe to be 0. general i mp ressIon a mong hIs dally auoclatea -even among his closest friends , In faot- that this sort of clutching, grasp· iDg way of- .tlol d ln~ his bands revealed to the world the avaricious or greedy nature of tbe Commodore. This view ,was strengthened by the belief on the part of many persons that tbe d esire to get hold ot something and keep It was the ruling passion ot the Commodore 's life. ':1 knew better. 1 kne w that be cared for money prIncipally because ot Its power and 'the sense ot achie ve· ment that it gave, but I muat confess that the Commodore's 'clutohlng hands puzzled us greatly, though wbenevet: I heard anyone say that they reflected bls avaricious nature I felt sure that the , speaker was mistaken. "We ll, one day the Commodore wal In the treasurer's olllce of his rail· road when Capt. Jake Vanderbilt, his brother, came 10. He was a quaint, highly original character ; very proud ot the Commodore , and not the least bit al-rald of blm, as wer e many ot the Con::modore's business associates. . ;'Cnp l J ake greeted bJs b~other 'WIth 'eustomary salutation: ,' How nre you, Corn eel ?'- and then tlirew himSelf Into a chair fol' a chat. The Commodore at that moment was tak· ' Ing up a bundle that may have cpn· talned bonds, when, of a sudd en. Capt. Jake leaned forward and 'commanded: 'Hold out your hand, Corneel,'

"The Commodore. somewhat surprised. did s o. "Capt. Jake looked at the extended hand long and earn es tly. "'Corneel: he saId, finally, 'your hands iook JUBt a s they used to when you wel'e rowIng 0. ferry boat between Staten Isla nd and New York city. That Is exa cUy the way you caught hold of your oars,' "The Commodore turned his flsts over and ovel', apparently discoverin g for the lirst time the physical peculiar.

Ity t hat waB In them. At laBt ho said: " ' 1 don't know but you',e rl"h t, Jake, I never thought of It before. It took a pretty good grip to pull that boat, Bnd I suppose I got in the haba of holding my hands all the Ume ex· aoUy just as I would when I had hold of the han dles :ot, the oars. But they are all righ t-they' re beUer hands than yours. Jake: and he moved his flng rs fI xlbly to IIbow the str ength ami elas tlcl ty that were In ·the m. "And so, at last," added Mr. Barton, "I came to know for a certainty that It wasn' t avarioe, but his old fe rry days Inst ead t hat gave the Commodore his lIte·long clutching, graspIng, mise", like hands." (Copyrlsht, 1909. by E. J . Edwo.l·d•. 1

Sold His Bralns to Himself

go Olll to

walle with

For Sprains


1 hn,"<1 to I.J , lIO prim Ilncl goorl! I'm s ti c h Cl "tombo y," 80 shu suys, Anti 80 "ulIlJl u nn erly 111111 rude," 1 ha te m~' silly, rU B S), c lothes , And d \1 8 nnd books 1 cnn't njoy; ,



.. h.

tilt hOU81llld limes n daytll'Ar. I wi sh r Willi a boy!"

But whell

m y dnIJd~' comell nt ni g ht. And lifts m o g ntl y on hi ll knel', And whl Npcrs: "GAddy's ' IItO g irl :" " 'cll. til" " , I'm r nlly sind J' m m e.


To th Land of PINllr!' Honk .. ,\ r(l o p en r ODl1s anti 8 hD 'l y n ooks , Anti sn nd y I'l lH'es by t il e Sf'", And flLl r}' l' ln l:/l 'nu'!th Bp l'catlln &, tree.

Amus ing Paltlme for Indoors Called "Hundred-Inch Dash ." Where Speed Will Prove Fatal ,

Th r re Is u. w o rl'l or glrl e nnd boye. Ttll'r!l ure many t or, lft nll,1 toy,,; S Olnf' lhlng n e w wh C' n (! ' (.' r o n.- lHok a In th o 1.un d oC PI ClU -0 Books.

Most ev ry sohoolbOY has seen or ta ken part In that athl tic eve n t, th hundre d·yard das h, but who eve r com · peted In this new broomstick pastime, th e hundred·lnch "dasb?" You might also call It the eight feet four·l ncl: "dash ," as that Is the length r equire d for the accu rate measure· ment or t he course when you lay It ou t. And In a way the hundred·lnch dash haa an a dvantage over th e hundr d·yard, for It cnn be held Indoors. Have you ever tried to hold a brooms tick In your bent legs wi thout the aid of your hands . as s hown In t he accompanying U1ustra Uon? It Is easy e nougb to keep It In that position while standing, or ra the r squattlng sti li, but It you try to move forward

rlirlOlIA chll dr n gn th e r th f'ro 1"1' 0 01 ovrr SellM n n d eVl'r y wh c r r, AliI clr!'!!s so quecr. an,1 s trange ly p l a YB ut J Itno w everything t h ey sny. n ~n" 19



blrlJ ~

pon our Inwn ..

on e n o v er

o r In



se!:!! 8 ,

Throng lhe 811(hl, ""h n o'e r o n e looka Tn th Land o f PI t ure BOOk!!.


Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part wilhout burting because it d oesn't need to be rubbed - all you have to do is to la y it 011 lighlly, It is a powerful preparation and penetrates instantlyrelieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces tbe swelling.

Here·s the Proof.

Chauncey M. Depew'. Story of How aud they make millions out of It, Mr. L. ROLA ND, Bishopo! ScranGirl Who Imagines Her Lot Dull One ton, Pa. says: - .. On the 7th of while you and I have to peg along as Judge Steven.on Burke of Ohio t his present month, as I was leaving May Well Compare It with Life before. Became a Railroad Capitalist the bui.lding at noon for lunch. I of European Lanlos. " 'Now, I'm tired of this sort of of Promlnenc •• IIlipped and fell, sprai ning my wrist. th1ng. I am satisfied that we lawyers I returl\tld in the afternoon, and at The Ame rican gIrl who thinks bel' f our o'clock I could not hold a pen. Wben the Iatl) Judge Stevenson are not 'getUng our faIr ahare, I have made up my mind that hereafter 1 am lot a dull one may we ll compare It cil in my hand. I returned homs Burke ot Cleveland, 0., died In 1904, later llud purchase4 a bottle 01 with t be lite of girls of other cOlinleaving behind 11 r e putation as a rail· not going to sell my brains and lntor· tries , says Youth's Companion. road capitalist of prominence In the matlon to anybody except Stevenson On e does not need to call up the mIddle west and a fortune of several Durke. For, It what I know' and can pi tIIre or the Turkish household, million dollars, many Interesting advise Is good for these railroad fe l· whi ch Is llllle be tter tban n prIson fo r storleB ",ere told of him, for he was a low8 to make mlllions on , It ought to women and girls. or of the Chinese sepicturesque figur e. But there was no be good for Stevenson Burke alao to clusion !lnd torture. or of the Jallanese mention of the chance thought on make some mllllons on! 'But, judge,' 1 Bald, 'YOU mUBt not exa tlon of years ot toll from g irls. In which he bullded hIs reputation and order that they may mnster tbe multi· bls fortun e. That s tory was told to forget 'that It requires something be· and UlIed it five or six times before' t udlnous demands of the national e tl· me by S e l1ato~ Chauncey M. Depew s ides brains to carry through large I went to bed, and the next day I quette. Even In Spain. the country several years before Judge Steven· ralll'Oad e nterprises,' How the "Dalher's" Race. was able t0.\t0 to work and use my " 'I know that: was the r eply. 'But girls s it all day long behInd latticed son's death and a t a time when he hand as usual" , WAS at the height of his career as a I am certain that sny man oan get the stick Is almost Sllre to roll off the windows, working on embroidery, and Sloan's Liniment capital who , lrnows how to use his railroad capltallat. oa lves 0 _ your legs and fall to the keeping up their spirits, perhaps, by is an excellent anticredit. and onb of the things you and . ';The judge and I both appeared as g rou.nd unless you "Inch" forward very s inging the moat romantic ballads septic ' and germ counsel, r epresenUng some very 1m· 1 have been advising men of capital s lowly , sliding yourself along on the mostly depicting joys whIch n ever killer- beals cuts, about Is the manner In which they ,come to pass for the s ingers. portant railroad !ntetests," said the balls of your fe eL bums, wounds alld Ileside this lot, Ame ri ca surely al)senator. "We .w ere reoelvlDg our fees can use their cred-It. And I'll tell you You can re Wn t h e s tlck In pOBl tlon contusions, and will righ t her e that I am going to . see and salaries IlS regular counsel, but tben-but you mus t proceed with tor· hood. Dut one need go no farth er draw the poison tbe Issue at stake at this particular whether or not ' I have got credit lUOUS alowness. for the least acoeler- away than England to find that the from sting of pol- ' enough to supplement my legal knowl· conference with the men employing us ated motion will' dis lodge the stlck- dau ghter of a family with good social . so~ous Insects. Involved a good many millions and edge and any other ablllty tbat I may which puts you out of the race. traditions has a narrow path to tread. 260,,600, and $1.0f) lhe making ot large fortunes lor some have, so that I can make out of my "What did you do wben you were , & So. if yuu want to Increase your Iteok • • brains a nd my credit suftlolent capl· of tbem .. chances of winning th e hundred·lnch girl by way of amusement?" asked an =~:-:::t~:T .e:.=.~, tal to stnrt In making mIllIons tor my· tre.. Addre.. "A day or two afte r we had ouUlne d "dasb," just bear In mind • a saying American woman of a pleasant young Dr, Earl 8. Sloan, I' a plan ot action to cur clients, tbe selt.' E nglish la dy, wbo was malting her "At first," continued tbe senator, "I which looks Quite out ot place when Bo.t~ ..... , V.S.A. judge and I met "gain. ' first visIt to this country. app lied to any kind of 8 , race : .. 'Depew: he said, 'while we were UlOught th at the judge was sImply "Take your time nnd don't hurry."''1'1 tell YOll precisely." she anin tbat conterenca the other day, a talki ng to hear hlmsel! talk, and was People's ,Home Maga,zlne. swered, In he r soft English voice. "I thinkIng about a ~I\rgel' fe e for the chance thought flashed lrito my mInd, walked with my governess two miles In the midst ot the bUBlness In hand, work he had j ust done or a grea te r east and back every morning. and tWo salary as general couDsel. Hut 1 soon MUSIC IN GLASS OF WATER miles wesl and back every a.ft e rnoon," that yoll and ,r are big fools~ Here ,18 a group otrallway men who "are pay- saw that be was Indeed earnest, 2nd Tbe average Am erican girl, It Is to Is Growiq Smaller Ing us a few thousand dollars Cor lbe not long thereafter 1 learn ed that he With Eight Thin Tumblers of the be feared. wOllld have mnde the Ufe' of bad got e nough credIt and capital advantages tha t our experlenoe, our CARTER'S U1TLE Same Size Musical Scale Can t hat gov l'ness a burde n. unUl s he at UVER PILLS UtI legal knowledge. gives tb em. They tog ther to e nable hIm to buy his way Eallily Be Constructed. least discove red Il new roud leading Into au thorltatlve relation wlfh one or rapoos!hle-they rely almost wbolly upon wbat we tell nort b un<\. south. only IPve ' them can be done. and ho \v ,it can be the Ollio railroads. From that step This Is an old amus ment, but only Bu t. It mllY be a dded that out of tho they perrDaJlc:utly dOlle , or wbat caJl!lot be done. Then he ad vn nc d Into ·very profitable assGo those who have tried It ' know how C:UJO (;Oltlt.i. .• what do ,tl1 ey do ? 1'hey go ahead npd laUon wI th those WhO were ngaged much me lod y may lu rk in a glass of youi.llful years of ul1 wasted energies tiOL do as we have auvlsed them to do, In the reorga ni zatIon o f tll ll Hoc king water. If you have elgbt thin tum· t be I!Jngllsh girl In Question had liona '*' brought a fresh taste for life. a courValley Rail l'Oad , becomJnr; Its presl· them lor dent nnd r emaining In that' office for a bIers of tbe same size a nd s hapo, you age for its trials and a pleasure In Its BIlio••• matter of s ix years , And fro m the may ma ke n mu sical Bcale enslly. Each JOYs which tUIl American might envy ..... lDclicesu.. Skk HClaaclae, Sallo. Ski.. day lhnt he started in to become a tumbler cOll tal ns a certain amliu.n t of her. After al l, It Is po.s slble to give a SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMAlJ. PRICI rnllroad capltaJis t ou the strength or cold wa't er, more or less. according to girl baby 60 lUl\ny toyS tbat sbe ep· GENUINE mUll bear ~ature: the volume of sound re qull'ed ; tbls joys non e or them. that chance ' though t of his lie baa conslste'ntly to his purpose of you mllY find', out practi cally by dip· s tuclt WhIg Leader Captivated 'the ' Chief 'mer beoame vislbh' embal'rassed. He seiling Ste\'fi!nllon' BU1:ke's brains to ping YOllr fin ge r In the water and _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ w-. _ _ _ _ - _ Executive and the , Rulgnatlon of h el'I1med and hawed, but finally said: no one e xcept 'Stevenson Durke, and drawin g It briskly rpund and rouud RUNNERS PUT ON A BICYCLE W. H, S~war.d from the Sell' • "'r am very Borry to , ha" 8 lO te ll .it bas mnde him rIch," t he sharp outer rim ot your glass . ~t.··NoarIY Rceulted. you, Mr. Weed, tbe.t neither yo ur rec· ThIs produces a musical not ·. Instead of Storing Machine In Win· (Copy 1'1 gil t. '1909, by lit .J. Ed wnrdl.) ommendatlon nor Benator S wa rd's The fuller the glass the deep er the For making Ice Cream. Sher, ter it Can B~ Altered for "I presume ulat , there a re few per- In any matter whatever Is golnt to be Errorlell Telephon, Talk. note. Th e swift motion of the finger bets. Fruit Frosts aDd U •• on Ice. Water ' Ices wlthouf sons now living who know thst WII· of any Influence with the admlnJst ra· For a long Ume telephone compa- round the edge produces a vibration Beat or Eggs. Fine as lInm H. Seward, shQrtly after he took tlon. I will tell you furth er what ' the nies have Instructed their operatorB to on the surface of the water, partlcu· Instead of storing' away your bicycle . silk. smooth its velvet. bis seat In the senate ' In 1849. was reason Is. Vlce-PresJdent FJIlmore use the word ,10" Instead of the pu. larly if the edge Is tbln and cle an cut. for the winter, attach runner s and use nEE s.II)"lo ,.lth our haDd. lIorelr tempted , to reBlgn," sa,ld the baB oompletely captivated the presi· \XIeral ' "naUght," Tblll Is Intended to The ' glasses, with graduateu It 011 the Ice. writes C. R. Welsh In some 20·polle hookleto' a eellM. ?enerable Judge Noah' Davls of Whig denl Why. the prQsfdcqt a t one t1nle do away with erron. For ins tance, amouDts of water, might be placed In Popular Mechanics. The rll,n ne rs can mailed on .ecetpt of your DaJIIC e- party-and 'Tweed trial fame to me a thought of taking Fillmore Into his '''FJv c-double.O-elght'' comes more ce", regular scale order on a table covered aDd "dtlre.. ,. be made tl'om one·to\lrth·lnch by on ~ year or two before h'l s death. "And," cabinet as ex·omclo cabfnet officer, talnly oller tho telephone than "!lve with iJoth cloth and table fe lt. At each inch Iron r.nd fa s tened to the bicycle -__0.:... - _- - I ~~~IPP~!~ DBPt,_~,~~~~~.~ be added, "I 'believe I am one of the and would surely have done so only thousand and eight" or "flfty.naught- glass put a performer with Ii g'ood ear very t ew perBons who eyer knew' the that certain aen8to,,'s said to hIm that eight." Following thIs. an effort II for mus ic and a steady middle finger, real reason wby Mr. Beward thought this ' would not be tolerated by rhe beIng made to Identify the digit which Is the besl and strongest to use. ot leaving the senate, where his brll· senate for an Instant. "three" by trilling the r 's. Whe", Each glass must be held firmly. n.ear Nev... Fall.. to Re .. lo.e Groy Jlol. to ' It. '*' 'lIant Intellect shone for so many 'J tblnk; continued the postmaster e ver "three" occurs In a tc)ephone the bottq~ so as not to lIIar the Natu.ol Co lor aod Beouty. S to ps it a t"IIiIlA years and helped to make , ante-bellum ~eneral, 'that Fillmore haB great am· nllmber . the olleratofs III some of the sound, willi tbe forettnger nnd thumb ' 0 111, and Il o~i tlv. I)· rc move5 OAndruff. Is Dot a bye. Roruse nil 8ubllitlll es. ' t .OO Md history,' , bitlons, and he looks upon Senator larse exchanges now trill the word of the left band. In this way all 'ta· Bollle5 by M all or at Oru~~lsu , "As the Wblg senator from New Seward and you as standIng In the so that It becomes "thr·r·r·ee,'· The mlllar airs may be ~rodllced. wltb Send Joe fo r I n r~ e sample Dottle York ' state, which had decided the way qf them. He e xpects through tbe purpose of tbh.l IB 'far, trom being af., some r e ally sweet vlbratlons if you Philo H.y Spec. Co,. Newark, N , J .• u. S . A, gresldenUal electlilD of the year be- patronage . to command hIs party In fectation, but n laborioulf effort to know how to use your tlnger to the fore in favor of Oen. Zllohary Taylor; New York state. ' You ' know he IB a id e n~lfy thIs numeral at least so that best ad v:antage. Mr. Seward 'very': naturally expect~d most fascinating man pel'sonally, and It may ' not be confused with otherL to b~ consulted by UlE! pr~sldent with Pres ident Taylor Josas, 1 thInk, been It some method could be devilled slm· ' J:espect to Important federa.l appoint· .more fascinated by !lIm than by any lIarly to dtrrerentlate ".ove" and MOTHER'S KISS MADE PAINTER Bicycle Fitted with Runner. for Snow. wenta made In and from New York. other' man In tbe party. Now that Is, "nIne: telephone traftlo managers Encouragement Thul Given to a PennBut atter he bad been ' in 'washIngton tbe explanation, and, of course, it Is would rejoice. With the same lona fram e ns shown In the sketch. The .ylvanla Boy Spurred Him on to a tew weeks be discovered that he 'confidential." vowel sound and with an IndIstinct as· tire Is removed from the run ot the B18 , 8 ~en e\l8,BAd~a, Ultimate Fame. ' and Thurlow ·'Weed, New York'B other "It was gloomy message that Mr. pirate In the case of , "flve." these rea r wheel and lar~e screws turned Trad o e bc 'k" , etc. We are DO tl\l'th r trum your howe Or o illeo tl,'OO , great Whig leader, were to be abso- Weed took back to Senator Seward, numbers are often confused; and til" Into th e him. l e avlr~ the greater part Ute nt"llre Sl pllune or~ , A IItte boy named Bonjamln \ est. or lutely Ignored 1;)y, the ne~ admlnlstra- who spoke serlonsly of resIgning from rors result 10 making' connecllonL the Bcr ew extend Ing. Cut off the U .S. m'LlI bOlt. AICrnt8 /t~ IJ who Ilve d In PennsylvanIa, abou~ the heads or t he scre',:s and file them to wanled. Ot!t Co. llll,o". ....."-, • • . Uop. ' ,Try as he' could lie was not 'a ble I the senate and, returnIng to his. law Hot Water from Electricity. mlddlo of the eighteenth century, was a poInt. Th e re &r runnel's should be to learn the reason. praotlce. It seemed to hIm that there A substitute for the kltchl!n range Agent" to M II InDl1 ' "In · his dilemma the senator sent was notblng e~se t1Jat, In dlgnl,ty, he 8S a source of' supply for hot water set to watch a baby asleep In a crndle. set so tho rim ot the wheel will be In cl! lHral so utb He stood nnd looked at It, and about otle·half Inch above the runner D31tOl u. Write u~ 'or Mr.:, Weed" wbose polltte;aI s~rat· could do. Yet ,a tew hours lat~r Mr. has re'c enUy been Introduced In Enc' for luformnt\on . el)' had broulJht about the nomination, Weed, through one C?~ , those 'Queer land. ' An ' lro~ block, caet round a coli thought how nice , It was and WIlS level. to see it smile In Its sleep. Gettysburg, So. Dak. McKINNON, CLARK. CO. , 'oi Gen. ,Taylor for' president 011 tbe turns tb~t have alwa:.ys mad" the game of pIpe, Is he!lted by !'- small electrlO pleased WhIg ttcllet. To b'lm Mr: ~eward ~x· of 1'I)1IticB ,~ mos~ . ta.clnatlng one t~ heater placed In a chamber In Ita He Wished that he could draw a pIC· His Way Out of It. , ' Jjlalned the sItuation. ". fts ., J:layers, ' was able' Jub!lantly to r,· center. Outsl.d'e the block Is a clrcu- ture of the baby. So he took a piece Weekl~ J ohnny toole hlA !leat In the arlth· ot paper that was on the tahle, and a een "'Wh1.: he sal~, 'do yo';1' know that port!o lhe senator 'tbat he hall !!I 'lar tank containing the water, whlcll CIIllsteriD. g Dllut U', dl atr1b.,UDg olrq.,ltlrtt. Groce.., me tlc cla 6s. a nd the teache r Immedl· pim Rnd some Ink. and trlod what be an4 a..nt)",1 M ~rcbA Ddloo CAtatoll'" OOU\ ....Qf.lI jJl.OD l J was Qot even consulted about th'e ,the presIdent, had won him oY,e r, and In itS cOurse tbrollsh ttie coil' Is beat0ll. Aot \1.rOIDI/U:r. CJGN'l'KAL ntely Bilked for the dnlly e x ~ rcl ile s. ;"a\;'Yrc'l11J1U...l>&rlI 'Al\'"t"JLE VO" Grand Rapldll, lIUclb. appolntrhent of tii~ flew ' coUeotor of tha,t , ~hel'eafter be and Se~l!'rd :wou),d ed. Tbtl electric current for the heat. could do. When hIs mother, who was Johnny hadn 't done EU)Y. princIpally exceedingly strict with hlJD, came ---- ~ \ tbe 'port of ' New .York? 1 did not 'he 'consulted"~ to tl~e dlap'e~sation of er comli!s from the regular b~use 'S)1Phome he was afraid !lhe would be an· bCCllllse a ball' game had ' fIl'oved .1'00 know until the name was sent to tM pntronllge." : .' i ',I , ply for 1.l ghUng. As the apparatus gry with him because he had used )ler insclftatlng. nnd t he.n. besid es. he . '1I~nat~, ·tbat the ' presid~rit was ' ready , Ho;v ,'Mr. ' Weed ,. unexpecte d!" / .00 stores considerable. beat, It may be pen . and Ink and llilper, and, timidly, 'was n't 11Rrt lcuia rly surl) which one he to con8Ider '~e apP<,llntme,at. The ~~', 'cured. :,thli vlctorY.gver , FlUmpl',' at cut off when ;the current Is required he showed her tbe pIcture he had ought to do. \ "tire atlposphflre is ley. It I.s becoming tile' ~lUIt moment '.{ \laTe 'already ~old 'f or 1tR.~t ~lthout serlouBly,,' affectlng made . His ' mo~b er saw the baby's , "john," said' the teacher sternly, e~,ba~Slb' an~', ~o)'l,nl',' , at len,gth In this colu~; Sutnce It to, th~' l,'Iu'ppiy of hot water., , On the otb. ' likeness and wall so • m u'c h pleased "where !s ,yom eX,o rolse?" 'Have yoU any gQod trl.e nd, among ' ,ay l1er~that. on gtll1l.g , ~o, t~e ",lilte er ~and, ~ tbe hea.te{s .maJ' , be perman. ~h8t sbe kissed her lit tlti boy. .And , Johll caug-h't onll terrible glluice and , th,e prelJden~1 cablnetr ' alked ,Mr: Houtie to PlY his r~lUlecta to the ently connected WIth tbe electrio this was unusual, too. for It \\'1\8 nqt res~lved to saY, notblnr, about the ball ~eed. . .,., , ' p,resldent, U ,a mem ~tt~er of torm main, Independent of the light CU1'- ber, way. Then he said If sh e liked g:l\ue. . "~r. .Seward ,gave ,blm ,the ~ame of 'beton; returnIng ,to New' York, Mr. rent. . . 'iyou told us yesterday we were to his plclure· Ill> much he woulrl make . the PQst~ter general, Jacob ..Colla' Weed dllcovered thit 1f,1lra before he _ (Jne of tlome flowers she held In her do tbe slgh't eenth. ButJlromy Smith mer, , Wbo was one ot our moat dill· ha'd lecured tbe appolntment to Weat ' At ' t~. Play. tlDgul"hed clvtl war senators., lJaUlDg Point of the man ,w bq;:was DOW tbe ·~I'in~.worrled about. th~t poor actreu ' band. And so he ,Y,.ent ~)U from lime saId last night It w~ 'the leven· to thnQ, 'trying to do better aDd better; teenth." rom Venn~lDt, To him Mr. Weed pretldent'8 private, 89Cretal'7 and ion· tutned out In the anow. "Wel, you've brought notWn~ at went ,t o get lI()me esplatiatlon of the ID-law; 1D deep gfatttU4e Col. BUe' at 'S.V., 1.e1l wol'l'J', JnL The uebel' unt.1l he became one of the best palnt- all:' said' the cteacher, ars In the world. la after life be al· eltuQt10n coDfrOntlpS blm Cd Senator once 'put Mr. Weed In cloee tol»ob teU. me the' car. . . . . .iaJled outside. "Pleue, air. 1 ",as afraid I'd d-4o tbe Se",~. ' " ' wlti. he. father-In·law, aod Mr. Be- That .c~r lady', hotel Ia nut dool', tt.,i .ald that It wall tilt" Ida. from wrong ooe, &0 J dldp'\ do ~"'Y!" Kll.lped .'"IIut 'D o ~er , ltd Mr. WeeIIltlitlll want hilt bla tea~ III th. !IeJlate, "bitt .e. lOttel' .alk ~ IOU.. tbro"lla bS, blother . wblch blld. mode 1&1111 a J0bD.7. aablter• ... ~~ CII WI \'lilt that 111'. aou. (CoP1lfDt. _ ...... I. 1Id~ lb. 4rlfta.-JllliUbUl'l POll. 00

Slo~ns ,



The Army of Constipation


Fillmore ,F ascinated Tciylor


Hay's ,Hair-Health

"", FREE





--_._--_._--RUBBER STAMPS '

- - - ------

WANTED Hustlers Earn


---- ._--- ---




r' ¥



CMnmon Pleas Court. E liza beth '. Sh oew lLker et 0.1 V8. J ennie C. Ba milton et a l. Clement wi ll <lase 8till In progr ess. George Hu tobinson va. Samuel E . Cu~Jer . Leave of oourt i8 granted deftlndant to file motion, demurrel' or answer 'in ~his OI1U e, witbin 30 days. George F. J ohnson VS. Charles B. Simkins et al. T.eave of cou rt i granted defe ndant the I nternation'Il Harvester oompDny of Amerioa $0 file ita a nswer a Dd oross.petition. J ohn W . Lingo VS. Owen D. ~tock ton. Witb oonsent of t he pla intiff tbe a t taohmen t h eretofore granted Is dtsoharged. Probate Court. Estate of Sarah Randolph, deoelsed. Fint and final acoount tiled. E8tate of Ruth A. Chenoweth deoeal!ed . Di8tributjve aooount filed Estate of RebeoOllo B. Lowe, deoeased . Third an I finll.l acoount filed . In ~he matter of guardianship of WilliBm Murray a.n alleged imbeoile. Lizzie Hubberd appointed as !fuar dian giving bond of 1400. Essate of John Amker, deceased. Will Amker was appointed ad minis'ratol' giving bond of $6000 wi'b J. A. Rebold and ' J. Lee Thompson as sur.ties. W. C. AI. bright and Adam Dutro appointed appraiser8. Estate of Min Die Amker, imbeolle George Amker appointed KWlrdian givtDg bond of '1000 wit.h JOhD Gramlioh and Albert H. Bennett as stl1'tltiee. E8ia~ 01 Joseph G. Keys, deoeUed. i'lrehcoouut flled . IllIMte of JaDe B'ark~ow, de· 0IMed. P~Oof . of pubJtoation of ootice 01 appointment filed. 1llI.1e of Jo1m L. BarkalOW; de · oeaaed. Proof of publioation filed. .'-~ of C.' Clementd, . deceased. Proof ot publication of no· tice of appointmeo' fil8d. .

of bridGe ('D ROllsburg Ilud Plesl!/lnt P ll\in pike a nd where dlreot d in Ihrl n 'towllship valid until l3~p t.Elmuer 22, 1910. . ~i11s-W. B . Bopping. oarpeutol' work lit Court BO\l e, 1,9; ohwllrt z cr. tiles. md ~ f r ourt Bon e 2 30' Lebanon Ioe and Cdal ' , , . Compun 0 011 1 for jail 26.50; C. . Will iam, xpres, 60 oeut!! i Stak ·1· til P'e~ '0 pany, mdse , for probata jnd!!:e, $1 75; Henry hristlun, bridge r opllirs Hamilton town hlp, I t b k ""1 94 J S 1 . colo . ; • . orriS, p Ii 00, , 5.t6; I'lopplies for traasurer. ',11 0; regonill ddge .), Qntrll..ct, $-l4 ; J erry M . Greely Inm ber and repairs, 69 .32 i Central Union 'relepbona Co., tolls and rent, 0; Vn.llay '1'elephoue Co. , rents and to lls, $lIUiO; Thomas C. Robert· son, ohairman ou Spenoer Ford r on.d, J Ilmes Robertson, sume, 'It; J oh n Wolfe, viewer aDSpe noer road U; Ellis Cowlln, sa me, '4; William D. c;or wio, same, '4.; '1'h6 WOII\ern Star publishing Spenoer lJridge rond notioe t 5. • - • President Helps Orphans. B undr eds of orphanll htl ve . been helped by the P re ident of tbe 10dustrial a.nd Or pha n 's Bome at MB. can, a. .• ~b o. w rit~ : ~·w.e b.ave used E leotrlo Bitters In thiS 10 tltU tion fo r nine years. It hu!! proved a m ost exoellelit ,med ioi ne for r:tom/lOh . Li ver Bnd K idney t r oubles. W e r egard it lis one of lihe best fl~m Ily mediolnes on ear th ." It luvi~. or~tes all vital organs, p nrifies the blood, aid8 digestion ore'a tes a ppet\ te To stTengthen and buUd up p&ie. thin, weak ohildren or rnnd own people it ~IlS no equal. Best fo r female .o omplain ts . Only 500, at Fred C. Sohwartz's. _ _ _... _ • STATE APpnOPRIATIONS "

. '.



.It '~8 ' 1t~1l rent,. fr oertllill quas · tlo!). whioh ure frequently Jt8ked Qf qm rs of th iote Fire 'Mursha l's 0 pl,1rtm6ot ther is shJ1 on . ttl Tahle wi appr Uen lob, ,!IS to its funotlon Among th oitizens of the t II a.te. . . i 'D ne 0 f th ... que tons ie,' oe~ your d pMtmeut invesMgate fires wh re~h rc i .' no iosurllnoe involved?" An .t h et 18,' . D0 B your (epo I r tmen t, Ii i8t in pro ('utin? per on for et ting fir unless the prop tty wa insnrerli''' T both Of the8e ques. h 'Y tlon!! t e an ,l\ver IS ' es. I n or d er t h 'I t tl. 1 I t1 Ola t ter IUlly b 1 f C op in tbe minds 0 our peo· pie it wou ld tleem ueoeBsary to nipte1.1 q uote /I. I!entenoe from thtl law ' h oreate d the 0 ffi Of' of l::it,~te w.h 10 Ftrt! Marshal : .•i rhe sta te fi r e ma.rslull ...... .. .. .. ball investigRte the OIlOB>:' . or igIn aud oiroum. tUlloe of every fi re 0 0ourring in sooh olty, viJll1ge. t own or tllw nship by whioh proper ty h /\ been de troyed or dl1lDoged, a nd s h ull espeolally muke in veR~i ationa I1S to whether sooh fire was t he resu l t of oarelessne . qr design . From this it will readHy be een tbat tbedutv of the Fi r e Marsha l to . . . . IDvestlgate n fire 18 In no wIse d ependent up n the f!tot tblit t he building bu rned WIiS immr ed . '.1'bis misapprehension t he soope of th e Fir e Mill' hill 's dutie~ doubt. ' . less arIses ~rom tbe faot tha.t the depar tment I S sopported by B t&.X upon the gr oss premi um reoeipts of the stook insurance oompa nies doing . b us~n eil£! 1U th elltate, the pubJtodraw ing t he h asty and .false in fe r enoe tha t beoause t be depar tment is so sup por ted it is Dot i nterested nolees iD. uranOe i8 involved. T he u}ti.m ate objeot of the depa rt. ment i8 t o r.eduoe tha loss by fire "' .. he result of fi re is absolute wlUlte of humlln' effort and oaPital ent~iling



'2 ;

The followl~g sums were a ppropriated by the last Geberll.l As em · bly f~r . the support of the Experimen .... "<:> t a t'Ion d ur I ug th e current year : .




UaytO' AntolIlobileShow

'l'he Warren County Fail' arid I? rk Assopilltion met last' Sat'u rdllY uftern~on an<1 al ot~d ~he foll owl n F b Il rd of dlreotors f or t·h e .ensuing ear' W. Z. Roll, M: A .•l aweson, harle Monroe, Jams B. Will .1 Hllm uellrons, J . Doa n lI1 iXOll , J . W' I uonhl1m, Ed B. Uoger, John • Dook, Demus Baker, John M. G.u ttery, W . . q~ti n. ' The followlng offioers f r tbe eDsulng yellr were eleo d: M. A. J ameson, PI' a. Ident; Ed B R(')gers, vioe ~resl dent, ; \ W . Z. Roll, se r tIl ry ; Demas u t . ter y. t reasur r . Everything wos r eportell in a pro . perous oon diti on wi t h the RS!:looill. tlon and t h e bOl1rd of stookbolders have deOlded t.o draw a d ividend of Ii per oe nt this year,

M arch 1, 2, 3, 4 ' and '5

.New' Memorial Bldg.I

Cora 1st and St. CI air Sts.

Larges t and best decorated "'uto .Show in t he Central States 100 different makes ranging in price fro.m $3 78 t o $7,000 will be shown. Als o, la rge Accessory and Motor Cycle Display'. Music.





"General Admission, Thursday,. Society Night,


Use one pnrt of lin eed all und t wo p ar ts of aer ·Jsen e on /I l'oft cloth to wipe up painted or ha rd wood \ fioo.r s. - - -.. . - ••-~~'!!'!':'~~~~!!"!!'!!!!"!!'!!~~~~~~!!"!!'!!!!"!!'!!!!"!!'!!!!"!!'!!~~!!"!!'!!~~~~!!'!""_ !!!'!' I Add a. lit t le s,tlt t,o the wuter wb n ' oleansin m to f resh an Iill.d brigh ten '~heDl

NEW··AND SECOND-HAND COllblaallm Cbaa,ld- locks Ourbaulld- Saf•• RaballJ

----. - ..---






:----II!II--------.l . . " A. A. McNeil, THE MODEL

St. ~ugustlne~s Catholic-Church. Fntber Georgtl MIH·eaboefor. Pastor --MI s every seoolld SnnilAr of tbe moo\1l a l 0 : 00 11. m.

St. Mary's Episcopal Cburch. . ROI'. J . ~'. ndwalluder. Rector. uaday S"bool. 9 :30 a. m MornIng ·er· vlco. l u :80 a .' m. Holy CommunIon the t1rsl undllY 'Of eacb mon ~b. Methodist Episcopal Church. ' Rev. H. W. B&lIey; P astor. Sundny School. 9::10 :l. m. MornIng scr· vloe. 10 :80 a. m. l-~pwor ~b L eague. 7 :00 po m. li:vcniag service. ":' : 00 p . m. Mldweelr Pnyer Meeting, ~ p. m. Christian Church. Sunday School 0:80 a. ,rn. SOcIIll meeting.. 10:3 0 a. m . ChrlstilUl .Endeavol'. '7:00 p. m.

H~te Friends Chtir:ch.






ma n who CIt D ~p ll Y nr B orsail. '0 W I', 8ogs, Farm, F.rrniDg U tensilll. ~Jo u se hold Good . I'>r IlUy tblll g in the lIeHing liD e l.'~e

J . H. SMITH, PI·Op•. Wayn esv ille. Ohio. I n r OO m former ly 0 onpitld by Klitbal'tne Al xlt nde r .


Call Him Up for Dates


Special Attention elven to Children's Hair-Cutting.



a_"ft. ___ I C. H,.

For AdmiDistration ...... .. .. .. ..'28,500 a heavy tall: upon our people. It is lU~:o~ o~a~.~m:y.;o~~~t~.rr:. }:~~~';; r:;~y Fr.~e:\~:: p' Imm""int Surfal.e~ For Agronomy. ......... .... ....... 9,600 ~he enormous loss by fire whioh s'" ,,\I ~ I~IQ liVID For Animal .Busbanary .. ...... 15,150 keeps up in uranoe r a t es. As losses: Dr" S"oo ...·s act..•tJc OintmAAi' Ceneral Auctioneer Orthodox Friends Church, 1 U "'"lII\,I , ~ . For Botany ............. ... .... ... ,.. 6,000 are r ed uoed, fire insura.noe oompanW .1 1 Ohl'O . i. ' . "Re v . Benjamin HawkIns. Pastor. • aynesvl )for Cbewisory;:....,: ... ...... ... ... 3,650 n~ee are benefited and the publio Sabbatb Scbool. I) :80 a. m. Regular bur b [. . ,For OOopel'l\Uve. Exp~iments .1560.0 in t orn finds its benefit in & rOOue- s rvloo, }Q ' '10 ~. le . ChrIstIan Endlla,'ot, Let us print your Sale Bills I Valley Phone 22-3 For'Entomology ..... .... :........ 1i,950 t ion of its iuura.noe tall:. ' 7 :3 0 p. m I Fpr Forestry ........ . .'... .. .... ..... ,000 'l'he pr08eoutiori of incendiaries by For Hortioulture........ ...... ..... 9,640 this dep!utment i8 only an inoldent, Frek . al~aD, 11, tarmer . of For Nutrition....... .. . ..... ....... . 8.000 , one meana by whioh t he Ultimate ob Uosacldale and Mbmie V. Binkley, For Boil....... :.. .. ... ........ ...... 81 000 p eot'Of t he departmeat above 1'e 16, of Pl~' PI.ain. Rev. Arth~r For FurDlture and Oar·pets .. . . 1,000 f.erred to is soughr· to be "ccom . -' - - pUshed, Bnd of the l'ellolts of ttlese Qooper. , TotaL ........................ . , .. *118.990 prosecut.ions the publio are tile ben. Oart TliompeoD. 23, ' farmer of o . , 0 efioiaries. Lebaaon iDd .~ll D. Boo'h "20, of A Sample Bottle of the Orea .It very frequently occurs that at Lebsnon." ReV. W. A. Cooper. KJdney .Remedy Ofteo Shows tornevs in defending arson oases Guy C. Sherwood ~5, fumer oi Surprising R~ults. whioh have b~n inVestigated by the OreIODia aDd Viola May Bromley department, iu their zeal to earn 21, oUDlip"II1lw: . Evansbury, OhiO, their f~es and save their olients, atOtho Benderlon, farmer, 36, to bellttJe tbe work of the Wa7DelVlllft aDd Ir~ne /duoUd, 28, Dr. Kllmer & VI? . I3ept. Snd, H)09 . ..tempt I NY , l ep~tment and oritioize its metQods Wayneevllle. .ReT. Bargent. / ' Binghampton, . . . Our work, we I!elleve, shouhl be That's what com~ 9£ getting together. We have combined with ' the publisher. 'of the be ~entlemen-1su1!ered ~e~erely from judged by its resn1ts. A fe:w figures woman'smagaiine. The result is that you can have the mag azine. Woman's Home Companion, and my kidneys and bladder for over would tleern to j~stify it. The /first 'T he Miami Gazette for the, very. low price given below. Woman's ij.ohle Comllanidn is too well ' Monia BopnI and wife to W. B. a year and I became so b~ full year In whi ch the Department known to need indorsement from us . . Wit h' Its fin e stories, ita splendid articles. its many' pra!tical . Madden es...l real e!5tate in Wayne.· 1 could not turn in bed . and had Ito operlloted waS 11101. In th~.t . year departments. Woman IS Home Companion stands at the very front rank 'Of w<,>man's magazine!j. Tb have help. I was o~hged to ar se there were 291 inoendiary fires l'e 'ville,llo price W9.m ah's Hom~ Companion ia n'Ow $1.50 a year, and thi~ offer is a special bargain ",hich w . _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . ..._ _•. _ . . . ' canoifer for a short time 'Only. Take V.ogle L. Smi~J;1 and hWlband to very often in the mght and my ported to us; in 1902-:-222; in 1903Green Pep, real esta~ in lI'ranklin urine ,!88. very . thiok apd foll ' of 190' in 1904-188 ' io '1906-97' in advan,tage of the ba~in whil~ .you muous and briok dU8t . I sent fpr 1100-134' in 1907~12' 'In 1'90~] 17 180. . can. It won't be good for long. Guy E. Forster aod wife to Chris· a free a.ample bottle of your Swamp- The 8tlltls~i08 for 1909' are not yet ale EJ.Uoger and hWlband resJ estate Root and,!, was never so surprisAd oompleted . These figares oertainly in II)Y life to receive 8 0 Uluoh h~l~ 'spea.k for the\llSelves. Bow great in Warren CouDty 11. , Freterlolt 1Il. Hulle and wife to from snoh ~ s~al1 ~uant!ty of m,e dl- has been the repressive E!ffo'rts of BenryTurYede real eltate in War. oine. ,Pi (ter ta.king Swamp Root for the work of this offioe oa.nnot of lome time I began to gain in{ weight oourse, be edtimated. ' , . ren County 11. . an ~y nervou8ness and oj zzines~ As has been remarked above, the Frank B. MoOlung and wife to also disappeared. I am now in my running down and proseoution of Joseph 'Verbryke real ~t.ate in one] year and sl:,;ty·eighth year and very few peoincendiaries is only one of the means Warren County $1. Philip Hopkins aod wife to Al- pIe of ~y age enjoy 811 good bellith used to attain the ends of the De. bioa M.cSherry real estate in Way- as I am now enjoying as a result of part,ment. The work of inspection usiog your great mediollle Swamp- and eductl.tion against fire dangers, neevtl~e, 0ot . I cannot reoommenn It too whIle less known to the pUblio are cyrus W. Yonnoe to Emma ono year of equal or @.reater importanoe, but Yooooe real estate in WaahiogtoD highly. Joaep'hine A. Felver. Otl.nDot be dealt with 1.n tbi. artiole . tOWDship, $18000. Personally appeared before. me . It il! hooed that these few observtl. <.lath¢ne FOI et _I to Mary C. this 16th da.y of September. 19'09, tions' wiil lielp to a better under . liart real estate tn FranlrUa town· JoaepbiDe A. F el.v er. who s~bElcrlbed standing of our work on the part of ehip 1100, to W,alter W. the above 8tate~ent a.n~ made oath the publio and lead tiO a heartier 00- , Nat~an L. Rogere Roprs '. real estate in Vlearoreek that the sam.e IS true lU substance operation in It by /Ill oar oitizens. _iii• • • and tn faot. Jobn F . Powell, J ohn W. ' Zuber, , townehip~ ,$1. Notllory Publio. I:3tnte }j'ire Manb"l Oreater Woman's Home rompanfon Dr .l. Tre881er ~llil to Estella M. , Smith real eesate in Waynesvi~le, PROVE WHAT SWAM P RO~T 'VILL DO Will ,be the most interesting-the most Won' t Need a Crutch. F OR YOU . 11. useful- ihe ,nost beautiful When Editor J P. Bos8man, of Bomer C. Kesfer to Azalia 9. tn~~ine PUblished. ' . Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- CorneliUS, Ii. C., bruised bis leg bad. lIoBenl'Y real estde in Clinton and hampton, N. Y ., for a sample bottle. ly, 'It starten a.n ugly 80re. Many Warren CoUnties, $1. It wlll oo'n vinoe a.nyone. Yon will salves and ointment£! proved worth. D. W. Town aDd ·wife to ~omer . . leS8. Then Buoklen 's ATniOllo 8alve Q, Kee.fer, real.tate in Clinton aod &lso reoeive a book Jet of valullble hello1l3dit thoiou~hlY . , Nothing is Information, telling 11.11 about the so prompt a nd sure '.for Uloers. Boils, Warren oonntlee, $1, Amy J. Laymoo and others to kidneys and ' bladder. When wrH Brnilles, Cnts, Cotus, Sores, Pimples. ing be SQre and mentiltn tbe Way- Eoz ~ma or Piles,' 250 at. Fred t) J.mee L·., Cadwallader at III real les. ne!l~tlle Miami Gazette . . For 8L\leat t:)ohwurt,z·s . tate in Rarlan tow.ship $1. .~ 1111 drug stores, Price ' fifty Oents R~ILR""" 'O"":"'~""D-S-·A - ·... ~-D~:FO-~-E,......S . . . IfIR~ and one.dol\lI1r~ j.. • , ' ) • • . Comm....~' ProceedInIJ. • t .. .-. • Toobeok New JerseY·s destr.uotiv8 . . COn""O~..' pne.r al· oontraot R~n.dry~read thto~gh th.e mea.t~ forest fires.'the state bas order~ tbe ....,ent;red tnt~ \lHt.~ ,Roy . J~oksoD gr4ider aDd pla.oe the crumb8 In Pa- railroads tra,\\ereing' its plDe , torests . for " of 'bJ1dg~ Oil; ~tate road per bags in a d~" pllloe Teady fO.f to' olear the 'gJ:ound . for 50 feet on' aod ~ arouDd Level station aDd breadhig veal or other usee. ' .. eaoh 8ide ot th~ , tr~oks and ploJr up ,her"4lI:tOi8d)0 B.atlan townehip •~ • ' .\'avel-ten.foot eirips &0 prevent GOD. . . . . . . .ll4 uniU 'September 22, Pour ·'W~ter 0!lafew drops ths growth 'of brush ~ptn. . ' 1110. of 011 of l&ve~der IlDd ·· put ioto . - . ;. _ . 1:f(J' wate .... will r68~. the ~o~ . ral CODlraot wu eu&eied a fanoy pitcher or ' bo:wl. .It will






woman's Hom-e




The .. Miami Gazette


,Bo·t h for $1.75

- - -...


-..- - -




Twel~e Big.: Nu~bers .



.. noe




~~.W~h~~ ,~r~&~_h_ . ~~~~~~~OO~~~"~~ · . . . . .


:T ...


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..!!~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~'~' ~'~z3t£s~~I!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'~


W"ll kl '





The K1lptltl'lCk French ,Motor Oar i! lru p"U ,V nut< pllrQhll,sed the It)t, Lt ',l\(~ co~ner of Bro8d~'IY nlld Soutb 'Ir e tH' IIUl} • ill er ect a handso me I\PW gllrtlljl-l 'It tine oost of 1:1.'.(100. Plunl; " r ft IIUW he .flg clr.",.n up and wllrk will olJwme poOl 111 It. few c11~:V 8. h . 1S tI ()ppd to be oco llpi Hl by April lHt. Tbcj fIl ,lt,oria l to b K ust'd will bK Ollfl oret,(4 11lItl !Heftl. o,nd will blfi-!,pproC)f. Tbp builrtio g will be.two ,.torlf>14 higb /llId oovIlr a 6,000 f o t fi09 r sp LIce . The hlisemant. will be URAd for sbops, and the IDuin floor for dillpl .. y roolUS ~nd OmC('s . The bnlldiu g ~i1l be lin Imposin g ODe •

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,~~~~-~ , I


PUBL IC SALE S OileD The' KldneJa 4le W08keDBd'uJ 0tel-Wit OIL 'I I. will offer for Publio &)e at my UDbeallh1lU4Dc1S ~ ImPure 81004. resldeJ;loe one half mile north of Ly-


mends 'Weak and unhealt hy kidneys are reo tIe, Saturday. March 5,- 19U_ spousibleformuchsicknessaudsuffering, therefore, if kldnl!Y Beginll ing at 10 o 'olook, the fol'1:~~~ijrlf) trouble ispenni tted to lowing goods aDd ohattel s : 4 Head o. L 'RAN8~ l~ iltol' and Manag I' '4 I continue, seriops re~""'''U/. sults arc most likely vf Borae s-2 extra good flLmily For Weak , llun- Down Peopl e. to follow. Yourotlter horses and 2 good line horses, will Ra tt!~ of Subscr iption organs lOay need at- work 8ny 1)llloe i 2 bt;lggies, one good It I was run down and weak from tcnlion, but your kidIltlv Year ' 4lrh'lI)' I r:. ~ ,Iyan < ', .... ..,...i-1. 111 steel tire. Imd one good rubber tire, Indiges tion and genera l debilit y, also "tll ~ I ' cOI•.y . .. ... . ... .. .... ..... neys most, because . \Ii, th ey d.o most and used only one year, 2 good road wags uffered from vertigo . I saw a cod should have attention ODs,3 liver prepa ration called Vinol adverinch tread, one a Brown nearRa tes of Advert isemen ts first. Therefore, when tised and decide d to give It a trial, your kidneys are weak or out of order, ly new, l' hea vy spring wllgon , 1 l( ' aLllu~ r~\Jc .'I . ve' lin e ..... ..... .. ... fie you can ullderstand how quickly your en- tl1nk wagon. 'rhe and the results were most gratlfy ln,. followi ng imple lI ea(llnl( I cal'l . IJlfwl fa cc . /1cr lin tire body is affected and how every organ . .. • 101' After taking two bottles I regain ed my streng th, and am mp.nts which ue in good oonditi on : ~Iu ·1tI"d "d ~ . not .0 t:xccod 1\,. 1' lin e . lieems to fail to do its duty, now feeling unusu ally well." - HENR Y CUNN INOHA M. _ • If you are sick or "feel badly," begin 2'Augb e breakin g up plows, 'L1br 1flt( ~ rtt ( 1 41 1Q . • • . . . • • • • • • • • • . 2fio 2 good Elder Baptis t Churc h, Kinsto n, N.C. taking the great kidney remedx, Dr. riding ()b lt ul1rl,,~. lin' I"C~I! N Ire ; O\' c:r Il vo oorn oultiva tors, one a Brown Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial Wlll conOLD MAN DIE'; SUDDENLY III \l hc ~. por lin' .. . . .... .. . . . ... . . ~c Vinol contain s the two most world-famed tonics- the medicinal, and one I r on Age, 3 d ouble sbovel vince you of its great merit. oard or lhoukll .. . .. ... .. ... .. . ........ 25 r .Iobn Lel~r, who bUll been hoa.rding The mild and immediate effect of plowg, ~ tobaooo oultiva tors, strengt hening, body-bUIlding elemen ts of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Hm'''lu lIonij . . . . . . . . . .. .... . ... .... . . , 60 c 1 bar lit tbe Cliff h ot/lillt Kings Mills, WIlS Swamp -Root. the great kidney and So l nl" f' l U. wlt c tt'" (\ 1 lL ru~ i s matJe .. ... . :!jt' Iron. Vinol contain s no oil, and is by far the Best Stren en in bladder remedy, is soon realized. It 8blire plow, 1 gond sixty· tooth bar· (ouod dead in bed IO!lt week by ~i1all stands 'll ~Jll a l' Arl "enls lllir. Iler I nch .. " . ..... l oe the higbest because its remarkable row, 1 good weeder , 1 Uhllmp ion Tonic obtaina ble. We return your money wi out questiO n Drlt kl', . the proprie tor. Hi s deuth health restoring properties have been UIMllo un lll ~>1 "" n on coO l racL. mower , Bemis tobaooo plant·er , proven iTViito ill thousan l doea not accom pliah all we claim for it. ds of the most distressWOil fouod to be the res ult of lUg cnses. If you Deed B medicine you (only !let:.10 I1cres), 1 drllg, gravel bed 'ld tlgft. Mr . Letlr wut! eighty years should have the best. J. E. JANNEY, Drug~ist, Waynesville. with Jook , 2 hay rigging s with locke. IrEn IH I A. I ~Y 23, 1010. I Ill) ILnd had been conneo tf d wi tb th e Sold by druggis ts in 1 movlib le h ag shed, fodder sled, 4 fifty-cen t Bnd one-dolo wder mill!! for" nombe r of yeILrs. lar sizes. Vou may sets of W ork Rurness- l set heavy Be t,ad not been w orking for the have B sample bottle breeoh ing harnes s ne.lrl V new, 1 FRIE'I IO' PRE SS ASSOCIATIOI\I Pll8t t,h-ree 'wontlt ~ , howeve r, but by mail free, also 11 W. HEN DER SON ,M.D . se t lead hornes s nearly new, bridles , oows, 2y:earl lng heifers . 1 Sow and pamphl et tellin~ you H ..... bt:4 !loa t.h WllS rlt thaI' Rudden . how to find out If you have kidney or oollus 8nd lines. 3 sets buggy bar 8 Pigs. 1 Road Wagon , 1 tongue less . ------- ~ bladder trouble. 1I1eution this paper Corn Plow.l Brel1king Plow ~nd othWayn esvil le ness Ohio. one nearly new i 10 bushel s of when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., er nrtioles o at mentio ned. Saved from Awful Peril. ' Binghamton, ~ . Y. Don't make Bny mis- assorte d seed coro, 8 bushel s of seed Terms -A ll sums of '5 00 and un" Valley Phone 153 "I never felt so near my gruve, " take, but rememher tbe name, Swamp· potatoe s, 150 vds good tob~oco Main Street oanwrlt~s Lewis (Jbamb lln,ot Manobe s. Root, and don't let a dealer sell you der, OtLsh ; all sums over thtl:t amoun t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! VIlS, wheelb arrow, grindst somethi one, !! oar· ng in place of Swamp-Root--if roar, Obio, R , R No 3 "liB when a orodit of twelve months will be i vou do you will be disappointed. penter tools, double trees and Single ~ frightf ul oougb lind lung troablf ' polled me down to 115 pouuds in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trees, IIhove)fI , forks I1nd hoes, 2 given puroha ser givin.g note With / WAL TER MCO LUR E, approv ed seourit y. 6 per oent dlll.pite 01 mllny remediel! and the best water burels, wolf robe, storm front ooun' for ollsh. c1ootors . And tbatI am alhe ·today OBITUARY ohioke n boxes, aiDgle barrel shot Fune ral Direr.:tor. III due solely to Dr. King's Ntlw G. F. Hender son. Di novery , whioh oomple tely oured William Kiley Strong , was born gun, 100"'n swing aud other artioles J. A. Hender son. boo numero us to mentio n. The fol· me. Now J weigh 160 llounda and io the Flat Fork neigbb orhood April 01111 worlr hard . It also oured my lowing hout!eh old artioles oonsist ing Teleph one day oc night. 12, 1854. Died at the St. Elizabe th TRAPPE.RS, ATfENTION I f \ ur ohlldre n of cronp. " {nfalll ble of feather bed . ~8eol e oe stove, threeValley phone No. j, Long hosplt,a J, Dayton , Ohio, on the 17th .for Coughll aod (JoJda, its the mOllt All huntin g, trappin g or digging Distanc e No. 69-~. oertllin remedy tor LaGrip p.'Asth mll of Februar Y', 1910; aged 55 years, 10 oorntlr ed oupboa rd, X doz . dining room ohairs. o)othes raok, tables, out of the ground of fur-bea despera te lung trouble and tlll bron- montb8 , 15 days . ring anohillI IlffeotionB, 500 IUld II 00. Duriog the late Civil War, his loun~e, orooks, glass 01l-n8, oburns, imuls is strlotly forbidd en on m y WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. • A trial bottle fr~e . Guaran teed by farm, father EDWIN S , FU Rl' AS. enliste d in the army, and lamps, eto. Fred O. 80hwa rtz Branch Office. Barve1fibWlt. 0. Terms of Sale-S ams of $5 and -. w~s one of the nnfort·u~ates who I ...----onder, Asbesto 08sh; s ma 12 ts month plaoed s uncler oredit II. doily on I08t thel,.. lives for tbelr oouDtr y's EVER NOTICE bonor, His widowe d Diot·h er, to 8ums over $5 i 6 per oent disoou nt for will proteot 0. dining room table from hot dishes. MARION DUKE That when the .bigies t bargain gether with 0. numbe r of younge r \lilah, DR.H .E.H ATH AWA Y A. A. MoNeil , Auo't. 8I11e. are on 'you he ve the least obt"ldren were left almoet to tbe W a1t~r Kenrio k. Olerk. WaY'le sville's ,Leadin g Den&i8t meroie s of oharity . COD8equently money ? Lunoh stand reserve d . . Sale unOffice in Keys Bldg. ~aln 11* Thllt when the rOllds, Ilre'lDost im- Riley WaR given a home at the Wllrren Ooun.t y I~llrmary, &nd aftpr der cover. in CA8e of blld weathe r. puslbl e the ooul bin i8 lowelt? That when you have the mOllt to spendi ng a few years as an inmat.e I will offer at Publio Sale on the do you are the le.. Unolio ed to do It? of that iDstitu tiou waa takeD tnto dtllnsel ' farm, 3 mUes south west of ThU wheo you have nothing wor. the home of the late John Antram Oenter ville, on the Yanke e St,reet rylog you, you begin to worry leet with whom be ahared (\ ·oomfo rta- Road, on .' 1\ il • IIUre aigDth ai :you ahout ble howe until Mr. Antram ~('8me McCALL Pi\Tl'ER NS ThurSd ay, February 24, 1910 ·<I.b,.ted Cur s ty I• • p"rf~t (., LBimpllcitv 10 bave someth lOg to worry -over? Wo aired aDd feeble to look after rc llabllily nearly 40 yc:1rs. bOld jn ,;••nnd , y C\'uy city nu d low o In t ho Un ited l.a (lh lllltl ... That th" reaaon the world is not farmin g interes ts. whereu pon Riley Beginn ing at 10 o'olock . a. m" the C :tn n\.b , o r hy m .t .1 di u :ct. ' tfn,e fi el d t h. tn ~~e "memb er of the houseb old followi ng propert ,y: 6 Read Horses better is ~ulle your plan of reany oth ~ r Inuke. Selld fIJI' I r~ ~~ tuloJ:1le. form i, no'" adopte d byever ybodvP of, the }"te Philip Surfac e and wife, .-.1 Brown Borse, 8 y~ars old. good MeCi\LL 'S MAGAZ INE lII orc l ubsc rihe.. Ihon an, a ther r~shio n m'JI1Izine - mlli i n a month. h' .:llu,,"I<. 1.:ItT,bll.t the more JOu write or read wi t.h whom he resided , being" trusty Uner; 1 Sorrel genera l purpo8 e HorBe cst style. , prul c-rn. , urcMsmnk lng, mitli neryt of this sort of pe8flm ilm 'the worSB "Dd iDtere8 ted--he lpmate in tlfeir Ii-years oldJao t-afrai d of anythi ng; plain sew ng, Inney nccd lcwo r ', luolrd rc15i ng, etiquette, gond ' to ries , te. O n ly 00 ,·ents a bome for! a quarte r of a centu 1 good Brood .,Mure, 14 off you are" yellr ( worth dou ble) , Including 11 r, ee fI, Hem. years old, • _ • ry. Sub.cribe t oLlay, or send. lor sU Ulpl u copy • 1 Sorrel genera l-purpo se mare, com WOND~F1JL INDUCE MENTS BLAME' LAWYERC; AND DOCTORS Durin" the holiday s • \parke d ing to Agent.. Posl.lIl bring. pren!i um cn\.:llo~e 4 yean old (sited by Ba8~ Boy), an Li new cub priz~ orrers. Adl Ires'S ___ . , A bAndsome ly IIIn.trllted ohange took bold on hie health, &8 1 Oolt ooming 2 yeara old . _ (aired CUI4.~I O II lit RnT ftC by IOIlUDo lOllrnli\. f ,.metf3. rIlE IIdlAU. (O~ 2,S8 to 2M W. ~ SL. NEW YOU Ri9~rd r. Orane haa dipped ht, be bad previou sly been a moeth ,enr : (o nr ruontb'., L SOld braIJ n Terms. o ...... ardy Meteor 2 :14X ) a Colt ooming one'p en in \1trioll D attacki og "'be ed. aDd roblUlt man. Now CO ~38IBro.d..,· IU8W Ynr~ was noticed year old (Sired by Nlokle Plate.) Brllu::t Omoe. G2q J1' Bt.. W..w 111'(>(1, D. 1i0ft tlon evll,". Beoond time, an~ t~l1s • rapid deol~ne and bil physioi~n 1 gOCld Kilk (Jow. will be Fre8h 800n. Wash Day Made Easy 'ime the leg:l l and medica l profes8 recomm ended him a hospita l as Farmin g Implem ente-2 Breaki ng ora b8t&,r the br~nt of the tirade. In he, had"a most,B evere attack By the Use of of IIoOUte Plows, 9 50-tooth Barrow s, a Spring ,be ou1'r9Dt. luoe of the "Valve s bright' s disease . 1'ooth and a disk Barrow ,o. HamilWorld... .~ trltdo journa l issued by' HfS ' ~oit wUling ly' went, about toD touguel e88 Cultiva tor, 1 Hllmthe (.'~a.oe O'l,mpDQY, be blainea the three weeks ago. hop'0lr Undertaker a~d Embalmer. to be re. nton Rid\nK and 1 Buokey e Riding lawyer for half oUbe n"tian' s'orime Itored to het,lth. But alas I like all Oultiva tor. 1 doubls -shove l t.illttva Will be found in the old .. .. Ooe half of all tbe orime. degra- thinKI earthly , he, ., well ae the in tor,l Tobacc o .. Cultiva tor, " 1 large Bank BuUdin g, opI)Oeite d"ioD, impoMltton. fraud aDd ter88te d famUy Walt doome d to dis.. Shovlll Plow, 1 Uorn Plante .t he Nation al Bank; Saves two hours' hard r rubbing with , in roption W'o8od . is due to the law. appoin~meot . i~ the ltfeleB8 Teleph one in hot18e a.nd of· form oheck. row attaobm ent, 1 Superi or an ordinar y washin g, at a cost of ye.r a,lt. he SliYS. "Thi8 olue of meo' that now lie; before U8: fioe where I can be oal1ed .A. M. S. Wheat D~ilJ, 11!toientitlo Corn Har. only two ~2) cellts. Hundreds of mllka wholea al\l robl)er y and theft da.y or nigbt. home testImo nials furnish ed as to . " t 'OABD (II' m,uu(8' vester, Bemts Tobacc o - Transp lant its worth. For sale by pClsslble anil hive Kiven Va.lley Phone 14-2, thee's ,.. h er (new), DeeriDg Mower . Be. anlts are ' due to all who orimea the air of respeot.abilll:y ; they b _anykit dl lvi H R k Main Street. lk R Wayne sville. Ohio. d . vo Dg a e, a Sta tb h h alre, b 'd ' ave 10 n y 8ssiste ua, in the )oss MoUor mick8yBi~der ue set Bay Lad· e ooes w 0 om Olr 3U gee of a trust friend ' aod jnrles. 'l'h.,y 8taud like a stone yu ' S ' . . ders, Gravel Bec.t, fine Farm ~led,l Wayn esvil le, , Anoa 1lII. . odaoe and famIly. Ohio Willi be~weep the ortmtnl.ll" and the OOlb PI f u--l • ~ • 10 . a ., at· arm ~ e, a heavy 8wpped 8\1re witbInDr. InmJnute publlo and enable &h., raecals to keep WOMAN DISPOSES OF ll Shoop'. ESTATE Road alld • ~obaooo Wagon , goo~ t:irSamples of Ker-o-zino can be CrOll]) Romed)'. 01111 .oot of tbe Pen. . tesI; wiU 8ureli prove. Rubber tire Buggy, Steel tire Bug. had by calling at Mrs. Omar Lewis', No .omlt Ul&, . 110 ·,dl". 'The overoro wding ot the legal tress. A saro and p'loasins s)'rop-Wo .. ~ta. uext door to the Christian Church . DI8pos ition of an estate amoun t gy, Fr~zler Brea.k Cart, Bay Fork, profen ion ia tbe o~ief cause of the tog to 8bo~t 1100,000 is made under Rope and Ladd,er a, (ira~s Seeder . oObsedoe88 of thts line o . eduoat ion the wtll of the late Miss 'S ara C. Cr08s-o ut Saw, Dinner . "l'he overcro wding of the mediollol ·Bonteo ou. «hioh wa.e filed in the Bell, feed Btn. 'Double trees, Siogle'Probat e Court las1 week. ,MI8S t.r~, ~orks, ShOvels, I.IOg Chains . in lSootec ou dilPQ8es of her proper ty, Sledge and Wedge s, anti l;Dany otba large por~loo of whioh 'he l.,aherlt- er artiole8 not mE'lnt·io ned. BBroe d: ed from her uDole, theltl.te Eli Millen -1 8et Buggy. Eiarnes8. When purchasing silver.", 3 full sets at hl8 death a vpar ago, among re}". Work BarnesRII, Bitin~ FAMOUS JACK CASE Rig with ware remem ber that in I thee, the local Young Mtln's Chris- ~ri~le, 2 good 8~rands Sleigh Beils i 'rhe famous C~ptain . Jaok will t-ian Auoota tioli, t,he Americ silver plate no name stands an Bible 1-150 bU8hels Corn, 100 bushels Oatil, • i + ooutrove~".1 0880. wtll · be belloI'd io society . \wo Xenia for ~igher quality or greater 'ohurob es a·n d. 9 or 3 tons of. mixed hay. HOl1stl, '; oQ~mon pleae oourt ' on Februllory. 8everal perso08 olosely Ililsooia ted hold G'lOde -2 Bedstea d8, ~ Lounge durability - than tbe rewitb her for 80me time prior to her • Oupbo ard. 6 kitchen. 'Jhllirs, Bent nowned trade mark death. Wood Uhurn, Cook Stove, Beatin g . •- • Stove; 25 :rards Rag Ca~pet, 20 yards WHERERJOHTS ARE FQRFEITED M"Uin g, lot of old carpet for oover· tng- tobacco . Ask your deale!' to 'show you the v~rious exquis ite p'atte rn.s in which · the · a (lredtt of 12' ~ontb8 will be given, 'ISlIve r Plale Thalt. 'Wears'" by the puroba ller gi~inf{ a note with 1 •



.. ..----- -


.. -







'0 '




]H1 ROGERs BROS.~:'p~.~



M, A

A'. A,' ,MoNeU, ' A~ot: • .1el"ry; tUmes, Clerk. LUDOh s~nd r6eerve d.

can be had. The wide lliti- ' tude f9f ~hoice~ ill .knives,' fork~" . sp,{)ons ,' .and .fancy " :semn g p.leces asSll'feS sati,.. ,

Cornell .

* 9.'..

faction ~o every j. '. ~old ~y ' lea.ding d~at'ers eve~here'''.. ·Send for'-cat a- . loIDie ." CL," sh.~rng aU,desigtls; . , ; . .



This Contractor got result .. , He kn w bow to f ed his In n. S o nt~ ~'()nr ago a on motor buildIng n rallrol\d In 11 WAr m lima te was troubll'd i\ g ro \t d 011 b)" s ickness am n g t il Illllol' rij . . H lllrn .d bls a ltentlon al on 0 to their food And found t.ha t t bey w ro g('ltl ng fu ll rnU ous of Dl a t nnd were d rInking wa ter from a s t r AOI n a r by. He IsslIed I'd rs to cut dow n' the a nlount of meat and to Inor as·c greatly the quanti ty of Quak r Oa ts fe d to th 11Ion. U also boll d unker Oats a nd m l'\: d 1I1 t hin a t-meal walor wit h their drinking wa ter. Almost Ins tantly all s ig ns of sto m a~h disorders pRssed and his Ulen showed , a dedd d improvement in s trength and spirits . Tbls contractor had experien ce that ( augbt blm tbe grea t va lue or good oatmeal. 63

flu:ce, and quite rldlculoue. Tw've gone so fat· 1 t drar YOIII' hospl· t ality ba 'k;--as Ie I had a string to It. Fetch her :n! ' " IUP st passed hi. ne n 'ous ba nd throllgh . bls ball', save a last look to 't h gra y without, as though be conftd ec'j. his 11l II\l'l ChOly to· It- promiSing to I' lllrn again for 1t- n(jver fear! and a ni out Into the room. Wh t' n -Irl, H enly r ap~eared . she opened the door, conolgo d ber guest Quickly to til s tudy, and wlt bdr w like lig htning for tear she should be hale<\ to escort ber out again! The s tranger doserted In tills tash· Ion looked a bout her rather startl d. T mpost, In a blllck velve t jac ket Into whose pockets bls hands were thrust. blockod up the foreground. He saw her cmba rrn!3s Dlent and that be r lips were a lmost white. She bow ed to him, stili sta nding where Mrs. H enly's cnta pult·l!ke usherIng had plac d ber. "I a m L ucy Carow," sbe 'announced In a vol e that did not waver at all. '!I have como all tbe way from Amer· Ica to see· you." Mr. Te mpest started. The sudden addition ot thirty-five hundred miles to tho twelve. was material, "TrOll almable," he said. "I shall seem ungracIous It I Bay that Ire· celv e no on e, not even till emissary Crom the Cape of Good Hope." He chose at ran(lom, and as he saId it Its meaning caught hIs sensitive ear. He smiled. "You will let me be Inconsequ lit and except that pOint? You see, to be fra nk. I have refus ed myself to everyone, Miss Carew (he silid her 1\



of Craven~ "-




Marie Van Vorst

Author of Amanda of the Mill. I f "Mbs Desmond." etc., etc.

..•••••••• .. .. .. •........•....... .,. . .,..•• ~ .~





um. b7 J, B, LlpplD.C)OI,& CoJII!J&AT. CHAPTER


hl\c! forgottell his g1\6st anI! too!ted up with a sUirt as Ille slJoke. "You ha y not asked me ..,by J came, MI'. T mpell.t ," "1 don't wish to know." "Ab," s be mlled. ''It .I don't tell l'ou, It will be because you forbid me ·-anl1-" , "I tk> forbid!' he said s hortl r , "If

It.'s a tlr sOOle r eaaon- I won't say 's rea lions are us ually tiresome, for 1 Rm sure the y ne ve r give th reu l 011 s- nothlng would be s o d lightful, ( am willing to b oll eve. as a womau's si ne re moU¥e or l'eaSOIl {or wha t s he does! It's a black rose. a 'mer le bla nch" .' Miss e l\.l·ew, I've never seen any of the three.' She did not taAe thIs opportunity to re mark at hi s psychology of fcm lWOIll

nine Bubtle M ss, bllt said equably : "The r es ult of such forbid ding would be the lIloc\llng of my wbol e career." . He echo d th word wltb scorn . "Car eer! Heav n, you have one ? You don't look It, I IUU glad to aRYI a m 80rry for you," be finished brusquely. Sbe had unfastened the coUar or her coat aDd It fell back. H r dreso unde rneath was as s ober In ton e. Tempest rose to move asIde the tea· table that ·was betwecn the m. "Let me help you of! with thnt wrap. It's warm here and you won't feel It when you go out." He wanted to see he r r eleased from the cbrysalls or ber uncompromising garments. He threw the wrap on a cbalr, and sbe stood before blm tn a dress of some soft, dark material with white at tbe neck and wrists. It fitted ber well. It fell well around her supple figure. "My gloves," she said apologetlcal· Iy. "were soaked through. 'rhey are drying In your housekeeper's room. I dried there myself for hal! an hour before she would disturb you." . As sbe spoke there crossed Terr\pest's feelings, growing more anc1 more amiable and gracious, a suddel revulsion a'galnst bel' which she could not have understood hlld be let her percelvo It. "How can I further your career or hinder It?" he aslled formal\y. She did not appear to take- umbrage at his altered tone but, lea,lllng forwar,d In her ch~lr. received hlm Into her confidence wltb , extraordinary tao cllIty and an assurance tbat was com· pliment In Itself. "I bave been obliged quite auddenly to find a means of livelihOOd, To a woman of my age" (she named It, and he smiled-It was 80 young) "such a question for the first time 11 puzzling. Last week the editor of a wellknown monthly olrered me a position at a fixed and generous salar, U-" here sbe paused. . As she talked Tempest wal studyIng her mentality and Quality of spirit as best be could, being a man as well as a psyohologlst, and given the tact thl\t a specimen was ve ry good to look

If you had positive proof that a certain' remedy for female ills had made many remarkable cures, would you not feel like trying it? . ~If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded im convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou· .sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we long for an opportunity to do so by direct corresponden<::e. Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee to be genuine and truthful.

Since Tempest had shut himself up In Craven he had added to rather than diminished bls popularity. He r eo fused to be furth er lionized; either Hudson. ObJo._u J ~nffered for a long time from a w~1m~ timid or wise In the wblte heat of his U~cle (to MarJorie. who has mar- tame's flame. he ran away! Ratber inflammation, dreadful pain8 each month and 8uppresslon. I had been doctoring and receiving only tempomr.y relief, when .. ried a mllllonalre)-I r ealty tblnk than watch his fam e fall to ash, or na ree as though It were a housebold friend advised me to take LydJa E. Pinkham's Vegetable (Jomyou'd be bappler it you had married feartul that Its tense heat would barm word) everyone-friend, enemy. kind pound. I dld 80, and wrote to you tor advice. I have faithfull,. and unkind. I am a recluse-" a man wbo had less money. hIm? For neltber reason . He was "J know," sbe accepted, "I read In followed your directions and now, after ·taklng only five bottles MarJorle-Ho wlll have less after a not thlnklng of London, or WI llUbllc, tbe Dally Telegraph that you were. I of the Vegetable (Jompound. I have every reason to believe I am few years with me. a well woman. I give you full permission to Wle ~ testimoDiaL'1 he was thinking qf hlmself. scaroely d(lred expect to soe you, -Mrs. Lena Carmoclilo. BucUon, Ohio. R. F. D. No.1• . In Craven, whilst ImDlured, he was :When I got out at Cravenlord and Why His Mother Mourned. st. ~ FaU8, N. Y.-"Two years ago I wu as well delightfully at large. The found r should have to walk 12 miles Wll\lam 1\L Fogarty bas a s tory so bad tbat I OOd to take to bed every mondl. castle itself was a prison, standing, as I was nearly discouraged." aboll a good old Irish woman ,vhose and would last from three weeks. I It did, 12 miles from any railway, "Nearly!" be echoed. "It II a tramp. 8 0n , as abou t to s tart for a trip you for Lydlo. E.Plnkdominating, as it did, the enUre coun· even Cor an Engl!sh girl; your coun. around the world. lam tlU..n1I~ to your She had wa tched hltn prosper with ty of - - shire. Oraven was a fortress trywoDlon are not supposed to be for the wrlter's bours of labol'-a walkers." may Ole II!J' pride. To her b e was a great man , "I've not walked much beror :. sbe others. -Mrs. J. II. In b'e r fond -vIsion sh e could see aU pleasure-garden for his leisure. But N. Y. sorts of terrible tldlng's coming to him on this occas ion he had not come to admitted, "and my heels are high; but but sh held her peace until h e had It for the sympathetic atmospbere it when I got here It was tbe worst of There is absolutely no doubt about the started for the journey. Then she be· extend ed to bls work. Craven was not .all-your housekeeper re tlJsed me; ability of this grand old remedy, made from to olrer In this sojourn any ot Its and tbon"-she raised the sllgbt veil gan to CI'Y, A n Ighbor tried to can· tonic-nor was It demanded she wore, her eyes were spnrkltng and aforetJm e ~01-:-~~,--,...... the roots and herbs of our fields, to cure sOle ber, bu t to 110 avail. tbat it should suggest a new theme. or disclosed no trace of tt-"I crIed," "I'm ufrald b e basn t the monoy to even cradle an old Idea. Mr. Tempest, she said frankly, A"~~'''''~ diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact, fet back," said the . motber, w eplng. a solitary inbabltant of his study. enou,gh .to convince the most skeptical. ,. Tempest took his hands Irom 'bls Ho's got the money to go round the aSKed a new balm at his retreat-It pockets and extended one with tile !World' an r)ght, but how will he ver Por 80 Jears .Lydla E. Pinkham-., V. .table must be a panacea. cbarmlng gesture he knew so well Compound OOs been the standard remedy for tet back?"- Indlanapolls Star. "It sbould be," he saJd aloud as be won him friends. For a brief second female Ills. No sick woman does jWltlce to replaced a book in tbe shelves and his face relaxed, l1\umlnated, He henelf who wtll not try this famoWl medlclne. Deafneu Cannot Be Cured tound another. "a padded cell," came up to his guest. ''Don't cry Made exclusively from roots and herbl, and b)- Joc&I appllcat"'c=, .. tltey caDDot ..... oII tit. ti. . has tbouaancla of cures tofte credlt. . Into the great bo\\' window whose bere," be ·Implored. ' ''1 can·t Imagine eued- porUOit OI .Ute l'lIt. 'Chore II only ono WAY \0 CIIn dealb_, aod 'ha~ 16 by oooatJ~utJonal I"eDI4IdIeL equarel of glass let In the wbole wide wbat a 3,3U-mile. fatigue may be, but Mrs. PInkham InvlteS all sfek WO~flIl Deafo_ .. c&U8C!Cl by AO lnOamed CoodlUOD 01 tbe to W1'lte her for advice. She h ... _co.. linin 01 tho Eustachian Tube. When IhlI country . sweep to his eyes-once a tt you can rest from some of It In tube .. Inllamed you blr,ve a 'n1IDbllnl 8OunO or II/l- veritable lover's eyes tor tbl8 Engllsb this chair, will you do so? I will ring iDcl thoullancla to health tree of charge. .1 bear~. IIIld 'll'bl"l It II enttroly <l0I!0CI. DtalAddreu Mrs. Plnkbam_ LJnn, ltIUI. beautIes for tea and lights." ,II tho reCUlt, and uol_ tbo InlIammaUon tan be nature. whose graces .and ou.\ a,,4 tbll ~ tretored to I ... DorlDAl oondlTempest bad made to , U ve and bloom Tempest under/ltood the nature ot tIon. ~ wW "" deelroyed loro"".; 0100 ..... out 01 ten are caused by Catarrh. which II nothlni In bls book tin all England eohoed his bUlDnn feeling too weH not to realize but ao In.tIAmed ooodilioo o~ tlto muCQUII IlUrfa cet. We will 1\'0 Ono Hundnd DoII&.. lor any CUll of muse-Into tbe bowed windows bls with a ftasb how great 'Nas the pleas· DeAIti (CAuac4 by C1\tarrb) that cannot be cum housekeeper dally cleverly drew the ure ot hie own-and not t9 realize lIT n a l!'. C>.lAnb CUll!. Send lor cl.culanl. ~. F. J. CHENEY'" CO,. TDlIldO. 0. wrlting·table. Tempest many times that he hlld never experienced quite 80ld by Drw:I!lIts, 75c!. ', before it had seen hour atter bour slip the like sensation before. Into his TIllIe Hall'. k' ,llmJIY PUla torOOllKlpaUGG. I away, until, exbal,lsted yet supremely outstretched hand a band slender li\nd For Shame, Mr. Staggerl, content, be had risen. achIng In every strong fell as naturally as tbough it "Our 'plendld cook ,left to-day and I 11mb, . the pile of manuscript grown at had waited for just thl~ sbelter ever bad t o tuM hel' place." eaJd Mrs, Stag- his hand. bls work done •.'and..h ee-lHHl1i been mad. lrtett'tbe \ ' :''l. "I hope I shall be successful In self free and buoyant as only the girl to his favorite chalr, took delight tlng h ~r. " . creator can be be ore his selt-appolnt· In s eeing her .sInk Into It. "I certainly hope you \VII) lie suc- ed task. But wrltlug materials 1'0" Sbe had quickly undone her veil and cessful in followlug In be r ·footsteps." malned tbese days' untouched. taken It ol!, and he then saw the Ca· suggest.!vely r mat:k d old mnn Stag· . November bad almost gone, and the t1g ue under her eyes, the paUor ot her ge r!!' as he chewed on a crisll~bolled dr_ear bareness of the landllcape, al· fa ce. and withal the freshness of It. flo tato. thougb ,not yet, despOiled of leafage, It was a luml'n ous face, it sucb a term '. was hidden on this afternoon by 11 mIght be used-he tllougbt It might. Alabastlne Is better Free to Our Readers. mist · full ' of rain. Tempest had the Het· figure was concealed, by a long, Beca se and JIIuch cheaper U 'Wrlto Murine Ey R m dy Co.,' Chicaextent of. blank gloom before him as darl. coat that rose' to bel' neck, and than wall paper-doee. not harbor inaecl.l go, (or -J} n ~ Ill UJj l ra lild E ye Book F r o. nor dJaeaae eermB like wall paper. Wrl" n il a.hOLJt ,Your Eye Tro ublll and be faced It by the window, leaning she nestled Into the comfort. of the th )' 11'111 a u ,,1 0 ·liS to the Prope r Appll- -against his work-table, his back to the cha!.r with an acquiescence of fatigue , cD,tl on of th 1urlne l':ye R em dlell In Because A14liastlne ill fol' better than any Your Special nse. YQur Druggist. will room, Something of tbe leaden qual· ber expression did not admit. Indeed, kind of KallOmino-kalaoJlline rube tell y ou thnt Murine Ro"llovos SOt Eyes, Ity at the outside reflected Itself in bls ber eyes, fastened on Tempest, were off and ~Ilke. olr. AlabutiDB doea DOt. Strenglhe ns 'W tink Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, a ni! SOll8 tor 5Oc" 'try countenance. But he had not time to tbe loveliest . things be had encoun· Because Al:lbutillB ill cl~ atyllah. COIta Utile ud .. It In Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes lor tollow his meditations to their end, tered for a long time. ""~PUtOD. .",' Scnlv Eyelids nnd Granulation. for a rap on tbe door tell once-was reo Tbe unconventionality of t~e Islt. Paradoxical. peated, then the door 'opened and his ber calm behavior In It, touched his "It ,Is a wonder that a hot-headed housekMper came in. humorous vein. He sllJhtly mocked mao Is generally thought to be' one ot "I beg pardon, Mr. Basll-:-" He did bel' as be spoke, In a tone not the less mettle. not !!tlr. . agreeable and perfectly gracious. ' "Wby a wonder ?" She waited a moment, tben ad''What wager ar.e YOU w,;qnlng? "What Suite? What Do You MC01n1" "Because m tal Is u8ually well tem- vanced: "1 beg your pardon, sIr." Miss Carew. you bave won It ! How pered." After another silence he ' blurted much of the 12 mUes did you walk at and very gently magnetic t() listen It a' powder made ~ JlI.tive alabuter. It COIDeI In 1Ort. of rlcb. 10ft, -..elvety ,badet! that enable you. at amaIl COlt, to decorate 7OW' walla In the _ out: ' reany?'" i' to. He found her direct. and boldly etyle as the b&ndlome city ho~ea. . . Rellnol Ointment Cured When Nothlnl "Well? What for, pray! It you She helCl out a small foot In a badly .devold at wenk. truckling excuses for AI.botl•• 'e dh_ to'tlle WIlli at Ita own e«nentllll' Qll8\ltfee. l188li1110 al", alue EIIO Would. have any good reason to break In on damaged hlgh·heeled shoe. "A cart whatever favor she wall to ask- ·and 0\' paste .. with kalaomln. or ....all pa~, Anyono ~ aecorate with Alabutl• ..-,ou I have had a breaking out on my me, Henly, you wllJ give It," jut mix it with cold water end' applt with • ftat wall bnl.h. Slmplll dlt'eetion. 'prill,*, brought me to a cross·road and then I she was evidently to. ask one. He on flVary t>Kkaae. In l'tdeeon.t1 ..... jUlt put a new _t over Ule ~ T)1at laW. • neck every SUUlmer w}tb something "I've disobeyed you. sir." walked on-12 .mlles the man 's aid It liked her cleur enunclatron, her sott, lot of wwtr. trouble aDd DIIIIlCl)'. like Eczema, and nothing ever cured "I'd rather forgive you than bear waS, and It seemed It!" short sentences with the warmth '.un, Our Astounding Free OfFer it until I used Reslnol. about It-don't do It again." '" He, did not wish to ask this der them ot an exquisite voice. Mail ThiS Coupon Today Wo'wllI Mnd Free,. eom~.\etI8eolol'p~ for the Barbara Carpenter. Ogden. S. C. "I won't ludep.d, Ilr. but-" young womal\ why she had come "It what?" he helped her, wal1a of )'CIIU' bome. Wo wflI f:W'nlah Free ~. AIa_tla. Co. Tempest turned reluctantly to the to him: he dreaded lest she should "If I would fetch him an especial .tenens to help JOU make your bome beauUM Rough on "Rats," We wJU eend )'OIl .tonce, F ...... book ,bout : • '1IIl Gna ...lUe A~~ Intruder. SlI e said "Ob." Involuntnrlsay. The moment sbe should ailk piece or work he was eager for." /' , Gr..... .... Mleh. home deoontlcm. IIIUJIpJ. . of Alabutlne color "How do you liko the way she does "Yea?" Q\lcstlpJled bel' host. for shit : atrect8, aDd eonip1ete' n.1uable lntO=-tiOllto Iy as she caught slgbt ot Iils tace: the him for bls ' autograph the Blngu· At no COIIt to me, p\_ Mnd 1OUI' lIel' hair ?" , AJabutlDe book and tell me~t1Our ~!!:t~make )'our home ~1uJ. clean IIIId " I think s he mis treats It shu mo· last bour had ravaged It. Her evl. lar aud piquant charm ot ber apparl· besltated. deut affection, not her sympatby, mod- tion would vanish and be would .be"An essay. It you lIke-a study ar- • Free oaers. Cully." ' . To ••t ... tbb. I • •d tJa. -1'OIl _ . ' .~ '1 . poate1 ......t _ . ' '. Ifled his mood. come hIs brutal, savage selt again. you~ of your personallty. Above ' J)U" Nome ••• : •• : .............. ; ••••••••••••••• "What the devil have you dono ?" be This unusual visit would not bear vul· -here she ftulShed and 10" ered her 'I --. Ala.,.stine ,Company . , J.. I . J ~A .:,J -'j - .. •• • . asked, not unkindly. ''It can't b£: gat'lty or even tangibility. DesJ)lte voIce as though 'tbe subject anll her " 182 Graa4.m. Aft_. . P. O•• •••• ••••••• -...................... worse tban coming her to me after the adjustment of his eyeglass' be saw own daring awed her..:.....·(a .s) nOlvJis of ,. . Grad ~~ Miola. her as if through t\ film; it added to your new suite' of poems." ' , ~, Young man, dou't many a parlor my express Injunctions." "It's worse, 'slt:,'" she nodded: "I've the llnreallty ot her presence, Then In a voice wbose abl\rpneS9 ' : CcKII~ ............. .. StaU .............. . ornament unless you can afford to let In a· lady." "You wlll have tea? Perhaps you struck her as If ' her senses bad all blre a conk. -------------~ She breathed freer w.lth the wbole wlll make It tor me?" been touched at once-she 'Drank at -----:---.::...:-,---- .-- -- - -"'-- -- .....::.:....--;-..:.....- - ---:---.lIIr•• WIDII"w'. SnothlDJl Syrup. The lights bad been brought In with it-he asked: " , ... Iii• • •iiill.liiii.. ~. '0. c hlldrun teoUi lDII . 6MleDS tllo Ilum., roduco! In. confession of her crl"me's enot'mtty. lIa:ncallon, oUaro pain, cl1re~ "lnd coli... 25c allOllio. Tempest's surprise was as sbarp as the drawing of the. curtains over the "Who spoke to thent of tbe verses?" "I." sbe replied, breatbll;!ss. "There The average man Is always paid avo his displeasure. ' "A lady-you're raln'8wept window. dotty! " Miss Carew's bands lay Inert on the were only t~o of them, YOU know, erage woges. puhllshed In the winter." . She pleaded, "I couldn't belp It, Mr. chair's arms. She shook her head, Dr. D~Ct'bon·. nt'II~' for nhrumaU_m Basil-she had walked from Craven. ..( am afraid 1 can't-I. am 10 "What suite?" be InlL'rrupted, glnrr ellevl!s In six ho ut's. Why sutter? 75 0. ford-to see you, sir-and I badn't tbe tired ." Ing at ber, The veins awelled on hla Tempest rather clumsilY' made .tt temples, He had rlJ!en and Ihe Pompadours are responsible fOI heart.· "Com e !" be exclaimed furiously, and gave ber a cup and a bit ot toast, thcught he seemed ' a dozen feet hIgh, many a blgb-brow. "\ am \lot to be obeyed then, Henly? During the few moments her host'. "V.bat suite? What dn you Diean?" . . (TO ' BEl r:ON'!'fNUED,) . I see vl!'! lnly you are taken advan tllge face had clouded agllln. Evlde.n !ly he of-of-I mean to, say you're astound. , •• --.... _ _....................... log! I give ord ers to len I'e me In peuce, to I'eruse my doors: fo keep my no~e mall, my dispatcheR, awny, and you . .' . ~ _ _-"-'_ _ _' admit. GOd Jrnows whom no d for what Simple Explanation Disproves Gene'r.1 'tra,ee out a straight !lnc, It tbe ,uld ; purpose at our pleasure." Idea That Achievement 'II an ' be brokeD Into [our sides 01 a aquare She let hlln fume, and lJer pationt, Impolslblllty• . ,. . , . lhe IIbllltk.' wlll roll on these tour,aldel. ' -' .. . 1 ODf>- ~ftor the olhar, and , tbe .\ltter wtll ge ntle bearln,;. of ' his detestable !tumor made him ushl1med. "What tor, pray?" It woutd lIoenl. on first thought, an 'ream out .ail ' el)\1al square• "I don't know. sir," she Aald humbly. lmposslblllt)· to ~,ore a sQu$'e bole. A,t ~~e : lllme , ft~e tbe Diot/oiS of tbe ('I couldn't ,say no.,...somehow. Sbe. In'. reality 1I0tbing is shUlIl",I;. , The tool 11 a rotary ono. Yery. II'lmllar to . begged for n moment-s he had walked basis or the QPcl'atiqn Is t1I~ tllO.t that borJ~g a round hol~. Tbe on.)' troll tbe 12' mllcli Ilnd sbe says ' tihe 'must as 'a olrcle r,oUs o~- a sthilgbt 'UDe. tbe ble'1ll that as tbe shank "hange. ,from ctlnt~r de.o;cl'tbes a . p~allel , atfcalRht .one aide ot the a'luarll gul~e to' tbe ad foot It baok. n's late, too." "$b e hlUl a not~book? Of dourse!" line. For Instance .. the I}ub 91 a car· Jacent "J1l8 Uleta" a augbt Irre'plar "She's n· pretty bat on 1;oud-u; long Mage' wh(lei moves aloD, atl a co..." Itl (II Lb, moUlin, M» that tile ~ dark coat, Ilnd. abo il so lovoly, Mr. IltaDl dlalAnce '10m tbe Sroun•• Heile., of tbe Iq~re lIoJe a,. Dot 81\&..p, 11\11 , flalll, thn.t 1-' II "'8 ~UI. • outt.r Iltuatet at. . tile ,UCb.tlJ' rollDclecl. TIlia ~UDQlBl IIJ&J S~e flllished lubtl,-and trlumpbed, ' oeDtor of a c,lludl'lcal ebani to roll . • 'reduced to • mlD~WQ aa I' li II \or :eer master .ltpU, slDlled. "U's _ a Itnlll:bt KUlde tIae cut..,. _ ~ ....... rl'"~ .. nh......... ,I . -..

---- --




Coatlnt au




't I I'

· I -------...


S quare . .

LI" E, aSI'Y -/ B ored




For. Hostess


TIMELY, SUGGESTIONS for Those Planning Seasonable Entertainments

Washington's birthday seems to be a favorite time tor entertaining among all classes, judging trom tbe letters that have poured In from all secUons .. of the country. First. 1 am going to describe a luncheon on which tlle hostess has put much time and thought. There are t'o be eight guests. who are requested to come with colonla.1 colt· fures and also to bftlng the oldest rollc they pos'sess; If It Is not bring· ollIe. the s~ory Is to be told. Can't you Imagine the transtorma· tlon In these eight dames, with their powdered hair, as they gatber around this festal board? The centerpiece Is to lie a real cherry tree, Inasmuch as the cherries are to b pluoked and eaten with the dessert. True. tb ey are made of Frenc.h almond paste and cost 1\ dollar a pound, but there are over fitty cherries to the pound, so $.he expense Is I\ot so much after all. The tree Is an azalea with all the blossoms off. a Christmas gilt. the bostess said. wbloh sbe has watered carefully with this very end In view, The favors lire tiny cherty logs filled with candled cherries. and the plaoe cards lire hatcbets bought by the dozen, To hold the salted nuts there are cocked hats In butt snd blue. White cahdles ' ln brass sticks fhrnlsh the light and the china Is to be gold band l or several courses. the rest to be In blue Canton, the latter a priceless helrlooD,l. After lunc}Jeon . there Is to be a PUIzle conte"t, Il different one for each guest, but all made from pictures symboUc ot Washington. Several were made from post c,!rds aIld all wcre cut and pasted on the wood by an obUging lad In the neighborhood turning many. a penny by mak· who Ing puules for hostesses at about halt the price of the shops; and then. too, one has the advantage ot choosing th'e subject for the puzzle, so can carry' out any desired Bcheme. The head prize Is to be a . cherry ple-a real one-and the consolation reward Is t:o be a framed picture of Mount Vernon- rather a surprise for the one who gets her puzzle together the Jut.

'To Wl18hln s to n and hl8 little ax A tons t w o now demand ; So I t'. admire who t li s the truth With n s ha rp ax In hIs hanel. To III m em o ry ot G eo rge WllShlns ton, the c hildl ess CUlhe r or million s. TO TH E AMERIC AN E AGLE. H r e's to th o g r II I A meri can E agle, Pro ud blr(l o r fr edom n il h ill I ! Tha t nollod y cn n Inve ls lo Or put s ail on his b ea utltul tall.

ou n OUN TRY . Our country- W he t,l,e r I>ou n ded b )' the St. John 's n nd th e Sa bin e o r how ever 0111\' wl so llou nd ed and desc ribed , Bnel 1>0 lho m oaRu r' m nts m o r e o r less; HUll our counlry, t o be c he rish e d In all our h oarts [tod to bo d E' tend t!d by all our han d s. O ur co untry , o ur w h olo co unlry, and no t hi ng b ut o ur country. Tho nl on- No north , n o sOllth, no east, no w os t, llu t o ne Ilnd In d ivisibl e. Our N a ti ve L a nd- May It e vor continue . th e a b od o at Creedo m und the blrthpla oe or h er oes. Tl:JE U NlTED STATES FLAG. Y o ur stripE'S o t r ed throb with tho life bl o od at tho usands; YOllr s tripes at white sl S h with Illo wom en's t ear s; your Held ot blu e Ilr athes t ho s teadrastness at a coun· try Ormly united ; nnd your e tars sIng ot n unI on thM 18 w elded togoth er by the might)' hand ot an Almighty God. MADAME MERRI.

was of white tox, with one large pink velvet rose on each place and silk cords and tassel8. A novel trimming Is made of two bands ot black velvet ribbon fagoted together wltb a gold braid under the open stitchery. Copper Is one of the , most popular tones ot the season. but It Is of a red· dish shade. not the brown or yellow one of form er years. Favorite shopping bags ot the day are as big as ever, but they are fiat and are carried unde.r the ann with tho straps over the wrist. Transparent scarl coats of tulle or chiffon w\ll be general favorites In al· Uance with evening or ultra·elaborate afternoon tolJettes. Toa.ts for the TwentY·Second. · There Is every reason to beHove Tbose who have 'asked tor "toasts" that the coat with belt and deep pepor "sentimentS" approPriate for Wasli:- lum will be used agafD, s oe coaot Inston'. birtbday dinners will Bnd are decreasing In length. ~_~ ~--.. ... _____________

trom thlrty·five to forty dlrt--.:.:ent States that there comes the expre.... lon of satisfaction trom those who :\.ave taken up lands In Central Canada t.II a free homestead or have purch..ued lands. Mr. E. K, BeU, of Frankfort, ~~n­ tucky, writes to a Canadian GOVol..'ll· ment Ornc.l al. and says: "I have r.t.Ist returned trom Albertn, overjoyed ~tb my trip. Your literature was ",rry flattering. but not half what I tounc;, It. 1 bought a half section between \~l· gary and Edmonton. one mile try.J,Ul railroad, near a good town. Thll Is the best country 1 ever saw or e,.Joi!r expect to see. I wlll go in the sprtLtg and get to work on my place. 1 thl.ut t Is the coming Country of the worla''' 1 Bome of the papers describe ' the S oi l· tlIng ot the Canadian West as ''be. coming a fever with a groat many P6h" pIe. The lure of Its golden Is creeping Into their hearts and mat.:)' are they who are answering the cail of that unsetUed territory," Thls~· per editorially cUutlons Its readers to exercise 9are and thought betore mo.,· Ing to 'a distant country. This wouU be a wise precaution, and Is exacU, what the Canadian offictals ask. The success of the settler wbo bas made Canada bls home for years Is the best evidence that oan be offered. And of the large number of Americans who bave made their homes In Can· ada, very few have returned. All are satisfied.


RAW ECZEMA ON HANDS "I had eczema on my hands for ten years. 1 had three good doctors but 1I0ne of them did any good. I then used one box of Cutloura Ointment !lnd three bottles of CuUcura Resolvent and was completely cured. My hands were raw all over. Inside and out, and the eczema was spreading ·all over my body and limbs, Before 1 had used one bottle, together with the CutlOUI'8 Ointment, my sores were nearly healed over, and by the time 1 bad used the third bottle, 1 was entirely well. To anyone who has any skin or blood disease 1 would honestly advise them to fool with nothing else. but to get CuUcura and get well. My hands haTe ncver giv:en me the least bit of trouble up to now. "My daugbter's hands ' this summer beeame perfectly raw with eozema. She could get nothlnc that would do them any good until she tried Cutlcura. . She used Cutlcura ~esolvent and Cutlcura OIntment and ' in two weeks they were entirely oured. 1 bave used Cuttcura for other members of my famUy and it always proved BUC)o cessful. Mrs. M. E. F.a11D,' Speel'll Ferry, Va., Oot. 19. 1909."

- -------




iUl4 the ceD.t8!l ~ullbW 11» Wlth. 'Water CQlor

Oanada. Bo'bU oaI.<l I.. a.. Intervllw, ,

l~~~.~ .. ~~ Promotes Digestion,Churful-

Bears the Signature


ness and Resl.Conlains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral NOT NAR C OTIC . RtrijN NOM IiSAHU£lhlrYllit ~;.S•• ,,· .tbtS""". -

A'NMlldelb •.

} --_ _--


~"",JOt -



""'" S"J • ('(.t¥tJ!wn."

.HI"",."..,,.;,rx.""" ...


Aperfect Remedy forConsllpa·

lion, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea, Worms ,Convulsions ,feverishnC!9 and Loss OF SLEEP.,

For 'Ovar

llle Simile Signatu~ of

~ --_ .. _---

'Thirty Yaars

~~CASTORIA ...---..........


an a.cre. Thera are ten million arable and irrigabla acres here. You atil1 may buy unimproved land for $50 an acre. She (to h er .fiance. with whom she Ten ncres are enough to comfortably support a lI1llall family. Twenty ac~el affo,d has just broken oft her engagement) a fine living. wHh money in the bank. Forty acres should maka ion rich. - You deceived me; everything that You pay from one -fourth to oneCarson Reed, Reedley. Cal.• from .. you told me about your tamny. your third down, balanoe euU;r caD lie »al4 twenty-aore crop ot Sultana ralllILa for oat of the erop.. netted $3,200. position and your means was false. Almost any thine can be raised In the J bow tJal. . . .Ue.,. from end to end. H~It was true about my debt, I;!an Joaquin oountry-orange. and I have aeen oroPII planted and harvestwheat, figs and apples, delicate grapes ed In everyone of Ua countiel, 1 have though. and hardy potJ:lotoe.. Produc ts ot the Inte rviewed farmers, rancherll and mer-


m., bit. used

ling !he SIolIIGChs and Bowels of






A cow and an acre of alfalfa will earn 1120 a year iIi the San JoaqniA Valley, Grapes will rield from fIOO to $300 per ac:re; peaches and apricots. $150 to 1500: whila oranges wil produce from $250 to $500. and in many instances more than $1000

What the Doctor Old. Gustave Ullyatt has a little dau·g h· ter who linsn't been well recently. The other day a physician was called ' to lhe Ullyatt home to see ber. He examlnt!d the chUd with the aid of a stethoscope. When her father came bome that evening he asked what the doctor had said. "Nothlo· ... replied the little girl. "What did he do?" asked Mr. Ullyntt. ~ "He Just telephoned me all over." HE convenient cardcase can be leather. The C1111!cttolill hold all was the child's reply.-Dellver Poat. . beautiful ,also. It may be a part In the previous suggestions. The girl who suys she wouldn't mar· of a':comp(etelY ' fttted bandbag or In all these designs thc maker must It inay be cetrled alone In all Its glory. aim Ilt barmony. There must be no ry the best man Jlvlng will probably ' Whiohever III your cllolce. there are obtrusive, striking color. but the deo- live to have the satisfaction of know· easy ways ' of decorating the bought oration must be a part ot a lovely Ing she didn't, 'leatber torms.. or of ~ven making your whole, and this completed whole must TO (JURE A (JOLD IN ONE DAY own. . be In Iteeplng with the occasion and TIllie I",AXATlVB I)nOMO Quinine Tabl.ll!. D","1I181... ~rund woney If I~ fal,lto cure. K. ;N . .' ThlJse JI!1ggesttons are so arranged gown of the' wearer. . utlOVl'J'tj ahlDBturo lion OIIocb box. :160. tbat ' they may he tteated In two ways, For the short time necessary to Many ,a girl never suspects a young . 'They. Dlay ~e trac:ed. off from the draw· make or decorate one of these card· mlUl's Intentions unt]1 he asks her It . In,s. and by the use of cat:bon paper cases. the results Ilre wonderfully sat· she can cook. traDsfin:red to sllqde leather, whlcb Isfactory. YOU . will a.fter1i4rd fashion . by hand It It be brown, the greens or golden WREN YOUR JOINT8 ABE STIFF . and Dlu""lnalOI'C flODl (!Old. rbeDmaU.1I\ or nODnll· intQ the 10yeOy cailea. Or they may tints are always ' barmonlzlng. lila: "ben JOu .Up.' atTaIn Qr brnlao you_It U lle be transfenred to ' and In linen, of cOlil'lIe, tbe range 'of col·' p.~M'II LidIlU' PoIllItIIl.". Tbe ~m" remedy 'IV yea,.. tlie d~sl",11 painted through the open ors Is wider.; arid It is,advlsed that the The face ~at Ughts up In cOllyeraa· 'POJltt'o,nr" ,whlcb are black In ·the drsw· IIp'en be ,solected to IJ?,atch a gown Uon Is not hecesaa.rlly J8I~telrn··la·wed. ll.lgB, In, tbe latter case. slencll dyes and tbe color to glvo just the touch 'may be used to color fo~ms.. tbat wtll keep It tn harmony 'Ylth th'e , if' Ror' c~t.leath~r Y'or,k a ehanp knUe cqstume. . 'J,'~e st~ncn dy~s .used ~re j 11 ' lIle~l\sl,lry for. throw~ out the d~ pro.!>f' ag~lnst ' fad.lng )t ,~, White soap i sIID.~·~ Tli~'. form· ·IS l tbr~wn Into relief alid ' luke.w a'r m/ 'Water be used. b, a lining. We color of Vlht!!h d8J!)endIl 11 10 the:next ro~nd.flower' form ' COIOI , U\lQD. Y9ur le,,,ther and :rour ·Ideas. may be ' carried olit. The bril•. taste ' . . l!an,t !llues are vell)' effectlv~ under 'or Gr~at cc.r, ~u8t ~ . exercised when On gray. . CI1tt!DS - OUt. tha con,enttonallied. rOle Iil: the ".bltt'el'·s"ee.t~· d~lgn a dark fu~. 11th .tbe lonl., slender ere~c;ent. rOOdl h y",l1ow . ~an be , \lJIed. tor tbe .j foruied pet&1~. II YOIU' ~ca8e . be centera•.and the .t hree lea\,es you wUJ Oe 10ft Kl'Q '10 procurable In 8l1ede, make of jal10w In' " lighter 8bade. • a 4aU QI'aI,\J8 wUl JOC?k v'ery well tor Thll II eIIIIlly done "it!) dyes, but.'lt ~ ~ . 1OU1' i. to' be, treated to tb~

..aat-dlrect...· I.b,


A~ Preparation

San Joaquin VaIley,Califoniia


n,'of Ililno",

S-a ya About It I . n.':,M.~~l\I!"lI:;=:=:

The Kind You Hava Always Bou t

$125,000 net from 1200 acres grapes. $15,000 from 22 acres peachese $3,200 from 20 acres raisins, in the



What Qovemor

I'or Wantland Ohllctreg.

It Is not only trom KentuCK) , but

something to their mind In the fol· lowing:

A quaint pelerlne and




temp erate and semi-tropic zonell dourt8h side by 8lde. Pleat.,. of water tor irrigation drawn from t.he near-bY !:llerra snows. It IJI ea • .,. for ODe to . .Ile a lAnd betw een the row s clLn be used, wblle orchard (. young, tor many profitable crops. The poInt III to mak. e ..et7 'qalU'e foot beAr .oaeth..... 'Vlaat .ome tar_en ...... 40ae. _.F.rank ',rhomaB, ot , Frelno. Cal., bought twenty acres bt land five year. ago. Ho hnd but $SOO to start on. Today his plaoe Is »ald tor and he hu an Inoome or over $11.000 a year. Wllllanl ShTayer..l. R. F, D, 7. Frelno. Cal., bought his Drst ten acrea Ilx years ago. Now owns Ilxty acres all paId tor. and retuses $12,000 tor bls Ply.e'F. Tarpey, at FreBno, ownl vineyard at 1,200 acres. trom whloh be toLkes an nnnual proHt at $126,000. On the Harold est.a te, twenty-two acru of peaohea )'lelded a 116.000 orop.


chantl. ·1 have COllated the testimony of orop experts. . All this valuable Intormatlon III CDntal ned In the San 'Io"quln Valle)" land folder Iseued by the Santo. Fe Ranwal' Write tor It. giving full name and a _ dress. I will a180 lend you our Imml«ration Journal, 'rhe Earth. IIlx monthll tree, Th S ._... 1 t h 1 e an......., e emp OYII me 0 e II lIettle up Ita Southwellt linea. The Company has no land to sell, but I will f~~~I~,:ri'::~ -t~grh~~~.ulry to reliable Low fana are offered by the Santa Fe d a lly, Comtortable tourIst aleepera and chair carll. The journey 01.0 may be made at other Urnes tor .. reuonable oost. Santa Fe tourllt .ervlce to San Franclloo II qulckut.

C. L SnCll"" C..... Cot.ab.....



&--a ... -

U YOII are 'the (ollowla .. Iymptoml; IIndel'.houlder bladel, lick 1"01' 'lomaeh. beadaebe, constlpahoo. catarrh. liver and kldoeydiH!lae. rbeum,tllm. Deuralll'!a. palpitatloD or hent, bad blood, 11:0 to to 'your drul: atore and 10 d.,. treat... 'n' 01 Dr. Bllrltllart" V..,tIIIII


poand .nd III cu .....


'''1 have been Uling CaacatetB for Inwith which I bave been afBic:te4 for twenty years, aad I can .y that ea.. caret. haVedveD me more relief thaD.::~ other remedy I bave ever tried. I certalnly recommend them to my.frieDd8 .. being aU that they are rePft!II!.D~. I f Tboi. GUlard, Elgin, Ill.


. I'Iee.IaDtj Pa1atah1~t. Tuta G.oocL Do 0Q0d. N . - 81 eakeo or Gripe. JOe. 250, 500. N _ 1014 bulk. Tbe ~ alDetabietatampedCCC. GaaraAIeod~ _ OC')'out 1DG11111 back. . -

Live Stock and Ml8c:ellllDeoUII

Electrotypes In ,reat variety for sale at the lowe.t prices by WESTERN NEWSPAPER .VNION 5S4 W. Adama 8t., CHICAGO

' U

e:~!!~&~~yoa~~~~ bnncb or brul .. OIl 111. SUlle, il:neeorTbroet..

Til "

cw.....1I. •••• '1001111........

1110 EuIouaae


wtll clean 'bem 011 wl\boa~ Ja,q U. ..... &n. bu_ up,!,oblJate~.lIo IPfl1'~" ~.oo per "",Ue. Book a B free. A'OSOBBINE . ,. JB..... tor lDankl~nd 1l1oD4 .. . Bemona PalDfDI SwftlUl!J" Jlnla . GI"D4 .. Gollnl, W ..... Brul.... VarlOolo Vein", ~~ . eoll. U~ Old SoreL AIJay.l'a111. Yollr4nta111& ___ ftPplt and Ilto refel'llllctL Will tell )'Oll more U ,011 write Book free. llaDu1acture4 oul}'~)' _ .• .


1l._Jla ..............


SUNBERR -Thal'mpro,ad Wonde,rbarrJ

UlTBER BURBANK'S GREATEST CREATION. A Luscious Berry Rlpealall la Moath. floom Seetl SEED 20 as. PER PACKET. 3 PACKETS FOR 80 crs. POSTPAID . ThI. I. poelth'ely the GREATEST new FruIt aDd the belt NOVELTV of modern time&. These Ire fllcte which no one can aet .....y froID. The proof. are overwhelm!na ID number and cooc1U1lve In character. Grown last year by 350,000 people. ~Il blue-black like an e.u ormon8 rIch bluebe'l'ry In lookllandlaBte. . THE eUNBER RY III an Improved form of the WonderbeMT whlcb 1rll8urp....ed for eating ra.... cooked. canned orprc.sene<\ ID any form. I Introduced uc.luslveiy Inst yeoI' nnd ... bleb proved so Intl8fo.ctory. TIll. gnAt g ..rden frullie equally valuable In hot, dry. eold or wet ell· It 18 gre..tly Imperlor to tbe original type ... nd J .. lODe b .. vegennlne Bee4. mateH. Ens lest pl .. nt In the world to IfI'Ow, Bucc'eedlog anywbere and SEED 200 p.r pkt., 3 pkta. for SOoi 7 for 1 •• 00. yielding Ift'eat matlllel of rich frUit " .. nd fall. Tbo greate8t Wltb ev"ry packet of ,,~d I send a booklet gIvIng .00 Reolp •• for booD to the f ..mlly RardeD ever kDown. Leave. an4 brBnebe.. fore "lao using tbe fruit, r .. w ,cooked,canned. prcserved, Jellied, sple.;d. plckletS, used for greena and nre BUI,erl>. Ev.. ..,.b<:>dy can and ..... 111 grow It. ', am, ayrup, wine,green", et<!. It III Quperlor torn"y of tuese " ""'" Lutber Burbank. of 00. Iforola, tbe worldfamou. pl"ut wlzard,orAlao .. copy of my 1r.2·poge CatalolfUe wlO> evcry order-whlcb tell. IlI'ln ..ted the WonderbeMT and turned It over to me to Introduco, He all.bout my I1~OOO IN CASH PRIZES AND OFFERS. AGENTS WANTED. otlt: "This absolutely new berry plant 1& of IlTMt Intere •• and . MY OItEA" uATALOQUE of I'luwer...lid Vegetable Seed, Bulb., .....lue .. a It be .. rs the mOlt dellc.lou.. wholeaome and heaUhful berrie. Pl"ntAJ, and Rare and N vi Fruits F Rlil: 10",11 wbo "FlIly. 152 ~nllea • In utmost prolualoD and alwaya comeatrue from seed." 1500 Uloatrallon. "nd colored plates. I bave been In tbe buallins .EAD MY CATALOGUE, Pages . . .nd 3, lor Inll dellCriptlon. a:; ;rear. and ban halt a 1O.l lIIon customeril all ovel' lho count..,.. cultUl'Cl, ete. (AlllO Coloreil PllI\te.) With aeores 0' telUmoDIBle Complete satiAfactloD guaranteed to evepYone. Do not f.. 11 to llee lb. from well·known "nd reputable people all over ~ ootID!.I7. AlIIO man~ areat Noveltlcs I "m oft'erln« \bla year 0' w:b1c:ll the SUNtile "Or~ of the WOAC1erberry. " . . . . ltV la the .reatel' ever kuOWD.

. .' Address ' P. . .

JOHN . LEWIS . CHI"DS, Floral Park, ' Na Y.

ThJa offer wDl aot appear epIo.

Write f~ SUDbetrv IftcI

IlDd · Cacaw.uo

at . ~.

~ DO~ . oea1ect





Zimmerman~ s '

•• ••

•• ••

•• ••

•• ••


: liE OERRON-$TROtJD "Mr. tho Henders nand Mi o Harveys~1Jrg. , I rrene t roud W I'e quietly marl·j d. Mis!! Luoile-No'rt.on pairl,l \ okIt- . 400 II Elli our er'y eID ien Wednesday afternQQo . Febl·u.a ry Coffees end vi It to Ali Mo.!'y 'oon \' iu ulIlll (larrle ~ waR an wbound lit or 16th at Hal'veysbufl{, Rev . Sarg nt, Our coffee stock consists of th~ win Tbul'tlday n i ht itltorDLog Fri- of t h Baptist church, performing Morrow. . finest assortment ever shown U !t Ro t he Ker ey, ('hlOloUl\ti, luy u n oon. Lh r.~remony . in town, 15c to 40c. The ' best Having' bought a large supply of Leather and . 15c and 20c Coffee sold. Acme sp nt t::;un ay wlt.b ber paront!:! h ra Mr. li'rlinJc ' hitlaker \iit dly tl el\v Mr. B nd rson is a SOll of the late Mountings bef l' t he recent d\1cided advance ill Santos, 16c; Washed Bourbon Ml': tl l)d Mrs. Uluren oo ~ rwoon r t:ltl ~1" . ' ')}.l t h& ,e nt rtnin r. 0 J r. and 1I.11's. eorge Henderson and Santos, 17c; Wh.i te StlLr, 20e; SPllllt Uu ay with '. H. 'bol'\Vo lJd Win n vIlle J.<'l'i ll /\ • n,or.ning 10 t iW . . all mat l'ial~ : W al'enabled t.o Hell you your O. D. G., 28c; Refined', 25e; I and fnmlly. tu c; tcb tll rain . 'I'b 0000- haa been re Ident of Waynesvill e Harn ss a I w as ev r and quality th b !-It. I araja, 25c; W~ite . House, 35e; J . K 8penc I' adZ ' 0 ArIUI tll'g e Ul tttetl t ttlH" t.lJ,1 opport;unity of the greater pnl-t of his life and is esSiesta Bakerized, 35c; Batingwere III L l b Don FridtlY. th nkln g Mr . hidlLk l' for his kiDd- t med by all wh know him. Note the f 1I0wing price and gi v us a call. tori Hall Baker-ize.:1, 35c; Viand Mrs . R. B. Emm Oll Dna. . \ Mrs. Henderson is the daughter of Mr. goro Baker-ized.35c; ManQr te rtl.lhl d Ilt u. tni HOllaous s uower l'll 'MIlk Main 1r. and Mrs. E. T. Slr ud aod came House, 40c. ·in Il n r uf Mr. lind Mr GIlY i.l t- wl\l onv 116 III the operll h llllse h re with her pal'ents from Falmouth Plow Ha rness, per side,. $ . 5.00 Ky., about fi years ago , She i ' wood Hat urdRY e ven~og., 'l'lbe one 'IbursuIlY, FI bruol'Y 24t,h. New Fish Plow Harness complete for two drl\wbtlo k .to tile ev~nlll g s p Olltl ur ., i 'bing iR baing iudulg >d ill bv I ' hi d b th h d t New White Fish and Herring. wa the l11n ss of Mr EmDl on!! llg y eslceme 0 ere an a horses, less collars,. 16.&0 6-lb kits, 45c; 18-lb pailS. $1.10 her old hom . whloh proven ted bim f;om jGli-lln'g our yoo ng people Mackerel 5c and 10c each. 10 the fun . MusiC, gnnltlR ROIl d!LU 'I' he lleR ltll. is !,hl oom munlt y at. The happy couple will go to houseA good heavy 2-inch Trace Harlug were tbe teatu r II of the oi vht. t,b pI e eTit tllue IS good , keeping on t he Charles Lew is farm ness for two horses, • • Beans and r fre bments were s' hrved o]t . Mr. F I'nnk Ruddu('k h. Il l' pll '·(' llll .. od \ immedi ately. The Gazette extends Beans are advancing, but we Illate honr. Mr. und Mrs ~ erw oc u fioe gruy st.fllh on eli~ll>l e h ) r f 'g h~ . . Team Brid les, • • • were tbe reoipients of many pre an ts I t r . Be is a b nuty. h arty coogl'atulatlons. are still sellin&" the finest Navy 1.00 tbe ont of town ~uests W r a the ' " Team Collars, Beans at 5c a pound. We also • • • Misses Ada Bromley und I:l stor Oor Br. nw .Iow I ' uetn usc q I t have Limas, Marrowfats and 25c Sweat Pads, Griffiu, of King' Mill. Mr . untI Mrs · /I. good ~1 81 j n grund tblDg for the DAY- HAY • • • RfId Kidney Beans. , Olarence Sherwood lind i r . and P deBtrlantl. A t the rectory of Re" . J. F . ad$10.00 and up Buggy Harness, • Apples We aro ex peotlug 11ioe weather wallader Saturday evening, Mr. Mrs. Ernest Mannon. ---~.--- -from DOW 00. '1'ho . rellROO is our Ano.t her lot of ' those nice meNew Burlington. Leoture Course it! oval' . Evt'ry Lyman K. Day was united in mar' ciium-sizedBaldwins at $3.00 ni~bt was bad during the ix num- r iage to Miss Amy A. Hay. per barr~J. . Mr. Day is a prosperous farmel' and Miss Jo ephine R~eves , ot r · hers . Jersey Sweet, Cab~aie Onions, to.ined Wednesday I\fternoon in Mrs . Ruth Vander voort spent came from Blanchester. Miss Hay Cranberries, Celery. honor of Miss Nellitl 1'urner whoso ·Ilturda.y in t wn th e guest of ber is t he hter of Mr. and Mrs. .ma.rriage oconn t his wo k . brother, Quio y King. Wm. Hay, and was a graduate of the Off Wayne Ave., Ea~t of Canal 413 E. 3rd St. Special Sale Sa«lrday On l'hor.!'Iday. F bruary 17th class of '09. She has many friends William Alills hilS bought the We: laid in an extra large stock Bradstreet property we t of town . th er oame to Tboa. Mcl:ll ttdes' bow e here, who love her for her affable of F~cy Salmon before it adMr8. A. W. Reevds is tbe gue t of twa miles. Bouthell t of our villuge. vanced and are going to give ber son Harry aod family, of Rioh- fl Qnot'rier pigeon with bltnd 0 0 righ t and charming mannel'; and who" our 'c ustomers the advantage mond, Ind. Jeg witb the (lgur four. inltltll~ with the Gazette, extend heartiest and sell it Saturday at less than Mr. and Mr. ·Whinery closed W. J . R. Tit pigeon iR being wel l congratulations to the couple. They ... it can be bought by the carload u. very s\lcoessful series of IDeeti.ogs onred for io Mr. McGluuAs' bome eM- will go to housekeeping on the Ol'en at the Friend 's ohurch on'I'oesdIlY inK frOID his baud. Fancy Pink ~lrnon, Strawn farm immediately. . 'fbe now hllR b eu 0:10 very het1v - -~--:'I, pound Tall ,7c Can night of last week . AJarried at the t:eslde.noe of the thut bu!!in s hILS be n abflnd.,ned. RESOLUTfO S OF RESP ECT Fancy Alaak~ Red Sabnon, . Expert Optlolan, I PQUnd Tall •..• I I c Can bride east ot town, all Wedue dliY 'unsbine will follow ILOr! we w \I1 eveningoflast week, Glenna, I1l\ugh- oon forget tb IllTk dll Y . Whereas, deaUl ha!'\ entered in ~o Not over 12 cans of each kind ter of Mr. and Mrs , Ernest Hurley Cope the eotert.ainer d'll ghted hi the membership of thi. Boar( . and O'" cr 20 Yearl' r rn~tica ' E "pcrit-nce to Raymond, 80n of Mr. and Mrs .' ' . ' r1 . to one customer. None BOld W. T . . Wilson , of near Waynesville, amhe ooe WItlt bi \Yl t , (\n as fLn 1m . removed f.rom its mid ·t, John Tucket· to dealers. -~- .. personutor b o I hard to beat. , B.f' Ther fore be it resolved : R ev. 'COWg ill , 0f the M. E churoh sbould 11a ve been nt to UII first of . e Eve!)'thing a-ood to eat at Gustin Rot 1, Waynesville,OL offioiating. _ ._ - this course and the committeI' That, his death y;e deeply deplol'e would ha ve tured bet te r. From .the That as a memoerofthisBuard, he Corwin. present nppeA.r~noe of things we was ever faithful to t he intere ):S he ' _...;.,~_...;;_ _..;...o;..;.i;--!'.!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!'-~~~~~: Mrs . Alice MoKinsey WBS sbop will h~ve no Leo~ure Course for was elected t~ serve. next WInter . . That in his death, t he community , P ing in Da.yton Wednesda.y. ' Oor oou';10i1 h e1d a peoia l ses ~oo Miss Alma -Waterhouse visited wherein he lived has lost an upright SALE OF HOU EHOLO OOOOS . i DI. t 'S t d d Moodfl Y Dlght to transact some 1m-' . .,. . relatives n ".y on a or I\y I1D portant business. and h,ono.r. ble Citizen, the,lot owner I will offer a t Public ale at my . , Sunday , f M t f thf I d Bring us your Sal~ Bills Ray .Smith and family moved lnts howard Collett Wil oalltng on? lam 1 ceme el y, a al. u '. a.n residence, Main treet, Wayne ville, their ,nQW hoine in Waynesville friends bere recently. earnest serv~nt, an~ thl~ Baald, Ohio, ori , . '1 ' , Tuesday. Oharle8, Brown aod famJohn Madden was hUJ:t by ooast- amember.. frlend,and conslSt~nt coSaturday, Februa.ry 26, 1910, fly wl~l 0001lPV t):le property tbey ing 1>n our b1l1 811turday whioh is ~orker, whose memory we WIll cher-I Beginning at 1 o'Clock .p rn. sharp. vaoated. . against ' the orders of ollr offiolals. Ish and hold most dear Iot f Hou selibld Goods consisting Mr. and Mre. Jo~epb H~wke sp nt Be it further resolved, that a copv' fn. of bed-room suite, parlor Snnday w~th their relatives, Mrs. I' of these resolutions be given to n.e ,'p . '0 b d Id f h' MoKinsey and daugbter . d ' . suttes, dl hes, SI e oar , 0 as. . . press' a copy,sprea upon our mm- . bed' ttr Mrs 'Lena Lewis 1S improvlog . 'd b ' h •. I b t loned bureaus, sprlOgs, rna • , after tllne88 of typhQid fever: u:s,~: t at ~ e/rl~lllaf' de sen~o es, kitchen utensil and many other Ohas. Woollard started for lo.w8. t e WI ow an __ ~~ y 0 eceas • articles us~aUy found in a ' hom.e; LOST Saturday mdroing where he expectB MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION 'Everything is in good order and WIlli . to lpend several montbs. be sold to th~ highest bi~der . ... Mdra. . f:l~isre MoKlnsey spent . Owing to the prevalence of rabies MRS. G~N1'HlA EVANS. ,L OST-a pocket-~ook 0, n~ining lid ay In . en a. . , hb' '11 ' ' ~T H k A t • small amount of money, lost Ada Snook spont Saturday a.nd In som~ o~ our nelg ~~ng VI ages C. . aw e~ ~c. . on Main street. Suitable 'reward is 8nndayat her bome in South Leb~~~e:~~r u~o~~ ~~~ 8:~~ and behevmg tha~ our clbzens should Bette' Man of tfle Two. offered. Leave at the tXazette office. a~on. Hotel on March 5th. We be safeguarded, dog owners will A pretty, !reall.looklng young ;wom. Mrs.. (Jh~)pbant, of Mono!lgahllla, buy all kinds, take notice that "on and 'after Wed.. an and a dreamy. •yed man got 00 II Pa., and A.nna Jone ,of Xe~la~ hesday Fehruary 28, 1910, and until street car. Hnrdly ere they seated J'OR S~ , and ohtldren have baen visitlDg . WALL D_ DOYLE f h' t' th M h I f th b I l ' t· ten e des:nalr spread their mother Mra . C1tirk the past a. urt er no Ice, e , ars a '0 e wen' a 00 {o ,n . . . '" '. , a week. . ' Vj]lage is ordered to take up all dogs a er the man's tnce. . ' .' SMA'LL farm of 32 IJOre'-flo d running at large without 'lIluz~les "What's the calamity now,?" Rsked . f"rm (or tc,baoco: llqnlre 'a ll' I , and l'f .not called for and 'charges bIB cdmpanlon pleasantly, but with a jtbis omce for pIUUouIBrs " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·· ~~e~a18 rmlnh&v~c~ . . ~ paid"to kill the same. ' . "My cutr links !" be exclaImed ~AI{.M of 12iX aor~,· 2~ ~i,les , It is further recommended by the tragically. "Olle ot lbelD III broken , 1!9q hwest vt 8pring V:~HfW" Health Officer that all ownel'S of an- and an end Is mls Ing. r ~ever can I Well improved farm a.nd good bniltlimals see that such are properly sup- keep my cuff togetber un~11 we get Ings. can OD or add~u8tl M "J!;. , h water. home. What s~!,il 1 , ~o!" wltb "wild Evaull, ~l?t'ing Valley, Ohto Plied -it l' accent on the • shall! ~ I Givell under Itly h'a nd and orociai Tbe woman laughed wltp ,·, apCl FOR 8AL~A d ·1-llbl-. bu1ldh.l g seal this Sixteenth day' of February answered cbeerfully: "Ob. that'B eaBY_ lot on 0 ~. Inqairt'l of A.' D. 1910. J. O. CARTWRIOHT, . Give me wbat's 'le.1:t of your brokeD F. B. 8h~~ ' ,. W:aynesvlll~ Oluo.1 Mayor, sleeve link!' . • . ' , , .. ---'---_--__- - He obeyed. She lt~anlld down, quick- CLOVER ,REED-Medi,uw I.({l(l\,!~", ly twisted a button 'from 'Iller , sboel, , a smIlU'Jotleftoft4e}9OS'orQP, ST. MARY'S CHURCH ' booked It 00 to the damqed .blt ' of pure ·!leed. Phone Hllrveyebul'g, aRTICLES. E.ERGY '0 CElTS WILL 8UY., E Underwopd. ",,,' jewelry and passed it. read1 for Imme- ,1~ Litany, Penitential Office , and ad- 4Jate use, to the man with a trlumpti· ~I~. - .'- -:- ,:. -------- _____ ,. __ 385 • dress this Wedne8dIlY evening at at "Therel" H()b8~~EEPER' FRIEND : for" •••f ••Irloln ~ __ : • ____,.! _____ . 4' 0 _ Qleu.n'lng carpetlt, I' UIIA or dr-ug- . 7 o'clock. gettl, at O. B. O.lemeots' gr~~ry. : Third Sunday in Lent, Feb. 27th, Wasps Kill Flies., .~ .utton~ I.i -- ------ ---- ____ ,.45 _ Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30 MIBS Marian Black-HawkIns (If And· .MUk _______ -___ . __ _.. ___ -- -.030 _ a. m.; Evening worship and sermon over, Engla,nd, don1 eBticates wasps to at 7 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 kill flleB and other insects ' that annoy ·Po-:,k.loln . . ___ __ _. ______ ._1035 _ careful housekeepers. Sbe takes the m. Everl' body invited to these touog ~asp. neurly starves It. to deatb a. Ch •••• - - ". '. __ - ____ . ___, ___ 1185 . _ _ services. alld then ' feeds It with 'honey; and ~----~ --~ , .------Butt.r __ . __ . -_- __ ______ . ___ '365 after once, 'or twice . repeating t~ls . T'UMBLED IN SNOW t. • ' .' ,I treatment the wasp IB docile and wlll not Bting tbe band tbat ·reeds .lt. How- ,c ellar, well t\u<\ . olsteJ'n) bal'~ .n~' " Wheat Br.akfast Foods _. _IIIS& Maurice Silvers was in town Friday e.ver, It IB not likely. tbllt h~r: example stl\bl~ witoh 4-I(ll~ ' lnqutr,e d~"Wm. Rice _________ __________ __ .2025 , and in trying to drive up to a rack \ Wlll be ' fohowed ~o any great extent. r..~bleYt Way~esvllle', O~io. ". .' Potato••. ____ ___ , , _. _. __ _2950 hia sl~igh upset throwin&" him out. wqile the 'accident ,was not harmful; a.ans, drl.d, _______ _____ . 30"0 it was very funny;. '




c. . E. HIlGER, Dayton. Ohio.

.. - .

--. .

l' ZI~!f!!N'S


W 'a nted.



syrup Labels










Wlieat Flour _____ 65"0


(U. 8. Department 0' A~ ricultllro Farmers Bullstin No •• 42 .1

E""ly:::;Muscle and Strength Givin QuaUties.• On. pound of flour .c osting 2;4 a. two pounds of rme~e. &O~( in


POST CAR.D SHOWER. The many friends .of Mr,s. J. T. EL lis, remembering that Sunday Was



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;-;j:;: ::: ~'I



_~erSOn!~ ~:~~~I! ~~-:~ ~~d_ !.!t~-:.e

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·SO·C'-Ieal'·• E- -e-nb .. e ·_ 'V


"lb. heath"me enterta;.C, L: Myers,wife and two chHdm • _ _ _ _ , _ • _ _ • __ • - - Johnme .a nd Ralph have returned to ment ever a-lVen here' was the verLinc~ln McConnell- School Hall. ' Lincoln McConnell-School Hall. their . home in ~ount Holly after a Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clements enIe "bpre Brl' 00 '11le8 im "old d~ct of' ~l who attended the band ' venntinagt School Han last Chas. Smart spent Sunday at home. Harvey Gustin was in Lebanen very ple~ndtbtrlMP thcrol~ffghs ~etl Souhth tel'tained at dinner Sunday, Anna, • 6 .. peoh,ll~ nil the Hit·1I d,.. V 01 enteesdrtainme T ye. S rd accompame y r. I ml I, w o . K n ry, "oti 'nm e npeollllly -tbl~ uTheaboys in their tasty blue uni- Joe Chapman was in' Red Lion last atu ay. certainly shared in the pleasures of Hannah and Isaac e y . ...... ,"... , ~I' Oll'lld DOt baVIiI\ pion II' forms made a a-reat impression with week. . Frank Pratt was a Lebanon visitor the trip, visitinaof the prom i- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, MillS' there on tb"t d.te \tnle"B It t~e. audience, and they reapo?ded by N. L. Bunnell, of Dayton, was in last Saturday. nent cities inchldinaKnoxville, Tenn. es Jessie Marlatt, Luella Cornell and hf'ln Ibe Dlltule 0 IUUf(81 gIVIng some. very fine musIc. The I town Monday. , Geo. Dakin, of Middletown, spent Atlanta. Macon and Valdo~ta, ~a., Mr. Warren Keys were guesta SunHr" .. "., fP.R"t.. Bo t oors wae a rellll.\' i W H M dd . S . fi ld Sunday with his family here. Jacksonville and St. Augustine, Ilia., day of Miss Martha O'Neall. boys have Improved wonderfully um,me.· picllllO in tbe wiote~ tim since last fall, and will be able to " a , ~n was In e . . . makin~ several trips at different ' 1!0nIR ~o ' IIweep away, or give Waynesville people some good Tuesday on busmess. Fred B. Sherwood was In CmclD- points to the sea shore which was to hUll rt Aud o .. r Lyt,lf .'. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clements, . . . '. nati on Dusiness last T h u r s d a . mUBIC thiS 8umme~. . i' MISS F!orence WlIsonspent Sunday. . ' Y ' . . enJoyed ,by all, especIally the httle Misses Alma and Anna. and Masters bl)w Cbllrlle Ilnd 1 eDThe only faul t was thf\ aUdlence- \ at her home near Oregonia. MISS ~ath~nne Pre~dergast VISI~ folks Ther spent the most of the Ethan and Donald Clements were dethey demanded too much of t~e per~ Mrs: Matilda Hosier was the reciped relatives In Oregoma Sunday. time with Mr. Myers'. br.~her, ~o- lightfully entertained at supper last t)ltr IU lloh on tb(l I!itod. form~rs, and had them work~ng all ient of a post card shower ¥onday. Miss Ethel and Raymond William8ep~ M.yers, ~ho with. hiS ~ntlre Thursday evening by Mr. J. E. Janto .c~t, it bllo" (!ir enonllb the time; each member havtng to . . 80n, of Dayton, were home Sunday. famIly, 18 spendmg the wlDter tn the ney and family. h ...• ..W .. , wnul t not. oon\~ 10 ROrl respond to an encore. B. H. Howell atttnded the auto. beautiful little town of St. Geora-e, . Berll v. e I'Ilr "n til" The band boys want W thank all mobil~ show in Cincinnnti last week. Mr. and Mn. Lindley Mendenhall Ga overt I ,I; in'ol thi .. VRII I h h 'ded h . h ' . are moVing into their new home this . . . Mrs. Mary J. Cleaver, of Harveyse shpeopledeof thiS c~mti'.muDlftYthce~- burg, entertained at dinner on last ht emtln t . elr wthork, St. Mary's,Guild Will meet Thur&- week. t t 0dselw 0thal an a .so ose w 0 pa romzed em. day afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Colealn lY ow apprecla on 0 elr Th rsd th f 11 • 1 dies' MesThey will clear about $60. man. Mrs. Geo. Hawke and Miss Donna return as they were met with a u ay, Meffiot ~m~ ~ : Ed l a d' C~ m r" Ol,\qr" lUI a I'r wt-re pllintt<lo They have in contemplation anoth- Ed d R' ka b f ed Hawke,spent Saturday and Sunday grand reception and surprise by dMamFeslA' M ar~, les d bytb~U10lit ' rthrti!4t, watnbinl! erentert.inmenttobegivenlateron, W w~r'll IC. 'tohas . eenta °hr~ h in Cincinnati. about forty of their friends among Sh~dakranG' au D ~aver, ar the If'opl~ ': n b",bing Hun. h f h' h h b d aynesvI e VISI r stnce h e Ig · .th d I a er eorge aVIs. • n tooel'," and 11111 t e nature 0 w IC as not een ete Misses Esther and Irene Momiy of whom were: Mrs. Jeff Sml an ' bantlog for "I cided upon yet. wa rs. Mason were the guests of Prof ~d Mrs. Wm. Daughters, ofW.ynesville f h t' t .at but nFlt leftllt ,vinar our pionl" .. - . Reb~ca ~erri~,. who h~ been Mrs. Bruner Monday and Tues- Miss Clara Da~hters. Mr. Harry One 0 t e most p easan ~I e dinoer and fiies oft fib, NEW CENTURY CLUB quite SIck, m Wllmm~ton, 18 now day Myen and family, of Spring Valley, events of the ~n was a G~ g I1ta, witb tbe SUII 'home again. • . Mr. Frank Smith and three daugh~ and Marth~ Washtn.gton party IPven dinner wbll" The New Century 'Club met at the M Is I Satt th 'te h be _ Mrs'. C. E._Bratton and son,. WII- ten Rena Josephine and Elsie Mr. by the Misses ,EdIth M~er and ttbiniog bllt on oor bltokfl, for tbl' tlb -~de tr' :;...... not BO numerou~ home 0 f Mrs. J . F. Cad wa11 a d er on uiters.ill with rae tonsiUitis er WaJbut isasmuch en lard ' of K'm~ M'll at the osher "ome ,,,,,,,.. I s, were we1come Cliff"Smith. Mr. Abner Dill and •wife, SteII a T.LA:mmon . "'''' M' 1l100t$ tbe coast as alool1 Friday afternoon, February 25, 1910. ~etter at resent' ,guests of fnends here Saturday and ' Mr. Herbert Marlatt, wife and on Wednesday evenmg of last week. tbe shorp" r own "Litt.l.. Seventeen members responded to p. Sunday. . IdaUgter, Lena, Mr. Leslie Smith, Mr. Th~ a-uests w~re ~et at the door by 11t8' Lytle ptonh roll-call by giving quotations from Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Everly, of Day- Don't fail to hear Lincoln McCon- I Dickson Wharton and wife, Mr. theIr hostesses, MIss' M08h~r dreued de tbe remar. • . famoue statesmen. Then followed tonwereguestso~erSundayofO ..J. nen at School. Hall next Monday Thomas Dill and family, M'r. Wm. to,representMarthaWash1D~nande I wondered the reading of the minutes and other Ed~ard8 and famdy.. . evening. March 7th. His lectures Braddock and wife. Mr. Josh' Holland M188 ~mmon representing Geort wbell and wb"re would Ellt tbl' bue~ness. Born- To Mr. and Mn. Ed~ard e brilliant and full of merrim~t. and wife, Mrs. Clarence Lansinger Wasbmgto~. . Dext,ptooiotllnller .. ~t1edtdlt.bink Firstontbe program was a read- Cook nearRidgeville Monday Feb. ' . • and 80n Mr. Emmor Barnes and Thehouaewas:heautIfuUydecorate ''s R'd ' 2lat, a fine baby . Matt uly ed WI'th flags 'hatchets and buntine' ...· tb -- mlOM would ' bA .. 0 the Paolflo'109, "PauI Rvere I e, .. whoIC h ruary boy., dAnderson a ' moved hIS f a u wife and' Mrs. Martha Thomas. . OOIl~t witll Mr 1\ nd .M 8. Oerne1l80d was well-rendered by Mrs H. E., . . Mon y mommA' on the farm he pur- After partaking of a grand dinner tRe stan and stripes were in evidence Mr. and Baril. lJ l' rsey or h .It and Hathaway Next was an excellent Lmcoln McConnell Will lecture at chaseci'lastfall near Center. Heand d d' h af ' h every where The even~ was spent hoeteeR, wbo Rre IIII1Q e '. tern people; paper on ';Library Extention" by School Hall next Monday evenin~. his family will be sorely miaaed here, ~thspen ~n&' t de f t:erndo,on to get er in gaptes aU ~atriotic in their nature, baviotr . oome tel C,alifor"lR thref' Mrs. N. L. Bunnell which in her ab- He is fine. Don't fail to hear him. by their muy friends. wd I -,-~~~IC an . nen y. chaht t hey such as ~ach guest making a unall i ' . t helr respectIVe ames. . be' .. .f tb Yor k C. ty ~cewasreadbyMrs.LauraMosher Miss RowenaWria-ht, wbo bas sp£nt Mr.RoyIronsretumedhomefrom epaI'&.C\l toOne yearlt IIgo frow N Who Was Present. flag, a prIze 109 IPven. or e M.r~, Herse, Itt Ii ~'BQoke e"b1 birtl' Mn. Chas. T. Hawke gave a very several very pleasant weeks wIth Lebanot) yesterday. Mr. Irons 'bas .. _ . mctst perfect one made; tyin&' cherWe spent; t.bree week.. a ~ Redond,· interesting "Oral Sketch of Robert friends here, returned to her home about recovered from his serious 111I. O. O. F. ANNIVERSARY ries on a little tree, ..tlte limbe ~ees but was seized with a l~ht atwrapped in...el, white and blue bYl)tin Deoember lIort· touod ·tt quite ao E. Lee," in an easy and charming in Red Lion last'Saturday. aUr lohvf' liG~le pilUle. It. I! a great ma1')J1er. This led to some little dis- All' H ltarted f Texas Tues- tack grip Monday night. . The 62nd anniversary of the I. 0 .. ing, the contestants beiq blindfoldIe 0 e s f or to r He is Mr G Ki dl h has bee • O. F.lodge feU on last Saturday, but ed, a Washington pie, etc. flRblag polot, bu' (to tbi. dllY we cussion which was followed by "TO: d were Dot "0 luoky. oply q.tobinlil piC8oftheD~" byMra. J. W. White, ay on a Pfrosthpec!C tngl'cla~..:.a T --d ........ _ '1l.:~'~ Dthe'Bw °etf. d n vl8- on account of not being able to pro- At ten o'clock the gu_ at down ' '0..... . ' , • a memb er 0 e oJl8O 1 ~ £AU • 1 _ .DI... . , ~ar a urn an 0 ther k ' f tha d hI ' U d eDOUlb for ft IIUl~Jt c!D~. ~ond whose Items were of unUlual mter- CO f Kana C'ty f wh'" b W H . lati h tu ed to b' b ' cure a &pea er or t ate t e ee - to two long tables beautifu y eco0 • thasW I ,oeo ICty p' • ~e I 'd~es eretreTh~.l M18 Ko~e bration was held on Monday eve- rated. .The center pieces were comII ooted fur tb15 . number of , lP~n est': During the social hour elegant An'tra' UnlUl,Y. n. m- I d' lIe • . m IB e arren l1n re re- lJl n 1&11& l&II " toDeII, opal .. , ""rd oof.x aD d otb sr refreshments were served tn·· two ......... f Ie w'll ..JnAke..L extended"t en ng. posed of flags of Illerent 11Z88, aurI18mi.preotooB .. t~nee · fOUDd tbere COltl'8e8. . , - "",-,,--,Jve. 1 more Y181. OwiD~ to the high water a great rounded by little silk flap and cher- . and II olllleel "MOOntl&oDe Beaob." Mrs. Griffin, of Lawrence, Kansas, _ many were unable to get there but riesi other decoratioftl were small DEATHS FARMERS' INSTITUTE those who were presen~ were amply basketa decorated with ch~rries and U it qui .. a lummer tMqr"for Cali was a guest of the hostess. ' fOIlDi"OI, whiie W8 e.IMro p e o p l e - _. . repaid -.s the program rendered was filled with mint8~ buats of WashingWIIl'e gl"d to maire' it" winMr 1'8Ilort. LAST OF THE SE.\SON '. Mrs E L Truman a former well Th ' f th I"'-.-~ll very l'Ood. . ton and miniature trunb of cherrY . . , ~_1.. f h . Hon. trees ' decorated With . h a tcb ets, cher. known. resldeJ\t of Spring Valley F e program ' Instil 0te e' ~11"""nl . eel e The D.,., 0 t . e evemna-, We ~ve atteDd ed two meett Dg_ ·0 t , 'he pbJo .• ociety .... Lot. ADple... Linc:ol~ McConnell was the unlve~- died Saturday a~ her home in Athena: t1~~: Tu.t :rn,::~ hel~t Lo~is F. Houk, o~ Mt. Vernon, Ohio, ries, and medalliona of the ~atber of wblob . meeta 'be aeco~d TuMld.y sal favoMte of . our aasembly. He IS Ala., of pneumonia. She was about ar-W&IIhin ay arrived late ,havmK' had to get off our country. . , nigbt io ev"ry mon'h , At 'be tiNt ~ ~ of atro~g,pel'8OnaliW, and has fifty-one ,yean,of q'e. and is sur- March Hall, Cente~me, on the train at S~ring V.,ley where he The refreshments were served in o~e, Mr. M.,c MoKin..y Will with a vOIce not sur~ by that of any vived by her husband and two 80M, An' te t' bas bee was met by Frank Pratt. Mr. Houk three courses, the flnt coune, tw() UIIiO 'hat made qlllte a Unl. , party Qther 8~er who~ ,!,e have ever Lyman and Springer. The bodyW'88 arr ' med res Iq pl'Orram n iI a put trandm~~r and is a very kinds of aandwiches , tied with~. of W.!'rreD UOIlD,.ty people, al you , beard. BIB humor IB nch, and he is brou~ht to Spring VaUe, Monday. ~ f:-:e ~ ::~ ~e fluent and_~ntertalnmg speaker. He white and blue ribbon, salad, obves ban, already . n · told tba' fran~ an , inimitable story teller. When evenin~ at 6 !,'c1ock Funeral ser- pnnci S spe en . • showed some of the benefits and and coffee; second course, ch~rrypie; StokN ,nd 'IlmUy furotBlied 'be IJerioUl, he is profo~nd enough to vices were held at the M. P. chui-eh Ws::.~r.wHiJM·IW.mter, N. E.Shaw beauties ' of Oddfellowship and paid third course. Neapolitan cream ~ec.: muRio for Jbi' Dlee~iDg com~and the admira~on of the. m?st Tlleidaymornina-at 10 o'clock. an:At ~.u~ ap. . ti th a ~lowing tribu~ to the Oddfellows' orated with little flaa'S, and ~e Tbey seem ,,~ry glad to bave Obio cultured and thoua-htful: !JIB lee- Mr and Mn Truman lived here in e I~ ~on w. no ee e Home at ~prin&1ield. covered with candied cherri.. The viaiton"Dd IJreeUbem ~ltb. b8IJr~ turea and ~.i'mqna are IO,~~I, pow- 1890 for a abort tirne, Mr. Truman :n~: Of/4~ ~lUbeth Chandler At the close of the exercises a favors were little boxes filled with b,!,Dd .ha~8. 1 thhall if W9 were erful and highly entet1ammg. He havin~ ~ hardware store. ' _ n. oar ~:. • au~ptuoua suppe; was . ser:ved to candy cherries an~ decorated with ,oiDl ~QDatft ,be", we ... quld oer;- fairlytoo~..our5-:hautauquaby st.orm ~ . BITTEN BY- OOO whrch fVery one dId f?ll JU8ijce. little .flags and Mws of red, w~ ~ldDly join tbe oJub Tbey have -He.rbel1 ~'; ~a~n, ,: ~etary I? . , ' , ' , . . . . • After .sup~er he M~ Moody, ~f and blue, ribbon; the place cards a lOOial time ..,hile glt.tlJering, tbeD ChautaQ9ua, Tecuma,h, Neb~ At Mn. Z. H ..Carey; of New V i e n r i a , . Mason, who are accomplIBhed musI- were pictured scenes from the lives th,meeting il called to ~rder. bUllt- ~ool Hall, !\Ionday, .,Match 7th. " ,mother of Mes~;Cbas. H. and Lea- Two chil~reft, Jam.. aged 10, anc:\ cians rendered two very beautiful of George and Martha Wasbi.n gton, nell a'~nded to, .. Ibort program . _ • .- .. ' .. ' )ie E. Carey, died euddel)ly ~fonday, George, aP4 ~, ~~ Mr. an~ Mrs. selection. on the Yiolin and piano., and the hostesses had inscribed on aDd ' tt~eo tbe Ught faotutio. We . HORSE COMfA~Y ELECT F~brual'Y 21st, at her home there, of Henry ~tte~h~lte, .whQ hve be- Alt;oa-ether the affair was a most the back of,each one a patriotic (ju~ mflt Abner Ro.I, wbom I t.bink voor , " , -~. . ' hear~ trOuble. She waS buried last tweet). aynelvtlle and . ~llbZ:OQk, enjoyable one. tation which was read al~ud at the reader. will Illl remember.B baviog The 'Yayne To~~p "!-'O~tlVe Thursd~ in , Auburn ~cemetfory 10 were bitteD on th~ cheek an4 chl~ b y ' •~ • table. . LECTURE COURSf. After refreshments the guest. enoome here from LebaD9~ a nqJDber a~d.Detective AssQclat!on m~t ,S atur- iligtiland county,'_I, She leaves a hus- their do~ last ~~netday momln&'. of yean !llo. ~e'l -one ot tbeir ex,,; daY ,afternoon. The meet~ng ~as bana d fout cllild n to inoumher ~e dolt was 10 tlje house ~d t h e . , joyed "Crossing the Delaware," and ' preeld,eDttI. atld 3udglog frolm hil' ~ frO?do~.,.moremembel'lfbel~p,es- demi: ". ' , , ' " , ~h'ldren started to play wi~ It, wh~n Lmcoln McConnell s recent lecture other games, until a late hour whfln IlQpularUy wltb,tbe loclet1, I tblnk ent·than ,U8U~I, ~d g~ter l1Jt;erest Mrs. &rey ~was . kn09(l1 to many It became ~nra~ed and bit them. here was a krab7 ~eat. ~e Poasesse; they reluctantly took their departbe mUltbavebeeD'llg00d'oD8. Beil ~eili~theelectionth~ f~l"qlerly: he~~'a8'8bevialtedher ,lOn, Charles, Baxter .Vance, f~therofMz:a.Sat- to~remar a e egr~ epo.wer~ ure. ' • verY8prlgb&l1 old 8~ntiem.~.· aod " nle,dffiCe~ el~~ · are' as fol.lowa: ,when h~ was teaChing in our seh~l.. terthwalte, th~n tried to dnve ~he giVlDg wholesome .Instruction 10 The guest of honor was Mr. Warheartily iDVUed "UI) to 0811 I\D41188 Fl'Ipi,,-:zell, J;»re8.; ' E~! BUl11ett, 1st 'c., • _ • dG&" off! wh~ It snapped and trted a way that e~~bles hIm to ho~d t~e ren Keys WRO sOon, removes from . him. We we~e rather i'lorprlae4 to, Vlca:-i>ree,; llarry MutTay, 2nd vice- . LOOKOUT cOM~I1ieU hard to bite him. ~e dol' was final- cl~t att:ent~on of eve~o?e m hl.s our community much to ~e regret 'hear . 'bem .pra.\88 .ohio lntbetl' p",:; Fred, ~. Sher,wood, treasurer,; ." ".1 1y IOtten o~tdoors ~here the colored aud.lence: ~18 humor, ,while ca~tt- of his ' many friends The guests .. i~b8l' 1l. t.he1dl~, MpeclaUyth084t ,~. ·C. HalY"!!, ~'y.; A.~l.{e,.1I\t, C~"" , . ·.Five ,bllve cqme" ~hy not ~ore? man ldll~ It. , . . . ~ati~I', 111ustrat~ the strong polOts were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner, wboll"'eber8 ,a~C1~.."el'''8dbe'r efor eomel~and~:~.Ha\'~k,t~.tees·,' Fif~~a.e~~'andtaken '~he ,fJt&nd Mr. Sattertbw~te dId not tblDk lnhJ~' lecture. HIS lecture was one Mr. and Mrs. F. q. Hartloek, Mr. yean aD~' llwa11 '~poot too. ~bey . ". ': ' - _. " 'for righ,t in ~e Obr,istian E~deavor the ~C?~ was ~ad, b~t ~vera1 of ijle of the ?est numbe~ th~t has .ever and Mn. Will O'Neall, Misses Jesaie "m speak of h "I" ~oDer I,.te, · LOC~T~U IN .Fl.ORIDA , at tbeC.h liltian church, aince the f~dy seem to thln~ It was. The been given here, eIther on a wmter Marlatt. Elizabeth Chandler. Luella '~nd, Oil ' fe81 lite tlie I~lb~ , . "',. ' k - th' , Vi .T revival 'm e'etiqa. These are Wm. chlldren have been ~olq to schO!ll, lecture course or a Chautau.qua '{)ro- Cornell Martha O'Neall 'Henrietta maD 'Wb~ 'be INlld th.' ,Ireldnt1 ' ~Iab~;:!lf :::' d!r~n~is ~7t~ Allen, Emerson Conner, Frank Hob- 'a nd no~iq has been ,done as ye~ ~ &'r&1I1. E. P. Wilson, Su~ntend~nt McKin~y, Donna Hawke, . ~ ~ P~'1 ,1\lOd ,plll~ ~ ' ~.' f,r~m 'bot clli·ldren.. 'three we!kB ago and i~~, ~wa~ " Lewis , ap~ Marpret asc;ertatn whether the, d,G&" was mad Wayne, Neb., C~~ ~hools. ~eia-hway, Ka~hryn Al~an~er, ~el. Callf,?rola' l.'.~a bet~~ ..,.. oe,to.~,y, .lo~ Wlth.their hired 'girl" Lizzie L,eW~s. , " or not. • _. . , INTEI~INO LETf.ER en ?a-les~ee, J\bna Waterhouse aDd .It ~Uy ~m. ~ tr , balHb~ people' Sarna, aIed'15, baS bt,en located at ~very y?~g ma~ and , woz:oan ST. MARY'S CHURCH EdIth GriffiD, of La~renC&, Kart";",,. thr01ll~0~t ' QIl.1'., ~,~n~~er. a~~ fr~m Jacksonville; Fl.:;: thro~b .. poatal should. be tll ,the 8OCletr· We cor. , Don'.t fail ~ r~. Mrs. Ch~:~. M~rsBert ~ai'tsock,Rona1d .Hawke ,Ohio" ..~'h11e '~e otbe....half are from, ~ beariiW..the·' photoof tlie.coaple dially: ~nvite YOu ,,~ · ~~e. ~me . ". , Clark'a werY mte~tmg letter thIS. ":arren Keys, Fred ~bon; ~ward . ' lOme .bemlddl~~Mt,and~,~~o and l sel\t by, the' satDs rirl' to her ~:8Q p. ~. I~LOrd a DAY. e~eDlIW. .Fou~S~ndayin Leat, M.,eh6th" week. We are always a-Iad to have RIC~, ~arold Howell, ~ond Da:,'atee. ..." '. r .. .. . ,mo " ther.\" ...... "-I.: ri ' uee (, a t')T_.!' I__ ,.' , Eddie :W!)Ollarll, Chairman ' , Litany, sermonEveni and Holy CommQnion everybOdy,0; vis ' ('urt Hisey , JQhn Lenmion , .Bar- " ," I.neauwo .. ~n,"!!:- , . 10 80 fahi ' d tb-'letten ..- . ' aa it keenR rr~ • We lpeD' ~.o W~~I at SaD DlIRO ,\ti\1e 'WeN notified toda1"tO ~ at : a. m,' ; Ilg wo p ,a n alway8~n.touch with FOl'lllerOitiieDl, ria 1408~er, Harvey RYe,'and W,. W. aod ~ade Hve,:"l lDter.tiD, ",PI arid hold tli.eCiuple. ' '. : ' MI~~ARD~E~ D~D ~rmO}l at 7 p .' tn.~ ~unday ~~l at and we ~•.uld 'be ~lad to ,publish Whittaker, of· S~rin&' Valley. wbUe'tie" 'bat 'we're full of. bi,toIlY "'. • _ ~ . " " , . . ~.8Q L m. " more of them. " • -. " ' ,ODew.. ~th8' qgalDt Qld Jl8xlc.D . " NanCe aar4n8r, 80 y:ean o! ap" Wt!dne.iay .. fNeJUng,. lI8n1ee and ,". " " • - • ., BUSINESS MEN~S ASSOCIATION towp.:pt ~ . J~a , :w"'o1a. too. '01 . " I ' . "'. .~. pro,ml.ul~ot ,iD ~~ , ~Dr1DI tIl~. ad~at7o.'c)~~ I~PORTANT ,N0r.l~~ I . . • " , ' . baG 'a ,08D'&Dr,. ·' , " . . : ' P~';'I81 oonte~~taW:a" \ bw.ldbJ.8 darl 9f "o~ Sbel'&D~o,. ~e4 earl~ ~oa. arelnii~ to th_ iervtcea. .,' The BI1;B1n~ M~ 8 ~"OD ·.D 01.;,0 11 ODe ' of O&l1fOl'Dta'••ble ~IDR ..-..oD, o~" DeedlDg .,an~ay m~iD' a. h1I 'home clD ..I'wu ..... ,nen the7 aid unto The Maieh meeting ..f tbe ,C. meets ~ht . m a ,1oclal . . . . . ~ . 014,il"r1oal pia"" WbtS. tb. lrame orb~~ lumller of .nJ' de a. ~ 00. of 1M, We willlOlDt.otHho.,oftb~ T. U. will 1M held at the. home of tbe,Mucnne Banquet ~ Qalte w.ll..... IlP aaih Kaner'. wt4ow, ,~p&tOD. may ~ .en b1 ..... 01', the mo.. WIde}, bOWD polltaal Lcml" . Mn. Emma Smith OIl Third street, IP1lnt'e~ ,p~ tau ....... , wlao'" DOW , "•. MttoD. ~ ~dIo' ~'b .... betO... dolll, ohane.....' la o~ ,aDd • ~q. , 1IarCb ~ 1910, at 2.p. m. All are ~, an4 Jt II boped that • t1aU . , . (00a..._~,...1) , J'uma l'AODIL ~lao41ll!h~m"" Mr. w... wdq.m.....,. <IOrdIall1lDvttecltoa~cI. attell~will be ball.



C. A:




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The Miami Gazette , ---





I!! , ,

Some dl,'oN'e s are much better thllh otb ers. Ores KE'rmll shoot those anim a l. or dace. be dt(1al,l them? S),rlng Is o,ml ns, b1lt don't take olf ,our winter "Bnn els yet Chicago hn.s snow to burn. bu t no .furnaces nrrruog d tor the pu rpose. It Is nevE'J', too colc! for th o Ohio n rowdy nttltude,

-· 1'fWIp."t~t! g um c

Germen poln sh camps high, but lIomo ADI rlco n Industries must have It. Mr. HlIlley's comet 11'111 have to move a little closer Or It 11'\11 be outebone.

Persons with the dynamite bablt eould find u seflll work In breaking up fce gorgel. While the coal situation Is Improv. Ing. It sttn b!.kes mon ey to flag the C!oal wagon. Til aggravlltfng feature at weatber predictions Is that the unpleasant oneil always come true. Jf you bave finished pay1nB the Cbrlstmas bl1ls now Is tbe time to be~n preparing for Easter. 1011'. Haney's widely known comet still refus'es to appear for anything so common as an opera glass. \ Chicago neoos ~n export duty on tts eomtletent young bankers. whom New York Insl,l)ts on 8ppr01lrlatl111- ' If tbnt Invel.~on really enables M to lee by wire. It will menn a lot of bother to dress for the telephone.

Japan also bRI a p~a()e eoetety, but meanwhile the triphammer kesps ellcklng away rlvettng DTeadnoughu. SCientist" Bre Wondering wtJat causes the yenow veil over Man. ){aybe ,Mars bas aJu1ek 2ournallsm. aowever. It fs Ii poor k1Dd of -mae 'Who, caDuot ~leCO'Ver wltbmst tile aid of ,n maebme wbether or DOt • .... loves hfm. It Is snle! by an eQlert' t)rat the feet of ' tbe American nation are growlns larger. Not larger. we think, but more l1ulllerous. ' ,I ,


St. LouIe men ba'fll ',been cetttBB tetsnus h'o," trozen fftt. It sbmsld please tbe to;,: pistol to '"' able to prove IlD allbl. Allout '4,000,000 bas ~ ton because ' ot tbe New Yor1t sMrt,ralst .. ~rlke, but ooly a mIlD of famny Catl eredit the flgureL ' Paris policemen have been tol4 tAl IIbQOt wJltm attacked by thUg!!. 'nile wUl be ' mucll more ' elreettve sb«;lutlng for .Istallcel


There has been organized tn Baltl· more ,a society wblch alms to siv babies 'a cbance. It mliht 'begin.) Gbollsblnl nat ~undlngs'. A unlvenlty Ilrofetl80r a~aert. that Hamlet used slang. If 110. some of . the tellows ..... ho want to play tile part should be rtpt at home ID at. ~mpeW:nt autllortt1ee alert tnt stavalne Is and Is not KOO4 tor 81IJ'thing. In tbls dUemma It Is ' J)erfeet1,. llare to retain one'. health.

A report of cats gone up to ,2,000 apiece! If true, which can hardly be

life runnlDE . . alltomobUe up all4 dow'n the Ilttb In rB(:es and andur-' nn e tests, bill Ullnk of n ChrlsUa" elevotlng his lite to' that thing! It Ie w II enough for the 'World to go Cl~O l\)' bver fo utball and baseball and 01 her sportE!, One expects if ot dead poeopl • a nd we nrc not' saying th re Is harm In a hrlstlau ftndlng some recrcaUon . In witnessing a. game; but Ullnl{ ot a I,rlslfan xpendlng hIs di vine e nll.\u . MA Y most pathe tic lasm In nn absorbing devotion to sport sight of 011 1' dav Is that at whil e 80 many superb , things nr oall, great men dglng little lug for the devotion of great sou ls things, Everywhere one Olle often wonders what .mlght hnpp n sees blgh powers consecrat· in the kingdom If half til onthuslasm hrlstians expend on sports went Into ed to common ends, capable enthusiasms ex pended on things worthy of children or Goll. hrlstians ftutter a bout tryi ng to kill trivial accomplis hments and nvoca· tlons thnt are commensurate only with tim by gossip nnd IIgbt r eading a,nd the ,animal part ot being, Christians theatol'golng and bridge parties and concernt'd with the same things that huge Sunday newspapers and a thous· are the great conc Tn of the world, and other things, nll oj' which may It was this pathetic Irrelevancy be· have th Ir oc.cnslonal place-Jeslls twee n human capa Itles and buman went to the wedding fcast and sought pleasant recr allon In the home or use or them that led Jesus to remark tbat one who roltowed blm s hould T..azaruB- whlch we nre not now say· leave t.ho dead to bury their own dead ing are ev il. but which belong in their nnd go and do the things tho dead na tul'e to the wOI'ld, and are worthy could not do, A Christian has passed of worship and devotion only frollJ out of death Into life. and s hould be dead people. worldlings, 't hose In whom accom plishing things worthy of living the spirit has not been highly born. sOllls, leaving the commonplace people E ven In churches one despairs some· to ex pend their encl'gl s on the com· times as he sees church·people pntt!ug monpillce tillngs. Great tasks tor great di vine e nel'gl es Into toilsome fairs and bazars that ought to he going Into souls, deeds tor living men, worthy the work of the kingdom. And some work for followers at the livIng Lord, It has been this Impossibility to ~ee p time cburches will flDd that ministers tha living nwny from the work of the who have prophetic power and the dead that har. sometimes hindered the girt of preaching and befri e nding peoconquest of the world by Christianity ple should be le ft to do the greater more tban the antagonizing evil of evil thing, while people who have only the men. By the dead we refer to those lesser faculty or administrative work who Jesus Illways thought of as tbe will relieve him of Its hurdensome dedead, those who were living simply taUs, leaving him fr ee to do bls llvlng I. the world of things, In wllom spirit· task. ual Impulses and aspirations had not Coming of the Ideal Time. been born. whose manhood had not The ideal time will come when lll\ssed beyOnd tbat of physical being every soul Is free to do tbat which It Into tbe exer Ise at the faculti es a! the can do best; ' the living soul free to do 80ul. Now, tire Is slqlply capacity to the living thing that antiphonally aDS· respond to c n"llronment. It Is not ex. wers. But whether that time come ~ected that the life of the world will tor us or not, It Is time, for our own concern Itself, with anything except sakes and the world's sake, to leave things-for it Is dead to anything the small things of small people. the above. But one who bas lUe-that Is, dead things of de~d people, and cen!" !'eal Hfe of manhood touched of heav. Ing to fritter away our capacities on en~ha8 capacity to respond to all chenp and h'ltling spheres, seeK to do tbat envIronment that lies above the the living tasks that call for lIvln~ world of thIngs. And It Is meant t.o sduls. and move In the spbere of things reepond to these. 'rbe economy of the worthy of our best selves. Great, lIv· ldnwdom of hea"en is highest use of lng, burning' problems and cq.uses a~o highest powers, High Powera put to calUng everywhere tor souls commen· 10w use. fatl and fade. The law or' surate to the task. Tbe lIvo souls 11te Is cOQstant contact with tbe thJngs exIst. only they are down In the world oommensul'&te with that life. Cbrls- burying the dead with the dead. It tlans come and choose ute. then ask Is time to come out' r;.nll tallow the too be allowed to go back and ,pend Master .In these large 'thingS ot tbE' tbetT time ~otns , what the dead can ldngdom. When all Christians come' do-"""w.,lng tbe dead. ,We were say- the task wUl soon be accompUshed. thfs absorption of the living In the· The saloons can be closed In 25 years. things beloqlng to the dead bas been Many economic ubuses can be ban· (IDe of the great hlndra)1ces to the Ished In the saDie time. Even now, srowth 0 the kingdom • • l,{acaulay bas becaulle more Christians are putting ealled attention to 'the fact that one their Interest in things commensurate of tbe thlnp tbat lay back of the wltb their powers. government of Puritan movement Ip England WBII the states and cities ' Is i~provlng. tact that the Christians spent their missionary opportunity 18 ~.eatest of time dancing and feasting with the all agell, for everywhere there Ie the rest of the court, so that often It was open door with welcome to ·trutls over !lard ta-tel wlfO was r sUan ' and Ita ' portills. Wars could be stopped, .....ho was not. It was not so much that with the horrible burden of armament tbe dancing and teastlng seemed aw- aod unchristian suspicions preparation ~l sins, but tbat Chrletlans, those ,for them Is engendering, by the time 1\'bo bad accepted the ~all to tollow of the third Haeue court, If Chrlstlanl Ohrl"t and So and preach, s)lould be would leave the trifling with the small dedicating their souls to these dead tasks and lltUe pleasures that belong things-living ' souls ' spending their to dead peollte: So ~1Ul1 sins would strengt~ on what dead lIouls were ' do- go, 'so ma~y gol4en dar- would· come. lng, and ougbt 'oaturaUy to be doing. such fair blossoming of the ldngdom Heant1m~ great and glorious tasks, prophetic with pro~18e wc)uid at ona. ",eat tasu for great souls, Christian be aeen, If Cbrlsttans 'Would' the tasu tor living Bouls, were eTery· dead to' bury tbelr dead and to ' play wbere awaltlnl ac«;!ompllshment in with the world'. toYI, and put all tbelr England. 'Tbose who are familiar Cbrllited new.bOrn liTes Into tbe cre..... lth ~ hlitory of the Reformation atlon ot these superb U'Ylng thlnp filll will remember tllat this was one of of the promise of "Immortality, great the complaints tbat Luther made al,s o wks for great souls." And let \18 refIf the cburcbmen of his ttme-that member. too, that thoae who .~nd a great church, capable ot being pro- their lives with! the dead :among dead

Great Tasks for

Great Souls


::::~c;.I~~~~~:a!~n~::. boom ph~Uc and 110lnw super~ tblngs, should be Inert: and complacent as the world; A New: J4!1'sey ma;;':-&;"s aU the eltlzens to tell -blm bow be shou1d conduct ble office. , Probably 'h e Is cJe.. scended from tile original 'Trouble . Seeker.



Arransrement ot CutUnsr Timber-All Units Plants Assembled on Wasron-CaD Cue. Close to Ground.




OPERAt By Lydia E. Piftll·ltafl'lJrct Vegetable


· Ingenlous Portable Saw Outfit. This illus tration gives an exce ~ent Idea of an Inge nious a.r rangcmen t at a olrcl1ll1l' saw and gasoline c nglne to be used tor cuttlng down trees, All the units of the plaut are assembled on nn ordlnal'Y farm wagoll, the saw being arranged on a mnst which swings {rom the back end of the vehicle, says Popular Mechanics. The gaso-

line engine bell Is conne ted to a horizontal shaft. which in turn is ~on· neeted to a perpendicular one. A belt leading from the perpendicular shaft whIrls the saw, whloh can b e raised or lowe red to satisfy the requirements of height. As shown In the Illustra· lion, t.he saw call be made to cut very closs to ' the &:round, wblch Is a dJa. tinct advantage.


plates more than keeping soul and body togetber t his farm ' has been ruined, It will amount to . notblng uulll It has th effect of right treat· ment, and rather expens ive treatment, for a series of years. And many 8n Rt~h Soli Readered Sterne other 111lnol8 tarm has been practical Throuah Continuous Bad Croply ruined In til same time, thougb phi. and Bad ManaJlemeat perhaps not many by the so-called of FerUltty, (arming of one person. The owne r can never ,,'bulld UpN (Uy A.RTBUR B, BILL,) "Our Inexhaustibly rich soil" and such land. The utmost be can do 1& man~ similar expressions to Jndlcate to live. He bas not even a dollar per that the land would never become less acre to Invest In Improvement. Money productive wel'o quite CODJmon a dec- tor suoh wise Investment must come ade ago. B1,It you seldom hear such from outside the farm. It tAes ,a little longer to ruin the words uow; they are palslng away with many oth~r thoughtless conceits, richer Illnd of central mlnols, but it But whoever beaJ'd ot a man taklng can be done just as eer.tainly, ae II a piece of virgin 11011 and I1teraUy sbown by the 30 years or contlnuo"" com growing on one ot the unlverslt/ wearing It out In bls own lifetime! . Fight Agalnlt Tuberouloll... A most Impressive 1l1ustratlon of plots at Urbana. Now every intelligent fanner Is be· 'nt~ .... ,,, .. . In the antl·tuberculosls camthis ,'ery thing recently came uoder being waged throughout the the writer's personal observation, a ginning to tJee that' wltbout 'some tates Is evIdenced by the faC!t few miles from ' Carbondale, In south· proper care and repair his soil 11'111 not maintain Itself forever. any more year 1909 163 new antl·tu· em nUnols. associations were fQrmed. A man now well ' along In his nine- thaD would his buildings. sanatoria and hospil.· ties Is Uvlng llpon a 120·acre farm , Nothing mOl'e slgnlftcant to Amerl· and 91 tubercu· whlcb he leoured from the ~overn· can agrlj:)uIture bas ever been uttered ment about sixty yeara ago at $1.25 an pian the two sides of the same prop. JOSIJS~rdI18J:umElar:les were opened. c;=ott!· previous years. this Iii the acre. Tbe place bas neve.r been trans· osition persistently taught by Dr, Cyril O. Hopkins. the University of thus far mnde In the 1l,ht ferred to another person. consumptloll In this cou_nto' . lt was good ground and used to Illinois soil expert, aa follows: "To permanently malntaln profit.tbe year 1909, 43 more a88o. produce 35 busbels of w~eat per acre, r, for tbe prevention of tubercu · but has been farmed 110 constantly t.o able systems at , ~!L·'J'_-.Jlu.x..hd wliirfiTririnl!d-thwn during tlle precorn and wheat without any Intelll. most Important m..:,~"r:'~~ 12 months. and 62 more bospltals gent rotation or provision to return only In illinois but were estabUsbed. On tbe plant food taken olf In the crops State8. 1, 1910. there were In tbe Unltbat 'now the produce of the land' bare· "If we shall succeed In IlUnols In 390\ antl-tuherculosls assocJ. ly enables the occupants to exist. aS6 hospitals and tuberculoslll disCovering and adopting Into general The last wheat crop was two bush· agricultural practice systems of tarm, sanatoria and 266 special tuberculosis els per acre. Probably less than ten Ing that will rcstore our lolls to their dispensaries. - - _ -- -bushels of <'orn per acre were raised virgin fertlllty and permanently main· Refleotlone, , tbere this year. The land can be talu a high productive . capacity for Tbe beautiful home was crowded counted on for little It any more tban these Illinois lands, It win be the first a qua~ter of an I1v~rnge crop. Bome time (or ,thIs to be accomp.Itllbed any. with people assembled to hODor tbe of tl1ls land must lie Idle every year where In tbe world over. sucb an . dlstingulsbed guest. ,But the explorer s90n tired or the to "reat up" for tbe next crop-as the area." 1'hli! Is getttng down to be"rol'k tn attentions, and ' as he leaned hll arm writer law. ' . A near·by farme t has 40 busbels of ngrlculture, The most fa;.atgbted and agahuit a pillar, be allowed' hl.m aelt 'to corn per Bore and may have above 30 utiselftsh farmers are ' Just beginning be transported , back to the scene 01. bUlhels per acre this year. Land Is a to comprehend the literal mellnlDg of his triumph. these tact.s and the advlsablUty ot act. ' "SUCh a waste. I, he ' mumbled, au· gOQd price In that ,locality. . dlbly. staring Il\to space, "such a For any real farming that oontem- lug ' upo'n them' bl!(ore i~ Is too 'laIP. suoh a waste." .,.._ ....._"".r......... _,.._ ... '"'-"""-..,.... _ ... ~....."'.....,. .......,.~..,_....•.... .r ...."'-... -_·..,._... 4""~_~... _,......".......""_._. . ._. ._. . ."_..._,,,....·v-._. . ...._.....r...._"'_......."'....'"'-""·....•~-- WRste, Why so many stout ladles left .the hOllse In Indignation, the bostells was things become Ilke them. But the 'ILv. TRAC~ , l'l R M' unoble to learn.-Bunday ,Magazlne 01 lng IIOW, engaged ~n dealing with IIV' :I .Il the Pittsburg pispatah. Ing thought and living ,things and .. cil· vine emprlze" Is gaining eternal Ufe I!Jve ry man Is worth just as much aa from the cOLtact with eternal things. the things are worth about wblcli he I. "':"The Christian· Work and Evangellit. concerned.-Marcus AureUus . "


that lIvins fonowers of . Jesus Christ Itbould 'be spending all their lives In the commonplaces and Inanities of datIy life. Luther's call was a call for the living Christian soul to reave the dead world to go on concerning 1910 Relolutlons. At the sight of 2G To be generous ' with the ungen , er' Amer1can women It se If w Ith Its dea d thl ngs, an d t a at tbe kaiser's court conllervath'4t come on wtth h Im to undertake living ous. tolerant with the Intolerant; pa. Germans sbook their heads. Well, emllrl2Je of living men. tlen't with the beady and testy; calm. turning heads Is one of the ?rlnclpal Industries of tbe AmerJean girl. ' Fault of Christiane To-day. , spirited and large·mlnded with all Gne rtlould 1lnd that this absorption sorts and conditions of men. Skatln« and coasting have ldllec1 fit 'ChrltJtla.DtI. living souls, with th~ To banish gr.ouch from my heart. many more persons In New .Jers~ 41ead things of , the dead world, lay and for blessings known, ere'c t a perthis winter than football ever thought 'b ack at -m oat ~ the revivals and reo manent bome for ,*"atltude. of InJuring. There should be Invent, formatory movoements of history fully To makto to-day brtghter than It ell some Ift'ld of "BOOker" wloter 8S muab 1ttI tlle vulgar and barefaced otherwise would be because I see it sports. sin and s'hame. It Is this that bas. lighted up with the fore-gleam of a If It Is true as estimated tbat tI,.208 been tJbe -despatr ot the leaders and better to-morrow. If [ as It was of the church. For every evil I see or euf er, b eggars In New York average a pick· nro.,.),.ete, .. .... U Fatber lLartantlus began to despair shall bestow upon some e owIIll of ,37,000 a day, ..... hereln l1es the argument , for honest labor at halt tbe · of Chrlstla-nlty when be saw followers human a subsUinttal good. return? SUll, n8 we Uitnk ' of tt. of .Jesus Christ seeking Immortality To war with lies ' and 'shame, but lome of liS must work In order tbat by killing their brothers on battle. my only weapon Is to be "speaking the oUlerll can beg suceessfully. fields. as cUd the common Boldlers of the truth In love." tbe world, With Idolatrous devotion my soul When It Is shown by official records P rbaPEi It is tbia one thing that shall bow before the altar of the tbat the United States In ten yeart makes tbe chief despair of those who Twelfth Comandment. which Is: cxported $9.000,000.000 worth of agrf· to-day would like to see the coming ThOU ' sbalt covet the clean mind, tilt IIral products there can be little of the kingdom of the L9rd, It Is not the clean beart and the clean lIfe.doubt as to what country Is the that tbe evU of the world Is invJncl. A. B. B'ercs~ord, in the Universalist world's main re liance for such arUclea ble or so firmly Intrenched that it · Is Leader, And now that our e xports of manu· eternal. Neither Is It.. on the other fnctur es are approaching the same band, that there' are 80 Cell' Christians ' BY ' Almighty Power. standaTd flDd bid fair Ie> surpasa It, on the church rolls. or so few church. Whence Is tbls del1cate sceot In the tbe re IiIlewlse cnn be 110 d.JUbt ot OUI eli, The ean8US III jUllt out, and shows rose and the violet? It is not from. Industrial progress or of ~he headwaJ us, tbe churcbes are growing faster tho root-that smells of nothing; not we are malting In the markets of the thail the ' population. 'J.lhe despair Is ' from the stalk-that Iii as scentless ,as earth. that 80 m oy Clirlstlans, living souls tbe root; not from the eal'th wbeJlca mad e alive In Jesus Christ, wbo .have It, grows, which contributes 00 . mOl'e It Is prpposed to establlll.h a . chair come ' Md' said,. "Lord, I will follow to these ftowers than to the grass that or e mbal~lng at the Unlv~rslty 01 thee whlthersoevCl' thou gOest." who grows by tliemi nOt.from. the lent, not Mlcblgan., . Some thOugbtful studen,t have great' 80uls for great tasks, d'l: from the bud, before It be dlscloued, doubtless will olfer tbe dead Jan, vine liowers for gl6tlolllJ underta'klngs, which yields no more fragrance .than cuages as fit subjects. . larg~\ sympathies fit !or .tbe living ser.· 'the leaf or ' s talk or root. Yet bere 1vice of the kingdom, run back ' with find it. Neither is there any mlracu· "To bit bon est: as' UHs' ,world goe8:- ~he dead to buTy the dead, hecome en.Joui! way. , but· In an ordinary coul'se ..Id Hamlet, "I,s to be 'one m'an plcted grossed In the thingS In wllicb the of · Datur~. {or all ,v iolets and roses of ",ut · of ten thousand." ~amlet waf cr(,)~\'d ' m~vea and lives a'lld nas its tbls klnd yield the Hable redQlellce. I Jlropbet'lo u well III reminiScent . be but thnt It • .- poten,tlally Tim eS bavo not ~o materially chatr:ec' physical tJEimS', nods I~ c1elJgllta In canna In that root and ste,.. frOm whlcb the .In c~l die days "f his j'leHlnllsttc ob CeryatloJls. thou,(1t, tq be aure. DIe. lmall tblitgs ' wortby ot 8mall louIs; ftowe1'll proceed an~ tllel'.6 plaCled and 811d tile JrJncdoDi .walta iUl r~btCul thence drawn b:r tbat Almlsht:r POWer cene., said ' p,actle&lIy Ih. lupremac1 In the earth. , tt la au whiclJ hatlJ, slv~n tIloae adblJrnbl. •thlq b&fOJ'O hilD. r'Ih '. tor a doad lDan Lo spend hhl VlrtUeI 10 tlIeae p1aa&a.-Selec:ted.




CLEAR·HEADED f-!ead Bookkeeper Mu.t .be Rellabl., The chief bookkeeper In a large bua... ness house In one· ot our great Western cities IIpeaks of tbe harm collie did {or blm: . . "My wire and I drank our 1lrst cup of Postum a little OVllr two years aco, and wo have used It ever alnce, the enUre exolulillon of tea and colfee. It happened In this way: . "About three I¥Id a halt yean aao I bad an cttack of pneumonia, whJcb left a memento In the shape ot· dyspepsia, or rather. to speak more correctly neuralgia o~ tbe stomach. ify 'cup or cheer' hlld always belln colfee 01' tea, hut I became convinced, after a ttme, that they aggravated my stomach trou. ble. I bappened to menUon the mat.ter . to my grocer one day and he, i!Juggested that I give Postum a trial . "Ne¥t day It came, but the cook ~.d~ the ml\ltake of not bolUng It BumclentIy. and we did not Uke It much_ ' This was. bowever, soon remedied, and 'now we like It so much tbat''We will nov'er . change back. Postum, being a food beverage Instead of .a drug, hal lieen tbe means at curhig my atomach trouble, l'verlly believe, for I am' liell man ·' today and ~ave use4 no other remedy, ,. .. k "~Y w,of as ,chief bookkeeper In o~ Co, 8 brancb ,bouse ,bere Iii 'of a :yeU; cenfinlng nature; DurtDg ,m:r colfeedrInking days I V(IUI subject t.o nerv. ousness' and 'the blues' In addition to mY ' slck spells. These have lett , me ' sln~~ ' 1 began using POlt~ aDd I cam conSClentloWlIi recoimnend It ~o 1hoee wbose. work confiDes thelD to 'lemg bOlirs ot I!ever.e meatal exertion" "Theri!'" a Reason." : f..oo'k In pkp. for the BtU. book "The ~oad to WellTlUe," '


The .englne herewith shown Is a traction gasoline engine:. tbe' traqth1n part of which I made mysel!, It bas :a ' forward ,. speed of tram ftv." to six mnes an hour, ' and ' a back speed two. ,thirds slc.we'I', wrlt~B W. N. Marble In Farmer's Revlew. ', The engine alone ~~!ghs abo.ut 900 pounds IUld the completeQutftt, "bout i,sOO pounds. 'It I. ' only four feet , y.rlde, from one ,eDd of ~xle ' La tbe ' other' ,and r can run- It throuRIl a gate wa; fOUl' teet ,one ~ncll wide, ~O Y9u see It can be kept under perfeot control. , The engine is a sIX to aeyen h~rseDQwfr a!r, coo.l ed ~f\~, ali~ a fiDe .m achlne. · , I ' use It, to · l'un a fodder.shredder com'l!beller, teed grinder, lannlDI.mlli and clrcUJaJi saw. I am thlJl~ of bU7iDg a emllll thresblng machIne, to pull with it. 'A. to how much the traCUon wfll pull I caDnot ..y. I am • ,.,....r aael .\OQt raiaet, and,beldd..

t~ls I look aftet: more . than a halt hundred phones for the Vermilion Counly Telephone Co. I sell gasoline' engines. corn·buskers, cream·separn· tors. teed'grlnders, by ,which you may S~:l I keep the blood alrculatJng. : I bave a , single cy!lndcr 3 to 9", h. p. e~~ne In , my .~laeksmlth sh~p and my wife" uses It to run, the was,h lng. maohl,n e, churn . anll cream separator, And With this lamo power we pump 1\11 ~~. water; run' the lIauBage-grlnder, em:ery.wh~el, ~ dIBk.!lbarpe~er, post·drlll . bone ~ndell. ston,e-molter, older·mlJl, and a ~~"1·~~upd t.or the chlldr~. I expect lOOn to I?ut in a ~achtn.e . lat,he. AU of ' thea. machines are run trom a 'llnHh~~ without moving the cnaiDe. 'We otten run the ..... ~hJQ. nuu:hln~, cbum, pu~p water, and IO~. of the other:- machinery, 'aU at th • .-me time ..rlth DO au. tro'lblf OJ' txpeolt•


R ...


ROCKY BOY INDIAN LANDS OPEN FOR SET1LEMENT. Secret'n rr Ballinger has ~sued ,In· structlons 'to throw Ollen 1,400,000 acres of land In El\stern Montoqa .to . white setllerl\. This land was wllhdrawn about two years ago for t be purposo or DUottl ng to th Rocky nay Indians. The tl'act contaIns Lbo very cbolcest landl! In Va ll y ounly and where vor [!lrmlng . has Ileen carrl d on, it bas ()I·oi.! \.I ced yi elds of from 20 to 30 bush els of ",II at 1'01' acr , '10. to 70 bu s hels of on ls nnd larg crop!! of b ay, a lfa lfn and vege tables. Tb ere or ove r !l.000 160·acre bomes tcad s In this tract, which is can · Rld e-roul more tban Ihe combined total In Ih(' Fla th ead, Snokane ani! tieur d' AI ' ne Reservallon R, whI ch. were opened to settl mant la st su.romer . The Wond erful Y. M . C. A.


past t e n yea rs no oth l' r eorgo nl zlltlon hus rece ived 8 0 much mUlley as tbe Y . M . . A. Mil lions hll ve b II rnl sc d for new build· ing:; all ov I' 'th l! l:t~tl , and with no u ppal'ClI l Blt·nin. Ill! bus ln ss·llkc adm ill ' ifl t ral iclll 111' Its Vllst resources , its e n · " r ~y III pUlc< hlng Its wor!,- III the cities all ll th ru ug h til l'lIilroad. arm y und na v y Im\llch 's-and Its line vollcy In I'ollo wi ng th " armies In a ll recent W il l'S. hnv 01' nted for it a world-wide c li tbus ia:lIIl . Al the last bang\le l at the hlL Pl'Illlliona l committee , Seuutol' fio c t allll'lnell that tbey bad mail th e ir way h y wOl' klng with m e n mom tit a n by lalltlng to them, saying: .. OUle wllh us ," not "Go do ttiat." By their appea l to all c lasses or Ch ris· lillna. as w 11 as to non-Chrls tlnns, til y ha ve kept out of doctrinal theolIIgy, nIH) l1y til h' activity I" good wOI'ks tb y hav scaped cant In religion. All IlIt ' rest d In saving our boys and youn g lit n rl'jolce .iLl tllclr wOl'IIl-wlde S lI ' C 8s.-1-o611e's Weekly. t he

II g l otl~

Are You Tired of the Color of You, Dress? If 11 0, dye It, but be sur e and " se Dy-o-Ia Dyes which give the same ' fast brilliant colors to any nnd aU .fabrIcs. So ~uoh easle r, better, and more economical than others. Dea1ers sell Dy-o-Ill Dyes at 10 cents a package. Write Dy-o-Ia, Burlington, Vermont, for color card Bnd book of dlrectioDII. 1

His "Raile," "I don't dare tace my wUe." paintings. was 1111Catccl - II "What's the trouble?" l ~gS, statues Paris and Rome a nd "I told her J expected a raise." counterfeit early in hlB career "Well 1" at George attained an Intema. "Well, the raise I expected and n il . parts ot the world tI I reputation. the raise I got were two different masterpieces of t he ~_ .. '_._L.'_ ';~:n It was decld. . kInds." ,,' hlch /ltnnd out above and ed to bave him un. When Rubbers Become Nece..ary all the otbers and hi a derlal(e the Wash· And your shoes, pinch, shake Into your 8ho s Allon's Foot-Ease, \be nnUaepUc selves as 'at once the most · 1I.11•• W""U lngton Btatu,e t h e powder tor t.he feet. Cures tired. aching and ruost faithful Ukenesses Qf the commlssJon tor the to t nnd tulles the Btlng out ot Oorna and' Bunlon8. Alwaya UBO It for Bre>;l.k\nR In Fatb er at HIs Country. In ever y dework was Intruste d Now shoes nnd tor danCing partleJI. Solt1 tail of des ign and dImensIon these throu gh Tho ma e ov rywhoro 200. Sample maJled FREE. J efferson, who was Address, Alten S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. two portraya ls are duplfcatos. Indeed, one at the statues Is· a replica of the a t the tlma the mill' No matter what his rank or pos ition olber. The original atanc1s In ,be roIster of the UnIted .may bc, . the lover of books Is tb.e tunda of lb.e Vlrg'nla.....state, capitol at States to France. rlcbest and t he happiest of the chll· RIchmond-Wa shIngton's native state In 1786 Houdon ae- I dre n of men.-Langford. -and the other has recently . been comllanled Benja· I ' placed 11'1 statuary ball at the United ' min Franklin to Gr~at Home Eye Reme~y. . for 1111 dl C1161lll of t he ~ye., qUIck rebef States capltol "':"tbe Westminster Ab. America and pro from lUli ng PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. All bey ot America. ceeded to Mount dJotu ~gi 8tll or Ho~vQrd Bros.• 13ull'lIlo, N. Y. The pre-eminent Washington statue Vernon, whe re, a~ When Wo."ari Is In Politics. above outlined, he Is the one cblseled by J ean Antoine "Tbe city fa lhers voted"In~Jf'ma­ reoelved Houdon and the .fact tbat Soudan's "You mean lhe cIty fathers and lion and Inspl.111t1on cr~-ltlon s-tbe tamous\1e nnd sev. for bls \york under mbthers."-Judge. eral preliminarY studies-were the the most favorable HAVE YOU A COUGH, OR COLD? only ones ever made frOm Washingcircumstances. Then If.IIO . II>"~ IlLa n co A/1m. '''''''0 nlA l.n ... Bnd "~tc,, tor,'s person ruakes the work ·parUcu. the sculptor re- ~t!~I~~i~~'Wu~~D3't~~~lll~~ dutLlur.. l'oJl1al'ly Interesting and valuable. George turned to Europe WlUlblngton was 54 yeare at age when and made In Italy And the more a woman knows ,about H()udO~ "",ent to MOl,lnt Vernon and the original lite-size men the less she has to sayan tHe Bllbs()ent lome time at Wll8hlngton's home gath. Ing evldElDCe or' how marvelously lItellke Is glory. 0 one marble statue. Lat- ' ject. arlng !ntormatlon and first-band Impressloll8 this chiseled figure was afforded by the deep In the year 01 er plaster casts were I PILES (JURED IN ft TO 14 DAYS. fat hJs ambitious un~ertaklng. , emotion of Lafayette when he Brat B'!\zed upon C h r 1st on. PA7.0 O INT&I I!lN'l' 18 I(DOr1lDlCC<\ to..,.,,.. ta I(en fro m t h 1 s of II c hlna. Blind. 1lloe(linK u r Prut.nl4lJ18l'lIW1 to . Every OPportUlllty was afforded the sculpth1s portrayal of the leader be' loved '. 0 ·well. thousand se,,orIgInal at a cost at ow "da180tIUOIlOJ' ~1'Wi40Cl. Woo tor to BtU~y his subject and he -was JlermJtted Many Interellting Incidents oharac~erlzed the ell Ii un d red not only to take aocurate measurements at ,evolUtlon o~ thls unlque statlle. One of these and e i g h t J$2.000 each and reAnd D lot 0[ . good resolutions are cently tl,,; state of manufactured the morning a Cta l'. WlLllhlng'lQq but to take . mO.l ds of tbe face; relates to the uneasiness ot ~frs, Washlngtop, eight a,nd ." Vlrglnfa paid sevhead &lid chest. Washington himself suggest- ' wife at the genel'al, when the casts wer.e be, the yea r 0 r eral t lID e s t hat Dr. DetchoD·. neUef lor Rheum.tla .. ed the uniform fn wh.lch he Is represented In Ing made In order to Insure faithful pOl'traltthe common· amount for th e rep- rell vos In six bou,:s. Why sutrer1 15c. ~ iltgnlBcant memorial, The costume Is ' ure. Finally. :when the Ilfe mask was take"; wealth the Many a dootor haR saved a patient's . ' lIca Whloh, together ' the cOb~lnental' unitorm which ~ he was accusthe plaster oast_ was kept, on Washington's twelfth.'" Acwllh a statue of life by nol being In when called. tamed to wear as commander-In-chlet a'n d In '. f!lOe (or so lopg a time that his wIfe ·f ainted. cordlrig to traGen . Robert E. · Lee, whloh he was atUred when he resigned his trom alarm: , ' tradition. this constitules tile rep· COlD mission and bade fare well to his enemy's • On the pedestal or the statue Is an lnserlp. ·tributq to the HOU£JOlYlJ "TATl/£ or WASHIMlro/Y ~ rescntatlon at the military 'servlce at Annapolis. ' ' tlon readlng : ,"The ' General Assembly ot the most famous citizen at tho Old Dominion was penned off"Mother ~f Presidents" In the unique hall of . Sow . well this remarkable statue satisfted ' Co.mmonw~alth of ;VIrginia have caus~ thIs the ' men wlio kne w Washington personally statue to be ' 'erected as a monument of affeo-hand by Jnm~s Madison, afterward president fn m~ Itt. the oapl t ol at \Vo.shlngton. may be Judged from the comment at the ' eml- - Uon and gratitude to George WashIngton, who, of the Unlled States. who rested a sheet of Statuary ball Is tbe Imposing al)nrtmcut, nent John Marsball. ~ peaklng of Houdon's uniting' to the endowments, of the hero ·the ylr- . ,paper on hl ~ knee wblle he wrote this gracendj~oent to Lbe rotunda of tbe great whiletues of the vatrlot IlDd exerting both In eslabtul .eulogy. IDasleJ'l)lece. the Qrs t oillet justice of tbe Unit: . domed building which was Lbe hall of repro cd states, supre~le court ~alC\ l ::It reprpsents lIsblng "the lllberties ot hui Qountry has ren~ou4on, famous French sculptor, who sentaU ves of Lbe original capitol, and her., tile original as perfectly al a .livlng man could dered his name dear to hts fellow-clt\;;ens, 'ahd wns ' respons~le for tills most interesting work Clay Web ster Adams. alhoun. Randol pl, be represented In marble," ,.nother copvlne: ' given the y.oorld an .Immortal example of true of art. was born In 1741 and dIed In 1828. He and' a bost or other prominent men of th', , • • • • , • -;''t republic m ade th e walls ring with their fi e!,) 'lIblrogogOKOXOJr,ogogOlrOB.OIOlrOllOxomroxoxox OXOEOXGll'OlOC)l!IOlroXomx OW'li'Oli.OlroltOllOXO XQlrOXOmXOl[OXO OmlfJOXOlf.Oll'O eloquence. Here, too. Itt a GPot marked by 1\ 'fL' ,~:r ,' U . "1~ It too much to say that the American metal star, ex·President John Quincy AdamA. ~T ',W (is on. rl IS republic would have been fa t herless without then a representutl 1'0 for MasllBchusetts, was . ' , '" ." .' . ' Wasblngl9n? P·arhaps an arm might lIa ve stricken un to death. This grent room bas 'be,ert found, tbcugh .tbat Is doubtful- that Its present admirable lise as a hall of me mo· the Brltleh navy or that· his ambition . was _c ould have wleldnd his sword . But where was rial sta t uary Is due to the suggestion of the ~ F Tf¥E boy !Jeorge Washington , had ' of gr{ltlfted to the extent or ; a 'p lace as mldshlpthe' \,Iraln. the patience, lhe tact, the determl· become a British midshipman'.' Is one late Senator ,JusUn S. Morrill when he woo n . , nation, that would have composed the differthe 23 :'Ifs" cOD.~l dered by ,JosePh ' Ed-, man. representaU "e from Vermont. 'Vhen the his· enoes In the Ame rican connclls and have kept . .' George's ' father "Vas de~d and Major ,W!lshgar Chamberlin In his Interesting torlc apartment had been set aside as are· little volume. "The Its of Jilstory," posltory for the f;culptured tributes whlcl, Ington stood In tne place of fatber ·to the boy.' the discordant colonIes and the jealoua commanders together1 . . . WILbout his steady· . constitute t he Id eal tesHmonlals In nny hall He :apJ>(oved the plan and labored 'long wlth Whl\e we do not 'know much about Uie Ing hand In tbe Wlr the American army would Mary Washington, the mother of George. She of fam e. congress In 1864 tJenl to each etnl6 , boyhood 'of George Wl1sblniton, It Is .generally. have followed a devious course to death and In th e Un ion nn Invitation. to seud mrlTble or ",as 'opposed , tr9m .the bllgfnnlng' r but finally acr:e~ted as hIstorically true tbllt In 1746, whe!! the young republle onA to Its destruc;tlon!' gave her consent. The dunnage of George was be _was t4 ' years of age, a warrant was- ob· brOnze statu es at two of her most !llustrlou s sent on board a , sh1p of, tbe royal navy ' lying sons for perma.nent preservation By no talned , for him as a mldllhJpman tn·the Brltlah Mr. ChamberILn theu quotes tram WasblngIn t$te 'Potomac ott ~{oltnt v,ernOn. But ·at . ton's _o ontemporarlns to show the decisive part means III I. at the states have l'o!t accepted thi s the last ' m"l nute 'Mary' Wash1i1gton natly reInvitation . but some additions are made every he played rn the fOI ma tlOD of the union at bave ~een true, for l~ was belled anC! withdrew her' perm1sli,Iop. Her sig- ·the sJt ates litter fh~ war and contends that no year to th" collection. 1" II~ 11 (,~'I'AJA)(lUI!l Of' BPT.I'l N.J)1D DAlIQAIN !i nature ·was necessary '.to hili enlistment and other man could bave' conoentrated the conOIL 11, CUAI"J!' J N 11: co" Inc., Blcluuontl, Val. ,gQrolro OllOXQIJ:O)t:ogoEOEO omro 0 Cl .everything ' ItoJ,ped IIhort. '. Tradition 's a)'l tl;I~t dence and aft'ec,tloD of all Amer~cans. He can· cludes: .... . . Geor.e came ,"acW, from. th~ ,shlp ,-Ith bl. dungested by this Washington "U" 'and by all Dage, b,ubberlq lIke any Qtller 1I0rely d1Ba~. . , "Washlp'gton wae the pivot upon whlcb all such "It's"" For example: .polt~ted' 14-1't'ar-old 'boy. thlngs turned. Lac~ng such a pIvot, the m!l. Columbus started to eall "to t.he ~' es t nnd 6lhlnery of the American republic would havtt , ': Th~ author holds' that, it Waahlngton ' }lad civer to the. west, until the ,,'est beCOIDt'8 tumbled In-t o ruin. Happl the oholco!! of tliO' . the east." 1\ great multltttd-e of ·blrd s passed ',. become a SrltJlb ' mldllhis)man ' OJ!' that ~la~ge ,and Important day ot" 1746 be wotlJd ,bave en- • Virginian mother. w110 could . not spare her ,his Pl'ow, _golng fro,m tho north; to the sout.b· bOY >OD that summer day 'and sent aboard ,the tered upon a cnreer' tbat would ~robablY have west He wall ·Induced to tum to the s outh· man-ot-waf 1n Potomac'. stream for hIs dun· held blm fut .u tbe hat of hll daya. The WClI.t fol' two days. He never rb.Bumed bJr nage'" . l~", between 17,46, &Ild 1~r6 of _west. rn cOU~l!e and lost· tbe conthient at Nortb acl.lTity OD the lea. '. .' • -~, AmerIca f~r SpaIn.' , . , Are things ' conllclouKly ordered before they , 'l'bu" 'v. . if Oeorp W..luniton ~d left take placeT I, there .b\,' such 'thlnl as chancM ' Ho~eve~ things ~n-y. be, ODe cannot , the BrJUab eav, at .the bellnnln. of th!, r"'-~ CtlDcelve or the revolutJon Dnd the t nlon with· ADd it .there 'I chane", 1\'b'at fa It? II It merely " Iutlo~ and cut b1ti' lot ,rtth tile col~lata, out George Wasblngton and one bel1el'es thaI "dl~tlOD whicb canDot aeeY" Or I. It . woUleS .' ..... beeii 0. W..b~ ~t· w. Pr~vldeDc'l . rallied ~IP' th'e Father ot His COUD bow! .' . ' lom,thln, muck like tbe .t hiD' "e call luok'I')' to do the work that he did. If that· Is 80. the caprlee at til. aOctd... of fortunfJ1 ' 1. lt !leem. clear thnt It Wl1,S ordered from the tIleN IlUch _ ,.hba... a ·...~Ial prortcleDce'" be.clnnlng that George Wallblngtor l\lItoula IlCJI bacornl' , BrlUab ~ld8'11~UlI1D TbetIf: pel ~ CluuUoq aN ~UI" F ALL tile thou.,nda






h' Iflg · 't '

" ' .

....· , a. nadBeco."e 1

• •

' , 0 '


B ·t· 'h S a.,OI' ., . '

.£1 d

Virginia Farms ~lBd, Domes.





. County. Cou rts I



' An epoch in the history of ~~le Heorg tpwn lod e of l\luRPnll 1\'011 Bn {want wbioh wlls'of nlor tb~ n ordi. Ullry hnport "boe t, Mil !:Ions 'outher u Ohio wns t,bs pre fl nthtlon of Ii flllg .tu ·tbut 1 dge, 'l'nesdl.lY ev• . anl og, Fehrun ry 2'2, by ,Mnjor GAD, eral Fred rick D. ,Gran t , Uni~e d Btl4tes Army; in oba~ge of the De partlne nt of tblj Lakes ~ t Ubio~gc, in memor y of his g raudfHtber, Jest'e R . arll nt, Wor lllpfni MIl8Ler 1827 28 !lnd Brlgudhir Genern l Tbomu ~ L . Bamer of Mexloll.n war h,we. Wor. shipful ' Muster 1826.27 . Ulermo ut Uouoty Mulions ptlrtiou l ..,.l y fult Ii deel' int.ertls t hi tha . present atluD of tho flag, inasmu oh as Jes·e H <1raut WilS one of the pioneer res· ident,s of thi s 0 unty, and t~ nom ber of Million!!, reprelle nting vlu'ioos lodge!! in ' tb e oounty were present to wltnells ttl oerewonltltl, to shllrl' in the h 08 pl~ulity of their George town bretbre n Bnd to experl'enoe the fratern lll good wlll and fellow8hip wbich pervali ed tbe gat bering. Au inoiden t in oonnpoUon with the pro gram WIIS the viSit to the old Gl'ant homest ead, on Gr!lnt II.venu .. ; George town. Kilwin ning aDd Ye!ltman lodges, Cinoln nati, oonferr ed the MI18ter MU80n degree .-Clerm ont. Courie r.

C ,)ltt:tlon 'Pleas Court.


New Suit


ary t , Karr v , W, Robert ·Karr . . Petitio n for di voro . Pillinti lf olai1D ~ he murri d 'd fendan t Ooto. , bet 28.. 1901, 11.1' Philade lphia qnd t,o tlbis union two childre n ~ ere born Robert L. uged eight aDd Ro th Irene l:I.ged fonr. he fl vers thllt deten da.nt is lluiHy of willful ablleno Ilnd fUlks for di solutio n of ml4rital vows, , Robt!rt J. . ba whan, attorne y for - ·tnM~

. ~court Proceedin2S. Eliz beth C. Sboem ak. Ar et al vs. Jennie '. Hamilt on, at al. Jury de· olares t ey are unllble to ogr e.

Fou rth and M~l) Sts., Day ton, 0hio .

TH E, FI,N A LC U T - - -- -

II Ladies'

ON ~ ~~~~

Suits, Cloaks and Furs!

Two Big McC all'.


Chil~~e:~.~~:9~.~.~~ .!~~'.~.~ ..... ...... $3.9 5 LadiS~'i~l~~ddD~~~~.?I.~~~.~:. ...... $3.9 5 $7.5~Tt;~..~~;~.~ .:.~.~:~~...... ....... $2.9 8 rs-a t -..l ' Act ual Cost. Ladies' $$15 and $17.50 Cloaks, '---f!' 5 ' 95 Suits and Dresses. .... . ...... ...... 'P • ,

Probate CourL


Mag azin e' _aa_ Mia mi

Estate of MalY C. Clemen ts, de. oea ed. Prollt of publioa tion of DO. Ladies' $i2.50, $35. $37.50, $40 and Ladie • $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 tice of appoin tment filed. $42 Cloaks. Suits and Dresse s... Silk Pettico ats ... .......... ... .. .. . .. • Estate of Blanch Corn ell . Se~ nd Ladies' $20, $22:50. $25 and ucoountll.led. hildren 's $:>.98 and $5.00 $27.60 Cloaks, Suits and Dresses.. Coats ... .......... . ....... ...... ....... . • E tate of John )4arsb, decease d. Fifst accoun t" _ o ved, allowed and confirm ed... ' Estate of B. M. • 0gel', deceased. Men and Youn g Men are Prep aring for Next Wi~ter First and tinal aOQount approv ed, ' allowe d and confirm rd . Estate of Samuel A. Uhamb erlain. First accoon t approved, allowed and oonfirmed. Estate of Wilson Kuby, imbecile. Men's and Young Men's Men's WId · Young Men's ' Men's and Young Men's Second and' final accoon t approv ed, $18 and $15 Overco ats $27.60 and $20 Overco ats $26 Overco ats and allowed and oontlrm d. and Raincoa1;sand Rainco ats':'" Rilinc oatsEstate of Eli B. Rogere, deoeased .. First and fin,,} accoun t approv ed; We can offer you good allowed Ilnd oonfirmed. Payin g Em ploymC?nt Estate of Jam~ Mount.s, Imbe· that you will enjoy and ette, • $1.00 oile.. First aooount approv ed, 0.1. '. ." ,I.> ,Jowed and oonfirm ed. at hOIl)e . Write to-day .' .50 Est-ate of Oharle e Yotmg . minor. Third ,ao)oun t approv ed, allowed .15 , aDd oonfirm ed. ' The BuHer lck PuItUs hlDg Co. I Butteri ek BuUdlD g. New York. No Y. l:e$8te of Jonath an J. Null, de. $1.65 oe&fed. 'S tdh aoooun t approv&tl, alloW-ad and oonfirm ed. Hoston Smith and ~ife to Eliza.· Randai J, '31.50 ; R. P. Lane, '70 j TUBERCULOSIS ~PREADS ~~te of Obarle y Ford, tilinpr. beth J. CU8tis real e~tate in Harlan William B. Q.a )dll, 14; Franoia C r WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES. , Fint acoonn tappro ved,nU owed" nd townsh Ip '10, roll. '17.50 j ,Alonzo . UlllISeda y , ,85 i n1lr J'ut\t for instuno e: A yoong man St, Augustin~'1 Catbolic Cburdl _>lI 00 mau. , J . a ..·.... h E. Merrill to J 0 h, u" S . M 8r· S "'red Ioltubbs 1H . "' . , •~1'1 50·,J. 0 . Bale , who hAd "een , ole,rkln Futber . • $&te of Mahala Ward, decease d. rilloa.... g Oeo for .... e Marenbo years in eter. Pasto , . .,. &,nd wife I'eal estate . F k ~1 '28 j L ewi s Dlj}~e In Hamilt on ,4560 j ran Ze, ~ ~ ot o~ a huge departm eot- 9 :Muss . F the buseme second 5inndul' of tbe moalb a • Fln.lBO OOunt approy ed,allo wedand townah·ip,·l,. ()O a. enr, m. '62.50j · E. C. Jeffrev , $35 ; T , . . storede velope d a oooghl And he ~flrme~. .. ~ • Leight and husba,n d . " Anna ' . W S Whltao re I Wll' tired, eo , St. Ma.',,'s Episcopal Cburth . tired that bis sister Estate ' of Meli888 Fonderaplitb~ Oharle s E. Eaton and William to MoGuinll, ..14; . " S. '10,60; Sa~oe~F~x~ $22.75. . ISOggtl 8ted 'h!,,~ he take Rev. II. J vaoat~oQ in . F. CndwaUader. Rector. deceaeed. Firet and final aOOO1iDt Ungle.s by real estate i,n F1l811klin, mid· winter , . She w~" dres maker, ' Sunday Scbool. 0:30 n. 10 Morning 8er· e,pproved, allowed ' and oonfinn ed. '1 Saved SoJdier 's Life. ·vICll. I " U a. m. H oi , COIOD! u nloo tbe llrat ' makin g good m eimey, and she though t Sunday :30 . Eetate of Sopbla Getble, deoea.eed. 0 1 each mon\b, Mahet. bll Morray to Eliza JlI~e . Faoing death from shot aud sheH he needed a little . , relit . ~ Firat and final accoun t ,appl'ov""",. - in the oivil war WILS more II.greel.l.ble Keltey real, eshte in Spring boro .1. . . to J. A. Stone; of Kemp, Tex., than I t)o ' Methodist- Episcopal Cburcb. ·· t: • he got leave of ,,~eno e and allowe d and OOnfirm!!. , . , Benry C. I::Ihurt8 and wt(eto Ai· ' faoiog.-U-lrom wbat doctors Rev. H. W. Balley. Putor. .sllid was ohllnge d from the unventllate<1 bst4e. Sunday Scho()!. 0 :!JO a, Ill. Mornlnj{ ser- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Eatate of John ,D gllon, decease d. gernon Bhurfs real estate to _ _ _ _• Warren !ooDSumption. 'I oontrllo~ed a stob ment of tbe store to the overhe ated vice. 10 ;80 a. m. Epwortb League, 1:00 P'. "'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~! ,', Firat and ' final accoun t .approv ed, COUD ty'1. !!!!!!!~~! !!!!!!!!!! m. . Evening Iborn !!!!!!!!!!! 11 --1I"" d service, oold" ':: he 00 . p writes. .. m. MJdwoe) ·'that ::: d. ~ J andequa.l1yunventilatedfi~t . 'fo be Pr ,yer Aleertng. 7 p. m. .. ' a o~..... au oon firID ed veloped a oou~h, tbat stook to me , . AIger~ on Shorts ,to A nna Donn . in ' te f 11 remedi es for years. sore. be took ,au oooosional walk, Estate of minor. real estate Hamilt on toWn:ehiP, ,' ChristIan, Church. down to 130 pound!! , but most' of the time he ,sa.$ ' in t,he •t Final aocountappr~ved. allowed and t1, . sunday 8ch~1 SlaOa. 'm. SocIal meetlQ, . 'I'hen I began to use Dr.' King's New baok parlor reading , II.nd when t.hi8 10:30 n. m. Oiiriatfan E/ldeavo r. 1: UO p. ID• oon11 , rmed. , (lenora ! Auctio neer Henry C. shurts to Algern on Disoov ery, whioh oompletelY oored ooo\Jpatio~ Mlled, he went into ' the Eetate of Phinea s Bradle y, .de- 'Shotts realel' tatein village of i:b 178 pounds So , uth "" me. , Hkkslt I noW, e r we Friends R Church . . tb ' Wayn workro esville, om II.nd obatted with tbe For Oooghs, Colds; utl(:hippe, As , oe~ed : Second and· fi n!l 1 aooouo t I..ebanon, t1. Ohio . Firat Day Meettm;. 10 : OO~. m. Flrn Da, , mil., Hemor rhage Boar8ene~s, wamen 8ewing 9n pretty frooks for School, 11 ;0(1 B. m. ~(lor'b Pay MQt'&I.n& approv ed, 8 Uowed aud oonftrm~. . Algeru on Shurts to Anna 10 :00 a. m. .pnnn Croup, WhooptnEr 000gl1 and .lu~g 110 .oor~ of oustom ers. ' Valley PbODf: 22-3 And wharev . • _te of John O?nne'r , deCeaSed, real e!!kte ~ Warren Connty , '1. troublo , its suprem e, 500, $1,00. er he weni, lie expeot orated. :~ Final aoooun t approv ed, allowed There orthodox Friend. Church • R. Wild8 Gilohri st and. wife to E TriM boUle free,. ~oaranteed by was a ' 8pitulo n" a dry spittOOll in Re v. Benjaml o Hawlt1n8 , Pastor. and .confirm ed. A . Ford and wifare alestat e in U!'tn C. Sohwar:~~ ' . ' Rabbatb Sobool. 0 :80 a. m. Rep;ular 'obureb every room: ' Estate of Elizabe th A. Clemen ts, .1ton toWnsh ip, '1 •. f servioe.1 G ·qO II. Q;j. CbrtaUa n Endeavo r. •• SENSA TlONA l ELOPE MENT ' But he gqt no better, the ooogh- 7 :30 p. III deoeue d. First and, final 'aoooon t , Oasper DeFos8ett., admlnte ~r.ator ' syraps did not oure and finally he approv ed allowe d and ~nfirmed. to Sylvee ter B. Marks et AUCTIONEER al real e8- ' The ~mage of, F.t. Anoien t was went to see ~ doctor: ·rhe dooto,: ===~~==~~~ Eetata ofMab el ~oDDgetalmtnor: late in 'Hamil ton townsh ip, Cente rville , 12650 shocke d lilst Wed.n eeday over the ie sent a sllwple of ·thls young man's Third aocoun hp{lro ved allowed and ~~tl n~'3 Belen ' Schem el to ~DB and port of tlie' elopem ent of J oe ~ Th~ma n wbo cali Rell,o ur Eni~tt,. spqtum to .the laborato.ry oonduo~ed ' oonflrmed. . ~IIlB::~Rro~: " Borsee , Cow_, BO,8, 'Farm, Chllrle s Soh,e mel re.a l estllotetn War . 110 marrie d man of ,a})Ou,t 21, wl ,h by the, of· health and bad ElItate~f Emma KnapP ' ren CountY, 11. v-. • Farmin g Uten8i1e, HooBe . Floren ce R~rDer, the sixteen year; .exlIomiiied, When the young .FU'h accoun t fll,ed. milD • . , ' Alfred. Humph reys et &1 to . Allee 'old. siSter 01 his wife, .Illlliott hold Goode, ~r anytht~g In is ~n oalled again, he was ~old' ~hat he had Estate .of T. ' .Bento.n Jaok. de- L. Bumph reY8 real estate in Leba- empl the selUng line. of the 'l::)enior Powde r oo~ · oonsum ption . . The bOll.rd ~f health oea8ed: ~lta ,D. .Jao~ appoin ted ~on 11. , ' . . , pany and f,oirly well off . flnanoill.l1, . Wll8 notified of the f~o,t by the phy, :J,.et admtni strlltor gtv;ing bond of 13500 David W. Humph reys ex of Lewis He has been marrie US print your· Sale Bills Call Him Up for d about two' siOlao 10 charge of the oaa~. The wUh~. AI. DiU and Belen M. Dill as Humph reys to Alioe L. BQmph~eYI!I yea~8 and' hilS one ohi.ld, Walte~ . yciung ~Iln ..wae sent toasant\tori~m suretle s. Frank , Pressle y, I. F. real estate in Lebapo n S4400. Ellio~t and his slster.i n·Jaw for inoipie nt OII.S8S, the hoose was !I• •II!!IIII!I Bigony and R. E. Moone y a.,prais . J. Quinoy CBrroll BDd wife to W. disappe ared frompretty • •~""'.\1111 ~.III!I!II"I11)1.~"~ the vicini ty at lr~. fumiga ted and tbe dreE!s~aker"':" ~1 ere. H. I:3hrook and wife real es~ate in Anoierit and were seen boardin g mainst ay of the fl1mily though Ca8per De 'Fosset t, admini strator Massie to,w nship, t7600. a train at Morrow , Wedne8d~Y :. was-~e&rd sowe 'p lain trutbs she about vs. l:!Iylvester B. Marks et al, Re· M. Lizzie Joy to. 1aaao Wilson and The ti'~in was fullowe d by relativ es shippin g oot fruoks from this gerl,ll' port of private sale oonfir~ed and wife ,rell.l estate in ~'ayne towns..hip, of the gil'l, by the next I\ooom~da· . laden' home ana e~ployiog a dozen deed ordere d gi'Yen to pUroha ser and tion .and itw&s found that the oouple worker s.ln olle room, witholl .t proporders also given for distrib ution of Charle s P. ~i1son ~nd ~ife to. bad not aH~hted thi~ side o~ Uin ler v.e ntUotio n. 'J,'hat one oa.88 of prooee ds of ~le. . Rebert Weis~ and Anna. Welss real. cin~lltl. The Queen Ulty polioe were Itoberoolo'Jis coold infeot tl;le tam. Estate of Frank W. Balzhts er,' de · estate. In :Massie townsh ip, inform ed·at onoe and every etl'ort Hies or thtt dozen sewer8 and th~ oeased. First and Unal aoooun t 'Anna Wallin g Hohne r to Clinton will be for their l~ two doZen oustom er8. n filttd. W. Stanto n 'real ~sta.te in Frankl in bas been buta short time siooe II. slm' !IIPreUd,unt its de! 0001(1 In matter of estate of }'rank Bal '190. · tent.8.• , . iJar bappen i'ng took plaoe Ilt Wayne s oles !lnd toooh at least. one Cor. tat , and. zhiser. Report of sale confirm ed. bundr, ed James ~toops ~o La.ura J. Zell renl ville. wh~n Owen Stookto n, a. mar· and fifty unsusp ecting person s.In matter of est... te of Aon Thomp estate in Way~esville, 11. St. Clair Ste. . ried man, of 30 with foor ohildre n, ii'rom ,WC'wlln'8 Home ComplI. son, imbeoile. · '1" C. Patters on fi1ad Dlo.D " ., LBrg est and best decora~ed Auto ·Show In the eloped with Lizzie Same, a fifteen'. for Maroh. , his final accoun t and resigne d bis . Commissioners' Proceed In,s. year· old girl, , __....._ _...,... Cent ral State s ·' obarge of gOIl·r dian. .Tobn W. Scull • Stubbo ' lOO' rn As dlffe Mules. r~ntm akes appoin ted toaete s,guard ian in his rangi ng 'I n prf,ce ,from $378 Bi1ls~JJeiiB&n 8co" MPe~s fo&r ON THE TRAMP AGAIN J are liver .aLd bowels someti mepj variou s oflloers, 1.; , t~ $7,000 will ~ show n. onroe ' P aoa. . Th . . d 1 seem·to Johnst oo, rep&irs and lomber,.-4 59 ; Also, :'Iarge bllllt withoo Ac' c t es89r oause. y and en M~to Edwar r d Cycle P. WestoD,. Ue age o~g there 's tro~ble-J...o~s of APPilt it,,Displ ay. Marrla p Licenses. J . M. Mulfor d, stamp' , ,5 i '. distano e .' ' Mu~lc. wbo made' the IndigestioD. NervousneB8, Oel.pon. '. , Lyman K. Day, 22, farmer of WeeteJ;'n Star, bar dooket s, 140'; ~. trip Oll fooi froDl 'New York. ~Q, the d.enoy, beadao he, But sooli tronl:>W '11' d A A HBY 19 H. S't"nag e & Co., blank.s, '7.50; p'a9 ' c Coast last . aynesVl e an year. is on the way le~ fty ,befor:e Dr. King's Ne\V 1fi my. "'" "Wayn esville , Life Pille t~e w,oJ'ld's best Stomuo h Ruggle,8-alll~ Co., supp11 es, 16.i .J .' home.. lla:vin~,:)eft Los :An~e1e8 lh. e and , ,{~ive~ remedy . f3Q easy. ~60 ·It . .Huuter; expen~es as secretl4ry of. first of IIl,s t week. lie is, eev!!nt y at Fred C, trob W4lrtz. Tmnsfers.· board of viSitors, IS' j" 811· 'one old. Ilud exp&ots ·, . ..... .. ' , '4 _ ... . , .:q,:. . . . • •IIII..... ..... .... ..!!I.... .... .... .. 01lve T. Ed,war ds&o . Ralph G, .ohapltUn !l.t' iDfir~a'ry f~ut mtn, tb~' "~he. dista.n~e ill "" sh~#er ~~~9 . than; , Bef~re'8caldi~g,.m,ik rl~8e the. ll "tiler, real ~state in Wa.ynesville, S60; !Sam D. Hen~le, th~f2: ~ he did on t?e to~me~ tri~. ~~r eel witb <ibld 'wa'e~ '~o' l?teveo ,1. ' t . .' '.. 'on deoennia~plat work; ,, ' ame~ .rllins-! oold ",eathe r oau~e ,m milk from adberiD g to tbe,.dls h' . , Fran:!r Willltt;ll to ;Frap~ . Polley Follen ,sr., lIa111ry as jtlnitor , ,/)o ~ fl;lany ~elay~, .• ._ ' • .'. " . ' ~tlr~iJi~' ' , '. . . ' "and wife real es~te j~ Il'rauklin J\. ~rsh~rger, sala.ry 8S aS~i:::s' Rinee mil~ ves8'pIs wtthoo ld'wllte r ' '. . , _ • .~ . '1000, ~anltor, ·t40; Z. O. wor1~YH . llilao Wileon and wife to~. LizzIe asIand appraier~, tt~. 50! . s:t. Dill before soaldin g witp boiling water, ~ponge. sbQuld be &h~,:ooghty. '. as ,the milk' will not adhere eo 01088. 'irol\lde4. and o~eaD~ qQ~. :JOT teal "tate in lI_e towneh ip eame, .t70; Pen:r . Borden ~e Qfklp to ,o .~~mR.e, 1 to 'the v888818. prev. ' germ. ~1Jeo'lD•• . ft. ' . t24.GO'; .teH~Dell,. ~met '7. ,&4 I, Y '. "

$9 95 $7 95

$2.9 8 $1.9 5

Raincoa~ Sp~cials -

IAre You Looking

\lor a PoslUon?


.$9 .2 5

'$ 14 .5 0




~~~~ ' ~~=T~~.~~, now

AI,ffor only $1.20


I}f)o't ,Hesitate


Ra:v.~ond f3p~hr,


Sub~cribe Now

M;~eig~t ~an

C. H, Surfac.:.e,


A. A.







Date a.


,1. .




,1. ,


M~rch . l,

2,3.,4 and 5

'New Memorial Bldg. .,



Real ESta~












--....-- - .

-_ -- - - ....------

rep,alr""t!-OO ; feed for ft, 116 0; hv'n g expenlletJ for f mil y of flv;e, DrAt yell r, J2JiO '; tax~8 aDd insu r· DaO Ud





(Oonblnueil from pag e 1) Tbe ohu roh , iu the · libe ral seos e, d Ith' Ttt.e re t A. gorx ldel ll of tom my. rot, lue 0 InK .. ge;> od .b ' Is not dyin g and its pow er is not de· TOPP~N~ Lynn,Mass~ USlneaaw aDl oe olin lng. A oom mun ity of beluR prin tEd Ilbl) l1t 'farr ilio g at any size thUi nea t, olea n b"k ery . Mrs. Pin. ksto n tlune d' . eu'red ,of severe comPflund oan no t b 8t56med ver y gla" to Bee tiS as r.ltn e, lind we are not sure ' but emi al1 WI' th ou t i"n we lID the . th fI t " 1 h " . h d I1bovecl)llld he pot; und er tb" t hea cold and cough b, . rob, wri tes a oon trib utor in Tile d, wer e a rs peo p e!-- !- _ a ~een ohu 1-, " 'P. , £ CRANE, Edi tor and Man age r plltu lllbl e"8 "' De1inaator for Mar oh. from tbe viol nity of Fer ry, SlOoe 'l'h it app eus C(lrt~tnlYI I if a mR>D wbo blls lOa ved 12,550 peo p I e WIO see k th e amu se· iho uld leaVl~g ther e fifte en yea rs IigO , and men tse of 'be at letio whl oh plao e they use d to run the Rat es of llub,s crip tion llDcJert,a ke to crr, y out the inst fields Bnd the ruo , b as b gro cery . 0b bs! b tion a of the pro fess or. ~... d ma.k ~ e par ks on een One Year (8trt otly II "van ce ) ... t:inn a dllY so. or mllv er "Pr om Dec. 20, '08, e hlt4 f th MI . G . ' . , .. ,' 1.00 . • , ofI oou rse, ~ I. '09, tt 11 tb ~Inll)e Copy ..... . .. not atte nd ohu roh on I had thre e bed cot, ,-, to .. .. . .. .. ... . ... . ,05 inve stm ent llonording to scb edo le, or one on top of tbe tha t d~y, but e tahmtlthase ell. eseb year . s othe gre r. I' got so wea k I could hard an d say s a he wou ld hllv ellb ont U8 muo h 8000 "nu ma s are 0 /mg . b atbo rde l!lo ftbe mar eoh urc hme m ly 1 st- I get arou nd. Not hlnc eeem b th t 1 ect to help , In tarm ing 1111 t,he ' peo ple hav era Ret et of Acf vert ilem enta Bnd exp ng end so me unti l I beg an to take Vln mno a " 10' on! . onoe In eaob yea r to belpgoo dly amo unt s ol. Tho cha nge was mag ic. Thr ee bot tte. Reac 1ln, ·Lnua lll. pe lin e ... , sup por t the . . . ... . ,., . lie rlus ing ohil dren aooot'dlOg to the Ii whi le d068 she see a fam lhar nam e. com - . ohu I'let roQ es ely fixe to Read lna )oenla. bl.,,) face . per d whi tha oh t .com We they pou nle hav nd Gild and belo ng. slil id dow n by old mai da. 'l'he e bee n to see our aun t " . ' . . " 10.· stop ped the . terr nlasNlne4 Adll. pol It e llcell4 IIline ible cou daaad wba t Aoh e!\ h Mu 11 en anu m b er 0 f lbe y wan t tbeo bur ob in thei.r oom VC' IInCN. trut h is, ther e is no way figu surp rise s me mos t, at "tIle sall ti mes . re '1'11I'tltl I nler llon " . .. . . , ..... .... e time It ,. !l6e uro u farm exp mun , cure lty. d me and of Tbe a we sov y get Bre ere the pro atom ud Gaz end itor es ; ther e i8 no adl trou ble ('Ibltuarl ~, IIvt' Inell to hav e It ette ther e to relld. th r . troo: over fiv e that d has t b both . ere4 b me f for . ",re t '» y ..... . an 0 Vlnol Is cert ainl y a won derf ul med d b )ok wht 3h one OII.n read Ilne\ beo Illfh ee. pcr lin . • . . ,.. . ..... .... icin e." ome CI,,~enoe Mul len and hlB 80n ond to mai ntai n It e mem ers 0 1 , I.In . ~c in II. ored ltab le, if not Card of,:tbaukB .... . . .. ... .... lion a-In .law all bav e emp loym Mr, T app an is one of Lyn n's most : ..... .. 26 a fllrm or by rell dwg it. ent f I I 1 promin ent and highly r.otpected ber e. . f bi Re8ll11Ulons . , .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . merchants, whose word is as good The trut h III tha t farm log Is a r y uxurlOu . . . . 60c s 88 on . as his bon d. 88 Soclllla elo, wbe re aArl le 18 mad The y like to feel tba t, they can e .... .. 250 mo (h a prof es8i on The reason Vinol is so successful We are etop ping olo!le to as the pfliotloe of go 'l18plaY 'AdverUIlID. per locb .. in .. .. .... . IOn med ioln con 8tok~' Bod find thekU ~oo Fra nk ther e if thAY oare to, lind tha t tbey tain s the two most world-famed ton such case s' is beh use it e, and requ irel l88 hl@h.g1'llde DIIC ODD tI gh~l : OD cont d 0010 . ics- the medicinal, stre ngth · ra~~ . bav e a pers ona l In"terest in it, ening, body-building elements of COd lote llige noe , "lth oug h It ma.y not Tak ini all in all we are Bnd re log Live r Oil and Tonic hon . hav_ that , like tbe trad itio nal blro h in .. very nloe trip 80 far and find qnl re a~ muo h edu cati on. Inv You r Mo ney Bae k G YOD Are est. Not Sa o.l le" MAR OH 1. lillO , the oor ner of the soh oolr oom , it mentA upo n tb~ farm mu st be mad Ualifornia. a pre tty nioe ts plaoe, The y I.Ilways a who J. e E. JA NN EY , Dr ug leso gis t,. Waynesvntr.. me rem inde r thll t oll.n oer tain ly bea t U8 on olim at,e witb all muo h oare aDd disoretio , yet k D a8 th elU f th e ex t eeps t they are mllde in man ufao turi rom 1 wis h they rem es 0 bad som e of ~ur lItor ng ISONO OF T"'~ EDITOR The re Ilre no two farm s requ irin ont here , for the re lue ttm es whees whloh \hey are attr llct ed by the ex n Igen . g . . f th oles 0 the sam e lnve stm entl l, and ther e prel!t>D t-d ay com mer . How ~ear to my b ••rt Is the stea e is t~ey do ne~ them . The y hav e thei r oia.llife and the MA~FIT, u.ttraotions of mod ern dy no W6 ' to I~t dow plOo h of wln ter, bot they SI1Y it bae n In blao k and lab@orlher, ti ona1 . ts . senS 8 whi te wh d it. is goin g to cos t to amu sem heeD en Un unu der . sua lly ooJd th~s w10 ter, bu t tak er and Embalmer. Whl;) pay . in Ildv uce wlt hoo t Itir op. I beli eve tha t eve n the Il tteu dan - eratf" a farm . The re lue oe mor e oon from aU rep orte I thl.n k we wer e of the ohu roh pla ir. yea r, Wil l be foo nd in the old 's 9wn mem bers oou ld tlnKenciM &0 be figu red llPo Wh o la1111 own b" doll ar and oft'e n 10 fort unl\ te lQ CboolliDg tbis win ter to be bett ered if tbe ohu Bllnk Bul ldin g, opp osi te l!pend here , At pre sen t we are 'B farm inll tha n in run nin roh serv ices on g a stor e, t.he Nltt iona l Ban k. i~ II.d l, the fenoe al to whe re we wou IoIld tnQre depend8 opo n ' the Tel eph one in bou se and of. ld fore And CIUIIII rQuud th. ottioe a halo J, H. SMITH, Prop. of IIghtAdn8l!s of the tarm r athe r live , bot we woo ld not floe whe re I can be call ed er. like o~eer. day to or KO nigb t. baok on Ohi o. We do not des ire to diso oura Waynesville, Ohio. Wh o nev er MIl: I ... ~op it, I can oot ge al_ "n, one from , loiD Val ley .Pho ne 14-2. Mra . Uhl ls. F. Cla 8 rk. to fo.-d It" the farm . in room form erly oooupled by . , , Ma in Stre et, Wa yne svil le, Ohi o. Kat her ine Ale :g.n der, 0" "I.& "nt( mor e pep ers eao b day Tbe re Ilre oert atnl y too ' man y peo pIe tn ~he oitteS, and not eno ugb ~ · Ire.d," of them Ihin g In the cou ntry . We Bu, ~IW8yt4 lOays ".~nd It, the who lr bell eve tha ' Ufe upo o a farm at tbls ou tflt like s it- tim e oom es mor e nea rly bein g In raot , we reg ard U a btl8 lneu noe the d. " Ideal Itfe tha n any otb er; tha t the Bo ~ . Welo,o me t. bn WW ID he .teP WaY 'lesv ille' s Lea ding Den tis' II iD f Irm e;. ill the mO lt fort nna te ot men ; Offi ce in Key s Bldg. tb.... Dat om; Mai n a& tha t it woo ld be bettlt1 for the who Sow .helDal&681> •• hea rt thro b, le bow bum aD raoe if the land wer e mor e . he ;Glak811 our eye d'IDoe ; By the Uee of Inte nse ly cnh ivd ed, whi oh meR We o-atWardl., .tba nk blm we ne to. 8m .. t~" farm l. But WA LT ER MC CL UR E, we do urg e wa'rdlY bl811 him . peo ple to oon Bide r ollol'eful1y" Dlove The ~teadl lIabeort~r who PI', I in &0 tbA coo ntry unle s8 they Fu ne ral kno~ advlln08. "Yo u're II. Der vy kid ," said ,t wo lIomithtDg of tbe pro blem y whi oh rob bers , a8 they sbo ok han ds wit -Bo tfN lo (Al" ) ReoOld : h lbey ... n l bav e to ~olve ol)on the farm Stel ln Pitt man , a you oga oho ol teac ... -~.---Saves two hours' har d rub bin r. 'in h. ·Ja. t· a ; we Tele pbo ne day or nig ht. urg e the BOD8 aod dau gh FIF1Y-ACIW FARMS er, on leav ing ber mot ber 's oou an ord inar y washing, a~ a coat ntry &ere .of the ta.'r men .&o rem ato upo Val ley pho ne NO.1. Lon g only two ~2) cen ts. Hundred ' of n hom e nea r Bilm ilto n,la st Bat arda ' rru ""'--I '. _"Ill f"h y. U I Dis tanc e No. 69-9,.. er, 0 • e D V8re (.$1'0f the .fal'm home testImonials f:umished s of , , wbe re ther e lB mor e to be. The y took tJO, all the mon ey In _-" to ' .... l' • lit I8O U,. the pin t d eve its wor th. For sale by e'll It r.,. from pro perl y app lied ene rgy , . a eo.o re reoe n t. hou se. !oUIl S Pitt man "". b )ya hea rd the WAYNESVILL t w.. 0 118 'd tba t any .... E, v.ty whertl. hea lth men in the low er par t of the hou OHIO. • . and hap pin ell mor e ina a wtt b .IDtellhlllnOB and se ploo k gen eral ly pre uU . tha n. and ra.n to the oon to tbe t.elepbone. The Bra nch Office, Har vey tabu rg. O. ooo ld tave s, '2,GOO In a IU,. I&o re les&e4 oUI8l.- Da yto n litew s. wire8 had bee n oat The n sbe wen ~~~~~ farm , and wltb lu a f8w ,.ar e be ~~~~~ Wa yn es vil le, t ab Oh io dow n stairY and face d the rob bers • - ••- - - 8010'81, Ind epe ude nt. He weD . I ltow Oood News Sprea.ds. '"a ~u't.htn tban the ave yea re old and hue r In tbll t he gaf t dek ilf of leo.' j 'I ~m opo moe t of thA tim e," wr~&e8 B trav el eral 1. . a .... ...., and t.-m F Tel . l-"> IOn, of Illl1zabe'hlown, Ky. -"Ev ery -.. wb, *" I go I reoo .tb.e..ln••tme n.. mm end ' Ele ctri o Bttt er., beo auae low e my exc elle nt . Tb.. we IDd , tbl ' b . . .ta ..tde lu_ Itb Ind vita ltty to tbem . The Il,Sao f~1' led . 'Pha ' tB ., the y rate effect .. .oor e· eve ry ' tlm o," 'of PG , .,.r Tbe y iutd ;t 'be reo. DeveJ'. faU to tone tbe Itom Wa yn esv ille , Ohio• lloh , reg u membered tbd muo b land can .be late the ktdo eYi land bow els, IIt1mn. J.rde -tbe Uve r, tDv igor ate the bad nerv ell 'he pric e, bOC Dot in tilt. tID "nd pur ify th& blOo(i ' Tbe y Ma in Stre et mediate ",m ntty. Fou l' &Im. tha t, w'lD~erl ' for wea k, l'l1D-dow wor k amO!lJl' wou ld b8 mor e nea rl, n man OOrnlO' A ' - te D"" " whl oh to '--1 the aod wom en, reB klrt ng !!tre ngth , vlg. 8"0 or add hea lth tha "61& __ t·. a dail y joy. 'l'ry 'hem . Onl y 500. a ••raC. for ~lB ooul1_", aDdva eve n .. poe ltlv ely gua ran teed Bat iefa otlo n by 'Fre d 0 ~eD U ~oald be '\'er i )OW_ ba' tha t &1b "arU . . bau lo& blD I &o:d o wUh tbe itue , a.. • - ••- - 'her e IfI an abu oda Doe of Ian . ta, tbtl Med~aa1 IrupectJon In Scbools .U11 h lI8 bad for U6 an OF'F JOIt IN

Aa.t. .t



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. ... .. ftpa lra, lbe prof~r .... cJ~~D ~t a~a' NO ; email baUd_ • ~I, abont; 'po ; two OPW8, 'lap i two b . . . .~ taOQ ', two"'rood eOWB. ~j lmp tem enh , 1200; fl'olt; ,reee. "10 'j

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Aa! \.tb en Itbe _lleavecla 81,h ' . • ·,pl 'l'B 1ul oal J' M...k, ' ~ 'rda ll _ dOlleD abe l" ehe had We" nlRb &11 br. k .... baDk I

..w; ,,~ 6Cin. '" do.. ,n,


"sa"". Pla tl that W,a,."


. :. KQi~ 'orb , ",poolll aDd lUcy -.ia c. piec . - , ' 1M! proauftld in Dume tOIU cIeiijpIa. I\Imo fIllC} '. . . . aimplo .ad chute. . ~' •

SOld b Ieadi

cIaIorj b I ~~o'·"eb owiIIa7~ SIIII ., ,



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lIa'e made the drl.e aftd tbe tUI'll Into t tile lad, MId: "But tiler. ' are olbe, the m.a ln road tbat led to CraTenford. Iralns, aurel" to other staUODI?" tha~ Nevertbeless, he peered, and al It WIlS "Nooe either way to-night, m'm," far trom dark it s emed needless to reassur d Mr. Ramsdlll. lean t: rW/lrd as Tempest dId t(! B arcb . Tempest stooll up In the " cart and tlto roads Ide tor so consplcuou's an ob- sboQk out his hat, from whiCh the ie t ' as n pedestrian youn~ woman or _water ran. RamsdnI at the mare's , I uo III an heIght or figure. head, llatccd h er neck; the sweat run· ............ His hors ,pounded through the mud, nlng from h r wet s ides was drowned ~. ~ .~.~~~~.~ , hIt well III her tEl\lth. her head down; back on her by the rain. "I have choson- Craven, Miss Carew. In orde~ that I might bo quIte 'out of CATCH ANIMALS AND BIRDS the world; It has proved to me otten :: !;ll8lJle. "Feminine folly!" he mut· that 1 have sllcc· oded, blit neVer so Trapping for Can Be Made r .. ~ teredo "" hnt modern tw ntleth-c n- thoroughly as to·nlght! There's tho Source of Much Profit for tho !. ll!l'Y mnncitlaUon! A young womnn, station , an alehouse. and a few tarms; Enterprising Boya. you cnn't stay In any ot them. W '11 drive back then at onc" to warmth (By S , . MILLER.) :: '"Ii at our grandmothers app arln~ In and IIght.': Perhaps tew farmer boys know that Ocbu an d curl s a nd qrlnollnes Ilt a file thanked him Rnd I' rU~Eld to hear thero Is a great demand for nHmy :: ~ III::In's hOllse alon e. nnchaperoned! at It" "I shall stay In Bomo one of kInds of birds and wild anima ls wh u cause does .. ..:; Not only would this girl hav scorned those t'Ouses It th ey will have me." cnught uninjured. He got out of th e cart. Thero nl'e ill III most of the big :: By Marie Van Vorst :: III If I hnd dared show IIppreclatlon and costs least. ::: I of her se x. but It would hnve b ('e o the "There'S a fire In the statlQn, Ram& east rn cllles Who buy th m at good :; AJ'hor of !to he ight of ruffianism to have b en gal- ,dill ?" prices for II IIl ng to shows, park "Y('s. sir." JI. "Amanda of thl! "110." =- , Innt. the a c me of. ulIgnllnntnes!l." bonrd s, zoologl II I gardens, tc" and to , POOR CHOLlY. ;: "Mls.f D C'smoruJ," .: I Yet as he mentally compared h('r to "Let me help you o ut, MIss Care\,. rich men for tbelr private preserves .... etc., etc. ~ the summoned Imag of th e 1830 lady Please come In for a Cew momentl\ and aviaries, :I MIss enrew lost none or her attrac. a nd let us see eaoh oth 1', and get When 1\ boy at 16 on my fatber's ~.... lh'e ness III hN plnln dress, the sharp out of this Intornal da rk." ~ farm 1 was riding through tho woods ~ • note of white at neck and wrists. the She presented n pltlnble sigh t. onff day In June. when two deer ..........."N.."....................YYr!YYV'. lalllo Rmbroe. the svelte beauty or DrE'nched through. her balr clinging JUUlped up out ot the bushes, ran a CoP1rlKbL lin>, by J.lI. L11'1I10001.t Compan,. ber figure. to her fn ce, 11er clo~hlng clinging to short dlstnnce and stoPPlld, making a ~-y J SYNOPSIS. "It's absurd." he muttered. "this her like a \' Ine to a tre e. He tlX- p cullol' 80rt at noise I bnd n ' ver ell)nnclJ1aUCln at wO I\l ~n! They've no cla imed wllh contrrtlon and anger nnd heard b tore. Ilnvesllgnted and fou nd d srna.11 drew ber to the fir e, ' the red two little fawns lying In the grass na ~ t1 Tempcst. world 's greotest nov('lIl'1t right or title to It. For example, now, "Aye An d pupt. r c(usln,; to be further 1I001ze d. It I wero not driving to h r rescue, glow. and leaves. 1 do not think they COU ld ! "nuts hlmsel! up In Cmven. his coun try whero would she be. poor dear?" He "You will be til- you. ~I't nnd have b en more than two days old . . 1I0me. His gloomy m editations nro l>roh6meO o!' s mll etl . "She would melt In the stockings must 11 dripping. Drink They we\'o perfectly g utle, nnd when ken liP l>y his hous(>lleepcr who h l11l d lsholly-Ts your sister In. my boy1 thIs." He hsd bls flask nnd forctl~ her I got olf my hors D and w nt to them t' bpycd his order.'! not to odmlt uny one slorm ," Wlllie-Just glvQ me your card,8.IId 10 I hl' )Iouse. Th e visitor Is Luc y Car W. As before him the road grew Indis- to take a g n(,I'OIlS draugbt. ' To all th ey rose and came right Into my I'll go and see If you're de guy she '\n Am eri can. who hns come to England tinct: "Gad, I should have tet hed she was obedi ent. arms as gentle as dogs. Their legs to wrl to n study at the lI.ulho r, but ItIO!l,t Now 6m told me to tell dat she waa oot. "Now," ho said determin edly. "you and necks were very long and slender, <I t nil to get u synopsis of his new Bulto M Iton to drive. 1 can't make out the ONLY mot "nnOlllO QUlNTNE." or po('m8. having been proml~od n good road . She must have fiown to have must go back with me-don't retaliate much out of proportion to theIr small el (ow, 10m rbnL 18 I.A XA.'I'I V III IIItOMO UIlINIS 10. Look for ,position with II. maglUllne It successfu l. gone so well on-to escap~ the boor so crlle lly! Mrs. Henly will ca e for h ads nnd bodies. t ho &llI nl\tur~ I! t 111. \\'. llltUV1il. UMl Ul. Worlll Oft!r Lu -'uro a Cold 10 no .our. :!be. I was-no wonder!" mc.\.n's .. you like a mother. I can't leave you J had a pair at large sadllle bn;s on CHAPTER '-Continued. Here the mare shied vIolently, arid bere." my horse, so 1 put a little fawl! In acb \ It Is easl~r fol' men to get on flnan~me In holding the cart to balance and But wet, m ek as her drenched balr claJJy than ,lt Is for women til get olf a MIss Carew leaned forward, her QuIeting her Tempest almost failed to made her look. her r eddening cheeks at the pockets a nd went back with. ttieUl to the house. car torwul'il. bands clasped before her_ see tbe cause of the fright. Out at proved that nil her blood was not They were so young I feared they "lance read two poems ot yours- lhe rain and darkness a figure on a beaten out of her by the rdn. 'would 'not live. but they did; and when masterpieces. They were only an stone harJ risen. "You must leave me' bere, Mr. Tem· about six months old. I sold tbem to epilogue-anyone could see that they "Miss Carew!" (she bardly recog. pest." the park commissioner ot a southern Imitatee Boatswain's Whlstlo and were the forerunners at B longer nlzed the voice It was so full at Uve "I wish," he said ImPlitlently, "yOU Sillior. on War Velllel Drop work. the opening and seQ.uence. I welcome) "won't YOll get In at once were not an American, and a modern city for $35, and they were put In the city park to tbe delight at all who Womiln Into the Ocean. Itn ve cagp.rly been looking Cor the oth· -please here, at this side. 1 can't woman." saw them, particularly tbe children. ' belp you, unfortunately-or leave my rs In vain'" She turned her hands betare the Two little boys whom I knew· 01\ tbe Have you heard ' at "MerrIe ~ng· "You are mad'" he blurted out rude- seat. Can you manage It?-8he won't blaze and he saw how fine they were, plains of western Texas made consld· land 1'/ Well, It Isn't always merry,' but stand." ly. and walked away from her across how ' slender and dlstlngulsbed. erable money during tho summer here Is a very merry sallor boy ator, the room, got In between table and Mlsa Carew displayed neither 111. "I am both, however:' she rep11ed 'WIndow, his back to her. After a lee- temper nor grudge. In a twlnkllng she with a little smlle. "I have raUed, aDd months by capturing , young pralrle that comes from there. dogs and seiling them ~nd be drew the curtaIn aside and had cllmbed Into the cart-was at his I aJD going back." Some parrots can In a very , Wbenever it rained they went out ~J:p osed the black, ratn-covered pane side. Tempest, without turther pM-Ie', on the plains ,and ' dug little trenches clever manner, and theIr droll sayings 'to 'the room's Ught. . . often make people laugh. "You will let me 'drive you back to went to the door 'and. called to Rams· 'with hoes, to rUQ water Into the dog She was not, slngularl, enough, Oraven-warm you, teed you, show dlll: One partlcular parrot was the pet on holes, and when the young onlls board a war hlp, and It was so nry frightened to · death. It would be too you hospitality. I am cbagrlned, Miss "Can your wlCe put this lady-MIas much to say she felt , a power over Carew." He bad started to turn. clever that , !earned to Imitate a Carew-up for the nIght, RamsdlUT ~fr. Tempest. She had It, however. "To tbe station, please, It It Isn't Give her a good bed and some hot great many thlags. 1t otten heard the "Perhaps I am mad. I feel some- too much to ask." boatswain ot the ship blow bls whtetle wisely directed, will ,cause · her to dInner and some dry tblogs?" He was sufficiently Impressed by 'tImes one must be to comprehend and when lie was ordering the sailor Olen give to bel' little ones only the most Tempest had made of Craven and 'be sensitive to certa.l n torms of beau- what he believed was the wUl of the the For"d a shrine tor all the count" about tbelr work, and befo.r e nry long wholesome and bcneficilil remedies modern woman to not galnsay her. y and greatness." when actually needed, and It could Imitate exacUy every kind at and and for reasons more human than for "1 don't wish to obey you, but I Mr. Tempest came slowly back Into wbistle. ' the wel -informed molliel' nses oDly· his genius alone was adored. tbe room, holding his hand over his have no choice. Put on this maoln· Well, one da, a party of la(1les carue the plessant and ger:.t1e laxative r,em.!!l expect mlssus'U be pleased to, tosh, please, and cover yourself with eyes. trom the shore In a small boat on a edv-Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Mr. Tempest." ''Will you ,teU tbem tor me-your this rubber-there, over us both. ' vIsit to ~e warship, and as the sIdes Senna-when a laxative .is .reqUired, "Come, then:' be ordered over. hla public-that there are no more verses There's a sborter cut to the town It of the ship were very hIgh, they had as it is wholly free .from aU objecshoulder to the girl, In a tone as mas· to tollow these? that tbere Is notblng you will teU me It there ls ·a stileto sit In a chair to be hoisted on to tionable 8uQstanccs. To get ben'Whatsoever to cOJDe out of this mUd- just there It would be-to the rl;ht." terful as It he bad not been beaten. the deck. '''RamsdlU bas a very decent cot· the genijeficial effects always buy "Yes:' ·dled and mIserable braln ot Basil , A rope 'wall fastened to tbe chair, of ine, manufaotured by the California "Then we turn ' here and should tage not halt a mile from tbe castle'Tempest? Will you teU them tbat ~ , I~eftt~~~~~~af~~nel~DuHed the it's clean and . well-kept arti! Pall, 'Tempest Is never to write anotber reach Cravenford In three·quarters ot rope until the lady In the chair got to Fig Syrup Co. - an hour. HlIsh," be said as she thank· Une so long as he lI.es1" , the dec·k. He was conscious that Miss Carew ed him. "Trouble! 1 am aehamed of Poily the parrot was looking round" had risen, that she was standing not myself. Don't make me teel more so. ladles come on a corner watching far away. -She bad gathered her cloak Tell me, tf I am not too curious, where deck In that way. And suddenly, as you are bound tor?" 4n her araL . the 'saUormen were pulllng up aDothel' Send 40. In stamps and we will send "To London to-nlght--and to Amer"No," she said distinctly, "I will not o( the ladles, Polly wh1stled like the ' Ica the day after to-morrow." tell them that." 70U free a package of Clovertne Pills, bOlltswaln; and ·calilld out, "Let go!" Tempest caught his breatb. "You . HJs eyes 'till covered, Tempest The sallo'r men thought It W1Ul ,tho Cloverlne Salve, 0I0""1In8 Cola titre, ... hrugged his eboulders. "Tell them mean you were seriOUS! You came boatswain wbo bad whlstled, anel the,. and a 26c. package of Greenamyer'• , " -what you plellse, but wlll-you-go? to England to Gee me, and are going hit go the rope at once, and In a moSpring . Pole , and Snarl, Anti-paIn Powders. Other ' ·f1rms tell .Now-I thank you-but go-you are back on the first ship!" ment the poor lady was In tbe seal "Y88." sbe said slmpl,. ·very good-veT)' good-and clever. I IICl.IlmpeJrel1 out to keep from drownln. Most fortunateli, bowever, some what their retiledlee do In prInt, we "But I never beard such a venture! Ibope I shall IIOt baulk your careerboys would catch them and put other sallormen were on the watch, convince you by a free trtal. Addreaa Is all reporttng ,work llke that! Seven 'women should not have careers." them In boxes to take bom~. and they quickly pulled the lady out the Oermlthol Chemical Co., PIQUa, O. He heard a Claar close, the portiere thousand mUe tor-" Then they I bought small wire, cages ot the water. GlYe name at your druggl~t u we ~end "Succesp-yes," she ftnlshed . "I and put a pair of dOgs In 'each cqe t all. He un~ered bls eyes-he was 'you free order on blm for tbe! goods. suppose so. It seemed to tbem worth and 101d tbem at the railway ltatlon .alone. every afternoon ·to ~ortbern and eut- MA.i(ING A PAPER AEROP.LANE With an Imllrecatlon tow and sln- ,It. I ' sbould, ot course, bave sue-' ern people when th'e train stopped, • oCere he stood tor a moment, his bands ceeded." ' ~ But you have traveled betore-you During May. ~une and July tbe, 'ntereatlng and 'netl'Uctlve ,Paper loy ----...,lIn cbe~,. hIs side, his expression , .0M a great many of ,these little dogs, , Can be Made aa Shown In the dark and terl'lble. All likeness to know Europe." Accomp~nyln~ 1II"'~ratlon~ "Oh, yes," sbe said. "I was In ,ettlng a pall' tor' tbem; Jncluillng genius and g')od looks-for It pas· death and awM .....~ the cage, and when ~ey ·were not able sessed both-"as gone (rom his face. ,school In. France. I have traveled, but >-___~~~~:Q broodlng-on- horrors. His I have never been In England-." to sell all their stoo,k they sent them' A ver~stlng anl\- 1~~~~~~'~ttci1lfo;iilDt~lt~ of bowel•• COn• • L __ , In ~ages holdlng .a dozen to a Chicago top aeroplane c~ te made as show~ "You must stay," he cried enthuslhair fell over his brow, his bead was tn' the accompanylng lllustraUons. 'A, ltipatiOD more peop e uUau She Preaented a Pitiable Sight. man who sold them on commission. bent. Ills ey~s · now showed blood- asticly. "England's a garden-tbls paper II ftJ:st folded, FIg. 1, co~ption. It. necda a It · If a ' (armei' boy likes to trap wild sbeet s hot and Cull '1f tears. A'I strong as county esp'e clally lovely_ Wby, Pen- Ra dlU I no~ea~rea ure__. .~-"::=", anlmals and l>lrds and lives where he was weak, In his emotions, he was thuen castle Is within two miles at yo::tay and there, i. one · mediCine iD · now utterly s\\ ayed by them. LIke a me-Raynes and tbe torest ot waited Impatiently as , she put her theY are numerous, he should get , tn . . all the worl.rtliat ...... itRaynes." boy. he brushed away bls tears with foot on the !ltep ot the cart. Bh" touch with men who buy them alive, ·the back of hIs hand . . After he bad "I know," said hIs companlonchose composedly: and he can certainly make a nice lit· . CASCARETS. '., ., ... tood 50 for what seemed to him a Hcro to the wcsl. low sheh,lng to the lie&, "Mrs. Ramsdlll's, please." tie sum of money. . ~--____~_,._'_... ca--.:' : =Oc. ' . -~ ..... few minutes, nnd was really a long and she repoatetl one of Tempest's ~ Dlllllt. ' AU ' ItI, .\aMt..L..u. Even ' hawks and owls, In tact, al· On tbll long, wet way' back he said: 'tlme, a gu.s t of wInd and rain struck sonnets written 15 years before. Her "I've bllen a boor; wlU you forglve mos~ any large bIrd not good tor toql1 710lcntly against the window nnd he manner of speaking It was delightful, me?'" wUI sell at' some 'price provided you 'Started. With no caro to put his dis- undeclamatol'Y, understanding, and "You have been most kind. Mr. Tem- caD , get ' In correspopdence with tb~ turbed countenance In order tor curl- simple. pest." people ' who want them. ' He said nothing wben she ceased. 'OllS eyes, be went out to find Mrs Hen"No-no-tell me. please, yoU forly In ber lIltle room, a corridor or so He did not speak agaIn until thflY had give me?" The Stitch Game. entered the smaH hamlet ot Craven8WOY. "How can you aall' Itt I should This Is a good way to 'end an eve'''§~''''4 "Where Is the lady you t",rc d upon tord and drew up to the station under never have so forced myself-" nlng's ,enterl.l1lnment, and It fa not a red lantern thnt swung from the Folding the pape~, ' ru e, Heuly?" "You do then-I am obsUnate-aa, very t'axlng on the brains · of ~he ea ves In the rain. "Gone, Mr. Dru;II." the words." . , cuesta either. Two men In raincoats stood smok.. How 'gone?'" "Well, then, I 4Q, ot course, torgl.e Write the tollowlng questions on "On foot-nnc] alone In the storm." Ing th eir pipes under th e roof shelter. you, Mr. Tempest." cards and ,gtve to the guests The anMrs. Henly's tone, If It could, would At Te mpest's "Halla" one at them "Will you prove ur' swers. of course, are held by 'the has· came out to the platform edge. have sent 1\11fls ( ~arew dryshod. "If I can." ,tess: "Is that you, Mr. Tempest, sir?" "Wbat foliy nnd stupIdity! Why The Ramsdlll cottage, a type a! . , 1_ What sUtch 1. bard to U.e 'with' "Ves, bold the mare, will you, RamsdId you permit ft, Henly? You uso hundreds of Itlw-eaved, vine-cave-ted Cross stitch. judgment and dlscretlon-whnt did dill ?" 2. What sUtch Is part. a cough', "There'll be no London tru,ln to- nestling houses, sent out Into the YOII let ber go for like that?" rain Ita one ruddy star' thro~h a Hemstitch. night, s lr-a haccldent Slug Morges "Sbe would hear of nothing else. sir small window· pane. As the cart ap- , 8. What sUtch Is part· 01 a window? way. No trains out betore to·mor. -she seem Ad disturbed." proached tb" door opened 'u nd a ,Bltndstltch. ' . row." Wltbout further parley he turned cheerful bar of llght cat lilto tbe 4. What stltch 'Is lound on fowl.' There was a moment's Sllebo<le on the o n bls beel and marcbed out to the dark. Featherstltch. cloakroom, batted and cloaked him· part of the people In ' the tr ap. . Then 5. What stitch 18 made 01 many elt, nnd went from there to the stalinks 1 Chalnstltch. bles. Although It d.ld not consume .6.· What stitQh is )lot bait an hour-the putting between ,war~? BaokstJtob. shafts and buckling up at the horse""7"""'-...;...;,.-~....... Teru,pest ·tumed at tbe groom anet with nervous haste bimself threw In rub· ber blanket and rugs. It was pourlng , In sheets when be ,came' pelting :out ot the stable; the man threw loo~e t he mare's head. apd the (r.esh bel,lst, .started rapidly out Into the roadway, . •TempEist had asked tor a horae npt· *bl, neither hla fastest nor byt, but :a lIure lUll mal who ,had eye. tor the dlM'k like a .cat's and who could have .telt bet way to .000a,eD,ord. • Tbe.maater.. o( Craven bard11 hoped to so· JOoO as the ~P&fk road . Peat aO rucle17 a110wed to· leave: A 400I'I. Jj:• • ,- pOor ·.... ter WO~ lib

The family eats .plenty of





Quaker 'Oats

The Master" ~~emf::r:~~~~:r;~i:~~~~:~~e~~~ f C 0 raven .


is a healthy, rugged family.


The most popular food in the worla bemost it

~~~ f:l~ ~~d~~~~~n~l~n~ut~~:;eo~~



I·· .. .. ... .......




ve se ldom . c:~'e 10m

1'hiC'1 i'$


the. 'I

oU9,,-t-· 1



And 'fiici\ ;J Shorr!'







Suicide ........


I' ..





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Hints 'For Hostess TIM ELY SUG GES TION S for Thos e Plann ing Seaso nable Enter tainm ents After-D inner Trlc:ks. J ordnn. Sllns. 'l't·ous, Urtab, VuhU, Woe, It Is now quite the thing to have a You th . Zonl'. number ot clever t~lcks "up oue'e TOalts for All Occaalo n •• sleeve," as It were, with which to be· guile a few momen ts aftel' dinner, or Herc'n tQ the pret ti es!. He- c'" to the \Vlttl"... t . to work in at au opportu ne momen t Y r 's to Lll(! trues t or all who are trlle. when there comee a lull tn the can· J!.oro's to the a\\' tIlost one, varsatlo n. .TugglarY 'was the oldeat of H"r 's to the n uteR t one, to th em nil in olle, the science s and every one, old or lIere'u Here's ~o you. young, is Inte rested In strange or see mingly wonder ful feats. he's b nuUru l. t herefore to be wo ·d. , A very simple trick Is called "The She's ~ womall, th er rore to be won. Balance d Coin." Take a bottle, cork To Frl(>nllshlp-H Improves hopplness It, and In the cork place a nee.dle. Cut nnd IIbot(,1I mlscry, by th o doubling ot OUr a slit In another cork 110 that th e joy, and dh' ldlng OUf grid. edge of a sUver dollar wlll fit Into There Is so mu(!h I:ood th e WOfst of Ull. it; then put two forks Into tbe upper There Is BO much bad In In the best ot U9. cork. Place the edge of the coin, 'l'hat It 111 becomes aoy one ot U B. which holds the upper cork and forks, To tulk abou t tho res t ot U II. on the point of the needle, and It will They talk about a woma n's s phere . . revolve without falling. This will though It hod a IIm!'t. amusll chlldren , especia lly 0. child who There's not a plnce In enrth or beaven, Therc's not a tnsk to mnnklnd given, , may be a prisone r f.r om Illness, or on There'a not 0. bleRslng or a woe, a rainy day. There's not a whh.pered yes or 00. To make a. revolvin g flgure III Inter· Thero's not 0. 11 te or birth, esUng. Cut a wee man out of s thin That hns 11 fenther'B weIght of wortbWithout a wornon In It. bit of wood, make him end In one leg Instead of twei: make 11 pall' of long :May every joy I1Uend you, And Henve.n <I nil)' Bend you, arms shaped like oar, ' or paddles . BI sslnge In hen rt and homC!. Til n place blm on t'ilP of your finger A fallhfu l kni Ght to lent,! YOII, and blow hard. The little man wl11 And gnllant y tl e fQlld you, go rouud and round. Anothe r clever Whercv pr YOU may ronm. " teat Is the Spanish dan.:el" Cut 11 fig, B el' 's to th e man I love, ure {rom paste~oard; gum one foot on And may that man be be the Inverted sIde of 1\ watcb c rYstal, Who loves but one. ona on ly one. ... na. may tbnt one be me! then place It on a clean plate. Hbld the plate elantJng and . It will BlIde Bere's to our loving! down; but drop a little water on tbe And hcrc'R tobetter O\lr lovcs outgJ'ownl plate; Instead of the glass sliding. It Her '. to the bitter whlrlwtnd wUl begin to revolve , and continu e to Thnt rea p8 what OUI' /lceda havo 1Iown: revolve with Increas ed velocity as the Here's to the trl nd thnt loves U8 person choses. This Is In consequ ence Too deep for leol's or word! here's to tho 0. thlLt love U8, of ~e cohesio n of water to tbe two And 8urfnoe s, by whlcb a new force Is When only th e ~en8e 18 aUrred. lI.lADAM E MERRI. produce d.

Remark able Recover y of a WaShin g. ton Woman .

E HAVE caretul thought . tor

the Blrnngrr. An\! sm iles Cor U.e .om. lime guest: Bllt oft tur 'our own' The bitter tone 'rhoul:h We love 'our own' the l'eat."

Mrs, Enos Shearer , Yew and Wash. inglon Stn., Central ia. Wasb ., with one kidn ey gone,' Ute othe r bndly dlsea8 d, and live doclors In consulta tloQ, ' was tbought to be In 11 hopeles s state. The story oC Mrs. Shenr· er's awful sufferin gs. and he r wonder ful cure tbrough us ing Dbsn'R Kidney PtlIs , Is n long on e, but will Interest any sufferer with backa che or kidney trouble, and Mrs. Shearer will tell It to anyone who wrlles h er , e n· clos Ing n stamp. "I am well and ncllve, tbough 65 years old, and give all tbe cr edit to Doan's Kidn ey Pills, " says Mrs. Shearer . Remem be r the name-Doan's. For sale by all d ealers. 60 cents a box. Foster·M llburn Co .• Buaalo, N. Y.

Rice and Ralalna . Wash a cup or rice and throw It loto three qunrt sor bolllug water and boll rapld)y tor 15 mInutes . Cover a cup of raisins wltb a little boiling wa· te r to soften th em. Put a layer of Ute drain ed ric In a mold, then one of rBl slns until the mold Is rull. Cover mold nnd cook In boiling water 30 minutes , Th e age of th e rice affects th e length of cooking ; old rico taking Uluch longer to cook than that 1\ yelU' HOSPITABLE MAN. old. Drop the washed rice Into a keto tie of rapidly boiling wllter, sUrrlng until the rice Is all In agitatio n, thus ovoldln g any rice catchin g to the bot· tom of the kettle. Cook until very te nd er. when the grain !s tested by clltling with Ii fork. Drain and set In a hot o\'eo to dry off. Rice proper· ly cooked will have each grain separ· ate and distin ct. Rice Is an Inexpen· "Ive food: another point In Its tavor It will keep Indefini tely. For a deliCious dessert , make a bor· del' of boiled rice lightly heaped around a dish. FllI the center willi "Our mas ter Is n charmIn g man. cooked dates, usIng a halt pound 01 avery year he admits one of us to hIs dates, ' s tablespo onful of sugar and lab Ie." half a cup of water. Cook until 80ft. LEG A MASS OF HUMOR Serve wltb cream and sugar, If liked. A baked rice puddIng Is simple, nu· "About seven years ago a small trlUous and dlgesUb le. Wash onefourth of a cup of rice In cold wa· abrasio n appeare d on my right leg ter, put It Into n baking dish with ~wl1 Just above my ankle. It Irritate d me pints of milk, one·fou rth of a cup of 110 Utat I begnn to scratch It and It sugllr, a IItUe aalt 'and nutmeg . Place began to spread until my leg from my In the oven, stirring occasion allY at ankle to the knee was one solid scale first to keep the rice from sinking . Ilke a scab, The IrrItatio n was always SkImme d milk may be used by adding worse at night and would not allow butter to supply the fat. Cook two me to sleep, or my wIfe either, and It was comple tely and one·bal f bours. underm Ining our health, I lost fifty pounds In weight Suggest ions, and was almost out of my mind wIth Ink stains should' be put at On!!B pain and chagrin as no matter where Into milk. ' Alphabetl~al Bible Charact ers. the irritatio n came, at work, (,In the Vaselin e Is an obstloa te 6taln to re street or In the presenc e of compan y, A:' llne eontelt for a Sunday scbool move. Put two thickne sses of blot I would have to scratch it cl~e, Contrib uted by a reader, witb until I bad ting paper on a board, wet the spot the blood running down Into wbom It 1& original : my shoe. with benzine . Lay the stained cloth I simply cannot describ e my sulfer_A hi tor A.!!- i. Jowlll1 hleh priest, Veiled sashes contlnll e In Cavor for on, cover wIth ..B WI18 0. prophet who ow nod a qu eer two other pieces 01 Ing during those seven . yeara. The the dan~e gown draperi es , beatlt. blotter and press quIckly with a hot pain, mortlflc atInn, los8 of o WII.I a Persian, areM Itlng o'er that Pale yellow appe.arB sleep, both ' e verywh ere, In Iron. lf an old stalJl It may Deed Dev· to myself IlUld, and wife 18 simply indescr ibwrap8, gOWDS :md bats. erol applicat ions. As benzine 18 ,el'} able on paper and one 1)' W88 11 p~ph et ~8, nobi ll and , grlLnd. has to expeNeverth eless. lhe best of Ute new Inflamm able, It must be E W Dt trom· :Babylon to his COuntry forused wltll rience It to know what It Is. lorn, evenlng gowns are of crepe meteor. great care. "I tried F the trae that shlLl1 1t'0W In place ot klnd8 of doctors and rem· LouIs XV. bowkno ts of velVet. sl1· . . the thorn. ' edles but I might as wen have thrown G had m\l c~ e4tile, on& ot JacC!b's twelve ver, crepe de chine or any desired mao my money down a sewer. They would . sona, terlal appear on fancy dancing frockl. dry up for a litUe while arid flll me H letna of Tyre, 10 the chronlole runs. One phase of tbe overskl rt sbow8 It 1 WIlA bOl'n when his mother WI18 01(1, with bope only to break out agaIn just . ;J ... ~ once enlereti . by aplea tbat wore of figured or braided or otherwI se as bad if not WOrse. I had given up bold, trl~med fabric. worn over a plain WHAT a II'lory hope ' of ever being cured when, I was K A terr.lble· eru:lhqulLke awnl1owl!d up X, skirt. . world pul 00 L a phyalllllUl b loved, whom 'two wlae induced by my wife to give the CuU· For him who with a fervent For evenIng wear satlne of more or " to ob y . . hellrt goes torth a tJllal; · After taking 'flW!,..a 1 ader who thrice truck the le8s luster are holding on tenacIO usly Under the brl&'ht aod II'lorlola aky, and the Cutlcur a Remedi es for a little rocks, and may go tbrougb the winter as a looka til proudeSt at kings, who ate gtllSS favorite materia l. On duties weU performed and &ye well while I began to see a change, and 'like an Oll:. ' atter taking a dozen bottles of CuU· • pent." All silk goods the "cashm ere" fln· o wa. ~ atant wllh ' bed. tead Immenae, cura Resolve nt, In conjunC\4on with -Loo&,tellow. .p earned ilia llvlng by the waking at ish class Bre In excelle nt demand for the Cutlcur a Soap and Cutlcur a Oint· tenta. the ' vol mlnoua wraps and evenlnl Breakfa st Cake•• ment. tho trouble had entirely disapQ jlllrn Yom Arabia wltb camels and . These cold, coat.-n o In the height of fashion . crisp winter morning s wealtb, . , peared and my leg was as fine ae the ll' was tho .ate" where 0. leper tound . A elngle large bo" of velvet made awake tbe appetite to call for tbe· bol day l was born. Now after a lapse of 11C~altho · wlth three-q uarter materia l ",aa used crIddle cake. If one takes a brls~ .' six montbs with no signs of a recurB lIIUIa In prlaon, and the d041I'1l were thon ~o adorn walk In the open all' atter Ute side of '11 ' velvet toq'1e, a breakfa sl rence I teel , 01 ft. perfeotl y aate In extendT Wal tbe plAce wbere a cloak waa once The velvet wiUt t\Vo loops without of hot cakes any bad results may not Ing to you .my beartfe lt thanks for the be noticed. Heavy food ot any kind left. . end '8Ild with '" lar,Ie .looped center. U 'belna married; wu In the IIIlne''' way, must he used up by vlgorou a. uerclse good the Cutlcur a Remedi es have done V. bcing modest. In court eoulet "ot. atay. later, or the system Is clogged with for me. I shall always recomm end U,e ",: Black Chiffon . wu \>robounced on Peoplll that 81n" them to my friends. W. H. White, waste prOduct s: X 'fa not (ound Ute Bible 'lVltMn,. Black chU!on over slIver 18 a com· Tbe buckwh eat cake bas lost none 812 E. Cabot St., Pbllade lpb1a, Pa., Feb. Y I. the limo when ae.dom wb tire, blnatlon favored by many of tbe best of Z w'na &'c:lty that e.cape(! rain or .ftre. p'o pularlty , and people will eat • and Apr. 13, 1909." dre8sm akers, and tilla combIn ation Is them who take llttle or no exercIse , Pitching a Curve. espechi lly distingU Ished on the woman so they baye bead ache, Indiges tion, aa CHARACTERS. Game Warde n.-This deer was found . wItb gray or white haiJ'. A touch of well as numero us other Ills. Aaron, B&lilAm, Oyrua ~borab, Ezro.. dead on YOIll' p,emlse s. and yet you Fir, · aao, Hlrlim, ) 'RAe, Jericho. KOl\lb. chantill y lace l,a td over white cbUfon Tbe followIn g recipe does not )eave dellY that you killed It? makes tbe.e black and sUver frocka Its victim' Lull" MOllet!. l'iebuchadileasar. Olr i~lng . In quite the. soggy deFlU'me r.-Waal , It bappene d like ~ BlLlban) ,' Paul, Qtie~n or Sheba, ~~ver Ideally beautifu l. pressed state that tbe ordinar y ~':~~rt-......I'1r-'- My , \i lte wns In' a stun at u .. "'t ........... .... ........ w .......... .. _ .. .., wheat cake does: Take one.hal f cup the hens, an' somethrow way tbe deer, ful of bread crumbs , pour over them which, was feed In' I'ound back 0' tbe two cupfuls of scalded roUk and soak barn, got hit. 30 mln'u tes. Add 'one-hal t teaspoo nful of enlt, one-fou rth of a yeast' cake dis- IITAft 0' ODIC c:rrr or 1'OUlIO, t .. L lJCAII COUNTY . f solved in a halt cup of warm water, "UNJ: J. CR.&IClIY m.Ues oath that be II _ _ and buckwb eat to make . a bal· 01 U,e arm of F. J . ClIEIClIY '" Co., do".. bualn~ In tbe City 01 ~t(l(\o, County and Seata ter thin ' enougb to pour. LeI atilr<Ald, and that _ AmI wUI . ., the lum of HUNORF.D OOLLAIIS tor taeb and every It rise over night. In the morn· ONE _ 01 CATAnkl( that oannot be cnued by \lie .01 Ing stir well; altd one" tablespo onful 8J,l.L'. CArAllIUJ Cllu.. J . CDENEY. at molasse s, one·fou rth of a teaspoo n SWorD t4 llelONl me nnd FR"NK lUbecr1lled In my ~Dce. of Boda dissolve d In one·tou rth ot a tbIII 6th day 01 Dteember, A. D., lase. ' J -- l A. W, GLEASON. c~p of warm water. .O ook ~ any l ~: f NOTAIIY PUULJtJ. grlddhi cake, savIng half a cu~ of the R811·. OItarrb OllIe II taIlen internally ancI dlreelJy upon tb. blOGCl and mu""... lUrea- 01 ada batter for the next. mJxtnC. tile ll. tree. , When butterm ilk' Is obtaina ble a IJ!IUIII. Bend for t<f1Jlllohla F. J . CHENEY '" 09.. 1'01adQ. O. !!old by all Drunllta. 75e. ,ery good griddle cake maY be made Tue lIaU'. FlUOIIv PUll lor C>ODI~IpIIUon. of two CliPS of butterm ilk, one tea· spoonfu l each of ' 80da and salt, and Fraud on the Face of It; two cups of flour. Mix at night, ' add. Modlum .-The spirit ot your Ing the soda In a tablespo on of hot craves to spenk to YOll . water. In tbe mornin g an egg' may be Man.-Y ou·re a rank fro\ld; my wife added wblch Improve s tk cakes, but would ne\'er ask permiss ion to sp ak they will be fouM good wIthout . to me! Sweet Milk Griddle ' Oakes. -Mix Import ant to Mother a. and Jlut three cupfu~ .' of l1our . with Examin e carefull y every bottle ot . ~ne and on~half tabl~poonfu1s bs· CABTO RlA, a Raf~ and sure remedy Lor I king powder and Qhe teaspoo nful of In/ants (lnd chUdren , and see tbat It salt. Add one egg beate n, to two cupa Bears the ~ ? re of milk; pour slowly oil tbe first mix· SIgnatu re or . ~ • ~. ture. Beat well, ' add two tablespOOn. flils of butter. Cook IlB 'other cakes. In Usc For Over 30 • Years, Serve at.· once wbile hot. ' , The KIM You Have Alway. Bought: . Any cold cooked Cereal may , ~e ~dd, , A gtrl is never satisHed untp abe ed to criddle . cakes ·to their b,etter. .. h~8 llypnotJ zed some young man ment: ,r ice, :oatmea l or , far1I)a need tell!ng her how, handllom e stili' Is. D'e ver be thrown ·aWIQ'. ' . : . ,_ '





; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . :;;0

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Eo r Ba by' s Pins



• "41~..c4~"-

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- ............:...-."..--..,. .. .~' . , ' Service in 'Maine.


F.XI'08V RE ,"0 (Jol.n

IInlS "<ltl ~ thO nrat. Atap ' " l'Dftumul,IIl. Toll. P tIT" 11"1" 01" Pu/pHllf r ' anlS t~ .. dllo.or I.... ~"<ld. Unl'<!uilllld '!<>, C<lld"'lIdl'Q\broaf~!IOC:,8iIC ,,"dliOo. . Noncom mittal. ''Wbli't do"you c~ll your cook?'" "Mar la h'e r name:" , . ' .... 1 . ..... WIDIIoW'a 800tbln c "Pllp. rorrh\l~ ... o teetbtJr,. ~ th• .,Ifl1l•. redu_

~"OII, allal.J*II , 0IU'ft ,,10<\ aoUo>.






lIcIa boM\ao

18 wron, that Is

Make the Liver Do its Dut y


"liDo times ill tell WileD !he IPer • ,.. ... llomKb aod bowell 8J'e zi&bt.

CARTER'S UTTU : UVEa PIUS aently but 6rmly

pel a lazy liler do ill duty.

CurelCo a· .tlpatioJlo lndi.... tioD, Sick Headach e, and Diatro•• after Small PU1.


s..;.u Oooe, Small Price

GENUINE mUll bear aignature:


; ~ ---- ,---- -_._ - ----


$125,000 net fram .1200 acre s grap es. $15,000 from 22 acre s ' peaches~ $3,200 from 20 acre s raisins, in the

Sa n'Joa qu in Valley, California A cow and an acre of alfalfa will earn S120 a year in the San Joaquin Valley. Grapes will yield from $100 to $300 per acre; peaches and apricots, S150 to $500; wbile oraD~es will produce from $250 to $500. and in many instance s more tban $1000

an acre. Tl)ere are ten million ata.ble and irrigable acrea bere. You still may buy unimproved land for $50 an acre. Ten acres are enougb to comfortably IUpport a small family. Twenty acres afford a fine living, with money in the bank. Forty acr~ should make you rich. You po.y trom one-fou rth to oneCarson I\eed, Reedley , Cal., trom a. tblrd down. balance tw CJlt~-nor crop or rnlsln. for out of Hie erop..ea.lI,. ea.• be .ald netted as,200. ' Almost anythin g cnn be rahscd In the I DOW .... 1. ".lIell' from end to end. Sno Joaquin countrY -OrBng eB !lnd I hRve lIeen crops and hlll'vtlst wheat, figs and applelf, d \tcate gro.p~s od In. c.v ery ono at pla.nted I1nd ht\r(\y potlltoelf. Product s ot th e IntervJe wed farmerl:lJ~1I conntlea , 1 have ; I'l.\nof\<\l'a ,,,n!l nle rt empero.te nnd Berni-tr opic zonee 1I0ur· chants. I have collnted .llle testimo ny Ish I:Ilde by 8Ide. . or crop expertil. . . PleDty wllter tor Irrigatio n dro.wn .All this 'Valuabl Informa .tlon Is confrom the near-by I:!lerm 8110WS. It I. !.alned In the San e Joaquin Vnlley lanel ell.,. for ODe to make a .tert. Land be- fold er Is"ued by tho tween the rOW8 can be u sed, while or- 'Wrlte tor It. givIng SantlL Pe~ Ral1'wIl)' . . tull name and adchal'd 18 young, tor mnny prolltab le d.re8l1. 1 wltl al80 80nd you onr Imml crops. The pOint Is to _"e eyery grat10n journal The Eartb, "Ix montha ••uare foot bear .ometb l.... tree. ' \\' hat .ome ferme ... lun'e 408101 ~'he Santa J.~1l employe me to h l'p ~rank Thomll8, ot Frcsno, CIl1., settle up It" Southw est IInca, The Cnmbought twenty a!!res ot lnnd fiV Il. Ye,'~"! )Jany no land to lIell. butl wJIl ngo . .Jie bad but $300 to s tart on. I ()- p,lrldly baa 'r efer your Inquiry 'to r ellabl. day M s place III paid tor and he IU1S an land owners who bl\ve . Incom e or oYer $2.000 1\ .year. , .. ow farce are otrer~cJ by tb e Sant& William Shrayer . R . F. D. 7, Fresno, Fe dally Comtort Col. , bougbt his first ten neres l1ble to\lrlst al epors " years ago. Now owns sixty acrcll Illx all a nd chair curs. ~hn ,Journey alllO 'mny pnld for and r et uses $12 000 tOt· his be ml\de at other times for a reallonplnce ' , nble coat. M . -F . Tnrpey. at Fresno, owns Vine- Snn FrancisSanta Fe tourist eervlce to co Is qulcken t. 71lrd of J.200 nerell, which tak('!! an ILnnllo.l prollt trom ot 1125.000 . he C. L SEACRAVES' C-.I·f eJ.h.' . A,... On the Bnrold estate, twenty- two A. T.IeS. F.Ib••r .... aer.. ot .peachu yIelded a 116.000 crop. 1IIORaI hr.., ....... _ c::wr.......


M or e Fr ee Ho me ste ad s Secreta ry Balling er has ordere d 1,400,0 00 acres of choice land thrown open to settler s under the . )lome. stead laws, on and after Maroh ' If 1910, This laud is mostly level or ro~ling prairie and is covere d wi*b a heavy growth of wild grass. .The so~l is' a brown clay loam, This. land lies in Valley County , . "

Ea ste rn Mo nta na It is known to be very fertile and wherev er farmi~g has been carried on, good yields of wheat; oats, rye, barley, flax, alfalfa , hay, potatoe s and even corn have been obtaine d. The land is free under the homest ead laws. No registr ation- no drawin g. No long waite and disapp ointme nts as is the case with tbe lottery sys· tern, No expens e-exce pt the few dollars for filing fee. The Great Norther n Railway is now buildiog a branch line through the very heart of the tract Low one way and round trip rates during Marcb and April. Send Cor map fold er giving full detaila. Alkfor "RodtJ IoJ "Iadlaa Luda CirCIIIIr.


I 11Il1D1~.tle. o\4eol 1215 Great Norther D 81c11l. St. Paal. HIDD. O.D~ ..



from g-rateful user3 have demoMtrated tha.t eruJl~ infblDlllltioD and irritation of thulda., ablnalea, tetter, 'Itch. . .,.d ialllqled piIea, "III promptly respond to tho local appllca\lon. of

, R ' ES , I~ NOL

and theIr repor\, of the excellen t results cbtilnOd furnish Qnable pi-oof of the value of th is remedy. 5Qc 'a .jar, 111\ drugglst:s, 0;,tiJlql!esll sent direct on' re ~ lpt of price. . RtslNOL CfJEMICAL :COMPANY.~ BALTIMORE. MD. • "it"1 .. rood 'for hontS and don sa for maaJdod." .. ~ r.~)'e,teiiDIriaIl. Hi~~""

, "

.: . ..: .w,






Trustees Sale

Two ,Tliirds 9f the. Money pemand~d by the Creditors Has ae~n ,Re'al~ . . ized. TJtere Now Remains B'u t, . . .'


Trustee's Sale


- -.

.·T he Trustee of the 'Mose Coh~n Stock has Ordered Every


Men's,Wom.en'sand Children's Garments eut, 4th and 'M aln, . ~'a~ton, Ohio

R~galtdless ~f e~st

Cohell Stock



4th and Main, Dayton, Ohio

Don't miss this week . Somebody is going to get the bargains, It might as well be you. There's but one object, viz., to raise the rest of the money for the creditors. e


E. .


~fO~::I:~I~~~~~~::/n~~~~~u::;r I·I-F~;~~; citi~~~; Tt


Uy, Cl\rl Petersou, Rev . ~nd M r s . Expert Optician, J esse Bawkinfl, of this pl ~ce Afte , . - - - - - - - - - - - - . --.. . - . thll ceremony R·n eleg1tnt tbre Earl J. Evel'1y, who fol' some time ooor e sU]Jper Wll8 8erv ed ~ 'l'b O,ver 20 Yca r:- Pratticu! r,>.pnicnce young oouple Uf bl~lll.v re pect d has been connected with t he shoe deflnd popular a nd tbo best wiabes partment at the Elel et· and J ohnston of a hOlt of fri ends. Tbey WIll go . store has resigned his position with Gustin Hotel, Waynesville,O. tu housekeep1lli ,)00 on tlle Wilson that concern to become manager of fllrw eust of tdwn . ' a new Dayton branch of the Sample lat Saturday In every month Shoe Stqres company just opened in . Harveysburg. • the Conover building. Norther"' ' 'S py' Apples anuiversarY last Saturdl\y night 'Ib'e last sooial to be beld at Bar Mr. Everly's ability to sell shoes Classified Ads •. . with a big 8upper in tb~ir ha.ll. ian hall Thursday eVe March 10th has been widely recognized, and he is 5 b~l'elsl.eft .and no mor~ at the Miss Nellie OunDingham was for the benefit of the Lecture Conrs~ one of the most popuiat· young shoe Ada will be Inllt r WC1 unll l' r Wl ~ b ~ ..d tor low pnce thiS season. $3,00 tb $3.76 S i\ twenly , lh 'c cen t!! 10 \' ~brre InSll{t.I ··,1 ' . .per barrel-3.bu. barrels.and quality a Dayton 8hopper lll~t o.turl ay . No lady admitted without and men in the cjty. 'I,hen us ing no l more. tblll\ Ih' O line ' . gua~teed· .-box. Admission l"t door 250 for gnn - -tIemen. whioh will In ure lupper , Chas. H. Carey, who took the manNew Whit~ Fish Cood Bread New Burlington. LOST On Maroh 5th there will be an en agement of the West Alexandria ·Extru,.4 for 5c. , If yo~ ~ant good whole wheat Elmer 04e~oweth and bride spen t tartlLinD:lent giveo lit Town Hall, sch~ols last year, has been reappoil'\tbr~,)ust trY, 'for on.ce, ~umford'a a few 'd aY8la8t week with iheform- wbioh' wil~ oonsist of. Buok, and Wiug ed for a term of three years with an ·6·lb. kits, 45c. ~I.' ·lb, p.sHs, $l.10 OST-a 'pocket-book ' cnh~iniDg l'ecelpt for t~e same In a httle boo~ , pa ente Alr and' Mrs Wm danoing, siu~ing anp ' ~onologues. a..1vance of *100 each year ;'n {lalary. . • small' amount of money, ' loat Onion Sette . we are giving-away. A dyspeptic er 8 r . . . It wtll 00 doubt be n. BQcoess 11 8 ~bere .,. . .... . on Main street. Sil~table reward ia " Ohenoweth. is oonsiderable t Alen t thllt will bl3 The board th,e re are contemplating .' Fancy Yellow and WI.ite. can eat this bread. Qffered. Leave at lhe tia~ette oQice. .Mr. aud ·Mr8 . Raymo~d Wil80n put into use. a handsome new buil~ing to be er~ct', , '. ew ustomers are sp'ending their honeymoou with' Dr. Ault man. ~up~rintendent of ed s~()n. We ~ongratulate Mr. Carey Apples . ,Every day on Chase & .Slfuborn's Mra. Will\On'8 's i8$erin Virgin ill.. . the HilIs bol'Q Ditltrio~ of the M, E . upo.n his succeB& and hope he may . F-ancy Eating arid Cooking FOR SALE Coffees~ . ~~ ~li8, from~~eysIi reJl.'ptioo WaS given Mr. and Oharoh filled the pulpit her~ Sun~ stay there three 'times thr~e year s Apple. . bu,~g, says: • I U.take 6 PQun(J~ \.(,f Mrs. Q, W. Craig atthe M. E . Annex, day morning. . • - ...~-~ Or~pges S(lnana's L~mons tha~ gpod coffee at ~Oc a pound. . M . d i' of} st week. They The Lev~oy Dry Go~ds store w111 HIGH WATERS ' AGAIN Sweets Cabbage Onio~~ . " S· q~ . ,ay even ng ~ soon move Into ~he room known as The Pea. Pod ~ys . I hllve moved to Wilmington where the Antram Oorner. . '- - - -,. . ., Ifm.' • ak . ,'" _,1 .IN t n..1 Mr Oraig hll.8 employment 'with s 1 & h n e' t·nl"log· The rams of Saturday and Sunday Chick and Hen Feed ~o m ·e your cann~ gooWl I:"""e : ' everA. ,rom ere ••l' ,.. ... h' h h d ' ' I d popu1az:•...,!,selrHQneSt goods l ~ HQn- a ,oontraotor. . , Cal~fornit~. W. O. Weloh and Fred tC?get er WIt t e eep s~ow a ~ea y The 'B est' Mad~No Gdt; eSt cans' Honest weightS." . Mrs. Jolia Walton Is the guest of Dakin wtU leave for thatsta,te about on t~e groull,d. ·lQade . high ~aters .. 'O yster Shell . piat~8 w.hat Y9U'1I find in ~very can hel;- sister· in· law, Mrs. Alioe Walto'l. the 10th of Maroh. ' Monday the water was 'to'!? high for .SpeCial price by, the lOO-lb. bag ot Peas we sell. " , Miss Savannali Hnifml,n gaTe Walter Gray old his fine ~"mily hQrses to cross, ~nd an ice jam in tl~e 'C '· e ... . t Q(f . ' I h " &turday hi b,roke puroell m~re. Walter IS get- middle of the road made passage im8pec1a1 8ale Saturday . n a parQe s ower on., ' t l o g hl8 .repa,,,t10n tip '-as a hor..e ~ . ' , . O. Per .. . . honor 'of Mi8,s Bessie MoKinney mau. ' -POSSible. , However, the weather We wiJI place on . sale for 'One . ~at'a the ~peclal p~ce at'e whose marriage to Mr Oar! Peterson Samuel .Eyler andl HElDry Burge turning colder, made the waters raqay.pnly, . gt}fVtnlg , to.our.led~~e on a Ime °h t eau - t"kes plaoe thil!l week' two of our old oltize~s and soldiers: cede somewhat, and travel was reI ·U ename . ware-see w a we .. " ' 1' " , ·50 . Dozen Cakes . have po ou~showtable. ,·· Mrs.-Dora MoKay ' aud Miu El8ie after livin~ here several ..yea.r8 ef.t sumed agam Tue~day. . Fancy Toilet Soaps • r .' • ' Painter, of the Zoar neighborhood us Mo~d&y taking up ~helr ",bode a·t • ---,- -·M. ammoth· ·Prunes . " . N 'lll Oorwin. CttRISTIAN CHURCH 'Al\ wen-knoWn brands..-801d· ,', ' , . . . e~tertaiDed in honor 'of Miss e 8 Unole J~hn Collios of New Uar everywhere at lOc a cake. " I~O a.,p~und Tnl'ner, Monda7 · "'~ternoon of '., li81e ' Ohio ~urobased" sever",l good Re . L 0 T h h h special price for Safu'rday, The largest and hestP~u'ne. grown week. bot;es her'e last week. v. . • I)mp~n,. w 0 as ()akes for 9c .inh,Oa1i!QtrntiatJ arthd .wehl~ve ahtratlekon A'. V. Foland · l1.nd",ife, Mrs~ Hetty . Again we Jell supplied with bheen caldledttoFthe Chr~181tlabn c~urhc~ '. t . • s t elqua lty t at ma ,es Mo~herson a. .d Ml8S Loui8a : OO,m~ ooal. ,. \ ' . ere an a · erry, ~ egm. IS See the Wfn~ow. Display at them ~o' . ~on att~ndJ'tlie ' weddiog of itt)y . W~'Vf. Weloh t.ra.nsaoted 'busine,s wor~ her~ next Sun?ay • ServIce Yanlll~ Wafers · NewUn 'aud Dr. ' Ella Leonard, in WllmlDgton Saturday. . both, J1lornmg ~d !v~nmg. . .' 2 ' Ib". for 2-60 WUmfng' ton J&st week. . . We ,,1'e ~oon to have a. saw .mllli '" ' . .r · ~ , . ' , which wul be verY'muoh appreOlated DRANE REED MARRIED Regu!ar, pric.e 20c~1:\ pound-and as A very ]lrett~ weddin~ , ~ourrea. ,James ' Shumake,!' is ' sP!1 rh1 g .no . 1lne eating as ~oucat;tge,t.anywhere.!Iot t.he home of David .., l?urnerl tim,e or money in jotrod~oing :t~~ · M.uch .to the surprise of his rela.' Wall Pap' er Cieaner Wedoesc;1ay eventn~, li'e1?rua,l'Y 23r~. mule foot . hOg8'. Mr. Shomaker' IS tives and friends Drane Reed came .. , . . wlien hls .YOllo"est 4laughter, Nelli" a hU8tler a.nd a man of gQqd judgt " " ',Ot? .. B~XI a ',~xe8 ,.fO~ 250 became the wifa of Mr. Fred ~oKl~ ment, ~nclshoo1~ bellber~lly P"~I'OU. b~me .~a ur~ay ev~nll,1g !bmngt,ng "ADS'OR pAY 'poROe~",''M,l ; .TI'ON·. , '11-0. a little';-of this nn ybur wall . . T . ~ ,M ud ized. · . f'''' " WIth hun. a WIfe t,o whom. be. ~as been.~ Lon ~ J. <3 , .' '" ney, hosepresen .. were, r . & , MD ' 'dL li rna rrl"00' laSt J 1 ,... -, - .. :.pal>E!r .this' kSpting. ,· I't ~works ll!ke Mrs Midtlleton <Mr. ' and Mr8. O. ·E ., B9rnFtob~r;5t~s .. a.VI yno , W smcde .... u Y' t I -t' ·,Gov~rnor Ha.tmon hlt8 iSdned the ' m.agl(~! Ma es your paper loo~ Ike ,' , '" 1) f tIi M "I B 80n, . e ua.ry" . 1" e exten h. ~ar.'.Y 'coJ;lgra u a ~ons. . "'" • new! ...... 't' WeIner lI.ud SOD, £tar. 0 e 11.1'. e Mr, ane 'Mrs Aus'a.]em pudley will .. _ . ·follQw,hig Arbor ~"y prooilllllatit'n. l ' ,ay aut~ority of lil.w, 1!;-1day, ',April . movosoon nen.r Omoinnati, lell.viag ,SERVICES .ALL WEEK 8, ~9~O, ia hAreby .appolot6ct '\n~ .,e.~ behlDd ~hem II. .bost of friend8. · There will be serVice!dlt the Red apart for observanoe tie Arbor PUBLIC 'S4-LE Brick church eve.;y night this week, Those in ·oba.rge , of the. ' .publio n "" M'U' d t·· thO. . ' Bohools aqd inltlt~tlons of 'lellrnln'l I will le11 at P~blic 81\1e at ply' ~v" IS ' con .uc m~ . . ~. se~Vlces. , residenoe on I:;pring Valley and Ceo' Everybody ~ordlal1y mVlted ~ u\lder the oontrol or p,atronage of . , , •- • . the state are requirlid .bY ......'... ,"" terville pitte mUes southwest· N 't .' . 't' " F .,'. , "for at le~8t t~o' hou'r a to in of Oenterville ' on 0 lC~ 0 ~rmers . ' . .. ' , for~a, tio~, P\lphd lI.~d ~tndeD Saturday,. March 12, 1.9 10 ' ,Waynesville C&l1nit;ig" 1;he ·Co.· oonoerp i ,Qg ,Ii"h.J~ • VII. Ioellnd. i ntert\lIt . Beginning at 10 a. m., the. felHow now ready , to contrllct fQr C91'11 and ~orestrY., AD.d the,dur.y of :tbe pubho. . Having bou&'ht ~ large supply of Leather and ' .-\ . f 1 ing property: '1, weighihg tomatoes for tile year 19lo/ at their to pr0,-,ot the ~irdl thereo ,A~d ,a 80 Mountings before ' the recent decided advance in ~ 1400 lb., ~oOd worke~ a.nd liner: ;:~ Waynesville office. . . ' .' for plautingr.ore8Urees, ":. ..' ., all materials.' We are enabl~ to sell you your' milk oows. 1 horse, MIlburn wog~n" . WAYNEsViLLE CAN~lNG, Co: A broader ao(\ ' 'more . I.. oc~rllte Harness as low as 'evet _and quality the best. :. .' J. ·F. S;C2·• .' 'Note the followin&, prices and give us a c~ll. l plow, 1 double shovel 1 log sled; I ' _ : fOl~ SA,LE m~ r~ than two' hoUl'S in a yMr. farm sled, log ohain, J 'i~on .k ettlesl .. : ' , a part .limply ,Qt ~wQ~derfu~ . . Plow Harnes~. per side, • • $ ·5 .00 lard press, sausage grlr;1der feec,l I:'OR SALE-Long Shaft . Bt:e8:k al world ,they aPMal :td' tlie highest grinder, 40 rod Amer.ioa.n fenoe, ~t' Oatt . Iu good oonditlon, ·o.l;lel1p side of 'human Ute ' a love:to~ Plow H .ar~ess complet~ for two oro~s;ou~ saw, mall, wedges, grind- 10qui~e a.t thls . otlloe . , ' . f" i . 11 ' 'f ' ~h ' 16.50 .. " . , "I. . ". ' . :.-... _ " U8e u · I\S we a~ · o ·&\ e horses, less collars, • • " Only too ' J~$e " .o. we ' "nDI'sollate stone, mall box, Jot ,old .)roo, 4 ~tllncl ... ".' . A good .heavy ~';inch Trace Harof bees,. ,l 10~bx~ra ' hiv~s, fork~,. . R~l\d ,.:t~~ ~oCa't1- ?~e,~ ·;· tPiS wl3ek~olue of';ore~.tr1 aaa' par~, ot' 28.00 . , nessfor,two horses, • • hovel~, corn u~()'r.~!>, ·hl\Y 10 mow, ' . ' t.he·; earth .;.·tioo lat'e' do set 'ltoggp h~rne~, s , l8e, t . ~or~ )lar~ . wliat~'. 1~· 7 5 ,T eart:' ~ridle$, ••• • . . ~ set hea vy wa.go~ harne.~8~ ~q of '" bational "AII,n np'<\Aa 1.•00 'bushe18 Intatoesi Household Good.s : Team Qollars, ' .. ' • • ~ :PQlat, ·o~ea.ll1ert, X dllZ. ' Sweat .·Pads, · • • • • • " ~I$c .. ' . ohat.r s,.'l piaq'p" " QOO~, ~tC!ve, : Buggy ' Ha~ness. $I.O~OO and up .;.:.: heating stqve, ,1, p,o,-n.e r ,. .••' h A ....... ' ~ 8tea.ds,, ~ro~)Is;· . . .... "."",ou, ice . orea'Q. ,fr~~~er,i " ,, l"tU'UU/i,' l;'"',' ~th~t_ .' 'not .' mati: 1I;I;~IIIo,1lI,!JDll ltb:ltc>.1'IIg~9t\1~,.'IlI.,,\cp~.Ib.t .. •

Mr . and Mrs. Frank Collins, ot Ceneral. Suggestions near Xeuia. visited ber parents, Mr. ~rid Mrs. John Tate last Thur8day Mrs. J. D. 'Harness who has been Peroxide o'f l:Iydrogen sufferinl'; with la grip~e 1S up an d . ·Ioo.a Bottle around the house. You'JI find this a very valuaQle Miss Bertha. Purdom was given qrticle for Fever Blisters, Cuts,,, post card shower last Monday by Pimples, Croup, !lnd all Throat Ai hor friend8 , . fectlons; good f or Man or, Beast. 'Ihe .1. O. V. A. M. oelebra.ted'their





N 'O



I ,





" ..












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• •


~N~.'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ _ ~~~_ \ ~ I Xl'Y_FJR~· I' · YEAR . ~_ ~~~~~~~~ WAYN ES71L E. OHIO, WEDNES DAY MARc a 9, 1910 . WHOL Iil NUMB ER 3046 L


i¥~~~~t~~~~i YOUL~:C::::II:Ni:v:O:::nd ,[~~~O~~I ~!.~~~;:~~~=~d= !~~~e=Ii Glenn,::.~:l ::'~:E ~""

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-- _ •• - ....... ~- ••


,tJ .--Soc- -ial- -Ev •. -....~- ...... f

Frye, a luncheon and smoker \ was the victim of a distressing acci~ . given? y the . , Mrs. Rachel Foy. who is making March 18th and 19th- Sides' Sale. March 18th and 19th- Sides' Sale. \ de nt last Thursd ay evening , It is Lizzie Moore entertained at dinner her ho~e witn Mrs. Etta Printz. in' Busmess Men 8 AssOCIatIon Little E lsie Hawke haS' been quit,¢ L. A. Zimmerman is in Cincinn ati though t that while reaching for Sunday, Mrs. George Kindle. of MaDayton and who ~as operate d on at the sick. . today. something, he lost his balance and in rion, Ind .• Miss Martha aurnet t and two weeks ago. is improving slowly, Masonic Banque t Rooms . .on Her ma~y friends here are l)oping Fr~:'·. Dau&,hters was m Dayton ~1~' 'Re~oldB was a Dayton visit- trying to keep fJ'om fall ing caught Miss Emma Cartwr ight . at the teakett le, which w~ on the to hearo~ her ultimat e recovery soon. Wednesday evening. March second. or rI ay. stove full of hot water, His scream s nineteen hundre d and ten. Mrs. W. H. Allen was in Dayton Miss Lizzie Stewar t is visiting r elbrough t the other members of the Miss Belle Gallaher, of Lebanon. at eight-fifteen o·clock. Tuesday. atives in Dayton. family who were in the next room. Miss Sue Crane, of Cincinnati. Mes- . Mrs. J. D. Casey, nee Reynolds. Thus read the invitati on sent by Chas. Smith was in Xenia Friday Wm. Morris, sou t h of who ras een ill since Decembar. town , was They found him lying aC,ross a chair dames :sherman Dyke, J. H . Colethe club to the business men of on business. in Day ton last Thursd h improved. ay an d th e h0 t wa t'er pourmg down on man and D, L , Crane composed .a W '1l I t k Ab t fifty __ " aynesvl e, all wee. him from the teakett le, badly ou jolly little "quiltin g" party at the - Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrigh t were ? H. CI~~ents and family were ing him. While it is though t scaldtwo were there, and not one pr~nt. in Lebanon Friday. ' noth- home of Mrs. E. D. Burnet t last Lebano n vIsItors Saturd ay. ~ e son of Mrs Alice but that freely expressed hImself ing serious will result, yet ith'''s cel'Wednesday. op~rated upon at Miami glad that tie had come. Mrs. G~orge. Thompson spent W. W. ~rnold, of ?orwin . was in tainly been very painful for the... little Valley hosp al in Dayton last ThursThe club has been bringin g up rhursd av m XenIa. Dayton FrIday on busmess. fellow. Up to date he is improving. day. We ar glad to say that he is measur es thatar e of vital import ance H. M. Clark. of Lytle, was a Day· Messrs J. M. Cook and getting alon nicely, and hop~ to be to every business man in Wayne J. E. Jan• -. Mi6s Edith Griffin. of Lawrencej s- ton visitor last Friday . ney autoed to Xenia Tuesday. W. C. T. U. J\\EETI NO out again so Kan., who is the guest of her aunt. ville. and to tl,e people adjace nt _ _. .. _ • to J . M Rol d f th . t · V 1 ' ' 0 f St P . Oh' . an. 0 near S AI arge prmg a - W'lb ' I ur SerVIS, Miss Lizzie • Carroll at th_ Friend s' arlS, JO. numbe r of white ribbone rs Boarding Home. EATHS was hostess at din· ~t ~7:o the preeident of the club. ley. was in town Friday . was calling on friends here last week. me~ at ~he horne of Mrs. Em~a ner last Wednesday to Misses Edith W. H. Madden struck his gavel on Aunt Mary Haines. of the Friend s' Mrs. Ed Macy and daught er. ~ml:~ FrIday, March 4th , th~t bemg Mrs. Frea G y of KingI' Mills the table, and a short business session ,Mosher. Elizabeth Chandler and Boardi ng Home. is very sick. , Edytha 'ed . were Xenia visitors last e 1m • . ' • h I e?f ld' thhe h' regul~r h mee~mg f . Donna Hawke. dhI last Tuesd evenmg at her late was e • m w IC reports 0 com· F0 1owmg t e routme Seth Cook and C. T. Hawke were wee k . busmess the . Th b d . tte h It B th ome 0f t u berc SIR. . topic "L'b rt P e ~ y wal~ ml, es were ea.r. --y e wa~. Dayton visitors last Thursd ay. ' l ey • rosperl'ty an d P roWalter McClure was in Kings Mills hibition brough t here rsday m<lrmng and thIS club has a residen t membershIp .was taken up under the capM W lte B . s were h I t St), tt d D L Tuesday of last week on professional aL.le leaders)ll'p of M " serviCe e a . ~ugus t me H h h s 0f t wenty-e'Ight,and t wen t y' f our C essrs 'a Dr tourlle Miss Minnie Duke was the victim an . . b usmess . III F'd church at 9- a.m., ather Mllyerhoe- respond , w 0 0f a . e surpns ' . e 1ast Wed --~ distrib ed to their names After rane were m ay n rl ay. ted a b rs. f oug. I" genum nellUay fer officiating. ,~ rat Gray IEave~ a:ijourn ment, came a luncheon of Roger Brown. . num er 0 c Ippmgs evening. when about twenty-five of .Wilmington. wal St. Mary's Guild will meet with pertain mg • husband and on child to mourn welner wursts and peanut sandwi thereto : which w~re read friends and membe rs of the Ladies ches a Waynesville vilitor Thursd ay. Mrs. E. V, .Barnh art on Thursd ay ~ call~ for and tIme was gl.ven . . for of th. e Golden Eagle walked in upon afterno on. her aeath. Inter nt was made 10 doughnu~. pIckles and coff~. dISCUSSIon. After the apPoin tment I Chas. Sellen . of Springfield. tranlfMiami Cemetery. fl of some commit tees the meetin g her unannounced. The evening Atter clga,rs had ~n hghted . acted bu"iness in Waynesville Friday was . Be on hand earl'y on the 18th and closed to meet the fi t F d. O. Cartwr Ight. took charge of af~. .d in very pleasantly spent with music. .. 19th of March. the date of A. B.' , 1'8 fairs. and as a toastm aster. Mr. M1SS Pearl Carey IS spendl rll rl ay conversation and games: Ligbt re. I a few ,Sides' 5th Annual Sale. Apn , Albert Wharto n d 4 _. ' at hilI home Cartwr ight cannot be exeelled. His days with Mias freshm ents were served and at a late Keever in Lebanon. in Lytle. Friday . 57 years. of . t od ti f th RAKED STONE h S OFF hour all departe d expres siq much heart trouble . The fun~ral took m S. R. Young and family, of London r uc OIlS O. ose on ~ e pro- . Dr, and Mrs, A. T. Wrigh t t t th I were Ohio. moved on the Kibler farm, f tb' . h . place Sunday at 10 clock at the g~amt akwerh . . . e . umque • and hhlSfread guests of relative s in Centerville Sun· " regre a e 088 ~ .elr o.~ M E Ch south of town I&st ·Reek. .t ~tl d' te WI m es 1m muc h soug tater asY day Harvey ~ustm got tired of drlvmg fr~lml lodge .anthd !!oclal Cltsrcles • " ~he . uren a, ~ .an In r- a toastm aster. • over the bIg stonps bare by the WI move WI her paren -, in a .Lew . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brown and recent freshet overleft ment wu made In M~a .• , Cemetery. Corwin avenue . days to Dayton, where the beet wishThepro gram was not a lengthy . Mrs'.A I Wysong spent l~t Th~rsd~ughter. of Lebanon. spent Sunday· and on Monday ' took a Be leaves fou~ children. rake and I as of many friends follow them to one but was full of Interes t from day With her daught er In Spnng WIth Mr. and Mrs. L, Rhoades. ' raked n'e stones to one side t their new home. · start to ~niah. After a numbe r Valley. . "\' . , Vernon HaWke was in Dayton It looks \ 88 thhugh the time bas died a~ the fro.m a male quar~t, 'Mr, S. L; Cart- Mrs. U. M. ~ite • . spent Sa:urd ay ;ru~ay ~ s~ h~a b~other John, ~ho come w}1en th~ •• wnght spoke on The Corwm Av· and Sunday Wltb her parents authori ties must do 0000 ROADS . h orne 0 f h er son, J0hn LI nder, ' .... 10 Bu- lS an mvalld 10 MIamI Valley hospItal. someth "H told f mg l WIth . the' avenue. The b ' Utica. Friday evening, 0 old age. en~e. , . e 0 severa w:ays 'Y vertoWn. .. ' M' Ass ' · , h ' . In a speech ~elivered before th. . Attend the Supper and Social at Bu"mess "Aunt Mary" wasS&y . en B oClation as taken commissionersof: old. The w?i~h the M'enue troub,le nught be Rion Hoel. of ~cinna . G~een County reo • ti" came 'W q ddfellow's hall March 18th. A the ma~r up! !or the good of the fUnera r took plaee Mon at 11 ehrwna ted, and pye a b cently, Jesse Ta;ylor made a gNat ..Q.f",~ Fri~ and. spent 1& few d*ys win. '~Ood supper and social for 25c. given' t9m!~hlp. and It IS oped bef~r~ long hit. and .a the Rev. W. A. Coo ' of Leb- amoun t of money that had hterally frienda here. allticle ia applicable tq ~ by the men of the M. E . Church. to have some defimte proposl • . . ' pe . been thrown away on the road. tlon up all to-...1.. l'pS we reproduce l·t. The anon, .0fficlatinJr, mtenn en bemg Prof C. A. Bruner gave a W 'n to help matter s along. laugh- Mrs. J. H. Smith· attende d the WlllUl aynesVl e. made, an the LebanC?n ceme~. • - • article was J!O long however, that it· """:'--'- able read~nr •. and was followed by ~prin'g milline ry openings in Colum- ~rs. Edith Harris left MORday for LECTURE COURSE Rev. W. H. Bailey. who ' told how bus last Thursd ay. will have to go throug h editions. ChicagO. where she will spend a John King~ of Dayton. died March Wayne8vil~e could be improv~. Read it. and act accordingly. and .Moriis Cornell, who has been living month wit~ her daught er, Mrs." Lincol~ ~cConne\l's 'lectu~e on lat. and was brough t here and ~pecially m the matter of lmprovIt is in the province of every farm· : ' on a farm near Centerville, moved to Frank Taylor . buri~ I?ead LIOns was a happy endmg of e; to have a ~ood road by takina' in Miami Cemete ry last the school ground a and making a Dayton last week. ....., ttme , , Farm'ers. don't forget that lIa rch thIS season's course. Mr. McCon f th . . d ri th . nell h to maKe it good. It not only Wedn~ay . afternoon. He leaves publ'IC park 0t~ h· ed t b . t e ;:ne ~i n~ e Joh'l\ McClure and family. of;~ t,and . Ik elps the "other fellow" but en19t1l. II the date of./'..' BI pr;\h 0 h e ~ m beresti~g ~ er bances I widow to mourn his early demise. lIum~er mon ' II' ' the value of Ilis own land "! ~~ ey s re-. Springboro. were guests of Miss Ides . 6th Annual Sale of Imple____.... _ • mar.... were w- recelvt:V. an . e t oug ~ roug t or~h twenty-foltl. Do Ell' S d ments, hardwf 're. etc. by him were slmple but forclTHE OVEAT A~ERICAN HEN d 4 ...- - next g:ve o~e :f~rals un~. , Walter Kilbon went to Marion. ble. Hia manne r of illustra _ e I~ u I persona onl !llI ting Elend fen J;leeded plow.Ir~n8 now, . Rev. Howell. ~f Port: William. vis- Ind.' last Thursd ay to a Sanator iul11 .charac ters was a strong' forte. 'and so 118 to be ready. Th._ end of the ,e"r II oominK for to respond t<r an encore. ited over Sunday. with his ,son B S and "t" h pad th t h u&-en d.for t'le AmeriQan' heD. · '\1 t • his facial expressions were cood , J. Will neXt Howell. and faiDUy. • - • · t hi ' • • "T ti White tIl,y,l~Improv 0 " d his talkedks aWut ed ' . a c elthWl re urn His lecture on the whole was one of mak Tb8 w h. ea oror t s ,ear _u fair; grea m rae Dea ons, . an remar e M d M J V H rtsock The ' nltllloDll 'of dollars \' j hondre ds ' of a. favorable impression. wor8~ bedfello~ in the world ' '. He paid r. an rs,. . a ar- Attend th1!, Supper and Social at the best numbe• rs_ in• th-e course. thoOMndll of meo _od .hous,o de of .a glowing .~ompUmenttothe is worry i klok it oot I cl~bfor rilved~uradere. from ~a8bmgton C. H. Oddfe1low's hall- March 18th. A t.nlna were o_ed gtean it, 'r~ere the work they were doing. POPUL AR . EDUCA TION hoped ut ~D • - • ayeven mg. &,ood supper and aociaI. for 25c, given w,u It terrible bollabalOo .. bout it ~hat the slopn'· of ,tile club~ Breeding too yoon, wiU 8tont the "Make Dr. P. D. Cla&'f!tt and' Frank Shi- by the men ' ~f the M. . E. Church. Dr. Mary Cook has been appoin ted young ewe, and the 1018 iJl Uls,lon ElK' and .,; J)Clnl'try prodQOt'd on Waynesville FI~uriah." would have l ', ' attende dtbeAu tomob ileahow Waynesville. a deputy for Warren County in the run w1llbe more .t hanthe s.aln =- A~1l Mm. ID 1909 reaohed a lastin&' tendency. ' . " , ' in t?&J.~n lut Friday ; ·' . Atelegra m was rece'ived by rela. branch of uPoPuI~r ~ucation." . ~t • valoe of t826,ooo,000. Salf of tbls The'qu artet san" anothe r seleetio Or;g~~la . n; If '.ad f yth. tives Tuesday afterno on and reads as a national meeting of doctors value, w&lliD ,eg8.:. . , 'rh~ fai.rmerbatl ~d T.oa&tmastei' Cartwr ight called tb ' fyouare~n nbe In , ' ,~.~nh18 • ' .. 1 f ~ thtn&'°d e arm remem r maU.; atnoo·ntoday St.Lou is last fall, they decided to reoelved from 18 to 11808ot.... 4ozeD' on severAl or voIunta~ remarJc an n follows: "Abbl·edl'ed . ('' . .Il.I '" , ... U s. 19th A B S'd 'Sal our08 an d wife. of Laba • . Please arrang e for funera l service. t ake up t h'IS b ranc h'1D a manne tOf 88,18. and t~8 oonsom er h~ paid ADiong ,those .who answer r of non, spent Sunday with J. K. $peaed were • ~ _. lese .. • Thursd ay at 3 p. m. Jack Dodds,." enlight enmen t to the public, from ,30 to 88 .08ntA .. dozen. Qne Robt. MOsher and Rev. J. F. Cadwal and Dr. oer and family. . Archer Hartso ck, of DaJton . was . blllioQ Ave houdre d ' mlllton dozen lader. Cook has been appointed for this Miss Glenoa Marsh wa"t~e guest the guest ofhia brothe r. F. E. Hart-' Will have no formal Spring opentIIP, or 18,O(,OOb egKII, are to be county work. The readers of this of Miss ~uoile Nor~u , Bunday. The wh,ole progra m from start to sock ' and family Sunday . ~ ing. but handso me trimme d and paper will, therefo re, soon oredtt~ to Biddy aln08 lait New finiah waS fine and listened to with Mr. and have Miss Edna Speno~r spent the week. ' Mrs. F. F. Benecke; of ready-to~ wear Hats will be our ~is- a contrib Year ' day • The firmer. got aboot attentio n. The' commi ttee appoin ution from her gifted pen. end with friends 10 Lebanon. ted near NaTV\lt~on Ohio were "'nests' of play from now 'throug h i . the entire •. ~· , .'800,000,000 and the oonsum er paid to get • eJohu Sberwo od was In Dayton . C 1\ d th up the progr~ worked hard. W A Ben~e and family last week ST MARY 'S CHURCH til1turdll.Y aDd t:!lloday • Koj°tOOO,Ooo. Who . -'lJOt the dlll'ei'. to make lI~n. . a an see , e s n a p p y the atrair a succesa and .the . " Z . , . styles in millinery at Mrs. G. Lincoln ' ~. 8tody l~ ' tloonomiotl and club has tlte hearty appro~al of all Mrs. ,Allie Hole d B.tihn, wall tn XenJa one is spendin g some Smitli·s . , . " ' . Fifth Sunday in Lent March 13th. uy II ~ee . F C Carey and family thiala a~.ut po~lh'y. ' '.' . •- • . the , men for the work they time. With Morning Pr d . . . , ., ' 10 a" R , B, Emmons, who has been . T . . There aI', abQul 1I50~OOO,OOO l.yluff at~ businaa , BUSINESS doing. ', aye~ an sermon . dunng ber husband s stay m exas. : v; qnite ill for the past few weeke. I. MEN'S'. ASSOCIATION Evemng WorshIp and sermon. at 7; tigain heua la.the UD1~. Sta~" and tbey :' a1))e to 'be around . , • :- • . . Mrs~ Ruth Carey and Mrs. Flo The Association will hold a s eclal ' Sun~ay ~chool at 9:30 p. m, LItany, lay abont' 120 '81 ob It. year ', ELBON BItOWN ·Prof. and Mr8. Dyke of Spring Valley were guests 88 s vial&ed. . .. . . .. " ·t. Th rsd . p . Pemten tud Office and addreSlf on rel.Uve a io Leba.noWilliam . . • . Jllaoh ~en, I.yio" • 12 wortb of i a l l : mae mg u ay n &turd ay and " evemn . g . at Council ' W d of d 'Mr.' and ' t Mrs•. F. C. Carey last 7 , b ' I k' ' S d d '8 ' ~ond~ ev~inr, .feb~ary 28t? F'd . . I e nes ay evenmg a 0 c oc . ' .' un ay , ~am~er, at 7.45 p. m , BUSine .,ear~ , ~re,tl1~o~ to .bel' tty ,~t tpe.hQme of the bri<Je's mother ss of Everybody ,invited to these servic~ Mr. and' Mrs. Guy Bherwoocl took 10 n~. . " . V 1tal l~port ance to every business es. oen" in . ~oad aDd ~~~8. ~b~' tb, ~bijloQ, occurre d the "ecldin ' dinner with C. B. t:!heiwood and g, of . DOll't fail to. read ,: t)le ,execuw rs' man WIll be brough t UP. and a full ~et p~At ~ ~80 per yelll" ia II 60, PtJ~;. ~ ElbQn arid Mias (;4)lda notice' •- • family SQn~ay. of the sale of" the estate of attenda nce is desired. ,If tb(, ,pro~t ' ~re jaapitall:zed on Brown:' "'OnlY the immed . AFTER MANY WEEK S Miss uuolle Mason was in Leba. iate families M " .t and MarY Clements. on . .' 4 • .• .W~ll :,tfH' ·,*,,'a ' at 5. per~"'. .,re8enb. '\i ,' Blbon DO~ the !a.tter p&r~ of la.t·we ek . is one· of ~JtG. ' r worth t$O aDd ..... A JUICY StEt\K ' l Mrs, ·p J. T. , . E llis. , eaoh who . 'hen'? wou'd hA has been Ilt ~ "'j b!hi e U. E. ~t?OI8tYt WthUl hhold IU ' ".-,y~elVille .spromin~tfarmers . Am . . th M' . H 't I ' I)'''' to"k ' the. , ' ular f us Jl~S8 mee ng 8 , e ome 0 f . . ' .11 the , ~eu~ ,~n the UllJ~ -Illtatell ~l. 'iV,tio ,~~w' IY~ li~e e laml . OSPI a m a.Y~on. or 'MtssM !l.beIS hel'wo OdFrid ayntgh t, ri " =~ ~te::I in cd:!ti on . J~ff Snuth.. presen~ the Gazette several , 1!oold be~pt,!.ll~ at.',&oo~~O~,~Oo Elbon is a popula r youn, him. weeks~ was brough t, home Will EI~o'o is moving In'o' the lady hi '.P:th~ '. ' • .1••,pa G~ ' . call M ·. hou~hold With tw'! of· the finest, Tuesday evemng 'Pleo~u~ndtDI~pI~li-,'I~~or~lJ ,home ' . She stood the h'o ule recentl y occupted by Will '.,.. " " WI .QU1hnery. , lv,em~a . ~rs., ~08tt~nder ,and juicyporter-hou~ tripexceedinglyweU; the ~tl~.oa~, ~n . tlie , ooont~' ... pn11 ;, 111.')r GaZette'. w~ee andher friend s Mooney. Mr~ Moone~ hu ' DlOv'ed youna Q. Ltn~l~ ~mi~}i. .' '. . s~ks ,I~ h8l! ever ~n our pleasur e here are glad .to have her .'. t 18,083.000t CKK!' , . . .: couple ali p~ritY. ," , at home Ob the J. ~ openoe r f"rm. " ' , J. A. ~J)K~y, ret.u,med ho~'~ to en~oy. We certain ly appreciated. , W,bo ever heal'~ or. &II ell orop I again. and hope 'for her speedy ' re- . The Misses Edith S~~th, " ..... , . . . . . ' 1 ,e.enib Ethel g'aftet ~ very pl~ "'lUn , the gilt; a~d the bes~ of. it is;,he has covery. . ; ,', "" HAI 'n>:~"IU CAUSE ' . and Edna P"l1~ and La,,!~enoe Pape, . • a . ~ •• ' , ". , ks ,,". ' . ' .' " ~th h . f't '" ,' . ~r' 1.).) ... ,.,.. ' e , . r · '. • - • of eev~ wee ~' . er, I~ore 0 I..", of Norwood, who were to hav: been ,' ,_ ~ _, all,,~one lOlld· ;f.w: Y~'r _,. • ..:-.":" "., , " . s., '. • ' . the lIoestij of Miss .Edna' t5pe~~.. III ' Cbi~. '.'. . " ., ', ,'. " ,' , . '.' oaple''WUb SJ't1lmp'tiaD', bOJ1 Bidd,: ·, Some tim, N9 ~ec;l~ (lR~N OB SOCIAL ' din'Der ThUrllday ' night, 1D.8t · with ~Jc . . . :, ' . ' .. ' SPUN~ER IN HA~D · aD" ....... ,~b_~ 'or , *he",.it h,al ,thematter·of'1DIJdIll'~'~ . .'. .. . ' " bad luck. 'lheir, a'ntob~ke dOWD ,. ~nd , d~u,hle.r,. I .,' .. ',I' .pr!ID~\ b.n..~, · -d ~her ,0 op .....t til, Gull"";~' wlu). '!~ tiumld . The Grange rs wtll:'gi ve ~ sQcial iQLebaoonandt~ey~w ~l1e(i Ii' Mrs. Ma!lric e 8U~, F~ .~r~, ~ . ,who pas ~n wo~k.: S.,.tu~ay evening. ·'M~rch . 1~~ , ~t to l:eturn. ,to ~orwopd,er8'OQm i:.o1l111.UI 8el"a," •. ' . at.., "veek!'J. ••0,' and OD th*l ~~ . . ~.terville . fUm~ ih~ iall :Wln,~r . ....t · t;h~ &n1ey Smi~ . the I. O. 9· F. hall " aoctetteaiJl to~ 'alI'o tOok tQ w,~jeh everY tiOD. . '. .' " .week,. , ." " ' , ... ' 8h~P,8:i nD~ton ,ranal fPlit:'ter~the b(;dy ' is"cordiallY-invib!9. )~-8ho'rt The·manyJriend8o ~",_.". ____._ ' Anrone baWla ~llr,~ ..boD '". ·SUnMr. and Social at 'ftEilb1 i ~ of his left hand'" last Jl~ m will . 'be ~.-ender~ ~r . were pl~ to learn Of. '-bnli U_l......... ...l WblJ .. ~, ~I~~. ...... ll~~ .. -..:h ,_ 'w».1.I. , a W.Ied ay. While the aCCiden . ~ at, t , ia w1Ucb u';"ht ref.:Aal.....: ' ••.: . 111\ be to !dty· Golda Brqwn , :of. ~ .A!,,~ "l" , , " te.o~t , UK . ~en ... ,WI ", ' & • Illlit week,l '__ 1DCl1ocl~ for 26c, sly.. not·. aerlo~ ~e. Mr. Cre~ CO,uld served and a ' l<K..»,d.· ~ lp' i;en~l .: Beveral from h~ . . . . . 'til. I~"'.~r.wt"".t, Of , thell.I l.Olur Cb" DOt~ ~dJS .n01!Va ' , L. _ _ ,........ AdJ;D1asionUc ., . , th~ .c:hi1drab D ", 'moth.r'. WfUbi f1\Der Tft... . bad. a1oU'r.IIaao ___ ,~.'O~ :, • : _ . . .'" U";;"A ~\Ai. '

\ --














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plow or. a poem, !make a taO,UM or .•' WHEN YOUR" lACK ACHES .stg a well or build a ltable; "'- PECT 'T.HF;: KidNEYS. . -, pr,o duce something tbat wUl remain 8.~ Is kldn'e y ache, In m~morl~l~ 1eavl'ng libe ~alanQooll kidneys aolie' and, t.he, rlg~t ' side When, )' OU 4ave ' gono ,. . with . dull ' valll . . .90ur way. , 'cause there Is ' But my indnblednesa Is not, merely '.llnmmaUon tp hillIi!1nlly n rna se. "1 am debtor . Let's not tallt about Ule weather. By Re9. Day'" .."%m_ Barrell, D. D. You 'cau'l be to every man," The ol'lginal break Ir t be ache .untll Ule family Circle was wben ' Cain . , Remember 'Otid give the ' bo~e a oure tho Bl3ked: ,. AlU 1 IJ Y brotber's , keepel' 7" for Those Planning Seasonable ' IQunre denl , ' 'k idneys. HAT do we mean by aD lowe something to the next man. Get Entertainments Doan's K I d ,n E\f~!l'l 'bnd weathJr cannot keep the honest manT We want a that in mind ,wbcn you TJl~et a drunk· PUIs cure .sIck, airships down. ' definition to begin with; ard r~eUng in the street, for ' he la Ii neys. G. S. t anll let It be as simple lUI brother 'of yours. DralY not l(Jur 1517 No. 7th p08slble. An honest man skirts a'1ld~' wbell you meet t~e next Boise, Idabo, i8 one who pays his debts: yalnted bawd ; for she Is a. slste.r of I aet them o!,! J1r~ to run loose In Idea for a Kitchen Shower. "An Injury to tUng!\ better That covel'll the Whole casil. yours. Again I say: "Blood Is thick A.t a kItchen shower r ecently given corn. .. back y ars ago In Westminster Abbey there are er than water." To these and to 12me lame. I b two tombs, which ' will serve to lllus. every other YOu are a debtor. What a roclpe was brought with the article A prophet of the Lord, wal!l 1 given, It It was a utens il requiring a And '~ IlI'lled the PMplo rounc) me. use a cane, trate the m~tter In hand. , One Is that do you owe them? All the category rule. For Instance, a set of gem They hearkened not. but angry were hurt me 1. .,ITIlJJ." ot' .Tohn Wesley, who Uved In his ot kindness marked out In the Golden ans had a rule long In 'favor with the And cnug1lt. and smote and bound m .. stoop or lift. Tn prleon court ant) 10athl:!ome pit cOiLOtry parish "content on torty Rule : "Do unto Ulem as ye would be V girl who contributed it: A mixing' And sunken In the mire, kidney pounds a year." His motto was: "Owe done by." Lend. a band!. Be not Illl b' owl had n cake recipe attached, and They could not sl1l1 my eamest voloe passed no 'mnn anything, save to love one 'an. over-reacher, lIke .Tacob: buy nO man's 'some Ejoales were accompanied by an Whlc.h lold of judgment dire. Iy. For five years since I other." He was burled wIthout pomp birtbrlght for a mess ot pottage; give Delaware has n~reco rd snowfalL No or circumstance, and lert only enough Laban the be ne at by Doun's Kidney Pills, I bave u 0t th e square deal . old-fasblon ed rule for pound cake. There W'Ire taxes t~3. pay .se after t e peach ct'op. to furwsh 20 sblllIngs each to the Say never: "ffl)uesty is the best pol, 'I'he hostess had Inclosed tho paper And what could I say', return. ot the trouble." fOr the recipes with her Invitations, No 118e to refuse. and I knew It, Remember the namEt-Do,an ori t th I went to the sen, Wouldn't Ilutomoblle dres as ball bearers who carried him to' hls grave. icy," tor honestY Is right, whether ,11 so all were un Iform, an d I),ven 0 e Callct,1 a flsh unto me. sale by all dealers. 60 cent bonds come under the bead of lnflated The other Is the tomb of WIlUam Pitt, pays or no t. Take shame to yourself brl/le·elect Incased 1n a. tooled leather And he gnve the money to do It. Foster·Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. earl of Chatham, who died with If ever you get Ule bette l' ot another -ecurltles7 h01der. As the bridegroom was to 14. honors thick upon blm. but so deep. man. And If he fall, what then? Lend , taie his bride to the far west, one My father was a rIOted man, LOOKING AHEAD. Tsn't it grer.t that yon oan get lIsed I, In debt that parliament was con- a hand! Help hIm up! And l his honored Bon, tbl to almost arytblng If you try It long strained to vote au appropriation ot Are you 11\'lnl; that way? Are' you can Imagine how much pleasures J 1'1 heB had. und pow r. and fame Before lite's sancls were run. enough? £.0,000 to meet hls outstanding obo paying your debt to the community? book would be In the days to come. I buill II. house nil brl"ht with gold, ligations. We take our stlllld between Are you dealing fairly with' your ttl I· I WI\.II wIlle In earlhly lore, , Bible Charaoters. Selt 'Voyagers at tbls Ume ot year those tombs, and give our meed of low-men? If not. give an ear to your B llt when r had married many wives, This contest. submitted by an in- 1 kncW a wholo lot more. cet their Dloney'S worth · If they . like praise to the poor itinerant, who lived conscience whIch is saying: "Thou lS, t er sted readel' of the department, 'Ucltement. aDd died an honest man, says Rev. art not an honest man." will be vel'y welcome to timcherll and "1'1\1 wrong to tell or my good deeds, But there Is a third reckoning, nul' But then they were I!IO many. It is saJd Injections of rnttlesnake David James Burrell, D. D., writing mothers tor use on Sunday: I made a lot of coats and things with God nol' wiw our . fellows, but I, 'Venom. will cur.e-hooklY.orm. Also pel· In the Christian Herald. -:. _ l~or tooso who hadn't nny. It wlll be seen that the definition, with ourselves. lowe it to myself to I Wl\.ll a IIlt lllCu J curpenl r, lagr... It I:; Ii Idll·or-cure remedy. I wO~~lJd so hurd It made mo Ill, so simple apparently, Is quite com· be a clean man. In view ot the 0001' r lived Quite Ilea r the wa ter, J hail t o die, and then had 0. wiC: and throe good 80ns. St, P. te r C/lme nnd raised me up One at the most pernicious evil· prehensive, and it cuts deeper than mon sensitiveness as 'to phYSical 'JBut not a 81ngle daughter. And I we,nt to work agnln. doers is the man who trIes to Jlull an· 'we think. For When the matter ot purity, it is dim cult to understand the Elephant-Why does ~ ....... ,,- .... 2. , '16. Ute's assets and liabilities Is fu1l1 common Indll'ference to purity ot soul. 1 had two wives, (till] on 1 loved. 'l)ther down t~m t.he .water wagon. around with bls head When I wus s nt to tell !lOm8 ·11\.ln canvassed, it will appear that it Ie 1 have a slight birthmark, the sbe WhAt were . th Mustc.r'lI wishes, A.nd on I had to m aTrY. ground? My heart WIth waywardnoll8 wall fom, With renl butter worth Its weight In no ellsy mntter to live and die with a ~f a penny, on my cbeek: and once For .wh n her fa ther greeted me. Llon-Wby. be's I ran away to w ep o.nd mourn. ' gold the t~mptatlon is strong (or Iml· Illean balance sheet. and again stl'nngers have volunteerc'd I\rJd told ,mc how h hnd tr nted me, raises It be'll bump bls Alld landed 'mongat th Oshell. 1 sa" lhll t he hllc1 hated m • tatlon but ~er to get Into the game. Debtors to God. to wipe It ort. It was only yesterda~ A.nd 110 1 hnd to tnrr}·. I prell h d BO IonS', one ummor \lIght. of th08~ alrshlpsl Sleep overcnme a young mlln (Julte, The ' Question at the outset touches that a conductor on a surtace car, IlS S. European rivers have been burrying An(J ollt t he window and on 'hJa hend our relations with God. Are we he took my fare, drew out his hand· A crowd had gn lh r a round, up their higb water prograJIl~ so III H Il fell. and wae 1>10)<00 up for dad. I stood on Ule grountl. debt.ors to God? Yes, by universal kerchief and graciously said: "Permlt IAm' J hurrl d dnwn' t.o hIm, ahd then " Willi so short I 'couldn·t se • to forestall tho Ohio's spcctacular percODilent. In the blU of partlculal'8 me, sir; you hnve a sUght smudge on .And so I simply c limbed a trco. J brought blm back to IIf n.gnln . f~rmances. ' Do you th Ink thllt 'chcckcd what I h04 4. t.heN.! are Ulree Items, to-wlt: your cheek." To me this seems a fine 1.0 any? First: Creation. Is there anyone U'UlUte to the courtesy the average One dny BOllle children tho.t rtJde, wbeneve1' , a take ' ot floating Ice 1 talked right on till of day. Mo Ilea fllld laughed, at my hend, , 18. c;rashes agatnst the, Eads bridge the who does not rejotce in the fact that man. But 1£1 It not marvelous, tben, When lIuddenly (1'001 Qut th woOd, They I al'ned the bellrs were not 0.11 To r Mil the shIning heights of lame "elsmograpb in St. Louis reClste,. all he was made "but a UtUe lower than that we should b,e so 'Yllling to con· the neglect Som men are always strivIng, dead. tbe angel.l$" and In' the likeness ,ot tlnue in sin? For wbat Is sin but de· E~rthQuake. In(rulcy and I renchcd It easily enough, God f It nothing to stand erect, fllement ot the soul? it is the only , 6. Just by my style of drtvlng. little care and , Tlie nlne.~ojjal', bog at Ol11cago may sensible ot a divine, birthright and a thing in the ,worlli that rubs us ot self. [WR iI 'l Phlllstlne. strOng In lOy mIght. 19. O;:UIIUUJt,... ", baby's Conceit d Ilnd Jlr ud '8.8 could be. ,nake tbe 'sliver ot bacon for llreak- divIne lilherltance? ls there no ocoa.' respect. We ., are, there fore, under 111 fO !J of my natlon were plhJn In I Willi a priest In tile ,honse of the Lord. ..... v ··· ... " nrF.!<el~VB'll. 'p uri. I heartily tTl d to obey all bill wara. 'ast more like a sliver than it ,baa slon tor ~tJtuda 1n tbe tact tbat I bonds to rid ourselves ot it. But how,! Sight, ruptlons would cowardly But I allo ed my lions very, Wicked to l liver been before. am able to dream dr-ealDS" and see' At "tbe tountaln filled wi~b blood. , I And.I thought they' grow, De~OllnlIlg chronic and ne 1 ne'er sald to th'em: "Why do VIsions, and, as Kepler 8l'fd, ''ibtnk know no other way. Let us, therefore, 8. r hulleng d them all to tight me , Because dh,f12urlln l! itcl)lngs, ye 80?" The only cQnsolaUon there has been God's thoughts after him '1" What ,do wash and be clelUl. Here 1.s the prom· olon , dJspelled. , , 20. · .,about th bleak , weather ot the past we owe , In return for these? Tbe Ise: '''Though yoqr sina be ~s scarlet And · r strutt d and IlW lied With 'dls.- 'My wlte and ;r agre,p.d tQ lIay Is so pure, so few days ls thllt , each ' day ' of wlllter least P9ulble recOlnltlon ' ot God'l they shi1l1 b~ white as anow; though J3tl~ ,:a~~y came along with III ellhg Ilnd "'e ha(l s1ven all our mQney, ve as the co~· "brings spring nearer. : Tllen lIornethlng ,hIlJi l?en e~ right ,away goodness; thus far, Ie in ,keeplng ' ollr· they be red Uke crimson they shall be a stone, ' ra Soap, assisted, That " 'Un't very tunny. Speed man~acl! should be given a lelves Oil lrl'lDdly, t~rms with hfm. . as woo).", ~ And 1 found all my boasting W ll$ vain. Cutlcurn Ointment. The second item In the bUl ot parlowe it to myselt, also; to be the 8. ,sentence, ",ben convioted, , ' on the & Ohem. Corp., ANSWBR$ TO .BIJU.E cH~ACT,E~S ' 1n G0 d w.e b es t po as Ibl. e man. . Thi s means ch ar- t One livedhundred a long IliId lifo treadmill, whlcli would make the, pun. ' tl] cu ara '' .. .... . ,P rov Id ~nce. yeal'$uacful and twenty more, ' ' ' ' 'JaLUUj for their free 1. Noah. !lye and move af!,d . have 0111.' belnlf· acter. I am bound to add grace to I wearIed grew of so much IItl'l'to, ' tahIiient tit the cr'm." C~ltlC)~at Book telllDg aU about , We slept III his arms last night, cared grace, as when one lays stone upon .And longed to have my wanderlng~ 2.3. ' Jncob. tment of the skin. Zac heu,,: 13utt810 meat bas been placed on for as tenderly as ,· chlldren in tbelr stone In building a bQuse to live, in. ' o·Elr. t. ElIsb8:. I the New, York market. And Lte price, mother'. arms. He feeda UB, clothes "Wbats,oeve, r thIngs 'are pure, whatso. My yes, llut not my Ie t, lountl re's t 6, Goliath. Somo L~xurie. Needed, , UPon the land that 1 love" beat. 6. Moses. notwithstanding Its rarity,' was not us and continuall1 cares to.r Qa. evel' things are lovely, whatsoever 7. ThOBe stern J economists who are 7. Ruth. mucb ' gr,e ater than Utat for, ordinary WllBt ,shall we render upto him tor things are of -gOod rePort; if there be tll'llt husl)ond fled trom the land of pointing out t at the people of SJlIall ' 8; :Raman. , DanIel. these loving kln~nesses? Do tbey lay any virtue, and ,lt there be.any pULJ.8jer+-=-_I.!!!!_ILL,.,. means ought 0 , abandon "luxurIes," 10. Nathan. no obligation un on us? The least' that think. on these things." , A man with. Of a famine In thnt part, ot the target that ven such people lrt{ve a Seldom wru even a .atn- ~d unre.. earth 11. Samaon. morlU rlgbt 0 something beyond the we c,an' do is to bend our knees In out character Is a defaulter to his own He died \~hlle In exile, and cOUrageously . 12. Jeremiah, II bl ~~a e :woman give an uDtl'llthful an· tbanksgivlng. ~o the beggar wbo, Ut~ and destiny. But he who make.. then bare neces ties ot lite. Tbe rRI)hl 13. Peter. ewer tt y<,lu , ask her about ' her age. tbls mprillng, stretched out his hand the most , of himself Is .lIke Stephen ot I took a 'long journey and married again, 14. 8010)1'\on. Incrense Iq pl'lces does not mean to 15. Dorcas. She wDl say It til none of your busi· saying, "I am hungt'Y," I ,"ave e.nough, Colonna, who, wben his castle had 8. them cuttl:!lS out more extrnvngan ' R• .zIeBS. . ' .. t was' In power Ilnd I)ated Jews, Jt1: Jonah. but forgetting' the modest I'ecreations to buy himaelf a, and be been razed, his fields ravaged, ',his E!JP 'clo.lly ,Ilne man. ' 17. ,Paul. ' ~ New 'York 'husband corupialned ,tn ·sald, ','I thank you." Could l1e do less' army des~oyed an~ 'himself m,a{Je 1 U"\pu(:h't J had hIm stru ng 110 high which have ,brightened for them the 18. .Tehu: J9. l!lU. , court that his , wife called . blm a and bear :the semblance ot a man? captive, on being asked: . "Where now He cO\lldll't get down agaIn. dull round at dRily Inbor. It would . . my plannIng to naught, 20 ... Annnl~ and So.ppblhL , ,be n'. hard world Indeed where one "shrimp," and In vl,ew ot the tact that Wbat then ot the , man w h 0 never w nt , th <!u seek refuge?" laid hts hand. But Myall 8chemes or hate cn!1le were e!1dEld .. M'AD~ME MERRI. he went to ~ourt with his trouble we prays, who takes Ood's gifts without upon his, breast saying: "Here is m1 When l ,rIIysel,t, Inste. J; Will)' Cl1 ught, could obtain just enough to keep b09Y aro incUned to a wtth her a word of recognl,t1on'1 Ie he an fortress!" . ' Acnd hUllg In aJr .sullpend d. " ~ . ~. and sonl together, and no more.Provillen e ,Jol,lrunl. .,. , . \Ionest Ulan? N(rt so did the pagan What We , O.,.,e to OUrSelvel Wlle' n' twas 1\ 'boy9. and lived .wlth the, V'~riwrt ,O~· · With ' eggs at 70 cents a dozen In '!ocrate,s ' think" who as}ted Euthyd~ , , . ', king " ' ~~~ ..~ New ' York a st. Louis man Is willing , mua, "Did you never, r~flect ho,w mucb ~k~we it. ~ myself , sttll, further tc) I wQl1ll1n't \,IlIe 'meat nor wine, ' . . ~ JJ.~ . .~ Two Ba~ ~~:~:o:nO~n~~:~~ Cured b)' to eat JIve dozen 'at a time on Ii wager, care the gods ' have, bestowed upon m e my Ufe tell. The waste ot time, "Olve lis P\1llle~n·eat nnd 'Va(er(to drink" _ , 1 ha.e been ualng Reslnol Ointment. Perhap's the moUon plctuJ'e prlviiegea us?" "No, never, 1 assure you," the waste ~f privilege 811d opportu.ntty" Said I. "and we'll: 1001t tine." " belp out this , brancH ot capl,t rulstlo then to ,the temnle and, pondering on tbC? wast.e pt vital, e, ~ergy; th,ts makes ·.rh~y did as l ' sl\ld I1l}d that kind of bread A new velllng hns ' a · ,eolo~e«l Rus· during the last fe\v weeks for a .. I d d 011 the 1'1 11 Milae! (our of U8 tnlrer and ratter, sian center with a black chantllly 'bor. varicose ulcor ,on leg and can bear tesapol't. .' " . ,their gifts bow down and 'prove thy- men p,oor n ee . , , f g tful, Ana ~1ien ' I grew Old some animals der. ,). timony to Its cooling nnd curative qual.....; , t . a ma~." waste, the. ot robbing ot· one'lJ selt, the I ·bold- ", . Rus. ltie"IN H G"'ve never 'found any' thln" to .. ",en y th.ousand' aores of land espe- lelt '. Th rio bt W 0 " t S, ", It · dlsbonesty it! The alternative, f. But thllt, U\ough, III another Imatter., " , Golden.brown velvet, made in co claUY ,adapted to fruit culture have 0 ~e 0 ~e 0 Oc. o y. to Invest one's energies In the prollta10. I, aian ,blouse fltyle, Is an attr~ctlve mod- equal!t. I was recominenllEldby my just been Q pened tor settlement In The third Item t~ ,the bill of partie· ble pursuit t Uf t In It. 'My kiM' hncl Oon!l a grJeyous wrong, e1' ,for. the school girl, sister, Mrs; Cairus Laclykll'k, NOl'ham OregOn'. The Paolfic ,c oapt Is looming oll\.l's is dl\'lne' gt~e.. It matters not, · B, 0 e, no mere, se, And 1 wp.g- .!lent to blllmo hIm. ' Sott 'sathls ar9 ' more used tor pet- 'OJl 'l;weed, to try It She had \leen : tnto prominence as a 'rich ag~lcu1turill ISO far ae the question at 'll\sue Is con- gratll1cationS' or s~rdidam1,llUon, b".t I: ..aia n. rlC(h 'Pan stole a IBDJb, ' , the latter's tend. treated ~. months; prevlollsly wltllo,u t whether a mau bas accepted in t~e bu{\.dJng ot ,C,barat1ter and tn. dO" He, ~11J\ted me to name' him, 1 It. e-ect, .but waa entlrel" c' ured by Re ' ' ' , . ' reorion. I)' '+' tor others ' and fo th I f Ji'or "ci'1me 1JO"grea.t he ou~ht to die a # ... - tbe overtures of God's mercy or llot; . ',~ r . ~ gory 0 "Thou ar,t the guilty mnO\" said '~f.7',""!---t--;-,.n:-e::""'L. u tto~iiOiiii1~ifj,~~Iiiiire''lnmTn~1 ohitriient. ' , , In one of the bls pollee precinots It It1ll remains that pro\'lsion J'laa ' . . , ' , ' u. , ' , ' ornaments In 'the way 0,( slides and Robert Davidson. Gn,teshe~d on , TJne. In New York there ' ~'ere only two ar· been made tor ,bis ,. dellverance from 'rhe~e Is a place for you, ,my friend, 1 went atter Illy wife and I coul'dn't get tassel , tops "'or the finish of the nar. reatS In 24 hours, and th'~ fact has led 'sin. You may Dot liave &cce'p ied In tbe eternal, .plan ,of 0011. He wants " ~er,' , ,' ",' , velvet SCQ,~f8. ' ',7 ",' " Belgi~m Has No Navy. to th~ In~uJry whe,ther a J'lltorm' wave Christ. my 'friend; that dOes Dot ,artect you, and surely you have need of him. Her father said' he had marrIed her bet- , Corsages cut , out at the neck an~ Belgium Is, perhaps the most pros. has struck tllat part of the city. More the fact that God gave bls only be- ~ ' yoU wo,tld lJe an honest D;lan, you 'l'b~'/~~-I'C ' Philistines. nil, !\~~'\ I ~ated Illied 'With 'dU!erent ui.atertals, mark'B perous state In Europe. as well as the ' gotten son to die in your bebalf , that must find that place alid 110 your best t, them 80 ' , tbe iatest , bodices. The : sboulder mORt thickly settled. The lute klng's llkeJ.f it was m.erely a cold wave. ~-;......----you might be saved trom I!in. ' Here, to fill it. I wl\nted to punish their land with woe. I;ltcr aps' are also. comlng ;ln ,as 'o rnam'en. r,elgn was at least mnrksd by. nn enorTwo newsnapers ' one In Chicago So I 1,limte" up to"ell nOlI tound many .. ".. Is ,an ~nlmeasurable obligation' laid The Divine Ido.l. ... tal features or the street dress ' or, mous ad vance In wealtb nnd s061nl re. and tho, other In Balthrore, haTe upon every man. How shall ' we pay ' As was sa,d at the beginning ot this AM ~~':f~hed In my; ' ~rt 1 h~d several afternoon calling gown. There are form. ' One of tile country's special BIt. talked with eacb other 1;Iy "wireless," It'. The ftnswer is ,in the ·ami.l iar ' ,more:" , ' , " .vantages is tbn~ Itll Int~rnatlonal ncn. .. ,we havft justI s· ung. discourse, the definition ot hon'e st, I tied' branda t,o their tll\lS. alid early 'one , yokes of lace, veiled with ' h tough 1.000 mUes apart. ,This Is re- ~Vft\. n wblch ft lind sleeyes ' , tral~zatlon permits it to dispense witt' t b U ... _ v goes furtber than 'we think. For where ' chi on por ed to e the loogest 'distance' on Would that we might sing it but once In tbe world was ' there 'e ver a man morn ,,',' . a 'navy, while the Belgian army Is land lor successtul commulllcaUon ot with heart and understanding'. Fo" tt ' Ql8~~talned on a very small Illld Inexwho thus ev~r paid his honest debts? hi Id d t s n, and experts allege that a contains the sum totAl ot the ' nhil....opensive -basis. ' tb I d I I " yg Dlogenes with bls lantern,goes up, and ' th ousan d m il es e an s equa ' pby ot due.ty; that 1&, of wha~ we owe I to 3,000 at sea. Be this RS It may, to God. . down, peering Into all faces ,'and, say' ti b th e t ncId en s 0t Int erest as· sowing ' It Is a startling ,f act that men are Ing: ' "Th.e re is none bone"t, no, not f' I I . o.n e." But once 'there lived an Honest tJi I. , e d eve op!1lent 0 w re ess teleg, eo prone to overlook their 'obllgatlons Man. "Th~ Best ot Men t1lat' e, ;er wore 1'aphy. There is. no dou\lt that the to Ood, fW' here la the very root of ' system i s constant)y en191'&'1ng the honesty. ''Will a ' man · rob ,God'.'" flesh about bim" was an honestxnan. , , scope 0 f It s use f u1ness. Sball we ' 'withb,old froc,l \:hat He met his obligations, everyone,' to au GOd, to his fellows t\Jld to hltn5f)lf. He' lt looks more and more 1\11 tho'u gh which Is h~s h~nest dueT Nay, that was true to his commlss'on; ' he fin. the American propositions tor a is elearly Impossible If one woul!! be Ished the work which bad ,been given worlds' arbitral court, ten,dinll: to pro- an bonest man. ' ' h'l m to do: The measure of our hon. ' mote International peace_ and for the But the question touches, secondly; esty will be our imitation of this Ideal Deutrallzation ot the 'Manr,huriaD our relations with our tellow"men. For Man, ,Christ. Jesus. To tollow In hili raIlrosds, looking to the removal ot. no man liveth untoh1mselt ilild no steps. Uils Is to come up to the tu). caUSfl or frlcUon and strite, aru Uk& man, ~I\!th unto himself,' It' :wou,~d ness 'o! measure ot the ,s tature of ly to be accepted by the leadlnlt' pow. appear that the angels were created a man: ers . . :And EO the year will bemem. one by one; 'but ,men are ,ot one, fam· ,And here, 'In a last "WOl'd, J8 tbe (Jrable because or one of the grflatesl ' ily, and "blood Is ' thlck~r tho.n watet:." ,pJ'ayer of . honEt8~y. , Would" that ' It advances ever made toward gelleral ,We are mutually Interdependent, ' as mlg~t ' be wl'itte'n In O~J ' hearts :and and permanent good uliderstaDd.IiI, lenders and borrow.ers; , and each ' t. ~~ mlgbt constantly orter' It: ,~',' :" ~e chief ImpulBCJ ,toward which cam, bound, tJfhonesty .. to baio.uce his' ao, Lo.rd. ml! like ' thyselfl ' .. from the United ,States a~d wall geli COU!lt wltb hl~' tello~·men,. " . . , '!,.ord, make me J!e 'Plys~lf! '. I ' • '. , erated by' ~erlcan sta, . ~sma~, sblp~ Tbere ate two kind8' of people, con· 8eemlng ' oa , one who lives to, the.. lumers and producer1i. cons\lm- " .A sid beln. . :w,hat I se!:m 't o 6.. 'at ~aYII; ''',T be ' worl~', ow~ me~ a ., Ing~'!' :,an'd. prqcee.d s :tp: ex~t' , Idler, rlch , o~ , qPt. : ll~lng I~, , " that 'dict ~, '11 ,a di8h9nest ' P.l~n. The ',' on tile ' other b' nd; Is on\y'whb ,adds . to the common fupd bT ihatq~gBO~et.hing, He ear.qll a' uye; a",VOt:UoUIDKNu,e.1 IthOod and "Bomethfng more. He ea· acta s ,Dot ."'j~~~rrt1lll]1:ijDrnn~.-m~-"l1~;8b~n!~WiH::~ii'.i~lIt;~~~~~~~--I~IIDII:;e 1,.Itl'il11lll1! ciuo. nothlng;:J!blcb,J And ' w)len he maltes I ~llItory,

The BOile's t, Ma~..







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Ji;;~= OMETHINO which reBembled a sen Be of lecurtty began to manifest Itself In Hardeman and the surrounding countlea. There were still cattle thleveB- plenty them-but with their rendezvoua In the Immediate neighborhood broken up their work became leBe deliberate. They harbored now farther away-In the remoter places of the Panhandle, In the p and In the faemeuee of No-

he lIald . "All rlgll~ , I'm ready to start the game right now:' said McDonald. The men whispered 1 little among themselves. Their saddles were oft to one side and their Wlncbesterll lay acrOBS the m. all tbere together. They wore six·sbootera also. but they reaJlzed who their man was now and was set down on tbe map they were careful to make territory, but really beno movement tow a r d them. Presently one of all. Different ones of the claimed It and the outlaws the men said: and force of arms. "You say you are going law and few law-abiding clt!to pnt that tell ow tn jail 1" a ftlle, sightly land-with go04 "That's what I'm going water-level land, some to do." was rougll country there, "Well, now, let's se~ places for outlaws to hide. about that." their dugOUtB or cabins, estabThe men were starting Beholds and herded their stolen In as If to make an ' argu. the cattle they butchered, ment. One of the party peddling tbe In Kansas or the Panhandle. began working a little In the direction of the to do. no parleying or long dlslance firing but It was necessary- that No-man's land should guns. The fdea was to distract the officer's to charge at once and storm the works. be reclaimed and It WBS partly for thIs purattenUon for a moment and get the drop on McDonald and Burson proceeded In the pose tbat U. S, Marshal George A. Knight had him. It waa a good game, but It talled to saddle to Higgins, In Lipscomb cOllnty-a stacom~IBslon~d BI~ McDonald hit! deputy.T.hu8 work tn this ·Instance. McDonald hrought his Uon on the Santa Fe raUroad, and their last tar all statutory ~aw haa been ,d Isregarded· In guns exactly to bear on the men In front of base of, supplies. Here they chartered a big him. three-seated back In which to bring back tbelr No-man's Land- II officers ' hl\d been defied. It had been demo strated that BIl)' McDonald "Th{ow up ypur bands!" he commanded, prJsooers, should their raId prove successful. had convtncJng . way with his words and "everyone of you. quick! Throw them up, They put their own horses to this vehIcle, movements and thllt he had a nose for locatyou scoundrels!" loaded their saddles In behInd and continued Ing cow tbleves. S~. when the Brookens and ; Three pairs of hands went' up. That comtheir journey. other established "dealers of tbe range" ha.d mand from BUI McDonald haa almost never It was toward evening when they arrh'ed been evicted from Hardeman and adjotnln, been dIsobeyed. In the neighborhood of the outlaw den and countle.s, It fell to Bll McDonald t.o -begin the "Now face the other way!" was the next cl1mped In R secluded place to walt for momoommand. Ing. The house stood In the edge or the prato No·Man's Land crusa~ . He was working cJ' er In the Panhandle In The men faced about, thetr hands stlll high rle, near Beaver creek, and was easy of ac1887 when he 'learned . t Ii horse that bad been above their heads. With one slx·shooter .stlll ceS8. on tbeml McDonald we~t up behind each man One of tbe band- an aarly riser-bad just IItolen somewbere belo and he set out In pur"ult of tbe tblef. Suc trail as he could find and dlsarmed him, sticking the revolvers In gone out to round up the horses when . tbe two his own belt. Then he went over and took tbe deputies, mounted, made ~helr approacb next led etralgbt for No-ma 's Land and he knew that be was bound at la.,t for that lawless cartridges out of the Wlncbesters. He now morning. He discovered them whel) they were localltT where U. S. d putt marshals were marcbed his men to where the horses 'were about 400 yards away and made tOr the bouse, hitched, secured the stolen one and tied him McDonald and Burson followlnJ at full speed. f4vol'i t'e victims. to the buckboard. Then he ordqred hlsprl8' The outlaw was a little In advance and his ' Be was Iilone, but thl faot did not ' dlsturb 111m. There was Ie•• cbance of ' ftlghtenlng oner to get tn and proce~ed . to shackle him elgbt companions ""ere out In front with their the game. 'Yben he . t ached HutcblnsoD to the slats of the vehicle. . Tbe other three Wlnchestere when thE' officers rode down 011 county, whlcb Is In the B cond tier trom the men, meantime, were kept to a group, a rod them. . or eo abead, In the direction of Texas. ".Go around the ho se, Lon, and come In Ilorlb Texas line, be stopped at Turkey Track ranch and borrowed a buckboard In which to "Now, march for Texas, you de lis," Mcfrom behind. I'll tend to them on this side:' _ _ home 'hIs oatoh. Donald saId, when he was seated beside his 8a:ld- McDonald, as they dashed up. This mao n was a long, tiresome drive acrosl prisoner. The procession starled. the men neuver was Immediately put Into a~t1on and Hutcbll1$on and Hansford , counties and up complaining that they had done nothing and I.n less than a minute later the deputies were t hrougb No-man's Land, to the waters ot. Bea· that he had no right to take them back, even on the spot. their game between them. In "er creek. The trail was not very difficult ,It he was authorized to take the ' otber man. another Instant both deputies had slid tram bere, for the thief probably dlc\ not e.x pect to McDonald said: th ei r borses and :were In the midst of the con· be ·tolJoweil. It was toward th end- of the "You fellows have been In the habit over fused, baU·wakefu1 outlaws. ' . here of resisting and killing . omllers, or drlv"Drop tbem guns! Drop 'em and put up .,eoond .or third ' day. at fast, tbat tb~ trail ' be~ came 'very tresh and the man In the . bllckIng th~m out, and doing .as Y,,0u pleasc. I Just your hands!" commanded McDonald- his own board came to a halt and set out on foot to wan,t to show you how easy .it Is to take your gun and Burson'fj leveled. locate\ hla game. As sllentiy and cautiously , klnll. Come, move right along there', now. I There was not even an attempt at resist· as an Indian he crept through the brusb until don't know what. you've ' done, but you proban ce. The bandits were sImply dazed; over· be reRched a plab~ where; peerIng through, he ably stole all thoBe borses back there." wbelmed by tbe BuddennesR nnd vigor of the !ocated. lIome dls.tance away on the river b"nk, 'rhe men .now began to beg tor their horses, onslallght. . complaining that .tbe· animals lett behind McDonald kept the men covered now, while a cnmp ' conSisting of (our men and t,he same number ~f bdraes. His man 'hild, fou,:,d comwould stay there and starve. McDonald really Burson secured -their weapone. · . bad no Intention of taking them aU the way. 'rhe gang was landed safely In Wichita · mdes, tbat was evident, and It was likely they would join In his defense . . McDonald 181 In back with him. His purpolle was to get them Fall~. Some of them were convicted, the rest the brush, watQhlng them, as long 8S It was far enougb away. so that they would not be either became better citizens or sought reIIgti~ and then crept closer, trying to. Identify likely to try to overtake h~m and catcb him moter places for tbelr IndustrIes. The cleanilI,a hors~ ~e w!S atter and wb\ch of ,the men . asleep when be should baIt foJ' the night. He Ing up of No-man's land had begqn. made no' concessions. however, until they were . The woi~ of a~t1ve reform was no.t allowed . bal!· him tn charge. 'He bad no intention of 0:::: beginning ' oJ1!!ratio'ns 'that nlgbt. .}Vell along toward the Texas Unelt. Tben be to languish. News pf the first successful raid ~ ,was obliged to walt untn daylight besaid,: .. traveled qllickly and Temple Houston- son of fore be could be 'llure of his ground; then, "Now, If you tellows think you can behave ' Oov. Sam Houston, and tben state senator.,awake and 'watching, he saw the dlffer.ent men yourselves' and want to ' go back there and ' notIfied 'McDonald that the sheriff of Hansford go to lonk, a(ter their borses . . He located a 'tend to your horseB, 1 may let you go back ' county was. In need of assistance to cope with baY,.hor~e that answerecl tl;Je description of the on that ;Il\lcount. But you can make up your n bJld gang that had their rendezvous just stolen animal and Identified the m,lln. ~bo had mInds, and you can tell your friends about It, across. the b.o rder from Hansford, In No-man's 111m In cb'arge. He crept ba,ck. to hIs buck· tbat I'm not afraid of ani of you, and I'm Land. These bandits hild · been carrying on board ·now. "ot hi and drove up leisurely to going to olear JOu dam'd thleve8 out of thIs the usual business of horse and cattle steollng the outlaw ~amp, looking a.a ' inoffensive and , country. I'm going. to sbow you that tbere's and general hIghway robhery. one' man you won't kill nor run Ollt. Now. will When Bill McDonald ' got the word trom guileless as ap.Y ~ f)ther ~y with a horee and buckboard: drtving aml,ht· Into the spider's ' you do what ·) tell you'" Senator Houston he. lm,medlately sent over tor clen. ' .. '. ", . '' . Tho men protested that they were goo~ Lon 'Burson and · then' proceeded to Canadian, Hemp4U1 county, where Houston lived. ' The : "Oood mornln.g. boys:' he sald/ pleasantly, ,citizens and that It /:Ie wou~d let them oft ,they ".you-all look mighty com~ortable with that fire would undertake missionary work In tbe cause usual cpmmodlous hack was secured, also a going. I 10llt my way ~nd laid out last night: of law and order. He let them go then. and IIgbt buggy for poselble side excursions, Bnd Mebbe you·all can teU me sometblng about the banded back . their unloaded arms, promlsin, McDonald and Burson. 8{'('ompanled by the trails around ,h'ere; Th' don't leem.. to be none . them another fate it he ever' caught them In sheriff aa guIde, drove tlirough the grAy of ,' , ' . mlscl}1et. .Ho watched th~m ,d isappear bel)ln~. early . morning to the ·lIne which divided Hanll' that. I can find," ," . ... : They Inv-Itlli! blm 'cordlally to' elt down and ' the Orst rise; theli, whipping up, be madf,l. the ford. ,county from No-man's Land. warm himself and snld they ,would IIhow .hlm best time ' he could for T)Jrkey Track ranch. Arriving at the border, the sherIff pointed tbe tran, McJ>onald stepped out and walked where be rested a day, deUvered the bor· out the robber den-a log buJidlogover to '. the flre, IItm talking "bout the COUDrowed buckboard, taking bls prlSQner next' was located, not more than 800 yarde beyond. ir; and " ~e . weather; working · over diose ~ morning to jail'. Then he .sald he wpuld walt thers until they It 'Was natural that other work In No-man's got back. · the . mail be 'f,Rnte4. -.T he dep,u ty wore .a eDort Land ' should follow this Orst · eXPeriment. It. ·McDonald and Burson therefore set out In ,oyercoat.'and, he ~d a pair . of band9ut; the left filde , p~cket .. He .IQt just In tront Qf bts .Iiavlng: been dem0t:\ _that ~1I1 ' McDonald tbe IIgbt buggy, driving lelsurely .,across the man at last and reached out his right' habd could. go Into that Inte.ted place ;and not only Intervening space. Arrh'lng ' nenr the log as '. f to .shake 'hands wtth h.m: InlUncUvely ' come ou.t alive' but bring back his man, ot~er house, they discovered that ftve men were up the man extended his own right bUd andhat· and more extensive contracts were, laid out and sitting sle.epI1Y ,on the ground In front of that -. IJ;I~taDt McDon~ld;s' left wltb' , the ' opeD' . , for hl!D. , : ' . . . theIr cabin, theIr Wlnchcsters leaning against handcuffs was out like a fi\lsb':"'there Wh, • Mcponald on ~III' . part wal ready for the · the wall hehlnd tbem. Evldflritly they did not .f" ~ulo~ anap, 'a auddeD· mov~·ni~t..:...a . alelgh~ ·. of bndenaklpg, It tieing ,a sort w.hlcb he ~oun4 loC?k' for an 'attack al!d eveu wben. th~y; saw ' ~' ~_pci ' movElment It ·. Was-tllen "n~tber, q~lc* " , aJ~ays moa.t . eong(mtat. DeclcUn~ ~hat it ~a. the approaohlng . buggy their 'wlts were not Bufflclently c:O:lected to suspect that. any two , . ..nap 'and the:'botse ·tblef;' dazed and Ii.lf ItU·, .' a good thing to have. reliable par\ner h~ the handling ' of '._ gn:ng, he selec~ed for hl~ &asocl- . men In a buggy would (STlve over to attempt · pe1led , It6c'id lazing dOwo, at the 'manacles 011, "Ills Wrills, wbUe ' Btu . McDOnald, . -gun In each ate another "eputy' marahal-one . Lon Bul'Jo1l, . their capture. In another Inetant they were .hand qliletJy repreted tbe oUier tl!ree memo HeD.rJllt~ quiet; athletic (eflo" .' wIth ~ covered, .. . 1I.ra 'Of .~e eamD', '. '. plenty of ,rI ~nd .eDduran~. ' . .. ." ';Oet up from tlJere and Pllt up your hl11,ds\'" ..~ cq.~lcl, · alw!lY"· rely. upon. Lp~:" McDcni- . 'was the ~ord, of 8reetlng they' received. '''And . ' The eapUve ,,&ii{ Bnt io b~ We .tlllenee . "So7." be ..i4 "wliat d~" thl,.meaD "~ . I ~14 laid 'n .p~aklnl of that peflt"l1 ,tong atter.; .dQn~ ··try to touch them guns. The ftrst man . '0 ' I. . .i. " --ed ' to J;.-~~ft.._-"'" J ," HI '~ell.ved I knew ,ust. wbat be ' would.- .do, ' tiiat makes a' move. I'U kil. him." '. . JSe 0.., we men ....... lUUUU&laaU, I d b filed" · · · ..... ft I • ,toy';.." be ..ra, "wbat dO. thl. dlep1 WbO e....e"' t me, ·an e never a me. . &·.I1e ve men rose- t waa ~lJte ~o, do 110i ' ..' aa4, "bat are ,au 10'" to_clo WltIl .'l'bq "Ian on wbat .Ia 'tboush~ ~ be one .' alao, they r~rratned from otr,~ug a",,. ~IIClO~1' ::( ~.Q,." . ' " I ' ... • • of- tile ~C!ftt ..uP, • band of ulnel wbo : ~ . te.,,. In the m,tter of the gun., McDonald 1I0W '1'- Depat, Uulteclltata .,an,hal IIcJ)oa. '. eatiblllb".s . . _ver cr'ee~ a pn.~ head· ~Ued the roll of ' ~~. names he w~Dted ~d, ~ . rte... holD wbfcb thq cObducted a IIUSC.~ eurlOUI" It. may teem, ,each man answered aId Tesu,"... .,~l rep17. '!aIut bli, na-e· . ...... . at nl"bt lb- pn" complete let '1'aI to W.tile Ida baclt "'lb_ UaI i lan• • bUilD'" .Ia crtare-.te~DI cattle aDd ... au '" ... • " ...t · aalaa and ,booU... 40d out for ~dalta ~ta. to be tJ'l8il ·Ia~., In the •OGCIIllon otr.H,d. United State. co~~ Dati... 0Ilt tit, .Bald. eacb ' other ~,. One ~·.;'.'fioaI"',.... sag of another WM pth· ~ ID ~Ja to Dalfla u.4



, of



trial. (Jut1awln~ No-man's Land Coffroth Wlna nICe, ~o"don to 'Fr'aco.. caXl;lq an unpopular occupatlon. James W. Cottrotb, fight IIronioter, of .more leglUmate enterprise began won his bet of ,2,OO() mnde with 'a to wonder If the tlmo was not· member ot tbe National Sllortlng club Ing l)y and by wh n they could do of London tbat be 'could reach San bl!sln 136 on or wllhln the borde rs of Francisco In ten ' days from Londojl. that t rritory wllhollt the protection Colfroth had a margib of two bO\ll8 of a corolla ny ot soldIers. T ho fame and forty mInutes. of DII1 l\'lcDonald was on very awn's Coffroth. according ' ~ agreement. tongue a rid those who had not selln sent n telegram to Eugene Corri, with him, (' peclally the outlaws stili at whom he bad tbe wager. When be qrlarge, .usu lIy conceived hlol to be a rived at the Oakland pier he . was wei· .very t rrible . persoll- Iarge, b sby. comed by a large delegation that h:cavy of voice and fl rce ot mien. Yet cheered him as he steppod from his car. he was just the opposite or all these The Ume made by Coft'l'oth Js the thin gs. He. was s lender, quiet,' blue- fastest ever made from London to Siln eyed a nd gen tle of voice-on ly be .bad Francisco over the Atlantic and acroes that gift of comman d- tba.l look and the continent. He made the trip In that mllnner of speech with law·break· nine days, five bours a nd five mlnut.J:B . . rs whlrh th ey dId not disobey. Tbl' The journey [roJll Om( \0 ' SnJl tim /! 'nme pres nUy In No·mao's Land Francisco was made on the famous San wh n his nam nlone and a rumor that Francisco "Overland LlmJted" of tbe h WIlS coming was s umclent to cause Union PaclfIc·Southem Pacific. and is a ga ng to ontem plate emigration. simply another vlcto1'1 for Safety, It Is neltbe r necessary nor possible Service. Speed via the old Overland to glv :l tlll1 hi story ot an the raids RO'Jte. tba t during th e brief period of little The Graveled Geometer. more than a year broke up organized Eu lid was boasting of bls abilities. lawl S!! Il CSS In thnt stray corner of the "B ut," cried his \vire, "can you find nation and reclaimed an abandoned why our gus bills nro just as big as Innd . wben til y charged a dollar a thousand r.l Donald hea rd of a cow-thief In cubic (eet?" No-man'l! Land wbo was working 00 Wltb a moan he s ped Into the nlghL hi OWJI hook·-a sporadic case, ns one Free to OUI" Reade .... might Hay-and we nt over to arrest Write Murine Eye R emedy Co., Cb~ him . He descended IIpon him In nn IIn- frO. for 4S-page Illustrat e d lDye Book Free. expe ted moment and thougb tbe out- Write 011 about Your E ye TrOUble and they will advise ' lUI to the Proper AppUlaw s trenuously protested that It being colion ot th e Murine Eye R emedies .. Sunrlay lhe law of arrest did not hold Your 8p clal Coso. Your Druggist will t ell you Relloves Sore Eye., good. Deputy Bill conveyed him across SIr n g th thnsat WMUrine eak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, the bord or ' and down Into Roberts Soothes Eye Poln, nnd sells tor 600. Try In Your Eyea n nd In Boby's Eyes Cor county, wbere the cattle had been It S caly Eyelids nnd Granulation. stolen. A Benefactor. Nor were the raldy Into No-man'. "Are you doing anything tor otb· Land 3ltogether pleasure excursloni, even though DeputIes Bill McDonald ers?" as ked the philanthropist. "Sure," ans.wered Mr. Cr09slola, "J nnd Lon Burson, wltb tbelr headlong make a garden every yellr for. the ben· tactir.s and general disregard of deatb, efit of my neighbors' chickens," had things pretty much their own way when It came to the Hnal show·down. There were long, . wearying journeys In 11 trailless land and long rught vigils. when ho:le and muscle Bnd nerve were racked and the whole body cried out for sleep. The onset might be swift and reckless, once begun, but the prep\lratlon for that moment was CaU' tlons and slow and orten beset wltb dlmculties. The few dwellers In No-man's Land really desirous of getting rid of the outlaws were afraid to sbow any such anxiety, to give anything resembling Informatlo~, or .even to offer shelter to the officers. Tbey knew that to manifest any Interest on · the side of law and order w~ld Ile to Inour the enmity of the gangs and brln, down reprisal swift and hloody. McDonald and Burson realized thIs Ilnd however severa the conditions of weather and wearlnC!'88 facod them rather tban Im,llose any risk upon ' men whose on IX offense was to dwell among ver,. bad neighbors, At one time the deputies were after a gang of .five men, wanted for murder and theft, and' were driving from Higgins Into No-mlU"s Land, with hack and team, their saddles loaded In behind, as usual. It wail late In tbe 'fear now, and suddenly In the swUt Texas fasblon a norther came down, with piercing wind and tine, driving snow. If the reader has never seen a Texas norther or a Dakota blizzard, he will hardly understand their predicament. The wind leaps up In a wild gale almost ' In all instant; the air from being balmy takes on a sudden bitterness that withers the body and numbs the heart and pinches the very soul. Then the snow comes, flne and bllndlng-sbarp and bard as glass. No living /lelng was ever . created that ouJd s urvive long In the fa ce of a storm J!k that. Cnttle k'now when a norther Is coruing and gather Into thIck bunohes, their heads to tlle cent er. Birds speed away to the south, abead ot It, or fi~d shelter In bollows and crannle:: until the demon bas passed by. A storm like that always means dentb. The Texns north ' r and the Da)wta blizzard ·have strewn the prairies with bones. McDonal.1 and Burson, In the fact of sucb a tempest, frIed to press on, hoping to flnd a shelter ot some 80rt-anytbtng that would br:eak tho wind. But .everywbere WIlS only the' wide prn'rle. level o.s the sea and lost now In the DwlrUug drift;. It seemed to them tbat they drifted foi bours, hattllng agaInst the nQrther, though It probably was' les9 than one hour, when they came upon some ' stacks ' of prairie .h ay, which .Indlcllted the habitation of mell. Without seeking further, they made for the shelter of the stacks. burrowed themselves n.r_ ...... and their horses Into thom, allowing ~he loIter tCI (eed JlbernlJy from the hay. Tliere remalnt'd all night and until the afternoon the next day, the men without food. The storm abated then nn<\ the omcers, undlscullraged. pressed on, reaching the outlaw camp late In the afternoon, Instead of at their favorite mornIng hour. The surprise was quite as complete. bow· ever, for the lnst thing those bandits eX(lected was tbat two officers should IlUdde.nly appear out of that white devastation to take them to jail. They were too much astonlsbed to attempt resistance and were on theIr . way to Wichita Falls that nfght, following the road which so many of their kind had taken. ..;........,... Indeed It was this capture at the end ot 1888 that marked ahout tbo end of th c heaviest work In t1lat particular section:. Tho year's WEAR ~ SIZE SMALLER SHO!!: . crusade had demonstrated that No·man's Laud was not' bIg ellough to Iioid a band ot cow 8uy thIeves and two deputies \Ilce Bill McDonald and Lon BuTson at tl,le Bame time. It waa lIO encouragement to a band ot nard·worklng out. Wear like lroD, fine' u silk, aUIl laws, just as they bad got tholr plant estab. .ort as velvet, tbe only .ure prevea. IIsbed and things well under way to be sud. tallve for swollen. Ured, acblnal feet. Make. life's walk euy. DoD't moe danly pounced down -upon and put out of bus· your feet teader by ILIlDJI IPOwder. Iness by two , me~ who" bad no .regard (or the aad soaps. Wear · . customary rules of 1:lghting but jU!\t rusbed RIDDEL'S ' EASY WEAR. HOSE. . right In with ' a lot . of Impertinent ot-ders nnd HUDd~ bl te.sUmlliltals. . an assortment of ,handcuffs and always bad a 26c for SampI. Prrir. big hRek 'ready to start at a moment's notice JOHN H RIDDELaCO., leRoy. N, t tor Wlcl1lta Falls . . "What Is 'tbe tfse?" one .of the freebooters Is !lill" to ha"e ~9mpIBlned. ' "A tellow ,no more tban lIets stl,lrted when that fool comes In .and uPiet8 ~vel'ythJng.': • . • 'Wbat was ·the ' use? Such ot ·the No-man's tand fraternIty ·as still reXl;lalned unh\lng and out. of tl\ll aet out f(lr :other fi~lds of labol'. Some of . them 10' ated .In tbe Ibore batren dl.trlcta New Mexico and ~rlloila. Some ' them aetUed in Ute remoter plalie~ 01 .wbat was uj)WJI · then , ~ the Cherokee Strip, w e~ they JOIIl~ 1fltb .coDlelilal splrl~ in th., te ... rtto,.,. and. pretend Ina to be enpged In acrt· eultun-fol'. the,· wen ID .. more .ettled eoUht ~Inc1l.n coQntl'1~tlnQed their 014 Itlllt

,. ~~~~~

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gi ve., 011 contrael.

MA RCH II. lillO,

SPRINO POEM Sam" old zephyrll, "",m'e old rill8, Same· old ~Iresom" daffodl1s. Some old lambkin,., lIame old bees, &Qle old budding willow trees. . Same. old r obbins, Illnle old dew; Hprln6' hltl DothinlC tbat Is new. old grf'ensward,Nature'soouoh Same old poet witb a RrJuob. -LouiH11Ie I :ourler.Journa1.


----.. ..---



.Au exohtlnge, writing 0011 lohe sob jeot I)f higb pricee of '"od projuct, venture8 'he rem ,rk that tbe Ide" of tellobing every girl ~ play th.· .piano a.nd every' boy t,) be a. bookkeeper, tellC'her or prorBll8lo,nal man, will in twenty ,yean more make hoge worth '16 pet handred aDd po. tw.toe& 18 per bus bel.. Whloh 0.url8s wt&h i~ It lood deal of loglo.


- ---.. ..---An Awful


of AlvolOlUlo e;tclte8 brlet interflst,aDd )'oar tnteMllt in IktD eroptions will ))e at Ihor.t, if yoo ole BaokleD'8 'Arqloa ~tve, '~elr: qoiokeat oare ):,..,0 tbe woret bollA, ulcers, or fever .or.,. are .lIOOn b811.le<i by It. , for .B ornl, ' C~tl, BrDie~, Sore Lips, Obappe4 Band" Cbiltiwol and PilBII It IlY. la8got- relief. 260 rr~ C Sohwar'z.



..- -----


DlIooa~Da"noe' of tbe praotice of paying for tbe ttan.portatton Of , traoutmal Inv~r ·and · minor oolnl' dllltl1bateil tbroURhoot tbe oountr,f .11-. .been reoomm tl n 4ed to Uongreell b, ."ilt&nUJeol'e&.ry of the' Tree,ory Noraon. Be paye the govfrn. m"nt ','\11 laye ,'~OO,OOOa year ~y ~ta means, tn .ddlt.~o~ to redooing oJertoal wor~ in t.h~ 8Dh-treaeurie. . A.t tb~ begln~l~. , of the oorrent, fltO~1 year l1:'e ltook of frao"onal "1.~ttD tbeooon'ty ~"e'lG8,OOO,OOO 01 wbiob ,132,0Q{),OOO. Was In oiroala· ..on and 'be ~t In 'be treu , ory, .w~lIe minor 00108 oate'''~dlnl , a g , .......ted "8,000,000. The trea8l,ll'J ~l"'·e to iiibmlt a tleOO1enoy ~s. $Imatet,?r 'ran~~rtlDg theM OOiDS tn:the ,balanoe of , 'he ilio.l yea.r.I'blanbe,

,I .... , ... lalll,MIIIIn'" . ," b _ "• . . '1 * .


Ruth A.n n :;'itt. Appruiliement ls i. HOUSE BILL 40 approved. In m atter of Ma.rV Roll deoeased. , Those wbon.r6io touoh with affairs Will ~dmitted to probate. at olurnbusll.ra uware ' of uuothel' CO.n ,non Plea~ Court. Marrlqe Licenses. mediOll1 bill , lntrodu ed. in ttl" Arlo F. Weber, 21, of Frankli n to Rouse, uoder the title of Boulie Bill New Suit 'Frllooes P. Koh'l', 19, of FrtLo kli u. 40. Tbis measure nlre v F loronce 8l'ilo.rll, plaintiff V B. J oseph Wright, 73, furmer of Le'J- child in tbe publlo Alonzo t:iallerEl, d efendan t. Pe tition Boon to Mr8 Mary Bodide, of Leba . to ubmit t·o a pl1ysloul eXllmiontioo for divoroe fil ed. Pl~i'n t l ff snys non. (Botb oolorAd.) .. wltllOut l'eglLrd to the nbility of pILl'oQuple were mnrl' i ~ d Novllmber 1, Ed ward E Kuooken hauer, 27 ents to provid proper sllfeguartl , 11108 lind to their union two obtldr:eu farm er ( f Foster to Ida L. 1:)0e11 , 21, and without reg-tl rd to the wish t~B or wertl born Frank, " ged 6, aDd ROle, ot Lebllnon . eith(i r pill' n I.s I' oh il dren. It pru aged 3. She avers tba.t d ~ fe nd ll. n t. G . L. Bur r ough s, 38, farmer of videl! a1. 0 for '(JIl1pnL OI'Y duolLtioD is gullt.y of g rollR nl'gleot a nd prnys Lebanon to C I ~ ra. M. Welob , 23, of of sohool ohildron in toil e pr"vent,iou for II. di voroe lind oustody of ohil. Springboro . of tllberenlosis; fwd in hyglenll und dren C. B. Deohunt attorney for Fred E lbon, 24 , fa rm er of Waynes- S!\Uitlltion . plaintiff:' v'iIle to Golda Corll. Brown, 25, of . BiIlII soml'lwhll.t si lntltu· t this pro George L. Oro11 et al plt1intiff VB. Lebanon . poseel me8SU re, hfl ve btl n def Itt d Village of Franklin defendant. Pe in Wiscu nsin Hnd Pennsy)vfluill Real Estate Transfers. tiUon to detaoh oertain real estate witlJin tho Ia.",t two yen-re, part,ly on frofu villaRe and trll.nsfer same to Theodor e Bishop, of Montgom er y tile gr ound thut th d r illin g of youn g Franklin township. C. B. DeohtLnt oounty, t 'J J ohn M. Ben(lerson, of ohildren in Ibe Rtudy of di selLs wn" Ilttorney for plaiutlff. Greene coon ty , 67. 37 a or os in Mllssie not conducive to Ileult,h nnd should bo no purt of II seilool ourricul um. township. ~20 0 0. Court. Proceedln(s. Mllny of tbA for emost educa.tori:! Zebul on D. Ba rKalow, et 111 to(} Edward Mln ~e VS. Emma Miuge. of the country Ill'e opposed to t il Jennie P . llnrkn lo ~, one ha,!f a oro Divorce granted 00 ground of gros!! training of young mind s to tbe oon negleot and plaintiff is given oustody in Frunklln t own ship, ~ ll lJO. Eleanor ':l. ' Oey t o J ones Chamber · templ ution of disevf!o, b alding tbat or ohildren. Mary E. Meeker vs. Viotor K. Jin, three-fo urths aore in Carlisle, suob tudies are fit only for ndnlts l1ud thu t t.he fear of diseuse engon· Meeker. Divoroegranted on grounds ' 1425. der ed in youtllfu l lind sensitivo Stephen D. Whltllore Ilnc\ Ma'r y of oruelty and miliden name of minds ruay btl ve 11 deoidedly n gn· Whituortl to Wu Iter B. F ordyoe, 22 Milry E . 8f>ars is restored to defentive und higbly unclesiro.ble flect. da nt wi~h oustody of ohild to plain- aores in Salem townsbip, $l. Inquiry in vurious purts of the Estelle M.. Brown, exeout r ix of e8tiff. .. tate sbows tbut tl:e opposition to tate of Sarllh J . U nglesby to J obn J "mel' (J. Sohenok VS. (Jeorgf;l Boutlo Bill. 108 i widespreud nnd and Anna Bolin, tl6 .3!! aores, l e,169. 9~ MoKinley. Defeodll.nt order~d to ' enertl! . 'rhe fluuily physiciun ha file Ilnswer in five dIlYl". Commissioners' Proceedln,s. disc vered that the bill wl)u!d throw Goorge F . John80n va. Vba·r les R, Bills-J . S. Mor r is , s upplies for a large volume of 1m tnesR nnd fee ' Simkins et al. Court o~erru l es moaudltor 'lI offioe , 145. 20 j ink well fOJ' io to t be honds of the s)hool physition to strike out Answer a.nd orosB oommlssioner 's 'offioe, 1 1. 50 j J. D. oian , :which would otherwise go in petUion. George T. Croll et III vs Village of Mltohell, servioes 8S infirmary di· the ortIina.r,v course of events, tnto Franklin. Coort orders that ltmd r eotor, '60.10 ; W arren County Ap t he hands of the family pbysicil1n. Parents hllve disoovered thn.t if In question be detaohed from viUtlge pen.l, r oad not ices for various town sbips, 11.2.75 ; N atloul\1 Office tiupply t beirohildr en area bsen t from sohool ana to Frankllo township. Uo , mdse. for treasurer, '4.15 ; L . for Il single day on acoount· of illness, Addie Baker vs. George Baker. Divorce glll.nted and o08tody of child M. Prince, nidse , for ~urveyor , they oann ot return to chool with15. 45; 1. R. Hunter, religious ser- out being referred to tbe 80bool pbygtven plalniotff, Da.n P. Bone VII. Baltimore & Ohio vioes at Infirmary, 125; F . P . Forgy , slola.n,. wh o may make ~ pub1io ex R1. Court grant!:! plaintiff I ight to boarding : prisoners, $7'.10 ; m a in· aminaUou of their ol.dldren iLnd iu. taining horses and vehioles, 125; oidenta lly disclo e to tb~ public scro· lll~ amendment. State of Ohio vs. Mar ion Hamilton tiny po sible n.ilments. or defeot Probate Court. and Benry Reiss, 117.40. wbioh the parents h ave very pr op· Estl\te of John Annker, deceased. e rly e nd ell. vo red to keep fNm 'be Inventory and appraisement filed ijow GoOd Ne,w s Sprea.ds. , publio gl1ze. Parents will n o doubt by WUI · Annkel" Ildminletrator. " I am 70 old Bnd trl\vel Bsk th eDls!:)lves wbn,t has h a.ppened, Estate of ~arah E. Ada~s, de- most of the time;" writes B. F . T 61- th aU b e rl~bt 'of caring for their oeased. 1'jrst and final aooount son, of Elizabet.htown, Ky. Umvery. obHd r:en ·sbR.ll be t ra,nsferred from Oled by Albert Adllms administrator where 1 go I reoommend Electri o th em to an alien physiolan who becaose lowe my excellent HaUle Brant, plaintUf VB. Earl Bitters, bea.lth and vitllllty to them. They knows nothing of the child's hiatory Cadwallader etal defendants. Court effect a. oure every tim.e. " They or environment and who'il!l not, OD orders appralaement of estate and ne~er fllU to tone the stomaoh, r egu t hat aooount, as competent to diag. William Relley, Barry Lewis and late the kidneys and bowels, stim a- nose a nd trea.t toefr atlmen's u ill ward Andertlon appointed ap. late tbe liver, tnvigorl\te the nerves the family, physloian. and purify the blood. They wprk pr~laerl!l. w?nders for weak, run-down m en Ta.xpays rs have discovered that Estate of Erallt08 Cox, deoeased. aDd women, restoring strengt ,vig HOUSB B111 40 requires tbe Boa.rda Proof of PQ~Uoattollof appointment or a~d llell.lth that 'a a daU" joy: ot Education of sevent y Ohio oities of John W. Cox a8 administrl\tor Try them. Only 500. Satillfaction t o employ sobool pbysioia n'J, and to III positively Kna.ranteed by Fred C. flIed Soh t . pay t hem tbeir salaries wit hout re· Ee'tate of Fakette M, ~urfaoe, de. war II • _ • gJl.rd to t.he expense. This bill oe ' aeed. Proof of pabli"~·lon· ot no- Get ready ~o plow, ye of t h .e cen- wou 1d oompe1 t h e people of Obi 0 to ...... tioe of appointment of Frances A .. ter belt. p~y hondreds of thousandtl of dol~Qrface.1 administrator', flIed . • - • lare aunually in t axee, for medical ,Eetate of G. W. (irtlwold 8salpor '.rhe Lord loves you; don', be examinations of hundreds of thoua. Proof of publication of notice of ap. afraid of aaythiDg. ands of ohlldren who are in perfeot ~lntment of George E. YouDg u • • • health , a8;.lgn8e flied. The BveralCefarmer w1l1find plow. It is beginning to be seeD. that Esi,,'e of RIJdney Sabia, deoe~sed" shares more pro.f itable than miping tbere is an absolute a bsenoe of any Proof of pobllcation of ootioe of 1lP. shllres. demrm d fo r suoh legislation exoept polntmen' of W . E, Babin, ' - ---.-......- - - as th flt demnnd may h ave baen trato'r flIed. . "It tak,es monef to make mODey," oreated by fl. certain set of medical ~_"6"_ of A. J. WatkiDs, a-"ignor. we are ofteD ad vised. True, but men. All. physicl~n '4 not fo r t unate 'Proof of poblloatton of Dotloe of ap someUmes it takes money to make enoug h t o be members of t h e Board' pqiabnent of Frank C. Anderllon a., a ·foo1. of Realthor Bobool Pby ioi(l.ns u nder auiKn8e flied. . '. ' ~!'!!!~~~~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~!!!'!~~~ tbls bill would be depri ved of their . 'Bsta\e ot Luoy E. Marka,deceased. right to examID e the ohild r en of lI'ir8t a.od floa) acoount filed by Ou~ JU&T ~~. their own patients and fo r th!ltrellson per Dell'08Iett, IldminiUrll.tor. ,·1 t his bill oreates s of a Pby. .'ateof FIlY M. Sorfaoe, deoeased sioia ns ' 'frust, whioh should b e obII'lnt aDd floal aooount filed by jeotionable t o PhYllioians 6S ~e ll IlS FraDola A. Horfaoe, . the publio generally. EState of WilBOn R:irby~ deceued A r ef~renoe to Section 76913 of the On motton Martha Kir~y i8 appoint. Genet·a.l Code whioh is , ame nde~ by e4 admlnl8tratrix at bond . of '6,000. the House Bill, disoloses tbe ICd Rogerll. Lafe Graham and MosBII faot tha t ~he l~w ns it n ow stauds Kirby "p1)ol~t-ed Ilpprai8sn. recognizes t).1e r igh t of th e parent Lollie Brant, plC'intUJ VS. Earl Uad to seleot t he pbysloiuu to examine WlllIader et a1 defendants. Sale of itso wn ohild . ......"""".t~ reported and oonfirmed by .it w ould be Jnteresting to m a ny p •.Lren ts t o know whitt good g round axilts for depriving tbem of th itl right. · 921 W . Town Stn!et,

Count!. Coo ts

. -.


Columbus, O. ~

The aged fath~r and IT\other of a pro ninen t Boston I'awy~r safely carri d through &Jo\e laSt two ,. 11 ters by


son says :" My father ·


ann moth er owc their present

strength 'and go d h to Vinol. During the last two trying wi nters neither of th cln ha 1 a cold, anCl were abl e to walk fartha and do n10 r than for years. I think Vinol is p dectly wond clful. . l.t certainly is th e greatest blood-mak ing, strengthening tonic lor old people J eva h a rd of." We want every feeble old person In this 10W1l lo ·b'y VInal. \Ve will return tbelr money wUbonl q uestJjllO U II does DOt occompllsb aU we claim .or It.


Dru~gist, Waynes vil1~,


gO flolone find ClonllJil tl toveA, churn!'!, I \9l1 shing lliu ch tn o8 nutI oreum sep fl r , atol's . A 11-10 &n im.m entls lot of sU1IlIl J Under1aker and Embalmer. goods Elome of whlOhllro IlH follow: Will be found in the old BFlnk Building, opposite· 100 buggy whips, ourry oomus, btu h e8.' gn.l vIlIli~ d tubs, Wli b bOil- I tbe National Bank. • er a mllll boxe wllltlh bourd8' eerl Tel pbone in h ouse and of , ' . . fi oe where · I can be oalled Bower , luut, m.s, sprlUll!mg ClItnt! day or nigbt, . prnyel's, ga,lvlllllz d buclcets , It greut VuJiey .£'bone 14-2. lot of gmnitowllr~, oil and glLsolone viii Ohi'. cnne, clevises, double tre s, sin gl Main Street, Waynes •• o. trees, triple trees, rove ' bnUers a.nd ties, afbty rtlzors, pooke t knives, H. H ATHA.W A t' butoher und bread knive , tutd in filet Ii great lot of ull of my stQok of Wa,yue ville's Leading DeDuet ~oods . . Office in Keys Bldg. Main 8' • l' oredit of 6 month will be given by purohaser gIving 8. bank . able note. A . B. I:)IDE C. T. Ha. wke , O. H . urfa ee, Auct 's . W. E. 0 ' Illl, J . B. Chapman, ~ Clerk.



I will 00: r at Publlo Bale at my place, two mil s we t of WaYllElsvil1e on t.he aID P ugh farm ou Tuesday, March 15, 19W Begin ning at 10 o'olook, the following property : 2 head Borse!!, 13.year-old bay marel 1 bay horsel 1 oolt. Farm Implements, 1 riding oultivator, 1 disc barrow, 1 brea.klng ploW, 1 W eb\)er ftl rm wagon, 1 sleigb, double and single trees; fork, h o 8 eto. 5'head of H Qg ,1 sow and 4 shoa t!!, tbese shoats weigh about 100 pounds, 1 hog about 100 pound . B n.rness, 2 sets of hip-str ap harness, 1 set breeoh ing ha rness, bridles, col. Jars , eto. 3 tons mixec1 bay , bundle todder, SO bu hels yeJlow corn. A few Householrl Goods. Ter ms- All Bumfl of five a nd under,; Ili l 8ums over ~6, a' oredit of 9 months will be gi ven , puroha!ler giving bankable .note; 6 per oent off for Cll h. ,T . R. DAUOHERTY, O. T . Hawke, Auot . Ed Thomn , CI rk ..

1. will sell at Pu bllO Ille at my ra Idenoe OU ' pring Vall yand·Cen . terville pik aX mil e!! sout)lwetit of C u tervi lie on





l:e1d'ntl",1 ru, I ly lo. p~rr~ ct r.rl.slmplldty and r"li.t.ilily nellrl,. 40 Y"or.. M id In lIonrly e ve ry (Oil y :U1 U lnw o (It t h" Unh cd States a n d uo:,,!',. or I)y n,"il "It , to 1J ure lold lim n nny other make. S lid 101: Irce c. tnl" l:uc.

Mc:CA LL'S M AGAZINE 1>I o re . "b.crlhcrs t hnn nn,. olher fnshlon nl'gnzi nc- IlIi1 l1o n Q month. L:tl. c st

lyJ es, p al ,·ru K. rir "5mn k inK, ,.,', ilJi n t-ry,

pl:ti n St ' WWg'. fan cy n cedlcworl. Jlntrd n . tlque Uc, g rind n orle. , etc. Only 60 c ..nt • • Yell, (wortli d oubl e) , inCluding a 11 "0 pattern. Sub scribe todAY, o r sonel (or 14"'1'1" copy.

WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS • 10 A"cnls. P oslal brin!,!s premiu m C.laloauc: An ti " "W ~s h I,rl"" oni:r.. A ddress mE cC U ( 0 .• 23810 W W. ~ .. it.. NEW YOU


Saturday, Murch 12, 1910 St. Augustine's Catholic Cbun;b. l1'ulhe r Ceorj:c MILVcnhOc!cr , PlUltor Be innin g a t 10 fl.. 01 . , the foll ow. 1 ~ every ~ una uudny o f t he mouth a' Ing property : 1 mare, weighing 1) ; ~1I 00 a, w. 1400 lb., /.{ood wor ker IlntI lin r i 2 St. Mary's Episcopal Cbun;b. milk OOWS, 1 hors • Milburn wa gon, itoI' . J . "'. ulwalilltler . ltll.c lo r . S buggies, one rubber ti re '; 1 onr unday . hool. 0 :30 u. m Mornin g ser' rlog , 1 sleigh anrl beBEl, 1 A oghe vl co, I II :;10 a. In . Roly Commun ion Lho f\ r ~ t plow 1 double hov 1. l log 'Ied , 1 !iuu"" y of cactI monLh. flUID s led, Jog 'hld n, :3 Iron kottle., Methodist Episcopal Churell. larrl pres ". sllmlllge g rinllsr feed Hev. u. W. BnUoy, P astor. grindor , ·10 r od Amorl 11 0 fOll ce, SIII/tia y ·c hou}. II ::'0 a. ID. Mornlng ser' ,,"'e. 111 ::3 11 a. Ill. l!:pworLb Lcague,. 1 :00 p ' OI'OSR·cut RILW, mo ll , W dge grlnd- In . '~~ \'cll iog H crvlcc. -:: 00 p . m . Midweek titon , nlllil lIox , lot. old 1{'01l , .J stunrl Pr I Y r t4eeLlnl(. 7 p . w. of b ee , I Jot, xtm hiv os, foritfl, Christian Church. shovels, con~ in rill, btl y in 000 V", ::l Hr,·. L. O. Thompson . PlLStor . sot bnggll hlll'n SS, 1 t, work hnr- Sunfll\Y school 9:30a. ro . Social mooting. 10:30 B.!D . Ollr lstillu Endeavor, 1: 00 p . m. ness , 1 set b ellvy wugon hanles:,j, l () • • boshels p·Jtntoes. l:!ou ' elloW GoodR: Hlcksite Friends C~urcb • Attend II. neighbor 's vendue llnd 1 Polnr oroamery, ;~ doz . kltoh en Vira l U;\y IIlt·cll n l';. 111 :00 n. m. F irst Day S ·tool. II :00 a. m. l~ uu nh Day I\tc e~l ol help him out It lit tle. ohll.lrs, 1 plano, ·oolt. RLove, 1 wood 10 :00 a. w hCllting stove, 1 corn r cupboard, Orthodox Friends Chun;b. 2 bed St.elull'1, oroclts, 1.lllokets, oburn ' ltCI' . l,3 u n )amlu Ha.wkln s. PII~ tor, PUBUC SALES. sh otg un, iOe reutn freezer, cradl e, . a bhn Lh Subool, I' :;10 a . m. RegUlar churell lounge. O ther IIrtiol not men IR tI'lo , l Q ·qO 11. w . ChrlsLlan · Eodeavor, I will offer a t Publio ~al e at my , 7 ::10 I'. u: w arehouse, In Wu.ynesvUle, Ohto, on t ioned . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M~rch 18t'b ~rid 19th, '1909

.- .

::::~:~~:.~=~.~:~: ~::::~~.~r: CROUP ~~ii~~:c?j note .wi~b nIiproved se Urlty. , , .


Rob lit


::.:--==== ,=--=:-:. -- - -------..... ---.-- -.-----



A;saltland,p1linsing s~~~~~ .,..

. .



How oft~n do you eat thll food' "- ~.hort tin!!) R!'l'O there nppeare d In the co}uJllns of on of tho promine nt ttl na-weln 5 nn urUcle on building bruin and muscle by the prop r selpr.tion of VlSTO~Y tl\e tood/! yOll eat. A go d D1lll\Y peopl(! were surprh!od to nnd oatll1l'al placed nt tho top or t be list of foods recomme nded ; but If tbe artlcl had app ar d In an nglish or Scol h paper' very reader would have :-~. . . e.. !looted to see first place ;I! tin . to •• -gooll oatm a1. !:I a matler , or fact Great Britain :Uld Europe come t.e us for tr m ndolls (}llanUtles of Quaker Oats becalls It =r r ellr sents to them p rf ct food, being :; the rlcb est In flavor and best In clean]lness a nd purity, of all ontm als. Americ ans sbould cat more Quaker :;. Oats; the results would soon show themsel ves In Im proved conditio ns ot By Marie Van Vorst h ealth aIld strength . 65

"She will not-1ln ., w111 come.- be It.. clded wIth nn arropll ee for which lI'~ars ot 8UCOeS$ were responB'hlA. Ate noon whe Is were heard 'on te rrnce gravel and he went Q\lt~ to meet her and lifted ber out- ot the !.ra.p. . ''YO II baye brough t tblS " ~'eathe r


rl-.v.h"'~e ..y·aM··a""aYYsNt"'e"~r :~~~e ~~:~~i~~~ ~h~eo!::r:e:\' h~:nd~



a v e n C

whlcb he took I In welcolllo. "Leave a calenda r full of days like this when you go, won't you, so that 1 can call on tJlem when I like?" He bad 010

~aaBW~y h;;:r l~t~e.bIS etudy window nnd

Defore them miles and miles of

~~:~~~-~~~k::~~:latn: s:~p~:~!~~

'foreat- tbe otbers han ~ ...... night." Tbe .Ioom sbe had 10 ber 8h~t _ qualnta nce wltti hhn grow. to dread was ,en velotlln g ·hlm. "ReaUy,. Miss Car w, I'm' Jlot Dn ee> centrlo -don't say It In :rour s tudy. Let me prove to you bow com.mon , place I am . . j'll keep my word, too You must know that the ch'ef reaSOD your editor wants this , absurd articl (forgive me) III b ecauRB It will be tbe only one-an d I.t shall be yours. Didn't yo u see tbe skeleton s and skulls or the untortu nate reporte re who have been devoure d at my gates? To-day 1 wanted the pleasur e that I have hacl. To-mor row-" She sbowed her perplex-Ity. "You mus t have your tb1ngs, 01 course- telegra ph for them; or betteI', I'll have theJu telepho ned for. Polly cnn make you comfort able for a day or two. Is It- the arUcle -worth this bit or e lfort ?" No thougbt WllS In Lucy Carew's mind ot worth or effort Sbe knew she could never write about this dark· browed , e lus ive man-h er ohlef In· stlnct was that she sbould leave Cra· \'enford , but her will was not with ber Instinct. She consent ed, therefor e, that the telepho ne messag e should be sent, and to re main at the fri endly cottage for a couple of days.

The V."lety , "What: kind of stars take beat fa the melodra matic' Qlrcult! " . . 'T Kuess It Is th e sbO()ting stare." , I, tb"

ALT.1!:N'.6 )j1Jl'(O JJAlMA1 Ir . r medy .VouDCl 111 ft'8T1

old ...,UablO roullh

dnll{ _ ..... b(llb_ l!racc.l o.IIJo.Q~=a. bTIJI druut .",, 2:IO,6OoI~Dd'I.ClIl ~


Tl\ere Is always work, and toola to work, wltbal, for those wbo wnt.Ruskin. Mft. Wlftalow'. A_thlOjr l!Iyrup, cblldrell \C.tblol, iIl l14"" lIl. IIu.,.. !Do aamc.Uol l,iIll.,lpa lll, oU"'!1 willI! <IOU". 2IG.boWe .


ru"'", ..

When common seuse takes 11 vaca· tlon It Is time to sland from under. Dr, De'l!bOIl'~ R.,lId for ...th_ re'tlev ea In alx houre. Why R".,a eulfer? 15~

No msn can pass Into eternity , lie I Ie alreadY In It.-Far rar. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO .....1910. on all s ides by a thick forest; t1:.e trees wero stili In yellow leafage a nd made a balo ot gold around the val· leylng Innd, No bouse was In sIght. Author 01 II Directly In front •Power of Examp le. stretobe d a thick, "" "Amond a 01 thll MIfJ." gre n turt, and to meet It tbfl stone " It al n'l n pretty kind \'orld for 1\ ... "MI.r!:: ::~ :o,uJ," ter race with pillared , mOBSY railing. \1001' old Sw(!d woman IIlte m e." suld While the Americ an .feasted ber {'hrlstfn e. "But sOIllt'timos Ids n pretty eyes on the scelle', melting beauty g od vorld unyvnYII. I Vl\8 at a place •• •• •• •• I Tempes t talked' to her as perhapf be H'sterd ay v ro de lady alvuys make'th....y ....................'Y'rIY'tI'.~ aione ot all the world In Iron nil aft rnoon lind den send me could hlJ,ve C<JPTrl&bL lJICl5, I)T J.B.LlppJDco~L Oompall)' . h O Ul mitollt my Sll tJ lle r. So yesterd ay talked. He told her tal s of --shb 'e • I tolt her how kind )'ou vas Lo me. und In a humoro us, mystic fashion ; pryed . SYNOP SIS. out for ber the s ecrets, the traditio ns how you tell me set down and rest till StiP P r get' ready, und glt me money Basil Tempest. world's greatest n ,'cHat of the country and Its humble , pretty fo:' de street cllr s o 1 don· t bave to and poet ... 'Cu'll ng to be furth r lionized. legends. From th ese he passed to the shu t s hlrn!\cJr up In Cravon his oounlry "alk home ven I be II 8 0 tired, und homo. His Gloomy mccJllIll i ons nre bro- scenes of "The R evelatio n," bis latest a bout you. So ven 1 l)ut avay de Irons ko n by 11111 housllkct> p r, who has dis- novel, laid here, and gave ber a sketch We are non' or ua so blase witb obeyed his ord . s not to admi t anyone . of the history yeSI.erd ay dol la dy sbe s ay to me: 'Set The or the creation and de- pleasur e or excitem ent tbat we <:an· visitor I" Lucy a rew, an American dOwn unrl have sometbt ng to ent pretty who lias com 10 England to write 8 velopm ent of the book. Tben filially not bear at least ODe repI'ltition o~ e ~oon, Chris tine; you not be In de vay.' . ludy of Ule author. but more especially he said :' good thing! Miss Carew found t'-at lO got Il lI), noPM18 of. hl8 new sulto ot Dot's because I tell b er abont you, 11 0 ems, having "Come, let me ehow the place where she was quite able to endtlre the re~·&­ been [lromls~d a. good poma'am . I Unk lots of peoples be gooder sition with a muguln e If eucc IIdu\. f found Lettice Oramm ont." tltlon at an early hour ot the rOll11l1 T mpest, anger, d clarea he will write If dey know about somebo dy else bein' 00 more. In His bewitcb ed listener followe d him or yes terday and a Dote from Mr. and aska her to go. Repenting ~ t hl8 rud e n ~ss In I18ndlng 'her out In lhe In a dream, g.ooU."- Newar)c News, Tempes t. A second auto81'a ph frOOD walkIng on air, rain a t 111ght, he follows, but reCuses Hatles8 , they both slipped enc banted. a celebrl t, gaye h er no thought to r turn tn Craven n1th him,sho out from of ttl and lakes Does He Love Anybod y1 lollglng w:lb a cottaser . the terrace Into a little park, Tempes t value In future Tempes tlana, and sb. \'on Moltke had some few human leading, and suddenl y she found her- opened thEP envelop e with only a flut· CHAPT ER I-Contl nued. fa ilings. He loved his wUe devotedly, self In what went [or a bit of wood- ter of perso~al feeling, of surprise aDd As we get older the blood beco!lles slug~sh, the mushilt oonquer ed hJs alma maler, Den· land. At tho side of a meadow -brown delight. "Now," said Tempes t, "one more fa· brook mnrk , even atter I!be hnd educate d him eles and joints stiffen and aches and palOS take hold It wal not a letter, It 'Was a verse upon whose well-lik for the military service out of her Yor, RamstllU. Oan tbey spare you trees bad aent barques e water the short and pertect -;one she new easier . Sloan's Liniment quickens the blood, limbers "nd of wltbere d poo r, stingy pocket But Kltchen er Is bere to-night ? If 10, wlll you drive leaves to be whirled loved. It ran in clear, heaT1 scrfpt and destroy ed, up the .muscles and joints ,and stops any pain or ache m~ back to Craven? I've spraine d my Tempes t said : 1\ machin e man only. He loves neither over a sheet of thick paper- the en· mall nor ",oman. His spear has wrist and It bas been all I could do to with astoni shing promptness. "Stand there, please, where you are, velope bad lain In the ~et!I. 11 ver knowu a brotller , as Its sharp get my mare to the Ford." by that birch:' Sbe read It, drank tn Ita fragran oe llolnt baa hewn ~ asu.nde r the bodies it is Beat for RheumatimL. Miss Carew obeyed the fancy and and beauty with the floweri ' Bcent, Lucy Carew opened ber eyes tbe !l nd souls of the sons ot women. -Bos· Mrs. DA.NntL H. DIEm., of blann's Cboice, R.F,D., No ..., PL, ~~ put the enve lope wltb the lettu under stood motionl ess, Whilst Olterlng doWl) . ton Post. next mornin g In tbe blaze of brillian t .. Please lend me a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism and 16(1 the p11l0w and the roses, to oulbloo m jiatata. day. . The 10th of Novemb er broke In upon ber one by one the flecks and the stUl It II the beat remD<iy I ever knew for I can't do without iL" love ly ones of yesterd ay, elde . No Space Coea to Waste. holiday and golden fashion atter a clroles of sunligh t feU tbrough the by sltte on the stand ' ln ber 10w·rCXIfed leaves, danolng on ber brown balr D Wltt.-O oes YOllr wife toll ow the nlght of wild, unUsual storm. Also for Stiff Joints. In the room, then went down to the waltlJl8 fn ,- hlons closely? Mr. coarse nlgbtdr ese ot ber hostess she and her brown dress. MILTON WJfUL U, :zrO() Morris Ave., Blrmingballl, Alao,~­ ' 'rem pest, his browe knit, but · his carriage. ,Iewltt -l should say so; she bas one la1 In her olean bed , In the country .. I am glad to 1&1 that Sloan'. Liniment has dona ms more FOci for ~ · Mrs. Henly met ber aDd showed hlu' express ion radiant, watched be.r, smU· joInu than anytbln l I haYe ever tried." ,')1' thOse "standi ng room only" dresses . smellln g little attic. She had scarcely Ing. • Into the study, regarde d bel' wltb be. - Smart Set. ,tirred to rise wben a knook at her nignant approva l, nnd . left her alone. "Do you by any chance rememb er door beld ber motionl ess. . Here In the worksh op she waited THE STO"V OF THE PEANU T Mrs. RamsdlU, r~d-cbeelted, 'bashful - tbe book, Miss Carew! " an bour for the lord of Oraven , pa· "Oh. ~' el1:' SHELL S. eyed, came In like ' a bright apparl· tlently at first, then with embarr a••• "And yoU liked ItT' As everyon e )mows, c. W. Poat of tlon, for abe looked at ·ber lodger over ment. Her observa tion ot the details His tone . 'was almost timid, be . Dattle creek; Mlcblga n, Is not ollly a a gta,t bouQue t; the profusio n filled waited with' suspenB e tor her reot the room, aD invento ry of the her hands. She arrived like Flora. sponse. lI!aker of breakfa st foods, but he Is a books, was long over befor~ he cam .. sj.rong Indtvtdu al who believe s that tbe She bad a note and ,ave It It struclt her as curialiS that her full of apologi es. "If you please, miss, from Craven trades-u nion I are a menace to the Ub" I bave been walking your 12 mile1 opinion about a work arready transthero'!J a llanswe r to take." ertyof the tYluntry. lated Into tour languag es and whose and m,ore, otherwi se I could not ban she regarde d with pretty, timid ou· Bel1evlng tbls, and being a "natura l· set'D YO\l to-day, much as I 'wanted to, is the qickest and' best remedy for Rheumaborn" scrappe r for ·the right, as . be rloslty tbls handsom e young" 1I1dY whO I had a bad spirit with me tor com stood well out of the short nlghtdr esl, s(.e8 Jt, Post" tor several years past, ~er feet pony, but I tired him out, left bIrD tism, Sciatica, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises gleamin g charmin gly dis· haJ been engaged In a ceasele ss war· played afield. and I have come back alone:' below .the beJD, Above the and Insect Stings . fa re against "The Labor Truet," e,a he low, His voice was JOYOU8 and fresh, hI. plain collar her neck and dark Price 260., 5Oc!., aDel ,1.00 at AU Dealers . likes to call It. face . full of anlmatlO 'll, .and as h. hend rose frankly. Women -beauti ful IleDd I!)t' 81oap'. Pne Book on Bo_ A4d~ Not ·belng abl~ to secure free ' and women -do not· fmaglne bow much , to ntrain~eled express ion 91 , bls opin- their of his sbe was a prisone r held by 811 DR. EARL S. SLOAN. BOSTON, MASS. beauty' s enbancl ng Is sometim es Ions on this subject througb 'the regular ,the naive garmen Irresisti ble force. When he' let h"t ts of their simple slsreadJni Jmges ot the newllpa pers be tel's. Ribbons band go It was with an ' abruptn·e.,. and futbelow s ' would which not only let her free but put bae bought advertla lng space for this not have made ----'.Lucy Ciuew more purpose , ' just as be Ie accusto med to lovely to her, as It were, awa:y trom him. ,.He look on than as thus the Eng· for .the t"lUllg of bls Postum "story," Ush cottage r saw asked ber If she were comfor table at ber; and . be baa thUs epent hundred s of lin over her swellin tbe coarse musMrs. Ramsdl ll's, If ber boxes bad come g breast, her arms thousan ds of dollars In denoun cmg bare to the elbows In season, and so gllUlced at her.' ~lJ'" -tor Mrs. Ramsdl ll's l trades-u nionIsm . pearanc e. It ehould have eatlsfled gown stopped there. Miss Oarew took even a tyrO In ",omen' s hablllmentl!l, As .a result of Post's acUvlti es the the roses in b r hand tl. . for from shoes to bat Miss Carew was people now know a wbole lot about Mrs. Ramsd1l1 had her ,,'onder lngs. faultles s In her, simple) toilet. t~e8e organiz ations: bow tbey are TemJ,le st was beloved, but he was as "You hue takeD up the' most dIm· honeyco mbed' with graft, bow theyob - well lmown. Even Cravenr ord could r.lIlt pr"ressl on In the world," be sal~. s truct the develop ment of . legitim ate tell Its tale'3. The good creature .buslnes s, curtail labor's output, bold mused on "I say 'taken up;' it you're forced to A co.\ . .an~ an ~Gre of a.t~Ca wil.l eatD $uo'a year ia the San Joaquin" guest and r e marked the .p manufa cturers, graft upon their own f yes-ho wher it-curs ed to It-;-by temper and talent, . Grapes' will, YIeld from $100 to $300 per acre;. peach~s.nnd apricots, Valley. they lost their clearne ss to $tso to $500; lUembershlp,'.a nd rob the pubUc. ' Natu· sparkle , how: obee)cs tbaes one thing: but to write slm»ly, while oranges WlU produce from $250 to $500, and tD many mantled as the lostances more thah'IOO O tor exalllple , as a professi on, wby, ·lt'. an.acre. There are rally PO}lt Is hated . by the trades· letter, with entlre ' lgnoria g of her tea million com- She Looked .t' Her Lodger arable and irrigable acres here. You lItill may'bu l slavery ! Do you," he demand ed curt. uOlmproved land for Sso unionist/;, and Intensel y. ,pany, was broken opan. an acre. . Giant Bouque t. . I 17, "wrltB well?" He employ s no union labor, so they "I'll walt outsIde , miss," she dell~ Te.n :acres .are enoug~ to comfortably snpport a small family. T'Mlnty teres ..aot~ "No," .be co~esl.led at once. can not call out bls men, and l;le dolles a fine IlVlDg, WIth moneYla tbo bank. Forty acres should make you rich. t e Iy suggest ed, "and you'l1 a1 merit was a househo ld word Rhould be ' . "Of courlle you don't'" be acc' epte'd c 1 me aske" r efforts at boycott ing his product s. ca 'lIou pay · trom one-fol.\rth to one~ for ' the answe r,! " " Canon. Re~A Reedle~, 011.1'., fro'" ..• _ third down, ~. balanoe _Ill!" . . . . --'4 twen ,, she - exclaim ty"n.ere c""rop ot "Like The latest means of "geltlng " Post Is It It!'! ' :':(0 ed; and he with satisfac tion. 'You couldn' t-whll' I fo"AIoa"•, of the "1'0-' . Miss Carew beld the roses aplnst ' , u !).II. .r.""u rsl1ol1).1 you! You lack thIJ' essenti al. as,IIOO. ' tho . publlel\ tlon of the story her and - ,, was ·answer ed. moat anythIn g can be ralaed ' In the nottnd I keow, ..... yaUer fr~ena read hor note. t to e"t ' ; San J03.Quln COUlltFY He crossed the brook from ber, 'ex- D',a b ord"III f eu...aacre - Y8)1 , Ol'lI.ngca a.nd ~ havo aeen crops plllnto(l and 'e Cra DO ven, , go; Jl{ovemb wheat, er 10. figs and apple.. 4etUlate grapes 'ed In every ono of Ita ,counU S.-ha.r.veat1 ----;---iln;~~I;;;~i~~~:t~ tlybe ,necked ttlat-ex perlenc e an~ more mlsel"J and hardy 1I ti"'va ' ·w as found to , loaded potatoe tended s: ' hla Product band, and s of tbe InterViewed her My ~car Miss Carew: If what YOU toll mnohen t and lner-' "I am glad," be saidhelped 1 t'lIllbmPelerd!tbe" with empty peanut shells, which were me fe"entl y, over, than ·happ' Iness-4 lUt both, ma' rk YOU ml-,t ro.Plo aonel ftou~ . chante. r hn.ta~m"rs. vo 0 collated tho . Ie truo (and how can J lIuppose you te' I tJlnnnPI .::. .' 11. f Lunche on 'htUl followe d ' In a smali both are Inddlspensable.. crop experts. be ing shipped tram the south to Posl's ~ome 3.000 miles to play with my ~ . " ,:.1 and you-" he ,trome·the °ne'::.tyr ti~~rl::I~~~I::. d~atw..n ofAll this d valuabl paused an scanned bel' face wltb .the e Informa tIon va nit y!) then ~·ou will feel It worth your breakfa st·room whose at establis hment at Battle Cre6k. ll ~ oon, for OAe to mak. a atart. Land be- tal ned III tho San Joaquin ~ IntenSit y whlcb whilst tt fascina ted ...,. Va.Dey l~d whllo to wrlle the s tudy of which yoU mesticl ty and Intlmac r was tween the rows na'n be nsed, wljlle or. tolder This canard probabl y originat ed. with B y--a faultle. Issued . by ber tbe made 8an~ pol,e-unless my conduct her shrink ' host lla.e chard Is young, for many prolltab le 'Write tor It. giving full Fe Ra:t\W&[' . I f ultl I d th IJ bt ItPreside nt John Fitzger ald of the Chi· bltl ckenel'l me too muoh In 811 . ~ name aDd a . . your eyes. cropa. The. point III to IIlIiake mea , a . ess y serve, e g r 0 ....._ drt'88. I: will alao send Y!)U' oar hum ~ ,II_yoU have had neither. It you will como-I have sent n In;' " .... cago Federat ion of Labor, who, It Is re foot bear .o..etll.... In the reflectin .-~ g surface gfrJ;eaet.lon s of journal, glasl The ~rt!t Ills mOlltb. , tor you-I will do nil In my pr,wer to W1tat _me farmer e... 4 said, ~tated It publicly , as truth. (TO Bill CONTINUIllD.) mal,o It easy (or you to write ",hnt you and silver, and dazzlin g' on the ,cloth. Frank -'I:'homl18, ot F';.-:'8n~-·Ca1., The h Santa MI C Fe empIo., . me to help ' Similia Simillb u. Curantu r. Post comes back and gives Fitz- wish. It was past three w en boul'ht twenty anree of In.nd .fl.vo yenrs eettle up Ita Southw arew , will be no train 'l'he 00)11He had but UOO to start on. To. l'fl ny has no land eat found that she bad mode "hess tour Intu uCt rnoon. Ie you to gerald the lie direct. He denoun ces oeCoro 'I'hero ot Homeop athic »actor (meeUn g an ago. r tuLondon to 'linn. ~ e me aeU, bil~ ' J will day his ~ plaoe Is paid tOI' and he haa an ~:;I a.d ly reter yout . d ance ,lnqull7 I "~h f to ,rellabl. . old Fitzger ald's stateme nt all a delibera te Iho proof of your entire cordleJll}', I shall Cra\' en under the gnl school phyalcl an with a land gun ownor un ' der ' b ncome h ot ...... 0 e over o .2.000 s t a yea.r. , .. 10 the Ford-to avoid m e 'YOU will himself . . II W o· ave. , ' . William R. F. D . 7. ~ Low fare. falsehoo d, an underba nded and coward· come .... are offered' by the ' SIi,b~• , hie arm)-A b, dootor! ' Bouud to tetch Cal., have to walli. and I fancy your IIhoea bought bill ftrst ten .cree 1I1x FCd,daIl Y• Com.tort "f must 'go, Mr. Tempes t." n}lle tourillt .1l1eepe n yoilr ly attemp t t9 Injure hie bus\nes s, ~av­ will not hclp you! patient this time, I see! Must be year. ago. Now owns' sixty ' acree all. I,ln chair lIara. Fa Ithfully. ' Tbe journey a.1a~ ma)O ,BASTL Tl!lIl1P E ST. Ing not the slightes t basis in fact. As hNonse nlle!" ho exclaim ed Impa- pretty tough it you can't kill him paid for, and refuee. UI,OOO for hl1l bho made at other tlinel!i Ii. l'saaolj- ' place. For the first time In weeks Mr. t1ently. "What for, pray?" n. l e COl t. Santa Fe teurlfor such on e llort It must be regarde d. It • •fl"I'toe to withQut a gun. Tempes ~t Tf:a~V' t slept n~~e!:"~ till o°tT. mornIng o:~~c: , and tor n:; 8c."n Is signific ant that this stateme nt about FranIl18 " hour mll' train leaves for Lon· co 18 QuleJcea , t . , Old School Pbyslcl an (who Is altel takes an annual proftt of ,1115,001 L SEAGRAVES, 'GeDIrII Cd ;: 1\2 . ,·tho peanut shells" Is being giver. wide the first time In weekI! awaken ed not don.", Alai ' ducks" sarnast lcally)Better walt'tll l On the o prey Harolll to the blac)c horrors that geneetate. t-enty- two A. T •• S; F.IIb.S~.. _ "What train o~ your~? . You have no you know what you are uewspa per publicit y. In the " patent · .ro talking ' about. of pea.oh.. "el4ed a I1UOO 9 P. UIOItaIfw.. ~ , In side" ·of an eastern country paper 1 prally perched on his bedpost to walt time, no destina tion-ha ve you~ther The, man I'm going to see has' 'o" ue l·eg . ~. ~-~. _~_.:; the ollening of his eyes. " If," as be than this one spot of the old ","orld! , .' , t find It, and tbe Inferenc e natural ly Is filled wltb blrd'sho t, and [b at labor-un lonltes are tnrR.d lously had often grumble d, "Que could only Wbat Is waiting for you In London ?" try a homeop athic prescripI'm going' tion OD him get Into the day without beginni ng . To his direct query, tj).JI'elldl ng this lie. made testily :-shoot the other les and sharply , s.h e did not reply, but' kln~ of sbot and ~ee ,iflull of .the SamE> An Institut ion (or a man) whlcb It!.. .that won't cure To supel'ln tend Ul'd gatheri ng at a simply held out ber hand will resort to moral Intimid ation and to him ' lu Wm.-Lipplnco~t 9. 10 physica l force, that will destroy mao bfincb of roses, to write the note be good~by. . A p-e-c-U-Ii-a-rl"'i-Y-O-f""'-D-r-ea-m~ I:binery , and burn bulldlng s, that wJll bad st-ut, amused him, and no sooner He .dlu not refuse to take the hand, As ,to dreams , thel'e WIlS a dtSCU& ma im and kill It necessa ry to effect Its was namsdl ll and loe trap dlsp'a tched ' whIch In bls felt prlsoned . mon at the club lunch, and one maD e nds, naturaJ ly would not liesltate to than, whistlin g lIk'3 a boy. he made a "You have been alDusln g yoursel f, s pread falsehoo d tor the same pur· tour of the hOUM, followed by 1\(rs. I see-tb ls bas been a Uttle jaunt remarke d ' that no llian 'drual;lled .o( hlmselt as braver , thaI!- he' ta. Henly; to wbom he gave countle ss dl· from London , to what you have .mwe ,thE> dream 'came, the dreame r' was 11.1, po~~:. admire Post. While we have no rectlons as to 8ettlng of Oraven In 1, In yo\ir romanti c mind a shrin"" I ways ,the under-d og. He wka In hor. holiday trim. Sunligh t flasb ed at him have made myself ridiculo 'e nm Ity toward labor unions, so long as everyw us In t&kJllg rlble dangel', ant neVflt did au-~Iftl" 'llere. It tell In lu.u'r lant Ooods' It serJousl y," tbey are COllducted In a h ''11 ' ' ,~ t x ........ . nones , plc.turesq)1e , to tace It. There ma ve- down tbe long gallerie s, routed Mel- . She withdre w v be , and,-let- llve" kind of a way, we have bad her hand,an d eOlore'd men who are bi'",,,e In tJietr sleep.~ Dut , e nough of the tarred end r~' th ti k 9.ncholy out ot nf'oks In the darkest -t his tone. . " . . 0 It 'wOUld. be Int.eres tlng· to ft, nd ', . on. esc rooms where ghobls and dlsmals tbat ~ "1 have told'you quite . the' truth; Mr, m~n outside of the. dozen to syItlpat h.ze thoroUghly with wbat he Temp'e st sle's plng cow, had grown t'o ', conslde r aa Tnnpes t: I sail to-morr qw." ~ Is trying to do. He deserve s support . familiar s nllated , ~ arda wllo Is a hero In a dream, . and hatcbEid. ~ ."Wltho ut your essay?" . ·A man like Post caD not be:k111e<l, even ,. . "'Wbat a day!" 'be •, ,. .' (\xclalm ed mo", :> "1 must, ' since -You retule," ' , . ," SpecIal Enip.lo) ,ment. ,' ~ . witb 1188. 'fhey are,a boomer~ng; ~verf than 'once: . 'lOpen everyth Ing--:th row, "But. T ~o~'W' he ;lnterni ptecL, ''It, ~I . ~04't jJ8e' -you o~· the meslel1 8er t:ime. ~atn, we ~, f~t~:J~tht!! . all the window s wide. ' No, I V{1l~ ar. sball be written ! You':ha ,.weapo n, eTel'1 ' weapo~D "range the ft~;wer~: myseIr' '' , The , gar- ~~t 'yo.u m~st btl patle~t. ve my, ,word: ·ror.c e DQ"'" JlmrpY'," said the la4 witla · Yqu are . ' the envelop e , ln hlallanil\ th!lugbt ot, been 11;884 (and Dot IID;1-ply . ~ner had fetched In " '" . what Tempel,t , wo~a~ o~ p"~I!~ratlon,., 10u mUllt· I~ . , "No; b7 labor unlona) to put 1J8 oJ1t ~ot bu.!-, 'called ~'torrents I've. lot a good lob WltJa ~ dOl of bloom;,1 anC! he that man ' of ' mO()~. c~an't ' ....ter fancier, " replled 'atmlDJ', '~ .b. neSl!l, ~7 . '" PQ~~ . : .lowed , wltb en:formen~ 4S he pned tbem all-no t· ~~. tt takes eo much a .qarett el ' ... f a!D , golDg .to d~ No ,cu.,. of ~es and I!arnatl . "'. " ons ',and 1I11ea. Into cb~!'8oter ' to etq 'away~ "WId' • . d~ancled What '~ PoItum e.~ry".m0l'Jl1ng . ~ thIS tI~e "laB,S and alITer .cnord Jq to 1111 taDct~. ~It that the. otbet:1 gro,.- mean,.-bUe. do-,fee on. Ud put m~ OD",a diet.. ot,GraP,B- ODce he up bls 4. th. d ...... ,.. , .' . ' buoyan t. mood ! and tben aU 'of • Jludden ,' u he ftIIei - ""Na"l Nu~ BulIJ' fOr PQJU-I)/UI01"f!Il~" to 8&1: "Wh&t' tt the a~Yebtu ~Whell a., 1&4, ~com.. ~ and rQu. '-47. UP with Olle ' ~, IIWe; IQII'Oat I4 baJa. ,.t dOll ....... ...... to .-.", , '/'..71#1 ~""Ift"'" O"nfollJ Jt~~ -Gould' "fun? " ~ ilia tiro". 4JfQa tl, .-...... ,.. Ida ._it. lilda .., __v . . . . .





I ..... ... I



For -Rheumatic· Pains

Proof that

,Sloms Liniment

$125,000 net from 1200 acre s'gr apes . $~5,00o. 'from 22 acre s peaches. . $3,200 'h om 20 acre s .raisins, 'i n' the '

Sa n Joa qu in Valley,caJitorni~






' . " ,..



. .-


, .

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, '

We wmPay YOD . .

. . ~iLHI MISERY Mill REA;,,~::;r~::f' .-:.;nn~:: by Lydia E. Pinkbau,'s V~etableCompound Baltimore, ·lId. - I I For four years my life was a misery to me. I sutrered from Irregularities, terrible dragging sensations, extreme Dervou~ ness, and tha.t aU gone feeling in my stomacb. I had given up hope of ever being well wl:en I began to tate Lydia E.P1nlthac's Vegetable Compound. 'fhen I felt as thougb .....~-'--_..&..~. new life bad been riven me, and I am recommending it to all my friends."-Mrs. W •. FORD 2207 W.Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. ' The most successful remedy" in this eoun~ fol' tbe oure .of all forms of female c'omplafnts is Lydin. E. Pint. ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-day is more widely and successfully used tha.n &Qyother female remedy. It ha.s cured thousands of women who have been tronbled with displacements, inflammation. ulceration,fibrold tumors, ir. reguJarltl~ J>Crlodlc pains, backache, tbat .bMririg..:aown feeling, 11atillancy, Indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had faUed. I If you are suffering from any of these alIments, don't ~ve up hope until you bave ~ven Lydf.'\ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Uompound a triaL If you would like special advice !V..rlte to Mrs. PlnkbalD. Lynn,

$580 in Gold

.. ur lit wny: It W!Llts not S lBt O ooenslonll. which rna,. n ot corn e , or m n y: Il com forts nnd It blpRSfl8, hou r bY hour a n d Oay by day. "

To Name Our NewCorn

Diet for the Too Plump. SlIcll tood s as bananas, fresb bread and butter, pastry, cake. candy, pota· toes, rich soups aud made dlsbes ar', AvoId death to the sylphlike form. them you wbo wou ld be slender, and eat lin buttered tOllst or zwlelmok. Hot wnter with a little lemon juice In· stead or cotl'ee. or at most but one cup ot corree. Fish In any way except fried, eggs. simple broth, creamed toast, green vegetables, stewed dried trult, baked rLpples, cup cuBlard or plain rice or 3ago pudding for dessert. Any meat. but pork lOay be eaten. Tomatoell should be eaten freely as well as spin' ach nnd allparagus. For dessert sherbet, trult or toasted crackers with cheese. Once a week fas t one day, dr!nklng plenty of fresb, cold watel·. A month of this treat· ment wlll show a decrease of trom Ove to ten pounds, and a week w11l show a sligh t r eduction. As sugar Is tattenlng nnd so many of our desser'ts contain sugar In some form, It would aeern .- that des$erts should be left out. Lemon or orange jelly with veryf little sugar and no cream are tbe least objectionnble. Sour apples, prunes stewed without s ugar or wIth very Uttle. are ollowable desserts.

Things Good to Know. MaSS., tor it. Sho lias guided If_ you are not sure that the sewer th.ousBonda to health, - tree of pipes are perfectly tight, pour Into the charge. soli pipe at Its mouth. above the roof It possible ot' Into tbe basin nearest THE JOYS OF OTHER DAYS the roof, n pall of hot water then ,two ounces ot the 011 of pellpermlnt. The Writer's tdemory Goes Back to De- person handling the peppermint lights of Which the Prelent Gen· should not do the snlffl ng for pepper· eratlon Know. ·Llttle. mint odor. Pass all through tbe lower room s SlId If tbe scent of peppermint We cbeerfully admIt that the Cur- Is noticed, folloW It to the leakln& Mce and the bard coal base burner spot in we pipe. add a whole lot ot modern comfort, ~ ' -...:...---Thing. Worth Passing On. - but after all they bave theIr draw· Heltotrope sachet powder. thn·t hal tla~s _ For InstanQe, you can't very 1fell pop com In either 0. furnace or lost Its freshness mllkes a good d&a ' base burner. It . took those 014· odorlzer. A smoll coal dropped Into a fashlon.ed stoves, In whi ch wo used to cup with a tablespoonful of the pow· burn a two,toot length of blckory der wlll send up n dainty rragrance wood, for that sort of thing. When tor some time the W09d bad burned down to glow. Ing coals, . we'd open the front door, roke tbe. coatll down In front and pro· c~ed tq POP. corn. Wben we get rlt.b we I\re golDg to hllve one of tho so oldtaabioned 8toves put up In our room. . ETTlill\. t hnn srandeur, botter with a lot or two-foot seasoned blckory thnn goill. Thnn rank and titl o IL thouIn tbe basement, and every now and fold; tben we are going to start a fire In 18 .: !!and body. n min.! nt cns e that stove. get a· good bed of colila, ADd health), 1I1mple pleuurea th at nlwn1W and n pop-n dishpan full of corn, ... Just alf a reminder of old ·days. Of "T.her I I no kind of Rc hl.vemenl tha t .. qourse, we'll eat tbe popcorn, not as equal t!l ~r{ect h ealth." a r mll\der.,o(old dllys/ bu t be~use Wtl are awCully fond ot, popcom.-YUl M. Salada. "Maupin, In Tb~ Commoner. Salaris are such faVOrite dlsbes that we nover s eem to bave . the menu . ~ C~,,~par..on 811unned: quite COmplete wllbout .one· or two ~'YQU didn't ~ry at all at the maU· Many people enjoy a simple salad as nee." an appetizer to begin n JUeal othe,.. "No," lanswerec1 the reposeful girl: enjoy one as a dessert so that the "I couldn't tbln)t ot allch a thing." snlad may grace · almost any course "But ttte '·:young . woman· wHh you acceptably. .' ,.,ept copIouslY... . . .For a cUnner tbat salad' sbould ai, "Of COUHO.. Her laco bandkercblefs wsys bs Ilgbt It mea.ta are served, but are ,ever 10 mucb more elegant thaD that it may 'take the plnce of the main . . mine.'~-Wa8hlnaton Star. dish, sucb as chtcken, lobeter or sal· , The APology of Adal1'. man. ' A &alnion .salad being rIch In 011 Ad~u hQd ~u8t blamM it on the ot the flsh, Is more palat.'Qble when oman. put togetber with. a simple . boiled , "Thero wasn't Rny tariff," be e.:I· dressing w!tti cb,opped pickle In the ~lalned., . , . . '. .. dressing. For a alm,ple dhiner salad Herew'IUI tI;H ai;taedJie ha<hione hll of such vegetaples 8S lettuce, .cress or bost. ' . . . dandellon, the F.rencb dressing fs e.• . peclally appropriate. A mayonnaise SHE QUIT Is good served wltb chicken and ·' eel.. 'B~t It Wa.· a Hlrd Pull. e~y . Egg salad . 111 nice {or a lu~cb­ eon or supper. Cucumbers, wben used In a salad, should be, peeled. sUced and laid tn Ice water .to keep ther;u crisp. ' Tbls also removes some' ot tbe acrid prlnclules wblch cause gastric disturb!!oDces In 80me stomachs. . For a ·irult salad for dessert there il notblng quite so nice a8 the Juice of fruit. tor a salad dressing. If pinekpple juice ' Is at b~nd, boll It with BUgaJ' to make a ratber thick syrup, Pour ·tbSs-over dUferent sUced trulta. Another dressing equally' acceptable tor trults ts niade by cooking two tao bi~spoonfuls each of butter and flour .together, . Add ;one-bjllf .cup of 8U~. one·balf cup of' orange juice and on&Quarter 'Of a cup ot lemon juice.

ffij .


Shakespeare says there is nothing in a name. but John A. Salzer says A GOOD NAME IS WORTH A FORTUNE. He backs up his statement by offering you $500.00 in gold to name his wonderful, long-kemeled corn, pic~red in life size at the left on this page. A prominent Agricultural Expert, on seeing thlo new corn, ex~la1med: "Balzer, you bave startled the Agricultural World In ,dlscoverlng this most . remarkable breed of coml" Indeed, It 18 the most remarkable corn ever seen by mortal eye. But not a bushel of It is for sale. For there Is not one-tenth enougb in ex.lstence to flll the tremendous orders that will pour in when this new corn goes on the market. Next year we may have enough to sell. Right now the best anybody can do Is to obtaIn a sample package-enough to grow lh busbel of seed for 1011. You are mighty welcome t o a sample. Please lend 8c In stamps to pay ma\l1ng charges.

The thing that puzzles ua Is, WHAT ARID WE GOING TO NAME OUR NAMELESS CORN? Mr. Salzer will not be content with anyt hing but • slashing, smasblng good name. So he offers $500 In gold to the seed-buyer who hits upon tbe most suitable name. We want you, reader, to help us out. Name this com, won't youT It does not cost (I. penny to use the corn-naming coupon below. Fill It out, send It to-nlght and be a candldate for the '$500 cash prize.

THE JUDGES We are fortunate in securln,; three ot the most capable an.d prominent men in Wisconsin to sit as J\14ges In our big ' corn-naming contest. "rhey nre Pref. R. A. Moore, Wisconsin State Agricultural College; Hon. J. J. ~~ch, Congressman from Wiscon• In; Hon. Robt. Calvert, U. S. Customs, La Crosse_ These eminent men will . welgb carefully the Dame you suggest, and, it It Is most suitable. you will ge~ the ·,500 prize. No matter Who you are or wbere you llve, you will be given a fair, square opportunity to land the money. . Fill out Ole tree com-naming coupon with penc11 or pen as you please, but be Bure to give your com· plete home a~dresB. .

Sidzer's Catalogue

It'. the most original seed book publlshed, and

la gladly maUed to ' intending purcbasers free; or

remit 100 and get Iota ot remarkable farm seed


Positively the ,reatest grass of the century. Sown wben the ground Is thoroughly warm, It will produce from two to tour crops of hay tbe first sen.son, yielding a ll tbe way trom 10 to 15 tons per acre. It Is prodIgiously prolific. It requires 20 lbs. seed per acre. Price: Salzer'S Supe. rlor, 20 Ibs., $1.75: 60 lbs, $3.00; 100 Ibs., $5.5 0. Salzer's 20th Century, 20 Ibs.. $2.25; 50 Ibs. '5.00; 100 Ibs., $8.50. We commend our 20th Century strain as tbe purest, we believe, on earth.


aamples, tncludlng BUllon , 9rass, AlfaUa, Speltz.

etc., worth a llttle r~nm to get a ~tart With. or lIend 180 and we add a package of Nameless Com.

ALFALFA Pronounced Absolutely Pure, No Weeds. J~argest growers of Clover, Timothy and Grasses, Oats. Barley and Potatoes In America. EX-GOV. HOARD, OF WISCONSIN. from 3D acres sown to Snlzer's 20th Century Altnl Ca . harvested within .24 weeks alter seedin g t.250D worth of magnlfioent hay. or at the rate of $83.33 per acre. Salzer's Altalfa Clover will p roctuce Il crop on any tarm in America where timothy will grow. It is famed for Its jltubborn bardIness Bud prodigal v1~o r . Price, 20th Century (Pure Soed) -sow 20 Ibs. ·per A.-20 Ibs., SUO; 100 Ibs., $::'2.00.

POTATOES 100,000 Bus. Pedigree Seed Potatoes. Largest Growers Seed Potatoes In America, yleldlDg from 150 to ·600 ))ushels per aore for each nnd ' e very aC1e you plant. Price range trom $2.00 to $4.00 pe.r Barrel. No other Beed House baa kept In .sucb close touch with State Agricultural Collegea as loe Jobn A. Balzer Seed Co. ThIs great Seed House specializes in tbe pedigreed varIeties of seed that are brought forth by State Co\1egea of Wisconsin, Iowa, MlnneBOta, the Dakotas and all other Agricultural ColleJea . ID the Middle West. .

Here is • joy coUedion,

beating the world, composed of., 10,000 kernels, of the ridJest, · juiciest,

FREE Corn-Naming Coupon lORN A. SAtzER SEED· co . 18:3 South 8tb St. La Crosse. Wis • Gentlemen:-PleaSe send me yoqr Free 1910 Seed Catalogue.

'tenderest ~ . 1500 Each. Lettuce. Turnip, Ru~abaga.. ·1 000 Each. OniolJ, Celety, Carrot . . 1000 Rarest Radishes, alone worth 16 centsl 100. Each, .Parsley, Melon, Tornllto. . 1200 Brilliant Flower Set'ds, SO Sorts. . In



10,900 kerDela, 1Dcllid1D8 big catalog, All

In .tampl.

' ,-


I 's u n oal

M7N.m ~o__________------------- -- -- ~O

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R. li.D.


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Lhb o llme_ _ _ _-;--_ __ _,.--____ _ _-.;;;_ __


Gall IP'Ow from thlll16eent seed ebllealJon.


Havo You Ui edl

, .,or 70ur


, Aboge eoUt:etloD of 10,000, kem N of , -,.-~ e·~, .,.'!' lIcloull ve~table and brllllanUy l:HI'!~'!!~~!~!...!!~ lU1'ol II. aU Mummer lonlr, 1JUSHlllLS ~nd anel lmsket ~!ter b~lIke~ of exquls l\,ely FOR lOe PO TPAJD and,it you Bend l!l!c a package of our c.orn.Prodllty, for which we arc . Y o u ",m be lP'eatiYoBurprllW!a at the quantity of ,.e&~cui~bh!1I

Whos~ Seed s



Sta i n

Wo uld 70U be wll/i nl!' t SulJ;cr l5 Seedsl

LO Iry



7011 wi,h a .ample p.ckct of Ih8 com whic h \Va ofTer yo u f500 to name 1_ _ (If 70U do ha sura to cnclo. o 80 to pay mqillnll chyrras. Howeve r, YOll need nol hQ\'C oolt\plo to nalne '

tb e co rll .

JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., 182.... 8tb St. •.La Oros.. WI ..

' The Perverse Sex.' . "Hinkley's got a wonderful bead. All his womlln readers are simply wild over tbat serial loye story lie Is run· nlng In the Dally Stunt." "How dId he cllnch 'em?" "Why, be printed the. last chapter first."

Head'a che

".My father baa been a n1ferer from sick headach~ fQr the Jast l1iVeaty-fiveyearaand never fouad uy relief uatil he beRan taking yOUI' Caacaret8. "Since he lial be.~ ~ Cuc:areta he baa never had the headacbej They have entirely cured . ' Imponant to Mother•• him. ~ta do w)lat .1Ou recommend Examine carefully every bottle of them to ao. I will give you the privilege CASTORIA, a safe and sure'remedy fOr 01 alIiug hit name.u_E. M• .I>ieklOa~ infanta and chl1dr~n, and see tbat it 1120 Reiiaer St., W. llldianapolis, Inel. Pleuant, Palatable, Potent: Ta.te Good. Beara the -"fP~~ Do Good. N~ Slol!en,'Weak"D or Gripe. Sl.gnature'. of~~ lOe. 25c. SOc. Never laId In bulk • . Tho 1fI'Du1De t ..blet lItamPlld C C C. G\lahDteod to In Ule For Over 30 Years. . . can or )lOW m_r bac*. . tI25 The Kind You Have ~wa)'a ~ught. f


:Hay's Hair-Health

. Takrng No Risk, a bachelor a bacb'elor?" .. "It depends; but It Ie seldom for the Neve. Fan. to ....tore Gnu- 0 ••• :to lIa Nalural Colo.• a.d 8 ....1)0. Stop. ita '"lIIor snme reason that an old maid's an Dill. IWd posillnly romovea Dandruff. I. Dol a D"e. Refule all aubllitillal. fl .OO .nd~a,\i; old mald."-.Judge. · "WhY. ~e



BOI~le. ·\17 Mall or a~ Drull/il lS.· Send '100:. or larlle .a~pll BoUie ... , Philo Hay Spec. Co., N."'ark.· N. J., U. 8. 4.

. ..






Send 4c. In 8tamps and we will aend you free a package of Oloverlne pms, Cloverlne Salve, Cloverln6 Cold Cure. and a 26c. package of Grecnamyer'. Antl·paln Powders. Other firm8 tell what their remedies do In print, we convince you by a free trial. AdOres. the Oermltbol Co., Piqua, O. Give name o( your ~rugglst as we send you free order on him for th3 goods.




_ _ _ _~----' I II


4th an d Main Stre ets, D \ VTO N. OH IO.


nO Tle B



Sup pe1 an~ Soc ial 4

ai m flj. '~I l'_ /lu ,l ld r . •' r. b n urcl LU, o f • Dnu kl r t, l nu , Ilr viHIt.iUg h is uroth-

MO__ SE__COH EN STO CK _ _ __ __ _

:,._ _ __ _





' e ll

E:xeeu tor 's

- Attend th

• r . nuel r. e b a . Sr 1st.. I'd, nor th o f t W 1, 'H1I'e the " (: 11 , - t f Jr. ll ud 11'. . . It . P tel' on 18 t

l the

cldfellow!I Hall ,


e a l E s ta

March 18th,

I.w n l . 'lLr ( n Ul nn,u tawlly u th " M\lodll bll Ug l1 'who il IA q Ulttll) ",.l,V Lhu pust. w (' I. I

A f ood uppa ' anu • oejal f r LJ ' I t ill' I.J '. 2- c, g iven by t he Men of f l''': Will ' ·l<'nl1c.~ r. on , I. f !::\pri o g the 1\11. . , Vul le v. Ctl U,.J (\ 11 h r p!lr nl , . 11'. tdlImIZ llBl_ _ _•_Church IUI_ __ _iii The under igned will offe r at pubiic auction at the late residen ce .) I~Ul M l''; . L n \\,l l! H.. q"l' hl.':lt T hU l':ltlay . Marga':'ct Clemen ts and Mary Clemenrs, on the turnpik e , M I' . li nd M,. ~ . 'J am J:lllwk el' wi ll midway b tween L banon and Waynes ville, move n ..::t w e k o u \ll eir fll l '!U wh ioh SPRAY ) G SUR ELY PAYS th pllrc h IH! fH.1 neu r e nllt . Warren County . Ohio, on


I tlng:

\Vil li,lUl ' unoingb ll m IiOU Conti nuing throu ghou t the mont h of Ma rch Gold Id t1l1 ~h t e r N lIi e ~\l e n' lus t at nrlitL Y wi t.h Mrs J 'lln e Ellio ttnel~r St Rver. Bond Coupo ns will be given to all persons who hold I t,own. a Gold Bond Coupo n Book . This is done in order I I Mrs. .Ma ry Havers tiok, n f uea r Bll r r 'S Stllliun wa ved In th H " t l ~ (l to g ive every body a chance to fill t heir books and propel' t y ou Wt:>st Frttukl in "t l'ee t secure a pre.mi um_ Books are redee mable for pre- 11l8t WedneSd!lY. \ Mr . nnd Mrs. 0 ca.r ll uwlll lHI of mium s in our Prem ium Depa rtmen t. l>liyton , flrO Vis iting hi p ll r e n L~ uf M rs.

this place. MISS Carey At)Ul P vi rilLeu .i u Vay · ton last Sumlay . Mrll. Plllltln lt Ell iot t Is on the sick liflt . " Mr. Ear nhtl r t,of nea r Ue nte rvi lle, who rec ntly purob tLS d the Oonni o ~ha m fu.rro will move on It next Tnellda v.

.Just a Few Bal"gains Culled from a Lon g .L ist- Cov erin g eve ry Item in This Stor e. Men's $1.75 99 Odd lot F leece-lined U nderPa nts .. .. ..... .. ... ... C ~~i~~~. ~~.~ ~~~..~~~ 25c Men's Light-weig ht Troussers' $2 50 $1 49 MenWor 's 50c Fancy ' 33 C valu'es .. :... .. ... . . king .Shirts ... Men's Neglige e Shirts; 49c Men's ' 2.00 Soft and 98C Stiff Hats.. ..... ..... :~fu::.~ ....... . . . . . 29c Men 's $2.60 S oft and Men's 50c and 75c 29c Sfff Four-in -Hands ..... H~ts .. __ .. ..... . $ 1.39

- - ---- ..- - -. .



Hun dr dR of

~ urm

rs inOhio hllve

Itig n ili ed their iut nt,ion of slJrtlyln g th ir Rl>p ltl ol'r h rds 'his yen,r . 'fhe

Monday, Marcb 28, 1910,'

faot has beoolll too viueot t hl1t deoent, 'upp\y of fl' uit for fumlly U oi O ou nnot ot her wi s e b obt!lln ed '1'be good old clllYS w hon fr uit trees took care of tb e m~ e lv o are gone. Su rely it. ii! po 81ble t:o splire a. day or At 10 o'clock , the r eal estate of wbich said Margar et Clemen ts and Mary t wo fr om oth er fa r m work fo r tb Clemen ts died seized, to-wit: . Rake of fnmily bOl\.ltb Il nd pl el\sm·s. it seellls It poor polioy for farmerl ! t talk of bl1ying fruit fo r h ome Oon snmpt ion 'l'IlIHmetllod U Il U/Llly res ul ts 10 1\, vel'Y In offio ient s upply , Residence proper ty, contain ing about 8.72 acres with dwellin g and as comme rrin I orohdf d\ ts Ilre not other buildin gs thereon . forc d to soil tlleir produo t for very low prices .. Wheu far mers b gin to buy fruit for hOIDe use, oue of the prinoip!t.i delight s Ilnd a dvaota ges Contain ing about g5.7 acres known as the old Clemen ts Homes tead, of ooutl try Bfe bu b een lost. M~k e tog ether with buildin gs and other improv ements thereon . op your mind to bd filiI' with ,your orobtlr d. Gi ve it one tlie ti me nnd effort. /lcre per nore, thl~t you do your oorn and see whloh gives yoa the ~ relL ter return s . 1.'l1e orop Cont~ining about 80 acres and known as tAe !'Antri m" Tract. from on o or t wo old apple tref\8 pr operly trellted wilt' pay fOI' a good Said ·last two named tracts will be offered Reparately and as a whole pr lly i ng Oll tfH We til'lIt enSOll. and will be so ld in the manner that will produc e the most money. !I.


Mrs. A. H Hurla.n WIlS t he g oest of b f SOU, '1'. M . Bu.lll\n and tAmily, of Miamis borg, last week. 1.'be rema·in s of Naomi , o l de s ~ daoght er of Mrs. An ni o ~o ro~g y, of Wilmin gton. wer e brough t here for burial on Friday. She uled nfter only t wen ty fou r hours illnells of per i ton I tis. . Th ree 1umlli iu Sout h Burling ton had to move;o ut on aoooun t of t he higb w/lters, Snnd llY n igh t of III t w e k. 'everal --ou es wetEl : .u r rou nded .by wllter lUd t he r O t~U was Abou t t he roo t unoom fortabl e impass able. ~ W m. Moon uu d w ife ar e the par · and uns/lhsfy ing work ia. whioh a mlm call engage is thrash ing his en t s of a little son. At the home of Mr. a nd Mrs , wilO-Oll t crop. I111!'• • •• Chus. MoKion ey l'lst Tuesda y even1 - - -.-. ing, their daught er, B sie was unitExecu tors' Sale ed in m8rri l~ge with Car} E Pet er SOD, Rev. J 8S6 Btlwki nsoffio iating. ':fhe lgn a will offer at Pub.•• The young oouple enj oy the best •• •• wIshes of a host of friends , lio ..A:uotion a t th~ late residen oe of •• . ' 1.'he folloWlDg list of personll Margar e~ Clemen ts lind Mary ................. ~- -.. - - - - - - . . - - .. - - - ~ (,)Jem· . ohange d residences last week: .1'as. ents, on t·he turnDik e 'a,b out mldwtiY and Frank MoInti re to a farm near betwee n Lebano n and Wayne ~pring Valley. sville, Wayne sviJle; Ollas . MoInti re t o his Warren Coun~y. Obio, on 'Il...E ....._ . town proper ty; _ra. arnast _Dno n spent W;ed . · LeMar to tbe M~. I:i. W. Britton oalled t o Fudge proper tyRoJlA. j Harry Hurley tiJ :neadll yaUern oon with hell mother , Miami sburg I;)aturday was Mon~ay, l\\arch 28, 1910 by the death 110 farm near Mpring boro j WID . Mills .Mra. George D.a vls. . ' . of his mo'her . . .. . ' to the Brad.s treet place be reoen~ly Beginn ing at 10 o 'olook A. M., George T'almage; of·DaYtoD, apeDt T..awrenoe Sims il! oonfineil to hiS purohn sed' Jesse Bi\wki ns to bie all the chattel ~roperty and estate lI'riday . nIght with bi. brothe r, Al home with measle s; prQper ty i~ ~outh Burlin gton l\Dd Talmag e,and famUY'. . Mrs. JoM Hnod t. able to be out E . M. Bogan to Jesse Hawki ns'farm of 'tbe !!lIttd Marg~ret Clemen '8 and . Mary Clementd. consi!ltlng of honse· Wee Mabel' l'homp son spent a8V- aftllr a severe illness. . :" - ...- -h d 'goodt!,..auoh 8,8 Beds, Bed8t~d8 eral dUY8 lut.. week with ber li8$er, hie funera l service of Mrs. Elam r.;;;;--- ..---- rB =e"·"dding~ Blaoket-s, Quilt@, Bed' AIr!!. An~aEllBl'aunon. Truma n, a. former r 'b. realde nt of this ' . P 'UrOorge Is mate a busines a trip plaoe, .was held In'the M.. • ~'buroh The UI!ol'veyslolurg F ertilize r Co. spreads , Ch"irs, 'fables , Kitche n to 8pri~gfleld ',l'uea<\ay. ' . , last Tuesda y, burial in Bellbro ok. held ita annual eleotio n of offioers Rauge, Books eto. 'M rs. WiU Dunn and ohildre n apent , Miea Rena Smith Tisited'with Mrs. 8aturd ay, Maroh 8th as follows : uue Horse, 50 Ohl0k~DII, i SuudllY with h8li. Ps'rents , Mr. and. Haines ·l:iatllrday . Preside nt, Jont. Morris ;Vioe Pres., ~5 0 bushels Corn, 20 tons u'llrrlage Bay in Mrs. George Bttglril. .. .&ir!!. Riley is slightly ImprovinlJ· Milt. Howe; Reo'y TrellS., E. B mow, 700 Tqbaooo StiCka, etl. Mr. Joe ,Davis, of .DaY'9n , .spent Carl l:4herwood and wife were Dakiu; . DtreOlQ~s.'a nd ;Tont. .Morri!!. 'rer~s of Stile: AUlum ll of Th~ee SundllY yVI'h his parents here. . . Dayton shoppe rs Friday · Lewis Sears. Milt .Ho'VI e, W. .8. . Oolla,rs an. d le8s, cash on M I1il B 11 d l day of ' . ' t and E . B. Daktn; Bookke ep. ~'Ti au ..oy anne an son John BoOties and family will move Merrlt er W A Merrlt · AtIIIonag er E B sale; a.ll sums In excesa of Tbree :~n:~mt~~ay wUh Ueorge BOlan to IndtanLL next week, . D~Jti~ : ' , , . . Dollars , a oredit of IIlx months will . , , . A .or~wd o( young folks enjoye d Dr.X. N Seal nnd Mr•. Ann Weloh be given • . WMrs. Ma~y Jane Cleave r s pon. a ohloKen rout Ed. Wood's sugar are reporte d liS being dauger ously edneld ay ~itb her daught er"Mrs oa,mp Thursd ay a.t nigh t. ill at this writing . . Martha. DaviS . . W. H. ALLEN , . M ' dB t h ' 1'h ' _ _._ .... _ ___,. au or of the Last Will of Mary os on wass pppmg urs- Mi':l\l Edna Stonh of WayneSVille, Exeout . Ole' m ents, decease d. . day in 1>a.ytOD. called on o.unt, Mra. I. N. Sea.l Mr. and Mrs. M. E. SherWOOd, Saturd ay.her . . .'F. M. HAM[l -TON, , Mr. and Mrs . Carl Sherwo od (lndson Mr. and Mrs. PearI'S tewart spent Exeout or of the 4s't Will JR." of Mar· 8pent Sunda.y with relativ es in Sunday with relativ esiuou rvillag e Wayne svUle. garet Clemen ts, deoeused. . . . • Meetin g still oontinu ea at the C.& .o. Lenoy of the BoeHn e dry O. T . H&wke, A-uotioDeer. M P ohuroh . good~ store spenli two days }tist Hamil ton & Brown .Ruuya n & Mr'. Raymo~d Holla.nd was very week ~n Cinoinna~i buying goods I,Btianlev, At.torneys. siok the past week. . for thelr spring t l'ade. , Mr. Hawke of the Anti Saloon League spoke to Gn Bppre6i~'ive ~_I11!11___ ___ ___ __I ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1!! audleno e here Sunuay ufterno on. ,;: .t>rotraoted meetin g u.t the M. E Churoh be!l;on Mondu.y evenin g, at 7 P. m., March 7th. Miss Lou Weldy is making her Eister, Mrs. Lizzie I;,esb, of Sl1.hina , a vi sit. New Card en Seed s Misl! Mary Dawso n afte! severa·j Now is a good time to buy~ .... weeks vacatio n returne d to her bome in Cinoinno,ti. Flow er Seed s Having bought a large supply 6f Leath er and Rev. John H. Zuin. of New Cast·le, , Bulk Sweet Pea Seed Ind ., will deliver his famous leoture, Mounti ngs before .the recent decided advanc~ in New supply jUl'It in "'rhrou gh Confed erate PrisoDI! and all materials. ' We are enabled t o sell you your Home Again, .. He should be well Onio n Setts ' Harnes s as low as ever' and quality the best. suppor ted. Fancy Yellow and Wlaite. Mr. BDd Mrs. Eillm Gray. of near Note the following prices and g ive us a call. Red Lion, will in the neu.r fntore New Whit e ' Fish move in this vichllty. Whi~e Fi~h, 4 for 5c.



... -_.- --

Trustee's Sal,e--Mose Cohen Stock --iiil--................................

--- --

One-th ird cash in hand on day of sale; one-thi rd in one year•.and · ~ne-third in two year : Deferre d paymen ts to pear interes t at six per cent from d ate and to be secured by mortga ge on the premise s.

New s

w. H. Allen"

E."(ecutor of the Last Will 'of Mary Clements, df'Ceue d. ,

' M ·· The lam l Gaz ette Prints

Syr up Lab els


H A R N E S,-S -_ ..........




Plow Harn ess, 'per side, • • $ 5.00 Plow Harn ess comp lete for two horse s, less col'l ars, • • 16.6 0 A good heav y 2-inc h Trac e Harness for two hors'es, • • 26.0 0 Team Bridl es, ••• 1.75 , Team CoUa rs, • 1.00 Swe at Pads , • • '. 2Sc • Bugg y l:"I~r~ess; • $lO.O O .and up

41.3 E. 3rd' St..


Corw in.

w. ,T.

Kilbon went last ThurijdtloV to Marion , Ind., for treatm ent. John Adair, of Duyton , is visitin~ rela.ti ves bere . Mrs. 'May Johnson, of Tlimbl f', 0 ., is visiting her pa>renta, Mr. nnd Mrs. James Morgan Robert Werntz has to 'I'exll,s toO visi t his SUI ter . . 'Mrs. JamES is in Dayton. visiting her Bon d':l,d ftl.mily . . . Numer ous Ohunges w~re made bere last. week b,Y 'people ·.movin~ .. . Geor~e Crut4e rs and wife moved Into tlie .; Walter. Biggs prc;>perty; P4r ' 9xQff fln~ wife in t~ t~e .Fram ~ pr9P ' erty ;' George P~nse and f~m'Uy, of Day moved · in to Mre. W II.ter~ ""...,y,..' .. t... .. , MoDonald

Wayne Ave., Eas=t~O..:.f..:c=::,a=n~a::..I·_-I~~~;;~Bd=1W~O~~ff<.t?bleBf'£t:r.....

-.Dayio"ii. " ~~io.


Fanc y Cran berri es 2 q tS: for 15c.


Parsnips ' Onions .Apples 'Banan as Oranges

Chic k and Hen Feed . Mixed grains_

It can't be beat

Specia l Sale Saturd ay

Calva nlze. d' Palls


We w"ill plt.&~e on sal~fo~ 'one da y

anothe r lc;>t Of those .medium . size' ga)variized Buckl!ts at·the '. , special' 10~ pr~ce of :.

.. Iqc Each


. F. M. Ham ilton·, J~.



Ext!Cutor of the ' Last Will of M,argaret Clements, deceKled.


T. HAWKE, Aucti oneer .

Hamilton and ,Brown-Runyan aud .Stanley, Attorneys. \ . N. otlc:e to ' ·







The Waynesville Canning



Company wish~ to cvntract· •




75 acres Tomatoes. Those wanti ng tc? grow Toma:toes, please call at the office.

FRANK SNOOK, Secretary,



.. ... "' .. ,

wm 110 uniter 1II1.



tweoty·BYe ceots for ,hue .... .·beo ualOIF Dot mOre than live Iloea. .

........~ .~~ ~








... -- •..-- - -- --. Oil;; ~dTil;;e -' I ' R'PO~~~N:~;n.~~~:~~P P ub : Social Jl+-P;"8on~i' M:;ti;~ _.•. ~y~~nts. - - .."I' ' --.----+--.--,. ----- ---



Alb.", and Abiga ~-, ,.., Wharto.n wasborn in Ferry/Green l' , . , - , . , ' - - - lioSohools for the month ending .~~ -. :AI Ohi~ June 12 1852. His boyM h d th S'd 's I February 25, lI110. Midland, Tex a~. Match 7, 1910 noo"d d ' were spen , t'm th. e v cl'nl'ty Men's supper and social-Mar. 18th arch 18t an 19. .- I .es. a e.. 1'he following' pupil8 VI' 1'e neither Miss Grace S'mart entertained' the ays . . . Editor of Gazette -Aftet reading where he was botn. HIS mother March L8th and 19th-Sldes'Sale. L. A. Zimmerman IS In Cmcmnatl nbse nt nor tardy. Misses Helen Marlatt and Hazel otl er letters from former residents. was eat:\y lef a widow with two chi I· John Taylor was a Dayton visitor today. Spring Branch Sterling Swiday at dinner. dren Albert and Frances. ' CI'ff B D t . 't wh, not 1 write? We are living in On' December 18, 1879, he was last week. I I urnett was a BY on VISI or Geneva Cur.tis Hermon Oonner A wedding of much interest t~ a to n, and like it fine. Midland is a united in marriage to Eva L. Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Wal1er McClure were last week. Lester Cur tis IIarry Looy . large circle of relatives and friends .Millinery opening at Eva Bar~er's ErCntteSs'etsBorfadt~~~~n:s'~r~~t ~~~l\tment bea tiful little place, about 4600 inTo this unhion wd-:edre ~r':l sfix childrTehn, Dayton visitors Sunday. of both contracting parties, took h two of w om I In m ancy. e . . S t d M h 19th . b · n ts. I" ha.1 t IS Just a ~wn on t. e wife died in December,1890 and thus Mrd. Harriet Lincoln IS recovet'mg a ur ay, arc . .. 14. J oh n St raw n, Teuoher. place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. pIal . A ~erson couldn t find a hln he was left with four little on~ to from a very seriou'! illness. Mrs. Eliza Murphy is qUite III of R.ed Oak John M. Nutt, near Centerville, Philip Hop'kins, Sr .• was in Dayton pneumonia in the hospital in Dayton. Ooaes of tardine s 5 i enr ollment 5. when their daughter,Luella Rebecca , two eet high a~:-place. For the protect and care for, but was 88SISted past ree , weells II has been very by the ,a,ed Gr!lnddm~tthherhWFha!todn.~ on busin'ess last Thursday. Mrs. E. D. Roberts is spendin&, Eva; Davis, Teuoher. was married to Mr. Henry A. Brown war If It were not for the enol In lB92 he Ulute WI t e rlen s . h . ' . Church at Olive Branch near Orego- Harry Stokes attended a stock sale spme time at the Kelley home ere. Saturday afternoon. March 12, 1910. breez . here-all the time the heat. dh . h Id 'h' b . Harmony Grove ' nIl!- an as since. e 18 .mem er- in Springfield last Thursday. . Mrs . George Kmdle returned to The bridegroom with bis happy b woul e unbearable. ship there. He hved a qUiet, unaah h . M . , I d I t week Edna Rbubert Mubel ~tal\ley bride took their places~as the beautiPear apple, peach and apricot sumi!\,i life and w~ hi&'h1y respected Born,-To Mr. and ~rs. Nathan er orne I~ ,arl~n, n .. , as . ' i\Dna Furns tiurriet I::)tewart . ful strains of Lohengrin's wedtrees a in blossom. and to go by an by all who knew hlm. Smith Thursday 10th, a girl. The Ladles GUild Will meet With NeVIl, Stanfield SUBie Clevin ger ding march, which were by the orchard itsu'rely looks beautiful. For the past eleven months he had F. C. Carey and daughter Pearl, ¥rs. Barnhart on Thursday after- Vl~ra Rhnbert Weldon Wilson . . been a great sufferer. All was done . noon Ohve Wilson Rosoo FUrDl1.8 bride's sister, and were joined in In S~t~ . .f' the ~ne ch.n ~~ here for h~m that loving hands an~ medi- were m Payton on Thursday. .' . . . Earl OJevingex: Vlarenoe Rhubert holy wedloclt by Rev. F. W. Swift, I get hom . ~ck fot old OhiO. Mort' cal. aid could~o but of no avatl. On Allen W. Haines, of Xenia, came ' Mrs. H.enrle~ta ~opkms, who ~as Oases of tardiness 12 i ?n rollment of Dayton. After con~ratulations, so, when I t IS so warm because I want Fnday mornJ-!lg, M.arcJt 4, 19~0, at down Sunday to visit relatives. been qUite Sick, IS very much Im- 23. ' Minnie Burgett, reaoher. a luncheon in three courses was ' to th d d ' th the hOlJle of hlS son m Lytle, hls.suf, proved to ram ble m e .woo s an ira .er ferinte ceased and he entered into James Benham was quite sick last , . . . Sugar Grove . served. Mr. and Mrs, Brown drove wild ftow~. Thert' are ~ots of w . ,lid rest at the age of 57 years, 8 months week,'Qut is able to be out again. . Mias Ethel and M . r. Raymond WI 1- Inez 'fhomo,s Everett'I.'homu8 to tbeir new home in the evening, flowel'a he' e but they are m pastul'es. and 22 days. He leaves one daughM H d H k' f D to hamson, of Dayton. spent Sunday nILrold Earnhart Marie B'tlduoe whicb stood in readiness , to receive A person c uld wal~ here for Ii week ter, Mrs, Minnie Shumard, anll three rs. . ?war .op IDS, ~ ay n, with their parents here. Paul Stokes Opul Gruy the happy pair, two miles north of and never , ~ any forests-nothing sons, Clyde, Wilbur .and Hurace; alRO spent Friday With relatl~es here. ( lharlie Moore, of Washington, Lowell Thomal! Rus8el Bur:'aoe Waynesville, where their many but plains• . ' I the trees here are in three little ~randch!ldren. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith spent D C attencied the burial of Mrs. Alvin Earnha.rt' Madison E'lrnhnrt , J t " The funeral servIces were held at S d ·th Mrs Haniet Lincoln ..'. Cases of tUTdiness 1 i enroJlment friends wi!!h for them a lon~ and ~ple ~sya~ . . lant~ by t~em. The the M;. ,E. Cburc~ in Lytle on Sunday un ay WI ' . • ,John Dodds last Friday. 16. Marguerite Monfort, Teaoher. prosperous life. plamlt are COI l. red With httle mes- mornmg at 10 0 clock conducted. by Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Be on hand early on the 18th and L 11 H'II quite trees. d , e ta'lest [have ~n Rev. S. W. Campbell, ?f Centerv~ne. Spring Valley, visited friends here 18th of March, the date of A. B. . owe I , BeautUllI and impressive in its was aDout fo. J feet hbrh. The most The ~!I .bearers were. Joseph Glth- Sunday. Sid '5th A 1S I Mllrle ~hutts Fred Simkins simplicity was the marriage of Miss ~' . ens, WIlham Cox, Sherman Dyke, A. ~ es nnua a e. Nina Simkins Joseph I::)butts of them are ,\ 0 feet high and grow S. CorneU, Simeon Brown and H; M. Born, to Mr. and Mrs• .Herbert Born- March i2, 1910, a son to Jumes Woollard Ethel SimkinR Helen Oglesbee and Mr. Hoi W. Riaout fulll~ke a i oseberry b~sh. Peo- CJark. Interment in, Miami cem~ W~ick, of Columbus, on March ?¥fr. and ·Mrs. Asa Whitaker, of tbe Cases of tardiness 5; enroll uent inger, which occurred Tbu.rsday at pie usethero ttst~burn •. T.heyare ~ry..... • _. 8th,aeon. Green Briar neighborhood. 1S . . , ' 4:30p.m. at the pretty counfryhome tromoneto tw&vemcheemduu1'1eter DEATLIS m-..~·_. G L' Cornell and I Bentletta MoKlDsey. Tenoher. of the bride's parents, Mr. an~ Mrs. ' , " .. ._' .I."UlJ~ ' raJlam, . MiNt ~lia Young has been spend. d h If The Gazette ~enE rall~ gets to me Pratt were in lebanon Monday on i raJ d . tb h . t M Oreen Briar Elias Oglesbee, tw.o an one a Friday at noon \ sometimes' it is de' . ' , n~ seve ays WI ,er SlS er, rs. , 'miles east of Waynesville. Only the lafed vl'\til Satu'rC.Jay and then I get Mrs. Gec!rge Sellets , di~ in Bell- tow~~ip busmess. . Frapk Shutts, near Harveysburg. 12.(a8eS o~ar:;hd~:~e5t: ~~~~~::~nt immediate relatives and two intimate blue, for wha food is to you the b~k Satl1rdQ3, after an Illness of M~ Mary Smart spent the w~kMrs. Lina DevittJeft last Saturday , Coil H'II friends of the bride, Mils SteUa Lemdear old' Gazette 'i to me. two w.eeks. The funeral was h,.Jd en:;wtth heraunt, Mrs.Mary Hames, for ,Indianapolis, where she will ege I mon of Waynesville and Miss Ro. My sentiments a~e the same as the at the Chapel .. Monday at 2 p. m.; of Harveysburg. , Jspend several weeks with her sister. Gayle Evans . Edna Cornell lwen~ Reeve of cirtcinnati who is ; . Re J F Cad allader officiatin... Co to th Eaat . f . UI!.3eS of tlLrdlnetfR 15 ; enrollment I . ' , . '. ; little ple:e of poett')' of fifth pa~e v... w . . . o' . me . e er openJD~ 0 upnay' Mills, who has been home 1S. Helen McClure, Teuoher. a college friend of Mrs. Risinger. ' of last week's , papeT entitled "The Interment was made tn .MlamI cem· to-date MdHnery, Saturday, March ,from Dayton for some time has dewere present. Son&' Qf . th.e. ~itor. \ ) If.'tery. 19th, at ~v~ ~r's. . cided to /3tay here and' start a repair Mt. ~:~~ , Mrs. Risinger is the eldest daugithead tpat Drane Reed was mar- J~t·, as ~ewEre ~ing to press If. you are m n~ pf anythmg on shop. . , :::rth~~rlatt Pauline'Morl/itt ter of Mr. and ·Mrs. Elias O~lesbee, ried. Good for Drane!' The very Tuellda~ eveni~g' 1l telegram 'was re.- the fann remember March 18th and ,Attend thg Supper and Social at Al::rt Marlatt Velma. Mlu la tt leadin~ resi~ents of Warrtln CountY, ~t ~hat could b,s wished him is: the tel~tiveS h~re th'at Mrs. 19~{i~' B. Sidf!8: S&1e~ OddfeUow's hall March 18th. A WUber. Adria Cornell and Mr. Risinger is the onlj son of I "opeh~tnarried life will beuhap_ John Dodd~ had died at the hospital Mhs Sue CraIle, who wheen viII- J~ supp~randsocial for 25c, givf',p George SmJth Le8~~ Dill Mr. and .Mrs. A. ? Ri~,- bf· py as m108 bu been. " irrCtevelari . " . . ~ ~ returned to her by the men of the M. E. Chu reh , 25Oases of ;,ard~n~"sB,~lj ;nrol~ment Eaton, OhiO, aRd WIll be assoclated I have never set!Il~peftOn do~ The news ~ a shock to ~e, com- home in Cincinnati l~t ~rday. Waynesville. . e a r . , 000 er. with his .father, , Il'promine~t laWJ!gjer'--_ _ ,.here fro",. there,on papa. ~~18 munity,asAbbieRobertSDodds'was Mr. ana Mrs. Jesse Wnpt,of M~.BunnellandHatfield have Summary ofthatclty,butatpresentlsaranchI~ing With us. and enthUSiastic afavoriteamong Wayneavillepeople Springborot were the eats of Dr. paid out for hogs this season $76,000 Enrollment .............................. 121 er at Alberta, Canada. bo t the "limate here \ ' ~ "'I "';..1 Neither absent nor tardy ..... .. ... .. 46 Tb Re M A K Sargent nAr a u ~ / . , who have loved her from infancy. and Ml'II. A. T. Wrlcht aat Thu~ay. to the ~ers ia and around Way- Cases ot tardinel,4@ ......... ......... ..... 55 e v. r. . . . r- .We have .bad fMlS" velfetablt;s all The body arrived "ere Thursdav. Mias Belle Gallaher, who has been JiesviUe. fo~med the ~eremo~y whtch ,,:as wmter, tresh tomatoes. omons, d h 'f 1 ld Th red th . f M ' d h Notes made doubly Impressive by the m· r&d' ,, ' . " . , an t e une... was e u ay e JUeat 0 n. , E.D . urnett, B MI'II. Jenme Hearne and aug ter Some oUhe schools had uo scbno I .. W ' "B'd I f h ' alP.l?r,~ . ~t:e ' g~:-it. IS es, .urnIPB,· carrots afte~oon at ~~ home of the Kellys went to Centervm. Sund..,y to visit Maud, ~f Lebanon; atten~ed the fu- one or two days, on acoount of tl1e shPll'ln~, tfones '?Lo an e ~Qee. .. on F.ourth street, Rev . . J. F. Cad ... friends. . neralof Mrs. Geo. Sellers Monday deep snow , c orus . .r~m . engnn. an . .There a~ th~ m~t- marke~ ,w allader officiating, The interment M , d MeA ed afte The enrollment of u>weJl Hill hus almost Imperceptible but mfimtely . r. an. rs. • . runer mov moon. been reduoed l?y the l removal of the sweet strains of De Koren's "Oh, here, ftt'e drY IrO¢s ,stores, five gro- Wall not made until Frid afternoon' cariea two barber shope five church- ,, " ay , In the 8UIt.e, formerly used by Dr. , Mrs. Sherman Dyke, Mrs. George Anderi!on, Beokett Ilnd Gullady Promise Me " rendered upon the pies, ' ei~ht hotels" tbree' restaurants, owing to the fact that her mother J., T .. ,Ellis, in the National Bank Kindl~ and Miss Martha ~urnett ohildren. ' . ano by Miss'Reeve. 'I • ffi . . .. could not get here on Thursday. build1O&, were recent guests of Dr Michener Ha.rmony Grove wl.ll 800n suffer . ., d two pnnting 0 , ces, a musIc store. Mrs Dodds spent her early life in " . ' . . a loss by the rem oval of tbe Prloe, The bride was charmmg In a han three banks-lhe Midland National, W . ' '11 I 1892 sh . • Attend the Supper and Social at and ·famlly m Lebanon. Rhllbert und t.:levinger children some sprin~ travelin~ costume and Fir.t N~tibnal and. the ,First GQaran- .;r:~ e'J ~ D dd e ~ar Oddfellow,' s ,hall Mareh , 18th. A M~IIS Annie U.,Brown was a guest The enrollment of tl'e 80hools of carried a bunch or oran.~e blossoms. tj State Bank. We also have a mov:-~ r ' ~. 0 h l~~' . an smce gooc;i'supper and social for ~,given at the marriage of her 'cousin, Mr. the township bas suffered 0. 1088 by The rooms were pre,Wly decorated in~ picture show, aoout six fu.ei, ice Cel . mlar,?ageSh asl;v IDho~bneard by . tile ~en of the M. E . Church, Henry Brown to Miss Luella Nutt, removdo,il, of 21 andso fnr only 6 hav~ with carn, ations, rosesandsweetpeaa, . eve an~. e . eaves a ua an • W ' l l ' Ce '11 1 Sa rd Imove u. , and ~er firma, two dentlRts, two mother, sister and'brother to mourn ayn~V1 e. " near , nt~rV1 , e, ~t , tu a y .. The GillUalld o~i1dren 'of Lowell arranged in artistic ereecta . •A dain" Mr. and Mn. A. L. sides and two Attend the Supper and Socaal at Hm, ~nd ' the Whitaker obllqren of ty luncheon followed the ceremony, . undertaken, (but not much f~r them f he to do 'In their line). elec~ric-Ught o~er·communitie8 that knew her. little daughters have moved in with Oddfellow's hall March 18th. A&'ood Groob JJrilu ,are all out with ~be after which the bridal coup~e leftIor plant. (but no 'water wor~ yet, but best Hudson Ohio and Waynes- Mr. and Mrs. samuel Sides. in order aupperand social for2lic, given by the m1~J(l8 1 loving and inolem an extended trip throulh western 8 c: --±hey have-been started), three d~~ville: feel deeply the i0880f oned~r- to-carefol: them:- . -~en of tHe M. E. Church,. Waynes- ent :e:h~~ i :e past month have cities and ~an~a, and Will be at storftl thpte hardw~and furniture Iy loved, and extend to the bereaved Mr. and Mrs.,Alpha Smith and Mr. ville. . been very trvlng u~ .the telloherR, home to theIr friends at Eaton after ~tores. and the beet 01 all there are family their sympathy in their hour Henry Smith, of DartOn, were Sun- Miss Hattie Reece, of Cineinnati, who have heen IiwbttloU8 to secure November 1st. .. noaaloona. Of course there are law- of bereavement. , day &'\lests of their parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson and daughter, [reOOrd attenda~~eH. C91vin . Supt. This mllrri$ge is ~he culmmab~n yen and doctors and automobiles, -- - • Mrs. F. C. Smith. of Lebanon, and Jerome Anderson, • '_ • of a romance begun at Oxford. OhiO, There are three gara,. ~ere. ReCBPTION OIVEN 'PASTOR 'Farmers don't forget that March ot Merrittstown were amon&, those 5T MARY'S CHURCH , when Mrs. Risinger was a student at V!ishin~ all su~eeas ,to the ~~tte -J.._ 18th and i9tll is the date of A. B. from a distanc; ,who attended the Orlor~ colle~e a~d M~. Ri8!nger was I~ wlll close. I wtll .w~te agam some On last Friday ~vening the ,mem- Sidea' 5th Annual Sale of imple- funeral of Mrs. Geo. ~llers Monday. ~ SUf.lday before Easter, •Palm sun- I attendmg Miami Un!Ve~lty, from time. Papa senda be8t, ntp.~s. bers of the Christian Church bere, ments, hardware, etc. Attend the Supper and Social at day, March 20th. Mormng Pra~er ~hich be ~,raduated WIth high stan~Mrs. D. Helmstetler (nee) and at Ferry held a reception for M CAB -':'Iled to Oddfellows' hall .' March 18th A and sermon at 10.80 n. m.; evenmg mg. He IS a young man of splendId ' Jt.ev. t,.. O. Thomp- Mason rs. Thuraday . . runer was calof her ~ood supper and social for 25c, given worsh'IP an' d sermon at 7. p. m.; S un- , q~al't' d h'IS . b'd . an accom •Kathe"'"' _ •• ,,- Werntz . Uleir, new pastor. an account 1 les an rl e:s eon and family, at ~e Masonic Hall, ~dfather~s death. Mr. Bruner by the men of the M. E. Church, day Scbool at 9:30.. phshed yf\ung lady, haVing graduatCHRISTIAN i~HURCH Ov~r 100 sat down to well ftlled ta- attended the funeral on ~turday. Waynesville. ' Litany, P.enitentlal o!fIce nnd ad- ed from Oxford colle&,e, last year. L. O. ThompsOn, M~rwiil pzeach bles where everything .JOOd to eat Attend the Sap,er and Social at , ¥r. and Mrs. Chas. Wintersteen, I d~ess Wednesday evenmg at seven RUNS IN-TO' DAYTON . . at Ferrry next Sunday at '10:ao L m., ~u serv~. At a late h~ur all went Oddfellow's hall March 18th. A ~ood of Dayton, and Mrs~ Jessie KeJley ' 0 clo~k. . Y WEEK andatWayneavilleat'lp.m. homefeehn&'thatitwumdeedgood 8upperandsocialfor25c,lPvanbythe Botts,of Cincimtati,werehere last Se' d ~IOL tS t rday 8t7 TheD. L.'&C. ran their firattrain . , . .1 h to be there h W ' k to t4 ~d th f I f th . rvlce al y excep a u . After next Sund,v, he w.~1 preac ' .' • ..,. men of, the M. E. C ureh, ~nes- wee, a...... . e unera 0 . elr .p.m. Easter Even at 3:45 p, m. Every. into Dayton last' Thursday. This .a t F~~ry thtl ~st .n4 Srd Sundua ' of HAS HAD HARD LUCK ville. , ' . cousin, Mrs. Abble Roberts Dodds. body invited to all these services. will be a gr~at accommodation to p.aseacl) month morni~. and ni~ht, and Mr. and M1'8. Ed Edwards have -.- . _ :-... . sengers gomg to Dayton, and as soon at Waynesville the 2nd and 4tl1. Sun .. Clift Max~en, li~inr near Sj>ring mQved near Franklin and are W. F. M. S. TOOK LONG WALK as posSible ' the road will run to Cendays mornilijt .and ~ight, !'earuwly. Branch l08t a ~aluable horse last now livitl&' Jamal Sales' farm, . ' tral depot . .. - • week. 'TtJa makes the third one he whieh they had formerly, ~~piec! The Women's Foreip Missionary . Sevet'!ll'embryo "Westops" w!llked B:-A-N-D-S-U-R;R~SED HIM , MASONIC NOTICE has loat, 'and he has two more that for a number of years. Society of the M. E. church: met at tJo Xema Su~day a~ternoon: They tl fW areseriouslyilt ' MislBertbaBrown,ofSprinafie1d, thehoineofMrs.O~rEdwards)ast ~de very:goo.d time, domg the 'lhe Cadet band went to Lytle . ReItul e~mmunlea ono aynea ... • -i. __ L. __ " di ...veral.l_ .... With Wednesday afternoon · The meeting fourt,een mtles, tn about three hours M d ' d' r'Bed Chas '11 Locip No 163' F & A M.~' , ~ ., RNED HOME u.D~n apen ~ -.....,.' ' . d' h If Th Ra d on ay evenmg an surp I . VI . ~ . ~ M __L 22 191'0' , 1111;,.. · RETU . her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Geo. 'N. was opened 'with dev:otional exercises '~ . a , a. ey were, ymon , Duke a member. Mr. Duke, with Tuesday .ven~. , an;n, , at ,', ". . B · ' ......... F d 't ten ' 'ded an~ after the usual buainess was d~ DaVIS, Bryon Prendergast, Vernon . ' ed 'to D to T ' 'lock Ii' r. Degree Via "·t ' h I ped 'th rown, n_ , ~rry; ' 'an .a . ' ' , H k D Hd 11 d w'lr hlS parents mov ay n ues~ven' 0 c ~ • ... ', .. , ' )"'. .'0 wen S.t ooKon,. w .,.o , e 0 WI . iii rB . tiall Saturday. posed of a pleasing progl'lim co~sist- , awe. ' ean we an . 1 Ie, d th b nd loses one of the.' 'ItoJ:!.l,welcome. ,.,..', , Lizzie Sa,"" a fe" w~~WO. tired ,e ~'?, ,. '. ~ ',:..' .; in 'of a teading by .Miss Minnie Sat- Baines! The boys w~re walk.m g on ay an e a , . . ,': J. Cart~right~..w. M. of ' 't he South to . War,~ . ·~r.'F~ ,e . ·swatt,z ~ve, ~·prac~lcal, ~~thwatte. vpealsolOs ' by Mrs Geo. "three legs" Monday morning. best playe~l thereby.• The evenl~ , EY 'Banihart~ Ste'y. " COunty an~ bOth 'are no~ in the eMlbftlon ,of.\Vlreleli ·tel8fl'&P~ to S ·th M B iI Howell and Mrs ' . < .... , was pleasan y spent m gaple8, ~ . : .' .,,;;,. : ,", ' . ·eourity.Jail .. .< • ' , I : ' . ' i , the pupils, of ' the Il'~h SC:hoollut T~~~~', ~'talk ' ''MI~ion~ "KNOW THYSELf''' , - music.. Light' !efreshments · w~ CARD ' OF.: THANKS " I • Thqrad~ ~tei'lldon" Whieh'was in· ~. .' "es" ~ . on , . served, and . a Jolly good time wu , . ' . " " :- . - - ' 0<\, " . NOTICe ' " ~ in~reetilli' , and m.truetive-. In Italy , b~ Mrs: ~ T. Hawke w~ Mary L. Cook will giv~ he,~ had. , • _ • . We,thefather.' brethel'lil ...~II8tera, . ' . .,..... .M ' .M». Lemmon aneU--a... ~dered. JJ8Cond talk on "Know Thyself,' HORSE v . ra." OQCUp,,~ . ~ •.:.. _ their own -""h .. v'. March 24th lit 2 n. m. in LOST VALUABLE . of u_ GUl1ad want to ' thank .the '·..·Pu&t_ coD&ellip,-,ln" bll11dlDl arenow. ome _ ,Mrs. Griffen, t dof Law~ce, " K~ ~ t- ' Thundrr' communitY ~f . W~lle , for the &bla oom'D~ ' ~; or Deedlnl 'OIt .North Fourth atreet, the .preaen ant' ~ve~f~ 10 J rea the Orthodox F~ehd's Church. All 1diidD_ and help ahowaout dear rram~ ~ .boIIrd ,1um~f of ..., de . Wnaht 'holll8lteed \ wbldl t1)q. va- bw account 0 ." er t to ~paa women1ttvlted. _ _ . .......... uc1ul'Otha ., tbeft" ucl tl~ IOdpttOD ma, dQ bJ Melnl 0. ' ted 1be eel ~~ -"at . . y~ ..Jto' . , ~" ••. . Of trollble. Mal 0f'Cl bl_1IGb and oorree~cltDI' ".111 me'before dotal .e a , , Oc;cUPl .' r •.h_ ' . Durine the aocial hour ice crea\D J. ~. ~D was a ~usuu_ vi81~r . of ' ;· , . " '• , ~"....... .l~ aD4. rr..'ilear ' _cake I n O.;ton Jut w~k. '. ~OIII . ,~ ~ . ~.U.;, " . wve ......

















_.I. . '. '













Dyora la Far Sup.tlo" to any dye 1 have ever used. It colo silk, cotton and wool as nicely 8S otb , dyes oolor either alone. ,!:bat's whl .Mrs. Simmons writes us, end ' knows. If you have any dyeing t9 use Dyola Dyes. 10c a package your dQJller's. Direction book Adapted to SoU color card sent tree by writing Dyola, Burlington, vt.


The Miami Gazette O. t. CRANE.

, omt"


Hints For 8os.tess

Winter Is stili qn llle job with but abort Il?termlsslollS.


lIIadvlsablllty. ot Ustng Vartetles;'.Not and Climatic Conditions Is Found tn 'Connecticut.

TI,MELY SUGGESTIONS for Those Planning Seasonable Entertainments

Undertakers talk or rn lsl.lg priCes. SpeakIng ' or H;e hi -11 cos t of \!vlng-

Many a mlUl has kicked lil,mseH ot a good job.

The afternoon s arc gettlng longer althougll you may not have noticed It. Wbnt will plnno lun rs (10 wben we have wlr ~ c~1n strum nls ?

\------The onl)( gl'I'l' n t ili n g aboul

the upto-dste farm r Is his gr en n Ids. And, we muy ndd, pinnas nre cheaper now than th e y wer" ten years ago. A mnn's con sci ence s'ldom troub1es him as much as lbe corn ou his little too.

With slang Indorsed, language "sharks" should becol;ue mighty com· man. At tbls season of the year the aboll· tlon of the bouse fly s ems compnra· th'ely easy. Perhaps Ihe shlrtwnlst makers' strike Is but n lead (or the abu8ed shirtwaist buttoners. New Jersey collected last year $40, 000 hunters' licenses. anll lhe game they got was worth $64,80. P eanuts cannot be eaten tn St. Louis' trolley cars unless the peanut· ter carries away the shells. One recipe ror getting popular II to to be able to laugh heartUy when somebody tells an old slory.


Butter COUIO ,rah another cent or two without sending the butttermak· era over the WlIs to the poorhouse. Another reason for the high price buying Qutomoblle. - and they need the money. of tood Is that farmers are

It la aald to be possible to go to the barth 'pole by aeroplane. However, there are a lot of pleasanter places to whloh to go.


A WlacoDsln proressor thinks that "lie went up In the air" may become a cla88lc. Already It caD be uaed In lIOlIte society. . If It takel SO alarm clocks to waken

a motorman tn New York. how many clocks will It take to arouse a ' policeman In Cblcago? ----------,~


As a slogan for tbe anti·meat enters we lIuggest: "Beat your sldllets Into oatmeal boilers and your grldirODS Into egg beaters." For t)le sake or !!c1ence let us hope that tbat busy St. Louis seismograph Is not reportlng some loose joint In a street·car track. Texas and Florida have been a lit· tie cbllly of late, but In a short time wl11 be knocldng at the door as us'ual with early ~arden truck. This row between benzoate an.d ..cetlc acid has a tendency ' to dis· <:flurage the poor consumer from u. In" catsup ,ot either sort. '

A "Mad March Hare" Party. Wltb "Allce In ? onderllUld" In mind. a hostess planned this party, founding It on the "Hlj.tter and tbe Dormouse." who w r ror vel' drinkIng' tea. ThIs tempestuous month Is tbe time to give It. lt wns a lun heon to which a dozen guests were bIdden . ..,Vhe n they e n· tered the dining room the windows were open" tb e curtain s flying about, chairs wer overturn ed, pictures awry and apparently cllaos was the only word wltll which to describe the scene. On the table there was a large brown rabbit standIng on his haunches. one ear turned back, and wIth wisps of straw clinging to his fur . The center of the table had a large stra"" hat, the "Hatt 1'," evident· Iy. It \\' ilA filled wltb a mass of spring blossoms and vInes, placed with a studied careless errect. A wee chooolate mOu.1e peeping ant at tbe bat re presented the dormouse. There were dishes of olives, bonbons, sliver, china, tumblers, etc., on the table, and soon order was restored, and just as everyone thought there was no more "mad" about the party, the ' hostess aald: "Please change places with yo~r right band neighbor." Then sbe gave each one a yellow pad to ' whlcb a pencil was attached and asked that an l11ustration of a March atreet scene be made with only four strokes of the pencil; then places were changed with tbe next course, and four more strokes were made by the guest who took the pad her neighbor had left. When dessert came each guellt kept her pad and finished the sketch which was at the place, sign· JoB' bel' name. Afterward these "mad" productions were pinned up for In· IIpection. A handsomely bound copy at "Alice In Wonderland" was pre· sented as a prize for the best sketch.

aSilortm nt of gire n novelty candles and Ulere Is r eal'ly a beaullful colleo lion of snakes from which to selectlarge or small, gilt, sliver or greenas best suits the desire ot eaoh hoat, ess, All will sho;W otr to advantage all a snowy table cloth and will not of fend the most fastldlolls gue.lts Partles on >larch 17 promise to ~ nunlerolls. and one does not have te lay claim to Irl h ancestry to celo brate this day. In fact, It Is an op portunlty to gl\'e the finishing toucb ot no\'elty to a breakfast, dinner, luncheon or evening party. The Jewel Language. An Interested reader of our depart· ment kindly senfls the list as gIven below so many of our correspondente will find their resQuest answered This list Is a new version to me. ant' I am very glad to bave It:

Field of ,Ouban Tobacco Grown ,from Selected Seed.

January- Garnet. l"ld ellty In ever y en menL , February - Amathyst. Pence of mtnd. March-Bloodstone. I mourn your Ilbsence. Aprll- Dlsmond. Pride. May- Emera ld. Bu ccoll. In lo\'e. Jun f;'-Aga te. Long life and h ealth . July- Ruby. Great courllgo Ilnd IIUecess. Augullt-Pearl". Modest loveltneu. S optombel'-Sallphtre. Innocence. ga~

October- Opnl.

An Illustration of the Inadvisability of using varieties not 'adapted to loll and climatic conditions Is tound in the sxperlence of growers of Sumatra tobacco under shade In the Connecticut valley. The aeed at this variety of tobacco lIecured from Florida and Suo matra ,and sown. 10 the Conneotlcut valley In 1901 and 1902 was found to break up Into several distinct types, lome of which was desirable, but most of which proved undesirable and unprofitable for , cigar-wrapper produc· tlon. The proportion of , desirable types wal. small, and the dlmculty of sorting them out from the undesirable types In the crop i'l so great that the 'P'owlng at this variety wu found to be unprOfitable. A caretul and lIy~temaUc Itudy 'ot tbe Connectlout Helds of plants from Florlda·grown seed revealed the pres· ence of a large proportion of the sev· eral undesirable types of plants. The use of propel' methods of seed selee-

Pure thoughts.

NO\'ember- T ollllZ, Fld IIty. Decembel'-Turqllolse. The moat brll· Uant succeSIl and happlnell" In life. MADAME MESRI.

In ready·made petticoats modern 'er· sey cloth Is most used tor tops, since It gives ample warmth wlthout objec· tlonable bulkiness. . NattIer blue, that exquisite shade, bids fair to be , most tashlonable tor spring. One sees It In the newest Decoration. for St. Patrick'. Day. dress fabrics and sUks. Some dainty shirt waists, fa8tenlng nrlgbt green makes a stunning. dec>oration when carried out In festoon under a plaited frlll In tbe center of cbeese cloth, quantities ot potted trant, are made of ,printed bordure plants, and tor a centet'Plece this very batiste In pretty colors. I Wt'lh the double blouse of chltron novel arrangement: Tlflte a large mirror to represent the "Lakes of KJI- and a contrasting materlilI a pUsse or larney;" place In the center of a large lace frill Is worn when a jacket Is round table. Then there are the dearest slipped on tor outside wear. Black ' saUn gowns are smart this Irish figures to put In the border of pebbles, with an elevation marked season, but they are veiled with tunics "Blarney castle." Around the border of of embroidered net, at chlrron. oovered tho lake wee potted snamroc s w tll a- erse y e oalee of heavyem. (all florists bave tbem at this season). broidery net and Jet combined or silk For 'place cards used green cardboard with jet. The waist made or chltron or net harps. A tew bars of "The Harp That Once Tbrough Tara's Hall" done In over meta11lc tissue or contrasting gold III an addition. Little market chirroh Is easily the leader for the baskets filled with candy green peas ,two-piece suit. Such waists are more may be used as favors. The confec- or .less elaborate, with selt-colored em· tioners are sbowlng 'now a wonderful broidery and selt·colored braid. ......... .................... .................................... .... ............ ....


While all this excitement prevails about the cost of living Mr. Roosevelt continues to dine trugally on roayt monkey and baited elephant's heel.


The weather bureau gives us exact figures on mean temperature; but Its vocabulary Is unable t oconV6Y the whole truth as to Dlean Weather In Its entirety. A colleg.e psychologist declares that Anyone can hypnotize himself Into a trance. The theory' Is very likely; It Is th e only way to explalu soml' people's actions. Tho man who prays tn llUbUc Is the mouthpiece for the congregation that Is either listening or praying with him. The essence ot t he people's 61~ent prayers Is concentrated In his.

The wIreless operator who pl;'rp& trated the joke of sending out C. Q, D. sIgnals o\'er the ocean 'must ptlssess the Ijame varler y of sense of humor as Is exempllfleu ' by !!mash,l ng ' straw bats on the atock exchanges. tooUng Un hornS' and jangling cowbells, haz. IJig colleges J.nd perpetrating AprU (oollells.


'J'h1lt aeroplane record·breaker c)f Wereester, Mus., wl11 -be able to 'erea~ a creater eenaatlon when he mabe Uloae allesed JOG 3Q!)·mll. t. III broad d~l"':.



coat .will be found to be ample.

Walking Costume for Girl from 14 to 16 Years.-Thls Is Q .smart style fot a girl, anil. would look well In navy serge" The skirt has a panel down tr.ont trimmed partly by braid ,and but· tons, all the otber seams are wrapped, The semi-titling coat na8 .points cut Iii front, and Is fasten~d below revers by three buttons, braid covers . the tront and back seaIns. ' Hat of silk, trlmme4 . with olle lararose. Materlall r,equJred: Six )'ard9 aerae 48 Inches wide, 1 ~ dosen buttons, ball dosen yards brat... s . 7&rds .. COl GOat lID'DB.


to ,

~~~~fo~_~~~~ eff~t. in


Mareh 1

April 15 infbluslve via

Union Pacific' Sou em Pacific ./ ~' I

. ,

"The S Fe Road Ib TraNI"

tric block sigrotection-din10 car meals and service "Best in the World. "



LOTH COSTUME. - Both , simple and smart Is the costume we show here. It Is made up In gray face cloth and has a slightly !oose coat, which Is slit up each side and completely edged' J>y a band of gray satin, this Is also hiken UJ,' the fronts, ",hlch have ' the right Iide JalcLover tn ' a point, they the slop'e away gfiiifiiii1 y. e - skirt Is gored and cut walkJn~ length. Hilt of gray lattn, '~Immed', with • bnncb ...ot small roses and a featber mount. MatArlal.a requIred: Seyen cloth 48 Inches wide. three laUn, seven . .Yards .Uk for


The greatest un,n ecessary losll ot Qur soli Is preventable eroalon. S,ecand only, to this Is the w8,ate, nonuse and misuse of fertilizer derive:! from animals and men. . further information The losses to ' farm productll due to ~all on or a4dress Injurious mammals ' Is elltlmated at $130,000,000 annually; tbe loss through E. L. LOMAX. G. P. A. plant diseases rea~hes leveral !lun· . Oaaalt.. dred mlUion dollars; and the 101111 'through I~s_ects Is ,reckoned at $6G9.000,000. The damage by bird. Is bal· anced by their beneficent work In destroying noxious ,Insects. LQsses due to th~' eleplonts are la'r ge, but.DO estl· mate has been made of them : 'Losses to live stock (rom these causes are dlml~lshlng because of protection and feeding during winter. Tbe annual 10~ses fro~ disease among domestic animals are: }!orses, j.8 p~r cent.; cattle, two per cent.: sheep, 2.3' par cent., anc;! swine, 6.1 per ,cent, MOiIt of these farm 10Bses are preventable. There Is a tE~~denoy toward consoli· BowlnB'. . dation of farm landa. The estimated There are three prillclpal varleUes area of atiandoned farms Is 16,000 '&TOwn. viz.: The old variety, Japanese ' square miles, or about three per cent. And SHver Hull buckwheat. The Jap· of tho Improved land. 'rhe caulles or anese Is a much larger grained variety abandonment dltrer In dltrerent parts tban the Silver Hull and usually 'ylelds of the country. Where most prevalent, tt Is caused principally by eroBlon and more bushels per acre. The Sliver Hull Is, a much plumper clthnustion of the 8011. The product of the flsherles at the' rralned variety an\! weighs , several pounds per buushel heavier than, the United States has an annual value of $67,000,000. Fi8h culture Is oarrled Japanese variety. About one bushel Is the right on by the natIon and the states at an amount to sow per acre, drilled In en'ormoua.. scale. Most of the more 200 l>ounds per acre of a Important toad speCies are pt:opagated, with 160 and, several species are maintained In ~ood grade fertilizer. A superphosphate gave best results that way. Fish tram forest watera :or money Invested, but other fertlllz- fU!'Dlsh $21.000,000 wortb of food year,' 'era may give better ' results on other Iy, a snpply clepEmdent on the pre!ler~ons. The yield varies from ten to vatlon of the torests. Our w'tld game 'and fur-bearing ani. torty bushels per acre. Buckwheat Is harvested and set np mats have Deen largely exterqllnated. 'n small bunches In tbe field , until It To prevent their complete ' extinction fries, then It Is usually thresbed with the states 'and the United States have .. common thresblng maohlne with the taken ,In hllnd their protection, and tllelr numbers are now Increasing. ~eeth or a part of them removed from :he concave and smooth boards put Forest game yields over $10,000,000 wortb .of toad. each year:' n their places. This Is necesQllry In order to pre· . ,'ent cutUng up the grain. MI~t~re for Pa.ture. Minnesota tarmers have fo'imd six Preparing 8011. pounds ' of , tlmotby, nve pounds of If the land Is to be plowed twice' be- wh,te clover, three pounds ' of Kentore 'plantlng In order to make It tuck)' blUe grass, aud ODe nound 'at thoroughly fine, it will be well to roll red tc)p seed per 'aore. to be an excel-' It before the second plowing' In ,order. lent mlxtute ' J or pastur~8. , .If tbe la, pack the surface somewhat and g6'ound Is Jnyl"'ed to b9 wet, th. fed mak'e the earth turn better without top wll.1 , take>~'e place of the ·!Jhot,hy. clogging tbe :mold~oard. ' The' roller Is also useful In ,breaking clods and hi packing ,tbe s'jirrace to ' preV'eui ex· , . '"cre~.el ln Farm Hor.~., - , Governme~t reports show tbat farm celslve e~aporatlon In ,dry wea~her. borses 'bave tncr.e ased In n~mber from 13,000,000 ~o 20,~00,0(jO sln.ce 1990" Piga In Clover. The man . who turned his hoga In and In value tram ,44.61. to 196.64 tile clover field no\l. 6'1121 himself In each. llllnois haa , more farm horaei ftnanci~~ clover. ~very"'m9m~1U that than an)' ~ilieJ! state In the unlQIlL Is not 1ii8d to the best ,POallblhd. 'Farm 8qhool., . vantage 1s wuted. At the tweJlty·fourth lel.lon of lb, fourth ·couree In agrJcultqre the Profit She.p. Sheep not only pay their own wq. WI~onaID coUeae 461 ' farmers. Qnd ~~i:a,:~-"". but male up fo~ ,l018fa caned b7 boy. ".,. III attencluCltl: ~..'1, I,,:~- ~ ICrub cou aDd other derelict. OIl th• •••rr coUDtT ~D . tII• .tat. .,.. .,.,. MDt .,,' (BY A. J. LEGG.)

The Atlantic liners carrIed last year 1,730,000 passengers ot all classes, and all classes werO' seasick. 'I'he sea Is no respecter of persons.

The prevalence at high prices for food articles Is worldwide. The res· taurlUlt keepers In Berlin, Germany. are meeting tile exigency In errectlve fa shion by cutting down the portions served to custom ers In stead of rals· Ing the rates But tbese and olher facts go to show that complaInts at Increased CO!!t of living are not con· fin ed to the United States. To solve the problem tbe facts In every clvU· ized cOl,mtry will . have to be taken Into conSideration.

Second Only to T ,hh I . the Waste, Nonuse and Misu... 01 FertUtzer Derived {rom 'Farau Animals.

Buckwheat Is a vel'Y ' rapid growing crop and needs plenty of moisture' an'd ~vallable plant rood, hence the ImportBnce at preparing the soil early by plowing and frequent harrowing, s6 as to keep the ground free from weeds, to conserve mo'i sture" and prop~rlY aerate the soli. The 'crop may be sown at any time from the middle at 'May 'until the last of June wltb fair prospects tor a cmp. as It . takes only about sixty days to mature a crop after It Is sown. The main points to consider In selecting the season for sowing are first to have . a ratber cool season for the formation of the grain an4 maturing the crop, and secon.d to give plenty at time to mature befOl'e trost. The WeBt Virginia experiment sta· tlon got · best results from plots sown June 26. :r have sown buckwbeat as late as August 9 and gro'wn a talr orop. However, 1 preter earlier


One of the most reD,al-kable, a8 well as the qulokest, retrIbutions on record Is that of the n' nn In New York who, In trying to tunnel his way tram bls own place to a jewelry store opposIte, which be wls bed to loot, was burled alive In the grave at his OWII digging. Life would mean very mucb If 'such energy. originality, determination ' and readiness to take risks were displayed In a bptter cauae,



SoU Should Be Plowed Ear I y _ d CulHvat.ed Early S.Core PI_UDS to SKure th. · Beat Results. •

--- --,." Two Neat Costumes ,..

tlon and breeding enabled the growel's to propagate the dltrerent types which were true to seed and t.o eliminate the unprofitable types of plants. The seed of the variety or tobacco brought to the 'Connectlcut valley In' 1903 from Cuba and used for cIgarwrapper, production was found to ex· hlblt the same characteristic breaking up in type observed In the case of the ' Sumatra variety, 'and It was not po&slbfe to grow this variety profitably until se~d ' of the desired types was saved free from crossing. In thlll way the freaks. reversions and other undesirable alld unprofitable types of plants ,vhlcb developed a8 the result ot the change of see} ,were eliminated. H tbe valuable typea of these varieties had been secured by breeding and adapted to the soil and climatic condJ· t1Qns ot the Connecticut valley for commetcJal production, the loss due to the use ot unimproved varieties could probably have been avoided:









ew ··-G o ld B r ic k : ,( ja m e s M ill ar d

Ba ile

mUti'P111i1l111l71'\ OWN




Lydia E. Pink ham 's Vegetable Compound Chicago , m.-"rw~s trouble d with fall1 and inlla.mmatUf'ri, \Qid the doctors said 1 could n01l get well unless I bad an operati on. 1 knew I could notl stand the strain ot so I wrote to sometim e ag() my health iOU told me do. After to ,(hat .. taking L;t'dia E. ....,..;_.-.,.. Yegeta II/lr,...:;;~'fIII and lam woman ."-Mrs. 1VILLI AX AJ:IltU;'l'i tl, 988 W. 21st St., Chicago , Ill. Lydia E. Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Com: pound, made trom native roots and herbs, contalruJ no narcoti cs or harm· ful drugs, and to-day holds the record f~r the largest number of actual cures of female diaeaae s of any similar mediollWl in the country . and thousan ds ot volunta ry testimo ruals are on file in the Pinkha m laborat ory at L)"tlD. Kallll., from women wh() have been cured from almost every form et remale compla ints. In1lamm ation, u1Deration, displace ments, fibroid tumors lrregulari ties, periodic pains, backache: Indiges tion and nervous prostra tion. Enry such sn1ferin g woman owes it to herself to !live Lydia. E. Pinkham" Vegetab le OompoUDd a triaL

near the. east end or Long Island, In Quiet IItl1e Greenpo rt, lived a man who may as well be called John RlYers. John had a small truck garden. an orc hard tram whIch he sold apples and IJell rs, a cow that gave mil k for the boarder s at the s~mer hotel and hens that laid eggs or them. John was making what the !.'Ighbor s called a good . lIv· log tor hlOlself and wife aud three children . \ One day John wcnt to the postoffic e and was sur prised to receive a' nice. conftd entlal letter from James W. Snowde n, 01\ t he RIo Vista Banann Compan y of ~e\V Yorll. whose planta· tlone were In~E I Campo. Brszll, olrer Ing hIm s haN In the compan y at lo ll' fI,ures that w re Boon to be advanc tI It you would like specia l advfae 110 per cent. "Shere was a pros peotu · accomp anyIng tbe I lIer explain ing a ll about ,.our case write a confld enabout the plnn. J ohn t1ldn't know III!' ltal letter te :Mrs. Pinkh am, at Snowd en, hut. ].~ r. Sn'lwden seemed u L:JIUl, Mas8. Her advlco fa tree. know him, and as' b\3 require d but 0 and alway s helpfu L , little mon!.'y. Of $10 a month, an d month a cent. per 0 him eed Kuarant on his Investm t, It was easy tor home, to sketch a JohD, on his \V tuturo or purpl and gold, especia lly 88 the clrculnr ti\\ d that the toad prod. uct at tlle ban an " Is to tha ~ of the J)otato as 44 to 1 and to that 01 wheat \ 8a 133 to 1. Next day he !Ie It th e first $10 to the RIo VJsta Banana Company and HE WOULD DO BETTER. by return mall recerve d ten sbares 01 the. stock and a contrac t whlcb he .Iped and torward e~ to New York. For 26 months he kept sending $10 a mODth, but DO dlvlden.d was returne d. TheD ho wrote to Mr. 9nol'·de a. mak. ing anxious Inquiry as to why he was A. receivin g no profit on his $250 Invest. ......../.,.ep 2'0 ... ~tP. meDl Mr. SnowdeD r eplfed' that In .T~ ff rA?O./ -R.· ~Pe== £ fl'Zee et::>/V~.r'O,6-.H'r.r;'9 the spring the ' Rio de Jan eIro had ;V-/.2 eo. 0,f o~.H' 0'" ~ P,r.$fr 4 . .6'.IVV'A ~I¥'. , oyerfJowed Ita banks and the planta. ~q:.~ Y-OR.~ dOD had boen flood ed. This had kill d • GO~ the banana trees and they had al\ had t other of Ba&expens , to Milwaukee, Dubullue or Kansas e"J'H.e.&L G~~'~'I--'_ to be replante d; but tbe prospec ts 'were brIght 0. 0 '175,0' ton. -..~~..... to as ~~Jf' City. to await telegrap hic orders lor' a big crop th ~ next s\!ason and the planta. So the cau· . waltiDg la out It tor take . Chapla in-Tom my, I was very sorry you renewal next. do equlre r to \ not what y ? tlon would probabl AeEcrr.ra <70rpC Mil· Mr. tlous back go you wheD and to sse you tn a state of Inebriet y last come and never The orders OJv, :r"N'ovC 7;r NOr lli or 20 years .. He must b~ a little patient let· night. . •2f::::1 r:r.;$ J"'l::'~'£" lo tbe compnn y's office you find that the coili:- ler lien meantim e bear In mind tba~ the product ot an ters of Inllulry carpet, magIc the on Tommy -Sorry, sIr. In fnture J 'away v? eat. wh floated of ~x~~; has that .S ! ~any tlmf' 44 was s acre ot banana the reliable to · re. wb go out when I'm drun.k . more ' won't knows two sent nobody but John shook his head, ftrms to whom But It was SOOD found by the swindle rs teD-dol\ar Instnllm nts, the Inst or whIch was . Mrt!. McLenn What It Meant. that these devices, like the green goods game, returne d to him unseale d with the word "Flc. All re fflrred. ," asked the school mis tress, "Robbie unsafe. equally almost and e crud wlse rather ~ntlng were type bIg In tltlous" stamped at them wrote "what does hls~o ry menn when It sJlYs So to tbe educntion of t he Olan who ran the across · the envelop e. Dazed. be, asked the \'11. er· the to bMk add· that In tbe ~ou atry 's plone r days was scbeme ent employm or .' half Interest la~e postmas ter what that m nnt. she that t fe It ce. ot th e settl ers didn't have a root finan some high In courso ed n post·gra duate "M eans th 're aln't no such compan y, or Sims ID which fraud was l,I'llh'lll and where over their heads?" wns a respons ible busines s woman. Then gr.:ntry ng swindli the s, by busines ized ster. ot recogn out postmn be put to the beeD ed came ve hn explain rs ," the swindle that It's. 1\ fraud sC'mebody reminde d Miller that 26 Broadway, "It mcnns tbat In them days the bush that th ere was nothing like a corpora tion John said nothIng , but went home .lool,lng busines s, was th e . It would ,s em that dupes grew on every of pllJ'Ce 's couldn' t afford any merry wid· l\fcLeltn woman Mrs. pros· and nfe s really a head do dol· thll to ty wben one wanted In his di s tri ct and that Chicago was very thoughtful. Two hundred nnd seven accep ted as he which , address 011 d !" Stnndar bats ow tion corpora the too. perous busines s. Then. lars gone! center of fraud; but wh en I visited the office f'Jrth er proof of th o lady broker's ability, a Is it If where. the som of ng derived Stimson sometbl L. John have cl) HeDry must y experlen Attorne thIs of District But out o( What She Ought to Say,' thoug h just why 'sbe preCerred to ba\'e her mining compan y It must have a bole In the south ern district of .New York I round that ODe satlsfacaton. When lie rCJcelved a circular 3142 Slatlon A, was not evl· Speakln g correctl y. John, . box sent mall It y compan 'coff(!e or were tan rubber a gTound. It the sw indl ers at li ttle old Manhat tram the Inland Seas opper 'Mlnlng ompnDY matter. dldn't It all, after Bay "I wllf have a Dew' bon· Still, I · deDt. should the from ion concess of must have somo sort keeping up ,th eir end . In tact tbey 'far out· net," or "I sball have a new bODneL" of New Vorl,. altering him 1Jm,~e profits on a ions, precaut cunning tbeso after d Satisfie ent. fe;zlcnn . or a South Americ an governm numb r those ot any other city ID the country . small monthly Investm ent, be peDclled the Re.-Sp eaklng correctl y, absolut ely Mr. Miller sent his check for $500 to Mrs. which Is always very easy to get. It It Is a The New .York man who knows most about correctl y, my love, you should say, "1 word ' "FlcltHo\1s" n rOS8 the top of It In bIg ahe that learned mall return by and McLean corner tence a' bave day must every It them these fl'auds, as be deals wltb letters and sell t it back. But copies of the ,cotton conceTll hod In\'ested his mODey In ;U nion Pacific at won't bave a new bonnet ."-Ulus tra· somewh ere down south. These thIngs are ac· and dreams of them at night, Is Mr. Walter S. ted Bits. looked aame circular cllu~ht three lU lln In bls county. He date. that tor ns Quotatlo lowest the court ID ' tuaJly necessa ry In order to show Mayer. postoffice Inspecto r In charge ot the . NUlo!ow, IW~hn bad but known It, "Fictiti ous" ~_ Ds aDd saw hy the closing fig' when the time comes thaHhe -men-w·ho have -up tlH! Quotatio made $100. Some days after· fed eral stair whose busines s It Is to discove r, was atamped nil over the banana bait ' upon had ures that he A GOOD- CHANO E taken your mODey have endeavo red to C1lfl'f hold up and punish people who use Ibe malls d advance had stock . which he bad jbltten, just as 'It Is stampe d the 'WaTlI he Doted that A Change of Food Wor~ Wonde, ... the contrac t and that they . at part s. their out purpose com· ng ing swindli for advertis many $2,000. of re made literatU had the upon ten points. Hooray ! He have fail ed Is merely their mlstortu ne. For Mayer iii :ro' ",oD4ertu~ maD . He knows paDles that olter large profits to outside ID' Would he sell? Not yet. His "adviso ry brocrime. a The wrong tood and drlDk causes a rily necessa 'not Is s busines In fall to eyery fraudul ent game there Is golDK Il nearly ly evident was herself, veators, ollly the dupes dOD't see called To she as ker," coilects thnt of trouble In thls world. lot York New knowa In Hu firm a Is worked. Is There It how precisely Jolin Is the typ or suokel' who was forat the "street" and . would curves the of onto duty first ihlD8" the Is buy food who the people of chaDge es of ds address sells thousan and how to block I!chemes hy which merly caught by the green goods operato rmaka a lot of money tor him. The stock con. every person . that is lll, particu larly havA at stlme time ed who or separat be malls the would dupes througb an Americ easy haDd good secoDd· tor from money though n paying good Unued to rise aDd then came a lelter from slomach and nervous troubles . j. evinced a desire to do so. These a:ddresSl:l3 from their ~asb . sawdus t he would have eald nothing aho~t It Mrs. McL~an stating that she had SQ\d his 1 aasorte. are Th.:lY d. As an UlustrntloD: A lady In Mo. has, tbousan easy, a at $8 !"ts at l hd' sold with are ul wonderf Is It not truly Det. She did not, tv1wever, $2,200 to JeDnle. Tbe only reaSOD wby JohD aDd for sharell ,12.aOO example for 71th her husband , been brough t arouDd If. s. people n heading America various under good natured , take.a.c hance thouaan ds of .others through out the coun,try Inclose a check. tions for wt'ves to 11 to health agalD by leaviDg off' colfee from applica In desist sent not do have rs men swlDdle the upon. worlt to banana the colfee, are becomi ng part owners In. "I have conllde ntlal advice," wrote articles of toad that did New York mattlmoDlal bureau, that list \a their operatlo ns when they tnce such awtul and some with and rubber plantati ons. gold mlDes, cotton broker In the same letter, "that Utera Is to be them. They began us· thnt concern agree lOt ring d dlamoD $3 a to eusy! $9G are we worth but penaltie s? Oh. A number 8elda, Irrigatio n laDds, Umber lands. aU' wells Ii big moveme Dt !n Pennsyl vanlll. Grape·N uts food. She and mill. Postum Ing circular we a up and setting ill What we need In this country to and many other' enterpr ises Instead at pur· onial game: a l'iew of my clieDts aro putting in $3,O(}{) "piece matrim the 8ays: ot aD g have Speakin they as such law a Is get. badlyIt and need 'chaslng green goods lind gold brIcks get the heDefit of the deal. If you care to In· "For a number of years I suffered York maD sent out 10,000 circular s advertis Ing the statute books ot England , making the Issu. tiD, Into and Ollt of similar games III becauee vest $800 In addItion to the $2,200 In hand 'to wished stomach and bowel trouble $40,000 ,,'Ith with . widow eaDor young mlsdem a a tbat tus ance ot a raIse prospec amouDt ot stock for similar a buy will ,theBe latter Bcbemes are no longer profltab le I here no an; kept. getting worse unutll I was gentlem which frugal fed. ous, our on. Industri marry ' an Here. In order to Insure a convicti to th'e lr opera't ors on account ot the extreme 'objectlo n to the country . The replies wern to you." III most of the time. About four very UDW walt to have y virtuall ties authori eral . began Mr. Miller sent In his $800 and, ns nearly riak In conduct\~ them. be sent to Bayonne, N. J ., where the ndvertil ler duped before the man who does years ago I left olf calfee and EvolutiOD ID fraud, as ID everyth ing else. as he could ftgure out from the quotatio ns he 'some one gets be prosecuted . True, the post. taklDg Postum . My stomac h and soon sturred wtth was that box mall big a had' the duping can was. wlthlD a tew weeks, '5,000 ahead. 1_ the order o'r the day. The crooka .have been d right along, but I was letters .from 'm arrlagea ble , men all over the anlce people can hold up the duper's mall and bowels improve le- a letter fron:: Inevltab the came Then educati ng themsel ves. They have yearned tor , ~hat was a1\ It of part ' 110 reduced In fiesh aDd so nervous that very strange Is The that . but s. count'ry busines of out him scare Clln at· verI Mrs. McLean saying that she regrette d a ' b'l gber order "f things and they have thing would overcom e me. the greater number ' at these men were actually little satlstac rlon to the dupe who wal\tI'J to the least much to Inform her client that she had sold talned to It Bealdes, the hIgher order of changed my food and be· g expense s of I travelin "Then the halt rubber pay fake to The willing d. see the swindle r pUDlshe and with the proshares lvania Pennsy the. tblng. II tbe safer order. To Ben a m,an a •.Juts .1n addition to dis· 'a Grape· such d e USing locat, gan ly In s IDvarlab bualnes lhe wIdow, who compan ies have bee n driven from ceeds had bought 5,000 Smelter s. hut that the braea brick tor a gold one Is a crime and no . I lived on the so two prln· husband as would e Postum would·b not the but re, from elsewhe tance and Chicago York, New In court; stock had gODe dowD and he now owed his valid defense for It cian be set tour. months . Day make said halt expeDses ' about: $15. until they had talten hundred s of thousan ds of clpnlly for aboutIn flesb aud strengUJ broker $714.62. but selling shares In a rubber companY, which galDed stoPP!,d bla I Jes day by authorlt COD. ear postal the SOVen.y aD When dOllars trom tbe people The wlld Mr. Miller, ' '1,300 out of pocket, i. an easier game, la, on the face at It, not a nervous trouble has en· mall 'the ageDt "'as Indigna nt. He declare d tracts at so, much a month. The membe rs ot the arcd and I feel that 1 wrote baok an Indigna nt leUer,. bllt recelve(l crime. and to convIct such all olfende r ot fra~d . bls buelnes s wa!> perfectly, legItima te, but disappe tlrely the In llon corpora . rubber ate. legitim every ' DO reply . . Then he complai ned to the postal health to Postum aDd la otten very difficult. when .Ii official demand was made for the prO. country , as .well · as many other pllrsoDa, knew ewe my life aDd authori ties aYJd showed them the circular . But In getting his reducation lhe sure·thl ng oputs. and he.r $40,000 he wllt· Grape·N w.ldow com. ~be rubber ductlon t.bese that the pr~spectuses of they already bad· copies ot It t~om other dupes erator has pas8E!~ through various 8~~es at "HusbaDd Is 73 years oJd an<\ he was e.d. A bl~ stack of lellers ' contain ing checks panles were false; but tbough mllJlons at them and her M.cLean Mrs, ' ating Investig ~ere and .' prog'l"ess. ~rhe ~ow · unsate sbell glllne, gold leDt". "Fraudu d . trouble d ' for a 'long time with occa· stampe touch was DOt orders could laws money and federal our out sent were New . r eferenc es. IEvery one of those reliable brick !lnd green goode ~whldles whIch he oper· and' slept lIadlY. )'Inally and r~turned to the .senders . lhe swIndle rs. In Englan d they could hav'e Blonal cramps, hlm to leave olf coffee . turDed ated with .suoh protltab le results · \n .t~e eight· d-upon' prevalle 'of Frances M. McLean '" York ftrms to Whom she had refllrred I "plan aDd ' ge d brokera punishe The . once, at been haled Into court . Ho had stood but iea aDd the,' early ~lnet\e8 m~de way. to~ the ' of 26 'Broadway, ' ~ew .Yo,k. looited ·aa . s~ralglit . oHt to be • . single Indlyldual. · . their game broken uP. but not In thls country . and take Postum but atter .. he tried ~as been 'a tbere .' years 'tew 'past ~he ,~ .In .!· ' · ~~I h&lt-lnt~rest . game _'which' flourltlhed t~D 'years . ClnclJ:l~ time, .a long a for ·· 1.1. ·hUller; ;B. J. punish. lo ' .of atrlng ' a means legal prope~ pt .lack :For . that tremendoua ('gr~wt.h ID the s~fn'dllng Industn : ago . and the "employ ment :game' which Is still • groc~. T!l~ro couldn' t, be aDY .tra1;ld abq~t It, rs Postoffi.ce Inspeot ors Bome. ·· Pos.t um for a few days he found out. We mt,~dle. ~ea~, apd , pa~Ucula.rly, In · tng . these Imposto cramplI t'l'roug~ his .. t that ,olng on, thol,lgh pot to Its. tor~~r 8;X~ent. The and eminen five sleep to could he r~fentld war. clrQulllr th@ without becaUl~e d .to proceed pO'pulous 'states as. Ohio, ~ndtana, mlnols , times .fe~l .impelle ~lf ~nterellt a,d vertiller eold .YOU a p~erilhtp He was saUI!tl.ed ~1id ilas .nd, ·reliable,. husilless 'flr~s hl New Yprk. Stili such Michiga . rant. ~f law; 'but though tl.1ey do. ilils In . BQme dIsappe ared. States 'Unl~ed Blms, •. ,W ~~w~n . n. .!1hd , _ as just 1n anyUlI~g trom a peanut stAD~ to a plano .to coffee. . • ~nB back t . .lt gone thoug~. never .Miller . experl. . ·;Mr as IhTewd Istake, ~ , .tb,e a. mnk~ !rare.lythey. c~lIes . of 1l1lD~hli fo.rnlaWho -: . in_CI\U 'factory and when you ~ad bougbt It ~he ,D~t brother a have .. . . ce~ be ' look'od :. up, p~ : attpr~e.y tQr. the·; norther n dlaJ~lct late: b~en at reteren almost toe know that to . h.c)'w well them .e nce b,as' tll!lg~t W)iose ;,o1l'ce I. 'm Ch~~!o" .h,a~ 'of thiDg waa u"ftnd It( ~r it yOU .~oun4 It ~ou d~~' I' .t lcularly aa the lIrbk!!!,""!'as ,.!l . woman. . ' D, has ,heen u~l~g ' postum · for s!'veral agalDa.t fake cor· :. a gla~ce what- atc and What are not ilw.fudli '1[!t(a,re 8~ relentle ' a ",8~IDg " ' ea." aJ. covered tlie It belong~ ~ lIomebody e~; w~o ·Bro!Uiw y.earSj his wbole family use It also be- ' ~6 of : . ' M : .MoI;.eaD . rr,an.ce8 . ' .,. . B()hem~~ bU)'er the p'orntlonli tbat seU .atock from . wlllCh knew Do~iDlf ~O\1t th~ ~an who ao~d It to . D ~er .con1ldentlaU1 _orded 'clrcula r that ahe cause theY' have 'llad:"lu chl09( l re.ul~ " get. tbe when baD4 at near Js' . 'd~y :~" Bu~ .' )'ou. The empleu' ment same conAlata ' ,of ali ·. lia~.· for fears. ~n atudyl;J!i the "Itt;eet' ! r.n" ~. D,t!ver l'l!allzes a dollar 81lel: tnvarJab ly ,lo~es . ", ,il." . . ·from . ftourlah longer no Dl8trlct Atto~~~y- SI~1! "_' ticb ' ci.ul~k · con~erna .. wllr d. ,1nvnte "The ~one)' bQOk, tl).e ~ .aJ,~ " oppor.tunt~ to aeU on blgb salary the sqodl )' the'l1tti for .~elatlol pk$s. In auch k ~ad Loo. lfhe and tbat' JOu; lnlildlouely hinted they are quite weU. thank or atoc'k of a compan y ltl wbll1b YOll. mUlt ftrlt .wlth btg flnanol!lfl ~ . to able' to utract ;has work~ I~ . C(lJlDectlon. with the P,~8~ au" 8~1ll to''wellvhle~' ' "There 's" ReaaoD:" Road II, dODa belDS 11. qg ~",IDdll mueb a~. al~C)lt, haa manage d 'to , I~ure . an occa·._ , '11y aharea. 'then wheD you ,bay, paid over 'BT,er read tlie · ~1tiRo". lette'" ~ .• " . from them ;..hlfcn.-matton of tremendOU8 v.l~e to . : tbor~tfes ' .,nl' oll. , ~m\the t~t.l~oily In ' a '. frau4UJex'(ent!i!rJ,lrlae. that make "roiD~. 0/ .IOIl~ . convlctl . Jfnat mOlle, 'Jull are bsiP.e d territor y gen· ~,I;tJt.."::. ~ a Baltimo re mall, ~ _hOlD. Of one ' cl18D~ . ~r . ". 4111tanc::e f l o m o f · .Q4 mad. "OO.OOO ·tIU'oQP lIer .aehlee an4 ' 1ID,1 .q'e . 1l.1,1mbe~ ot ·~ ~T..t ...te.4 b7 1lr. ~4e~ »rofltl. . .' 9~










---all!l.----------------------:a l T o y---I--,

(wentr per cen~ and the q.uaUtt ot ".ervlce ·would be gre tly IoCreaSed' R. PUBL IC SALE S In oth r words the bad road condl· . tiona cause a waste and uD.{lecessar.1 I IN'i Il sell n t Pu 11 A nct.ioTJ II t m y erpense ot at least '7,000,000 p.r year, I' • irl 0 whJch ls paid by all the people upon l X l!liI " " IIflll1ibe ust (l'r Va;1~ Dyke. tbe onc Hem of rural del1very, l;t;n t rVllIe, kOI1\\'1I lUI .1 ... ry A lI I-oo - -Oood I' ads are tound practica lly ffl r' uI , on everY'!\' here In Great' Br1taln, Conti· , Tuesday March 22, 19 10 nental lilurope, and even far·off Aus· • tralla and New Zealand the road BI'gl nnl ng nt 10 II . III ,! btl fulh) w. builder hl\ll done his work well. Even lo g: G htlo(\ ot A" t' , -t w rlJ'k h" r"es, In Bra ~ ll, Ar!!(entine Rnd other South I oolt. Oll U\1 ng- 1 yWI r !lId; ';' bf' l ~ d uf Americ an countri es Rre to be founel ~EaaE TAYLO R, OF JA·MES TOWN. 0,, '11 ... , oj milch co w!:' , :1 will b >l fr e. h many 1I1~~ ly Improved and well cared I 0" ADDRE SSES OHIO COUNT Y for highway b.v UB I r 8t11f', 2 htli I'er !', I .J erstly s. COMMI 8SIONE RS, The query arises- wby II this so, bull cOlldug l! j'f'u rs 111d; 6 br oud the Highway and wby are the people mos noted sows (Dm J t I'~ YIl) , non llll~hl'lt' for botb enterpr ise and extrava gance ee'atl1i ilH".l'ft "'"th. Leading Na· '01'\1, 100 bU!4h (l 1. JRt~, u t o n~ h " v, .J 110 far beblod tbe rest ot tbe world 1 of the d Oli. P ly mollth oui kl' lI " set-I i Jl ut.l. As an ad,-enls er says : "There' l a reason." It lies In certain misconc eptions that have prevailed In this coun· l!'urm Impl ' I llliutt;l-~ f ' HIll WII~_ Asks the people of Waynesville and vi cini ty when try from the first. Among tbese we on ,1 \lill tltJl', 1 mower , :l br ell kill g in D ayton to look us up. You will find a line of may menUon ths followin g : Pl uw , ll'illiug cultivn tor, 1 wll ilein /.: Better Women 's • Oem.nd ed, and Misres Ready· to·Wea r Garme nts The public roads were regarde d jonlt,iv/ltOl', I corn plullt(!r, 1'I'IIt'r.2 • III tbe state favor a contlnu· purely as a local matter; a lubject that for Price and Qu ality cannot be excelled once of the polley now In force of do- relegated by law and bllrrIlN ;.. "1,,')II gI.ooth h II'l'OW, hllv common con· this side of New York, natlng ' 6,000 to U O, (lOO annuall y to sent to the small unit or ru kt:l, h,lY II1Ihltl)·", tohllOOll tl'u li S . each counly; some fa\'or the state or tbe smaller one ot the tow nship the road ' dis· olullt.e l·, wut 1'tllnk. IIlh.I OO" r Ig. paying a per cent of the cost of con· trict; tbat the condition of the blgh· glUg, tobu 'U'I \H'es, 1 nltiv'l tlll' , struotlo n and mainten ance ot roads ways In any locality atrected only tho g ruvl·1 b ed , ir ' 0 kettle, hn y I (lPfl, bullt In each county; some favor tbe local territor y and was no deeipa tion of state aid roads by of the g'reat mass of people concern for k, 11011 polleYR, . " h nvp I ~, tl(lOll , tbe coun· tbe county commis sioners; some try over. In tbe earlier r n ll e fnr l, '" pring wRl,:nn, b\1".p~.v, days beroN by tbe state blgbwa y commis sioner the advent of raUroads tbls concepISlel!{h , lh' natl', vOl'k 'I nil hll~gv h il I' · and BOme by a commission to be ap· tlon wa~ largely true; there was little n(, ~R , g-ri llll ~ t" ' I1 '" "0.1' 111 (', rl/lo bl (l 32" pointed by the governor. and while we or no comme rce between S. Main St., Dayt on, Ohio . IUDll I'iul!l e tt - ('l<, 11 10 11 1'1' h II, nll~11 haye these many suggest ions the gen· there were no great, broad the states ; mark~t reo eral public demand s better wagon ports flasbed dally from box, !ll'eri !lowe", ohlll' n, 1~1'f-'111Il ~ .. p. one end of roads everyw here, for everybody rec· the country to the other, RT tl t orund rr ,II''''; tmd nlunYl lrtir l ~ 'and each 10ognlse. value of good roads, tbe callty bou"'ht and lold upon Its needs. not m en t inrlpr'. farmers the know it, the . I owners of g o o d · dlse to the farmer, for with g~ Te l'ln , : A II ~11l1\1' 11II11.. r <1:5 00, 1)10n the comple tion of the Improvehoraea appreci ate It and the automoThe condlt1~ns bave cbanged and roads everywb er n.nd the ... general dis· ment the state nlghwa y commiss ion r ORsh ; OVA l' bUe enthusi ast dreams about It, tltll t IllIlO Ullt , 1\ ~ " !lit (f this ohange necessi tates a new con· trlbutlon througbou t the year ot the sball Immedlnt Iy ascerta Ttle ,800,000,000 spent on account :~gP~~:y:,1 t~o~e f=o~ ~:C~~: olarketi ng of tbe product s 'of th e farm, i and expense s hhereor andin 01 costs 12 ruollrb~ \VIII b ~Iv I , Ilflroh 'l fl l of the Philipp ines and other Island apportio n ~i iog , ' OIl" \ ' lI!J. " lll)r "'( 'u uri t.., . the meat and gmln, and certain vege- , tbem among testat e, po8aeaal01l!l woulll have butlt 85,71~ shipped tbousan ds of ollnt.y, town· LUll oh fn l'lIi!!i1l'll by lotlit" ~ of miles from tables and fruits, wl11 not be storefl, I shill or townshl \ls and abuttin g propmUea of hlgb class roada at a cost of ' wbere they are produce . , d and proper con trolled and cornered, and the price erty. He shall certify the totnl ex. Ferry chnr h. '7,000 per mlle and would bave distribu tion Is one LecJlllI l'd \"\ iloox . of the great ques· raised on the consumer, which is OnlY ! pense of the Impl'ovem nt to the olin. brou,bt hope, happine ss and prosper ·. tlons ot the age. So A. A. MeNIlII Auot. perfeot and guaged by tbe greed of the Ity to people of the states. widespr ead bas become the system of tion that orms the warehou combin a· ty commission rs, lrll tees of the - ,1. 1<:, B hne"" ( Iflrk . se and cold ,' townSh iP and abuttlu g llrop '~lY own· The '365,000,000 to be spent In con· distribu tion tbat prices rise and fltorage plant. ers, reSl1 etlvol", wllh a 8tal ~m nt of Itructln g the Panama canal wlll build upon condlti ons t n ly tall the 0 Good roads wlll enable the farmer the amount s to ' he bomo lJy Tlle Il ud f> r I/lDI' l wll l l'fi'er at Pub. couatrY' but In ~act tbe U~lU -ntllel of macaiiam road with e"tlre th . sta le whole .. to dellver hJs product s at all times, l.ri county, townsb lp and abuttin Ii an approac b and bitching post to ey· world, As matters nowl ' II tion lit 1bo l'I' f> re"l-dn.n 0 of g propstand the cost season and out ot season, and will pe~ I el'ty ownel's. $1.00 ery farm house along which it passed aBd faclllty ot transpo and paTe and Qurb the street In everT country roads are of rtation over mit the city consum er to purcbas e A Modern Inventiv e genius Is ,. 8 110n· • .--ce. ' .Thus the local prime .50 questioImpor, n hall f res b 'pI'od uc t In an open mark e t with . sl\)le for a new t t In th II \1llage &nd city through which It ...... nc or e Pl'o out the brand of the wareho use, and of lranspo l'tution, whl b mllst b rI em mtlht run, and would bring enjoy· become a nationa l one, cl(· witbout paying the price lldded un 'c.o C0I101 , ' Oh IO, t~ n meat &lid profit to our own 'people of Wbai are we gomg to do about It ? combin ation that takes advantaby the on I with In I glslatlo n for put IIc ge ot I'oalls. T he Ilu to mobll Industry has 011J' own Jdnd and tontrue. Monday, MardI 28, 1910 Knowln c u we do, that the nation has tbe conditio n of the roads a.nd weathe r ' now rea hed ,no,ooo , 00 per nnnum. The '800,000 ~1lt by our govern· patd out In land and money Total for to ran· $1.65 t BIl;.:lnu 0 od io" l,t, 10 0' luck \ M, roa4II and rivers 'and harbbrs , two ·btl. repor S. I th t 0 road s w III pace . e l anel the IllB.kers an<I liS rs 01 allO' . .at to the sutrerer s at Melsln a Ito". of doUars, or one all t.1HI chuttel PI' '[Hl r t.y ,1,)1 thousan tllte d dol. produce r In a direct ' recipro cal r ela· mob1!es will soon would b.,. bullt a wate~boun.d mao ... find a pIa e upon of tlle .>lirl MllrgllrRt. '1 Ull\nt~ a Dd tlon with the consum er. and lessen the which t.hey can actually . road from Columbus to Cincln· lar. per mile tor every one of tbe (J pI'ess forward , .. ' two value of the weathe r reports to the with the farmer uti and more ' people at home would mWloa mllel of public In bi g e/Torts to ob. ~1llry LJle mAot,., n tH. t,lII t{ of hOllS wagon roads market manipu lator. ta ln better roads. ba.,e been lifted out of the mud and th.... Is In 'thls bome luOl 1 good,., !moh II . B lL , Bed~t elld8 , I land of ours. Cost of transpo rtation, and t he Ut,n. "-'--or able' l'lvln- conditio ns ' th-'" I.n't It ..bout time that FOl' lh e full enjoyll\ nt ot vllIageA B~dillg, .BIll Jket~; QUilt!', we ........ Insisted .. . Bed au . were la..,that forelp land, require d to transpo rt, over wagon Ity and rural life gooo roads are upon baYlnl some nationa l aid tor In· PHlRds, ' h,d r !', fll b ltls, [{i toheu The mIllona now propose d to be ex. our h1ghwa)'1T No other country ever roads ,as we11 as over ra Uroa d s, con~ dispens able. Good -roads will create Rllll ge, Boo kl'! At·O, .-d84 on rivera and harbol'tl, dltcbes got soocl roadl In ..ny otber . way, then cerns every buman being in t1\e land. a love for country -, lire, decre ase tbe ODe Borlle 50 Chiok ns 1 UIUrl(lg e, d 1 1 If a produce r they affect tbe value of demand of the aa4 damI, and the enlarge ment ot the why rush to th city. and ahould tbere be 10D&,er e ay · n his product. It a consum er, ' , n ' the price ! will make for the health, arat aa4 MVY wo'uW brtng JOY bapplness.,-iOO bu hU~ti Otll'll. ~O too the foUow lq the precede nt establls hed of hla purchas e. They [JIlY In llomH of those who now llve to determi ne the 1'efinem ..lO'n, by all the nationa that have good ent, moral and Intellec tual 1m. m ow, 700 r obuocl ~tlck;., et , In th ta road.. 1 ain one of .. very large mao rile or fall, the prosper ity or decay, provem ent of tbe people. 1lD1mpn~,"'d roads e a bt~~ hi jorlt7 of the people of this countl'1 the wealth Term s of III : :A ll ~UIUIl of Tbreo or poverty of commu nities, Nothin g can ontrlbu te more to thl:! Rnd Ie '" CAtlh ,,:::: ~:d~fa::~,:e: :~c:. that demand btiona l help. on dol' of sm&~ "nd great cent~rs of tradQ and than the Impro~ement of our wagoD sale i \I II Uoaa aow laid ' dOWD by the blghwa y , III Ohio. Just at this um~ i~ ex e ~ of Three time botb our commer ce. our road laW8 are In a oh'" commJ I.loner for .. water b ound mao roads ."d ' n ored't' of !llx w.m ths will The condition of our wagon roads, . roads. T know the loneline ss and the deso- Dollar£! ... ea4am wagon road, main , market roa4s ctlc coDdttto . ven ' It n and IOmetbmg must be be which gl compels the farmers , truc lation of the Isolated farm, mil es away Ie feet In width connect ing 'the eltT done to 'b etter the laws , and Improve gardene rs, fruit and poultry rais~s from towns \y _ H. Al.LEN , of Columbus by direct and separat e the roadl, and ,..hlle and vl11ages. The farmer we are awaitin g and dairym en to market their PI' • Is unable to get to the towns tbrough Ex Qa t ur , f the Last Wi ll of MIl.,y route. with Toledo, Cleveland, Pitts· utlona l aid and greater state aid let ucts un,der most favorab le circum· tbll long, dreary months of winter, bebug (Pt.,), Parkers burg (W. Va.), UI foUow the lIuggestion CiOllll\ ut, 1.1"'0 f\sed . or the Ohio stances , Is to..a great extent res pons I· cause he Ls made a prisone r by th. PortIm outh and Irontoa , Cincinn ati, Good Roads Federat ion F . M 8AM ILTON , JR , and Rlcbm.ond (Ind,), and Fort Wane selv.. aud enact a county busy ou~ ble tor present almost prohibi tive bad concUlion of tbe reads. Make thf Exoout or of the Llist Wil l of Mar road law prloos of food, and whfcb Is n ~w hav· I · (w.... . ). and bulld con.ect ing roads Which wlll gllre t ( :Ie mentfl, dE1oeut'tlU. d.l.·~bute the cost Ing the attention.of the P resl ent, tbe roads good and you make the farmer ! .-. Cener.1 AuctIOneer . better and a more intellig ent cltlze" from. eTery county' 8eat In Ohio In of the conatru cUon "4' S '" B fA 1 It l mainten ance ecretar y 0 gr cu ure, our Na ti ' ;:' C. ~ . Ii wire, AucMo o eer . GOUIlti.. not CroSlled by roads as of the road~ betwee nand ona coming In contact with his fellows · ' Bllmih on the county, the Congre ss, Govern ors, Food Oommls & Browo .Rou Yllo &. Waynes vl'11e, · rubbing DaJIle4. ' mInd against Ohio mind 'andb, tOWDlbJp and the land OW1ler, Aneth· sioners and State Legisla tures, and the attrition of thOUght ' against Stunley , ALtorn Do not und.rat and me to be proteat- er IJ'Mt millconception baa eys. been that the A middle man and the owners of thought becomi Valley PholJ~ 22-3 ng more bopeful and Ina a"aln.t the develop m.nt of our ' the country road. belollge - ___ d to the cold storage plants 'and wareho uses more alert and a better citizen of the natlon.1 ,..oure l. or .1I.1"lt oh.rlty farme1 '-lt waa his duty ! willllff er I1t· Publio Sale IJt my ~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!!!!!"!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to a calamit y atrloken people. or Dl&Iiltaln them. After to build an,) _~re the men who are going t?, be Great ·Republlc. ' . wa.reho use, ~n W uynesv ille, Ohio, on prevaUlng for caught with the goods on them, for - We prIde ag.lnlt· ~h. e.rly oompl.t lon 'of the one hundred and fifty years ourselves upon our protbls Idea tbeir combin ations are the ones that gresslve ness. We polot to our J~XUI' Panama can.l. or .In.t the m.lnt.. baa now , Ii.,en way, The new and best underst March 18th and 19th, 1909 the road question and tous railway trains our m.8gnlflcently ,nanee and Ilnprov." ement of ' our army true coneept lon Is that the roadll are fI x h ri and t b 'rh f Id tb th d ' , t e p ce 0 _ epa AUCTIONEER e 0 11 OW)' o g g 0 ds: 4 f torm wlJg e pro ucer appoint ed steamships, ol\r palatial boand navy. or .gllnlt t". continu ance publfc propert y and It . I. the duty of when the roads are In condition for tels, . to all the of our n.tlona l polloy comfor ts which can be on!',6 buggle!!, aBurritt Ilnd 1 phl\~too ~ut\1ned fClr the whole publfc to .look after Ita own, him Centerville, to deliver, and, after the prO(lucer I enjoyed In the American home, 'Ohio, our I. land po..... lon., but dO. ol ••" ' It 1a true that the farmer but all new oie'in stook ; -1 fllrID truoks, derives has parted with his crop, antIall is lo I when It comes to our highwa ys we oorn plant ra, either drill, oheok. me among thOle who f.vor Intern.1 the INBU\8t dlreot benefit l'be man who clln flell your from goOll cold ~torage or the wareho use, then [ hang our qeads - hi. sbame and contu· rowe r or fettlhz e r, Be~t~E"er gl1l1g Improv em.nta .a well ••• big exhibit roadl. for he' can haul more in less they' fix tbe price ~e. oonsum,~r must slon, because Borse!!, COWEI, ' Bog~, Farm. on the ..... a. one who In.llt. that time and at all lIeallons they are a standin g ·di.· plows, Best.E ver lIinq)e eulky pl ows, of the Farmin year g Uteosil\C, ' H'ou8e. pay. Some call It corneri ng, Othen .. h grace to the nation I - rme we ahould Ihow .ome 0 ar Ity.t .... d n._ ' r I.....ated on the bad "restra int of trade" but It looks to me . f d' I d 25 b ki ~.. 1 hold Goods, O ~ anythl og hi Th e esta bll . 0t a comp1 hom.." ee gr n ers, rell · shment road mUlt dellver his corn, wheat and I1ke "daylig ht robbery ," ng p ows, . , . h Iii system of Improved pubUc roads ete I' I'rom 1902 to 1908 '150,OOO.~ hop when he -can eet out Is 10 r! dm g oultlvi1 tors, toblloco oult). t e se ng 106. on his road, W tJiout nationa l or state aid how the mOflt Importa 000 went out of our nationa l trea&- wbJob "ways occurs nt econom. lc questio n vators, double shovel plows, 10 diso C II HI when U f D lllT tCJl" the purpol . · of the Improve- tet 1a flooded with grain the mar· c~n' we build the most good roads In now confron ting the people of the barrow s, 5 spring- tooth hllnow 8,. · and meat. tbe shortes t tfm~ with the most eco- United States, a m p or ates . ment of water ways to which the pro. and the combin ations, trusts steel} and wood frllm e spi ke-toot h and cor- nomlea l plan? My plea Is for -good roads. ducer could not haul .. load pt grain; nera are controll ing and barrow A, 1000 r ods Am rionll fenop. Under a oounty system ,superi n' meat, mloera l ~r Umber, and from tbe price by crylpg "overbeatlng down Not a rOad. here Bnd there, but a 500 locust nnd chestn ut fence producUon" tended by a compet ent county engl· PORI:: ~r od road evel'ywhlll'e. wbJeh the consum er could not procure or otrering lome otber reason . . . for oar· neer employed by the county commis· , ' . _ .. a pound ot either, without wagon l'3'ln, on their nefario us 5 s t·eol rollet: s , 5 tlteel-tooth h t\y rll kes I "skin game"; sloners, and aided bf county and FEED STUFF QUESTIONS TOa4a to the waterw ays, Any argu· "hUe the farmer locllted gasolen e tind OOIl) oil st,Qvet', ohurns , on the good townsbl ps, m.ent for IOvernm ent aid in the dredg· road can take It callY washin g muohln tl8 Bnd oreim 8ep~r at home Wlttl When the Improv ement tnc of 'rlvera or bullding locks and ..'ealth tn his granary jUld a walt the within Is wbolly ~-atorB . AI!:! 0 fl>D immen se lot of smB.1I one county, the cost and ex· TheBe q ue8tlon s . dams I. weak compar ed with the Ar- return of a more favorab le mar· pense of said Improv ement, Including Bnswer ed at Instituto he Bsked and . We can offer you good ltqXlent for nationa l aid In bunding ket. Good roads would te meetm gs and goods, some of which ll1'e itS fo1\ o '!V fI : enable tbe all damage s an~ compen sation award· .G ranqe lodges . wa,on roadl for the reason that all farmer to deliver his grain ' 100 buggy whips, onrry oombs, Payin g Empl oyme nt or meat ed, to be apportio ned by the comml&- 1.. What is the people either )lIe or are bene- all)' week of the yeal' a nutrien t, "nd what brush es, ga.)v,m izod tub", w!lsb boil. while present sloners as fo\1ows: ' Not less than . h tUed by Ioocl wago1l roads while but conditio that you will enjoy and . . d' ns of roads in most localitIe s thlrty.flve per cent (35), nor more Bre t e nutrien ts oont8.lDe In a f eed - er s, ml1il boxe, Wt\sl,l bouratt , seed a Tery emall percent of our popul.. compel s tbe farmer to at home . Write to-day market his than fifty per cent (60) thereof, sbaH lng at u IT? sowere ,ltLnt@rns, sprin~ ling can 1', tlOll a ... Interest ed In, or benefited by, product s. when the roads are dry or be paid ' out of the proceed . of anY 2, Wbl't is 0. comple te food? dreclgf q riyers or bulldLn&, locks and frozen regardl ess of the spraye r , galvlln ized onoket. s, 0. greltt Add"u prices of· levy or levies upon the grand dupll· S, Whllt I~ a perfeot food or l ,)t of grttnite waru" oil and dame, ..nd the majorit y of tbe peopl.e fered. gU801one The DaHer iek PabUs hIDg Co. cate of all tbe taxable propert y of tbe ration ? ~prot..t apl,nllt the . poltCY of .pproolevisp s,. double . trecs, @ingle I Batlule k 8aUdla a. New York. On a bad road the farmer must de- county; not less 'than 25 No Y. per cent 4 What are conoen trated!f eedlDB trees, triple trees, .r?p'6 h prtaUnc money for every Interest pend upon the weatht' r. alters aDd which governs (25%) nor more tban torty per cent t if ? RT. theirs. ties, a.a te ty _razors, pooket knives, the conditio n of bls road, and Is at the (40 % ) tbereof sball be paid out 8 u S. The tederal governm ent· uses over mercy of the , Chicago and Baltimo re of ·the proceed s of any • levy or Ii. For what purpos e Bre oonoen . butohe r Ilnd bread kDlV6S, !iDd in ~~~~=:;==~~~~~~~~ 'fOIV J;ler cent of our highwa ys for ru· . Diarket manipu lator when he delivers le.v les upon the granll .dupU· trlltod 'feeding stuff!! · employ ed in fllot 1& great lot pf' ,rat man delh·ery . So It bas both usc his product s, but It op. all I)f ~y stQO~ C?f a good ' road cate of the '- county leVied . upon the' feeding ? ' ... and need fo_r good roads. ~Ood8 . ./ . -. with rural deUvery of mall, and :10 tale- taxable propert y of any townshi p or 6, What are 00llrS8 fodders ~r t --A ored~t of 6 month8 . -The coat Qf rural mall service Is phone at his ear, he can ill take speedy townsh ips In 'Whi~b said Improve ment rougha ge? . . IIPW about :-as;ooo ,OOO. per year ~ver advanta ge -of everr good be 8'iy~n by puroba ser,gl.v lng a. bank Fune ral Dlr~t market ra: may be situated , and the baJanc,e, ,eneral ly bad, and sometim es over port. . . or . •. ' ... ole note, ' . . A. B ~1DJ!:8 which shall be IlQt less tban twenty 7 .. For what pnrp~se .a,re 00a~Se .. rcSad•. that nearly Impassable. But 'tbe roads ru~ In as well as ' O'ut ,per . . . c·e.n~ (20). ]lor' mQre than t~rty- fodder s ~~,ployed' tD.fee~ t~g? .. .trlloae In ,.eba~e _and 'in a ' ppslUon to of the village. or city, and 0, T, ~::f:ci~ {Anot' s. It Is luc)t\' .Ave per cent (36) thereof, s~_all .b~ as, ..S. Wl1atI8 Te lephon e ' ,da.y or . night; ' ,. bow. HUmat e that with ~yersany · forth~vlllagepr'citythat~eydo,for the( .pr<?tein ~ ' ~ 'o':N 'I' . ·ValleY .phoDe' N6. 1, r..oD~ , 1004 l'OaC1e:u .. coet of perfo~ng t~e It Is verY profttabl~ to have IQads of sessed upon and· oollected from ~q.e in -l iofeedin gll_tuff?"" .'.·, .. ' ' J 'B -'Oh' , eal, .Clerks: ,owners of real /3~~te lying wltb~-.()~e 'g" Wba t 'i8t e faD~Uo ~ . wOGl4 be n4~ at least '(arm prOduce -coming In·. D of fat Dlstano e No, '69-''' . .... h . ' • . !,p,to: ~ • . as ·well all mUe fro~ elth!lr s!d~. end ,or termlnu . ' . 'l) ,. '." . . ., ~ , .....~ ; - ' -.- -' lORds ot ~etc~and18e gOlnc·out, . . of. ~e, Improv~lII~nt, and aSBeBs~ "-C. .. fOee~~ 8t u,ff?h' 'f I '" f t' '/' . more AnA)VfU1 EntPt,lon. Roads are ge tting AI t Osr b WA )'If,JEsvtL.LE~ '.• the t vaIua bl. e c~r~ng ene fit s ' deI' Ived fro'" .. ';. " _ . .", . '~ ' ,. 1, , bdet .' ," . ..It. is t e nnot . iQterea , t _ . """. _on .0, n. lir.O.' 8fL~h year to:;.~8fdents ot:·th~ · !'~lag~ lnipror en;tent of alvololl n() escltes and , a. s ' d etermln ~c ; I . .. by t", gen · f ree extr~ot or ~arb(J ace our. .,~' comPlt!te 8~ line ' apd tbe elty, ,for tho.u sands of ~1d~,te8' ' Interes t tn sttn erJ,lpttona 'Will "Btane h 90)ee, Ha"e".b~. O. 'local com~sE\loner", .' a feedtug sJiuftP ClW:,,~~,-ilff'w.o~~Iali~:,~ oltlzens are .ev~ry -daY' .... . a. ebort, if YOll--n88 " .BnoklelJ"s Ualrig, tbetnfo r Alpng wttll the county road la~ fol· fl. What Ie ,be. .,dDotlo' n salve, their. ~~ qalQke . I io&e: s' oure re;y~ n·n~~ . pleasur e, In carnag e. and '. autom.oblle, 'low the 8un:elt. Ion: Of, the ....U:O;:'~a ~ ·0Ur~t. ,80 Oblo p~ ub ' I.n'iedle o. ta·! 'In' it s~ems to me tJ1a~ . it b~come8 , RoMs Federat lon, " and amend the W~t;8t bc?iI..;ulcerll , or. feve,r C. ·W . H EN D'~ D80-N .'lo.OOlO~ID.~=!!r¥c.1 more and '. M D' ' '.' .. are . IO(Ql .. more ~ul~ble' for aU to as; i .t ate 'aid law 10 as,. to 'p,rovlde .for ~e !" by 1t. lea. 'J:O.~, • • tbe. " pr~, t l(lte~ . l'fOJDOCte,..;;J::, alit to· b~lldlng gooCJ ' ~ads -fQr all. "de_IpaUotJ., eon,atructton -and, per- 12._. . Ollts, ~ore , . . "'_~_I. Jt~. .Tliere fa more lD.109d road, for the petUal malJl\eJl&Dce of Our and -Waynellviu., Ohio. ~ ma~ ·are 10 W . . l 1 . h • 1 PtoPJ:e •.... .. lD th4! .:Yl~ ~ c1~ tIaaa bt _..'a n4 ' ........... - &lie ... ' " , .' .. . . ,.'ii..... ..... _ _ ..... .....8'

.. A .O'untru 11 ith a :fine, '1J8tmu of . , . - 'rOad,. t ~1k a mall 1 til a good Ct?'-, dulatto tt of tj,e blood; the labor of life become s eusi 7', e.(Jewt is r duo d "md plea:rure increas ed. ' -,He?l ry



Spo t Cas h



, OrfE

One Pric e

You r Mon ey Bac k if you wa nt it

Dayton's Newest Women's Store


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I Mag azin e and Miami Gaz

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Two Big








All for only $1.2 0


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H·, Surf at.e ;

A. A. McNeil,






Are You Loo ldng

lor a PosIUon .?







" B

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a_ . .-- . .. ... a.,.,.cmt

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THE MIAl'H GAZET1E \IA I" ..... , Ht~ I t; .,.


--Hyd ---roph ---- --0 obia II r

Cou rts

We On II P. Bona, 'I erk 'llurt f ('o rlll1 1' 11\ 1-' 1, <lA, ft.ntl


"r I 11ft

o - _. _.-..- .•. - - --.-.. -





B.v dropl loUiu. (fstlr of wat r ) or the best body.buildin g n lui ,; ( r g ) iSll v ry d duly in,. 4 .1\ ' "'4 . . ' , II' I:J FO!''' Y, -\lp l' , n', w l l lll lll\UO h,rlb ", ' f l"l til nil clif'()ru er of lowfr unillllll s, (·o unt .v of W"r", ,",<1 tolIlLt.", \If Ohl " ~l rengthen ing tonic for I COfl llJ.lQni Oll t d 10 Ula n by ino('ul:l O. L i{A "•.E . L'\ "t(' r and ~I:lna g(!r I" 11I· ,·pb\, l' r ll fI' I. li n , I h f"lIl l1d 11 ' 11'111. Thill d ' S(~ ItH flpptlilr~ t.o JIII VA I ~" ('tl l' rect 11 .1 uf r 111-1 1' t' 1''''1I 1 ~ draW l! .. 1"'1' 11 knol': O t.o III ,1n i!:'ot ludl 0:0, f rom th .Iury \\' IIIwl . 1.11 S,II' V, ' ," lJ: ·~ .VJltlll l\ " 11011 brn f' llt ll~, nnd in thl' ' 1rur,d lIull P "' II . •111 1'. 11' I It I' I I"-l One y",If" tll ,'llrl, - - 15 - I'l'I ' ) . -tIll lleutur.\ ' B C ., we finc\ th t) fir pt, \lJrill ri ll, A . 0 1\11 11 , II I ~ ' Id Ctl ll ' I ""n/<I" C0l'.I· . . . ,. .Uf, rp'·"nll ,f It ill ,!t tl w o rrl~ qf Orand Jury . .. [) o ~" sulfu (' 1r ll ID UlIl<ioe ,,1 th :' t Ra'tes of Aonrti semen ts Pl1 t~ tb 'm in II f! tllta o f fo ry . lIud nil Hu rt. Tutihu otel' .. .... ' urtlf'crl'P, le Tp RC!alHng I.oe;o l:!. )le li n ' .. ... . uui mull' w h loh th 9y uit.e , wheu ill Heul\lnl/ locIl I• . b ltt "1 fa. e. I't'r II, .•• . • Il lin r. B~'~8 .. .... ..... .. .. I;'ru 0 kit n '1')) Reynoldsburg, O• 10,. .. My 9 year old daughter wal Ill L~ olln ditio n, become ul !lll llttll,okec1 r ill!; tile d All" no l •• , :a'''''d 111'" 1111,:'. .. My two childre. , who were puny 'hn" U E ' I ~ 1 0I1 .. ..... .. .. If I' ,~uk l ill 1')1 J feel confiden t thllt I w~uld not bt hy nUl(lnsss." Til l:) ' dill! weak, pole, and had no appetite. I and ailing, rapidly ngained 'l'hn!t' JI1l'w n 1d.h Ilse iu f1".h aod bo all.. todq ~rl(' except for Nature' . Crea)rl1l1 ~ Ir .. "" " ......... .. .. ... W" .,· Utl 'I'., gave her Vinol, and aho> began to Itrength when I began to give "hllu arks. n,·,· (II, ~ -, #n ',' : U,"t Or It n : them nlUu 1)(I1I1 g'!! w ,~ ii,st rl100rde u by thrive UOD. at once. I waa She IIlo gained wly wasting rapidly .. Vinol. way :3 .. nrUII last I proved ·1l1'l I ,"h" Il .... .. _·IHu ror .. e lc. Tp that Vinol i. a .plen. • 11'1 ' h ..,t' . I~'r lI 1\ in weight, fall wben I lltarted takIng Nature'lI color and . trenglh. " -did tonic for delic:ate childre n."\ "' 11 Ii us ee l u s in t h e I f<t oent,ur y ';0 l:ieo lira I)f l lmllkA. . . I:i . And. T ('\ n ..... ...... ~IlI .... lU 'rJj Mre.W. H. GILMORE, Durand , Mich. Mrs. C. AllEN, New Bedford , ... •. ..••• :!.'j , Man. A . () , wil () WII 111 0 t b e firs t to u e H e tc·,lu tlIl H . . . . . .... ....... rlue Gt10 L. ( ·'011. .. ... ......... ~· r'lnklin - IJ C,..Uon., I picked up fut and lIoon Vinal bu ilds up heallhy fi e h and make::; thi n little limbs round tl, [I ",u wo Sool . l" Cleo WIIO: ' ·,· . L.t.:", 1M m a tl e ... ... ;I.)l' -{,-l1ry nl able ··hydro to go ph to obia "Work. ." baving ·t.rictly gaiued ~hur I8 ................ . Union 'fp and plum p. Child re n love to ta ke it. 18pl:, \. Mh'cnl- IIlIl I."'r III CII .... , ... . . IIIl' fifteen pounds. I shnll always be thank· Npraltin~, t he te rm hyd roph bit\ " Wm If . \<' ul10 1lL( ... .. . I·II:',lrr,l 'etl k I' ll Dhcuunt ll ,, 1\ '\ 1 l ' U cO IH r ~'l'L . ful to Nature's Creation and trust that ~ll/lu l t1 be IIrlll tHd 1.0 til e di s URe We return eople· s m o ney wllbon t qnesU on U VlDol II. L() wi ~ ,~lQ,hnu .. .......... .. D(!e rfi eld 'l'p . does nol accom pll s b all we c laim lor It. Try It. It will do for others what it has dons it. e x is t. ' III milD please .. , 1I!l "fel\r of witter" Vul"oti n6 DoughmILO .. ... BtlrluI lTp for me. J. E. JANN EY, i~ It )Jro mineut Drl1~ ;i st , :'11A R (1 11 II'. IDID. Wayn Ry mpt,olU esvill , e. While H L Blaok ens hl~ .. .. . Ulellror ellk Tp . J1espeot fuUy. "rubi 8" Il ltJ f tl I1ccurutely d etCriIJefi ~ h;s Oetlrcl"ff ......... ... !<'runkl in Tp. .tll" dl fll:l tl fl in t il I we l'Std llllll . tbe W . U o r~ooll .... ... :l'llrtl tH~r el) k rp RESOLUTI<'NS 1'1.'11 r i f WII ter \) ' i ng u.\Jsell ti n them .(Pro". Prlu,Po ", INN !S, 1909.) Ii ,1 S AI I, tlu ~ h ..... .. .... . FfIIUk\lu Tp itive nnd slVoll en. '!'ho eyet;! uro iffUtll t he m outh , and the .. 1)0g ' lir e IlI o ~ t Ruscep tible tlre animal ' Fun Sntorma Uon lncludln g valuable lti!l wll h ~t HH t rl' /{ r 11.0 (1 " ~ "n ~f' reti, tllflre is inoreu.s eu IIIUiU I dis · oau on ly succeeu in olosing Petit Jury. booklet CUt be had by writing or call. lJl oM I freq uflDtly nfreotl'd , lIud nre it moof plntS,' n II 10,.'1 ,I,., t \\'t' 'h rllniclr' ohilrge nnu til I!kin of the fore~eud J me~tarilY un~er the g reat~8 dwe ll U . ( ~ IO P .......... .. Frnn ld ln 'L'p tne upon The Nilture' s Creation Co., th a chi ef CU U o!6 t provo. of dit!s6I u iuntion the dMth III onr b .. ' ,Vill i frl l:llld !md und above tho eyes is druwu lOtO OlltlOu to bl~e . Paraly d B Wll kerROo .. ... Watihln~r.un ·fp. Balik Bide.. :rOWD a.nd Rlgh, Columb u. (\.1090) ; III ' X C oo me w o sIs of the lv,' ~, C8 ts, oatbrllth er, .I n h, W ruo ke r. The l M. ' nook ....... .: .. Turlleo reekTp . t,le; u utl fiol1l\y s kunks, borsell, pt gs wrinkl es . Tbls stage lusts from hind limbs uod of the whole body Mu.sonic li'I'Il I"rnll . [I't- lo-t oue of II bftlf to two or three days. (jeo, B utze' s r .... ........ DeerfielrJ Tp. to Agues Long, lot in ~utb Leba. rabhit . lind I:l\' en fowl Follow . speodil y fo ll ows nnd death ensues Ul Uy be iuoc- in f: O'l tbe rnO"I' \I,~lu,-d m f' wl>t! r~ lind our e or more of the a.bove "Iurr y Eml ey .... .. ..... Clell rcreek L'p n Oll, in . symp. in fr oOl two to three days. As soon u la t ed '1'he cbarno ter of t11e virua O')lIlmllni&y l) Ie of \t_" m,)st nol.>ll' toms, paroxy sms Of wioked fury all the j \'V is p Iralyze d .1. A Cowan .. : ........ Turtli'o reek 1'1'. J:tobert W iss \tid Emma. W eiss t o is unkn own. It is fou ud -the s nbject OItb,eU 8 . in t he QOlUe o n, ulternn tlng still with peri - i umlble to' drink, eat, bite, or b9.rk, 'e th FurntA!! .......... ........ Wl\ y ne Tp Wenzel Berrotl u.nd Rufina Berres , nervou s t is811e most I\bunda ntJy, orls of 'I'her,..r ur,', he it re~l)lvud , Tbnt q Ui et. Tbe red, oonges ted u.ud emaoia tes rapidly . (; IJ .J t1 nniu gs . .. .......... .. ' ul m Tp 285 aorel'! In Ma~ ie tOlVosh ip, 1 1 ADd in the 8l1li\'u I ~ botl! buman we reoognHf.H iu our otlpflrte d brotht'T eyes a s oru e a fixed stare, often Bl'n H. Mills .......... .. .. .. Wayne Tp Uuy E. Fo;ster and Mvrtle M helu K_ and lowor ILDillll1l "Tile le thargio or tranqu il form of B ha vi ng sq oint trtAit.s of 8terling oburlloLer nnd mornl (orOlls). or roll a s if fo llowing J'abies In dogs is manife sted neither N'tl wton ~tltt.. ..... . .. .. .. Deerfie ld Tp Ira ster to Uh'r issie Eslinge r. 33 tbe diseuse. 1nooult . n ooruril integl'l ty worthy of ALUulnt l on . In Iln imagin ary objeot, at whioh tile by furious madne ss nor A B Probll sco ........ l'IlTt.!eo reek Tp. aores in Hamilt on tow n ship. 11. by palsy of lill ouj:th the sk ill. l\nd uearly al this h our uf berellv 8'nent we would d oe present ly snups. A paro xysm the jaws, but the nervou l' B. Soott .... .......... ....... Union Tp. Charle s tioheme l !lnd Georgi u wa ys r sultl:1 from bitos of s pr08tra inCeote d is usbere extend to 111 til mlly ILnd re l~tI ves d in by Inoreas i ng unel\si- tion is sh own In 0. profon nd letharg ~ohem ~ 1 et nl to WillialD Wltu len, Iluimul s . y In xoeptio ual outies , onf deeplls t sympA thy, 'knowln g nesl:i, frequeu t chan~e at positio n, ond Ilpathy . The victim ';Jm mon Pleas Court. r~a.l estute iu county , onrls rabi es him. results fr o m bein~ licked by und that in the d~l\th tit b"othe r 'I'qoter a. desi r ~ to .esoape , shown in Belf up and will not be ronsed Mary Miller to Alioe 1:). T bompso n, OD infeote d dog. or fr om by his kissing a n fn Bhing Harvey sbnrg F .~ A. tot " odge hilS New Suits at the door, tuggin g at t.he master 's voioe, by any nois8, 1.5 1l0res in oonnty , '~. Infeoted pe rson. 'rh e incuba tion dis. lost one of illl trnllllt and 8ttAunohe9t Interna tionn.l 8 Ilrv'est.e r Co. vs . Wilson Tbomp llon !lnd Alice peri od (tim e for inoeul" tion to onset ohain , or gnawin g the post und wulls t nrbanoe. or even pnnish ment; he membe rs. of the keno el The te ndency to bite makes no re spons ~ to the C. F . Burnl, pet! Mou to r eoover Thomp son a Albert Dill. 80 a ores in caresse s of ymptow s of the disea se) varies Be It hrtber r asolvtld, 1'hatth ese money on Pfomls anu r< nll.w i furtb er s ho wn oy selz- of his friends , and pays ttorv n,lt". amoun t Deerfie ld tow nllhip, ~ 1 noat~n grell tion tly, "vel'ag ing fr om six to ten ing the r880lnt i QnH be s pre'\d upon the min- oJalmed beiog tra w or too rin g to pi eoes .to tbA food they bring him , bnt '21797 . Brando n & RoseUa a nd W . .1. tloott to L . W, IVt1eks i the extrem e ' are reone a nd utell of the lodge !,lod be sent to the lvin!l, attorne wooden or other Il rtlOlos wi thin mains in bls pl\loe, growin ys for pllilnti ff. Witham ,. q oit olaim 00 41 .5 aores a hllH weeks 10 five months g dally , or in 10081 papers, ai!<ld I~ ot>py 8f1nt to the B .Fr"nkl in ruft8 vs . villllge 01 in Deerfie ld townsh ip, I t. / exce pti ooal ,cu sefl , oue .o r even two relloh, or evell by the vi oti m laoer. more emaoided and letharg io, until hmlly of 'hft ll eOtla8ed. ating his own b ody . l'be r relieve d by death toward MlilnevilJe. Petitio n to transl e r L. N. I\nd Emma M. Witham t" yellrs. The inonbll tion the t8nth pe riod va ho wl Commi ttee )~. J . EllisoD , oerta\n relll 'es tate from villuge 01 Rosella Soott,. quit au 1 b oome more frequen t, and or filteen th day of the illne88 . 33 ries with (u) t he age, being ~horter . , I W A,,·Mer rltt. the ra ge and di spositio n to bite MalnlJville to Hamilt on townsh ip. a.o res in Deerfie ld town siJip, 11. (Cantin ned in next Issue) iu ohildre n than in uduJl.s j (b) the strang e a nima Is and porsonli merge Eltzrot h & Maplfl, a.ttorne ys for Mrs. Clara B h Tlt to J . M. B!\Jlin eita of the wouud . If this Stubborn A, Mules, is on the into a misohie plllinti tf. I vonslle sire to worry . ger, 14063 aores in W"yoe t-own face or head, 't he incuba are liver OLd bowels sometlmel:1 i tbn is very 0.11 that oome in the way, the r espeot George t&napp and Edna Knapp, ship, aeem to bid" wit.bou t 011 use. Than short and the sympto ms very severe for former oompo. nlons and frleud s thine's Irllnbl ~- Lo s of App -1tHe- Yd . village of M!libev ille . Petitic. n Commi Tbe inonbll tion Is longe r and symp- being entirel y lost as the Pluoxy ssioner s' Proceedln&s. Indiges t.ioo. Nl'rvUl ltlnesll, Dellpon. to traD8fe r oertain red estate from sws Unde rtake r and Embalmer. Contrtl ots- Cuntrl\ ot WllH entered tom!! l6!ls intense when t.he poi nt of inorea.s e i'u vloleno e . If free to 6S nsnoy. I;teadno he But such trollb- village of Maine" llle to Hamilt on infeotio n is on t.he body, becans e oape dorinl'{ sooh p~roxy lee flv bf\fore Dr. KinK'S New towns hip. Will be fonnd in the old sm s, the dog Eltzrot h and Maple lit. Into with T. N . Wilker son for putLife Pilltl, th,.. worlo '8 best· t;tomn<,h Bllnk Bnudin g, opposU e the olothin g tends to olelln ting In the baJC virn seotion expen~ of ls his excitem ent in wunde r. I, HI inoh cor anq ~tver rl ml'dv. ~o easy. 200 torneys\ for plll\ntl ff, the Nation al Bank. off tbe teeth. " C rugated A. R . Edward sewer on s. Spring ing, making Hill llong j ourney s of the, roud Lnlu M. Mayne va . Samue l J . at Fr-ed 0, IOcbw<lrtz. Teleph one in houee and· of. A. M, M. D., Prof. of Medioi qe, ten and twenty miles, and fice where I can be called Mayne . , Court I{rants divoroe 00 tJear the residen oe of T .. N . WiJk ~ r . fl .vin ~ Itt - -- --son 10 W ':ltt'h ington tow nship at the Northw estern Univer si'ty Medioa l every animal or noise t't' outory. It day or night. THE WOODPECKER'S FORSIOlU gronnd a of gros8 negleot. ~ohool, Chicag o. ) y IlJley Phone U-2. tbe viotim escapes delltruo tlon E. W. Hensey vs : Mra . Willll\m es't imll te "6 . . ,In Cali~orDla tbe, wooSpe nker "In dogs, three formlil of rabi~8 during one of these wander Contrll ct was entered into with ings, Miohlle he Main l. Street, Defend ant Wayne sville, Ohio. grante d 20 .&Orea aoorns W\\'8 y, Illthon gb be reoogn lzed j the fnrious , the returns dnring II. luoid In tl3rval exnever ellt·a them. Be hores sevtll'll) days iu whioh to Ilnswer petitio n . Olark Nix()n and John Comb for io, the letharg . 'fhe pre· Ia.bor a,nd m llte rinl nse d in oornple t- parl1lyt ' I d ho)eadi tftlrlntc slIghtly in .siz ,at the f th iD m onitory s ymptom s io ure by far tbe oee d 109 y IIn gerous , or, oug h1e It. . • ATH AWAY ' M faU 01 t,be yellt. Invaria bly in a pine Court Proceedin&s. ing eas t upprollO h t o Matb ers may r eoogniz e or e ven fa.wn upon ill most import a nt., as if these Bre tree 'J'heo be ftndfi lin 8ourr, whlob . b id h id f rtver . r ge near teres ence 0 reoognl zed, the dog wny E 8 ta~e of Mllry E. Boltin. de Wa.y''les ville's Leadin g ~nlia' be 8jO ts to onM Qf the holes pre ' be safely his friends , yet the .demon of luis · oettsed. - &18 bill it! filed by Mahlon Jo~n Breen in W B-shington town . seol uded or destroy ed bef ore there chief is even m ore potent within him Offioo in Keys Bldg. pared for it-s rl'oepti ou. Main 8* ship at the estima te '23.GO. Bnt' be does not ea t he aoorn, for Uebhar l, adminl tltrator : Is auy disp'o sitlon to bite. fn and he mllY be r Ou8ed to sudd en vid aa a rule h e'isnet:a vegitnr l8n. BII' ~ontraot Wad £ ntere into with some ooses there Estate of Hepzib ah Marlat t, de . is unusual olenoe by any noise. or exoi tement objeot In IItorlng II. d d th~ aoorn ex- oeased. Due proof of pobUod W. E . Gre hnmfo r oleanin g pif snow dnlln el!s and anH.thy, in oth- Thelnt ervals of qUIet are atten e . . : tlon of .bibltB fareslg h* and a kn lwledg e of y. by n prostrn tion propor tiona.te to ion bridge ers great restless rl!lsnlt!! Ulore .kln to reason t.hllD to notloe of appoin tment of exeout or and dirt fr om the s uspens ness, watohf nl'in Frllnkl iu at estima te .. instlDll t The aneol'e dlng wiDtert:h(l flied by Wlllne d J. Wrigh t c . ne8S a.nd ner"!ousne8B . A m orbid the vtole noe of. th~ previou s par. a()Orns rllmain Intllot" but beoomt Ig . .Illst~te of Banj.· min Kell, decease d. . Bms-W . B. Stanag e & Co. , sta- Itppetit e, iD house dogs a tenden oy oxysw, u.nd tbe ILDimal u ull lly seeks &it Hunt.ed are predtpp 08ed to u~OIlY Fifth noooun t flied tlonery 8 for seClu8i trll1\8U d on rer,. and ~10 darkne ss, where b e 0; r oar to pi ok up .and swallow straw8 , by L. O. Kell wbell ·tbflY a·re "t(1l011 erl by. maggot s. for eheriff, 60 j LebanQn Patriot , . d h b' mu,y l ~e dull a nd rpid, he WilY whlob seem t·o delight 'in this speoial anc\ Frank A. Bone, exeJnto rs. thread, paper, PlDS au ot er 0 Jecttl be rc nsed lit aoy totime to C\ r ene wed Estll"-ofD AnielB . Leer, deoease d subsorl ption. t3 ; LEibllno n Gaa Co , . h b '< ::fOoL ._, t' I Ad TRADE MARK. ' IS ighly 0 arao erlst o. eSlre 0 y"m "y filly n oise diturb' lnce Dr.loN . It' ls then th"t , fohe woodp ecker A. F. S""imont"on "pp'~l' nted ad'ml' nl's- gas for juil, '213 ; B. F. Wo,dE) & liok oold amo. o lh objeots , , ~ as v pur x... u COltV . Bons . ..IGHT. &0. . Co , .. blllnks, '3 ; Frankl in News, . , reaps the bl'rves t his wi.qolD h8ll l.rator with . bond of '1600. b . f A ",one oendh," a ~ker~h an4 d.orlr,Uo I tbe presen tntioll of I.~ s tlok, or above qulckl, n me, Juoob AlcerlRln O llr a opinion stone, pro,·lde d, Rt. time ' when the ground ! oot., 'Olber aD a plAce 0 met.a, or all , the approa ch of aoothe r t llilUlll. bltmks, U j Warren CoU.tlty Times, h InvcnUon I. I"ohnb l), ftlentab 0. Wan,manl." .. f th d . ft lIo n •• t rlctl' Colln,18nt being ooverE'd with .now. he wonlo R lilt. Jaoob W . Smith and .Wrigh t progra ms, M fal. llANO oluf on Pawn t e n ose 0 uno er og, IS a n During the \lflroxv sm t;h frno. Oldeot ARIm o), tor loourTntr patellts. .. j R .8 . Smith, ooal for e u.niwul i s lont A' d f d experie noe diffionl ty otl\erw tse in BUI, appoin ted apprais ers. f rftt(f~'t,8 t,aken th ro ugh )lunu • eo. HOe'" seen . n Inoreas e on ness or mll oifestly tue llbj eot oC tloute deHr. 'PUla! notke. without obftrllo, 10 &be Estate of F.-Imk W . Balzhis er, de coort house, *21 25 ; Lewis Bro thers obtainl Dlf enllubl e 0': pn)o.table food. h . d the owner s own by f awnmg . & an iUlU, has hulJucilltttiou s, sn lltohes Co., ooul, ' 2 1.25; -Cleve llind JR.ader. ~oal t21.25. ; X". I' oossed. Due proof of publloa tion of . . II th h lcklng IS ocoaslo na y oug an d bltos nt unren l obj eot , turns on A hond.omo l)' Il1n,t",te<1 woekl,. I •• cI'" notioe of 'a ppoint ment filed by Wi! nia City Workh ouse , b oa,rding pris· I th seeu, I h culutlon u f nr l"U1IOIlU UO j n urnat. 'l'erm l, , 3 . n y ere sao a nge his best frieod s, ev n 11ls master . 101lr: ooers, '12 .75; L G Andflrs on 80D8, more oommo fou r mOnllte, ,L Sold byaP no"edeal.,.. liam BalzblM r. C ' I I bl t t from IL ormer y am Il e em per 0 aud holdtl on to u ~e Caus e of Man y stick Qr b!l-r Estate of Joseph ns Witham , de- grass ~eecl, '2 60 j 1'he Wester n St-nr, II ' i ' d r et ring an reo un t il the teeth lue detuoh ed and the blanks, *5 ; pll1t bla.nKs, *25 25 ; tl morose , su en, , " Sudd en ·Dea ths. ceased. · On applioo tion of W., J. Trnste . If II Rontflll dl!!posi tlOn. a nn.tl1ra y "'nllls Illoemt.ed , bite his own body, of Publio Alfal rs, light" .. . I . . There I, • dtaeUe p~vai1iDg In thl. Soott, an admini strator , oourt oon- '30.7·\ ;eswater, dog uies into a VIO e nt PIlSSlOO, ... e ve n alUlmta.tln tl tllil or toes with *6.63; Valley '1'ele. qnlet c:Ouu mostdangeroua becaulielOdecep- sent:s jto pri va\e 1liiIe. of pro""r ty h h d t er Ilg , or II. ca, hi teeth . Food b is uS\ll\lIy re jeot(l(l, &-phune Co ., rents nnd tolls, ' 1525. at dt e sigb t t of anot ' tive. 'Mal;lY sudden Estate of T. Benton Jack,de oellsed ' It h b Id b •_ • deaths are caused I\n &t.t.emp s to b Ite I e 8 au e or if swallow ed, i ~ soon vomite d . and ",ppr~tsement filed ~~I1\i2~~~±I! by it-hear t dis- lnven ~or'" ,. J cu refully watche d. . How If-a Good ocial News clog In the oonrse of two or three days. Sprea,d s. ease, pneumonia,. by lJelia D. Jaok, ftdmlni strlltrix . tloeks seclusi on f\od durkneBoI, or if the furious stuge m e rges heart failure or into the 1'1 70 yea rs old and trllvel whilec rouohi ng Itud shrinki ng Estlte ot Maria, imbeoi le. m ost am apople][y are often from of th"ltlm e," writes B F 'felfl h 11 purnlyt io one, '., Second . rst tl1e '~esu1t of kid· Il own ao~ount fllBd by Martin A. son, of Elizabe th lawn, Ky. "Every y a pln a blow lie yet bears it withou t tL ho~1 till} paralys is of tho binu ney , disease. JaTO.eso n, guardl an. extrem itlel:1 where I go [ kidney ·trouble If I reooTOm end Electri o or whine, he i lll to b e strongl y ~U8- aocl tl. sWtLyin g m otion in is wu.lkin g, McCALL PA1TER NS Estate .o f G~Y I Blzllr minor On BItters , beMuse lowe my ~l11owed toadvan ce t:'xoelle nt. p eoted . Hllrkin g withou t objeot, then by pluu.lyt l ' clchrnlctl lor slylc. 1,erted 'or, s implicit y "nd lia of the lower jaw . applioa tion Adolph us' Williu.m s Is he,alth and vltulity to ~he~., . thekidney-poillOJlrcllrt\}ilit y n ea r ly 40 yea rs. Sp ill i n IIcarl y Tbey c on stant m~vlng , sellrob . every city a nd low n i n l ile Unit cod St:ltci nnd ing • lind 'rh e pllrl1lY8ia extends over the ed blood will ata cllre every l im e. C a n:ldn , o r bv m u il ltifect. "'l ore 11010. th~ n They sorupin g, a di sposit . tack the tal organs, ~using catarrh of appoin ted Rnllrdi an at bond of $200 effeot ion 1.0 tear wood never filii to tone the stomllo ll, regu nny other ma ke. end f~ Iret: fatalollue . whole body-a surD IJr(lour sor 0 f . the bladder, 'briCk-d uat ~r sedimen t in E"tete of Cllther lne M. Kibbey , lllte tbe kldQey a !lnd bowe McCALL ·S MAGAZ INE ls, stirn u- clothin g, eto., M pleoes, (uld Ilbove Ill'proa ohing the, wiDe, head ache. back ache, 18J1le deoease d. Un DlotlQn 15 da.ys deat,lI, whloh is . nrely ... Mo re s'l b s~ rihe r.i t h :t n :tnY' ot,h er tasMon fnr Il\te the liver, invigor ate the nerves n.I1, an absenoe from hume baCk, clizzineaal ' .leeplell8ne~l nervous- ther J1I llgazi ne- l11 iHio n n m on t h. I n \'a luable. ut~ for II. dllY delu.yed beyond eight days, and nev. Ume 1a grtt.nte d to flle e ; t exoep· " yles , p!ltlf and rn ·n e.., 0..- the kldne1s ~, purify drt·ssmak the ing. millinery, blood . 'fhey work or two, l!honld themBetves break' grllve appre- or more tha.n ten, from the onset. plai n sc wl ng .l n n ,,~ y ncedhJ\v or ~, h:lircJrt:s !ii ng. .(. clown &itd ·w ute away cell by cell. . w'lnder s for .weak, ruo.dQ wn men h ensions . Thebeget etiqu ette, gnn d sto tlon8. rie s , ct c. rllbld O n l), W cents a bark or howl lUadder ,troUble s almost always ~8Uft ' st reng tb" v Ig . }'cn r (wo rth doull)(') , incl ud ing 3 frt' C r nttem . an d women , res t orlOg "The peonlia whioh rity is often of dumb hen.rd . o r. S\l pur early h sc: Marriag rlbc in tnun y. the e or License send f,,' . I DUlVlc cogy. the kidneys and or ILDd hel\lth that 's ~ dailv joy. alytlo ~lI.bies In do~s is that last or WO:oJDERFvL INDUCE MENTS ''II G. L. Bnrr O~8blt, 86, ' farmer of Try them. .Only 600. Sati8fa is· obtained disense ' is hoarse, low and momed ,' t A genb . Po ~tlt l bring. premium cntA l0i:'" otion plI.rlllytio stage s uperve ne8 at onoeon . t CI nn d new prizQ ofT~t8. Address M W 1 h 23 is positiv ely guaran teed ·by Fred C partak ing Q:~Ie;~:=!Il:tU Leb . :~:=~ of the kid· iii of the nature of both •,. aD~n 0 inabU~ty to u..ra . .. " 8 . 'Sollwart.l· bllrk Bnd . howl, the first runnin g the'pre monito ry sympto ms, withon t em: "cCllI. CO.. 2M I. ~ •• lInt SI.. I'IIW yOU postmlstl'l!IslI.o f Springb ol'o . . . • .- • into the .seoond , !lnd oonsist s 'of on'a any intervenln~ period of Bellte peel i ~ 1 tel 'ReaI &tate' Tr.n:.sie....· ' ORA.NOE 'SOCIAL loud' bow) (ollowe d by three of fOUT , W.·lll"m '.' ""'.··'N'ew por't ·t· o' Fra' nk D SOCl'~ otber~ progre811i "ely dlminis he4 iii .. . u . ., .. . , ' Nu 'umltu.r.. llo.db. . foroe, alld uttere" , withon t olo~ing and shows little .ten d enoy t 0 b'lte, t o. .t-.~ A..feaud-'a- .'"-s~ JI"OIUl8I& ' . ---, _ rday ey~m~i', Marc~ . 19t1i., at the mo~th. Some rub th. e o~"ps wander , or to res tless mqvem ents. =~~I==========~==~== 70 "or~ .. in CJe~l'~ree~ . ~ow . n8blp!\ t~~. I. 0. , ~ 0. ~. hal!,. ~ whlch .eyery with tbe forep.Bws at! if to dIslodg e Soqu' ====~ the lo w.a r ja'Wdrops from par. ' • . ·VU812 . . .' ' . ' h...:.:! '!'fUy,lS COt;.dlaIIy InVl ted • .A .8hot t !Ln otfElDdlog body ;' : 1. " 8i8, "llowi~ sll1ivll. t) drj.vel ' troln the mouth ; " .r ,Let us ,nnt your Sale' Bills' ' ·• DO ra M. M&okes _ g~tne to Obl'~JIl8 J liar nW\gra m ' wlll ·be rel!ere d. _ • , b ererel/e . , . ~, • ~, hI 00d Y tte r b yvom. '. ' • c ot o quarlLt ) ..&4,37 aor811 In eJoR-r-o reek which light refresh.m ta wdl be I I · ' ~ '. -"7. I. , " tb ' h'" d '. _ . ..._ t DIt ; .&0 d ~, h el'8. t orD e ea an d. fQ.WD~~lp,.l. '. " served and a good. time lD gen~1 8ye'8 &ldl . followi ng lmagin al'1 ob,,·OorneJ{,, ·IC. and '.Tobn W .

- - --_

\<'I'lillk ;

- - - ---

D heate Children

• • .• , , •••• "


----_ ..- ---



.. - ..







Scltntiflt Jlmt,lcan.

MP.!~b ~m~~~B~:~~::)~~! lwk




Sb8l'u be had. AdrnU!sionl6e,"children . , . ' • to Jimee We\da er,)o,.o 8prtolb OrO, Uk ~tl, atlcl .• D.P ,&~ 'bem. 11.. ". . . . • ' . - • a &eodeDOY to bbe, rob or m me.p.le WODDd ., lllOlI06 O&'. &D4 r



nai y. 'he, D.GallY



CRO ' .~~~::r!:i:~:

sbe. thou~bt; aile baa n e •• lleon Bud a trans formation , o( a face. It WIUI as' filII of brtll iance as It ba d been full ' of m lancllaly. " 1 wrote YOU a nlJto," the gi rl said ti mid ly. "Mr . RII Ulsdll\ waa La post It." '''You di rt! · 1 will g t It from her." .. h, no. Ri ll e you hnv Ii e n me." ry........JY.........YJYa.. £-1 0 hoole hi s hr lld . " J want all mll let ters, nll(1 r a m curious to see how you too l' 11'8 \' (' . nu t tha t is jus t w~a t 'by I br.g you wi ll not ta lc - thnt Is, to. WAS OLDEST ARMY OFFICER Uny.'· . Th E' ge ntlemnn who stood by hi! Gen . Da niel H. Rucker, Who Recently hor8 ,s h lid she could rega rd for Passed Away, Looked Back Over :: \ (If h r SI' X. so m(' reason (> \' e n with less etlse th UD Nea rly Century of Events hith ert o she ha d b t' n abl. In hls :: ' CHAPTER II. G 11 . Daulel H.- Rucke r, tbe oldest ridin g'l' lolb e!! h(l Sl' mod to have lost T ile day WII S ea rly ovcr til III ad· his olh r p rsoll all ly , and wus not h· re tlrf' d office r of the Unit d Sta l es -" 1ows and t he fl rst dews lyin g wit h the Ing but a well ·looltl ng Englil;hmllll- Army that e v I' li ved. died a t his ~ frost upon the stu bblu·D' lds wtwn in l he mosl fas hlnn nble nnll perfect home in Wns hlngton recently. aged 98 ;: I T 1II1)cs l. CUII1l' ou t o f th hOll s to th e IC'lI uc- \\,Lto had ridde n to s ee her at yeal's. He was born In New J ers ey, By Marie Van Vorst nn unu f; ua l hour oye r a d wy fi eld. and was appOin ted to the army from :- t f'rr a('o whe re hi s horse wll ited. ' 0.: T h!' 1\ \' niles be fo re him were neats " You hay tbe n d fini tely g Iven up Mlchi/:'n n. AUlhor of th o s k l e h, of t he wr iting out or your He was tWO years old a nd a ble to :.0 of goldt! n li nd bro wn leaves , a nd his U "Amanda o f "1(} Arm." -: mare III fi rs t went glugerly Into them, noles which ynu ~ ki ndly s e nt me ?" toddle about when the Wblte House " /lt Ls., /) e.f1Tlon d," 7' and olc., etc. " Yes," she said, and to his s urprise. was bur n d by British troops In the . :: I wi th pr tty , Garefu l s lt~ (J s , picking her " Ab , I can·t. of courS6. gainsay your /ld mlnls trntlou of Pres ident Madison. ,,..."'7'"--------:r--, • ' foot ing li nd s hrinki ng as they cracked a nd r ust! d . At the foot of th e ave· good tas te th ere." he sm iled. " I accept He was s eve n years of age wbe n nu h o skirted th e railings 'or lhe park lh ut- I s uppose I must pay the pen· Florida was bought from Spa in and THE FIRST POSITION rvYrIY'.""-.......NrI'..N.y~.. in search of a s ma ll gate for pedes· a lty of my lack of good fa ith . But It'S added to t be union. He was e ig ht FAMILY LAXATIVES.AND HAVE not about thnt I have ridden over , It Oop)'rI&M laoo. 111 J . n. LI I'I,lncult CowpuJ. trlans lind leading ali t luto the road years old wben Maine (wh ich up to Is to beg you will de lay your going : that ti me had been part of Massachu· LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE • 8YNOPSIS. toward s Blll lllgs Poke a nd Cra ven, He had on Iden. doubtless a ve ry r can 't r ead one word of your wr iting setts, though not contiguous thereto) WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL becnm e a s ta te. He was 33 years of Bn ~1I Tem prat , ",orILl ·,. gre nteot n o velist ' reasona ble one, t hat ie Miss Carew - not a word! " SATISFACTION. She looked am used a nd suld, "No lin d poet , r o(u el n g to be ( urt he r Ilonl:t d. was as seri ous a nd good as s he seem· age when Iowa a nd Flor ida were ad· flh uta hi m se lf up In 'rltv n, h Is coun t ry one e \(er told me tha t before." ed she ha d e very pla. n to run awaymltted to the union as sta tes. h ll ma. Hi s gloll m ~' m dltati ons are b rllk· "Put It, then , to my Inck of educa· fO n b y hili housek eepe r , who h M di s obeyed or to silp out of ' Cra ve n by the morn· Gen. R uc ker was born In tbe little h l.q ord a r a not t o a dm it anyone. The tlon," h e la ughed, " but please come town of Belleville, N. J., III the year, . ' I,,· lo r it! L uc y nrew. nn A m rlca n who lng t ra in , it to me. or a t least help me a nd read I,,,. ('ome to E n g ln nd t o w r it e a s tud y "She could not slip out before. Not" when t he las t war with Great Britain (, r t h author, hut m or e eep ec.lnUy to g e t - and he smiled at the Idea-" unlesl to declpber ." was declared. Eight years la ter he Il 1;)'n op81. ot hi s n e w BUIt O of p oe ms, 'l'he village clock s truck In the reh a v ing been promised a good p ositio n she start again on toot, which 1 have w lt j, 11 m aKazl n e if su ocess t ul. T emp est, mote dl stanc s ome pa r t of the hour MANUI'AmIRED BY THtCALIfORNIA fKi SYRUP In nnger . d ecltl.rea he w ill w r it e no mor e, no doubt s he would be capable ot do. a nd M k. h er t o KO, ltepe n ti n& III hili Ing It she kne w me to be so "Alrly on a ncl '?YUss Carew started. FoR SALE BY AIL LEADING DRI1GGISTS r udeness tn lIen d lng he r o ut In the r a in "Ther e. It Is balf·past seven, MI', ON! SIU ONLY, REGULAR "'tet: pp eorn.a at ni g ht. h e fo \loWll. bu t s ha r e t uses to the chase." re tu rn to Cr ave n w ith him. a nd tal(elI At Ra msdlll's Polly told him the Tempest . 1 m ust go." Iodlfq with a cottal\'lJr. N ex t mornl nK "You mean you won't come to Cra· Lile y r ecelvel! a note trom T e mpel!t a pol. lady had already started to walk to ven to-da y and read your manuscript o gollllnlr tor hi s rude n eea a nd o tter lnlJ t o tbe train and Tim was to Collow her t o me?" u s ltt h ... In writing h e r Maay. late r with her boxes. Damage Done by 8moke. She beslta ted. T empest, In whom the Invigorating Herber t M . Wilson, of the United CHAPTER 1-Contlnued, "Why?-why not?" h e asked qUietly. dAY awake ned the best ot spirits, Wall States geological survey, places the It be had searched his wit through delighted. He wanted to find he r fly· a nnual damage and' waste by smoke Without demur, and an eYident dis· Ing. It pleased him to see his psy. he could not haye fa llen up!ln a better In the United States at '500,000.000 Reiief•• ren.... t asle to prolonglnl the ilersonal . chology was not at fault, and that he Ques tion. He bloclte d het' path, his In t.he large cities alone, or about $6 borse's coat reddening In the sunlight t heme, she said : should as well have the pleasure ot CARTER'S UT11..E to each mlln, woman and child at the t hat now began to brlgbte n. "May I beKin to make my notes, Mr. the chase. UVER PI~ ae;' popula tion. .1iI. Purely yOld" Why won't you come'" T e mpest?" " Yes," he nodded to Polly, who, deable-.ct Why sbould s he not? In al1 the He smiled. "Will you alt tbere at 'mure and admiring, stood by the gate now's This? bail 011 We o\hr One Hundred DollAl'a Reward for an, my table ?" . de liver ing her news. " Yes, I knew world to care-or praise or blame_ ot Catarrh tilal canno' be ' ~ b, 8&11" ·the '"'. ne put the chair In place, drew b. Miss Carew Intended to leave, but I she sa w onl y the trim figure of P olly Stop after Catarrb Cure. ,.. 1. cHENEY 6; 00 .. Toledo. O. tore her paper and a choice of pens, have a. telephone tor he r, an Impor tant Itam.sdlll a nd lier honest, curious eyell. We. tile undenllned. have known ... J . ~IDII' Ink, and sharpened pencils, 'left ber m essage wbicb may keep ber, pos- As It there. were Polly alone to know tor tbe I." t5 ,ean. and believe )11m perfectl), bon. orable III &IJ bmln_ ttanlaet.loJI.I and Ilnaocl&U,. ewe tilde and went round In front of bel', slbly- at any rate, I must flnd bel'. or remark, weakly s be said: able 10 earr)\~~t:I':lo,0ri:=!....~:.!:.~,hll linn. "Mrs. Ramsdlll thinks 1 have I~tt 'Where be sat down facIng her , closlnl. Why did she start so soon?" . Wbol-'" Drupllta, To\eclo. O. ~t=:wLrJ::. Ills, eyes and folding his arm. across It seemod that Miss Oarew had Crave nford." Hall', Catarrh CIm! III tAkea InternaU)', -l1li ' \n!ctly u pon , tbe blOOd an4 IDUOOUII llUJ'fa_ of til. but keeping his trIumph Exultant: GENUINE mUll bear aipture : Ills breast. . wished to go up Charm's bl11, and · In Jy8U!m. T ...tlmonlall lieD' tree. l'lke 75 _II PII bottle. 8<lld by all DtuuIstI"WrIte," 'he commanded, "what larde r to .make the tra in she would be under. Mr. Tempest saId: Take II&IJ', FAlDllr pille lOr oooatlllatlOD. "No, 8he doesn't. 1 s topped there In dlqtate, please, aa fast aa you can." 'comIng down Wood lane In the hour. In a low and measured tone, 811 If Tempest rode away. At the endl ot passing lind t.old her - not quite an un.. Whats oever you do not wish your every word were a pearl a nd 1'1e Wood lane, just a little to tbe road. t r uth-'-thllt au Important message bad neigh bor to do to you, do not unto come for you whIch might delay you." wellbe~ it. as If oyery phrase were a side, be saw the figur e of a lady-the hi m. This Is tbe whole law. The r est lirat port of CAli north ot P anAma; a " OlSdertui jewel which be held up to see .Its only la!1y In Cravenford, of course. They bad started to ~alk along sid" Is a mere exposition of It.-Jewish. h a r bor ,8a [ If IAUdlock ed ; tbo uMara l l'O'tt of q.uallty, Tempest began to compose. by side across ' the fields. His bridlo was taken by his arents to Grosse , up ply fo r "I t he ..outh Wl!8t; I'ro _ ' t.ermIDUII Will' Interest Mother., Not tD verse, but In an even; sonor01l!l was over bls arm as she wa lke d be- Tsle, Micb. (nenr Detl'ott) , where he . KolbeThl. r Ora)" 8 Sweet P!'.1Oder. t or OItUdreD, San ta . Fe Railroad ; n 10 ~ .1Irec;t e. .. DOW g. POp u lMlon dO.ft bled In pABHour proae aa rich ~s It was free from man· s ide him, lovely In t he wealcl)e$s and went to school. He entered the army, cure J'enrlllh neu, H eadache, BAd Stnmacb, year sbullllln . Ban k olea rl ll A' ,pOfl\ el'll.-1't'OCIlp'. a Dd Dlsol'dera, R egulate ibe Bowels aDd reallY nerlsm and ambiguity. the grace a woman's yleldlng gives obtalntng a Bi9n 8S second lieu· Teetblng . , .olue8 1ncrcased ln IIl'WIter proporiloD. Des troy Worm . Tbe,. bre Ak up cold. In t4 The scribe wrote Uke lightning and her to a man' s eyes. Tempest, even tenant of dragoons, and saw a good bOUf8. Pl ea s&n l to tAke , aDd barm1e • • 8 8 D.Uk. 1;'b01 !lever 'aU, Al ~II Drui'Wlat8, ~. SluDple 10i Ilstened spellbound as she wrote. The p~~r:::;.;~._-~r.~"1~\~-\-I+ then-ln-the~ barren field, e- ··~I}£ie,n-l-~..,m of Indian fighting. " mBllell FREi:l, Al14l'e" , Allca a, Olllulwd , In U DI,.eralty H ' lght , 8 apl8llltld res ldeDce power at what she was going to tranroad nenr by- Tempest contemplate d While still a young man be fe ll In I.e ROT. N. Y. Beotlon. E lect r l cu r IIn~Lai~y aon veDle noea ; ----:---:--. scribe sbook her a8 Tempest develops tealing his arm around her and draw. love wltb a beautiful girl who was a p r lccs S200 to f3OO; term8 ~ neb rot ; DO !pUI'Answer me quick, wha t help, what est. Send IS,OO II ~ POHI t; 8C nrllll( ~t properly ed the theme and warmed to hla sub· lng ber ~o blm. What woul'cl sbe do? half.blood Cherokee Indian, her fa. ha nd, do you stre tch o'er destruction's \wsolll, 1".bl~ Q t to yonr &ppc'Ova l ; m OD l' back ject. Once as he paused sbe raised Whfl,t did s he feel at the rusb nnd ther being a wealthy rancbowner, He bri nk ?-B rownlng. Unnlttatls l1cd i n o betlcr h,vclflmentanywb Write for book let ; o ur reteresa--,1UI7 bIt.Dk. her eYea to bis, her own a rdent, deep, lhrob his pulse and bra in trembled married her and by hl' r b ad four cbll. Add r etl full of emotion, In tribute for the gen· ' und~r? A fi e rce JOY at his victory dren-three sons and one daugbte r. DO NnT A CCEP T A SUBSTITUTE D. O. COLLIER .. COMPANY .,bon )'O U WA nl Por r v V llw l.' P"ln~i ll". 111 Dotbllljf Ius she had been permitte d to see. She came across his fa ce as It bent upon The da ughter s till s urvives, unmar- I. n6 ¥1>Ud for rboum'"I ...... nollrnl1lla and slmllll' SAN DIEGO CAL.IFORNIA. was unconaclpus how much ot hertroubleo. 70 )'oa,. In CQn814Dt nil&. :160, 860 a D4 600. bel' Its r ecklessness /lnd.devll·may·c.a re ried; the sons all died young. s elf her uplifted fa ce betrayed. freedom. "Only a day," h e mused, But t ha t was a ve r y lon g time ago, Crosses nre bf no use to liS, but In SHEAR' YOUR SHEEP :I~'!r::: :=ID~~~ Tempest, as If sbe had bidden his "an bour-nnd, my God, haven't I 'a as may be judged trom t he fact that, as much ns we y ield ourselves up to f rom to II{ Ibs mor w()OlJl<lflhUCP. l't11 ' fy rl ~t _ o\~~o~~a~"~in~";':"'~~! e yelids to 11ft, opened his eyes, s topped being left a ' widower, Oap t. llucker , aB t hem a nd fo rge t ouis~ lv es .-Fenelon. m:'c:~~~,::,.r rlgbt t o tea l' from fate wba t I can 1" . bcI1rlnll. An111o(\y cn n InArn In A to w bOur.. ftl,leaklng. A flush came Into bls fac e, Ac1l1reas OICilr Goo ~ Co" I U "- CuU 111., 0.1_ He may ha ve bee n a bout to speak he th en was, took a second wife In b e unfolded his arms and stirred. Rhf'uma tlll ni n " Ue \ 'ed la Six lI~arW by to her-to lauch her - when she un ex· 1850. Her naine wa ' .Tane Curtis a nd 'Walt," be murmured, "don't move." llectedly t urned to blm her frank, pure sbe bore him a nun lber of cblldren, Dr.D e t c h o ll·",lte l\ e t Cor Rh oum a tj s m. 76c. He held her e yes for a second, tb cn~ eyes. There was sometblng 80 virg in, one of the daughters elf this ma r r iage Take from my mOllth t he wish of fell back. set ber fr ee, refold ed bla so young, so .good In her fa ce, trans· making blm the fa tber · of Gen. llap py years.-Sbakespeare. w, N. U., CINCI~NATI , NO.1 1G-191o. arms, and continued hJs dicta tion. cendlng her beauty, t ha t he was Philip Sheridan by espousing that fa. Mias Oarew t\lled page after page I'lshained. , The mlra oulous pmlty ot Inous milita ry commander. She, by with rapid cha racters. When be bad Beech Tree. She her unspoiled count r y see med tyl>lfled t he way, still survives' and has a . son, definite ly caasnd sbe slgbed, dropplnl In her. H is s pirit -cha nged Within him likewise na med Philip, In the army. b er pencil. If· 8he had yielded to 1m. She stood under a beech·tree, or under aUd his voice was very gentle as be Capt. Ruoker was 38 years old wben pulse, s he woutd bave . burled her a ll t here was leCt of Its fln e luxurl· he married his second wi fe and she b ead on her a r ms and so r emained an c the leaves ra ining around her said : (TO BE CONTINUE D,) lived long enough to ' celebrate her under t be spell that bad magnetized In abundanoe. golden wedd l~g with him, In 19t1O.. b er. Too tactful In tbe presence of . Tempest took the dlre~tlon and A Girl and Her Money, 0,) DKOP~ In the Mexican war ' Capt.. Rucker this uncontrolled and personal man rode across the field s to ber side. The fact tha t a young woman, ftve commanded a squadron at Buena to betray anything of berself or her Miss ' Oar ew's surprise and wonder fe et a nd one Inch In height, was able feelings, she sat without comment or was an added pleas ure to him. He to frus trate and almost knock out " Vista and was brevetted .major Febru· was la ughing aB be came up, and s lx~foot robber, by hitting him over ary 23, 1847, for ,gallant and meritorl· movement. . the head with a pu'r se containing her ous service. He was an alde·de·camp Tempest cnme Ul' to her and lifted greeted her: , her rtgbt band. "1 bave never beUeved anything was week's salary, Is an lnterestipg Ulu,," on the staff of McClellan In 1861, but "You are tired oul" r eall y lost, you know!" He spoke. as traUon of the large Improvement ,that 88..\Y little fighting during the clvli .oon· "Oh-no-no!" If to answer her . "Tbey used to send has taken pla ce In recent years, both filct, being attached to tbe Quarter· "But you sighed." me to find things for the m whe n I was In the foroe at woman's muscle and In maste r's de part ment at . Washington. In 1882 he was m'a de brigadier ·gen· ''Because It was at an e nd." a little ohap; the fact of tbeir being the size of woman's salary. "That's graceful. You have written lost made 111e angry directly, and I It may also, to the wary, Haem a eral and quarte rmaster general of the two hours." 'He gathered up the s tarted out Invariably with my teeth warning tbat some good thlDgs may army and ten days later retired from sheeta and piled t hem slowl y together. set and saying, '1 wlll find that at be carried too far. A woman with acti ve du~y. "Wby do you p!tsh your chair back ?" once: J usually did. I was invalu· money has been one ot the legitimate "I must. I will be late for Mrs. able for lost scissors a nd thimbles and pursuits of aspiring but Impecunious Father Corby's Flag,. Rnmsdlll's lun('b ." spools. Henly will tell you- nnd helle youth since tho begInning Cit time, and In connection with t be movemQllt to 'nessand lains neither "Mrs. RaDlsdlll-" He ca ught blm. you are ! Possibly not really lost, but It will be sad evidence of the passing raise a memorial to Fnt hl!r Corby, on' Opium ,Morphine nor .t1inefal lIe lt. "You lun oh here." if I ha d been an hour Inte r, It would of some of the customs .of good old the very s'p ot where be gave general NOT NARC OTIC.. . " No," sbe sll.ld firmly, "not to-day, have been close to It!" days, s.hould the comblnat.lon, once 80 absolution to the m em'tlers at the &cr.''P' ;'Oltl , Mr. Tempest." This was not Craven. There was attra o'Uve, become tn the ne* ' clvlll· Irish brlgad.e ,Just b~fore they rushed' ,. O:s.wvElJmKE/f' . 'l'ben be said tentlltlvcly: "You are no master bere of a bouse where she zatlon a thtng to be avoided like the to the reliet of , Oen. Sickles, at Gettys'.ltx.StNf". • , '} tired, or course. I'm a brute, but you had pres umnbl:y no rl gbt to be. 'rbey hind leg at a mile. burg, It · Is noteworthY ' tbat thefiag HItA""'~ t. may as well k now It- a brute a bsorbed were in the open, tbe fres1\, delicioUS of this brlgnde, borne 'In so many·SIoJ.' . JWt-,iJ '· , fields, In tbe fresh delicacy of tbe day nnd egotistical. " Sure Death to Flies, hard lought battles ot the clYlI war. ,lfIf",..,t.IJt. .. · "You don't th ink It, I\tr: Tempest- a round t hem, shining In the ir eyesFly papers are to be superseded b, Is a treasured ' possession of' the Unl· I""",' .r•• ,.:'. ' not of yoursP)f-and I am tired. I touching lhelr cheekS. CI.nli,J "-"n" . a fluid exterminator. "In our ~xperio verslty of' Not re Dame, It was preBupPoiOe my 12.mlle walk Is still In my "'How did you, nevertheless, find me encEl," sars the London Lancet, "the sented to the G. A.· R. Post, composed """""~ ~r'" , .. bones." here ?" she aslted, "You must have best ext erminating agf!nt ·Isa :wealc ot priests and brothers, founded by Aperfect Remedy .f9r ~~ll5l1pa: An extraor-dlna rll y gentle look came second sight." solution of weak 10rmaldehydj! In Wile Father Corby a f~ w . year,s before bls lion ,Sour Stomach,Dlal'l'llOOl. He exclaimed In an undertone: ter (say two teaspoonf\lls to the pint), death, .the surviving veteraJls at the o ver his fa ce, his lips pa rted as if to Worms ,Conwlsions ,fiver;shBa y something which be altered. "Second sight! If I ba ve, t have )lsed and this experience has been con· brigade declaring th.a f ' this ' precious ness' at:1d' Lo~'5 Of SLEEP-,' "J won't keep you. then ; go , and It hetter thnn I ever did . the fir s t~f firmed by others. It would appear relic should ' be preserved where. -Uved "cst, with Mrs. Ramsd11l to coddl e YOU tbls Is Its mission. At .a ll e v,ents, I that 'flies are attracted by a weak so- the old 'cha'j)laln wbo had loved and -'-Sbe's a dear ltttle soul-but to·mor· Ce lt morally sure you would go thlfl: lution of tor~aldehyde, -.w hlch ·· tbay · long milllstered to the. men ~at iI,a d row, please, YOll !lhatl work for you\"- morning In sbeer Im patience with me, d·r ink. , Some die In the . watlir',' others fought. beneath ItS ·foids.· . ....' . , and, so It seems." . oelf, I promise you'. ~' get ' 'far only as' the Immedlat'li vi· . . ,AI; s be drew on ber gloves be s nid : ".yes," s aid Miss Carew, ".1 s,bnll cJnlty of the :pll(te at wa ter; but aU 'Penllon8 AIiOwe'd. ': . ."1 ha ve not Written one 'line ' In s ix bll ve to start for . t he station In a · few ultlniately suC\cumb, and where 'they . Col. W. ~, C~rl'Y', cominlssioner · or' mo ntlll:!. To a man of my tempera- seconds." . " . occur In large' nuriclbers ·jl\lnqreds · milj soldiers' , claims 'for the · ·soldJers , of Ulent no oue Imows what that means Tempest drew out his watch. "We b~ sw~pl up ft0lD:t~~ ' floor.''' ' , , Ohio, wail ')n Washington recently ID -of nerves' a nd ba d humor and.....:d. have 'half an hour. I will slle that you connectiOIt' 'wi t1i ..,n ls · ,business, and IIpc lr. I wl11 not bore you ' wltli 'my , do not miss your tra in uI\wUlingly." . " Bobbed Up.'alnes, hut r t hank you more tba~ . Nothing could have Mppened tp' the "SI;ie what our ' phlp news ·man Bay. niade . BOrne Interesting :s tatements as J u enn know, MiS!! ,Car ew." At 'the ' girl to sn lII~artie 'and siirprlse her, to about ,the . late , Oajlt. 'Topnotcher?" ,tln.~ ~ : work'.\ihlch h~~ '~uieaq .ha~ 8,0compllshed. ) n , t1ie" ~Ilst tWQ ·,)'eara c arriage 'he 8ald : "~li ope you wJll ' so dlstu'r b llE~r, ·.a~. this uIle:tll,ected ar- Q'Jerled the .edltor. he ' has tUed 3,201 claims, of, whlCi" l l!ncb :,vell. anll re~ember that let rival of itle illan wbom ' "be bad de.· "Why, hEl' saY8 (be captal~ 1.9*' cerUoJ' . 801~ters:,. 68'1 tor 'wid· -'~-- you go' ouly- fru an IlDsems b scrupll!. -termlnel! ' D1!Ve .... to see ftgatr~' No -b~~~ -tlre-iea for h.IB· U(e-wol'li:-aDd ows; babk 'PIlY an4 boun~H; prize I ~\ln ,any wHhOlI.t e~a gg ration It 's aD tel' uS,e can ba made 'of Iild~pendence. a~ the bo\tilD;l;/ ' mon.ey, one,' and mIscellaneous, 2'18' epbch In a If·luil n ge nt lIf~." than make .lt ser ve as a w~rder be· ~-::-....----<f)~llml! we~ . al1(1wed of ,391,00a ~ She lunched 'nt Mr . Rumsdlll's like fore all tilt; <loors .~f fre~om, or as ' , Liinlt. the Size• . . , amp at hnd sent h ult a , guJde who knows the fWJla8se dan·; . ·"Ma~ · m,:." ~leaded th!3 mere mn, 101d1etB:'82,9U .to wIdows; !Plud· . Th e tab1.c In tbe J ereU8e aDd Clr.cles It, "and yOur sUghte"t wlsli .· shsll, . ~. ituuJ. '2,9'16:' tniDOl' Children, $1,608; back lillY and boullt7. fl,293.t'. Tbe b d a ;ro)1I.l ulr. tor ' TempllSt, ~olcSlDI' htl borse'. reiD- lJ'&oted.'· . " \ ,. - tb, Jar",& III Ute bJat0&7 _ ....uj~:, .... from Cravt'n nnd tile be bad dlllDouDted a nd s tood br 11."J1ut," que~e4 the ,.,,-_... f)oltlqa, !lnd .frUIt- .. JD a · D$W m_.....a1. lumt~: ..... . \)oGt tile ...... .:..." ..".... ~ great 1;IIaok and ,~ een- ,lobe. ot !uot· ousue .. aDd ,olden aprlcotl-plled In . a. s ilver bnsket as fra Klle and white fiB s now . The Ra mad lIl LID en blush d lu cOllrs red w a ve, an d t he homely b Ill ·a nd ·whltt> wnr.e tbat s li pp d In to 0 11 out wha t Cl'ayen had not SIlPl)l led npp ar d to hal' ' ra ' k d a nd crtlcked Y'"..rI'... ,,' l t h aha hnlc nt. :111 Mrs Rnmsdlll Sl'rYCIl with so me· ~ lh;ng '1Ikf' II W , a nd regard ed Miss CarL' w wi th n r s p ct not unm ix d :110 1 with SI1 It suspi cion 11 5 has place III -: ' l' \'('ry hOll est woman's hool'l w h n ,a .. I mall' s li ol\' r~ \I udue furo rs on nnother

THE APPROVAL of the most



: TheMaster of Craven

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Constipation , Vanishea Forever Pro. c....


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San Diego, California

:85 Down··_Clty LolI··15,




Bears the Signature


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, A'Religiolls Movement Which Changed -History o

spite o,f a ll ac!Te1'tle fIlcUeaUo.I, . . ,aw I,t s posslbtuty throu~ deapllec! lDo strumentalltles; he seized upon aDa,' tive human capacity, wblch , we can faIth, to r ealh/:e ' hls vls loD. From thh program of J e sus there bas come thl stimulus tbJ1t has r e volutlonlze'd eve!')' life and naUon If has touch ed, and bar give n to the Christian traction of hu manlty the virtual monopoly of the learning, the ar ts, the Industrie s of the world. ' J"'IJUB ,only "b ~gan to do . and to tea ch" a s Luk tells us. H e has been doing and t eaching ever since h e left the ear t h. The 'rea che r who declnreil that "the truth sha ll make you free: has g l\' ~ n us t he spirit ot free Inquln which has yielded our s cienc es, a nd all the l>reclous fruits that have coml from th e m, The J eSUh who "wen! about doIng good" 'has b een th e con tlnuouR philanthropi s t, and all tllf mighty per sonai and In stitutiona l mill' Istrl es for tho uplift and com fort oj mankind whlc b Christian nalions bnve wrought are bllt t h e prolongation of his minis try. Ther e Is no one In the world to-day s o alive 8S J esus, And this lite he r evea ls not only In the lives li nd so la l In Btl t utlon B o f t hoBe who a re his follow e rB, but alBo In the very atmos pbe re of the Chrl Btilm clv\1Ization which Is Inbreathed by myr· lads who do not consc iously felJowshlll the Chris t.

EVENT In human hlsto1'1 hns 80 profoundly affected tbe experIen ces qf mankind as the life of Jesus of Naz, areth. That a baby of poor parents, born In a stable to a little village In an obIIcure corner ot th e Roman empIre , Is a t oken of the divine en rgy In what we call Chrls tla ul ty. When 'we t hink that this has been soured in aplte of J)O~erty, the enmi t y of his conle UJporarles, the Indlffe l'ence ot the political powers umler which be li ve d, and th-e humble origin of his firBt followers, the wonde r ot tbe result grows_ When we also r eme mber that this r eality b as come to pass not by d ependen ce ,upon ~h e forces upon wbl~h world ,moveme nts have r elied, such as arms, wealtb, Intellectual power s, and social prestige, but purely through the Inher ent ml gbt of J esus' r eligious Ideals, tbe marvel r eaches Its maxi'. -mum. To produce this res ult. two great enNeighborhood and Brotherhood. vlronments had to b e affected. JuTo-day, as In th e first century, daIsm's venerable syst em ' of piety al· othe r civilizations or the world are re ady flxed In formali s m and legalism feeling the tou ch of his powe r , The had to be dis placed by a religion of arts and , Inve ntions of the Chrlstlnn vitalities which s ubBtltuted love peoplel bave made communion b& for law, and allowed love to use tween aU naUons' so closo that now Its ' own torms of selt-expresslon. " th ere Is no more soa." The very nit Heathenism, which was lackIng In carries our mesBages to one another ethical coutent, bad to be permeated This means n eighborhood. What. I. by visions of Ilvlng rlghteousne Bs called "weslerp le arning" Is " Chrl& which would virtually create a pure tian learning," and lobe un christian cqde of morals. and lead the great world Is asking for It. The double world outside of Judaism to the knowl- task of purifying our own civilization e dge of a hitherto unknown Ood who and of giving it to other nations It III holy and loVing. upon us. To h elp us In this the lIv A Superb Dream Made Real. . In81 ChrIst Is s tlll teaching and work No cItizen of the world eve r had In&. Buch a dream as fill e d tile heart of A r ecent writer (" The Three Oreat J esus. He saw tbe kJngdom of 'O od- est F'orces," by William Wynne Pey . tbat 80clal condition ot h~manlty In ton), has treated of: "The Incarnatior. .... hlch all men sbould live as sons ot as a Dynamic of Western Civilization.' tbe heavenly Father, and therefore as TO the coming of JeBus b e ascribes thE brotbera with one anoth er. ThIs Ideal unlflcatlon ot the manifold sacrednsst was to express Itself, not In churches around us; the un foldlnp; of our sen Sf or eccle81astical organizations, but In of kins hip with Ood and our fellowB; aU socIal life. The r ealms of Industry, the revelation of _the unity of the hu the home, the parlor, government. and man race, and consequent changea If aU other organIzations In which manthe relations ot men with one another; kllnd expresses Its social Instincts, the calling of a s ense of the e ssen tin' were to be the spher e s In whIch thIs worth or human nature ; tbe unv elllna s uperb dream WJlS -to be maue ·a liv- or the s plrituill qul1llty or Industr) Ing reallty. So tar as Jesus thought and drudgery; the enhanCing of th" of churches, the y were to be, not worth o f the body; the transfi guratioD Noab's' arks Into whIch a tew ot the of s e:l. with ensuing effect on moralit) elect were to be brought to save them and tb e tamlly; and the glorlficaUor from ImpendIng dlsaBter, while the of 10vC'. These e ight items by nC' rest of mankind was committed to means exhaust the catalogue of wba' the 1Iood, but social energies com- J esus baB done-Is doing all tbe tim. posed of those who shar_e d his matoh-but arC) some lines of the Index tf. ,Iesli dream, and wbo were to work the divine volume "0 C!sta Christi: to make actual his uulQue vlston, that records Jesus' contribution to cl. every IncUvldual of th'em In the' r ealms lIIzation through ChrlBUanlty 1n whIch he lived. Well may our r eligious Chrlstmar Th,ls great achievement was to be , be merry an.! exultant. The secr et 01 realIzed, not by legislation, nor by mechanIcal and political m eans, but the distance between Bethlehem'l , by: thl' transforming power of human manger and our modern highest cn lives , made over again so that they IIghtenment Is J e Bus hlm Belf. , He il could themselves t ee Qnd enter Into_ tho.- "light of l~e world." His lIfe .. l~ tblll kJngdom. TJle ' Children Of, the " the light of ruen." All other greal klng~om were the good seed In the movements that have blessed mankind field ot the world. No one before him It) the Cht'lstian era Rr e only Im'pulse5 had ever dared to Hnaglne that hu- from this dynamic ot the Incarnation 'manlty could be transformed by the In bls foot-prints a ll he wa lks t hrougll , Imple' power of sucl,l goodness 8S was the world the re s p.t ln g up mallklnd '~ due to a sincere filial relaLLon to Ood, noblest Instltutlons_ Qnly e vil tee \~ Incarnated In the lives of m en. H e' wast e and woe when be tread s. Sinct rested the entire fu~ure of his work In he wils born his tory Is his storY.-WIl , the hearts ~f a tew dls clp1cs, and be- ' lIam C. BItting In Tb't, Standard. lIev\ld that they. ' and olhers in sueceeslve pneratlons, wO\lld so live A Prayer. what he hImself bad stood for, that Our H. e avenly Father. we thank thee at last every buman being would ent,1' 'Into bls ltlngt\pm ' and thus his ' hope that ' thIn e ear Is 'O ver open to our cn. and 'that t1!<>u n ever turnest awa y ---eo~eal",e(j.- --~ , the soul In n e ed. OUf " hands have . ' alth the Me.h. of Conque.t, li'een bUBY with many things, wIth • No' le8s 'iltrlklng Is the means upon strlvl~ and getting nnd laboring for whIch , he relied to a ccompllBh this the thln'g s which llerish. But COinvIsion: , He called tor simple' faith In Ing to thee we enter ,into pe ace and himself. "In ' dolng s'o ; lle leaned upon find re st 'u nto ~our souls. Into our tbe ' mos t , commonplaOe. the most en· hearts we , pray tholl wilt come Rnl! ergl~lng and the niost rational power ma~e each one "thy llome. casting out which 'Ye know. All men ,have confi· all sin ' and selfishneBs till they are dence In lome others, Qr some things. pure and childlike ,a nd fit for the Ev~r1 ' man knows that faIth Iii the spirit's IndwelUng. Dpmt our h ear ts most vl~l ,thing In the worl~. for to praise thee for thy n ever-failing nothing comes to pass unlesB some pne goodness through all t he pass ing days. " believes tliat It Is possl\lle. ~t , Is the Quicken liS to regard otber s ' needs most 'ratlonal tb'fng. that , humanity as our olear caU ,a nd obligation to llnows; for. It be81ns with the child service, and strengthen us to. do what on ttie . mother's breast, arid continour han,d s find to do for the advanceues , through': aU t~e 'r elatlons of life, ment of thy cause apd kingdom. Draw and tbus haa the sanotlon of unlverBal all thy children ot c arth Into closer exp_er.len~e to vlniUcate itt! r easonablebonds of unity and brotberhood and ness. This fa~th doell In religIon ,What hasten the tlme when all shall know It 'does everywhere elBe, Fir~t, It gives thee, In w'h om is light and Ufe eternaL us 'the vision of aD Idea l. It yields Convlotion,. of , the reality of unseen , ~ tblligs, and ~Ive~ ;~ub~tance to thlngd Every-Day Religion. , b~ped for,' TbO' m~ Of, faUh lee,s aa There ..1s a ,tt'emendous amount ot " ~oncz:ete ",trat I~ only a vision. AgaIn. untabulated, unrepollted, and often un:', talth , open,s ·t~e life to all ,outlllde In,- ' rec6gnl~ed ' rellgloq In ' the world. l en • ft\1~i1o~II ' thl1t pan assIst It In re~lIztllg 'a re doldg the deeds a~d living the ,thls.T,i810n." To thIs. witness !he child ilfe .r religion ""ho might well be In,' ~e, scbQol, } lDdaU t~rm. ot our unwilling to wear ' any. of ~ts formal comm,twlc!'Uon \~wlth. oth,e~SI and the l'a bels. -, Wilenev r a ' man answerB whol,e IItQry ot ed"cation and com- 'to the ' beat" in ' blm!le~ affirmatively; In ,t he realm ,Of r eligion, whenever be seeks the good of otbers, D ;,' I.U .... to , ~~e ~ower of he ,Is turning to'w ard ~e ""Ultimate ~rou b , count~ ood' he Is l'eliglous, . , Into , every heart that g , ," • tJl,4j)]19I.1P~.t.nt7,-b~lrD ot ,conflden ce. , ,,' ,' • ,energle/J : wl~lnl v 80m!' D;1en, m~st regar~l' religion aa posslb1e,to hIm wbo a rowboat, be~us e -t~ey ' are nevel 4rtlmulates oua: . Intel· lure they're headed for l'e~lglon u~less ~oVe. ' 9ut\ ! Ilnge and, they're' fa9,lng ' ~~e ' ot,her ' :,.ray_".-, ' lItC,e~~itlaIaa1Dl to vltaU.e, and atl1'l! our ':":_'-;'-->---'0:-act. ': WtieD , Je~u*, therefore, - It' Is easY-'to th'e Bible CU~S8 lec'laI~ , tllI~t,-h . ' JIla~clU,e~ "lsl9n ,w as by ualng i~, a~, 'a" barrier bet....een YOU to ttl'lt oC' ali lJi,'each ~d your brot)lel'. ,,'dtlnciIW Ilear~ ~i flll~h. -, an4 then Ib "---~~-by ' fatth, 1l8 " the " . ,. , ~ci~~,,~ ,melli~ the JIVbllll bas No man 6.ver. tOJt time m tb~, . a mtracle hea"oDl,. race b7 'golns out or ilia wa7






_"'l.t~. uta ~h1s &pother fe~ow.



, '

BURDENS LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS W eary is th e back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the , man or woman who has a bad back. Th e di stress begins in early mornin g. - You feel la me a nd not refreshed. It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts t o stoop to tie 'your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop or straighten, At night the sufferer retires to toss and twist and 'groan. BackaGhe is kidney ache- a throbbing, dull aching in the kidneys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause, inside.



e.... of .s.w... Kid_r.D"'- V erilied

,How To Tell When Tlte Kidneys Are Disordered


WlIIlllm M. Sears, 429 W. Cherry Str el, Nevada. Mo., says: "I was convinced of the great value ot Doan's l{l dney Pills ~through persenal experi ence. lI'our or fi ve months ago 1 Butl'er d a great dea l from 8. pain a cross t h 8mall of my back, extending al times IntO -in)' limbs and s houlders, When 1 stooped or did any work that brougll t 0. strain on the muscles of my back, my trouble was aggravated. 1 tried a number of remcdi es but without succoss. After a short time 1 could see that th y were benefiting me, and the cont ents ot two and one·half boxel I1l1 red me." (statement stven In May, 1909.) RE·ENDORSEMENT On Dec. lIrd, ]908. Mr. S ear. aalet: "I stili have great fallh In Doan's Kidn ey Pills. 1 feel justltled In reendor81ng tld8 r emedy a s Il hill! done so much tor me."


NEVER ANY RETURN . A C ....... I.t. Cur. of KIdae.. TIOQ!aIe ud DropiF 14",. L. L . Babe"" 1616 Terry St .. Hous ton. Texas. says: "I holll a

v ry hIgh opInion ot Doan's ,Kld· ney P ills nnd with good reason, tor three years ago they cured me of kIdney trouble that had clun. to me for lIevernl yean, There wall fl dropsical IIwolllng of my teet and limbs In nddlUon to other 8ymp· toms' of kidney complaint, and alth ough I used various remedJes, I wall not helped until I procurell Donn's Kidney Pills. Two boxell pC this preparation cured me and I have nevpr had the slightest r eturn or my t rouble. I have recommr nded Doan's Kidney Pills to many people who have qucsUollcd me about them, and I know of lIeverat call II In which they have done the srune good work."

PAINFUL SYMPTOMS Backache. Rldel1che. pain t! when stooping or lIeUn". sude\en R]lllrp t wing ' 15, rhcumalil' pains, neu ralglll, pa lntul. tlcant'y ur too frt!qucnl urina tion, dizzy sp"lIs, dropsy.

URINARY SYMPTOMS D]Acolor€it1 or cloud y urine, Urin e that contn1ns 8 edl ~ ment. Urine th nt tltalns the IInllll_ PaInful pllBlluges. B]ood or shredll In ' III urln, L I n bottlefu ] ot th e morning urln · IItand tor 2. ho urs. 11 It showlJ a cloudy () r tI c oy 8 Itllng. or a layer of tine IP'n1ns, like brick· dust , I h e kld neYII tiro dllordllred.

Ted Doaa'. A FREE Pilla f.wlelf TRIAL Cut out coupon, mail it to Foster-Milburn Kid.


this Co., Buffalo. N. Y. A free trial package of Doan's KidDey Pills will be mailed you promptly. W,N ,U.




'PU'T NAM FADELESS Doing Two Things at Once. A man hu r ried In to a Quick-lunch

,r estaurant r ec n Uy nn d calJed to the walte r: "G ive III Ii ha m sandwich'" " Yes, sir," SRi d t il walter . reacblng for th e s andw lch_ " \\'111 yo u eat It 01' takc It wi t h you ?" "Doth ," was the un expecled blt l obvious r eply.-Ladle . Home .Jour nal. " This IB a portraIt of Hlx. the 'de atmute." "A ver y striking llioture . He looks as It he w.el'e just going to s peak."

If It'. Your Eye Use' Pettit's Eye Salve, for infln mmntion , ~ ty~. itching lid,,: eye ocb , dcfectli uf vi ion aud st' t1sitivitv 10 Itrong lights. All dr uggisls OJ' Howard Bros:, Buffalo. N , Y. .


lit any n sain t w ould hav le ss trou, devil If he would get ou~ and wrestle with a ball fo r an bour or t"vo.

---~ --

"No tongue can t ell bow I suffered for five years wltb itchIng and hleedIng eczema. until I was oured by the Cutlcura Remedies, and I am so grate-' ful I want the world to know, tor what h elped me will help others. My batty and face were covered with sores. One day Jt wo'u ld seem to be better, a,n d then break out agaln 'wlth the most terrible pain and itcblng. I have b een sIck s everal times, but never In my ,1l1e dId I experIence such awful Buffering as wIth thlB eczema. I had made up my mind that death was near at hand, and I longed for that time ,w hen I would be at rest. I had tried many different doctors and medlclnes wIthout success, and my mother brought me the Cutlcura Remedies, Insisting that I try them. I began to feel better after the firBt bath with CuUcura Soap, and one appUcaUon of CutiCUnl Ointment. . "I continued with the Cutlcura Boap an!! Cutlcura Ointment, and h~ve taken four bO,t t1es of Cutlcura Resolv· ent, and consider myself well. ThIs was nine years ago 'and I have had ,DO return of the trouble since. ' Any person hav!ng any doubt about this wonderful -cure by tbe Cutlcura Reme! dies can write to my ' addrells. Mrs. Attie Etson, 93 In,n R;oad. Battle Creek. Mich.•, Oct.,' 111, , 1909;" ' HI. Landlord'. Reply. "ThIs uppears to be a pre tty slow town. YOIt have no ,paY-&B,lrQU-enter , ,,a t rcet cars he r ,', ' • "No" but w e have ~. pretty , go~ line of ' 'J)ay-b~Jore,you.le8'Ve . boarding houBes.'" ' , '

pu,a C1JRIU)_Dte 'l'O 140 DAY8.


!fflla?'::'~~~~~~~~r.! '~I'4aJsorlaGD8r ~~DC •



One Ibould take care ~ot to grQ;'"

too ~wise

for .0 great III pleasure· of lIf. as laUllbter •....:Addl.on. ' ,


O~LY ONE "unolUO o u nnNJo:.·· Thnl l H J.AXA·J· IV~ 1II1OMO IJ I1iN ] NIol, l oOC.,k 101 ~h o BIII,l1ll1.u r u o r \1:. '':: tJROVlil, 0 ...·<1 lh .. Wurl d over to Ouro .. Col410 voe 1)&1. lI6c.

Any woman can make li n Impres' s lon ,on a mlln who has ellh I' u surt heart or n Boft hP-Rd,.


M .... Wln.tow' .

~t1l1n~ Syrup.

f'or c l,ltd I'OD l "othlnl, &o rl e D ~ I he ItlIm •• r educr . 1n. l1aWtua tion ,n.lhlJ' fi pI&\ rc~ wiDd cuLic. :lbc ll uotu c.

It Is easy to see the sliver lining or other pentlle's p.louds.


• more you


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th.e11bbetter your h.e alth WI


Practical' experiment~ with athlete,s show Q.uaker Oats to be -the greatest' st~ength maker~. ' 66

Baby Smile.When -He Takes

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f ' ........"


f e,..f t......... . fe, •••••et ' ....... . . . . . . .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1'.......:.




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year, by prescribed physician, for all has been over the world In Ihe treatmenl of .skin diseases. ItchIDIr, irritation, eczema and In dressing of boils, feloRa



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and carbuncles. It Is acknowledged by them t

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for er)'lipelu, erytheml, nettle rub. ringworm and a spec\flo for Itohln, plica. SOc. a Jar, a ll druggists, or sent direct on rece ipt of price.



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". cannot pRise RESlNOL enough." Mrs. Geo. A. Laney. Montreal, CaDIda.

'. ::

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the very best ointment known






$125,000 net' from 1200,acres grapes. $15,000 from 22 acres p:a~hes: ' $3,200 from 20 acres ralsms, m the San Joaquin Valley, California A cow and aIt acre of alfalfa will earn $1 20 a year in the San Joaquiu Valley, Grapes will yi cild (rom $100 to $ 300 per acre; peaches and apricots, $I50 to 1 500 ; '~!l i l c oranges will prod uce from $ 250 to $ 500, and in many instances more than 11 000an acre. There lire teu million a rable and irrigable acres here. You still may ~uy unimp1'O\'cd lancUfor $ 50 an acre. ' T en :lcres nre enough to comfo rta~ly support a small family. Twenlyacr es afford a fm e Ji \'i ng, wilh money in the bank. FOMy acres should make you ri ch. ' To u pay fr om on e ~ {ourlh t o oneCarson Rced, R eedley; Cal .. from a: thh'u do wn. ~ a l a n c e_lIy ca. be ••Ud twenty -.\.cre crop or Sulta na raisin. for out of tbe crop.. n lt ed $3.2 00. -' ._ Almost anything can b e raised In th l 'kDow tba. valley from end to end. San . J oa Ql,lln ,oo\lntrY- Orangu8 a nt.! ,1 ha ve Be n crops plunted anil harve8twll at, fi gs a nd ' U.PP ]08 d Heat o grape!! cd In evory ono or lUI counti eS. I have tl ll d hllrdy potatoes. Prlfductt! or lIl ' InterViewed , far mer s. ranchors and tpert mp ra t : nnd lIeml-tr01llc ,zo-null t10U I'- cha nts, "1 have coUated the t e8UmOny ' ,' of crop exper ts. " III ]' 'Ilde by s ide. l'leat,. ol watel' rQr IrrigatIon drawn AU thi s valuable l~tormatlon . 18 con from th c nl\8T..'by Si erra snows, It I. t ~ ln ed In tile Sa n Joa quin Valley land, f l f t " for. ODe to m-,ke a .tart. I.and be- f older Iss ued by ' t" e Sarita. F e Railway. tW e n the.,rows can 1)e. '\I8cd. wII · 'Vrlt t or' It, giving full n B'me~ and ad ~ llha,rd yo Cpr ma ny , dress. I will Illso send you OUf lmml- ' crops. It! gro.t1on .journal, ~he Ear~b, ,81'x, lJlontb~ , tree._ ., , The Santa F e emplOY8 me ~ help tne.up it" 'liouthwe8t UneL The Comb aa no land to lIell, but I ''WI'U r,e your , Inquiry to, ~el1abl. 'Who bllve. , by th. ,_a..... t'ln,rnl,,,ri ..hll .. tourillt .Ii.



"l'VIee t~ "









SUPP¢)t and Social



Band will be there of course', . >.


:~ 'WALL *~ ~**~******~~*~*~~~·~**I








I 4 cen~;


I ~



16 cents a roll '*'


at ·

.' ·Waynesville, Ohio.

• .,


'. '







Spring Branch


M'f. RD ,j Mrs Thos. LUoy Bnd daugb Mr. ond Mrs. George Z~ II. of II ters. Florenoe I1nu Edul~ and 80n Waynesville, 8pent ~undllY wnll r ol. HUl'rv were gn ests of Frank Cook a.Uvee h ere. \ I1nd family t:\unduy at di nne r . Mr. and Mrs. Will Kerse! are. the Mi!!s Bertbll Cbenowet,h WILS en'I'he Mose Coh n store was closed Monday, parente of a boy born 'Ibur~<1IlY· tertainE1d by her ooullin, Florenne Howard Ana is vistting his brotb. Laoy on (I1St Thursday . Tuesday and Wednesday for inventory following er and family here. Mrr. EuwlLrd MorgAn 'Inc" d ,1Ugl1 the action of the court in appointing Mr. Hilrr~ Mr. and Idrs. Williams epent tbe tel'. Ednu. \V re enteTtain d by Mrs . Rauh as Receiver. week-end with Lebunon relatives, Ella Rye on Ittst '1'ne clay. Mrs. Rl1.ohel An tin and daughter, Mrs. Fred Gove aDd danghter, Uorothy, of Bethel, are the guests Celi tia.,A IiCtl Chenowetb tmd Bertba. of Mn. Boe Sherwood. I:lmlth. Mrs. Linda Smith sp at t.he W. E Swartz, of CIa.rksvllIe, day very llieasantly wH,h A unt Nan Tex88, transaoted busin ess bere Slit oy Penni witt, os she ie fa,mi1iarly . , urday. known, of Bellbrook, la,8 t Mondl1Y. Mr8. Jaok Segale ha.s returned to Mrs, Ada Dakin and cbildren w'ere ber home in Newtonville after !gne ts of her Grundl'Jl1l WhllrtQn at a pleasant visit wit,h her parents dinner undl1Y, AT 9 A. M. here. Mr. Guv Chenowet,h WILS the Mia8 Edna. Apencer is teaohing th e g l16£t of his aunt, Lib Cbenowetb The store will be opened. There are now surTortle Creek sohool 10 the illne of to dinner unday. tlie regola.r teaoher, Mi8S Hanoock Mr . and Mrs. H . C. Dttkin on ter. prises plentiful for everybody in Joe Kersey and wife, of XeDltl. t!lioed in the nfternoon. Mi , ~ llltare visiting their ohildren bere~ tie and ()ltle He ,B rtba !md Fra~Mrs. David M,a on oa.lled on Mrs oe henowflth and 1n oth'e r Jttcob. f:;butt8 t:)nnday afternoon. Mrs. Mu.nd DlLkin !lnd son Barry. The 0 E . bUSiness meeiing Wo 'aturdny being the birthdlLyof h~d at the home o f Miss Sberwooi . Mr. Nat,han Anstoin. his ~ ire und Friday night, and two ne",' w m· tltmghter plttnn d. t.:l I1 UI'\>I'ISe, him, Hnd 10 vi t-ed in their frloudlt rllo!.l8 ber8 were add d to tbe sooiety. r e . Mr · t a?d G liervioes at the U . .8. Churoh will Pafeb- eljntt ' MI l'S MOllt be i r day nigh and oontinu a unu d /l·ug b el eool~ un ll g n nes on, Fore t" Mr. Jttcob oott ~ ud througbout th~ week. daughter Nina. and ~ o m Mr F.OURTH, & , MAIN . STS., Mrs. LaSeor haa be&n quite ill for and Mrs Bdwd MorguD nud dllughthe past days. ter, Edna, andand son, Colemon. -few - -... Jl\mes t:imith, drtllghte rt!. P Mr, u.rl •.- -- - - -. .- - - . -. . . .- - - - - - _. . . . . . . . .11:


Thursday Morning, MARCH 17th,

Clothing,Hats and Furnishings


s !

AT- -


and Isobel, Mr. snd Mr Tim Smitb And Misse Alioe Mellsrs 'beno- ~-.-.-.------IJ wethlittle Ilndsons. Btlrtha bmitb, W/1lter ·B . Freeman, of Dayton, Lampton Smith, Sam and Jlike Mer- Attend thewas transaoting business here sever edith, Mrs. J. 'H .. Chenoweth Ilnd Ads will be IDscned Itollor \bls bllad for twenty ·llve cen ts tor Lhree InserU ..... of lalt week. , daughters, Berthli and Frances llnd I . . .~..~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .·•· . . . . . . . ., al Ifdays 'l\'beU'\llllnlr IIllt more Ibtlll O"e IInl! , reporss. are troe the E. M. F .· son Jaoob. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Nathan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~- Automobile Co. sh onl d be congra tu-I A ostin alld da ag h te r Ca lis till. £ u n ob At" the OddfeJlows Hall, 'on . lated in securing Mr. J. E Shomak_rwassetyed and the evening speot FOR SALE er a .. 8"leeman. He 18 meeling w n:gnmes-and plessllnt OOD'V6l'!atioll· gnat IUOO8SS. AU had a good time. . Mrs. Charles Kye does nnt imMr. aud Mrs. E. B. Dakin 'w ill 00 EGGS-S C. Bro~n L.e~born egB', oupy the hooee vaoated by Mr, prove as fast as her many h'iends. A food upper and Social for 00 oent~ per setting, $3 00 ~r 8hidaker. would like to see her. 25c; g iven by the Men of bnildr d at the b o u~e UIlIl on D B Mrs. James Chenoweth was the , Protracted meeting is sttll ,In the M. E. Ch urch. Und orwood, Anrveysburg, Ohto, progress at the M. E. Chnrch and guest of Mrs. Amos .Tacksou to Sun· 1_• • •______. _. . Valley nh'One 23-3r, , also at the A. M. E Churoh. day dinner. I EIDQ OATH. fown from nor"b W. W. W~lob bur vi1lagedrayman EGGS FOR SALE reports bosine88 go», be is handling erb seed, h;l g rlod ahA-pe laa lot of freight, and id thinking of - qUIre of D B Bookett, a 0 2, puttinB on another dray aud emph)y Pure-bre<t'Barred Plymouth Rock Wsynesvi11e, Ohio . . The underaigned will offer at public auction at the late , reside,nce of tog laaao Thomas as driver. eggs for sale, 50c per 15. Write or Margaret Clements and Mary Clements, on the turnpike LOVER ~ElED-Littlti IUd 'Clo. Mrs. Ewing is in her ,room phone Carl Duke, R. D. 4, Waynes. midway ,between Lebanon and Waynesville, ,vel' Beed Inquire or pbone Fur . Recorder teacbiog aUer quite a siok spell.. ville, 0., Valley phone 56-4X. 1<'rao" Hra-ddook, R. D. 2, Wayne8. · Warren County, Ohio, on Another family has moved from • _ _- - J. E ROBI~SON, vtl!l', Ohio. our town to Leb$non, j~ beiog this . of Clel\rcreak Township. f time, Mr. anct Mrs. Bern Shidaker. Saved a Soldier's Life. G6 S-Rhode bl",nd Reds ,elrRS Jilmes H. Bogan hilS accepted the Faoing death from shot and. shell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f ·r etting llall cn J. R Blsey Marshall's offioe taking the oath in the oivil war Wl18 more agreelS.ble Corwin, Ohio Friday, Maroh 11th. to J. A. Stone. of Kemp. Tex:, than Moving is sttll in style. factng it f~om wblLt dootors was SALE-L,o ng 8hllft ~"e"'k ' ' . oonsumpt·lon . HI. ooqtraolled ",stub Mrs. &rah E. Wilaon has moved born ooJd" he writes . "that, de (Jlltt In gonj oonditlon"ob~p ) into the DII' Batto.n propert:y Ml': vel oped a oough, tbl,t ~tuok to me Inq ui re at thiS offioe , At io o'clock, the real estate of which said Olements and' Mary and Mrs. Frank .i!orn!!hell will ()O.. in spite of all remed,ies fo'r years. ~G8 Pure 811ft' Qr ogt n, Rod ' eoopy the property vttoa,t ed by Mrs , My weight ran down to 130 pounds . NORTHERN GROWN ' Clements died seized, to-wit: Wi1so __ . , 'rhl'n 1 began to nse Or: King's New Blaok Minoroa 500 per fjotttOIl'.' SEED ~OTATOES Reduced r!ltes on ,1UO. Mt•. B. V. Mr. and M'rs. Wm. Fornsbell, of Disoovery, whioh oompletely onred Early Ohio, Triumphs, Rose, fan':' Smit,b, phooe 24-il;' WayneiIVllle. Dear Lebanon, spent 80nday with me , I now weiMb 178 pounds ," cy Home Grown Ohio's Ohio . . Mr. snd IIrs. Jasper Meroer. For Coughs, Colds, uIlCjl'ippe, Astb- - -... - • mil, Hemorrhage Boarsenesll, BULK GARDEN SEEDS > Croup, Whooping tJongh aDd lung New Burlington. Residence property, containing about 8.72 acres with dwelling ~ Bulk Sweet Pea Seed ~ trouble, its supreme, 500, '1 00. other buildinsrs thereon. Appraised at $2,000. Trial bottle free GOllranteed. by.! Ol"ION SETTS j ,. Miss f:;arab Bradford has returned Fred C. Schwartz. ' frolll a several weeks visit, with ber Fancy Yellow and White settA. ' parents at South Charleston. PUBLIC SALE Solid Cabbage, Onions, Mr. anl'l Mrs. Fred MoKinney Apples, Parsnips, have begun housekeeping' on the Containing about 85.7 acres known as the old Clements Homestead, F1lncy CranberrieS, ' Wilson farm, ea8~ of town. I Will otI'er at Publio Sa,le at my toJrether with buildings and other improvemen1'.8 thereon. Appraised Fresh Curly Lettuce, John Compton has moved to the resideaoe tn Lytle, OhiO, on at $4,000. . }l'ancy Florida Celery property he pnrohaeed of Wm. Saturday, March 2~, 1910 Miller. Mr. Miller moved into tbe Beginning at 12 :30 p. m. the folNew Canned· Spinach, 10c can. 1 . The Wftynesvllle C , Ira Soroggy property. . lowing obattles : 1 bay horse 13 years New White Fish, 4 for 5e. "T Miss M.attie Hill is'the guest of her ' . ' . C'h . brother Enos and family of Cedar ' old, good hoer,1 bay mare, 13yeILrs Choice Muir Peaches, '50 pound ompany·W1S es to'cvntrlJct ContaininJr about 80 acres and known as tile "Antrim" Tract. vUle. ' , old, general pUl'pose; 1 bay horse, boxes. Special Price 7U c pound 75 acres of Tomatoes. Those Appraised at $4,800. J. L; Miller, of Uef)rgia is ~he 14~ettrs old, generlll purpose. Try oui good Coal Oil, it don't ' . . i<, guest of his mother and other relo. Farm I!nplementll-2 boggies, one sm,oke. 'Special 12%c. ,gallon. wan , ting to grow ~Tom,atbes,',, ', Said last two named traets will be offered Reparat~ly and as a whoJe tives bere. nearly ne w; 1 good road wag., ' and will be.sold in the'manner that will produce the most money. Born to '! 'revor Haydook and wife on 1 Buokeye cultivtltor 1 mow Wanted 1000 d~z. Eggs pleaSe call at the office. ',' ' , Sunday, Maroh llltb, a daughter er' 4 foot cut· 1 50 tooth' barrow 'Paying 20'C per doz. · ' , " ,, " . \. Margorte C. " . ' , " ~Hms ~ Sal~· f Elijah : Hawkins anll wife were 1 one-horse cultivator, donbleFRANK SNOOK, ' ~.. ~. OIilled Sundny to Huntington, Ind., shov~l plow, ha~ rigging, 8,led, gar. ' S tary by the illness of his brother Jehu. den PIO. w, lawn mowe,r , ~awn sWiniI~,' " I ec~ . One-third cash in hand on day of sale' one-third in ODe year, and . /' . step llldder, 1 lO-foot la.ddor a sets . OF CotlRSE . ', ' • work harness, 2 sets bugg~.harness, ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _'""'!"•.I Su~be -(or one-thi'rd in two years. Deferred ~ymenta to bear lntel'est a~ six per: ' cent from ciate and to be secured by mortgage on the premises. oollars, bridles, halte!s, nets, eto, \ bnok w, ob urn, ~or k~, ' .8bovel~, '~~!!!!'!!!"!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7~~~~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;~~.!!!!!~ , -;-Attend thenoes, !tingle trees, double ttees, gfav el bed,1a50 ;yarqscaQvll!J, brooc;ler and ~at)y other, Execu'to~ of the Uut Will of Mary..(JJeinents, dfICeased. Term,s: . All soms.of 15.00 ancLuD. At the Oddfellow's Hall cash; over .thatamount ,,'oredit ----"""'01 1 year ~m ~ ginD by ,nll'ol!!._el' ' gi,"og udte witb approved HOurity. ~ecutor of the Last WI~ of Mara'i.ret .Clementa, deceued. A good Supper and Social for A dieoouot of 6 pel' ceot wUl 1!e liveD.' I Horace Whartoa. 25c, aiven by the Men of.


Olassifled Ads

Supper and Social

Executor's Sale ef

March 18th,







Monday, larch 28, fIfO,


roa r




-------.- --












,V{. H.' Allen, '

'. ' .

. --F--M


, C. T.



M'a rcli . 18th


--,...... ,,...,.


the M. E. Church. ,


" ....r ~k,

Ole,,: .


AN·D ~TX'I'Y-FIRt!'l'

.--.-~-.- -




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:.::::=:Ch~:: .in JI-p;;~-;'I iVi;~;i;~ ~;;~;;d-Th~~-i E~::'~ D:'YA:i~ti: CH ~:CHtE: rsricicd-E~;; -i



Former Citizens I ... , - ----.. .



house lately bought by D1· ..J. T. EJliH, - -.- - •.•. - - - - - - - + . - - - _ . - - - - - + at the chu/hes in :n c:;p;:P~i_ • - - - - - - - - ., • • Wm. Crane, of Pekin. was in lown has. oles, of Springfield , made ate manner. FolloWl'ng l'S the pror. and Mrs . Henry Pugh are w. orkmen cam.e across a Jar placed Misses Ethel and Louisa Stokes he f ~un d atlOn by M~ .J. A . F un key last F~iuay. us a pleasant call Tuesday. g rams of the various churches: an extt'nsive tour of the Ori· tnt~ who bUilt the house thIrty years ago . . were Sun~ay guesta of ' Miss Mary and expect to return to their Id 'd ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray were 11l Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter and CHRISTIAN CHURCH Gray. . T0 ha~ho e in Cincinna4 about April 1st resl ent , . pa~erGs. one in Dayton last Wednesda~. son. of Lebanon, were in town Sunof w IC 'was a M laml . azette ' . da Preaching by the pastor, L. V. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Retalliek published by Sands anu Sweet May Mr. nd Mrs. J. W. HIsey spent y. Thompson, 10:30 a . m . and 7 p. m . entertained Sunday at dinner Mrs. w. Lamar, died on Mon- 19, 1880. letters, busilless cards etc. Sunday with relatives in Xenia. W, H. Bonneville. of Los Angeles, Easter sermon at night, subject, "A.B Russell Murray and Mr. and Mrs. ing. February 28th. at his found in the jar; told an interesting - Messrs. Jos. Thompson and Oscar Cal.. is vi 'iti,ng his father, W. S. It Eegan to Dawn." Special music. Wm. Frame . Everyone welcome at these service. SharonvillE. Ohio. The fu· story. To us it brought back ap· Smith were Dayton visi ors Monday. Bonneville. held March 2nd and burial prenticeship days,.as we commenced Th N C t CI b ' 1 1 t J E Robinson of Springboro Miss Helen Oglesbee entertained , . e ew en ury u WI mee .. , . ' at her pleasant country home last to ;?rkl~n th~ ~;~ml Gaz~te ~~ 1 87~ with MI'::I. J. E . Janney Friday after- was calling on Waynesville people M. E. CHURCH- MORN ING an 111 a pro a 1 Ity our an lwor noon. last Frid'ay. Organ Prelude ..... ............... Mozart Sunday the following llUests: Misses ill shown in this paper. H N 248 Emma and Clara Hawke and Lucile . Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and . Miss Henrietta McKinsey spent ymn o. Cornell. They spent a delightful Campbell. of Sardinia, 1'80 A glance tbrough Its pages shows Mrs. Ed Macy were in incinnati a Ul'day and Sunday with rclativ~ The Apostles Creed . in Dayton. • Prayer ......... .... ..... .. ...... ....... Pastor day. commission this morning wondrou~ changes in the personnel ,' T esda --.~ ....- - enumerator for Washing- of the citizens of Waynesville. u. y. Anthem- Jehovah Reigns ... McPhail EASTER MARKET tontn"~n!iLnip. This appointment is Among those mentionP.d t~at are l • M~l1.~,E .Johnsspen tseveraldays MI'. anu Mrs. S. L. C~rtw~ight Lesson from the Old Testament gratifyinF news to Marion's many still in business are the names of m Wilmmgton last week. the g ue.'tt were guests of Troy, OhIO friends Gloria The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. Church friends.-Hardinia News. H. P. Keys, J. H. roleman, J. E. 1of relatives. . over Sunday. Lesson from the New Testament will hold an Easter. market at ~\ Janney. J. A. -Funkey and I. E. ) Mrs. Emma Dakin. who was quite Messrs}, . E. Sherwood and D. L . Off.ertoir~ ....... .: ........ ...... .... 6a~del t he Township house on Saturday I Keys. sick last week with neuralgia, is Crane transacted business in Orego- Solo- Half GlorIOUS Morn ..... GClbel morning. All kinds of bakin~ and . Earl Tayt or, son of Mr. and Mrs. The names of such men as I. N. much better. Inia In t Thursday. . Mrs. Rhoades eatables, also sunbl\nnets, aprons, A .. C. Tay or. is ~inging With. the Harris, J. F. Mi8$i1dine, J . R. ide, Misses Edith Mosher and Katherine Born - To Mr. and Mrs. W. O. SermonbyPastor ..... . EasterMesssge and three nice quilts for sale. Ch~cago Q artet, 111 ~n FrancI~o. Geo. M. Zell, Drew Sweet , Jonah Alexander were Harveyshurg visit- Gustin, of l,.eban on. Sunday, March Hymn ~o : 235 See'y. 20th a ten-pound boy. BenedlctlOn ------.~, ~.-------ThlS ~uartet .is the ~Ighest-prl('ed Sands, Senator Stokes, J?hn Hawke, ors last Thursday.. New Burlington. organlzatlon~n AmerIca, and are E. R. Printz, H. W. Printz, C. D. ' . Miss Hrlell Stokes has b en the EVENING making goo wherever tbey appear. Woolley, Hiram KilboQ, Frank Barn· Mr a~d Mrs. Tom ~u.r~h. of. Sld- guest of Mr and M;'s Newton Bun- Prel~de ..... .. .. ... ..... ......Th6ro Harris M~. Taylor h . ago~ voic~ and his hart. Sam!. Ter~, A. D. Cadwalla- ney, OhIO. have been Vlsltmg fr iends ~ell in Dayt~n for sev~ral day . Hymn No. 527- ':1 Know tha t my Born to Mr. and Mrs. William fnends here a~e reJoIced to hear <'f del', J. R. Haysht and others. are here for a few days. ' Redeemer hves" Bone, Monday, Maroh 14, a danghtar. I astmg . ' . F. C. Rosnagle an.,. . .:1 . ' Born to Ralph p, Leamlnft.. and · d f or t ne. remem b rances to 0 Ierd reslfamIly, of • A. B. Chandler and wife were in P rayer ................................ P astor hISI00 dentS. Springboro, were guests of Dr. and ,Payton Sunday and Monday. the Quartet-"Christ the Lord is risen wlfe, Monday, Maroh.14,adaughter, -l . Sop1e quotations from the market Mrs. H. 'E. Hathl:' yvay Sunday. ~~ests of Mr. and M.l". Walter Chantoday" , E~:r~~:epetersonmOVedlastweeJt Mrs. Ulnah . oh~on died at the report. in comparison with today C. G. Williamson" of Cincinnati, er. . . Lesso.n from the New Testament to the 'fhomas Lookey farm on the home ot ber niec Mrs H S Mat- are interesting' W,eat per bu th t f h' '''t M AJ.. Mrs. Oland HIllman, and GranVllle OffertOlre .............................. Burke Xenia pike. I ~ .. , . , ., WillS e gue , 0 IS Slo er, rs. 5- Osborn spent Sund I asantl Anth BI h Lo d M Ph '1 tbewman. in Dayr n, Thursday, lOth $125; Corn, per bu ., 45c; hay, t>er nes Wright Sunday and Mdnday . . . ay very p e y em- ess t e r ...... c al Samuel Wlleon ie bnilding ou hi. inst., after an uR of but a few ton, $23; flour, per cwt .• $8.40: Ralt, ..' . . w~tb thell' brother. M. J. Osborn, at Sermon by Dr. Dubois lot in south Bur)ington. daysfrom pneumo 'a, and was bur- per bbl., $1.92; maple molassess. $1.20 MISS EISle Ha~tsbck spe~t a feW )Shgo. . '. Communion Marrled, at the M. E. parsonage it:d at Spring Valle Saturd. ay after- bl!ef, best cuts. 12c' sausage, 8c', eggs , days last week With ber paren,ts, Mr. Misses Alma , Waterhouse,. Stel.1a Hymn N.o .. 249 on Wedn8llday enning of las' week, d M P B tao k Amy, the olde.' daughter of Ohaa. noon. Mrs. John was 89 years per doz., Sc; lard, Bc; potatoes.60c; an. rs. erry ar c, near ~mmon and .Mr. Edward RICks VISBenedlctlon MoKay to Frank Maintire. · • , Ited Collett 's sugar camp Tuesday I Mre. Julia Walton died very .udold, ar)d was remar bly active men- hams. curt-d, 12c; butter, per lb. 15c Sprmg Valley. tally and physically . d was a great The price of the Miami Gazette Mrs. Mar~ Griffin returned to her evening. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL denly af indlpstlQn a' 'he home of favorite with all w ew her. whas ~2. a year. and almost every. m~r- bfome in ~awrence, Kas:. last FridaY Mr. J. G. Orth, of Muir, MlchiKan, Service daily this week .except Sat~:h~rs~:!!l ~~=, w~ c ant 111 tOwn was repreaente d 10 lts a tel' a vlsit of several weeks with is visiting C. H. Clements and family. urday at 7 p. m. Saturday-Easter held at the Friend 's oh~h Monday, (. oonduot:!d by LevI Kills, of advertising columns. In its person- her sister, Miss Elizabeth Carroll. They became acquainted while trav- Even, 3:45 p. . t 1,'f " k 11 d ' I'f at column. we note a few. . Her daugh.te~ Mis.'! Edith Will remain Qling f rom Los Angeles to Colorado EASTER DAY Wllming,oD. Burlarat t!pring,Val1 e s wor we on, 1 e,s crown D . ' I for a longervisi Springs ley. \ ' . " . . 7 a. m.. Mornp . W m . "'ill well won , ,now cometh .st! S.k . Everly was m DaytclO ast . H0Iy Commumon, rOL. .w. er was ID Ashvtlle, "I ' . d' . wee • " . ' ing Prayer sermon and Hely Com- N: 0., lut week. He .ooompanl6d cannot say, an. I WI not say . I. H. Harris has added twenty new , M E MEN'S SUPPER • DEATHS .. ' Th Easte hie, L M. ~'haDoel1or; That ahe is dead-she_ie ust awa,y. varieties of star Mh to his cabinet. •• mpn.lOn,. . a. m. .e .' r who is in very poOr health. Baney And you! 0 you. who ~e wildest W. are indebted to Frank St6kes . ' M £1' M' musIc Wlll be rendered at the 10.00 Fnlkeraon, of Spring Valley filled . . ' . The men of the M. E. church can !'S.. lza urphy died of· pneu- service: Every body invited to these Prof. Miller's place aa teacber. , , for a basket of mee apples, which " monia at the State Hospital in »ay. - yearn For the old-time step, and the glad were gathered in 1878. and are per- congrat'*~e on the suc- t M' d .. servIces. LesUe Smith, of the O. S. U. speot return f tJ d ' cessful endmg of thetr supp~r held o~ . on ay everung. :I'be body Processional Hymn- No 110 Sullivan a (ew days last week at the. )lome Of. .. '. ' ec y soun . . . I t F 'd ' . t Oddf 11 ,wIll be brought here and the funera)' 1;1--te Anth Ch' 0 'p ' : his mo'her. . Thtnk of her fanng on as dear Butter is 80 plentiful the stores are as tl ay evemng a e 0 8 'Il b h Id Th d t M ViI It CAS.:S l' . em, rlst ur assover M d M 1i' k M I 'I In the love of there ~ the love- of 80 overstocked tbat thElfarmers have Hall. ' wMI f'l e ,e .udrs ay aOrOO' a er ............. , .......................... Crotch ~ha!' ~:Kay' r!~d ~~!ahte~ 1..e~ ,,' Th h Iff' Cv ure s resl enoe at 1: a. m. GI . P .. C H P D k . ..., ., here. to sel! to tl\e huoksters. . e w (j e a alr was a suc<;ess. Interment will be made at Bellbrook on~ atrl In ...... : . ... • • an s spent Suoday at the home of B. M. An interesting letter from 0 C The supper served was ~ good one, te M M b II Te Deum Laudamus m Eb............ McKay and family. ' MarthaEminaSel1ers,daugh~rof Hampton of Shaker Village ~~ and the men waiters proved to be up- ~eme ~ .. rs' h urPdy;as;e - .. .....................6. H. W o o d w a r d - _. ' John and Jane AndE!rson, was born a fea ' 'ture' , to. date. O. M,. Robitzer was certain· nohwhn ere, as s eMma Me Cel r Ofme Jubilate Deo ....... ....... . Oaleb Simper Spring Valley ~ '. d Decembel' 25 " 1852 , 1 d'ed Mare ' h 12·, ' . .. an d ha d Wlt .' A L Farr Was postmaster at this Iya b usy man t h at evenmg, 1 er t' gran san ' -r. cure or H . ymn N o. 122........ ...... H. Gauntlett 1910, qed 58, 2 months and 15 tim;.: . . ' his helpers trained to a nicety· a ong lme. Kyrie ......... , .......... :........... ; .. Baker Mre. IUley il very low. days. ~he was married to George H. There were three trains each way Their menu w~ fine, and plenty of i.t. . Chas. ·J. Ewin, aged 66 ye~rs, died Gloria'Tibi ........ ; ....................Bak.i 1'here ara ~ number of 0&88. of Sellers, March 22, 1S76. To them that stopped here although one was The entertamment was fully up to 10 Columbus Thursday evenmg, and H~n-No. 116 ............ C. F. Roper mnmps and measlee in our "l;l11alle: were born fiv.e c~Udren, C.arrie Jane, a freight hat c~rried ~asseniers. the ~tandar~, a~d a bunch of fun was brought to the. home of Mrs. Off~rto~~ Anthem, "Now is Cbris~ , D:~~ ~~~!O~a~r:rel...~n~OIl":: th.old~t, dymllD .i nfancy. Adah~. Bette., really, tl\an we have now. ' wasenvQlved dUr1\1g t~e bour. The A.nn Clark, of Cor.Wln. Sunday even RII~~n ............... Chas. H. Gabnel evening at the home of Mr. a'Dd lira! Ww:en A , :D~~~.• and ¥&:ry C. J. E. ~anney handled the Colqm- band~nd orc?~stra add.ed t~the g~la ing ~A the 7:14 . . ~~e funeral ' ~ok Doxology : Gao.· Vetters. survive and mourn~he ~oss of ,a dear bian Tonic, that bad' "charms to ~ccaslOn . .~nd lt ,!?es. WIthout saymg place at St. AUgpBtme s church Mon- Sanctus .. :..... ...... .................. Baker Mr and Mrs, 8..8. Eagle, of Day. ~ . ~other. ~t of b~r hfe W~ spent soothe the aching head." they were appreCiated by all. . day morning, at 9 . o'clock, Rev. Com~,!-mon Hy~n-No. 225 Hodges ton, were 'guestl Sunday ~f Ray near ~or~w and ~aynesvil1e. , These old papers are very, interest- :,fhe net proceeds .for t he evemng Mayerhoeffer officiating. Gloria m.~c~lsls ... " .............. Zeuner Eagle and wife. She,w.aa~ .'Pember of,tb~ Orthot:!ox ing and among other th,"ngs it shows was $18. ' . . Mr. Ewin was the husband of Mrs. N4,nc Dlmlttts .............. .......... Barry . Miee Gertrude Hawes 18 able &0 be Friends church and a inc ' Ch i " • - • M Cl k E' h d'ed ·R · I H "Co t' >I . out IIofter a long Illne... . t' Onl • t. f II , ~re Ith l' s- the progress our village has made ary ar wm, w 0 . I seyeral ecesslOna ymn ro~a Ion d The Mi8Bes Helen Ball and AaD811 .~anab·l · to~eottund ~ PD?~ ea f .w' cl8 during the last thirty years. . W~lK~D TO I;>A~TON . years ago. He was a promment ..................... ~ !::.:.~ Hoi en Norrie were guesY SUllda,oLuab ul'l e a en , servIces . Q ' laoo ' •- • " . cigar manuillctur'er ,of Columbus, B lib k Copeey and family. y~.'. Sh~ was a . fJlithful, loving . Work of the Pasteur Institute Messrs. ~e H"y(ke, L.A. Zlmm~~- a!ld ~wned and operat.eq a 'large fac_ e roo . Ora Reeves, wife and ohUdreD"of wlfej ' the dearest, noblest mother. . , man, Fred,HartsOck, Raymond,Pavls tory tbere . . . ' Jamestown vlsltef)severaldanwltb ..L.~..! Id ~ ... ' ... h· . '-'I ' JameS McClure and John' Lemmc;m . . Mrs John Tate ched at. her bome hi t J J R d '-'f NOWUII~ ' cou ~~ t ,e i' easute The Chica 0 Pasteur Institute for ' . ,', . ' The pa]J-bearers acc9tn~~ni~d the north ~f towo, Iltst Friday night s par?n s . ' : eeves ali . WI e. ahe derIved from her family and h P .~ T f Ii d walked yO Dayton IllSt Sunday. The body which was laid I,lYlay beside the The funoral will plaoe Monday Mr. Carl Wherwood bas pnrohased home. Was a friend to every on~ t e •reven~lVe reatment 0 .y. 1'0- bOYS lef~ Waynesville at 8:10 a. m .. f(rav~ of his wifejn Miami' cemete afternoon . lnterment in Bellbrook .the proptlrty of Alice Adam., deand d~ly loved by those ahe be- p~obla an~ t~e St?dy of InfectiOUs and landed iT! Dayton at. 12;20 p. m, • ..._ ry. oemetery . . . oease~. came "associkted wi'th. She al- Dlse~, m Its nmeteenth. ann~al Tenminu~\Vaslostdu. ringthe walk HI\THAWAY--DOOO . Theodore Pepper and famfly TheLadlesAldoftheM. l>.ahuroh · e 'tb '1 d report, announces that· since 1(;8 five minutes·at White'Q Corner and . ,. ' .. moved in the Duffy property last wtll hold their anDual marways the sam ,WI a sml e an. . 158 . ts n , ~ .' , .' k . ket Sa'urdllY night ~arol1 2G~h. pl.easant word for all. Althoulh in m~u~ra.t~~~ ~ :~~Ientr ~ver.~- fjve at Beavertow~. . At the b()meof the bride's father, \ w~. d MUM R be t d The body of MrlJulla Walton poor .health for a number df years, ~~Vth an 11~:a rop 0 ~c " ~l~e~. The b ya made good t ime, and on Mr. Wm. Dodd, east of tow.n, last . d~u:h:::' MIl~~1 ~f i.eba~o: e:e~e was interred io our~metry Monday yetnevereomplain~1 ~lwaY8 patient ese,. came rom. m~ls, Monday ·m.ost ~f , them' were ~eeJing Thursday' evening, in the presence gneete of Mr. a~d Mrs. CbBS. ' BreIs- Mr. John Hmith aod daughter cbeerful and hopeful. She will be 659 from OhIO, 355 fro~ WlSco~s1o. none the wor$e for their/long walk. of t he bri(les' parents, Miss' Golda ford from Friday noti! Sunday. were goeste Sunday of Mr•. Balnes. sadlY ' fuissed more than words·can 224 fr,?m'I~w8, and 208 fro~ In418;na: . , .- _. \ Dodd became ·the bride of Mr. Hally Willis Lanstnger who wR88ertoos:. .. - • tell. With us,ahe left a sweet mem- Only 8 ~h.tlen~ died, equlvalent to THE ORANGE 'SOCIAL . HathalNay Rev~ Benj. Hawkins offi- }y bort ' last week by falling trom Oregonia. o\,y. I . :;. ' . a mortahty of 1.9 per 1,QOOI. Of th.e ., " " ciating . . 'the young married couple load of fodder ie getUng b~tte/!, , Sh~ leavesl ; ' hUsband four cpil- casesreported3. G5~wer~ \ blt.ten ' by The "Grange had an open meeting havehosts of'fl'iends who wish for an:~U1~oonbeou~a:ai~i ' d Mr. and Mrs. C A . .Speocer, of dren,l a gratdionj' t\;.to ;isters... four :ogsk· l!.!sb~ ~ts, 34 bY65h~~, 37 Saturday e~ening, and it· was in t he them long and continued happiness nea~ ieni!r~ae!lst8 T:nrsd!;.l y ~('ve J..ebanon, were m town Sunday. broth~n. ari~ a "60st of friends to y, S U , Y wo ves! y cows. for~ O f a 80c.{~l. Their .hall w~ full ., . .. ~ • 'fbe Easter market will'be held In Mrs. CIvde Bo." ker .pen~ Sunday m01,lm,her I 88. . .' '. 14. by calves, 2 br. ~~rr~, 7 by a'h~ qUl~e8( neat .sum : was. t;eRllzed. ~!\RRIE~) I~ , S.PRING VALLE~ TOWD Han Dext a.a t.orday · eventag Wl:e,~~~~~:en~Z:r~~~e:pe ' ~. ~~.week .,.," " , The funeral se...nce ' was held at coyotes, 8 by mu!es j 9 by. PIgs,.. 2 by ~h'e . pto$r~ .~,rer.dered .:Was good. ' . ' . " . I , \ : . by the Ladies' Aid Sooiety of the M' Miafui ' h ' I M' ~d' ~ ch 14th sheep, 14 ~y sqQurl!!lsl . 1 each was the' ·:feaWre being the ~ 'Shingle" , The \'ted~mg of M~. Newton.Moon M.. p, oh,uroh. . , ·;~i~~ho~~~~e.,.~!· r. :and Mre •. t 2" '~I a~ dO, m ted b ~ ,bitten bya' ratand a monkey, and 56 '~iy epter.t1 .·~thne~~ led 'bf 'M,rs of Spring JValle~, ·and 'Mrs: Mary Mt15s,Nellie Conntiigham ·was the M' E B ste h d A ' ~ ~ cFOC 17::' ~on f u~ ~ were infected by hy<rrophobie bUn:lan t;eoi-ge D~Yi8 < It w~ v~ry. laugha: Dugan; of Waynesville, oc:Curred at guest of. Dr. Bedinger and wife at nOl~~~~e;e i~ M!r~!.s ': e : ; ' tht . '1Iv • '1 teO Wt~' 'i~r, ~ . ~ynt beings.-crou'r nal Ameri~ Medical bl~. 'Liltit '~eb:~bmcnts we~eserved the fj,ome.,of. ' Mrs. ,9~ .. Ve~ter in Spring ,valley 1~8t 8at~rda~. week. , .. vl e.' n rlJlen In Pllalt'll ceme e.". neSOCla A~ • ti' \.. :~, "0J' 1910' "1.,r - '. ,Jobn Saker , who t'bae a sale "-ext. , .Tli~· f,lenda of' Zaln 4r.mltag, . on, M . ~~~ . 8.f~r t ..e renditioJl ,ofthe , ,program. S' prln$.: ..VIi\11ey,. ''. . Mo.n d alr . evemng, F ld '.... m' D tQ ' oe!. ··f .' '~:' _ CARD .O.FTHANKS " J." , , , • • ,I .,;_. ',_ • M~ren14tb ;' Re¥. , F)-jngerl pastor of ':ee:~ w , DlOve o"' ~Y. D "n,e,It, ebJ"·tedbl.s .twentY-firl~b~Olda1t~ . ~.--....-.~

--~. -


















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~ 'We,

desire :, to

~Pf'se ~ur:si~eere

".i,Llceh"e for

a~jnll ad .

tJianks to 0111' relatives, neighbors . ...... I w~s about tl,l enter onemot tbt 'f " d -, ' th ki do . '. d .ahoo).· the othel' morning," ,_.,d Dr. and nen s, or e n esa ~ 'Luther 1i: Oull~k, 'the .upetlntenclent


t~.e ~". p ' . ~Ut;C? ' ~tHciati~g:.


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Dll8 ~n Ip the,' !'1.~ TO,r_ pl'1~ciQa1of tbe, Lyt~e Bc~.ools dU,r mg

.,m.,.thY aho~

uS in;~'ur ~t. ~ of pby.leaI lralnln.,r reav~erit. AJ!o the Rev. ,tad\Va!- 1C1i~1., "I met .'" little

,!"r... ., . ~"',J,



:who WU the·1U.1i )fear haS bee~ re·engagedfor lader for biS'beautiful and consoliJIg cl'JlnK bltte~l,Yl Arter a ' lot ot, qu... twoyearsmore. at advarlce<fsal" ' worda. To the linpn sweet· tlOl1lDI W learn tbe cause . 01 btl, .u, ary year. Mr. ' Carey has _ .. ..I' _ • ... z.._ ' ' ..a also'1 treu be lnfQrmed me. 'The prlnelp&1 '--....1 ........... • th ' . . - COUUO&-. IODP, an" or "iln.t le~ .me go to ecbool. He MDt prov .a .~"UKnIctQr. and ', e the bea~~ ,·. &.80:: , :!.~""I1", atebome ~use I. roTKOl co "mil "'l~ baa ahoWIl.·~ iudgment ~ __ IIUU &'........,. tOJ" ~ 1101'..· .. etalntD8:bbZl. . . qhaJ)



They, ' , MiaeGo8ta Dnrley wbO ' bae' ~~ ~~::e~~~e8W!::; :';~l ' ~h!.: in ·the ~elepbbne ex~h8n~e for Bome DreseQt were the MlUee'UUle y ,g ra .'ime hu. reslttned and MIN ' Zen jUl<! Myrtle Klbl.,r, . Besile Wamer ~ !.lorril has ake~ her place.; . Edlth and LellaEI11oD,Laotle~ . I • " ..< • - .~ 'Luoille: Nor.toD, ' Mabel t!b.rwOoa Parti~8 ~Gntemplatin~ b~~ldlng , " . EOOS FOR. SAtE . .' Ru'h.and ·C~rm.n • .I1,a.-4', Edit tbis coming ~on.t. or needing , '. _ _ . ,. Glady. 8p8Ji~r, 1I.m. John frame .OI' board ,lumber 'o f anf de Pure-bred ~ Plymouth Rock wood; Zam and 'V eme ~~lDlt. . .~ ....In I . d ' 1 ' . .' '$am Bromley. BOlDer :DI~'~~"'i1 S.... OD, may 0 we I by .~nl or ~ for sale, 60e pel' 16. R. M. ~y Klbler, Georn WarDer, oorreepoadlDI "lt~ me lJef'?f8 (lotDg Duke &; Scm, Valley .pilone ~. More. ,W in J'otod. 1If. 10. ,. 1'84Jf¥La')'AOOR. Wqneavnl .. Ohio, R. D. 4. . .... B. B.lIIaamau. , · , . . wlll resi~e m Sl!,l'mg,Valley. N~·ot-.C·n









The Miami Gazette





Rea lity.·of the '-===:-==:a SpJrituru Life


that automo bile yet!

Tbe Seine must have gon e Insan •.

to t'~:.el1 .r gulated comets have tails


Somebo dy greased th'e slide for the ~r1ce of butter.

Re!'1arkable NarratIv e of Battle of Sol;erl"o .. Told by Veteran 811rvlvor-C urlou. Inciden t..

Avlatol'l) may be classified as etry riders, skI rIders and JOY rldera.


-,-- ---

Woman , T~lc. De•• rted, Di~not ~t to, Ta". Any Chsnc.. on Her! Third Hubby, '

HE Christia n ohurcb extau for tbe awaken ing, the developm ent and tbe realization of tbe spIritua l uto. lt Is the function of the preacbe r to lead the pea· pie Into the reality. to show them tbe possibil ities, and the noble service of the spiritua l lite. The task should awaken bls own sympnt hy, deepen his Interest , and oall forth his enthusi asm. In view of the tnct that people are Immers ed ,In materia l conditio ns, It ·Is but natural for them ' to lose sight of the hlgl1er needs of life; hence a splrlt\la l leader become s a necessi ty In the moral life of man. And If he be n wise leader be can render as noble u servIce as Is gIven to auy man. To turn to tbe tbeme. the reality 01 the spiritua l life, we ob· serve tbat such a reallly Is seen In cbaract er, wrItes Rev. Henry C. Sperbeck In ChrIstia n Work and tbe Evange list. '


In Harper' s appears a remarka ble narrativ e of tho battle of Solrerln o as In Boston It Is cl'nslde red sbocktn l told by a veteran survivo r to Robert - , • to see a comet wlUl the naked eye. Shackle ton. It Is word for word a '. 'chapter ot history as seen by a man Whll; t1l1:~~eat eatlllg slack.s up we In tbe ranks. Inciden ts which 1m· can eee p i-osperlty for the pIe factor- pressed hIm are curious : 1e. .. 'We halted. And a Tyroles e, lying on tbe ground, crI ed out: "I am dy· A "cocoo .. gown at a "hookw orm" dance ough to occasIon some com· Ing. Give me to drInk." Wherea t my compan ion stooped to offer hIm a ment. Oask. and as ho stooped th e Tyrolese struck savagel y' at hIm wltb his III ttme to come perhaps a borse will AT THIS season est ensign of knlgbtly rank. The be re·g arded as merely a gaso\ln eless bayonet. but my compan Ion jumped wher ;11 the greates t warrior s were proud to see the back and It missed blm, and he sold, automo bile world avar people cross on the hilts 0' their swords a. "You Tyroles e, you sold you wanted ot mnny races and well as on the. bannera under whlcb Going shoppin g for one's yearly sup- a drInk before you died. and now you ton g Ulls are medl· theY ,fougbt. It also became a slgti of ply of automo biles Is a way of getting shall die wlthont the drink." And be taUng . on stuck hIs bayonet through hIm as a the merit for valor and bravery -a rllward a thrill which Is denIed to many. Cross at Christ; ror deeds a honor, as the Iron eros. boy would stick a pin th rough a fly, Dllclple s and Servant s. when long servo of Prussia establls bed by William m. U 'The fighting Boon began again "Dro~ e:· tor aeropla ne ftylng, looks Ices are being held ror patrioti c bravery In war. ettn an agreeab le, well·ma nnered word. and It wl\s very fie rce. It was soon In the New Testam ent wo ilave a fn memory ot the It was worn also as a protecti Stili, why not say "soar," since that Is that 'Ne came to kno w tha t we wero greates nllmber of words t .tragedy on Golgoth a. and pro- times ()f trouble. To denote 'theon In tact that there Is 'wblcb :'eveal the to capture a little v\llag and the cessions wbat you do? such a charact er. can· ar9 solemnl y marohln g to the secratio n or hills nbout the village. ThE! village tbose devoted to the aId Thu s we bave discIple. A disciple Is stations of the Cross, bearing bannera of the sufferin g and needy; the MUk produce rs think tbe man who It was named San Martino . and there Ilnd crucifix Red one who learns lessons from a ruaster. es, and bowing reveren tly Cross was .tands between tbem and the consu- were walled barns and gardens, and before the contedi!TIltion of socie- There nre men wbose Christia n cbarmers gets too large a rake-orr tor the the Austria ns were very strong there, orating altars and plotures commem· ties In ·dlffere nt countrie s for the bet· acter cannot be accpnnt ed for apart tbe sorrowf ul walk to Cal· term ent of "'AIl around me men were kill ed. ,work he doe~ condItio ns of the wounded from Cbrlst. Paul Is such a one. An· There were heads and arms blown vary; "'hen In the Hilly Land thou· soldIers hi campaig ns on land and other word Is saint. That bespeak ! sands of pilgrIm s tram every nation sea. In Crusade Moreov er, tbe conSUmer objects to orr, and men fi ew In pieces Uke the are treadin r days, beginni ng the posslbll lty of tbe moral lite. H g the .ery "VIa Doloros a" smashin g of a jug. But we dJd' not wHh Peter tbe Hermit, In 1094, start- Is good to call one by tbe best name paYtn« tor wooden butter dIshes at the on which he trod as he rate ·of 40 cents pound. since they care, we. We thought nothing at IL Otty forever, carryin g hisleft the Holy Ing out to deliver the Holy Land from yOU can UBe. ' Salnt In tbe New Tes· cross to the the domInion of the Infidel, the I do not know thl\t we even knew we are not yery good to eat. brave taruent ' reveals that the saw sucb tblngs, but some of them "Accurs ed Hili" outsIde the walls; It wanlor s were thus named because of tbought of us In the workIngbest Is out of may be of Interes~ to consIde r the his· come to me as I sIt with you and the red cr6s8 they wore as badges on .the spiritua l tosk. Even tf on a6eount of the hIgh cosl It calls us to tory anll tradItio ns of thla wonder ful tbelr rIght shoulde rs. of lIVIDg you cannot afford many beef· talk ot that long day. We did not no- symbol more tban w~ bave yet reallzed . Anunder whkb we live and In tIce; and we dId not think that at Rny steaks, yoU might Inform yoursel f as other word Is servanL "Peter a servo The archbls hop's momen t we too might have our heads the name of which so ,much has been sign or bls office-I crozier -the en· ant of Jesus Obrlst." to the price at runabou t.. The spiritua l s the staff with a wrough t of world·w lde ,ood to hu· cross bead, dlstlngu blown off or be smashe d into little life Is real ' because Christ ' Is real, lsblng It frOm the manlty, anL, alas! cit great harm . Tbere Is a bitch aomewh ere In the plecea like breakin g a jug. "pastor al " 6taff of bishops and abbots, hence we are servant s. Paul, de· "'Once when 'We rusbed over tbe through Chrll\Uan fanatici sm. Nicarag uan revol'ltl on. IIgbted to employ the sacred expres· which nave a sbepher d's crook. This one Perhapa . there Is no ' other object on sbould have' petered out long ago, ,.nd big guns and killed tbe men wbo still sIan, "In Cbrist." Mothe r fact tbat Thus bas been earth experie about nced which tbo saythere bas been fought with ua, we turned tbe guns to a new 'one should bave been started. Ing of .JusUn Martyr 110 mllny years Is convInc ing of ' the reality or tbe Ore on the Austria ns as they ftew more controv ersy, more dissenllions and more supersU tlons than about thIs ago-th at "the sIgn of the cross was splrltUJll lite is found In a fraterni ty. A wife sets up' In ber answer to tier away, but they had driven bits of steel one great objeot for reveren ce on the Impress ed upbn tbe wbola of nature. Peter speaks of them tbat bave obbusban d's Bult for d(vorce that ho Into the . touoh-holes, ,And so we could one side, and tor derisIon on the olher. There Is bardly a handlcr aftsmaa also tained 11 LIke precIou s faith with u,s made her ' cut her hair tor six years'. not ftre them. They were of II. COUI' Ever since the crucUixlon It bas but uses the figure of It 'Ilmong the (Peter 2: 1·1). The spiritua l life Is Wby does sbe not allege his insanIty ? age, tbose Austrill ns. left a IItrong Impress on the blstory of Implem ents of his Industry . It forms Boclal. For tbls renson It Is our duty U 'Only once In all that battle to build up an organIz ed lite. The did I tlle nations and has been Tevered tn a part of man bltwlelt." Man has been last chapter Fame and tortuDe beyond the tblnk much of what I saw or heard l the of Romans makes It created In this r eligion form of as all, has the seots bearIng been beau· dreams of avarice await the genius and tbat, was when there· was the so tbe tlfully Illustra ted by Emily Collier In clear that the Christia ns were a social n~me at Christ. It bas been sur· who can devlae a steam radiato r tbat t~rrlble ~creamlng of a captain who roundeo by tradItio ns and myatlcllim the painting depictin g tbe Holy Ohlld's and moral power In the life of. Paul. will always produce tbe rlcbt amount had his foot ahot off. He twisted and and ~xpreBslon of his love-"S o wide Is In this ,Christi an fraterni ty we have endowe of heat. turned as he cried out, and It waB a miracul ous d wltb 8upern~tural and my love." the sacredn ess of lite seen In friend· attribut es: It bas been tao very bad wound. But It Is just as It ken 8d ~the ships, mutual love nnd servIce. We emblem In tlie middle of a ages fa\tb and under In Crusad er.' The cho.rge 1s tpade that the cold· chances , I I!aw many men who were the banner at which great deeds ot days tbe cross was the dIstinct ive should be united \>Y ' all tbat Is sacred storage mE'n are re'lpons lble [or a rise blown Into U'ttle bits, but I did not berolsm have been done, as In olden symbol of the Cbrlstla n In contra dls· III life ' and no organ1zatlon In the of 40 per cent. In the price of tood. trouble about them. It Is just If It days when pioneer messen gers of tbe tinction to the Crescen t of the Mo- world should render a higher se"loe, That stUl leaves unexpla ined the , 20 chances so.' This ChrIstia n fraterni ty Is bailng .a Story at the Cross filled with' religiou s hamme dan. per cenL " 'It Is very otten that a man does zeal entered bravely Into uncivili wholeso~e elrect upon tbe world. The culitom zed of markl.n g one's slg' not know that be Is hurL , 1 remem· and barbari an lands', fearlesl y Ipol'" nature by a cross was first adopted Some of the royal ta·m ily of GreecA ber tbat onoe thero was a man Proved by Ethlcai Law.. hig near grea~ dangers . , by Christia ns . In the year 110 to dis~/lve. gona to Russia tor peace and ine with a great hole In his forehea d. , Heralde d by Chrlatla n banners tinguish The tbem the reality of tbe spiritua l lite Is from the pagans. and It Quiet, wnlch recalls Mr. Dooley's tao process ion at civiliza tion bas spread stood for a silent oath. evident from the fact of ethical law8. mous vlalt tor the same purpose to the to all parts ot the world. R~mans car· Tbe early ChrIstia ns Immedi ately Thesp laws may' be exprel\sed by such boiler factory. rled It ~o tbe Britons and Saxona. The plied thIs sign. wbloh was conaect ed words as love. mercy. loyalty ' and worsh'lp of the sun as obs8.rved by tbe with their religion , Americ an hens, accordi ng to Dr. as a secret meso righteo usness. ' Theee are all con· Incus was brought to an end througb sage to one anotber In WI187, are beIng ' taught to lay smaller tbe1r fi~st daya Itrl.\ollve; while hate, InJustIce, un· tbe ascedda ncy o[ Spanish bearers of ot persecu tion. Mln~l1n egga but more of tbem. The IndivIdual g with tt.e laltbtul ness and unright eousnes s are the cross. persecu tors Qf their falt~, they could making . havoc of the moral lite. In AmericaD appetite , howeve r. Is not Being the keynote and the "glory" tbus make tbemsel ves known crowing .malled to fit the eggs. to eacb sin wo have tbe defeate d moral lito, of the Christia n religion this emblem other without call''1g the attentio n 01 and the ruIn bears sad witness ' to satin became prized In other directio ns, those around them. Alaska has bad a blizzard wltb a In vIsiting , the wbat might bave been a glorious besIdes those eccleala stlc. With the catacom bs In Rome, wbere temper ature 70 degrees below zero. product . The measur e of life la trlumpb of Christia nity the croas at from fear of tbelr persecu tors.they bid rlghteou You will recogni ze that conditio n of snea. A lawless world I. a It la In· once was recogni zed as a unlvers a. tensely 1 Intense cold by tblnkln g ot the night Interest Ing to' notice tbat ths bad world. Thus the 'r eality of the symbol ot blghest nobility Il.nd bonor. sign so sacred to them 70U had to get up to put out the cat. Is oarved and spiritua l Ufe Is evident froru the tact It was now conside red to add dignity engrave n all around the walls of tbeir of Cbrlstla n charact er; trom tbe real· to tbe crowns and scepter s of emper· 'prIson cells and above the Paulbau In · bls blgb flIght contest s tombs 01 tty of a ChrIstia n fraternI ty through Ilrs and princes : It became the proud· their bretbre n, bas attracte d but mild Interes t coinwhich th1s Chrl.tla n cbarcat er 'Is Pared with the aerial teat at toad· 1\'orklng; trom the etbloal laws of be-' sturrs; they are avlatlng higher and Ing. Our chIef busln8lls Is to build higher and the man that pays the up such a Charact er, to develop such grocery blll Is standin g open·m outhed • fraterni ty, and to obey th.e ethical wonder ing wben the?, wlll come down laws ot Ufe. Tbe task Is worth all acala. the energy, all ~tbe patienc e, and all tlie time we give 't o It. Talk about prices. a Pennsy lvania hen baa just won a $12,000 prize! A What God A.k •. great to·do Is being made because lt ,I. not tbe grellt tblng, J»ut the somebody stole an egg wblch she laid true' thing, tbat ,God asks; and It In her coop at the show. and no won· ""ould otten be to our peace of mind der, Her eggs must rate at about to rememb er this. 'Tbe earls at Lin· ,100 each. Is It surprisi ng that com· coin held theIr title lin~ trom man eggs are so hIgh? the tbroM on the conditio n tbat they Quail are reporte d to be starvin g give to the king annuall y one white roae In the time of 'roses. Now ,tb(lt to death In souther n Wiscon sIn because the heavy snowfal ls have cut off was not ,much to give'; white roses are supplie s of food. If this be the case abunda nt enough and cbeap enough In the farmers shculd rally to their res· tbe time ot ros~s, yet It was enough. cue. Tbe quail Is seml·do mestlc In Its It was a lovely sign of loyalty; It slg: habits, and as the state bas been giv,nlfted . th"t these nobles beld lill trom ing the ' birds an opportu nity to mulU· The Tyrolea e Struck at Him with a ' the . tbrone and 'for the, throne, and ply by forbidd ing all bunting for them, Bayone t. that they "would be round by the klng's the farmers sbould be assisted by all side wHenever they were s'u mmoned , but he ran right on wltb bls bayone t sporting clubs In extendi ng help to tbe So God Ii not ever aaklng from us the quail In tbese days of their Ildverslty. and I thougbt , '''He will fall , de.a d," great, tbe , costly, the difficult. but ' But atter that I ~aw blm no more, for rather; the easy. the 'Imple, the prl\oThomaa A. Edison foreseell a Utopia there was always the fighting. , t1clible-;-the one wblte ,rOlle in the ";Tbe storm and tbe blackneBII, 200 years hence when no ono will have t1~e 1°(, r,!ses; 'and It ~e ,Ctleerfully, to do any work. because the machIn es they made of u's a great mixing. Yes; lovingly, loyally ren'cler tbat modest will attend to all thaL As this will It was a 'v ery great tangling , for all 8!!rvice, It la enough In hIs reckpnl ng. be too late to benellt elther tbls gen. lines were lost and I know that w,hom tblP,.e Ilre n,el~her ,grea.t nor eratlon or Its grandch ildren, It may be Urnes Austria ns struck at Italtans . for .mall. It the :s~allest , thing, III tlle suggest ed that If Mr. Edison will hurry we were In a very great mixing, 'and onl,. pOssIble thtnjf, It Is .a king'e 'ran up and perfect that cheap st.nrage bat· very fierce In the blackne ss at that .o~.-Rev. W, L. WatklllsoD. ) tery he has announ c.ed so otten It storm. " ,. .. 'We were ' told to lie down may' advance tbe day when people no. Uvlngc an enjoy the golden or sleep. So we lay down wbere we were, among tbe dead and the wound· electric age . ed, among the Italians and the Aus· , Now the Engllsb sparrow Is to be ex. trlans. "'And we slept. Yes; we were ,termina ted. And, rememb erIng the suooess of the ;movem ent agaJns t the tired; for we had fought hard for all mQSQutto, the blitheso me sparrow that long, long day, and on that bill that at last we had ga,lned 'we slept, chirps, hppes and bOI)s. I and we gav~ n,o heed to the dead men The dIffer ence betw een drudge r, or the, wounded. : "'Tbe wounded, they made very and play Is all In the poill t or vi ew. Drl!dge ry I s work ' that on e do sn't great. cries. and there were men sent ' Ike Ilnd play Is work, ' bat on dOl1s to go among them wltb IIgbts. Some ke. 'As ,tur as muscula:' et/'ort Is con. were surgeon s and some were inen to GaJ1led basebal l Is tully os ut re.nuoull !;arry them to tb4! field bospltal s. But .. pltclUnli hay. SOn1t~ me n enj01 the mosl of us, we lay tbete and slept, pt~n, bay more thou tht'F WDul1 and we were very 'Ured. and we kllew that with tbe mornin g tbere mIght .,. a..It~l. aDei ther,t 1UU are. anothe r tight:"


The omcera of the thumb prln ' roau were just wt'shlng for lome Interest ing to turn up when a phone messag e offered timely d ! slon. A woman was speakin g. "Do YOIl make prInts of Ilnybo' thumbs except crimina ls?" , ahe . aa~ The bureau dId. "Well." said tbe wOman, "If I '" come down tbere right awa, w1 'm an wlJl you make a print a thurubs '" Tpe bureau WOUld. Th,e ma . and the woman came. "We wllnt , bls tbumb p for IdenUllcatlop," said tbe woma "W. are going to be marrIed to-mor W. a. Is my third husband . The 0 er two ran away and I had the hard at klnct of a time to find them becau tbere wall no sure way at Identlfy l g them . Th~y say thumb prints c. never change and that a man can b tracked by them to the ends at the arth. I ilope I shall never have to 'i se them. but It is just as well to be a the sat. aide. Will you make tbem!' The bureau did. Traveli ng Man Got E en. A travelin g man called 'a tbe man· ager of a large New York onoern the other day and sent hIs car In by the boy at the outsIde gate. The boy saunter ed back. lazily told the tra veUng ruan that manage r wouldn 't see him. "Well, you go and as card 1 sent In," saId the In a few minutes the boy returne d . from his second trip. "SI Y," remark ed the boy, "the boss told e to tell you that he tore up that ca ,but he sent a nlokel to you to pay f r It." The travelin g man . as deeply Insulted, but be decided ' 0 get back aa best be could~ He 0 ened his card case and drew out ano ber card, handing it to the boy. "Give thIs to your ass," he aaJd. "aud tell him that I'll keep the money. My carda are two for five. Much obliged." The manage r rush d out ot the late to ftnd the trayellll g man, but h. waa too late: The man ad left.

What He .a After, George Washin g n Henry Clay LIll· coin Cl\rter, one Georgia 's younge r darkey citizens , ~811 suddenl y called upon not long ag~ to explain hla pres· . ence at 1 n. m. 11 the hen bouse of a wh1te neighbo r. "Stea1in g my blckens , are you. YO\1 black rascal r" t e owner demand ed. George W: H. C. L. C. roBed his eyes unUI tbey wete aU wbttes. "Now, now, okyeh; Mars George, " be proteste d, "~at ain't no way ter IlC' -an' pleaae don' pint dat gun at me dat er way, odnnel. sah," he hastily added, holding up hIs battered hat aa Il shIeld. "Alt 'olar Ah ' warn't pine steal no ,chlc,kens;...DO, sah! Ab's wrttin' er dlale~' st.lry-a n Ah des' come mose,e n ro~n' hyab ter glt 10041 cotor -yas, sllb, dat's all Ah was after. All 'clar to de Lawd hit wa,s !"


Thhlkln g of---Garden Time. Beoon -I think much of the maQ who can make two· "blndes of lI'a •• grow wbere one grew before. Egbert -I've not got my eye on him. ( admire more the mIlD who can mak. only, one weed grow wliere a dOleD lI'ew betore. • rna (lUllED Jl( 8 TO l& DATa. OlNTloIW NT ....... araDceed \0 011,.. a..., _ ll<) blll" BUild. BlellCSlDlf or ~ 1'WIiI.1a c&au 01' 1lI0II07 rataDileQ.

&Wi to"

* ,

Bear your own burdens first, after that help to carry tholie of, otber pecple.-Ge orge Washin gton.







, What is the u~e, of procrastinating in the face of, th . the following letters repre&ent? If you are a Sick woman or know one who is; what sensible reason have you for n~j giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget~ble Compou~d a'~nal? For 3q -years we have been publishing such testimonIal letters as these-thousands of them -they are genuine and honest, too, every one of them.

for Those Planning,Seasonable , . EntertainmentS

Pertaining to Easter,

lIhes' I~<e~



Mn. nl~_ Mil7 layS I

ltIn. 8. J. Barber says:. Lydia E.

WII.IlaIDl-8VegeCompound best; mcdi. in the world women-Ilnd feel it my duty to let others know the good it has done for me. Three yenrs ago bad 1\ tumor whleh the doctor "7~~~~~~.said would have to be operation or I could than a _year. or two, most. I wrote Mrs. Pink. ham, at Lynn, Mass-t-for advice, and took 14 bottle.s of Lydia E. Pink bam's Vegetable Oompound, and the tlimor is gone a nd I am a perfect~y well woman. I hope my telt~p1onlal will be of benefit to otb• . era. - Mrs. So J. BARBKB, Scott.

N. Y. Hn. .. F. Hayes says:


of • aD

Eo Veaetable Compound, and th" pain BOOD disappeared. I cont inned its U88 and am now in verfe\~t health. nydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Oompound bas been a God-send tQ me as I believe I should havtt be~ 1D my BTl!. ve if it had not been tor Mrs. Pinkbam's advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." -Mrs. G:r:ORGE MAy, 86 4th Ave.. Paterson, N, J.


Mrs. W. K. Housh layS I "I have been completely cured of severe Ietrouble b7 E_ Pink. Vegetable ompoonll. and want to teOQlDo men~ it to Blllllu£.. faring women." Mrli. W. K.


The good tha.t, birds do ,an orchard birds are also mnny that have been In winter 18 well worth considering, observed feeding upon the lorgtlr 1I0Y8 !Ulnols Former. There al'e often scale Insects ns well as upon aDhldes QuIte' long perIods 1ft winter 'When all and other gregal'lous forms, especIally Insects OTe In theIr }llberoatCng stages, hi early spring when they first return ~a well n~ most seeds 01 weeds and to their nesting plac . graslles, and sealed down under it.. In 1111 nearly GO different species of coating' of Ilnow and IQe and the 'birds birds, In the varIous sectlons ot the that remain with us are {lilt to straits country, are known to feed habitually to ftn~ a sumclency of fpod. or occasionally upon these small but . It Is at ~uch times that they render exceedIngly Injurlolls egemles of fruit tbe orchardist etnc~ent servlQe In the ·and shade trees, as well as many more iMstl'Uct~~n of the mox:e consplclous lowly plnnts. and, thougb their old tn Bcole tns,ectIJ, all well I1s or the eggs 'reducIng the numbers ot these S:C/lts and pupae of la~ger ~pecles which cannot be exactly eatlmated It Is uo· they lIearch out In crevices 01 bark, quelltlonably of very conslder$ble 1m· around the pext Sea801;1'S blossom buds port'lDce. an~, especially. In ,the crotches at tho . ------branches and twigs. • .' Excellent Garden Compoat, ,Tbe species moat actlve In this gOod ' , 'he best fertilizer I , have ev~r ~rled work are the various woodpeckers. for garden crops Is a compo at mode ot notably tbe , mall blapk "and white two part.B stable manure, one part hen downy and b'llrf, the outhat.cheB and mall,ure and one part 11,a1'dwood' ashes. species of ~he titmouse famt- 1 uS,ually place the, compost lleap as Iy; as well as the blue Jay, and to near lhe spot to be fertilized llS poa· Bomt! extent the snowbirds and spar- sible, so that the work ot distribution .• ·rows. can be done at odd Umes when other It Is ber e' that even the o.utlawed. work I.B not p'resslng, 'says a writer In Engliah spnrrow bns been seen abso- Bnltlmore, American: For cabbage tn lutely cleanlDg brancb after branch of our aectioll no fertilizer equals th a,' peacb and plum ~r,ees ,ot the large and root croj)s are equally all good hemispherical. reddls b· terrapin scale, whenl the comDbst Is well mIxed with so prevalent now on stono trUlt trees. the aoU. . The work or compost\ng can rho cottony map 't a ther be commenced !it_any time, but the consplclous pest on which this spar- more thorougbly It Is trilxell •.-...--.0:-== - 1 r,ow\ af! well as ·several ' other small er, It will become ready to apply to birds, feed persistently wben no more the spot where It Is needed. easily obtalried food Is available, and hI northern ,climates, where sn'ow and 6ett ~ng Hen •• Ice prevail, this scale seldolll. appears Settlng 'bens should notbe feQ wblle 'In tleatructlve Dumbers for two con- on the nest. I They' need all' the e~er­ secutive years, mainly Qwlng to the clliU~ they are likely tp get, Too congood omces of tlIese hunger-driven stant setting makes them at bad dla'l;he scurfy scnle, no\ ~arge. but position and difficu lt to manage Wben very obvious ftom Its wblte color, nlso they come oft with the brood. Eggs {urnlsbea minute but dainty tidbits wlll 6fand a wide range of tempera· for tb~ creepers and other small birds. ture without Injury. It is unfortUnatelY' rue that It cannot be c\almed that our allle!!! In Qur t=:arm Bookkeeping war on Insects. render an appre.' l>{ow Is a good time to commence elab)e aid In ~he control ' of the oyster keeping an' accurate account or exbark ' louse or the stili more peuses for the year 1910, but comp.ara. liarmful 1!4n ' Jose speoles.probab)y t1vel~ ~evi farmers do this; yet It Is [rom the fact that these cling 8Q close- an excellent th,lng for , the fatmer to ly to the baJik at the trees and s1mu- keep "tllbs" on Ws receipts and ex-· late tho latter In color. ' penses. Jt will very' likely result in ' Among . the 'migrating- sp~c es . . I.." ' ~ ~.......,.. ........ -~~~~~ ~~ ........... ,

•Noone noWli I have sut. 10m f&a .. roubles, pains.

\'1 was under the doe-tor's treatment fora fibroid tumor. IsutIered with soreness,' bloa tingl and coold no~ walk or stand on

A Pall' of Engllah Sparrowe.


~. '. .

01' TN_ VIRTUE 0 ..

lydia E. 'P inkham's Ve".table Compounll

Huaary Little Birds Clean ' Braach Alter . Trees He

Llrt the coveMl t.hat now ' blnd me, Take them oft: nnd you will ftnU ml" , season at the yellr all our e Dl~erltqnml e nlLs naturally " partake ,~ ot Some Euter 6ugge,tlone. daintiness tbn,t prer· For 0. chlldren's party send the In· Ing. As ' Illaster , apmoat fltUng to use tbe vltatlons' Inclosed In nn egg shell In 8 ~vblcb among artists wee ,basket just large ,ellough to bold pastel shades, not fo\'· It. Say, "May T count on yo u for the and white, tbe true par~y I 'urn hatohlng for Easter lI~on· day?~' lIave . puz.zles made from probably there Eas~er po'8tcnrds 1cut , out by soma given at E,:ll8tel' thnn clever boy on a j~-sow, each put liP season, for all clsslles In un egg·shaped box made fronl card· of sqclety celebrate boord marked with guest's n(1me. de. W.IU~ j.he day Children as well as grown people hav~ off, the deportment for the puzzle craze. For Drlzes havEl week will be filled, with soxpeUilng symbolic of . the seasonhints obtalnabl~. Tberb there Is mnch from ,vblch to select at emblematlc or the Illost all stores. hal'es. or, as lit. Hang up a sheet nfter tbe manner call them, "blln- of tho old,fo~hloned dc;mlcey party; nl!lS, an~ ~""""",-flrst, last and al. lIra"" a bl~ , brown nest on It wltb a . W$YS the and ' sweetest gJ(t. crayon. outllnln~ carefully the cel)ter Every year BUOPS show an ".Uur- ,of the nest. ' Give .each chfld a papel' iQg lInll of for this glad sea.' egg cut trom some brIght color, with 1Ion', but tbere one very attractive child's name on 'back for ldentifica· symbol that Is seer;1 as often as It tlon. BlJndfold each In turn and flee hould be. viz.: chrysalis and but~ ~bo· comes nearest pInning egs .,0 t erfiy. ' , mIddle of nest. Let me tell at a beauttful cen Tbls Rcbeme Is equally good ' tOI • terplece for an Euster table, ' whloh grown·up party. " may' be utlllzed Qf1alred for the glvMAD:urm MlllRR1. Ing of favors or to announce an en· gagement. n mo ey (Jo.cs not pa,v e to r.~------.'--~~----..:. be considered, u e real IlJlijJter ,0 , In the center at eacb .a -\'ery -small ' ~ g ift may be cone led. pr the engage: ·· . • J.L~IDDI~ ment ring placed. At the close of the The gracAful 'Gain8borou'~h 18 !!UlI rellaet paslI tbe ja,t (\cd reQuelit ellch guest to take on~ ; "the sw:prise the leader among evenlDg hats. when the favor II fscovered. Artl. . lnstead a single fancy button 'a s fi~lal Ultes m~)' be de oti purchased a ftl11sb to tbe front ot n coat. a tssllel wbleh serve the eo e ' purpose' ad: more or leas 'eiaborate is often UBea. mir8bly. Anotl1er ve y effective table The kllted plaId skirt with the lIla In decoratlo~ la made 'y usIng a low clotb , bodice, wifh tight sleeves, Is bowl IDled with sprln flowers. ' over among the fashionable delights pf the which a number of a I~clal butt~r- ,season. , 1HO's are lIu.pended. T ese are matte The eliuP'\lolnted walat Is lIeen now . of the colors predoml atlDg ' ln the -and then tn ultra-fashionable ~os· flowers . . Tbey re hun on very flDe tum~II, but ' It Is "WI tOo rac)lcal to be threads of Irregular Ie ths trom , ~ exploitE'd fteely: Whether It la to n hoop wound with Jer 01' smJlax come back to Its own' r emains to be fastened OVer the tabl~ f m the HgM 'seen. '. or cetllng'. ,T lies9 butter ell maY\ be Cashmere oloth Is one at tbe moat made at hamEl trom tis e pnper or poplliar of 'the season'" fabrlclI. and they may be purchased at Jnpan9se nothing III better tor practtcal wear, store or ~avor counter. 1t Le'·to be had In pearly any design Oocoons ma4~ trom tis ue p~pex:/ 8Jld' color. \ ijlaflk and blue are \lOP' nUlled With 'c otton, are I\pprQJ<lrlqte ular. , . The wide aUk rubl,ler girdles. studreceptacles for holdIng amnll gifts or favors. 'The' !iame "ca'rd 'n, ay bEl at- ded wit)) Jet or steel. "nd accompanied . taohed to theD! with the following d~ by wide, long sashes, worked with tbe 1icrlpUve verSe: ' Jet or ste~I, are still popular where0. two,pI9~e 'c ostume .dmJts ' o{ the m my little Q~(\lo take Jt e'· r ca.n t wilke unless you ~QJio' m,e; / sep~rate gIrdle. '


teet anI

of time. I e to Mra. IPinktlam for adU ,.,.J.UllU',VIl(J ' her ~....;.....;...;"-' _ _'UI tions , and took Lydia Eo Pinkham's VelfOtable Compound. , I am a well woman, the tumor was expelled and JQ.Y whole system strengthened. I advise all women who ate· aftlicted with tumors ~r female troubles to ~ Lydia ~ Pinkham's VeHCtable Compound.1t -Mrs. E. F. HAYEs. 1890 Washington at.. BQlton, :Maaa.

'1 EQlit;. ClD


For 30 ~ LYdIa E. P.iDkb~·. Vegetable CompOUDd hal been the standard remed7 tor female ma. No sick woman does justice to heneU who wUl Dot try this famous medlclDe. Made exclustyely troa roota and herbl; and b . . thousands of ~ to ita credit. lin. Pinkham invites aU !lick womea :to write ber for adwoe. Sbe baa ed thotlMlldll to bealth free or eharge. :Addreu' lIn. Plnkb ..... L~ ..... ,




_II!III____~_--IIi --Illl!lIIIi!II~-~--II!iIII----IIIII!I~{

~ Ch~DCe to Buy; Good Used Cars

fro. the L~lIest and Most Reliable Concern bi the Automobile ID~ustry

We have a number'of ~sea cars w~ich we ,are selling for our customers who h~ve purcbased our 1910 models. '. These 'c ars hare been thoroughly oVeThaultl.d and will give splendid !.atisfaction-muoh bett~r, in fact, than the average new, lO'Y-prlced car. Among our bargains we call special attention to the 'following:

Model E ,White Steamer

'Side-entrance, painted maroon, with ' ,to,p, compl~tely overbauled '- • ' $500


• t.

Mod~1 H White Steamer Newly painted; completely, overhauled, new cylinders 'in engine, with top, in, first class conditiort, a splendid buy at - _ .... $1100

Model L White Steamer

, Newly painted and nc.:w top. completelyoverhauled, listed at only __ • $1250

Model' G White Steamer

S~ven.passenger, paint in fair co~dition, with



.Iil Bprcad.s th~J" out apart as they Il narrow ' bottom, rac}t. The one J~~b' by Blx Inch 'boards ' shown on the end el ~va'tlon nre spiked to the skids nod up' plumb to the ends of the two I~ch by \ four 'Inch scantling which forms the 'top rail for the rack.

l"1~e up tblS tOnDS nl~ays dean feed

top. car completely overhauled; is offered at -- -~~'. \. $1450 '

Model 0 White Steamer .

Completely overhauled alid repainted, With top, ' almq.~t impossible to tell this car from ' a braQd new' 19'1 0 model, goes to the one who sends the first check .for .' .. ~ . - $1500 .

Model M, White Steamer

An exact duplicate of the car used by expre~ident RQosev,e lt and by President' Taft, co~ple,tely overh,auled~ has been used 901y as a de'moI}~trator. , To get qujck action ort this " ,model, we ha~e set, the low price of $~750 .

Bakel! , Ele'c trlc ... , . ~ '. . " Aiso r~n~ "n'tod~b . . of' 'the ~r8n1dJD. Reo~ St~dcWl1l~ <

, l Da~Q12, . , ~te8"'~, Ford ,~na .. trjolt ~me . to' CleVrelalid by ' "Ra~ a'a d ':" " 'I

D~~e , Uom~ ID ,Q..e

.TB,E W"HI~F1 COMPAN·Y 808 E~t r9th "Street.


ol ~ese Cars

. ClevelaD~ cllblo "'l:'.,~,!tr'[.~·t:""

County Courts

notice f apPOintment of A. . VIli1 IUl lldmlnl tra tor, ESULte of J olm H . Vngan , d~oe,.sed. Finell distribution BC oun t

Common ~Ieas Court

T ay1or .


_ _ _ _ _ __

filed by Mnrr. E. Du~an adOlini tw1.. 8 t w6ek ' (:i reene Oounty Jour-l ot troth in the sta.terue,nt. W )Jere trix. {jill, pubH h ed lit .Jlltlle town ; ·Mr. with reprint aD affida Vi t from U l!o . Court Proceedlnits. E!4ttHe of Mary . Ulem uts d e. J l'4 "ny lor's homfl, oontain~d ill Bilk r , of Xeui", wlW m'\d ~ tl11~t. s tatement and it i ui!lol ' n't In It.Schel10k vs. ·M oKtnley . Defend- oea d I nventory and lLppralse. fo ll owlng inttlr sti og ar tiole : During the oongre SiODll1 cu m . tielf to prove . t o .npy fuir mi nd d ant ordered to give II.n ndditionn,l ment filt ll by W , B . AJlen exeolltor . pa,ign of 1008 Jesse 'f a ylor, of Jawel:l· persou th llt Mr. 'f liy!or should u v and new Ilppeal bond. l\\arrlsre License. towo, the.nomlne of the Reputllioon er ha vo suffered from suoh tl. U u o t:;tate of Ohio ex rei. S. A.. til Roi W . RiSing r , 25, ranoher, of pa r ty "or Uong rel:ls was m a de the flllr and m alioions "'ttao k. well VB. Will R. La i~ t reBtlUrer / . Mr. Tuyl or iA ugllin 1\ OIu\.did tlt6, Plalnti1f is a llowed to aw end bis pe- Ent oD to elen A. Og le be , 22, of vie of Dl llny vioious &ttu.oke, e. WayneSVill wholly unlike p revious olimpaigus (l nd th ere i8 no doubt wh atever t bll t tition withip ten 'days . Frank S. Everitt, 26, furm er of in this dlstriot . . . Jthe peopl e Ilt the poll will vindi ollf.e CyrQS W. Younoe v8. Louisa , for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down One of the most vioious I\t ooks . him . ( , .Brant e~ aI, ' Case oontlnned until Bremen, Ohio, to Be8sie Wolfe, 23. Persons, and to Counteract 'Chronic Coughs, Colds and of l~ l' ~vi Jle. mnde was t hrough tbe uledlum of A FB' ID AV IT ma'nrlty of note. Bronchitis, is becoll se it combi m s the two most world-fallled a. statement publisb ed in the 'edllf ' The Statfl of Ohio, Greene county , ss. ~ dall vs. William R. tonics - the medicinal,~trengthening, body-building elements Real Estate Trlllsfers. ville Herald , Ootober 30, 199 , ane] Personlll!y . app~r d b torf! me, Randall, tal. Distribution of prop. or-Cod Liver Oil a nd Tonic Iron , without oil or Bell HUI to Frank (JA,rroll , J.ohn widely oiroulated through t.he d ill ' 110 Notary Publio witbin and for suld erty afta oonfirmation of sllle to tastes good, and agrees with ever! onc. Lee R. ndall, John },'. Rn.udal1 E . ~impson nnd N . T . Ingerso)) qui t triot. That s tatement a ll !{ 6 d that ol.unty abd s ttl.te a fOre :lILid, George olaim 0 0 real flstllte of .Barlan town. Mr. Taylor h tLi been s en uy G aorge Ba ker, who being firs t dilly sworn, We ~turn your money without question if and Nlmr d P. Dawson. Baker in the P nnsy I vunllto Uepot deposes and I\ys, .that he l l the ame doea not accomplish all ~e claim for it. New yo~ Trust Co., vs . D . L. ship, $1. Polley H . Ba.tha wllY to MArgaret in Xenin in Iln intoxioated oondltion. George Baker who signed a t~ e· •'" 0, RailrotkI, et a1. Petitions as J. E: JANNEY, Druggist, Waynesville• 'I'hat stAtpmarlt wa s u ser! Ilt the ment ' pllbllshed in the (Jedarville amended dismissed . Rogers, traot in oounty, $1. Mury E Lymons, Benley J!'. Ly- last hour and too la.te for deten ,Berald on or about Oo\ober 30th, Probate Court. mons and M(lrth"J . Lymons to John as the basis of 11 united attaok on .190 , in whioh signed st.!i.tement -a.-tat f P P ... II d d E, t;impson, Frank Oarroll and N. T. Mr. Taylor's morality, Bnd the l,loint this affiant alleged lind Rllid that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!"'-!'~~~~"'!!"!!"""!"'. e o . . .w.Bxwe , eoease . WAS mad e tha t on aOoonnt of this Al- J eR88 'l'Ooylor, tbe theu R" pub'\lolln First and final aooount approved Ingersol on.e ~nd one-sixteentb allowed and oonfirmed. flores in Barll\n wwnsh,ip. 1107, 50 leged " fa ot.," Mr. Taylor WIIS not nominee for Congr , bud h en· en AND C••bl..I'm ca,.,.d- Lock. Oflrhl'Ij.-$11II1 Horace. Willia ms et 11.1 to Mary Il fit pers ln to represent this distriot. by this uflln.nt In a. ta.te of Intoxioa.. Eata ·e of Jesse T Romine de . , Tbere is no doubt whatever tbl1t, • ti on I\t the P. ennsylvonill. Dep tin 000 nt npp oved and Alioe Williams, traots in Wash. ed Fi ra t a 0..,&8, u ", r , man y persons believed thllt statfl- Xeni;l, Oqio allowed Bnd oonfirmed, ington. f,1. ment. AfIlllnt fu rth r So.yd that t hll other Andrew F . Meeker to Snsanna E • t f Th mss Jones deoeased CHESTNUT AND FROIT STS., ha eo 0 , The people of Jll.mestown and -"Vi sit>ner t o sllid stateruent has in . .... in·h t d II ed Meeker, lot in Franklin, '1~ ... •" • ao)()un approve , a ow oinity, Mr. Taylor 's home, did not. formed him .that he was mi8~keri and confirmed. Commissioners' Proceed . In,s. give the stll.tement a moment's in the party in making the statel.iI-_________,._____• lilatate of C, B. and M.. A. Bum. thollght , Mr. 'I'aylor hilS been aoit- ment that he had seen faylor drnnk ,.._ _ __ _"_ _ _ __ ~_:__, I~ bert, deceased. Hirst Il.ooount apBl\1S-.Tohoston & Watson Co.. izen of tbis oommonity for many j a.t said depot. suppliel!, '1 ' 26 i W. E Graham, oon- years j he Is well knowD ~t> every This a.ffil\nt · further say[l. that be proTed, allowed and oonfirmed . Estate of Sarah S. Van Horne, traot, '8; Nixon and Camp,contraot, one and his habits are I\n opeu book, never in his life time saw said .1esse benetloiary. First aooollut approved, ' 28.60 i T . N. Wilkerson, oontraot, and that statement here was 000 Taylbr in 8 stl:lte 01 intoxioatiun and If you would .lIke to s~pply allowed and oJn1irmed. . 16 j John Wolfef , bridge repairs, side red as notbing more than 11 thll.t said staten:fen 118 made by h\m Estate of Ralph E. 'Ihompson,mi- $46.66; Ruglle[l.-Gale Co., blanks, tS i vioious, unprinolpled .Attaok. and pnblisbecr 'in the CedllrviJ} your table with this highnor. Third aooouut approved. al- W. B. t:;tanage& Co., supphe • $& .0 i Mr. Tavlor Is again a oandid .te be Herald was without fOllndll.tiou and grade ,' silverware free of lowed aud oonfirmed. The .Western S~ar, index slips, 130 i fore .the Ropublioan primary or oon WIlS false. cost, write us for our speEstate of Jobn L. Barkalow, de· The FraDkliu NewR, tax notioes, vention . For the benefit o.f those (Signed) GEU~GE BAKER . Snb oribeil and sworn to before oeaeecl. Due proof of publication of 13.60; n V. WIlliams, freight and who do not have the op.portunlty of cial offer. Address notice of appoiptment of P. B . .Rue drayage, '2,73 j W. O. Torton,oolLl being l)ersonal1y cognizant of the me this 16th da.y of Marob, A. D STANDARD ,~ASRION COMPANY as administrator is filoo. for oourthollse, $21.25; tnqllel!t over faots a.n investigati~n 'hlls ' !;lea;' 1910. 12.11 Vlndul 'Street, New York, N. Y. Estate of ~ Jane Bark~low. ' de- body' of'Robert K~lley. 15. 50 i State ma.d~ · and thtll inTestigation bus ' (c:;igned) O. M. Johnson . oMeed . . Due proof of publication of of OblO vs. 'I'homa8 Meroer, $4. IlQ; proven tbd ther~ was n t one iO~1l1 Notary Publio, Greene Oounty, Obio no~ioe of appOintment of P . B. Rue. inqueat over aalinah Blltohinson, 17 ' • filed. L. M. Prinoe, supplies, '1.90; ·D rs. I " , (i . Estate of David Carroll, deceased. Edward Blair and A. W. MArdis -e to 5 per oent. Aftt'r the diseAse hah ALT ~ R C J L UR E, I'tn'and finalacoount filed. pOst mortem e:r;a~ination or Robert IJdevel.oped. lhere is no lInown ollre .Tou Wagner, petitioner V8. Pitts· KeUey .20' If. P. Lane, land IlP. "In 1 92 there were bllt S rllbid Funeral Dlrer.ior. ,barg, OiDoi.nnati., ChiQago and .prais':,' t84;L.R. Randllll,landap- - - . - - - - - - -.---edogs in Eugland, owing to striot St. Lout. Railway company. appal. ' praiser, ,35 i Lewis Drllko, l~nd ap. (Continued from lasfi.illlloe). muzzling laws. At tohi! time the Court 16$8 aside order ot praiser, '4850 i W. S. J Wbitaore autborlt,les listened to t\ petithm of Telephonfl day or night, "dog. lovers " and removed the "oruel ToWDahlp truateee ~o buUd .. certain lana, ,S1. 50; Z. O. Worl~y' Va.lIey phone-No. T. r.opg r~cl and lame ta forbidden. 117.50; Fred H. Stubbs '~1 i B. P.' · 'I t is a dangero'u s del usion to sup ' mozzle," with tlie - resolt th'Bt d ur.- ( Distano~ No. Gg:.Q-. lIlatase of A latty Boo'h, d~oeased. Early, 110.50 i Perry Borden; 'S5; ,pose that mad. dog~ have a .dr8!'d ot iog the n~xt ~ ~e. years, 11602 dogs, I John 1;1. Booth. appointed adminl8- Estel Snell, 1.4; Samuel Fox.. '21; water and polished surfaoes, tbat to say nothinl of man~ other atlL WAYNESVILLf;" OHIO • .'rater at bond of $2500 with O. S. I'ranoes Oanoll. 1~4.5o.i T. F. they not at or drink, that they mals, and "51 people died of the moat· Blgrin',.T. V. B. Lewis and O. W. MoGu,nn ' ,U,50 . James C. &18'21' froth a'-unda'ntly froJD the mouth. agoy:lizing disease known to tbe med- BraneJ~ Office, HarveY'lbll1'l'. O. Morris .. appraiser.. E. C. Jetfrey, ' ,iO.60; H. M. 'Dill: and ,that · t1;ey run wlth' the tail toal world. , Tbft law was again en- !!!!~~ ; !!!!'!~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!~~ Eetate of William ' E. Snoo", de- taO. 56; S&ata of Ohio va: Clyde drooping between the hind 1egl foroed, whh the . result that,. in ] 905 oeued. Firat .nd flnal ~ount. Marsh,' 008t8,.f(0.50. There Is DO ,Hlfear of water" .in t}le there were no oas,*,. and, haye been 1I'.Itate of Mary ClemaD'lI, imbe· Contrao~Con'raot wae entere4. dog or otber dome8tio animals. ,Th'; none sinoe. . At ustralia ' has never . olle. 8eQondand fin&1 aooonnt filed into .with A. lJ. Sides for 100u8t pOAts rabid t\og drinks freely in the early had a oase,. owing, doubtl~s8,' to " .&ate Or' John AdfPIm Ke1~er" 1m· oomtjnt and Bewer pipe at mar.ket 'stagea of the dl8ease; ltl.~r be 8tili, ~triot en foroem~nt of a sllr: · . • laps. and eyen plunges .his no~e in' .q ,raniinefnr ~ogl. ' , • ~le. Eig4ih aooount ap-,?I'oved, priCesi I ' .,' al~owed and :oonfirme~. Misoellaueous '-It WOiS . ordered wawr , though ofteu unable to swal ' Those truly iu~r~ted i'n pre• . . Et$&te of ' 8jl~h' Randolph, de- tbat 11800 betransterred temporari. low,and'in.his wlmderings he swims' ~ntiu~ mUQh ,soffel'il!,g in b<lt~ an TRAt '£ MARI\. . DeSIGNS oe8aed. Fi.r st and final a~oont apo ly from the (lpaola! btl.d ge fund of rivers with,p ut the slightest relue- Imdd and mao, 81) far I as l'1l~leS is COPYR'IQHT9 .0 ""Ol r h 811(\ ducrl/,"nn "'., proved allowed cmd oonfirmed. . 1906 to the oounty "ond. tanoe . The appetite Is not entir.e ly oonoerned, shou~d devQte th"ir en- 11111An1.0Delen~Inll. Wly IUI,COW'II\ CII' 1'111'," " 'Nfl .. ' (,1/10, "" I1U('In ,. pn' 'nbl' pot " ' Ilhl~ Conl"","I"" 'Estate of Opha Hathorn et aI, mi- · . . • - • . lost, thollgh greatly . impaired and ergie8 ~o advOMting the adoption of 1,19 UOIIUlrICU, II01l0()0IlUol. HAIlD8D~~ olll'Alolllt nUroe. Oldelt OllUIIO}, 10 r "0011' fIlILPIII.tIUta. nor •• 'Fire' aoooun' approved, alHow News Sprea,ds. usually d8prltoved, all Borts of un.- the historio ~etbode employed in l el'atClnC4 uk .." Wroullh Mil"" " co. rocelft . lowed a~d conflrme4. suitable noxious and disgusting ob- England and other oountries for the nH'cl4l notice, .. Ithou~ ClbnraD, lu H'D Eatat f \ Rebecca H Lo d ' "I am 70 years old and travel , , • i f tbi di d th ' eo. we, e- most of the time," WI'Ues g , F. Tel- j~t8 being plpke4 upand.swallowed . s~~prells oa 0 : s seose, ~n ey A han/llamel, IIh,"tnl.,., woe"' . J .. ntetlt dto ~. Third and ' ~nalaocount ~P- son of Elizabethtown Ky. "Every- with avldit:!. Frothing from the will-have the well earnell satisfao aniittlull of 11111 eclouUUg N llr,\III. ?'C.llls ••3 • . p~ved, allowed anCl ,oonfirmed. wh~re I go I reoom~en~ Electrio mouth 18 rarely seen 'unle88 when tiC;>n of kuowiog tha~ they hqve &0 ,Gllp t <\lIf n'Oll ~ b., 'L Buhl b1111 ne".elOIlle ... Miami Gazette, MUNN&CO.38'Droa~. Estate.of ~imam 1'4.' Cor~, de· BI~ters" beo,ause lowe my ~xoeUe~t the jaw is paralyze!!' lln d .pe~dant •. ?om~li(!hed ellprmo~s Kood 1?~ !loS Brllll:.ta Omce. 826 11' ~t.. )Vo' '"l 'J, ~.~ ceased. Due proof ofpublioa.~lon 01 bealth and :Vitalit~~to them. Th,e y Carr~ing tbe tan he tween the . legs sisting in the er,adio~-tioti t>f rab\ea ~cC811'8 Magazi~e effect ~, oure eve time. " They . '., " f .' I t with t ~=-=-:,.~.~ _~==== ~ _~""_~~=::~~ never. fai) to;tone e stomach, rl)gu. 'is Ii symptom of ,all dtEle~88 ~ttend- rom out: ooun ry~ 011 a~y m~re .. late the kIdneys and bowe~s,. stimo-ed 9Y abdom~nal' plloio; and Is by, no ~nnoyauoe to th.e dogdthlJ.n IS dalll Y C. W. HENDERSON,M~· D. Any Pa1t~rn, _ _ _ .u. . · late the 1iver~ invigorat~ the nerves JDellnS'oonatant In rlibles. Doring. experienoed by .all ~ur raft.antmll s I l aod purify tbe ,blood. They work 'h~ pa.roxys~ the tan is usually in hDrness.".;...L&DgdoD Frothing· Total for WayneSVille, Qhio. wonders for weak, run-down men . r. . . ham M 0 V , Harvard Medical and womeD. restoring strength, vig. ried erect. " , "'" . . Maln Street or and health that 's 1\' dailv joy.~ "In view of the .lmost or qqlte. SChool, Boston: . , Valley PJtone l~ Try them. Only 500. Satisfaotion oonstilntly fatal iSBue of r.b\8~ in (Compiled .b y Wllrreu Co t;eo·y . -=~~~~~~=:~::::=~~~~ IS positively ({uarant.e ed bY' i'red O. 'man lL~d animal8 the main at ten. Popular Edu01t,an CommUtetl, of 80qwaru . '_ .. ' . tio"n should be gi;en to the, question' A.ftlerlOlln Mediolll Aell'~.) or preveution. The only t~ue'" pre.. , • -:- • Wellman. ventive is throQgh the enforoed .u!!e An Awful Eruption • . Wa.yiles Vj1l0's LeudfugDenuet of th~ muzzle, Aotually rabid dolia of".. vololtno "xcltes briet i.nterest,and Office iu K!lYs ~ldg.. '.~ Mahi 'St (Dclayoo ) . . , .. or other animals that ne~~ ' not .~e your interest iu skin el'Ul>tions ~11l ""!!!~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. George Uavis and Mrs. Ear. preserved to determinb t~eoondition be 'a s short, if you . nse. Blloklen~s ~ nest Mannon oalled on ~rs . Oakley of huma.n beinRs or ot~er anlthals Arnica Salve, their ' qmokellt ,onre. Unglesby !4-oncl a yafternoon. . .: . ' Even the worst boi~, ulcers"or tever Mr. and Mrs K. E. ThompSon attaoked, ~bould :be kl11~~ at onoe. sori3S are lioon healeci by it. Beat spent Snnday with Mr, an~, Mrs. Dogs whio~ hllve bitteu a9 d lire s\1P- tor Burna,. C~ts, Bruises, 80re Lips, Undertaker and Embalnu~r. 1U5 lII. li'o~t S~eet. Orlando Brannon. . poeed to be rabid, suc>bld be 9ag~d · ()happed Bands, Ohllbl&ins and Piles W11I be fouQd in the old I ColumbulI, 0 : M':: a~d Mrs. Georlote Bogan enter. a.nd if ra-blei were present the sym'p~ .it g\·ve8lnst~nt ' reUef, 250 FrEtd C" Bnnk- B\lUding, ' opposite If bow or many cuell of tuberculoslll bained to supper ' at~t:<J.IlY evening, to~s be fnlly developed .~ B. few ~o~ Wlll'lZ , ' t-.he N tltional' ,Bltnk. Wbere Nature'. O.-eatlon ba.t aa.ved them Ah. and Mrs, PhUip Whitaore, R6V. ..i R C' 'n' S .. - " " . - - -'tel' au hopu had been given uP. but Q &. Id i days . "-:-Jllmes . UIl,W,.I1. • .,. Y. · ' f. Telephone inhouse and of. nuDe 'Were Clured any more speedily than Sheritt lIond .,~ev. va W n . Bette,' Man of the Two. .' fioe where 11 can be culled L ,~I 'W" 101linc about ten pound II a. ••• \'8S Bel"n H rt ook sp"nC"b un PrOf., Veteriuary SoHmoe. Cornell . month. and whUe takinl' Nature'. OreaJr.L .... " ~ g . ' A pretty. fresb.looklng young WOlD. day' or pigbt. tlon . tor three months, B&1ued thirty· day wi"th ' M ' iss ....ary Edw , ·ards. . UniverSity, i.thooll, N. ' Y . four .Jlounda. . 1 have been cured f o r . . . . . . 11 an a,nd a dreamy-eyed Plan got o~ • Valler 'Phone 14:-2. over three months and am back at work.. Mr: and Mrs. George Davis enter"If a sllipeoted dog has beeu·ki 'ed, street car. · Hardly w~rcl. they aeated Ceneral Auctioneer' . lo~ ~~rou~e~a;~l:.~ra ~a:..t~:lgt tained very p e~l!Ilntly IOnn~1rY ·u.f ittt head, paoked in ioe, sh~uld .be e~· wben, a loo.k of Intense despair apread ~ain StreE't, Waynesville,' Ohio. trouble 1r1th my lltomach betore taldnl' ternoon, Mr; ~nd Mrs. Joseph tU!!e~, pres.8ed to IL laborlltory fO.r >' e xam-, over th.e man'a fa~e.· . . .... ' Nature'. Creation,. and now I can eat . ""M . ...,-th1nc at any time ' and would never Mr an.1 Mrs .. EII.rnest ,unnnon, r . inatloD ~nd if tho anlmalhad rabies '''Wll!'t's the .calamlt7 nowT" .Iked .t::rN~r~·: ~~Jg::-~r:?'~~l d.:~~~ Be;t· Bogan, aqd the Millses Graoe ~rtaiu'fi~ciings Onlled, Negt:~ 'bodie~ hts companion . p~ea~antlr. 'but with a Valley Phone 22-3 lIot If . lbey. could re&1.Ise bow bad I wu W hitaore, . Carrie, ~a.f . . Ru~h a.nd . ' '.! . ' . trace of alarm lq )ler ,voice: " '" " . ..ilea '1 waaHng aWA7. under' the Cumine Edwards, Mabel ThQmpsc?1l IIore p,resent in Ihe b~~ln s~bat"n.oe. "My c~1r . ~Inkll!" . he exc]alm,~ . I ..... oJ: ID7 phyalctana. , " E~ith Bogan. !'be. reRults of snch an er.llminahon tragically. ·"One, Qf' tbem II b~okeD . ~. irOuH ..trull", , " . . Mr, and Mrs . .Al Talmag~ en tar: will deoide ~he qrtestio'n of ~re~t. _nd an end 'I .mlsslpg. ·, I ·ti·e ver ca~ ~~~ tM,.ainedw·tiolll ~~~:!aYd· di!ltner·, Mrd·; aM!ld m'e nt, S . Rookhtlli M. 1;)" " kee,p ~'y hCU1r ~;.~eltlb!3dr ,~,nt!lltb ':we 'Uedt ,',. - I', ',' ,I ~19_' rl!. . aln .",O!) PIlS er an ,r, Ca~e ofotbe:.plltlent: The wonnd ~oDle. W at ~u ..1 ll 0 W a, ' W · ~ ff 'd , '~ 'S!~, 1";'. 1... ~ .U(».) and llr8~ Phillip Whitaore, ' .. . ,. ' ." .;ent 'on the "shall. .. ' .. ~ e can 0 er y.ou' goo &ture'. OreMloD 'acta cttr8cU" upon Mi815. l?al'Det Edwardll, of Harveys- mllY ,b e suoked (by the 'pIL~lent hlm~ Ttie /winnan laugbed with relief ana' .'g Em plor ment blood bY- IItnInctheDlbg tile white ~urg, I!p~n,t .Sll.tq1-'day night and Slln self), Rnd Sho~ld be olluterized IU. anl"~red cheertul)YI "Ob, that'l 8&87, ..L_ '0;;'. ~1~oAo~~ ,day with Ed.M.artln aud wife, soon as possible, as htlJ destroye Give me wbat's lett' of four brat_ u~t y~u enjoy and 'fil!, 'man '''!ho can lieU yonr I:.s~ ~are lmmun~ from tubercu-_ • . , ' muoh of th'e virus . ~bolllli ' the of aleeve ~Ink." · l ' • _t ho~~. Write~y, Bor~~, Cow.., E!OKI!., Farm, • ~ ~t ~u~te:nt!ea:~J'~y~ Just Tho"e Yanke.el. fending (log be plIoven to liave bad ' lie obeyed. $be leaned down. quloJm. garmtng UteDIi1a, Houee, fU. 'pJaba to be Man that tile JeucoI! h b ' 1 C · f • 17 twisted a button froIQ her lliou. AMr ... ID be .trenatbeae4 110 . . to t rf ro,t er . I'uen dr ollneet cut. r~bie9, there '18 oue, and ~ly one hooked .It on,. or .hold' Goods. 01' anythtDI III em to kUt4Jnt- prma. , Bend to come ~long With 11 relldy~c~OIUla·P()O known preventlv~ treatment-tl.e. ' II' ad .. ' _A •• _010 ... tor 1DUIl. ........ _ _ _ _ ............. ~. ....:.:~·:..-'..·et, 'WJaJch 'We .,end r:-:tl*ld tato 'p lant when Its wooden .. utme. . .. .ew~ 7- D lIB - ~"_ •• _..... _.--_----" " the lelllng Une. ; .a t ~ ,~~ie;.:ti; !;lush hasn't. i'~t been lfated In tJa.Jloral' PA8~u.r trel&tmen.t : Tbls. bas re-, ....... ~ ~,;th,. ~ wlUa a trl~. t .......l1li& ............. ywlr, . .... ~ - . . . catalo.P8L . .. _, . daoed the mortaU&y . qf this ~ae&18 _ , ~I .• '






1847 Rogers rD'lT Snverware I'.I.\IJIJ

1--_ . .-.. --_. -H drophobia y.



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. Dt""t" Edltor :- W f·, [J", & Co, are , Immigration From 1820 to 1910. The constan t landing or Imm igrants, . _. .' j ll nnlC t,h i!4 ht"llllt.Hul (Iii 11 lit te with " -D. L Cil NE, ~dl~'r arid Manag e r ell one·fourth or them llll terate; many or . . h' 11 Tear ended Sept. sothem released Inmates or penal InsU· 11" !'U n!' 10" , owerI'. ~ r~Pt' vtntls 1 18:!O . .. .......... .......... .......... .. B. 3'lS lutlons aud poorhouses Ilssisted to , . wit.,) hloom, ,.11 d"""t.i lll{ t.he wil/dow I ~~ : :::: : :::::: :: ::'.'.'.'.'. : :::::::::: :: : ::~~1 our shores ,by the count;y from which 'lla~e8 of taQ~ription IIf t.hl All wl'4'e I ; r( ,, ', r li nd like th e ' 18211 ... . .......... ....... ....... ....... 6.;;01 they come or by associa tions ro rmed One YOIIr( ~tl'J.~tlylt .<1'1 11 .t» .... . .... 1 1. 00 Q :1P t'1l uf ~b tlb .• 0 '1\.\' ~ The und ersigne d will offer at public auction at the late porti'JD ol,n ~ ::: ::: :::::::::::::::::~: ::: :::::: l~:~i,~ tor that purllose residen ce of ~ In lll e (j·opy ..... .. . . , , .. :. ,.. ...... ,ur. U t o lr1 j , has brought Inca · t hi Ie ' v' Margar et Clem~n t'l and Mary lements , on the t urnpik e f lB:l6 .. ........ ... . ..... ......... ...... 10., J7 culable Injury to the honest American .. • n~. " n .-.\ , I llS~ .......... ... :.. . .... ........ . ~:a~ toller. They herd In colonies Uka midway be l en Lebano n and Waynes ville, It 1M UI'II r Ii VA mlln tOM I ~~ IImce we l S2ti ..... .. ............... .......... ....... • ates 01 A,d!.-r tisemen ts , 18:.'9.... ...... .. ....... .......... .. :!2.5:lO cattle, eating from the same mess·po t Warren County , Ohio, on left our hunuos to mllke tbl tl intAr I )S30 ........ . ,.... .......... ...... .. ....... l...~g L oco III, lie 110 ·... ......... ... IIc ~:~~ like 8wlne, and only demons trate to ~tltlng tlip, we~t· ,)( tbe R'lOIlVI I. 'It. 0~~\:·i8:iCi .. D~...:ii... He atl lnll 10clIl~ . blll~1' fa , e . per IIn o . . . ..• 100 ~.4S2 what depth or dogradatlon and Imh "ea mll It. !!bort time lUI l.bere is so . 1'e~~ end r'IRSlIllied Ads. not u " CCIlC\ 1\\',' lIueR. d D ec. 31human beings may be dragged. We Throe InMl'rt!'tlll . . ... . . . ... . . " 2lic muoh to ~Afl. then so many EusterD - 1 ~ffi ~~:~~ can not assImil ate them and we have (\hHuarl~ ~, III'(' In! I),. ' rllo ; ove r n\'O 18116 .... .......... ..... ... ....... . ..... 4•. ~'7 . no room In thIs country tor any mont ers BesIdes our plt.rl .v , is Andy 1836 .... .. .......... .... . .. ... ..... .... 7~.2~2 ot them. We can not compet e 'With Inchetl. po. lin . . .. , . . . . . .. .. ~u O"rn"g ie, Mrs . Rusllell ~age, .Mont Oard of thBIl 118 • •• " " ~ ::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::: :::::: ~:~~~ them and must be plotecled . • • • •• , • •• • ••• • !loc agalnat 00. , 68.00& neH'l1 ulIonH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. oOc ~omery WII.l·dllnd B\l!lob,of~t. Loul" 84.000 them by a law to better regulate 1m· t.o tillY nothlD g of tbousa nds of 1£'11 SooJalli elc. where Ilu&,C~" 111 m ade . . . ... !!/ic IMl ......... .......... .. . .......... ... 80.~ mt~atlon. 'l18ploo Y Ad ve rlllllng. pM' Inch . . . . . . . . . .. lOa ler lights. All here. 1~~~21·i. ;;B~j)i: 30: · ii43:::::::::::::::: I~~~ At 10 o'clock , the r eal estate , of which said Marga ret Clemen Dlscouut ! Ifl ell 0 11 con tract. Q_ h ts and Mary ended Sepl 30QDY, Wilt du you think of this? Y~a.r COMING FROM OTH· 1~44 .. . .... ...... : ......... :.. ......... 78.6 15 IMMIGRANTS Clemen ts died seized, to·wit: ER COUNTRIES Yester day I 1Ip80t the aft~rooEln with A. C. JI"ft'rl .. ~, father of '"Jim, 1847 ....... .......... ....... . .......... ~:m )IAROB 11. 11110 23~ .\lfl. For the Year Ended Jun. SO, 1909. tbe ft ~ hter . " 1 foond Mr . J effrle 1848 .......... .... ,......... . .... ...... i~·.Qh ~ S 1849 .......... .......... ......... ... .. . ountTles Com In&' Froon- • a walkio g Bible, Ilbd his OObver&ll- lB50 ... .......... . : .. . .......... ....... 310.1 1'14 A U!llrJIl .......... .......... .......... .... IIO. ~ Oct. I to D e c. 31 . 1850..... ...... CORWIN AVENUE Hungllr y ....... . .. .......... ..... h9.,16 ....... . S'.:!38 ti(l~ was 80 intere8 tlni thlit the YOllr Belgium .......... .. .... .... .... Residen ce proper ty, contain ing abo ut 8.72 acres with dwellin e ntlt.·d Dee. 31... ....... ... 3.692 g and boorll .... BulgarIa ~lIed ., ServiA. and M O M >! II ·1;'1'0 .... 1,054 . quiokly . II t,he 185~ ....... ... .......... ...... y" .. ....... 116 D nmarle .......... ........ .......... . ... other 80 buildin gs thereon . Apprai sed at $2,000. 185 ........ .. .......... ....... . ....... , 979.4 4.:lffi ~71.003 0"1Ied miristr v oooid underll ttlnd 18.">3 . ..... ..... .. .......... . ......... France. Ir(c ludlng Ol'8lca ... .... ... .. 6.1172 ... 3 .64!'. G nnW) Empire .. . ' l8&t .......... ..... ..... ... ....... ..... ........ ..... ........ . 26,640 4:!7j..'13 t,hs Scrlpt.o res, tlO Otl to rightly dl Greece ... , ........ ...... ... . .......... : .. 14.111 18.">6 • .......... ... ........... .......... 2OC,.m Italy. includin 1858 ...... .. .......... .. . .......... .... M. g Si c ily anti Sardlnla ..I83 .31R 7 vlq .. the t.rotb, how much 'better it .J1Ul. 1 to Jun 30. 1857. .. .... ........ 112.123 ~ .. lJ lands .......... ... .......... ..... 4.69S N orwny .. ....... .. ....... ..... .. .. .. ..... 13.6..."7 m.gbt .~e for all inter8@ted to gee eyt" y~ ~~~.~ . ~.~~.~.~.......... I. Inrludln g npe V rdo n.nd ...... 191.043 PoNugllJ tl> eye and t'l 8peak the sllme thingll, 1859 .......... .......... .......... Contain ing a bout 85.7 acres known as the old Clemen ts Homes Azoro Islllnd ..... .'..... .. .... . ....... !. 4.956 ..... tead, 129.~71 RoumtIJI llL ........ ........ .. .... ......... 1.G90 1 GO .... . .. .. ........ .......... . ....... 133,143 togethe r with buildin gs and other improv ements thereon . Apprai thtlreb y doiog away wit-b s() mooh 11161 .. ........ ...... .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. . HZ. :r. Russ ian Emil iro and Flnlnnd .. .... .. 120.(00 sed SpaJn. In c ludIng l'Ii Vl t d ' dl u nary and OaJIe· d M r. :r"" t 1862 ......... .......... ... .... .. .. .... . at $4,000. • on an 8(ll>r, 12.1s:J , eu r es l863 arle Tslands ...... ...... .. , .... .. .. .... 2.61 0 ........ . .... ....... ... ,......... .. 1112.9:!6 8wN.len .. .. ... ...... ... ...... .......... ... 14.474 totrod'u oed me to "Jlm" ,,*,forl' 1'ea.r endod J une 30. Sw1tz~rland ........ .. ... .......... . ... .. 2.6M • , 1864 ..... .. .. .......... .......... .... .. (plt.rte d from him. 8e followe d 'l'url<ey In Europe .. ........ .......... .. 9.0Ui 1865 .......... .......... .......... . .. .. UnH,'!l Kingd o m: l ROO .. ...... .......... ........ ........ . me t0 'he front of h is niOf! residtln cp ' 1867 EpJ;'land . .......... .......... ......... . 32.809 ... ... .......... ... .......... : ... .. I reland . ......... .... .......... ........ . 25.03~ 1868 . ..... .. .... .......... .......... .. . l,od pltlsed ' a ble88ing 00 me Il~ I BM ..... S("otin nd ....... . .. ..... ... . ........ . .... 12.400 ..... .......... .......... .. , . Contain ing about 80 acres and known as tlite '~Antrim" 'Vales ... . .. ....... ........ .. ..... ....... . l.r. 4 Tract. [ weot down the IIttlve to the s~reet 1870 .......... ....... ...... .. . ....... .. Olh er EuroPB .. ,... .. ....... .......... .. WI . .. .......... .......... . ........ .. 46 Ap~rai sed at $4,800. rblll olosed my eeooDd "18tt. 'J'bf 1872 .......... ......•..... .. .......... . . Tota l Europe ... .......... . .... ...~m 1B78 .......... .......... ... .. , . ...... .. 6rlt vIsit (illst week). C. E . OllAr" Said last two named tracts will be offered Aepara tely and as a 1874 ..... . ... .. .. .......... . ......... .. whole 1875 .......... ... .. .... .... .... ....... . Rlid I went on purpos e tci flee 'Jim and will be sold in the manne r t hat will produc e the most money. 1876 ......... .......... .. .......... ... . th~ tighter, and failqd. but met t hf l877 .. . .. ...... .. . .......... ......... .. 1878 .. . ~ .......... .......... ....... .. .. rather, who ioform ed us that Jim 1879 ... ...... .......... ........ . ... .. .. 1880 . .......... ... ..... .. ....... .... .. . waa no talker, the opposit e of him ToW A8! !I. .......... ....... .. .. .. , ..-:12.OOi 18&1 ... .......... .... .......... ..... . .. Afri ca. ......... ..... . ....... ..... .... ..... 1882 .... ~ .......... .......... ......... . 858 8el" aod be be~RO to onfold hit' AustraJll1, TQ.!Imnn la anjl New Zen· . 188S .... ... ........ . .......... ........ . llUld .. .. ... ..... ... ........ ...... ...... .. thOQ,h ts in' Bocord with t.he ~)fip­ 1884 .. ........ ...... . .......... ....... . 839 PacIfic Tsland!!. JlO1 Sf''' HIed.... ...... llI8S ......... ... .. . ...... .. ..... ..... .. 63 One·th ird cash in band on day of sale; one-thi rd in ORe year, Erl!l.lsh North Am riCR ....... .... : .... /51.94t turAR, 80 I got wha' I d :d not gl' 1886 .......... ....... . ......... .... .. and BriU h HondurllS .... ...... ... ... . .. .. 1~ ...... ..... ...... ... '. ....... ...... . 4.2 one-thi rd in two years. Deferr ed payme after; the opposit e. 80 mocb did nts Oth1'1' ' to bear Centxn1 interes Am C' rlt'r1. t at .......... six per ..... lIS Teu ended June soM~xleo .......... ..... .......... .......... 16::1;1 cent from date and to be secured by mortga ge on the premis es. ( iet that I weDt the 8000D,1 time . 1JI88 ... .. .......... ..... .... ... ..... . .. South America .. ...... .. ... .......... . . LOO6 1889 .. .......... .......... .......... .. . ' Vest Indl .. ...... . ........ ..... .. ..... 11.180 aDd tben I met "Jim" 1S9O .......... .......... .......... ... .. Ollh ~ oounlrle s ..... .. .. ... ........... . . 49 1m .......... .......... ........ ..... .. tJdr time here 18 cOming to a o}ose, 1892 .......... .. .......... .... ... .... .. Grand total .......... ..... .... .... .~ 1893 .......... .. .......... ,.1 we expect to start EllIt the 11th .......... .. . 1894 ........ .... ...... ..... ..... ....... ' Iilx~t tOltop In New Orlllan 8, 80me 1896 .......... ..... .......... . ... ..... . A HOT ONE. Execut or of th~ Last Will of Mary Clemen ts. d~. 1198 ......... .... ... . ... .... .......... . time. Expect ing k> reaoh homf Tn Une with 'the true policy of real 1197 . .......... ... ...... ....... .... .. .. 1888 . ...... .... .......... .......... .. .. pr~tectlon of labor the OhIo Leglsla · again In Aprll. 'I'otal allen a.rrlvall .ture (HouRe, March 8; Senate, March I'-hoPe this will do 00 harm to' 1899 •..• •••••.•••. ••• . .••.••• •••: ... . . . . lJIOO ........ ... .......... .. ...... .. . .. 9, 1909, with but one dissenti ng vote any reader of yoar paper. If you 1901 .......... ....... .. .... ...... ..... . Execut or of t he Last Will of Marga ret Clemen ta, deeeaaed. In each body) passed the following l !1O'.1 ..... .... .... .......... .... ...... .. puhUeh it. W. O. Cornen . rello~tJon, which. was Introdu ced by 1900 .. .......... .. . ........ .. .... ... . .. . ' ...--trot . . .. 1....... , .......... .. ...... .. ... 840:114 Hon. John R. Frelner , of Vinton Coun· T. HAWKE, Auctioneer. 1_ .......... .......... .......... ..... l ,Oii!),75fi 1908 .......... ........ " ..... .... .. .... 1.tOIl.!!!>; ty: > Saved a Soldier's Life. l!a1 .......... ...... .......... ......... 1.438,469 "Whereall, the dumJ)lng of a mUlIo1l Hamilton and Brown-Runyan aud Stanley, Attomeys. 11108 .... .......... .... ... ,' ...... ...... . se4.6!'5 BaaiPIl' death from Iho' and 8hell Immll1'l.ntl into the United Statel an· 1J09 .. .......... . . ....... "...... .. .... 9«.~ hi tbe bhU war WIUl more agree!l ble nually . fl a fact (or which the world J. A. 8tone, of Kemp, . !'ex, thaD GrlUld total .... . .... , ........ ... . 27,99!1:7« offers DO precede n , and Is a menace floing. it from wbHt doctors s&ld Was PUBLIC SALE The tariff keeps out cheap oonlQm ption. "T oontrllo ted a Itub the produc t of Europe an cheap lood'), to Americ an institut ions, ' the Amet'labor. icall home, and the Americ an, la60rer : bor", '001<\" ho wrltttil. ··that de but the failure of Congresa to I Will offer at . Pobllo &Ie at my yelqped .. .OODlCb, tbut t4tnok to mf' late Immll1'l.tlon permits that relU- and lame "Where as, there art now many bllli in Ip\te ' of all remedi8 1 for years cheap labor to come In. and eOlDlle te betore the Con&rella of the UnIted My w~gbt ran dO".n 180 pound8 with ua. II " "Iquare deal 1" state. for the better regulati on of 1m'fbl'D r bepn to 1118 Dr. lring'a New The employ erthat hal Beginn ing lit 12 :30 p . m. t he fol. . DI.oove r.f, which comple tely ooreO tarltr protects him. c()Odll to 8ell. the mlgratlo1l and tb. revision of the The workingman l ariff; and lowing ohaUle s : 1 bay horse, 13 yellrs Ole I nuw weill'h 1'8 poundtl . " eloe. Dot ha"e gooda ,to sell; be sell. "Where as, the reculaUon of foreIgn For '(]qugh8 , Colds, uaHlip pe, Astb. labor; and asalnllt tbe Incomin ImmlcraUoD Is a necessa ry supple- old, good lio-er ; 1 bay mare, 1S yellf8 ma, Hemor rhage Boarse oestl, hordes of cheap labor, be, III return,g ment to the tarIff, an eBBential ele- old, genera l purpos e i l .bay horse, Cro~p, Whoop ing Ijough !lOa luo., &altll for protecti on. ment In the 'protect lon of Americ a 14 years old, genera l purp08 e. troqble , he , aoprem e • .500, f100 from Farm Implemen~-2 boggies , one ruinoull competition by cheap I&The Waynesville Canning Trial bo$tl~ free. Guaran teed by bor at home, ruinous 10 our endeavo r nearly ae.r-; 1 good road wag. IMMIORANTI Fred O. Bohwar tli. '. to eatablls h an Amerloan Industr ial OD, 1 , Buokey e cQltiv" tor, 1 mow Oompanywis~es to..contraCt, DemocraCfY; and . . 'Whereas, a protecti ve taritr, with- er, 4 foot out; 1 50 tooth harrow , 75 acres of Tomatoes. Those out proper ImmigratIon regulati on. ts 1 one-ho rse oujtiva tor, 1 d o u b l e - . : a tl10vesty on the Industri al problem; sbovel plOW, hl1Y rigghig , sled, ga.r- wantm g to grow Tomatoes, therefor e, be It den .plow. lawn mower , lo.wp swi.n g, pleas e call at the office. . "Resolved by the Genera l Assembly step Illdder, 1 10·foot laddor S sets of the state of Ohio, Tbat we respect· rully ask ou r Senator s and Represen· work h arness, 'sets buggy harnes s , ' FRANK SNOOK tatlves In Cong,.ess to enact more collars , bridles , h",lters , net@, eto., ' stringe nt , Immigration laws to pro- buok saw, 01101'0, forks, sllovels , Secre tary. tect our people, botb native born and hoes. 8ingle trees, d ouble t rees, grav naturali zed, agaInst wholesa le ImmI· el bed, 250 yard8 panVlls, broode r and gratlon from foreign landl." many other artioles . get fmmedllic relief ... 'rerms : All soma of '6.00 ",ud UD · BKILLli lD. Horde of Foreign Criminals Respot , Dr. Shoop's . . . OIIltJllat Bakers ......... .......... .. .......... .. .. 2.127 sible for th'e Many Attack. 0 1 der, cash i over thataID OQnt!l. oredlt Barb6re .and baJrdres8e-ra .......... . . ) ,6S2 BllIICkemtthll ... . .......... .......... .. .. 2.G81 Wom.n . of 1 year will b 3 gi ven by ·purOhl18er ~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Bookbln 4er. •.......... ... .......... . .. .. 269 giving Dote with approv ed seourit y . Br."erl .......... ...... .. .......... .... .. 161 Police Com'mll8loner Bingham of New BulllJler ll ...... . , .......... ..... . .. . ..... . 1. WAYN ESVILLE ~URCHES. 'A disooo nt of 6 per oeot will be givCJlbln8l. ma.kera .......... .. . , ........ : .. ; York Thinks Immigratlo'n Should ll!l7 C"al"J)t!Ilter• . Alld joIners ..... .......... . 8.600 en . Borace WhRrto D. Be Prohiblt6d. Clerka and &i!counta flltll .. : ... : ...... . 7.8!!.:; St. Augustine's ~thollc: Churd l. Dl't!alm ak_ .......... .......... C. T . SI\wke , Auot. .... .. .. 3,767 l!Inll1~~'" '(Iboomotlve, mulne, aln.-· F~tbe r George Mavenbo efer. PutOT Special Dlspatc h to the E nquirer. Walter Kenrlo k, Ulerk. . tJonal')') . .... .......... ..... , .. .. ..... .. 828 ?d1\511 eve.fY IIOOOnt1 sutll", of tbe mo.UI al Entrrave r. : ......... ........ .. : . .... .... . - - - ~ --fl.t • . New York, July 20.-Theodore A. 9 : 00 a. III • FurrIer . a.nd tur workers .. , ......... .. 3f>,q Bingham, police co,mmlssloner, aroused Gardene r.. . .......... ... : .. . , .. ...... . : .. . ClaIm .. argest Meteorite. 9'l.'I Hat al)d cap m a.ker8 ........ ........ .. ~ by the wave of crimes against women St. MAry's Episcopal Churcb. The Field museum In ChIcago Iron and ateel workers . .......... ... . Rev. J . ' F. CadwaJl ader. Rector. and children through elatms Jewelf!rl l .... ....... .. ... ... ... .. .. ..... .. 1.$01 out to the have greater the largest meteori te 197 ~k8ml1hs .. ..... ....... . .... ...... .. .. l.2'lij Sunday Sellool. 9 :80 II. m Mornlni sercity, .w lth especia l referen ce to the In the world. It weIghs over two toni Ma c:hlnlll\Jl .......... .... , ..... ....... .. . vice, lU :30 a. m. Boly Commun ion \1)41 lint Dyker HeIghts CIlSS, made the tollow· and was found at TOQopah, Nev. Marlnel'1! ... ..... . l . . : ........... ....... . . 1.831 ~und l\Y of eacb montb, MaRons .. .... ... ..... . . ...... .......... . .. 3.76:1 3.81lO Ing atateme nt, carerull y revised , to Meebllni.c . (not .peclfted) .: .......... .. 644 the newspa per men at polloe head· Metal workers (other tha.n Irqn. Methodist 'Episcopal ~urda. ateel a.nd Un) .... ...... .. .. ... .. 1 ..... . quinter s, after saying that the. people Bev, "'It. w. Bane7. PMtor. Miller......... .......... .......... ....... .. of New York dId not realize what an S unday School. 9 :30 _. m . Mornlnlt ·aer· ners .. ; ....... ... .. , .. .......... ... .. enormoua amount ot crime the police vIce , 10 :80 a . m. Epworth League, 7 :00 po '~i~'I~'':~' ; : :: m. €'!cnlng' service, '7 : 00 p. m. M1dweek departm ellt la taclng:. .. ........................ Pr \yer Meeting, 7 p. m, ". T here 18 . another "eri Importa nt ;ra°it~~~~Ji~~~ · thing about ' this crime bUlllneslI. I Christian Churd l. don't waDt to I&Y 'anythln g that would . Rev: {;. O. Tbompeon. putor. . be Ind.lsoreet, but IinQullIUona,bly the Sunday School 1I:IOa. m. SoC,tal meetlq. 10:80 ... m. oiiriatlan EDdeuor. 6:111 p.... .hordes· of I~mlgran~a that are coming Sermon by pastor every alterD",te 8UD(ili7 . '. bere have 'a good cleal to do with ' 1'0:80 a. JD, ~d 1:00 p . m. .crlmea agaInst women and ebtidren,' , "You Hitkllte .Friends. cta.W'Cb. noUee that these .parhcu lar crimes are done' by fe1101'l's who . Firat Day Meetlu!t . 10:0'0 .. III:' rln'. ~ilJ' SebcOl; n :0(1 a. m. Founll D~Y ' )(""Il( Cl'Il't talk the En.Ush lanlUage. It III 10 :00 a. m. . thlll w."e of lmmllm 'tlon that brlqa ' to New York ~. hundre d. of. thouwill pi .· clrhDtn~ll . who. dOD't know 1rhat Ubeny meallll, ' and don't 'c are: mow oUi' custom s, caD' not IPeak the IDqUah lanlU~gtl, .lId are In "neral the ~um of Europe.:\_ ,~ . "TIl. I19lutioD of the problem .. to proldbl t· ·Jmm,cratJon. But when 'wI ~ Geout lq pr8Nat- Imml8ra,Uon ' .. found .to be ,nctI~1l1 tb AeporV~'" NO.


i8:i2·:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Monday, -March 28, 1910,

la.o ::::::'.::: '::.'.'.'.'.:::':.::'.::'.::'.::-.: '

m: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::








H. Allen,

F. M. I-Jamnton, Jr. .

...-..--- -





Notice to




.... ,..

A"~_'ft ·

:::::: ::::::: ........................ ..



KICKED PASTOR DOWN STAIRS HaatY .A ct of Ve'atryman That 'Mlnlster Ha. So Far Found It Hard to Forget. A certain Episcopal clergyman In West J:'hllndelJlhla received a most In· hospitabl r c pUon th 'otber night wh n he went to call on a membcr 01 bls \. slry. The vestryman In ques· ,tlOII wus uloue In tbe bOils , the servo ants being out, when be b [lrd u ring at tho. bell. Goins dowu stairs h round an Intoxicated negro, wbo dCQland ed moueY ,for u drink. Hig hly Inc nsed, th vestrymun wenl back up slal rs, 'Il£ter ordering tlle man a wo}", but bardly had be seated him self when tl1 bell rang fur a secoud lime. ! A second visit to lbo door found the same n. sro back again, and the v s· tryman. thorougbly arollsm!. seized tb olTender by tho shoulde r and ~llu'shed 111m down the ti l ens. I W111l al1 tills was going on the 'clergyman wns walking down the str et, and a few minutes Inter had mounted the st lIS of his vestryman's houso and rung llle be ll . He stood wJlh bls bock to the door, when sud· denly, to hi s IIstonlshm nt, the 110rtal flew open, a man rusbed out and be r cei\"ed a most painful lllck, sending him flying down ' tbe slippery sleps. It 'required 1\ lot ot explanation and ,a polon to close the breach caused by ithe incident. Tbe clergyman and bls vestryman are sUll on rather cool terms.

Analyzed by ChemIsts. Apropos of President Taft and his I'ecent .declslon about wblsky, Ri chard . La Gallienne said at a dinner at the St. Regia : , "Wbite.. I was living In Liverpool tllere arose a hot whisky discussion, Was pot stlll whisky the Only whole· .ome one, or was patent still whisky tbe one non·polsonous drink? Cheml· cal analyses were a(lplied to every whIsky gplng. i "A Liverpudlian entered a public house near· the Albert docks one night and sald: "'18 yer wblsj{y pure1' " 'Well, I sbould think so,' the pub· Ilcan answered. '1t·s been puralyzed by three llDarchlsts.' ..

I l

If She Had Her Choice.

: A gentleman wbo finds great amus&-

ment In telUng. his w$fe wh.lch lady at their IlcQualntance hEl will select aA her 8ucCes"or when sbe cUes, and who, ~nc day. had been teasIng her, with numberless mock·serlous allusIons to Ute subjeot, sUddenly called their lit· tle daughter to blm and asked her, 4Ibaklng wIth laughter at his own wit: ." Madel1n~, bow would yoil Uke to laare a stepmother!" . The cbUd considered Cor a moment and the.n. with great enrnestne's 8 replled : . "I th.nk I'd much .rather ~ave a .tepfather."

-------Not Approprfate.

, Senator Deveridge was replytnp; at a dinner In Washington to a defender of tb~ sugar trust. .' . "You remind me at a man at his . brother's funeral. This man bent over the graV& and plosely watched the lowering at the colJln down Into the clean· cut rectangular chamber prepared for it. He heaved a sigh as the coffin J came to a rest, and saId to the undt>t· taker hearf:lly : : .. 'it's the neatest fit J ever saw In my llCe. Come and have a drink on the head of It.' "-Sunday Maga!l\ine of the Cleveland Leader. Wh,e n Tempua Didn't FUglt, Little Kelen, durIng the three years ot her lIle, b~1f never been separat~d trom 'ber elder sister night or day for more than 11 few minutes a t a' time: \ but at last the ttme came' when llie sIster went away for a whole day. Tbe child tried every game alld OllOU· patioo that. she knew of, and a lIew one or two suggested by her motber, but they al1 palled. Finally she gave up and stood and looked sadly out of the window. Tben - she sighed deeply und said: "It·s sUll tho some, old day, Iso't ft, mother?"-WomllD's Home CompanIon, Home Training. Tencher,.-And what do we call those ,tbtngs tbat men like to see flying In the air? ; LitHo Claude.·-Razzabs! - Denver / News. A Practical Success. "Ts bls nll"l;hlp a success?" "We11, It's practical, at any rate. He 'uaes th motor to run n wood sawing ;mnchln e: ' I

CHANGE THE ViBRATION It Mak"s for Health. .A m an tried leaving 01T meat, pota' toes. cotl'ee, and etc.. and adopted a ,breakfast of fruU, Grape·Nuts wllb ,('fearn, some crisp loast . and a cup 01 IPostum. His IJ ealth hegan . to Improve at once ifor tbe reason tlllit a meat eater will reuch a place once In n whUe where ·.hl::l sys tem seems to become Qlogged n nu the machinery doesn't work smooth ly. A chllnge o[ t his kind puts as ide food of low nutritive value and tnke.s up food anrl drlnlt of the highest value. 'n.\r 'ady partly ' digested and capable' 'or being quickly changed 'lnto good, ,rl 11 blood ' a nd strong tissue. I A most v!\luable feature Orl\peNuts Is tlle natural phosphnte. of pot· ash gt-own ,," the grains f rom which ,II mado. JThis ·ls-..11e e lement which ftran t;(ol'li1s to the l/mly · lnto tlu; soft gray BubstOonQe wblch 1llls \brsln and nerve centers. . t A (Al'( dIU's' use of G~aPe-Nuts wlll I ~tv Qne a df!gr«1e 9r ~frvoUB- strength I"\\' 11 worth t)ie t r~. ~ ~k In p~ tor til JU~le book, "The d to WellYllle." "Th'!r9'1 ~ Reason,"




...... f




A ....

... ~~.c .•::::

~of Craven~ ~


~ . BYMa~:,:-:Vor.t ~ "Amanda of tl,o Mill." "1\II.1.f Desmond." Ole., ele.


.~-=••• -.;/-. Ii



I ........ .. .. .. I

.-. .



... .....


r'J'J'......,.~ ••••••~• ••••••• ~. -..-. -. ~.

OoP1rl\: bt I~. b1 J. D. L1ppIDOOU Cuwl'anr.



Baell Tempost, w or ld's greotell t novelist and poet . reCus in g to bo [urtller lionized, shu t8 himse lf up In rov e n , his country hom . Ills ' g loomy m ,illa ti ons IIro brok· n lJy his houso l< oper , who hilS dl~obeyed his ord()rs not to admit any 011 0. '1'he vis· itOI' Is Lucy Ca r ew. un AllIcl'lcan who hus como to England to writ n. study ot th o \luthor, bUl 11I0t: e~p"cln lly to g t 0. ynOllsls of hln ne w su lto of poe ms, hllY' Ing be n promised a !;,ood position wllh n mnguzln

It /Ill


R cpr ntlng of his rude· n 8 .. In " odin" h I' out In the rnln at night. he ( 1I0WlI, but ohe retuses to r~­




In on· no In orc, n nd

T empes t,

g el', (I CIOr N! ho will wrlto go,

turn to my n with him, nnd t nkes lodgIng with n cottOII' r. I N xt morning Lucy r ('eh ' N' n 1I0t from T e mpest apologizing tor hi s r ud nOliS lind oreerlng to a.s l9t her In writing he r MM·Y. TemPt's! <l lc tntes to Lucy. who li ste ns srI IIhollnd a9 sh wrlles, H ca ll" at the ~ott a!;e n nd discov ers that Luc)' has le ft to LItke u trnln ' or 1.onilon. He oy e r· tak es h l'f and Indu e 8 h er to stay over and r ead tho munuscrlpt to hIm.

CHAPTER II.-Contlnued. "Thank you ve ry much Indeed. I shal1 look tor you this afternoon. Shall I send tor you, or wUl you walk?" "I'll ~'oll(," said Miss Carew, and he a ccepted ber decision, saying: "Then I'll mount and leave you here. Yon will simplY tell Mrs. Ramsdlll that you bllve planned to stay on for a ' day or two because of your mel· sage." I . He sbook her hand and, getting on bls horse, took leave of her in tbe lane. But at four o'olock his carriage came for her-he was not, evidently, In a mood to walt for her arrival. Mrs, Ramsdlll came In to Lucy Carew with the announcement and a note. "Will you not din!! here!" It ran. "U YOll are a rigid conventionalist Mrs. Henly shall sit and knit In her" To Ramsdlll's presence, to her ellghtly pursed·up lips. her "air," was due the response tha~ went to Mr. Tempest, for looking suddenly Miss Carew caught a sight of her · sister woman's face and It gave her pause. Was she ,a coward, and did not ' dare to take her life without fenr of a veasant woman's comment? Or did the look on the bumble, good face retlect only what was In Lucy's own heart-a tear. a dread. distrust, and a certain shame? She wrote a note and sent It In her st)l,ad, But shCJ could not like a crea· tute with no mind 01' will. entlr.e ly· reo fuse the favor she had promised. "I tim sorry, but I cannot come today. ' I will go to Oraven to·morrow between two !lnd three."


CHAPTER Ill, Tempest so Intensely desired, what be took the trouble to . want at all lhat he had no rule for the bearing of dlsappolntmen,ts, be had until · lately admitted nope. To acco~pllsh what he deign ed to desire he tiut out what· ever effort was required on his part, lind with magnetism and Intensity drew things towards him. The facility with which things sllpped to bls hands spoiled him. Petulant ot habit, Impa· tlent and turbulent ot temper; he never waited-when hIs wish for vRrlety was delayed he went for It anll snatched It to himself, But lately this life had undergone a change, Precedent no longel' wouhl, he knew, be Indicative of 111s future. His future! Curse the 1\'ord and epoch! . Wby had he consented to ae· ('ep~ one? During lhe laRt lhree days his mind had been r esting In the contemplation cf genU" things, It had an1Used and entertained him to take .pleasure In the society of this woman of another continent, whose presence alone wall 80 extraordinary, whose ndvent was 80 droll and unusnal. . He was with women as with other things-tyrannIcal, an absolu.t ist, bold· Iy us klng and taking pleasure where be chose-with more of the brute, ,per· haps, than the angel In his compo·sl· tlon, and a great fund of affection to give and waste, a great, hungry need of companionship, to ' be filled. Except for the periods when be shut himself up"ln Craven, p.e rlods at Isola· Uon and fast, there had never. lieen a time In his life not dominated by a woman.. He had, for slich 'as himself, scoffed nt marriage, claim,in'g that.. Its douce esclavage would 'latatly exor· clse bis inspirations ,' 'and that be would malce "a den'lIsh bad hu'sb&nd," During this last exile nt Craven · he bad alternately given tba'hks' tot 41s IIberty .and the fact thaL no was forced to share his 'miasmatic humors. snd altcr:nately hated his UD:~ ~mpnnioned bearth. . • But he w.aa utterly unprepal'8!1 tor /.bo note wblch came lutead of LuCJ' ~. lie th~l~ of ~on·


forth Icarcely ~old on hll fac$; . ~ Ntread- and turned It over III hopea that sbe ould oD the last psge change ber cruel mind! Then he fiUDg It down wltll an angry' exc lamation and ' looked ahout hl8 lonely r00@s. They bad lately been to him worse thao lonely, und Otl Involun tary sh iver passed over him as be glano d at orners where ghostlike habitants wer growing l naclous In possession. At the side of tho wlndow·caslng hung 'a mirror In an old bras8 frame between the vivid IIgbts of tho full afternoon. Tempcst strode up to It, throwing his heavy hair from his forehead; gazed Lnto th gloss, peere d In, searcblng the old . re fl ecting surface as If h e would tear from It som fiaDllng, mi· mculous revelation of hilus If. Tllrnlng away with a slgb. he rang Cor hi s man servant. " Pack rue tl vn llS9 and order the motor car-we takc the Londolt ex· press. Wire fo r r ooms at tbe e.t.rl· ton." Elth('r ltls dcsira for Miss Carew's society was uot s uffi ciently strong to warrnnt bls usual brusque s tormIng or her door, or he may ha,'e fe lt a dan. ser not befbre ac knowledged in bls .r alations with women. TIe did not so much as look towards the rose.cov. ered cottage at the back of Its cabbago and hollyhock patch as bls mO-l tor flusb ed by it, and 'Lucy Carew, as bunce would have 1.t, was not th ere to observo bls sudden depllrture. Sbe bad ~one for a long tralUp ' over field , an d even th en was 100kJog at Cra ven and Its towel'S rrom a distant hllr.

when he ~m. UII .al1e1 Pilt out ht. hand. "Everyone blls been aaklng for y\lu. Why did you not come to Gr»smere1 " hen dltl you arrive?" lie had been given place by ' her w!th corumbn consent. Tbe lUen art r greeting blm rradually sllp}:ed away, a.U I$avo the American gu lit, who gazed nt Basil Temp st wlde·eyed, aa one might at a ,star, "I huv D.rrlved In town wJt!lln tltll! hour," Tempes t said. . "M,. 1'empest"-Lady Ormond tur!! ad to the Am rlcan-" know9 how til maintain his popularlty- Ite goe~ away befOl'o his public have halt enough of him, nnd r turns before lhey are tired ot wond ring whcr he Is. For lilY part T bnte brUR1)1I d· pnrtur R. I want to be prepured- I don't Ilk sudden good·bye," Sho held out her hand to th Amer· Ican and said rather Imperiously: "Will YOll a s k Lady Winifred Sales t dance. Mr. Bainbridge '! She Is a lone over tllere by the palms ," thus cutting short Mr. Balnbr idge's bero·worsbl.t>. "And"-Tempest took her up ,~v­ eral phras s back-"sudde n relllInJyoU dlsllite them?" She was feminin ely conscious that he had tnlle n note ot every detail 'or ber Sll8rlc1lng beauty. and meeting bls eyes agreeably said with grace: "Your returns' are never sudden. I am always bringing you back In toy mind . You see, Basil, YOII are a!\l'ays

WORTH I(NOWING 'Imple But Powerful f're.crlpllon for . ~heumatlam and ume Back. This wa previously published ht're and cured hundreds, "Get one ounce of SYrU(1 of Sarsaparilla com(lound and one ounce Torls Compound. Then get half a pint of good whiskey and put th oth I' two Ingredients Into il. Use a tablespoonfu l of this mlxlure before "ncb meal !lod at bed time. Shake the botUe each time." Good eqecta. are felt the lirst dilY. Any drugglat bas tbese Ingredients on hand or w.lll quickly get them (rom his wholesale' house.

A SPECIAL ORDER. For sore throat, sharp pain in lungs, tightness across the

chest, hoarseness or cough, Jove the parts withSloa~~s Liniment. You don't need to

rub, Just ,lay it on lightly. It penetrates.instf .",t1y to the s~ of the trouble, rdieves congution and stops the pain.

Here's the ~.

Mr. A. W. Price, Fredonia, ~n... oys: I'We have used Sloan'. Linl· ment for a year, and find it an excellent thing {or lIore throat,chClltpainl, colds, and h3Y fever attack., A fe. drops taken ",n fiugal: stops co\l&hIni and snelWini instantly."

ex p ~cted.' :

His face brigbtened excessively. "Tbat's I he tll'ettlest speech 1 ever .--- , beard a WOlllan make. Come, come Olvorcod Wbluan-I like that doll with me out of tbls crush, can't you' Lady Ormond wae one ot those I bare sometblng espedal to say, nnd • ry much, only I wIsh you could ar· women who are vart of pleasure as you know tbat I do not understand range It sq tbat: instead of saying Pa· lla and Mamma, It would only say, flow rs are' ot .teasts. She an.d her type ' the art of waiting." are needed to make part of the-hap. She nodded and smiled, delighted to Mam'm a.-Lustige Woche. pilless?-tbe festivals, rathe r, that are J1 e~celvfl herself J;lnd to see ,blm and held In order to awaken wbat goes ID that his sudden return wltbou~ warn· HOW A DOCTOR CURED SCALP love's stead througbout the lives of Ing did not flnd her COld. DISEASE many men and to stimulate what ta He followed her aoross the ball· tbe more beavy·footed brother ot ec- room to the opposite side. where a "When I wu ten or twelve yean stasy-excitement. She was a thor- room decorated with lfd . and orchids old 1 had n 8cl\Ip disease. something ough woman of the world; Intelligent, gave , them a corner planned I\nd Bet like sOllld head, though It wasn't that. without e ver bavlng followed an Idea apart for just such aus ries InUmes I suffered tor several months, and to Its source or conclusion; sympa. as Tilmpest determined It . sbould S& most my hair came out. Finally thetlc, without ever bavlng in her cure. they had a doctor to see me and he life been touched: caressing, without Lady Ormond sat down In II corne, recommended the Cutlcura RemedIes. ever having known wbat love was In of a lllUe divan, Teinl)est beside her. They cured me in. a (ew weeks. I tbe course of her thlrty-od,d years. The "Letty"-he lifted ber hand to hIe have used the Cutlcura. remedIes, also, nearest approach to reality had been IIps-"Letty, 1 exags~rate In mT for a breaJdng out on ' my bands and her sentiment for the man to whom books-they would not be worth writ. was benefited a gr~a t deal. I haven't for several yeara ebe had given her Ing or reading if I did not. I never had any more trouble ~Ith the scalp time and her socIety, ,w ith whom .cash. renlly transcribe real life, althougb dlaease. Miss Sessie F. Buchanan, Ion · had Un ked her name. No nature they call me a realist. You never beard R. F. D. S, Hammon, Gil.• Jan. 7,1909." could come Into relation wlth ''B~sn of 11 great photographer. dId you' Tempest without broadening; were it Do you think there ' will be one reKept with Barnum'. Clrcu. as _n arrow as a haIr, it must e~and membered by men In a hundred )'ean P T. Bal'num, the famous circus or break, and Letitia Ormond's had from now! Not unless he bas lollade ma~, once wrote: "I have had the e~panded to its ' utmost UmJt-so far 1Iis plotures as unlike lite as possible. Cutlcurll Remedles among . the conthat It created a gene with her at Well, I don't exaggerate tn my lite or tenta of my medIcIne chest wIth my times that I\Otua111 'hurt. '\ speech. I am plain-you have e'ven shows for the last three seSlons, and I T empest had gradually drunk of the . called me brutal. Now I am speaking can cheerfully. certlty that they were reallsticallY--l've been living in hell very effective In every caBe wbleb GI&lled t9r theIr ' Use.... since 110ft London." The marks of suffering were .dl.· Entitled to It. tinct on his fsce, he looked tll and "How are things 100~ln' over to Din· cbanged; there was something appeal· glellell?" . Ing and touching 1n his eltpr 8slon, u. "Tbey've beenlookln' purty 8Qfieain· ually . arrogance and prIde . itself; 'The Ish for a spell: Th' creek 'got so biame flippant speech his statement would blgh It overflowed Peasley's dam, im' have called forth from Lady Ormond's there's two foet 0' water in Widder hunlor dJd not pass her lips. She gave Brow{l'S' cellar." . r his hand a genUe pressure. "Well, well, 1 s'poso you talks over "Basil, you look horribly Ill-What there wtll ,be so stuck up pretty ·sobn Ie the matter? You are ch~nged." thet you'll be call1D' yourselves . th' "Am I?" He .threw u» ." his heael Pnrlslans of 'AmerlkY: ~ , rather defiantly and Impatiently, as tr to shake off ' commiseration. "I've , A Brlg.h t Idea. 1 tlast.-It Is sold that the baYl\ bIrd J!tudled my face enougb, Gcd knows, of India spe.nds hla spare time catch. these days. but I find it the same." "Where llave Y9u been-at Crt Ing flrcflies, whIch be fastenl' to the sides of his nest with moist clay. On ven?" "Yes. Shut up like a bear tn ht, a dark' ulght 0 baya's nest glowa like cage," an electric street lamp. Or,lmsonbeak,-Say, tbere's ' a bright "And you come o~t to bite, ' 1 alII' Idea ' for decorating that keyhole In pose?" ' "Le~tY,"':"'He Llftcld Her Hand to .11. "aush!" he said tr.ow~lng. "Don) nl1 front door! Lips. for Godls sake be flIppant. I am not In Storm Epiaode. - any mcod for It. I've had them all-: T.vo handBom.e young women, bedeepest waters she. had to offer, aad the moods-heaven knows, lIllt Is comingly dressed, slipped and fell toshe knew it. ;Thi3 ' fact that ' she had a peculiarly grim one' to-nlght. If no more refresblng draught to give can, ' In any way, second It, I wtll be lother lD the shishy pool ot the crossi' Ing. L ·They arose wet and an$1'Y. him at his Imperious dema¥ld~ that gratefn!." " ' "Wrlng out, wlid bellest ,comment· had reaohed the bed of the stream, She looked at blm curiously but not would have desolated a woman wbo unaffectlonntely. "l'U be asl grim al ell an observer, such an addition of'ln· really loved. But Lady Ormond wanted you like, Basll. What do you want sult to Injury. being con~e~ne!1 by ~I who overhpard,-Phlll!-delphla Le~ger. to escape-not Tcnnpest, exacU:v. but me to feel?" . the fact of her deficiency. She: know Tempest had covered his eyes wiU. It'. No Wonder. sbe could never be again to another hi h d t I Aurora:--Why are commuters al· what ahe had been to him, and 'that It a an s, ages ure grow n~ now second nature to him. He laughed ways so thln! ." he could CQme to ber as he had orlg· . softly as she spoke. "How perfect of . Bor~alls.-Probably because they Ina11y, with the like enthusiasm, the you, Letty! What do I want you to tratn down every day.-Yale Record. like forceful demand, she would be feel! Wh)', do you then command , ',.T O nJ1lB A COLD IX ONE DAY anew carried a way by hIs charm .. Su'ch your sentiments . at call't Can I hav. lre LA1.A'l'IV. ' nBOliO ,Qulnloe . TAbl_ a Tempest could not come again. In them up at toucli, havo you 80 man, MIni . . rttllDd DIODe, It U t.n. to aure. " " . BOV.·S -'~"'I'tII.OO ~Il boz., JIio. .thelr gradual ~rl!tlnr; apart J!he had more (or me than oner' no~ suffered; she had prepared ber in, He uncovered his eyes and tookeQ Always h'old In nilnd that even tin. terests, new clalme were ready to as· at her smiling. His expression wa. ure can be ~ he alpha~t of succes,s.-;' '., sert themJ!elves, and she .arew to ao- cynlcal' ,and a~used., ". don't 'want' Wlllion. cept hIs frequent absences without r&- or. not want you to teel In apy partteo ;Q_EAK UP TH".t.T (Jot/GU · , proacb. ' wttIlAl'lll.'. (,uh~ Bul....m. tbe J)9PUI'u famlll re1Il. ular way. I wa~t' to know bow you ed,. It cl1rdl "here otbe~ I'tIlDtIII\ea faU. .... deal. Lady Or~ond was· "up tor Sunday" feel and to .ct aecordtngly." . el'll. 3Oc,I5Oc,IIJlO bou.l~ , ' to ~ntertaln some Americans passing She stnrtc.d-wlth him, at e\ ants, through London, and, standing un'd er a crIsis was r.e ached In theIr relation • . the careful adjustment of llghts. sur- She said, to gain time and to collec' rounded by J.lalf a d~zen of the' moet herself: "You aYe quIte ' your m.~s' sought men In London, 'he looked. I bt J uf wllh surprise to aee Tempest making singular selt to-n g - e ne s s IlU his way through the crowded' room to une femme traglque, ."nd I think you ~Ight 'return after a tour weeks'. abher. HIs eyo6s were on ber and he sence In a Uttle more loothlng mOOd' half stumbled against a chalr In his You are mysterlous, and I ani bewn way, Awkwardness was foreign to d t I ""h h hlm--he was Intolerant o't It In others ered at mys er 118. ,. at. aa gone ·wrong? Are yo J iUssatlsfled will) -and he was. now so cruelly self-con· so,me new. creation, or 'have : you 101' . '. . . 'sclous that Lady Ormond flushed for · money'!" him, refieoting the dark·red of his ,tace (T6 BIr. OONTINUED.)




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It is an el[cellent /Intlseptlc remedy for .. thmll, b,roncbltIa. and all inflammatory diseases of the throat ed c:llest; will break up the ' deadly membrane in an attack of croup. and Will kUlany kind of neuralgia or rheu. matic paine. All

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. "I used C~n!ta J12d feel lite a man. I have ~D a .uffeter'from d1lpepsia and sour stomnch rot: the Jut tw yean. I have been taking oiedic;ine ael , other dru~ but could fin.d DO relief oDl~ for a short time. I will reoommencl Cascsma to my frlen(,1. as the only th~ , for indige.tion aDd sour atomacli aIfti to ' keep the bowela ill 'good roadldoD • • Thel_are very nice to eat. tI Harry Stuclder, Malich Chtmk. Fa. Pleallet, .Palatable. P~taDt. Tu" Oooct,., DoGoocl-. l>{ever 8/.,keu, Weak_orGrlpe• . )()C, 250, SOc. · NOnr aol4/a ~ 11be 1'Ul'

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said tlJ,e ,patient, ':doa~ a plntot C!~m .Ch.. mpl!one. pape 1-eal.., help y.ou to an"~n!' til. it Is said ,that ~hen ,SIr. Clark, Mr. Gl~~lItone~B p~Y81c1an. ,reo- 20 IetterB1" "N,,'! no!" ut4 Sir ADpInt oi omme.nded Ii patient, to dtlnk wiDe, tie drew, , " ut whBn. Iive hail cIlamPJll8De, ~ don't care a rap Wh~tIaeI ' Iatter ' expressed . J!lome 8urprlse, . Ing he thpught SIr Andl:e,r :waa. a tam- I aDa~er tlIem or noUN perance doctor, to ~blch Sir An4re1r Olark 'replled: ·'Ob, wloe does ~. ~IIUclaD-:-HC()Drratulatlon., timu help 10U to get throUlb r •• been eleeted." . Cor lnatance. ·' ba'yeofteli 10 anner an- ,,!~~!.,~ ~~. ,=~~t=~=

her 'COIIWaIr caDe,d . . . . . II ...I!j!'-.w


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01 our all b'r... a.b tra,. a04 ,ardlolena~ anlllhod 10 a RoldeD lac.aner ,..h1eh pre..Dla ta.... Dlsbtnar, look i IlICe gold. llend 40 eepta 10r &raJ or 116 cent. 'or jnrdlulerCO. BI'GH OJ' ftlclrel cu.'. pill or. 00 appUcalloD, 'S end .J-P~, mOIlel ordon or 'colil. . " .' ,

. E.' W. SANDERS. CQ: ' .

IfOe Arthur A,enue ... ~~ • .:..

L.~lIewood. f -~



ffhere the ,Tafts Attend the Easter Service "


De far~.,.. ••fthe prop.r .ort foed' I 'nle farmer .o f I tod!\)' buys a mucJa , lArrer proportion qf the food thllt goel on the table thlln he did ten years ago. It'l a good {hlng that this Is so because he has a great variety to select trom. He should, however, USe great care In selecting to best results In health and strength. The wldeapread tendency I.n the city to Increase tho amount of Quaker Oats eaten Is due very largely to the recent demonstrations by scientific men that the Quaker Oats fed man t. the man with greatest physical endurance and ,rea test men till vigor. • Farmers should give this subject careful thought and should Increase the quantity of Quaker Oats ellten by themselves, their children and the farm banda. 67

Surest Crops

FLORIDA'S Surest Crop District Both fully described in our big illustrated


"A Home in Town and a Farm ill the Country"

Semi ror the BOOK, IT IS FREE anu tell~ nil about the RICHEST and most productive SOIL in the greal state of FLOHIDA. It tells where thele marvelous money-makinl: crops nrc actually produced,_ tells bow you cnn buy and own a rnrm in Florida·s ·· Surest Crop Distri ct," at th e low co.o;t price of . ""litre an acre- how you can make big money aod be a ne ighbor of the man who is growing these moneymaking crops NOW. Th.s BOOK tells you of the advanta~es of living ncnr FLORIDA'S largest city, Jacksonville, where Northern people do not suffer from the semi-tropical heat of Central and Soulhern Not Willing to Commit Hlmaelf. Florida, and it tells you of th e development of athollsand farms. where one hundred houses we re bllil~ ill The t ea che r had- called upon Fred- 100 days, and whe re telephones, tel eg raph, good sr.hooI5, cburches and a social system of high·class Northern people are alr.eady established. di e Drown to give an Illustration of tbe proper manner In which to compare tbe adjective " clean.'" "Motber Is clean," said he talterlngat HILLIARD, on the double Irack main line of the Atlantic oast Line Ry . . ly, "futher Is-c1eanel'-" Here he 30 miles norlhwest of Jdcksonville is ·'FLOHlDA·S SUREST CROP DlSTHlCT," paused. where you can buy land at Sl .OO an acre monthly parmeu ts, and make 83,000 to "And," prompted the tea c her. $5,000 a year on 10 a cres. . FreddIe was s till sllent and v e ry thoughtful. YIU IcrlS '·Hllve n ·t you s ome other relative ?" asked the teacher, smtilng. "Oh, yes," replied Freddie, "there's aunUe-but I ain't sure about her!"


The North Florida Frait and Truck Farms ~~b~~~o!!!!r~~~~~_~~kf~!~ o,~llda.~!r~.S if

Why She Needed More Night. Off. Having re cently engaged an I8-year· old colored girl to do housework a New York woman was adjusting the vhrlous questions of privileges. "You will have Mon~I4Y and Thursday nights orr, Eliza," ~he mistress of the house said. "On'y Monday 'n' Thursdny nights!" th~ other exclaimed, rolJlng her eyes. "My Lawd, Mis' Blanl(' dat won' t do nohow; dat ain't enouc:h. You see, ma'am, I's a debbytante. "

$100 Reward, $100. on. ....sera 01 thll ~per will !\e pleUad . . . . . .

tllat there Ie at I=t on. dl'1!&lled a _ tbat _

baa been ablO to C!tln! In all Ita " \Ala ' and that .. Catarrh. Ball', Catarrb Cure II the 001,. poalU ... cure DO" kno,,·o to tho medIci ftalertllty. Clltarrta beIq a conaUiutlOnaI dlluee. !tQulftl a eonatItotiona! \.reAlm.nt. Hall'. OIlar1'h Cure II taken !DUmaU,. &(ltlDll dlrcelly upoo I!le blood &lid mucoUl aurf&eal or lbe ml<!m. thereby d..uoylDg UMt loundalloD 01 the dllcUe. and .Ivlng tb. palleD' .n ollth by build In. up tbe c:on. lltullon and Ulldoo IDa nature In dolDlr 11.1 work. nl.. proprielOrs have 10 much talth In lUI curative POWtl'l that tb..y oller Oao Huodred Dollal'l lOr aoy _ that It l&1li .. 1IIn!. 8I!1Id for 1111 01 tc.tlmootlilII. Add .... B. J . CH ENEY 4: 00 •• 'COIedo, 0Sold by .U Drulllllta. 750. Tab BaIl'1 E&mIIJ PIIII lor -Ullllt.laa.

Big Bugl. Dr. Cook was talking to a Washington correspondent. "The man Is wrong 'n bls attacks." he said. "He errs as ludIcrously In his Idea of polar condltlonll as the BrooklYn domestic, who said: .. 'It must be a filfhy place, that north pole, ma'am. I hear It's full of Ice bugs as big as churches.' "-WashIngton Star.

Important to Mothera. , Examlne cllrefully ilvery bottle ot CASTORIA, a safe and Slife remedy foc. Intants and children, antt see that It Bears the ~ .I'~ Signature In Use For Over 80 Years. The Kind You Kave Always 13ought.

bu, 40

LARGE PAPER·SHELL PECAIIS ?~~'l,~"tl'nerd~~.~l.llrnc:~ IIvC(\ . host Rnd "ure: proc!ucerut 1111 t

'bu nu\ u.nd trult. trc08.

th~hh~f::.trp~~c~r:r~nlf~~~~~ wODd of IlD1 nu'.


Tbt> papor-sbcU _ n beilin. belulnli( Dt two Toar'-procJuc6d tiij t o 200 p ou nCb of DP U Il t SUYe h year.



to 200 ppond ll at t en l mul

~~~rr:;:e ~tt1r~ ty~~~~tt~r'N!~r: Elorlda.


rotAn no" ..,l1aa\

tho t roo, tor 2.Xl W We per pound. W o b .. lCllbo Inoome ~ ,OO WIM a ...... et'e-<cr'O' o em th e lutnlmttm ,.rh-o of tOe 11 pound Ilnd minimum yield at l01 carK. Tho I DL"Ome from a ~BCnI pnpnr,b.lI pecuu i'o,o.

~~~~~n 'lJ'O'%~~~ lii'JDi~:' u-Or educato lour children _Or lleop I ho .."crollo tomll,. ID C()1ufort. th o yctlr·Q· ruund. Tho 10'1(0 pRpcr-8b 11 pc""n Is th" eulUvllled cowmou "lid poctl O or Ibo trocle. n h Iwo t o Ibree lim". tho 1110 o f and Uluch Dloro d oll"loul llulo tb .. wlld nul . Tbo drmonll for pnpor-abflll peCADSIA1D lillie" tho prc!km c. fmppl,.

100.000 ocr. or full b,'nrlnll pOP<'r.b~U 1"'''''08 would no ' Il!re" t tbo wllrk.ct prlc" of tbls klo!! 01 outs. The pC~1U1 18 00' porlsllAble lIko fruit all4l1 miAbJolbu Yea' IlNund.

Writ'" today for the big ilIuslrated book, WI! will send it free together with plat ot Ihe land and plat of Hilliard, railroad fare refund agree men t, and our b09k, . " Pecans, tho Crop that Neve r Fails."' Everything sent free with no obligation to buy. Your name on a postal . will get immediate attention. References Du,\,s, Bradslreot·s, any bank in Jacksonville; Chicago Title & Tr.ust Co., Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, and hundreds of satis6ed ·blJyers.

First National Bank Cornwall Fam Land CoI, 1535 Building, Chicago, III.



An Appreciated Dlltractlon. "So you think the 8utomoblle has made life much pleasanter?" "It has Cor me," 'Ilnswered the com· fortable citizen. "'1 drive a fast horse and my son rides a bicycle. 'I'he automobile has taken tile minds of the police orr both ot us."

HE present occupants or members and the late Edward Everett tbe White House, alike Hale frequently occupied Its pulpit. to most of their prede- PresIdent Taft wl11 be summoned to cessors. have been regu- worship on Easter morning by tbe tarlar attendants at churcb, reaching tones ot a great beU, cast 'but" as In ' the cilse of by the famous Paul Revere of revolu· the avernge citizen. spe- tlonary tame. . Tbls bell which has Cllal sl~H1cance attacbes place In a latty beltry, .baa sounded Where R•• lnol Olntmont I. Knawn It II Conlldered a Boon to Humanity. to, tbelr participation In on great public occasions sInce 1822, 'n the soothing and heaUng prop. , dtvlne worship on Ellster toiling successively for Lincoln, Oar' . erUep ot Reslnol Ointment were 'genSunday. As concerns field and McKinley. eralty known It would be universally . . , the president It may be The pastor ot All Souls', who used to the exclusion o~ all others. It . .,'(that- pattof this slgnlfi~nce Is tn prellcbes President Tatt's Easter ser· IS tndeed a boon to humanlt • religious len Ie .BJ]d part ts In a apec· W. J. Callan, ' Drookiyu'.L'"=N :::,--=r=-.tacu.\ ar sens~.. It Is not tbe special ~I~~~e l':m:e;~ ~~~:~~: ~rat~~ :~~~~ music and the flowers which make tor In a black gown such as II worn unExpoled. the , latter so' much a8 ' the disposition del' similar clrcumstllnces by ,many "She Is homelier thnn het siste r. on ,We lIart of a large share of the Episcopal clergymen. Rev. Pierce Is don·t you think pn!" public to seh:e .tbe ,opportunity to get a native of P.rovldence, R. I ., and was "No; you just thInk so because sbe a glimpse nt .close range ot. tbe prell- borl! In the closing year of the civil wears a low neck gown nnd you see dent of tbe United Statel. war, which relldHy accounts tor the more ot ber than YOIl do of bel' slsAa bal been silid the presldolnt at· choice of the name bestowed lIpon ter." . tendl cburch service almost every him. He was educated In New Eng.... Iuk 11l)'e" I. Epidemic. . SUndaY morning In lhe year, but there land and at Hillsdale college, Michl· Attacks III EyeR In til e SprIngtime. Is , II DO certa,lnt)' as to bls appearance, ·gan, and also pursued advanced Co nt a~:10 us and ails (or Immediate AcDO.r. on .the ordinary Sabbath, does the studies at Harvard. The pastor had Uon. Murine flye R!.'medy Atrords R~II­ Relict. It Soolhes. Applr. 1\(\lI·lne ' president Inyarlably attend the chur.cb charges In Iowa, California and Ithaca, able Freely and Frequently. Doesn t Smart. of wblch be la a member. Indeed not N. Y •• ere be Ilssumed hIs present poTbet:e Is notblng that makes men InfreQuently the ' chief executive ac- sition In 1891, In wblch year also he cepts ~n (nvUatlon to worship wltb was married. Rev. Pierce, 11\(8 tbe rich an~ strong, but that which they aome cong~f!lgatll>n, of anotber de- distinguished member or his congrega- cnrry within them . Wealth Is of the llQmlnatlon, If the occasion be a ape- tion, has traveled extensively and lec- heart, not of the hand.-Mllton. clal . one ot aD), kind. "Oh Easter Sun. tured considerably upon travel sub. PERRY DAV1S' PAnnut.t.ER IuIIIO eovl.\llo roputAtlon of oyer s.,.nnly ,CRt'S ..... day.' bowever, tbe , pre,ldent . goel to jects. . rnl l ~blo remedy for lumbllotro. ""tAUen. plcun,.,. ,UlCboK, eIC •• lI6C. SilO 1l0!l6tlo. At all dtUIIlrllt .. own c:hurch and only tbe ' most except!onal CIrcumstances Interfere Mrs. Taft. like Mrs. Roosevelt, worships at a different cburch from thllt . ·There are nnr nllmber ot women with btl attendance at the morning tt d d b h h b d d b dd violinists, but did l 'OU eV'el' meet a aer:vlce. Knowl~g· tItIs: tbrongl gatber ·:ol~~I:enc: th:~e ~!o a~uc:enSSIV: :rst woman who could piny the fiddle? , at the church. wbereas a good sized ladlea of the land have had the same , crowd II sure' to tollow the president! rellgioul nmllatioDa The Easter mec- all t~e wa)' from the White Hou.. ca ot these two weil-known' women Is " Ptel [t~. ~e cb~,rcb. 'cild St Jobn's Episcopal church, locaEvery nlgbt watchman 1s entitled to .As . wal ,the C8S. during the Roose- ted Just across the park from the his day' dreams. yelt a!lmlnlatratlon, the prfjsldent and White House: and ofteb called tbe ,--------nr. Detcho.'. Relief for bta wife are adherents 'ot dUrerent... "ohur,c h of the presidents," · from tlie relieves In sIx hours. Why lutter? 16c. Ugioul d~~o~l~a~lona:· aad hold mem- fact tb~t ' every Prealdent from Madl. I ' berahlp In dllferent 'cliurchea I~ Waah'· 80n ·to Ltncoln. and severat since tbat The· man who worships a wombn Inetoll. 'P1'elld~nt Taft comel of a time, have worshiped there. The w1l1 ,~ever, de.veloTl Into a- tr ee . thinker. Unltarl~n . famllyi his' father . and QualDt litUe edifice has also · been Dlotlier ·both belngUnitatians and his dubbed "the' court church" from the ~~mother having Joined the Un I· f~ct thilt. durin! ' e~er" admlnlillration tarlaD moveme.nt with the famous Dr. mail),' leadln&, foreign diplomats and ' , •. \ ChlU\nl~g. • ~lIl1am H.. Tatt, like hi. high , offlclals of the nailon ' ba va r'e~_· f&tJie.t betore . ht~, waa a m!,mb'er: ot 1arly attended Its servicel. A pew in . tbe U~ltarlaD cburch In ClnelnnaU: , tbe cburch -Is always 'set ~tde for tpe ~r en~ert~1 omelal life In Washing- llS& ot the president· of the UDited ~n. be ' took a pew In th~ onl1, Unl- Stat~a· and bls tamlly, 'a nd tbls p'e w la ta....n place of worahlp III the natlonlll bow us~ by M1'8. Taft lD place of tile ealll\al-ltately All 8ouls' cburcb, pew which ahe formerly _rented. MilS wtitJb II IbClitld Dot more than half a, Helen Taft 18 all\o a lIIemb£lr· Qf this _PI fr01ia esecuUve maDllon. church usuall, accompanies ber lit" .. P....sdent'iI church" II mother to lervlees wbeD ill' Waah.· &be JDOIC IQtortc cburclaea .. lnstoD at Eutel'. but thf' prealdu('. ~Tb. CJt7 of IOU an wout. al were tbe Roosevelt ~=;;;~~~~~' c. Calhoun, bo,.. (0 10' to cburcb Wltlt their father ;n tb. late "ben. bOlDt fat ·tilt EMttr boll.." 'hi or OD other _ _t....




'$125,000 net from 1200 acres grapes. $15,000 . from 22 acres peaches. $~t20Q. from , 20 acres raisins, in the San Joaquin California

WESTERI-CIIIDI Wbat Qcwemor Den..n, .. IUlaol.J ••ye About It I


'A ·cow IlIld an acro of alfalfa will earn $120 a year in the saD Joaquin Valley. Grapes will yield from SIOO to $300' per acre; peaches and apricots, $150 to SSoo; while orao'les will produce from $ 250 to..l5.QO. aDd in many instances more than $1000 an acre. ere are ten million arable and irrigable acres here. You still may buy unimproved land (or Sso an acre. . Teu acre:! are enough to comfortably support a small family. Twenty acres afiord a fine living, with money in the bank. ,Forty ,,"ores should make you ricb. Cnrllon Reed. Reedier. Cal.. tram a. You pay trom one-fourth to onc' third down, bnlance euU,. ea. be IIlltol tw enly-oere orop of oultauu. raisins nctt O!d $3,200. for out 01 tbo crop.. . Almost a nYthing can b e rals l'd In th e I k"ow lbl. valle,.. from end to end. San JO[lquln co untry-oranges IL nd I hav" !leen crops pl an ted anll han· s twheat. flglI a n(1 apples, doll ell te grape ell In evel·y one of Its (ll)unti s. 1 and hardy potlttOCIi. Producls oC lh e Interview d farmer s. r a ncll er ::t an d mertemperat e and lIeml-troplc zones Hour- chan ts. 1 hl1 vo · collated tho t estimony Ish s ide by s ide. at crop experls . PI"n'" of " 'flter tor Irrigation drawn All 'thls ,·al unbl e In(ormatl on 18 con from th e ncar-by Sierra ImowR. II I .. tnln ed In 111' San J oaqui n Valley Illnd en.,. for one to mllke • • tort. Land be- fold er ISH u (} hy tho. nn tR Fe n"ll.wny, twe en th e rows can be used, while or- Write t or It, gh·ing full nam a nd adchard Is young, tor many protltable dress. 1 will also Hend you ou r Immlorops. Tho poInt 18 to """17 f(ratlon Journnl. Tho Eurlh, six months aqunre toot bellr .ome.bln&,. free. " 'bnt aom" farmer. bAl'·" done. The Snntn Fe eml>lo ~·s m!.' to h elp Frnnlt 'l·homns. at Fres no. Cnl., 8cllie It::t Southw ~ t II 0 e::t. The- ComboOg-ht twenly acrM at la,nu fiv e yenrs pany up hltH no la nd to .\(' 11. but I will ago. Ho ~. tld but S300 to stnrt on. To- g ladly rer"r your Inquiry t o f ollnbh, day his place Is patd tor ond ho has an land own ers wh O" lin \"C~ , Income at ovtr S2.00~ a. year. 1.0.... fnre. arc ortt' r ell hy th e Sllnta " ' lIIlam Shroyer, R. F. D. 7. IFresno. dolly. cnmtort n.h le touri s t . 11.' pers Cal.. bought hll! flrst t en acres six Fe nnd chltl r cn rs. Th e journ ey (llso mny yt'nrs n~o . Now owns stxty oc ros all be mad e U olher tlm ('fI for 0. rensonpaid tor, and rot uS eS $12.000 tor bts able co!!'t. Santn FI' t ourI s t s e rvlr~c to plnce. San }o' mnclsco Is qul e k e ~t . M. F. Tnrpey. or Frellno. own" vin eyard of l.300 BCrOH. from which he C. L SEAGRAVES, Geae.ral Coloa.iutiofJ AltDt tnk c:>s an annual pront of $12(;. 000 . A. T . It S. F. R,.. S,"tem On the Harold eR tate, tWf'Uty·two acres at peaches yielded a $15,000 crop. 1150 Railwu Eachan.. CHc...o,1U.

rot ,




co.. ,


lImt o.nko •

bu,,,,, Wboolt'.

Uho ku-dCtWD, O",D bo

Dlu,·ed willi


ABSORBINE or noy Duoch or 8,,01lInll, No bUster, no h"l. aOhe, .. nd hurso kop' Wurl<. fl ,OO per boule.


Ouree abe &Iell and acta al. pftTeDUft for oUlen. LIquid gl"en on tile 'ODIfUe. S.fe for brood IDANa aod all o,he,.. kldoe,. remed)'; eenta ah41'.00. Iionle; ~oo aDd 110.00 the dOzeD., Bold b)' all druR'818ta aDd hone 1rOO4' boUM8, or ...-at eJlpreea paI4, b7 tile mauufllcturen.



Jlua r. IIno Tblcl< Wind. 0'



1I00k II E free. An",Ou.nINJt, .1R.,10r manklnd.1I :lnd fl. Uotlucr.s Gul""', Tumon Won" Vllrh,olCl Vein ..


:~"r':ic~~~~e\'\illl ;:S[ :~g:,~~ f~~o·: :~lr.._ 800(\ fa, frcn book nod te Uwoolnls. loUd. 001,. ~ w. r. 'O~~II, r. D. ~•• " 110 T. .pl. It., 1"'".".1.......

Spring Branch

Purchase an

Cfbison tlbonograpb For your home, it will afford entertainment fot- the entire family. and when your friends drop in to see you. you are not at a loss to know how to entertain them. If you own an EDISON PHONOGRAPH you can have the best Bandl, Orchestras, Quartettes. Violinists, Vaudeville AJtista, etc.• at your command at a moment's notice.


Mtsllcs A lioe h noweth 'and Bel'tlil\ , 8mt til. vi Ited friends in Dkyton last weeK . A lioe returned the 'eame evening tlud Bertb& returned Tue . day. Mr ". Anna Luolls alld 80n I~ r· ImonO w re tbe guests of b r m other Mrs .•T. H. Uhenowath Ill. t Tuesd ,~ . Mr. n 1 'Thomas Laoy entertain li tLeir fri ends nnd neighlmrl:4 on l il , t . lJ.~b nr day tbe gentll'nl lJ wood 'bopp'l ng Ilnd tho ladles quilt, ing. , Ml'. Carrington Ellis has been quite slok, but Is better a~ t,be time of this writing. Mrs J . B. Ohenoweth and daugh. ters, tl rtha and Frl1noes and son, Ja ob spent Sunday afternoon \vith Mr. I1nd Mrs. DlLnlel Morgan and familv. Mrs. Ella Rye is improving slowly a\ the time of this writing . Mr. Russel Morl1:an spent Bunda.y with his unole Lew Murray and Aunt Mollie Moore, of Mt. HoUS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dakin enter· tained at dinner Sunday. Mrs. Ber~ Marlatt and daughter. Lena. of Mt . Bolly and Mr . .Baxter Vance . Mrs. Ada Dakin and Minnie Mar. I latt oalled on Mrs, CharIta GordoIl. Suuday afternoon.




$30,000 W·RTH MEN~S, YOUNC








Mr. Harry Rauh {Receiver of the Mo( ' C~hen Lock) \' Ishc to ' Announce That


.. ;"

·SALE fIj'~



MOSE New Spring Apparel OSE COHEN COHEN STOCK STOCK Which Had Been Con tracted for by Mr. Cohcn is now in the StaTe and





Ed Dtitin has vl10ated . the Josiah Alfred Benjamin Clothing for Men, "Faultle s" Shirl's for Men Rogers house after being there for len years, and is now ocoupylng Mrs . Michael-Stem Clothing ( E1J~lrotr b~ "Roxford" Underwear for M.en Eagles ' hoose . ( "Universal" Night Robes and Pajamas Sampeck Clothing for .Boys and Young Men Joseph Oarroll purohased a fine l bay, general porpose borse of Ben· jamin Weeks last Frtday. Wayneavlle, Ohio. , Bayle ~lling for an enormoos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~____~______~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ price in this locality. ~ Mr. Calvin Oonnor i8 ti very siok posed . Boward Sears is also. 0000- stook a.le nt pringValley,Satnrday Ooe 'flf ur 'olel fri ucli'. Ed Lo ,,~, FOR SALE hak ~g bilnd _ __ Easy Payments. man at this writing . plaiolng. . H. E . Wilson wus in inclnnati of !Olrl.alloIDIl; wn on North wit.h b1 - IDany frul[id~ 'l'llor dayana . I will ntl' r for 1'11.1 James B. Boglm Is quite indis- ~everl41 from here a tended til. ' nnduy .. Frid ay. · . Mtlin t.reet. oDe door north of ~. L. Mr ' lid, Rail on Wt~S In DlLyton Clrtwllght' (,In Mon d", , ' (J &.0 Lvi.... Ill" nio ly ) (It'l~ted Saturday, April 2, J91U . io Autr~1D " 0 W \Vl t h tI1D I gllllt The fl)\Iow.i og household. goodll: . , to k for {".-:pe tI n.~ 1 oak ~droom ntt, IQllttres aud Mtt.rt"h.l W I~rlj, fI/lothl!!' fl ll e )f onr springs. 1 Sideboard, 1 6 fOOl old 'iM~l)n b 'l h,~an onll c\ h me. dining t81,11~, Imperilll shIel . r~ngf', fter th e rtl ~ II' f Ill' V~ rll, I vh lo g 11 Itm~ ftilUily uf hildren ond 1 eatln,g tltov~, '4 rooker, . 1 ~nt"r ~----~~~----------' gmndohl ldr n . ta.ble, 1: I'ofo, 1 .()o,Pboard, ~ashil1j( On FrldtlY night 'tat' h' 25th there' maohine, RlLrden tl,l llli fruit 04ntl. wi 11 be a.o pem (J rn IJIl n.Y 11,1 li'lre- books ett!. . !nun!! hall, ami wi,! 1 r p,uder . tD : . T rm!\ Q.f &le-C.\81,1 · on day qf It kUled ID(),~ner, '.The B roio Sa le J ' Mr , ChUl!1 Donhaw.' Do tol1mao of "'6 " 'rhl i~ n for • ~_ _ _ ·tb benefit of the L oLurtl C lur e N" • COOle ou t aml ~ILve IUl .hoor t,,06, - .. otlC~ of APPOII.l tme.Dt , ' :ReaIizbtg the of Waynesville and surrounding .country and .towps were entitled II. btUf of I n \l ~ht er opt ndill tn\l~if) . '~- '. betwee n aot.. uu ,l t m"nll~em 'nt Estate of Rachel A. BUrnett, deceUed. to THE VJ}RY 'BEST the markets afford, we visited headquarte~s, NEW YORK CITY, and , T • Tho uDd~'KoOO 11M been apPOlua,ed .nll of lam, ;:,t v nil quauned luI,Ex awr of ,tll ESral-4l of Kachel


- For skIe at-







purch8sed our Spring and Summer goods, 'consisting of ALL KINDS' OF WEARABLES. Most of th~m" ~ in, and we a~~ prou~ to show you the-NICEST, BEST, ~nd we think, the LOWEST . ,PRICED LOT OF GOODS W~ hav~ ever owned, quality ,being considered.

All 'Staodard and Nameless ,PrInts.........:...... 6c Prettiest .Iot. of french Dress Gingham ..' ' . yqu ever,88W...:... l;:. ..........:~ ......:...................... 12Xc :American and PrI~tI, ~II colors. 1c Alabama and Amoskeag Shirting ............. '1& All Standanl PeiAJa .......:......·;....:·1, 8, and JOe Foulard and Madraa..··.... ·uf,..........:.... 8c to 12X c . Bleached Muslin ............. 6c, Be. 10e and 12Xc ~ Apioo ~lIngham ............................. 6Xc Lonsdale CambriC' and Long Cloth ... ·,,· 12%'c Unbleached MusJin .... ·.....·...... ·........ ·..·..........5c to 10e 1"'''"IIt~ and ~oskeal Olngham ........ ·. 'Xc ,. M.~er' and 'ev~rett Chambray...;......... JOe . 9 and ' 10-4 Sheetlng............................. 2SC to 30e TI~klng for Straw and Feathcrs ..... IOc to 20c .SIlk , OIn~"' . ... ~ .......... ·.~· .... ·........ ···:.. ·....2Oc and 25c



-:-_ _.. _


Pillow Cue Muslin and Tubing .................. . ........................ ·...... ·.... ·..................... 12X c and 150 Denim; blue and 'brown .......................:...... "...... 15c' Cretonne and Silko'en.e .................. 8Xc to 12 2C Table Damask, colored ..·.............. ··..·25c to SOc Table Damask, white mercerized ...... 25c to SOc Tabie Damask, white 'IIne~ ........ "... 3Sc to $1.25 Almost 3 bales Tobacco Canv8s.. .Jc, 3X.c, 4c


A Bu.rnett. late of WalTOu ("ounty,. OhIo. tie·


~ted tlll~ lot;. d~ o/ ?ttaroll. A . D . 19JOI



The big ale of impl ments. etc:.. last:Friday and Saturday at A. B. Sides' warehouse, w~ largely attended, and a big lot of goods was disposed of

Art squares. Velvet. 9x12, ~16.60

We'sei'13 different makes of shoes. Queen City make, ~incinnati; ~d. Ladie8·. Comf0Jrt• AubuCrn, Ed h

Lace imd Inserting, al 'widths and prices, per yd ~ ., .... 2c to 50c All widtua and colors in rib~ , . bon ... ...... ~ .............. ,jicto 25c Han~karcbiefs, Gloves and Neckwear, American Beauty Corsets. allnew shapes ........... 50c and $1.00 Hair Rats and Turbans, Hairpins, Back and Side Combs, Barrettes Fine line Dress Skirts. 1.98' to $3.98 Silk and Sateen' Petticoats, 1 to $5 Everything in Yankee Notions.

Art squares, best$19.1>0 Axminster. ......... ............ and $22.50 Lowell . best all.w.()ol Carpet. ' per yd ........... ~: .................. 65c Standar~ all-wool Carp~t, p~l' ' people tan. their own leather, yd ........... . ........................ 50c A few extra 'nice ' Sui~ for... ~ make and guarantee every pair Cotton chain. all~wool filler ' . of their shoes; if you get a poor Carpet, per yd .............. 35, 40c . ............ ~ ........ $12.50 and $15.00 .p_air; you get a new. pair free. Marshall Field's Sultana, II ~ol-Young Men'sSults, $4.00 to $9.99 . We have Men's Shoes from ors per y:d ' '\ 25c Boys' Knee Pants Suits, plain $1.50 to $0.00. Boys' shoes, • . ........ (............ .. ..lknl·ck~bo!'ker,$1.98to .... 98 $ China Matting ... l0. 12;X and 15c an\I - ~ _ 1.25 to $8.00. Little Gents, . 85e to $Z.OO. ladies' sho~ Jap or Cotton warp Matting, . Swellest line we ever had. 30C 4nd If you wantsomethin~ exfrom $1.00 to $3.&0. Misses' St ........... · ..t........ 20, 22. 2255 an~ 35 Dress Coods tra nice, we will order you from $1.00 to $3.00. Children's aIr carpe ...... :.......... an", c 4OCto $1.60. B.aby shoes, 'from Lace Curtains.. ......... ............ 0 f BI a "Royal" Tal'lor-Made SUI't• . ur . amous ack Silk Lustre, vuaranteed to Fitand Please 10c to $1.25. Ladies~ If your \ ........... 38. 50, 75. 1 00 and $1.25 P"; shoes are not comfortable. get ' Curtal'n V\O o;:!nrl'm'a nd Net •.... 5 to 25c per ydyd.wide ...................... ·...... $1.00 m .every p cuIar f or........ Black, N'uaranteed $1650 to $4000 a pair ourRelief, Old Ladies' Com- 0'1 CI at h an d Ulna r! Ieum.sq.y d ......... ................ .. fort orof New and be happy I Taffeta Silk .. · .. '"· .............. $1.00 Come in and~ 500 new spring . .. .............: .................. 25. 50c Full line colors Suesine Silk, . , and summer samples. Rubbers, Alaskas and Arctics, ·all Rugs- Velvet, Moquette and ,t' ........,............................. 47X c sizes. ' N ave Ity an d P lai d Suiting ... 'D Tr Axminster .............. 9Sc to $2.98 W.en s ress . ousers,i'OO·t"·$·3·50 Lambrequins. Dresser Scarfs. .. ............. , .............. 12X to 50c ......... ......... ........ . o. Ladies' Hose, ......... ...... ... ..... t 25 t $1 00 Black, blue. brown, green, fancy 10 121/ 16 25 85 d 50 e c ....................... ,. c o . Yen's Work Trousers and ........ , / 2. , • an C Cheese Cloth and MosquitQ Mohair·..... ·......... ; ... 50 and 75c Over.a lls, ............... 50C; to $1.00 ,Misses' Hose .......... 10, Ii and 25c N tt' 5 't o 8 Navy Blue Serge ................... 50c C Red H . tta 85 e mg......... ......... ...... .BOys' Knee Pants. plain and Children's Hose ...... 10, ' 15 and 25c . enrle ............... :....... c .. 'ekerbocker style. 21!to $1.00 M' d B ; S White Cashmere ....... ~ ............ 35c Iml on; en s an oys ox, ............, ". Wh't Alb t 50 We can fit and suit tne whole ........ 5c.8for 25c, 10.15 and 25c Ladies' Wrappers. all sizes Ie fl rOBS........ . .. . ........ c fan>i1y in ClothinO'. .P eaGreen Cashmere ..,... ... ;.. ·.... 50c _., • and colors .................... .... $1.00 , We are now plepared to make butMen'saDd Boys' Work Shirts. Carpet, 1Matting and ,Ladies' Shirt Waists, alt new tons to match your dress. . Lace Curtains styles, 89c. 1.00 and 1.,25 lip 'to $5 White. ' and Black , Poplar ., ............................. .. 25c to 50c M~n's and Boy's' Dress Shirts, Ladi~' Knit and Muslin Under. Cloth, yard wide .. .... , ...... ;. 25c ....... :............26,38,50 and 75c All-wool Druggets......... ......... . wear, all kinds.. At~p!lr~ line. of 1M I ercerized " FaiJ)OU8 Monarch"lPld Cluett ....................... 6.50, 7.00 $8.00 , Embroidery , . l,\nd . Inserting. ' . . ' vvaJstmgs. m · $. the neY{ Sltirts;.: .......... ·:.. '1.00 and$1.50 'i~-t ' B I 9' 12 .Cfl4 00 ' d' weaves .............. , .. . :., ...2Q to 30c Arrow Collara and Cutts AI" squares, russes. x ....... p~ry .... :.; .. ~ ... ......... 5ct~$U~0 Indi~~inons, 7,10;15, .20and25c NeCkw~r tor. Men and Bo~'s ~---~-----~_ _..v......._.,...;._ _ _ _......._ _ _..vo.;y) PersIan Lawn •. :·.. · ....... 15 and 20c oJ , CQeck and stripe Dimity.' ........ :., -aU the new shapes for Easter 1'"';' ......... •......... : .. ..:10, 12}{ and 20c Butcl\ers' U~en ................... ,.35c· Thanking. you for your patronage, we will c6i':- "Embroinery Linen ...... ..... ....... ! .50~ , Hats Lhieti ......... : ..... 8Oc stor~ EARLY AND OFTEN Handkerclaief Everything !laW and novel in this . diaUy invite you to French 0rgandie...... ......... ... 50c lin~; _ . . s, Batiste. 'Tl'istan ~ce ' fQr BEST GOODS AT LowEST PRICES. ' ' .Layvn, StiWe .. .. i ... ............... 6 ~d' 10c• .Straws from 10c to the finest $2.60 Silk ~u:ff ..•....... : ................... 50c &'l'Id'e. . . - Ve~y respectfully, . We ll.ave the largest line of pretty Far, ~6OetqtbeFeatb.erwerght p~ttern8 for YOU to select from. 'BUl'IODatP.OO " we ever bact and-rem,ember they are direct f~m New York City. CItpI, IDe to ,1.60 . ~e C9mmercial Center of the







ec.. ~ ancIlet us fit you.


.Q ~.'















We are aotborlzed to II.Dllounoe The next regular meeting of the the followina: MIDt1!", subjeot to thei Waynes ville Business Association voter,.. ' of W /IorreD UOQn~y, at tile will be held Monday evening March May Primllry : 28th. in the Council Chamber. A for Recorder . good attendance is desired. W AL'l'JDR KENRICK ·.· F. il. SherwooiJ. 'Secy. of Wayne Township

... -.---






.. -.---




J. E. 'ROBIN,SON;' of Clel\roreek Township.

Mrs. Hu~ell -Murray prea~h~d a~ 'tbe R€ld BHck church last! SunQay . A large congregation was'. p~e~nt






Zimmerman's Spring: 'js Here

will .

You need Seed Potatoes ' and Onion Setts', Garden and Flower Seeds: We havf' thE goods, urid our prices are right , ' Strawberry, Early Ohio.,Red Cut Rose Seed Potatoes Fancy.· Yellow and White Onion Setts. Ilulk Garden Seeds"":"all ' Idnds ·, Fishing' Tackle of .' a\l "kinds .Steel Ibds $1.25 Split Bl\mboo Rods $1.00:

Brown' LeJi~orn ~gg 1i00ceuts pel',.s~ttlngj . fa 0'0 . Pt'f. . hundred a.t the hOU8\t ' Utili 00 0 '8. , Un·derwood. 8ar:veysborg, Ohio: \. VaHey phone 23-3r. ,."., "

.: .

, EGGt;-s. c.



EE(> OA 1,'H·-Gro wn fr<1~ nor\b. . ~ rn seed. ] o· I(Qod sll'llpe. 1 In. . qtnre ot, ,0 ~ . Rookett,R., D. '2. " Way~esville, 0hio. • . ' " f' ,/ ..



- .'?--

~ I XTY_F' lR~'r



Y~AR .


A'Y MARee ao~ 1910.- - - - - -



... . . -------

,._~~~~_~~e!'..~__ ~ ,'/ ~ ormet ~itiz~~;i "We ..ked°I:~T~:::. and TJ +rp;;;n-;} M~riti~';·H;;;-~~i ' T ~~~e l ' heN:~ ~:~""~~:b(~~:.t t h e - - - - - - • - - .,.- • '.,. - ••.•. - .- -




- - - - - - - - ,_.- - . gavest her a long life, even forever home of Mrs. J. E. J anneY on Friday J e Printz, in a l'!tter to friends and ever:" Fred Hartsock was in Dayton Miss Pearl Carey was in Dayton afternoon, March 25th. Thirteen Mrs. Euphemia HOUg'hF ripe old age, esteemed Itnd "'uesday Tue!1day members responded to roll-call by her says he h as qUI't th e De,V ease h At a d b ) . 1 f f' d ~ . . . Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. V rn Hough. h .. h onore y a art'! clrc e 0 rlen s, . naming some of the beauty spots of s oe, store and gon to work at teat the state hospital Da~ton, 0 .• on Miss Elsie Hartsock i ' visit ing in Ml'S. J . T. Ellhds rapidly regain- hio, After the reading of the min- of Daytqn, and M.r . an Mrs. Ed N, ( '. R. Mon~ay. The. De~eese the evening of March 21 1910, the Greenville. ini her health. utes and other business the regular Hough. . ' Shoe 0., are gOing to qUit i,luslness. . We peak fOl' Joe 8UCC~ as he tired heart of Ehza J. ~~rphy Dr. A. T. Wright was in Cincin- Seed Oats fol' sale-Call at the program for the day was taken up. Mrs. Susan Squires and son. John, I} • h d ceased to beat, and her .aplrlt re- nati Friday Waynesville Mills The program had been arranged ..1 M I . ' llst al' In any ung I , ~, un er- tUlned to God who gave it. T h e ' . to honor our native State "Ohio, entertained at dinnel" Sunyay, r. _ ~ maiden name of the dec~ was F. C. Car.ey was in Cincinnati MonHarry herwood, of Lebanon. was Mother of Great Presiden~, States- and Mrs. Frank Squires and daughin town Tuesday. men and Authors. tel', Dora . . Thomas and she was next to the eld- day on bUSiness. ~r. an~ ~rs. T. C. Owens, of est of ,a family of seven children, . Th fi rst th "Fa Spr~ng HIli, who WIll soon move to only two of whom survive ' her, Seed O~ts Mf?)rl sale - Call at the J. V. Hartsock was a Cincinnati eW paPferOwh~ ,?n 'tet b - Misses Susan Wright and Mary Indluna WtH"j delightfully surprised b ' th M F k Th " f Waynesvllle I s. visitor last week. mous omen 0 10, . wrl en Y Gray were pleasantly entertained at '1' . a 10 er, r. ran omas, 0 . Mrs. )Vm. T. Frame and recalled to the home of Miss Flora Berryhill last onh ue. ayt evenmg, . March be22nd,f Lytle. and a sister, Mrs. R~beccal M, E. Evans, of Spring Valley, .M1'. anu. 1 Mrs. T. E . J anney were 10 memory th e many no bl e women 0 f Th-..l w mem . IS 0 Hoblit , of Waynesville . Day t'on Tu esday. . t cause t 0 b e Ulauay. theen D a ou twentY-81x d .jWas in town Friday < , wh 0']; Oh'10 h as JUs • 0 , A. or er, made their apShe. was born near Centerville, proqij, In a paper entitled "Potterpeal'ance at their home, Montgomery Co .• Ohio, November F.e Schwar~ wasm CmClI1natl W. H, Al1e~was mCmcmnatllast iea of Ohio," Mrs. E. V, Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. SamlHinkleand Mr. Friday on busmess. brought out many noteworthY points and Mrs. Fred White were delightThe eve ~ing was spent in playing 28,1829, so had passed the eightieth Tuesday on bURmess. ga~es,' nd refre!:lbmenls of ice milestone in her journ~ of life. Miss Henrietta McKinsey was 'a Mrs, Alex Emley suffered a stroke on this interesting subjedt. The n:1~ ente~~nedgU~d~y:t the llome of apoplexy last week. next paper, "Great Industries of 0 r. an rs. ar u e. cream am. cake werl served.- Xenia In 1845 she was married to Samuel victim of the grip lallt week. ' Gazette. Murphy and of t,his union one child . . , , , '. Ohio," showed the great pos,~ibilitiea Mrs.O ens was, before her mar- was born a daughter Josepbl'ne I Frank Zell was a busmess Vlsltor Don tfall to read Geo, B. Johnson's f th tate I 'b I' Misses Donna Hawke, Stella Lem. MI 'O I H 'It , , . ~ . V 11 I t F 'd 0 es a ong a usmess me. nage, P!l am~ on, d augh ter who with 'the father preceded the 10 .,prmg a ey as r1 ay. auto lid on another page, The last paper on "Ohio in the mon and Edith Mosher were very of Mr. G rge Hamilton, fOJ'I'nerly th th t d' 'd I . C' . " . of this plac I mo er over e grea IVI .e. . Messrs: ~etA and Ed Furnas were Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart were IVlI War, .by Mrs. F. H. Fan:, ~x- pleasantly entertaine<! at dinn~r last MI' Gedr a 'Ito '11 The latter years of her hfe, Mrs. Dayton VISItOrs Wednesday. in V-banon Sunday af fernoon tolled the virtues of the brave men Sunday at the home of Miss Henriet.' e &~!ltnJ .' n WI move Murphy made her home with her " . who came to the front in time of grandson, Mr. Walter McClure, of Mr. and Mr:". H. H, Wadsworth Mrs. Ella Rye. who was alarmingly need and told many jn teresting inci- ta ,McKinsey. wltn them ~o IndIana. Waynesville. until about a year and were Dayton V1S1tors Tuesday, ill last week is very much better. dents of this trying period, I Mrs. LJdia Gordon entertained at Our vglu contributor Morris Rogers attended the Rhyne M'ISS Anme . U . Brown, . 0f X· with. a vQcal - . ' and. old a half . d ago, th because It fof her f 11impaired 't . ema .The " prOi!'ram closed . . dl'nner Sund-v, - Mr. Man'on Gordon friend, Mr. . ' B. 'Garretson, who, mtn, e resu 0 a a, 1 was sale at Beavertown last Wednesday. spE:nt Easter with her parents here. solo" St~r of the East, r~ndered.m and family, of Harveysbul1r, Mr. and several years a 0 adopted Oskaloosa j' deemed best to remove ber to the . ' . a charming manner by httle MISS M w'n Ph'll' . f Centerville Iowa, tor hls ~o e and who surel; state hospital at Dayton. where she Ray Zell, of Xema, was the guest A lot of new good locust fence Jeannette Janney. accompanied by Mrs·Rolll Ph'l1~ IPS~O d daulhte; loves his' home to~n, sends us a 36- icontentedly ~em~ined unto the e~d. of Mr. and MJ'll. Frank ZeJl 8un~ay· posts at W. H. Madden's and Co's. ber slater, Miss Edna. r. a 1 IPS, e aD page paper is8u~1l,l b]' the Oskaloosa I A member of ~Iddle RU,n ,Bnpt.lst Belhia M. Furnas and Elizabeth B. Robt. Sears, who lately moved During the social hour delicious .. ' . Herald h1 whjch if "btosts" the town 1chQ,rch, her con8~stent chmttan hfe Moore were guests of Paulina But- into the Wright property, is serious- refreshments wElre served. in two Miss Lucile Comell entertained as follows: . \. Wal always an mflu~nce for good. terworth Monday. . ly ill. courses by the hostess a8S18ted by Sunday at her pleuut . country " Abuhdant'e of e purest water Thus has end.ed a qUlet, unassuming " , '. her four young daulhters. home the .following .pllta: M'pumped from wei ' a~ Skunk pver and helpfulltfe. She was among us Raymond and Miss Ethel Wllh~MI!!s Emm,a ~elg~way returned Guests of the afternoon were Mn. MalT, Emma and Clara Hawn, Eland cheap fuel mb: ed'in city limits. as one who served and many a home son: , of Dayton. spent Easter WIth ?ome from Cmclnnati Monday even- H. W. Baily, Mrs. Chas. Hough, Mn. len Sherwood and Josephine OgtMTwel~ churches, ', public SChOOl "was ch~red and gladdened b'11er their parents here. mg. John Coleman, and the MisSes Dora I bee. buildings, freelibfa£rand'Y' M. . C. A. presence. ~~ ang~l of mercy to the A of Portlan.d cement ~ill 1.11' and Mrs D L Crane and Son Ellis, Merle Ellis and Edith Griffen" . . ' . .. ~_.1 .-.1 c sick her mln18tratlons were sought . . . ' : . . " of Lawre:.. ..... Kansas A blrthda1 BUrPl'UIe Wall WIlY.&:.... bul·ld:....g UI. • . • ; ' , " . arrive th18 week. Calland ask prices EthJUl, called on Harveysburgfnends "'V<;, • _ • • d t Twelve mtles ohtr t paVlng' good and glVen through long years. One VI' H M dd & C . 1 t Tb d . Mr. and ~n. B. T., Vice Sun .., a . . .a en . 0, all urs ay. ENUMERATOQS NAMED thei~ country home 8O~th of te~. 'sewerage system all m~dern ' of whom it can be said: "She .hath electrieutUitiel. ' ,done what she c.o uld." May o~r Mrs. Willis Marshall, of near Mrs. J . d. Hawke wasag'ueatof . . Those.preaentwere:Mr.andMra.E. Five thousand mine~" and six hun- ' fryend and loved one rest in peace, Spring Valley, was the guest of rela- herd!lughter, Mrs. John FI:omm, in Enumerators for tp,e County hate T. Stroud, Mr:and l4n. H. ,H. Wadi-, d~~ ~toad m.ejl ! ~~ Ug~~ per,petual shine upon. her. tives he~ last.F.riday, . . Da;tml Monday. be~named.. l'hose.for Wayne Town- ".ort:h and. •fami17, .Mr. ' an4 lin. loosa district. ~, ---. ' . . , ' . shIp are as follows: Ro~rt Ba11~ and f~" Mt. City arld county un~rlaid with CARD OF THANKS. , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Edmgfield. of Ralph Wdhamson,·. of RIchmond, Wayne. East- Fred D. Hawke , Maud Stroud aDd Mr, Tboe. c.urtrich ~ins of COllI and cl~ d,pOsits, 'We wish to ourmany .friends Mason, were Easter ,lIuests of Mr. was the Easte: guest of · his aunt, Wayne, ~est-Waltet; K':enrick ney. • _ • '8Ui~blefo.r all kinda of pl~tery; tile and neighbors t~r, 'their kindness, 8.Dd Mrs..C. A. Bruner.. Mrs. Agnes Wnght. Waynes~t11e-Mary E. Bls~ham OHIO PASTURes and brick. . 1\ also the ministers. Revs'. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. D."'C. Ridge, of Day- Mesdames Emmor Baily, H. E. T~ey ",tIl commence their wo:k thaway mId t3ynthia Evans were A~rtl 15th, and must be through In Obio p'u,ur.. wi\h 'be woodlaDd. Oskaloosa is in ~he vert . heart of Cadwallader, for kind words of sym- ton, were ~ter-day guests-of-M-i' the famous farming distri~et of Iowa.. pathy, Miss Lucy Ertaley for mUll'c. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridg'e. Cincinnati visitors last week. . thlrty days.. , . ' whiob unfor\nD&tely ie·.U more or Crop failure was never kno and all those who helped U8 duriner . ' " .Wayne Township was thIrd on the leu na.tured. ooDnttld.. a portion • Tobacco buyers are thicker than M'188 EI' t' I 1890 ' , Five hneS of railway wit 152. trains our late aorrow.. . .. . " sle Van H}' sr mgen, 0 f I'IS t f or I p~pu a Ion n . , h aV1n1{ of ther S'aie ooutderabl:r ill aoeM in and out everY day. Also two ' Walter McClure and Family PO~ltlclana Just now. Every - day Beavertown. was the guest of her 2,452 people. , of the entire ODl'.....Mcl arM. The inner-urban lines. " .,. . .- • . . bnnp forth a new one. sister, Mrs. U, White last week. Wayn~iUe was fourt~ place with pastoree 810D8 more \haD ~ , ' , . • • " DEATHS Mr. and. Mrs: Vern Hough" of Mr an'd Mra Marion Clark . ef a pol?ul~~on of 723. . ~b1rd' of tbe enitre ..... oUbe 8~•• Western Union and elegraph Co. . .. . Dayton,. wefe the guests of M r s . ' . , ' It 18 thought that the enumeration This mllht apUy be I"Jed ,he Calvm Connor dled ath~ homem Eu' hemiaHou h Sunday. ' Lytle, moved. to Dayton ,:Monday. will place the number at SOO for 1910. "N leoted ODe-Tbird n beoallM AonouDoeml:lo' 1 made by the Harveysburg Monday morninlt at 10 pg ., where they ylll1 , make their I future The citizens should be patient b ea lib '\ \h ~&ate 1.-_re \yeeterh U':lion :rei Irapb CompaDY o'elock, of Bright's ~iseaR'e: The ¥iss"Maria Stout, who is teaching home. · ' and answer al1 the questions 'of the !0~0::teD:9D:re I1T~ ~ she ma' •.} 'bllt. it .... U.bortly be prepared &0 funeral - will ~ held to-day. ~t school nPar Xeni~, s~nt Easte~ with Dr. and Mrs. Herschel. Fischer, of enumerator, u ~hey are ' necessary teDaDoe and . tmpro••m.-' of \ll~ hand,le lQDI' ot gb, l m8llalt gelt" Itt thl1 ~ o'cl?Ck~romthe JioQae• . l'lterment h,e r ~other and S18ter here. . Lebanon, were guests of Mrs. Annie, to the welf~re ofthe commuDity. al'urel . ,haD \0 aDY oth...· ,.,. of r .. self ouatol)'llutly ohuged for · 'en In MIamI cemete1'1. Mr. Connor '. . " 1 dd . ' • - e . • P ' y_ ..... _ .... _ words d ..v m~ IK"It, It Ilppellf8 was forty ..tbree yell'S old. and con- ~r. and Mrs. Alva Crane, of MI- 0 Neal an aughter, MISS Martha, BAND ENTERTAINED . the farm eDterprilfl. &II ~ UU'... U l' 1'" h ' d uc ted a' grocery s' t o " amtsburg, were guests of ,Mr. Cletp Sunday. orop seotion 'b..'" v tb"'" Welll"l' . '" : uD as tli ar~e re 'ID H a~_.veys' / .,,of 'headstate the utteI*'IDA.. ' unemployed 011 e of wtreat Iltg llt. burg Crane and family Sunday. M . d MEl: Ki dd h ' The Cadet ban4 formed a surpl'iie oeD' pu~re 18 m e up q r p. .~ , . ' ., . r. an rs. 1 ng an aug V H k Md' ly of 'he UD,ma'le par' of \he farm. whioh iii no ' 811ralng lloJt~ltlg ., - -. - . , ' Mrs. ~e Baker ISnddaugh~~ Mil· ter visited relatives here Sunday be- on ernon awe. on ay ~v.~nIDl', . c. ' .. . I tdencl ~ Tbese wires ..n1 be mllintaioed til Ma~ C. Mullen, ~n aged lady. of draa of Wilmington is visiting her f . lea ' ' " .• th' f h who leaveg for .Lebanon' thIS week, T,ho plow IODd I OODI .---. , ~ . S i 'b d'ed 1 t Th red t ' . , , o r e u Q g J.or __ err u ure ome b t' f' d nluable for naa'ure aDd ye\ eome .Dy6v~ot\Ot.e oareofthe'regu prnJt~ro, I , as u aya moth~r.Mrs. ' ldaSto.kesandfamtly. neal'lndiana lis Ind u msomeway h e heard olt,an . r-' Illrd ..)' bain.f.l!8. IUJdlttiapparent- hedatehome. Thefuneralw~held . ' , .' . ' PO., gave the boys a merry chase. A.t d,,'aareatnaodtoabow\Iaa'."U Iy tho ' idea' of the De~ i.. teretltit hi Sunday at 2 p. m., and interment was Mrs. Alice HaWKe, and fal1uly , Mr. and Mrs. Ed · Clevenger and about 9 o'clock, some of the boys manageci pasture ID 'he hear\.of 'he the company foo Jet tbe mad~ at Springboro cemetery. m~v~ Leb~on ~onday . .They two ,-children, of . Franklin, were found him, however, and took him oorD belt has yielded a De' re'urD tbe benefit of tbem " -- • wIn b~ mIssed by theIr many friends the guests of Mr • .and Mrs. Jeff to t he residence of F. H. Farr, and pe" aore in excess of tllat reoel. . . . publio s";'tell tbat s~w WORK AT CENTERVILLE , here. Smith and family Sunday. . the evening waS pleasantly spentin fromoorn. II'romlomeof'he1~me- , 'The- ' , - ' - . Mrs. A. Maffit and MrsChas. Shi" . music . . At a seasonable hour light etonehtlll of southeastem Oblo ~'- . ght leUet aervloe will be. . ' ' tl 1)1 ' Several K: P.'s from here w~nt ~o daker spent last Wednesday ~ith ' B. Stokes SlIve~8. of the O. S. tJi., refreshments were eerved.. Mrs. tIe that iop tbe m:arket a' Pi~tabul'l "UlarllrB f~: t~I~D s::v~:~ w':l :. Centerville Fri~ay. evening. tolvisit Mrs., Ed. McFar!land, near Harveys- is ~ome thist. ·week , enSj.o~ing . h~181 Fan waS assisted by Misses Mary are fiuisbed on 'bIUegraaa400 · 'l~arlDi' . . teo woras ~h,e lodle ~t .~at ~lty . ,where a ~rge burg. . ~rmg · v~ca lon, . Mr. ,I lvers :WI land Clara Hawke. th~ graZiDI aeMon Il0l. ~ 0 f of. ' Ii' class were ,tntated tntQ, the mysteries . ' , graduate In c~t!m Istry thIS year. ' e· - • per aore for oattle aDd 810 Ib8. for "raJ:ls(J[.11:881_cl.n ,, 0 . ty ~~r 8 pf the third degree. 'rhose .present Mrs. Fred Henderson . ~nd daugh, " . '. LECTURE WELL ATIENDED Ih'eep bave been reponed. If our . ,,,,,,•• .ftILD.U o~e 1ltW 91 suob stan~ were:' . Messrs. L. A. Zimmerman, tel',: Kathryn, and'. . Mrs .• Upsbere .We are md~bted to ~rank!lJ:l Pack__ p&IAure ,~dI ,are capable of tllloh rate. ~m ,.~ obll.rged .,fo~ Upshere White Ralph Miller C. A. WhIte were. shoppmg m Dayton er !or a Newtown. Pa., paper. I~ the' lecture on "Know Thyself" ~turD8'" thiB do they no' Cleiene _IUI ·:.'Dl1iIOllla1... teD words 'or 1eel ', 'HockTu~ay. ~>I • ' ". ~.. ' • .J. C. Hawke and J. E. , ,. " , ,' IS ~ a ttl'ac t'Ive pa~r, ~n d 1't sur~1 delivered by Dr. Mary L. Cook, ~t better trea\meDt? ' ....11iII11.,,,0 at th8l!e( rates,~~gb' Ie' ett. .. ' 'M r 1111 ' Ch B har t f glacRJens the ,heart of the publisher, the Friends Red Brick Church"Thurs- ' The Ohio' Experimeot be ,~!tt~D I~ plaIn EDa • - .. F . k'lani' ",rs. 88· farnM , °d as it is chuck full of.. ads. while ita day afternoon, was well attended wlsbea to seoar. ",ellblDI ,e.&8 of to· la, oOde FOOT B ' &0' LV SPRAINED ran n, were gueats 0 r. an d' . tte . . t "'t · ti' ' • ID811111:e, tha'. II . ' " .. Mrs. Sherman Dyke Saturday night rea mg !I1a r IS JUS as a . l'aC ve and very' instructive to· all present. ,aia peraore fr.,mal10\a:ileeof live. or ,pom~~,nicatJon8 written ' . , '. -' . ' to the reader. This was the second of a series of lee-. stook 00 ' tare aDd iovi\el 'he.oo. rOIlMta:o languages wm Jio\ .be 10 J. C. Hawke .. had t;l1e .m18fortune and Sunday. " . • - • tures by Dr. Cook who was ap''pol'ntti palf f ' " --111 lD . ." " . h' f t badl day I t ' . opera OD 0 annera I ......·.. , yone as Misses Edith Mosher, Stella Lem, EASTER DAY ed by the Medical ASsociation as tbl OtiOD ' A ' little tioable in -T he m,e e",el wi1~ be ~k~n to spram IS 00 ~OD~'. , ~ td' ,~~d~t'g~~I, week. '.·.WI1i~ moving. some imple~ JOon, Edith, Gri~en ' and , ~~rtha . --~. a deputy for Warren .CountY. in the aac:::,.~:~n tbe ~eilbt8 of I~k ~ra"'llpn'~ at the oomna.oy'. Cldo ' ments ~ln the warehouse, a harrow O'Neall were Harveysburg VISItors Easter Day warm and brIght was. b h f "P I Ed t" " d h g, .bll apriD" • \'1 -, , , th' . . 't " f' 11 hi ," ' t' tei .' 1 lj ted t h d'ff ranc 0 opu ar uca Ion an lUI' e1' go 00 0 gran • " 'Yelll~el• • Ollatlll.,'he Dlgb,t , for d/eUv was ~ \~nocen ca~ae 0 ,a s laSt .Wednes4ay. " apJ,lrop la y,ce e ~~ . \ II. t ~ 1 • comes albng her line of wo k ' III be r . oh iDhrea' at MUlni . fGlllftwlnlr momiog .. "', trouBles. ' , • " . erent. c;hurchea. WlilCh were decor•_ • r . w .. 0 mu . , . 'be l.rVioe' ., . ._~_< N~~-TIC· d Mrs; Rebecca S' , M~~~tt" who IS ated with beautiful plants and cut time. 1& may, belp 118 \0 p~\ a ~p, We8~~' , Q . ' with frierii:ls at N~w ~tle, Ind., floW-era. Special . musical . :proiriuns NOTICE er ;valuatt~~ o~ . t~e PU~u~ . ~d, ," " ! ' . . . does not improve itt health as,it.was d ed d ' f . 'IlDd it may abow .Ule Deoellity of e; "'h ' .~·""':'~he tar· . P ..r~i~ collte~,p~a'ip~ bu,~ldln8hoped she would. . : wmerns re~ ~r . ahn .:.:r , surr~c ~on ~r- The, ,,\pl'il meetmg. of the W, C. i1nproviDI it. . Tbecare ·.aAmaD. ' _Ii e, D~~ ..... ~ . 'hiB : OC?~IOK . S8UOD, I or Deedt~8 ..' 1 " ~ we~e pr~ =~ T. ,U. Will be held at the home of agemijn" oHhe pa8tDftI-~DI, ',,''', i~ ~~/ha' f:~"m~ p~:b,l)IIrd ,Ium'ber., of 1~1 'd e , . 14~ Epa .Ree",es.: M~ Ellen WARREN cOUNTY' 'TEACHERS' Mrs: Frank Sherw~on .~rd street cultivatioD. and· fet:~..~.~~e all . be I.rgmy Ilv:ll~ 10rtp'I0l!~ ,may do w~lI by ...eeIDI" o~ Schw.~ a~d Mr. QhffordMartill I" . \ .' ; • '. Aptl,l ~n:' Emma S~.lthi_ let4er. ~~,rrq prbblemi tn .hlob.~~ ~. aDd 0 her" , " .. . me ~fore 'dOiDg of CinC1~nati, ~ere guests ~f Mr. and , The m~ting of the . Teachers' As-, A1~ 1~les, mVl~._. ~1'e!IS Reporter m.~t , R&a\tODil 'ready \0 ....., : the ., ' ,,'llIlIl'ral!llJ , 1IIla~!IlIla· of . ' ' ' . ,!~! .1'AOUI!" MI'It.'F •.~ •. Sdh~.rt7: Sunday. , " 'sociation at Le~on Sa1;u~ay FIRS't FiSH STO~Y ". ", farmer. ' . ': '':''. '.. ~. "'If' " : l'I~~~,',:, .._ letl..-, ..n't by "l~- e4STERN siAl SNTBRJ'AINS ' Read Geo'.; ~. JohtisQn~8 ,I.d :on ~-' :~e~l atteilded)_an~ the;sessio~ . were .:, ' I." ,'. " ". TOOkJlMP.ASUlE~ENrs . it. «1.\lDa"08 I..· · other pqe. Ht handles the Ford, ID~Y i~t.erestpla. ,Antong those L. A. Zimmemnan and,~y. Thomp- . I ' .. ' , . " . b~atia... hoon' the , D~nty invi~i~ ou~ for Ovefl~d,StearDl8DdJaeksoD. : You fromWayn.eto~lp ,were: . M~ ~n bi:Ought, in .twenty , nic~ "black .couaty · Surveyor, ,So D. K~ :foJlld,tJllj",.'prllliDjr,· 'h'" M~ ~ TbundQ announClq tlu5t can .lectany ont of' these,. ~d you Bl'aDd,Sto~t"VJUld~",oo,.t, Chandl~~ sucke~ Monel&)"• . Tb~ are r. Ve15- w... ~. town·IMd., ml too~ ...... ' ~"~''',,"e or .oar ·da,. wJaea the Star Will ·bold. ~ at their .Will have • •' that 1& WO~ your .and the M~. Bruner. CUmm~ reticent,aboutstatmg the ~ of the ~en~ for ' ~ ~ propiIIillU i~,,~.~oe..... r, .... tAmale. .. ~ tIaie .. ~ !wblle. ~ . ' , and.Strawn. ' , netther u,eed~ i ' and 1m• • •




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suprem e GeeaeloD wIth Tempes t; Ibe and vIrtuosI ty of the letecrtor. e.tore was not 81\ ordinar y woman , then ; the fire In the sam yollow I/lUn a s l1 had proved ber meltle and dlstlnc- s mall, divan ';'/llh bronze reliefs on lion and wna ",ol·th the greates t man 1l1l10ing legs and baok, a few still', dig, ot the hour. nlfled Inutoull s. a long oealer-t able_ a T DIll s t took his leave early,w ent, mirror SCI' en. _ ' __ to his lub, and wrote ber a note aud .aud ' la bra On t.he mantel 1\ loc1l w~os grac CuI In, ~ _ \ whl r.h sil fou nd on ber dre.ssln g-tRble fantIle subject s sugge tod the deslK'D ~~r\v...y.v.~-.u. V:.YlNj' when 5b \r (Jnt , very shortJy ufte r. to haNe be n Int Ilded to please tho TIl\1 ELY SUG GES TION S home s nrt to her room . . IIttl kin g Of Rone, a bl s lilt grou p, 0 candle-l ump wlt b vivid gr e n s h,ade- ' s room Temp st WIIS sitting In tbe smokln sof tb e IIrlton \Vb n a note was these w re a ll. for Thos e Plann ing Seasonable ~ I bl'ought nnd every. y was turned to "U's a PI' tt)' tlUI room," Mrs Enter tainm ents , ~ I him as tho pag!! 's \'ol ce called; "lIfr. II nly snld Indu lgently. "All the sun , S Bos il T nlllCS t." Ho beckone d th e boy tbere over Is comes bor , bllt to-day nntl took .lho letter. wh l h ho thrust It's l\ bit c hill y, Isu't It? 80 I had the Into his pocltc t and w nt up to his llr lit enrly ." ~ Il\lar!m tnt. For a few seronds he Sh was beforo ' It with tlle b 1I0wa Ju s t n sbort time ond the SOcial young woruan has plnnned tel , .. I turn d the letter ov I' In his hauds urgIng thl' flame . As she Rn, her world , will resume th e yalUes sup- nounce' ber engagem ent on E aster :: I as If he wish d to d fer certaint y, his nUHro nly s If up !lha sa id : raised "It's Lady posed to have been In abeyanc e for l\londay . ..... fa ce gloomy, ·1I1'10IlS. nnd still mock- Ormond 's s tyle: s he was ne ver con, ~ It Is to be n luncheo n Includin g the ' ~s ,Ing. 'I'll n, golog close to th e electric t nt until Mr. Oasll had torn the old 40 da ys. After holy week comes a !II M - V V t light 80 thut all !Ls force shone on thin gs out. It's like 1\ Bweet-bolt to brllllnn t a rray of parti es tor both old girls she Is to have In he r bridal Bnd YOllng .w hlch give promise at be- PlU'ty, though th ey are as yet unawar By afle an ors the page, he took tbe s ingle sheet ot my thlnklu ' and ' Il bit bare. e It needs Ing novel In many I·espect s. Autllor of of the tuct. With Dame Nllturo so paper from th en velope. peopl e to set It ofT," s h!! ,c riticised, un· In the home the re nre many wnys smart In her fresh array o f !>l'een, "Amond a o f tho All/I." :" I don't know wh et her to IJ l nm~ conscio usly paying tile proper arti s' this ot making the Eastert lde a happy ' and color combine d with narcissu "Mil" Dc.tnlorn J," ~ m~'8clt- rou for dreAming a womnn con tic tribute to the style s are to of th e period memora ble on e, espe!!lnlly' where lite., etc. ~hnro tho li fo rou wrllo oC-I for refusing . there be the decorat ions. The green to be I kno",' you eLl II lOO well to (Jlscus8 w hat the room represe nted- created to dis· are chlldron . The y always love auy- maiden hair ferns and asparag us vine. ) 'O ll any-to ad"lso or sugge8t. But I om play and to se rve a s bacl(gro und tor thing out ot the ordinar y and respond There will be the usual courso n ot qua t to th s ncrlfice . . . . th e First Empire eleganc e !lnd slm· so genuine ly to auy extra elIort made eon with nolhlng remark able lunch· :"Bah! '. he sn ld, and before h e had pllolty. until P'W'....M'fl"W.....N ....M.··..........·I"o.l"o In their behalf. •• rI'·.... ~....I\, . .l"o .. the desse rt. which Is to be gelatine , rI'........... "".l"o ••,/I,.~ ended to re I t In shreds and let the But Miss Carew only caught at tl!e OopJ11a l lOOil, b)' J . B. Lippll100t t OompClDJ'. A charmin g Easter Monday lib&- egg-sha ped, colored green. topped pieces fall as they wr'l uld on the hotel name. Lady Ormond ! She had ceen Ing planned by a hostess wbq Is ta- with whipped cream, With the Ii SYNOP SIS. It orton In the paapers . carpel creme "I know people too welI," he said. "You know her ludysl1 lp-no," ,Mrs. mous tor her delightf ul · entertai n- de men th e and cottee there Is to be B8J!I1I Tempest. world's novelist "Ther e are no surprise s for me. It's Henly took fo r granted . In a trame ments. The guests have been asked an .egg cup contain ing what appears and poet. refusing to be greatest to come trom "three to five." and tJle to be a hard-bo iled egg. On olose furth er lionized. a curse to underst and your klnd-I on wholle mahoga ny border exflhula himself up In Craven. his buzzed tbe country wish I llome. Hls gloomy med\ta.tiona are were a fool! It's only when a Napoleonic bee III bronze was the dainties t or Easter post cards con- aminati on the egg will be found holbroken b)- his housekeepor, who has dis- man's a fool , or In love tb"t he has photogr aph ot a lady In ball drels. veyed the m "ssage. The cards are eo low. contain ing a wee gift to each obeyed his ' oro rs not to admJt any ono. pretty tbls year with rabblt.s, eggs maid and a note telling tbe any chance for happlne lB," 'l'he visitor Ie Luoy Camw. an America Mrs. Hen ly lifted It. n. glad Uwho haa come to ,E ngland write 0. "Lady Ormond at the last court and yellow ohlcks, with a sultahle dIngs. The bride-el ect's ring Is to be He stood thinkin g 11 second or two, lltudy of the author, but moretoespec1o.U y sentime nt and a place tor tbe written In her egg sbell. This Is Indeed a to got 0. synopsl . of his new 8ulle of wounde d In his vanlt:l -Il not broke n- ball ." poemll, having been promised R. good per h earted, then made his The girl's eyes were milt by a paIr message . There are just 20 children cle ver conceit. The gltts to tbe maids prepara tions .IUon wtlh a magazine It 8UCC6sIIt ui. Tempeet In anger, declares b e '11'111 write no for taking the ne:l.t train for - -shire. at eyes handsom e and mockin g, hard betwee n the ages or eIght and teD are to be trl endship rings ot asp. loo,.., and IlSks her to go. Repentin clal design not to be duplica ted. of and cold as h r own were Batt and a!!lked. lila 1'\Idenetlll la sending h er out In gthe On arriving they are to be given lit.sweet. min at night, h e foll ows, but she refuse8 ' CHAPT ER IV. to r turn to Craven \vl th him, ansi takes " A profess ional beauty, " Mrs. Henly :lll r ed, white and yellow baskets and An Enter Luncheo n. Joc1ii:1 ng with a. cottng r. Next When at threo o'clock the (ollowln g ranked her. "But." a nrl s he cOD{lected told to bunt for eggs. which are to be :Luuy reoelv s B .note from 'relllpesmorning At a luncheo n tor n bride-el ect to be t orrerhidden Ing to IlIISlst her In writing her 85ay. atterno on Miss Carew on the lower floor ot the ,given on Easter Monday, the color ar ri ved at Cra- her .wlth t.he rooUl as she glanc d Tempe~ t dictates to t.UCy. who list nil house. Each egg Is to b e' marked scheme Is yellow and 8 t:'e ll ~ound 11!1 8h wblte (the true writes. Temp 81 clllls ven sh" was met by Mrs. Henly, who, a round Lady Ormond 's crElation - "II at lho cottage and tlll!oo,'ers thllt Lucy bus U1ng In berore with t.he name ot the child, so only Easter colors). For trifle cold ." be r, said: tbe centerp i ece h ll8 l ott to talte a trnln tor London. H thane marked wllh their Miss arew r eplaced the picture. own names a huge bunch at glorious da rtodlls, 'overtakes her and Induces her to stllY "You're to be 80 good as to walt, are <Iv rand rellq th,Q ma nuBarlpt to him, He miss, In llle morn In'-room . rVe a fire The proud beauty. h er cape of velvet will to he put In the baskets . This and three In wee bowls, stnndln g In Ites her to dine wIth him. Slul d emake the hunt more exciting and er ect In , glass flower hold oUnes, but snys ljhe will cull UIO rollow- laid there and I am to see you ha\'e and sab le tailing from one bare s houlers, ar e to lng duy. Angry nud dIsappointed, der. seemed to reign over the room. take a longer time. Tembe at each plate, souveni rs for each books and IJaperS and whateve r you pest' goe. to London. When all the eggs are found th e re guest. 'fo hold the s alted almond Miss Care w no longer fe lt the warmtll will like. Mr. Tempes t telegrap hed." s Is to be au Incline made from a couple the hostess has dlscov' "I th h er las t word s she threw open e red at a paof CHAPT ER fII.-Co ntinued . Ironing board s and tlle re Is to be pe r novelty shop the dearest of fluffy lu.e doors of a room whose atmosHe shrugg d impatie ntiy. "You phere greeted un gg-rolll n" ontest, tbe names on yellow cblcks, standin g up most with Its brlghln essMOW how little the last would stteet the color lhe m makIng It an easy mattei' to see like. with t.he paper cup conceal lifeand light of It seemed to e xed In me. I am gOing away on a longer tend hands, who win s. the baclt. Ijourney tban to ur weeks, and I want. Jl:ext fo\' llmusem ent of the little These chicks will be most welcom~, With nati ve habit of assign ing ranks IYou to come with me." guests th ere Is to he a basket of eggs for many have objecte and places to Mr. Te mpes t's fam iliars. d (all beautifu lly colored) brought In, ' us ing the l,lttle slutted ser iously to She withdre w her hand, which hn Mrs. Henly chloks and h ad estimat ed this s udden _till beld-no t. s natched it, but slowly gues t, by wi th big kite hen spoons and two largtl ducklin gs that were h er simplici ty a nd her graoe, "really once Innd ' meditat ively withdre w It. Tern- to be ot baskets . These are for an egg race, alive." 'pest felt sensitiv ely her, complex ion of worthy a s high breedin g and as to nee who can pick up au egg, carry . The followin g m enu blood as the savage United m1nd-J ie had ourprlse d. but not States It over a given space and place ID the Grape trult cocktail s Is to be served: can provide. The houseke eper. In the grave lahQcked basket, the party being divided Into fruit half shell: crejim "'.Leanl ng towards h ~r, the dearest and of celery sonp. sweetes t oreatur e one 1.1 0 a "low t one he pleaded with her, two s ides. Candy eggs are to be the with grated egg ,yolk over the top; could find ' stormIn g h er citadel, wbose wenkne ss and caps In cameos and black silk prizes. If It should be a warm, pleas- creame d chicken In In the r osponsl patties, potato ble posltlQn ot he, knew. Afterwa rds, she thought In head ant day these pastimes may be played croquet tes done just of any bachelo r gentlem an's to a golden yelreviewi ng outdoors. momen,~ that he had househo ld, watched . low; asparag us' tips on toast squares , her master' s atpleaded as one for life-as for a raft (aires Here Is tbe menu, which has been egg salad In nests of water de coeur wUh an Interes t and cress, Ice to be thrown to a Mownln g man. Was sometlm carefull y tholigh t out,: Egg-sha ped cream In small eggs In es a jealousy as strong as Imnests of yellow It :1)06/1tble be loved her 'Ulee this! saudwlc hes with chicken filling. bot candy. By the way, these potent. nests came • , "00 you realize What' you are askchocola te with a marshm allow In eaoh In three sizes. so may Mrs. Henly talked only with her sube purchas ed lng me to do?" ahe said In a pause. oup, ' Ice cream In egg-sha ped molds In to suit every pocket-book. pp.rlors, The sWI,et· <'Yes," he /laId shortly, "give up a e quals, she knew she had them-h er pink. green and brown to resemb le meats at this spread are by reason of being a unique to be glaced London aud a husban d . whose life II specime thfl gayly oolored eggs, each In a nel!t kumqua ts, which carry' out the yellow n of ber type, sbe hAd not as notorloulI, whose existen ce 1$ a plague yet recogni zed. Servan ts were ser- ·She Walked Mechan ically Over to thf ot spun sugar. These nests may be color scheme and are very delicious. to you, a. reputaf lon amongs t those vants obtaine d at all the best candy shops; After the luncheo n there Is to be • Wlndo~ and Stood There.. who have none -themse lves. a false sit- them to he r. She never spoke to In faot, one store has ~on taking or- paper shower tor the save to give orders or to honore4 min'uation for a sincere one, for a life ister ders Cor several' days past tor these It Is astonish ing what a list of guest. of its greetin g. It had assulllCld • to one In trouble. 'WLth the man whom you say you love. persona lity In ,wblcll she had no ~art pretty accesso ries to the Easter table noveltie s may be found, all papel' By useful. Ormond 11'111 vorce you, and I will grandethem she was seen to be a very The persona ges had come to people {or either grown people or children_ The very newest wrinkle Is a set of dame Indeed- by Tempes t to marrY you at onoe." To take It-It home liutroca (for that Is halt the paper labels ,for everyth ing under the ted her. and she walked be quite the most flawless pearl of ~adY Ormond }Jad believed the orlg- womank mechan ically ' over to the window and party for children ) there are to be SUD, all· done, up 1n a neat tnd. case of patnal Tempes t who had made her forLivIng. as she did. very Isolated at stood there, looking out on the drear,. boxes filled with the tlnlest ot oan'dy per. OIass trays, with paper under«'9t · everyth ing but himself could not eggs aspect and on of top bare at trees, each b'ox there is neath Instead of cretonn e. are attraothe whirl of ::return ', wltb tbe ' old charm and Im- Craven, she was now faintly flushed withere d leaves along ·the garden to be a downy yellow chick_ t1ve for summe r cottage s and COlt a perious challen ge. She ha'd been with appreci ative ant'lclpa tlon of ' the paths, and the fe.w last mere ' trifle compar ed to the otbers. roses, more few momen ts' chat with Miss Carew o w.rong then t" her beLief, for h e was wintry and melancb oly in their deBola· An Euter Anno~ncement. M~AME MERlu_ talkIng l}er over agllin out f\ ~ h erself betore the master should appesr. Miss tlon than the specter leaves Truly at this season or the year the that Car/>,w pad come from tbe land pf had nlready an'd 'beyond ber control. • passed through death. song trom Robert BrownI ng's "Pippa r.1~='--~-'~--~-o-~~ . "Why are you like thls1" bhe mur- fr eedom, but whllst she suggest ed 1ts ~~'-..,1 She said hesltali bgly: !'Slnce Mr, 'Passes" comes to our minds with 1'e- ~~J.u.~ ~. "inured wltb some emotl(Jn. "Will you deliciou s liberty she lost with It no T empest has t elegrap bed. I QUPposo nowed Jntenslt y: , quallty. Mrs; Henly's old .~ eyes r e. be like this always !, If I thought It, I garded the figure ot t he Americ an with it Will be' best for me to walt a litTh o year's at ' the spring • • J1~mm~. could net hesitate." ' tle:" The day's at Caval'. the morn: Miss Carew asked: "Mr, TemAt her tou.,., certa!nl y not the one Morning's Ilt IIllvlln; But Mrs. ' He nly Interrup ted her Jet buttons are a favorite mode of of brusqlle d6I1ln.l he had antIcipa ted, pest' bas telegrap hed- Is' h away?" The hlllsldo's dew penrled; "Walt? Why, Mr. 'Basil woulc1n" adding the Invalua ble touch of black "He WIlS 'rhe obliged lark's on tllo wing ; to fun up to Lon- hear ot you no ' Tempes t eXLlerle nced a c)Jrlous mint waiting to 11 colored garment:. . The fohall's on the thorn: gling of exultan t vIctory and ot sin- don yesterd ay or a Budden just aCter think I had not made you, miss ! He,'d God's In· heaven comtortill>le. The ne w telt bats are lovely, the Shorter fet.t:hed In your note':' As cere regret. All'!! right wl, h the worM. What can t get you 1" She lingered. felt In many cases being !1lmcult to "To-mo rrow, Letty," he saId, and though the slgh~ of the master' s InAtter the long, cold winter, the very distingu ish from Perhaps l\flss Carew underst ood cloth. took bElr hand agnln, "you must come structlo us might beguile the guest, somethi bi'oath of 8l>rlng . In. I,ts beauty seems ng of t he woman 's Inter The hewest eoltrure Is fiat In est "ln Mrs. Henly spread out tho pink bit at with me to-morr ow." herself -her natural ourloslt y, perhaps to come to us In the lines above. and plied heavily over the ears. . 10 her utter sUl-pris e Lady Ormond paper on the table under h er hand Lady Ormond In bel' f rame, the bold· Ellster ' but a , week ott. brIngin g wJth It called the Brittany . nnd ' reud : "Miss Carew arrives was finding h er selt etlual to Tempes t's ness of ner sway at Craven, made the the promise .ot all things made new, at three. Many of the handsom est silk gauzes Make her welcom e, give ber demands. Sbe did not h esitate tor Am er ican sny. lIfUng to the placid Ie Indeed a blessed seaaon. During have printed borders which work well boolts and papers. I s hull be up by one momen t to malte a concess ion he Lent there have been many court- Into the n ew draperi es English face her clear dark eyes: .. had never nslted bef01'c. He was rich the expr ss:' sblps, so tbat EasterU de brings many "I'm here for t h first Wide wale serges Bnd otber coarse time In "Which Enlt, m enns," Mrs. Henly ex-WOUld be rlcher- fumous. not yet In luterest lng revelati ons. I am glad land. \ I came fr om my country ell weaves are worn by girls more than the zenith or his celebrit y. There was plained. "he leCt London at six this pressly to write a IItudy ot Mr. TemI' h~ve the pleasur e , of bow one the smooth cloths. In sbarlng bls life just one sacrific e. mornln '; It·s a nine hours' run, I've est for AOl flrlca." and that she determI ned not to make sent lhe motor to Billings Poke-I t's a The old houseke eper tl mlled. bit shorter "A by roll. Mr. Basil doe" If she could avoid It. study ot Mr. Basil!" she' echoed "Basll! "-ohe lea n e d ~ towards him. hate roll travel." Miss Carow did not remark that "Why, my dear. I had him at tell lilted b er hend In a way to reveal th.• \Vlth apparen t ·ease he took 18 1I0urs years old for my own, as J mlght ·say. clear, llUre lines of h ar neclt and . chin, out of the 24 for the matter ot a short and I couldn' t study him! It's like her face 1I1(e a flow er turned to the learnln' a new languag e every day. sun-HB asll , I am tlOt cavillin g, but time In town! The dispatc h with its He's never the same." , ' you are SQ impetuo us and Impract ic- minute Instruct ions read In Itself a "It's his charm." welcoDl e to her, and It was a .. harma ble. Let me get \',he di vorce from "Oh, I daresa:y!" Mrs. Henly wao Ormond . U Is merely a form-Q ne I Ing place In which to wall . Craven' s empire morning -room open· doubtfu l, there being moods sbe bad can bave for the asking. You don't right wish to sacrific e m'B needles sly, 110 ed on a terraced flower-g arden, where tllat to rememb er as not possess ln. to trees already nearly leafless n , tew tell charact eristic. "Dut he'll nol you? You aro not at· orguelll eu.x I,hat you you must Ilee me humilia ted, are you? No.emb p.r roses clung. The walls, written anythin g, miss_ He won't bf . I've seen them who would You are not l'aln-r £Jally. you know- hung ,In yellow brocade . extendel1 ' to study him as, you call It-com e and the dullest day a sense of glow and won't you let me get out decentl y?" go, chiefly. No He s miled and signed. "Decen tly!" light. The t(jw pieces ot furnitur e. you have." Sh~ one ever stayed as I he Tepeate d with some Acorn. "Can veritabl e treasure s even In their old wrl ter, too, then 7'" paused. "You're , epoch. indicate d the faultles s taste 100. Letty 1" (TO BE CONTI~UED.) "I will see my lanyera to-morr ow." He frowned and bun-led : "Tben you , reftise to come with m e ?" "No," she nodded determi nedly, "I don't r efu se, If you are set on ruining my r eputati on-for a whim-w hy, I won't s land In the way of . your ego, Ism." Stony Meteori tes. The six which o'c cur moat frequen tl, He capltu,lated. "Well, you have . Stony meteori tes. accordl ng'to Prof. ' In the eartb'. 'c rust, ualOed in the' or 6urprls ed me, Letty; but then yOU are Ii. perfect type, a nd I flaUer myself William M. Pickerin g. who fa\'ors ' a der of their abunda nce, are ' oxygen J\ow , that I cau predl t the rest.. You theery .,romulg ated by Prot. 'Chamb er· ', slllc,a n, ,alumin um, Iron, calcium , ang flhaU talce the nnrrQw and more rep. 'ltn, m'ay have had their origin In tbe ·magnes lupt. The eight most, common ufuble way, as you tl1lnk It to be, eartb as by-prod ucts, of the natas- ,Ii found ,Iil the stony meteori tes art troUl these six, besides ' nickel ,and sulpti~r.· Rot YOQ won't come with me. Letty"': ' lroplle ~ hlcb split the m~on ~ ,our' globe. ''rbe fact tblit they could (~ '.' won 't corne." not get coso'llcally ver.}" far away CroJ:p Improve d Alarm Clock, " No nsense," IIbe ' la ughed. and covA n ew electrlc .U alarm ~ cl~k UIIJOI. ered his Ups 'w ith ber hilJld. " You u,a ae.counts for tbelli droppin g til ~q U8 .occasio nally when 110 Incrrned. ''In dry batterie s to ring Ii. bell. s,.ppb' i have lilY: w9rd .... , Under tho hl\n() which he b eld to IfUPP9!1 of tbrs ,·tew ot their tt![res- sru"n Ineatldullc'ent ligbt :wIth current. :rlal orI gi n, we bave the (act tbat 29 an'li .. tart · a fire . ,In 'an alcol~ol lit. Ups h murmurV;1 lioJJ)ethlng. It (prreslr la.mJ illl laments ,' l~nclu(lIng ' helium, wltll a platiDUm wIre. all . 'comple .. "Go'bd- h,.-no r CRpltc." t h" I'e so till' been' ,f,ucogulred In me\eo, ' lug a circuit when >tile h'Ot.r Judi, lAl4T Orlliond \\' Uli 1lJlod wltb nUs- rites, teo of Wern belD! 1l0n-meuHUQ. toucbI!s a - third IIaIlfl Ht. at a "-" IU'IOD . lie baA been equal to the No D \V elctIlentS have lIeeD toaG. utedU mt.

Hints For Hoste,ss

'~ TheMas" :;: I .'I~ 0f Craven;:: ........

., !: .

:: :: :::: I

Quaker Oa is the best dish y< can serve . ;)elicious and nouri shi n g ,

Good for all and all cond ition Econo mical and



the .

. .. . .,


-:Ph otq gra ph Fra me .


A big bowl of












1 15 comfo rtable pers of the

Pacific Pacific1 ss, perfect rlC- -I e-c t ric signal pr<r ctio n-di ning mea ls and



W ENGLISH SPARROWS CAN BE D.ESTROYED Jesus'ldea 11 Bird Is Cunntn~, Destructive and LltUe that Can be Said to Its Favor. .


Kansas Takes 1,000 Overland.Cars

of 'Relifiion

HOU shalt love the Lord Our aaenta In KanSM or"ered for thy Ood with all thy heart, tbls ,eeason 1,000 Overland automobllea. and with all thy s oul, and r.. Nebrilsko. tak~8 760-10wa 1.000-Texo.. Tho Overland's lIucce88 Is n.lso due t. with aU thy mind, and l.fiOU. - Thushas- t1iil Overlaiill.:'arterone 1t4 price. No olher milker ever pv. near~ ly 80 much tor the money. years'. expcrlenc~aptured the tannlnl[ with all the, IItrength." Yot we have cut our COila tWa year • statea. 'rwbQ wrote the dictionary?" "Thou shalt love t!ly neighabout per oent through enormoul inU hM captured the cltles, too. New creose 2Q "I don't know, but I bet he couldn't In production. . •• bor as thyself."-Luke 10:27; Mat1.000 Overland. this year. York City takes Th Overland we aell for '1;000 thtll .,.ear explain things to his wHe when be got Boslon takes 600-San Prnnclsco 600thew 22:37"0; Mark 12:30, 31. III betlcr than tho $1,250 Overland lnet year. It i8 Q. 25 H. P. car wIth a spoelS These words are twice found In the home at 3 a. m. any better than any- Wnshlngton 600-Phlladelphla 450. (jQ miles n n hour. ' Our agent4 have contrac ted tor 20,000 ofSo story of the Ufe of Jesua. In both body else." th e 11,250, ,1.400 and '1.500 OverOverland_for $24,000,000 worth ot O,'or- In.nds.wllh En h orrers a fifth more than C VC( cases they occur in conversation wltb supply the demand for thl8 before for the money. TINY BABY'S PITIFUL CASE lands-to Jewish lawyera. One of this cla.1 year. That's a larger sn.le than any othAll prices Include Maarneto and luU er car commands. lamp equipment . ~ross'Quest1oned Jesus, and asked blm: "Our baby when two months old Yet, two y~ nrs ago t ew hail ever heard "What shall 1 do to Inberlt eterna'l of an Overland. This sensntiona l Kucceu Story :tte?" Evidently he was not In earnest was suffering with terrible ecze ma la due to the creation ot .. remarkable (rom head to foot, all over her body. car. Tho O" (' rlnnd Htory (a one of th e great· Jesua threw him 'back upon hIs knowleat buslnes8 storlcs ever told. It t lIa edge of his choBen realm. "What" "he baby looked just like a skinned how this cu rtho creation ot 11. mcchanlThe Simple Car cal g nlus-has In I WO years reacl)ed the written In the law? how readest rb.l\blt. We were unable to put clothes tormOSI pineo In thla fi eld. And It tella thou?" In answering, this expert on Iler. At l1rst It seemed to be a few The success of the Ov ' rLnnd Is mainly a l about the cnr, Sond ua tbl. cou pon mattered pimples. The y would break to-dny for t his book. due to Its amazing simplicit y. A 10-yearavoided all mention at externals. old child call InlU!t r lho car III Ove minFrom a corner of the law book he the skin and peel orr leaving the un- ul es. P ush 11. peda l forward to go ahead. C.6 derneath skin red as though It were and backward to reverse. Push another The Willy.-Overland Co., Tol~do, Ohio quoted two words about loving God pedal tor high speed, 'rhere Is oothlnll' scalds. Then a tew more pimples LlceD .. .., under 8<l140D [,,,tent. and men which had been overlooked, elsl!' to do but steer. Pleaae .cud me tbe boo\( An y man with th e simplest InstrucIn praotice at least, by his own class. wouid appear and spread all ove r the tiona, CRn rUIl aD Overland 11. thousand JesuB replied : "Thou bast answered body, leaving the baby all raw without llllles and bac.\,. right; this do, and thou sl>alt live." skin tram head to foot. On top of her There .was never a car 80 easy to car. head th e r e appea r ed a heavy scab a for-Bo eWlY to keep In order. In other words, eternal Ufe Is eternal love, and a man Inherits It by , living Quarter of an In ch thlclt. It was awPric. $J..lOOO. 25b. p.- le2 lach wheel bate. uoeortworumble .eat. orTor It h ere and now. On the last Tuesdl\Y ful to see so small a baby look as she Toao.....t am.U additional price. did. Imagine! Tbe doctor was afraid ot his earthly Ilte, another low1I!r to put his hands to the child. We tri ed to entrap ,Jesus by seeking to Involve hIm In a current the ological tried several doctors' remedies but all dispute about "Which Is the greates~ failed. "Then 'We decided to 'try CuUcura. commandment?" Jesus decllneu to be drawn Into Id,,, de bates concernIng By us ing the CuUcura Ointment we Ihe relative Importance of dogmas, softened the scab and It came olt. UnHe reCused to bo e ntangled In theo- der this, where the r eal matter was, logical Quibbles . , He would not busy by washing with the Cutlcura Soap blmself In making a thermomete r at and applying the Cutlcura Ointment, piety on which the grodlngs were In- a new s kin soon appear ed. We also dicated ' by human estimates of the gave baby tour drops of the Cutlcura. Arter comparative degr eea of sanctity of Resolvent three times dally. external acts. All such concern In three days you cO:lld Bee the baby theology Is rabblnlsm. In the begin- gaining Ii little skin which wou ld peel ning oC his ministry be bad called out orr and heal und erneath. Now the A Sparrow Trap. a Samaritan woman from her ambuB- baby Is four months old. She Is a flne and vlnea. In tbe P."den It eats seeda aid e of this trap rests on tbe ground, cade behind the current sectarianism picture ot a fat llttle baby and all Is In all Cae. of as they ripen, an~ 'lips off tend er while the oPPallt side Is supported that disputed over the proper place well. We only used one cake of Cutlyoung v egetables a " they appeal' by a stick 18 Inches long. Near the of worl'hlp, whether In Jern.s alem or cura Sonp, two boxes at Cutlcura. Oint- DISTEMPER, PINKEYE, INfLUENZ. COLDS, ETC. above ground, peas and lettuce being upper end of this stick Is attached a In Oerezlm, by a great truth about ment and one bottle of CuUcura Reespecially subject to attack. It dam· long cord, and between the top of It God, and, and by making her con- solvent. It people would know what Of all Horses, Brood Ma.res, Colt~ Stallion., Is to ages wheat ' and other grains when and the edge at the trap Is placed a scious of her moral need. So now, at Cutlcura Is there would be tew surrernewly sowed, ripening, 6.nd In shocks. chip. By setting' the trap over bait the close of his ministry he shltts the ing with e czema. Mrs. Jos eph KossIt reduces the numbers of lome of mind of the lawyer trom aide Issuel mann, 7 St. John's Place, Ridgewood Hetahts, N. Y., APr. 30 and Mar 4, '08." On thelrtoD&'1!ea or In the leed put Spo!tD'.L1quJd our most useful native 9peclel, such to the main Question. CompouDd. Glvo the remedy 10 all 01 them. It as bluebirds, house, wt ens, purple I CIS on the blood and glands. It rouls the disease True Religion Defined. Technically DIICUlied. by expelllDII' the dis~.o aerms. 11 warrts off the martins, tree swallows, cl,rr awallows, trouble no maller how they afe "ex~cd." Abao"So there Is to be a divorce," said and barn swallows, ,by destroying the lulely free from .nylhlnll' injurious. A cblld can Re ligion does not consIst In debates It. 110 cenl, and '1.00; 16.00 aDd '10.011 eggs and young and by UsurpIng the over metaphysical dogmas, nor 'ln bat- the woman who discusses everybody. 1lI1e!.1lako tbe dozen. by druggist. , hune.., or ·'It seems but a little whUe since ho lent, oxpressSold 1 nesting . places. It attack~ other tapaid, b, tbe manulaclufOI'l. ~ les of logic where catapults hurl flaw.sked for her hand." ...cla. A.o.fs w••,,, familiar native birds, as ·the robin, less Inferences, and cannon dIscharge ':Yes," replied the rude man. "He ren, red-eyed vireo, caq,lrd and chain ehot of perfect sylloglsma, nor «at the hand all right. But It turned mocldng bird, casing them to' delert In tight ecclesiastical fences to ~an1 out to be a misdeal." ' Chemlsll and Bactetloloalltt. GOlben,lncI.,U.1.A. parks and shady streets a~d OWns divine legislation, nor In ploua can , Unlike our native blrdl who'... places ventlonalltles. True religion Is truo. Important to Mother8, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t; It usurps, It has no song, but , Is nols1 . EJ:amlne carefully every botUe of • " .. love tor God and men. These words ..: aDd vituperative. It deflJe8 t,ul.dlngs of the text have the blgheet authority. CABTORIA, a sate and sure remedy for • and ornamental trees, .~ulls, and They are venerable and majestic with and children, and see that i t . vines with Its eJ:crement and 'vltb Its the age and glory at the Old Tes~&­ Intanta Bears the I~n~--:t':, bulky nests. ment law; they come as the expres- Signature of ,~~ • ;: sion of the deepest con~lctlons of th .. The evldenoe agaInst the E gUsh In Use For Over 30 Years. • IIparrow Is oyerwhelmlng, ' and , the human heart yolced even by the legal· The K1.nd You Have Always Bought. )n't!sent unfriendly attitude ot the pub. Ism ot Jesus' day; and they reoord • II worth Its weight In gold. It stops all itcbinr, frritatiag skiD ; \ our Lord's summary ot all that was Literary Conllstency. IIc toward It Is reflected In ou~ >,tate • d.i.seases, eczema, erysipelas, ringworm chapping or bums. •' "That woman Is never happy ex~pt best In the historical revelation of laws. Nowhere Is It Included I}'mong • A positive cure for Itching and ',flamed piles. ' Nest Bo)( for 8parrow •• the bird. that are- protected. buman duty as contained In , the Bible when botberlng over the unknowable." RESlNOL CllEHlCAL COMPANY. ,BALTIMORE, MD. . .: "Yes. She used to adore Browning; ; Thougb sparrows may be (driven and pulling the cord from a sheltered of hla day, and his assertion that no Reslnol OiDtment, Realnol Toilet Soap, Reslnol Medicated . ,( • now she dotes on Henry James."Ideal for llfe could be higher. He from a given nelghborbood, ule rellet point of observation when a ftook at • Shavlne Stick are J01d at DI'UIr StOJe8. thua obtaIned Is only temporr~y. and sparrows Is beneath It. numbers of thus treed religion tram bondage to Cleveland Plain Dealer. has the fnrther objection I that the them ' may be caught. Instead of the legaUsm and stated the ' truth that It If You Are a Trifle 8enlltlve , I nuisance Is simply t.r ansff{rred else- ,hox described above, by whIch the belonged to the realm of vltallttes. Abo1I, 'be alze of 70ur aboel, manT ~opl. wear amaUer aboe. 1>7 talng Allen',. Foot·E&se, Here as evp.rywhere else In his teachwhere. More drastic act~(n .Is th~re- . birds are taken alive, an old jloor or the ADtiaeptio Po,.der t() ebake Int() tbe ahoe •. fore preferable; , similar device may be employed as a Ing he Insisted that reUglon Is not a h eures Tired, ' S,.olleD, AcblDg Feet and reat aDd eomfort. Just thfl tbl0lr for The box Illustrated designed to dead tall. In either case the trap matter of law, but of Ute, not a can- I[JYe8 breakIng lD De" sboe.. 80ld e'Yerywbere,~. be hung on a building . a tree. Its sbonld be kept set and baited until rorlplng to statutes but an outgoing Sample aeDt FREE. Adclre.., Allell S. OIIl:Ulte4, tloor should ~e about sl Jnches s()uare the sparrows are not afraid to go un· Df love not ritual but righteousness, La Ror,N. Y. l and Its heIght at tb eaves ' about der it. The best time 'for trapping When a man Is at home and the Th. Characteristics or Lov •• . elgbt lD,ches. The ro~ should b~ Is just after a snowstorm, when ' the telephone bell rings his wife makes a And what Is tbls love? No Intelll· hinged at the top f0F! removing the h1rds have been tasting. Then, I.f the dasb for It to see It It 19 some woman gent person will for a moment tblnk eggs or young. Suc boxes may be ground be cleared and cbaff and crain who wanta to .talk to him. built at rough boar at slight cost. be put under the trap, the birds will tbat It Is mere sentiment. It Is not ( Pettit'. Eye 100 Years Old, B,. dlstrlbutln~ a II mber of tliem crowd In and enable the trapper to se- luxurious emotion that vents Itself In A COw and an acre of alflll(a will earli 1120 a year in the Sao Joaquin V.alley. ' pious pbrases, or sanctified Interjecralievea tired eyea, quickly cures eye nebell, ~ut orchards,..s,ba trees, and opt- cure nearly aU ot the local flock. It GI<Ipes will yield from $100 to $300 per acre; peacbes and apritl)ts, $t,50 to $soo;' buildings, and catc g the sparrows any escape they will spread tbe fear tions, or lachrymose rhapsodies, .and inflamed, BOre watery, or wcemted, .eyes. while oranges will produce from '::150 to $500, and in many instances mor.e than ''1000' thnt occupy them, or by destroying of t raps, and, before long very few of exhausts Itselt In these outputs. Nor All druggists or Uoward BroB.Dilffnlo,N.Y. an acre. There nrc tcn million arable and irrigablc acres bere. You atill may buy eggs, the work o~ extermination may the birds can be Induced to 1'0 Into Is It the merely mysUcal passion tbat When the worst comes to the ' worst unimproved land for $50 an acre. ecstatics have coveted, and that has one may as well try to make the best Ten acres are enough to comfortnbll support a small family. Twenty acres dorcS ' be carried on Ilt ~ season when other one. tried, often Irreverently we fear, to a fine living, with mODey in the bank. Forty acres moult.! make you rich. ( of It. Ir f . adapt to the delly the endearing terms You pay from one-Courth to oneCarson n~ed. Reedle),. Cal., trom 11/ ONE "BROMO OUININE." third down, balance ,e"Ur C.II lie paid tw e llty -~c r e crop of 13ultano. raIsin.' apprlJprlate to the holy Intimacies of '! 'hat ONLY I. LAXA'1'IVIl BROMO QtnNING. Lou .. for fo .. out of tbe erop.. nett ed $3.200. human lite. It Is not IL matter ot tbe IIl1o.tore uf K. W . OROng. U0e4 lb. World Almost anything can be raised In th e • know tbla "Illley from end to end. , onr IQ (;ure • Cold ID 000 Day. 2&c:. San Joc.q uln country-oranges and I have 8(,0 11 crops J,lanted o.nd har'lest· 1 neurology, but ot ethics. It Is not a wh eat. fi gs and apples, < grapes cd In eve ryon e ot Its cou nties. I have vague rapturous feeling tar too ott~n There Is no wrong a man can do and hardy potatoes. Products or til e In le rvluwcd ftumers, rancher" ana morBOUght tor mistakenly by many who but Is a thwarting of the living 'right. temperat and semi-tropiC zonea flour- chnnts. I have collated the testimony , ' ' of crop experts. Ish side by uldo. are really anxious to make 'actunl In PJenir of ,,'oter tor Irrigation drawn ,\11 thls valun.ble In.tormation Is con- ; BAJlKING, HA<lKING, RASPING COVGD tram the ncar-by Sierra IlnOW8. It la tRln ed In tho San .JoaQuin VaUey land f their lives the Ideal that Jesus pre- c.n bo brokeo quickly by AIU,,', Lunp 1I1ll''''h. eft.)' for Olle to moke Il .Carl. Land be- fold er Issued by the Santa Fe Railway. sented. Love Is a strong, vital, ra- Tbll\old, reliable remooy bA. beeD IOld for over 40 twe en the rows can be \l s et!, while or- "Write tor It, gll/Ing Culi name !Lnd ado' ;reua. AU 1ourdru~lnlLllOut It, . tional, Imperial consecration ot one's chard Is young. t or mu.ny profitabl e dr liS. I will also send you Our tmml'1'h o point I.. t o make eTery gJ'ation journl\l, 'The Earth, six months' selt. It Is useful and practical. It Is Reform Is a. good thing when ap- . crops, aqullre foot bear a"naethIDI&'. CI' e, the love de'llcrlbed by Paul In , his pUed to the other fellow. ,,· ... t aome farlllcrM hft\'e done,Cal.. ')'1 S I t 0 h CIP Frn,nk Thomas. or l~rcs no. 10 nn t a "" ~'e cmp Oys me noble hymn In tbe thirteenth chapter bought tw onty acrcs or Ia n,} nvc years s(' tll e up it" South;w'st lin es. The Coron .. eOIll.ta. ... ReU"Ted la 8b: Hoan by nny has 110 land to ~Il l\, but I wtU of First Corinthians. It Is duty Dr.Detchon·a Relief for Rheumatism. 750. ago. He hnd but $300 10 !' tRrt on. To- figla dly r ctC'r your Inquiry to r ellabl. day his plnco I s pnld for nnt! he has an land OW1H' r s who hBve. charged and discharged with delight. In co m oC over $ ~.OO 'J u. yonI'. It's never too late to mend-untn It \VlIlJam Shraycl', n. F . D. 7. Fresno. Low ture. nre ot'fered by the Santa It service which Is rendered with Cal.. bought ,hl A I1r9t t en a cres six Fa dnlll'. omtortabla touri st slee pers fs too late. JOY In the whole being. yea rs ago. Now ownll sixty l\cres all und cha ir cu rn. 'Th e jOl1~ l1 e y a.lso may be ml\d e at other tim es for n. r ca90nWhat then Is Jesus' Idea of rellg· paid for, and r efu~eH $12 ,0 00 f or Ilis n.ble C081. Santa F o touris t service toplaco. lon, at once tbe highest In the O\d M, F, Tarpey. of Frellno. owns vine- Sa n F'rl<ncl sco Is Quickest. Testament ,and the conception apyard of 1.200 ne n s. from whi ch he C. L. SEAGRAVES, CeDeral Colou.tioa A,eat tak es an l\l1nual profit- ot $125.000 . proved by the depths ' of our own On th e Anrold cHtn te. tWPllty-two A. T. &5. F.Ri_5J1tem hearts? It consists In glorifying God , acres ot pcacllcli yielded a $15,000 crop. 1150 rtal!,.a)' Eachan.. Chi....... DL by the fullest possible normal use of all the powers , that belong to self· hood, and In servlllg our fellowmen as the proof that all thesu rlrst port of call north o! Panama; a "'ou,lerflil The Spanish breed of towls has lone legs are rather Ion,. They do not powers are ~onsecrated to Ood. Lov. Li~ barboI', sa rely lalldlocked; tbo nMural port of supply for al\ the 8outb .. eBt; I"'"sent \.ermlnua ' been pOpulhr In thts COUDtry and iD otten sit. lrig God with the "heart" does not 'Santu Fe ltuUroad; " w ralll'oad direct eAst Other varle!:tes of ' the Spanish mean the experience at the same pas: DO,. buUdlug. PopnlMI<1II dOli bled In pnst four E\lrop~. , Their. ~y~e~rY ' of · ,form, Teara. BaDk clearl"g9, POllt I1ftl tie I'CC"'pts (\n4 rrncetl,ll . pro\1d carriage, as well breed , are ,tho' Mlnorcas or Red Faced 510nate emotion which ,we felll toward realty 't'alueliluereasetl. in voMer proporUollo 'A dead liver means 8w(uI siek; . . beauty plumage; have made them Black Spanish, the Anconas, a mottled one' another ,In the fiesh. T~at Is 1m· ness-don't let it come-when favorites . po~l:1'y (anclers, ,while varl~ty," /lnd the' ~t,e Spanish. , . , possible. It ~eans that love Is to be it can be preyented. Cascarets The great' dJ:1Lwbaok to this 'IireecJ exercised ,without restraint toward In Uw't'eraltr lIellbt~, a. 8p1eD4111 ftfIldCDOO tholr ' has placed aeeUOD. EleGtrie c/Or lines i..clly, convenlell c~a ; keep the 'liver lively' and 'bOwels ot .fowls Is their lac~ of hardiness I,n "whatsoever Is lovely," No man ean Ulem desl,r able bre~s. IIrlouIllOCHo'l3OQ; teMDal/j.w ~acb lot; rio lDter· , ...,. Bend 15.90 depo.I~; securing be.t . pro~;t7 regular ' and ward off', seri(na, Their very good quam,. the hlghe~)at1tudes : _The~' must. he-va ' IUfte his affecUons' tOward 'anythlng 'II.IUlOld, aubJec~ t() your approval; looney back' and white, larger warm and coo1fo"tab~e quai' if ~e)' pure without 10 tar tOl:t)1 smothering 'Their tf not aaUaOed.;no better lnyeetlllenl Anywbere. fatal illness. do well In , a nything . Ulte a , cold cll-, hla' love for , GQd. It !II not unmanly Write for boolilet; our retereDce_aD¥ HDte. other breed, It. la, cAscARaTS-lDC: bolt_1L'a treatA41lreIJ . '" , mate, or In bad, dl8arreeable weather to. keep , lhe .hol)' ftame of tender arLa Fleche. ' meat. All dnia:&lata. DIneR' RlI~ all"0, COLLIER & COMPANY .' fectlon burDlnr ' a, ~rfghtly ' as p0181Black ' SpanIsh la In apy climate. ' la &lie world. KlIlio1l b\lsca ~ -Ua. 1_ D ••GO . CAL.tFORNIA. ble: '. It la Inhuman, and, th"refo~ ; IIft'DOIUllt ' varlety ot hi. Irrellstou8 to ,quench It. To love tlie most comClvlilzatlon Judged by Milk. of th'ilJllaek . PrO'f. ~\ aa,.. tile clvll!JaUOD of truth, beaut,., good.nes~. In all tbelr' .even pounds, a people cat1 .,. determined by til. myrlad mantleatatlons, II to Ion God :ho"gtrJt'~lIui$lll~" naclI.'.' elCht; the quantitY. ot IDllk tIley ule. Slire,olll,. tram tbe .. heart. HeaveJI doe. Dot Ie... This hl,hly clvtU••d »8op18, keep COWl that mock eart'll b1 baTI_ • leparate die' tban ODe giye enoup DilUC to ba.. ItwolQ t100UJ, God'" ~ 'I I' til. aalll. e1H tben . . . . DO IcUc.. ~~I;I:~" fOWll are 10 .whlle to set Into tIat Mldt oJ~ u I boclled. ftewWlt bel cb..... . '

economlo r elatioDs the Eng· methods are least effective. .... s parrow among birds Is oompar· Sparrows frequently gtve annoyan~e _able a the rat among mammals. It by roosting la ornamental vines and Is c mlng, destructive, and filthy. In crevices about buildings, If driven This parrow was Introduced Into A. out late at night, sevoral nights In merlc about 60 years ago, and Is now succession, they will usually dellert dlstrlb ted generally ove r the east. the roost. A jet of water from a b garden hose Is a potent disturber, par· e rn a of th e United States and tlcularly on frosty nights. Wbere southern Cn.nlldn and locally westward water Is not ' avallablo, small Roman to tbe P 16c coast This rapid dis· candles may be employed. semlnaU Is a r es ult of the blrd's Preliminary to the following dehardiness, I ex tr aor dl nary f ecundlty, dl· structlve measures, Iparrows should ve~s t~ ot food, aggressive disposition, be baited luntll they are attached to an a mos,t complete Immuulty from the spot .elected tor 'heir execution. natural en~mles through Its sagacity \ Soeds grain, or wa8~ tram the table, and Its pr terence for thickly seltled If su~plied ror;ularly will soon esta\). communlll . IIsh a feeding place. 'It a general cam, Its natu 1 di et consists of seeds. palgn Is to be undertaken, ~nough but It eat ~ great vari ety of othe r such feeding places should be main· fOOd. s. Wh e much of Its annual fare. talned to attract to them pracUcall,. conslsls of waste material from the all the Bnglish spn.~ows In' the ne igh· streets, In a tumn and winter It Call· borhood. This can .aslly be done In sumes Quant I s of weed sced , and In winter when food Is dcarce. After thus summcr num rOils Insects. The de- baiting th e sparrows they ma)' be IItrllclion of 'eed seed Is unde nla· trapped, shot or pc>lsoned . ' bly In the sP~rrow's fuvor. Traps alone are Inad equate to ~J:' On tbe otbe · ha nd, mucb can be terminate sparrows, but a reduction Bald against t1\o bird . It destroys of uumbers can be effected by using smnll fruits, as der rles, grapes, pen r s , a shallow box not less than tour feet and peaches. \t also destroys buds aquarc, open ou one side and covered Rod ftowere of Cultivated trees, shrub~, with woven wire ')n tb e other. 00.


20 Per Cent Reduction


Ask for the




The Right Way "SPOHN THEM"






t JAR t OF



.. ,'


. ,1

• .........................................• : to




$125,000 net from 1200 ·acres grapes., ,,' $15,000 from 22 acres peaches. ' $3,200 from 20 acres ra~ins, in the San Joaquin alley, CaJiforni&

\l .




San Diego, California Your Liver's


85 Dowft!'·Clty Lota··S5 10.




•••• I '. . I ............. Le---,.......... ano- 1Iuto and If I LEBANON'S ~rOTR-uNEl-"""GARAGE? ""If --

_ • •tIt• •_.~j ~

' .



1~~~~~Bm~m.. . . . .-,.. . .~..............~....'~i





a "•




MODEL AA- The 12-horse Power Famous Runabout to take the place of your horse and buggy . $600 MODEL 2- Four cy ,.In der, 22 . horse power, SI'd' I mggear transmission, come~ with five different bodip s , ' $900 to $1000 MODEL E:-AbsoluteJy the best Touring' Car value on the market $1500

Warren County's Favorite Cars

If Any Doubts, Come in and Compare


Fireproof Garage for display room and storage---neat and clean, with ample fire protection. A Machine Sho Equipment that cannot be duplicated Iy any Garage in any city in the State of Ohio of four times the size of Lebanon. And . if anyone can furnish us with a better Repairman and Machinist, or one with more experience, than our head Repairman, you will do us a favor by giving US his name. We can pay him his salary.

~ ~


... "


... .,


a • ., U



Runabout, • $1000 40-horse Roadster Toy Tonnea~, $1100 Touring Car .





,21 Mechamc ~treet

$1250 $1400

We stand behind hi~ work In every respect, anq his services arc the same price to you as to your friend who runs a Maxwell, Ford, Overland or Jackson. He has helpers, of course, and they are paid by ,IS as helpers, and as such are charged on your work, We do not charge vou mechanic's wages for a wa~her or helper. Tttl'lK IT OVER- OUR POLICY IS pLAIN!

i ST'EARNS .And Others


Buys a F ive-Passenger Touring Ca r with COJ1;- Ask any onc about our Cars, then plete eq uipment. including Top, i Wind Shield and Speedomet~r. Follow the f"ord' Over t he Hills. let the Cars speak for themselves.



. GEO.







In entering t he s co nd year of ou r business. we fee l that a littl e talk with the people 'a n do no hal·m. Wt:! are /lot goi ng to tell you how rapid ly Wt:! have grow lI from one cal' a year ago to the lead ing place in t he Automobile busines in Warren County today. but that we may all unders tand eac h other b ttel', is tht:! reason for this advertisement We wa nt to im press u pon the minds of a ll . automobile owners- whether you have or do purchase you r car from us or some other dealer that your t reatment in our Gal'age wi ll he just the arne as your neighbor who lJurchased hisCa r ofu'l. " TheSameTreatmenttoAII" isourmotto. To the man who is going to buy an Autl'mobile. If you buy you r car of us, you can do so with full confidence in the fact that YOU A!{[O;

ME MODEL. Our prices a re the same tv one and all, and that price is lis t price. A Word To the Man Needing Repairing: ('Iur head Machinist is a thoroughly competent man.




~~0WGN'i{JH~~~ ~~~FPsRJ8~l~~A~~E


First-Underground gasolene means full strength and more mileage. . A complete line of all supplies wanted by th~ motorist for hil:J Car.



30-40 and 50 horse-power Touring Cars, famous Jaeks.on engine and unit power plant. Prices, $1250, $1700 and $2350 Ask any Lebanon citizen who witness d tile g reat 300 mile t'ace at Indianapolis last fall , ab u t the Jackson.
















B. JOHNSON, Manager, ' ::



:,: , ,








If y


I "




i!$t .,


., • •



If .-

I" I I~' I

JI. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .J!U __• • •UU• •U~_UiU• •-H ·.1f& • «



ted.\t o probate. Eli D. Burnet, ap. Hannuh J. Hatfield to Edward 8. 11ani! others ll skiog for the oons~ruo pOinted exeoutor and oourt orders Browning and Mollie ' E , Browning, lion of a brtdK9 !lOrOSS Caesar's 1841 Rogers private ul& of ohattels. 43 Bores in Tllrtleoreek township Creek in Massie township Itt what Estate of Emeline Dawson, de. $4300. ' 1is known BS B~ines' Croll~ing was Common Pleas Court. oeased. Bale bill filed by Ennis Charles E.. Hutzel to Fred W. presented and ordllred pllloed on file. If you would like to supply Dawson and Eva M. Smith, exe·ou· Wood ana May Belle Wood, 10 acres PIons, specifio"ttons Bnd e·!'tlmn.te New Suits , tors. First and final acoount ~Iso in Union township, t1. . for steel joist for bridge on Liberty your t:a Ie with this highMayme McElwain VI. Earl MoEI. Court Proceedln2S, ·flled. Alloe B. 6randin to Anton Balle sohool h ouse road near Oregonill grade s ver,ware free of wain, Petition for divorce on the Magio City Land oompan"" . vs. Estate of J. L. Swink, deoe~. 50 acres in Hamilton townshi .., S1' ~)ike. with oresote ~Ili~er!l. neur re!'- , .J '" l(lenoe of Milton DIll 10 'l'urt,leoreek us for our spegrolluda of non ..npport. Plaintiff Society of Shakers .. Court over· Firat and fillal !looouot filed by Willard J, Wright, exeoutor of township were approved anrl oon avert $hat Bhe was married· to de. 'Address rules motion to require defendant Orphll. T. t:)wtnk . estate of Hepzibah Marlatt t,o J . traot let to Oragontll Bridge 'C o, R t ~ fendant September 17, ' 188', at to confirm its answer. Estate of Gay Hizar, minor. First Doan Njxon, traot in Turtleoreek estimate ' 133. . .j Klnge '.flUs and to tbeir union the Warren C. Jaok at 01 ' VB. C . U. and final acoount filed by) Adolphns township, t11,778 \ following chndr~n were born: Eulassetal. Conrt ordera that de- Williams. B . O. Wat,klDs a.nd Sarah 1'. WatHow 'Good News Spre9.ds, Lenore, 11 j Pauline, 16; Margery, fendant make report and detailed ' lnmatterofestateofJohnKenter kinstoJ. D.Burns l1/toresinHar· "I a m 70 years old and travel 18. U. B. Dechant" attorney for statement of all servloee rendered deceased. Sales oopfirmed bV oourt ll\n township ,1385. ' · · m ost of th o time," writes.B F 'reI. ""!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!~~!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~ . . ' . son, of EllzabethlOwn, Ky . "Every. plaintiff. . by attorneys and trnBte.s. and distribution of preceeds made. Ehzabeth H. Roach, LllVina A. where I go I recommend El eot.:lo Fret Buohsbanm vs. James R. William Michael n. Pel'rine Po.· First Rnd final account fileli. · PeJk Ilnd MorrtA Peok to village of BItters, beOlluse lowe my exoellent . per oompany et 0.1. Court ord6rs Estate of Wllll1rd F . Balzhiser Morrow, ·traot in Morrow, '75, health and vitality to thein . They executrix to aocept t4500 In foIl et 11.1. Ada L. Balzhtser appointed .Walter liriffith and Fanny F. effeot a. cure every time." They AUCTIO ~ payment. gna.rdian o.tboild of tl000 . . Griffith to George A. Mueozenmaier never fall to tone the stofUlI.oh, regu late the kl.dueya and bowels, stlmo- Centerville, Ohio~ Columbu. 0... Nora Mullen vs . Oharles Mullen. Estate of V. J, Zentmeyer, as· Bnd Katherine MuenzBnmo.ler. traot la.te t he liver, invigorate the nerves Jul7. 2. nOI. Divorde is not granted o.s prayed signor. Sale' bill filed by A. ~' . in IAsbanon, $1. aDd pnrify the blood . They work The man who oan Nature'. ~aUon Co.~ for and oaule ill dismissed. Their Simonton, assignee AIda Ketterman to Robert Friend, w'lnders for wellk, run-down men Horsl;'s, UOWtl, 80 s, Farm, Gentlemen: ohlld Edward oommended to the In matter of estate of WilHaM J . .180.96 .aores i.n Clearoreek Bnd Ilnd women', restoring str ongth, vlg Farmiog Utensils, · Honse· or und heal th that·s u. da ilv joy. From 18110 to 1101 I Rtrered with Try t.hem. Only 50e. SlltisfBotion hold Goods, or any btnl in tuberculOId., accomp&llle4 with hem· custody of defendant exoept In sum· Collett, deceased. Vourt gran ts Wuyn-e towDship, ~20,OOO. PlliUp Vetter to John W .. MoCabe IS positively guarllnteed by Fred U. orrha.... at Interval.. Since 11102. mer months when It may stay with Howard Collett, ndminist.rator leave the sel11ng line. \ . untU the · put winter, I was lIome grandmother, Mrll. Beltz . . to invest funda as )lruyed for. and Ml1rgaret McCabe, two traots in 80hwartJ \ better, but 111 Karch I bad .. hemorProbate Court. Estate of Wilson Kirby, deoeased Franklin townslti\l, i22aJ. - - --+ - .. Call Him Up Dates Th",.e. &lid on the .Ixtb . of April,. 1~08. , Doe proof of notice of appointment Mary E Lellry to I..touella Baroa. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. 1 wu luddenI,. terrlbl,. aftUcted w1tl) 1un.. trouble. X,. tamtl" ph:ra1c1an pro· Es~a.ta of John t) , Van Horne, of Martha Kirby as administratrix low, lot in Fmnldin, S2500. St. Augustine's Catholl~ Church. nounce4 It a .evere ClUe of tuberculo· First .and final aocount is filed: Marah W. Bolmer .to William P. WALTER 1111 of the lun... 1 could not lie down, deceased. F"tber George Mnvenboefer, Palltor 6 0 could sleep but nttle. filed by Spsaa R . Van Horne, exec· Estate of T. Benton Jaok, de· IClark and Myrtle Ulark, lot in, MnKS every 8ecol1d !'\undaf of .Lhe moulh ;1& A.bout May1at I commenced takJnc Na· eeased. One proof of notice of liP-I Union township, saoo. \ 9 : 00 a. m . ture'l CreaUon. The tlr.t bottle relieved utrlx. . me .0 much th&t 1 could lie down, rest Estate of WllJlam H. Williams, polntment of Lelia. D . Jaok us ad-I Peroy W . Bolmer,.et 0.1 to WilllBm St. Mary's Episcopal Church. Funeral ' Dil'O':tt. ' well and wu tree from pain. The third deceased. Sale bill IS 11led by Geo. ministratrix. P . and Myrtle Clurk, lot lu Union Rev. J , ll'. Clldw;1l1nder . Rector. bottle aave me .tren~h enough to go Estate of Albert Keever deoeBsed . , township, '280. Sut1llay School. 0 :ao Il. m Morntng ser· . to work at m,. trade ot carpentering. T. White admlnistratol'. ArQ IItill laborln&'. every day and teeUng Est!l.te of R . K. Leak, deceased. Due proof of notice of apPOintment Co • ., 'P oceedl s~~~ci~~ :~~ a~;~b .!~~h~ommunlon th e. first Telepho!le day or Ui~bt. h& . ~ mmlss oners r n~s, Heoond a.nd fin III acoount ' file,j by of Lydia E . Keever, I1S Elxecutrix Va.llElY phone.N ll. i. I.c1 D K Upon recent · examination of my spu· ManiAIC! Licenses, Bills -.l. M. Mulford, stamps Methodist Episcopal Chureb, tum b)' speolallst.,. no trace of ·tuber· W. t:). Baker, exeoutor. Distanoe ~o. 69-'~. \ cular germ. could be found. I am now Estate of Samuel ~ugh, deoel\8ed . . . . I '10.50; W. A. Soott, bridge repairs Rev. H. W. ·Salley. Pastor. Ohver C 'CountrymaD 24 oar pen SundllY School, 9 :ao a. m. Mornlull' ser· on m)' IIlxth bottle of ·Naturs'll Creation. . . " ., of Union towoship, t1.50; Frank vice, 10:30 n. m. Epwonb League, 7:00 p . WAYNESVILLE,. OHIO tllldn&, It m'ore as .. tonic, but feel that Final acoount filed by Raohel Pugh, ter of Mld4letown to Jl!nnie ~van!'" Dnke, lumb~r, $(.1. L7; A. B . Sides, m. Evcn~D g service. 7: 00 p . m. Midweek .. \ '1 do not particulArl,. need It as I eon- administratrix. f Franklin . Pr ,y c·r Meeting. 7 p . m. . B hOm' u· __1- 0 • .Ider my.elf cured. , Estate of Russell Schnell, minor . 17" O looust posts, Sl1 .20; .lsllao ·O r n k e , . r~nc: ee, ~rve1·lbUf.' . ' iJ'oura trul)" First accqunt filed. ' Ha\ly F. Hathaway, 22, farmer of brIdge repairs In Turtl~oree~ town. Christian Church. I Willard J. Wright execntor of Waynes:vl1le to Go~d.i~ L . Dodd, 17,. ship i13 25; J . A . Shutts, ,bridge Rev, L. O. Thompson, P~tor. -- . . ; . . ' , ot Waynesville ' . . . Sqnday Sch~ll 9:80a. m. Social Qlootlng . the 1aat will of Hepdbah Mar~at.t . " D • r" repairs in ,Wayne township, 17.30; l~~oa. m. Qnnstlnn Endeav0t:. Il:QO p. m: C W HEN DenSON M D .1 J!l. Fourth :Avenue. VB. Mary E. Starry et 0..1. Partition ' .J:! rank . ~vil e, ~7, farmer , of S, D. Benkle, fees and expepses,. ~o:ao:. t:I. ~:1°i:g~e~ ,:.lt0l'1l8te SlJlldar at • • •• . ~~ "." ' . . . NOT. 17.-1 conUnue to teel perfectly of prooeedll of 8ale of re~1 estate: BI~noheB~eF .to Mattie Ma.y R~s, f203.35 ·;·AIOnz!?Qllsll.ed,;,y, land ap•. I ' . ' . . ". ,. j , . wau, and·· .. I 'am 'working ~ard every Estate of John Kenter . deceased. 25, of ~vel. . .' praiser t28 Dan P ; BODe fees Hkksl~~ friends Church~. Wayne8vill.~, . Oh,~. I: da? there II 110 lonfer ant doubt of my . ' . ' . Clarence 0 W olfll 25 · brakeman . ' .. " 'First Day Meetlnv. 10 :00 '8 , 01 , F lnt Day bef:ma per~&IIently cured. Court orders sale of personal pr~p. . '. , t ' . a' t47 86; JohnlJon & W~~sonoompany. School, 11 :00 a, ·m.:· ' Fou"h 'Day.. MeeUnc Valley. Phone 153 , :. . .J. 1\'. K. er\y as in pe,t~tlon~ . . . . of Ularks~l1e t.o.. ~fln~ e .E h~rbet, blanks and buoks, ' U74.05; The 10 ~ oo .a'lI;I. ..: , . . Mature. Creation I. tumln&' hunaredll .Estate of R · K. Leak . decell8ed 18, of :C1 a tkevllle. . Fl'llnklin Ohroniol", supplies t15· O·a.odox Friend. Cb ....b 01 tbo.e wbo bave ,been a burden to ' . ' , .. .' .' . . " , . . 'i ~~ .: • u~ ~. ,.. I otber. ~.tul ' mone"'makln&, oltl· .First /Lo.<l9nnt C'f. W. S. ~ker, .e~eon~.. ~~ .Esta~e Tr~ers, . ~ng~le~a.}. ,?o, .brank" . t1.25; . Rev._D~nja~ln ~aw.kln8. Paator, .. n~ · Take III!'. Xallon: ',he ha. been tor conflrmed. ".'. AngUst Hoppe and his wlte Bell- R B. Smith, ooal and sewer pipe, Sab~ulI Sohool, 9:30 8:m. Rell'ularebureh babk at work t.or over a &Del baa 'IlI_ '. ' . . ' ' • service, 10 ''10. B. lU. 'Obrtatlau Encleavor 110' 10It .• IIn.le Bla tamll la . _ta.!.eof DanielB. Leer, d~. ria" Hoppe to Edward l;I0pPEl. JLai. '12.70 ·_~h !l· ~~na.8'e & Oo. ,mdse 7:30 p. 1Il. .. . . ' . 01U! • bapp.. w Ie betor.e, lriveDtory Ilnd appraisement' .Wed aorel in Deerfleld-townshtp, t1. 'lS.7Iti Wtlliams and llqnfort, re . " . . . ce~rll Auctioneer ., ,th.... ".... .,Ill,. .I~m. Thill Nature'. lJy A. F. 8tlnon*<m admini8tratOr AnlOIt BOllpe and 'h ll ",lie Ben pairs, t21 7'1' Centrat UnIon ·Tele- • _ . W . • I' 0 " bio · C....lI011 0,:, Bid• ., '!'own · al14 ·. ., • . . ' . ' ' .. aynesville, !IlIA CO.I Ulbu.. ""Belld to&' booldel 1U14 Jl'.itat.e of Rachel D. Barnet, d~ rietta. HopJt8 to , l!l4ward Hoppe, ,p.h on8·Co.• ren~ and ione, :11-1,5U. . • IaIIIIIIate nDd .... "Il . .........~ " • ..,... .-: "it ' , ~, WJll'aamblecl aad admtL· U,6J~·iD·Detir8eld 'toWD~lp,'l ~pe~l'to~ Il,oeel ~ •• C' (tQr'dOD . . Ir"""'.~"",,. Valley Ph_ ~ i

County ~OUrQ '

Brown. 1Tan8eript from . magistrate's oourt filed for h(.Tlng. Cora Osborn VB. 'Samnel O. Leer, ~rclh A. PatterBon et a1. Petitioa tor partition of real88t.a~. Willard J. Wright attorney for plaintiff. .

















' S~faJe,

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& . " Elba ···· c"CmaniM ' ,. , '- n





R~.:.~~" '~,~~:::.:lT~ERIGHT MAN FOR THE PLACEj -,

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" II I I t " . and Manager in _ . - . _ _ _ . - - - ~t~~~ of ~u"'scription "HIt"


Don't let the dealer who handles some inferior preparation, talk you into buying that "just as good" kind, which so often proves unsatisfactory. Insist on having

' \'1111

,1Ir. "

, Rates of Acfv"'rtil!lcments



Kearl ln g 1.('C::lII, P" II,· " " , ." .". , ~c Readlnlll\:)cul • . hllld f a ~ . l)lJr 11 ",1" • . tele I

rIUAAlfl1~~re:~I;Mt~;t\,,~, ''tC.,e~, I~ ~'~ .l~ne~. %c Ohltuarl" •. Ill'" Inl~ " Inc lr es , pur II"

're ': ove r


. ... . . . ... . .. ,

Oard of th"lIk l4 .. . .. , • •. . . .. . . . . . . . Rell"'lu ll oD~ " " .. " . :: " .. " ...... S ooi a ls Cle. wh e ,'" o.... r"., 1Mm ade . . , . . . 'lIBJll a v Aclve rllHlo(l P'" In ch ... . . . . .', . Disco unts I!"' ~' ou cootraCL.


The kind that won't fade when exposed to sunlight. The kind with that T·O·U·G·H - L·E·A-T·H-E·R·Y - E·L·A·S·T·I·C Finish that outsbines and outwears all others. ." It's for FLOORS. FURNITURE, AND ALL OTHER INTERIOR WOOOWORK, in all natural wood colors.


"c 2;:'c flOc


:!,'jo 10c




Waynesville MAROR '0. ,1910.

the circulating air aguin and IigBlD by the use of Ii dry dust cloth or a feather dURter. '!'be United States War Department haa banished the feather dust · er from al1lta "moes and bnildings beoaulle it Is believed to favor the disseminatIon of tuberculosis. It has been @aid that no city oan olaim to be quite oivilized If It oont.inuee to spend the people's money to buy feather dusters for its pubUo build· ings. The dDlt that you aDd your neigh bor Ilweep from the doorlltep, and the olouds that rise' from the beating of carpets in ynur own or your neighbor'lI y"rd is SOOD returned to you or to your neighbor by the wind.

Wbellt is lnolrl.'g fioe. A /itood ",HOY farmer! "re oottlng out tohacco t,hill lI~~800 . Wipe bOYII. Farmers arlf taking Ildvant"lle of iood weRth!'r, and are worklnll hard plowlna' Rnd qett.lng reaely for the 8ummer's wo .. k. ~be

'l'hirty yellrll ogo the Mlami Gozette editorlallv IIays that Warren Count1!1il1 build thi .. ty new hetl turnpikes t,hllt ROmmel'. Tobao 0 haR dropped to eight cent. and a ,reat deal of it is retulled at 'hat priqe, althouRh forflign ' dealen are boyiog lome at nine centa. Don~ frAt. or worry. Let the men 1.0U elanted do tbat you pay them for if.) but Jive them their own elme and 8COpe, Kbd all will be weU.



The Bnllin988 Men'II1110gan I18ema to be working. The "big talk" aronnd the townllhip III: Will they build he avenue? Of oourlle they will. Let 'em alt-De. and 1911 will He a fine road "a.}' aorOll the a~enul!' - Thf're . . . . pile nf enow baok of

',he G:..t/o uffioe wbtob dteappeared

The ~ener41 interest beini 8hown able camp'lign of 1883 between For. in the candidaoy of Jesse Taylor tor aker and Bo"dley resulted In tbe the nomln" tion as the Congressional defeat of Foraker through oondition8 oandiliate of tbe Republioan party over whloh hB.Ead no ooutrol, but in the tlb:th dlstriot is a strong in· enabled him to go before the people dica.t?n t.hat he will be the suooeS8· and demonlltrate his abtUty, 'f ollowed fal oandidate. by hi4 grt:at 8000es888, whioh are The tbat Mr. Tavlor was de- known to all. There are hundreds feated two years ago doe8 not aot &8 of 8imtlar Oas88 . in our 09untry's HOW TO GET RID 011' DUST. a barrier to bts ollmpailrD this year history and the defeat. of many men If you wiab to'get rid of dust you for tHe people bOW reoognlze bts In tbeir flrst appearance before tbe mut\t noli stir It up, for 88 soon as it ab'nity and realize the mistake made people has been a boost and a tri gete in thtt air it is beyond yoor oon· in 1908. ulJ,lph iu the end. trot. Before sweeping, if sweeping It ehould be noted that no less Mr. Taylor is well fortified to rep, ia necessary, it 18 well to soatter on than forty of the members of tbe rfsent this dlstriot and the Repubtbe floor aome mOiet material, suob pr8Aent Bouee ' of llepreaen toll tt ves lioan party. He is a true RepubUoan &8 wet sawdos' or bits.of meilltened of CongrM& wera either defe.t6\\ tbe . a man well 'Vereed in Congre8lional paper . While eweeplng the winfirs' tIme they mado the race for prooedore, aDd well qoallfied to dows end outSide doora ahould be 'hs hon<lr or were defeated in their fill the offioe to the I18tlRfaction of wldttly all poaeible, and flret effort to leoore the nomination i the people of ·the Sixth dlatrlo,'. the doors oommunioat.i ng willi other of their party Owing to Mr. Taylor's knowledge ' . of the dlatrlot and lte p8f)ple be will partl of the boulI8 should be olosed. A brabam Ltncoln's o"ndidaoy for . , Duetln" IIbould aiwawl be done with . make the Btrongeet candidate t h e ' · J UnUed States SeDator, although de · &publiOf\n party oan put forward. a motatened oloth whtoh should be feated by Dougl&8s, demonstrated Be Is entitled to 'he nomlnaUoD wMbed before 1t ball a ohAnoe to his ability and made him Preeident and will undoobteClly Iflt it witb dry. ' ' • of the U ntted State. Tbe memor- Uttle opposltion. Where the floors are bare, it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!_ nnneoeeeary and mOlt oDwise to - sweep with a broom, The d11ltt oan Dry Sweeping and Feather Dusting Pollen and frallDen ... of tbe leeda be muok more effectiveJy moved by


0'' .'

., ~oas F.OR SALE .'.

- '- ' ~s


KldleJs Are leakeled bJ OYer-Work.


and Io&lei form 'he bodiee of animall. Lint ~nd other fibree from oloth. lng, e»rpete,' eto. . Dried and pulverized exorement of hors88 and other . domeetto ani· mala, blrdl, dried remalnl of Oi811 and other inS80'8 and even of human beinga. W,,~te material in eDdIe. nridt, from ali .orta of Indoetri.,.,. D18eaee germa-bl.oteria "Dd mould-~ "erl-ad from the exore. ~. tions of man and animalll" partiou. larly 'Jie erma of tuberooJOIlft which are oougbed ~p by the viotim of ooosumption and ~ depo!:!1ted .a 8pi'ttle where they "-n be rapidlw .... J dried aud oooveyed &0 healthv perlIone by' ollrrents of air. If it ts dlaDDlttng to- read these It things how muoh worae k) take into our luntorll the all', and into our stomaohs the fGod that has been oonttlmlnated bY' &he .dlDixture of dust. . D t b h f us ~ay e t e oause 0 many of the diseall8S tl' at dlaot tbe lunge aDd the digestive organ •. D ost i lone 0 f th tt mOB t d reI d e d agen. ciea in the spread of tuberoulo


A .

oUed. ' Of oourse, duehbonhl be destroyed or plaoed in 08Tered recept-aolee. On no aooooo' should It be dumped into the yard or the Itreat or In'o any open r .....p •• ole where it can be dislodged by the wind aDd dietrlbu'. ed &0 other houeee.




--..:.....••--_••- - -

Notice of Appointment


Duet faUt!, llke the rain, upon the l\teC::~I;;',,~~~~~'~.~crfcct 0', ~lmJllldly and juat an.d .uDjust, but in 1\11 places the The Eatate ot Rachel A. Burnett. deceuedd, r<l i.I\J: Ii,y ' " 'lI r ly 411 p...... nnl" in " e~rI1 undersigned 'haa boen appointed an c\ cry chy li nd lo wn III Il. e U,:I"'<I ""I,·• •",,1 ohlldren Ilre exposed to the denleat A. lluall1led aa Executor ot tbe E8ta~ ot Rachel ' .111 ::"" , or loy ",:: il ,lire," . '.1 ",..., 1<1 Ih~n Burnett. late of Warren Oounty. Ohio, deony o tlt ~ r III " I<e. Sell d lor (feu "."'/U&:'IIe.. and coar.eellt part of tbe dUS~IOUd' ce~t.9d thia 16th d~ ot March. A . D. 19101 Mc : .\LL·S MAGAZIN&-.- - - -~ey oreep or run about i an atELI D • . URNETT, Executor, ~~,~'~~z~:~~~\W;~~' al~:'~nl~~'I .'~~~~~hl~~'~~ moephere · that t. muoh mor beavi c st s tyl~J. ,).Itll:rn s, drC bSlI1llkiu).", milHnery~ ' p·ai n sewi n!!. ra ncy nccdle wur C. hairdressing. I, ohRi'lJed w,ith blloteria, irt and cl lqucrt •• fl'"'" •Ionic. , elc. Un ly 50 cents a R AT HAW A Y ycar (worth dr: uhl ). in c luding a Ir ee p~ltem. other obuoxioue refuse tban lhe all' ••• . S uhocr ibe lo" ay, o r s c"d (or SAmple copl. breat~~d by tbe adults at a height Wa'y~es ville's Leading Denttet :·~;:~~!~LJ>:~~~~~~.~~"''; <ntalope ~f th,ree or fonr feet above the ohU Office in Keys Bldg. ....ain S~ ,,,,oJ ncIV caslt pri . e offer.. Ad Ire .. d h d Iii t .h .. • r::'1:: McCAlL CO_ 23810 2.l4 W."" St.. NEW YOIUI ren 8 ea s. t s mportan • ere- :!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~~!!"!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!"!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!!!!! fore, tha~ the fioors of rooms io ~ wbioh ohtldren llve sboold be so oovered that they may be frequent ly oleaned withoot fiirtln&,dust Into tbe air. Oiled or varnished tloora .Recommends answer the purpose best, and may be oovetild with rags or other mil..





I'or Weak,llm-Down People. " I was run down and weak from Indigestion and general deblllty~ allO suffered from vertigo.




lOll .


Vinol co'ntai~s, the two most world.famed tonics-the medicinal. d T . strengthening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil an O~IC Iroo. Vinol contains no oil, and is by 'far the Best Strengthenn~1 ' Tonic obtainable. We ~tu1'D your money without queetioD IrV""moI .doee· ~ot accomplish aU we c:Wm for it. . . ' J~ · E. JANNEY~~' i>ruglU" st; e. ' .


wapiesvW ...

. ::::::::::;;

I !!~:==:=:=::=::=:, : s.

Ii! ...


I saw a ' cod

liver preparation called Vlnol advertl$ecl and decided ' to give It a trial. and the reaults were most gratlfylnc. After taking two bottl,!s I regained my .strength. and am now feeling unu5ually well." - HENRY CUNNINGHAM. Elder Baptist Chun:h, Kinston, N.C.


... Ii





I Eruption.

brlet interest,and • • ,~ eruptions will " . USB Buoklen's Arnica Salve, ~lieir qulokeet oare. Even the worst boilS, uloers, or fever lorea are aoon bealed by it. Beet for Burns, Oats, Bruises, Bore Lipe, Cbapped Hands, Ohilblains and PUes It gives instant relief. 250 Fred C. Schwartz.

Mules. ' . - to nile . 'he' · bi 'the .. ' Wowd you nelghbo/ ", : ' , • by , mai~ free~ 'al,o • ,~ or dr)' .w~pinl; QnoelU &othr~\v '·'.rd?'! . are Uvea: and .. bOwell .. om8tim~. pamphlet tell~J(.)'OQ the air 'be dOl' ildePQ8lted by Ilow. Why Ihould you allow him to defile .teem to bait without C&1UI8. TJlau how tODlid O11t if ~ have . ,. '.. . ." .. . . "en'. Jroable--a.o.a of APP;U_~- btadder trouble. lIeD~OD .We paper 1.1 I18Ul1ng'C)n .11.eurf..... "peolally &he atr of your. ho~. ·w ith dl18'ilicURealtoQ. .NNvllUlln...... . o..ptJo. :"beza-writi.Dg _to Dr. ~lmer ~.A Co., ~ oQrDtotlll, bea.T1 mou1~IDP.. 100II8 perhape 'wlth lbe lerml of oo~ump~ ' beadaobe .,811' Inch lroub. Binghamton. N. V. DoD t~aDymi.. anperilll aDd 'o'litll" "dun · 'ra~" UOD? ~ .. . beta Dr KiD". New 1take, bat remember the Dame. Swaapp" . , " , , " . . ' , III re b 1l0Cl!t. aDd cloD't 1~~ .• c1ea1er. .en ~' l with "blob 0,Uf ~oues ~''''' Ire. If "e run. · ~, 4ue' ... pollon .' . . : ; . ,.. I eO ...;.ma:. ~I ~~ Swptp:Jtoot-o.iI q~'l.1 an~. from 'b~ .redIaI ". wUlabbor· ", Maob·~f the 4~' .,'



t~rtal that ORn be eaany removed ' and olea ned out of doors, Dogs and oa..~ wbioh have the freodom of the <' 81s. neighborhood Ilre liable to bring HOW DUST A.OOUMULATIC8. into the house, into the bands and , Much of dUllt tbat OOlltl in the mouths of the ohlldren, .allsorta of air of otlr housea is brooght in 88 unsospeotod and inde80ribablo fllth . mud on the shoes and ' tbe olothin", Yoa do not wish yonr ohild to play .. ellpecially on t:h,e skirts of women. wltb dirty ohildren. How a.bout the Mdt t t ted b th d • d • u Boon am na y e roo- ca. or og r plnill of horses and ' otber antm"l. dany of the most stubborn dillhaving aooeM to the Itreete, and by easee that aftllot the operativee in " he er.peotoration of thoughtleel faotoriell alld theemployee81n offioee .nd . ~l~hy ~~le. Freqoently this and storea are doe to the polluted b~!1~· ~Qitrea1tzeakabft mud Is left to dl'1' upon the olothini air whioh 'they are constantly In bal. ::.,tbth":'t~:;, prO;:ie:rb:~r in wa~ro~ and oIOle". 'lben' ing. You Ibonld know wbat tlneoproven 'In ~011l&nd8 of the mOlt distre. 'heolo~hea br~h ?r the whiak,broom ~1i.n order &0 protec', yourself ~~W-ba~rtL:".!t~ a 1!18rT88 to dletrtbute thll dried mad and . your premises from ~l1It .ad 6014 ' bydruggiits ill tbro~h the airpflli" · hoole.n.'1l10u.honldde~and th1s prot~tlon flfty~t and,Bnob time a.the hOUl8,keeper ohoOl IIVheneTer · ~lble. " "


Are You Looking lor a PoslOon?


:~~!~: ::m~e: !~hw:~~rWi!:



Do not bring mud into the house , I Today's mud is tomorrow's dust. It the Bir ar Jund your honse is very dusty, pla.ce soreens ot oheese We can offer you good olotb or thm layers of ootton o.oross Paying Employment the inlets of fresb flues Bnd in opsn windows on the wlDdwardslde that you will enjoy and of the hOlUe. at home. Write to-day your interior decorations and fornlsblngs 8S simple as pOllsi . Add,,,. . ble to reduoe the obanoe of aooumuThe Bullerlck PubUshIDg Co. lating dost. I BuHerlek BuUdbag. New York. N. Y. Remove rugs and other floor oov. erings from tb ., room for oleaning. Do not send the dU8t from your hculle into your neighbor 'a house. Never DIe a .broom OQ, a dry floor. First "lay the dust" by dampsaing Undertaker and Embalmer. it. Will be found in the old Use a damp or oily oloth for·dustBank Building, oppostte the National Bank• . ing. Abo1tsb tbe feather duster . Telephone in hOQ8e and of-. O~lIerve the rulea fl,ltalnat splt,lng. Ooe where I can be oalled Dried sputum is tbe most infeotious day or nigbt. kind of dust . It ill a poison I Valley Phone 14-2, Do not expose your food to dust Main Street. Waynesville, Ohio. and flies. Keep 1t oovered, Pity the obildren who are alwa Y8! / getting the worst of the dust nuis anoe. . Whea you bave removed a quantity of dost from your premises, wet it down or cover It 110 it oan never again poll uta the air. Now lIUppliell of dust wlll form fast. enough wltbout any carelessness on your . part. Apin: Never sweep your floors dry, Bever use a feather duster . -Bolletln iS8ued by Buffalo Health Department. • _ •


1..., Wedneeday. We oan truthfolb' eaYlhat '80QW laid on the ground from the middie of December untlJ the lalt~ of Maroh. , I , Dnd 18 fll&h in Its T Ollt danger,' t ,; , oue form. . , . D , II &88 th i · b ·th ear we rea e, )n almOlt e"8ry netgbhorlng paper - oa po a ptOkec(:np oan be e8fln some traottoD the foOd we eat, the llqoids we drink DeW8 that la or wtll be a gr.t bene the hou~e8 tn whioh ' we Uve and fit t~em .. Bot as yet we have not tbe olothing tbat OOV8f8 our bodies DOlt enters our bodiee througb fQund " Ime to ohroniole any thinK ' b . d b b alonl ' mUne. We wonld be glad t e m~ut ,Dose, eyes .a n t e pora. ihoq!J.t) o prlotlo big headUn_.the of oor. ~kin. DUI' from streets, clwelUDII. tac faot tbat work bali commenced OD a hne k) beneftt DI. ·· Bea ven ap.,t!d &orl~ eohooie, tlieatree · and other pohUo bUildin,. has been carefully the day wben we can I OOI.l eoted , and studted. It la found [. to oo*tain .: , The I8&lon il advanolng, but we Bite of sand and soil. hauD~d muoh aboot'tba\ olty ~peokaofaoot and minute otndere, , .... . "'t k' th e one we ubea ! ooal ' lime • par_ VI y par ,yea, , ought to have-lihe eohool.houlI8 Par~~olel from the wear aod tear ~UDd.. Ideal ,Ipet I Of ooarse. of brl~k, pla.ler, cement and asphalt. Band oonoer", a pJace to hold lawn BI~ of wood Rnd otber plant fibres. fe_, a for the towu, a laltio, memorial from the 8Obool' ~nl board, and" .falcinating \ plaoe for " Itranl~fttovlelt. ~mebodyougbt &0 pt bnay I , • -. UDIlealth)' Kl4Dc1S Hake 'lmpure Blood. ~ved a Soldier', Ute. Weak~ and unhealthy kidneys are reo _ Faotng dea&b from ahoe and shell apoDlibleformuch sickness andsufiering, In the oivil war Will more agreeable therefore, if kidney . &0 J. A. Stone, of Kemp, rex, than trouble is • serious reo faolng I, f rom w b at d ~.ors IIItd was .I continue, suIts are most likely , tl "T ' t ted t b oonlnmp on. oon rao . a I a to follow. Your other bom. oold" he writes, "tbat de organs may need at· "loped. ooollh. tb8t "'ock '0 me tention, but your kid' f . t bee in IPI~ ,0 f a II remedl81 or years . neys mos, Quse lIy weight ran down 130 pound!! . they do most and Then l hapn to aee Dr. King'. New should have attention . . h h I 1 ad first. Therefore, when Dl80ove~y. w. 10 ~mp ete 'Y oOdr " your kidneya are weak or out of order, . me. I npw welRo 178 pooo II. you can understand bow'quickly your enFor Cougbe,Oolde, uaUlippe, Aetb. tire body ia affected and how every organ ma, Bemorroage . · Hoaneneall, 'eeemi to fail to do its duty. 'Oroup, . Whoopln" Qoagh aod lung If you are sick or .~ feel badly," begin 'rouble 1&& aupreme 600 ,I 00 taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Trtal boUle free. G~ran.teed·, by Kilmer's SWII:m~R.oot. , ~trial wiUcon. Fred O. Sob,wart... · vi~C:eY:i~ S~fi!::r.~t-= effect or ) .. - • $~,..~oOt. \4~ "eat ~d!le)" and



~at .. IIt~~ .. ~~~~Wlalo1a"' , ..... · apaII4"~


.......... I.IIIIIf4~,~...... ,"-.. .. . ,


suprem e CleCaatoD wIth Tempe lt; abe was not ordinar y wOUian. then; I\lle had proved h r mettle and dlstlnc· t101l and was worth the greates t man of. th hour, , l' mp 8t tqok his 1ea\'e arly, went to bls lub, nnd wro t her a note which sh fou nd on her dros s lllg-~8b le ~ whe n s ho nt, very shortly after, ~ bome IlUI' to her room.


" •

'''''''Yavyy'''''-.,;y..... .~V\"''' ~ , .



anll vIrtuosI ty of tile setector . e.fore ' the ' flre In the S8m , yello\! laUn a' smaU divan ':'lIth bronze rellets on s hlning 'leg and back. a few stili, d1.g· nUl d taut u!ls, 1\ long center·t able. a mirror screen. On th'e mantel B clocll aud and labra w hose grac~ru l In· fantll slIbj r.ta suggest od lhe deslr:u to ha\' be n Int e nd ed to plen'le t ho IIttlo king of RO!'le, n biscuit. ~rollP' 8

.~ The Ma. ster ~ ~~:~i: i~~II::':ll:ln~~~~~;E ::g\;:~:;~g~:g~;~ :';;.:::; ~ Of (raVen ~




Hints For· Hostess TIM ELY SUG GES TION S for Thos e Plann ing S~asonable Enter tainm ents

Busil '1' IllIJ st." II beckpne d the boy tb ro ('vcr Is comes her , but to·dny nnd look tll o lotter, which ho thrust It's 0 bit chill}. Isn't It? So 1 had the Inlo hi s poch e t and went up to his flr lit nrly." . , -: aplll't mcnl. For n few seconus he Shc was be fore it with th o bellow8 Just n s hort time and the social young womau has planned to an, world will r esume th e yalLies sup· nounco ber l'ngage ment II r:r on Easter s dr.!:; posed to hnve be en In abeyauc e for londuy. ~ ~ face gloo my. ' uri OilS, and still mo k· Ormond 's style; , she was u \'er con· 40 days. Atter holy week comes a It Is to be n lu ncheon Includin g the II(; Ing. Til n. 'golng close to th 'electri c tent until Mr, Bnll i! Ilad torn tllo o ld brillian t array of parties for both old girls she Is to hove In ber bridal .. light BO that all Its rorce shone on things out. It's 11k a sweet·bol[ to and young B), Marie Van Vorst wh ich give promise of b e- party, though th yare 8S yet unawal' :- tb page,. he took th e singl e sheet of my thlnk lu' nnd Il e bit bare. It needs In g novel In nIany r espects. Author of 0.; paper from til cnvolope, of the facl. With Dame Nnturo so people to set It orr." s he criti cised, uuin th e 1I0me th ero are mnny ·ways smart In her fresb array of green, this "A,oumd a 01 1/,,, /t.,UI," "r don' t lenow wh ~th (> r to blnm~ conscio usly paying "MilS Dc.rmoruJ," nI )'sel(- you for dreamIng n ,,"omnn can tic tribute to the s t the proper artls· of making th e Eastel'tld e a hnppy and color combin ed with narcissu s are to yle of til e period etc., ote. memora blo one. especially where til ere be the decorat ions. Tbe green sharo the lifo you wrlto of-I far refusI ng. tho room r present edto be c reated to dleI IIIl0w you '/llIlI too w e ll 10 discus" piny nnd to serve as backgro und ror are ch lldron, They always love any- malden balr ferns and asparag ua vine, YOII any-to a<l\'ltlc or suggcst. But 1what am thing out not equal to th o sllcrltlce. . . . " •• •• •• •• th e First Empire eleganc e and slm· so genuineor the ordinar y and r ospond There will bo the us ua l course lunch· ly to any extra eLtort made eon with nothing remarka bl e until "Bah!" he said. and before he had pltclly. P'W'1oo"oI'YIN......IYIooI'.OMN......TlJl.IA.I......A.rYYrI'. ended tore In their behalf. the d essert, which Is to be gelatine , It In sbreds and let the But Mi ss ' arew only caught at the OopJda '1II1II, b7 J .B. Llpplaoou OomPl'D1 . A charmin g Elaster Monday II be- egg·sha pe d, colored green, pieces fall as th ey would on the hotel name. Lady Ormond topped ! She had eeen Ing planned by a , SYNOP SIS. hostess who Is fa· wJth whipped cream. With the creme carpel It orton In the peap ers. moua for her delightf ul entertai n· de menthll nnd coffee there "I know people too weU," he said. " You know her ladyshi p-no." ;Mrs. Is to be ments. The guests have been asked an egg c up contain ing what BB.ll1I TemPE'st , world's greatest no\,ellst "There are no s urprises for me. It's Henly too lt for app g ranted, In a frnme to come from "three and PO t, r fusIng to bo furthe r lionized. a c urse to under stand your to nve." and tl1e to be a hard·bolled egg, On close ex· kind-I on whose mahoga ny border buzzed the abuts hImself up In Cravo '}! hla country dainties t of Elaster post cards ccln· amlnatl on tlt e egg w11l be llomo. His gloomy medhatJona are bro- wish I were a fool! It's only ", hen a Napoieo nlc bee In bronze was found bol· the veyed the messag e. The ken by hIs nousokoepor. who dls- man's a fool or in love th1t be haa ph otograp h of a lady In cards are so low, contain ing a wee gUt to each oboyed his Ordors not to admit has ball dress, Ilny ono. pretty this y ear with any rabbits. eggs maid and n note telling tbe glad tI· chanoe for b a pplness ." 'l'he visitor I. Lucy Carew, a n American, Mrs. Henly lifted It. who haa come to England He stood thinkin g a second or two. wrIte " "Lady Ormond at the last conrt and yellow chloks, with a suitable dings. The brlde-elect's ring IIi to be atudy of the Iluthor. but moreto especlaJ ly sentime nt and a place for the written In her egg shell. This is to got a 8}, nopsls of hla new sutto ot wounde d In hi s vanlt:r -It not broken- ball." Indee d a poems, having been promised a. good po· hearted , then made his prepara m es~age, There are Just 20 children clever conceit. The gifts to the maids tions The girl's eyes were sltlon with a magazine If succcs!!f met by a pall' ui. Tern· between the for taking tbe n e:&t train tor - -shire, of eyes handsom e nnd mocking ages of elgbt and ten are to be friendsh ip rings ot a spepest in OJ')ger, decillru he-wtll write . hard !!io .... and n&ks her to gO, llepllnUng no al:d cold 'as her own were sort and IIl':'ked, cial d esign not to be duplica ted. ot "" ta nJdeOl~ss In sending her out In the On arriving they are to be given litsw t. raJn at night., he tollOWlI, but ehe refules CHAPT ER IV. to return to Cravon wi~h hIm, takell "A profess ional beauty." Mrs. Henly :Ip, r ed. white and yellow baskets and An Easter Lunche on. Joctgfng with s cottager. N ext and mornIng ranked hel'. "But," a nrl she connect ed told to hunt for eggll. which are to be At a lun cheon . tor a brlde,elect to be Lucy reoolv s a noto from TempOlIt When at, three o'clock the Collow orrer· lns hidden on the lower floor of the given on Easter MondllY Ing to asaIlIt her in wr-ILLng her eS8l\y. afternoon Miss Carew arrived at Cra· her with the room as she glanced . tbe color TtIlTlPeet dJetates to I.,ney, who listens ven shl! was sreltbou nd qs efle WTlt 8, Temp met by Mrs. He nl)', wh o, around TAdy Orm ond's creation - "II bouse. Each egg Is to be marked scheme Is yellow anel white (the true 8t cnlls with at t ho cottage a nd discover:! that Lucy bustling In before her , said: the nnme or the cblld, so only Easter colors), For the centerp iece trlfl COil\." tlM lert to take a t"Tnln for H Miss ar w re placed the picture, thone marked with theIr own names a huge bunch of g lorIous da D'odl1s. "You're to be so good as to wal t, ovc:-rtnkll8 her a nd Induoetl London. her to slny are to be put In tbe baskets . This and three In wee over Dnd ren4 tM manullcr lpt to hIm. H Tb proud bowlR, standin g Invltcs her to dlno with him. She do· miss. In tile mornln· ·room. rve a fire and snble beallly, h r cape of v Ivet wfll muke th e hunt more excitin g and erect In glass flower holders , are to falling from one bare sboul· linos, but lIlL}'S sho wl\l calf the fo llow- laid Ulere and I run to see you hnve take Ing ,da)', Angrv and dlsappolntod, Tom· books and papers and a longer time. be at each plate. souveni rs for each whateve r you der, seemed to reign over the room. pest goca to London, When all the eggs ue fOllOd there guest. To hold th o Miss a l'ew no longer telt the warmth will liko. Mr. 'rem pest te legraph ed," salted nlmond s Is to be an Inclin e made from a couple the hostess bas wrth her las t wOl'ds s be threw ope n discove red at n pn· o! Ironing boards CHAPT ER fII.-con tlnued, and there Is to be per novelty shop the de arest at fluffy lIle doors ot a !'Oom whose atmosHe sh,rugge d impatle nUy, nn gg-rol!l n" contest. the namos on yellow chicks, s tandin "You phere greeted with Its br,l ghtness g up most life, bow bow little the last would affect t he color Md them making it an e asy matter to see like, with the paper light of It seemed to ex· cup concealed In who wins, 'me, I am .golng away on a longer tend . the b ack. hands. Ilourney thnIi rour weeks, and I want. • ' ext for amusem ent of the little These cblcks w\11 be most welcom e, With native habit of assign ing ranks ,YOU to coine wltb me." guests there Is to be a busket of eggs for man y have objeote nnd p lnces to Mr. Tempes t's fam ll1ars, (all beautUu lly colored ) brough t In, ' us ing the little stu d serious ly to She withdre w her hand, which hu Mrs, lied chicks and had estimat ed this sudd!ln . UII held-p ot Bnatche d It. but slo'~ly ' guest,Henly wlU.! big kitchen spoons and two large ducklin gs that wel'e "really by h r Simplic ity and her grace, once baskets . These are for an egg race, uUve," and meditat ively wlthdrE!w It. Tem· to be of 8S hig h breedin g and as to Ilee who r.nn pick liP an egg, carry pest lelt sensltlvely her,. complex ion of worthy The followin g menll Is t o be served: mlnll-h e had ourprlse d, but not States blood as the savage United It over a g iven space and place In tbe Grape fruit cocktal can provide . The houseke eper. ls In the grape 'shocke d be. ", .Leanih g towards her, the basket, the party being divided Into fruit half shel1; crepm of celery soup, d earest and sweetes t creatur e one lin a ' low tone be pleaded wIth her, could two sides. Candy eggs are to be tile with grated egg yolk find In caIQeos and black sUk stormin g her citadel. "hiJse weakne ss and caps prizes, If It should be a warm, pleas· creame d chicke n In ove r tho top; In the respons ible position of patties. potato be. knew. Afterwa rds, sbe though t In bead ant day these pastime s may be. played croque ttes done just of any bachelo r gentlem an's to a golden yel· revieWi ng th~ momen t that he bad househo outdoor s. low ; asparag us tips on toast squares , ld, watched her lIjaster' s af· pleaded all one for lUC-as for 8 raft Calres liere Is the menu. which has been egg salad In nests of water de coeur wltb an cress. Ice Inte rest and to be thrown 't o a drownin g man. Was sometim care tully thought out: Egg-sha ped cream In small eggs es a jealousy as strong as im· In nests of yellow It possible he loved her '\Ike this! saudwlc hes with chicken mUng, hot candy. By the way, these nests pote nt. . came , "Do you realize what you are ask· cbocola te with a marshm allow In each In ,three sizes, 80 m~ Mrs, Henly talked only with her sube purcbas ed Ing me to do!" sbe ,satd In a pimse. cuP. Ice cream In egg'l!ba ped molds In to suit every pocket·b ook. The sWl!et. periors, she knew she bad them-h er "Yes," be said sbortly, "give up a plllk, green and brown to resemb le meats at this spread equals. by rea sop of being a unique are to be glaced LonDon and' a hUl3band whose Ufe' t. specime thfl gayly colored eggs. each In a nest kumqua ts, wblch carry n ot ber out the yellnw type. she had not as notorloDII wbos~ exls,l ence Is . a plague yet of spun sugar. These nests may be scheme and are very delfclou8, .to you, " reputat lon a ongst tho~e vantsrecogni zed, Servant s were ser- 'She Walked Mechan /oally Over to thl obtaine d at all the best candy shops; color After tho luncheo n there Is to be a to h er. She never spoke to Window and Stood There. who bave none themsel ves, a ·false sit' In: 'fact, one store has been tsldng or· paper showe r tor the save to give orders or to min· honored guest. uatlon tor a sIncere one, for a life Uiem or Its greetin g. It bad BS8Ullo od • derB. for several days past fOf these It Is astonish ing what a list or paper with the man 'wbom you,say you love. Ister to one In trouble. pretty persona accesso lfty rlea In to which the Easter table novelUe s may be Cound, an useful. she bad no tlart By them she was seen to be a very ()nnond w1ll 'd !mrce you, and I wl11 for The either persona grown people or chUdren , ges had come to people The very newest wrinkle grande dame Indeed -by Tempes t to ..marry ,fOU 8.t once," To take home (tor that Is halt the paper labels ,tor everyth Is a set of be QuIte the most flawless pearl of It-It suffoca ted her, and she walked ing under the Lady Ormond bad' believe d the orlg· womank mephan lcally over to the window and party tor ehUdren ) there are to be sun. all done up In a neat' Ind. case or pa· lnal Tempes t whio bad made her for· ~oJte stood s fllled there, with looking out on the dreary the tiniest of candy per, Glass trays, with paper under· Llv.fng, as sbe did, very Isolated at get' everyth ing but himself could not eggs aspect of' bare trees. the whirl at and on top of e ael! box there Is neath Instead of cretonn e. are attrac· ; return with the old charm and 1m· Craven. she was now faintly flushed withere d leaves along ' the garden to be a downy yellow chick. tlve tor summe r cottage s and cost a . perlo\lll cballf;'nge. Sbe bad been with appreci ative anticipa tion of the paths, and the few last mere trifte compar ed to ,t he others, roses, more few momont s' chat with Miss Carew d wrong. .then In her beUef, ~or he was wintry and melanch oly In their desola· An Easter Announ cement. M.AO A!lUJ ?tERRI. talking ter over again out of bersel! before the master should appear. Miss tlon than the speoter leaves Truly at this season of the year the that Car"lw bad come from the land pf an'lfbey ond bar control. • bad already pass ell through death. song from Robert Browni ng's "PIPp ar ..,...""'.PII. "Why are )'ou , like this!" she mur· freedom , bllt whilst she suggest ed Its - ~-lI'~-,~--~--o-~" She said hesitati ngly: "Since Mr, Passes" come s to our minds with reo ~~J.1~ """:-~.'£"'""--.-tl1 deliciou s liberty she lost ,,'Ith It no T empest has mured with some eruotlcm, "Wlll you t elegrap hed, I supposo quality. . Mrs . Henly's n~wed Intensit y: old eyes rebe like this always ! II I thought It, I • • ~n1\ ~mm~. • ' f gard ed the figure of the Americ an with It will be best tor me to wnlt a lit· Tha year's at the spring 'c oulll not h osltate," ' . J..L~.Ll.ULL\wA'J . tle," The day's at tho morn ; (avor. Miss Carew asked: "Mr. Te m· At ber tOM. certa!nl y not the one Morning 's nt soven But Mrs. ; Henly Interrup ted ber Jet bUttons are ' a favorite mode of of brusque d mllal he ~ad antfcl~ated, pest bas telegra phed-Is he away?" Tho hlflAlda's dew pellrlea; "Wa lt? Why. Mr. Dasl! wouldn' t adding the Invalua ble toucb of black "He wos obliged to run up to Lon· hear '1'he lark's on tho WIng; Telll,'lest experie nced a cprlous min· ot you not waiting . miss ! He'd Tho 6naU't! on the thorn: to a colored ·garmen t. gling of exultan t victory nnd of slu· don yesterd ay 0'( a sudden just atter think I had not made you God's In' hi:! heavon comfort able. , The new felt hats are lovely, the Shorte l' retched In YOUI' note." As cero regret. All's right wIth What the. clin worh!. ( get 'you?" She lingered. telt In maI:1Y cases being dlincult to I'To·mo rrow. Letty," he said, and thoug,h the sight ot tbe master' s In. Afte r the long, cold, winter, the very dlstlngu lsb P erhaps from cloth. took 'her band again, " you must come structlo us might beguile the guest, somethi llg Miss Carew undel'st oOlI bn a th of spring In, I ,ts beauty see\lls of tbe woman 's Interest _ In The newest coiffure Is flat 1n Mrs. Henly spread out the pink bit ot wltb me to·morr ow." to come bor selt-he to us In r natural curiosit y. perhnps the lines above, and plied heavily over tbe ears, In her utter slIIllrise Lady Ormond paper Oil the tnble under her band Lady Ormonei In her Euster but a week off. bringin g with It called the Brltlany , frame, . was flnding h ers~ Ir e'lua! to Tempes t's and r end: "Miss Car ew arrives ness of 'her sway at Craven, the bold, the promise ,of all things made new, made tho Many of the handsom est Blllt gauzes demand s, Sile did not besltate f or at three. IHako her welcom e. give her Ameri can say. lifting to the placid Is Indeed 'Ii blo ssed season, During ha\'e printed borders whloh work well ono momen t to makE' a conoess lon be .books and papers. I shall be up by English face hel' clear ·L ent there have been many court· Into the new draperi dark eyes: the exprl)ss ." es: had nover nsked before. He was rich ships, so that EaBtert~de brings many ''I'm here for the first Wille wale serges and other coarse time In "Which Eng' meuns," Mrs, Henly ex· - would be rlaher- famouB. not yet In l¥tere8t ln g revelati ons. I am ' glad to weaves are worn land, girls more than the zenitb ot his celebrit y. T here was plalned, "he left London at six tills pressly I cllme from my country . ex have the plea8ur e of tel11ng how one the smooth cloths. . to write a study of Mr. Temp mornln '; It's n nine hours' run. lil sUarlng bls life jllSt one sacrifico , I've est for Amfl rlca," and Oint she determi ned not to make sent the motor to B!1llngs Poke-I t's a ,The old houseke e per ·smlled. bit shorter by !'QU. . Mr, Basfl does "A fl' sbe could l\ void It. study oC Mr, Basll! Of she echoed "Das11 !"-ebe leaned to"'ards lUm, hate rall travel." "Why. my dear. I had him at' t en MisS Carew did not remark that m tcd ber heatl In a way to reveal the years old for clear, pure lin es of h ar neck and chin, with apparen t ease he took 18 hours and I couldn'mY own. as J might say, t study him! It·s ' like her face nite a flower turned t~ the out of the 24 tor tbe matter of a short learnln' a new languag e every day, time In town! Tbe dispatch 1"uu,"",""Basll, I aTU JlOt cavillin g, but with Its He's never the sam~." you are so impetuo lls and Impraot lc· minute Instruct ions read In !tseit a "It's his cbarm." able. Let me get I',he divorce from welcom e to her, and It was a charm· "Oh, I daresay !" Mrs. Henly wall Ormond . It Is merely a torm-o ne I log place In which to walt. doubtfu l, there being moods she bad . Craven 's empire can have for the asking. You don't mornln g·room open· right to rememb er as not possess lnl wish to sacrific e me needles sly, tio ed on a terraced flower·g arden, where that charact eristic, "But he'l1 not yotl'? You a re not s(' orguelll elU I.hat to trees already nearly leafless a few tell you anythin g, miss. He won't b, you must see me humilia ted. are you '! Nov'embf'!r ros es clung. The walls, written. hung 10 YIlJlow You are not valn-rEially, you knowbrocade , extende d to study himI've seen them wbo would as you call It-com e and the dullest day a sense of glow and won't you let me get out decently ?" go. chiefly. No one ever He smiled and slg·bed. "Decen tly!" llghl The few pieces of turnltur e, you have," Sbe paused, stayed 81 "You'r e. he r epeated with some Acorn. "Can veritabl e treasure s even In tlleir old writer. too, then 1" . epoch, indicate d the faultles s taste Yo.J, Letty?" (TO BE CONTINUED.) "I will see my la.,ryera to-morr ow." He frowned and hurtled : "Then you refuse to conle with me ?" "No." slle nodded determi nedly, "I don't r efuse, ' If you lIre set 'on ruining my r eputatio n-for ,a wlllTU- why, I won't stand ,In the way of your ego- , ' Ci ,Ism," Stony Meteori tes. The six ""hlcb occur mQst freQuen tl, He capitula ted. "Well, you have Stony, metl!orl tlis, acoordl ng to Prot.. In the earth's Cfllst, named In tbe or 6urprll\ed mOt Letty; but then 'yoll are • der ot their abu'n dance. are oxygen & . I;)6rfect ,typ • nnd I llaUer myseIr Williain M, Pickerin g. who fllvora ,' now that I caU predict tbe r est. You theory lJromulg ated by Prof. Chambe r· 8\11can, aluminu m, Iron, ·calclum and lin, may bave magne~ hnd thcJr origin In the lum , The el ~ht most com mOD sbt\U, talce tho Darrow and mOI·e 'rep. Iltnllle ,\,"I\Y. as you think .I t to be'. earth lis by·product s nt the r.ataa- If ,found In tbe stoby. meteorl t-es art But you won·t come With ' me, Letty- trophe whIch split the moon 'oft trom these sit, besldeB "Ickel and sulphur,our globe: The fact tpat: ·they eduld yo~. won't come." Improve d Alarm Clock. , .. onsense ...· ahe la ughed, .and cov" not get: cosmica lly very COf a'vloy trom red his Ups with ber hlll1d. 'Iyou us account s ror tbem droppin g Ut on us OCCAsionally w1teD- sO IncJlned. "lD blure my ""ord." r;;, Unll r 'the Mnd wllioh b bllid to support 01, this view of rbelr tt!rr:ea' bls JlI18 ,h c mUl'mur... ~ 1l0Ine\hlnB'. It ~ria l ' orIgin. we bave the..' {pd tl)at 29 tf'rrestl' lal lements. IncJ Ulllng helium. .. ,"Go()d ·"r-no re.plt ," bYe so far been recognl :ted In lnete~ '. LQIS" 'rmond " 'lUI tined with aUs- rltcs, let) or them belnl 1I0n'.me , /Utkm , 8b been e!lual to the No new elemen ts bave beeD taWc•. tOUDd.



~ ~l~r~~ ~~e t!'ls~c~t~t~ ~v ~~r~~llt~~I~~: ~:~;':rll~~ ~~n:e'!;h ~\:a~~~ ~?llt~s


A big 'bowl of

Qu ake r 'Oa is the best dish can serve • :;)elicious and nouri shi n g .

Good for and all cond iti






.Photograph F r.ame



Califo In effect

1 15 comfo pable eepers of the

Pacific Pacific ric signal proctio n-di ning mea ls and Il'--p-,.,.-r











CAN BE DESTROYED Jesus' Idea of Religion

methods are least etrectlve. Sparrows frequently g1ve annoyanr.1! by roosting Iq ornamental vines aDd In crevices ' about buildings. It driven out Inte at night, several nlghta .\n successIon, they will usually dellert the roost. A jet of '.¥ater from a garden hose Is a potent disturber, par· ~ u t1cularly on frosty nIghts. Where southern Canada and locally westwurd water Is not avallablo, small Roman to the PllClfio coust. This rapId dIs· candles may be employed. semlnaUo ll Is a I'esult at the blrd's Preliminary to the tollowlng dehardlnes8, extrnordlnary feoundlty dt· structlve measures, Iparrows should verslty of food, aggressive dispositIon, be baIted luntll they are attached to an~ allmOSt complete Immunity from the spot lelected tor ,\helr execution. lIa ura en')mles through Its sagnclty, Seeds grain, or wast-! from the table, an d l t s III pr! f crence f or thl c kl y settled It supplied ' regularly, will soon estahcommun Hsh a feeding' place. It a general cam, Itl natur'\l di e t consIsts of s eeds palgn Is to be undertaken, enough but It eats ' a groat variety of olhe; such feeding places should be main' toads. While much of Its annual fare talned to attract to them practically consIsts of waste material trom the all the English spar:-ows In the neigh· IItreets, In al\tulUn and winter It can. borhood. This can uslly be done In Bumes quantl "1 s of weed seed, and In winter when toad Is !Scarce. Atter thU8 lIummer num'lrou B Insects. The de. baiting the sparrows they ma,. be structlon of 9,'eed seed Is undenla. trapped, shot or poisoned. bly In the SPI rrow's favor. Traps alone nre Inadequate to ex. On the othe'.• hand, mucb can be terminate sparrows, but a reduotlon saId agaInst tI\e bIrd . It destroys of lIumbers can be effected by using small fruits, as "! herrles, grapes, pears. a shallow box not less than four feet and peaches. ]t als o destroys buds square, open on one side and covered aDd ftowers ot cllltivated tre es, shrubs, with woven wire ')n th e other. (lne


A Sparrow Trap. an4 vlnea. In the Pl'4en It eats seeds as they ripen, ana rtlpa air tender young vegetables all they appeal' above ground, peas IUld lettuce being especially subject to attack It dam· agea wheat 'and other . gr~lns when newly sowed, ripening, rl;nd ·I n shocks. It reduces the number. of some ' of our most useful native 9pecles, such 81 bluebirds, house wrena, purple martins, tree sWallowa, clllr awallows, and barn swallows, by destroying the eggs Dnd young and by Usurping the l Ilesting places. It attack~ other fa· I., familiar native bIrds,., 'the robin, :'ren, red:eyed vireo, catbird, and Wmocklng bird. casIng them to delert parka and shady streets a~d -toWna Unlike our native blrdl whd•• ,place a jt uaurps, It has no sonr, but , llf noisy and vltuperaU"e. It deftlei ~ullJllngs and ornamelltal trees, Ihru"", &ad vlnea with Its excrement an.d "Itb. ita bulky nests. ' The evidence agatnst the E gllsb Iparrow la ol'erwhelmlng, and the present unfriendly attltujle at the pub. IIc toward It la reftected In our jltata lawa. Nowhere la It Included ermong the bh'Cl. that are protected. Though aparrows may be drIven .f rom a given nelghborbood, e relief thus obtained is only. tempo~n., and haa the further objection I that the nuIsance Is simply tran~fJrred else· where. More drastic actfn la there(ore prererable. , The box Illustrated designed to be hung on a bUlldlnglr a tree. Its floor should ~e about sl inches square and Its belght ~t tb eaves about eight Inches. The ro}>r should ba blnlted at the top f~r removIng the . eggs or yonng. Bucll boxea may be . built of rough boar s at slight c08t. By distributing a mber of tliem bOut-Mcha1'ds, sh e trees, and opt· buildIngs, and catc lng the sparrows that occupy them or by destroyIng eggs, the work of extermination may be carried on ut season when other




side of this trap rests on the ground, while the oppc:t!lte side Is supported by a stick 18 Incbes long. Near tbe upper end ot this stick Is attached a long cord, and between the top of It nnd the edge of the trap Is placed a chip. By set ling the trap over bait



shalt love the Lord thy God with aU thy heart, and with aU thy s oul, and with all thy mind, and with aU the, . tJ.rength." "Thou shalt love t!ly neIgh· bar as thyseU."-Luke 10:27; Mat. thew 22 : 37"'0; Mark 12:30, 31. These 'Words are twice round In the Btory of tbe life at Jesus. In both cases they occur In conversation with Jewish lawyers. One of this clasl ~ross'Questioned Jesus, and asked him: "What shall I do to Inherit eternal ;tfe?" Evidently he was not In earnest. Jesus threw him back upon his knowl· edge 'of his chosen realm. "What Is wrItten In the law? bow readest thou 1" In answering, this expert avoIded all mention or externals. From a corner of the law book he quoted two words allout lovIng God and men which had been overlooked, In practice at least. by his own class. Jesus replied: "Thou hlist answered rIght; this do, and thou sbalt live." In other words, eternal life Is eternal love, nnd a man Inherits It by living It here and now. On the last Tuesd"y of hIs earthly Ufe, another laW7l!r tried to entrap Jesus by seeking to Involve him In a current theological dispute about "'Vblch Is the greates ~ commandment 1" Jesus decllneu to be drawn Into Idle debates concerning the relative Importance of dogmas. He refused to bo entangled In theologIcal quibbles. He would not busy himself In making a thermometer of pIety on which the gradlngs were In· dlcated by human estimates of the comparative degrees of sanctity of external acts. All sucb concern In theology Is rabblnlsm. In the begin· nlng or his ministry he had caUed out a SamarItan woman from her ambus· cade behind tile current sectarianism that disputed over the proper place of wor!'hlp, whether In Jerusalem or In Gerezlm, by a great trutb about Qod, and, and by making her con· Bclous of her moral need. So now, at the close of his ministry he shifts the mind of the lawyer from side Issues to the main question. True Religion

Neat Box for Sparrow•• and pulling the cord trom a sheltered poInt of observation when a ftock 01 sparrows Is ' beneath It, numbers at tbem ' may be caught. Iustead of thl! ' box described above, by which the .blrds are taken alive, an old door or slmllar device may be employed as a deadfall. ]n either case the trap should be kept set and baited until the sparrows are not afraid to go un· der It. The best time for trapplnz Is lust after a snowstorm, when · the b'lrds have been tasting. Then, It the ground be cleiued and chaft and grain be put under the trap, the birds will crowd In and enable the trapper to secure nearly all of the local fiock. It any escape they will spread the 'fear of traps, and, before long very few or the birds can be Induced to go Into one.


Re ligIon does not consist In debatea over metaphysIcal doglIl'Bs, nor In bat. 11es at logIc where catapults hurl flaw· less Inferences, and cannon discharge chain shot at perfeot syllogisms, nor In tight ecclesiastical fences to gua~ divine legislation, nor In pious can· ventlonalltles. True religIon la truu love for God and men. These warda of the text have the highest autborlty. They are venerable and majestic with the age and ' glory of the Old Testa·, ment law;' they come as tbe expresBlon ot tbe deepest convictions at thll buman heart voiced even by the legal· Ism of Jesus' day; and they record our Lord's summary of all that was best In the historical revelaUon of human duty as contained In the Blbll! of his day, and bls assertion that no Ideal for life could be higher. He · thus freed religIon from bondage to legalism and stated the truth that It belonged to the realm of vitalities. Here as ev~rywhere else In hIs teacb· Ing be Insisted that religion Is not a matter of law, but of life, not a con· forqllng to statutes but an outgoing )( love not ritual but righteousness. The Charlcterlltlc. of Love.

And what Is thIs love? No Intelll· gent person will for a ~oment think that It la mere aentiment. It Is not luxurious emotion that vents Itself In ploua phrases, or sanctified Interjec' tlons, or lachrymose ,rhapsod!es, and exbausts Itself In these outputs. Nor Is It the merely mystical pasalon that ecstatics 'have coveted, and that has trIed, often Irreverently we fear, to adapt to the deity the endearing terms spprt-prlate to the holy IntimacIes , of human life. It Is not a matter of neurology, but of ethIcs. It Is not a vague rapturous feeling far too oft~n llought for mistakenly by many who are really anxIous to make actual In their lives the Ideal that Jesus pre· sented. Love Is a strong, vital, ra· tlonal, ImperIal , consecration of one's self. It Is useful and practical. It Is the love descrIbed by Paul In hIs noble hymn In the thIrteenth chapter of FIrst CorInthIans. It Is duty charged I1-nd dlsc~arged with delight. It Is servIce whloh Is rendered with joy In the whole beIng. What then Is Jesus' Idea of rellg· lon, at once the highest In the Old Testament ,and the conception ap· proved by th~ depths of our , own hearts? It consIsts In glorifyIng God by the tulhist possible normal Ulle of all the poy,'erS that belong to selt· hood, ' and In servIng our ' fellow· men ' as the proof that all thesu legs are rather lonr. T~ey do not powers Ilre consecrated to God. Lov. often sit. Ing God with the "heart" does not Oth,er varIeties of the Spanish mean the experience of the same pas. bree!! . are ,the MlnoI'cas or Red Faced slonate emotion whIch we feel toward Black ' Spanlsh, the Anconas, a ' mottled o'n e another ,In ,t he' ftellh. That Is 1m. v~, rle~. and the White Spanish.,' ' . 'possible. It mean. that love Is to be '. The great, draw~ack to ' thls .: ~reecJ exercised 'wltbbut ,' restraint toward , ,of...fow,ls .f,8 t'belr l~~k o~ h"rdll)ess ,~n . "/whatsoever '.Is lo·vel,.: ;,· No 'man can ~e higher lat:ltu~es . . Tiley must have sUfte : bls ' aft~cUons ' toward ', a'n ythlng warm and cpmfortable Qu,at,ters U ,the).' .Dure without ' so. far forth ·s motherln. do W~ll In,, anY,t hlng like ~ ,.cold .cll.", hil! love: for God It Is not unmanly m"te" o~· h~ bad, dlaarreea~le :w~~the~ , ' to. keep ' ~~e hol7: ,flame of tender af. ~n ~y cUmate. (ecUbn'. b)lrnln& u br:lchtlf' , ai possl. " ble. . It i.' Inb,uman, and, thArefore, '. ClvIllzat!.9.n,Juclgld b)'..;.Mllk. :trreUctbu8 to quencb ' It. To · love Ptof: Er~ ·""". the clvn~tloD. ot tnith, beautY, soodDe.., In all thet? a people CJn be determined by the m1rlal\ inanJfe.~t1ons. la· to len'. God quantity of, ~k they Ule. SUJ'8,OIlJ~ from the ' beart. Bea'V_ . doea not l..,. •.'Tbla hllhly 'c1vt.tlled . ~pl. ' keep ~at aoc~ ,eartb b~ lIa"lq ,It leparate' die-


tha'n one ti"4!! ,eDwall. mUk t9 ...". R· wonll Uonarr. 00«1.. fteatiUlU7 •• the .a~. are 90 ,wbU. lC; Pi Into 'tbt iablt' of ~k;M as ~'. eSH ~ ~ . be DO ~cU...

TIlt butter aDd..~





'''''ho wrote the dlcUonary 7" "I don't know, but 1 bet he couldn't explain thIngs to hIs wlte when he got home at 3 a. m. any better than any· body else."




Kansas Takes J - 1,000,' Overland Cars .

Bird I~ Cunnlns. Destructlve and Filthy-Very Little tha,t Can be Said to Its Favor.

Its eco nomIc relations the Eng· , spnrrow among bIrds Is compar. ble \ 0 th e rat among mammals. It Is cU"lnlng, destrucUve, and fUthy . This slmrrow was Introduced Into A. me rIca about 60 years ago, and Is now dlstrlhuled generally over the east. ern half ot the United States an"

... ,


TINY BABY'S PITIFUL CASE "OUI' baby when two months old was sutrerlng w.lth terrIble eczema from head to foot, all over her body. "he bally looked just like a skinned """bit. We were unable to put clothes ' on fle r. At first It seemed to be a few malt<'> red pImples. They would break the skin and peel off leaving the un· derneath skin red as though It were scalds. Then a fe w more pimples WOUld appear and spread nll ove r the body, leaving the baby all raw without skin trom head to toot. On top ot her head there appeared a heavy scab a , quarter of an In ch thlcls:. It was aw· ful to see so small a baby look as she dId. Imagine! The doctor was afraid to put his hands to the child . We tried several doctors' remedies but al\ failed. "Then we decided to try Cullcura. By us ing the CuUcura Ointme nt we softened the scab and It came ofT. n· .der this, wh ere tbe r eal matter was , by was hIng with the Cutlcura Soap and applying the Cutlcura Ointment, a new skin soon appear 'd. \Ve also gave baby four drops at the Cutlcura Resolvent three tim es dally. Afte r three days you cO:lld s ee the baby gaining a little skin which would pee l olr and heal underneath. Now the baby Is tour months old. She Is a flne picture of a fat little baby and all Is well. yve only used one cake of Cutl· cura Soap, two boxes of Cullcura Oint· ment and one bottle of Cutlcura Resolvent. It people would know what CuUcura Is there would be few Bulrer· Ing with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Kos8mann, 7 St. John's Place, Ridgewood He1&hta, N. Y., Apr. 30 and May 4, 'ai."


Our ~nts In Kansas hn.V& ordered tor thla season 1,000 Overland aulomobllea. Nebruka. tn.kes 7W-lowa 1.IlOO-Texa. UOO. - Thualll.lll- tll'OOv rl atil1~tterone years'. experlenc~aptured lhe tarmlnc stales. It hn.s captured the cl ties, too. New York City tn.kes 1.000 Ovcrlnnda thla year. Boston!! 600-San Pranclsco 600Washington 500-Phlladolphla 450. Our agon la have contracted for 20.000 Overlallds-tor $24,000,000 worth at Over· lands-to supply tho demand for this yeor. That's a larger salo thun any oth· er car commands. Yet. two yenrs ago rew had ever' heard or nn Ov erlllnd, This se nsati onal success Is due to tho creation or 11 remurk&bl.

20 Per Cent .Reduction

Tho Overland's 8UCCI:!lS Is also duo t. Its price. No oIlier mnker ever pve near· ly so much tor the money. Yet we have cut our costJI this year about 20 per cent through enormoul Increaso In produ Uon. ~ Tho Overland we sell for ft:ooo thIJ .,aa!' 18 beller t hnn the $1,250 Ov rlnnel laat year. It Is 1\ 25 H . P . car willi a. /speed at 50 miles nn hour. So with the $1.250, fI.400 and ~.!iOO Over· lunda. Ench orrers (\ fifth more than ever before tm' the money. All prlccR Include Mnl'ncto and tuU lamp equlpmcnt.


Ask for the Story

The Ov rlund ~ l o ry 18 one of the great. eat busln sa II torll's ve r told. It tellll how th is cu r- lho creation at a mechaniThe Simple Car cal genlu8-lI ns In two years reacl;led lhe topmos t plueo In lids field. And It tell. The IIU CC~S9 of th o O\'/' rl nnd Is mnlnly all ubout th ca r. Send us thla COUpOD ' . du o to Its a mazing slmpllclt)·. A IO-ycar. to·day for l hls book. olll child can n 'IlR t ~ r tho co r tn nve min· C.6 Ul e8. Push a podul rorward to 1:0 ah end. and bnclnvard 10 reve rse. 1'u", 11 anolher The WilIYI.Overland Co., Toledo. pcdnl tor hi gh speed, Thcre Is nothln&, Ll .:en !'CG und er 8a l00:0 l~"telJt. els!! to do bUl slecJ'. PleallC !lend me tile book Any mnn with th e simplest Instructions. O n run ao Overlanll a. thousand miles und bac k. Th r r wos never a cllr 80 easy to care tor-~ o easy to keep In order.






Price $1.000. 2Sh.p.- I02 iDC" .." ... baae. ODe or t wo rumble •• at.a or To" TODD.a" at .maU additioDAI price.


The Right Way In aU C:1l\ee of DlST~MPeR. PINK~Y~.INfLU~NZll COLDS, ~TC.

Of all Horsea, Brood Mare., Colts, Stallion., is to


On tbelr tODiU;'S or In the few put Spohn's Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to all 01 tbem. II

l e is on the blood and Klands. It rouls the disease Technically Dllculled. by expeilioe the dl s~ase eerms. It war,!s off the trouble no mailer bow they are "upoccd." Abso"So' there Is to be a dIvorce," saId lutely Iree from aaytblne Injurious. A child can the woman who discusses everybody. aalely lake It. fiO cente and IlOO: 16.00 end 1I0.M tbe dozen. Sold by drugglsta, harne.. dema, or "It seems but a little whfle since ho lellt, exprus paid, by Ibe menuhu:lurera. .sked for her hand." Special A•••'. W•••e. "Yes," replied the rude man. "He ,at the hand all right, But it turned SPOHN MEDICAL CO. out to be a misdeal." . Chemlsll and Bactertologlsts, GOlblll,tnd.,U.8.A.

Important to Mothers.

ExamIne carefully ' every bottle of CABTORIA, a Bafe and sure remedy tor Infants and children, and see that it Bears 'the ~ ""fY~~ Signature ~~ In Use For Over 30 Years. ThQ Kind You Have Always Bought. Literary Conilitency. "That woman Is never happy except when bothering over the unknowable .... "Yes. She used to adore Browning; now she dotes on Henry James."Cleveland Plain Dealer. If You Are a Trifle 8enlltlve About the al1e of ,.our aboes, mauy peopl. w"ar amaller sboeR by using Allen'lt Foot·Ea.e, the AnUaeplic Powder to ahak., Into tbe aboea. J\ curea 'l'Ired, Swollen, Acblllg Feet and IrheK rest and comtort. Jusl tbe tbllllr fM lireaklnK In n.,,, sho"8. Sold eyerywb.ere, 15e. Sample UlIl FREE. Addre.., Allen S. OlllUlted, lARo,.,N.Y.


When a man Is at home and the t~lephone bell rings bls w1.fe makes a dash for It to see if it Is some woman 'Who wants to talk to him • PettIt'. Eye Salve 100 Yeara Old, ntlievea tired eyes, quickly cures eye ncbe." iDflnmed, sore, wntery or ulcerated ~yes. AU druggists or Howard Bros..BuiJnlo,N.Y. When the worst comes to the worst one may as well try to make the best of It. ONLY ONE "D~OMO OV'NINE." I'bat ... LAL\TIV8 UnOMO OtnNIN ... 1.00_ fo' Ibo oI"D&IU", of 11:. W. OROn. Uled tbe Worlel o.. rt(l(JuroaColcllllOUoVilY. 25c.

There Is no wrong a 'man can do but Is a thwarting of the living right. BAJ1KlNO. HACKINO,


can bo bru_OD by ..t IIl,,'8 lA",p }Jab"", ThI'Iold, reliable rO"'001 ba. been aold for over .0



Reform Is ' a good thing when ap-' plied to the other fe llow. Rbeumata.m ReUeyed ID Six HODn by

Dr.Detchon's Relief for Rhouma.t1am.75c.

It·s never too late to mend-until It \a too late.


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worth Its weight In gold.




It stops all itching. irritating skin


diseases. eczema, erysipel... ringworm chapping or bums.

• • • •

A positive cure for itching and '1flamed piles. RESlNOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE. lIP. Reslnol Olnt.m ent, Realnol Toilet Soap, Re.lllol Medicated Shavlnlr SUck are sold at D1'U1r Storea.

.o....................................... •




. :

;: . :: . .' . 1 ~~

$125,000 net from 1200 ·acres grapes•. ,. $15,000 from 22 acreS peaches. $3,200 from 20 acres raisins, in the! San JoaquiD. Valley, ~lifo~a ' A cow and an aere of alfalfa will eam 1120 a year in the Sao Joaqtlin Valley. Grapes will yield from $100 to $300 per acre ; peaches and apricpts. $150 to $Soo; ' while oranges will produce from ' :150 to $500, and in mllJ1Y instances more thaD $1000 an acre. Tbere are tcn million arable and irrigable acrcs bere. You still mny buy ' ullimproved land for $50 an acre. Ten acres are enough to comfortably support a small family. Twenty acres aO'ord ' • fine living, with money ill the bank. I'orty acres shoulll make you rich. You pay from one-fourth to oneCa rson Heed. Hl'cdley. Ca\.. from III third down, balancc -eaaU,. call be pald tw enty·n cre crop of Sultanu. raisin.' fo .. out of the "ropa. n e tt ed $3 . ~OO. Almost nnythlng cun be rnlsed In the • kDO'" tl.a. "nU",. from pnd to end. · San Joc.quln country-orangcs und I have at' (' 11 croplt ,.Innted nnd IlIlr."es t -' wheat, figs and apples. dt!lI cutc grapes cd In e Very onc ur Itll counli es. 1 llavs and hardy potatooll. Prouul!ts or th o ' intel'vlllw 'd tarrn ers, ranch rs and mer· temperate and semi-tropia ~one8 flour· chunl!l. 1 hnv o collated the t esllmony Is'h side by side. ot crop e x perl",. PleDt.,.. 01 watell' for Irrigation drawn All thi s v" lunblo Intormatlon Is can· ' from the near·by Siorra II nuwlI. It.a tnln ed In tht) Sa n Joaq ulh 'vull oy land e"a,. for ODe to IIUlk" a .Cart. Lnnd be- fohi'r IOIs llcd by tho Ha ntLL F o Railway. tweon the rowa can be used, Willie or- 'Vrlt c for It . J{I vlng (ull name and ad· chard 111 young. tor m(111)' prOfitabl e dr ' lIs. I will a lso /le nd you our In .ml, orops. Tho point Is to make eyer,. gratlon journal, 'j' h o Eal'lh, six mOlllhs' _quure foot benr .oOle'hID". tre('. . \Vlult _0 me fanu"rM ... , .., dODet 'fh e Snnll\ F e emplO YR me to 11 0lp Frank ,!'homas, ' ot Fresno. Cal.. I I S I 111 TI C bought twonty ncrl'S o( lnnd fiv e years RC \l e up til o lll l~" el! n1'9. 1C ompuny 1m>! no lan(1 to 91' 11. but r wtU ago. He had bllt S300 to " ta rt on. To· g ladly n.r!',· your Inquiry to r eJ\llbl. dny hl9 placo Is paid ror nnd h e has an land own(' rs whn Im ve. In com e or over $~,OO') 0. yon r. 1,0'. fnr ... ar e orrl'r d by th e Santa. Wllllnm Shrllyet·. H. F. D . 7. Fresno, F " dnll", 'omfort a hl o to. ur ls t ;!Ieo per" Co.l ,. hOllght hlR nrs t t ~ n ncr<lS six ~ > years ago. Now ownl! sixty acres all and cha ir carR. 'I' ll p joufn ey also may b e mnd e nt ot lt !'r tlm ns for Il r ensonId 00 f I ! pa or, o.nd refu15 es $12,0 or lis n.blo cnRt , Sltnt n 1"0 touri s t Bervl ce laplacc. M . F. Tarpey, of Frcsno. owns vine. San Frll ncisco ill Qul ck eA t. yard at ] ,200 acres. trom which he C. L. SEAGRAVES, Geuerai Coloniz,atioll A,eDt tnkes an annual proflf:. or $125,000. On the Hn ro ld esto teo t ",.' nty-two A. T. '" S. F. Ry. Sntcm acres of peacbcH yielded a $15,000 crop. 1150 nai.'way £sa.... ' Chi ......... DL


San Diego, California Your Liver's Your e

first port or call nortll o~ Pannma :A wOD.)erful harbor, ""rely Io.ullioeked j tho nntural port of allppllt for all tbe 80uthwtlRlj \,,'eseot termln.IlS Santa Fe ltaUroad j II W rnl road dlrec~ eRst now building. Popnlo.tlon,doulJled In 1'1\8t tour ,.ears. Sl\nle' clearings, post (/ft\ ' 0 "eCltlllltll nnd l'I!alty .alun Increased In IJTCMer prol/CrllOIL

'16UoIYeJ'!llt,. ilo.n··CIt, i.ota••S6.Mo. 1It'll'btR, a splendid reslden(1t!

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Electric cnrlln~8; ' city conveniences; Jlrlc..a ~to 1800; lerms 8r>.OO efloh lot: no Inlor· ,.. t. 8.od'I5.00 depoalHsecul'lng beat prope,rt,., '110801d, .ubject 10 your a.pproval 1 money bnck ltnot saUillled; no better Investment anywbere. W,r U. for booklet. our reterllllces-aD¥ hank. ~lre.. ·' . , D. C.,COLLIER & COMPANY , .





111 "Glildn8p!!'" ot K"DOZ OautJ,..OlIlo. w...mue to

III" V,.-. ~UIO &ON



of -{be nl'J' R EW a'R D ' .... ''''te.ItcOD. Pr\"'~'l8II per aare. _,no

WeU Impl'Q'l'.....

farm. III. Ute



auyUalq. ~....... "-UOD ldra • ~_





Wbere II J&m~rlek llDi. "'D. lIyma,or dnd" Machlll~ laUd;. ~ "an rl,lIl IlWe

lD",rotr. O_laa, 80&.88••


P ..


A· dead liver mea::iS awful siek; ness-:-don't let it come-wheD it can be prevented. ' Cascart;ts keep the ·liver lively and 'bowels regular and ward off 'serious, fatal illness. 901 CASCAlutTS-loe

bo&_k~. tt'e.t~

meat. AU dNCIIata.. B1rarat RUn lA. the wor.d. , Million ~ee a_Ut.



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- .,

- '"



' ..

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If Any Doubts, Come in and Compare

Fireproof Garage for display room and storage---neat and clean, with ample fire protection. ' A Machin~ Shop Equipment that can· not be duplicated by any Garage in any city in the State of Ohio of four times the size of Lebanon. And if anyone can furnish us with a better Repairman and Machinist, or one with more experience, than our head Repairman, you will' do us a favor by giving us his name. We can pay him his salary.

I I I I I .I I I


JACKSONS 30-40 and 50 horse-power Touring Cars, famous Jarkson engine and unit power plant. Prices, $1250, $1700 and $2350 Ask any Lebanon cit izen who witneSl' ed the g l'eat300 mil e r ace at Indianapolis last fa ll, abo ut the J ackson .

OVERLAND Runabout, • $1000 40-horse Roadster Toy Tonneau . $1100 Touring Car .

$1250 $1400

First-Underground gasolene means full strength and more mileage. . A complete line of all supplies wanted by th~ motorist for 'his Car. .






And Others


Buys a Five-Passenger Touring Ca r wi th con:- Ask anyone about our Cars. then plete e<J,uipment. including Top, Wind Shield and Speedometer. Follow the Ford Over the ' Hills. let the Cars sp,eak for themselves.









A. Word To the Man Needing Repairing: ('Iur head Machini t is a thoroughly competent man. We stand behind his work In every respect, anc,- his services arc the same price to you as to your fr lend who runs a Maxwell, Ford, Overland or Jackson. He has helpers, of course, and they are paid by ,IS as , helpers, and as such are charged on your work, We do not charge vou mechanic's wages for a w8,her or helper. THI~K IT OVER- OUR POLICY IS JiLAIN'




In ntering t he second year of our bU ' in ss, we fee l t hat a little ta lk wi th t he people .:an do no hu rm. We are /l ot going to ' tell you how r api dly W I:! heW g rowlI from one car a year ago to the leading place in the Automobile bu in !:IS in Warren Cuunty today. but that we may a ll unders tand each other better, is thl:! reason for t his advertisement We want to impress upon the minds of all a u tomobile own ers- whether you have or do pu rchase your cal' from us or some oth erdealel that your t reat men t in our Garag e will he just t he same as your neig hbor who purchased his ar of U'3 . " Th e Same Treatment toAIl" is OUI· motto. To t he man who is going to buy an Aut mobil e. If you buy your car of us, you can do so wi t h fu ll confi d nce in tbe fact that YOU A\.{R P AYIN G J U TTHI£SAMEFOR YOURCAR AS YOUR N EIGHBOR WHO J BUYING THE SAME MODEL. Our prices are the same tv una a nd ull, a nd that price is list price.




Warren County's Favorite Cars MODEL AA - The 12-horse Power Famous Runabout to take the place of your horse and buggy . $600 MODEL 2- Four cylinder, 22-horse power, slidinggear transmission, come~ with five different bodips, $900 to $1000 MODEL E-AbsoluteJy the best Touring Car value on the market $1500







-.u............_.... .._••••u._.u__ •• ~



, Common Pleas Court.


Mayme MoElwaln VI. Earl MoEl. waia. J>etition for divorce on the gro:lladl of non-lopp.o tt. Plaintiff ave,. ,hat ehe was married to defendant September 17, 188t, d Klnge Mills and to their union the following ohildren were born: Lenore; 11; Pauline, 16; Margery. 13. C. B. Deohant, attorney for pltJntitr. . Fret Baohsbaum vs. James R.

TUBERCULOSIS Columbu. 0...1'ul7. :I. UO'. Nature'. CreaUon Co.: Gentlemen: From 1810 to 1101 ! lUlfere4 with tub.roulos", accomplUllec1 wlth hemorrh.... at 1Jlterval.. Sluee UOS, until the put wluter, 1 Wall 10m. better, but In M&rch I ha4 & hemorThll,p, and on the alzth of' April. 1908, I "'.. .uddenly terrlblT ' a1IUcted with lun~ trouble. lIy family physldian pronounced 1t a .evere cue ~f tuberculoII!. of the lun... 1 could not lIe down, 80 could sleep Init lIttle. About May lit I commenced taking Na· ture's Creation. The ftr.t bottle relleved me .0 much that I could 11. down, rest ",'ell and wu free from ·paln. The third bottle eave me strencth enough to go to worlc at my trade of ' carpentering. A III .Ull laboring every day and feeling fina. '\ Upon recent examination or my sputu in by speolal1sts, no trace of tubercular germs could be found.. ' I atII no", on my sIxth bottle of Nature's Creation, taking It mOre 8.8 a. tonic. but feel that it do Dot parUcularl,. Deed It as I con• Idol' myself' cured. iJ'our. truly,

eJ·1/I.:'~~· n Eo

Fourth :Avenue. Noy. 17.-1 continue to , teel 'perfectly wtll. and .. 1 am ....Orkln. hard every there 'DO 10npr an" doubt of my

d.,.. bOSn,


pormaDontly curect J. ·W. H.

, Nature's Creation II turning hu~drl!d's of tbo.. wbo bave been ' a burden to other. Into u••flll cltluna. Take IIr. Hallon; he has b.een baQk at worlt: for over a ),ear and haa bot loIIt


In.l. day.

HI. family I.

toda,. one ot the happle.t, ",hlle betore

th8N .....


Clllly ·




Tile N.ture'.




,...... Colaaaabu.. ~ 8ea4 tor lIooltlet &114

"n ~~., -'0 ~

" ' \ t"



ted to probate. Eli D. Burnet, aftHaonuh J. Hiltfield to Edward B. ami others It king for the oorunrno I ,..._~~----------:,' pOin$ed exeoutor and oourt orders Browning and MolUe E . Browning, tjon of a bridl(9 aoross Oaesar's 1841 Rogers F'R E E 43 aores in Tortleoreek township Oreek iu Massie township Ilt what private eale of ohattels. . Estate of Emeline Dawson, de: 14300. . ,'. ji8 known as H"lnes' CrollElillg WIlS oeased. SaJe bill filed by Ennis Oharles E. Hutzel to Fred W. pr~sented and ordtlred pllloed on file. PIons, specifications .Bnd e'! 'tlmnte Ii'you would like to supply Dawson and Eva M. Smith. exe·ou· Wood ana May Belle Wood, 10acres tors. First and final aooount also in Union township, 11. ., for steel joist for bridge on Liberty your ta Ie with this highCourt ProceedlniS. filed. Alice B (Jrllndln to Anton Balle sohool house road near Oregon ill grade s vetware free of Magio City Land oompan v V8. Estate of J. L. Swink, decellsed, 50 aores i~ Hamilton townsbin II' ~ike. witb oreaote ~ftilar~. netir res, .. . l(\ence of Milton DIll in 'l'urtJeoreek US for our speSociety of Sb&ker8 . . Co art over· Eirat and final . Ilcoount filed by Willard J. Wright, exeon'or of townabip were approved an oon ' rales motion to require defendant Orpba T. t)wink. estate of Hepzibah Marlatt t,o J . tract let· to Or~gonit~ Bridge Co , n t ! 'Address to oonfirm i~s answer. Estate of Gay Hlzar. minot'. First Doan Nixon, traot in Turtleoreek estimate '18a. I Warren C. Jaok at 01 vs. C . C. and filial account filed by) 4dolphus township, '11,778 • , . - ••- - EulasR etal. Court orders that de- Williams. H. C. WatklDs and Sarah 1'. WatHow Oood News Spres.ds. fendant make report and detailed In matter of esta.te of John Keuter kins to J. D. Burns, 111\0res in Bar. "I am 70 old and trftVel L._____~------.. statement of. all servioes rendered deceased. 8ale8 oonfirmed bV court Iftn township ~1385. most of th!'\ ·tlme," w ..ites B F 'rel- , ~~~~~~~!F~~!"!!'!!!!!!!~!!!! of Elizabethlown,' Ky. "Ev~ry. I' by attorneys and ~ruste~8. . and distributIon of preoeeds made, Ellzllbeth B . . Roaoh, Ll1vina A. son, whare I ·go. I reoomme'nd Eleotj'io ' William M:i0hael va. Perrinl! Po.· First Rnd final aooount illen. PeJk Ilnd MorrlR Peek to village of 8lttars; beoln~se lowe my exoellent per oompany et 11.1. . Court ord6rs Estate of Willard F . . BlI.lzbiser Morrow, traot in Mor~ow, '75. health and vltality .to them. They •• executrix to aooept · 14500 in fall et al. Ada L. BaJzblser appointed Wolter Uriffitb and Fanny F. effect a oore every time. " They AUCTIO payment guardilln at bood of $1000. G~'ffith to George A. Mueozenmaier never filii to tone tbe stomllch, regu . late the kldueys and bowel8, sMmo- Centerville, Ohio~ Nora Mullen vs. Charles Mullen. Estate. of V. J. Zentmeyer, as· and Katherine Muenzenmllier. traot late the liver, invigorate t:he nerves Divorce is not gr&nted as prayed signor. Sale bill filed by A. }j' . in LtlbBnon, and pnrify the blood " They work l'he IDBn who can fleU your for and oanae i8 dismissed. Their Simonton, assignee Aida Ketterman to Robert Friend, wonders for we" k, run-down men Horses, (]ows, 80 s, Fa.r m, ohild Edward commended to the In matter of estate of WilHam J. 180.96 R'o res in . Clea.roreek and and womeu, re storill~ strength, ~lg Fllrming UtenSils, . House· , . " , , (lr !LDd health that s u dallv JOY, o08todyof defendant exoept in sum· Collatt, deoeased. Uourt grants Wllynetowusbl." '20,000. Try them. Only IiOc. Satisfaotion hold Goods. or BOy biog in mer montbs when It may stay with Ho.ward Collett, administrator leave P~ilip Vetter ,to John W. McCabe IS po itively 'guarllnteed by Fred C. the selling line. grandmother, Mrs. Beltz. to invest funds as pruye~ for. and Mt.I,rgaret MoCabe, two tracts in Sohwart~ Call Him Up for\ Probate Court. Estate of Wilson ,Kirby, 'deoeased ' FrlLnklln township, $22&1. WAY - N-E-S-V-IL···C'E ·CHURCHES, Due proof of notioe of app01ntm~Dt Mary E L e'u y to uouella. BtUOR.· . . ESLate of John tl, Van Horne, of Martba Kirby al!! urlministratrix low, lot in FmnKlin, $2Iido. St. Augustine's Catholic Church. deceased. First .Bnd fi al account i8 filed. Ma-rah W. Bolmer to Willillm P. WALTE' R F utber·George Muvenboefcr, Pastor filed by Spsaa R . Van Horne. exeoEstR.te of T. Benton Jaok, de. ' Olark and Myrtle qR.r~, lot in, MUMS cverv 8000l1d Sunda, o f ,Lhc month al utrlx. . ceased. l)ue proof of notice of ap-I Union township, '300. 0 : OU n. m. Estate of Wil1iam H. Williams. poiutmen$ of Lelia. D. Jaok as ad-I Peroy W. Bolmer; et 0,1 to William St. Mary·s Episcopal Church. Funeral Dlrer:t ' deceased. Sale bill IS filed by Geo. ministratrlx. P . and Myrtle Clllrk, lot lu Union Rev . J. F . Cadwallader. Rector. . .1 T. W bite ' admlnistrato!". . Estate of Albert Keever de.ceas~d. . / township, '280. Sunday Sobool. 0 :80 lI. m Morning ser. vlee. 10 :30 a, m . Holy Communion tho 6rst E t te f R K k d Le .., s !Ld 0d fi' l' 11., efioleajsed. Doe proof of notlo~ ' of apPolDtm~nt Commissioners' ProceedlriiS. Sunday of e~cb month, l.'elephone day 01 night. oeoon an na acoouot e' by of Lydia E . Keever, as t\xeoutrix . Valley' pl)ooe.,No. i. ng W. 1:;. Baker, .exeoutor. Licenses. . BlIls.-:-J . M. Mulford, stamps . Meth~st ' Epi~opal Churcb. Distance No. 69-'". Estate of Samuel Pogh, deceased. . '10 .50 i W. A , e<Jott, ~ridge repairs Rev. H. W.· ~lIlle>,. faator. ' Ohver C. 'Countryman 24,oarpeuU' h' Sunday School, 0 :ao a. ID , Morning eer· F lDalaoco1,lot filed by RR.ohel Pugh, -, . of mon towns IP, IUiU i Frank "lae.,10 :80 a . m ; Elpworth ' Lellgue, 7 :00 p . WAYNESVILLE ... OHIO· administratrix. ' tor of Middletown to J'lWnie Evan!.', Dnke lumber Ul.17. A. B. Sides In , .Evcnlng serVIce, "': 00 p. m. Midweek . J I · . . 17 f Fr kli ' " .' Pny ~ r AfoeLing 7 pm ' ,0 an n. looust posts, .• 11 .20: lsaR.o 'Urake, , ' . ' _. ' . Branch Office, Barve,'.bun. O• ES$ate of Russell Bohuen. minor. First account flIed. Hally F. Hatha.way, 22, farmer of bridge repatrs in 1'tirtJeoreek town~ Christian Church; • , : Willard J. Wright execuhor of Waynesvllle to Goldie L . .Do~d, }7, ship $1325'; J. ' A,. '. cghutts bridge , R.,,,. t-. o..ThOJnpeon. PlI8tor. ~ . . , of Waynesvtlle .! . , " . 8unda.,. &Chqo1. o:ao.a. m. BoclallJ!!lOtlng .' " . tbe last. wi1l of Hepdbah Marlatt, . , " reP.,llirs i~ Wayne tq~nl!hip! 17.30 i ,10:80 a·. m. . Cnnstlan ;Endeavor. 1I: ~U p. in: C W .... eN DED . ,g D ' vs. Mary. E.· Starry et al. 'Partition .l!~nk D. 8Inihe, 27, 'farmer of S, D. Henkle, : !~ea aOd . expen~e8 ; ~g~o~: Jg;~-:jDi:g6~~ ci".I~er,late .B\1nday at , . • •4 ~S9N,,'''I. . • of.prooeeds of sa.le of 1'eal estate. Bl~nohester to .Ma.tM~May. R~!I, $203,36; Alonzo CIl8~ed"y, ltiD.d ap- . . . . . . . . ' . ' . . Estate' of··John Keuter deCeased. 25 i Le.~e1. ' " . , . " p'raiser '28~·· O'an' f .. 'Bone ' tees. ~., '. . H~~I~ ~rlend~ Chur.0h. Waynesvnl~, Oh Q, ' .' " , I • J , Clarence O. Wolf~ 25 .brakeman ' .' , , ; ".... . ~ . ~11,'8~ Day f4eetlnll;. 1U:00 lI. m. Flret ]j~y . . " '. Vourt C?rd~r8. 8ale of persona. prpp- f VI rk" 'rill t Mi 'i'." Sh be' '47 86 ,.JohnH9n~ WatsoD~ompanYl S"hool, 11 jO(l a, m. Four~b D'ay Meellnr . Valley Phone 153' er\yas in petUion. . 0 a .s e o. nn e .~ ~~. t, blan~s and books, t174:05;. The 10;00.\\. III; . . ' . Esta~e of R. K. · 'Leak, deCeased. 18, of Clarksville. : ,.' ,Jj'l'iuikUn 'CJlr~niola, .so(>p1le8; si5 '; , Orthodox Friend. Church: ' . . First aooOunt' ('f 8. Baker, edeuReal EState Transfers. : RUKslea-GlPtle Go; branks, $1. ~5; '. " Rev. 13e~amln Haw~~8\ Pl\lJtor, tor confirmed. A upst DopPe and l 1ils wife 8"811- R B. Smith, 001'1 and , sewer p!Pe, .\lth .SOhOOI. 8 :00 a. III. Re.war obu reh ' .. . . W ' & " 8Ilrvice, ~O · !tO a. 1111 Obrlatlall Endeavor Estate of Daniel B. Leer, decealed. rie". Boppe $0 EdwaM.'. 2.70; • H. ~tazil1ge 00 ,mdee 7 :30 p. 'III . • InveDtoty ' and appraisement. flied aore. io Deerfield t()'~bil~ilJi II. , 118.75.; Wflllams alid Iilonfort, '- fe Auctioneer by. A. F.SlmOD&Qn, admluutrator• . Anpn Qoppeand hie wife Den· pairs, '21.77; Central , UOlon Tele, . '. . ... . , - Wa v ' •i i.i . ~ J!'.atate of ~hel D•. Bal'De', de- rie* . Hoppe to Edward Hoppe, phone Cp.., reote .n~ toll.; 'J:1~&u. nDIf . ". ynes e, -.

Brown. Transeript from magistr"te's court filed for headng. Cora Osborn vs. Samuel O. Leer, &rah A. Patterson et a1. Petitio. tor partition of real estate. Willard J. Wright a~torney for.plaintiff.

COunty Courts New Suits

~ . ,







' .

l ' '











.wIn examined uuI ~.. U.&J "'lnDee~.d tow~p,'l





AptU'~~ at~Dect:b1 M;' Q, ~~~ f~

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THE ,MIAMI , GAZETTE ,TH'E r u bll .hl d


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D. L C RA Nm, E l i t

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and Manager

, - .------ 1

Don't let the dealer who handles some inferior preparation,' talk you into buying that "just as good" kind, which so often proves unsatisfactory. Insist on having

flatl's of ~u.:.acription n ne Yc:a r (.t l'lc·ti ), II .". ,n e c') l-' hl j/ l e

<.;opy. ' . , , .

'I,ClII .lIr, :


Rates of Acfv·rtiMcments


Hea(1ln g r,OC;' IM, \I ~ 110 · .. .... ....... , fie ' Rea d.Jng loQol~. hlRrl fa 1' . pP. r II" ,. . .. ,., I Ill> ("1 ~ltled Ad,.. not " ''(cefd n\'(' IIn e~. 'I' li re(' In ft,'r tl" n. , .. " .. ..• '. '! 6u Ohltuarlc • . fl l'e In c 'I " 'rcC) ; o ver fll'e In c befi . pcr lin .• • . . .. . . .. , , . 'Jo Card oftbtl uk".. ... , .. ........ .. .. 2lic Re.."lullonH_. . ,... . .. ~ . .. .. . , .. . .. r,oC SoolalH c tc. wh e re o.... rloc I" mad e .. , ... :15u I)ls Jll a y Adve rllM1nll' pilI In c h . .. . , ..... I Ue


Discounts Kl" .. ,



The kind that won't fade when exposed to sunlight. The kind with that T·O·U·G·H - L·E·A· T·H·E·R·Y- E·L·A·S·T·I·C Finish that outshines and outwears all ot hers. .'\ It's for FLOORS, FURNITURE, AND ALL OTHER IN· TERIOR WOOOWORK, in all natural wood colors. fOR SALE BY


OU cO Dtra C:L.



1I1AROH .0, ,1810.

the oiroulating air again &Dd &gnlD by the use ot II. dry uust cloth or a feather dURter. 'The United States Wllr Department hall banished tbe feather dust · er from all I til ('moss and buildings because it is believed to favor the di88emlnatlon of tuber~ulosis. It has be6n I!airl that no oity oan olaim to be quite oivilized If it oont.inues to spend the people's money to buy feather dusters for its publio build· ings Th. d e Q1!t that you and your neigb bor IIweep from the doorstep, and the 0100d8 'hat rise from the beatiog of carpets in yllur own or your nelghbor'lI Y90rd ie sooo returned to you or to your neighbor by the wind. HOW TO GET RID 011' DU8T.

Whetlt. is loolrl'lg floe. A trood m"ny fllrmers "re oatting out tohacoo t,hilt 81'1I\SOO . Wille boyl'l.

Farmers arlt takln~ advantllge of the i00d weatbpr, and Ilre workio~ hard plowlnll and ~ett,tng ready for the 8ammer's wo\'k.


Are You Looking (lor a Position?

able camp'lign of 1883 between For. aker and Bo"dley reeulted in the defeat of Foraker through oond"lonl! over which he had no control. but enabled him to go before the people and demonlltrate his ability, followed by hi. great 8uooe88ee, whioh are Tobao 0 hUll dropped to eigbt oenta known to all, There are hundreda and a .real deal of It i. refulled at of elmtlar OaBe. In our oEluntry's .bat prlqe, altboutrh forflign dealertl hlatory and the defeat. of many men are buying lome. at nine oentl. If you wish to get rid of clast yon in their firs' appearance before the people has been a booat and a trl mmt not stir It up, for all 800n as it Dou~ frRt or worry. Let 'he umph In the end. gete in th" air it is beyond yo or oon· men y.ou elooted do that (all you pay 11 f tifled to trot. Before sweepiug, it 8weeplng M T 10 I It ehould be noted that no less r. ay r s we or rep' is neoe88ary, it is well to scatter on .them for It) bat , live tbem their than forty of the members of the rf8~nt this dlstriot aod tbe Repub11 Do oot expose your food to dust Main Street. nwn "'me aod (loope• .rod an will be Waynesville,. Ohio. 1\ t R i t Be bll the oor aome mOlst material, lIuoh and flies. Keep It oovered. prertent HOQ8e' of Uepreaentatt ves can par y. e aa roe po olln as wet sawdust or bits of meistened "eU. ... . a man well Terlled in Congresaionlll Pity the ohildren who are alwaYB I o f CoogrMs were either defeateh the paper . While Iweeplog the WlllVEAR.' prooednre and wsll qnalifled to getting the worst of tbe dust Quia . t;XI~.IIIIE~ICE The Busine. MAD'S slogan seem8 fl rat tlln.e t h ey mado the race f o r ' dows snd outside doora shoold be to be . wor king. The "bl8 talk" 'he hon.:lr or were defeated in their fill the offioe ' to the satillfaction of .peolld as wld"ly all poll8ible, and anoe. Wh h d eD you ave ,emoye a qnanaround the townl'lhip il: Will they 6.l'8' eftor' to leoare the nomination i the people of Ute Sixth distrio'. the qoors with other· f d f l Owing to Mr. Taylor's knowledge tlty 0 Qat rom yoar prem Ises, boild t'te avenue? Of oourse tbey of their party " ' of the di8trict and hs people he wiJI partl of the hOUR8 IIhould be olO8ed. wet It down or cover it so it oan nevLet 'em al('ne. and 1911 will Abraham Lincoln s osndidaoy for , k th t did' .. _ th Doting.hould always be done with er I.-in pollute the air. Now aun_ flne roadway aorON the aveno~. United States SeDator, althongh 'd e . ~ e e strongOll 08n t fa..., de! a mol8&ened oloth whloh should be .. ,. ncopUbllOI\n par t y oan pu OIrwar. plies of dust wUl form fast eoongh f $ed b D ' I ea y oug ItSS, demon8trated Be i8 entitled ro 'he nomlnatlon wubed before it hal' a ohAnoe to withont an! careleesDess on your ' ThRre ;.... a l)t1e of snow baok of his ability and made him Preeident aDd will undoabledly , Iftt ,it with dry. Where the floors are bare, It it! PI'.riain: Never sweep your floors 'be G••tEe lIffice whioh disappeared of 'he Untted 8"'* The memor. little opposition. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!~_ onneoeaary--..od mOlt unwise to dry, never Uge a feather duster . 1.., Wedneaday. We 011.0 trn~hfal1y . -. - - aweep with a broom. The dallt oan -Bulletin issued by Bnffalo Hea.lth . ., t 8now lard on the ground -Pollen and fragmen ... of the leedll be muok more effectively moved by Depart_D.1_eD_'_,~~.--_ _ _ from the middle of December untl) Dry Sweepln& and Feather Dustlog of plany. ' . "iping up wUh a brush or with Ao ~~~ 'he la ~ of. Maroh. DOd is fllch , in Its qlOS' daDgerFine b"ire and 1001e. form the a oloth dampened wlth water, or of a voloano e ".', 'i':': intereBt,and oo~fm. .~. ~ bodies of animal.. oiled, ,. ' your lDteree' h , . ...P .A'uptions will -Da.t pollotes the air we breathe, LIDt a.od other flbl"N from olotb- Of oour!!., du.t.shouI4 be deatroyed be 8S short, if 1n alm.08' e"ery neighborin8paper 0 use Buoklen 'B piOkecf, P Gan be 88fln some traotion tbe foOd "e "',the Uqaidl! we drink ing, oarpeta, eto. , or plaoed 0 08T8red reoeptaolOll. Arnica Salve, their qnlokest oare. Dried and pulverized exorement On no 8000uut should it be dumped Even the wo,st boile, alcers, or fever Dewe 'bat is or wllJ be a gr:ia' beoe the hou\le'a in whioh ' we liTe aod Use olothlng 'hat cov8J'8 our bodies. of horsel and other domeatto ant· into the yard or the Itreet or Into lores are soon healed by it. Beat flt to '''em. But •• ye' we have not for Barns Cnts, Brnis88, Bore Lips, Du' en'en onr bodies through found "t ime t.o ohrooib1e auything mals, birdl, dried remalOI of fliM any OpeD receptaole where It can be Ohapped Hands, Chilblains and Piles the moo'h, 110se, eyes and the pore. and other inll80's and e-.:en of homan dislodged by the wind aDd dlstribut. It gives i08tant reUef. 250 Fred C. alonl tulline. We "Quid be glad of oar"'ikin, . Schwartz, beinKB, ed to other hOUSM. 'houg~,"to prine ID big h~adltn81 the 008' from streets, dwellings, fao Waite material in end)811 'Yaridty ;faa' that', work had commenced 00 Notice of Appointment McC, L L P A tTERNS DUsT 18 PARTIAL TO OHILDREN. a Uoe &0 benefit 08, 8eaveo I~"bd tori", schools, theatree and other from ..Ii .ortl of induatries. publlo buUdinl. has been carefolly Dise .. e 'germa-hoteria "Dd DQI!t fallll, like tbe rain, upon the (;cl, l,r... ,· I lor oly l(·. I",rfoc t r,' , Si mp licity and 'he day ,when we oa~ I ft' li.lll:'i l· 1H':1 r !y 4t), )t· : r . ', Old in Ilcar ly -"'-.011 d 8t u died • It ia. f oon d monlds-derhed from the eltore. j 08 , an ' d 00 j us, t b u t inl1\l plGC88 ,th e The Eltate of Rachel A. Burnett. deceued. 0011""...... an underal~ed 'baa been a~poillted and c w:.ry Ity Il rul tuw n 111 ' j. \! UU lI t ' l l ta tl·s Ulld c.:.In:l tb , o r hy l1I ui l tll rl'l't. "I tl ~c ,..., ' d lh:t n to Oo~Yln: • tiODII of man and animal!!, partiou- ohildren)Ilr~ exposed to the dense8t 'A?~g::fe::" laX:::~~:.r!~eo!:1n~~ DJ~o-:C~~ n ny "lh ~ r m . loe.. Sc •• J (or ( n.:c cal;duAlue. The .uson i. IUlvllnoiDI, bnt we Blta of Mod and soil. larly the ferms of ta~roulOlill and ooat~ellt part of the dus~toloud, ctI~t«t tWa 16th da of March , A. D. 19101 M c ::.\L L'S MAGAZINE ~I "rc s ub. crl hC'r' IlO:>n ft"y o lher b ohfon baUil" h.rd mOO}). about tJia' oity ~peokaohoot and mlnnte olnders, whioh Ilre oonghed up by the Tlo'im ~ey oreep or run about i an atELI D. ~UltNETT, Executor. IIl H ~a zillc - m l 1Jin n :1 mon t h. I.l\'ul ""h1c. Lat.. ( '!>t s t y l t~, ":l ll l' rn~, tlrc SMn nk iu )!'. nlillin~. parlt; City park, yee, the one we uhee,80al, lime. of oonsumption aDd depo~iled a. motphere that ia muoh mor heavi · , p 'a in j.;cw inl!. f.l nC' y rt,'ecJ lc wur \;, h al f'd rc s sing. cl ique'ltto, J:, w,d .. tn ri .., .. , etC'. Uu ly 60 ce ll t • • ' oogh" ,&0 ' hlLVe-,he tchool.honle Pa~~olOll from .the wear and tear 8pittle. ~here they 08n be ~apidlY l,ohRrged with baoteria, irt and HAW AY yea r (wo rth dnu hk ) , itlclud ing n f, ce pllttem. Su hs(f ibe t o llay, Qr 5cnd f IJI' ." mph: cOPl. 1JI'00nd•. . Ide.l slKt I Of coorse. ofbrif,)k, plaster,oemeDtaDd usphalt. dried and oonveyed to healtby per- other obnoxiou8 refuse tban lh~ air R. • • AT :· ":Y:lERFUi'. INDUCEMENTS Band OODoerta, a place' to hold lawn BI~of wood and other plantflbres. !.Ions by'carreots of air. breat~~d by the adults at a belght Waynesville'8 Leading VenUe' hi i\ i,~ l:n t 5 . Fo ~ t rl ..bri"n'i!i p rr r, ju m C:lta toll'M 1 Hew cus h nril.c oO'cra. Au Irc5s fe.. a for tbe town, If it is disBustlDg to- read these of th~ee or fonr feet a~ove the ohtl Office in Keys Bldg, )latn 8t f:JE ;11,, McCAlJ. CO .. 238 to 2M W. ~t) SI .. NEW VOO a lal'iD, memorial from the IOhool Ol"'~ things how maoh wone to take ioto dren s beads. It 18 Important tbere. board; and .. .faeclos"ng place for • oor InD~s the air. and into our fore, tba~ the floors of rooms in I to yulit, 8I>mebody'ooght s'tomaolill the f.,od tbat has been which ohtldren live should be BO &0 ,b",y I ' oontumtnated bV tbe admixture of oovered that they may be freqnent ..;....~-... - • ODlacalth1 Kl4Dc1s ~c Impure Blood. dust, ly oleaned without flirting dust lOto . " Sa!-ed • Sold~" Life. , We&k and unhealthy kidneys are ref the air. Oiled or varnished 1100rs .Recommends _ Faoin'g dea,b from Iho' and shell lpoulibleformuchsicknessandsuffering, Dus.t may be the caose 0 many answer the parpose best, and may to tbe oivil war w ... more agreeable therefore, if kidney of the:diseaaes. ttat "treot the lunge be covend with ra- or other mao trouble is permitted to d th di t .. ~ to J. A. S&One, of K emp, l'ex, than I contimle, serious re- an e ges Ive organe. terial that can 'po easily removed faotng I' from what doctors Will! ' suits are most likely DnBt il oDe of th" WOIIt drea~ed aod oleaned out of door8, Dogs and ::~'~l~?,n'h~IT:::.~o~t!tltd: ~~::~~°":t;ai~~ea~~~ agenoiesin the spread of tuberoulo oatil whioh have the fr8(ldom of the Weak,llm-Down Telope4 a OOQ~h, that 1I'.nolt '0 me tention, but your kid· SiB . neighborhood are llable to bring t b HOW DUS'f AOOUMULATES. " I was run down and weak from I f or years, in .pl" 0,f a II remed.. neys mOB, ecause into tbe honse, into the hands and Indigestion and general debillty. also My welgbt ran doWD 180 pOunds , , they do most and .. h f tb d tb fl t i 'h f , ,Then l' began to DIe Dr. Ktog" New 1:., should have attention mao 0 , e ast ~t Oli. 0 e moutha of the ohildren, all sorta 0 Buttered from vertIgo. I saw. co4 fir~t. Therefore, when air of ollr houses Is brought i~ Ill! ansuspootoo and inde80ribablo flltb ,00IOover';', whioh lV\.mpletely cored liver preparation called Vlnol &dverJ...... your kidneYII are weak or out of ,order, d h h d h I i · me. 1 DOW weljth 178 poundil ." youcanunderstandhowquicklyyouren- mu ont es oesau t e ootbug, Youdonotwiahyourohild &0 play . tbed and de<:lded to give It a trial, .lor Conlhe, Oolc;ll, uaUt Ippe, Asth- tire body is affected and how every organ especially on the skirts of women. with dlrt.y ohlldren. How a.bout the and the results were most gratlfylnl. , Oropp ma, ' Bemorr\~ge.t . Boal'88 nel!lI, .eemato f~l1 to do its dutr' . Mud i8 ,00ntamlnated by tbe drooor dog? After taking two bottles I regained my &trength, and am Whooping '.;oolPb aDd 1008 U you are lick or "fee badly" begtn . . , 'i' ,taking the great kidDey rem~l' Dr. plng8 of borses aod ' othsr animals ifany of 'he m08t stubborn dill. now' fcetlnl unu&ually well." - HENRY CUNNINOHAM, Kilmer'. Swamp-,Root. A trial.,,,Ulcono having aOO8M to the Itree", and ~1 ealee that affilc' the opera'lveeln Elder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. i:nfi~::t~t., .' effect , or t.he. er.peotoration of &hought)eea faotories alld the employees tn offioOll ,V inol contains the two most world-famed tonics-the medicinal, . ~ ~ • , S~~Oot, ~fl ,JI'e&\ ~dDe)' and and 6.lthy people. Frequently t~is .and stores are dne to the polluted 0'1 d T . , EOOS FOR: SALE . b~d~ ,~I;CJ,., ill IOOQ realizeCl. It mud Is dl'1' upon the olothtng ail' whloh they are oonstantly Inhalstrengthening, body·buildiog elements of Cod Liv~r I an O~IC , ~ . .' ,__ ...t- , " ..uncia tbfl WCbellt because ita remarkable ' " 'Jb . Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by '{ar the Best Stren entn , ' ,. ,.' " . "lo.. D~k ..~.1tb' reatonng properties ~av~ been 'ID wa~robee and ol~leh. , . eD iJlg; You .bould know what ·tlnec-" , tioD ~re-b~ I:Jarred. Pl~~U~'iM ev~n i.n tliqusancla of th~ moit dl.trese- 't~e olothes bl u~h ,or the Wh~lk,broom. , _ y in order to protect yoorself Tonic.obtainable. We return your money WI ou~ ·for ~~, . /5OC, per 1 • " . ' .~ ~.. , I~OU need a med~ciue you eenea to distribute this dried mod and' your l)remi.esfrom dnat aad Il'V""mol doel not aecompliab aD.,we ~ for it. '. DU~\ . So~, ~{!l~i ~q:~.~'5Hy. '. 8o~ltyha~ggit..~, tbrough 'he air-oftbes hoale anm yo~ ,boold demand ~hla prQteottoD J. E. JANNEY. Drugats~, Waynesville. · 'fhirty yearll ago 'he Miami Gazette' edltor!allv lIaY8 that Warren Count~ I~m build thl\'ty new fr~ tarnplkee t.bat Rammer. _

The geoerll.l interest beioi shown in the candldaoy of Jease Taylor for tbe nomin" tioo as the Congressional , candidate of the Be(JabUoan party io the tlixth dlstriot Ie a strong in. dica~iQn ~bat he "ill be the suooess· ful candidate. 'l'he that Mr. Tavlor wile defsated two years ago does not aot as a barrier to hiB oampaigo this year tor ttie people now recognize his ability and realize the mi8tAke made in lQ08.


Do not bring mud into th e house. t Today's mud Is tomorrow's dust . If the air ar lund your house is very dusty, place soreens of oheese We can offer you good ol oth or thm layers of oot ton aoross Payin g E mployment the inlets of fresh air flues a nd io open windows on the wmdward side that you will enjoy and of the houle. at home. Write to-day M ~ke your interior deoorations and farnishinge a-8 simple 88 pOl'Isi . ble to reduce the ohance of aooumuThe BuHeriek PoblllllllDg eo. lating dust. I Butterlc:k Bulldlug. New York. N. Y. Remove rugs and othe,' floor ooverings from tbq room for oleaning. Do not 8\!lnd tbe dn8t from yonr hOWle 10to your neighbor '8 house, Never Q1!e a broom o~ a dry floor. First "lay the dus'" by dampe.Ing Undertaker and Embalmer. it. Will be found io the old Bank BuUding, opposite Uae a camp oily oloth for dustthe National Bank. ing. A b olis h t h e f ea tller d uster . Telephone in house and of. Observe the rulesn~alnst spitting. flce where I can be called Dried 8putum lB tbe most infeotious day or night. kind of duat . It is a poison! Valley Phone 14-2•











.- .



'1.0 KJllleJ' Are Welkeled bJ O,er-Work.




Vtnol People.






~ayft~Il~"O . ,~ ..: ' , ' Stubborn, AI Muies.

tlfty:~~~:~l. l:'ve • iample bott1~

. 800ll tlmealtbeb<?uaekeeper

',' . , ",', . ", • by,l maii fr~," atao' a ltver . aDd bOW,)1 ~omeuTmb· " pampblet telliug _~ to ballr,wt'hf)Ul " caDH• . _ en , how to 6ad outU· yoa have IddDey ' or .., .......... troob1e:-.......of,. ..- btadder .trOuble. lI~aU~ thle paper N4\'r'OD"D~, DeI'POD. ;wlle. wrjtiuir .t o Dr• . ~er , . Co.; ae.UllOllI8, .ut , troub- 'B'nl~toD."'N. Y. Don t make aDy mg. ......,.,......'-. New (ta~ but remem1;er the ...,...e, 1Jwampo __......' '1l00t,.aa4 don't let a dealer ..ll ~ '



~ ~~~~

,. .s -






ofoihene,.er 81 to; ral.e , tb.e ~ ...t a,,,lo by tbe ,WC?0"ld yon allow your Delgqbor, .o f ~r".. Iw~plnl" ODoeto' to, '4ro\vhiI8.rbaletDto'y~y~rd? tbe ai. dUI' tl depOftted by elow. Wby Ihould you .110w him '0 detUe' r ..., .'. ", . I;, aettlinl oa.aUeurfaoee. eapeotany ,he atr Qf 100r l:toDle wUh ~~~ ootDJoee, hea..., mouldlap, 10018 Pirha,. wtUt'h., prma of OODlumP. dr.-pertll and o'btlr t"'JII" Uoo? , . ... . . . ~th wblola our hOUllil ..... too fre.' If w. ruU. tat du' II poIeon &lf1Cl. Wrom ' ,h_ .redID, ~. WUl abhOllt. Macb of the du'


lQUUl,., __ lU.Ut_, .


~ c1rl~- IUD to wldola ,.. eN - 5 ' " II ~



trao,formed the elt,. of bll dut1l Into IN TH! ATTIC. a memorial to bll Clo)'y that ean laugh at time. "Reviewing the Trip. D. L. CRM-oIE. 'A chronological history of Mr. R(oOsevelt's wonderful journey. and a parOHIO, WA YNESVTLLE, tial list of the animals kille d If, aa follo ws : om persis tent people are sUll on Ma rch 23-Salled from New York the veg table wagon. tor Naples. 4.176 miles. C::x-President Again in Touch March ao-Arrlved at tbe Azores. Cold s torng I nds a musty 1Iavor April 2-Arrlved at Olbraltar. TWO AMUSING PARLOR GAMES with C iviliza~ion. allko to eggs a nd apples. Apr il 6-Arrlved nt NapIeR. April 6-After being receIved by Way to Make Needle Float on Water How seldom "" hea r tbe m !!poken King Victor Emmanuel, sailed fOJ WhIle Paper Slnkll, and Throwing or as "horse less carrl,ges" now. ~REETED BY MANY FRIENDS MombrulB. British lIiast Afrlcn, 4.121 JoI th ,\t tlc down to gran'pa p's, Dice I nto Cup. Ill y ! Whal f""I1)' Ihll1 t18 they 1M! miles. l'II UII'", "Ickl~s , II'unk 8 or luth er, At least Irt Ill! hope that Il8 com· April 15-Arrlved at Aden. Arabia, 1. H r Is a simple way to make a Spinning wh ed s I<ln rlurh' whizz! lIen sollon we' ' IDay bave an early Wife and Daughter Among ThOle Who April 21 - Arrlved at Mombasil and needl e , f10al on water : Fill a wiDe Ch",,"~ of hl,' I<or)" splint bollomc<l, .prlng. rece ived with honors by the provincial \Vo,1d e n Intl'l, eli fo l' Ihe dOOI', glas6 or tumbler with water, and on Journey to Egyptian Frontier City Uun h (If clilp\},mrds, rnll ~ r pnpc ra, governor. tbls lay flat 1\ cigarette paper; place a to Welcome DIstinguIshed TravAn<l, my la m l ! u hull lot m o r el Food pr!ces b<>gan to fall even beAprll 22-Left Mombasa b7 rail for needl e genlly on thIs, and presently MANUF'ACTURE~ 8V THt eler and Hunter. fore mOl!t of us had got out of the Kapltl plaIns and the ranoh of Sir tb e paper will sink, and tbe need le will Cn r' yus p lace ther , nf>:l tbo ratle",' 1Iabll at oa tlng, LIIl e 10 sct Il i~r' wh e n It .-lIl n a, Alfred Pease on tbe Athl river for fioat on the water. Kbartum, Egypt.-<!o1. Tbeodore sbort shooting expeditions. About 270 'h e lillie f ou r - li gh t winder 2, Hold a pall' of dI ce and a cup B),';Villi t pen y, du s t>' p anes, Now tb e royal duke of Connaught III Roosevelt arrIved at thlll place on miles. Secured two wildebeests, two for oasting the m In one hand, a8 Is Lik e to It rs"nd l\I cOulTy'. r ('aders. to go on a bunting trip to AfrIca. We Monday, and was rec':,ed omclally gazelle, five other ante lop, ~ lions, sbown in lhe dIagram, Now, boldlng Anti Ih o hlu t' ·b{\~ k Apcllln' bool,; , j by Ge n. Sir RegInald WIngate. gov- tbree giraffe. one zebra, one rhino. a lead ; they follow , J Ol!rtlllhy t hnt's set t o musi c, And t he " 'rllln' grall'pap t ook. ernor general of the Sudan. on be- warthog and a hartebeest. DRUGGISTS [n 20 years of the electrIc chair, all balf of both th e Egyptian and English May 15-Rode to W, H. McMillan'S LII( ~ to rummagc In tho bI g h1 8 1. Clf New York's 117 murderers have gove rnme nts. Tbe ex· presIdent was "Juja farm_" a full day's journey, for 1.11,,· to p('~ll I" bun'uu t1rower R; SIZE ONLY. met here by Mrs. Roosevelt and MI ss short expeditions. Seeured two ImLik e '10 rend Ih I ~ tt c r. IlTllll'pa p ~een for e ign born. 'Vrul e III I\nlllyn~ f r o m lh e wors, Ethel and by a bast of American and pala, several antelope, a water buck. Bllv ! \\' hl' lI It IH r uln ln.' f e ll ers, For a sma ll and select organization Europt!an correspondents and numer· a leopard, a rhino and a hlppopotamu•. irny b e h ClIH, d, bu t 1 <l lUlt , 'We suggest th e Society of Those Who ous delegations at political and otber S<'t t hc r' hy t It o \\'1 lIt1e r , Hoeln ll!' More Big Game Killed. Urent t hlngll loo m liP Crom \lI e past. trlends from th e United Stat es, In iBaw Comet A Ina. May 20-Rode tram McMlllan's t!) fact tbls blstorlc town Is literally tbe adjoining Heatley ranch for bufCan quickly be ovm:oDle by Diamonds are to Increase In price. fill ed with vIsItors brougbt here to lalo hunting among the papyrus BOY INVENTORS OF AMERICA CARTER'S Ll'l1'LE ThIs Is a dlr('ct In crense In tbe cost greet tbe returning traveler. swamps. Twelve miles. Secured four UVER PILLS. With his arrival at this place. Col. 'c::f living for choruB gi rls, buffalo, four hartebeest, two zeera. two Makin,; Needle Float. Some of Them Are MakIng Handsome Roosevelt completed one of th e most gaxelle and a warthog, Profit. from Strange DevlcuBurs!:!:!!; pipes nooded Wall street notable journeys through the wilder· May 26- Rode from tbe Heatley the cup fast, throw up one of the di ce Some of Late Inv,entlons. How can 'the otb el e~'e nln , but tben water Is ness of Africa that has been underta· ranch to McMillan's town house at Rl!od catch It In the CliP, ken since the days of Livingstone and you best bo sure of catching tbe oth r 1J0thing ntlW fo r Wall strect I\alrob!' A day's jaunt, Wll'e less tl'legrallhy nnd the conStanley, It was a r emarkable jour· HeadJune 3-Left by rail for Kljabe. H In the cup? qltest of the nIl' ha l'e taken a firm It w ill Boon be possIble to brin g on ney both In Dumbe r of animals slain miles. Solllt Ion ; It Is easy to throw t.he IICh... ' bold on th e youths of Amadea. a nd tb e early nnd Imprudent robIn wltb· and preserved as specimens, nnd beuppe l' or this paIr of dice Into the nlr DiuiJune 4-Arrlved nt Kljabe. buudl'eds of ladN of tende r years. but lIeU. and Indiptioo. I()ut exci ting wboops of derisIon . cause of Its lack of accidents and June 5-Left Kljabo on marcb for and catch It In tbe cup, but the otber advnn c'd Ideas, nl'e de voting their tnlSm.D PW. Small D_. Small PriM. sickness of every kind. OrdlnarllY!l the Sotik distr ict. The route was over Is more e lus Ive. As you throw It up· New York h as a child wond er whc traveler, through the r egIons 't hrougb a waterless tract. and although tho ward with sumclent force you \vlll en ta to the Invention or cons tr,uction GENUINE DlUIl bear quature: or mn chlnes In both these lin es. says )llays the plan o In bl s sleilp. The only which Col. Roosevelt has passed, distance traversed was only 60 miles, a lso throw the dlc that has been al· escape for tbe tlelghbors Is to move. comes out of the jungues loaded with It entailed a three-day trip. Secured ready caught out of th l' Clip. The Van Norden magazine. Wblle th ese devlccs are largely tor malarIa and fever germs. p to the six rblnos, a hippopotamus. two eland. plea slIl'P, young AmerI ca has proved , Let's move to Denmark, Our Da· rresent Ume, neither Col. Roosevelt bls nbi llty to tun: Inventive genius Into nlsh minIster, Dr. Egan. ssys there are nur any of his party have shown any t\1'O wildebeest, several antelope, two Quick-Simple-EasY zebras, a hyena, a warthog and three utlli larlnn channels. On e ot the most 110 truste. high prices. or otale eggs symptoms of bavlng contracted any lions. 'there. remarkablE! Inventions made by a boy ~O STROPPING NO HONING ot the numerous contagious dIseases. July 12-Arrlved at Lake Naivasha Is n device for slgnnllng on leva ted Oen_ Sir Reginald WIngate pro- on return trip, Secured two hIppos Tbe new cnmet bas 50,000,000 mllell roads. It 18 In use on part of tho and some smaller game. 'Or tall. This Is all gas. It you catch Brooklyn "1)' syst em. and Is the work ,July 22-Arrlved at Nalvasha fram ' ft comet you can dispose of your ot MorrIs Scbaeffer. 15 years old, a the lake. \meter. public school boy. 1\[orrls \\-as offer<ld July 24-Returned to Nairobi by rall, , '18,000 for this patent, but on the al\ 65 miles. Traces of sodium have been dlsco\,vice of frIends re fused It. Tbe b.oy Aug. 4-Left Nairobi for Nalvasha. red In that tramp comet Evidently expects to be ahle to get $50,000 for LADlES-To CADV." remedl I : IOn.t p,.." ..... Aug. 9-Lett Nalvasha on march to e must take ,our comets with a graIn thl! Idea trom the railroad company. lIon ~ anll lIa~orlq 'Utlracrtll: .t!.ooIl OP.J!I!",unIUo..' Nyerl and the Kenya provInce, 80 Clf saIL Of quite a different caliber Is tbe 10 'lib' parU... Dr. A.. Jlolllalaee, I'IQ_, miles. Seoured five lions. three bufmacblne Invented by' Donald H, Miller. falo, a hIppo, a giraffe and his first Also. It 18 especially aggravating to Catching Dice In Cup. a stlldent of Columbia university. Tbl~. TRAGIC RECOLLECTION. elephant. eome across tbese learned articles on by the mere tou ching of keys, similar secret ot success lies In dropping tbe Oct.· 3O-Returned to Nalvasha. the nutritive nature of the tough cuts hnnd and cup rapidly downwards, quIt· to those on a typewriter. translates af meat. At Gualo Ngulsho Plateau. Chinese Into EJngllsb. It can also be Oct. 26-Left by rail tor Londlant .Ing hold at the same ' moment 01 the u ed to translate any otber language. dIce, whi ch then falls Quie tly Into the SpeakIng of boycotting hlgb·prlced for a three wee¥' shoot on the Ouaso The contrivance r esembles an addin!!: necessitIes of lire. the barefoot danNgulsho plateau, about 90 miles. Se- cup held to rec~ve it. macblne. ~ eers haT not put tbe shoe t"Ust out of cured five giraffe, three \1ons and se.,· From darkest India comes tbe rec· lIu8In"8s. eral antelope and smaller game. DRESSING ROOM OF A CIRCUS ord of the achievement of Claude Dec. 7-Returned to Nairobi by rail. Moore, the son at a- poor coal miner. TheatrIcal managers avell tbat 1909 Dec. l8-Lett Nairobi by rail for Scenes Are Both Novel and PIc- Young Moore, who Is 20 years old. was was a mIserable dramatlo year; and Port Klsuma. on Lake Victoria Ny" turesqu_How Tenh Are DIvided reduced to the sum of two cents when probably some theatergoers will agree anza. about 150 miles. he received word from the patent omce -Children Are Petted. wtth them. Dec.20-Arrlve at Entt)bbe, Uganda, that It had Issued hIm a patent on a from K1suma. via la~e steamer, about Tbe scenes In tbe dressing room of a corn·husker. Thereupon Claude. who AccordIng to a diamond <lealer all 125 miles. On this trl.p the American circus are both novel nnd picturesque. Is a thrifty youth. soli:l this patent to elassell of people are buyIng diamonds. fiag waa flown for the· flrst time OD The huge tent Is dIvided, first Into two lhe harvester trust (or considerable However. some te", are buying beerAfrica's Inland sea. main apartments, One la the green· real money. .tealts ID8tead_ Dec. 21-Left on 23·mlle auto trIp to room, as It were, whero the ring liorsea A most ambitious piece or work has Kampala. are kept ready for the rIders. just been suocessfully finished by FranIn Denmark every egg that Is Boh! Dec. 23-Left Kampala for Klnslngo, Henaerson-Ever meet with any ..rt· JOust bear a stamp showing just wben Here the properties are handed out. cIs Lee Herreshotr. the young nephew 70 miles. Secured two elephants. It was laId. People have time to watch and tbe matron of the wardrobe of the (amous yacbt designer. This olla accident while travel1ng? Jan_ 3-Arrlved at Halma. Uganda. _ spreads Ollt the gUtterIng COTers tor Is the consU'ucUon of a hIgh-power Henpeck-Did I T I met my wU. the nests over there_ after a 57-mile trip tram IOslngo. tbe horses and other paraphernalia racing automobile with which has been whl;le traveling abroad. Jan. 4-Left for Butlaba. 27 miles. thd help so largely to make the cir- developed the tremendous speell of 80 Tbere Is notbfng In the constitution Jan. 7-Left on steam launch for cus performance a spectaole of such miles an hour, eompelllng tbe presIdent to live up to AdvIce. Wadelal and Rblno camp. BelgIan dazzling beauty. "Your boy Jerry bas a graDd volce,the mind-reading predictions of the Herreshotr bas also patented a deKongo. about 72 miles. Secured sey. :Washington correspondents. The other portion of thIs same tent vice for subduing the glare of acety- Bald Mr. Doran. Route of Col. Roosevelt's Journey eral white rhinos and a buffalo. "Yes_ H'e saY8 he's going Into grant. Is divided up by strips' of ' canvas lene lamps, The mechanism does away Down the Nile. Feb. 3-Left Wadelal for Nlmule. Altbeugh tbe ground hog bas br~ with the necessity of extinguishing the opera." replied Mr. Rafferty. "Be, stretched from one of the main poles about 54 mUes. ken wlnter'lI back, the weather bureau want.s. says he. to bave the crowds Feb. 4-Arrlved at Nlmule. Uganda,' to the side walls. forming a serIes of lamps. for It Boftens the glare. mak- lean In' forward to catch every tone u wt1\ continue to record the symptoms vlded countless ways fQr tbe enter· Ing It hardly more notlceable than aD talnment of hIli distinguIshed guest, Feb. 7-Lett Nlmule for Oondokoro, V-shaped rooms, one or wblch 1'8 deIn omclal and tecbnlcal language. bl' lifts his voIce to express things tb,Rt Representatives cf the many tribes of a 108-mlle ma'r ch through almost un, voted to the men. another to t1)e wom· oU lamp. no one but himself can full v compr. en nnd a thl,rd to the ballet girls. the desert have been gathered here' broken jungle. Japan and Russia are dIscovered hend." ' A IIlUe post In the center of each, 30lntly opposed to the neutralization Into one 81'eo't encampment, and fOt' Feb. 17-Arrlved at Oondokoro. Up. "Jerry saya that, does he?" STAR TEN-POINTED MAKING with a lookIng-glass not larger than af the Mancburlan railroads. Well. Col. Roosevelt·s entertainment, have per Sudan, "He does ," one's hand, serves as a common dressUncle, Sam at least smoked them out. Indulged In ever,. possible form of Grested by Mr•. Roosevelt. "Tell him to be an auctioneer. H. How to change one Into Flve-Polnt.d native amusement. givIng dances, Feb. 26-Expedltlon broke up and Ing-table, where the paint and powean do the same thing and the mone)" Arrangement WIthout Touching der and other finishIng touches of the An Atlantic City, N, J" man bas In- races, etc. porters returned to Uganda; II aurer." the MaterIal. The town of Khartum Is a mass of 'Vented a boat that will run on either Feb. 28-Roosevelt left Oondokorc "make-up" are applied. The clothel! are thrown carelessly land or · water. There ought to be a color, Flags of Egypt. England and vIa steamboat for Kbartum, more WHAT'S THE USE Take five wooden matches and bend lipan the tops of the trunks. whIch each of tbem Into a V. Place them Sticking to a HabIt When ,It «ood sale for such a craft In the Ohio America are everywhere, and the ex· than 800 miles to tbe north. presIdent has probahly apprecIated river ba"J'l. March ll-Arrlved at Renk, aboul 6tand In long rows against tbe can- together, as Is shown In the first diaDllcomfort'l nothing more than the opportunity of two days' journey by boat, south 01 vas walls, or are pinned directly to gram. so that they take the torm of The man In CIncInnati who laugbed visiting this hIstorical spot. the canvas Itself. Old KIng Colfee knocks subJ~cta Khartum. an asterisk. or a ten-pain led star. Lay 110 hard at a joke that he sprained Khartum Is virtually built around The child Is dressed , for the ring. them on some smooth surface. and out tolerably flat at times, and .theN March U-Reached Khartum. ' tbf bls jaw now entertaIns pessImistic the grave of "Chinese" Gordon. The end of bls journey on tbe Nile, and It comes to the edge of the canvas Is no possible doubt ot what did It. A ...Iews ot tbe effects of the gospel of city Itself Is a gigantic monument to was greeted by Mrs. Roosevelt anc wall, pokes Its little head through, wHhout touching tbem transform them MIch. woman gives her experience: ", Into a stBI' with five pOints. cheerfulness, thnt Boldler's deeds and his heroic daughter, MIss Ethel. kisses Its mother good-by. and away "I used to have liver trouble nearly Solution: To change the t en-poInted It goes Into the rIng lipan a gallopdeath. In the center of It stands his Homeward Bound. &'01' of wooden matches Into one of all of the time and took medicine Maybe women are happIer In tbelr effigy In bronze. mounted on a came\' The arranged program of the re Ing horse or aroucd the hIppodrome Il\te points without toltchlng It. let which relieved me only for a Uttle second marriages because the bUll' gazIng with fixed eyes out toward malnder of Co!. Roosevelt's home tracle e.t breakn eck speed Ullon one of water fall Into the very center. as It while. Then every once In a while t bands nil the time are tryIng to live tbe desert whlcb mocke d him durIng ward journey Is as' follows: the ponies. . would be suddenly doubled up with 'IP to the glowing descriptions of theIr the terrible year that he lay there If It comes back safely It Is kissed Marcb 29-Arrlves at Alexandria. an awful agony I.n my stomach. It predecessors. waiting for relief. Behind the statue again, then patted upon the head aut! Alirll 2-Arrives at Gibraltar. as though ever)' tlme 1 took a stands the British governor's palace, trundled off to th e car by some affecApril 10-Arrlves at Naples. breath I would die. No one could In fac e of th e determIned fight an Imposing structure In the Gothic tionate companion, nnd put luto Its -Arrlves In Paris. Oreal April H Buffer any more and live_ nglllnst high prices, It Is In ord er for style, typIcal of BrItish power and public reception planned, little bed wIth jlls't a8 much 80Ucl"Finally I got down so sIck with' the mea t trllst to apply for nn Injunc· British permanence. April 17-Goos to Vienna to [Dterna, t\fde as tb e fondest motber In the land catarrh of the stomach that i could ' tlon restraInIng the people tram stop· might give to her dImpled darling, tlonal Sporting exhlbl tlon. Name Gordon Everywhere. not turn ' · bed, and my stomach ping eating ment. May 10-Ouest of faculty of Unlve!' though it w(';re cradle11n silk and lace. Not far away Is the Gordon Memoridid not dIgest even milk. The doctorfinally told me that If I did not give up \ Russlnn spIes nrc tracking apl,eII al coliege, a school built wltb funds sHy of Berlin. May 12:-Vlslts ChristianIa. Telling the Age of a Fillh. , TransformatIon. drlnltlng cnllee I would surely die, but who t rca cherollsly spy upon the spies raised by Oen, Kltchener by subscripMay 15-Arrlves In London and h The IIge of a fish ~an be determIned I felt I could not give it ,up. ' , of the, r e ... o!utlonarl es , who sr,y upon tion throughout Great Britain, In Ntth accuracy by Inspection of the ot~ lies on quite a Bmooth surface. and 10 "However, Husband brought home iL officlnl spIes, the RussIan pcllc(l. Sure which the Sudanese newer generation gIven fre edom of city. June 15-Arrlves In New York IHhs or bony concre tions which are a few m.oments, under the action or package of P.o stum and it was ~ade Is trained for service 'In the governly complIcations cnough, round In the auditory appal'atus,' says ' the watcr, It will gradlllally assume the strictly according to directions! It ment which conquered Its fathers. Home at last. ;Scientific , American. These otoliths shape shown In the second diagram, of was the only thing that' woUld "~T Cblrn go P OSSt'RSCS a nlgh~l\~ lady Everywhere throughout the city the Careful of Others' Feellngs,_ increase In sIze during the entire life B flve-~olnted star. Tbls Is a very slm· on my stomach, and I ' Boon· got 80 I ~'tIO nits fr olTl holdu p to holdu'! In R nallle Gordon appears. There Is tho "Wby don't you set the date for OUI of the fisb ; each year adding two lay- pIe and effective after-dinner trick, 111eed It very much. ' : ta~i cab , Perhaps It was the taxIcab Gordon botel, the Gordon drive and ers, a light colored Inyer formed In Small matcb~s move best. "(}radua)ly I ,began to get b~tter"M,lct. hnblt lhat lIggl!sted and, Inde l'd, up the White Nile the Gordon tree. weddIng?" "Because I have other flanceB t.c: summer and a 'dark layer formed In week by week gninod In '. trengtb",anct obliged h('1' to "xlend lhe plunl\erlnlJ Gordon's memory wl1\.,\Ive so long a8 i Khartum exists_ Tbe British have conslder. ' to the public at l a~ge: autumn and winter. PrInters' ,Marks. health. Now I am In perfect concHo 'T he alternate layers are sharply , The 1nterrogatlon mark or "point" tlon. and I am convln()~d tha~rt~e \w1iple Invention kr-<aps lla'ce with the ne contrasted nnd ve.ry distinct, so that (1) was originally a "q" and an "0," CaUse of my trouble was 'colree driDkWIll Tattooed on Body. Dead Perfection. e cssltlcs of the nge. A n Iron ' cyclons A Mexican miser who died Dot Ion! there 18 nO ,dUficulty ~ count.\ng them. the latter placed unde'r the former. Ing., and mr gettlng,'better iW,~ due t~ " , We heard It said of certaIn Ulan cellar Is described at length In tbe latel7 tha~ be had no vices. He Ihould ago was found to have hJs w:Ul tattooed The number ot palrs of layers Is equal They were simply ilie first and last leavIng olf colfee and clrhi1t$nl Poetwn. l:ul'rellt number of B t echn'lcal journal. cet .ome. Ever,. man .hould hat',e a aD hia breast. It caused hi. heirs no to the number of years 'the flsh haa letters of . the ,LaUn word "quesllo." ", "A short time ago ' l taaWd .om" Of course tbe contrivance Is designed .Ice or two, Being a memoer of • end of bother, as the document had to ' lived. By this ·methoa · Wallace has So• .too. with the sl8n ot exclamation eolree an4 found. to m,1 aBtonl4hmtlDt". for use In Kansas 'and other WID~Y lodge and wearing ' plumea IIDd baClllls be cnpled before the maD could be bur- ' made an Interesting study of the dla· or Interjeotlo~ (,I)_ In , Its original that I did not eare 1Ul~1Il1 abbuUt. I' ,1000alllles: 'The strikIng feature about la better t.ban perfecUon.-AtcbJ.oD 1M. trlbutloD." of '~abea of the plaJ@ ape.clea purity It waa : a comblnatlon of "1"_ ne.,er !la.e. to take' lne4to~. U~ it Is tbat It Is equIpped wltb IIl!ats, over varlouo soa . botto~s, accordlDI and ' "o,"- the 'latter undelJleath a8 In ' mON. ' I ho~ you :will uae thIa letter ' ;:=;;;;;:::::::::::::-'___, • belves and otoer con'v enlences. En· ~.)-G.!o:;b:;';; to age_ ,iii this wQ the rapidity ·'of the QuesUon mark. The two... ItQOd fOf ,the 'beneQt of thOM troD . Nor of thl Cont.lnera. growth of fllhea and 1.b e elrect of ,flah· · for "10." the LaUn exclamation of J07. the POISODOu.' dnnU,. lt Is arraJlged to provIde all tbe A. Chlcalo 'maD lays the lo.,e lel1ll eriea on the population of the .ea caD 'The parall'aph JDark III a Greek '''p," Growth of ,V.rIOUI Tr•••• ~oUltorts of home (or famUles caueLt Read tti~ I'l ittle A young oak 11'0WI three feet III la loeated In the center of Ule D~"OU' be d e t e r m l n e d · t h e mldal of the '1VOrd ' ''parqor&ph.'' We1lrilb.,"111 "ut In ~ big blow. sYltem. Recently BOIDebod,. deelai'e4 three years; In the .ame time an elm Tile earl, prlDtera employed a . .... .... -----~ City ~ple ma, bue to 10 Clut tnto I1'OWI eight teet three' Inebel. and • the to be the of dect10w Moat of US bave to be pulled up to .how that a wo~ or sntence... . . ........ TIaere Ia DO ad or oplnlou. . ,,01ow nln,' 'eet three IllcheL 'lila 00UIlU7 to ..e the COD let. obJectloDable and sllou14 ba •• . . d~ tUrt. or W. would Dot UTe 10"

The Miami Gazette




The Wretchedneu, of Constipation






.-J~--,,'T ·

IS perh aps the best e vide nce or Ame rica n pros peri ty thnt Ihe ted Stat es has bo(:om tbu grea nl· lest flow er buyi ng nntl on on the glob e. - . . - -... The flower, trad e r ache::; Its prem e )Ima x at Eas ler nnd (lurisu· Ing tile w k prec edin g the jOYOng U6 holi day mill ions of doll ars ar ex· '~_ _... pcnd ed for petu lod luxu ries whic h at t his seas on of lhe ,gar ded as nece ssi ti es by n larg yeur a re re· e prop ortio n of our .populuutlol1. As In othe r line s of acti vity , thor e Is a dltlposltioll to mak e Unc le Sam 1.,,dep end ent of all tbe r est of the wor ld In the .ma tter of now ers. }o' or Inst an ce, take the case of Eas ter II1le s. Som e year s ago near ly all our Eas ter lilie s wer e Imp orte d in eith bud from Berm uda. Now a cOll er bulb or tlon of lbe emb lem s of purl ly slde rabl s par· ,t he mar ket ench Easl el'tl de whic h go Into are' rais ed on Yan kee Boll. Alth ough the city of Chic ago n ccou nted tbe cble t rose and carn Is gene ral!) ' atio n mar ket. -owing to the grea t rose and carn atio n farm s nea r the Win dy City , ther e Is no Duto tbe clai m that New Yor reas on to dis· k wor ld's grea tes t How er mar keL 18 now the Tbe flolVer

Book Com pan lon. hlp. Boo ks are a guid e In youLh tlnJ 111 ente rtai nme nt for age. The y flupJM)rt U8 und er soli tude and keep us b'e lng a blLrden to oltrs elve s. (l'Om 'fhe y belp Uil to rot'g et tbe oros snes s of and thin gs; com pose our CRre men OUI' pass io ns; and lay our disa s and ppo int. men 5 as lee p. Vvh en we are wea ry of .lhe Ii ving we may re pul!' to the dend, who have nolh lng of peev ish· ness , prid e or tlesig n In thei r con· vers ullo n.-J (' reillY Colli er. el'4'" or Omo 01'" or Touo o, I _

trad e In tho who lesa le mar t pott ed plan ts Is prln cl· pally he t wee n the grow rs 8 1111 th e 6 111Ull ruln il ers- th e IlroIHI lars of l nT/;o r ·lall es· t abll shm nts hav e t heir own priv ate Eou rces of supp ly nnd Ilt Eas ter lime tbe mnrl,e t Is crow ded wllh wta t mig ht b(~ term ed tran Sien t denl ers- pen mns wbo band l e lI owe rs us a "s ide line " at th is sens on of th e y ar only . Tb e mar ket (or cut flow· crs Is a t U)e Eas ter sens on evon bllsl er tban that whe re pott ed plan ts arll hand l ed ex· clus lvel y. It Is [Jot conn ect· ed with the floral h eadq uar· ters desc ribe d abov e. In· deed , In New Yor k It Is 10' cate d , In a who lly diff eren t part of the clly . ' The grow · ers and . selle rs have thei r r gula r stal ls In the cutnow er mar ket, whic h they ren t ann ually , but man y of for


C A.!1


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en "'ToY mnkeA Dl\lh tbnt ~c IS een~ C~~~\~'~ °fnt?~ct!g~).o~tT~ic<~.' ntorf'S: \ld. lWo. t ho.l M Id tlrm £.~,!\~n~ ~~i ~c~~ F AA"" J .


\1'U I pay Oil' 8urn oj

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DOI.L AIl'" lor en.h IUUI ",'r", ATAIU IIl ttrtl l Cllunot. be Du red by t ho \lAO 01 11;\ ... 1.'0 CAT~h"' " ' t ' ltf.. Cl\3C



Sworn t o tlcfor o m .. , nd 5ubM~K J . O n F.!!'fE Y. l'rtbtd 111 my prcee~ UlIII 111 UdY 0 1 UOO<lmbur, A. D .. 1886.

} -"- I side of th e p ictu re 15 n fron led A. W. GLEASO~ . ope- mlio ns of 111 , f:u; hlon :lbl by tho 1 ~ t NOTAllY !'UDU <J. · fl or is ts n ail '. Catar rh Cure tbro u gho ut t ;nd e Hill'S dam s t n'ken Intern Ally rmd nota dtrrc tly. UI)()U tho b lood l!Ml1 ins. It 19 ')"lU'm rnucOU!l JUrtu.CC8 ot lhe . Heud fu r t ('~ llru mUn l " , trtl(!. c ~t1mat e cl that th e ti l tin l! of tb e .... J III':~EY '" CO .. Totedo. fl owe r shop s on Dl'otld way nnd SDlart 0Bolt.! by 0 11 nr \l~i !\ t s.. C 7:,(,. 'l'~Le U a.U'iJ ,f':,unH r l' lU!! aven ue In N w YOI'I{ cost In tho Fift h (or constlp::t,UOn.. · agg regatp. mor e th ou $1 ,0 00,000 nnd Ii' [lr nol leS l thy lire orne th er e to an are a num ber of rela ll estfl hlls hme nls end; but r a tb r IPSl It neve r had a beeach of whic h do es a busI ness gl nnln g.- Ne wllIan . of sev· era l hun dred thou sand doll ars - K - -l annu ally . llE ,\D, )lAO Wh erea s the fas blol labl e ,EI'R ACl TEf florists , AebH uUuv l'rl Thro at AND so re . " 11h c h11l81 fJ' bat.l ll.a each of whoJD mal ntsl ns one ~r~~~'~ro/~;'f, ~ )cJA',f'd~:l~':S"'!~, ~'li~~~ or ~~re~ lurg e reta il stor es - and perh mor e aps nu· mer ous boot hs In office buld llng '1'be deca y of poeU 'y may be due to ll and hote ls-h ave th eir own now er farm s or the fact thl\t so muc b of It Is rott en. growi ng est.ab llshm ents , upon who se PILF.R l :VItE D IN 6 TO 1" (lAY S. yield 'they have a mon opol y, PAZO OtNT MlON 1'1"l< tlIU'n they sel· 01 n Itc~lnw , 1111 IIlI , Jll e ,'<lln~ tc(ld to curo ''''1 ea . . dam r equ ire th e enU re outp ut or Prolruc1w"l'UOlI III e w a day . or won0 1 refun dod. of 6()0.. a flower man ufac tory . Oftt ime such s ther e Is 0. surp lus nnd olm ost An earl y cucu mbe r In the "an d Inva ther e are man y flow ers whi ch riab ly beats two III the stom ach. do not CODl Il Ull to the stan dard of perf ecti on dem a nded by tbe fnsh lona ble trad e. This Sllrp lus Is sent to flow e r com s ion mer chan ts who sell to the misTo enjo y love or saus aees one mus t reta il fl orls ls and ship exte nsiv sma ll have a lot at confiden oe. ely to I h e out·oI·to wn flori sts, part icul arly I bos loca l d In adja cenl citie s . In the stn ull shm nlB of thes e com miss ion r~, r hanl s flow ers are stor ed for days In gr Ilt Ice·c oole d cham bors , whe re Rlnss roar s and mar ble wall s Iceep the flow ers fo r day s hy reas on of the cold iLllti dam pnes s, In c id entally It may he r,ote d that th e re Is no foun dati on for lh e com mon Imp r sslo n thnt flowers wblllh nrc to be ship ped som e dist ance mus t be fr s h pick ed . On the con· trar y. the mos t exp ert han dler s of flow erR allow the blos som s to slall d for se \' ral hou rs In wa ter era they a re disp atch ed to thei r dest lnnt lon. o



Taking Lyd'a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun4 I:!abnttus, Mn ine .-" You told me take E. PlD kha m's Veg etabto le Oo mp ou nd and Pill s befo re and we all surp rise d to how muc h goo d My phY81.

'WI tbo u' it was tho pou nd that

trad e of the met ropo lis agg rega tes ~p... war d at $6,000,000 annu ally . This trad e Is vIrtu ally the prod uct ot the pas t doze n ~eara In all othe r line s of busi noss · ~hlCh have boen char acte rIze · den grow th tOI·t un es bave beend by sud, lIlany o~ the pion eers In the tradmad e by 'reta iler who . Is now wor th /leve e. One ral mil. lIon doll lus was leSB than 16 year s ago a .tre et pedd ler of vlol ete at five cent s ~ )lu~c ll.



ou. ' 1

for you r adv isin g you f1llJ


pict ures que Dhuse of the flow er jtrac1e may be seen at Ita best abo '; or fivo o~clock on !lny mor ning ut four just be. -tor~ Eas ter in tbe vici nity at Spri ng and :<fan al 6~eet8 In Ne w Yor k Hcr '<latect; the who lesa le mar ket, for e Is 10groWing plan ta,-a nd lI\~e its cou nter part In olhe r .lar~e cltle s It Is open for bUsi ness on ly nn tbe ' earl y mor nlng bero r l"When the reta il flower m rcba tlte hour o opt!n thei r shop s., The SIIJ)lIly ts mus t ot growng plan ls com es from /low r gr(lw ers I~nd farm ers , who llve som e t~e , city -In the case of dist ance Now York they .;sre iI~at,tered ~gh~cw J I' ,L1>ng . Isla nd- and th ese grow ey and alon g ers hom e ~n the mi ddle or til ulgh mus t leav e (rea ch the wholeslllll mur l In tlmo t in arilel' to for the open . 'lng 'at 4:00 or 4 )30 o'clo ck. In ever y Clly the



them Incr ease theI r spac e at Eas ter time if they can do so. Tb e flora l h u r v s t be· gins to arri ve at t his distrlb ulln g c nt er abo ut G: 30 o'clo ck III tho mor ning , mos t of the posi es com ing In bas· kets and ham ·

pers of \'nry ing size . Tbo cut .flow r mar ket does not enle r into thc cal illat ions of th e prop rieto iann ble reta il esta blis hme nt. r of the fasn · As hns been note d ullove, he d eriv es bls supp ly from Ills own floral [arm s or from grow ers who supp ly



him excl usiv ely. To the who lesa le mar t, how · Tbe Ens ter fest lval ever, com e the sma ll flori sts, Is the ftor lst'. tho stre et ven· gold en harv est. The supp ly of dors of flow e rs and the prop ftow ers at this rs of thos e seBs on Is neve r equa l to the de tem pora ry flow er stan ds wblc h line the prln · only help s to. swe ll tbe prof its,man d, but this clpu l busillesll stre ots of ever y la rge city at may high er pric es be aske d, but for not only Eas tcr time . By half·pas t se,' the n In th mor u· dang e r of over stoc king with the atte r e Is littl e Ing this mar ket Is clos ed and nda nt loss the buy ers bav e a nd was to that und er ordi nary circ ums tanc es disp erse d to seek thei r cust ome ra with the ent up muc h of the prOfits or lhe flori st's busl · day 's stoc k of 110ral offe ring s. ness . One New Yor k 'flort /!t ' sells each year Som e Idea of the magn1t~de mar c than 60,000 Elaster Hil es of the Ame rl· and his c:l l\_flo~v er trad may be form ed from the tact . mny be Ima gined wbe n one rem emb prof its tha~ mor e th an 1,000 ers tbot farm s are r ~C)ul r e d to Eas ter lilie s nrc puro hn 'ed who lesa le at from sup ply the floral decc nn,d s of . $10 to $12 )leI' hun dred Bud sell at New Yor k City pric es rarig· alon e and upw ard 01 $18, 000, Ing from $1 to ~3 each . 000 Is Inve st,ed in the flow er farm s whic h supp ly th e Illetr opoils alon e. To ca rry the enum erat ion n IIltl e farth er, It may be note d tbat Ph:-'slca l Reli gion , th ere are In To Iwe p up a nice bala Gre ater New Yorl{ mar tban nce of w{Jrk 4 0 In n and and wea l', nnd to com e wom on w110se sale occu pntl on Ollt a littl e Is th ut of flower nh ad 'lcll dAY, IN a good vend or on the stre ets. Mos t of th No Dlnn hns any righ t to w n1' hi relig ion. of blO!;so ms nre Gree ks. A 1Il0r ese p ddle rs mse lf out.-Dr . e spec tacu lar Kell ogg.

~;inam ~~~e~~~you !l !:~ r ~~~~~~~.t o US8 "-M rs. W,M lTC HEL L. Box 8, Bab attu s,1a io. An oth er Wo mn n Hel ped . Gra nite ville . Vt. - "I pa&slng thro ugh tbeO hnn geo f Life was u1Je l'ed trom nerv ousn ess and otheands r ann oyin g symptoms. Lyd ia E, Pin kha m's Veg&tabl eOo mpo und resto re<i my hea lth and IStrenJrtb, nnd prov ed wor th mou of gofd to me. For the Bake of ntai lis otbe~ suff erin g wom en I am ng _yo'.1 shou ld pub lish my lettwUU er." -M ra. Cn, uu.E s DARCLA Y, R.F .D., Gra nite ville , y.t. . Women who are pass

thro ugb thls crit ical peri od or ingare sufCerlng from any of thos e who dist ress ing ills p9cu llar to tl,el r sex shou ld lose sigh t of the fact tha t for thirnot ty :rears Lydi~ E. Pink ham 's Veg etab le Com pound, whi ch is mad e from herb s. has llee n the stan dardroot s and for femAle tlle. In alm ost everrem edy y com.. nmnit.Y you will find wom en who have ·bee n rostored'.t o hea lth by ia E, Pink ham 's Veg etab le CompouLyd nd.

Tr ial Do ttle Fre e Dr Ma O

!,~~ ·~ W$ooer

ot.'l~:l~~~.!l OOro-~~~~~~'?Egy ptia ns. It was but natu ral ~OO~:»~ that In tbe Pasrath er titan at tbe seas on of chal lam b tho Chr istia ns shou the new the birt thre h e elem ents \Vhl b, In his bp\l ld see the proof spri ng? e r. mnd e toty pe of the Lnm b of God who up the unlv erse -firc. wflt er and se bloo d shou ld earl h. Dyin g Our own nam e tor the day, snve his peop le on who m Its with win ter, revi vin g wllh sprI ng. mar lt was set, the Ger man Oste rn give a hint l!:ns ter, nnd It flod aud this was doub ly so sinc ot tbls othe r the ete rnal rene wa l of life from deaLtypl e Jesu s him self. grea h;' 'the If 1ouu1fer tram EtlI\epsy,ll'Ita, t Qua . rry whe from I n cele brat ing with his · disc iple whic h we drew r resu h th '[ i H I i l R E are cert ain rre h' e DaBlclme-.; mat cllo f eria n , IV Il oh waR l s his Inst IIpa. ml, or bne r.hlldr..n ,hat do J'alII a t e c I e tene t s c:oyo to buil d the festi val as we chu rche In Rom e Pass ove r feas t, had said : my N..... J*o lywlll rclle,e them. and all 10, of the r elig ion or Egy pt. ono know It. Dolh whic h are buu t enti rely s from Jouu ' euke cUo Thro ugh out the wor east dollltolelldtor&P'reoTrlD.lI ds are deri ved from the nam "Th is brea d Is my bod y) take the lotu s Is sacr ed. IlBoLlJeofDr.~ e of t he old frag men ts of anci ent paga n tem tbe nnd cat: Ang lo-S ples . a.xo this n god cup Ep dess Is lle the of spri ng, pi: lol de new test tsm ent The re are row s at colu mns arou re I Earl y In the histo ry of the chur It hu cured tholl l,udt where Ou the min d of tbe paga n cono vert Osta ra. To Tbls do In rem emb ranc e of me." In my blood. ch the Illy hUed tblul l elM , It seem ed his ' whic h the wor ship ers or Jove nd . Ollatll.Dle.d by lhy MedIlflr1 beca old me kal fam sacr Lahor and iliar festi val, but with Its atouOl ed 0 the Virg and In ever y So was the feas t . Inllt ltute d, but , t , mea Dlng Dian a once tbro n$cd . pic· g~:~ as n com · ture of the annu nCia tionin o~~rm~UdpPc:r~~;o~:":I':I'~nI' broa dene d and deep ened , and The re are .mem orat ion 'of rede mpt , the visi tatio n or PBou:s;~ mar ble ialn ta ..tha t bav e been .he clun g to his ion ratb lean er than dtrt ye.A of othe res· GB.l r Idc:ompletead~ even ls In the life of chis eled (rom cust om ot the prot uae use of urre ctlo n. The latte r slgn lfioa y the fUy ap· DR. W, H, lAY, /the .tat ues of old godll and god tlon grew up )leal'S, usua lly bear ing tbre e lIIar 648 Purl Strut, lie. YOrt. feas t. All wer o' for him flow flow ers at the dess es. The re arou nd It In Int~r time s and was blos som s to aym !fa even a Mad onn a that ; befo · ers . 1'I_ ot Osta ..... larg Uoo 'bl .... por. Drull lll ... lll1or ra, ely adap t. bolt ze the trini ty. As Mar y usur re but cert ain ones . trom the time (lo"" ed to .thls espe cial tesU "al tram Jvert&c,1 by tbe pow ertu l argu men sbe was can· of thei r bIos· tho old paga n lar trad lUo n the plac e occu pied ped In popusom ts of tbe Chr is· lng. cust or oms [rom . A thei hint by r of .ym Flor It boll may be found. how ever , a, by KNO WN SINC E 183 6AS sm, ltlan soul ptor . Is said to have Frey ja Rnd by Oste ra', givi ng cons ider ed mor e app ropr Iate than cam e to be REL IAB LE been a Ven ul In that sam e twel fth chap ter of bel' othe rs. The ' ~laYlnl wltb Cup id , Exodul!, whe re mon th at May, whic h hnd been nam e to tbe hyac inth . the .o rocu 8 ani the the -Lor d IIays: thei rs, so viol sbe ' et are PL amo AN ng TEN'S Wbe n one turn s from tbes e clai med the flower whic h Crom the bloo m a at Eas ter allii each t( "Tb ls mon th shal l be unto you buil ding s of ages past had wea rs a lege nd the begi n. ,atOne to the no l~ss atro ng, thou been the sym bol of life and abo ut Its nam e. Hya cInt h WIIS nlng at mon ths; It shal l be the gh Inta ngib le, the rene win g at first mon th of spri ng and mnd e It esse ntia lly ' f)t · cUlltom In whlo h, QRCAPSULES love d of Apollo, who ~3a slain a yout h bethe year to you. " we hav e hous ed the flow er of by jeal ous iCbl 'Jltla nlty J ', ther e II foun d the chur ch, Zep The SUPERIOR REMEDY" -URINARY DIS(HAItGE byru "Ind s, In y the the chap wea t whll1 . The croc us, also new born year ,the re Is alwa evid ence of the els," erec ted to S!' , ys a iII.tD~· proc eal ther e, ' 'fHe tho Virg in In such nllm bers duri GGIS TS OR B y MAIL ON REC was n beal itlfq l boy, who hint of the doc trin e of resu rrec apo EII'T o . so , ng the twe lfth HDRU had been tran s· PlANTEN&SON . 9:Stt[NR tion , part icu,jeal'ly. ,. t.tuiex:~ no- mor e .:app olnt stle s and the nnd thir Y~TS teen ROOIUYN NY th cent urie s, are deco rate d wIth form ed Into a flower, larly whe n It corn ea, as It once did with man y " lfeUglo'u l festi valll , than ' they ed seas ons for carv en lilie s at. vari ous kind s.. nati ons, nt the seas on at the vern OnJy the 'dalf odll : oJ!' Len t - gav Illy, and the The nl equi noxe s, y wer e not 'mad e' chu rch .bul ldln gs'; or even e, us read y· all of the type we know as Eas Eas t,o r Illy have , ncqul~'d a whe n dire ctio ns (or ter IIIle8. The trul IiUa nnln l · luch , stru ctur ea. ' Ev~ lI1y of the valle y, 80 ofte n refe slgn lftcn nce. The daJrottll, ' com y Chr lstln n ry rred to' In day. was ' to ing T 'ho New ' Yenr. reviving aa It ~hem, a boly ' t.e lltlv a\ did Ec lip se Canning Machine , Bibl e. was an carl y favo rite. The lotu s the 01<1 ' desires. duri ng Len t, "'as con8ld~ed as and r 'U~~ cave or hove l was Ma The a sort thou at ghtf John ul w6 Soul even o "r to thre e wer,e, gath ere" , toge tb,er 80llt ude retlre8, us d. ke, one yOU TFI TR3 00T OtO ,. In som tho e Bap of tist the '-' I\" al!lo earl iest ng floWl!r9, . the · hera ld of joy , wor k. But Wl1ere tho ,white !lQnd ot MoseR OOO CAN SPa aDA Y · i'h' his. ham o" a teqlp wha teve r the Illy mig ht be, Oh the BouJrh ' Puts out, and aed hope . Bom e ·trac e tbe ' l~, ~he , bas III cas and J:esu arou 8 Prka nd troln for lieit' ,"ult a. ThC'tle Outf it. made It ·the gath deri Grou · vati nd · ~b. 'fe~.uvalll IrlilW togettb~r on 8ul!l" ' of lrc~. Ita . ered al\ the puim sym nam Bnd 1t)~.bul~:\11I1r up ~ed boli e to "atto dlle ," from t':le old Cannera. Can .. Uldn d., Fruit a by lISsm that had . It Is the time of rene wal. ot hop and "orO ll ' a~d . · ,all-,' . 1.,n ated with the nam e sinc e the been asso ci· VeleUblu. for e and of rO8m ., FDe C.W ol1M Ing "to com e , sltrl y." Oth ers Eng lish , mea n· .bull d.lng the . jolc lng. AI.I begi nnIn g of find the nam e aflu rcb '- of' Rom e, 'our fath era qua thln gll that have . I~ ' them eart ulip ae Can blsto ner ry. Co. rer n /wa le, lniL only a corr upti on of "ms ' Illy, h rrie d ·almo,~ · .tICe a~e echo Ing the pray er 'of the poet : .~olU.lveli ,from the, rul~ed oaua e It was aupp osed to be- " give n It be· Chri St, too, hail used the l1Iy : .rell glon a : 'thei r theto flow pOin er that t a taU h ,ha~ sup,e~~d~. ,. Make m~ o~'e.r " Mother Apri l, mor al. -"Co nsId er the lille s. " 'droJ lved fr0lI! . Plut o'a ' cl!.~ :.,. " how they grow ; · rlot as he , WOII, ca ... ' When ' the , sap begi ns to.lltlr. t hey toll not. nelt per do ~e ' lb',m~atel" , feat ival , fp~ ry'ln S ot! ~~os pe~t ne. they sJl~n; and y~t I ~hflkespeare says :, Inst anco , " Jl AU tbe pag an reltg lona --Gl 'eok , Rom ~ t'm aDI 8out~es,< ', In: t~~. gr~il say unto you . that . Solo mon ., Oh ·Pr08Pc:;o~n o, an ' or JJd . plan , ,10 to '. Got blc.- wer I~ all hl_ ,Slor y For e was · wea k, It, la' ~erely the old the alik not "ow e disg arra ers uIse d natu re wor shIp . riow thn"t '(righted thou let'a t fall yed ltke ono ot thes e?' . jP!!!l cha , or .pas8- _ And 11\ From this wago ,all ,. l n-da Of tl'oC tl1em fe"a t ot tbe Hebte~sr aa III witn 2 So that whe.n ,~~ cele brat e th" ehe d bJ' ._' cillc brat lon or hot, , wbo tber lUI l\ New Yea': Tha t .com e be,o re the RW1i,Illow da1'es, and take ther e cam e this feat ival of .. '.l'ho 'Wlnd a of Milr U' bear s amo n.' the Latin n~uon""' resu rrec tion whic h w.e bave buil teBs t ot the eh wlt.~ bl+ll t up from the " uty. OOW erB, this lIeltllon of rejo ieln g ~CIJi palq ua In I~ly, 'Pu qua rry ot ,the H~brew Pnsl love in ~e reBur· The l11y Ii .. how ever , ' the flow cu. - rect lon of the eart r, the old New er of ail 110"'- ' , Yea r tellU vltle /l and h from win ter's deat h, of . ~ra t1!at rites In hon or ' ot the god· we clat , "Ith Eall the IIprJnglng anew of dess es ot spri:J.g, (rom Flor a and 81'1lln from at the··TOQt of thtl "",,1 0\1, we. ter, and to get ,to Plta Ta, It II ita srav e• . ftis II the old pallth~. Ihal l bav e to only tnlr thnt ahov e all otbe tlQ ~eaDJn. , 4le1ve bacJ l as · far' that ulld erlte s all the spri ng aeason we e!lould rank the r ftow er. of ' the fest ival •• and who .' pyi'aJDl6s. The lotu.,. the foun dati ons of the heir to the . ".. _U ta., . flrst .&Creel 1117, IYmboUsm of the lotu Eas ter f.a t Au.:,,:ell· m Ule l of flow er the thr ou lh" aof Solomon, the





BD': Ai:;;


,-"ere '",










Seed Potatoes Carden Seeds Onion Sets A compl te tock of the above, and our prices B'r e righ t .



New Tomatoes,



Rad ishes

Sweet Oranges, Apples, l l cmons, Bananas

Enamel Ware We have l'ec<!ived a large assortmen t. of Enam I Ware (10 ig Case). The ware i fi!le and prices low. all and see I t. Lard is still going up, iJut we are still selling

Snow Flake at I 2c per pound Snow Drift at I 4c per pound


Everything ' Good to Eat Ilt



•• ••


•• ••

The Neighborhood News

Spring Branch

Mr... tid Mrs . Hiram.Dakin had III t.belr guesti on last Tbursday, Mrs. AilDll Dl1kin and son Wilbur. Mr. '1 homas Lao;v a.nd fa.mily spent last Sundtty with MI:. Jacob Laoy and f&mil y, of Lytle. Mr. Ddoniel Morglln IlD d sun RusHel were oalllllg on Mrs. MI\.fy Moore find Mr Lu Morray on l:)undayafternoon. Mrs. Dakin and I\on Harry Mrs. EIHn6st Dakin au d son Rossel, Mr Fruuk DakIn lind family , Mr. and Mrs Hiram Dak in Mrs. IJam es Chenoweth liud daughi, l,e rll, Berthl4 and Frances and 80D Jaoob attended a I'I tuprile l:)un 1day,on Mr. DlokHon Whar ton III Mon I day was bls sevAn t y second blrthdlLY I All who were there bud a good time I and dtl!lurted wishing bim mariy I m ore sooh surprlses . Mrs. James Ohenoweth and daugb· tel' Bertha s pent last Wedne day I with Mrs, Amandu Smith lind Re. IbeccB Crel1mer. Miss Florenoe Laoy Willi olilling on Mrs Alice lust Wednesda.y , Ilft,ernoon . Misses Alloe Uhenoweth nnd I Bertha Smith had liS their guests Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Absalom Cbenowath, Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Jh6no· weth. Mr. and Mrs. Frl1nk HllweT8Dter. tained their lion, Mr. Nathan Hawes and family on Sundl\V.



i I

•• ••



pecial communication of Waynes- I ville Ludg e No. 16' F . & A. M. th is Wednesday e,>;ening, utsev II th irl)t. Visitors wel~r8. George Ellis fmd Mrs. StelJtL Work in E. A. Degree. Whitsel oalled on Mr s, Cl:llU']es comeJ. 0. , artwrig ht, W. M. Hagermeyer Monday afternoon . E. V. Barnhart, ec' y . Mr. Carl ' leaver , of Dayton, IIpeDt - - - - --+Sunday witb his mother, Mrs. MtI od A PIG MONSTROSITY Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs , George Bogan enter · tained 00 SU(l(llL Y, Mrlj. Will Dunn Ber t Stacy , of Lytl e, had a pig' and ohildren. Mr. and Mrs. Chaunoy monst rosi ty bol'n on e day las t week. Bunnell and oblldren lind Miss M The pig had on b d.y, iJut two WE'II nimit~ Bunnell. formed heads. bu t wi t h only three Mr~ . George Davis, Mrs . Frank HartSOOk: Bnd daughter and Mrs. eyes. I ts life \Va short, but it wa George E llis Rnd dl1 u~htet vl!lit.ed a curiosity . .-.- - Mrs . Ida Mann on and dllughtAr, of T1ppeonnofl CUy l:)at.\l.rdny . HAND BADLY BURNED Mr. snd Mrs K. E . Thomp ~on and dl1ugbter and Mrs. Martha 'l'hlllnpD. W. Meeks had the misfortun e son anll two g ranuohil uTeu wer e guests nt Orl!lndo BranDllll lwtl wife to b urn his left hand last weeltwhil l:)unday . lig hting a g asolin e stov . It was Mr. \Vill ltull Boblitt, o f D'lylon, very painful, but Web s tuck to his is visitin g wit·h fri endS iu t h i:; vi- work . oinity.



' -~ ' 1 -

----Public Sale

The Ludies Aill m et ut the 11 0 016 of Mrs . Johu Edwl\rd3 Monday 11(· ternoon . ------ ~+------

We will sell at Public Sal e on lh ' fal'nlof Albert rew, thr e mil es Mrs . Lyrilu Gordon entert.u.ined north of Way nesvill and one mil e OF COtTRSE fo r dinner Sunday Marlon Gord on s uth of Ml. Holly, on I1nd famil y Will Phillips lLnd wife. Rolla Phillips, Wife Rnd dllughtbr. Tuesday, April 5, 1910 Henrietta MoKinsey hud for her 'Efls ter g uests the Misses Edith Commencing at 10 0' I ck, a. m. Mllsher, Donna 1:IliwIIe and l:)telltl. th e following property, to-wit: onLemruon. sisling of 1 Bay Mare. tiv y ars old, Harveys burg. WtLlter KUbon Is muoh improvAd w ighs 12fiO. well bren, good work r in beulth . Mr. and Mrs. Ell Dakin hllTe and drivel', not afraid of a u t s ; 1 Bay Horace Stolres, wi ~ e Ilnd son Ellis bought the'mselves a home it bei ng Mare, tw Ive yea rs old , weig hs 1:.l00. - -- - ----- - -' tbe property ow ned t'or many years visited in Clpo!nnati Saturday nnd fam ily mare ; 1 Buy G Iding , thr Sunday. bV John Bnd HenryJoyler. Classified Ads Miss Dom St,lle was a guest of yeurs old , by'. H. J U1'C'ell, L1am Ly Services at· the Baptis t ohuroh relut.i ves in Morrow r eoently. o-ahead; 1 Brown Mat·'. ten years Thursday and Fridll'y of last w66 k AWl will h I: IlI ij,· rL('I' unl' r' LII I" tiP ,,(I fOT Miss Minnie MoKlnRey spent Sun. old, a, good wo rker; 1 extra , gooLi were wellllttended. lwe n t y·llve ce nts tor tll r",· III t·rtl··., • day with ber home folks. w h lln Uijl fl ll lI utlllurCl lIIall !I,'" I lI ~ij . Severa] from bere took in t ile milch cow; 6 fnn cy Poland - hina 'fhe Misses Anson, of 1:Illrveys , Brood Sows, t wo witn pig s, f oul' will sigbts at Lebanon t3aturcluy. \ V.., " r ntlt h l)I' i ~ II t n lI ntlllU nc ' ~~w' w~v--.~ MilS Addie Madden and Miss burg, were gnet'lts of MIss Ve(llL farrow in April; farm imll menls. I;h fol lo win g III IW ... ~ . tmhj po't t,1) t.h p v o l I' f! (If W' l~ rt'l n I:t ,u tit y , ILL tb Anna Stoops were Lebanon visitors Spray latlt wHek .Q ' Tel'me: Same as usual. Purchase an MII .v .P rimuf. : • Satnrday. Albert & Edwal'o r.t' w. New Burlington. Mr. Oalvin 'Connor does not imROO.u SOW~Due io fllrrow in For Re order , 'rhos. Dill. Auct. prove in health &S his frien 1s wonld At)ril InqUIre otr. ·l\ml. Hln. like. . . . WAL'l' Elt KH:N I U:K The W. F. M. S. of the Friends' '£. C. Peterson, 1,de kit', Oe nt 6l'Vil lt', , 25-5r, t.l r WlLynefl . Mrs. Margaret LippinooU is ohuroh met ILt t he hOlUe of Mr<l ville, it D. 5. of Wn y n 'l'ttWO Hhip quite siok 118 this writing. (Jhas. M.oKinney on Sat.urday after. Emmet McCarron has purohased noon. G8 FOR HA'l'GBING-PlJre : JOHN E R )BIN' N , a new buggy" who will be ,he next. Our teaobers attended the Town· ' Huff Orpingt')nl', per setting, of '1 Ir I'f) ( k T OWD!lhip. 5Uo Rednoell r tlte on 1UO. 81t\ok 111 Mr. and Mrs. Newton Thomas, of shipteaoher'smeetingatMoKnight's u r OilS" ra I\nB'"J{ d fO r flurly sp t,t.\ogEl ,Bradford, are here on aocount of the sohool house on l!'ridll.Y aftern~on '1'0 Introduce our very com plele Pring Uni! Mrs. B. V. ruith, phone 24-"~, or illness of Mrs. Lippinoott, mother Ueorge Evans has bought t.he or beautiful wool 8ultIDgs .. 'I)IIIh rubrlcs.tuncy For Treasurer For your h ome, it will afford en· walBtlngs, sJlks. etc .• hdk1s lucas and pelt.i·. Box 75, Wayuetlvllle Ohlu. of Mr8. ·fbomas. Martha Cook flirm near B uo k R un coate. All up-to-date Now York Ity putterns. tertainment for the entire famFRAN K.J BRtlWN faU. FIDest Une OD the market. D aUng dlroot Horse buyers are more plentiful and , wlJl moya to it in the ily, and when your friends droPI ' with th.e mills yon wru ,tlDeI our prlcos low. GGS-Rh ode r:< l;lUd Rp(l~ eKJ(l4 in to see you, you are not at. a\ than hor8es in this oommunity. The funeral of Mrs. Julia Leaoh ProOtaSlO.OOto saO.Oo.weekly. SlIJIlples and BYRON ' . , BOWEL (" .IR .... E h h talllDatructl. OUB]Jacked in It. neat 8llm Lllecalie. f( lr ~ "rillg ~tllll'n J R Bisuy loss to know how to entertam Miss Kate Hisey, of the State Hoe· took plaoe at t h e..... 0 uro ,)0 ! 8Wll ood elt.lll'C88 prepald. No money requIred. Cor win, Ohio them. If you own an EDISON pital, of Dayton, spent a week the Thurl'lday afternoon. Her rema il1s Excruslve terrItory. Write for partlculal'8. 1 -b Be tlrst to apply. STANDARD DRIllSS PHONOGRAPH you can haye guest' ot her aunt, Mra. Mart·ha were brough t h era f rom 1.10 elnon GOODS CO.. Dept. F 1. BlngblUllton. N. Y FOR SALE the best Bands, Orchestra8, Finoh returning home Hunday.' where she had be~n living with GG -8 C. Brown T..ellhorn egg .., . Quartettes, Violini8ts, Vaudedaughter . 00 c nt, per" tti~, $a 00 per Mrs;--Bei-Jrearr and Bertha ·BalD. I will tIer for ILie (JU Nor th hundred at t.he b o utle'· Utl.ll ou O . 8 ville Artists, etc., at your com· St.udents of Wilmington oollege iItOI;J, of South Lebanon, spt:nt l::Iun. mand at a moment's ll:otice. )jain !!t.reeli, olle c\ T nor th o f t::! L. Underwood, I:tnrveysbur~, Ohio. day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ed· were enjoying spring vacation at their home8 here, last week. Cllrtw ll ght'l', b f\ gillnin" III 2 ~ 10 .• Vlllley phoDe 23-3 r wards,' of near here. OU A: 'i'. Moler purcha8ed a tlbe team Airs. Bachael ~mith has been suf - For Sale atEEO OATI-\·-Gl'Own frnm nortb· fering with hemorrhtlges of (,h e of Petoheron oolta. . Saturday, April 2, 1910 ern !leed J u I("od Rhl.pA. 10. nose. ' Work in the Rank of Esquire at The f..l \l u\ iug hOIl!! bold goods: qmre ot D. a Hoc kett, R . 0 . :a, Mrs. Elizl1beth Onte&1t, of Wil. K. of P. Lodge Thursday night. ', ' L 011 k b (} rooUI tl ui t , o III ttr till !.ud WlIYIl 6 vl!le, . Ohio . mington, 'was the gnest of friends ~ p1'iO '::8, 1 . onk 8luebou rcJ, l ' (\ fotlt here last week . . Oregonia. L YER ~EEO-Little Red 010· _tamped dining tilLIe , Imp rilll !\1(1el IInge, . Mrs, Isaao Lytle . passed SOCC(1~8 ver I;AUd Inquire ur phou", Wayneavllle., Ohio. L. B. Holzlin, of Kings Mills, was fullV through an operation in Dr. III Rting atovt1, '4 rock r', ." l ('.' utel· It' rank Hrllddook, R. b.2, Wt4yoea. MoClellan '8 hospital in Xenia IUtit ill town l:iunday.ttble, 1 !'ofn , 1 OnllbOllrd, Wttl'blllg villp, Ohio. Charles Taylor Wll8 down from week. macbin fl , ~tt rtl en tuols, fruit· ClI. IlS. , last tonaer throullh harder On 1 Easy Payments. Columbus for fI, week.end visit _ acrvice thaD any other beb0 0 k e t c' . FOR ' SALE-Lon ... I;h"n Brenk ~use they have a round Better Roads for the Farmer Walter Cleaver. of Chloinnati, bolsttr1 which does away T e rm ... (I f 1'i1l1t'-Ull llh Oil (lllV of Cllrt In goo.} OOIl~~tlon, 'Obelip Jfith SDarp (Orners (where spent Hilturday a~d ~unday with bis --I " 0 ),, \\ . J) • Inqui re llt t hlt4 oiHoe . " D1ade 15 joined to handle) rtl. OJ ) 11" . , . . :11 • . M parente here. The neoe8sity for: better an~ohellp. , . wbere wear Is constant and Iwdest. This Is but one John Oill paid Il visit to his mot,h. er' transportation is beooming m:-lre 01 Dotable lealures 01 er here laat week. , and mpre llpparent aR the years roll Zain Armitage and Bomer Veath. by. Tbe manufnct urers and the erage were in ,Lebanon "'&turday mioersandt.heagrioulturiEltsaJlpro ;5, ,which alve Jaslina \ •.erv Ice and saUslactlon. night. duoe more than they orin coosum·e . ~umerous patterns are Expert Optlc".n . offered In thIs I.mous .. SI1· If you would like to supply Mrs. J. K. Hpenoer was in Leb& Neither produoes ev~rytblnjl; he ,er Plate thut Wea/'$ •.. - h hi h· h non Monday. • Sold by leadln& dealers '. your table Wit t S 19 Mr. aod Mrs. R. B. Emmons en. !leeds to satisfy his wants. 'I'here everywhere: Send for catOver 20 Years Practical E"p~ri nee aloRUe "C-L'. showina all grade silverware free of tertained C. H . Sherwood and fam- must be an exohange ofoommOOities . desians. . f l1y and C. O. Emmoos and family ut The value of these products amounts cost, wnte us or our spo..(..DOt lilT.... CO. (lntem&UonaISllnr dioner l:)unday. inour oountrywell up into the fourth Co., 8u _ r.) . Gustin Hotel, Waynesville,O. cial offer. Address The ~iSS68 Mabel and M~ry I;her. period in nnmerioal figures . Then! .._.c-. 'N COMpulV wood,Ll\l1e and LlLur& Klbler, and are three prinoipalrout6s over which ftlU Edna Speooer attended Tei\oher'R STANDARD FASBlO n .... Vanclua 5I1ftt, New York. N. Y. Association in I..ebanon 8at1,1rday. this enormons tonllage must pass, I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;~'I Mrll. Fred Gove and daughter, water ra!lwliYs ,and highway.. or !!! ' Dorothy, bave retnrned to their wu.gO'l roads. On the fint of these, stopped In ~ mInutes home in Bethel, after an extended Itransportation is the cbeapoRt per ~~~~;it~o~;tid~~oo&:: visit witb relatives here. _ t.on mile on the l!6cond the oost in. t,,~ yomltiDS will suroblIo prove. Ahs. E . H . Stephena WtlS a <.:in:No ' dlsk oreases r'apldly, an'd on tbe third it J tress. ABare and ploasinlJ s)'ftlp-Wo.~lBt-. oinnati vi!!1tor one day last wee . advl1nces very mnob.more. Neither t ~: of the first two sya'ems oarrles as muoh tonnage as the last. The oom· moo wagon oarries the largest ton , ~age, and is the most expensi ve , , mean. of trfLoliportatioo. The farm· AU. FOR: llr m,u st uee this ayste~ a.nd it falls ONLY most heaVily upon bim, and until reo oently waa oompelled to oonstruot 1. The paint is a s mall part of the and maintain praottoaUy · all publio cost. It's th E': painting that counts. highwaY8. ' 2. It costs less to put on good I (Joooeding that every person has paint than · cheap, because it's made an equal right to t,he publio highway better. for mean8 of transportation, it is McCall's Magaz"'e If you use LOWE BROTHERS but fair to ' admit tb ~t evervone Is a large, artistic, haudsomely illuRtra~ed hundred·page monthly magazine. It .con"HIGH STANDARD" PAINT tains Sixty new Fashion Designs in each issue. Every woman needs it for its ' should aS8ist In its ioi'p rovement you get the b est .r esults at least · fashions .. entertaiuing storie$ and complete information on a!l borne and persol\lll ~opics. , and upkeep, 'I'his view of the situ· cost. You will remembertbe Over one million subscribers. ~cknowledged the, best Home and F ashion Magazine. ation wile appreoiated ILnd to a measRegular price,s cents a .copy. Worth dduble. . . ,. hi gh quality long after Y9U nre oorrected by our legislatur~ in have forgotten the cost. . McCall "Patterns . The 'MIami Gazette Get color cards and pamphlets oreating . a state highway depart. at ODce, " So simple you cannot misundersland them. ment' for 'the purpose of "instroot. , One of the hest newspapers ir;t this pan of Absolutely accn ra.t". In ' sty I.e, irreproachable. the State. . Give~ nlhhe news Ihat' s fit, to print. ing, wt8tinlr and 00 operating" with YO!! may . select, free, any McCall 'Pattern you'" Interesting and prbgresrive. . I ncli. p'ensable i\'l - For ',sale by. the oommi8sioners of the . vario)1s deSIre from the first number of the magazine , every Waynesville home. Regular price, 11.00 which rea~hes you., Regular pn.:e, 15 cents: p~ r yeaf. oonotiee of the state in the buildina, improvement ,l1nd malntenanoe of the pnhJic roads. I Write the 'Stl\te " B~~~\\'8Y Com· ..u..toner, Colombo., and reqntta'


- ---.













II •





1847 Rogers

Triple Plated Knives


1IIl'ID6ERi_ man,






Value for Only

Remember Two Things' When .y ou Paint:




One Year~s Subscription lor MeCaIl's ~agazlne, Any 15 ~ Cent McCall Pattern . you may seltet· One ,Year's subscriptfon lor Miami ' Gazette




a oop)' of the .fifth amiUl repon, . ........-----!!o--~~~~~-~---~-~~...rI!'








. - - - - - - - -.- -.



•- -- - - -- -.- - - - .- t ;'

r!..?~~~r..-~~~~~~J e,~::~.!~~:~':;:::'~:::;,;~~=~; L~e!."!~~~ ~~~~~~!~~~_~~~.!here ~~~~;p~~:~:~J~~~~~f~~~d':; : Social Eve~ta ~~ '('~ .-- - _... .... . -. -

1,- ' --- --- -- -


-+- -- - - - --~~~~I


Chas. M. Roberts. who has been residing nea r ~f'banon writes us to send his paper to Franklin, as he removed there recently.

-~ ~ Ohio, Febr~ar,.. 6. U~~3 and died I1:t 0, C. Ridge was a Dayton ' r -' visitor L. S. Rhoades WJlS in Dayton Sat- eV~ningb to a la~ge crowd " of enthus his home m Waynesville, 0" AprIl Monday. i'I - ' urday. Mr. and Mrs. C.. A. Bruner enterashe to occo ra,lsers , 1st, 1910, aged 77 years,1 month 26 Mr. Drayto n IS a good talker, and tained Mr. S. L. iRhoades at dinner' days. Emerson Earnha rt was in Day ton . Seed Oats for sale- Call at the draws his points from a humorous Sunday. He was marrie d to Eunice A. An- Saturda y. Waynesville Mills, point of view. He explained the ad· darson, December 29, 1856. Unto ' vantag es of being oranize d, and why them were born 7 daught ers and 1 son Nathan LuptQn was in Lebanon Miss Henrie tta McKinsey was the ' Mrs. C. A. Bruner is visiting her fanner s should organiz e. Lee Bakeriand family have stored Four children have I{one tll ,the home Saturd ay. guest of Miss Stella Lemmon at dinparents in Mason. There y,rere enough p.r esent to form their household gOI,ds temporarily beyond and four stil1 remain f ner Sunday I C II . h R ' J Fe d 11 d . . while Mrs. Baker and children are life viz. Mrs. Laura Sackett in tltis S d 0 X· a charter ; and it is only a matter of , Mrs, W ee .~tsM'I~r sa e- a at t e I' ·W~ w~a el was a ema time when t his communi ty will be visiting relatives at various poin!;s Lucy Squires , Mrs. Nettie Murray aynesvI e I s. VISI or ast n ay. thoroug hly organized. and her mother inWay nesville. Mr. and Mrs. Nora Hough . These with Geo. Dakin and family moved to Ch W tz Baker h as secured a POSI't"Ion at the . ed h S t Dr. and Mrs. Carl Henderson en'd Mr. Drayton has organized in d h now WI owe mot er are left to Middletown Monday. as. arrlv d T ome a; ur- Sprmg ' boro, R'd d . iit fern M'dl . . . A . . ... ... ·• and will later, when a comfor t one anothe r and sbare life's I gev i'II e, D0dd s, F ran k tertain ed Mr. and Mrs. Cha•• Dun!loy mg rom I, an ,exas . lin and several other places in this ham and family at dinner Sunday• table residence is secured, remove burdenR t ogethe r. One half of the Mr. Philip Beebe, of Columbus. is Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mrs. Anna section family to that city.- Clinton amily that once sat around t he . old the guest of Mr. Stokes Silvers. Stahl were Oayton visitors Saturd ay. _n,,.,,... Democrat. - - - - .. hearths tone and at the family table. EASTE RN STAR SOCIAL • - .. have passed into the Great Beyond, Miss Donna Hawke and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and Fred Mrs. Walter McClure and Mrs. ' and ·the other half still dwell in the Hawke were in Lebanon Saturd family and Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis ay. F. C. Carey were in Dayton Monday. , The membe rs .of t he ~ter~ Star were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E: earthly homes. ~ M' S W . ht d FI gave He made public profession of faith enJoyable SOCIal In the O'Neall at dinner Sunday I~ usa~ rig an ora Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Bun nell, who Masl)niacvery lodge room last Thursd ay in Christ, and' united with the Sugar Berryhill were In Lebanon Saturda " y. have spent the winter in Dayto n, re- evening. A pleasing progra m was . h h Creek Ch ristlan c urc over 40 years Carl Hawke and George Water- turned home last week . rendere d. after which the membe rs ' . ed . . h b 20, 1866 ago, .or on Octobe r and guests repair ,and was house were Dayton VIsitors Saturd ay. MI'. and Mrs, J . Seth- Cook and family enterta ined t e anquet C. Hawke were in room , where refreshto ments (If sand- the following guests baptised the same month and year SundlU': Mrs. Spring boro ~Sunday, guests of Mr. wiches, pickle, coffee, ice cream by Rev. Thos. A. Brandon. Mr. A lot of new good locust and Chas. D. Cook and two childre n, of fence and Mrs H D Kelliso n Sears was never demon strative in ' posts at W. H. Madde n's and . ed Co'. . ... Hat:Veysburg. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred, cake were serv . tHe expres:siol\ of his religious life, ' , ' Miss Lizzie Stewar t arrived home Warren Keys acted as toastm aster White and two children. but chose rat8'~r the quiet ways of Mrs. J . L. Sams. of !'10rrow , is the Saturda y after a pleasan t visit of and cal~s for speeche s were respondthe home lite, and therefo re he did guest of Mrs. Clara Kirby for a few s!!veral weeks with relative s in Day- ed to In a happy manner not identif y himself very much with days. . by Mrs. ' . ton . . Dora W~r•. Rev. H. W. Batley, Mrs. Israel Sattert hwaite very dethe public activiti es of the church M D Heed h h . J. T. . EllIs, rs. Mrs. rane E. lightfu V. Do Barnha lly enterta ined the Card Club , w rt 0 and as been 111 The home where lo~ ones dwelt; since coming here, is a little h d . E H Col 'n bett l' MI·S. L . S. R oa ,e~. and lIttle last 'Friday afterno on. Delicious re'. ' VI.. _ • the quiet scenes of the tann, and the at presen t. , daught er have been vIsIting her parfreshm ents of ice cream ' 'and cake daily duties that brough t employent:! Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Brown, CEMETERY ASSOCIA110,N were served: ment foreach day, were lhe things Ed. Somme rmier, of t he O. S~ U" in Lebanon. . OPENS NEW SECTIO that appealed most to him, He was spent Sunday with Mr. ' and NS Mrs. -as familia r with the hills and forests, Robert Cross. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and Mr. The board of trustee s of Miami the orchard , meadow, fi~lds and At her pl~t. countr y home ' . . '" and Mr~. ~ , H. Coleman motere d to Ceme,t ery Association has just placed stream which lay near, or surroun d- C. G. WillIam son. of Cmcmn Monda y eve,;ung, Misa Do~na ~awke a tl, Port 'Yllham ~unday and spent the on the market two new . sections. l very ch,:mllngJy e~tertained, .at an ed his country home, as he was with spent Sunday with his sister , Mrs, day WIth relatives. 0 and P. These sections are beauti- elegantd~er. Covers~erela ,' ~eban~n, March, 1910. the faces of those of his own house. Agnes Wright . Jdtor To my Rep bl~can frlends: ,... Ed 'th H ' i . d h . fully located one at the right and the followlBg: ~l88e8 Edith . .. , - I am no't Ph . II m rs. Moeher I arrI8 arrIve bl t ! o hold. m But hIS e footste ' Att YSlea y a e 0 rEIM'ss Lu e II a C Lemmon, aI'ld Donna Hawke,• ' ' ps will ed be y venin"... from Chicago the other at the left of the entraJ)ce Stella h beard hI orne II"IS 10 Day t' o nrue~a 'peat my .w ar ing feat of the Cam. no more~ wh ~n he enter , ' M , . t.I e u~- the guest of her brothe r, M. A . where she has spent eases Phil'IP n_"be ~ • 0. f ColumuU8, . , *go . h" hl Iked ble homem days gone by. t Bew1l1 the past month on the ~Jarksvtlle road. These .are 'Stokes palJC1l (\fh~ yeattS C Si'lvers II In w IC and df Ronald ' 1 wa Hawke b • issed ,. with th her f ' l daug·\,t er . Mrs orne , an amt y. and as thesect lons ' ; J! m -4om e anll reUDIons, .j' , . Frank very desIrable lots 300 ., " - ... d t ' d h ' • &.. l.~, ' . - i'aylor . ' °f~erth t md1 es\1l1 ~m:: UIs ~t the~t ~here he loved so well'et' _ togethe r contam ."ut a~ut SlXty with _'_-:- _ Frank Bu'r nett of the Dayton R o a d ' a e .. saleable lots they will no donbt soon t ry Bummer to I t , wrl ' " k ow th 18t h'18 f rIen ds, . who has been sick for several weeks ' Mr. and Mrs, Knowles Conn m 0 Frid es88te °d~dOUt \ e. YOfU tnh ffi a M d ME L and be taken up. ,1 he 1ots on t h'ese secBut one brothe r and the one.sis ter- is slowly r ecoverm-g --I am n &Y. r. an 1'8.. ., , son Kennet h Mr and Mrs Bert tions will be sold at the 1 a ~gal.n or • 0f' t h f Coa ean I arge ' I t R d uniform Retalliek, of Oregonia, enterta ined I h e 0b ce stl'11 rem am • e once . , Clre e, . . . en Smith and daught th er o 't' un Y Weco eCor. t ' ~ve l e855 Marga f n' ret and that composed his father' s family. e owmg i'Ues ts in itODor f thei r . f Mrs. Mollie Edward s, of Dayton , Miss Mildred Rideno~r ' all of Spring prlC'~ of twenty-five cents a square a CId Izen - foot. No part lots will be sold; how- Michigan guasti: Mr. and • - • al 08 arreu r un y Since th eek d f M d Mrs. Ed. " was e w -en gnest ° , r, an field were guests of .Israel anI "ayed a Pa , Ican:k M'181 Helen Stok Sattert h. ever there are some weII Iocated Retail'lC, F 12th f OBITU ARV Mrs. O. J. ell, 0 Edward s. . wait~ and family several days last fractions ot lots that are exceptional 'Wayne In eo • .serv hoverfi YA!ars Co sville. '_ .. .1 Mr. aDd, Mn. CUfr, ' " regIme nt: t e rst • orgam al ' ~ at James B. Carr, oldeet son of Lewis Jameso n and family J-1.;" and G-In vue. A carload of Portlan d cement will week . .-. Lebanon 'I~ 1861. No other mem~r and Amelia Hisey Carr was • - .. Retalli ck,of Lebano, n. hoI'!) arrive this week. Call and ask prices Mr. and Mrs. Ed Retalli ck have of my famlly .has ever b,(!en a ~d~~ 'June 4, 1844" died March 2tS, FIRST "GAME OF SEASON 1910, at W. H. Madden & ('0. been having as iheir guests, Mr. and d~te. for any office w~atever. , ' Nation al Military Home at Dayton, Mrs, N. E. Retallick, son and daugh- The first ball game of the I Will thank you from the bottom Ohio. seasOn Mrs. Anna Sellers Stahl, of Frank- d ht Eld d d Ed·th M was 'played at Lytle betwee n the . 0 f my h e~ f oryour~upportan d,vote ' t f M Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane were Death due to Bright 's of rm, was th e week·end gues aui' er, re 1, rs. 0 r. Hilinda Retallick an and Mrs. Eur~ WaynesvilJe High and ,the Lytle Bigh .host and h 01 t ees t at the J)rl!D ary electIon on May 17th which he ' had 'long heena suffere a 8Up~ lut Frir. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Longman, of Battle Creek, Mich., last Friday evening. The game next. I want and need the office. up da~.evenIDsr to the followm~p.ta: He was a 'memb er of the 74th re&'M dM H M ' for several days. to the fourth inning was a Jrood one, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrli'ht , , ••• iment but later transferr~ to Co. n., Sun~~~n S ~i'n Mr. and th~rr~y 8~n; • -~ but Waynesville commenced to bat. Mrs. E. V. GAS PipE EXPLODES of th~ 79th regime nt. He , received Mr. and Mr:' A:ra~°Cook. gues Mr. and ~r.. 0 ST. MARY'S CHURCH • . .... and there was , nothin a more ~ it. J. H. CodIMemaD , • '1 wound at the Battle of Peach tree WEmmal , HelThgh- - ,- Mar~In . Freeze ahd ~IS 8~n,. ~Y, Creek from which he has Carl .Hawke put a 'fine game at w&'¥ an ~. LoUl8e sufMr and ~ B S H 00 ,.,. e II d M ' . The Easter musIc was repeat:e<l at short and tHe rest of the bo) are Buffermg fl.'om senous lOJurles f d He last served always s did oceasion was in honor of the birth'th She ....... h' h ' M' F E' S'b' ow de d an r. ere St. . Mary's church Sunday , Mrs. th . ' rts WI r- a r s. erwoo autoed to' recelV~ w lie ~tmi'. an 01 gas roan on bisnlar ch to the sea. • days of Mrs. Wri"h t and lin Craile 'd' h . elrpa . Cincinnati l~t Wednesday • Anna Stahl presl 109 at t e organ. • f t ..... at their home m Utica, WednesAt the close of the pme the score which fan on the,sam His first wife was Mil!8 Mollie Ed" e ".te. . Rev. J. F., Cadwall~er. preach ed stood, Waynesville Hia-h,' 16, day. . Lytle wards, who lived but one year. On Misses Alma Waterh ouse and Stel- 8 strong selmon , approp rIate to the High,5 . . Mr. Free;~ an!hls~n de~ed :k. March 17, 1869, was marrie d to la Lemmon and Mr. Edward Ricks ~ay, (Lo~ ~~da6l' and 0e ve. mg a .po8t .th ~as c~e- The boys are to be encouraged, as A f ' l 10d , an f a . en Franeia n, to this couple were were Lebano n visitors Saturda y. . h Id t th work1O.g WI ano pleceo gas pIpe. bo fi McGuin r~edtat tffe . 0 y 'f m~~~on. ' d e t,bey are in, first-class condition, h'ld . b'ld . and h 'taambll y r eumon w&8 e da .. e umt 0 ermg or .I1JW:Iter ay Not ~ing able 'to shape it as they rn . v~ C 1 ren'So ne?! tt' " t fth ' OSPI hP.assmg e h ome 0 f Mr. an .lIArs. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of Bell- amoun ted to over $100. , ed' . . fi away minf ancy. expeed th°:'Ul a maJorl yo urvlvm g 1m are e ~mes Ed. Retallick lut Wednesday iD honwlnted to, t bf#:y PIBC It In , a re, hiS 'fe one daught • .. p laye er Mrs Cora brook, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, 18 year. ' f th . 4_ f thinkin g to bend it while f!le pipe St WI 'th • -: - ' H' . L' A • Frank Zell several days of last week. lor 0 ,elr &'\law ' rom M'IC h'19an. . h d b ' ARBOR h upp, DAY ree sonS', was hot. After It a arry CITY .• m COUNC , IL MET een In t e b Those presen t wea:e: Mr. and Ml'8. ' P d e' t blaze a few minute s however a loud rose . an J osep h W N . E . 'n-tall' k ' h . on SIS er M~rs. fie lC, 80n Harry Cooper and d augand Fred Arbor . Day will be observe ' and and l:wo brother s. d in the The council explOSIon occurre d and hot coals met Monda y evening Stal ey,o f Col um b ter Eldred and Edith 1 Mrs. d ted b h Re " Hilinda d b I F'd us, were :Sun ay SC 00 S r1 ay at'te rnoo n a t 1'30 'eces of iron were hurl~ into the , Funera . con uc " . with all membe rs presen t but one. Y .t e , v.. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King. o'clocK , . . The rorms will all unite in ' Routine business was attende d to. Retallick, Mr.. Eura Lonpa n, BatB. Hawkin S. , Interm ent 10 MiamI tIe Creek Mich.- Mr. and Mn. E. L. air, many ~f them strlkll~g Mr. Cemete ry the beautif ul city th h I h 11 h ' . t o~ our M F k Ze . .' ' II d J Sal '. ' e S? 00 '1IRb ' hWldere approp rla e ,Bills to ountof ~bout $90.we ' 'Freeze and hIS son. . ' , re aetalhc k, o~ OregClma, Mr. anel Mrs. essl'9. '. ran . .an as. e exercIses W.I e e . . Just what caused the explosion ,is loved ones. I • _ .. I ordered paId. An ammat ed dISCUS- Bert ~talhck, Mr. and, Mrs. Cliff land appra~rs, ~ were.m ~ttendance ' There Will ~e three flower b~s . sion took place in regard to Wayne s-Jame son, John not known. Tbepip ehad been around ~ and Grace' Retallick, DEATHS at an apprais ers me~mgmLebanon made , ready and flowers pl~nted. ville having a sane Fourth of July, of Lebanon; Mr. the place for some time and no one ' and Mrs. Evan RaSaturd ay. , ' ~e 'parents of the school childre n and the ordinance commi ttee h8.d.ev er used it i~ recent ~, ears to J Robert S. Sears died at his was in- tallick ••f Dodds. home hi 'are cordially invited. to come and structe d to draw up 'a n oroinan the knowledge Qf the family. It is Waynesville last Frida~' a'fed ce 'to • - .. 77 years '. M~. W. E~ Cornen and daullht th' ht h 'v that effect for the May meetin g; th t b The funeral service s were held at the ~ucil!3 and Edna, were week·eers, add to the day by their presence. OBITU ARY nd • - • __ ~thOwte • - ~ h a°dU.g the Rev UtR:U , e uber, e on Fa oursotbmefJ 0 u°IYy house' Sunday, and family . 'H.E. Butler , guests SCARL ET . D tof·M.A . Cornell FEVER LYTLE ' ' FIRST PA. EXCURSION , "AT, in past years for a canno~ and h~ of Higgi'n sport, Ohio, officiat Jolul SearaJ r., was born Februa ry ing. m BY 0!l. . . , Th I'ttl ' d I te hte f t M ' d ' M' . . laft a change In It. . 4, 1863, and dit!d March 4, 1910.. aged . ' ' n rmen was rnad e 1 e aug em r laml 0 ceme· r. an Mrs. The C. first T. Hawke arrived h011le , M Ch W d Sunday excursi on on the • - • tery. f . , 47 years, 1 inonth • rs. as. a e. 0 , near , Ly tl e, IS Pennsy lvania's ystem will be ~n fr.oJJYi?elaware rlast SunCI1RISTIAN CHURCH H th fifth "\,Ud in a family' k, l,~ very ill with scarlet fever. A11.pre. day t " CI·ncl·nnati. These 'exaurs edb h d h Mi Sacc.omp! t. b1 ions e WIIS e .., ' .. v . , ?I ' , y er a~g. ter, , ,ss , ~ 1, who caution s are being taken of six children, 'five ' lIOns and ' one ,Bible School at 9:30 a. m.; ' pr~li- M,r s; L'Ucy ;RoJ>inson di~ 'at her IS slowly ~ecoyerlf1~from themea slei. th~ spread of this dread to pr~vent will rl,111 1\11 sUmQler, and it gives daught er, children of John" ad ' diseas~ , and, Wayne sville .people a chance to, visit Debor&b SearS. ing at. 10:~O Q, m. and 7:30 .p. m'i hom~ ,in Cincinnati .18lt"'~unday '. a~ - M i ' h Fr ' an~. it is h.b~~ tha~ it will be con- ~elatives ' and' , friends in theQ~e Christian Endeav or at 7 p. m. Sub- 11 a. m~ .Ml'd: Rpbms on 1!J a en He united P with daugh, th~ SUgal '.C~k M ; rEoan,: . Sra ·, ose M aDme, nee fined to thiS one~. .• ' I ' f ter fM ..~ M Oity and Columbus. at 'a:?t all rate, Christi an Church Febru -- U. Ject LOr moml..n g, nTh ~ ' G~pe hute an d r. empsey 0, ' ~ r . .~ 1'J1. Ch'~Ies P ence, D 1'8. . unlce I . -' . . ' f . RI' ' . h h' : d I d ' ' I ' d , GivJng." evening, "Dream s and' Vis. of ~pringboro. w ef~ the bodywB A' R NEWS , 19 , - 0 1., ' an~ yet glYe! t em a-go ong ay at the & \ enD1~,: M ' c , ~o~ ;' age,of years and was bap.. F w~e , ( ... . in the city. '" .ionS." S~ialmuslcbytheSunshin~ taken . . , The fune!4 l will . ~ by, Rev "C ' W 'Garoutte"April epl~' ru:a~~ ' Tb:~a;ade:~tr;pin~ef;. The Post W!'8 to have h~ldameetCh0l'¥s. Everyl?ody welcome. NOTic e , ~t the ~~nce resIdence tod~. at 10 a tomobile. 9th, of the ' ~ ~e Ile .co~tm- . ' mg lut Saturd ay, but failed to have ' -," L. O. :h!~n, Pastor. a. m. " . u ~a membe r. ~ntU his ,~e&tb. ~ • _.. 11 , " ' a quorum. ThoSe who, wete p~n~" rar'~etI oontempl~'1Dg ~&1l1d,~D8 was'fai M. 1;; BROTHeRH~D r thful fa his duti. ' NEW MATERIAL 80 far·u 'IN , ' MiSS$ ,Marth a O'~ea)J, ~enrietta talk~ ~ver m~tte~ pertainiIi(l' to. thla comiDg,' _",on," .or ' . --, _ , heunde rst'ood them. , '. , __,,-~,,:,.s . " McKinsey. Stell,. ~on! a~ Kath- J)~orat!on day. , It 18 atinost The Brothe rhood of the M. ~ Workm en were busy at the a faiCt, frame 01' boar.4' lumber of any d~. H~ parent. ~ve bOth p~ tele- enne Alexander wallted to the Home howeVer, ffi~t ~e PostwU I endeav or IOrip"~1i1 may do weU by leam, 01' chure~ ,,?U have charge of t,lIe even-j. ,hone u~ lut; Week mto~. Spi~t LIt_, 1iI...u . • putting. of '.Mia Donna " Bawke 'Sunday . to.get, Melville HaYeS .. tbei~ ~- , OOrrMp.Ondtng WI log ~ce next S~nd~. _A ~o", In new mat.erlal. ~ . t~ ~e'before . GeOrp where ,~ ,~t the aftern~n ~er, er for that brother. ~ day. . , , Ioi ' addreM by the pBstor :m!l be made. ~1111l'1 that \.h..- chanaea ai. ~. .~A1fnD 1'4... . ODe sliter are ~ pleua1 i~, bUt gladlY ~pte d MrB~ • • .,-" R4WUlar mQming aervli:e 'at10~ itatI~n will have a peat effect 00 the Hawke " .~" • .... . ' were:Wd '.'ok to briq them back In lUI a IOabby to pJ••, .1)ap oan tbri'f& oa iaqa. Wtel L.... ' ailCl 1Ol!"I'II~1:~ III tIIe~. · _bb7 ~.~ ,'. . ~ a1t'OllUPJ . . OIl 1P''b:!4 .....!.lbOI.....I:..~













BarnJw:t, M._







nn.. . . - .


J; J

~J; I

The tvJiami Gazette d., L, CRANE, WAYNESVILLE,


Pork Is 80 high thn every pig ~ay lIavo to be In coi·pornted. , Cbeap cuts of bee r m y be best, but ~hcre can they be purcbased1

1+=====31===:::::;=='~!' ON EASTER SUNDAY

Holding the Line

--.- -----------

By LAWRENCE ALFRED CLAY ( 'opyrlght, l909, by Asaocll1ted

It fs Pusl;lble now to te legraph a let· ter provided you bave tbo pAlce. In th case of u cole' WAXO we are all willing to spoed th e parting guest.


Amerlcn leads the world In tobacco, Which makes It ellsy to v,'atch our


/. w_ -=-_______ _

When the coni Is exballsted wlll the "ment people give UB lIomethlng just as good? For the benell t «the treasury d&partment: A ben Is not a blrd. A hen Is a peach n"wodaya. . Some amateur farmers wbo were COlng to rnlse hens are serIOusly lhlnl:lng of sblftlng to hogs. Friends of the comet cannot sue-' eessfully demonstrate that It Is having a warming err .ct on tbe eb.rth. III tt true that tbe art of conversa· tlon Is dead In America? Telephone for a life Insurance agent and soe.

Many of our brightest citizens are about to find out how. many dlrrerent dIseases a young chicken can have.

When h'o peppery old chaps like Commodore Rensbaw and Gen. Fair· Iy-one from the navy lind the other from the army-bClth WIdowers, and ono having a son and the other 1\ daughter-both parents acblng to ar· gue and dlscUSD, and neither willing to give an Incb-are Bet to live. side by sIde, what'l tbe natural consa· quence? Wrangle? Wby, they wrangled from the very first day. That was about the Spanish war- Ils to wbetber t ho army or navy brought . about peace. The next ""as on politics, th tl next on religion, nnd they got so they wrangled about tbe weather. They wrangled, and yet they visited eacb other. "Egad. commodore, you are an 0111 f08Sll, and your words don't count. and I'll never da'r ken your door agaIn, sir!" Gen. Fairly would exclaim as he le ft the houso of the form er In a hurr; but he would be over agaIn next day wIth something new to argue about. "Egad, sir, but for the navy and Santiago wbere would you dough· boys have been-where, sir?" the com· modore would exclaim with very red face. "We saved you, sIr, and here you are, pretendIng to tell me of war!

- Instead of buying pigs' teet h er&sir, and I'll go home, sir, nnd J after It may be thought ad11sable by YeB, want you to keep your bens at home the economical person to buy api&"_ or I'll shoot them, sIr'" foot. But tbe hens continued to roam In One bundred tbousand personll ID his garden, and he didn't. sboot. Tbey New York haTe windowless IIvlnl tJlougbt tbey were In deadly earnestrooms. More work for the under- those two old heroes-but they weren't. They were blu1ftng. taker. The sprIng ' that both reached tbe Sncnteen Inches rpore of snow In age limit and .were retired they went the Pfttsbu'rg district mear's more ex· up the ConneoUcut shore and bought citement along the Ohio when the villas side by sIde. At that time EunIce were abusIng the government Instead thaw comes. of each other. At that time Eunice Dr. Wiley's Idea that cooking, like Renshaw and Grant Fairly, the reo , paintIng, Is a fine ~rt doe. not Imply spectlve daughter ..nd lion, were away that a picture of a beefsteak can saU. at col/ege, and boTh came home the f7 a bungry man.

r..rars may be I.n a high state ot ely· 11IzaUon, but a world that depends upon canal boats for ' transportation caDnot be very ·up·to-date. ' An esteemed contemporary an· Dounces . that "The Atmosphere Is In England," by which It m eans that the fog Is IIfUng.

As to the. cba.n tlcler hat: Roosters are all right for military purposes, but the old reliable hen lays t11e eggs that brlllg In the mOlley to buy the bats, dovernmental 'IOng.dllit'lnce meteor· ologlcal- propbecles have been just 1\ Jltlle too good for any man who doel not like to sleep between blallkets, A yo.u ng woman bas til en attempt. Ing to commit suIcIde because she could not become an actress. Luckily 'most of the women who never can be actresses go bravely ah()ad makin, a ' blurr at It. It Is predicted by a correspondent · that wben ~1J the coal Is exhausted "mUllons of men and women w1l1 be turned alit to freeze and starve." We sbould think they would prefer to go aOllth and eat bananas.

It appears that the reason (bere are not more married employes with the teleplione company Is that the girls begin liousekeel,llng when they get mar.rled and Quit regIstering the bellos oot the ireat and Impatient public. There seems to be no limIt to the mineraI wealth of ' Alaska. One of the latest expert estimates puts the gross value of the coal wh.lch may be mIned in t,he Behrlnri river dlstrlct alone at $900,000,000. That dwarfs even the gold output. Cub~'s new governme'nt continues to make a good showing. Offlclal r&ports are to the elrect that during tho tlr!!t fi scal year succeeding the recent ..lmerlciUl ocCupation all e:tpenses l.:ave be·en met and $6,000,000 was paid on lhe puhllc debt. The young repub· IIc should have full credit for excel· lent mnnagcment thus fsr, and the · p eople of the United States will sym· pathlze warmly with those wbo aru seeking to rUle tho Island 1\'lth econ· omy and el1lclency.

]s 'ew York stato \0 II.dd coal minIng to the lOany groat industries which /lourls there '! A hurner In di g. glng II. well near Auburn struck a do. posit ",Wch Is declared to lJe a rich vein ot anlhrc..:ite. ew York has s wide vari ety ~ f mmcral wealth, and tJlere are persona ,\,1110 In si st. despite assurance of geCtlOglsts to the con. trary, tbat gold may b found In pay. Ing Qunntltles. Bllt th e ilances seem (0 be that thtttc Is at leas t as good a prospect for coal as ~o r gol:L P eoplQ wbo own hogs at prices can wear dlo.ruonds.


DurIng th" . past Yl!or an avcrage> or nea rl y a million bun ch s of' balJanas . per month entered the United State)! tb ro' ~h tbe ·port of New . elrlenris; wJlich is th gr Iltest banarta Dla rkpt · tn the world. Thousands of refrlgern, ·tor cars w ro mploy d In transferring the fruit to northern cities. princlllaUy Ohlcago_ . The In()om lng ticle ('onun. ues. l'o}nple who cut down on' meal . IDIl7 nnd themlelyel able to lilt up Ot"




otber throug h tbelr fnUiers, but had never met. A week went by vtlthout a move on tile part of the ene;ny, and then two servants precipitated a crisis. Tho gencral's hens were stoned out of tbe r.ommodore·s garden nnd the commo. dore 's dog WIlS sent home with a tomato can tied to his tall. What made the matter worse w,;s that bolh prln· c lpals were sbut up fn the bouse-onll from gout and the other from an old wou nd tbat hnd reopened. , "Eunice. you must stand by me," announced t:..) commodore. "[ can't get out, and that person knows It, nnd he wfll take advantage of my helpless. ness to run up a fence." "But what can I do ?" the girl ll8\ted. ' ''Take a revolv er and pn.trol the line. It there Is any tence buildIng, s hoot." "Grant, my Bon, you must Ree this through for me," groaned the gen. e ral. "Tbat person wl)1 hear of my h elpless condition and run up a fence. He must not be nllowed to." "But I don't feel like getting Into a muss," was tbe reply, "There will be no muss It you are firm. Take a gun and let yoursslf be seen on the firlnlt line." The ground between the houses, which stood a hundred teet apart, was covered with ornamental bushes, MIs3 EunIce waR the ' first to arrIve. She took shelter behind a bush a foot this sIde ot the dIsputed line. Sbe dIdn't like It a bIt. Sbe felt she couldn't be brave In such a cause. It anyone came from the other house what was she to' say? That Question was soon Ilnswered. She looked up to see a young man, revolver In li'and, standIng wIthIn sev. en feet of her. He was also on the firIng line. Tbe two looked at each other and tben aWay. Then they looked back agaIn. Tben the young man , saJd as he raised his hat: ,II am the godera!'s sao, and I pre· sume you are the daughter of the commodore." Miss Eunice Inclined her head, "We are here to sboot each othel under certain cIrcumstances." Miss Eunice lifted ber revolver In to ,view and trIed to look very brave. "We are both determlne'd persons, and probably both will faU. It Is alsc likely tbat our respective fathers will fall." "Mine can't get out to fall," said Miss EunIce before she had time t( think. "Nor mine," laughed young Mr, Grant. "It there Is any shooting te be done It must be between ourselves Sball It be a regular duel or promlscu ous firing?" Miss Eunice wanted to look vel', savage, but In place ot that ber fac\ took on a amlle, and findIng hersell deteated sbe threw her weapon ' OD the ground. '.' A truce, eh?" laughed Ih'e youns man, 8S h also tmlsed away hll weapon. "Now, please let me go te the house with you." "But my father. He's-tie's-" "Yes, I know, and so's mine. They



P ro per Conduct for the Holy and 01· vlnely Beautiful SabLath-Undue Display of New Finery Not Appropriate for Ocoaslon. "YOIl have helped me before, and now I want to ask you someth ing that YOIl may thInk VE'ry funtly. Is there any sort of etiQu ette for· Easter Sundny; how to behave at church and home. 3'ou know, because. It Is Easter. I am not regular In cburch-golng, but It seems to me everybody ollght to do the right and polite thing on this 1 0v ~ ly day." So runs part of a Rweet girlish let· ter froru a maid of 17, and I take liP my pen, as the old !ashloned wrltel'R used to say, to answer It wltb prInt. There may be some other gIrls, and some very big boys. ns well, who 'would like to know of proper conduct on this holy and divinely beautiful Snbbath. Etiquette for Easter Sunday? Ah me, how many sermons mlghl be writ· ten on the subject, for when Is the re a mOlDent ror more scrupulous beba\'lor? The book of mere politeness may not say much , about It- Indeed, I am sorry to say, cut and dried po· lIteness rarely touch upon the holler tblngs. But upon the four walls or lhe church whloh Is so solemnly and jubilantly chanting Its praises to God for everlasting life Is written In let· ters of deathless fire all the sublime meaning of Easter. ' To the heart and mind. too, that cnn see at all there Is all the world rejoIc ing tor the oae thIng-that the tbmb of Joseph of Arlmlltbea has gIven up Its dead. EU<luetto for Ea!lter Sunday? Ah, It bagins wIth some faith In this great: story; or e lse In a beautiful, even rev· erell tllli r eBpect for all those who have It. It continues with gratitude for the new lire th,a t Is shown In field and tree, In a freshened heart for all earth; In a love that strIves to forget gelt h) all the litUe dealings, at home and abroad, with mere exIstence. The dfsgruntled heart and sour ~ountenance, then, have no place with Easter joy any more than has the willful conduct that mocks at a nelgb· bor's piety. aranted we are sometimes denllil! faIth, common sense, the mere fire of sprIng', wUl tell liS that we have milch to rejoice for. The garment of the wlnter:locked earth has been made over-bud and lea~ are near to te\1 us, too, that old fears may pass. And lovely musIc and resplendent flow ers of the churches are- telling us more; that there must be something In 8 story that loses no whit of Its sublime beauty atter tw,> thousand years. So much for tbe condu t of the heart and mInd on Easter Sunday. But If we cannot tune ollr spIrits to the dIviner 'appeal, let us at least con· sIder the common decencies. It Is the heIght ot bad taste to a\1ow the tinkling of profan~ plano tunesa. all music not sncred Is-In a clillrob-going neighborhood on Ea!jter Sunday. And the man or woman wbo goos to dIvine service only on this , day, and entirely for the purpose at hearhl~ the fine musIc and seeIng the flowers and fashIons, must ' be very, careful of hIs or her conduct tn the house of prayer. It Is customary for nOIl-churcb members to walt until an usher comes forw8.r d to seat them; for

It they assume th_e right to sea. theru

selves, they may be obnoxlou. to eon, serv-atlve pew·bolders. Tbls relent· ment may seem Incompatible with platy on th part of the church mQml b rs, but lhese persons may have In· ,,'tecl friends to their. pews, and thl! pres nc of strang rs coming ahead 01 thene wOllld doubtless caus cOlIsld· rable embarrussment later on. Likewise a rldlcullolls d1splayal ot new finery comes Into the Question, and 110 to tbost ,who faocy that Easter Sunday ' ls only for the display of fine rullllncl·Y. let me aay tbat persons 01 good taste make a point ot rather quIet church gowns on this day. There may be something new-Indeed, the moment seems to call tor It- but no hats which obstruct the view at oth· rs are worn, while the general get· up suggests rather a QuIet richness thau the latest mode. In th e EpIscopal cburch It Is proper Cor members to orrer the stranger a I>rayer book open at tbe service, and tor the r eci pient to endeavor to follow the readIngs and prayers with tbe proper responses. In a Catholic church the stranger must kn eel with all the others wIth the elevation of .the host, and likewise try to follow the rest of the servIce. To walt only for the musIcal part at tbe service and rush from the ch urch Immediately before tbe collec· tlon will s lgntry only one tblng to the scnndallzed onlooker-the stranger II too stingy to pay God anything for the ,r adIant moment that they have en· joyed. As to the Easter collection, It Is generally tnken up lor a church debt, and as the stranger has drunk In soma of that burdened temple's dearest sweetness why not pay for 11 just as he or sbe would for the the· ater- or opera? Don't be mean then wIth your tlthe when the plate comes round on Easter Sunday, tor If you do nothIng else you will at least pay your way. AgaIn, If the stranger has received dear comfort trom the service, It Is quite In the books to write the officIating clergyman 'a letter of thanks aft· erwards, when, It the charity can be a(forded, It would he the right and sweet thing to enclose a bill oomfort· ably bIg for the good gentleman'9 poor. Arter the service the non·mem· ber should Immediately leave the church, tor the little whllo that Intervenes between the benedictIon amI the communion servIce . Is spent gen· erally by the devout In prayer. and so loiterIng and talking wIth friends In the vestibule would be a very great nuisance. ConcernIng any talk and other s o· clal Interchange, the church Is, not the place for It, so to bow to frIends at a Illstanc;e or whisper at length to somebody In the pew even about the beauty at the flowers or mus Ic Is · \1 deflection from taste, and conduct that . may call down the reproof 01 some stern and pious old vestryman who has been looking on. In fact, church etiquette tor East(ll Sunday, where the stranger Is con· cerned, consIsts chiefly In doIng noth. Ing which would make you consplcu· ous or a nuIsance to otbers. For the rest, a little genuine reverence 1& sometl)lng that costs and Is always In keeping wIth tasle; so II tbls, has hitherto been lal;klng, try listening with il new heart to the trl· umphimt songB of this most JOYOUII of all Sabbatbs.

las't of June, to find that the com mo· ~: :Ot~~OI~~h t:O':: a;:e wl~e~reofg: ---- - - - . • • - - - - -.- --....-.....""'",........-....-...-".,,-.... --........-......... ,,"'..,,,.....-.....~....,.."...,• ....._....w..... '''_ ....... w........ -.,. ___ ~ dore and general bad at last found quarrel over::. cberry tree!" sometblng worth Wrangling about. And young Mr. FaIrly walked in It had been discovered that a cer. and faced the commodore, and he taln cberry tree ·that gave. promIse of talked so well and laughed 80 orten a great yield stood about on the line th!lt the old veteran, who had been between their two rcsldences. That ready to eat him, up, finally saId: . Is, they agreed on the "about," and "11 your father will saY tbat It was then each claimed It was on his line. , the fleet that did the trick at San· rhey began 1:1 argument and ended tiago, I thInk-think that will setlle In an uproar. It." The commodore secured the servo lOt aD! ready to , admIt that we Ices of a surveyor, and the man of the couldn't have done without the fleet," chain and theodolite found that the r e plied the general when he had got tree stood a full Inch on the naval over hIs astonishment. "but 1 tlllnl( man's land. Then the general the commodore oughl to be .wllllnll: brought out another surveyor, and aft. to lldmlt that If the llavy had been at er two surveys It was found that tbl3 Gettysburg, It could not have won R tree was bls by two Inches. greater victory than the army dId." "Egad. but I'll go to law," exclaimed Bofore high noon all was settled ')no offlcer. and the wire fencing put away for The. bookplate Is flnal. It gee. Into "And I'll defend my rIghts with a good, and on the third day tbe two all of your books tor all time. It II shotgu n," exclaimed tbe other. veterans were well enough to sit on leen by you and by many, and It'. b~ Each one announced -nnd declared the "ern!l(\a as of yore. Tiley had far more satisfactory to make your. and contended that It was the' prln. been smoking In silence for five min· self a tracIng ot some simple scroll clple of the thIng and not the cherrll utes when the general saId: or book or shield than -;'0 own the tree ' be bad at stake, and each one I . "Commodore, you are a sly old f9~ble effort' of a 'dubIous draftsman, bad purC,based the wIre to run a fence dog." , . Many are the designs to be cop. alonl; and take In the tree. Thus mat"General, you are the same." led from Interesting volumes on Illusters stood when the young talks came "nut we sly old dog:ol nre going to trat!ons. . There are wreaths, books, bonie for the Bummer vacation. g et, left. The YOllng folks made Il cand,le!!, torches, lanterns, old lamps, "Why, poppy. all the cherry trees peace that tbey mIght tall In love and each w,lth Its ,own ,significance, There 'lfollnd here are not worth your Quar. be married next year about thIs time," Is .also the knocker" wbkb Is good; reI." repli ed Miss Eunice after hearanll the dOOMVSY; wklch Is better, Ing the father's story. Odorle .. Garbage Wagons. Suggestions are here shown for the "But pr.lIe/ple, dau*bter-prlncl!lle. Doston, In the Interests of health InclOSing, w1thl~' certain lines, of the r hnve lIv~d up to It all my days. and a!ld economy, Is being provIded wIth , \ design you may ch,oo~e. ' The circular [ must uphold It now. ThInk of an odorless 'ga.rbage wagons. One of Let liS ' plead In favor of t11.e book- soroll or shield needs DO line about n, Rrmy ofllcer trying to claim my tree, these wagons Is a'lready In use. It plate for all ' coUectors of a Ubrary, no The leat and the 'scroll :requlreg a and he belonging to lhe very troops consIsts of a stoel frame on four matter bow limited In sIze. ~o one square Inclosure as a defttilte.' slze for we saved from capture by sinking wheels, conlalnlng threo cylindrical can tell, to what proportion bls book· the plate, and the OWl and book ,(sym. Cervera's fleet! I sha11 stick to my trtnks which rest upon trunnIons. In shelves may exp~nd uniler the clire , . guns-to my guns!" form the tanks ar~ somewllat IIk~ ' and protection i:1iat the ooClkplale bn· bol of wlsdQm and know~~dge). Is Yllst. ly Improvet!' by the OVCll lln~8, whlola "You flIcers are acting like a cou· ml1\t cans. greatly enlarged: each tan'( plies, , 'e,age ot a Qlven a name' In ' every ' book-a were drawn arQu.n d the pie at boys, dnd." was Hie cOlument ' ,havIng a. capacity of one ton of gar. , mad e by young FaIrly. "You've got a bage. To the lid of each Is attaohed pasted-In plate with name nnd da~e-:; cup, i ' ' '. The I bookplate ,should ,always ' PrO' dozen cbe.rry trees on the grounds,; a lever wh ic'h In turn ' Is connected ' tbe volume Is necessarily, regarded why fight about ' tbat o11e ?" . . by a chahi. with a hi~ed portion of with 1;I10te fondness. by Its owner, 'and , ~de amp~e spade 'for lli'lnted '.or, writ: name 8n~ smaller space fol' R d,a te, "Grant, you must took at tbe prln; . the rootboard, resembling a treadl~ Is less , like lY, to remaIn lJi some bar· otherwise It wll} have . det~ated Ita elple of tbe tIling. Am I to J?e bul" ll.n whIch the men stand to 'empty rower:e ,bookcase. , . dozed nnd walked O'/ er Iiko ~ ~b!ld? It theIr pl\Jls,. As ' the . attendant stepa ' The ,b ooltplate .. at . I!-S. simplest II own end: ' ,_,. 'J1~ p alneat 1!00~plate YOU have suewould be bad enoug!J It any other upon thl! treadle, his wel,ht raises thp within the re~oh ot. all. TIiEi el~boJ'ate man tried It, but he-sl\pposed to be cover, '~d whe n ~p steps ' orr aUt'lr ' and ~ltogetlier al1tlstic e~t!c:t-tJle 'ceeded In tracing 0 drawing may be an officer and a gentleman! It ampl ylng his load t\1e released' lever I1JSisbed product-Jilay be an Im~ssl­ tak6Jl through the regular., proda. 01 tbe armr ba~n't. been at Santiago the I)ull~ the, lld do,\,!n afFllln- The load ' bUlty t many. Do~'t ~alt lor thla. cut-maklnl~111d PJ1Dtin,a" 01" you, ma, fleet- wouldn ~ ~ave bee)} llrere'." I . be.ln~ divided Into tbl'ee parts, only Consider Itt ,If you ,.now a.n arUat; .one trrI,C), .each. one upon tlae s~l ' piece' 'l!all defend that tree 'WIth my ILte. one-third Is exposed at a time, and of the younser mustratora ~m do tlae Of parchDa~~ ,which )'Qu have cu~ lb. Ae the da~s went by the YOUDI peo. th.en only momentnrll;. '. _ . work at a comparaUvely Jow rat~ dellrid' _bapo aDd al.. uel in. it ~ pIe hetU'd so mucb about lbat, cberr, · , . . a f.W d~n.r-a.- ·The eut 8ti~ 'file. Ie ~ee tbllt they InstlDctlfely bcpn to One torm ot pioua ID'ltlDasUcs II to 500 tuttn wW .Jl~ be lake aides. They had ~ beard of eaoll wall~ one way and lJOlDt the O\her, "'DJ4) ..ul IIfblte17





P.TOP~T Bpokpiatf!s


B A C K A. C H

STRAINING, SWELLING, ETC, Stops Pain In the Bladder, , and Back, Wouldn't It be nIce within Il week so to begIn to ,s ay goodbyo forever tho scalding, dribbling, Rlra lnlug. or frequent passag of \lrlne; . the head nud the baclt·of·the-head the stitches and po.lns In the growing 1I\uscle wenkness; s fore the eyes ; yellow skin; bowels; swollen eyelids or cramps; unnatural s hort breath; le8slles8 n.nd tb despondency? J have a recipe for these tbat you can depend all, and want 10 make a quick recover ought to write and get a copy Many a doctor would charge you just for writing this pr8Scri I bave It and will be glad to you entirely freo. Just line like thIs: Dr. A. ,E. . K·26 1 Lu ck Building, . ,Mich., and I will send It by r eturn mail III n. plain e nvelope. As you will sef3 whim you got It, this rcclpe contains only pure, harml(lss remedies, but l it bas grent healing and pain-conquerIng power. , . It wl/l quickly show you It'! power once you lise It, so r thInk you had better see what Ills ,vlthout delay. , will send YO\l U copy fre -you eHn u!le It and cure yourself at home. "


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pan by.

Record A Nlagam te1\s thlB s tory : "A Burralo lnllll broul,:ht n. relative from Scotland h see OUI' grand spcctacle, The t gazed at the fall In s il ence n long Ul. 'rhen the our· (ala man beuveu sigh anI! said: .. 'A h. COllsln 1 !laid , did you Vel' ec anythIng so eautlrul and strtlnge?' "The 'Scotch an. aft I' a mom nt's thought, answ · ed uJru ly : "'Weel, fO!' bonnl . yon's a rloht~ but for stra ~e , no-fur lone saw In'tbo Town J>' Pee bles a peaco k " 'it' a wooden leg:' "


Determining Sex, Mark 'I'wr.11l says tbut he has alwaY6 Ilak n womnn's lJ:nt. i ' "11'01' Instance," ho, "I (mCe strongly reprimanded a woman . out In Hannibal, Mo. H re was the occasIon: " 'So tbls Is a little girl, eh l' I said, to her as sbe <llsplayed her children ·10 me. .And this sturdy little IIrcllln 10 tho bib belongs, I suppose, to Ihe con. trary sex?' " "iassnh,' tho womnn replied. 'Yas. !lab. dat's a gIrl, too.' " -E)verybody'& Magazine. An Ungallant Outlook, "Again. the ungoUant outloo~ of some husbands causes divorce," said ex·Gov. Pennypacker, In a witty arter· dinner speech In Pblladelphla. "It Is amazing what an ungallant outlook sOllle lIlen have. I said on& day to a Buoks county farmer: "'Have YOll got a wIfe, Hans?' .. 'Why, y s, tu teU the truth, I have; Hans replied. 'For the little bit th", . critters cat. It aln't worth a niao's while to be wit bout one: ,. A LITTLE THING Changee the Home Feeling, Corree blots out Ihe sunshine frOID many a home by making tbe mother, or some other m!!mber of the household, dyspeptic, ~orvous Ilnd Irrltnble. The re are thollsancls of cases wherethe proof Is absolutely undeniable. Hero Is one. A WIs. mother wrItes: "1 was taught to drtnk corree (nt an early age, !lnd .also at an early a~e became a vlcUlII to headaches, and as r grew to womanhood tbese headaches became a p~rt ot me, as ~ was scarcely over tree from them. '. "About five years ago a frIend urged me to try Postum. I made the trial 1\nd tbe 'result was so satisfactory that 'Y~ .have used It ever since. ' '''My ~usband ,and little daugnter ' wer,ft subje~,t' to bilious' attacks, but they have bo~1,I been entirely free from them since we began llslng"Postum 'ln_ ' stead ot corree. I no longer have headaches a~d my ~e~1th is perfect .. It ' some..ot these tired, nervous, Ir~ rltable ' 'Women wO\lld o'Dly lea ~ corree. absolutely and trYPO$tu~~th~Y ' would find a won,dorful '\Ihli.nge In thell'" Ufe., It "would thr.!l be ll11~d with sun- ' cblne:l).nd , happln ~lIs rather thltn wetU'Iness and dIscontent. And think What an "etrect It' would have on tho family for the mood ' Of the mother larg~tT responsible lor thQ temper or,the clda. dren, \ ltead "The Roael to WeUvUle;' pkp, 'I'l'bere'l a Reason." '




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\for lhe part, a dulte has to be, ycni kno". The casual observe r. aeelng him In repose, may not be able to teU him from the regulat- article. Tbft dresR of n duke and ' the monocle of a duke will be a deep disguise tor anythin g Americ an which may be In the man'lI heart. But when he geta Into action he will throw off his coat and bls ·one,cy llnder spectac les and make a Btreak ot dust across the land· scape. or 'course. that's a bit figurativ e. but It Is' Quite likely that wben Eugene Ihe's named for hi s mate rnal grand· fath er). become s th e lenth duke of r.ianche ster. he will have more fire than ge nerally 18 suppose d to go with that 'ort or title. Three-Q uarters Americ an, with a mother who knowl bow to mannge people and affairs, wllh a mon y-makln g grandfa ther " 'atching over him. ond a father with sufficl nt a ctivity to I'ecoup a fortune after being officiall y bankru pt when little more than a youth. be has an Inherita nce of dnsh and vigor. Anyhow. Eugene w ill bo an American duke. and If bls mother conUnu es l.n the Boclal position she haa won In Europe, be will have more than ouly ducal prestige to start him In life. Two Monarc hl at' Her Table. Helena , duchess of Manche ster, Is the on ly woman living who llas entertal ned two kings at dinner at once. It you were playing ja<;k pots. you probahl y wouldn 't back a pair of kings to any alarmin g extent. but that's the best hand that's been b eld In Europe in this generat ion. Helena of Clnclnnati beld It only last year at Blarrltz . when she had Edward ot England and Alfonso at Spain at dlnaer togetbe r. When the cable carrie d the news of that trlJ)mph of the OhIo girl. ' the sm ile wllich bad.- been lingerin g on the lips of Newpor t slokene d and faded away. To·dny Newpor t Isn't recogni zed as even a flag staUon when the ducal paIr are on tour of Americ a. New York Is but a port whel'e change 18 made from ship to rail. It Is said to have a Fifth avenue. but the house of MAnchester knows tbat only by beresay. Clnclnn aU Is the first stoppin g place. and next comes Natcbez . MI8S .• where the duke of Mancbe ster goes to see how tnot~er'B people are getting on. Meamvh lle England pausea soclany because the head ot tbe 80clal procession has dropped out to take a little run over to Americ a to 6e.e her father of 01 clnnatl. And the futurs Americ an duke Is In the nursery In Ireland eating healthy English food and ' absorbi ng ' healthy Americ an Ideas.

MilL BUILT BY WASHINGTON Old , Building Erected by tho First , . Prellde nt Stili Stand s In Pennsyl vania. Pitts burg. Pn.-Ne ar the little vII· lage of Perryop olis. Pa .• stands a grist mill which was erected by George Washin gton. Th e mill Is In dally operation. after only two changes since the daY B or Washin gton. Origina lly It wils run by two over· shot water wh e ls ' of rllde con s true· tlon. These have been di scarded and a more modern wheel provid ed, This wheel. with the chimney at tbe end or

Was hington 's Grist Mill. bullrllng. are the on ly Improve · 111 nts made since the mill was erected. The mill 11\ on a 81110 11 stream known as Washin gton run . Residen ts of this place. which was laid out by Washin gton, take great pride In showIng visitors the old grist mill. th~



Various Allasea Under Which tho Hudson Has Been Known In Paat Centuri es. In the cOllrse of the laat 400 y ·ars


Wh ere Ar e the Laborers?


UT when He saw the lDult1tudes. He was move4 with com pass I Oil 011 t hem. because they fainted, and were scattere d abroad, 81\ sheep hayin g no shep· herd. Th en said He unto Hi s disci· pIes. the barvest truly Is pl euteo u~ , but the laborer s ure few; pray ye the refore the Lord of tll'3 harvest . that. He will send torth laborers luto His baTl'est.- l\lotthew 9 : 36-38. The thought s or th e pl'lople of all ag s have revolve ll uroun:1 their hal' vest of materia l things . To s uch an extent has this been the case thut Duvld when proclaim ing th e great JOY \\'hlch he had round by living In tht> confiden ce of the Lord used the com· Ill'.rl son wblch would nppeal moot strongly to humani ty In th e declara tion. "Thou hast put gladnes s .In my hen rt, more than In tbe time that th eir corn and th olr wille Increase d," So. through o ut nil the age8 a full hb.rvest has been Lho occasion of ~reht rejlllcin g for all peoplcs . Hence, knowin g th ese things. JesII8 by referrin g to the materia l h<lrvest In wblch a ll were Interest ed sought to draw the attentio n at tbe multitudes to the ripened spiritua l harvest which only awaited the band of the g leaner 'to bring the golden sheaves In. ,The seed bad been aown. and Bprlnglng UP. bad brought torth fruit In abundan ce, as Jesus nnw before him In the multitu des ...·hlch fainted. and were scattere d abroad, 118 sheep bavlng no shepher d. ....


Prospec tive T enant (noticin g seve eral incil es of water In the celJar)My. this cellar leaks. Landlo rd-It don't leak a drop. That water bas been In here for two months nud not ,a stngle drop has es-



THE SKIN AND SCALP the Hudson has been Imown by at I least 20 dlll'eren t . names, and even to· Because of its delicate , emollle nt, SItuatio n LIke That of To-Day. day, In New .York, at any rat. It Is BanaUve, antisep tic propert ies derived Indi fferently refe rred to as th e HudJ eSU8 was. tfl er efore. movetl to such from Outlcur a Ointme nt, 80n and the North river. compas sion that he urged his dis- the purest of cleansin united with ORD g Ingredi ents 'Vhlle Iples H enry to "Pray to the Lord of the har- and most refresh ing of flower Hudson Is u.nlvel's ally May odors, scclalm ed as th e discove rer of the no· vest. that he wUl Bend forth laborer . Cuticur a Soap Is unrival ed torpres ervTh"roughly ble river which beara his name, It Is Into the harvest ." Ing. purifyin g and beautify ing the Memb er of weil known that nearly a cenlury -be· As sad as Is lbls picture of a rl· skin, scalp. hair and hands, and, asfore Hudson 's success (ul exploi tation, pened harvest with but few laborer s slsted by Cuticur 6ility••• Hi. a Ointme John da Verraza no. a Florent ine. en- to gather the sheaves In. or sheep pelling itching, irritatio nt, for disaeed That t e red the mouth of the Hudson and re- acattere d abroad with no shepher d to lIammaU on and prevent n and ining cloggin g ican Fir.t ported that ho had passed up the river lead them to pallture s green, It Is not of the pores, the cause of many dIsHg-about more a sad league than In the a boat. not venpicture which the urlng facial .eruptlo ns. Duke 01 MClrnCI"~8 turing to sail bls vessel, the Dauphin e. present age present s. The multitu des light In a clear akin, soft, AU who dewh.lte hands. up u rhTer wltb wblch he was , unfa- still faint and are scattere d abroad. a clean, wholeso me scalp and live, MERIC,-\.N duchess es are miliar. though there III no lack ot those who glossy hair, will find that Cutlcur a more or common -that A sudden squall Impelle d him to re- hove volunte ered . ae laborera In the Soap and Cutlcur a Ointme nt reallze la, pllrdon ( me. they are turn to his ship. Verraza no called the Kingdom ot God Ilnd are claimin g pay every expecta tion. Cutlcura. RemelDore or less frequen t-Ils Hudson "the river of steep at bills." as such, just as there was a coatly dlea are sold through out the world. . well as being 'more or .Iesl This was In 1524. Some years later "shepbe tds'" pay roll when Jesus was Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sate pro- ' frequen tly In the papers. TURN FLOWERS INTO MONEY Verraza no's brothel' made a map of on earth. /tillYDEY/i./ .£" prletors , Boston, Mass. Bend to them Preaent ly we're going to W.bat a wonder ful opportu nitT II tor the lateat Cuticur a the region, a nd he named the mouth D.UJ<.e-Book, an au· ') l1ave an ~merlcan duke. That will be Thrifty Swiss Have Colonle l of Beel or the Hudson "San German o." afforded In these fainting mssses for thorlty on the bsst care of the Rkln. ~omethlng new and so~ thing worth 'rH1S . May to Gather thoBe Introd who Honey In uce have 1525 from a Spaniar d named Gomez, the accepte d service as scalP. balr and handa. It Is mailed Nature ', looking at. IDs mother 1wal an Ohio laborer s In the Kingdom of Ood to rre~ on re.lluest. who came to Americ a on an explorin g Profullo n. clrl and hts father's mOther was a ~ Fi~.t Duke of Ohio, the trip, made a chart upon which he des- bring the golden sheaves In. Let them. ' - -----Loulala na girl, sO that 'In blood he's Son 01 the Dulle and Duche•• An attracti ve feature ot every Swiss Ignated the Hudson as "San Antonio :' as Dr. Eliot hss so well said. procialm "How E\tlarpor Than Serpen t'l Tooth." three quarter s Americ an. Now he's 01 Manc he.ter , the Latte the great truth that landsca "be pe Is In best wht' spring and Bummer Is the Whe,.n , Bome 80 years later, Henry r an An Irritable old farmer and bls un· bel.n g brough t up In an ahuost ADlerloves best and serves best," and galnly, slouchin g 80n were busy grubbeauty and variety Hudson lcan way, so you can esUm,lt e the re- Ohio Girl, MiD Helena Zim· growing In profusio or wlld flowers East , In his efforts to reacb the whose greates t service Is In the dlrecIndian possess ions of the Dutch bing sprouts one bot. sultry day, whell n on hillside s and - --.- eult, wrltea Oeorge Arthur In the New merm an, Belore Her Mar- lower mounta in ranges, while the val· East India Compan y by a northw est .rlon of Increasi ng the stock of good the old man suddenl y stumble d over York World. riage ---Th e Little Duke I. leys resemb le beautlflll mosalca In the route, acclpen tally ran Into the Hud- will Let them go forth Singing the a small stump. This small boy. who Is o.ver In Ire· Being Broug ht Up rich and varied tints ~t flowers ':hat son. he promptl y dubbed It the "Man- song of tho angelic host· "Glory to "Oosh durn that everlas ting stump! " Along cluster 'l and waiting for his father to die sO In the greensw ard. rrhe wealth hattes," from the narue of the Indians God In the highest and' on earth be exclaim ed. "1 wish It was In hel!!" Strict ly Amer ican Lines , AI. ot blossom In addition to' beautlfyln!; who dwelt at Its mouth. pence good wlll tow~rd men." he can be duke of Manche ster. Is The son !'Ilowly straight ened up , fJ'OIll his work and gazed reproac hfully crowin g chiefly In an Americ an ' ~ay. though He Lives in Ireland. the landsca pe Is turned by the thrlfli1 Huds on sa iled slowly up the river Wherei n the Fault. .and Is given advanta ge at the best of at his fath er. Swiss Into profit. The fiora of Swltz ~f as far as Albany. and hi s experie nces "Why. you oughtn' t to say that, the Europe an plan. For Instanc e. he Sbe has bossed tho Innd possess es Qualitie s tbat pro du~ wltb the Lndlans and his ouserva Uons The maRses are willing to be led duke from the day ~t8 In ,t he nursery instead 01 being she married him-an d It's been a good d IIclous boney. and tb.ousanda of col. o( tho surroun ding country were so Into the ' truth, bence their evident pap." he drawled . "YOli might stumble over tbat stump ag'ln some dllY."taken to the family table. where he thing for him. Before he married Miss onles of bees Dlay be seen In the gl'aUfylng that he return ed bome with drift toward materia lism must be at· EV61·yb ody·s. would get food that wasn't good tor Zimmer man. the duke country glowing . being re utilized ports of by the ",the new-fou people nd coun- trlbuted to the failure on the part of of Manche sterbim, but otherwi se his Ume Is spent had bls name In the papers to tncreas e the food supply and com- try, those who essay to leach nnd to lead What Il Trained Nurse Say. About more often lUuch as that of the child Of a ' well-to- than he careC\ to see It. them to present ' the great trutb of He Is a big. mercial product s: tn 'fact, the producReslno!. do famHy In the United States. . upl\tnnd lng man and when he 'Was I~ tion of ·honey and wa.'C (loustltu tos an religion to be found In the materia l I get absolut e satisfac tion from ResWILL WED ENGLISH COUNT things of the universe . "0 When Helena Zimmer man of · Cin- the fint flush of youth nnd without a Industry of oonslde rable Imrjortn ncf' Lord. how l'I:lol and use it constan tly. One of my cinnati stole a march on hel' father respons ibility he made a practice' of to the Confede ratIon. as 1s shown by manifol d are Thy works! In wisdom patients has had ulcers for 15 years, Mia Jargare tta Drexel, statistic Latest Ameri- hast Thou mnde them s furnishe d by the Swiss Soand the world In general and was se- tearing things loose. all: the earth nnd Reslnol has helped her more than can Helresa Who Will Acquire a • cretly married In England In the . fall anythin g else.~ She will continu e usIs· full of Thy riches ." 'Wben be marrl ~c;l Helena Zimmer - ciety of AgrIcul turists, Foreign Title. It Is estimat ed that there are 25Q.OOO of 1900 to the duke of MancheBfer. Man of Olnclnn Th'e re Is no conftlct between the Ing It until cured. I have made soma atl. he straight ened up hives or colonies of beea In the ,counehe raised more or less of a laugh In p ~rs onally and when his father·ln -law, try. each of which Baltimo re. Md.-W ord has been re- moral and physloa l laws of tbe uni- remarka ble cures with It. tbls country . , Along that part of the who had produce s ~O pounds made a pile out ot Americ an of honey ceived in tbls city by ·cabl;) that M,r. verse. In all the ages the end of re- Mrs. Agnlls T.O'Nei ll, Bomerv tlle.14.... ~thlDUe coa"it' where the high 80clety rallroad a. made bls acquain tance. he of 10,000,0 during the seasan, a total and Mrs. Anthon y .T. Drexel. who are ligion bas been to promote obedien ce 00 pounds Optlml8 m. buslnea s Is one of the chief Industr ies, began to get bla financia l affairs £:rage price at Swissa year. The av- In London . had announ ced tha engage'- to law, and Christ taught the easy I{\cker .-Look how easy It Is tor ilyery dowage r and every marriag e- !1trnlghtened honey to\' the way to secure such obedien ce. Renout. It was a great com- year' 1909 was 25 able girl hid a smile: cents a pound. gll'der unto Caesar the tblngs tbat are files to get In through these screens ! bination . Now the dulte Is taken set:l· Ing the Lnndlor d.-Yes , but look how eas, year's product a total value Caesar· s. but at the same time do Tb.a t marriag e ' was , tbe • best loke ously aa a membe r ot society and In not exalt Caesar above Ood. If you It Is for them to get out again! of the season in Newpor t and some- the council s or the houlle of lords, and or $2.600.000. The statistic s furnishe d by the Society qf Aplcult urlsta show do, you may expect to drive men thinK very near a cbortle could be hla father-I n-law's help and advice Red, Weak. " 'ea'1:z \V.h~FT .. that tbe highest average product ion of R ellm'cd By Murin J!;yc R e m edyEye away from Ood. Do not. then. make Murine , Try heard along Fifth avenue in New York. have taken him olf the financia l For Your Eye 1909 was In the Canton· of Luoerne . Troubles . You WIlL the mIstake which the rellglou 8 leach· 1.lko MurinI'. 1t 800U,08. 60c at Your It was pOllltively one ~f ,~he most ragged ~dge. . where 8.000 colonlea of bees produce d Druggl ~ t8. Write For E)'o Books. ~ra ot all agea have made. of relying amusin g things ever, y' know. that a Murlno Eyo , R emedy Co,. Chicago. Free. FIfteen years ago he showed 1\ lot 424.000 pounds of honey, an average more on Oaesar tban on Ood, It YOIl girl from 100ncinn atJ, ' that towll. well of ability If nn tdea should ever strike some are engaged In the · spiritua l upbulld · known to comIc opera 100Ml, should of money.and enterpr ise as a spender ot 53 pounds to the colony. The nex~ Now that aame ability highest average , 42 pounds, 'Vas In the people It. would kn~ck them silly. Ing at tbe people. try to break Into the royal set. Her and enterpr ise are turned In the other Canton of Berne. where 9,600 cplonlea father· was merely an unknow n, un· dIrectio "TRIFL ING covon. 1II become .. pernu....ellt n. and, conside ring what prop- produce d 403.200 pounds of honey. The tlung milliona ire, without even a fam· erty wrttten Prayers . r:~t~~\~~ 1t~~illgl~·I~·~~~~8,/,t'J/}~~~~t,l ~ he had to begln\ with, he .has territor y compris ing the Oanton s of ily Bcandal to recomm end hIm to fame. made We think prayers ; we put our will .\1111 <lruRI81'.Il6c .1IO<! llna J"UII bOttle • . an excelle nt showing . Lucern'e and Berne Is rich In tbe flora JUlt walt until the king ,had to paSl Into them; we know that .God knows especlal 1y suited to honey product ion. There's a lot of hot Here's someth ing to show at what (lD' her social .tandln g. our desire and the degree of our faith, balloon s and Boarlng air used In toy The honey crop of Switzer land, ulclay the duke la' made. He and the eleQ uence. Ind our 1I0uis say (althoug b we have duche8B ""eft Olnclnn atl just the other ued at $2,500:000. Is largely pront to . Social '·Trlump h of ~lnclnMtl. TO (JURI!: A ' UOLD I.N ONE 110t spoken a word), w~ have prayed !'!.,,& day to so south for a vlalt to the for· those engaged In the Industry , nature LA..'(A'!'IV l'l. IlnOMO ~ulnln"DAY Tableta to Ood on this or that subject. We ,~"~'~~~r: }Veil, Helena ZllDme rman or OIn- mer bome of the duke's motber. and produci ng the raw .materlll~. .~~~~un;:r~l~nl!Il~'h ~J:~ ~ure. Il. W. read prayer s-a "collect " from some elnnatl Is the one wbo hides a amlle when they went they lett little r&prayer book, a torm at prayer ~other The crow Is a rational bird . He to-day, when -sbe thln~s pf what New- gret among the bellboy s of the Hotel . The Beauty of Colored Skins. wrote out for us long ago. a little doesn't make a nO!8El wltholJt caws. port 8ald~lt Indeed she . trouble s to ,8Inton: where they had stopped . When In the corresp ondence ,of Latcadl p prayer sent to ua by aOlne friend, a rethink of It. As the duchess of It became known (hat the duke was Hearn In the Februar y' Atlantic apported petition In some biograp hy wa Manche ster sbe Is It In English so- to . visit -the botel. the · belUiop s began pears thIs tribute to non-pau caslan lIave just read. Tbe felicity at th~ elety, abe ,18 lady In waiting to Que.e to count "oD retiring w·ltb , fortune s thes of blll)uty: cc;mden sed suppUc ation appeals to UB Alexand ra, and her busband , the duke when he , had: left. To appreci ate the beauty of colored lnd we use It, and wIth as much talth Ss lord steward of ,KIng Edward 's . They'r~ still on the. job. aklns. It ~a not simply eQough to trav· and ardor as though It were a purely Jlousehold, besldei being captain of Tbe duke stayed three days-a nd el-one must become familiar with extemvo rary plea. ' tbe slgbt of them ' through months ment the Yeomen of, ~he 'Ouard, .. t~!I B~~f­ W8S as of- their daughte r. Miss Margar · Why not write prayere ? Cannot 00:1 . _ters," Viho keep watch· ,o ver th,8 salesma close flated 8S · a _ travelin g and yeam. (So atrong ollr pre:ludlces etta Armstro n, One ·dollar was · his limit I~e what our soula desire and our pena . T~w:er 0: LoniloD and _other ·royal pal- and are!) And at last when you ~,ercelye tague Oeorge'ng Drexel ' to Guy Mon- record? two bits was ' the usual 'thing. Flnch-H ntton. viscoun t May not tho wrlUng only 'acaces. ~, ' . there are human skins at real gold- Mal!1stone, .and heir . '. '" the three dayS he p~sed centuat e the need we feel and the to tbe earldom of. oV\ilr In (l\vlng statutos ,o.! gold: with blue balr. Wlnche laea . This Ohio ducbess also has ~Ing ti~ no more and Ni;lttlnghllm. {a1t.!l 'Ye exercls e1--J. H. V., In New 'than Bve' dollars, though Uke' the Ech,ard aa gcidrath~r to )ler son, the, the hotel 10b1)les Carib halfbree ds! f-and aJl ~ork Advocatl!. looked as· If the fruit tints ot:' sklns-o hture Americ an duke;, ., and Queen . Br~therhOOd, range .and yel~f the Upturn ed..: Plllm low, and Fat and Thin. I peacll Aleiand ra as 10!Imot her to on.e of . red, and lustroul l was ' holdlns Ita The two wome'n ' eneount ereil each A man that is ·temper ate', generou s. tw.o other ' ,chllare n. When " shl! ~Dd · there. That's" nattona l oonv~ntlon bro\\'ns ,of counUe ss shades -and all other at a ~ance. They' llad' not met only one In'tanc e t chaste'. fa lth!,,1 al)'<\ honest; eolors of metal, too--bro nl!es ' of every her !Idcal husband go out Pl BO.ll!ety wbat tb'O Z1m,mer fQt: , several yearB.' will do tona-:-o . may at the saine tlm~ hav~ wlt. hu- , they lead the way, llext to ' tbe king, tor ;a man. ne be~ns to c\oubt -whethe r' a "Row tbln you ~~ye grown' " ex· mor, ,good breedin g, mirth who spent several iears white skin' la sa fine! (It you dOl!'t and all other ' dukes and ·duc.hes ses u:.aklDg an and gal. Inten1~tioi1al re'Putatio~ as believe clalma4 one . .: ' .' I ' '\8ntl;1'; : while he ex~rts these Inttel' fonow. The Ma~chesieMl · always ~B.t a proft~gate. _ lhese colora, just rofer to ' "How tat. YOIl've ,got to be!" t~e otb, ' quaIlU~II , 20 occasio ns mIght ~e · In. aroca's pattern boo'k s. where YOU wilt er. at the OMIt table, wJjen ' they drop 1D find Ural' all jewel colora exlit In eyes, eachcrled • .and they stoo<l .. gazlng at: vented to show 'be is mast'llr ot , the to take dlDner with tbe klDg. otber In 1I0me <lra~ay. . _ l)ther nobler .,Irtues.-St~t)le . and all fruit eolciMl' and metal colora . "Before you come .to blowe:' r.. ' . fn skIns. 1 could DQt belleYe my own marked: .. m.utual fliend wbo stood by. eyes till 1 law Broq). l b.,,~ aeeD "let's take a ,A man'a l>est d(Ullres are alwllYs the vote as to whic~ 'Ia wOrBe, people w~o had pasll-It 'een emerald . to set too fat Index and meal\ur u ot btll posslbUlUlfs; , or to too thin,', Instead ot eTea and toPPta and ru. and tile most d1ft1qult duty thAt a IIlBD ,ot '4 !J". .Aad 't~. ..n ~ capable of dolns Is the I\lutt OW - .-.. ..- -bllle hair. ,,"t 'In be ahoulll doo--B rat.







SImple Prescrip tion Said to Wor~ Wonder s for Rheum atllm. This bas been well known to the beot doctors tor years and Is now given to the public. "Oet one ounce ,of s yrup of Sa.r saparlll a compou nd an~ one ounce Torls compoun d. Then get half a pint ot good whiskey nnd put the other two Ingredie nts Into It. Take a tablesp oon· ful ot this mixture before each meal and at bed time. Shake the bottle beto re uBlng." Oood effects are telt ~he first day. Many ot the worst cases bere have been oured by this. Any druggis t haa these Ingredi ents· on hand or will quickly get them from h1a ,'h01e82. le house.






of " 300. WHY CORN IS KING E tllte of Furman 'u t t.OD, de. --oeased. Aopount fi led by J . c.1 Wbile corn i' Cll1l06(1 d lob ~A W il son, t rustee. leading . rop Of A merica it i d u1;>t IT'S Common Pleas Court. 'rhe follow ing tates for settle. ful if v tI til ICll'g t:Q vn groW r ment were approved:relLliy, th exteu~ of its proehl tiOD . New Suits SUllo.U H.. Vun Borne, e.-eoutrix of If lilI ' hI'! 'OTU rld ~ecl in lllinoi s in ba Kitchel VS . George Ii'. ]{it· the estate of ,John Van Horne do. III () 1111,1 IJ au HllipJloU to murk tit . chel. Pehtion for d ivoroe Oll oe8sed . ' Fir ·t und final !locount. would lJlIVtl llHlll . G 40 trlliu B or ...ou~dsof gro . negleot filed. Plaiu Bnttle O. 8ohne11 , unrdia,n of the tw nty cnrs noh , (1. tClluin g in oue Just what you want for your FLOORS, FURNITURE, . AN D iiff says sbe murried defflndant May .e tate of RUlltl II chnall minor. uullroko[l Iino (rom P ortlllud Mo, OTHER INTERIOR WOODWORK when they become scuffed 7,lY01, and to this union two obll· First (looount. t a point in tho Pacifi Cl)enU 1,000 dren have been born O~wa ld, 'i, and Rao hel Pugh, Ildmini tratrix of miJetl we t of ~u n !i' rHU Isoo, or two and worn. Mal es them look lil e new ; in ariy NATURAL Marion, 5. She proys for a divorce the tlswte of 'aUlU I Pugh, d oeased. unbruk n Jin et< xr odin· fr o lU N w W-oOD color desired. ·LUSTRO FINISH is the only product and for· custody of Ohlld and to oonl- Final ncco unt . York to ' lilt Luke 'ily . . made in colors that are non-fading, and not affected by ! , pel deienddont to support her and W . I:3. Bilk r, executor of the es. If nil the corn mlst~d in TIlinois in sunlight. 8dOM~. the ohil~J'eD. George E tA te of H. K Leuk , d en~ 0 . S c 1909 Iltld 1Jf!6n lIlurk t· d lit t·he price Young Is Utqruey for plaintiff. and fiuul /lccount. p'l'evlllllu g iu Dem'mlJl:lr it wonl d That toug'fi, elastic LUSTItOUS FINISH, ('THE MADE TO E1iza~th ~ Ballard vs. Christine Eunes Dllwson (lnd EVIl M with bave broul{iJ U::lO I, G17 200. uU tim ouut WALK ON," won't come off kind. It sticks to the surGarner, Jani R. Wellm.cirand Nlna exeoutors of the estute of Emoliu A s uffioien t to puy t·he publi c do :.tll of face to which you apply it, but not to your shoes, cIQth(larner Wil erson. Petition for Dawson, deceased . Fi r s' and fin 111 seventeen of tbfl largest citie!' III p&rtition of ~al estate. Brandon oooount. Ameriol1, al follows: 'hiout-ttl, B"I. ing or carpets. & Ivins, attorn.. ys for pla.intiff . Berman Keuter , idwinistrator of timor e, Oincinna.ti, Detroit" loditl[. James H. FeDlles8ey et aI, trust.ees the eitato of J ohn Keuter, deoMsed. apolis, K l1nsas Olty, Los A u ~el e , VB. United Booiety of .Believers. Pe · Final &coount. Louisville, Minneapoli , Go I VestOll , tition for equitable r eUef. Adolpbus Williaws, guardian of New Orl eans, P itl Rhnrp., ~a n ··Fl'lln . Waynesville Ohio estate of Oay Hizar, minor. F irst oisoo, Seattle , t:!lilt Luke L'ity, Court Proceedln&s. Bnd fi nal Ilcoount. St. Louis and Washington. Orpha T . Swink, eXfloutor of the Yet Illinois i8 not alone. There Lamb Wire lfenoe ..Co., Viii. Wil· FARM FOR SALE liam O. Phillips. Cale aismissed estate of J. L . Swink, deceased. are twenty-four ot,ber states eaoh WALTER ~{CnLURE, 1847 Rogers Firat and tinal account. of whioh produoes more than 16.000, without reoord. I will offer at Private Sale tbe W. M. Oorwln, by A. LJ. Vail this 000, bushels of corn elloh year bnd Jamee H. Fennessey et all trustees fll rw kn own us the Engle Milia, . 1,: _ Funeral Diret:tor. 'Vs. U~ited !:;ooiety of Believers et administrator) administrator of the eight others whose individual out ILbout 3 mi les nortbetlst of New Bur a1. J. A. Runyan appointed reoeiver estate of John L . Barkalow, de· put each ' year is in exoei!S 01100" If you would llke to . lIngton, Ohio. of all indebtedness aDd property, oeased. First ana final aooount. OOO,UOO bushels. No wonder that your table with this h Thill farm contains 3e acros of 1'01 phoDe duy or night.. W. M . Oorwin by A. C. Vail (his oorn has been orowned klDB, parand is sworn in. good land, part of i' oreek bottom Vttlley pho ue:No. l' . r.ouggrade silverware Magic City Lan I Co" vs . Sooiety administrator) administrator of the tioularly in vie w of tbe faot as Seolaud, and it is adapted to raile all Dis tu.n 0 N IJ. G9- 9- . cost, write us for our of Shakers. Name of defendant or- estate of Jane Barkalow, deoea8ed retary WHso.n bas figur d it, that the i909 orop of the value of t l,720,. kiud@ of grain . Abollt 30 Ilores of C\ered ohanged to Unite4 Sooiety of First and finalaooount. cial offer. Address ttllable land, and 8. small amount of WA YNESVILLE, • Charles F. Nills, exeoutor of the OOO,OOO-nearly equal to the v"lue Believers. J. Warren Wood made timber . There are two' houses on party defendant and leave i8 granted estate of Edward NilJ8, deo~lUted . of the clothing and personal adornSTANDARD FASHION Branch Office, Harvey jburg. O. ments of 75,000,000- f l bIlB grown up tbisland, in goed oondition, with to Ole amended petition forthwith. First and final aooount. from the soil and out of the air iD good wells and all necessary out Dan P, Bone vs. Baltimore & Ohio Marriap Licenses. 120 days, ' 15,000,000 a dRY for one buildings . There is also 0. ~rll.vel 8. W. Railroad oompany. Defend. orop, nearly enough for 'wo Dread- pit, of good quality gl'ave}, on t he aDt is given leave to file motion to Earl G. Wilson, ", attorney of oool{bts dll.l1y for peaoe or war." farm . . ameDded patition as amended with \torrow to Mary Hartwell Rioh Terms : One-third ca h down on in ten days from this date. AUc..TIONEER J mond, IS, of Kings Mill •. day of sl\le i one. third in one year, The Demon of the Air. Llbdermutb vs. Traoey. Plainttlf Charles L. Beck, 24, farmer of is the germ of LaGrippe, that, aDd one.third in two years, sllOllred Centerville, , is given twenty. days in whioh to file Franklin to Edna M.. Blin, . 4, of 'Red breathed in, brings 8ufferiog to by e. mort(:;lige on the nroperty . BeQurlty fo~ coste. The lOan wb can '. RBII your Lion. thousands. Its after effeots are For further information, call on or Borse!!, Uo ....!', Hogs, FIIl'm, Nel80n M. BObley, 56. barber of weakness, . nervousness, )Ilok of ap write. N. B. Anthony, MetA'LL PATI'ERNS Probate CoUrt. l:clel>mtcd fu r . Iyk pc Farming Utensiltl, 1:1 US6 Lebanon to Mrs. Lulu Davi8, 4.7, of petite, enargy and ambition, with Waynesville, Ohio. n :liubiJ it y nt.'orly tlH ' disord!3red liver and kidneys The " ..... c\'ery ci ty nnd lo \\ h old Goods, or anythlDg iu Estate of Jane Barkalow, deceased LebAnon. greate8t need then is Eleotrlo Bitters Cnn;u. 1:t, or by 111.11 I' ," to', Worse than Bullf.ts, tbe seHing lin e. .First final aooouot flied by nny o t lu:t mukc. J. o' 1.,,\.1 4.. _~, .IJ ;:U': . the splendid .tonio, bJood Real Estate Tl'BIlIfers. MeC,\Lt.'S MAGAZll\:~ • A. C. Vail, adminiasrator. and regulator of Stomaob, Liver and Bullets h8o\'e uften oll.osed 1eL'!! suf. M o re rlrocr, tlB n t.,, \ o~ll1 ' r (:1 '11\1, ,,, m'll:n ~i,,.'~ntill n n n (1I1 t l.. \ 1\ ... \~h :, . 1.. £1-. Hi kl d M d Hi Itl Kidney.. Thousands have .proved .fering to soldiers than the eozema Call Him Up for.i.Dates Eitace of John L. Barkalow, de · LJh I ~ r, ". 111 II in:' . II nil uc." )" ar es n e an au n .e that they wondertully strengthen IL . W. Harriman, Burlington, Me, f1t·t. dh" ~ ~' . II .dt c.lrl. ,.if " oawted. First and final aocount to Con~d Bordenfelter and Clara t·he nervee, build ,up the system and !got in tbe army and s uffered with " 11 v to ("4.! l' U Q med by A. C. Vail, admiDllStrator. Bordenfelter,lot in Mason f1. :1 lit C J1:.llt ' 'tt. reetore health and good spirits after lorty years. "But Buoklen 's ArDi~ nJ t UI ' Q1ul'l\.1 CO P ) '. Eatate of A varilla F. EbriKh&, de- .Reuben Dill, M.aud Kohl, Horaoe an attaok of Grip. If suiIermg, ~ry t;alve cured me when all else failed," INIlIUCEM llr., S ~et fmmedlate renel from' oeued. Diltdbotive account filed Dlll and Albert Dill to Lee Mason t~em. Only ·500. Petfe~t satterao· be wrltee. Greatest b ealer for.Acree , tlon guaranteed by Fred V. ~oh "Ya rtz U loers, B011 II , Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Dr. Shoop's Ma4Ic Olntmenl by Emmor ~. Bailey, executor. real estate in Deerfield township, ,I. • .- " Bruises and Piles . 260 at Fred C. Ea~te of William V. )Jone, deEdward A. Lewis to Ed.n a M. Cat. Are We Growing Best Varieties 8ohwartz's. oeaaedl On application FrlttDk A. ler, six Bores in Hamilton township. - -- -- - BoDe aDd Perry V. Bone are 160. The ehio-lilxperimen ktion, in .j-__A :..:,.:N· . . ;,_ O .:..:L =O : =·= OOC::::~U:.::M.::E::N..:..T=--_ pointed ~tniltratol!s in 80m of Wl1Uam T. WhaleD and Margaret oooperatioD ·with the Ohio Corn ImEdgar HarIley haa in bill VOE!se8s10n '20,000. pein~. Guttery, Johu F. Whalen , to Charlee Schemel and provement Assooiation , i8 making II. rrtellt fot l.,OOO-aorerof 1.~1 ~-'fl,n+~=1 Xlblwy and H. B. Stokel appointed Oeorgia Behmel real estate In Ham a study of the varieties of Clorn in t he , waters of Anderson'. creek apprataen. naon town8bip. II. Ohio. In 1909 fourteen oonntie8 a "sout,h brunch Vaesll.r'@ meek, " Eesate of Naome R. and 6eorge Albert C. Vail to J. S. litouten had One or moreoounty or township rrom Pre8iden~ John Adams to CIlP , W. Egle, ueignors. First and final borough, quit olaim on lot in ti'rank. variety tests. The m08t of the Oartcr Pllg9. It is written on aooount aUowed and ooofirmed. HGtl • • " all 200.",,, lin, 11. ' rleties tested were those whioh sonl Ee'-te of Margaret Ole mente, de- Jamee t;toops to Frank B . Farr, ()f the best farmer8 in that commu parohmen't , lit In Ii .~fect state of '3. '3.50 and H PfeservllUon and is d tecl January ceased. Supplemental inveqtory lots in Waynesville, II. oity were grewlog. 'rhe experi. pO, 1715 i t.herefore, 115 .ents old III t aDd appralsement filed by F. M. J. Lester Mulford and Eliz'lbeth ment.Statton provided seed of some :'an!!ary . . 'l'he patent i s ',\Iso signed It.mUton Jr.~eoutor. Mulford to Annioe M. LJrosier, 6 23 of the other best known varieties. by "J. MI~rsMI. 8eoretary of stllte," Estate of Era8tus Cox, deceased, aores In Turtleoreek township, II. Eighteen of the8e tests were Cllrrleu You save from 50 cts $1 on ENDWELL The bold sisnatnre of ,1 /.1110 Adame J3'iDal aooount filed by John W. Cox, 'shoes ,because you bug direct from rofa1 Jamel S. BrowD and wife to t4tew · through tn suoh a war that the reo stands out 0.8 distinotly;n s the day n· administrator. art Brown, real estate iD Harlan 'Ult8 are of soientlfic value. . material-no middlemen's pro/its. whioh it was written. This old dre1~ matter of will of Catherine M. to,wnlhip"IS53 50. The average yield of tbe poorest oment oame into 'Mr. lil1dley's-' pos· Only shoes made by ENDICOTT, JOHNSON Barnet, deoealled. Owen J. Borne" MinDie Rue and May R . Noggle variety i~ t,hele tests. was 86.4 per 8~ ssion througb ' hil:t first wife, the &: CO. ~e sold in this way as this'is the first and mOT. to take under will o f the c1e- t:o Perry H. Rue, lot in village of ~ent le8s than the average yield ot Will iams family lands in Liberty ce&84l!d. only shoe house in the world to tan leather and sell .I!'rankUn, II. the best variety. The t.wo poores' towosbip fo rwing Ii) Plitt ~h e 1000 Estate of· AlJetty Sooth, deo~ed. the finished product direct to the w:earer, through varieties in each test ·averaged 30.2 aore!t origiD!Llly g ra uted to Oall' Inventory and appraisement filed the ·retailer. Commissioners' Proceedinlts. per cent lower thlln t he two best. min Carter Page b. t·btl-g&vern m ent by John B ~ Bootb, adminilltrator. shoes. cost more than they are worth 1p eigh~ ;)f the tests tbe lWilininR through this plltent.-Ghnton Ooun· Estate of Hazel Pitt, minor. Dook Sills-Lewis Atkinson, bridge re o because they oass through so many hands-tide ' variety W9.B 0. local oue. In the oth- ty Demoorat. Smith appointed guardian at bond ·pairs, 131.35. Douglas Hollingser ten an outside v ",riety led the list trust-leather trust-leather broker-shoe manu, . .-------!worth, bridge rep ..irs, '10,50 i George ClolIsh)ng ") !'t ot Air. facturer and .jobber. !!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!'! W. Oarey. oo~oner, inquest over In no OIlEle, however, wos the win The expenses, profits and losses of all these middlemen Tbe marvels of friction ure ' 10I'h\lte. bo4y of Van MouDts, 16.75 i'Dootors ning nriety from outside tli9 t;tate, IVAN HOFJi'IIIIA.N Comparing the yield of the l,oc~ l Th e U9_9 of th e Band blast tor polishmust be odded to t"e p,.lc. tlJhtc" ,OD pogo without addlna any Reynold8 and Mardis, post mortem Ing 1l'I etais Is Quite a recent In veil don, value to the shoes. vari'eties, the poorest was 27.1 pe r of Van Mounts, Ill. PhilipSpenoe, al d now It Is followed by that of a You get the.,u" tlJor'" 01 ,oa,. money In ENDWELL shoes. general indexes, $4.87.40. Walter oent les8 than the best . blast of sImple hot air. It Is the veaverage yield of tbe Stll.te In Th'e LOOK FOR THE NAME STAMPED ON THE ~OLB )oclty thnt gIves the pollshlnr; MoClure, burial of Martha Ward, 1909 was '39.5 bushels. ' Tbe best to be· treate!1 ' are plac8cl Th e . articles Eor tillia by 175; William B. Gaskill, la.nd ap praiser, 128: R. Wilds Gilohrist, aad the poorest Yiel~lng varieties In a basket In a cent rifugal machine drlv e~ at a very hl gb .speed· and heatI B. S. HOWELL, rent, t.5 i Lebllnon Ioe and COlli are both represented 10 this average ed air f8 blown fl'om ~ pipe tbroulh' Waynesville, Ohio. oompany, ooal fur oourt house, This being troe, then if tUl ~he farm ~he oosket. A high polish 18 tbUB pro. 121.jl6 i W. H, Stanage and Co., sup er8 in the tltate would . grow the duced very rapidly. " Nickol plated articles that baYe be- I!"!~!"!'!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!,!!!~~!!!!!!!~~,! plies for probate ' judge, I'i iJ. F. be8t variety, the I:ltate yield would Wade & Sons Co • mdse, 11.50; 'rhe sorely be inereased from 10 to 16 come tarnished are mllde ,brIght In a few minutes. ,Wet metal treBh trom Leba.non ,'Hou8e, meals for jnry, per cent. T~irteen and five tenths the bath needs uo preliminary drrlng, . 16.20; James Follen Sr., 8alary, $50 i per oens inorease would amount .to for the current of air dries< and pol, T~PPAN, R . Harshbarger, salary, 140. 5~ bushels per aore or 15,000,000 Isbes at the same moment: 'i t Is ouly' to so pac'k the articles t hat .necessary " _ ." bushels in total yield. . t .ured severe' comp lund air reaches tb e~ on "sllle~.­ Source Profit to Women. A large plot vnrie*y test iu an1 '16 the cold and cougH b" youth's Companion. nluIl11naUni of documents Is a bew oality' woald be of muoh value to tleld ot work 'for women In England, all the oorn growers tn thll.t neigh. . OUT.Oi'.TOWN CASES. and It ml,ht recommend Itself a8 a borhood. We wonld oall this to the Swe.rlng • Remedy. w• .hAv. hundrede of cue. Sn nearbJ conllen!.A1 and proflta.,le employment Bclence runs to Simple remedlel tOWDB-take tor Instance In tbe IItU. for -Nomen 10 thI. country. - . attention of our oorn men. If ar · these d.Il)'•.: St'nco Metcb. nlkolf .dis'.'Prom Dec. lOt. '08, to Mar.:.l : ,09 ot _HJlllardl. w. can rffterth.)'ou to . .... Hamer-J ack 80n· ot Londoo o t ' be ' ma de f or covered, the fountalh , of perpetual cto'WD ... &tter, 'caB&" from among ( V.I"}' ~angemen.t sanna I had three bad coleta, one on top ~f th~J b..t cUlsen.. ., -. Ilrglng women to take up tbe :work. 8uoh a test, tbeQ 'each vrogressiv. e Touth In a bottle of buttermllk all ; other; , I cot so weak a coul, .....dly · One 01 tbe beet .known ot theBe hAppy hi h h people Ie ,Ivan. Hollman: wbo". ow_ 11' c s e saya properly belonce' to grower will oertainly find it profita- will may be centenarIans. To rid' . get around. Nothing ~med' i9 help ( ,me uiltlla ~gan to · tab Vlnol. The ' :for~~~~~~~ ·report. leU the .tort them. Mra. Hiunmer-Jackeon 18 one ble to .tr~ at least one ~ood variety eommuntty ,yellow 'fever It Is only cbanlte was magic. Three bottlt,. com. luly 18 b.~p.n-tnafm8nt after treatln• . of ··the. belt WUJDlnatora In En,ianc1 ner:essary' to ' kJll .epough mosQul.toe,II, 'ple~ly fixed ~hat comp~un~ oDld aDei ·anaucce.. . tun,. . with· tour well·known Bbe makel a 'Jar,e Income and doe. aU in oomparison ",ith hi8 own.. If in and In, n. Ine c.ges out of ten pr'obably pllv!llclAne. Au giJet J$-··AppeUte mueb ' . .. , . ..,.. I!topP,ed the' terr'ble C:OUlh-alfd.wbat . lillprov~ ' pined -.three and one-I\alt ber wor~ at. home. . . .' doubt 8S '<> methods write ~o the fuberculQsl!! cao'be cured by the cheap S~rpii8es me moat, . t·· the ...... time . repur~b.~~":'~ertfitt.:,l~tb ~e:t~:' Sbe d.lci-Ibea Illumlnathig all an art. Experiment. Station at Woo.ter. open.~'" treatine~t/ Th~ _dlscdvery .of .' It cured m~ of .severe stomach troUble ,. re.ptc~" 'Qepte,iilber 10-" 1 hav. Ser , work 1.1 devQted almoBt ' exclu' • _ . ' ' . a London doctor :that swearing lB. he.po , ' th.t hils' 'bothe~d me for 'l# yean ~:rr;;~~Bt~~:~:i. Cl>~t,:.~~bl~; ~tvet7 to. th~ d~coratfon of 'puPUc adEGOS, FOR SALE " .. .Cul ,to ,beaIUr'I/S 1p line wltb' ~be .Vlnol" certalidy. wonclerf'" medlc:lno.". . • am .teadfly. ,mRrov1n.. In .very wa,.: ctrellel, books and carda .Jn the fine _ _ . 'date ·m~d,lcat · method8.~,New -~r. ToppaD: ~ one ~~ Lynn's most,prominent and highly ",pe~ed p,t". ,.aU Irone, ..l'lovember 7-"1 ,lUll ·tlorat Icroll. and 4elill11, otten 8pot. , . . . World. " . mercha~ts, word is as geod as. his bond, ' . . . ~~~ymp~!~~r CW..!.4.)..~r· ft.r.~u~ lad with .old and I Uver, In 'the- .tYle Pure:-bre<\ ~arr'ed ~lymouth Reick " ., .ore I w~r" the more I want ~ .. , of the old' Anr;lo-Saxon and GoW. eggS for sale, 50c r;er ·16. ~ • .M., >, inventol'l, Take H·e art. .The:reasOn Viool is' ~ 8uccessfui i~ such cases 'Is beiu~ 'it ¢ntain~ the two most world-famed toni~e medicin~, ifreogth. . ' ~ ..... Jl'H£. ~ maDUlcrip,tl. _ _._. Duke &I Son, . Valley phone 5H~ . bert loventlQl1 which , h• . p~ T Mra, Hamer-Jacksob laYB there .1.1 "'_vuesville Obio 4 . eniug, SQ(fy.bUfiding elements of C&t Liver OU and .Tonio ) _ . . BJI1Iaf.d .. o. fI'&C~lcall7 UDllmtte~ work to lie doti. · · ' • .:.. ',' beJletlclal to manklod bu ' to the-ant

C~unty Cou~ts



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J. E. - JANNEY, . .




A. A. McNeil,

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Lynn; Mass.




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r. oo·;' lor private p81'1Obl.

It Ia h'er "ilIaD ' bUltaDce lJeen tleated .1 worthleu.tq o~· a ici1c)pi for 't he tutn&et , J{eep manure n,ear ' 'he' sotface; fi1Ir QUlMirt parler. UoD of _ .... WOm.D III Lbe ~_ , .. "'OW it deep and yon 10C188 aome of ' ...... er-tloa c.., Bull JIIdI..1"on .---....., QalI..."", •• _ lo._-. ~.:-. , ~ -, l&, JIol1tJ,ae ~~141. . meaclowsUJd . .'. .

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J~Y, ~W8t, · 'Waflle8vUltt.



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Magazine' Reviews for April ."


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I llto II. frult~jll r neurly fill ed WIth !:liM I1dv eotures line up wit,h tlloS6 Rates of A<f v"rt isements ring, of Si ndbud t,lle Sallor, with the udllKeaulng Lnca '''. lh! 1I1~ ... . , .. . ... r,c gHMo leoe . Ulllog u ruhber Reading ! ocul~ , !Jlu,", fa e. per IInc .. . 10(' ",crew the to p on t il!h tly . Let the nct merit of being all true , AND flillAAIUed AUs. nul \C "~ c e!tl I\,' f' lineR. 'Ir t,iol es 80llk for some ti me, und 10 "Tbl:! Mystery of Dreyfus" Comblnillon Chaced- Leek. O"~I.IIf-S.f••• eballt 1'111'00 in,,~rll" ,lo . ..... ... ... . :/flc tht:l ll @ RENIER, hltk:e tliAIU vigor ously. Rlose Cb arl es Ed ward Ru«sell, looking At the same stable. 'lblt uarle~ . rI\,<' Inc 'I " lree; OVer five 10 t he flume !nanner in olenr g8so- baok throug h II. perRpaotive of more the Black Percheroi1 Stallion, Jljo. In ellcs , per 1111 . . • .. , . .. , . . . . . ~O Dry In the !lllns hln e and air th!tn tL deoa<\,e, throws new light on 29121, is si ring a number of 'a ootl Colru of thUllkll .... . . ........ ....... :! f, c lene COLUIIBUI. OHIO CHEsnUT UD FRONT m ., Besl)lutloIlM... . . .. . . . . ... ..... . . , .. bOc "COlI.t can often be oleaned on , of the most IImazing and m o colts, they are selling fo r high prices, Soolal s et , whel'e 'OolW'IoC hi lUa~o •...•• :!:'Il hv wetting u oloth in ga@olene and mantous happenings 1n modern his three 2·y€ar·olds have sold for $650, f\l,pl a Y Ad vHtlslug. pn, In c h . .. ... . .... l Ou h en rubbiog the soiled pa rt. 00 'orv ., which is a good advertisement for Dl8count~ Kivell ou co nlr ac~. CJa ~ional1y, if the fabrio will wlifrant Alfred Renry Lewis with this issu£\ him. His disposition and hi s colts' ..... ... I't lind is very muob soiled, 1 have olose!! bis series, "Traveltng with disposition can' t be beat . \l'RIL G. 1910. used un old tooth-brush for this pnr- faft," with some surprising sille· Clay Burns Ceneral AuctIoneer pose, Instf\"d oUhe oloth. Neoktles ligbts on the Utah end of the trip, oannot always be oleaned by tbe and the ' mlghty and little under Sired by Bobby Burns. 2:19}{ . 'Bob- Waynesville, Ohio A. OOOD LAW ~I mple rubbing proec8s. If that is Itoed power of the Mormon In puli- by Burns is t he sire of 101 in the list. We can offer you good su tr.v using a brush dipped in gaso tlos . Clay Burns is a very dark gray stalValley Phone 22-3 Paying Employment A bUl has paBsed the Ohio Legis- lene, to sorub the very Boiled parts · r .sigh Hunt, the man who inoon lion, 16 hands high. weight 1200 lbs., - lature pronJlull for tbe proteotion Satin, of oourse, does not permit of lated Roosevelt whh 'he Afrioan is a stylish, well mannered fellow. that you will enjoy and of minors and preventing t·be use of thl~ 'reatmen'. Grease epots oan hunting baollli, has bad about the with plenty of size and a perfect disat home. Write to-day olgllrett-es. It will be unlawful for be rllmoved by rubbing t:he Bpot moet fll8olnatlog oareer a mll.n oould position. Goes well either at the trot Add,... Imy person ullder 21 years of age to with a ' good white SOIl.I) after thear., Read it 10 thl. issue . or pace, Shows promise of extreme Rmoke olgllre.t tes in 8 )bools, oollAges, Uole has been ' 1J0aked In gasolene A wonderfnl and most Indispens80. speed, and has proven a sure breeder. Tbe BaHeriek PabUablng co. publlo bullding8 or on the pabho Rub hard and rinse thoroughly . ble oog in thA maohinery of modern Having both a producing sire a nd BaHerlek BuIld...... New York. N. Y. Itree~ . Thl! penalty for the offence (iasolene In whloh soap has been baslne81 Itfe Ie J. K. Turner, and dam. together with his individuali ty will ' be B fiDe of frOlo 11 to 125, used Ollonot be Deed a lleeond time . LaVerne A. Barber tells ..11 about, ma~es him one of the best stock whioh may lie remitted by the of. White kid gloves, 8S everrODe knows him and hie work itfthis 18sue. horses in Southern Ohio, standing at TRADe MARK. fender givin.c testimonya8 to when o<l.n be lIuooe8sfu11y oleaoed in glls~ '1'he Apr!l iS8ue carries twice the so nominal a fee . .You are invited D£IIGNI the sam~ htl.d.,llaen pur9hased . Per- lene, and almo!'t everyone has her 118118.1 number of illustrations, piotur to come and see these horl!les before' CO,"VA'QHT8 40. Undertaker and Embalmer. AnYODelendlnla.llel eb on4 4.orlpUon mo, 'ons'Who lIold otgllretses may then own special method. Volored gloves ing stirring soenel in the great dr!L going elllewhere. The price is right, qulckl, .. ""rtaln Onr opinion IT.- wbotber aD II probabl,. patant&bt'~ Commutllc. be proceeded 81tll.lDst onder the III Wi! do not olean well as a rule, It ill mtl. of modern life the world over. $10 for either horse. For further 1",cnLlon ttonllt rl Ctl1 connoonUaI. HANDB It .~on 1' .leoS. WtJl be found In the oJd l ent free. Oldelt ..enC1 for leon nlf p&teota. now on the statute boolls. 1'0tenLi takcn throullb MunD I; Co. rece1" Bank Building, opposite best not to try them There ar. a do.zen other d~part particulars see .,..,14l ttOtl<:l, wll hOOL cbar.e, In Lbe the National Bank. "Do not buy a quantity of guo ments, all full of unique and varied Telephone In house and of· BORDEAUX MIXTURE J. H. Marshall, Prop., A bandlomol,.llh,otrote4 weelll,. f ......t c!ft, len~ II.nd . store It to use from time In&erest. fice where I can be called cul.tlnn 0. t onT . c lenLUlO ' nuroal. 'l'erml. day or nigh t. or ON - S-T-lt-.-N--O---A-·T-AT~ IME Bordea nx mixtnre .liould . not be to time. Many fire In8uran~ com· Valley Phone 14-2. pllnlell will DO' iSImo polioil'lI-Or pay made up very loog before it Ie to bn Alex Emley, In Charge. BrauchOIDOe,CI26 I''UoD.C: Main Street. W.yneaviU., Ohio. used a8 it lIrbd ually loees Ittl streDgth th~Pl-\f 'his is done. I t Anne, a little TeDs ohild, went Valley Phone 92. U Is be8t not to mix mpre than is to out '0 WAlk with her mother fJr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ be oaed dnring the day. It, oW1nll A-OOOO' CARD' FOR ANY TOWN the first time after a slight illnells. to bad 'weather or other Otl.n8eS, . She walked slowly, and, after wait WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. :~o.~":?LI~nD~WII'~2: DR.H.E.HATHAWAY 'is MORt be kept a · flhort time, if. The following sOgg8lftiODII, prlnMrl ing several ttme3 to Jet her catoh 'op f:~U~mR::.:r:·prol'D: Waynesville'. Leading DenUn ~1ll pro~~bly not Joee its effioienoy opon a card to be hung np in publio the motber oalle4 oot: "Come on .' St. Augustine's Catholic Churc~. &reu. Asato &DdpleBSing~~~=~:: Offioo in Keys Bldg. ' MaIn 8& ' Father George Mavellhocfcr, Pastor wUhln a few daYIA, 88(,1eola11y if kept placea, IU8 oiroulftted in, Ashtabula, H's getting late, dear. We mast Mass ever, second Suuday of the mODtb a' the W man s Outdoor oovered, a way from the open Illr i Ohi 0, b y o, hurry In. '' Then a8 her daughter u:oo a. w . d ' 'h ~~ 'h dd d "R but if It mast be , kept mixed for LeaRue of the American Olvlo ASlio. ma e no as"" 8 e a e ) un, St. Mary.! Episcopal Church. ~n A nne. 1/ F rom a llttl e dl s t a'1oe came a lonl tim~, it ill better to thro'w it oiatlon. The spreadlne of suoh . Re,·. J . F . Cndwalluder, Rector. timents mtl.tes for better olhzenshlp away and mix up a fresh iot when the proted: You'll just have to wait, I Sunday School. 0 :308, m Morning ser· as well al oleaner oltles : it. i, neildeel-. oon1'8e. 11 polsoo mother I'm so bU8y walking I can't ' vice, 10 :80 a. m. Boly Communion Lho Orst _" _ . r-:,> hilt been Ilddeil to it-, thle polson will rOR TO! BONOR AND GLORY OF ORlO. ruo. "-The Delineator for April Suuday of each mon~h, When purchasing-silver.' . f; nQt 10le i'" 'e lHoiAnov, IUld the pols... Methodist Episcopal Chureb!,. I .' . oned .' Inilt~ur " ()d 11 be used for ttl! , Let us not injure In Ilny way any Saved from :the Orave. . Rev, H. W. Bailey. Paster. remember that in /._, ':'="':='=-'::';:"'-i--+--=uDdaY 'SC!lOOI, 0 :30 a. m. Mornlnjf ser· rpnae at! ItO inllectioide, and a new trep', shrub or lawn . silver plate no name stands . "i had about Riven up hope, after vice, 10 :80 a. m. Epworth Lellgue, 7: 00 p . qoaotlty or blnelltllDe and lime can Let all not till or IIlJure . any blr~ nearly fOUl vears of lutferiDg from m. Evening service, -::00 p . m. Midweek for higher quality or greater be added to rt'n8W Itll funJlloidal or destroy any blrd's nest or 'he a severe IUDg tronble, I t writell Pr \yer KeeLing, ~.p. m. durability .. than . tile j, reIIgge or the young Mrs. II. L. Db, of Clarksville, 'l'enn. Christian Church. value. ! , ~ th6 pain In my obellt woald He L ho Let ue n ot throw or sweep lnto "Of~en nowned, trade mark ""· nn'"-r v. • O. T mJlllOn. Pastor, be aJm ..... . t ...... a bl e a nd 1 000 Jd Sunday'School 9: ao ... m. Social meetln., The c8lt'Of the Blood. he~streetfl, "l1eys or p.r 8 any papt"r Dot do aDY work, bat Dr. King's 10:'30 ... m. Obrl.Uan Endeavor. 6:3 U p. m, rruit.ldrius or rubbleh of'aDY kind, New D1AOOvery haa made me feel Sermon by putor every alterna~ Sunday at for porl1lOjatioJo, find. voloe lu plm10:80 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. p/ell.,boH" (I.lIow oomplexlon, a jano: Ilr throw any pf 'hue thinp npou lite a neW penon. Ita the beet dlced look, mO'D p ••.ch8t! and bbtoh- the floor'of any 80hool or other pub- medioine made for the throat and Hkksite Friends Church. Ask your deale, 8how ell 00 t.he , IItln'- all sIgns of liver lungl. " Obef.tnate oough" ItUbi 110 buildlog. born oold.. hl\Y fever, Ja grippe, F MIt Day Meetln!t:, 10 :00 a. m. Firat Day you the various exquisite trouble But' Or. KinK'" Ne~ Life Scbool, 11 ;0(1 a, m. Founh Day MeeUn& Let n!l not spit upon the 8ide· IL8thma. cronp, bronohitie and 10 :00 a. Ill. Pti'*m,dre rioh red ~loOd ; live clear p a tt ern s in which the '.lain, roav cheeb. fiDe' oomplexlon, walllll, 'street crossings or upon the bemorrhages,hoaneoell8and whoop. "Silver Plale That Wears" Orthodox Friends Church. h.l'b Try tharn . 250 at Fred C. floor ot any, eobool honse I ng cough. ylel~ quickly to this won. can be had. The wide latiRev, BenjamIn Hawkln.s, Plistor, ~~w,,~t.'rt or otber public ~ulldlne. ~~rl:l ~;!r'~~'la:rlr~:: ~O~Br~~d Aabbatb SChool, 0 :30 a . m. Rel1:ulat chureb tude for choice in knives, lIervlce, lQ ·qo a. III. Chrlstla.n Entleavor, .Lt!t os not cut or mark In ant way teed by Fred O. Schwartz. I, forks, spoons and fancy 7 :30 p . III I'ew farD;lel'll barrow quite eooogb fence", polel, lidew"lks or bnildings , .. _ ••- - serving p,ieces assU'~s satisBarrow, 'b .. ~~ow, h"rTO"' . of auy kind. KEEPINO LIME FRESH faction to every ta.t.e. . , Letuealwayelreepour .baclryards -, C. W. HENDERSON,M.D. I, Sold by leading dealers I ,., Notice I, Appointment I\S ole,.n ..od _beautiful as we keep ' It is often-dtffiouJt. to-prooare rr e . everywhere. Send for catalime at the time it Is ueeded, ..nd it , lI..te· of Rachel A. B'urnett, deoeued. our front h~'wn8. Waynesville, Ohio. logue "C-L," all , Tile' uud.-.laned h~ been appointed and Let us at all f.lmes respeot the is too much trouble to hitch up I designs. ' ,,'. ~ ctuawled·...Executc,...·o( "lie Est-ate of Racbel A. BUmet&,aale of Warren County. Ohio, de- property of others as we would oar a team and drive lI.~ay to a lime Valley Phone 153 Main Street ceIIIId. ' . ,MERIDEN BRITANNia eo. kiln or to a dealer, to . buy a few Dated thlI t61ih d\{ of March. A. D. 19101 own. (ID......Uoo"ISUftr Co.. ~Q_.) . ~ . '.: :E I ,D.. UR~ETT, Execut.or, . Thns IIhull we beoome good and pounds' of lime . The proper thing .&"10111, COli". ueeflll cltlzen~, malliuK oar Stute to do is to buy fiv e or ,ix lJushels , . beautiful Rnd worthy of our love and slake it bv dropping II. little at Subs('ribe for the Galette aod devotion -The Designer for' a time into barrt!ll, tubl' or vats oonHIli . Aprd . ~t~ng some wa~r, stir~nR uutil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - _.!........~- • sJalr~, and after It Is slaked fill the :' ;.RoW TO Jrto4 o.t. . RAW FOODS RLDUCE FLESH vess~18 with enough wft.ter to s'aDd wia ~JeOl''commoogtaa. :.nth your at L depth of a few inohes over the ~ wF . , it ItatiO hou~; People troubled with . superfluous top of th~ l\me and keep it In the , 'J 11 , a bnckilustsedlment, or settling, fiesb should tlLte up II. diet of raw form of a Pl'ste or putty. At any stringy or milky food'l, says 1'he DfllIne.ator for April time in 'he future, when lime i~ appearllnce often We know that all heding 8ub needed In ~ )tqt;lid formnJa of any . indicates an unhealthy condi- Itanoee, s~oh as fate, lltarohes Bud .kind, all that is 'needed Is t.o dip out tion of th~ kid· aloohollo drlDks • . are fattening; for three tlmee 88 muoh ef' this lime ney,,; too fre, that r68son many advocate the oom putty &8 is needed if the optlrato'r . '~ J~~r;;~:p' t'~q~u:entit or desire paiD to in plete ellminatiun of hea·t . Cold 9Vere nsing the dry frAsh stone Ums AU, . FOR: that tell you .are oot of 'order bath81ustead of hot are advised, all 1t wl11 keep weH 88 long a8 there IB ONLY by this means . bodily heat 1811b-enough \Vater to oover It. etraoted, the effort to supply more - -...- - inQreatling combustion, ..nd reduQ. The Begga".e of Madeira. 'tau of fiASh follows. There fl only one 111 til the OIDt. In addition .t o oold' blJ.tbR an un III.Dt of Madeira . comfort-the beg· sara. They begin to beg before they cooked oold diet. hi pursued. One C.II 'walk, anci they call, "Penny! pen. McCall's Magazine . &u'ho'r i'y statu 'thllt this diet oon. n1!" before. they can IIIP the sacred . Is a large, artisti.\1. handsomely illu!ltrate(1, hundred·page monthly magazine. It coneilits of abso! ot~ly raw foods; It name of ·.. J.Damui..... How,eye~, . one I tains Sixty new. Fashion DeSigns in each issue. 'Every woman ,needs it for its l1p-to-d~te muetoon8illt. m~lnly .o f frnits, nuts, llood:thlng h., come of our ~l[perlence 'fashions, entertaining stories and complete information on all home and personal topics. . .. . with them. They bave prepared UI lifl'al~s, mil~, an :' wb~o Is for beggara elsewhere. We are hard. Over one million subsCT,ibers. Aclmowledged the .best Home and Fas~on ·M.gazine. . ~egular. p~ce, 5 centa a copy. Wortb ·doubl~. ' . d~lred, ,, 'I1"1,Dburg bel!llteat . may eDed, now.-;-at lealt; .we thJnk w~ are,. be ~rtaken of; to thJ8 may be add. The "vor .oJ pity bill lIone. out of UI. MeCall PaHerD8 Tbe GazeHe eel raw oyaters lind ·olamil. JilVery -From "The . Bhip-DweUers" by AI· . . so: limple YDU ' ~"not misunderstand them. One of 'the ~n newlpapers In thi. part of " kind of. fr,al' e .... oept applesla allOwed bert Bllelo. w Patne, lD ~e Outlq 'l', ,~ ,- - r ' " " , - . '" Macazlne. ' A~,1utely accurat.. In atyle, irreproachable. the Stale. Gives all tpe new. that', fit tn print. -.... '''t-t -;::: alao meloD8, laJads' and' veget..bles. You may Hlect, free, any McCall Pattern you Interesting and protrusive. Indilpenaabl. in - " 1' _ _ _ 1 .~.--desire from the first nUJIlber of tb. JIlapzine every Wa)·nesvill. home. Re~lar, price, '1.00 , A .mall ql18.n~ity of 1reshly ~acted Il'r year. ~ . wbic~ reaches you. R8Iular pn.:e, 15' cent •. e•.tf·Mad •• lI'at~ a61lut a tabl~pooDrul jlt a . A )al"le maJtJl'lt" 01 the aGOG alid m_l. I.. very atreDgtb:eDIDg and very respectable WOlDen 18 tbl. world baM 41110101,l8 .fter 00, beoome. &00UlI IUceeeded ID .bel~1 10 wlthQut tU . .tomid to It. . 'bi. "limen planned llltaDae of Clbaperon.. · for~D' ,~, 'wlU Pt04';' ..aosalela.

Waynesville, Ohio,





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"I ot ~ , . '01' .....t"_...... _..._--~--~...;.~-'.~--~~~~--..::.'"!""I~--!-.......~~~~~~




mlSII- 11I bill chltd rea Iln\! on b'lI wlfe-. race. ,'here ~ "s lt xrlnlme$l , "WI tbe motor oar-I t Jl11 1!s like a parpolst'. do Iln'lt It Y" nnd sb hu rr l d out to meet Mr. Temp st. \\'h ,n Temp s t , ~a mo I n th guest ...:~~_===-========~= s tnrtl'd- llIl' hnd , grown! Her yes II' r fu lJ of the IItt! Imag Irs. ..Yh..."'.........YNrh.. I ren ly II;ld 'oll ju TPd up Cor h r . ' , :TC IlI\l!1St, ult I'ly ' fa gg d, In trave l·




~ The Mas'ter §)~:~~;:~~l·;n;l1hl~o~I!~r:n~I~!Ov~Sge~~ :~~

poInt or ~ ew, lUI\! 6he ~ obll!:e\1 te reply, to say lIolllethlnl In r elponse. " I don't know Lady Ormond: · "N v r t h les!;. Y OU thi nk a ll thla' Anllw r me, pi h " ," "The n ~' !.l, " >iha s a id I'ath el" defian Uy, "illn I} )' ou rc ud a noth I' wo rn. a n's <:hara ' l e r 'for tTl, and a nalyze for me my uuf I'mI'd thoughts," T mpest s lllil ed bitter ly and un.




M e thod of Bendtng Bush to Ground, Pinning Them Fast. and Then PUlng Earth Ove r Them in Moul,ld Form.


fasten ed t h velvet at t h plcture's ... back a nd too k t h pnst lJoard out. • bls fllc o light d as ho IlIlt out his " Since you r I so about ber, ' !sn' t

~ =-a: hn'~I~~W

,~ of Crav',en

norm otlsly ki nd- how frlelluIy or YO Il -tO wnlt , 1 slo ppod at t he Hnmsc\ lI\s' In r nl dr 'a d for re a r YOU ha d gono orr sOOl nwll el'e, do )' oU Imow ? And to fi nd you h ere waiting ~ for me." lI e did not r move hi s oy s from


... .. .. ::

B .Y Marie



.. =:..

Van Vorst

-Amn ndll of , fw M"MLu D~.nnond.," etc., <,re.



I I:: I :: ::t:.- II I






Aurhor 0'

• " ..



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CoPl rlabt lijQ,j, bl J . U. LlpplnCOlt Cuw p.n r .



T em pes t. w o r 1.I·" ~l!n teBl p oot rerulling fu rl h e r 10 be li o n I zed , Rhuts hlmsfllf li p 111 ' ra \'en, hI" co unlr>, ho m e. His Gloomy meJ lln l1 0 lls ar b r olte n b y Ih e lldml ,,!'lon 0( n n Am~rl · " 1111 . Lucy ~nrew. wh o hOll ('o m \, t o E n g· I nd 10 get 1\ s lUd y IIf 1\1 ' Clu thor, 11111


!lil t!

n ovetl~t.

moro esp eclo lly 0. 8>' n o ps ls or his now wUll e of PO" tn S, '1'E- m pesl. I\ ns r y n l h l'ln;; dl8tur bed , d ecln.r e8 h e will wrll e no IIl QI't', nnd Cl 8k a LII y t g o, H ep on U n g hl ~ rll rt. . n ess In s enlling h " r ou t a l n ig h I In Iho rain. T em p st h M l e nll o rte r h r, bu t Rh o t ruses to r e hl r n 10 r av e n w it h h im nl1l1

l odgi n g Willi 11 c o ttog~l'. N cx morning Lucy receives an np o l og~' fr om ' 1' mpest o nd a n otl'er t o (lBs l!C l h er In w r ltl nll' h r c8sny, T e mp ~al <lI c l n l .. s !O L u cy, w h o s p c il lJoU ll ll "8 " h n wrlt ee. L u c y dllc hllls 10 go I" Lo ndo n, hUl Tempeat Induces h l'r t o r ms ln n n d r f>n <l tak es

h o r ma n Usc r ipt to him, T" " ,':; llec il nt'R a n 'nvlta tl on to clin e with '1' mll('s t. wh n In Rn ger nnd di sa ppo intm e nt, /:'001j t o L on· do n , li e Il8k s LuCl y r mo n d . wit h w ho lll his n, m e hus b ell ltnk d . '10 teave h er h us ba nd. proll\ laln g to m a r ry h ~ r w hr n th e h usllnn ll ... 19 11 illvon'(', S h!l In" la tl< n n the dlvor e firs t . T l!tniles t dl' p or ls f or \ir&ve n.

CHAPTER IV.-Contlnued, MIss Crew smUed . "I am afraid so," "Ob dear !" exclaIm d l be bouse· k eeper r eprovingly at the lack of pro· resslo, al en thus ias m. "Mr . Basil loves bls wrltln' ! He WIlS no more than s ix ),;ears old when 1 re member hl oi comtng 10 my room with a UtUe at!ck of wood. I was under-housek eeper tben and quite a young woman. 'H enly,' h e said, 'sharpen thls Into a pencil and' I'll write you a blrtbday s tory.' And time a nd a gain I can see him In the big cha ir by the fire In the house,keeper's room with the maids and me around him, 'ma kin' s tories: his eyes big aa saucers. bls ctreeks ~Ike roses." Mrs. Henly had not r emlnlsced about Lady Ormond ' and she was not conscIous of reminiscing now. "Lady Tempest died at hls birth, and for all tbe bringIng up he'd liad- poor dear ~ One night, miss. I was In this very room (\t was Ms mothe r's morntng. room, and wben the family were away I. come In and dust the thing myself), and a fl y hod drive n up wltb· out ~y hearing It, Cor it was winter time and s now on the ground ; a nd thJs door"-stie pOinted to It- "was pushed In and Paraons (the old whiteh eaded, butler you may have r emarked, miss) came with a li ttle lad by thc ha nd. I'd not seen Mr. Bas il for' nearly five yearS,l Ife s tood tbere fn his Uttle grea t-<;ont and fur CIlP and says O\1t clear as a bell: 'Hen ny, fat her !!ent me back to Craven. There's a letter 'for yoU tn my pocltet some. wheres.! He was not much over te n y ears old. ",Jus t taka tbls y ellow stuff olf t he wjkl1:" commanded Mrs. R enly wi th )fuaglnatlon, "and put on a blue pa. I !~r a nd c urtains to the window to I match, and give me back my pla ia J furnis hings, a nd you have the dear old / ' room" miss, as he s tood In It. I ha ve r thought sometimes be a lways connected hIs lonely com ing wltb It and was glad to change It. I s ays to hl'm : 'They ha ven't e ver sent you alone, Mr. Basil l' J couldn't believe my e yes-all t he way from ParIs like a , 10llt round ling," she paradoxed, " 'Why not?' he answe l'ed me as old- as old. 'If I'm to live e lone, J e xpect J can travel a lone os well.' "Sir Geoffrey had married a Frencb. woman and she toolt a d islike to tbe cblld ." "You call him Mr. Te mpest," the KU cst sold. "Th ere's Sir Cyril . his b rother- be's nine years nlder, How I've cone on! " "Oh!" exclai med Miss Carew, "not t oo muc h If Yotl can talk to me-I'm m ore tha n tou c~ e d by It; you've bee n a motb er to hltn--or near It." "A ll he had, poor lamb, from th en t ill he went to Oxtord, a nd th en he made bls fr lt' l1ds. " Ie hod masters here for him, Sir Geoffrey wrote me monUI by 1110nf.b ho w to do for him nnd I h nd but to foll ow, If yOU CQuid get h im to ta lk or It oil- the re's a s tlldy ! I s ometi mes wo nd er! His t houghtR a nd f~elin gs must ha ve been Hlra nge e nough some of th ose days." I n Mi ss Ca rcw's sy mpatbetic s ilence Rhe went on : "I've 'been gla d he wasn' t my o\\' n If yo u will beli e ve me, n ta ny tim es , fo r s uch as he was to me he has made Ill y hea r t a cll e, and ' J SU \lPos~ tl es b 6.nd blood ca n a cbe de eper s tili for Ilq o,), n," It was a !;rng ula l' end log. Mls s Ca rew fe lt it 80. Was he 'ungrnteful --01' ba ae? '" ge t lIulto, !la vage hero," Mrs. fI " Iy apologized, "I ney I' talk-l Jive In the past," t he , "It Is ybU who s hould \\It'll study, {rs. Ii 'nty," said bcr li s t ner. " There's no one 8 1) we ll tl tted. Allred de , Muss ~' s mae wro~ lJe l' souvenIrs Gf h r master,"


It IIn(n lr to lie . In ev idence ?" He I a n d over anti la Id the I)botogTlIllb all th e fi re. Th'c fl am 8 gre w 50mb r tlil d r It and t hon ,g lowod t hroug h It , the edg s bluc u n w1 a nd

c urled: Te mpest's action , un l'cse r vcei 'l5 It was In t he prese nce of a s trn n.!l'e r, ht' r, th o lnt nslty of hi s 1001" hI s tnk· di d not calis MIss Cnrew C/ mbar rass. Ing tn , as I t were, of o\'er y line or he r m nt , Sh was conscious of bill!; fn O. his posses Ivc absorption of her, made h r redden pa infu lly, a nd her a n ul1rpgard ed wlt n es8- he almost h r pcommo llplace words of g reeting too ut Id rly Ignored h I her. I I resente , so s e be I ved, nol l n'" s to pp 'd on her lips, " pe r· Th ere s III d be tw cn th em a lready sOll ul, roo r unl' marked than th ob· i ec ts of t h(' roum , wh lt- h wero. no a n Inllmn l'Y whl It bad In he r mind Woubt , di rec tl y conll ec t d with t bel r no exc use for being. She hau a fcelchoos r, \Yhen t he' picture hnd a iIlig of kn owing him absolutely as s he te red to a Ula ss ot ' bla cl(cncd ti sS U E' tl lood for th hOI·t Hpnce of n rno- fll m Tempp .. t Il ttC' ntil'ely como bock rn ent und or hIs ea gel' yes, F urnlsheu to t ho pi cture t ha l was as yet unllen I l' a dy with th Ii tll e s lory of hi s !ltroy (\- ~l ls 8 Carow In t he e mpire ho);hood. she had nn adva ntage over ChiliI', lI t' r dnr k head a gnlnst the yel. him, Women unu e rsta nd men far bet- lo w brocnrl e, fho Il l' IIgbt on he r t r t ha n 111 II un d rs tand them , lind ch ek nnll on her hands holding the s he S3 w tba t no llIottE' r whal he had IlI nnusc rlpl. ~ e h Id out his ha nd gonf! to London tn do, he had been Ruth oritative!)', !'PSti C!1S, nnll t hat he was glnd to bc "N ow- th mr.T\ usc r lpt." bac )( an d to lind her the re. li e we nt She was ahl~ll l to g il'e It to hITa ovel' to th wlnuow and, unfa stening whell s he a ugt t hL'r ae lf. "To do whnt -,., ith '!" It, s ll'llped out !.l nd call ed boc k to her to foll ow him . "To d stra y." "The re a l' j llst tb ree ros ,s h re-I l\ll stl - lI rl'W hlf.'(J It tlgbtly. A s light want YOll to ga ther them." He held red flu s hed her he k a nd a nger bael( th c Rtp- ms th a t she might pluck stl r r d In her ag>' lns t th bu rned gO(lclose down und not hurt her hands dess. Wus, s be s l"~ h a fetich t hllt tb ' . wit h the thorn A, 1\1IS8 a rew picked sa crifice mll st fo!) nw? three t('a'l'oses In full bloom a nd 11m ba ck to th e mornln g,room with t hr. m "I t h te nacious :: n lousy sbe clunl tn hi'l l' hand, to t he pape!' s be -t ..,ld , " If I tell you I a m 1I0t In n worki ng"YOti can't mea n "0 bum thl!\.1" "Yes-lay It on t he fl ames , please," mood, you will d ser t m ?" he as ked. "I CRme," s hQ s nld . qu ie tl y, "to r a d " No," she said Quietly and as de· wha t I wrote a li t yes l rda y." Sh ? d id termlnedly, not tlnl sh "olilerw(se I have no r~lI so n "Why not ?" to r mai n," but he felt It on ber "Ueca use It Is too b nutlful. I have to ng ue nnd h ur ri ed : r ead It badl y, but It ls too beauti ful " You sha ll r cnd- I meDn If yotl will to destroy." be so kind, T he fi re here Is too good Grave and ~ha ro\ ln g, s he leaned to I a ve, I'll fetch tlt e ma nuscript for ward In be l' e mp ire cha ir. He seemed a mused- or, more corre ctly, and we'll have t ea here," "No tea, tha nks-Cor me," delighted. Her brows unknlt, tbougb "Why riot ?" be stilI held bls hand out. He was a t the door . "Come, give It t o me. " "I'm not hu ngry- I'd rather not." Sh e sm il ed " nd shook her hea\!, "But I'd r at ber ," he said, laug blng; Tempest leaned forward. "I shall "yoU forget my long fast and ride ." have to take It by for ce." She paled a little as he put his Another Intimate lit tle meal he'r e alone with Mr. Tempest she felt she bands over he rs tbat held the mlUlumust Dot, and did not wish to, enjoy- script ; with force gentle as It wall but sbe had no choice. He returned atrong he took bot h her hands for a In a te w moments with his s heets ot moment, lItte d tbem to blm, balf way manuscrlpt, and tea followed. to his lips, the n let them faU and saId M.lss Ca rew made It this time and petulantly: served It rTom tbe most lovely china "Wby didn't yOU say you llked It, her hands bad e ve r touched; egg. then, beCore? You are my public, my sbaped cups with golden N's upon audience, and yoU read without com· tbem. Tempest on the divan near ment." She did not answer. "I will watehed Iie r wlth the Intentness that spare you needless words of praise," was. growIng bearable because sbe de. he smiled, "but you have pleaded for us~tl.!!.e....lllJllltI.LllJlJd...llOt4-!l~ t F..W::I~Ili::-~ O _WnIlS: ,,, termlned that 1t lm!ll! personal to herself. She had rIse n, and 8S Ir to put the " You like the china!" he asked. manuscript out of harm's way laid It "It goes with the room, What do on the mantel where were her glo"el you thJnk or It? Th e room, I mean." and the roses togeth er. "You have " It seems to rue," s he saId, bravely, not answered me. Will you S1l01Ul0l' "tha t It Is not Crayen, since you ask this new noyel?" Ole. It Is foreign, as tbougll It w~re " I think I don't understand YOU," Tempest threw his head bac}; ; liD' der his mustache she thought , he bit his lip, He mado 11 slight gesturo of his ha nd as If. he tbrew awa y sometblng he held , "No," he s ai d, "of cou!'se you do not." T he Napoleonic lam p, tbree stralgbt bronze {~and l es tlcks under the vivid green slluue, had bee n lighted, and the light fell on ~ h e glrl'lI h'lnds as she dre w on h ~ r gloves. T empes1 started with slldden eagerness as It to speak , Indeed, s he 'Ntilted In a stat close t,o agitation. Then he caught himself up I1S a ma n who turns of a sudden II] a roadway whlth. er he ha s been 1valklng at a g004' S\'<l1ng, Tempest mentally turned ~ his hee\. (TO TI E CONTINtn!:D.)

He Held Back the Stema TJ1at She Might Pluck, Clo .. Down,

a mood, a passin g fan cy ; of course, It II! perfection of Itll kind, a nd a perfect~Inu for certain parts of Paris, but nere. cha rming as It Is, I a m not ~t. home In It," Templest a te his toast a nd drank his tea without remark, and she ve n. tured tJl ask : "Do you . yourself, like It?" "I like It," be said s lowl y, "for what It has made me , forget. " He believed his word s , to be enlgm:'ltlcal to her, and , she, g uilty a t bat she thought s he knew and could read Into the m, took up the manuscrIpt from the sofa at his s ldc a nd w;thollt preamble bega n to read, At Urat her deli very was tim id, with short breaks and a voice that cam e sC('.l'cely farth er than her lips, But as the beauty of the work grew tl pon her It carried her out of herself. Te mpeet li s lened, a shl eldlng hand over his t'yes, He remained 8S he was, without commen t , until the sl. lence g rew pa inful , Her ey<,s,' when he at length looked ttl her, were on the photograph of Lad y Or mond lind he put h is hand back, took t he ph otogra ph , ancl held It Otlt ' to her . ' "Lad)" O rm o nd~yo ll find ber, of course, lovely?" "Ve ry lovely." , , "No:' he contrad icted, -"You do not melln wbat you !lily. VOil tint! the face too ' vaIn to be lov ly"':"'too cold to 'harm ;, yo~ think tt a sha llow per. "011. 1\1 !" e 0 eotness, tor per fe ct It Is. Tho old a n . I can't write a 'tetter a ny more corppla lnt , fl ' y m anque l'ame1" , Bud , '"e forgotten how t o talk. I'd nil! asserUon was a Question, al. Ute to Se it written III another Wa 7. though he el"ldel1tl7 &ave hi' own

An Ord TltI • • Two young men who had bee.. cbums at college went abroad to! getber. One consclentlous1y wantecl to vIsit' e very spot menUon6d In tli. gvtde boo'lts; the otber was eQue,lIy f)onscle ntlolls about having an bllarlous time. Tbls nat urally led to dlsn. gr 3e ments. In tbe course ot one of tbese, the lover of pleasure saId, taunt. In gly : " Perhaps you are doing these placel 80 thoroul!ibly because yOU are goln. to wri te a book about your trip." "I sbould," replled the otber promptly, "tr Robert LouIs Stevenao. ha dn't pr~e mpted the title I wanted to use." "Wbat's lhat?" ,. ''Pfavels with a Donkey,''' StarvatIon or Disarmament, Slnctl 1907 the prIce oC bread hat advanced 540 pe r cent. in AUstria. SCI startling bas been lhe Increase In the cost ot IIvlng In tbat country thllt tb. goyernment may take s teps to Cbscll th e adva nce , In prices. ,If Austrl. would se nd a good part of her great s tanding army out to tin the fields U would be lp sowe, but the government" probably, will take no suob r adical ste p as that, as with an unprotected bo~,ti er tbey mlglit not have any acid. , to tin, The- de plorable ,e conomic ClOn. dltlons In that country, howeve r, an , undoubte d,ly due In large pa~ t to mlU, ~rl sm . DIsarmament dMB' not s eem U<38 \', but t hrea tened ' starvation Is • might')' a rgument for Ita accomplillt' ment. In- Massacbuse tts tree planting IJ, Systematically conducttld along tbc Pllbllc, hIghways. Fifteen thouaan. trees have bo:!en pliUl~ III a rew ,8IiIW -Arbortcultux'8.

a Wlnier Protection of Fig Trees. A , F'I);

t l'OO

be n l 10 g ro llnL1 read y (o r

T he fi g t ree has been wide ly though not extens ively grown for mllu y years In Callfornln a nd t he Hou tbe rn s tutes, Its gr a test develoJlIl\ n t Is In the gu lf coast region, wh re It was probably Int rodu ced In eurly Umes by t he French nnd Spnlli s h. T he re and nlon g tb e Sou lh Atl nntl c canst It grows In tbo open wIth out wl ut I' protection , !lenrl ng nt an early age, a nd R'hu nd untly on sall s ad a ll ted to Its ctlltu re. In unu s ually severe wl nt r s t he trees JUny be froz en to t he grou nd ; but If tbe root sys te m has heen well cstllbIIs!:ietl . sprouts will s pring UP. grow ra pidly, und benI' In the following year. Dud r these condi tions the t ree 'Ippea rs ns a Inrge bus h. A way t rom th coaslnl s ection s on unn ual rap Is best assured. by gro wing ha rdy varle Wes a nd giving so me form of win ter I)rotection. The li se at t he bush or s tool fOl'm f,'om t he slart Is a dvisable wbere there Is frequent da nger ot win. ter-kUllng. On either cbns t, or In the vicinity of salt watel', It will need no winte r prcr tectlon. nu t In lhe colder portions of t he state tb e mothod fo und s uccessful In Mur yland wl\l do equa lly well. Thls Is to branch the trees from the ground,

o veri n g ; B ,


t r ce co,' pr d with c ... rlh.

;lnd In tb c fl\ l\ . II rter the fros t has cut the I aves, bend dow n tbe branclJes to t he ground an d pIn tbem fa st. nnd lh n pile the eal'tb over th rn, mou nd Ing It ove r tbe cen ter a nd s lo· ping to the outs ide so as to lhro w off tbe wutc r. 0 1' gatb r t he limbs like a cross on ~h e ground a nd cover ea oh bunoh s epa rately with a h lgber mound In t he cen t r liko a fo ur-pointed star, They wi ll I<eep llerfeolly In cold climat es In t his way, Fm·tb \' sout h, where t be t ree Is grown ns a standa rd a nd th e weather Is' only severe durin g occa 'Iona l win. ters , som e form ot protection ill a ll· vlsllble ror the first. tbr ee yea rs. Aft r lhls period the trunk of the fl g Is les!! easily Injur d by oold. ' That t he fi g bas not long s ince b en 'deve loped as n commercia l fruit, may be att ribu ted cbl eny to the Ina bility. thus fur, to produ oe 11 m a rk~tab l e dried fig, t he fig of commer ce III the hu ru ld sou t he rn climate. Moreover, the fresh fruit, wblcb Is blghly es. teemed both by those who grow It and those wbo have a cquired a ta s te tor It, \.B practlcaJly unknown In la rge 110m· mer cla l cente rs, being an extreulelJ' poor s blpper.

An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. T his liniment t ake~ the place of massage and is b etter t han_ _ sticky plasters. It penetca:t€s - without rubbing-througb the skin and muscular tissue r ight to the bone, quickens the blood) relieves congestion, and g ives permanent as well as temporary .relief, Here's the Proof. Mr, ,r U ' 1'.9 U. L>! R , of 1\00 0111 St"

wrltca : "'l'blrtr. "SO I 1'0 11 (roil! n lCIlft'ohl anli ller • IlIjuro(I I\)Y bn k . 1 s uJlored torrl· bly ntthune ; ( N I B Ilia 81D1lll ofrny baok alllU'o llJld m y 8 wm ~c li Will jll8t M it I lind boon b6nton wltb a olub. 1 ul«lll vor), p l1l3tfl r 1 cDuld ReL wltb n o r elief. 8 10311'8 Ll nl lllOlit took t ba p a m rlgbt DIH, tllId 1 Olln II OW do na much b"lcler 8 , 1':., W"sll lll:; t OJl , U.O" y ~ are D UAly

work aa any man Lu tho abo», Uuwka &0

Sloan-s " 'L iniment · Mr. J . P. EvA.,(', of !Itt . Airy, Ga .• eaYI : "A rt,or 001111; I\fIIlcted for th .r ee YOlln w illi rbOUllltltlam, 1 wed. Sloan'.

Llulmen t , nud ' .118 oured lOuntl and " 01\ and am glad to liii01 I ha.,en ' , beeD t roubled willi rheuma lJ 8m .. mee, ltl~ l eg WUII b Ml1 y Iwol1on f rom mJ hlp to m y k noe. Ono-Imlt n boulo ~ \he p ulu and . Iyoll ing out,"

Sloan's Liniment h as no equal a remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia or a ny pain or stiffness in , the


muscles or joints. Prtcea,26c,,60c.and $1,00 ......n'. book




l&ee. AddI'eM

.Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Bollon, Mall" U,S,A,

The convenlenoe and neeesaJtyothav· plete descript ion to. building, easll, Ing a quantity of portable tence on ainI ch eaply, the style at portable the farm Is generally recognIzed, but panels s hown In the a ccompanyIng II. r eally few farm ers have as much as lustra tlon. Tbls was designed primaI" they n eed. 'Absence or a defin.l te and Ily ,to be used for swIne, btlt may be pl'actlca l plan ofte n pre ~e n t;s the more used with great a dvantage for sheep general use ot por tabJe panel fe ncing. and calves. Tbe olrcula r oets forth complete working plans and draw1pgs In clr.cular No. 132 Issued at t he agrl- for maklng these pane ls. To those In, cultural s ta tion, Urbana, 111" Mr. WIl· t eres ted It will be ma il ed free UPO D lia m Dietrich has given a very com· request. .....,... ..,.. -"""............_"..;".................................-....""'................._........ .............. .... ..........

-- - ...





Soil Conditions Muat be Studied Antencan Farnter Haa Much to , DeCore Risht Kind Or Depth Learn to Make Chicken RaAetas , CaD be Entployed with ProRtabl_EuropeaD Suc:cesa. Ways Good, (By R . B, R U S HING.)

I wall In conversation wltb a neigh· bar just a short time ago and he asked me the Question ; "Wbat Is good plowing, and how should It be ~one In the spring to glve best reo sults ?" , I replied: "Oood plowing " consists In turning and setting tbe Boll Into nIce, neat, even, d ean, round, straight furrows so tbat the upper soli will be .>rougbt up 8S mucb as possible and exposed to tbe aun and atmospbere." What do I mean by clean furrows? Having the weeds, stubble and grass a\l turned under and cutting a clean landslide. Even? Having the Cur· rows all the same height. Round? So tbat tbe furrows will show a little crease between tbem, and \\nless you plow straight your turrow. will not be even. SOme may tbink that a certain depth and wldtb are necessary in good 1>lo\\1ng. It Is. R egulate tbe , wldtb by depth, but there . are so many dlt· ferent sbaped mCJld boards whlcli .'t hrow tbe Boll tn different posItions, that some would cut wide furrows, and others narrow. Not only this, but some soils n eed Jihallow plowlng In order to proiluce lhe belll '. result.. while others 'need deep plowing. I prow a certnln depth and width and get good r esults, b)1t thlll lI\\kht Dot apply' to all farms. YQu mlglit try 'the same, width and, deptb witb poor re~mlts. , • ,, , I bave found that ev~~ on the,same, rarm there are sometimes dUfe~ent fields that wlll give better rell1;llta wlth dUl erent deptbs gf 'pJowtnC, and, theretore, it becomes " neQeBsary' to make it a study, aud DOW ,what .. needed, "

(Br M. K . BOYER.) ,

An Engllsb journal says" that when they· have a look at the average Eng· ' lIsh farmer's egg baske,t , and a conti· nental egg box there Is 'mueb to be seen and learned therefrom. In the farmer's basket will be Cound eggs of all slzeil, shapes, tints and colors. There bas been no attempt at grading or uniformity. It a farmer gets an even lot of eggs, all brown, he can sell tbe m at 14 for 23 <:ent8 (. chilling), hut he would have to sell fifteen eggs or his jumbled·up lot for the same price. The continental eggs are all evenly,and securely packed, a\1 of one color, and graded ' accordlnl to size: " \ , The condItion of the English farmer's egg basket Is very much like tbe (lgg basket of the American farmer. Tbere Is a reason for It. ,Bo long as the Carmer will oontlnue to harbor mongrel poultry he Is sure to have aM colors and sizes of eggs. ' NothIng hut a well·selected and well·bred strain of a single breed will &'I:ve the desired uniformity. In England there are two or tllree methods employed by poulterera for kllilrig their stock. ' One by neck stretchIng, by which . tbe fowl la seIzed by the, hocks, the finier and thumb of the tree hand being placed on the poll and the neck III stretched until the spinal cord "is ruptured. Death, II instantaneous, as well ail painless, and the blooil fiowsdown Jnto ,t he , cavlt7 at the neck. . The 'ot~er ,D!ethod ta ~o secure '~Ii~ fo!,,~ a~ above, stun It. by meana ~ . , smart tap, ' I:1t the b~se' of the skull, tben ,open ttl! beak a'tid' tl)rust a IIhllTP itlilte d~wn ,i ls ~hroat and ''Withdraw It rapidly by pressing the keen edle a",lnst the back ot the throat, I ' - , The b eak Is then rlDs~d IlJid ~he OharcoaJ7fo Fowl., '-"--- legs scrUbbed with a stiff brush and Oharcoal hi , a granulated form 80allY water , which makel them .brJaht .bould alway- 'be kept betol'e ,.rowll , and clean. for 'almpl. UllUlDs ~keL ' of all 'U e.,



San Diago;of Oalifornl.·

tJrs Lport of can north Panama: a ","ondei-tu. IIarbo\', Barelr laudloaked ; the na\ural port 0' ~ 8upply 10r " I the ""uth_e.'; t ermhlu. . Sant a Fe Railroad ; De". ral\rol'd dlrecl eaeI " now bulldlug, Popula.t londouble4lnpaeUou. yean. nnnk olearlng .. polllolllce r ecelpu and real~ "alUu lucreased In Ilt'oa.&er proportloD. ., I

15 aown·~CI" Lofl·~I&' "., '' .. , spleullid In UnlYondty 1Ielgbt'I , a re.ldul!t .eeUon. Electric CI\r linea ; qlt.y 'C!on'tenlencea; prloetl SZOOto f3OO ; termll6.O\l ,el\cb lot ; no In.... es t . SentI t5.O\ldepos lt; IIflcnrlnJ. beatproPirQ unsold, Bubject to yonr appro.,..1;,mone),: ltnot 81't18ned; no beuer Investmenl af1TlJlI_ I WrIte for booklet; our rerereliee_ ao,y bailJL Adllre8ll , '

b...,. ,




~• , 11\ ,



WHERE SHE HAD HEARD IT Mrs. J ackson Quite ' Confident She Had Pl oked Out a Biblical Name for

Abel Sltlngham-I tell you, my boy, I:Ibakespeare could never have wrttten a drama like yours. . Playwright-You are very compll· mentary, Abel Stringham-Not at all. Take, 'for Instance. that trolley car accident 1n the third act. Follow this advice. Quaker Oats Is tbe best or all food s; It is also the cbeapest. ''''hen such men as Prof. FIsher at Yale Un iversity and Sir James Crichton Browne, LL.D., F.R.S. ot London spend tbe beat part of their lives In studying the great question of tbe nourlsblng and strengthening quaUUell ot dlff,e rent foods, It Is certain that their ad· vice Is absoluttlly safe to follow. Professor Flsber found In his experiments for testing the strength and erldurance of atbletes that t he meat eaters were exhauatad long before the mbn who were ted on such food as Quaker Oats. ' . The powers of endurIlnce ot the non-meat eaters were nbout eight times those of the meat eaters. Sir James Crichton Browne saysea,t more oatmeal, eat plenty of It nnd eat It frequently. 59 F.lghtlng DIsea8e In Q.reece.,,Consul General Oeon;e Borton has mhde a report trom Athens on the consplouous work or Greek physicians in combating ' the country's chlet scourges-malarial tever and tuberculosis, An annual average of 2.000 persons die each year from the for· mer, While' In epidemic years, due to excessive ralns, the number exceeds 6,000, ' whloh was the case ~Il 1905. The population oC Greoco Is 2,433,806. The people hnve been Interested througb lectures, pamphlets, ~tc. , to fight ,the malarhi-carryfDg mosquito by draining stagnant pon'ds nnd throwing petroleum on t hem. A tubereulosls congress will be held at' Athens next year, to wbiQh wllJ be Invited not only physicians, but all tli mRyors . Ilnd ouier' prominent peopl of Greece_ A WONDERFUL CHAfI:IGE.



From Dally .. Wretchedness and Pain to Normal Health. Mrs.

R. Crouse, Mancbester, Ia., "For two years my back was w e a k. Rheumatic pains racked my lower 11mbs, day and night. The action of the kidneys waa annoyingly SrI regul~r_ ' Wben I started using Doan's , Kidney PI1is, these troubles soon less" ened a.n d the dull ,backllC)be vanished. Tbe ~Id.neys now act normally and ,I give Doan's Kidney P11ls credit tOl' this wonderful change." Remember the name-.Poao's, For .alo· by all dealere. 60 cents 11 bOL -Foster"Mllburn - Co., Buffalo, N. 'Y. "



New MethOd of Agricultural Education Has Been Devised for Farm· er,,' r.",lldren.

Enemy's Artillery Was Smashed to Flinders as Fast as It Was Unlimbered In Little Scrap.

Tb lut DieHer bop Boy. Galli l' was once askeu lo lmpllw a negro baby boy, "Name Ihls cblld," be said. addr ssIllg Mrs , .Jac\(son, Ihe mothe r of tll' black mil , "HnlIud ." "Thal's u slrnn~e na me, Mrs, Jackson." I' Itlllrkcd Ih bishop, hesl· latingly. "Scrlplure nnme," rE'jol ned lbe happy mother, with n count! nl grin. " I nevol' snw I[ In lho Ribl ." "Why, blsboll, how Itln yuh s tan' up dar 1I1c1t!ln' u ole Ignorant Dij::gnh lalk I Is? Yllh Rays dllt name wllenevnh yuh say>! d Law d 's prnyer-'Hallud be thy n:.llll e: · "-SIIC 'ess Magazine,

wond er bow mnl y of lh c COUlrades are living lhat took part In t.h e IItUe scmp at ~Inlv I'll hill tbe firs t week or Allgus t, 1 8G~, wrItes F. 8. Dennis or 'o mpany K Eighth New J ersey , n ow living In hlcago. in Natlonnl Tribune. I was In lbat d eA Big Shortage In Seeds. ""- h~n nl!;ht ('oml'S n-nocldlnl; struotlve s rap, which occurI'd July 'rn berl Ih " W •. , On c ~ c-r",' P : Fro nl u hll(J st ,111 st:!l'Uons ~OInL'ri t he reI, when the e n my's artillery wns port o( rrl~lIltul llih.lrLll!;cH In Ht'e t! C"rI1M; An(1 rover to Ihelr vC'rr "urH, uls n In 110111 vul'l"tI·s or g ~1'(1 hUl'l, 'y, Prcpur"d 10 1:'0 10 e h, (>p. smash ed to fllnders as fast as they OU llI. I'}", wh eu l, !lux, " hn'" r" und tllu were unlimbered. Il was a sl ken lng early v Uri C' t I~'s I--,f POUt.104!H. Abo,'1' them watrhea MOlher IS pnrt1 c ulnrl~' 1I01l cC'nlolo In I lln spectacle; u promiscuous muss or StThis Slurnhl' rlllnd Ihey go, •.'U l c()r n und ou t u nci pulUlO b I"U\\, l Jl~ And ns they wink and blink, she slnp ulangled horses, men und arti llery, stu t CB. Thus : Th e "rcat Slnll'S or " '''I'£I"I<u anll A lullauy. sorl und low: The union gunners made nearly eve ry ] OW, L nro lIul'(,'rl n ll' r,.,'1II u. deurth 01 8' 'd shot go to th e murk. l'urn :UI n l'V l.' I' b e fort', .... .. " ngC'la wnl r h my w ~() One8 Tile wldc-uII'UI\(J farm ers In tllrl!e und Tho union for s were rapidl y going otlH.' Throughnut lh," long. dark nIght, r Ria l ,tI [irC! pla ci ng t h Ir o r ,h .' rs ' uri ), Ami opo lh{!lr r. y S 10 gr l'l m to th e Jam es river, but tbey stopped (or "bo,'., 81'Cl1S In UI't! '1' to b" lin 111<' >; If' u nd wo un bUl urg fll "II,, ' r~ to Wllh lh ~ morrow's urly light." on the wuy long enougb to give our side. w"lt e lit one'u to the John A. B,llz,'r !:lee" rebe l fri end s as tine a drubbing as '0,. BlJx 1 'Z. La 'rlJS~", " ' In.. I UI' 111 ' 11' ~l t'l' U und t.'u rn cn tulog\H". BOOK MARK THAT IS USEFUL ever fell to th u lot of a pursuing en- turrn The mn~nltlld e o f tll o uUIIIII!.:"" of I hi " emy, I Ilg 1'8111bll8hcd ttrm ('n n U sOlllewhut l d wlIPIl 0111' Itrlows lhnt In 01'111Wh n C n. Phil I( arny rece ived bls eRtlma Also Aots as a Support for Heavy Vol· " ury r O I'S IlI p ~' s~ lI : i,O.O\IO bUtih ·111 or ' Iell'u nl 8~\'d orn. orders that night lo put hi s div ision umes That Are Unwieldy-Made 11.10,000 101lslwla nr 8c" d !Ju lnloes. In lin e for th e march southward . his In Few Minutes. ] oo.UOO bu ~ h " I " of soc'" 1I1lU!. fury and nmaz 111 llt fOUlld vent In W.OOO uu ~ lw l!l or seed whl''' t. ]00.000 uushels of purl! elo\'er nnll lImoA combination book mark and sup- some hot language with mb IlI sh- thy PI e d s, 10" th l'r wit h nil nu 1,'s 8 port has been designed by a Massa" ments. He said : "'WIl have licked "mount ot 01 h"r rurrn Sd d~ ani! v,·".·SUell aM onIons. cll bhugos. ('lIrluble sceds. chu Helts man. and any person who th m to·day, and we wi ll fini sh 'em to· rots. r us, lJcnns. Jclluc ' . r udlshcl:I, t ornulikes the Id ea will have no trouble In morrow," und I beli eve that ile slated lo('f;. Nc·. 'fhel'c Is onl' Lhlng ubou l I ho S"llwr firm making one for himself. There are a truth. us the en my wns badly -th~)' n ,.",. ,lIstlPpolnt. 'l'h C'y nlwoYM 1111 two pieces. made of metnl strIps, bent Ilhnlten up uud demol'u llzed from their your ordpl' ,nn Ilc('ou nt ot t llO 11 ol'lnou !I ~l o(' k8 lh .. ~' ea rry. to Corm legs and a cUp that comes frightful losses. -('nM 111 "'10 S ('pnl l< for 0 pnrkol:l" or lh,'lr over the page and holds It down. For After a month of lunctlo n at Harri- grl"a t ~,I)() l.lrl7.· ('nm a nd I aln l",..11". Adlargo and unwieldy volumes these sup· son's Lnndlng, word WfiS brought Into dresR . .I ohn A. Sa l z~r Sced 0. , Dux l s:!, ports come In handy. Slip them on camp by scouts that a strong force of La C~088e , WIs. the boole nenr the top and they wlll .rebels was lit Malvern Hill. Hooker's His Sole Resting Place. hold It at a convenient angle, while divi sion was urdered to prepare two A preCise Bostou t !lch r Ilpent a the clips prevent the pnges from fly- days' rellons and be ready to start Quarter of an hopr In Impress in g upon Ing open. For ordinary reading ot or- nbout dnrk. Th re might have b e D he l' clns!'! the ri ght Ill'OIHlOclatiou of dinary sized books these devices aro other commands to follow, but my th e word vasl? net necessary, but for tbe scholar who recollec tion of that Is somewbat hazy. Next da y, hoping to l' ap lhe frllit s wants to keep his book open at one Jt was a beauUful evening wben we of her labor. 's he asked; "Now, .Johnplace tor a long time while he consults filed out ot' the breastworlts. We nl e, t II me! What do you s on the references thcre and at the same tlmo marched s ilently with our ('UllS muf· manti piece at home ?" And Johnul e piped forth, "Fllther' s fled, but nil felt gay lind happy. \Ve gilded ulong over a fine road In a feet. ma'a m." -Hal'per's Bazal', northeastern direction wltb scarcely Il' bait until past mldulsht, wben tbo Beware of Ointments for Catarrh division wns ordered to rest. that Contain Mercury, We were aroused from so und s leep &II mtreury " ' Ill 8 ur~ly ~ ('Itroy t ho &CIIM of emelt completrl)' d C!l11J\kO tho whule 81'Ite ln when and tumbled Into the ranks without and euterlntt It tbroll uh th~ IUUCOU!t lSu rfaeea. tiu cb An Iowa Club Member, any ceremony, not even a hance to arUf'ic:t ahould nc,'c'r lJtl \used exce pt on J)rtlcrl~ UOtl3 Irom rt l'UIBble 1,llyalrinlUl. 118 the dRI1\IlI!C they make coffee to wash down our morsels 'NUl ~o IS lell lold 10 th e ~oo<l you ron poealbly deof eome state authority. such as the Ihem. U nWs Cut!1rrh Cure. m'lnulleturtld ot tat pork and bardtack. About an rlbyvoF lrom commissioner ot agriculture. the S\l. J . Cbeney '" CO" Toll'do. 0 .. eon14 ltl3 no mcrbour's march brought us out on the CUT)', 110<1 Is IAken Intt'rnnlty. ftclln~ dlrt'l'Uy UPOD perlntendent of public Instruction, the blood alld mucoUS .urIB""" 01 the IU'Itt'm, In Quaker road, over wblch both aI'mlcs lbe agricultural oollege. '01' n society, like buying HAil'. atarrh ('ure lu re rou filet the had marched to battle about a month ~ c nuln. , It Is Wlken Inlentnlt}' nnd m"de In Toledo. the St.'\te Corn Growers' association ot prev ious. Thlls fer our sil nt march OI:l::i,n\~-D~U~:;~~y ~If:: ;{..~:,~~o~Nre~rcc. Delaware. But In mallY cases the TlUlc 1I1lII'o Family J"ltla lor col1lltlpnHoD. bad not' been disturbed. Not a picket coun ly fiuperlntendent takes the Initiaround to rush In and give til alarm ative, while in mallY other caaes the The Simple Life. Useful Book Mark. to tbe sleeping enemy, 'if there was rural teachers nrrange' ,contests Hungry Guest-Afraid 1'01 a bit Inte, among tbelr own pupllll. to have his hands froe to mnke notcs such r.n obstacle to conrront us over but hope I have n't ke pt brenkfast walt· The United States deparlment at 01' experim e nt with some' VlICUUI"--V" - 1 on..1hat grassy alope. Ing. We formed In lin e of battl e_ and to Lloste s . 01) I forgot to n) nUon agriculture also gl\'es assistance tbose pages It Is very handy. By tn· .~ -'" .. through the office of experiment sta- ltlng two strips ot and bending me It was a most Impressive sight as that w p trying th no breakfast tions, by furnishing 'Ildvlee and sug- them Into the required shope, which I looked up and down tha lin e of our plan, \lnd fepl so lUll h bett \' for It. gesUon, Through the department nny one- cnn figure out for himself, little division. the beautiful union col- We do trust It will bave til same e rCarmel's' bull etins the most praotlcal tbese bople supports CI10 be made In ors flapIllng gayly from the regimental feet with YOIl. staffs, the tense faces at the men Inetru tlOll In the growing of corn and a Caw minutes. Don't Let 'Em, looki ng ,n nxlously In the direction 0111' aUler crops Olay be had by boys, while Tho d feels of Ihe underslandlng. the girls may obtain bulletins oTi "I Love" In TwentY-Seven Tongues, invisible foe was sllPI10sed to be Ill,e those of tho fn ce, grow worse Ihl bread mQ.kln'g and gardening. Here Is the trans lation or "1 I_e" lurklng. \\ e were becoming Impa ti ent for we grow older.-Rouch foucou ld . A new farmers' bull etin on boys' In 27 dltrerent languages: and girls' agricultural clubs tells bow JIll'll, Wln. 1ow'R !!nolblnlr Syrup. Engl\sh-l love. rorchltorcn tcethll1';. suflcn s t ht! ij l1IU S, n .... u c " in· to organize the clubs, how to conduct German-Ich lIebe. LlawruuLlun ,nlluy s p:a.'n , cur" 8,,~ ud \:.,)11', 2:JC Il bOliJu. the contests and I wbat publications Italian, Spanish nnd PortugueseFuther Time wns probably nursed ,will he useful to the boys and girls. Amo. I.D the lapse of ages_ 'l'hls bulletin ' may ' be obtained free Greek-Agapo. upon application to a member ot conRuslllan-I...jublju. gress or to the secretary or agriculDutcb-Tk bemln. ture, Washington, D_ C_ •Breton-Karan. ,lapanese-Watakusl wasukl mUlL • Cambodg:ese-KhuhoDl srelan" Teach the Children to Swim. Danlsb-Jeg elsker. Tbls Is sensible and timely ' advice, Swedlsh-,Tng alskar, and should be more generally heeded PoUsh-Kocbam. than It Is, says Norwich Bulletin. Basque-Mnl tatzendent. 1111'IIIUI"UllfI'II.lIlIlIlIlIlIlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SwimmIng Is 'o ne ot the most ImporHungarlan-Varok_ tant aCCOml)llstJments for girls or boys French-J ·alme. and should be as constantly laught as Turklsh-Ser poroum, reading 01' wrltlng. Alger'lan Arablc-Nehabb. In som for eign c'Jlmttles swimming Egyp~lan Arablc-Ner'al, Is a part or the 'training of the cbllI~ Perslnn-Dousli darem. dren, and they enjoy the sport and asALCOHOL-,3 PER CENT Armenlan-Geslrem. surance of It Here In America, learn· Hlndustanl,Maln bolta. AVegdable Preparation for As· Ing to awlm. untU quite recently, was Annamite-Tol tha on'g_ similati~ IheFoodandR~ula· 1\ go-as-you·please boys' sport, and If hlnose-Oul hi bouan. ting the Stomachs and Bowels of tbe boy didn't get drowned before be Malaynn-Sabyasuka_ had leal'Oed how to swim It was a Vo'i npuk-Lofob. wondel-. '}'ho bOYII' summer camps and Y. M; C. A. camps of late years Promotes Digestion,Cheerful· ~n,e bad competent Instru ctors, and LOlt and Found. Two or Three Cannoneers Rushed t( ness and ReSl.Con lains neilher ~e art or IIwlInming has been taught A similar game to , "Consequencel:l" . Their Guns. Opium,Morphine nor Mineral tor years In city natatoriums, but tbe Is that of "Los t and Found," whlcb IA NOTNARCOTIC '(Iroportlon of American boys and girls played In similar manner, excopt tbal the forward movement; we wnnted to be "shown" quickly, It It hnd to be who know how to swim Is very small' the questions are different: done, so we could get action on that and . should ' be largely Increased. To 1. Lost. coffee which we were deprived of be2. By whom? hnve chUdren taught by competentln(are daylight. We finally moved off Btruclors how to 8w-tm. ls most tmpor.. 3. At '\That tJme' -,,7' wltb our rll1es at 1\ rlght·sboulder tanto Swimming Is enslly ' acquired, 4. Where? I shift ' and to be once a swimmer Is to be aIG_ Found by. Although we were ordered to march ways a swimmer_ 6., ln whnt condition? slowly, some In,' lslble force got In our 7. What time? legs that knocleed that , slow moye8. The rcward. Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa· Progreaa ' of Languages. Tbe answers may be sometimes Uk. ment 'I nto a cocked bat. It was fast tion, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea, The I)rogre,9s of lunguagea spoken tho following: time that suited Ull beUel' at that . Worms ,Convulsions ,Feveri!lhby dlft'erent natlolls Is said to be ns stage of the game, and we proceeded 1, Lost a postage stamp. ' ness and Loss OF SLEEP., foJlows: , English, which .at tbe comto' obey ' our own Inst incts by , runnin g . . 2. By sister Jan e. mencement of the .Joet ,century was When we got within a about 1,000 B. All three In the mornlnp;. fac Simile signature of; epoken by only 20,000,000 o~ people, Is yards or the brow 0 1' Ul ~ hill up pops 4 At New York, ' noy.. spoken by 100,000,000:. Russian Is ~ the gray·clad enemy like a lot or lack· '6. It was found by a policeman. .. now' spoken by GO,OOO,OQO, .agalnst 30,. rabbits. Tbey rubbed their eyes onl, 8, RaUler tbe worse for wear. 000,000 at ,he aame 11~rl()d. II) 1801 to gaze on a column of men ' In blue 7. At ,dln,n ar tIlPe: , .',. German WaA spolten by' !lnly 35,OOO,~ comlDG full tilt , at Ulem_ II. l'ht reward was a kls ~: 000 people; to-day over 70,000,000 tj:\.Ik Two or three cannoneers ,rushed to In the sall\e..)anguage ,that .W,llllatP ' "Birds Fly';; : . 'theh- guns and one tellow pulled the 'the eplperor doep. : ~.panish Is now T,h ls Is n simple game. Each play ..lanyard and fired one over OUI ulle~ by . 44.009,000 o ~ people, against e,r ' p,laees a . ftb/?,e!- on ~he ~ble, which ' heads, b~t ~Is liervlce in ~he \>nfeder i 30,000,000' in 1800; Halll'n by :.t2,OOO" he must·. raIse whenever the condbc· ate army came to an abrupt close b, O()O,' Instead of 18,060;000; Portugueso' tor · of the gan;le SaY8: , "B1r'd!J lIY." reason of a Yankee bullet !!l,at plowed b)' 1'S,OOO,OOO Instead ot 8,OOO,OQO', 'lD "p,lgeone' 'fly," ' on anf othE;r' winged Into a vital spqt. . the case of French , tibe Increase hus creatul'es "try." A lot of fhi! lnJ:aDtry rolled down 6el'n trom 34,000,000 to ,46,000,900. or It be names any creature ';"Ithoul the hili to the river road and .escapeel, Be per . cen.t . wings IUah as ' "PlgS Oy)' ilnc;l anY b~t we gobtilou1 up Qqlte a bunOh: 01 ~-~---..,Pla1e;' t;ho~lghtleas~)' l'IiIlea his lIn,er. aeorglanl, who dldn't seem to be , " Molt Welco",. Qlft&. tbat player muet pa.y a t'orfelt~ ae he' heartbroken over · their ,capture" and omits to rala.. ble · wbea we uueil ,our cotree with them ThOR -are eft\&' the mOlt .If muat alIo do It ceptable wblcll tbe Dyer _ _ ftDIel';rb\"1l • wlDPcl ' c~eatur. If ' lOJIle ~ere' reacIJto rellOUllC8 Ie' luieie4; '. ' »&\'11 and Ilil . btederaor.

WIlhln recent years II new method at agrlculluml education has been d.evised In the form of boys' and girls' clubs. Such clubs hnve various oblects but usually they provIde for prize contests among the members. Corn ,;rowlng contests are probably the most common among the boys, 01though many other ·crops ha ve been tried, while the girls compete In bread making or sewing, or even fest their skill against Ulat .or the boys gardening. The 'United States departme nt or CJ.grlculture has InCormatlon , of 39G ountles In 28 states In which such lubs are organized with a total mem· oershlp at about 14. ,000. New York has about 'j5.000 members, Nebraska 2fi,OOO and other states smaller JlumborB. One county In Pennsylvania has 2,000 members . ]n most cascs clubs arc organized under the ausploea

Inj As to

- -- - - -

Need Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Brookfl lel, Mo.-"Two years Qgo I was unable to do any kind of work a.nd 118 'mds. My trouble dntes back to the time that women may expect nature to bring on them the Chauge of Life. 1 got a bottle of !-ydla E. Pinkham's Yeg table ' Co~ and it made me feel much better. and I have continued its use. I am v ry grateful to you ~_ _ _ _-:-~fo r the good health "-Mrs. SA.RAlI tivt:ngston SL-reet, DrookfioJd, The Change of Lifo is the most crill cal period of n. woman's existence, and neglect of h ealth at th.iB time invites

disease and paln.

Women everywhere should remember that thero is no other remedy known to medicine that will so HUecessfully carry womeu through this trying period as Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compowlel, made from native roots and herbs. For 80 years it has been curing women from the worst forms of female Uls-Inflammation, ulcera tioD, dlsplacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, pertodlc pa.ins, backache, and nervous prostration.

U you woulfl lLke special o.dvtce

about your case write a. confidential letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at

LYlln. ltlass. Her advice is tree. and o.lways helI)fuL

The Army "of Constipation I. Growiq Smaller





lioDl me them for



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H' ay s Hair HaaIIh' a


.e. FR E ,

Never Falla to Raatore Ora,. Hair to

N.'ural Color Dod 8.,.ul,.. Stops Its t ~ lliDK positivoly r emove. Dandruff. la Dot. Refuse all su bs,ilnles. '1.00 RndE oc

OUI. nnd D,.e .

I BOlllca

by Mail

or at Dru221118,


Joe for l orge snmple DOllIe Philo Hu Spoc. Co., Newark, 1'1. J ..

u. S,


YOU cO~~Il~Wt!,~~n~~oe :roif~~!81~~~u~ t:5u nd 10e 1)t)St4M'O tur tlnnlr:

kinds olonln('*' WIltllctJ ,

bonk aDd outOt. , Yo w::t.nL U. JUH' on num,," qui ck.



-==:=:-,j .

~ •lid tJ lin




B .. U.,vlU~, UI.



,CASTORIA For Infants and ChIldren.

Kind 'You Hava r~1riliillJTheAlways BOUlbt


--- ---

Bears the Signature


In Usa.

Fo'r Ovar Thirty Yaars

~~. C......ASTORIA ..__.....




Pink Elye. EplaootJa

Shlppl"" revar ' ill Oaterr"" Fe..

.. 't , ) ' •• .


•• ••

her Two Th ing s Wh en Yon Paint:

Th.e .Neighborho.od News

•• •• .

Oreg onia.

•• ••



Mr~ . Edwin Armitt \ge Mrs~ iIl Moone y one day




caJlod on The Grange ~et Saturd ay afterlast week. noon. 'Rou't ine busines s was about Mr. and Mrs. Will Kersey lmd all that was done, and lh attenda nce childre n spent Sunduy with B. F. was small. Kersey and family . '' ... Tho Mi sses GlacJYB und Edna Spence r and Zain ArUlitf\ge attend DOES FARM POULTRY PAY? ed the surpri e part·y on Miss Cll\m , "HIGH STAN DARD " PAIN T BamiU on at Greenw ood, I:)tlturdbY In Januar y of thl!! year eggs were "U.,"""I"~'''_ yo u R'et th e b st results at least night . retailin g in ClevelaDd and in many cos t. Youwi l lreme mbert he Hower Deatbe rnge and Zoin Ar- other oities In Ohio at 55 cents per hi gh quality long after you mitoge attende d toe spellIn g wl\toh and box s')cial at Greenw ood J'rlday dozen . During muoh,o f the winter hay fe rg-ot t n the cost. they were seIling at 40 oents or high evenin g. et olor ca rds and pamphle ts at o nce. The Misses Luolle MUfion and er. 'l'hese prices almost prohi bl ted Mabel Sherwo od, and Roger Morgan t·he use of egg q as an artlole of food, Omar Holling sworth I1ttend~u the and CAused many - Fo r sal(' byoonsum ers to jump leoture at Hllrvey sburg SHturdl.~y at the oonolos ion tbat there was night. Soyer.l l from here were in I1ttend . e~sy money In egg prodoot.ioll. Caretu} Inquiry amoDg a numba r anoe at (,ho organ reoit-Ill given at the Turtle Oreek Chorch Sunday of farmer s would 'seem to indic&.te Waynesville, ~ Ohio. lifternool'l, 'hV Mr~ lilllrle BO,VOf . liS that not to exoeed 5 per oAnt of the ",isted by Mrs. W. Rofu!! Kersey and hens were laying Bt all during these Mr. Zaiu Armita ge. The Sherwo od family are the pos- months of high prioes, and that, b ..d sessors of lin E M , F. touring car. the produo er reoeive d for his prt>ciuot 'l'he business meetin g of t·be O. E the prioe paid by the consum er, he Sooiety met at the home of Miss would still, in many oases, have Sherwo od Fridl\Y evenin g ond eloot- been a loser. Certain farms report Expert Optlola n. , ed the followi ng offieers : Preside nt Ing to the Ohio Experi ment btation Miss Mabel Sherwo od; Vioe-P resldent, MIss Ednl~ Spence r; Secreta ry, at, show an egg oost of Over 20 Vears Practic al Experience Miss Luoile Moson i Treasu rer, from 7 to 13 oents eaoh for the 'non'h Robert Shutts. and Org.. nist, Miss of Januar y. This does not argue Gladys Spenoe r . that the poultry enterpr ise on these Gustin Hotel, Waynesville, O. The t.-iunday Sohool has III so eleot· farma is au unprof itable one ae a ed n~w offioers. 'rhey are: Super whole, for the entire year would lat .8aturd ay In every month intende nt, lniRII Edna Spenoe ri As · slstant , Mrs. Henry Kersey j Seore- bave to be oonside red before !arrivtarV, Misl!J Gertru de Kersey ; Assist· ing at a oonolus ion regard ing tbis i ant. MillS Luolle Mason ; Treasu rer. wherea s, no data are yet availab No. 2220 le WIJl Kersey ; Organi st., Miss Mabel for oonside ration in 'bis :Jonnee Sherwo od; Librari an, Van H.etalliok. REPORT tion. -------.~---~.~----Of the Conditi on of the Wayne sThe Experi ment StaJion Is, bowville Nation al Sank,' at Wayne s · Harveysburg. ever, oonduo tlng an in vt.stlga tlon ville in the State of Ohio, at the Mention The Miami close of business, March 29, Rolly Kaylor with his ga.solille e n· along this line in ooopera.tion with ]910. Illne and its equlpm ents 111 makIng an inoreas ing numbe r ot ,farmer s Gazette to your neighRESOUR OES . . very delioio os ioe oream. aud poultry men throog hout tbe LoaIll! and Dlacouutfl ........ .. . 1220.6U . t!6 Br'o ok & Welch will soon have State a.nd will doubtle ss lIe(lQre data o vW'draf ..... secured and unHeCuro d J. 535.62 bors. Best reading. their ice cream parlors in shape then whioh will B very distlno U. S. ' Uonds to 8OOUI'O clrculatIOu .• 60.000.00 t bear Doods. ~.Pennsylvania ,!:l!!! the opabin securltlll l. etc .... . 99.211 g. house .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58. 4.000.00 All the latest news. Miss Addie Madde n wall called to ing upon tbe oost of livin~. T~e Banking Duo from approved reserve ogonts 17.11511: a value of work of thl8 kind can scaroe Oh0ck8 aud other CUIIh Itoms ... . . Spring field Fridll.Y. 16(1,03 N ext Sunday, Notes of other Natlonal lJonks.. . . 990.00 Throug b'the day oar town appear s Iy be ovet:6s tlmated . Ai! aooura te Frac~~30~:~ ??~~~~ '. ~.t~~l~: quiet , but at nigM our meroha nts inform lltion ~egarding the oOllt of Lawful Monoy Roservo 10 BIlIlk .vlz : are busy. . .. · ........ : .. .. 9.11112. 30 produo t·ion will serve to bring the Speclo LOgol-t.olldor Ilot.os ••••... 2.0uO.00 11.116:.1.30 The public sRle of Sarah Wllson 's produc er and oonsum er Jon fund with O.S. TroMto Rodoinllt urer(lI% ot clrculal~o n ). • .. . . 2,1100.00 'Subscribe for the Gazette W8& well attende d and things Bold gether .-Ohio Experi ment oJoser Station . wei). Total. ........ : ........ .... nu .48f. $1) HODse' olel1nin g is n ow on and the ..or Nervoua ChUdren, Ll~\DILl 'J'rES paper hlmger s lue very busy. A natural ly nervous child, one who Capital ~took pnJd In. • . • • • • • . . . • 110.000.00 W. L . Harvey tl'ansac ted busines s baa beiln pampe red~ ahould early b. t~cfll~~~rojliS.· 'Ieu' (,Xpe·.isee GO.OOO.OO in LebtlDon ~atl1rday. taup;ht selt'control and the value Qf It. IUld taxes pnJd .. I. .... .... . 31.612. II Natlon~l nank nolAlll outatand lns 110.000.00 Mrs. Brice Smi th visited rplati ves It Is ossentla l to discourage .emotlonal· Dlvltlend . unpaid . . ..•.. .. :: .... UII.UU in and De"r Utioa for the la'tter part. lam and never cootena nce flu of tom· Individu al deDOBita 8ubJect to cltock ••.••..• .• • . 176.9112.48 "er. Plenty of tresh air of last week returni bg hom,e l::Iunand .sunUsht DemaD~ cerLUicat ea •• • • 9,104.113 186.1470 0 are great aids to naturall y ne"oUli day. Total ...... ~ ... .. ........ B6 8. 4S'.SIl Edwin SllIHh of the firm of H. W. children. and all rich (oodl ebouleS ' be 8TATE OF OHIO. WA.RR'E N OOUNTY .BS: forbidde n. ~mith !lnd Go, Is runnin g a flue I. J. O. Oanwrfgbt,' OlUlhler of the above automo bile. named bank. do 801enwl)' lI....ear ~a' .the bove .talAlme nt Ia true to Ule best of my ------~--~.~----Don't plow the ground too wet '; ..kuoll'lod se and bellot. get it just right, and tben roeh thing I J. O. OARTWRIGHT. ClIIhler. Corw in. Subecrlb


Th e paint is a s mall part of the cos t. It 's t il, pa,intin g that counts . 2. It costs 1 $S to put on good paint tba n ell ap, b 'cause it's made b t te r. If YO lI use LOWE BROTHERS




From '

4 ce nt s to

1,5 ce nt s a ro ll·

J. W. White,






"H***~***** .



C.IDCl .· nnatl·

AWl wl1\ be lnaert.ed untler ~bl" i.".1111 tor twen tv ·Uvu cen t s for three In80rtlIlU'I. wbun UlIlug nol moro than five line. •






.- ..

Mrs. Osoar Sims, of Qinoinnllf.i, 8pent Fr1day and Saturd ay with her relotive s. Mrs. Hope Stiles anll fam. ny. . . Miss Henriet t.a MoKin ley Tisited her brothe r Joe aud tamily in Mor· row Saturd ay. Mrs Hal. Pr~lh Rnd little daugb. ter, .of Pittsbu rg, spent last week with her parents , Mr. and Mrs' W. W', Arnold . Mrs. W. W. Arflo)d attende d the funerl\l of Mrs. Prugh in Xenia last Tuesda y. Mrs. Arthur Leviok , of XeDia, WllS a. guest of her sister, Mrs. ClaudE! Smith Jas' week. Miss Bessie H~mnton , of Kings MillE' 8pent l::)undBY wtth Latlr~ McKin sey. Mrs. Lvdia Gordon iR vl!ji*'ng relatives in the oOllntry. Charles Werntz arrived home Satnrday ~venlng from Midlan d, TexRs. ' after spendi ng the winter with bis daught er. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Will Rich spent Sunday with Mr, Rnd Mrs. James Morgan . ' • _ ..

.Announcements, '---


To the Voters of the Sixth Congre ssional Distric t-:The Congre ssional primar y law just enacted by the Genera l Assemb ly of Ohio does what has been most needed in govern mental affairsbrinis candida tes for Congre ss closer to the people. I am a Republ ican, believe in the cardina l princip les of the party, and, if elected to Congre ss. will do every thin&' in my po.wer to carry out the promis es of the party as announ ced in its platfor ms. I favor econom y in every branch of the gov~rnment and am against extrava gance and &'raft in every form. I will vote for a speake r and such rules as permi't a majori ty to tMUUlact busines s and legislat e for the people. Throu&'h the column a of the newspa pers ~n the district I$i1I keep the peCIple in touch with all i~portant legislat ion and will aSk the voters for their o,pinion , .advice and cooOperation. ' . To tile soldiers of the .distric t I pled&,e my l~yal suppor t to Iesrislation ville 111st week by. the death .ot 'an ;;:: their behalf and my earnest and promp t attentio n to their' claims t Or. MoOray .wtls called to Clarks. 'and ~ncle. r~uest8. " Miss V~ra ' PattArson gave a ' . It a physicalimpo!lSibility for me to lee all··the vote~ betw~n now I!'r.tday y. ' and May 17th. but 1 .101fcit your suppor t just as earnest iy as if we were birthda r.and Mrsl .taUd~ face to faCA parents ~f a little 8pn. J~E TAYLO R. '



.' . '




·. i·~·~~~~~~~~~~~=lillllllil;I~~!



JameetowD,Ohlo April •• 1910

~. fJ

He who by


maet luatah&e1l up andwould loot



"hl~ all,...V.~J ' ~i~~ir;'~~~~~i




, ooder I{nod .tllte of oult! V:ltlon"gooi1 ~rlliu and tobllOOO IBnd . 40 Korat ~Illber Ilnd blnegrass. Inqulrt l at. tbltt office. ,





l:H:lS- Pure PI'y m,)IlNl Rook erR' . 50u per Ilettillg 01' 15, or pbune NorDllI.ll I::f. Drown. R. D. 5, Wayoes 1 'ilJlI, Ohio Phone, Bom Otlnter vl)Je 846

and. lilt in·C.)rw1n, n S'X H OUSE rooUl honsp, Ir, rflptllr, ~, . on


pltinttl,ll ; J(0(1(j W rllflll. lIteu locaf.trm . Inquire tl~ thiS ofBoo.

Tow~, d~e toe' farrow FLVE800n.Young luqulre of Wm . CumtDings, R,' D. 3, Waynea vlJJe, Ohio.

ROOD SOWI3 -Due' to farrq" in ed and .....orn before me tWa :lnd April . lnqalre vf Sam!. BiDday of April. 1910. .E. V. Barnhar t •• Oorrect ,Notary Pubuc. kle, Centerv Ult', 725-5r, ' r WalDeR . vUle, ' .T. D. P~N.OE .... . . U D. 5. . ,

Ru .... Now Hal Woman LawYlr~ W • .H. AnLEN..l Dr. Katheri ne Fleisch er has JUI' S. LE,r. OAR1W RIOnT, beeu adlotlted to the !lar 111 l1ulsl., Dll' and will practice ber .,rofeBslon til at "etersb ul·g. She Is the first womaa law)'er In the czar'B dommlcDB, and Don't forget to make two 80wlngll ahe paned the final examlnatlon8 of clover, and be Bure to use one· hl,h honorl., 'SlIe met with much o~ poaltlon wheu. she 1irst aDlloUDced. her hslf aI8'k~. lotenUon of studying law. Prejudice ft.. stron" even (=-om lofluenUal membe r. ot her sex. She persiste d III ber amblUon agalnst aU however, and came out triumph ant. Is ber hope to fight the legal batUes ot women, and sbe, eee.k.t them espe; ela11y as clle!"~. Dr. Fleisch er II .. ardent sutfl'agecte and ' p.redfcttl Ih. We are authori zed to aniloo~oe will ' live to see women slttlnK ID ~. the followi ng nameR. eubjeot to the cluma. votertl of Warre n lJOUllty, at the May Prtmlll '1: • - ~ Plant the garden when the oherry For Recorder blooms . WAL'l 'ER KENR ICK . " . of Wayne Towns hip • -.. . Camomile. It II lIal4 not only that decocUoDI JOBN E ROBIN SON, or the leaves dried and powd.e red 01 of Clearor eek Townsh ip. the common camomlle.- will destro, Insects, but that nothlug contrib ute. so much to the healtil 9f a garden at For Treasurer New Burli ngton . • number of camomile plantl dl. parsed throu,h , It. No greenho ule or FRAN K J. BRUW N Miss Mattie Blel 18 the guest of friends in New Paris, OhiO, and hothouse should be without camomile BYRO N C. BOWE LL, JR. In a creel1 or In a dr1ed atate; elther Rlohmo nd, Ind. the ltalb or flower. ~1l1 anlwer . A , 8.. Barlan spent a part of last week in Miamis burg. For_Surveyor "11 Llcen.e for BeIng Bom, Mrs. Howar d Carr ba8 been very SAM. n: HTNKL E "As I was about to enter one cif tb, siok "t the hl)me of her brothe r, Ichcols the other JIIornlng," Bald Dr. Walter liansel l. I,For ie-eleot ill,Q) Luther H. Gulick, the 8uperlntendent Mrs. Mury Moon and daught er of physica l training In the New York Eunioe have moved to their proper · lehool8. "I met a little chap who wu ty in t.-iollth Burling ton. ,crying bitterly: ' After a , lot of quel' Neri Moon has returne d from tloDlng to learn the of his dll ' a tC,)Or weeks villit with relativ es in tress he Jnformed mecause .. 'The 'principal Indian a. 'WOJl't let me go to school. He lent 'l'ne D. A. olass W8S ple,a llantlv en. me bome lJec/l.IIso T forgot to DnDS 1117 tertaln ed at tile home of Mis8 Nan- Ucaplle' fev "et!lK borb ' '' . nie Shamb augh on Blttnrd ay afte". ; .. - ...--"- noou. I . Seek onlv tha.t w~ioh Is·honora ble BRrley B. Smith, of Velaw ure,O, ou in thy povert y IIhouid st is spendin g. spring, vlloatio n a.t the 'thaUh . . '. . bome of M8 moth6r . . ,d ie rioh. '


ARM, HO "orap, wlthtn 2' tollt·s F of Ilbuot 100 I(' vel ground



GGS FOR ' HA'l'C BING- :-Pure E Kuff Orplng tbn8, ' per 5Oc. Reduce ~ettlng,

d r-'68 on 100. Blllok Mi· noreae are ,e ngaged for early &ettlnl l Mrll. V. Smith, pbone 2~q ,or Box ?~, Wayneev-ille. Ohio.


hode EGGS-R tf'r se'ting . Corwin , Obi~ .








i ~~;;~; i~itiz~~;i r::~:n::~ Of~:::Ec:~rle~::n~ l i=-jj';;;n~IM-~ti;~+H;~~ Th;~J! A~bor D.::S:::::r;.telY , I~ .---, Soc ----. . - --1 i~~9ja,;~ ~ '1' I --- --- --- --- +- --- --- -- - - - ; ~

• - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - " came to our desk last week, In a new brat.rd at th s hoollast Priday aft ' I'' 1:' ~ - k ' 1 ' 1 l'lnd improv ed form. ~ It b the result Th ad 7.imlllcrman was in Daylon iMr. ani j M r!;. I'ran L. S. I{hoau es was in Leban nun_ jillion. Th' pupils of the )Ulnpso n f a com b' ti f lob e<.! I . 1 " d 1 I I difTerenl lOa on 0 oosters . ' Satu rday h a~.e tra d . t I~II'. lOuse. an day. . School MI'. and Mrs. Wm. Thomp son had rooms assem bleu 111 ) ae < fl.ey clai~ that South Charles ton has l Hall ' ... smIth IIhop In Sprmg 'V 1l11f'Y to Mr. laid dorman t long enough , as thei l' g uest.s . unday, Mr. and Mrs. where a good progra m CORsisti ng of and are : ; C. ~~rllne H"drtsl'cked'for a f~rml nearM ' doing everyth ing they can to boost ! homal'roll Smart, of CmCInnatI, was George Zel\ was a Day ton visitor Tn usic by the orchest ra songs ~nd J M. Keys, of Center vill1o:. e Sunday . last Saturd ay. o y, an m.,v onto It ast wee k . h recitati ons was rende r'ed. Flower i t e town. ' .. J. B. Pence. was a Xema visitQr MI'. and Mrs. C. A, Bruner spent beds ~lad been pr~pared on lhe la wn Mr. Geo. E . Bltrger , of Dayton ; The paper IS In able . hands. Our last Satur:day. Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Cross enterSaturd ay in Daytoli . ( jed MArch 28th at his home in that old-tim e friend and shop-m and It was the mtentio n to plant ate, Mr. ' 0 K ta ined at dinner Sund~T, Mr. and . H D B d . fl owers after the exerci: es were over i d 'f , ity. Mr. Bal'ger WIaS Ii son I)f M -. 't' :t ry O~t IS. ~ t thtebh <car cever. of Lebano n, was 1.n M e h~' I'S. fence afn Andrew b II town Jergen s, Sr., Misses Th~rsd ay . . I nd Mrs, Caspar Barger , and was I Isn A lot of new good locust I lit ~ndac~ount 0 f I'ate fl\'OStSll ,a go, I ,WI .no e IS au t, t ~as . Minni e and POHtS Julia at Je~ens, Mrs. W. H. Madd en's anti Co'. c. eeme wIse to postpon e t Ie pantin g , ell known to a great many people Il:S he IS an expetle nced newspa per A. Mafnt is nursing a boil on the !:lwinkm eiel' and Andrew Jergen s Jr., h ere. He was a gardne r fOI' MI'. S. n an, and a man of large pos:;ibi for a few bays. lities back of hi'S neck. all of Cincinn ati. D .. and Mrs. '1'. G. E. H. olvi.n visited rclativ s in These holiday ente r tainme S Haines for many years but left We predict for the Sentine l and nL'3 are a the . Lumbe rton t.he last of t he week. g reat help to the pupils and will de- Somerm ier and dau ght" r Anna, of Wayne sville twenty- five ;'ears ago. to.wn unlhoi ~ success, as the paper ' . Mrs, W. H. Allen was a Xenla visMessrs , Vol. H. Allen and A. H. ve lop to a great extent any dOl'ma Nmnpa , Idah . _ _ _.-:- _ Will be used to boom the town nt The ItOI' last Thursd ay. Chandl er were in Lebano n on busi- talent for speakin g or singing A BEAUT IFUL SIOHT a child ~entinellast 'week was a 28-pag e pa- Chas. Dunham and family moved ness last Wednesday. ,__ may possess , and are also enjoyed by On Satu rday evening a jolly party per, full of home ads. and home news. )ast week to Coving ton Ky t the Waynesville Cannin g Comthe parents and friendd of the chil- of young people drove to Collett 's, • -, ,. Mrs. John Kindle, of Centerv ille, dren. A go?d music t eacher pan's ground , cnn be seen a most would beyond Harveysburg, and cooked, MASONS VISIT LEBANON j Born- Sunday April 10th. to MI'. was the g uest of Mr. and Mr. . J. supply a long felt want. bea tiful sight at t"e presen t time. S their supper on the sugar-c amp furI and Mrs. Charles Ellis, a son. Burnet t last Thursd ay. 'lch were planted Afte\' the exercis es at the school nace. Mr. and Mri. Coll ett evera a.uto of Mhsons at· The tulip beds Wh donate d . bl . . the Inspect ic,nofth e Lebano n Mr, and Mrs. Georg;e Hawke VISltIas t a II are In oom, an d it'IS a f as tended Miss Ethel Williamson, of Dayton , house th e ba II t eam wen t to 0 kd I a gallon of their famous new maple M I F ' d ' d ' c' Leb 'nO' bo e f b a I r a e I t asons ast. n ay ·evenIn g. Those e park, where they played a team of syrup ~o the already subshn tial meal. anon re a IVes as t FrJ'd ay. visited her parents , Mr. and MI·s. pickedlOa • wd r eau Yth' b' d' up pluyers. T·he game was a who attende d were: Russell Parlett , M Th groun s 0arou"ld .d • ThoEe who enjoyed this outing e uti 109 B S Ii Harry William II H son Sun Id H lay. I ' J H r. an Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt moare a\ ays kept as clean and healthgood one but resul ... ere: ted . owe, aro in Misses Henrie tta McKinsey, a tie in the owe I, . . tored to Dayton Sunday afterno on. Mrs. Enos HIli, of Cedarv ille, ninth inning, althollg h the ful as' he inside of the factory , and Coleman, F. B. Sherw? school Donna Hawke , Alma Waterh ouse, ' od, E. V. spent Sunday and Monday with her claims the game by a score M r Snook, who has an eye _for Barnha rt, J. 0, Cartwr Ight, J. E. of 11 to Stella Lemmo n and Edith Mosher , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were in mother Mrs. Amos }{ornine . thebe utifuli salway s - wide awake Janney , F. H. Farr,. J.C.Ha 10. Messrs . Emmor Baily, Edwar d wke, Frankl in Sunday , guests of Dr. and e matter s 8S well. C. A. Brllner . S. D. HInkle and C. M. Mrs. Stahl. Ricks, John Lemmon, Ronald Hawke ,_ Mr. 'Howar d Conove r, of Fra nklin, W. C. T. U. Robitze r. I and Stokes Silver. Mr. and Mrs. and Mi ss Marie Chamb erlain, of LebWork was in the M. M. degreE', . ~r, ~nd Mrs. Frank Taylor, of : anon, were Waynesville visitors unThe W. C. T. U. meetin g April 1st, Collett added to the plePJlure of the ___ besides inspect ion, and also a good ChICagO, are ~ests of Mrs. Edith I da~l . at Mr . Frank Sherwo od's was large- occasion by chaperonin6t the crowd. Comple e arrange ments for the luncheo n was served. All had a Harrlf; and family. ' ly attende d and much interes t shown. AntioC'h ·a utauqu a. at Yellow good time. I Messrs. Lou Printz and Bryon Mrs, Emma Smith was leader, "TemSpring s,O io, are now being made • • • Mrs, ~red Hender son,' Mr.4md Mrs. ' Prende rgast drove to Lebano Tile ile88ion will be held on the his: n un- peranc e and Labor, " the tlubject, On' Sunday , April lOth, Miss Jessie S~RPRISED HIS FRfEN DS L. ~rane and son were shoppin g da~, where Xernon Hawke joined and able articles were read by sever- Marlat t eDte.r tained ·most delight fultorie campu among the trees, of easy , In Xema Saturd ay. them on a trip 'to the Queen city. a1. The commi ttee who visited the Iy twelve of her young friends . J une lS,th to 26th at a Geo. 'It B. Hamilt on, son of Mr. ~===========~== access, f rom, ~ 0 Mr. N H school house had handed the school 1 newspa per luncheo n. At ised h'IS f th er === =~= == l ~ the noon There is no m~e beautif ulsillh t than 'd f' • amd bon, su:pr board some sugges tions, whIch we hour a delicious eight course K a 'k the 'hite cit of tents scatter ed an meal rlen s y .gom g . to entu\: y w. th 't hope they will take into conside ra- was served, which added credit , thO II recentl y and takIng M1.'!s May Barks, to among e rees; npar e co ege f 0 ' . h h' tion. Commi ttees were named to Mrs. Marlat t's reputat i(nl h h ild' 'II,J; ted 'th I t ' 0 for ayton, beillg Wit b 1m, u were t f:Y I 1I h~ngs, I u..·t'la WI e ,ec rIc Iwere marrie d. Their many friends confe\" with other societies in regard a fine ,cook. to having some place besides Main gAII'the ReSSIO: ' " WI'II be he Id un d ~r are congra tulatin g them. WhIle at the table, the guests wel'e • _ ••_ __ strep.t where horses could be hitched given paper and pencils and reques tthe large t~nt t'xcept when the NEW LAW FIRM also the advisab ility of having a re ! ed to write items about all present" .weathe r is unf vorable when the and toilet roam that ladies and t heir which was done, causing much acrowd -will be t.a en into the ~auti · The di890lutiob of the old law firm chiTdren detaine d in town could go mu ement and laughte r. ful,a~ditorium jUtA. completed:wher~ , of Runyan &Stanley , of Lebanb n octo. Miss Marlat t took a...number otpicby the use of the ~ain floor and g!.l- curred last Saturd ay. Judge RunPlace for next meetin g will be an- tures of the guests and everyo ne delery, over 2000 ~e6plp. can be seated. yan retires from the firm and Judge nounced later. '" parted voting her a mOl'!t graciou s Arrang ements baye been made to G. VI S"anley takes unto himsel - - -.... - • f his and charmi ng hostess . Those present feed thepeo pleoJi the campus Those so~ Dean, asa partne r in the MASO"lIC NOTICES firm to were: Misses Martha O'Neal l, ·L uel. who ~ome for afterno on sesSions may be knQwn as Stan'ley & Stanley . la Cornell, Kather ine Alexan der, remain over for the e\Teninll attra~t· . - - _. Stated commu nicatio n of Waynes- Donna Hawke , Stella Lemmo n and ion withou t cost. ·10W:,\ SHIP fRUST E'';S MEET . ville ~odge No. 103 F. ~ A. M' I Edith Mosher; Messrs Harold Howell The three entranc es, for .footme n , ~ Tuesda y even ing, April 19, 1910. at Stokes !:iilvers, Edward !/,icks, . team~ and automo biles, IIfford the Curt !he regular meetm g of the Town_ eight o'clock. Work in M, M. De- I Hisey. Warren Keys axld Ronald lHiat conveniences for all Water sh~p Trustee s was held at ~he Town· gret'. . Hawke . privlTell'" are t,he best, both for the lI}l1p H~use ~onday evemng . Sur., Special commu nicatio n on Thurs- I --- ~ - • J)t!OPle and the horses. ~rolley and vdyor l::i. D. Hm~le was pr~l;nt day evening , April 21, 1910, at 7:30. , and FAMILY OF MUSII;IANS Iteam's ervlce make It conven ient for tha gro~nd was go~e over In r F.gard Work in M. M;. Degree . Annual inplcnic) nr partl8il . The Snook Family orches tra of . t., I&'radmll CorwlIl avenue ab~vt: spectio n and v!sitat~on of the Distr~ct , South Lebanon, have been eng~ge The ChautauQull occupies the .f irst high-w ater mark. ~he trustee d s lrI~d L~cturer. SOJourn mg. bt·:thre n. tn- to play at the Corwin High te days of the Summe r School which to make a.-ourn estima te of the work School VI ed to each commulll.catlOn. co~tinues to August 5th. It 'Will be to be done, but nothing ~efini,te was commen<:emen t. This family of mu. J. O. Cartwr Ight, Vi, , M. among the' best in the country and decidfld , upon. They adJou sicians is said to be fine and tell' rned to E. V. Bll:rnhart, Sec'Y. class of music of the very. best. ja sure . to please all who attend. meet at tl\e call.o~~e preside nt. - -As Viewed ' the .Day After the Big Pire. .. e ___ e- - J)Qn" Jrtissft, . • OREAT RAILROAD SYSTEM HAND 'BADL~MASHED Til, p~'fr~m is I'tfp~e~t~tiv8'--7 ' . .. 'He-i/Mhe best town in the Saml. Davis had the misfort une to c. "hU' It t.s plil1)~rilv educatm~, the The Pe llliylva nia Railwa y COUl. experIe nced occurre d just ten years MIamI Valley as well as the. n' . , tf I est, mash hi' . ht h db dl S t d I t Th r!><l y Th 'nt.trta inment t.,..~r.. is promin ent. pi,oj, the greaLe h t d b k ' g 't more t old t' st rllllw~y .ystem ahgo ash i ~ ·19aOO s rIg an a y a ur ay. · oae w . o. went an Id Y rna Idn I I The... , ..eno greater.pep~es.9nt.ti~e:' tn the world with Ue _ftlliated lines t roug a dract!ve While unload ing a lot of hardwo od b t I~ , were r~~l1ms cen cou . e rna e a arger' an more at · Fetters ' carpen of the Dloral Bwlken lng ,m·th.. pobtl- employ e 200,000 men, far mo!'e peo. and tought ter ShQP , / cIal world than Gov. Hoch, of Kansas, pIe than are employ ed io all the wi~h ~hat It al! over agam. And prosper ous town. St)me lumber fell and caught his'han d result. They ~a.w modern South ~harlesto~ has ta~em a new lacerat Gov GI.~ of North CaroUna lPld 'ndee of the IIUKe,t olty tn Obio ing it badly. Sam is still at bUlldmgs erected , a mUnICIpal water lease en hfe, and has started ~""8beiW'QQd. of Obi", who.will Thia' ... reat rOlld baa 40llt 01 ven -II and a boom. k ' th th ' } f . ' t t light plant, and a better condi- Why? Because she. like all • ','. " other wHoe~I's'8U\vIJ h e .alc 0 ban hasslfshand' • '"' • f be p~nt. T~el'8 h' ...f;. 11 are . few rreater its menD who receive 1881 II h 'b'i" t.hlln bon o. t ml!:~ genera y. s~~ towns, ~ POSSI Ilties th at h er luck. re y . avmg a unc 0 ar refo~enon the platfor m than G~. a mopth, e rlli.~ of 6 per ~ntISOO in . WhIle a bJg fire aJway~ crea~es a Clt.lzens have. JUS~ awake~ ~d up to; R. ~tuart, Mrs. Lake and Elbert the~r ""Ke8, lnvoJv.lnK an annual • -.... tn. bIg loss of money and o~ttlmes hves. They ,~ave organtz e~ a Booste rs Bu~ •.who ,make th~lr first ap.. oreue ot , on'la; to the extent ARDED TO HIS FARM of .. ~ut of the depths rIse large pos· 1Club,. and aTe makmg ever~ effort ~ ,on the Antioc h platfor m, 110,ooU,000. The Pennya lv8oh, . ill Ilblhtie s. . . ) to raIse t~emselves to someth mg bet- O. J. Edward s has Just Anli~ ' 1lle onLto~ will appear Am Uecember, 11102, awar~ed an purchas ed ~norea~e But why should 1\ tow.n ,walt untIl t~r and hIgher- morally and finan- a wood lot of, ~wanty a~res of the h8riit .Qtt, ;Do\) StJedIl, BrQOks F1etch- of ten i)er cent to all employ ees re fire consum es the undesir able prop- c l a l l y . . .r. Dr. Wl8har t. of l'ittsbq l'i, 1>1'. 0 ,iving 1888 thao ,200 I Cook .Bros. 'I hl'i •;,oods .IS a part ~: month, ertyl Why ~ot start before the hu~- ~t WayneSVille men, ,,":omen ~nd \ what IS ~~own ~ the bIg wood~ .. Tyndal l, of New York anel !4r. Amea, In Deoember, 1II06,:an oth'e r yolnnt a. of Cleveland. ~Obt t~e Una of r1 h?rilOn'~l ' inore"slt. of ·teD per gry flames lIck up the old. and some- ~hlldren form themse lves ,~~to a SI"!: and adJOInS hIS newly pu.rcha sed ti~~ valu,able propert y? liar club, and let us be a ·lIve one. p:oper tyon the upper Sprmg .' dramat ic, perto~mera th~re will be oeDt In waRes w.." "",a de boro by tbe tbe!Jou stona, mInd readers , and the ftrious OompJoteM In th&Sve pIke. e _ ...- - tem, 80 , famous Coburn players in the Shakes · that ' ~b8 presen t · readjul NEW TIN SHOP I~~eDt, peare role.· - A~Oni the list of' mDsi· 'm eans" toial allditio u of 118 26 per - -' ~J talen~ , ~e · found the names of cent to tb~ latee in I have started a new Tin shop i n Lebano n, March, 1910. Deoem ber. I~~te purno.. ofC~c8go, Jeann'e 190~ " . the Leak ~uildin g',~nd am prepa: ed To my Republican frien~:, ',' .nd~'!I, qf Ptttroit , tile Howe·Zeig. Aalde · from the vol1!Dhlry to do all kl/lds of'lmw ork, Spoutm g As 1 am not physically able to rea lid. and metal Roofing . All work guar· peat my walkin g 'f eat of ler Co.~ of, Columb us'" the Kellogg- vllnOM tbllt b"ve been made, the ' Cam- · Rain. ~ln,ing' .P8~ty, of, 9hiCairo, tbere ~"vt! 't)f'C?D (tr,,'Dtt'c( ¢oq. an teed . Give me a c:all. paign (lf2 yeats ago in which I walked ~d tile MacDo nald., of Co!qDlbus. •bn fly . lnore"IIP/l In w'" gei . ~BE CHAUSKY. over 300 miles in the dust and heat dQt;I t o . , Presen t p~pecta tndlcat e that promotioDP .... w~1l1l8 ' Inoreul! " of ' that dry summe r. I write thi~ ell"'(Qr EXCURSION TO C~L.l)MBUS . this ~n,~,!i11 be ·a ~ord ' , b~keJ- ~a.iioQ. ~l•••ea of tunp1rn~ea!l, messai e to you to let you kno\N that 80 tbat . frqm '~very' pplnt 'of ,v iew, ' prj S. 0 ·w ltb fbe 't nore__"eto ~.Kel , /fhe, Pennsy lvania Lines run I am a cll.nd·id ate again for t~ bffi~ ;' etteotlv t' their .first ex¢ursion to Columb us o~ .~0l:mty Record er. • ha:!e F • •,Preald ent ,9f_ Antioc h eotl~ge, A"rlll .\, 19lO. t.he 'oo~~ IIf !I,b" .. ~ ~.~ . ~ ,''qalm.:", )l ~U .hav. co~p,~~ charse- 'of ~he ·tbe~~D~.YIV&pi"., and Springf ield Sund . These ' ex- :acltize~ ~fW~ren~ou!'lty~ce QlulrOlid ~y.tflm -l8Q6 for tbe ,ear U10. wllJ be mol'., tbltD ' ". . . , . IlY always 'a. ReJ.lubhcan- .. cu:slon s east WIll b,~ regular ly. every 'and I er' d ' . n ' • Co "F 19,1h, lI~J)8r. (Nln~ area~r !,bltfl 'Ill 11l~8 third of the 'month . . III ,~ ve over·t) years m . " ~~ . :. .. _ • _ _ . regIme nt, the -first <A. 'o tber : worda. "rl ' ,.mplny ee of tlif' at; "'. Pllrt," . ~hteiupi.'ID~ ;: l'bl\11dtntl OOmpllDY WIll. in UHO, ' rPOfll.vl WENT TO QUEEN CITV Lebano n in 1861. -No, ' d~ tllte ooml,:,'1C .....Q" •. . or' aeudh,.. pr.o itw,a tely one tti!rCt m,.re . .' . oimy faWily 'ever .....1')' ,Ira"" or'bt»t cl lam"e~ A~g those who vis~ted :Qincin- date for any' office whl&t!illlt8r. "itny ; dti thnn ~e ."..' .,... elebt 18041'11' 1110 IIOripljOlt~ may 40 ".11 by_iD I t Tllt,rolUl b.. 1i~ DO lab,, , trouble nati SCmday are the following: llarB' I will thank you "'E@"P.!aMl , ' 001 1",_ With me b8f0re' d~DI .aoo.ll 11 .-..cJ ,'Wlth ... P~ter, W. S, Graham , George Of~hevtforvot:lr1llllDli~ta eor' of ao· Tho.~peon, F. C•. Carey .and 0, W,' at ttae . Iq. .. " . . . ..~" Jeo,bablr. wtU . , . - . . . - . . - . . . - . - .........

.... . .


••1 _ .




.-- , .



Wayne svI-II' e S 'B-Ig . F-Ire 0 f Aprlel 190 0









1'.... ','_







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The Miami Gazette

tor tbe p.rt,. 1& duke II.. ·t o be, 7'Oa know. The callual obse"e r, 'Mlng hIm In repose, may not be .ble to tell him trom the regular artlC'le. The drelll of a duke and the monocle ot a duke will be • d eep dlll«ulae for ,anythin g Amerlo an which Inay be In tbe man'lI heart. But whlln be getl I"to action he wilt throw dl!' hla coat and hili one-cyl lnder eper.tac les and make a IItreak of dust acr08~ the land· IIcape. . or course, that'a • bIt t1guratfye. but It til "\)~t. .uply that wben .Euftene Ibe's named ...... ~ hll mllterna l srand· father), becomell the tenth duke of Manche ater, he wlJl tla .. e mDre ftre than generan ), la sUPlXlsed to ftD with tbat Bort or title. Three.q uarterl AmerIc an. with a who knowa how to m8na«e peo"le and alralrs. with a money·m aklng grandfa ther watchIn g over him, atld a father with lIumcle nt activity to recoup a fortune after beIng omclall , bankrup t when little more than a youtb, be has an InherIta nce of dash and vigor. Anyhow , Eugene "Ill be an Amerl· can duke, and It hilt mother contlnu el In the Boclal posltlOb she hal WOD In Europe. he will ha'9'1l more than onl, ducal prcstl«e to .ts.rt him In lite.



l!lconom1 111 tbe househo ld I. the · Ilo£1'n.


There II joy In the 4frlcan JuncleL '!'be ble hUllt I~ over. In tbll crlall Amere a expect. e"'fT ben to do ber duty.


Cold Itorap la r bw trylnl to bold

II.P 80.000,0 00 o~dP le.

' . -,-.,: :One eall ', llli eat crow and not' "reak the rulel of the meat boycott. InYestlga~lolI

of the high cost of II ..

ID. makM food for thought abundan t.

Ullfortu llatl'ly there Is never a pretllyento ry lale In the necessi ties ot Ufe. Pretty soon you'\1 hear some man braggin g that hili henll laId all win ter for him. There Is rather more water In thlll country now than the country really Jleeds.





Son of Ma rtyred Prellda nt . and • Friend of Boole" ,lt Teatlfle• . for Plnchot .


Wnahln gton.- Jamea R. Garfield , son of th martyre d pre61dent, fornier membe r Df Roollevell'& cabInet- the teunls and the real thIng- got In to the Halllngflr·Plncb ot row a few days ago !lud hi s testimo ny betore tbe can· gresslon al Investig ating commit tee wasn't complim entary to Mr. Ballinge r. Mr. Garfield beld the portfoli o of secreta ry of the Inte rior beforEi the dlltles or the omce fell upon the sbould I'S of Mr. Bal11nger. He knows

Twc: Monarc he It Her T.ble.

Spread of Chrletla "lty Whole Structu re of Hlndull ," With Overthr ow. .

HInduIsm. Is awaken ing to the ra._ _ t)mt If the great .sub·str ata of society known os the depress ed be raIsed by brlstlan thtlle€latl~n-ll'.1III11 structur e ot HJ~dulsmlty, Is with ove rthrDw . ThIs awakenln,K being foll owed by ertorls In }lUl'ts lor the Improve ment of poor peopl. The latest Is a ment In Ahm dnbad. In that cIty, August 29, a meeting wall held which the attenda nce of the 'Iass s was encoura ged and In they were a llowed to sit b~slde II ople. Resolut lona were the tDrmatl on of a Central HIndu ssoelation. "'bleh should have for 1t/5 ob· j cts the raIsIng of the depre/li sed ('lasses Ilnd their readmis sion Into HInduIs m ufter beIng convert s tt for· elgn faiths. '\8 to the means ' 0 b., adopted for realizin g these ot jecta. tbe follOWIng s llggetltlo ns were Iron4e : (II) Starting schools, clubs ancij assoclatlons : I b) establis hIng pre ~ bln g missIon s: (e) publishI ng lEapers. porlodlcu ls. IUlIg::u:lnes and Ie fleta: (d) adolltln g Buc h other means I II may be conduci ve to tbe above obje1ts.

Helena, duches8 or Manche ster, I. the only woman living who has enterAll OhIo man has been kl11ed by a tained two kIngs at ·d lnoer at once. camel's bIte. Need we ' look for an If you were playing jackpot a, you epIdem ic! probabl y wDuldn 't back a paIr ot klnp tD any alarmin g extent, but that's the out wllb nn Itching rash. T t rce dDc, . Tbe world Is beIng 1Ioode1 wIth best band that'll been held In Europe tors IIr scribed for him, butL he kept ~ld, says a Yale professo r. Perfectl y In thIs generat ion. Helena of Clncln· getting wo rs e un til we could Inol dreBS dry alit here. prot. natl held It enly last year at Blarrltz , hIm any more. They finall\y advised . wben she had Edward of England and me to .(rY a certain m.edIC It Is now aald that the Atlantlo college, Alfonso of S~l\ln at dInner togetbe r . but Its treatme nt did no ood. At «!Cean Is 170,000, 000 yeaJ;s ' old. It Wh n the cable carrl-ed the news of the time I was Induced to try uU· keeps its age remarka bly well. that trlllmph or the Oblo girl, tbe James R. Garfield. CHrn he was so bad thllt I ad to cut smile "' blch had been lingerin g on the One of tbe surest aids to longe"lt y, somethI ng about land claIm s and such bls hair olr and put the Cutllcur a Oint· lips Newpor t sIckene d and faded things, and .ccordl ng to numero us correspo ndentll, was regarde d as an 1m· ment on hIm on bandage~ as It was away. ImpDsslble to touch him w tb the bare Is to be born a dau&bte r of ths war at pOI·tant wItness . To-day Newpor t Isn't recognI zed BI hand. There was not one square Inch 1812. Mr. Garfield describ ed tbe three Dt skin on even a fiag station when the ducal his whole ho' y. tbat wns mAaRur s r elating to Alaskan paIr are on tour ot Americ a. New cations pendIng In co~ess coni 10· not alrected . He was ne maSB or A woman may carry a ton of false In 1908. York Is but A port where cbange Is balr on her head, but a man wbo The ale bill permitt ed comblna Uons sores. Tb bnndag es U~d to s ti ck to nlade from shIp to rail. It Is saId to his skin and In removin g them It used ....ears a wIg II the joke Dt tbe nelgb· have a Fifth avenue, but the house of up to four sectlDn s at $10 an nere. borbood . ORD MAN DEVI LLE "What was the dlrteren ce between to takrl the skin olr w th tbem, and Manche ster knows that only by bereYOllr position as secreta ry at the In· the scream s from the p,(lor child ~wer& May the Fir.t say. OInclnn ati Is the first stoppln l Ceme.n t manufa cturers are IIlow It terlor and that of Mr. Dalllng er?" h ar tbreakln g. I begalO to tblnk tbat place, and next comes Niltchez, Miss., they do not olrer a germ·pr oof luhlltl. Thoroughly Americani%ed he would never get we'il, bllt atter the a ked Mr. Olmsted~ where the duke ' of Manche ster gael tute tor the ,um on the back of POlt- Memb er of the E1IIlli.h No"Mr. ~aJllnger," said Mr. Garfield . second appllca tlon otl CuUCUl'1l OInt· to see bow bls mother 's · people are "belleve age lltamp •. . d that the existing 10caUona ment I began to see ~~gnS of lmprQveobi ity--- Hi. Mother Ha. Degetting on. . ------In Alaska should be permitt ed to con· ment, and with the ~Ird and fourth I Meanwh ile England pauses 1I0cially 80lldate Divorce court proceed ings sbow that creed That He Be an Amer appUca tlons .tbe 8~r s commen ced t~ liP to rour sections ." because tbe head of the social pra~vel who apank tholir hUlband a take ican Fir.t and Then the dry up. His skin eeled olr twenty "Would tho unnlngh am clalms cessIon has dropped out to take a lit· come under rllks of losing tbolle u.eful arUclee of Mr. Bal11nger's propose d times, but It fin y yielded to tb Dake of Manc he.ter. . -ft~ tie run over to Americ a ·to lee her am nllment hculleho ld turnltur e. ?" asked Represe ntative treatme nt. Now I can say that be Is father ot Cincinn ati. Aud tbe future Oraham . enUrely cured, a'd a stronge r and .A New J ersey mall named Wire America n duke III In the nursery In MERIC AN duchess es are '''l'hey would," replied the witness . healthie r boy you/ never saw than be Il&YS he has not slept ,tor 20 yearll. If Ileland eaUng bealtby Engll8b food more or 'less commo n-that Mr. Garll eld ssld Balling er met him Is to·dny, twelve lYears or more sInce that'a true, be sbould be tbanktu l that and absorbi ng healthy Americ an at bls home Is, pardon me, they are In Ohio on Septem her 17, tbe curo wagetfe c;ted . Robert W nttam. he sUU Is a live Wire. Ideas. more or less frequen t-as 1908, and present ed to him the Cun· 1148 Forty·elgh~ St., Chicago , m.• well as being more or les8 Oct. 9, 1909." nlngham affidavI t. .LOhO· "TWent y cents a day III enough to frequen tly In tbe papers. "I lold lilm," Bald Mr. Garfield TURN , "tbat FLOWE RS INTO MONEY the I'1A1'tDEVILJ.£ apend on food," says an expert. It Present ly we're goIng to Unpubl ished ' Utteran cel. Informa tlon the departm ent bad DJlJ<E -may be enough to spend, but It III eer· have an Americ an duke.' That will be Herein Is set down' a bltberto 111 Crom the OIavls report on the' Cun· Thrifty Swl Have Colonie . of Beee taln that you canJ'lot get enough for Il, lIometh ing now and somethI ng worth nlngham journal snUsfted me the publish ed utteran ce of Emerso n . There '7"HIS May Introduce the to Gather•• Honey from Nature' . looking at. HI!.! mother was an Ohio Is no doubt ot Its a1lthent lclty : "An claims " .. ere lIIegal." Now the men wbo keep egga and girl and his father's 1 Fir,t Duke of Ohio, the Profullo n. a booo ely boodely bODdely boo, doad motbe r was a 'DId Mr. BallIng er state to you that ply doodely meat for yeara at a time lil New Jer- LouisIa na girl, so dqo!" It wus bls fovorlt that In blood he's Son of the Duke and Dache.. An attracti ve feature of every 8wlsl be was appearI ng as counsel tor Cun- way of addre$ ing @ey' ~ay be Indicted wIth the meat three quarter s Americ an. Now he's ol:Manclauter, the babies:- Carlyle In· Latte r landsca pe In spring and summ!' r 'Is the nlngham ?" asked Mr. Brandei s. packers . Truly, these are ' hot Umel belnr brougb t an varIably atdress ed babies tbus : up In an almost Amer"He did not," for cold storage . Ican way, so you ' can estimat e tbe re- Ohio Girl, Mi.. Helena Zim- beauty and variety of wUd ftowerl Garfield said Da1l1nger had told him 'Kookey ko key kDokey koo, kooke)'" kODkey koo ! " Occ'a slonally he varied sult, wrlt~s George Arthur ·In the New merm an, BeFore Her Mar- growIng In protuslo n on hillside s and nothIng abDut any opUDn whlcb the that with At the dblnelle New Year, ,Ullt paat. York lower mounta in ranges, while the val· World. riage- -- The Little Duke I. leys reaemb le beautifu l mosaicil In the Guggen heims had on the Cunnlng bam kee, keekJ!Y. "Keek~y keekey keekey eveJ7 Chl~aman paid aU bill debt •. keekey kee!" Shake· This small boy, who Is over In Ire· Being Broug How can Ameroc an civiliza tion Itand rich a~d . var~d tints of ftowers that lalms dated Decemb er 7, 19«)7, as spea re 's con ve rsat10n wltb babies ht Up Along was land waiting thetr represe for his ntatives father testified before thIs: "Too to die so being brought Into contact with luch cluster In tbe gre!'lnsward. The wealth r-o·sey! Too r·o·seyl " Sir he can be duke of Manche ster, Is Strict ly Amer ican Line. , AL- of bIos 110m In Mongol ian supeuU tionB1 addition to beautlfy tng, Ihe senate commit tee on terrltor lea Francis Bllcou's was sImply: "K1klk.'· growing chlelly In an AmerIc an way, though He. Live. in Ireland, the landsca last month. pe Is turned by tbe thr~tty Mr. GarfieJd saId Mr. OIavls WU onll David !-iuOle saId :. "Doo!" Charles Bt. Paul thugs have lIolved the hlgb and Is given advanta ge of the best of Swiss Into proftt. The ftora of Switzer · the (If Europe tho cleanes t nnd ablest Dmcers In Dickens used to say: "Heao. taln't 00 an plan. For Instanc e, he Sbe has bossed the duke )lrlce problem . Two or them beld up land posselllell QuallUes that produce frDm the day the eats service, He eHpecla lly commen ded Y01>1I a Illy bit 7" Sir Isaac Newton In the nursery , Instead or being she married • cate owner while bla cate was full him-an d It's beeD a good deliciou s boney, and thousan d. of col- hIs used to say : "HDwdy doogum s!·· record In the land Office. of diners who were receivin g' like taken to the family table, wbere he thing tor him. Before he married George Eliot used to say: "Cunnln ' Mia" onies of bees may be seen In the would get tood that wasn't treatme nt from mine host. good for Zimmer man, the duke of Manche ster country , being utfllzed by tbe peopl. 'sln! Burdle! "- Puck. him, but otherwi se his time Is spent bad hla name In tbe papers more often to increas e the food supply and com· MOTOR BOATS OUST GONDOLA A New York woman Is 'advertl slng mucb 81 ~hat of the child of a weU·to- than he cared to see The Right Spirit. It. He III a ~Ig, merclal procluct8: In fact, the ,llroduofor her lost dlamon d'ltudde d cigarett e do tamlly In the United States. Apropo s of Valenti ne day. a passenullstand lng man aDd w.hen he waa In tlon ot honey and wax constitu tes an Plcture .que Vellel. In Nenlce Canal eale. There Vlay be lIome plaIn tolk When Helena Zimmer man of Cin- the first ftush of youth and wIthout gel' on the Bermud ian said: Being Replace d by , SpeedIe r a Indu,trY ot ~Dslderable iJnporta nce of old·fa.s hlolled notiona who will not cinnati stoie a march on ber father respons ibility he "Mark TwaIn once to~d U8, In n Ilttl made a practice at to the Confede ration, as Is showll by but Noilier Craft, at all a,mpath il:e with the lad)' In her and the world tn general and was Ie- tearing tlilng8 loose. Valenti ne day speech on this boat, or staUati cl furnish ed by the SWill Bo101 .. cretly ' marrled In England In the fall Venlce.- ln Venice now·a·daYIL roo an Irish WODer who had the right valWhen he married Helena ' Zlmme~ clety of A8rleul turI8ts. ot 1900 to the duke ot Manchsstl3r, man It Is ellUmat ed that there are 260,000 molico and pIctures queness are tast entlne apiI'll. Accepta nce 'or rejecUo n of Clnclnn aU, be atralght l;lned up ,I n the calle of the hog It , II IIlIghtl,. Ihe, J,'alsed more or less of a laugh In persona lly and when hI"ea or colonie II of beell In the coun· giving way to the march of Inventiv e he could take with equal grac-e. bill tather.ln .law, dllreren t. People don't complaI n so thll country . Alon, tbat .. 'wnl ye be my valel\tln e?' he said tr7, part ot the who' had made a pile each of which produc;es 40 poundl ,enlu\!. This Is particul arly the caae much of the price of the cb~lce cuts, Atlantic coallt where the out at AmerlcBD of 1'1gh. lIoclety railroad s, made honey during the season, a total along ' the Grand canal. wllere gon. on Februar y 14 to tbe girl he loved. his acquain tance, ~e because the whole Ibog CDmel 10 blgb busInes s Is one at the " 'No,' ahe re plied. 'I am anothe r's: at 10,000,0 00 pounds a year. The ay· .dolas are beIng supplan ted by motor chlet aa to be out at reach, It not out of eyery dowage r and every Industri es hegan to get his flnancla l affalrl "He beav d a sigh and enid: marrla, erage Jlrlce eboats. of . · Several SWIIlI honey enterpr for ising the londoll straight ers, ened out. It was a great COD;llIght. .. '~hure.. thin, darlln ', ;1 wish yo able gIrl hid a smile. blnatlon . Now the duke Is taken 8eri· year 1909 was 26 centl, II pound. "". flndlng . tbat they can make better was twins, 80 that I could have at Ing the year's product That marrIag a total value e was the best loke ously as a membe r or society and III A woman In New Jereey, and not laste the . haIr or. ye: " tn a fairy tale, bad a long lost brother at the aeason In Newpor t and lome- the counclIll of the house ot lords, and or '2,600,0 00. The statlati ci .furnlsh ed wbo, the otber day, came bome rIch. tblng v.ery near a chortle could be hili fatber·ln ·law:a help and advice by the Soetety of Apicult urists show ROlin Rot.·Th lng.. But notwlth standln r thelle occasio nal heard along Fifth avenue In New York. have taken blm orr the flnancla l that the blghest ayerage producU on of Rosin Is good (or fiddle bOWS, but 1909 wall In the It was CaJtton of Lucerne . positive ly one at the most ragged edge. burst. ot verity, lIuch occurre nces .tiIl .... hen It Is put In a soap to glv6 It where 8 ,000. colonlea of bees prDduced anlusln r things ever, ,.. know, that. remalll chlefty In tbe fairy tale •. weight nnd IJDldslt togethe r It geta Into ' FIfteen years ago he IIhowed ·a lot 424,000 pounds of honey', an average girl from Cincinn ati. that town well the clothes and rots them. It holds of ability and enterpr ise as a spender or 63 pounds to the colony. The next Mars, accordi ng to an alltrono mlcal known to comic opera goers, sbould tbe dirt there, too.. Get a good, clean, ot money. Now that eame ablllt1 hl,hest average , poun~s, was In ,the expert, has jUllt ftnlshed a new canal. try to break Into the royal lIet. Her pure sDap-get Easy Task soall. It's and enterpr Ise iue turned In the otber Canton ot Berne, where It S. a plty we cannot eatablls h that fattier was merely an unknow n, un· 9,600 colonl" made of cocoanu t en, borax, naphtba . directio n, and, conside ring what prop- produce d 403,200 pounds ot honey. The commun lcaUon wIth the Martian s 110 sun« milliona Ire, without even a tam· and clean tallow, and it ' takes the ... to engage a few gangll and a cbolce lIy scandal to recomm end hIm to fame. erty he had to begin with, he haa terrltDr y comprh ilng the Can,t ona ot boiling nnd the ruhblng and tho Lucern e alld Berne Is rich In' the flor. 'lot of enginee rs to burry up the Pan. Just walt until the king had to p.... made an excellen t showing. labor out of wasMay . And It doesn't Here'll lometbl ng to show of what espeola lly suited to honey product loll. on ber lIoclal standin g. ' ama ,ob. make the ha.n ds red and sore and ugly . clay the duke la made. He and the The honey crop of Switzer land, ftl. A cake costs only five centa: there's no duches8 left Cincinn ati just the other ued at U ,600,OOO, I. largely profit ~ A newlI Item tram New Orhlana tell. Social Triump h of Cincinn ati. econom y In uslng the old.thsh loned day to tholle go aouth how blood drippin g tram tbe cellini engaged III the Industry , natute for a visit to the for· kinds. Well, Helena ZImmer man at Cln· mer bome at the duke's motber, and produci ng the raw materia l. dlscloae d tbe ract that a milliona ire . ,bad commit ted aulclde In a room over clnnatl Is the one who hides a Imlle when they went the, lett little r.. 80tnetlm es. Miss Blithely (Interes ted In SCience) a atote. It Is not explain ed how they to·day, when she thInks of what New· gret among tbe ' bellboy s of the aotel jl"he Be.uty of Colored Skin •• -Can one get a. shock .from a tele. :oew It was a milliona ire. Probab l, I/Ort said-It Indeed she troublea to Sinton, where they had stopped . WheD In the corresp ondence of· Latcadl o think of It. AI the duchess ot It became known that the duke wu Hearn In the ph.Dne? . ·the blood W&I blue, Februar y Atlantic .p' Manche ster she Is It In English .110- to .Islt the hotel, the bellhoplI began pears thll tribute Thc Proress or--Tha t depends , my to uculaa dear young lady, Itn who Is talking al An o1l\clal In Californ Ia lIaYII he I. ~Iety, she la lady In waiting to Queen to count on retlrlllg wltb fortune . typell of b~auty: ' . tbe other en~.-M. A. P. ,gOing to arrellt bridge playerll, all II~ Alexand ra, and her husband the duke when he had left. . To avprecl ate the beauty of colored clety gamble re are no beUer tban the II lord stllward of King Edwarlt 'l aldnl, It, II not !llmpl,. enopgh to ·tta'" Tbey're still on tbe job. You may have nOticed that II woman. IProfeslllDnal kInd. Accordi ng to al\ housebo ld, besldel being captaIn of The duke stayed three days-a nd el-One muet become . famlIlar 1I1th . De,'er finds a .play· unInter esting If the the Yeomen at the Guard, "the Beet· 1account s, some 1I0ciety b:'ldge playlnc the sight or them : through 'monthl 'Ieadlng lady. wears a dllreren t gown in 111 much mDre or a buslnell s than of a eaters:' who keep watch over tb. ".\8 as close lIsted as a travelin g and years. ' (Bo strong each act. yur sa7esma preJudi n. ce. .One dollar 'Was bls ltmlt Tower of London and other royal pal· pleasur e and deserve s to take 'ranll arel) And at la8t when you . anel two blta wal ,the ullual thln~. In aces. til the profesil lon. , P.ttlt', Eye Salve Firat ' Sold ,tbe three days he passed over ' In there are human skillS pt real gold1807 This Ohio duchess also b... King 100 yean 880, 84lee increase yearly wonder~ (lIvln~ statutes (It golt\:. with blue hatr, tips 110 more· than flve dOll&I'I, though Edward A f.tal duel has been fought by AUI!as godtath er to her lon, the Cui Te!"edy; cured millions weak eyes. All like the Carib halfbr, ,,ds!)-a lld .~I . , d,""llitS or. lIow.a rd Bl'os., Buttido, N. Y. _ ftrlan governm ent omclals . . They had future Americ an duke, and Queen the botel lobbies looked as If tl\.e trult tints of sklne-o ranre Brother and hood yel' of the UptUrn ed Palm· . Alexand ra .s 'godmot bflr to one of her Ibett,er etlck to the hurtless kind . loW', and ])each red, 'a nd lustroU I', ': Motor , Boat In the- ~~nal; Many an otberwl se truthfu"! woman two other , children . When sbe and waa holdinr ' Its nationa l convent ion Preeocl ty Is the mark or the bane of her ducal husbaDd go out In lIoclety there. ' That's only oae Instanc e of browna . of . countles lI, sbad~~ ~U. tt~e with .lel. e~el'tlon by ullng gasa- lies about .tlie amount of nnniey 'her . tthe agc, but ItII limit I.s reached In tb. they ' Iead the way, next to the king, wbat the Zimmer man trainIng will do colon of metal, too-l;lr onz" o( e'f'8lT Une eDglnel~ ,have . put ••llIe their buabllnd Is makln~. jacfJon of ,a band of Connec tIcut bo". and all other dukel. and duchell8es tor a 'man - who .PEiilt 'several yean' tone- .one begin I ~ douM wll~er a gondol~ ; and . • r~ U_IDg motor bOats ON].Y ON1!l' ' iBJU)!IIO QUJlfIN B. .. maldng an Internat ional reputati on as whlt~ _skin II so tine ,' .(It ~u. do!,': hi.t4J • !I'lle 'r11a& \a LUA'Il1V II BROMO OUlNINII Lon~ lof 12 ' and H to wreck a train '~n follow. The Manche stere alway. eat tourl.t who DO.W. IOu ad . .to ' ~ ti\P~u beiteve these colors, Juat 'refer tel Veldce fJ. W. UROVlI. Vlo l' ..... OoI4ID la more lIkel,. to h••r· tile •• "whlch we're \ravelln , a number ..,. at the first table, when tlley drop III .. proftl&at~. OD~1la1. " . . Broca's pattern bopll.! .where ',ou wtD j)liUI-clhU, of • ~\Ine mWSo'j alre., ·the ob,ect of the youtb. ~ take dinner with th& kIng. engln, float.. Tr.alnln ll the 'founD Duke, ftnd that all ·ew,1 colora. mat ID .yfltl, "A maD lIeldom has enougb Ipare ful crimlna ll being' to loot the traiD ·ther canalll tile the ' eort.' all fruit colon ... melat C()lora ~vel' t1me , ~ Conv~Dce a woman tha(1lh e l • Bo.... H.r Ducal Hubby. . In, lOne of a :1rOulcl;be CarulO ' wba wreeked . The n.Uon can we.11 To the tutllre duke, Lort.: MaJid. and In aklna, I cowel Dot beUm ml' ClWll ml.tais n. · . " , aJive til.. In·IIU.n t youthful demo., . Whell ,.ou lay the .ducbeu. II gollli ' .tUe, th.l a Zimmea:man tralnln r t. be' e,ea .ttll J .,~ ~). I IllS ant ..1a'D 1\ Garee to ba~.. applied .. earl,. ...pld· Picture Mn; ~....ow Illm wileD people _Jao ~ . ~ .UUdl~.. '. eoeo........,... . II . bri_ up the future duke tllUl aDd UIIIII ~ ........ . t .... .... 10, '011 ~ .... .ayiq merel, that all, be IaIld. IIi the hou.e of torelli-I I that lutea4 of . ,.. &Dd topu'.....1... A t•.....tol7 . bu'1Id.-:=~'l:.. IZ: ..... "_'I UUI t . _ :::'~.:at..'1KMIT 1uta 10111 eDoup for Ill. .. 'lea for.,. . AIlI I 1Ia ......,..... New Yqfk cdI;J noa~ ID " ... " -~... law 1I01ICJ 0I1H iJIIbqu. • III It. Of co1lJ'le be" _ ma ..... wltb .... MIr. 'lIbe. beat 1*Iple OD ' earua .,. ,0.. Sap wlf,'. fola-. ...... UdDb.

M~~Il~~~~n~~Yb~yK:~ fi~1,F~rOk&

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.i\1ID unv®

. ~~ [lo<C<IDmrnlJ~' N AT LEAST one Bectlon of the United States at the pres. ' ent time 'a large famlly at small children means wealth nnd the more klddles . a mnn bappens to have the more for· Is he considered. ThIs Is on NavnJo Indian reservation. In nOlrfll' ...·n Arizona and northwestern exlco, where the government Is making Individual Innd allot.' to the trlbespeoille on the basis acres to each and every rrfls pectlve of age; llex or con. . So It hnpp,ens that the bach. condemned to Innd poverty, b ~gnrly quarter s ·tion, while mnn wltb a large swarm oOlles at once comes Into a Innded eslate limited only mber of his oITsprlng, hn(lpens that polygamy has prnctlced by tbe Nava.If a brave bapJlens to have sev rnl vives he ,Is In luck Ind eed. liJach wll 0 18 good for a quarter sec. tion, 08 . e ll as each youngster So Inasmucb as tbe process or allotment Is Blow at d Is bound to con~ume sev. e ral year berore all th e wandering Dodoulns ( r tbe desert can be round. ed up nnd corralled Upon Indlv1dual farms. Dau Cupid bos bf'en b aiecl Into amuzl g ' popularIty and tb most arden t ooseveltlau would searf h In vain In that par~CUlar sec. tion or the desert for IndlcatioD of race sui. cll1e, Wltb wives and children worth lGkcre farm (and tbelr value guarB.nteed by th . government, just like sliver Certlfi (\~atea and banknotes). these com mOd . ties are worth having and the Navajo buck who hus ne Ither Is hustling for H)oth, while be who has one or both II ~uStJIDg for ,more. But the fact ~at a wife Is worth 160 acres of la d bas boosted Ule prIce of wives to such ~an extent that a poor man caD hllrdly. It at all. raise the wherewithaL fot the purchase of one. For the Na,~ajos have bought' their wives sInce th~ beginning of 1m· memorial traditIon - paying the squaw's father In pontes. sh eep, r;oats. catUe. hides. wool. sll!ver or any other commodity acceptabl~ to both buyer IUId seller. NaturallYl the fatber of a marriageable girl fe~ls tbat she Is worth 160 acres of land to hIm. If lome brawny brave wants her he must 1'alae the ante. So It happens that Uncle Sam bas been a real bull on the squaw mark·et., giving her a hIgher valuation than was ever betore dreamed ot by th~ warriors of the southwest. '



r · '- .-



In. .

So the poor but ambitious buck _ Onds It dlfflcult to beUer bls condl· tlon by entering the stat~ ' of matrl· moni as an Investment. ~e price of wives is too blgh for any but thlt wealthy to afford sucb a luxury. As might be anticipated. neither the rich nor the poor of the Navajoes are at all pleased with the rumors that have reached them of the government's ultimate Intentions. They are well satisfied to take their land allotments, but It any attempt Is made to compel them to live upon their lands there wll\ be trouble. They bave been accustomed to wandering wherever the spirit moved ' tbem-drlvlng 'tbelr flocks and herds before tbem and stopping 'wherever water ~aa abun· dant and pasturage good. To be COl'ralled In fenced·ln farms and cOm' pelled to live year alter year In the same, place wlJ1 prove Int{)lerable. To conlHMl a - Navajo on a laO-acre farm will work as great a hardshIP ' on him as to shut a white man up In slI by ten prison cell.

common allotment, but lome have grudging assistance from the govern· been known to have 12. Sometimes It ment. When there Is work to be had, happens that a man's wives quarrel. within tbelr capacIty, the men labor Then he separates them, buildIng for wllllngly and e.ftIclently. grading on eacb a hogan, separated. If possible, the railroads, constructing Irrigation by a rock, a hillock or a convenIent reservoirs ' and ditches and weeding or butte, which neither Is supposed to harvest(ng sugar beets In the beet pasa. fi elds of Oolorado. 'They cultivate The mother·ln·law joke of the news· theIr scanty patcbes ot corn and b""na paper paragraphers Is as old all clvUl· on thousands of places In ' the desert. zntlon, but among the Navajos It is a havIng been real "dry farmers" cengrim and ever·present tragedy. For a turles before the "Campbell system" man to look In the race or his mother· was born of the bratn of the NebrasIn·law Is believed ' to be a certaIn pre· ka experimenter, or the "dry farmlnl cursor of .a ong traIn of Incalculable congress" th'a t meets in October In evils. As his wUe's mother frequent· BUUngs, Mont., conceived of. They Iy makes her home In his hogan (art- build their humble bogans of stonel er the custom ot mothers·ln·law), It or or timber banked up wIth clay, requIres some lively dodging to avert wherever there happens to be water a catastrophe. When he returns home. for their flocks and ·herds. They are atter marketing hIs wool, or visiting neither nomads, like the wanderln, the nearest tradIng store for a supply trIbes of thl:' plains, nor settled agrl· of tobacco, or giving chase to the culturlsts, like the. Pueblos, but rathe.r nimble jackrabbit, or sojourning for \l Bedouins of the American desert, time with another wife, he gIves warn· moving when necessary to secure betr Ing of his approacb by a loud "kl.)'t;' . ter pasturage 01' a mora abundant supand the old la.d y scurries to over. r&o ply of water tor their llve stock. Their malo In! out of sight as long as l1e Is blanketll, woven exclusively by their In the neIghborhood. squaws, have made their tribal name a . Physlcnlly, morally and Intellectual- household word wherever barbarIC! Iy the Navajo is superior to other no- beauty or next to everlasting durabll· madlc tribes, Buch as the Utes, Ity Is prized. In their own field they Apaches, Comanches, Sioux and Chey· stand alone-as far beyond the reaoh ennes. He has always been self,sul)- ot rivalry as are the silken ruga Q.~ porting, ,r eceivIng no raUons or other Bokhara In their spbere.


orvms are not wi'i\t they

should be until lath ers and mothers realtzl! the vn,llIe ot the soul s of til Ir clllldren . Two years agt) In Arkansas, n man bought 243 acres of land for $200. In pnsslng over It one day he found a cr ys tal, whl h attracted him, antI whon he look 1t Into a n Ighborlng city ' he found th at It WllS a diamond. He so ld \.he rarm for $36,000. but now you J!ould not buy It for $1 .000 an acre, tio great Is th e valu of It. For years it wa s In Ule poss sslon of It!! OWIl<'r, and he was InsensllJle to Its 1)I'I" ol(,S9 wortb; but this Is nothing as om· pared wIth the worth of lin Immortal soul, and one never will be concerned about winning one's t hlldl'cn to hrlst until he r allz s l.h el r value In the sight or God lind also tbat the only hope for th em Is In Jesus ChrIst. This Is for nil without dl srrlllllnatlon- nono lno rich and non e too poor, none too wIse ar.d none too Ignorant, none too youn, and non o loo old. A l'treet preacher In Loudon, spenklng on the blesslllg of the pea' lTIak rs, 'who were the children or God, gave an Invita tion to all who would a c e pt him t<' come forward, ond a IIltle street urchin . with ragged ,clolhes aud dirty fac e. Ilushlng Ill s way to tbe front. holding his motber by the hand, speaking In the vernacular of the str et. snld: "Say. boss, I would like to be on e of them chilluDs of God, If 1 am not too small . anti." pointing bael, to his mother with his thum b, be said. "she would like to be one of the chllhms of God. If she Is not too big." That Is the 'beauty ot It. Tbe Eternal Life. Jesus Christ, Is for all, and It Is this thal makes ~lle hom. beautiful.


,' MUCH CAREFUL ATTENTION Sharp PrunIng and Liberal Feedin~ ot: First Class Manure Means Success in Securing B est Flowers. Every plant. r gardl 8S of its size at maturity. req uires a certain nm.Ollnt of tree nnd IInobstructed soli and air space In order to grow and IUllture perfec U,Y., Wh en seeds or very YOllng plauts are set In the sol! they see m unusually far apart, but when they grow up and xpand In root nnd bra ncb they seem too tblck and crowd d. Tea roses mus t be fed lib rully; old. rotted Co w manure Is beHt, but boue· meal Is goorl. Dig several big spoo'nfulR or rertll· Iz I' abou t lb roots of eac h rose bush, re (ll acl ng tlJe mulch. Cut back tho blooming bra oches as soon as the !lowenl fade; work the

firm tbe earth about them. give a. good soak Ing, aud turn over them a. glass fruit jUl', Jll'essing It Into tbeo groll nd . Draw tb 801\ up around theo Jar. but not over It; keep the ground moi s t. RO!:l cultlngs may ' be roo led In. moist sund In any wllrm place, but th e sand must not ~d to . drY ' out at any tim e. 'YhelT'tll .' tootleta arc ba lf an In ch long. tra7,S(llant to SQ iI and g iv e good care. , rhey may be set In t.he border and glass cov· e l'lng stover tb 111 . Most cuttings consist f three or fOllr joinls, or eyes, wl~ I a healthy leuf at the top. Discard very cuttinS that docs not hold the leaf unUI the

Two Homes Contrasten. The best way I know to t(tach m} lesson Is to give ,the plcture \ of tWO 1I0mes. One has an old·fashloned fa". th er, like the man who came Into his boy's room when be was dying to tell him that he would soon be with Christ, and the little fellow drew him on his knees beside the bed and said: "Fa· ther, don't cry, for as soon as I see J esus I will tell him that ever since I can r emember you sought to bring me to him." Such a father Is unlike the one on the Mississtppi river, with a great plantatIon, Ws mllJlon of dollars In tbe bank and his name spoken every· where as a synonym of wealth and power. He came to hIs house to learn thl\t his boy had faUen In. front of a great reaping machine and was frightfully mangled. When the boy found that he must die, he said : "Fa· ther, 1 cannot d1e; you never told me how ' to die. You must pray forr me;" but the father could not pray. Before the minIster came, the bOT was dead. And th'e tat her said he would gLve all he had If he could have him back, or It he could have offered one brief prayer.

A, Pretty Specimen.

lIoil under them and gIve a good soak· plant begins to !fow. aa the falUn, o! Ing wIth manure water early In sap' thjs leaf menns a delicate plant. evell tember and ydu will have abundant if It 11 ves and roots. bloom until frost. Sharp pruning and good feeding Is A Very Handy Wagon. Ther e-1lWlO-qUestlon-about.-the-ha&~-­ the sure means of getting fall roses. Keep down all Insect pests with spray dy teatures of the low·down wagon. All of us know tbere Is hardly a day of sulpho-tobacco soap. A tendency to blight of rosebuds during the season when we can use means Inseots at the roots. Dls80lve a a wagon at all that it Isn't needed. peck of fresh lime In a barrel of On the ordinary hlgh·wheeled wagon water and give the ground a gooll the wheels are otten In the WeJ. soaking with' tbe solution, us ing only 'fhen 'again, It Is 80 blgb from the the clear water on top. ' ground tbat It Is more difficult to load. The Old·Fashloned Mother. When prud!ng roses use all cuttings Those who have low·down wagons four or fiv e inches long for rooting. wouldn't be without them. Those who There Is a home wher'e an old· Insert the cuttlng In well worked soil, haven't tried them hardly realize what fashron ed motber presides like a leav1ng one eye above the surface, they are lUlsslng. Queen. Thank God, some of us have. and others have had , old·fasblone!l mothers. Dear, old·fnshlone,d. sweetA faced motber! Eyes In which tht loVe-light sbone. her brown hair threaded with sl1ve(,' lylng amoothly on the fad ed cheek; her dear hands, worn wIth mucb toll, genUy guidinG .our tottering steps In childhood and smoothing our pillow In sickness, ever reaching out to us In yearl)lng ten· Gerness: Precious memory o( an old· fashioned mother! It Ooats to us now: like the powerful perfume of some fragrant blossom. The muslo of other voices may be lost, but the entrancing memory of her wtll echo In our souls forever. Other faces will fade away and be forgotten, but herl will shine on Wltll the light from Many farms In the corn belt have one dollar per cubic yard of concrete. heaven's portals shall glorify our owo. a ditch running through or psrt way If you hud on band the 6and and --Christian Herald. through them that could be made the gravel. These dams usually pay for Helpful Experiences. beilt land on the farm. writes E. V. themselves In a very tew years, to It seems to me It Is the same with Laue In Farmers' Voice. These ditches say nothing ot satisfaction and conlove and happiness and with sorrow- often make triangular fields or small venience. the more we know of It the better we pieces that cause much Inconvenience can feel what other people's lives are In farming. Forcing Mixture. or ought to be, and so we shall only I have noticed a number of such It has been found by experimepts at be more tender to them and wishful places here In Marsooll county, 1111· ono of lhe New York stations that the to help them-George Eliot. nols. that have been filled In and soll mixture best adapted f(lr forCing "Let us consider that day wasted In farmed over by simply damming up head lettuce Is of a rather compact: which we have n'o t lightened the bur- th~ ditch and tiling out the land. lIlany texture and contalas a "Jod portion ot, dl3n of someone else. We wtll not dams have proved a dlsnppolntment, fine sand, clay -nud slit, moderately ,nav,e to go (ar to find some one In however. because of improper con· lightened with turt, well·rotted horse trouble. It may be only a chl1d who structton. ' manure. It w.s.s also found that after ,has got a lesson It. cannot understand, 1 therefore give you my Idea of a heavy appllzation of stable manur~ but it no one else thankS" you that constructing, such dams. and the same any [urthe r addition of chemical tel'child's angel wtll do so some day." rule will hold good for any body of t1l1zel's Is only thrown away. ChemJ. The great thIng Is to have telt the water or tor .nny height. viz .. first dl! cal fert lllzers gave best results 00 BancUty and Immortal beauty of our trench tor dam to solid ea,r th and as sundy soils, 'rulr)y well·rotted stable ' obscure destiny, to have been led b7 far In the solid earth as at lenst one- manure on clay soils. a series of experiences to' love thle 61x,t h t~e heIght the dam Is to be. AlsQ me 'tor Its grIefs and hopes, to lov. dig trench lUI wide as dam Is to be Fresh SaWdust. men tor theIr weakness and gra.t- hIgh; dig well Into bank at both ends. It Is claimed that fresh saWdust. nen and to belong to ' huma1ltty Now, tben, construct "the dam In contaIns au ucld which, when' ·usect thrQugh the heart, t~e Intel~l"ence ·tbe shape of a pyramid, as shown In heavily, may .lnJure soils which are and the s,oul.-W8.iner, . , . drawl~g: It 'fs not neces~ary to defici ent In lime. The liquids ot ma, make this dam of solid concrete, ~ut nure alkalIne al,ld will ne\1tralize. i 4' t~e walls' at tbe bottom should ' ~e at· ,the snwd ust , If well soaked IntO. ·It. Be ' nqt .a sbained to ' be heip'e'd ; tor .1t least one·fourth as tblclt a8 the' en- Tile c~emlcnl actlon In the manUre Is thy busIness to do thy dutY like , a tlre "helgbt (I"Ie cut); tbe rest can pile Is also nlkallne, so that saWdust soldier In an assault on a town. Hoyt be. filled 1"lth amall cobbles19nes or ufled fol' bedding and well mixed, wJth the~ If ' being lame thou · canst not co~se gravel. , I would not lise earth the manure Is safe to use on the ',all. mOUDt .up. on the ' ba~t1~ments ' alone. on account ·of frost expansIon. '. ~ut with help ot another It· III po.. Succe..ful Breeder. Where shilce ,ates are not used the .alble?-Miuc\1s A,ureUuI. . , The bresder of, to-day who auo. dam 8h()llld be enough lQwer In the ,center to ca,r ry water over In case of ceeds must be a breeder, .. te'edQ • ·,.ou would faU lato I.D7 utreme, .1100118 ",Ithout w....hlng out at the ends. aD all around stock mall. (let tt be on the alele ot gentlene8s. The Plf1,ce a large rook on the l~"'e" stele or The popularity of the ~ow bumaD JDhur fa 10 CODattucted that It the dam to retard w..hlDB a deep ~ducatlnlJ the maasea /to ,WUI~ ......te TJror 'Dd "elcJa tit aottq,ea~ bole ~elow dam. DothlDI but the beat"..u j"'~ · TIle coat of matetlal woUlcl be It. J'railcla -- Sal_ . abotit breecllDl ellterprlae.



The Nava30 reservation comprIses an area of perha'Ds 15,000,000 8C.r es and estimates ot the number of trlbespeople vary all' tbe way trom 18,000 to 28,000. . It might' appear, then, that thet!' reservation was ' bIg enougb to give them all elbow room. Tbe Navajos bave never tbought so and pay not the "lIgbtest heed to reservaUon limIts. Without so' much as saying "by )'Our leave," they .have taken possessIon ot the major part of the reservations or the Hopls of ArIzona apd the Zunis or New Mexico. , THE PICTURE LADY Tben 'they are scattered all over southern Utah, ' southwestern Oolorado An-I-mal. Shape. Taft. and ,t he publlo lands of northem New Look at the Tall Ap-i-mal, 'Children. Is she not Tall? Oh yes Mellco and Arizona. They occupy an area larger than the 'entire state of she is very Tall-and Skin-ny; but then she- has a very Up-to'-dat~ Pennsylvania and will , do a lot of Shape. Why do you think she works in a Dime Mu-seum? Be.cause irumbllng ilt any attempt to cl1r~1l she is on-Iy ' 18 feet Tall: Wrong, Myr-tle I We must learn not to their, liberty of movement. Of course jump .to C,?n-clu-sions, This ~-ton-gat-ed ' Twist-er is on-ly -a tbey do not need ~ore tban ' a small Fash-lon Plc-ture of the La-dy 8 FOlle-y.l0um-al conie to Life. fraction of tblsland for the 'Pasturing . elf tbelr sheep, ' goata, cattle ana horses; but they .have always been Rela'xatlon Needed. and as long as she' Is able to stand seml.nomadlc In their habits. moving The bousehold eat Is an excellent It does not occur to her tlu\t she It to a- new 10caUon whenever they felt model for the average woman to keep Ured. Boc'ety• ..,bbh has heaped so like It. '. before her ey'e s' says a writer. Let ", many petty cat:ell on ber .shoulders, Is In many ways the 'Navajo Is not a women learn be~ secret of relaxaUon more to blame fpr . this cluiracterlsUo bad tellow. Hia 'pecull.a rltle"sare · and they"may keep the ftexlblUty apd !!:~~!~si!erselt, b~t It ~sn't always taults When ,udged' by thl! white man'a Brace or" yo~th ., almos~. indefinitely. all the 'Ume n~r e , car,e a about standards, . But why ahould· we pre- . They can .• lllo keep their facea ~lIn:ed slon ' habit iPJte'r' ~ conUnue ...the I ~ensume to :mellsure U;le fed 'man',s ' oata tor year~ after ,tile ' woman .who Is. a~: ' gone. .' II ,reason ,or t It . In our, balf·bushel basket? Fdr one ways 'in a atate ot ten"lon has begUn , t thing, he know. no dlstlncdo~ .of. to :mol.1rn over ~ro,!:iI feet.: pUSaY baa · . Jl hyr I .meum .and tuum 'arid would ,. rathsr muscles of Iron ap4' terrible clawi. lY steal than buy froUl any' person or at which ahe cail use to 'excellent effec~ ' l 'RJdgew8.1' boaats that'he haa neve, aDY Ume. AgaJn; . the truth .. Dot In when she wants tC), ·but when she does ~ell a drop of IIquor, lo his Ufe;" him: or. If It fs, It Is so deeply burled Dot ,want to use them the ~are .' , "Whl, does he bOa8~1 ' t QO" • that It never . reaches the surface: and in a' state of absolute rel4X&UoD and man who , lierer 'blew out hfa bralna, IngraUtlide ta IQ uDIViSnal that I~ the clawa are sheathed In. softeat :tel- ,and be doe,n't hrq about It.'" , . _. . oppoatte ' Ia IllcoD~lvatil,- la the con- .et. The average woman Dner r. ,:; ...... duct of a NaYaJo. Then hll wean.. laxes either , her mind or ber bod7. 10uns m,an wbo baa DO b.a for man, "lvOi :1IUL7 be cQunted an,d ••en in al"p Ibe II all Ued up la ,bablb ltandl the JJeat ohance· ol .... qalD.t h~~; b.u t pe~baPli W. .boul.i l ~e1l~1 aDd pb1a1ca1. bota. Sbe.,.. ' l7ln~ a 'rIcb mim'• .~Ulhte.r. lle .. .,. .oonldttecl luk of w.,4om ,raUler .~,ea 10 accuatomeCI , to W~D . . . opeDllve to iD"D~ . . . _ ... a1aanl .pe.. Two wt~ ....... , _ aile ~ IIOt ncoplM It; a·law tI'a the oUaer JdD4.





Cou nty ~ourts



Estate of Dnniel B. Leer, deoealle d. Proof of pubJioa tion of notice of ape p ointme nt of Ildmioi str~tor A F ., Simo nton .

IMMIGRATION Condltlons Are Alarming.



CrlmlnuJs esoaplng punishm ent a. CDlllbloatlOftl C•• n'ld- LlCki Onrhaalld- S1ftl RabuIII Court. NaHo)nal Platform. ft ~l n g to our s hores: On ~ rta nk In th e H publi can Na· The lmport8ltlon of Inb rl'ted hatred Marria 2e License s, April ~erm of Commo n Pleas Court t ional PIli !form of I 96 read IIlI fo l· for aJ l I' lItrlC'U ons lIy Jaw; lcIWS: .. b' I' t h PI' t lion o f th qual· Opens with Judge Milton Clark on I'll deacent of II. IlIght of locus1B !t:y Vanoe W . Tolle, 20, fBrlller of CHESnUT AID FRONT STS .• of Am "Ican clllzens hi p and the COLUMBUS, OHIO the ~n.ob. After lssuing of speolal Frankl w ag es of 1\1' worlclng m n ugalnst I he' lo and Florenc e M . LOglUl, 21 , vpon our abundan ce ; .8nlre the followi ng grl\nd jury was Th e r rud upon our Onan ~ by nn falltl comp tltlon of IOW'IlI'l cd lall ", of Frankl in. • - =-==~- ~. all n peo,)!e; w df' ll1nnd hat the Imm lgra,tiQIl la ws eblpan elled: Charle s Easton , Oren Geerge . Mee k, farm er of OlerT he ' \\1U1drawa) a nd eXPOl-tntion 'of be thoroug hly ' nfo rced nnd . 0 ex lend· poo 8trawn Georlle , Carnab fln, George moot ------TRY LIV ERI TEE ----- ---" !. ed ns ' to xc1 ude from en,trunce t o Ow Connty and Inez L , CorZlltt:, m!ll lon1! ot dollars; L. Croll, Wilham F. Furlon g, Lewis 16 of T he xl nslve and llystema Uc 1m· Warrell Couoty . Ka~n, R. L. Blanke nship, Uharle s David W . Holling shead, as, of portatlon of allen girls and women f or th e purllose 0 1 proSlll.tullon, known Deardo ff, C. W. Gorsuo h , Frank Murrow , flDlI Mar garet McNea l, 37. as "t11e white s ln,v e tramc;" Pauly, O. W. Randal l, George Maroh of Morrow . Thousa nds or a liens In penl ten tla· " 'ho was Ih grea.t prot etlon I :I ller. Llverlt ee for a Cold, Backac he and Weak Liver or KldneY In lilA LeWi. &tll1:er, Rolla Ualllih er and 8. Inaugural address, :'II IU'C!l l Roy Conrad Eokard , 25, paper rles, Jall8 and chnrltab ie In stltutlo n.s 4 . I 97. fil'st sai d : "Our zuUon u nd OI&K. J:l!om~oreman, C, W . maker of Frankl in and Et-bel allover the land; lmm1grM laws ahoulrl ' bl' furth Pf V Desecration of lhe Sa,bbalh da:1 In lrllprov dIon Alwavs Ran4al~le, James Thomp - SWllrt zel, 21, of to Ith e constan t promotl uD Frlinkl ln. the clU es; them in or n s a r . It b tte r und 1\ high I' ('111· Ion. worth a pound The oorrupt oontrol or city 1,0 Il ti 03 l.p nslll p. A ~ra v e perl,1 to ho use r the re pu bli c of cure. by alien New SuIt voters; "'ould be a ItIzensh too Ignorallt Real Estate Tmnsfe rs. for u~e. The crime llgrunst women "lid ohll· t o und r'st nnd or too vll.tpclolls to AIJrm)dren by men who can nOl Sll l'ak ilia (' atl' t h e gn'n t valuo IUld benefi W. B. Jactlo n VB. Finley Thomp · Dodds 'f obacco Wnreho use Co . to cence Prepar ed from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleans e EngJlsh language ; the System "00.. Petmo n filed our' a/!1UlI Ins tltullon st IIJ.I s Ilnd·herlawa\0, and who COlli pra ring for Dodds Cannin g oompan y. real estnte W il t' ...._Purify _ _ _the Blood __ The eons tan t1y Increas ing poll ut l{ln of and ___ thu~ __ PREVE __ _ _ _NT SERIO __ US ___ SICKN __ ESS, ___ _. . .p. jndll1Den& ."alns t defend ant for $1 80 in ClOllrcreek town sbip of Ame rioan olIS toms , llQIlII' S and mol" u pon them our' gu tes mu $ 2400. st be proUl \)l· als by the lhrong of undeslm lll . Imml· Iy and Ih; ht ly clolwd. Hilt wi'b interes t due on transfe r of Ann/\ B. Cook, Levi Purry Cook gran racy mURt tB; be hanl shed from the tAnd If we shall propttr& y. Robed J. Shawh an Bnd and Mary E . Cook The ru.ln ous roml'N It lo n of races In a ttain Lhnt high to Amos Cook destin y as the tore· WAVN ESVlll E CHURC HES, George E . Young, attorne ys for and Ella B. Cook a; mo st of l he enlighte ned nUotions , tract in Wayntl Americ The excessive hours In many trad es ; plaintif f. the wortld under provide nce we ought St. August ine's Catholi townsh ip, tl. Tile too plenti!ul supply of I~r; c Church . to achieve ." The 1lbllUy of aU en people to do as John Brown and .Joanna Brown F,.t be r OCO'llC MBI'cnbo Prllide cCer. 1'nlltor nt Rooseve lt. to William Rogers , 19 64 Bores in well as an American on a much more PrNS ldent Roosevel1. In his met!lIage /II u '!! e V('fV ti600 11l1 SUDdtlr u i limited dIet; til e UlOOI\l1 al U:O u 1\. w , Ohri.& tne Hardin g vs. Cbarle s W. Harlan townsh ip; 11000, The naturali zation of the Ignoran t of December S, 190 1, said: "Not onl~' mu st 0 111' Inbor be protecte d lIy WI! Thomp son et a1. Judgm ent preKatie Lewis to Edna M. Cutler, and vic10llS of the old world; St. 1\lary's Episcop al Churrh . The cut·thro at compet ition and con· tllrltr. but Lt shol~ld n.lso 'be prol.e led vlonaly made ie set aeide . six aores in Hamilt on townllh lp, '50. stant HI" '. J . P. Cndwallt llicr. ICccltJ r. tro fnr UII possibl e from the pres nce me nac to American la.boq-Suml:.y cilOOI. II ::10 n. UI M o r n l 1l \: ser' I Emma Lewis vs . Milton Naylor Theodo re F. Geran and Rebeoo a All brought about by unregulatod III th country or nny l81borcrs brought ,·l cll. IU : ~ o a . III . 1I<IIy OUlUl Uo luu Lh e 11 r gl e' al. Sheriff '. sale confirm ed, Geran to J . L. Van Cleve, :en 53 tmmlgr ation, s hould arouse the ~pl e over by contrac t. or those \V,ho. com· SUlllh,), 01 ea 'h m o u Lb . In g freely . yet to repl'613e action nt and Congres s to protecti ve a slandar d Charle a Whiten eot vs, King Pow. Bores in Harlan townsh ip, ~1. or II vlllg so depl'E!Ssed that they CfI n an.d J:.estrl ctlve legls lation. Method ist Episcop al Church , der Co. (laOle dlemils ed. underse ll our men I'n the lahar mark I William E . Hueltt ne, AbbiE.' E. and drug th em to a. l<lw er level. Our Rov. H. W. Balloy. l'Wltor. . Bnae Bon8 VI . Howar d Collett e, Hazelti ne, Mosell B. Hazelti ne and 11rf:Se nt Immigr ation laws are unRAt: SUlIlll,y 'chool, U : :)0 11. ID . ".ornlul: tlc r· Worse than BulJ~ts. ad~tn.i.trator. Defend ant given James T. Hazelti ne, to Jaoob H. !sfactory. There shOUld be 1\ com· ville. III :3U a . Ill . E p wo r t h L c ng uc , 7 :00 p . m. \!: yonln g servIce. 7 : 00 1/. m. Bullets bave often oaused le811 suf- llr hE'n stve law enact.ed with 11 II wt'tlk leave to flle pleadin g in twenty days. Looke, 'raot in Deerfie ld townSh ip, the ob· fering to eoJdier e than the eozema ject of working threefold improve ment P r Iyc r ~o e Lln ll , 7 p, m. Aome Food Co. vs. B. A. Coyne. S1. L. W. Harrim an, BUllin gton, Me., fJfVfn' our presllDt system. Christi an Church . Court orders tbai plaintif f be given David .T. Monnt and Alioe M. got in the army, and suffere d with. "FIrs t, we should aIm to exclud~ rub· Rev. L. O. TlJomJl8On. Pastor. 30 daYI to give 1100 additio nal seoo. llonnt to Jobn and Eva C. Rider, forty years . "But Buckle n's Arnica Bolutely not only all persons who !I re Sunday School. 9:aOa. m. Soclal mootIng. known to be b9l1evcl'S In anarchi stic 10:3 011.. 10. Christian Endeavo ri'Y. r. 7: 0U p. m. real eetate ia Salem and Hamilt on Salve oured me when all else failed," principle or , m embers of anarchi s tic Se~mon by pastor.ev ory nlLcruuto he writes. Greate st bealer for Sores socl~tles, 'b ut Suodny at George Hutchi nson 'YI. Samue l E. ,owneh ips. 18500. aJso aU persona who ore l lo . 3 0 Q . m. aud 7,!.O p. n~~. Ulcera, B011~, Burns, Cuts, Wound s, or a Cntler. Defend ant granted 15 day. low tendenc y or of unsavor Olara B.. Lewis to Ralph Lewi8, Brulset l· and Piles. 250 at Fred repu· H·.·~· F' d Ch h C. t l\Uon. This menns that we yshould K'~,te rlCn s urc. to plead. 14 .6' aoree in Wayn" tOWD8bip, '1. 80h wartz ·s. rp qu~re a more thorough system ' of FlrHl Day MClIn >:. Itl :00 11. m. I' lrat Day inspecti on abroad snd a more rIgid Jillizab e'b F. Chap_ an VB. Theo. l ool. 11 : U(l a, m. F'ounb Day M"t' tlug Leroy Hatha. wayau d Olive Ann Ohio Depart ment of Agricu lture Ilyetem of examin ation at ollr. Imml. 10 :0 0 a . m. D. Lyon et a1. Defend ant ordered Hathaw ay to Theodo re BIsbop real grutlon ,potU. the former being 0 8 eOrthod ox Frlen ds Church eatate in Clearo reek townsb lp, to at 'Ye eeourU y for 008te. daUy neoeasary. Jonatb an Monis and Minuie Mor- AVERAGE OHIO WHBAT YlELD PER.AOR "The Rev . Benjamin Rawklu . PlllItor, second KarIH . Caldwe ll VI. Maggie Tilton obj t of a proper 1m· IC on la.w ought to bEl to secu re . abbatb obool. IJ :30 a. ,1. RCj,tul ar oburch Court gran" clefend ant leave to rie &0 W! L, Harvey , 2.21 acrea in Southe rn 8eoUon .......... .. 12 buebel8 migrati bv a oare tuland not me rely p rrunc· 116n ·loo. 10 '111 U. 'D . hrlinlan J::udeavor. Harvey sburg, 11. pl_ In 20 days. Oentr!, l lIection .......... ..... 14 bUlihel1 tory educatlonaJI t est lome In.tellige nt 7 :30 p . til B. Wilde Gilobr ilt to Roy E. lIil- Northe rn section ...... ...... 16 capacity to apprec1 81te America n IIlIIII· bnabels tullona and' act 'sanely as AmerlcllD ler and, Etbel G. Miller, lot in Leba- State Averag e .......... ....... Probate Court. U busbels citizens. non, II. POl8ibl e Idtate Averag e .. ... 30 buabe18 "This would not kepp Ollt all an· ...tate of Elizabe th A. Braden , Jobn Q. Hawke , Josepb H. Hawke How to do it-Tho rough dl'aina .e; archlsts , . for many of them belon~ tt) Imbeol le. Jamea L. Brown appoin t. aud Alioe IAriot to the Intellig ent crlmlllll.l clnsse!l. But George W. orop rotatio n; fertiliz ation i testetl U would do what Is also In (lolntad ~&D a' bond of 11000. Hawke , traots in Clearo reek town adap&ab~e seed. tllat I,s, tenc;l to de rease the s um or . E~tate of Simon · Idhnma ter, de' ship, 11.. 'i'be followi ng repor~. oompu ted tgnOr1lDce, 80 '(lotent In I>roduclng t.he Altist~ d~., oeUed. d final aoooun t filed envy. BU6I(11don, maligna nt pus Ion from retllrns reoeive d from tbe offi. Bn1i .h1ltred Wl1ect alyle. brilliant of order, out of which an· by ADu M. Sbuma ter. . finiah, combined with Comml laloner s' Procee dlnp. oial orop and live stock corresp on I. Ilrchlatlc sent iment mentally prlngs. Eatate of Willon Kirby, decease d. hoaeat value, make ~ ......~..-...r . . "Finally . an persons should . . ., bt> x· ents of tbe Depart ment, indlcate l! Invea~ry and apprais ement filed. eluded who are below ' a celltaln stand· BiUs-R uggiel -Gale 00., blanks , the oonditi on of wbeat and other aTd of economic fitness to E'nter our Eakte of Simon Shuma ker, de- '2.05; Audito r's fee fund, It don 't makJ any difieren ce indexin g, crops: litdustrl al ftelds as competitorA wIth . oeaaed. Sale blll flied and appr'ov ed. 151.110 i W. B. S&anage & Co., ftling Wbeat what you have ·to ~c" , we can Americ an , l abor. -Cond ition compa red with . "There should be pro'p er Ilroor or J'rant J. Brown , admini etrator of ~1UI88 and supplie s, 127; L. M. Soo sell It for you th ough the Classltan~rd averag e 83 per oent. personal capa city to earn an American eaaat8 of Jobn T. Phillip e, deoeaie d field, .oa~ for jail, . r ; Alton 1'. Winter ~arler-Conditlon com living and enough ified Ad Columl l. Try it, Dnd see ailftrWlIle the choice of money to In,Jure ~s. Malvin a R. Phililp e et a1. Sale ~rown,expens88,I' 45 ; The di.criminatiotlpurchuen. Wester n 'pared with IItanda rd averag e, 88 per a decent t!tart under Ameri can I)ondl· . Thia nllllle to-day il&Dda tIODS. This would s top the Influx of ' approv ed and d1Itrtb ution of pro- titar, printin g. 1711.80; F. P . Forgy, oen&. for the heaYieat V-de of cheap Inbor, and the resultin g compe- l .oeeda made, fees, expens .,. and boardin g prillon. plaleeod exquiaitebe.uty Rye-C onditio n oompa red with Wlon whi ch gives rise to so mnch In maUer of estate of Laura A, ,erl, ' t135 14; Ella Fryber of patterna. -aurina 10118 bltterne ss In American Industrial life; Ker, ex standa rd averag e, 88 per oent. rear. of eervice and MIand It would dry up the &prlng or the Newpo rt. decease d: Oourt grany pens~ inourre d in recelvi ng Pastue r Oorn-:( .Jondit ion in orib com- ))p.5tllenUal social conditions In Ollt' iallldion. Ita remarkable reqnee' for inveatJ Dent of certatD usa'me nt, 1117.40 ; Mable Fryber ger durability hu won ·it . . pared with a&anda rd averag e, 15 per great cltles where anarcliJ&tlc orgllnl· funda. the popolar title zut!ons have ,t heir greates t pO>lslblllty eame, 1117; Estel Wrigb t same, 132; cent. of groWLh. lil8tate "Sit,," nAIe Joaeph us , Wt&ha~, de- Martin Re888, 8ame '132; Paul King, "Both the e ducational and erooom ic 'ruit-P rospeo t oompa red with ,IrA, Wlan." oeued. Bepol1 of _Ie by "dmlnl a .ame, 1137.; N. A. Hamilt Sold by ludl •• on making 'norma l yield, 90 per cen'. I" test Innw Ilie 1mm Igra tPon IRW s h 011" I d • • ' ... ev.ry. ' be desl gned to protect aod el vate the • • • •II!I__• • • • • • • •; h'aton ltappr ond. Invento ryfl1ed amdav~ t8 In above 088es, wb.... Send I~ togeth er with flnhn d final aooonn t, Balston , refund er on dug, t2; Col· NO OALAMITY IN lllO WHBlAT OROP. great body 1)olltlc and Boclal. A vary !pi cat.lorue . , tl. close supervision should be exerc1l1ed C'L "abo,.,I.. _ _ _•• _ • :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ Official oorre8p ondent l' of this over the ste'!lmshlp companies Ea'ate of '.r. G. White, deoeue d. which aft "'Uft~.. \ D Fint aooonn t flied by D. E. DunmlllnUy The Demon of tbe AIr. bring over t~e Immigr ant, and ppartm ent estill.a te the presen t they &hould ~~J'c: :., 'be held to '8. strict &«> 1 ham, adbilni 8tratcr . 1 _. I. the .germ of LaGrip pe, that, OOn~ition of the gro~i,n g,wbeat plant countablllty (01' anr Infraotion or the ....... ....... ..'.CI&.· Eatate of Weet Glenny , deoeaae d, breatb ed in, brings eufferl • •~. . \ '1'0 Introduce our very complete Spring Une ng to at 8 per oent oompar'e;d with a stan law." . 10f beautiful woollulUnga. wash fabrics. When the Tmmlgra.tlon CommissIon I'in' aooonn hpprov ed, allowe d and thousan ds. Itll after efieots' fancy are wal,tlngs. ' Ilks. ote .. hdkfs. Illcos and 'POUI. dard II. verage . This 18 a deoline in ts Its. final report .. - Pre91dent ~~~==~~=~====== coac.. D1lrm weakne ss, nervou sness, laok of ap. oobditl on of 1t per oent pre en All up-tO·dal ,e ·New ."" . York Olty pattel'D8 sinOl- th,e is- TaItt. on Decemb er 5, , l l1'lnest line on the market. 00 ed. Dealing dlreci 1910, petite, energy and ambitio n, ~tO\la.ed In lIO rolunto8 wltb the mills you will Dod our ' WHAT price. low. lCetate .of Ale't:r Boo'b, d~8ed, disorde red liver and kidney witb suanoe of tbe last'rep or,t, Oeoem ber lIure with Dr. S hOllY 's r~tallO.~Oto 130.00 wcokly, Samples s . The and , Is" In OOmpari80n wltb oonditi on Croup Remedr. Ono ':tt US ruc ona packOll In a llOlLt sample cue PrOOf of publlca tion of notice of "p. greate8 t need then i8 Eleotn WILL ' o tost; Bitter£! '-'III 8Ureb pro~o. ~ Pru::! expl'Ollll prepaid. No • \ mousy required: pointJD en' of admlni lltrator John H. abe splendi d tonio, blood \ No .olDitilll[. DO dis- B xc g-'Ive purifie r on oorresp onding HE last year it &zeu. AaafelU1dpleaalli8'~· D~Ista. G~ODl'ItS ctooterritory. Wnw for partlculan. and regnlat or of Stomfl ob: Liver aad sbows an adTanodate alWly; ",STABNDARD DRESS SAY '. e of 21 per oent. ~ Deg •. • 1. IngbamtoD. N. Y Booth. Kidney s. Tbousa nds have proved Seedin g genera lly was late and. 7 that they wonder tnJly strengt hen fear was expres led that an early t.he nerves, build up the system and WHAT ' ~TUBERCULOSI ~ reetore bealth and good spiriy~fter winter would oanses erlous WILL damage . ~ an attaok of Grip. If sufferi ng, try The plant, howev CONGR E8$ er, made remark tbem. Only 500. Perfeo t satiafao · able IIrowtb during tbe DOf month of CornIng. 0" tion guaran tees by Fred 0, Scbwa rtz Novem ber, and went Into Expert OPtICian, I winter in May 20. 1909. • - • fine oonditi on . ThrouK hont the se. FooS FOR SALE 'fo Whom It May Concern: IMMIGRATION LAWS INADEQUATE vere weathe r it was well proteot ed All I rea. tha many testimonials trolll Over 20 Vears Practic al Experie D\;e dltterebt people. where they are belne Pure-bred Barred Plymou th Rock by a beavy ooverin g of snow, lind GIld have been cured with Nature', . ~ I 50 The prelent Comml lsloner of Imml· wh,le a few oorresp onden' 15 ' R M ' s note' eggs .lor sa e', c per Creat·lon. I can say thllt none have gratlon at New York city. • •. • Hon. wn· damag e by lce ooverln g tbe fleldll Duke & Son, Gustin Rotel, Wayn esville,O. Valley 'Phone 59-4X, more praise to give than I or lIam Wllliams, who handles . about 80 after the dlsappe aranoe of the InOVl', '''ovnes ville, Ohio. R. D, 4. ~~d ~"t o~e ~~M lat saturd ay In every month t~h dono me 80 much good u percentofthepresentallell~~x, its and besides deoline in oonditi on is. attribu ted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ did ' ~ his annual report: saved making doctor b1l18. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The present do not reach a obiefly to tbe extrem e dronth pre Betore lakin. Cure I doctorlDIl aU the Nature'_ vall1ng during time and nothing Wa'Il the past month . ThA did lll.rge body of immIgr ants who are gen· Ill. any good and waB so weak from erally undesir able, because W~EN YOU LEAV E HOM E eoughlng day and nlgh't tho.t I could not gent, of low vltallty , poor unlntelU· pl.nt Is sufferi ng badly t.or w/ln~ If physique, moistn rl', and warm rains during 'Work able t A 'l I W• ~~s advised by 0. frIend to try kind to Iperform only the cheapes DETE RMIN ED TO BUY prl would greu t yl 'Improv e 1't sap. abor, deslrou8 or BettII. ng a I. the remedy. BO I sent and got one most of exclusively In the cities. by their pearlln oe. bottle and after takIng sume tor one compet ition tending to reduce the Winter ha.rley and rye show tbA week I began to ellt good and sleep well IItandard of livIng of the at night. 80 I continued takIng medicine wage-worker, and unfitted Americ an same 8rowin g oonditi on, 88 per cellt either men· and In three w e ek s started to work the d oompar e WI'th an averag e . first day ot December, 1908, and have ~l1Y or morally for good citizenship. The oondlti on of oorn in the orib beon worldng ever sin ce. nnd o.m work· It would be Q.uite Impossi ing lind t eellng flne and gaining In rately etate what proportble to accu· is estima tei at 95 per oent oompar ed ion of last Don't lei ihe dealer who handles some inferior preparation, talk ' Itrength o.nd also In weight. and can ,year's immigr ation should be classl. wltb an ave,rug e. Tan pc'\' oent d t~ll anybody and tell the truth tho.t Na· fled as. undesir you into buying that Ujuat 88 &00<1"'.kind. which so often proves able. I believe that at the orop remain ed unbuek ed durlllil ture's Creation cured me ot lung trouble leallt a third came here unsatisfa:ctOry. Insilt on having last year, the win.ler , and el!tima tpd' tl a' , and haa 88ved my life. • who, althoug h they may be able to tbill ' SUffered drtmog e to I tbe extent hOl'lng ·thls testtmonlal will be the earn a Uvlng, yet· are not wanted and cau,e of helpIng' otherl! who are 8urrer. will be of no benefit to the country , of 12 Per oent. . THE in. as I did tor rears. I am. and w11l, Oil the contrar y, be a delrl. Frnit prospe cts ' are exoelie ot, beYours respectfully. : ment, beCloU8e tbelr'pr esence will tend ing 8stima tet1at. lIO per The kiDCI" that won't fade whtm exposed to sunlight. oent OOU1to lower our standar ds. Their .. com· pared with an averllg e. The kind with that T·O·U·G·H-L·E·A·T·H·E·R·Y-E·L·A·S·T Inr: hal been a benefit chlefly, if not Fll-rm' .work generll lly \8 well 11(\ Finish that only. to tbe ' transpo rtation compan iel outahbieJ and outwears all others. " whlcb ~rour:ht them ove,," vanoed ., Ma.ny corresp ondent s reo , • It'. fCF. FL.OOR8. FURN,I TURE . AND ALL OTHE R IN'. Immigr ation Is ooe of the great que&- ·port oatl seeding as nellriD g oo.mple . TEAIO R WOODWORK, iD natural wood cololJ. tlolltl of the day anct 8hould be studied tlon ~nd oo~n pl~wing ' in pr<!Bree~ . '0" ULE b1 both=IIIt1=.=.=bo~.~r!. BY nawa:alliecl.Comm on




. : ~:~"'~o:;~§:~:;'~::;;~,~,~~:I Liverites Preveots Serious Sickness


~~",,~~ri~~ ~; I LIVERITES




"All Puffed

This is the ' ~"ay


Adv erti sJ,s

Loo k whe~ they




Classifie~ Ad•

Choosing Silver

Colu.lnn ·

5 lint!'5 3 wee ks





For only 25c




J. N. .HOYT,

----- ..











,PIliILU I:r lei .. .,.., .... . Ir. SIIIIf .... .... .

Read the ada In the Gaze"e ,' U ,,1lllDf.orDJ you w~ere to trade. _




.J. E.. rJANNEY, .






rilE l' lIlJlI "uJ




-~~ ~/· ---: =~:=I BrookJWAS AWFUL HOT W"~'GAZ I ETTE.I -----T~~c~~~ .~:n:~+ .n~t~!r! Sch ools _ y~ lat ely ~ad a !;lovalty in +- --- --- --, .'J11 • 0 .. 10

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afire in It'ceme tery: wlth supposed b I)t Wltyue 1'owils b'iIJ iug. · Wbe"e Is though t Retting pow. mar bl . e tom .atones burnin g up. A V,\J,LIo:Y TlolI ,J,: I'J1uNE- -O 1.1.. No. II~ Hellt/l)l" Illf fhl' Ill ll ut,b t'ulling Muroh ur to be dtlveJoped better th.n '0- town The aged father and mothe r wher.e --:=-_ _ _ _ _ I :lu, 1910 . . of a . reuding clast!? Here il.l whore that even the gravey ards a promi nent Boston lawye r are set on D L. CI(ANE , Ed iL9r and Manag er The f .. \lowing Impil t! were neither many dilIic ultielJ in other s safely carried throug h ~e last ubjeols fire oun really bousto f "going some " . IIbl:ttlllt nur Hlrdy : beglu. two winters by RatNI of Subscr iption I:!ome teaoher s are teaohln g muob Harmony Orove. of their arithm etic by usi ng farm I.UO .06 Anll~ probl ems. Whut 110 variety of these Furn08 RO!lcoe Fur nus ------------------~.-----probJern R ohildre n cao bring to Neva Htfl DfiolJ The son says: II My father R41tes of Advert ising 80hnol. . EnrOllment., 24 i tu,Hlinel'8 2. Will Keep and n all lug 'U>ca ls. per II lie . . . . . . . .. ... . ~ . mothe r owe their presen t The teaoher who uses 11 goad part Minnie Burget t, T elloll er. I H I\dhlll Lo·!I1IA. lJlue)( rU(!e. lIer lIull .... JOe streng th and good health to of the intermi ssion period with the CIUHllletJ Ads. uo~ 10 exceod Ih'o IInoa . Vinal. Durin g the last two Thl"OO 11I8\lr tloDH .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<: chil dren is improv ing conditi ons for College Hili. OlJltl!arl Oli. O"1l hll' h es freo ; over 11"e trying winters neithe r ~f them had a cold, an" were good govern m ent. Many teaoher s inches. per line . .. ........ . .. . 6<: CIl)'1 ~q uires Elli8 Srntth able to walk farthe r and do morc than for years. Card or t hauks • . ... . . . . .... .. . . ... ... are leaders in the games. - AND2~ Edlta Cornell R080lu~lo tIH ... .• . . .... . . . . . . .. • .. • . .. Floreaoe Hes8 I think Vinal is perfectly wonde rful. It certain ly is 'l'hesut lpended judgme nt has saved 800lals etc. where chul'110 Is mado . ... . . . ~~ Edna t;mi th the greate st blood-making, streng thenin g tonic for old both parent and tenohe r muoh DIsplay Ac1vtlrtls lng 1Ior /rIc h .. . .. ...• • . 10e Enrollm ent, 13 i t'lrcliness, 11 . DlJicountB glvon on l·O ll t rac~. people i ever heard of." trouble . . Helen McClur e. 'i·enoller. We wanl every leeble old persoo In this 10Wli 10 ..,. Approv e of gooll work when it At his residence, 3,X miles west of A PRIL l a, 1910. VlDol. We will relUrD their mODey wlthoo l que.~ U deservc s it. Mt. Holly. II Waynesv illt', on the Upper Springdoes 001 accom pUsh aD we claim lor II. . Not only instrnc tion in commo n boro pike, for the season of 1910. rJelon Luolls politcn es!I, but the real praotio e George ~mlth J. E. JANNEY, Drug gist, Wa.vnesvil1e. "SMART" PEOPL E Altia Burden tells much about thesob oolund oom E.I Haley ' .BROW N BILL is a g ood generalmunity . In 'one SO \llll) I there ue purpos e horse. T4e youth of UDY town. when lie Bertha Marlat t Peerie Smith' gets to be of un Rife thut mnkes him Martin Marlat t Velma MUl'latt ohildre n whose hair IS combed , faoes CLOVERDALE is one of the best· feeJ ,cllnuLrt" and,. unts the planclif 8 ~clnll. Dill Lena oleuo, Ilnd the not overwo l'ked bred Perche ron horses in this section I of ble )rOIJIH", hil S t1rrived Itt an IIge LJy u t,hla Burrlen Adria Cornell "Thank you" and "Exouse me" aad of the country . He is fifteen yeara when he needa ollorefll l watchi ng and Albert Marlut t Rlstlie Lucas "Good evenin g " tellt" that 1I0m.. body old, and is withou t & blemish . Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. trainio g Not only do~s' this IIpply LI:I"ter 0 111 Islooki n.: .. fte ... more than that whioh PauJino Marlut t t·be boys but to the ~irla 8S well. Wilbnr Marlat t the 8t!ltute require 8 to be taught W.iJl be found in the old TER MS: Bank BuUding. opposit e Eurollm ent, 25 i tardlne 8s. O. A good many pllrents . when-t,be Qnlte the opposit e in some schools . tbe Nation al Bank. oblJd &~riV8~ ...t 8 "lIlUlu t" age. think $lO.Of) to insure a living colt. Any PearJ C. Bill, Teaohe r. rhere is too muoh referen oe made Telephone In house and of· that the ohlld Is jllst all r·ight, bnt to whllt the oountr y 8chooJs of the one parting with mare forfeits the fice where I can be called Green Briar. a look int 0 thfl publio life of suoh past have aooomp lished as indiou- insuran ce. day or night. . fiods it is al\ wrong and on the Jennie Warne t.ive of what th~y are doing at pres Va1ley Phone 14-2. r Bessie Warne r wrong trunk . A ohild olln maie eot or will do in the future. Enrollm ent, 9; tardines!l O. Main Street, Wayne sville, Ohio. himael fa nulsBn oein many ways 8nd We sbonld oot: be fooled loto beSarah Burnet, Teaoher. in aa wany waYIJ Or~n d() things tbat lieving that onr ohildre n "re learn' the pnl)Uo will blelis him for. ing to read muslo if all they get 18 Lowe-II Hili. A few daYlIlIgo a "smart " boy (or ~ few soogs ta.nght them by rote. Nina Simpki ns it 'lllaM bave been B ""mart " man) Mrule Shutb There is a very notioea ble increas e in AUCTI ONEER ; _tuok a knife in " Mlermometer on Bertha Orndor f Benry Orndor f the oomne r of mosio teacher s In Centerville, James Woolla rd tbe ~tree~, and of oonrse delltroyed Fred Simkin s rnral sohools. Ethel Simkln 8 Joseph Shutta 'be uaefolDe8S of that lIseful piece Bow oan a teaohe r to a rural The man who can flell your Pearl Orndor f of foroitu re. This, In Hself, is vanlIohool aooompUah muoh if it III nec WAL TER MCO LUR E, Horses , Oows, Bogs, Farm, Enrollm ent, 13; tardlnesfI, 2 . dall8m . e8BBry to have from thirty to thirty. Farmio g Utensil s, Honee · Henrie tta MoKi.n sey, Te80he r. WhtJe tbfl prloe of snoh an instrufive reoitati ons per davP There liTe hold Goods, er anythi ng in Fune ral Dlror:tor. ment ia 8hght, yet a' the IIllme time sohools in whloh the progra ms tor the selling line. Sugar Grove. anyone who w,ould abuse suob the upper gr..des are alterna ted wlt·h Call Him Up ' for Date s a oheap thing wonld not healtllt e in Inez Thoma . good result8 . Ernest Mhnt" TelephoDe day 01 night. Will mllke the season of 1910, at ----- tornlng on '!o wllter plug, or lome a"rold Earnba rt Paul Stokes Valley phooe: N0.l. Long Saved from the Grave. other .oob vllnd"lillm. LoweJl 1'howa . Everet s Thoma 8 Distanc e No. 69-'~. Tbe mll~ner ' in Wiliob a "smllrt." Mrnie Surfac e Eroe8t Earnha rt "I had about given up hope. after nearly tour vears of lulferin g from 1847 R penon o{lndnotll himsel f on t he EVI1 Prater 0pllll:i ray WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. • a 8evere ' lung trOUbl e," ,'reet. always hu It tf>ndenoy to fol RU8ael SUr.lace MadisoQ Ellrnha rt writell I4r8. M . L. Db, of Olllrksville. 'l'enn. At the I !iame stable. RENIER. 10 him elsewbe~e. eve~ Int.() Goo 'II Branch Office, Harvey sb1ll'l. 0. A Ivio Earnha rt ,COften the pain in my ohest would the Black Perche ron Stallion temple ' It m&KfOll bnt. sligbt differ , :t-.o. If you Enrollm eDt 19, tardine ss, O. would lIke'to supply be almost unbear llble and 100uJd 29121 is siring a numbe r of good enoe wbat, olluroh It- may be. that notdo Margn erlte M.onfort, Teaohe r. /lny wO,rk. but Dr. Kiog's ! Its'th II' New Discov ery fias - made me feel co , ey are se mg f or h'Igh . prICes, Slit· IIl'art for worllhlplnR your table Wl'th thl'S hl'ghlike a new person . Its the best three 2·y€ar-olds have sold God to wbt.tev flr manDe r may be for $650, Sprln& ·Branch. grade silverware free of medioi n'e made for tbe throat and which is a good adverti sement cenera l Auctioneer .een fit, Rnel .d"8 rflvel ence should for , write us for our speluugs. " Obstin ate oonghs , stu im. His1l1 posItion an his colts' Goldie Conner ' aDd f~1lIIt givAn to oondno t be born oolda . hfty fever, 1& Waynesville, disposition can't be beat. Cltua &err, hill (Jarl Dakin Ohio cial offer. Address asthma , cronp, bronob ltlsgrippe, ooming '<> per8C'nll who (IIDter the and Le6ter Curtlll Erll.est Braddo ck hemorr hages,h ollrsen essand whoop. obnrob . , "Smar t" fo!'1111 abould be Valley Phone 22-.l Clay Burn s STANDARD FASIION (;OMPm tng 00118h. yield qulokly to this won.hown "this error, and taugbt to be Herma n Conner B .. rry ,..aoy II-II VIII'" SIred, New York. No Y. derf'lJ m~dl line . Try .lt. 60u "'Il'ld Sired by Bobby Burns 2:19,X' lDurollment, 14 ; tardio :IS. 7. . Bobobe6l'VaDt of IbiDlZl1' Ilronnd them. tl00. Trllll bottles free . lJnsran . .'. 4 • !lohn I:!trawn , teed ·fl:l8ohe by Frert '0 . Sohwa rtz. r. W. HENDERSON,M.D. . U ia ~uer~lIY tlie'8m art bOYI:1 who by Burns IS the eire ofl01m the hst. __ • Clay Burns is a very dark gray stalSO ftahhi~ oo·l;uu days. and who love Red Oak. FARM FOR SALE Waynesville, Ohio. '<> sit . round' all d"v and lI!1ten to lion, 16 hands high. weight 1200 'Ibs.,. bad '~rlea, ·. aDtl tn gef1eral make Enrollm ent, 8; tardine888, 14_ R. BAT RAWAY Valley Phone 153 :i~~~~ :re!:ze::ri:~e:rf::~l~~ Main Stree a de.ecra tlon ot. t.he day . Evil. Davl8, Te80he r. I will offer at Private Bale ~he }Jositio n. Goes well either at Wayne sville's Leadin g Dentis l the trot ~e ;-" emart" boy learos to ohew; Summa ry. fllrm, ·known as the Engle Mills, or pace. Shows promis e of Maln 8& extrem e Office tn Keys Bldg. .moke alid 88lD blp. beoo.nse he thiD II, . about 3 mUes and has proven a sure breede r i.... mar~. 'l·be. · other boy (s al Total enrc,llm ljnt........... .......... .. 126 lIngton Ohio n ortheas t of New Bur· speed . ' . .' •• ' . ...... .. .... 36 ' farm . HaVlng both a produc mg sire and "'111' doing I!oDletbln", eUher pbY8- Odell 0 f _r di Oesll... ...... Tbill contain s 30 acros of d N Ith \ . h h' b . d" . ' . rd . 67 . tcally OJ' meot 11y to improT 8 him- o. ne t eriah8en~_no~ ta y"'d'" '6 good am, togethe r WIt IS In IVldua hty part of U oreek bonom makes him one of the lelf. be con alwllyli tloCI time for Per oeD ne t er Ilunen. nor tar y.. land. Jalld, best stock j aod it is Bdal>ted to raiae all h . . . ,,11 klDd.. olre )rea tlOD, .caD bcat, . ki . orses In Southe rn OhIO, standm&' at awlm or .fi.h, ' but · wheo ' the propel nd!! Of . grain . About SO aore. of SO nomina l a fee. You are Notes. invited time ~811. CIlD be foond 10 the prop. tillable l!lnd, lind a small amoun t of MeCALL PA.Tl'ER NS n see ese horses before er p1',. . 1 . '. . - ' Celeorate d lor s tyle. perfed fit . s im plicity and Tbe Ifreat numbe r of obanRes io timber . There aTe two houses •.:....~ on going ~. Ii .bilit y " .arly 40 yc:, ri . elsewh ere. The Sohl in , ca lly price is right, .. LI' the "smart " fOIk8J take .1 ntl- the towo.h ip this sprln~ produc We can offer you good e\'ery city a nd law n in 11" U, hCll b 1:lt · .. alld ed this land, i~ gocd oonditl oo, with $10 for either horse. C:.n:ld:., or by marl rliu:d . ' 1I on, ~n l " t h:tn fIOD, or two from nl;'t,qre, If no~bing tOoch irregul arity of attenda For further noe for good wells and all neo~sary onto particu lars see Any olher make. SCUll 10' i ree call.rugue. Payin g Empl oyme nt e)ee, aod eb" will teach 'them t.hta$ MeCALL "S MAGAZ INE buildin gs. Tbere Is also a gravel . &I,mart' ·. thtDp aod ·wa:,. .re Dot Maroll. that you will enjoy and Al ore l ubscribto rs th:l n r. n, oth er f~uh' o" m~lf.u ine--'Ul i ll il) n a rnont " _ J 1\,u111:11,:", L ",e nlht . ~IlY. to make a person !:Spring Branch 18 the oilly sohool pit, of good qnaltty gravel, on the .I. H. Mars hall, elt aty le-s t Jl:l1t 'r 11 5. drc ~ ~," ~ "' i nF. lIIi !li n c.r y. Prop ., at home . Write to-day that has experis noed no obanle tl. farm. rOThQfao4 bttlov,d . plalln seWing, fancy n ecdlcwor l . h,d tdrcss inG'. etiquette, good 5t o ri(, 5, CIC. OJ) '" f~ (cult • Abont ten will try tbe Boxwe llor Terms : One-thl~d cash down on year (worth ,Ioublt), luclud in!\, a I..,c pall ern. Subscribe tOday, or BC I1t.! fo r 51u1l 1l 1 ~ COJI,.. Pattere on examin ation ~bi8 spring. day of sale i ODe-third in one year, . Alex . Emle y, In Charge . The RFUL INDlICE MENTS Balter lck PUbll. bIDg Co. WONDE Mia Burget t'baa been out of Rabool and one-thi rd in two Yl'ars, to A gents. Postal brings prcr.liult1 c:u a.lo;_ secured Valley Phone 92. BuHcrlc nmt new :k calh pr ize ofTer. . Ad trc:al BaUdlD g. New York. N. Y. tor a nnmbe r of day.s 00 aooollnt of by e. · mort~age .00 the nro(ler ty . tIlE IlteAU. CO_ 138 •• UI W. nor at.. NEW YOltll the sloknes s and ~elltb of her Itep For furtbl'r inform ation; oall on 01' father, Mr. ConDor . Miss EmJey, of write. N. B. Anthon y, Wavoll8vUln. took ber place dnring WaynesvillE', Ohio. ber ab8enoe. • _ .• 'l'he agriou! tntll} papers are C(1oIlThe Call of the Blood. iog att~ntion to the poor Kermina- tor pnrlfl('.atioo, finds voioe in pim. tion of oorn. pIes, boil!!, flallow oomplexi'on, a junn. \ . Tht: followi ng pupIls made oorn dioed look, moth plltche 8aod bl'.t0htesters wtt.h this result: .)oel UaDl- es on (·he sk.t n-a.U . signs ot h,:er . trouble . But Dr .. KlDg'8 Ne"V Life Ilton, of uOwell 8111 ; NI'l1l !:Simkins, Pills mllRe rloh rell blood' give olear , " or Low .. 11 HIl!, (!1ft ' olllv 144 out of skin, rosy oheek~, finf') oomple xlon, \ 150 to grow. or 96 pAr o~nt . blll\Uh. Tr.v theln . 250 at Fred C. AU. FOR; HowHrrl Shun", of RUglif <Trovp, &hwl\ rtz's • __......___ ONLY trt.·cl 30 IlrHlnt!, 28 of whioh · grew . OREAT REVEN UE PRODU CER or 03 per oellt. ' . _____-_ ~y '1 h .. rf' UltlY ' be others who hllv~ Autom obile lioeDHe tag N:(i. ]8.000 trit'd who ~I\V\! not YAt rapl)rte d W811 ill~ued by ~tat6 Reglslir ar Frf'd E B. (Jolvfn, 8u~t B. Caley 'Illst week The "pring. M.180EllL ANIl!OOS WOTIt8 lale8 of mAoblnes "re juat now br IJ . ,. ginlllflg ~nct regi!ltr ar Oaley " etlti Is a large, artistic, handsom ely illustrated monthly m~gazlne. it con. (rbfl followin g n. ·t slI 'were tA ken mutes that there wt\l be , 85 . tains siltty new Fashion Designs in each is8.ue. Every woman 000 lineeds it for its up-to-date frllm the Allrion ltnrul College Bol '06Dl1e!ltuued for the oorrell fashion!!. entertaining stories and' complete information on aU home t yellr personal topics. leMall· O. ,8 U .) Over one million subBCri~r8. Ackn.owledged the best Home a.od and . As most of tbese will 1\8 laned ·for Fashion Magazine. .II'II~ Regular price, 5 'cents ~ copy. The W~rth bl'lok hOAr'\ of m"nv. ga!!oltne cars, f~r whioh Il fee of double. .. ,::::-::n ::r:-. 15 teacher'>! IM' 1I11 1(00c1 ~DH 'I~e fll ~o eaoh hi obarRed, it meaDI ..... '·' 1- --, ·M~ tb., fohE' ' -'-'-"'" ...... TJae Miam i Gazett~ , oth~r. The teailhAr who wrtt-t'~ woll. 'state ll~tomobl1e d'epa,rt~ftot 'l s tQ So .impl, fOU cannot miaunderataod th.m. ' On. of .the bett neWSJllpera in this part of with flO fl ,n"'IIIIIP", lelld,,' the way tC" bee ,me" revenn e prJduo er . Ab.olutel), accurat.: In .tyl'L irreproachabl•• for thf' the Stat.. Gives all the ne_ that', fit to print. You may ..lect, free. ant' Mccall Patt.m ,.OU Inte_th.i l a'1d prorreu i",. ~~'=tl- tbe mOIl~ ra~td Improv8~ent tor tht' It.'e Indispenu'fil. in tbill year &0 tbe eetimlU8d deli... from the lim Dumber of tb. mquin • . ever,. Wa)·n.av iU. hom.. R"uler price, ,1:.00 ~~:l~~:t~J~ IUfferen -abtldre n. ,,~k:h hlichltl JOu. Rerular price, 15 ceo... " amono t ot 1175.00 per 0 ,liar. . ~ tlJe rbera 1M mooh reacH.,..: ~h'" it well • - ••- - ' - aad dODIt in ('ou,.tr . lIChOQI., but th.~ Joaeph BaTt' Barrett the I..t IUF ~-ldOei oot meaD tbat tbe p.Ol0DP C! 'fivlDI membe r . of tbe cleleRat iOti Dr. lDOQ.otGa., 'ilb pttobl4 01' 110w &bat nOIt,tn.Sed Ab~ LlnaolD. k f' I.HII·L



~ .



Br ow n Bil l Clo ver dal e





, ·A. A. McNeil,



Please Notice CLAY BURNS and RENIER

.- ..

Waynesvl"lle, ObI"O,


Often Silverware


C. H, Surfac.e,


n H. E.

Are You Loo ldng .lor a Posi tion ?

AN IR RE SI ST IB LE BARGAIN $1.75 '.~ Value for On ly $1.20 $1.20

One Year's Subscription for MeCall's Magazine' 15· Cent McCaU PaHern you may select One Year's Subscription for Miami GazeHe

M~~'S_' Magazlne










foIt.. ..




~ Jaom, \D Loftla ad, 0. . .~.....~~~IIIlt.Ii....fI!!!III!....lIII!J!I. . .fIIP!!! .....~~.....~-..i!~~~l


. . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _"!!!!!'_. . . . . . . . . 1

bank 0' biNI, ~ s!! to blm-one eoulc1 r n 1 sbo luld 11 I' blind on bls balr" \ , IJ u, nil hour In.tor, il' '1111'('l! t roo turn d to th asy lum h hud hoe n In Whlc,h to t'ollow Ollt n tl'lLill of

Sh .. IIrpnt ~nny to crayen.. f'Ii.n Ilul:! nal UI' . One bour wltb Uob, \.De bad npv r bre n a word sIn the nlgllt \)Ig brotber, or balf tbat Ume with 's he l~ft T lllllpesl III .I'-t"- mplre.rooT pup p t· , lbe hal'll-wo rked, would put rpgllrdl ng hN' appl"nrl lnce or bIll X· \ til" ~J'OIl P OL ive wooel' In Uie rlgb t pectlng her. She went; wbel he r 9' A LIT1'LE ADVICE TO MOTHE R Illacti, Th y skate ov r ill the frllls th ough t WIHlll(, Afl 11 ho did not v.;Il!b n ot IIh kn l' w It to \) Ilnconvl " ntf onnl: or mnnn I' Ih e youns mnn s bows to AND THE GIRLS, IJrClkl' lI : I, I:!rl~hl II d Illuz , 1\ bunch of wh('the r 9r not a h f are(\ th I!rltt Ibe lal.ll es; the y lOBS him In l\ blanket , pn!(, vlnl !'!!! III it vus!) bNlld n a tumpl- c lam or MI'R, , Hamslli ll find T mp s t's ry......"'.....y.v.. rl'N...y.......-wYa so ' t I:I pt'llk, nnd see llow be falls. .. Ing 11111.' 1II'\ul aln:lldy 8pread m thIs lIervant s nnd wns abOV E! It; wh ether They ra ck Ope n his hend nnd look In' YI!- jlltlt. I h(' r pnst to »1(118 hi li fns - or not she know tho had a fmered Pruden c. Stand Is" Pqlnts Out Some side , nnd tUII Ills beart (lIlso so t.G ti ll lou t: (lalut e nnll 8tlmulll ( without dut)' to flllflll to Shortco mings Commo n to Her Sex art, to pos te rity, In Sl) ak) with n le tb08cope, ~. lh t' filII , II(' ''''Y R ns of havin g as onal ling th e mRs t r tIo , ork ; (rOT -Prope r T reatmen t of Father : : \I ll I III I lIln!'d; !1 cold ph ElllllllJlt, a w II'Thero Is II good hlg thing In lhe bal· In work he did without Il I'r n Ihe tr lh'!tand the BOYI. ance. Two big things- the hupplne ss .. == IIHlU f' ,,;al/lIl. ('onl d rhllfl\J)n gne; tb~n of a pe rsonlll word for hours!) wb tb, , . of I b girl th ey love lind tho honor 1l l"lIly with /Ill flo , rwel Iut r his corr' . or th r wnll nno '} r r naon for her AmnII. wllo fe ll i had rapfl d bls of I be fllmlly . Th ey don 't tnke ,'hl) hll rl II' lth trll n !Inlli'nll lng, U!! If to goIng- III s trong at. mos t cog nt hear· ot II x \'a Ih e s barply o n on e oc aslon , 811Y a lou e Ilbout th e . courting youllg I'at r to hi ll tllght, ( 1'1' 11 Jmt on a r l'nso ns, agaInst which 110 wOlUan an sai d r ec~ lI t ly : .. ~. mnn. Tb ey s ize him UII with tb elr sUI'e valu e :: 111111' IIpro n wllh bowR til th f:j Iloe:11 Is. r ea!lnn wllhout b IlIg nld d by any IlIrtll'lJ "Your talk for fnlh rand lh e boys mnn knoll'l dgo or m en, ond be'1I got " II, ' nl.l' In nn n(lron~ What tllings Indlff ' rE'11 ~ - a t all e Vl:' nl H, to rnv n :: I 11I1I1( p YOII do!" , Lu cy ar IV II' ct fllltllflllfy, dnlly ~n s nil rlgbl, but wby not ,u littl e e lf- to be a pre tty good tblng to slnnd the you !. .. I '~;-':()t hair l'noUgh . I ne l'c r see you walkln l; th o balr mil betw en Rama· Quett Cor wotbe r nnd tb e girls? I t st. If be doos Btalld It, you may go !. Into hom es-" and Ihl'n eDs li ed . II be tol prably sure that he will make =- I th f'f' tlays , :'olr. BaRIl." dill's ('oILage' lind the castle. challler of the' minor si ns of my lIex II flr e tty gooll busbllnd for Lucy 1\Ios t nouris hing, :: By Marie Van Vorst :: III' ,Hid gloomil y : "No, alld yoll or Thl R Yeal' th erp was no NO\,l'm ber :: which caused me to trul y thi nk. I JUlie. If b'E! dOesn'{ s tnnd Il- we • (I r' br'Il;'I' not 0," ll.the c1I'C'nrl nrRS to c hili h r 8(11rlt or nld l east xpen s l~, 60 r e me m bered th o homes I myself \'Islt qul ck ' r be Is golt 11 rid of tbe be .. AliI/lOr nl :: II , III n cigar frolll th o box t.hut hl' r to ('on RlcI I' sobe' rly what lter. folly :my own "An/mlda of ri ll: ;\/111," s hon-com lngs, the doln~ s flut tbls : : ~ hH f4'l('Ot 'II, IlIIII sit' \\'('nt uwn), ",lUI Ilhe Wil li gllilty of, nIce lien s of moral dlscrlm what dnng r s he of en~ry femnle -: " J\I/.• ,. V" .WI O II,}, ·' In IDY fam il y. "i\lotb- Inlllion IllU li l SOIll lim es bo a matter .. till' ('lItll,.'. lr'IIY nllll Ipft hllll 10 cll'l'n lll rnn . SOll1l'on l" dr IV upon th e calen· e r find :: th e gIrls" e re. , .'r.:. must b of talkcd trai nin g for th e fatb e r lind' brnth- MADE UP HIS MIND QUICKLY :: I - to I"" RI'- Io hol«( ' IIf l!' r n IIrtl" whllo dl\r of brillia n t dnys with rerltl lO'ess ex· lold bow the y IIlIl Sl ~ tren t falh e,', and e rH. Jr th e III n rolks In tbe fnmlly frolll h ill pnt'llN n PIII')(l't ht' bad trll vflgo n('l'. tr It II' r e 1'E"mlloR l, he ;~:::: . =- , lil'\JlI ~ h t Il uwn~ t llil'3 wIt h fofln - t.o un - sa w that hl!l sc rlb p, Ill)proac hed ra v D th e \Joys In ord 'r lo be popu lar' lit haur ot unlofty id -nIB, how ca n th ey .Prospe otive Juror Evident ly Was Not hOlll o lind !lbml.!d, I mu sl cllrofu ll y ex. en('ourn g lorly ones? It Is up ~ ... Favorab ly Impress ed with PrIs. •• fu lef It - ('''"lllll ' 'r It wll h II "rla ln tl' n. In a s holl'(' r oC BU ll s hln . to allliu tb e 100tl)S In nIl th e ey's I mo t be r li nd Ihe glr' ls. 111 n, oner's Appeara nce, I cle 'r 811 (' llIlI'I IHI1 . In thl Jlu l'kp t of 10 allo\. I.le r walk lny by way of n n Id and knOW - ill)' own Inciud ~ (lQ1I1rlllb~ 1Il00, by J . u. I.I ""I II~"" t:" '"I'/lUI· d- and t ell my tb ' flill tt'rn of Ul e Ullin wbo Is wantIt>ttl'I''' , Wt'rp /1"\,('1':\ 1 ph ot.ogrll flh s- mead o w puth for a qUllrtpr of n mile ; wow on In a so ulh er n 'oullty of i\tlsso ur1, renders th e III II I' n s Il S ror ed In lb e rnmily by ollly raising and SYNOP SIS. )./lrf y OI'IIlun. 1 In rldlng·tfrl"HH, Lady a pussa~e throllv; h n h £'llge by 111£' 11. 119 many sr at Cllses oC dom eli lic Or lllo nrl In fam·y c1l'cHs, Aft ,. 100 11- of n fltUf! old stilI'. wh e n luCe· welcom ing ci ect' nt and worthy men. yell I'" IIgo. wllPl1 1IJ(~ fOI'm of qu esllonsh e gaill ed, Iiclty. lJti~ ll T IIII't-At, \'to rh l'e .:n' u (t \~ l 11)1'1 1111{ (lnl'£! III (,11I' 1t h~ (lilt The l'e s hould b e no drawIn g- room Ing "'li S s IlAht1~· dirT re nt than DOW, th III In the wIth fi n nbrll(ltn ess that always a ud lI o\' ; · II ~ 1. ,·,· rlltolln"l: rurth t' r I . ; ht' Hoo· mu ch trollbl e Wll S CXJ1 rl n ud In getC. fil'co O. with GIbson tit" hos llfil' of caJ'lcntu loll<'l'R red whIch tb e cllllirs ('or Ihe bill kguard, boweve r ting li p. I!ep me d a 'ort of Imperlf n nce, th e 17. 1.1, IIlollt1l lIiJII H\' I( lip III L'n" !lll , hi" II jury In II Illurll e r trial. Flnlllly Alii Vllst rkllll did his IIi lint ,'ortun Olhol' uu and lif', . Th llIan who hilS duughle r , drawn Th ~' n hp sut h"I\)J('d fron t of th e cas tl t'. country hlllnl'. 11 1M ,ltIWlfll)' II H'~ llllt t '1)1I9 a tnlly pltfCul pall I'D of tho Ame rlcaD gott e n bls nloD ey too cllslly, lu aOllle lin old r 11011' IInljW I' 'd every question . r u brc.k\'n hy tho " dnd ':RIr1 11 or nil "nit rt - III n ('o l'n l' r' tl f th e Bofn nnd broollf:d -E\' ry mornIn g rav e n me t ,h er 8))' sal Isfllctor ll y; ' l1e hsd lIO prejudic es, Cll ll . 1.,,\1 I ) ' , :uruw , wlin 111M. , 't ilH., 10 1'!n.:broodNI - wat l'h In/: th o til' al nnd prl'clntf l'e, beauty-loving e yes wltb pUpil. II Is a lIny, wOITled, sad old way at wblch the world looks askaDce . l and tCl 1;"(.( C\ tltudr nr lilt l uuthnr. hu t WI\.'; llot oflPosed to apltal lltllllsh· man COn!lllUl l', III'O (t'H tUtiOllS wh os" f",ph l nsbou , Ilu ld rd eu not 'd be with enco the uraged e uormou us n visitor, s retrlur \'I1 I" '('hlliy 1\ e)" h'JlHIN nC his n e w fr ab InslstE" nce, 'rile I) rCect con me nt fi nd ",ns, gen I'ally, a valunbl s llonsllJl IH o'SIl les lity h t lR th oC e gl'Pflt day come wbe n, as son-In· law un extl'llvn gant taml!y, need had found s '" t gru It y of Its nS6m ble; lhe ('orrecI .1111 ot lJO'~nt". ·l'l'IlllWHI. ""~"Y III l",lng dl ~ l"rll d, dnc l r ra 10 0 \\'11 1 wrltu IIOj l1Iore. The wi fe and daugble rs , lire Junos a nti h usbn nd, b turn his hand to a find . 1"ht'a Ule lIrOlle utor suid, solbeCIIII IH' (ol' uidtit' n- QIJ lh long IIDk or Rn('l e nt fin es of Tlldot' arcblt clure; n nd n k8 1.11(' ) ' I ~o. H j\ p~nllnK IoIH r\lt1~· aflsoc latlqn nnd e " e n uses , nlways dressed In th e d al Ibat IllIlY lun d bim In jail, Tile elllnl y: 11' 1 1 h dl tl honor for tltl'l:' th SPIlt'!' and dignity; the harmon y 01 n " . 9 III ~ I" nctln/l' h"r 0111 fll In the y ~ ~' s. H e hud ",furor. look upon the prison r; prisIlllesl slyl e, wbo lllay cnre for POOl' gay man, who Is essentia lly a lIoclal rnln, 'J'e mp,' I h,,"I(' n~ "fI,' r nlghl II vel' Idl'lI lIzed 11 1'-8 dIm, fud d stone; the blgll 8 5 of the he ,', hut sho I'" I U"(>8 t o r~tlll' n I I' r'nv 10 wit h hi m nn,1 s parllllng wll, a pOPller, but who certain ly don 't 8eOlll orname nt and Indlrter en L to the fin or on 1', look upon the juror." good hlllltOl', aud mass, whoso Importa nce was I nk"" lodltlng- wi 1)1 I). ..,0.11 <1/o::" r, I': ...... t visible lO. T4e)' The old mlln ndjusled his Btl Hacles rnnrnlng .un}' rec"'lv". Rn Ill)o logy trom grace hlld IIcted U ~ n gf' nl1 o c unt e r- the til' from dInner pnrty 10 feelings or womall s hould also be ollnt.ry round from hili . to hilI. anll I' I"d lIt th prIson r tor a ruu Tl'IIIP'Ml lind Iln J'(f'r t o \l8sll. t hH In lI'rltunt to bls lIIoods. Sbe lind bull, and ~ ol1le tllU es drag tile SlId old tllboo d; If he blls. nover Close to tb e hous , like n shlldow , waa brok u ont! girl halt mlnull'. Th n, ,,·rI Un.: h r t'as ny . •1j'f'O IU\"'M t (.llclut ~p to turning to the mall , who would rath er be at home, hl:'lIrt, he Is prelly 1.1/ y, \\'ho IIKIP n;, fllwillou nd SIS .~" been Indl s pe nsllbl ', and wh n h pr re- th · blur of a pIn grow Ilk Iy lO break bls CO lll't, h s aid : th, th red 01 with th Ill . Tbe "' r lt~ .. L Ilt')' IrcHles to 1:'''' III L nc!nn, bl/t fusnl cnm h hnll b n glad . Why? beech e8 In y scheme fo t' a STeat wife's In time. And ns to T t~m" 8 t In(III(O th me re tnlk near en cron chlng de ns· Englis b t h . r to r enu\ tn ,,"(I flt l"} '.Judge, dllrn If J don't b ell va he'a marr Iage for Lucy or Jnne ' of lunkln g a "good mnrrlng h r 1I11111118"T PI to him . Lm'y "t' '''llle~ li n only b cnus" a ne w Inte rest had , Illte Ity or th e J)f\rk, ," It Is gil illy ." where sbe balf once aIld rejoice Inl'll lllion tu (line with '1''' "11'''1<1, wlon In a lino rny r,'om all. lin xpected aboul tb e pros pective cali: beacon, stupid In the been with l' II1pest. ' xtreme. The good 01lt( tl r null t""" flpnlntl1l t"nt. Jotot.\ft t o Lon Tit > un con lOllS hU'lI1()r oC It so con· tie nud coronet , wh n, dOllblle ss , poor mnrrlng e Is tbe ut across th e lone ly, I'Ilgg d promon dnn. 11 ' Ii k" f .n"y I rill 11.1. with one which unlles two nils d th court Bud Park nnd woodtbe dim ave nue b, veryone e lse. hI n lllllO h"" " ~" l\ IInl,,'(I, to INlI'Pw hnm old tory, POll would much rath ~hnv~ tb.e perSOD!; Hultetl lO one nnother lIod his s llill was su lling along hl' r , whlcb. exc pt I It I>l'l soner, Ulat the loss of IIll ~ halltl, prelm l !<ln~ 10 /I ,nrry, hrr whp n whi ch she cam ; the lie of the val, s 11s lblo Itlil pat'h . young man rrom Mcago, Ih lIu.bulIl\ ~ I» u 111\'ort~ . Itn III"llIls bid s fall' to 11 conduct ed on th e lJa. another juror )"as on ' Ieys, th Ir edges soncne d nud mold cI who ol'erloo ked, 11ll> dlvorc'e tlrst , 'r"mJlf'6 l clnpnr!" t nr III bOUlld to malte hi e wny, for sis of P lice, e ntire trust "Olh rwl se, God know s how d s onnd eternnl ('rav n by hedged fnnu s lind full -limbed oake: r·h burns I.n tl y rmt'on \11$ pl,,- lllle It would ha \. lef his so n-In-luw . They spoil the spend- good B ns . t me." h slIld th hllze of atlllosp lUT nitor tor 'lnl( " relu cll1l1l opInIo n 01 HIS SPEED , h re pInk nnd goid. thrift boys In the family tha .... , Bdy (rom Luoy. nloud. lind with th e wOl'd smil d n -~ and make So much for tbe matter ot Luey's In color; th slow-ris ing smoke from fatber. lillie and s hiv red , ":-':ot that I am In every dom estic coup, a unit. or Jan e's bus bnnd, no matter IItlle, n s UIn g oUng s and from the to what CHAPT ER IV,-Con tinued, nol d sainte a s It Is, but nlY now Tbls overwo rked, unhapp y, home- class, s o-called , th y belong. Mother a leu f Ilres on the gree n, all h Id by aD folly bus Slllooth ed the way for the belittled falber has bls prototY pe In and daughte rs In any sllhere m~\8lset ternal sile nce and peace that thli old "I nlenn," he said, qui etly, "that t xlt of the old. That'e about all." many classes, Sometb lng of the motb- a high stnndar d of moral exce lence co untries nlone know. soothed her IInve not w(ltt n, M r told you, In He sat br90dln ger may be found in every third wire, for all men, and while broodl n,-untl l He n- milld and they are dolDg spirit a ll ew at each long and Ix mlinths, Thnt, tbanks to · SOIIle ly, venturin g, callie sortly the Qualitie s ot the daught rs are this tbey will be Improvi ng the home lUoky ' star, I am ell velne once more, Ir b wnnt d anytbln g mor In t.o ask look she gave. Eve rything on wblch found e veryw here, In the gIrl of me- conditIo n, wbatev er It Is. h r ey II rested s Iggested age nnd How Ion this will las t 1 don't know, "H Illy!" dlum menns, In the bank clerk'. And now n ,,"ol'd conce rning the obtraditio n- there was nothing Dew In J may wake up to find myself an Idiot "Yes , Mr, Temll st." daugbte r, the dny laborer' s. Extravn - ligation thllt ev ry mother and daugbto-morr ow , To-ni ght, at leost, J "'Mr, Telnpes t!' " h e llJo ked , "If the landsl'u pe from farm and field. gaDce, tb e madnes s to spend beyond ter owes to he r home, Try, 1 beg of h edge, grove, nnd noble trees; to the could writ on until dl\yll~ht. It there I r tched you 1\ stick to-dill', could cnstle door. It spo,k e to her, al1 ot It. ODe's means, Is the Americ an disease you, to make It sweet and dear to your III any n\erlt at nil In thes e vnp ra you s harpen It. of the momen t; the daugbte r ot tbe men folks, for this tnto n pencil for me. wllh one Is tbe only way to voice. EDglan d met lIe r bere emigran you hav wrltt n out for me, let it do you th i nk ?" t even grows up to despise hold , husband a and brother In a frl ndly s, Don't way-In SD nk B8 stronglY as it cnn." , one mlgbt S8Y, Sbe smiled t enderly. "Ah. no b ta motllerl y wny, makIng an appeal t." the ways ot her father, . We are a always think of ialllvnn Ung, but strive H stopped , look d at h 1', saw ber ter than In those days, I'm afraid, swift and Imperlo qs race-th e lelU!t every night to be so Mr, Bomo lale nt berltag e lu much to the men her blood pan, IItUe money Intel'est . nnd went on : "I mean to Bnsll:' and power, ana we think of yOU}' family tbnt tbe y wUl never 8aV ther will be no ,more unless thl8 "Ne ver mind , But If you knew bow slbly-c erlalnly findlne resPQns e iJI ourselv es IT, We fancy we haven't think of golDg outside tor entertai nmood eontlnu es without Interrup tion." I've longed and n eded those pencils! Lucy nrew . . lime tor the, old-fash ioned, worryin g ment. Make a pr tty toilet for Til se Impress ions IUId dellgbu folk Stili llli waIted, ber face b e nt a \It, Made lor me by nnothe r-put In my v.. ho gave us the start, wbose and greet the toiler. husband rdinner, were, of course, nbove all, the en, 9 brothtle, her e yes on tbe rOses In her hand-n ud eve n then t.he hund hearts are often broken nnd wboae er, with smiles. Make velope, the subtle; dellclou 8 surroun d, them think aI, guided! " kallds. means, bllF or mUe, as frequen tly ways that they are Ing to the reallly of the mM who good and great, ",ou"ve not been wrIUu '-" "Tbat unl ss I caD contInu e all t " and If they are I a~sure you they "He lends a terrlbly ' fast life," was ubsorbl ng her. She at times re- ruined by our tollles. - Mother s must will try to be not, Whenev e r Henly omltte.l the name lIave begun, dictate to you, as the tbls, ruid more, too. have 'money to keep up with the Pll,8s"Who Is he ' I Inspirat ion comes, I shall c rtalnlY of her muster he 'mlght n!£l/llally- bave belled at th mastery of the tore tba nr-show , dnugbte rs' fine ralmeD t and The best hus band and brother s you ".Mr, Paythel lM's--cIiaulf eul;'" supplied " my donr" to take Its formnl dr w her 110 Il'reslst lbly and wonder ed fling the mnnusc rlpt In UIE) lire," could ever know, nt any rate, tbey are amusem ent, If 80me whethe voice r ecbool out keevs 01 the or bound to be, new world M.Iss nrew beard with gratitud e plnc nnd not been wrong. Ever Eat Soapy Soup? not, for bread-w innIng Dopper. And "Writin g! 1 baven't WfJlten for an would not IIpenk out, recall ' her. But the roiling up of the motor carMy! Isn't It nnsty,1 Wben theT use ' the more money they spend the alas more for Lu 'y Carew! there eternity was no ." hort aa the distanc e was It had been cheap old yellow soap to wa.s~ tile illOgical they are concllrn lng the ell&1sucb voice to call, "It will come, elr." ordered to take lIer home: Bb stood dishes some of It alwaYII sUcks there bllIty of the young man who shall She arrived at ten to write In Mr, "Ab! 'filer's no comfor t In that, b wlldored , His nenrnea s to Iler, hili and 8eems lI~e you c:.a taste It. all tlie mnrry tnto the falI1l1y. ' Spring will come- at least Ulere's a Tempes t's study unUi a little after '12, y 8 upon ber, overpo\ vered be r, Sb time, 'fhe re Is!)'t 'any excuse tor lt, It And here I come to Then, the with grentes no t Invi tation A New ill'eced from Idea, nt him In Its favor-b ut, meanto longed to escnp , nlld with no apllary()ur folks know qbout En!!y T~8k soap. r emaIn to luncheo n, and a sIncere dauger that threate ns both mother The Idea ot supplyi ng each gueat ent regard what he so s Iflshly nnd the girls. Now, It you' grfltttud wnnt to wltb n perfectl y Ilew piece of soap whl b makes dl lilies verrectl )' anclallt t.on lIer pnrt thnt tbere was demand ed s he took a hurried I ave of Eteptlcally c1enn; and doesD't (!08t an,. know w\:lllt sort of stuff there Is In a wrappe d and seuled, no qu atton of It, sbe depnrte d by steadily gains In IUore than the yellow him. soaps that cau.. man you must set a the man way to sbe watch 111\d fav.or, c ome, reachin so ~bat now the best grndea the trouble" g Rams' T m(le!lt, aIt r Miss arew . I dill's for a menl of Spnrtan simpliC ity: him. Wise as they are, women don't of toilet Ijoap can be bought in 1;0lle, walk d to and fro In the know all the' ins and outs of mascu- "guest s ize ." as It by consent to an unspoke ' n wish An Excepti on. low room ; r n tlllg on h er, his yes ol h ~rs, no bon·mo ts were sent t.G J<.._ _ _ _ _..........................,..wo-_ _...____ ____ ____ ____ ___wo-....-.........,.,-"......-........_.......--_.........,. Blnks. "ThereNoIs matter on thing aboqt stlfl filII of tbe f alit ot her he a1· wbnt Ihelike dOell, be · h e r th ' re any mor . lo,,'od hhnsel! so fr ely to malte and He gave h r no ' evidenc e of the comes out ID the 'opeD to do It," 'Which she with charmin g un conpleasur e he took In her presenc e, all "I know of one aclion he aIway& la s lou,s n SS 'J) rmltt d. lle was un with faithful accurac y Ilnd unJallln , careful to do uud r cove ," C!,\ms lOllS; there WIlS no doubt of that, pnll nce s he bent over the pages that "I dare you to name IV' oth.rwl s 8h would not b oble to gl'ew like "'Going home In the !'aln," snow-pl ies at her side. III this r gard with tLe fhl ll, clenr But hl\d there b een another obsenI ok thnt marie him Uk ~n h r yes to DAVIS' P fN1Ut.L ER • er lie might have though t 'ae she bent 1\•• no OUbSlltll W: No other r"",<.'Ci1' I. . . etroeu .. wells or fi ght, At tbe simile he Pllt for rbollru~lls,". tlllDbafN, slUlnt! De.!!.'JII!"'. or · IInconllolously over he r pages that his told of .DI ..,n. I'd, up"ln ~ ~ ~!l_ hili hand " over hIs OWIl that bllrned ""'\lea. ey s studied her:-he r lov' Iy hemSand stullg. A brother is a roung mall there und e r th e dark mass of her hair "If I ould only at ep them In those Hatte rs his grown-up sister. a sort of fireligh t seemed to burn the cool depths, bathe th8111 the re. klndl edges with bron,z e aDd redden het Rh.,uma U_m )teU""el l th Ir tor h, as my mind's torch has by , slender hand as · It traveled over the Dr,Dctchon's Helle r for Rheuma Us!D,no . b en r ilL Henly," he ord red, when psg s: her leaq,jng form: the pure the 1I0us k PP r appear d In IUlswer Vanity Is due to a leak In one's "'... outline of her grave. Interest ed. face to the b 11 he liad rung, "I wish to 'dom tank, -IDdee d, Ihe observe r t1llght thin It d ine he re." that Tempes t Inspired himself frOID " Y s, Mr. nnsU"-a s s lle would hnve this ytluth and loveline ss. When !lhe Imld It hlld he e xpr d the Inten- while, so lifted, as now and agald sbe did In willter! Wbat's to be tion of dining on tbe Tmfnlgl ll' monu· query, her eyes to him, he drnnk frODl done for the one who makes tbe penment. ' out o( nothing [or me? Gllldes tllem as from wells. "A ud serve me yours If, will you? the (TO BE CONTIN UED,) hand alld does more-w hat's to be Put a f w thi ngs ou 1\ U· I\Y , you kllOW, done?" t\nd cl ar off n little table . Dou't let The Belted "Millio naire," Mrs, Henly, who ne'Ver nllowed h era s rVlI.nt come Ilear m ." The master' s offiee at Kimber ley bat eelt to be 'llonplu ssed by her lord's ""0. Mr. Dasll," She looked fur· Si rece ntly been the scene or a dramat lt ngular qu eri es, saId warmly : tlvely about the gay box of a 'room "Why, someth ing very r;ood Indeed." dIscove ry. It has referen~e to the af, 8S If, In spite of he r y~s , wble h had "To som one wbo brIngs the spring fairs of Thowas latad, ' who. tonil se n ~Is! Carew IIrlve away, she fanmonths ago, left OrlQuat own for . Gel" out ' of 8easoll, " fed 'h r encornt' red aom wh ere; 'th ere man West Afrlcn, and wbose deaUt "It that could be, Mr, Dasll," she was a seuse ' of lntltnn y a/\d cosey· was renorte d from that territor y, d e murred. ness In the lItU rooUl wh"re the fire His wUe, remnln lnc In GrlQuatowD. "You are right:: he accepte and d bad slo\\'ly devour" d eve ry ugly black receivin g no news from ber husban d slglled. "I cnn't, of course, the but .8h of the dlscnl'd d picture. The and being In poor clrcums tancell, ob wonder Is there just the same," Slunge nt odors of tile roses, drawn tfllned employ ment at a, hotel there out by the warmth , s tili bung 011 lhe The master, on heartn~ ot Istad'. CHAPT ER V. air. :'Th ls swe l-box," 1\3 Mrs. Henly death ; request ed tbe German ,authorl dubb eI Il, 5 ' mod s lldtl " nly to Illive At lhe end of the week l\trll, Rams- ties to forward the decease d's effectt b !'Un111 ve ry swe t Indeed! dill's bec ame 1\ cll rl ah d nsylum, Into They, accordi ngly', packed Ills belong "Yoll'ro fagg ed out with Ih wblcb townrds very evt)nlng Lucy Ings- hleny clothin g-In a woodei I.rlp, sI r. U's too milch fo r a a r w cr pt to dream, to r elive tbe box, which was dlspatc bed to Cap. Jsn't It'" strang ncl\nntm e nt that was IIlIlns Town, and thence to Kimber ley, O. " It's nough and to spar e. h e r days, Her room, und e r the eaves being unpacke d the bOx was found tc r s\ 'lIeI' , I 'WAnt nev r to s of 1\ otlago ",hose ' dat was older contaln a red flannel 'walst belt, whld don \\ga In." H e had said thIs t tHlIl UI (l hIs tory of h r o\\-n country , on being closely esaml!1 ed, WBa dIs aud It did not dls Dl,,), b e r, harm d h rwllli Its laW od ,w lndows covered to be ,.tblckly lined with bl1d "Sh , n ol~ I ssly an'd Qulcklr le:lred and strnfght curtains · ot r d·che ked ~toles to the amount ot 4;!3.7!10. The Cloth , . , " oft' a lI~tl stu nd !lnd put It b fo r th e PJ'illt; th e lIOl11ely ' il practica l home l s ot f\lri,ltur e; dec a'lled 11 d l,leen in . the habit of 'serge looks very. we.1I made 'up Uke wear, no' style ',cpuld be more , vsefUl dh'lIu w!Jere T IlII ellt bad thrown blw,trading in .l\QUIlI' s cond-ha .rag' n~ 01 jewelry cnrpe t In ~ui4 t.he , our model, wbJch hI¥! tb.e IIkIrt cu~ than thls. fn either xn. l ' s If, firm cloth or cash" enter of lb bar floot ; ' III ulirror anoylnj; , the · belt : wlth<?ut any' on. walklDg len'gth, nnd' trimme d by:.a box- mere, ,{,he skirt la' made. wt~h ave\,y "You'l Ul early supper, slrT" In Its old, quaint" frame r It tlng a know1n s about 1t.-CSp e " 'COlollJ Dlalt down' t~e front. .'llhB cOal rath- deep yoke, to whiob the' lo:wel' part· ~ '''i " wh p. you t.h os :', -petcb cit ky, bit or m eadow" nna Times. • ! Ilr suggest s ' a Russlnn In style; tt baa aUghtly fulled, a w.avy "Wollld n:t you '1(0 ;md hal' dealgn. 'lD bra.ld'r Ii tlng as weil tlr . VII e o.f hot· -a pan~l taken down: back ' al:td front. . Inlt formIng thtVrlm bath a~ld g t fresh dill>, , Mr. Basil? houB. liowers that m1n~, , Tucks Invaria bly. stood Uld braided at tbe edges, wltb buttolU ' made oil the IIboulde r ra . of laid 91lt your th.lngs," In th ,?n we low buren.u. Old-"' Ch~dbren.!'T-t"ehRIQ h'(lm leWD or, in crou])e of three_, th Qrld~· B d iiIille t~e front. baok and over-ale eyea Ir)' 00r.;. Cooc1 l'fl'IItu,r '8 yell 't hat ""led ()D' elgn- t.o her weilt ~n e,v 6, het! SUf- slv Ult er ,,,)-"-"ODC f courlle eac . b-1ded you kJ;low Rnl --Ae-ch ln ' ._.-1... :tb,aI wo trim th e a1eewe. -H Ilt 0.t .... t 1t. ~ 'rem" t, .!!h th'e re Pe«;t. thflt It . ro.ulldln gs grew t? PO)i ells .~ ,ere... .,. . e -~_ EllJali · want up to' Heuen .UI tlM !rlmme4 91th oatrl,e ll feath8l'a ; . U10 alt,rne. CIOI'I1W -d,t!D)aniled, UlJ ,womaD wou14 liOn of those tblngs' the UDderalenea ~d,70k.. , ~'hlch are Dear ~~a~t?~ JohnD1 M~UfUlr-"()'" I Ma~ei"ll Ua req~tJ'el I: Beven 7a1'da . . . aeen the mllllt car. .' that could enough to fall UDder Materla lll requlfe d· 8~ , Jard8 the abadow .o.t '. dOD't Jlnow, That'a Probab17 just .. . 62 lDob.. wl4e, three ucl . -oD.ha lI 411110 ." wide, two d~9Il nnt. ~. exprea ed. ... ..-he srut ' 1ntel'«d, llOr7 tile fuD1I7 .... 011"......,.. , . ..... 1»UttQDI, . . 4__ , . , . . . . .


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• ,

'NIGHT TELEGRAPH ,FOR BOYS APIHINtU' A;ranlle d fo'r U.. Aft.r Dark by Two Clever Youth., by Dot and Da.h Sy.tem .


John lind Cbarley are two very clever boye. even it \they are rela· t e.~ tb,e author. They live 'on op· 1I081te II db·of '" river, are fast frIends and epend much tIme togethe r all they can bave 8 boat of tbelr own makJng wblch thtly cross Round th e worh1 goes Edna May back and forth, and\tl)e y have worked' On h er hor8e. 80 grand and lillY. Oallop. trot and mll)'be run. out' a system of signals for commu· Oh, but riding'. lo t8 at tun! nicating across tbe wllter. "Go uP. hOl '~ey!" Edna cries: Thus, If ·the boat Is on 'Charl ey's Alld old horlJAY falrly OIeg; Down the ' vall ey. up the hili: .14e of the rive r and Jobn wants It Always going-n ever stili I or him, be goes to the river bank and Roulld the world. then QuIckly bll I, Iwhigs hIs hat. spelling out his mes· Comlllg o'er th .. "elt'8am e tra c k: lage, telegrap b fashion. up and down For ' U8 t ell lime. don't you kno w. And they must no farlh e r go. movem ents meanIn g dots and right and left dasblls. I t Charley Is not In elgbt Jobn goes to his own room and BASEBALL FOR SMALL BOY bangs out a flag. When Ohar ley's Oag appears , sbowlng that be Is ready to Pastime That Will (Hford Much receive the m~s8I\ge. It Is spelled out AmUlem ent for Youngs terl, In· to him bat fnshlon. vented by New York Man. This works well In the daytime . but ooe evening wben . I WI\S vlRlling A gO ln e thnt will pro\'lde mucb John's pare nts we 1.lanned an exc ur· nmusem enl ror the smn ll hoy Is t·hat lion requIrin g an early start, a nd Inv Dled hy a New York man. It III wanted Charley to go wltb us, says an nppol'at lls ror playing the gr eat n'!t· a writer III QIl exchang e. The boat WBJI On hIs sIde;. we could not ma ke him bear and to go round by the bridge 'meant a ten·mlle ride, which neIther at us wIshed to talle. So we declded to try a IlImp signal. We went to , John's room nnd waited . until a light liPJleared In hnrl y·s. Could we attraot his aU nUon? We Bet tbe !amp on tiie window IItJI and began to turn tbe wlok up an d down. makIng It brlgbt' anel dllrk In the room. at regular Inlerval s; but Oharley took no notice. At IRst hIs Usbt w.ent out. and John said ; "No u.e; be'll "gone to bed." ~ry again." I so ld;. "from B dark ~m he will be more · apt to see our , IIgbt, and bls bed f",ces the ",Indow , We did try, but bad almost lost bope. when the .lIgbt Onshed out from ObadeY'1I window , and a rapid ralsln~ and lowerin g at the curtain s howed that be recognI zed ~bnt ,we were call· Basebal l Game. Inl bim. 1:ben, by iong a nd s hort flasbes we tlonal game. In a apenec iout: "Come over arly In the zest to th e ord s mall way. nnd add! inary game of "calch." mornlng .Two mllnlkln s are mouDle d on u base. We bad to repeat . It sev ral Umes The Ilrst manikin has a batting arm before \ae caught 'the Idea and replied operate d by a strong sprIng and hold· with b1e lamp : "Yes; I underllt and." Ing a ball In loops on the e nd. The He . was across by dny~lght next Mecond manikin bolds over Its arm a ....~i:.-.-II_F&lllJlj aDd the excursi on WIlS all we hook, which engages tIle hat of the anticipa ted. Coming born e lh boys figure ahead !lud which has at lhe eagerly discusse d several ' pillns tor other end a ord running und e r tbe ullht signals; They bad decIded to base board: When this cOI'd Is pulled bave me send tbem, on my r eturn to th e batting arm or t h forward Ilgul'e . , tli~eftY' L ~uple of' "bull',s eye Inn· \s released , and tb e ball sent splnllin g . teJ1lI , Blgoal wIth, when I BUg· from Its loops; As the Slll'llIg 18 II I~ted tbat It mlgbt sa,'e time and be strong one, the ball may be cast ,cheape r to, make someth ing for them· acr08S an ordinar y room, whe re other • elves that would answer tbelr pur· persons playing must try t o calcb It, pose, 11'ey tr.ted. and after some ,ax· The base or thIs apparat us can be "rimen tlns produce d a Igar box all' s hifted -from Bide to 'Ilde to change ".ratu8 tbat work,ed admIrab ly; eaob the dIrectio n of th e ball, thus making 001 bavtJJl. one. the game more Interest ing and t.he It was ftx~a In tbls way : Throug h baJl more IlIfficult to catch. By this . the top ' of a · cigar box they cut 'a means a rtlgu lar bnll game may be bole tor. QlEi chlmna y of an ordinar y played und el' lhe rules which can be lainP. and amaller boles were to be forlDula t.ed by tbe players to gIve value to such "hIts" 118 are ml1de.


Wben the kidneys do their duty, tbe blood Is filtered clear at uric acid and other waste. Weak John Jacob Astor, Fr~ed, Spends kidneys do not fil· $25,000 on Friends. tel' off all tbe bad mntter. This Is the cal1se of rheuma tic Multl·M llllonalr e Followl Smart Set pains, backach e and CUltom of Celebra ting Severan ce urinary disorde rs, of Marital Tie. In a Dean's Kidney Pills cure weak kidneys . Lavllh Mann"r . Rev. A bra m New York. -The smart thing to do 'Veaver , Georg e· no"'·o· doy. when you get a divorce Is tOV.'D. Tex., former to celebra te It with a dinner, tbeater editor Baptist Her· party, supper, gIve present s to your aid, says: "At a frIends and If you are a multl·m llllon· Baptist conteTe nce alre spend $26.000 on the enterta in· at Jackson , Tex.. I ment. Of cour8e It you call't s pend fell from 8- platform $25,000 spend $25, U.50 or two bits. apd hurt my back. Col. John Jacob Aetor Bet a merry I was soon over the pace r ecently In this city. Th e col· In jury. but the kid· ontll's entertai nment cost $21i.OOO . . 11 neys were hl1dly dis· wos " good thing for It put money ordered . passage s painful and often Into c irc ulation snd that's wbat we bloody. Doan's Kidn ey Pills cured need In this country . When a mulll· tbls trouble complet ely." milliona ire turns loose $18 .000 tur Remem ber the nam e-Doan 's. Sold favors It means that some poor v.'ork· by all deniers. Foster·M llburn Co., man had somethi ng to do. Astor clln Duftalo, N, Y. 50 cenls a box. arrord such tblngs. 60 what's the dlf· ference? OLD BIRD. The Astor entertai nment marKeli the eve ot the granlln g or the nllal decree of divorce obtaine d by Mrs. As tor. orchest ras were keE'plng th e rpel or the Irllesll! linglillg with a desire for the ballroom . There were 1:,0 gllests. rnder the old regime Ihe h\o Astor bOllsE's. w'ltb a connect ion of one !loor bet we n In the simple II1I1I1N of expens simple at leust to Col. Astor- the night's e nt r~ r tn ln menl challe nge d at· lenllon. There ha ve been s veral more expel'fslve affaire In New York. The Astor evening was made a maller ot seemi ng IIlmpllclty. There were no flnmboy ant decorat ions. Nothi ng but 140 dozen rOlles nnd a few Incldl)n ta l palms and fe r ll S. Simplic ity also ruled In the m !.tel' of t.he favors and the tact that they cost $18.000 and the Mrs. .Tustwe d-T want a chIcken enUre venlng's pleasur e probabl y C08t that I enn fry. roost. s.tew or fix up more thnn $2:>,000 WitS a mere Incl· any W[\y r wnnl. dent. Denler- Here's one. lady. you can The entire house was at the disposa l ot tbe guests, who wandere d at will do anythin g you like with and not thl'ough the conserv atory. the art gal· hurt It. lery. the broad hallway s and corridor s, How's Thisi' where a burret lunc h WI\S waiting at 'W. fJtt6 One Hundred POllt.f1I Reward for an., every hand, anll In which tbree &-\&rI~ ~'::'b IhaL canno, be cur.:d b, Ball', F. J . CHENEY '" CC .• Tolfdo. O. We. Ule undan""r d. bo"e known Y . J . t:beney for 'h. I&n 15 y~""", and b lIe"e him Ptrfrctly honorable In aU butln~ t",ou.llon a and n"onrIt.U" able k> CAn'7 Ollt an" oblljraUolI. made b.' hIS 1Irm, "'AUlIND. KIl HAN'"


Wbolcoale 0"'....1... 'T~Irdo . O. Ball'I Catarrh CUr. \J! talr~r IOlo.nally, aetln, direelll' ullOn tbe blood and mUeD'" Iurla.,.. 01 Ule eylttrn. 1'.... tlm onlAll Ittn1- tree. Price 16 per boltl., I'nld by aU DnII!R1I1a. , Tu.. laIl'e Family PIIIII lor ~pa\loA.


Though tful Child.

Sh was just three real's old. and It was h r firs t vi It to Ihe zoo. Wben tho towerin g form of the e lephnnt ap· peored In 19ht, she dre\v buck, clu tch· Ing at her fathel"s hnnd. "r won't go too lose. dadd y," she wbl s pere d, "I might frighten hlm,"Detl'olt News·Tl'l bune. Oi.temp er In all its (arms IlUlOllg all 81!;C11 o( horsc8 . and dogs, cured BnJ alhe l'S In Ihe MIne at uble IJrc\'I:nl eJ from hllving the di SClt e with Spoh n's Diel-Illp er \\ I'jJ . Bvery bot· lie gllllmllle ed. Uver 500,000 uollieH "old Int yen 1'. $.50 and 1.00. Uooll dl'\lggi ~ tfi, or ~ e n d to manufncillrel'li. Agent wBlIled. \\ rite fo r f''ee buok. Spoh n Mer!. '0 . Spec. ContallioUi lJiseuu, Go6L.:n, lnd. ' . The Mystery of the Agel. You tb fu l Studen t-Pa. Metbus elah was the oldest Olan; wl1sn't he? Fath r-Yell. my son. ' You thful Studen t-Then who w~s tbe oldest v.'oman ? Fath r-My 80n , don·t ask. ' From Eve down, that bas been a profoun d mystel'Y to the 80n8 of Adam.

them, oft e n bave greeted more than g ueats, but 150 appears to be t be new number , It was not until about midnIgh t St. Paul Teache r Act. on Unique Sug- that the guests began to gasp with gestion of One of Her Pupil., a8tonish ment. Then the cot ilion beNot Long Here. , gan and the fa,'ors apPf)are d. The most costly of these were tbe French Import ant to Mothe r., MIss Mnrgar et Lennon , prlnc.lpal of para80l s pr.esenl ed to the women. ExamIn e carefull y every bottle or the McKinl ey school, agreein g with They bad been made to order and CASTO RIA, a safe and s ure remed y-for Lord Ohester field tbat "good manner s were hand carved upon · the flneat or Infants and children , and see thllt It ore to pMticul ar socIetie s what good woods. with long hnndles and of silk Bearst he ~~ 'moral~ are to socIety In genera l- of every color. . . • ~ tbetr' cement and theIr security ," and Guests ne" ~r estimat e the cost of SIgnatu re ot reaUlIn g the hnportl1 nce of the sub· sucb trifles. but a few outside rs val· In se For Over 30 Year8 . The Kind You Have Always Bought. ject., has Institut ed an Innovat ion In u4!d the parasol s at $50 each. scbool Instruct Jon by devotin g Il part Both men and women were provide d FaIr Office Exchang e. or the time usuallY spent In the clas8- with pompad our ribbon scarfs and Stenog -Oh, Frank. will you please room to what tbe chtldren call "good sasl!es frInged wIth gold and Bllve~, sharpen my pencil? and all qulc,dy aa tbey were wound manner s clas8." Clerk-Y es. If you'lI please sew on This cla8S Include s every membe r about the .shoulde rs of the dancel'll this button .-Bosto n Herald . or the school. whIch has an average the ballroom became a 'lcaleldd scope of color at $16 per color. atte.n dance of between 800 and 1,000, Light to Banlah Sorrow. Sorrow dw ells longest where the Brass belli! were nmQng the fa.vors and fs held In tbe assemb ly room on the third floor at Irregula r times and given the men and tbey were kept sun Is shut out.-Florlda Tlmes·U nlon. wttbout notice, says St. Paul PIoneer rInging merrily so that at tlme8 the Takers of the United States Censue a Press. Here the children are allowed orchest ras had dIfficult y In letttng It to ask questio ns pertaIni ng to good be known that lhey atlll were at wllluse Waterm an'slde al Fountai n Pen manner s, FJacb chUd asks a question work. The Gatden la boutOnn ieres beea.u~e It Is alwaYII ready and surt'. and tben answer s It blmself . The rest gl ven the !Den were artificia l. but they Laught er Is olle ot tbe very prlv· of the pupll8 listen and make cor· were perfume d In a manner to put nalIE'ges of reason, being conf\.ned to the ture to ' the test to keep-ev en. human specles .- Lelgh Hunt, The dlrectol re mirrors tbat were !'trlss Lennon lays no claIm to the honor of suggest ing the new Idea. Sbe among tbe fll orB for the wom'e n were P1LE8 CURED IN e TO U DA V8. gIves all the credit to a 15·yea,,-old two feet In length, tbe handles of eat- P.l7~ OIN'rM~NT I. "llJuantoed to enro a,nr ..."" . ~io'l'~: i :r1~ri:'I~~~~ed': J~lrudjDII'Il" 10 boy named Alfred D'Aroey . Alfred Inwood; and wltb 75 of them ftalhtng' was born In Ant~erp, BelgIum , where bacll: tbe lights' of the ballroom from Give truth a sqlll1re deal and It will he ",al educate d · under prIvate tutors an angle8 they provide d a ftgure of Dot be crushed to earth. dazzling brillIan cy. to speak four languag es. He oame to . It there were . Dien present who America a year and Ii balf ago IUld en· ft .,.,J!~f;~~k~!:~C~:f.,~~!'dC~!;G~'.. Into never smoked ,'a pIpe' they must baTe I\)tllqthln tered the ' McKlnl ey scbool. l """OUS, AU" ,'. LUhll nul,nm will cb..,1t I beell tempted ' by the l 'p len4ld combl· L qU)clll, &II~ 1I0nDJUIODU". For IIlluaLal ldruutlt .. One day be startled hIs teacher bi naUon 0(. brlkr. gold and amber ' prerising In class and d e ploring tbe III No, Cordeli a, It Isn't called "com· manner s of the Americ an oblldren III lented to' tbem, wIth gold platchb oxes mon 8en8e" because it II 10 common . compar ed with the better CI888 In bll and a glltl OubUs bt to comple te the native land and by asktng why good outllt. . Th08e "'hO ·Inliist upon notb· manner s were not taught In tbe Ing but· cigars were d~lIgbted wllb .a " . . scbools. · Miss Lennon heard of bll novel gilt cIgar lighter. '. One of tbe .lalt figure. provllle d ~e remark 8Dd. Immedi ately d'8c1ded to me~ wltb bronz'• .delt .r.uleri ·an~d p&.. try hIs SUgg~~Uon. l)er weights a. a ' poi!itble ' remln,d er that \here, might be' W9rk to do at Reverel nll 'a Platitud e, iom'e futu,re .U\Dt,: )rblle at tbe lam, "ll~ve you ever notte,e d," began the tt~e \ the ~oD\en . r~elved bridp 'the bald geutlem an, who 1l1l:e4-- to en' lOorel •• a , JlQlIlble tartaiD the I people pthere d I .n hli they canDot ,win .n ~J:'emlnder Ume. coner of the' botei plUM, "that little . SUPPOr t,tme fou~~ ,11 the l.~. men 'luvu'la bl, rnart7 I..... women! " , Fe' dln~ez; SODe, uel J!a "':!=~:I "It iDa) be Ik>." murmtlJ;8Cl tbe. .~!il,.l ~r,.. f~u or ·II~U. tetei .! feUow peet. i'1tut I bad ~l.. ~,tei'ecl abqnt tbe 1.81IIDDClM4 It .11 lbe:~~=: '· .~II""" Wlt{II. ;tr~ .'~ ·to '--.-_' •• p.tI that • II~



---.. .:...- -


............. UlWlN i. .


Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? We can furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable cures after all other means had failed. . Women who are suffering with some fonn of female illness should consider this. As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial I~tters. We guara ntee they are genuine 'and honest stat~ ments of facts. Cr('sso n, Pa.-" Five years ago I lUl.d 3 bad fall. amI hrut inwurd ly. I was unde r n. doctor 's cflre for nine weeks , and wh n I stoppe d I grew worse ·again. I scnt for no bottle of Lydia E. Plnkha Ol's Vegeta ble Compounc1, took it as directe d, and DOW ( 0111 a stout, hearty wOUll ln,"-l\1 rs. Ella E. AiJ>.cY.. Cresso n, Pa.. naird, Wash. _u A year ago I was stcle with kidney blnd(le r ta'oubl cs ou(1 f e malo weaknes~ . ~'bo doctor s gavennd me up. All they eoulcl do WIlS to just let me go as easUy os possIbl I was advise d by friend s to take Lydia. E.Plllk bam'8 Vegeta e. Compo uml and Blood Purifie r. I DOl compl etely cured of. ble my ilIlI, nnd I am Dearly sixty yenrs old,"- Mrs. Sarah Leight on.. Baird, Wosb. m~' se lf

Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the d erangements of the female organism which breed all kinds of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not cure, are the velY disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable . Compound. . Women who are afflicted with similar troubles after reading two such letters as the above, should be enco~raged to try thi., wonderfully helpful remedy.


For 80 yeal'S Lydia E, Plnkh am'8 Vegeta ble Compo und hus ~en the 8tandol'(~ remed y for female ills. No sick woma n docs justice to hersel f who will not tI'Y tlliH famou medici ne. :!Iade e~11ll41vely fro.m roots and sherbs, and has thouSJI,nds of .c ures to its credit. Mrs. Plillth "IA slck wome n to Wl"lte her She 'las gut ed thousa nds· tti of charge . Addre ss' ~ MaN.


Make the Liver

Do its Dut y

Nine timet in teD wilell the lift!' ill llomllCb aod bowelo .... riab&-

riaId ...

CARTER'S UTTLE. UVERP 1U..S ..,atIy but6rmly pel • lazy liver do it. duty.

CUIeO C_ ltip.tiol l,

JDdia_ tion, Sick h., and after Eatiq. S....u Pia. SnaaD D_ ·SaaaIJ Price GENUIN E mwt bear aiill_ture:


A Remarkable Invention



',D ow n in the dum ps -from

over-ea ting, clrinki ng_ bad liver and const ipatio n get many a one, but there's a way out Casca rets relieve and cur e SEND US A SNAPPY NAME t~';',~,,?,.jltrj;!/;~t 'quickly , Take one to-nigh t and ~~:·~f1~~~IM~li~$.::'~~."'~:~~t·i!iI~~rl,·~·;,~,:~I.d~Y,~}~~i closcdlllY leL. UU.L. 108", IUS r,411~8L. 1.1..... feel ever so mUCh better in tIle _. --- - . - . - ,.-- - mornin g. "!.':'~;':o'o~~~} Thomp~on'l EJI Watl" C.""eret W. N. U.. , CINCIN NATI, NO. 14-1910 .

l-JOo b01l-Wee ll'. treatmeDI. All drunilU . 8\a1re11tlleUer Ia lho world-mU lloD boua. mODtia.

~ E'"t'S'~',IJ!:N,'O,·'-.L ~:~ e~~':ve ~er::= R

known for ~m• .and other lido eJUlltiOlll ~ .' ". , I is the best for bUrna, aeaIda, 'cutlu.nClel. 1IIi1IIleI, rfJIIWorm and a certain dressing cure for Itchl~g and 1~f1amed piles. 50 cents a jar, all druggist s or sent direct on receipt Qf price. ~ESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. • recommead Realnol Ointment to .U of .., patient••nd friend. for ~,... ~acI Giber akin aHC(tioDl. . Frauds A. Groves. Nune, BoItoa•.M....


Ernest Robinson was in Cipcinnati Sunday. . .








Frank Wilson. of Harveysburg. O. M, Ridge was a -"Dayton business was in Waynesville last Frid ~y ,

I Chas. Michener has returned to.

visitor Monday.

O. J. Edwards was in Day ton l'ues- t he O. S. U: afte r a vacation of two d,y on business. weeks. Miss Anna Edwa~ ~isited' friends The Card Club will meet at t he in Dayton Monday. home of Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chap, T W • ht • O r. an d M rs. "A , ng were m man Thursday evening.


4 cents to

15 cents a roll at

Sch.w artz's WALL ~


.......IIIIiIllli...................... PAPER


Lebanon last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler. of Joe Thompson ~as in Cincinnat i Dayton. were g uests of Mr. ami Tuesday on businesS ~ A. a Chandler Saturday and SUIIday. Mrs. Eva Barger was in Dayton Mrs. Ed. Macy and son. Terrell. Monday buying new goods. and dau~!tJers Winifred and Edytha. Mrs. McSherry and Miss William- were gU E!S~ of Xenia relatives Sunson visited in Dayton Monday. day. . , , Rev. H. W. Bailey and .1. E. ;TanMrs. Ray " Smibh . and daughter ney were Lebanon visitors Tuesday. Louise were in Dayton Monday, the Mrs. J. F. Cadawallader was the .i'uests of her , sister. Mrs. Luther guest of Xenia relatives TueSday. Sellers. Dr. J. E. Brown, of Wilmingt on . Mr. and Mrs. Walter,. McClure aDd was a business visitor here'l'hursday. sons. James and Kar~; spent Sunday with Mr. McClure's fat her near Messrs. F. H. Farr and Thos. Bellb k Pierce were in Cincinnati last 'fhul"f!roo . J , ;' day. , .~.' Mrs. pilie ward8 returned to After a two week's vacation. Stokes her hil"n\e in'. Da t?n Sund~ after a Silvers ret urned t o Columbus on Sun- pl~asant week Ith relatives and fnends here. d ay.

KROMELK i!Wl new and fully 4urable sofe leather outwear twQ pairs of It is the product of of en'OO_ lllQ tanned only bY' I SON & CO. by a secret pr(J.ce!~s. It lighter, more flexible and practica1Jy heatproof and waterproof. You can "et KrOl11.elk soles in practically alI styles of ENDICOTT, JOHNSON shoes. They cost no more than other shoes of ordinary make and are much .b etter va1~e. Be aure you let Kromelk: The name Ja etampe4 every lenulne Itromelk 'ao,le~ ' I ' ~CS,"U ~'


ua.·aboN '3.- $3.50 A: , ... worim.· .....,.aao_eo . .... FC'r !:iale by

Wayn~svill e .



Mrs. J. W. Ie, of Norwood , and Mr. and Mrs. Mablon Ridge were SUCCESSFUL SERVICE in Dayton Sunday guests of Mr. and Miss -Imogene arrell, of Highland, ..,.... ....,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u Mrs. ~. C. Ridge. Ohio, were week-end guests of Rev:, . The service conducted by the Brotherhood at the M E. church •• •• Mrs. Hannah Rogers arrived home and Mrs. H. W. Bailey. •• •• •• Sunday .. Sunday evening l was a successful one• after a pleasant visit with LADIES' AID MARKET This is the first of a series of services, ~---.......----~~""" relatives in Dayton. the Brotherhood 'is going to conduct New BurUnlton. Tbe Ladles' Aiel Sooie~y of the Bellbrook S. O. Hale and daughter, of Bell- Christian Obureh will hold a market: during the year. Short addresses were made by the . Ed. Lumpkin anel Ku.... Burley Born to Mr. and Mr• . EIlDer Con- brook. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. t th t hi h ' BatordtLy', a e owns p OU8e left MOnday evening f . """le, n81' north of town. Thursday,. flne Frank Zelllast week. KNOW-I yoa _~ vice-presidents explaining the April 16th, at I) a , m. W ..h; , " daughter. .! of the Brotherhood, and a shQrt ad00,,",· "loW, "air", tblD_to -.. Mrs. J " S. lamins was tbe gueet The W. C. A. eotedained their A carload of Portland cement will dress by Pastor Bailey. ,, ' Try our w.n't 06h....1l W. 1ut week of her 80n Boward and hueband8.t the Town balJ laet Mon. arrive this week. Call and ask prices . WHITE ,SLAVE TRAFFIC. At each future meet ing there will 0&0 eeU tbem for y09 '~ ..... 11 . _. famiJy oCalaI' Gpes. day nfght. W. H. Madden &("0. benew features added. and t he'memT rading In Soul •• . Ohea&er ~ wnabJp Siuulay-tiOoJ Mlu (Jurie Knmp wu In Da,ton Mr. John Linton', of Clarksville, Oenventlon ..... held ~~ the Frleada' Jut Saturday, It I~ appalUn& tQ know that In this bers hope to profit by them. These ohurob here ',?~ ~unaay" , . " - Mr. Walter ...~oOlure, aael family, was the pestef Mr. and Mrs. B. S- day.' at; oue ' ~J and b1 realon 'm eetings are" open to the general Ill'. aad Mrs. Q. M. ColTin, of 'of Wayn8lviDe, were Sanday gueets Howell last ~ursday • . of our weak IJIl,IJQftLfit,n lawa we have 'public, and all' ar e cordially invited WilmlDgtoD" ar~ "vtalting at . the of Yr. JameeMoClore westoUoWD. ' had for aeveioal 1ean a Ipecl.. of to at tend them. Ro,R'~r Brown, of ,Wil~,ini'ton, ~as .la;t'el'7 ("white alaYe tramc") 'a thou- ., hoaae of &helr daugh&e~, lin. Harry \ Mr. aad Mrs. O~. Austin, of - - - - :,- -, IfIObreoD. . · Day&OD fonner reeid.nte of this in town lut week in the interests of aand Umea W01'8e and ~ore degrading A NARROW ESCAPE )(n. Eunie, Meudenha,l1 hu bollt place, I18ve D10Ved up on the Duffy' the Farquhar Furnace Co In lUI con&eque'ncea and' e!fect. upoq · barn'on hel"'-farm 11111. MI'. and Mrs. M. Mar~Ds and Uttle ,o f ~,na' . , < ' Sam Wllliama, of ~"on, was . Kenneth Ridge was in Hamilton humanlt1 'than an,. other, species ever O-t rei --11' b' d "n pracUced 1D thll or an1 other c o u n t l ' 7 . . . . .c. It. PanenoD who i. w~~ng the gueet of Jeue Weaver I Ult Bun ..,. U &y, ~ mg on 18gran paren.... The ImportAUon of women and gtrl. daughter Clara .~elle, ~ad K ~arrow Dear (Jente~ville . u home for,the day. f9 r the purposes of prostitution and ' esca~ from aerlous IDJ~ry ~undar week·end. ~ , ".' Albert 'Ii1arphy mO'fed on tbe WIl- Mr. and .Mrs. ~. COinPto~. Mrs. Wilson Kirby, who under- other Immoral purpose. I. nof onl1 & mornmg when , the plaster on the· nv. au'o~obU. were ooun&ed tn son farm taat w~. the M• .c. ohuroh ~,ard , ,?~', H~day Mr. and '0. R. Petenoo were went a serious operation a week "aUonal -lllue, but It 18 a worM-wide ceiling 'o f their bed c,hamber fell ·an.d mornl., .1\i18 th'e oWD~ a the gueete, of ' Ohae. Pe&ersoo aild ago, is gettina' along nicely• . , que.Uon. This buslnela does not con- almost · buried them in the debris. A Leo D '&mill_ :~dlDg wife In Dajo&on 1..' Sunda.y . lilt of a few Isolated cases here and Little Ch,ra Belle, sleeping on a no '" 111-.:> ' lDqQl ttt 'of ' od ! f Mr. and Mrs.. M E . Sh erwo ,0 there, but It consists ot a wttUo()r,a~- by herself W~ the ",ost seriously in~ Phone M:J l X' r. Wllyuf'l. ytll ~~,:11_.'(" IIan'~V8"""-- ' Mlaa ~rab Bhorbaugh Ia \'llitlDg '# _ _ IS· Mr•. Kay GUbert at Lew18bong. Spring Valley, were iuesta of·F. E . .tzed and preconcerted pl.a n to Import jured, beinA' badly bru~ and cut . SJlerwood and family Sunda,r. " women Into this country for thll pur- a~ut the head ~ She was dazed by Sl!l&D PO (l ATOE~ . , ~~~~\ Mr. J.ffThom~ the.plaJlo~er • - • ppse, ,an$l aa the States ba~e now no the blows and her arents .at first home ji( r••wlI"I~ '.Q ..~ , .~ Orecronla. of LebanOD, tra. ." " bulneuhere Mrs. S.M'. Sellers. of Columbus. power .to pass any law ~ontraven.lng _ . , p bed ' 60 bu. UlirtD.t ne N',,' -J, C;p i.. Jut week. ' '" . • was the .~est of her fatber. Mr. I. E. the terms ot the Conlmutton tou9hlng thought h~r d~. Her was RUi-III t', 60 bu~ dllOw ' l!! ktt; and 1lrI. Benry Murphy and Mr. Robltzer, of Waynesville, Keys seVeral days of last week, the queltlon of natural~lation. nor covered WIth a hundred ~ouJlds .of lfil.h ()'l bler U tiarrliW: Wi.iIIlliIIl. f.mUt, 01 Mo~w,.pen, Friday tbe . , bave they an1 power to r,gulate com- plaster. Mr. Marcus W88 bruised VUIt-, Obio. ' I • • pee&a ot" Mnl. Kurpb,y'i paran", transacted boaln888 here Satartay.. aild lin. -.obert 'Carr. ' Walter Oleavet' , hu been ' home Mrs. F i C. Schwartz and ;two ::~~e'b;o~~ ~O~l~~~:no:::~:,~~: about ~~ head. but ~1'fI. , Marcu~ ~' ., '1'* ",ere,ity'lDg arouDd ,'3110- for the pal' week. daucbtersl Helen and Grace. spent to Congress and If by ' USID' these ca~ mJury. 'ntey llye 0 ~he up. dq. . J, Zein Alm'.age · took dinner wi'h Monday and Tuesday in Cincinnati. plain constitutional p·rovlalon. the per floor 01 tpe David.iion bu Iding;on Frank Harrt8 aDd. Frank Shidaker 'B omer Dea,he~"Ie Snnda,.. ~ • lovernment can wIpe out thl. wIcked Main tnreet.~Xenia G~ette" UuIa!3&e.d .' bUIlD.,.. in Wilmington Mr. and ' Mn. George Zell, of Mr._ and Mrs. Ed Hough were 10 and awful pr.actlce. or If it can aid til. /i!a'~rd41· . W~tn..~le, SpeD& H1;Ulday with I:felmont Saturday and S~day, the StAtel In lIutUng out thl. Immoral Ire " W. A. Merritt Waa oollll4erably relatlvee here. pests of Mr••and Mrs. Vern Hough that' 'Is ' DOW burning the ver:r ylta1. " Ind~ talt week but ta f.llDr J J[ Spence 1 Leb ' , out of eoctety, It Is the duty of ,Cop. .• r was n ,non U' L 11 Corne11 IS ' h ome 1rom 'areN Hunday. m188. ue a to stve to the ,people a better nq,r'. '


The Neighborhood News








FO'" ..






• B. B. Emmonl 18 empJoyed .t the Dayton .rtJr • two week's visit with .trong ,and powedul enoush to the GoYernment to .deport ' _11'MI1li1 f~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ . wh.o, ~1 fraud ,or otherwl... · MI" Beak held her ' millinery iJy; porta of the Unttec\ .Stat_ for 't~e op;alnISa'orday. J E 'J d f ' it toed to pose of proltitUtlon:, In' 'the tmJlOrla'\ .The, '0. B, Ohuroh Is glving a Pro : . anney an am y au f Uon of thla unfortunate ca.... or people grelMn Box.Snpper at the home of SpnnJboro Sund~ after;noon apd into this co,un~r7 fOI: ·:t~lelmmoral ' ~"':l Bwry 1'. Ken8Y, near Oregoola, on were pests of John McClure apd pose all kind. of fraud II pncttc.t ~ -----Friday evening, :Aprtl 21th. Eaoh family. upon ill. ' unwal'1 aD~ UD'~n. Wellman. lady will pI.... divide ber lanoh Ylcttll\ ~ forel~ ciou~~ea f~. 'tile' , ID&o three parta, and, in8tead.of putE. C. J.ffery. of OregOnia, mlJde pUrpoM ' '!f, lndujlll!'C . ~ , Mre. El18n Blaey called on MrS. ,tlng it In ODe box, pot it into three, many calls bere last Wedne8day. Mr. leaye. her :natlTe. ~d ~n4 'jOU~q George ' Dayi. · Monday afternooD .. nambering them ' A for tbe flret Jeffery ie a candidate for Coriunis- our sbore~; SIi, -I. ,pro*Ri!ed ~ot~ :Mr. Evan BaRan 'apent dunday courseo, B for the eecond iUld 0 for , . blgh and ' em ne,..,",Y. wacell, with bi_8 graDdparent8, Mr. and Mrs. the third. Eaoh couree will beeateo Bioner. • ·told 'that ,he live' here In amuen«* , wi'h " different L'lt every Mrs. Lina Devitt arrived 'hoine and 'lux.u.,y ·a. coDlPa~ to h,r mOde George Bop~. - ( 1iU.. Ethel' .-Dn()Qr of Tippecanoe, ooe' oooi~, • _ • from Indianapolis,'Saturday evening :~r living In her ~atly~ laD~ No .Oon·. apent . 8atu,r48,.~a ~anday with , . ' 'e r. doel ehe atep _her foot upon Ame.... Earnee& Mannon ' d wife. ' where she spent the past month With -Jean aol1 than she beco. . . tbe prop. Bert Dopn ' nt Sa'orday with . relatives. 'I ,Iert1 of iome . debauoh_, or hla liater,: K~•. Will Donn. . d . imoneter. \'. Mr•. Ed. Ibrttn WIUI IhopplDg 10 lI_rs. L9u Pnntz an Re:amer T~e h·o~r. of thls',e'fll ~re, Saturday afternoon. -'"Reed were In Columbus last Thura- ,ated and It. P ....ctlcel 1D&de ~ore ,t.... We are BJ1thol'lzed to ' ~nDounoe daY. llOu brOught ,home a fine ~Fi- 'rifte I,n th~lr reau.ta 'b,.the . Mte. Mabel Thompson and Mlu Orte Alleu oa11ed on lin. Orlando ,lte....J!>l1owtng D&m88~ ~ubJect to the tODe hom with hiril.. . .. -tlon of women fQ't tbe purpoM BraD~on 8&tul'day .f&8lnoon. ; : .!_~ .Qr '- Warren C~ntYt at 'he ' . mutton, with tt" .attendant 1I~ and Mn. George Davia ~ma~y: . . Miss Edith Griffin. left fQr .~rutAl d.ene~~y ,~~~.: Im1oortat:16Il gueSt. at the home 'o f Mr. and ~1Ir'8 Tuead~ enro~te toller ~oll'\ ~~~!:~~: ~hee:~~wa Ea~beet Munoo Suoday. ' For Comml~ner 888. 'M188 Gnffin, ~ho b~ bee~ vilest practlcea- ale bro~l,~, 'E , J~lI'F~Y, l'several mon~, eDdeared; C6Dtlne~ial ~pe, of Waehipltk'n·!l'oWDlibtp. mlUlY W'-.ynesvllle peopie. :tJiere haa oome,fro,a h. i{1Mn-t.1id

J . .. 0(" (hay '8 . .w mill I. being patrOnf'-.' very well . . Ilr. G~y doea:a 'ntOe ~Qb of _win,. lb. aDd lira. ' Wm , KerleY, of , Orelon,., apan" Bnnday the peeta of Mn. lela Taok,r, moth~r of Mrs. Keney. " .


O~la 'Brtdge Work8 at Lebanon. ber J>rother. M. A. Comell and fam-









'c. ,



," .






q~lreinentii,of cl,~'I~l~tF~

tloo of ' the ~ coJirtiA~'~ with , 1tDDft· thill'.fI,aY1ll. "~I~-1:



- - - - - - --Fran k Wilson, of Ha rvey:;uurg , O. M. Ridgt:l W fl!3 U ayton business was in W ay n E'::Ivi ll ~ last FI·iday . visito r Monday. . C h:l ~ . Mi 'h ·n ' I' h:lS rel ul'll ~d io . O. J . Etl wurd:nvas in Dayton Tues- the O. S. U. a fte r a vaca t ion uf two day on business. weeks . .



4 cents to

15 cents a roll at


•• ••


The Neighborhood News

New Burlington.

•• ••



Ed. Lumpkin and Russel Hurley left Monday evening for beaUle, Wash. Alrs. J. 8. Leamine was the guest Illlt week of her son Howard and family of near Goes. Ches&er TowDtlhip Sunday &hooJ Cenven"on was held at the Friends' ohnroh here on Sunday. Mr. •ad Mrs. G. M. Colvin, af Wilmington, are 'viliting at the home of theu daughter, Mrs. Harry Nlokerson. Eunioe Mendenhall haa built a larKe new barn on her farm west of town. E. M.. Patterson who is working near Centerville was home for t·he week· end. Five automobiles were oounted in the M. E. ohurQh yard on t;unday mornin•• while the owners and their familles were attending services.

Born to Mr. and Mre . Elmer Conner north of town. Thursday, a fine daughter. 'I'he W. C. A. enter&ained their hUlbands at the Town hlllllast Monday night. Miss Varrie Knmp waa in DartOD la8~ &turday. Mr. Walter MoOlure and family, of Waynesvl1ie; were ~unday guests of Mr. James MoClure, west of town. Mr. aDd Mrs. Chas. Austin, of Dayton, former re8idents of this Plaoe. have moved up on the Duffy hill. Sam WilHalll8, of Dayton, WllS the guest of Jesse Weaver I Ult Sun day. Albert lldurphy moved on the Witson farm 1811t week. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Peterson were the gneste of ' ChBS. Peterson and wife in Dayton laat Sunday. ------ --- -----MiS8Sarab Rhorbaugh is visiting Harveysburg. Mrl. May Gilbert at LewisbuDg. ____ .. ~ ____ Mr . Jeff Thompson the piano tuner of LebauOl'l, transaoted business here Oregonia. lall~ week. IIr. aud Mn. Henry Murphy and famHy, of Morrow,lpent Friday the Mr. Robitzer, of W~yne8ville, Ruasts of Mrs. Murphy's parents, transaoted business here Satur.ay. Au. and Mrll. Robert Carr. Walter Cleaver has been home The autoe were llying arouud '3un- for the pasl; week. day. Zain Almltage took dinuer with Frank Harris and Frank Shidaker Homer Deatherdge t;unday. tratlllao~d busin8llS in Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. George Zell, ot t:)aturday. WayneSville, spent Sunday with . W. A. Merritt was oonsiderably relatives here. indilposed last week but is feeJing J . K. Sp,e noer WIUI in Leb LUon Sunday. beUer no". . R. B. Emmons Is employed at the J . .. eX" Gray's saw mill is being patronized very well. Ilr. Gray Oregonia Bridge Works at Lebanon . doea a nice job of lawinll. Miss Reck held her . willinery Mr. and Mra. Wm. KerleY, of opening Saturday. Oregonia, spent Sunday the guests The U. B. Vhuroh is giving a Pro of Mrs. lda 'I'uoker, mother of Mrs. gres.tve Box Snpper at the home of Kersey. Heury l!'. Kersey, near Oregonia, on - - - -... -+-- - Friday evening, April 22th. E~oh Wellman. lady will please divide her lunch iDW three parts, and, instead of putMrs. Ellen Hisey oalled on' Mrs . ting it in one box, put it into three, George Davill Monday afternoon . numbering them A for the first Mr. Evan Bogan spen' t:iunday oourst', B for the seoond arid C for with bisgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. the third. Eaoh oourse will be eaten with II. different partner. L9t every George Bogan. Miss Ethel MaDnon. of Tippecanoe, ODe oome. -------.~~ spent Saturday a~(} t;unday with Earnest M.annonpd wife. Bert Bogan &i>ent. Saturday with hll sister, Mrs. WllJ Dunn. Ed. Martin WIUI shopping in Harveysbnr~ Saturday afternoon . MislI Mabel Thompson and Miss We are outhorized to announoe Orie Allen called on Mrs. Orlando ·t4e_fEll~wing names. eubjeot to the Brannon Saturday o.ftelnoon. !~~rl' of Warren Vounty, at 'he ma~' Primary . !it . and Mrs. Ueorge Davis were . gUl8tS at the home of Mr. and Mrs For Commissioner Earnest Mal1non Sunday . E. C. JEIl'FERY, . of Washingt('n 'l'owntthip .







How .ell Oft . . . . . ...,. IIwflt . . . ..

.-...... •.. .. ,............. 10,"

2. APPEARANCE I TIl •••11.,..' ' - .... (

5.COSTl .....,~.~--­ . ....STAIIOMItMIIIT , Nof"'_ _ _ ....


-...., Ie



- '

. ·B IT.,WlMIIII8Vt... Ohio


For Recorder WALTER KENIUOK.. of Wayne Township":. JOHN E. ROBINSON. 9f Clea.roreQk Township.

For Treasurer --FRANK J. BRUWN





For ~rveyor HAM D. HINKLE (IOJ' n-e1totlc.)


Mr. and MI·S. Mahlon Ridge w re I Mrs ~ 1. W. Gale, of Norwood, and in Dayton Sunday g uests of Mr. and Miss Imogene Terrell. of Highland , Ohio, we re week-end guests of Rev. Mrs. D. C. Ridge. and Mrs. H. W. Bailey. Mrs. Hannah Rogers arrived home -------Sunday after a pleasant visi t with LADIES' AID MARKET relatives in Dayton. lThe Ladies' Aid Society of the S. O. Hale and daughter, of Bel Christian Church will hold a market brook, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zen last week. I\~ the township house Saturdu.y, April 16th. at 9 a . m. A carload of Portland cement will arrive this week. Call and ask prices WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC. W. H. Madden &("0. TradIng In SOUls. Mr. John Linton, of Clarksville. It II appalling to know that In thIs was the guest.f Mr. and Mrs. B. S. day of enllgbt.en~eDt and by reason Howell last Thursday. of our weak l~mlgrat·I~>D laws we have had for several years a species ot Roger Brown, of Wilmington, was slavery ("wblte slave tramc") a tbou· in town last week in the interests of I18nd times worse and more degrading the Farquhar Furnace Co . In Its consequences and effects UPOij Kenneth Ridge was in Hamilton J humanIty than any other species ever Saturday, <lalling on his grandparents practiced In this or any other country. Mr. and Mrs. E. Compton. The importation ot women and girls . tor the purposes or prostitution and Mrs. Wilson Kirby, who under- other Immoral purposes is not only a went a serious operation a week national Issue. bu t It Is a worltl·wlde ago, is gettina- along nicely. Question. This business does not conslst ot a few Isolated cases here and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sherwood, of there, but It consists of a well·organ· Spring Valley, were guests of F. E. Ized and preconcerted plan to Import Sherwood and family Sunday. women into this country tor thIs pur· pose, and as the States have now no Mrs. S. M. Sellers, of Columbus, power to pass any law contravening was the guest of her father, Mr. 1. E. the terms of the Constitution touching Keys several days of last week. the Qu estion of naturalization. nor have they any power to regulate COIDmerce. both of these powers beIng Mrs. F. C. Schwartz and .two given by the Constitution exclusively daughters, Helen and Grace, spent to Congress, and If by using tbese Monday and Tuesday in Cincinnati. plain constitutional provIsIons the government can wipe out this wIcked Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hough were in and awful practice. or If It can aid tb. Ifelmont Saturday and Sunday, the States in putting out this Immoral fire Jruests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hou gh that Is now burning the very vitals out of society, it Is the duty ot .ConMiss Luella Cornell is home from ~res8 to give to the people a law Dayton after a two week's visit w1th 'strong and powerful enougb to enable her brother, M. A. Cornell and fam- the Government to deport persona who, by fraud or otherwise, enter the ports of the United .States tor the purJ. E. Janney and family autoed to pose of prostitution. In tbe Importa· tlon ot this unfortunate class ot people Springboro Sunday afternoon and Into this country for this immoral purwere guests of John McClure and pose all kinds of fraud Is practiced family. upon the unwary and unsuapectlnr vlcUtn in foreIgn countrlea for the KC. Jf'ffery, of Oregonia, made purpose of · Inducing the woman to many calls here last Wednesday. Mr. leave her native land and Journey to Jeffery is a candidate for Commis- our shores. She is promised worll at high and remunerative wages. and slOner. told that she can live here In aIDuence Mrs. Lina Devitt arrived home and luxury 'as compared to her mode of livIng In her native land. No soon· from Indianapolis Saturday evening, er does she step her toot upon Amerwhere she spent the past month with Ican soil than she becomes 'the prop· relatives. erty 01 some debauche or Inhuman monster. Messrs. Lou Printz and Re.a mer Tile horrors of thIs evil are accentuReed were in Columbus last Thurs- ated and Its practices made more terday. Lou brought home a fine bari- rific In their result. by the Importation of women tor the purpose ot pro. tone horn with him. tltutlon. with Its attendant system ot Miss Edith Griffin, left for Dayton brutal degeneracy and cruel Ilavery. The need of checkIng thIs Importatlon Tuesday en route to her home in Kan- 1s therefore especIally great. The sas. Miss Griffin, who has been here vilest practices are brought here from several months, endeared herself to Continental Europe. and beyond doubt there has eome from Imported women many Waynesville people. and their men the most bestial reMrs. Rachel Crew and son Frank quirements of depravity. The Inclinastarted Saturday for an extended tion of the continental races to .10011 visit to her brother, 'Eli Rico, of with toleration upon tUse evils II beyond doubt spreadIng In this country, McCune, Kan. She will · also visit an Innuence perbaps even more fal'several places enroute to Ka~. 'Teaching In Its degradation than the physical effects which Inevitably 101John Taylor was in Dayton 'last low It. This condltton Is especially Saturday, the guest of his sisters, beoomtnK true 1ft our 1arce cIties a11d ·Mrs. Etta Printz and Mrs. ~bel great centers . of population. The .trenlth of oQr Government lies not Foy. Mr•.TaYlor reports that Mrs. It1l Its great atandlng army nor In Ita Foy does not improve in health as itltrong navy, .bat It jle~ tn th'e bulldinl lip, keeping and maintaining a etronl, fast 88 ber friends would like, healthy Mjnttment of morality, havtnl Chas. Smart.-. who has ~n triver-~ 1n vIew hlrh Ideals of 1IIe._ ing for several years for a .Dqton To repress the '~whlte alave ,traftlc· whol.e grocery s~ to ~vel two. bUla have lI.saed the bouse with· in the interests of the Interna"onal In ' the past tbl't!e weeki and are ':1I0W' -"--Co.,-.. 1_ .... W.-I..-.I_II before the SeDate ColDIDJttM at W~ HIU'V-..----.,-. r. lDCtOL Th_ btU. areSmart'. territol7 will be c101e1' hcnneU Baa. BOI No. 1&,tl" ;

--. .

thaD fonnerly.






No. IJMI. _ .. - .. :." ".- . ,.' ......

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KROMELK i new and wonder~ ­ fully durable so e leather that will outwear two pairs of ordinary.3 _s. · It is the product of years of eHorJllbhd is tanned only by ENDICOTT, JOHN'! SON & CO. by a secret process. It is lighter, more flexible and practically heatprooi and waterproof. I

You can get Kromelk soles in practically all styles of ENDICOTT. JOHNSON shoes. They cost no more than other shoes of ordinary make and are much better val&1.e. Be sure you get Kromelk. The name is stamped Dn every "enuine Kromelk sole.

Mr. and MI'S. Walter .McClure aod Dr. J . K Brown, of Wilming ton . W fl!3 a business visitor here Thursday. SO'lS, James imd Karl, spent Sunday i d Th I with Mr. McClure's fa t her near Messrs. F' . H . 'an an os. Bellbrook . Pierce wel'e in Cincinn ati last Thursday. Mrs. Mollie Ed wards r etu rned to ; . • Afte r a two week 's vacation, Stokes her h01l\e in Dayton Sunday after a Sil vers returned to 'olumbus on Sun · pleasant week with relatives and fri ends here. day.




Miss Anna Edwa rtls visited fri ends The a rd lull will meet at th e in Dayton londay. home of Mr. ami Mrs. J . B. hapman Thu l'sday eve·ning. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright were in Lebanon last Friday . Mr. and It·s. Waltet- Chandler, of Dayton . wel'le' g ue;l!..s uf MI' . und i rs . J oe Th ompson was in 'i nci nnati A. H. Cha nd le r Satu rday and 'U IITu ~sday on ll u sin e~: day. Mr::l. Eva Barger was in Day t Oll Mrs . Ed , Macy and so n. Terrell, 1 Monday buyi ng new good ... and dau g ~ \e l'S Win ifl'ed and Edyth a , Mrs. McSherry and M is~ Willia m- were g uests of Xenia relatives Ull son visited in Dayto n MOlld ay . . day. f{ ~ v . II. W. Bailey allli .1. Eo JanMrs. R y"Smi th and daughter ney were Lebanon visito r - Tuesd ay . Loui se we re in Dayton Monday. th e Mrs. J. F. Cada wall ader was th e i'u eqls of her sister. Mrs. Luther gu 'st of Xenia re latives 'l'ue;lday. Sell et'S.




__ 0-"'--_-_

E rnest Robinson was in Cincinnat i Sunday .

PersoQal Mention



•• ••






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Wayn t' svil l ~. Ohl ~). ------


Classified Ads

SUCCESSFUL SERVICE Th e service cohducted by the Brothe rhood at the M E. church Sunday evenin g . was a su ccessful one. This is the first of a series of services, the Brotherhood is going to conduct during the yea r . Short addresses were made by the vice-presidents explaining the work of the BrothCl·hood. and a 8hol·t address by Pastor Bailey. . At nch future meeting there will be new features add ed, and the members hope t o profit by them. These meetings a re op n to the gene ral pub lic. and all are co rdially invi ted to attend them.


- . - --

A NARROW ESCAPE Mr. and MI·s. M. Marcus Rnd liJUe daughter Clat'a Bell e had a narl'OW escape from - serious injury Sunday morning when the plaste r on the ceiling of their bed chamber fell and almost buried them in t~.e debris . Little Clara Belle. sleeping on a cot by herself was the most se riously Injured. beinr~ badly bt'uiseu and cut ab0ut the head. ' he was dazed by the blows and her parents at first thought her dead. Her bed was covered with a hundred I,ounds of plaster. Mr. Marcus Wail bruised about the head. but MrR. Marcus escaped injury. They live on the up. per floor of the Davi:lson bujlding on East Main street.- Xenia Ga·l ette.


w ill be hIHl'rL<:H uIIll tlr LhlH h~ at.l Cor twe nq'·!I\·! c" nl:l f o r three Ingertloll., wll ' lI usl nl: no t mor lh an Uve line .


o KNOW-H' you h~v~ bone. T oow, plo\v, rak , oranythlog to lIe11 . Try our want We It

OOhlDll1 ~m .. 11

oan sell rbew for you at



O:;T-:\ . III " 11 IF;lV pi t,:fltb')'*. som., JJhll'e t'1t.hti" 1111. SrI. or 4tb " I tI. A 8~ltll b, u- r"w"rct off.,reO a, torn to Guz~" o, ItI (l/1


·FOR SALE • _ _ _........;;;;;;;;0;;_ _ _ _ _ _ __ '1'\UlIJ.,hv S~:, FOR t:;ALE-~uf \"'1,Iti l'9 hunl itr 'wo. IliqUI/'II

Phono Ma I X I'. WllyuPtlVUlr', Ohto. , I

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hu. Vl\rllllllll N" 2, 1i0 lll . N. Y . !turnll',60 bu Snuw n-.kl1. ' 1 ~ hu. Irillh G,bler c.d ·ur(uCt'. Wh iief· vi lit', 011io . -. .(. flU

wilht .. 2 Wllfjtl hont lOU 1I0lflilt IE-vel grounu, uD(ltlr "nod ~tllte\ 91'./1 cUlt.lV~t,iOlI, good ISfiliu Bnd tobtt~O hl-ad 40 IiOrt~i Wnbar and blQ~ The hen". 1\11111, will MOOD b.egtn to grass. lnquirtlst t,hlaiOftice. oontribute to next year's supply of l U(J8-Pure P!s.moutb Rpck egU' oold storage eggs. E 500.'1 ,par Matting . of 15. wrI ~=========~~==~ or phune Norml1'l t,:i. arown. R, . 6, W l1yn~' iile, Ohio. fboP~, Ho • U"Dterville 84.6. . •. .


140 r ... ", F ARM. of W u.yno. VIII .. , itO



OUSE and lot ttl Oorwln, O . Six H in guotl rep"...,· room recently pl1inted; good gardeD, nioe bou~i ;


Inquire .11" thIS omoe. , "

. FIVE Young t;OWtI, due. to(' farrow SOOIl. I Of ~.rnf.' Cummings; R. D. S, WIi~,eav.Ue, Ohio. SUWS-Due to farrow in BROOD April., Illqolre of Sam\. alnkle, Centervillt', 725-51', or Wa7UeIIville, H. D. G.

Purchase an


HA1.'OB1NG-Pure EGG8liuff FOR Qrpingtonl', per ·l8ttinR. GOo Reduoed on 100. BI"ok AUnoroaa are engaged for IMrs. H. V. SQlltb, phone 24-ll,'ol' fl1teS

early . l8tttnl~

tlbonograpb For your home, it will afford entertainment for the entire family, and when your friends drop in to see you, you are not at a loss to know how to entertain them. If you own an EDISON PHONOGRAPH you can have the best Bands, Orchestras, Quartettes, . Violinists, Vaude- . ville Artista, etc., at your command at a moment's notice. - For'Sale at-


WQ.neevlle, Ohio.

. Box ,76, WayneSVille ·Obio, . ,.

' EGGS-Rbode' bla.nd Red. ~"II. fpr ~ettiDg l.l1111 cn J. R . HI/II~l' Corwin, Ohio : . .' .


N~xt Sunday

Ban rs. '·Nur. Bl'own is quite · ~. C. Hawke '''~''Wl. lday o~ buain

was in Leb non

----~------------------------~ , ) ------------------~--~------~~--~------~----~----~~~~~

+--- ---------+





,1Personal Mentio~l I'



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KROMELK is a new Dnd wonderfully durab le SOh~ leather that w ill

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ou tw ear two TJnirs of ordinary s"" ,,!s. I t is t he product of yea rs of effor_!-r.llld is tanned only by EN OlCOTT, JOH)~­ SON & CO. by a s('cret process. It IS lighter, m o re flexible and practically hcatproo[ Hnd \vaterproof. You can Io!I't Krollwlk soIl'S in practi cally nil styles of END ICOTT, JOHN SON shoes . They cos t no Il1(lrc than other s hoes of ordinan' 111ake and (lr c 1l1u c h IJdtcr vaIL'e.

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The Neighborhood News



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IIIII ! WQ(lk u f hnr ~1IJ1 Ll u l \ill'Ll tL lld hllllJILudll !It tbll '] \ ,wnllI1I 111l" t ~l ,>n. al'l'I lt'litl>! II I·,·h. ( ',d l alld:l -k A l ,·a,·1t fU lllr, · 1111'. '1 II ,).' 1111' 1'.' II ill , \\'. II. .\lad Jrll ,\: C". , --Ja Ul ily of Dellr Ull"~ lIuy night. 1"'111 '''' ["al l lr,·:, ", 101, ·01 . :LII" I Ill' 111,'111- , Tra ding 10 Sou l s. ( ' iJ Hte r T (J wn~lllJ' :-: anfin .v t'c b 0 1 MI"~ ( 'l1rri tl I "Illl\, IV J:j i n DU1.tlll l 1,, ·1'" hili '" I· pi .. i l I ,y 11tt'1I1. Tit,·,;,' ~l r. .1111111 l. illtU I I . III' ~ · l al' k"I·III(· . ( ·enn·ntillu WIl" ilt'lri /I Ih u F rlend,, ' Il4 st otltunh, y . It I~ a l ' pallll1 g III \<1 1" " 1!t1. 1 I n tht~ LO!'-lT I .. II ., · ,. ,'1 "' I'al wa ,.: tht' ;.."11< ·,.:t . f ~I r. alld \1 1''':. f'l l '4' 111' r :l ! 4 "JlI ' 11 (lhl, r eh h oro o n l"ullliuy. Mr . \Yalt r M l' ( ' Iurr' /l nu fUIIII "·. Ila .r of t'nll !!h lt'Il UIl' 1l1 111111 11.1' r .. a~ \l 11 I , ~ d ",,'. :u .d :tli .1" " " "1' 01 1. 1; \ I·.·. ,1, ·,1 JlLr lIad ~lr l;l . li r,1 ( . lVl n. () f of Wll y nt'!'\,IIIt' . w('ro ~ undll Y guu"t~ Jl u\\"'lIl as T hllr~day. \'\·I IJ1 I IIJ!;ln n. Ilrn \,ll'!lt l llg tit t h .· u f I\lr Jallll'" ~I d '111ft . Wl),.t of I ll wn . !tu.! tor <I" ertil )',·:tr s 1\ <P " (' I ~e of h't'- \ - 11 1 til !! .. i' 101(,'1i1 101, . it o m e I)f tit ul r ,laughtt'r . ttlr,.. Jiarr y Mr. Roli ~Ini \ ' hll~ " AlI~tln . ,iI I 'II>-:I' r 1) 1'0 \\' 11 . of W tl illillg- tull. \1'(\ ::; slavery I "" hill' sl all' I mtli , " I 1\ lhod... ' 1I n " 1'1 11,' \ ' 1'1 11 11' ·- 11 11 :~,.d nr 4th ~1 l' l.: o r ",uD . l)lly'• on. f ,l rllll' I' r ljUII 18111 ." II I tl ll· .- i n t,,\I'n I rl.~t w('t!k ill t he inlt'n':,l s "I' sand IlII 1"N \' Or-S f" und (!lOrl' l1f·grlld ll\~ .....~... " I~. , \ '"11,, 1, , ' 1' '' ' ',I'r! " Il,·I\·d It '! M r~ . ~: llnl rl' . M ellll c l1hlL ll h llll I)1Jllt pltL cl'. hu\' p 1111 1",'d tP' (I ll tlttl I hi ll' .I' Ih,' I·"url i llhar F llrn ;\('l' l ·u . I l ' II• ,·" tS UP"IJ y . tll I "4 I ' P U "i t' q l lf ' TlI "' S nTh tn rll t " ( L, / ,\ , It ' Ili. ,,· II IlIr ~ e DU\\, bILr n Ull iJpr flll'lll wellt bill f t hl 'lI l1elh I tidg'I' 1I':t.' il l !! :lIllilt ull I' !t 11 1111\11 " .' l!tan all ) "'lier "i " "' \o ' ~ ,' I, ' f .\ I r. an ,j .\ 1r,.: . .\ I \1 :tl ,' 11:' ,, 111 1 I i I tI, · ::;111\1 '''l llill lll!' . (I t lIuyt o o . Wl! ~ ~ .1 II ' I ' I ' t. pra" III'",1 111 Ih lti " f 1111) ",Il " f ,·,lIll1 f' . U uw u . E . M . I'/Ltt ll r l;lou \vh o III w ll rkill ~ Ih e "ue!'!, uf J e!\dO \\'uIlV er Ill\! :-i UIl ...,at llrua l' va 111 g'1)1I lISg'r a ll' pal "1 1 ,. oI:III~· ll l"1' ( 'lar:1 lh·I! ,· it; IJ ;, Il a lr" I' <> 'I I· :\ I" 'l'hl' IllIpuna lio n of ", u lI1,' 11 J\IIU gill. II I1r ( 'o nt e rvIIi LI "''' ;, il 'Jl lle f u r th o lilLY . .' r. a ll ( .1 r:-t . '" t..,ollll'lun . " . I C' '' ',q ll' frllll l ,; ' 1'11'11 - III JI II'\ :-; ' "101:1 )" f or ttl I JurpClS , ·s (ll I'rl):-lll t l lt lU ll alit Fill( :-; .\1.1-: k 1 woe ene . AIlJert .\l urphy movod n o 1.h" Wll · L' 1. .1 ~ \\ "11 S li II l'~ il' l1\'_ . Wi lli IIl1d.'r • "I hl'r 1111111111'111 I ll lrl,(JS ~ s III nlll ,till y flo Il l ,)rllill~ 1I'1t1'1\ I lit' 1'1.1 ,1 .·1' ,,1\ 11\1' ; .c 1\'0 aul omuuilel:! Wtll'U (;U \l11 t l' u HI !lOD fl1fUl last Wl!6li: .\ 11'.,. l • .1 ' I ' wUllt a ~L' r lt' ll" 0l",ra lull :1 II',·,', I n a I 1011 al I s" I 0' . " \I' I I I ~ a \ \ ' II I' ttl '" I oJ a ""llil l>-!, VI' ti " i r 1,, ·,/ I'h lll ll ,('r 1'1·11 :11101 \ th e ,,1. E. c lJurl'h yuru 0 0 :-iUUll1.\' Mr . I\DlI Mr~ O. H. I'tl tenlllll w'r(1 1 1 1. 1II'i ·" I ht"11 i ll Ii.,' d. ·I)II' " IIlIt, w OrtllD", whllt' t·h t' o wnertl flnd t,helr th e gueHt.,; of ( : hll~ . P l1 tlHIIUIl IlIlt! I a ~lI. i" g'e I ill ~ a l\11I1,; lI ic I~I ~·. </l I(',tl ll l1 . '\'II ls "". l lI f ·~~ tI " . ·~ 11111 ,·" n I'· ., - I'I III " ! 1..1' H",V lJ{~ ' \I,I ' : tHml\Je ~ werl' attelllllllK survlC'O~ . wif e in Duyton lut-Jt :-:lunday. ~ , ~t \I f a f ,'" 1~"la l, · d t: ' ~ I' " h. ···.. :tll,t L i 11,' 1'lar: 1 I :,·1 1,' . ': ' ·' ·i' ln).~ IIIl:t ,',.1 1( 1,' 1, 11'" I~I · "II· II. I I ' I 1111 ,. " I • ~ - • . ~iiH!! ~lIrtih Hh u r bllu!,{h IS \, 1~1 t1!I~ • \lr . alld ~ Ir:;. ~1. F. :-;11I'I'W':l>l!, II f I th, ·r,·. " "l il ""Ir'I ~ ( ~ o f IL w. ·11 "I " a l. I I ~' 1I"r,;!' I !' "a~ Ih.· IIIII ~ - ,'1 i" l1~iI' i ll · 1' 11 \111,' 'i .i I ' .' I . 1\ ".1 I; , ~\'ll l , · . OIl,,1. I hlrtl Ma y <illl io rt. ttt Ll'wl ,;lJtlUg I :-il'rt ll g' \ :1i"'.I. 1\ ,.1'(' ~lll'~ ~ u r 1':'1 1/ ,." a nd [lr ' ·' ·"I II· ' I I ;'" [11..111 10 11111 "01': j llr".\. I,,, illl' 1,.loIly 1, 1' ,li,...·oI :IIIII"UI . I 1 'L j If '1 . I \\' '' tll t ' ll lIlli' 11l1 :-. ! ' 1I11t11ry fnr tla b p ll r 1;1':111' 11.'. \ 1" 1'. ' - 1' ,11""""o\" !1I1 :1i" '111 th ·· i. ' ·:ld . --I I" \1.1 " ,1:1 ,.J I, ~ ;\1r .1011' Th o ri1)l~ t) n UlI' 1l\II11 il tU ll c r . :-llll'rll' l, II am ami y :-iUlll ay. I 1'1':-; " , :1fl(1 a, ' tli t' ~talf' '''' l, :,\' p 11 t 1\\ ' nu lI " Ill!' ~ ,. 1\\'1 1,1 ""\ II tl t·>, , I," t'lli"f'i 1 t h\' Idl\\I''': alld h"r i'ar " I1I~ a l t i r ~ t o f l..ullltl1 llll . lmmUl ot«tl h I1HIDl'!:Is h llrt OreO'onla. .. . 'I S II I" I I . I I"' " " r 1ft I'a'~ :ln' I<,w , · " n'ral',·nlll~ :'1 ' I' ll l' ti lll ll '" :...; , ~ . :, 11 III i\ Y . II1 ~t w~;k . . b ~>tr ~ ... ', .• t' ,'r". II l llllllllll ".' 1 ~ '" 1 I 1 lhf' f ' rlllS 41( tip C'/Ins ! ) lI f jil ll Ifll l1'h l 1l h I hll ug ht h"r 01" ;1" . 1I l'1' 1,,·01 II'a" .... J•• Iln (1 ~lr 8 . U Cll r y "Urlill .J" ILn ll l wa.~ lhl'glll'''t uf llt'r falll " I'. \ r . . ~ . \ f h f ' ' 1\ 1" ,"\ iflT\ IIf llill lll' ali , .:tIIIl1\ . I H, r 1·1I1·l'\'I·d \\'I th :l h ili d!·,' d J ""lld ~ II f HIlI'"I-. " ,I I," .... " J " 1" 1" k,' I :,II\!. I.D a 1ll 11 1,.1t I ' ,,01 ,'(' ( . j :"11 1' 1lie. '. \\·U .I · ll ea· f UIII\ly. nf M ,' rr ow . "Jll'll l Fr l dllY f.hO l Mr . I{ohi t zl' r . "f \Vuyn e,..\, ill" . K~~::; ,;(' v"ra l oOl.I' .'; IIf l a.-I IIl,,,,J, IlIlI,. Iii ,.) a ll) [I"\\ "r I" n 'gllia l i' ,·" .n l "a~I,· r . . ,\1 1'. \ I:tI" ' II ,.:' \\ ': L~ j,J'lIi"l',j J(U tltlt,.. o f u irs. Murplty '!j pureut~ . trlHIHIIl·t eri iJU !;IIH1"tl hore t\u t urd Il Y · .. I 111 " )', " . 1,,0111 IIf t li, 's ,' 1 '() W('r~ lll ·I,, ~ rrt r . nod Mrs R u bert CtLrr . I \\'ulter l 'I(\I\I' ('r IttlM u oon h OI1\I' :\I r;;. I· . t ·. "h\\' ar t~ a n d Iwn , gl" ' n 11)' 11", ( ·,,",.;llIlI l ill ll (' xl'l ll"I " .I), <I IIII II I Ill,' hl·;li l. I'lit \ 11 ·~ . \\a r, ·;} " ( ....;. \I\.~I . 11 " :01 ' 1' ' . \\1I 11111 :! 11111 .. 8 Thu 1I\ltOfl ..... re llYll1g UI'Ullu(1 "'tlll -j f v r the )lIIHI. wI'u k oaU~hlel''i . Il e.l l~ n and ~ ,ra.'.· l· . . " p 'nl lilt 1 ·"" I' r l '~S. a lld i f hy IIsi ng 1111 '"" ra ped in jllJ'~ . 'I'1 1t'.I' I iI ,. I) n lil L' II p" I \\',, \ ","1'111· '. "1 ,,, "1 I U\I I tI ' I ~" tla~ . " Z u i o Almlta ge t o,! k dluuur WIth M Ullday anu I lIt·" la y 111 ( 1II,·III IlU li. I 1,1 ,, '11 ,·ltll sllillti lina l I.nll 1~I IIn~ Ihl' per II,,,,/, "l' Ill' 11;tI'i ;';11 11 lilli ldill).! "II 1;' 1"'1 :.! ,. <I! II ;" . UlI " ·,·(' I-',,, ,d ,,1,,1.' of l' ran k H(lrrl~ nnll r rAnk I"lllcillko r \ H OI1I r l)ollthi'r.lg e ~110U!l'y . . ' , ~ ,,\ " l'IlI n" lIl ,';lll " iI' O' '"I ! Ih ls ,, 11'1, .. ,1 i-:a:'t ~la l Jl ~In·d. \"llia t;<II.I'II ... l ·(IIIII· I II"I' . 1< ,).,, 1 hl'lIl l1 !Inri t .d .. II·(;tJ bIr . · nnd Mr!' . (1t\(l r~I' Zull. li t :'>11'. alld.~ ll''' . L,J IIr 'llgh \\" _'1" 111 1 nlltl lI 'd li lp ral'l i(· .... or if It ('all :t Ill I he t r aosll ('toll liUI:!l!J'S!'I10 \\, i llllllJ~tO Il IIIII' ~ It! 111' ('''.. lillti}!'" 1\11(1 l il ullt:-\!l tu nI IlY \Vnyn e \,Ilin. ,;p ont ' uuLln), WIth l tellllO llt :-,atllrday and ~uIlJay. h~ I-'Ia (·s 111 IlIltli ll~ (111 t ltl ~ ImmMal tlrt· 11I'1 lll r,' Il( litll' ·U. 'I'll,' ll1'l1,.. I\II\~ . \\'111 ""lIiI I"'glll t il :.: ru,.,,. W . A . M,' rntt' Wl\~ con~idorllbl y ro\ll'il'ot! I.J r o. · gllc,'L., uf 1\'Ir . and ~ l 1'':. \ ('1'11 I\ \IU g-it th ai I~ n.' .... IJI1rllill~ t h(' I'N Y vllal.. t! l1itr l bnl e til 11I ' .\ t ~' I'!I/, ' ,; '; IIPI"~' li t Int11il!p O"Ctl 111!!t wuelr bot HI ft olml-: J K. 'pOnCll r WII~ In Lo1i ,n ll n . tlllt of M, d,·t)'. It Is Ih(' ti llty of (' o n;~ - Pur ll l'lnllullth B.1I· k I'I::~ II' l,ott 'r n o w ~U mltlY . MI ~" Lu ella ' ol ll~1I i,; hUIll' f rlli ll It f.~!l II> "il(' In 111(' \1('op le alaI• . colt1 storU~tl ' \g ~~ . :.ll,· III ' J' ~" \lII1 ~ ut 1;1. \\'rlttJ · l k' ·,·· t I' t ll Rl ro n' and 110 II' I',.fllI enllll gh to ('nal..rla I O . 81\~- 1111 1 1I~ 1) 1'1117 1 It. B . ElUlJ.H1 1l!l i~ OIn\l\n." fld lit till! a." un a II'!' a 11'11 W"\' ::i 11:'1 1\ J. ( :. (,· rI.LY ·~~.. (1 1' [llIu llI' 1"'1'1111111 11. BrowlI. H. l) " " , . ' I f I ho COI' ('rn lltl'n l It) (!('porl pl'r~lIns I' er~ Mr . H ruy Oro"'LlllitL Britl"u a Ill- I who. lIy f l'al1(1 (.r Cllh l' rll'ls(' . enl r tho IIIL ',r ;' . \\' '' ), 111 ';'' ' '11, '. UlJi o P llUIl O. HU/U8 "'I . ... , \Vurk~ at l.e11l1U ll ll III'T ufulher, ;\1. :\ . l'u rlwll an ,. o ul· ".ed ,. -' Iv,·11 Ctl!I I I'(' ' !l1t- S II; d ,)f'M U Dl eo j u lJ (,f SUW I lllJ · MII:!!! Rock twl(l h u r mil l morl' 11y.. . p (lrl~ o f Ih e \ ' 1111('11 :-;Iall's ffl r Ih pllr-


l'I"i t'l'~1









Har' eysburg.











I LI )lOnllll( cu- .t nr'lRY .

. . It ·,. ..1I1t I f .In . ll'1 I .,t ll tv "~ ll 1,. ' ,I . I." J ,1111 'rho lJ . Ii l 'hnrl ' lJ I" I!I\' II '~ 11 I'rll I . . I '. I " I tr )111'" . SIIJ'Jn ~1I111 a l' allt"' IIUUII 11 11' I [.!rl·~ .I\'l ' Uu -" I"IlPP"r !tt I.l w h l llJll1 o f h ' . Hellry )0' . KerMt'Y , nfl lH Or6f..; ull llL , 1111 . weI',' j,('ll t' ~ : l-.; "f .I ull il ~ l l' l ll1r,' anrl Frl dny Il\·E'OHI g. April :!~ th . 1':IL{'1t f ai lltl." \Velhllan. lauy w i ll pltlll~" t!l\'1I1 u hpr I U11 I'i, ' .---Intll t h ree pllrt ~. tLllCl. Irt~t l1l1d o f pu( . I L ( '. ,Jl"lh'r y, 1) [ (11'l' g'l)lli a, iliad.· I ~ r s Ell en !j 1~t'Y l·aII L.Ll 11 11 .'.lr~ ti D", I t io une hux. put II Illto tltn·. ·. I mall\' ca ll" h"rl' 1",, ( \\·ecin(·,.;uay. 1\11'. I (f' " r ~fl Da \,I M .\l uh d ll Y Illtl'rUO () 11 I1tllll"t)rlu~ 11Im11 A f lJr th u Iir~ ! : J et r~r\' i!i a c: alldIJ :l t , . [ II I' C" llll ll i s, ~ I r . 1-:\,lIn B IIg llll H\lI ' l1t unda! (,Oll r ~p . H f u r the ~ t\ l·. 'l1t1 (11)(1 C f ur . . Wl t !1 l )l ~ Kf1I 11 , lptH ~ Dt ,. . .'.Ir lin d Mr" . tllli ti llrtl. 1':11 l'l 1 '1J11T 1l!' w i IiI IUI:lIl II'I' 1;'11)11 '1' . 'i PfJ r ge BIlKILll. WIth II dlJ1'eronl JlI,rtllll " L ·t (·I',·r .I·: .\11'';. I. llla 11"v i IL a i'l"il l'd h ll !l\(" " I 'tl W 1 "fIUO '1 \J ISS " OO.I I f 'J' IjIJl''ll'l1ll ')'' . 11 11 (' (''' "11· . .. _ • f r IJ lll India n al .o l is :-iaturda." " I .! nillg' . · d II -p cn t I'il1ttlrt I ay IIU , I MUll III' wi I I' whcn. " I". ~ I"'II the 1 ' ;t ~tlll ll! ll h "ith i·. H.rt lt ·~ I, MtLll lll)ll Ul1 d Wlf.. 1"".l, ,~tl' I '!..,~. ~ ~ 11"1 ( Hlllinn !'P"l1t St\t ll rd ll.\' w ' t h , l ol ~ -"t t"'r . ~l r " . \\· i ll 1) \l nn . I M I I I I' , t'''~rs. AllJ 'l'I1lI Z alii \(' allle r ?!Ir~ ~;d M!Lrtill . W I\ ~ ~hll '1 l1ll g III : I {''l'd we rt' i l l l' ,I umll \! ': l ast Th Llrs-

r,lr . nn ll MrH . \\'111 I . K Hrlf'Y. o f I In ·g o nla. "' pOld :--U1I1 II\' (11 0 glle"t s k iIt f " " . '1' ,) 1 .\ 1 r" lUll Ill' l'l' . 1I1Iit 'l I' l.ul~ I\I'r,, ''\' • - •





IJ I 1 I' " l . Jl IH \p.I'l' llllr,.: ~1I1 11 r dlJy all(trn 'IO'I I . . hl l :- Mnllol 'l'h t1! llJ '''I) [} lind ~I I ~~: \\ " nrt1nnIIlO l'l /. l·t! 1(1 Ill1n " III)(' , a\'. ,ull Irollg'lt !lulI ll' do 1111 ' 1..11'1" 'I r l.' .All nll "1\11",1 "I I .. '! ru.~ \ Irll\II II'1 I tlli1 f ll ll l. WIIl':. !\1I 1l11:' ... .. lIlIhJ'.r·t t u tit .. Ii t o ;I\! 1)(,J'Il with hill!. ,., <. HrflllnQIl i::'lIt ada \' lilll'l llO" 11 . I·(\ ter ~ !I f \ \"IT e li lllnnty . " I \ 11< ' MnS PrI1l1UI'.I' : ! ~li ,;s j';dith (;rill ill. l eft filI'I lay l Oll M r II III I bJ rs ( i'· I' q.(,' /i " n" won' I TlIc ~ da y l ·llrUUI.· t" h, ·/' hUllle i ll I\an: lI e "l~ I t lilt' 111 11l1" ,d ~lr . 11 11 1! Mr s For Comitli~sl\Jllur . ,;as. .\l i :-;~ l ;r itli n . 1\ 1\0 ha:; Itt'I'1l hcr'~ 1-;lIrllPhl ~ IHl lll1 l1 ~lIll;jEl.l· I sU I"' ral nll.lllh :4 , (' n d~'Hl'I'J IH'rsrlf tv ' E I ' .1 EFFt-:lt Y.

n f l'r,,~ :iI\lli" I t. 111 Ihl' 1111~' ()rt a· lilt" of Ih l" 1Illfo r t lln a , ,, " Ia ~ " " r l'('op le 111 111 t l li ~ ""Il n lry fpr litis Immoral pllr· 1""1' all kll \(l ~ " f fm ll d Is pr aclIo- ed \I[llI n the u nw ary a nti uns\ls\Je ·tln .: 1' 1"'1111 ill forp i gn rnll nlrl! for the 1 "lrllf' ~1' of I nril1('l ng Ihe woma n to I pa\(' hN IIl\ li ,·(' land anll jOllrnf'Y 10 "Il r !\ hl ,r l' ~ . ~h(' I~ l'I'omb (',1 w ork lit hl" h alit! n' l1l ll npril l ll'l' WI\K('S . ana 1, 01 .1 I hal sli t' "1111 III'''' h('r!' In am llcn"e !I ,,,1 IlIxll ry /I S '·IIIII\,ar,·" 10 h ~r·mot.le of I I I' III¥- In hl'r l1a 'il' l' land . . 1':0 sOlin · p r dfl(' ~ sl l(' " "1' h"r fnot Ilpnn Am,·r·

1" ''''('

H( I l \ . t: iF

" " d I<I( ill t:.l rWlll . (1 tihc r LIIlllI It "u".·. 10 g .. tHl r f' l l/Llr. rtll'I>lIt Iy Jlllilll, ·t1 ; glHld ~ IIJ'(I H U. lIiue /111111 11'11 It! t h ''"' lI lll o,·. 1' 11'11 11'111 ll'~I-;


lUu ~(I \\' ~-Uau t il fnrrllw in . Jllq (J l rI! " f ~ (1I.1I1. Bin. '\l'rJ l kit'. ( ·'· lIlllrl·III" . ;' ~:,-~, ,. . o r WI1YIIOM . \' 1 I Ii', I{ D . :,


1" 0111.l· s, '"III(' all ~tI,II ·hattc ... I " "'he oml'~ hehul11an prop ,·rr IIfoI1 ~II o r I In 1I1 "1" It'r 'I'll" "nr ror ~ nf Ihl~ 1'1' 11 nre /I ('('I'nl\l· nl"" anti II ~ pra l' l i(' I' g mafle morr IN· nli,' lil 11"' lr r eSI II'IH hy the 11Il[l0r;ta· II "n o f \\' 0 11\1'1\ f'.r Ih (' pnrpm'e of prostlllllll)lI. w llh il~ a ltl' ntianl ~.I'stl'm 0 f 1>1' 111 011 dl'''''I1 ... ral ')' and rrll(' 1 Rlav c ry . ~

Purchase an


l>1 \\' .. !'hlll~t"ll 'I'UIVU Ii 1\'

3 THIN~~,:~y ~~~T~~~"~R I. DURABILITY II ... I' __ 0'

2. APPEARANC E Th e .olo.'o.t •• " , .... _ 111" ~~ .


Iho, 1 hQ-W -101,1\ ~'"

\"o Wl.

)'0 .... ;


.,QVte ......,.


Lta" •• 1.,. . . . . . . . .



K:>I1 l eI(

II f \\'Il y n u ll(JWn!ihip

of e lml r (' rt' ok Tuwn~hi \1.

For Tr asurer FRANK .J. DIH

Waynesville. Ohio




For Sur eyor ~AM

D. HINKLE ro.eleotioJl)

}cO l{

·H AT( ~ HI NU- l' ure


per se ttiulo\'. :,111' It,'dlH·,'d rutHtI Oil IOO. Blu (' k hll . II l1 r Cllti II J'l l "l1gllgt:tl for t'nrl y t'etll ngl:! J'.I r!ol . U. .\' . tiUl1 (.h, Phuue ~ · I -:l. o r UII X 7\ \ \ ·II.\' llt ,,.\,lj ! U Ohio .



U(1:-; - ' {hll!lfl 1'1 r ,.C\ t. lllI~ () .' I'.IIJ1 .0hlll

Fil l' VUUI: 11I r!l1\'. it will .\lTord ,'11t"J't,iinllll'llt fur t lw l'l1til't' fallli ly . all d 11'111'11 youI' f'ri\·nd " drill' in to set' y o u. you arp llf,t a t a j, l":S tu kno\\' ho\\' to o'IlIl'J'lain th le lll . If VOL! own <111 1-:1 II S( IN j ' II UN()(; !{Af' 11 \'(Hl ('an han' th e uc~L Bands: Orl'hcstraf.l.

1,llIlld Hi'tl li "I.(IlIl ,; ,,1 1111 .1 . H. !:Juwy

Excutsions Next 'LlI1day

QLI,Htctt CR, Violini s t,.., Vau'dt'"illc!>, cl ' .• at yuur cum marul at a rnOIl\L'llt""lloti(' ' .


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- FIJI' Sal

i Over PennsyWvania lin

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F. C. SCHWARTZ'S,. Columbus. $1.25


I ~ For

- - - - - -. iQII .........





J. w " WHITE,



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\\' A L'l'I;; I<.

..JUH~ E HOBlN i:iO)f.

N o t ""'. __ ,,~ tre' • • ,-

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'I'll" nr.,,>! IIf I ' h"" ' ki n~ Ihis ImportatIon I" Illt·n·for '· (· ~ p " "ial l )' /,:,r " lIl. The " I I('sl I'l'a"'k('~ ar" hroll"hl h"rc fro1J\ (',, "IIIl "l1 t al 1':11 rill 'I' . and 11I.' ,,"n<l dOIll..rt I llt 'r IL ha ~ ('om" f rom Import <'11 wo!tll'n . IIlan y \\' aYIl ·,;vill. · 1''''''1>1, ·. and 11I,·lr 1111'11 Iltl' mo,,1 It!' silal rp· I'll rs. l t ar hl'l ( ' 1'1'1\' and ,'UII Frallk : 'ltl ir('l11f'nIR nf d"l'ral'll)' T hO' In(·lllla· 'xlelili ed : lIon IIf Ih .. l' I'nllll('lI lal n,"p~ to l ook : ",Ulrtl)d 'u lll l'd ay for an " il h 1"l o'l'al l o l1 tlP,lll th~sl' r \' \l f\ Ifl bt'· I ViHit t(J h e r hrulher, Eli r: ich. uf' Ylln,I ,1 1>1I \1t H[1 " f'a"il1~ In ' I" ~ (·ou ntry. ! l\l d'tl!ll" K an. She will a l..;u v i si L an Inftllf'11I'p p('rhal's 1'1'(,0 IOnrl' far~evt1ral place!:l'n r u uLc t,) Kun: as· 1 r£'I\ I' h in~ In I t~ ' d"gra(/al'ion thlln the \lh ),51('a \ ('((n ,(S whi c'h In l! I' II:\ hly (01, 'l'bl~ ('on dlt.lon Is espl'claJlr J o ltn Taylu r was ' ill lJayl(Jn Jast i l ow . It g-ue:-:!L of 'his f.liste rR, lJ('('ornln~ t niP In Otl r In rip I'll tl'A n nd 'aLU rday ', tli ,::: rp al cl'nl 'I! l's of PO\)lI'I\(\OI1 . The Mr!i . ELLa · Printz anJ 'Mrs. Rach el st rpng lh of Otll' G ov rnnu.'111 lies' n o t F, y. Mr. T~,l y l o r I' ' pl)iUl that Mrs . ,In Its gr III stanfill1~ f!.rm y nor In I( s ! F oy lloeM nu~illl}Jro ve in. heal th U!:l -.s trong nayy. lJ.J I It JiE'1I In Ihe huilrllng 11[1_ k('('plng and maintaI n Ing n !ltrong. fcLt;l af.l b r fl'1 'nd s wo uld hke. heallhy ~I' nliment of morality. ha \'In g :has. Smart. wI! hus n tl'avel- In "Ipw h lKh ill als of life. __ . To rt'l) r ~s tb "white sl ave trBmc ' ing for e\ ral yc.:ars for a D ayton wholesale grocery :-; larted to t ravel two bUls have pass£'d the bouse wi th, In the pn~t thr e " 'eeks am] are now in the intcl'elit~ of the In ternational be fo~ th Sen ate ('ommlttee at WaabHal"vesl I" Co., la'it Wednesday . Mr. In/rton. These bills. are-


Y lllll1g :0;" \\,,., d n u t l' fllr(,ow ,."UII. 111'11111'1 ' o f Wi ll C UIIl . IIlII1 !!". H 1I . :S. \\· u .l ' ll ut'vi jJ e, I )ltiu.




'mart's t.erritory will be closer hom~Ll than formerly. . . 1

House Bill No. 16,8~6.

Doue D~ No. U.a15.




Waynesville. Ohio.

Springfield, 7Sc

..........\ ' .

On Easy Payments •


, Train leaves W.yneavllll 8:48 a, .... ' .


-. . , ;,. ,"



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: Former Citizens:


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\\,:1- : P~rsonal Mention Her

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i ~ocial Events .) ~

r-;ll en I v"ll't I J .,'. ;1 I d ' !' ' 1 r,)' \ I - - - - - - - - - - - -• . llorn alf)a~ill· ~ ·orllt'l'.neul'll:tklal1d ,+ - - - - - - - - - - - - -+ - - - - - - - - - - -· - + 1.l .r tlll> ·l l • l • I,·. ., \.. 1" ' ,' , . " " . jJune 14, l ~. I,L Hl·rfulher\\';is .l allll'S BanJ CIJnt'crl. Apri l ~!';( h . Band (,.n~· t:rt. pri 21'\[h . , '.,,1· ·' : ..1 ,! ,, ' 1 ,. " ':. 1' 1' 1:.. I . I . \i !.oIll( l -l I:L :d! ,,.j, .Mr!:! . C lyd~G. Hlatt ,of "' In'he~· Dakin J udg'c uf 'omme)11 Pleas in ' la: \ '.\ I . ' , I I, 'I , I. , II I ;'1 ·1 .\1 r- I; .. IIl;1'l , 11,lytull \ l it" t F. II. l 'al' l I,' ' .' 1\ I ~ 'I >I t.· tel' , Ind ., lmd Mrs. Tum Burch, of Cli llt, 'n County for I\V('llt Y·tlll· yt'ar:! ; I \, I\. :I'.j \\ ;, , \ ., ,I. .t .l.n' I, ·I· .\ I,'nd ay. Sid ney. Ohio. we re ulllongth ('~e reg· her 11IVthl'1' wal! Mary ::laIJin. I ,I . , II . \ • I" I., 1••111'" iste reu at the Phill ip::! II"lI se, l.Ja yLCJ II , Ellell Vande r VUUl't was cduC::ltcd V. I\: t a \, '11 1,1 Thursday . by ht'r father ami by th' Al!atll'IIIY )"t 'I,'I , '· I II t Thul'::!u,IY. .\ 1, . I :'II' . ;-- ·IJ',d. ,\IJ ' t il , i ,·li which aL une tillil' made Harveysburg 1 't. j ~( ': t • , I• • I , \, \Y. II. \ik n wa,.; ill t ·ineinll:tl. ,.a., ' ,11 I In ':d It , I :t :'I: . '1'1'1' 1.'1 ." . l , : • ~' I M. A. Co rn ell, who r ecen tly mov d a nuted Sehoul cent'r. She a .\\'ays \' I: . ,. l ( niIt j' " ','1,11.' I I., :r . I ' Centerville t o Dayton. is in had, I 'an ir tense in lerest in ed ucatiul1 I Wl·dll,!:-Li m. I" a"l" ' 1 ,· .,,,';\. '·"I\. \ I, i, .·oI , '. I,!' II I \ I nl :,>, '1 , ' . I' f H' 1I1IprOVl'IJH'llt and llI ade it a III'a" 'I' U ' "[ \11 , City, wh ere h? is ull end ing anu II 1 ' 1 " I " . VI . r .. UI slJl;llt Thu),3d a) \\ Ii I;' · JI:·, · I'I': ' 11 :1 1 I ,'.·,. ·· · i, . ,\;:.1'1' \\'1.111" I 1"', . auto school. . He is xpecteJ honl e t Ice to rrnpl'e:;.-; a yuung' I~el)p (' IVltl. ." , t, ,\ " 111' . i " ,,'/"' m in 11',lI l' h·.< wholn ~ h "~ callle 'I n cOlltaeL \v'ltl, til" In Clllt:llllwtl . I . . l i.ll · ,'l +il l i I lf i\ t '\\' I .lI 'I I:--! ., ~jI( I Jll : d l tI}.' t il, ' 'i ! I H (" 11 11. .... :~ .. t i l ' " l ! III t the 15th of May . . : I ' I ' I • I • I ' , " I, · of \1 r i! . :\1.1' importance uf continual illlprore· 1 MIT. W. H . :\lI clJ \' isilf'd X~ llia :-illlJ,j ,I.J \\ llh ,II I'c-I :\ll \· ,';- hp l" '. .'''1,, ·, :-'. I" (, ' 11 111 1. " . I' I .. 1',' '[I I h I'f . I ,,:.1 11 ,<'· , I:, l \\ • .. \ ' " ,t e, ' \ "lIl1lg metlf. lroug l' li t 121' I e she tuuk friend s l:.t.S t wl'l'k. I" '.I"·' !. ,- , 1\' II'~' ,.,1 1 I,· \" r . M. M. Hale. of 'l\ ,p~ka . Kan., apol'tion ofher u ayalJdevl'nillg-rl,r : " . 11 '11' , f" r~ ,' II, l!:t:d' ' ''1' '''1'1 . I" .... ·Ii . ',I'. "' 1',,11 '. '1 ,., ,;, '.1 , . I'. """"'. ,\ ~ '.:,tr . LJ "II)(h·:l II' ,n, . . ' 11 ,; ..r 1.'1 I',: L il ", .1' 1, , 1' ren ewing- for th E' Miam i Gazl!( te I'ead ·mg, a n d was l.I I way s .rn f urll1(~u.1<l.':I Sl'Ilt l'ul'nu I " s W',(.S III I.vllanon !a.. I Th" , ,!:t ., '··, ,·llllI l·· . .\ .: '1'11:)- II, i \'. , I 1:1 ", ,,' 101_11 I • '., 1/· ,)' n week 011 )lI !1l1ll~S~. , . , ' 1<, . SI" .' . 'J ,·,.·/ ., ,01 :l larg't! l' th e ensuing year Hays: "Our tolh u~ "lll'r u llt \'Ullt. .' ~ I,If tt l' 111.\\ l-!' JIIIl l' I' u ' 1', '111"1' . ' i, : : I I ' I I d, 1't. 1 t "'I' I " ' , \ I': i j' , II " . u f I '" ~ \ ; l ~ 1.1. , ng i::l fully a munth farlier l han In ]865 she was married to 01'.1 J. K.SI IUICt·r.\\'i(S in \\'a,vll '. \ il le·' 1" .1 " \\. II '.1. ,] .1 "1,' 01 , 01 I " . , ,\, Il,··. '. -." \ . I, ,\O,l illd ' ., .,' .. ,usual. and every thing is beautiful, J as. W. Vand e r Voort, and on this on busill ''';S la:-ol wl't' k . ,01 I" 1, ·:,,1 ' 1"')1 l I ,. " , " 111 Jll,l I . with tht: new lea\'c~ a nd How ·rs. " last 23ru of March, thclI' fortY.fifth ·, ~I I' . .m.! :'11: -. " .. 1. 1;' 11'11 ,· (' 1\'1'1" " ' 11'1"' \.1'11 ' till' 1'1'1',,1' '' II \t ' 1,,1..·;,,\,1'1 , ",,( .. \ ~ry h, .ml'o f wedding anniversary ",as 4l1ietly .M~.alld i1lr". Otlli f1 'l'llic:k \\'Pl'~ V\l,·, t-. tI· l '·I·' I . Ii, .. rl'l' · IIII ~ :-;lI l lfl a . . 1'1.: .~, .'I \ \ :.1" ) "0. \ :I :';j 1.1" ,I,' ,tI'" \1 1':-.. 1 I: I. hullnan, last. Mr. and Mrs. Howard HopKins celebrated. Foul' 'hiluren ·v!:'rl.' Xel1 li1\I:< ltors ::illllday. \ "I' "" ;-;,1 '.'.1 1 ')Ii ll L ~·LI., · r '· ' I·hu l_". , \ '\\'1111 1' . \1,':' . Chal)rnan , r , · j' . •·,t , ,1 • •<1' . ,' I" 1:;11 .01 1 '1I1l"' I'1 I d f h b lebrated theirwE'ddinganniversary . orn to tern, u \\'lUl11 line w( Mr.: .lJranc l{l'eu i ill a h(J!-' pita l Cll ' l "'.1 TI! ' I,-I J \ 1'\ ' nlll).: 11,.11'1 'dil " ,11 .01 I. :. " I. " .\Ir~. ' ·it: I". ~"lI a r l lil t! ~li ~s EII1I11a He lmont, Dbyton,Sunday. Those In fan cy. , CinCinnati lakillg trC;]tllll'nl. ' I" ""1 11 1.' . . I II' 1t. 11.0I . ' ' i1:,,\ ':\ parall, ' "II II, ':J !J,' .JY '/ ;'I I;,! ll f l,II :, t'nlL-l'lai l('Cl ntwere: f.1rs. Henriet :a HopMrs. Vand erVoo rt wus int 'n!-'eIYI tl~· l, rill· 'I". ,' , I·t : 1' 1 " " '1,,,.,, , I iI" 1 ' ,\1·01 1' ,111. 11 11 J'l I I~ tilC'e\·t, niIl Y a nd Mi ss Clara ys, Waynes· devot d Lu her fami ly . and f It v~ry "DUII't furge~ l '''IICf'l't, ~I r ~ I.. I :tJ'l llri\.!l d I"., II '1' 1:>11' 01.1 . . '. . i , Ii ,,, I I ,' ,. :~.cI1 ' li ' :I L' \II .,-~ 11;,,7.," 1:.r.·1 1. \1 bu'ha:l been ""11 <. " [ ' I' ._ ,'1 " 1:.1 , I. , '. . 111 .1 I. I" I " :, ", al, ' II :01~ . 10, .1" " dl '. .,'1 "1:11 da)... ,villt ~1r:-; . e. Mr. a nd Mrs. Condit. of Day tun strong ly a 'ense of duty to her l' ·Ia· j hUl'sda y ·\'l'l1lllg· . A \]'1 .~. . . , ti~ns; s he act d as mothe r to several , ~11's . .h ,,;s.' Wl'i g' hl . or S l'l'in g' u(II',) . . I'd t, ·1' n"\\' . ...... ( :" >J ." 1. .! ,·i , ' Ii I'd th '(lmpany iClltidren of henHstel's Her g-realest wus a Wa\'llt's\'i lle viHit,)1' Thu!',.,da\, . : . II" f '. I .~. · ,,-~.~l cl eul "I, I.,, ' I:.·· '" . t.,·" ''',·:tI .. ol" . . Al t!toughunly a rren Hoger!:! ~ho ha . Le~n ern· I pl easure was ill serv ing others. H ' I' I ' . ' . ' . ,II ,11 11' .. II I "I \ III .. 1J:h II'" e· /,I'\·' -;·:itlo' ll: ... 'rt·I'l!"'t"IH'-"t..~\· • \ .• \1 , lid :\11,,_ Ilazcl I,as a ri It 111 the pURtulhct' Ht Xen . la for i hos . pitalit y was without hounds W Ii. ntl'im of LebanlJll , \Vas ill t.d , "'\'('1':1 1 day" 11111 14 a III It· III,t· 'I '\" Ishll' II '1'''' ...;." . 1' 1 \' \ . ' f ' ... ~ . It . 1·'1 ' , ' . l " ,, . , .. , • t' r ~ I'a +I (1<:, ', \\'t l' t.! ') IS very . o~ years IS lJUlldlng.a new l Though her hou sehold dUlict; PI' " ; a Lusineli.!:! \'ilO itor 11C!l'e lasl Thu rsday. "I ,II III "-" 11 ' ~: :l'd. OIl ~ I' . III ...~ il a l'l' \1'" r I It .t · I'l. l II iL'ul.. • trl Xel11a. Mr. Rogel'S 18. the II vent"d om belomp ' ng acc 1·I:-;' heUI ·1, ~l' '' H ' . tL. II k' . . d M· .. •" .,1" ""1',, [,:,\'llItll1d . .1 .·")111('1' alld Car ~ l ' t il l' I'al I 1. .• .. h e r f r \ . I III a l J I' . "',ltl l· ... .., \1 1I Sl'<ls'lll.lIo1 .. hllul dellcI URI'e11 . . r~Wa... I{ogers. who was. sever' l in music, sh had tlte utmostd lin-ht l 'I' I:-s ('11ft a ' 1 )) Iltl:till . .Ill. ' fl :I'\'l l' \ 'I 'Itlll tl'I'( 'I 'I , I ~ 'Ill I elJ ' ''I' ll'' S" " r... 1' th, · ,·"ll\ ,.·lIi' ·III"· .. I' \'1', ., 11111 ,11 1:1 \\"I.t' .~. ' I·\· ,.1. '0 ti k . , . .•.. . t> • ar<l i \ eys \\'( '1'<:' av 'm \'1.'1 1 on; . , " '. .. :-;" lItl, . · · ~ .. u. . g , c et agent at o rwln . In ~ earm g I~; she w?~ld It ·:el1 .to It Sund /l. v. . , 11 111111 Sa tllJ'Ja) . I ti ,l>. I \\11 , .1 1''' 1IIwl,I.· t" a l lo'l li l l." ____ fur huurs wnh ou t tiring. he wa: . I. J 'I II . ' , " 'at tlnl" Illg'. o . .. t tl . A I U t II f ,'-'J t al,., "1' C' . . II d ' I ' h ' very f on( 1 0 f tre sanl\ II owel's. 0 ne ,l Ie I"),111< I (. 'II1L'A I' L • " S . l 1:11'111;111 ""' . t'.,,, . .tn,· " ',,,'1· I Hl' !-<lI!'1' :11 It I ('''111 ' ' ai " bri llg' all '' I ;I II,'" Illl' a 1'1"III1IS' ma,I . <JOlne " 1. 1 al 10 lec at IS late f . . .t ' 1 ' 1 .. I I . . r U 't "" 1 " II I 11,,1'-,,'" I" par i I"" 11\ 11 11' Ilt'lll' . I I" I . ' tlle '1 . 'd 0 the g reatest pleasures of her hle nex_ lur:suU)!:!\ 'nlll)!;. lOll hI! • . . . ' .. V"lIl' friI'I IJ -; . 1" ·II1"Il\!.l' 1' tl'l 1':111" tlill " a.' ", fill a.., I 'I' ll ay evenlllg 131 an Cle ter, , al.ur ayeven· . " . . . \"111;1 la ~ 1 \\,', ·k . . . r I W '11 was In tockmg 'The pn ng.' WIth to CUlllt:. . . 11< \' ,, !' lIsk, f" r '1111' ", '111 \ Ill'tJ 'll "' 1 .. ' \\." l\t llg' [ ,Jr.'"" tl0 lI. neRVI e · t Ile f ullcru I sel'VI e ' were e houhe lhereTuesday af- all kll1dsoff.t'UI~ . Ler1'l e~.UI.ld .Sh ad. e. Mrs . Ellt>n Mallin g- lll,'I, uf:-ip rilJg' Mr. :111<1 :\1 1' -. \\' 111. J.i p!,illl'lI tt . :lI ~J, ln~ 1'1111 \·,!IIII·!'t 'c"i,·,"!. 11'\'011 1 111·. ,·, 1 ,', " IIIII(~1 ~ h:II:. r.(Jg'~t!lM,.:s. =''': . .... ._) p. Ill. Mr. ,. i .1l \ l.a II ey , was th l' W ·t' k'erH i gups t 0 t' lJ.taugh t 'I''':" •\1-11'1" '1 11,1 1'\, '1 'V"rt' ll, I tll'~ Il rsl "J'I" r l:I IIIIII'I\ I, d "lI ~ t 111 1''; .1 .1 11.1 \ I" .1 1101 ~. L. C'm t.w llght, iii• ' ..-' ~r vtll'ro II was trees , and eultlvaLllw .. b varlelle!.! • • • " ~ fT V lll'1·j·ul·,.,·I·I \ · I-I' b I II flowe rs . I n adJJtlOn to bpln en' I ' I 111 ·t I I \ I' .~ "lie' • I II. L.'I l, It,,! 1.'1'. \' . l 01', 11 ''[ Lu tit,' h Illl! \If :\1 1'. nnd ' JMISS '.. Iza etl arro" . . b reallvC!s lert'. I '.J " , . . , . " . J h b . HI . gaged In her home hfe and loca l mat· l I I .'. 11' . 1I,11'1'~ MLin" y t., suppel·. With ~. 1\l r. and MI·s. J. S.. " and I'voorl I 1-i 1"l'bpr t Ihll is , of Ilayl .. I,. ~ I'PIJI \' 1' :d lf, a,,~ i-lan('l' of his g.lod wffe __ ..-f" • an. as ('en 111 an_~' ter s he took a great in te rest in till' ' . . . . - I I· ' . tl \1 . I ~I I" F.\R \\ EI~S eLL I; ( • t t hlrty · fiv e years. He . progl'e ofourwhole co unt l'Y. an<1son,\'J.:: Il·drlat1\'l.':; II1L'l>an')I1 Ull.l) 1\ 1 I . r. ,lIl l ,1':-'. ' .(. 1 .. _ _ .l 1 1 ,j~I I''' Iln \'.'k l'.\II'.~ ltl\'raytl'(.>a • trade of a barbel' while , \ l.'· l;: ·J.· ·1 I ! hmi lY . : . I I '... It ..:11)'8Ys followe{ht'. -In. .. ..ti~.. " d~-;).S~ - peace~ul . l. , t .,aLurUay~ .. ,- _. . . I / . " . " 1 Fur lh,· 11111' 11111 1(' ill Ih,· h i ~.I '''· 1 ,,!, " I ",,, l'U(· .I , 1.1 a mc,l. L1li~ was ~vte rmellt will be made in Blanchester. WIthout he: bemg con ' 'lO~s ,of tl~ Mr. und i11rs. By)'on 'H'lwcll .lr. , 1 . J II eph I. Ir)I' hl,eII all 11 f:lI lli l.\·~}I 'nl Ilr.. WaYI I" '1' /)\\ n..: hll' 1-''11'11 , r,, ' 1"1 I,. 1'.1,' ":11:1." ,1.·;~l:' ~. II: . \~:ay:w~\,II:c . ..',J.he - - - -.... - _ approach. It occurr~d at iJ .0 clock 0 f L' banun \\' 're ea II'111g' on t;' I untla -'v WIth C. . I ( Wlll·L·tk 'I' '111(1 I till' 11I, '''lll . . . rt '111 ,.; ' ljT-\\' " IIl ·lel "'11 1 'III' 11I'·t1 II , 1.. 1.., \ .. l, .1I 1.lI1gcd . , 111 exc ... ll t:nt taste " MISrAKEN ID ENT ITY. m the mornmg ,. .~prll 15t h, Ju sL as here last FI:ida}'. ill ~u'n . f it! 1111 11 1, IIf ~ I I :"Id \11' .. II !'I,!:!., . f. '1111 ' <I'·I·"I·al,·<1 wlll l , Ilt hlooms. Ih e t he <lay was breakmg . , Il ill '1 '11 .)' \\ '1"; ';" I'\'ed III "Illl r~e!l and no 1t is unnecessary to ex tol the b au - Prof. ':·1:.. Bratll'n . f Killg';.;M ills. :\11'~. E . I I. 'uh' in was in Yelle)\\' ! Til' da l' \,a- loI" .II ,I, d:1 1""Jl lt'i' lIl . ,',1 ·,lIa l)II.:<lL'11I a.·y \\,~I'\o l\lil l('d fro m , O. L. Crane and son, of Waynes· ullt'IIUill g' (11l' , ,jlllnl'l' \: ;c. ~ "n' l.d und " 1 till' ":ld, :\I I' 1I11' :. 1I ~·I I'. :'I11I1'J'a.· '1l pi ce ·devill~, spent a few hc'.l:"s Saturday af· tifulqualiti esofh'I'm ind and heart, wa~ a\, i:,~tu rintown fora ~hurttillll: ' :-;pl'iJlg" I",.:t IH" " 1 h d Monday evening'. I' \v . ' . T . t "' . IIISll. l11Le. kltl 11",.01 oIl'J'IJ1 ~" 1 1i , .~ I 11,,')t.\, 11'>11 11 L , !'I'~I I 1111'" \\il" a IJakl'r. Potomac s a ternoon with fri ends at the Home. as t hey are all well known. • . .. . I . . I' . . I f " \ I l'n· p. lr,·Ll 1' 1 '1' hinl ('slwcially by a. ' Mr. Crane is an ex·pupil of t he insti· \V C T U Aaron Chandler and Wife atten d ,t! , 1\11' . and :\11'' ; . .J. K BJ'<J \\,11 nf ('ill ' ", lnl<'1 1I11g II 1lI1 "1!.. "I .tIl . 1" 1 , .. . '. ' . ' ., tution ana hold!.! the place very dear, • • • • ( I1e f un'ra I () f £1" II I ' . . II "lll l'" \ fl' l' 1' 1 11 '1' III ' Illr' ·t · 1 1 . IOIII!C 'I' [\\\. lId rof .l i>ay!.un Club 'I Carro at 31all' , Cll1nall, \\' -1'(; guesls (d [I'I r . and ;\Irs . II! ,., . I , , 11 <. , , , :ITl d \\ I,i l' t he: m\'ll \\. >\'c ullfltinted in, .. but t houg h nearby, he is likt: a ll other J. A. FUl1kt'y la ' t weC!k. II:t,.; l'alll'iI III (It'd .. r U} 1' 1'1' . . II,·! ,,' I' Mrs. J. W. White was hostess to chesle)' T u 'SLiay. '11 I ' I II 1.1I ." lI .\!· " Ill' 'l all 1" ·II· I,I':'I ·.. "f thf' fish l\lr:i.l\lul'r.ay's .• ( .•••.. editors and has to stay Ilome and I , I)1 • W 10 a S I\('1 the \Vom en'~ F't.r i~n Missionnr,Y '"" Ada ~llu" l ')[ til l' ( 11 1'\\'111 'I \1 l ' I " In " I' till' meal ",as no ICfi .. 1 ·llJ ·oyed. ' ., MI ~, tend to busineflS. - Home Weekly . \, I' " rs . I el nla !' Ic:xalld!'!' alld I\ l i ~" IJlJillk( l'itainll :tll /''' 1 II, 1l1l,,·I II,, '.. . , Brother Barnes, evidenlly was ociety last Wedn esday afternoon. ~clHlo l. ~1Jl'1 11 ~l1l1d ., y a t hl'r hUIllI ' ill l' ath l' I'illl! , ,., pen: Sllntia.I' [h, . g-lI\.:{ts l l· , 11.C!ag-r.rl II a., .... 1, .,·, ': '1,:Ii I' II :t1 1 \\"ti, I' .Ill)' 1't'li~' iUl l it)n~ and pledges 'i:!" dreami ng, or else had a fal se impres· There were aLuut sixty ladies }lres- :::>uuth Ld,<lIl'JII. Iof' fl'i~nJ ;.; in Main 'v ill . I>r ll t"111 alld ~l i ..·.I ·!"lIll' 1)1' 11,". :1 10,,"11 , " I ,'" ,,1 11 11":'d I rtl'nusltll-' till' gu~!\t:s· . I ~~;-I,J! llawkl' I' a.~ ,.I.'Jo"' \I·"., 'I" '::(1' , d"i"'t'I,'oI alt, ·,. all "\"Illll~ long- ~obe sion of ou r short ~Ieasant visit with e nt alld a very enjoyable prugl'am Mrs. Iknjalllin Jl awliin s :ttt "IHl ed Mr, anti MI". ·'hml. Curnell \\'I' !'I ' " ' . . I . I 1'~1 :\ ·n,!'l·j,·,!. him . We never attended t he insti· was ren dered as f ollows: Pia no sulo (' . 'I' . . \·Il....·ll·tll ll' 1'11"I ,1 1,'\" · LJ ay t un 1lUSt. wei'. k In A.I ' :\ (I e'l Ih l' Illhll1 (, ,; " I tit ,· I Ill. !. p H , - .. ~ tl It! 'V v . v , ' III l'S ( 1J11lt'1I tution, but our impressions of t hat by Miss Sybil Hawke, a 1';\lk on Mi· ~ IJl' i ng" last-week. I '11 .. l ' I " ItC"11 al"'!l III' . i1llh 1.'1 'lia t rl1dJ \\' \1.1 I.: l~ CLA 1~K 1\\Al{ltIED sion ,by Mrs. J a m 5 Vanderv ort, o.J WI I. II t'l: a Live' t I ' l'C J UI' aW L' 'k. place have always been pleasant, a.s op('IlL,.1 til<' 1' l'ogTal1l \\ llb a ",· I,·,·LI<II . I - ._. - ' readingS by Mr . Walt r M lure 1 we have many ~ood friende who are car load of Portland c l1l'nl will Mr . :llit! Mr . . \A. aller handlor. of 1 " Slid, l() lh (, -Fal'l 'I .· a ft '1" \\,l,i(· h . t Tit,. II I illY I'l'i, lid ; lIf :'Ill'. Wal t' r A, " /, t A and Mrs. . A. Bruner, vocal duet by ex-pupils. \\ ''''~ '.:-. ',lr l' l'i.~p.d tIl lcar n. nf hiB ... ';I ' .... MI·s. A. T. Wrigh t and Ml"S. D. L. HI·.rirpthi: we.k. , C,ul l anda" kpric~:; ( [la tun, CUl1 lC UOWn MUIH.!.aY l'Vlllil1g- ' all 1',,(" 111.'111 "yll "!, ii , . . lil"n lfll ll l.I' " ('1 W. II. l\ ladd\:1I & 1I . illlJ I,ltLcnd~~fuIH'ral of 1~ 'I1r- I" II I' I',' "1 "\I~l l h. PI·'· P:1I·. " I '\' :'II I~ , Il :! ' TI<!V1' III Lv ,\1'1.'11. Ind. , Apl'lll71h .... r.., rane. FIR~ CHANGES HANDS During the soci al hour the con'l a . M" I '1 " II . ' I . I" [1',)11 at 1~lan('hc:;tl' r, Tuc::ldl.l v . 1:::llll'hf, l{ il·.I , I .·.t ' I',,:, I 1,.,' :\1 r '. I. I · .1;1;- ' ~,j. 1·.llll n.1 t 'l "III all l'~:linl able I. ,till HIS. <.lI11IUI1 ' 1"1 I. ' ': " I I"" 'I' \I n , II J( I • 'l'h e . 1 b . ),I .-I n,O d '\. . ' . , ,: . ' The jlf.o cery of ' C. H. Cl ement~ ny was f avol.e d WI. t I1 a plano (uet Y' Leba nOll \\' ' rL' g\l ~Sl:; vI ', . W. I :\[urv (' Brown \\'hv ha ' bt·t I Ii v.. 11. R 1" 1 1 ' ... I" . ',.' " ' . ,\ 11\·,·ly ili-"II:';" 1\ "" II.. . 1'1 , .• \· a. 1" '11"1'1 ,11. , vy the ev . ~ was sold last week to G. W. Hawk, M rs.' F' . B - u~ h e rwood an d M'" ISS ~yo l HH\\,kL' ami lalll lly ~uJ1llay. 1I1 g' al the.! I' r l cnd~' Boanlilll.;· Il ollle IJI''''', ' ll'l' ".... a ~· ,"ld 101' :,11 ., I : •.\ . I . . , ·S . who takes possesssion of t he same Hawe k . . , I.(:1It;e , ::ibt.:1 ' ,. \\.U'J' I . ul. c'il.vela , . nd , Ifur the l!> hel' ' . I rCI1L.. J I'Ill \' Ice cream and ca ke were served bv Ltlw h la.~t year M' has , .} r turnvd L '11 ' IV' I I... ',/ I)I :'L' :'II r, . I' I;\.1'1;: ttl ( )h'10 May 1st. Mr. Glements has had the . .IS tho g ue·t of I11S . par~l1 t.s, 1 'I'. a n d own . orne. I S,. al·l.!J a tchl.!11 W I ,I', ·I ~" . .I I'I I II lPI.( I 1'1 • . :1 ,"" I " . '.: ' I ".'·r: '.. I 'IL ll! 'I. I I'P'»\I'" ' ll h a ppl.the h ostess California fever for some time, and . r,,' con t1l1 IJ to cal'e for her . . \ . Mrs. 1. ::ihenvouJ i or a few u·a ys. . " III1J) :- lI l'''ll 1-':I",,, j ". · .II ,, 1 . 1, ,,' in all probability will remove t bere n en U:l11 gh arn. whro ha,.; \) "l'l l (",11\ - l ~i iL-:.. 1'<.:,<1 :I ' ,n :" .. . ! . ~ r. "TUBERCULOSIS SUN DAY" as soon as he can arrange his business l.(l ': 1 \ \ 1.1 \1:1.1 ': IJORSE 'J , Lou Print z dr o,"~ to C'!I1terville ,,.. ;. 1 . , , ing lo \Va;.tll e:ivi lic for year:> ill I hl' t-i l.rllttivc c.d " j.h 'interests here. 'l'he National Association for th e Sunday allu s'nl th· day With Mr. inter('s t of lhe fo:ayt'Y ClI. , ,.f Xl'nit!. Lal k,'d I1f "11 ali ; \ '- , ,,' ,'I ;,j ~ ,. , / t ;lJ .~L I~ l)aLin~!' Mr. Hawke and sons will take and ~I r:;. 1::. A. W ,)1,1' ami fal1lily. \. , I ' '. "1' 1 , .'\ :-oli " rl lalk 1,.\' I', . ... .': I' ,'" \1 )1I.l:ty· II ,,)'ning, charge. and as they are old residents, "S~~?y an~ Prevention of Tu bercllhas resigned. and Wtll f~ a v l' \' will we bespeak for them a prosperous losls ha~ Issue-d a request for ever) Misses l l'l'n~ Hlld ~ -luII<.l Taylol' , lte rclIf'le l' tr avel~i s IIlrll'otll l'. T IlL'I'l' al l'JiI. I·I'J";",] II., ar t" r ll' " 1, .1.1...· ' ," ... ' , :. , ' ",,:1' t·'.!IC. Tlic· I./JI'"c hat.! future in the grocery business ch urch m the COUl1t l'V to ob 'erve of l::iouth Lebanon, we re ,'uIHICl.\· ' \\'a.-; no J'(:aSOII as"igned [(1]' his I',· . . ig-· all c] th,· "ilJi, adl·,III'lIt ·d I I 'd " .. I . . . . . : : '." ,11101 Al i.; a bis.;· _ _ _-. _ _ . Sunday, April 24th. as "Tub.erculosis g'llese of i'llI'. alid ~'II';:;. I'::,rl [·onnvr. : n:-ltiun, llil his Illa;,'y ' friend .'! IH! n' .\la y \\'1 11t \11'.al ,d .\ l r ·.I ·. I,·I I I. ,' . '" \ I.' ''~' . whit \ ulllcd the HAD GOOD MEETING Sunday" The object i::! to spread .' ,\ . . . I hup· hat it i ' lOI' I he I)(' ~t. as Bt'n , Paul1l18 8uller(\'Ol'tit ha ... J'Ct.:CI\,C tI II was alw<ll'I'> wl'k')llIeu t'\'l'!' Y"j uesrlay .: .JIG ~' 1I II ) \\L~ .". I ()r'. A' \ \ \ L""I __ accumte information regal'ding tbis . :. :tU , I I l) \ ,./.> . 1 - ---IIUll! ; !~ I\ 110\ F JR COW word t hat. her Sl:-;ter, i\'ll'~. ThE' M. E. Brotherhood ' held its di~ease . . CO~GRr-. SS IO NA L FIG t"IT Dust \\' f. ,.j, Ii, ,' 1'1.'("1 '; ( ;I 'I , i i ,'"~ - _ .. - regular business meeting Thursday Arrangemen',s have been made for WiLh a m, of Law lcll <:e, Kan as, i'dl - __ . comp an y. a t 1 '; : Il~ ' :'1, ;1 , ~ : "I'1 .. ,i \:: " .• , ·"I 'J I' ·I,llt ryo w g vevening. There was a good attend- a union meeting at the Method ist and brok e hl'l'al'ma f t;!\\' Jay;; ag-Il' 1 'I'll 'ullg'l'es,<; i'l!lul tIght iB !l OW on . ~ t.r:ti n l<Jad of 1\\" '\11 \ "I ll.' "'1' .. I' I ';' " I', ,. 1'1\ . " 111 . 1,: ,..11"ll lrl OO Dance . and two new members were church , at 2 p. m. on next' Sunday, . Mr . and Mrs. W. S. GI'aham, MiS:-les apt! IJY all ~i~'I1:{ it \\'ijll) (~ a hot Oti(" . ,.(s mall an 'l~ :lI lll l1 01l lil i ,n 1 . : I' .. '. , ": ,, ' lt .' ; 'l .:"l~ ,.' 1 Ul·.\· 1.l.lul·,.er. taken in. Routine busmess was and t hose having t he matter in id a and Lelia ;ilhen<:l. of Dayton, Ii\1 . I{. I) ell \ ' \'l rc I' u"ee I 1(1 Ila ve I.lle t , 1\l illll . linJ1 . 'J Id " i rt'I" ,... .1 1 I. t;' ~., I " ,u r I ; , >I ' p r,. ' ··lU, l·S - ponn 1e, .qJ;f transacted , and a general discussion charge a re especially pleased to a n· upon " OutdoorSports" was indulged nou nce Dr. R. H. Grube , of Xenia. were 'unday guesL'i of M)' . and Mrs. nOlllinatiul1 but II I~ fri 'nd '; ~;jiJ y~ , I L11l'. 1a r~t.'''lt '1I Ig ll' 1III"II" nl I "'11' '·111 , I\' ' 1'''.1 I') \' !" Ir ll " i !t'IlW8 Ilnd" in. After the business session as the speaker. As a matte r of vital ,I. H. 'asJ, ey . at leLafitlll ~' und I:lY . and j) ' II \ 'C I' willl , ,:t candiclate. . I Ii 1'111 ,";'. 1' l·'.)oo ·11 t,·o1 ill h ,'. II " " II IHll I" ' ~ Illl III fa _ All these Gilchr i ~ L. uf Lebanon. i" another , <.tIl,1 ,.,1111\\'·' \\ 111I 1\ 1' .1\ i\l;' ' I f;,·. p ' ' . ,,~ Ill" 1;' I "1 11 ~.'l<t 1,110 ItU liJl1a ( tl of luncheon was served . importance , al l are urged to attend. Mr. and j\\ n;. Jerry Osborn and fu ctor in th e [1'" ·as . alld heall(1 i ~c.., : 1'('1<'1'. ).t·II/, · j>· art' i ,.; ,f I" II" t,·· . , ,. , ' ~I'l"llltk ltl Ihu fu""L.i llwp l'CJttlin gon Harold, of Sligo . Misses l!:mma The brotherhood is full of enthusi -- --Ta.vlol" are >nde;wol'ing- tll :{P ' \\' hic) 1eP{' I It,· Jl"rll ,\' l· .~ \. '1' 1,..' ,',,11 d, I','" :-i lull .ll bll III till) f ... ,,(\ ut Llia f(~t(J of '" 8sm and the m eetings are helpful to CHRISTIAN CHURCH and Nug-cn \OVhee ler, of Hlancbestet, ' eu r,,1' (, I,~ ~ 1 :t1l ,J I·: i), ·t', · I I \\ .11 i.'l' ' 1\ " Id' 1'1' ,II' n 1" Hlil!nt 5.& . tarchy all the membe rs. --are spending several days \\'iLb ~rr. can win out for tht, nornintt iori. Bible School at 9:30 a m; preach· and Mrs. Olun Hillman. AJ x. Bo, .well h;L~ de ·Ii'n.'d to mal~(' 1',':lJ .'Ii. ~)J I ,\ 1,,1'1: " 1,,1 HI t' ll I ' il '; Ilil l tl'" VII.; 1I 'iu u till t hi IIUdis. tile ing at 10:30 and 7:30 p. m; E nd eavor th nm, aft('r hU\'lJlg annouJ;lc d hiS de::;tlfHl1w t. " 1 " II,w!lI~~ I'U l'lUI> nr fu c.ltl grO Wl} on NOTICE at , :00 p. m. Subject for nig ht, Mr. and Mrs. B ., S, Howell, Mr. tan lidacy. rlnJ hi ' lL'~ iC)n f warm thi· ll~r II Ill ' hL' fO llnd t..) g Ive r ~ . Notice ill .hereby given that the "Fishing and Fishe rs." SpecillJ tnu- and' hs J. E. J anney and Miss personalhienris in Warr~A Cl)un ty Tt'll.: \ I1lll: PJ.AUlI F.' -lull :• . (" '1'1. :-il ,.',). :'1) ;,J() lllldtii a.lunqersigned has beeh duly apPQint~d sic by t he Sunshine Chorus, solo by Geo~gia Haddon formt!d an litHo are so rry' that. he hu" with drawn \ - _.--II i Ilrjfu. hn y, HI von,l "~ i Wit. slr tl.w,. fj , party to in 'innati last Wednesday . ,from th race. . 1)1' . I{ f1. (;nri •• ·, ' H A,'llia, \ ! \ll'lIJ1'\.; 1l1'f)UD,l uut , p'1l'1ulltl tllld by the Probate Court j.n aod fur Miss' Luc) Eml e~ , coming back Thursc1a morning. May th be t man win, spt!ak un" f lil) '1' ·ul,J. h," 11 Ii I Sllnth.'- ~~f()lIt\('t P " II • .1 po 1DIII6. 'l'hia r ill WaJ;'ren County, Ohio. as guardian of . - - --_. _ • __ .--_. . April ~<tlh, nL :;. p. m. in t hl' Mf'tho· the ' person and "estate of Mary C. WAS ELECTED 'PRESIDENf '. Mr. and Ml·. Iyde Col 'man and LYTLE DEfEA'fS CENTER ILLE ditlt.. chUl'l'h . . lJ(lll')t lTIis... Iln ()!J111.J1·· Brown, imbecile. Dr. J. T. Ellis. . Jonathan Morris.; who recen tly son Francis, '0£ .Cincinnati, came up _ ___ t Ullily .( Il'a rning- dw fact.~ aLunt sold out his' inter&lt in the Bal'veys- Sa~urday evening, and wer the Th e Lytle High S(',hool went. l th cam:! ', pl'c~vel1 i,l1 alit! CIII > (If SOLD FINE HOIlSE burg Fertilizet: . Co" was recehtly guests of Mt:. .and Mrs. J. H. Cole- ' en t~rville last 'alurday and de. "Th' "Or 'ut Whit" I 'Ia~nw," u d l'a~l: 1'1lU'l\lfS ,) ) _ .. ",' , '. .TheCOok Bros. sold thei.r4-ye&r-old elected manager of a fert,ilizer com- mil?' Mrs Colwnan and son wi~ re- ·feated the Centerville High by a Score who e defltb.r(~lI is gl"Htc.>r OHUl of E,'(' 'J 0 11 t.luolt: it: t. 1llU.~8 iiI.~. pacinehorse. "l>andelion."to\y8J~t·Tiffin, Ohio, at a handsome mam for a few days, but M·r. Cole- of 11 to 10. The Lytle boys put qp wa.r, familP, plague cholel'a, Y(fllo\\ J t:\onl'i1'l hUlll . ~~JI of near Ridpville.lut~eek alaq. ~man returned home :sunday evening. a g09d game. lind played ~ood Ua11. .f er and omallpo; COli bil1t!d. \ r lg l t, th!ug.



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The Miami Gazette

Speech Vulgar

D. L . CRAN,E. ·



aDd Profane


FOR A NEW E DU CAT ION. An c;>m ln p.n t u pbol cl er ot drnmr.tlc art, opparcntly In di pair of h(lldlng .ald art high enollgh by tho 1150 or existing facilities bus O tr(! f d to bl! on e at te n mpn to make liP a fund df $21)0,000 wlt b wh ich to en dow A hair or Plnywrltlng at Han'nrd uDlver Ity. T bat Is certnlnly a grent schemll, nnd fl O doubt tb e olh [I nine (!ontrlbutortl wllf Min e {oJ'wa rd with ng illtywbather or not v.'lth grnce doesn't l'eally matt r. A hair f Playw riting II wba t this country long has sougbt fl n d grieved because It bad not, or, words to t hat e ffec t. says New York T imes. To be sure, all the great. pear creat, Rn d tolerably large b u tld e r~ nr plays wbos6 nomos we reca ll at t he m oment Bomehow managed to ge t ·a long wltbout lis tening to lecturee by any practiti oner of tbel r t rade or by 'any professiona l expounder t ber eot, e nd owed or otb er , but hecause a tllln , CRn be, and bas been done pretty well f l'l one way. Is no pr oof that It can not be better and more eas ily done In a n· otber, and doubtless Har vard will m ake good use of t he $250,OO()-wben It .gets tbe m oney. Possibly, on r efl ection, t b e- unlver slty will d evote t be fund to the train ing of "angels"-of m en who ror one of several reasons a ro w ill ing to spend money ror the bring· Ing out or plays-a nd p layers. T he tbeatrlcal m anager s, If a ll tales a r6 true, would app r eciate th e Improvem e nt a nd Increasing or t ha t class even more tb an Ii mulUpJlcalion of learnlild playw rlgbts.

___ _

HE woge·earn ln g, woman Is f)r tty we ll aware at

Awfu rTale of Sufferln'g Trouble, I

Allred J. O'Brien, Second St., Slerling. Colo., says : "I was tn the Baltimore Marine Hos· pltAl t or n I n e' mon th s. I had a: dnll pain In tbe small of my t b a 1. completely wore m e out. urine was In n rIb Ie state , some d ays I pass b alf a of blood. the hospital because th ~y operate on me. I went t o S t Hos pItal at Oma ba and put in montbs there without a ny gain. pretty well discoura ged wben advised to use Doan's KIdney did so and by t he ti me I one box, tbe pain In the I k ept right on and !I. was tbe r esult." Remember the n ame-Doan F or s ale by all dealers. 60 bOL Foster·Mllburn Co"

H E R E Is no n eed of going t o Webs ter for t be deDnl· \ . tion of a cigarette, Every· I~ lJody kn ows that It Is a lit· tle cigar . It Is a bit of tl> • baceo r olled up lu a bit of paper , and mnde t o look bot h a Urac· tl ve and harm less. It Is a cigar In Its lofo. ncy, In ti me, It tbe one who In· dul ges In cigar ette smoking lives long enougb, It will grow In to a cIgar. But tbo weed don e up In the One style of a Ciga rette Is not tbougbt t o be Qu ite so olfen slve and vulgar a s wh en en· joyed In th e fo rm of a pure Hava n a or a big blac k Conest oga. or 1\ cla y pipe. It Is tobaoco all the same, whe th er beld toget her by a leaf from Its own stem , or wra pped up In curl papllrs, or crammed Into th e bowl of a m"erschaum, For obvious reasons It Is the cigar ette tb at Js moat affect ed by VIndictive CUll. ladl es. "Ugh !''' splutte r ed Mr. However , It Is not wIth clg'brette smok ing t hat we are now conce rned, nut had !I. wo rm In It." "Here ," urged a fri end, but with cigarette s wearing . For there Is a k ind of profa nIty whlcb bears the a glass ot wa ter, "dri nk tltls s ame r elation to tho coarser sort of It down." "Wa sh It dow n !" g rowled ta kin g t he name ot tbe Lord In vain tha t tbe tempti ng little cigar ette does " Why should I? Let him walk . to the full grown c igar. 1' hls. too, Is Everybody's. tbe fo r m of sweari ng which lIS m ost Important to Mothers. Indulged III by I he Calr sex. It Is not E xanllne carcfull y every bot tle often, ror tunately, tb at one bears a CASTORIA , a safe and s ure or th e hO ll se nnd rooms tba t will he be ab le to "t rnl n her from the start," round , pl ump oath from the lips of a Infant s and children. und see coos ld r d Imposs ible to r any oth er not on ly r alscs th e r ela tive ra te of womon. W hen one does, It Is unut· Bears t he human being el'en casua ll y s pendin g wag s , but puts a premium on Incom· terably sbocklng, espec ia lly If It be· t he nlgbt In th e bouse. Tb ey nre fre· petency . She r ep udiates he r obllga· from the lips of a m ot her In tbe mldllt Signature o.t ~1UlI:r.:;.,..r.. ,~~~ In Use For Over uQe ntly bare of even common necessl· tlons to her ow n tam ll y, for nowhere of he r cblldren. . Tbe KInd You Have Always ties. else Is the employment of unskill ed " Polite" Profanity. The position of th ose employed In labo r mo re ext r avaga nt tban In do. Too Bu sy to See, this serv ice, liS d9.'ell ers under the mestl c ser vice. where processes are But profanIt y n kl n to this loud· Pall nce-Do YOII believe sume roor with the ir em ploye rs, gIves so Int ri ca te and var ied an d where mouthed an d r epulsive type, a nd mlOl'abes In kisses? Tbe KIng's speecb de li ver ed by H Is th e latter no more ri ght to Interfere routln t! coun ts tor 80 little and unskll· whic h s uggests a very s trong Inetl na· Maj esty Ed wa rd Vil. at tb e opening Pntrlce-I lle ver saw In th eir prl vnte persona l atra lrs tb an Cui experi menti ng cnn bardly produce tlon to use the more emphati c wor ds, Statesman. ()f tbe Br ltJ sh Parliament meant more wlt,b those at ber ta ilor. Wben the th e best cond ltlons for bodily bealth than such utter an ces bave s ignified were It allo wable to do s o, Is n ot un· se rvice for wblcb she pays Is properly anel comfort. Th ere are naturarta",s Rea, In many years. Tbe voice of the ad· common In the conversation of large R eli cved r end er ed, econom ic ri ghts end. It that gove rnln tbe economic world In· no For Your Murl nu mbers of our well·meanlng and even dress was the king's, but Ute b and that may bE' h er priv ilege to s uggest or exorably. without res pect to sex or Lik e. Murin . It culti vat ed ladl es. At e very hlr n of :Oruggfllt8. Wrlto IW r ote tbe real meanIn g Into the w'lsely guid e In pe rsonal atralrs, but It pcrson , and one of them Is that tbe s ur prIse In the t alk tnat Is going on, Murine Eye Rem edy /Words was tbat of th e Liber al minis· must be willingly granted ber. Cer. nature of tbe s upply Is gove rned by on e very little ocealllon w hen there says Troy Times. His m ajesty taln per sonal restri ctions are neces· lhe demand Those w bo seems to be a call for protest,_lt Is !Personally coul4 take no part In tbe sarlly Imposed upon anyone livIng In Th e common expedient ror balan· "Good Lord !" "Good beavens!" "My scended trom ~ontro.v ersy now rag Ing In bls r ealm, an oth er's bousebold, b ut th ey must be c lng th e extrava gance of Incompetent that ~aclous! " a nd so on through the 1I ~t. only such as any self·r especting per- service Is using poorer qualify of ma- Sometimes tbere Is mOl'e boldness In tut wben be said that proposnls would Bon would natura lly comply wltb, or t erl als and th ere agaIn tbe lIame la.,. the e ltpleUve employe d. and one be laid before the legislators '!to eethey become Intolerable. bolds; less price means less of som~ cure the undivided authority df the whose opinIons on actions are not Tbe bousek eeper wbo do es her thin g. For example, we bear bous~ satistactory Is denounceu as a " blank bouse of commons ove r finan ce and whole duty to those who are members k eeper" say, "Oh, yes, I know tbese Idiot." Everyone who h e ars tbe ex· Ita predominance In legislation," and of the household- m ay her tribe In· extracts are pe rfectly pure ' and much pression knows e xactly wbat .the that this was "the opinion of my ad· crease l -r est s ser en ely In .tbe conO· superior In every way, but tbey are 110 speaker wls bes to s ay, and tb e soften· Ylsers," it Indicated that the bouse of denre of h avIng p erform e d the whole expens ive and the cook Is no more ed substitute does not much r elieve lords IB to bave Its wi ngs cUpped If duty ot woman, Neverth eless, e very careful nbout was ting tbem than the the sItuation ; nor does tbe smile ......._ ..... - government Is to bave Its way. once In 8 while h er home Is Invaded cheap ones, so I buy the cbeap ones." whlcb goes r ound In the cIrcle ot by th e reprehens ibl e metbod s ot ber The facts are tba t tbe cheap extracts, lis te ner s do mucb towal d atoning t or neighbors, Introdu ced by one of the It really taken ·from tbe fruits or Anothe r great Bcbem e In tbe line ble than the Buggest ed blasphemy. nomadic bost tha t form s tb e constant 80lces tbey r epresent, are so diluted ot cOl:illerva tlo.n Is that wbleb proposeB procesliion through our Ame rican tbat a much Wll'ger- qmrJftT y mus Habit a VIcious One. - - - to-eonBtruct t wo big da ms In tbe up. kltcben8, wit h un comfortable and . used to get tb e sam e · result. In the per Mississippi, by which means It Is sometimes ca lamitous r esults ; or a case of food tstutrs the lower grades Now tb ere Is no n eed b ere of wa n· I_ _ __ _=-'t!c. ....,,· ~ nqt only to Im prove tbe na vl· sudden demand tor an In crea se at ha ve a smaller percen t age of nourlsb. derl n g off Into wide ethical di scus· Ing power-an unp ard onable sIn. Ev. slons, a nd tryIng to Ox the precise gatlon ot that pa rt of tbe stream but wages from a carefully trained and to create about 800,000 borsepower to reliable mold re veals the fo ct that ery housek~ep er Is by her d e mand In· meas ure or the comparative mea sure be utilize d In va rious ways. The d'eep. some ot her bOllsekeeper In t he n elgb· flu enclng th e Qua lit y of tbe supply for at guilt In God's sight wbloh there enlng ot the ch annel Is Impe r a ti vely t hu s maliln g ot employe r, cons umer borhoad, In dire stress of circum. e very other housekeeper. ' It Is the may be In this or tbat or. the otber necessary If that section of t he MlsSls· an dh emp\IOye onre houselhold IglrouPd' stance, or for a less honora ble rea. demand at tli e economIcal (1) bous~ form ot profanity. It is enough to wit a m xture 0 pe rson a , soc a an keepe rs t.bat h as made th e problem ~f b • th I tt b bit r si Y t a" . e c gare e a a swea r · IIlppl Is to r etain uleful ness ror steam· econom ic rela tion shi ps tb a t no law. son, bas b een tempte d to orrer higher boats, and th e a dditiona l benefits de- ye r, P hiladelphian , or ot ber wlse. not wages . The good woman cannot un· ~1~~I:~rated foods assume su ch proper· lrig Is not good. It Is a mild type of profanity ; and beCQuse It Is mild la rived from "barnesslng" the poive r ot to speak of a ny "me re woma n," has derstand how s be becom es th e victim ever b een ab le to adju st s atisfac torily. of such unme rite d disas ter and won· Lar ge numbers or Industri es are de- more frequ ently put In evidence by the ri ver will be ot enormous ecodere "why people can 't mind tbelr pendent upon th e home for the con. women than m en; but It Is not good, From tile nature of t he case tbe ob· own busIness and let ber alone," and sumpUon ot th eIr produ::ts- tbe mar. It Is an offense to a refined taste. It nomIc Importance. ' And emin ent en· Much of the chronic lameness g lneer s who have been con neot ed wltb IIga l!ons to tbe " con sumer" have re- sbe forthwith goea to the Intelligence keL gard ener. the dairyman , manlllac. Is a debasement ot language, and .Pt horses is due to neglect, ceived tbe' bulk of attention give n to other enter prises or s im ilar cha racter office and Oils the place ot th e com· tu rers of groce rs ' supplies and all the tends all tbe time to reduce one's looSee that' your horse is not al. 88Y tbere Is no doubt a s to tbe feasl· domesti c service, Long centuries of pet ent, Intelligent maid wltb a wholly multitude of Industries engaged In tbe cabulary of choIce and approprIate lowed to gQ lame, Keep Sloan's Isolation bave bred In women Its obar· Inexper ienced and untrained emI grant, production of supplies for bouse deC; .words. It lowers the mental tone of billty of t be project. Liniment on hand and apply at acterlstlc ev il of se lfis hn ess and obll· at the same rata ot wagea sbe paid oration and turnlsblngs, and every IndivIduals and cIrcles and under tbe the first sign of stiffness. It's gatlons to be r family not only' appea r for compe tency 'and the next order change In the economic condltlona delusIve guise of vivacity reducea wonderfu)ly peltet~atinl; - goes T ree .pests, like th e gy psy motb, tbe to he r as he r fi rs t duties, but, In th e sbe sends to her grocer calls for ' an there III r egister ed In some disturb- thought to tbe cbeap quality ot a bar· right to the spot-relIeves the browntaJl mo th, tbe e lm tree beetle majot,lty of cases, ,have obscured aU Inrertor quality ot good8, because nnce throughout this whole system or gain counter. soreness....,...limbcrs up the joints . and other s. are not t he only , ones. otb e ~ 1;hougb tbls obliga tion of "such are good enough tor an Incom· dependent Indust rIes. ' Tbe atmospbere ot a bome whlcb and makes the m\.jSc1es elastic Australia has a pla gue at rabbits. maIntaining tbe healthful and com· pet ent cook to sp~l.l." The real tJ]_~U~.!lull.§gml.t1Jre..j Is filled with tbese explosIves Is not a and pliant. . fortabl e condition s of tb e home Is so numerous The whole course ot human devel' · and esthetically v"lunble thIngs Ilea wholesomeOne for cbJldren to breathe. Proof. that they do vast damage completely recognized, the ract that It opment has bad a tendency to make In the artistic -skill put Into them, In It II bad anywhere and everywhere. to the fa rm er s' crops. So, while )fas· Is most Impe rrectly met Is lamelltnbly woman the consen'aUve, self·centered combination ot colors, design or "ork. It fs Impossible to believe that a dIs· Mr. G. T. Roberts of Resaca, GL, evident. This Is commonly a ttributed R.F,D. No, I, Box H, "rites: - "I have lac husett s a nd ot her east ern states are to tbe In eftlcl ency of tbe a vailable being that she Is, and through that ·mansblp, and the d egf'Be ot Intelll. clple of our Lord can be QuIte 80 ~ your Liniment on hone for cbal'octerlstlc the home. her special gence necessary In the proper care spirItually mInded, can live In quIte so payln ~ out sums wblcb have amount. Dey and effected IL thoroulb cure. 1.1supply of employes and, at first glance, 10 removed a Ipuln on a mule. Tbia e d to millions of dollars s ince t be Dght ·would put tb e wbole respon sibility tor Vrovlnce, b ecame and remain ed a sup· of tbem Is In almost direct proportion close and vItal a relationship with blm IJIIlvin was as large ns a ,ulnea en. III 'a galn st th e Insects bega n, tb e Aush 'a· tbe e vils In th e present to tbe work· posedly s elf·suffic lng social unit. Here to such value. When sucb Intelligence wbo made tbat startling deliverance my estimation the best remedy for ~ Dell and lorenesl b . llan st a t.e of Victoria a pproprlatel ers In It The method s of th e prepa· are enshrin ed the deepe st mysterlea Is In the housemaid tile care about our responsibility tor even the $500,000 annuall y for tbe purpose of ration ot food In th e modern family and Ranctltles of buman lite, rlgbtly ot tbese thIngs falls upon the ml,,",IS Idle words tbat we use, and 1)e Quite protected from public Inte rfe rence. AI ot the hauee and the wIse woma. of' 10 much like .blm In mInd and aIm killing , orr the su perfluous "hunnles." are for tile m ost pJlrt governed by tra· the manufacturer Is entitled to keep to..(JaY very often comes to the e:Jft. and character, It there la no restraInt dltlon. based UpOII th e · more or less Tb e an tiQodel b ave tr oubles of th eir Intelligent ex perim ents of a iong line Becret tbe processes wberewlth he elusIon that ber lite I\nd time ha.- ot the kInd of speech which savorl, own. ot female an cestors . or th e fads and combInes bls raw materials Into tbe ·too many more Important demand. even In a mild degree ot ,the profane. fanel es ge ne rated In Idle brains or by finlsbed product, but tbe plant and upon tbem to be used up hl tbe way 1t one cannot express one's opinIon, Further t est of tbe Edison storag. misused stomachs, ra tber than any machinery may be matterl ot public that ownersblp of many of tbele valu· ,nd say one's 's ay, wbether man or b attery st rcet ca r bas been so graU, kno.,led ge of th e value for BUPPOrt Interest, so In tbe home tbe life I\f\elf able things makes necessary. Oonil~ 'Woman, wltbout swearing, or ao much )fr~ H, M.Glbbs rof Lawrence, Kans.. fyln g tb a t an administrati ve omclal and upbulldln g of hum an bodies based Is a personal affa.l r.... but the machln· quently tbe demand for the really as Indloatlng a dealre to swear. It Is R.F.D. NO.3, .... rltee :-" VotU' LIllIery wbereby It Is carried on Is a so- hlgh-claas commodities talla off and 'Jetter to remain slleDt,-~orthwesteTD of one of th e street car ra il way com· upon aclentl fi c experiment, ment II the best that I hue Mer usecI • .clal atralr. those ot cheaper quaJJty, Imltatlona. Cbrlstlan Advocate. llw:l a mare . . Ith an abscess OD ber neck· ' PRn le,s of Ne w Yor k city declared the From the position of tbe employe In In the dl\Ys of sImpler bousekeep. etc., take their places and the lkilful and SOC:, bottle of Sloan', Unlment car wou ld s upplan t the horse cars on th e empl oyer 's hpllsehold the exlat- Ing the domestic wage earners were and artistic employes are supplanted entirely cu~ her. I keep it around .n Anewere to Pr.yer. the tlmt (or pll. and .mall l",elUnp bis line. This r e mark r eveals the ence of obligations to them Is gener· tew In number and' the ministrations by .cbeaper and untraIned workers. The answer to prayer-to most anel (or eYeryWnl aboat the atock." tnct t bat tb e hor se baa Dot b een en· ally recogni zed, bu t any ge neral Idea of each Individual were confined to As a rule, 10w·clasl labor can be emSloan's LinimenfJ. tlr e;y refeased from tb e thralldom of as to tbe oe fin ition a nd 8cope of one or at .most perhaps a halt dozen ployed profItably only upon the cheap.. prayers-begins on t~o slde.s -Ood'. and our own. We must be wlllln~ to wilJ ' kiD a spavin, urban car ser vice, even In tbe east, t hese obli ga ti ons Is extrem ely v a~e. families, and It mattered comparative- er gradeB tOt products. The compe- work toward it and sacrifice for It, curb or splint, rewh ich 18 supposed to lead t be 'Vest In Righ t he re Is a very delicate adjuBt· Iy little If the training consisted large- tency Ilnd Intelligence of those em- an'd the sacrIfice Is sometimes 80 duce' wind pUffs and ment of th e person III lind economic re- I,. of unwbolesome 'processes of cook. ployed aa cooks and bousemald. bas heavy tbat we shrink back! If.' 'we everything progressive. • .wollen jomts, and lation s . Tb e trainin g th at men have Ing and unsanitary methoda at clean. an Important Influence upon the qual· ask f<ir health, tor. e'd ucatlou, tor Ia a sure and speedy Th e much t!d ked of In cr eal''l In the gotte D In th e busin ess world, wbere Ing. Ilnce the. mlscblef was not dIs. Ity of the supplies demanded by the prosperIty, we know that · 'We must remedy for fistula. . tbe dis tin ctions betw een pe rsonal and seminated through a wbole eommu. housekeeper and It depends upon cos t or li ving Is felt In every direction. work In the dlrect'loD ot our desIre. sweeney, 'founder ",' husl ness rel a tions a re sharply drawn, nlty, neither dIsease germs nc:>r otber these demands wbetber the emplojel'l A New 'York lady divorced from her It ask for spiritual gittl we rea· ,and thrush. has been al most unknown to women results of crude experlmentln~ were In · the production of tbt!le 8uppllea, bu s bll nd has sough t th e co urtll to get . In t be past ahd tl1elr propenBlty to carried trom family to family by the ' who furnhsh honest. first·elass Quality llle tIlat tbe same I. "true, but too ~hen we plead tor aom~ ipe~ b e r a li mony Incr eased b ec aUl~ e living mix s enti me ntality, Ill'(!judlce and pr~ constantlj moving stream of domestic and pay good wages to ~ . hlBb .c lasl expenses a re so much grelltcr tb an BODnl caprice with all the ir buslnells employes we . have of workers, ehalJ be able to PfC?llper blessing for tIlose. we Jov~ 'tOr the IlruDg of a' burden from th.b r h yel 'or when th e decr ee ~V8 8 gra n ted. AnI! It tra usa ctloDs is notorio us. The woman who ralles the . rate of or . whether tbe market ,hall be moOUrl, fo\, sl?me ~arp that, tiqlda good looks Uke a notb er discourager of mat. 10 t he economic relation the em· wages In her own hO,usebold '( 'ompels nopoUzed by the. law·grade Pro.ductei and iiapplneaa, we ' torget " ~at .~ J1mo ~ y, ploye r owes to th e e mploye a definite. every oUler employer In ber l1~lghborThese are som~ of tbe re.poultJUt·. ,ranting will aU.I'!,lY cIaI.JJ?, from u. reasonabl e wage fo r a definIte I\moun~ bood to do likewise, either· ab60lutely tiel that the bouse~eeper ",u,m el ' lome price ot 'ucrtftce or renuncia, Qne of t he . ndvan tnges a ttac hing to of servic e, a nd, sin ce sbe la aleo th4t or. by accepting Inferior servit:e. and when abe ' become. JD employer. , To tlon. · ' Whatever, our .p rayer, we' Deed. .. job as chautreur fs that you ca n', ed uca tor, s b e owea 'su ch trainIng as thll result tollows whetber ber motive .tudy them 'and meet their dem~cIa muat 11I~ve :\ lliar. In I~ aDsY(erfDJbe a rrested nnd ' dragge d befor e · a jus· abalJ bring e fficlericy. Slle la also 'Ull~ In 10 doIng ' ~ns to raise a ",lIge ·un.. would not.;only lead to ~b.• .olutloll of not becau's e of tile : lPathe't'1 Wi:wllllpc- ' - tJce on the charge 'Of cr ul1lty to ~ der obligations to maintaIn proper JUltly ,acquIred through lome otber that modern rtddl~ ·of the BphlDs, ~ut becauH of' hl. ,I.oYe tJaat condltlon's In the occuPll tlon tor tbe womaD!a careful training. or wbether d<!mesUc .e,rYtce problem, but mal. .. DOWI U. Urtou,1l and .throutibpre HcrvaUoll of 'beal th aqd' aocl~I ' wei· It was ' don e In . pure thougbtie88pe.l. help cOIlIlIUoD. throUahout tIM '. . . Eaer.clse In New Yor k Is un evenly ta re. Sueb obligations certaInly In- ·The wOlIlail . wbo . takel Into her em- , du.trlal · ~orld. .Tlie t'houabtNl womeD 01 til. . ., .tatrlbuted. The wolves hI Central eludE' a 'place to sleep, bavlnr the ' pIa;, lu place ot· a cOplpetent and wellrequisIte amount of 'alr BpBee and s~n· tral~ed cook ' or ~oulemald. 'an Inez- try .houle! become aetlyel7 IDtereneII . . rk do IlOt Ket e nOUgh. a nd the bulla light, w.lth comfortable anll wholesome ' perlenced pile, at the liame · rate · of 10 the.. QJe.tlDD... TIle ~ ..... III wall .tr" t ate Kf:ttlng too IlIuch: bed and llroper tacllltl" (or .batbing. w88es. beQauB8 the girl, threugb Dat- I. tor KeDeN! 01'I&DlMd eaort etc. But \hi. baa. beeD .0 entlrel, ural at upldlty or Il11o~Dce of ,·the IDt,mlnt !om'fl to W. 1IelIe~ that ~lOO aDd coat. Ie ·jpored that our bome. bave beeD wa,. 9f her adopted COUDt..,; "f. Dot dUltr)' ooatroIIIct·., th~ the 1&at1l18 · bullt with "the IIrl'. ~m" IDvarl· up to tile trIck. of ·, llfrl. ID I.Deralt IDto Ita ,..,.. , .. III . . I_ I,Jl the moat Ulu!omfortable part or beCauae Ule houaek4ltlper waD" to •


he r Im po rtance to socl· ·ty In th e Ulodern wo rld, bU I tb e wage·paylng . woman ee ms, tor the mntl t port, ",n lirely un· conscio us or any nece&o sory conul'ction bet ween berse l! and tile world oul~ldc ber borne. The cxp r('sslon "empl oy r" brings to mind tbe few wome n of th se modern day!; wbo, by v'ry unusua l nbllity, hll\'o become dir ectors of large business en terpri ses, Tather th a n th e greot nllmb ' r of bousewlv£'s, who nre th e em ployers In an Important occupot 'on. Domes· tic service Is all occupation In wblch. In this countr y a lono. over 3,000,000 woge eu rll ers are en· gaged; It Is not only the consumer of th e produ ts or lar~ oum bers of otb er Impo rtant Indu s tries, but Its products or a chieveme nts ser ve th mos t Vllol lnterests of soCiety. T ho employer owes It to SOciety to make th e occupation In which he employs others an e mcle nt meuns or sa tisfying some buman n ed In a way that sho ll be con· duch'e to the econom ic welfa re of 60clety. The ohllga tlons or the employer Imposed upon him by this position In the soc ls l ord er may be pu t Into th ree cla sses: to tbose be emp loys, 10 tbe reglll a tJ on ot wages, 6tanda rds of mc le ncy , etc., and In main t a ini ng p roper cond it ions for the preserva t ion of hea lt h a nd socl\11 welfare; to ot ber employers, In t he same occu pation, In regulation of .w ages. class of service an d standa rd s of efficleocy, nnd to the employers e n· gaged In tho production of sup plies Cor this occupaL!on, In the stabili ty and charact er of tbe demand ; to those wbose n eeds tbe occupation sup· jl ll es, In reliab ili ty an d qu nll ty of sup. ;ply, In domestic serv Ice, In which wom. en fi g ure a s workers and employers In overw helming maJorit y, the re are unique condit ions , w blch 1IlJlke It an Interestin g problem to unra vel the purely economical r elationships trom the tongle of closely- reIn ted social and personal ones . In tbe Orst place, the products or achieve ments are Bucb a s cannot be defin ed In terms of the marltet. The selection and preparation of the food ot tbe world and the cleaning aDd sanitary ca re of Its dwellings Is tbe work ot th e occupation , and tbe prod. ucta a re nf necessity found · In the qu a lity of th e bodily life of tbe eom. munlty. Then, too, those wboee needs this occupation supplies-the "con. sumers"-nre members of tbe em. , dl f II b d t ploye r s Imm e ate am y, oun 0 him by tbe 0108est .and tenderest ties, nnd th tl empl oyes, mor e orten tban not. are dw ell ers und er tbe same root,



Stops Lameness

Here', the



'S,loan·s Liniment· 0.,.


..... ..a..II.







J'OU are heJit celebrate tt I fllll MAnERS OF . DJtESS function, and low-neck your eTanln, dress.








Suitable Clothing by No Meana Con. Iistl of HIghly Expenllve Ador;;ment-Ralment Should Be Adapted for the Occasion.

Ot.her little polnta of dress etiquette that It would be well to consider are these: Smart afternoon dress ' III worn for smart luncheons. At these meals It Ii correct for the guests to wear their hata a e. . At an afternoon reception the hostess ·wears no gloves. all It Is tho gracious and polite t.hlng fOl' her (0 gIve her bare hand to ber guests. At her lun cheon, the hostess wear. eIther a pretty house ciress or 11 hand, some tailored skirt with a net or lace waist. A t h er card parties or evening re ceptions. the hostess wcars low ev& nln ~ dress or high receptIon dress, according to the splendor of h r enter. talnment and her guests. who have been warue~ by tbe formality or s lm. pllclty of the Invitation. also dress ac. cordlngly. All well·bred wome n make a toile t of especIal dalutlness for Ihelr h om ~ dlnn ra and hnve th e good sense to know always ,hllt tru e polltenl"ss In dress . as In \". I ythlng e lse. begins at home,

, Farm'N Ihould eat more oatmeal, Although the farmer of today Is 'able to buy almost anythIng he wants tr) wear or eat he isn't paying' enough all nllon lo food values wben It comas to bls own table. H feeds his stock carefully. avoids ov de d ing lind selects the stock food that he believes will gIve the beal returns in str ngt h n'nd general cffic lollr'Y. If ho has 'he 111 watching th t:Xl II· slve resea roh i'I nnd oxpcrimentR on th qu s tion o.r the bUlSt buman food for muscle Rn d bra in ho wlll he rl the ad vice frum all s id II to .. 'Ill more Quak er Onts:'


In the sphere of matters governing Interesting Observations of Member polite oonduct It would' be absurd not ot Elghty.Flfth· Indiana on Fight to place the very Important one ot at Atlanta and Great March. dress. What to wear lind what not to wear. I have never seen anything about It (:~a~~:o~~~ d ~me;:o:~n~~ n.~~: how Hood's army wall trIck d at At- are question s to·day of far more con· Europe u;; th \1 IJ 5t. of all ot\tmonls. lanta. not even by Gen. Sherman. sequence to the average woman than F ' d l ll~ rorlll hanrls on QuakcJI' 0 lH8 had to pay 25 cents a writes John D. WrIght. a me mber ot Is the poslblltty or suffrage. SuItable m('a ns g lling more work out of thp. tU company A. Elghty·fifth Indiana volun- and well ·bred clothing Is the most for this s teak. th;tn If you f e4:u them on a nything teers. In National TrIbune. After the dominant exaction of society. and the Boarde~That's tough. ' el$e. 61 three battles were Caught. July 20. same qualities are demanded In the 22 and 28. we kept buildIng breast· up·to·date bu sin ess get-up. Nobody Is National Tuberculosis Sund .. y. works until thr e lines had been put bIg enough to des pise the subjett. for Prl's(,Ul Indications pllltll to tt gonParIs Pattern No, 2006. All S ams our baby was seven weeks UP. the last ono not very far trom soci ety and bus hless are always big· "ru l o!Jse rvllnr'lI or Nallonal Tui.J er· Allowed.-S trlpcd madras WlIS used to broke out with what we the confederate lin s. The skIrmish ger than you. You have got to dress make thIs negligee shirt. bavlng the ('ulo~ i~ 'unr!ay III mor.., Iban 200,000 was heat. but whIch gradually pits were very close. and firIng wal jus t so Cor each and e very oooasion. rcgu latlon s ballow yoke /lcrosa the "bureh, 's 01" lh,; ('oll nt!'y on April 24. but It you happen to show bad tBste In We called In a' doctor. going on day and nIght by tbe sklr. should ers. to whIch the back Is joln cd Hp llO rts from bC(lds 01" loca l nntl·tuber· It was eczema and from that mlshers on bot h sides; the cannoll the selection of . your colors and cuts with slight gathers. Shirts of tblll eliloHI" ass()f'iutlons, healtb office rs. we doctored six months wIth also kept firing. Some at the sklr· that Is a s in of another sort. for the sty le are easily made at home. The llaSlo rs. mayo!'!'. goverllol"'. and nu· mlshers got to holle ring across, and world cannot occupy Itself with train· /':7)~.I_. __ . 1 '. IJ ot the best doctors in Atchison Is cut on a told ot the goods. m ewu !! inl l' rli t' nomluulional bodies : r .mt ~)D ~ ~£ e only got worse. HIs face, head proposed to quIt firIng until there was Ing your aesthetic sense. You are UA but s la sbed through tbe center for an. show mu· 1t enlhu lSlasm ove r lhe were a solid sore. There an advance. and the other side cried only aslted to keep your various oosopenIng and then finish ed with an 1l10\'CIw·nl. The Natlollu l Association ttllDell for the occasions ' for which STYLES FOR to tbe sufferIng tor hIm. out: "All right." overlap and underlap. Th e neck has for Ih Study and Pre vention of Tu· they are Intended-not to wear anyTHE CHILDREN The rltle firIng soon ceased. Ijlut to tie hJs little hands to thA regulation baud finished tor reo b I'c'ulosls has prepared Illl outline for thltt~ at the wrong Ume or In the from scratching. He never the cannon kept It up a few daYB wrong movable linen collars. or. It a perma· u tuberculosIs ser;nou fo r use on plaoe. Gingham Frocks In Bright Colorlngl it was to sleep well from longer. While the shells were goIng nent collar be dell Ired. the neckband Allrll 24. whi ch will be sent rree at In all this. ono should remember. Will Be Much In EvIdence took the disease until he over Into Atlanta at night. I have Is then used for the standIng portion cha rge to uny clergyman applying at Thll Season. He kept us a wake all otten hoard the shells strike and make there III no embargo laid upon the litof the collar which the pattern pro- 105 East Twenty ·second street. New York. ')'bollsunds of t hese outlines night and hJs health a rumbllng sound and later hear them tie economies so often necessary to GIngham ·fro cks for youngsters are vIdes. The vattern Is In nIne slzes- are being s li t out w lily to all parls the majorIty of women. so If the man. w.ould call good. We explode . . 121AJ to 17 neck or 28 to 44 breast. much In vogu e, the brightest combinaIn a tew dnys we seemed to know ners that go with the simple home- tion of coloring In the weave and the SIze 38 breast needs 4 % yards at of the country, ng but the right thJng. Prominent churchmen, In cludIng I got a sot of the Cutlcura IntuItively that we were goIng to made costume are perfeot. the modest staunch wearIng quality of tbe material material 27 Inches wide or 3% yards bishops anu h · ada of all the lading and I am pleased to say leave there on a certain day. Just gentility of the lady's aLUre w1l1 be an adapting them especially to chlldlsb 36 Inches wide. use aU ot them until he as It began to get day the Johnny reb added grace. To procuro lhls pattern 8e nd 10 cents dcnomlnallon s, tlave expressed their wardrobes. "She has don her best." the censor We have waited a year eklrmlshers canle out. but they 'dld not to "Pattern Department." or this paper. approval of tho movement. The Russian blouse effeot is seen In and half to see U It would return have tar to go until they came to the on dress will say. and If the censor most of these; the plain material gen· Write name and address plainly. and be ~nri l'xpcnsc orC! noL cMcntial to hut it never has and tlHlay hIs skIn Billy Yanks. and the whole skirmIsh bappens to be 11 true s ort of man or erally used as trImmIng Is run up the sure to gIve sIze and number of pattern. JI'I,Ifonry " ti ' 1101liCS and ntt rnctiyo rOOm8. n il Is clE-ar and fair as It possIbly could line and all of oilr artillery opened woman he or she will add: "A very sIde as well as around the neck; and d ~ lIal' anef tifly "cntR' worth of materil11 ~o. 2006. SIZE ................ . \~ tli. ,·n lu plel.e ly lrnmform 11 crude. inar· be. t hope CuUcura may save some on them. Atlanta was a lively place dear and ladylike sort of best." For. someUmes around the pleated skIrt. tl llr room Into a grncoful. dl1inty apar t· e's little ones - sufferIng 'and until about 10 a. m .• and tho sklrmlsb· !lfter all. dress Is not everything. You The wide leather belt Is worn with ment. NAME ....................................... . also t Ir pocket-books. John Leason, ers called out: "There Is no advance. must wear your "near" saUns and these colored frocks. as well as with Hea lly it iR good t-llRte an.1 ski ll t hat 1403 A hlson St., AtchIson. Kan., Oct. Why not quIt ngaln?" That proposal . lIks and don e·your·best home sewing mnkCR I hc homo homclike. Thnt dninlY TOWN ..................................... .. those or thinner material for less tou,h is worth t wice nK IIlllch 119 money. was agreed to. and by U a. m. all IVIth a duchess air. Then you are 19, 190 .. TBEEJT AND NO...................... . \Vall pl1pel' i, ('x p\!nsh' ·- it "oats moncy - - - -was Quiet agnln. both artillery and the peer of any purple and fine linen. strenuous wear. buy It to Itung it anel again to reo to PIque Is much ,In favor for children. In Demand. but not before. muskets. So It went on all betore. STATE ......................... .. .......... . movc it. ' \lith the US of the IIlnbllsli n d ond when It does not constitute the "An I ant In a Pullman car set up a woll t h ro iM only the slight cost of t he Thfl day wardrobe of a woman ot The next time was dllferent. I he· entire garment, It Is used for trlm~ loud w • and would not be com- longed to tho Twentieth corps. and lUly smart pretention whatever bolds IlInl~rilll -- n n y 0 11 • ell n brush it on - nnd it LADIES' SEMI-PRINCESS DRESS. i ~ nul, n eel! II I'Y l b \\' n~ 1t jt 01I the wnll forted/' arrntes a blgh raUroad of· Gen. Sheridan had that corps to oc- ilt least Qne street mornIng dress and mlng little fro::ks. and comes In many wlal'n It fre:<1t coat i l'cquirl'el. variations her tofore undreamed oc. flclal. "a I came torward and told cupy the whole works. The morning W e bad to :me afternoon gown. It i very eURY tn mix, vety s imp1 to Frocks of tbls material. made with the youn mother that I had helped stretch out like a pi ce ot IndIa rub- dress expresses a note of the utmost npply. I llIt I he result.s nro simply bClluti· to raise e. and tbat I thought I ber. so we cou ld just tOllch hands- simplicity. {or It Is a plain dark coat one·plece ycike and sleeves. the square ful. A whole It o u ~c can be dOlle at ill~t n Iii tjc 11I0re t han the cost of n ill gllt could secu a quIetus. I put the little one line In the breas tworks and the 3ult of cloth or rough WOOl. and Is neck outlIned with hand·made. soallops ronn. when ordinar.v mnteritll nrc U':llll. tum tum .ross my Imees. and with a olber In the skirmish pits. Alld thi~ iR ll'lJe. tla n~ now thAt w IlItve worn with a trim round hat and dark and the little dress cut on the plainest lines by means or a clrcular·gored pat. gentle Jogg g acbleved beautHul reso Illlich hetler mat cl ._ I~ for IIRC in I he All the army to our left passed In rurs. It has a skirt of comfortable tern. outgrow their popularity for the u('C'nmtion ~,f our hom '~. t hat wall !)lIper• . sults. walking length lUld altogether exour rear to the west of Atlanta an' d 1'0 111111 n kal~omine llnd poi nt, are now 118 "Instead 0 gIving me the credIt 1 mothers who consider the simple and presses a trim. tidy. easy·to·get·aboutmuch out of dtlt, a s t it, olt! time white, deserved sam . drummers In the car slarted ror' Jo~ e8b oro , The nIght they In look. the practical as necessltles In the \\"a ~ h. ln llow cnnrllCB nnel rough Itewn ch.lldlsh outfit. showed stern Isappro'val of my 'but- were ready to start we got orders lato fl onrH. lI1erl' monev i!l no IOlll!.cr II II CR' In the afternoon that when It got dark Such a dress the business woman "cntinl in ((!lOd housc£urnishing In artlstio Hng In :' home IIlUk lUlt. "At 2 a. m. ~ baby woke up and enough so that tbe JohnnIes oould not wears to her Office. accompanyIng It '!'!tc lil'W mat!'rinlA and Inbor .ljflvin~ mn · stayed awake. anll kept everyone else see us, we were to take down our with mannish cloves and tailored l'h\n('~ lin! m(1st w l ome to U8 alJ ~n nd In the car awak)l. Finally a gruff tents and be all packed up and stand· waists of flannel or linen. and keepIng e,· 'r~' t houqhtful womarl. every woml1n Ing In line. We were cautioned not ~he suit always as well brushed and wltn CI1 r08 for her home. ill cluiek to u t ilize 'volce asked: them. .. 'Wb\lTtl'tj tbl11. 01 that put It to to talk. nnd at the sound of the bugle ~res se d as would be a man·s. Made In tor roll call. which was the sIgnal, 1 rIcher material. with handsomer furs sleep this aUernoon. 1 wonder?'" Crochet buttons are to be muoh Gocd Work In Denmark. we were to start fOl" the rear. We md the skirt all but touohlng. the uder legislation enacted in· 19051 marched about half a mile and lhen woman tn easIer circumstances would worn. An Efficient r.\lltress. Ule Dun lsh government pays thref' Plaited skirts with tunics are In tbe Mrs. A.• wbo had a~bf(lless col· waited until t he skirmishers came to wear Its twIn sister to church. for. fourths of the expenses of all po ;r us, which was about 3 o'clock a. m. while handsome, Ohur-1Jb--celstlJm'es·-a1'e-l~~'---:----:---,.,.-__o_red maId. was hurrylll through her persolls who desIre to b'e treated In very restrained and the dark colors collars and cuffs are to he Then we started for the Chattahoo, mornlng's work In ord to go out tuberculosis sanatoria. When th ,;' bos· with a friend In the a ernoon, As chee rIver, and got there awhile after selected for walking are most worn. worn again. pltalll lInder construction a r comButtons of Dutch silver are fash· she fl e'w about tram roo to room she daylight. . We built fortifications on rhe S8me Bult. or a plalnJsh black pleted Denmark will have ont! bed In heard the colored woma .c huckllng the 1I0uth sIde. tor we never crossed. lne In the wardrobe. wIth the possIble loned Into cuff Unks. t,-,berculosls hospItals 01' sa'. torl a tor ot the hat covered with a There Is a tendency to have girdle' 611ness to herself as it very much en)u;'lng but stayed on the south sIde. every 1.200 Inhabitants., a tact wblch AJ?out 1 p. m . the Johnnies came out black. chiffon vell. would be worn to a Quite wIde In front. somelhlng. Impatiently she said: will mean \hat the lEmr. h of treat· runeral, for here dress cannot be too Jetted Del and laces wlil be mach In "What In the world Is It that amuses to ,hunt tor us. ment, can be cOllslderpbly extended. vogue on· elaborate gowns. On September 1 I was In the detail Inconspicuous and modest. YOll so. Isabel1" In the UnIted States ~bere is one bed Afterno~n dress. whUe admitting of A survival of note Is that at the selt· "Well. Mis' Bessie. when r heard ~ hunt up the rebels. · We went very for every 4.500 In~JU>lt a nts . . mnch splendor. yet also depends upon colored stripe materials. you gallopln' aroun' upstairs r Jes' , the ocr.aslon for which It Is worn. For The new COiffure Is adorned with t.'ought if you'd been de Lawd It How to M;Ke Good Coffce. rormal calls. receptions. concerts. etc.. ornaments set with tiny brilliants. wouldn't 'a' took you no six days to First, last rid al\ tbe time have a gowns that drop upon the ftoor. even It seems that the princess coat has make de bebbens an' de yearth! "cleim coffe pot. Don't was h' It with actually long. are p~rmlsslble. and come to stay tor some time In full S. A. RIce, In Woman's Home Com· common "ellow laundry soap or' powr length. panlon. der beGtl use that makes It smell bad with the pale. elegant colors ot these T"ere Is a moreanc f If u I note In the .. and 1,Ives the coffee a sickening taste. ~owns matchln~ In handsomeness the shades of men's spring suits than 'tOI Silence. One materials and light turs. and fine ParIs Pattern No. 2627. All Seam. Ea<;y Task soap sterilizes coffee pots Very few men know how to keep ooots and light gloves. there may be .many years. Allowed.-Broadcloth In the color. 8!lU Illl cooking utensils, making them atlll. The Italians have a proverb. plcture.que hats of ,various sorts. known as Concord·grape has been sweet and wholesomelY healthy. "Hear. see and say nothing. If you made stunning with long feathers or used for hIs attractlve shIrtwaist 'Thal's' the beauty ot Easy Task lIoa}lWALKING COSTUME. wish lo live In peace." The mao' who suIt. whIch Is servIceable ' and stylls1,.' it Is just as good [or cookIng vessels gold or sliver roses. The whole es. Is bent on telling all he, knowB. gen· ' - -II-'F-wn wlde- tucks stltcbed to the b • .,t illS for cloth or paInted work or glasssence of such dresses must-be one of 1- -- - -- -'---Cl!r~ds In tellIng a good deal more line In the back dIstribute the ful!,!,!!!>s ware .or china. Not an expensive soap extreme daIntiness. so a solied receptban he knows. The tongue Is harder and gIve a broad·shouldered O:PPNI r- - fiv e cents II. caIre. tion dress, worn wIth moulting feathto brIdle than the wildest horso that ance to the figure which Is ve ry be· ers and dingy gloves. would be worse ever roamed the prairie. The GerAlas. coming. The seven·gored skirt. which than no dress. ' for then at least one mans say truly that talking comes by Is cut In pl~ln gores ove r tbe blps. bU9 A little Ih'e·year·old wbo hnd been can stay, at home and not awaken ad. nature. while silence come.s of the un· n <!ouble box· plaIt In the back and w;ltchlng her mother dress for un veroe comment with unneatness. derstandlng. Is attached to the waI s t und e r a belt evening nt ertalnme nt surprilled her Naturally. an afternoon get·up tor a of the material. The dress fust.ens moth er with Ihe followIng question: smart occasion Is preferable In fine , ROSY COLOR , down the left s ide of tlle front wIth "i\lotber. didn 't you sllY you were al· materials. for tbe prevalllng sentiment Produced by Poatum, 10~t 40 years old ?" cloth-covered button s, and a swall of smart costuming Is splendor. But pocket ornaments th a ri ght breast. ..y s," re)llled t he molher. "When a perso~ rises from eaob If colors are light and the costume The m?del ma y be developed to ad"W II," unswered the IItll e girl. "yoll meal wlt.h a ringIng In the ears and a tastefully made and suited to the "antage In se rge. ch vlot, cashmere. Lloll't look It tonIgh t. bllt you will togeneral sense of nervousness, It Is wearer. and the gloves are light and volle. Henri etta or wool batlsle. or. I mo rrow morning.'·- Jndge, . a common habit to cbarge tt ,to a defresb and the hat and sboes of a suit· In faot. any materia l tbut the wearer . ranged stomach. ably dressy sort, QuIte modest textures desires. The pattern Is In seven sizes Deafness Cannot Be .Cured "I found it was oaused from drink. may be used tor the gown. In fact -32 to 44 inches blll-;t measur e. For by 1"",,1 "ppUrntiono, ... ' hey ennlloL r.""h tho d ... Ing coffee, whIch I never suspected except for the requirement of rece~ ~6 bust th e dl" ss rC'Quires 111L yards ' _1'\1 »Orllun 01 t he car, 'Ihero 18 only 0110 WilY 10 12 cur l! d4 'Jl fn\!M, ond thnt.. ill by COIUlUlulional rl'm rtl lL'&. a long time. but found by leavIng off tton colors-pale ttnts-It Is the suit· of materIal 20 In ches wIde. 8% yards De"IIIc'II.' 18 rau ..d by nn InO"med conllition 01 \.he coffee that the disagreeable teellnp abtUty and perfect freshness at the 27 Inches wide. 6¥.! yards 36 Inches ~,\~C.O'!.: I:~~~:~JI y~:~ 1~~~~I4:t~I,~~,~~~~e.eo\~,;:e~'r ~~ went away. accessorIes whIch oreate, the best et· wIde. o~ 5¥.! YIll"d.S 42 In ches wide' nIlcrl"eL Iwa rl ll~. afltl whell It I. cnti.rlllY c!",,'(I, Dl'4 tell' 111 the r~ult.• Bud UII1CSH tho InUuuun"t(ori mil be "I was brought to think of the sub. fect. · eac b with five·elghths yards of lin n takeu <lIILnnll 11118 lubn re." lIrf'() 10 tUl nonnal c(lnd ~· 27 incbes wide for coli ar afl(I CU rr S. I tlun, 1"'",ln~ ,vIII be ,lcslruy,'<1 lonlVcr: Dl n~ rM~ jecl by gettlng some Pas tum and this The smart woman's night' costumlI)g u l fIr "'n "'e ,-nIL"'" b\' l·.larrl1 ....hlch Is nOlhlng brought me out of trouble. lnvolves one get·up which may be de· WIdth or lower edge oC skirt about OUI .'", ,' '' Jiamed .".. ,Utlon 01 tho mu.ou., .urln...... 1 /. " ,. 1\111 0" • Ono Hunllred Dollor" ror «III" .n.«: Of "It Is a Illost appetizing and ,Invlg. scribed as full dress. that Is a decal, Dcaffl Cft.' (l'.:lIlSl'tl b)· CD. 14r rIU th at (."lU I III)\ ~ cu red 3 i'2 yards. by I t:tll"S Cult1rrh Cure.. :;l'ntt for clrcullU'1I. (rvo. orating beverage and has been of Propolltlon to Quit' Firing. lete, gown In a pale silk or gauze. To procurc this pattern scntl 10 cents SoHI hy nrU~"I.ta~"'d.;. CUEN Ii; I:' '" CO .• TIlledo, 0. to "Patt r!l Department." oC ttrls pap r. Buch great benefit to me that 1 natu- Dear to the place whIch we had left. which would be worn for a ball. the Take I-Iolt '. Family P illa ror COllltl,lIllton. Wrlto narne anll address plainly. anll be rally speak ot It from tIme to time ' After a few ' shots were passed we opera. a large dInner party and so on. sure, to give sIze and number oC pattcrn. as opportunitY offers. went back, and about eight o'clock With tbls would go her finest jewels, ,Absolute Equality. ' ''~ lady friend ' complained, to me ,that nIght we could bear a rumble and her mast elaborate hall' arrangement. Til e WOIII:w- 1'lte tux omee Is one NO. 2627. SIZEJ . .. . ............ . tbat f!he had tried ?ostum, but 'it did see ftashe. like lightning toward At. aDd a long cloak ot silk. cloth or fur whl'il I SiUll.lly 10\' 6 to go to. not taste .good. In reply to my qties· lana . . Later In the night orders came to cover her magtllfcenoEl when she III Th e ~ Ian - V e ry fe w people do. ,"Vhy NAME •••••••••••.• •••••••••••••.• .•..• •••••••• •. ,tloD she saId sh guesed she boiled it to us to tak th~ right of every regl. passIng to and ' (rom ~er carriage. do ' you llke it? about ten minutes. 1 advIsed ber·'. to 'ment" and' w'e , went , to Ilee Aunt But as to the mhterlat or this ftne 'I:OWN ................ , ................... ~ •.• , Tli e \Vomun-Because it Is ubsolute· follow directions ' and kliow that Ibe Lanter. , . ", I' gown there are n,o' 8 bsolutely har\! and ' Iy the ollly place wh ul"e no discriminaSTREET AND NO ...................... . boiled It ft!teen Or, twentY 'mlnu'tes, and , ',The Twentieth co;"s stAYed 'at At. fa!!t rules. , If w~lte or palely tinted. It tion fs mad against (II 'becaus 1 am sbo would bave somethIng worth ·talk~ lanta' until November .16. 18S.. 1.n the may be fasbloned of any at the dalnt;y" il worn lin . They let me there ' [Jay STATE ...•.•..•....•...••••...••. . ••.•••.••••• fng about. .A. lIhort ' ttme ago :l h,ard t~renoon we, went out aaat , nearly a evening materials that would go with just as much as If I were amlin. , , - - -._---'- , o~e of h~r cblldr~D say thlit they 'mile ~nd ' a hllt, a~a\stja)'ed unt111a~e In a 'low c~t and general,· evenIng .effect, A lIlew:',",rt firm. ~r1Dk1n,K 'P6atum.. Do:w';a.daya • . so the afternoon. '. We PUlled not far trom [or wb~tla nee4ed here. as- ·elsewhete, , Serge or tweed ml,ht t)e used for . Rellnol Is a PeNct Rem'e dy for Pru· "The rered08 , of the altar 18 com judie abe. ' 8UO~6ded In makl~&, It Stone mountain be~i clay; then, When Is · only the fitness of things. For ox· this pr~qUcal cPstume. ,' The gored ritul and All itching Sk n Troubles. Have used Reslnol with the utmost good, whlch fa b, Do ,meana a dlftlC;ult near Madison tbe ~hlrd division • deoollete- out would lJUlke a s~rt ,fa ,.e,l stffl'elled at the foot .and nosed or seven ,lit panels ot Fra and ta~k. . ' , : . . , 1IwenUeth oQrps. tOile tip,~e 'r.aflroad: , , h~d80m~ cI9U1 ' or 'serce mat.&- m"olllne-8t1t~~ed abo,ut nIne times. Jelllco's angels.",L~dloW Advel'tlser. satlsfactlo!l;., A case .' oe ~ ~rUrit\ls . ,. The 10D .~f one .~f . my ftienda was' " The. WqODB ' wete' .ld to cODt&ln' 20 ~~ ~illous. , ~bll" to, appear at a Velvet la urted for th'e rever. whJle th'e Thl~ v.:~ll'Jwown firm makes 1\ spo' Vulvae which s!ilem,ed · t() · ~~~ nil ' fnl'lilerJ, a pale lad, 1?ut' alDce be baa da18' ' raUons, and ' we ,got .to forti. (unctfon ' ~bE!re eY~nlng dren fa tin· coat ~ __ aeml-tltUng an'd cut with cUl'ved clalty o~ angels, Fra's Is sUpposed••to known remedIes 'was at ODce relleved been baa, a fine color, Ilcatfona 'at j:Javannab OD Ilecembe ' 10 ' Sentood Iq a high-necked, long-;sleeved seaQla at the aide ot fronts. these are tie the lnsptrlll' brain. and Jelllco nnd , prompUy cured. It alsd acted. la . a lUte Illanner t!i ,a serere - c~e I 1?,~ l'ber.e fa . of mdenC9 1864. ' f" I' " • II to make one appear eUl)er wrapped. . ~ a1l,o ~re the hack' ollel, does the rcst.-Pqnch. ecze~a . tha~ bad alJD08t d~Jv,en · th~!lj(· ~o,stum rec1.~loo4, Tbe proYl.l~... were IU~ hi 1D101t!Dt of social cu.. tbla fonnJng a panel Revel-atlon.. , Ha~ ' of tblD' .t~w. IIwathe~ 1n IUlJ tlent Crazy. 1t Is tndillpenlllb)e to t1ils u the II be out. but Ulete , ~ beeD .. :'areat aD,cI tr~mmed with _ostrl~ f~tbera. You ' never know ,how lIIaDY flgurei day and . generatlo~. _•' . . .YIQ owiDB to mav· &004' .wee' Material. rectlitred: ' Snen Yardl CaD be carried fa the head' antll ,.011 F. C. Imea, Phltiiaelp~ 48 la'ell•• Wid., aDo-fourth 1&1'd bear a IU. In.urq~ 10Uoltor talk. .... ou~ recIpe. for %J~;=~~~;;ij;~;~~=::I=,buttoDll,Jl" nnli ali. IQI' IImDl








. -.






'l:he Annnal


. COmmon Pleas COurt. Aft~r a seoret deUberation of five days 'he G~!lnd J nry rQse Friday evening, having examl.n ed 66 .",It. nesses ooverlng 14 OAses. Eight In· · dio~ment8 were brooght. five of whloh were sealed. Six ca.sell were ignored. 'rhe two }>f'rsons indioted, · who Bre In the oounty jail are: .Owen Siookton and Walter Taylor. · Two ooontl 01 r&~ ' were found it-laeA 8, , " Il~ ~"hne Taylor is . held for ' 0 reakins ' and petit. jail wal examined g fouud to be in a. »atiefactory 00 Ulon excepting the hea'ing appar~tuR whioh was or· dered al\ered. \ Tbe work of the «rand jury this term was tqe heavi. it haa been for many years in any onell888ion. Court Proceedlnls. . Margare' Uregory vs. Ohio Eleo Railway Company. PlaintUJ being in default oase Is diamillied. . Lee Gregory VI. Ohio Electrio Bailway Co. Dilmi88ed for want of prol8Oution. . A . Baker HewiU VI. U.~. Mouuta, , at AI. Court granu platntU! leave file reply In 15 days. . R. Wilds GUohrl"', ad'Dinistrator VI. Sarah 14;. Jameson .t al. Leave ,ranted plaIntiff to tile reply in 15



days. Anna Lytle Sheets vs. Henry C. 8lnarY. Conr' orden plaintiff make petitio. more definite. ____ n_ I " 8 taM 0 f Oht0 VI. T~ DDr e . Pleads no' l11i1&y to abandonment of 'obild~ll and furntahea bond of 1500. 8&ate of Ohio VB. -Grant Smith. Defendant pleads gnUty &0 disturb. tni pa :l1l0 meeting and is ,eentenoed to a fine of ~2and OOItS. JobD B. vs. Calvin B. GrUbbe. P1a1Dtur ordered to reeov. ar from defendant amount due 1201.77.

New Suit Darold V. BeWs VI. Jefferson Reed. Petttlon &0 reoover money clatmed k, be due fot servi088 rendereda. da7.laltorer tn ..moun' of. 1880, and to &441"00 16,.j() &0 bave been ••.,.Ddect for of defendant. StaDley &. ~tanley, aUoltneye for


pial_tiff. LUlie EtSten v,. - Olyde Elaten. Pe&tatOD for divorce on grounda of

• d~te", exueme oraelty and groes Desi8ot. Plaintiffpr&'1s forrl8tora. "on ohnalden Dame of Meyer. . John H. lletlterman VI. OalviA B. (hubbe. Pe"tton ' for qloney on . promluory noM amount claimed · 'beUlg t2oo. L. 8.· Orlokmore and J. D. MUler, attorneys for plaln*Jfl'.

Probate Court. Estate of Eleaaor WhIte, bne· flotary.' 'Fourth aoooun' flIed by lieorpT. WhUe, trlll&88. . In matter of ee&ate of J08eph ti. Kev.e" d808lsed. WilUa. B. AUen and Erank'Bnndon' appoin~ exec" a&on at bond of ts600 -.oh.

. 1.'0 matter'of estat.e of Mary, Luoile and Myron Monger, minors. Upon application of Carrie .Monger, go!!r" dian leave Is graMed to invest inter. ests In seou.r e wu.y. In maUer of will of ISaIlo Garner d\1ceased. WilJ admitted to probat~ h!'istine Garner his r.lict take under w i l l . ' , Estate of Levi S. Lukens. deceased . First and final Ilocount filed . by p. O. Clagett, administrator. 'Estate of John Sh eer, deoeased. C. B. Deohant appointed Ildministra. tor at boad of 18000 with M. J. Hutohinson, Willard J . Wright and Milt Monfort IlS appraisers. Estate of Isaao Garner deceased Christine Garner appoln~ exeou: trlx at bond of t600. Inventory dispensed witb. Estate of George MoOlure, de. ceased. Geor"e L . Seyer, ap·p oint. ed administrator at bond of '1500. Ea'ate of Ji'relierica Houk, de. oeased. F1rstand final aocount filed William Franz, exeoutor. JilItate of Sarl'h J. Ooebler, de. cealed. Fir" Bnd final aooount filed by Charles P . March. Estate of Hepzibah Marlatt de. ' ceaaed. Distrlbu'ion of proceeds of sale oMered. Ettate of Mal'Y C. Brown, ImbeoUe J. T. E1Jis appointed guardian in lam of 120,000. . .


of tohe Endeavor nion II! to be 4eld tbis yoar iu cincinnati, JUDe 21-24. MU8io Ball will be tbe place of mee~ in g. Tbe proRram , that is be ' n~' prep(l'red will be at· 1 traotive to every typ'o of Obriijttan I worker. The enthuslastio Chri8~ian Endeo.vorer tLnd tbe oue who ougbt ' to be earn88~ wilt hll ve a ohanoe to go to sohool to Prof. Amol! R. Wells, I editor of t,he Ohristian Endeavor World, for tbree suooesslve morn· ings and learn the best methods of . the movement from t e ohief Christian Endeavor 8peolalhlt. Be· lides every department of tbe C. E. work ts to bave an bour in thA Rohoo} I of method by State IIpeOltLl1stq. Junior workers will have the speoial " help of Miss Lillian E. HtLyes, ~tate Junior Superintendent o f lndianll.


$1.75' Value lor Only $i.20 AU: ' FOR;









One Year's Subscription lor ~eCall's Magazine . Any 15· Cent MeCal~ .Pattern you may select One Year's Subscription lor Miami Gazelle Mccall's Magazine

I s a large. artistic. handsomely illustrated hundred-page monthly magazine. It con· tAins' sixty new Fashion Designs in each issue. Every woman ueed!! it Cor its up· fashions , entertain ing stories and c..'Omplete information on a ll home and personal topics, Over one million s ubscribers. Acknowledged the best Home and Fashion Magazine. Regular price. 5 cents a copy. Worth double,

McCall Patterns So simple

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cannot misundentand them. Absolutely accurate. In SlY Ie, irreproachable. You may select, free, any McCall Pattern YOll desire frOI1l the first num ber of th e maguine which reaches you. Regular price, 15 cents. YOII

Ooe of the best newspape rs in this part of the State. Give~ allll>e news that' s fit to print. Interesting and prol1:ressive. Indispensable in every Warnesville home. Regular price, Jl.OO per )Iear.

One of the novel fednres of the coming oon vention of the Obio Christian Endeavor Union, to be held io Ciuoinnati, June 21-24 . is the faot that a.ll of the sessions Ilre to Call at our office or addreu your order to THE MIAMI GAZETIE, Waynesville, Ohio be held tn one buildin g. Tbe grent M~io Ball hall so many smnll !'coma tha~ are large enongh for the viirious headquarters Ilnd oonferences that no time w1l1 need to bt' lost in going The Demon of the Air. FARM FOR SALE · from one meeting to llDother. is the germ of LaG rippe, that, JUNIOR RALLY-500 BILDREN IN breathed in. trings snffering to I will offer at P ..i vate 8ale 'he thousands. Its at$er etJe6ts are farm, known as the Engle ' Mills, OOSTU1tfFl. weaknsss, nervousn68l!, }"ok of ap petite, ensrgy and ambitloD, with about 3 mile8 northeast of New Bur· Eetate of 'Esther Brown, minor. At the oomlng State Christian disordered liver and kidneys Tb~ lington, Ohio. James R. Brown appointed jlaar. Ende~vor Convention to be held in greatest need then is Eleott'lo Bitten Tb'tlJ farm oon~ins 3t aorOR of dian bonel of 1~600. . Mosio Ball, Clnoinnati. June 21-24, l·be splendid tonlo, blood porlfier good land, part of it oreek boUom one of tbe most interss&lng features Bnd regulator uf Stomtlob, Ltvflr Ilnd 11.4_-.1 .. _ L . . Kidneys. Thousllnds have proved land, and it is adapted to rCli88Bll / ...... UI\A... icenaes. i8 ~o be the Junior lally. A special "hilt they wdnderrully 8~rength8D kind!! of grain. About SO aores of exeroise haa beeu written for the nervee, build up tbe system alld tlllable land, and a small .. monnt of Omar E. Blahop, 20, farmer of oooasion by an interested lady of restore beillth and good spirt's after ttmber. Thers Bre two hlluSe8 on Lebanon &0 Rosella Kay MoDant~llt, the Queen City wbioh will be par. !Ul attaolr of Grip. If suffermg, try thl81and, in gocd condition, with ]8, of Mason. . tioularlyappropriate to tbe SUver tbem. Only 500. Perfeot satlslaewells and all neo8B~ry o~t. Harry Ba_, 21., farmer of MallOn Anniversary Celebration. Five tion gnarllnteed by F~ed C. tIohwartz b.uildfngs. i8 also . a grave. to Blanohe L. Wl~ttunson, 11, <If hundred Juntors will take part tn it . • - • pH,of 'goOd qnality eraTeI, on the Mason. PUBLIC SALE farm. 8lLvma ANNIVERSARY OELEBRATION Terms: One. third cash down on Having sOld my farm I will llell at Real EItate Tranafen. day of sale i one-'hird in one year, One of the exercises of lpaoial in. Public Sale at my residenoe:aX miles 1 . A. B. Obandler to Frank Cook, terest to be enjoyed at 'h.e comtnK north of 'Lytle and 4 mtlos southeast and one-third in two years, seoured 20 .5 acree tn Wayne &ownahip tB85. oonvention of the Ohio Christian of Uentervtlle en tbe old WaynftS. by e. mor,t~ge on the llroperty . For further inform~tioo, can on or Morrow Brewing Co. to Morro~ Endeavor Union, in Cinolunatt, ville road on Brewing 00, of Delaware 19 aores June 21-24, will betbe Silver An. write. N. 8. Anthony, ia Salem &Ownahip, II. nivenary Celebration. it will be MondaY, May 2, 1910 Waynesv1l1e,Ohio:,• EI~er E. 8hee" to William Web· beld on Friday afternoon,' 'he 24th. ,BeginninR at 100'olook the follow. --s&8r ~hee", 10' in Springboro,l1. and will be under tie dtreotlon of ~ng proper tv : 1 horae, 1 oow, 6 FOGs FOR SALE J. 8. 8&on&8nboroulh 'a nd CiaI'll. tbe former General Secretary, D. A. f&edinl hOIlS, 26 »beep, 250 bnabets PUre-bred Barred Plymouth RQdc B. Siou&8llbor~h td O. O. Milee P,oltng. One of its ohief featarae bf ooro, 125 bushell! oats,,6 ~n. No., lot in FrankUll, II. will be the burning of t,he notes 1 timoth~ . b~y. 2 spring wagons, egiS for sale, SOc per 15. R. M. (JIara B. 8toutenborouRh .md J. 8. againstthe Union. . 1 road. wagon, 2 boggies. l 'sleigh, 2 Duke & Son, Valley -Phone 59-4X', .8to'!l~boroulh C. O. Miles, lot seta bOIRY h ar ll888,1 set lead harnees "Tovnesville, Ohio, R D. 4. In Franklin II. OO~NT10N !WSIO. Farm implements: mower, hay rllke, Josiah O. Rogers alt-er and For a number of years past Prof. 1 oorn-drlll,l breakiogplo'9\', 1 bult!. Ethel L. Gmy, let In Barveysburg, E. O. ExoeU of Chtcago has had va.or, 1 disc harroW,lltteel ,harrow, HENDERSON,M.D. t1. , oharge of _he mUlio at the SLate 1 hay fork, rope and pulleye, 1 plo.t,. LeaDl1a RUey and John W. Riley Christian Endeavor Conventions. form 8calee, weigllt 800 ibs. ; 2500 u .... Waynesville, Ohio. &0 Adam Roeaohand Mary E. Roesoh At'the CinoinDati Conve~ttoil, ' June lbe, fertilizer; 1 lot of hedge posta. It don't mike any dlrrerence Main Stree Vao' io Franklin 'ownahip 11900: 21-24 " his year;' he will ~gatn be the Butoherlng toola, 3 kettlea, 2 spiders, Valley Phone 153



"All Puffed

This is the Way Advertisers



Look wh~ they U


c. w.


mU8i~1 dtr89tor. Those who have lIard pr8ls; 1 t.ub. BlaoumUih·lind ~=~~~~~~=~~~~~ betlrd him say 'iThank You" in thre~ carpenter toots, cons';8ting in pttrt of Bms-B. E. Warwiok, mdae. for ()O&avee, know. what thie mean" 'for 1 anvil, 1 vice, 1 drill, 1 work benoh, WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES.

COmm....ooera' Proceedln &. I(

.~ 7 lumn ........ .. ~.


what you have to sell, we can sell it for you through the CI.... Ifled Ad Co(umn. Try it, • .nd lee

oour' hon:ee t2 70' Xenia Work. the 8inging. An added feature of saws, obisels etc, ; 1 ~o. qawn mow.

hoaae, boa;ding ~rlsoner durtng tbe muio i8 the aooompanyiug of er, 1 orOS8 ont saw, 3 etands of bees,

Sf. Augustine's Catholic Cbun:h. . Father Geol'lrl! Ma,enh~fer. PlUIlor , Karoh, 17.75; W. B. Whit-aore; Pro,. Oharlae H. Ka.r ch, Ilb~ut 8 doz. ohiokens. Honaebold Malls every second SnllllBy of lbe moutb ., bridge repair. Sarlal) &own'.htp, ' "oods: 1 oook 8tov~ BJld nten.~ls, 1 8 :00 a .• ill. . . t9.75; Bert Reed, ' b.r idge r~pairs, POPULAR .NIO~ S~IONS. ~~ttDg stove, 1 corner oupbOard, 'Deerfield t.oWD8blp, 111.40; Clark Tbe night 1888ion8' of the cnming I safe, 1 bed room lIalte, 1 lounge, . St. Mary'. Episcopal Churdl. Bev. J . F. QadwaJlClder. Rectqr. Nixoo ' .nd , John Camp, oontract, . Obio ~Jhrl8tian Endeavor 9<>nven. oha~raj ca~peta, dishea,.1 dinner bell, Sunday School. 9 :80 a. m _ Morma. aer· !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tI13.75; Leba.on 0 .. Oo~ , gall In 'ion '0.00 held In ptnoi~Datt. June ,\1110 ll~wn awing an!1 t lawn b,enoh. vlee. 10 :30 a. m. Holy Commnnlon \bo Iln~ SWldar ot each mouth. jatI. 1~.~6; Bimy lIurpl1y: .harpen. 21-24, tn 'MUlto' Hall, are to :be ad ' el. . . M188 RUTB SBO"~ ing laWn mower, II i Da~ P : Bone, dreeeed'by some oUbe mOltpop,olar , Terms-~lllumll of 5.00 and un· . Methodist Eplacopal Churda. . repair on. · ~ypewrtter, · t3.50. . Will platform ~peakel'il of the .dILY. "er,oa8h;evertbat,amo~nt, .aor'?dit Rev. B. ~ailey. Puto1'.. SundBy Scbool, 9: 30 a. Il10. Mornlnlt lIer· Wood, refunder for one ·dog, II '; Among them are UJ'. Ira lA.ndrith of 9 months given, by p~rohMer gtv vice, 10 :80 a . m. Epworth League. 1 :00 pstopped III 2DlDlnutell Valley Telephone Company, I'enta' 0 '( Naahvlll,,; Bon . .t. Frank Hat;iiy, iog note with 'approved 88OUtity. Ili. 'EvenIng ser~tce. 7: 00 p. m. Mldwtlelr lure with Dr. 8hoQp's Croup Remed,. On. P!"yer Mee~lng. : ,p. m . and toUa, 1!5.30; Central ' Union of Indiana'; Charles Stelzle,,.;,of New, J08eJ>h B. Sear.•. tes& w1l1 IUrell PJOnI. J _1..:.. •• _ .. No YOmJtlDlr. ; Dodu. Telephone Co., renta altd &oll., York; and George ' R. 8tuart, of A. A. MoNB;il,4uot • Christian Church. &r-. A, "'.and~~~ '11.35; H,.14 .. D.1l1, land appr~l ..r, Tennell8ee. . J. E. Himea <'-'letk. . Rev. IhO. TbomJllOn. PlUto!'. . 8UDd"y 8cboo1 8:.0 .. m, Social_tID., tI7.50; B. p. Lane, IIIU;O; J. R. • - • Lunoh stand r8118rved. lO;aO .. 10. 0hi1a~1an Endeavor. 7:011. p. ID • . . by putor every ' alternate SUDday'a' Blaey, 121'; J. C. 8&le, 1'5; Perry HINTS FOR RAISINO THe COLT STOR - (-eSa. 10. an4 7:301). m. ' ' Borden, 19•. 50; JI'red B. S'Ubbll, . , Hkkalte Friends Church. 146.50; T. F. MotAalnn, '49; B : P. Don't break the colt i train ,him. ., Early, 138.50; Estel 8nell, 194.50 i Begtn a8 BOOn lUI he ie born and pet, . A New \ ~ork banke.r s~ys over J!'lret Day Mef)tlnll':. 10 :00 a. m. F1nt Da, Sohool. 11 ·;00 a, m F~.urUl Day MeeUn•• Samuel Fox 171.2'; Alonzo 011.888- lead,-,eed and water him.· In 'fact, suppl~ of gold .isresponsibte ' for 10 : 00 .a. ~ . . i I- i W · ........ r H arvey, 117 50 i 'reeL' ,him' aI though he *ere ~ horse. bigh ; priQB8. . Why uot p~t 80me of d ay, $94.00 Orthodox Friend. Churdl. ' · !i'eaQh hiin what whoa, get up gee the gold in oold storage and ·let out R 11 L Lewi8 Drake, 163; . R. anda, Rev: Ben.ill.mln Bawt1n8, PlUlt.or, MeCM.L PATraNS 162.60 i Franols .Carroll, 'tal. 50 ; Z. and haw mean by g8lltly p~sh~nR, some pf tbeegg8? Sabbatb Scbool, 9:bo a, m. Re~ulat' c~..eb Ctil~"rRtcd 'lor ~ylcl_ re1'f~ct 1I'\...lmplldty.n<l 'h ..y' he . fS .. ..a t'o " go ; aernlae. 10 .DO · Elld8avor, rellabilily ncarly 4u Y'- f l. bI.ILI In •.lll: 1:<, ' 0 , Worley, 1240 60; W. B. fiuldll. hi' mew". ~ want ~ . ---.,. • , u m. ......rlatlan VI> .very city nnd lown in II". Un licd SllIt .• uII:1 . W 8 Wbita '169 liO E tlt~n when' old enough to work he Tht'l Univ:erslty of Cht.o ago now 17 :30 p. III ' C",nadil. or by.. muil tli rcc:. N ore . ,,·il 1I... n Gabann ... Oblo, ~~'~~ffrey: i Fr&n:r~~l1, 142. i . wih know what t. wanted of h~m: olalms sbe oredit from Cornell of ========i=====~ MeciL~~r ':~~~Zl~~' J ~ Ir~C' CIIU,luIIUe. Pebrual'7 17. lto.. • _ • Ge' t,lim used &0. tbtl b.lrDB88 by making ~e!l,8 Jay .rea,dy.dyed sgllB'· ' . :~;:"rn~~~WI~~~ ·fll. ':~'I'~~~~~hl~~I'L:~ ..t.~n..~refJo!P~::"t:::~ l::U~~~: ~~~ Saved from tho Grave. ad~lng a strap, at a time and to the Surely, the CoI.erate trlumpbs of • . , ,U ., , :1!1:1~!:ln~:~~:~;' n~".~~:~~~If:'I::;~~~t~: 1D7. cSau.btu. shane by f ..teillng poles on either :tbe oentury ar~. very npltfttng ~o.the ",.. A~IO"-~' : etiqaelle. · good "IOrr~,. c\c. Un ly IiO ~enh a .,.,. year. ago she bad unbearable "1 "Ad about "'iven ap hOnA after . ¥II> .~ • ysr.lworth double). Ineludlnr .• f. ce I"1llem. Datns tn Ilmba. The doctor treated ber UftK& .. . ..... ' side of him oooasionally..· Teaoh raoe. $ull..crl~e todar, .or knd.. for ,a"'plo cop,)'. tor about allt montbs without any re- nearly four years of IUffering from .' . Ohio W'O~"'EIl""" INDU....." ••- - " . It.f. Tben' we took ner to the hospital • severe ' lu'ng trouble," -rites him to draw by . putting on very , ," .' ~uA ......,.p I b"'I~·'". .. . . . . h 'Thlrty..atx million el18 held .' . Itl g'Clntl.. 0 5tl\ r ng. p~r>. ' um "~lnlcill_ '&IId the beat lIurgeon In the city operated "upon ber tor tub"rculoafll of the IIr8. M.L. Dix, of Clarksville, 'I'enn. light 10848' at fire' Ilnd hen.v1er,.. e .'" I , ~lIId ne.. 'tuh I'r!&eofl'ul•. A INn :. , bon.. Sbebut sottbe . llome tb. "Often 'he naiilinmy ohest woold gets naed toit. ·.- . . ' ,'. . OQldstOl'~gl1ef¥Oray.i,8!'Ur"llWht eljenthe.y, Va'U~y.· Phone p-.1 .~. 'mllcCw: co.III ....~_l'7IItI .... KEW'. . · . ., .operation. pain relief never from left ber. _ . . lib. eontlnued to grow worse. her· be almost Unbearable and loould A ooU handled 'i n tbis. wav will be a!e opene ._,) re s e y 0 ev!,.n !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~. ~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~!!!! '~ ..!!!!!!!~"~!!'~''!!!'!!!!.!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!~'!!!'!!_~_" awr.rln. ",811 unbearable un til laat td y -"!0' r'" but Dr. ' King's true and honest &8 he , will llever . t. "II ' thAn tb", of the"'o a n ., AU~.t, wbeW' we were advised to ·try no o.~ -, a 'bi I~el', 1m", , ~.~re~~~~f:' w~/ nt:t~c~~m: ~:r~:~ INlk~eWaDleoonewTeperr.,sho&8 befe:: know h~ ' is . biting malie ' &0, work .dal o.f kee~~bg t~em ,IJ~- long in t)~ ,~~~~--~~~~~ty n . i.~det:~,."'.nt ·lItnd up to this Ume· IIh. ' .... ", . ' . . ' .. ~ of PtluUO need ,... , . ~1aU ~.n ten b~ttles and IIhe Is per· m'e dioine made for the throat and· Be will ,love hill ~...ter ~nd 4"' " _ .'. .' " , .IeoUt welL Sbe III developln. and Ie , lungs."' , Ob8~t~ate . oougbs, stub- 'Ught in doJng wba'. h~.~ to~d~ 40, ',/ . ',. ", _ ;. .,.. . . , '.. ~m ooIds, h!'Y .. fever; .1, gri~peJ .while tbe one tbat fs &aken from the Th~' edUo~of 01\1, pa~ I.n~ralfy. 121 __ 1# /I, aethma, ., ~roul!' bron~hitil and A-I'd i " ilel.' ..-te· ~ll: t ," d: it 1V1ll,be .o1is8ryed, haye.qat& '~j!)llb. ~n.4Cb: hemol'J'h&l88,h9a~en~~~~ whoo~ &la , ~a w . ,,:.s_ f" . rea ,- an . n J, " • ", ' _ ". .,' • " Inl cOugh; yield qlliakly ~ t~ia woJi~ plunle, 8m~s~_ t~inga ~d p r01?atil y 1nl 'be ~~l edt~ou ,ho &a~~ 8gp. ,derf~ medtol.p'8.. Try it, ", 59" a'1d.,,~t loose·an~. "'~D away, ~.t'er 'lwliioh · ~n'tt!r &n.d.~~~~en. on , . II" 8b U I . t b ti k ' ". ' Trial boutee freel . ~Ulran ~ he is alway. ~ned ·' lor .. true&; aooo~~ •• lU.lJelle\ii!S thilt l~u~~~I~ !1t~lIe::\cn.!I!Cl~ teed F~ O. 8ohw~rt., '" ' hone . t 4 _ tH, "'o ruel to 'tr., Of,\f .....b .eR.. or .ib.' 'ftllg·oh • -IIIIIUIL ' -Aa ant one trom t/lere 'ubout' ,'" ' • ._ • [ . ' , \' . ~.:.. ~ .. · ." ..... ~ will ""clothat 'no one ' ln .: . aoolttblll u.henevel'Jaao.w awbat e~lII:worth·'.P-..~vJ'lll.a-·"·I.'1 h i " of Qbto .taness SIll' bISher.. EVery ,. she h.. II"wan. . .10 f Illm. . .U..... ~-.b..:.1l to . . . 4at'- me"hftnl. ~tll"" raooV817 Ie tb. ,,-onder . •girl . Uk. to '.. ..L__ _nllnu.r OJ ~-....:

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W~lt. fo!' bQotl.t whtch D~yer beeD.~ tn love al~.h Ibe may ha~ ill love ... ~.. '~ .,lltiollD" 'Wq&e4~' -.


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Read F . Schwa rtz' ad t.his wce k. I_ - - - _ - - ,.; - _ _ -:-0 -------. has plenty of bal'gains the time. I t Social Events I_ Ot the:::~c ~:~:~:f W ayne I-P;;;n~IM~~ti=He;--a~d-Th;r~i Mrs. : Former Citizens I Emerson Mason underwent 8 :1 ______ .. , , ___ ------+-- --+ very serious operation at Miami Val· - ---..-..-- -- -- - --- .-., rownship, to beheld in the O. O. Hall, Waynesville, Ohio, on May Frank Pratt was in Lebanon last Miss E th el Stokps was a Lebanon





Our old friend, A. D. Haines,

F. - - - - 12. L91O. E verybody is cordially invited Wednesday. to Ifattend. Manon . H amI'It.on, 0 f Lebanon, was ' k. t t 'n spring wor IS no 00 pressl g, in town Friday. parents are urgently requested to come and apend a part of the day Mrs. Geo. Hawke was on t he si ck a t. least, wi t h the chilciren in t hiB list last wee.k township exhibition of their school Miss Katherine Alexander was in work. Beginning at 10 Il. m., th~ Cinci nnati Sunday. forenoon session will cl)nsist mostly . of memorial exercises in accordance Milton Thompson spent Sunday with the request of State School Com- with relatives in Xenia. . . J W . Zell er. C. T . Ha\f k e an d f amI'1 y we re mISlloner,. At 1'30 . 0 ay t on VISI " t ors Sa t u rd ay. . p. m. th e a fte rnoon sessIon ... ill, consist ing of exercises by Mr: and Mrs. C. H. Clements we re th~ pupIl. of the schools of the town- shopping in Dayton Friday. shIp and also an address by Rev. 'Floyd Poe president of Lebanon Reamer Reed, who has been qu ite University.' ill with typhoid fever, is imp rovir.g. Miss Leah Smith, of Cincinnati, is The noon period will be spent so· cially, eat~n~ din~Qr a~d viewing the visiting at her parental home her e , schoolexhlblt,whlchwillbearranged . . .. . th I 0 0 F b t Mrs. EdIth HarriS and MISS Ed Ith mE e .t·h'· '. 'f anqcu e room · Mosher were Dayton visitor s S t vell~ 109 IS lee. ome an d a urbrina- your dinners. . Come pr~pared day. . ' to spend t he da,y WIth the children. ' Mlsses Alma and Anna Clements . See some of theIr wor k. Encourage were week-end guests of Lytle relathem by y~ur intel'~st and presence tivea. I at the closmg exerclses of the s~hoOI I Mrs. Eva Miller and daughter y~athr. Cometh and WI one ano e. r, get acquamted Ruth, Iwere . week-end ' guests of Dayton re aUvea. E H Col ' S t _ _ _..'__ '.. Vln. up. H , C. Ridge, of Cincinnati, who


OilY ton , writ~s us as follows:

We are in usual health and enjo~ our new home very much. As Waynesville has contributed very lar ge, ly to the population of this ci ty . we meet old fri e ndtl Quite freq uently.


, "




Bert Rober ts, who lives in Denver, . Col., while working around a Htation ,

ary engine a short time ago, caught his clothes some way in the machinery and he was thrown down, breaking an arm and a leg, and otherwise badly bruised At last accounts he wa.., getting along as well u could be expected - - -... - ..- - HIGH SCHOOL BALL The Waynesville Hi went to Spring Valley Friday and defeated them in . ' a lO-mn.ina- .came by the score of 7 to 6. Sprmg Valley Hi tried hard to win, but Waynesville had too great a lead in the start of the game for them -to overcome. Wa~nesville Hi plays a picked up nine of business men Friday afternoon Oakdale - park ____ _ _


DR. J. S. MARTIN Osteopathic physician, of Xenia, Ohio, will open a branch office in Waynesville, Ohio, if a sufficient be . h to tak tm nu.m r WIS . e trea ent. WIll co~e to WaynesVIlle on, Tuesday and FrIday of each week. Those h •h k . w 0 WXIS ~ tOah~ treatments wrIte 10. me a t enla, .. _ • PRESIDENTIAL TRAIN


visitor Sat.u rday, Mr. lin d Umrs. J . Day ton Monday.

ley hospital. Dayton, last week. Mrs . F unston , Miss Emma CartThe carload of Port land cement wright , Miss Lizzie Stewart and Miss Dora Ell is were guests of Miss Mollie hal!' arr ived. Call'and ask prices. W. H. Madden & Co. Bispham at dinner Sunday,

. . H aw k e were In

Miss Cl ar~ Ha wke was a week-end visitor in Day ton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hartsock we re Springboro visitors Sunday. O. W. Hamilton was in Dayton Sunday visiting his children. Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Brune r, were Mason visitors Saturday and Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Allen visited f riends in F rankhn Snuday afternoon Mrs. Chas. Cornell is home after a pl easant visit with relat ives in Day· ton. MiS»' Hannah Harper, of Spring Vall ey was the week-enl ) visitor of her fri end Miss Pearl Colvin. Mrs. J. H. Caskey, of Lebanon, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cad Nallad er and other friends here last week. Geo. Og lesbee, Miss Josephine Og lesbee and Miss Emma Hawke were visit ing friends in 'Middletown Saturdai.

J , B, Chapman and Emmor D. Baily started . for Mont.ana Tuesday , wh ere they will buy a lot of Western horses. L. A. Zimmerman went to Cincinnat i Sunday, where he met his mother and accompanied her home Monday ~venin g. Mrs. Sarah Zimmer man a rri ved home Monday evening, after a visit of several months with her son Roy and family, in Califor nia. Walter McClu re is adding greatly to the comfor t of his home by pu tt ing in ha rdwood stairs and enla ra-. his pa rlors and office .

Mr. and Mrs. , Knowles Conn, an d son, Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ridenour and child ren, Charles and Mildred, of Spring field, were weekend guests of Israel Satterthwaite and family.

- - - - - +-- - -

CHRISTIAN CI1URCH Preaching a t 10:30 u. m. and 7:30


Mr. and Mrs. Owen Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Butterworth and g randson Gilbert spent Sunday with Mr . and Mrs. ErTlest Butterworth. ____ , Mrs. Clark Funston, Misses Martha Burnett and Emma Cartwright were g uests at a dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Retallick's last Saturday. - -Mrs. H. E. Hathaway very delightfu lly en ter tained the Card Club lut Thursday afternoon. Delicious refreshmen ts were served in twe courses. MissEmma Cartwrightentertained Miss Kezia Merritt, Miss Georgia Hadsen and Mistl Lizzie Stewartat supper last Fridar evening. in honor of her guest, MrB. Funston. of Yellow Sprinp. --. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell entertained t he following guests Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawke and granddaughter, Glenna, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke, Mrs. Eva Jones and Miss Ethelyn Jones.

has been quite aick the past week, is Read Wal ter Kilbon's ad in this is- p. m.; Bible School a t 9:80 a. m.; very much improved. sue. You will certainly find some E ndeavor at 7 p. m. Warren County Pomona Grana-e. ' b . d h' d The Bible School and morning ser. I . S t d A Jolly party of young people rar e argalns, an e oes exactly as vices will be I'n honor of our mothers. met m regu ar BeS..'lIon a ur ay, . . h d t' ' April 30, 1910, with Mason Grana-e. s~ent Sa~urday n~ght mformally e ave r Is es. Special music will be rendered. Each After the usual business the m s- With Henrietta McKmsey. Mrs. C. A. Perry and son, George, one is requested to wear a white Mr. and Mrs. B •. S. EIov.:eU and . . y . ' t d f ' d . C· · . I .. All Rev. and Mrs. BenJ. Hawkms and terles of the fIfth degree were con- Ml' T'loah Chapman and daughtpr VISI e rlen s 10 mcmnatl severa l flower to the mornmg seNlcea. d ht H I toed V· fer red upon a class of six in a very MiSl Mary of New York are 9pend~ I days last week. Mr. Perry joined I mothers are requested to be pre!'ient Maugd er,. het eton, atu d to len!la ' , them on Sunday . h th b f th h h on ay mg, a ten a surpnse impressive manner. several daLYs with relatives here. weer mem ers 0 e c urc or t . f M d M T " . not. Each moth""r wl'll be presented par y gIVen or r. an 1'8. erA reeess was th en taken to W h I'ch M T C . d FI d Mrs. Carl ServIs. MISses Jenme. . "'. re11, of that. place. Mrs. Terrell wu all preaent gladly accepted the invi· rs .. ' ummmp an son oy, Cook and Loraine Hamilton of Leb- WIt h a whIte ca!natlon a~ the door. formerl Miss Ma H wk' The presidential train went through tation of Pomona to participate in of Xema, were guests of Geo. i T esd h ' A conveyance WIll be furnished free y ry a Inll. spent u ay at t e homes of . Th ompson and f ami'1 y Iast Th ursd ay. anon, Corwin Tuesday mom ina- at 9:03 a. m this usual feast. h ' h to any mother not bemg able t o att Ellr parents ere. d h . 'f' h b A theater party composed of enroute. t.o Cincinnati. Quite a numAt 1:30 they resumed labor in the Mrs. Sarah C. Allen, Miss Emm _ . , t en ot erwlse, 1 elt er t e p~~r Misses Donna Hawke Luel ber of cItIzens went over to Corwin Fourth d.gree and the report a of the d M' Left' M K - ed h me f The GUIld of St. Mary s Church or supermtendent, Mra. Sue DaVIS IS ' la Cornell, IS8 P ltela b c ayFalrrJv F .od will meet Thursday afternoon a t the notified. St~Jla Lemmon. Alma W~terhouse, as the train made a stop , but were different .......n show an increase afn , •• - • rom St • e rs urg, a. , rl ay h k A' .. E<hth Mosher I'.dward RICks Har not fortunMte enough to .ret a .rlimpse in interest and memberahip The . ! orne'! 0 f ' M rs. George H'" ar ..'30c. Chlldrens chorus will smg for the ' , -' of Pra,ident Taft, who was break- lecture hour in charge of' Sister evemng. . full attendance is desired. mothers. ve! Rye,. Ronald .!lawke a~~ Ralph fasting at the time. In this car Debold, of Morrow, was f more Mr. ~d Mrs. AJlen W. HaIDeE. an.d Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Retallick, Mothers prepare to come. MJJle~Wl~e88f~ h St. Elmo at Lebwere Admiral Dewey, Gen. Knox, than usual interest. After a very two children were guests of theIr Mrs. Sarah S'm ith, Mrs. Thad Zim• - . \ anon on ay mg t. _ Secretary Hitchcock and ot hers. profitable day the meeting adjourned gr~ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen , merman and daughter, Ruth, were DEATHS to meet with Morrow Grange July Hames Sunday. "shopping in Dayton Mondav. Mrs. Nancy D. Stoops, widow. of Mr. and Mrs. Ottd' Ho~ick cele• - • J .. J. Crumley, of the E~periment I Farmers, attention! Get our prices Wm. Stoops, died at Lebanon Thurs- tbhra.ted the. fifteeMnthdanmvMersary °df PARISH MEETING 80th. . . . Those present from Waynesvllle Stat Ion at Wooster. OhIO, spent on Binder Twine Machine 0 '\ A I day night and wall brought here Frielr marnage on ay, ay .2n . The annual pansh meetmg of were: Mrs. Ella Hisey, Mrs. Grace rhursday and Friday with MI'!!. r' G P ' G' d ChI, ~ e d d tak to M C I ' I At noon an elegant five course dmner S.t . .Mary's Churc.h was held Monday S trawn, '\... Mrs. Lena ' H artsocl\, 1_ M'ISS Ed'It h H arrls . an d f ann'1 y. rease, Sarls reen amp Ion Th ayan ent t kcure 'I' b ' wan J K ' lb . te I spar Sat ors. d was served and th e occasIon was' a evenin.r. The reports of the differ- 0 S J H' W 0 acco prayers. • . 1 on. e m rmen 00 pace ur ay . b na trawn, 01. lsey, arren Misses Edith Mosher Stella Lem. t M" te R very enJoya Ie on.. The &11eata ent treasurers and the rector show Keys and Ross Hartsock L II C 1\' M H . Those who attende:l the funeral JmoFrDlCngda Illdaml ceffim~ t ·r y· Sehv. were Mrs. Mary Hornick, of South the condition of the church to be •- • • mMon , ue: E ~me r. a~: of Miss Suda Heston, at Springboro . . a ,,:a a Mer, °AdcSlatomg. e Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. ebas. satisfactory. Tle vestry was alec'tTHE BAND CONCERT osh er an t an .rane atten . Sunday are as follows'. A. B. Chan- was a cousm 0 f r. ops. G ts' fD t M F II ed as follows: W. H. Allen Senior the ball game at Sprmg Valley Frt- dl M EI' H' 'M W E r e ma-er,o ayon, rs. ane, , . d afternoon er, rs. Iza ames, rs. . . Miss Suda Heston, aged 56, died Mrs~ Graham and son, ¥rs. Gorham, Warden; J. H. Coleman, Jumor The band entertainmen't , at School ay . O'Neall, Elihu Underwood and wife at her home in Springboro, Thursday Mrs. McCormack, Mrs .. Anna ~IetchWarden; E. V. Barnhart' L. A. Zim- HaU thurSday evening, was of an Among those who went te, Cincin- Edwin Chandler, J. M~ Keys and night. The funeral took place at er: 14r: and Mrs. ~hrl8 Gretsmger, merman, C. G. Williamson and D. exceedingly high order in every de- Ilati last Sunday were: J . C. Hisey, wife, J. E. Janney and family, Mrs. her late hom e Sunday afternoon at MIBS MIldred GretslDge~, Mrs. Engle L. Crane. • _ • tail. Raymond Conners, Wm. H~ines, W. Emmor Baily, Mrs. Lina Devitt, Ed 2 p. m . She was a member of the and. Mrs. S"rah Gretsllla-er, aU of NEW GROCERY FIRM The band was at its best, and all E. O'Neall, Wm. Stroud, F. C. r.arey ,l'·urnas.and wife, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Friends church. Interment was Xema. were loud in the praise of the good and Ernest RobinsQJl. Wright. ' . . hased th work they have -done this winter. made a t Spring~,!o~ Sunday, Mr&y ~st, was the 22nd an. H avmg purc e grocery. Little Hazel Reed, t1au ...hte.. of Mr. . ' f th . ' f M - -store-ot c:1I. Clem.ents, I am now and Mrs. Dr~"'e R"-.l was- the'\ brl' ht Wayne Township's Cand.·date for Co. DID YOU ORT AN INVIT,ATION mversary 0 mlllTtage 0 Tready to serve all hIS customers. and "'~'. g , Recorder and Mrs. Nur Brown. They made rd'all I 'te th bl' t ' star of the e/emng, she haVIng to H. C. Ridge, of Cincinnati, presi- remembrance of the f~ct by inviting co 1 y f n~l. e pu IC 0 respond several times. dent of the Waynesville High School Mrs. Brown's brothers and their a share 0 t .Ir patronage. We In. Th b d . ts be t ~40 AlumnI' has I'ss',' ed cI·rcula· r letters to wives, from Indiana to spend the tend to keep the store up to ita past . e ~n recelp was au", , .. I '11 k thO b whIch will leave them a neat sum for all the members. Mr .. Ridge i.• en_ , daywitht,hem. All were on hand d d d ta s nI.._-t ar an ' t rou ble. ta I WI d feep no 109 . ut th elr / deavoring to make thIS alumm one , an d at· 1 0 cIock th e. heavy c~owd sat t he ~ s Th p e an ancy Ban d mas t er F . H • F arr has tak en d t heavy dmn er wh lC h was 'II bgrocerIes. 'th of the best , and if you do not get one I ,own 0 a . Mr. J ~II bomPlsodn WI e WI us great pains with the work, and of these letteI'T6 it is because he : neatly served 10 three courses by the ~d we WI ega to serve you , . d' b th' I '. th ey WI'11 . Geor~e H. Hawke. J~ glllg Y elr ~ aYIll~, could not pl'Ocure the cor rect address . gran d children . . We say th e h eavy _ _ _... _ • gIve us good musIc th18 summer and he will be glad to bear from any crowd without fear of contra~iction, POST.cARD SHOWER - - - - . - ...- -one who did n'o t receive the letter, or Ifor the five brothers and theIr partSCOTTISH lUTE MASONRY notify Mrs . E . V. Barnhart, Waynes- ners made an average weia-Dt that ville. left the 200 mark in the shade. Mr. Saturday being Mrs~ Saml. Smith's 'I"" I t k' D yto 'thessecl - - -.. - -and Mrs. crown were the recipients d k' dl .ue as wee 10 a n WI · thd ay, her man\' f' bIt rlen S ' . gath' . i l lhY th e grea t es t Masontc ermg ever THANKS HIS CUSTOMERS of a number of nice presents. remem bered ber by s h ower 109 er hId" . 'ed e III th e at at e, at. the Temp Ie 0 f Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. with post-card s. She recelv one th~ Valley of Ohio of Dayton. Three . H . Clemen~, ~h~ough the COI-, Albert Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Henry hundred and twelve cards. Mrs. d tak ·th th k u mns of the MIamI GazeLte, takes Kendall Mr and Mrs Harmon Ken.h k I I b ays were en up WI e wor S"It was ta en comp ete y y sur- Wed d Th rsd d F'd this means o~ thanking his ol~ custo- , dall, M:. and Mrs. Jo~l K~ndall. Mr. . Sh '11 a I b nes ay, u ay an rl ay. pr~ae · '1 e WI f h WI~fYS remem er The Master ad Vitam, or the twenme rs for theIr custom and kmdness and Mrs Will Kendall from New thIS ml_ eatone t'Ie th degree was worked f or the fi rs t , _ _0... _ er• I e. durin~ all the time since he has be:n Castle, I~d.; Mrs. Ama~da GaUimor., in. busme~, and hopes th~t they WIll of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. time in Ohio. BIBLE WOMAN'S SOCIAl:. still contmue to do busme811 at the Sh"rwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eo Ed_ _ ' This meeting is notable' on account old stand. __ • wards and son, Herbert, Misses The C. E. Society of the Christian' of lOcal men taking the degrees. Church will hold "A Bible Woman's", Those who took it were: Jacob TresPUMPKIN SRED FREE Mary and Ellen Sherwood and WALTER KENRICK Social at the Masonic Hall. Friday sler Ellis, James Edwin'Janney, AmHoward Sherwood. . Farmers desiring pumpkin seed ,All returned to their homes Monevening, May 6th, at 7:80. Music by brose Maffit, Charles M. Robitzer, the orchestra. H~freshmentsserved; Lawson ~bbe~te Zimmerman, of ~,alter ~enrJck, Wayne To~- (',Qunty may rest assured th"tthe free can obtain them free at A. B. day morning except Henry Keadall Adminion 100. Children under 15 WaynesVille, and Warren ' CharleS ship s CandIdate before the Republ~- Recorder's office will be well k~pt as Sides', Waynesville, or the .grocery and wife, who extended their viait years lOco Everybody invited. , Penea, ot Sprina-boro. can Primary to be held May. 17. 1910, itshould. stores at Harveysburg. ' until Wednesday of this week. - --'-'.___• •.... • was born and 'r eared in Wayne TownHe i~ makina- a splendid campaign Eavey Packing Co., ' WAS BADLY HURT N'E W GRAY tt~RSE "SCHOOL, DAVS" ship, and is 40 years old. Mr. Ken- and the Republicans of this· partof ' , , , , rick has a wide acquaintance through- the County are giving him ,their loy• _ ~ Xenia. O. A. Maffit Wal out last week w.ith a It will 119t be long unt.. the "sweet out the (:Ounty and is favorably al support. . MASHED A FINOI;R' Frank Corneli, son of SamJ. Corflne dapple gray horae, which he pur~ girlilraduate." and the ','young man known, especillliy in 'this section ' Mr. Kenrick has had a ' practical n~)), o~ Mt. ,Holly, who b5' employed Dr. H. E. Hathaway is , carrying at th,e Dllt<tonia hotel in· D&y'~on, feU . ,cha8ed from Mr. Jos. Miller, of oratpr" will be heald. The W,ay,nes- where heia highly respected for ' his business experien'Ce and is thor.Sprintboto. He -is. han~lO~e ani-' viUe, , L~tJe, and HarveyatiW'C'achools alerlina qualities as honorable, oughly competent .to filJ the posi- his ,h and,in a sling, the .' result ef one ,down an:elevator, shaft at that place mal and Mr, Maffit is v~ proud of win be out Yay 2Oth,the township energe~c and capable y~UDg man, tion and wilJ l11ake a good Re- of his flngers being caught in a door Frid81, and wu ~ly b~ ,md hiat. ~ . IICbooJl",11th. " _ ~~ if e~ected. the people of Warren corder. an. severely rnashiJ1&' it. ,shaken up. I










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The Miami Gazette , D. l. CRANE, I


0111 F~RMS _

agriculture s how s a strange <:ontrast. Wltb tbe prlco of rarm prod· ,icts higher tban ('v r befor.e, farm land has depreclatcd In "n lue, and tbe iIlumber of abandoned fnrms s tclld ll y In creases. Figures gnth r 'd b)' th on· een'atlon comml!islon are 8I1rpr l ~llIg . It is shown tl111t th r a re 16.000 sQunre miles of abandoned rarms . chi efly In New Engla nd. New -rorle. t he sOlltheast an d the mllldip \'cntrn l states. That Is. tllerc nre In the nited States at pr('s('lltl0,OOO.000 or-resot abandoned tarm Innd - an aren n8 largo as the cuit lvnt >d part of t he CanadIan north· ",·est. 15 tim es the ~ I z or Rhode IsJand . (our tim 's t he size of onn ecl!· cut. t wic th e s lzo of lITassachuse tts, or haI r as larg as Ob lo. says loveland Plai n Denlcr. Of tbe ma ny rea60ns advanced to explaIn thls d sertlon of farms, two or threo are especially worth noticing. Most Important of all, perhaps, Is tlle waste rul system or cultivation that lIns so long JlrevnUed . In tbe United Stat es. A fertile soil bas In countless cases been exbau sted by taking everything trom it and returning notblng to It. Add to thIs the fact that there Is a marked tre nd of popunmon trom city fo coun· 'try, and that farm labor has become 110 ex pensive as to leave little profit from the work of a laborer, nnd It 18 UtUe wonder that so many owners of farms do not care to culUvate them. ~merlcan




..... bird, were .In,,lng, the .~Iea were 'g ay ; t teoked from the window on meadow and wood, On gr.en, green gr •• a that the .un whlte~ ISeyond the river the mountain atoodBlue was the mountaIn, the rIver waa brIght; I looked on the land and It not good, For my own dear Love .he had flown away, - RIchard Watlon Glider,



A dl spntch froUi WlllOlp g. .b l, IllIted Mar ~ "

Thllt ; rllluuy Is "n n.\ iou. to accnrl' u ti llar of a nadi nll whellt to supply 11 (' 1' 1m· llOrtll of th nt ce rea1." 'I'll l'C'eCllt ndjust DI,' nt of th ,t m il l' l' 'lallulII; wit h ,() rmnny hus mad e it possible to ('orry 0 11 11 Canudlau-U 'rlllan IIlud w ltb lUlI('h f"w er r!' !;trldlnlls thnn ill the lm st. and cOII" ldc rnlJlo d 'H IUI'III Ilt or tl'Uc\L' l)clll'C II I h(' two :Ollu t rl 1'8 III nuw c'l'tl\in. Th !;1'1>at 111 ('11 of til e 1 nit ' d Statl's nrc nlll'e to Ihe \\' h t' at SllllfltiOIl III tltl s Olllllry IIn w , lind Iher ' hi ('On Sl'qlll'lIt1y tht' Il l'l' J1l' ~ l hlt pr st In ev 'lT [l'l1l1ll' thllt will l'lId to Inrre.a!;e uUll (' OIl S (>T\ ' (> lhe whrat !;1IJ1Jlly. \\,ith It s pre:;II IlL l i ~.ll. 000.000 IJush I pro(\ III' t\o ll of \\'h"al an:.! 11 11 efforts to ill('l' c a ~ o It allllust III1 :lVUi llllg. an I ~ Il e 1'I\J)lcJ ly I-:ro w \lI ~ OIJtWII11l11on of Its ItH'n' lI s ing 1")1111 111 11011 . th,'re Is cf' l'tnlllly til l' ,1;1'1' 11 1 ':::It renson [01' til Ullxl ply [Ill to wh {'l' \~ till' II'lll'at iii to cOlne fl'om thut will f 1'1I th · uation. 'fhe IIlled swtCI:I wil l b l'or('('d as G rlllllllY Is 10 look to thf' \Vh atfleltls of '1llInda. One Ilrovinco a lone rllis d Insl y nr on~ eIght h lI ' much as the e uLirl:! tlroduclion or the Uni t 'd States, ami \)nt a III' · Ifth of the wh at urea hns y ~ t \.)(·('n louc hed. The Americans w110 hlll'fI go n\' to Canutlu. arc to·day n' ll llin~ th ben fit ot the demand for Cumuli · an wheat a l111 th y will conUIIII(' to join in the ben fila tliliS r acbl'd fo r a greut many years. Splend id ),i('11I8 IIro reported from the farm s of \ hat ('ollnlry, and from land that th e Gov· ernment glve,\ away In 160 a r block ... and Crom otb r lands thnt tin v b ('n purchased at trom '1 :! t o SHi nn a cre. Jobn Munter, n ar j~ye· brow . Saskatcbewan , a form or reAlclt' ut of Minnesota SUY8 : "Last tall got ov'r 30 bu sh I!< ot wheat to the nere and had 30 11 res of It: also 20 ncr S Sllrlng br Illtlu g on which 1 had fl ax or wh Ich I got almost 20 bushels per acre. Hncl 20 acr s In out!! a nd got 70 busbels p r uC'r and 500 busbels potatocs on on IIl1cl thre · Quarler a cr . nnd CUn there'fore sM Iy say '.hat 1 had n fin crOll and Illll. well satls fl.ed wllh my hom Sl 'ud," 11 e 18 considered but n small farmel', hut he wlll be one of tit big farmers, some of t hese dllYs. The re aro many oUH'rs. hundreds of others, wh of\ yl f'lds were beyond thi s , and whose ay rage under crop WIlS va slly greut' r. The stor y of th ex p rlence or Am rlcan fnrm rs In the CanadIan W !It Is a lon g one. 'rh time to go. wOllld appear to be now, when f\plendid II lectlons may be made, IIntl wh(lro land can b purchased at prlc 1\ thut w1l1 be doubl il In a coupl or y 81'S.

Proving the Answer By CLAUDINE SISSON

.--================================ Amoug bl s fellow8 . E:lIsv.·orth Ferry 'll'as accou nted astroog man, unafraid, cool and daring. He bad had to be a ll this In order to make the tremendous success wblch bod been his s ince be bad stmgglcd up frOID nothIng to emInence and wealth . Yet with It all. there ~as olle thing Ellworth Ferry was afraid to do. He was afraId to ask hIs wife a question. It did Dot seem possIble tbat an yone could be In fear of Eunice; sbe was so fragile an d appealing and beautltul. Yet th ose very Qualities lay at the bottom of Ferry's cowardice. She had crossed bls vIsion during one of his rare hills from business, and be bad been 'Instantly entranced, deeply In love, and thereupon set about bls wo~ Ing In hIs usual wblrlwlnd way of d~ tng things. He was Hand thlll IIlender ilrl with tbe wonderful deep-blue eyes, fascinating laugb and begulllD, little way. wall only 23. Always laugblng, never aerlou., Eunice had accepted hIm, amlllngly, calmly. Hla own great joy had been ao overwhelmlDg that he bad . not thought much about her matler-ofractness. Afterward, he bad wIshed IIhe bad been a little tremulous, more thr\lled by tbe occasIon. He bad cared 10 mucb tbat It never lIeemed otherwIse than that she. too, felt aa he dId. A casu~1 word had slarted hIs whole trouble. On tbe club veranda be had stood by Idly while two women he kn ew were talkIng. They were dIscuaslng a p08slble matrImonIal al· llance, and one ot them, a stout woman of many bangles, bad crIed out In dIsgust at some comment of her fri end. "Marry blm ! " she repeated. "or course she'll marry hIm! What If he Is old enough to be her rather and a terrible crank? He's got money, my dear, beaps of It. Any girl would marry him!" Tbe words repeated tbemllelves dis· agreeably In Ferry's ears all tbe rest of the day. He knew not when he had begun to apply them p'enOnallY. ' The Question was, had Eunice marrIed blm for bls money? Would she bave laM

himsel f up more In hlsll bt'a ry. leavi ng he r free Ilnd he was qu ee rl y hurt that she sl1 ll gree t · d hIm smilingl y lind mad e no comm nl. " ell, If relle v· Ing her or hIs presence did not mnke her unhappy. It shou ld be a conclusive aJls w r to hI'S unspokt'n question. Yet Ellsworth F rry fought th con· vlctlon, clung 10 lhe remnant of bl. old ballpy fallh In ber arrectlon . Not tbnt by word or deed had EUllice glv· ell him grounds to quesllon her 101'e for bim .. but that only added fuel to his rankling suspicion . Onoe. brushIJlg his ba lr, be s topped, appall ed at tb e silver s been of his temples. the stern lines In bls fllce . He was middleaged, growing old. She was just a girl. Why sbould she have cared tor blm? She certainly could not bs ve cared for him! There was a tragedy In bls face as be turn ed about, and Eunice saw It. "What Is It, Ellawortb 1" ahe bad asked, feartully. He hsd taken her by the slloulders and looked deep Into ber eyes and then turned away, the question unRelle hunter& have heen oreaktDg spoken. Strangely enough. feeling asInto ' tbe church where President Taft sured ae he did that she had done so, worships In WashIngton. During tbe be still relt he could not Insult ber by past year It has been twice necessary asking he r to put In words the bald to rebuUd the president's pew, and It fact tbat sbe had married hIm for his money. He found her surveying him Is no ' longer safe to leave the hymn thoughtfully, quietly, after that, and .,ooks In the rack or the cushIon .he did not laugh so much. She lIeemed bn the lIeat after tbe chlet executive always to be slipping out of sight, unbas attended servIces, says Chicago obtrusll'e 'w hen he was about. Record-Herald. So many books and Tblngs bad cbanged In the Ferry cUllhlons have been carried away that bousehold In tbe two years since pmclals of the churcb now take everytheIr marriage; the old light beartedthIng that Is movable from the pew as ness had gone and tbe mistress of the 800n as the presIdent flnlsbes his debIg place wall paler and Quieter. votions: Cannot somethIng be done to tbough sllJl smiling, while tbe man who owned tbe pHe of granIte Bnd lesaen the hardship that Is thU8 put marble was sterner, more absorbed In upon the relic hunters? Why not furhIs business, always courteous. but nIsh a plank tor the president to sit mucb to hlmselr. The lover Into wblch on when he goes to church, and then Ellsworth Ferry bad bloomed so Budleave It for tbe relic bunters to wblttle denly, 80 completely, had vanillhed, up and dIvide among themselves? forever, he told hImself, grImly . By havIng It made or Borue kInd of Nearly every disaster has It II resort wQod the comfort of the presldeeming lights. When his automobile d!!nt and the convenIence of the relic chose to blow up wblle Ellsworth Ferry was traveling at 8 reckless hunters would both be provided for. IIpeed to see some new properties and Wo are a great people and ought to be was picked up as dead at 'flrs t, It be able' som~bow to _ tee our relic seemed a solution of all bls problem!! bunters from feeling that they are be· and worries. . Ing deprived of theIr rlghtll. Bllt he was not dead, and wben he began dimly ' to noat bock to earth News of grim, red-bandeel war comes he noticed someone beside his hospl· to us trom New Orleans, where the retal bed. Always wben be opened bls tail grocers, backe,d, we suppose, by eyes she was tbere. He dId not try the moral Influence ot the druggists, to think wbo sbe was. She never stirred except at times to mo\'e tbe the marketroen, etc., are about to ap· fan above hIm or to lay a cool hand peal ttl tlle legislature for a law proon bls hot head. He grew to expect hibiting lugnappe and makIng its to see ber tbere and the vision never practice ~ misdemeanor, flays New failed him. York Sun. Lagnapps Is a picture8Que On one of the days when he kept r~ survival, tbe bestowal upon small purceding from everythIng on horrible eb'asers of trivial donations, regulated waves of suffocation be heard bel' cry hy the sIze ot the transacU~n, or gum· out once a low, despaIrIng cry, a cry drops, candy. and the like. They have wrenched from the depths. Someone had at once taken the despaIring tried to flght It by combination and voice and carried It away, tbougb he mutual agreement, but have failed. tried to come back Bnd stop tbem. Some of tbem would not "tote ralr." Then when ngaln he opened his eyea. The Institution Is more than a hundr~d sanely, he sow her there back In the y~ars old, and It dle~ bard, so after same chair. It was EunIce, be obthe modern fashion of runnIng to tbe served, Quite without emotion. There government on every trIvial provocadid not seem to be any emotion with· tion, tbe grocers are about to ask the In hIm any more than there was legIslature to protect them against a strength. But the days crept on and slowly custom of a century and a balf's standEllsworth Ferry came back to livIng Ing. of Inconsiderable Importance In Itand recovery. Her tenderness was Itelt and 80 easily "e vened up" in pracvery lovely. yet there WBII somethlnc tice as to tnake It negligible. yes bad he been In merely ordInary lacking within him. It was as If be circumstances? were looldng at a lovely picture that A Utica boy died while laughing at It poisoned bls !Ire. When EunIce did not belong to hIm. Sbe was bls the comic supplement ot a Sunda.y pa- toucbed his head IIgbtly In passIng wIfe. and of cOllrse her place was per. Of course, thIs will be take n as and smiled down Into hIs uplifted eyes there. Eunice, he remembered, al· a terrIfic retribution by the acidulous be wondered. When she sang to her- ways did the rlgbt thIng. Tbe day before he was to be sent portion of the population ollPosed to self happily he pondered over wbether ,he comic supplement and the Sunday alIe would be so cbarmlng, care-free home tbe house physician sat beside paper. But with so much cause for and contented If he were a poor man hIm, Eunice beIng absent. The docand IIhe his wIfe. Old she not take tor waB a young man, but he bad met sIghing In the world, the majority will bIll devotion and all the materIal and faced lite In various 'pbases, and, still take chances of laughing them. tblngs he lavlsbed on her far too moreover. he bad a quick perception s elves to death. casually, 8S If tbey were her rIght? "Mr. Ferry," he saId, as be arose, He remembered all. kinds ot things "I want to tell YOU that tbe reason ~dlson's strept car storage ba.ttery aa he went about brooding tbelle days. you are going bome to-morrow, tbat may make , the trolley obsolete. In He remembered that EunIce bad come you ate here to go home at all, I. time the wizards of science may even from a home of rIgid poverty. Tbe that your wlte wouldn't let you "Ie! In\'ent a strap to whlcb It Is a pleaR~re cousin sbe was vIsIting wben he had None ot us. no power on earth. could and comfort to hang, bd over'!n- met ber had mentioned. careles81y, bave Boved you If she bad not beld OD tbuslas Uc hopes should not be lJl- that she always liked to gIve Eunice to you with set teeth and unwavering a treat once a year, tbat the girl Waa will and-and loved you back to lItel dulged In tbls dlrectJon. too beautiful to live and die In that All .tbt1 scIence In . the world IItOP8 hole of a town and marry ' 80me man there-we can't explain It, we don't A Boston expert warns women to as poor all ber father had been. Was try to, but I've aeen It before-a womwear "rat,," In their !lair It !<'ley do not not that the same as saying she bad an simply defying deatb to snatch thll wis h to get bald. Judging from the brought Eunice to tbe cIty In tbe bope man she cares tor absolutely! You size and 8huI)I:I ot !lOme of thu fash- ot her making a great match? And, clln thank Mrs. Ferry for your l\fe." Ellsworth Ferry, lett alone, thougbt Ionable collJurcs, they might as well go with all modesty, he was forced to admit tbat she bad made It. Had Ihe many thIngs. Down In his heart he the whole thIng and wear rat traps. been party to the plot, or was· Qhe In. knew the ~o(:tor spoke tbe truth and A man 70 years old has II lade appll. nocent? There were times wben Ells- be crInged with sbame that he had wortb Ferry would ha va given all he ever doubted her. When sbe returned -cation ror ad w/ssion to tbe , University owned 011 earth to know, and tbey to bls bedside and he' saw wltb hla at Misso uri as a sLudent. He must be . were the times wh!!n his wlte was at newly opened eyes how careworn Wal onG- Of those who lIubscrlbe to tb" ber. 10veUest; wiis daringly cO.QuetUng her face, bow thIn tbe bands, how ex. theory tbat a man Is ni;! ver too old -to with her own husband, (asclnatlnl bauste.d she WB8 with her long vIgil learn. blm anew wltb lier moods and grace.. and, abo'( e all, w.hen he saw tbe bro04 Tbere were other Umes' when Eunice Ing light In her eyea as she benl An oxJ1edltlon of FI'enchmen has re- withdrew Into herl!elf and be felt be above hIm, he realized that the Que. t - :::~~~!.-!lM~,-,>;cuc--r-eg .IO[IS.-t-"............ .DoLlollo. her wben bel' eyel- tion never. would boUler ~Im agala Th.ey deny IndIgnantly tbat ·they dl. and lips, ~ougb tbey .mlled at blm, He knew. beld theIr ·aeeretll. It made bl. ,heart . And she laId It to tbe vagarlel 01 Clovere'd any pol~. acbe. IIlcoea. when be e1u~bed bel' baDdI HII fear and burt pve. him au odd aDd repeated, hoaraely: "EuDlce' Ii. 'MODQPollell die hard; but 10 tJae eDd public oplnloD Ia too ,much Cor Ul... reluctance to IDtrude aD bel', B.uat Dlerel You do loVe mel"

MU llit ~


lS, lOLO suys:

AST yea r I cleared $2 oye r tb e xpress charges are high er 11:au It cost ot teed 011 every olle of mr wo had bought a place n a rer -.h ~ laying hens, said a young wom- c ity. both feed and labor are ob ealler. an who, though born nnd ;\Iy flocle comprises 1,200 fowls. brought III) III the cit y, lias l\ ly reBson for buying day-old chicks made a success of poultry ru ls- Is that they save time when you be· Illi. 1 belong to a family at teachers. gin Inte In the s prIng and that firs t ~,. mother taught for a numuel' of season we had spent so mucb money years and my two elder s isters are that we did not feel that we were able both teacher8 In tbe public 8chools. I 1.0 buy Incubator8. Tbe second sprin g suppose I might have drift ed Into t he I bought three Incubators with a ca· family groove If the doctor hadn' t told pa 'Ity of 400 eggs each. my motber that I must \l ve out of As ,,'e were not tllen able to build doors. She had saved up 1\ tew thou- an Incubator cellar we cleared out sand dollars and as my sisters both one of the bac k rooms In our dwellhad good places they persuaded her Ing house. closed the east windows to retire nnd with .my assistance make and put In the Incubators. This proved n hom for th em to come to In ttle sum- a s uccessful and convenient arrangeme r after their schools had closed. ment.. The following year we built Having always lived In New York. the cellnr atter plans used at coll ege. naturolly our first idea was to get as . The brooder bouses nre all on runncar the city as possible. We looked n ers nnd as soon as the young blcks for months fOr n fe'" acres where we no longer need heat the cOl'ets ate rewould be able to redu ce our living ex- 11\uveu alld the roosts put In. So lon g penses by baving a garde.n an.d k e p- all the chicks are young enough to Ing a few hens. The land wo s always need h at the brooders a rc kept near 8 0 hlgb that It was quite Impossi ble. lhe hOllse aud I bave planted a hedge . Gradually the circle of our Inv esti- us a windbreak tbat w1l1 be an addigation widened until we found a sruall tional protection for them. farm of 16 acres In Connecticut on 10 tbe s pring liS soon 8S the corn the edge of a fashionabl e !ty. The :s large e nough the brooder hou ses house was Bm'a ll, but wltl} a little oul- with lh e firs t hatc hing ot 'chicks are lay could be lUade COmfortable. Being rolled Into the field and the chicks wltbln the )Imlts of the town, we bad have free range all tlle summer. Whell Overhe npecke!l. both water and sewer oonnectlons, and later batches come on th e first hatoh F'nrlllcr Gove rnor PennY ll3 k ' r, dillas the real estate man pointed out we Is tt'Bnsterred to a c.beaply built shack had all express company to cnll for and the hroode r house moved back clI :l>;11I1={ nt a dinn er In Pbllad Iph il\ our eggs or any vegetables that we inlo tIie yard tor the young chlck8. or t.he elloree e l'lI , s a id with his humor· OU Il sulll : mIght care to ship to the city, course t his can be done wltb the other " Perhn ps lit r would be I S ll di· The tarm was .purchased In August hatches BS often as It Is necessary, VllTce H humun nntUrl' II' r mure \l\, rwith the understanding that we we re One of the mMY good things 1 f 'C'\ . Somf' wom ' lI . YOIl kil O\\', h II' to tnke p08sesslon t he following Fab- learned at college was that cleaenl1I'\lary. In tormlng opr plans I de- 'ness Is 8S necessary tor the h alth III' k I hf'i l' husband s. Th ' ro I' , tflr I:'X QUilt y farm r who c ided that as we were all c ity bred and ba ppln('ss ot poultry as it Is for HllIllle. 11 Dllcl(s It might be well for me to go to an human bein gs, Be..sldes giving my sa iel the OUI l' day that he would l'e reastern college and take one of the poultry pen\!, a geneml c.1ennlng ev- tlllllly npply for a db'or 'O onl y hIs tllree montbs' courses. The question ery monUt I gi Ve them a tborou gh wHe wouldn't let him." n Hemcmber nothlug d pr(1cillt ~ a was whether It should be dairying, overhauling tllld (umlgatlon twice 1\ mall rnor than to show hlUl ho's \11\1>' farming or poultry raising. Though I yenr, 81)tlll~ and fall . other me n. decided on the poultry course. I was My chicke ns are the white rose n 'lII mber th at I!f . Is lIol a 11111111able to pick up much valuable Infor111 nt of 'one's hi als. hut an Nernul comb Leghorns. Th ese birds are not maUon about farming and the care com promise with t.hem . of a cow during tbe three months so large as othe r breeds and tor that reason do not bl'lng as much In the spent at college. . Health Is Wv .. lth. market, but th <:! y more tban make up My first step In tlle actllal worlc of the dlftarence i n ~be number of eggs Healthy peopl Itt' he8 tty and poultry ral Ing was to build some gas- they lay. Their meat Is sweet, clo.s e hnJ'JlY; they do thell·'worl. eha rlly' and oline heated brooder 1I0uses 8uch IlS gralncd and utls~rpassed for table tlrol sa;Jy. or fl rst importan c In main, are used In coliege. W11en this was use. Tbey are gOl'd for age rs and alii talning good hea lth is t h hnvlng or done 1 bought. a lot of day-old white for laylug 1 dou't believe tbey have nUI;mlut Iy cll'on cuo l(ln g vcsselt\ ;tnd Leghorn chiCKS. The care of theBo ever been surpasse(t table ware. Easy Tn flk s oop Is a IltNchicks kept my mother and myself In buying a country home our ob- IlIz I' as well os a clea ne r. It drives pretty busy all the spring and sumIIway dlSl!as g rrn s as Wll l1 as dir t. mer. In August I had a flv e·pen lay· ject was to cbeapen tbe cost of living Show your family dONOI' the Inform aand get an out-of-door lite for me. It Ing house built. tion on tbe wruPlle r IIUrI h will r comWe had planted two a cres oC corn bas cut our grocery and meat , bill mend Itl! u!;e. more than two-thirds. Keeping down ond the balance of tbe land was In Prefers the Widower. hay, whleb we 1I1red out and sold. The one cow, .,~ not only neve r buy butl\llly('- \vhlch \\' ollld yo u I'uth I'mllr. planting of the garden was also dOll O ter, milk or .:rC'am, but have all tbree r y- a ri ch bad ll'lol' or a 1'1 'h widower? by hLl'ed labor, but when my t;lsters to sell. We hnve owned tl1t\ farm fi\'e year~ , .loY- Th e wl doll'\' I'. Hu w11l ha \'u camo home for their vacntion they took charge of It and no more mon ey and while our returllS haven't wlpei I«'a rned to give 1111 without u struggle, wall paid out for It until the fall. out the flr\l t cost th ey have lessened I - Clc\' land LealieI'. when the dead vegetation was cleared It so much tbat the Interest on the I A fool und his 1I1011('y nre seldom off and It was put In condition tor the balance would not pay one.slxth of the l'early rental we w er~ paylllg In New part('d by the Rnm IIlI't hod twice. following spi'lng. . When this second sptlng came we York. l"ly friends aro always asking ~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hired a man by the month. Besides If I do not die ot 1011e;lne8s. In reply I the garden he put In four acres of I tell tllem I ba\'e a S;l'ddle .horse and . W' corn and two of alfalfa. This latter a tennla. court and at,} a member ot 'D I planted b~cause I had learned at a golt club. I should te very sorry tv college thaUt made fine food tor poul- be forced to return to live In the city try and because . I believed the laud and would only do It from force of confronting anyone In need of B laxawould suIt It. It proved to be all that circumstances. tive Is not B Question or n single acI had expected and the corn turned tion only. but of permanently heneout almost as well. Gholt Haunts 1 heater, All tbls farm Ilnd garden work was ficlal effects, WhIch will fOllow prop~r From the antipodes ' lomes a case done by our hIred man, who also efrorts to live .1n a llCalthCul way, wIth found time to help us with the poul- tor the Psychical Ileseaich society. In a leading Austrian theater the tbe assistance of Syrup of Figs and try: One of .t he poInts that bad heen Impressed on me at college was tbat actresses are almost s'!ared out of Elixir of Senna, whenever it Is reIn poultry raisIng, espedally at the theIr wits. Every nlght, as soon as quired, ns It cleanses tho system .a tart, YO)1 must keep down the Jabor tlie curtain goes up, taE figure of "a genlly yet promptly, without Irritation tall, dark man In &Vtlnlng dre8s" expense, . The cornfleld 1 'dlvlded and used as arises (rolD Hie back or the drells clr- and wlll therefore alwnys have the foraging gronnds foJ:' the growing pul' ~Ie and watches , the prOOlle"lngs', wlth preference of all who wish the best of lets. alternatIng the 6el.ds so tbat the a fi:ted, stony glare, ~hlle be "furious- family laxath'es. land WO\1ld not become contamInated. ly twirls" the ends ' of his mustache The combination ,1)a8 the approval The corn gives the necessary 'amount At t~e end or tbe 'frs't act he dls8P: Qf' shadEl besIdes furnIshing animal . pears, nnd Is aeen Ito' more for that of physicIans ' beca use It is kuown t9, and green fOQd durIng tb.e spring and evening. He Is vlslblo ouly from !.be ~e truly beneficIal , and bocause It..i:J1(s: summer and hard feed for the winter. stage. . People and officlal/!.In th e. .nu. given satisfaction to lbe m1lllons of Other parts or the farm I have dltorlum have searched f01' blm wltb- well-I~torn;i cd faml11cs who have used . plantell with apple nnd cherry trees, out succe8S. If 'tor many yoars' past. . . hacauae the 8011 appearo to · sult these


The lmp"rtant I r rohIem I

To get Its beneficial frects, alw~Y1I ·frults and because ,both can s_tand tbe What Old She Mean 7 eDrlehmQnt. When tbeBe 'treeiDear' 1 Mrs. ~yles:-I see platt. rm tleltetJI buy the genuine mallUractured by the am' sure the fruit will be readily dl .. are issued by some German railroads California Fig S11'up Co.. ouly. poled of In the local market at a talr ~pr the uae of nOD-travelers wbo wish \ ,rice_ . _ to lay goOOby to departing blendll Olll' cbJcteaa aDd elga we .hlp to Mra.· St,lea-Well; I'm 8ure I'd lb. Ne. Yort martet aad' thouala a.•.. "adly to .a), lo.odb, to some frIend.









IVING In one ot the larsest clUes of the coun· try Is a gentleman well known us R Chris tian "'--"OU wll\ be , married lat. and, a fln rmolel". For in lite." saId the palmist. many years he had held but you will never have a poslUon of resJlonslblllty In a large a ny children." bankJng house. One evening anum· " I was married at 22 ber or gentlemen called UPOIl him and propose\l that he should give liP nod I b" , on• •blld," .... tbe siller apologe ti cally. the positlun (aat he held aud orga n· fiLet me look agnln/' the Ize 11 ne w bank. On the Il1ce of It ',' . . " palmi st exclnlmed, hastl· suoh a propotilUon seemed a little un· Iy seizing tbe wrinkled wise, us the community was, ap'. ' . . ' scrolt. "Oh. yes, I over· lIIngo-Wha~ doeR a man \J ov,' to bl parently. already well Bupplled with looked this wedding and I to b' bllrl 11 wil h :\1a!;onl r hon urs'.' banW!. Dut the a rg uments advanced nud two more ch ildren still .J l n go- D ~ [\u were so t elling and the Inducemehllt come." so strong. that the gentleman under· PalUll stry Is one of tho oldest took the task. W hen the stock s ub· HIS HANDS 'CRACKED OPEN r huuJIln foll ies. It Is rather scrlpUons . were closed It was fou nt! dlsgrllcefully ch ildish than dan. " I urn a man fl e v4 ~ nty yen rs olu . My that It had been su bscribed t hree Kerous. It lacks the ghoulish hand s wer e yc ry sore a nd cracked Umes over. The cank has been In opborror or spiritualism . It lacka era Uon now for abo ut three years, a nd ope n on lb Ins ld 's for ove r a year the U111) 'r clltSII attention or teo \ViUl lal'gp HO I' ·S . 'I'h ' y would crack the Increase of deposits last y nr lepath y. As a amounted to $3,000.UOO. A fri end sug· open nnd til L-cd. ilcll. burn and ache form or parlor ges ts t hat this is a wonder fu l tr ibute so that I cOll ld IlOt s leep and could do entertainm ent It to the man. ' ery true; and D101'8 bu t little work. They were &0 bad Is IlDluti lug. and tha n this, It is a strong empbasls at Pari s Pa ttern No. 3192 , All Sen me that t could no t dress myself In the • man with a AJlowed ,-or most grace ful design Is morning. They would bleed and the til . va lue or character us capltul. cleve r com mand We are constantly b earing anI! the dressing sack bere shown. w hich Is blood dropped on th floor. I called or la nguage can talki ng about th e commercializatio n of a ve ry different garm nt from t he on two do ctors , but they did me no wbll a away an OUI' age , and d eploring the tendency clumsy, unbecoming garmen ts which good. I cOll ld get nothing to do any aw fu l JlIluse by to lI tlmate everything on the basis we nt by this name some years ago. good till I got the Culicura Soap and baldin g someof dollaffl and cents. T he Indlctmen l As shown. the sack Is made of dolled Cu tlcura Ointment. About a year hody's hand and has a lI too much truth, but It Is quite s wi ss. and Is t rimmed with ' frill ed ago my daughter got a cake' of CuUreciting on 1m. promp tu dissertation on cbaracter. dogmas of the elder palmistry, can· The lower crease Is the head.lIn.j it possible to ove rwor k It. Men arc Su·ug· e dging, lace Insertion and pink rib· curn Soap ond one box of Cutlcura rh e Ingen uity of some or these fellow I trast tbe tangled and contradictory Indicates "the In cllna\lon of the ,gUng and scram bling to ma~ e mon ey. bon. Challis , cot (on crepe, China Ointment and In one week from the Tho llossesslon of It, In large amoulnts, 5 11\[. cash me re. lawn. orgnndy or cham· time t began to use th m my hands la amazing. doctrin e at to-dl1Y. and then conclude nature." Is sometim es allowed to cove r a mul· bray are all s uitable fo r th e develop· were a ll heoled up and they have not by Quoting what real scientists say 1 Il sed to watch one at them In O~her lines are the JInes of Apollo. Utude or s ins. But the man who as. lUent of this des ign. It wished, the been a mit. sore since. I would not dm wlng·rooms and he found his of the ev'olutlon and meaning of the of marriage. at travel. or the Uver or sumell thut money Is the only valuaille collar may be made or con trasting rna· be without the Culicura Remedies. Ir Iltest s ucc·ess. curiously enollgh. curious te atures of , the ' hand- that health. and at Intuition. The n there Il8set, or even the mos t va luable. Is ' .t e rlat. The pattern Is cut In 4 slzes"They a lso cured a bad sore on the not In fl nttery bllt In graceful Insult. wonderrul tool which Ari stotle called Is 'the ring or girdle of Venus, a making au egreglolls blunder . 'fhe 32 to 44 bust mensure. For the 36 hand of on e of m y neighbor's children. " the Instrument of Instruments ." It was 8 treat to see him take the curved line sometimes found run nina control Of. la rge umounts of funds (loes bust the sack requi res 2% yards or and they th ink very highly of t he CuU· band or a bopelessly respectable old It may help the lolty It I flrst out· betw een the firs t and fourth fing ers gl\"e the possessor powe r In th e fiua n. material 36 inches wide. with 4% curn Remedies . John W. Hasty, So. Ef· lady at an unblemished humdrum· line t.he major states and territories Thi s we are told "has been the sub clal lind bllslness world. But If this yards of Insertion a nd 7\1" yards ot flngh am , . H .• Mar. 5 and Apr. 11, '09." mery. glance at her palm. start with of the hand·nmp as palmists see It. If jeet of great disagreement amana Is a ll that he has. if be lacks tbe ,:on. edging. a sbock. look at her with amazement. YOIl open your palm as widely a s pas· various authors." According to one fid ence of bls fe llow men, confid nco Treatment for L.ump Jaw. To procure this pntt ern lIend 10 cents .nd retuse to read her band before sible , you will see certain protuber· It gives "energy" to eltber good or bad that is crea ted and sustalned by the t o " Patte rn D partme nl. " or this pa per. Lump j aw is due to a. f unglls ~{h lcll " ' l> ople. I said It was a treat to watcb ances and certain lines. The protuber· occupation s. rite name lind address plllinly, nnd be • exhibition of rlaht character, he will lIure to give s ize nlld number or pal te rn. Is usuol1 y taken Into the animal's sys· ber, I\S she writhed with delighted ances, according to evolutionists. are tem In t ed consumed. Lump jaw Is This Is a very \laid outline of the be ullable to command. the fullest tauc· bQn'or at his aspersions on character· remnants at the pads of our ancIent nearly Infinite material or palmistry. cess. liable to aft'ect the glands at the re dll Is not based en tl roly Istlcs wblch, he told her, dIscretion or quadrupedal ancestors. By palmlsta pIZlll ................ . throat or the bones of t he bead. write.. NO. 3192. C. Vanlalr, In the Reyue de Belglcple upon wbat a man Is worth In the coward ice bad kept In check, but they are calleii "mounts," and they Dr. David Roberts In American CuI· NAME . ••• • •• •• •• , •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••• • wh tch her hand-ah, her hand dis· are not only nam ed atter the Greek published a series or arUcle." , "La coin of t he realm, but also li pan ",hat . Uvator. It Is not advisable to keep MaIn PsychologIQue." In which be he Is worth in IIprlghtnesl' l And fai r played so that h e who read might gods of astrology, but are stili sup· an a nlmnl thus a fflicted lingering In TOWN . .................................... .. states that In hands sUlI young there dealing. nln! posed to IndIcate tbe Qualltles typified a herd. On th e other band It is nd· are hardly more than two kinds or Have Confidence In Christian". STREET AND NO ..................... .. vlsable to e it he r treat sucb an a nimal Palmistry has kept what place It by those gods and the Influences ex· lines. Age gradually develops other. To be Imown as a Christian Is wor tu or kill It, IlS such animals invite dishaa kept In civilized toleration by haled by their namesake planets. I!I't'ATlll ........ . .. : .. . ......... ... ......... .. more fin e. short, superficial. Then a· lomethlng. When men scott: at Chrl". eases Into the herd , owing to the (act the fa ct that tis cl1aracter studies can There Is something really sublime nally appear the lines or senlllty, l1aully and assert that the general that they are so reduced In vitality hardly go enUrely wrong. ..tnd palm· In this process. An ancient race grad· which are nothing but the wrlnklel ot puillic has less confidence In one who BOYS' SUIT. t hat Ul ey have no resisting power. Ists have taken good care to provide ually In von ted a group of gods. These tbe hand. professes to bo n dlsol ple or J esus A remarkably large per cent. of sucb " r etuge from every mistake. The gods were fortunate enough to have He Quotes Fere's recent ollael'TaUOD Christ than in the Irreligio us man, we cases can be s uccessfully treated it wlcketl tralt which one "mount" pro- a number of marvelous poets. dra· f th a e gra dual d eve1opment Inap I call lilJaI'd to sm ile at their s lllinesb. tal(en In Ume by openIng up the e n· claims Is annulled by the opposite maUsts, and sculptors as vress agents. anlst at those , little curved folds em· . largement a nd washing It .out with a trllit 'proclalmed by a "star;" the aw- They became very popular and their If a firm Is looking for a young strong antise ptic solution. like fiye at ful thing which tbls "line" threatens fame rem' alned lon- artAr their power bracing the base at the fingers whlcb mall to plo.ce In a pos It Ion a r D " carbolic a c id In wnte r. and putting the Is caneele d by the shape or a "pha- had vanished. Some of these gods cblromanccrs designate' as "the rln,i res pon B Ibll'I',y, ch urc h mem b ers hi p Is a nima ls a ll a tonic. In this way tbe contradicts "tri- got t heir names arbltrarll v affixed .to of Venus." The wrinkles In quesUon a recommendation . If It b e k nown lange; " "grille" .. a pp II can t ! or a pas It Ion Is affilcted oulmnl Is not only sll\'ed. but angle:" "Island" conquers "cross;" certain large but remote J chunks of were mnrked little by little as a re- tbat ,!.Ue tl it I s ma d e cer· th e enUre herd Is protected against Ivatu'lale finger ghee the lie to cont· whirling slag cal\ed plan ets. Theil the suit or the very assiduous exercIse! a genu I ne Ch r Isan. dlselTs ---- cal thumb, and the nane to the stupendous IdIocy 01 a strology was meant to perteet the individual pla7 t a In th a t h e iwl l not d e f rau d hi s em· evolved. and 'by juggle ry at dates and ot the ,fing ers. players and will perform his duties knuckles. ' No Encouragement. He notes tha t the superior monkeys. (althfl1l\y. The commercial a dv all' Th e fam ily had stood the long Palmistry. then. ~ Involve. nothlll8 zeniths and things. It was-and s tl11 Is s l rolll of 1 ncl e Hoilarl's Illness well. .. ery tragic. because Its ve ry belleyen -Dsserted that these chunks at sing the gibbon and tbe orang, haye three tage of being a Christian Is certilin hut t he T'e 'u ll arllies of the pbyslc lan. do not belleve In It very much. The a ffe ct the Boul.structure. the complex· tolds across the palm; the chlmpan· and la r ge. That is not to urge thnt c hos n by 11 0 1 Hobart himself. had chi r objeotlons to It ~re that It_ Is tty and d estiny of the Indlvldual born zee, more akin to us, has two. Some- I1ny profess faith In Cbrlst to secure be n. to sny lh e least. try ing. "Do you raIse In premise and conclusion, that "under" them. It Saturn wns In "the times criminals. Idiots, and degener- this udvantage. S ucb a step would reo rea ll y th lnl[ wil l r ecovel'. Doctor It Is a silly supersUtion allying \tselt a scendancy" when YOIl ' we re born, you BUlS have only one transverse fold . veal a n essential mlsunderstand l,ng Shaw?" as k d th e old est s i~t e r of the to astrology nnd phrenology and. for; will be sour and saturnine; If Jupiter, while normal human palms carry two or the religion or J esus . But that AS' for prophecy by palmistry Van· which we- do not seek ns un object iuvalid, w ho hud born e with his tun ·te\1lng. and tbat It Is used to an you will 'be jovial. eto. One might a s vagaries pallently' ro r yeu rs , extent by cheap swindlers to wheedle well say that a person bOI'n In Wash· lair exclulm s: "Are the re not already may very well orne to us as we pr<Jse· F'lx· " 1 kn ow how you f OI'I. wilh Thanks· money from people who could find Ington s fluar e could not lie. and a per· In the most Simple hypotheses re lative cu te tho nobl r understanding. SOR born In Lincoln square would be to the slow evolution or Inanimate Ing our PUI'pose upon li ving oul t.he giving comin g on IlItd nll," said the bette r uses for It. assassinated. thin gs. enough unknown terms! Has spirit of the Master there wllf be .add· doctor. P ' ring at her from unde r his Wb en palmistry pretends to vivisect tbe,J-llclence oC nature predicted wltb ed to us that wh ich w e have no t cons baggy ey brows . "but It's too SOOIl Now lengthen ' the enrs of these a complete enollgh c~rtltllde the In· sC\ously Bought, viz., the confidence at cbaJ·ucter. It Is merely diverting non· to ·tel1. H' may g t well. and t helll sense lII{e charades and conundrums. jackastrologers one yard more and finite tran sformations at ,the medium our fellow men wllh whom we he,ve again . h ' LIIn)' IIOt; [ !In·t e ncourugel W hen palmistry assumes to utter you r each the palmists. Certain which surrounds us that one sbould to do in business relaUons. YOIl y 1.- ,!tit r way ."- Yo ut h·f! om· "R lumps at muscle In what used to be a d are t 0 b roa ch th a t Im b ec II e au d ae It y, pro p h cIes, It b ecomes Imp. u d nt .. !I'hl s Is a n ecessa ry result ot the panlon. well as puerile. When the palmist seta toot but Is now a hand are arbitrarily the probl,em of the future at a human ethical cbaracter of our r ellginn. .• I upon mat given the arbitrary nam eR of these t C n 0 f t t that If th ' " Th e Spartan Son . . crea ure. a ne j) ge er6 J esus demandll bonesty, sobriety. fl'll' hi mse If Ull 118 a cOunse or TI Spnrtnn moth er s nt her I~ on ters of personal conduct, he llecomes planets and then ass ign e d the Qualities Is ono mystery more 'Insoluble than all gnllty consldel'atlon for otllers on the of those 11l1ag' lnary goels by whose tI· a th e rs. I t Is sure I y th a t a t th e Innum part o' f nIl who a l'e his follo\'·61·S. , I II to bn tt I P.t..---_ _ a-pu~c numan e., It Isap IUtu I thl ng l-\e ti es these planets were dubbed as' they bl tl I Idl • "Coll1e hOlil e with th e moving 111c. for a state t a n II ow II ars an d chnrla. were id entified. And so we reach the era e can n~!nc es pres ng over unuer takes to drive (lown through th e tllr or ill It," s be command d him. tan s to decoy the poor and the fool· our destini es ., . outward to that whlc,h Is In the hea l.t, and uttermost tip or th e top Icicle on the lI Nl'wit h he rus hed to t he f:·ny . Ish (for no one e I se v Is Its the m) • peak at Idiocy and are told that since Prof. Stirling. professor or physl· and ca lls fo r uprightness at desire a nd Pnns Pattern t'\o. 29 11. All Seams take hard·earn ed dollnrs for wortbles._ ology at Victoria university, England. purpose. All the world .kno ..... this, Allowee1.-Navy bille se rge has been MISCHIEF MAKER advice. It Is obtaining money under somebody cnlled the large thum\). t t d I th tIt t • nD A Surprise IIJ, Brooklyn. talse pretenses, ond In many enllght· musCle "the mount of Venus," there- s a e n e course a a ec ure a alld 011 the world Impws th ut when II. used fo r tbe deve lopment of t his prac· ened eommunlUes professional palm. ' fore the t hickness of your thumb·mus· tbe royal Institution : man g ives place in his life to J esus ti cal littl e s whi ch may be made Ists are under t be legal ban along wtth cle Is the exact gauge of tbe Quantity "Palmistry Is an absolute absurdity; Cbl'lst he e mbodies t he highest Ideals UJl to advantage In any of the mixed An adult's rood t bat enn save a thlmble.rlggers, clairvoyants, pick· you posses of those Qualities tor the whole thing Is beneath conte mpt. , of manhood . Because Jes us laid sUch worsteds. 'I'he fullness at the front bab)· proves Itself to be nourl!!tllng and Look at your palms, and you wlll find emphasis upon ri ghteousness w e do and back of the blouse Is dis tributed easily digested und good for big anrl po ckets, q\Jack d,octors. and confidence which Venus was a proverb. certain classical lines . Tbege IInes- not dare to content ourselves with In a double box·plalt, the closin g be· little folks. A Broolc1yn man s ays:, C'lperators . · There Is nothing In all palmistry so the so-called lines of life, heart 'and s ubscription to cr eed or ascent to the. ing hidd en unde r the plait at th o front. "When baby was about e leven -Among the numerous palmlsta work- Incredible as lhe credulity of the be- head, and tbe girdle of Venus and the ologlcal formulas. Wbenever one un- Th e It!lwer eel ge Is gn thered In by e las· montbs old ho beg!ln to grow thin and lng New York I" one who has the un· Ilevers tn It. bracelets of life around your wrlsts- ' dertakes to meet the claims or Christ Uc. run through the hem casin g. The pale. This was, at firs t, attributed to speakable Impet i1nence to adverUlle So we have a "mount of Jupiter" what do you suppose they really are ? upon himself simply by be lievIng ful1 sleeves are plaited a nd sti tched to the h eut and the fact that his teeth lIuch monstrous falsehoods as this: which measures the Juplterlnn quail- They are nothing more nor less than something, failing to conform his mo. cuff depth at the wrist. or. It preferred, were coming. but. In reality, the poor " _ _ , tbe palmist, t ells you about Ues. So we havQ lines which Indicate creases or raids produced by the ac· I Uves and desires to the high stand· tbese may be gat hered Into narrow little t hing was starving. his mother's business, lawsuIts, changes and ·the Intellect, sentiment. wantonness, and tion of the muscles. The line ol ! ards furnished by J esus. failing to live wristbands of the material. The reg· milk not being sufficient nourishment. best moves to make, how to turn fal1· even destiny. And we have little su\). heart. for Instance. Is the flexure of out that rule of brotherhood which ulatlon knl cke rbockers nre gathered "One da y after he had cried bit terlY' ure Into success and accomplish your sldlary quirks of pattern called stars, tbe tour fingers. The line of lite Is Jesus made binding upon all wbo Into the kn ees by e las tic run througb for an hour, I suggested that my wife the hem casing. For a boy of 9 ends. Marriages, divorce, personal crosses, grmell, and the like, wblch the re.sult of the action at jhe tbumb. would be his disciples, just BO often try him on Gra pe·Nuts. She soaked disagreements, love affairs and aU so- mean other things. All these lines that have been slven 1l0f;,lJ .C hrlstianlty degenerate into' a years the suit reflulres 41,4 yards of two t enspoonfuls In a s aucer with a. material 27 Inches wiele. 3~ yards little sugar nnd warm milk. This baby etal matters, and bow to rectify mi. But to outllne the hand: At the base astronomIcal names by palmists aI''' lifeless form. 36 Inches wide. or 2"111 yards 42 Inches takes are Ilwelt upon with great ac· ot the thumb 18 the mount of Venus; characterIstic flexures. You wtll nnd To L.lve Up to Golden Rule. ate so ravenously that she fix ed a sec· curacy. He. bas brought light to many at .tbe base or the first finger Is the the same lines on the palm of the The dally papers tell of a movement wide. ond which he like wise finished . procure thi s pntt orn 8e nd 10 cenls In trouble. III health, accidents, dan· mount df Jupiter; sllcond finger. Sat. Darbary ape. Humanity Is dally among business lDen which Is of great toTo"f'utte "It was not many days before he' tor· rn Departm e nt." oC this pa por. gers, enemies and all the evils that urn; third, Apollo (who had no plan. gulled through Its extraordinary Igno- significance. Employers and man. Write name and nddress plnlnly. nnd be got all about hE'.I ng nursed, and has beset mnnklnd are plainly tndtcated, et); little flnger, Mercul'Y. Under· ranee of the elementary tacts of physl agel's In dllTerent ci ties are asso. lIu re t o /lIve size Ilnd number ot pnttern: since lived almost exclusively on and words of warning given. You neath Mercury Is the mount of Mars; ology." clatlng themselves on the basis of tho Grape·Nuts. Today tho boy is strong make no mistake In consulUng him. and underneath this at the base of the Prof. Stirling placed finger prints In golden rule. 'I' hey propose to conduct and aud as cute a mlscblet· SIZE . .. ............. . NO. 2911. maker as a thirteen months old baby "The l1and Is the' mirror reftecUnl band Is t he mount of the moon. The 1\ very different category. "The prInt business according to the law or NAME •••••••••••.••. • ••••• •• •• ,,· ····.·····.· · Is expected to be. ' the many events the future bolds, and hollow or the palm Is the plaln of of the tbumb alone." he said, "Is sut· brotherhood , which Jeslls exal ted. "We have put before him other palmistry shows how , to change your Marl. ' ficlent to Identity a person for all Some . say that this Is an Idle dream; 'l:OWN .............................. •...... .. 'time." But thfs Is because of Ita that , bus iness Is' war ,' tha t It' Is 1m. . roods, but be wll1 have none or them. rel ation to Fate, and thus choose the The large wrinkle made by the ph1slcal, not Us psychical Indlvldu. STREET AND NO ....................... . evidently preferring to stick to that bl;'st course. Thousands who are suc· thumb turned' In Is the lIte·llne, on alUy. . possible to do unto others as we would which did him sO muoh good- his old cossful In evel'y walk of Ufe are be- whose clarity and ' length depend , tbat they should do unto .us and carry BTATIil ...... . . . . ........... ...~ ••.•••••••••••••• fri end Grape-~uts. ' '. Ins guided by It to·day." longevity and health. This Une can , There, fs, In sbort, no sclenUst , of our business ventures to a success, "Use this lett er anY' ",·ay you wish, Tbese ' are typical sprInge,. tor be Charted off for dates by beglnnlni !lDY s!Andlng whatsoever 'who ,Ivea tul Issub. ' it Is slgnUicant that sucb Note tor the GII'I .. ' for my wife and 'I can never praise woodc.ocke, arid many palml.stl ,are at the top' a'n d dlv1dln.g -It Into nearly plilmhitry any raUng Vlhatsoever: By numbers of business . men should think ' Statistics show that baldne~s ' and Grape.Nuts enough after the brighteven les8 Immodest In tJ~elr . clatm~ equal arcs 'for periods of Ove :01': ten the testimony of tta own adepts It Ila·.. tbe adventure worth ' the undertaKing, than tJlls All the profeallon811 , years. The fate·llne which runl up In a stllte of hopeless contradiction We prophesy &~oll thin,s 'for the men higher education go tQgether·. In OUI- . ness it hUs'. brought to our bousehold." Grape·Nuts is not made for a baby ,uarantee not onli to ' Bound ·the . the middle of the hand can he chart&4 rind ',d1spute. Its ~haracter·analyils I. of this brotherhood. We do not be· er words, tbe woman with a bays,tacK . cuems of ,Character. ,but '.also to 'read oft ,f or dates by begInning at the top talse• .Ita proph~clel .do not come .true. Ueve they 11'111 go bankrupt. They may o[ hair on her head dQesn't know as' food, but experience with thousunds of "the ·vast' backward and abyam" of Rod dividing It Into nearl1 equal'. area '. The hnnd fa a maneloua meca not b" ablo to accumulate . the 1m· much as the woman wt'th a cOJffure . babl~ s sho,ws It to 1>0 among· the, best, if not entirely the best In use~ Being ,our past. and the nIt forward · and ror periods of ftye or teD yeara. The nlsM. and It haa .lo~IY 8vo1.ed from mUllle fortunes which some have' galli- of doorknob slze.-Atchlson Globe. a scientific preparation of Natnre's abysm of yOur future. '. fate-Une, wbleh runa up the middle of ,the loot of the padded type. Ita leD' ered, but tbelr honest purpoS8 't o deal Quick Returnl. grains, it Is equally eftecUve as a body The Ubrarlea cont&1D blaclE·letter the hand-If It doea-can al.o be a1Uv.eDeaa IUld desterlq baye' colD: fairly will commend them to the tao ··You laid you were golnllnto 80me and breln 'bullddr for grown-ups. toma lD the I'renc~, IIIDptah, Oe~ cba1'ted ID · Ive-year period I. beIt~· c;lde4 .wI" Intellectqai P~1I8, but .0rable · ~DalcierAtion of thouaandl of 'bualn818 that would bring you quick Read the UtUe .lM»ok. "The :Ro"d to mail, LaUD of cantarl.. qo IIvlq nIDI at the b.... ' If 't he anIWa are It .. ~ prlm.r ot plYOhol., no tab- thf'lr feUow clUsena. Bud pron of returna.·· .''I did," uswered the Wellviite,"ID ~eri's a ReasoD." true IDd hlfaUlbla IIIpa wblcla maIle rolded Inward the, form ID moat pal. .. l.t. of meatal a4 .I~~ m,.tert.. . ..a COJQIUrc1alad.aDtale.-8taDdU'4. · ,0unS .mall with Ink OD b1a Gnleri. "I 1Itn. tlle..~ A ~ Ul7. pa1.m .. I_bit·.,. tIaIa at011l1Dl'1 two "rInkleL The upper Ii , tIui It. lbl.. ad b....... bave 110 more lelo , alii HD411a1 maDuactlp~. to lbt pen. _ . . .~.. tN_ U_ Martolble bel It IIiow. ·'the ..U~.. .e aUllo "'lDUlouot tbaIa tile WJtUItN LoYt' ....... 1ft order 11K til ocUcal...' " . . I IIUMII4 .... to . . . IOIIlt th, 01' ......11'" .tate II .ltoUou." . . . . 014 ao&~ .... '.


Y 'I : .












P"". Jette., ne. to..... .....-r ........................ ., .....


Sooner or Later· You are going to interest yourself in one of Kibler's $15.00 Suits for $9.99. •• Why not this •• ••


WeBI,y M. Luburllb tlJ Uarr;e M.oug er, lot in 8 p rin.Kboro, '1600. Wesley M . Lubnrgh to O~rrle . . . Mongllr, lot m Springboro. $700 Link "ud Charles traot J. ,Ben· nerWilliaul to Marta BorDtraeger., 10 Ol~~roreek township, ~ 232.51. , Commissioners Proceed In,&. Bills-J. W Jones, work on libra. ry door at oourt hou8e, ~5; E . Wl\. ke rllon , 8ervioOll on ~ .)Idters Burinl "'oDlDlittee. ::;a tem towDship, ' 2' ; J. B. Woodw~r() , lin me eervices. '1; W. B. Robinson, servioes, '1 ; JohollOn & W~tson Co, blanJul for surveyor, ~2,50; Lawyers Co.o}l~ra tive Publisbingoompany,ICi8; Aud . tor8 Fee Fund, indexing oommis~ lIioners jQurnnl, SHi , 60; Lebanon Patriot, report examination of treasury, ,3 (1'.76; Domblmgh BOd Bolmer, hose flood nozzles, '10.70 i Tbe Frank Un Cbroulole, blanks, U; Dan P . Bone, costs, S23.34; State of Ohio vs. Isaac Burlett, oosts 19 . 8U; Jame8 Follen ~r, slliury ,50 i Raymond Harshbarger, ~·10 i Sam D. Henkle, fees and expenses, 187 50; John K. ~penoer, oontruot, f18.04 i (jeorge Hutohinson , oats for tuberoulO!lis farm, 18 31.


ordinary eartb Toad can be transform· ed Into a well·rounded , W 8 1l-dralne,d publlo highway and maintain d at a minimum expense by the li se of drags. The most dltftcult part of USID! In'simple maklllg that the starf. All the 'drags r est IsIs 110 one learns It In doing It. It Is soon toun~ that the effect Is the smoothing ot the road lurfaoe, and this In time allows tbe rain and snow water to ftow olf and encourage the dl8trlbutlon ot travel. By using these d!rags while be roa4 II yet moist It finally becomqs a series of practically water·proot lay· ers of puddled eartb, and almost 1m· perceptibly the center Is elevated to a Imooth grade that II not easily af· f.cted by bad weather. Spllt·Log Drag.


I I"~~________" ___• •~"• • • •- • •- -. ~



New Suits. Oharletl Mohr vs. DaillY K. Stone et al. Petition for money for work done tn eum of $400 on two aotlon8. L. a. Pummill and Bilmilton and Bro,vn, a"orneye for plaintiff: Carrie Dell Kenriok, ve. Samuel L. Kenriok. Petition for divoroe on groun<n 'Of oruelty. Plaint11f praye ior ooatodJ of minor ohUdren Goldie .Roy, Looy aud Kenoeth. ~rl8lSlmpeon VI. J.~. ~iouten. borough. PatUion ,filed for judg. ment of IIUiS WlUllntereat alleged to be due platntUJ in horse trades.

. Court ProceedlnlS. Robert I. Spohr VI. Village of Frank lin. Jury flnda ill8U88 favoring de· fendant. Lydia E. VanBarlingen VI. E. P . Neell. Leave 'or 00 rt granted plalDtUf to tile amended' pleading in 30 daye. Randall ve. William R. aan. da1l anC! John F. Randall. Court orden .plaintHI' to recover $109 70 fro~ defendant. Georp Bines ve. W. H. Whitaore. Plaintlft gi ven 30 days to reply to antlwer. Sidney ~Boff ve. Harry V. Hoff. Divoroe granted and plaintiff raltorad to maiden name. Cl,de G, Cox, V8. Pearl Cox. Di. . voroe Juit.!:\ismiBl8d.

Probate Court. 1IlItate of Benjamin 'Philipe, 1m be. olle. Inventory and apprai8ement flIed by Thom81 C. Chri8tie. In matter of wtll of Jaoob Ball, deoeued. Will admitted to probate Estate of JRoob flaIl deceased. J. R. Ball appointed executor.

01t81 . Ie IldaeJs Are leakeaed bJ OYer-iork. UnheaJtb1 Kl4aC1S IrIakc Impure 81004. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are ree .ponsibldor much sickness and suffering, therefore, if kidney ;~~II~ continue, trouble is permitted to serious reo IUltS are most likely to follow. Your other ~WWiIl organa may need attention, but your kid· neys most, because they do most and . should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are .weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your en· tire body i8 affected and how every organ acems to fail to do its duty. If you ,are sick or I I feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial Will con. "ince you of its great merit. , The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root. the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. It .tands the highest because its remarkable bealth restoring properties have beeu ,proven in thousands of the most distrellBlug cases. , If you need a medicine yon Ihould have the best. Sold by druggists in . fifty-cent and oneodolJar aizes.· 'Vou may have a sample bottle by mail.. fre.e: allo a pamphlet tellin~ you _ bow toiind out if yon have ' or bladder trouble. Me.ntion thi. paper ",heD ~tiDg to, Dr. . Kilmer &. Co" N. Y. DoD'tmakeauy mi. bUt ft1lDellD~er the Dame, Swamplet a dealeJ' eell you


Monday May 9.'10 FIRST TRACT Situate in Warren County, Ohio, being part of the S. W. quarter of section Fifteen (15), Town Four (4), Range (41, M. R. S. , beginning at a ston e N. W. cor· nerof said quarter running thence with the half section line S. 86° 10' E. 11.48 chains to a stone in the middle of the Cincinnati and Xenia Turnpike; then ce with said road S. 41° W. 19.06 chains to all iron stake in the west line of said section; thence with the section lin e N. 4° 10' E. 15.20 chains to the beginning, containing 8.72 acre~, more or less.

. :=~~:ur~I~~l';~i'

n;.,..... -... - -



SECOND TRACT . Situate in the Township of Wayne. Warren County. OhIO, being a part of the S. E. quarter of section Fifteen (15), Town Four (4), Range Four (4), beginning at the N. E, corner of said quarter section; thence S. on the East boundary thereof 23 chains to a stake; thence N. 70° 25' W. 42 chains and '37 links to a stake on west bou.ndary of said quarter section; thence N. 17 chains 50 hnks to the N. W. corner of said quarter section: thence E. 42 chains 23 links to the beginning containing 85-7·10 acres more or '







At 10 o'clock a. m., at the late residence of "1argarct Clements, d~e8sed, !lear' the road leading from Lebanon, OhiO, to Wayne,villc, Ohio, the following described rcal c!tatc, to-wit:

A Regular Tom Boy. was ~usie-c1imbing trae8 Rnd fence8, jumping ditohes, wbitllng. al · waY8 getting 8oratcbes, ootll, epralnB, bruise", bumps, bnrns or !lcalde. But laws I Her mother jU9t applied Buoklen's Arnica SRlve and cured her quiok. Beals every thinK heal able-Boils, Ulcer8, Ec:(:ema, Old bores, Uorn8 or Piles. Try it 25c at Estate·of Frank Johnson, deoea8ed Fred C. Robwart,z. F irst and final aooount flied by Flin. nie Johnlon. A ~J1t·lQ& drag II made by lIawl.. In maUer of will of EBen H. Vaner .pJltUn, a 10, elgbt or nine feet dervoort, deceased. Will admitted CONGRESS SHOULD BE AROUSED I. l.aatb and tell or twelve incbe. t o probo~. In ilameter In halyes, wbleh part. JESSE TAYLOR, Estate of Ellen H. Vandervoort, are placed about tblrty Inebe. to Of Jamlltown. Ohio, deceased. Carl Vandervoort ap. meD addrelling the townsblp tru. thlrt:r'ltx Incbel apart, with the ftat poln ted executor. t.e., road lIuperlntendent. and 8treet .Ide.' to the front 110 that the Iharp Estate of Rebecca H. Lowe. de . commissioners, of Clermont county, ed,e. Ihall act al IIcrapers, and faa.. tened In thl. position by eros. bar.. oeased. Distributive aoooont flIed at Batavia, 08 March 9, 1910, .ald: Tbelle drale can be oonatructed at a "I waa a cood road enthusiast Ion. by Emma E ~ Lowe,' adminiltratrlx. before 1 was a candldll.te for Congress, co.t of from two to three dollarl In matter of will of Mar, B. Don- and my great love for tbe horae Plank Drag. Iton , decealed. l'apera purporting cauae. me to u.e him In.tead of the to be IllSt will and teetament flied . automobile. "I am oppoeed to aU law8, eltber Eatate of Raohel A. BurneU, de. oeased. Due proof of publication of exilltin, 'or proPOled, which place all the burden of the construotion and notice of appointment of execntor. mal.tellance of public road II UpOD tbe In matter ' of will of 8mUh R tarmer and abuttln, land·owner, aud Bradstreet. deceased. Paper. pur: _b.Ueve that not only should SODHl ,ot porting to oe thtf lRat will and testa. the burden of building roadll be taien olr of the farmers and land owners ment .flIed. In m~tter of will of Harriet Ste. but that the State and tbe generai" GoYernment Ihould contribute to tb& phenl, de Jeased. Papers purport- co.t of the The . t600,OOO,OOO Ing to be the laBt will and tel tameD t Ipent oa account ot the Philippine flIed. . lsland. would build B5,7a mllea ot In matter of aSSignment for the _ood macadam roads. "The ,365,000,000 ,pent and to be benefit of oreditors of W. J. HaH. expended In constructing the Pana· &88ignor. Court grant8 appraisers ma Canal will build 52,142 mlle8 ot right to reaasemble and eet off to as. macadam road with an approach and Ilgner balance of stook of goods hltchlnl pollt at every farm house providing lame doee not amount to along whloh It might pasa, and pave and curb the street. In every t'Own 1500. aud city through wblcb It might run, Estatfl of Wilbur Morton et 801. a.d would bring blessings to a peominora. Fourth aocount flied by ple ot our own kind and tongue. Nettie Morton, guardian. "The ,800,000 lIent to tbe .Bulrerel'8 Eetate of Belle Robinson, Imbecile at MMlllsa would have built a waterFourth account flIed by J. G. Trim. bound, oll·topped macadam road from Columbul to Clnclnllatl, and more ble guardian. people at bome would have been Eetate of May Mountt, minor. lifted out of the mud and unfavorable 8ixth account flIed by Ehza V. Bern. condition thaa were In that for\!lgn land. A portloa of the million now Itein guardJaI1. Eat.te ot WUhelmln~ Romollr, de . proposed to be eltpended on rivers Drap are oftea conlltructed of alld .barbors, lockll and dame. ditches, oeased· Second and flnal acoount levle8 and reservoirs, eblps and ship plankll Inlltead of log.. There I. aoth· flIed by Perry Romohr. lubsldlell and the enlargement of tbe ing in u.e· con.tructlon of a .pla.k army aII'd na\'1 would bring joy to drag that can, tor plirtlcular meDMarrIap Licenaes. tholle .who now live along unimproved tion except tbe Itrengthenlnc of the plank8 alone their middle line b,. a Ben F. Abner, 27, farmer of Way .. roads In the ltates. "The cost of two ' modern battle- 2 x 6·lncb strip. A trlancular strip neeviJle and Hazel E. Hoover 20 of .hlps would macadam every foot of may be used under the lower eq& ~pringboro. ' , road III the Sixth Congressional Dla.. ot tbe blade to elve it tbe p'roper CII~ Hugh L. Burgett, 20, farmer of trlct. till••lope. W~yne8vil1e and Nellie L. HarDess, . "I demand greater economy In all the affalr8 of the general Govern. Railroad Rail Drag. 19, of Waynesville. ment. It. tbat 'We may have aid In road.bulldlng, more Internal Improve. Real Estate Transfers. ment and home development and for Joseph P. Bale to Ida B. &IIore, _ood road. for an at home &I well a. better condltlonl III foreign P08' lots in Franklin t1530. . .e8slonl and big battJe8hlpII on the Clyde C. CoUins .a nd BellSie M. .eas. Governm.nt Ald. Collins to Lulu DODn, let In ~outh "There can be no elrectlve road 1m. Lebanon, $1. . provement In many .tates without tbe Edna B. Cole8 et al to Ida B. aid ?f the general Governmeat, aDd Baeore, quit olaim on lot in Franklin the Postoffice Departm.e nt III nOW threatelling to cancel many rural mall routes, unle8s tbe roads are 1m· ROlla Follen aDd .lame8 Fonen to proved and maintained. Frenoh IBrotherll' Bauer 00"" """ny, Con"re.. Should B. Aroul.d. ........ 2.06 aore8 In Lebanon, $1. "Som.body mu.t aroule Congl'e.. George W. tlingletoo a~d Mary to the n.o....lty of lome action and Ellen Singleton to French Brother" IIb.ral appropriation. toward helping .... Bauer oom~ny, traot In Lebanon, 11. the .tat... to help the countle.. to C; O. Miles to Thoma!! E. Barn. h.lp the p.ople con.truct and maintaln • oompr.hen.lve .y.tem of road.. .... hart lot in Franklin $4,000. "Th. land owne,. and the atat.. Ollie Hinee to Mil'on and Rhoda. and countl •• oan'not build them, and Dra ke, traot in Deerfield town8hlp the right kind of road. can only be 11. ' built, and will only be built, wh.n Ella Thirlrield to, Jame8 Branndil the n.tlonal government ce.... It. e.travall_noe and lend. a h.lplng and WUhelmina BrannoD, .'I ot in hand' to road bulldlnll." Franklin, $535. Th. bulldlnt of lIood rold.· In the J08eph M.· Bunnell to Ma 6 tie E • . ~nlt.d Stat.. i• .on. of paramount • '~port,nc. to natlona' pr'olpe"lty and Bunnell 10Un 8pri~gboro, $1. Juergen Shuma~er to Fnnk ' M.. eommerolal .upr.mao),. Mal"t.nance of Road.. 0 111 one, lote io Harlan township, fl. -10' tbe mailltenance aDd ~re of 01'Jam81 M. ,Lubul'gh to W8lley cHnalT e&rib road. mall,. dlmculUee ' Luburgh, quitolaim oDiot.lnS-roO' ar. 8noouDtered because of the wet Two-pIecn- .oI-ralli'0a4 ,rall. bo Of a perfect underltaadlDg .. to bow ..1Hi b,. IrOD rode ill the .... ro,. .. to leoure the bardut and mOlt duo .... ".oUJd .make a better u4 more Wealey Lubvgh to Wesley ..II. nble IUrfaoI with tM mOlt available . durable dr'll. Plaab' 1D&7. 1}e p~ Lnbn~lb lot 10 SprlDiboro, II. aatarlaL · It .! au beta.f0u4 tat. . . ~~_......!!..~~~~.! #



The undeulgned wlll offer for sale, al pubJi audion , on

. -.

Common PleaS Court.

SIR t a'eof .ea '. .sa.e· ,


..--- ...- - -

County Courts

' . 1ft £






The undersigned, W. H. Allen, as Executor of the estate of Mary Clements, deceased, offerin2 for sale the undivided one-half Interest In said lands, and each of the other undershtned parties otferin, for sale an undivided one-sixth :ntcrest in said lands. Said lands have been appraised as follows:

First , Described Tract at $2000 00 Second' Described Tract at $4000.00 Said two tracts will be c,ffered for sale severally and will not be sold for leIS than two-thirds of the appraised values thereof. relpectively.




One-third cash; one-third In one year and one-third In two years from day of sale. Defened payments to bear Interest at Six per cent from day of ISle and to be evidenced by the promissory notes of tbe purcbaser,.~secured by mortgage on the premises sold.




As aecutor tor the Estate I:lements, deceased •


of Mary


Jennie C. Hamilton~ Chas. H. Clements. .


Subscribe for THE home paJM!r.--The Miami Gazette may rid., II necessary. To uee It the horles are hitched 10 that the dralE or Bcraper .ball talle a 81ant of about 45 degree. to the direotion of the pull of t~e team. The following pointe are to ". borne In mind In draggln, a road: 1. Malte a IIgbt drag, wblch I. bauled over the road at an angle 10 that a .mall amount of earth I. pusbed to the oenter of the road. 2. Drive the team at a walk, and let the driver ride on the drac. 3. BeglD at one Iide of the road or wheel track, returning on tbe opPOlite. elde. 4. Dra, the road al .oon .tter every rain al pOBllble, ,but DOt "ben the mud III In lucb a condition as to Btlck to tbe dra.. Do aot drag ·a dry road. 6. Dr.. ·wbenever pOIBlble at an lIealODB of the year. . It a road I. dra,c" tmmedlately before a cold spell,. It. will freeze I. a .moot~ COIldltlOD. · . I : Tb. "Idth ot travel.eel wa,. ~ be maintained . b1 the dra. .bould be from 1'B to 14 feet; tirat dra, a little .more t}Ia. the "Idtb Of\a '1Il,le- wheel track, '·thea ,",duan,. J J1.creaae unU) tb., d.llred wldtb 18 ·obtallieel. I 7.· ~".YI· dra_ a little, North toward, the Center of the ~d unUI t 11 'l ra1Hd. from 10 to '11 IDCb.. abo-v. the. 414••• of the travelid "a,. .If the d-'" cute In too· muoll, Iborte. the ~~ .



-. . ~ or __ "'~

--drag wli! carry along can be very' considerably controlled by t~e drlYer. accordingly as he IItandl near the cutting end or away from It. 9. When the roada are ftrlt dralred after a very muddy IPell the wa,ons IIhould . drive If possible · to one 'aIde until tbe roadway bas a cbance to freeze or partially dry out. 10. Tbe best re8ultll from dl'&l'glBg are obt~lned only by repeated appll· cations. Con8tant attention II neoe8sary In order to maintain a. eartb road In Its best condition. ~ ••- -Lion Fondles a Child. In Plttabtirg a lavage lion fondled the hand ~hat a child thrUit into bls o~ge DIiDlJer to a ohild. is acme . tImes great ~heil le~Bt regarded , Ofkn it ccmet throolth Cold. Cronp' .and Whooping Coo~h. ' rJi~y thouean". that Dr. KiDg', .New Dil. ' oover,oonld have eaved . 1'A hi", d08e~ ou~ our baby of very bad case of Cronp,'· ~rUe. Mr. Georp B. Davi8, of Flat· ~Jt, ·N, 0 t ~'We a.lwliY, give it to hi~ w~en he; &aba .oold. It. a . wonderfol m8dtolne'fo1' babies." BeIIt for Cd~h',' Celeb, lAGrl.p pe, Aeth"1Ja, ~"p;nonha~ WeaJE LODI', 600,.'1.00. Trial bohle , ~~; - '!aaaranteec1 '. by .~ , C. ' \Tar . --~.......- - . - - - '00.1:4 -..' '1 Ia,-bam foO Of~. . 'lh~re u.ioIDe IDID'IO



.' * h ., wt1l119' eYell Ale .1&.,;..... . PID"





G~ZETTE . For Representa~ive

w,nyu ~ \' III" ,


in Con gres s .



~A~:(:"~"':.''-Hl:~:--':::'" ::: ,"~,: I"'X,---"'1--'.1---E'""!!"'S-S-.-E--T--.A' -y..,.j'-L--O--R-~I . ----., _ I ==~~==========~~~~======~~~



D. L. CHANE. Editor and l\1", nager

---- - - - --.-- - - - - ._ Rate", of SUbsct iption




Ringlin g Bruthe rs' World 'e Sred· ellt Showl'! will , on Wtldnel'dny, May is witho ut doubt the most efficie nt house paint 18tb, ~ive two perr('lfOlanCElR in Day. on the marke t, and is cheapest in the end, in that Rates of Advert ising ton 'fhlS w~1 be only ooportu it will. go furthe r and wear longe r than other lluac Uug ),O(:IlIH, per, IIl1e . , ... . . . , .. . " Dlty thi8 yellr of seeing the beat of Gl' HOlld lllg L() _ al~ . bloCk fu'·o. pe r 11110 . . . . l Oe all oiroull enterta lomeut s. This is paints . Only the best mater ials are used, with' lS8Hlflll!l Ads. lint 10 axc·OOt.I II \. , II11Wl the s how that amuzad New York 'I'hree ill8 rUuM . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 15,' WHI TE LEAD AS THE PRED OMI NAN T Ubltullrll 1>1, 111' 0 ill .!t" .. l ree: '01' ' I' 1\ 0 City with it!! EuropellD oompan y of III 'IIL'tI . IMlr lIue. . . . . . . . . . .' PIGM ENT ,' tempe red with just enoug h zinc CIt: aotors, lind it-s extensi ve new men. Uarll o f lhllllks . . . • • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. 2 CIt: to preve nt chalk ing quick ly, as is the case where Ilcaolutlo uK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. 60e agerie. Hs pIlrllde is the longest 800lalll Ilk . whe re C'l lIlrgo Is 11lI14lu. . . ~5c and most superb speotao le th&t ever "lead aloBC is used. DlHJIl ay Ad \'Ilrtls lug pur lu,:It . . . .... ' passed throug h the S$reets of any DlllcOlIlIl ~ gh' o ll nil ,'Oll t ru '1. ci ty, 011 April 3, 1883, the five . rOil .ALI: av brother s go. ve their first perform . MAY •• 1910. anoe In their home tOti n, Barabo o, Wis., on the publio square . They lmade Way nesv ille TH.E FROST DAMAGE th'e tr owa tent IlDd tbetr own Ohio rlog proper tlea' Tbe audien ce 81lt While the recent oold weathe r un on pianka borrow ed from a lumber Sprin g Valley. Iyard. queation~bly did moob darnuge to .... ---- -'T RY LIV ER ITE S-- ---- I They had but one borse. (Delayed ) frui t and orop~, it is pleasin g tu rea() Frew that litHe ooe rlog aftalr to Mr. Ethan Walton Is the gueit of tb'" tbe first report.,. of the lOllS sus Lebano n, March, 1910. 1 their presHot Iltopen dous organtz il. relativ es here. mined lIH.·m to 110 va baeu unduly ex- To my Repu blican frienw.: tton tbe hiltory. ot the RinKling Mn t!lwain Bar'r ett and daught er, aKgera ted G"allt II!! hltl4 been t-he As I am not physically able to re- I Bro~hers read'!! . hke a tatry "'Ie. Corrln n visited a few daYIla 8t week damag e wrough t in 8t1veral fllobtes, it peat my walkin g feat of the Llverlt ee for a Cold. Backac he and Weak Liver or Kidney s. Cam_ IThey began wlt-h notbin g. They with her mo'hel ', Mrs . Weller . i8 now allaued that there will still . f2 . hi '" palgll (\ years ago 10 w chI waIked . DOW own the greate8 t amU8e meo' Rev. An ounce of h Llo,d retnrne d be muoh frUIt even In those stales over 300 miles in the ,dust Always keep Monday Debora evenln~ from the west and heat 1 enterpr ise in all hiatory . PreTen tion is Where she "'pent the winter . Sbe them in the where the cold. wos 8evere8 t of that dry summe r, 1 write this ' The rellaon of 'beir SUOO888 worth a pound house ready ia no wall agreea bly surpriflled when abe Good Mother Nl1ture take8 pret.ty messai 'e to you to let you know of'cure . that soore', It ill a peouUa roombi natton reaohed her home for use. in tlDdinK the nloe O:lre of U!I ufter nil. Shlliten ds 1 am a candid ate again for the office of tbe right kind of talent and a membe ra of the I. Friend a' ad· S. S. tbere us luore bl O!!ttOllll4 tuun IUd ne eu, Prepar ed from Pure Native Herb8, they Cleans e the SY8tem . ht neM In ' d ea Ii nK w itb with aupper prepare d. " of County Record er. I have been poIi oy 0f uprlR so thd If tbs frostl! bllRbt mun, 01 a citizen of Warren Coun"" Purify the Blood and thus PREVE NT SERIO US SICKN ESS.and since 1855 toe p,ublio Even duriog Ita early Mrs. Pbtllp Bawke .. &8 thegu8 8t. ., them, t·here wH.I Ittill be some lef t.. of her p"renta Toesda v. ' d~"" an d a. Iways a Re pu bl'ca I n- ,g It was" good show It waa Mrs. Henry Crew is Renou81y lll . She mllkfld the eflrth one'Yen, 80 that 1 served over 3 years In C~. F 12th Rmall, ~~t it was an ellrnes. t enlleav · Arah Copsey and wife enter~ined if oondhiootl upun tll.e hiKblu.oda an regime nt, the first Co. organiz ed at or. Wlt·huu t oGpital the fine youog Sunday , T . M. G~rtren lind family, uof~vorable, tb.., Jo-wlf\nds will feed Lebano n in 1861. No otber membe r men atrugKled agllins t the bittere st ~nd Mrs , North, of ~pringfield. the ptlople until oundlcionR upon thf of my family bas ever bfen a candi- oppo.itioD. '~ey wuo tbe oODil. A numbe r of teaober hlghlHndll obllDge. ~he gives U8 date for any office whateorer. a of this dence of the publlo aod have .always 'place Il.t tended A8800illtion Expert Opticia n, Saturd ay many v.. rle~lee ot (OOthl, 80 th~t we 1 will thank you frona the bottom deserve d it. A very few yellrl after in Xeola . may no.• h 8.· ve t 0 d apeDd, upon any of my heart for your sup.-r .. t per formaoo e. tb ei t and vote th f iI' ~ra Ia Mrs. D. W . An"bee and Mra. Ray .r i r va one line of endea ,"ur , tibe IIppearll at the primar y electionyo, were Xenia ehoppe rs Friday . Over 20 Years Practical Experience on May 17th ~n to sit up and take 8erl0U8 no· Eagle . M. D_-t i h oroel Bod rele~ltle"8 Ht times, tbe bot next. I want and need " r •. go", on waa called to Indian ap. the office. t ce w en mentio n or tbe RiolJUng olie llUIt week by tbe iIln8lll of h&r winds pilroll I\ud the oold winds • - • Broihe n was m&!!e. They re ..Uzed lion Bert, who la sufferi ng freeze i the druo~bt burn' up and thl' with eryGustin Botel,WaynfSville,O. ' An Ideal Husban d. tb.., bad au opPoliiog force to oom. alpelaa. floodl wadh aWIIY, bot I~t the yel~r'lI i8 patient , even \'(ith a btlggin g wife, pete with that bad oome to atay. 'in Mrs Lena Barret t la on the alok .at saturda Y every month end, wben the b... I~Doe ill struok, It for he knowe she needs help. She II. f~w year8 more the Ringlin g ilhow list. is all in our f ... vur. lDay be 80 nerVOUR and wn in took . fillt plaoe amonl ' the tent. While the 101111 of a pllrt of a fruit bealtb tbat trifles aunoy her. The boy smokeR olpreU e. behind If 8ho,", of AlDerica. There Is where she Is melano holy, exoitab le, troob orop In a given oomluu nity works 8 led witb 1088 of appetit e, headac the barn becauae da4 amokes oigars be, it wlJl ..lw",11 8tay. It ball become hardAbip upon the people of tbat 81eepl888neas, oonl!tipation or falnt- the leader in the. art of enterta ln. io the open. oommo oity, - to aome extent thia lOR and dlzzv spella, .he need. Elec meDt. oountr y ia 10 big, aod tr.nspo rtatton trio Bitter•. the mOlt wonder ful remedy for amng wome. . TboDl W. HEN DER SON ,M.D . h •• been 110 pttrfeoted, tha' no oue anita of autrera A Man Wants To DIe. ra from female - l,)OintnUnlty- lIufl'ers" gre&tly 00 ao.o I!I~, o-8rV0Q8 trouble s, backac troob. oaly: ~~en laz Uve1"._li4 ~gnj!h be and Wa}'nelyjlle, Ohio. count of tbe f"tlure of anyon e crop weak kidney a bave DIed them ~wela cause frilb~ful""poDdenoy. and , In' that oommault-y. Priee8 no long. become healthy and happy. But Dr. I[ing's New Life PUll ex Try pel polsona er are govern ed by the size ot a orop 'hem Only 500. &ttsf.. otlon'l from the Iyatem ; brina Valley Phone 153 Main Stree nar hope and oouralCe; aure C. Schwa rtz. all Liver, In "09on ty or a state. And it often anteed by Fred ••• _ _ _ Stomao h and Kidn~toublO1; , im ''flappeDI tba' the year pellobea or IS BIGGE ST FISH HATCH part health and vigor td the weak ERY oervou applOll ba ve f.Hed in ,~ eert"ln oum 8 aDd amnK. 250 at Fred C. &lh"ar tz. munity , plenty of 'he fult olm still The biggest salmon hatohe ry in ---- - -..~.---~ be had in tbat oommu Dlty at priot:8 .be world Will Keep has been opened at Boon. lower than the yellr before when vllJe, Oreg. It will be the centr.,l there Wll8 muoh of it -O"yt on plant The undersigned will offer 'for sale, at public auction, at the late lor the state and is located on New8. reaidence of Mal'laret Clements, deceased, near the road the Columb ia river, wbere moat of - --'--... - - leading from Lebanon. 0., to Waynesville, 0., on the fry will probatolv bo Uberat ed. We are author ized to announ oe -AND lIJ the mowflr .r!,!d!? The buUdin g i8 55x230 teet and 1s the followi ng nsme8 .•ubjeot to the Never lead. ooH at the eud of equipp ed with 248 16 foot hatohln voten of Warre n Uounfiy, at the R May Primar y: a lonll atrap. Men have been killed trough l, having a capaoit y of 60,000, in thi. way.. ~ For Commissioner '1 000 e,ga. There are now 20,000,000 • - • ~ eggs on hllnll ready for hatchin g At his residen ce, 3Yt mUes west of FRAN K D. MILLE R Cnt your olover while it Is In the Water ia aapplie d from a Waynesville, on the Upper Spring . . 8AMU E u L. IRONS bloom. Dead.r ipe olover i. j11l',t or~_ throug b a 1S inoh boro pike, for the season .of 1t10. pipe, the ' abou' IpoUed .O far liB feed. 1800n- flow . beiog 3,000 saUool (For 8eoo\~ Term) a minJl~ At 10 o'clock a. m., the following described real estate, to-wit: ,B ROWN BILL is a Coed lenera l· oerned . ~"reery and feedln8 ponda are aup· FRED D: SIMPS ON purpos e horse. (For 8eoond 'rerm) pUed luffioie nt for feeding 3,000,000 CLOVE RDA),E is one of the bestSituate in Wayne Township, Wa"ren Couaty , Ohio, yoong tilth. . E. c. JEl!'FE RY, . and in the N. E. quarte r of,Sect ion Fifteen (15)" Town bred Perche ron horses in this section of Wllahl ngtf'n Towntt hlp . Four (4), Range Four (4), M, R. S., bouDded and deof the cauntr y ~ He is fifteen yeara NOTES ON COST OF LIVING scribed as follows: Beginn ing at a Itone S. W. corner old, and is witheu t a blemish . For Recorder of said quarte r section ; thence with the West bounda ry If ,you "re fond of ohOllS,,, oom· . thereof N. lXo Be 1624·1 0 poles to a stone, the N. W. WAL'l 'ER KENR ICK plu'."v ely inexpe nsive way to Rei, comer thereof ; thence with the North bounda ry line 01 Wayne Towna hip TER MS: , them (a to purch~se 'a hatche t, or, it of said 'section S. 89X o E. 82.44 poles to a stoDe; thence s. lXo West 1625-10 poles to a stone in the $to.OO to insure a living colt. Any you prefer, an ax, and yoo will find JOBN E. ROBIN SON, South bounda ry line of said quarte r section; thence of olle CJ6I\ro parting reek with Town8 mare forfeit s the hlp, .11 the ohopa yeu waoS 10 thA ,vloio. North 89Xo W. 82.44 poles to thA beginn ing, contain · . ' ce. IDsuran . tty 01 the woodpi le. ing 83 acres 3 roods and 3 poles more or less, except ing For Treasurer A flrlt-olaA8 8t~ke O&D always be about four acres in the N. W. comer deeded by Daniel Antram to Adam Morris . had of any dealer lu garden ~upplles JOB Ii:PB PERRI NE It may. prove r.ther tough e&ting, WAL TER MCf :LlJR E, FRAN K J. BROW N bot if careful ly stewed for several The saki W. H. Allen. as Executor of the Estate of Mary BYRO N O. BOWE LL, JR. weeks i~ pow&rs .of relistan oe to the Fune ral plr~tor. Clemen ts, deceased, offering the undivided one-half luterest in said teeth will be pal'tl'111y overoo me. ,. For Survey lands or and tbe said F. M. Hamilton, Jr., as Executor of the Estate In Dooking your money , if i' 10 . . . . . . .t au_II ~ of Margar et Clements, deceased, offering the undIvided one-half SAM D. HJNKL E bappen s you h"ve gooe ou • oaah Teleph one day 01 ulght. CDlumb "" 0., NoY. ii, 111111. interest In said lands. \For r~elootion) . V~lley phone No. ,. Long fa "b~, 1..', .... taDlll,. lilly••• diet, care most be taken that it i8 .... !!f!'!!Bo .,. t\lberoulC III" Dot burned .-Judg e. ,. Dtetan08 No. 69-".. W. ELME R ~OBNSON aDel ••_.....edONOHte , Said lands have been appraised at $4800.00, and will not be . . a. (e til. CIOt'llltrt . aDel ---- ....---_Iel UIat 011 Ya ul' ( st rlc~l y III IIl.1vauc· ) , . . . . .• • Il . UU Sl llglll (, IIY ...... ........ .. , . ... .. .. . . 05

---- ---- ---- ----- ---


J. E. .




Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness







J . .N. HOYT,


.- .




- ...





Br ow n Bil l Clo ver dal e

M on da y M ay 9, '10



,.........~_ to ,.mata . tb.,.



o. 1


... am Dlllllth•. I ..... Dt4 OIl a farm 11_1' Z&MnI II. ::." taIWa. oreo.ol. · aU ... ...... _Dl.4 to .1.. ID. ~


ReCently the sohool oommi ttee 01 Oldbor y, near Londoo, .erved notice . . upon tbe ohildre n that thay were not tc work out 0 f' sobool hour., er but I beU.". Dlr NCioftrJ' "'..: i f w:&penOII ' aoN" U~ raptel, ..than mo.t · CIU.::i~ ' waV ng re erenee, 0 f oourse, t 00000·

~ ",I"'~ ' but HOII' aner I r.tu .1 ...... to 0101111" IIIl4 ..,. OOIUUtlo a . . . . ...OrIM thaD •••r. _"'" Uth I be.... takbt. Kat1aft·. '~ and ..... eoon oUred. Jut . Ute . .... .... ~ r, .&Ia.r _ . Ibat- ''''''

~~'llf'~~~_ PO'!o•• 'or mo ••y ; , 110m••• Sh.

'. .


~lbt~:IaD ""~-= D~nldren, howev er, h~ve ta~entbe 'CHI~ ' 111.


ayre4. . lliaoonr r. ·

,eotDmand It terally .nd refused to '. . ,6L • ,_ MIIl8t in any of nie home dott_ o" • ~ , ,• . ' nutil. 'he teaoher a at the requee t of "'"'t.:..1b. ~W_I the pareote mllde It plaJo to tbe cr~· ~ l1li& .. A. boy. and ilrla thRt mUllin l the 00-: J _ and. 'akIDM' f)a~e 01 the batir were to .... , 10 on ae heretof ore after ' IIObool =.:.-::-"'-. , boun.




.- .

. A lUthl vantty keel» a maD ke,ed op to bil bt.t, wbUe too anioh reD·

. . , bliD olJaUloDl 10 Ida

DrJ.lH. Cosner Osteopath Gradua te Americ an School of Osteopathy, . Kirksville, Mo•. SeYen years' experie nce in hOipital and private practic e. . Brief conaultation free.

aours. 9 to ·4. Both Phon..


• •


omc:e, Bal'Ve",bol'lr. 0.

DK. R.E·. HAT HAW AY WnY'ue8rille'a l,8dln , DeD*lat ,)ftloe 10 Key. Bldic. Mala 8* . I

A. MA FFI T, . Undertaker and Embalmer. '. WlU be fODDd 10 'he old Bank BidldiDa. oppollt e Ill, NaUOnal .Bulk. . Teleph oae ID hOOM and of• . . where I' ... be caUe4 '. day o~ ailrh" V~ PIa_ 1.....

,.uon. _ _~""~_"_i'~

....... """'"

told for iess than two-thirds of the appraised value.

TERMS OF SALE . One-third ca~; one-third fn

on~ year

Iud one-third In two

years from the daY of sale. Deferred payments to beat

Inte~ . at

Six per 'cen~ from day'of sale and to be evidenced by the pr-.)mJuory· .... of tbe purchaser, sewred by inortcage on the. premises sold.'

W. ·H.


A. Execut or of the' Estate ·

Clementa, deceal!ed. .

F. M. Hamilton, Jr•

O.... ' . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . .III!II~!III~. .-~~. . . . .f~;;~



to ber fe t lind p,ut ber hand On


s honh! ~ r.

Dts I and

h~no!' sh "cl'letl In'' a sU fi d "'o·-no, 1\11'. Basil!" "J-lusb." 11 ' Cllllm a nded h " aternl,.. And hI' 'klle", hll1l t oo w II to burst . lorth Into the grief h er btlart contI\ ln ~ d . Tf'mpest III hi s tone alan r'.r'.v...."."...••••••• L • • •,~ hud becol1le tllo lUl.\ster who, although


v Jel':


It wnR • ecbo ' 0 :

/8 emu!



----- -



~'What hall happened to Mr. Tem(lesl:'" "Oh , nothing s.udd en"- Mrs. 1\ tlly got th e b tt r or he r teal's-" nolhlnf; sudd e n, no mol' tban yeste rdaY- ol that you wOlud se - but h e's Ill, TIIlss Everythlnsr Considered. It Is Practical. Satisf'actory and and my h art Is brok n for blm ." , Inexpensive Bulldlnsr and One Which

· .. ~~ ';:~nl::~~~~~;~~~r:~~~I~~~::~~~~:d:~~~d~ ~~;II:~t \~r ~~::~~::~~I!; ('~?~~~~ b~11 fj ~ The M er: ~ ' rav en C f 0 ~

Should Prove Serviceable.

·a"saataa a

---. Gnd Tpmpcst was th controll ed ont!. work. I hav(' ho n wrong. perhap" . The plan and diagram here with dark. bul can be raised when tb e lit.. 11 0 said ntly : "O il, 110. Ind d! " hunkd th'e olh r. tenuant collects the eggs. The fro nt . .: " You 'll find 6 0111 means to scc Mis s "Far fr o III It. you ha\'e been l\ bless· submitted gh'e a good Idea for build· or tb e platform is support d hy n al' w a nd lo t ell hl'r whatl'\' l' YUn In~ to 111111, U gOO(1, dear bl essing." Ing a poultry house 30x!!) fe e t. eight !!x4 piece at ea 'h corl1er and lbe bac\1 f et high in fronl aud s ix feet high :· l llk t>. You will prev nl her cOllIing. 1-11'1' WilY at putting Il was sweet. nnd Is fll s l ened to the WillI. .: s fol' IIIt,"-lw , s hrugged-" I 11111 in. In Ils rnl' llI !loothe d th e heartache In Ute roar, writ s A. A. Zi eme r In The positions of UJe dust baths . .. cnpnbl or any fllrth ' r litr f' ngtlt In ~ll ss ar w . was b ginning Inte nsely The Farmer. It Is slmilly hut well water cans. grit and shell boxes, e tc .. : : ILl' nlUtl l' r. I couldn't b ex II (' ll'll 10 10 f .. ol. )1f1!. He nly wns looking at built of S ffilill dim ension slurt Ilnd are Indi cated on lhe plan. as nre ul stl .. turll voluntarily fr om \I l'n \' n to ~H' r In a sort or app eal . and continued matched boards, cov r ed on lh e oul· the positions of xterlor and Int rlol ~ :: 1Il.lIit>s.' , I-h .' !.-IllIlI cd bls pCl: ullnriy !ll~.? h t'l'("nl1Y : s ide witll prepared roofing nnd lilled doors and doors for the fowl s. TllII ;;.: Dv Marie Van Vorst •• !, \\'I'I'I , g.'IIU e smile nnll rose to go. . rh e day [ Ir.t you In. IIIlss-1 se with tnr pape r. It Is a very lig ht and clover ru ck Is lUade of four·lnch m sh :: :: r.l r . Il l:' nly foll owe d hIm t o th _ I ~.o~v that T. t,o ok It on myself, so to wnrm house, Wlr netti ng Is s tre tched wire ne Ulng and is. four feet hi gh IIlI d Aulhor of •• <l oo r. \\'11 1:' 11 h hael le ft her s h<' f,,11 I R,l} . I s hu n t ror~ ct how you stood on the under s ide oC th e rafte rs nnd two fe t In diam c tc r. Its position In UAmnnda of tl11J /ifill. " :: IIpon h I' l;o l"~ hy th e little ·hult· ~b el'U wet anll ('olU lik n A. I:h llli lost the spnce bel wee n It and th e roof Is .IoB!loll -,lngso n·s II'lI'e 11I8t each pe n IB Indlcllted on th o grollnd "MI.n D(·",I. " -. It , had IIs('d t o s it III li S a cblid. lind 10 n Ellorm- you W IlS so ('agel'. too s turred with oat straw whi c h keeps p11l1l . At th e bac1{ of each PCII Is nn w ' k lIu(1 hl" S lJ('t 'll drllnk -' v r IIlael!. l·(C•• " , ('. :. I\' III for 1: 1!11 nnll Ilray d fo r him nnu 11 1111 yuur yos was so bright. nnd YOIl the houso warm and free from damp· opening In th e wuJl 8xx1.2 Inc hes. lI, ' III I1' c' k- llh: 1\'..-11: h(\ nC\'lJ r could dl' d 'l'mln rl that If th e r e we re hope says so delt'l'lIIln'dly : .[ lalls t st'" ness. which Is opened wben the wl'a ther ~lI\ lld III'OS \, I' IIY. 011 t il l" 1'lIrth to r esc ue blm , h e should )11'. T e lll!)e!:l l.· Do you r e lll ' rr.~r ?" - -- - The hou se Is di vided into three 11 i'mlts bllt closeu ot night. eXccl1t In Where She Scored. -. bl' I' t; ' uI 'd. How s he 1111(.1 f~ \' er bc pn th a t en· sections by partitions of wire lIe tttng lhe hot months of SllmUle r . , ro............rI'.....v.....................:. It lid not ca1\ for an nRtut c ham c- ~c[rl pri s lu!). practi cal, bolll illva?l!f and enc h sec lion or pell has two Will' ]I[ uslln Is tncked over th ese O(1C I1 ' Hhcltlll r1 1'; "IT II I ~ h It, " ~ thi s S lOl'~' flll t "J' r a d r t o remar k th e c han ge In \" ss Carew was so fill' from b eing dows In tront. each 24x28 Inches In Ings during the winter to prcvc nt. II hi ~ pslt't' II\i'd IlIl h" r ' UOolllrtllbltlill'. by J.lI. Llpllln_~ lNDl1Wl1· " Om' t1:I)' 1\ IOll g 11111" IIgo n III1IUUE'r SYNOPSIS. ~lr.i. I1nm sdlll's gu cst. TlI e nn e ('0\/11 ' rlbl' 10 rccall that th e s tory did not size. 'fhe roos t IJlatforms ure two draft wh n th e wooden s hlltt r ' are nf dliltln 'lI in ullr n l' I ~ l\borlJuod Wl1rl' t ry al l' o f - - shir ha d fail ed to !lound to hI' \' like It 'r t)wn. [eet above lhe floor aud three feet open. Over each outside 000 1' Is Ull II\\ldll~ :tUOIII II", hall hnhlf :-; or tholt' (i1u<iI T ~mpN.I, \\, ol'ld '" I-\'t"'1l1"OI 1l,)Pt fl'e:lhen or ker' p th origi nal ros es In "A nd [ hnd just Icft him a halt lid II U\"l' IIRI . rl' II1 f' l n g' fu r ther In I,, ' IltHI· )1 a l'l'lI t~ . II c r wa lks to and froUl hflu~ ue for e s hut ."p In that dl' cnr· l7.c(l ... hut s hlI1lMI! up In e,.",·(,,, . II I.' h.1' ch eeks. ". ..3() " ' ~I y Inlh pl' " III IJ I\t '~ I ~, clgnrll a d uy,' .; rool1l w ith hiS books, which he I-I IH I! I(llllHY IIII ' IlIlallnn ~ the castl did not HUmilIate he r appe. : om f' ountry hllllll' . , 'nlt l a 1I 11 11' .:tr l. lo ()n ~ lfll\1y IIkc . n r c broken b y th t) Hchn lNlti o ll o f un AU IUI"· tit!'. She wa R exlrcmely aHe red. li nd wOlllc.lll ·t road. 01' hla pap rs, which , , i lia-n • .Lucy "ann\', wh o hUM (' OIn t' to 1 ~ l l,",& " '~ty fnl h" r li WI 'lIr!< 1i0lllelhing aw· ,, _II h o 1I'01l id nov e r touch l a nd to get a s tuLly o f Ih e n lll.h nr, 11111 til!' lilli e woman te llllJl ed her with th o h' 'WOI' It " ful wht' ll tHlP lwr I ~ 1I11t',' liuld anothl'l'. III O rl' especln ll y n sy nops is (l! hi.. I"'W . u h 8t of ber hOIll Iy kitchen taro ID again . Why. mi ss . you mad me think • Iltlc of poem s. T l' mp" ilt. a nllr}, 1\ 1 Iwl "~ " ·.\Iy pilJlU l ' all\(' hOl1lo tl gbt Ih e !;ome how that night liS YOU cam e In dis turbed, de c l a r~H III' will writ .. It(l I\h, r .' 1'aln . ,• n l hl' l' III ~ hl ,' rp nHu' k ~ d a Ulll'd . And rurk ly usks he r t o go . It('\I r nLi nll p ! P 11 • ~. I d th ' of th e stories J us ed to t 1\ him when , •• 1, 19 rnd n ~8 he Ilpologl z 11 und ol1',' n . 10 II) Rams dlll \;. come . e lin· he was a boy-the 'falry-tales-nnd " It WII R my \1tl1(' slRltlr's turn II 'xt. •,• d iotat to Lucy . who sits lIll(' llbourll1 : t l' " 'Yu u jus t oughl 10 see my Vapa • , "ho writes. T empes t Induces Lu cy to ro- usua l vi s it of lIIr. 1 empest s bouse· you gave 11I e lhe fe ling of hoddnesB , ,, tnllln nnd rcuI' hoI' manU8 rlpt t o him . kl'e per with grea t defcl'l'nce and reli ef Ul! If you just ~ropped In Wltll tbe 1' /-, lIti ('I<' 1'0: s h !lnltl. ami all th ,II ~ 1&' Their Inte r os t tn on ll anoth er I:\'r o,,"II. T ('IO ' an d II burn ing curios ity to speale of min and was Bomo kind of a bewlich. olllt' 1' lilli e ~II' I ~ reIIred In cOllfus lon. ,1e6t burns t he photog r n phs a.nd It'tte rn or t " II I I d fI . ' --,ady Ortn o nd. wltlt whom h ili Hlllll l hus the gu s t. :=JOu.slgladly atlmlttlng l hll t sister had won '1'9. He nl y In rlghl ula ck silk wllh men . e r 111 IIg C gures were not .. een Dssoc lnl d . H o lokes ~('o t pl pu~u r lIll ' l'l'l zc."- Clcl' ' 1IInd Le ad I'. In Lucy'" prese n ce. lUI th~lr w ork prn· f t hi Jltt! I b I uopl cturesQ ue and the liste ne r did not OCfover a e c ng c ose onne \\' lOse !lmlle as s h e thougltl with a thrill or ~'I' 8 9. 7l't!1e Mrs. Smith's Hired Girl. purple s trings were tied und l'1' her what Tempest had hlml'lll! said. CHAPTER VI-Contlnued. .l\Irs. ~lIIllh It! IlI cky. Sho h UH ke pt ch in hod chosen to draw n veil down " And I de te rmined to se nd YOII to II st! I'vunt for Llll:ce yeu rs. "lid a lthough ovel' ~l e r cou llt nance, whos e natllral him ml s!:l. I said: 'Har bll ' It Tho . : m [I "Oh, sir," she palliated, "I thought s I' !lily ..... as much distu rb d. th e girl has been orr r d mol' I money no wrong, sir- for he r or you." veil was motlled n IIttlp, for e l'en on !III t. auc.l ~ nythlng Is b e tlor· tban to pis whe r ah won't leave Mrs. Smith . "Well, well," be waived, aDd said the way from Crave n s b e lIad cri ed so.o him so; so while you were thank· Tho girl d o's n il tb ' was blng, Rembs olgnlfi tl "f th' d lh 0 I It In me (or be ing so kind to you, mliil. th e /1001'S, do 's lip th In. cllrtulns. ,, ' can y, or me e re s no goo :. ug I . [ wus thlnkln' only of blm, I'm atrald an d CI'ell wns hes the boddlng. P ' alII ill the world." r The )1'OkUI ~~. lady's hln- just hln -what I shall always be doing to the The old woman's hands we re clascd rom wa n. Polly dusted a spot· last." wonde r why s ht, stny" ut Mrs. Smltb'H ver her knltting·work, ber we ddin g· lelis chair and stood alongside ot It Lllcy' Carew could not question her. lind do l'S !'I 0 mu h morc worle thlln oth I' rtng flne and yellow on he r tinger- hopefu.Jly-not venturing to suggest She felt no wish to do SD-sll had gi rls can be illduc('(1 to do, until they l,c bad seen the ring grow thin with that Mr~; H~nIY linger, bu~ longing a dr ad of' what m essage the woman Ipa m thnt ;\Irs. Smith buys Easy Task t be reins. His eyes were on It. for ft. She s never sUlI, m; I do had come to bring. Sbe was speed. la undry SORP. which dOOR on ·ha lf the "But there are good things. s ir," think she walks her flesh otl her and Ing towards some point and the girl work and makes the olb r half easl r . Rbe whispered, BO(tly, "a wUe and her colors as well ." Bat patien tly before the' emotion nd The Irish of Shakespeare. c hildren." "You think she Is poorly. Polly?" the love that struggled In tbe wrln~ed An Engllshmaa lind an Irlsbman He laughed, not pleasantly. .. "We.Il, 'm," coughed Mrs. Ramsd III , old face; but as again Mrs. Henly's were having .an argument on the s ub· Plan of Poultry HOUle. "You must renounce your falry·tales. ther e s some as n e r er does well out appealing ey s DI t hers sbe mur. hakes p nre. " ( d ry you," ject of The only ones tbat nre lett are grue· ot th ei r natural balr ; If it we re a veg- mured: Bome-talee with which to frlgbten etubble, I'd say It were wltherln'; If "Do you r egre t It Mrs. Henly-':'Iet. wIde, placed against the back wall. opening 8x14 inches, whloh II opeIl said th e former , "lo find a single Irish The roosts are 12 lnches above the nearly all the Ume, winter and sum· c hurncl r in th whole ef his works." Udren." It were a child I'd say It we re ·plnln·... tlng me In 1" ' He frowned and covered his face Miss Car w would Bec Mrs. Henly, " n egl'et It. my d ear!" exclaimed tbe platform and rest upon a frame which m r, but which Is covered WJUl mus· "W II. I C III glv you tWll. at all -wIth bls hand; a fine hand, strong who wont up at once to the room In other. "All. I don 't know! It It's for Is hinged to the baok wall and may he lin In winter. During cold winter cv II L~." I' pll d th Irh;bmun. "lIIlss. and sle,n der. nothing elremlnate about th e eaves. . always, I am heart glad; if it's to turn ell up to facilitate cleaning tbe nlght~ a muslin curtain is let dowa O'Ph 110 a lld Corry O'Lnnlls." He it. albeit with the oval nails and The American was before the bit make him grieve and sutler more. I (Jlattorms. Underneath the tront of In front of the roosts and also over (argot I!lImle t's Intimate trl nd , who stood besIde him whUe he was con· _P8ycblc ftnger·tlps of tbe poet. of mirror that reflected sky and mead· shall never, never forgive mys~lf. It ~he plattorms are nests. The hens ap· the windows. Everything considered , this Is a t !1Wlallng his IIncle In d votlon , lind. He recovered himself: "To I' turn ow and he r own changed face. Like there wus only some heart that could proach lbe nests (rom the rear. going . 0 wbat I came to say-Miss at'ew th e Lady o! Shillot, she had soen car e for him enough, sOYne band he In at the ends of the platforms. and ,Practical. satisfactory and Inexpen· ob en-ed : "Now . wOllld I do It, Pat. hinged boards hang from the fronts slve building and one wbicb will give while h is praylug."- Sprln II Id Re· mUBt leave Craven." thl i tb lItU I .,. ... "Yes, Mr. Tempest.'.' strRnge ngs pass u e e g ass. would faye thllt could guide him-but Df tbe platform8 to keep the nests everyone thorough satisfacUon. publican. She stood with her hat In her hand, to see him!" Sbe wrung her handl "! sball never Bend her. s haJl for she bad just come in . Rer hair and heard Miss Carew SIlY In a volco It is a good tiling Lo hav good ';\ever show her, le t ber dream I wish unconftn d, aeen for the 'nrst by that sounded bard ~C!lU8e of the frl ' nds, bill not t be dotn.lnutNI too it, because," his eyes fiash d at abe Mrs. H enly, wakened her admIration. speaker'!! control: IlHwh or too lang hy the ir exomple."\Vh t I I b I I d h old. anxious face, "I wish nothing R e v. Wlll iulll Dickie. ' 1\ ove y a r, m ss, an suc a "Don't. Mrs. H e nly tell me an, '1ess-Dothlng less-In the world . Do lot or It!" more. please. 1 W~ld rnther not rer Red. Hohln" JJ:".,U d •• .,.e. } ' tlU bear?" Polly was right-the stranger's color hear." "Yes, Mr. Basil." Fa.\I1n g Ey lush".... "".1 All Eyell That was gone: tired as s he had been the Th e old womnn ceased. wiped her :-I ('ml Cn r.· 't'r r M u rlnu B ' Salve. "She must not come to-morrow- nor ' .\," ' Pllt: TlIlJ~8 -Tri u l BI%e-~. gain." day of bel' arrival Ilt "\'Uven, sh had e yes, and sighed. AHlt y , u r Urt ll!'R'l"t or " ' til p look 'd the picture of vigorous health. "Ooes Mr. 'l'e mJ)et!t know yon came lII urlll P I':),,' !-t('m,'(lr .0 .. C'h le ugo. A.s be threw back his hend the s had· "Vou're not looking ns well as when to m e. Mr. H e nly?" . o ws on his face appeared to creep Don't try to 1II0id ulloth I' to yOIII' came to ,England, miss." " Oh. dar-be bade me come." from his melancholy eyes and brOOd you Ideal, bllt remold yo III' Ideal IIceordlng Miss arew waB well. It seemed" H. bade you come." ~ver all his features. The spirits of to whal he Is. (lerf clly: ahe thank d Mrs . He nly. "Yes, miss." the night and darkness had banded to· "But It·s no wonder; you're feello' "To do what ?-to toll me whaU" . gather to cast their baleful wings .over him. the long. dos wr ltln ' 1 daresay." "I can't ever teB you, miss." "Sbe mllat not come again:' Mrs. Hpnl)' paused. s urpri sed to find Miss arew had taken her com 11" that fo\' th e firlit sll thoughtI of the panlon'!! hauds-he r ' breast heave • •, No, M r. D as, .'1 cannot bear 1t." girl. Sh o wus young and v gorous . \\'Ilh s urprise and a sort of t error. Sbe understood him and sat silent. bul , What hea lth and vitality, whllt "Yoll must tel\ me . Mr. Tempest her tenderness and pity fixed on hi s sent YOII to m for what?" bowed, brooding figure. As II I' ey H "Bill you forbade m e to speak, MIs. tnet his h again covered his ove l' Curew!" wIlli his too freque nt gesture llnd e x. "Of his Illness-yes-but wbat does clutmed : Ue wis h me to do ?" S eeking to evade disloyalty, aDel, "Fire, coals of JIve flam es heated 11 v rth eless. to accompliSh he r dll filII hot and on each lid . What Is th is s Ired e nd. Mrs. H nly tepeated: c!lr.Bed malady that Is destroying me? (~rO n8 'QNT IN UED,) God! to be blind- blind- with the ,l ove of beauty so kitlt In m that It Is Diving Extraordinary. <o ne with my life! To give nl) all tbe Italy is nothlns if not artlstlc, 1M Concrete conslructlon should be as partition in the form. Previous to images of the world, the [orllls of eve n in tbelr swlmmlns contests art . nearly continuous as possible, but It placlns. the edges of the 2 by 4 should tlfe. the colors that plant tb e nspect finds a place. in addJtlon to the O/dl· the conditions will not justify one In he dressed to give a sllgbtly wedge· o f the unlversc-to go Into this selt. nary acrobatic feats IWd the tellta of endurance. bundlng continuously, the points at shape; this Is necessary to make It tllls dark, gloomy pri son of myself with memori es nonc too glad-or In RODlO during n series of nqueUe which the joints are to occur should posBlble to remoye It wlthou~ destroy. brave or good. be sure! To live with sports on the Tiber couples and be predetermined and the work done Ing or marring the groove. In the '''In People GOlf\' Five to 'T wenty Poundaln tbe gbouls of the mind- the angelR or groups in fantastic costumes woulc.l accordinf:1y. Horlzontai joints or course of construction, the next sec· Five to Fltteen Day. . 'lIght a ll banished . Ne ver to write appear on the hanks and plunge Into Beams are more objectionable tban tlon will be concreted against the , At . . . . ., ., 1\.00 or 1-. SalOpl .. MDt agalQ. n ever to create, because my tbe river In all sorts of attltudell, hut vertical ones and, as It Is not neces· first and the will be filled with selfish misery Is too great; becauso I tbe one thing that was most admlrel} sary to have both, horizontal oneB concrete, thus keeping the two sec· am sappert by revoll and nol to be Rnd applauded was the flying Mer. !lhould be avoided In foundations Uons together. reconciled. Why. t().~lght 1 can cury. Which serve 8S 'basement or cellar Milch Cows In United States. scarcely seo you, a nd ther have been One or the members of the Roman walls. The posJtlon or character of a days when 1 would have torn my eyes "If There Was Only Some Heart That SWimming club had apparently bor. lolnt In a shallow foundation which The number of mUch cows given by Could Care for Him Enough , Some rowed 8 11 tbe attributes o[ this mOB' tiDes not serve as a wall Is not 1m· the United States· government report open to see iter more plainly! To Hand That Could Guide Him." pottt'r around th e earth 1 have been senger or the gods, bls winged bat portant, but in all concrete work Is 21,801,000, being 81,000 more tban In joints should be avoided when P03' the previous year. There has been 8 110 vain as' to think I trod well. to stre ngth of body and mind, and wbat and san d a I s an d t h e ca d ucens, an d sible. umble for a chair. to filII Instelld of steady Increase -In the value of mllcb Tlie Ideal way to construct with con. cows per head, whIch Is an Indication walking, to fe el my way who have divine patienco we r e needed for the when, carefully . posed, he jumped Into ta 'k Mrs. H e nly purposed for the the Tiber, it seemed, the BpttCtatorl crete is to cont.lnue without Interrnp. of the greater Interest taken In tbs broken It througb! Alonder creature! But she did not said, as ' tt it were really the Mor"You have watched the malady come think twice of It. Love-that was all cury of Giovanni da Bologna, wbo bad tlon the work once started, until the daIry Industry In more recent years. 1.0 me. Henly, os YOIl watched It corne the strength n eeded If she had It- come up to participate In tlla walet structure ill completed; n'e ver deposit- In 1910 a milch cow Is said to be until. U'eed PLUMP. ' tn illY father. You hnve uud erstood . if not? ah, her PO!1l', 1:>lIghted boy! sports of modern Italy. fng concrete on or against concrete worth .$:15.79, while In 1909 the price '~w:\a thin like YOu harml a not In urea '1'0\1 hav e seen me s uffe r, and I knew that has hardened. One does not ex· was $32.36, and In 1908, $37.67. The f! ,. It .n •• ~r loll od to pul on ~..e.1 WHY Ull ~81N Sbe felt Instinctive ease with Miss Thieves Who Are "Expert,." pec ' to find It possible to ' work under total valuation of milch cows Is placed ~~ .."Jl1~~ :':;~:'I~·'l'!J~~::;,"......... IQU..w......1>4 rOil wondered nt my control whe n PROF .... W, CARVER A CO The re are thieves who are 6!tpe~ Ideal conditions" ~ut all work &hould at $780,308,000. within I have s hrie ked with agony:' Carew, In wllOse presence she had OInOln"a,i.o",o. He paused. th en said slglllflcaully : fOlln~ hc rsel.f O~IY a few tlmcs be- lin the articles which they 't~l1ect." be handled so as to get, as nearly as New York heads the list of mllcb 1110 •• Sixth Street for e. The nalUl e of the stranger, al· Five years ago there was a series 01. practicable. the resulls oblalnablt: ,un. cows with 1,271,000; Iowa follows wltb "Uut t.he re Is oblivion ." tn his angllish his eyes sl/Owed though an "nknown lJunnUty, was dnrlng robbel'les In Queen's gate and tel' such conditions. 1,570,000 j WIsconsin, 1,50G,000, Penn: •• . Grosvenor gardens. Ovel' thlrlJ Unless n fou ndation can be con· sylvania, 1.140,000; Illinois, 1.232,000; 53.00,53.80,84.00458.00 hlood·red. ns If horribly suffused with sy mllathe tl c. -drops of a su pre me GethselOllne. Th o l ' l\ e old lady ·sat down besldo Miss houses were entered . In every caftO 'itrllcte d III a continuous operati'tln, It Texas, 1,137,000, and Minnesota, 1,125,: Unlo" BoilS' Shoe, . Made IZOO4,2.60 old wOlllan's fn ce was sublime lu Carew on .th lillIe bed. She lifted nothing was takeD exceptl. two or Is best to divid e t.he work Into sec. (1'00. The smallest 'number (19,000) Is W. L. Douglas 'te udern S5 ; her tears were flowing her mottled voll and' revcaled her dis· three small articles. but these 'werll tlons' and c;omple te eac h s'e ctlon wlth~ found In Nevada. T.he highest: valua. . ' . shoes a.rc worn tu,rbed face and tear·reddened eyes. always the very best In the house. out lnterruJ)t1011. Thi s' will make It tlon per frel'ly . bead Is In New Jersey, whers 'b, mo rclneuthaa "And 1 have dared for a mome nt to She pul out her hallds before bel' In No connoisseur could possibly have 'necessary to provid e for 'o'l:!rtlcal joints the figures are $47.50. . any other make, hlnk of hupplness!" .h c breathe d. "I an old·fashloned gesture of desp~ lr, .:b08en better than this 1locturnal ad· at botb ends o( e.ach sr:.c:tlon. 1'.0 ac· BEOAU8E: tl/\\'o dreamed of .a love strong noug.1t gavo a choked sob, and murmured \'enfurer. What is · mOl'e, nothing of :ompJlsh this the ' (orm.1I sl\OuJd be . .HOII Cholera Serum. W: L. Dou,I". 83.00 ' let go with me Into that'd adly dark.' whilst h I' ey s ~treamed over: bls plunder was ever marketed til :!rected ,In, sections, or .a board should Tile Kansas Agrlculturlll college, ex· · anti · 88.30 ahoea a'r e the loweat prloll, tteKR-the Infc rno. But It's madnesR! "Oh. ~Iss. what a terribly .cruel England. It Is believed that hi be set up In form, making n elilllplete p~cts to produce least 100,0'00 dose. gmdl'), conalclered, .m adll ss! I have proved It. It does world Jt Is" Indeed: 'w,llat a h9dd, stored t.he · whol~ lot and took It tt partition. ~o . that the sections of the of hog cholera serum next year in ' all (n th,e world: ' . ....110 Dot exist. and God knows 1 will· pro· cruel . world! ' ., America, wbEjre no doubt' It reallzlKJ .. wall will be keyed Into -eacb other, ' a eJrort to greatly' Increase the value '01 '. anol ••00 abOlla t (It myself Crom 811ITering any more .- As this, to them both, was far too btg Ilrlce~. groo1?e should be [ormed In both. ends the Kansas hog crop. ~uaJ,1D at,I"Jl& and wea.., oUte.. ·ma"_ 4cepl7, than now I do, But, a.s 1 said, broad aud hu!!,anltarlan a .ca~~, for of the tJrilt'sectlon, and thereaft . . GOBUqM.OOto 0&00. there 'Is obUvlon-look here:' Temp- aucih sudd. u personal gr e, s e . a Good Practice. . one . end of each section. Sucb a t Poultry 'In Prance. FlUt TIIIi t:8l unfastened bls ourt and ro'l led up ed, !lobbing: E ven when a woman Is. talklq to. (n'oove can be ~dde aa ah~wn hi the . In .......Dce. pal'ta of tbe cafeU. of .• bls 8l.tleves to h,s Inn~1' arm. "Mr. Te!11pc[]t-Mr. 'Basil-Ie nry man over Ule teJepbone ' ahe .taiIe. eJtetcb," by pla~lns ',a 2 by .. ·Incb tlm- fowl can be. purcbaled. 10 DlarketTbe old housekeeper gave- a CfJ', m. Indeed." a graceful lI 08e so: he can '~'mlr. bel bel' .ierUc:l1l7 qal~8t eDd waU or I iep, wloPI heart QI' ID)' ~ waate4 til • .tMn {rtn. on her ltd.. She ,praDa, Mws CArew's (0101' ~e'\V sttll whiter. ftsure.-New York· Prea • ,




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E. Abaolut"ly







Co stu me s lor Child


Good Law That snould Be Enforce d. AnU ·spltnng ' ord ina nces, ll1ws and Kidney Trollble . Grow Wor. e Eve'ry r roguJallonft In mOl' tban fiv e·elghth s Yea r, of t h - lUes nnd town s of the country al' not. enfor c 11 a s they s hould be, , Cbarlee S . Dulley, 808 Locust St., nil ges th e 'NaUona l A.BBoC'lntl'o n tor Yankton , S. Dak., Bays: " 1 !lu/'fercd th Stlldy of Tllb e r c lJl o~I!I 10 a l' 0 nt agony from kid· I' port. \\'IJ\I mosL 01' the largor cltl 6 n y complaI nt of thl' l initcll lates hure ,lIch Inws Will purify your blood, clear a nd was almos t n lh iI' lJool{s , In t h" gr at mnjor lt y b Ipless, Tb r dill' of l'aRCS tll py HI' IgnoretI . or ov r· you r coml lex ion, restor e ~our ease gre w wo rs look d . Th r oport. l'OV(,I'::! III II p- wll appet ite, r licve your tired feeleach yea r a l. th" nforcC'1ll li t of Ih r' nnll'H plttin g ing, build y ou up. B e sure to though 1 ol'Cl inflnl' 'I; In ' 0 of tb ,' laq;t'Rl clti H tor d , nDd In Ih cou nlry. I url ll!; th o'! yeu r ]!lll!l t ake it thi s spri ng. lllany relll In th IIC' 80 l'il icK, :J ,4:!L UITC' !; I ~ \\' - I" G .'t tt \u "Run I It'lllhl (orm or .'hOr.oTh e re wer xc ru. l1IuII foJ' I'loin Iion of i h ' la \\'~ 1'C'f!,onl· I U I ~ d lohll'18 Il lte!1 Sll r lln lnll8. 100 Do "8 $L ('Iatlng puins in In .... pllf.illt:; in I'U \)11 " pia ' C''' , 0\' ,' 1' my buck und the :!,'JlI l'ntll'lrt\ oml W"I'., >ll' I'un :l1 lind ,l\i \\" IS ' ull'-'('I,',I III IIIH'" urine IHlSS d 100 I, ,110 ' _' _._ _ _ _ _ _ • fre(' ly. D a an ' II I It Seemed So. KlcJn E'Y Pill s gradual l y h elped m e nnd Tb,' Illtl .. 1;0 11 of till' family hap· soon I was cu'r d . Rom year!'; 111;0 I 1 1" '"1'01 t o b(' Idlin g hi s re omml'nd ed t b(,1D ami ba I' h lld no I;it,·\o 11 wh"11 t ill' ('ulor Unu In th e () POI'I('I' c alllp trouble sin ce." combi ne to make home I II;) l1 at of ih' (,I'\lal' . 1I'\l ,'I'O hI' hocl Remem bc l' the name- Doan's 11)("'11 "IIO','l,lln g c~oal In to 111 f' hen t 1' , cheerf ul, but no one t hing For sa le by all dl'alers . 50 (' ' nl sa ? ox. p.! il :'. IINI til l' whlt l' tow I 111l1l~lll g o n plays so impor tant a part FOBte r·J\l ilburn Co., Buffalo, ~. '1. llip door alld flasHf'cl IlllO tiw ha ll. For -- - - - - . .. as a rtistic taste in wall all Instant I be youth 1:117. d aw e· Th e Respon se Mechan ical. os ll'n('/I a t th e ou l d lt s lllll\ll' e~s lon !l left decoration_ Beau tifu), 11 is th cu stom In l'olll'e nls fOI' Ih e all th o lowe l. Ow n Yl'll l'd a ft ' I' the re· n\ln Hto I'C: I10IIlI to u kno ck at t h e uoo r II'('uting n egro: cleanl y and whole some is with the wonl!!: " In th e nlll1111 01' God ," "O h. Sam, yo ur color's I'uu)ing ott !" 1\1 Ilhras p h ill g eqll lra lro llt III can · - Judge. l'entl 01lnl pul'lanr c 10 our worldly .. nt el''' 01' "come In ." $100 Rewar d, $100 • In n convent in oue of th e westCI'D The rud .... 01 thl:o paper will pl_ 10 loam clti B nOl IODg since th e lDolhcl' s upe· thai Ib ero IS at ~.. I oue d rtlUlt'll bo dl8c...., IllAt Sclr nN! !wi b<en able In oure In nil lUI .~"". aod IIlAI 11 W e ho\'e Iden on color harmont ... rIal' h lld n never·to ·b e·fClrgot t en PXIl • Catarrh . H all'! Calt\rrb (urn lA tbe o nly poetth'8 cln sRlc aten('II S'. and muc h th at will Inellr. DOW known 10 tho m",lIcllI l"'lcrnll,. caumb r le nce as a r es ult oC this Cll l:! tODl. 'tre l t the d iacrimina tinl:' h ouse ow ner.. om Thel ll! Idea 8 huve c oet Uti money but are on e In th oulpr world ' calle d th con· ~r~:1 ~rc~O:;~~~UO~~Il'~~'rT~~~': ~~~ll~~: (r~e t o y o u. A s.k l'our denier or writ e ternally, ac llng dlrt'Clly UPOD 01. blood aDd mUrGWI vent te l l>ho ll0 nllmb I' by )n lstak e. .url dlr.ct. • .,.., 01 tho SY8tem, thertby d..trorlnK Ibe loundAllon 01 lhe d ......." and Klvlotr Ihe paClenL The mothe r s up erior, roused fl'om he r Ilrtngth by bUlldln Ute Uon /lnd ...1& meditations, picked up the receive r InK oalur. In dolllKtr Itlup work. Alabas tine Co., Grand Rapids . Micb. The pro prlelo... 110 much laltb In lUI oura.h'o powers tblt thoy ha,'o oller and r esponde d , mechan i call y: ''I n tli e On. Ii \Iodn:<! DOlla.. lor ony ('aIICI that I ~ la't. 10 rur.. Send lor I~I 01 t~!\,"onlal. name of God." Addrt'M F . J . CIl El\EY & CO .. TOledo, O. "Madam !" ailed an Irate masculi ne SOld h)' "II Drug,lal8, :&e. TaU HaU's FamU y PIIIIr lor CCClltlllatiOIl. voice at the other end ot tb e wire , " the re Is no occasio n for you to 5weur From the first to las t, aod In the at me, even If I hu\' e macle a mi stak e face of s martl Dg disillusi on, we coo· In th e num ber . Profan o languag e Is tlnu l:l to expect good fortune, bett er That'. WIa~ you·... TiNII--Owt .. ~'I'ohlblted a\' r the lelellhon e !" b nlth, and better conduc t; lind t h at Sorta-H a•• No Beeo ulle a home is In lhe country -be- so confideDtly, that we judge It n eed· CARTE R'S less to d eserv e tbem .- R. L. Sleven· CAU e it is on n farm- is only 1111 added UVER PIUS reason why it should be 1II0re u(l·to·dnte s on. will put you riaht and at t.rncti vc. for th ose who al fortu· ill a few day.. nate cllou~h to live in t he country I'cally The Flippan cy of John, They do Ipcnd mol'c time in their homed thun lIo Mrs. Matt- What i s a sym pathe ti c tbeir dill)'. tho c who live in citi el!. ' And it is nl 0 t ruc that farm homes and s lrlk , John? Cure farm life is dni ly becoming morc uncl llIore c..q.. 'M olt- A ,y mpnlhe tl c strIke, my nltrnctl H , The inside of our honse i~ our deal'; IB b eing touched fOl' a qua rte l' by "-,8i1. hOllte, 80 why not mnke it lIice llnd Ilt· --.. IBIIlW... ic IIII...... tractive, hotllcly and ch(ll'rful, up·to·date n bE'ggnr with a hnrd·l uck story. I&W. rw.. I&W. DOSI. IIW&. PIICI and moderLl. Moonlig ht Ourlng the Arctic Night. You wouldn't t hink of bllmillg tallow GENUINE mwt bear . .bite: elllldl c~, yet why use wuH pllper Y The 11100n cantin lies to shIne at In order to educate n fcl\' refined peo· the north polo during tbe s ix montbs ' pIe in e\'Cry community to the artl slic beaut\' of soft. velveh' nlnbn ~ tin e d wulls absen ce of the sun. of Ro!ld color, n fl'('(1 olTel' of b 'll utiflll wall stell III! of eln, ie de<ligll id made Lo (" -el)' "Jl'EN YOll'RE A8 HOAR& E as a.erow. Wben f~i~;rg~ ~~~~~~~S::I~~'I4~b~~II~,n~~~ reader of this pnper. It is also pos iblc to secure wit hout nny ..,.. . So14 by aU droll.tata, ~ , 6Oc IUId 1) .00 bOll lea. e pense color su gge~ t. io n ~ for " our h011l11 The Bmaller the man the bigger the tl'll inK YO II the most Iluitablc colors, t o II ~C the hegt nm onge men t. 'IIrtnins und over horn he t ri es to blow. . curt ins, etc.- ill fnet I he ser"iccH of n J<'enrnl i,'co n l'r hit~('t are ut your lli 8p o~n l wil heml c h n r~c to you . In ('iti('s Ihere are mnny und most ex· cellent J ~ illners of int erior decoration, but it takcR mnne~' and I ime to carry Ollt tH ~ ir idca~. 1'ili. 1</'lOe Fop -icC! i a ut t hc o.IiP)'l osnl of l'I'cr" rendcr if h' n ks for iI, und bet· t<,r ~h a'n all, it I ells you how you can coil he'!' UO t he work ,'ourself Or o.Il1·c t Rome one cl ~ e. It I:i \'es \ 'ou exact shndes und colnr~, on d t he stencils to do tbe work 1\'it uout chnrlle. ' .

H o o d s, Sa rsa pa ril la


SAVED HIGHLY "P,RIZED FLAG Wo mlln Narrate s Interost l ng Tale ' of ElCperlence Ouring Civil W arHeard Lincoln Speak , I 11 I hfO old world the WtllI",n :HI w(' 11 til , III II or my family lOok ilOII Ol" ao lo par t In Ih !! 1;1' a l ' sic,; s or Iils· tor y, Til e flrsl III Hn in Ih" 8P {'olonlt'!! III d l'i UI" 1I1I1Jli cly 1'01' 1,\ Imrfltioll frolll Cr."al nl'it nlll W itS my IIn clc. II 1'1' 'Rhytl'l'l a n Illlni!;t" r of l'l' I1I1 Syt: "lIlIla , l ie I1tHl to Oe' 10 tho willi!! ", . 'Ol'tiJ ('anoJ ill:l h ("'a ll ~e If hi li parn · lllll e l , nile! ti w ro t ralllt'li th c 111 e ll WilmH' :011 ' :LlTled on ll, rl'vollltlon IUIl ~ al'lcrwll rrt, My gl'clll ·gralid fa lh · " I', a <:011111 ' I ulld er \Vn shln!;lo n, was IIf'Ult' 1l1l 1I1 of Ch('R ter COllllty, Pit .. in t hu 1'1'VOllll Inn . MllY!; a wril r In In · (li a lla polls N 'II'S. Anulh el' g real ·gl·nnd · falh e r f01lght 111 th e Ham ' Will' lind Wfl S lit Valiey Forge . Ifi ll wll'e SliP' ) 101' 1 'd her len chlldn'n by h I' e Xl\u ls· He 11 ' dl cwork In his absellc't', when I h ., (lilY or II colon I hllnlly Ii pt his hoI's. My grnlHifa thers Itlld Illlci eH we re at Nlll't It Polnl --olll ue fcnrlf!n; of Baltimo re. J)llrlng th wnl' or '(i t·Gil lIE dross at the le ft Is of old r ed III Y n~othl'r u ntl \ ga ve a liI' II Info , toll cashm ere. Both blouse and skIrt lind pen fr lo he lp the sll'k nnd are made wIth box plaIts and orna· wOlludpcl on th e battle fl Id lind fie ld mented wltil straps of cord or sou· hospita ls n t tbe front . tache aud ll ttle paBscm enterle buttons. We w 'r a month each at Antieta m, The blouse lias a shoulde r collar of Chance llorsvlll e, Ge ttysbur g uod wIth the materIa l, whIch IB Blashed open GI'Il S. Milroy and SiS I In t he valley; and orname nted wIth the straps and thr months hefor P t r Bbll rS') bei ng uuttODS nnd headed by a stitched Ileal' when th min e was blown up; bnnd of the cashme re. The yoke Is ",Ix montbs IV.lth Ge n. Sh crldan a nd of whIte lace. alllong I he wound d at Cedar Creek, Th e sleeves are box plaited llke SI1 mllng months visitin g out·or·th e· Ihe rest of the ' dreBs and each form way hospital s,' reportin g and s upply· two puffs, separat ed by a band of the Ing th eIr neods. Our r eward was in materIa l aDd finI s hed' with de ep cllffs the heartrel t thanks of n 'dy. dying orn,t m eDt cd with the buttons a nd 1t1 l'n and tb blessing s of mothc rR, straps. The girdle Is of black liberty .dallght ers and wives fur away. At silk. The next dress IB of bille \'olle or on Ume we ca rr ied neurly two th ou· Mund lotters to a place within 0111' l\18Sah silk. The blouse Is made wIth lines, probabl y the lnst I lters sent fin e til Irs at the top, which op n out home by many, as nn e ngag ment oc· below; It form s a wIde hox plait In froDt, orn amente d with fou r bultons . c'urred dIre lly atter, Tho general 's ohlef of suitl' show d The Bklrt carries out t.he same Idea, me an Imlll ns fOI·t nug wh ich the Hold le I's gr ally prized , and th e lOBS of whIch wOllld 'dlshear ten Ihe m. " \\ ho ve r carl'l sit," h said, "If tao I, n would be a prlsono r •of war. ' • • ~nl\ ~~ .~ .. J.1~~~ Would YOIl bo willing to let it lie III III amllll iance with you! ] warn you QualDt Is a bag of whIte suede ,D a of th ri sk." I hud the tent for a fl'w minutes to myself and wrupp u tlte raised pattern of a swan outlIned In flal> v ry tig~Uy uround my bouy, un· brillian ts. The English custom of wearIng , the del' my dresll' For about 20 mlles or mol' I rod lilliS, unable 10 move, and watch In a g ild bracele . h as made a tit n b'llve It to t he aBtonbshed provost hit, both with the womell of Paris and America. utlll'shal , In n. place of safety. Ena mel buckl es, obloDg or o\'al ID I ha\'e tb written thanks of Pres· Id nl Lincoln who I' el\' d us just shape In 1.0uls XIV. d sIgn, are. to be hefol' th e batlle of Ge ltysburg , wh on worn !th linen s uits. 'fhey nre made IW doorkel!p I' said he SIlW nOlle but In all colors and In BII\'er and gold. Satin bandB are used aB a fini s h of lIl embera of hlB cabin et ; G n. Grant, who gave us n lal'ge pass to und fl'om' many of the handsom e el'eDlng scarfs. t he arm I s In t h fi eld; Sh eridan, Ther e Is of course no lack of spangle s. whethe r In the shape of sequins or ~I ade , Jioolte l', Wallace , Mllro)·. che nck, Big I, Butler, ' 'Burnsid e , bugles. BIn k sati n gowlIs ar smart thIs l-jmory: etc., tc.: b sid s th e strollg· s t letters of thanks from Boldiers , season: but th ey sre ve iled with tu"To Hay that th e la bors of lhesc la· nIcs of e mbroide r ed n et or chltl'on, cov· dl s huv' been wolcom e," wrot e . Dr. Ered with a jersey·lIke bodice of H . \\' . Bro k. lI(tel' Cedar Creek, beavy em broIder y- n et and' jet ColO' biDed or sllk with jet. Il l!

Che erfu l pom es Ma ny




with a wJde box plait In froct and fise pla its ju"t at lhe t op. The bJo use Is fini shed around th. neck ano sleeves wIth Cl sh aped coll,r and cuff. of the mate rI al, emb roid erEd and edged with cord . Th e yolte and uDdersleeves are t uck e d tuUe and 10\:6 bord ered wIth li ttle plaltlng s of tbe tulle. The girdle Is of liberty ribboD, mutchln g the gown, knotted at one side and flnlsbed with short tringed ends. The lhlrd M ess Is ot greenish blue Cl\sbru ere. The blouse Is .made with an In ve rted plaIt In fro n t and Is orna· me nted with braId an d passem enterle buttonB to match. The collar and cuffs are of green and wblte strlll.ed sllk; the chemlse tte and cuffs Ilre of white lace. The pllffed s lee \' es are enc1rcle d wltb tu cks. The skIrt Is made wIth an IDverted plait In tront like tb o blouse aD d is tri mmed with the braId,

~<C~ ~;Z;~IIN


Splendi d Model for Walkin g Co.· tume-N ovelty Seen In the Cut of Front of Coat.

EmpIre green venetia n . cloth Is chusen for a liI' model; t he skirt has a wIde box plait down center or front, stitched to wltllln about eight Inches from the he m. 'l' he cant hOB the lower part of fronts s lightly slopcd awuy ; wrapped

"Wrapp ed ~he FI2g 'Jery Tightly Around My Body." "would be cold ludeed; th ey hnve b eeD simply IndIs pensabl e to t he comfort a nd welfare of- the wounde d III Sheri· dan I~eld hOs pi tal. By their Un tir ing' exertlon s, the sufferln gB of the wound' ed In thlll hospita l have been greatly r ellev d, an d the dyIng made to r e· joIce In their mlnlSlrl ,ltlons of mer cy." I 'was not 20 wlien the war broke 1 hnve' no t had n day of bealth sllice, Exposu re, to heavy ralh B, ,rl<l: tng In' Sl~rlngless wagonB , over the country , not always ronds, and n v ry sever e' fall. w~lch, hf:ls' I ft my back morbidl y senBlfIve,' ,tbese a lid otber hardshI ps have wrecked ' miY life, Con· dltlons in our country are widely dlf· ferent from what' they were ' In' the re\'olut lon: aDd In tbe war of '61 to ''85, From tbe many grav",~ III n!l: .tlotlal emeterl es a voice would come, tt ancb a thlDg ...,ere possible , call1ba OD o~ rut",. to "mak~ this a, lOvern,

out. '



-=== === === === === =



seams are arrange d down each sllle of bac lt and front. Ve lvet or s atin might be used ror th e collar and ('uffs. Hut d strnw to malch, trimme d wIth a bIrd wlt.h 10D g taii. 1IIl1terlal& reqult:e d : 6 ya rds cloth 46 Inch ell wId e, ~ yard s atin or \'elvet , 1 button; 5 yards silk tor lini ng cant.



Resinol Ointme nt I, an Excelle nt Remedy for All Scalp Trouble ., 1 s uffor ed with erupUon on my scalp for lIi years when ResiDol Salve was recomm ended to me by on(s of the b est known men In Baltimo re. SIn ce USIDg , J urn so much b etter tbat I b e· lle"e Ole trouble is practica lly cured, Rev, H . C. Jon eB, Extensi on, La.

Chantil ly Flounce s. LaBt a lltumn It became the top of fashion to have one's gown, drape d wIth a chillltlll y lace s hawl. Garrets we re ransack ed nnd h e irlooms we r e handed over ' by grandnl Otb(!r s to young women . The shops themsel ves dId not (ltl'el' tbe shawls. Probab ly the manu· facture r did not know th re was go.lng to be such a: d emand for the nrticl tl. ,Now they do know It. and altboug h they have not turned out the re~1 Feather. Border. . sh aWl8, tbe·· shops are Qft'erlng yards, On some of the extra linge turbans of chantill y lace In sl1 t he' lovely old ther e has oome about a fashIon of pattE'rn s at any width r,<!, . using a border , of small feath ers. " It Is to be Quite the fsa hl rbese ara substitu te d for ntr, and are net t unics and sleeves bn to have e dged wIth protabl y an advance d style of the narrow ch~ntmy. early spring turbans . ' I - ----A four·lno h band of tiny -white tips Satin In FayG!'. are used on f1 black panue velvet tur-l .The dlrectol re ••tlD. are ;wltb ,ft turquoi se and CrYStal ~- in all the t~vetf new eolor•. to be bJU2 bocboD at left troDt. The renne or lbls It,.le ,. a narrow er band of black Chantil ly lace .. oue qaln .. tile people. lor tile dDt u~ OD • bat of .ldte Haft!'. fUhlOD

mlDt . Indeed or people and b, tile people,"




Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget8bleCompound M.inn.- HI was sick for passing __ .'., ,..,_ the Change and was able to be around, After taking six bottles of ~dla E. Pinkha m's V ege table Compound I gained 20 pound s, am now able ' to do my own work and fee l 1II/~!!r!\U~~~Well."-Mrs. ED. :L! LA. Dou,

An Eternal Reason. ' " YOIl seem to b awfully bItter agaInst old Blls by . What's the cause?" " 011, a mon ey r uso n." "I didn 't kn ow you hl\d any bUBIn ess dealing s wllh 111m." " I don't. I hate hIm because he haB mor mon y Ih ull J ha ve:'- Cle vela nd P lnln Denier.

Many Charmi ng Oealgns Snown -AI. way. a U.eful and Accepta ble Gift Betwee n ' Girl Friend •. Fan bags are useful and very at· tractive gifts from a girl to ber frl e ndB anti there are' Bome charmIn g deBlgDs (or these bags among the reoeDt French Importa tions, They are long and narrow In shape and of oourse If they are meant to be used for on e of tho h uge feather rans now In fashi on they raust be very large Indeed, The ordlt',ur y sized tan , howeve r, does nut require a large bag aDd e.8 this site fan is always more or less in tSllhion it Is for It that tbe bag II unually made. Silk, satin aDd broca~e are t!le fa vorite matorla ls tor the fan bag. Some ot the new ones lire made of pale col· ored satins wIth linings of dt!eper col· are and trimmin gs of ribbon, flow ers and fringe, A faInt blu e satin fan b",g WIIS lined wIllI rOlle satin and trimme d with tiny satin flow e rs In pr\le blue, rose and pink. Around the edge of the bag there was a twist of slltin aDd this was edged with a Uti)' gold fringe, The top of tbe bag WhS drawn up with a gold cord 'and flDlshed with gold fringe and a little wreath of the satin flowerl . A ftowere d slik bng was covered with gold gauze, a wreaUl or rIbbon flowers belDg used oVtJr thelle. This bag had fringe of the se"eral 001orA of whloh the del>Jgn of t\1e malerial was compos ed. For young gl.rls a charmIn g deBlgn for a fan bag IB of soft saUn nDIBhed aUk t'r lmmed wIt h ruches of narrow valenol ennes lace and drawn up with a gold oord, ,The ' linIng may b,e of white silk or of a eplop contras ti ng with. the outer coverin g of the bag,

You r Liver is Clogged up

Care of Horse's Feet. H t he hOl'se already bas defectll 'e fee t k f!ep th III care fully trimmed and fi hod If nee 's, IIry . 'rhe soft hoof s hould be Bhod antI I' sl10d every six or eig ht w eeks in winter whe re tbe ground is fro zen an d at ti ll times of t he y ar wher e th e rands nre 1'0 k ed t:r gravele d , By k ~e plng th e borse with poor feet properl y shod It w ill do good ser vice withou t 10BB of time. But it Is best 10 brec!d for good feet.


thin gs

His Way of Ooing It, "I m et young Pake r on th e str eet !';ome time ago and he told me he was makIng mon y \' ery fast ," "He made It loo fast." "How "'liS that?" "Went to th e )Jc nlte ntl ary fo r coun· te rfe iUng," - -- - --......, .Import ant to Mothe ra. EXamin e carefull y overy bottle of CABTORIA, a safe and sur e r emedy for infants and children . and sec that It Bearst he ~~ Signatu re at • # ~ In Use 'For Over ao Years, Tb e Kind You Have Always Bougbt. R trlbutio n rnuy cOllle fl'om any voice. Sur Iy, help lind pity (I'r e rarer lhlngs- mol'e ' needful for th rlgbl· C Oil S to bestow.- Georgc Elliot.

Park Rap..

rookvill e, Obio.- "I was irregula r and extrem ely n ervous. A neighbo r r eco mmend ed Lydia E. Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Compo und to me and I have become r egular and ml. nerves are mnch better. " -Mrs, I . .KINNIS ON, Brookv ille, Ohio. L ydia E. Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Compound, mnde from Ilntive roots and berhs. contain s DO D:uootl c or harm. ful drugs, and holds the record f or the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of, and thousan ds of volunta ry testimo nials are on file in the Pinkba m laborat ory at Lynn, Mass.• from women who have been cured from almost every form of female compla ints, inflamm ation, ul· ceratlon ,diBpla cements ,fibroId tumors. irre gulariti es, periodi c painB, backach e. indigeB tion and n ervous proBtra tion, Eve ry Bufferin g woman owes it to ber. sclf to give Lydia E, l>inkha m's Vegetable Compo und a trlal. If you want 8pecla l advice write Mrs, Plnkll nm,Ly no. MlUIS., for it. It b free aod always helpfu L

- - -- -- - -,- -


1HE MlCUIi ·AWli MrG.CA MOTTVI u.t:, l'f,Y.

The B......d~·W.......6ntfd· DouhJ .... - Cl>nc:. - f'olk.3 .


I f I have used your valuabJe Cascaret8and I find them perfect. Couldn 't ,do without them. I have 11lIed them for some time for indigest ion and biliousness 8.n d am now complet ely eured. ReCommend them to everyon e. Once tried, you' will never ,be without tliem ill the family. "-Edwa rdA. Marx, Albany .N.V.

Pl ..a ....t. Palatable . Potent, Taate Good. Do Good. Never Slc:keu,W eucm or Gripe. lOc, 2Sc, SOc. Never .0102 In bulk. The rrelt ulne ta.blet . tamped C C C. Gwuaat" "" ...


Hay's Hair-Health

c:ure or "our moue1' blM:k.

Never raUa '0 •••• 0 . . 0...,. Hall' II. · Color . . d". Slop> il s'0 rllllin'

be "",,,peel wllb

a nd oositivel7 removes Dandruff. I. 80t • D,..,. , Re tu .e aU tub,dlule .. " .00 ' a ndEOC, Iiollles by Mall or al Druuisl, . Send JOO 'or larre aample Boltle hrilo H&J' Spec, Co.. Newark. H. J.• U, S, A. Dllt.


-,---------_.. _--_._-




LAMEN ES8 from a Done f'JNnln, RlnlL' Don .. , tipUut. Curb,llld o Don.. almllar lrollblo llIUl




or Morphlae H.lKt Treated.

Irllll. Car.ea .-here: olher " remed ies hay. tatled, o"..,jall, " ' f CC:

I Ie i ~ a ch ap man wbo JelB ocllons ,give hIll' ,away. MI'!!.


"'Iclllo....•• Soothlnl; ' 9YI'QII,

}' or cbttdrotll

U'III/[. 'liOtl~nUbO lIlIm ~, T~uc""ln­

tbuuul~Ilun ,all'1 . J,..1(\,.u r~.,, ' od

0011 • • :l5c1L bulu..

• A ilti 'P!lch l!~ ' clone In the name of

desired. nlve panicul." .

Dr•• •• oonuu. . •.s.. 6H ,

ttOW,tu h.

lCINNA Tl, NO: 17·-1910. - - -..:.--¥ -- -

C orn PIaDtin d ,

Ill h leDlper IlIlDong lb'l hi! n ellr ..I HO-mAre ....... t oo.lio g-Dt.. Hllnpc:r


coorlty -also many.

mo.l' ~ke IIOllle ot lbem-eO 'A plaotlng may be' late "yollr borJiel; hlllve Dllit elDpf'r. . , . '

No, Cordeli a, rain check, tb~ raIn.

III ;yollr t ru .dt'liuard. :....a. eure aa w,,11 .. a preve c a l,,1 11.00 boUle-:-II !,O() a ud '10.0() dOUD. deU"orfd . LarIl'1 Ie ntlTe-1IO mont than twice Lt.e "mnller tIe. Don't pn~(\otr. G i!' 1\. DrunI8La -oIl'I!CDlI tomaulIt ac!lllNN . Spob . . . .cal Co •• , .....ta ..'Iade~ Go~"_. "d •• V.S.A.





pnz Oregonia.

New BurlingtQn.

, Mift8 ldaJteI ~herwbQd ' and Mrs, Wm. Harlan C, ~~ Bradbury ' wera' .bopping in week.en.d .

pincloneti S .. t,urday, Mr. aad M,r8'. JOQ Kersey have wetw'ned' to their' bOrne tn Xeni&. Llttle"18s Lt1Dor~ Ault is with tbem Li ttle Mi~s Virginill 'E mmous llpent a few dtlys Jilst week wit.h Mr. and Mrs. <iu), tiberwood . , , . The Lad19s' Aid Sooiety will hold ~~lldQ mooH~8t ~ehome~

at homo for the ' Miss MariA. Stout , of Waynesville, was the guest, of friendtl bere on Saturday Ilnd SU(lday. Born to Mr. and MfS. Ohas.10enbower, April 28th, I1d/l.ughtor, l'IIlar, Florence. The boa.rd of eduontion of 8priull Valley tow~ship elected tbe follow~ ing ~~her 8 atib l~t mooMng : Craig's Sohool, Edna Elam; Fuir~ view I:;ohool, M~ria Stout; New BUrlington Primal'y, Nannitl Sham baugh; New Burlington Intermedi . ate, Elizabeth Reeves; New Bur · Iington prinoipal was not elented . MillS Esther Shambaugh, of the Fairview School west of town rei oeived the higbest grades In Greene County at the last Boxwell examina· tioD.





' PS

'? J


~ Schwartz's , .


4 to 16 cents Per





PAPER:::::: 4

Waynesville, O.hio



16 cents




')1rs. -IClwood Aua, Wedne.~day . Mra. J. G. Soh.nok visited in Xenia lallt. week. Qoar'erly Meeting servic 8 were held at 'be U , B. churoh Thursday .........aft~rn()on and evening of lest week. Mr . .and Mrs. Webster Williams entertained at a family dinner Sun · day. MiBl Myrtle Kibler is visiting her sister, Mra. Jaok 8egale, of New~ tonville. We will send our rolle away AlUla Luoile Mason a weekClifton to be re-ground May 9th, and end viait to Mi.s Mary Conner, of will Bot be able to Ilrind f eed Morrow. The baby of Mr . Frank Wright. for a week or ten days but will 1'be Sherwood family JD~tored to east of Clifton, whiob was very ill have plenty of cracked corn to Bethel Sund~y and spent the day of pneumonia died last week. "Itb Mr. and Mra. Fred Gove. Owing to the bad weatber lastl exchange. Prof. L. C. Wilker.oD, of Carlisle, \ week, the Brotherbood meeting was oaned on friends bere Sunday. postponed to meet Tuesday evening. Waynesville Mills. About, twenty from here atteJlded 'I Prof. Anltman spent Satnrday AJ. Field's Minstrels at ' Lebanon and Sunday at Bethel, Ohio, hl8 Wednesday night. former llome. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Feed Gr:nding


' il

~-----. .

Miss Mildred Adllma WIl8 the rp. ipi, ut ot a handsome spotted 8bet land p'ony lotlG week Illso harness und trap. The oonoert glveQ by the Mla.lon. "ry Soolety Itt Clifton Opera Bons waR quite a. sU~'ess . A bau't ,ao dol· JIlr8 WIlS realized. 'l'he Lad'ies Aid Sooiety Will meet at the hOrne of Mrs. Luee next Thufsdayafternoon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~


--.-IIiII---III!I--....--•.-iII-.,-.. . -II!I!---_:.

:I sa S'



Whitewash for Walls,





One or two coats of thil! Stain makes old furn\ture look like new. Put up in light oak, dark oak, mahogany, walnut, cherry ana natural.










It makes a niaer finish, will not rub off, and can be had in 16 different colors.

It will impart a fine brilliant luster to your old buggy or car· riage at a trifling cost.

20c, . 31lc and 60c cans 55c package, 5 pounds 25c, 40c and 75c canl

FIVE DOLLARS' every worth of 4 minute records given with 4-minute attachment to


Edison PhODOBl'aph. With this attachment you can play the 2

~~~~~~"K ~."~"~~~"'l




·$..Was the 1.....\!St Saturday this y.ear.


Saturday, May 7th, we will try and · ~ do even better. ~en'8 Fine ShirlB---This week wUI be the last chance you ~ ~IJ have't9 buy Cluett, Monarch 'or Gem Shirts at 85c, regularly 80ld at I $1.00, ,$,1.25 and $1 ..50. We have them in Fancy, also white with plaited ~ ·bosom, '8izeS, 14 to 16X'. We win also sell the Gem 50c Dress or Work Shirts ,S aturday at 43eo/

$ $

Turkey Red Table

'. ii S. '. I.

,Cloth Special 35e aTade in IX' to 5 ~.~~~~p~ ......•

· ,


" '


At '~, $1.00 atl~ $1;60 for slender, medium and stout figures

. ~ood T~IDP, to mat I ,



$ $

20c PIo~ Apple at : ' : WJICQDsln Replar lOe Peas, at .Fancy TomatQeS, percaa:' Fancy Ohio Com, per can Fancy Blue Star Com, a t : Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per can Spinach. at '

, Down ~?~~ Ffou~,


1 131cC , , 15c 15c

15c : 7X c 7X c 7c 8Xc "9c 15c


Schwartz's ,Our 'Gorn Cure

___ ____ ____________ ~








Pratt's Stock Food. Pratt's Poultry Powders. Pratt'e Lice Killer, etc.




'============= ZIMMfRMA'N'S



S' S'

.C. U. YOUtlg, Clerk.


Chick Feed

Cr;::t~~Oyster S~ell



A -





... ~ .,..


~longalrightalthoughquite80reyet. • - • WILL INSpeCT LODOE





. HARNIIIS~Bet of barnes, for ' poor ··,or amall borse. Price, 15:00. ,lnquiraef A Mamt. ..... ~ U,A.M.,willbehereSaturdayeven~ ~~==~~~~==~~ EGG8-,P urePl y mQJI'bBootegg a'

47c 49c 57c 25c

~ Mr. 's. B.. MeQonald, of ~pring~ field, State CoQn~ilIor of the J. O. ___

' ' OF Ct01TRSE

i~~.#, ~t.~!=.E_{.i:!':'~!t::d · ~E"NNcvt"IA U , ~rl.;::!~lSi~!·o~~:!! -- J ILYI\I, \.Jente~vtl1e ·t·A

, ::.



....,. Sunday, May 8th. will be observed ...,; in Ohio as Mothers~ Dv. · .It ia a~ggeated that every one wear a whIte I carnation to show iilter.t in the day . ' a~~ its purposes. ~ , , • - • FIRE AT, OOPDS


BrREMEMBER, when you bring your pra. duce here you can exchange them for anything you want, Groceries, Fruits, Shoes, Men's Work Cla>thing. Hosiery for any member of the family, Dress Goods, ,Ginghams, Corsets, Waist Patterns, or even Garden Tools, Stock ' Food etc., and get YO.Qr full value. You don!t have to take loco 16c or 17c per dozen for your eggs here..

Grape Fruit Lemons



PRODUCE Bring us your Butter. Eggs and Poultry. We Pay 'IBc for EDS



D. W. Meeks brought us a copy of , Oscar Denlinger will open his iee .. - . . - - . - .....- .. the New England Weekly J«?urnal,' cr~m parlor on Saturday, May ath. Acl8, t:~~t~I1!:a~~ ~:~O\~r!~18IDb~~ ..~o,r und~r th~ d!-~f AprilS, 1770. It He will handle DQtbitig but French ,,'boo usln, not more tbaD live IIDe8. • . In . many wa-. an d IS . Bros.~ bes I's a ' cun'oslt. t cream. 01'~ ..,......--.-' ... _ .............._ ........ the property of John Stanton. The HELP WANTED old style of prj~ting ia used, and the advertilements'are a wonder. Want - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~ ~ of space ' f orbi~. us giving any of the HELP W ANTED-Yoong WOOleD .L . _ of eighteeo yean apd ·over. reading mAtter. Work Ught and qlean. GoOd w~Be8 e- • ..nd oomforca ble botel aooommodaNOTICE TO PUPILS tionl oloee to the fllo'ory . AddreS8 '! 'he Peters ' Cartridge CompRny, 'Owing to a reCent cha~e in the · Strawberries Kings Mt1ls, Ohio." 8choollaw, the Boxwell Examination . Oranges Lemons Apples AN in",lll"ent person may e"rn for May will be held on the THIRD t100 monthly oorreeponding Saturd'ay ~f May, and riot on 'the New Cabbage tor newspaper•. No oanvllninR. second Saturdayof MaY, as heretoNew Tomatoes Send lor Pl'rtloblarl. Prell. '8yQdi~ fore. Very trol" , He Feed B 5721, Lockport, N. ~. '.


3 cans LeWis Lye


MEV " youCrackers don't eatyou ~gemont But- ANY0 NE. anywhare, OBn ' asar'~ rs. ' ' B'..!.1. . , IU'UU~rt was ~n.te r- , If ter are Ing .the postoffice Saturday evenln~,. ittI Ii ~t treat. I & m~tl order bqainaa.,&' ho~e. 8Xc . a large aplinter penetrated ~. sole ~o ca:vaI8IDIr'b a:IYO~1f own boIlI. 10e · , of her shoe ,and ran into the ball of " Bring us your ~., Will. pay , " 8 nd °kr ' fAr~820ooL a~ , TeUNa hyOW. - 8,Yac h ha • had 1ge or more thIS week 88000, u , OOaport, . . 25c ' herfQot to suc an extent t tit , . . 25c to be cut out. The foot is &,etii~ : , It pays to trade at



Renioyes Corns ·Without· Pain


Elk Sldn Shoes in black, cho('~ olate and tan. Also ,odd lots of Work Shoes at less than cost.

P aocy runes. 40 to the pound, Evaporated Appl~,,: lOe Evaporated Peaches ' • 6 pounds Rolled OalS : Fancy Head Rice, 3 fbs. f«ir



Without Pain


Work ShOeS



Fancy Strawberries , Bananas Oranges

". , ~~~

No. 1 Oalvanlzed Tubs No.2 Galvanized Tubs No.,3 Galvanized Tubs Brass Wash Boards:

PrIce. '24X' lb. sack, : :: 70e Best Barg,aln of, All

CHEESE New York Cream, per lb.

i$· i

Ladies' Oxfords in Tan & Ox Blood at less than cost.


Pat«:nt only :

$ $


G~e.. .the Pl'ic'e t





'. Fancy ,Evaporated , Peaches, 15c k· d , .Sa,turdayoillYI' -lb. . I~ , -20c Table Peaches at ' 20c Apricots at 20c PIUDlS a t : : • :'


$ Onr Corn 'Cnre $ Removes Com8


a~, .

Special Sale of Gl 8 B I And other ass erry ow Base B.all Supplies 10c each

-=-________.a-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1

$ $



I-to_P·_ _ _ _ _ _ _


rs , "a:1 tie R t P f t Fe e .H:D • US er ec - I t ting , Corsets



Men's Union,suits..$I.00. &$1.50 $3.50 kind at .................... $2.89 Men'a 2 'piece Suits per gar~ $3.00 kind at ............... .....$2.39 .... ment ......... ; ..........21)c to sOe , Men's Oxfords in P~tent Colt Ladies' Vests ............ tOe to 25c and-D,"--lI.·etal-UuU !U Ladies' Pants ........... 25c to 50c $4.000xfords .......... :....... $3.50 Ladies' Combination Suits..... $3.50 Oxfords .................. $3.00 ......... .............. $1.00 to $1.50 $3.00 OXford~s .................. $2.50 Ladies' Corset Covers ..25c·to50c AllIO Oxfords for Mi~, Chil, ~elts,Skirts, Waist dren, Boys. Youths LitJabots, Collars, Patterns, White. tie Gents; also, and Barefoot Black Sateen Skirts, HoSandals for little folks. .~ siery in Lace & Lisle. tan or black.




Base BaUs, Bats, Mitts, Gloves

A pure, hirhly-perfumed Talc, put up in neat glass bottle, sifter

$4~:~nd at .. ,............... ,.'8 00 ~






ent & Gun Metal. Men's Oxfords in Tan & Ox

. .

Talcum 10c a Bottle


7c l:id All Remnants Calico, Sc ::~d

. $.. ..' '$

Come in and have it explained to you.

and 4 minute records.





I ad f sh

i th _,.: ~r 0 0 -.V ni'S on e tl'~ at Dodds, was relijponsible f~r a fir.:e there Mon~"" b~ing up th~,. car, and dell1ing trafficfor several hours. ~ '- • - • . I Wo ·C. T. U. "

'$ . .



E~D POT ATOES-Pore aeed and ' h " 18 b D , lObi

. ' growu, oa 1i0' bo.o~a C.rmine No.'.o. '50~r bn.y N. Y. J'DnUa,60 bn. SQow Flake. 15 bu. . Irish Co~ler. C. B : Sorface. Waynea . ville, Obi~.

Coluinbui $1 25 ' ." S' e· fe lei, ' 75' pnng Ie c

I:'OR SALlC-A good, aoond bone, C oheap. loqolre lit 'btll offioe SUNDAY, ,-AY '8 forfurtharp"r'ic~"'rs. ,',; . . .' , 1, '" CARRU,GlC-In good Ihape, el'h~' . Trm'n leaves WaynesvUIt- 8:48 a. m,'. " ar for one' or 'wo h0r.~. ' Will lt rea.onabl~.: ~1l o~ 01' wfl&e· ..... ' , " . ' . ' " .~ I Vaughn • .R. ,Do, 1, WaY1l88~~lJe, ( Ohio. .,· ' . ), ,"



F ch B ren ' rose , F''~RM"

1~ R "'" rt E "iA:~ '\'llfIVel,roUDd,

', I~E

' aoJ'etl

' W,tt~ ~ mtl~i

of WaynenlUe',-abodUOOaore. ed D' · I " The MayW. C~ T. 'U.wilibeheld UDder lroOCl ~",'e of ' . I . . D S peela price Qn ecorat Inner P atest, Cups and Saucers t ,~nd , M~ '6, 1810, at ' the ho~e 01' Ml'8. V~ : \!J. :. ~.w. oul'l~tiO~t 1094' ~~Ii '&114 klblkoc~ . . , Salad Dis~es. ' ' . .. , " M Y .' th Tlfrd treet ' ." . i ,... ,)&n4 .. ~o ' ~• ." 'imbtir<an'd blq~ ' , ' ~ A:,~ayl , o~I'!!' ,sou ' ,:~ ' . . ' I .will, open oil" ltl~ , 1"~, at my I.....~ Inci~re .., thla(ofiloeJ. , .' , '. See ,our'displayofEnameledware, Tinware, etc., 'etc. : " 'I , ~ewe...,me.,. · " " resideriee opposite Zimmerman'S', ' . . ~ " " . ' " .. ", ." . . , . . ' , : '/I,'SCEN,oSI·O'N·: D./I,Y , " Igrocel79 "on Main ' street, HOU..8J:~Dd ·)o'~~twi~O. ~ " '. , . -'.' " , ,, . C . ""'''::1 . d ~II handl . th " ~ boaae, 10 IOOd ;npalr • • ~ • • " '. >'. ,.: ", • reaIR .~"" or, an w;u . , .' e. ,r eoen'ly ,P&lnted I RoOd "l'deD~ •



.' . ,


. : .'

- • '.

. ' "

' \


.,,~~. .~ ~ ~, ,,,~~,~ ..




an' Ice

. tdon Day, Holy CoIlUll~niO~ will . ~~bra~ in St, I Chu~! at

' " JO:OO ,L m,




0 '



,., . ".'

D ' ..

,'E'OB 'SALJD-.:.I ToIia TImotb : Inqlllrt! Or' Btobud

" .r


a. "


ftOae:"lXI'I' W""'Yi1II,~, .




, ,,





----------·· , 1 The Rav~ns -- .- - ~~..-...-....-.





1, l ll IO.

.:=:...-:.. -·----r I 1-~~~:~~-~.?~~~~+~~~-~~~.!~~~-!:

~- -

- • -: - - ' - - - - : - -



A quiet littl e home wt!d:iing t ok The ,progl:am for th.e Teachers Ass elatIOn WI I! be held at place at th e 'ompLon home on Sout h D. 'treet, ThurRday afternoon, when N. L. Bunnell was in Dayton Mon·has . '01'111."11 Wa!:l a !Jay tOil visitor t he auditori um Lebanon National Miss Mabel Compton became the wife da\,. Monday . Ban k building, Lebanon, Ohio. May of Frank Fitzgerald. Theceremony E. V. Barnhart was in Day tun Mi~ Ali c, ~ l "rey spen t ~; lIl1day in l ·lth. 191 0. was at half after two and was cele- Sunday. Su ring Vull .'Y . 10:0(1 A , M . bl'ated in presence of only the fum , Devutional E: el'cis s" ...... .. .. .. .... . ily connectiOlU!. by Rev . Alpheul:! J . Hls~y , of orwin, was in LebalI al'v Custin was in Columbus f{ v. H. W, Bailey , Wayne ville, O. "Quoth the raven, 'Never More' " Austin. The young couple tried to non ~atuI'day : and Delaware 'u nday. !The Atti t ude of tne T acheI' toward keep their marri,age a secre.t an~ slip . Frank Zell was in Lebanon on busI{alph , ~li th and Ten I Macy were r the P~tro.n ...... .... .. J . Robert Blai r Seventeen years ago a ccompany out ~f town ~Ithout ~helr friends Iness Saturday. Day ton VISIto rs Sa turday . The A;~ltu (le of the P:ll ron t,oward of men after hearing t heir wives knOWing of th eir well laid plans, but R B f W'I ' t M' Al W t h D Y t h 1 a'h 1' .. , \1 0 11. (" W. ~lall l ey d h ' I d' t heir littl e secret was out and about . oger ,. r own, 0 I mlng on, was I." ma a (l use wa s a a - Miscellan eolls Busines::; an sweet earts continual y IRCUS,'i · f f h ' f ' d d th 111 town lhursday . ton VIsito r last Wednesday. I O' , ing afternoon teas etc. decid ed that orty 0 t ~Ir n en s g reete em " I1 Cene ra IS 'usslon. I' 'd d atthe StatIOn and gave them a good Chas. Sheehan, of Centervill e, was MISS Clara Hawk e wa s theguest 'of 1'30 P M th mgs wer e entire y too one-sl e . . honeymoon tl'lP ' to a ca II er at th Gaze t t e <;> (i lce ' 'r ues day . .re Ia t'Ives III , Le banon Salur day an d Vocal Solo ... .. .... " .... Rev. Floyd , Poe . send off on their On M ay, 5 1893 teo h f II oWing persons , d' I' / S d / enjoyed the hospitality of,Mr. S. L. In mnapo IS. , , I Mr. and M,·s. A. n. Sitles were un ay . , Add:ess- "Th ,Developm ent of this Cartwl'ightat his delightful country Mr , and Flt~gerald returne,d g ues!.tiuf I'el a ti v 1I at FORter' s 'un- Mr. and Mrs W. So 0' pall andl Mludl e Wes~' " ... ..... . ...... .. ..... .. . G.'1'. O'N ea, . II ' Rev.. J totlay g room Miss Marlha 0' eall we re Lehanon SupL J . P. ·hurk ey. Van Wert, O. h orne.. Me~rll. h anti '1thiS 1 ' evenmg the t" h' !! I tlay ., F. CllIlwallader, J . E, Janney, A. L. hmot e r Whl ghlve a rece p IOn mAt elr l Mr s Waller Mc ~ Iure anti Miss , visito,s 1 nu ay . Eo C. Van Winkle, Pres, . J W Ed d o nor at er ollie on wayne v e . , · . Ali ce Cooke, S c'y. F arr, W . A. McKay. . . war s, dDt t H 'It R bl' / Pearl Carey we re m Dayton last Mrs. W. H . All en allended th H . BR?gers W. H . Allen, Frank Barnhart, C. T. aNn s ree.- ami on epu Ican Thursday. May Festival in incinnati last Th urs- E ' Co ) T. A J 0 C ht ews. x. m. J ' • luner ' Hawe, k J .l'. Ell IS, , . artNrg, Mrs. Fitzgerald is the younger Mr. and Mrs. Mordecai Ennis, of day and Frid ay. \ ( Mrs. L. 'B. Berry Jonas ' H e rsc h e I B unne II , W I10 was h orne Wh't Janney. Jacob Randall, J. W. d aug h tel' 0 f M r. an d Mrs. E'I" IJah Morrow, wert> g uest.'1 0 f J erry'Enms







Alt ~hi'l time the ladies had a "Dove Club, Ilnd the men brought up the subject of a ,name, also. After some rleliberation, "The Ravens" was ·· . I c husen. Af ter t he Imtla suppersev· eral of the same kltla were indulged

.. .

The Card Cl ub wil,l meet at the home of Mrs. A. T. Wrilrht Thursday evening. William Duke amI fami ly. of Lytie were en tertained Sunday by C. H. 'Iemenls and fam~ C. H , Clements and family entertained J , E, Janney and family at Md' slippe r on ayevemng. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader and Miss EI:;ie Hartsock were guests of Mr, and Mrs. George Hartsock at dinner Su nday, Tuesday, May 3rd, being Mri. Mark Davis' birthday, she received quite a number of beautiful post cards. In the evening a number of her friends went to her home and spent the evening with her.

Compton, fo r mer resident of Waynes- last Wednesday. ftom Antioch ollege for a few day', ! MEMORIAL DA'V Mrs. Eliza Haines entertained at a ville. and has a host of friends here. Born to Mr. and Mrs Armstrong r~turned Monday. The GA R P t h d t' dinner Sunday ev~ning in honor of 'th the Gazette wl'sh the young . ' . . os a a. mee mg Noah Chapman and MI'ss Mary Chapw ho wI McCray, on Tuesday morning, May Th e sale of seats for COll1tn ' nc '- atul'day, and mu ch en thUSIasm was Th h . ed h h . couple a long and happy journey 10th, a daughter. ment will be on .'al.e at J anneY'1:! d ru g manifest. The main committee con- mal.n. oseDw e ednJMoy J eTr Eosll~lthrough life . t t S t ,I • L' f' ,I C I S' h ta Ity were: r. an rs.., 18, .. - • Hel'bert Warwi ck. of olumbus. s ·ure nex a uruay . SIS mg 0 omr Uueg 0 eman, er- M' S h B M d M NOTICE d d R (, II ' I ' d ISS ara rown, . r. an r8. wag in town aturday in th e interests Mr. and Mrs. Atl Stoops were w~?than d e.da diC ', \hV~ al?pomfte , Thornton Cain, Mrs. J. B. Chapman, in but the club was short-lived. Q t I M t' t th WI't of the Hain Safe Co. called to Lima r cent ly on acco un t anu ey eC I e on t elr me 0 ac- M d M W E O'N 11 M . ht - ~t II th uar er y ee mg a e 11 e t' r. an rs, .. ea, rs. Mr. Car t wrlg , 'u er a eseyears Brick Meetinghouse will be 'held Mrs J ul ia Hoffman of Dayton is . of Ilick ness, and are sti ll thel·e. IOn. .. ' . Anna O'Neall and Miss Martha had passed, recalled these meetings . , , I In a ll probab,li ty the serVICflS Will , and thought it a good plap to have a next seventh and first d~ys, 5th the guest of her neice, MI·s. F. C. Si,mps n, McCr ig ht and McFad- be held at school hall. on account of 0 NeaU. • _ ••_ __ recurrence of the good times of the month, 14th and 15th. Meeting for Schwartz, for a ft!w days. den, three entertainers that will ap- t he peaker Melville Hays of thE 29th FIRST DEFEAT OF SEASON old "Ravens." worship and ~usiness . m,eeting, sevDon't fail to attend the entertain- pear at Phillips' Hall next Tuesday of Wilmington . . There will be plenty Invitations were issued to fifteen- enth day,! public meetmg, first d!lY. men t at Phillips' Hall next Tuesday night. of good music. The High School boys went up . , I num ber-an d t h ose w h 0 All meetll"l~s convene . ht It WI'11 b e a t:.tea •v. Mrs. Caro I'me Rogers, oj:. L e b a non, Aft er th e spea k'mg th e pos t WI'11 go against the real thing last Friday aft h e orlgma _ _ __at 10 a. m. mg. enjoyed hie hospitality Thursdav evAN OPEN LETTER in renewing hel' subsc rip ti on for the to the cemetery to garland the graves ternoon and were defeated by a score Prof. and Mrs. E. M. Van Cleve, Miami Gazette Qays it is a most welening were: Messrs. O. J. Edwards, . -. • .- . of 8 to 5 in eleven innings. A STRANGE INSECT Strawn and Thompson were the F . H. Farr, Rev. H. W. Bailey C ITo my school boys, patronR, friends, of Columbus, were guests of MI'. 'ghb rs assocl'aates voters I'n and Mrs. J. W. White last week. come pap I'. T. Hawke. J . E. Janney, J . A. Funnel . 0 , • . . . . batteries for ,the business men, and key, W. H. Allen, Rev. J. }<'. Cadwal· Wa.rren Coun.ty, greeting: ' Don't forget the three good enterMessrs. S. E. and F. M. Ale xander, MISS Elizabeth Chandler found Furnas and McClu\'e for the IIChool. Middletown, Ohio, spent Sunday b 'f I . f d Bemg a can d Id a t e f or th e 0 ffi ce 0 f tainers at Phillips' Hall Tuesday of lader. 'E. V. Barnhart, L. A. Zimwith their mother , Mrs, A J Alex- ahv~ry . edautJ u IOsect aste~e on While the school bOY8 did good merman, Horace Murray, J. O. Cart- rr:reasurer of Warren ~unty, 1 de- evening, May 17th , at 8 o'clock. ander and siste Katherine" t elr Will ow scree~ one morn~ng 0 f work, they were outclassed by weight wright) D. L: Crane and Dr. Ellis. sire to exten~ to you, In advance, ' _ . last ~eek. It was light green m col- and experience. ,Anyhow, the boya Ap elegant three-course dinner my most gracIOus thanks for the .fa- 'Yarren Edwards, of Bowerston: ' Mr. and Mrs. J . W. White were or wlt~ a purple bro~n b~nd on the l are not discourage4, and will pick up wu ~ by Mt'S. Cartwright. who vOr and sup~ort that y~u shall gIve .ohIO, was a welcome guest of bls aile to Dayton Monday on account fore w l~gs and .the hmd "'1I1gs were I for the next game all right. ' is always a charming and capable me at the primary election on Tues- parents, Mr. and MI·s. O. J., Edwards, of the serious illness of Fred , eldest sevel'al mches In l ~ngth. She sent • - • Sunday. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft. t'~e insect to Mr. A. B. Graham. of CLEMENTS LAND SELLS hOdtess. The table p' !ttily decorated day, May 17th. with flowers, the snowy linen and Sincerely yours, Mrs Josesh Evans and Mrs. Eliz. . Ohio State University, who identified silver made it a pleasing Frank J. Brown. Moms ,Cornell, who has been m it as a Luna Moth, a magnificent The estate of Margaret and Mary sparklin'.,. .. abeth Yeazel are in Lima this week K C f I k • - • ansas I t~ or seve.ra wee s, re- specimen, the larva of which feeds Clements, deceased, was sold to -picture to look upon. attending the State Assembly of the t ed to Ius home m Dayton last th I f \ h' k d ' MANY WILL S EE CIRCUS After the dinner was over Mr. urn . . on e eaves 0 wa nut, IC oryan the highest bidder at public auction Daughters of Rebecca. k d W II S t Cartwright in his characteristic manRingling BrotUtalf ' Clroul! is thf' .wee ,an was In aynesvi e a - olher forest trees. Monduy. ner, made an unusally happy speech, mlignet thll.t will attraot hnndredp Rev. H. W. Bailey, Messrs. C. A. ul'\lay. --. The residence property was bought in which he referred to the "Ravens" of vll'iton from ~hil' oity and t,htl Bruner and F. H. Farr attended t he Miss Sarah J. Daniel, a nurse at BACCALAUREATES ERMONS byJonathan Grabam 'for$1400. The of long ago in glowing terms. He I'nrroundiDg cOllnt,ry til OilY ton, on Washington Township Sunday-school the ~oldiers' Home in Johnson City, Th b I t th eighty-acre tract was purchased ' by . Mav 18th, The railroads are offer. . , ., f h e acca aureate sermon 0 e 0 S. . d made especial reference to those ID~ special inducements in 'be wa y conventIOn at Olive Branch Sunday Tennessee IS spending a part 0 er L I H' h I I '11 h h d ren trawn at $65 per acre, an .the sc OO e "gone before." of oheap rates . afternoon. 'fhey r eport an enlhusi- vacation with her cousins Edwin bytR ISg W lC w~ 11 ,e p~e~ ~ eia'hty-five acre tract was bought by' He next introduced Mr. W. H. The pto~rtlm the RlngllnRs Ilre of· astic meeting. Chandler and fam ily. ' CYh ev · L' I' amtPSe , at t e : . Martin Freese at $32 an acre. feriug this yelir is nothing less thBn ' urc, h yt e. nex un d ay evenmg ' • - • All en,.:w h 0 read an accoun t 0 f th a t wonderful. It is given by 375 artist!! 8 ' I k memorable meeting, seventeen years Over 200 of them are Enropt'llns at 0 c oc . MOTHER REMEMBERED ago. IDlI.l[ing their first tour of Amerioli, TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF WARREN CO. The baccalaureate sermon to the Mrs. S. L. Cartwright received After this Mr_ J. E. Janney read There Bre no less th.n '100 bl~ aota h h '11 b ' 11 b ·"d b th Waynesville Rig sc Qol WI e a tele Sunday afternoon at 3 a poem, a parody on the "Raven," Nove Iti 6S WI e presen"", y e h •• telepllonlng elephants i the wonderpreached by Rev. H. W. Bailey at t e o'clock from her son Charles in written by 3. O. Cartwright, which ful Schuman horst's, from Albert To the Republican voters of War- than a supporter of the Republican M. E. Church Sunday evening. Chicago, which read a; follows: ' was reeeived by vigorous hand-clap- ~';~~f8~~b o~:~:~~t!\ ~~~~rt~~; ren County. I wish to announce my- party and would not be see~ing sup- Thpr~ will be special music for the "On this Mother's Day, I send you pings. M.r. r.artwright made refer- SR .... on t~iO of strl)D'" m~~ ,',Roblooll. self as a candidatp for County Treas- port now only through the misfor- occasIOn. loving greetings. ence to every man who had attende d A ... • - --<:::" this &upper,and the answer hislCOOd 10, t·he t;pllDish wire danoer i th!' urer before the Republican 'Primary tune of losing my right leg by acciANNOlJNCEMENT C. ¥. Cartwright." , Mtlnel1o.. ~rnitz fllmily of upside of May 17th and if thro'ugh investi- dent eighteen months ago, which has ,May 8, 1910. wiMfe gaJveOhimCa"ntev~rhmtore'''t d dofwn .be ltl.rlnthgeros i ttht e Alexis family, gation you 'find I am capable and ( Unfit me for the active traveling To the Republicans of the Sixth Oi.. - - -._-_.- - r. . • r wrlg nex rea 0 aerl li s s; e u , on oompllDY 0 . " . \. d f II d SAW THE COMET . t'b t f th equestrians' the ae"ial Klllrkoni&ns worthy I Will fully appreciate your busmess Ife I use to 0 ow , an trict:. th e f 0 II OW1.g rl u e rom e pen " A ' . h'lP I f I' g f II bl f " g ffi ' of Mr. C. M. CMrtwright, of Chicago, and ltdhe fifty funniest olowns in the s~PIIPort. h s to m Y clltldzens f , ee Itn U. Y ctoapath.e °ffi glVlO e I wish to announce myself 1': ca~dJMr. and Mrs. Elihu Underwood, h bl b h . wor. WI say t at my sch 00 ays rom clen ser vice IS 0 lce an d now date for the Republican Nommatlon w 0 was una e to eat t e meetlna'. The ohieh~traotion 0' t,he me~ag , 1885 to 1~90 were spent in the Hoi- I in need of the position, I respectfully for Congress subject to the May Re- of near Harveysburg, report that erie is DarwIII, the missing hnk k ' .. d f t th' they saw the comet Tuesday morn When word reached me that the Be looh mor.e like Il hnmlln beini! b.rook No~mal, were I met and mar- as investigatIOn an r e er 0 e PUI~I!ctan primary, atnd I respectfully ing at about 3 o'clock. They saw i~ Ravens were once more to assemble t.hll.n lIome men DarWin ~ ives in ned my Wife, whose mot~l~ r b.elonged principal business houses and profes- so ICI your 'suppor. .. f feed and some croaki hi~ OWD hou@e. It. hilS wmdow!!, ! to one ofthe oldest famIlies In town. sional men (If Lebanon . If eler.ted 1 will give the people pf plainly WIth the ?aked eye, but or a. I r h ng, my doors, plotures on thE wall, electric ' Up to within the last fou '~ years 1 I have tried to travel the r.ounty the Sixth Di t rict, honest, faithful th~o~gh the appeared 'f8rY first lmpuse waa to POlS up my Itgbts and a hot. water heater. BA ' h t P tofmybusiness life over a nd nieet"ou one and all but t t' d ' lythatmh'lch brllhant. Thetallisverymuchlongfeathers, read again Edgar AUim dines at a 's ble with II. complete to- ' ave s,Pen a ar J represen a IOn, Olng on .. . ; Poe'spoemandjointhebirdsofblack ble eqnipment. He wears the l travehn~ o~ the road but~y home find at best that many I miss, and I .know to be in accordance with erthan theyha~ .!!'~ugbt It to be. ,As, however, (anticipate being at the olothe.. of a mRD , Be oarrit'lIl and family IS, and has ~een, !n Leha- take thig melhod of speaking to their wishes. FOU~TH OF JULY . H' h Sch I I . . 8. wB.t-ch and Is fond of a 800thlng non my youngest child bemg born all . Yours very truly, ?OJ~lIngf Ig 00 a u~m reundlon , ~ipe. Btl is a friendly oh~p and her~ ten years ago this past April. I Respectfu lIy" R. Wilds Gilchrist, • 1t IS Ie t to me to transmit a wor 0 f hkes to shake hands 1IIiith vlsltora . I' t' b f . th B C H 'I J Oh' The band boys have about decided' greeting to you. Another attrllotive member of the never was In po I ICS e or e, 0 er . , owe, r. Lebanon, 10. to celel;lrate the glorious Fourth in I met you at your first meeting by menagerie is Jennie, an elephant - -- a sane manner, and will have a good, that bas jllst passed her 214th birth, C. E. RALLY I letter and therefore I am, but an hon- I\ay. When George Wlishinl{ton time here on that day. Fu ler , parorary Raven. In fancy I shall perch was still pre8ident of the United What the Lebanon Press Brick Co. Has to Say The Quarterly C. E. Rally, of the ticulars will be given later. on a tree aud look at the sable ones States, flhe WIl8 bronght frqm the in Regard to B. C. Howell Jr., CandiOrthodox Friend's church, will be • - • and picture the scene of your first wilds of India to beoome an attraoW C T held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p , m., BROTHBRHOOD MEETING ~. ht 'Ion In the Zllologloll,l Gardens at ~ate for arren o. reasurer h . h Th' --~ ulg . .. London, England. She was thaD at the Red Brick cure. e meetTh M E B th h' d '11 h Id . Time has brol,lght Ita mIghty chang- 100 years old, Sbe is stili in her playeli marked ability, not only as a ing will be addressed by D. A. Poling, . e . . ro er 00. WI 0 es. Out of the shadows from across prime, for tllerhants hav~ been We, t~:b:~~~;s?~!!a~~~~!:~'Of constructor, but as a business man- of Columbus, State Field Secretary Its regul~r monthly meetmg Thurathe mystic bhores come the voices known to live for 500 yellTS More the Lebanon Pressed Brick Co., feel ager, and that his honesty and integ- of the Ohio C. E. Everybody is cor- dayevenmg. ___ • ' who mingled with yours when the Ra- ~~:~;::~~~~~:i:8~i!10~1~~~~::! it our duty to corrt'p.t a rumor that rity have never been .questioned by dially invited to attend. Mr. Poling PUMPKI.N SEED FREE vena ~rat fl~cked tog~ther an~ t~ey whose grMt grandparents are vet has been circulated concerning our us f or a moment. is an enthusi~tic man. and hopes to truly,say Only. thIS ~nd nothmg unbor,D. , , former manager B. C. Howell Jr. We desire to further state that have an 'enthusiastic meeting. Farmers desiring pumpkin' see:\, more." , Lenore 10 Poe'a verses typT1i~ forenoon parade IS far t h e . " d h t' h' h " ff d -b' h f A B . • we loved and ~ow have best atreet 'spectaole tbe ltiagHnlf' of thIS place. We und,e rslan ~ a ~ 18 company as .neve.r su ere ~nv ATfEND free can 0 ~m t em ree at • • tiles those d Brot.hers h.LVO anr devilled. It. it has been currently reported that less that can be attributed to Mr. Sides', Waynesville, or the glOcery P~ b~yon • W.1I built in the forallfn works~ooll his management, of the affairs of the Bowell. ,Signed, stores at Harveysburg. Time, too, haa brou£~t to us m~y ,of tbe show near ', l.lvorpool ' last com an was such as ,to cause the Miami Quarterly Meeting Orth<r " Eavey Packing Co •• personal chang~, but ·aft~r all hfe winter aI, a coat of, more tha.n 11,000" ,P Y tid t h d ' William Evans, dox Frie~ds will be hel~ here May. X . 0 has brought much satisfaction and 900, . It wal'l made from deslKn8 ax': compah~Yhgrea ossd~nt ~~ta s a ow W. H. Hopping, [4th and 15th. Services at 10:30 a. m. • _ • ema.. , f ' h' . , flouted by the best I!rttat8 of ltal:v upon- IS onor an 10 ,egrl y. . W FEltz th P - 'd " Alb t J B· "p f . ' laM If'ranoe, In it wt11,~ "eon 1,280 plen~ 0 s~nt lO' e· We wish to state to the public that '" .. ro, resl ent . er . ..own, ro. PORTLAND C,EMENl Fnendshtps 0 f th e genulDe. sort people from all pRl't08 of tbe wo~ld. Mr. B. C. Howell Jr. was in our emC, Wlibur Ivins, l:;amuel Haworth and Supt. Le\ri have ,been cemented. Comradshlp h.18 850 borlies and more tbaa halnhe 10 as constructor and manager of \ W. L. Brown, Mill~, of Wilmington, ' and other vis- The carload of Portlimd cem~t , broqht men into close pel'8onal rela" elepban~. in Ame ..ioa. It will ~ P Y I f bo tift h W. G. RoCKhill, iting Friends 'are ex~ted to be has arrived. Call and ask pric8i. tbree mUea long. Uleavealheahow our pant , or a ut , een mont 8 / , . b d I C W H "add A(,.A (CoutiDue,donjlqe6) Ill'OlladllaUlo'olookiD&lIefor8DOOD: and~atduring alltbaHimehedis-) Dlrec~rs. '·present. Mvery 0 ywecome orne. • • enUlo--.








-The Miani~ Gazett~


0 , L. CRANE:,


The ,Morrow The w rId go II \ Il, u.nd l ito \VQI' lll ''0"

, An ll ttl


RESTORING A LOST EMPIRE, Th pos,;lblc r nllznll on of tho pro· j C'ct for r ' opcnlng th e old e mplr of N t>burh a dn ezza r to cly,llIzatlon, a pro· ject ~' hlch on ly yesterclay was onl}' n drt~ lIm, Is forl's hndow ed by t ho er· fort s ot t h(' T urkis h 1;1l\,l'rnm nt to rccla im ] 2,5 0,000 a res of was t lan rt ID North e rn !\1 C'!lo pot nmla throu gh Ir· r lgatioll, sllYs New York 'W orld. Clv f) n the 6 UC C 118 of tbe expl'rl ru nt, th l' nllC'h' nt realm or ARsyrl nll a nd Dnhl' lnnlnn Illonarchs mny tb eD he roo forlill1.NI nn rl rcpe pled with nn In · Qils t ritlu s r:lc(' lind th e world '!! olrt A'ran ol'Y r s tOTl'cJ ancor (,Pl1tlll' ll's of d !'lolal In n, ~r esQ P ot:lII\I n 'il ~n' u I ne s~ wns due to a syst em or Irrh!nllol1 ('ar nls In COlllll'ctl ol1 with th e Tll:rls 3ntl Euphl'lIl!; , It was by th et r II cg· Ie t that Ii dec-li n d am I was trans· [ or mcol l Into a Ra lHly plll ln , th e hallnt of noma d rnC'('s. \V lthln I'CC nt tim s t he ellglrwl' r Ilnd the nl'chcologlst lla \'e inl"lld('d It, th e fOl'lner ploUlng th o rOll t e of th e Bnguad ra il way whi ch Is to unite Il wllb th \\ est rn 'w orld and the Intte r d Ivlnl; In th o dust heap which h ayo disclosed In turn th e s Ite of Nebuchadnezzar's pal· ace, lhe hnll In which Bels ha zzar gnve 1I1s f a at and th e very s Ite at Rabel. To r claI m It to cultivatIon will cost


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frow ll "a n n " or r on'" O\' r uKu \ n ~ Swee t wire'. NOt n 'v r C "lU o \ ' r r ug In .

Good Christian an d Famil y Ma n, But Had Poor Digestive Orga nt -Wha t Cured Him You Can Get Free.

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Ute rary !'reaa.,

I( Wh en Polnd ~ltl(!r, on a s ke tc hIng th cnptlJ l' 'd fly . H e waR not a tl'amp, t ramp, enOle upon th e spot that J uue by any means, 1-1 was dress d In th e morDlng, be r OUlark d to hlrllll' if that h eight or fa s hIo n , a nu Pol nd p. xter won. It was lhe mos t perfect R ttln g fo r II de red what any mnD , look ing so mu c h hl ghwuy r ob bory or n murd e r he had \lit, a tailo r's mou el, wos doIn g on a eyer sec n I'l\s t of th e 1\1 isslss lppl. Th !) lonely pnth In the woou a at 11 o't'ioc k III th e morning. fact that he kne w thut It was not a "Hn , ha," he sai d stil i smiling. "At dozen mll ·s from New YQrk city dId Dot make It secm I .S8 so. Th e path la st I bave foun d yo u. l'e rhnlJs now belo w' him ran througb a ravln o, whose you will liste n to me, my Lady Dis. rocky precIpItous s ides, ove rgrow n dnln ." Th(' gI rl gave II lo w c ry and looked with low scrub oak and pIne, wou ld furnI s h hiding plac()s fnr n s or oC wildly nbout her. as t ho ugh searl' h lng hIghwa ymen. From wbore h e lay, 25 fo r a way to esca pe. but the ma n feet or more above the path, th e re qui ckly s tep ped up to bel'. Poindex te r ~200,OOO,OOO . wall not a house, not a bumau being rose qui ckly, s ti eD tly, to a crouching In sight. although he kDew that over attitud e, r ady to sprIng In a me>Mr. Durand, the dIrector of the cen· beyond the clump of plDes th ere was m eut. "Th o plo~ thicke ns." h e said to him· BUB, bns been casting a prelimInary a respectable farmhouse, surrou nded by Ill! prosaic vegetable garden and self. "Talk I\boot 'never the lime and glance over the field. and he makes a orchards, and that the rallroad s ta.. tb e place.' It's positively th eatrical In rough estimate tbat t.b e e nume ration tiOD aD the Shore' lew rand was only itl setllng, thl IItlle drama." t.hls year will show a population of a quarter of a mU. away. The man seIzed th e girl by the wrist. b etween 88,000,000 and 90,000,000. The PoIndexter had not ye t outgrown his "Answe r me now," he said. "Will you dIrector's esttmate would seem to be boyis h love at adventure, and as he marry me to-day, or wlli you not? 1 conservative aB It does not Include lay there aD the moss In the cool give you ono more chance. If you any extraordinary «"owtb. In fact, shadow of the pines, h e amused him· will not marry me, at least yOU will accordiDg to hlB total the ratio of In, Belf Imagining various tragi c nnd re>- marry no on e else." A look at mad· orease would be smaller than In the mantic happenlDgs, a.pproprlate to the DeSIl cnme IDtO bl s eyes aDd to PaiD· preceding te n years. Th~ census of apot. The whistle of a paSsing fr e lgbt dexte r's horror he dre w out a revol· 1900 gllve a population ot 76,303,387, train, Bounding Ibrllly near, Ilt laet ver. He could hea r th e click as the diSSipated his dreams, and he rolled vlllnln cocked It. 8 gaIn of n early 14,000,000 over 1890. ove r, laughing happily and callIng Without waitIng 'f or any more de A corresponding gain from 1900 to hlmselt a fool. velopments of the melodrama, Poln, 1910 would eend the figure.s consider· H e wall lying on hJs back, hl B handB dexte r bounded to hIs feet, leaped ably over tbe 90,000,000 mark. In fact, clas ped under hili head, watch lDg th e down the ba nk, stumbl.lng ove r ro oks, tbe World Al manac, biklDg the est!· feathery pine branches swaying In the crashlDg through bus hes, and preclpl· mates of governors of slates and t erri· sunshine against tbe blue sky; wben a tated hIs 175 pounds or hard·tralned tories, places the population for the slight sound broke the penceful stlll- muscle on the maD, wbo, tnken UD' Unite I States a t present at IH,049,810. ness. He listened a moment, and th eD awares, fell like ,a s hot in th e path. There has been some remarkable do- ratsed his bend, cautiously peering Then, with savage thirs t for blood, Poindexter proc eeded to pummel tbe v.elopment In somo localities, and tho ' ~~~~d q~~;e c~~~lmo~ro~e VI~~w~~e~ villain vigorously, aCter wrenching 'flnnl results of th e <:ensus taking this b b I away th e r e"olver and throwIng It Into passer y e ow. year may furnish some surprises. Down the patch, walking straight the bus hes, wh ere It went art harm· lesllly. He h eard the girl sh ri ek wild· The factions have not yet got to- toward blm, came a ~ra ce rul girl In a white gown, SWinging a broad hat In Iy, but oblivIous to everything but gether In Nicaragua, but It looks more her band. She made such a perfect the desire to punish the man h Willi and more as though they are likely to picture, comIng as she did through the uDconsclous at th e entrance at aDy do 80. ' President Madrlz .has made sunshIne, dappled with shadows, the other actors OD the scene until he was peace proposnls, and General E ~ Igllt failing on er- bronze haIr and .suddellly: torelbl~r- but with ~eat cUf· tbe leader of tho insurge nts, has r eo brIngIng out every perfect lfDe of her fi culty, pulled from bls victim. When he staggered to his teet and plied. The offer Is not ac ce pted, but loo)led ab out hIm, he wondered I! be General Estrada s!lggests meditation, were In a nlghtm,are. A s tout th ewith the UDlted States as the decidi ng atrlcal·looklng man was dancing up power. Uncle Sam Is DOt 100k1D g' for and down with rage, t he r escued lady any such mIssion, but If b e caD be In· was wringing bel' hands and at the strumental tn brInging about an han· same tfm e laughing hyste rically, and a orable adjustme nt or th e qunrrel and IItlle German lIupporting a large cam· in r es torIng peace to a distracted r eo era on a tripod with one hand waa shaking his fist In Poindexter's fac e, glon perhaps he will not object. And while two men ,,'e re holding his arms tbe s te ps take n looking to the with · so tightly behlll!\ his back that he drawn l of th e AmerlcaD naval forc es could hardly eDdure the pain. In that quarte r would seem to Indicate The villain of tbe drama slowly that apprehensloDs of turther serious 'rose to his feet, disclosing a ghastly trouble are no longer ente rtaIned. bruIsed and bleeding countenance. "There, you mr.ddllng fool!" the ThIs Is the age of the nutomoblle. .tout perSOD s'p utte red. "You see what Yet the horse Is not wholly a negll· you've dOll e ! You've ruined the ftlm gible quantity, and conchlng, that aDd spoiled Judson'" face, so he WOD't sport so popUlar wIth love rs of th e be able to go on agaIn for weeks. I'll equine, s ttll flourishes, A notable have you arrested. I'll have you ar· rested at once, sir." record was made by a rour·ln·hand Poindexter, dazed ftnd teellng as If from New York to AtlantIc CIty. Of he were nwaklng from a dream, gazed course the automobile will continue blankly from hIm to the beautiful lady. its triumphs. Dut there Is a great "Oh, he thinks It', all real," sho delll thnt is Inspiring In n drive gasped hysterically. "He tblnks It's though th e co untry be hind s pirIted all real." Then she cS,f,Opped a little and speedy borses. curtsy, one hand on her beart, he r face wreathed In BmlleR. "My dear The Duke or Orleans, the French pugnacious youns man," she said, ">"Ju pretend er, agaIn oflers himself at tbls have seriously Interfered wltb th e pbe>crIsis to save th e sblp at state, declartographlng of the movlng·plcture iug that republi can Institutions are "Will You Marry Me To·Day or Will drama, "The Reve nge of t.he Rejected respons Ibl e for corruption. But It Is Lover.' I suppose you have spoiled You Not?" not the use of r epubllcnn Institutions beautiful figure, that 1'0moeder's ar· about a thousaDd films, as It seema which III at fault; It Is merely theIr tlstic so1l1 was seized wIth a desire to that Mr. Gravesteln kept on automat· abuse, a nd the obliging Duke will paint her. She was wnlklDg In a Ically 8Dapplng you during your very probably be politely so Informed, and brown study at first, her eyes on the dramatic performance. You do not, grouDd, aB it she were , buried In apparently, know the ropell, BO I will bi G help a s poJltely refused. thought, but wheD Bhe was so near to explaIn to you that he and I," nodding Polqdexter that he could have spoken toward tbe villain, "belong to a stock Auother little row bas gen erated to her without raisIng his ' voIce, Ihe a mong those touchy South American stopped and lifted her face to the company that IIpends all Its time pe>Iln~ tor movlDg·plcture plays. 1 am nations. Peru has hecome hulTy at 's ky with a look of rapture, as If she Antolnnetle Dubois. You may have Chile, Rnd bas wIthdrawn the legation we re filled with the joy of IIvlDg, of heard or me." to tbe latte r country. What seems to beIng out there all aloDe under thai. And then PoIndexter kDew why her b e almost as mucb needed as a Hague pines and tbat Infinite sky. face bad been so Camlllar. He had As sbe IItood tbus, PolDdexter leaned aeen her playa score of times In poptrlbun lll Is an a rbltrp.tlon court tbat will smooth over those LattD·Ame rl· forward . He could see every feature ular plays on the legItimate stalte. distin ctly, eveD the color of h,er eyes, "Mr. CavendIsh," the little German call IHI~abbles, and be WIUI puzzled by a madde ningly photographer deposited his camera In Tli e frequ cnt appeals to aid tbe vague rese mblance to some ODe he , a safe place aDd came forward rubcensus ta ke r s are an IDdlcatioD that bad met, or seen, before. Wbo was bing his hands and beamIng at his In· thIs .ffl ... I, and what could she be dolDg spJration. "Mr. Cavendisb, vy not th e re is some fear of a dlslD cllDatioD all alone In this desorted spot? cbangc de name of de blece-call it to re veal fllmlly secr e ts for th e beDefit Suddenly, as be watched her, her the 'Rescue of Injured Innocence,' or of the s tati Rticians. eyes dropped to the path ahead of her, somedlngs of dot nature. You clln aI, and POindexter saw a look of 'terror ways flet beable to pose tor your A wlrel cs!l motor car Is going to be come Into he r face. At the same mo'Jealous Lover:, MI:. Cuvendlsh, but n IJart of tb e Glidd e n to)II' this year. ment be heard a step oTlproar.hlng, al- neter vl11 you get anydlng eo realistlo 011, pshaw! Th ey'lI make those things tboua:h the newcomer was hidden from again as this scene. Ach, It was so comfortable after a while til ere wtlI ' him by a turn tD the path. The slrl, peauUful to flee the so stroD~ YOUDI be no fUll g olug on them. bowever, could see him dl!ltln,c tiy, and 'man come leablng down de rocks and aB shill watched him , coming, she be- fall upon de villain. It viII take wltb Two Cb lcago ba ndits distlngulsbed gan to back away, step , by step, one de beoble, Mr. CavendIsh; aDd YOu tb clDsel\,e ' by golng. lnto a restaurant, hand raIsed to 'her breast, as $t to sUll vlll hat money In your pock.t." ~ And this was the way thllt that eJt· robbIng It a.nd gCttlDg out without the beating ot her heart. By Lannlna: far·'over. PolDdexter could ceedll1cly popular moving' plcture CUm, tJpphig a slugle walter. see a man, ' an exceedingly d-lsarree- 'IThe Rescue of Injured innocence," Tbe hat IIln coucbant may slay Its able-llloklng . person, com lug toward' bad "ttl orlcln. And, Inclllenl",l1y, It Is tbou88l1dll, but tbe uwbrella point ram. • her" ,,1th a sinIster look on bi. tace. the way AntOinette DUbois happened It w.. exacUy the sort ot .mUe a to challre ber name to PolDil~ner and IlaDl alays 1ta teD~ ot thOusRnda, . .Did.' IDlsht wear .. be tiore dOWD OIl leave the Btare.

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1909 by


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Ilrst fu ll of !mow wll ('1'1' h(' ha~ tak£'11 up ht s fl \!l ll nn [l lltl 6 l l ll H' -1 I I fit. ' 11,...-11 . h il l j ;111 ' sti li I 'ur. 'd, " J.,:lt t III' H IlY d l'l l C'l:l!-'l f (')r , Ihe Ted fo ~ III :\lall1e knol\'s nil th llt hl' ha s 10 do Is (0 walt. Art~,1' ;1) It,"' Il,'nISil nrIH'$1 l It"IIl1"" 11,', :-" ' 1\4 1 y.'ur' lI d , "', ~s!-C thnt s tre nllom; dllYS Ill" In I t long tllll ' t h fox suelden i)' bound:.; flll ll a f n'" I" . t 1'''111,· \\' 11 1 I,, ) :-: " 111 III " I1' hnml'. I f 11 . ·lt', · ti,'I fll " III ~' :- Ipr ~ ' sli)l'e (or hilll . Th(' 1101'1 inlo \'1 II' and clllcll('s a glilllll:w of \"",pu t \ 'n 1l 1' 1 ' '1 ~ I' t h ll l )'''" \\":1 ,,' ,\pl ::lu, ,, l of fox h Ulltln" is e njoy II IIIP mnn wi lli th e I;lI n , Ill s Inll Is wr it ., Ih., .1 ", ·ltl l". 1 '0 1' I II I' ~ lIh I, ,. II" 1"!:' ,. 11, · ",101.·"." P r \\', II. ( ' " 1.1 ",,, 11 . •~Il In Ih Wl's te rn part or ' I' Cl iln d O il plIW Is IIflCd fr om th e c'llltJ\\l'I l BIll.;" .\1 ,, "11, ',,11 '. III. Maillf' for a f w II' oks cach yen l', nnll grou nd , II I\(\ thlls h IlLUnds 'In alllJa r· Get ting Old. It I a hnttl of wit s. Th e intellige nce e nl Ilston lHhme nt COl' Just th fr nt.t lon " \\' ;1 :; \'our wi r" lll l'a:; U wilb 111 :1 1 of th e mun li nd tb e tralD d instI nct of uf u secolld . Th eD h hl III1'II Y nga ln, th e bound s are match d nga lnst thc running a long tb e tOil of til s tone itil'l hrl ay ' glfl YOil loult hOIll " la:-: t , .s h rewdn ess of th fox. Even When Wil li, perhllpa, und quick uctl on Is noc. III~ht .~" " 1)1'('·II p,h ICd : ~h,' >inl d lhat I dlllll I flgbtlng ror life aga lns,t th ese odds the esaary to bri ng him down . In a minu t e rox frequ nlly com es an t the wlnn e l·. or two th e houn ds arrIv e upon th e ~1" ' 11 1 to 1:IlY C ;1 1111 111( Iu UO hili 111 ~ It . and the old hun te rs claim th at the red spot an d make th e woods rin g wit h IIr<Jll lltl 'illd rr llll'lIllH' 1' Ii .. r "lrtl1" :lY~ " fmc looks forward to these wee ks of the ir excited ba yl Dg when they find What the Grocer Said. excite me nt trolD year to year and tb e carcass at th e fox stretch ed out a t "This Is a ni e!' hu slucss," s nld lb e renlly enjoys the sport as mil ch al do th hunte r's feet. r to a e ll'" 'la nd l'l' port 'r. " I sell I This wus lhe old way or hunting groel' th e men who hunt hIm. 10 til!' ,"c ry best P"O IlI In 'lI've lonll , In other parts of th e cou ntry faxes fax es. and a v ry exciting way, too. lind by the \'i! ry bl'Rt I mcan Iha fo lk ~ ar hUDted with packs or houDds and nut th e mod er n fox bunt e r now goes who wlInt good thin gs and who pay on horseback, the cbase ott e n extend. Into t he fl old with a pack oC teD or a for th elll-fulks who Iwow ho w to grot Ing ove r miles of country. This Is the doze n hound s, bred for sw ift running. Engllsb form at th o sport and no fire Whe n on e of them flDds 1\ trnll be th e bpst gooe!s ol 11ll' prico of Iloorpr arms are employed In slaying th e lit. ruises th e cry, unci the oth er dogs (I nl's . T nkc li:aHY TU:; k !loa p as lin e;\;' tie aDlmal, who Is sim ply run to hi!! gather about him on th e trail. To- um"le. It is illC'l'l'lts inl,; In domnnrl death by the s wift hound s. But In ge th e r th ey run nlong th e trail. bnylng ,' \'ery <lay. T ill' !'f':,\f<011 Is that It clo~' e Main e and In some othe r pa rt s of Ne w In cborus 80 thnt t h e sound may be ' hnl! th e wo r1, it tlO' lf. nnt! th wonl'en England th e s hotgu D plays a n Impor. heard {or ma ny miles. The fox bas know th nt. r ei;, Basy T ns k not only tnnt part In th e cbase and dogs of no tlmo to dad s a nll cIrcle no w. He works by 1t >"~ 1f, IJut i~ s lis Ittl Ir." es peCial keenness of scent are traIned ma kes strlllg ht tor his burrow In th e Sa ving Hi s Life. for particular hind at work. rocky hillsIde, nnd he Is a fortunate .0\ alory ih tohl of an EllglI s hrli \U Th e MalDe method at hunting taxes fox It . he can throw his . purau rs ort \\' 11(1 har! a ens l II for H clol't OI' whll hns de veloped a hound whlob has no th e t ra k (or a min ute to give him a " luylll!; In Pddl1f.: equal In the world [or speod 'or -sa. little BtUrt. rn tbree cases out of fi ve "S ing Loo. gl ! :1 1 'B l d od or," ~n ld h ill gacl ty. Ot late years the r e bas been th e fox Is run to ea rth a fter an ex· ~'~ ' rl":lIIt: "II t; (\ \' , , ' illY IIf l' OIl I'P ," a marked change In the ' kInd of dogs citi ng cbaso of ma n y miles. The 01 n " f{ (' ully ?" ~11I (' ri e d I he 1·: lIglish nlO ll . whI ch a r e bred for tax hunting . Tb e who hu ut fax es t his way, a nd many " Yes : IlI C tc llJIJl n owflll." was til t' 1'1" mod e rn hound bears nbout the same prefe r It to th e old, do not cnlTY a plY :"1I1 call e ill alllll h ' I' duelnl·. Il ~' r esem bla n ce to th e old.fashioned fox s hOtgU D with th e m Into th e fi cld, but I; lvl'p lll C IIh'dk'lu ; III<' \ . 1Ir. \. 'lI y hound as t he coach ' borse do es to th e somet imes go out upon horseba ck In hud . :\It' eall ' l' ill anotilP l' cl oe tol'. lie tro tter. The bound Is fuster and more ortle r to kee p wltbln sound oC tho , , 11111' Ull d gll' e III !lIedi 'In co , lIl a lic Illll ra cy looking. Instead of following th e ch ase ' nnd to be somewhere about \·,'lI y. \' Jlly IJ;llhl el'. ,0,1' cali III Si llg trail of th e fo x at ' a long dI s tance b ' whe n th e 1,IIIIng t a kes placo. LllI'. H(> no 'om ', I ir . uy, '11 my 'lIfc." bind his gam , b e rushes the chase, The Presumpscot Fox Hou nd clu b Another Instance. whil e true upon the sce nt, nnd has was orB'ani zed nt Po rtland four years T he F ij i 'ull niba l rC' IIICllllltly pm. e nough to ove rtake an ordI na ry tax ago to ell co u!:!Igc;t th e bree<liruLoL!ox.. - iTllr tll liliTnrtc l' In I'!',' po ns' ! o lh in n faIr race In an open fi eld. Par. hounds. The c!ub holds a meel enc b I.Igl;t ll ln g 'n l(' ul:llOI"s I'nlhfl lic pl"a tlcularly Is tlils kind of n dog brl.'d year a fter th o first fall of s now and li t l hr' psy holosit'1I 1 1ll1l1l1(,IlL In Dncksfleld, In Oxford 1'0UDty, and lhtl chuse Is often partl clpate!l In by " If "Oil wou ld (l ul y cu t alit ti l(' hound s trained there ha ve a world. n pack of thIrty or forty hou nds of th e huoz ,,'~ II' grow l d. "1I1\c.I lia R Ull Ib wld'e r e putation ' , bes t breed to bo found lD Ne w Eug· !'I'np und di cC' nnd tIll' handhook th ing. An early start Is necessary on a rox land. At " ' IDdh am a l'e the Mnple wood \"; )11 wouldn ' t 1I 11 \'!' 111 lw t(1l1 'hln g YOllr hun t III Main e. Th e dogs' huve bee n It nn e ls , w!ter e are bred dogs original· il'l ntIs for u grllh's t'a ltl' fl U I't'gul urlr," carefully confined for two or three Iy brou g h t to lIIa lne from Kentucky "Ahl You 'rt! li lln !lIl many otlin.. days before the hunt, and nre well fed and VIrgI nia many years a go. Albert lilY Phi llstiao fl'i Illl. " . IglH'd tilt' and glyen a chan ce to r est. Soon att- Cobb, who manages th ese k nnels , bas LIghtning 'ulcul nlOr ; " Il 8('(.' 111 01 1m Ill' dayli ght tbe hllnt begins. s ually man)' prl )! wlnncrR. Among th em Is III ss ilJ le for YUU III lI ud C' I'Htli llU th ec. two dogs are taken by the hunters. ol!! "flaldy" a nd "Kite," who r epre· l'p ntl'! It los of g ' nl lls! " - L~ S \ll grol H ro who muy have a companion . A shot. sent til l:! Improyed breed of Ke n tucky II 'ralu, ' _ _ _ _ _ __ gun with a pleDtiful supply of doubl e a nd VIr'glnia hOllnds. 1' hese bouDd s B s hot Is required, and the hunte r Is com rro m tb Gra rton Hunt clllb Have T heir T roub les. clothed so tbat h e may spend tho day str aI ns und a r nmong th e bost dOgH ,~Il 111lll'l GOlll(lI' I'!1, HI I ht' rpCe ll! l'tlD ' In tbe open wi thout Incorlvenlence. In Am e rlcu. The Maplewood hou nds \" 'lI l1on ill \\'ushlng ton uf the e ll' It, The dogs go bounding away toward al'c black and '(nn ill color and nre !-',' de l'lltlon. !luicl of ch illiI' n : th e m eadow wild with excitem ent' of k ept In fin e conditloll by exe rcise In "Chlld rell Hhollh\ IJ I! prot ·t d from the ' day's pros pects. The course Is the fi cld. John A. Lord oC Portlnnd ot I! (' I' ' vl ls bl'"i il',' til , 0 11 II r 't ake n townrd a blgh wooded rIdge bor. and Robeit Lord of Oorham nre amODg 1V3r;'e ala v£, ry, for. wh 'n fre 3 f1 all', derlng on tb e hili pasture. On com- the other owne rs of this remarkab le th 'y have c no ugh t r uhl ,dl)a r kn W K Ing up to tbe fence on the sid e of the pacI, oC fox hunte rs. " \\ alkln g Illong lI n i':lIst s ldll s U'1! t. pasture the dogs suddenly become I C! Ulll C all two till Y tot li, lh e ~ma ll r possessed of a strange exolte::Ient. whom was hilWlillg liS if to hrentt JOLT THAT COMES TO ALL of hiR lungs. TheIr noses search the ground eage r. ly, Ihelr tails stUi'en and th eir ha ckles " A wlnd o'o'o' Olll' lI c cI a 11\) 11 IIttlc girl rise. It Is e VIdent tbat 11 tox hus Gray HaIrs and a Surplus of AdIpose ~ hl'l kod : Tissue Are Not to Be Concealed " 'Tommy, wli o'" bl!en a ·hlttln' of bee n there, early In th e morning From the World, ye?' searchIng, perbapd. for fi eld mice. "' No hody's IH1PIl a·hlllln· of him .' Round and round In widening circles "I wns so mad at that condu ctor: go the dogs s earchIng for th e trail and declared . Mrs. WI x, "that I felt like t he large r tot lIuswpred, 'H e's ~w BI­ lere'!1 a worm : " trying to determine the dIrection In getting right off th e car." wblch reynard left bls mousIng. When "Why dldn·t yOU complaIn of him?" POSTUM FOR MOTHERS at last the trail Is found up go tbe u6ltec\ Mrs. Graham. "W hat had he The Drink That Nou rishes and Supdogs muzzles and the tact Is pro- don e?" plies Food for Mother and Child. claImed by the characteristic ' bugle "He sn ld right out that I'd have to notes. The bayIng of DO other dog pay for Freddiu. It was th e first time, . " My husband had bee n unabl o to can e qual that at tbe toxhound ror mu· lind maybe lhat was why I felt It so." drInk coffee rOl' lIe vcml yen r s, RO we slcal quality. Tbere Is a mournful note "Dut Freddi e Is seve n. \\'b y were ve ry glad to g ive Pos tlllD a trlill In It , and It has the peculiar vIbrant shouldn't YOU pay for hIm?" Quality at an echo. To those who "Ob, well, I 1I0n't ,know. It Isn't ant! when we lind ' rslood that long hailing woult! brln ' out th e delicious love the chase It Is the sweeter,t sound the flvo conts." She stall pod nnd /lavoul', we lIay b,'e n highly plensed In the world. ' thought a minute. The n she laughed. with It. The dogs disappear. running neck "Perhaps ," sh e snld s lqwly, "1 rll. "It Is on e of Ih !' fi nest things for ' and n eck over the top of the hili and sented havIng hIm think I was old nurs ing Dlothe l's th at I ha ve evel' seell . down Into the valley, whIch Is' covered enough to havc a s on old cnough to It kee ps up th e 1lI0t h (~ I" s strength und with a scrubby growtb. The sound or be pnld for." increases th e supply or nouri s hment their baying comes back to th e hunter Mrs. Graham nodd ed grImly. "You for the child If parla l,on of ' fr eely. I now and then and tells hIm of tbelr will ge t plODty at those little s hockll. drank It be tween lll e(l ls insteod of wa- . whereabouts. When startled by this The worst one I e ver r eceIved was tor nnd fOllnel It mos t b('neflclal. first warning note of the chase the· when 1 hea rd myse lt r e te rred to ns "Our fiv e·yenr,old boy has hee n very tox trots leIsurely along, doubling a fat lady. I b ud secr etly nclmowl. upon his trail perhaps or circling the edged that I was growIng a little dellcn te slncc birth ant! has develollod hill. Nciw comes In tbe skill at the plump. ' But a fat Indy! It was aW'fl1l. slowly, He was whit e Ilnd blondless. hunter, who, If he knows the bablts of "Then illY hURba nd told me th e I began to give ll im Postum freely nnd faxes well, will station himself at worst blow he eyer , got was wh ell he YOtl would bc SUrpri sed at lbe change. some poInt where he can sllrvey '. was called an e lde rly maD . He prIded When any pe rSOli re rnllrks a'bout th e large allen space aDd maybe get a himself on being as young looldng, as gront Im\1rovell1('U1. we ne ve r fall to shot at the fox when he comes ~()ng. s pry and !is cap[lble of 8 hnl'd dny's t ell them thn t ~\' e Ilttl'ibute his gain In doing so he has to take Into ac- work as h e was lit twe nty. Th e n th'e In strength and gen 1'01 health, to the count the direction In which the wind opinion of th o world cnmo to him . rree lise of r~)!\tJllII a nd t hIs has led Is blowing, for a scent from . him will He was an elderly mUll. He laughed many fri ends to li se It for the mselv's a 11(1, child ren. cause lhe fox to suddenly turn In an- It oft, saying: 'Soon , I su ppa!:?, I'll "r ha ve alwa ys c:ll\tloned frIends to othe r dlrectJop. be Btl old codger.' But I Imow ho Giving, atte ntl,o n to the, baying .of didn't rea lly r~ 'I like laughI ng. He whom I have s poltc n about Postum, to the. dogs the hpnter soon picks out h as arrived :at tb e pol11t /l OW when fallow dir ections In making It, for tbe place beneath some blll whlch the he acltnowledges he Is adva!lclng In un less It Is boiled .fiftaen llr ' twenty folt Quite lII,ely to circle. The hunt- years. I no lohger d ny that my bllik minutes, It Is quite Ins t lees, On t be er must cultivate hIs patIence, and Is the result of fat. It. Is the way we ot her band, whe n 11I'OPll rly made, Il Is walt In bls uacka. Now tbe ~Ylng pass ~hrou gh life. You can't tell ' ve r:; dell ciolla. ,I, want· t'o thank you of the dogs seems close at hand 'and , wh.c D you s1\p from childhood, or trom ror the beneflts ' we have derived from then It dies away In tbe dlstaDce, Mr, girlhood into womanhood. You wlI\ th use ot YOllr Postum." Rend "Tho lload t,o WelIvUle," found Fox dodges , and twists abOut, circUDI .,e told; however, very abrUPtly, When pkgll, "Thl.'re's " Reason." _ first thIs btU and then ~other one. you are beccmlng elderly, or. When tlt'U ftlld Cblt II. . . . letterr A . _ but eventually tbe hunter knows' be your <sbape has YUnlBhed for ever 8II1II oae ftppellh .m.. ...... to ft~ will be makJng a circle ot the ye.,.laIll, ever," . III'It 1f••• aDe. tne, ••• fa.1 0' . . . . . 11']( Ih












PRACTICAL BREEDING OF PQULTRY IS LABORIOUS I s Bree d er Chle! Amo nsr l\Ita,ny Dif ficulti e s to Be En count e r~ d nne ry e H Dulld o t SoU Sunny Hhnse l1:'-Dr y, S a ndy, Upon -Id ea l Bulld l n sr 1l1us trnte d.

Western Canada As I Grain Producer NEVER SAW SUCH FINE WHEA T ANYWH ERE.

Gust. And e rRo n of lIIal dston e, Saslr. wa s forrn!'I' ly or Mi nll esota a nd bas b' n In Centl'a l analla lhrec' years. On .JI:lI1l1a ry 1G, 1910, h WI·ItCS: "Arri vin g- 11ft 'e n miles from !\laid· stonl'. I hUllgh!. a ' all pie of s tec rs from ctlilita l was not ,L 1':1.l1 c h" I·. Ol~ my IOtI',.; .... alld wil h the two ox n I bro ug ht wiih m r , J bril l, ~ 5 ncl'l' s which I put In (' ro)1 ill l !)U ' and had 10 <:INII' s ome brll II. ) I'art! .,1 $·15.01) by I.J l'cnking tifu'ell HCl'eS fo r a fl eigh uor a nti duro In g t h,' ~ IIUll11 P I' I Pllt u p hay lind hlllll l'd limlwl' a nd Ilut liP hou f'S ror :-';0111'11 hs l :Inri ill~ a IItlll' l' H.' I I I"rs. II ' Ol vy frus l 0 11 " \ 1I ~lIsl I ~t h . I had 2211.. 1> " ,, 1\"1 >'1 of 1\' Ilt'a t 111 '1' tlr'l'P and GO bll.;h ... l ~ r unl!<. OIT :1:' aerCR of wh ea t ill I!I OO, I ~ol :! i "lts hl' ls of wheat )I I' fin" and 1.:: 110 I ll I S h r~ l !! of oat s ott I 1I"I" ' r sa \V SIIl'I1 I1n l' ", ~o :I/'l'I: ~. unywh l' I'C' . \\." hOlv ' pi Ill y of r ain b" t\\' ('I'1I .\I ay :Ill" Alt gm;t :lllll aft!'r A II"IIS I l'\!· ld " lll :W.I' !t ut d ry warm \\·" H.I' r nll \'" !turl OIl from 20 day " to ·IIJ f"l'l alill pi nly of gru~s for cat-

h " Tot h omi nes, l1 uul s ntenUne , " li S pens. wltli a !Hll all door hlg 1l0:ll! F YO U look nt n mnp or AI· 01l1' 1l anti le t a '0 ' k )Ja ss In and IJut to we s, opinion mllny o s nJ('n, many rica, w ltb Drlllnh t erritory I.H: tw fOil lil l' l H' n ~ . Tb u cl n,j r fo r IIi e lea r ned ullout In Latin <"lasses ), aI'S mar ked In r ed, you will !lnd a re tn l( 'r !ohuil id be tu lh o rl glJt of ago, bllt nobody full y re wl! nt 'ac b P~Ir. on th o wes t con8t n splasb or It menns in allY lung lillSO until Ite color now kn ow n as Drltls h Xe xt "orn e th e blrtl ~ : It is hlf'al Nigeria , three tim es the s lzt' want s to sll\l't hI' ' I'cling puultry . .Jus t no t to Ulilll( of !IIoney. ollly III It UVl.! a at the Bri tis h Is les a nd co \,. le t hl1l1 a s k tit - old r br til'r!l ho w luI in OIl C',; pocln't:l . 11'1" ' 11 Itil' '' ~ 111 'I~ orlng 400,000 sq ua re mil E'S of h e shall s lart nntl nI) l £'bon l, t il e be hOll g ltt. (;n 10 a bl't.'(,tl pI· In .'ount ry. n unnln ll up Ihro u;!; h . . poi nt s gll'l'n by .-<leh onr n ntl! will III('ality. II'h o h :1:1 b "' n bn'l ·tl ill g 1111 1'i 1~ e r ln I s th e wo nde r tu l Hlve r Nlitp r, he able to r'flllc llld l' Ih at :IIIY ole! l! tart I 111"'1.' 01 a 10llg titllll. o r t" a th, ' hlrt h placo of whi ch wu s fo r II~{' .• w ill pan out 1l1,("fJrdi n g tl) . tal'lHS . brl'cd.' r. II'ho ~() t hi,~ !lt nrt frnm 11K IIlY llLC r loll s as th llt of t ho NlJ p II. hi ef 1IIJI00Ig t lleo " turt"rs Is til e lll·be HlCJrlc Th e 10101 hr p,I,' 1' will "h u l'~" HtJ lr. It. Is with ~ orno of th e p npl /) W itlt tlt c IJI-'st uf mvf\! fIJI' !; 1.11(' k, hil I Ih p nl 'w 11tH! has brel 'der Itilll se if. who liv n Ill oug til t:' banlt s of the rlvPI" nh l' tn fai l lind a r(' )Jll rnt l,,!) to mall ·, nlld will lry tn !J,] \\'111 e h el'ery thill g I li nt I Il OW Pl'OIIORO to dea l. Th C'y II ro do wc,ll by U lIlIY !! I'. If Ih L' ~ l"llc 1>1 I' '1IIiz,! s!' lf I ~ a t' e ri o us (ll'lI lJl l' l11 . o t olll ong th IfllpRt or Ihe Idu g'S s ub. Iil1e br '01 fo r s ix or f' t'I'I'lI yeo" rs, o r l;l'H Ihat 0I 1l'·" hand s 11 1111 f" c t pu t To jl ,{:t ~. for It wus only In 1900 thnt IbE'\' ed ll wi "ly i::;I w a 111 0 rf' , ~ I) III It r h Ilt u bpt p r, lIlIl it If! 10 ('o l"I'i 1;(, guod u p ,I cam ! IInd l' r d lrl'rt Impe r lnl Itdrnlnl ~. Pl1\'o r I ~ not a !;l1lull it"IlI , lI1Il a Wl1 rl II IlIOIH·Y. nll Y of !;ul' h s tu ·Ii fu r cnoJ trat loll . dall y Il Cl'e ·!:I ity. 1Inti l on 1!"l s i1lln thE' Ral e th l' b .; t t wo old h"lIs tllree or :-.r('ur I he cans t th e la nd Is lo w II' , r outin e, w rit C'>l ll co nn' \\. I\: I'IlcJ({'itl! rg. fl,"r y .. ars 01(1 lind Pll t in th rJ Ir ft· tn !; alld RI\·a mpy. Hut aEl t h (' I nt~rl~r hand 111' 11 , hal' llI ~ (' Io ~ d tlt e III ti l' dnur In Los Angr-I e:; '1'1111; '1< . . th e f R r ro nl' h" r1 th('r(' rl R(' platpau /\fte r pin. III th o t\rs t pi ne" il l' n l \l~t hal'e illill Iht, nf' XI )l l' II .· Tlu' ll bll Y tonu . lin II at Inst h ig h mon n ta ln.; nn' Gortle d ry, s andy . t; lI1lIlY >'011 to bui ld lilll·· 1. cOl'kp l I poss ib le t o pnt In thn t II '." IImat e a nd cnvlro ntn t' n t dl sl·ol'<! l'ed. a n l:n l1 l' ry up on DII ,I fl,,:,· 1 1I''' ~t's s lillth IH'.Xl IWI1. I1IlY fou r·yen r·old !t e ns a8 Th r! ('vi li €'IIC'P of ;'Il r. Antl£>!'Ron Is cl Il luy nn Importa nt pa r t In t ho cb a ra c. or lI' eH. Oll e hi ' :II " llIn In !luilll n!: 1Il':lt'ly !1 rrC'et as 1D0 ltey clln bu y an Siv ' l] b ,·(·<1u.;,· it i::; IIcouru!: iu j:; tl) the ingly, Accord lIuy tly ple. Las peo . . tl a r tCI'I:< I!cR or Pll t In th e 11 xt big pen mo)" b· r('l'o ll]nll'llti ' l.I In Ih e 11111~l ma n of s l11all III l ' artS whn Is 1,Ito!ll rous nll tl vC's of tb o N ige r dC'ltn. II ullin " tb t lon . A 11101 of Innd l :!x:! , f" ... 1 ca n till ' lI l' ~ t r'od! binI poss ible Ih l1l. 1'1 of IJ C' tt l' l' ing h Is co ntl itio!). It Khow s Uvln l: III t he mn larla·so a ked m a n ~rovl1 b c wan e a ft y \\ hprC' . '·Ix·fo o t 11' 1'1'1' n ' t. llir p. fnu l' 01' I'en tive y nl'g old - Ir what CH II It, rlOIl ' , an d t ll e r(' ill n'ully Hwnllljl,; . th r e Is ('onstan t d is nHo, li n d t lllg s hould ' g 1 arolln d cn r'll or tho 11 re l:I:1 1'1 abl e binI. T ho pres nt can· but s mall IIntit to t h m a n willi j1u!)h t ho n ~rO(!8 a re add icted to ve ry ki n d fou r (1 n ~. fln e·mes h \\'Ir ~ ltl'l li g at lh e dlli oll of Ih l'ocl, bir d haR cveryth lng nnd cllC'rgy to hp('ollle w(,:llth v Ull o r fO ll l cus tom nn d s uper s titi on. Wh e n botlUOi . Th e hOU Sl'S III 11ll' b ig fl " ns 10 1I'l with t he 1I f' 1I1' fu ture of t he Canadi a n lau lh . lind th ' g r:Jlr; t ha t bO I\' pvp r , hig he r co untry 18 r enched: Ilhould bc :; x u fe t anll ;; ff' t hi gh a t f<l 1l111 y. n ell' upon th e brC'ed e r to !lell b rai ses Is &,ood. A pr ss II ls patch wb r" th 'Jro nl'o g ru ssy pla in s nnd h lg hesl pilch of 5hC'd rouf. wit h nu yuu his II !i t sa l birds for his "w n says: b Uill s lnd d d with fi ne trees, {I brn,' flu or. with door SPf1t: P n nd no d nn r prke. Th p hI" d I' a l ~o has e legnn t Th fjun ll ty of tir e wheat onlinue s uud wa l'lIIl e type of n g roee If! 0 11 . In e nd or housC' . tlte siz(! or t hI.! end . bll'l1 5 of hi " 011'11 bre ('llI ng to sell. is a to be t it fenl rrt·o of lll e dell ve rl ps. In con nt e red, men who nre al t oget her III Th,' n s ts s ho ulrl be Hgaln s t th e bac k JU6t t rar! 'I'. Iii ns nnxiull,' for his buy e r th o tota l of 3,:17, a rs In th e Fr.b r un ry 1\ hl g hC'I' s tate of civiliza tion. e nd of house , wit h U (,OVC'f to let duw n to get Illoney l' oll1c as th e b uye r Is, Inspecti o ns t he r(! we re 2,847 of hlgb u rl oo y erribl t thing m sa In n s lunt 01' ' r th e m al the night feed. and t!OI'J; n't sell bird s as so mllllY grad e s t urT, a pe rcC' ntago of 84 .2 . Pa r Ie r' T hll allng, so th e fo wl s cUli not roo s t (' Il her thl ng!l. A Kuccess ful bre de r Is About tbe da rk for es ts which cling to come they Janu ary th e pe rce ntage was 8:!.:n , a nd It nd a th e !'ilger to t he \\'lt h tbe l r yells, l hl s to be way!; II 10l'el' uf ' I' atUTl:S an d de li ghts r, core the ll a or nesl a in th s limy and roul·odo re d ba nks of th e try extendi ng fro m eal at and him tor th e s ix months It was 88 .C. 'fhls murder one y n a IIcross s~. r e th I:Oll of m , hi o T customs ty. li Iltted and b uttoned buc k ugalns t th e In cr('alll'o possi bi Lo wer Nige r . Along th e Innume rable CroB8 I'I\" 1' . The knows who is a ll unu s ua lly hi g h a verage, a nd It vo tl na The gs. longln he s hi o wh purts. Those se a t the morni ng fopding . The pUEs ag of lU oney III th c blclte n yard demolls t i'a tell beyond th e sha dol\' ot a hou r. r {' ks th o h eavil y leaved -branoh ell of vary In dlrTe r en t he for terror, In uches cro ll r lv r ha vp, prac· th e ir ye per hes. enr h three or fOll r inc hes wh e re birds a re go ing Is not a nice doub t th al th e fa r me rs la thi s part the ma ngrov trees are s o Inte rlaced JIve n ear tb e ross y pecull nr . Par Im ow!! th a t It ca ug ht hi s doom Is w id. s b oul d face t he opening In fro nt j ing le. tha t t he li ght Is comple te ly s hut out. tlc es that are ce rt ainl of th e Domini o n s tili know how to fes tival Is In pro s· seal ed. Th e " alligato r" societie s have of I he n ests. Th e ve nti latio n is se lr· I n th e breedin g seaso n, one shou ld The IDalorodo us a ir, which sucks all In s tan ce, wh en a ; codiles ro c gro w firs t·class whea t. Th e crop ot e resembl to de a m oes ('an to nd many days be· from th e ope nin g. Th e IlIus- wntc h th e nos ts, or get sam body tl\"e ra ope Ih vitalit y out of the white man Is pect, t.h e wom en RPl' over· e th eath 1908 was co nside r ed good enou gh , and ern und g on e an ot he r' s th ey lie In walt bese big pens do so. or trll p-nes t th he ns and watch s teamy, and th e sque lching mud Is tull for ehand In a rrangin tree on t he trll iioll s hows t wo of t its ave rage of contra t wh eat was a of es branch ing bang and ll a palm with It arlng weath er of a ppalling and vlle·loo klng creatur es. hair, SOl pad· onl y 70 pe r C' nt. ' Good comes native a n whe aud . er riv s ingular s ha nee, Impor- . ao was aeon Alongsi de tb ese black recesse s live then plaste rin g It Into s e th out boat, ough thr his upset out. t shoo rbf' d for months dllng duwn ths Burlng In the ueg roes wbom I bave called the which r em a in undlstu In . rse cou of The tor, s. fa nt ta n s have their chins, kill him and s e ize his b e longing me n of th e mangro ve swamps . Some. at a tim e. Mos t me th e g rain, and It Is not at lity rous a qu b murd hlg tbese between nce r ' dllTE: y tutt ll ma s a thing of tho horrible ness of the lIur. but th e chi efs a llow like ly th at atmos phe ri c Influe nces of to th e e nd of this societi es aud th e ordinar y triba l 8 0 · roundln gs seems t o have entered Into b eard to grow, and the of t objec RO favorab l e a hnracte r will be enthe while tas t en a s mall cle tl es Is tha t , the ir nntures , ror tbey take a 'fi e ndlsh th ey not Infreq uently crime, cou nter ed for n long time to come. at sion commis e th Is r e torm nt. orname o de light In murd e r and torture and In brass be ll or Barn lat· best th at can be expect ed Is that lbe The of ns o functi chief th of one As tb e E ng ll sb girl wears a ring praotlce s of the mos t re voillng cbarac. a ve ra ge fo r a te rm at years ll' fa a ent punishm and to be married. so te r Is th e de tection ter. 'fho impress ion on the mind of wh en s h e Is engsged will be malntal ned. e. crim of pro· 10 es necklac wears the tra"ole r wbe n his canoe pus h 8 th rbo girl The mos t w idesp r ead or th e secret e r of lovers s he Getting Even_ up one of th e n e twork of creeks, and portion to the numh .. In Nige ria Is th e Egbo so· soclclle. The se,' profu not Is clothing Tbe has. o s st, Willi nm, aged live. had b e n reprl· fore In th e blackn ess of the and s religiou conte nt with a s trai ght piece cle ty, whi ch Is partly ma nd ed by bl s fnth e r rOi' Inte rrupting ~ tr a ns e Rod so weird after the ftamlng men are tram th e ir wais t s pa rtly social In tts function s, aod may tails ch whi cloth, his fath e r was telling his ot hll w comes y suddenl he , outside light a lmos t be compar ed to Fre'ema sonry worn clotb the while es, a bou t t be n ew te le phone for ankl ir the motber to and huts a cross a vlllnge of wattled 10 Engla nd. The fun c tions of th e high way lf ha only es ch ea r H e s ullted awhile, the n women e tb ouse. h by ir e th low·cas te natives, comple tely naked, ns of fes Uval omcera are secrets which have not ye t we nt ove r t o hi!! moth er and, patting with tattooin g or raised soara upon to th o kn ee. On occasio th eir sex In other beon discove r ed by Europe an Inresll· be r ch ok , sa id : the ir black skins , Is n ever eradica ted th e wom en. like love to adorn tbem · gatora. The s ocieti es me et In a se· d, worl the " Mat he!' d a r. I lo\"e you." of parts '8 S long a s me mory holds. set en th and h, bus ons of bIll and cluded s pot In th e 18 "Don 't you love Ill ' too ?" a ll ked his egg an r atte alit em th let to big m the th een tw Life Is one long t e rror to the m. selves with gau d y ribb Be . houses g to th e ri ght ou t In pro cession to dIffe rent places, w ith bi . bow a In fUlher ed nume ten th fas itb \v egg orange, h eac with kl11 mnrk h nd a whic er id, ll la ma s ghosts o In tw re a elieve They b th e right Both sexes pa int dan c ing In th eir fantasti c cost um es. lIens aud to Wit ho ut !;lll n clng at him. William th e leg·ba nd of e neh hco. In mall 'on s r a be with t, fee s ears, the y be lie ve that constan tly on side of th e ir waists. 2 Gx1 h eac vary pens but along, go y e th as da ys, whil e wh n They Bhollt suld dis da infull y : "T he wh·tJ·s busy." rh e s teamy waters are travelin g mis ty th eir bodi es on rete 21h x 2% x4 fee t. with one tll \l book c redit t he hen by h e r num· g th ey ll1 al'k white tb e ton es of their " olces Cram gruff house II bout record he T . id la egg h eac with r be canoes, hurryin g t he living to the r eo thoy are In mOllrnln Strengt h of Legs Differ. bass to t hin fals etto, snd all th e while perc h . yes. be m a in- boott of th e l1rs t yea r Is th e I(ey to can alfnlfa of glans of the a cc ursed; and they are rings ro und th Ir ot Ill ll sma A cUSt!s o u1. of vel'y hundred 54 (n rattles. \"Iooden OrE1a t pain s are ta ke n 1n th e pa int· s hnlt If one ca n profit s ure of the e xis tence of e vil spirits th e lef t leg is s tronge r than the right. by tai n ed In each pe n by sowing seed futur e s uccesse s, bound Is Egbo of er mb me ry ve ; I' woman h a hic w k hen c hi W c y whi ch klll without a wound, or which tng of t)le fig ure. and k eeping a s m all wire ruo ove r fro m th e reco rd s. E \'er cularly sma rt s h e oatb. und e r pe nalty of d eath, to obey to In(\I· lllark the ir vts lt by daubing the huts wants t(l look ttarll the plot. made hy s tre tc hin g wire o ver ha t ches call be a ttribut ed not pospirit s e th by Issued mmand co ry painted ov er her e ve hi g h, the vl dtl a l pnre nt llge. li nd It Is f hal a and ot fo a e with blood, and sometim es even filling- has a white mas k fram a to es s profeA society ll y tbnt cer ta in own cOllnte null ce, while a long white unde r whi ch the th e cooking pots with blood. prop e r area. Whe n th e pla nts are s ible to predi ct truth fu h er spin e. AI· be organi zed. On e of the m e mbprs exccll ency to down marked tches of tre s I8 a l<lu daub Indl\' corthe sible months, six Inacces In most say . h the In noug e Away ac ts as prl Bt to r epreRen t th e spirit. stron g s a nr en m nt chi c ks. e th of excelle kins s throw e th will h upon, thoug k loo you s that fowl n and bidde ners of tile bush, s o wire can be lifte d at noon ey alwa ys take th e When hi s voi ce Is heard e veryon e In s h. Th e more o ne kn ows or gamc to·ge nefre off n ree g he t pick to ed can approac h within a fe w yarde with· black a s night, th allow reo and house g alit for war· th o town shuts up his of res uits. !It ni ght. ne w g reen will s is th e legs co nfld e n t li e Is out ltnowle dge that you are close to a 1>recaut lon, wh en settin Whe n mains within as loog as tb e pries t ta COI' e r ed nssu res lly black. s ntia emselve confide th o wb paint y to tore. Anybod are 8lfnlfa 'Nho of , feed Iblblos the green A live sottlem e nt , When he goes forth he Is pre· SOOLl ('o me. near. e h s ag' e l H bird will be rriageab uch ma s es nd a h each r suc t a girl th a ne o the of all and tribes Is the specific remed y for that aIDong the lowest of th e once a week Is a g reat luxury by tbe ma n t6 ceded by runn ers, wbo carry whips of Bure 10 lbro w s ucb u lid s uc h I·hlclts. Is feeding ·weeltly bl a give will tand Niger de lta. Their villages are r e- Is painted r ed all over s great old very· e c t s. .It b ird s tired feelin g, becau se this ed. whi ch Is a hlppopo taIDus hide , and thrash seve ral ye ars. In case tho ground quite Innocen t of fa Illo\'ed from the native roads, prob- whom she Is betroth for who those while way, the of and out es body atenrich not s, do ce ive no more medic ine purifie p e rch on whi ch have ost mu ch ma n y ably to es cnpe the notice of slave tra- sign s he must re uccessfu l In gettlog out ot Is cold In winter fowls will s not are uch of m n me bring young will b c other whl s the bird sure from Be tbrow l}ntlons t In blood. tive revita lizes the ders, who used to b e very a c the e dg ~ of th e rim and s un . A s mall lIectdssa rll y tb e fa ult utter this coloring s ight take care to avert their faces. these parts. By the roads ides may be the district. But dish o f grit s hould be pl nced In the mon oy. It Is not tbe that know to take it thi s spring . natives the , course Of to for Bred ed em. th fatten sold be ing each pen a nd the drinkin g at th e breed er wh o of k tloc n spirit houses for the receptio n of and while she Is bac being, human a by lvcn g are orders me sa l of th e (; l't It to.ll1), tn u8unl lIqut d form 01' , shl! Is In vnrlIn an opposit e oorne r. The feed· a diffe r e nt Indi vldnu the souls of men between death and th e marriag e ce remony choc o la ll!d tub l ~ la cu llod S u rao. , yed mone he t r ' wh e n s he but will not confes8, evon to them- dish ny, ove colo all m sil white the In painted trnln s ably of lilg tra ys s ho uld be on e ith er side o::::""lnca rnaUon fri end s. The na· selve-Ir, 'that the voice Is any other than th e wire ne t In th e big aud s m a ll birds will s how lip. Until th e coming ot t he British- and goes out vis iting b e r To Obeyed. be must which spirit a cover to nity cnn now In r e mote district s-these tlve seizes e ve ry opportu of som e sor t.. It disobe y the laws e nacted by th e Egbo $3.00 ,53.5 0,$4. 00&. $5.00 ' people Indulge d In canniba lis m. They blmself with paint him self with a socie ty Is to risk d eatb. Boys' Shoes Umon mnde human s acrifice s. As the birth b e Is s ick he plas ters $2.00 & 12.60 But tb ere l!:t an eve n more Inllue n . ",,,do from leaves. of twins was conside red of e vil ome n, thick gree n paint made . rn Southe In Egbo the W. L. ]loug-I as Th e usual lbo way of s alut.ln g 8 tlal society tban the moth er and he r children were aishoe:! nre worn finge rs and s hake Nigeria . It Is called Idlon, and can· ways slaughte red. Since British rule friend Is to snap the by more m e ll than at Lokoja, bow· sl sts only of mell of rank and Impor· bas been exerclsEld these atrociti es the fist. The natives er by bobbing tan ce. No man who has not llagsed any uthcr make, 00 Farm Show! ts rimen Expe anoth one saluta yer, Pre· e lly when· CareCu thus as Land Should Be bave be t'n prohibit ed, and Th~t Ie. Has Been Suo:;o:;es s{ully BeOA USe: and going throug h through all th e grades ot Egbo can be pared as Cor Corn Crop and ever disas ter comes to the Iblblos they down to the gro'und so· Idlon the or W . f .. Oou,;lI.. 53.0f) Uaiscd tn VariOU S Purts laws The d. admitte r ove t Every s du log ACter ad ated spre of Cultiv ime pantom the 1>rebeing their to It ant' 83.!'tO Mhu,"," "ro I1Rcrlbe Stute. always o{ That to clel y demand that Its me mb erR shall ,ITle.,. Good Show- er. turns In IO\\' ('Mt It tl16 taking and facus, their apto es sacrific vented from making ('OIl8hlo,'ou, flltlliit y .anythin g wroog. make weird nOises . Thus, wh e n a man not. s teal, lie or do I he wurh' . J.1l pease the devils of the woods. These secret societie s are valuabl e " r.L.)) .. "~IA H S ·I.nO Th o (\ paruu e nt of II g l'lc ull ure at : "Ough , ough, :BY L . O. l.O NGY E AH. C r~O R . \D O AOKh"tl8 The most Importa nt race on the passes another ho says SG.lln An.. factors In th e gove rnment of th e cOlin. ni versi t y farfll has bee n cxper iment· 4)1 U man ' r e oth EGK) The LL O ah." .th RAL yl ya LTU CU ah, nl ah, In Kt,' h " Ilt IUHI 11111.1, Inland, further lower Niger, and living o fur u numb e r of I ''lULU., othe r JUllk e lJ e British authori ties can th tobacc b When wlt g In try. ly of te ts rna is s alte con same, usually the eak do,,13 ile wind-br A meanwh are the lbos. The people speakIn g the CloHting8 0.00 to 0 8.00. of them slowly and persund e t.he heads of the m that 8 one or two rows of trees so Ijlaced yenrs a nd b as found that It has bee n Fast Colo r Eq . l. t • . Ibo languag e number some million!!, wUb the first, 1;oth or e don be to parts ought rious va tblng ar In ised particul ra . y ll on W. Intollatl uccessfu s rising Tho as to chec1, th e full forc e at th e wind thou g h, of course, how ma~y exactly pleadin gly and with r ve ne Is re e th done be ul· to lc Ilbr not of ought ision iv d e brings Th g, te. ta s changin e . th of one nly pree sudde .Th Then rea. a not d are protecte over th e Jt Is Impos sible to say. Tbey the oth er r e- any qu estion on th e part of tbe people "alllng winda In this seclion be ing ture · Is pre pa rt! d to co·opera te wllh 'very big men. rarely taller than five out a new word, which s taotly. 'n y cbe " they . 1 but er, n~ ord e th to akoo," ah akoo. oh, ah, rm c rs In othe r pa rts of tho s tato In from the west and north , these a re fa and a half fe e t, but they are well madC' peats: "Oh, oh, lMU... ,. xj)e l'ltnc nt a li on with thi s farth el' with " Aboo, In comes other the -while have • women the -, and -cular, I ,nnd mus t! l1d Is pl'epal'e d to th ey pass ea ch Diamon d. Once More In Demand . the sides nlong whll:h a wlnd·br eak c ro p. and to thi s nt depende ellmeln s kins so black and so bright that they aboo, aboo," and thus 0lf3Bli! tunity Oppor ve lati e r 1908 onll In fuml s h seed Ilnd In s tl'tr cll The diamond Indus try, whl cb "oughs" and "l1hs" or s he lt e r be lt Is usu a lly planted. 0 8COme r I ". A STI': n - I.I"" r"p"""nln look \lice ebony. Wh en young they other. the plaintiv e '1'1 dl I i It II t the of eak Cry ""wIT' ffect tn e J wlnd·br tb tl"". dis· from rowing the ely ck-g as ever s r qui ed r a fainte suffe For ting t a ge v s on 10 a .8 c u ~Ire , e tc. are ofteon rath or handsom e, but 8S gradual ly 'C ' " .\ n,,,,, .. a .h, !' 'If '' I" I, ,,~s lr(od tll lo rlllULlun. 1-907 financia l crisis in th e United the black loc us t Is sp od. I It tb e laud I agl'lc ulture beli eves that Min nesota "!u ,oI·)' :the y reacb manhoo d or womanh ood tance Increas es. : ,i:'I'.~I :::.llt.~l ~~-;!.~~~ ~c,: ~~~~'I~~~~?,.~~g '~'~';:~:Y,I·d~ ~~'I liS wth ed gro decid Its to It is not surprisi ng tbat among the State s. commen ced to show as carefull y as for a c rop at corn. clim a te Is a(i npt t! d they become eithe r very fat or very ::. \~ nut"'~: I?lr ~I.;~; ~(,',';: ItO~I.''1~~ ~"i ~~"I,'l:: ~I\'i,~~ .. ' ! I:.' : !' the fetid swamps Improve ment In the be ghllllng of 1909. aud In a s trip at lea s t one rod wide, we ll as that o f Wi sco nsin . He retofore thin. The black man's Ideal beautifu l people who Inhabit IlIvl '","1 cu''' lnu..... ly. N .. sucb OII I'M(uIII '[ ever I'or plants ed pli of up s rity has pe ion s pros . divi sing e th crea In one gloomy Set rapidly . tbe The trees and fo\' a s in gle row of Iglrl Is a very plump one, and accord- borde ring the Niger thiS ! ~~~i:lt~~~t~~;·;~I~t~·t~'i~~\',!~"t.I ~~~I~~~',~J~I~~~8rt;~o .ouoe. s ts the r e should be th o U nited Sta tes, which absorbs 60 or t\VO y ea r old seed1fn J,ts t w o o,r t he rarnl(~ rs. but ca nnot do so liogly before ' marriag e the bride Is shadow s of th e foro the ..... ·.. r wllrll l\tl1\' '''''~nt fl Ylllll c ato , ( Ioc.) 00 ulars circ d re ot pa PI' ion has s ocle Uos. 1\Ios t of ·p er cent. of th e diamon d product three feet apart. C ul ~l v at e after year . It for I: N2 l\Iollllllno('k UlII!;., 8110 Franc ISco, 'tlpeclal ly fatt ened,· BO that her spouse Innume rable secre t tions instruc full g givin tb e mll.lnten ance th e wc> rld, caulled r en e wed purchas es, e ve ry good s howe r . I1 ntil th e IIrst · of s ubj ect, :may· be all the bette'r pleased with th ese are chiefly for ntin g. c ult!. of tribal orde r ; s ome ara associa ted ~ o tbut 10 the ea rly s pring all tbe dla· Au~u s t .and do n ot prune. The RU B' ca r e of Reed bcd, t ran spla 21er. s, mond shops of Amste rdam wer e at s inn olive , bandI ed 111 th e s am e man · \' a ll ng, e tc., wh ic h nl'e ava llnbl e for practice eligions r ious uperstit s with and en, fisherm Tho Ibos are grent which have t e r- work In fnll for ce to s upply the ' d e- ne r, Is al so an excell en t tree for fr ee 1I1s trlbml oil to nil who a s k ror ,s pend tpucb of the!'r time In that pur- while there are others . tbeh· .maln ob- mand . . Conditi ons have steadily 1m, thi s purpose w~ ere a wind-br euk of th e m. The se'd su pplied b y th e divl. as plunder Butt, .Ieavlng most of the .trade In the rorlsm and s ian Is of th e Con nec ticut· Havan a vaInitiate d Into t~ proved, nnd the trade prospec ts are ex· ~IlIY mod e rate height Is dcsired . :bands of the wome n . They have towns jeet. Youths are r le ty g rown III \\llscollsln lin d rll ised Is es, good. ally eal{ societi wlnd-b~ ceIJLlon tribal nt e these of effici grades more A lower are , \lind these, as well 8S tho villages In Sh Tburn county tb e past two ye:1 t's. ts triple secre or the e of doubl dge a g ttln knowle ~e In by wade ~~uD~n~'JI~l~ 'governe d by chiefS recogni zed by tbe advance Bridge, Wri te at on ce to th e divi s ion of Agrl. 'Inwcl. I"' rllllt n DL l,.,.tlt~ U H " uylDIl 111lIl, ~Q IOIlIl " or New e th tan'. ator then Manhat tree, . of and d, kind row or the SlIllI e ! governm ent, each of who~ haa as they r each manhoo r fo Palll, ,o n how. St. u;ndt m, Q 'f't . far y it ~~5snr1 Manhat D u ew n Univers the j·.J:J.)I·rhm· 0 11 ot ulture. h. ion ngtb )11(,111 Tbe total I ~ office In proport row on lh e wJndwa rd sid e may well sworn allegian ce to the local king. The taln ' blgh rank or burroug hs be of Ru ssian olive with l~ e blac k both seed and In s t ructions . T hey wilt ~J~II~1'"l::':'\~?"lJ!l~i\N~~~W~0"~UX~! ~Y'n'i!J~~~ the ing connect brldgo wealth. tan their 01' abtllty their. to K7. streets are grassy lanes, acrosa which ()O~l1·A!>. Y. Lou k Bolt 27 •• Buro.ld ... ,866 locust n ext. Set th e row s eight feet be forward ed fre e of cost. Quite apart trom these' let;ltlm ate of Manhat tan and Brookly n Is 6' stretoh festoon s of giant · creeper s, In· am· brIdge. allow tbe ot will COlt tance total dis ch The soclewhi tl;let. apart, the bdgand 'ond the huts are 80 hIdden .among the tribal societie s are' SHO.ESAV E 'Mr~ffo"'~lrn8~J' ~Y~~ the Iblblos , there are so- oludlng real estate, is $16,83~,600. Tbe pIe room to cultivat e betwe e ~ ' the m .. Importa nce of Drainag e_ sC~lb and 16w, trees that they are al· ties, ' Among litter tODS. 6,300 heavy Is coarse, cables of the ~~I~Ir.I~O..~J~~I~~ ~~~o~o·bl\\';,'::Q::o::li."~~~~_~~ of kind "al· weIght and 60me If S:: "leo.pard as ~nown 'm ost Indlstln sulsbab le i'rom the Bur· cletles Reme mb er that good dra Inage Is 1m- :'In I1l IU" btl.. i!fi ""n"". It mulch, r winte a and tOr le thieve s'" availab Is "leopard Potatoe s 8B.UE d.VE~OMl'ANY.8a._b,Georc.. on potato fi elds. roundin g vegetat ion. Tbe tlnl:B pal· IlgatprB ." The Improv.e d T~p. of Shovel, to use It as soon 8S winter portant ors" ell w Is "aUigat the ~blle land, 011 e . - - - -- - ----- ..,..- -- - -. murder He moistur ot walls. mud excess ' by IUle Is Burroun ded lets In, All kinds ot stock must be will stand less and Iides. sharp high, their as with ereeks shovel A and rivera , ~x~rQ!d.~l\~B.lMmU== · th~ . · take 18 practica lly a prllone r, tor. onl, onc. young trees, and than most , Carm crops, and un.lesl r.. ....w~ ..1I. "leopar d" society Is 110 with a hinged blade . that lIftl awa,. , '(ept away from resort ago drain natural ts there the It I year II be allowed lJy .the prle~ta to prOvinc e:, The suffer ien 18rge trees · loon ers dress from the front, haa been pat8Dte d by -memb Ita e becaus. ealled e. ~rform drainag l to oDl, artiDda to thew:had and be should .., out.lde, loll have -.CCeN to them. II them.el ves In leopard skins; they KO :c:.~w Jersey rellden t to cut and Uft a lolemn dance before hlB .ubJecta . ecbo woods the make night. at forth Tbe tboI blhabtt the atretcb ot OO\lD·



ds oo H Sa rsa pa rill a








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==-"~~ I Th••' ..... Er. W.lw .

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B tote ~ f hn I\ell ter A Mat ter _of Importance -to Every t,Finnl IlCoolln t d, J



Vot er

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lIod oon l"i rmed . ' F''"t~te of F.malin Dnwso n , de· . ollHed . First. IInl) {intll uc 'ount nppr tl v lI , ull ow I nnd ouUrm l.'l(l . ,


, I



Dr. ~. H. Cosner .

Combinations Changed - lockS Onrb.ulld -S~.. I.bullt

·THE C. W. HAIN SAFE CO. .-._ ---- '

Ost eop ath

CHESTNUT AND fR OHT STS., COlUMBU·I. OHIO EHtll te nr'(:llty H ir.'ll', In ilJor . FI rs t . ... ILDd tinnl aoco nnt approv ed, allowlld ra Ameri ·an· Sch ool of o LvI OUOfi I'llw d . ORteop ath I, Kirksv ille, Mo : E tilts of J ,,1: II L U,lrltl\l ow , de. . . . . - - - - T R Y LIV ER ITE S-- ---- :. S v n .veal·FI' exp ri ell 'e in hoso used. FU'Rt lind (lnul acooun t llfJ pital and III'i\"ate pl'a~Lice. prove d. ,dl ,HV'd IIn l1 confirm d . I Estutll o[ .lulI (, I3I\rktdo w, de, Bri ef ('onsult alion fl" e. C1'1I8!lll. Fir t· nnd Onlll lIocouu t ap lpr o vAl1 , .. ll nwnu IItHI cc nlirm U. Llverlt es for a Cold, Backac he and Weak Liver or Kldnev HOllr,:, !) tll -1. Both I'h one!!. s. E,, (,ute of ~J d wllnl Nills , d oe,..seu Alwavs keep An oUllce o f l<' ir8t nnd IInul accoun t npprov ed, 912 Reib old Bldg ., the m in the PI' ven lin n is ullow t'd Rull co nfl.l'lll cd . hous' ready worth a pllunJ I J;;stll ta of H.. K. Lank, d eoe n~ e d DAY TON , O. for us , of cu re. . ~ cu ouauu filln l ucou llnt lapprov ed allowl:\ll IlOll QUntirlll lJII. Prcllar cd front Pure N utivc Herbs they Clelln se the ,System E tnte of Anure w Bnird , decea sell Purify Ihe Ulood and thus P£mV'E N1' SEHIO US SICKN ESS.and 'l'welft ll IIcoo unt fil ed by ChtLrleR L Commi ssioners' Proceedings. Lon g. lI (l llllni ~ tl'll tor . Bill!'- BiRh np I ' · B ('(1 It', rl'}llli rs nt, E~tnte of H'lrri e t M. lUi th, d£'_ j'LII , ~1 1 :!IJ; \ Ttlg l u~ h'y "" ~, ' n , hllr i,Ll CfI'ISOU . ~~ir!lt [lnd tiulll Ilecoun t, fil ed HENDE~SON,M.D·I of W Tll ill Ul ~ , ' h\1 y l e r , ~7[j; M. H. 0", . ~-FREEuy .I ohn E. HlIlith t'x ecutor .. o!l~rs wnld , ch ili!" fu r cltl rk Ulltl prohat'f! E:4 tate of A ITlft UU lt M. ~ollll 1J, de- j l1dge,'*3 1 Wayn esvill e, Ohio. V a:;; ~t.ut e of O hi o V B 'W ld cenl:loll . Th i rd IlCOUnrJt filed uy tor 'rllyl or, costs , 13.Gr; ; J ohn Wolfe Valley Phone 153 Main Stre" Ch'Lrlell ~c htl e ll and Uhtule s J onoi'. hrid ge rep'llr!l, $15 .·15; ,1. H. Morrlt' , If you \\'ould like to supply ext'cnto rs. ~ upplie ~, fJi . 1Uj W . H . ' t!l o!lge &your table with this highE!CIt. a,e of Mtlrgtlr e t A. Whita cre ('0 . , bluuk!! for cler k, !li l:.!; J ohu son g rade silverw are free of , decell.sed. { ir ~ llC oont fi led Ly E cl:· W cttsou '0. , s uppli S!I, f 5; F, p , I<~ Whitaore. nd mini stl'l\tor cost, write us for our speF'oir gy, maintu inin g horsen nd wllsb · 10 Ulu tt.e r of will of MUTY B. Dnw ing, UO ; Stnte of Ohit' VS. Ow~n I) . cial Will offer. Address Keep son, dectllLsed . Will Ilurnitt eu t o tjtook t·OIl , cost!', f.7 .70 j Stlte of Ohi o pro ullte. vs . Li y.zie A. 'atlll:!, oost!!, ~7,05; STANDARD FASHION COMPANY E!!tl1 te of Mary B. Donson , de- -ta te of Ollio 12.16 Vandam Slrtd, New York, N. Y. VR . Harry Liddll , ceu8ed. Robert J. Irwin nppoin ted $:30 ;; i . ~ta te of Obio vs, exec utor, .1. Lee 'fhomp so n, J . .P . ~ mith, '6 - AN D00 j ~tu t e of Ohio VB Wi!. I Beneui ot and George Ke rr, apprais . Ihlm Chilton Jr. costfl, 1·1 Qu. ers, Tbe acooun ts of t h e two deposit orNext Tuesda y the Republ ioa n people of the Sixth dlstrlot , and If In matter of will of E. Ste i s The Leb ,mon N'ltion u l Bl10k a nu voter. of tbe Stxth Distrio t will de u omlOat ed and eleoted the duties of pben!', deoease d. Will admitt ed to o1de what CBndidat.e they will plaoe the pOllition will be CBrtlfu t he .Citizen s Nntion al BR~k we re th is I'esid en 'e, 3 ,1 ~ miles w ('st of lly looked proba te. f1u dll e~ and found onrrect tOI' lII ont·11 \ Waynesvill e, on th e In *he field for Congre ss at the for t h. aftel'. Upper pringEstlite of Eo ttie E . Stepbe n ,de. ooming fall genera l eleotion , For , That he is enUt\ed to the AprIl 19tO. bo ro pike, fOl' the season of 1910, nomina . ceased. Anoicd M. C rosier appoin t . o fFinsJlo iul acooun t of nllditor 110,1 the firet *ime eaoh Republ ioan voter tion throug h hiR ha.rd fight two ed executr ix with David E. Dunham trenfltlr er showin g bulanoe in en h BROW N BILL is a good genera lwill an opport unity to cast his yeats ago, when he was defeate d Horaoe B. StoketL (LOd Cheste r Maple fo und and t1CCOllDt Ilt the b ginning I purpos e horse. ballot for the wlI,n of h)s ohoice and throog h a. conbln ation of oircum . as apprn.i!lers . of tbe month were presen ted aud know that hi8 vote oounts for as stances that olAn not occur CLOVERDALE i one of th e Lest. , agaiIJ, E state of J ohn Eyer, deoea eed . placed on file. mnOh 8S *h8tof any other voter, the every fall' mlOded voter b red Pel'chc ron horses in th is section of the dis- Fourth aoooun t filed by Benjam in old oonven tion plan being done trlot will oonoede, of t he coun try. H e is fifteen years fl, Phillip s throog h his guardl~n A Regular Tom Boy. away with, olr!. and is withou t 1.& blemish . Mr. Ta.ylor has made his standin g T. C. Chri stie. was 'usie-olimbin g trees und feno. .1_ Taylor <If Green County , hll8 on publio matte r plain enough for E tate of Elizn.beth Randn.l l, de · as, jumpin g ditoh e!!, wa itlin g, Ill· arOWD In favor as the primar y eleo. all to u.nders tand , He is in aooord oeased, Second and flnal 'LCoount ways t-Icratohes, c ut!', IIprains , TER MS: .ton grOWl! nearer. He hali b en with the prinoipleR of the Republ i. filed by William R. Randal l, admin. ' bruise!!, bumps , hurn!:!. or MClllds. $ 10.00 to insure a living colt. Any a live Repnbl ioan all his life,oo m- olln party, and hilS a.lways But laws! Her motber JU t applied worked IBtruto r . . 'tJ f f ' '1 Buokle n's ArniCl~ t5ulve R.nd cnred menoiu l as oap'aln of a B\alne and and voted in the ranks of partmg Wi 1 mare or elts tle Estt\te of William V. Bone, de· her quiok. Beals eve rytbin the G. O. P . g be ul IIlsuran ce. Logan Clnb before he reached hie Mr, 1'aylol', if nomina ted, wilJ eea ed. Due proof of publioa.tion of uole -Boils, Ulcers, EOZtlm8 , Old majori ty, and hi. history as aRe· muke B' oarefnl oampai gn for eJec- notioe of a.ppoin tment of admini s bores, UoroR or Piles. Try it 250 lit Fred U. ~ohwartz . pnbltoa n is &n open hook, 'Ion and ,to return the ~ixth dlstrio t trators ordered , fie iafnll,. al1veto theDee dsof the to the Republ iol\n oolumn ------ - ~-~.~----WAL TER MCn LUR E, . The In matter of will of Smith R. residen ts of the distrio t i he ts a. man Republio!l.n8 want and neeci ABOUT SQUIRRELS a nomi· Brll.cJstreet deoeased, Will [,dmi Hed capable of proptlr ly represe nting the Dee of thi8 ' kind. to probate , Mary Jane Brads t.reet Fune ral DirtY:tor. Do you know that at home in the ' _ ~~J takes under will. woods a squirre l hM two cages, or Estate of Smith R, Bradstr eet, de. dreys, as bi s nests are otllled ? M~ CALL rATTER NS The ( 'd du-:l1t 't.1 fnr Iolyh.', ('(' rfee t r." s impl ici t y"" alimon y for suppor t of ohildre n. ceased . Teleph one day or nigbt . Mary Jane Brudst reet ap. winter one is plnced in the oleft of rt.'l!.&llilit y 11l'.lrl y ·I ~. ~ ,~ .; . . I~h l In I I:' . Martin A, Jame80 n, execut or vs. pointed t " ry rlly aull hl \\ n I .t 1 U, o Il l l ~t It .. I .1 Valley phone admini stratrix . No, 'I, Lon ~ a tree C .II1.I(I .I, o r bv tI1 ud bet.wee n two "t d . ' .! fW J ,. " .1 t: " brunoh es, !lnd is Phoebe Glenny et al. Petitio n filed :lny o t he r m .lkt". ~ f-.Jf' {' Cl! c Ula lut! utI. Esta.te of Carl R. Brlldstr eet., mi. C')ften very large, for sqllirrels do Dista nce No . .6\J -~·" M~ C ALL'S MAGAZ i Common PJeas Court. . asking oourt for partitio n. nor, Charlo tte W, Graham , appoin t not like north winds and try to h re &ubr,r nh 'r ~ I I mMna.;:tzillct', oll.("r In 1,1,' 11 rn il1if' " n . ' I".J1Inlh h" 1.. .. :New Suits. ed guardia n at bond of '300, sbelter thom elves as muoh as they WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. e~ t slyll!!\! p:l\ lt~rn" . • , n:. } i n\.". mi lli n \. ,-; , Court Proceedin2s. p lain SC\V l og. rnn .. y 1 . .. \\ UI I.. . "nhu n: _ h';'; 1 ROla A, M.ontg omery, plaintif f to Estate of Floreno e W , Harkra .der, CUD. Tbe summe r nest is not cli qu e U ~, g mHt ~ I o r h . ,1(', U n \' 00 ce ll un· ts 'a Branch Office, HarveY 'lburg. yru r ( wor tll. doub lt., ) . 1 'tH1i 1'1f n l",c 1";l\ turn" O. et al minors . First aocoun t filed uy ' like Ii hird '!\ and IS perobe d hig-h Alonzo Montgo mery, defend ant. up S'ubscribu touay. o r '. :,,1 10 1 flUU I I h: corw. James K, Ertel vs, Lida ~mith . ,lohn P. HurkrtL der : Petitio n for divoroe on ground s of Cau8e sattled a.nd di8miss WO:llDE RFtJL INDUC1'.M EN"IS on a waving ' bougb liS far Uil possi · ed .. 1u A nent:;, Pn ot tnl h ri tl ~' I tff"f thl m c:lta'o:!!Jrt Esta.te of Mary F, Reta.lIiok, de· ble from the r en 1h of unwelo ome extrem e oruelty and gross negleot :1tH! n ' w c;'Uih pr ize onels. J-\ d h \. _, Frankl in Natioo al Bank, of Fra.nk. stoppecl lu l:O"Rhllll~9 ceased . First and 11na.1 accoun t visitor!! . H uro caE ", ith ",CAU CO .. 238 10 2M W. 1'71) St. NEW YOIm Dr. of duty. Plaln*i ff avera that she lin vs. Gem Uity Conore te Shoop's bould t Ie mother squir · Compa.ny. by ' ruup lt ~llIody. 0110 E. L . Retl\JlIok . aDc! defeDd allt were marrie d May 27, C.mrt orders plaintif f reI oatch test will. sight of on B of these sbe s.lJrci¥ provo. to reo over o .u1l1l 1Ulg. uo d isEstate of Willium J. Ret.alliok de. will leap from branoh to branoh tress. A sa .....od ploll:8il)gNsyrup-liO 1905' &nd that one child Walter Ed- from defend ant 13092.67, c . lJ'"IIqis1.£ Subscribe for the Galet te_ oeased. First !lnd final acooun t witb a squirre l oub in b er mouth win baa been born. She prays for Frallkl in Nation al Bank of Frank. filed by E, L .. Retlllli ok, admiD1strll- nnW all are carried to n. plaoe of rellef and oustod y of ohild. lin vs. Gem City Conore te oompa ny tor, 'a fety , Atary Knopp, plaintif f VS. J08eph Court orders defend ant to pay plain .....~--Knopp ' defend ant, Petitio n for dl. tiff .536 66, Marriage Licenses. The OI'OW sticks steadfa stly to his voroe on ground s of grose negleot. Warren NlIotional Bank, of Frank. Plain'l1 f aV8111 that they were mll,r. lin vs . Philip J . Ratterm Karl O. Garner , 30, maohin lst of OaW8, an, admin. Expert OPtiCian, ried Augus t 3, 1005, and that two istrato r, Court finus due plaintif f Trento n and Ethel G. Drake, 2'1, of The ht :- not usually thel ohildre n have been born Martha and from defendl lnt$223 .33, King8 Mills. Key to success , Wallae e. She pralt! for relief and . Over 20 Years Practical Experience Morell E. Muchm ore, 27, lumber . Martin A, Jame80 n, exeout or, man of Lovela nd and Lottie Cutter, Plainti ff given leave to file amend · 26, of Morrow , ment to petition , Gustin Hotel, Waynf'sville, O. Manley R. Jameso n, 25, farmer of HAT HAW AY SUtte of Ohio vs, Walter 'faylor. Leban on, and Neva ~mHh, 25, of Senten oe is modifie d by 8trikin g ont I st Saturday In every month Vi !l,y''les ville '8 Len.dinJl Dentis t \' Lebll.non. part 'Jommi tting defend ant to jail H.obel't Menley 92 laborer of L~b (>tHce in Keys Bldg. MaIn S& Bow To II'ln4 Out. until fin e nnd oosts !lre paid. a non and Ma tti~ Buford 29, of Pill a bottle or common glass with yo~ George Knapp, et al vs . VilIllge of Leb!\no n . Both oolored . ....ter and let it atat;l<f twenty-four hours; Muinflville. Vefenu llut gIVen leave Honry F. Wolcot t, -t9, pllinte r of a brick dust sediment , or settling , to amend answer , Lebtinon (md Fruncis H. MoElhi ney, striugy or milky B. Fl"t1nklin 'l'ufts V~. V!l1uge of 5U of Lebano n. appeara nce often Mll.ineville, Defend ant given leave ' indicates au UIl- to llrn€lnd its nns wer. h ea ltlly comliReal Es(ate Transfers: AnnlL Lytle ~burtt! vs. Henry C. tioll of the kid· neys; too fre- Shurts. Plllinti lf given leave of quent dcsire to Ad" Flenlw r to Mt1ry Rebold , lot • ~.. _ _ pass it or pain in oourt to flIenme nded petiti on. in the are also symptoms that tell you Musnn, ~l Mary H Bone Vl! Howtlr d Collett, the kidneys and bladder are out of order ALL : I'OR~ Henry F. Kel'sey to Oliver P adrnini strtltor . P lain tiff given 60 aDd need attention. Myers, tmct in 'I'Ut tlecree k townsh ip ONLY dll.Ys t o tlI e umende d petition . What'! b Do. There is comfort in the knowled ge so U . Eli za ueth G . BalinI'd VS . Cbristi oe ofteD expressed, that Dr. ' Kilmer 's J. A. Runyan unu Muriet ta Run . Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, Garuer et Ill. I~ell ve is granted de ynn to Citizen s Ntlt·i nnlLi Bank,r eul fuUm, almost every wish in correctiug fenUlUlts t,0 lile ple,uUng. rheumatlam,'paln in the back, kidneys, U . H . J f\ckson ~S . Finley Tbomp e!!ttlte in Leba non, '17,500 . liver, bladder and every part of the urinary Wehne r Brewin g Comlla ny to pueale . Corrects inabIlity to hold water son . PIllintl iI given 10 days to file and ICalding pain in passmg jt, or bad amende d petition , Wehne r Relllt.v Compu ny lot in Mcca ll's ~aoazlne effecu follOWIng use' of liquor, winc or Fraokl in, Is a large, artistic, handsomely il\4strated monthly beer, and.overcomes that unpleasant ne· Probate Court. , Louise FoJk Pardlle to Richnr d E tains sixty ll'.ew Fashion Designs ill each issue. Every woman nee!lsmagazine. , It con. ceasity of being compelled to go often Minge, lot fashions, eu.t ertaiuin g stories and complet,in£ormation 'In .all home it {or its up-to-date in FmnkH n, '950. . through the day, and to get ul? many E f E1 timeadu ring tJle night. The nnld and Over one million subscribers, Acknowledged the best Home and and 'personal toplcs. state 0 iZ!1 J. Marohy , imbe. Patriok : Burktl to Katber ine 'A Fashion Magazine, immediate effect of Regul~r price, 5 cents a ~llY' Worth .double. is oile, Fiut and finul aoooun t filed ~toutenh()rol1gl1, traots . . . in Frankl in . IOOD reali~ed. It staDds the be· by Walter McClure, gUll>rdiun, C&UIe of ita remarka ble townflbip, '"'5325 . McCall Patte rns' .. . health restoring propThe Miam i Gaze tte, , . Estllte of john 8, VlI.n Horne, de. Stella Elldler, Hatl'Y V, Lewis and So simple 'au cannot misundersland them. ertica. Ifyo\,l need ceased , Firs(a oooun t approv ed,' Bubert Lewis t' ) Edna One of Ihe. he t new,spapers in this part of medicine you shoulda Abs9lulely alXur~te. In style, irreproachable. the State. .M, Uutler, OlVe ~ all the news that' s fit tl) print. havethe best. Sold .You may sellCt, free, any McCall Pattern you allowe d and c()nfirmed. lot In Homllt on towntoh ip '!r,0. desire 'from lbe first nUQlber of.the Qlagazine lut.eresting . and proltress ive. Indispensable in dnaggilta in Estll.tfl of Russell . SChnell, minor, . J: S . S,~outenborough to Wn),nesv ille home. Regular price, ,1.00 which reach. I roll. Regular price', 15. cents. every trustee s per year, • udyoaoae-dOlbalar 1 b0 ttl First accoun t upprov ed, lI.1Jowed and of Fl'l,nkl in townsh ip, may veasam p'e e traots In , I It' ~mail. Address Dr. K.ilmer&Co., Bing· oonfirm ed. Fra.nkl in townsh ip, '5u: Ja&mtoD, N. Y. Mention .this r.aper and Es~te of 8awlle l Pugh, decease d. Frenoh Bl'othe rs Dairy Compa ny ftIIlemberthenlUDe Dr. Kllmer iI Swamp- ) F l I t Root. and the ddreat, Bingham tou, nil acCOUn approv ed allowe d and Ito French Brothers.~auer · Co , r~,l CaB at oar office or addre n )'our order to THE MIAMI GAZE 1'. Y., oa!Dft17 boltlf\ 1TE, _ oonfirm ed, OhID ' '449 estate tn county , ,1, .



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Jes se ,Taylor On Immigratione

A Good Painter with Poor Paint

gets Po'or Results . t ionshi p. In · days of !ickneSM a nd 'MA I:-I ~'I'n"~~T t rouhle. Y'JU have been mor comfo l t A Poor Painter with ' Good Paint gets Better Results -------abl~ L~cau e of the encou r ageme nt V,\J.J. Io:'Y 1'10:1.1"' 11 0 . ' ''- ' ·.\bl , "OJ. 11~ lof the~e guod fellows . Whe n good But a good pamter with - - -- - fortune has come to you, these comL. (rltANE , Edilo r alld Manag er rade have shared in it as if it had I In a public address at Iron ton. Oblo. - - - - - - bren Lhei.·s.. rhey have rejoice d on March b. 1!l1\, Mr. Taylor said: Halt'M (If S ub!!cri" tion with yo u. Life has been s weeter bl" I . want. It di sti nct ly underst ood II ,,, · Y,,"r IHlrh'lly III IlI lvllnce ) ... . ... . 51.1111 cause of tl-is brother hood and yo u thal I have no objectio n to offer to SIIIIl'" " 1)11)'. . . ... . ... . .. .. . . .... .. . . O~ have f e lt the re i8 human fl·atern ity. the sturdy I ri s h, English, Scotch, French ' 01' can prod uce resul ts In every way satisf actory. Time beal's us along in its I'esist- th e motley German Imml gra nl. but to Rates of Advt!rt ising thrung of mungre l races 1!:!8S curre li t anti the yea rs catTY us 1("'11 II "K I.UO'l" ~ . I'Ilr 1I11\) .. ••. : •• cumlng frolll 'elltral autl SO llt h "'n 1("", 11111; lA, ·n l, . IIlud, rn,·,·. I"!I' 1111" " fl,· to the aft~rnoull. Sume uf us ar~ EnrOlle Rnd , lie from Asiati c cOllnt rl es . I ( 'Ill.""odHod Ad K. lint l·u uX t 'ted tl\' \f Ih lt's growin g uld hut age has not seared . do mu:; t vigorou sly 1l" OI ,;\, IInti wUlthl 'I'li retl 11l~ rtIIlIlS .. . .. .. . _ .. ... 26" na r wi t hereu nor decaye d us. I t has enllct law s to exclude Ih em fro lll adwill go furth er, wear UlJiluurle s. 11\'0 tlld .. ", rroo; ""I'r lilU ml lis lon 11110 our counlry . IlIdu!Il. ptlr lIull . . . . . . . . fie mellow etl ulland mad e us mo re aplonge r, look bette r, and actua lly save the conSUlner Th e sulution of t he Immi gration ( 'I\nl or 11","k~. . . .. . .. .... . . . . . . . . H"",. l lIl l ulI ·~ ..... , qu cstion mus t be allilrollc hcd fro m tile .. .. ....... . . .. ~r". precia tive of our clotle friends . . " 15 to on a job of paint ing . Sol'lll l ~ Ole. ", I lION "'",rl(e IN IIlUd ' . .. . . . . ~~ I • . _ I viewpoi nt of a lofly patrioti s m. un lnTn e tallest lilies droop at eventid e J>lsptllY All "c rtl~11I1r pll r lIU'h . . .. . ' flu enccd by th clamor of ca pitalhH 3 10<.' JJI SCOIIUlH KlvlllI 011 ,· n lllme \. The sweete st roses fall from off the ' anti corpura tions for cheap fOR .ALE BY labor, of stem ; I th e "boss" fol' cheav voles or the emThe rarest thin~s on earth cannot ploym ent agencie s for ) 1 i\Y II , 1 9 10. dllJle~ alit! abide strike breal,er s. You must IJe ani · '. . ' r k JUaled IJy lhe thoug ilt- y · s a rllctWayn esvil le And we ale pa~mg, too, away I e . that DEPARU\FNT OF AGRICULTURE a nalluu. be It evcr s o strong, Ohio them; can die lik e t he Individu al If enou gli Wbeat -Uond ltion oom pared with W e're growin g old; vlrul enl pol son be Injected Into 1·0 atundll rd IIvarag p, 85 pe r oent . veins and that YOU I' hlgbest duly Il~ Is We:had our dreams those rosy dreams to pwte l tbls nallon which yo u so OutB-A r e ll. for 11109 aB r et.urnpd I of youth: dea rly love. by townsh i p ossetlt!o r s, 1,592,1 67 Thpy faded and 'twas well. Thi8 Unde rtake r and Embalmer. In discussi ng the Immigr ation qucs· aorea. after- rime tlon many people make much use ot p R ye-Uo mlition oompa red with Will be found in the old the "desirab le" but fail to define Hath brough t us fuller hopes; and th e word meanin g of the word wben so apBank BoUdin g, opposit e stllDflBrtl ov e rJI ge, IIU pin clint yet forsoot h, t be Nation al Bank. plied . Clovt! r-A verngH un te of seAding . We drop a tear now· in this late r Teleph one in hoose and ofWhen I say "des irab le Immigr ant," Marolt 20. . time. floe where I can be called I mean I want him to be pby slcall y aim ed at an y race or any Fruit-P rl)!4pe ot compur et! with Don 't tllight the oorn-c orn i8 day or night. To think we're old. I well developed, able to ea rn a IIvln!; Is aimed at no one but the clull. It Ignoraa t, King. normlll yield. 54 ptlr Of'nt. Valley Phone 14-2. for blmse lf and those depend ent UI.on jus t as the provi s ion in regard to the Berrlol l-P ro"Ptlot oompll rtld witb We s mile at those poor fancies of the him. I want him to be able to read disease d Immigr an ts Wayne sville. Ohio. Th" chewin g-I,; um girl liv es from Main Street, t In so me languag e. I want him to be at thll di seased, but It Is aimed only normll) yit·ld. 61:1 per oeut. Is uDQuest iollpas hAnd . to mouth . . or sucb a charact gives a reason· ably reslrict h'e, and It therelo re Live 8t ook lo,.seB during wioter A sadden ed smIle, almost akm to able promise tbalerheas can. ----by IlrOCesd meets wi th tbe bitter reslstsn ce ot I\nu 8l1rlog - 80rlle(l , 2 per oent ; ca t~ pain ; rher f) 18 UlJlny 1\ tump spea ker of tim e. be assimil ated by our people. the steamsbip compan i es from whom. tie, I per ee n t ; sbee p, 3 per cent; Those hiK'h desi"8s , t hose purpos es so I want blm to ha vo Bo rne prid e of char· directly or Ind irectly, come ninevast, b og8, 2 pllr O~ Dt, acter. and be capab le of aiding In ele- n entb s of all lbe agitatio who w onld hette r be hi ats bome th e mnch stum ps frolll n and oppo- puJ)in~ o wn l Ah, our poor hearts! They cannot vatlng Americ an labor Notwlt h"tand ing tbllt dtlring a and morals siLioD to laws . atrectin g lmmlgr alloa_ oleur lng . and promise otherWi se to be a repUL· grellter p"rt· of t·be Pllllt month come again! The truth of the whole matter II - - -.-- - - able, law-abl<l Ing c Itlze,n. that Immigr ation into the United weatbe r Ooudltl on t! Wtire m Otlt unWe're growin g old An undesir able Immigr ant Is the States II being encoura ged by the favorab le to whellt growth , its conOld? well, the heaven s are old ; this reverse ot this. . steamsh ip compan ies for the .nordition hl18 lIdvano ed 2 per oe nt sinoe Th e German s. English , Irish and moul revenue derived from haUling earth is, too; oar last repur t. being no~ e l!tl mated other Norther n Eu roneans al ways did them, and by the great corpora tions Old wine is best, mature st fruit and always will quickly familiar ize and large employeI'I of labor In our at. 85 per o.- nt" oompar ed with a Is your year up for most sweet; tbemse lves wltb ' ou r laws and cus- own country who are aeeking cheap 8tandllT d 11 verl1ge . On tbe corre· toms, and learn our languag e. Tb ey labor. Much have we lost, more gained, alspondi ng date O liO yt'llr ag .. U.s oon scatter all over the country . engage though 'tis true Tbe working men and citizens geDdltion was estiml1 ted at 66 per op-nt We tread life's way with most un- In various occupa.tlons and most at erally who favor putting up the bars 'l'he preseu t harves t s hoold exoeed th em become good citizens ' In every again st Eurolle an Imm igration offer certain feet, len se_ tb"lt of 190P, DumHgo reporte d by argu ments to which no person wbo We're K'rowin g (,Id. For thirty or forty year.s by fa r the favors the protecti on at Americ an Inseot pest:! is imm l~te rillL Ia,. greater part of the Im migrati on was bor, the up-build ing ot Americ an Reportt l during tbe p ltlt mouth of We move alonK'. and scatter as we derived from these sources , but con- bomes and morals and the perpettbe entire destruo t,ion of fruit by pace dl tlons have changed during I~ it is, we have a glltSoft iTaces tender hopes on every d ecade, and now t be South ernthe last ulfy or our form of governm ent can frost D O W a.ppear to be grelltl y exagEur~ make any real answer . "Why," uk h d ' peans constitu te nearly 90 per cent or the working men, ".hould gorated , II.S our ourres pondf'n til estiedge prop ositio n to there be an , the whole. The chance of ever mak· mate tbe I4tllte avertlg e pro8peo t Il" At last, with ~ray-st trade In labor while the Amorlreaked hair and ing a good citizen of three-fo urths of free offer you. This is a can p;.oducer and 'm anufact urer Ie oomp!l. red witb Il norma) yield ~t 54 hollow face, tbe present Immigr ants Is too Bmall given a tariff wall to . hleld thsm per oent. While Ihis is ·a materi al We step aecross the bounda ry of to b e worth conside ring grea t pape r, . an~ ev· . The per- against foreign C,9mpetltlon1" "Why, the land decliue from the prosp eot of one centage of crlmllllwity among these If the product l of pauper ery farm er ough t to , month alo~ due oonstd erattuo must people Is excepti onally high. They Europe .re exclUded. Ihould labor of the paUWhere none are old. . can not be Induced to scatter out and per labor Itself be admitte d to com- be given t.o r·he \'lW estima te report. have it in his hom e. I t yo across the'spa n of miles se.tUe In small towns or In the rural ed from @OOtions w~ere the frott iu pete with ua 1" gree u. ' district s (In most of th ese tbey are Co~e in and we will I Itand Iquarel y the plana of duatry is of minor Import anoe, aud a~d propos e tt.IS toast: not wanted ), but In stead herd to- Preside nt Rooleve lt. on who said: To the Rliven s-the best fellows on gether In the large olties 'he bright prospco ts reporte d from of tbe AlLebano n, March, 1910 "Not only mUlt labor be protecte d the coo'o tlas of the froit belta. Tb~ earth, bound in comrad eship- may lantlc coast, each at which has Its by the tariff, but It To my Republ ican friend8: ~ Ihould allo be greate8 t damllg e by frost ocour_red the years only brinK' them the golden foreign colony. Being , thUB segre- protecte d 10 far al posllble from the As I a m not physica lly able to re- I fru'ts of earth and the increas ing joy gated, tbe foreign ers manage to get presonc e In the io the oentral south wester n oouatie s of any labor- peat my walkin g f eat of the CamI . alon g without learning the English erB brought over country by contrac t, or thOle paign of2 while along the hel1vy produo log of good· fellows hIp. languag e and thousan ds of them re- who, coming freely, years ago in which I walked yet represe nt a lake oountil ld the prospeo t, is bright C. M. Cartwr ight. main he;e tor yea rs without Imowlng standar d of living 10 over 300 miles in the dust and heat For f urther inform ation, addres s depress ed that for a bountif ul harves t In many Mr. Cart.w right next called on Rev 1\ word of any other tongu e tban their they can underse ll our men In the of that dry summe r, I write this own. and do not acquire th e section s where first r~port8 were W . H. Bailey, who respond ed and ceptlon of Americ a, Americleast coo- labor market and drag them to a messaK'e to you to let you know that an Insti- lower level." mOs' dlsooar llglnl{, the fralt held Dot spoke feeling I am a candid ate-aga in for t he office ly of the relation s of · t utlons or tbe duties of a citizen. Ohio declare s against wholela le attlline d "uffiole nt, devel opmen t to man to God of Coun ty Record er. I have been They· never become citizens In any Immigr ation by a joint taking th raven as his Waynesville, Ohio rea01u Uon be II.ffeote d by frost i h'looe the more theme. Rev.J. sense; a citizen they of Warren County since 1855 are more properly no. adopted by the General Assemb ly 011 F. Cadwa llader next eDoour.. gtDlt pr08pe ot n ow reporte d respond ed and mad s, coming to Amer ica for a few March 12. 1909, wi th but and al\o,ays a Republ icanhis theme was upon .. ..... months ' or years to accumU late what Ing vote In tbe Senate one dlsse~t, and one In I served over 3 years in Co. F 12th ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!"!!"'!!"'~!!!!!!!!!"!!!! old 8I!90ciatioJl8 apd the new. His to them Is ' a fortune , t hen retllrn to tbe House. regime nt, the fi rst Co. organiz ed at remark s were well receive d. their nallve land to Uve In wealth. MRS. B. L . BUGB&I I "Where as, The dumpin g of a mil- i.@bano WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. n in 186l. No oth er membe r Mr. Cartwr ight then invited his. They contrib ute notb!n~ to this cou n- lion Imm igrants Into the Untted &'\lests to the parlors , where animat ed try; on the contrar y, they are a serl- States aBnua.Jly Is a tact for which of my family has ever been a candiSt. Augustine's Catholfc Churd l. conver sation, jokes' and good stories ou s drain, for they send hundred s or the world ofl'ers no precede nt and 18 date for any office whate" er. Filther George Mllvenbo Palltor milli ons of dollars to Europe every a menace to Americ an I will thank y ou fro m the bottom MlUIS cver, llWond Sundny efer, Institu tions. flew fast and thick, aDd few realized year, of lhe mouth •• lower the standar d of \l vlng and the Americ an home and tbe Amerlean of my h eart for you r s u pport and vote 9 :00 a. ID _ that the hour had grown 90 late. As morals among tbe working men, and In lu bor ; and at the primar y election on May 17th the ~uests took leave of Mr. a~d Mrs. sbort time will cheapen the price of Wherea s. There are now man y b1l11 St. Mary's Ep)scopal 'Churdl. Cartwr ight, th~ all felt that it was labor. before the Congres s at the Uni ted next. I want and need the office Hev. J . F. Cadwallader. Rector. It Is the In centive of a job rather States for the good to have been there and all hoped Sunday Sohool, 0 :30 a. m Morning sel'better regulati on of than· to a land of liberty tbat Immi grati on and the revision ot the vIce, IU :ao a. In . Holy Communion Lhe drat that the •'Raven s" 'would have many Is bringinreacb SuudllY ot each mon~b , g tbese undesir able people tarltr; and more such memor able gatheri ngs. to our s hores. Tbe 5,533,50 7 landed Wherea s, The regulati on duri ng the past five years are but Immlgr allon is a necessa ot fore ign Methodist Episcopal Churd l. ry suppleharbing ers ot tbe millions to follow. ment t!O the tarlt!', and An Ideal Husband. Rev, H. W. Balloy, Putor. an essentia l W e nre nut,b orlzed to announ oe Suoduy School. 0 : aD a. m. MornlnK ser. is patient , even with a naggin g wifp, and In addition to laws for the regu- elemen t In the protecti on of Am erica t he followi ng Dam es. 8ubject to the vlee, 10 :80 a . m. Epworth League, 7 :00 pfor he knows she neeos help. I:)be lation at Immigr ation from all coun· from ruin ous co mpelili on by cheap vot.erfl of Warren County , u.t m. Evening 8ervlce, 7 :00 p . 01. Midweek 'he Pr tries, laws should be \yer ~8eUng . 7 p. m. e nacted to p r~ lahor at bum e, ruinou s In our endea- May may be flO nervou ll and run-do wn in P r imary: hlbit Immigr ation from certai n sec- vor to establi sh an Ame rIcan healtb that trifies annoy her . If Indus. sbe Is melllllo holy, exoit~ble, troub· tions of southern Europe the same as trial Democr acy; and ChrlstJan Church. For Commi ssioner led with loss of appetit e, headao he, we exclud e the Chlnese _ Wberea s, A )Irotectl ve tariff, wlthRev_ L. 0_ Tbompeon, Pastor. We should go at least one step out proper Immigra tion Sunday School 9:80 • • m. SocIal moetlq. sleeplt!88nesfl, oOD@tipltttoD or taintFRAN K D, MILLE R 10:3 0 •• m. OiiTlatlan Endeavor, 7:0U p. III. furth er In ollr general leglRlat Ion and l iS a travesy 00 the Indu regulati on, iQ~ Rnd t1l7lzv spel1f!, 8he needs EleC' strial Sannon prob· by paator every alternate SUJld.,. ., 18 In. -Second Street.10:90 • . m. and 7:30 P. m. trV' Bittera! . the most wonder ful add Ignoran ce to poverty . disease. and I lem, Da,tollo 0 .• Auguat 26, lfIoL I:) ,\M UE ... L IRONS crimina lity as a valid ground fo r el!:· 1~ hereror e, Be It resolved by the lfy 'Wlte 'Was taken elcle about liE remedy for ailing wome. . Thoufl (For HeooD (! Te rm ) clusion. Those who advocat e it main· General Allemb ly of ,,·,,~'ks ago. Our physician" 881d her anlls of Nof!'.,rere from female troub Hk:kslte Friends Church. the State of lungs were atrected, and wlvlled \UI to les, oeryou taln that It exclude s In practice , and I Ohio, That we respectf ully uk our s trouble ll, baokaoh~ and tn k e her to Colorl\do. Firat Day Meetln l/;. 10 :00 •• m. Firat Da:t FRED D . SIMP~ON She rrew worao vcry rapldl,.., 10 wellk kidneYlI bllVe used them aud with few exoeptlo ns, only und es irable I Senator s and Repreae School. 11 ;0(1 a. w. FOllr'b Day Meelin, ntatlvel In Con(For t:;econd 'ferm) August 7th two notert ap eelnasta aIU :00 a. 01. beoome healthy aud hllpPV. Try Immigr ants. and It Is not aimed at gress to enact more Itrlnge nt Imml"mined her cnre1'u\l )·. 'riley pronounced lI er cnlle quick cOlIslimp tioll an d told me ,.hem OD)Y 500 . Batitlfl totion'l unr any clall. race or religiou s creed, . gration lawl E. C. ' to J . protect E~'FER Y, our people, pos1th'ely that .. he cOllld not .live lonser Orthodox Friends Church. Since 1896, as shown b y the records both native-b orn and thlln ' t ell days. Dr. M- Slid b ~r bod,. 8nteed b:v Fred C. Sobwa rt,z .. of Wu.shl ngtrn Towu"h lp. naturali zed, 'Wu .jult a ' mllS8 ot tuhercl es; tbat Rev. Benjamin Hawkins, Pll8tor, at Washin gton, the illiterat es over 14 , against wholela le Immigr thero Wil" not" s lncl o s(!u nre Inch ation (rom --- 'Sabba~b School. 9 :1l0 a . m. Rel!;ular oburcb years ot age who, by t hei r .own ad· foreign land e." did not hnVd thouSll uds or tbem. tbat NEW , USE 8he FOR BOOKS servIce. 1Q ·qo 11. III . Obrl.lltlan Jl;ndeavor, bnd t8mp e~at ur" ot 104. no appetite , For Recorder mlljslon , oould neither read nor write 7 :3 0 p . III night I wcnt ~ , chllhl nrla wall delirIous. ~ In A U!rul t . • tll alle lHnrte!l taking Naany languag e, number ed 2,192,66 2. A y 'o nnl 'girl ono.6 a~k~ Mark WAL'l 'ER KENR ICK lion Fondles a Child. tur.!· !! Croutlon and ·re8llollt led, aa It by . 1I1(1l1't c. Her appetite , la extra. .oo~ Twain If d books fur Ohris'- The figures In detail are as folloWI: of Wayne Towns hip 1896 _...... ........ 83196 Il u"P'" sou nil, no mor,, · chlll_lI or nIght In Pittsbu rg a (lI~vnKe lion fondled IIwllu t s . tempern ture . and pu ,s o l'!ormn1. mil' gltt8. "Wen ' that depend s, " 1897 . • .. . .. . •• . .•. . . 44:580 the bnnllth nt u "hile) thrust into his Sbe I I gll lnl " '; s trength rnpldl~. JOHN E. ROBIN SON, 1898 and will no 'o"'l1 bt aoon be vt!:',)' 44 ,473 ooge punge.r to a ohlld is Rome ber old ae1M drawle d ' the great ' humori 8t. '''11 of. Clearor eek Townsh ip. 1899 ::: :: : :::: : :::: . 61468 Vory tl· .I.~-, tune8 ~reat WhftD lea~t ' regarde d. ct.jjt~ a ba8 a ritzor strop, If it il! 1900 . ... •.• .•.•... .. .96:673 O ften it oomt'~ th~ou;th Co)dfl, Croup, a b~lef. ooooise wurk...uob Il8 tbe " '1 901 . .• .•...•. .. •• . 120,645 . . For Treasurer: Knd Whoopl~g C4? OIl~. ,rhey sl~y . ~'nl'll G, HOn.- l II.m perfectly wen anll Frenob write, it i8 ut'leful to put un1902 165,105 thoo~n d8 that P. r . ·KIDg s N.~w DIM . " ':Sh o.O N thaD 1 .\'81' did ,I~ ~)' '190" .• •••• . • ••• •.••• 189 008 JOSEP H P~RRlNE der t,liesho r.i -Ieg of ~ wobhly table. .We ' can offer you gOO(i' cov~ry cotlld bllVe saved ..A (aw ., ... ; .. , . • . . . . . . • dosell oured our baby of a very bad· An old r..lthioDe d book wi'tb a olasl' Payin g Empl oyme l1t 1904 ....... ...... ; . 172,856 FRAN K ,) , BRUW N. '088e of . Croup, " wrfies M,rs Oe~r~e OAn't.b e be.. t ill ~ ml~ve to horl at 1905 .... -. _. _. - -, .. - 239,091 lB. DlI.vtl, of -Flat Rook, 'N. U., "We tb;lt you will enjoy and M,'" JJur hn f. Ute t'lRurhtel'-ln-IG~ a dog; and 1906 _ •.. . • . •.••. . .. .. 269 .823 BYRO N U BOWE LL. JI!: a large boot, Uke' a geo(I. Blwllys ,glve It to btm whIm he take8 1 ·.of .ti,. ," d l IcnowIL whlliH,r , u ~.o. .. 1907 - ....... ...... .. ,. 343,402 at bome. Write to-day llU j,;MJ ut Cull.l Wlm,behtol r• . 1.; .t"~ .raph)" 18 ~, good .... a pie08 oold. It. wonde rful medloi oe for i of tin to one dou!)l» lhe merits ot ~hl. WDI) ",,\!,, U.. 1908 .. , • ! • , . . . . . . . ' . 172,293 babies. .. Best for. Cou/jfha, 00ldfl, .! ." tl .... would \lot arter tll.-..n. nail ova, _ h,oken ' ~ne of at... ." For Survey or • ;'' ' .'''' ",0.. RI~""tul1 e'eleme nt appears 1909 : ....... ..... ,- 191,049 I" I .... Grip · nA ' Astb'lJ a I Bemor r.hagel } ~ . , .~g.hIC~oklnt .Ii ob ~.A:M. D. HJNKL E :.tnell ~'l::;: 6 Weak Lung... 600, '1.00; Trial A m~I"I8' on lb. hQ,1l18 will ~ot, . . . Total .•••••• •..• 2,192,662 -fte "Uerl ell "w.M eII .. free'. Guaran teed .. by FredboUle (For ~teotiOll) C .......Iek ....... .. NewW....... y • Nothlq II more ullfouodect tI1&1l Qbwa"ltI.. JlIPID' tile roof from 1eak1D,. . W. BLIlJilB JOBNS ON tIae .tate_ llt ~t thJa ezchlltoa II


panna's Glccn Scal Paint



J. E. JANNEY, ..


For Rep rese ntat l·ve

Cong ress

xl JESSE TAYLOR I .. -..





The Ohio farmer



Tal k it Ove r

Miami Gaz ette

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Are You Lookbiu \lor a Posl Uon ?




',h./~ ~ 01: 7'~W


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ror hIm, tbp "ay a Penthuetl came for ibly to hel' mind , With jllst aa much del,lgbt a s h . rem mb('red her haul'S with 'I' inl)Cst , with just so mt! It dlstnste dill sh 1'1' nil Lady Or· mond, She cried to h oI'S if : "I mus t b sur Iud rll-\'cr1' 81!re; he must want mo v ry much in· d ed." Afler a slce pll'ss nlJ;hl, s he I t the fo llowl ug morning go by with word ,or t; lgn to 1'l1\'I'I1. " ' h 11 last of th Interminable honrs had ((ra gg d th mselv es to th ir e nd Polly Ila msd ill brought It r a note from

of Craven ~ MI:'~':~C~~~'t ::


bave gOlll', :: (' otll dn ' t go, I am t; urc.

~ 1t\~·~t~1I :1~n~I'(~'art


Practical Fashions LADIES' TUNI.C SKIRT.

ru ck. It er ('I'll yen· .. -: I witI'd, and a s pirit, If unworthy, cer· ~ lJ}, Marie Van Vorst tainly Yel'Y f mln inf', lJulllng r :-• hade to rcason lind to Jlat! t> nt wlllt.' Au/hor" of .. In,.: for sam nlgn to om to her fr om "Amnnda o f tI,C' Mill," ... I t f I .·"1...3 D ...,m()rrd." ... 'I t I mas P I' 0 raven, S 10 Il' t pa S!i Fact-that in addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are con· (·tc" Nc, :.. titree dreadfu l days. They Iltut'kou fiding your private ills to a wo'man-a woman whose ex... ! h r lif with s uIT ring. At tho third, S I on Its Ilrly mornin g, sit o wok to perience with women's diseases covers twenty· five year •••••• ~. ~ i h'~ ar u hom comin g up. It WIlS gray . The present Mrs. Pinkham, of Lydia E. .~............................, ............ I dawn, lIO marc. hllrdl y IIg it t , nlHI her Pinkham, was fOf years under her direction, and ha::. ever '·P1~b~ IUIf>, b; J.IJ.·LII'PIIICOlL~wP"Il1. window wns clea r of Shlld o 01' blind. Parl ~ Patt I'll r\o. :l2 r. C, All S HillS J; Lying as s ho was, sit e could S(,(l In since her decease continued to advise women. Allowed.-Tb e grnceful tuni c s kirt. SYNOPSIS, th IItt! mirror th e bi t o[ sky. th e Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad wor n wllh nny kind of waist 01' blouse, meadow In the mi s ts , lllld Ih roa d. to worse, knowing well that th ey ought to have imm di.all! gives th o e frop. t of a Ru ss illu cost nme. /IIII' ll Tf'mpcsl , world 's J{,·.. ulr>! t poet ::5lte saw too th l' rid er who came at a • nd n o\'(>II~t. rl ! ~t1 !1 ln g ( H.. 1II ' I· 10 b II"HThe olle plClttrecl has the tuulc so ar· assistance, but a natural modesty cause them to shnnk ,ZlId, "IrU llt hlm".,lf up In l' n lv.' n, hla mud pace Ilnu drcw l'e ln- T('ll1pest ranged thnt It Is di scontinu d each : ou nlry home. Uls gloolll )' IIll'd lt utions hlms If, hI !'! soft hat pull d \\'('1\ over from exposing themselves to the questions and probable aro lrroken by thft ndml sloll of ' UI A 11\ 1-' sid or th burit pla its. whlcb ontln tl o Il ll n. LUI'y 'a n '\\'. whu hll" CU IIl ~ to En,.;. , hi s fnce. H ' spoke a ccon(1 with examinations of even their family phy ician. Such th e L.e lt; ohm It doe p n s gradua lly l;u,d 10 j.(ct n BllHly or th e _uuthor, b ll t I ]\Irs, Hamsdl ll and left a packllgn in II tlr ~ ospcl'lnl1y n ar nopsl>! of hts n \~ , as It approacllPs thl' se plaits , and fits tioning and examination is unnecessary. Without co. t sui te of po m il. Tem p.:!" t. ungry a t b IlIfI"l h .1' h a nd s tInd, tnrnlng, rod all us tbe figuI' e cia ely over th hips at lhe rl ts turbed. d clnros h e will write II" lI10rn madly as ver kni g ht co ulcL from a you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual ..I he mlsttl " lid rudely nsks h(' r to go. R pen tln!; ... r I front and sid es. The s ltll't Is back his rud ness he apologlzlls nnd o"" 'rll I II belle dam e sans mere\. experience is great. clos ing, nnd th e arrange mcnt of tbo ,1lcltLl to Lucy, who sltl! ~pellbo\ln') li S clouded th o glass , und Lucy arew Kh wrltCtl. Tempest Induced Lucy tn re - . I 'I backward turning plaits )Jroduc es a main find reurl her manuscrip t to him. \\ as wee p ng \\ lcn MrR . Rumsdlll narrow box-p lait at tbe front. The '1.')",lr tn\ (Or,."t In one nnnihor h....,"'S. 'r"II1 ' came with the parcel {or h r. For a pattern I~ ' 11;1 5 t;lzes-22 to 30 Inches yb'Ornn~o~d~ 1~~.m,O~~~::~ 1~1~<1 ~~~,tl~r111';! long time sh' held Il UnOI>f' ned, not waist measure. Fol' 20 waist th e skirt Women suffering from any form of female weakness are inh en lIasocla ted. He tul( e~ ~ .. ~u l pll'asur" during to br ak th e ('ltve lope. She req uires as Illustra ted 7% yards or vited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. ~~c.!~U~~";~~cei e IV8 1.Ii~l rh ~~~~~(C~;~; kn ' W that what e \w th c contents plain materlu l 27 Inches w.lde, with ttrot he Is ~olnlt blind nnd th at Ihe u.~~o- might be, th o l' 's t of lire would bo Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by 2l4. yards of bordcl'cd material 27 'Iallon with Lucy 1II11~t t'e'IRIl, th a I "'h o for h e r h neefol'th ns lh y sho Id ,mullt t 11 hf' r 10 go f u r her own good. u women. A woman can freely talk of her private illness In ches wid or wider. Widt h of lower rf'l19 houllekcl'\ler tells Lucy. r lid . edg e Is about 47 yards. to a woman; thus has been established this confidence Some dozen sheets of llia nust'rlpt CHAPTER VI-Continued. To procuro this pattern Bend 10 cents fe ll Into her hands. She bent over between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which to "Paltern Depurtmcnt," of this paper. the diffi cult handwriting- that of one Write name and address plaInly, and be has never been broken. Never has she published a te ·ti·'It thero were only someone who who has written In his Ijleep, or who lure to give s ize IUld number of pattern. cared for him who could save him," rises in tho night to transcribe his n'lonial or used a letter without the written consent of the She whispered the words, She In· thougbts In tbe dark. The un certai n writer, and never has the company allowed these confiNO. 3256. 'iltinctlvely lolt the pride In the wom· aspect of the lines moved her with a SIZE .. " ........... .. dentialletters to get out of their possession, as the hunian beside her whose clasp on lier great wave of tenderness that car. NAHE ..... ,., ..............................,. a rm did not leasen, She did not ven· rled her to him like a sea. and as dreds of thousands of them in thelr files will attest. ture a further , plea on the part of she fo llowed the wonderful words she TOWN . . . .. ................... . . .... , ...... .. Out of the vast vol ume of experience which Mrs. Pinklone who should make the pleas for sat as one held in a s pell- marvelling STREET AND NO ..................... .. ham has to draw from, it is more than possible that she b lmself, -con{used-overwhelmed. One after Mills Carew said very slowl,.. with a nother the famous sonnets to Lucia has gained the very knowledge needed in your case. B'l'ATJIl, ................................... .. e ffort and In a voice so low Ulat Mrs. fe ll under ber eyes. It was the conShe asks nothing' in return except your good will, and her Henly. could hardly hear : clusion of the old. beauutul theme. GIRLS.' DRESS. advice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or "It there were someone-who would The series was complete-tbe s uite «0 through the world blind In his bad r eached at last Its mature and poor, shoul~ be glad to take advan~e of this generOt~ s: stead-tluffer In his stead-bear all mellow-its perfect-conclusion. offer of assIstance. Address Mrs. Pinkham, care of Lydiot , lthe burdens- n ear hIm (If she might The ve rses s be bebeld WQre Immor· E. Pinkham Medicine Co., .Lynn, Mass. ,be 110 blessed)-and if not. the n far tal-they we r e luminous; in spite of 'a way would bear it 0.11 the same- the trembling transcription. they Real Prodigy. ould lJuch thing be--even If he were shone a nd burned on the pages In tbe ROOTS THAT NEEDED SOAKING " 0 yo uA think yonI' boy Is & tnever to know It!" ' ''It's shut and barred. I might say, girl's hands. They were all for herprodigy? But every man tllluks bll Mrs, Henly watched her fascinated. all tor he r. Pat at Least Told the Exact Truth In You won't get In . But I expect you're own son Is the most wende rf1l1 belni ; great hope d awning In her h eart, His Application for She roso unsteadily with burning a hero-worshipper and are going to that ever breath ed." ··Oh." ahe said. "I think he cares cheeks and eyes that glowed through try for a glimpse or the great wrIter? " I tell you this youogster Is r · (Or the one too much to take her the tenrs, She started as she was to· Your c'o untry people are hero-wore The town of Dedham Is under pro- mRrkable. no matter bow you may," _ _ __ with him on his way. and so much wards the door-wltn-th-e--nutterin hibition law, Ilpothecarles alone being snelJr. I've seen hl.!lL!lJl. a thing t hat 'that he would try to thrust lier from ". think we are:' permitted to sell alcobolic stimulants, I don't suppose any etlter boy or bls him and go on alone to spare h erThe lady's horse stretched his long, The other day a son ot t he Emera.d age could )1osslbly do." :8nd him loving her dearly all the sblnlng n eck , The smoke from his "What's bls specialty? Mathemat· Isle entered a drug store lbere. and, 'w hile." nostrils blcnded wtth the mist and Ics?" taking a bottle from his )locket, asked Tbe girl with an Impulsive gesture stll'l'ed the vapor (bA.t fl ew awa,. be"Mathemut\.c s? I should say noL for u. quart of whisky, The salesman t.brew her arlUS around the old wom· fo re bls breath. It 'lIew too around hasn't a uy more of a head for fig· He asked to wbat use It watl to be put, a n's neck. hl~lng her faoe on the th e head and form of the American ures thall I have. and learnI ng the and the ' l'eply was: motherly bosom. Perhaps she cried girl and tbe trim r ed flg il re at the lit· multiplication table was the bardest "To soak roots in it." HO{t1y there wars whose source was tie e questrienn e, to whom the monowork lover did In my nfe." Th e order was tilled, and the clerk, not al1 pain, ' for h er cheek s grew sy llables of the stranger were bam In, "In wbat branch of scIence docs be after handing over the bollie and Its wann and rod. the strained white and because of her rlvnl b auty aos elll to be particularly lutereated ?'" conte n ts. Inquired. in 'a conversational look had gonn trom her face wben at noylng. "He Isn't Interested IU ' science a~ man ne r: length she l!!ted It. a li ; but the otber day a friend of mine She gathered up h er slackened "What kind or rools are you going ! "How good you are," sh e' whls· who has a big automobfie left th e mao reins. "I've been following the to, soa k ?" . 'Pered, "What a mothcr you have hounds," she vouchsafed, "nnd I've Po ketlng tbe botti e. the customer chine standing in front of m y ltouse made," for more than half an hour, and, al· cut through Craven by mistake-In sulci : "My poor boy," slgbed Mrs. Henly. thougll the boy was playing IIround a Cew minutes I shall h ear the horn." "The roo ts of my tongue, be jabers!" S bo kissed the girl. pressed ber hand, outs ide all ilie time be did not once She leaned all her pommel, her mind Argonaut Storyette (1886). and found tbat h er late How of elo· climb Inlo the automobne or ven toot traveling back to h er last Interview ,quence had deserte d hel'-she had the horn." with Mr. Terilpest at P enthuen. and Pennsylvanian's Laple of Memory. 'nothing more to say. She felt all of suddenly s he exclaim ed with a shar p Forgetting that he had started to Budden that furtber words would b e A Case In P'oint. "A,h!" of enlighte nment, and as dmw u gallon of ·wbisky Crom a bar'i napproprlate, Once more she drie d 'ynl clIs-1t Is Impoflslbl for:l worn· though she did not relish the disco,.· rel In tbe cellnr, A, C. Hldlay, proller eyes. drew down h er veil, and cry: ParIs Patt~rD No. 2793, ' All Seam. prl etol' or th e Hotel Hldlay, Blooms· 8 11 to k eep a He,~rllt. 1'ose to go. . Hellileckkc-l don't know about "Why, 1'\'e see n you be rare," AHowed,-ThVs simple little frock Is ·burg. PlI., left tbe spigot turned on Miss Carew led h er to the door. Miss Carew. wbo kn ew as well .. It es pecially adaptable to the wash aod went upstairs. Two hours later that ; my wife and I wero e ngaged fo r clinging to her arm. b ad seen bel' dally for years. said: dresses of chambray. linen. duck, bft r emembered it and hastened there. Revernl weeks b efor e sbe anld any· "You have not told me yet your The Horse Was Suddenly Drawn Back she "I think n evo r." . pique or Victoria lawn. though wool H e found that it had all run awa,. thing to me about It,-Phlladelphla Until He Almost Reared, !lllessage, " she half smiled. "I think "O ut yes-a day or two ago--ytnl batiste, challis and cotton volle are and into tbe sewtJr. His loss because Record. Mr. T empl:lst bade you to send m o papers in he r hand. as though she \\'ore a red dress-you were drlvlnlJ equall y' adaptable, The fulness of of his lapse of memory will be about What Old He Meant .a way?" would rush to him; then sh e caught with Mr. Tempest in a motor. I w •• he waist portion Is distributed In back· $lOO.-From the Philade lphia Record . Dill- What wUl h e do when nil tilt! Mrs. H enly smiled faintly, and In· sight of he rself in the glass In her driving behind you to Penthuen," ward·turnlng tucks In t h e tront and Country people !Dake tb elr own jam. fools ~re .dead? Itead' of answering said Impressively:, h er disheveled hair, (T O DE; CO NTINUED.) forward·turnlng tucka In the back. JIII-He'lI n ever Uvo to see that "He's all alone, and be doesn't Slle r emained muslns b efore the stitched from top to botton, those but p eople tn the elt.y get th tJlrs In day.-Yonkers StatesOl9ft. ' 3< now what I know, misR, and-" glass, the papers now held to her Odd Boarding HOUle .. In the center tormlng a box·plait effect the str eet cars. Miss Cure w caught hor a rm, blushed breast. "A hand he could love to "Deaf and dumb boardlna housel that Is very attractive, The box·platt. f uriously, ant2 commanded: guide him," Mrs, Henly had sald- Sl'!6m a qu eer Institution even In thla ed skirt Is finished with a wide hem "Not one word to blm, Mrs. Henly." guide him! He was her tyrant, her city of wonders," said the city sale. and joined to the waist und er a shaped "Oh, of course not, ' miss, bow could master! But be would be blind, At man, according to th'e New York Sun. belt at the material. The dress fas. ,You thlnk-" this thought and all that the verses "Tbey exist. however. 1 heard of tens at the' center· back. under the oox"Or 1 will be gODe for evc'r fro"' meant, wr i tte n half In obscurl t y an d them through a deaf and dumb cus· plait. The pattern is In 5 slzes-6 to One will find <:rav en- to·nlgbl-to·morrow ," yet so Illumined-she r ealized by tomer. He III a young fe llow with no 14 years, For a girl of 10 years the " /) on ' t go, m I " cr Ie d th e h ouso· I reason of' ber love more perfectly than home of bls own. When advertlslnl dress requIres 411f1 yards at material ss. keepe r iu g reat distress. " I gh'e my , the man had been able to do the bar. for a boarding houRe he said he pre- 27 Inches wIde, 311f1 yards 36 Inches 43I1Cf(~d promise." 1'01' of his destiny. ferred a house where there were other wide. or 2% yards 42 Inches wide ; " I trust rou, dClu," said Miss The glass reflected he r serious and l11utes. He r eceived a stack of an· I11f1 yards of insectlon. C~l'ew . tenderly, "but," and she qlles· love ly fac e, and gradllaUy the sun, swe rs. Some were trom private fam· To procure this pattern ~nd 10 centl t lonod with her eyes as weU as ',vltb for the only time during that long Illes. one member or whloh possibly to "Pattern Dcparunenl." or this pllp"r. !ter words, "nre you quite s ure, Mrs. day. came out from beh ind the fog was a mute; others were trom board- Write name a nd address plaInly, Bud be H enly?" . as th e sunrise sent one burst of bright- Ing houses where one or more mute~ aure to give Dlae and number ~ t pattern. Th e olher'l! face sadd ened at once. ness against the clear glass. It had taken r ef uge. while a sUlI smaller SIZE ................ . NO. 2793, ~'Sndly sur e, dearie." stal'lIed ber- dazzled her-Cull as her number were from womea who ca· : "Ah, not tha t ; I llwRll- about his CYcs were of vlslous, and t he glorious tered exclusively · to the dear and NAME., ......... , ............... , .......... .. earlng so--tbat he would spare her- lu mln ence hurt ber with its cru el dumb. These letters opened UP an a constant delight. at auy cost?" bea uty. entirely n ew line of thought. It hl1d TOWN . • , ............... .. ..... .. .. . .. . . ... .. t Mrs. lIe nly took th e s londer. cold "Oh, light for you- light fo r yotl. never occurred to me to Inquire how The food 'is crisp ana STREET AND NO ...................... . 'ha nds betweeu both h ers: Basil" she breathed. "If I could make deaf and dumb stranger s live In thlll wholesome and so dainty " Q Il " b 'd ' big town, To learn that they jolo : u, e SUI'9, s e sal . myself In to yes nnd vision and sight STATE, . .. ......... , . .. , .................. .. and tem ptingt (Bat it apI Wh 0 she was left alone she found to be trans(ol'!ncd into .you arid so be the ranks of nomndl~ boarders made h rself shut In with a new wor ld , forever lost!" llIe feel so~~ I don't know why." peals to the appetite all the . The Difference. So fl, ll of bewilderment and con· Gradually the brief sunilght passed I Fe-ed Your Enemies. Wanton jests make fo ols laugb. and, 1100n and tus lon of sorrow, an d dawning joy of. and the melancholy aspect of the Lord Rosebel'Y beHoved that Olle ot wise men Crown,-Fuller. night. doubt and lo\"e and despair, that Sb e cloudy day definitely filled th room th e cblef causes of ·t he downfall of pressed her hands to her heart and and the glass ceased to be enchanted, Napoleon wns lhnt change of charao. Sex Inequa:lty. Some folks hav e pro,JIrayed Heave n for strength carry But the modern :Lady of Shalot ter whIch rest-1ted frow over.eatlng, It doesn't cost much to r;et .. man . nounced Post Toasties 'the her throu gb and for wl :;do m as to m'u sed : Inactivity ond lhe fatness that camo ready to ,be marrIed. He buys a new choicest flavou red bits 'of what ours to take, "I saw blm ride across It. a nd' It did' (If his capUvlty on the Islo of Elbl!,. suit of clothes. two suits or underwear, She (ound herself stifled with . the not. 'crack from side to 6 Id e.~ How Napoleon was never the same man In three e~ tra 'palrs of socks. bas hIs haIr cereal food ever produced. thonght,s and doub ts that ,rose, . can ttiere be 'a curso' upon us·?.. ..and looks, wanner or nctlon after Elba. cut. aad Is, ready, But think of Uie Popular psg. 10c:. It w'a s not enoush for her ' tbat a she turned away to 'd ress In the old. [f nn active genJ\ls like NII Poleon could sturr a girl thinks she must buy when Faml1~ .lze 1.5c:. ' - - - - .'Iroman.J3ilouic1 COlUe to aeek _.her an4.. lain ,dr.ess she-wore when ahe first be thus o verlh·lfB n oud,e.e<WJlI8-.aJlIG-l.!8~h:.::e:,...g;ets manled! Are"girls 60 SU· Ith ber own fond eyes r ad Tempest, braved the doors of Craven" fatten ing may i~ a' good way to cet perlor to ' men that they - 'C8nDot'~ . and with the skUl at selfish love draw rid of a powerful enemy. lIays th. marrIed without , fifteen or ' twepty from hel' -a confession she n ever CHAPTER VII. -New York PreS8, NapoJeon may bave Umei more clot~es?-"Atchlson Globe. thought to Dlllke-even to the maD . prophesIed trom his own experlenc. Underground Populat!on. ahe adored. She required marl! tang· ~lhls Ca'rew babltually came to . wben he said: · "Good' teeth often dil Theto are about 26.800 WOJ1D.l to all I Post~m Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Miclli., U. S. A. Ible ov\licnc from hlln. and lUI It to' Craven· Hcross the front la~n9 and l men's 'graves," Napoleon Dever loa, -rrod" uol1 barlU the love that ""ellecl teqaces, but this .a7 she ehanled ber I more than one tootIL. scre oJ olulUvated lanel. 1

'$-. 1s l., ps turn d time II Uti a~a ln






on lh

rO\lUn.,. Stll'" O,,\do th pnrl(s by " Q of t.hft Ulllin l' lid ns s h hud done on tbe stormy night' sev ra l w r kll before, when shc sought rav(,11 for the ilrst and 0 ' »old l), d manded Inte r· "lew with Its mas ter. As lilt follow d th", avenuo In the ('olll morning she walked througb mist. It cleared onl y to le t h l' fig· ure cu t the Yapor, wblch t1lrectly 'los u behind h I' again ·Into one of th e 'fogs I.n whi ch wlnt I' England , is my terlous ly \' 11 d ; befor hor th e ( ~ hnp es of tr(,(IS Indist.l nctly dcs lgne cl themse lvcs lik e sen weed In a muggy s a. IIll1 0 more th:l1l tbree'l]unrl r 9 or t hc WilY up the d rl v she heard the trot of a borso's fect , and befo re sho could Rt p ns lde to p I'mlt, as she SUl1Ilos('d . so m ' groom from mvpn to fllt sR he r, nn cquln hend and body loo med so close that s h ~a v (\ a cr y, an d th t) horsl' was s ud denly dra wlI lmc k IIntil he nlmost roa l·cd. The hand on th e r c ln wu s a wo man's, th e rid( I' n womnn, her t rl . cornered hnt anll CIls: t aud lip!I alld c it , ks nil Iienrl,' !. S~e l'xl'lalm cu, Ilalf fright 11 d, half annoytd : " li env on! I m ig ht hnn hurt you! " II-Ild s tarcd down at I he road s ide Cit cumbrnnr - and at s ight of Mi ss Cur w nodd ed a sort or good·morn. Ing; an x"r(,>l810n or I]u lck ('l lrios lty shot ucros li h I' hanu onH? , moc king fllce-" hurt you or b('c n throw n my· se lf. YOU'I'O not s tanl ed ?" 'I'll r ide r held he r horse quI et. :n tll l' fog, an d mer cil essly flCfutlnlzed lh e young womnn, who, dark and 51 nd 1' , of a lo\'c l ne!'!! no I liS marke d thun h I' ow n. of a grace 110 less 8 ducth' Ihnn her ladys hip's, a p· peare d to hll\' mimculous>ly un raided Into exist nc in th e elm av cnue aud to hav tJ take n form out of fog ao el mists. Sh e pres nted a problem - suggested lIlanlfold poss ibilities and at lenst comma nded attention . ''''I thout exc use or preamble: "You're walking up to raven ('us tle ?" th e rider asked her. " y s." "You're nearly th e r e, however, but perhaps you know the way?" "I think • shall tlnd It." The pedestrian's dress was excell' slvely plain , In her hands she car. rled a little packet wblch looked like a note-book, She h a d doubtless _ up her sleeve. "You're an American?" A slight sm ile touc hed the grave features ot the younge r worn all. Hj'low did you know ?" The other laughed frankly. "The sarno language, so different In transatlantic mouths. '1 mean to say you speak American: Craven Isn't open to visitors, like Penthuen and the n elgbborl ng casU s."


I.. .. .. .. I






Day After Day

Post Toasties


"The Memory Lingers','


---.- --

Jiandsonne 1)resses




I-: N think of

WHERE UNCLE SAM BUYS HIS INK 'fbe oldest Ink man u.f actur rs In· this country ar Thadde us Dr\Vlds 0 .. w ho I 1 W I" s t a bl\ se h d In 1 "5 j ••• H" ..lte u..a . . . . . . . ..... ~ ,lI st 1g l'tty· WII.t' .011 About Wh.. . .atllall t.Pwodu c......_era f1 1' yell r !;! ago_ '1'h ~y DInk n ol.blng bllt tb e y ry b s goods , onsisllng of Writin g Inles , Mucilag e, Paste, Sealin g Wax, etc. Th eir E lectro·e h _Dllcal \\'rl,t1 n ~ 1~lllid Is us ed by ' \'f' r y Ilost olll e In Ih o l nit 11 Stntel:l, If YOU wl1l ' 8 n,l lit em 2f. c nt s In s tump ll or 1'0111 YOtl 11'11 1 re (' Iv{ hy rf'lurn ma ll n hottl\! of their ;\1 IUllinl' In dellblo Ink for mnrl(in~ lin n and othe r fnllrlcs. Th e only a lH;ollltC' ly Ind II blc In k on th e mark et. Addrl'Ss Tbndd UB Davids '0., 95 nnc\ • j Vu n Da m St., ~ e w York.


churoh at synonym oufl wlUa tbe kln,dom of God 011 tbu curtb , 1 do not now use the t erm 10 that sense. 'rho home, the school, th e hos\lltnl , the cl ly miss ion, EI' PI"Y lIIan who o wn " It s in g l share I the social settie nJ en t, th o Chrlstla ll I:ltate Its It- rul are Institut ions of th e or ~t O(' k ill a $ 1,000.1) 111) co rpornt lon i k:;:t!;~I 'm ,,',kin gdom of Ood us truly us Is th e IlIlnll s h e cou ld rl1l1 II, t)PtI I ' Ihll n the church, Any Pllrtlcu lar c hurch Is but t-;" II t'I"UI IIIU Il III-I"1" dcJt's. ":ny, l:lurn, Is yu' afra id of 's nal<es?" on lu stlt lltlull within th u Vlll:l t king· .. ' Ik ,'d I h;; I ci on t; \1' 01" 01T al): Ithl'umn llMtn ' ·...1 In Six Houra by dom Or Christ. It bas Its own d efinite Dr .lJl'l c· II UII·!i H enll.. ·rII ..rur n lo l1lh~ ago." Hlt cllrn '11Isrn.75 c. I fuuc ti on- u function fundam ental to 1 J'I , ' IDS I' Cil rll:ltia n civ ilization nnd of Imm e nse I j .. ~ soon REST AND PEACE HIHlClul Importa nce to nil th e noble r ~~ . ~=~-======~=~~~~~ element s within th at clvlll zation, Fall Upon Di s tracted Househ olds writes Albe rt T_ Cartlnu d In lhe Chris' When Cutlcur a Enters, H. M. WllUAMS tlan Work and Evung{: l\ st. Lnw Building Totttdo, OhIo The church sometlr u 's g ell! confuse d Sleep for Il kin tortured balJles and lU.., odd..- neGrMt 7001. (C/ as to Its mission, but th e wor ld a l· r est for tlr ' d , 1"1' .LU: d II wt h ' r s i!; found way:; l\Oo\\"s what a church Is for and til a lIot bath wltb Culi cuI"U SOIlP and kno ws how to hold th churc h r es pon· n gentl ' rmoilltillg" wll h lILlclIl'1I Oint. si ble for nll ttl wickedn ess an ti mls· ruent. This trelltlll\ 'nl, In th o major· A Pack age e ry of th e worlt.!. Tho big wor ld goes ity of cases. arrMd s Immedi ate rollef of U Paxtin e " 011 sen-Ing th e d (' \' 1\ seve n da ys n In Ihe most dis tressing formH of Itch· Will Be Sent week, working oulils g re 'd and c ru ol· lng, burning , IH'lI ly, and crusted hu· Free of Charg e to Every ty nnd lust Into e ve r y conceiv able mol'S, ecz mn s, r ashes, Inflnmm nt laus, Reade r of this Paper. form of Individu a l iniquity aud social irrita tions , and chaCt ngs. of lufnncy wre tch edn eHs, an d then shakes Its ond childhoo d , pc nllllt; rest nnd slee p black. crue l fing e r In lhe fllco of the to both pare nt and hlld , and points c hurc h with th e Insol nt questio ns : to a S)l euy Cllre, wh a olll I' remedie s F'1' io::: R NOO:'ll DRJ~SS FOR MA· "Wby don't you stop ull this? \Vhat fnl\. Worn·o ut and worrl d llarents TRO)/ .- 'I'bls ve ry ch nrmlng dress flro you good for anyway ?" Th e church, will find this )lur ', s weet a nd co nom· . Is a com!Jln ation of cashme re. always sensitiv e to the world's crltl· Ical treatme ut I' a Uzel! their hi ghest "loft silk a nd velvet. The undersk irt Give. one ••weet breath; deau, white. clsm, loolls upon that ·filthy I1n ~e r as e rpectnt lons. and may b e npplled to has a bnud of cashme re at the foot. ,erm-fr ee' teetb-aD tM!ptic all, clean tbe judgme nt of God and trem bles In the younge st In fa nts liS w II as chll· ornam ented mouth aDd throat- purifie s the breath with a wide, wavy patte rn he r s nse o f fall lire and In her dren of all ages. The Cutlcur a Rem· In braldillg after .mokin ..-diepe b aU cIiaaareeabIe . above wbi ch Is velvet. contusion and fright s he become hys· edles are sold by druggis ts eve ry. Th o l1rlnce6 perspira tion and bod,. odors-m ach aps ove r-dress of cashme re Is lerlcal. I1les about 111 a most ridi culous preciate d by daiuty WODIeu. A quick where, Send to P oll r Drug & Cll m. op II at eal'h slue to show a panel of SIMPL E remed,. HOME for sore 81'_ aDd catania. DRESS ,- Herc Is • fas hion, until at las t she ge t s he rself Corp" sole propriet ors , Boston, Mass., \' I\"et at Caa qujckly be lm!I'tome bJ sid e or bodi ce and on hips. s imple and " ry practlca l dress for th e ir free 32-)lag 'uticum Uook on ear h as hm for transfor med Into a bydrahe aded mono A little Putine PCJWder di.cre edgo being finis h ed home we nr that may h e carri ed CARTER'S LmLE IOlved iu • au of hot "wller out In slroslty , running eve rything from a the care and treatme nt of s kin and wllh lllll nll velvel·c overed bullons alld fin e serge or late r on In linen. The bowling • _ make.. de1iah~ aIIIi.eptic _ UVER PILLS. alley to a dance room and a scalp of Infants, chlldre n nnd adults. handsom e sllle ornam ents. The up)ler s kirt has a panel front a nd back, that concert lution. .....-.. atraOnfiDary hall. Now at las t, . Ulank part of bodice and ove r·sleeve s ar e of In front Is t rlmm d ~&e~ ud hesf.. with sllk·cov ered heaven! th e church has actually found Ev iaently Not, " ina power, aDd al.olurdy ...... 'I'll oy had met at IIluepo ln t, I.. I., fin ely·tuck ed silk ; the bands of casb· buttons . The bodice Is tlght·flt tlng. sometll ing to do, nnd th e m en ot tb e 1-. Try. Saniple. SOc.. two years befor and \I" ' re cl'\e lJl"UlI ul-: mere and lhe pointed pieces are braid· and h as an nd de d piece arrange d in churcb . as well as the ladles Wie bas It ~ « by mail. have a e d : the Inlt r al so orname nted wllh tucks that arc carried It by a IIltle lllrlllt'r ul Il cllf(' . ove r .the sboul· job, THE PAXTON TOILET Co., B _.. , Mil... HeM!. silk I)all fringe . Purred und e r-sleeve s del'S and cross be lo w bu st; Lbe center "1 shaH a ev I' forllcl bow w I.Jc· tach.., Criticis m Beneath Notice, ' 11111 acquain ted ," he was suyl ng. "'C' or chi ffon galhere d Inlo velvet hands. front. and back nre li ghtly braided , so DiuiA r ecent writer In th a Westml n's ter )Int ri a ls requir ed: Eight yards ore the turn·up cu ffs. The collar and ro mantJ . In swimmi ng . T hat w \ ~ .... aud Iod~ thinks that "In th e c hurch th er e Is when I -l1rs t suw YOII . You wc nl Into t;ashm re, 2 1h ya rds ve lvet, 2IJ.l yards tiny yol{e are of lace. Small Pill, Small D..... Small Pric.. nothing sillt, sevell really doing." yards lin He ing quotes sateen. a one Materla ls r equ ired: Se \'en . yards 46 t hre feet of water nu ll ot fright n d. GENUIN E must bear aignature: I'ard man ball at th fringe, e bllli two orname nt s . tbree· Inches wide, three·el ghts yard lace, park who said : " T ho I rescued you Crom n \\"8t 'ry gra \' 0 r eason why men don 't go to churc h Is seve'n yards linin g. a nd w w eI' Crl nil s 8t once." He fourths yard c hltron. because yOU don 't piny ball. " He also them in the wortcL CASCARE.TS the called th walt r, "nrlng m' Lbe wine quot s a college stud ent'S objectio n lis t." h e sa id , xJJlal nlng. "BecaUl! \Y U biggest seller-why? Because it'a the !Jut to entering the ministry : "The minis ter began our ncqunln t nn,'(, In a wntery MATTER FOR THE INDIVIDUAL medicin e for the live!' and bowels. It', seems to me like a mall who sits In way. It n edn 't always bo wnlery." what they will U {OJ' )'rJU-D ot what the grands tand and explain s the game ' ,II Cannot Wear the Collarle ss Gown, Sbake Into 'Your Sboe. we say they will do-tha t makes· Washin g with Clay, to the ladles." Tbe same writer con· Becomi ng as It I. to Moat CASC ARETS famous. Millioos use' A savage trib e in Africa d(lubs cloth cludes that " whe n the church has a. Women . CASCARETS and it is all the medicine with clay, the n rubs th dirt onlln the The short coat Is back wl lh walkins man 's job on his hands It gets a. that they ever need to take. river, Tbat's 11 good d III like us ing a suits and plaited s kirts. mau's r es)lonse ." Such criticism as 9IU \Yh lh e r lo accept It or to defy fRsh· bunk ot yellow BOa)l thllt Is mild ' hellvy CASCAJl RT8 roe • box for a ~ .. \Vhlte cl'Ochet buttons are seen on this is mere child's prattle and ought Ion by assertin g on e's Individu ality Is treetment, all druHiat.s. Jlicgelt aelle.wllh rosin nod stul e grolls . Tbe rosin some or th e s mart white ser ge s uits, to botb e r no man who possess es tbe iD the" WQrld. .. rulou bosee a moath, tays In th cloth uud Ice ps Ilonte of tlJ t! question that th e next fe w weeks 'sense of Rubber God and ized th e mohall' soul's worth, Is among lhe Is wlll answer . The "little girl" rns hlons th e dJ rt with It. and I h 1\ YO\ll' c10tiles popular mate rials for sen sillie ralo' Is so In trinsica lly mnnly to sit on the that have been e volve d In great va· coats. ,ABSO RBIN£ look str eaky. Ellsy Tas k Illutldry soa)) "bleach ers" and yell on eself hoarse .. I'lety have come U;lOll us, aud It Is to ::::nie white soap mado of coconnu t 011 , Remnv" " Dursal Enlanrem enWr Hatpln cases, sim ilar to those for at a ball game, but a thing fOl'ol'er un· be hopeu hov not round us wanting , . '1'hlckonfl", !!Iw ol1on T11I.U ...., borax. naph tha nnd wholt'!lolllo tallow Curl»!. 1' lue,1 Toml(lOl l, Sul'cmelN But you and· 1 ItDOW that the re are slicltpln s, Rre nlllong tbe leathe r nov· worthy of a man to read a cong rega· trow anI Brulso or tltriUn, (,Jo ......l -takes th dirt out. T hat's Its busl· lion in wOl's hip a t the thron e of gra ce ? 8 \) I~vln .... mono.e. Allay. Poln. some necks that neve r '110'111 be swan· eltles of th e season. .! DOOA DOt. UlJlttor.. ramo .. e dlo lu"1'I: ness-t aking dirt ou t nnc\ dri vin g dis· The fa d for blac k gowns. or those It Is n man's job to stand b e hind a '" or I .. y tho horse like, nnd des pite th e fact that lhe up. .,. 00 ... hI.roe Aft ... bot"I~. ense ge rms aWII Y: TweUly·f1v y aI's of ount HorAe Book 1. E freo_ I' selling dry trimme goods d to h eav ladles ily with jet. hns In· ABSORB) NK. JR., (mnnk.lnd collarleRs corsage Is here, It must be el.an412 bOlLIa.) and r e putation back of It, and s till It Is but judged I'or soft !!Irn"~lll carpets .. Struln creased · for .. OOUlY or ItboDIlI"U a )lo. th eir feet nn'd th e de man d for black gloves. In connect ion wl!h lhe weare r , po.l t .. Vari ooRO V , loII, Varlcocel a, Uldru<!olo. fiv cents a caite, Bright ye llow shoes are tile popular easy hnlrs for tit e rn to s it In; It Is a If your n eck be round, white and ~N~~"nr: ~n·WX r~~ld'.:'J l~;ro~~ ·~gp.!~~o~4&~:: man 's job to tot e ladles about version la a utoof ror bro\\"11 f re. book tbls and tcst.rUlonl lLl .. &11d,Onll by seaSOlL They gracefu l. by all means adopt the be· A Real Story , mobiles by day and dance with lhom W. p, 'fOC:lU, r. D, r" 110 haple '''. ,po1q'.......... omlng fas hion, If It be nnythln g but should have IJluc k ornam nts. " Mike Is a l ob ~ l e r!" II nuoll II , d Pat, by night; th ese cerl.alnl y are jobs fit Gray and com bin a tions of blacle and tbose thin gs. then It we re wi se to In· brlllgln g his fist down on Ih ' la ble. for manly men, but not the )lrenchl~g "Now, Pat," we (,xpo ~ lulatcd , "why voke th e favor of lace' and ne t to wh..ile seem to be the most popular col; of th e e \'erlas tlug A Quick, Clean, Easy Shave gospel. Tile gospel bring attracti on to the upper part of ors for frocles, but many huts are 111 ca ll him sucb n name li S that ?" of Christ, forsootb , Is worth slrlkln,l; contras t, nothin g. NO STROPFlNG NO HONING _ "I lUllne eXllelly ph\\'lIt I sny. H O'R th e gown. The blood of Christ Is cheap- ch eaper The re are many little edglngs ror nnyther more n'r less th'lI a 10bRl!lf'. than sodu 'water and bee r. The great He'rts ou t gree n, nil rolght, but tbe collarle ss gown. and If detacba ble, WALKING COSTUME. truths of Christia nity a r e not, Indeed. tb' min nit be r;lts Into hot wa ther. be a pleasing variety Is possible . Cold Boo.... A ..... lutely Secu.. d. For worth the attentio n of a. man who Is a If y ou ba.e mon-ey to 1t:l'V6At , write · some th ere are the lurn· down collars turns red!" man. Bright and brainy certainl y, and PACIF of sheer linen, to be WOI'D with the IC COAST TRUST COMPA NY most re markab ly manly, are the men t;broD,l cJe JUtlr. Ralll:"ra.ucllCO black silk tie with a Byronic air. W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 18-1910.How's This? who have made these discove ries! w. oller OM H"Qd~1 !)oll~'" 11.c,qnrd !Or an, Then there Is th o Vandyk e collar, _ 01 Writ 1.1,,\1, CAnnot be rurt'd by lIall'. Mission of the Ministe r. laoe trimme d and plaited, that should Qatarrh CIIrt'. The church should not listen to the be woru with 'a dress of lhe more W;;, tnn"1Wh IJt~'i",~I\ ~;X [;~.~n CV." IOI~.~ ?; (:neer of th e world. ]t -should know rar lhe ' l_ Ib yc~"" IUlll hl'llr ,·" hIm (l<'rt ....U)' hon· flurry type. IS the ~t remedy for orBbto In .U bUldnCf".II t r.ltui." lrt lOhft !\nd IlnrmC'lAlI)' its own busines s and be content to Hand embroid ery figures largely on stubbor n akin pnd acaJp &bl. 10 CArry OUl MY nhll~Q OIo "" mild .. loy hll! firm. \V.I .IJI NO. 1, 1:":-' '':-; &. MAIt\' I "f , stay at it, Its busines s Is to ministe r mnny of th e BOrt · mull collars, while troubles . burna, .tiup, \\'hol"""l. Drural.... Toledn. O. to the dee pest needs of" the nollie It"n .. ~t..vrh Cure ~ t.:t.I:.('n lntcrnnllr. .be crisp gauflel'ed net Is decided ly nctlna bruises. boi.... and all dlNlClIy UflCln lhe blood nnd mll('(lU. !"rlnres 01 lho IIplrlts God has marle, and out of the se av-tem. T ...ttmnnln lJil 8('llt"". f'rICO;!» ce.ota J)ef attracti ve. eruptions. I t soothes pain, bottle. !!old b)' ..II \)ru ",: 18"" to fashion in beauty and immort al These collars and co\lnret tes are atops itching and Is a certain cure for Itching piles. T&ke IJAlI', FlUDlI)' VUII! lor oon5tlpallOll. 50 cents a strengt h 11 new race of men upon the ens lly Ileslgne d and made at home, Jar, all druggists or sent direct on receipt of price. earth, who shnll be the salt ot the' Tbe !lumbe r of the dainty pieces of A Great Surprise . earth. and who can be trusted to go RESlNOL CHEMICAL COMPANY. BALTIMORE. MD, Papa- Ruthle, I s houldn' t be s ur· nec l{ wear de pends upon your Ume out of the church to tbelr busines ses, prlsed If G<ld wOtlld send )"·o u a IIlllo ~n ly, for th e expense Is hardly to be '" ronsider RF.SlNOL OINTMENT indispensable. I ha~e nens used anything their politics , their charitie s, their baby brother llefore long. What would consldc red.- Phllaue lpbla Ledgflr, that gave me 10 much comlort." W, C. Starbuck, Jamaica PlaiDs, II.... socie ties nnd t heir homes, and In all YOII think af thot ~ these places . work out the big and Rulhl& -Oh, pa))a! 1 think It would Tucks to Curve Sleeve. bl essed things which God commal ldeu be perfectl y lovely. And say. \l11\ln, Made on rathe r straigh t lines, tile tb t'm to do and which they resolve to le t's yoti nnd mc leeep it It s urprise (or best blOll se sleeves of sheer IIn"n do. and for which th ey seek divine mamma .- Llfe, show from fiv e to seven tiny tucks wisdom nnd strengt h to accomp lish crossing the Cront seam of the sleel'e as they sit and pray and think to. Import ant to Muthe rs. lust where the sleeve natul'aF .y Examin e carefull y e very bottle of gether on Sunday In the church. 'rbls CASTO RIA. n snfe and sure remedy for wrinkle s with the turn of tbo arm. Is what the church Is for. It Is for You see, these w1ll give the d~ Infants and children. and see that It the salvatio n and cultivat ion of the .ired- the necessa ry-curv e. and ywu sO)ul. It Is for th o training alld e n· Bears the ~.,t;;&) Dlay select the exact position for YOl1r courage ment of men and women In Signatu re of # own oxcluslv e plaits by trying on the high e ndeavor after God nnd truth No one can say he has seen the world until In Use For Over 30 Years, blouse with the sleeve In pla<;e aDd lnd righte ousness . The Kind You HilVe Always Bought. secured at the armhole . and by ob· he has seen ., Colorado." Let the ministe r sUck to his own serving the wrinkle s at the turn of path . Let him still r e main tb e Chri s· Ambitio us, Ihe arm. Wrire for the books that "Is he ambttlo us?" , tian schola·r, the preache r of truth and picture and desc ribe it. "AmblU olls? I shonld say he Is. rlgbteou sness, lhe mun of God. th e Tape I nstead of Ribbon. Ho's even DOW plannin g Cor the un ys counsel or and friend of th e peo ple For every day underw ear It Is orten when he'll be rich enongh to start II who acce pt his s piritual leaders hl)l. Elect ric block signa ls-di ning car meal s too mu ch troubl e to the busy girl to Rockefe ller (ounoat loll." And let no young man go past the run In fres h ribbon. Where garmen ts ministr y In selll'e h of u biggol' job. and servic e "Bes t in the Worl d" It'. Pettl-t'. Eye Salve, nre nol fitted to do without a draw It ca nllot be found In lhe present age. that gh'es instant relief to eves, irritnlc'l string, silbslitu te the narrow est linen The m inister's job Is n man 's job- a from dU8~-I.hcnt, lIun or win,!. ~c, All via the bodkin tape such as is lIsed In baby lite ot high purpose and manly accom· aiatll or HOward Broil" DulInlo. N. Ych'uS' . . cloth es, ' poI hllll II" CI' l1l11ll1 e d l ull of bIg things, . Run the tape through the beadln·g. Th'e World'. Volcano es. Cream serge would look well made He Is tile Lord's soldier, constan tly Tliere 'are 2.70 active ' volcano es In and eatcb It .fi r mly at cent r or back up In this style, Lbe skirt Is quite lighting ' the devil and reSis ting the the \vOr l~ , many pC lhem being com· IlO It will not ..pull out 10 launder ing, plain an~ Is cut a nice ~alkltlg length vast forc es or· th e ' kingdom ' of e vU, This saves time, expense nnd washes })aratlv ely small. " In .atyle the coM rather. ,sugges ts a s tnndJng at the for efront of every true "The Safe Rood To Trav el" ni cely, It Is not pretty. 'but It Is Bub· Russian --~~---. It has a ,nnel down back and "retorm . He Is tho' amb.ass ador ot· the EXPOSU RE TO COLD IltauUal. .114 "at II tbo Ilr""olA!p 1.0 Pl1numon l". Tak" front, the Bides are plain, ' tbo King ot King!!, sent to hie fellow mell·. 11o",i-l' P,,1.. 4il!l:'· an!! thO) dlUllJ1l1' t. ",,"~:.._• ..!!. equaled (or cold .. .,roth",," , q".IO" fullness being drawn .\n at the walsl with a messag e ot tr eme ndous 1m· , 15c,ll6c~For full inform ation, tickets , etc. , addre ss Striped CoUare, by braided stralls with rounded en~s. port, If any young mall will tborOugh~ Need Care for No One. Collars, ~he plain ~ t.u rnover 'Varlet" Tb"e flat turn·dow n collar and currs aro Iy prepare himself for this jOb, and No-man I~ore indepen dent than are once more embroi dered upon also hraided , give It the Rtr nglh of his manhoo d .6. L, LOMA~, Oen. Pass'r Apnt \0 wbo can :pay hi8 blll8, striped linen and la' the color of the Hat of 80ft straw. bound at the edge for 40 or 60 years, he need have no Udlon P*e.fle C0arn; WI...Iow'. I!Ioothla.. 8~p. with velvet, and trimme d with-a larle tear ot dwindli ng Into a "SIS8Y" or stripe. . 1'o'''b11d~J:;:II\I' lORen. the....m.. reel_III . . OMAH A, NEB. This Is n partlcu larl, attracti ve idea teather mount aDd velvet ribbon, ahrln,kl ng Into , "clerica l butterfl y," -.-uo palD._Nl" ,ID4Oo11I 1. "'allo&&lAlo lor tbe wearer of black and white, Materia ls require d: There is ~o 86veD: one in the univers e who ,arda All the . dleqree able ,"",pie doD't and In lavende rl It produe. 1 a 1D000t serge 48 inebes wide. lJAt dOlen 11U'U dSllplae hlm. or IDeeI' at bls work 111 - -- ----U•• OD ero.. I.traalL .~cuv. .feeL IWaIcI, lis rardI llIk, for l1Idq coat.. exce»t the devil, and he meen aa < Cbrllt. thllll R






• p .....






The Wre tche dne u of Constipation



No thin g Lik e '




- -- - - -




1 ' ---- -

(jlorious Colorado


U ni on ,P ac ifi c




Z>In ","' ~,::~~;1: i~~'Ylun

001- : '1'he

hoicc Book. for mencement Present at J. E. JANNE Y'S

1' 1 I :

Ml~ ~tll" IJo~1

M.y ' : C.

'~U'. met

~""""""'" ~'"

to r 1\ll1uIIII)' . .F'ri lay a t MI' . Mary Yourg's, Mabel .J "lly. ol Lf' iltlU llll ,1 j'an,leauer; topic, Medical Temper\\,11 Lh ~uf'''; ,I f 1 1:'\:5 /'l~ b I ::ill r· 1 ~l11 e ', mu h illtcr~Rt lll11nifesteu. \\' od ' uufltl y . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• Th ,Iun In tinr: will b "Flower MI~sEdllll~P II co r !olll n~th walh ' • .-Mi::;:;ion,'and' willmeelattheWhite . fDd visi ting .... \lU11110 n re lll!I Vl\:\ . llltal~ Il llmh r fmlll h f\f~ u.ttelld Ne'\v Burlington . Uri ck M ting hou.' '. 11 t ht! \V·l . l lIu~ t. n 'l'ow n!'lhi p !:; un I -- - - . --d liV Sohonl ooo vtlntiou Ilt )11"1 ' .)11,, ;\1 Crl!p;:, of ~I Ilri fln, 1011., NE\ I:ANN ING COMPANY Branoh ~ lIoay. '.... 11. cHl lin(,.: fill fW l1l1l1iotl\lJC S bEll' Mrs '1II I'~tll l:l "liiug. 'o\'1)rlll IIntl ! IlIst ,Wtuk . " I ' 1 mong the incOl' p ration at· Col · .M ,', . Am ull F\ I r;:1 \ ' IlIllk ll i II ll11f I , \\ ' 11 l e.ou lIu \\ 0 1. 0 1 \\ II . III u ~tl m U m bll~ l as t \V ck, w noticed a new w itb ,I. j~ MI,uU~\r ~n ~ lilUl lly 1III l i ( · II , \V UM IIIH gi l Ht o f rll lll!IV~S fifnlof local int ' r ~t, that of lh(' d .IY Ins t. w ·tll.. ' 11l'f!' I~:-.t WI'C'k . , .' . ,. . . I , l uI' '; ' h( ") I~ c101lA d I, rill II V fu r thl Lc sburg ' anllillg' 'u. , of 1..<' burg. Vauley . ·t,' ph t'll" 1lIl'IUU II! I. SIl f\)Ul I'~ yt\ ('lI l1 PII. . Ohio. ' . C. Hupk ins, pres.; J. W . I Ollf .~ HIll11ll111 tv ~IIU. "UI'['" t,o .1 N ' wlls in t.owu l:'uuuu y , ~ .~ '" Munt.~o lllery, uf Ll.lveland, anu . ttm'~:1rt~1JOo~ orflfl u ur ~ct":~t ,~)f1npI6} ~~~' 1 1('1,1'11,I j.,!' I WC:,' \{ t.hlll· t tJIH cHldi t i'ul1 0 1 L. Hunnell. of Waynesv ille. treas. , ,C l .' .. prlH Ml:!. " ,I'V t urI' w 10 h liH boo n iu th e _ _ _ .. __ - --

$ .


h ams, 7c I

$ $


6;~!, 8unMy

~:SSt ~~~~~


U· ·S · $ 0 &$1 1': 0 Men's ilion lilt S ... '1.0 ' ' v Men's 2 piece Suits per gal" ment .. ....... ... ....... 2'lc to 50c Ladies ' Vests ........ ... tOc to 2!ic LauiE's' Pants .. .........25c lO flOc Ladies' Comuinalion Suits..... $100 $1 ~O .. 2fit?t() 50C Jabotl:l, ollars, Belts, Waist Patterns, White Skirts, Black Sateen Skirts, Ho. sierv in Lace & Lisle, tan h'l k or ac.

La·rl·i~~·' ·~~~t·C~~erH





WALL · DAPER······ F! •••••• ~

' to




WALL PAPER ······ ••••••



Waynesville, Ohio · D

One or two coats of t hil? Stain makes old furniture look like new. Put up in light oak , dark oal<, mahogany , walnut, cherry and natural.








Wh i tewash for Walls,



Per Roll






It makes a ni aer fin ish, will not rub off, and can be had in 16 diffel'ant colors.

it will impart a fine brilliant IU3ter to your old buggy or car· riage at a trifl ing cost.

and 60c cans 55e package, 5 pounds 25c, 40c and 75c cans

FIVE DOLLARS' every worth of 4 ~inllterecords given with 4.. mmute attachment to an Edison Phonograph. With this attachment you can play the 2 Corpe in and have it explained to you.

and 4 minute records.

Blue Ribbon Talcum tOe a Bottle A ' pure, highl.v~pel·ft1!11ed Talc, put up in 'neat glass hottl e, s ift r top. .

Our CorD-cnre_-

See Our Window Full line of --ForBase Balls, · Bal s, 'Special Sale of Mitts, Gloves . Glass B'e rry · ~owl And other Base B~ll Supplies toc each

Schwartz'.~s- .-'(hw Gorn CU¥6

. .--IIIJI!I----..-a.-___...___. . . ________ Removes Co ns r Without Pain




Remnves Coms ~ Without Pain~ IIII. .ii








Y kC or .

CHEESE lb ream, per • FRUITS



Lemons FOOD

47c 49c 57c 25c 25c 25c 2lc


Special price on Decorated Dinner Plates, Cups and Saucers, and 8alad Dishes. See our display of Enameledware, .Tinware, etc•• etc.



$ ......

$ $


= ,$

$ ~


$ $ $ $ .

$ $

Pratt's Stock Food, Pratt's Poultry Powders, ' Pratt's Lice Killer, etc,


~ ,......

Bring us your Butter, Eggs and Poultry. W P 19 f E c ay C or ggs . t-irREMEMBER, when you bring your pro. duce here you can e:<change them for G . . anything you want, roceries. FrUIts, Shoes, Men's Work Clothing, Hosiery for . any member of the family, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Corsets, Waist Patterns, or even Garden Tools, Stock Food etc., and get your fuIl value. You don't have to take 15c, 16c or 17c per dozen for your eggs here.

Grap~ Fruit.

Fancy Strawberries Bananas Oranges






J cans Lewis Lye

Best Bargain of All








No. I Galvanized Tubs No.2 Galvanized Tubs No.,3 Galvanized Tubs Brass Wash Boards . 7 Ibs. best Lump Starch 7 bars Lenox or Jaxon ~oap







7~c 7c 8Xc -9c

Na tl 0 n a I Pat"nt Flour , 241/ Ib sack .. /~.,

8Xc 10 c

Evaporated Appl~s " 10c Evaporated Peaches 6 pounds Rolled Oals Fancy Hcad Rice 31bs for

Dow Coes n the PrIce .

_ _I11!!1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1II!



20e, 31lc

P . rice

Down Goes the

Ilc Ilc 15c 15c

Fancy Tomatoes, per can Fancy Ohio Corn, per can Fancy Blue Star Corn, a t : Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per can Spinach. at



Per Roll

Fancy Saturday only, per lb, 20c Table Peaches at 20e Apricots 20c Plums at •






Elk Skin Shoes in black, cho('· olate and tan. Also odd lots of Work h o~ at less th an cos. t

SPECIAL FOR SATU RDAY Evaporated Peaches, 15c kind, Fancy Prunes~ 40 to the pound, .

Ordinance No. 62 # ~~s!~s~nA~~j!r 10e Peas, a~


WO.rk Shoes

At 50C, $1 •00 an d $1 .i>1:0 f or s Ien d er, med'tUm an d s t ou t fi19ures


~ ......

~1~~)O;f(:~~~Hf;;;,·~1·i ~~~>ll~

W arner ' s A ntl-· Rust P erfect- F.. C Ittlng orsets

= = = ~ ......

I,a.lie' u ..~'" Oxf'I, I'll u" '111 'J'an ,II.:1/..' ()L'.'., Hlood alle:l:l than cost. $3.00 Ox ford s, $2.50 in Pat. Pont & Gun Metal. r & 0 Men 's 0:([ rtl s in 'an • x Bl ood -I' I l ~ ., 00 $4. (10 k\~llI, 11 .. ........ .. ... ..... $.. :; u(, $:!.50 ' Illu at .. ..... ....... . .. ... OI7' d $"~. 3 $3.00 kin al .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. . ,,' <-. 1v Men' s OxfordH in Pa tent Colt and Gun Metul $4.0nO xfol'Cls .. ... ...... ...... $:1.1)0 $~I.[iO Oxfo ru s ..... ....... ... ... $;{.UU $ 0 0 f .1 $') "0 .. v dl'en, Huy!!. Ynuths ulld'Lit. ti e Gents; al :;;o, Barefoot Sandal s f or li ttle f olks.




with her aunt, Mrs. ill Oordon WaR seriou Jy The baooal u.ureate sermon will b e W J. Kilbon WIlS in Cincinnati I : held in the town htl.ll n ext t:;undav one dav r eoently. nigh*, May 15th . . RElv. Fringer wlJl Ray Mills spent tiaturday in Day. tun . An ordinance to prohibit the sale deliver. tb. address. .commencement will be ~aturda.y MISS Alloe Clark hns returned and use of dangerous fireworks, nigla.t, May 218t, '[Ile g r aduateR are from II. pleosont visit t o Cincinntlti. Section I-Be it ordained b y tbe Oouncll Anna Ana.bee,' Lily B ke r, Bessie Mls9Loura Werntz r eturned hom e ot tho Village of WllyncsvUJe, that no person ~glesbee, Mary Bord. Ma,bel Galetl, ofter II. two weeks VI'SI' t I'n Hopkl· ns. shall I1ro Ill1y CIUJ/lon. or g un . or rifle. or pis' . tol. or r,lstol.any or tlretlrIll& of any Irlocl or Carl Morgu.n and Barry Sear!!. ville Ob\o tlro or LOy ox plode llro-crncker excoodlng '1'h " b b J' ,. . three inch in longth. or torpedo, within the .e reoeption gIven y t e umors Mrs . GhaR Reynold visited iu corporate 11m It I! ot Waynesville. . for tile t;eniors will be 'I'uesdn.y nigb~ Morrow last ·week . Section 2-No person. ~rW~i~~ ~~! 1B7tb, at the home of Mr. and T he Misses Hu~ of Cinoinnati ~'t't'I::: S 1I':~'i'r;~''io~u8·,tle:';,-;11Bve In his or ltg " .LUI. arper. . 't d M d M ' L ' tIl M ' possession or custody, any I.<>y pistol. or fire· 'l'he town.hip sohools olosed Fri- ~~~h~lll ~~:;ay. rs . In ey en- ~~~~'. .,xcoouiog throo Inches In length , or day. Mass Meeting was p o s t p o n e d ' Section a-Any person violating IIny or tho on aooount of the ooutl\gi us disease P.rovislons 0, 1 thJs ordinance shall 00 COIlVjc· until June 9th. Boxwelloommenoe NI~not~':Wu~i(~Jr,~I~(~)Os~)I,nO~~p~~~d ment wlll b the same day . ' All kinds of Gift Books ,Inrty UIlYR. or I>!>lih . . . Section 4- Tbls ordjnanco shaU toJ<e oITect Joun SmI th, daughter and grlLnd. und be in force (rom the earliest date allowed son, of near Be1lbrook, were guests at by law. ·Friday of Mrs . .Elizl\beth HaInes . Ptl8Scd Ohamber, this the second . J E JANNEY'S (2nu) clayat01OmlDcll MIlY A, D. 11l10 . . Mrs ..Cl\rr a~d du.ughter Elsie are l • • J. O. ARTWnIOHT. Mayor, slok With lllgrippe, • CU .tl.S. D. HEED. Olerk.





Special35c grade in IX to Il yu. lengths , per yard .. .... 2!ic

Good Things to Eat t

~::;~~ly~':~:~~:~~!~~f~O;~~:IT~~:a~~~~ ~






with Miss Henriettn MoKl nsey's chool periorl alloweu by law. ) Or!\. ltlale v s wife and hild ren of k nown os Lowell HI I olosed lust Pnsscd at Couu'lI ChllmlJer tills the Secood J amestowD , spent tiuodu.y with 'hi!! Fridl\Y . (2nd ) Day 01 )Iay, A. U . 1910. pllrents, . Mi..s Alma WlIterhou e was sh op J . O. OART WHlG llT' lIlayor. Hiss Alioe Carey of Way ne ville plDg 1D Da vton lu t Wednesday . OllA _._D_. _R_E_E2,_IO:k.___

ae $

All R emnan tel" per s a ICO, 5c yard





Turkey ' Red


Lt:~8~~:~i~:s r~:~!~~:.isited

e yP : a


$ $ $ Ordl.nance No. 6t. $ $


"1 SI





"" ."

d 'd dt ' Owing to the bad weather ot'last Saturday, we have ~CI e 0 h' S t d We stIli have a offer the same attractive bargains t IS a ur aye few of those $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Shirts to close ou~ at 85c. Also, for this Saturday, all 50c Dress and Work ShIrts; 45c. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE •

$ A pron G· $

tiou week. at t,)l tl Lou!ll1on IJp ra Hllll'!e \ Vil sn;l ·',..pit-It! n t XC'n in for ,..U IIIO lllst ' , wno l, .... iM g l'uw llI g 11111 1'" ~ul'ion"', thor o 1'. H nllo '. A '- pe n 'or \V oro . lIoin \.: S.\" 1l11ltOIllS C f ue r('ul (Hli ,.. . C cement Presents 'unrlflY f'.ll1ers 11 r . 1\1 r s U t;r \'e~' A. M11 rpb v IIll'll VAry om men Tbe ' . E . t\()Olety wBI hoi j It R ",llclu l>nly Ilt h r h OI11(' h ore 0 11 F riduy t billY blll'lrI fl, s 1l11~o ting a t tho h Olll e lII or l11l1g . !:;lw IC'n " Il,.. n h u ~ hll nc1IIT)(1 a . II11' 0 . AIIAII ,. Ill\( I ( 'I1 R, MUI'J E of M i s ::lhe r wnnu , 1·~ rl d ,LY (IV nin).: I fO ll r ()ll JANNEY'S - .. - .. I ph.\', ~II H 1\ ') fIl C'" Mll lH , 0 1 111·,l I· • • X" Il Itl, LLIIII !'.II' '; I·;lt;; hll 1'o ..... ull .Jr. ~'lll\ r il l S\~ I'\,ICOH \l'l' l' d b uill ut th f' • - -- - .. l )j(0rilm lltl ' c hu rc h ~nud n v uft {l rnoon A fi A t f t ne ssor men 0 . M i!l~ Lu ln E wi u ~ l'fl ~arO fld b om l' Books at ~llo(lu y g r outl y hOll l' fit erl hy tll1 opc r nti n in Dr. M o 'h.' lIuu ·s ho~ pHIII. J • E. J A N N E V' S ( 'btl!' . M o KRY wnf! v I·.V swk with 'H'ul o inoigos t.1IJ11 !-:aturuny. . - - - - - - - - - -- - l\lrf! . Elj uh I:J wkin s is sufTeri ng To le vy lnxes fol' Municipal purpORes - - -... - ••~-f rom 0 lalll o I:l lt ou ill or cuu ell by for lh e tax year of 1910. ~ Spring Valley. In fall . Ii itordahlOlI by Ih 'ollncH 01 tho \, 11· ~ I Mrs Elli P ntt rson flod children a~~l~ l:tll~~:I\r.IIl.;~:~~. t\:~~o :hO le\'ied and c'ol. .... Tbe b Id f M d l a~n I n~ . raln th' s nen r ' IJte r - lecwd forthoNUlll'orl. of tbn 1lllllllcllIRllty, duro youngest 0 I 0, r . Ull Vill o lilt-: t it IIsenl yO/ir 19 1U. 011 each Dollar of valMr8. Colhns wuS buri ed ItturdllY · I • _. -III,litlll Of lito rcululld 1>(,!,!lOnnl properLy. wllh· Tb b ' Id III d f . f 11 1 A ~,' \ ' r D' III lite \'illuKO of \\ nynl'S "11l . tlhlo. reHlrn {.~ 1 eo l eo p n6UlDon l" 0 ow. h an ants 0 IC. "n l h' t.: C'Ulitl tllllllicnlO. uull 6ubjocl lo lIun' lng mell les. . I I 1 I' J I . 1 (10 11 12 ', Mills . eL·tloll 2. ThllLl ho IIl"Y above aUlhorlzed f ' . k 0 0 Y W 11) 11 1I Il ZY lVtl r llDl S U g'~ lI! I .M~, F ra nk M0 f aft IS vElr y 8 10 l iJo wel/l CRU SO fri!;!htful desponCltmoy. for munldlJlll plirpollOS h., uulI tho wume Is wltli heart t r oubl e. . But Dr . Kin g's N IV Lift! Pi 1l8 ex huruuy uPJlortlo.Jed!lli follows: Mrs, Barlow returnod bom e lnst I pel pOl80ns fr IU the Y t ern i bring For GonurlLl Fund ... ... ... . .. .. 1. Mills week fz:om ber home in Cynthin.n tl, ' h opo 1I0d couruj:{e i uro all Liver. Fur l'uullc Ileultlt Fund ... ..... . I ~ :\1111. K v, were b h e b '!,s b oen It t tbe iJo1. I, tOlll uc h nnd Kiun J'Y t r ouiJl es i im V y 1"1111<1 Fu nd.... . ..• 5.)~ . '. 'MII Mil L~ ill or l'IIIJlic Vor I'ullll,' SufuL S rv ku • . . . •. .. sIde vf h er mc, U~ e r , Mrs .. W bitll~er ' IJlnrt. h enlth IUlll vi gor to tb e wen k Fur Slokiu~ l''uurl nnrl Int ores~ .. 6. Mills Mrs. Wblto,ke~ IS s low lv Improving. Illervo n unu uiltng . 2;)0 at Fl'ed C. 1'otlll lJorllorrltloll Tn: . . . .•. 12. (~ MOls Sam Holland wife amIson, of D.y .1 t:::uhwortz Se<.'tion 3. ']'hnt tho Clerk Is hereby direct· t on, were goe ts S undllY of his par · I - - -.... ---- - d to certily the abo\'e 1,ovles I.<> the Auditor ents, John B Hand and wife. Corwin. IUf Wllrrun oUllty. to be placod ou the lax


on s






$ KIlIb'SpeCla . 1St d · ~ aur ay .




$ $

~"'~""'~"" ~ """"~"'~~~ _1 _ _ _-

IBen Holmes' Big Wild West Show be the chief outdoor attraction. The great Rummer season at Ches- :The feats of the west will be sho'l'Ill -- -- ............. - - -- .. .-tel' Park will be formally inaugurat- iunder tents in Chester Annex. HELP WAN'i'ED ed Saturday, May !4th. Twelve I Lamb's Mannikins, a big Engli~h acres of fun and the joy of out of vaudeville act, will have their o""n ELP WANTED-Young women of eighteen yeura and over. doors, is an apt description of ches- l theater, New joy deviceS will be.led H ter this year, The gl eat amullement ! this year by "COOK and Peary's Trip Work light Ilnd olean. GO:ld wages oomforla ble botel oocommodapark has been almost entirely trans- I to the Pole" a tour 'of pure fun; "The and tions 0108e to the faotory. Address formed fAt a cost of many thousands 'Jungle Jaunt," a scenic conceit; rhe Peters Cartridge Company, of dollars. This year Chester will be IWinding the Cuckoo Clock," a ' mys- Dept . 161, Kings Mills, Ohio. "the park of 100 j~y devI~es . " · A Iter!ous voyag~, ~nd ma~y .other for N intelJt~ent person may 8Rrn great new list of JOy de~lces has /WhiCh space .hmlts descrlptlon, The S100 mont·hly oorre8ponding been added to the equipment of·fun splendid free vaudeville in the great, for· ntlwspa,pers. No ollnvll8sing, making and big special attractions cool pavillion, the free concerts by Send for p" PreRs Syodihave been put on for the opening the Chester Ladies Militarv band Ott te, B 5721, Lookpor.t, N , Y. weeks. All will be in operation May and their qu,rtet of girl singers and 14th, with the E:Xception of the Ches- the innumerable new free amuseFOR SALE ter Bathing Beach, which is of ments devices f(lr the children will c:ourse, dependent on the weather- provide hours of absolut~ly free fun. 8ALE-Fine lot of OSlige man for the fint acquatic frolics. The big attractions like fl'he Coaster, . POSt8. Large number of end that circlet the park; Panama, the po~t8 6 lind 8 inohes, diameter, 9.t. !!-~!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'~ • b t t' tb F' 8 th long. H, C. Collins, R R. No, 1; scemc oa . rIp, e I~ure , . e Oregonia, Phone Ft. Anoient No.2, dancing pavillion, the amusement R ' 2 and 7,;. arcade and 'all of the countless .other ' . ' . . . , h . e II b" ed HARNESS-Set of harness for attractIons . av. · a , een lmprov pouy or small horse. Price, .1V.J. and put on ·a hIgher JOy plane ~~an' I " 5 90 . . ,1nquire Qf A. Maftlt. . . ever before, Tne club,hQ~se .8e~vlce I . . ---: I will open' on ~y 14th, at iny will be ~am9~s as of. o~d,. The m.~.. r . . . ' LOST . .d . oppOsite Zimmerman's ster outmg of the Shrmers and theIr CHESTER PARK




' . h'·'.Brose . F. rene

.1CE ORE '. ' 'A"" ":'.~. on


Main .treet. an



I .

end•• will be, held 101,.. 18 when 8peC!al !.audevtlle pe~2rmanc~ and



. '.

F-ua GLOVE- for· the- rtldlt will handle ' haqd, Sunday evening. Please I b ted French Bros. cream, the an UPlqUe fireworks display WIll be · return t9 GazeUe Oftl08. . ce e r a . _ . . special features. ' ,' '. . best that 18 made. - • !Ia . pA IR of 101d . IluHe, tn a. red . .' eD:'DI~r. eriaarlan.for a ibad cue of esp. . ,leave them.' 'Ilea.... oIlOe. "





D ' 1. '


' Jtiln":~,orthwblletooalll~, ave~,,;'







1X-l'Y -FIRt!'!' YEAR.


-----.. ---r #


P~rl~~;iMe~ti~~l' ~::::~:~:~:T:~~:V:~J WAYNE TqWNSHIP SCHOOLS ___

- - - - - - - - Edytha Macy is on the sick list., E. D, Burnett was in Lebanon IQHt Saturday.

Waynesville High schools was }leld in the M. F. church, Sunday· evening, and the church was crowded to the doors. .

Holds 'Big Mass Meeting at I. O. O. F. Hall Thursday--. •• Red Letter Day for Townshlp . .--Fme Dlsplay of School Worlc •


Oregonia .. .... ... .. \yednesclay, May . Waynesville .. .. .. .. ..Thur~day. May Lytle ....... .... .. ... .. ..... FrIday. May Corwin ..... ..... .. .... . Monday. May



, Social•••Events . '._ I_' _ _ .... _ _ _ • ~._

19 20

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were

23 &,uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney

at dinner Sunday. . Joe Thompson was in Cincinnati P~omptly at eigh~ . o'clock. to the Centervillt!' .. .......... Tuesday. May 24 Monday . stramEi of a processIOnal played by Harveysburg ......... Tuesday. May 24 ~.. .' . Miss Sybil Hawke, the graduates . ......... ......... ThursUay, May 26 M'ISSes Ed'It h an d Ra ch e1 Shee hall rs. "bl Hames, of Dayton, IS the 'th R H W B'I d P f . UtICa M ey ev ~uest of friends here. A B . . haJd an ro. Thursday. May 12. 1910 was a red t he ('xhibit. Anna Furnas had no were guests of Miss Edna Satterthv. . . druner . th e h'ISt ory 0f W ayne OPPOSIt . IOn . In . t he display .of. Saml S 'th t th h marc . he fto t h e' seats Ie tt er day In growing For the coming week and nexl week wal't e a t d'lOner Sun day. e county alsslgnhe t em In t e ront of the Township Public Schools. Wednes- cotton plants. seat Satur~~y onwbas . a , the ~chools here and in surround· . day' d k d I "Red 0 k" h·· · · M usmess. ClUrc . B. S. Howell and F C Schwartz The church was handsomely dec(,r.was ramy .. !"r an. g oomy,. a was very s owy In mg villliges will be very busy on acr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey and fam. C" . M 'd . ted 'th I .d f h f makmg a very dlscouragmg forecast whIte paper roses on black card count of commencements There will ily entertained at Sunday dinner were In IncmnatJ on ay , a f th WI l't pa ms I e ront f or th e f 0Iowmg I' d ay. Th urs day b oar. d E ' ha cl ornamented be graduates in all the public • schools Mr. and Mt'B. Edward Hartsock and, b . an I erns, l h'dd . va D aVIs · M~. an~ ~~s. Rohert Cross were ~h e pU pi emg a mos I cn lby the sun rose cleat and bright, drying her physiological drawings, maps etc. and the boards of thedifferentsahoo~ ·little,gon Harold. Mrs. Charles- Rye, Clncmnatl VISitors last week. ;~. f II . off the roads and making it'an ideal with green and white. are giving the graduates the best of Messrs: Harvey and Clarence Rye. Cal McBryant. of, Dayton. spent d ~. 0 oWing program was .ren- day for the closing exercises. It was plain to see that "S. B." everything. Sunday with friends in Waynesville. ere. The rain of the previous day had formed from various woods stood OREGONIA Mrs. A. T. Wright and Mrs. Anna made .tbe ground too wet for the for Spring Branch, The excellent Th fi t h I h Mrs . .Georjle Hawke and..Mr . Ren. Quartet, Female Voices, Mesdamcsl . . f t k 1 h H R e ra sc 00 to a Ie th' elr exer- Thorpe entertained the members of a Id Hawke were Dayton VISitors last Rhoades, Wright, Crane, Bruner armers 0 wor , so t lat y. ten onor 0)) was good proof of the· '11 b 0 . h h fi the Card Club and their friends very Thursday. Scripture Reading .... .. ... Rev BaileY 'jO'CIOck the town was ~ell filled with popularity of the teacher John CISe8d Wltes e Thre&,oma, W? as ~e pleasantly last Thursday evening. .' h" l b ' . th ' d Sta gra ua. e program m part IS: , Elry Lewis, 01 Dayton. was in town Duet .....Mesdames Wright and Crane , ve I.C es rln~~g. e patrons an wn. . . . There were about thirty-five present Sunday. He caine down on h' . _ Prayer ......... Rev. J. F. Cadwallader pupils of the VICInity to see the ex- All thiS and much more was exhib- InvocatIOn ......... Rev. Jno. McKenZie and delicious refreshments were torcvcle. IS mo Solo :................. Mrs. L. S. Rhoades hibit and heap· the closing exercises. ited in ~he I. O. O. F. banquet room. Some Public Benefactors............ .. lIerved. Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. Clements and sQ'er:mon .............. . Rev. H. W. Bailey i aoDI ~ring ~h~~dPasb th~ear, SluI Pt . E. H. ,,:,hhich was crowded wi th admiring 0 ....S·:I.... ·t· ·C.. · .. ···I~a Lucile Norton 'l h k d . uartet .................. ... Female Voices vm a5SJS y IS exce ent corps slg tseers. ur I en ompamons.... ....... .... ... Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Burnett enterftiv ami .y spf'nt ' ..................... CongregatlOn . " 0'30 a1 J) t t e wee ·en With rei a- Amerlca 0f teac h' elS, had eenb prepanng ma- At 1. were1 called'lOto 1. O. .. ............. Carmen L'I UCI e Ed wardS taO ed t d' S d th f 11 esm .ayon. . Bened'" . If or thOIS ex h'b't Ictlon ........... Rev. Cadwallader t erla I I , Wh'IC h was so 0 . F . 10dge room to ).Isten tO ,t he pro· F amous Sch001s f'or G'IrIs............. . , .. In a mner .' M un dayM e J0 owU Mr. and Mrs.C. A. Bruner and Mr. varied that it is almost impossible to gram. The exerr.ises were begun .................. G1adys Pearl Spencer In&, guests. r: an rs.. AU. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoades were inLeb. Rev. ·Bailey preached a splendid mention all of them. It consisted in with an invocation by Dr. Bailpy, of Lines of Least Resistance.. ............ ~ey~, ~f Centervdle, Mr.. and :rs. an('n ,Saturday. . sermon, to. the class, in which he part, of collections of the various tie M . K church. The forenoon .. ............... ...... ... Lelia·May Elbon am Iltterworth, Mr. and n. Mr. anciMrs. Marion Hamilt' n, 'of showed the graduates their duty in kinds of wood growing i~ this section part of the program cons~ted of,a I Will .... .. ........ Ruth Marie Edwards Amos Cook, Mrs. Lou Burnett, Mrs. Lebanon, were guests of friends in t~e coming struggle, and his admoni- seeds, leaves, pre!!Bed flowers, 'map memorial service, in compliance with ~~nk fHartsock. and Mr. Warren town MondaYI tlons to them were to be courageous drawing, physiological drawings, the request of Hon. J. W. Zeller, WAYNESvILLE eys, 0 Centerville. Marcellu I Tback'a ra, of Springboro and mindful of their duty in ~an- product maps, animal maps, burnt State School Commissioner, that May Great preparations are being. inade was shaking hands with friends here hood and womanhood. both ~o tbim- wood, crocheting, rafia weaving. 13th .be observed as memorial day, ~o make the 37th ,commencement of A few of BesSie Burnett's schoollast Wedireadily; selves and to their God. The sermpn needlework, paper folding, co'r n test- or som" other day if more Clnven- the Waynesville Schools better than mates tendered her a pleasant 8Uf- . Chas. Smart, o.f the International was a strong one, ~d made a fltt~ng el'$, manuscript work, painting, t e n t . . . ever. There are ten graduates . . The prise ~turday afternoon. The cbil- . Harvester Co., SpeDt Sunday wil h start tor the exercises of th.e coming woodwork, crayon work, paper flow~ The mvocation was followed by a class will give a play this year "The dren spent the afternoon in playi~ hi. famfl here. week. ___ • era. essay work, booklets etc. short talk by Supt. Colvin in regard Sweet Girl Graduate." Th~se in games and delicious refreshment. y Dane Hanb~. of Dayton, spent sev M. p. BROTHERHOOD Although all the 8Cho~ls did not to r,nonuments, buildings etc., erect- the class are: Alma M. Waterhouse were servect by Mrs. Burnett. , days here last k ' . ~ have the same worK, yet It would be ad m memory of noted persons or Lucile Cornell Laurence W. Furnas Those'present were! Helen Marold" wee renew 109 The tegular monthly meeting of unj?st both to teachers and pupils to ~ve~~s. Th~ ~chools joined in sing- ODa Strawn, 'Miriam Ruth Miller: latt, Luella, Jeanette and. Frances IU Lo W'll -the M E Brotherho"'d et Th red praise the work of. anyone sl'hool lng Red. Whlte ,and Blue. Lyman M. Silver Pearl A. Colvin Janney, Helen and Antba Dinwiddie, . .with a oodv attend m u ay a 1one. M'ISS MCK'msey read a seIectlon . en- Eleanor Earnhart " SM'r. anVd 11AIrs. ••Uted IMemborg' of " evf!ning , John T. R Lemmon ue D'InWl'dd"Ie, Ell'10t t rW· i gh t '-_....a t!:gJro: ~'~81 r. and lr!rs. Arter the op~ning exfU':~::!' the T~e "Honor Ro.11s" of attendance ti.t1fld ':?ur flag-its meaning-i~s and Ethelyn Keys'Jo~es. . Ethan Crane. y s un ay. members repaired to the cJ ' were a very COnsPICUOUS part of each history. The. schools sang "Star --Mr. and Mrs. J~hn~. Baker, of where ice cream cak ro~m, school exl\ibit. Supt. Colvin had in- Spangled Banner!' Dr. Bailey &,ave . . LYTLE • One of the moat enjoyable eventa B4Umont, were Sunday guests of were served ' es an co ee augurated a scheme for securing the an earnest talk to the children in reo 0 Fr'd . L 1 h h of the Commencement seuon QCo Mr. and lin. :zetJ. f After die iuncheOn 1., ti-f best attendance. The. names of aU " :d to p.a triotism. Miss Pearl CoI- fo n r:w.ay event~g, yt e, ~ 0 as cured lut Thu.-aday evaniDa' when Mrs. Henry Satten.hwaite, of near 'ere taken u Th 1 e. qUe! ona the pupils of each 'scbool were en- vin closed the forenoon session with i ur ~ uates, .wlll hold their exer- ~e Juniors entertained'the Seniors Bellbrook, spent Saturday with Israel services for t:~8uni~e::~~~ v~~ grotlBed on card board and displayed an instrumental piece "Songs of the ~osear Inadthet!ytl~ There a~~ at School Auditorium. Ih the early r Satterthwaite and family. campus was dl'scussed de sc 00 in tbe school room. Perfect attend - Nation." . b !1 good ua aIn etpr?g;am Wl I part of the evening a deliciol1· two . . , an comf th ' Th' d . e·a gone. n par It IS as f 0 rrlo Mll r . and Mrs. Vern . Ho~gh, of mittees wer~ appointed to investi- a~lce or abmo~# ~~ reward-m by a. tehnoobn pet was sPlentfln eaodt- lows: ' course lunch wMaerved in tberecita'. a:1 t star, ut. I..,. taruy one or ~ore In~ e oun eous supp y 0 go . ' tion room, 'Whica ~ elaborately , Be mont, wel'@ the guests of Mrs. gate the lnatter. Euphemia Hough, Sunday. . The entertainment comm'tt times, a plam red atar was given. thmgs that the people had brought. Invocabon ........ Rev. S. W. Campbell decorated in the class colors. Mr. ~v. J. K. Howell, of Port Wil- pointed Fred Hartsock ~d e;r~~ The "R~ll" of Suga't' Grove, with All the available tables in the ban- "Our Wiza~d in Science" ........ ..... Hugh Ridge, as toast-muter, ft.rst )jam, has 'Geen thegueat of hi Colvin as captains lora-d b. t f MarguerIte Monfort as teacher, ~uet room were used, all the space .................... : ... Stanley B. Lamb called upon 1.1188 Eleanor Ea'mhart, e a e asor 8 how.ed th e bfS t a tt.end ance f or t he m t\..~ toWD s.lP h' roo.m was ~CCUPI, 'ed "The M'd . "The T~t --' • B. C. Howe\l, .for~veral days.8 _son, the next meeting. The subjeCt IW al 0f 0 r Ieans" ...... ......... ' w b0 I~ Will $ltd Tes~. ~iaHs D H k dH . signed wall' "Is a T f L' year. I and several ~verflow parbes were .............................. Blanche Dyke ment, bequeathed all property ana onna aw e an enrlet. rac Ion me formed in different places N t 'th D tha M O R e bl bel . f h' I th ' I ta McKinsey attended Teachel'lj' AJ!.. a Detriment to Our Village." Sugar Grove's exhibit was marked . . . .0. Wl - angers t enace ur pu iC. ongmgs 0 t ~lr c asa to e c ass At tbe limitation of tim 10 ' I k by "s. G." made .of. th~ different ~ndmg the crowded co~dltlon of ........................ Herman P. LewlS of 1911 and n.emma' Prof. Bruner exsociatioft in I:.eban · Sat d . T M . H rd°n f upr ay • the meeting adjourned e. p e oc kinds of wood found by the children ~l~sina~~t~gm~W~gerhJoYxht~be!"t- Progress of the Great West ....... ;. ecutor of the will. Misaee ~ma . • orris a y, 0 en leton " , I ,I eel I , W'll ' M D I, H k d J ti H-....·..:.Ak th ' Ind was th ' . ' t f J E dJ ' The guests for the evening were in t his section, fastened to card . renewin&, old acquaintances and ......... . ....... ...... I lam . u",e aw e an ,U8 na 1UWN\; en g and·family,S:tu..::. :nd Sll~d:nney M~rs. Hay Smith, D. L. Crane and board'. The various parts of their l forming new ones. ' . Class Address ............ Rev. Floyd Poe prophecied for. each m.m~r of the !If d' M '" M ': y. Jeff Marlatt. ' exhibit were nicel)' orQa~ented with AFTERNOON SESSION cl~ ten years m the future. '. &:ery ·s ..r.,an . rs. . E. Sherwood, of • .~ • dainty bows of red and white ribbon P' S 1 . . Fl , . CORWIN thme had been love17 up te thll tlIne e P:: or~ey, d'l{ere the SundliY W. F. M. S; chosen as schodl col!)rs. . ' ' R.!:ci~tj~n~"'·;Th~"·fl~g th~~ne~e~~ The Cowin schools;· with only one ~ut ho~ Mr. G.eorir Wa~~hoU88 did gu r 7 an Mrs. F. E. Sher. . The booth (If "Green Bl'Jar" could Made"- Frances ·Squires. Edna graduate, will have a rather exten- ro~~ t~em In a toast, Wh~t toe d ' " . T~e Women's Foreign Mi8Si~nary ~e located, by .the hame i~ black and Smith, Edna Cornell, Flore~ce sive program, and will hold th~ir ex- Juniors think of the Seniors." MiE •. an ,Mrs. W. B. SqUlreli and ~Iety of .the M. E. church w~ de- yellow letters on the wall. The nee. Hess. .. . ' . ' . ercises at the schoolhouSe Monday Alma Waterhouse read a poem son Wilford, pi MaQor, .pent ,Sun. lightfully elJtertained last WedneS- die work of the girls e,nd the bird IndIan Club SWlngJng ... NID~Slmkins evening May 28rd . '!Farewell to School days." ~ ~ithnis Mother M ' F ' to · d fte b M Saml M , 'Marie Shutts . , . The toaatmas~r t h en ' ea1-..1 . . . '. n. , en n a! a rn~n y n. . . e~- bouse built by George Warner at- Recitation ... :,.: ......., ... ... Ruth 'Cline . ' , " 1_ u~n Sq~1I'fl8. '. edIt., and daughter at their beautt- tracted \Iluch attention. Green Bri- Piano Duet. :............ Frances Wright Invo~tJOn ........... Rev. H. W. Bailey MJ8Il Brand and Prof. Rhoades, wbo Mrs. J. H. Coleman ~d Mrs. D. L. ful country home " . ar's collection of wood was the most . Grace Wright Amerum, Opportunity .. ,...... ........ in a few well chosen remarks re,.CI:ane spent W~esday in ~banon • After the .usual d~votion~1 exel- extensive, as they hail secured'seven- Song, "Merry Fa!""ers"-:-Gay!e Ev- ...............................Inis M. Davis sponded to th• . toasts "Rely. upon guesta Qf their lister• .Mrs~ . H. V.' ClSes and bUSiness an mterestmgpro. kinds: Rec·atant~' Ca~!ISqSulhx:es'IEDl1l1 ~,mlth. The Value of an Education, address yourself" and "Know thyself." Mrs. ( " .I ":'..1 \ f II I JOn, n c 00 ays ..... C R T'tl 0 SUB a er. . , ' . ' gram ~as,r~~ ... ercu as . 0 ows; Sg10, Mt. Holly's light 'pink .. :....................... Helen Harris ......... ....... . lOW, . • . runer responded for the "family" W It ,Mi811 ~tt:e~thwaite, of~ear by E161S~Smlth; Pe8'ding, Mrs. Fr~nk and light blue was very showy The Recita~?n ... :....... :.Ha~ld Ea~~~~t . with a re~ing "Spac.i.lly Jim!' ~llbrQOk, J8 .Spe,ndlhg 'a Jew days F~; dq~t by'Mrs. C. ~. Hawke and crayon wOI'k, booklets, paper flowers Song, Tw~ C.ruaty Llt~e 1:'.les ,CENTERVILLE ~turnmg to ~e f!1~h Sehoo,1 room wlth ber un~le, Israel Satterthwaite MI~ SY~i1 Hawke; .readmg by Mrs. etC. by the smaller pupils was well Rec·rt~el SI!'lkJns, Fr; Su kms' h ' lI Washington Township Schools at all ~ntered heartily Into a number of JUld family~ Chas: HoVi!Ii., , done. Africa's animal map was Recit!ti~~ ·. ::::::::::::.·~titi: V:~~h~n Centerville, will have a big time at games u,ntil10:46, when they,c,iepart- '. Ml'I!' Cynthia ~vans a~lltle(l'the , Mrs. Bi\ilf then p'v~ a talk on beul,ltiful. .' Du~t ... : .... Cynthia Burden. Edna Djll theinineteenth commencement, and ed trustmg ~hata?ch.eveninp.would blenOlal ~onventiol1 .of the Geperal ho~ th~ colored ~ple ~ised money H~nrietti McKinsey and pupils ~!tat!on .................. Reva.Sheehan ! Prof. D. A. Puderbaugh is makin&" of~n come ID their hves to bnghten FederationoIWomen'sClubsinCi,-- fortbelrchurchtntQeSouth. h dd ted th· h'b't' • k D~clltatll)n .. ................ ErnestShutts grellt preparations for tbis com- their pathway and that the custom • '. ,' . ' DUrin a the . I h d l' . a ecora elr ex I I ID pm la ogue-Eva Prater O,:>al Grav Id b 'ed t ' th f tu ctnnati last. w~k. . ,. • ' . , SOCla , our e ICIOUS alld green. "Lowell Hill ' School" Elizabeth Mull, Marie Surface: mencement. They will have a Bibli- wou e cam ou . III e u reo Mr. and¥n~ J. '~. White'feturned ~~~c~~~ ~~ , were served by formed fr<?m bottlesofseedsfasteJ'led ~itation . ............... :Adria ComeU cal play, "Q~een Esther," and it will Clau of 1!12. ~e.!o;;ce: ' Saturda,y f.-qm DaYton ., where they \'.' / . , , , ' . " to scarlet card board ' was much adThe pr,o graul was concluded by an be an exceptIOnally good cast. The CHRISTIAN CHURCH attended ' tlie.fune~rC)t Mr' 'White's >,. 'B'O ' u' ~O~T·· ~. .: . mi;ed Their leaf display was very idce!le~tr:tdr~ ~v .pty0e, Pres- principal addreM will be ma~e by . . · 'b ' Rred' Tal ' '. " ., , " ,NEW: AUTO . . " en 0 anon mversl . Prof W M Dawson of Antioch t. '. , , '. , i ~ ,.' . .,' • e!Xtensive. The prod~ct maps of the At the afternoon session the room Th·· . . ' . .I' Next Sunday i. Bible Scbool day nep ~w:. M~, ~. , A. .Funkey attended ' ·t he ,Chas. ':Cornell h~ a new E .. M. F. ·U. S. ~me in for a large share of was full to overflowing, many go,ing er.e are twelve graduatf.1I1 as rol- , throughout the land. The pastor ' Bienn;a) Convcpltion of 'the General auto ' bought 10£ 'Johl\ ~w & Son attention. Nina Simkins ~~ justly a,w~. fQr v.: ant of accommodation. lowli. Edna Leo~~ Kelsey, Mary JaJ!e will preach at 10:30 a. m. on "The FederatlQn " of . ,Wome'na C} Ibs .' . n d r _",:..1 .'..... 'h " F'd ' proud of her corn-tester in which' ThiS IS certamlyanot.her proof of the Sheehan, Ethel Ehzabeth Pope, Mil" Relation of the Bible School to tb ' · . '. . . .' ,u In 0 " ~,l~e,'cu!AI m~' nay. '. . " ' need of a commodIOUS room for lard Delroy Degler Archer Elwood . " . . . e " Ctn~mnati last: weeR.• ., . . ~ . Mr. Camel! $_ v~rY'proud' ot his ,new 148 grams out of 160 bad grown. Waynesville. K l'h ' w ' lell 'W'II l'd La Church. Every fnend olthe Bible : , MI'II. Dudley ' 'Keever '~d M' purchu,r Ilild is,learning to operate M,ar.~ Shutts, although not politi~alAfter the benediction, :niany re- L e .. ne~;:( P I ~ ~~ School is urged to be present. J"dia W":-h If, • 188 it nicely , . '. ." •. Iy 'inclhled exhibited a well executed turned to .take a farewell look at the ucyna a nope, argare Preaching at 7'80 p m Endeavor , ,",,,,.I \, Q~' ~ . t,; 0 : , Centerv~l1t, at· ·'GeO~.ien isal~ ~' ~; , . f 'congressio~al district ,map of Ohio. exhibit. To say that the P8?ple tella Miller, Alice Allen, R!-lph Clif- at 7 p. m. The Sunshi~e'~horua will . ten~ed ilal!te~~' , .¥~tlnr at · the . .\, ~ ~~r 0 . '. . , . d Id f 1 .w ere,pleased and agreeably surprIsed ford Sheehan, Allen Townaend Miller f ' · , White 'Bt.'ic~ 'f,Ieetinlt .HQUae SatUr- ~ neWI J3ul~k 'No, 10, a~t:I;1!, n,ow a~li!I ,,',College Htll, IS l),lu,e , an. g~ ,e t js expressing it mildly. The pa.r ents and Stanle CI 'g , .meet or practice Sa~rday ~t 2:10 dq~ .' . ;'? ,.,,', I; '. .~ : " '. , ' , . to ~x te,l4!phbn~ In \dOlJble 'q wck pen,nant w~ &'re~tly.adn:J,I~ed . . ~~,len Were ,g~ad to \tn0',V and see that their ". y ,eg .• , , , .at th~ churchl. Special mtlSlC both '. Mrs i~Cliarl~ · R).~ \. "h ' h 'ijee timei ' asit 'is'atnuch : 'be~ter "mui~ MeClureall~her8<lhool,th9ughsmall S!qildrenwere bemg' taught to ' use ' , . . mornJllgafidmght. 'i " •. ' : 'tIl ,1i :,. ",e"~ , o .. ,,,! n power',t ihan",the81d.av~ , \""'1 :,' 'i~ ri'tii:nbe~'hadpeenasbUSyasbees: tl\~ir. h,nds, ~ki1lfuJl~' asVlellas' being HARVEYSBURG ," , '.' L. O. Thomp80n, Piator~ .. 1>1 , Itylng WI . ,~r:'. ~~J': ~rs.," ~ C. , " , ' " .'! _ . , ~, .' , in accumulating some fine ,work.. ~ught the, .c()~tents ' ~~_.!>..J0oks. All , HarveYllbnrg has four graduateS , . • - • " ,1!~~~,'~i":~'I~lJ carey.. fot. _\feral ween retllnei!' , ', " ',' . . spoke as bemg well pleueu as to the th' " . d h' ,,~ " ., " to .bli ~o\aritl)' tiorii~ l1tb!' . \'~UN~ ,' M~N DR;AD, . ,)f~Y'l-quelJti~~ were. asked ,m regard m~ll~~t. of . t1ae.~.sCliools during. 18. yea~, .an . .as a I§VVU: .~~gram. , MA~NI~ .NOTICE " , . is cli · " '. id .', hi! 1 ,,' .' " ~- . . to their beautilul rehef mapa of 'N. the ~t yeall and looJdorwanJ to a Pr9f'"R,\; B. making prepar'. . . , , e . m~ lm~ro,y:~. ~n .. _til. " ~Taft:.80n o! i Mr. ·an<:l,;'MJ'$. 'A.,. S.I\.~d\ Aff1ca :" ': , coptinuan~e ~f.theeamethe. co~ing ations ~or a ~ , comm~nceme~t ,_ .Regu~ar~otn~u~lcationo~WQn.," Messra. Dr.", ehas Cor- Frank Taft, cJled -at ltis home lAst ' The exhibit of Ha.rmony Grove was ~ear. . . .. '. and fr?m the motto of' tbe clasa.· ville .~ge 163 F~ &: A. M. ~~ . ,,,nell, ~'y. ~~.YI.. ' B8iJ~ ~d F. It~. Tbu~&1.. ,;FUn~rat " aerv.i~'. wete V81,'Y iioii~eable' On ·. accou~t.,'of' tli.,e , ho~!~:etlfe~ere11 ,=~ .J::~~ "Qfif,'.'.i~· looks like it will .,. a good ev~m~.'MIIY~' l~~O,.teipto·c1oc:k Fan were In Le~n ,Iut Tbu~ held 1!1, D~ton, Fri~ evenl~. and ist~-elgllt ktndi of wqod ~tefUI~'~Wen well ~nt ' li1l~1tini' after the ,one.• TU~ay, May 24th, at Work .1n M., M.~. " '" , evenina , '~JnJf , the . ~f!D :th~> ~, were taken, to. South irraIiged I bt ~ teacher, l4j~e we~~e of their ,chi1~ al80 in be- ban. ~,the 4~te., Th~ program 'in Sojourniq bretm:. hlVi~ . 1f.-.OIW'1~uet. 'Pbey. ~pon , ~eston, for intel!m,nt. ~fd91J11!P" .Bows of r.,d, white (lnd ' c(»ni~' J>etter ~~tJ~ted-· with the. ~IS: ",-'" , . , " _ J; O. 9uttfJiaht~ W. II. ~, ~' :~~) IOtit~.tlnllJ.~:.~. I , :' \ ~b..iewere dbtteid .bel8Ud theteon malll.em.tof.,.thepll~Uc~ooJjf" , " (Co~tinued' on ~8) 'E. V. ~.Sec·1. .. . '














I ,







ed. And lIrlsl Carew openM th

door I

anc1 st pned quickly and s ilently In. At flr t sh thou ht sbe had mls· till e ll the roolll among t.he Ulany win. dow ns ab look II hurri edly around . for til hright, I1Ii ~z llng 'i/o' -I 0010 of I~ _ yellow olor. Rh£' 5(' llIed to bn,\' . heen t nil III p,>rt d 11a ' k to a period r\."'Y'''''''''''''Yr.~''''Yrl'a'''''''~ \\'h"'~\, lI11hml/:h. fo r IlI'lIrror he l' ow n Lillll'. i n I'l'ullty had '1Il ni!' morcl nn~ "i nt th a n UI P Clul'L c1uy S or FI'a II (' e. ~ ' 1J waR IitRlHlin~ ill tltl" ('cut r or an -: !'Iii OCUIgOll, old . rnd II 1'0(110, Its walla


. t e s Th M er!'li =-

"J Rm ' a WTCQk_



"Hush~ " sh plenned . "J only want to b SlIrl? or ou thing. D~ lOUlove m 't' T mpes t kl s ad bor, "I don 't tblnk t bat's tllC word! ,. "Ah!" flh I:lald, so!lly, "It's goo<l llll P.. nnd enough t Ie IW mo , Ith!" She lir w the bunll 8ho h'ld 11,'1' hNl,·t. " \'011 don't r allw, my dlll'!lng," be sa id, ,." ut I am going bUnd. I shall



Ahernoon Dresses

Good Idoll of Manne~ by Which Many ' Parents Set Out to Correct Offspring.

~ Of Craven


.. .. .... I




'ulor of till' lmc;kgrollnd sorten.Ing th l' !o:'ay blue of th flow rs and thl' plulI\uj; of the 1I111'11CllloU9 hlrds. Ou 1\ muhugany tahl Willi a brass .lulU\) und ' r a s hude 1\'ith I:lllk n frin ge, a \\'ork· tn!)l~ - open - held wools and tnll strl A; the re was a tlwestry frame by its s ldn nud a low· scat d ' hlppendal c (·hull'. l.uCY caught her brenth, nnd almost held it I 'st sho breath against n 8pcllIIgalnst an imuge on a glass. Acrolls the brass tire-dog lay the red embers of a haH,burned·out fir e. Th e room was fragrant with the scent o( old· time things- of n llast to whlcb the widl'·open flow ers of the roses in the bowl by the lamp le nt th olr fresh odor of a day. l"othlllg In lhe world oulll hnv spoken I:lO tenderly to the aching beart of LuC'}" ar w as thlEl changed rooltl, altered In hel' ah!;l'nCl' by th lone ly mau who had tl'led to win buck to him his paR t, and to clrllce from botween hlmse lt and tbe woman I!e loved mcmorles that might do bel' wrong. Tit onn ts w re in ber band . Could sll leRY tbem herp and go? Could sbe leRv ,him a prey to a ' future sh did not dare to plcturo for tiny lIUlltall cr atur -stilI les8 for Tempest whom she lo\-ed? With the tlansformntioll around her, the lufl.uence of the old·faashloned room, Lady Ormond's Jmpresslon cellS d to dorulnut . Wh n In anotber minute she hoard Te mp st's step 111 the. blLll and hi s voice " h . waited tor him broathless, with a .. bentlllg benrt III wbleh there was but one teellng. He opened tho door and slowly CRme tho hous bore tbl tl woman's stamp. ill. As he djd not speak nnd his eyes wer on her, she spoke quickly: "Mr, Temllst." He gave a ry and starWd forwa rd, " Staud still," be said, eag rly. "Don't mov, I hear you-let me feel my way to you." Her heart seemed to stop beating. "Speak agaul .. . . "Mr. Tempest." As bb tOl.lcb~d be r hand, t!16n her arm', l11.s grasp folded ou It, and be )lal





1a rig 16 ta,booed in the nom of. WOllt Phliud Iphla family. prlnolpaU, b ~U\1S th ra Is n br.lght little gIrl who dIsplays a p rs1t!t nt aptltudo In retai ning (x pl'el:lslvc but unooltur,ed phrases. Th olhe r ove uing at dinner tbe 1II0th I' fl\tber ' a nd daugbter dl'Jfted Into tb' verllac'ular aud a (reall slart wa nl'l'easal·Y. ThE' little girl stlJrt· E'd It . " ('10 not s tuck ou· tnls bread," s ht:' I'Nuarlwd. " M uggle." tin Id hrr molber, "you wan t to Cllt that siang out." "Thnt.'R a pench I)f II. wuy of cor· reclluK tho C'l111d ," commellttld the tao th 1'. " I know,'· I' plied the muther, "but I jUHI wunled to put hoI' wkle,"-Ptyl· ndelphln Tell'gruplJ.

:~- ~~:.~~h~i~1 ,~\tt\l:fr~~l' '!I~::~Z. ~~~te(~:~,lt~~e h\~~~t~\I;f;I)!~ s~~::'~ll

51! sbo asked: "Woliid you th1nl< It a lov Iy dream ~ lo lind Illp always ill tbat sleep?" "IIi I I ' ul\s wered hpr Itllout words~ touched by tbe dl·I!CU y . of her ~ thuught. • ;C Agaln : t til urm she h:laned ware .. tl1I:l mark;; or th l' t e mptation to wblcb ;: By Marie Van Vorst ~ he had ylrlded In moments of supremo "'iiI !; uff ring. Should be tell lIer? The ~~ Auf/,or o f habit, begun befur .. sh came to him, "Amanda of the Milt. " • hnd beeu ('vel' slll('e her advent e n. "Muletc., D(,lmOlld.·· ~ DU. tire ly und!.! r cout rol. It could never • te mpt him now aHuln . \Vhy 8houlll bo tell IlI'r, and '1Il1BC her added •• •• •• •• gri r, lIlnc hI' ('ould lIot- would notlet hoI' go'! Sill! must tlhnt'e his lot, Oopyriabt JtIt», by J.1I. LII}"IOc:..ft:::.~~ It wnll her fatl'. Rut ho Hurd : n SYNOPSIS, "You will savl' me, Lucy?" "I will lov e you. Uasll:' EBMII l'ernllc.t, wortll'" !:r ,,1"81 p pt "You will save me 80." for Ht II \'elll.ll, ret1l8tng fllrl.h l' to h I.' 11 ,'11· hind. pbutJl himllt'lf Ull III rIlV(lIi. IIII! As he held h er, so tenacious Is tbe -<"olI .. I~~· hom HIli gl omy "' dllRlIl'"M \. 'man of her point's that, as Lady .6~ brolc II by tit Illlmisalllil or un J\ fII01· · Ormuud's brilliant IIgure flasbed k no {,uev Cilrew, whO hal omo I" I!:n/:'l ll.nd to ' ~t a .tudy or the aulhor, uut across 141 .y arew's mind ,be wbls' <mora ~~Qln lly a lIynopllls of hll< II l' W per d her name . •imlto of poem.. T ompN.1.. lIlIg.·y I1t b.'tnl; dlaturbed. deolares h o will wrllo no mom "And I sball fear every .... oman Il'U\d rudoly atoka her to go. Ropcl1l1ng of now·! " :tIls rudeness he Ill'ologlzes nnd orre r .. to 041 tato to Lu y, who stu! 8(> Itbou nll lUI Tempest laugbed . .111' '''rltus. Tempesl tndll I ,ue)' to 1'I.l"You needu't; 1 think I bave loyed m llln and rcad her manu,crlpt to him. Tb!lir Interellt In ono another grow~ , Temyou all my IIfo--you tn other worn n- ~ HE costum~ showo on the dozen yards' braid, :ll-~ yards In serl l burn8 the llhotor;raphs (md I ltol'ft or left fa a pretty dress of tlon. :-ady Ormond. with whom his nnme hilt! and now all women In you." T h II Mn asaoclatocl. Ho t~OJ! CT' t pleasure "This sweet, dear ['oom, Dasll! rose eoUenne; tbe skIrt he ot r desIgn shows an equa 1 ·tn Lucy'. presenc, U8 th Ir work prohas a platn front, also pretty style carried Ollt In 10beUa ,CI'I'IIfles. Tempest· tolls hili houecko per "Ah, you like It? I couldn't tbt'ak s ides and back to ju t blu!! saUn cashmere; U10 ski rt hlt & a ·tl'lat he III f!'olng ' blln.d and thut tli ,' OSHO· of anything else to do In those bor· past the blps; the lower plaIn uppe r purt cut In n point at the Illllon with Luoy mUHt cens , th a t IIho 'ftlUllt tell hot' to go tor hor own goorl. rible days when you kept me watt. ~he housekeeper tell a r , lI C) ' n nil 1'1:'lldll, part 18 then flnely tucked and joined bacIe, and p.!l~e d )Ylth a strap of. the lng, so I transformed it. [ h~• e Olat rial ; ~; :' '' UI)9 of buttons and loops with her lIot to leavo him I\lon . lemdl'ilamell of seeln" you bere-my love on IInder a wl'apped seam. , lIut sendll LucY' the Bulle o.C l)Ocmll. D • - m" wife-I n 1\ dozen dll'terent pic· Piece lace forms tbe yoke aud un· nrc :. 1,," ~(: \"u In front·, the lower lJart ~ but n ev r of nndlug you llke der-sleeves, tbe 'former . CHAPTER VII-Continued . tures, Is edged with 1M t eked wbere It joins tbe upper. .JJet ornaments trim the bodlco below this:· three rows ot narrow braid, and a yoke, which is of flnely tucked ninon, Miss ,Carew wore now chceK$ that She told blnt how sbe had come plaiting of material or silk: ,be)ow The uPPEtr part bf sleeye Is tucked: rh'l\~d any red In hor wardrobe. and ot her meetlng wlt.b LadY Or· tbls tbe material Is I1nely ' tucked a\1 below this are two puffs fll\id d by ",Ab, yes," nodded her ladyship with mond. "I wns jealous of ber--even over, except wbere a strip ot jnser~lon "jetted band; the drop curt Is ot . " IIOrt of satisfaction tbat hnd no ring that night here." Is lalten over the shoulder; tbls also tuoked ninon. .,t pleasure In It. They stood looking "I knew It," he laugbed. edges the over-sleeves. . Materials regulr 11: *'t eacb other through tbe wist tlmt "Oh," sbe lCclalmed, cbagrlned, Materials r qulred: Seven ' aM a ~atll\ '42 Inclles wld ·. 1 .1ft w about thelt' obal'JIllnj; torms I.n "bow did you 1" balf yards eolleun\! 42 Inches wide, % ninon. tlttl ~sta of broken clouds, tbe "I boped It, at all events, and tbat's . dtlmpo~a sortenlng their tint nnd why I burned. b I' picture before you .......".... _...._-_....."......- ....",-"..... _.....-"'...... - - ---- - -- - - - • - '"'"'"' .......... ~....-...-"'-.... -""....:....- ....--....*,.....- .... -""~.....~ ' Ct"lspln. the enda ot Lucy's hair. -so tbat sb : at least, abouldn·t be FOR THE SUMMER CURTAIN IIm~' O~{il;' ' ~You -11.1' tlnd ' the ""sUe, OpeD, t b t ., ..... gave a cool e"You--eared-tben-for ween us. dareea,."" Lad,. Ormond me!" D I .t ~ ~ [ Window Draperies May ae any, ' . ~ C¥Ym~ lau&h . ., dlcJ not! and "~ am .,M "Then? I cared the nlgbt you came Though of the 8lmple.t Styles ~\YI.HN • . llabftueel" . In your little, wet shoos. I could and Material.. "A.~ Mr. "~mpelt -to. ahow )'OU the held her with a grip or Iron snd have kept you then, with no further . Bordered materlalll moke 'mAnY sum· -em pire "!'flom-it's a \' bijon," she . said, looked down Into her face: worde, no P81'Ung, aOO never let' YGU Dnlnty curtains for ' a edroom tn mer gowns. rnallclouab·. ' . "Is the rooDlllltch da'r k?" go. llove like tbat/' be said. . tbe summer bome may be made (rom Plumes to match tbo gown are used All tb~ :AJlIet'lca~'8 digaity "No," s be r plied, tlteadylng ber She drew a little from blm. :'.\10" d~tted swl~s ·In colo sIze, Widely scat- on black ~alll. Itself upon tbe :EdgliabwOUlan by her volIce, ''lt 1s a ,Iooury day, but not well you kuow bow yo~ love, 'null!" . ered. In Paris, short.skfrted k ... Ue~ce. ' ber matdenlin SS, b)' her QU te dar ." He beld her by ,force, drawing her Make tbe curtalna to tbe sasb witb gowns are fasblonable. mOllDtlng color. ~nd 'ber ang~ yet 1lD· "Not quite dark," he repeated. "No, untU ber lips were on hI.. ' . Ove-Inch hem down tbe fronts and New , comblng jackets are . asbamed eyes, wltJl a -keen penetra· for J can see you still! come to the "Yell," be murm1,lred, '~'bow ~'elt I acros8 bottom; or the hem should . be flowered cre.toDD " t"Oll fttU:;'g Tempe8t'a enlgmntlca\ re- wIndow, please," He drew her tbere '-ow." Id b f th ltD Ii ot dots l! U -au W e enoug or ree e . • Some of the cotton fou ls I'ds arc al mark to. the ,lad,: , and turn!ld her face wltb both bands It was past tbe, luncheon bour wilen Ualng eacb dot tor a basis, work In beautiful as the silks. " '1'~1l m&-your Da~e III Lucy?" Mrs, Henly, wh'o had wandered tbe It n daisy desIgn in colored mercer.. ~ do ro~ as"''' , house over for ber master, gelltly Ized cotton. Make the- petala wltb Hats ot black , slraw are LAdy O!,mon4 , sbrugged. "T am opened tbe mornlng·room door, At loopa 'ot the tbreads as 10 lazy dais), trimmed with sliver braId. ' '.ady Ormond." abe Billa 8S If to com· first she distinguished nothIng In the stltcb, bringIng tbe all .to. CCllter of ·Crochet. lace Is smart on gQwn8, -Jllete the' Introciuction. "a vel'Y. old somber room wbere (Lcross tb win· dot and spreading on clrilumterence jabots, blouses and even on hats. friend bf Mr, Tempest's, and he hall dow the mists blew a gray curtain. \ I where they are caught with a tiny "p~rnnower · y.eUow 18 'ono ot tbe new. 8poken to me of you." Then, sbe saw Tempest slandin. sUtcb. est. sl:iades for evening gowns. 'l'be words did their work. L."\dy wltb a slender, dark lady by bla side. Tbese daisIes may be all til uno There Is Il craze {Ol· brown and 'Ormond Jaw. tha~ tb~ blow s he den1t. They wer!! talking earnestly and did color; In two tones ot a given shude.. many new s hades ha\'e been sbown . (old. not hear he r come In. Sbe waltI'd a or even two contrliatiog sbades., The Many of the nell' lurbnns are "Good·by," she nodded, maliciously, mInute In tbe sbadow, her lovIng ·e,.el coloring sbould be alternated, For trimmed with huS-e hOW8 of change"'tJiere's the horo," and so It was, fa int on his transflgured faoe. The dl'ar Instance, where there are three rows able libbon at the bnck . old room had taken its 'aforetlme form of dots In 'the bem tbo two outer ones Parasols al'a lIoeu. WiUl long, (nntus. • ud, far aW~f: Sbe touch()d 1I r hoI'S!:! QlId rOde Into tbe mist. leaving Lucy once more. can be worked In 11 pale yellOW, and till' bandIes or can-ed wood. such RI. Gare", trembling like a leaf, for the "G ive me back my blue cblntz wall.. the- center In orange; or every other elepbant and bulldog beads, fll'llt time In ber relations with 'l'emp· and my old.fl/,Bhloned furniture," she> dot sbould be IIgb t and the following cst and ' CmVElD humilIated nnd had said to MJsa Carew, and bacll. dark. . , " ashamed. again tlley were, as thougb tbe fnlry Wllere more color is wanted tbe HOME·DRESS. Sbe went on, mecbanlenl1 Ycdus 'Ious wand tbe girl hnd brought hnd re hems can be ·turned up on tight side, of • have ng beeo dealt a sulterlng callet: them. Tempest. thus surr~und mitered at cornel' and tbe hemmlng ",ounll. ed, seemed to have rou .. d his youtll covered with a line or brlarsUtchlng, He liad 'spoken to till!! '1 \' man or again. JUs face, as sbe could see it or in two rows · of half·lnch . <:haln he'r -caillng ' bel· nam to 'he!' ! Oil, bending lo the woman's hefore hIm. tltcb to correspond In color with the what bad sh\! been doing! 1I0w mild was radiant. He was smiling, and lu riots. a nd fatuous aud fool.18h s be bud be n ! the picture he made to 'tile eyes of Rile would have turned then and ne(J., Held Her by Foroe, Drawing Her Lips the old creature who bad mothered II the fog bad not lifted" De It dOllS to His. Itlm. she fo rgot the blight, nnd mal· ro PROCURE BORDURE EFFECT ahsolutely for a second, and Ur e great ad)", and only saw tbe wonder of tbe tnRS8 of Craven risen befor@ her. She up to what light there was. His lose love that s hould be eyes nnd light' for Many Ways by Which Style, Just Now So Popular, May Be l,buddcred . at It; for 'the first It mn- b ' JldJllg to hcr, UIO iLlte nsity of his llnsll Tempcat:~ und balding him dl. Achieved. tnentary dlstallte, a slck t'n lng jea lou ~y . face, Its llasl:lion and sufferIng, over vlnely br th e lland should lead him "i"p' Ince'1 nIl thefeellugs of t.he 1.) Ust which lov rode liko u 1,lng, trans· 80fU" sl1 his days. , . u " ,The nrln~s of Lndy Ormond's Iixed the g irl , who \1ft d her own ~ HOI'dared materials, whlrh arc tbe bOllra. THE END. .' · "borders" of tb e FrenCh, IIrc bavlng horse's fellt weFe 011 llle damp enrth s w I1111 u Ill!; yes nne'1 t'I' II Ibll ng II ps In lool{lnp' at 1IIIn In turn · "~ newed succe R.., owIng to the tunic u. '" uri to t ho very terraco steI) " a~ .for COrnllIlS"I'OII Navel 350otYears Ago. OJ line and tbe ' plaited sbort Ilcrsolf, sbo was a pls·aller- a second aa Ie s h e wou 1·,u n11) e 1 Il:l S Ig IIt , 0 f Iler The OrstOrange. we !mOl'/{ the navel i'o skirt. Pattem dfe's ses. nil sll w a certain ~sl. No, she could not bear It-It OWII rree w il I s tUlUp her (!:!atures on I bl I ,,~ . snge, which Is very va ua. e Inot OD y decorated portion ready. for use as '"'''II too humlllatlngi Even hart ot hi S r11 III Dg \' IStou. ,,<, ,. "TI at I I I . '" I t h d Pt on nccount or Its tine quahty and a tunIc, 01' else a sufficient le ngth of l ' mpest had dlsplacod t Ii tODtl e~ l ove Y HlIr. I ouc e . taste, but also because of Its being hr III'S "o'ltll to 11111001' the "It has light all along It like l;nu in prtilt or embroidery 'tn depth suited lll ~nlorl'c" ,~ ~ • J , seedless, Is of 11 s ingle tree tbat was ki t nprlcc of this womaD .• VlrlJat part tho reeds--on the ItJu \'os; It cull hold found growing Qn the northern ' sbore to a s r . did LadY Ormoud now play In bls the light 8C[, doa res t. Why 'an't my . Painting wltb stencil board and dyes H£ ? eyes ? Tbos ' lovely eyes! SOlUothnes of the Medlterraqean s~n. Tbls was bas been resorted to on sheer voiles n.'1 tbo about the year 1565, or nearly 350 to bring about the bordure . elrect, '1'he castle was sHeut. Before her 1• t lJ I nk tlI ey al' - woII s wh ere ...... OlelllDetl the large door, ItI! hlgb!)" lf5'i..,.ls hilld In inexhulIstible deptbs. yeAarSmOoguok' In a monaste ry In t.hat ta- whllll 'tpe t1Ppilquo cut from cretonnbee '" , . or chintz Is frequently appu ..'I a to t {lolillhed .Durfaco b\urrcd here lind I W 0 II III d rn In ttle m d I'Y. Th Olle Iove Iy away country painted a picture of the here by tho mist that lay tn 1iltl e, lips! I have 110 llkl.'ll ss [01' tbem. I fruit Drld wTote a descr1ptlon of It, ~arment proper and draped with cblf· I lJoth of wblch may be seen In tbe II. fon to soften the p08s11>Io. crudenesa ,J(:arly lines along the curvl n~. Lady only know mine I0 ng f 01• them . Ormond's hand bad Ol·st louded tbe have looked at you orton e noll gh, God brary ot tht! Roman Catholic unlver. or the ~asty' worJ<. • . .. to • dfl,v I f~~1 I h a ve sity at - \Vasblngtou·. Grafts < of tbta The bordure. Is to kllocke r, ,o r else the srent door bad'l' no""v8 nnd "et J "'" , be got by various never seen you bofore Becnllse I methods: One device Is tbe appllC\ue. ~;~h~l)ened to let bel' go Victoriously ani lOSing you, J shull s~on have 'only U·ee were talwn to SpaIn, and from Ing 'o( moUfs of cluny' upon handker· I. t f d " Spain the trees we re cavrled to soutt> II.n on and tbe enbanclng of tbls To Lucy Carew her own behavior rem mu ce. 0 Obuc IIpon. rlca by ' the Spanlards.-St. NlclJ kne-oru ,"" by powder.e d patterns "Lose me? '\'IIY?" "'eep work AlIt/eared now In all it!:! .ras h uncon· , nn , . slle whls • Anle' 0105. l'Ptionality. Sbe saw tlw situation pered, and Unuble to control her emo· of hand embroidery tn.coarse Japane3e s it. silould have declared Itself be· tlon bid her face on his b\'cast. An Ink Point. w.ork. " "D0 n·t cry s 0, don' t ,ICY· 'Ll " After ""'18 form 'of flat embroidery, too, l or nnd sbe despised be rsE'H, What A girl bookkeeper displayed finKOr. ..'t was she dOing he re? 'fhe thougbt or a fflW minutes, In which he soothed black aud unl!.1ghtly With Ink stainH. has \. be~n employed a1~ne to g)vo ,a I 'j'(!mpest enOla to her wUtt so much her, abe mastered herself . "Now look," sbe s'a U. bordure · e1feot "to the .tunic and tbe Thts Is an elegant' atyle, and' woulcJ and wltlldrawlng 'a. little . lal"U ller oft. en m.atcb. . ' perf eQwon U t\Ug'lIllih, so plerolog wall , UQr kno~' I·' And. dlpplng her tI?sers In water, flc' bu, wblch " t ma,k e up to . In .an,leth)'l!t edge o[ bow much 'slie, loved ' \lIm, t1ult cool pa\.nls against lIls eyelids: 'sha rubb!'ld the head ~r 11 matcl! over fine face cloth. l'he ,skirt Is very. tlbC' blt "ber U!,lB, ' telt bel' cb oks bum "Yoll n eed~ never lose IDQ' unless '.dem. Tbe result waD magical. Tbe '. ·TOck. to Curve Sleeve. pretty: It has Il tuple or over.sklrt , ' WlsiI ." .. . " with ' a point , ~"itb (;llllm~, 'and s harply s he turned to you sulpbW' I'emoved U;le , stains as easU; Mlide on rattier straight lines: t b e cut at tbe .,bllok, and. ,the.. , I G.·ltV I;l forever. ,"MY ' God!'" he ,said,' Illlssionately. as n dust cloth rembvea ~ust. but 6100al> slee'ves of ·sbeer. lIoen l'lghto sidE!. of frol'lt crossed over'.to tbe Her · the rustle of ,len\"c&ln ter· "wby !h~ye 1 been leD1.Pte~ like th.1S? . "If'n't thnt. a good ,Idea?" she SOld, show from nve ·to neVen. tillY tucks left; , tbe' undersklrt ' fa the'ti CUt"tp" 1I r.:tc 'lose nt tiand mado ' her, coil·' Why, i~~ a crime to take )tou, Lucy, . ...,A cheml&t taugbt It me. T.hanks to cro~mg. the ,front sellm . of tbe shJeve train, and edgCtl at. -tbe foot by allk . ,. "I gn Ity o l' ·a 61 g h t t n darltn'" . .wlth' IDIl" 'just :VI h ' thoe" 1eeve natraIl" 10 Insertion, ' whIch alii'0 '0,• th e t nu '" ' . It , I never bave to...go home u , -wr· I~ '4 ., ...c CIOU8 the sight posslbl of 80m aer¥lInt to "YQ\I don't love DIe, " h~ said, slm·· rs" . . kies 'Wlth the turn ·or .tbe ann: edgea 'the , ov'el'llklrt, 'ond ' ~I'tms . the IWb III ",be wa alrClady too iumllia" ply. "or you <would not tJht~tk It; you nge . You 'see-,:theae- wlI) gtve the desired wtlliltband, that gives < 8 sUghtly . blgh, ' nd l\3 fib ' l!Jokod · for_ nllolher l 'arllt:; dQlI't, ' 'i\"fI~ t_ me, . _or "yo II ~ouldn·t Clever. -the .dece••ar)'~e. and YGU may waisted' effect 1n {rqn Rucked chlftbe tong window of tbo embire room f el II::' ;" "Sho Inslato that- her paternAl al1i IQledt ~e exact polltion or your OWD f<,n 1s used ,for . tbe un4er.•.!eev!!. and aught. her 'attention. 1\ t sight 01 Iho :'Wnnt you t" He laughed. ·'I;ls'Ven·t ClfIstor 'came over '00 tbe Ma)1lower." , exclultYe hlal~" by tl'7lD' 'on ' the yoke, the materIal Is Nt plainly to , ioom ttl, htst. words or Lady OrlUon4 I prov d It"! Muat I kll!s you again "But 1 thougHt they proved ,to Iter ,,10uae ",ltll the sleeve.ill place and s. yoke, and bretelJ_ are laken' ~er Ule _ to btlr eal'll. She would go In If .Itod crusb you as I could t9 J,>rove how that tbere waa no aucb name on til'. at~d at tb~ aJIIIlbole, 1UI!1 b1 Db.."· abqUld~. IiDIi trtm...ed with , ....rUOD. It' were open. leii."o· tbe BonnetS there one YQu are'· w1th meT '!Jull't 101; I4ll7ftower TeII_tat'l" , Iq.tlae~~ at til. tum ill til. . O'feNleevee. ~ra ' t,sm~ .. tb, table, and then 8Up' "wa;y, A knowl" , "TIle,. AD4 lIP III v& , . ,',...,. 1._,__.. tuna to bob aDd It )'ie1cl, She blwsbcd crtmaoa, . . . tt.owawVo. :::



laO. _


A gi rl lllllshJ"s t lt f first lInl e a ),olln, milD ki s s her hl'eause I t embar· raBBeR hoI' to think lllut he mlgbt not buvo done It.




Cu"edbyLvdlaE.Pinkham'. .' f1 Vegetable Compound '

Galena, Kans..-·'A year ago tan " h I f l' d .. 3t._arc . .. an & .ew w.18 a .....r there was soreness fa my riglrt lIide. I n a 8h 0 rt ti me a b uno b came and i".. A bO·" ............. me 80 much o.tnight I could . not Bteep. It kept growing lM-ger and bY' faU it was as ' large &s·a lIen'lI egg. I Cl0nld not go , t() bed 'Y;lthont a hot d



one of the bE>st doc-

tors In KansaS and

'I I

he told my husband

that! woulrf han to

~eaospemaom . ~tdhiol. 1ng~~' ..! " " u.",


ruptnl'e. I wrote


to 10U and you told me not to get diecourag~d but totak L1d1~ E: Pinkham's yegetabJo ()ompound. I did take It and 800p ~.he lump tn' m, side broke and passed .'Yay." - Mrs. R:R.Hun,713:MlriemlAvc.,Galena.,

~Yd1a E,

Vegt'ltabl ComrootS and herbs, moat successful

pound, has

tho worst fonns of displacements, tumon, lnegn. _Ins,' backocbe. bear• . feeUng:-'ftatulency, iodigesand' nervous prostratton. ltCOlta a trifle to try it, aDd ibe result been worth m1lllona to man, "dering women. UyoU'W8fttIPeafaJ~cewr1te '

fo,ittoMn.Pinkham,Ly.nn,ltlass. (tla tree and always' helpfUl.

TheAimyof Constipation Ie Crcnriq




evo Cellae til..,

ti... lioOl tpe ,tbem'lot 8i1i_


..... 1Micntite. SIck R......, SaIOtr Stia. j SMALL PILL SMALL DOS.£. SIIAU PlICa CENUINE mUlt bear siBnature:


~~~~ - ----.





$5, $4, $3~50, $3.6 $ DV!lJ ' S.hOD~


S HOES n~4"OO &/111' 8ha.,

W, L, OOt,glns sho '51 nrc WOrn by more mcn tbllll

nu y oth 01', Ill"kc. ""'F'~'''','

BEOAUSE, ,V. I .. T)otl"lu,,~.OO

""d 8j·.OO lihueeoqnRI, In .. t,lc, 1tt"llncl \yellr.

of h ......."k"A flu,Un&, . \V.LUnuj;l.. elI.IIO,

.a,(10 t .. '18,00.


. S3.()t) 11 ... 1 .~.Il(' Rre tI, .. low~i. prleo, q""lIly onllii.n"ed,11a the worhl.


t Color

C.t.:IP'."Ii-;--7"" .n ,.

I~ . .S.


I' '.



"For oyer·lline yQra J IIUlI'eml c:lirOnlc: consllpatll'uaoddtirinlrthla time'with hndlo . an In~Joi1of_~' water on<:e"~ 24 hourI ~(on! I c:oul(l haft .n adlOll 011 my bofl'tls. Hl\ppll,..Itded~r:et8,.ndt04&, · "ell mao. :Durinlr . tbe' ,s/Ioe ';~ra ,btlon: I uBed C~t.I I .uJf~ed upto1Af milJery with fntemlll PIles. 'l'Iiankltp),O'jI, I am free ' from an ·UI.t, thill., mornln". YOtI call •• th'· .- i.-half -' . l\Uferi~Cb..:s.u1t1. B. i~~Okt, . . ol,;. . "


n'L '


'· r1g="~~bJTck~,~~~:gi.~: lOC!,2Sc' SOc.-. ~eftr .old 10 b~k, '!'he irea .

... alne ablot Itamped ClIlnI t'Or De aoe;· ".A" G'UralitHd to , ~ ~~DfIDO F......-;- '·, '~

ViOU 0'11'W Q II

,Y ourHu."....d ·W n or ',Iend hfn






An Enterprising Age. "What Ill' YOlll1 IHxJIlg to tbes pal'k I'en h ~s1" "We hn.... p. the OlJerll glass privilege. Drop in u nickel nn.d see tbe comet."J{SrJ SM Uy JOIIl'nol. At or About This Time. "Why do they call tbem ocean lin I'S?" she asked. "Tbey're getting new terms ev ry clay." he eald, without looking up from tbe sporting page., " I never b~ard It before. but a. ocean llner ls probably a hot rulC:l tbat Isn't Infle lded well Imd rolls Into a puddle or something.... 'She madE: tHl answer. but .when he bad gone to 'business lThe pboned tbe <1ootor about him.

Deafness Cannot Be Cured ~ACb th'l d. ''.Ued po,tkll) 1>1 t.IMl et.r. ·Ib. . . . . only ont! .way Ie by local ,.ppUi:a\loD& ... thoy cannot




ShQt-weU, one ot the rrua test m,arket fflportel'8 In Amerrca, writes from New Yorll. unc\er "ate ot MarCil 20UJ, nnd says: "The '.fnrltr tingle with ,C anada .... hlcli President Taft hIlS taken in hn nd .l.!! of ImpOl1'ance chiefly . becaua.e of the mUltitude of American farmer. tbat are crossing tnto the Canadian northwe8t. Most conscrvatlvfI estl. mates of tllelr number place it at l ftO,OOO for 1910. Some say I1S many all 250,000 will cross . •Tbele are all E:xpert farmers' llnd tbelr places I,n the Uni t d States nre being fllled by un. trul npd _men from Europe and #rom th e cll:ies. Canada Is gainIng rapidly III agrloultural Importance an!! with. In a tew years the United States will have to ~all on the Dominion for wheat. Production of wheat In tbe nnlt <1 States is IlOt keeping pace with the populaUon. A tariff wllr wOlllel cOlUplicate the problem or get· tlng fOOd. Even now Canadlall farm('ra llI'e gcttlng higher prices for tbe lr catU e on the hoof and Canadian bouse· wh'es ar paying less fol' mE'at In the butC'her shOI1S Ulan farmers and house· wJves a rc receIvIng and paying In tbe Unlt p.d Stntc8. The tariff on cnllle alld wheat must be removed as bp· t wet'll the two cOWitries' before long."

dtllblml. and tbllJ. • by col1llULuuona. relUedJes.

DIIafn Ie CUIIIed by aD luaam~ oondltk!u 01 \b.t muroW/ II~, of tho EalACblan 'l\Ibe. Wboll thll! tulle '" lqIIamed yuu have a rum,hllD, IIOIlI\d or 1m· IK'rl~ barllllC. an4 when It .. entJtely aI,otk'd. Dt!Af·

~'!"eo 0':~u:.~leru::!~~~~ ~~I ~~:..l'I~


\Ion. bl.vInjt "Ill be lIt8voycd lIlnO eaatt out or tel) are _18ed by ('a1jUOtb. wblct. 11 nOlbln. hUL an In1Iaml'd coudlilon uf Ule mucoua IlUl'ftle8. We will «I\oe On Hundred D9llara ror' all" ruo 01 De ~ (..waed. II" 'e&...-m) that cannot be <jlI'ed by UaU'. OIlarm ~ ()~~ e.ruci:,~r=o. 0. 8014 by DrwIaIo1& lac. 'tale Hall.. ,,-il,mlly PIUs tor (!()QI\1pe,uon.

O~H~~' ~~C~~~ Je~!$I~n8i~~ ~J:ltte~' ~=::~ o' : '~~~


less thnn 1.G(l0.000•.'and may reacb a total of 2.000,000. Ther ara about 1.000.000 J.e\V's ln Ne w York olty. 180.. 000 in ClllC1\go. 8I1d .tOO,OOO In Phlladel' . pl\lo., '. veral oHier Amel'lcan cities . contntll fs;om ' 30,OOQ to 80.000 Jew\,. ThrOugbdut the 1I0uth In tbe largest to\\lns the , J ews al'e comlpg to ex re\se J1.e1lll tnfhllince as tnc;tors In tbe busi ness world. 'nnd tbe posItions oC InOuenae occlI})le4 by mnny ohbp.. peo· .Ille g\\'cs the ' .race 0 POWer' 'Car be· yond whnt 1I'1 lgbt be In<1lc,ntt:)d , by numbers. 'fl Is Bald that , there are ' about 3,000 .Je'~ls!l. lawyers and l'.omr .Je-wls11 pbysicians In New· Yorl( crty. .Jews OWJl:.·some of the gl'eatest daily papal's, In (be c9unu·y., such ~!\ th~ Phllflde'1!ll{la Public Ledger. the New York Tllues. World . an.d Preslll .· tiIle St. Loi.lls .post·Dlspatch. and the . Qb~t· lanooJ:R ",rmGs ~ .





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a ...a!J' _ SIOpa h s bllinll 0\11. and "ooiU\"ol, removeR Dandruff. I. oul Q .



kduse ' all Sublllllltea. • • 1.ooFandn:lIoWes by Wan 0& al Drulllisil. Send JO<: for hrl''' aample Bl'ttlo Philo Hu S"" Co._ Newark. N. J .• U. S . . .




remodln line lalled. I .,ecla)ly

. h •• / • • 0I11ft11L1o. . . .d."rt!d. . . . . '.,.GI,e . . . .Pl"TiQlI~" . . IL. _,~_,

W, N. U" ClNCINNATI, NO. 19--i91O:.













Un.der Friendly Cover Preacher' Might .' 8.'~ly Proceed .Spllt His . I "fh,-ltlv.l; -

plied her hostess, as sile flecked Il bit . oUust from the Oobelln tapestry. "A.ll the ('ammon folks in ·town . seeUl to The lIIustl'atioll show!! a house for ' lng, Which It covers hell cllosoll want to erowd Into our church lalely. poultry :is CODstJ'Ucted by the Mary- down. Wll n tile (',ul'lain Is up It Is It's too bad they ain't sllu'sfied to StllY 111M Agrlculturnl Experime nt stl+tion. h Itl by hooks fastened t.o the ratters. . where they belong. How did YOII like The hO\J8e Is 20 Cee t long by 18 teet The roost plntform ' Is made tight . the sermon ?" "Well, as a sel'mOIl It wide, R teet 6 lm:hes high In front and and xtends along the whole l enb"th ot was tnll'ly goo<1 . ltut I' do wish Doctor I) feet 6 Inches from sill to p.late In the rear wall. It Is fj feot wide an~ J Goodman wOI\ld qui t spitting bis In. tbe rear. The 1111111 ore 4. by 4. Inobes in feet 0 inches from the ft~or. lllgh finltives . 1 Iry nut to let It make m dlze and rest on Ii cement foundation euough to pE'rmlt t1!8 s unlight to nervoliS. but I CIlIl't keep from bel\!« "Gru t I::; a \' r y uno\)servant man." 6 tnches wide: All stllddlng Is 2 by 4. ~we~p under and to ullow a person sllockt'd e\' el'Y lime he does it," "1 "YOII mean lhnt he doesn't lIee the In size and the rntt rs ilre 2 by 6. The to catch, or handle tb bll'd8. There never If't. tbem kind of things bother same things that you do." _ __.. _. ___ ,_ _ _ building can be <love red wllh German are 3 roosts fram eci t ogether in tWI) lIl e. but Ihat·s wll el'e the /<; plscopnls or Rlls llo s ll,llug 01' rough boards a nu l O-foo t 8~c tlons . Th ey lil'e 1 . foo t have tile advllntagt! of liS. If 0111' Don't Spank Your Children. iI. good gradE: or roofing papel'. Th above th lilalform anll hlnge<1 Lo the prea her would \\' {J1l1' a l o~g I'ohe Ile A Htll • boyan tL side s treet in Akron fioor Is or cement. which makes tbe back wuH so thpy may be turn ed 'Jp could Sllllt them a mI w would Devt' r !!IIYS Ile alwuys (,O Ullts on gelling a best ttoor for the poultry house. Tho and out of Ihe WilY wh ell cl,ellnlng the Dotleo 1t."-- K UIISUl; City suiI'. spanking ev lOY Monday, be('ause hla front or south sl<1e of the bulllling bn ~l pluUol'lll . ']' 110 bllck I'oost II 12 Inch It _ _.'_ _ _ __ _ mamma tloes Ihe wssWl1s an d Is 110 two windows of J2 IIgbts of Hj by 12 from the r 01' wall, and ,the space bePERMANENTl Y CU RED. tired nud cro~s 6h won 't ovt'rlook hill glass; those a l'o stationary and pin ed twe<: n PIle!1 of t h~ Oth ~1'8 Is ltl luchel. 1 foot lOIh Inches from ea,cl1 ud ot' Ther Js 1)0 urta in In frout of the No Kidney Trouble in Three Years. pranks. ~o wonde\' Hila is tired n nd the building. Th ey are 2 fe t (i Inches rooll t. bllt Ull cold uights 111(' cU I·talns cross. but It Iii hard on HIP IIOY. tr from the ttoor. Th o 8paCe betw een in th front of the hou se o.r~ closed. Mrs. Catll8l'lne KUIIl Z, 322 Center his 010 be\' would lise Easy 'fntlk BOIlP the windo'ws Is 10 t eet long and "teet Th . nesls I\l'e placed ou t.ho side walls St.. Findlay, 0 ., :;nYlI: " j.'OUI· years ago s he woui~ hn\·". b el' wasb!n g on;, Ib ~ It iDcbo/i wide ; this ,Bl/aCe is Dol b0 8~U - rllld )11:1)' be con stru <' teu aN'ording to I be 'am e a fflicted line berOl e 9 0 clock. be allRe Las) ~- ,. ,,wilh l,< ldlley trouble, Task s anD does bal! tbe wOI'I. for her. ---_._-rap idly I'an und Th e Las t W o rd. clown' lu heallb. 1 D e l rruinpd to ha ve t he Insl word , utrt'red from back- the woman - hllnt ed through Ihe die. :l he lind other kid· ney and ~~~~r)~ all\~t SO~; 3~0~geg_a~I~1~np~~~; wa~ Illngu.ld nud "Constu utinopie ." alld received there· • 1 .: . \ weak. I doctored fa\' one yellr's !;lIbl:!crlptlon to tbe Joy· \ .~ and used dilfe\'ent fill Homp 's bl'" ,wlze contes t.-Judga. .. \ remedies but became no bettel'. Doan's -*-...Kidney Pl11s cllr d me and for three It',; gaud to have money. nnd the " yea rs [ bave been free from kldn.e y things that money can buy. but It's ..... ,trouble." good. too. to l' hl' uk up ouce In nwhlle J Remember lhe n ame-Doan·s. For nnd milk ' . lire YO II haven ' t lost tbe ~+--If sale by nil deniers. 50 cents a box. tblngs I h:\I. m Oil Y o.o·t bUy.- Lorl· F08tel'·Mllburn Co'.. Blltl'alo. N. y, me r. Obviously. Alwny s lie p hll llglnntlon IInder con· A Denv er man wbo vlsll (I th E' mu· trol. seum at Ity pal'k reC'ently tells of u Carmer he saw ther. The r\l1'allst End View. Roost Detail. stepped In Iront of 11 pOl·tl'nlt wblch ed. but left open to be covered by the til id eas of the builder. , On each end showed a man sitting In a hlgh ·back ed cloth eurtalll When , necessary. Tbis of the building and 1 toot 8 Inches cbah·. ']'ltcre was a smull wblle card lE'aves a tight wall 2 feet 6 incbcs from the front wall Is a !l by tl foot on the pict.ure reading: "A porU'IlJt. of E. H, Smith. by blm· hIgh, e:Ytelldlng rrom th bottom of door. Tb ere is also olle 2 light sa sh H,e ol}lIrilllg dowh to Ihe tIoor. which of 12 by 24 gloss in eaeh end of the self." Th farmer read tbe card ' and t.hen llrenmts the wind or storm tram building. alia t.hey are used only dllrblowing directly on the blrtI'l! wb ~n ' lng the summer 'mon ths when theyalld chuckled to himself. "11"""""111111111'11111,"""'11"111"' 1, ,,,.,1,1111111111111f1 "Regular fools thcse city fellel's they are on lhe floor. Two light grea tly to rhe comfort of the blrdt; frames. ma'd e of 1 · by 3 Inch plne They nre hinged at the top and swing are." be saili. ·'A.nybody who looks at strips. are cov~red with shealing, and lout nnd up. 'rhe houso w1I1 nccommo- that ploture 'd kno w $mith's by him· selt. 'l'hey aln't no one In tbe PAin tin' binged -at the lap of the front open· dale from 80 to 100 mature fow ls. with hlm."-'-Clnclnnati Post.

-. :r



l11ustr$Uc,:l Shows End' View ol Buildt~II ' Glvlnz RQost YOII at chur 11 Sundby," Bald Mrs. Old· caaUe;· "but be C1'ush was s . great D~t8t1-Detalled l'nstr.uctions (or Constru~Uon tila t r couldn't ))lIsh thl'ough to wb,ereo -WUI Shelter Fro~ 80 to 100 ' yoll wel'e," "Yes, wasn't It awflll?" reo Cb,lcke.ns •

Wa. Taking No Chance.. Once uPon a time a tond , motbe~ np-L,;'ed "of ~er daughter marrying'. dlsa •• IV. This was .the more awkward because he young lady bad picked the young- .JIUln O.ul. Also b~ " bacJ w~lth. And the mqt.ber, who 'was wldo we 4, hael not tl1e WD\!f wlt~r to CUmlsh·. ber daulhler w(tIl "be \T&riety of~· troSUI In tbls ctrawilll t8 shown a gate and, things wb.l~h ~er routhf!ll; tiea:rt bung so . it can be raised when snow oraved. ". mlgh not , object to. tbe. Is deep; but more tha.n thIs,. t.he gatenla'n ~o, mucb." ,aafd ,the,' ' on'e. "-a for extra . wide . . , mo~her ~. .. ' y" maOy be extended' , evenln~; '~ff. .. 'OU WOUld . O~lJ~ :, Jet m~. load" and tools to p,a!3s through by rOo ' see ~18~ ,Buthe~ 18 a mnD whom 1. mQvlng the center P.Qst and the panel h~ye .R&Ver ,~et .eyes .on, and ret one . at the left. Says Orange .Tudd Farmer. whom )'~u hiSJet on tnklnl/or. a hUB· This post Is set an Iron well·caslng ban~. ' 1 dOn'~ underatano · ~Qcb: 8~ burled" as shown. in Ute ground. 'the creCfY!" " T~e dau~bter· !'e.l/lIed! . "U lI an el fitS In a cleat fastenell 'to t he I eVeTJutrod9~ed \ blm J~lld · bJ.SI8t on ,I rt.b(Uid post and s ts d9wn ' on a p:1af.1'yt~g hl~~ )',~'lt'8elt. _. _ couple o( cl~i1ts, ~bowu In the first and




The Doctor's Data. A Howllrd' girl wbo was uncertain as to her e act age, a ber fatller a:nd Ulot,per were .n ot agr ad on tl1e year of her ~rtb. decided to go to the pbysldlUl who "u.ttended tlle. case." He 'saW: ''W.l1y, certainly. lIlY dell!' girl. I'll go and e~amlne myoId books," When he came back to report, he said: "I find your father eharged wtth a prl baby ,born on ~h.e 'steentll dar ot ApriJ, '1119-, and "1 0180 observe be 8~1ll owes me (or yau,"-Howard (Kan.) Oourler.



~ BrrrERNESS IN~' . _ __

MII. :- V ILn.

AI:.COH01.-3 PER


-A\Wttabie Pl'tpar'fiQn for As·

simitaliRg fheFoodandReQuIa!tit S~OIllldl$ and Bowels of

Bears the

.Promotts Digu


. :tY.,.,...I.

'ness and Rest:Coil.lalns, Opium.Morp~ine nor Mirwral NOT N:ARoC·OTIC·.


Reel, " ' eall:, Wear)'. WaHr)' £,.e.. By Murine J<:::yct Remed y. Try - - -. Murfne For You.' ,F1:ye .Tt1)Ublef!. You WlII Like Murine. It · Boothe!!. 60c Ilt Your Drul'g\8tIJ. Write }o~or Ell'e Books. 'Froll. Murine Eye Remedy ~~ Chlcal'o. ,An Improvement. I'Ho, dId you enjoy YOllr VR09,- ' Uon 1" fourth bars- at the pte lit ~he middle .. •·Flne! It ronda n new man or me!" post, All that Is ._.necessary. then to "I congratulate ~OUI' ",lte." widen ~he gateway 18 to lUt th1s panel up ' and then re. DAVl!!!' "AI~KU.,LER t IDove the The la "uPEBBW "onoe , of ...." ·eDtluD· ... ..ell .a • gate proper Is atcl1ed In t ordjDary "PIlDnd of cure." I'or bowel r.rouble.. allD way. as f!hown. at th~ l\8Cond~ bar, a.nd wOl>lId .. wid&, 1W4 oUter Ill .. 86c .1111' 600 III!tU_ may be Castenetl In o.n )' pOSition by ' 'To lo,'e nbullltantly. Is to live alJunmeans' of the . tilt wire rod shown Ilear dantly. nn.d to love torever Is to· llvo the center at the drawIng. Tbe main forever.-RenJ'Y Dl1Immond. gate is .preferably ten or leveD' feet ..... WID.lOw'. 800tblQC 87rap. long. and the pone l 'a bout, sIx teet For CllilldreDl.ee1.lll1l&.lIOfl<'DaLlI o IUDi.......luQo.In.. .i9ng• , ~.uolI"'\IaJ'palll.Cllroi wili4""UC. 25c .. \Iolt.IG.




! Bonaparte's Resolve, Napoleon entered the clubhouse with Il. frown a foot deep on bill fore· head, and a t mpel' nol lit for publica· tlon. "Mille tonnerres!" he ejaculated. "1f I evor play golf with Baron Munchausen again may I end my do ys on the I/!Iahd ot. st. Helena,'" . , "'Vbat's the matter with Munch. Bony?" IlSked Caesar. looking UP from his asbestos copy of the Congressional ' Record. "You get nothing but bad lies all , over the Unks," retorted the empel·ot. -Lippincott's,' Relle1le(J

~_ _ _ _ _ _=~=~~~~enn~tbMm~a~n~i:B~o:c;c~a~s~~~n~n:n:y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~ cuUty of ClCa~;.n. \ '

WEStERI CAl . ' .ID.1

What Gov.rnor D.....n, .of·l.itrtol...

s.,. About It.

Sou ..c:e auel No.tu..e oC Bacteria Which ~all.s_Tpi8 Col?dlUOD Posstbl_Frequently 'F91UJ~ t,n Uelder.



~B'y r, .


, T~e ~lsUi.1ct :'bitter taste which someUmes ~al>1>eqra in milk lUay lIe ·oQulled by- (1)" c rtqln weells that the cOW ' I)!l~ eat~n.• ,(2) 'an abnormal conclition Q~ tJle udder, (3) atl advanced ·perio·4 · of lactation, .(4) the action of mll'taih' ''bacteria! Only h fourt h causo at ' bitterness wlll be dlsclisl3ed In this pallfil'. .' '{t Is probuJ.>le ,th~t ih~ 'baotel'la caus-•. In'g bttlern$sS .t\l'Q not at all Oncom· mon 'alld that tMy could be found in many, lot~ 'of mUk s ho) Ing no 'bit· '. .. 'terness. sCm'e ot -theile bact!)l'ia form acid nnd 80ur lllllk; tho more~common ~orros •.. l1pweverj ' tornlo'.) lttle· acid .!ll!(i nre' checke" "by the gl'ov., th of the .lac' tic acid bll '-erln. ' . ...~ '.'~ : .. , Nearly .11\ Qf them ' rorhi spor~s. and t~IJR '1\lrrVive··· I,eatibg, . w~ch destroyS . ,tile It1c~lo a~ ld hllcterla. FOl' tbls rea-


D.elicately form~d and gently reared. women will find, 1'n an the seasons of their lives. as' maidens. wives or mothers. tha.t the one simple, wholesome remedy which ' acts gently and plea.santly and naturally, and which may be ·used with truly beneficiai effects, under any co~ditions, when the system needs a Ja~ativ~. 'is-Syrl:lp of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is 'well known to be a Simple combination of the laxative and carminative principles 'of plants with .pleasant aromatic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing , to the taste al')d acceptable to the system when its gentle clea.nsing is desireq. , OnlY t,hose who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir. oJ Senna. can hope to get its . ·.benefldia.l effects, and as a guarante'e ' of. the · exoeilence of toe remedy. the full n'ame of the ' oompani-:'California.Fig Syrup Co.-is printed "on tQe (ront of every package. and ,without it all!, pr-eparat.ion ~~er~d a~, Srr.uP ·of Pigs. and Ehxir' o.f Sehr,a.'ls fra..udulent and shou1d be ' declin,e,d. .T~)those whq know the quality' 'of ' this.excellent .Iaxa~ve;· the.offei·of'any subs'ti,

by a transfer -'

of ~koJla~ to some flr.$t'-class,dr:ui'.est&blish... ·men Ii, where thet do riot recommend. ·nor · sell

.~18' :b~mis, nQ"r imltati'orl 't~medies. :.~~e'iel'lu • C!f all rebable' df1JaiJ,ta evel'}'~be~e;. one sIze only. ' ReJUlar, price 60 cents1J~1': bottle. Get-a. bottle todr.y ,:~~~, j~th,e ' hQuse whe!! J'!.eeded. , ...

.'l~e ~rtlele . may 1?~· bQ:.:,pt




!III__ __ __ __~ I;AYING

Cou nty -Cou rts. Common -Picas

I ·b I It may

Dr. E. H. Cosner



cw SuUs.

p /t(intiff ay~ tHd nUt 1 ~llttO pos 6t.; sloD f on . f011rtll )lllrt. 'tim ) y 'tlualay, uttv rn uys for plaintif f Harry Alirunc.ln. YR . ;t·li.c1 ::i\lnp';jl)o . PetitIo n for tuoney. Aw ount 01 iwoll $95 with in£. r' >It 00 promi !lSI)ry Delt WiJliflm Bronke VB OlliO J.-:I otrlo l:.:.ailwuy ·UJPlilrv. P tlt,ion for c1tlwnges of 10,000 clnirutl{l to b due fo r injuri es r ' 0 jved i n alight, iug from Ii ortuin ca r which s tu.d, d before he wu. off the . at p. B~ }I' Har wltz, attorM Y fo r pluintif f. BessIe C . E lli ott vs. Ravmo nd L . EJliott /loll Ob lo Electrl o Rl1i lwuy oowpun y . Petitio o fo r alimon y for /:mpport of ohild and <lecree to enjoin oompaDy for dispolling at m oney doe defend an t . Pot GllynOr, attorne y for plaintif f.


Gradua te Am ericnn chool of Osteop athy, Kirl,svill , Mo. ev n yeal" xp rienc in hos ' pitcd and private prac ice.

Bd f consullllLion ft' Hou rs , 9 to '1.


Bolh Phone .

912 Reib old Bldg .,






revtllat ion to 'm~oy k·tlow that ther is 00 /1

d orno. tlo soie noe or the domf'st io ods. Not .on ly do gracloo.t s from suoh ohools find 00 tronble In se· ouring remuo ~ rclti ve pO ' itillOS, hut the pln oe s eka tbe g raduate if be bl4s mul1e· nny ki ud of a record in tb tClliuln l! 'soh 01 BlJurds of Eel uoutiou nil over tbe countr y Il'nd prlnoip ul of privlLte Rchools are looking for arne t teaoher s and super vi or~-one gre"t mld·we Rt oity offerin g $3000 p r yenr to tbe rI g ht women for t.he 11 o~t or s uper visor of domest io nrts io it~ publlo sohoolR BeSides til demllo u for trained teaoher s there Is no eq aally insisteo .! 011 f r skilled dietitia ns tel take oharge f the pl'actio al problem s of food lIupplie s I\nd dietari es under normal and aboorWu.1 oondlti ons of haul! h nnd an viroDm ant In publio and pri vl1te in stitutIO ns stioh as sobool lunob roow s Imd resta.urant.s, hospita ls IUld asylum s, collage dor · wltorie s and the Jike.-T he DeHne s. tor for M~y . .... .~_ _• _ _ _ _ _• • • •,


. The Paint poases slng every essent ial quaUty . Nothin g In It but what ahoulcf be there.' Nothin g lac:kl4tg that will improv e it. Pigme nts sc:i4Pt ifiully combin ed, and finely ground In Pure Llnsett d Oil.


~• • • • • • • • • • • •1Iii I

III matter of e~ tflte of W . J ay Ball, a signor . Report of stile II filed by Altou F. Brow n, ussigne '" is Il)l. proved and conlhlD ed . Estl1te f W . J oy 81\.11. nS!liguo r. Iu\\ent ory and I1pprni sement filed by Alton F . Brown , os ignee.

Court Proceed inZs.

Marrisj le Licenses.

State of hlo VB. Owen S tookton . Order issued to S. D. W ~bb . uperintende nt of Girl Induilt rial Bome, to produc e Li7..zle A'. I::)ams in oourt May 22nd, 8 sbe is needed in this oose. • Barold V. Betti/iJ VI!, Jefff.'rson Reed. John NewtoD , gUllfdi an made party defenda.nt. W. B. Jaokso n V8. Jl'inley ThomBon. Uase dismiss ed withou t record Karl H. Uald well" .assign~a . vs . KRisie Tilton. Defend ant given le.. ve to file demur rer to oross petition • . . State Qf Ohio vs. l SMO Barlott . Defend ant pl' ads' guilty to indiotment and is pUIi under' bond of '500 ~o 8uppor t his family . • !lobert ' t. · 'S polir V8, Village , 9f Frankl in. . Defend ant ordered to re oover from plaintif f 'oosts C?f 08se.

Ch llrles O . Everso n, 28, fllrmer of FeJlow s hip and EdnlL M . Casssd ay, 80. of Mason.

Real Estate Tunsfe rs.



:u:;b~~r7~dl, ~:~~~~:e;::)~~::o;


John D . 'nl11li vs . BarlJ'L '1I1it.1;t t ill. .E etH·iull t r port.iUa u of r· t"mi d . oril ed r ell l est,.. t,o to wbi h


-...:.---. _- - -


A fine




"Th e Mad e .to We ar Pai nt" that outwe ars all ethers , and that In wearin g away docs 50 iraduaUy leavin g a pe~t surfac e f?, repain ting. . FOR .ALI: BY

J. E.



Way nesv ille





St. August ine's Catholic Church .


Trip le Pla ted Kn ive s


Falber OeOI1! MBrenllo efcr, Palllor Muss every s(.'Co"d SUUd"f of tbe mootb IU O:UO 11. ID.

St •. Mary·s Episc:opal Churcfl.

({e\". J . F. C d walillder . R clor. S Ullllay ohool, 0 :110 n. w Morning s er· vice. IU :110 a . nl. Hol .v CommUf lloll th e lint

.tamp ed

Hnrry S. Hoople and Laura A . ~ un dny 01 acb mou~h. Hoople to Joseph P. Dill ard, 41 Is your year up for J E. JAN N EY'S nor s In Turtleo reek towns hip, 4000 i\\ethod ist Episcopal Churd l. last lonllef Il1roueh bluder Andrew Gutter y to Marthl.l. D. • l ervlcc thJ11\ Bny bed' Rev. H. W. Balley. Put.or. au e they have a roun lIlIIlu.v Bizar, trlloi in Turtleo reek tOWD· School, 0 ::10 a. !D . Mornlug ser-. 6o/sttr. whlclt does away "Iuc , lU :30 a" m. J::pwonb L ngue. 1 :00 p,..IIh sh Jrp comer, (wbere Ill . E\' ch lu g service. ': : 00 p . w. Mhlw'lf Dlndc Is joined Co hmndle) sbip, an--A n Idol of the l'r ,yer Mee~ln g . 7 p. In. whtrt wear is constltl\t and R . A. Easley ' to AU R. Eelley real Garry Herr'mDiamo llardtst. This Is but one nd e ti\te in Lebano n, 11. 01 man1 notable '9 'l11'cs 01 'Christi an Church . Daniel Eckha. rt. Edna F . Eokha rt The ahllDoe of being Preside nt Rev. L. O. Thompson. Put.or. a,nd Samnal ~okhart to J. C. Skin Blb lG SChool. 9: 80 a. m. 80claI moetlns. ome day may be a go III possibl e to 10:30 ; 50 which llivc: lasilna a. m. ChrIatlan Endeavor. 7:0U p. Ill. .If ft is, we have a giltner, 20.8 lLcres in FrIlnld in town f,e r vI ce Ilnd 8IIlislllction. by pastor every alternate 8UJld.y a~ ny Amerioll.n boy, tut only IilUoh Sermon l'Iumcroos pallorns .. an: 10:80 a . m. and 7:30 p. m. Ship, 18000. edge propo8lti~n to CIlfered In thl! Inmons •• Sll· Napole ous as liarry Berrmc mo mIL} ter Platt that Wtan. aiffin G. Patters on and , Luelma I1spire to we~r the purple of '/1 baile. offer Sold by lendinl dealers · you. This Is a Hkkslt e Friends Church . Patters Qn ~o Iva Blanch e Edwar ds everywhere. Send I\>r cal· ball magna te. ' And ~be story of Firllt Day ' MecUn\(. 10 :00 a. w.! Firet Day aloille ••0-]:: showlna all grea 4.0 aores in county , $1. l p~per , and evdesigns.. chool, 11 ;0(1 iI . 01 . Founh Day Mee\lnS Garrv Berma nn, as told by Homer IU:OO:L. m, IIUlDO .IIT. . . CO. Iva Blanob e Edws.r ds Bnd 'r. c. ery farm er ough t to Oroy in Bumlln Life for MfI,y, is (Inwn.l1onal II? CO•• 8 u _r .) Ed wl1rds to Luella. F. Pattertl on, 158 ~ oorking good tAle of tbe log cabin· OrthOdox Friend s Church , M~c-. have it In hi~ home aores in o()mity, S1. Probate Court. . . Rev. B e njamin llawkl n • Plis lor, to. W hite.J;l baseba Udom vaJohn J. 'Patter soneta l to Giffin G , Sabb~th S bool. Il :30 a . m. Regula]:" cbureh Com e In an~ ' we will riflty. I .Estate of Thoma s Sc9tt, deoell8fd. nice. 10 ' QQ B. m. OhrlBtlan . EDdoavo r• Patters 9n, 180 aores ia oonnty , The stoty starts baok- wa, 'book 7 :30 p. III Invent ory and apIlrai. ssment llled by -in Garry' a boyhoo d, with .hi8 fir8t , T. Benton ~ott Bnd Wallao e E. Commissioners' Proceedinzs. Boott, e~eoutors. jOb, whioh he beld unHl eban so C.W . HEN DERSON ,M. D~ 13mB- Miami Guzette , blankB, '6. trlfied with bi8 young baS In m'at~r of the estate of Thoma s ~ 1f~tionl' - - ........ Soott, decease d. granted ex· Tbe Wester n Star, publi hing report that .h e wouid .rt1ther play thy eat, " .................... ~ ,..,.. .....·","", "r ... ",%",% .... %.... • %.... %.... %.... " ........... • ... 1 of eXlLJDination of treasur y. ' ,86 6 i whloh is a serious sign of Wayn esvill e, Ohio . ' ecutors to IL boy's be private so.le of ohat· W. ~ Stana~e &, C,o., mdse. -'22.50 i tog very much in love. 't els. ' For further inform ation, address , , In a 10081 Valley Phone 153 We can offer you good . MaiD ~tre6 R. B. Smith\ . ooal, t9.57 i Xenia team he got a ohance to plant his ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Estate of Edwin R. Van DoVeer , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }faying Empl oyme nt . Wor1;ho\Ule, ' boal'qin g, 17.60 .i 1:1. E feet on the first rung, tmbeoi~e. Sixth acooun t flied' by where IlII Warwi ok, soap tor that you will enjoy and jail, $1 ; Lebano n shortst op he deliver ed $he spheric al ~illiam T. Van De ~e~r, ~uardian . Waynesvill-e; Ohio William E , Sabin. admini strator , Ice and tool Co., ioe and ooal, 1W.50.; good8. Up tbe ladder he olimbe d,at home. Writeto-day of estate of Edwin Rodney Sabin Walter MoCluJ'e, bUl'Ia16f Nanoy L. ever with hi8 eyes fixed OD 'that mys· Addl'n. dtM;leas.e d VII . Lydia Sabin, t't a}. Stoops, ,75 i O. J. Edward s, iDqUetit. tertoo8 reglon frum whioh mag~o.t~ Sale Of real estate or~e,red. In ma~ over Myrtle Gullida y, 18.76; M, A. oome. Tbe BaUm el( Pablls blDg eo. , BaU~laa. N.w York. N. Y. Let Mr. Croy tell you how Garry ter of k.Dnie B. Daobur y" an al BUlke repairs at jail, 13.15; M. ,N. A~ 'leged 'insane person , Adjudg ed in: Earhar t. expens es of Soldier s Re- wall tlie dootor when bast'oo ll was T~~~8r::r'. lief CommI ssion, '110; Lebano n Gae on its last leg8- ow 1,1e was made and ordered senno $he asylum COPYRIG HTB clo. , (Jnderta~ei and Embalmer. 0.0., gas for jail, '2.21l i Rugglc,s Gale a who I'" AIIJOUeeelldln, a Bko\rh 811e1 dt8Cl1'Ir,tlon m., at DaJton , e Dague T r ib una 1w h ~n there ' qUlokl, . acer,"lu onr OI'I"IOn~I'f"" ,ether &II -ttrill be found in the olA . .... ti InyenUOn '1 Prohflbl1r .,nlclllnb o.r _..Con~milntCfl,o" Estate of Elizabe th M, Burob, de- 00. ' blanks, ,1.10 ', 'Bert Reed, bridge was war betwee n th ....'a ona 1 an d t1onutrlcU ,. J'eonDdOlltld. MAN 10\Jt{ on p.ateu.. D_ .. tr' . Buildin g, oPPoDite .en~ free. Old .. , .~en 11>7.50' Q" tlir • .,ou, Inltpatent a. , Frank D. Miller, Amerio an LeaR~es"""'how he fllls un.. oeased. ~ First 'nd final aoooun t tiled ., '" Patene. taken tbfOnllh 1II1IIIn r. co. "eel" tbe N Iltional Bank• . ~c_,"" wltbou~ cbArllO. tn t:lae . bridge repairs , 142 i Perry Bprden , a deUolt e potlitlon, that by John R , ¥-ulfoz:d. only one JlmA~I¢an Teleph one in honae and of· n, p proiser , &63', H. P. Lane, !'owakanc1a~1FODI8II.&b""lIa. . . . . . lipprais man in a million oould flll, witb taot Estate of Mary U. Brown , imb&. .. \1" .. " .. "\ ' . fioe .where J can be 'o olled &01 :'Js~ " Estel er, Snell. ~bln~ &!'l:,:r:'=~1t , Aballdeo apprais mOI;'l11 er, nnrat"".o 178.60 a"I,. i and ' ...... jud~me N nt-an~ how indIrec tly of An,. BQIO" lIdo ]nl1rnlllo 'J'orols. t _ oUe . . Invent ory filed by J. T. ElIi8, day or nigbt ~both 1m ell. ....... n Ph .. es of publio -affairs , '28. liP j be has oaused l' n l'rust~ Dr. ...... 'a ., ..~ ~ guaitua n. the deaths ofeom e odd . MUIN,o!ur,mueentb·- •'.LIB80~~ . b'~ eI• •IQ"et!w"ldyeaWI·rt". Va ey o"e"' ''' . . a . ., Dr. Bboop'aa Oentra ei&oraU __ • l Union. Teleph one Co I rents hvndre d thou8s nd grR~dmother " 'be-(l(~n~..... ........... Estate of I. Ross La.wJer, deoellsed s, BnD olll __ rBt..w.... 1It(>ll,J).. ain Street. 'Wayne sville .. Ohio. , .=. o:lhoop'. ~~~ ~"1 a wholl:i~~: ~~~ a.nd tolls, 111.16. an IntcDal .... ,First and final ncconn~ flIed b;r R. relatiV es of bereaV ed, omoe boys. ~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!! '!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~.~,,~~~...!'!.'!'!!!!.~'!' • - • The reaa.rd in whioh he i8 held in. ~~;-&h~:u.~~ ' Moone y, admini ltrator. n all t!-"I.1iI 4 all bloOcl atlmeIlta. Atlldea l Husban d. ' Ellt&te of Ruby MUler, minor Oinoin nati, hill home city. was best '!'Ii;'l1iI.h & CuN", name ImpU.. do. nil workwblleJoulliMP..ulla l'~lO ftIan Efrst and fioal accoun t filed by Pete~ is' patient , even with 0. naggin g wife, exprtlea ed by Itt "gag" iii one of tbe 4~' AN'D . ;' for he knows she nee(ls help. She looal thellter s. One of . ~~ell~~...~~ . .. .P. Miller; guarcii an. oharaa . C. . . .IUI C••••• II-Uch Jl-I..... I.~.1It ==~:::r~ !!.f.!!.~~ , , , . Est~&e of Martba B . . Bond, de · may be so nervoUI! and rqn.(lo wn .in ters said h~ wllnted t9 go to the olty bea.lth tha.t trifles aunoy h~r. If bospita l' and asksd where =:t l~b~~~=:, it WBS. ce"·s ed. Firstan d finalllc .count, filed she is mel~ncboly, exoitab le, troub· ' '. " ,,'. . '. , .," • IotW., --. ~*,,"IocalIlelP._u....u " led witb Joss of appetit e .. headao he, "Well, . sa.Id the other. luet ~o bY,Car l." MUler. sleeple ssness, oOn!ltip8~10n or to tbe Eleven th Ward andf CIEITIIT .I.D.fiOl' ITI., IOl~"", ORIO yeJ1 ''Io ing alld dIZZV spells, she needs Elec. b-I with Gllrry aerrm ann ---~ I' !\nd trid Bitters . the ' tnost \Vonderful you'Ha oon hear al). ~bula nce ring • ' rtHnedy for ailing womell .. Thous· . \ J" '. ' . di U " a an II IS felll'a.le t.roub. ooming i~ your llurable ands ofspfi' erers from ,reo on. Subsc ribe um for THE home paper ,:··The .Miami Gazette "s nervou s trouble s ba.okache and Life Publish ing Co" Boston . u , .... ..b"'KldnoJ end'Bladder' , Treublo. . Iweak . kidpey s bt~ve used tbem a.n'd ~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ •- • ~~~~~~~~~ , . Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, become healthy aud . hap~y . Try PLANT lNO'IN THE MOON discoura gesandl essellsu mbltion ; beauty, them, Only 600. Satlt!f&ot~on ~Ilar , . vigor lind cheerfu l· anteed 1)y Fred O. Sohwa rtz. ness soon disappe ar Not exaotly in tbe m~on, but in ,vhen the kidneys are FORES T CmiSH RVATI ON cert'al.n sif,(08 of the moon. A garout of order or ·dis___ dener has just been saying th\lt two eased. Mtlny dwelle rs in towot\ nnd oities years ago he planted his Kidney trouble has potatoe s • become so prevale nt feel grellt illteres t in forestr y Rnd withou t regard to the mooo, and bis that it is not uneom. would be glad to give notive aid to orop WI\S n. failure . Laet YMr ~N~\£:;~ mon for a child to be he :born . atllicted with the cause, Some are doing so by pll1nted in the oorreot sign, 4 :i. and ',' . qug ,~enk kiwleys . If the the improv ement of forest . lands a splendi d crop. 'I'hese two chitd urinates too ofted, if tbe urlne scalds ex· the'6esh , or if, wben the child reacbes an whioh they own, but there sre great- perieno 6s' t.horou ghly oonvln oed him age when it should be able to control the ar numbe rs who Ilre "lot able to dl) t hat the signs of the moon must be , '. passage, it is yet nfllicted with bed·wet · ting, depend upon it, tbecause' ofthe dUn· this but who grea.tly desire to enjoy o\>served by garden er snd farmer . culty is kidney trouble! and the first tlIe forests and to help along any if Lhey would reaoh good orops . litep sbould be towards tlle treatmellt of w u'V6m ent tending to their improv e· With Illl du;! rellpeot ,to the notions these imp9rta nt orga~s. This i1np'I~asn'nt trouble is due. to a. dlseased conditio n of ment '1'l1e presen 'ution of the for , 'ot tbis gClrdener, whioh most people the kidneys and bladder. dnd l!ot to a for nlltural Boener:y; to oheok regard !is It vanisbiti~ supers tition. , ' ;habit as mO's t people suppose. . . I ..:' ~. . ...... . .' • winds Ilud bold ,back the wtlters i to we will tell bil1l ~hat 'i~ R few ~ .. Women as well as men'are made mIser· '" da~s, . . .. ', : .... .. eC8Q s·Ma g . . e ... ". .. va able with kidlley ' alld bladder trouble, hurbor birds ' Rod animltl s i to pro the moon will be just ·rlght. ag,:,in. t8 a large; artti;ti~: ,lian~~mely.>IUti.stra~d buildr~age mootql j . magazine: It con- " and' both need the same great :remedy . duce muteri als for bui1di~ g. !Iud And thell,if tbe grba~l(l ' 18 in 'readi. , t/i'His .J~~y jI#JW' F.a~h.f?n ,De~igp8, l.n:eae~l~lsue • •.. E~el:·y'. woman needs' The mild nnd the imluedU ite effe'ct of ~~t9.r. itll · \1P7td,date , Swamp-Root'is soon ~alized . '. It is sol~ DluDuftlctaring ~re m~ttertl WhIOh ite:!!", I\nd ....tbe weatlle r · ·pe.~ioits, b e fas~j\oD" , ede~ill,ng'st?ge~ ~Z?d . !=O~J?lete i~f0r.m"!i~I\_o,,! ,all bQrpe t l1d to~iOS) by' drugKists, ill fifty" ooncern olty people a!l, well a8 tho~e tDaV j!n.felf ~lan~ his·oor n, Oyer ~pe mJl~. o n ,?11~scrll jers. , :i4c~qw.l~~ t~,\~C!i. Home . and·,Ra8hi9~ Magazu~ ·with ttie . ~. . ... cent · alia oncx1ol lar ,RegpJar .,~. 5 '.cen~·:~ :copy,;:.~ Wol1;b , d~~~I~ 'who d well on farinS. ,.,... !"I/.:.' '" .. ' . reusoDlible ~xpeotation . t~l1t If ' he abe bottles, You ttlllY " . 'I'be obJigtition tb PJ'oteot t·bs. f9r" Ilfterwl1rds . Cdltiv~~a~ .i t . have 11 >Cl8m.ple Qottle , , ,." "MI:O Ol well 'and '.1 : Gaz~t ie ' by 'Wail also e ts ·r eets upon aUaod nhs opp'ort~. : keepa.8' aharp IO.O·KOUt for'til,, 'weeds, . \, So .I~~te ';ou ' cannot' ~~und.~t~QCi t~mi,; . Qne ' lhe. ~i, ri'~.",p pamphl et. ; ... 'in ·, ~ ti~· of " . pity to enjoy t~ePl 8ho~ld:' ,1",e en' the moon. will lo,o~ ~,qWD ' '~in<lly . on' A~rnt'e1)' 1:4'.ICU .' rate. i,l~I: at~I'L Itre'ppoac:hable;,· ·th•• ,Stat~> about i:lwawJ)·~~v~". . a\l t~. nm tJi~t'. lit tn pr.;nt•. , "' You may sellct, -&.I.'ID), Mct;.~ Y.ttefn'.yo~ )~~""tti11 Gives joyed ·-by· all. Clt.\es should ~\Vn ' ~i~ field. awl he 'w ill ~~p indudi,p g l1lally.o f tJl(IUS~L1l0.Ii. O~ 'n~ ,'p~, ~lve. ~ln~ilpel),aj)I• .ih at 'tL~ mow.l letters desire from-i" ·fint num'" 0111\.. ~1Qe !rer)" .WaYDesvlllr forest' pft-rks in wbioh-tb~ de8.!gu proper time 11.' boaof.! lul cir~p 1l.(U1Jr l?rlce, 11.00 which ~I' ,..u.. Ilei~* '~~~ cntl; • ...r. y~; .. : . ,home. bo found. Swamp· Root tc? be just the should ,'. '. ": ,', . be to ~et awoy from the-oon remedy needed, rn· writl"ng Dr. Kilmer .. - ~ - " ' _ C~., Bingham ton, N. Y., .be sure and vantien ol a.nd . QPstJy' .style of ' iBn~ , I '.T~e t~e .ohill oJ! rtie water for t liIe~tiQIl this .,.per, Don't JJJilk.e ~y , mistake, but re~ember the ~mel Dr. soaw glli'4en itlg DO~.sO oommo~ in the mue, a~d fee~ ~er oare~blJYI ~;i.n~ , ..... .~~ ~ -.;I~,!:, ~ . . . . . . : , El1ma: ', Swam.J»-Jloo~ aDd the ·adnreu . city pallksl Oh~o . ~.xpe.rime.nt Bt~:lalld KeI?P ber <lniet ~~r .a D1imbe 11IE ~ .....,.~ GAZEllT.E ~. ~~~. t ol l . . . . .~. If; y.; Of\~ bottle.'

I ...·. . . . . . . . . . ... ------.. ..----- -


The Ohio farmer


1841R06ERS BIOS:


Tal k it Ove r

Are You Loo klng

,lor a PoslHon? .



Miami Gaz ette


Weak Women



M .

N ' e -w

se'o'OND" HAND






,U !:

Qr . 8hQ~p's


'oinail WeD lell ue lade


Ni gh t Cu re-



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~ne' 'Year's ·. SubScription' , IQr' Miallli. G~~tt~: •








_ .

.... . .






Mi'" ....



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i ____ ____ .


·Oh'IIIt ll ll g .v PIll'k, 6 lllm h,,!!, Oh iO,




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p ~" bl i ~

W Qen' inn i R euru , th E, " ulJ,?t' .r, MHOY t li moua' per os both in ney 1 liUl r4 of W 'lll 11 m an\ 'b ill1 1\ 111 ane1' ber - • M I xSTilE I'; ', he WfiI'I r, " "!lei I t d (lspr HllO t.hi s 0\1' lIIollor n Imd I loo t tim e bave \;J n pori ence in r llI odeling oon sisted f II u ' , \\, U us d voted flsh oa. t r a. Guti!' ,'t'll , lLR it o lltninl' 1\ v urie t.v 0 1 It few hUKt'l and m eda llions, she ImlOHltltm' entk fo und nl'lwher ·o riT Itl . (tliaen of :-;.v r ifl, WOS 80 fond of 'fifolh illl y n" I{('.1 [l'o~i .. ~ de n ll Lincoln to p r · t hat ~ h e ora l'tlfl nl! otl ugh t witbin D.. 1.. , C HAN i·:. Editor ~l1 d ~lJn ll g- 'I ,f I e ·v Yo d e·... I'll /llfl Uq "Con ey J- the limit!! of b r ki ngd mit h r t,) m(Jllel bill. bust. 'I (lou 't om to h rtnd" Th r . UTIiIlI I)du OR of whi rl.b .. nugb t t o ~Pt' t n order t h tlt 11 111-' k now wb y IIny one should wa nt the [I~ nnd 'JJr il )i l\~ ri de .. , i n Iud in lot t,ll e Rates of- Subscr iption b om Iy rn i~b t be "o JJ tin oll. l1v iluppJie J wit h picoure or tlt'lt ue of so ',oop t b e-L " p, S hoot- t.he- 'b uteH, tll\ \' ullr (slt'I'Uy III IldVll1l '0) . ... . . " _ L UI. t.h oh oico t qntd i t.y. P hiloxen es of Il Ulun." he lDswet d , [lud tit first Slul(lo i~lIl))' .. .. . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O~ :lcAni o ('n " ~ l e r , FI ~\l rA ' ; ')'obogr.(lI n , Uytbe ri lt , " ing f rom h is phy <! uolin ed to 8i t . Whu'lw i'nd, unu mn.,ny otliel'R. But, wbeu eDat l' Nesm it h t.ohl I! \ O\UD t hll t b must die of in (ligo '1 hHu r·lIHnl 1" It I.:rf'u t v llrl " ty of Rutes of Advert ising h im tbat t h W !:ItElrn ~ Irl, "Whil t i() n fr om hHv ing Bute o exoc iv oly h o w " ",, "M tllf' r f n l'ln of ut.6l't.uln \Vu s )Jour bu t t,ulente d, " wo uld 1)/\ HCI.ll lug LII,·uls. per lIuo . ... ,.. ..... .. (\(. ~nent., of 11 delioiou s 'fi!l b, sllld : " Be.a 0 ; beMldl's rum er' u fr e attruo HOlu lin g 1.0 )uIH. bl a 'It tRctI. pet 1111 . .. I I • d ISII r)p oi n t.ell if nn,Lbl e t o seoure t h iR Clnli.,,"lod A dH. lIot 10 I1X"L'O!l 1\\'1' Ihll·. Will hol el it.i< :Jrtlann ulI I !'I!lI(~ of h i!.\' h bred registe r d li llnf' , Mllo h II • l lll ll ri CO II Clfl rt fl . o r('h e!:l- hut be fore I go ull ow nlEl to Hoi. b fllvo r , be ,J e r ey cu.ttle on tUfII flc1 q llicltl y nIH} slI irl, Tllr tJ 11l8(1r(,loII N. ... ... . .. ~5, tru 11It1 !< i<', hl\\I Oil fl scen!'io fl ll, pnrt! - ",hil t r omAins l lJll llurlCH. "" 0 Irh!h ·g In',; 11\"'1' lI\'u "~ ll l) iH P or. if! !'I ll '( W 11 , t hat. is U II 1 . Ath ens wfl Rn oi y of · fill l.J tlate rs 11IcllI.:tI. JHJ'· IIuo. . . . ,..... fJI ' ohlltHle up!', o J.lpn-o irvuu eV I ", 'lD I Il ot ld ng ug'.lI1 !' t, ll(w, rmd I will !'it (;u.lI or th tl llltH . . . . . . .. .... . . . ........ '~5, ' till klnc.1i1 of and il oooks wer e f Ulll Otl S for thCl r Oll t d o) r a t t ruotinn H. fll r t.lle m ork I ., HU"OluL!ol\ "' .. .... . . ... .. . . . ..... . . . . . nco AI\!h.c lu ss r11'UlDut io proli uotiolJA kn ow lp.dge of ooo kin g fl s b . T h fl During t l,l' i<ir ti n~" the ~H'l'lIt Ul li n 1)0 'lulN I I'. whom d lllrgu Is III llli . .. .. . ~ will be seen in th e big thell tr tl wise writ.ers of the dllY sp6nt muob DIslJlny A d vurtlslug pur I nch . . . . . .. . . . . l ~' ~ would WtLtC1 with Uluch i llte r est th" D ilico ulll ' glv II 1I ~u lllrll·t. Su le wi ll be h old on t hll fnrm loont ed:! mi l S west of Wayne tbl ollg ho ut the BeaRO D. a nd the g r ell t ti m e 10 rf oording t 'loe ipt for pre h<iDU!; svill e, O . ' of t,he girl t'o ulpt or lit h I' RIlU h pgins prolllP tly I\t I :! m . ser ving fi :!h in BR lt, oil or h erbs. ~tlw l dliDoin g p ll viJion i s op en ever y W rk, bu t·, t; p li kin g o f him r ooen tly, MAY 18. 1910. Tb ere WRS Ilia w in t he olty tha t fo r .ftarno on· llnd e veDin g . sh e tlUi u : "For t be lIIost p urt b e ' Iwcinl free fAlltnl' tOIl'e IJrese Dted bade u fi~1 1-mo n ge r to si t do wn until Wit S ~ai.l a nll ~ ilen t; waiglle d UpOIl ~ vel'Y ::!undllY, nud e ver y thing P Ol:' he hllci dis pofll!d of fl.ll bis stock, on b y tb e !!tre!'ltl AN IMPORT "NT DECISION of n!ttion iu per il, th e g r ound tbn.t f\, t~ndio g positilm -ible is dOD e for th e :Iomror t und en !lnd b is OW II r ecent p ersonul 1m;!> of In a 'l'ecent case in a Pennl'y /vania. ertlliur u ellt of vi !tors Pnrti es go- made him mor e ~ ubmi ss iv e and in · l~ ba lov d son. Ah! tbo e we re Court the judge held that the auto ,og t·o 'o illrubn ~ sh o nld . no t, ffl il t.o olined t o ~e ll .. t a l' sona hie prl co B:1<1 (11I j's li t t he Wh i t o House ' e mobile owner pays a legal tax ~ ee thil:! grant uUln eUl ent rosort·.' I iow would f.u nt do f ). the beef ua y t he P re 'ow!:! O Ill A w it.b bnt tor YIl:A Rr.I NG HEI FEru:; not Ideu t't!' yes were I'ull fEll'onl of 20 II.> . nUll v r for the privileg e of operati ng his ~Ild no better pluce cnn '\) fouu ci tru st ? b r (!(l, Bom e of them from of tll!lrs al< b e turn !l fr om g!l ~ ill 7 d,tys . r tl~ i ste l' of meri t dllms . . machin e ami that he should therefo re for II dU Y'A outill g. The ROIunn s inh eri ted fro m tbe oul of t h e winlluw , anel be s[lid to HEI FI!lR8 comiu g 2 yen r :! olu have roads' to tl'avel upon that were l-:l r eaks theil' lo ve for fl sh , R me '", me, '1 11m t.binkin YE AHLIN U BULL~ all out l:: of Willi e. ' " -The bl' d . '. lion Fondles a Child, f r egister of m erit dams free from fl bstruct il n, commo nly 80 ldil) r8 were fed o u fi h. h er.g ne l' Desig ner f or Mu), . HE IFE R CA LVE known as "thank -you-m a'ams,'" and In Pit.tMburg IUIl.vog e lion fondl ed u.l s ate fi h., h e r saun to rs were ep' BU LL CALVE~ - - -... that therefo r any superv isor who r.tll' banl! I,bllt u cbiicl thrus t in t o bis oures in fi sh Bod h e r empero rs r eoog. A Regula r Tom Boy. permit ted such obstruc tion to exist Jtlgl1 thlDger t o II l~hUu is SOIDe ni zed no d i h w ore detiira.ble thun tiw et! Ilrellt OV ll f' 1l Il!u!\ t r egtlrdecl. Nui ud <:.l olden Ln d 67475 t he enior b e rd bull at Wayne 1!'lnm \V us t:)u"ieoliwbi ng t rees Ilod ftlll l'Should be held ' iiable for injuries and fWII it oome\! throu,;( is h Culd!', Croup, Ii h. ell, jumpit g ditohes , wbiWn g. Il l. a t r iotly I fl lund br d bull of mre iodivldul.I.lity, ooe of the grea.tes t breed. ('ould be prost!cu ted. Inll Wbo plDg ·u n~h . I'h HIll.; A hi !'! r ecord will allOW, he i8 sire of 6 COW8 Lucul~u s cll'1sed a ounal to he o ut W tl V S get tin g !lortl to b "', ('ut,., 8 pt'U in~, i n~ b llll~ in ')l1io tod,1Y .... with thOIl!lntlI111 thUG Or King '!:! N e w Olfi! ,.hroug h B mountu iu near ly uu t h n tlcuted r eoor Is q11l1lified I.I.S regi ~ter of merit oo~s. BeNupleR to brni e!' hump~, hurn!:! or !Ocul ds !'ide!! ye!lr TOTAL ~~L1PSE OF MOON h f ill i :'e of sevpru l pr ivute to~ t d.OO WR. an d lS himsel f Il T.eglste ·,overy ouuld buve Bu.ved "A lElw brin g up tbe SM nnd its H u t Itl '~I:! ! B tlI' m ot h ~r ju~t nppli (\ r of fi h es t o th p Buokl en' Arnioa t:)u lv ant! curell 10 rl t bn lJ . I fl i:i r p r sen tad in this off6rin g by s ome half dozen daugh • 10l!el:l ourt'd our I.>ab~v of Il v e ry bnrl ce uf tbe guro e nR of lit,! S UIDp- ~ e r 'luiok . 'II Ht< of 'roup," writ t'8 Mrs ( eorgf' torA "'1Il1 ~OVI rrt 1 ~ rfLO llrl u \l ~h ters. He'lls av r y thiu g h eul FI.\' ing F ox 's Eminen tbe junior h~J'd A total eclipse the moon, visible I Dllviq. of FIllt R ook, N. U., "W to too us vi llu. ' 'I'he 11/\'e of· fi.~ h In ~ f'\l e- B o il fj . U l oe r ~, EC7.emn , Old (lU ll lit Wn YIl O Fli rm Is olle o f t he mO Rt. fllt!llionably bred t,hulls m Amenc a to aU observ ers in the United Slates, , Iwuy!! gIve it tu him wben h e t.1.\ L ho~e du.y wa s a lDania.. T b e r d . or I) , Corns or P i h~ R. Try it 200 ut t.odny . B~ i !ll tl'd by t ho g r at buJi Emine nt 6933 wbo. sold fo; SI2,OOO, will ·oceur·o n the evenin g of May 23, !Old Its /l Wonde rful the ll i~bp8 t prioe ever puid fo r a Jers ·v bull. Dam Jflymg Fox medloin tl for malle t- was pri~ed beyond all food Fred C ~ h WII rt z s ua ~on­ The eclipse begins a ; 9 hours 46 mi.n - IIbi ps '! B st WI' Coutrh tilin e 7~31 , tel't 20 Ihs 207., dlLngbter of FI.ying Fox 2729, .. , Cold., A 8 LUoe calle d ga.rum, ma d . f roUl wbo I...JlGrip pe, ,. 500. I II r hi offeri ng we inolude about 15 daugbt ers and 7 SOQ9 sold for Astllon~ , Bem orrhll ges, u\e8 24 ~ondB p. tn. It will beCome Weuk LllIlK", o~ this POULTRY AILMENTS 500, ~1.00. T(ial bot tl the ent.rail!! Bud hlood of mao k"er I grnnd you n g bull. wholly immeMied in the shadow and rAA GIlRtll nteed b-¥ Fred' C and ot,her fiMb eR, brough t high prl0es theecli ps.! become total on May 24, ';l';hW9.,'n "Only ' n rllre instltno o does poul. and grea.t priz ~ wer~ offered th!' at nine minute s after' midnig ht, and - - - - - .- - mun wh l) oould make a 1m . il ar tl.uC'e try r equ ire d octorin g," S:LYS Kate will begin to emerge at 59 minute s . . . . . t:lix mon t bs ti me, baQkal.> le n ote drawm g 6 per cent interes t lout of the liver of the I' d mullet . V. !:!Ilint Muur in Woml.l.n's B ome from dllte. 24 second s after' l~ •. It wi.1I finally tru Dsf rs g iven w h en n Jte nre p!lid. As t·be sale will be bald under ()owpo Choice Books for Comni un for May, " y et it is w Ii In m'JrEl modern time kings hllve ll elter 11 0 )J s tpon m n t wiJI b ~ madeo n aoooun t of weathe r. . emerge and . the eclipsp. WI)) en<t at . mencernent Prese nts at heen kn own for their liking for fis h . t o be prepare d with sufficie nt knowl 2 hours 22 mlllu~es 18 sec~nds a. m., · . For cat alogues addrl!s s • 1n tbe reign I')f Eli ward II. in Englan d edg to r ecogniz e the sympto m!! of May 24. ..:.-__ u.pprouobiug tr o uble. A few smnl l d. E. dANN~Y'S 'Rt,urgeoD could b6 served only on A CHJ;AP JOB .-.. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.~ king'~ til bl e. ID France tl hwongt.b a ooops should be kept. in SOIDe dry, ere s heltere d oothou 6 , to be u sed as • \vere license d by the king. Looi In one of tne middl~ 8tllte8 a Wlln Quaran t ine qOllrte rs . ~ Elr pty dr~­ XII. w,t so fond of fish h~ appoin tworth $500,000 fell into a river from JSOf..)TH .AMERICAN COMM ERCE ed six fi hmong ers to supply h is goods boxes turned on their sides, a rowbo~t, .nd be wile Mnkiug for The foreigIl, oomme rce of South ta ble, }!'rllnciR I . ba~ twenty .tw o with half the front bOll1'ded aorost! Col. D. L. Perry , Auct. and II door of wire ' nettIng to close the lllat time when" 1l1d 11'1 year A'meric a 18 indeed one of the matvel s lind Benry the Grea,t twenty four Toltl Dempsey, Mgr. t he other ll!llf., mllke ~oo.d coops for old, jD~pt!d ' off a .br~dge, 'got, 111m )f the century just optlnio Under the reign of Louis IV . fi h g. tlioce individ uu.l plttient s. They should • uridar 'he arm8 ~nd ;Ilel~ him up the cOn8tru otion of tbe flr8t railway eating beoame I1S popula r Itt ~b e be covered all around , sides and until a.fIlist. noe oome. Next day in Chile alld from the timfl the fir8t li'rench court Ils' it hBd' llver beeD 10 top a.nd bottom , with roofing -popel', the yoong lile88.ver was 8enHo r and .tteame r touoh~ at a port WAL TER MCC LUR E, in Argen. Rome . A . story is tpld thlit when to - when he had oome intO the presenc e tina, there has been a insure freedom from dru.ft. The stelldy expan- fi h fl1ileti to I>rrlve from the se/lboxes lDl1Y be any 8ize. but I like of the man W1!088 life W .. 8 saved, he :llo.n in the 8hipme nt of Will Keep 'natura l pro- ooast in time for a grand dinner b eFune ral Dire-;tor. waa uddrese ed with: , iloct8 and the oonsum ptiotl of for- ing give~ by the Prinoe of Conde to them about elgbte'e n inohes wide and 14h, nnd about two and a half . "YO~Dg .in~n, .yo.u Ilre !' ber,?, Knd elgn goods. Wit-blo the last ten the king, tbe pri nce '8 obef, . Illl il1~s" feet long. To avoid da'mpn ess, and to 8~C)~ you bow. grll~!ol . I urn, 'vearl, howeve r, this growtb Teleph one day night. hae in trions parvay or uf fi h. was so cha here 18 uQ centll for you I :tom'e instano es inorelt8 ed over 100 grined be ran to his ohnmb dr, took for oon venieoo e in attendi ng to tbe Valley phone N 9. 1. Long birds, it is well to elevl1te tliem on - AND'fhe boy ~ook the money but left per oElnt, aud i8 limited only Distano e No. 69-i". by the hitt sword and pieroed bie heart. le~s pr stand them on Ii shelf or it on the dC}Of8lep ~8 be went out. oopuoit y of ves@els ~o oltVY t~. 'i'be b ench . Before using, or whenev er He thouih t toe rIch mtj.n wo.uld , world could not toda.y advanc e WAYNESVILLE, . a step Whellt, bran and oats make strong they OHIO. • are vacated , tbey should be need U to bill'. po ta toe8 with. withou t the rubber uf Brazil, th~ bODes in tbe colt. disinfe oted and tbainsi de thorou gh . Branch Office, Harve nbur.r . O. --nitrate of 'Uhile, the tin cf Bolivlo , • .-~ ly painted with whitew nsh The At his residen ce, 3% miles west of CLINTON COUNTX CENTENNIAL the cacao of Eouarlo r, the oopper 01 Wayne sville, on the U PI er Spring When the oolt h. droppe d it shoold enllme ld oups withou t hundle s can f'J'he f~n(lWiD'" Card 'ls 8plf-expll1n- P ero, th e que b 1'110 b 0 of .P l' guoT' reo Ive nouri bment Il Il J, from bbe daol be attaohe d to the side of tbe ooop boro pike, for 'the season of 1910. .., , , .. tbe ohilled mellts of tbe River Plate within first half hour. by wire loops. " BROWN' BILL is a g oon g eneral- DR.H.E.H~'fHAWAY ato.ry: . . . , or the wbeat, the corh or tbe wo 1 Wilmiu gt?n a·od ~~fnt6n C,,~nt.y 'of Argent ina . Europe ie purpos e' horse. • al6 . Wa,y'ue sville'a Leadin jl Dentu ' will celebrll te their ' eDteDn1 a.l Au~ I d .. n t . the8e ' Rt IpIe" • .' . fo" . . ,. . ', CLOVERDAl.E is 0ie of the best- Office in Keys Bldg. y epende upon . l " . Main 8~ 25-28, andJt i8 hoped B.1l tuelr tlcns tbe 1\la.terial ,veil-be ing . of ~er peo bre<l P erche ron horses in this section "'- &1;IItlJa0gbters mllr, uttend Jb.~ hOPle pie. Bruzil C1eliv~r 8 n.nDually '60, ~ of the c(luntry . He is fifteen years oomine . . .. 000 '000 aDd more of rubber to the .~. old, and is withou t & bl e mish. '['bitt means yoo and yours . . Very m'u:nlftl THE' PORT OF LITTLE PEOPLE ers of tbe . world; the manY,o ld rea!d~nt>8 have ~lrelldy ex: '60,OOO,~f Di~rll'es qf Cbile ferti it' prel8ed tbeir inteDti on f.Q be preaen t l' . ~ If t' t peo . ' . 11.611 11& 0, oon lOen , a nd the . ~nd we hop" to. have tb~ same good ~le . o"-; Tex., .., \vl.t hout knowin g it, $10.00 to in ure a living col t , Any word r~o..m :yo~. one parting witj} mal"e forfeit s the . are wearin g some of the export of Eight be'lIs by the olock in Ibe bllllwn y there, If you would like to supply insuran ce, Wr~te us .aDywlI? , ' Sen~ U8 a liat Argent ine wool In their 'olotbin!{ or A gurgle for langhte r-ot-ob ild on. the stiliI' ; your table with this' high.~. .of 1111 Ohntoni~n~ In your viCinity . of her'htd esin their bootstt nd shoes ...,... . Ho I little lleople, we mostn be late, This ~U1 be tbe t~me o~ yout: life to "":'Erom !:loath AtOefio nn The ves 'e1 will ellt) a·t tho m'tument .'''JlJ)(·~1 In l:O , ••,I.o.ut'!s l grade. silverware free ,of Progrei ls '~', of .~ight. ; . ",,. ""0 wlll, Dr. S ilOOIl YI cost, write us for our spevlalt old (j~ne8 ' ftn~ rene~ . o,l~ &0:. 'a nd Pr08p'e ots,":"y Albert -Bo! little people . for ports of sleep, aule, ·in ;;;. qwdn~nce. . W. F, B~lnp, the'·· Americ an Review . of Review s cial .offer. ' Address ·~.i Over the 8en8 of glel1Ul. yomitiug. no djs" ObairQ l80 ~.nvit&ttoo ,qo~. 'for Ma '. tross. A511'" 'Uld piollsingN" . syrup-6()c.. D~tI!. it' Bo I for' the lie):! of song thl\ t crllep • . Wllmin f(ton, Obio, . . ~ ........_ _ _ STANDAIlD FASHION COMPANY Unto t·he ports of dream. .' . • - - .' .... ,.,.: A Man'\Va~ts To Ole. ; IZ-16 Vandalll Slftd, New York. N. Y• Subsc ribe for the Gaze tte Ev:en ~he Wh!tl .Dl" n ~.rtl oco"slo~jll. o~ly 'wh~n :a' luzy liver upd illuggia h Over the of luughte r !lDlI song, Deur !itt) natal'S sbip.ll" .11\Vi~e. t s, it will not be long ! " .. ' bbowislt4 Oftose fr\~htfol deIJpcnden<?y. .~. ~ '!'! .. ' ..... • ..J. . .~tory But Dr. King's New Life Pill8 ex Imd ballad, a hug and 0. kiss , The b'l~1Dei\1:I ~f a prf,1mv~e~ is ,&0 .pel· Po\8011B ,fr'9 .t~e 8yswm ; br\n~ All Rboard, ' arhng!! , for· islllndl'l I)f bliss I m persond e yOUl' money lnt? blS poo" bOp'e and c'Qur,lll (e; o~r~ ,.11 Liver, .(c Bo' ! little people , Ihe wh\stle has blolVn, et, . .'. . ". ." , StOlnllob and KldD~y tr(lub.leEl; 1m ~ The moon is over the seli. . .. . .- • PI'-rt .bealtb ;, alnd vigor ' to ' the woo.1t Expert Opticia n. Pilot,O Pilot, ooross t.h~ ullknow n ue~'vou f IiQd. ~il~l1l(. I. 200 ,at. Fred C. • ~ohwai't·z , . Gui . Ie life 's little people for lIle ! . . . .·..t··, . • Over 20 Years Practical' Experlenc.:e Eight bells by the clonk and ~hr;. fa~ry ttlle 0 'er! '. CELERY 'FOR tHE ·HOME ~ Tbe Wu. ves ~re a ·wash ? n tbe flllrv Junn Hbore i . ·Tb.e ·ports of the dear litt~e people t,rtl w):erfl . Gustin O()tel, Waynesville, 0''l'be shlldo!Rs-go olim\)in g th(l dre'~Ulyllind t.ll,r; Bo I )title people, t·he.sail s are at, 1st 8a~u~daY In eve.ry month The nnohor lEI w.elgbe d at lflf\t, . 'J!C, :Andi'w 'e ilillie stili 'wbe~e t,he henrt.t! forg t , Tb~ griet that ttl over B.n d : p'CI'st. ~ ---~

O I" F l(:E

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()IIIl M1 'iTh



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·- -- --OF'------

Registered Jersey CattleW AY NE



Tu es da y, M ay 24 th .


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Hea d of Reg ister ed Jers ey Cat tle



6 4,




.. - - - of

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H. E. STOKES, Prop.

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Br ow n Bil l



Clo ver dal e.

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**' I I * CHUUP ~~~tU~iI1H;.:,~:;t?··I'r~~: '*'


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1847 Rogers







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.!~ It~:t~e~:'o~~.:I~:·tP~:t:~8~~ ~;:~~· ·n~.


'. :&11 the gray 'p~ar''''

'. Bb!lll ( 1(~t.

of the isl~~'d8 of i!ong . J , thr~OIl~ ' th"a ti~l:f~lt w~en. y.oor ihip OOIRQ8 along; .

a~~~:~:~:'~~'0~~e~~8o~i::t,g~o, ·

. Wi'th ull)tb~r ~ slog wlj.ilf. .' " .glow . th8'flrt' lllee . And 'yoo 'c uddl& dow'ri ~l()~ On b"r b~~t I . ' .



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-BaU~9re SUD,




.'~,*, ·L"ivcriles"Prevent.s Serious Sickness.


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' l:lverltee.fO~ a CO~dJ' BaC~aChe and Weak ~Iver 0lr _~I~Y"

~~e~~afpi~o~u'nid~ ,I'L,·I I.· E·RIT E ; S',' ~:lrem:U8 ,k~.J.P'l8. ~....... eSin._ .





.. _ _ - - - - - -- _ _ .0 -

The Miami GaZette ( OUIO.

All clubs exist to make pPOple com· fortnble und. happy- they can have 1»0 other raison d'elre- bu t London lias a new c lub whlcb spe iallzes In bapplness, so to sp ak," sal'S hlcu· ro Record·Herald . Non but tbe bappy lin belong to It ; none bu t those 'II'ho s k happiness will be p rmlUed to "have a good cry" In order to real· be happln ss. 'rhe idea or such Il club, It eem,;. WIlS suggest d by tho Bpi ndid I'IUCI't!SS of Maeterlinck's harming and benuUful po, "Tho Ulue Bird." Th is Is n delicious fantusy for cblltlr':n nnd cdults aJlkc>, nnd It ti!ucbes toe truth that happl· ness ties near Il t bBlId, In one's bolUo and immediate surroundings, rather tban in dIstant unrealizable plnns nnd ambitions. Those wbo deliberat ely nnd Ass(oduously Il . k bappiness fnil to nnd it, or find It only when. afte r mllny dis· 81lpointmen Is and sbattered illusIons, they return home-IlPllaren'\1y empty· banded. It may seem at first tbut tho moral of Maetcrllnck'e play bars the seeking tlf happiness In a club as well as in lIny ollier external. material thi ng. but we must not Ile too loglcal and :00 pec1anUc. Tb ra Is no reason whl' p ople with the genius for baplll· oess Should not flock together and a.C· ford Nl example to those of us wbo worry and fret and take lite too traglcall1 or business too gloomily.

Ruth sat alone on the ,'eranda, stranded by the merry withdrawing tide ot young folk wbo were going out at. tbe gale with cusblons. shawrs and oars. There were six or them-each or her tall, gorgeo\lsly ('olored YOUDg stepslstt'rs had her beau . Tbey were bound for tbe rIver wh re boats were wnltlng. Rulb, wltb a long slgb, could think of bothlng Dlcer 018n to be able to spend an hour on tbe river In tbe Ught of tbe risIng moon, nccompnnled by somebody who was sufficiently happy Just In the prll"i! ge ot making love to her. The young folks' gay laughter came back to ber from tb e stili street. Sbe loaned against Ibe 1)\I1ar. folding her bands and trying to Imagine what sbe bad never experienced. Dehlnd ber was the cbeerful disorder of a hasty exodus, chairs out of their lliaces. news· ~allers scal tered, tbe Tug kicked up. She ought to put tblngs 10 order, but she was so Ured. No one would come to see. and surely sbe bad corned the right ·to rest for a little while. Bebind the trees eame tbe sliver flash ot moonrise. She watcbed it pathetically while sbe thougbt of what the day bad brougbt forth. Black· bllrry llresemnc for one thloS. And for . to·morrow a . basket of early peacbes waited. lleBldea, Edna's dress must be finlsbed tor tbe Coombell' mu· slcalo and something extra prepared for dessert, because ber father had asked a buslneslI friend . to dine, And . alter to-morrow tbere were otber days just a8 buay, just as 'Wearl· Bome-an endless 'successlon whose duties mnst be faced with every bit ot enern' sbe could muster. Tbe girls wero young and thoughtless. Twenty. 18, 16 they were-Just In their bloom. Sbe was elgbt years. older, She felt 80 years older sometf'mes, She bad been 20 when ber ,tepmother died, It was a sad house~old ILnd her fatber was always so belplesl. He bad turned to ber. Tbere bad leemed notblng for her to do but pick IUP tbe fallen reins of domestic govern· ment and band Ie tbem .. bUt abe

Tbls being the c:entennial year of the Independence of various South American republics, tbe people of tho :United States will cave ample oppor· tunlty tor demonstrating sympathy and goodwill. Chile bas Inylted our government to participate In a celebration to be held next September. and tbe RUthOrities at' Washington !lave accepted. A division of tbe Pa· Cllfle fieet. Including seYel'll1 o( tbe ftnest shipe of the pavy wUl rendezvous ~o the Chilean coast and will take part in the display on tbe occasion. As .rrang ments bave already been made to bave our government repreeanted at a similar observance in Argentina to take lace earlier, tho • United States de legation may go to Chile to gIve further proof of Interest In the later de~onstratlon. All these ezerclses are full ' of promise as tend· tnc to strengtben Ute good r\llatlons between th9 United States and' the Lattn-Amerlcan nations.

WfIlh\m Hanbart, secretary of the Sav· Ings Bank Section of the American Bankers' association, bas made publlc , a · compilation from reports of tbe na· tlonal mlll1etaty commisal.on, sbowlng that tlle a"erage d~P08lt 10 American iI81V1tlgs bal'ks' I~ almost tour times as . creat 88 tb~ average for Europe, Asia. .AI~C4, Oceaulea, Canada. eta.. and tbat the pelace deposit per capita .. a'hDoat four times areater · in tbo umted Statea tban In the otber por· tions .r tbe world menUoqed. Tbe ata.tistdca plaee the total Bavlngs de' I posits III the world at t16,389.&72,014. . .d of this enormous sum $5,&78,735, ft79 'belongs to prudent and tbrifty .

Embarrassing sltuatlone are bound to .grow out ot the common use of wireless telegT9f1by. and the soonor IGternllUonal regulation Is establlsbed 'he 'bettoer It 'Will be for all concerned. Wben the ItaJlan steamer. Duca d' A()sta, was at ~ on het' rece nt trip boer operator "picked up" a dispatch 'Vaming one of her passengers to bewaTe i)f arrest In Sicily. This t.he .earrttlln susplclous and he sent an 'aerogrnm to tlle chlef of police at Nhples. wbo It! now trying to dlscovElf· what it aU meaus. There lIIaY have been sOUf){l teruIOns for this dis play of 'ntereet ill tills. particular case, but the Incident 6hows how easily a Ill'aeL\cnl joker could bring down serlolls trouble upon tbo ~ pa d of au Innocent sea voy· age r. Tbnt "$500" clerk who w),Ole to Secretary MncVeagh th1.t be had saved the government two ' cent.; in Inll by not dottIng. his I's r-f crossI ng his t's spoiled all his economy by writing an unnecessary and foolish letter, ' tbere by using Ul) ink tbat might have been saved . A Long Island Rllrrogate bas de ttlat a gentletnau PlllY g t drunk at letult three times a },f'or. But what Bome of th m would like to know Is bow mallY (tmes maya gentleman get drunk and s till be a. gentleman. c~ed

A Ore bas just been ·rlUt out aftel It blld burned fOr (lf~y wesl'S And don Bumed ,2.000,000,0(1". ,,;orth 0' good ' l\ard cool. 1t will take .lbe conS llmers . ,a long time to get It paId for .. ~

_ So tbe "sub-conscious sel(" II. to en· te!' Into lIttgatlon arising frul;l marital infeltclties?' How far·reuolllng tbo PlaehoJo,ical Implication. ct life to day are. 0 .., .... ,baslly tbaD thIS horror It

. , an the ncalef that iIO,at



HERE Ilre a COod man:r bealera in m1 town. trom tbe Dowleltea-up. MOlt ot them are well h.ealed, occurred once to me, wrItes Dr. Frank Crane In the Oblcaco TrIbune, to look Into the Dible to see Sf I could not find some blnt as to bow I mIght able to Invade thJs profltable field. I found Uttle about medIcine In tbe book. but one verse struck me forcl· bly, I have not been able to get away ( from It since. It is a saying of ~btl Seo ,... ~ mill! who Is called tbe wisest mall who ~ go ~..,rfX" ;'-:""'" .'3ver lived, King Solomon. It runs: "Oil! you're not so many'" "A merry heart doeth good like a "I bUC~S 1 um; I'm one of trilll t . ... " medicIne." A Statesman. Now, It Is si ngular that lhe old ldng Thl' 'hilw'w wnll was finish'. d. never said auythlng about bavlng a "I flo "JI my felice mending at Oil" merry wife. Sbe . do th good like a mediCine, no doubt, but Solomon did !1t'k," SlIllOUll cod thu mlleror. Thu l> li P. )lroyed himself a stll ll!~ ILJa ll not say so, Perhaps he' hnd too mnny lllsl 0<1 01 a polltlclall. \vlves, and dId hot want to dlscrhn· milt . NOI' did he s peale of a merry The Man Lower Down . husband which \s also a good pcsses· '''fill Iwer trust doesll't won.\' IlJ'~ slon; nor a m el."y job. nOI' merry cil'- lillY ." cumstances of any kind " "'11 :1 t lb"'l Is you r worry? " Mirth AlwaYI UDable. "Tlw lIIark Ilnall who won't tru "l;"Laughter expands tbe lungs, helps 1108t on lIC'l·ald. Illgestlon, drives away bruin tag and An Improvement. prevents the deopllatlon of the spleen "Yes:' said the man with tb hagsY' -wbatever that may be .. And mirth 18 always uSllble, Most of OUI' troublea eyebrows. "wc have a phonogl'llplJ. W(:j'v~ !;lIt s veral Italian grand opera ' are borrowed: Irom the. past, \n the re !)nls. and Inst week I dlscovcred a s bape of remorse or r gret; and from wuy to make their reproduction absOthe futul'o, III the shape of apprebelllutely perCect." . !ilon. Tb vresent Is alwnys tolerable. "Indeed?" osks the maD " 'Ilh the P l'baps you have hebrd the stol:Y l)url11 nose. "V\ bat Is It 1" of the' HapDY Man's ShIrt? It Is good "I rub n IItUe garliC on the '1 '0 Ol'd 'enough to tell again. however : before It I played." There was once s "lug who was smltt n with melancbol), so that he From Pain to Pleaaure a Quick Transl· tlon. was like to die, All th$ physicians I suggested Reslnol and gave a and astrologers were calh·d in ~o couu· sel, bllt no on could give II. I'emedy. At ;Ielghbor one of your sa'm ple boxes for last 0. wI e mall said: '''flte kIng will !l child of a t ew months 'Wbose lower get well 11 he wui s leep all night In a limbs wero broken out witb a rash reo sembling Eczema.' Tho samn)e was happy man's s hirt: ' applied at on co and changed the 'Wail . So tbey sent out througn the valace of pain Into smiles, Two jars 'Were for._a hr.rppy man, that the mlgl1t used with complete r ecovery In the borrow his shIrt. But Dtlt ono ' could surprisingly sbort time of t'l\'O doys. they find; not one who would ,say wltb- ,-hat Ur d mother'l!! loolts and word out the least I'eservatlonl "I am hap- of gratitude were from the beart. py." Theu they 8 arched tbo' city and Geo. E. AlUes, D. D. S .• Boulder, Colo. with no better r suitS, And .then tbey scoured the wbole country through Ita A "Crlats." A motb I' of a l'ewlD·yenr·old Ind length and breadth and stm could not was dally 'x p cling a visit from tb t1nd a happy man. At length 3. little COmpafi! of cour· lItork , :lIla found th little tellow's COil · tl ra were ~·eturnlng. dejectedly from duct 1:'0 nnnoying that bls rath'I' \Va..'; their quest, and' as they rode.. along cnllml upon to Interfer~. "Soully.'· snld PUPil, "mamma I); CJult the hJghway they suw a beggar man. sitting on the grass by tltQ roadsIde Ill, non we are afraid that If YOIl nr not Il b tter boy and mind your and laughing so{t]y to himself, "That man seems happy thOugh be moth r, it wlll brIng on a erlsl . Now .. y. o~J:b.IlPS you don't knowwbo t, be a beggar." they said one to lUlotb-- er. "And It we can find none other, he a crisiS Is." moon and the boat's motlon and tbe "Oh, y S, I do, papa," said DObby. must perforce no." ' man at the oars, whose face looked bllth Iy, "It.'s either a boy or a glrl."Tllen they called to him : "Hullo. young enough aDd bandsome enough Judge. .. ir·rah! Are you happy 1" In tbe generous 11gb ! He sung to ber , "Oh, ycS," replied the beggar. "1 am A Reprima(ld. softly In bls rlcb- vo ce; be talked to happy. Why not?" Mrs. Brown was on her way to bel'; be told her amusing storIes. And "But you are a beggar, are you not? pl'llye l' meeting, and as sbe pass d tho Rutb forgot tbat she waa thnld You don't know where· you are goln~ Jones' .home she SIlW Bobby sltllng 00 forlorn and laugbed and confided. In the porch. to l(et yhur dinner, do you?" blm until It Beemed that 's be bad told • "Are n't you afraid out bero nlone, "No. But whY worry? I bad a good hIm every secret of her 'pOor IItUe ·ute. breakfast. and It Isn't dinner Wne Bobb\"7" "It Is a pity that you bave · bad to ;' l'~ not a.lpno," was Bobby's IlU· yet." • neglect your musIc wben ,you love It "Then," said they, "you nro the man swer. BO," be sald, "but 1 am lure tbat wltb "Who is with you?" asked 1111'' : . we are looking for." . And they told a few good lessona )'ou could piCk' It up again ·easlly.'· blm of. tbe klng's malady, bade him Brown, "Now, Mrs. Brown," sold Bobby, 1m · "1 suppose so:' Rutb slgbed. "btl, elve them h'i, sblrt and promised that you see I baven't t'be time." It sbould be returned to blm full of presslvely, "If you was a good woman. you would know who was wIth me:' gold. . "Take time. Give your bouse"ee.,. Ing ov~r to your sisters." .... .blt" At that the beggar man lay ,back on Only Nine Left. stared at blm In Burprlse be leanet the grass aDd laughed until the teara L (l \\ yman III an eatnest advocl\te (orwar'd resting up.on the oars.. "Rut", stOOd 1n his eyes. e· of some plan undor which the sn.v· tell me. If you could. wouldn't yOU . "Come; slrrab;" C!rled tbo Impatient iugs . of children shall be pr<lS rv II I t If b . ~ Paris Pattern>~o. 3251. AU Seama omano pa e youree y marr .... ~ ~nowe!1 .....Tb'e pretty dresses for very. eotirtter~. "we have no t1p!e for ·parley. · for j\lture generations ' to read. wIth your shirt! Else we wU! 'j rk "Til other day, ' tor Instance," says ~~~~~~uro ~!~.~~o~~:~~ y~~~ d::~~~ little cblldren are ~ose .t hnt are aim· 'OJ! . Wyman, "my little boy was called be· "But-nObody . .would--" plest, to .. hlch elsss belongs the yolte H· od." "Yes. somebody . would-does. I, frock here pres:nted, wbleb, may bave. ·."Hold on, gentlemen, bold on!" ex- .fore tbe tl'l bunnl over whIch his forin Ruth. I must seem like t\ pretty old long sle,:-v8s completed "Ith wrist· claimed tlle beggar. "not so fast. 'rhat'e moth r presides. foUow to you, but I believe I could bands. or sbort sleeves. . pic- Just what 1 WI18 laughing about. I . "'Yoll've bl'oken one or tb PI clou8 tell commandments,' she said. make you happy I w nt cl tured. Tbe stralgb~ yoke Is used In l18ven't any shirt." ,.. Old I?' nsked ,our boy carelessly · IliaI YWQ!.I. bear. tbe back as well as In the tront. and, Hla E"ea Opened, And my s 1s ters Iw ng. e ' ave . d ' t ... talked It over together. It 'yOU wlll wbll.e the dress may be ma e 0 one So they told the king. and the klug I!ko. .. ''I' s, my boy. I've said to you marry me I cnn promise that yOU sball material thrOUgbO~fut Cor morning had seose enough to perceive tlult hap· e 0 rgr t" . ' bours. n more fanc I touch play be pi ness does not come (rom tbe shirt over ontl ovcr the ten 'ommnud· n ~nr h:ur ~~ter Ruth, someWbat re- g1v&!n by making t.he yoke ,of allovel1 I yo'!- ~ear, nOlO tbe bed y'!u upon. me nt s.' snld Mrs. 'W yman, 'and now th It t r embroidery or embl;llllsbing It, . wltb nor ·sllken c'o verlngs nor a beautiful yuu've broken one ot them.' d l covere rom e exc emen . 0 ra. baJld wurk. Platts . under the arms ,. . !, "'Dem', denr,' my tipy . "II ro's celvlng nnd accepting her first pro-I tb k' t tl ffi I . t f I hOuse. nor any other of these outward only nln left now.' g ve e s tr llor on su c en U· thl' b t ,. b h t, ' posal. stole upstnl'rs. As sbe opened ... . 1'1 tt I I 3 I -1 t ngs, . u u om t e ear and he "And Mrs. Wyman ' let It go . 8', .. ,0 was cured · o.,ss. \e pa ern s n s zes thnt:· . t b e d por 0 t b er .room. nn unusual slgbt 5 yeal'tl, For a ehlld of 3 years tbe <. .. . greeted ·ber. 'rbe gtrls were tbere dr.eBs requIres 2 yards of mafertal 36 Nevel' , take yOlll' troubles to bed squatting on ~e foor about the open wide with' % yards of III.lnch with )'ou. Worry Is tb\3 worst bedfel· windoW. , allover embroIdery and 11,4 •yards low. Hang your troublell over the back "We couldn't see tbo moon any· edging. of a chair with your trousers, or drop where else." Louise snld. "Where To' pr~curo tliia pattern IIflnd 10 'cents tbell\ In a glass of water with your bave YOU been. Rutb?" 10 "l'athirn Department." of this paper. raise . teeth; some one 'lnllY get In and ' "I've been on the river." Rutb an· Wrfte name ~nd . address plaluly. an/) be rob ·yoti during the night; and then ·swered. trying to keep her 1Iappy voice ' lure to. alve 6111:e and number of pattern. you cnn start out I.n tbe morning with Await the person who disco\lt"rs steady. "1 went wl~h Mi'. Marr In his '" new troubles, ne\v .trousers. new teeth. ' " new . boat. And-and, ob, girls! I may Uft 3251~ IZ evet:ytblng new. ' · '. .that1 a long ff,t.rain of• coffee ail s cao ., v. 8 - m.••••••••••••••• ~ Ib L! as well ' tell you, l'm-be-I·w . golD8 " A stlll'better way Is to get all your e t uO\m 0 u'y USlIlg . .. . !:fAME........................................ trt:llibl,es the table before you, aU ' to marry him!" , ThI ere waks an ag~l\St sUence. Tben T6~..~ ....... : ..... ~·.................. :~.:. tlie. sins you'r.e sorry ff>r~ all Uie c~:, t . Lo. u. se spo e. · Iamltles YOll dread. all ' your sickness. . your d~,bts and your ' grudges; apd . , '. . "Well," she said, "?ot cours.e It's' .all ~'l:REET AND. NO....... ~............ ,... rlgbt If you ~~e him. '. . . '.' .' then g~t aU your' ·.wlfe's. and your bus. . "Love blml , Ruth repeated, and her BT-~TE ......~ ......................... :..... bund's' . tLJid your rel'atlves' trouble ' voice rang. "I adoi-e him •. girls," I!he · mid 1PUt cl~y'", an~ state's and .. us: . cried. . . .' 'Ouf Educ~tio,n. . ,tlon's-pllo .them up o~· the · taJ~le; . then :A man learns .to rellpect the rIght. atillid over tbeln 'a nd ·weep until you ~be coql{O~t and' st~~ngth com Pr.UlI8la'I·· ~ta.te Income. . ot'otbe s ~ecause .blnown are .tralfPled . hnve. Wl!-~~red' them.: witb ypur teirs from a rehuilding of new nerv~ The state Income of .'prussla irom .on 10 muoh;-Atoh!son Globe. sufftclen.t1y> to ~nead thp~ .Into.,.s 1ilg~ ·. )1 'b ' I f ' : '. . . public .propertles . amoun'ted.ln 1908: bal~', and ', then take tlie' bail'. ce .~s y t le 004 elemeQ,ts 10 tb .' tosome:what mor,e .'.t~~n .tbe· .total .•n· . ' . •,ooml lind (trop . fQalSted wheat used ':- in ".nuiki~Q' come frQin taluitJon a'n d from b9rro,,· . ,Pit of · our b;~a.'f~nh"r pcistUnl~'·, .. i . ' : . \./, I,' lngs. .. The rallw8y,8' were the ,largest and care. whlcli:.·You w)U . ~ource of income and netted tlt9.7St:· . 1~It"tor Ii, for It'd s Writ. 000. ' or: ,bout~.e.lgb~ per ' c'Snt. 'on. . the all YOln' c~e upon .blm, f~r . total Invested by Prussia In ltil. raU· ~e for :rou,!' A,nd If 'he Is cariJ1ir. ~ay sYBtem Ihice tbe. state belaD to ~by .~40uld y.o~? . '. ' . buy snd b}Jlld. raUwaYI. In 1848~.S; Mfd then come out Qurcli: and lock Prulsla .derived· from otb'!!r , sounieM. the 'door ~~ . a",aUp the: key! . ~ Strom Ita .ct'pwn . .foreatl, the 1...8d 'I,J~ yo.. 8wallow 'lte7. tor' ff'-yoQ farms. tbe Iron, coal, potash, ilall ,aDd do ,not WlU bf other ml~ea, ' the ' porcelalit laetort... day ,"UlkJn. and • varlet,7 of Impol' .. tant lDdUattl... 'Z'.I~~'\~ ...._ ·


- ---


t ••••••••••••••••••


III spite of' everything, some Amerl·



tlon. LouIse was already engal{ed . She looked upon Ruth aa aD old maid. "You'll nover marry now," she said. No, sbe never wOllld. The gtrls would go, but she would stay. Her fatber and she 'would be old together. For bel' It would .be a case · ot "crust. and lett-overs" .to the el\d. Hark! Tbe man non door was playIng and s Inging. She knew wbat be was sIngIng. It was ' "The Monotone." Wbat 11 strange man he wasor, at least, Helen said be was stranse, and sbo knew him better tban any ot them, unless, Indeed, It was her tather. E\le r since he had come wltb his old sister to live In tbe beautiful bouse next door he bad been kind to tbem all. shnrlng his fruit and flowers with them aDd lending the 'glrls 'books \ and musIc. They were always gOlD! to his hou se on some missIon or otber, a.nd they w re always wercome. Rutb had gone once decorously to call. as! befitted her position as nomInal bead .. of ber tathel"s bousebold. Sbe bad Paris Pattern No. 3282. All SeamB been a little awed by wbat sbe bad seen. It must be so nice to bave rugs Allowed.-Tbe summer girl wlll reo that had no worn places and . chalra gllrd this picturesque and comtortnbl) wbose Interior mechanism of 'sprlnss sblrt waist as ber own special dewas succ sstully concealed by abun· sign, It Is so cool looking wltb Its fiat dant stumng. Mrs. Fleet ' bad been ,nal' and elbow sleeves nnd of sucb very sweet to bel', but Rutb bad felt becoming Casblon, a slight suggestion somehow that sbe preferred the aocl· of Russian beIng gIven by lho side ety of tho glrill. And 10 sbe bad not closing. Tbe "",.uson" tucks extend only to yoke depth at tbe front. but gono agaIn. Tbe plano next door ceased, Mr. continue to the walsttllne at the back, Marr evidently did not Intend to alnl tbe slight tulness between at the latagaIn. Rutb wlsbed he WOUld. Wben· ter line being gathered, wbile . I ever she beard blm playing she folt an It'1th~rs at tbe front ~Jve graceful ful· Impulse to fly to tbe old plano In tbe ness. As pictured. tbo garment Is parlor and practice with mlgbt and made or wblte linen, nainsook em· main. It was a pIty tbat ' her muslo broidered Insertlon trimming tbe col· had cost so mucb and had come to lar and wristbands, · 'I'bree wasbable cord' buttons trim the closing frollt. nothing. . "Mlu Ruth!" A man stood bare- Th9 pattern Is In G slze8-3'l to 42 beaded on tbe g rass before her. look· Incbes bust measure. For 36 bust the Jng at her, a kindly smile under' bia shrlt w",lst reqdres 2~ yards ot mao terlal 36 Inches wide, wltb 11ft yards graylsb mustache. She brought ber eyes down from tbe of Insertion. moon to blm with a starl ' "So tbe To procure thlB pattern liend 10 centll youngsters bave ~one and left Y.Qut'· to "Pattern Department," or thlB pap r: WrIte and addr~ pluJnly, aod be be said. "I · hel\rctI a commotion bere a sure t~name gIve sIze and number or imttern. wblle' ago Rnd Inlspected that . tbe river had called them. It has called SlZE, ..~•.-••••••••••••~ NO~ 3282. me. too. I've got a new boat down tbere under the bank-the palnt la NA..ME •••••••••• , ••••••••••••• ···············: just dry on It-oat, a beautiful boatand as my sister ls as afraid of water TOWN •••••••••••••••••• ~ •• ··.-···,········· as a hen I've come to seo It you won't 8TlUi1ET AND NO..................... .. go with me for a little row, A boat 8'l'ATlD •••••••••••••••.•••• ,sn't ,a good place to be alone In.'' "Ob. Mr. Mq.rr!" Ruth gaspel\ in ·de-. and ber face bloomed In aby CHILD'S ·DRESS. rad1an.ce. "WhY, I've jUllt been dttn, to go-aneS now. CIlnl rea ao &OOd Of to ask me:" .

-canr. can manage to save something.





.A ~rICllll1l.

Practical Fasldons

Their Step-Sister's Surprise




.. :YJr"" ~. .~ U:'f::'V~ , ~. or; ~V'~.A£." COUld. It was· appalling bow unprapared she WIUI. for sbe bad learned little save music. j:Jbe bad meatlt' to teach It. but. · alas! her teaching bad begun and ended wltb the family clr· cle. As for practicing, sbe never had time tor It now. Staring up at the moon, sbe ,,"undered It sbe bad done all the duty r-eQulred or ber, At least sbe bad don~ /1s well 8S she cOilld. stepsisters were brlgbt. head . strong, spirited. handsoIfte, too. with tbelr red hair nnd glowing complex. Ions. To see tbem was to admIre them. . . Sbe had always divided · tbe money thnt came her way Impartially among tbe three. It went sucb a little way after all. Tbey were bIg and It took BO mucb clotb to clothe them. · Then, too, they wero out of things so fasl And they bad suc!t a love for adorn. ment. She was at ber wits' ends someUmes to supply tbelr demands In ways tbat would not dIstress be r fath er. 'As ror hersolf, anything did tor her. It was a good thing t bat stle 'was small ror the best rlart ot the girls' dis: carded clothing made over very nicely Cor her. Only In footgenr was ahe forced to bG extravagant~ She wore out so mnny slloes walking at her bouse work. 'I'be girls did not belp her \-ory mucb. They hated bousework. Sho could not blame them. . She thougM ebe hated It b~rself sometimes. And rea lly it W(lS as easy to do a task ber. self as to coax somebody to do It for one. The girls were young-Just In tbe mIdst of thetr glr)hood and wild to bave all the"good tfmes they COUld. Youth came b.ut once In a .lifetime, as Louise ·sa]d. . .' . it ~ame to .Rutb suddenly tliat she bad nev~r had time to be young at all. Flrst ' she bad worRed so hard 'In order to becom~ s.elt·supporUng; . tben sbe bad bad to take charge' ot the bouse. hold. For eight years sho had 'plQi the part ot' . a self·denYlng · bOUle wother, She ~)ad bee .. to no ~e.. bad po 8mar.t trocta. As for' beau...wh),. sbe bad De'er. bad one l~ IMt.1lt.. She"d had DO tiiDe .at 8M ·Ulcl .~

t'l'lJ 'he Clrll

lid '11'011 aU tU ....




Comfort and New Strength '.


'p" O·



·.-n pIa'ce···. of C'olle'e





, ,



FIRST CHIEF OF DETECTIVES Organiza t ion of Secret Service Depart. ment-Had No Head, System or Regul ations. ,\C or(J!lIg to til l" :>lo l'Y of til ' organ· Izatlon of til' Sf'f' Ic(', us told lJy 01. Lufay<'tle C. Baker, th(' fl l'st Ilatlollul ('hl'( of th ' gO l'ernnwlll d to'lI\'e bu , r /lU. "tb dl1 tecti\'\ ' IJtl~illl'SS for th u '\' 81' was com menced with nu head, IlYllt m or regulations, cxcf! jltlng !:lUf'tt -oJ . \ ; : ns werl:' made by tbose haYing no 1\1rs. Wi se-I don's .see \thy that new IW(lwledge of the p ullar nnd dlffi· cult ,\)usln08s." mlllionair Is so IlOpular. He can't lUI to hll; "on's .. torm," he III prone to In F'Hbruary of 18G2 S ,crNary Sew· even eXllr 8S hlm s If. let the,larl work out bl ~ 0\\'0 !!al"allon an\' of tlle d partrnent of alate. nd· Mr. WINe-No, but he can pay tbe P.S a golfe r, For a tJme Charllo was rlrcssed a le tter to Edwin l\T, Stanton, [relght. , cont ent to, confine his act.lvltles to u s cret.ary of wnr, aotl In this the state· nlne.bolo COllrsc, but no\\' , like bill fa· m nl was made that "I.. C. Baker has AWFUL BURNING ITCH CURED ther, he scorn ... nnythlllg less tha n an beell employed by the s tat dellurt· IN A DAY , 18·hole COli rRe. ment. In the dete(:tlve s ' r\'lee," bllt III 'rbo.! pr s ldent. !lnd hili eld st SOll al· consequence ot a rec!;!nt exec ut Ive or· "In the midtlle ot the night at March most nel'el' go to the. golf IInktl a:\ve d\ I' lhe stat depnrtmcnt had "no fur· 80th I woke up with u burning itch 10 In golfing attire, Not thnt. tbere III ther use for his sel'vlces," and Baker my two hands and I telt a.s if I could 1 RESIDENT any thing cODsplcuous In th costume was consequently commended to the pull the m apart. In the morning the severnl hobbles, but of either, but some concession, even consideration of' tbe accretary of war itchIng had gone to my cheat and dur.. fore most of thesethougb It be only ollling nelR and I\S 1\ "capabl and efficient officer," Ing that duy It spread allover my measured by loyalty a Scotch csp, Is' made to the buslnest; In April, 1 65, II was In N w York body. I was red and raw from tbe top Ity .securio'g cvldenco against de· of my bead to the soles of my feet and , and enthusiasm _ Is In hand. The ever·acllve Charlie, on the gamo of solt, of th e other band, as may be surmlsod l1el'ter8 , when the [allowing telegram, 1 was tn , continual agony from the which he has been 1\ from the accompanying pi 'turoll, Is no rlnted }\prll 15, Clll1sed him to hurry Itcbln~. I could neltber lie down nor ' devotee tor a number sUckler for togs wh n a·golfing, Incl· to Washington : sit up. I bappened to see about CuU· of year8 past. SOllie dentally, It may be remarkeli thut tbe "< :0111 to ,,"us Ing-lon Immediately cura Remedies aU,d I thought I would Idea at the e8Umate youngest son of ,the presid ent Is nl· arul t.!\-J if YO II cau lind the murderer give them a trial. I took a good bath which be places on ways' mucb more of a hero to bls of t h ' Jll' sident , E . 1\\. S" Secretary with the Cutlcurn SQap and ul!ed the tho Scotch game ae a (laddy than Is his father. Perbaps this of War." CuUcura Olntment. I put It on trOIQ meana of diversion and a contributory Is .due In part to his mnny likeable 1 pan leaming from angl'o that a my bead down to my teet and then-' ~uence of good health may be characteristics by no means the leaRt man anSWering III description or went tQ bed. On tbe first of April I tormed from the fact that he recently th us It cam about that ' Charlie, of which Is his refreshing democracy. Booth and ano th er Illall had crotlsed telt like a new man. The itclling was Insisted that "hls youngest son, CharU , youngest of the family, became In E\"e r since be toolt to golfing, Cbarlle the Poloma in Ii Hsbl ng boat. Baker almost gone. I continued with tbe should take up the game. What la very t ru th his ruther's first golf pllpll. Taft bas chosen his partn ers and op· sent to Gen , Hancock for 2(J men, Culleura Soap and Cuttcura OIntment more, tho president took time to per- Moreover, It did Ilot occur to Taft that ponenls ouly wltll regard to their skill These he placed uuder command of ' and during that day the Itcbtng COIQBonally Instruct the junIor membe of he oug ht serluusly to take hIs young and sportsmanlike tendencles, 'nnd E. J. Conger and L. B, BaIt r, und It pletely lett me: Frank ' Gridley, S1I6bla famn, In the rudiments of Lhe son III haod In lhls matter until after with no r f renee to who their fa· wus but a s hort time until the mur· East 4ard Street, New York City. Apr. eport. he ' bad been nomlnnted for president. tilers · might be. Charlio',; Ind epou· de r I' IIlld his accomplice hatl been 27, 1909." OuUcura 'l temedfes are sold It abould be explained just here, ThIs was about the time that the pres- dellc In such matters was vldenced positively located In the Gurr l barn, throughout the world; Potter Drug I: that It did not require much Insistence ent pr 's ident began to have opportu. when hls father was secretary of war, whlc,lI was wltbln three mil s of the Chem. Corp., 8,o le Props, Boston. M~asB. on the part at the presIdent to Induce nltles to play wltb and against the bT bls slImmary wltbdrawal from Illace as Indicated 00 the .nap by Gentlemen Two, "Cbeerful, Charlie," as he has been most skllrul amateor golfers In tho Quentin Roos velt's baseball nine be· Bak r. It was night and as the armed Two st,r eet ' cleaning department aptly nlcl{named, to tollow the wl;llte 'wor)d- m n such as the mlgh~y Tra., cause of some ot the dic tates of the mon s urrounded the barn Booth and blllls over the greensward. The 13- vis-and ' there was brought home to youngest , member of the Roosevell Harrold were commanded to '·Surren· meD were havIng an ulterr.ati!)n aa del' YOllr arms und gl e yourselves up they were driving theh' carta side by year-old son of the present chief him the advautage tQ any COml)aratlve family. . sIde along upper Droad way tbe other l , mlal!l:ls~:ra:le Is, with the possible excep. newcomer In golf In playing with per· Chl\rles Ph Ips Taft is now a stll' or the ,bam wHl be set on fire, " tlon or one 01' two of th Roosevelt sons bavlng the relath'e rank of ex· dent In hi uncle's private scbool at Th I' ply tha~ came from within.. aftel1loon. One . was red·fa~ed and bulbous·nos~d, the typical "rummy," boys, just about tbe liveliest lad bat perts. Wa tertown, onn" and lil, at.13 years , w,s brief nnd to tbe point; ever resided at the' White House, and For aU that, the president was aU Il.bout the youngest boy 'ln the schoo\. 'IGlve n~e a chance tor my life, cap- The other was an adder·beailed negro.. the only explanation at why he did not lb'1 whlle, a very busy mal. He set He Is preparIng to tallow In the foot- tain; I will never be taken alive," Both looked utterly disreputable. "Oet out 0' my way!" yelled the red· leap golf long ago must be found In apart a period of each day for the In· steps of bls tather, and his elder Booth was the speaker. Harrold's the fact tbat he 'simply o,v erlooked tbe struction of his golJ\ng protege, In- hrath\lr RQllf~ rt, by roundinr, out his nf! ~e weakened aud through the half· taced man. "Don't ('her 'know el10ugh pule. Ev.erythlng else trom tenbta to strucUon began when the Tarts were educatlon at Yale. Meanwnlle be Is op n doo~ h'e stuck bls arms to receive to get outer der way when you ~ see- a eaUln-s be bad ~aatered. ere be set out ' nt Hot Springs, Va.; It was continued dividing his recreation hours between th~, man~cles. IV~e'a.~whH~ Bootll con· gentleman 1" "I'm more of a 'gem'men than you, to CODQuer ,lits ·first golf course. \vben Charlie spent with Ule famlly at ~olr.rod bore back riding, Ever ainet! Unped ' to talk.. "J)rnw- off -YOl\r men,· Mr. Robert Taft. ' the eldest Ion of Aususta, Georgia, the first Christmas Prosldent. Tl}ft acquired an automobllo apta.ln, lllld I will fi ght them singly. you big rum," retorted the negro. the president, became a pretty good holidays arter' Taft'lI election ' a8 preal- a8 the connecUng link between his I could haY killed YOIl six tlmo8 to· "Youall drives a glll'bage-eal't1, an' I golfer almost uncoDaclously tn tbe dent; and finally It bas progressed ' at place 'ot residence and the near,est nigbt, but I beHeve you to be 'a brave only picks up aabes."-New York day. when be .and all his cOll81ns gath. W3shl.ngton and at Beverl Mass. golf Unks, the versaUie harHe has mall aud would Ilot murder you. Olve Press. . erect every vaclltloD at the common wbere th'e Tarts spend each summer. been more than anxious to be allowed 1\ lame man a s how." But before he Do HI. Cuff. Need a Shave? au~mer rallying ground of tbe whole CharUe Taft. alike to bIs fatber, ' does to drive t.he car-the theory of the op· b d ceased speaking Col. Conger bad l~ver noUc,e som.etlmes a mun'a Taft clan at Murray Bay, Canalia, on most or his golOng In su~mer, and eratlon of which he has already m'as· sril1ped arolllld to the rear of tho barn, cu'ffs have whiskers? His collar, tOo! the shore of tbe at. Lawrence rlvel', during tile Interval between ten tered perfectly, thanks to trlendly drawn some loose s traws through a Know what does that? The shirt M~88 Helen Taft , has never cared o'clock In th morning and noon, and- chauffeurs. However, hIs father wHl ' rack and touched 'a lighted mllteh to aD,d collar have' been washed with, much much for golf 8S compared' with for nil that the pr sldent bas been not. as yet. hear of his adding this to them. , The straw was dry and, bla· yellow soap, tull 01 rosin aud strong riding and motoring and, wont to ' have a rather watchful eye his other accompllsbments, zing' up inst.antly, carried n sllee t of caustics, and between t,h em' they can smoke and flame through th parted eat and rot t he ftn ~st Hnen ever mniie. , ,I , , , , 1) 1'Yl ks. Booth could be seen h~ the TrY a cake at Easy Task Laundry' M:><:K"<><:><O<X:><><,)<>O<><><><><><><><><><><><>'<><><><><>O<><><><><><><><><><><>OO Center of the barn, with fl ames CTt· Soap. It' Is a friend to fabi1cl! and an " , . , ' 0 croo(~hjn g upon him from nil s id es. At ene'my to dh·t. It doesn't cost a whit T "A " T . 0: the gleam of tile fir he had drollped more than the bad kinds of ,8oaps, " :&! ¢ ,bls crutch nn d carbin . His yes Ius· but it pays tor itself ten timcs over - , . ¢ trous and teeth Hxetl , he wore the e.'C. In the , aavlng or clotbes and troul1ie and healtb . ' <><><><><><><><><Xx><><><><>.<:><><> <><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><> ::><><><><><><><><><><><><0 A Witty Bllhop, The oldest club In 'St. Petersbur.g, burg. The 3unual sub8crlption Is 400 any hired room t bey must give 48 "The late BI shop Foss," said a PhJl· tho Angllskle, or Er.gllsb club, wa. rubl S. The dinner Is serv,ed at 'one bours' notice to the pollc , ' slating thtl t\delphln physician, "once \1slteo Ille toundpd In 1759, It do s nol now num· great table Imd each newcomer bu· purpose or their gathering, eyen If It fo r some trifliug allmeut. bel' 8)J Englishman or auy other for: 'fore b~ alt:s ' down must walk around ' Is only a dunce or ' a wedding f Ullt. ' .. 'Do you, 1;IIt',' I saltl:to hh.n, 10 tbo elgner among I~s "'m ombers, though' .and shake hunds with the members L' St. P tel'sburg ,has LUI ' excess ot coul'se of , my e xnrulnn lion, 'talk In It ' was ' siart d by Francis Oard'n er , wh'o hi1ve a\J'l!udy begun, ' , " , male populatlon, dU I;! to tlJ,e gr ater .... .lo yonr 's leol> ?' mercl1a,nt" manufacturer and $blp Dridgeliiid Iloker are '"the games. Illlm~er of men from the provIne S In .. 'No, si r,' h ~ SOSW(\I'l:'lI . ' I tAlk Irl owner. R partner In tho old !\lusoovy Vlndt, the nallve Russian game, which thl:' jllnlor briltlcnes of t he Irnperlul othel' peollic's. Areo't )' 011 aw:U'e tha t company, whose first cbal'ter was I ~ brldgu 01 four dimension!!, bai/been administration, luld to the aggreg'a· I am a 111 vine 1''' ' thes~' e;rlmted <l)y ' Queen Elh:nbeth of , Eog· tll'lven frOID the fashionable ' baunts, tlon ct young army offi e rs, More land, nnd Czar Ivan the Tenlble. but haiti!! Its own at domesllc parUes youngsters losc great !; UDl S at cards His Last. 'T~ronghout the ferment of n few a od 'In 1110 pl'ovln es, wh el' the un· than In aoy otber capital 111 Europe, PoeI'" \\,ir ~ :\ly husbunll l"lld th ts years ago t , Petersburg wus \I vel' worked tchlnovllik will play It dally 'urid tho eb RUng Is notorlo,lI s. Tho poell1 nt n pulllic' ~ 1t:'lJmt\o n -be ror wlthilut Hs cr<>p of' nlllshroom lulls, from noon till four o'clock the n xt gambling clubs tllat gel closed nnd t hOll A:l lllls or P ' {Jlllr , Alas! It was tb which sprang up In a . nlght a od mornIng In hIs governm nt bureau l'f:a ppeal' In otper premls s lIr' lISlIIlJ· lafl t 110 111 II (' I'e I' wfOl " changed tbl'lr nam II and lhe nalll es ,vHII his govo·rnm nt colleagues. IY' Illurk d down on the cOllllllalnl or r'ubll.'h\lf"'-l s 'e, 1)\11' tb y lyn('h him of the gnllleQ they v1ayed . very 'other f{'h erl~ ts the German Merobants' n fllrully ~Yhose SOli has gone bu ukrup 01' shoot hhn '! - JJ('~l1 '::; WQ. .ldy. ,3 month ,or; at s horter Intervals 'Jf llley , club In th ccntlll' of the Vlty, Like at t heir tab les. A t noarly a ll of tI e lU, Th e Re a l Hero. 'lQ ' r~uch a worltlng agr, ement lhe two sen ior urlstocnnlc Instit utions men aod women 'play /lId o 1\)' s id ' and, fic~ flltled "So Hlgglll t! has writte n 1I hl!.ltoril'al with tho 10'0nl 'chlet ot p611 ce, Th It refuses to admit thu~ Ill! 'title shoUld of cants, tnl<e one Il ootber 's money novel ?" old , Angllskle klub has watched tbem dc: l1ne It.s lnember shl1), \'ihloh Is nei· wlt.h e qlllll re morselessness. PorlOlI · "\" 9:' n'l\s wcrru ]Ill s!! CllY 'un '. com!! and go, with Indlfferenoe, til r ve ry Cerman' nor vory mercan· tall y tllere Is a cl'isl s, Some bolly , "\vllo Is tho hl'l'O QC Ih Look '!" Us membership hils contrib uted to tile. It Is t ho Ilynon y. m fo r good cuts lhe light Off wbll his conre der· "Tbe lJI all who lIn, nntlertakt:'l1 to !tllIlIIols ' of ' ' universal clubland, bourgeois t'omfort and Is prohnllly the ate SCOOIIS tho tnkes on th e tables, tlllblt.,h IL," - \\ ush h, gto n Sta r, ~oeuf StroP,noff. whi ch figures In lbe mos t tead lly prosperol1s of all the Cew r~v ol ver shots foll ow , there Is rcstaurallt menu of mallk~nd, Is an In · clulis , a rush 101' th e sll'oet a nd the poll ee An Effectual Cure. lts s o Inl complexion I'esembles the are brought In , ventfon ,of .o'ne or Its members, Count "S h wunl s 10 11(' n s lslel' to m e." StrO~lUlO~; , sauce Nes,selrQd e Is an· iecently founded Octobrlsts club for, . The sCllmps In the gambling 'club!; " Yoll cau ' as ll y get bl:' r out of that qther, Damed ' aft~r ' Ah\xander I:A sec. moderate pollllc:lan!l, fOlluded by the are 110 num erous and lruow so much notion." e ,retary of sttlte, who ,\trected , ~ltasla'8 Vart)' or that OI\l1)e. Theil' ratllcal op· ab lit nch other that nothing can be tt Was a Stra'1.g Hour U pOt1 the Po"How?" dlplonlllCY In' the ' days of Nap~leop I., ponents founde'd a ons lltutional demo don to ~ t 'up vIdence for n prose. to mac, ' "'1'1' at h er as y.ou woulll n s isle-;-," and !ill{ned ,tbe treaty ot Vienna aHer', (lcrath: club three yeqrs ago. cutlon" 1 bo pollee have no authority press ion of ol1e In tho cal mn esH be Domestic Notes. the ,. Corslcan'lf 'downfall, Pushldn,' The probl III tbat the ~regarloiJs In· to' arres t officers or the army and na· [orc (roni }', Vengeance wus III ,h is 'Tv Iloticed olle t,lIing," ,v oet ,anti offi'cer ot 'th,e Ilhp~rlal guard, stlnct of RussianS" In tl, e l~ , ~ong, clark "y· rr they al'o mixed Ull In R club eye. 'H e gla\"lHl al,the lIames and , "And wbat Is ,that ?, ''Rllsaln's ' Byron," was ,a member, as e-venlugs has set Ue.fore the governor , s undal Ule officer of the brIgade 011 ' tllrnlng tow(U'd the door to face hi t! "When one 'g ets loadeej. It's usually waif BIsmo~,ck's" dll)IO~ll,tlc ' l'h'~l. t?f , the city apr!1lgs niostly {rom lhe guard' dllty must be sent (or to dis· captors , he fell, pier ~d t hrough the Prlnc Oortachakoft. " 1111)811er clubs, In a tentative ,way the clpl1ue them, , neclt. lie bad been S(IOt by Hosloll his wife wbo eXlllod S ." hta 'absolute authority of the se· Corbitt, a sergenut, who, dlsobe)'lng !l'he UH:lmbershlp today ' III d~nwn chiefS of the government are trying to tha steer them Into whllt are , officially nlor ~mcer ove r all military and ~avlil orders , hat.! fir rl through t\ crack or largely trom ' tb,e senlor Officers, army: and ' the 'nominated 1I1emberfi ot looked ' on as 'safe , and, . wbolesome men at all thnes ~\'errld es ' club com· t il bal'O . nooth d lud Ih u xl rnaI'D' , t~e cOtlndr 'of;.-erliplre: ' 'The, dbS~rfge ,colJ,rses. ' Prime Mtnl~~or stb!Yl>ln has mlttees or lUly' other ,SOCial autborlty" III$', of grand dulles ;Is all'crt,bed , t.o n sceno j~st 'sent goo a' wlsJlE!s to ~he. ~ewll; a~d It 1s exercls~d '~ll~O\!t com~lInc. ' Sp a1dn~ of the fioal disl)Osltion III the cl~b 'card , room long' ago 'when '- fo~nJec,l Aca'U mle' club ot.1!enlor 'stu· , tlbn. ' " ',' , mad of the body', 01. Bakel' : said: o~e ' of ..them ~'after a r,iUl ,a b,d' .1il,ok "d~ent1f and " '~,r~duates, wh~s~ bond, ~f ,. ~n tl)c , maIn 3alo~n o~ a le~dln~ reI!' "1..1 lit. ·Bake:-: on- whoile lap 1300tl1'8 threw,, ). I~ bl;ll1d' nngrtly: qn ' t~e ,' t1}X)f." Illlion' Is ', Iu(er~sl ,In , ~(),ho)~tshlp ' lUld,: m~r~Il1-,)) r.e spme :yeal S a~,o, the lale, dying, head w,o, laid, a,lId nljr~el f bave ¥ 'he ' r~(ull d: to,\ a..JX>log~~ ,to ,~ oth~ \ un!v!-'K'alty ~tl\.dles. ,~ ', ' '. ,' .' .;,' G-I'ilnd D,u ke y lll,dln;lir after coplolls re- 'the dai'lulecret to lc ep. 'l'he cOI'pse of ~,one of these h)st.ltutlons 1s ,allowed rt;es~ment let~- b~\t ~Q~le, , "',ent towllrd the ' sass in , wriB COVEI,r , tI wftbtwo i plnyera the 'commlLt~e Bsked ' bloi to re~lgq." " ... ,''''''". { , ... ' I ~o< iI~ ~~ llgbt: until Its af~fcle~, of a~_ t~~ 'wUe ' (l~ a c.!vutan'" pal~e~' ~~r on bla\lk rssew' d ' tog ther like i\ sRck, ., ' T,lni gilibd du~el' tr~~ Boclatton ~ilv b'e~n passed through :the 8houtd~r noll t9 1d, her she '\\las 'qlD),l'ele\y cllllce~rilg It., At.poon. pr: ferr(ld their 'club ' attetld~n(:c" to tbe ,: ~ ' mlnute., ,;,ud ' suspl,,?Olls ' exiuntnatioD ,b~aUtlfUlr ~The ~usband ' sp~ang" up: the night' 'Iv placed" the j)ody In a Yacht c.lub <>n the i!oillto,v a Morskata, " by the oinclals 'of tbe <"m fnlstr'f of'\1us- ~nd pus eel b1.m sharPly I)a,~k Isome "mall boat ana . rQ ed Slowly a",ay, aD U18'tll"tI~D. which has rio more .rehi~ ,ttce , , " ,-" ' , .. ' ~ards. Dln~rs and ,tbe walters I~o~ed with no watchlhg: ere upon liS. It WUIl' lion to yac1)tlDg tban the ~I!lakte I The, 'ngral,D~ ,fear , of lD'eeUl).gs ~n- for ~cene, but a very old m.a~ In ' a strange hour upon ' th quiet poto, ,baa 'to~ do. with ' England; Th. ftuenees S'ver), app1icatlon of the :reo geoerallJ , unl orm-all ~tIltary ' om· mac, 'a nd yet 1\0, grellt wak '11IY' , ~baus· t:ultom.ot ai~ $iroe of re-eU!otc!'~ ~~1ecUon. Ib the ,cers w~etberOJl.. tbe, active Qr , re8~rve tlon, that 'l feU to dodn'g "wlth ~h.e Oar .uel . reltal,lJ'8,llta wh~re ~t e~r tJietr tt,D lrOfmS at all U,roes- 'In , It'and ' lUld ihe~ sack contaiuhig ' there' lOt ", ,aael c~'d to the- ~d duke corP'o at my f~t. Furwith tilt Order to' I18:DteDC8 tQ r.. ' .



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of last week In Dayton. Messrs. J. O. Cartwrightand E. V. Mrs. Tom Bu~ch., nee Miss Lina Barnhart were in Xenia fast week .. Wright, o.! ~id~ey, in ren(lwjng her Jos.:Phillipl, of Xenia, is spending s~b~ription, says that the Gazette is several days with his sister, Miss Ann welcome every week at her home. Phillips. Kenneth Ridge made his weekly Miss ~~lla Hamilton .has resign,ed trlsit from Dayton to relatives here ber pOSitIOn as steno,rapher wltb Sunday. Eavey & Co . MibS lona Redfern will 'H k fill vacancy in the office force.-, Mr. an d Mrs.. J C. aw e were X the . G t in Dayton over Sunday. guests of ema azet e. .:.--relatives there. C. E. Gaddis, of Harvard, Neb., Representative Larry LangdQn, of has been making an extensive' visit Lebanon, was shaking hands with ho~e, and was the back to his old friends here Monday. guest of Messrs. George and Elias Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berl'daJ\, of Day· Oglesbee. He started back home ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday after Ii pleasant visit here. Philip Hopkins Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. r.has. Johns, of LyMrs. Belle Pugh Laymoll sends us tle. wer8 in Dayton over Sunday, the following letter: Enclosed please guests of relatives there. ' find money for renewal of subscrip.

Co~ntry ~ro~uee

Miami Quarte'rly Meeting of Ortbodox Friends held her~ May 14th and 15th was largely attended by Friends of the con~regatfons belongina- to this branch. Representatives were present from Xenia, Spring Valley, Harveysburg, ew Burlington, Turtlecr~e", Miami and Caesars Creek. . Prof. Samuel Haworth, of Wilmington College, preached a strong instructive sermon on "The Uplift· ing Po",!e r of the Gospel of Christ." Other visiting ministers present who added encouraging testimony were, Pres. Brown, of Wilmington collea-e, Brother Bailey of the M. E. CQurch, and Brother McKinsey of the U. B. church,Friend8 Frank Barrett of Fair field, John K. Howell" of Center Quarterly and Ruth · B. Murray, Olive Branch. After the businesS se.!!Sion ltin~b was served in the dining .hall, to a large numbi3r, and much enjoyed'

tion to the Gazette which we look for with anxiety every week-and cannot afford to be without it. Our son sends also, an invitation of the com· mencement of the Blanchester High School, which he itS graduating from at the are of 16 years. Mrs. Belle Pua-h Laymon.






flRt-:E With every 8-minute record atttachment. Hav~ the attachment put on your ~achine, then you cnn play both lh· 2 and 4 minute records. Come in and have it fully explained to you.

F'. C.




Mr. W. H. Gard, of California, . WAYNESVIL.LE, OHIO writes as follows: My niece and I Fancy Evaporated Fruits have moveli from Long Beach to • • • •_ • • • •_ • •_ . _ - . - - - - . -• • •rIi Monrovia: California, and'desire' ~ I, you change the address of 9ur ~per. Tobacco and Cigars I expect to again make ,my annual '.' . . , LINES pilgrimage to 'Waynesville thi8 com· ., ioa- aummer probably about the Cincinnati, 90c die of June. We are now baving Barrel Salt and .Dyna~ite ROUND TRIP SUNDAY June weather here but I love "June Fancy Tenn. on the Miami" and hope to be there ll'rain leaves Waynesville at 8:48a,m. again to enjoy it with myoid friends Strawberries Fresh Berries in every day • . there. . Olassifl.acJ, Ads - - -... - ...- - New Potatoes, Ohio New Cab)Jilge , Ac1s 'WIIl ',be IDllcrt.l!;1 unll r ~bl~ h"I1d (or ., New'Tomatoes twenty· U\'O 'cen l R tor tbree I n~cr ll?"I~, All kinds of Gift Books wbon uslJlg Dol mor lhan li ve line . C\lcumbers at NavelOranges Fancy Lemons I JUJDh9 Bananas BUSINESS socially. ' . "'. E. "'~NNEY'S Frank Barrett preacltecl to _~-New Cream Cheese Th~ Neighborhood' News •• •• :: a Fnend well-filled house on First Day' Fancy Dried Beef NYONE, anywhere, cun 8hrt A a; mILl) order bOt!loellfl tt.t boruu. .. ;;;;;=e: a 1910 No caI\VUssID!r'. Be your own bORs . . Send for free booklet Tells how . tertalned at dinner on Sood~y, Jaa; Christ." ' Fancy Olives . Beltoook, A 5620, Lookport, Mn. t. N. a.rris an~ ohUdren, of Haydook. and family, of 'OaJdand, The. C. E. Rally of tbe Quarterly Invocation ..... :: .. Rev. 'A. K. Sa~ge, 'nt Heintz Pepper Sauce ,. I " . N. Y Dayton, were 'Inea'- of her motber Joo. Haydock and wife, TreTor C h I d SO St& . Beechnut Catsup Haydock and'faintly; of 'bie ' 'phl08; meetlDa-.was e at2: p. m. ~e Fletche.rism ......... Berda S11en' Fealy Campbell's &alad Dressing lut week. . Pure Olive Oil " FOR SALE ' Hn. Viola Harlan .t:latnrd~y Mtae Margar." P~rr'tl, of Xenia and Field Secretary Poling, of eolum~U8, Electricity ...... ROsa Heber Hartsoc~ . MU$hrooms . . tn Dw.ytoD With relatl~... , " M.r: Laurence Alexander, of 8prlng made a helpful enthusiastic.; ~drel!!, ttteKindergarte!l:........ . .............. , lila MOXtnsey. bad aa Valley. ,The c~urch w~ fined With C" Ir .................. Lul~ ~th~ril)e Chick & Feed, Oyster Sheh CBICAGO OoUtige orgbU 10 gUild her peets Wedneaday nIght Mlasea . !In. David Noggle ie very slok workers and Fnends.....whose earnest The Ipducation of..:Plomen............ . LaWn Grass Seed ' " oondition . For "I'd ullll'S in . Marte ' llliut&8 ana NlDa SimkiDII. W'!h galWletovneTI~.. I .. ri n cheerful faces looked promising for . .. :......... :................ :.. Marie Starr ' CoITarsekl.Salndtth-aBatdrorenl,St ganetdhSaea'-.:I.k)8 quirft of W. C. Cast, PhO,D!l 53-a ' , lit. 11101'1' Parlett, of Rldgevtll~, 8'O;::~.· he ~oAey I ~ g ppe the future work of Christian End~v. Address .................. Rev. Leyi Mill, '" l'\I r<Ja HALE-Fine iot ' of 08tlge . • pent ~unda1 wit1l Laura Mo~iose1. tb' GoOd to Eat 't r Posts. Large number of eml or. . E IIr. Cal MoBryant, of Day~n, Cbae. Bayle88 and family. of Wtl. The Choir added much to the spirveil I~ . a PlutS 6 Ilnd 8 inobell, diameter, 9.t. lpent ~day with relativee here mtng~n,w&regueatloffriendshere Ioog. LA. U () • C0 111 Olt" R R N0 . 1 . on Suday. ' it of the services by inspiring sonp.. . . UTICA < . . . lin. Lena Louis visited rel.tlvee • _ • We are truly grateful for the. re- The Utica 8Ch~ols will have two , Oragonia, Pbooe Ft. Anoient NI>, 2, here Sunday. • Oregonia. newed couraa-e and helpfulness, graciuat;es, but a ~ood. program " . ~ (2 Ilz:td,%. '; . --~--... - . OF C01 TRSE KNOW-Ir you have a h')l'se, • . 'brougbt to us by so many earneat been . .ar~gecl, m part, as follows: • . I J. ,K. Bpencer Jeft Tuesday morn. Christian workers, during the se&- Purpose in Life ... ~.Raleigh L. Bogan I _ _ _ _~---_--~-. . oow, .plow, rak .. , oranytbtog to . f M Q I thO b ' ~==~=~~=====~ sell. Try onrfQr\" ant ooloJD.o We.. Co~encementPresents lDB for IS.h e- Napoleon Bonaparte......... .... ........ OIlO s,ell t'he.m. "1 00 at Imlin OOat. f h y, ' . .. Mrs, E. B. I:Uephenl ana.J son Ar· slona 0 our 6y h uarter w . en .......................... Robert R. Roser i ~ In Oin . ing the only mont Q t e year at · no ld ,patd a wee k·end vi8. b ld h d r Inanee ' oionatt. ', we are permitted to ~ave it e ' H~re A <\~~ ......... :.:.:=.~ Rev •.Floyd Poe . . • • ALAB; A(C!TINE "'ANNEY~S • -. ANNUAL MEETINO .. ,' Won't rub ._rt. I



~gT?,!:~ ;i~i~~~!' p:~tic;!::.m~
















0 d·






, Zatn Armita'g~ and Bomer Death· ALABASTINE The lot own'era Qf.Miami Cemeter)' To le\'Y ta~esfOl' Miinicipal purposes erale were In' Lebanon Saturday Association will take notice that. the for the ~ ye~ of 1910. . night. ' " Won't rub oft. Bia- assort. annual ,me.,etinl will be held at th,e Be I~ bi'da1ned byt6e .Oounqil of the VII· MH. Vern ' Kuntz and daulhter ~188 MydltiKiblerre'urned Tp~ ment of colorsat J\Jsociation ~ffices on Monday., 'Jun·e ~!!ar:e;::,\~:\Je le;l~ aod col. spent lever.,.l day$ 1alt week wltb day f~~ Newton'ville wbere Abe ~as S"'· B · W. oraftlZ, 6, l~io. at two 'o 'e,IOck p' • tor "be, lected totllielUpjiOrt otu.e municipality. dUl'.... D been the gUlll!t of her sister, Mrs. ... .a.&W. ,.. .. J '( Inc the ~ year 11110, on e~cE0llar of val·,vel tn ayton. 88....1e. purpose of hearing' the annual re.· uailonot the real aod J)enIOnal ~pertyl. wlth" Mn. George Bogan "'n.d daughter .. f b I th 1" In tbe'VUlan ot Wa),DeevWe. 8hlo. ~numed Prof. D. W. Williams and MI88 - • ports 0 :t e officel'8', .r.Cjr e e ection .0D ,&I1e If:a!la duplJcate. aod BubJect Co liaxa. were gn. . . of Uht\unoy Bunoell an d B •lib k f th t 1 k t . tlon . l:r}t HIllI. .• . . • famUy Buday. Mabel ~herwood attended the Teaoh e roo 0 ree rll8~, a c er ,a reasurer. .8el:tlon.2. 'l'hattbe levy above authorized Joe Davia, of Dayton, vlsi\ed with ers' "sooia'iooa' lAbanoo Stt.tnrday and for such other., bWiin~ " 'may ~~~~:~~~lI':w.~ the saDIe II bllparenr. onr Sunday. 6rover Cleaver, of Xenia,is epend. Mr. Clem Settler an~ daugbter properly come before the meeting. .' rk For Fuod •.....•••... Mra. J:arneat Mannon and Mrs. ing a week with' hls parents here. Ve1ma, 0 f e.s t 0 f t own, were th .e A. H. Harlan,. Cle. For General Public HiIaltb Fund .......,. 1. Mllil MIUa nllreots For Fund ., ..... , . )lIlII Earn.' Boyde. were shopptng in The C. E. Society held Its buaioe8tl ...",u",ats "'" of her . . . . . Mr , . and Mrs. . ,- • Fqr Public Public Safety 8eI'VIQe Fund . ... . ~ .. II. ~ M1Ua Harveysburg Friday 'afternoon, meeting at tbe home of Miss t:lher. G. W. Kinder lad Munday. . t\TTEND BIENNIAL CONVB~TION For 8lnking' Fund 'and Jnterllllt .. II. ,· MiUa " - .~ -. : Totalo'. "" ' L MIIl.. b ' f h ""rporatton 'T. ax.... ... 12.n , ..... . Mr. And Mrs. Orlando BranDOU WOIld F r id ay' eveni ng. Durl ng the ' The Sugll.r Creek" Township . nt"'h Scbool Comm~ncemeot was held 10 ':A Party of ladies, mem ers'o t e· . . .. a. . lI"'nt Sunday with Mrs Mar.tb·a evening lome one suggested that v directl i T d i . , . a~··on a. " .. T"~· &I1 Olerk Ishereb. .,.. . ' . they alt up, and lee the oomet. So tile Town Hal, BSt Qatl ,a yeven ng, New Century, Club, , atte.' nded the """u ...... 'l'homplol) th bei I bt.. ad t 0 , t.: :I~~f~~~:r~t!,~t!:;I:t!f ~n" ~~dl~ U G' J) tiled M thQse who were oonfi4eot that tbey ere .. nR e g gr ua es: S\8 Tenth Biennial ' Convention ' of' the IlBt; aod collected ~rdlilg ColaW. i. eorge av I oa Aonf trs. pould stay a-ake u· otil the wee, Ethel t:lunde,lan,d, . III Edoa General " F"ed'eration ' of' Wo' men's S~tIOD.. Thll OrdlDance . _IEd . ""'h ha Sunda e r n o o n " anall take effect '" aua n y .. . sma' bours agreed. In the early WeIJe,r, Imogene ~Sh:nil.oD,. · dnll. . d be In force fl:otn aod after the earl1eet ' , .uaroer 1 ' I'nnatl' • Tu-... .:I.ay _ The. ~ " M.t18 J e8l!1e spen t Tb aI's· morning ltaht sleepy star ,"zers Sh u.Itz, Roy KI 0 der, IIIar1 He88 and Clu'>s u., m' CI'n'c ~. ..... ~ al'--ed by law'. , -'th h er eiteM d. ~ at Oounc1l .0hamool' thl8 tne Second d aya fternoon", s r, re. migh' have ..been seeD wearily ..toll- RaY Suod erian party was composed 0 f th e . (2Dd~ Day of May. A. D . '1810. ' . Adah Talmage. iDg up the I~ep hills to watoh for Mrs. G. W. Kemp i, enterbln nff lQdies: Mesdames Janney, Harris, 'J . o. OARTWlUGHT' llayor. O.•. U~glesby made a business the appearance oBh" oomet. That hal' oeloe, Miss E~ma Torrence,ot Cadwallader, Bunnell, Bawkill8 and ORAS. D. RE~~.~~ . trl.p Lebauon Menday. was all the gooi it did 'hem, bowev:. Dayton. Maffit ·. '. ' , ' .. • - • N George Began and family speot er, for nOlle bt them saw it. Who Mr. aod Mrs. Ohlloll. Brelsford ·en OSTEOPATlUC PJiYSICIAN " r . Inanc:.~. " ,0. . " Tbur8(1ay with Will Dunn aad fam.' the en'bU8tllsts were, we are not tertaioed Mr, Ilnd Mrs. ~arry Wea. permitted to say. . . v~r, of DaytoD, lut Su~day. -'. I '. .. . " ' " . '. • _ lly, o~ . near l:la~ksviU.. Mr. and Mrl. Georg~ Davis apent Five young ladies wlll graduate The J. O. U, A. It. will hold Dr. T~.s~ . Marf;m, ~s~~thle phy Ba'urciay evening with John Ed· I frem tbe Oregonia ' High sohool" reoep~ioo in their 'haJJ next Thurs" Bician of X~n.ia, Qhi~,' b~ ·opened .1 " warda and famtly. Wedoesday night. The program ta day eveolng ~n hon(\r of their fonr· b'r~ch office in WaYn~il.Je•. o.hio. 'An ordinance ·to . proqibit the .~le MIIII Habel ThomJ)8oo is visiting as follows ·: , .t eeoth anDlversll.ry. ' . He ~ 'be at ·th~. G~8~ ~ou~ and.use of dana-erous firewor~; with her IIlster, Mrs. Orlando Bran. M . b Bl . f Gle y B I Quite B larHe orowd of people at- on Tu'~ays and Fniiaye of each by the Council non. arc ~ aze:J 1', 0 zm"nn tended tbe . exeroise8 wbioh were ". IS! r . , that 'DO Penon .... Gao rgG ·, Elli d d bt IuvOO8tlOn ...... Re-v:. John MoKeazie beld here on Mas8 Uay by the Town week. OIllC~ hours, 8 .80. m. to 12m. rllle,Or!I" - -~. 8 unIlay -'thS:~ .... _ at~g edr Iotermezza-Slnging Bir.da,Edwarda shl'p Q U-hoo)s ' . " ," . standard ,throe: .. " ao~~~! spen. WI IJN JUDr 10 ao S P bll Be ef" V. . I " <?me u 0 n . &0 OrB...... ...... M dM ' J 'P it f W G~ the If w e. .. ..................lrma Luoille Norton W r. an 1111'S oe ",eoedw . , 9 ne~r .' • - • 0 ur, Silent ,,monl ................. '. , .. aynesT e' were cUo ay guests vuJDpa. . , . N ew B ur II. nlton. .............. Carmen LuoUe Edwards pf Mr. .aud Mrs. John Pen8wlt.. Waltz-In Landor'. Dream!, Brow~ . MI~ Carrie Kemp , .eater'aln~ '. ' The Ftlend's:ohuroh of..this place Famous, ~bool~ tor Girls ...... ·...... " ~"'Iu'd .Zf!~"er,of:.Qay~Qn .lu~T~~8. ' . • y ' wi!ilhepr,~nted at tbe -Qo~r. ........... ; .....~.~ladv~ .·P'.'arlSpenoo.r day .. ".' ',,' terly MII8~in~;~. :WayD88vtl1e. Linelof Le.aat ~sI8tanoe ... :.;·;.. ;.~ ,' John Weaver 'who ·b al been visit Born ~ ' Mr. .and ' Mrs . . 'Garfield , ' .......,'.... ..: ........1"',Lelia, M~y IIllbon lag friends pea; (iranYtlle rfttarn~d Peter~ MI.., 10&h, a daughter.M8<\~ey.,. ... A~ranPd by Von ,1't'~rho~e ·la8t·Sat\ur,day.. ,.. : ' . , I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.I! '· Kr. 'and· lIte; B-oraoe ~pray, of ". Popular ~n ofpa, .' "!. ·Mrs. Joe W~de · ~nd obildren, of Il WtlmtnPlo, were.gtieeteJaat week. I W~l1 ..... ~ ...... R~~, Mari~ Edwards: 'D~*, $trlng·towD. oal.ed' ot.: .'ber of Mr. and aar.. EbJ...b BawktDII. 8010 .for ~r~et ........... ~ ... rriedman Other M s Fie"oher Aile . " ' ." '" • Meet Ve ,T onigbt tn Ot~amlab.d· m • r. \ ._ ' n, The entenatull1en,: at ~e It. ·E. O1UI ' Addreiia and .~nt41.tton of 'hal ~~ verY,llok. '. , ohurch .00 ..Sa~4a~ _..euoiDg..,Waa DIpt~0J'4 Poe"IAtbanon Mr. arid IIZ:I. J. Blaok were-en~r, larpl, .• ~ncleclat;ld.,~rT lnMI'8lt- · Univenl~. .. ' - ',. ' ',.' .~8d. lalt ' 8nDdaT: at ,tbe.b9m"of . . ina· . ',... . '''', Turktl~' Serenade $m~, . TJ.eH. thelr 'OQ' Wtlitl "~Iaak ~d fall111y.• lb. aDd l1l'i. Ob •. 'S&ahl (aee BenedloltOli:•. ;.:., .... , ................ ;~.. : \.lmer BoyJ, and . JIlaI SmI&h)of '8ptkla11eJ4. Oblo, . ,.·~; ..: •• ~NtI~ .Ra*_ 'IIarret"JI. ., ,. ...... ~itd ~. 1, ~~!Jl ii.~.',~~ WII'e....... of~U . . ~_ 8U1U1aY'' •l'1u18. 01 . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . Ud WQ~ ,... . . - b' .. ...... TaPP1•. .' ':"l . • . r .'

" Well~iln.



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ment of colors .~t,



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. . . . . . ._ _. . ._ . ;



,W4NTED .•


HELP WANTED-Young woman . ' . of eighteen " yellra and over. WorJr Ught "nd olean. ' Go:>d w.ges o;nti oomfortable bowl. &ocommo(la. tioos oluse to the Aadrels l'h P ~ ea. tfilotoly. id Con. " ' e eel'S , r r ge , m~ny, Dept, 166, K!ngs. Mme, . .' '.Ohl\>. \ . . tutel'lve . n' pe"'s'on .ma·y earn ~.. ~ & ~ ,. . .100 mdnthly :ootreapoodtog. .newsnA,pera. :No oan"lI.s8in". -. .. for p"r~loular8. '" Preea .Syadi0.1t te, B 5721, Lookport, N .Y i" . " HOUSEKEB:PJ!:R~'1'htt.t we'have " . for sale ~t t~e ' GJzet~ .. 08100 ' lots of nioeolell.n papers for Ibelyes IWd to put utld~r;' Ol"'pe~~' .Prices , 'h 0811 'd th ' ar~ 0 ellp. . ' ~~ s,~ ~m" , . .

A'. . '

.~~T. .'


.. . . . : . ' ,


, " . , ' HA W~~t Ill. I,day.~ren~ng, ~e.:. . twee~ Mtrawn .1I " re.lldeD~ ''' Qn. the Leb8noo .pt~l3, ud WayneavUI.e. ~ . Finder leav8'1lt"'\le' Ua'zette ' "oftiCe ' ,\ '" .. ".' .' '~I/' ~ ,.,, :".', . ... ~ ':."." .. , , ..' . " h ' ,_.• ' ". ' l{'UR uWVIIl fer·' tbe' ,right ",;t hand 'Sun()a;v evt\oing ' Please' . ~. ,.. 'J. " . ~ , " . ;. .. . . " '" retoro tQ ~azette . oftlqe . . ~'. . .... ". " " . I . . .





WHOLE 111 UIlBER 3067 p

37th ,COMMENCEMENT Of the Waynesv·iIle .High School Thursday Evening, May 19th--·Good Entertainment Given--· Large Crowd Was Present




Miss Anna Thomson, of Dayton, Mr. and Mr . F: C. Schwartz were was home for commencement. in incinnali Sunday. Miss Helen Hawldns. is the guest of relatives in Columbus for a few days. . Frank Zt:1I was in Lebanon Saturday, in company with other assessors to look over their boo\{S. Reamer Reeu is improving slowly.

Mrs. Ruth I uulser, of Sidney, Ohio is the guest of Mrs. Jos. Sears. Miss Pearl arey is the guest of relatives in Dayton this week. George Hamilton of Munci e,Ind., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hisey.


~~)~x:;~~~~~:~:tb~~~~~~~ hiscom- sp~i:s S~~~!~e ~t~ar~.s,/f~~:~~~


at I. O. O. F. Hall Friday Evening.-.The Largest in the History of the. Alumni·-· , . Many Present from a Distance


·r-;~·~·~:'·~ ··:~:~~:l·~ ':~Vi:=ti

F, C. Carey was in Cincinnali Mon- . Mr. and Mrs. H. ~ ..Ridg~ and , und family. . On Memorial Day, next Monday, tend the day. httle daughter, of CinCinnati, are Mrs. Wal te r McClure and Mrs. the s rvices will be held in School I; TwentY-l:Ieventh Annual Banquet . guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. V: Barn- Frank Carey were shopping in Day- Hall. Comrade Melville Hayes, of of the , . Alma M. Waterhouse Lee Hawke was in Dayton last hart. ton Saturday. Wilmington, will be the speaker, and • Waynesville High School Alumni Laurence W. Furnas W·ednesday. Maynard and Clifford Alexander, M dM W C C f D . ,on account of Mr. Hayes' voice the Friday evening. May twentieth Ruth Miriam Miller 'b'l . spen d'mg t h'IS 0 f M'd an t Su rs. d . .'thox,p.0 f a) d- spea k'109 WI'11 h ave to b . t een h un d l'ed an d t en M1·.88 8y Ona Strawn 1 H aw k e IS 1 cletown, spent F 1'1'd ayan d Sat- ton r.spen e '10 d oors. mne · D I d . h t h' n ay W1 10 . an The P os t d eSlres ' th a t a II wh0 have at the Ethelyn Keys Jones wee k 10 e aware. ur ay Wit elr gran d mot h er, Mrs. Mrs.' C. A. Bruner. John T. Lemmon i M d M R b C A J Alexander flowers to give will leave them at the L O. O. F. aall • Lucile Cornell i r. an.. rs 0 ert rE,lw were . . ' .. . Misses Stella and Mary White, of Township House on Monday morning Pearl A Colvin Dayton VISItOrs last Wednesday. . C'd~' Car~w.~ght, of Chlca~~ ~.- Owensboro, Ky., are visiting Mr. by 9 o'clock, and they earnestly in- - - - - - ..-.• -...-..-..~..~..-..-.......,-~ .• ' Lyman ' . ! Miss Sarah Burnet is in Norwood nve ere 1'1 ay, accompam Y and Mrs U M Whl'te vl'te the ladl'es to come out and help h b ... th M. Silver ' l'ttl e' ' " . Tea ove inVItation, to&,e er ; the of her brother Whittier 'h IS 1 e son, L vermg. wh 0 WI'11 th' . th I d ; Eleanor Earnhart . spend the summer with his grand Mrs. Luther Sellers, of Dayton, em m arrangmg e gar an s. with a letter, was sent out by presiMrs. Frank ~ng., of CoIUl:nbus, is par~nts, Mr. and Mrs. s. L Cart- s~ent a few days las.t week with her The exercises at School Hall will dent H. E. Rid~e, and in response the guest of MISS Emma Helghway. wright. Mr. Cartwrisrht returned Sister, Mrs. Ray Smith. begin at 1:30 p. m. and the following to these there was one of the larcest ' S d ' I . progr,llm has been arranged: ' gatherings of the alumni ever held, Misa Elizabeth Laws of Cincinnati Another school year, brought to it S Mrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and children to Ch Icago un ay evemng. conclusion last Thursday evening. Ispent Saturday in Cincinnati at the Do you need shoes? Clime and see is spending a few w~el'- WI' ' &' her Music- America and Mr. Ridge is· justly elated over 1UI ..1 P rayer...... ...... ..... Rev. H . W . B'I was a very successful one. The class I Zoo. the bargains in the Hamilton-Brown friend Mrs. J. B. Chapman. al ey t he result. . . of 19~0 numbeJ!e:i ten... and a8 usual, Mrs. Marcie Clark anci daugh ~er and Brown Shoe Co' Since our stock ' ' ' ' Music- Double Quartet Early ~rlday evenmg the sk~ was '"rls outnumbered the boys and . Mrs Flo Dyke of Sprmg Valley Recl' tallon ...... , .... MI·ss Etb.elyn Jones f. ull of ram clo. uds., and about. 80 c.loc,k the . ..' . . are occupying their flat for a short is so large for this time of the year . . .. " b dd 'foh time. . cut prices 80 has been v1s1t1ng. at the home of F • Musl'c- Male Quartet It began to ram, ut It be I nt I't ~as a pIeasure to. see them WI~ for thi, reason we have .. ... , ........... Melvl·lle Hayes dampen the ardor of the mem rs, . C Carey and family a few days Oratl'on .. thr the Ir happy. f aces, JU st on th e es h.. . it win pay any one lookin~ for good . . Th b t th t . d t M C M ~ b' Music-Double Quattet f?r at 8:45 one hundred and seveDtyold of life's journey out of the en- Rev, Philip Trout, of Monroe. was h . . the guest of Wa nesvI'lle frl'ends th'19 s oes. e es a 1S ma e a our essrs.. . .[\0 Itzer and Ray SIX people wer- seated at the tables y cut-rate prices. Every I'air guar- Smith attended Mason" c f Benediction ... Rev. J. F. Cadwallader . ~ , . vU'onments of school hr.. The elIAS!> was a successful. orie, in week. anteed. John A Funkey. at Harvey·sburg Mondla msp,ec.lon Music-8tar Spangled Banner The banqu~t r~om was . handsom~ . · h I k ed h b y. evenmg . • Iy decorated in tne colors of the t h at t helr 8C 00 wor rank ' ig Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor saw . . After the services the comrades, dass of 1910.' The tables, with the and all seemed in earnest to make Ringling's circus last Wednesday in win ~eet at the monument in the beautiful service and flowers, and

J L....-....................................... :





::n~~~~-::~:n::::~~:~~~~::~~.:; DaHytoernb-ert DavI's, of Dayton, was the

+,-- ·S-O-C-l-a'·I-E'·v-e-n't-s· ·o-f· -toh-e- -W·e-e~k'- ,. ,--,

cemetery, and proceed to decorate the good things to eat, furnished by the graves. Aa many of the Post the Ladiea' Aid of the M. E. Church. ye~~ school ro~m . was handsomely guest of F. C. , Carey and family + _______ • • _ ...... _____ ,~ '____ • _. and Sons of Vetera..'18 as can are ex- added much to the occasion. . pected to go to the cemetery. At 9 o'clook Pl'i!Sid~nt lUdare d eeorated'10 th e cIas'l coIors-,green Sunday. . . . .' Mia Emma Heighway was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Otho Henderson had • ed h ·bl . h h' I and white MISS Marianna Allen of Sprmg.;· . . . th . 'S . ' SUNDA Y SCHOOL CONVENTION rapp on t e.ta • Wit IS gave, bo th t f L' 11 Co 11 to a merry party at Phllhp's movmg as elr guests at unday dinner t h e · and Rev; J. F:. Cadwallader invoked · h • O , ver the stage was t e class ~o~, ro, was e gues 0 ue a me picture show Saturday eveninar. following persons: Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Onward and Upward 1~10, w~th last week. S. Stroud, Mr. and Mrs~ Richard The'Sunday-schools ·of the town- the Di~ine bl~ing... ' a. green ratsed whtte Miss Edith Crane, of Pekin, spent , . Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stroud, ~~ip m~~ Sunday afternoon ' at 2 PresIdent Ridge, m a Jolly, happy tissue flowers formmg the words of commencement week with Miss Lu- Mr. and Mrs. Sam!. Meredith en, Dr and Mrs Carl H d . . d 0 clock In the M. E. Church. Al~ wa~. ma~e hisaddTeB8ina.f~ww0I:S the motto.. Trailing ribbons in green . ella Cornell . tertained S4-nda y in honor of th~ir Ichiidren Mr . and Me~er~l);n though the attendance was not as WhlC~ were full of the sptn~ of e aod..white were .~,.f~m the I, .-.. . ' ~ - - - - _.. ., son, G. T. Mer.edith~ wife and ba~v" son and' da~ghter. ~r. eandenM%~ large aswas expeeted~ .the meeting OcclI~l<?n. He. ~en called foJ' the four corners of the audltonum · to Dr. and Mrs. Stahl, of Frankhn, of Columblls. Besides the farmly ' F red H d " . . was a success ' readmg of ~e mInutes an,d roll call the center thus ma'k ing the·room were alumni 'g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr IlJld Mrs J T Ellis were present M d Sen ~rsd· on and children, MlSS Rev L 0 Thompson made a stir- by Mr. ~u88en Parlett~ theseeretary. • W HAll " . . . au trou and Claude Stroud . . . . M R'd' th . t od ed b18' =-"_ '_ brigh~ tuld Po¥ with the colol'f\ of . . en. . . ring address on "The Teacher," and" ~; .1 ge en In rue. -Ua~class. C. G. Williamson has been making , waslfollowed by Rev. W. ·H. Bailey, . old friend, Mr. J. E. ~anney, w~o TUB PLAY hilsister Mrs Agnes Wright a visit Mr. and Mrs . . W. H. Allen enter-' Prof and M C A ' B t wbo talked upon "New Methods of gave an excellentaddressofwelcome ,. ' t a ' ed t f '1 d' S d . . rs. . runer en ert th 1 f 1"'10 d roundly · Th I "Th S . G· I Grad _ of several days. In a a ami y mner un ay. tained theciaas of 1910 ver · Jeasant- Bible Study." 0 e casso ., ,an. was ep ay, e weat Ir u " ' Those present were' Mrs Sarah C Al' . yp Af d' . ' h I applauded when he fimshed. ate" was most fittinO' as it fully de- Mrs Thad Zimmerman and chil. . . . . . Iy Wednesday even mg. At 6 o'clock ter some IBCUSSlons t ~ aOllua. . .. d"".1 , . ' ... , .. . ten. MISS Emma McKay, MISS LetitIa . . . I f to k 1 ' th th f 11' MISS Alma Waterhouse respon C\4 scribed the actions and emotions of dr,n attended Ringling's circus in . an elepnt dmner was served '10 five e ec Jon 0 P ace WI e 0 owmg . , d _ McKay, Mr. and Mrs E. L. Allen and courses ' Th Q' . b result: . to tJte welcome m a neat an appro a young lady about to arraduate, her Dayton last week. son Stuart of Cincinnati. .' ," e ml~g rOOm was eaupriate speech. hopes and ambitions,her disappoi?t- ' Mr.. L. E. Carey, of Lytle, left f o r ' , tifully decora~ed In the class colors, P~esiden~--F. H. Farr,. "The Girls ot '78," by Edwin L. ments and. ~nally the consummation his home in Vienna Tuesday where he green and white, and t~e place cards Vice preslden~-C. M. Robltzer. Allell, was a clev~r toast, and Mr. of her desires. will spend his vacation. MI'. and Mrs. Harry Williamson were pos~ cards, on which were small Secretary - MIss Edna Stout. . Allen referred to the girls in a m~. The coast was most admirably arentertained at dinner Sunday. Mrs. photo~ of Prof. Bru~er. Treasurer- Miss Eva Davis. ner that showed he had civen his ranged for the stronO' Mrs. E.odL. Allen and son,f 'Mary Mcay. K f Labaaon, Mrs. Durmg the ' ' ",I , . • po'ints of the . S Mr. andf N 0 " evenmg music and Teacher Training Dept .-Rev.L . O text COnsl'd erabl e tl.I~ought,and ended characters 88!ligned, ' and nothing tuart, 0 orwo ,were guests 0 Frank Long of Columbus Miss Ethel games were mdulged m. Thompson. with a little "ro.a st " ,which wu sun&, . was wanting. as the pla~ was smooth Mrs. Sarah C.• Allen ov~r Sunday. Williamson ~nd Raymond' Williamson -H~me Dppt.- Mrs. Benj. Haw.kins by several'to the ~tle of, "Everybody and eVElry turn .a nd ChmilX(jfeach l Mrs. H. Q, Alexander!ID~ Iit~le of Dayton,' and Miss . Emma Heigh. NEW HOSIERY Primary Dept.- Mrs. Jesse Hames. Works but Father," asfollowt: act brought down the house. son. Horace Drue, are ViSitIng at way D 't f '1 t - - -d • h 'b Th t' d 'ded to h' ld M' L ·1 Co 11 th.. , . ' on al 0 go an see t e eat e conven Ion eel 0 , • . ~~ uCI .e me. e sweet.] the home of Mrs. A. J., Alexander, . hose at John A. Funkey's. The four meetings the coming · year, and Everybody ,lVorks H!lI' Rldge, , . ~:~Ja::!ap~i ~o~; ~art, and I Mr. an~. Mm. E. .W. J.,nwry, o~ . ~rs. A. J: Alexander and Kather- " Silk7Foot" hose at 100, the a5c Lisle the first one will be in Jnue at Lytle. ~rom salesman to e~rand ~oy, =--:em red 'of ~e .Im~ tha: , Ripley, have been the guests of Mr. ~~e ent"'J:tamed. ~unday the follow- hose equal t~dmported, and only j9c. After the business of the conven- B~t H~I he knows hIS b~smess, . .~h b ' p ? ~o!la, an I ant;! M'rf. John Tholllsun for several mg guests: MISS Gertrude Alt'xan• _. ' tion was over, they adjQurned well WIth hIm you cannottoy. ; . . WIt a .' e~ suPler hactmar er ~anner days. . der, of Lebanon, Mr: and' Mrs. ,F. I NSPECTED LODGE pleased. with the session. When y.ou spe~k of cut . rate pncet. Y''' as natu~ as er own self, mak. M. Alexander and daughter, Merle, •- • Hal he only smdes. ; ' mg . her hPart a feature ,?f _the play. M'1!f~'RAi~' Gr:.~ ~d t daught~r, of Middletown, and Mrs. H. Q. AlexOn account of ilJness of ~he HIOH SCHOOL WINS Says the rtext advertisement. MISS Et el,0 Jones"as the "sweet j • 188 U 'Ot I mlnfgMo.n, Lw~rle ander 'and son, of Elida, Ohio. regular inspecWr, J. O. Cartwri&'ht Will beat them by miles. . . sr!rl's mother," was effective in all commencemen sruestso 188 UCI e "Revenge is s-w-e-e-t!" said one of . , herlines; and deline$ted thenerv(\us ' Cornell. was called upon to inspect the But- the players of Waynesville Hi Satur-"Our Alumni"-"It is the voice oll .. lervme Masonic lod&,e last Saturday h II b f woman to perfee.t ion. Mrs. Saml Everly and Mrs. May Miss Edith Mosher was· hoste~ to evening. day;' fternoon at the conclusion of a years that are gone; tey ro e ore . .. Mr. ~an,~i~vElr, the f~ther of-the Ev~rly T~te, of Dayton, were guests a comet party Wednesd~y evening: .. __ • game played wi'th the same team that me with all their dee<ls," was r~ 9wee~ &'I rl , . an~ ~ho trlmmed the of J. Edwards and family several Those p"resent were: ·Mlsses Luella ECLIPSE OF .MOON , had defeated them a few weeks be- sponded to by Miss Joaepbine Ogles- . whole house in smilax, po~rayed his. dayB last week. '. ' Cornell, Jessie Marlatt Donna Hawke __ fore. · ' • I bee, and was one.f the good things part. with ' earne8tn~, and ~ade , ' . . Edith Crane. Henrietta McKinsey, THe 'eclipse of t~e moon appe~r~d The town boys, thinking they of the evening. Miss Oglesbee cer': a goOd impre8sioQ with his make-up · M~. Mahssa Redfern, ,Mrs. Rowe- Martha O'Neall, Messrs. Bert Hart- last night on schedule time and. un- could give the Hi boys the same tainly did justice to her subjE,!Ct, as of the elderly man. ... -; na zar~an an~ ~,Anna,~ocklett, sock. Edwllrd Ricks, Harold Howell, lik~ the comet was strictly every dose as before with the help of Wil- was e.. idenced by the applause that·, Jack Hamilton .. Mr. John Lemmon, of :r~nJa, were g~ests of MI88 Anne Ronald Hawke and Raymond Davis- thing that was advertised. liamson, called' a game for Saturday followed. . ' the "sweet ' girl's beau," found .ih-· Phdhps last week. • • _ • afternoon with the result that they President Ridge next called on'Mr• . stant recognition 'with the audience; t Mary' McKay, ~f Lebanon, . LE T ' were defeated by th'e score of 1 to O. C.. M. Cartwright, who responded:~li . by his clear voic~. re!ldy ~cting ~d· an~ M~' Ethel Willi~mson and Ray- Mrs; J. B. Chllpm~~ e?,t~rtaln~ T ER FROM C. A. BROWN It was one of the prettiest games his charming manner. Mr. Cary- . witty saYinp. . , '1 . '. -mond Williamson, of Dayton, ~ere Tuesday aftern~on at .600 m honor', The following pleasing letter was of the season, and the battery work wright aR an after-dinner spe,a ker. , ." Miss Eleanor ~rn~~t, ~e ~,·.weet w~~~d g~~ts of \larry W,iI1i~. of h~r gu~t, MISS Ehz~beth Laws. received by us from C. A. Brown, of.Furnas and Waterhouse was gilt has earned quite a reputation! and I girl's 'au~t, who "'nev~r 'grad~"ted, 80n and ~amiJy. : . Those p esent wet.~. Mesdames of Eug'ene Oreg . . whom we are 11,1-' edged, and Furnas had tl~e town bat- his alumni speech was fully eOJo~ed 1" i' · Mrs.lttay.f.evine'andDrane .... . Geo. Hawker A. T. Wright, Emmor . , .' h' ' d' th t' b II th ank ' L..eav€Jn.I" WJUlvery c.",ver.n 'Reed .'. ' . F kLO ' ways glad to hear' from: tersat IS mercy ..urlng eenlre ya . . . he,r p_rt ~d . kePt. th.~ aU~I~nce ,~n .left~ nl~~·ay for ChtC$g'o,' where ,Bally, Llna DeVitt, fall ?~, ~nna Weare 'in usual health and ar.e get- nine innini'S: '. Prof. C. A. Bruner was next called vans ting along well . All of the, Waynes• peel of laughter, untd the c\lrtailr 'j Mm '~ ' with tier hUsband pl~'1s T~o~pe, Geo, Str?Uhd, ('vnsthl,a ELe The rest of the team played good upon, and as · u~,ual, had ,everybody , 1•• _... t d aft ·L. last t . . ., t, . MIsses Emma Helg way te la m- ' , . , d h ddt h"d 'th h·IS fund of humor , W~I o~n I er lolle " "C " '.' a weeks;f e'ngagement In vaudeville. H k h M h ville colony here are doing well, ex- . ball, an t ere was,.a goo crow a on IS SI, e . WI ,. ' . . < -...:MiSs ;~m~ . Wa~~hou~,r t~e, M~~ ~ joins'hiS Co,~pany; at Oma- mon, Donn~ awe, .. It ! os er. cept tba~ Tom ~II has ' not be~n in' Oakdale Park to}~ ! Ir?d h~s .inimita~lemanrier of t~l~m~ .~ , ~ , Bw~t . ~rl B. ' ~~ frie!l~' . a:~ve hil. I.": " .... ' J' .. . '. . • " . , • " good health , this . spring. We are ' hI8 ·storu~s. HIS talk,. wap e.IlJO,ed , .. ~ a good ,.~.dit1on. of, her bnas, and. " .. . ,' .. " ..' Mr... .Lyman Silver entertained at having f\ne .weatner" and fruit and " A FIN~ TREAT . / very.much. ". . ' ," " made a'~ ilQpr~ion~ ,. '. . :'J~~rs. ' ..v,el'1la: ~el1y, an~ d~u~~t~r, his pelasant'home in the' COUl)try last cr6pp~OStlects are.excellent .. Whe..e . ., . . . ' ' I .Elee~on .of offic,e rs " foll~w~, ~ . ; -.. Miss Pearl · ~lvjn, 8a th, "sweet ~Irlam" of~):S.e~9itfiLe .~I?" Mth~~ .t· ~daf TueSday eVEming at a 6 o'clock dinner I ~it wri~ng' (at' rlty'; desk at home) .o~to Denhtngle~ ~rToli~~~~ the~ ...~ffthC~, much 'merriment "IlI[I ,~ioJaed ~y, . If ' d " . k " , did" " h to' I' G~tqeD8 anu ad88 ha Gi ens ' (). .' . :, ' ., ' ' '.' " , . ' ,f orce a trt'.a ast unruay 111 ' e h ··t d " 'ty report '. .K1~ ~ i1 .r~~a ~r, _. muc •.' :~ ~ b ' . ,.,.. , ,.4 IJl \lonoF of ~ll~ class ~pd hIS msttuc-, I can see .~h~ snow caplled,mout?t&tne., , . " h B" ' b' ',; ,t e .l'JllUqti Y an ~mor~ .. . " ' .' -; leVi~~the :'" swt!e~ ~r '~'~ f~b,~~ ,1 8 'V~~I. an~dhal4.." :., . . he M~.uf~e, ~! tors. _Th~ pre.~nt were: . Mr. ~nd There ~re'sOme, atti-a~tive . featur~ 8~~pe ofl~~h ros .~up~ . , I)~ 'which' ?~~irmann. J.~ ~~rh.t ·, .,\ e reptda;to ~er lri'Aduatlngdress~ apd , ~an ~'·llrt•.~ __ ~t;~nl,$r~.q. 0.: Mr,. Mrs.' C. A. Bruner, r Hr. and Mrs. 11. about the ':Paeiflc . COast', wtdilte it, cr~mt 0 I' tW I~ fi rm , d~.'.el~sure·~-seon hanaed m . . The m~o~,~ .r.~rt,,,aa, ' .... Ith · .....: . .. vJJod eve 'use 'rope') !!IV.' wi er IWU duna y. ' , . 'Rhoad ' M' 0 ~a . Strawn. anil ar~ doinar ' , , ' 1 ' . " • agen . was ne·an" 1.3 ~ f II VI' H M ' Allen ' nl'elrident·, at , 9U.~I. an" ., y , " ,." ,,': ... . . ' ' I '. " S ... ·· es~ I~~ well, ' but the ' MIa~ " . h " CO ' ai ' Otto! :8S 0 ~ ~. . • .. , . ,.... " " .~" ·irOt. ~~l' itl'8dua~ ·off .in; g~ ' . John . Fuiik~y; 18 anxio~' to, sll~~ Ahna1Vjlter~euse. · Ruth ' MiUer.. EI~ 'Vailey' ls hard' (Q,bep,tand:FdoD't ·acl-, JO~~ ,:. e ,trea\ ._ ~~ ag ,.n, : , W, H. ·AUe!}, yic~presi~~t::, ~~, . •~~. .~. . . ' , .,'; '"." yc:»v,- ~e. is. no~ ip eapOI' F4nl~a~,Pea~1 :Colvin,JOO\elyn vise jll1t'o.nt to picK up' and leave it BOllOJiT ~EW.' CARPET .~ W. H. ~llen" ~~~; fl. L. ~~~ " , ,M. ~uth Ml~ler,;). Madam~; Ish~• .~~~. eai*'l'l,ielp .~ 8Ulted'1J,o~es, &I~~; John LeDlmo~ . and, withoub' special r~n' ~~d ".beinl' '. .. treas(jr~r.• :x'he ~aj~riwt~rt~., t~~ •.the e~~ut1,~O teaelierf . P~.ed.. ,Prt~ . we~:~ nev;~r cnqike ,R9w. O? ~u~enee~.,.. ~as. Gam~~USlc~~ l1~what80nofa,m~~h.~ .mak. ·The. . Christi~ Cb~reh have pur- ~rs. EVa Jan~~y,. ~~! p~aent, berpariih ~~£ion• .' . .t he ~~ .~~ ~n tb~. ~try.. GO Jollyconve~tionmaae the, ~velllq 8o'ge , pioneering ' ~. al'~ " 8t~1 'cbasCd a new carpet and expect· to ¥1. Hinkle. , v.lee-p~dentL I~ (~tiDuedOll""6) . .1Ul~h...~.,~. . .. . , ,aborlon.. ' , Jeftb\lt. th.Weat '~~up. ~ve'ton tlie.flOOl').)ynextSunday. (Coiitinuedon.pap.8) , .




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Cunning Round of




Mlchigan Country Women Increaso Their Incomes Bre'l!ding, FeUnes-Have ' Decided Advantage Over City Cous ins .

Not Afraid ~f

Practical Fashions LADIES'

Good Fortune

IllY Rob,erts Rinehart

We are about to begin the ~ publication in these columns of one of the best mystery and detective stories of recent years. If you ' are a lover of interesting fiction you. will find this story the best you have ever read.

In This Paper

' -III 'I-nstalm ' ent'' succeedi . .






HERE Is an Idle bablt, very prevalent today, whlob Is fa ll for mine. supposed to show the attI"Persian cnts are no harder to rulse tude that people ought to thun ordinary alley ca la; no matter tske toward the mention what you may bear as to their deJlcacy. YOII can keep them out doors of good fortune. "I must t ap on all wlntor If you want. nnd In fac t, the wood," says some one who .has jus t stud cat must not be brougbt In. They stated that he has been specially ex; must be kept dry. but the catte ry need empt trom "bad luck" or Illness . The not be heal d. Build s helves so they phraso Is quite harmless, a nd this Is can· cli mb. study th ow a s you do your not for the purpose of uud ertaklng a bnbles and treat their littl e ailments crusllde against It. On ly there a re Jleop le who cou ld not make the mmu ch th o sa m . " In picking out a CjU en. t he woman scll'o" us the phrase because it In· must be careful to loolt for whnt we volvell n stule of mind which they ca ll ·type.' The cat, above nil things, ne ver for a mom nt ngree with. Good must be broad between the eyes. must fortun o does 1I 0t s em to the m to have have a short nose. small ears. a cobby. anything s pooky or uncanny about it, or low broad hody, sho rt legs, 0. short while this phras e Implies that when tall and n long oat. the longer th" anyth ing good hns happened to 'J S be ttel'. Blue. ye ll ow an cl black and It Is by a sort of Creak of nature wbl¢h yellow cuts. must have ye llow or or- mny cease to work In our behalf nt ange e yes; s li ver cats must have gre en IIny mome nt. If we show that we like eyes, and 'w hlte cats shou ld have bille it. we may frighten It off. It Is probably by some ov rs lgb t t hat thi s Illece or amber eyes. Paris Pattern No, 2504. All Seam. "I have foulld all colors equally of welfare fell Into our 'possesslon, and Allowed.-Thls pretty little design Is hardy. So tar as I cnn see. a white the true owner of It might want It espeolally desirable for wIde !Jouncing, cat Is as hardy as a b lue or tortoise back at any moment If he kn ew how but If desIred It may be developed In shell or a silver. In breeding It Is much value we attach to It. The Idea persian lawn. nainsook, jaconet or best to breed color to color. It you do seellis to be thnt the more we like a thin cambriC, with the , lower edge not the color of the sire will predom· thing. the more cermln It Is to be gathered In to a peplum nt the baok Inate It he ' Is old er .and line bred. un- short-lived and precarious, or that If and a t either side ot the front, and we express ourselves as greatly made with or wIthout shield sleeves. pleased our ploasure Is quite certa m It made of the flouncing. theRe sleeves to com to. an · end. We may be as ·nnd the peplum are not used. The bold as we IIlte ' In proclaimIng our pattern . Is In six slzes-32 to 42 mIsfortunes and no dan ger of their Inch es bus t measure. F or 36 bust the going; b ut If we let on a bout ollr joys corset cover. as In the front 'View, rewe had be tter do It uuder our breath, quires 1", yards of t1ounctng. 15 Inches wid e ; II s hield sleeves and pepHalf-Heathen Conceptions. This Is not to say for a moment that lum are to b used, ~ yard of material these who jocosely use the phras~ re- 36 In ches wide wUl be needed for ferred to go through any sucb process th cm ; 1 yard of wide be adIng, 1% of analysis about It as' this, or that In yards ot seam beading. 2 yards of many cases they really mean thIs. It wide ribbon, 2% yards of Ilarrow ribIs onl y that lurldng behind the phrase bon and 1% yat:ds of edging will also there are at work a lot of halt-heathen be nee.d ed. To procure thIs pattern send to centl concellUons about the nature ot good. to " Pattern Department;." ot thIs paper. There Is a subtle sUggestion of some- WrIte name and address plainly, and be thing ~' hlch clouds and poisons the to .Ive .Ize and number ot pMtel'll. soul when It gets posses/3lon of us. and that Is' the belief that we are welcome NO. 2504. SIZE .•••••••••••••••• to our troubles, but that our good NAME •• ••••••• , ••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••• things are begrudgod UB. and are of uncertaIn t enure. ,Le t that thought TOWN •••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••• colo'r our mind, and we have the most exact opposite of the truth that we trl'BEE1.' ~D ~O ••••••••••••••••••••••• oan possibly get hold of. That Is the ftATE ••••••• , ......................... .... . heathen's, outlook, and It makes tbe misery of bls life. His gods are l\'eacberous and arbitrary, he can A Fino TYIM!, ., Persian. BOVS' RUSSIAN SUIT. never know just what they WIll . but It Is b etter to pay more and ge ~ a le88 the queen is also Une bred. ,'Tbea elo, and they are capable of anything.. But the Christian knows, cat, BS you never ' .really know wl\:at the' colors will be about equa~ • "Of course, you want your cats ' relr If he knows anythIng, that God loves a kltten wUl be unUI It Is a year old. ' In 65 daYS the kittens are born, and Istered, ns a farmer registers his prize his children. lind that It Is far more In' a couple" of ' months, tbey may be stock, and only Une-bred oab can be likely that good w1l1 continue than lIold at from $10 a piece up to as hlgb registered_ You must be sure there II that evU will. It may be a very slight 88 you <,tare ask and are able to get. no common blood, though after four thIng one way or the other, this laugbThere are uBually from two to six kit· generations a cat with common an· Ing phrase, but there Is ma.n y a man' tens, though sometimes there are cestry may be registered If It bas been who could not use It without putting It 1. on something that pe does not fee) eIght. bette r to let the motber carefully line-bred that long. 'alse' oilly four, and keep a common, curious to note, though, that the old, just because 1t would belte all bls IIhort·haired cat 'to mother any others. sbort-halred ancestors may crop up In deepest oonvlctlons about llfe a;nd . They should not be weaned under tbelr descendants of the seventb and God. ' two mopths, to get the best results. eighth generation, just as the one drop Make Public Your Happlneaa. ·though some wean them younger, , of bad blood ' shows In t he buman ·be. Suoh as these feel that If some great "After they are weaned teed them lD'g attar a oentury or so," happh\ess has come to them, that of milk three times a day. I always scald The cats are re markably In te lligent, 0.11 things .Is the thing to let people the mllk, untfl they are a year old. and seemingly understand everytblng know a bout. A little shy and embarAfter that r fe ed them porridge and wblch Is said to them. In dlspos~Uon rassed they might be a bout publtshlng milk In the morning. and a meat meal they are m\lch like people, many of some Ill-turn they bad had ; 'PI~y once 'a day, b~~f, ~utlon, liver . heart. them being loving and good natured. ' would £eel, perhaps, that they had anything but pork. I feed a great deal whil e others have the veiled claw In exaggerated the Importance or It, and of beef heart. Th~y are fine mousers. the · paw of li nk ready for offenders. would keep still In the belief that and If you have a Persian cut around If you have been In' the habIt of call- probably tt would turn out to be some, you will never be bothered wnh mice. Ing these lon g-hai red beauties "An- tblng not worth me tlonln~. Dut to They love grass and catJ:Ilp. too,' and goras," stop It. 'l' hey are ··Perslans." have h ad a year of ullinterrupted he.alth, or to have or to ·hnve gone six years without a s ick day,-thls would be something a bout ,,,hlch they could not honestly keep silence. F~r tbe aitematlve of tapping wood Is thanking God, .T he bad days are almost cerParis Pattern No, 29B4, All 8eama tain to pass off; but In tbe happy ones they feel that they have now gott e n .\l1owed.-M\lde up In natural colhold of tbe r ea l permanent substance ol'cd linen, this Is a ,aunty little suit. of life. When things have gone well The blollse has the fulness put Into with them, tlley do not feel that the wide box-plaits, s titched thelr entire best thing to do Is to get rea dy for length. and . the closing Is at ,'tbe front The them to go wrong. They are not sus- under th ~ center b·ox-plalt. picious of their happiness. and they sleeves may be plaited to cut! depth like to t ell about It. If now and again at the wt lsts or gathered Into bands .. The removable they seem 0. bit' boastful, why. so did according to taste. the Psalmists when ever so little a shield Is of the material. The collar rift pierced their clouds! They may and belt are of bright red linen and brag just l a little bit, but It will be the knlckerbookers are gl1tllered Into about the better side of life, and they the knees by ~Iastlc, run through the will not reserve their eloquenoe for hem-casings, The pattern Is In 4 life's worst passages: And when God slzes-2 to 5 years. For a boy of 4 has 'g iven them ~ something to enjoy years the suit reql,llres H~ yards 'of A small. convenient brooder hOllse til the cockerels are large enough to freely, Uke children they suppose that material 24 Inches wide. ,4 % yards 27 used by the Maine expe.rlment station be removed. . thetr father bas been very glad to do Inches wide, 3 yards 36 Incbes wide, Is here shown. 'rhls Is built on runIt, and thtly do not eye It as t~ It were or 21A1 yards 64 Inches wide; as Illus. nel's and may' be moved easily. Packing Pork at Home. a prelude to I!omethlng quite the oPPo- trated% yard of contrasting material 27 IncHes wide. Two 16-foot pieces of 4 by 6-lnch Tbe New Hampshire experiment site. . .TQ procure thl. pattern lend 10 eenta Umber serve as runners. The ends of station recently conducted some feedThe one who Is prep'a red for Dlol'd Ule timbers. which project heyond thp Ing experiments with shoats. Fifteen good and more grace Is far more like- to "Pattern Department." ot thIs paper. Write naple and address plaInly. and bD house. are chamtered op the under· of the shoats were divided Into five Iy not to meet with disappointment .ure .to ,Ive ,sIn ~d number ot lIa;tern. side to facilitate moving. The houses lots and fed 36 daY3. On soaked than the one wlfo Is alw.llJ'..8 expecting are 12 feet long; some of them are six shelled corn there was a gaIn of 82.2 reverses and , trouble. ' His blessings NO. 296... SIZE., ............. .. teet and others seven feet wIde; seven. pounds. at a cost of 7.3 cent. per he takes as things God loves to give. \, .feEt Is the better width. They are six pOllnd; on shelled corn and skimmed his chll/3tenlngs 8S tl1higs God ' has to NAIf'E •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. teef lllgh In front and tour feet hlgb milk n gain of 141 pounds. at a cost give. It God h!ls, ' show~ him soine: TOWN •••••••••••••••••••••,._ ••••••••••••••• . at the back. The frame Is of 2 by 3 of 7.4 cents per 'pound; on shelled thhig t~at just ~lIs his h(Jart 'nnd does Inch lumper; the Hoor Is double boarel- corn and mlddlll1gs a gain of '99.3 him good, 'he ttilD~S It"' iil ~ore than ed and the building Is bourd ed and pounds. at a cost of ,8 .9 cents, per likely that ttle Hea vtmly Father l~, s,ur~ATlD~ ••• ~ .: .................................. ~• . covered wIth 3. good quality of hea vy pOllnd; on s helled corn, middlings ;l\Dd ficiently like an earthly 'fatbe.r ',to roofin g puper. Papel' Is preferred to skim mt'lk a gaIn ~t 129 pounds. \l't a that same thing ,11 "good many Umes ,,", , . The Name Seemed to Fit. sh!'lIgles for outs ide cove'rl~g. This cost or 8.2 cents per J)bund; and on more. And so ,be meets·· the constant kind of covering for the wall Is not so flholled corn; corn mlddll,Jigs and ' moof llfe:s good' things wl,th'~ut ,sus- • '~ne , d'BY ' an ' old war veteran limped II1c6ly · to h'e hlJu'red In moving as , lasses , a gain of ,10•. 8 pounds at a plolon, and 'fixes bls mind mor.e upon ~Dto ' a ~bop .. an~, 8ald to tbe ~rugglst: shingles. _,\ .door two feet ,wide Is In oost of 8.89 cents 'per pound . .' what .tbelr com1ngmeaDs ' thjlu ' upon ~'I ~want Bomo me'dlclne. .Some lort the center of tile' front and a six-light thettme when 'they , may' b~" 'with. Of vermltugt!, .1 suppbse." , . ' wIndow. hinged ~t ~be top. Is on euch Wealthy FIrmer..; dra~n.-Suiiday School Time.. "WIIII, 00101;181, wb8re~s the trouble!" side of It. Two btooders. are placed In Thee United State/!, farmer II. "eo', I_.-:.....~_:.-..:~=;;::::::;:::::===:...:..~~_~~~.~.:k!e~d~.... the , clerk" IYm,p athetlcaU,; doe. the seat 0I ,7c!Ur'dUDcult7 each of these houses ·and 50 to 60 lectlvely, the moat wealthy capltaUst-1 cbitlka ore put wIth each ,brooder, A 'the world bas ever known.~ B1 tbJllalt ieem to ber! " . lo~v parHtlo!) !lepa~te!l ' the ftoc:ka Q~nlillli the farmer. ' bad ltivetted ID ' ''In ;111, . ;roodail :1 lq. mt.ter. Ir. whil e they are youDg, but later .1t hal alJ1:lculture ,In United ~tatee·~I!O,OOO.. ptan' "" aU , worm . ea1anlll-~", to be made .hlgber: ~ Tb8 bOll ... are 000,000, whlob .Ialt ,.eu produced ilom4i.'J~.L ~. large e~ougb iw that a per.ori caD 10 . 17,000,000,000. Such a IDeom. . ID . and do lbe wOl'i (l,0mtortab'"aad meau 1"0.000.000 • DlODtII, or Ill, each one &cCoUllllOdatea' l00 cblCb ..... ooo,OOO. ·dar

"Wby ouldn't country wom n raise Perslun cat s ?" queried 1\Irs. P. Franklin of the Abbottllto rd cattery. when she was a pproached about th e IIdvlsllblii ty of wom en on the farm s taking up that lin e of mo ney making. "The re's no r l'llson au earth why they couldn ·t. and every reas on why th y s bould be more s uccess ful th an ci t y women. They ha ve belter milk fo r th e pu ssies for on~ thin g. nnd for another tbey ha ve "er so mu cb IDor room. The mor roo w th o cnts ha ve the b ti. I' nnd large r thcy grow. a nd th e larg r tlley a re the 1lI0re va luable. On Ihe buck end or n city lot. the cats really do not ha vo nough room to do the ir best. I have a portable runway for mln c. wbl ch J move everywh e re 011 my lot . but 1 could do mu ch be tter It I h:lll tho 'ull out doors' of the farmer's 'I\·I(e." lIlrs. Franklin has been In the buslaess fo r years; has taken Hrs t prizes lit dllferent s tate talrs; has been pr sldent ot the Detroit Cat club. and Is consulted dn.tly by wowen who are starUng In u')e busin ess, says Michiga n Farmer, "A good breeding cat may be purchased tor $25." said she. "or course. you could get a kitten Co r $10 or '$15,


I have a bushel of cnthlp dried every









Moods Sarsaparilla Has made itself welcome in the homes of the people the world over, by its wonderful cures of all blood diseases and run-down conditions. Get It toc'lny In usual liquI d form or chocolnlcd tohlets cnllod Sarsalabs.



Alloo', Foot-Eu&, tho anUleptlo

"",dcr ~"r abo f'cct. It ou_ paapful. ...0 Leo •• mar1I .... OO"ooa , ... I aDd lnal&nL 1 t.Akoa Lb. 1\10, out ore 00l'1li ""d buolooa. tbo I'!e~t. el' ClOll\lfort.dllroyer'!:.C!!tlt 0 ••.e. AlleD'. Jioo~'Eu4I " ' _ I r,. IltuD« or D." eb ..... fool ...,. It I. I -naID o..... 'o.lo_ ln. DaJI.. -r,.. n • " '.11001 and tired. "'jtllL. . t eot·. ~ b • • ~OOOtel\lmonl. I. TItV



T TO-D" Y. Sold ••• ., .. he.... ~. o not RcclIllt "ny "ub.Ututll.


lit hI mill for1l6a. ID



, l\I~TU E~ GltAY'S S WEET ._.. PO, ' DE lt 't u.~ be. ~modlalne f.r 11---, Fe..r lb. .ro 11 ObUdroD. &14 b, _lllm I »,...,.I"'I •••.,wbor... , rMI·Eue~ Trl.1 Paok."" Fnlm, t'!.'!"'~_ " .t.LLEN S, OUI81'IU>, lAI __ ••••••



THE UNIVERSAL DISH WASHER Wasbes di5hcs without touching with the hands. ?5C with order ge ts it by mail to you. Money back nflcr ten days' tr ial if not WI represented. Saves time. labor and burned fin ge rs. South Bend, Ind. THE DISH WASH CO. Know Shaving Comfort




'!:exas Bear (to senator on n walk· Ing trip In the mountains)-Hully gee! Is the president after you. too? Finding of Fresh-Water Eel. The straits of Messh a are cbannels ' of immense depth . ' tbrough whlcb B . wild form of whIrling eddies have the efleet ot bringIng up [rOm the d epths' below many marine creatures whlcb are rarely seen exce pt In Ute deep 'sea trawls. It was here' that the ' tresh· ' walel' eel wus flrs t discovered. aD incident wbleb thre w a blaze of ' Ught' on the life history ot a very mysterl! ous f1sh.-London Dnlly Telegraph. Circumstances Alter Cases, "The troub le Is that too many people give expetls lve prellentll. rhnt's where tho m lcblef comes tn," " Rot! My wlfe's father r;ave her a ' Rouse aod I!lt." .

Children Especially Like The sweet, flavour of



Toasties Crisp, fluffy bits of perfectly ripe white; corn,":"" ' cooked, rolled and tl~e~' toasted to an , appeti~jng br.o,vn. ' ~".' ,,,'

Served with ct eam. and. " someioirnes frui~,' this . . dainty fooc,l pleases ' the '~hole , fa mily:

. Give the home-{o1k~ treat. '

I·The_. 1'¥imctl7


Foulard and Chilfon

·ABORIGINES .IN .DUEL Correspondent Despribe's a Deadly Boomerang Encounter.

From It-How He Conquered hi

- You Al80 Can, - Free.

WlnlStory of a Murder T~lal and Customs of the NativesHow They Testify.

Through an announcement' that he saw

In hlu local paper tho Rev. J. D. Lapl ey ot Avondllie SlatJon, BIrmIngham, Ala. learn ed that ho could obtaIn II. tree trlii.l bOl ti e of II. rolnedy tho curo

ot hllll-

!luallon, nod ' I1S he wos Inl TostOO, becuuso ho Butt r cd tllIlt way, ho wl'ote for It, 'fho remedy W/.UI Dr. Caldwell's Syrup P psIn, Mr, Capl y who Is a mlnlllter ot th o M ethodis t Episcopal Church, and a. m ember ot the Central Alabu.rUlL Conrl' r en e . toolt tho tree bottle wllh lhe

r Ollult that he was ve ry speedily cur d. Mrs. AlIce Northrup You or any olll I' au !ferer from cona'lI-

p a ll on, IndlgClIlIon and dyspepsia. sick hoadtlche nnd Buell dl gell tlve trOUbl es cnn


II. freo trial bolllo Bont to your homo prf'lla ld by forward\ijg your nam and address. ,It III I he gentlest, mlldc,,!. bE'st t aslJ.rllf. mos t e!fectlve laxative tonI c you ''''pr trl f!'" Drl1ggiRls will Rell you tho r"~ultl r hnttlc,. lit nO ccntu or $1 . nnll r eAl1 11 M tll'O ~lIar8nteed. A plctnre or Mrs. N orlh rup. 01 Ou lnl'"I, nl.. a l'ur('d ptlUent. I" prOIlPnted hpre ~'lth , It there 18 anythIn A' nhout you r cnse that YOU don't Un(}PTSlnn(1 write thf' t'I"~tor and he w ill ndvl81l you, Th e n"drI'S" 18 Dr. W . R Cnldyell. 201 CnldweJl Bldlr.. Montlcel)o, Ill.




Olrulgood-I , can truly say that I never did a hasty acl for which 1 w~ afterward sorry. . Blnnycuss-Dtdn't you ever put the wrong ond of a cigar In your mouth?

AN INTOLERABLE ITCHING "Just allout two years ago, some form of humor appeared on my acalp. The beginning was a slight itching but It 'glew . ateadUy worse untlJ, when I CO,mbed my hoJr, the scalp became, raw and the ends of the comb-teeth would ,be wet wtth bloOd. Moat of the Ume there waa an Intolerable itching, In 'k paJnful, burnlng way, very muoh u a ,..bad.. raw burp, it de,ep; will Itch and smart when 11rst J>e£lnnlng to heal, Combing my hall' waa , posltlve torture. J4y hair wu long and tan· ~led te.r rlbly becaUJe of the blood and scabs. ThJa continued growing worse and over halt my ,Iui lr fell out. 1 was In deapa~. reAlly afraJd of becomlDg totally bald. "Sometlmes the pain wu ao great tha~ when 'parUalb' ,"wake, I would aC,r atch ,the worst placea so that "my, finger-tips would be bloody. 1 could not aleep "ell and, after being aaleep a ahott Ulne, that awfui aUnging paJn -WOUld commence and then J would wake up 'neariy wild with the torture. A neighbor said It must be salt rheum. Haylhg uled CuticurB ~oap merely as a tol1e~ soap betore, I DOW decIded to ord~r a set of the Outleure, .Remedles -CuUeuta Soap, Ointment' and Pills. I uied them ~ccordlng to directions tor perhaps six weeks, then l~ft olr, as the disease, .eemed to .be eradtcated, ' but toward spring, eighteen -=' montha ago, there w,:,s Ii. slight reurn the Bcalp ' humor. I ' com, menced the Outlcura treatment at once, so bad very UtUe trouble. On my scalp. UIIed about'one balt a cake of CuUeura Soap and - haU a box of CuUcura 'O liitment In all. The first Ume I took six m' seven bottles of Cutlcura Pills 'and the last Ume tbree bottles-neither an expensIve or te, dlous treatment. SInce then I have hlld DO scalp trouble any klDd. Standing uP. with my hall' unbOund, It cornell to my knee !I and had It not been for Cu~cura I abould doubtless be wholly bald. "TbJs is a voluntarY, unsolicited tesUmonlal and I take pleasure in writing u, hoping my~ experience may help eomeone else. Miss LlIllan Brown. ft.' F.D. 1, Llberp'. Me .• Oct. 29. 1909."



How' Ho Expre'led It; ' Every small, boy-the rlgbt kind, anrhow-thltt~ his own mother the symbol at all pel·tectlon. . Few. however, have the ability to express their admlraUon os prettily as the - little hero of the {ollowlng anecdote: Rlohard's motber' waa him ,to bed, "and as ~he klsse~ him good nl$ht, she Slid: '''Do you know you are the ' whole world, to ',mamma 1" ' ''Am l?" ,he answrred, Quickly. ' ''W~l1 then, you're heaven and tJl(!.north pole to, xqe!';-Yo\ltb'a 'Companion. , . WOl1'an Caught "ed 'H~nded. : , 'A wQmlUl wliac:ausbtrect'bllndecUast TueJldax; ,-. 'There , was nothing sensatlonal' aflout<1t; All 'she' had done "'as .., to do. lier W~liIDg' wlth 'Cheapl c~inon ' "rellow' laUndry soap,al\d tho ~ult .. .. It always 1.; that her hands cf!J.c~e4, il-'d :~h,pped 1uld charcd ;UDtll they weie alllhta. ' m¥X, Tu~ soaP ,r. Ile~e•• ,WPI1laD aha much tnlbiilltl' and dln'p ln" the ,iuutda In the .,.... tor that no 0-; e .. ; ~m ~~lta. A. a matter or.tact J!laaT , Taa. ~p , la'-~d tp 1iVasb the handa , with. It wo~'t ~urt the ,Dioat delicate

" II)ttG. ""aloretbae1tbe'bbHace. ,

How GOe womu do-.a't eaJo7 Jaeal'

.... ~ pralled.


WHILE ago one ot the great French artist..dressmakers orlgInated an uuuBual model. In which foulard sUk ., veiled by an over-tunic of chlll:on. Tbe Idea was ao new and daring that the fashion world frowned a bit. The Idea was, however, too clever and original to atay long In the background. Designerll soon began to realize the beauty and artistic poaslbllIties In these veUdl'8ped fabrics 0: wonderful color and lovely figured materials. , At last the fancy has completely eaptivated the realm of fashion. HardIy a gown appears without having IIOmewhere its sheer o\·er-drapery. In greater or lesse.r degrees.


(; 1 '

A CIty Beautiful.

Wh.t ' .....f. Sh_. tile


SQS AIMHI.ltl - - - - - - . Ie In the heart of the richest, best cultult.t.Ml"v,,,".~,_~, .. _~v~~_v

Rev. Lapley Suffered Twelve Yea,..





which, tor general utility frocks for various occasions In the spring ' and summer, are Ideal. They are daln~Y and cool In appearance ,without the sheerness of Ungerle stutrs or the overdressy look ot satin for day wear. Tbe foulards especially are attractive in their sott weaves aod lovely colora and designs. Dotted. bordered and wee fIgured designs are the favor1tes~ and many beautiful color schemes are possible In the lovely soft shades, with their shadowy velUngs of Chitron. Black and white toulard veiled in black chll'ton Is one of the leading models of the moment) and Is both chic and practical. Not only Is it a favorite Paris combination, but one can wear It longer than colora 'of which one soon tires. A black and white gown Is sketched the center of the group. T.he frock IJI of white foulard dotted In black. with drapery of black cbll'ton, and black satin trimmings. The upper bodice Is of white lace. Tbe first frock ot the aketch Is an· other foulard model of Frenoh origin. of old gold figured In black with a black sat n hem and buttons: The neck frill and underaleevea are of old gold' tulle bordered In black aatin, and the band at the neck Is embroidered In black, gold blue pearls.

London .-I was 'vIsIting at Port Augusta when the chief justice came to tbat town to bold the assizes, writes a cOrreSI)ondent. Port Augusta Is ·al. lllost on the border of the desert. In the Imm ediate neighborh ood there was growing In profusion the "salt bush." wblch supports the life of the sheep during drought. and the templlng "prickly jack," a weed good to look upon bu t accursed to the farmer. as Its pointed spur works havoc am ong th o n eces, Closo by we saw a prosperou s ostrich farm and a number ot camels. with their Afghan drivers, about to start on a jourllcy sti ll furteer north, Th e strn nge Impression of tbls jux· taposltlon ot old find new wae deepelJed by lhe nature of tbe principal cllse for trial. It was a chargo against Jimmy Wouyilla of th e murder ' ot Billy Lee. both aborigines, Th e story ot th ' crime was not complicated, A quarrel seemed to have arisen through the refusal of t he deceased. though ot mature years, to submit to Initiatory rites which technically hIm a "young man," The witnesses were carlltul to spenk, of him always as a "bo!,," though It was testified that he bad a tew gray haIrs. " e aclual conflict between the two men was conducted with mucb ot the ,punctilio at a duel. Eacll of tl1em was armed with what Is commonly called the "double boomerang;" strlotly ! peaklpg, It abould rather be called a club In boomerang form. It Is a large and somewbat heavy weapon. not intended as a missile at all, but used to Inflict a blow which must be delivered only agalMt the head. The Inviolable etiquette, <!t such encounters demands that eacb, combatant In. turn sball bend hili head to the attack, not attempting to repay It until he has stendlly suire red his own chastisement. Blow tbus - 80lemnly alternates with

Equally favored Is the comblnnUon of two materials, a plain and a flS; UNld fabric combining In a' barmonlOUI whole, which, cleverly Imndled, la charmIng. There Is a noticeable la.c k or over: elaboration on t he new frocks ot the season-trimmings of the material being one of the favorite methods In plJ1lDg that slmpltclty of effect which la tbe keynote of the very latest gowna. It Is an elfish thing. this simpliCity, tor in spite of ita seeming plainness, the greatest art and oare Is required in the cut and Une. Of al.! the pitfalls tor tbe home dressmaker, tbls simplicity Is thl! -I"~ ~m)tbel"'"8Hk-IIl+g~ID-failh14I}n!8-1av,ar+ most ' dangerous. The trock wbJch. In Is the lonely Shantung-a most the handa of an arUst. comes out a adaptable fabri c, being equally suitsimple, graceful' sown of exqulalte able for, the strictly taJlored garments IIl1e Is apt, when unsklltully made, to Or ,for a dressy afternoon gown. The lio a , mere nippy,' skimpy, wapsey model sketched la a simple frock for mass that ' lis patheticall.1 funny. general day-tlm~ wear. and Is in that Therefore' the ,bome seamstress will cheerful tone Periwinkle blpe, The gown has ' a tunic ending at one do, well to look carefiJlly and select Patterns as guides, 'that are sure to 's ide In , a large corner d~cotatlon of embroIdery III matching floss, black oome out well. Nine out of \en ot the new blouses nnd bronze. The bodice Is simply are cut with tbe aleevea and 'bodice trimmed with a wide round about In , one. and .om 80rt of, dainty uli· shirring of the material, and the neck dei'sleevea and ~o~ arrangement for trill and undersleeves ' are of dainty 8 finish. Sbort .leeves and collarless sheer baUste and flne Valenclennea , waJst. are the .ord r ot ,the day tor lace. With the gown Is worn one of tbe all gowns for aprlng and summer. and the woman whose neck Is ,unfit little shoulder wrapa whloh are so Bendl Head to the Attack. wlll simply have to hie her to the fetching with the cbarmlng new grooerljl for the whitening lemons, or gow.ns, The model Ulu~trated Is ,of blow, unUI the man with the 8trOnger to the beauty doctor, be sbe unUm· gray chll'ton OVer aoftest ' rOse chltron. arm and harder head Is, lett tbe vicwlt!\ an edge of roll -lI1.uretL..JIl8Jl....II:JJI~+tQJ~..llILJWlJL.m:il.ellll Billy: Lee 8UCIted as to purse. ' t The bordure materials are lovely, silver tassels and braiding. and a cumbed. and ' the cotton votles charming-but white Irish lace collar. A narrow fold ." The witnesses In this trIal were ot they are a storY by themselves ana of gray saUn on the edge holds Ita course mainly aborigines themselves, for the crime was committed tn. ohe of today we shall consider the silks, shape. their camps. Their demeanor was ex· tremely nervoua. Again and agaIn they had to be exborted to hold up their b~ads and to speak clearly. One of them. a strong man with dents upon hIs suggesting Ii long exp,e rience ot , " erang duels. tainted In the course All girdles are verY Wide. of giving his evidence and -another col· Low sboes have hIgher heels. lapsed as soon as he had left the box. HeaVy, gold . tassela 'co~Unue In fllvor. Later witnesses were therefore alOne of tbe Innovations among the lowed · to aft and were trequently redeslgna of new em~roldery: lit the freshed by a- glass ot wate.r, which simulation 'ot soutacbe patterD8. , they would empty at a single gulp. Many young gjrls wear the heat! , 'Their evidence Wll.!l given In pidgin brnld-coronef, with the natural hair English, ' pulled softly around the fa~e. The counsel for the de,t ense bad the In ' the white silk braid dress trimadvantage of bavlng lived for some mlna one finds a 'touch of color' added Um!" among the blacks when a boy ' by,, ~eaM of corai beads. ' , and could conseqltently make , himself Gloves of ', kanaaroo kld,- Similar In cully understood by them. "You I\pPearance ' to a)1ede, ,but a llttle yabba longa me now," was bls Intlmabesvler, are !n deman~ In Paris. tion that tbey were now to speak to 'Hats ot leather trimmed ",tth rib· him Instead of to his learned brother. bon lire among' th'e sm~rt accessorhtl "You tell me straIght, no tell , lies." ·o f tailored girls' wear thlu spring, was sufficient to emphaslze the ImtlOrEv~ry gOWD nius~' lIave a bIt of gOld ' lance of truthful answers. Several or silver ~~ steel ot, copper br,a ld ~r pecullnrltles In IIngulstlo usag~ came trimming In ' l~s c<omposIUoll. : , .. '. out during the examInation. The wit· Braids In dliu;Dond, · Titan ' and nesses' used the word' "lose:' as n eucrlmpe,d varieties, In gold, and also' In: phe~l~m for :'dle" and -"kJII" In !llace eliver, are hi lllrge deIi,land for bel~s . . at "aU·lke." It had the oddest el'tect. Coats ·or "ve vet are 'belug worn over.' to ~~ar how one ,man wouid klll' the tbu\ards, the coafbe~ng ' lice'!!' .-wlth the othet' and Uten' the otber would ,' retall' ~a1D~!' mat~t'.alll8-1he'·$own . . , S thJ . ft' a." d tine" , suc" , as ate by k1lllJlg him. . The pl~ ,,",orn ' Ip l!.at~ ,ncpomp'anY' : ?me n~' s o . . ., : TW(,): pe, c ullar ,charaoterlstlcJl ' noted Ing the 1.i&llored Bnlts this spring ll~ve hun ,~ v~lllng. Jap silk. or lawl1 should much smaller .beaets ",'h!J.n ,formerly. . be uaed tol' . t~la , simple little dr~ss:, .by 'the writers On' lIborlginal 'c'nstoms were :ll1u,trated in thlll trIal.' On(! ·Was ~ a._ Among the beaded ' neta I~r tr1mm~ a ball~ of B'!locklng Is ,worked , round 'the blaclul' Inablllty to count. At' one "venlng gowtls , llr~ a.Dpllq\led desilD!lf, tr~n,~ ' Ul!de~ th~ ar.msi the 'fullness at p610t It waa· des~red to aacertaln 'what dODe In galcl JUid aoft pastel 8~ade8. ' nee 18 'gathered Into n little blUld to thne elapaed be~weentbe death ' ot the ' ' Oph 'C' , ...~ I' ,wb,l eb a, tUl'r1-down collar Is 8,e t ;' .. tblj vlcuin and ' t;.he ih,lng 01 Jnformat.lon , I • .. ra.. .-1 an. 1 ' ttatb tlt b d ' t th ~ a ' Ui to: the maelltrate. The man who had . the n"Q'w, or.~ volle· and crepe a . eM C e a e , e se, e luBSllbs there bDB come abo\lt ali In. hem bela. trimmed , to matQIJ; the, hlms.if canted the ' new. , could' Slv. , tareatlns weave ~I~d the cQlraaii de. nUle .leeyea are aDiocked at the 1rl1at DO ..I1&1I'e' wben the ~ue.tlon was put II~' It -I..,OD IIIte overl.apptDI fOund. and tI~~ed b". n"r,r.ow frlU. . ' to him polDt blank. He' wa'l nat p." lid' till 1)01Dta, · alld &lvee a PIt "eal or Ilate~1a recauir:'ed: ~o ' J..-rda .,~ Uke4 ~~ duiIDI hI8 JomMf. nil iDQaJl')' ... to tile t::.1'tMe ", the ~ ~cbea _ . . c



DiU".···.I.. II.',


profIt mnklng tarm lnnd In the great Southwest. From a brush pile to a city of 20,000 population In 14 years. Wonder of the age In city buUdlng. Now building Meat packing house1600 ernployes; 'Cotlon Fabric MIlI600 employes; Baptist nod Catholic State Universities-Will enrolll000 stu· dents. Unprecedented profit making Investments waiting for men ot small and large means, Th e lust opportunIty to get property In Shawnee at a low price. Get In on the ground floor. Prices will ndvance rapidly. No.hlng can stop Shawnee now. For descrlp' Uve literature and further Information write SHAWNEE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Shawnee, Oklllhoma, which Is not a r eal estate com pany. Neither. English Waiter- WhI ch s id e or the table do you wish to s it on, !llr'! American Ollcst- I prefe r to s it on a cbalr,-Judge.


Kill the Files Now and Keep di Fcn~c awny, :\ ))A1 SY FLY KILLER

WIll do it. Kill ~ Ih o\llU,"J~. L flRt 1111 spa Ra n, A ~k YOI11' t1eull'r, or Rent! 20c 1(1 Il, • ·OM· EMS, 150 Dc Knlb A,'c" Brooklyn, N. L

, Poor Indeed. Ella-My fa ce Is my fortun e. 8lellu-Yotl destitute thing!

Send postal for Free Package of Pu.xtlne. Dener and more economical thaa Uqold anUsepUcs



ORE EYES, weak, inOamed. r ed. wntery fi nd Rwolle n eyeR, use PE'l'TlT'S BY~ 'ALYE, 25c. All druggisls or Howllrd Uros" 13u/fulo, N. Y. '


A girl Isn't nec~ssarlly a jewel be· cause she Is set In her ways.



GiY.. ODe. Iweet bnath: deaD. w..... teeth-antileptic.Uy d ... moath and throat-purifiel tho ......... aft... Imokiq-diapela.U d.ieaareeable penpiratioaUd body odorl-muchappredated by claiaty womea. A quic:l& Iemecly f . eore eyee and catarrh. A little Putine ~wder cJi.. IOl,ed in a ,I... of Lot waa.

IJ ,


makes • deliahtful antiseptic _







iac powc:r, aDd abeolutely Iwm. Ie.. Try. Sample. SOc.. Iarae hem at druaiAa or by maiL


Is Yo~r , Health

w. L. DOUCLAS Worth 1.' sa' HOE S 85, $4, $3.50,

A 52.80


8hot. ,S,BOj" ,2.60 It U


W. L. Douglas sliDes are worn

by more men tbAn '

any otber make., BEOAUS£,

w. L. Doocllll1 M.OO

That'. wh.t it coat. to get a-week'. treatment-of CASCARBTS. The, do more for 1f!u than any medicine on ltarth. Slckne18 generall, ehows and lltarts tint 'in the Bowela and I.i1'el'; CASC.uuns cure these Uta. It'l 80 easy to try-why aot start toIlight and have help la the morningl

other mak ...



roc: a baIr for • ~ treatIIWnt. an~.. Sl"", llelle, Ia the, wor\4. boaCS • IIIOQUa, i

and 86.00lboe. equat,


In "7Ie; 8t and we""



W.L.Dou&,w8S.3b. 8$.OO,ea.GO and 83.00 are tbe loweet priM. qoa1lty couldiared,lnthe world.



ARE yo~- Dllwach"mea, IN THE RUT1! LIl~ " " 61Art 10U, FI worth rbrlUDow.i

.1. . .,. . . . .,

a,,4 ODe 1Daersoll ..,1 -lDIIll)8 ¥ounL410 ~o, NlIUIaII 11111.


II••• UIllIIt.. ""-........


W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 20-1910"

There is positively no bounds to the utility of ERUPTIONS POISON IVY BURNS , ITCHING ECZEMA NmlERASH






for home or family use when loreneu of the skin prevails. It first loolhea, 'then ; heals. A certain cure for IIchlng plies.

RESINOL CHEMICAL COMPANY. BALTIMORE, MD. Reslnol Ointment. Reslnol Toilet Soap, Reslnol Medicated , Shaving Stick are sold at all Drug Stores.

A Woman's' Home aho~d be her pride.

Your home should l'C8ect your own individuality. You c:&DDot have lpecial wall . papers de-, I1gnecl1?y you {or each room-yo~ caD carry out a spectal Alabast1ne decora• . tty, Icheme for thOle roome-you caD be , • leader In JOUr community and havo ' ,-our,bome ~ talk of lOur friends.

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ - ~~~~~~~~~ -...... - ~ - , --. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~- --;:---;

+_.- ----- . - - :- -""!'"+------- ~- - ---+\ ,OLENTANGY PA~K !~:~ ~~~~ +~~~~~ Co~~~ ___ o~~:::: :;·:';·v~::::;I~"",~~I~.



f noti e of tlLlnllltlll t thl~ l\ UliOU . 10 IItl lht.i un tf i more , t lmo n ll a hundred r eg u 'hristlo III r /LtntlH6l1l en t ,i t i g l vmg II Re rte~

Du llroof of lltlbliC'll ion

Cammon Pleas Court.


New Suits.



XllC Qtrix fl ied. £~ta to of Dll vicl J...

AN IRRES-ISTIBLE BARGAIN $1.75 Value for OIily $1.20

Itley decell!:! d. ,If uullo n o!:!o tlSi Unll, paraohn te Mac ,E. Lo Itt' V8 I~ wis K rup Firs t fI count fl1 tl by 0 ca r J . E . laflps, Urt'workil, buoll o,lDcerCo", ,and t nl. Pelitidn fot' plll' t i ion of OBI'otlHlI' frill" f outdoor euttlrllun · \ tll'lll:l, "tllllillis trht( r·. AU ' FOR: tilin de or!bOll I' J estate to whioh pr epll rin~ t ( present E'tllt of Loni€'fl 'uUllen · 1) n ti· pllliuti1l' is ('utitled to 11 portion . ONLY ulUVlllg p \OH1r6S, iII tlstru tell cin ry. Heoonl] fI Cl( OUIl t Q leu by 1:3 . l~. H. Ru ,nttorney for plniutitf. ng nnd vlLud vIII u ts in Il new a . Cantlon, t ru t, . io'l'unk V . Stitt, admi n ! trill-or of 'lerocirtlllle III th e lIUl't ll end of the Court Proceedin2s. Willi,llll W . Htitt , (le 1J 1I ~ed vs Rut.h Pl\l'k. !::ltute of Ollio VS , Owen D. I::itook· Ann ~Hit· t, et Ill. Rllpo r t of lllli llie Hill t\:' F ln ul'lHl Y's Hi g Wild WdSt ton . 'Ise tllken fro III ju ry wh n nle nud pnrtit! n . 1llIlC10 . ,~ bu v i 8 /LI:!o at, tlUI Ptl rk Ilnd its eo· th y nre ulln ble to ng r ee and du. JMcCall's Magazine 1tl runt,ter of o, t,nto o f '1', M. " 1\ ~(lJn(1nt onut.i ntws until ufter t,he fondant ohllO beS plea to not gui lty, Mc 'tmdle.lI, tl l:lefluAoti. Report of It.l.l of ,Iuly. B lel s Il. hund of !::lioux Is n large. artistic, handsomely illu st ra ted hund n:u·pll!{e month ly magnzirte. It coo· Given ul:l\lm;ded Aentence of OIlU l:l JW.uu E. E ll'nh!ut uUminil'ltrutor, [nu ill u, tb I'e Ill' cowboys , now tain s sixty Doew Fashion Designs in eac h issue. Every womu n needs it Cor its up-to.da te cD.tert..'lining stories nnd complete information on al1 hollte IIml pet'sollul top,ks. fashions, year iu pel1itoutiary . nPPl'O\"ed , ullow u and OOIiI'IIl (i. Jirlll, WillI h ~ r l:'l> ~, 111\11 long born Tex Over o n e mlliio n s ubscribers. A knowl edged the uest Home aud FII ~hiol1 Magnztu e. Dau P . Bootl va . &1timoro Ilnu DlbLriunti no of pro() Oils of ~IlJ6 ll:-l stem's, u U 11 u cuwpl eLH l'epret!eu ta R egular price, 5 cenls n copy. Worth double. Ohi , ~ , W. RnilwliY compauy . Wilde. tlull of life ou the plu ins h! gi Vtl O u t Leave is grunted plaintiff to lLJOeDd McCall Patterns Tbe Miami Gazette Esw te of Th eo, M. 10Cll n(lle ,de- ellOh perforUU1110tl . his petition One of Ihe hest newsl'al' e r~ in Ihi5 part. of Cuief Ilmong t,h e u tr m ot ions i El t he So simple ,ou cannot mi sunde rstand them. COil!! d, FirRt tlUU !lulli II C ount Absolutely al:(:urate. I n sly Ie, irreproachable. the State. Gi \' e~ nil Ih e news that 's fi t II) prlnl . B, Frunklin Tuft3 vs. Vill ge of flied by U . E Eurnhar t, nllmin iatm· big r.hent r in whidl the 8t.uuh~. Wll You may selkt, free. any McCall Pattern you Interes tin g and progrl! ,i.\·e. Indis p~n ahl~ in MaiovilJe. 'o llr~ d oldes ttlilt dis. 80 11 PllIyer!l will Ilro.lnotJ hig') Otlll:!tor , desire from .be fi rst number of th e magaz ine . every Wa ynesv ille horn e. Reg ul ar price, , 1.00 puted rtlAi estlLte should not bo dewh ich reach. I JOII. Regular price, 15 cents. per year. E~tate of Geor ge v . .·, Uui!'lsi n~ or, UrulI1l1.S unrl '01ll,1(]I )! t hi s seu. ... o o , t!lohed from villa ge. deoensl'd, Fir t IInll. finu l UOOOllot with 1\ bn.nge of lJill l:\1\oh week . George Knapp e. 1\1 VI. Villnge of filed by Hatti e O . Hn i<:lsiog 1' , ad · For the weuk ~ttl rt ing Memorial DIlY, Maineville. Court deoides tha~ er · milli Lrlltrix. thlEl s p lendid OUTnpuuy of play rs Can at OQl' office or addren your order to THE MIAMI GAZEITE, Waynesville. 'Ohlo tain t raotl not be detaohed from will proLIuoe t,lt grea t military dra. village. IUl, 'Run on 's Ii'olly," whioh will Marriage Licenses. be followed by " L i l>e r t y Bull, the Probate Court. Willil\Tu W. t::Itioklemlln, &2, oler k UlOst expensive of 1111 rOYlllty plays. Estate of Kittle C, Loehr, deoeased of Franklin nod Mrs, iolu. Maoey, M ssr!!. I::itubbs Bod Wilson, who THE SEA STILL PE RILOUS WALTER Mc(iL URE, Ralph B. Parks appointed adminls- 42 of Fl:lmklin. wnnaga t he troup~, prominent 'I'he vlgllllnoe of sailors, the mol. tro,tor at b oud of '25,000, H, I::i. Con· Charlie W. And r 0 0 , ~ I, operutor In the thelltrlonl world, ¥r. Stubbs tiplioation of Jilhthouses and lightFuneral Direr.tor. over, Elias Folk and ,J J, . allaber of Aurorn., Ind., a nd Mary CookE>. being II. stage ma nAger and oomedia.n s hips ond the invention of devioes appointed apprAisers, 1 , o'f F ranklin. . of n lLtlonal repute, and Mr, Wilson of warniug have still not robbed the Estate of Jo,eph Eltzroth, de. ueing B most successful mllnHge'" SeaA of their might . If romBnoe deTelephone day or night. Real Estate Transfers. They seleoteda most splendId mands risk of life and limb, the_~rl\. ceatied. First Ilccount allowed and Valley phone No. 'I. LonK confirmed. oompany of aotors, the lelldlng man l:Qaofpanio orof brave,ry, thestrug James R. Wood to Helena Boger Distance No. 69-'V. E state 0 f J 0 h n R . Kibb ey, d o· being Mr . Pllal Diokey, laie with gle of man against tha elements, then oeased. 'i'hird and fi nal acoount ap and Charles M, Boger, lot in Ridge- BenrletttL rossman . Miss Sue there is plenty of rOUlance left. Is your year up for , OHIO. ville " • proved, allowed I\nd co.firmed. Vlln. Duzer , who 1tt.8t winter played The wreok of the Minnehaha. di WAYNESVILLE, Estate of Josephus Witlll4m, 1m· J. B. Baker to E ..T. G rim , 12, 7 the leading part in "A Gentleman reots attention again to this tallnre Branch Office. Harve1"bur~. O. beoile, Firat and final aOOoon t ap.- Il,!res in Bllmilton township, from Mississippi," is the lellodiug of the maritime nation8 and the fol prqved, allowed and oonfirmed, Commissioners' Proceedin&s. woman, and they wlll be ably sup- lowers of the seas to I!trip the waves Estate o~ E'r astns Cox, deoeased. . • ported 1:;y Mr. Frank Sylvester, for of their parils. In the clays of the ~ Firiala.ooonnt approvea ~llowed and Bi1ls-W . II, Hopping, carpenter four seasons the leading mo.'! of the olipper ships the sailor folk spoke of confirmed' work' at Conr t Honse and jail, ,91.17 ForeplLugh Stook Uompany in OIn. head landA and of certain gronps r.'f . Es~te · of Eleanor White, benefi- :T. R. Bnnte!:, servioes at infirmary, oiuna ti Miss Olive West, Mr, Ed Isla.nds as ocean graveyards. Tllese If it is, we have a gllt.oiary. Fonrth account I\pproved , ,25 iI:), A, Lewis, ser vioes as infirm. ward PoJand, and MitJs Beverly rooks and reefsstlllolaim theirbootv allowed and oonfirf:Ded, ary direotor, '100.35 j Lewis Bros. & West willlliso take prominent parts. '~By the bl8tisings of God," MId edge proposition to Estate of Frederioa Honk, de · 00., ooal for court house and jail, Other members of the oompanyare the devout Newfonntller. "we have offer you. This Is oeued. First and final account ap ' '21.Sifj John C. Van Note, .senice s Mellsrs. Willard Bowman, Robert been sent a. run of fish anci a few great paper, an d evproved, allowed and confirmed, Oil Soldiers Burial Comm ission $1; Reese, Herbert Ra.wlinson, John gqod wracks." Cape Ra08, upon the Estate of Sarah .1. Doebler, de- Barrett; Brothers, blanks for pr~bate Darlington, Walter Flannery,. and N(.wfonndland oo&st, tlLkes a heavy ery farm'e r ought to ceased, First and fina.l acoonnt 8P- judg~, j Valley Telephone Compo.· Misses Beulah · Wateon, Ad,lalde toU in property and human ltvea have It In bis home. pro~ed, aUo,wed a~d oonfirmed. ny, ren~s and tolls, '111.10 i Alonzo Overholt, and Dorothy Wilson . Ev· every winter. Cape Cod, plltrolled Estate of Lydia ,Cunl1ingham, de· Cussl\day, land appraiser for Deer ery member has pJayed in oompanv by' soores of Ute Bavers and hghted Come In and w~1I ~~ed, First and final acoonnt, field township. 'SO.50; H . M" Pill, with the greatest aotors of the day its whole length, is mentlooed 10' appro~ed ~llowed ~nd . oonfirmed, land appraiser for Turtleoreek town. and all have had a wide experience .wreck report8 with nnbroken regu · -Estate of Furmlln Sutton, deceased ship, '84 ; J, C. !dale, land avpr1liaer both in s took work hnd traveling" lJU'I'Y. ,I Th~d. , aoconnt approved, tlHowed for Wayne township, '66.00.; W. S. companies. The traveler npon .. vea8el passing and 09nfirmed. :Whitacre, land appraiser for Barlan • - • Mandy Hook DO&etJ the signs of , ~tate of Simon Shumaker, de- towntJhlp, ~56; W.' L. Harvey, land COMMON SENSE AND THE COMET IL wreok, and these signs oontinne, 08a8etl. Fil'flt and final aooount ap· appraiser for Hl\rveytJburg, ,35 i thouKh salvers are ever at work For further information, address , proved~ allowed and oonfirmed. ll'rano!s CarrOll, land I\ppraiSer for In the year 1456 Halley's comet thereabouts. ' Basteras mt\intains , Estate flf'l'. G. Whlte, deceased. Morrow, '3.58 ; T. F. MoGninn, I nd blazing 10 the midnight skle8 like itil anoleot notoriety. The Lizard, ~oun~ approved, allowed and Q,ppraisera for Musle township, '63 i .. fiaming. soimitar, seemed to pro qpon the English OoaRt, Is strewn ' co~tlrmed! ' Z . 0, Worley, Jand appra iser for tend ominolls events. A Moslem ~round with hulks of great I!team· .WaynesVille, Ohio . Hyou would like to supply . Estate of Levi S, Lukens; deceased. Sa.lem township, , S. 50 j Samuel Fox. had taken possession of Constanti ers, and the ~illy Islands, where the your table with this highFirst ' and final 'account approved, IlLnd a pprl\iser for .I!'ranklln town- nople, and thre~tened to overrun Eu. ~innehaha went ashore, are J'lo . c • • uuu •• grade silverware free of allowed and confirmed. . ship, ,6 il 75 i H. p , Enrly, land ap. rope. In thonsands of .ohnrches the terror's of the deep, though Estate cif Josepb Eltzroth, de. praiser for Springboro, ,24 50; Fred prayers went uP. "Lord, save ns from ~eir shorea bristle wtth llghthoaae8 cost, write us for our spooeued, First aooount approved, al. H. Stubbs, land appraiser for Union the devil, the Turk and the comet." ThOle, who like the sploe of danler cialoffer. Address lowed and oonfirmed. townt'hip, t80. 50 i L. R , Rnnda1J, land L!tst week the ell. rth was sQhednJed with their Journeyi,n g abont tht! Estate of Solo~on Rosnagle, de- apprai er for Mason, ,70 i E. U. to brush through the tail of the oe- earth have still .no reason to oomSTi\NDAID FASIION COMPANY Undertaker a~d Embalmer. ceased. First' and fioal aocount apr J effery; land appraiserfor WaShing. lestial wanderer. It ~eems to ,b e plain.-To)edo Blade. II-II Vall'" SInd. New yn. No Y. Will be fonnd in tJle old prove~" allowed and oowftrmed: ton towDship, '7 ; W. ' B. Gaskill, some question whether it ~id • - • Bank BnUding, opposite Esta~ Qf Joseph H. Monger, de· land appraiser for Maine'ville, '7. or not. But at any rate weare ~tl~l lion Fondles a Child. t.he National Bank. , ceased,', First and final aooount ap~ CJontraots""':Contraot was entered bowling along throngh space at our In Pi&tsb'urg a sn'aKe'Uon fondled Telephone In house and of. proved, allowed and confirm~d. ,. into with Zain Armitlloge for paint- ni olll ro.te, undis'urbed, so ~Ilr as the hand t~& a chUd throat into bls fice where J can be called day or night. EState of George MoClure, de- .i ng tbree bridg' e8 in Wasbington the average hUman being knows, by ...age. Dangter hto alohi1d is sOdmde f b. . . ,. ~.me8 Krea w en eas. regar e • , d D Valley PhoDe 1'-2. ne plaot 0 pu hcation of townshi(l at est,l mate of '45. the ,oomet or lts antI . , Often it oomes thr9ullh Colds, Cronp, notice of appOintment of George S . MiRoellaneous-lt wlls orderedthat Really, the world seems to have and ' Whooping COUlh. rhey slay Main Street. Waynesvill•• Ohio. Sever, administrator filed . '1800 be trnnsferred temporarily been ~akiog progres8, Suoh an thousands that Dr. King's ~~w Dia· Estate of Islo&'o Garner, deoeased, from the speoial bridge fund of 1908 eveot two or thre,e hundred-or oovery could have saved. A f",! d ' Id doses oured onr baby of a very C. W. HENDERSON,M.D. to the oonnty fuud. even a hun d re .yeaJs ago-wou oaa.e of OrQnp," writes Mrs. George McCALL PA1TERNS A re!,olution was qnanimously have mellnt a paOlO. Today, instoad a. DILVia, of Flat Rook, N, 0 " "We Ccicbrnted for style, perfect ~1...lmpllclty and 4 CULOS~J adopted, allowing D. L & C. rail way of viewing ihe transition of the oomS alwllYs give it to him when he takes ~~~::i~\~~ "nne.i':~\V~o hr~;,:."·t1n?t~~ ~:;'I:~<~~~~ Waynesvill.e" Ohio. at et with dismay, we have made light oold. Its.a wonderfnl medioine, for Cllmlll., or b)' m nll (lircc(. 1.1nre .ult! lhan the rl'ght to e,·... ten·u.1 switoh tr"ok .. bi .. Be t f C h C Id uny olher rn~ke. SC, ,I fOil frco co(alOlrue. Valley Phone 153 • 179 J'etrers on Avenue," Main Stne D dd ' of the snbjeot and pinned our ba es. s or OOK s, 0 II, McC,\LL'S MAGAZI~,;: Columbue, 0 .• J'ul~ .!!3, l ~OS. o s. '. , ' ' d th LaGrippe, Asth'UB, Hemorrhage8, r.r urc subscribers 11 r... ?, other f•• hlon • - • faith to the astronomer@ an e Wea.k Lung, 000, 11.00. Trial bottle m:aSAzinc-million A r, " " ,,...Iuahle. Lat. :, tn lut". l!lO', ·1 was lIoddenly, " 'Ith nei An Ideal Husband. newspapers. free. Gu"'r~nteed , by Fred C cst slyl." pnltCrn A, , ', """nkln!:, "lillin~. Mrmlllc. whatever, taken with a. sovera w ~ p ' rtin leWing, fa ncy o l,.'cJ lc work, Jlai rdresl ~ ng, \couch, Inoreasloc In ce vol'lty, Bccom· Astronomers, to be snre, have held ~ohw"r~.. cllquclf., good .Iorle , Cle, Onlr 60 cents . is patient, even with l\ na gging wife, ____ ... _ • ycar (worth double), inclll,tling .. ' ce p. ttern. "anted with h eart affection. He:norr· Sub.crlbe tuduy, or Bentl for uUlple copl. lI,aselJ toJ\ ,~ 'etl In Septomber, with fo\'er for be knows she needs help. She almost every oonoeivable opinion TREES IN MIAMI VALLEY ' . ~O~~DE.FlJL INDUCEMENTS &ItIl nl"ht IIw eate. Cough bc~n mc can. may be so nervous nnd run.down in on the su bjeot" and it is impossible I I" Alienls. Poslal bring. pren, lurn c ab•tope etant reaultlng 11 (lu t tbe nlludle or bealth tbat trifles annoy ber . If to prediot absolutelv what a oomet The Oak Type, in wbioh the white Ilntlnow cub prize otTers. Adl lrtu Karoh 10 o.1mo:lt total l oss of Yoke. she is melancholy, exoitable, troub. .1 ",bloh condition contli,ued until about led with loss of appetite, headaohe, might do to llS . . But it WIlS hardly oak. block, soarle' and red,oakooonr ; nE McCALL (0. IIIloWW,m. lit.. NEW YOU "bl mIddle of Mil),. . conoeivable that the Creator wbo in mixtnresin a greater or le88 dr. sleeplessness, conl!tipotion or taint. We can offer you good I QOmmeoeed ta kIng lu rr.·s Cr e.· fl o, ing and dlzz v spells, she needs Elec. put Bucb B oomplica.ted 'oy as the gree with white Bsh, mookernnt aud ~)' 'I, 190', Ilnd now attor Ilov~n )' Paying Employment "ay.· treatment my tempcrlltul'e IS trio ' Bitters. tbe mOj!t wonderful universe In motion and has kept it shel1ba,rk hiokor{efl, red and white remedy for ailing womell. 'rho us lIormal, appotite g,ood, sloep fin e. h a\' ~ tha~rY0u will e.njoy'and , .' _ 110 nl,ht "wenta, no cough , volco a. ~ ands of sufferers from female ttoub running 1111 there years, shonld have elm, red mapllJ, sassafras, black oher. m~de suoh f\ funda.mental mistake -iv, dogw, ) oc1, i~onwood and mulber _ at.h9 me . Wr1te~o-day , .004 u ever and l u ngs oPPllrently por- le8, nervous trouble@, baokache and ~eot1T b ealed and cured. wellk kidneys have used them and I\S to allow tbe earth to be destroyed ,'r y it-he young growth is nsually ash, . Beut!&reaath.CtrBeanWeaJm-.1IItUIIlfll'ft I ca.n now work Ilt anything I car., become healtby fIond happy. Try ~ Allllr... by a mere oomet '~ tal}. maple, ironwood, saflsaffas end blue ItIftlF.IIO&<IIlewe&kh.rUna buncfn14 s..1n~ ~o. ' where I 0:,0030 a nd with out ..u aetUaUF dl-.ed. It II a1m_ al_n • 'I'll .... . undue fatigue. I t ecl per fec tly woll In th'em, Ooly 500 . Satisfaotion'luar Within th e past few weeks the Ueeoh. bJd~IInFUWe 'DemI UlaheaUFllallaUaalt. e DuHeI'Iek P.a.UaldDg Co. anteed by Fred C, Sohwarto.l. . . . . 1')' 'Way and am p leasel1 to roeo,n. 'Ty bei t 'l'IIIlobleunl n~e ~ or Bea~ Hem .......... _ .. Bau .... N ........ N. Y• · publiohas no doubt learned more pe, ngmo(l,~rom ~Dee4l.im4m1ll&baft"IDOI'tI)OWV.lllon -• ew Vi·__ T he R lver min Naturo's Creat on. " SUBSTANt;E HAS NO ODOR astronomy than it ever dreamed of, inent'ln the valley and ·lIood · plain! ~e:.~t:tW~. Respecttull),. and ha ~ bee,n th,oronghly posted on Of the' J.ittle Miami River . . The aI8o,. 9d.. 1/t? a ~.JI "No subsmnoe.that refnses to dis · the attrihtites of oyllono~en Q'IUI. large 8ngar maple an~blaok walnnt ~••~'ie =~ R. • • HATHAWA. Y 'l'Iio above IItnt ement II! both trno ind solve in wa.tar has an odor, ~ ' ~ays Amoog the ignorant ' IIond snperstt- and w!l,Ue elm are ~haraoterl8tio , =~~~.~ao:.~ . ,eou-.vaUve nlld ,I cnnnot " roeomooooc! a writer. "For it,is the aotual sub. tious slight tendencie8 to IJR nic have slM'oles, whioh originally oooupied ' ~ ~8hOOP" ', Un-Wa , .'. . Ilatur.'. Crao.lIon to.o llIJhly. , · . ,~ta~o~ itself' floa.ti~g in ' partioJes been ~ notioeable,: l?ut, as 110 ~nle, . we tbere..area.8. ~io'oallY , &h~ 'oot. ~ab~~. ~ Wa,VU88 ville'. ~' De~". tlie air, that R'ppeal~ to the nose" and' h!lve b'ehltved our~etve!il pretty. well, tollvv<?Od oo~nr8., Th~ Rp~ies foond , ,.,=~= )ffioe liD K~8 Bldg. ' . lIa~ S& uot Simply a.·vibraotion of the air"a8 It should be remempered Inoiden~ are the whttea8~,,8hel1bark hlokory,· 1 . . - , , - , II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! in the 'of light and sound'. ." Th~ tl:llly ~that the comet has ,not always white, red, ahllig18! burr" blaok and March S1, tRot. damper a t. h, ing.iB thoe more '· pow , er- bronght fear and dread. O~ one '00,. swamp'oak, white. and r~ elm, 'red . If, wtf1I III 1I0W In bett~r ben.lth t.hon b h . -. 1 \ f ha.. .,~ . r. to )"8arIl. She ' is absolu tety · ,\\,ell fuLthe odor it gives (lff. A plMS- oasion. we like &0 thin.k , it rong t ~Ild 8ugar map e, Jlal8.& ra8, t - . . 'an. & cond.ltloQ Wou~ht In p~julo ant pro~f of the faot can be ha.d by ~ope a.nd a new m688!'Ke of "P~oe woOd, bla~k ~.1ndt"lro~woodtEhle . . . 7MoI' . .0. . J. A. E. walkwg in 110 garden after 'lain.'" on.. earth." when as the Star !>f ~,d~It"'09d..and blaok ohen? . , .. Bethlehem, perha~, i~ ushered , in The II1I\t~ o~ ' oulled ,m . ~~ 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7~,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!i! • _ ..


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.- ----.....::..---.. ~ .'

Mr L" UrI'I IOp. Furo'os, I\R " lhEl per . ,_.___ .__ fe~ile r, " \ll oY61\ his part weh lLod his . VALLEY 'l' El.I!:Plfl1 . E--OA I. . 1. .·v. 11 ~ ! m " l, tl .n p Wll - good. - - - - - - - -- -. , - - I Mltlil 0 0 1\ Sl'rI\ WD, 08t,hemald, who D. L. C ItANE, Ed itor and M.mager Ib ,d but n t AW lin'AIl looked a.nd aelt. _1~ Cl b tor p .q ;t 111 Ii q uiet. l.lUd demuro Ratell of ubscription IJII1nlJlU Ono Y ear (Mtr lctl y III adv" lIc·c) ..... . .. LOll P rof C. A. Bl'uuar hlld 8 part tno, 8 111gk C:OIlY.. . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . ....... , o~ onll ttitl UIIO AO" RtlJlr y to add t.hut it. - - W,HI ",\ 11 ." 1-111 /III ri ~ b t . Rates of Adverti8in g ~l' 1' R II: F1l\I A LIC lleurl lnK Lel·ul., IJtlI' line .. . .. . ... ' " I( C " ' IhmdluK 1. 0 ·UIH. lolu,:k lu\'" . IIt'r 11 110 . AHer t he plo y, /lnd u good sele ) ' 1Ull>iIU"o A d ... ' I(lt Iv cx..·.1Cd 1I\'c Iinl 'II 261'1 !.ion fr OID the .lrcll eslra , tbe ourMin 'l'hl'tlti i uStln it)UH .. . .. . . .. Clbit I,"rl ~~. 1\\'8 Inelu-s free; u\'"r (h '" rolled up, showing t.he Oha stl seded Iru;hes. per lille . . . ...... .. ... . rIO I ( 'IINl o f thlluks ..... . , . ... ... , ... . . .. . 2!1c up ' Ii I l e IItlli!fl Ru rrounded by PIlIWIl H fI8O llItiOIl '" , •.. . .•. .... • •• . . . . " . , .. . I!Oc 3n I fi\lw e rs IiD ~ milkin g Rmollt beau ~ucll\h, e tc:. w h or u dlllrgc Js Inllde, .• ' " . : ~: tlrol ploture . lJls(lIIlY Alhorl l~l fJ g ·pc r Iuc·h. . .. ... . .. . Mr. Laorence lt~ urnlls, Wllo8 olasil D I6COllfll H gh'c u 0 11 cO ll trIlC~. prophj!t and predioted Ii happy anri 01<' FlI..:E

• ••


1,\1:-< S'I' I 1:I::'f

. - -.

Their Movements When Piaced In Lime ' Juice Vinegar.




. NOTHING IN IT but wh~t should be there. NOTHING , LACKING that will improve'it.

Their Motion la Cauaed by Carbonlo Acid oi. . Evolved by Contact Wi t h the Liquid Acid-Th. Cleanalng Proc . aa In a Journ.y Ove,. the Eyeball.

Possesses Every Essential Quality •

'l'be drlll{glln took a s mall bottle Pigments scientifically combined, and finely ground trom a dra wer a ud emptied trom It a in Pure Linseed Oil. tew tiny objects tbot looked like tllll. rouod bltR ot pollsbed boot!. Be pick· Not a Little Lead and a Lot of Zinc, but a LOT OF' ~ up one lIud bauded It over for 10· spectlon. OUt! sldt! or It WIlS morked LEAD and a LITTLE ZINC. with uumeruus coo('entrlc grooves. "TlJat Is uo eyestooe," sold tbe drugCOlts mON to make, but the people want it. gIst. Be poured a tablespoonful or so of liquId out of a bottle Into a saucer· like dls b aod diluted It wltb water. "A.nd th18," saId he, '"1.8 a weak solu· ~ uoo{l~sful future for eaoh of bis olasil tion of lime juice." The drun1st took Dlll-tee, one of the eyestonetl and placed It In Waynesville Ohio ProfeRRor Bruner In hl8 usual hap the solution. Presently It began to py wanner, made 110 neat speech and move as If It were alive. It made tta INAUGURATION DAY ft 1 way slowly about In dlffereot cUrec· , tlrWllrl p ' esen teel the ellpiomas tlona In tbe Uquld 10 a mysterious FOURTH OF JULY . - - - - - - ' T R y LIVERITES9-----Onoe I\j(blll tb6 hopes or tho"e wh u 'rhll bAnedtotion by Rev. L 0 maooer. hell eve t,hAdate for the lUllu ~ urllti o u fh ompson, ololled tbe exorol8es of ''Tbat strange movement of tbe eye· For a number of yeus the )'ire of 'he Prel'ident tluel Vloe Prtllllde nt. the 01"88 of '10, and anot.ber year'a stone," Bald tbe drtlrg1st. ·'wben plac. Marshlll's Office has been Il!Isuing of the Uuited t:;tntes ebould 'e work was added to t.he long list ed In a weak solutlon of lime jufce or bulletins warning the people against vinegar bas riven rise among tenorant ohan" ed (rom March 4th ( when inThe mU8io by t.he Lew'lI orobl!stra, and IlUpenltlUOUli people to tbe notlon tbe danger. in our oaatomarv methLlverltea for a Cold. Backache and Weak Liver or Kidneys. olement weut'ler III the rule) t o of Leba,non, Wli" good, and all thor. that It bas lite aD'd that It lovell vine- ods of oelebrating the Fourth of a \lI.ter day In the year bave beeo oughly enjoyed It. gar and loves to swim In It aboye all JUly, The people have been tn8truedashed to tbe ~ronDd . 'rbe BOllse Tbe IlUendlmoe at thl8 oommenoo. things. But tbere 18 no more lite In au ed as to the more dangeroua kinds Prevention is them in keep the An ounce of Alwa,ys worth a pound house ready of Repres,ent",tlves dl'chned on Mon mentWaA the Itt.rgest of a h )d eYeJJtone tban tbere t. In a paving of fireworb, bave been urged to U8e ...... I ny ever e atone, It 18 composed of calcareou8 ' t' of cure. for use. d IlY t o. "'lv.e oe neoetlsilry ~ .. t;."birds in tbe pre8ent 8Obool hall, and m"n" te f f .. " material and wben placed In the solu· the IIreate8t oautlon In the purohase vo 1n avor 0 ~aklng · t~e IIlSI were unable te gain admission tlonll named Is fOade to move about by aud use of them by their familiee Pre&»ared from Pure Native Herbe, they Cleanee the System and Tbursday In April Inauguration •. _ .. ' carbonic acId gu, wbicb .. evolved by and have been advilled 88 to the best Purify the Blood and thu8 PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. D,lY. Doubtless tbe reprelentat.ivel' A Regular Tom Boy. contact wltb tbe UquJd acid. me'hod 0' treatment In oue of inju. had wbat they oonliderfld good rell·'Tbese Uttle stonell and au eeuwDe Ion for not voting for the amend- wat t:lutde-oUmbln~ tree8 and fene- eyeJJtooes once were tbe front doonl, ry. Tbese warniD8s have, how. ~ s, jUlOpt[ g dltohes, wbitling. al· ao to speak of tbe sbel'· of a Uttle ever, Ilp08rently had Imall effect in ment·, but ·those . w·ho been NllyS getttng lorarohes, cuts, sprains, moUuacous animal ' go tbat Uvea alonr the r8ducing trhe number of accidents working for itso long and the thouli bruis614, bumps, horn!! or 1I0001ds. SOutb AmerIcan east coasts. Tbe sbell aod firea as tbe reeult of the uae of AND SECOND~HAND ands of ~ople threu8hout the na. But law81 Ber mother jU!tt applied ' of that UWe creature Is a univalve. 1••lutl... C"'....-L.n. IfIn.Ilf-..... I.HIIt dangerous kinda of fire works, and tlon who feel strongly on tbe point Book len '8 Arnica 81ilve and cured Tbls calcareoua formation .. on the -both from a .... r8on.1 point of ber quiok . Belll8 everythinlr heal tlp end of tbe moUusk, and wben It tbe oarele8s aBe of tbe les8 harmful ,.ahle-Bons, Uloors, Eczema, Old dru,. Itself Into Ita sbell to escape vlI.rletiu. view II.nd l>ecI.oae they think that ::!Ores, Vorns or Pilss. Try it 250 at d.~ger or ro to sleep t~e end. · of We 'quote the followin8 from II.n ClL..... 1110 IlElTlaT ••• nDlT ITS., tbe blstorioal rreoedent. elltabUshed Fred O. Robwartz. COUnle, ts..the lalt part tbat Is draw~ artiole on "Our Barb!'roul Fourth" br the fir8t Prellid~nt of t.he United ' • - • Into the cavity or moutb of tbe abell, t:lt-ates 8hoold be un ABSURDITIES IN ADVERTISINO wbere It Gta 10 closely and Is so bard by Mr.. IsaaC L. Rice of 'he New tbat It affords perfect proteCtlou to York Society tor the 8upprtl8810n of denlably di8llPPoiuted. the animal aralnst ·Its eo em lee from UnneoeMl!ary Noises: "In order to Tbe wdll.tber is one tbing that. Abtlorditlesin advertising may in wltbout. ,how ai a glanoo what haa already man i8 notyetable k> twlat and torn duce comment, bu~ they fail k> pro"'l'be DattVeII collect tbeee Uttle mol Expert Opt~J at hl. wi)) ; Ilnd 'be Inll.UKula$lon III 11uoo the results that good II.dve\'tia- IUBks In large numbers for DO otber been gaioed by legilllation In preprlmarliy a "weluber propoeU!on. " log doee, MYS the Buokeye ltiformer pul'po8e than to ~u~ tbe eyestooes. veutiDR Fourtb of July acoiden&l, A oard with a piece of dough at', as we caJl tbem, and they bold tbem 'Iot 118 plaoe side by lide the ; relulta Over 20 Years Practical Experiem;e The l ... s Inaugur.lion Da, ' was In peat awe, bellevlnr them to poll' • borrlble example of joat what 08D tached, and ha.iDg printed thereoo, .... superuatural attrlbutetl. SaUOnl obtained a few month" ,alo in twt) b8 ex~ted e~ery four y~.l'1I. or of. "Give W! ,our orders for prlntlng on tbe yeaaels eoppd In tbe fruit Iroupe of aitlea. In 'he firl' let ... Gustin Jlotel,Waynesville, 0. ~ner 00 March 4th. Th~re are we knead the dough," may attract trade witb tboM recto~. obtalD tht' po' Wuhington, Clttyeland. Balti. a thoUlJllnd argumen te in tavor ot aUeotion, but is oot Ukel, to fetcb ,StoDes from tbe oatil''' and br1D~ more and Toledo, whiob . oUt" pro• at SaturdaY In every month a OhaD,'e of the ioaudluration da.-, the "dough" the printer 'wanu, nor them here tor sale to the wboleeaJe tected by prohibitive or I'estriotlve III .... I d druafJJta. aDd there wu a time wbeD '0 one .pi08t it; but In ifAt eruduloa sa oll.r wltb a matoh glned on l' tbe dem.od for tilelD PUenUl was ordinanoea, lave l~' Four.'b of July tlie Bouse of Reprel8ntattV8IlIHmS ~r~, the legend, "Allow u. to quite Isrce. . ' a tena1 ot twelve aoo1(tentl. ,The to ba v'e fouud tbe one, and over. mat<lb y Jur ltationery: "Dough ''There.. nothIDs better to remov" other four, New Y orJr., Pbnadelphia, . WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. looked tho thouland.-Ex, · Ind matchea have nothing to do forelp substances from tbe eye than Bes'on and 8', Lonta, whiob were :...-._ . _ _ • with printtnl, alld netther the ODe of tbue Soutb A.merlcaD all relativel, unprotected gave St. Augustine'. Catholic Cburcb. Will Keep ' • Fatber George MBveDhoefor;Paator · h stones, wblcb UN .. wbat rlVeti them lDatob nor' e piece of ' dough 1m. tbelr name. Mall1 people thlDk tbat a to_I of 1,385 aooldents, or an aver. A Man W~nts To Ole. MII88 eve rT socond SuIldBY' of tbe mOlilb a\ only w,h~n. a lazy l1vdr and slQggl~h proves the looks of the job of print- before nalng tbem It .. nece88llry to "ge of almott 350 apiece. Vrastio 11 :00 a. m. .bowele caulle frl~htful despOndenoy, ill8, A nioely printed argument, pnt them In vlnepr "to rive tbem ordlnaDoet anel 8tern enforcement'S St. Mary's EPlsoo';" Church. But Dr, King's New Life PUla ex. teJUng wh, you·oan lervetbe pros- lit..' but It Is Dot n~84ry ' at aU. are required If we are ever to ·down Rev. J . Il', Cndwallader, Rector. pel potaonB from the 8Yltem; brinll pt'otive ueer of prtntlng wen al reo The atone 18 Ineerted at one corne~ ot our Dational dllgraoe. " . Sunday School. 0 :30 Ii; m Morning ser· - ANJ>hope and OourilRe ; oore aU Liver, rd8 tbe eye, wltb tbe rrooved aide nest to · . ' vtce. 10 :110 a. m. Holy Oommunlon tho first 8toma.o h aod Kidney troubles j 1m p quality or promp'n888, wiJl tbe lid. Tbe preuure of tbe 'eyeball It hae,been demonl'rate<l that or· Sundu1 of each m cn~b part bealth B;Dd vigor to the weak bring beater reeults. fOl'C~' lt to move about ID.tbe e)'e, and dinan,088 which seek to regulate the nervous aad .mug. 250 U Fred C. • - • tbe rroov,ea collect tbe torelp matter uM 'of flre worke aft~r they get lnto ~hwarf.I, •_ • CHESTER. PARK and retain It. After maklne .a tbor· tbe bandl of ,o ur youtb are praotioal. Metbodlst ~piacopal Churcll. OUlb drcolt of tbe ey~ tbe stone will 11 inoperative. U il lmnnalllble to Rev, H. W, Bailey, ~uto:r. . The formal opening of Che.ster come out at tbe corDer nest to tbp · . ...."";" . SundBYSchcol. 9 :30 a. m . Mornlnlf aero At his residence, miles west of USE Y UR VACANT LOTS . oontrol 'btl matter witb an ordina~ vice, l O:80 a. m , Ep\'fcnb League, 7 :00 P' •. C!; • ' . .. ... Park mark8)d the real bAgillning of nose; No inconvenIence" caueecJ by , ~ . . ." m, 'E vening 8ervlce, 7 ~ OO p , In. Midweek WayoesVll1e, on the Upper ..,pnng· .vacant lot onlt! ~ation {n Kanaall tbe .ommer amOl8ment 18&SOO in Ita pmenee. polloe. (01'08 and to enforoe the ordi. Pnyer Meeting, 7 'p. m. '\ boro. pike, for the season of 1910. , Ottr. Mo,., is being do. be 'hill seuoo Cinoinnatl, and marked lt i'n a mOlt h "'Tbere Thehooly effective . .. d f are otber . ey~ton... II b In Ii'tbf' nanqe,'blbl . • mean. is Christian Churcll, ,BROWN BILL is a O'ood gene.... '· UDder the direotioD Of the Otty Olub e ph h ' Th h . 1 "lea 0 01ll' commOD craw s t ere to t»ro ,t e tale at II propotod in • 1414 _, , m a o way, oUI ~~~mer a ~\ two little 'bon8l, Ju.t ' back of and . th rdl . bo 'f ' ed ' Rev. L. O., P"IItor. purpose horse. . One nine-ao..e 'r.ot and . 8everal provtDg61agaard theoalloftheout bUeatb' th ' bJ b ," bl b' e ~ Da,!08 a !e ,reen , to .' Bible Scbool,8:."!Iom, .8ooialmeet~, ., , ... h .. bee ' • tn" ' ., e eJ. . ,w C! ,resem e t I' The pr--nt Dletho"'· of celeb tl 10' .0 .. m . OhrlatlaJillljndeavor 7' 011 p m CLOVERD* ' .... ' f th bestama11~. 10_ ave n ·16. out . of doors lind.the temptatton df fUD 'South A.meriCllD e1et1t~D., about (tbl' "7"" . \&10 . ,ra. ng Sermon' bi p&etor every lalternate Sund&; a1u:JlS one 0 e c-veptablea,...tbe f~rmmg being done WIUI harkened '0 by U,OOO amuee ·ooly .dlfference belnl' tbat , tbey .aft' . the Fourtb of July are not patl'l~tlo. 10:.0 &. m. t.nd 7:50 P•.ni. . bred Percheronhol'SeS in this section by needy penon8. \ 'l'hsy are. no' ment .eeken, Oheiter enter80n ita amooth al.l over IDstead . of ~ved on and a~ ,,0' oalculated to tnltill any HldWte Friends Church. of the country. He is ·f ifteen yearl .axecl for (loU,. leed8, or tools and 8econd week lSh till . . one .liIe. Tbeee. crawllsb bO,u.. . are va)uble ,leeeoni into the mind8 of F.1l'11t Day Meetln l!:. 10 :00' a. ip, .Flrat Da:v old, and is without a blemish. h Ot- 01 b h .. ' W I more Dew known 'u ·eyston.. and are "ueed aa the youtb of ibe lan4 . It Id be School, 11 ;o~ a, m. ,Founh J>ay Meellnc · . e ." ' u a8 engal~ a praa&l•• peolal atnaotions ' added to 'be a1 sueb ' lD the west. .. btit ~y bave 'nODf' . ' . .. ' WOU 10 :00 a. m . TERMS: 'cal gardener to 8upervise the work. ready long Ita' 'bat instantly proved of "tbe virtU .. ' of tbe real: eyestone. muob better If tbe oelebrations were , .Ortbodox Friends Church. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! higb populanty, 10 the free vaude Tbelr proper .name 18 crab ltonea. In Gnder oJ.v io oodtrol; if the munioi· Rev. Benjamin Hawkins, PB8tor, $10.00 to insure a living colt, Any vlUe.paViiion a new Ihow of feature Pola~.d apd ~arts of ~.Ulllla . quite a 11&1. authorltl. · wonld tl1eJDldVeil Rabba~b SchOOl, II :30 a. m. Regular oburch one parting with mare forfeits the 10 '''0 a. m. CbrtatlaD Endeavor. aots wiU open Sunda afternoon fJr trade .. found to the ' collf!Ctin, of take ibe matter up aud provide service. 7 :30· p. III insuran~, The .Cause of Many y , tbese crab atouea. The crawGsb a~ a DroKram luitable to the OCOB8ion I Sudden Deaths. the week of two performanoeedaUy. taken and burtedlD deep ' phs. wbllJoe . d if b tech i' Oh te '0 . , . . tb ·.1 Itt' aD neoeuary ave a pyro n 0 There ia a dlaeue prevailing in this e8 r · pera lIeallon will be .lnau . eT are e to dl~ and rot. l'be rerulle d' 1 b i t 11 d '. d .COOD ' moetdaD erousbecauaeso.d~ g~ated June 1l1tb. Lt,h' o~rB'1s then waabed and the stonea .are 18p .y" U .sooon ro e an Qper_ . tive. Manysuddea wtll b8 ginn exolU1I~ef this 8um. · picked QU~ . T~y . are not Ulled .to ated .as to ehmtnstt! all possible dan· deaths are caused . . y . . thoee couDtrl.. u eyestoDe8, but are Ker. ' by it-heart · ~.. mer wttb the bellt company Obelter taken IDternally. faltb In tbelr benet" e.aae, .pa~UD1onaa, ever enrolled. cent stomacblc propel't1~ ~I rreat. I' 'Y.ll1 'not the people of the differ. heart fatl.ure or • _ • -New Yor~ tt...... . . ent 'muniolpalities 'Interest them ·[:rep:~:r:,o:id. KEEPINO ' OlliLS ON THE FA~M .'. le,i-es enoush in 'he proteotlon of . ney cU&eaIe. If . Onl)' On., ·t he Uvea of their · ohildren and tbe · kidDey ~u~le i~ A farmer.' olub in Maryland had The lady ,of tbe. ·I)ou.· where tbeY" pl!eSetVattoD of the property of · allowedtoadvaace UIIe a "party IInet" told the Dew.·mald tbekidney-p()isoit- thi. queation before it : "Bow Gan to repeat to her any meuap;~ ' Tb'cm. t~emeelv88 "lid ne;ghbors to urge ed blood will at- we keep onr daughters on the farm the lad,J w~nt Ibopplnr. '. Wben s!:lf' upon . their rel'peotlve counollmen ta~the .talorgaDS, cauaiDg·.catarrh of Rbd h ..ow can we prevent them ao return , 'ed ahe summoned tbe maid. t·liat they lupport su,b a measureaa the bladder, brick-dust or Rdtmcnt in . ,be urine, head ache, back ache; lame . t.he fir8t after of 'marriage "Old r~~ rec.,n ,a.D1 ineasap ~~".' Is ~bove prop08~ ~f introduoed, abd back. diuin-- steeple_Du. nervOu8- th'e 'y tecelv,e 1" 'l'het'e was two me, Jan~. Ibe IDqulrect . . ' t( . bo mA~ure is yet peDdlng in tbeir D,e ll, or the--ildneys tbemSelvetl break :'001 1 " one, ,ma'am, ' • tbougbt J ' .. .... .. . d.OWD and 'Waate'away c:ell 'bycell. . hours .debate on that . question aod . beard tb' bell ·rtnr, 'ma'am. 4lD" J took 09uD01 lm$nio bodies 8~ tbat one 18 1Iiadder ~~bl~s ·almost. always ~lt the spe..kl~R wat very .. vigoroUs down tb" ~elver. ma:aol, : ao' JU81 .t9,trod~oed ~ . 'and The Qutoorue of ,tbe. d1ionulon wu theD a volc~ laid, ·L"ten~,~ aaaln, ~ , .' . 'Y.l th · t~e . ord.nanoe above pro.{ . from a derangeme~t of the . =~~p~~:.:.rg:Dt of the tbis ' opluion, that tbe beet way to ~~:;., .!:~:le•.OI~ .n~pt :...clevelaDd:, poee4 ·in oper~tion in all, our olHes e .• S, kettp .'t)1e 'glrl on tbe farin ~a. to ..,., . • '. ~. del v1lla.Bes, ~e a.r e· I4tilfif)d that ~or:l1rin~ and I ' ,. ,"give ber' a lubltantlal: ~llowanoe, ' . , Th. Old Mill. . :. the ·nuD)ber.of aooident8 aDd ~res a. and she ' wiU be .\.Vimng to ',.'ay at Tourillt 'In 801l,n4:',-1, ~appo,e. ,,~y ., be ~ult ~f oe~e~...'ion of the "OJo' bome,,'" . . '.' " ·ROOd man. tb,!I :.mlll baa P.'C?uD,d .o~~ rlcnu "Fourth"}' will be .reclnoK ~t



Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness









Brown . Bill Cloverdale



ac :

~~~~a~~~~~~~~~' ":Ing~,lait!~e ~I:.ome d~Qbt"~ to th.~, ~- ~:~~=~~~ 0~~~:~{J~':~;~:-:~ .i~~•.~: ~t .p,r. OeD' I~.~hh~· t~e Confine. 110,,1 judgmeot . upon thi. tD;l- Tbe: 'old ah/u'k 'ba'iD~t nib ' tor~twenu'. ot.,be.,8&a&8 ofqJ1io, '.' . :. .


pOrtalit . s,ne. , 'tb& ' ma&rhnoQli..l :je.~ ·· I . ~ake a better. l.vlD.· ~nUo, '. IClID1r1aK is 1I0't " little appe,tiCe to' be ·It IUI 'II jilOdfol. to. Anie~ ~-' .., T an~ llftY-CtJJt an'EU ;11 n11 .......t bV ....• pl.:.n ~f pi-~' ...·'It ~b~ ~~ae, ":, '. \, '. i • /; ..,.~ e . . 1 . ...... .-.~.-.-. :to ,~h~ I~ .n~ fills ~he oel_tla.. · · " .. Pa.... Enjol"..t., wttbttl dl't!am.. It ~"~craJl,el . ~ ~11 tb..,. l~e ·llntIt.~ .. . , . . Iba" tbOla bard· beaded f~nDeii . MSO" n~wr . .. . . 14 .... ·:..·k " ',' 11 I .;.' I'll , ' "'A IOUPJ' 'r ub,bu enjoloed . . from. "QU UlW ~at .a" e . -pen a~ , .~terfer.II)1 wltb,' II" ..tteiitiolia .. m,.. money WOQlclflU .'he ,,¥,aua ~f ••ulbt.r."-..B...... ,CIt7 ..~ ,, ' .110".111" lorD 10... . ., .. , '... ' " : ' . Sa.J.lw ~Ialo . . loUUl' . ~~ iii iIOtIdaj' ... "'IMNIIM: .,~ ~.""~





b,. boa-I_

. . . rl,d_ .



,. Jo'bn •• •,

vi, ·Z1JbeZ:,...

8~W fire Marshal.

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The Miami Gazette

Troubles Low'e r the Vitality of the Whole B~y.

D. L. ·CRANE. WAYNE$VTLLE, SWAMP LANDlJ. An ent rprlslng citizen of New Or· Jeans has obtnlned title to 1,000,000 acres ot swa mp lands In Louisiana. and In concort wIth the I1llnols Cen· t.ral and Southern Pacific railroads and sorue capltallst.s at Chicago It Is pr<>posed to raise $1,600,000 to expend In drain ing the swam p, says Washington Post. The soli Is the richest In the United Slates, and equal to any In the world. It Is estimated thnt with proper Ullago It will produce over three bales of cotton to the acre, ,,'hereas the average crop of that IIItaple Is less than one-half bale to tb e 'Scre. In fertility th soli of the swamp lands near thc MIssiss ippi Is practical· ly Inexhaustlblc, and there are 7,000,· COO acres of such lands In Loui sIana alone, or more than 10,000 IIquare miles. MIss issIppi, Arkans as, Tennes· see, Kentuclty, MIssouri , Illlnols, Iowa and the ~tIltes Cart her north have 1m· mense areas of sWllmp landa more fer· 111e than Goshen, which al' now practically worthless for lack of drn.lnage. Upon the Idea that prompted the act levying a tax on oleomargarine, our government can do anything that Is expedlenl It has been held that the government can conserve waters In the woolly west to Irrigate the public domain and subdue It to the husband· man, and it hilS been argued that It should remove water trom lands In the MississIppi river bottoms to rendeT them fit as field, garden and orchard, but nearly all the swamp landa of the ~eat valley are the property of Indl· 'Vlduals, and that tact may se"e to deter congress trom the enterprise. In c1ur exploitation of the ,west nnd 80uthwest tte "south" has been large. 4y negleoted, but It baa not 'been fol'*otten, and ,recu.peration haa n·ow starte'd new development. The soutb . Is comiJlg Jnto Its own again and Is attracting both wealth and ellergy from other quarters, whlle, lta '" home production .has turap'med In value enormous proportton.s, Bays Omaha Bee. Tbe la· iest teature 111 this development Is the ,eatabllahz...ent of ezperlmental tarms In .many southern Itates for educational purposes along solentifio UneL The 80Uth la ambitious and Is 'o mlttlng .no, effort to sec\,lre' the best and mOlt methods and equip. ment for the tuU utilizing of Ita reJlourcea. The climate and the 8011 of the south are sutted to a marked dl!gree to the detelopment of agricultural Pursuits, Richer soli Is to be found in but . few plac,!s, ,Timber abounds, the summer season Is long, the rainfall I. plentiful and 8ve.r ythlng th~t nature can put at the dlspolal oi 90untry to make it agrleulturally productive Is ·Ulere.


Some of the possibilities when a ; rlal navlglltion ~ecouies common a~d gen· eral are suggested by a l' e,-~ .. , lier· formance at-or above-the frontier between the United States and Mexico. A man In a flying machtne made half a dozen or more t l .ps baok and fqrth between the two Qountrles, and the customs omcers of both nations looked on and were powerless to' Inter· fere wltb, hlm. , The ~vlator, made no 'attemp~ at smuggling, but lJad he been .1\0, tpcUned he, cQuld bave carrlea goods "ubject t.o duty and. defied the laws. Obviously there 'Ukely to be some lIort ot International u:::derstandlng regardlrtg the use ot alrshlpa which pass (rom one country to another.


The cruise around the world of the American battleship fieet had so many vn.luable results that It Is not out of order to have a repeUlton of the ex. perlence to a certain extent. It Is announced from Washington that tbe Atlantic fl eet will visit the Mediterranean sea .next fall. 'T he .vessels will go In dIYlslon formation, to give the commanders: officers and men the ad· vantage of maneuvering In that shape, Among the shIps wlll be some which made the world tour, and Europe w1l1 bave another opportunity to soe wba.t a first·class American naval force looks like. The excellent Impression made by the battleships Is likely to be deepened. Tbe catch or 45,OOU seals by the steamer Florlzel, reported trom at. Johns, N. 10'., need cause" no worry as to the tuture at seal lite. The leal. taken In the North Atlantic ocean are not the fur seal, but an amphibious anImal that Is . plentiful In comparison, and .In little dsnger of extermlnaUon; notwithstanding heavy annu ClI on. ,laughts. ' An llIlnols minillter bas Jett the pulpit to become a baseball umpire. It III .. a (ar ":''J from eavlnto souls to calling ~k".' but It Is to lib leared that the -tatter ~ I. beard farther In the lan.cI.

A. man In Tezus tiaa Just 'reoelved a letter D!.alled to him 35 years qo, Tilt. pr,ov.e. qaln the ~ne,rrllli psr*,-wnc,· of the [gaUa. ------------~ , ~,


,Rump ~te~ l1aa more Dutrlment, .... tJae pOrterhouae arUcle bu · aWe ,~

IIId ftl1utatloa.

in del Rio ill one mos t va luable . t raets of lund on the (ace of the ' 11 rIll . Th r urf' hll t \vo place In the wholt world wher the grolJnd Is wort h !o mil c h as In the Vuelta Abl\jo. Those twu Ill , CP!' arC' th a t l1ortlon of tJle \'I\\l oy of th e Ilhlll(O wh('rt' tbe J oh:lIIn lt:bf'rll r Rrll /ll' is ~rnwu. (rorn which LI (1lJfruumilt'l1 anti 11th r fiue Win es ar ml1.dt', nnd lit' KiOlIJ rly dlanlO nd (\I!! tric-t In SOUl h . frka. In the Vn ella Abnjo tht' suil brows lohuc 0 which wit n prnpf'rl), I'ured. rull 'll and stall1p'd can be sold In the shape uf elgart: at tlt rIIte If $j .50

HOT FIGHTING ' How Gen. Caldwell's Brigade Relieved Meagher, Capturing Many Sol· dlers and Officers.

Don~t walt for aerious lilness; be· gin sing Doan's Kidney Pills When you first foci backache or noticeurinary d'iaorders. John L. Perry, Co ~ lumbus, 'l'QXRS, says: "I was taken sick about a year ago. My limbs and teet begun to sw U and my doctor said I had Drlght's dlBease, I then consulted nn· othor doctor who told me I had dropsy nnd could not live. Doan's Pills reKidney lieved ple promptly, and lowe my liteto them." Romember the Dame-Donn's, For sale by all d alers. 60 cents a box. Foster·Mllburn Co., Duttato, N. Y_

The National TrIbune; In reply to a req u st for a sleetch of the services of the First brigade. F'irs t division, Sec· oud COI'PS, at Autie tnm, sOYS: The IIri sude mentioned was com· manded by 11 . Johu' C. Caldw ell, nnd conslsled of the Flr~h N w Hampsblre, 0 1. Edwal'd E. Cross ; Sevollth New York, Capt. CharI s Urestel; Sixty· Brst Now Yorlc, Col. F ran uls C. Bar· 'nt'tJ. low; SIlI:ty·follrth New York. Lieut. UP AGAINST IT. \\"h ut, th,.f1, II' th e ntll T\" pl I)f thIs Col. Nelson A. Miles, and Eishty,lirst I1rl e 1('55 tl,haeco f; rou ll d ~ To tbe Pennsylvania, Maj. H. BOyd McKeen. eye- nothi ng. nu s t ~· rell 10 11111 ra th er The lJrlgau ' cume upou tile field at thin on rocky hill si cl and l.'jlaringly Antl etum about 9:45 a. m., Qnd formed Hprend wltb t ' nlll' r tn nc(' rn as a hnlf ou tho 113ft of MenglJ er's brIgade, and bnld man (}I!i perse s hi s hnir impar· then began a cautious wb el to the ti nily ov r hi s head . Next to ach to. no causo li e may lfgllt a cigarette, rl gbt to relieve tbe pressw'e ou bucco \'ega (;\ farm or 1111 ;LV rage ex. s troll Into th sugar cane, nip his MC\lgher's brigade, which bad tought tcnt of 40 acr('~l is n hayfi eld . The pa rtially consumed weed Into the field Iln d pass on. In less than an bour hay Is llOt raI sed for Iltllrilals . It Is cut and spread 011 t h tobacco land that e ntire plantatloh will be In a sb s and ther d ' cornpo !1E'd and washed and thousands upon thousand s of dol· Into the soil lJy th e raIns, It 15 the lars will IJR~'e gone up In smoke. And tertllizer. who will declpber the origin? No one, But It Is not hay fertilizer IIlone unless the ever·vlg ilant guard pre· that makes Vu ella Ahajo tobacco vents Ute tossing of tbe cigarctte pnd wbat It Is. nor yet t.he It sec loth then there will be nO fire. Bug Pugilist-Heavens I I wIsh r protection that I,cepa alit the hottest But a great numher of tourists nevhad never gotten on a match with th. rays or the sun , no r y~\ the choice er see tbe sugar 'fields, never' see the spider I see d, nor even yct tbe Wild. equable tobacco lands. Those wbo are wenlthy natu re of the climate, nor ~he chem. spend their time motoring along the EVERY POST OFFICE IN THE IClll composition ot the soli, For each b eauUfui roads which surround HaUNITED STATES USES THIS and everyone of theso conditions Is vana and stretch even as far as San· INK. reproduced In other plnces without til Clara, a third of the way across Thaddeus DavIds Co. ore tbe oldest that surprising and dellcioul climax the Island. ' The others stick to the 1nk IX\RnuCacturers In the country, bavof tobacco culture that comes alone hotels, see an occasIonal cockfight, Ing been established In 1825. They from the heart of Plnar del Rio. visit the jal alai couTls or dancre the make not blng but the very best goodB~ Neltlier science nor erp,c rlence can pleasant evenings away under the consIsting of Inks, Mucilage, Paste. tell exactly what It Is that makes twin backbone of Cuban Industry, and ' semltroplc moon. . Sealing Wax, etc. . Vuolta Abajo ' tobacco just what It Is. there, on a par with tobaccQ, Is guidIng The people who support tile leading Their Elec ro·Chemlcal 'W riting But the native Cuban knows the se· the finances of the realm ' and as ev- hostelries are to a g£eat and growing nUld III used b " every post office Ill' cret. Jp strict confidence he some- eryone knows, high ' fina~ce I~ toda,. extent those wbo take their own II,Uthe United States, Umes confides this secr t and r In· tb e eoul of politics, Indeed ot atate. tomoblles to Cuba. Every year new It you will send them 10 cenls In tend now for the first tJme to make It craft. . and better roads are being opened. stamps or coin you will r eceive by I' public. The ' great superiority of Vuel It any Cuban workman becomes di~- ' Already those near Havana about turn maU a box of Fancy P rfumed ta Abajo tobacco over all others Ilea aJrected .for any cause whstever (lr. for as pertect as the climate. Tinted Sealing Wax, contnlning threeIn the fact that each year qn Easter , ~ _ _ ~. ___ w sticks, each different shade, well worth !!uJlday the 8011 of every vegli In the having and cannot be bought anyprovince Is anointed wltb the blood of where else at that price. a fighting , cock killed In honorable Address Thaddeus Davids Co., 95 and combat, 97 Van Dam St., New York. That I I1Ilght have no doubt of tbls 'and sheepskin or of goatskin, and let It astonishing agricultural theory I was Gives a Glimpse of Mannera be as che~ll us possible, for It does Fool Remarks. Customs In Demoathenes' shown the training quarters of the not need td be trimmed with fllr. Send '''rhe Inanity o( courtesy remarks. , Time. fighting cocks of the dIs trict. Wh'l1e with a pair of beavy solss also. As that some people f e1 called upon to I was there the old trainer gave them A little leade n tablet, tarnlsbed, ugly 'soon as I have an opportunity 1 will "Advanced Steadily Into the Corn- 'Interject Into couv' ranlton calls for a their morning meal of bananas and and otherwise trIvial In appearance. pay you." . . • field." . permanent commission 10 lunacy," sal~ milk and massaged them under the WDS sent a few years ago from Athens So much tor tho leUer, to the mo- the enemy gnUanlly and suttered s~ the man with the Ingrowing grouch. wIng pits with Malaga wine . . to the 1m erial museuln of Berlin, the t1ve of wblcb the reader ca.1i point ve~ely. It moved ' over the . crest ot a "Now, tbe other day 1 was telling The cockfight ' has entered curious.- Sci entlfle AIDerican says. On one side with as much -PreCision I\s the autbor. Jones gotng down on tho subway that ly Into Cuban politics. The most brll. of It was some writing which only r e:- Apparently It was written In -winter, hill behind ,vh!ch the enemy walS my four·year-old had swallowed ' a lIant man In ' affaln there Is Alrredo cantly was deciphered with precise poor Mneslergos haying been surprised posted, and received and returned a safety pin, and we were up half the- ' Zayas, now vl~e·prcsldent, He Is the correctness by Adolph Wilhelm. The out In the ope~.· counlry by one of heavy ' fire. The ~nemY'8 line WI1i night wIth him. " 'It was an accident, of course: Elihu Root of the island. an attorney, tabl6t Is the original of a private let- those Icy sno\vstorma which some- bro.k en except on the extreme right, shrewd , hard working, farsighted . Un· tel' that wos written about the time times even at this day cover tbe tem· ,where a sunken road formed a natural s&ld, that Idiot Jones." fortunately tor his presidential aspl- of th" orator Dem08thenes. pIes of Acropolis wlth '·a manUe ot rlfie pit. Col. Barlow quickly cbanged When Company Cornea, rl'tlons he lis tened long and eagerly Th~ writer of the letter lived In a snow. Tberefore he desired to re- front with his oonsolldlitOd regiments, t~ there's one tblng above all otherg to American ideae of Cuban affairs as rural neighborhood and wJshed to celve as quickly as pOssible the beavy send a fearful enfilade fire Into tbls they should be. That Is where he feU send 11 commercial order to a town. and Warm garment of the poorer coun· sunken rond, compelled the eneftly to that makes a woman feel desperate It . , \ down. Jose Miguel Gomez listened to The fO;1'm ot the address was: "To be trymen, a goatskin, whloh could be surrender, captured 300' men, eight Is to have compuny drop In unexpectCuban affairs as they are. taken trl the pottery market and to :be , bought " for HI drachmae, nnd the commissioned Qfficers and two staniI edly to spend the duy, and 0 know ' that her table·cloth Is yellow from the Zayas thought It would be a good handed to N,a uslas, or to Thrasykles, strong soles which were worn under ot colors, The rest of tile brigade advanced last washing and the napkins worn In thing to suppress the cockfigbt. The or to tbll son" (pe rbaps the Bon of the the ordinary sandals on the rural Americans told him It would be. It Is writer \\as meant). The weekly mar- plains and hllisldes. A ,good pair of steadly Into the cornfield, driving the holes and dIngy looking. If she had a cruel sport; It Is barbaric; it Is not ket. to which the Attic country~en the latter could be bought for four eneuiy before It. It encountered a used Easy Ta.s k laundry /loap her .table pleasant to the Anglo·Saxon taste; so hlld .gonQ to otter their produce and drachmas, as a ,well.preserved bill of fierce fire of Infantry, accompanied by linen would have been spotlessly white canister from two biltterh?s. The brl· and she would be proud at It. Easy the AmerIcans told Zayas and Zayas wares faT sale, may be Imagined In that date shbws. listened, too eagerly. Gomez kn e w he progrese. There tbe boy who *as K notewpl:thy feii.~ure of tbls artless gade endured tb'ts fire wJth the great. Taek soap Is the enemy of dirt and was dealing with· a Oastillan people; bearer 'o t the letter was to find the letter Is the formula that may be est steadIness, at:!d Col. Cross, de- the friend of fabrics of a11 klllds_ Try he was a Castilian hImself. He loved stand or booth of one of the three found used In very Dum rous letters tecting a movement or the enemy to If next Monday and .you'll renamea cockflgbt himself, just as e\'ery one persons t~1 whom It was' addressed and that were preserved by the Oreelt lit· turn the left flank, led the FIrth New washday to Easy Task day. of hIs true compatriots did. He loved deliver It to 111m. Tbe text of ,the of later times. Evan at tha Hampshire forward, and after several Inalde and Out~ . Zayas In Havana was trying to con· letter say;: "Mnesle rgos greets y o'u present day every lelter written by a severe voUeys drove the enemy back. Speaker Cannon at a dinner 10. vince hIs oountrymen that tl)ey sbould cordially, he greets your .family wltb z;ural Greek begins wltb the, same ,cor· TJle enemy was relnforoed, and reo . abolish cockfighting Gomez, in Pln!lr the same esteem and wishes tlJetp dllll inquiry about ' tile 'health ot the newed the tight, When the Elghty·first WashlngtCjln, . said, sootblngly, to a jIel Rio, was personally attending th,e good healtb, and he says aiso that;bls person to whom tlie letter fs written Pennsylvania went to tbe' assistance young suffragette: "After all, you know, thero Is room Easter Sunday anointing of Vuelta own health Is good. Please be r so and with tbe brief Information about of the' Fifth New HamPsblre and drove the ' enemy baok. The FIfth New tlor both men and women In tbls world Abajo tobacco lands ; and Gomez was kind as to send me a mantle, either the health ' of the wrIter. Hampshire captured. the colors of the Men haye their work to do and wome~ elected president of the Cuban repub· ~ ... ~~ ........ ~.....,.,..-~ ~~ ...... ~~.....:'~ Fqurtb North Carolina. ' The 'enemy have theirs, lIc. was everywhere driven from the tront, .. "It Is the woman's' work to provide But Cuba Is only one-bolt tobacco. when Gal. Barlow moved by the right for the Inner man, and It Is the man's The oth er baIt Is sugar, with a dash oblique to a htH about 300 yards dis.- to provide for the outer woman." of bacardl. This balf stretches trom Guontanamo to tbe Day at Nepl and tant, ,where M attacked the eJlemy had undergone no such selecUon. and drove them. The confederates er...,.. ow OnIO CITT or TouDO, t dlsgorges Its sweet Sll bstance througb The Marqueaans, a Strong and Hand· They • Luc.u COUNTY. r .. ' were notlm' mune, And tbe", who FlIANIt J . CUESIOT maketl oath thac lie .. .aJor dIe harbors of Cienfuegos and SantBome People, Are Literally " made an effort to break the line In !)IInner 01 the . lInn 01 F. J , CuCNZt " Co., 40l1li" Rotting Away., had made a custoril of eating their the center; but were again bloodily re- bualJl_ In tbe Clly 01 Toledo, Coun\;y lago. A trip to Cuba would not be IUId Staib complete without a visI t to a !lugar enemies, were now eaten by enemIes pulsed, and the brigade moved for- aIorecl4 .. and that alii I1rm wltl )lAY \he ,tim ot ONI;: BUN.D RED DOLLARS lor eacb Bnd evet)'" refinery, and that Is comparatively Of all the Inhabitants o.f th S tI ,80 microscopic as to be ' Invisible, and ward, driving the' o,n emy entirely out ;!t.~! g~~!:::: ~':~J!.eanl1ot be tured by tile I18e O! e ou 1 against whom no war' of d'art and easy for an American, for four-fifths seas, the Marqnesans were adjudged javelin wall possible. .On ' the other of the cornfield and through the orFnM!K J. CtfE!fEY, Col. Harlow fell &Il~"~&'.:y~n=IIl"b'!,~~~~6tI~ my,p"",,,, of th em are eithe r owned or managed the strongest and the most · beau !tu!. hand, had .there been a "few bundred chard beyond, by Ametlcans and tbeir countrymen And now all this stre.ngth and beauty thousand Marqueeans to ' begin with wounded by a canister In the groin. j IIAL t A. W. OLEASOl'i. pee the'r e might have baen sumclent aur: Oen. Richard halted the brigade, and 1- v - f Noun Pu.uC, are nlways welcome visitors. has departed, and the valley of HIllI" CAlAlTh Cure Is I4Ilcn . lnttl'llllUY and _ There you can see the sugar cane Is the abodo of some .dozen ,,:,ret~hed 'Vlvors ,t o lay the foundation for a new drew It back to hIs line about bm ~Uy upOn tbe blood and IIlUcoua ~ 01 \he bolsted from the tlat cars at one end creatures, affilcted by leprosy, ' ele- race:.-a regenerated race' If a plunge o'cloek p. m.,where It lay exposed to ~ Bend lur tel!\lmon"'''. tree. 8014 by alt D F. ~ f:.Ii:NEY '" CO., Toledo. 0. of the refinery and. following It down phantlasis and tuberculosis. Met,vllle Into a festering bat~ of o~g'anlc polson a heavy artillery 11re, Gen. RichardTake UaU', 1 1 : PU'- lor I\Onftlpatl~n. • Oen, the course or ItR journey to the otber estimated the population at 2,OOlyt 110t cen be called a l'egeneratlon~-Paclflc 80n was mortally wounded. end, you discover strange e manations · taking Into consideration ·the gmall Monthly , , " Meagber was wounded aiso; and Oen. pra l l1 on Country'l Resourcea. . Into the vai'lous vats. Into the first adjoining valley of Ho-o-u·ml. "Life bas Caldwell assumed command of the dl· In 1908, the . fortllgn·born populavision. The brigade . lost 44 kllled; 288 pours a sirup as thlclt and almost as rotted away In this ·wonderfui gurden New Feminine Industry. ' tIon of 13.6 per cent. furnlljhed . 15,S black as crude asphalt and Into tbe spot, where tbe climate Is as delIght· wounde4 and , two miSSing. Tbe end one poou~s the very finest sirup ful and healthful as any to be found The studio girl showed 16 slabs of severest loss fell u.on the Fifth New ber cent. of the · criminals, 20.8 per of all. a yellow stream as thin as the In the world. Not alone were ' the cake wt:allped ,In tissue paper .and H_ampsh'lre · and. Sevel1tb New York. cent. of the , paupers, a~d 29.5 per sap from a maple tree In spring. Typeans physically magnificent; they tagged with well·known names. "That The ,Fifth New Hampshire lost eight c.e nt. of the InsaDc~ Between 1904 anll From the black stream Is crystallized were pure. Their air did not contain fs ' wedding calc'e," she said; ' "I got kllled and 102 wounded, while the 1908, the aliens In these Institutions tbe lowest grade of brown sugar; the bacilli and germs and microbes of these pieces because I ileslgned the 'S evelltb New York lost 16 killed and Increu.sed 34 per cen~. from the light yellow stream the high· disease that fill our own all'. And when cakes. Early last. fall I came ' te the 46 wounded., Important to Mothers ' est grade of cube sugar. the wtilte man Imported In . tbelr sblps conclusion ' that 'wedding cakes don't ~x!lmlne carefully every bottle or 'As you leave the sugar refinery you these various micro-organisms of 'dla: stand ' all: blg.b In 'art' as they de~erve CASr}'ORI~. a sate' and sure remedy for lI!ew Army Maohlne Gun • . , wl\l pass tbrough miles of sugar cane ease 'the "rypeans crumpled ' uP " nnd to. I· For, th~ · ~rst time In my ute I Infants unli children, ahd see that It The army has 'just . adopted a Dew and it yqu ar~ there late 'in the sea· went down before them. , " t~k to' l$tuctyhlg socIety notes. Wbel1BeCorn t.he ~~ . ', ' t n>e qf maclilne gun' that has some ' reo When one cons'lders the 'sltuatJon-, ever a ~lg , ·wed~.lng . wall . anno~nced son you will 'at con\"enlent rnter~'als S!gn.:J.tul'C or . ,.~ come upon a treacherous looking fel- one Is almost driven to ,the· cqncluslon I, pu~ In a 14. tor deBI~lng t~e w~. DUlTkAble 'points ~ advantage over , • . --iIt low car:rylng a ' rille in the hollow of that the white rac~ flourishes on 1m- dfng cake! J,us~, as ~n :arcbltect bids ~e :existing guns. • 'rbe .new 'g un Is SI) 1n Us~ FOr .Over ' 30· Years, .'. , . his arm . He scans YOU' closely and purity I¢d .c orruptlon" Natural selee- tOI' bulld~l}g 'a hOUse. , . The Idea " ap- small ' tha,t It'can be carried by a man . The ,KI~d You ~ave Always' BoJghL wlll . be quIte ,sure ot your llac,lllc Iden~ i1on, llowever, g1V~8 the ' explanation. pealed to a number of '~eopl8' wh~ !Ire of two, with fl.'ll equlpmen~ ;of stan~s, A' man prides' himself on his wond~r­ tlty before you will be allowed·,t o·pass We of the white rn~,e lire the survlvol.'ll .always , pn tbe ·. loo~O!lt- tor ,n9velU .,B and a1I\mun.tlqn can be packeq upon CUI self·control. wben .he reCmln, ~from a' mtile, Moreoy~r, it ' hlle , t he IUt. on, All over the 'Island' those guards and the' descep,dants pf .the thoWland. and they ~alct me &" gopd ' pr~ce for doIng an~,~bl~g h~ dgesn't wa·n t to ~'do!:. a.r e a. numerous almost as the work- of generations of survivors In the war: drawl~g up ~lans f~~ . ~b~ ba~el' ;' to' pOl1ant ,ady~ntag!l. that "Ir oaIt be ' fired ~. f ..,-- . -r: \ ers. wl$ mlcro,organlsms.: Wbenenr one wor~ on. In addition to' the money, (;oin the s~oulder, an'd cons~CtllentJY"lS , PEl\Rl( DAVIS' P41NKtU.El\ -Right bere, I.D tbls sU/far guard" you of \fa w"a born wltll a constJtuti 1 ,got a slJce ot eYert cake. T~e mono .m uch l8fls., subject to attack' and fllp. ""'~~:,rf~mpl:lnL,'jlO"'ol t~I"' I":&r.)Uljl';.r="" 110 :,b"OCa \ Itdi~ ' IIle ' . . , lIIadIClIDDIaIl:,"pto.:'=d can study quickly all the complicated, 'c uilal'ly receptive to .theBe mh\ut:~e::' ey .. all go~e. ,~~t. I am stln h~11 tur~ bl the elle~,.. " :~ • . • " r uuu Iller · '1'be amtpUJlltion Is carrled on ' ate'e l , Never' say dl" lUI you ar.e 'dQad-allil melodramatic' J:oUtics of tJ1e '~ island.. mles, Bucb""a one prompUy died. Onlt ,o n to tb~ cake. -New 'J eri: S'1lD. StriPB aUf.! th~ .new gun I. Bald to be then H', 11(,) ",se,-SpurgeOn. . Wby should be guard sug!U' carie? Be- thoae of. · U8. survived who could W1th~ . ,An ' E••y Angel; cause In tlie heart of the sugar cane stand them. We wbo 11,1'8 ,live are ~e · ·'Aiit.~ ~S' In: the D~W mu. tfee from the" danger 'of choking,' whUe 'the ~1Ii an ,carried In dupll • If.. all tl\e fnflammable spirit o~ revo- Immue. the ftt-.tJre onea bHt CODatJ- alca1..,bow,,, . . C&Il .~. a1D1011t IDltaaU, lu"on, Around thIs sugaJ" cane N.o tllte4 to live In .. world of hoame ail· ...,..; . ;the. baoker ,.... a · 'iVOd tbe7 become 'Glv~ world poJtlic.. for It :JL lbe arooorpDla¥U. 'l'be Door Marqq..... l1li-.':' --~..... ~tT ,rol~""



RACE IS NEARING ITS END 1.1----------------







By Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound J efferson. Iowa.-"When my baby \vnsjllstLWQmonths () I d 1 w a s co mpl ot e l y ruri down aml my i nte rna l 01·gans W 1'0 in tcrribl shape. I b gan to. king Lydia E_ nkham's VegotaCOllpound, ami moth r wroto and , told YOll ju st how [ \\'as. I iJegan to gain at on co and n llW I ~';""...!.-":'--'::-'.-I a m r al w e i J. " Mrs. W. II. IlIJRGE lt, 700 Cherry St.• Jeffe rsou, Iowa.

Another Woman Cured.


arrnnge. meDts for the completion this year at a $260,000 statue to Gen. . S. Grant and th e unvoillng of 0. slatu e to Gen. Phil. Sheridan , the dasbIng cavalry lend I' oC the ivll wnr, followin g Cl 05~ upon the - d ' dlcntlen of Imllar bronze flgur s of Generals S h rman and 1\Ic lollan. b tok ns the intontlon of the Am erican p oplc to · ])rovld c, through lh 11' rCllresentativ s In congr SR , a 1l10s t notable te s tlm~ nlal In sCltipttlre to the lead ers at the ,,'ar for th e nlon. No olh I· countrv in the world oan eo pr t ntfou~ a t ribute to tb beroes of auy cODfllct in its history. To honor' by counter! Il present. me.n ts ID marbl and bronze the saviors of the republic will cos t the Da·tton, ultimately. millions of dollars but ,unquestionably It will bo worth at'l It costs 811 a lesson In pntrlol1sm for coming .eneratlonll. .Thls labor or gratitude has been In progress for some years past, and already a dozen or more of the for most warriors In the Union army bave been thus honored. Of late years, however, tbe Importance has been emphs.l lzed by the Increasingly els borate charac. tel' at the monuments erected. The cUmax come a year (or less) hence l with the ~mpleUon of that splendid memorial to Gen .. eral Grant for which the con~ess of tho UnIted 'Statos has appropriated a quarter ot a nimhnl""llU1larll, and for the foundaUon of which «round has been let aside ID the shadow of the United Statell capitol. Tho scene of thIs shrine to mllltary (ame Is. appropriately enough, the national capital-the city of "'lashington, which Is coming yenr by year to ~ke on more nnd marc the cbaracler of a beautiful oreatJon In architecture and' soulpture and lnndscape gardenIng that Is the property of the whole peOple. The statues to, the ,"Ictors In tbe struggle bolween \po north and s outh oc~upy conspicuous positions In tho most ndvantag ously located of the 'p arka and clrclelil· wllh wblch the seat of govern.m ent abounds-verdureclad breathing spaces which seem as though they. mIght have been speolally · provided as stles for just ,such her olo or Ute-size figures. SOlDe of the statues are under the shadow of the (Japitol, 'Others .cluster about the Whlto HOllBe, and ,y et others are placed where lhey will kIndle InsplraUon In the patriotic pIlgrim to the capital. Mucb": of the ImpresslveDess at the s tatues to tbe ml1llllry heroos of the Fed,eral · armIes Is doubtless due to the fact tbat almost all of t.hem Ilre equestrian. It Is customary In all countries t o portray us : "men on borsebac k" only the' so·called royal personaf;es, or m en who were actual commanders of troops, or enjoyed the titl e of commnnder. The first equestrian statue ever erected In lhe Western Hemlsphere, was the one of George III. of England, whlc}l stood In DowllDg Green at tho foot ot Broadway, New York ctty, nnd which during the war I for Independence was melted up aDd ~aBt Into bullets by patriotic daugh ters of· Miss Columbia,



rles In . this country. Next came the erecUon at a statue to GeD. James B. MoPherson. This was erected through the etrorts of tbe Society of the Army of the T ennessee, a.nd it waB Intended that the monument should constitute McPherson's tomb. Beneath the statue Is a vault designed to receIve the body ot the gallant officer killed near Atlanta, but lIuch Interment "as never made. The statue represents McPherson as he led In battle. In his rIght hand he holds field glasses nnd Is portrayed as gazing deliberately over a field ot ba tUe. ~ Surpassingly InspirIng and magnIficent Is the statue erected to Oen. 'George H ; Thomas by his comrades of the Army at the Cllmberland In 1874: The "Rock ot Chickamauga" Is rep-

resenled relniDg In his horse In order that he may obtain a better vIew of a field of battle. J . Q •. A. Waro Is the soulptor of tbls masterpiece, and every person who has seen It will readily agree with the art critics that there is not In the whole range of the world's sculpture 80 splendid a representaUon of a horse as the charger on wblch the VIrginian Is seated. . A tine equestrian statue ot General Hancock was unveUed tn 1896. Alike to the Thomas statue, the pose Ie one of action, the hero of Gettysburg beIng portrayed as a commander watchful and alert In tbe center of aotlvltJes. The statile of General Logan, the first of the memorials to be unveiled durIng the present century, Is unIque In many respects. Oen-

eral Logan Is represented as riding along tb e 1\ne of battle his 8word dra wn and carrIed low In his right hand. The horse Is r epresented In tbe atUtude of moving at a s low trot. , On one face of tbe pedestal of the monument Is a group representing Oeneral Logan with otber lending omcers of lhe Army of the Tennessee, while opposite Is a gl"Oup represeDting General Logan taking the oalh of office as UDlt ~ d States senalor, adminIstered by Vice· President Arth ur. , All of these quest rian statues have cost oonsld erable Bum s. The General Scott statue cost $20 ,000, and tbe pedestal $2 6,000 more. The bron ze figure of McPherson cost $23,000, and the pedestal $25,000 . The s um of $40,000 was paid fo r Ward's mat hl ess statue of Thomas, and $2 5.000 for the pellestal. The statue of General Hancock Involved the eXllendllure of $49,000 all told, and the Logan statue cost $65,000, of \yhich SUll congress appropriated $50,000. As has been snld, the maximum expendIture will be marle In the case at lhe great memorial to General Grant, UPOD wblcb at least $250,000 will ~ e expen ded. Because no definite program was followed 1n honoring tbe heroes of tbe Civil war, It came about that some of the lesssr lenders were commem01'llted In bronze ere the greateBt Union leaden received homage In this torm, However, tbe past few years has wItnessed the beginning of compensation In tbls direction. Tbe first step was the provl· 810n at n heroic equestrian statue, wIth an attendant group of symbolic figurea at GelL William Tecumseh Sherman. Next after the Sherman statue came the statue to McClellan, wblch shows "Little Mac" seated upon a splendid charger, and portraYB the gr,eat organizer of the :Union army wearing the service cap whlcb became familJar to all the boys In blue who followed him. Now the nation has added to Its open-air gallery of fame a statue of Gen. Phil Sheri dan.

Glenwood, Iowa. - " Ahout three .y ears ago 1 had falling aItd oth r female troubles, and 1 was nothing bub skin and bones. I was s o sick I could not do my own work. Within six months I was mado sOllnd and well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I will nlwo.y8 tell my friends that your remedies cured me. and Y.Q..u can publish my letter." -Mrs. C. w. DUNN, Glenwood. Iowa. U you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form of female illsl just try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetaole Compound. For thirty years tlus famou!! r emedy bas been the standard for all forms of female ills, and has cured thonsands of women wbo bave been troubled with such aliments as displacements, fibroid tumors. ulcerat ion, inflammation, irregularities, backache, etc. If you wa.nt special advice write forit toMrs.Pf.nkhamt LfDn,Ma88e It Is free and always IlcJpful.

Trial Bottle ..... B" Hall


New DIIare uked to


of Dr.JU,'. Choir. ' I

It hal c:u,.d tboll.lftllda ",h_ e'l'eTtthlDi e:'.

faUed. G"arantlHld bl )la, Jlledleal Laboratory U nder Pure Food &lid DrnpAct. JDII8 ' 8Olb,lllOlS Guaranl1 No. 18m_ PI_write for8pectali'rw tt BotUi &ll4lt'fO .AGB ..4 complete a4dre.. - "

liB. W. H. lAY, 648 P.II SII81I,



l'I.a ...nUOD thIa . .1>I& PrvaaJataAll onlen.

Wholo Country Is Stlrrod.

One at tbe most InterestJng reports at the recent meeting of the NatioDal Association for the Study and Prevention of TuberculosIs was that or the executive secretary, Dr. Llrtngeton Farrand, showing the growth of the anU-tuberculosls movement since May 'I, 1909. Tho number of associations for the prevention of consumption has Increased tram 290 to over 425; the number of sanatoria and hospitals for the treatment of tuberculosis Is from 298 to 400; and the special tuberculosis dl speDsarles from 222 to Z65. DurlDg the year 1909, thlrty:slx out at fortythree legis latures In session consid red" the subjeot of tuberculosiS. and In 28, bills wer e passed tor tbe prevention or trentment of thi s disease. Since the openlug of tile legislative season of 1910, out of teD legislatures In session up to May 1, all have· cODsldered the subject of t uberculosis and every olle of them has enacted some law that bears on tbls subject. Tit for Tat. Strnnger (to promlncnt clergy ma n) - I ca me In here, sir, to criticise yo ur church mnnagell1 eut and tc ll you bow It ought to be 1"l1D. Prominent Cll' rgYlIlan (nmazed)Wbat clo you meUll , sir? How dare you? Who are YOll, anyway? '· r am th e IJllln1J11l erlltor of th e puper you have been wrltlllg to."-Llfe_

Prof.-lf $2.000.000 !L

None. a man has nn In come of yoar, wUllt Is his princi-

unveil 0. monument withi n a few months pal? Sludc--A man wllh such au income after tbe mon ey for It has bee n appro· field monuments and prlated. Many of the prescnt-day bat· us ually has 1)0 Ilrlnclple. memorials bas devel· tlefield memorials are In bronze and oped Into an ImportaDt In th e cast of slIch a mOllument It \S Industry In the United only necessary to model the fi gur e In States during the past pl aste r. Molds nre taken from this and tew years. This Is due, when forwarded to the foiwdry enable first of aJ1, to the In, the casting of tb e flgure In bronze-a crease In the number replica or exact duplica te ot the origiand size of our battleThe oldest equestrian monument field naUonal parks. It nal deSign which the sculptor fas hioned now standing in the New World Is a Is now the policy of the In the clay or plaster. colossal statile of Charles IV. of SP!lln, naUonal government, Th e correspondIn gly rapid creation at ·tn the City at MexIco. The InlUal ably/ seconded by most of the state· governments, howeVer, have been erected ' by orgaDhiatlons granite or marble stntues presented for a long tIme equestrian statue In the United, .States to .convert Into national puke the tracts of land ·made up of the survivors of companies. troops. more at a problem, but It has been solved nnd is tile .renowned one of Gen. Andre~ In I the southern and middle states whlcb were largely by the Invention or some wonderful new batteries, regiments or other minor divisions of a Of the brain, and ac tivity :.J~ckson, which stands In the park dl. ~e ·scene" of the great battles of the Civil war. contesting army and who take this means of tes- tools and appliances which make Ul e long-drenmedout of the body, mu s t be rectly In (ront of the White House at -b... ' of "sculpture by maohlnery" a reality. The matifyIng to theIr regard for their fallen comrades. Washington. It is estimated tbat there F uch year sees new reservations of thIs kind ac· chines, or rattier tools, wlllcb now pertorm In min· Perhaps the best evidence of the ' extent , to I th (qulred by ,purchase of cQngress or through other Put Back by utes what the old-time hand chIseler required banI'S ' are !l00 equestrIan statues n e means and set aside as perma·nelclt telltlmon.lals of whlcb modern s.culpt~re I~ being relied upon to to accomplish, are nil operated· by ,menns of com· 'World, ot ' wblch . number the cIty on' the n/ltJon's gratitude to tbe, men who fou'ght and commemorate the deeds and the heroes .ot the Proper Food .; the pptomac will. 'ha~e, with th e · com· dIed ' there.. ' l{eeplng pace ~Ith the creation of greatest of civil wars Is atr~rded by a tour ot , pressed aj,., uti1lzed In much the snme way that At each one of these modern monument mnl(lllg j)letion of ~he Gr aut mWIlorl.a l! a total new parka 'Is ¢e policy of ,extensIon _beiDg pui-the Gettysburg National park. Here, lIDlng more Inst itutions , the all' IB compressed at, a central · .0(12; most of t~em repr,e sentatlons of s\Jed with referen~e to the older established batthan ]00 mlles .ot carefully prepared roadway and Or brain-fag and ,nervous · Clvll war her~s, '.. tlefteld parks which liave nol :Included at the mArking ~ver'y slgrilflcant point In th!l: thtee days' , Ilower plant and Is led by llleanf; ,ot pipes !lnd 110$e pros tration are sure to follow. to the various localiti es wnero the .mechanical chis· battle, are a tOtal of more thaD 400 monuments. · . >rhe ·-first' sU;tue ~rr8nged {or In oqtset~a8 ~ few of them ' bave.:....the· entire, area. ,h onor ot a warrior ' IdenUJl~ ·wl embraced', In tbe battle '",htc}) tbey, commemorate. memoHal 'shafts and tablets stid mdre thnn 1;000 ,ellng Is to be don . _ The deRjgns for a statue or J f you want to kn ow the \ ' .tM' OlvJI ·w·ar was ,th~t In 'Y!llcl\ Oe '. .,A ' re~orid -and even ·more ;dlreot' Influenoe In tos- . m~rkers: !'f!iny ' of . these 'te8~lqlo.nlals, I~ marble, . nlQIlullle nt · a'r e first prepar,ell by draft8me.n alid l< ee nest joy ~n ·eaHl'.- -the joy , are then ·outllned on the' 8~ones to be cut: With , I I ' " . Wlnfteld ,S cott I~ dep'pted ' ~o~Dted 0 .. . ' ~,r1bg the .' 'present ,acU v$ty 'In ,the', creation " .ot·.. granIte and: bronze are elabQrat~ and costly and that comes with being well, tlie aggregate cost. · amounts ' to. 8l.wel'al $1lI10n. these markings as. a gu.lde Q 'Worknll:lD manlpula. I ., cbarge.r ~ at· rest. . ,T-hle lI\ onu lJ1e t m:~~or.afe ' In mar~le and ', bronz~ Ie t1l,e. custom try , "8S ort;1er!'c;l I~ pj~'7, ~nC\ w.a~ e~e~ J ."It:b bas grown up wIth ,the developmeqt of the '. dollars. And", yet on this batt1efteld a8 ,elsewhere ' tlng .one of tbe pOI·table nneumat1c tools- cun· carv.e ..even ' ,eah, . l*,teJl; qe~era~ Seott 1 I. · ~atueBeld ,park \ J1lan at BullablY · m'nrkh~g eve,.ry the abor·.of Jove Is only partially: comlltl~ted.. Nu- out qulc1(iy and .witb great aCCllracy the Intended 4eslgn. ·The prtDc:;lple at the supetiol'lty of .the , tn· the uuUorm' at' l~euteDant. gen,ey.l. , bJ8tode spot ~t the. scene at " great ,struggle eb'&- . ltlerou8 otber 1D0numents are ,projeCted .. mechanioal carver Is . thnt It . rains hUDdre~8 of .'. ~4t mat,flal foP. the f\lIul.'e1l of ~o:ra' tweel) tbe Union aDd , ~federate to.rcell. T,hla , and ),e\. others are In contemplation. ' . . Food , , .4 ridel' :waS dert1ed tro"!l" explain. the \iozeDi and , even bun~red. r,f ItatU8I. I ·" 'rbe pro~lillon ot.moDulWlnts In ~ver-Incrq~ng blows a mln\lte. w)Jel'e8s tl~e l1.i'·tJllnn wIth! mallet nUtube?' for the battlellelds (at wI!tleh Getty.burg' nncl ohlllel :'WouJd' not deliver. more than one ·or t.wo . capfu;'8cI durlos , ttie 1Iex1~ monum.,ofa and ' .re, n~ t() be Is Plll' olle) WouJ$l .lndeed I?e an w1dcJi Ge1Utr.... \Y~n· hla , !QUit" t1l tbe ~attl~ft81d. park_ blow.. 'It can b,e ap~reefatcd that the lIurtaee .to to TIle . of· O. by approlJl1- . '.were It. ,. , .a be au, I, · ~"iel1 . mucb mote 'raj)Ici1,' by the mao , . ,. . .8 t utd. 'by the 'aiml" ~. ~. alJ4· .moreover tit, al~l.en chlHl ·.to thu.' . urea. .tr.:.....ioIn,p , HEl MAKING of battle-

What Thinking Takes Out

.(jr~pe~Nuts "There's


.accu~til, '

"lua -mlAta'p llilllfdril__


..- ' --


- .~



1L pays to trad at


• I


.. -.- ----

Wa lter ' Ie , ver , of ::ipriugfleld , vi t'ited his pare ntll hora S uudl•.V. J . K. tipencor r etu rned the for IllLrt of w k from u Hyi ng trip to 'l'l'IXtll:! . '1'h ~h rwood fUlllily ul.)tor oJ to Wllyno VIlle ' undny u.ft ern oou. Will K rlley. wife nnd f,Ull ily spont ooudny with MI' . Ll nd Mrs. E lWDod Aul t. MiRS Mubol Sherwoc!l is h rna fro m Horveysbnr g for ller vnca tion. Prof D. W. Will iams was in LebanO ll tiundllY evening to see tho comet. Mr. Homer lJet>t bernge's bose ball nino l:!ufIere!l d feat at t b t> l lllud'l of U. or ub tellUl tiundllf ufternooD, t ll a soore being 7 to iu fu vor of tho la t· tel'. (~ ui te U orowd were on t tiaturday eV~ l1 ing looki ng at t h e oomet. Co mmenoement loomed lar ge on the h orizon h ere In t week . Mu.ny trom out of town ' attended the exerul8es Wed n IIday evening . Among tbem were Mr. and Mrs. F rnnk 'El b DaDd ~r. un~ Mrs . Fred EJbon, .of Wl,ynesv llle i C:. A . penoer. w1fe nnd ~6u gh te r8, the M.I Hes buze! Imd PaullD • and the MI sel 'orrlDne, Pri80illa, uml Coli a Spe noer. of Leb/lnou i Mr8. Conner and Miss Mury aud R alph anoe. of Morrow, tlnd tbe·Misses Ed w/lrds aunt from Sonth Charl esto n. Mi8s Eon&. pencer entertained the graduatin g 010.811 and a few of their tl'iends 'l'hnrsdll.Y a f ternoon .. Ope of the featnre8 of the afternoon's amusement Was a floral boquet oon. tl"st. Mi8S Luolle MB8.:ln tied with Miss Ruth.e Edwards for the first prize, but when they drew cut·s Miss Ed wards won. Mias Mary Conner

HI·jng W'\ your egg-so W ar still paying . 9 C a u();I,cn.


------ -~---


Ev ry th i~ in Ca n ' Ulat can be CanneLl. The lal'gest C\. ~O l' t­ men of Cann ed buoug and Cereals e\'c r ~ho wn II " . .

. New Burlington.



Fan cy Dried Apricots Fancy Dried !leaches Prunes Raisi ns Currant!'

Mr. anu Mr8 . Tom RICh oalled on Mr . and Mrs. Vern Kuntz tiundoy cdternoon. George 'l'aJmuge oud fa m Ily, of Da.yton, were guest s of .AJ TullUl1ge a ud fumily SundllY . . Mrs. Sarah Rioh Ilnd Mrs. Muud Oleaver were Lebanon vi8itors on'o d ~; last week. , . I . B. Brannon, of ~prlDgfleld, s pent SundlLY with Mr. (lnd Mrs. Orlando Brannon. . Mr . and Mrs. Hug h Burget.t were ~l1odllY gue=lt:s of Cha rles Harness and family. . Yr. Truew Bn Wardlow and Mr. trawder ...Inger spent Sunday with Bert Bogan.

-- --.

H.iohurd Jon ~nd wife h ~ve nlO" lIU' to W lItbOl'O wher e t,ll~ h' hllclniu r si o. t.l un .l 1r . Ell Bogu n\llld dllughter, .Mls'I 1.ol'\h vi~it \t r~ . Bogan's i. t 1· ,'lltllrtl,ly nud ' unday. M... ~ Wm 1 1l1)1nRO ll i spending savorul we ks with relaM ves h er t'. I Mi S Pelld Pnrriu is vi iti ng her 1 It:r in 1) y l on. D ooruLiu ll d llY .. rvioes wlJl 1J 1held io t.ho 1\1. E . 'hur h n ox t 'u ndUY 11ft rOl1 l1n. Ma Jor Me 'arren t of tllt' (l ::; , '. '. U . fl ome WIll !lollv! I' 'he.ntlclre B.






27th Annnal Banquet


~. . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . .I. .~. . . .~~~.

. . . .- -. . . . . .

beth Chandl r , secre tB,ry, arid J. E. J a ley, t reasurer. In voting , how~.ver, the m ajority report car~ieli . The 'Great ntis pU c In ter estin g letters were read from the following absent m emb rs: H. M. I.Oe a Bottle Allen, lark McKay, Anna Gard R( bi nson, Mary Hamil ton Oglesbee, . - -___ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _, Min nie . DoLison , J ennie Dinwidd ie, Prof. P . V. Bone, P rof. G. J. Graham Martha ompton, Mabel Compton Fitzge l'ald , Herbert Warwick, Geo. S. Baily and Pr ,f. and Mrs. BI'atten, business sessionto was After over, th e the company r eturned the



Peroxide of Hydrogen



Schwartz s

VARNISH right ns and P re' rv s

'----- _.._--S Oc a Pint

Waynesville, Ohio "


Flowered Crepe Paper

Wall Paper Cleaner

Big a ol'lm Jil l uf

Easy to use and makes old paper 10 k a lmost new

tOc for to



toc a Can 1______________________ .2._______________


r ceptionh~l, there torenew~dac- .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~:~--------­ quaintances and to form new ones, Ask rol' 0. & B. Paper Napkins Varnish Stains Use Alabastine and t ho t ime passed all too soon in Carriage Paints conversa tion and recalling old school Makes old furniture For YOUI' walls. It 2S . Th ')' Kiv u hi g h g loss days and old times a t the temple (If look like new. I n a package won't ru b 011'. und la t w II leam ing 0 11 the hill. The out of town g uests were: 2Sc,40e,75e 20e, 35e, 65e ISe 55e for 5 Ibs. Mrs. Sam Everly, of Day ton: Mrs. May Everly Tate, of Dayton; Mr . •- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _...:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.1'-_________:. __ _ _


and Mrs. E. L. Allen and son Stuart , 4c to 15c of Cincinnati; Mrs. Frank Long, of Col umbus; C. M. artwl'ight, of per Roll hicago; Dr. and Mrs . Stahl, of Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Hal E. be Ridge, of incinnat i; Mrs. Verna 1~ D and B Paint your BIG d) :§ Kelley and daug hter Miriam. of c Qi ...:.: Carriage Top ASSORTMENT pring field; Mrs. ~ary McKay, of Lawn Swing :Ea.. Vl~ ....u0 ~ Lebanon ; Mrs. A. Q. Alexander, of en c:Dressing rn Base Ball ::l ::> (I) with D. and B. Paint Elida; Mrs. Rowena Zartman. of tIS ~ Presel'ves the leather 0 .Q .J.. Xenia; Mrs. Anna Bocklett, of Xenia; Supplies 0 25 and 50c cans 25c a ('an ~ Mr. and Mrs.Howard Collett, of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ivin8.1 .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



of Lebanon; Warren Keys, of Cente rville; Mrs. Leslie McCune, of Van Wert; Edith Crane. of Pekin; Herbert Warwick, of ColumbU!!; Stokes Silv er, of O. S. U .; Ethel Williamson, of Dayton; Stella M. White. Owens· boro, Ky.; Mary White, Owensboro, Ky, i Mrs. Luther Sellers, of Dayton. The music for the occasion was furnished by the Alexander orchestra, piano and drumS, of Middletown, which' was thoroughly enjoyed.



Worth of 4 minute records F R 8E with attachment. Let us explain.

v 1'y 4 minute

Scbwartz's Waynesvil.l e, - Ohio

Use Schwartz's Corn Cure It removes without Pain

15c a______ Bottle . a____


Use Schwartz's Corn Clire 15c a Bottle . . __________

r.------------\ Dr J SMKIlN





oarried off the booby prize. A three Come and see our large stock of DEATH The memorial sermon was oourse lunoheon was served at five . preaohed at the M. E. Chnroh on . Mu. R. B. Emmons, the Misse8 Hosiery direct from the McCrea Mills . . 8uuday by Rev. A. T. Cowgill. Luoile Mason and Gladys Spenoer, Notice the money you can save. Mrs. Drane Reed, died at the CIty M~. and Mrs. A. H. Harlan attend and Messrs . Ralph Mason and Zain Guaranteed wear in every pair. Call ~ospital in Cincinnati, Sunday even- . , • • • ed the Sigh IdchoQl Oo~meUOeDlel1' Armit-age attended the Commenoe lind see the Silk Foot Hose a 26c val- 109 and the .remains were brought (OsteopathiC Physician) at Miamisburg la8t wepk: Their n;'ent exer~lse8 at Waynesville, ue for 15c' the "Fine.Lisle" fine here. and interre,d)nMiami Cemetery s on William was a gradnate. Thursday eveuing. ga~ge, fru:t dye, elastici~ 'and last Wednesday. Se~cee were held A. V. roland and wife "isitini • - • strength equal to importeJ Hose! at the r.h~pel at ~O ? clock, the Re~. Tuesday and Friday ' relatives at W~st Branoh, Ohio . AN EXCELLENT SHOT that retail at 36c and 40c. You can H. W. BaJley officlatmg. Mrs. Reed 8 The friends of Miss Mary Olirr . remains were accompanied here by Of Each Week are rejoiced to learn that she i8 re i The queen of Haiv 1S one of the buy this famous Hose from size 6 to oovering nioolv from her r.eoAnt iJI. , finest shots in Jijurope, Dot only in 9X at 19c. Don't buy the common ·~r. Dr~e Reed a~d Mrs. May Laness. .Alla, mptom8 of tuberoulosl8 • oomparl8on with her own sex. but Hosiery when we can sell you this vme;~ Slster. ' . Office at the (justin House have disappeared. as against all oomers. In her girl. line at such low prices. Kindly ask Bel!ldes her husband, Mrs. Reed Mr. Bud Mrs. A . Dioklnson and hood she waSil great huntresl, but to see them. John A. Funkey. leaves a daughter. Hazel, who haS daughter, Mi s~ Virginia were guests she no longer hunt8' she uow has • - • endeared herself to all who have .Hours of Appointment. 8 a. m. of Mrs. Dio klDson's grandparents, j . ' . ' SCHOOL BOARD ELECTS met her. to 12 m. Elijah HawkiDs and wife the latter an unoonquera.ble aversion t!!,. kUlMi'. Drane Reed and Miss Helen ..._ _ _ _ _ _111_____" partof last week. . ing anything, aud. t·hoU8P she st~ll Reed . h h' h nkJ t BUl'wellMiIler ' wllsinUI-Ly;tonon shoots,itisonlyat,olo.y pigeons or The board of diredors of the WIS. toexpr~t.elrta .0 Idunday. . som e snoh mark. . Waynesville school met Monday a~l thene1ghl>ors and fne~ds for the~r _ night and elected·the following teach- kmdne!!S to them at the bme of their GRADUATES AT OXFORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'b t ereavemen . ._.. . era for the coming year: . . . Invitations were recei ved by friendtl ANNUAL MEETING Supt.-C. A. Bruner . here, announcing the graduation at Prin.- L. C. Rhoades The I~t owners of Miami Cemetery' Oxford college of Miss Anna Ellis Asst.Priu.- MissElizabeth Collett Association' wiiltake notice that the SMeredith, . I M daughter of ~fr. and Mrs. 4th room- Miss Vandervport annual meetIng wiil bEl. .held at the am •. . er;edith. The exercises take 3rd room- Miss Edna Stout Association offices on Monday. June place m June. 2nd room- Miss LjUa Benham · 6, 1910. at two o'clock p. m~ for the . • - • 1st roo~-M~E0..n~a· Ha""ke purpose of. hearing the 8t:t~l\~al. .re.. ) . WENT TO CIRCUS





Classified Ads ........................... - - .. - - - - - Ad!< will be Insenl·t! unil r


h lid (or

~\~:'I~~:\~~:I,;: II~~~U('/ [h~l~r~~el~t~~t~~u., BUSINESS

llnywhur, ANYONE, m ull ordor bu!!io688



II t

tlhlrt hom u,

N o CatIVI.IS8lng:- .fia,y-'> nr own bot!!l.

end for free bookl t Tells bow ... S euoook A fi6 20, Lookport, N . ~'.


I,G. W. HAWKE I Staple ana Fancy Groceries

Good Canned Goods

Berries .

Fresh Cereals Fancy Coffees. Fancy Teas Fancy Candy

Bananas Lemons

New Peas


Cabbage Apples


Good' Prices for Country Produce . Fancy Evapo·r ated · FrQits .Tobacco .' and ,Cigars . . ... .







...., .,'





I -=============== --=----




F~Bt ~urch~ed· a~ew Tb~ ·.~~~c:j



1l\l~t8 6 Ilnd incbes, dIameter. 9. t . Icng. .... U C. CoHins, R . R . No. 1. (regonia, Ph qne Ft. Anolent No.2, R 2 tlndX· KNOW - I·f you have a h~rse, oow. plow, rakl1, oronythiog to ell. Try our vmnt oolumn. We ' olln ell them for you lit Im"ll cost.



Pine Apples

Fancy Cakes

FORPosts. HALE- Fine lot of 0 uge La rge number o( e'nd



Fancy Olives

C8WAG Cottnge orgtln in good condition . FIJI' pflrtionIHrs ·in. quirAofW . C. nst, Phone 58-B

• ports o~ the offic_ers. for the elecbon Ringling's Circus drew a large HELP WANTED of thr~ trust~, ~ clerk! a treasurer crowd from around Waynesville: A The an~al insp~ction of the East and for .such.. othel' busmess as ~a~ i call1oad of .people went fJ:om Lytle, ELP WANTED-Young womAn ern Star lodge a~ H;arveysburg too~ properly?ome befo.r e the m~h,ng. I and s·e veral'.· from here, . The show of eighteen years and over. place Friday evening, . Mrs. :Srun~, A ••H;. ~arlan. Clerk. waa good one and drew big crowds. Work light and olean. GOQd ~Ilges o.nd comfort a ble hotel accommodaof Ci~cinnati, in!:tpectress. 'Quite CHURCH. OF CHRI~T • -- • tiOD!! 0108e to the f,\otory. Addre8s . D. COMPANY MEETS a crowd wentfrQ~here: among those rhe Petera ' C"rtridge Company, bein~ Mr. and Mrs~ Milffit, J. C. Bible School at fit:30 8. m.; preach- -Dept. 166, Kings Mills, Ohio . . Hawke, Miss Young, Mrs. A. B. ing servi~es at 7:30p. m. 'The annu.. The Wa~ne Tow~sh!p Pr~tective Chandler, Mrs. Zimmerman, Mr. and al Memorial service will ' be . held at an~ Detedlve Ass~clatlOn WIll have N intelli!;ent ,perso~ may 81\rD Mrs. H. A. Cornell, ~rs. Arno~d. the cru-'istian church at 2 m .• the their regular meetmg ' Saturd~y af. '100 mont·hly oorresponding Mrs. McKinsey a~d daughter, MISS pastor• .!-. O. Thompson, will deliver ternoon. .A full attendance 1S ear~ tor Dl;lwspapers. No o~ovus8ing. ~end for part.ioulars. Press 8ya(1lLaura. C. M. Robltzer, Dr. and Mrs. the sermon. Every· body of course nestly deSired . • _ • ?" te, B 5721, Lockport, ~ . Y. . Ward. ~.. . will be pl:esent to 'qa honor to ,the old BED THE SUREST CURE , HOUSEKEEPERS-Tbat we CORWIN COMMENCEMENT ' soldiers: • .~' • Few people reabz~ that for most . for. sale at the Glzett.e offioe . LYl LE co~'MENCF.MENT . . ' lots of Dloe 011)1111 papers ' fnr shelves The commence?Iel1~ exer<; at " . diseases ~hebe,d, and 1t !,lone, is \he and to put nnder ourpets. PriCes A large crowd was · present. at. the great~8t, . surest! Quiokest our(\ the are cheap . Cull-and '8&e them, J Corwin Monday mght were fine, ~d although but one graduate, ~he a~! LytleHall Friday ' night to wijn~ world ~nd ages of scienoe hll~e yet quitted herself very cred1tablY. the commencement exercises. .' disoovered or . 'lestowed. Pe9ple. 88 . LOST ' Prof. Titlow made a good address. The graduates '~cquitted them- Ii rule. louk upon going to pedr for I The music wasafeatu~e. ·TheSnook selves very creditably and 'R ev, 'Pee 8ic~~es8 'as a neoessary ~nd unn;void· ---:--"-~;"-'-: .. family, of South Lebanon, children deJive.r ed ~ fine address. Prof. Car- able oonsequenoe Of. siok~ess. 'i\n L08T.;...last Friday on the street, ' Gold lIi ose glafllles ~Q case. Find;. of Mr. an~ Mrs. Frank Snoo~,. made ey made a go~d talk and thernusic 8t~a~ of . looktn~ .. '}pqn .it a8 tbe.v good musIc and were h~artJ1y ap- .was excellel\t. . . . . , . : . 8~ql\1~ .. as belng the .v ery flr8t .an.a er please lene a't . Geo . ..Hawke's .... .., plauded. .Miss Sarah Snook as solb· .The alumni Saturciay evening was greatest part of th~ oute of the C8se . Hu~ool~ry and v: e rew~rcl , . . iat made a .decided hit. ~. adeeidedsuccess: '.' '. ' . -~e" York P~e~~. . {fA W L-~st Friday ~vening, be . .' , " . . ,. . .' ~" • ... .,' \ I , , : .. .tw~en Stt:awn 'a '. residence ' on' . . A NEW . TA~LET · . . . . '. ' NEW P(ANO ' FOR SCHOOL . . ~'~ "~ . =~.~ . ~.==~~~ tlie Lebanon .pi~e, aiid ~Waynesvlhe ; ' • I. ,,' ~ ", ' . . "'. .'. . '; ~ F Inde.r lea.v~ cl Hhe . 6Bzette 01l1ge. ; . '. . .. The G. A. R. " ·cit.. . . E":-N "' R' .~ro~ze tablet.r~~~n:IY •.~nd.'l' .. I.y ed 8'S?FPr~~ o~ ~h!;PI:'~~0..,~8~t~h.~ selt . ?~1 . ".. .. .... .. .: I .' • • " ' here,ThurSday ,an~ ls .a b~auty., .'J,'h~: by, plac)Jlg a hatrdsoine new .plano of ' ,,;. . . ' ' . .. . tablet:was made, ~ll .Cincirinati, and the FisChef mBke •..'in ' the ):tall :.'J ast ' :>: .' Ltites:~ Excursions" will ·be hung on ~he cannon in m~mt..Wedn~day:. .It :i~ .. ~ . $'opd .o~~ ~d ".. . .., '" , ..>:.. .' .~ , .. ryofdeceas~m?mbera •. : _.. '•. '. fiU8alo~-f~lt .. ~ant~ · . ,....,,, .. '$1~25 " . I'Bt~"'~~~~~~I;? The wording .m the tablet .lIi ap'. '. _ • . . . . , . ' . . ' .... . . , . J ,. ' . propriate. and t~e ftgUre8 of two 'NOTICE CH~NOE 0F· ~q-y'R '7', nlep. cl88pinlr ~cli ~n: front of the ' . ' -. . . ". . ~ ,. . .. VIsiTED lODGE

Fruits and Vegetables


. ~.'

Barrel·Salt· 'anCl ·pyna.~ite "


.~UcB.t~ori · 8P.~~g·




t ,





m':: '. ~M :'

lA' •

;.·rj'I·:Colunil)ua ·

Spring . '. . fe. Id" 5 .Ie .' ;.' ' C ',,>.:'


Goda~ of u~~. with a .kneelinlr· .. Mi~i .M~r1~1y, ·meetilflr..ofOrth .' ~ w~man claspinlr child. makes ;d~x Fr\encU ~ )leld tlliji Wednes- . 'SU:N DAYiI. handaOm4i picture, and oat lona to dv afternoon at,2 o~c1ock,~t the .' ,; . .' -iu .


.• • •~. .,... ._ _. . . .~. . . .~...,,...,. bi remembere~i..



1~. Brick .~~ B_~ ·.



' .•

. ·AY 28 .

T~"'~"~ 8:48.a.m.





-----·-·-·Mention Here and rhere 1


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The New Century Club met at the Waynesville Lodge, F. & A. M., homEl of Mrs. N. L. Bunnell on Fri- conferred t he Master Mason degree J u: eph Smart, of Cincinnati, is the day afternoon May 27. Twenty-one last Tuesday · evening. Mr. G. E. g uest of Chas. Smart lind family . membei·s res~onded to roll-call by ~ndall, of Da;ton, doing the Worgiving "Poor Hichard's Maxims." shlpful Ma.;ter s work. Mr. Randall Rev. Cowgill, of New Burlington, Aftel' the reading of the minutes was form erly master of the lodge ' uttended Memorial Day exercises andotherb usiness election of officers here. and it was in the nature of here. for next year ~as held which reo a surprise to the members . At the suited as follows: Mrs. J. F. Cad- close of the session ice cream, cake Mrs, W. G. Hill, of Miami, [. la" is t he guest of her dau ghter, MI's, C. A. Cadwallade r, President; Mrs. J. L and cigars we!e served. Several Melld enhall, Vice- President.; MI·s. C. out.-or-lown' members wel'e pregf'nt. Burnett, A. Brunei'. Secretary; Mrs. Edith~ , . ICE CREAM SEASON Miss Mary Smart was the week- Harris. Treasurer. end guest of Miss Frances Gallaher, Interesting W. C. Ph'II' . asice osd h'IS plC, talks were given by I IpS h of Lebanon. sehveBI'~1 la~lleCs whl' h~d attendedhthe ture ehow for this season, and will t e lenma onventlOn r ecently eld , d h' ., . . Mr, and Mrs, G. W. . Ebright, of' in Cincinnati. evote I~ entire t;lme to the Ice Xenia spent Memo r ial Day WI. .'h ' . hour dehclOus . . During the SOCial re- cream bUSiness. OWing to the . cool friends here. f h t ed weather and late Beason, he Will ~ave ' b ut mVltes , . h'IS reg men s were serv ' k. M' E no f ormal opening, Mrs.. Ed muneta d R• . II IC, ISS m- 0 1<1 cus t omers t 0 h'IS Ice . cream parLester Spahr, of Wilmington, was ma Helghway an :! MISS Mabel Eulass, ,Iors, where they will find all the good shaking ha nds with his many fri nds of Lebanon wel'e guests of the things of the season. here Monday. hostess. --....,.-.__ ...- - -

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Mrs. I hitip Hopl." ins is quite sick. . . W. Hawke was a Cincinnat.i visitor last Thursday.

Mrs. J. F. Cadwallad er waR a Day ton vi::litor Tuesday. Mrs. Seth Cook is visiting hel' daughter in Chicago. Chas. orn ell and family autoed to Port William Sunday. Mrs. Tom Romine spent a few days last. week in Cincinnati. I

Mrs. aroline Rogers. of Lebanon, was visiting fl'iends here last unday~ Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoad ..s are guests of Lebanon fri nds for a few days,

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Ml'l:I Alice Hawke, of Lebanon , MI'. and Mrs. Wm. Sneathen, of was the gU E'st of relatives here last Morrow, sp£'nt Monday in WaynesThursday. ville with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. White, of Day. Mrs. Jennie Hearne and daughters ton, were8unday g uests of Mr. anc! of Lebanon, were visiting friend s in Mrs . Fran1< Ze\l. _. town Memorial day. G. E. Raitdall, of Dayt.on, was the Mrs. Martha Macy. of olumbus, g uest of Mr. and Mrs: J. O. CartKan ., was the guest of S >th Cook wright Friday night. and family I ast week. I Little Rhea Kindle. of Centerville, Mrs , Joe Manington, of Dayton, was' the guest of her aunt, Mrs. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Emley Memorial Day. Owen Burnet, last ~eek.

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tt W . H . All en, Messrs. P . D. CI age, J. O. Cartwright and Fred Hartsock autoed to Dayton Thursday., where they attended ehe Ohio Bankers' Assoaiation and banquet. Amon'g other diversions they were taken in autos ou t to Fairfield where they witnessed the Wright Bros work in their aeoroplanes. Thev were delighted with the trip, and declhre it was the best ' session ever held _--,_..' _ _

Mr. J. C. Hawke Was elected central committeeman from Wayne Township in Lebanon last week. The others were, Howard Conover. Frank lin, and G. C.$mith Morrow. . Wayne' To~ship is ' proud of the distinction shown them, and also shows the good judgment of th~ committee in selecting Mr. Hawke. ,. BIO CAl TLE SALE , The Wayne farm Jersey cattle sale last week in spite of the bad weather, proved a success. The cattle all brought fancy prices, as they should as Mr. Stokes has only the best for sale, the hi&'hest . priced selling for $276. The entire ale of forty.five animals brought over $6500. • _.

The introductory services inciden t The auditorium was nicely decort M . IDS d f 0 emona ay commenced un ay ated or the occasion and on arrival, afternoon, when the Rev. L, O. the band played an appropriate piece ThompRon, of the Christian church after which Commander Henry PI'aheld s~rvices at that church. tel' ann<~unced the program. At 1.45 the .Pos.t, and Sons of Ve.t- After "America" was sung Rev. eranl formed In line at the Township H. W. Bailey offered a beautiful house. and headed by the Cadet ~a~d, prayer. A double q~arted ~omposed marched to the church. On arrlvmg of ~rs. A. T. Wnght, MISS Mary at the ~?~rc~ th,~ band ~l!lyed a very WllIte, Mrs. Carl Henderson, Mrs. pretty singing selectIOn. D. L. Crane, Dr. Carl Henderson, li'. The church was prettily decorated B. Henderson, F. B. Sherwood and Q. with flags, a~d the pretty new carpet L. Crane, sang a selection, •'Our He· just put down, added much to its ap- roes," Miss Ethelyn Jones recited pearance. the beau~iful poem, "Cover Them At 2 o'clock the services began. ' Over with Beautiful Flowers," and The large choir of the church sang the male quartet rendered a selection a selection and Rev. Benj. Hawkins "Flowers and Peace.'" made an appropriate prayer, After. a pretty quartet was sung by Miss" A:r SCHOOL HALL

Mr. and Mrs.' Reuben McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Compton house. ... BAPTISM AT ST. M.t.RY'S of payton, were the Decoration Day and family of Caesar's Creek spent All are cordially mVlted to attend guests of Mr. and, Mm.. Eli Dean. Monday with friends here. • and ~rin&' flowers, etc., ~hat all the ,Sunday momin&" at St. Mary" shut-illS may be remembered. ch.u~, Rev. J •.F. c.dwallafler lid- • I mlDlItered baptism to Reuben R. Little Glenna Cook, of Ridgeville, Mr. and Mrs. James Zell, of YelA SLIGHT BLAZE I M~lum, of D~n, and. Julia M. spent a part of last week with her low Springs, were guests of Mr. and Hams. • _ • gt,:andparents, Mr. and Mrs. G~rge Mr . Jos. Hawke over Sunday. Pratt: Main street was startleu Monday PLAYED IN LEBANON Misses Winnie Meredith and Ada evening by the cry of fire. On inMr. and Mrs B. H. MUls, of New Furnas left Tuesday morning to a~ ves~gation it wa.~ found that a spark The Cadet band f.umish~ music Burlington, were· guests of Mr.. and tend commencp.mentat Oxford, Ohio. from achimney liad fallen on a broom for Granville Post at Lebanon Mon. Mrs. Eli Burnett and family last Sat" Warren Edwards, of Bowerston, of tar, that had been used during day. urday. the repair of White's grocery, roof. WILL LEAVE- DAYTON Ohio, is spe~ding several days with It was extinguished without any loss. Misses Stella and Mary White were his parents, Mr'. and Mrs. O. J. Ed· _ __ __ • Th pleasantly entertailled at the home wards. e resignation oUhe Rev. Holmes WILL QUIT BUSINESS Whitmore, rector of Christ Church. of their aunt, 'Mrs. Lincoln Sides, Mrs .. C. T. Hawke and daughters, ~ __ Dayton, which was formally made to last Friday. Sybil and Helen, arrived ho~e Sat. Burton Earnhart informs us that the congregation last Sunday momMrs. Emerooll' Mason .arrl'ved home urday evening.from a visit with rel... he is going Ito quit making butter, ing at the service, is received with last Thursday from Miami Valley hOB atives at· Zanesville. d . h h h k i.t al, Dayto.n, very much impro' ved ' an WIS eS to t. ank his many custo- t e eenest re~ret by a host of his . . mers for their. past kindness. He warm friends. Rev. Whitmore ""1'11 P John Upp and family. of San Ber.. in., health. . nardino, Cal., arrived here Sunday intends to market his milk at, ·the leave Dayton early in the fall for creamery hereafter. ' Milwaukee. . Adelbert McKay spent Sunday evening for a three·weeks 'visit with and Monday in WayneHville the relatives and friends. "'no -=c::='-g"""'u....... es t of Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Brown Mr. and Mrs . Frank Woolley and -



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Lucy Emley, Mrs. Walter·Elzey, Mr. Frank · Miller and Rev. Thompson, Rev. fl. W, Bailey reAd a scripture l~n. This -was followed by a beautiful solo' by Miaa Lucy I!.'mley. . . MEMORIAL SERMON

The sermon followed, and Rev. Thompson paid 8 glowing tribute to ·the members present. It was a toucnaddress, and sounded tile key note of the services to follow on the morrow. Rev. Thompson ended hisscrmon by a peautiful poem, "America." After the sermon the Sunshl'ne



. appenlDgs

urlng Week













Mr. and Mrs J . C. Hawke had at . Aaron ' Woollard, of Hagerstown, 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill, of MiInd, ar,rived here hlSt Rriday on a ami, ;Fla. ; are spending a few day!! dinner Monday the following guests short visit to relat ives and old ~rlend8.\ with ~r., and M~~. · C. , A. ,BQrnett. . Miss ~J1'Ima Helghway en.tertained in honor of Mr. imd Mrs. Jas. RQsHe left Tuesday' . m'o rning ' for his Mrs, Hillis 'e nroute to her parents' ~e~y .p leasantly last Wednf:sday eV7 kelly, of Chicavo: Mr. and Mrs. ' .. home Hi New York. ' enlng for hel' g~~t, !:Irs. FrankLong .Frank Zell. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jos. White, borne' in Indiana. . . " , . of C91umbu~. 500 ~~ the feature ot Dayton, Mr. and M't-''1. Wm. ~r. a~d Mrs. ,Jas. Ro~keliey, of . Mr. M~. J. E. Ja~ney, Mrs. of the evening and del~c~ous .~~fresh.- Snesthen. of Morrow, Mr. ' and Mrs• . , Ohicog,?, ilr~{ v,is,iti~g' t:17\atiT 'es 'h.etEl , ..J. O"C~rtwH~ht, Dr. ~n~ 14rs.J.;nts w~~e. se~ved. 1:hose p'rese.nt G.,W. ifawke. . for a few days. . Mrs. RoskeJley will .Eilts ana 'Mrs, 'W. E; Q'Neallleft were: , MISS ~I~zabeth 'La'Y-~' of ~m.. , be remerhbered as 'Miss Gussie aam'- Tharsd.p.y aftern90n to,'atten<t coin: cinnat.i. Mr .. ~nd Mrs. J. B. C.hapman, roe~r bi : !11~y ~~y.n~,ville '~eoRte: ~encemerlte'xercises 'at'" Mi!lmi Col.. 'Mr~ · ana Ml'l' . .Emm:or .BaileY,.. M~· I · , .',:} . ,r . •~ c lege, at Oxfdrd. ' ,. I ,and Mrs. J H .. Goleman, . Dr, and , Mr. an~. Mre. 'Fred · E. ,Sherwood .. . Mr,' and ~hlil: "Evart Howell .. of .'. " , , ' : . . . : . Mrs. :A .. 'J'. Wright" Me'3dartles (~ura entertained at · dinn~r Sunday the , .'; Port Willilit)1, an<J.Ml': and Mts. Ben ' ;. Chas ,'T~ Trainer, SODi·of Mr. ~ and 'Mosber and Cynthia Evans~ Mr. and followijlg gueSts: Mr. .and Mrs. Fred i , '" H9Well.1M't:Sunday-mohiing. ~Ol' In~' .Mts. Joh~' Traitje..; Delqla Davis, and Mrs'. (Bamhart, Mr.' and En~n, Mr. and Mrs. ·Harry Earl)~ . qia.napoli~, lNhere they: ~ttendEid th~ '18-~ inem~er of th.e gryu:t~ating ~liiSSIM~.~. Hawke, · ~r. aqd 'Mrs, D.• 1Pl~: daugh~r, Rut~,.:. Mi~ Lily .. .. ~ au.~mo~UI! . ~es o~ ~on~aYI T~ey' of.~910 of t\le'b· schooy; L. ~rane~ .Mi~ ¥ay W~ikht.. EdithJ ~ura and ~y.rtle Kibler. Edna,. and macJe the,trip'· in :MI'. 'Bep , a:owe~I'8 which '. cotn~en.eement 'lflkes I pl~ Mo8l)er, . :Donna "a'!'l~e' and ' Mr• .M8l1a StOu~. ,M~r8•. Chattes Tav• • JW~. . I - . . . , ,: ~rid~ even~.;.Juri~ ant." ' "~"; Ronala ~w~. , :,' : . ', RaI~il p'~t,qn ~4 ~ St9ut. ' ,


Commander . Prater next introduced Capt. Melville Hayes of Wi!mington. Captain Hayes i~ a\fine speaker and carried his hearers with him throu&'h to ttta end of hi •.lpeech. His reminiscences of the old battles, and anecdotes of the war proved to

be of the best quality. He told the old comrades how the Republic can be made to flourish when in 9.f~r years, a\l the old guard shall have one over" and left something fol' .chl~dren anQ grandchildren to think of m the ~reat work they did in ~62. After thiS very f'nteresting addreSll h . choir of the Christian church sang t e mixed quartet sang "Sleep COJ:ll"Marching Through Georgia," and rades Sleep," Rev. J. ~. ?adwallader • b h 'd f 1 fl P onounced the benedlcbon and d y teal 0 sma 1 ags made a preturty ing the singing of the "Star SpanO' scene 0After the benediction by Rev. J. F. led Banner" the Post and S, of V. 1 marched' out land ded to th Cadwa lader the congregation dis· . procee e ed f I' .h cemetery to strew the grave of th . pers , ee mg t at it ' was a &,ood . . . . elr beginning for the Memorial · day comrades With flowers. . proper. The usual custom has been to have' the exercises MEMORIAL DAY . a t th e cemete ry b u t a e t m gr a any seem ed to thOIn k t h at it Another Memorial Day has passed, was .one of -the ~ost enjoyable Meand with it another epoch in the his- morlal ~ay servIces ever held in toryoftheG.A.R. Waynesvllle. · The weather was made for the day The New Burlington band ml,\~e -a fairly warm sunshine, which was excellent music, which was thorough. b d bid I II Iy appreeiated o. scure y C?U s on y a sma por. bon of the entire day. The tabl~t, Jately purchased by the Flowers were very scarce but the Po~t, was In place .on the cannon, ladies in charge arranged them in which were b~autJfully decorat~ such a way as to be adequate to the with fla~s, and red, white and blue occasion. drapery, the work of F. C. Schwartz· At 1:30 the G. A. R. Post and S. of and W. C. Cast. V . met at the Township house and The cemetery was full of beautiful headed by the New Burlington band flowers, anu a large crowd gathered marched to School HaH where the Ithere after the exercises at School k' h Id IH II spea mg was e . a .

and faDlily. daugllter, Louise, of Dayton, spent Mrs. Bettie Clemeritsarrived home Sunday and, Monday with relatives f N M . l ' t F'u in Waynesville and Lytle - .•. - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . Ed " Ch dl df '1 . 1.1 M . romaftew ex~co d~ . r\ a y , ~o~l11g, eran ~x en , VISI Wit er~ Dr. H. S. Alexander, ' of Elida, ta' edwmtd' an Ser and ahmlfYllen .err. and. rs. Frank Zell entersister there. Oh' . . d h· ·· ·f d h m a mner un ay teo owmg tained at dmner Sunday Mr and . . I~O. lome IS .Wl e an son e~e guests: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clem- Mrs. J C H . . h: awke. and Mr. ~nd Mrs, Rev. ~. F. Cadwallader was in last week and IS the guest of hiS 'e ntsand famil Mrs ElizabethStout J ' os W Piqua Wedn~day and Thursday, at- mother, Mrs. Alethia Alexander. and M,'s Eliz:beth Clements H , k l~'r;f DCavltoHn, ~ISS Clara tending the convention' of the South· . . aw e an r. ar aWae. ern Ohio Diocese. Mr. and rVtrs. Eddie Focht, Miss __ .. Blanche Columbia and Mr. Harry -Frl1nk Zell was a ·Dayton 'visitor Bennett, of Dayton, were 'guests of Messrs. Herbert Edwards and .. . . J h D' h ts fi d Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furnas enterThursday. Mr. Ze'll'saw the Wright ' Mr. and Mrs. Jos; Evans Sunday and 0 n aVlswere os ata ne ance taO ed t d' S d y M d Bros. perform ' in ' their aeroplane, Monday. . Monday evening at I. O. O. F. hall. Min R a :n~er un: •. J';"n b a~d' was delighted with it. . It was an ideal evening for this en- 0 rs. 0 eDr ~amfe'R' hr. and I' drs. C. M. Robitzer and son, Frederick, joyment and the music, piano and empsey enms, 0 IC mon , n ., M~. and 'Mrs. ,O~ J. Edwards was left last Thursday for a .two weeks' drums, which was furnished .by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Will Frame, J. E. Janin Dayton sev.~ral':daY8 last week' l,viS.i t Nith' relatives in . Sprin~field, Clarke and sister; ofXenla, was the neYand family and Ed. and the guests of ~. ,Edwards' mother, Mo .• and,many other pomts of .mter- · best ever heard in Waynesville. A .family. , nice lunch was served . Mrs. Mollie Edw.a rds and faJ1lily. est in the West.



.~he G~il~ t~ St. ~arY'~h ch~ch W. C, T. U. NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner left ~ rec ory ur a) I . Saturday morning for Mason, where WI mee a afternoon at2 0 clock. I .The Jun~ W. C. T. U. me.e~ng they will spend the Will b:- held June 9th, Flowe~ MISSion Roy Irol1!'1 was in Lebanon Satur- Mrs. Robert Young, of Oregonia, Day, Instead of t~e firs: Frida!, as day attending the meeting of the was the guest of Jas. Prendergast customary. The. meet:mg wlli. be and family M-morial Day. held at the White Bnck meetmg Republican County Convention.











No Need to Longer Suffer from Kidney ,Trouble.

CatherIne Sullivan, 1712 MofJoplin, Mp., says: "Uke mos t people, 1 8urtered from kidn ey for yenrs. My back ached intensely and the re was a feeling o f numbness in my spine. My han d s ILllJJTI?IITlOI'ic5 fjY .-p.a.Y"v0lrEtV cramped and ' the CI'YRJ,,,r ,..,, "I' 6IJIJAl 'M/tIfJl~c:-> l' . urinary pas sag e s were profuse. DocCHAPTER i. tors prescribed for CHAPTER II. me but I was n ot T a ke a Countl y Hous e. benefited. At last I A Lin k Cuff·Button. T hiS I: t ile f' tory (,r h o w n III ld rt ll" began taking Donn's Kidney Pills. Lhltly 's Im e ' 5 ce med to g Ive away 6AI'I1 ~ I>illsll'r l o~ t her mlod, dCSI!rlr d They drove my troubles away. and I nnder he r. Wltllout n sound be s an I! h e r don1l':;l lc &,0(15 10 th (' Ily. tool, now enjby excell nt health." dow n, I a \'Ins me s taring lit tile ",In· a fUr ll ll:' hl'tl hllU >:I ' l or th SlIllIm e r out R emember the name-Doan's. dow In l)otrilled aUla? UI nl. Lldtly of l\JW II . autl fou nd hr nn))f Invol ved In For sale by nil dealers. 50 cents a \)rgu n t o moau und er b er bl'ell11l, (l nd o n(' of lho!! ' llI ysterious (' rllUes thllt In II1Y xcitC'lIl ent I renched down a ll d k e ll 0 \11' lI eIVslJafH' I'S nntl dc t ecl lv !\II·S. V. Iso-I told the next·door box. Foster-Milburn Co" Buffalo, N. Y. s hook hc r. ag nci,'s 11I1I)IlY anl1 prosp rOils. For nelgbbor loday that It wa s a s in to Benefit in Outdoor School., .. lOP it," I wbl spered. "U's only a play lho plano all Sundny. 20 yca rs I had b n perf ell)' com· Spenking before the National Ar,soc l· womun - ma ybo /I muld of the Ar m· t onable ; Cor 20 yea rs I hnt.! hnd lhe Mr. Whle-Wby did you menUon unexpec tedly with a pllin In hl ~ rl gbt , UP. Miss Rach e l: " s hl' qua\' red. s trongs'. Ge t up a nd II III me find til e aUon for the Study and Prevention at wlnduw·lloH'1:I Oil ed In the sprin g, th Sunday? Tube rculos is recently. Dr. Hetrry Far· cal'p ' ls li ft ed. til t} nwulogs put up and sldo" mu ch worse wb n I WII S withi n " Why. th ere's 11 doze n Fr ne h win· duor." She ~rO l\lI e d ngaln . "Very t he furnituro cov ered with brown h ~arlng dl !llJln ce. and IJy afte rnoon be dows In th o drawin g, room and the bl l· well ," I said. " then I'll have to ICllv BAB.Y WASTED TO SKELETON num Stoll of Hartford. Conn., said : "Every olty should have one or more l in 0 ; for us many summ ers I hat! said, was .s tarted c)tyward . '1'hat night lilO liard room wing, and \' I) I'Y one opens you 11 reo I'm goi ng." such Institutions for all dellcnte, sogood by to my fri ends , nnd. after c oo ~ S sis te r had a hnby- th o cook. on a porc h. And ;\Ial'), Anne snld that Sb e mov d at that. a ntl, holding to son, when about a year "My IIttlo wa tching tbeir porsplrlng heglrn. bad !HH~ lng Ind c1s lo n In II1 Y fa ce . made It lIu. t night th ero was a man s ta nd in g my s leeve, we felt ollr way. with nil' and Ii hal! old, began to have sores cnlled scrofulous or anaemic ohlldren, s e tl! !.d down to a dellolous qui et In twins on !! com\ thought- nnd. to be by the Rtnh lc wh en s h locketl t he lUerotls oollis lons. to lh hlJlial·d·room , come out on his face, I had a physi- snd thosa with tuberculosis of th e Rhol't, by noon th next day the bouse· kltch n door ." bonoa, who ure now tn ordinary (.0 \\,11 . whero the mail . comes till' e nnd from th e r to tb dra",log·rooDl. cian trent him, but the sores gr.ew schools. Doctor Stoll declared that "lIIary Ann e was a fool," 1 said ti mes a day. a nd the water 8upply hold starr wus tlown to Liddy a nd The ligh ts came on tb en, nnd. wltb worse, Then they began to come out tw enty to fOl'ty per cent. of school do es not depend on a tank on tb ' myse lf. And t his In a house with 22 ste rnly. "If th r had boen a Ulan th long Fl' ne h whItlows un shu tte red, on his arms, then on other parts of children in la rge cities are infected roo ms and fiv bnlhs ! th er e sb would ba \-e had hIm in the roof. I had a Cl' e py fee lin g that ench on e Ills body. a nd then one came on his LIddy want d to go back to th o city kitch en und bee n fe eding hIm wha t 1111 It red a p erln g fae . In fllct , III chest, worse than the others, Then I with tuberculoels. By the use or tu· And then-the madness aelzed mo. culln, It was ascertained that 79 per at on co, but th e milltboy snid tbat was left from dinn el·. los lde of all bour, the light of what bllPP ued aft rward , Wh II J look bncit over the months I called anothe r physician. Still he cent. of the ohildren from tuberculous Thonl!lS John son , th e Al' mstroo;;s' from fa roe of bablt. Now don't be I alii pre tty cortaln w were lind I' flp ent in Sunnyside, 1 wonder that I grew worse. At the end of about a homes were Infected as against only 20 color d but! r. was working as n rIdiculou s. Loclt liP tue hOll se and go Hurvel1l nncc during lee entire gbostly yea r and a haU of suffering he grew per coot. of those from supposedly survived at a ll . As It Is , 1 show the waite r at the Gr nwood club and to bed . I am going to rea d." \. nlng. \Ve hu rr ied O\'l'r t.ho I' st of 9 0 bad that I had to tie his hands in healthy homes. It was also found tba t we'a r and tear of my harrowing e x· Dllt Liddy set he r lips tight and the locldng·up und got u(ls tnlrs UII cloths at night to keep him from p erl enc S. I have turned very grny- mIght 'ome back. I have the usual 60 per cent. at the trail children from scruples about coe rcing people's ser,,' s tood stilI. quickly as wo cOll ld . r l af t th ligh ts scratching the sores and tearing the healthy homes had the germs of the Liddy remi nd d me of It only yester· anls away, but f w of us bave nny "I'm not g olog to bcd," sbe said. " I nil on. nnd onr foo lst c p s chood ca· Hesh. H e got to be a mere skeleton. day by Baying tll:lt a lItU bluing In consc lc nc rega rdin g Institutions or disease, but that only 13 per cent. of the ri nse wat r would make my hair corpora tion s-wltn ss the way we am going to DR Ie uP. nnd to·morrow vernolls ly. Lltldy had n s tilI n cle the and was hardly able to walk. the robust children from similar homes I am going to I av c." next morning. from looking bacl( over 611very Instead of a yellow white. I b(>11t ru ilrouds nntl Rlr et cal' compan"My aunt advised me to try CuU- were thus affected. "You'li do nothing of tbe sort" I b l' s houlde r, nnd sbe refus ed to go oura Soap and CutJcurn. Ointm ent. I bate to be reminded of un pl a sant i s wil e n we cnn-so J called up the snapped. Liddy and I o'rten deslr~ to thIngs and I sllapp d ber alT. sent to a drug store and got a cake of Really a Serious Dilemma. ('Iull , and about igllt o'clock Thomas part company. bu t never at the 'Hlmo to bed . "The chap wbe works on one side of "Lot me s tay In yov.r dressing room . Cutlcura Soap and a box of the Oint"No." I sai d s barply, ''I'm Ilot goin g Johns on came to Bee me. Poor time. "If you are ' a fraid, I will gr' :\1159 RacllCl," she t ogged. " If you ment nnd followed directions. At the me," said an oroce man, "has been mnr· . to use blu lilg at my time of life, or TlroDlas! with you . but for goodness' sake don' r don't I'll sit In Ilall outs ide th!! end of two months the sores were all rle d six weeks and he sneaks to the starch. elth r." W II, It e nded by my engagl n,:: . doo r. I'm not going to be m urderel1 well. He has never had ' any sores t elevhone about Cour times a day and Liddy's nerves a re gone. shE:' says. Thomas 0 0 the s pn. t, Ilt outl'llgeous try to hide bebind me." The house was a typical sum met' with my eyes sbut." of any kind slnoe. 1 can sincerely say calls liP his wife, and then I hear him since that awful summer. hut s be has w:lges, nnd wIth permi ssion to s leep It was] I o'clock wh n I finally pre· that only for Cuticura my chlld would saying: 'Dear, how is your headac he e nough left. goodness knows! And In tb o gartl e ner 's lodg , empty since residence on un exte nsive scale. wh en sbe begins to go around with a the house was rent d. The old man Wherever possible , on the first Hoar, pal' cI for be d. In spite of my aSSUI11p, have died. I used only one cake ot now? 1 hope you are feeUng better." 1l1lTlp In ' her throat, all I have to clo - he was while·halred nnd a little the architect had done away with par- lion of indjITerenc , I loclled the door Cullcura Soap and about three boxes Th en pretty soon he comes bac k to his desk and goes to work again all smlIs to threaten to return to SUllnyslde., s tooped, but with an Imm nse Idea of titions, usin g arcb es and columns In- Into the h ull, nnd finding t he trun· of OIntment. Rnd she Is [right~'l d lnto a semblance his personal dignity-gave , me his stead. Tbe e ffect wns cool alld s pacl· som did not catCh, I . put· a chair cau· "I am a nurse and my lIrofesslon Ung. ous, but scar cely cozy. As Liddy and t10usly before lhe door-It was not brings me Into many dltn1tent fam"The mun who works on the othe r of cheer(ulnoss-lt'om whloh you may reasons hesitatingly. I went Cram one window to a nother. necessary to rouse Liddy-and climb· ' Uies and it Is always a pl9'lsure tor side of me has Ileen married s ix years ,udge that the summer th~re was any"I a ln't sayjn' nothin g'. Mis' Innes ." our voices chocd back at us uncom- iug up put on the ledge of the tran· me to tell my story and recommend and be goes to the telephone only thing but B success. I Th ,' newspaper accounts bave been he said, bls uand on the door·knob. "but fortably. There was plenty of IIgbt- som a small dresslns-mlrror. so that OuUcura Remedies. Mrs. Egbert S.hel- when he's 'called and then I hear him there's been goln·s·on 11 re this las' the electric plant down In tbe village any movement of the frame would don, Litchfield, Conn., Oct. 23, 1909." saying: 'Why, 1 can't possibly do that. 110 garbled and Incom plete-one of 1 can't spare tbe money,' and then b e tbem m ntloned me but once, alld ' re~ months as ain't natchal. 'Taln't supplied us-but there were long vis- send it crashing down. Then, secure comes back to his desk all scowling. Noisy Nulaance., then only as the t enant at tbe time one thing an' 'taint anoth r-It's jest tas of polished floor, and mirrors in my precautions 1 wen t to bed. "ADd really. when I hear the way IIl·fItting doors and windows reptile thing happened- tbat 1 feel it my a door squealln' he re. an' a wInder which r eflected us from unex pected I did not go to sleep at once. LIddy a happy hunting ground tor th~ thes!.' two men go on I don·t know resent due to t ell what I know. Mr..Jamlo· disturbed me just as I was grow1ng disturbing winds, In fact, so annoying what to do., I don't know whether to 60n, the d etective, said blms If he drowsy. by coming in and peering unge t married or stsy a bacheior." c ould never have done without me. der the bed. She was afraid to speak, does the constant rntlle of these openIngs become that many de termined In· although he gave me little enough however, because of her previous dlvld,uals, who resolve to admit the. Importation of Leeche•. credit, In print. snubbing, and went back, stoPlllng In !reah' air, choose the lesser of two L eeohes are enumerated by the bu· 1 shall bave to go bacle several the doorway to sigh dis mal1y. evils and close the openings in prefer- reau of statis tics under its ~eneral years-1!!. to be exact-to start my Somewhere down·stalrs a clock ence to s lel}pless ni ghts; This can be he ad of anhuals Imported, the total story. At that tfme my brolh er dled, with a chime sang away the hours- remedied U a Bmall wedge of wood val.ue of the Importe of thts apec:1eB l eaving me his two children. Halsey eleven-thirty. forty-fiv e, twelve. And b.e driven in at the side of an open In 1908 having been $6,341 ; In 1907. was 11 then and Gertrudp wall q v n. then the Ughts went out to stay, The wIndow; a door can be prevented $6,922; In 1906, $",494; tn 1905, $3.862 ; When Halsey had fini shed his elecCasanova Electric Company shuts uv from rattling If a pad or strip of thick In 1904, $3,589; in 1903. $3,240, and In trical course and Gertrude her boardshop and goes home to ~d at nll~­ fe lt h6 nailed on the edGe of the door. 1902. U,412=the commerce in leeches tng school both came home to stay. night: when one has s party, 1 b,'The annoyance of creaking drawers be Ing thus of a growlng characte r. The winter Ger.trude came Ollt was Heve it Is customary to tee the com· can be e liminated by rubbing common The total value of th.e leeches 1m· nothing but a succession of sitting up pany, which will drink hot colfee aJ}d soap upon the top, .sIdes and bottom of ported into the United States in the late at night to bring her home from decade ending with 1908, is abollt $40.keep awake a couple of hours longer. eacb . . things, taking her to the dressmakers But the lights were gone for good Creaking hJnges on anything should 000. Leeches are' lmported ' free oC between nnps the next day ~ and disthat night. LJ.ddy had gone to sleep, be well oiled, while the grating. irri- duty. Snails were at one time e nuc ouraging Ineligible youths with either as I knew sJie ",auld. She was a very tating noise of a sewing m/lchlne can merated as ,an arUcle of importation, more money than bmlns or more the records from 1894 1.0 1898 showing unreliable pe rson: always awake and be o\'ercome In a stmllar manner. brains than money. By Bilrlng 1 was The little noises wear away the pa- Bnails imported to the extent of about ready to calk when she wasn't wanted Quite tractable. So when Halsey sugand dozlng olf to sleep whe n she was tI nca tb,nt is required for other $5.000; but the snnll trade so . dwin,JIested camping in the Ad·lrondacks I ca'ied he r once or twice, the only r eo thlngb. It ' were foollf,lh to dissipate dled, sbowing only $~4 of Imports In .and Ge rtrude wanted Bar Harbor. we sl1lt being an explosive snore that l'nergy through the channels of irrl- 1898, that the bureau dIscontinued Its compromised on a good country bomle '..hreatened her very w1ndplpe-then 1 tattld nerves when a little tlme will statements of tbls arUcle. -wIth links near, within motor disgot up and lighted a bedroom candle. oh '\l l~te the nuisances . . Even Among the Hobo ••. tance of town and telephone distance My bedroom and dressing room "Bullo. Dusty," sald Weary Wag· .of the do.ctor. That was how we went New Work for Women_ w.~re above the big living room on to Sunnyside. Mrs. Frederick H . Snyder il the gles, as the two tra.mps me t In the the first fioor. On the second floor a Ilnly woman Impresario on earth, sbe street. "How's livin'?" We went out to Inspect the property. long corridor rin the length of the says. She decided that grand opera '$olIlepin aWful," replied Dusty and It seemed to deserve its name. .house. with rooms .opening trom both would be a good thing for Sl Paul and Rhodes. "'~he cost of everything's Its oheerful appearance gave 110 IndIsides. In the wIDgs were small C01'- made her first · venture so successful gone up so a teller .can't IJardly get his cation whatever of nnythlng out at ridors crossing the main one-the that she has continued In the l'luslness lhree meals per." . the ordinary. Only one thing seemed Illan was simplicitY !tselt. And just after the fashion of men engaKed in . 'Humph!" ejaculated Weary, "I unusual to me: Tbe housekeeper, who as I got back into bed, I heard a the same work.. never knowed you to pay tor nothin· ... had been I Ct In cbarge, had movdd sound from the cast wing, appnrently, "No," returned Dusty, "but It's the ' from the house to the gardener's lodge that made me stop, fro:.:en, \vlth one solemn fact·1that along my route. Odd Fellow.' Paperf a fe w days beCore. As the lodge was bedroom slipper half off, and listen. It Wright- He'S going to call his new where I used to have to ask only once tar enough away [rom the house, it tor a breakfast, they make m,e ask wns n rattllng metallic sound, and it paper tbe Sausage Links. seemed to ru e that either fire or Penman-Be In three secUons. I twice these days,"- Harper's Weekly. reverberated along the empty halls thl ves could complete their work of uppose.-Yonkers Statesman. like the 'crash of doom. It was for all d estruction undIsturbed. The properArithmetic. the world as if something heavy, perty was an extensive one; tile houso on Let a young woman pin a tour-leaf Teacher-If I give yon one applehaps a piece of steel, had rolled clatthe top or n h\11, which sloped away In Yo..,ng American-Don't do It, teachterinl and Jangling down the hard· ~lover over the door and Ule flrst un· great s tretebes of green lawn and wood stairs leading to the card· room. married man wbo comes 1n the door er, t-nd you won't start any of that c lipped hedgcs, to tho road. and across · will he the one she is to marry. tr~;ble that Adam and Eve got into. In the sllence that followed Liddy t h "alley. Ilerhaps a couple of miles stirred and snored again. I was ex· That Completed Our DemoralizatIon. away'. was the Greenwoo(l Club honse: asperated; first she kept me awake C ertrude lind Halsey were Infatuated. The property was owned by Paul ch.l!l lng · there. but when doors an' corners, until I felt some of Liddy's by 's llly alarms, then when she' was "'ets to cuttln' un cap' ers and foollsbness commllnlca t e It se If , ~o me. needed she slept like Joe Jefferson. or . . Arms trong.' the president of the winde rs " Th e h ouse was . very long. a r ectan- Rip-they are always tbe same to me. Trllrl erll' banK, who at the time we there's nobody nigh 'em. It's ' time Thomas ,)ol1nsol:. sleeps somewhar's gle i n genern I farm. w It II tb e main en- 1 went in and aroused ber, and I give took lhe Ilouse was In the west with else." trance in the conter of the long side. her ct;edlt for be1ng wide awake the his wifE:' a nd dallghter. Ilnd a Dr. You may be served Liddy, wbo seemed to be never The brick·paved entry opened into a minute I spoke. \v~lker . the Armstrong family phy· alclu n. Hals ey knew Louise Arm· more thl\n t en feet away from me that short hall , to the rl g ht a f w hi c b ,sepa- . "Get up," 1 said, "If you don't want with fill aI's, was a to be murdered I.n yoU!' bed." . by a ro wop s trong- had heen rathor attentive to night, and was afraid of her sbadow rated only B' eyon d th a t was "Where? ' How?" she yelled voclferhill' the winter before, but as Halsey In that great barn of a place, screamed huge living room . was alwaYI) attentive to som ebody, I a little , and turned a yellow-green. the drawlng, room. and In the end the .billiard raoUl. Off tho billiard room, ously. and jumped up. bad not thought of it eerlously, al- But 1 nm not easily alarmed. It was entirely in vain J represented in the extreme right wing. was a den, ,"Tllllre's somebody In 'the house," I though she wus a charming girl. I kn ew of MI'. Armstrong only through to Thomas that we were alone, al10d or cardroom, wltlr a small hall open- said. · "Get up, We'll bave to go to 1I\s connectioll wltb tho bank, where that he would have to stay In the tng on the east veranda, and from the telephone." "Not out In tbe hall!" she gasped; t.he chlldren's money was largely In- house that night. He was politely there went up a narrow circular stalr"Oh, Miss Rachel, riot out In the v '3 sled , nnd throllgh an ugly story firm, but he would come over enrly case. Liddy and I got as far as tbe card- 'ham" trying to bold me back, But 1 a~ol1t the son. Aroold Armstrong. who the next morning. and if I gave him a V'ns r E:'ported to havo forged his fa· key, he would COUl,) tn time to get room and turned on all the lights. 1 am a large woman , and Liddy Is small. sort of breakfast. I stood on tid th We got to the door, somehow, and til er's name for a considerable amount lIIome the huge voranda and watched him l' e e small entry .door there, Liddy held 8. brass andiron, which It and Cream to somo banlt paper. Howe ver, the which opened , on tbe veranda; an.d ex,- was all ' she c'ould do to lilt, let alone shume along do wn the shadowy drive story had bad no interest tor me. , e, with mingled feeHngs-irrltatlon at ami ned the windows. Everything was brain anybOdy w1t~. I listened, and J clenr <I . Halsey ' and 'Ge rtrude Th~n you .'w2U know his cowardice and thankfulness at get-. ,securIJ, and Liddy, a lfttle less ner- hel\ring nothing opemid , the door away to a hOllse party, and moved out tlng hini at all. I am, not ashamed vous now, had just pointed out to ' me , uitta ~nd p(l'ered Into 'the' hiLll. It was to Sonn ys ide the 11r8t of May. ~~at a d~nty,;. ta say that I ' double-locked the hall the disgraceful dusty condition· of the a black VOid, full ' of terrible sugges· . The Or t . nIght passed quietly door when 1 went In. . ' ,hard-WOOd floor, when ' Buddenly the tlon~. 'and ',\JilY, .candle. ' .o nly . empliaaized food you ~av~' beeDe. e~ougb . 1 have always been graterul "You can lock up the 'rest of the lights -wen.t put. We waited ' a. ' mo- the gloom; , J..lddy .sque~led' and drew ., for Ulnt one night's pence; It shows house Ilnd go to bed, t.lddy;" 1 SaId ~e.nt; ,1 ~hinkLlddy was stunned wt'th me i back again. and aa . the " doOr wbllt tIJ . . ountry mig ht under fa- severely. '· You · glv.e m.e the creep. frig"ht or' sbe would' have ' .' d'" slammed, 'put hon the Every ~~rving .' s9r~ame, . t ' . .thee. mrrtor, i" d . ~. had d hit vorable c!r umstanc'e s. NevE'r after t hat nlt ll t di d I put my Iiead o.n 'nlY ,And' then" I the arm .. .: : . a friendvlllo w wlth any assurancn holY long ly braces Liddy to meptlon her age; lind pointed to . one of th;a wlndowa ·moraUzatlon..It 'was Bome time before '.. It wOlllcJ be lhere; or on my shoulders, . she owns to 4o-wh1ch Is absurd. Her opening on the porch, . The s.u dden [coUld perauad~ ~er she bGd n~' beeJl , Popular pq; lOe for Ul3t mutte r. mother cooked for my grandfather, change ,threw the window Jnto Telle~, 'attncke~ from behind bea . bur.lar. PSmil,. : abe' i5e. ,On iJl followIng, mornIng LlddY 'and and Liddy must be at least la ' old 'as an oblong ·of· ~YI.h light, a~d .h~well ·and .: when ahe ' found ' the nlirrol ~ .". Groc:en. ~r8. Hals,tQD. my own housekeeper, [. B.n t ' tb~t nllht ahe . refut.ed· ~ \1!1 ,. figure standing Clo,tie~ Pe.ertnc in. aDUUlhed on the fl~r ahe wasD't muct. i> tJ.d 'lI d tror nce or 'opinIon,' and ' Mrs . . brac", . '.' Aa llooked ',todarted acrQllI tbe' ver- beiter,' .... '. .. " ... BalBton leU on U! ~ 1t trairl. JUIlt' after " 'POB~ eer.l Co•• Lid., Cree,,; "You're .Dot colne to aak me to lock anda anct out of .,.bt fA Ule'dal'kIl"':' ·(TO'1I1I cONTINlm.D,) lun c:'~."oll . Tl urktt: tho butle r, WI'.8 taken

BJ:HMl.Y ~-. ~

Mrs. faU St" elderly trouble

~~ ROBeRTS ... RJNrHAll.T




Some Sweet Day

Post Toasties

'. 109


~~sh~I~~ . ~!~~\'e~e;~::~.~f ~~U:8:-:'~

clu~ched ~er ~y

t~~~'~:lutlJ;Mt'::;eted ou~r





The Handy Remedy for _Eruption Oaused by Poll.on Ivy or Wood Polson II Res lnolOlntment. I have used R eslnol Salve tor sel'~ erlLl y ars. I wall bad ly broken out wi th ruptlons caused by Polsen Ivy. The .ltchlng was unbeamblo. My doc[t. Is One at Worst Weeds With Which Farme·r Has to tor recommended n sl nel. It did Its blood humors, aU work fin e. Delng subject to wood pol· Cures Contend and Usual-~ Becomes Established son, 1 now Ileep 0. ja r of R es lnol on eruptions, the com lexBefore Presence Is Known han d. 1 ha\'e toltl oth ers of It who had ion, creates an appetite, aids IIktl results, Jno. H. ;KooLI, n nton, Kan. di gestion, relieves that tired Quack grass, otherwise kno wn ns or pas ture In a three-yea r rotation, all Adee in Eu ro pe. Mr. feelin'g, gives vigor and vi m. twitch and scutch gruss. Is one of the dl eling-ul shed froUl th e bnre fallow S cond Assis ta nt S crl' tul'Y Ad 'e or Grt It InelilY. I n u 8unl ltquld f o rm or worst we ds with wh ich the fa rm or outlln 'U abo ye, fiS fo llo ws: tho s tate depa rtme nt Is on Ill s annllal t ilbl~t8 c ull d Sar~nlnh8 . lOO DoS ' 1i $ 1. "111 thod, with th e three.year rotnhas to contend and usuallY becomes vacatloll In Europe. In cOOlllllny with ._---- - - - - lion: Gralu, ·Iovt'r. ultlvated crop. Mr. Thnckera, United 51(\t<'8 conslIl est.abllshed In a fie ld before It Is de· F"lrst yenr: Sow with grain ten tected . Thi s pest has proved 80 poul)d!:l hi g h grade metlillm red clover general al n rlln. nnd Mrs. That;l,era. he w1l1 devote ab oul six weeks to a tToublesom e In Minnesota that a spe· S 1!t1. Seco nd yea r : Remove Ilrst bicycle tOllr of south ern Frnnce. H e clal study has been made of It by the crop clover a nd as soon afte r the hay expects to return to \ Vashlnglon a lJOut experiment !:Italion . In tbe r eport III relllov d as possibl e, plow e igh' th e midell > ef Jun e. which has been publis hed r ecently Ill ch s dee p and for r emaind er of se ~ Trutl! is salel to bo Ht rang r Ulan differ ent methods of e radl allon aro flo n and fo ll owing spring follow direI'! · discussed. Wher e the patches are t ions fi S outlined for bare fallo\l·. fiction, y et It If> onl y In /I cll o n th ey get sOlnll they may be covered with t ar Third year : Corn or [Jotato('s planted ma l'fled and li ve ha ppily E' V raft er. paper for 60 or 75 days or hand dig· In hili !:! to cultlY a te both WI\YS. Ha r· S1n g may ho r eso rted to, but th ese row afler planting I\n d two or threll are Impracti cable wbere the field s are tim s befor e corn Is large enough to Cultivate often and thorof un y sIze and ' the quack grass prett y cultiv at. oughly remo ve by hand nny qUl\ck wull d Istrlbllted. • enn Th e r eport th en takes up the other that th o cultivato r does not reac h_ ,.;.....~'-!..J V~:~~ c~o nle thods, the first ot whi ch Is the bare Three pounds ot Dwarf E ssex rapt' ~}JrbnoCl~r.c • .:.=-~_-.= •• •. '-0 " - ' -:: fallow, that Is, plowin g und!!r th e per nc re mny be so wn In th e corn at Quack grass when In blossom. whlcb th la'S t ultlvn tlo n If It Is desired." It furth er suggests a five·year rota· Is from about th e middle ot June to h~~~!~J:;~~I':c :::~cd!t.':,.~ the middle of July, or plowing In April tlon, a s follows : ~~~.11 :::II~~ ~f~lA't,b~~'r!.~~Htoom~ "Method with th e nve·year rotation : and May. It It best fits farm work. ~gg J~~~~p~::.t1n't~'1':::d This plowing Is done seven or eight Firs t y ar : If tb e fi e ld Is In meadow ...,lIiIGri ~r..::,'i~u~l~I~':,r'i,'i.'et.oJ;~ ~~. Inches deep, using a chaIn to draw or den sely covel'cd wit h qu aek, (bnce ..,tU"ml'nt, cUm"! ,, UO""l'elh~ ..,11 010 rlcbest...,.,QOtI~ wa t er uua and pasture until July 1 to 15. Tllen under all the grass above ground . The buUdlo&" mlHeriftl plenUful .

Hoods Sars'a parilla an '


l;v'fEn a hasty

breakrast on cllchl110n states that there was not .. the sbore at Luke Domuon, In s ingle night, from Jun e until July 10, Bl!.tangas province , P . I., we In which fla mes were wa nting on th e s tnrted tor the Tanl volcano, volcano. or In whlcll there were not bright and early. It was nec· rumbling noises. <!ssary to start from abore In July 10 It rained black mud over tbe ban ens and to crawl from the m Into a town of Taa l, flam es nnd s moke were littl e steam launch, and to bonrd it as tbrown out during August and Sep· It bobbed up whlle tbe ban cas dipped t ember and on September 25 a tempest low In th e trough at the swells reo joined to the rumblings and flames. qulred an acrobatic feat of no small The lightnings continued without In· merit, but once on board the 16·hora·e t erruptlon until December 4, lasting .,..,....._.<:'Y.I.. For J)lU"tiou la f1lll' toJ oclLUnn, low llOwer engine drove us rapidly to our more than two months. From Septem:r:~I"t?t~~~ ruw':;,i:t..d~L!r. destination. ber 25 to September 26 sucb a copious 11..., ", ...1," nnro"Lh{'r Inrorau>Lake Bombon has an area of 150 rain ot pumice stone tell that the p eoI I :l~~: orta~~('~,~.~'~r"t!, L~~~ square miles. Some scientists be- ple were obliged to abandon their 0090rnmoDt ~u'. lieve that It originated In the collapse homes. During tbat one night the H••• WILLIAMS ot a volcanic cone; others thJnk that grollt:d was covered with ashes and Law Building Toledo, Ohio It may have been tormed by an explo· scoriae to a depth at a foot and a halt, I ro... t>ddran o .&rOOt. yoa.) IS) slon. Out ot Its center rises Volcan destroying all vegetation. follows the use of Syrup of Figs and Island. which Is four and a halt miles On November 15 the noises were :Elixi~ of Sen?a, as it octs gently on A ctWN SU:3PENDEDPORCl15WING In diame ter and comprises several deafening and .d ense smoke blackened the ktuneys, liver nnu lJowels, cleanswlll •'c~ ana. s mall euluct craters and a main cen. the atmosphere, while such a quantity ing the system effectually, when conple.e."ul'e. ~o your ~ummer. tral and active one, which Is known at la r ge s tones fell Into the lake as to . d, or 1ul ·'1'IOUS, un J ulspe .1 ' 18 co1,1 Alwlo/3ThcMo··1:.&"Shl:8clI.t.combin·" a , Taal volcano. Seen tram a dis tance cause big ,,;aves. The earth trembled stlpatc uS o.s itdouaChllJl'-lWckn.&ttuMrlLOUI!,fC the green at Its- base Is Imperceptible and houses shook. On November 21 and hcadaches. Amo!ti' our~+8tylc" of O:>mmon;;en"c. . . IT I Horn e·Yurmture-l>;I'e :;IX .sWl!2..~ aLd lhe sight Is an Impressive one. On to e violence Increased so that the To get Its benefiCial e ' ects, a ways ArREE 1l0,?IU.ETi'of''ijleb..Okingwllf1:e]1 eyery side ot th e la ke are high peaks whole Is land was covered with fire , buy the genu ine manufactured by yt?u 'wf,y c!I.nclaJrChll.lr6M.Vebun1l'l . . .' c16oa-' &lone fot' .so yebJ'~ cloth ed In brllliant green. and th e ap· between four a nd six o'clock on the the C.!>!o,",. F.g. J'~P Co. ~ . __ ~ . pearance of the ghastly g ray cone out eVtlnlng of November 29 the horizon of th e dancing waters Is like death at darkimed. leaving everything in night. a n al fresco fete. The rain of aahes ceased on December After 'landlng on the Island It takes 1. when a hurricane which lasted two balr an hour's walk through winding days tore up what little had been left paths, stooping to escape the sharp standing. That was tbe last great IS, 14, 13.50, 13, '2.50 & '2 Creeping Root-Stockl of Quack GrilBu. mesq uite branches, bending low uud er eru ption ; the outbreaks In 1808. ~813 THE STANDARD _ __ the tor tuous arms of banyan trees. and and 1903 were confined to L ake Bom- ground Is then dlsked, setting the disk' remove fe nce and plow elg},t It ches FOR 30 YEARS. skirting the sides of wild hogs' wal· bon a.nd. tbe Island. MiUiona of ..... n wear shallow. lapping bait. following this de p nnd for r emainder of sfl!.son fol· W . L. Doull... boe..... IOW8 before emerging on a clearing with double dlsklng the land every low directions as outlined for bare C/I. HENRIETTA SANDS ANDERSON. .... tbe,..,. the low· trom where the ascent begins In earnthree or four days tor four or five tallow. Secqnd year: 'Dlsk as (!arly ••t price.. quaUt,. co... aidered. in th. wCll'Id. est over rug.:ed volcanic ror:k and ' weeks, beginning with the second in spring as land Is In fit condItion to upon bonor.of th. scoriae. After 20 minutes' bard climb- LIGHT TO STERILIZE WATER. week. Afterwards disk about once a work an d at fre quent Interv als unUi Mad. but leath.... by th. moat .killed workmen. Ing the summit Is reached, whence a ' week through the summer. Hand hoe corn planting tim e. Plant t(l corn In in aU the lateat faalUo .... gOOd view of the crater may be 'ob- Mercury Vapor Lamp of Quartz Will around trees, posts. etc. Plow again hills to cultivate both ways. -'Iarrow WhYIIMIH It dollar WbeD 100 buy. a bos W. L Doullaa ts.OO talned. Standing on Its edge. the view Furnllh It In Any .Quantltyof OASCARETS ot auy drua .tore? UIO' just before freezing. alter planting two or three times be· aDd $4.00 .boea _~ual CUllom Bencb Work hI over an elliptical plain 7.661 teet In as tho natural, easy result. Easy and Cheap • . This necessitates the lOBS of the use fore corn Is large enough to cultivate. COllinS $6.00 to $a.oo. Saves many doUan _I.d 00 m~Ji ineta Itt greatest diamet er from east to ot the land for one year. The station Cultivate often and remove by hand BOJ/a'Shoe" ,3,12.60"'2 that do not cure. MiWoDII re.ularly UIIO west. and 6,333 feet In Its lesser from A ne w. easy and cheap way to ste,.. estimates the cost at from five to ten any. Quack tha.t the cult ivator does not CASCARETS. Buy. box DOw- lOo nor.t h to s outh. A solid ridge of rock IlIze water Is reported frow Paris. In dollars an acre. but ex presses tb e reach, ThIrd year: Fall plow and week', treatmCIDt-proof in &he moraruns through the middle ot the crater. these days of war against mlcrobea opinion that the thorough cultivation sow to grain the following spring. iDe. 906 termlnatl~g at one end In a pool co- many Investigators are working upon of tbe land and the decay of the grass Fourth year: Fall plow and sow CASCAR8T8 loe • bos: for a week's treatmmt, all dragKIIU. Bl, 8("\1.,1' vered with a yellow #lIm of sulphur. many methods; this particular one roots will lead to a bountiful crop with grain sIx pounds medium in the world. )lIllIOD bo:I:ea a D1-ath. wbere seetblng bubbles break the sur- makes use of the mercury vapor lamp. following a.n d completely eradIcate r ed clover and eight pounds timothy. face. Everyone knows these que""e"'r~a=p"'s..-- h t'-:-e- q"" u"' a'ct::::; grass. ere s. oweve r. Irth year: Meadow. pasturing In I,)n one side ot this ridge the stag- they are used at the postoffice. for In- a pr ctlcal difficulty most years In taU." . nant waters at another pool are broken stance-and knows the cadaverous. plowing land eight Inches deep III the It beHevea that without doubt quack by occasional ripples, while at one"s sickly green IIgbt they gIve. Tbeyare middle of July.' grass can be eradicated by one or teef stretcbes a plain of mud and sul- mnde of long glass tubes, within \ The station then suggests the sum- other of these two methods. altbough phur abounding ~n , treacherous Quick- which. almost in a complete vacuum, mer tallow In connection with clover not so Quickly as by the fallow. sands; here and there large Indenta- mercury vapor Is made luminous L y tions In Its surface sbow where bowl. electrl city. DDd.r tbll. dI I'CQUon o r ders have recenly been swallowed up. The disagreeable color of the light CALVERT SCHOOL, Inc. Fart.h er along two lagunas bubble they give has prevented thetr common angrily. from both of which heavy use. But scientists cannot let them spouts ot boiling water and clouds ot alone. hecause the light Is very rich steam rise at regular Intervals. The In tbose "ultra-violet" rays-rays tbat level ot· these pools Is approximately the eye cannot see, but whJch have that of Lake Bombon Itself. and bere great power. One power they have Is Is the vol~no's center of activity. The completely to sterilize water. MI· hllge volu~es of. steam are ' accompa- crobes cannot live In the "ultra violet" ,9 WHAT WE CAN SAVE nied by a muOled roer and the hissing r s and It Is to their presence tbat orYOU ON ANY BUGGY of boiling water may be 'plalnly heard. <Unary sunlight .owes what sterlllzing Top Buggies,Runabouts, while POUnding and splashing Indicate power It bas. . . Surries, P ony Vehicles. that rocks are ascending ' and descsnd- . But the glass of the vapor lamp Carts and \Vncons. lng, althougb they usually cannot be shuts off these rays almost complete_ Wrlle for PrIces. -_ - _ _ _ scen Of\. account ot the dense clouds. ly. This dJ1Dculty two French Inven· I . On the 80l1'thwest side the crater tors"'='-one of them a woman-have . . BUDS & SCHEU CO. I 400 Court and Broadwa, CI.neln",U, Ohio wall rises steep and forbidding to a overcome by making tbe tube ot fuI --~<- - -- --_._ ---height ot 1.061 teet above Lake Bom. sible quartz, which permits the rays to I JIlES AND WOM.EN for qUICl<t!.~ WANTED &OUI nlJ bou..,hulll 8pocl"IUoe on eBron.; . bon. Its summit ·lI.t this point Is rug· pass. With a little lamp only four BYcry woman bUra 00 IIllJb\. K~"r\onco DDoeceaanry . Oonrl9,;ell huw",,19CIJ. Wr LO lOCI ..,.. ged and up the gray sides jets ot Inches long, using current costing less n :lCUUIlUD H"J;Clll.n 00., 1«10.. I~ lit. ,Ii•• rora:o\J. steam Isue constantly, gentle remind. than a cent an hour, they have con· YourHU8band,80n .-------------/~/t.·----------~,· or Friend from ers of latent posslllilities. To the north structed an apparatus that completely th.':t~~Ir::io'~1J ttl:~!lat:!~.~~~)~~~:~k'~~;·e~~b~:~l~ the walls. glowing with marveloull sterilizes 600 Quarts of water In that The hlltchlng crate her C! wlth lIlus· should be used tor covering. the ope n nr wltlJ o ut hl~ COMent, ..nd wlth uu t dAn..: r to him. or colors, tower 180 feet alove the In· time. lou o f lit. Unu:. H .. Ill ~o.c. )'OU nnthln .. to try, spa· . ce or runway 11* frout of the nests. trated prevents other towls from moI h&\'8 gl ••m my advice to bundrNtIl up(l n hundf'<l terlor lake. The sun's rays sparkling III thIs space the bens can be fed ".v.r 'hoard o f .. w h • ..., I t r.II ",I. Addr_ E. Tbls removes sterlllzed water from lesting the sitting hellS. It also keeps t"ftrtln. JI. IJIO. C·hlea..u, .11".0 IJ c &&rbora over the pink and orange·tinted rocks the I1st ot sclentlnc eurloslUes and the hens separate and bandy to care and cared for. Larger crates can be 1I1I·.,.,t_ Aboolulc..,cr""7proml..... W. N. U.• CINCINNA-rl, NO. 21-1910. dellgut the eye, 'whlle the greens and makes It possible for anyone who Is tor. The cta~e should be plaoed In made, but tbe sIze given Is very ! - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - .:-..-----c-'-- - - - - blues blend gently Into the shadows. 'near 'an electric light wire to ma.k e It the poultry house or barn or some handy for moving about and will be making C'. most fantastic picture. for hImself. protected place 'out of doors, writes found to be about .the proper size tor - - -- - ---- - - Olstances here are most deceptive. Thomas , M. Clsal. In Formers' RevIew. ordinary purposes. A stone thrown with full torce from For building 8,uch 11 crate ordinary tbe summit. In the direction ot the laTraffic on the MIIIIIBlppl. Horse II Stili King, rough lumber is all that Is required. guna. Instead at orosslng the sea of The steamboat age on the Mlssls· The many horse shows chronIcled Thin boards 14 Inches wide by 12 feet mud and dropping Into tbe toamlng sippi began about 1821 and <flourished long wUl tOfm the sides and lIda tor from all portions fit the country most waters will presently be heard dash- for 60 years. As early as 1834 the t.he nests. Siz boards 14 Inches wide effectually contradict the p essimist number of steamboats estimated on No one can say he has seen the world ing against the side ot the clift under· the Mississippi and Ittl tributaries Is ~y 6 teet long will make the ends and who sees the destruction of the horst! neath, and that. too, when there 18 estimated at 230 nnd In 1842 there partitions. Common lath, 1x2 Inches. In the autmoblle craze. until he has seen "Colorado." ' DO breeze to thwart Its course. The priests .o f Taal have chrOillcled were 450 vessels, with a value of U5.· .............-. .... man armed with a can of the 011 and tbe many eruptions ot tbls volcano. 000.000. ~t the golden era was trom Write for the books that a sack of dried horse or cow c~lps fol· The earliest known p~bllshed refer- 1848 till tb'e 'War. Never did the val' picture and describe it lows. A chip Is saturated with abou l ence to It I's by Father Gaspar de Ban ley and ilteambOaUng prosper more , two tables poonfuls of oli and dropped Augustin, written In 1.680 . . The first than then. Thousands of bales ot cotIn the moutb of each bole. It Is well historic outbreak Is placed In 1612. In ton were annually shipped to southern 1716 and 1731 zpucb ,damage was. done. markets and the wharves ot St. LOuis Very E{{':Uve Method Is to Fain- to push back with a sUck 90 that II will taU lo lhe bottom. A third per: arid In 1749. during an 'outlireak which and Memphis and Vicksburg and oth· qate Holes ot LItU. Antmal Bon' Immediately fills the mouth ot the luted three weeks •.the ·Iand al far 'as er large ports were stacked with pUes Wid, Plntec.h Oll-Thorouah. hole with a clod ot earth. In this way CaJamba. In Laguna de Bay. was dl- ot' merchandise and lined with scorel uetlS Des"~ab1e. "ia the a ,ood many acres can b e lreated In It vtde ~ with tremendous noise. Batarigas ot .....,.Tra.v el Magazine., . _ day. province Is seamed' with great lateral (By S. ARTHUR JOHNSON, COJJORADO ....... I"'I-iatlng In thoI 100 Suburban ·Suburbs. AOlUCULTURA.L COLLEGE.) The evaporation of Ule gas In the .....asms. or... U ' , /I ' perh • Wb. cr~" It Is desirable to klll prairie ' A .flat dweller having seleoted what .. In' gular beaut" mak t ' - '" prairie dog hole suffocates any IIv.lng w/,ose s . J ' es r .. em . . dogs Infesting .. a 'small area. a '!IerT creatures th.e re. o'n e ot the · mOilt Int~l'est~~g s~$hts in he thQugbt .was.'a pr~tty good thing , t~ . Bfte<i~J"e mAthod la to- rum~gate ~e . . , " ,tbe ' country . .Tbey .I'tl.a ke . a ~ha mlDg one ot t~~ 8ubur~s atl a place r~ltr ... .. ~It Is seldom·' posllble to klll ' RIl the .14rlat1on In the landilcape.!~~tb waving .dance. took' hltl wife out to look at I~, " !loles with plntsch oll. . · dogs with one treatment. The 8~cond "The Safe Roael" bamboos growIng ').1" the.l r sldetl, and" The ren.t wa. l.ew. b.u t the house w~ This .Is a ~y.produci' ~~om the Wla tUmJgation . takes. volrY. mucl;l ' Jess time . bere 'and tbere .- a . mantle o{ . t>urple, on t. he .ve"!1 rlin of the town'. T,h e wlte of' p1n'~h gas In' railroad' cars• . an~ and material than the first. I t pays about our pmoaan, coud~ted to~ to YeDoWltOue National"" -r . can be obtained at .almost any raUroacl ' . . . morning glorlel ' Bcreeniug a- sharp falted to enthuse, ..' . , .. i l' h .. to ' make a 'clean Jpb ot the. work, tOT' v ' down In th&irl cool ·anale wllUe "What' • . the ·matter with it 1" he ce.nter "" there 18 . a _p n sc ' ,al 'If_there a. re but a- t.w 0(' the dogs left ~or full. Information, 1:icketa. etc., add~ • • .' ." . '. I t Y The price per gaUon Is only de~tha quanUUel of ferns grow " Ioq aaked testily,. to~ ~e bad had a h~rd . -~ o[ • te th that f ca.r..bon they will m_ultiply so rapidly ,tbat it tbe course of.. .e.ntle-.~tream, 'tIme ftndlng It. ~. ' '. " . ou one- n Q -:\VUl 8~on ~e neces.ry to' do ·tlle. \for-IE E. L. P. A. Tbe ~teit _outbreak ~r .Tanl yol· . "Well." ahe repl1ed , wIth .tell:lJnlDe bl~~cL raODS ' 0l"1t11l ' toptlaer' can I on a ,wholesale pIa. again. ' Toorougb· l Union Pacific R. R. Co. CAIlO occurred III .1~54"when We' .11· firmness. ':1 am wij.1 nl ~oa" 70u" Uke most ~progr:" w1tb this nesa or ' treatment la eSl>eoll11ly val· ~ of .~. Ltpa .aud 1UDU, all to live bl-,. ' subb,r,ti of ·Ute but I fumlpnt. . ODe penl)n should .0 \table wherl! aD .u~a Ibf88ted by tbe . Omaha, Nebraska tIleD 09 ~e border oJ Lake ·BomboD. po.Itt....)y wJl! ~~t ,lIve In tb~ 811~rb ~. .d aDd all all tbe dl8 halea ' that: d~' 1a BurrouDded ~1 Ileills ,..hle!! I;lrf . L. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ __ __ __ cJliapP,8arecL .Jt ~PD -on M.,. 18,aD~ 0' Ia I!~burb . . It. uktq toQ n; - "" . evideDtl7 .ClCC:Upltd. -AnoUler . free from. &U lUted 'ut" December 1. Father BUill· a"elull· PlIaia Dealer. ,.



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A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort

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. 11





- ElizlIl)atb 'SlJ (~ mllk r . .J u: .i Bomilt·on arid, 'un rl es H. j, lenlfIJ\h~ Co J~mQn Pleas Court. to Myl.lrtif) • F rtl z, '7-; N.ew Suits WIl,VU tow n hll;, ~1371 :'0, , ilIinu\ ·r. Monnt· to E II ,;Linder va. ~a ru u el T, Kirby. J . Ay ra !tnd HattI e V . Ayers. !;rA Pt P atition for pllrtitlon of certl.1in real iu \VII blugton towllRhip, ,2U3 ;:It! e tate in tbree traot.liI. W. Z . Roll , Ben jamin .If . Elutb wa y to Be~j lL a t torney for plaintIff, min LI . Bla h', flO !tor. in ouunt . , J ohn D. WIlliam VS. NiokolllS $;:1 500 . I Bigler. Petitio n to re OV r ~22:.! f) WI lliam l:l. tlwport t o Fl'I1nk A . for dnmages fOI' 6 11 e~ed vi olati an of b'Oidor Illld Lul u E. 'ni uer, tWll r antlll OODtrtt ut. Piltriok Uuynor trllots in unn y, ~3326 ~ ,. I1ttorney for pluin t lff. J. Cobo rn to 'h nrl 'oburn , 21.17 acres iu l'nrtl ecree k tow nship ICourt Proceedln2s. In mutter of 'ommis ioners of J urors for oouutle of Mont.gomery, Warron, 'linton and-Green . Follow. ing appoi nted foro ounty of WlI.rrfln: W. W. WelCh, [ra J!'. Bigony, Geo R. Rossmu.n and M. C. Wik off These ordered ~o select 232 ntllu es for jury service. In mu.tter or appointment of om oialooart stenographer, :Ml s Mary L. Drake appointed at $1000 per annum . State of OhiO, tex r eI, S. A. 8til well vs Will R. Lewlll, treasurer of Warrfm Coun ty.! dismissed. Perry H . Rae, receiver vs. Louise Leary, exeoutrl.x . Cause dismissed withont reoord . Bessie C. Elliott 'YS . Raymond R . ElUo~t. Cause dismissed without reoord. EJi14abeth Peterson ve. Miohael Peterson. Di voroe g ranted on grounds of extreme oruelty a nd adnltery. Bertie E . MoBride vs. William H . MoBride. Divorce granted on gronnds of extreme oroelty,

Probate Court. In matter of estate of ,{,homas ScoU, deoeased. Report o f Wallace E. Boott and 'I'. Benton tiooU, exec. n&ore ' approved and confirmed. In maUer of estate of Melinda Pullen, deceased. On application of Eugene Coudan it is ordered that a oltation issue against Frank Pollen wido~er and Jennie Huffmu, ne:tt of kl~ of Melinda Pallen to appe~r tn ~ourt to show oause why they in 'he order fixed by law ahould not take or renounce administration of estate. . In matter of guardianship of Jo. seph S. Mooro, an alleged i.:nbeoile. . A-pplicatlon for appointment as guardian flied bv J. U , Moore. Ralph B, PIU'Ks, eto., pJRiniifi' vs. Mae E . Loer. et ai, defendants. It Ie ordertld that notice of pend enol' of aOlio.n and prayer of the Petition therein be gi ven and made upon de. fendants at once. In matter of wiH of Melinda Pal. len, .d eceased. Instrament purport. fng to be last will and testament flIed for' approval.

AN IRRESISTIBLE BA:R~AIN'·I $1.75 Valu~ ·for Only $1.20 .

0 Willil1,\'J.i

dy. trn t it~ FrllnkhQ,


.10hn L Uage to HElnry W . l'! 1E'e ker. lot in Fmn klin, if:.1. arab E . Lippincott to .JtlllOn Evuolt Lippin oott,. .l es e T. Lippin cotto nod Re uben A. Hold r , ,wo tract;... in Turtl e reek t own'lb ip, $L 'orn eJiIl Ai1st oc l~ to E ~ t , h e r L Ross, t l:oct 00un ty, $l.

Commissioners' ProceedingS. 'on tracts- 'ont,rnct, waR entered into witb GI\\ion Iron W ork s Co , for galvl\nizod oorrugated teel pipe Or Ollst Iroo pipe at mf\rket prices Valid until Sl'I ptember 22, 1910. Contraot was enter ed into with the Mason Lumber Co., for eewer pipe, Jumber Ilnd portland cement at market prioe. Vu.lid until Sep tember 22, 1910. , Contraot was entered into wit:h Wl1lter T. Wilson for lumber as speoified. Bills-John Wolfe, bridge repain in Massie townshi p, 6 i J .. B. Smith, lomber, '29 86 i Oregonia Bridge Co., oontracts, '312 i Alvie Webb, bridge repairs in Salem town· ship, '24.75 i Spencer & M.onroe, I urn ber, 1118 '2 i FrI\nk Mllag, clean. ing bridge at It'osters, '5 50 i Franklin Ohroniole, blanks, '7.25; J . S. Morris, mdse., $62'5 ; James Follen, Sr., salary, '50; Raymond Harsh· bllrge't', sl.Ilary, $40; Sam D. Henkle, fees and ex penses, $126 ,90 i The Western titar, bar dookets, 140 i J . C. Kiphart, assistant asseRsor. ,22 i Luoile Waggoner, same, 140; E. A. Bone, 160 j Susie M. Blaokburn, 160; W. L . Barvey, $22 j ' Emma. 'Boyer, 150 j OttJ Co.r8'on, $40 j Jennie Rob · inson, '22; Anna A. Graham, 116; Walter Cadwallader, '60.




1 ,1'1 k lWI? rh .j J II 1>.,1, I i U.Ll ,o . <'::01,11 t pal'.

tty for \}iIHlin.u n tit . hllve b 'om

rl'gulnr f ' ut,u r , rJf t ljA ev nlo l(huu r!;l lit I,b l'! II pull1' IlUlll!l III Il t rElsort. \'i it b f:J '~lI py ' ~ ell'stin l \vlIn {h~ rtir now t'olqnill/,( Ih'1 " rn l"lo sin tb Ii 1'1 ." (' veni ~1;! bours, 'I~ !;tOI' en n 011' r th e lI ... s t· AU ~ . FOR: le w p ~~ iul t'. l h l' · tl' r is ,;i tllutod ONLY ti t Lh nort liwtltH eOl'V0rl1tio u iIl t:' of 'incio llflti. Th o Il1 g!Hl ~ t. pui ul ;; ou t.h tl g r () ,ltHl!i 11 1'1' t he Ij 'Cll ll ll Inl.! 1100S0 \. rUI\Ullh 1I 1I u 't ho hit; b plllt. fo rm o f 'l'1l(1 TIl'k.lL,I'. T be view I WEIst 1I11t! n n rt.ll t o' IdJi! I1I11t Ply UIl Olts trnet U 1'hf' OOll\ut , wbif f' it hus. , McCall's Magazine ti es a long t,llE' W 1'!'Lf' rn 11 01' 1zn n. Oil Ll Is. a large, a rtistic, handsomely illu strated monlhly magazine. It conbe SEon fr olll ' h I' tr J' wh e n it 1:< prilu· I tarn~ sixty new l~a~hion Designs in each issue. Every woman nc li s it for its up· fashIon s, eu.t e:tallllng sturies lind (:o mplete information o n :111 hom e and personal topics. ti a lly ou t of \' i, w frllll1 UI I.\' ,) 1lIf'r I Over one milhon suuscrlbers. Acknowlcdgell th e best Home oml I"ashion Magazine. poiot in 'lnoion uti IIlIll when Ibi" Regular price, s cents a copy. Worth double. fll ot hel'6l1l e ku own oomet pa rti es McCall Patterns btlglln und \·... ill 0'l ulinu6 nn til the I The Miami Gazette com t )J ilSSO" f 1'''111 p o!!s i 1J Ie 5i" h t So s imp le ,Oil cnn no t mi, understand them . On~ of the ht's t n ~"' s l'ap<,r.; in Ihis part of -;hsolu tel y alxural e. III s l yle , ir reproac habl e. the tatc. ( ;i",, ' all t he news Ih a t ' ~ ti l I" print. On t: of 'h pstf' r 'g big frt'e VUIlU,. '\ o~' ma y select. free, any M cCall Pn ll~rn YO Il In teresting and prog ress ive. In di ' pcl1sable in vifl H nc t·HI f the S t' I SI)II i ~ IInnllll l1Ceti des.' re fro m lbe first numher of th e magal.in6 eve ry Waynes \· ill e , ho m~. Regu lar p rice , 11 1.00 ",llIeh reach., ,ou. Regular p rice, 15 cent s. for tJ1e IVl'e k I)f' gi n ll i':g Ma y 29 th , per y ear. when t.b g l' l'Il t fluilJl ul f ~a t l1l'e act. (Jf Mong L. Bullen tei:l will op n . l'w o 1i01lS, two IleaT . two llUlIlfl S, And Call at oar office or address your order to THE MIAMI GAZETIE, Waynesville. Ohio t~ 0 jflgull rg tnu.k e up (\ group o f t he 1""'9 most ferooiOUR bau s t ever tnuo Ii for n. th eatrIcal pel'formuDce aud their a ot is tI.:lcounted the Ul ost won dertol ever produoed by the daring L IT R E. 1__ · ."". . . . . . . . . ..---.. . . ..,..-.....,-.. . . . .""'...---.....,..-...,.........."" .........( it. HATHAWAY WALTER French trainer . Other 1.1 0t,s on the same bill ·w ill be the Flavis Bros., I W R. \les ville 's Lettclin~ DentIst Funeral Dire-:tor. Gymnastio Marvels i J erome Radin , ()ffice in Keys Bldg. MaIn St obaracter singin~ com edian and the Chartres Sisters, dain ty oome· Telep bone dny or night. d~a.ns on their first American tonr W. HENDERSON,M.D. VILlIey phone No.7. Long after loqg ron at the "ollies Ma r. Distance No. 69-9"". igny. ParIs. Waynesville, Ohio. 001. I . M. Mu.rtin, the theatrioal Is your year up for OHIO• • magnate who owns Chester Park, Valley Phone 153 Main Stree WAYNESVILLE, has announced that the great Orphe Branch Office, Harve,flburar. O. um Theatre Roof Garden will open June 4th. This is the only rea \ get Immediate relief from roof garden west of New ' York a nd Dr. Shoo D'S Ma~c OlntmtEi1.. Su bscribe for the Galette \s expected to prove a n amusement sensation thl@ sommt' r.











The Ohio farmer


A Dreadful Wound


It It Is, we have a giltedge propOSition to ~ffer y~u. -':-hls Is a great paper, and every farmer ou~ht to have It in his home. Come In and we will

Are You Looking

frOID a knife. gun, tin can, rasty, fireworks, 01' of any other nature, demands pr.ompt tre&tmellt with Bucklen's Arnica. Sa 1ve to preven t blood pOison or gangrene . It 's th e qoiokest, surest hellIer for all 8a ch wounds IlS also for Burns, Boils, Sore~ , .. ~kin Eruptionll, Eczema, Ohapped Bands, Corns or Piles. 250 at Fred C. Sohwartz's.

\lor a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. W r:ite to-day

.. -- ..-------


MisoeUaneou8'-On motion follow :' ing a.ppropriations were made to help in fraying expeneee of Memorial Day :-Gran~l1e '.I'hur8ton Post, Lebanon $25 ; Billy Bauer Post Springbor:o, '25; Sol Stevens Post, Morrow, 126.

"Like aSJ)aragns, strawberry beds shoald be established IlS soon us the family hilS settled in a country honie," says Kate V, Saint-Maur in Woman's Bome Companion for June, "because it takes a. year to get a full orop. Thert" Bre. great John Linder representing the inmany vltri~tiel! tooho08e from, but firmary Boar.d appeared before the I think it is best to restriot selection Board of Commission ere an'd reo to the old established kinds. The quested that the Commi8sioners sAll Marshall for ' 1bst early, the Glen the Drake house purchased ' from Marriap Licenses, Mrs. Rady and make the lot upon Mary for mid· season and tho Gundy for la~e gathering. And truly I John C. Probst, 28, furniture whioh the house stands a part of don ' t believe there oan be a better dealer of Mlddletown and Ida B. the adjoining field. The matter was 8flleotion for the,home, garden near Berkeley, 26, 'o f Franklin: . deferred until some r~ture . meetl~g. N ew,Y or k . 4 , • Rob8r~ .Smith, '~2, laborer of "Bot 'as some varieties do better Kings Kllla anq Birdie MilJs, 18, of A Woman's Great Idea 't han others in a oertain locality,' it King. Kms. to oonsult old resl' dents to herself attraotive . is ad-isable ~ Johii u. Cook, 21, laborer of isB~t,how without healt.h, it i& hard for in' the n'e ighborhood and no'raeryFranklin, ,and Anna Mae Gauntt 18 her to be lovely in faoe, form or men .of Franklin.· ' , temper. A wellk, siokly woman will "Light lIandy soil, sloplDg slightly be nervous and irrita.ble. Constipation a.nd Kidpey poisons show in to the south, will produce the eu.rll·. R~ Estate Transfers, Benry Moeller, archbishop of the pimple8, blotoh"s, Rkin eruptions est berries, but we are convinoed and a wretched oomplexion. Bat from experience ,that slightly heaviElectric Bitters '/L)WII.YI prove a god. Bend to women who want health, er Boil a.nd a more northerly ,expotlbeauty and friends . 'I'hey reg,u late ure prodoces a better fruit in mid Do You Get Up Stomuch L1v:er and Kidneys, purify 8eaEon. Our beds all slope to the.. the blolild gi ve strong nerves, bright south, but the late varIeties are so With a Lame Back? eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety ItI4nc1 Trouble Makes You II1scrable. skin, lovely oomplexion, good heBlth. sitllated that they are slightiy Almost everyone knows of 0,.'s Try them. 500 at J!'. O. Shwl1rtz's. sha.ded by a row pf young pear. trees Swamp-Root, the great kidney. liver and whioh protects them from the n '--~~Jl bladder remedy, ' be· direct rays of the sun. The soil isHOW TO PUT ON A VEIL ~ ~ . cau8e of its remarkor rather wll8-of or~inary qoalfty; able hel.'lth restoring properties. Swampneither vtlry sandy nor very heavy, Root fulfills alUlOst How many women know how to every wish in over- adjust. a veil? Ver, few; and when so for sevAra} seasons we scattered CO~ll1~g rbenmatis~l, carelessly put 00, no matter how fine coal ashes hetween the rows of :~~,lIll~e:r~abr~kd~;~ beautiful the or how be- the early plants, whioh mllteriu.lly an.d every par~ of the coming the hat, the entjre effect is lightoned the soU, a~d for severa.l . -unnary J?assage. 1t i d M . yel\r[l we have had berrries from ~·:;..;ft,~'" -,. correc~s 1nability to ra ne . . any .wo~en nev~r a,cqmre hold water and scalding pam in passing it, tbe tnok of adlustlDg a vOll neatly. five to ,ten days earlier than our or bad effects foll,owinguse of liquor, wine , therefore they should di8pense with nalghbor8. " .... pr beer, and overcomes that unpleasant. . .' necessity of being compelled to go often It altogether, or take tIme w,ben CARELESSNESS t~ug'" t~e day, at.'d to get up many there is' nothing more urgent on tiinea dunng the tt1 ght. h I th t f d' i Swamp.Root is not recommended (orand, to earn e ar 0 ISpOS ng Eaoh yea.r there are death~ and ineverything 'but if you h",ve kidney, liver of the ends Ilnd giving it a finished, jurles doe to cllreleAsnElss . exoeeding or bladder trouble. it will be foulldjnst tasieful appearrnoe . A veil can thos,eof ony year In'the late bloody , the remedy you till1!d. It bas been thor' . ' , ·onghl)" tested in pOYllte prll~lice, and bas )Jot be put on hllStlly and look well. OiVll war. It is estjma~ed that 0.1. . proved 80 successful that 'a special 'ar- In tblq respeot it resembles a shirt- most half a ini11ion deaths. and in. , readers ,anK~ment. h.!\s paper, been made by '1Vhich by ~BPY" ~s,u. simp'le l·t;lrles . tnke plooe e'''Qh in ~be of thIS wbo liave ,not all al- waist:, regarded ~, . .' . . . " , y"nr on . , ,ready tried it, J;D~X bave, a sample bottle- gat'tlent, but bow often do you ~ee ordh,l Iuy oou~~e of . :;niliiness whioh' :)J, ·,· .ut 'fr~ by ina~l,als? 8 ' boOk 'telling' the w~a~er of 'o ne ,looking8s trig 8.8 'are 'due either' to the "carelessness .of. , j':, ..... mot~ ,about, S"!aml>:Root. ~Ild bow to thl 'ii't' tl' .. :r •.:. en t d' " 'd " th t , . .. . .. I f" ~l1<:lo!1tifyo~ba,yekld. ,s .. , e ,ga. .... ema-n, 9 ., a so~e . employ~ ' ?r the \yors~ than ., ,: neyorbl~~.der,trou~le.. ' .she ,should? ,U nless carefally an~ oar.elessness ot the employer .. 'R u., Wben wntJ.ngmeJ1tion " .. t tl ' tt h 'd t , .. h ki t \ ", ... , . , , .. '~. 're&diilglhla gerlero,wi : ' ?tes~sb~ll 'dyat ,/ibO e ':. .0 ' t I'e .s L r 'j , man .1~fe jll 'le88 . saf~guar(l~d . in: .tbis " ~:;l'i:'offef Ui ~hi!l,paper: .u~' , It ' i~, ottn : Q;, .ag; .a 1ltt ~ , ~~tra c,o llntry than ~P &ni .ot~~r , in~ t~e ',> •· •• :.aell.d y!'ur ad~rell9' to ,s,t tai o. ~u.n.d it bec,o mEls ,comph tely olvi.Ur(jed world. ' It: i8,.. tertioie in. :Dr. KllJDer & CO·t " -"" '11__,._ " d l h () 'J' . i " 1 ' b .'.. ','..' ...;; 'JI~ugba~t~h. N;:V: There~ar:fifty-c!nf , e Il~ e ! ea~ ~g ,~n ulf y apao,ee., diotm'~nt, .a.nd~ ...1lnfort.upately, it. Is . .• n~ oDe~oll~ 8~-tle8 are :eotd ,by.. twe~,~ tbe· walst ~nd IrJ~lrt, .~~1,le the, uD~deniable - 'Philadelphia .~Dq,Qlrer·. a11,. ~ggtl~" · Don t ~t; any' mistake belt offers DO re88Q,nable,explanati'on. .. '• .,., . . . '. . , .bUt remember the' Dame Swamp-Root, . ,'. ' . m ' . . " . . . ":"L r.I _ . . , ' ' .. J)r~ 'Ei1me.r'la 3~~~I1(nh~ _ ad:' f?r. Us pre80n~.-",h8". Delineator '~'J.·De· Qazol.&e Js rel¥1 .. b1 . at. ' ~Blup.m~.Y••• "",boW~ fO~JJfDe. ." '. " . :"" least '.OO!)~QPle, ~·.' Snb80ribeno1f; ' '- .;.,;..... ..:-:. ~ . : . . ~


The BaHeriek Publishing Co.

I BaH«rlde

BaUd ...... New York, N. Y.

For further information, address j

1847 Rogers

s· . ; i1ve rware

i '


Waynesville, Ohio "ww . . . . . . . . . ....,....., ,

• f cost; wnte us or· our specia! offer. Address





Cc\cbr;I.lcd for slylc, rcrf~ct ~ simpliCity And rclmb,laly n . ~ rly 40 yeoTS. Sold ,In "".rly every d(y Dnd town in Ihe Uniled I. te. und Un~ertaker and Embalmer. STaND-RD' F-SBION COMP-C.nad~, or Ity mail ' dire t. ,/d ore t ha n It. It. It. :lny otl'~ r make. Sc",1 folf Irc" , ".I"'0(\le. Will be found in the oJd 12·16 Vandam StrUt, New Yon. N. Y. ~CALL-S MAGAZII\E ' Mllr. ~ubsc rf bera II fl :tn,. ' olher fA shio n Bank Building, opposite mnl:azine-milli(ln D m 'lilt, luvuluable. 1.:11t he National Bank.' e ~ t . Itlyle$, palter ... , ,In ~ . ml\king. millinery, ..~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!'~'!!!~'!!!!! pl.,n sew, ng,rnney neeLi lework,hairdresslng Telephone In house and of. eUqucu e, goo d 'sto ri e..:, ttc. ()n !y 60 ce nt ( ~ fice where l' can be called >:""r ( '~orth double). i".1"tling a h ~c " . !I.m• stopped In III mlnnU!8 S ubscrlbe today, or sen'd for lQ,ul'lc copy. day or nigbt. ' ~~~~;Ithti~~~~~~: WO~DERF1.IL INDUCEMENTS ' . Valley P.hone i4-2. " to~ wUI ..surcJi pro1(6.. ' I " Age.nls. P0 8~n l brings premium cnL'lo~"CI N o . om,Lilllf, no dis:lnd new <nsh prize offers. Adl lress Wayneeville. Ohio. tress. A sa'" and ploasingsyl'llp-600. ~iatr. mE IIcC.u.i CO_ 238 to 3M W.l'7~ SI.. NtW YOU Main Street.

c·Ro · UP '


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Subscribe Right Away ~!l for the


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,,. j



.-- ----


Miami Gazette

If you would like to supply your table with this highgrade silverware free of

--- --.-----

- - ";'

One Year's Subscription lor McCall's Magazine Any 15· Cent McCall Pattern you may select One Year's Subscription lor Miami Gazette



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llub lishild

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Ad R. lIo t to ",xcctltl 11 ,,1 IiIl Od

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I'hurge ill nUlih . . 1I1"1,luy AlI\'urllsll'l( JXlr Inch.. ... ... . . . UW.'OII III Hgl,'ull a ll cOllt"rl1t:t.

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815WII. and IUs Uands



~~~~~I~~~th~:!~ee9ro~rdJ~3ye~~~~, tt:::!~~:ebl~~l:Y

Prevention is An ounce of wort h a pound of cu r e . .

partlnt.. Sttnd ' 1.00 for a fUl l year. On aalo at :lo ll ncwl4tand.ll t 10 cent •.

Prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System·and Purify t he Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS.

pnd c urrf'n t eVllnt. . Plloto litrnphy J lampS , clec· Irl c lty. C:lrocnt t')'i IlPorHC. Vamci . 'rent huya IUBt whit t o tlo Mud lOW to do U. n 3ullfuUy 1\ UItrattfci , nnd every line I n hmM1lnn y ",lIh refined home trtLlnlnK ; ndon ed by 2)0.000 bfJ)!s an d Ih el r






Llverltes for a Cold, Backache and Weak Liver or Kldn6ya.

Th ose nrc l ho t hlnr.:' which

will ll1:l ke a m a. n of vuur boy. Secure h is Ih- ly tnt res t nnd wbolo· lome dcvelopmeut by " Ivilli h im

~ jji


Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness

(;oedldea•• G6Gd Enlertaln-

mUlI. Actl ve Vs. 01


THE SPWlJE m USHING to. 1000lbJallo


them in::the Always keep house ready for use.


• ~

-Minna Irving in Lellie'lt Weekly.

"_ • •UU• •

J. E. JANNEY, . Waynesville •


A~~8.y~he blue was wed t o t,be




After the war was over And tbe battle fl ags w ere' furled And the peaoeful s now of tbe or. ohard8 Folded the weary world Be Ilame to 'he villnge In the hell.rtof t befragra nt M.ayThe bellI! rang out for a bridal ,


PlGM ENT, te mpered wi th ju st enough zin c to preve nt c halking qui c kly , as is th e case wh ere lead alo~e is use d.


He stole from th e lint'!l of blue To meet her und er t he Ii va oll.k s Tn t he mo onli ght I\DU th e dew. And. 10, when tb e bu"l e lIollud ecl And the re~imeDt IOll:'ohed a WIl Y He le ft II. riag and II promise . wit h Tl1e s weet lItt.le mail! ill gra y .





E~'::I::t::b;,::1 .,.,?


The W II y t.o be lIopulur hilI! betll ' eXpillin l!d bv OUO ul Mu' IUtu·t4 blUlil luw IUlil<H ZIJ1etl whl oh IUflll te8 . Ittlell with the Idea. tllAt i t i.. dirl'cting modern li fa " W llen yon sha" thlAnds with Ii mun, " runs tbe recipe, "grasp the bllnd liS though you were glad to lIee the owner, look him In the eye II.Dd give blm a smile from your hea.rt. " 'I'his is II. sure-enougb recipe. It has been uled a milllon times from Aloibilldett down to day before ve8terday . It has been worked by 80mt> of the greatest frlluds In Christendom to subl4erve tbeir o"n euds. The m~n who III leeking popuillrity, -posing for It, angling for it. usullolly doeBo't de 8erve it. Keep your udmtratlon for men who sbow tbelr relilstslv8t1, wbo when they .ue bothered, or worried, or mild. or gilld, m"ke it manifest by "ppropri~to faoi"l expression, aod who are no~ etn.ndlog themselv88 before the MirrorMioneapollH Jouroill.

tho tide b"KII.Il

Th e poppies yet wore s leepin g. And wbo was to biod el·. pra y , 11 th. blu. ol.d ,old I. , oopto,OO


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ji:I '


is w ithout doubt th e mos t efficient ho use p aint o n the m arket, and is cHeapest in the end, in that it will go furth e r and wea r lon ger than othe r paints. Only the b est m ate ri als are used, w ith


tJ~n' a~~sU:h.~bwnb:dy~O?0~:nl);01~ef::'r~tl 'y. mf\irl eD "..



Kn e d eep in t be corlet poppl e!', Wa itlt b lA b in t he wllving oor~ , At t he edge of a l'Uver R\re mlet Th ey met hyohRnoe one mor.n.


Rutt.'s I)f Suuscription

~ jji

The Blue and the Gray

III Y .CIII· (sLI·!cI.\y lit all I'U II I.C ) . . •.. . •. $ 1.01' Rl lI g le I·Olly· .... . .. ... ... . ' .. . . .. . . . Ot






The Ohio Stll.te Cbristian Endeavor Convention , whioh convenes 1n Musio BII.I1, Uinoinnati, Jun e 21-24 inolusive, will brIng together young people r epresenting"k ffreat h ost of ] 6,000, iu 3,700 ,Juuior II.nd oenlo r Uh rh. tian Endell vor eooieties in 211 denominat ions. The Ciuoi un tl ti con vention will 8u roass, botll in l'I i z Ilod quality of prog ram, all previoult sta te Cn ris. tlan Endea vor gatherings . The f(Jot thllt this is the Silver Annl vereary year of the state union ba8 added great en~hosiasm to t he stat l1.wide preparations that bave been made for the Cinolnuati rallies . Peroy FQster' of WRshington 1>. C . will lead the singing, and Prof.

CDmbl••IID" c... , •• - L•• ~. O..,'ul. __..........


COLa •••• 1110


Kept the King at Home The Way a Mohave Indian Ole~ --"For the year Wfl have kept Philip Qui tba, 1\ oblef's son, had the King of allla xatlve8-Dr. King's been br~ulfht tn from up the ~lver New Life Pille-tn our b "lme and .... Expert OptlClan,l to die A8 we stood ohatting, tbey b~ve proved a blessing to all STATE FAIR PREMIUM LIST stra~ ..e procession Mme up the our family," writes Paul M~thulkll, a.. - -yof BUtYlllo, N . Y Ea,y, but sure .Over 20 Years Practlcal ExperlellA 'I'h. State Fair catalog Will be trail, says BonOl;e Wi1lsle in Tbe remedy for all8tomnob, Liver and Deldgner for Jun9. Two baok,bore Kidney troubles . Ooly 250 at Fred ready for Gis'ribution in a few days on their 8houlder8 a pole from whtob C . tiob wartz's. It ie an elegaot publication, h'Khly Gustin Hotel, Waynesville,O. hung a rode canvas hammook. 10 • _. oolored "nd embelli8hed with flne .he hammock Jay a young Mohave Annual Fourth of July Killing oolor ilIustrliotio08. It will be S8Qt let Saturday In e~6ry month fever flnehed and Rile nt, free of obarge upon request. l Q I tb th It may surprise many a oitlzen to They Iaid Pbll P Q . a on e koow 'hat a very ratioollJ Rod earnfloor 1n the middle of tbe adobe, and est movement against the use of Marsh of New York aud 'Winona COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. for an in8tant above ·the eobbing of firework8 on [Ddep~ndenoe Day is will preside at the piano. Exour.ions on the OhiO, a ma88 Before buying Commeroial Ferti. ,he squawl I heard a 80IlDd th~t now in Its seventh year; nor is it St. Augustine's Catholic Chu~b. Uzsre, purchasers should make Hare was to hauut me always-thE young universally realized among us how visit to the Zoo. speoial suppers and F'ntber George Mnvenhoe for. Pastor Will Keep t - -.hat eacb brand hll8 been lioonled man '8 own hoar8e. protesttng wail, manv of our ohildren have, by reas breakfa8t8 will add to the good fel · M1l8~ e ve ry second SuudllY o f the mODtb ill ll : OO a. m. and 18 beiDg legllolJy 801d to Ohio bis only artioulation of th~ u~ on of these yearly celebrations. su~. IOW8hip of the !a!.h~ring . fered the most oruel death known S Febru"ry Bullettn oontalnsin\ereet versal proGe8t against oor oro St. Mary's Episcopal ·Church •. , Inlr Intorml1tlon to those who are in 80lution vf the Great Problem. No to medioll.l sclenoe. Were any suoh COUNTY EXPERIMENT FARM Rc ,' . J . F . I\<lwa.llader. n ec t or . need ofthillartiole. Write the Ohio lndi~n i8 brought to the ~edioine. emotion possible in the Engli~h Sunday Scbool. 0 :30 n. m Morning Her· U nder new la'!V' elloh oounty m a.y -ANDvIce. ru :ao a. m. Holy Communion ~h o II rst Depllortment of Agrloalt.ure for In. man 8 house uDUl the medloine-man breast that of I lltis faotion for the vote as to whether it wants a ooun. Sunday of each montb, loourable. A f ' . . . formation about Commeroilll Fer- bas 'pronoanoedhim lth f d 1088e8 and humiliations endured by ty Exper1ment uarm. In order to . 18 tilizers. A. P. &ndlel', Secretary, Methodist Episcopal Churcla. ter he te onoe ther: n: t~ o~ EngllLnd in the war for Indflpendenoe 'seoure a vote upon . this questlOn i ven m UI e Rov. H . W. BaUoy. PWitor. (JolambU8, Ohio. nor wa r i8 gh "d fte edn • -at least 80 fl\r &8 bUUlII.U life is a petition ootalning the names of Boor a fter our ay B r a y " , Sunday SChool. 0 :;ao a. tll . Mortllnlt' se r' At his residence. miles west .f h t ' oonoerned-oould hardly be more flve per oent or the voters for Gov. " f i It ' t'h night a tar n g l e o an over . fi k' 1 fi d ~~e' I~~~~~II~' :~VI~~,w~~~~ ~~Ilu';~\J~~C:k Waynesville, on the Upper Sprin~· OHIO~,C. E. UNION Phil! Qai tha o~utinued untU he thoroagbly Justi ed; for, ta Ing no er.nor in that couuty, shal ~e Ie P r lYer MoeU ng.. 7 p . m. \ boro ~ike, for. the season of 1.10. d th e aooouot wha.tever of our na'ion01 With the oounty oommiBsloners. p BIt ' The Ohio Chrit4ti ..n Eudeavor died . "ut at . a, 'd Ionhe dawn, t'h I08S88 of ' many deoade8 past, but 800h flUm to be uuder the oontro 1 Christian. Church. BROWN BILL is a good aeneral~ d An ear on e " , Union Ia 1888 t h "D t wenty mont b a, ohaut 0888e Rev. L . O. ThomJl8OD. PllIItor. pUrpose horse. iii Phili oulyof those inourred in the of t.he Wooster Experiment Stlltton. Bible School. 9:aola. m. SocIal meet lntr. hu' wiped Ollt an indebtedness of de8ert a r a 8 nK e aoream P three yearly oelebra.tions aDd in the • _ ••______ 10:30 a. m. Ohrtstiarillll'ndeavor. 7:00 p. m. CLOVERDAI,E is one of the best.. Bermon b y plISl.or e ve ry lal t~ate Sund ay ali • • • Source of Profit to Women. Dearly ts500.00, whiob ~88ted upon Qni-tha!s mother mourned her old. metropolis alone, we find th~t 1339 10: 80 a. m. aDtI 7:8 0 p. m. bred Percheronhorses 10 th18 section U for a number ef years. A u~ique est-born. • _ • been Jrilled I~nd Injured-more OIuwtnaUng of documents Is a ne" Hkksite Friends Church. of · the country. He is fifteen y~ 1- n wu adopted at the Kenton . 0 I thon the oasulliities in the R\!volu. field ot work tor women In England. c-I'aa Marv~lou. Iscover es '" .. aad it might recommend lueU a8 a . F i rs t Day Meetl nl( . 10 :00 ll. m. F irat Day old. and is without a blemish. C9nvention, in JUDe, H09 . A "Vol mark the wonderful prOllren of the Uonary battle!' of Lexington, Bunker eODieD!.a1 and profitable employment School. 11 ":0 (1 a , w. l~o unh Day Ml)e~l n, 10 :00 a. /D . n.~r'a Band" W&8 or,,,nlzeJ, each aae. Alr flight8 on heavy maohines, BW, Fort, Wblte Plains, for 'Nomen In this country. TERMS: volunteer, not agreeing to give telegrllms without wire8, terrible Fort WashingtoD, M.onmouth, and Mrs. Hamer·Jackson of LondoD la "Ortbodox Friends Church. a certain amouDt but pledging &0 war In vention8 to kill meo, ~n,d Cowpens OOUl bined. Nor ba ve these urging women to take up the work. Rev. 13enjamln Hawkins. Pas lOr, $10.00 to insure a living colt. Any ralae a deflnlte 8um. The Juniors that wonde~ of wonders, Dr. King \I 100se" boen limong fighting men. whlob she eay8 properly belongs to l'labbath School, 0 :30 a. m . RCJ(ular church one parting with mare ~orfeits tho New DlAOOyery-to eave life when .. , them. Mrs. Hammer·Jackson Is one service. 1 Q · QO u " m . ChrlBtlan I~ ndoavo r. of· the 8tate hllve rat8ed, durioK the threatened byooughs, colds, lagrlppe bot rather among little ohlldren j of the beet illuminators In Elnglanc1 7 :30 p. m insurance. I year. a special fund of 11,00000. At asthma oroup, bronohitls, hemor I and of thfl la Uer wounded on Inde" She make8 a large Income and doea all tbe titate CODvention, whlob. OOD rhllge8.' hay fever and whoopiog pendenoe DII.Y many that have not ber "ork at home. venae In ~a.lo Ball, Cinoinnati, oough oro. lung trouble. For all i died have nevertheleaa been drelld. She describes lIIumlnaUng as an art. broncbial dfeotion8 It hilS DO equal I . d fi d f l' f Her work Is devoted almost exclu' Jane 11-24. a great rliolly of the band It relieve8 instantly. Ita 'he 8urest fully ma1med and is gure or I .e. slvely to the decora tll)n or publ1c adwill be held. At this tim~ tbe Dotes oare. James M. Blaok, of A8hevllle,- -From "Independdnoe Day-Tbe dresses, boo.k s and card s In t he fine will be burned aDd one thoQ8loDd, N. C:. R , R. No. 4, writ,et1 it oured Mooern Molocb," by John Huber, !loral scrolls nnd designs. orten spot· Ilher dollarl will be Jarrled on the oim of an obatiDate 60ugh atter all M. D., in 'the Ameriollo4 Review of ted with gold and slher, tn the style remed.iesfaUed. GOo and 11.00 lRevlews for ,June . ot the old Anglo,Saxon ODd Gothic Platform b"J ten Uttle •"irIs aDd pre. otber A trial bottle free. Guaranteed b:y • manuscripts . . ~nted to tbe 8tate offiOOrB, to be Fred C. 8obwart~ FARMP'D INSTITUTES Mrs. Hamer-Jackson says th ere I. ulled io mi8siOnary work for unor • - • "ractlcally unl1mitlld work to be dooe ..anlzed, or poorly organized ooun ACRE OF CORN for private Ilersons. It Is her plan It rhe S'ate Board of Agrioulture re to organize a school tor the InstruO' Ile8. • • • ..' The Stllte Board of Agrioulture 'qne8taaU person\! who desire,to bave Uon of lOUDK women In the work. will aglio1n uffer Uheral prizes for "Farmer's Institute in th~ir town BJ?E INSPECTION -------+.-~.------the largeet yield of ,?orn, growth sbip or community to make app,1ic ll ---.~ , Llc e n ,,~ for Being Born. tioR for same as soou as p088ible. Onder Dew law The Oh1o Depart- upon one aore in Ohio, eeason of "As I w(l.s nbll ut to enter ODe or the The board contemplates plll.oln g , chools the oth er mornin g," said Dr. ment of Agrloulture will bereqwred mILny of the ins'itute8 at new places Luther H . Gulick. the superintendent &0 make 1n8pootion of all Apiarie8 in 1910. . Entr.ies are free. year so 8S to rellob. tfposiihle, or physical lral nlng In t he New York thtll Ohio. , The ooro rem~inl the .property of 80~e of tbose farmer8 who bave ,not schools. "I met a li ttle chap who waa .the grower . crying ' bI tterly. After a Jot or Ques- : I ~ "Ot" .heretofore· been. in cl08e touoh " wi. ~h lIonlng to learn the cau se of his dl8 I ugos~1i ., E' utrie, ,008e". tIY;"B he Informed me. 'The principal ' ' t 0 be hUBk e d" 0 n 8taIk, b'".,.. .tbi8 eduostiooal .' C orn ' . ,work_ . d It ii8texpeot t - -arnJ)'t let ine" go to school. . He lie4t 1 " .. ~ fl' t ' d ' "ft th d t ed that all speaker8 an D8 ruo or8 tween lI&Ie fa .an LI een ay 0 " , ' . ' ,, " ~. , .... .' at Institutes the Qomlng I!ea ~on lII e b'ome 1J~:('all t.e ( rorgot to Dnus 1117 1 N ovem~~ · '.' ~ . . IIceJllie (~ . "al 11 It barb ' .~ , ' lbformliotion tilanke farnlsh8d up.w1l1 be equipped wlth maps, o~a.rt8 , Rich design arid reflned beauty in knives, forks,'slJOC* o~ 'applt~~iQIi .." . • :" . pbotol,lraphe, "che~loals, . and ot.1.1~r ~,. C ~ momll .. '. and ,fancy serving pieces are, not .attributes of solId n~t . Prt~ _ Iu~ ye~f awarde~ to ~pp,,~a~u8 ~ofull.r demonstrate tbeir It I". Iiald: a'o~ "only that de~o.ctlon • ., .l!llver.war.e"alol)e·. The f\kill ~rn of long experience bas p~o:- ". Ie . ;"~I aneS lq~P. •. ,"ower of 1211 bDlhels u'p oDone aore ' work. Write tor applioation blanks or. tbe leaves dried and powdered . QI duced, !n"the famous."1847 ROGERS' IROS." sliver. plate, effects In ·Ia tor tQberc~oa. , ~e~ ". ' " ,h'1 h t 'ak r que8ts for th~ common camQmlle ' w111 destE-o, ,Itla ' ..nag "~IJC1!e~a ~of . ~,ouhlei~b. ~i~ht~ prlz~" 74 b~·liheI8 . ·" .' :.' .f .UlJOD W 0 ". 0 ~ e.. ".(1 pattern and design \Y.hlcllmake its' ~a~e..for· beauty ~l1d only " lDsects., bill' that nothing ·contrlbl.\tea . to its 'tepulafjon for qualitY""""Sjw". Pill,. iIuIl "',.". ~ < bO.:a" "hi DOt · )'o.u1 .. DoD"~t ,~alt .Q~ml ... lI:•• ~t O&Il1~ priZ88 glv~n lW~o'loW. : ODe of tb~e me:"..:.r:" ~ .0 ¢ucb to the bealt/l 9f a garden ~ . Sold by' leading deaJe~ .~~iy~here. .Send Iqr ca1alope • "number ' of ',camomlle . pllinte cU. lti'~ lat"!'- 8~~ICS t~., .f~;\'&11l.b!: lioo; 180,, ~~O, 150. "0;' ,s9~" lao; 110 . Inv.nto.... Ta ... tp H•• rti . If CoL ," .ho~ng all. ~atte.rns, . . . . . . ..:- ~ ~ldet loa t\1bel'cQ10lila. • _"We MIlc1 . . ltvery ',e. farmer til .aked . lllYeJ'7 ' tDve~UOD wblch bu· pro~ paned ·"thrOU~ It. ..' Na .creeJihouae Ot "I.I~IN •• ITANN'CO.. botbou" e e .hould be. without campmllt . poet~. me ofCbua:ti .Co. ' .&0 ea~r thl. oompet-l~ion.. (." beodelal to manldDtl "baa Ii . the ClDtaaUonal I»nr 00. •. . - - . ) Ac14reM: The Natare a . ~: OD '". U'a • KC"04 ~tna. toh')' ~ ,e'. up.- IDltAnce been treatt14 ~ WO~I".~.- In a creea,pl In a c1rle4 .~te; .~l~~' , ...... 0--. '. tIle ..• talb or _ao,,~ ' wJU aDlwer~ " ~t. Co. Col.~~ Ohl~ " 1Wi1.lIa 10Dl'''''."•• '" . 8Ir._Gllbeii Parbr. -


---... ----

.- .



Brown Bill Cloverdale



- - -... ...----


II, \




A '


'N ature's'


·. Creatlon· •










1 1 ,J


.. J


• "\







Of Proven Quality

The Miami Gazette .. I _x'"_______ D. L. CRAN E. WAYNESVILLE,


~XX__~-----.....,x.....--' ·1

ana Maline · _____ - ___•


A Fish Out of Water



Tb e. s labllllhmcnt ot n gris t mtll was tI v ry Im portant millt er to the early s e ltl ' ra of America. It was of IIltJ ot II S0 to g row grail} 1101 SII It could be g-ru>tn d and made s ui ta bl e (o r food, nnd 1\ lie ttl ament withou t a g ris t 111111 was n l. n se rious d1sauytHIl HgI'. the more s v a ~l a lly becau se tb o r oads , wh ra a l y xlstod , wero not of th e best. No t reany ot th e ol des t of th e glist mllls ,rl:1maln. Here In Ne w J,.'ng. land. liS e lse wll r e, ili ey w r Illa ced In tho beginning upon smn ll . tream s whl h ('au ld be dammed wlth ont r sort to th engln eorlng method s of too ay , says Ma ncll es t r Union. As a con se· quence most ot the m w r e nlla ndonl.'d 8S popula ti on In creased a nd th > r&liources of th e communit ies made It possibl e to er ect mil ls on IlIrg 'r and more r e liab le stream:!. Th en, too, In these la ter yearll the old·fashloned country g-rlst mill has disappeared a l· most alt ogeth er. Last Satu rd ay on e ot the historic landmllrks at New Jersey, ,t he old grist mill at Mount Holly, was destroyed by fire. It daled Crom }728 aad Its loss Is , of course, Irreparable. It appears , howev'!r, that New Engla nd could cla im preceden co ot New J er· aey, even lIefore. the Mount HOlly grist mJlJ was burned. The Provld~nce Jour'I1al says tbat there Is one at New London, Conn ., which was built as early as 1660, and Is ot especial hls'tortc Interest because It was the Pl'0Ir terty ot Gov. John Winthrop. Jr, , A Chicago cbemlst Is said to have .dIscovered a preparation made from .ldmmed milk whtch a wide nrt· 'Clty of uses. It wUl preserve foods. ~t will mummify dead bodies. Railroad lUes treated wltb It become Imperlsh· ~ble, Applied to patent leather shoes, ,t "prel'ents the patent expiring," not ~ crack e ver appearing on the smooth urface. The most porous brown pa· . er hecomes water .tlght under Its ac· on. It supplies an indelible writing uld ImpervIous to acids. Evaporated and compressed, It becomes an artificIal Ivory. As a glue, U · Is without an equal. 'rhe Inventor, It is understood, dJaclalms that hIs preparation will grow b,alr on a bald head: It Is to be considered, bow ever, that he makes :the preparation from skJmmed milk. .Suppose he should try what could be 40ne with rIch Jersey cream!





By BERTHA ORVILLE (~'ov)'rl{;ht.

l OO!I, b)'

~i d :\Jorgn n w as In II Qu a nda ry. Ill s el s tl' r Edlt b an d hi s bes t fri end, Torn Wint ers, ball been In th a t , dplig btfu l s tng of cou r tshlll that pr cedes an engageme nt wll ' Jl surld en ly t bo s llu, ua llon ('hang ed and T o/U's vis its c as <.I. The ,bl ~ IJro tb pr blld nt first conclud ed th a t It was a lov I'S ' qu a l" reI an d WOUl d. In ti me , right Hsole. I3 tlt Edl t h's d C tJl ~ a nol' 8 000 cbaoged th at til eo ry . Shc s e ~' U1 cd to be as ba 11 )1 )' lind as intent; I), In tc rested in her th ought s as !ih o wa s when first she DI e t '1'0 111. On th other ba nd, Tom w'a s In a s ta te of dee p des pond e n 'Yo One day h sudd enl y announ ced his Intention of gOing we st. " ce here, Etllth ," sa id Ned. "what's wrong be tw een you a nd Tom? He's golu g away, tlntl I am Inclin ed to thlnl( It's because you haven't treated him rig ht." " I have. Ned. When I sn w that I didn't care for .hlm In the way he wanted me to, I told him so frankly." "What occas ioned your change of beart 1" S he blushed and turned away h er eyes. "Who In the world Is the man! The othel' man. There Is one, Isn't there, Edith 1" " 1- 1 am not Ilure," sho hesitated, h er blue eyes softe ning In remln· Iscence, "But no on e comes to see you. You hayeo't r eceived any atte ntion since you turned Tom down . . This Is a Jaek an d Jill town. you \mow, and th ere lIS no one available that I know of. " She was sUent. "You won't tell me, Edith 1" "No," she saId decid edly, "notyet." Her brother wisely retrained tram further questioning. He sought Tom.

ta lnly or the ty po to apDeal to the nr· tls tlc a nd remlnln e eye. He was s len· der , supple nnd lilli e and bandI ed th\) boat with oase and grac~ . He hili dark, fore lg n·looltln g eyes , s trong fea tur II, brown sllln, o v n whit e t ee th and n mu sica l voice. He wore cord u· roy trou sers, bllie fl nnn el shirt with turn·down collar and roll ed·up s leeves r ed tI , a bIt of n ea Jl Nl tbo back 01 bl s head, with n Dyronh. "l.~' n lock otJ his brow . When th ey wel' In tb e ~n : :bol\t N ed trl d to drnw him Into con\,crtnU on. but slI lIor·llk e hi s eyes and th<l'll!,htl:l were cente red on th e boat and s ky. "That Is wb er th e fascin a tion In ys ," th o \J~ht N d. " If onl y he hn" show n bl s level by his s peech. Edit h wouN hay e b en dl sillu slon e<.l . I guess su e I~ only a worshiper from afar." "Th ey mu st keep you prefty busy be re," he obseryed as tlley lalded . "H~v e to work venlngs, I sUPJ.l lse'!''' " Yes; that's our busy lime," replied Jnck. "Once In a while I la yoff for a morning. I a m going .to get up tomorrow and go to the ball gam·e." "Be sure you do," urged Ned. "It's going to be tbe game of the senso:ol ." He went bome, r e lieved . Jauk ha d omitte d all his "g's" a nd bad salt! "glt" for "get." He went early to the game the next morning nnd secured a lSeat on the bleacher s wntchlng the ertrance taithfully. Presently Jack apUeared, "dressed up." His attire was just what Ned bad boped It would be. At lun cheon he r emarked casually to his sis ter: "Dessle Lawren ;!e a nd I went to nound lake for a sail yes, terday." She blusb ed, nnd darted a quick glance at htm. " I hea r the g irls a r e all wlhl ov"r the n ew boatman. I don 't wonder. He's abont as bandsome a cha;> as 1 e"er saw outsIde of a picture." Edith looked r e ll e v e~ and plel\sed. "Isn't h e beautlful1" .s he ask'Jd en· thuslas t\('Ally, "and CII.Il't h e haudJ'3 a boat well?" "Yes ; h e's Il born sailor. 80 you haye been sailing with blm, Edith?" "Yes, a few times," she saId, hesl· tatlng. "Have you been with him anyt'fbere else ?" "Once or twice. We rowed UII tbe creek and-" "And where else, EdJth?" he asked gently. "I took hIm In my automobUe for a ride." "And do you thInk tbat was just the thIng to do! Why Dot ask hIm to come to YOUT house, as you dId Tom and the other s ?" . "I tbought," she sald, r eddening und er hIs gaze, "that you would object." "I would certainly prefer to' have you see him' here ' than to be golnr wbere he Is. I ma(le his acquaintance at. th e ball game this mornIng. I shall ask him to call, It you like." "I don't tblnk I want him to call:' she sold np.rvously. ''Why not?" he asked In feigned SUI' prise. "I don't know just wby," 'she sotl! doubtfully. "I made Inqulrtes about blm and t find that be Is a respe ctable, Industrious fellow. I'll ask. him to come up atter dinn er to·nlght. I want to see him anyway and figure on a sallboal party for n ext week." . He t elephoned to the r esort and Jac~ promised to call at eight o'clock that night. Wh en he was ad·mltted by tbe maid Edith and Ned were In the library. Edith looked at him and turned away from Ned's dan cing eyes. JJick wore bright tan shoes, plaId socks. light trousers, a gaudy waist· cant. a gorgeous tie, a watch chain wltb a multiplicity at dangling charms. a largo p!n In bis tie and an organlza· tlon emblem In bls lapel. He seemed pe rfectly at euse, bowever; ' mucb more so than bls hostess. :And be blfthely Ig-nored all the rules of Eng· IIsh. After balf an bour Ned consld· ered from his sister's countenance that tbe lesson had been learned. "Now, Berdan," he said, "let's figure on getting that biggest boat ot yours up througb tb e chain at lakes." "Then. It you want to talk business, I may be excuRed/' saJd Edith. hastily leaving th e room . Pres~nt her brother called to her. "0111' call er had to d epart," he said gravely. "He had only two hours' leave. By tbe way. Edith, he con· fid ed In me that he bad a glrl-. dandy girl, he said ." "Ned," she said, .tears of mortlflca· tlon In her eyes, "he looks lit) different In a boat." "That Is true. He should stay In one. Dut did you know that Tom returned today? May ( telephone and ask him to come up tonight ?" . , . "Be won't come," she saId hop& lcssl)'· "Let's set'," he replied, goIng to the telephone, . . A,fter Ii moment's .c onversatlon, ' be handed h er thC:l receiver. , "Tom wants to speak you, EIlft.b," be said, lell.~lng tlie room . .

T~e long bat pl.n ordinance Is not ,dlreCleJL.a., alnst a . ~tYle-'lt dress, but against a public ' lflilsance. It has been shown that paInful wounds and even loss of sJgh~ bve resulted from the maintenance at this nuisance. The style might be harmless It each at Its devotees ,. . could be consigned to a ten· acre lot and duJy . surrounded by a barbed·wlre fence, but when they throng the streots and street cars of a great city It Is dangerous, says Chi· cago Record-Herald. It Is to be hoped th8t women will have tbe good sense to r ealize that the ordinance, with Its S50 fin e, Is not a piece of fr eak legis· latlon; that there were excellent rea· "We Rowed Up the Creek." sons why. an effort should ~ave been made to abolish the nuisance, and "So you are Itolng west, Tom 1" he that It Is thelr duty to pilt the long hat asked .. pin out of business. "Yes, a bu siness trip that no one else In Ih e firm wante d to take, bu~ Wben Lord' .Caml'bell published his which was welcomed by me undet the "Llves of the Lord Chsncellors" It was clrcumstnnces." "I know Edith. This Is a passing wIttily exclaimed that he had "added a D'!W t'!rrClr to deatb." Tbe chantecler whim of h er s, and s he will be all right again by th e time you return." bat. It Se'2IDS, has added a n ew t error Tom shook hIs bead d espondently. to lite. At Newton, Mass., the other "There Is anothe{ man." day two young people ha d a narrow es· "Well, It must be a man In a book, cape from I}rownlng cn account of the th en, Cor no one comes to see her capsizing ( I! their canoe. '.rhe tele- and s be Is at hom e alone every eve· gt'ophed ltc'ount says: "The u\)set was nln g," th e brother told him . At this In telligence Tom brightened caused by ~ gust at wind striking the Dew cl'anteflvr hat which adorned a little and went away with tile spark of hope fanned to life again . Hiss 1.oI\rk.1n i) head. 'l'he wide rim . Ned grew watchful of hIs sIster. acted like a sail." It was the ~Ide ' From the fact of her having no ev&rim ot th e bllt that ~Id 1t~ not the nlng entertainment be concluded tbat ornamental bIrd. Miss IoRllkln's peril the other man must be employed at would a ve b'len equally ' great It in· nIght and 'able only to pursue his woo· stead at 110 rooster she ': had' worn II Ing by day. It was quite by accident that be g a ined knowl edge of the af, du ck. ..; rail'. He was taltlng a turn In his . a' car In the country one morning, and A Phllad elphla phYlilclaq prescribes passed a small lake resort. Feeling automobiling as a cure for weak thirsty be ran the car into bile hearts. 'rhe th eory Is that It forces grounds up to the payll\on. To hIs great quanti ties of fr esh air IQtQ the surpl'lse he saw his sister's runabout lungs, stimulating th e heart \Vlthout In the driveway. exertion . Out It won 't do ror timid "Whe~e Is the young lady wbo came folk, who, whenever tbR machine out in tbe runabout?" he asked of the . 'spurts , fe I their h eartJI leap Into landlord. "If 'twas a young lady, ten to one · their mouths. she's .o ut in tbe sailboat with Jack," A minerai expert SAYS the conI sup· was the r eply with a slgnlthlllnt. smUe. "Jack?" ply In the Un it ed Stctes will las t for "Jack Berdan. He has charge of the ,4.913 yea rs, but he may nof have taken boats here. He's a pre~ty fall' loolrtng ,Into bceount the remarkabl e . coa!. chap and since I'vo had him bere the consuming capa ' Ily of thP Curnace hi boat tnde 'hns m.ore .than doubled. All ;YOUI house. the gIrls in tho country and town have ('ome to thInk the~·e's notbllJg ilke sail. An Amerl \!an .glrl !:las b ~ come ep Ing. There's one pre tty girl who has . ,«aged to a prince ;Who Is h al .. to an In tieen here every lQorrilng regularly tor . come of $1.000:000 a ' year. There ar. ten days." " On . hIs way home ·Ned eVQlved a 'l1e w things und er the su n. plnn at action. In the artei-poon be In. .wo LOlieL John O. twirls bls· cane In a stroll v.tted a ·gfrl he knt ·w to go. to· tl1e aum. TJttaworth-Bello, old man! What·s on Fifth avenue, safs a news Item _ mer resort for 11 satl. ''Oh, t:'len at las t I may ' see Jack!" the tJTotible? You look as If you hllrt What s hould he do ,\11th it-pick hI. sbe exclaJmed. laughing. just come frqm a bluing ractory. ' .t eeth? "Jack?" ' .' Sklnner-l feel lhnt WilY, too. J' y, "Tbe ' plcturesQue new hoatman. The just lost S5,25. A new play cnl)ed "The Glrl .tn Walt glrlg a\1 have been out to 8@e hIm. Tittsworth-Lost It'! H'o w? ·. ID&" baa OOun llut on the buarell rbey say be looks 'lIke Romeo. Motber . ~ktnnel' - . The quarter' 'dropp~(' :Ther(l are Iota ul IUcb 1I!la. .\or•• till ,,"ouldn', let me go out tber~ alone!' tbrotlgb a hole In my pocaet a~d I I., ,»\\7 NC!d bad to aclmlttbat Jack"&1 cero Holders borrow tile Il,e.-BacllaDp




By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Black Duck, Minn._uAbout a year I wrote that I was sick and could . not do any ot my housework. My sickness was called Retroflexion . WheD 1 would sit do.wn I f clt as If I could not g e t up. I took IJydia E. Plnknam's Ve get a b I e Compound and did just as you told me aQd now I am perfectly cured, and hn ve Il big baby boy."~.."" .n,"VJ"', Box 19, lllaclt

Won. Conalder ThIB Advice.

senson has brought In and InT troduced successfully a number of hats yery simply trimmed which are HE

neverth eless quite elaborate enough. The bodies of these bats are made of beautiful braids, of ~hl c h there 8re so many different patterns, combIned wltll fold ed maline, matching tbem In .::olor. The r esult Is exquisitely sort and light shapes which look botter wh en s imply t r immed tban othe rwise. The Nnpoleon sh ape at the boltom or the group Is In sl1k braid, klng 's blue In color. A close shirring of mallne Is let In about the brim, brealdng Its width and giv ing an aIry touch that Is loyely. A shaded qul\1, blue to gray, a nd a dO\lble fan of velvet ribbon, In the Bame colors, are mounted at the front. A single tlat band at the blue velvet ribbon extends over th e back trimmed Into tbe crown. ThIs Is all the U'lmmlng and nothing more Is ....... ... ~


No woman should submit to a surAi. cal operation, which may'mean death. until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made exclusive. 1y from roots a nd herbs, a fair trial Thla fnmous medicine for women hns for t.hirty years proved to be th& n eeded, most valuable toulc and In vigoratorot At the left a rose colored turban the female organism. Women resid. shows a cleverly wrought brIm In Ing In almost everY' city and town in which a long strip ot braid edged with the U nited States bear willing testi. foldll ot mallne do es doubl e service, It many to the wonderful virtue of Lydlll covers the hrim and ornamenta It at E. Piukham's Vegotable Oompound. cures f emale ills, and creates radi.the same tim e. A ribbon plume made It ant, buoyant f emale health. It you ot a series of loops Is of rose-colored are ill, for your own sake as well as. satin ribbon. A silver ornament fin- those you love, give it a trial • Is hes the trim. This Is one 'of the M.I'8. Pinkham, at Lynn, M888.. pJ'ettiest models shown In turbans . Invites all sick women to writeAt the ri ght s mart' street bat Is ber for ad vice, Her advice Is free, 1Dad~ of satin braid and has the edge anel alwaYl:I helpful. of the brim finished with shi rred rna· line. The bat Is In a light olive. A Divided Family. wblle the ribbon trim Is a cha.ngeable The bright s lx·y ar·old daughter ot blue and g-reen taffeta. In this model n physician happened Into Ills r eccpthe crown Is 8 square ot tb e brnld tlon room the othe r day a nd a waitdraped across the fra me. The Id ea Is Ing womnn patient enga ged ber In canoriginal and clever. The facing Is at rersntlon. shirred mallne and a ribbon bow fin". s uppose you go to church aDd Ishes the back. Sunday scbool?" s be a Ited . JULIA BOTTOMr~EY . "Oh , yes, ma'am," she reI/lied. "And what de nomination do YOUI" parents b elong to?" "Why," said the little one, "mamma's n Presbyterian and papa's n. COltume of Light-Colored Tweed, stomach specialist." However, Wal Really Dellgned The HOUle Cle.nlng Joke. for the Golfer. Thousands of jokes are written eacb Though Illustrated and described year on housecleaning by men who do for golf thl~ would be a useful IItyla Ilot realize what a small tragedy housefor walking or cycling. It Is In & light cleaning is to women. It has to be colored tweed, and Is trimmed either done, and It haa to be done thoroughly. wIth a darker or contrasting colOrt;~ HouSecleaning 18 (un, though, it Easy, cloth or leather. ...-:' - - -- - -- t-''I'A ..,1c soap is used.. Made of pure cocoaThe plaln skirt has a cross·wa, nut oU, borax, naphtha and clean, sweet tallow. It can be used on woodwork. 1I00rs, curtains, rugs, laccs, cbina, cut glass, and everything else-rids them of dIrt and dust In halt the tlme of cheap yellow soaps.


REMODEL THE LAct BLOUSE USEFUl FOR MANY PURPOSES Perlectly Good and Up·to·Date Gal'ment May Be Made at Campara· tlvely 8mall Expenae. The all-over lace waist, which Is a perfectly good lett·over tram the wardrobe of two years ago, may be worked · Into a this year's garment of <luite & good and reUable style by rna· king as a part ot It a white cotton volle skIrt with a plIDeled back and front, the panell! enendlng up over tbe shoulders, where they are seamed together. This will leave the side gores of the skirt belted In. A complete garment you will now have, which Is to be slipped on over tbe lace blouse. How satisfyIng to be able to use a good garment without making it com· ,letely over! It desirable, the collar and cuffs may be removed, leaving the ",....lllce bodice collarless and with three"~ruar­ ter sleeves. Motifs cut tram the discarded lace may possibly be so shaped that they can be used as insets. upon the upper or waist portion of the long volle pall' e18.

Showl Value of Steel Car. Tbat the steel car Is of great value' as a protection to passengers In tbe event of oo\1lslon was demonstrated In II recent cln:sb of two trains ID the Hudson tunne l, New York city. There was no slleh telescoping a8 would probably have occurred with wooden cars, and the injuries were merely such as rC:lsulted from tbe passengers' being thrown down by the shock of the co1\talon. ' Out of the Race. Because of th e general scrapping match bet" een the various clUes n8 t.o who shall hnve tbe honor of the ~aUonal or In ternational Oong-ress dt Aviators, Washing ton and · Baltimore ha~'e hoth wlthdrawo from tbe whole business,

Wavy Lockl, Even the '1tralghtest lock" In the world can be made wavy by tbe slm· pIe process ot wetting the hair with alcohol and plnclng It In little loops tight down to thEl head. Do not put the alcohol on your lulnds or brush, but use a little wad of absorbent cot· ton and dab ' the alcohol lightly over the haIr. Tlien. taking a strand at a time, pInch It Into lool's about two Incbes apart and pin each loop snugly down. This can be done across the back ot the head as well as OD the top and sides, and the hair will wave and be perfectly dr:; In about halt an hour, especially If & thin piece ot veil· Ing Is tied a1\ around the bead I1S tightly as possible. The Bath al a Tonic. Some women say that they have not the vitality to withstand a dally bath. That Is usually the case wben the bath Is considered a bother and too much strength Is expended In ihe scrubbing and rubbing. The most ben.e fielal bath is the quick one that Is over within tbree mInutes. Such II bath Is a tonic. It Is not necessary to get Into the tub. Merely go over the body speedl1y, bathing away the dust aud secretions at th. skin, rinsing quIckly and rubbing briskly until the skin fairly tlngh!L If one Is nerve-tired, a hot bath just before going to· bed whl act a8 ' a soothing, restful comforter.

Something Visible. "Show me some tiaras, please. I want one for my wife." "Yes, sir. About what prIce?" " Well, at such a prlce that I can say: 'Do you sec that woman with t.he tiara? She Is my wife.' " , Exerclle Good for It. Asked the progressive woman or the beauty culturlst: '''Oon't you think women should e xercise the suffrage?" "Certainly. My method wlll' lncreasc It two Inches,"-Puck, .

band at the foot. On the coat the tront and back seams are wrapped; little material straps keep the 10086 flttlng walst·band In place. The collar an.! aleeves are faced to match straps on skirt. Hat of straw turned up at the left, and trImmed with a wing at the right side. Materials requIred: Six yards c10tb 50 Inches wide % yard darker cloth, • button I, 5 yards silk tor lining coat.

Railed Eyebrow.: ,There Is little ' ule to massage. for No Cqlmetlc Like Water. wrInkled forehead when lines ,are conOne w~nian, whose skin 'is the ad- stantly f~rmed tro~ tlle h~blt of rals, mlratlon of all, wQahe!l h~r fac;e with Ing thfl eyebrows ' wIth every · word. lukewarm water, the best toilet soap Often on.e Is unconscious of·thJa trfek and a plece·.of soft. flannel each' Incht . and abo~d' ,ask to be reminded • . This upop retlrlng aQd 'rubl' It gen'tJy up. ·may provoke .' unp.leaaaD~ess, . 10 a ward with. an··'old Unen towel. Then safer . wI'Y Is to use adhesive . pl~ter. Ibe 'slps-A-Cuptpl ~f bot -wate~ the . Wh~ever 'ot;le .11I to stay In the hOUie morntnc sbe dasbes ~ld water OVAr for several hOUTS at a stretch pute ber face and neCk. and pata It clr,. wlw ieD~wt.e Itrlps of adhesive plutel' '. turkl.1l .tow,et' aDd .Ips a cupful ' of at ~ter corne", be eyebrafta and ju.' bot water agalD. She bu Dever uae4 alloye tile n~.. Pute with face 10 .... • GOIDletlo, and attributes the beaut; "~. cd each time thtl ti~ws are ele " r aldD to the P.Derou vatedthe 4ra~lnK of tile pl~8~r J~ • • boUl satetu11J' &114 uteraau,. til, m~~.



Not Quite Qualified. Policeman-Do you· have to take care of the dog? Nurse Girl-No. The lulssls saY8 I'm too young and InexperIenced. I only look after tbe chlldren.-Llfe.

A clear brain and Steady. d~pendable nerves Ccm win wealth and fame For their owner. Cle~r headedness and a Strong, h~lthy body Depend largely on the Right elements in Regu~ fOod an4 drink.

COHee ~o~talns caffein~,

A poiso~ous' drug, Postum is rich in the Gluten and phosphates that Ftiriilsh the vital energy That puts "g'ingcrH anel "hustle"

Into body ~d br~'

"T'cre'. a RcaIOb"


Practical Fashions




their m01lntaln fastnesse s thousands 1111011 thousa nd s of Till· t's Buddhist monlH; IIrc now I 0 0 kin g down to.ward matrimony. Such a wholesale marrying nncl givin g In marriage as th e Innd of lh e lama Is Jbout to undergo w01lld be hard to parallel. ~v e ry here and th e re throughout thi s country of rnYRteJ'les Is stuck n Rutltlhl s t lIIonn stery. some of th em with ::! .OOO 10 3.000 occupants. Faun. taln·1t ads of the Buddhi st taith arc t hose men. Ascetic. esoteric snd nil SIl 'h t C! rms may be appli ed to th elll. Abstract rea soning Is their forta. Mos t of the ir tlmo Is given ove r to ~b contcmplation ' ot things and thoughts Infinitely high er than lhls earlh - that Is. If tradition Is to be beli eved. P.robubly a good many of th rill are old r probat os ; bul at that th e re Is IItU a positiVe testimony. What 18 lJnfl oubted. how. ever. Is that th ey are the head and r o r~ fronlot I he Bud· dhlst r. Il glon. Which h a I d 8 sway over mil. Illm s upon mil. li ons of yellow m u In the far eas l : th Chi. nese. th e Japa. n esc nlHI the Iud Illn s. Now t he prllc, blnese tka l are going to drh'e th se men out of th e man. as terles a nd marry them oIf. wh etb r or 1,0 . Thousancls of brides will be I' Qulred. Wedded bliss Is to be obligatory. TIl er Is to be no respite. no chOice between the ascetic JOYs of bachelorhood and tho loving arUls of ye llow brides. When the Chinese do a thing th ey do' It thoroughly. Ha ving co iled the dal a l lama an "ung rateful I' probate" and driven him tn to India. the Chinese government . promptly announced that It would ma k short s hrift of his follow ers. This Is In pursuance 'of a scbeme of Clllua to take actual. ' as well 8S noml. nnl. charge of the Tibetan govern. men t. Practically all tile government th re bas resided In the monks. who lire num erous. powerful and have al· st n 'monopoly In the bralna of the Dntlon. Most of the people ·are au Ignorant. licentious lot. so that ·the priests a re all-powerful. Now. everyone knows U1at It Is no easy task to destroy the power of a body of men such as thIs at one tell swoop. Even wben robbed of their t emporal lIuthorlty. their IndIrect Influ ence wlJl be as great or even great· er than before. Trust the Chinese. though. to find a way. With "their ways that are p·e · cullar," they generally arrive at Teeults. This Instance possesses both nov.



nese themselves owe many of their cardinal beliefs. and his Influence was felt throughout the easte rn world. Who he Is or wh ence he arne none knows. Octeu these dala.1 lamas bave been hosen and have ruled when mere children. so that tb ey have had literally no personality outside of the (hllrch. There Is another. known as the tashl lama. who has co·ordlnate au· thcrlty and lakes command wben the dalal Is ott the job. This funcUonary 18 a young man whom England has patronized aud wbo. a rew years ago. acted as Inspector of monasteries. It Is possible he may be elevated to supreme power. but If so. the chances are he wll\ be 0 figur ehead. Cblna has decided to wipe out the BuddblsUt' power and both England and RussIa have promised to keep bands off. Therefore It Is probable tbat the changes now being brought

about will mark an ' IH1Cb In the his tory at the y ~ I o w race. Rarely. If ever. hns a religion been 5ubordinat tl and a subordinate govern· ill e nt elraced wltll :s u c h neatneslll and dispatch alii China has shown. In tact. not even a shortage ot brides could stay the conquering hand. for In Borne regions of Tibet . polyandry Is BUll p r act I sed and seve ral disturbers mi ght be parcelC!d out to one lady. It might be rema rked that. In regions ,,'here the wlv es rule they have sbown th emselves amply capable of keeping st:)verai busbands In order. In a ll th e world there exists no SUCJI rnyste rimi s. picturesque and nu· merous assemblage of so-called monks as are concentrated In Lhasa. Mod· erate estimates h4"e placed their numbers at 11.000; but the observa· tlon of those western Inlruders :lllow for many thou san d more. 'rhey are of nil va rieties. represent Ing every vagary which genuine fa, natic zeal can devise for the humllla. tlon of the flesb. Some crawl on theIr stomachs their entire lives and ocoa· slonally processions of them have the appearance of a huge serpent. Yet even this Is greatly outdone. In ' one' monastery you may see th e abbot. attended by his acolyte. tap on on e at many slone slabs. Slowly it slld ea away and there. within tbe black chasm the aperture reveals. you may dlROerll the wasted form and perhaps a glimpse of the pallid face of one of the men wIlD are und ergoing the IIvIng death ' of permanent self-entomb· menL The wbole religious syste m seem~ to center about devll·worshlp. At the New-¥en,.-festh'aHbe-l1lfJtftlHlft.nee-to scnre away all the demons that rend the human world and they manage to make themselves up so de monla· cally that he must be a nervy devil Indeed who doesn't chase himself at sight of them. ~:....


The finding of nearly $2.000 In shl· nlng gold coins. Wdden away In a hole In the cellar floor of their dead fa· ther's home south of this ctty. came as a. pleasant surprise to the children of D'. B. Disbro. who died a few weeks ~o. a Union City (Mich.) dispatch to the New York Herald says. The dis. closure caUle about In this way: They. with the members of their own families-for they are all men and women . grown-we're Invited to ('at dinner at the old Disbro homestead by their stepmother. who has been such for nenrly a quarter of a century. After' a bounllful meal the . elder Mrs. pisbro Invited the guests to 'accompany ber to the cellar. Then. In Utelr presence. she raised a small stone from the floor aud took from a hole beneath a glass jar. In which could be seen many gold coins. PourIng them out Into her lap, she dl. vlded the precious store Into nine equal partl! and presented each at the children a share. for there are just nine of the children In the Disbro fam·

died 25 years ago Mr. Disbro found In her pocketbook several hundred dol· lars tn gold coin. with the written request to Mr. DIsbro that he add to the store as he telt able and some day present the whole to their children. Be faithfully fonowed the request. with the result that there was more than $2.000 when he died. He confided the secret to his second wife and after his death Bh e't:arrled out his wishes and divided the money among bls children. As she had been amply provided tor In Mr. Dlsbro's will she refused any portion of the hoard. but the children Insisted upon her accepting a few of the coins as a token of their esteem.

elty and elrectlveness. Marry off the prIesthood' and It's power Is gone. Each yellow bride. no doubt .t he as· tute celestlals reason. will convert a scheming. Illlscblevou,8 monk Into a l1appy man of tamlly. with plenty to ~o to--pl'Ovldeprovender for hungl'1 yellow mouths. All through the plan there Is to be found wisdom In large chunks. Heretofore these men have lived In 8plon· did Isolation. Tibet Is pretty well up tn th" all'. anyway. being mostly a plateau ',about 15.000 feet' above sell level. Much above that tower Its Soaked Conaumers. highest pinnacles and It Is In these that tbe monasteries are perched. Ver· "You'lI always find," said the talk.a· Itable mountain forts they are. to tlve customer. after his third drink. which the populace haa for untold naturally turning to ·polltlcs. "that un· ages looked up with awe and reverder any tarltr law It's the poor con· ance. as befltt.ed the contempl"Uon of sumer gets soaked every time." tbose prime mystics of the BuddhIst "Don't you ever believe It... · said the churoh. bartender. "Wby, I've seen many a At one fell swoop these monks. old Uy. rich consumer try to light tho' wrong and young. aro to be robbed of their Explanations followed and fl waa end at his cigar with a toothpick. "awe lind mysticism. As plain, ordl· found thnt when the first Mrs. Disbro Literary Magazine. nary heads of families . they ap· peal to their former followers att tm!re· Jy morrled men. All their craft. It Is to be. presumed, will . be required to keep their . wives In o~der .and tbe Chinese government will ~berefore have a large Job taken off Its hllnds An exceedingly ugly man. saya accosted blm. saying, "Rejoice. ob. by these presumably lovely yellow Jaml. was once In the mosque. ssklng Bahlul. at these good tidings! Tbe brides. .. . pardon of Allab for his sins. writes Prince of the Faitbful has made thee This. how.e ver. Is as little a laugb· Charles Johnston In Harper's Weekly. ruler over apes "ud swlnel" "Take ing matter for the bundreds of ~II- One ,vho overheard bls prayer saId to my orde••rs. then," quickly retort('d lions of yeUow men In the far eaHt Bahlul f r I th t f b as It Is for the' monks wbo are being hlr:: • . "Wherefore. oh. friend, woulds ' jectst': 0 sure y ou ar 0 my su . plunged Into the marital state. Since tbou cheat hell of sucb a countenance? the origin of the' Buddhist r(ollglon. Art thou reluctant to burn up a face which ' gOBS back' to .the age' q( fable. like thaH" Once again. tbe stor.y wrl· Oaslfled. th~re, he.,s been n!l such momentous te:·· tells .us that a certain person' wltb ."1 hear," said Mrs. Old castle. "tbat happening. . a hideous nose was once 00 a · tlme Doctor Cutler bas recently turned to ThIs v~ry dalal lama who .\fall serlt wooing a womaq. Dos.c rlblng Wmlielf osteopathy." . hiking ~bout hlB business ··t.r~)m· tb.e to her. and trying to make an attrae- . "You doo't lIa,." replled ' the bostess' "sacred city .. of Lhasa wall k~own as tlve picture. be «ald. "I am a 'm an de- after ahe had to.JIed a ftve-dollar gold tbe Buddhl\Jt pope. When he reached v:old Qt, lightness aDel frivollt.y· 'and I pieCe "to tbe bllrdygurdy man outside Iodin 'women .I)ecame bysterl:o ar to, am pattenl ·In bealling 'amlctlonal" a~d told blm to ,move on; "I always klasllhl hoI, hands and be bad totalEe "Aye!" said the WOrPllD. "wesl thoti expected som~thlng of ' that kind to the top Ihlors of· botell , so 'that DOD. not patient In bearing of amlctlori~ happen to hIm. Didn't you' ever noleas holy could .sleep above blm. \bo\l hadst . never eJ\dured thy no.. tlce that be leemed ·to bave luch ' " It the CbiDe'se 'are-to be believed. be thele 40 yearll''' All .of ~hloh stoll7 atare?" . la Ir.rellgloua amrdlilslpaied aDd the ",.JUore witty than kind. Hardly leu --. ----..--fortress.lIke · monaltery"e be ·bel4 . sharp la this next' tale: BaJ:llu~ ,... an . ·!ta 8tyl.. , forth WBI a bot bed· or vice and n.olt. toJ.d , once came Into the preaence of "That. alaPr bas ........t voloe," ~.v~rtbe'e... b, . . . tbe . head of lJle \be famecl. ~llh .of 1Jqdacl, tbe 1OOd;. -I ...,~ 0.. accoutl 'or tile pile l1\I.idbrat ~l!""'" 'f' *"1.111 the CIa.. . ~,.a1....o * Oh of tbe ....... .~ aetI,,"", ~~ .




CCORDING to r eports. was one unwavering note at tbe poace congress, he ld at Ch icago May 3 to 6. 190!J. which was . "war must cease rlow ." D!lvld Slarr Jordan of St.1nford university drew for the de leglttes a flaming picture and tllen saw it. It was after this fashion: "1':ot long ago I vlslLed t he lawn of Novara In north. ern Italy. Th r ' In a wbeatHeld. th e farm ers have plowed up sJwlls of men Ull they ha v pil ed up a pyramId ten or twelve feet blg h. Th ese were the skulls of young rueu of Savoy. Sal" dlnla and Aus tria. men without blemIsh. from] to 35 yea rs of agl!. peasants from lhe farm" find worltshops who mot to kill encll oth I' to J ecide whe th el' tb prince ut Savoy IIhollld sit all h is un sta ble thron or yield Go over Italy It to someone else. and th el'C Is scarcely a spot that Is not crimsoned with the blood of Prance. scare Iy a railway statlou without Itt! pll e of s kulls. You trace th m I1cross to Egypt. to the foot of ~hll pyramids . You will lind th lU In G~rrnany. at J ena and at L ·I pstc. at Lutzen. at Bautzen and at Aur.lerlltz. You wl11 find tb em In RUBsla. at Moscow. In Belgium and at Wilterloo." "A boy can SlOP a bullet as \Voll a .. a man ." "Born to b food for powdto\....

·W lgglns-Say. fiagay. H's n wonder :l y hasn 't started up de baseball game In Rus!lla long ago. Ragay- What )lilt dat In y r h ead ? Wlgglns-' aus dey !Ire Buch gOOll rUDD ers. "Beautiful ' Hands."

Paris Pattern No. 3272. All Seams Allowed.-The tunic sldrt. one of the n ewcomers this season. Is IIhown In many variations for wear with shirt waists or fancy blouses. or to featur e as a street costume ''1 com blnaUon with Russian blouse or seml·fltled coat. When washable materials are used for the skirt the fold may be o( embroid ery or bra ided In all·over patterns. The skirt Is smoothly fitted about the hips by darts. and forms an Inverted box·plalt at the back where the clos ing Is etrected. As plcLured. It Is made at white linen. Other materials suitab le for Its development are /lerge. cheviot. homespun. mohair. wide taffeta or foulard. IIncn, duck • : rash and gi ngham; a lso It may be ulled In In wn. organdy or nainsook. WIUI lin gerie decoration of lace and inserLiOn . The pattern Is In 5 slzes22 to 30 In ches wais t measure. For 26 wahlt th e s kirt requires 6 yards material 36 incbes wide. Width at lower edge Is about 4 yards.

Slayers of Their Brothers.

Not a week ago ~ man said lo me with trembling voice: "We piled 78 of them In one dltcb and cov red the m up." "Who?" "Our brothers and cousins iu gray," "Where"" " At Shiloh." "Born to be fooll for powd 1''' calls for big exerclso of suue. r e fl ection. It procure thIs pollern send 10 cents Is the cream·blood at the world that is tc>To"PulI.crn D"portm e ul." oC this puper. skimmed off to bp. "Cood for powder." WrIte nume and a ddress pla inly. nnll be Invalids and the plainly defective do sure t~ gIve size and number ot pattern. not present themselves for military servIce. And oC those who do present NO. 3272. Srz·Ea ................ . themselves. only about one In four In NAME .................... ~ ...................110. the United States. and one In seven In England are fou nd acceptable. TOWN.......... .. ........................... . What can be done to rebuild tbe STREET AND NO ••. , ................. _ manhood of the old world and to prevent the degenerallng of the new by STATE••••• ~ ............................... . war's destructive agency? May we not r eply: "Let e very teach. CHILD'S . DRESS. Ing Corce of every naUon magnify the bleSSings ot peaceful gain and mini. mlze the cloud ed gains of war. Let the historIans trace out the little· rllls of ilie gospel and practice of peace with the ir lIfe·glvlng waters and 1m. Dress their beneficence upon the mlntlt\ of ' the ' school children and youth. Instead of exhlbltlng and glorl. ·tylng the rivers of blood and carnage that have de luged the talr face of the earlh. Tho pupils should become experts In the knowledge and blessed. e,5s of International peaCB...- The press might. well convert Its 'blg scare·heads· into white nUken flags for tho truce of brotherly love. Let public sentiment xclude the jingoIsts from leglslaUve halls and trom political conventions. and drive them 2nto the. depths of the sea to denizen with the herds ot the Gergesenes,"


The Surrendered Life. It Is not enough to yield ourselves up to God once for all. and think that we have then done with the matter. Our surrender to God cannot be com. pleted In a act, but It must gO' on In continued. never·ceaslng series at acts . so long as we draw the breath of lite. We torget this. and wonder why, when our surrender at some tlme In the past was so sincere and complete and UncondJtlonal. we do not ftH~e t~e peace and joy and power t11at the surrendered ·lIfe Is sUPP.osed to bring. The trouble Is Utat we are trying to let a sIngle act of surrender take Ute place of those continued acts of surrender In the everyday trifles of duty which alone can give meaning and efficacy to the original surrender that we made. The surrendered life must be kept .surrendered ; the act ot surrender Is never flnlshed whlle there remains any duty·dolng and aervlce to be done.


On e of the mos t pO)lular ot James Whitcomb Hlle y's po DIS Is "Beauti ful Hanus." YOII may be su re the hands he refcrr d lo were not redd n d and sw oll n and rncked by the caustic In cheap yellow lau ndry soap. Easy Tas k soall-cosU! a. nickel a cake-lasts twi ce as long a nd does twice ns much work as t he yellow. common sorL Your grocer has It. or will get it for you. It's nn honest soap that does the bard work fo r you and glves you a chance to enjoy Uta. The Simple Shepherd !

A Cockney. while spending his balI. days In the HIgbla nd!l. met nn old shepherd drivIng a ftock of sbeep. Wis hing to show off n bit. he said : "Now. If ( we ro a shC!phenl 1 would teach the s beep to follow me," "Oh. aye;" said the sbepherd. "and I hlv nne doot ye wid man age. (or It thoy sa w anllher sh e p In front they wid be sure to follow ."-Tlt·Bits.

Cutarrh CanDO( Be Cured WIth LOCAL APPLICATIONS. the


all tbll)' t3nno~ re.cIJ Cntarrh Ie " blood or COIllJUo

01 tho dlseM

tUlional dL'ICMC. Bod In order La cure It you muRt taU Internal remodlto!. Dall·. ChtAlTlI Cur. ~ tAIleD In,kraally. ILnd nets d 1"'0111' 0,"'0 Lbo blood and muCOUl

I01ta_. lInll', 0 \14 ..11 Cure 1ft not IL quacl< m_ elDa. It IV... prcscrlboil by (>1\0 or the be8t phyllloln ... In tbla ('Ouatty tor yMre all(( .. A I"ejl'\IJIU' pl"l)JlCf!ptlon. It Ia eo,oJ>O<tCd ot \bo bm\ \Ooleo known. comlllflC(l wltb lhe beet blood purln""" IIcLln~ dlreeU, 00 tbIt mucous .u,races. Tha perfe.::L coOlblnntlon or tIM

:':.I:T:~~~~;' ~t&':r":.t ~~u~~ :'~~m~~::,d:,,~: Sold

F. J. CHENEY'" CO.. PrePI-. Toledo. 0.

b V DrwntlllU, prl""


TUe Hall's Family Pilla lor conatlpaUOG.

New Fly Trap. A Callfornilln has taken advantage of the fact that flies always walk up a window by Inventing a trap to be . fastened to a pane In such a manner th~t a fly will enter It wltbout befng aware tbat It hil S left the surface of the glass ..

Important to Mothers Examine cnrefully every bottle (Jt CASTORlA, a safe and sure remedy tor infants and chlldren. and see that it Bears the ~ ";frl#~ Signature Of~~ In Use For Over 80 Years . The Klnd You Have Always Bougbt.. Hard to Chao". "Edward." said the teacher. "you have spelled the word rabbit with two t·s. You must leave one of them out." "Yes. ma·am." replied Edward; "which one?" If You Are


Trifle Senaltlvlt

About tbe size of tour shoe.. many peopl. wear em Aller SIlOM b, uelbg Allen's Foo~Eaae.

the AntlJlepUe Powder to IntO tbe 1Ihoe8.

It cur I! TIred. wolleo, Aohlog Jl't;et aD4 glvc .. rest aud comfort. Jtl.8t tbe lblnl: fop brel>klng In lie'" s hoos. Sold enrywbere.~. SI>rnple licn\ i·REE. Addft .... AU_ s.. UllDJItc4, I.e N. Y .


Cause at the Rush. "Sad. sad. to see humanity ever en· gaged 10 a mad rush for wealth." "Ferget It. Them fellers Is on thel,. way to tile ball park." For Red. Itch In., E,.ell<l •• C7.t .. St,.e. Foiling Ely c ln.~h ell lind All· E Yes 'l1hat N d 'nr' 'fry Murine Eye S a lve. ABep. tic 'I'ub "-TrIal Slzc-2Sc. Asl{ YQur Drug· glSl or Write Murtne Eye Remedy Co •• ChIcago• .•


Oft hath oven a whole cIty reaped Parill Patterns No. 3257. All Seama the evil rrult of a bad man.-~etllod~· Allowed.-For the flrat short dress this DAVIS' PAINKILLER Is a charmlD~ little model. as sultnble dnl'fS PERRY tho PAin aDd Inwullmatlonfruw bee-lItlnn for the baby boy as the tiny girl, but ~gl~~":~~g~e:ilO ~l:.ea26':,~1&:I~cl8 ~O~\':~ It Is equally pretty for lillie maids all tbe way to :; years.. The construotlon It la the aim of the man beblnd til. 1s about as simple as may be. ~athers gun to make his mark. at the neck edge back and front. and plaits under the anns giving requisite fulness. As here shown, the dress is made of wblte persian lawn. rlbbonIs what you ar~ worrying about run beading and narrow valenciennes really worth wblle? lace edgIng supplying tbe decoration. Nainsook. batiste. eambrlc, croBs·bar lawn, dimity. chambray. gingham. percale. also chIna silk. cashmere or french flannel are other suitable mate· rials. The· pattern Is In 3 to . The Cure for Sorrow. 3 years. For a child of 3 years the The cure for sorrow is not of aD dress' requires 1% yards of material earthly origin'. We are spIrits. and 36 tnches wide, with ~ yard beading. 1 real comfort can come only from the yard rIbbon and 1% yards edging. eternal world. Upon the ' margin of procure thla pattern send 10 cent. celestial streams alone those Simples toTo"Pattern D epa.rtme nt." of this p apur. grow which cure the heartache." It 18 Wrtte name nnd a.ddren plainly. and be by the vision of the uns~en that our 'sure to· alve alae and num\>Cr ot pattern. troubles are transformed Into glory. NO. 3257. It Is faith !Jtat assures that "good will SIZE .. .. ....... : ••••• be the tlnfll gOBI of Ill." ·th'e faith that NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••. Is personal trust In him who said : "10 the world ye shall have tribulation' TOWN ...................................... . but be of good cheer; I have ove;. come Ute world." Through our Lord . STREET AND ·N O...................... . Jesus Christ "we glory In tribulations B'PATE .................................... .. also; k~owl~at tribulation worketh patience; ·and patience, ex~rience; Sbe--"There ' Is 11 gulf ' ya'WDS beand · experience. hope." tween us." He-,-··Yes. 'I've been look· . Ing at your father's mouth. but he's Cct .__ . catJ.rica", Revelatlona of the DivIne. asleep," -hanII• ., . Happy are those who can' Bee the CARTER'S etemal stars In the sunlight as weJl 8S Well Earned Beat. LIVER In the ' darkness; . to whom all that Is "Here ~le8 all that is mortal or fairest In . thIs visible world Is . the ~r Tew.ksley. There Is 8.o metblng revelation of the ' glory of Divine and pathetically appr.oprlate In those word's eternal things.; to whom the common .on bls tomb, 'At Reat.·" . 1If~8 of God's pro'vl'd ence ' are ~e S.Y1D' . "You know 86me ' Incldenta at his ) , bOIs. and IIacraments of the better lrifts lire. 'tben f' ·,'Yes. ·TewkBley lived .In a suburban of lila ~ace; to Wbom a Ufe ullvexec! . 'by carl' 'nd Illuminated wtth Iiadnesl town 'and for twenty years be sprInted la the dlsc1pllDe fot ~ endl•• JUe .l0 eYefy morning to catcb the 7: 30 trnl.n for the city." · Go4.-R. • Dale, D. D. ' •



your . ';Bowels ' _rr.

m'u. the

Don't to deDne


faI~ '

mlstlke' · ot b7Ina ... terma of matbemD ~

The ·Weloom. Friend, Nothlq .. Ulen more meadl, · to ' allUlA UIaD • frttnld III llee4;-.Plau'u


- ::::c;:::.

' c6~~ ..WiJ\fH. 'US



F.-.·R I· DNA, T~·.·X.' 48 .esday,. June 7t h., ' Tu $37."" •• VV R"'und 'T",·p,

nra~c" ., ,

Ma . Ilud MrR. Frltllk 8mith

Rollcl .

fauli lyWulte. ntertllin(~d Saturday r ,uHb of Mi./!sourl night uud mldsr '1'.•r. and wife, f Mo rew, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs NII,t hAu AURtin ·en tertn ined SllturdllY ni g bt, Mr. and Mr!l. Owens, of elnwtlre, 0. , f\nrl Mr ' Sitz UOll oblldrOD of 8laDohtls· ter.


Mis!le!l Altoe eh' noweth ' nOll B rthu ml th ent rtain d Friduy uad 8,,~urduy lligb t M damell Dye und Conov r ; of ~ ' run kli n and Mrs . Mollie 'ollios lind gra ndduugbter Lois Hugh!' of j}llyton, Mrs. ldu. Mo Adums of W s t Cnrrolton, Mrl'. Mary 8ILW0<4 spent !levertl l da.ys lu s t week with rel ~tive!l In


And see for yourselves the country that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mon~er, former W arren County farmers, W 0 are now 'living in the Friona Country, and, as D~it~:~ AlICe henowl:lth and 'B erthn hud their g n Rtll on . you WI·11 see by t hOI elr etters heret 0 a t - Sond,LY l1i~ht Elder T . J , WiliitLIOM tached, are happy and contented. . . u.n~rw~:ct O!:!~G~.e \:: (~akin enturto l5uudl1v dinner. Mr . lIod a II up or wrl°te me tha t you WIOil tailled Mrs, Mlnl/Ltt tlud ciflu!{httlr L aM . (, f Mt. Holly, M !l~r8 Abl', 'Vilber n.c d JOIn us on the a bove da t e. Bullet Du,kin,of MidLlletow n. Wnlter Ol\\tin and family . W • H• ANTRAM , Mr. UbarlitJ Lu y, of Duytou, .pe nt ' 1111t,h

11 1'\



Another Comet? Sure! This one will put in an appearance onc v ry year, visible in t hese columns. H. M. J effe ry i in Waynesville for this week on is annual round tuni}lg pianos. His work manlf ls superior skill as i::; confirmed by the. long list of mOHt co mmendable recommendati ns r eceived at val'ious points t.hrou g houL the state from Clin ton . Warren and Putm. m counties . A call for him at Mr. I oy h' ns' phon , Valley 103-2, or by pos tal will receiv e PI' mpt attention. You can t ntiSl it ill Serll ring his services.


WHAT MR. MONGER WRITES many, while in Ohio tbey are tew






Five Dollars' Worth Of 4-Minute Records ~~



: Given Free


Selling Agent for the Consolidated Land ~~ll~~~y~:~~!~~l~~~~~~~~tlt~~; Co., Kansas City, Mo. and flllOily .

Lebanon, Oh10.

I ___________-L________________

:-;::_:_:_:_:.:.;.:_:_:_:_:_:_:-:.:_:_:_:_:.:.:.:_:_;_:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : .:.:.;.:-:.:.:.: .:.:.:.: . :.:.:.:~:.:-:.:.:.:.:I'


MI'. ·has . Cornell, of Route 5, was With every 4-m inute atttachm nt to an Edison Phonograph. married to Mi " SherrQei, of larksWith this attachment you can play both the t and <I minute Mr. Ed. 'henow th, of nelir ViI)lLrR recorJs. . Uhu.pel WIlS calling on hi relati ve!'! ville, last Thursday, at the bride's hom . Bring in your machine and have the uUachmell.t pul on. of this vioiulty l:3undllY . Mrs. Ella Rye Wll able to be out PERSONAL DOINGS to meeting l:;lLturdny aft rnoon nnd Suudu.y . Her fdell ds were glut! . '. to gr et her once in her old Ray Zell , of Xema, WIlS a VISItor accustomed place. 1here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dn.nil:ll tdorgn.n and OHIO WAYNESVILLE, A. H. Harlan; of Ne"W Burlington . fa.mlly had [UI their guest 8undtLY attended Memorial Day services _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----Mr. Ellison Robin80n. . 'I'here wlll be the yeurly ILnnuu.l here. ba ket meetiu~ at Middle Run u xt Mrs. Catherine Heston. of Spring: ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _II! Sunday. There will be preAohiog Ol~ssifted 8aturdllV at 1 :30 by Elder George A Bretz, of Indillna.. .

and far between. To my Friends in Ohio: ' You ma" make a Hvi ng a nd save I am more than willing to write money in Ohio, but here is the pla<le what I think of this .mrt of Texas: to get rioh off your orops, while Firat of all, I want to say that I your land inoreaees in value. would rather hve here many times If you are a rentor, buy your tiokover than iu Ohio or any other state et for Texes on the next exoursion. I W&8 ever in. If any of you people in Ohio oome to In Ohio I WILS on a reuted farm Friona, just drop around and see' and paying half of what I earned by Yours truly, All'! will be In9CrLCl\ ullilur till!! II ;HI (ur hard work into the poc~ets of my Robt. Monger. tweoty · llv u ce llI" for three In~ rll""1I1. landlord. No more renting for mine -wboll ual0l: 1101 Ulur Iha D live IInuH. Oregonia. row, and Ml;"s . . Hattie Conner. and when I can oometooountry liketh1s WHAT HIS WIFE SAYS .",..,~ ~ \' , son. of Lebanon, were in town Me(OsteopathiC Physician) A Story- With Apologies, and bur better land on eight yea1.'8 Before my hUAbaud and I left Ohio ,· FOR 'RENT Day. time, for llUle m.ore th~u you pay when it was learned t hat we had A fool there was, and ~e wn. tohed morial - ' - - -+ - +.- - the oom&1i, . in eight years in Ohio for taxes. I boughtland in Texas, our neighbors New Burlington. Tuesday and Friday Even 8 S you l.nd I. ASTURE-For cows or fauoy live withIn one 'mile C1f Friona, all told us that we would be baok in Qn a bleak h!l1slde at 2 A , M , Of Each Week oattle-good grass, pl enty WII. TeDlud paid ta• .OO an aore and . OhIO before long. We heard all While the~ark trees loomed near ty Miss Lllura Wood returoed 8a~ur and rll tes re080nu ble. Barry But now he sits in his own door . day from a v'isit with relatives in only . ,few ~ay. ago !Po farmer from kindB of bad tbing8 about Texas. WadMworth, X mile south of town. yard,Dayton . Indiana uked me ' if I would take Suoh as hot winds, spiders, snakes, Office at the Gustin House ' Phone 44~4 r. He sits, aud he heaves a sigb, C. E'. Viokers, who has been work. 150.10 an aore for my farm. Iboaght sand etorIQB and drouRhts. . For the oomet in the early evenin~ ing in the West, is at homo for a OOM S-To rent to Olle or mora 160 acrea and broke 90 aoree and 1 am happy to say that we fouud 8htnes brightly in \the sky. few weeks' visit. Hours of Appointment, 8 a. m. ladies , furnil!lJed, iu good 10 Il Ihave planted thle year 26 aor811 of none of the~ 'hinge and that we J. K .. Spencer returned la8t week Mis!! Flora Harlan ha-8 ret~lrned to 12 m. lty. Relit r eusllllllble .. InqUlre for broom oorD, which ta one of our have rain here that 18 wet and just from a business trip to Erie, Pa. I heme fr om her school work In Mi- : ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _rii urther ptlrtioularB at this offioe, g orope here. 'The rest I have in as muoh in .t tie spring and summer , Walter Cleaver was down from lamisbur . lWBooJ'll. mtllet, matae,pc'&Ilt088 and months a~ we ~ad in Ohio. Springfield over Sunday. Mrs. B. H . Keloh Rnd daughter, LOST • lot ,o f prden truok. . There are no sand atorme and the of Cbicali/:o, a.reL's Iluests at the 24i8S Ruthe Kertley, of Cinoinnati, Mrs. Kelo' parents, Mr.home and .~------"----~L Farmen who have beep here are olimate 18 ideal anll the altitude is spent Sunday with berparents here. Mrs. Jos. Billir. 'weJJ _t18t1ed and there Ie ·n obody. so high tblL' many people oome OST-la8t Friday on thl-l 8treet, Mr. C. G 'WiUia~on, of ~aynes. M~, and Mrl'. Borry Thomas and . HU.lD. out" whloh is a 'good .1go in here an-d are ourea of oonsump Gold ~olleghltnleM in case . Find ville nnd Clnoinnatl, WIlS 10 town SOD, Everett, ot Miamisburg, Mr. Make old furniture look like new er please leave at Geo. Hawke's ' a new oounky. Th18 year wheat Is liud IUIthma. \ 8unday . . • /' It.od Mre Allron ~ears, of Oenter~FIVE COLOR$. grooery and reoeive reward. the main crop and I know of fields Our ohtldJ;'en, are happy and Miss Luoille Norton WRS the guest ville, spent Sundlt.yat the home of Light Oak, Cherry, Dark Oak, 'h.~ oontain lUI liigh . &8 1500 acres healthy a.nd go to a Rood IIChool only of Mrs. Will MooJ;ley last week. A . W . Reaves and family. . Walnut, Mahogany SHAWL-Lost !i'lldn.y evening, be. 'hat wlll run from 10 to 85 bUBhelB a liUI~ over a mUe away. I can Ohildren's Day wlll be. observed -Mo.jor MoAa.ron, of the O. S. & 8. F C SCHWARTZ ' twean ~trawn'lI residence on · _ . . . . the LebanOJ.i pik a, Imd Wllynesvtlle. pel' acre, ~d it 8t~nds to r88I1C"o that . y to the wives 'of the Ohio farm· at the U. B. (":huroh &Ilnday after- home, de1iv~red a memorial a.ddreAs,"IIIi.·_ _•_ _ _ _. _ . at the M. E: church Snnday Ilfter-I ~ Fin(ler lea ve dt the U oz tte office. land that will grow that kind 'of ers who wallt to oome here, that noon, June 5th, at two o'olook . Prof. Williams aud Miss Edna noon to a. large audience. Musio wheat will not.tay at 120 to 130 per they had ootter ~ive up thetr friends . acre. whloh 18 the price that Mr. and move here.and make new ones 8penoer attended the T~uHeoreek was furnished by the b~nd. FOR SALE ~ohool exhibit at Lebanon ' last Chas. PeterMOD, wife and daughSubscribe for the GaJ:e'tte An~am II se1.11ng·the land belonging fOJ there are better chanoes for Thursday , ter, Miss ' Stella, of Dayton were to the Oonsolidate4 Land Company. your husbands iil thie new oouutry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B iCAGO Cottage orglln in good ...;, MHI. G sorge• ' M0 t e an d.,·wo 0 hil - guests ot,relatives h ere Sunday. 1 bonght from these p8(lple and I My only regret on 'leaving Ohio condition . For particulars in. dren of Columbus, have oean vi sitW. A. Smith, of Urbana., aud Will had a equare ' deal and got II. good ' was t~at 1 wa. not able ,to tllke my Ing r'elativesnere . Mr. l\IIotejoi'led Smith, ' of' Dayton, epeut Sunday quire of W. C. Cast, Phone U8-S title, b!'ok~ .uP by the ~tate. l ,am f~ienc1s with me. However, I have the~ Sunday. with their mother. I:'OR 8ALE-Fine I nt, of OS8ge weU: satisfied. and, my famtly and I found new aoquaintanoe8 and they Several' of our young people at· . rhe Mlssio~ary Sooiety, of'the .I" POlitS. Large number 'of ' end are happ~ /'and I ' want to say 'to my are all nice people ,,'nd I hope . tbat BUSINESS tended .the Oommencement exer· Friends' ohuroh was' entertained by po ts 6 and inobes, dIameter, 9tt. . friends in Ohio, :who feU sorry for, 80me of' our Ohio neighbors will oises at Harvevspnrg last week. Mrs A. W. Reeve8 on Satur.dayaflo~g. 1:1. C. Oollins, R . R . No.1. Oregonia, Phone Ft. Anoient No. 2, me, ,hAt if they will oomehere and join us beforA long. r second my OU! little village was thrown iDtO te~noon. ' ANYONE, Ilnywhere, can staJ;t 84?e this oonntry themselves and talk h~~nd'(I in vitation fo~ you .'0 great exoitemen.t Satnrday by the 'Our baud furnished mllSio for the a mu.t! order business at home; R 2 Ilnd7;l'. your own bos8. to the people who have farm.ed bere oome ana see DS if you oome here to appearanoe of a quaint ~~ure ,who' memor.ial 8ervloes at WayneSVille No ,canv88810K. swung up the street,looklng nelther on .M.opday. . l3end for free booklet · Tells how , for yean, that they wlll agree ~l tli look at lo.nd . Yours sincerely, . to her right nor left, Some suggest• - • HeaOO(jk, A 5620, Lockport, N. Y. HELP WANTED me that the opportunities here are Mrs. Robt. Monger. ad that she was "hiking Nell," otb'Wellman. er8 h' e ld that she was wa.lkinll; on l a wager, bnd still other8 t~at she ELP WANTED-Young women Mr. and Mrs. ' Orlanda Brannon WANTED was a deteotive in disguise. of eighteen years and over, tmtertain~d on Sanday Mr. and Subscribe 'fQr THE borne paper......The Miami Gazette ... --.,... Work U$ht and olean. GOJd wages , Chbrley Brown and tamily, Mr. aDd Corwin. o KNOW-If you have a horse, &.nd oomfortable notel acoo~mtMla­ Mrs. Ed Brown lLuddaughter. oow, plow, raka, oranything to tions olose to t?e faotory . , Addrees Quite a. nnmber of strangers fro~ Mrs : Sarah Rioh spent Weduesda.y sell. Try our want oolumn . "' We The ,peters Cartridge Compo.ny, a dlstlinoe were here on Deooration WIth her daughter, M~8, Chules OILP eelJ them for you Ill. smllll oost. Dept . 166, Kings Milts, Ohio. Day visitiI.'1f friends Bad relattves . ! GrllY, of DAHr WayneSVille. Mr. AlvlD of . OilY ton, vis r , Mr. A,nd Mrs. Lew Sears. aud Aon . 'HOUSEKEEPERS-That we have N intelli~ent person may el\rn Ited bls dRughter, Mrs. Chlls. Rev . : lind Mr . ond Mrs Frank H~we cRlled for Bllie at tbe G Izette offioe . ,100 monthly corresponding nold MondliY . , C' D Gl)orge Bogan and famUy 8an · lots of nice olean papers ff'r shelves for n~wspllpers . No oB.nvIl8sing. Mrs . . AlioA MoKlnsey hll(l as ber : da.v evening. . and to put 'under oarpets Prioes Send for part.lcalars. Press Syndi011 te, B 5721, Lockport, N. Y·. gU'est her unol e, Mr. Wm . Nedry, of I a. C. Collins and ("roily were oheap. c.'ull and sEle t,hem, Hu.rveyshnrq. lus t Th u rsdBY . ; gups ts . 'l'hursday of Wanzel Harris ~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~!!!'!!!!!'!!~!I!'!!!!!!!!!I!'!!!!!!!Im . ML', BAn ~tile!!, of Morrow, visited i Rnd fIlOlily. · :: - ,.....his rela.tives, Mrs : Hope Stiles· and Mrs. IrwlU Taylor spent the fore. d8.u~hter MoudlLY· " . pl\rt of the week ,with her p!nentp, Mr. James Morgan. who has hee n Mr. 8.nd Mrs. James Gray . . very sorioullly i\lIS much . improved 1 'Mr aud Mr8 George D~vi8 o.nd. us Joe II ad Glenn: Mr and Mrs Ear. we are glad to report at thiS writing. , The aged iI father and mother MiBS Lydia Graham is visiting I !~st MR.noon ...Mrs ,' Ida Mannon and of a prominent Boston I~Lwyer her pllreots . dllughter Ethel were very plf'asRu~ly Mrs . W . Biggs and son Gil\)ert entertained I,t ,the home of Elvin safely carried through tJo.e Ia~t 'W hen you buy shoes made by were visiting in O.·egouia. one day Fires !lnd fllmilv' 8uDday. . two · winters by 11l8t week. . ENDICOtt. JOHNSON & CO. Mls!\es Mary a,nd Op"l Gray "pent Mr. and Mrs. !frame, of Riohmond, several UIlVR Ill-at week with t.heir you ~n depend upon getting Ind ., visited Mr. lind Mrs. . Wm . grandparents, Mt;. Bnd Mrs. N B . Frame Il few d'I\Ys .la~t ~eek. ij,loh. , ; .' . . .' .more·for your' morieythan 'it is . IIdr Bod.ley. (~ur new , op~r"tor) MiEls Lizzie Stroud, of 'Ba,rvey8~ Th~ ' son says:" ·t'ather .and wife bave .moved into··the Bert h 'PO~ible to 'g et .elsewhere. Shepherd property : '. . . burg, Mpe.n t Saturday night jw~th, er , . and mother. owe . their' present I nieo , ,Mrs. Anna B ~o.nnon . .. 'thJa.,18 ~e~ largest and 'most complete orian. ~' . ,s~~ength· an~ g?od heaJ'tJ:1: tQ . '. " . Mrs. Mary 'Higgins, of' 90Iumbu.8. I~atto.n l~ ~1t· ~o.rld ,forthe production .and dis.. Mrs, Mfl.rgbrat ,King It.nd Mrs : La.ura .. Mr. J'itmeslJleaver autoed ~o Day- ' . _ ' . . ". , .' ., .. .Vmol., )D~ru~~ the ta~t two . QUIl,Qilng. qt. ("'inohiD~.ti~ ~er~. gtie~t'8 'ton Slltu'r·d ay. . .' '" ;' '. ,:trl~~~ ~. ahoes a~d theoniy one that makes ~lng ~mt~r:s. ~¢lther ,of thent .h~;; a'. ~,?lClt"'~~ w,ere . ~~. fro.i n .p!e.,.aw materjal and seli. direct 'tQ ., . .', (If Mra 'Abn O1a;rk'J~st,we ~, ... .: .. , "'.~l" H~Org~' D~~isljad~" ~ ~~8i~es8' able .\to w~l,k farth~r .,and, . do mQre . than ,for years. ~e we~re, thtQ~lh retail ~t9re., ,. '. I Mr, aJ}'d Mrs", Cl~IlS . ' B.roWn .and trip ,to Spriligfi~ld . Hfld/ly.. ... ;,. '" I ' thi~k Vi~ol "!s peite¢tlY. wond¢rf.Ul" . It ceiWnly is . r Because of,th'eli"un'~q~l~ fac.l~iUe8!. EndJc;:ott r~ctori., ,~ad ohndren , Apet:ltM~~i:lo.~ i.n '8 ellbrook! '" Mr. . Carl Clea~er" and ,Mr . . .rc:M,: In qaallt,• lit and .t1.~,."jn8 d • .tli'abl. In·"IIoi... . . '.' _ ' ~ ~ - ';" , . :.', "", ,, af . Day~o~ :lil'e vleiting .",Ith Jhe great~t· ~lQ~-mak~!lg, 's~re~g~ening tOi1~C Il r old .'.. Yo~ not only I~t b."." ,,110."# but pi;, ., ..... for 'them.: bMua~ ·their pareuts . '. ' ., people I. ev~r ~eatd of.. " ,. ,e, , . • D~ mld41emen'. prom, ~ncJuded In tI:le.priCe., ','~~~ ~.d ID_ .. . . ~. IO '"' -"d1iNU 1bI.~ 13. ~'6"; WOl~eq",aaou .a't~ S&\J.O~· w.,...., ~~ _." ·~ ~,, Won't ~b off." Big'" AJ a'rge maJm1t,y of ibe laOd,:'ana ~"., M'o~ Sale by .' .' ~ . DOl• ...... ............... ..... ' I ' . . . , . f ) ' . ~tPectabl. ~0aj'1i In tbla ~or'jcl Iia..


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. ~aYnesville, . Ohio .



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In M.. e - - - : _ _ - - - - - - - . met Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. I Miriam Opdyke Hale, which occurred President Cartwright read his an- \ Mrs. Emma Dakin was quite sick Isaac St0ul was a Dayton visitor Monday afternoon at the home of her Mt·. and Mrs. Lester Surface enMISS Bes~le Hun~, formerly of nual report, which was well received, 'again last week. Monday. son, one of the oldest residents .of t rtained Sunday the followina- guests . . .. . Montgo!llery county was remover! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Swindler, of near Lyll::. IS spendm~ the SUIl:mer and will be published in the Miami I at Camp ~urry, Yosemite, Cal. Gazette. After the president's ad- I D.r. and M:~. A. T. Wright were , Miss Hel,en Hawke IS a victim of from her earthly habitation. Her Dayton; Mrs. Harry and the measl l'- . death came as the result of an acci- daulrhter Louisa. d ress 'Ierk Harlan read his report Sprmgboro vIsitors last week. and following this, Treasurer J. O. ! Mr. anu Mrs. A. B. Chandler w~re Raymond Davis and James McClure dent that occurred about four weeks Mrs. H. K. Roberts, of Denver, Cartwright submitted his report. in Dayton Friday and Saturday. were in Lebanon Saturday. ago when she sustained a fracture of . Col., writes us as follows: "Bt!rt is A /jet of resolutions were passed, her left leg . Miss Donna Hawke entertained at beginning to Btand and take a step two Ot· three of them calling forth nr. lagelt, Frank Shidaker and Dr. A . T. Wright was in Dayton on Mrs. Hal,e had spent almost her en- dinner Monday for Misses Stella and 01' two with aid, and hill arm ha.'l ue- spirited debates. Haruld Huwel l were in Lebanon Mon- professional business Munday. tire life in Bell.brook and that vicinity. , Mary White, of Owensbor\" Ky. gun to knit since the second opera- Th ' election of officers was as fol- day. Dr. T . S. Sherwood made a busi- She was born February 15, 1814. Those present were, Misses Martha MG' K Rh . d f H'II b ness t l'ip to r.incinnati Tuesday. about two miles west of that place, O'Neall, Jessie Marlatt, Luella Cortion, and he is im~roving very well lows, ,considering all things. This may be A. H. Harlan, dark. . .r;t' eo I' . ' oa °Rh IdS °trh~' removing to the village when quite nell, Stella Lemmon, E:lith Mosher, . f ' t . h t, treasurer. 18 VISI 'mg liS son, L .~. oa es IS Rev. Willis O'Neall is spending young. I n lO 82 she was. marrl'ed 'to H enne . tta McK'\\lsey, Kat herme . AI ex' an Item 0 mterest to a grea many J . 0 . Cartwng ' k of his friends in Waynesville." S. L. Cartwright, E. E. Keever wee . several days with relatives here. Silas Hale, whose death took place ander and Mrs. Fred Hartsock. at Bellbrook June 30, 1889. To this and Sam!. Ellis, trustees. Sheriff Forgy, of Lebanon, was in . A vote of thanks was tendered to town Thursday. driving a new autoMrs. Ray Sr~uth an~ d~ughter union were born ten children, six of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinwiddie en· spent Tuesday With relatives 111 Day- whom are stilllivina-, the oldest beMr. H~rbert Evan Q • a former well the old board for their untirina- mobile. tertained at their country home Sunknown and popular young Xenian effort, during the last year's work. ton. ing Mrs. Dorinda Brelsford, of Palm day the following guests: Mr. and ... • Evan Steddom, of Lebanon, was , Beach. Florida. She is now 77 years will graduate on Thursday from t h e the Kuest of Seth Cook _and family Read the program for the Antioch Mrs. Henry Brown. Mr. and ' Mra. ~unday. . . Chautauqua, which is .given in full of age. The other surviving children school of Ol!teopathyat Los Angeles DEATHS --.--on the last page of this issue. are Frank G. Hale of Dayton, 73; Ed Brown and son, Mr. and' Mrs. CaL, ·invitations announcing that fact. having been rp.ceived by Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whitaker,. daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. ,H. Y. Walter and Henry N. Hale, of Xenia, 73; theRe Frank Zen. Mr. and Mra. Walter Mrs. Frank Zell. Mr: Evans is a son Mr. J. C. Beck~tt. of t?IS place, died son, Dan, were calling' on relatives Misses Ada Furnas and Anna Mer- two being twins; Mrs. Mary J. Hart- McClure and son, Carl, Mrs~ Eva ed ith returned from Oxforci Monday sock, residing seven miles south of Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strouse, of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Evans. of Ur-- a~ ,. her home In Sunns~, Ky., last here Sunday. bana, and a nephew of Mr. Frank Friday and was burled a; that , evening. Xenia, 71; James It. Hale. of Colum- Miss EtheJynJoR88, Mr. I. A. Scott. - - -... - - Mrs. Chas. Smart and daughter, bus. employed in the state1ibrary, 63; Zell. After graduating from the place Su~day afternoon at S 0 clo~k. SMITH-WERNTZ Xenia high school, Mr. Evans studied Mrs. ~hltaker was a woman of WIde Miss Mary, were shopping in Dayton Born. on Thursday, June 2nd, to and Silas of Xenia, 52. for a year in the Philadelphia School a~Qual.n~ance and was of a lov~ble last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Orndorf Jr., a -- - ••- - The funeral daughter. BEAUTIES OF PASADENA Mr. Walter Smith. son of Mr. and or Osteopathy, after which he went I dispOSItIon. i t ev~r he ld a t Sunnse Mrs. Edith Harris ana Harris Mrs. Jeff Smith, and Miss Laura to Los Angeles to complete his t were t h e arg~s He will come to Ohio after and was a testimOnial of the esteem Mosher were in Cincinnati Friday Mr and Mrs. A. B. Sides attended A friend of Elizabeth Moore, visit- Werntz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~~~~~duation but will probably re_ 'l t~e citizens held for her. Tne se:- and Saturday. the Wolcott- Wright nuptials at Red ing in Pasadena, Cal , tells of roses so Charles Werntz, were married last turn to Los Angeles to , practice hi s I VIces at the M. E. church were 10 The many friends of Miss ~Iizabeth ILion l~t week. full and stretching thirteen inches, Wednesday morning in Lebanon at f' ' . charge of the Daughters of Rebecca Carroll are glad that she IS able tO Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen are in also seeing the "Gold of Ophir" at the M. E. parsonage, Rev. W. A. pro esslon. _ _ and the Grange. . beout again. Columbu~ attending the annual meet- its height, hundreds of bloom in all Cooper, officiating. . f th Oh' B k ' A -- • tj' shades from orange to the most deliWednesda~ evening Walter's . e 10 an ers n=ocla on. . E. E. Liddy, of Denver Co1., writes Mr. and Mrs. Ha~ry Cleaver an d mg 0 cate tints, and th~ir trip up Mt. Lowe f' nen dsmade merry f or h'1m by glvMlss,Mary C. Brown, aged 86 years family, of LebaRon, spent Sunday Buy Wi-da-me Salve and help The road took them uP. up, skirting Ing him an oldfaahioned belling., us the following newllY letter: Enclosed please find money order died at her home in WaynesVille Sun- with Mrs. Ellen Sides. , a worthy cause. The Ladies Aid SO- the foothins until they came to the renewal of Gazette. This finds my- day morning at 11 o'clock. Her Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoades ' ilnd ciety of the Christian church have it "Incline" 2200 feet abo~e the sea, MAD DOO SCARE where they to~k a curIOusly conself and family all w~lI including ~r· 1 death WM occasioned by a~ accident, dau hter ~nd father G. K. Rhoades, for sale. Needles and family. Decoration isome few days ago, when she fell, a, . ' structed car which went to Echo Mt., Last week the little daughter of Day I stood on the corner of 17th : breaking her limb at the hip. spent Monday 111 Lebanon. Dr. M. W. Lang, who is on a short 1400 feet, then five miles in the elec- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheets, who live and Champa streets, here in Denver, She had been in feeble health for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell were In visit to his parents in St. Mary. Ont., tric car to "Alpine Tavern" where at ' SprinKboro, Ohio, \V&8 bitten . with Will Rogerl! and witnessed the some yeara, and had Just returned Bellbrook last week attending the remembered the Gazette by sending the trail be,rins to the summit 1100 by a dog supposed to be m8d. We a post-card from there. feet above. Many a-o up on horses are a-lad to note she is improvinl' G. A. R. paraces. It was quite large; to her home from the Friends Board- funeral of Mrs. Miriam Hale. the Automobile CO's loaned their ing Home when the' accident hap. . or burros but she and sister pre- nicely. The mother and little airl autos to the old soldiers to ride to pened. The funeral tOOK ~Iace Mrs. Sherman Dyke· and son, WI~- Mr .. a~d Mrs. J08. N. I14cKmsey ferredwalkin~ along those ledges. willreplainat.thehospitalforaeveral the cen.etery. One of the oldest Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock frO'rrt lIam and daughter, Laverne, were a~~.famll:h of ~orr~7-; w~e ~~ests They made the trip in SX' hours, 3 days in Cincinn:t!.;. • veterans was 104 years old; he had to the Red Brick,.church. Deborah Lloyd shopping in Lebanon Saturday. 0 IS m~ er, rs. . Ice c msey miles up and 2X miles down on the ---- ride in a carria&,e. and some others, of Spring Valley, officiating. Inter- Misses Sybil Hawkeana-J6Sep me and famllY~-.Qf Corwin, Sunday. other side. A lady 78 years old also WILL PLAY IN LEBANON too, who were qUIte fe~ble, but lots ment was made in Miami cemetery. Oglesbee were guests at a dinner Mrs. Issa Smith returned to her walked it that day and thf'Y saw one The Cadet Band h~ accepted a of them walked and qUIte a few who party in Lebanon last Wednesday. home in Covington, Ky., last Thursyears old. go upon a burro. The job to play in Lebanon at the Fair walked were feeble and cripp\ed, but day, after spending several months vIews were Simply grand. grounds on the 4th of July. they would not give up. The ConRev. Edwin Darst. wh'o i'n former Misses Emlmda, and. CLelurba Haw ke with her son, Ray Smith and family. • - • • _ • federate ,soldiers were also in -line years frequently filled the pulpit of spent severa ay~ In aHnon lkas t WAS AN OLD RESIDENT C. E. SILVER ANNIVERSARY right behind the G. A. R.. which th e Ch' I week, guests of MISS Mary awe. Mr, Otto Long, of Columbus, and rlst'Ian Ch urch 0 f thOIS pace, .oes to show there is no Mason and but who in recent years has been Miss Mary Smart left Monday for Miss Gertrude Alexander, of Middle- Mr. Abram Gaskill, whG died at Every&hinK ia IQ readlDeII for the Di~OIl'8 1i~e now; no North, no South preaching in southern Texas has Kansas where she will spend several town, were guests Sunday of Mrs. Greenville, Ohio, last Wednetday great; oonTentloD of· Ohrlstlan Ea- JnstTohne 'sreat. chounwtry , alyl broth- passed away in that state. and his re- months with her aunt Mrs. Mawhin- Alcthill Alexander and Miss Kathe- was born near Waynesville in 1819: deavorerfl, repreaentlng 1,700 lOoal era. . l~ pan~s th ar 1 eterans mllins will be brought to his parents ney. rine. He lean\ed the wagon-making trade looietlea In 26 Protes"'n,denomlnawere 10 me an e regu ar army home near Dayton. Last fall he . ' at Crosswick. Many residents can tiona, whlob oonven88 for t~ fin, from Ft. Logan Colo.; also state came to his former home ill the be- Mrs. Amanda Reed and son, of Mrs . Leshe McCune, after a pleas- still remember the old shop that eventnlBesaioD in Mualo ~ll, OiDmilitia, a-overpor and. s41ff, quite lief that he would p8ss away in the . Lebanon, have been the, gu~ts of ant visit with. relatives here, le~t stood there for many years. clonati, Jooe 21, at 7 :30 o'oJook. a large parade and wltness~ by nearfuture, but growing better He Mr., and Mrs. Roy [rons for a few Tuesday morn 109 for her ho~e In He moved from here to Blue Ball. The !)OoveD&lon. which .1~lu for' tho~ds of people. But the old returned to his work in Texas, only I days. Van ~ert. ~he w~acc~mpamed by this county, and from there to Troy, t;bree daya and four nigbY, oele.. 8O~dlers, both blue , and g~ay, a~e to be called from, the place of his la- I , M d M J h F ~ nd her Sister, MISS MI!-rle MIller. Ohio, where he had a large wagon bratea 25 year8 of organized work thmning out very fast. Time will • ' r. an rs. 0 n rom a, , ' be h ' h all f bors 10 the sunny south. He leaves daughter of Dayton spent Sunday. Mrs Ella Hutsel of Athen- Tenn factory. A few years later he went amon, the yonnl peopJe , of 'Ohio. -=- -teeB- ncpmol'e ere WIt 0 • ' . I " , . ' , "', • G .I h 'II Ro ' dIh d d a wlfeand several children . at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. C. who has been the guest of Mr and to reenvil e, where e spent the An aouaual numbe,. of lpeclal feat h em. WI a-era an a a goo - - • . , . most of his life on a farm. . tures bave been planD~d. chat on the Decoration daYfl we used WILL TOUR EUIWPE Hawke. Mrs. Frank Elbon, for several daYlI, Mr. Gaskui is survived by two On Toe,8 da, afterDoo~ a peat ex. to have in old Waynesville. They Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch and le;~ T~~:di .fo~ Dalton, hw~er:. she sons and several a-randchildren. ourslon wlJl run op the river to were about as good as any or better Miss Margaret Edwards, of the daughter. . of Miamisburg, were WI VISI . rlen s or a s or Ime. The funeral took plae, at hi' late Coney Iliand, where ~be EndeavorEdwin Chandler, Elizabeth Chan- home Saturday. Interment was ers will be in oharge for the day. than I have ~n elsewhere. You Weaver School a~d a. party ~f te~ch- guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards used to C make ers from other dIstriCts, WIll. make Sunday. dl er, Anna an d Hannah KeII ey, made at Greenville • know John Taflor On FridayaflemeoD the oonvention . d Le . Th . . d . • -- ••- - a good d rum maJor, an e um- up a party to tour Europe thiS sumwHI go by ohartered oare, the Zoo Mings had about as a-ood a band as mer, sailing the latter part of the Mrs .. F. C. Schwartz ~d family ornton Cam and ~Ife, an Matilda WAS AT CASE SCHOOL .Tunior teal, Miaafonary dlnDen, you would find anywhere, b~t time month and landing at Naples. After and MUis Reeves were m Dayton Underwood w~re. m ~ttendanc. at and on Friday the anDual banquet changes every thina-. except mem~ries traveling leieu.rely through Italy they MO~?aY'Hand spent the day at the ~~~r~~~r~aeetmgm Rlchmon', Ind. Mr. L. S. Rhoades who returned of the VeteraD'8 A880oiatlon, Will y.:hich we cherish all our , lives. I will go to Oberammergau for the Sol lers om~. y. from Michigan Il¥lt week, visited CllIe add muoh to $11e fellowship iid8~ of want to be at the next "Home Com· Passion Play. They will go to England Mrs. Huffman who has been visitRev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader school there. He went throua:h this the o'lnveotioo. ing," whenever that is, as I coul~ for a fe~ weeks, returning home via ing the family of Mr. F. C. Schwartz were called to Greenville, Ohio, last establishment and learned quite On Thursday afternoon, In the not make the other one. I trust thIS Liverpool and New York. They will for some time returned to her home we~k on account of the death, of Mr. a good many things that were of in- rally of the VoluDteer Band, wbioh, finds you and yours well and prosper- be gone all summer. In the party in Dayton Monday. AbraJ:ll Gaskill. who was about 90 terest to him, especially in the in a whirlwind oa-.u\)algn Wl~ o~ ous. I am dispatching trains here will be Misses May Crowell, Trillena years old. They were gone Friday manual training department. There tbe s'ate debt, a ,great roll oon"'ln· for the Colo. & Southern and am do- Edwards. ,Alice Lane and Yirda Ray Ha~ke, of Dayton, was the and Saturday. . were many things also in the li1echan- iog the names of thouallads who ing very well. When you write to Bruns.--Day:on Herald. I guest of hIS parents, Mr. and Mrs. . .' ical departments that will aid him iD made cODtribution of trow teD oente Geo. Woolley kindly give him my Mrs. Cynthia Evanaand,Miss Dora J. C. Hawke Sundar' He also spent . , Mrs. Mollie Edwards, of Dayton, his work here. to tiUy doUars, wUl be exhlbUed, best r~d8. Wish you continued Ellis of this place will be members part of the day In Harveysburg. I started for Roga-en.. Col., last Wednes • - ••- - and 11000 OOID 11Iverdollan, SUCCe18 health and happiness f thO t) ' day, where. she will spend the sumA WORTHY CAUSE by the ohildren of the JDnlor 10. , ._ • • 0 18 par ya 80. Saml . Meyer and son. Max Joseph, mer with her grandson, Mr. Wilson oieties, will btl preBented by ten little wife, two children and nurse, of Edwards. who has just established The members of the Ladies' Aid CITY COUNCIL MET VISITS HO·ME ~F YOUTH -Avondale, Cincinnati, called on Mr. a claim there. He is , about sixty Society of the Christian Church are girls, elloh oarry ... " one hUDdrecl ' Co~ncil met Mond~y evening, but Mr. James W. Tebbs, after an ab- and Mra. B. S. Howell and famity miles from Denver. seIHng a a-uaranteed salve of wonder- ailver dollars. ------ -.~.-----Miss Ada Furnas who went to ful healing. Wi-da-me, for the bene.n otbmg ~! ~uch, Importance was sence of forty-three year., returned Sunday. GROSS MATERIA~ISM " iJone. Bills were "Howed to about ' IMt week to , witness the fit 0 f th e church , and ',as I't'18 somed bl bo to the sce'nes of hl's 'youth',Monday M r . an d Mrs. F .B • Sh'erwood' an d Oxford $180. Onethin~c~m!'1en a ea ut evening . . Mr. Tebbs; ',~~ ~'Jimmy'; ~ family , were in Greenville last week gradui&tion of Misa Anna Meredith thing of gr:eat wortk', " every family The teaoher.notea that raiD 1~'f..ll:, ' the present CJ?uncII 1~ that theY"AIl as : he was more famlharly known on .account of the death of Mr. from the college there, was . t~ken should ha~e a bo~, the pric~ of which tn, outdoors, and thlnkl to awakeD , meet on the ~gular m~h~, and t~ey' t~en, was c~er~ in the dr~g store of Ab~ Gaskill. They returned 'home sick wi tp measles which prevented is only.6Oc. the Poetlo ' Impnllel oUh. ohlidre. talk over affaIrs .. of the CI~Y, whIch Dr RoSf'berry situated where the S d . " . '. . • - • ' by &liking: ' , .. a1 k th tings 'nterest " " , - ' un ayevenmg. . her from attending any of the colli· . "Now , .. oblldren,' aUhoulh .her.... . , . : '. . '. ..,;, " 'rnenee~, ent e~ercises. ' , ' . MIDDLe R UN BAPTISTS ' , .' ' . . ' ~ ., ways rna es " ,e .mee , I - Enterprise'Printing office now ~tands. . , , ' ing. Afterwards .he was." clerk· tn the Mrs. James BeIrne, and d~uahtei'" ' . , 11 ~aterlDIt ' againat the. Windon , . ' PENSION' pAY . ". : J>WIt. pffic!i!unde.rthelateJ~hri· J.rvin., of'Cincinnat!, wer~ guests of Capt. " M~.aAdMrs.J.C"BeCk-:tt, W.L; The ·Middle Run.Baptist church _and' m&k88theda7,dar~an4 clnIar7' , . . . . Mu'T'ebbl .ltu_been jn business in and M~'. SmIth; a,f ew days last week.- J3ecket~,. R . .E. -Beckett, W. M, Bec~- held a basket ~ea~tng last ~unday, at; thla ~omen'. we .0014 l~k '\' 'Saturday)Vas paj-day '8Jnong .th.e /HarriaOn, Ohio, ,almOst ali'.:,. of .' .t~~. Ml'I. Bei~e and daught~r le~t Fri~ ett', 'of, W.aynesville, ~r. and ~rs. which was. well atten~ed •. · Viaito~. ahead. What 'd o. the ratn ooas~ ,.;, old soldie~, and Ute old boys; of'ag tir,ne 'since he left- hel'4:',an<l this ~ hi.a d~ e~e~lng forD~n, wh~re ape Jol:m ~arlow an~ W. N. Whitak~r, from Indiana" McGre,!, Lebanon~ to l,)ein~ along the roadeaDd 'hro~b. , weii"madeextremel1 giad by ·their fjrst viait-here-;iIt'8lVthat · ~· He' ~d~ Gf!Dd a sho,r t time Wlth ,her, -of,Spl'lngV-all.y. attended the-~une- Day ton, West .Carrollton,. ·Lebanon, oot the OOURy?": . ' ~ '; .; pay. Ifwua bu~iday fOI\J~tices me~ eevt5~ . of· ~ia-old ~uafutanc~ 'broth~r.~_r. WilburSbieldaalldf. .• ~ of Ml'l. E • .J. Wbit8ker,. at Sun- ,Deafi, Spring Valley and WaynemIle '.' Mod,' UHI1I.!herec1~"",~ . ) ' ~aad~ .. - . whilebere,r . ' na:e.K7.,l&1~S~day. , , '. wenpreaent. . lDlhebaoJu... " . •


-- -






- ...





•- ·












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Slop after

dun.... diat Clift!


da ring lo s tay b hind. \\r found the living rOOf..l and til dl'U wlng room tindisturb d. SOIll how I ('4:'lt that wbat· found would be In th ' card· room or on th o staJl'cnse, aud nothing but th . fear t li nt HIl!s 'y \Va!! in dung I' drove m on; wllh '\,(\ry s tep my ku e s s em d to g! va w ay unde r me. Ge rtrud e was ahoud Ilnd In til are!· room s he s lopped. holding lwr ca n· die blg h. Then s he llOlntt>d sile ntl y lo lh e doorway Inlo tli hall b youd. I tlJddl f'd thel' on lh e fl oor. fa co dow n, wltll hi s arlll s CXlt'lHl c d, wa t; a ma n. Gel'll'lId o I'IIn forward wi lli a gas pIn g sob. "Jack." sbe crl d. " h, Jnck'Liddy had 1· \lU. fl er 'tlllIln g, an d tbe two at liS wcr tbere alon e. It was Gertrud e who turn ed him ov!'r, final· Iy. fmtl l we cou ld se bls white fuce, and th ' n s ho drew t\ deep breath nnd dropped limply to h'er knees. It was the body of a man, a gentle man . in a dlnmll' coat nnd white waistcoat, s tained now with blood- the body of a man 1 had never seen before.

IIllsB l nlles. "1'In slt'r un,l gu n r d ln n o f G ertrud. ' .~n " liul :;I' )~ . (·~tnh lt sh{'d HUIlHIH' r h C!Hltl llh t Ij'''~ i l l :-;1I110Y!'ild, ', ,,\nl ldsl fllIhl ~ "')lhi (H!lkt1ltf\'s tlh' ;-tt ' I' vn nts d "Sl' I'l t'd . A s :\ t l~'i 11In, ·!t hw l« :d 11 1' r ill' th u 11 11;:11 1, a hC' \\ : s ::t:l r th.' 11 hy It 11 u I'k I1guru 0 1\ t1H"! , 'er3I1da . t..:h t' J ,u:':~f"d lL te rl 't u lgh t. w hic h 1\ ~s filled w IL l! unsee mly n olscs. CHAPTER II.-Continued.

''TIIl're's goIng to b e a dea lh!" she wall ed. "O h, ~lIss Rac hel. there's go· . 'og to be n d a lb!" "Th er wlll be." i said g rImly. "If ,.ou doo 't l,cep quIet. Liddy Allen." Aod 1'0 we sa t tb e re 110111 mornIng. wonu el'fn g if th ca ndle would las l uotll da wn. and an-l1n gln g whllt train s we could 18k hack to town . If we had only s tu l'it to' tbat de ci sion a nd gone back b fore it was too lule ! The SIIU came finally. and from my wIndow J watched the tre s along th drive take s hadowy form, grae!ually lose th !'lr ghostlike appearance. become gray and then green. The Greenwood club showed itselr a dab CHAPTER IV. of white against the hill across the "alley. and an early robin or two Where Is Halsey? hopped around in the dew. Not un· Gertrude gazed a t th face In Il kind Ul the milk-boy and the sun camu. of fascination. Then she put out her about the same time, did I dare to hnnds blindly. and I thought she was open the door Into the haU and 10lJk gOing to fa int. around. Everything was I\s we had "He has killed him!" sbe muttered l.ft It. Trunks .were beaped here and almost Ina rticulate ly; and at that, be· there, ready (or the trunk·room, nnd . cause my nen'es were going, I gave through an nd window of staifted her a good sha ke. glass came a streak at red ~nd yel· "What do y:>u mean?" I said franlow daylight that was eminently tically. Thera was a depth of grief cheerfu l. The milk-boy was pound· and convIction In h r tone that WBe Ing somewhere helow, and the day "I Was Roused by a Revolver Shot." bad begun. worse than anythJug she could have said. The shake braced her, anyThomas Johnson came ambling up the drive about half·past six, and we "bunch" of servants my courage re- amaH mus tache. I remember wonder· how, and she seemed to pull herseH could hear him clatterIng around on viveu, and late In the afte rnoon came Ing wby; he seemed to bave a good together. But not nnother word would the lowe r floor, opening shu tters. I a message from Oertrude that she and mouth and when he smiled his teeth she say; she stood gazing down at Halssy would arrive that night at were above the average. One never that gruesome figure on the fioor, bad . to take Liddy to her room up· stairs, however-she was quite sure about 11 o'clock, coming In the car knows why certain me n cUng to n while Liddy, ashamed of h e r fli ght tram Ricbfield. Things were looking messy UPller lip that must get Into and afraid to come back. drove before Ibe would find sometblng uncanny. In up; and when Beulah, my cat . a most things, any more than one under- ber three terrified wome n servants fact. when she did not, havIng now intelligent arumal, found som e early stand s sOllie women building up their Into the drawing room. which as the courage of daylight, she was actucatnill on a bank near the house and hair on wire atrocities. OtherwIse, near as any of the m would venture. ally disappointed. rolled in It In a feline ecstasy, I de· Once in the drawing room, Oertrude Well. we did not go back to town clde d tha getting back to nature was he was very good to look at. stalwart and tanned. with the direct taze that collapsed and went from one fainting that day. the thing to do. r like. I am partic ular about Mr. Bal· spell Into another. I had all I could , [ warned Liddy not to mention what Whlle I was dressing for dinner, ley, because he was a prominent fig- do to k eep Liddy from drowning her bad happened to anybody, and tele- Liddy r apped at the door. She was ure in what happen ed later. with cold water. and the maids hudphoned to town for se rvants. Then, hardly herself yet, but private ly I Gertrude was tired with the trip dled in a corner, a.s much use as aD after a breakfas t which dId more thLnk she was w,orrylng about lhe brocredit to Thomas' heart than 11is head. ken mirror and its augury, more than and went up to bed very soon. I many sheep. In a short time, although I went on a short tour of Invesllga· anything e lse. When she came In she made up my mind to tell them noth· it seemed hours. a car' came rash lng tlon. The sounds had come from the was holding some thing In her hand, Ing until the next day, and then to up, and Anne Watson, who had waited east wing, and not without some and sh e laid It on the dressing table make as light of our excitement as to dress, opened the door. Three men possible. After all, what had I to te ll ? !rom the Greenwood club, In all kinds qualms I began t here. At first I found carefully. An Inquisitive face peering In at a of costumes. hurried In.. I recognized nothing. Since then I have Ileveloped "I found It In the linEln hamper," my powers of observation, but at t ha t she sold. "It must be Mr. Halsey's, window; a crash In the night; a a Mr. Jarvis, but the othe rs were scratch or two on the stairs, and haH strangers. time 1 was a novice. The small card- but It seems queer how It got there." a cuff·button! As tor Thomas and his ''What's wrong'" the Jarvis man rOOm seemed undisturbed. I looked for It was the half of a link cutr but· for ebodings, It was always my beUef asked-and we :!Jade a strange pic· footprints, which Is, I believe. the con- ton of unique desl~, and I looked at that a negro Is one part thJef. one ture. no dou'Jt. "Nobody hurt, is ventional thing to do, although my It caref~lly. part pigment, and the rest supersti- there?" H'il was looking at Gertrude. experience has been that as clews "Wh ere was It? In the bottom of tion. "Worse chan. that, Mr. Jarvis." I both footprints and thumb·marks are the hamper?" I asked. It was Saturday rught.. The two said. "I think It is murder." more useful In· flctlo~ than In fact. "On the very top," she r eplied. "It·s men went to tho billiard room, and I At: the word there was a commotion. But th e stairs In that wing offered a mercy It didn't fa ll out on the way." could h ar them talking as I went up- The cook began to cry, and Mrs. Wat· something. When Liddy had gone I examined stairs. It seemed that Halsey had son knocke d over a ohair, The men . At the top of the flIght bad been the fragment attentively. I had never stopped at the Greenwood clu~ tor were visibly Impressed. placed a tall wicker hamper, packed seen it before, and I was certain It gasolene and found Jack Bailey there, "Not any member of the tam1ly'" witb linen that had come from town . was not Halsey's. It was of Italian with the Sunday galt crowd. Mr. Bal· n stood at the edge of the top step, workmanship. and consisted of a ley had not been hard to persuade- Alr. Jarvis asked, wilen he had g.t almost barring l)assage, and on th e mother·of·pearl foundation, oncrusted probably Gertrude knew why-and hi' breath. "No." J said; and motioning LIddy atep below it was a long, fresb with tiny seed· pearls. etruns on they had carried him air trlumph~nt­ scratch. For three steps the scratch horsehal.r to bold them. In the cen· ly. I roused Liddy to get them some- to look after Gertrude, I led the way was repeated, gradually diminishing, ter was a small ruby. The trinket thing to eat-Thomas was beyond with a lamp to the cardroom door. as it some object had tallen, striking was odd enough, but. not intrinsically reach In tho lodge-and paid no at- One of the men gave an exclamation, eacb OIJe. Then for four steps nothing. of great value. Its Interest for me tenllon to 'ber evident terror ot tbe and they all hurried across ~e room. On the· fifth step below was a round lay In this: LIddy had found It lying kJtchen regtons. Then I went to bed. Mr. JarvIs took the lamp from me-I dent In the hard wood. That was all, In the top of the hamper which had The m en were IItl11 In the btlllard remember that- and then feeUng my· leU letting dizzy and IIght·headed I and It seemed little enough. excel>t blocked the east·wlng stairs. room when I finally dozed olr, and the ' closed my eyes. When I opened them that 1 was poslUve the marks had not That afternoon the Armstrongs' las t thing I remember was the howl their brief examination was over, and b een there the · day before. housekeeper, a youngish good·looklng at a dog in front of the house. . It It bore oil t theory of the sound, woman. applied [or Mrs. Ralston's walied a crescendo o~ woe that. tralled Mr. Jarvis was trYing to put me ln a ·whlch had been for nil the world like place, and [ was glad enough to take off hopefully, only to break out afreah chair. "You must get upsta.l rs," he said the bumping of a metallic object down her . She looked as though she might from a new point of the compass. firmly, "you and MIss Gertrude, too. a filgh t of sleps. The four steps had be equal to a doze n of Liddy. with her At three o'clock In the morning I · been sld ppcd. I reasoned thnt an Iron snapping black eyes and hea vy jaw. was roused by a revolver shot. . The This has been a terrible shock. In bar. for In stanco, would do something H r nam e was Anne Watson, and I sound seeme d to come tram just out- his own home, too." I stared at him without comprehen· of the sort-strilce two or three sle ps, dined that e vening for the first time s ide my door. For a moment I could sian. "Who is It?" I asked with difend down, then turn over, jumping a In three days. uot move. Then-I heard Gertr.ude flculty. . There seemed a ·.band drawn few stairs. a nd landIng with a thud. stirring in b er room, and the next tight around my throat. Iron bars. however, do not faJl CHAPTER III. mome nt she had thrown open the can. . "It is Arnold Armstrong," he said. clown·s talrs lu the middle of tbe nlgbt neeliug door. looking nt me oddly, "and he has been alono. oUfJled with the figure on the Mr. John Bailey Appears. "0 , Aunt Ray! Aunt Ray!" she v eranda tho agency by which It I ha d dinner s rved in the break· cried hyste rically. "Some one has murdered-in his faUl er's house." After a minute I aathered myselt (.lI mb e d mlgbt be assum ed. Dut-and fas t room. Someho w the hugo dining been killed!" b ero wn s the thi ng,' that puzzled me room depressed me, Bn ll Thomas, "Thleves," I said shortly. "Thank together and Mr. Jarvis helped me most- lbe doors wera aU fasten ed cheerful enou gh all day. allow ed hIs goodness, th ere are somo meT,l In the into the living room. Liddy had got and the two that morning. th e windows unmolest. spirits to go down with tb e sun. He house to·nlght." · I was gett.lng Into Gertrude . upstairs, eCl, ane! the particu lar door from the had a habIt of watching t he corners my slippers and a bath-rObe, and Ger· strange men from the club stayed ca rd room to th e vemnda had a com· of the room. left shadowy by the can- trude with shaking hands was lighting with the body. The reaction tram the bination lock of whlch'l held tho key, dles on the tabl e, and altogether It a lamp. Then we opened the -door shock and · strain was tremendous; I a nd whIch had not been tampered wils not a festive meal. Into the hall, where. crowded on the was collapsed-and then Mr. Jarvis wi th. Dinner ov er I went Into the living upper landing of the stairs, the maids. asked me a Question that brought back my wandering faculties. I fixed on an attempt at burglary, room. I had three hours before the white-faced and trembling, were peer· "Where Is Halsey?" be asked. as tbe mos t natural explana tion-an children could possibly arrive, and I Ing down, headed by Liddy. I was "Halsey!" Suddenly Gertrude's nttC1ul1t frustrat ed by the falling of got out my knItting. greeted by a !lerlos of low screams tbe obje ct, whatever It was, that h ad The chug of the automobile al It Bnd questioDs, and I tried to quiet . strlckell face rose before me-the roused me. Two things I could not climbed the hili was the most wel- them. Gertrude had dropped on a empty room upstairs. Where was un ders tnnd; how tho Inlrud er had es· come sound I had heard for a long chair and sat there limp \lnd ahlv- Halsey? "He was here, wasn't he?" Mr. Jar· caped wllh ev(,>ryth lng locked, and time, and with Gertrude and Halsey ·erlng. why h e had le ft lhe s mull silve r , actually before mo, my troubles I went at once acros s the hall to "II persisted. "He stopped at the club whl elJ , In t h o absence of a bUll er, had seemed over for good. Gertrude stood Halsey's room and knocked; then I on his way over." "I-don't know wh~re he Is," I said remnineil downs tairs over night. sm Ulng In the hall. with her hat quite pusbed the door open. It was empty; feebly. ·In tbe afternoon a hacle came up over one ear, and her hair In every the bed had not bee.n occupied! One ' of the men fron the club came from asnuova, wllh a fr esh relay of direction unde r her pink veil. Ger· "He must be In Mr. Balley's 'room," ~ervant s . The d'\ 'lver took th~1U with trude Is a very pretty girl, no matter r said excitedly, and foHowed by Ltd- In, ' asked for the telephone, and I a floul'l sh to the s rvants' entrance, how h er hat Is. and I WllS not sur· dy, we went there. Like Halsey's. It could hear him excitedly talking, sayand drove around to tbe front of the prlsed when Halsey presented a good· had not been occupied! Gertrude was ing something about ~ol'oners nnd deho~ s~, 'where I was ' a wailing hJnl. looking young man, who bowed at on her feet now, but she ." leaned tecUyes. Mr. Jarvis leaned over to "T\vo dollars," he said In r eply to me and looked at Trude-that Is the against the door for support. me. . my qu stlon. "1 don' t charge ruu ridiculous nickname Gertrude brought' "They have been kUled!',, · au "Why don't you trust me, Miss In· . .' . ra te", because, brlngln' 'em tip all Cram school. gasped. Then she caugbt me by tbe nesr' h~ saio. "If I can do anything summer as 1 do, It PilYs t.o make \l "I have brought a guest, Aunt Ray:1 arm and dragged' me toward . the I will. But tell me the whole thing. specllli price. W he~ tb ey got olr the Halsey said. "I want you to adoot stairs . . 'They may only be .hurt, and I did, tin ally! fro~ the beginning, t:r~tn I .Sf!.Z, sez I: 'Tber's another hlm into your affections and your Sal- we must find them," she said, her and wb'en-I told of Jjlck . B~l1ey's bebunch for Sunnyside, cook, parlor. urday-to,Mon(lay !lst. Let me present eyes dilated wltb exclte¢ent. Ing In the houss tliat nigbt he'TorYe :. . wald and..:...aH.' Xes'm-slx sununers.· John Bailey, . o.n ly you 'mus t caU him 1 don·t· !emember how we got dOWD long w~stle and a new lot never less than once a Jack. In 12 bOUTS be'll be calling you tbe stairs; I do remember expecting "I . w1sh tbey were both here," h. flo~th. They won't sland lo'(' the "Aunt'; I know him." . every moment to be JdiJed. The cook said wben 1 finlab~d. "Whatever JDad country and the lonesomen8u. 1 We shook bande, and I got a caance was at the telepbone upstairs. C:alllDg prank took '.bem aWBT. It would look reckon." to look at Mr. Baller; b" WII.8 a tall the Grltenwooc! alub. and Lidcl7 was beUitr U t!M7 were bere, Bapec1&1l7-· ~ _lUi Ui. »reaencIt of the • fellow. perbapB 80. . and )le wore • behlnd me. atnWI lID 4IlOme 84 110& rro ~

- •




ption- improve the c.omplaxion -


Ih .. cyea. Small Pill, Small Do... Small Price GENUINE mUll bear lignature :

. ~



'5,14,13.50, '3, '2.60 & 12 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. Million. of men wear

Douatao .hoe. bouUle they .re l,be low.. e.t pric e •• quailt,. e in tho world. W. L.



Mado upon hODor.of tho bo.t I•• ther.. by tbe moot .kllled workmen. IA all the lat ••t faablo ....

W. L Dou,la. '5.00

...d $4.00 ohoe • .'!'Jual Cuolom Bench W ....k

Paris Pattern No. 3053. All Seams cooliDI '6.00 to $8.00. Allowed .-Tho SOlart effect of this sim- BOI/I'Shan. '3," .60"'2 r.. ple shirt waist will recommend it to bit"'.namft the well-dl'essed woman. The model 'I'ak e N .. A.k ~n .. ~~:~::,":rr~:r~~).l'aI1~8~r~~~~Y~~r~~~~ closes at the lett side of the front. rg~~'!.~~~~~~~ Wide tucks adol'D both front and back. faelol')' dell , ., od tree. '::~~u~~:.:.:::=:..:::::. the two tu cks on the s houlder at the front being s titched only to ths bust line and giving a becoming fulness be: Silk messaline. pongee, wool Wh.t .... mo, the a .......nroed ..... et~ low. challis. wool batist e. lawn. madras and About In Whe.t·Prod.cln. P_e,. linen may be used for ·the making with . ~,.~. : :,,_~ -:L~_'~~'~:~ pleasing results. The pattern Is In 6 sizes-32 to 42 Inches bust measure. For 36 bust the . waIst r equires 4% yarde of material 20 inches wide. 3% yards 27 Inches wide. 2% yards 36 Inches wide or 2* yards 42 Inches wide.


'1'0 .procure thIs pattern Bond 10 cents to "Paltern D eparUnolnt," ot thIs paper. Write name and address plalni)'. and be aure tc. give .lze and number ot pattorn. SIZE .. . ..............

NO. 3053,

NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .

TOWN ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••

STREET AND NO .......... : •••• , ...... . BTA.TE .......................................


tUoe add.- noaroR JOG)'



STEEL ud RUBBER nRE We re-rubber old channel tired wheels Buggy Tops. Cush· ions, Pol.os. Shafts. nnd All Kinds of

Trimmings, BUOD Ie. 80HEU 00.

. . c.. ,. Old U_d--r

Paris Pattern ' No. 2910, All geamB Allowed.-A particularly styUsh model tor the Ijeparate akirt. or as part of an entire costume, Is bere llJu"trated. The material used In Ita development Is heavy white linen, simply stitched. The necessary (ulness .Ia supplied by plaited, sections, let in at tbe sides, the front havIng a paneled yoke effect that Is very stYlish. Small buttons and loops . of aoutach~ braid trim the sides ot the },oke section, and the back al"o has a wide panel etrect. The closing Is at the left side of tho' back and Is completely hidden. The deslgu is adaptable to any material that the woarer fanci es. The pattern is In 6 slzes-22 to 32 Inches waist measure. For 26 waist the s'klrt requires 7% yards of material 20 Inches wld e, 7~ yards 24 inches wide. 41,fz yards 36 Inches wide, 4 yards 42 Inches wide, or 2% yards 64 inches wide.

lb...aoU, 0.

Very Fishy. She was a fi sherman's daughter, she wore her hnlr In a not. and s he Pl'. ferred love In a pis c ator~a l way. "My love," he whispered, "you hold first 'place' In my heart! Although I 'Oound er' about in expressing mYBelf. my 'sole' wish is that you will save me !rom heeomlng a 'crabbed' old bachelor. I shall stick to you closer than a ·lImpet.' from you a 'wlnk'Il' be the ' road to guide me. ' TogetheI: we will 'skate' over life's 'rocks,' and when I look at your hand· besIde me r sball say to myself: 'Fortune waS _ mine when I put 'herring' tbere!" And then the lady dropped her eyes In sweet confusion, and murmured: "Pass the sail"

A Quick Cat. Some years ngo tbe proprietor of 8 bot!'1 In south rn New Hampshire told the following story.: He said tbat wh en he was a boy he had occasion to go Into the garret of hi s house one m(ll'nlng and that the fa~lJy cat to\. lowed. hi m up tbe stairs. One of the wludows was opon. a nd wbim they en· tp.rell the garret 11 frightened mouse Jumped alit o( ~ho window, and the !I'o procure thlll pattern 8end 10 cents <:n t, jumping afler it. caught It In mid. to "l'altern Depar~m e nt," or this puper. air and. wblrling round, Jllmped back WrIte name and address plaInly. Ilnd be again Iota the SIUlle window. auro to glvo alse and number ot pattorn. The Quot:!r. NO.2910. SIZE .. .............. . "You never quote poetI·y In your s peoches ?" NA.ME •• , •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••. "No." roplled Senator Sorghum: "quoting poetry is too often like send. TOWN ...................................... . Ing an anonymOUS letter. A man reo STREET AND . NO .................. , .. .. sorts to It when he wants to say something and sblft the responsibility of BTA';['E .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : •••• authorship."

New Style.

Mrs. Boardum-Wall motto? Heav. ens, no. n ey've been out of style for ages. Salesman-The "Ood Bless Our Homes" have. madam, but these "Halt Our Ills Come from OvereatIng" for dining rooms nre the latest tad.

A Breakfast JoySweet. C~l.p. Golden-Brown

Action and Happiness.

Action does pot al\\'a~s bring happl. ness. but there' Is no happiness with. out acUon.-D1sraell. LIterally Trull. '


"One 'b,eacl Is' enough to everyhbul-ebold," aald tbe speaker. "Quite right." murmured a . 'Yprr.led-lookJng parf!nt. "You '. seem ·.to agree With mel" lIald the speaker, lI0 lnUng · at . blm. · :'1 ·quitAJ. agree wtth ),0\1, all', for I baTe "il1l( sattled ·fot the blta of .D1.7 teD daulh~el'lJ."-:-~lt.BI~. . . H.aven. U there .. '& bea1'8n the anlel. wbo ' do the work then probabl), ne.,r ba.. to. tnt .beaauae Oil.. ....

m& &I'OUIl4 ..t


til, ca4I",.


.Toasties Ready . to serve from the . p.ackage with cream-no ' . c.ooking·necessary~

. ·"The. Memo~ LiDgera" .....IOc .... 15c.



A trick ster Is me rely a person who ge tli the l! tlcr of us. M .n . 'U'lulo .... •• 800Cblnc 8 yrap. ce8 lo.. tk)tt.c2D . ·t b .... Ulull. redll .. lMUiulI lIUD.alloll llIlI D. ~ur.~ w lu ~ cull ... 2:>c ....... " 10. Yorcbll4r vn ,o,,\bt'n~.

The man wbo pla nts a ladd e r never knows wbat will come u p.

TeXt!l1 I There Is None Better {or All.p urpos e Fowl, u ays P E RRY D A"I'" PAIN KI LLl':R a.. Porn 5ud~ .n chlU o r .ole! (I n. l oAd or wblBlie1) pl.l n~ Pou,lt ry Fanci er-Li ttle Chlc;;k s P ul n killo r. ~·o r coll c . dlnrrholl and .ulUnJ.r oo mbutLle .. " I._ln o ncYer r aUL 25c. U,e a nd 60u D ":..:.... .::..:...:I:::.. lhI _ _ _ __ -I-..:: Ve~y Stron g•.'

A mustard plaster cnn a lwuys be a vended upon to do somethi ng smart. de tteasel dl less with va rious Th ere Is too I1tUe attentIon beIng more or short series of 15 Psalms, my c hickens . I can trut hfully If Vou Have Common Sore Eyes, \ 1111 baring the same title paid to poultry on the farm. Poultry among s ince I ha ve bee n rahilng the if. lines bInI' rtf run together , \' on TI('ed sny . hav~ to hogs appeal: ch cows, whi Is as essentia l as horses, Com b Rhode I sla nd Reds I PI~' lvnT' " EY E ~ /\ L \ ' I~l 2!ir. i\ II dnlgformed origInally a lIe pa· or any other tarm stock. It seems Single' had Rny di sease wha tever gis ts or Howurd Hl'o ~ .. u u ffu lo. N. Y. never have l'Ille I.'ollection . T hey are to me that every far mer's wife would them. among It ~os t s mo re to li ve now tban It die! called In the EIlg-ilsb uuthorlzed ver- se lect some large breed of cblcken s T he Sing le Comb Rhod e Islnnd a hund red yenrs ago, but t hey had no s Ion ,. on gs of D (l g l'ee ~," a nd t hey their with ber ful a s mall fl ock to supply Reds are' ve ry be auti baseba ll th en. range from Psalm 120 to Psalm 134. and have fryers and frellh eggs rlc ll r ed plUmag e, well develop ed body T he 01 IltI lng of the title Is mucb dis- ta ble with nIce Is nOll e better nnd exq uisitely bright eyes, whlcb all How's This? puted, bUl the Hebre w words proba bly all tb e year. There nn, Rhode Is land goes to show they are the c'blcken s Comb Single the Wo ortu One !l uOllr(ICl Dollars newnrdbyfOflIaU'~ he t In tban lated mea u, UI; they are trUlls tp can not be cured wants who eae~ or ('l\t 2l rrh t ha t. fo r t he man or woman purpose t owl. (;uro. caUlrr" I' vised vCl's lon, "SougS ot Ascents :' Red tor an all poultry . J a nuary, Th ey are very l argo nnd ve ry In· ma lle mon ~y with th,. lInd","lg~Cd': ?~I\!~:-;I:;,~ ;..t;, C?:. J.0I"!1,~~ythat Is, "or the goings up," with refer1909, I had seven . red hens and one t orWe. up re a Reds Island Rhode tho I t\I>t Ib y f>!U''M . :\utJ twlI \'f'! hlnl perfcctl)l hun s. ages pilgrim dustrlou the to e nce dOUbtle ss hene seven tho th mon t ha ornblD In nil blUiihws... t rtlllsur llonl'l and nnollt"II\Uy to roost cock. In t t.l n y fJ h lU'll thlllt4 fIIlldt b)' hll tirm. whicb piou s Ism lites were wont to enrl y every morning a nel go ry my fam· ablu to C:lf ry " out Februa In eggs. 109 laid ' AL 1J I :"OO . 1\ 1;\ "A S ,\- ~ I.\ U'· I :-l . chidlS little The . malIC 10 JerusllI ' ln ou the occlIslon of lnte e very evening \\' hUll ....' I. IJru ~ ~ ~" • . Toledo. O. time lIy WtlS sick 6 0 much 1 could not keelJ n nll 's CRt.•'lirh ("Ufro I! t nk"'l In t erna lly. n('Una t he .gr at f ~s tivals . Tb li ttle collec- ue very s trong from the or tho dtf CN I ~! ulllln l heo !Jlvod I\nll m ucous 8u r 'aCf"H' sl'"SlPrn . 'l"l'sti n o n lu IH 5f'llt tree. )' flct' a ccuta POI' tion was probnb ly ma de soon atte r h)' n tl Hru'l 1! llliA. ld So !<!. t t OO tho return frow illlbylon , and fo rmed T u e lJ. lr . F e mll y 1'1110 lor COll.ltill&tlon. for IlHlII Y gencl'nt !ons the "PlIgrlm's From H a bit . HYllIu Dook," the songs of which we re Life JlI sllrll nce '\,::en - The compan y Bung 1Iy companies of JIUIOl'lm s-like h as r ejec t II your Rppllca tlon on the that !lncl'NI "compa ny" which In· ground thilt you li ed III yo ur answers . cluded JoselJh nnd Mary at,d the child Wby did yo u suy that your circu lation J e~ us In gos ptJ l h l s tory;-a ~ they travIs good? el d up to the house of the Lord. Mr . Koloom - Hon 'st, J couldn ·t help Wit h ana exe ptlon. all tbe hymns It. T hat's my busin ess. You sc . I'm In this "Psnlte r withi n a P salter" a re Rd vcrt h;lng ma nager 011 t he Dally short. aud each one uB unlly gives exBoomel·.- Puck. or thought ingle s press lOll to some fo ellng, such us of hope or sorrow, ot "Valier ." gladnes s, thanksg iv ing, or unfailin g Some soaps are so yellow tha t no beauty l graceru t, le qu A Gael. lr ust In word descrIbes them so well as the 1$ rvud es the smnll collectio n, the bome ly old express ion "yaller. " They charm or which, we are told, was so Dore made of cheap g rease-< lften ra n cid . f ,It by · a Spall Ish commen tator that -and lols o f rosin Is put In to give th e the that Bay to he did not hesItate soap welgbt. Add to t his the strong of P tmlms of Ascent nre to the rest causUc and you unders tand why your the Psa lter what the GardeD of EdeD table linen rots into holes and your was to the rest of the world a t Its firs t whi te garmen ts come from the launcreation . dry wIth strcaks of dirt Ironed In LesBon of the Paalm. them. Use EIUlY Task soap-t he pure, Tho Ilecond P salm In this collecti on white, guaranteed soap tha t Is an -Psah n 112-ha s been appropr iately enemy to dirt and a friend to tabrics. called fhe "Travel er's Psalm." I t be· The Man Invaalon. gins wIth the words "I will Htt up The witch out · tor a moonlig ht mine e yes unto th e hills," Just as jaunt on b er fa vorite .broo mstick, Daniel, . when he prayed, opened his had just escaped being run dow n by wIndow s towards J erusalem , so an aeropla ne man ned by a joy-ride r. Hebre w Pilgrim, as he journeyed, "Oh. thIs Is s lmpiy madden ing !" gazed with louglng eyes towards the We cried, hysteric ally; "to t hink ot she loved. he I;llll at Zion wblch man Im' adl ng the oue field or whi ch seem to hear In this Psalm, says Dean we women have had a monopoly tor Kirkpa trick, "the voices of the pll· with cent uries! And I believe I heard the another one ging encoura grlms brute eay, as he passed : 'Oh, Y4>u kid \Vords or faith and hope as they tray· witch! ' " eled towards J erusale m, once more tb~ center .of nationa l life aud worsblp. t o A SOLDIE R'S EXPER IENCE, realize t.he relation of J ehovah to Is· te rael and to ea cb lDdlvldu al Is raeli Hardshi ps of Army LIfe Brough t On a as their Guardia n In all the vlclssj· Severe Case of Kidney Trouble , Red. Island Rhode Comb ... · e W of 'Ingle tudes A spIrit ot entire trust In G~d perBut III H. N. Cnqlp, 1356 J()o they leave the shell. They. .feather a record ot the eggs laId. record, vades the " Trave ler's P salm." Delawa re St., Den· I was able to keep a March know raisers poultry all and and enrly people, his hovllh Is tbe Keeper of ver, Colo., aays: "DurIt Is raised, and they laid 140 eggs, 11 dozen and "He that keepeth Is rael shall neither when a chick Is feather ed a sold I rch. Ma In laid eggs eIght ing the Spanish-Amerand Farm In slumber nors leep." . He I.s also the K eep· wtltes K. O. Yelvert on good many eggs for hatchin g purn war, I cont ractand Ica flUlt very grow ChIcks Ranch. SUD the that so er of each Individu al, some of the stock for sold and poses, they Wilen 0. Bevere kidney eat ed to enough lll'tge are _shall not · burn by day, neither the breeder s, and ralsed- .40-flne pullet. After r eold, trouble. moon by. nlght. The word "keep" la ate eight weekswhen well cared for, for my own use. Besides , we had all I was home, pullets, turning The times Six salm. P the of the keynote d the trye rs a tamny of tour could eat raise have n's I . old' physicia a months five under at lay the In over does It occur; and seve n the so-calle d standar d breeds, all the year, I sold from those ca re for months , but 1 a ssurance of that bleSBed relation shJp many of stock. and e, the Barred Plymou th hens U6.25' In eggs grew g ra dually worse. 1he plJgrlm goes for ward wlthout ·fear for hUltanc Wyando ttea, the Ham- never got ouch results from any oth er the I got so bad FInally Rocks, way the of or trembl, ng. The dangers I have ' two penl burgs, White Leghorn s, Buff Cochlns ohloken s. This year I could not hold the cocks. fine trouble him not. Each stage ol 'hls two and hens and others, and was always troubled of fine red urine at all. 1 also journey wlll be guarded by the Make r Intense ' sulfe rhad shall ll "Jellova earth. . of heaven and ba ck pains. from Ing ven k eep thee from all e vil; yaa, it Is e Doan's KIdn ey PI\ls He that sball keep thy soul. J ehovah mad e Improve me nt ~hall keep t hy going out and thy comfrom the first, and tor and Ing In, from this time forth soon I was we ll and ·e vermore." .J I N strong." - J IN ,.,. Favorite P.alm of Many. ,, •• •11} ' -If•• A" ......:'... ,J'" the narpe-D oan's. So appropr iate Indeed Is this Psalm . For sale by all dealers . 60 cen t.s a I for the use of pilgrim s ' 01' traveler s box: Foster·Mllburn Co.,Bull'alo, N. Y. lly habitua Ithat many' good meD have used It betore setting out for a joUrWe are our best when we try to be .L '~()IVIWT¢. ney, It was the custom at Bishop It not tor ours elves alone, but for our -v I HOQper of Glouces ter, who W&8 after· brethre n.-.PhU ilp.s Brooks. I ,Wllrds btmled '1lt the stake within I I sight of his cathedr al, to recite this I IPsalm before leavIng home on his dloI .cesan duUes, . David Livings tone read I mother and father hJs with I Psalm 'this I before he lett home tor ' AfrIca. "On Novem ber; ,t he morning of 17th I, :. .5rRN O ~OR.. I I-11840," writes hIs sister, "we got up at I ~" 'five o'clock. My mother made coffee. ~. ··i:i~i VCR- --:In -- - ---.... I - I , ,David read Psalm 121 and prayed. I I. I Then my father and he walked to GIas· , . ' I ,gow to catch the LIverpo ol steamer ." ·1 , I ,In like manner , we are told at BIshop I iHannlDgt~D, who foll~wed In the train I g mornin -every that . tone, of LIvings I PLAN jouroul during his long and dlUlger 'ney trom 'Fr.ere Town to Lake Vlctorta \• Nyanza , he was accusto med 'to greet ~ I :the sunrise by repeatin g his "Travel · I ~ 'Ing. Psalm: " "I wUl 11ft up mine eyes I , I-unto the hills," I I r And thIs 'Psalm, conaecr ated bY ,BG I Promo~s Dige~tion,Churrul­ 'maDY assoclatlo~s, Is no les8 appro'priate to ourselv es. We are e,nes, 88 ness and Rest.Contains neilhtr 1" __ - - - - .. 'Wordsw orth has remJnde d ' us, "from Opium, Morphine n~r Mineral iheaven , whloh Is our 1l0IDe." We are NOT NAR C OTIC :. ELEV, Qr/ON traveler s betwee n 11f(l ' ~d death,· We .Iift", irO{tlIJrSANvElmrA'4'R' are pilgrim s, as was John Bunyan , ~I;'S."~· "'throug h th~ wildern ess of this world," ~-g "'lx..r_ • • ' Borrow and doubt of night tho Througb ., ",i, l"tI • ,RwItNJ. .' ,,~1I1 Onward -SOCS the pilgrim band. ,.'" . 1 Singing 'Sonp of ,expectation, . Orf t.t.iIA .. ( . Lllrr IIlOff.P LaDd. d , Mn.rchlng to the Promlle rf'_.J,,~ • .r-r.:." .. .I..~ I "'~'" 'FTtt",i: "Follow Me," by movhig forward cauaes the front "Foltow me," said . Jesus to the fOijr the enter to belm with Its cutting edge iftsberm en l!Y the Sea at Galllee, "l\nl;1, ground, . and carry forward any soil cut foland up rOIl;! they Iwlthou t a word, o~. 'By moving backwa rd he rali es the We In ed, owed him. . His call awaken cuttIng' edge, allowin g the accumu lated depths 'Of;their·,SOUIB, ~e D~ble8t hil~ earth k> ,paIR under hi 'a l «reat or as pulses to sejr.sac rtfloe . ~d hero1a~. Cl1,uuiUt)' , &8 be .plealeB : .whlle the little 1es\ls 'a h~ade.r und~r They .saw steel s.t leet 'smooth el it out, .lo,llIDg r-..OhA •. t , · . ' !Whoui' "noth~ was too: hard to ~.~hel the lu~pI and spre~dI it Inw tempt, ..DOtbtng tb~ perDo" . to \fare, . any deprees lons. . ,.-..,....-'- .,., . ..::... Sucb , a ' leader Jesus ' 'always proy•• ~ -, In 'b ,msel( too.he. He .c alla. to "8e~ce The- Flower aed •• .f1r~ 8ttenst h ~d' courage and seU~a~tel' wbat ahflP' flower wC/n't It . .denlal fln4 thetr fullGat . ·aool/8 'ud bedl iYOU ,mak.e-::-rolUl,d, 'lq\1&r8 or all' . . .[thelr moat..lI el'fect d4!velollment. lona-trO Ions .all YOIl .make th.~. , .

HERE: Is In the Psalter



When shown positive and reliable p roof that a certain remedy had cured numerous' cases of female ills, wouldn 't any sensible woma n conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffe rin~ with th e same trouble ? Here are two letters whlch prove the efficien cy of Lydia. E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

Fltehv ille, Ohlo. -"l\ly daugb ter was a ll run suffer ed from pains In h er sid e, head and and could walk but a s hort distan ce at a. She came very near h aving ner voU!J ar, Un"OA'm LtfclDA bad begun to coug h 0. good d e melan choly by s pells. Sbe trie d Since tak[ but got little h elp. E. Pinkh am's Vegeta ble Compo und, PurUl cr and Liver Pills sbe has imnr,OV,M 80 much that sbe feels and looks lllie anothe r girl."- ltlrs. C. Col~ Fltchv llle, Ohio. I feel it my duty to LS::::::.::'::::.!L---1 Irasbu rg, Verru ont.- u ine. When I b egan medic your of praise in BaY a few words r troutaking it I had been very sick wltli Jddney and bladde s ixth botbles and n ervous prostr ation. I am now taldng thefind m yself tle of Lydia E.Pink baw·8 Veget able Compo und and iced not 11Rve me see to call wbo s friend ltly ed. improv greatly nt. Vermo rg. Irasbu rn, Sanbo lL A.. Mrs. a gt'cut change ." -

We will pay a handsome rewal'd to any person who will prove to us that these letters ·a re not genuine and truthful -or that either of these women were paid in any way for their testiITi.onials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more proof can anyon e ask? ble For 30)fea rs Lydia E. Plnkh am-s Vegeta y for Compo und bas bOOn the standa rd remed to female ills. No Sick woma. n, does justicene. henel l wbo will not try this famou s mediciand Made excl1l.8ively frQm roots and herbs, bas thousa nds of cures to Its credit. l\Irs. Pinkh am InTltes all ele)[ wome n to write her for advice . She bas thousa nds to health free of charge . .A.d4l'e88 Mrs. Pinkh am, Lynu. lUass.


~~~~:t :;~:~~te ~:Pll~:~


tion known for eczema. The best dressing for burn s o r acalds . a inflammation, eruptions of forms all In dy reme tual c effe and prompt ts o r se nt d irect druggis all r, ja a and irritation of the akin, . 50 cents . piles Itching for cure ertain c A . price of on receipt RESlNOL CHEMICAL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MD. all ". have found In my experience Dotbini to equal RESlNOL for Pa. S. S. Stewart, Stewart Station. diaeue1I of tbe akin." ,

;:r.;.~:".!!; DAISY FLY K1LLERt;:::' I'ffa l ,c!t'-a a. unlauu·u·

' .I.coann\eD t,chup.

, ...... A" 8 • •• 0 ..


.~~~! •JlIJ!:-~! f~~:;Hdtf· OlSu&.OI

Ur.II ••• I~'"

pt~ pa l d tortoo.


1$0 ' .... lbA •• • Brook', •• , ." W.n


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~==--~~~ C=======T -.- .::::..::..::..-F --::



.,.._ ,___ that lea'cli, at the 'I

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~ ' mf ta l ,e.nnOI


of Paxtln e• Better IUId more econo mleel thaD dquld anllls4~Dtlell

... . .po


u:.~~:::~~ l Thompson'. Ere Water

Cl"ea ODe ••weet breath I clean, ee teeth-a nti.epti cally deaD w. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 22-1910, mouth aDd throat- purifle l the breath after amokin .-di.pel . all diaqree able I IH,rzJ:.iraltion and body odc,r.--JlTadttllP..fl-Dre~cia"d by dainty womelL A remedy for lore eye. and catarr~ A little Putine 'powder dia. IOlvcd io a 81.... of hot water malt... a delightful antiaeptic 10, lution, POlleuing atr.ordinary duoaiol!. germicldal and b..... . ing power, and abaolutely hann• and OhUcJren. )lor leu. Try a Sample. . SOc. a lara~ ball at druggifta or by maiL THE PAXTON TOILET 00., Bcm-ON, Mil."


The .Kind You Have Always BouSht



St op

taking liquid physic or big ot'littl e pills, that which makes you' worse instead of curing . 'Cathar tics don't cure-t hey irritate and weaken the bowels. CASC ARET S make the

Bears the Signature ·of

bowels strong, tone the muscle s so

they crawl and work- when they do this they are healthy , produc ing eo7 right results . IDe 1\ box for. wed:' • • trealtoen l. All druggists . Bigge.tae Uer In the world. Milliou baKU. mouth.


.1"'" -)


FRE.E~~!! ::,:c~!::r


- - -'.



,For 'Ovar

I t '




j\BSQ RBIN E Cure'; f'lt.... ln"d I'off,.· AnkJe.. tula, Ly UlI'\lllI'g l U! , PoU JlhilllFla W Ire ~u tlI, Urn lee aou ~r o~ "",,7. a"d u, .. L"meri ~, "'wolJln,, C, Pili" qulokly without BUlterto rc IDO'f IlIIl ~ l) o blLlr , orl!L111l11U>e 110... up. 1'lcu!lUo tto u ae. p .W per botl<lo. HOl'le Book 5 J!: free, 11.00 ' &1111 ' a.oo ADSOR DUn<:, .TR •• (mantioll ~. Gout, Va nco .. Velol, V.rlco8l",ln · "·or ) bo~t1o. . YOllrllru ql" eelo. Ir7IlroCole,l'roslatlU•• k\ll . ~IIlDlllell JOU UllIN . l1;o~~s;l r.,~n~~t;:t~~~r:::d":::i,. bi W. W,· l'Olil o. It, P.

r .• 'I~ T. .p1o St., ............

8(J'o ,VI. 4°10


~ee~~~t!i '

~! ":;'_'_~_ _ _. ' _ _• baak when 1011 can . buy •

SII Per· Oen, E.'a'i Bond., ot •

1l'8.' COl" Dept. K. YORIC·. DIBEMTURE CORPORATION .OF Ife" York Ol~ _ . liM ruu. Ayeou~ ~

BMtdes sho.rlng to \he rrollt. pon;Uoo . Wrlle for to1




IJ'. Bro wn, of clllilllt!


1\ ~il:l l1

l ,lll('I\;;1 1l1 . U\C'nt Itnu ~ch. ,\u lu . o f dl'bts to " I her "", Lh fi r~t i.\ . Du n t .

Cou nty Cou rts

11 0 11



AGood Painter with Poor P.aint gets Poor Result~ Tny lol' I!how d hilll/, H , (n tho p lu tform .. In . A ,.... nUil on Pleas Court. Painter with Paint gets Better Results II !ltr n ~ v loe, ~'h ich WIIR 00(11111 In I Marria!!o Licenses. ,'very p rt uf t.ll e UI1!litorin lll, ll 'l New Suits Myl E . W olcot!, !.!4, butte r· begu n by ol t ing .. n in i<1ont nt . tl.ltl , But a good paint er· with , Al MoCr'IH', IJlll lnll lT s. hmulI\ 1II111wl' of Morl'ow und Mnr.\' l!:ltil ioc ptio n of t il 'Ivil Will" wlI emi u I . . , Wr ight, :.!I.l , 0 1 ull Lloo . J\1 Crtl\" J . \Y . l\l CrKV, i\1 ul'g llr t .r llll1 , ·,.ow u· /lUll Itt! vi ulll ity !lll Owlltl 1:1 B 1 ).j . ' 1' . '. . , . . ,. !llil rk . 001'(. :' , CI VI ellglllo r' r Da VIS, Roy \ \ ,\' k oJl', L t).l'Itluna \\ 10 irs pILtriotl fflt ling I;'Sll res cd h.~ d \ I ..., . C . ') 1 ' .1 A p f L (,C'shIH g I1n Ii ~ In , "I lIOIe .,p n e l , ~ ~ H' n nt; r o oluti o lHi v III I , II \\Y1'1 • II t 11 nu n Ull . r e l'I tiva t o tJ lf: I ' fl' I \,1\\' rI.g I)t, (I f IIII!I 1m I,!,!. f'l IIIIIU} . of ~l flU] A\·l ll e. prosceu!,iOIi of III \"\'Ilr. 1'h . 1l 11<' 1 1 1 r E I ' Un ' l1nss Il I" r er [) I ('1I.0 11 tlon I:lrn ylIll!:: fo r )lll\'titi on Ot'1'I1111 1.'8I I I gi \' f! 'om ' . ' I' lu a of th o . B' 4 }ll'OC d tltl . . . can' prod uce resul ts in very \ ay satisfactory. . tllt e olnlUllD l'S " r , . , !lo.. t rn ot IVEI g Itn tllldlvlJ I . d vno ·sl. xth find 1\1rll . M , ~It!-l~IL A ICO h orro r s of Wil l' , tllnt th t' , '. \\ . . . ' of \\,in so n . part 0 f .slI m o. WILIll , U t i Ol·· lI !1U f 'I' IIl I~ht, 'LIJp r rhe nt1 wh at drill· I Ifltl ll O F'run klin I' ox. 3" on r[mnte r ge r-oll '; lind s tnilt 'n dn us 1 1'rformRIl ue n y. 1'£ crunkl iu nn(i \ 11'6, llio An n It, Lena 8 pr.1Y L eWIS \" Al ber t WII III h.' IL l oi on "o llli or in II ffllGRE EN SEA l! PAI NT will go furth er, wear LoWI!t I'Mitiol l Hied by plltl l1- t.:oIIIU" :10, of J.'nIOIti i n . .. __ ___ _ tI'Il Hlnl Will' . J II th o .'n ltrlle lI f hiM till' in whiull s ho Htule !:l IlInt ::iii longe r, look bette r, and actually save the consu mer r I' Il WI'Ii:,. IIlIl un g u l !lO\' th lnl:'-', ~11' A \V • oman 5. Grca t Id en WfI:l U1U rrl d tu 11Iu def onl1l1 n t "11 Tu,Vln r !! ILiti : . 815 to on a job of paint ing. temllor 19, l S0.1, u ml bv Uilll · thlll'!, huw tn Ula k e hpr~elf nttr ul'Llv u " To tb l ur viv ,)I'!! l' o ur w •• H, • " '., I Bu t. willwut . lleldth , It i" 11nrll fur u r e t\\ O ch lldron Rob I t \I. , age(1 rl t.o be IO\' ll ly 1U fU Ofl, furm or yon \vU D IltIve ball th ]lllt·riot ism to FOR SALE BY CJr lludGln dYl"ng el18y IIrs . ' hol1ver s 1ht em])('r Aw olI'k " ick l,Yw IllILnwill lea f) bll ppy h ome!! bud loved on s i tbllt h e i guilt y o f Wilful n bRolloe ilA lI On-OUS nnLl irri t ullie . CODstip"- II ml go to t lIo frail t; you wllo ll11d nnu gr08s n eg loct of uut y £l Ull u ~ k ,; l ti o n and KlcluliY p ni!' oo" 1> 110\",: in t he oonrllg t o Ill Pflt the onomi es n f for B di vo rce. thllt IIbe be r e!!t ur lld pimpl e, hlotcl1l1S. fl kin orupt,lO nll oot· ccuntr y in 1mt,tle, yo u, Wh 'l , !lnd I~ wrflt chC't\ ('otnplexlOu . Bnt Way nesv ille Ohio to he r Dlilid e n naUle !lnu hu \'u ousto- EI(lctrio Hitters II I wILys prove a god- witllOu t eo mp!tllu t, endure d the dy of childttl u . s nd tu womell ,,,h o want hea lth, hung. r , the hfltl t tlud the col d, the beauty nnd frie nds . 'I'hoy r eg ul l1te storm IUld the , tile futigne of THOUGHT IT WAS PUDDI NG Court Procccdill~ S. DiLH .g.H ATH AWA Y 'tomllc h Ltver ILod Kidney s, purify U1nrohs!!, tllo ti rmllJm6 mon otony uf Iho bloGld give ll tr ung n er ves, llright, L . 1:I . Ch u )1ltn, lJubli bt>r of th l.'! C'lUll>, the Bufferi n g on tho ti Idlltl(l Cora Brunk vs. W , E. Ureuth otlso, eyoR, pure brElIlth, smoot " '1 .1 J :H'iI1e's l,eudUlIl Dent.1st b vl.'Ilvety 11 ud,,' )n (0 ) Iudop ml IJ t. t'll Ul OU!;! et nl. Defend l\nts htl ve len ve of kin , loy Iy com plex ion in UOsIlit.a ls lind ptisons , and t·hA ()lli '0 ill K I ytl Bldg. , gootl h IIltb ' Mu.ln 1:'& oourt file anHwor her t3in in t birty Try t h elll. flOo at l!'. U. Sh wurtz's , woundl ! of wl1r 0 ns! offer ed your h H: hi,l fit l:4 ot g rou(lb , I gr ouohie r days. se lves us living Rcrifie6s thut futm' tban ver beo,m ae of a t or y whi h --- --~ We can offt:r you good Swappe d Tobacco IVith Indians Buse Bone vs B ownrd Coll ett, gen tlrnU ous migh t e njoy th e protoc r eoently len k ed out on h im . Payin g Emp lo me nt Chaplin , In .tldditio n M being pubtion of ono !lug and (he blessin gs of adminI strator . MotioLS sustain ed Ferdnn ndo !ish Jones e that r, is you will enjoy and the editor, man bQ!llneA" m anage.' wh o tllis unitecl count·ry . it is not fur tlny lind plaiutif f is g iven 40 dltys in "swllpp ed tobaoco with the Indian ind i VIdual or Pluty to say tha.t the nd· st.a.I' repolte r wbich to amend bis peti tion, at home . Write:: to-day of the Indepe n ut old Fort Dearbo rn 75 yellrs ago, uen t., tlod when busy hu.s his lunch payme nt of nny amoun t of mouey br ought to tho offioe. Recont ly his hilS oe lebrute d his n inetieth birth WIll restore hoa Real Estate Transfers. lth vr oomp nsn.te ;on bro ught his lun oh in lind Inid it day. The ButtU iek yon for the great se rvioe render ect on his de k. Wh en ~' I oren oe W, Bainte r to Emma R . he returne d I Butterl ck Buildin PubUs bing Co. He hus s en hioago gr ow fr om g. New York. N. Y. by yo u when our Ol)untry was in lliter to take back the Coate, f,ii2 .liii ncres in cOllnty , ~ 1. 1\ tow n of ' dl h es, hi t! \l00 people to u lllet r opoll ~ noeu but It i the duty of t he nation William H . N e wport to Frank A, of 2,500,00 , 0, and, in lIis own langua ge. to Rupply you with every uid I1nd fat her ndmonishAd : !:)Bid er and Lulu E . l::Inidor , two hopes Is your year up for "Tell your mother the next tl m n to "bunA round l!ee 100 com iort wbioh money will pnroba se t·raots in counLy , '3326.25. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. years and a Ohioag o of 4,000,00 0 per It ill for you t o suy, he sends m e puddin g for lunoh 1 either individ Jonath an rahuDl to William iJ. sons, want some flavorin g in it." " uall y, colleoti vely, or throug h youI' Graham , .72 acres in oounty ' 1, "There WI1R no pudu ing in yonI' St. Augustine's Catholic Church, Pionee r J on o8, in. addi tion to tbe PIIlhcr Oeorge I\ooietle s jut\~ whllt is n eoessar y t o lunch, pa," said the boy Deliab heody to Willian.. ~ . U ngles· distinc tion be in snrpris e. . l\fus~ every S(:OO Mn\'C'oh oefor, Pa810r cluilllS as Chicag o 's bring ntl Sl)u,IIII' of Ibe moulll a~ oomfor t In your reolinin g by, lot 10 .F1·ankl in, "Tell lIIe I don't kn w whal' I'm U :00 a. m. first settler . now olive, o.lso in 1st year s, and it is t he duty of t~e Na- eating will you ?" r oar Elizabe th l::Ihoflmaker, et a) to he Is the only ed the ira.te living Chiollg oan tt' on to sup"ly thll.t wa'1t 10 the St. Macy·s Episcopal Chur('h. . J onathn n G raham, .72 aores in ee HI111ey . . ... . .parent' . "Dlfln ' t. I eu,t '8 oomet twice . He say ma'ntu in l~noe pa ildlng fr om I{(lv. J . IP. luwnl hlller, Hee lor. of• Nlltion ul home and "h ' Wayne town hip, '700. ':I " . , • • l ' IS very Oup . he well rememb erl!l the visit of t.he 10 pllyme ullelay obool , II ::;0 n. m Morn ing ~ c r If it is, we have a giltnt of 11 bora.l pen sIOns the. n T h'e 1.uoy Cba rles Ford and Carolin e Ford comet in move(1 t 0 th e d 001' b e f ore \' !C '. 10 :30 a . ru . .f\oly COlUlDun l on ~h o lin;! 1834, when the Indian In amoun t uffioien t to proonr Suo(\ClY of eacb u, onLb , e for h . d to Elmer C .Ford and Ida. Ford , lot tribes then edge prop ositio n to ' . e ana were , living in this vioinity you every earthly want . in MlI.lDeville, i'T hat's the paste pot, dad," he w'ere struck dumb wit.h fe nr and "I have unbonn d'e d confide nce in It\cthodist Episcopal Churcb. offer you. This Is a Viola Colber t Ilnd James Colber t held nnmero us " pow-wo ws " in tbe tile integ· ri ....', honest y. anc;110 yalty said . "It wlla full whe n I Ollme in." Rev. H. W. Dalloy. Pastor. \ to Owen 8, Higgin s, lot in Lebano n, hope of appeas UJ grea t pape r, and evuulluy S chool , '0 ::)U a. m . Morn ing scr' -Uleve la nd Press . ing the " evil spirHs, " of the veteran s of OUt wars, am in "Iuc. lU :;10 a . 1U . ~pwonh LClIgltc, 7 :00 p . --Ill . €,. IIIn g Hcrvlce. 7 : 00 p . 01 , Mldwl!c\l ery farm er ough~ ~o full sympa thy with thetr deman ds Betwet m two evils it 's better for ~ Pnyer Noe Lln!!, 7 p. ro, Mart,hn. Ingham to Emma. HOOk' 1 OHIO C. E. UNION of 11 Na'ion which tbev defend ed woman to mllrry a mnn lot in Frankl in, %135U at Sheriff 's have it in his home . who cheWl! ~hristian Church. and wish to perpet natei and will at tobacoo rllther than one sale. who is al'I'he stute offioers of the Com e in and we will ' hio u11 times labor and vote Rev. L. O. 'l'bompsol;I, Pastor. for a genn- wo.ys ohewin g the rag . Probate Court. 9111lo School, 9 : SO.: a , m. Soclnl m ootlog. Christi an Endea VOl' union are: in'e dollur It day pension bill and for 10:80 Il. m. Ohrl8 "lIn~n<lollvor. 7: 00 p. m .1 leO . preside nt, I.{ev. Huber Fergus on, the melisur es of . relief Est ..ate u"'f Darry ll~mO ll by pll8t.or. ll\, ry Il\ltQl'not . B rown mInor. asked for by lU . 30 n. m. nud 7.30 p , m, . o Suuduy ilL \' I Odie L. Bro. ~ n apPOin ted ~uardil\n Mansfi~ld ;-gener al seoreta Tr,Dlln lo the G rnnu Army of Vetera n s whom at $2000 bond. Hid<site Friends Cburch. A. Po img, Chllmb er of Comme rce, vou represe nt today and if within FiI'lIl Day M cc tln ~ . 1\1 :00 n. m. Fl n L nay Columb us i viae-pr esident , W. R. my power I would erent a m onu E8tate of 'Walter G . Kinde r , et ai , ul: ool. 1 1 ;0(1 a. 0\ , F(lunh !.Jay lII e ~ I ni: 10 :00 a. 01 . minors , Second acconn t filed by ~ ibley , Colum bus; seoreta ry, Thos. ruent to the memor y of tha soldier s .J. Kiphar t, 220 E . 4th ~t . , einoin 8S high Ill! t he h~aven Bamue l Fox, guardia n. For further info rmation , address Co.dldt... s. us broad as '011bo dox Friends Church . Cood EntertainEstate of Kittle U. Loebr, deCetlSed natl i treasur er, Vinton M. Pllce, the univars e and IlS everlas ting Btl Rev, Denjamln HawkIns, P u lor. ment.Actlve 11"01 BlsWlluD dBllHaDd a !'\abbaLh Sch ool , Il :OO a. m. ReR ular tlhurob Invent ory nnd apprllis emen t fi led MilwaU kee, Wis. i jnnior field seore ete rni ty, Thue Ilro tho Ihlu ll' which will m.ko .. m lln of )lour boy. son ' 100, 10 ' uO fl . Dl . CbrlRLlan I!luaeavo r. tary, Mrs. Uhas, Hutohi nson, T oledo i by Ralph B, .l:'arks. Se eurtt hi. U\lety Interes t al"\d whole· ." But now, 1910, war are over, thA '1::10 p, III 8 0me developmant b)li(lvlnll blm Waynesville, Ohi9 E state of Henry 1&, Hunt, imbe· oitizens bip commi ttee, Rev. W . S . n ~ tion s of the earth ILre at The pe!lce, AME RICA N BOY ~~~~~~~~· I clle. First accoun t filed by Franoe s Hllrp8t er, Columb us i MissioDt~ry but there i!l u. deruan d for Ulen : men ~~~11::,\,b.f~~ro.~:tdl~fve~~,~~, r:~~n'~·tl~::rr"y ExtenS ion, M.r . F , p , Busser t,Ouy· T . Lewis, g u urdian . and current e.\'out l . PhotoKl'1Ip hy, stamPf. ' elec-wbo hu ve r egard for the truth; men ~~~iYi~Jl:"~~':rb~~~~' gg'n~·D';'·J~f~\frn\::-~ Estate of K lttie C. Loehr, de· ton i Press, Mrs, Bernioe ThompsoD, who h u ve Iligh est r egu.rd traled. Dnd every line In harmon y with refined for the Colum h omo traln lflK j e ndorsed b y 1.'iO,ooo bOYiI and their bus; Quiet Hour and Evange l- sa ucti ty of t.he h ouse oellsed. Leu ve granted Ralph B. f pa . Sella ,1 .00 tor" full yelll'. On ..I. at of G od and a lll\ewI.9I and.aIIO conll. Parks, ndmini strator, to sell oer- ism; Rev, J. E. Fout, Da yton i Tenth the teaohin g of his holy word; THE SPUIlIJE PUIIIIIKIII6 to. lOB ... ,..1-. 11d!I" 1e1rot!, \Uen, Legion ancL Financ e, Rev, R. M. taln propert y. wbo bave respeot for true wom!ln 8.uston , Mansfi eld . E8tate of J . S Win trow, decease d, h 00 d 11 n d tru e m B n hood an d don 0 t , ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you would like to supply !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ba.rry K . . Wintro w admini strator ru h frantioa .lly after fads, foals, A i>readful Wound your table with. this highat bond of '14,000 , J . Lee Tbomp and wealth i men, 'who in the desire WAL TER , 8'o n, WUliam T. Colema n nnd J. P. from a knife, gnn, tin can, I'osty nail, for worldly honors and 'grade . silver ware free ' of the never firewor kS, 01' of ' any other naturo, Benedi ot appoin ted apPl'lliSer8. '. ending conque cost, st· foI:' write wealth us for our spe, will demand s promp t treatm ent with Fune ral Direr;tor. Est~te of Smith R. Bradst reet, Buokle n's ArniOft Salve to preven t not blllst the llOpes of friend" und cial offer. Address deoease d. Due proof of publica tion blood p oisun or gangre ne . It's tho will not surge on like wild beasts quioke! !t, surest h ealer for all Roch r egardle ss 0f friends or foe, costs, of notioe of apPOin tment a s execu · STANDARD FASHION COMPt\NY Teleph one day or nigbt. wouuds Il.!:! also for Burns, Boils, oonseq trix flIed, uences or refleotl ons, tr!ln~­ 12~16 Vandam Street, New York, N. Y. Valley phone: No.l, Bore- l:ikin Eruptio ns, Eozema , Estate of \V . J u.y Ball, uss ignor. Ubnpl)od Sands, Corn!! gressiD~ ;tll luw8 both human aDd or Piles , 250 Distanc e No. 69-1-. divine. at Fred U. Sohwa rtz's . --~----------• _ .....- -"We need more Olen like WushOHiO. LINCOLN MADE NO MISTAKES ington, first in the hearts 'of the pel'- WAY NESV ILLE, . get Immediate relld from pIe i Lmooln , the Emano ipator i Branch Office, Harve1 f1buri. O. Dr. Shoop's Matic Ointme~ TbeR n.Dr. T . L . Cuvl& Mysin Grunt ~e ~Wleri MoK~~ y, the ~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.~.~_~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~,~~!!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!~~ the H omileti o Review : "Terrib lb Chr.iiltiL~n Soldier , gl:lntlem lltl and Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure 8lood. as \VIIS the trugedy of - - -- .- - t hut April stut,esll lan lind Koosev elt, doer of . ni gllt, it is still true tllat Lincoln th in gs-not to. h oulde r the mu ~ k et I Wcak nnd unhealt hy kIdneys arc re- , ' . d spousib . 1t t' lefor much sicknessall~ s u fTeri ll g , 1may hIL f kl .1 1 . va die .1 I at t h e rIg 1 , lute or or buo . a I)n t 11 e ilWllru, uU t t·0 S t IIIlu I therefor e, If kluucy hiS iUlperis hu ble ftl me. H a uad oon- up for filii' phy .Lm ong Ill ElU and t he i ~~~ ~~~ troLt~lc ispermit Lcu to (. ugh p eo ille of th o el~rtl,l i sta ll ll up fo r I I coululU e, sen ous rc- UOted IIn immA.u se nation .thro , sulls nrc DJ ~st likely the most trem tl ndous CI.vll wllr .ever h om 1I0U Cl VIC J'i~ht-eo l1 s n (lss- 1 to rolloII'. \ our otll r wag ed I\nd never CODlIllI ttad I. slOgle m ~ D, !!I uch Illell as Paul d escribe d in I orgalts needkill_ ot- lserl. on' . tcntioll may uut your \t:' tnlstuk b OSluns, ' e . fi e d'd I n nt possess hi t! itltte l' to tue ."p ' N vt I neys ;\lost, because , Hamilt on 's brillian t genina, but with tlD eye servloe us IU tlll pl en8e::l, ,~ they do most a.nd I Rnmilt on never saW the future but ser vtl uh! of Christ doiug the will should ha\'e attentIOn first. Therefore when m or e tmgnoi .,usly. fle nllu1e nr) pre of G ud ftom the' heart," ~our kiduers ore wenk or out of' order, t ensions to Vl\niel \V ehster' ONLY s Illug ,e At-t.h battle of Mi !lsil'ua ry R rdge y.ou can 1II.lderstnnd how quickly you r en- n etic ora to ry but'Ve b ter never put a C'olor tire boo}' IS afTcctcd and how every boa re r of 1\ l'eglUle nt rU!-lhed organ .'. 6eems to fail to do its duty. m or El truth 10 orutorlo lll form for far in lid Vllnce of his oomrud eHi his If you are sick or "feel badly, " begin populli e, He pOBsess ed oO'lonel halted him nnd oomlll/l.nued taking the grcat kidney rCllIedy , Dr. . . r guidauo _. , . . Kilmer' S Swamp-Root. A trial wlllcou - BenJuu llu Fr.lLnkhn s Immen se oom · him to bring t h e fl ag b ao k t 0 th e vince you of its grent merit, mon tlense Ilnd that tweDty · l ~ne IHi · men, bu t the color bearer cried baok Tbe mild and immcdia effect of dress Oil tht) battlefi eld of GettYl:! t o him, L Brillg McCa ll's .M ag¥l ne Swamp -Root., the great ~e. . the men up to the . k1duey aud . bladder remedy, is 50011 realized . It bur g is the higb-w ater. " . Is a targe, arti!!tlc, handsom ely illustrate.d hundred-page monthly mark of flA g, II whereu pon .. tbe men rushed tains sixty D.ew Fashion Designs in each issue. Every- wor;nan needsmagazine. It cOnIItnuds tbehighest because its remarka ble Americ an lIenteo tlouli. eloquen oe 'forwar d und n. viotory W1\8' won over ..fnshion!!, eutertai ning ~torle~ and complete if)formation on aU home it (or its ,up-to-date healtb restorin g ds prorerti e~ bove been'. . fi t · h proven ill thousan the Il,lOst distress- It 18 ' V I th t t t Ipg ~ a t" Il 'f t tlr suc tJ 1\ Oil r. tb. e enem " O " I ' t I ' S . Over one m~Jlion s~ bscribers , Ac)mowledged the best Home and Bqd' personal topics, n .. u q u!'r er, '" Fashion Magazine, mg ases. If you need a nledicine you · his owu 'lIfe shodld be Regula r price, 5 cents a' COP)~. Worth doub~e. the Jast to .be with onr nati on. Some meil want . ahould have th.e be~~. los t in that stuIJen dous s truggle . onr OOQ stU.u~ion 'and 1I\W8 Sold by druggtllts Ill ohange d . · ~c:Olll PaUe ras fifty-cc ntaudon 'the MIami Gazette ' e-dol. d d 1ft h ' He hod olllled over 200,000 ber~es to to oonfotm ~o their i eas an se s .' lar sixes. You So · simple 'you can~ot misunderst~nd .them • IIlV down tl1eir l~vee, and then, his desires , ·but' instead of . One ·of the ' hest ne~"sJlapers in ·this part ·.of bringin g the Absolutely· ai~urate. [n sty Ie, irreproachable. ~~v~:ilsaf~!ele also a the State.· Gives all 'the n~ws that' s fit tn print. own life Wli/! laid down be's ide the p rfnolple s of QUI' 'govern You may .sellCt, free, "an)' McCall Pattern ment YOI buok Interesting and progress ive. : I ndi.-pensaQle 'in . pampbl et tdlip~ you desire from ._ first num her of the {llaguih e humbl Ht, [Jl'ivllte soldier ~r drum to the people we waIit' every Wa.),nesville home. Regular price, SI.00 ' . pa,trlo~1I who which ho" to find oul if you have rea~h. \ fGU. Reiular prille, I'SCi"nts per year. ' or mer boy of G e ttysbur g or Chiokll,- wiJI take a step in advanc . e lind crr}, bladderwriting trouble. when this& paper to Mention Dr. Kilmer c.o., maugll. ,, ' _ ., .ont as did the 00 101 be~re~- br i og ·Binghamton. N, Y. Don't make any mis' ,the p~op1e np to the NI\tlOB, and II .. . take, bot r memhc~ the name, Swamp. . . . . . . . Never confide ~secret ton. woman with one grand lloolaiQ . ~ , ' l fraa oor CaD' at :Root, and d.ou't let a d enier sell yO_D who tells ber real ale o. ~ or adc1re sa70ur · OI'cler to THE MIAM. I GAZE1TE, Tbe woman countr y of &nal'Clby lawleeslI88f1. W~.;..-..... a449 fOIl _)fOIl eomethi Dg In willplace be disappo of Swam~R inted.oot-if who does lhat would . --~........ . . •tell .' . . aDJ'tbiD g. Bopera 'lttoD. treaob er7 , aDd v 1oe~ __ " ,I "1.!I~-II!I-"I!II~!III"""~II• •~~~-"'~!'I Mr, ,l os

ti') uo nt, eut!




nanna's GICCn Scal paint'

'. I





Are You Loo king

,for a posi tion ?




The Ohio farmer




... - ..--- -





1847 Rogers Sil verw are

Miami Gaz ette




Often The Kidneys Ara Weakened bJ Over-Work.



AN IR RE SI ST IB LE BARGAIN· $1.75 Value lor O~ly>~..$1.20 ~


"One Year's Subscription lor McCall's Magazine" Any 15· Cent McCall Pattern you may seleet. One Year's Subser~ption lor ~Miami Gazette '-





. ,




1I~:" WIl )' 1I

'1\'1I 1e , (1 11 1 \

OlNfI 'Ii:


VAI.I.KY 'l' B t.E I'Il IJNF - 'ALl.

-_-.::----,-, -

D. L. e ltA



11 ~


Editor and MlsllB g'


ltatt's of Subscrilltion tlll'I'lly In UlI Vtll1t'c) ... '" . . C'''!' Yoo .. oooooooo .. . ' .. oo ....

I'I '" Y o a r

Hl lI!!"l!}

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RateR of Advt'rtis ing l .oc' lI/s. I.or lillll .. .. , . . , (ll n"tllllng Lu!!uIH . black rll(:o. IlI'r !ltH' , , .. 10c' n ot 111 oxc'coll 11111 lill''''

Insertions . . . .

~ 5c IIv"r 1\ \'0 int;hllli. IJUI' /irm . . . . , , .. . .. , , , , rIC' Curel o r I huullt!. , .. . . . . . , .... . . , , . , .. . 25,' H08O/u tlo n'" ... .•.. . .. . , , ... .. ... , , ' .. liOC 'I'h~

OblC I\ nrle~,

II VII 1t1l' 1I1l>l rl'C :

lioclllill 01<:. wlwl'e d'll!'gll

bl Ill alio .. , •.. ~ 6l' Ulsl ,luy Au\,ortlslng IlCr IUl·h . , '" .' " ,. Hit· lJ/ tlCtJ IIIII S /I"'e ll 011 l·UlIcmet.



11) .


0 .. uull a,ftur ,hlU!, 1, 19 10. ohul'~h tiel vi oetl, ~l4bbtL', b sohool so. inu!', pmyer metltit~ gl! of 1111 lodges tlnd fmtel'Dlll Or l; tinj:G~tions will be pel'~ wHt!lu li S n~ul1l, ti S wiJllilso n.ll pub li o tu n t lun s II nd It t.llle tio l(utbeS By order of BO'Lrd o f Bell1tb , E, e Briggs, M. D. , Health Ollioer .


HC'ntl lul:

(· I lUl.. 111 1l\l l\ ll ~ .

The b alth of WII/ll i tl~ton is n ow 8no b tbllt the bOflrd of b ealt h is W!Hr.m ted in IS9 11lllg t,ll nuovo n otice 'J'bere h tltj n ot b,"en 11 ne w ouge of SllLlIl\ p ox out.iide o f Il q llul'nn tin et1 boulte iu th e P I I ~t i:!eveotee n da y I...ust W edo esd l1Y e veoing Dr. B . M. PII-.tter, of t,b e stllte board of henltb, Ollme h ere ut t.he request IJf the 1001101 health bOllr<iund addres ed tile ollizeotl at the Muyor'tI omce L>r. Platter b ns had large experlenoe . In the treat,menl. of contagious dis. eases and ill 8. r eoogriized Ilotbority 00 every Ilb '\(le of the prevention Rnd trent.ment of smal\.pox . He IIp proved the ooursa pursued by the Wilmington loard uf health aud Dr. Brlggs,hetlUh offioer, he holding t hat geneml vuooinlltion , 8uoh as hl1d been provided for und wus heing put in foroe b y the heal t h boa rd would effeutually tltllornp ou t the dis Batle. Sinoe then citlzen8 genera lly, who hrut not al,-elldv been vl1oo\nflted have taken this precn utlon, !lnd I1re regarded BS immuue. W limington is now pratiolllly olear ot th~ diBease, or the s ituution is lit least so well in hand thllt there hno liklllihood ot any new oasell, no fBelr of infeo. ion frolIl exposure, Ilno our street!l are IlS life for TiBit ors as those of any nei"bboring towns . -Giinton County De:'llocrlLt'.

"It puys to advertise," say8 Mark 'I'wilin . " When 1 WI1S editing thl' Vlrginill City Enterprise, wrltinJ! oopy one day lind mining the nt>xt] tried to force th's 'Iuth in many wI1YS. LA 8upentHious lIubscriber onoe wrotealld 8uid he bAIl found a spider on his paper. Was tbill good or bad look? 1 repllt"d to him In o ur an 8Wer to(} Uorrespondeuts ' oolumn I;'s follows: " 'Old BubNoriber: The finding of a IIpider In your oopy of the En terprlse wus neitber gOM luok or bad. '1'he IIpider Wtl.8 merely Jook ing over tbe pilges to find out what merohant Willi Dot I1dverh8ing, 80 ,hat It ooold IIpin its web 110(01'.S hi .. door I1Dd lead Il free I1nd 'uDdi.turbed Marvelous ' Discoveries existence forever dter. ' .. wark the wonderful prol1ress of the ----~ --~--~-Ilse. Air fi ightB on hea vy maohine!', Kept tile Kin, at Home telegrllIDs without wires, t arrible "If'or the Oltl!l' year WEI have kept war inventions to kill men, ,und the KiDg of cliliaxiltl vel-Dr. King'., ~hat wonder of wonders, Dr. King· '3 New Life. PIU" our b Ime Bnd New Disoovery-to 8I\ve life when they hllve provtid a blessing to al ~llfea'ened ' byoooghB, ooIds, Il1grlppe our family," writP8 Paul Ml1tb1,l1kB , !Asthma, oroup, broncbttitl, h emor of BuiJI110, N . Y E",y, hot eur rbl1ges, hay fever and whooping remedy for all Mtomaob, LIver I1no oough or lung trouble . For 1111 Kidney troublett Oolv 250 at Fred broncbllll IIffeotions It hus DO equal [t relieves lost"ntly. Ita the surest C. tSobwartz'~ . oure. JI1IDes M. Bll1ok, of Asheville, ---N. 0 ., R. R. No . 4, writes it oured WA~ NEVE~ TARDV 111m or an obltinate oongh after all other remedies failed. 600 and n .00 Lebanon hlBh IICbool has the ~is A trial bdttle free . Guaranteed by tiDotlon thl8 yen of gr.adu'l tin II Fred C . Bchwart,z a 10nng lady who ha~ gODe the foll ----'twelve y~rs of the oonrlle without TURN FLOWERS INTO MONE'y baTing mieaed a ,1~y or been tardy An I\ttrRotive featurE" of every She ia MislJ Rober'" Bllrt, daughter SwislJ land808pe in spring and sum of Jobn Bart, rurlll route mall oar. mer is the beRuty I1nd variety of rier. As a reward for this marvel. ,wild fiowers growing In profusion on ous reo.>rd, the Bqard of Eduoation hillsides and lower mountain rang.-lI at the anDaal oommenoement exer while the nUeys I e!lem blo btll1utiol&ee . T!lurl!da.y evening pra.ented fol mosaio!! in the rioh . and varied ber With 'an ('draordinllry dtplomil tints of fiower8 that the of merit. Ber C11l8" appropriately greenl!wl1rd. The wellltb of bl ossom pres~nted , her with R olook . Th( in addition to ·beautifylng the Illnd. board deolares that this Is 11 nl1tloqsoaps Is turned by the thrlftv SWl88 0.1 dilttnotloD, ond defl68 aoy sohoo) into proo.~. The fi!>ra of Swllzer, &0 dnplioate 11 , land PC?ses8es qualities t.hl1t produce ----- + - - - - delioious bOD,e y, and tbousa~d8, of TURJ<EY SAVINO POTATO CROP oolonl68 of be!!s may bA seen iJl the , The Tbanltaarlving day bud Is be· oountry, being utilized by the peolng balled aa the, 8ador ot the ,po.. pie to iUOi'AaSe ehe food supply Ilnd ~ orol!.l.~reeley,' eolo. It ball oommeroial produots; in faot, the been dilCOvered tl1at the turkey is produotlon of honey' and wox oO,nverJ, fond of the potato bug, ihe !1titotea an iDdustry of ,'on8Iderable , paraslts tha~ make potato growing importance to tbe Oonfederatloo, aB




----.. ...

cuml Dl:mtl<tr ' f,. ~n 'Sp "t'''' ·.. S ........ d lers to malte 'a rogiment, and that after tw('nty years trom thI s lIm, there ,will n ot ,lJe enou gh or them to Undertaker.and Embalmer. fOI'ID a company, nnd thn t In 'W ntyW ill be fo und in t he old 111'0 year.s there may r main onl y one, Btl t1 k B 1 . g , opposfte to b come gr nl ly dlRtlnguis h d In his the Nlltl onnl Bank. Ill s t day as th e !lola 'l'oluphlln in h ou se and ot· When Only O'ne s ur vIvor or th o mil- ' fi e wh ·r J can be oalleu Wil l Remain. lI ons of m n who day or night. Wf"rB mal' haled und r the bnn ller of the t:nlon fifty yeare V t~Jl ey I(hon e 14-2. a ~o, as nanlel 11'. Ualwlnan. Wll0 dlell Waynes ville, Ohio. a t I he age or one hunlil'ed a nd nI ne, ~~in~treet, l)('came famOUR R ~ th last RU r\'lvor of Ihe patriot army of th rrvolutton. I~ven tr thc~(' Run-h'orR now nllmher a filII hfllr mIllie n. tllere Is no eaURO to f('nl' that !hl!l ll ew pf"n Rlon \VOIlld Ol'(' r·!ax tlle r('sOI,rl'('s of III nntlon. \ ill Keep • while the annn al IImonnt tha wou ld lJe rl'lJulred '1' 0\111\ r;l'fIhahlr 1,1' Cllt dow n In Ih e s tun of at I !l ~1 $Io.oon.ono a yea r. nnd In II Ilttlf' wh ll the 'wh ole p~ir, arnouot an n11all y nperl l'd fo r all rll'll wa r penRion s woul d he bllt on In slgN J) nlnro nt figll re. "Wh y not gra nt thl R pension of S ~ O n month Wllh ollt furth er (I pla y? Why not provlcle for It wlthollt awailing th e elertl on and Ihe nH'pli ng of another ong-resa? !'lholl ld t,here be no At hi. I' fl idence , 3X miles west of ex traordInary R ssion of th npxt Con- Waynesvillt', on the Upper Spring. We also have a full and romplete line of all gress. It will not ron vene 1llltll the b or o pike, for the ::leason of 1910. kinds of Harness and everything needed for the first Monday of Dp('emher . 1 !l 11. lu th e year and a ha lt bet ween now and i BR WN BILL is a good gene ral. horse, which we are selling at ROCK BOTTOM the reglllar meeting or Congress, at pu r pose horse. PRICES. Give us a call. that time, probab ly at least 50,000 of tlle ch' lI war soldier s who LOVERDAl E is one of t he best. An Act yet li ve will have died, -bred Percheron horses in t hiR section of Ju stice. lea vin g oll ly th e Tap ldly of the country. He is fifteen y ears dl!;appearlng fragmentso t . . . th e once gloriou s army In which they old, and IS WIthout a blemI sh_ RO nob ly Re n 'ed. Not as an act of po.,, E•• 0 litical x llccllen y, not as an act or ~_ _ _ Eu_t_o'_ca_nal_ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ ' _•_ TERMS: pity or rharlty. bllt as an aot In prop. I' acknow ledgment or the jllst obllga$lO.OO to ins ure a Jiving colt. Any tlon of the governm ent to Its Bun 'lv- Olle parting with mare forfeits the Ing Aoldlcrs anll sa liors or th e civil war, tbl R mea . ure of relief should cer- insurance. two years old, $20 a month ror tne tai nly be enacted ·by the present Co n- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ soldier who is sixty-fi ve, $30 a month I:ress. u -for the soldie r who Is seventy, and - -C. W. HENDERSON,M.D: $40 a month ror the soldier who ie FLAG DAY

A. MAFFlr,


'l peoial for June


A good $20.00 Rubber-mounted Buggy Harness for · .: $15.00 A heavy leather Teain Fly net, per for two horses, . $ 5.00 A good round lash leather Buggy Fly net : : : : : : · : :. $ 2.00





Addre•• of Ex.Congreaaman Seth W. Brown, of Lebanon, at Bata· via, May 30, 1910, of



- ----



----- ..

JUSTICE TO I SOLDIERS le~;~:~-!;ethese Plea for the Proposed Pension of Thirty Dollars a Month.

Brown Bill


hills. ha ving be n Introduced by Ohio members of CangreBB, have attracted wIde at tention , particularly In this state. One of thelle blllB IB offered by Gen. Sherwood and the other by Gen. Kiefe r, both Oh Io lIoldl ers or fin e re ord. Gen. Sherwood's b ill gh'es $:10 Il month to th e sol dier. whe ther sa r enty years Old or not, wbo served wi h cred it not less than nInety daY B in th e oiv ll war, and 'whoBe phYSical Bille of Kiefer or menta l condition Is and Sherwood. of sll ch d egree or dIsabili ty a s to r equire the freqn ent and periodical aid and attention of another person.' This r eQui remen t would limi t the benefits conferred by s uch a pension to a comparatively small number 'of soldier s who bave reached th e age of seventy years, for wbllll nearly 01\ soldiers of tb ls age bave hecome Infirm and worthy of the . nntlon's more IIbeml assis tance. the y have not generally reached the degree ot disability mention ed In Sherwood's bill. Gen . KI efer's bill gives $30 a mon t h to the Bold ler of the civil war who served ninet y days. who waB honorllbly discharged, and who has reacll ed t he age or s,erenty, without regard to any question as to his disability. " While man y membeNl or Congress have gone lipan record as fav oring thl B fu rther step In pens ion legislation, It mn st be admitted tbat the prospect for such aotion by the presen t COBgress Is no t encouraging. A quite common eltllresslon or membe rs appears to be that th e surviving soldiers or tb civil war need Soldlere Need nnd In fact d eserve Thle Penelort. $30 a mont.h for their' rea soDsbl t1T1Port and comfort after they have passed the mark of th ree score and ten, but

No oth'er coun· ty sent to the tront in the civil war better sold iers than those who went from Clermont, and the names of those wbo ntlVe r returned, or who bave died since the war, are held in gratefu l memory by all classes ot citizens. At lhe melllorial exercises at Datavla. on Monclay , Hon. Seth 'W. Brown, of Lebanon, wbo ' formerly re presented till ., di s trict In ongress, after paying trlb· lite to the dead bt the war, sa id of I) nding and proposed penSion leglsla· tlon for Ule survivors: "Every year Congress makes an approprlatlon In advance for the payment or ll enslons tor the fl soal year beginning on the 30th of June. At ·the present session, both houBes have agreed upon t he sum of $155,000,000 for th is purpose for the fiscal year which w ill soon commence. This sum will probably be equal to one-fourth or the entire recelJ1tB of the govern- that the governm ent can not raise the ment for this period . Another form amount required fo r such a payment, ot , the same statement and tha t tbe giving at such a pension ag,,~e of ohanoo. A_ W . Frye, liv is shpwD by the statisti08 faroiehed Sum for Is tbat about one dol· mus t be deferred to some In te r day. lag a mile south of Pieroe, Rccldent- by the Swiss Society of Agrioultur- Penllons. lar of eve r y four clol· "'l'o make anything like all a ccurate lars which the nation estimate ot the amount of mon ey that aUi d~covered tbe totkey's pen · is'8. It is estimated tbat there are 260, will collect from all customs, In ternal would be annually required fo r penohant,for the bu~'8. 8e notloed bis worJdoB 1n and oot amont' 000 hives or 0010nle8 of bees in tbe revenue and all It~ other sources of slonB, with this addillonal leglBIallon, In come for the next fi scal year will be Is hardly pOBslble. In the first place, 'be po$alO plants and iovestiRated oountry eaoh of whioh prod,uollS 40 used for the payment of army and those who, uuder exisUng laws, would They bl1d. prllotloally rid tbft field of poond8 of ' honey during th'e S6I1son, navy penBlons. It Is a great people be entitled to a ra te higher than , 3U the deet~oyer. ~~ spr~d t.he news 8 total of 10,000,000 pounds (I, year. · that w11l raise so large a sum every a month , because or differen t klnd3 amons neighbors and DOW every The average price 'Of 'SWl1l8 honeY year tor SlIch a worthy purpose and and degrees of actua l dl salJiJlty, or pay It out with' such a tree band . because of a~y special services or sufpot,&to grower hRs ordered turkeys for the year 1900 was 25 oent,s "Of the vast am'o unt used last year terings durIng the war, would receIve ' with whloh to 6gh' the bugs. a potlnd, g!.vinj( t,be yeur's product for penBlons, a sum of more tban $1 6;such hIgher rate, a total,:vall1e of t2,600,000. The sta 000.000 was paid to pen slonerB In , Palling Awaya while tbose now on tiStlOS furnisbed by the tdoolety of Ohio. This was sufficient for an aver- Hundred a OilY. th Ilons ion roll at Agloulturillts' sb ow that' tbe bisheet a ge distribution of more than $1 80.000 less tban $30 a Ilverl;ge'n of 1909 was In to each county In the state. The mon- ' mon th, would be pensionable under ey so used accomplished the proposed new law at that rate. It rhe Canton of Luoerne, where 8,OOU Amount the first and hlgheBt pur- Is therefo re no doulJt pracLicaUy Imoolonlt!s of bess produced 424,OUO for Ohio, pOBe or its approprIation possible to vel'y nearly de termine how l'ftl~n""" of honey, an average of r.3 ' ' . by h ~h)lng the pensioners much suoh addi tional provi sion would , I Th themselves, and tb~n It pertormed an Increase t.he total amount. wh ich would . pounds 'to the. 0(1 ony . e next lncldental but uBeful ,publ'lc purpose be annually regull'ed tor all the army highest a verasp, ' 42 pounds, wall in as, from thllJr hands it flowed In gdlde'n and navy pensions wblch the' governthe "Canton of' Berne, whale 9.60U .str'e ams 'through ~Il the bUBlness chan- ment would"have to pay, but the sum w~uld be d creased very rapidly" from , prpduoed' i03,200 poun'ds of nels of prosperous communltles. boriev;" The territory ' oOQlprising . "It Is now proposed that the gov- year to year by the havoc of death In' the Cantons' of, l~Qoerne and . Bernfl 'ernment sball go still , further than It the ranks' of those who yet 'Un. AI, " ,. ' bas ever yet gone In Its liberal recog- I'eady more 'than lwo m.lllion of the itl'rioti the,flor~a espeoi811y sulted ' nl tioD ot' the just ,claims of its defend - men whO tought the country's ' battiM to ·' produotion, . '; , ' , ers in the army and navy ·durlng .the in the civil war are gone, leaving only ',l'iie' honey drop ',.C?f SWlt,zerland. 'civil war. ,It Is now very 'forcibly ar- about balf ,million survivorB 'ot that ';' ~loed a$ U,5QQ~()QO, is tl1rg~ly p'r~,fi.~ gued , tbat . ,a, pen~lon , of $30",'!' mon~h blobdy. service, nild titeY' are now paBS. diose ,eng'il"eil , tn the, lndolltr,v ,should be ' provl~ed . fOr. every 1to~ora- log over th~ ' greai. divide at the ' rate , .." .. . , , ' \', " .bly discharged; soldier who, served not ,Of. perbaps nearly one hundred a day, ~~~pre,. produOlr!lt 'lIe ra~ materi~·~ . leB8 thau'n lnety :daY6 III Ulat cont6oJt, or' a:\lout 35";0.00 a, Year. ' With', the " " l ' ' ,. ~ , . • . " ')"" and who ha's reached' the 'a ge of thus: Bbrln:1~Lng; arid the end In .~~, ,~rdelil\, hOPIJ, do ' ~o' ,~t~w i~ "en 1 . years: Perhapl!l CODalde:ra.bly Jt.ow. many of the old veterans will'. ~Ilr.'),om.· '. ,:, '" ' J ' . ,.-"... " more, t~n two . hundr~ ,blil,a', giving lert io receive the: bene~f of the.,Jib, • . . . ,.' - ", \, this rate to sucb ,oldlers, " hav~ been eral pension which is' now onl1, the . Ii.. 'iWite ia ~U~~r a l' man '8 bat'~r . ~tr:.oduced· t~· the presl!Dt dl.Dt, Ptomlae, of. bUls ~h.~ ' are qufetl7 ,balh ,r ,he whhle':fblng: . tso. , ' OoDgrea~ "and ..referred to s~eeJllng In the commtttees o~CoD,. .-"='=..,''' .' . ,"'. " • _ • '.> .' : ,ft'Ionth.. the. .,~"p~r , cq~tt~8I!I. gress, while the.. members talk QrwJ.t~t Ii.. un ....tnraliy'· bae a Bradge ' . Some ot thelle bUll call tor abouJd .,be done, ani!, of w~at ~11 be .~__ ".' what" termed a , atraf,l1t penston of 'done, at IOlDe future time? ' . 1;lltalJlI" Ute man eQ- , ' ~'30 ' a 'month, wblle olbers proTide for ..~t ta nof wic;te of the marll: to hII'W,lr~ 4l~., t .... tr ' iJ'Me4 rate.. ' wUh , to that after '1lfteea ,...,. frou:&





Waynesville. Ohio. June 14th blls b eon d 08ig nated 118 .Main:Stree Flag Day ull over th world where Valley Phone 153 nn Ame rio In oitiziln call be fou nd. 'I'h e ~ttl rs and Stripes will be in ev! stopped In ~mIDut~ den ce: Any oity will d o honor to it . s urll with Dr. Shoop'e Croup Remedy. (jDB self in making the presen oe of the£ will surel; prove. No , omitiog, DO .di.. fi 19 oon splc 110 It (m th 'Lt. ... yo . tress. Asa'" aud J)leasingllYrup-Wo. ~a.


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The Miami Gazette '••.,.. - -.-

=WAY~= 'EBVI:=~~~


Model Picture Hat

~ ~ ~ ~ ...-AI ~ • • ....,


THE HEART OF YOUTH. We have been told that as long as lWe keep . our bearts young we need ~nv e no tear of the depressIng lonell· lleSII of advan cing years, and ml!-Dy 'Writers more or less experienced In lIuch matters ha ve suggested ma ny ways In whIch we can accomplish that desired end . No t wo natures, however, Are aUke, and It tallows that no Bet of bard r.nd fns t rul es can be roade to a p· .ply to a h d isti nct personality. The man or womnn who pnsses th rougb Ii ro 8Jl ve to the biessl ngs wlil ch abound on e,·ery sit! rarely ceases to become an a ctive contributor to th o li ves of ot herB, ana as long ns II person nctun ll y par· tl clpates In nny worlt, Inrge or small , ih e In flu ence of hIs p rBonn llly Is 'bound to be felt and his coun sel r ega rd ed. It Is on ly when one has tire d <If the gnme, or enters only ha lf·heartedly Illto atralrs outs ide of his own s pecia l Inter sts tha t he ceases to' ex· ~r cl se any Influence, and his Indlvldu· IIl1ty Is no longer recognized. EJuthusl· a sm seems In some way to be nn at· 'tribute at the youthrul character; at any rate, It Is for easier to become In· terested In what Is goIng on In our 1m· mediate o·lrcle when the pulse beats .hIgh and the blood courses warmly ithan In later years when so many of us are conoerned only with our own affairs and evince but small Interest In ithe dOings o[ others. In the good old days they used to ;have signboards at the crossroads In the .country region to point the pl~grlm !cn his way. It was always a cheery IIlgn. It spoke a welcome to the stran!Ber. It indicated a dlsposlUon to be belpful. But these signboards are nearly all gone. Only now and then ~ou aee orie, and then It seems like the ~eUo of a bygone friendship. It aeems ito say to the stranger: "We once took lAD Interest In you, but we do so no 'longer: If you dOD't know the way. ,What do we care ?" That Is the situ· atlon today: a forlorn one, Indeed; a >Cheerless ' one. . No lItUe sign throWD klut, saying: "We are tl.1lnklng of you, ;we care for you, we want you to go rlgbt." Now. this ou!;ht not to be. ,There should be little signboards to Igreet him. and to tell him the way he ought to go. This thought III ge ttl~g eome headway In Massachusetts. where there Is an effort to restore the a lcnboards, and to give to the stranger Ithe help of kndwlng where he Is. . There Is a new reform out ·in Iowa, and It Is started by 18 young ladle8. prominent In social Circles, who hnve at last discovered the nbomlnatlon that exists In mere gossip, and so they have organiJed to suppress It, says Ohio fState J.ourna!. They call their organ!· iJ:atlon the "AnUgosslp socl~ty." This JD a . fiDe etrort. It means Intellectual lAnd moral uplUL It means that con· iveraatlon shall deal with real things'WIth science, pbllosophy, literature, b~~tory , nature and Uiose ' things tbat ladorn and uplift Ufe. It. Is not to be \thought tor an Instant that It Is the 'Young women alone that need to or· !Sanlze for this high ·purpose. The male sec lion of mankind needs just "ueb, a reformatory movement. ,W e might say they need Jt m(\l·e than the women. Maj. Oen. Leonard Wood ; 'Wbo Is on way as special envoy from the Unl· Ited Btates to the centenary celebra. IUon of the Independence of the Argen. tine republic at ' Buenos Ayres. stopped of: at Havana, where the tormer Amer. . 1can governor of the Island had are· cepUon whIch left no doubt as to the place he balds In Cuban hearts. In fact, It may be said he showed them how to govern themselves, and the success they have attained Is a tribute ' 'to the effectiveness of his lessons. ~Is

. Two basebaU fatalities In one day;(lne at Freeburg, m., and the otber at Troy, N. Y.- wlll be cited by football 'enthusiasts as evidence that the grid· Iron Is not the only place wbere sport 'Is sufficiently violent at Urnes to cause deatb. Dut U the number or the games <Ilnd the thousands ot pla}·ers are tllken Jnt.o account, It will appear that the risks of baseball are Jnllnl teslmal In ,comparison with those of rootball. In Japan, day laborers get 20 cents a .clay and women servants recelvIt 84 cents a month. Our Informant doe. not explain whether the women servrmts !get Thursday alter.n oons otr or not, ,but we SUl'Pose they do. Our Indlgna. 'tlon should be at once aroused It WI' jthought they. didn't. The Cl1\1tornlan who anno'unces that lbe has d ~ve loped edible rose mlghl . ow turn his attention, as other horti. tcUltlltJsts hav.e·bellD urged to do to th~ · 'Production of a scentless onIon. ' ,



I" ,


Pos.albl" It 'ls no sin to . play goU on '5Uncb\,. exqept on the theory tbllt It Is .1D.(U1 to waste lime OD ' Sunday or nny ~~" 41lY' of the week. ' . • 1

$atPUan tqmba .ouMo the New cotlt atqras. ,warehou.. In ali

Neoer Vari In'" . Quality or Taste


Because the utmost care is taken by Libby'. Chel. to select only the choicest materials and prepare them in the same careful manner every time. You are thus assured of uniform goodness, and thfs is the reason that the use of Libby's gives such general satisfaction to every housewife. ~ Try Libby Dried Beef Mexican T&males Bam Loaf Chili COD Carne VleIDa Sausa,e Evaporated Milk For luncheon, spreads or everyday meals they are just the thing. Keep a supply in the house. You never can ' tell when they will c me in handy. Ask for Libby'. and 1Jiiil1iiiiiiiiii~ be sure you get IJbby'... .


The two young men seated at th~ round table In tho 1~(le open·a lr res· taurant had kept up a desultory lIow ot talk, sllch 8S was compatible wltb doing justice to the delicious soft· sbelled crabs for which th e Sea Gull Is noted. But It W8S a soundless can· ver811tlon, In articul ate, for the fin gers tal ked rnthc r tha n the Ups. George , La\'eton was a dea f mute Rnd hi li cous in, All an I\Je rrllleld , though les8 profiCient In th e . sign language, had mlls te r d enoll gh of Its Int ricacies to ena bl e hi m to su stain a part In the call ve~sa tlon. "Dea f an d dumo. poor thi ngs ! Is n't It drendful 7" It was 8 g irl's voice, coming from the tabl e at the right. "Yes, dreadful! And espeolally for tbe hand some one," replied ber corn· panlon . "No,,', which ot us does she mean?" wond ered Allan. His ullcertalnty wns a credit to his modesty, tor George's lean, brown tace, In spite ot an ex· pression of alert Intelligence, laoked every element at beauty, Fortunately the speaker settled the que8t1on by addIng, "What dark, beautiful eyes he has! I never care for blue eyes In a man." Alla·n heaved a IIlgh of reUet. George's eye. were gray. He 1m· proved the 1irst opportunity to glance' at the other table. The girl In blue was beautiful, Her oval face was tinted like a seathell and the big violet eyes with their long lashes were bewitching In their trank pity. George nudged his friend lind his nimble tingers IIpelled out warn ng, ''Don't stare so, It's rude." "The worst of It III," remarked the gtrl who had spoken first, "thnt euch an aftUction shuts them out of every·

sell tln:en tal regrets. 'D ut somehow the memory of the girl whose name was Winifred came back to Allan often In his hours ot relaxation, or wh en be beard sweet LIluslc, Sometimes he dreamed of seeing 1)er and t he joy of recognition In variably nwoke him . .\nd so things went un. til one crisp Cnll morning, when Fate aga in took n hnnd In the game. Allan came out of his office In " ru sh. He hael Bom e Important mat· t rs to nttend to borore meeting a cll· n t. He had not yet reacbed th e point In hi s profel!sl on when be could s ately keep cli ents wn ltlng. Accordingly he storted to cross the s t.reet, despIte tbo fact that a touring car was bearing down upon him, he ralding Its adv-ance by the aggressl ve toots by which the modern motorist Rssorts his pre-emin ent claim to the public blghway. Allan believed that he had time enough to get across before the car should strike him and tha\.. any· way, It was the chauffeur's bltBlness to look out. . At the critical moment his calcula· tlon s were upset by a haDd lbat clutched him arm: He stopped and pulled violently back, trom under the very wheels of the swerving car. Allan got back to the sidewalk wltl1· out knowing just what had happened except that the hand that had first clutched him stili beld fast to his arm. Then, looking down, he saw that It wns a little hand In a blue glove. The hand released Its bold on hlm, touched 'hls shoulder, as It to attract his attention, and pointed In the dlrec· tlon ot the now vanishing car. Allan understood tbat an effort bad been made to save blm from the consequences of bls ,own recklessness and be tried to seem gratefUl. . "Yell, I see," he stammered. "I IUP. pose It was rather close. A wtullJ good of you." Tbe brim at the big hat was tUted with starutng suddennes8, !llscloillnl a tace, wlnBome In spite of Its' pallor, "Yo-you can speak?" gasped the girl- the girl wbose · name was Wlnl· fred , The sItuation was' trying. SuddenlJ It ft,ash ed upon him that bls posse. sloll of the normal tacultles was an offense to her. He tried to think an answer to make to her and she backed away tram him, the waves o. color flood,lng her face. "And you can hear, too," she no cused him. "You can't deny ft." "I~ I'm afraId I can't," said Allan, with real emotion. "And you're not deaf and dumb at all? 1 was trying to save your lite. I thought that you couldn't hear the horn and that you would be killed." "I dId hear It and I thought I bad Ume to get across. But It was 'just as pluoky of you," Allan cried. "J shall never target It. Never!" She had her hands up over her tace. He ·could Bee only the tips of, her ears. His admiring tribute had not comfort· ed her. Bhe was thinking of som& thing else. "You heard :m&?" she cried In s sr;llothered voloe-"tbat day In the restaurant? You couldn't< have helped hearing every word. Oh!" her voice rose in a waU, . "Oh! What must you think of me'" , , He came closli to ber. The sueet was '.full of people. Some passers·by stared lit the pair, the girl with her face covered, 11.8 if she were crying, and the tall young man bending over her and plainly trying to comfort her. But, for all AllIn kpew, they two were alone In some enchanted garden. "1'd like to tell you what I do think of you," he said, unsteadily. "Some time when we're better acquainted I shall do It. But without waiting I can tell what I think about myself. and It's that I'm the luckiest tellow on earth to find you again, Now I'm golpg to walk along with yO\l aDd flad out what your name .aa-besldes Wlnl· fred." The cllent·came promptly at eleven. And he waited 88 long as It Allan had been an acknowledged ornament to the bar. rather than a beginner with a name to make,


"Why Have You Loat Your Appetite?"




Proper Selection Means Much In Ap. Touch of Color Has Already Made pearance of Rooms-Prelerves . It I Way Thoroughly ' Into P~pthe Color Scheme, ular Favor.


oJll flivodta bullttle _ . &0 " " to It II OIlJr . .


- - 0'

In these days of slmpllolty of furniture, when the painfully 'twisted sbapes and dust·catchlng what·nots are relegated to the oblivion of the attlo. there Is gteate r opportunity tor the decoration of the walls ot a room. When It Is brought to mind boW much ot the wall space of a room Is evident, It Is necessan- that due can· slderatlon be given . to the selection of paper. The pattern should not be such that the harmonious furnishings of a room are lost In the dominating of color or design of the background. Plain paper of neulral tones or .In· distinct striped paper Is the JIlost desirable. NothIng Is more execrable In taste thnn the glaring huge flower forms that pain the eye and liang In questionable glory (that never seems to fade) on the fQur walls of a room. A plain lower portion of burlap or Japanese grass cloth, or even linen, Is excellent . as a relief from the pat· terned paper above: The tapestry tones give wide choice tor the lower plain band, an'd are procurable In really artistic combinations. . One decorator suggests a study of a Persian rug for InBplration ·In the seLedJon of colors for wall decoration. Ot course, the wall must be consJd· ered In connection with the general scheme of the room. Never should It be dissociated from the 'other' furnishIngS if the most arUstic results be your aim.

The new blouse that has a toucb of embroidery abouLlt Is sure to be 10 favor. One that Is stylish elth· er for a plain colored linen or pongee frock. or tor a soft, dark. silk sblrt waist suit Is developed with a narrqw "wnlls of Troy" elrect ·t hat more nearly resembles square tabs, The blouse Is made with eighth of Inch tucks set In groups at three, and opens at one side over a knife plait· Ing of the material, or of a different color. ·The edge of the o·p enlng Is out In the square tabs, embroidered all around fo the depth o{, a quarter of an IJ10h In colored embroidery /llIk or mercerized cotton. The frlll Is ot chUfon or soft silk In same color as the handwork. or It the 'materlal Is used, the edge Is scalloped to matoh the embroidered blocks. In each ot the blocks Is a small salin stitch dot, while bnck of tbe out-In line Is a row of colore~ buttons. The sleeve Is trimmed with same etrect, with embroidered tabs. dots · and buttons runnlng ·trom shoulder to wrist, and a narrower tr11l to match that on waist. colo~d


thing, Of course. they can't marry. No. woman In her senses 'would con· sider such a thing." "I don't know why," cried the girl in blue, indignantly, The Latest Beltl, "You don'U" The exclamation of het companion Jndlcated mingled disBeltl! this season are soft In effect. approval and surprise. They are shown In sott silks, saUns, metal mesh and meta11lc·flnlshed fab· "Well, tor one reason. be couldn't make love to you." rlcs, and they tightly girdle the figure. "He wouldn't need to," declnred the BUffer belts are also shown on Rus· ,Irl In blue, ' a trille sentimentally. "If Blan·biouse sults and on seml·flttlng prlncesse gowns, and are held 100Bely onl, he looked-" she broke off with Jnto · place through applied straps. a laugh and her companion said, reMany of tbe belts bave -buckleB of the provlngly: same material with either a touch of "Well, Wlnttred, I don't wonder you blush." band embroIdery to make tbem more attractlve,or ' they are braided. A Allan longed to see how she looked when she was blushing, but he did not belt of soft, dark blue sUk. tor In· dare to raise his eyes. And her name ltilnce, wllJ have the buckle coverell was Winifred. Somehow he liked the ""Ith the silk decorated with a design sound of ~t. He repeated It musingly ~ralded In narrow dark blue sou tache to hlmselt. . and fine 'gold brald.-From Woman's Home CompanloD. The talk at the table on the right turned Into other channels. .,ut thougb Allan listened eagerly tor a Seam lets ·8houlders. clue to the Identity ot the speakars, Seamless IIhoulders distinguish . a none reached hili ears. "In II. tew min. great many of the new negligees and utes we'll leave or they'll leave," be at once commend tbem to tbe womo.n renected, "and I'll never see her who makes such robl\s for herselt, lUI again." It seemed to him that It was Woman ••• Soclll Bucce••• There Is no Quality more to be de- they do not require the perfect sha· a pIece at malice on the part at fate ping of the .garment between the ta have placed the girl In such tan- sired to make a woman a social suc· tallzlllg proxlmlty, at the same time cess than that at tact, Its possessor throat and the elbow. Some of the most artistically draped negligees con· setting between them the barbed wire knows the rlgbt thing to do and list ot sipile or double wIdths of matefence of social convention. Why the right time tor doing It and thul eouldn't he have met her? He wished gains a reputation for ' cleverness and rial crollslng the shoulders and joln~d tor. a hurricane or an earthquake, tor .many virtues which a tacthlSS per- trom the center of the back to the something that wQuld afford him an son would never win from her circle tront. the V at the nape of the neck The skirt : of ,tl\18 'costume ·baa a exeuse tor hurrying to her sIde and of acquaintances, no matter ho'" ex· being filled In with a triangle ' of em· plain panel down center ·. of front; with broidery or lace and the slde8 below protl'e'rlnk his ald. But nothing hap. cellent her qunl1l1es of both heart and the edkes of sidell laid over and ar·. the arms supplemented with sharply ranged In a wrapped aeam: the coat pened except that George- finished his head. crabs and asked on his fingerl the The tactful woman Is Dot only a pa- pointed lores running from the hem has the sides' laid over the fronts the tlent listener, but IIhe Is a thoroughly to the Inner seam of the cut-In-one same way. Blaok satin. faoes tlie 10.Dg leading quesUon: coUar, while buttons covered with the "Why have )'OU lost your appetlt~'" .good one. She showl no wea.rhleis sleeve!!, same torm fastenlns below, . Allan took final glance at the girl . ev.en when sbe has hear~ ' the sall\' JiB be rose to go, She was even pret-'· story Illo;e than onc, from the aame New ti.e. for Cretonne, Hat of straw IIwathed '· with Pflnne' ·tler than ' he had Imagined-and ' 'person and she' smllea In th right Cretonne and cblntz ' decorate tbe and 'trimmed with a Itu~ch 'o( ,mIXed Iweeter. , What a pensive IIUie mouth place a~d appears to enjoy hearing coat, 'bat and frequen~ty · a 'patalot. . flower, each side. c . . .':" WBIi hers, drooping at the corners! jokes as mucb as bel' companion ' 'en· Cretonne has also 'lIeen used ' by , Matetfals required: 6~ , yards serge' And what a brave, tender·bearted lit- JOY8 telling them, aays Woman's LIte, Fr.e nch modistes for 4ecoratlve .pur. f8 Inches wide. % yard satin. ' f ''yard.!! tle girl she h~d proved herself In her A .tacUul .w~man generally getS her' llOaea3JPon evenl~g. gOWDs.,.-or, ·sll~ tor Untilg coat. ~ butio~s, ~., impetuous chatleng& to her friend: I.It own' way with her husband and· .Ith lUlc!,ii evening' go;wnB, tor the' lowered seer;lled hard that, he was ' ·turnlnl other peol/le anti yet In lIuc.h ·Il~. materla1 ' Ia set ' under the chltron or , away from her wltbout anY .assurance· nel'- that people always luppose that :tlItn . fabric, ·whlCh 'veils it ~ut. that he would ever see her again. ' As tbey are . tollewf.J:Ig th'~lr own and notT1tc1lenUy to-gfve' It theamst RY'ltr.'ffii'''I--....~ h~ stepp~ aboard the street car he her incllna~lon. , The tact is that .he had so burdensome a sense ot heavl: ' knows when a man' Ie approachable ness at heart that the lUdIcrous aide and' likely to be amenable to . ot the sltuatioD forced ltaelf on hi. wishes and . when It is 'best to . attention and he laualuNl aloud. . blm alone.. Tact Ie • 1VaapoQ In the llatlire of the c.... aD.~ wJth a mulUtUCl. of PrecauUoDa letic YOUD, I.,..,... who .. allO ·. ,,100 felD1DlD. wnel the ,r"e 1V~


Libby, MeNeiO I: Libby

See Our Pocket EdltJon

Willing to Pay for Rammer. When tl;1e British square at tbe battle of Abu Klea, In the Nuhlall' des· ert. 'W8S penetrated by the dervishes, one ot them attempted to spear a gun· ner who was In Ule act of ramming home n charge. The Drlton bralne6 the Sudanese, but the rammer head split on the man's hard skull. Next day the gunner was sent for. I\Ustaklnl the r enson, and knowIng from expert· 'ence that soldiers are chsl'ged for government property ' whIch the}, break, he led otr with: "Please, sir, I'm very sorry 1 broke the rammer, but I never thought the fellow's head could he so hard. I'll pay for the rammer so 8S to henr no more of the case." They Surely Would. A little American boy with his fa'

ther was vlslUng 11 mllrket In a Mex. Ican city. He saw n littl e natIve girl with a small basl.etrlll or I'ed peppers, .o t which she WllS eating on e. His fa, ther was about to SIlY: "She thInks ljhfl Is very smart," as the son called his attention to It. The boy spoke up QuIckly, knowing what was to be said: "Pa. would those red peppers make you smart It you ent all of them?" Bla father replied: "Yes, son." The Idea. . "Jilck sent me a handsome mirror ror my birthday." "Oh, that accounts for IL" "Accounts for wliat?" "Yesterday he asked me If a woman ever .got too old to be pleased with a looklng·glass."

There is a reason Why Grape:Nuts does correct A 'weak, physical, or a Sl"sggish mental . condition. The fOod is 4igilIy'" Dutritious ~~d ~ pa,rt~U y pre..<figested, So tha~ it h~lps ' the. organs of·

. the stoinacp

.'; '.

'TQ dige_st othq foOd.

IUs .alsO rich in tile ' Vital phosp!latc$ that go Directly to .J1iake up The 'd~te gray matte.r . 'Of b~aiit and nerve CentreS. Read ~TbC Road, to'WeI1vi1le"

....._.,'. aRcuon."



ConservaTIon of lhe

Nalion~s(irmTeslA5Sel ../f!r~


T IS more Impo rtant ror a na llon to con,; Tv e th e physl· ca l a nd mora l IHe of Its h elpless cit I Z II S tb a n to pre· serv e Its natllr- . 1\ I resouroes. ~Ion y xpendcd In the can· serva Uon of the chi ld will s nv money now spe nt In combating co nditions caused by th e neglect of thu prope r authorities to provide Instruction tor those whose duty It Is to care tor the cblldr n. The home Is th e ba sis of SOCiety, and 110 ciViC, s ocial or pbys lcal betterment can he r ench ed exce pt through Intelllgent. purposeful e rrort schools whloh the children attend. to raise ~ he stand a rd s at home life at Study courses nnd librar ies for parp1arrlage and It II duti es, of tath erh~od ents s hould be provided for e very parand motherhood, and of clUzenshlp. ents' association. As strength is Th God-glv n funcUon of pare nthood gain ed by unity or action. these assoIs th e IJlghest. IlIOSt Car-reaching duty cIations should unIte In local, state of hum o..nlty. and th e p rmanence and nnd national bodIes In the cause at the sacredn ess of marrlLlge Is the founda- weltare at the child, a nd In diffusion tion ot socl ty. at Intelligent knowledge at Its reAll sludents of social condItions QuIrements_ . seeking {be cause of crIme and disA thorough knowledge of· the chUd's ease, trnce them to Inefficient homes. physloal ,needs will r esult in the elimMoney nnd infinite labor are expe nded Ination of many diseases due to on charity, on th e caro or de teotive, pare ntal Ignorance_ A knowledge of d ependent and delinquent child ren. on the. hi gh, holy and pure funcUons of Jtospltals, refor'm atorles, orphan asy. sex Inculcated In the reoe ptive minds lums and pri sons . Practically nothing at ohlldren by parents would go tar Is don e to r emov th e causes whIch towllrd preventlng th e social evl1-11· lie fill' back of the condItions, and legitimate children, vener.e al diseases whi ch are largely preve ntable. and unhappy marriages. The knowlHomes a r e ineffiole nt. because there edge of' h ow to develop honesty, reIs nothIng In ' our present educational !lability, purity of mInd and responSys t m to flt young people tor wise sIbility In cbl1dren, wou ld prevent bome-ma k rs, Intelligent parents, mu h crlminalty. The laws of h ealth, broad-mlnned. pubUc s pirIted oltlz~ns. particularly In r elation to food, venU,T here Is no prov ision by which young latlon and sanitation, if thoroughly unpare nts may prooure th~ knowledge d erstood and enforced , would have a that Is vita l for the protection or thr, great Influe nce on h ealth of mind and Ute and development at th e mInds and body. souls of the children cOlJ)mltted to The present methods at caring tor their car. In s tinct does not make the de pende nt, neglected, delinquent, pare nts nny more thnn it makes wise defecUve a nd wayward children are soeclnUsts In any other branch ot tar (rom ·adeQuate. The care of cbUwork_ , dr\!n In IndivIdual homes rath e r than The National , Congress of Mothl'rs, institutions and orphan asylums clln· from whos declaration of principles not be too strongly re commen ded. tbe foregoing state me nts are gleaned, The group system, wIth house-mother Is doing lIra tical and efficient servIce and distinct , family lite, haa proven In seeking to r each every horne, every most successful In Institutions. The parent, nnd exten a knowledge of placing of wayward chl1dren In homes child nurture_ The congress Is strong- whe re experts In ohlld care may study ly urgIng such provisIon as will give and guide them, Instead of In reformto parents the knowledge which ,,'m atories, Is now advised by the leading do more than nythlng else to cbeck students o~ soc~ology. Study at the physIcal con'd ltlons of the eVils widch menace society. The t errIble death rate among · In· the child, which may be ' the chief tants ' can be cbecked only by givIng cause of moral faUur.e, Is highly 1m· to every expectant motber the knowl- portant. The teaching of s,eech ' to edge of wbat the baby needs In food, deat children, wltbout the use of sign aleep. clothIng and c·a re. The time has language, should begin at an early age. come wben e"ery nation, through a Tbe prevention of deafness may be acspecial department, should provlde tbe complished by segregating the deaf, d6ta concernIng Infants which may be thus preventing Intermarriage and the u sed by boards or h ealth and mothers. perpetuation of the defect. The preThe parents' associations and mothers' vention of blindness Is possi ble circles for th e study or th e welfnre through wIdespread dissemInation ' or ot the child In home, school and statt! knowl edge as to the cause and means should be co-exten sIv e wttb the of prevention, WI!-h laws regulating






Ex.Tamman y BoSl' Daughter Den lea She Was Married to a Groom In Hoboken. N w York. -[S l\ Jlss Etbel J . Croker, d a ugh t r, f t ho form T' c hi f o[ Talll' many, the wil e of Johu P . Oroen, Ii groo lll who C:1rPS fOl' th hurses of A . C. chw ltrtz li nd hl l> broth 1', N . L. Schwanz. \I' 'u lt hy I' 'RllI unts of this cIty. Sho S:lYS It Is a D\ 1 ~ talw. So Breen, but nn th e warr lug r ecurd bool, of 1:51111111 I Eng l",., a ju.;tlce ur t h e pl'nr ' In Il ouok 'n , IR th re cord ot th ,! marr l ag' of "~'\I KB J ~t b ' I J .

Croker, daughter of Ri chard


Rev. Kemp Tells of His Digestivo T roubles and How He Overca me Th em-You Can Do So Free.



f' Inc' \c ot hun \

f')(e r t'l~o

fl lllh, I's

1' 1','



pruJ\(' t il

mlnlsl cr'"


l 'Ul1 s tlp a. l l" n-

EnG.Jge ment Betwee n T ha t Vessel loUl r,,," lh~ l ma u " r, mo~ t IIV 'ry llOuy III CI 115 111' "t,'0] II OW lI ali then. It l H thu d Confedera te S hip 'Alabamat I on u I ,l is ,r< I ~ r. ~ 1 n ny n. I r ~ a. J y E nti l'e Cre w Saved . th a l n. S Ufa w uy to c ur co n ... 5l lp a.lI on nn,l o lhr 5 t~ HlIf\(' h, liv er

)< Itfnv

Th e :'\"tl,111:1 1 T rlllllnl", in a rerpnt Is, lie. puIJIL, hl "; 111 1 ~1('('nl1 tll lIf t hp d p· Stl'1l1!l lo ll or Ihe L' . So " Ila l ll'f'[1s In an ( ' l1 gUI\'( ' !lll! nl wll II t l f' ' . H. ~. A I· Uilllr):lU, a s talw u fl'Ol1I Ih" ollic lnl r e port o r l.I e ut . COmIlHt/ HI"I' II. ilia I\('. It Is In part as rollows: I 15 illY pain fll l dllty to Inro rm I.hl ' d 'll:n t llll' lIl: or th d ~ tr\l ('tlon of th c U. R. S. Ilalt c !'as ( r ecI' ntl y \Iu u~r illY COII)II1D III I) by the co nre t\ ('!'fll <:' S I f' Hllll' Alab1\ma, o n th> nl,:;li t o r th e Iif'\'· !lnth II il l. , off thE' coas t or T ' XIIS. Th,' ' i~ U1l1s tun ces of Ihe safl dlsal'l l r :u'e as follow s: l ' PO ll th e orteruo on at tll P £' 1 ve nth In !lt. nt 3: 30 o'clo('I(, while nt a nchor III Onlp8 ny with thp. fl ellt und l' Commodore Dell, off GILl· \' es ton , T X., I wns orde r ed by a slg· na l fr om t.h U. S. S . flags hip Drook· 11 s ail to th e southward a nd enst\\'(1 rd . I got und er way Imm dlul Iy. a nd s t amed with all speed in th dlr ctlon Indicated. Art r some tim e th e stran g sail could be · see n frum t he Hatte ras, ILnd was usce rlain d to be a s teamer, wh ich fact J comm unica ted to th e flagsblp by s lg-

n nd bo w I t r ou11 10's I willi Or.

·u.ltlwl! lI's

I ' ·psl n. oh urch


~' r up

w h i e h pc u p ie

b"fIIt !tlly lnrr I w {! nt y )/ .:nrs. Hev. n. A . 1< rnp of n lsl rt/.:" Su n, ] nl1., Src r ' l r y of ha.v tnr

I he Irtdhutll. ('I nf efl' nco 0 f t it" lIlI' th ,,1 19t Epl. COlal . li urch. !lays n p a rt : "F o r y rn rs I hn v o bC'on t\ ylelin t (.! r:" rt ~ tlp " Ll n n


Dr. W. B. Caldwell Look for t hIs p Ic -

ture on the packa g-o but t ha ve n e \,pr f ounl l IIltn hln!; to /Jual Dr. Cnldwell's Sy ru p l' ~ r s ln . I al RII h ull ItHIir;ostio n an d h ear l l r oubl.!. I can ce r lalnly '" " "u mm l1 nd It. " It cll n be bought or , y (lrUl;l'(lst at 50 c e nts or $1 I.l bOllle. It l h e re Is uny t h lng abo ut your ca~ (l thllt you do n 't un,l orRtnnd, wrlto 10 th o <1 01' 1111'. H you hnve no\' r used t his r pm erly a nl1 ",nu l,\ IIko to try It, s e n d yo" r a dlln).s anti n f re n

eample b ottl o will bA fo rwarrl p.d In you r hqme. Addrt's9 Dr. W. B. ('a ld w II, 201 Ca ldwell Bldg. , Monticello. lIL :AWFUL.


to John P . Breen, 80n of Thomas J.

I cnme wit h in easy speakin g range, ahout 7.5 Yfll'ds, un d upon ns kln g. "Whitt stea m r Is that?" r eceived the "H e r Britannic mnj , s ty'S al1 swer : sh ip Vixen." I I' pli ed I would .send th e care of children at blrth_ a bout aboard, and Imm edlat Iy gave L g lslatlon can do much to prevent th e o rd e r. Almos t slmtlltaneous ly the caus s of unn eoessary orphanage wllh th e pi ll ing away of th e boat th e by , equlrlng employers to provide strange craft aga l,n replied, "We are Mai sie-Was he on his knees when safeguards tor life and health. At the th e con rederute steamor Alaba ma," same time a certaIn amount of wholewhe b was accom panied by a broad· he proposed? Dai sy-No; but 'he went down the some manual work Is n ecessary and side. I at th e su me moment r eturned should be a part at the system of ed. Whe n t h Questions r equired' by th e fir e. Be ing w e ll aware of the steps th at way when papa caught him. ucatlon from the kindergarten through the New Jersey law asked Breen mnny vulnora ble points of th e Hatevery school grade. saId h e was 35 years old, was born In UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS t e ra s, I hop od by clOSing with the Decent housing and sanitary condl. Ireland; that his fath e r was Thomas Alabama to be able to board h er, and tions should be mandatory under the J. Breen and his mother Mary McThe constant use of CuUcura Soap, thus rid ~he seas of this piratical supervision of boards of health. No Craves. HIs r esid ence h e gave as as~lsted by Cutlcura Ointment, for crnft. community can alford to keep plague Meyer's hotel, Hotiolten, and his 00toUet. bath nnd nursery purposes not I steamed directly for the Alabama, spots In Its mldst_ Playgrounds for cupatlon as ole rk. That was his seconly preservos, purifies, and beautifies children s hould be mandatory and In and marriage, h e stated, but would but s he was e nabled by ber Ifl'eat the skin, sClllp, hair anod handl:!, but sumclent number In every neighbor- not r eply when asked It he , were a speed and th e fouln ess at the bottom prevents inflammation, liTltation and of the Hatteras , and cousequently her hood to keep the childre n oJ! the widow er or di vorced. cloggIng of the pores, Ure common stre ets. No childre n should be su\). John P. Br een, when ques tloned diminis h d speed, to tbwart my al· cause of pimples, blackheads, redn ess jected to the crlmlnnl Influenoes that later, said th at th e nge and pedigree lempt. \\ hen L had gnlned a dis tance and rou gh ness, yellow. oily, mothy and come from associatlon with orlmlnals gIven In Hoboke n we re his. nd er of but 30 yards from be r, at this other unwhole ~ ome condillonl\ at the ill courts, prIsons and police statlons_ the New J e r sey la w It Is n ecessary to range mus ke t and pistol shots we re comple xion and s kln_ All who deUght Juvenil e courts and a w ell organized have a resid ence In that state to be In a clear s kin, soft, white hands, 0. prob~tion syst m should be a part at llIarrl . d there. and s uch r eslde noe olean, wholesome scalp and live. @;108sy the system for child are In every Is give n ven whe n It Is fictitious. haIr, will find . utlcuro. Soap most succommunity. No child sho uld be In an Br en sai d his ste pmolher llves In cessful in realizing every expectatlon_ nlmshouse, no child s hould be per- Hoboken with his sis ter, but that he Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are admanenl!y placed In a family or nstl: seldom goes th e r e, and has not been mirably adapted to preserve the totlon wI thout the authorIty of the . there In man y weeks . health of the skIn and soalp at incourt, and wIth a record that -W.Ili--I- The brl<kr-totd- Justice Engl r that fants and chlldre n, and to prevent make It always possible to trnoo them. she was 21 years old on April 21 las t. minor blem ishes or Inherited skin huProbation officers should be slctlled that she was born In New York city. mors beoomlng chronic, and may be In home making, abl e to advise mothers and that her fath e r was Richard used from the hour of birth. Outlcura In all that goes to make a good Croker nnd he r mother Eliza Frazer. Remedies are sold throughout the clvmother 8tld a good housekeeper; able She gave No. 5 East Se venty-tourth . llized world. Send to Potter Drug, & to aid In problems at child care Rnd IItreet, New York, as he r address. , Chem. Corp., sale pl'oprletors, Boston, to guide difficult oblldren Into safe, In addition to the denial s at Miss tor theIr fr ee Cutlcura book, 32 pages' wholesome ways of life, Croke r and Mr. Bree n, (rle nds of Miss at Invaluable advice on cnre and Mothers organized In every nation Croke r deolared th ey were able to estreatment of the skin, scalp and hair• . to study th e physIcal, mental a d tabllsh her presence In New York moral growth of childhOOd, to stud: with them, or some of them , for every It Made No Difference, community conditions atrectlng chll· n[ternoon of t he week tile IDllrrlage Congress man Run sdale or Louisiana. dren with th e purpose of making them Is said lo have take n Illace. Jus tice r ecently told a story of Alec Trimble, wholesome and he lpful, Is the funda- Engler stated that he performed the the valet and factotum of a physl· mental step that will elevate the marriage between four and six clan In New Orleans, who took a fanstnndards at marriage, paren't hood and o'clook. cy to one at the summer shirts of his home lite, and raise the physical and maste r, and finally went and bought moral tone at the race. This Is the one exactly like It. He showed It to TRUE TO HIS · R~PUTATION laudable work that Is b eIng undertabls mis tress, who said that he bad ken by the national Congress at done wrong. as th e two shlrts mIght Mothers, and great good has already Accd'mmodatlng Landlord Rather Wen' get mixed In th e wasblng; and . Alec been done along \Jlese lines. The anToo Far In--Kis Desire a n swered : nual meeting at the congress will be "It'd make no difference, mlssus. to Please. held In Denver, June 10-15, wben prob· 'cause de y's both a like in size an' lems of child cnre wfll be dlsclIssed price." Col. Mal'uon Boykin, who keeps the by leadIng experts. Mothers, tenchonly hotel at Palme tt Cross Roads. Destruction of the Hatteras. The Flannel Shirt Joke. e rs and child lovers In general wlll be S. C., Is a paragoll of real old /louthTher e used to be a favorite fun~ welcome to the meetings. e rn hospitallly, and what t he place exchanged , th e Ilrlng contl nutn g wlth pnper story about n man wha bought a Olay lack in moder n co nv e ni en ce Is gre ut vi gor on both sid S . At length flann el s hirt, and evel'y time it was made ·up by th e sympntbetl c. patemai a s hell e ntere d. arn ill ship In th e hold. TCtl-C- lIT Moltke as ha \' lng ··the longest hair In way In which tbe colonel t l' ats his se tting fire to It, a lld nt the snme In- wash ed it h ud to be hnndetl down to the settl e me nt and a pe rfectly ne \\' s tnnt, as I can .hnrdly divid e th e tim e, one of th e cblldren untll at las t the (oxskln dress," both hi g hly prized pas fri ends. For yoars he has made it a baby was wearing it. Was hing fianrul e to give always a little more than a a h 11 )la SS d thr ough the s ick ba y, n els used to be a orlti 'a l tas k, but now -and a peace-loving E s kimo rarely seSSion s In 'arctic land . e xploding In an a djoining compartth ey a.sked for. 'Thi s ha s estab lls bed Sometimes Suitor Selzos' Girl by the wnnts an unwllilng wIre-lli, girl EMY T as le s oa p Is lIsed, and It not onlT his r e putation among trav illi g men. me nt, al ao produ cin g flre; an oth e r en- does not shrink the goods, but It leav-es Hair and Drags Her Homelea rns to end ure patien tly h er fut . Foil and His Irish "Supporters." and a 'ew Yorkl!r wh o had hard It t a r ed th cyllnd r , flIlin g th e e ng in e th e garme nt s oft nnd comfortable as Eskimos Marry Young_ Anothe r way of wooing Is to 'ls\l. Tbe great bariton e, Signor FOil, was s topping at the place Cor th e first room and declt with s team nnd cl e· e lde r-d own_ Easy T ask soap Is pure, tb e "young p eople's house" of a ,..t1. wh Hn s in gi ng In g rand opel'll In hi s time. prlvlJig me of all powe r to mane uv er ' nallve city, ark, bad to 's ing on of "Why dO you alwnys give extra Ih vesllel or to wo rl, th e Jlu mps 1I110n white aod sanitary. Arcllo women ma rry young and oc· lage nnd ther e select a wife. Each bls Rongs from a s tnge balcony . Th e which the redu ctlon of th e fir e d ecaslonalY several ti mes' b efore they "l\lage has such a house for nnmar· I\rrang e ments we re not ve ry perfect measure?" he a s k ed. An Instance_ . "In the relatlons thllt obta in be- p nded. Wi th th e vess I all fir e In are suited 01' suit their perman ent rl l' d per sons. The YOl,lth selects a and lhe ma nager, fparlng the carpen"'rhl3 rubb r Indu s try ought to be husba nd s, s uys the Pitts burg Galle tte. wife, a nd If tb ey like encb oth I' and te r had not made tb e balcony strong tween ge ntle men, su ll," ans we r 'd tl1 ~ places a nd b yond humnn pow I' n abl e to solve ou e financlnl llroblem." Arctlo courtshlTIS are tirle f aud there th e ir res pective parents bnve no ob· e nou gh to lIustaln th e weig ht . at the colouel, "It Is alwuys prope r to be ex · hapiesil wr ck lipan tb e wate r, with "Whal problem 1" he r walking beam s hot away nnd h er Is seldom love making before hand_ jec t.lons. a bl'let trial mArriage Is tal· big mlln, told o rr two assistants to tra accommodating." "That of elas tic cun:ency." engine r end er ed useless, I sUlI mainUsually a bachelor In search of a lowed by the ceremony of taking hold It up from ben eath. The lengthy "Will you joIn me ?" asked th e Ne w tai ned a n active fir e, with a double wife-and Eskimos marry when yet home the bride In less violent fashion signor was only halt through his Ilang Yorker, nodding toward the ba r. hope of disa bling th e Alabama and or more boys- goes to the house of the than by tho ball' of h er head. when Olle man aald to tbe other : "Charmed, suh!" ' attract ing th e nttentio n of the fl eet fnlr one, sel; her by th e balr or anyEsilimo couples are ge nerally Idnd "De jabers, Molke, tbls Oltallan Is The norlherne r orde red a pony at'!' Gnlveston, which was only 28 mlles where else thAt orre rs n firlll hold, nnd and arrectionate toward each otb r , mol ghty h aVYl" glass or brandy, but tb e barkee per at drags he r to his home, she meantime and the wlte Is usually well treated .nc· "Let's dhrop him . Pat ; be's only an a sign trom the colonel salel th e re distant. It was soon reported to me tbat she lls had e nte red th e Hatte ras shriekIng and struggling as it she cording to ber code. This admIts only of Oltallan, lifte r all l" . were no glasses so small In tho place, were being Dlurdered, while be r tam- e ntire obedIence upon the part of the \ olc e tram the signor above: "WlIl und put out an ordinary Whisky glass at th e wnler line, tearing art e ntire s heNs of Ir()n, nud that the water was Uy gaze Inlltrrere nt'ly or slnllIngly on wire, although hen)lecked husbands are ye, ye de \.'lls , will ye ?" with the · comment: "That' ll hold I' uslling in, and that she was rnpld ly at h e r c.(lurtshlp. The more high-bred not unknown . She mnsl submit to being " TRre-un'-'otlL'<i! Pat, he 's nn 01- more." , . the girt tllo greater h er a"truggles and exchanged when her husband and rlshman; h ould !m up tor thlll loHe After the nortbe1'ner had ent en a s inking. , outcries and the longer she keeps' some friend arrunge the matter "".!th- at yez ! "-From 'lSome nrehe,,-~cd. very satisfyIng dinner and e njoy~d a To pr8 VE'nt the' blowing up of th e these UP. It- betng con slder~d tho cor- ou~ cons~ltIng her, ",nd for .as long or ' Stage Effects," In . t~ Strand . . smoke, he lett a call tor six In the Hatteras , from th e fire , which was rect thing for her ' to , "carry ' on" . for ~hort a time as he~ lord' pleases. Th ese ' .~ morning, 80 as to catch an' early ,t rain, mak ing mucb progrel!s, J ord ered tho two or thr e days; even to the extent , exchl'\nges are. ,Often a~rangQd lor b,er Electric Lamp, -::arbons. joculnrly r emark}hg to th e colonel: magazine to be tloode;] and a lea gun of 'ruimlng home after her place upop Inte rest. however, ~'S when . eli!! 'o ann'?t In a , new rOI'm ' at electrIc arc !am.•· "NoW don:t fOfget to still be 'extra to be .tl l·ed. The Alabama th e n a sk ed . If RS81stanoe was d esired,. tto"whlch an the E/lrtlmo 'bench-'-IlP\lortloned nmong aocQJ"Qpanr he r hU811a,n d on a hUI)~ng the carbons are formed and supp\lo'\ eommoilatlng.' ' t '.. . from three ·to · ten to.mllies-has been exp!i&fUop and he takes a trlend's' wl_te as' consumed. The lam~ ts. proylded , "I p'r,o mlse ' you 'I woil'f, sub," r e plled i:tffirma Iva unswer · was Ii; ven . assigned to hel'. Itls\ell;d. leaving the frleJid , In ' oharge with two reoeptacles In w'hlch the pllis· the colone l.· " Arter onslderablo 'delny, cat,ll3cd by Yorker went to SIE!ei> a l:e port that a steamer' was seEm comor his own; or . when a li,o meslck' gjr.l tic ll1aterlal Is pfaced, and this Is red . So 'the . In. o.ddltlon to ~Is lilac:e t\nd Its sktns, 'he r brldegt-oQm often presepb wants to.,vlslt bet' people, .:w.beD. If ber tlirough ~ubes' .to (arm t4e two ' ~Iec· with the ' serena ' assurance .that h~ Ing ' from On.iveston. tlle .Alabama sent ber. wltll 1\' new fllm~, l~~p ·tilble and .. 'husba,n d :c~n~ot " take he.r, ·S01l\e · other trodes at the ar.c. The ends at 'tlie would be .alious~d· at,'the vrop~r hoUr .., us a~sJstllnce , and 1 have the ,}>Ieasure "I seemed hardly to have Callen Into to 'Intorm the departti1 nt that everf watel' Dah. Altbbugb' ..,t he ,y oung bus- ·DIan undel'takes U1~ jout~ey a.nd electrode's are llaked by ~eans at elecJ)atld' may be aware ttiat, bls wife en· leaves bls ·wJt~ as liostage; RefJ'1U!- tric beaUng CO_liB, and tbe process Iii a BQuud slu~ber~" s!ll!1 he In. t~ll1nl; 'lIvln~ b ~lng was convey,ed satel), tr9m or the inilll!Jice recently, ' "when ~ th O' Hatteras ~o tbe Alabo,ma. , tertaltls an 'atr,ecU~n for him, If sbe ~r1 WIVe" ane eXQbanged also by way ·a ~ontlnuoull one. . beard a ter1'l~c Jlollndlng at my. doOr. -Ten 'mlnutes atter ~eavlng the Hilt· carries her observtnce or bel' .w:ed!il~ at pUI1~shment. . ' , .:. , , too flU' he /ilonietlmu cu~ tbe' lio~el pf An E8kf~o alwll7~ ' wyels ' with hIs A. Won~er. . teras she - went dow~· bow first, wIth 1 sprang ,l iP. wlde awake. "'Wbal'lII the . matter?' I ' called' out." bar pennant at thO' .masthead, ' her feet aUgbtl;' lo . that Ibe .cannq.t . wUe or a I;lorrc)wed ODe: .therefore. · , "You. aeemed ~ to re~tcl thlt IUD awa" Bt tlte time her feet.are ~e wlteleii pHaht, ~ o~ esploNI'8 with a IJOOd deal of awe. - .. 'Four o'cloc!kl tour o'c1cialll' «!ame . her muskets and stores of ·e"er1 . ehe~ a contented J!ol,lJewl1e, ()o. ~wa'ken. . .tODIaJuD~Il~ aDd ~IDP~ ''Yea. Be eselta m,. ~d_r. 1It'. &lie laIldJord". YOlcetr~m Ole otber aoter, lbe enelllJ' not betDK able, .ClUlaIiIllJ. a IIrl reallJ' ~~jectl . to. her .~Il. Wl1uq ladl.. a1'6 olrere4 tlaem. lIlatrJe4 to GIl. of _ t~.l' "..., lltJ,e or tile doOr.· ·'Two .... hoara. lng to her rapllS. • tDld.ll&'. to obtain ~. ~ JlIIe.,.m IJot reI.... har ODe . . reCOllUlladll. to OOUt 90D .....~ aloq lwltllbv. -.,1'·' 11011. wea~ -

• Roman ce In


Dreen and Mary McCraves." Shortly after th e sensational announcement that the ex-Democrati c boss and mllllonalre's dau ghter had .been married to a hosti er, Miss CI'oker salied tor Europe to join h r parents at th e ir hOlUe In Ireland. She sahl ahe was not th e . Ethel Croker who had been nlarrled, and declared s he n ever heard at Breen.

rr oOlng




New .

The Miami Gazette ••~ .,. ....




~ ~

Model' Picture Hat

t ......


THE HEART OF YOUTH. We have been told that IlS long 8S 'We kee>p our hearts '. oung we need bave no fenr or the' depressing lonell· Ileslt or ndvnnclng yelll's, and mnny 'Writers more or less experi enced In !Such mutters hnve suggested many 'Ways In 'Wh ich we can accomplish that ~eslr e d ' end , No t \TO natures. bowever, are alike, nnd It follows tbat no se l of hard r.ud fn st I'ules can be mnde to upply to ach di st in ct IJerso'nallty, The muu or womall who pusses lhro.ugh IHe 8Jlve to tb o biesslngs whi ch nbouud on eyer)' sid e ra rely censes to bel'OlU e un nctl ve contrl btl tol' to tb JI ves o[ othel's, and as long as 1\ persoll aC LUally rlRr· tlclpat E's In nny worlt, la rg or smUll, th e In flue nce of hi s ersonallty Is bound to be (cIt nnd his couusel regard ed. It Is ouly wh e ll one hus tired ()f the game, or enlers only hlllf·henrt· 'edly luto nlTRlrs outs lu il ot his own specia l IUlerests ~hal h.e ceases to e x· erclse any Influence. and his Indlvldu· allty Is no longel' recognized. Enthusl· asm se rns In some way to be nn at· 'tribute at the youtbt 1 character; at iIUly rate, It Is far easier to become In· terested In what 18 going on In our 1m· mediate c·lrcle wben the llUlse beats hJgh and the blood courses warmly 'than In later years when so many of us are concerned only wltb our own af· 'fairs and evince but small Interest In tile doings of otbers. 1n the · good old days they used to .have signboards at the crossroads In the country region to potnt the pilgrim ic>n his way. It was always a cheery IIlgn. It spoke a welcome to the strano ger. It Indicated a dIsposition to be helpful. But these signboards ue ,nearly all gone. Only now and then 1Y0u lIee one, and then It seems Uke the !reUo ot a bygone friendship. It seems 'to say to the stranger: "We once took -an Interest In yon, but we do so no longer; It you don't know tho way, 'What do we care?" That Is the situ· aUon today; "Q forlorn one, Indeed; a ;cheerless one. No little sign thrown ~ut, saying: "We are thinking ot you, ,we care tor you. we want you to go right." Now, this our;ht not to be. There should be lltUe signboards to Ig reet him, and to tell him the way he lought to go. This thought Is getting eome headway In Massachusetts, 'Where there Is an effort to restore the :sIgnboards, and to give to the stranger ltbe help of knowing where he Is. 'fhere Is a new reform out In Iowa. and It Is started by 18 young ladles, promInent In social circles, who have at. last discovered the abomination that exIsts to mere gossip, and so they 'have organized to suppress it. says OhJo :State Journal. They call their organl· lJ:atlon the "Antlgosslp society." ,T his Ie a Jlne effort. It means Intellectual <and moral uplift. It means that con· Nersatlon shall deal with real thlngs'With science, phllosophy. literature, h !~ tory . nature and those things that i&dorn and upUlt Ute. It la not to be ;thought for an Instant that It Is tM 'Young 'Women alone that need to or· .!sulze for this high purpose. The male sectlon of mankl,n d needs just "uoh a. reformatory movement. ' We 'might say they need it m(l1e thRn the 'Women. Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, who Is on his way as special envoy from the Unl· ,ted States to the centenary celebra· ,tion of the Independence of the Argen· tine republlc at ' Buenos Ayres, stopped of. at Havana. where tbe tormer Amer. 'Ican governor or the island had are· ceptlon.. which left no doubt as to the place he holds In Cuban hearts. In fact, It moy be saId he showed them how to govern themselves, Ilnd the success they have attnlned Is a tribute 'to the etrectlveness ot his lessons.

Two baseball fatalities In one day(lne at Freeburg. Ill,. and the otber at Troy, N. Y.- wlll be cited by football enthusIasts as evidence that the grid· Iron Is not the only place where sport I1s sufficiently violent nt times to Cause ,death. But It the number ot tbe games .and the thousands ot players are taken 'jnto account, It wlll appear tbat the risks of baseball are Infinitesimal In ,comparison with tbose of football. In Japan , day laborers get 20 cents a <day and women servants recelv.. 84 cents a month, Our Informant doe~ not explain whelher the women servl\llts ,get Thursday afternoons otr or not, but we Sl!fJPose they do. Our Indlina. :tlon should be at once aroused It Wp Ithought they dldn·t.




. The Californian wllo announces thal :lhe has developed an 'edible rose might '/DOW turn his ottentlon, as other hortl. ~ulturls ts have been u'r ged 10 do, to the lJIrqduction ot a scentless on loti.

. ' PQll!lbly It Is , no s in to pl,a y golf ' on -Bunday, eXQept on the 't heory that It Is '.. ~Ill to 'WlIlIte ' Ume on Sunday or any . 'fOUler .~)' 'Of the week. .


ft. EPPUan to~bs outdo the New illI'M1 QOlct ~ltorage warehouse. In ali ,uuUt7.

Nefler By HARRIET LUMMIS SMITH \ ·llIlJl rlght. l909 by AlIlIoclatec1 Literary

l' r~SB, )


Quality or Taste ,

scntin:entaJ regreb. But somehow the memo ry of the girl whose nome was Wini fred cnme bdck to Allan otten In bill hours nf relaxatlon, or wben hs bea rd swee t music. Some· times he dream ed of seeing her and the Joy of recognillon In variably awoke him . An'd 80 thi ngs went un· til one crisp (nil morning, when Fate a/;lI ln took a hand In the game. A Ha n callie out ot his office In 110 r ush. He hAd some itnportnnt mat· ter tn nttend to before meeting n cll· e n t. Ho had not yet reached the point ,In his profellsloll wh en be cou ld sately keflp clients waiting, Accord ingly be sta rted to cross the street, despite the tact that n touri ng car was bearing down upon him, heralding Its ad· vance by the aggressIve toots by which the modern motorist asserts hi s pre-eminent cla im to the publlo blghwsy , Allan bclleved that be bad time enough to get ncross before the car should strike him and tba\. any· way. It was Ule chauffeur's b\t!lness to look out. . At the critical moment his catoula· tlon s were upset by a hand that clutched blm arm. He stopped and pulled Violently back, tram under the very wheels ot the swervIng car. Allan got back to the sIdewalk wlUt· out knowIng just wbat had, happened except that the hnnd that had first clutched him sUll held fait to his arm. Then , looking down, be lIaw that It was a little hand In a blue giove, The hand released its hold on blm, touclted his shoulder, as It to attract • hlB attention. and poInted In the dlrec- WALL PAPER ·IS IMPORTANT EMBROIDERY ON THE BLOUSE tlon of the now vanishing car. Allan understood that an e.ffort had been Proper Selection Means Much In Ap- Touch of Color Hal Already Made made to save him tram the conseIts Way Thoroughly Into Pc-po pearance of Rooml-Pretervea quences of his ,own recklessness and the Color Scheme. ular Favor. he tried to seem grat.etul. "Yell, 1 see," he stammered. "I supThe new blouse 'that has a touch at In these days of simplicity of Curnl· pose It was rather close. A'Wfully ture, wben the I)alntully twisted colored embroidery abou It Is sure to good of you." shapes ' and dust·catchlng what·nots be In favor. One that Is stylish elth· The brim of the big hat was tilted are relegated to the oblivion of Ule er for a plain colored linen or pongee witb startling sudden.ness, dlscloslnS attic, there 18 g1-eater opportunity for trock, or for a soft• .dark silk shirt a face, winsome In spite of Its pallor. the decoratlon ot the walls or a room. waist suit la developed with a narrow "Yo-you can' speak?" gasped the When It Is brought to mind how "walls of Troy" elfect that more near· girl-the girl 'Whose name was Wlnl· much of the wall space of a room la ly resembles square tabs. fred. The blouse Is made with eighth of evident, It Is necesaary that due con· The situation · was trying. Suddenly slderatlon be given to th.e selection of Incb tucks set In groups ot three. ond It flashed upon hlin that his. p08se. paper. The Jlattern should not be opens at one side over a knlte plaitslon of the normal tacultles was an such that the harmonious furnishings Ing of the material., or or a dLffe rent offense to her. He tried to think ot of· a room are lost ' ln the dominating color. The edge of the openIng Is cut an answer to make to her and she of color or desIgn of the bnckgrou,nd. In the square tabB, embroidered aU backed nway from him, the waves 01 Plain paper ot neutral tones or In· around to the depth of a quarter of color flooding her face. distinct strip ed paper Is the most de- an Inch In colored embroidery silk or "And you can hear, too," she ao sirable. Nothing Is more execrable In mercerized cotton. cused hIm. "You can't deny It." The frtll Is of chltron or sott sUk taste than the glaring huge fiower "I-I'm afraid I can't/' said Allan, forms that pain the eye 'and himg In In Bame color as the handwork, or It with reRI emotion. questionable glory ·(that never seems the material Is used, the edge II "And you',e not .deaf and dumb at to fade) on the (our walls ot a room. scalloped to match the embroidered all? 1 was trying to save your life, A plain lower portion of , burlap or blocks. In each of the blbe~s Is a I thought that you couldn't hear the Japanese graBS cloth, or even Unen. Is small satln stitch dot, while bnck of horn ' and tbat you would be killed." exoellent . as a relter trom the pat· the cut·ln line Is a row ot colored but· "I did hear It and I thought 1 had terned paper above. The tapestry tona. time to get across. But It was just tones ghe wide cbolce for the lowe~ The sleeve t.s trimmed with same as plucky of you." Allsn cried. "I plain band, and are procurable 1n real· eUect, with embroidered tabs, dota shaH never tor get It ' ' Never!" and buttons running from shoulder to ly artistic combinations. Sbe had her hands up over her face, Onll decorator suggests a study or wrist, and a narrower frtll to match He ·could see only the tips of her eare. a Persian rug tor Inspiration 'In ~he that on waIst. His admiring tribute had not comfort· selection or colora for wall decoration, ed her, Sbe was thinking of some- Of course, the 'Wall mUBt be consld· IN WHITE SERGE. "Why Have You LOlt Your Appetite?" tblng else. ered In connection with the general "You beard me?" she cried In II Bcheme of the room. Never should It thing. Of coul'se they can't marry. amothered volce-"that day I~ the ra&- be dissociated from the other furnlsh~ No woman In her senses would con· taurant? You COUldn't have helped lugs If the most artistic results be sider Buch a thing," hearing every word. Oh l" her voice your aim. . "I don't Jalo"," why," cried the girl rose In a wall. "Oh! What must you In blue. 'Indignantly. . thInk of me'" The Latest Belt•• "You don'U" The exclamation of .He came elosll to her. The atreet Belts this !;leason ar~ soft In errect. ber companIon Indicated mingled dis· was Cull of people. Some paslers·by approval and Burprlse. stared at the pair, the girl with her They are shown In soft alIks. satins, "Well, for one reason, he couldn't face covered, as If she were crying, metal mesh and metallic· finished fabmake love to you." , and tbe tall younl man bending over rics, and they tl'ghtly girdle the figure. "He wouldn't need to," declared the her and plainly trying to comfort her. Stiffer belts are also sl)own on Rua· ,Irl In blue. a trille sentimentally. "If But. for all Allen knew. they two alan·blouse SUItB and on eeml-flntng only he looked-" she broke off with were alone In some enchanted garden, prlncesse gOWDS, and are held loosely a laugb and her companion said. re"I'd like to tel'l you what I do thInk Into place through applied straps. pro\'lngly: of you," he said, unsteadUy. "Some Many ot the belts have .buckles of tlie "Well. WInifred. I don't wonder you Ume when 'We're better acquainted I same material with either a touch of blush ," sball do It. But without waiting I hand embrold~ry to make . them more, Allan longed to see how Ihe iooked can tell what I think about myself, attraotlve,o r they are braided. A when she was blushing, but he did not and U's that I'm tbe luckleBt fellow belt of soft, dark blue silk, for In· dare to raIse his eyes. And her name on eartb to find you again. Now I'm stance, will have the buckle coverec1 was Wlnitred. Somehow he liked the going to walk along with you and fiad with the silk decorated with a design sound of It. He repeated It musingly out what your name .Ie-besides Wlnl. I)ralded In narrow dark blue soutache lnd fine gold brald. -From Woman's to himself, fred." The talk at the table on the right Tbe client came promptly at eleven. Home Companion. turned Into other cbannels, but And he waited as long as If Allan had though Allan listened eagerly for a been an acknowledged ornament to 8eamle.. Shoulde .... clue to the Identity of the speakarB, the bar, rather than a beginner with Seamless shoulders distinguish a great many of the new negligees and none reached hi. ears. '!In a tew mIn· Ii name to make. utes we'll leave or they'll leave," he at once commend them to the womBn reflected. "and I'U never see her Woman ae a Boclal 8ucce... who mak llS such ro b liS f or b erseIf.' all again." It seemed to him that It was I th rt t h There Is no Quality more to be de- they do not requ re e pe eo s a· a piece of mallce on the part of tate f th t b t th e garmen to have placed the girl In such tan· sired to mnke a woman a social su.... ,,' ping ri , Ib Be ween r b e 'cess than that of tact. Its posseslor throat al!d the 'e ow; ome 0 t e d . 11 tallzlng proximity, at the same time drape neg gees consetting between them' the barbed wIre knows the right thing to do and mORt artistically . . the rlgbt time for doing It and thua slst of single or d<!uble wtd~iI of matefence of 1I0ciai convention. Why I I I th h 'ld d ~ I' d couldn't he have met her? ,He wished gains a reputatl.o n for cleverness and r a cross ng . e s fouth ersb ank ~o ne th tor a. hurricane or. an ·.earthquake, for many virtues which a tactless per. from the center 0 e ac to . e Th kl t f thl t h ' son would never win from her circle tront, the V at the nape of the neck something that would afford him an ' being OIled In with' a triangle of em. ' e s r, 0 S cos ume . as a exeuse tor hurrying to her side and of acquaintances, no matter how ex· broldery ~r 'lacaand the sides' below vlaln panel down center of front, with protrerlng his aid. But nothing hap: oellent her qualities of both heart and the arms supplem,nted : with sbaiply, the, edges of sldt1B laid over and . ax:· pened except that Oeorge finished his heod. · ranged 'In a wrapped aeam'; ' the coat 'orabs and aBked on his Jlngers the The tactful woman Is not only a pa. polnted : ,ores running from the 'bem has the sldes ' lald over Ui'e fronts the leading Question: tl~nt .. lIstener, but she ts a thoroughly .to the Inner', seam of the out·ln-one same 'WI\Y. .' ~IBCk Batln faoEls 't he 'l ong "Why have' you lost your appeUttt?" good ·one. She shows no 'Weariness sleeves. '.... . . ooilar" whUe buttons covered with the Allan took a final glance at the girl even when she 'has beard the same same,form !astent.n s below.' . . . as he 1'9se to go. She 'Was even .pret- atory more than once "from the liame :- Ne~ U ..~ ,for Creto.nne•._ .",;," Ha~' .()f ·straw swathed wIth ' panne tier .than ' he bad . ImagIned-and person and she.mllel In the right • OretQDn'e apd " ehln~ decoratq the and trimmed with a "U!i9h oC mixed sweeter. What a pensive llttle mouth place , and appears to enjoy ·hqarlngcoat. bat" and '~reciuently a' pa~ol.. ·: flowers , each sIde. , Cret.oDne bas aiBo' been used .,bY '. ~atetlai!l, ~eqUlred: 6% yard"serge was hersl' droopIng at the corners'!' ,jokes as 'much as 'her ·com.panlon 'enAnd what' a brave, .tender·lieai'ted lit.' joys temng them, says Woman's LIfe. French modistes for decoratiYe pur.. .8 Inelle. ·w.lde, % yard satin, 4 Jard3 tIe girl she had prQved herself .ln lier . A tacUul 'Woman, gen.erally gets her 'pos"s upon 'ev~nin8 gQwn~r, ' rather; ~ol 11l1mg coa~;. 2 ·butto.n s. ' ,' . . , ' . .' ", , ,Impetuous ohallenge to ber trlend. it OWD way with her ..bulband and -1vlth ·under.evening gowns, tor:.tbe- !lowered seemed ha'r d that , he was turnIng ~ther people a~!I yet In Buoh· a ma!l- materlal' ls .set undet the chJ1rOIl,. or away from ber without any assurance, ner, that people always suppose that other .thln labtlo, wtilob' ve,liI It that he ~u~cLe¥U-.8ee ber ·ataln. Aii' tbey I1ra .following thell' own and not .ftclently. to ghelt the m~~ Arltlilllfn-t -·TI11I! he stepped ,aboard the street cltr be ' h9r 'In91Inat1ons , Tbe fact Is tliat ,abe etrect.· . " , '" . .'., ba!1 so burd,Dsomea sense 'of heayl· l(1iows ;whe~ .a man. Is approachable " TO .. IiVe the trlmmlns Qt ora~onn8 Ii nels at heart that the lucflorous 'slde ' and likely to be , amenable to lier loo1: .or indlvlduaUt7. a woman hocb' of Ule slhiatlon 'forced . Itself 'on bls wishes and whu' It Is belt' to I.... with: .h er aeecUe 'ma,. · "plok up" , with I~UJlaallc~', attention'.and he laughed aloud. him aloile; Tact I. a weapou' laidad ' UlbrGl4ery .uk ~rtat.a _OUtI ~~e blllI.YI,Ht. , In the nature Of the. c...~ au en... with a mulUtucle of precautfoaa ua4 deal_The same wcwt II .-JIG c10De cetle YOUD, 1.W7er who i. allO . . . temln1~. w"" bF theWlie wcnua ..... 'Wltll.... . cl~ Iavorl\e'1* 1Itu. ~ ... *,... to

The two young men seated at tbe round tabl'e In the l!';tJe open ·nlr rea· taurnnt had kellt up a desultory flow of talk, such as was compatible with doing justloe to the delicious soft· shelled crabs tor whIch the Sea Gull Is noted. But It was a Boundless can· ver ollon, Inarticul a te, for U, e fing ers tallted mth er than tho lips, George Laveton WBs a deaf mute and his cous in, Allan Merrifi eld, thou gh less profic ient In the si gn lang uage, had mll ster d e!lough ot Its Intri cacies to eunble him to sllstaln a pa rt In the con \1 ~ Sll tiOIl, "Dea f and dumn, poor tblngs! Isn't It drcn dfu l ?" It was a girl's voi ce, coming from the tabl e nt the rlghL "Yes. drendful ! And especially tor the handsome one," replied her com· panllln. "Now. whlcb of us does s he mean?" wondered Allan . His uncertainty was a credit to bls modesty. tor George's lean, brown face. In spite ot an ex· pression of alert Intelligence, lacked every element ot benuty. Fortunately the IIpeaker settled tbe ql.1estlon by adding, "What dark. beautlful eyes he has! I Dever care tor blue eye a In a man." Allan heaved a IIlgh of rellet. George's eye a 'Were gray. He 1m· proved the first opportunity to glance at the other table. Tbe gIrl In blue was beautiful. Her oval face wall tint· ed like a seaahell and the big violet eyes with their long lashes were bewitching In their frank pity. George nudged bls trlend and his nImble fingers spelled out warning, "Don't stare so. It's rude." "The worst of It Is," remarked the girl who had Ipoken first, .. that such an n11llcUon shuts them out of every·


Vary in'" ,

.... 'w_


Because the utmost care is taken by Libby'. Cber. to select only the choicest materials and prepare them in the same careful manner every time. You are thus assured of uniform goodness, and thfs is the reason that the use of Libby's gives such general satisfaction to every housewife.; Try Libby Dried Beef Mexican Tamales Ham Loaf Chili (on Came VieDDa Sawage Evaporated Milk For luncheon, spreads or everyday meals they are just the thing. Keep a supply in the house. You never can tell when they will come in handy. Ask for LibLy'. and 1iil1iiiiiiiii~ be sure you get Libby'..'


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Willing to Pay for Rammer. When the British squilre at the bat, tle of Abu Klea, In the Nubian desert. was penetrated by the dervishes, one of them attempted to spear a gun· ner who was In the act of ramming home a charge, The Briton brained the Sudanese. but tbe ram me, head spilt on ·the man's bard skull . Next day tbe gunner was sent for. Mis taking tbe r ellson, and knowing Crom eXllerl· ence that soldiers nre charged for government propert y whlcb they break. he led off with: "Please. Blr, I'm very sorry I broke the rammer, but 1 never tbought the fellow's head could be so hard. l'1I pay for the ramme r so as to hear no more 01 the case." . They Surely Would. A littl e Amerlcal1 boy with his ta,

ther was vl s ltln~ 1\ market In a Mex. lean city. He saw a little native gtrl with n smnll basketful of reel peppers, of which she was eatlnj; one, His fe.ther was about to say: "Sbe thinks she Is very smart." os the son called hla attention to It. The boy spoke up Quickly. knowing wbnt wos to be said: "Pa, would those red peppers make you smart It YOu eat all of them 1" Hls father replied: "Yes, son." ' The Idea. "Jack sent me a handsome mirror Cor my birthday." "Oh. that accounts for It." "Accounts for wbat?" "Yesterdny he asked me If a woman e ver got too old to be pleased with a Jooklng:glass." a reason Why Grape-Nuts does correct 1\.weak, physical, or a " Sluggish mental condition. T~e. foOcl 'is Ipghly,.nutritious

An~' is partially pre~igested, -So that' it ~'eIps the org~ of ', :·,tbc stomach ' ,. ' , . ,To'digest otli~~ foOd; , It is aI~ ' rich 'i n the"

V:it~ phosphates'that go .:

DireCtly'to make'up '. T.b de~t~ gray m.ClUa: , . ~" of 'b'ram .nd nerve'centres. "&_-'" ~Thc .Road' to Wenvill~ ~s



Conservation of the .~ THI: ~. Nalion's(ireatesTAsselC [D ./f!F~



IS marc Imporloflt for a fl a t Ion to conRP r\' th e pby s lcnl lIud 10 OI' a I lit of Its h e lllI,.ss c it I z ells thun to PI'o80 1"\' Its na t urfl I reSOllrc s. l\(on y e xpendd III t110 conR ' I'\'a I 1011 of tbe child wIll snv money DOW spent In comballng conditIons caused by the n eglec ~f the prop r authorltl s 10 prOl'lde In s truction tor thoso wh ose duly It Is to care tor the childre n . The borne Is the bns ls or society. and no c lvlc. social or pbyslcnl b tterm ent can be r ench d except through Int , llIgent. purposeful effort schools wblch the c.b lldren attend. to raise tbe ~tandnrd s of home IIf ,or ludy courses and libraries for parPlarrlage nnd 1tJ;! lIlIlI s, or fnth e rhood ents should be provIded tor evcry parand mo h rhoad, nnd of citIzenship, ents' association. As strength Is The Ood ·g1v n fun Uon at pnrenthood galued by unity at action, these aS50Is th e hi g h s t, mos t far-r ea hlng dUly claUons shou ld unIte In local, state ot hum a nity, and Ihe permancnce and and national bodies In the cause of the sacredn ess at marrlnge Is the tounda- weUare at the child, and In diffusIon tlon of oc l ty. of Intelligen t knowleClge of Its reAll stud nts of social conditions qulrem ents. seekIng th e cause of crime and dlsA thorough knowledge at the chlld's ease, tra ce them to Ineffici e nt homes. physical needs wl11 result In the eUmMoney nnd Infinite labor nre expended Inatlon ot many diseases due to on charity, on the a r e or detective parental Ignorance. A knowledge at dependent nnd ~ellnquent ohlldren, o~ the high. holy and pure functions or J1ospltals. reformatori es. orphan nsy- sex Inculcated In tbe receptive minds lums and prisons, Pract1cally nothing of ohtldren by parents would go far Is dono to romov th e caus s whIch toward preventing the social evll- IIlie fa r back of th e conditions, and I glUmate children. venereal diseases which are Inrgely preventable. and unhappy marriages. The knowlHomes are In efficIent because there edge of how to develop houesty, reIs nothin g In anI' prese nt e ducational ltablltty, purity of mind and responeyst ' m to fit young people for wise . slbl11ty In children. would prevent home-mnk I'S. Inte llige nt parents, much crlmlnalts, Tbe laws at health, brand-mind ed, public spirited cItIzens. partloularly In relation to food, ventiThere Is no provisIon by wh Ich young la tlon and san itation. if thoroughly unpare nts may procure the knowledge d erstood and enforced, would have a that Is vital for tb e protection at thl) great Influence on h ealth at mind and Ufe anel de velopment or th e m ind s and body. eouls of tho children committed to The present methods of caring tor __~Ir care. In s tinct docs not make the depend e nt, neglected, delinquent. parents any more than It makes wise defective nnd wayward children are specialis ts In a ny other branch or far from ad equate . The care of chllwork. dren In Individual homes rather than The Natlonnl Congress of Mothers, Inetltutlons and orphj\n asylums ca~· from whose declnratlon at principles not be too s trongly recommended. tbe foregoing stateDlen~s nre gleaned . The group systcm, with house-mother Is doIng practical and efficient service and distinct family lire, bas proven In see king to r each every home. every most successful 1n In stitutions. The parent, and eltlend a know'ledge of placing of wayward children )n honies chUd nurture. The congress Is strong- where experts In child care may stndy ly urging such provls loll as will give and guide them. Instead of In reformto parents the knowl edge which wl\l atorles. Is now advised by the leading do more than anything e.lse to check students at sociology, the evils which m'enace society, Study of the physIcal conditions of The terrible death rate among In- the child, which may _be the chlet fants can be checked only by g iving cause at moral tathne, Is highly 1mto every expectant mother the knowl- portont. The teaching of s,eecb to edge of wbat the baby needs In food, dent children, without the use of sign sleep. clothing and care. The time has language, should begin at an early age. come when every nation, through a The prevent.l on of deafness may be acspecial department. should provide the oompUshed by segregating the dent. @tll conce rnlnlt-Jnfants which may be thus prevenUng IntermarrIage and the used by boards at health ond mothe rs. perpetuation of the defect. The preThe parents' associations and mothers' venti on of blindness Is possible circles for the study or the welfare through widespread dissemination or of the chUd In home, school and statt! knowl edge as to the cause and means should be co-ext.cnslve wltll the of prevention, with laws regulating



Ex-Tammany Boss' Daughter 'Dcnlea She Was M'a rrlod to a Groom In Hoboken_ N w York. -Ts 1111 118 Elhe l J . Croker. daught r of th o fo'rm r hlef of Tammany, t he wile of John P. Orc n, Q groom who C': r s f OI- til hOI's's of A. C_ Scll\mrtz a nd bl H brut he i·, N. L, Schwanz, w('!l lthy r(Jlllli ' illS of tbls city., Shll snY !I It Is a ml:; t:lkp.. So doe s Brecn , but on th lI !n rrlu go I' cord book or Sli llllll' l En gk' I·. a j us tlc n of Ih e pl'nr: III Ilobok n, Is th I' cord of Ihe lIl un',i ugo or " ::\11 95 F.tlle l J .


Rev. Kemp Tell~ of His DigestIve Troubles and How He Overca mo .Them-You Can Do So Free.


Th " la!'lc or ""prr l ~ o tn Il min iste r'" IIf" nlUkl 's 11 1m \·.' r y pron e 10 conll JlpullonBetween T hat Ve sse l but l'c\r Lh:,tt Innll(.l r . Ino ~ t OVl.·ryb o tly Is cO ll s il pnlr u IIn w llnd Ul en. It Is l lle n&and Confederate Sh ip A la bam a I I n u l 11 1~onlc r , lIl a ny Il. Ir e 11. d Y Ent i re Crew Saved. kll \V t ll"t 0. su re

E n!);)gemenl

The :'\11!"n!) 1 T rllJllllf', In a r er" nt 1f.>l lIo. p ulJll.~ hr ' all acclJllnt of t l1l' d . st ru e llo ll or Iil e 1' . K R. Ila\( \'1'[\5 In an ngogf' !l1en wi h lh , '. S. S . AI· nha ilia, ns lalr f! n from I ho oUiclal 1' 0 port of 1.1 lit. u mmandpr H. C mako . It is In pn rt as fo llllws: It I s my painfn l dut y to IJ lfnrm th o tl iJ:l l'll1ll'nt of ti l d' s lru c tlon of th r . S. S. lI utt e ras ( r ec ntly nu dcr m y 'oll1l11olltl ) lJy til co nfcde rall' Sl r' am or Alabama, on l he ni g ht of lhe e lpl' e nlh I ll st .. ofT th coast of T eX ll!l. Th l' cl~ C IJIII S l8n 'os of tho snrl rll Sll!lIO r IUas fo llow s: l'pou Ih aftern oon ot th (' Ie ve nth Ins t. at 3 :' 30 o'clo('k , while at ::l lIchor In co mpany with th e fl er und I' oml11odore Dell. off Oul" s lon, T x .. I was ord e red by a slg, nnl from Ihe U. S . S. flagship Drook· Iyn to chus n sail to th e southwnrd and eas tward . I got und e r way Imm lI lalely, and steamed with all speed In til direc ti o n IndI cate d. Art r some time th e strange sail could be -seen frol11 lhe Halte ras, and was ascertai lled to be a steamer, whIch fact I ommuulcated lo the flagship by signal. I came wlth!n easy speakin g range, about 75 yards. and upon asking, "What steame r Is that?" receiv ed tbe an swe r: "He r BritannIc majesty's ship Vixen." J r eplied 1 would Rend a ho ut aboard, !lnd Immediate ly gnve th o order. Almost simultaneously with th piping nway of the boat til strange craft again r<,plle d, "We are th c conIede rll te s t alller Alabamn," whch was a companied by a broadsIde. I at th sa me moment returned th e fire. BIng well aware of the mW1Y vuln e rable poInts of the Hat·teras. I hoped by closing with th o Alabama to be able to board her, and thus rid the seas of thIs piratical craft. r sleamed dlr cUy for the Alabamn, but she was nable d by bel' ~reat speed and the foulness of the bottom of the Hntteras, and consequently her diminished speed, to thwart my atlempt. \, hen 1 had gained a dis tance of \Jut 30 yards from he r, at this range musk e t and pIstol sllots were


Arctic Wooing


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UTa ct) u-

Is wllh

fcr.- nce


l\I c tho<l lKl


r th Epl scn -

hurc h , says


In pa rt: " Fu r



Dr. W. B. Co.ld well

ho\'o bce n n vlcL ook tor l h ls pI c · lim o f cO lI s llp'lU o n ture on the pllckage but I h lLve n eVfJ r f ound nil · thlng t o rqual Dr. ("a.ld wr.ll's Syrup 1', pa in . I also h o,1 Imil g s llon nnd h e nrt trouhl ". 1 oan c CI' taln l), rt!com-

nl e nd It."

It can be h ought ot ar.y druggist at 60

cents o r fl

0. bot ll . If the r" 1M a n y thing y our e!lSe thnt YOU do n 't ullllc r wrlto 10 th o Ilor l nr. Ir y ou havo used thIs r em d y n nd \\'0 111<1 like It, send ~'o ur add r~8 s a nd II f reo sampl e hottle will be forw ard d to you r hom e. Address Dr. W . B. nldwell, 201 Caldwell Bldg.. Monticello. llL

abo ul "land, n ever to try


Mais ie-Was be on bls knees when he proposed? Daisy-No; but he went down tho steps that way when papa caught him..

UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS The constant use of Cut1CUl'a Soap, asAlste!). by Cutlcura Ointment, tor toilet, bath nnd nursery purposes not only preserves, purifies, and beautifies the skin, scalp, hair ami hands, but prevents Inflammatlon, b'rltatlon and clogging ot the pores, tire common cause of pimples, blaokheads, 'redness and roughness, yellow, olly, mothy and other unwholesome condlUona of the complexion and skin _ All who delight 2n a clear skIn, soft, wbite hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, !:lossy hall', wtll find Cuttcura Soap most successtul in realizing every expectatlon. CutJcura Soap and Ointment are admirably adapted to preserve the health of the skin and scalp of infanta and children, and to prevent minor blemIshes or Inherited sldn humors becomIng cbronic, and may ~e used from the hour of birth, Cuticura Remedies are sold throughout the civIlized world. Send to Potter Drug & Cbem, Cor\,>" , sale proprietors, Boston, tor their free Cutlcura book, 32 pages at Invaluable advice atl care and treatment at the skin, scalp and hall'. It Made No Difference. Congressman Ransdnle ot Louisiana. recently told a story of Alec TrImble, the valet and factotum or a physician In New Orleaas, who took a fancy to one of the summer shirts ot his master, lind finnlly went and bought one exactly like It Be showed It to his mistress, who said tbat ' be had done wrong, as the two shirts might get mixed In the washing; and Alec answered: "It'd make no dlffercnce, missus, , ause dey's both alike In size an' price. "



-"ll\wcl\ 's Sy rup P eps in, w II I c h pc 0 P I 0 c hurc h havo hee n lJllyln rr f or twonly \. "'1'5. n e\-. R. A . j{ rnp of Ris ing Su n , InCl .• S .. cr Illry of th e IndianA. 'on-

Croker, daughter of Richard Croker, to John P . Breen. son of Thomas J. Breen and Mary toCraves." Sbortly nfter th e seusatlonal announcement that the ex-D mocraUo boss and millionaire's daughter had been married to a hos tl 1', Miss Croker sailed for Europe to join her parents at their home In Ire land. She sold she was not th Ethel Croker who had been marri ed , and declare d s he never heard at B reen . When t he questions required by the New Jersey law were asked Dreen sold he was 35 years old, was born In Ireland; thnt hIs fath er was Thomas J. Breen and his mothe r Mary Me> Craves . His residence he gave 8.S Meyer's hote l, Hobol{en, and hIs occupation as cle rk, That was bls second marriage, be stated, but wou ld not r eply wben as ke d If he -were a widower or divorced. John P. Breen, when qu estioned later, sold that the age and pedigree given In Hoboken were his. Under the New J e rsey law It Is necessary to have n residence In that state to be Ulllrrled th er, and s uch res ide nce Is given even when It Is fic.tltlous_ Breen Bllld his ste pmother ,lives In Hoboke n with his s ister. but that he s e ldom goes there, and has not becn ' lhere In man y wee ks. The bride told Jllstlce Engle r that she was 21 years old on April 21 last, that she was born In Ne w York city, and that he r fath e r was Rlcbard ' Croker and h e r mothe r Eliza Frazer. She gave No. 5 Enst Seventy-fourth IItreet, New York, as her address. In addition to tb e denials of MIss Croker and Mr. Bre n, friends of Miss Croker declared they were able to establish her I}resence la New York with them, or some of them , for overy afternoon of tbe week the marriage Is said to have taken place, Justice Engler stated that he performed the marrIage between tour and six o'clock.

th e care of children at blrth_ Legislation can do much to prevent the causes of unn ecessary orphanage by r eq uiring employers to provide safeguards tor life and health. At the sallltl time a ce rtain amount of wholesome manual work Is n ecessary and should be a part of the system at ed· ucatlon from the kindergarten througb every scbool grade. Decent housing and sanitary conditions should be mandatory under the supervision of boards of health. No communIty can alford to Iteep plague spots In Hs midst. Playgrounds for children s hould be mandatory and In sufficient number In every ne ighborhood to k eep the children· orr the streets. ' 0 cblldren should be subjected to the criminal Influe nces that come from association with oriml nals In courts, prisons and police statlons_ Juvenile courts and a well organized pl'obatlon system should be a part at the system for child caro In every communIty. No child should be In an almshouse, no child s bould be permanently 1)lnced In a family or Institution without the iluthorlty of the court. ODd with a record that will ' maKe -it a ways possible to lraco them. Probation officers should be sldlled In hom e making. ab le to advIse mothers In nll that goes to make a good nlother and a good housekeeper; able to aId In problems of child care lmd to guide dlffioult children into sate, wholesome ways of life. Motbers organized In ever y nation to study ,the physIcal, mental and moral growth of child hood , to study community condltlolls alfecUng children wltb the purpose of makIng them wholesome and helpful. Is the fundamental step that will elevate the standards of marriage, pnrenthood and hom e lite, and raise the physical aDd moral tone of the race, This Is the laudable work that Is being undertaken by the n'atlonal ' Congress of Mothers, and great good has already Accommodating Landlord Rather Went been done along these lines. The anToo Far In His Desire nual meeting of the congress will be to Pleale. held In Denver, June 10-15, when prob· lems or child oare wl11 be dlscusscd Col. Maruon DaykIn. who keeps tbe by leading experts, Motbers. teacbonly hotel at ' Palmett Cross Roads, ers and child lo vers In general \\"111 be S . Co, is a paragon of real old southwe lcome to the meetings. ern hospltnllty, and what the place lUay lack in mod e rn conve ni e nce Is l\loltke a s having "the long es t hall' In made np by ,the sympathetiC, paternal • the se ttlem ent nnd n ' pe rfec tly new way In which the colonel trents hIs fox s ldn drPoss," both hIghly prized pos, frl nds. For years h e bas made It a rule to give a l ways a little Ulore than -anct a Ileace-lov lng Eskimo rarely sessIons In arctic 10n(L the y nsked for. This bas es tablished Sometimes Suitor Seizes GIrl by the wllnts an unwilling wlre-l~1 girl his r e putation among trave ling m e n. Foil and His Irish "SlJpporters." Icarns La e ndlll'e .."otlelltly Iler I ..'" t e. Hair land Drags Her H omeThe gr eat bnrlton e, Signor fOoll , and a New Yorkor w ho had hea rd It Eskimos Marry Young_ Anot h cr way a r woo Ing Is t o ' I s It_ th e "young pea pi 's bouse" of a ... t!- wh fl n singing In grand opera In his was stopping at 'the pl a.ce fOl' the first nnlh'C city. ork, had to sing one ot time . Arctic women marry young I\nd oc- lage and there select a wife. Each bls songs from a stage bolcony. The "Wby do you a lways glvc extra caslon rlly se veral times be rare they vlll nge has such n hOllse for unmor- ftrrrlllg eme nts were not ve ry perfect measure?" he asked. are suIted or snit their per man nt rl e d persons. The youth selects a and tbe mallager, fearing the carpen"In the relations thnt obtain be husbands. says th e Pitts burg Gaze tte . wife. and If lh e r like each other and ter hud not marl a the halcony strong tween gentlemen, Bull." an s wer e d the Arctic courtships are brief and there their r silectiv e parents have no ob- Ilough to I!ustlllu th e we Ight of the colonel. "It Is always prope r to be exIs seldom lovemaking ~erorehand , j ec tlons. a bl'lef trlnl marrIage Is fol- big man, told off two assistants to tra accommodating." Usually a bnchelol' In soarch at a lowed by the ceremony of taking hold It up from beneath. The lengthy "Will you join me ?" asked lho New wife-and Eskimos marry wh en yet hOllle the brId e In less violent fasblon signor was only bait through his !Jung Yorker, nodding toward the bar. mere boys-gocs to the house of the Ulan by the hall' of her bead, when aile man sold to the other: "Charmed, suh!" fair Olle, seizes her by the ball' or anyEskimo couples are generally hInd "He jabers, Molke. this Oltallan Is The northerner orde r e d a pony where e lse tbnt orte l's a firm hold, nnd and affectlonnte toward each other. moighty heavy!" glass of brandy, but the barkeeper at drags her to his home, she mean.tlme and the wife Is usually well treated ac· "LE't's dhrop hIm. Pat; be's only an a sIgn from the colonel salll there . shrIeking and stTuggling as If . she cording to her code. This admIts only at 0lta1lan. ofter all!" were no glasses so small In the place, were being murd e red, wblle her fam- entire obedience upon the part of tbe Voice from tb~ signor above: "Will and put out an ordillary whisky glass l1y gaze InclltTerently or sml1lngly on wife. ftlthough henllecked husbands are yeo ye devl1~, wl\l yeT' . with the comment: "Tha't 'll hold at h e r courts hip. The more high-tired not unknown . She must submit to being "Tare-un'-'oll ~! Pat, he's an 01- more." .... the girl i~u grealer he r struggles a.n d . exchanged when her husband "and rlshman; hould ~m up for th. loire After tlle northerner had eaten a outcries and the langei' she keeps some (rlend arrange the matter wllh- of yez! "-From '"\lome Unrehe",",", very satisfying dinner . and enjoyed a these np, It betpg considered the cor- out consnltlng her, and for OB long or St.age Effects:' In ~ S~rnnd, smoke, he left a call for sb, In the rcc,t thing for her to "carryon" for' , ~liorl a time as-he r lord pleases, 1h~se ------Jl1ornln,~, ·so as"to catch on early train, , two three dayll, even to the extent e xchnnges" are' often arranged tor her ElectrIc Limp ~arbons. jocularly remarking ' to the colonel: of running home after ber place upon , Inferest,'howeyer. a's when she cannot In a new form 'of eiectrlc arc lam, "Now don't fotget tQ sUll be 'extra ac· the Jnsll:lmo', bench-apporUoned ,among accompany h e r ,husban'd on a hutlting" the cat:bohs ar~ formed and suppll~6 commodatlng:' ..' trom .three ~o ten families-has been expedltlon ~d he ~akeB a [rlend's wIfe ~B cons~med:, lam~ Is provided '!i .pr.o mls8 YO,U 1 'Won't, suh," r eplled ' assIgned to 'her, _. Instead.·.. leavlng- the trlen4 ' In charge with two 'receptacles In whloh the '1)10:8.; the colonel. . . - In pddltion to his ,plllCiEl an!1lts warm: o'r his o,,¥n;- or . whe~ a homesIck glrl. tic material Is placed, and thls ' is . fed. So th,e: New : Yorker went to sleep skins, her brl(J~grborn of~en prel1e:nts w~n~, to visit her people, -wh,e n, It .her through tubes to ' torm the' two ele~­ v.itb the " Serene ""surance that he ., her with a new lamp, I~mp table , and ' hus~Bnd cannot . t.ake her ..,so!p~ . other trod~s of the . arc_ ' The ends o~ the would 'bi!' arouse'li at the proper hour_ water pail Although the ' young hus· man undertaK~s the - journey and electrodes are baked by meane or elec"I seemed 'hardl, to have fallen Into '.ban'd may 'be aware that his wIfe en: leaves lIls .wlte as hostage, Rerra~ trle heating coils, and the process Is ' a sound slu"ber,'~ ~~id he In telllnlS . tertalns an aftE\cUon for him, Ushe tory wives are eJ:ch,!,nred also by way a continuous one. of the ,Instance recently, ' ''when 1 . ' carrles bel' 'o bservance of her wedding ot punl~"mqnt. .. ~--~--..:.~ beard a' terrifio pounding at my door. tc:ic far he sometimes. cuts-tbe SOI~8 ,of. AD Eskimo alw8111 travels wIth hili It. Wonder. ' 1 ,8prang up, WIde a1Vake_ , her _teet 'sUgb,tIY" BO that sbe .. canneL :wife or a - ,borrowed aile: therefore, "You seemed. to regard that -maD ,. 'What's the matter!' I ,called aut." run' awily By the Ume bel' teet are the wlfele'B pUSht. ot 0111' ~xplorert with 11 good deal of .. Tour o'eJockl tour o'cloekl' came weD abe ,~ a eoutented boueewlle. ()o. a\Vak. . · aatonl.ll:leJlt aDd ' ClOmp..... "Yea. Se ocltea Ill)' ~oDder, 1Ie'. tile. lAndlord'. Telae 'from ·the oUler ClslGllaily a sirl real17 obJecte to bet IIIQJl., WIlUbB lacUe. aN olfere41hem. lIlamad to, ane of ID1' former. wi", lIde of the 'TWo more ho. . . . ' . . . . __ It .. ",m DOt aI• • _ "COIIUIleDde4 to CoUt 1'OD aDd 'pWq 'a1ODB wttIL .• •," .....&'. . '


" ' :.1.)'

stlpa Ll n n and 0111r sl nUlilc h, II vc r nod bow ' I tro u-

Destruction of the Hatteras. exchanged , th e firing continu ing with great vI gor on both s Id es. At le ngth n Ilh II entere d, amlns hlp In th e holll, setting flre to It, and at lhe same Instant, as 1 can- hnrdly divide the time. n ah II passe d ' throug h the sick bay. exploding In an adjoining compartme nt, also producin g fire; anoth r entered th e cylind r. filling th e e ng ln r.oom and dec k with steam and de· prlvlng me of all power to maneuver Ihe vessel or to worl, tbe pumps ullon whIch the r eduction of the fir e depend ed. \\ It 11 th e vess I all fir e In places and beyond llUrnan llower II hapl l'ss wreclt upon the water, wIth her walking b am shot away and b I' engine r end er ed useless, I sUlI maln-. talned an 0 live fire, with a doubl e hope of di sabling the Alabamn and of attracting the attention of the fleet 01Y Galv eston, whIch was only 28 miles distant. It was soon reported to me thnt shells had entered th e Hattcras at the walel' line, t earing off en tire sheets of Irnn, and' that th e water was rushIng In" and that sho was rapidly slnkJng, 'Po PI' vent the blowing up of th e Hatteras, from the. flr. which wns making muchprogr-ess, J OI'de red ,tho magazIne to be 1toodeu and 'a lee glln to be fir d, The, Alabama th n asked If assistance was desired, to whIch an afllrmMlve answer "was 'g!ven, . After considerable d-elny, caused' by a report that a st!lamer was seen 0001' Ing !'rom (lIlIVeston, th' Alabama sent us ass lstan e, and 'I l\ave· the pleasure to 'in-form tbe departme nt · tbat every living being was conveyed safely from the H~tteras to the 'Alabama, 'Ten minutes after leaving the Hatteras she went down 1;Jo~ f11'iI~, with her pennant at t\;le JJl'ast~e8d, wJth !loll ber muskets aDd lto.-ea of ev.e" cha1'.cter, t.he ebelDY Dot belD. ' able, ow-

IDS W hel' Tapl4

..itIle weaPGll!o •

.1DJdDa. to ,o btain •

The Flannel ShIrt Joke. . There usell to be a fnvorlte fuDD1f paper story about a man wbo bought a flann el s hirt, and every time It waa wasbed It bad to be handed down to one of the children until at last tho baby was we aring it_ Washing fianne ls used to be a crlUcal task, but now Easy T as lt sou p Is used. and It not onl1 does not shrInk tbe goods, but it leaves tb e garment soft nnd comfortable aa e lde r-d ow n_ Easy Task soap is pure, white and sanltary_ An Instance. "Th e rub\)Hr indu stry ought to be a Ile to solve one !luanclal problem_" "What problem 7" "Thill of elastic currency."


_ !2E _~








Mi:!", J<.:tl nl\ l,1 n e r viflit d fritmll", ~ ... - - - --..-...-...--+ all \l r f' l~f.i vt'3 in L b l1I e n lllst. w k . 'I'h n U. ~~ _ 1 I ty wil l ·h old . its Miss Glenna Smith is ' lh g u s uf SCHWARTZ' S ho in e Ij fli P t.i ng tl t t he hom of tl1e frienus in DayLon. Miliae Hpenoe r Frida ~ ev niog. I 8 veml of our vo nng people 11 t. F. C. arcy was ' in in cinnnU ~--~~------- '~ tenlhHl t he 0 mm enooultJll t l X rei tie ' of fh ll Lubauon S ll{l1 ~ch oo l tit t he Tu e day, un bUi:ii11 c;;;:-;. ~lf;l~~~t(:.I1~{) W tlIluo':lulty Ilnd Tb ursInl. Evan!!, of pringbol'o, is LINES I MI'. IHlll Mr~ l':lwI)0(1 Anlt ami spending the Neek wi t h E . S. Baily I two 011 ildmo 1I L1 v r turned fr 0m and family. a plellflu nt. vi!!it ill Xll ul l~ 1r lind ROUND TRIP SUNDAY , Mrs. Joe Ke r!'oy llocoUl puni d t.h slI1 . F'ran I\ K Thumas anti family were T rain I l',1\' s V\' ayll esv 'i11 l' a t ' :,,, I ' I . 111 . I Mis!! Itunll ~pl\n ce l' lind ZlIin Ar- g-ue s l ~ of Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas rnitllge at.t.PIHl Elu thfl AlulUnll,1 tiLD . Sunuay. quat ti t L fl U llD OII fr id"y ev ning .

! On Antioch Campus, Yellow Springs, Ohio, will pre~ent the following program, under the management of Dr. S. D. Fess.



New BurUn&ton. Wimam home.

BariIAn bas




~eloh, of Chicago,


WARREN rOPPAN, Lynn,Mass. Cured of severe compclund cold and cough bl

,_•• .


, .





11I:'II.'ll l


UllIh- r

· thl .. II f~1\'

(lir lhrl'l.'

\ "IH '

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Ill I Q or mor u ill good 10ulIlIlY ItLl ltl, T(·"""IIIIIJI,, lllquire f l' I II rl ll ,.r (l fl l'llIIIlal'!\ nt, tili!' otllou

LOST III "t. L():-;'\'U" lll II '"

t"~ qlll"i l C

41c .. t..:-us. S u h l hy t ..• n 1 , 1\ Jr .1,.nlcl ~ en:ry w lll"' rc . St: f1 ,l rur Cn l l \ h,~tH" "U-L," ~ h u wtl1'" all dc.lg us.

Friday Il U t hll sLrtJet, J'>jll -"g l uo, t! ~ III 'lise. Finu 1I".lII :-Iu ,' U t 8,," . 1:111 wk o's


0 1' ~ r UCt


I'et:,! i vu rE! w·u!l .



M erld6l111rl\al1nll Co. I lntrr lHul llll a l S hlrf'f) •• tiulXt· ... 'lr . )

.«,rlde ...


11l1'l 1l ~ll l,:lIJ,


I" uIT'-"tt:"d in t he m n ny.



~ IJ CA '() tJO tl HgO Ilq~u n in good C IOdlllU t1 .

'1111 f A

Weak Women


of \ .

FORPos,'AIt!' ... IltHt8 li und

I' tlcul"r Ill· Ph ollo Ci3-t!

\<\I f)J C ll >l t,

I~ -. L· IIlA

1 t

O Sllge


L I\ I'~ll numhur of ~ III Iwl', UIIII ' to r,

pnll ·Ul't.,

I (l n ~ . tJ. " :,,11 1111'1. It H. No. L \) r .Jgonill, l' boo 1ft. Ancien t No. 2 To weak and .lIln1r women. tbve laat lea~t one _7 to help. But with thut way. two Ullatmen" H. l! U DtI ;'J '

must bo combined. One Ii 10m!. one 11 con!!1.1 t1)o ~ onaJ.

but both are ImportnDt, both essontlal. Dr. Sboop'. Nisht CUre Is thl Local. Dr. Sboop'. Restorative. the COnstitutional. Tho rormor-Dr. Shoop', NlahtCuro-lIa tOplClll mucoua membrane luppoelwl')' remedy. while Dr, I!boop·. Rostoratlvel8 wholl, an trent.. mont. Tho RestoratiTe ~cbea throuabout the entire II)'BJ.e1D IIeek1nJr tbo reP&1r of all nerve. .tl tlasuo aU blood allmont.. 'l'be "NlshL CUre", .. Its name lmpUIII. 1100a Iw work while 10U aleep. It IOOtheeflOlQ and In!lam. ed muOQua .urfacea, ben Is local wcalm and dlschaTJr8S, while the Rostoratlve, _ nw-vout exclroment. liTee renew04 viiOJ' and ambition builds up waited tllIUos. brtnalq a bout ronowlia atrenath ~r. aDd onolln'. Take Dr. Shoop', llatoJ'aih'e-'l'ableti or LlQ uld-.. senoral tonlo to &be QI&em. '601 pwltlftlocal Jle!P.


HELP WANTED purson IUIIY eurll A N in100lll ll l;;;ont moot IllY l:(Irl'l s pundlD l{ UHWi<pU lJun1 N,. O.. IlVUSlllDg . ';end f Of' (1:tl'lI on \II I·". Prt''''' :sy udi"te, B u7.::l1 Lo 'hJlur t , 1'1 Y.

,0 1'

\l1li" ..u


Dr. S .h oop's Night Cure A


NYONE, rtn y~l1 o rt', Oli O Bfllft I~ midi orde r hU:iln tJlUI ilL hom", . No c aIlVU 8S IU~. ,Btl your own bOlllc!. 'end for free u DlJ klet 'fellR how . S 8COCI{, A 5020 , Lookpurt, N . Y.



01) glrlfo .... gl'1l6Nl bousework . Nu wushlug. Write or 'eilll W. T . Barrl:" :1810 I::lpelloAt' Ave., NorWOOd, Ohio.


OETTING ALONG FINE Earnest Earnhart, son of Mr. and

McCA LL PATTERNS C t.'J..:hl'.lt( rt fu r !\l)' !e, pr rf c t fit I s impliC'ih' nnd


n:tLlhili ly IIl·arly IIIJ 1"1. ,.,0 111 in li"ar! " (' \'r r y t ily awl tun n i ll Ill: U n u ... d • (' .. ana l" .ltl ",I:t , o r h y 11I .• il il i Yl_'l.' t. ' .l lIfe !oil ' ", t)lot n .:my vtl u.: r U1 ~kc . • l"IHl 101 f rc\.. ' cat.dogue.

Mi·s. Elmer Earnhart, who und er· went an operation fC'r appendiciti!? Wellman. last Wednesday at his home, is getting along as well as could be expect· Mr8, Wtllter T ibbals spent se. eml daY8 last wfilelr with her parents, ed. ----.~--~.~ . ----Mr. and Mrs. John Heigbw!\y. POST·OFFICE PLUMS Mr.s Mllry Jane Cleaver spent t he forepa,rt of the week with Abija The biggest plum in a hig collection GoHier and wi fe. of Ohio post office plums handed out Mr. and Mrs. George D!\vi enter by the post office department today tailled on t:lundo.y J . W. BI~rtljook and wife Earne!!t Mannon and wife goes to the postmaster of Dayton, and Mrs. lda Mnnnon a.nd dlmghter whose salary is increased from $4,000 Etb el. to $5,000 a ~{ear. The increase be· Mr, Mat James is visiting wi til comes effective July 1st. The salary of the post.master of his sister, Mrs . Jolt-a Heighway. Harvey Moon and wife wero Sun. Hamilton is increased from $3,200 . to day guests o~ George Bogltn Bnd $3,300 a year. Gl endale's postmasfamily. te r's salary is boosted from $1,300 to Mrs, H. S . Linder spent 8evernl $1,400. About 300 other Ohio pest· days last week with George Da.vis masters draw increases in s mall I,nd wife. amounts. The big increase at DayMrs. GeorQe Ellis entertained her ton speaks volumes for t he g rowing mother, Mrs Ed Mllrtin on 'l'u esday. business of th e city as reflected in the Quite a la rge erowd a ttended the growing post office receipts.-Dayton auction £Illlu lIt Wellman grooery JoumaJ. Saturdu.y. TOO CREDULOUS Mrs. Eva Wysong spent Saturday with her m9ther, Mrs. Mary A. Ulellver. "Send out our daily ciroular leI ter, " Mr, and Mrs . ErneElt Stokes. of says the rroker to his new oorllayton, £lpent l:iaturdllY nigh t with re8pondenoe ol erk. "Let it state Mr. aud Mrs. N. B. Rioh. tbut the mn,rket is bouud to rise and ----.~-tbat a ll wh o take ad vllntfige of this

M c "'ALL'S



~t urc

!o.ub!)l.'nllcrs t l {I on, otll r f:uhi('\n m "-.-azille- m illio n a II . ,I 111, ' 11\:I HIt1h l l~. ) ..., t .. e M s lylc ilt pau,-'rn h. t1r_ J., IIIItJ.tin),!. ndlJi nC'rY, p lai n sewing', fnn r y m.'clih' wu l k. h .d r c.1H· It;~ lM tr. cl iqn ctt e, I(tll'Ht sto ri e... (' (C , O n l y r,() C'~mll a yea r (worth d oubh') . (ueludi ng' U H ' I ' natlt'rn. :';u b ltc r ibe tod:I Yt Qr .;.,;. utl ,fur bUHlp)C l·UJ'Y.

W " DERFUL INDUCEMENTS HI " !(,cn t s. r n F-tn l b rh ll!5 p r.e nlt UI1l ca t, l o~e a m C Ilt'\\' c:l s h p ri ze oilers. Addl c :f ,

flIE McCAU CO .. 2381021-8 W. 1171' St.. NEW YOU


KNOW-If you have a h.nse, Tell.o oow, plow, rak'1, oranything to Try our \7ltut oolnmn . We oun se\l them for you at smnll oost. OUSE KEEPERS-Thll.t we have H for sule at the G Izett·e omoe lots of nioe olean papers f"r shelves Bnd to put under oIArpets, Prioell I\re obeup. I.'all and sEte t·hem, D

Five Dollars' 'Worth



Of 4-Minute Records

opJ,l0rtumty will profit hugely. A Cood Tooth Brush Mnke it IlS enthuslalltio as possible. " "Ill thut ca8e,:' ra-ma.rks the n8W oorrBspol1dence olerk, "I be lieve I'Jl take 1\ fiye" with all. my 8U vin·ga. I might as well get j n on this , " "We'l1 have to let yon go," statf 8 the broker. "You are not /lII oon· --~.---+-A good workman ,is like a pair ' of tlervative a m~n as I want for thi8 ,. shears i be shuts up when he ,fCbes posi tio~. ,. to work. ' ' .

10 cents

SCHWARTZ'S ..................



"..... ... aa-a. u Yoa ' . ~.. A _ Not '--"-"-" ___ _......... ___ •'' J~ E. JANNEY; 'D ruaglst, Wayne8vl~ "

ill 11\..'

WI,It- 1,,1 Itu.le fu r c hoice



IIFrom Dee. 10. '08, to Marctli I. '0"9, I had three bad colds. one on top the other. . .pt so weak I coUl. hardly get around. , Nothing leemed to help me until I began to tak'e Vlnol. The c:l'!anp waa magic. Three bOttle. completely 'lxed that compound Gold and atopped the'terrlble COUlh-a1ld what · .surprlses me moat. at the I • •e time , Itcured'meo' .Ie-vere' stomacb trouble '" that baa, botbe~d me for ~ yean. Vlao." certainly a wonderful m~ldne." , . ' , Mr. TQPpan is one of Lyn~'~ m~st prominent ana highlyr~ech;d merchants) whose wprd is· a~. goo9 'as his bond. . : The reason Vinol is so s, uccessful. ,in such cases is t..'it ~ ause , c¥tai~ the two most world.famed· tonics-the medicinal, strength, eniDI. ~y-building clements of COd Liver Oil a.nd Tonic ".ron.


" S ill'er Pla te th I t Wears"

Mrs . Wil lia lll fi oluies entertlliu od IS IMPROVING S10RE t he ludiAs of the Mi!!!:Iiol1u ry 8ociet~' of tlll3 Sugar 'reek U P . chura ll J. W. White is busi lyeng ag din last 'l'hursday. u.fternoon . rearranging hi')st.ore, pu tting in new Wm . T . Ellis who e deatb oocur d a t hi" home nel\.r 1\ II)hn, WU!:l bnri ed shelving, tc. It will be much betIt1st l:inndll,Y uftern oo n iu the Wood. ter for handl ing goods than hereto_ fo r e. larid cemetery ut X euia . Charles K ub l ,of hiclI.go, is vis. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD aing his plLl'ents , MI'. fI,nd Mrs. J ohn Kable . The Township School Board met Mr , an d M1'8. 0 .R. P t orson un. d M d' R I ' son Ray, Mr. Aluen K mp fw d ' on ay evenIng . Pgu ar routine daaghter Carrie wel'e ::)UDllr~y vi i· business was attended to, and bills tors at the hOlne of Mr. and Mrt'. allowed. Miss Mary Davis was elect· Ch1l8 . Brelsfor d. ed to teach the Harmony Grove Prof, Bowers 'who bas beeD v ry school in place of Miss Minnie Burill is getting beUer now. gett, whose resignation was handed Mr. and Mrs. Cla ude BarriS, of in at the last mee ~in g.,oD, Ilre viAlting her mother, ! - -- -Mlli. John Brown . HUNTED SNIPE Born to hilr. and Mrs. Raymond CrOwl, of Dayton, but formerly of Raymond Davis and some of the this plaoe a fl ne son. boys about town were responsible Wm . Glosser lost 11.. vt1luable horse for Abe Chauskey hunting "snipe" la8t week , last Friday evening . Abe waS next • -to the game. and after a long ja un t up the river bottoms, arrived home Blue Ribbon Talc Powder abo ut as soon as t he boys. Abe says "Kutli" was too young for him,




,,11I '1l 1I , \lH:

th f" n n l1lc s tnmp('I \ o n t hC' h. t ~ k o( ~rWlH". l u rks t1n.\ I fill. Y !'ot: ni ll g P't'Ct"j 1n .. 11\rr pla le of 1'(U\"\:11 ' 1'1nl1ty-


10 C a bottIe


l\\t'lItr 11\\'


Wrig ht and Ethan Crane we re in Ridgev ill e Tuesday aft r noon .

' I IIiiI____________I


1-'1)1{. HENT

Il Or. A. T. Wright, Masters ElIioLt ~


Appn inllllenl. 8

1i Ul n'!; ()j'

t a ul fc: u turt:.




Office at the , Gustin House


lIh ..' I' l l n:r dllral.1I1 ty ts t he: tI1 0 .. t illllJo r-

Dr· P. D. Clagett leceiv d new Buick No. l U auto alul'day. The 1)1' :;ays it is the best macl c.



Of 1':<11.'11

Classified Ads

Ht'ly u n yu ur own j udI-:I1 It' li t 1\ " to pult t" lll, h 11 l rt.' ·

----- ..- - -

Spring Branch '.


Silver of Quality

Messrs. Edward Ricks and J ohn Bellbrook Lemmon star t d for t he West last Wednesday. They will probably ~o ( l)c II1Y O' I. ) liP into Canada thi' s ummer. The MitiS Bertha Purdum north of town en tertnined Mi ~s Peurl Under. boys are on a p rospecting and pleasure trip . wood la s t Thursday.

,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and has family had 1.1 their guests Saturdu,S' night Elder George A. Brotz and joined hta wife a.nd daughter who wife, ot Indiana. Misl WiIllI. Kolsey are Tletting here. of Dayton, Mrs. Laura . Williams, of Mi.. Mary Carr who has been MoGrew, Ohio. very 111 at the Wilson Hospital, Xenia is at the home of Mr, lAud MrI! . Misses Alioe Uhenoweth aod Chu. Mendenhall greatly improved Bertha Smith ent·ertained Ida MOAdIn h e a l t h . ' am's, of Welt Carrol ton . Mill Laura Wood has Becured Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawes enteremployment in Dayton, tal ned their oousi., Mrs. lane VeMis8 Beasie &0})ln80n and Chas. (nard, of O....kJand, on Satnrday night . Woolard, of Harveysburg, were Mrs. Ida MoAdams was reoeived married in 'W ilmington, recently . by Jetter with tue right band of fel. ReT. O'Neill who is visiting at the lowlhip on ' Satnrday afternoon at home of hil dauaht8r, MrR. Ed. Bo· Middle Run .. W. 'were glad to r egan aooeptably filled ~he pulpit of oeive ber bat Betheloh\1roh ...vas sor the Friends' ohuroh Sunday morn · ry to lose her for she is a.dear woman tng. Mr . and Mrs. Charlie Gordon en · The WomeQ's Foreign Missionary tertained Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dakin, society of the Friends' ohuroh held an anniversary sooial at the home Frank Dakin and flA.ily, Mr. sad of the Prea. Mrs. J8IIS6 BawkiDlI, Mrc3 Bert Marlatt aad daaghter to ~Qnday dinner . Thursday evening. Mrs J. B. Chenoweth spent }!'ri · Wm. Biatt was called to WU · mington lut week on aooount of an day night and I:5l1.turdlly' night with aooident in whioh his wife was In· aunt Lydia Austin. jured. While walking on the rail Mr. Nathan Austin was on the road. near the Bridge Works, she siok list Sunday. was run down by It freight train . On" lei was broken and she was badly Mis8e8 A: lice Cheno", eth a nd bruised about the head. lalhe is re Bertha 8mlth entertained Elder oovering nicely, George Bretz and WIfe 8undav night Reelle Veatl'h a missionary from Mr , and Mrs. H. U. Uakin and Mra' Japan leotured at t he C. E. on 8un. Fra.k Dakin w"re shoP lling in Duy dayeveDing . ton on Saturday.


10 cents

SCHWARTZ'S ______________

,Mrs. McDonald. Lecture, "Lop Sided Folks, George R. Stuart. Mrs. McDonald. Lecture, "My Stump Dig· ger." George R. Stuart.

•• ••




The Ne.hborhood News

Mr . un d Mrs C '. Emmons . Mr . Mrs . ,J. E. J unney , Miss Dora EI1:s and Mrs cl uy 8 1H1rwoo, \ un (l ll rll'll CO d J\\' . 1\ II ' ,. Bromlcy I:l)lll nt ~1111lh1Y with R. B a~l : I S~. l~ l Ie ~I::;phum were shupEmlUun ll llt~ flunil y . plllg 111 ClIlclnllall Manuay. Uh lldren 'tj Dllv wus obser ved ut t,he U B church ' Hnllcl llY afternoon \ . i\lessrs. George ~)glesbee , Raynt \ w o'ol oek 1 he ohnrch wn" I mon I onl1el' and Will Prcnd cl'g'as t d oco mtfll\ witl1 I~I Il~ !'I(>S of e nt tl W I1t~ ' auto 'd to Daylo n unuay. Al ter the prog ram WIIS ,OIl Ulpl lltl'r\. I Rev . M (l Ke n~ ie m II , t l ul,ipf II llllrHs"' 1 Walt ' r McCl ure was in Bellbrook GreenwoDd , fJ 6UIID\OO, 'l l\rtI HcroA k, , . Oli ve Sunol1 u ull Flu t F urk wor e alu I Uf. y afte moen aLtendlllg lhe r pre Ren tec110 _ _ _ the _ _ulldifl _ - noe -IIfuneral o f Ed \'urd Negley.


'Tuesday and


-AC ' T I.• ood ooth Brush

Fourth Day-Tuesday, June 21 EI'ghth 2:00 The MacDonalds. Day-- Saturday June 25 2:16 Readings, Miss Willis. 2:00 Mrs. MacDonald. 2:46 Lecture,"HowGod Made the 2:15 Lecture. Gov. R. R. Glenn. Soill"ertile." Bob Seeds. 3:30 "Insect Life," C. F. Ames . 8:00 The MacDonalds. 8 :00 Mrs. McDoJlald. 8:15 Lecture, "The March of the 8:15 "The Mystery ot t he Mind ," Centuries," Elbert HUb- I The Houstons. bard. . NI th Day- Sun day J une 2 6 , 9:15 Violin Recital AnnaSchilling n

•• ••

Oslcopo thic Physician)

Cincinnati, 90c

third Day-Monday, J~mo 20 I' Seventh Day- Friday June 24 2:00 Duett, Mesdames E<llth Saa'e 2.00 Mrs. MacDonald . MacDonald and Maude 12 :15 "The Bee," C. F. Ames. " . 3:00 Kellogg-Haines Singing Par. Wentz ~!lcDonald. 2.16 Lecture, Sour Grapes , ty Ed~ard ~~hers~ Qtt. 3:30 Add;ess, "'The . S. in Its ~lldmKS,. MISS Willis. Mi!Sion for Peace" Con3:45 P'ano Reclt~I, Jeanette Our· gressman Isaac SI{erwood 7 30 l{ II gg H ' S' . P no, of ChIcago. 8:00 ReadinKS, Miss Willis. : etyo - ames mgmg ar8:16 Duett, T~.e ~acDonalds. 8:15 Lect~re, " The Martyrdom 8:80 Lecture, WJlIYourDreams of F ools" Thomas Brooks ComeTru~:orrheHauntFletche;. ed House, Edward Am· 9:15 "The House Fly !' C F herst Ott. Ames.' . .

Fifth 'Day-Wednesday June 22 11g~~ 2:00 Mrs. Maude Wentz Mac 2:00 Donald. . 2:16 2:15 Lecture. "A Message From KIUUJaS," Gov.E. W. Boch 8:00 3:45 Piano. Recital, Master Ro- 8:16 bert Brain. '






•• ••

10c a bottle' ...

Mrs. taude Wen tz Mac Opening Day~Saturday, JunCl I Donald. 2:15 Concert: Howe·Ziegl'er on- '00 Lectu re, "The White Plague, cer t Co. . Lantern. 01'. Cha..'!. S. 3:45 Lecture, "Les Miserables," Bond. Hon. Frank Willis. Lect.ul·e, "The Divine'Rights 8:00 Concert, Howe Ziegler Con. 9:00 of the hild," Mrs. Leocert Co. nora Lake. 9:15 Relldings, Miss Maude Willis Second Day--Sunday, J unc 19 Sixth Day~Thursda)' June 23 10:00 Solo, Mr . Edith MacDonald 1:30 Ke ll ogg- Hain 'sSi ngi ng Party. 10:15 Sermon, Rev. Arthur W. 2'00 "As You Like Il ," Th e 0EV3Jls. . burn Players. 2.00 Solo, Mrs. Edith MacDonald 3 :4;' .. .. il'eless l' legraphy, " 2: 15 Sermon, W. 1. Wishart, D. H. Tyndall. 0 .. of PittsbtlJ'g. Wentz 3:90 Lecture, "Aristocracy vs. 7:00 Solo, Mr~ . 1am] MacDonalu . Democracy,. Dr. Evans. 7' 15 "Th e' Me rchant of Veni ce," 8:00 Vocal Solo, Mrs . Edith' . The Cobu rn Players. MacDonald. 13:30 Kellogg-Haines ingingPar8:15 Lecture, Dr. Wishart. ty. 9:15 Readings, Miss Wfllis. 9:00 "Radium, " . H.Tymlal.l.


Blue Ribbon Talc Po" der

Personal Mention i


-. .: , --


,- . " _ • •- - - ,



Why. isn't the proffl~sor of as~ron. To introduce our very complete Spring ' IIno . ' . o'f,bellut lful :wool s u1t1ug8, w88h .rabriCII, rall()" om:r 10 a 'college messrooll'l " flClI.f waIBtlIigs,lIllks. etc" lldkr!lJ 11ICfl8 and' pet'tF coate. , All up-li<MIate New ~ork City pattel'll8. boarder.? Finest Uno 0.0 the market. Deall~ tUrec~

With every 4-minu'te atttachment to an 'E dison Phonograph. With ,this attachment you 'can ' play both the '2 arid:4 minute records. · . . '. ' '. .' Bring .i n Your machine and have the attachment~put on> .






•- • ' P.J'Oftfa110.QOto wt~b the,mUlI )'ou will Dnd our8amplOl prcee 10", • ~weekI1. and· Whe~ a ~etecti~e se8S an airsl:l ip, ~~=r:= preJ)ard~~~D=:D~~=; ..

JsailinR "way be is jnatlfied in thtu!,~ II:\~ve'~~..'·Jr~~rrw~U

tng \!la' &here 'it something up.



11" .

.BJIIibUl~~, I


~• •-I!IIIII!1II~""'.I!iI"~~~.Ii!IIi""~~.






Thf' JUlie n1 t!t! ting of the FarJllers ' held at the pi a~anl hom lIr MI'. anu Mrs. Deanlot1' . and the mem bel's always receive a cordial welcome at thi home. The day previous was lH'ight with sunshine so they had arrall~ed the tables on the ~ e l' lalvn • un u·lel· ih e tent . ..,om • Isap· "uintml!ntwasfeltwhenl'ain g l'e!:!ted us in lh e murning. but nearly pll re. s pulldl'd. and as there was nOL even a ::lprillkle d uring the dinner h u r, there was no uiscumfort fl'um it. The 'es..'lioll was opened by Lhe secretary ca lli ng th e roll, then the min. utesoflheMllY meeting we re rE>ad. ':;ybi l Hawk r endered a good se lectio n on the piano. The member who was to !.ave g iven cUl'I'en t events, bei ng absent, Pl'cRitlent Dil l uRkt!d Mrs.l\otl"htutril,· 'areadillg. "~eb b oJ (~ Iub was

Of the Prf'sident of Miami

Cemetery-Read at the Annual.Election. , To th e Lnt Owners of Miami ('emetery AB~ociation: In preparing this r eport we took a re trospec tive view of our urgani· zation, anu going bac" ti) ilti inception we marveled al.the immensity of the proposition lhat wao befure' . t. h e carter mem bers- -to purcha..,e h and prepare gro unds f or b urial pur· poses for t he accommodation of the citiz n l of Waynetlv II{! and the tuwn. shipssurl'ounulIlg it . It, will take



· N~ WnOLI!: N UMBER 3(J(\()

I!: 'VAY .Il NE 15, lIlJ O.


- \ ASSIE T()'\VN-'H;P

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Th e 'ellll'llt uf til . I O \\,Il S hl~ . chools \\'ill tak t: plae . 1I 11 Olan Hillm an was in Sli go last SunJesse Burtull wa s a Dayton visitol' Tu sday veiling-. JlIll' :"L t, al 8 :-'1 i:;scs Slella anu Mary White WCl'e uay. Monday. o\' lol'i<, al the H "ell (;I'U\ ' Baptist g' Ll C:3t..-; (,f !'I I iss .1 ·!l.'lie Marlatt a s up(·hun·h. Then' an' l1ill( ' g rUlluHt (·!i. PL'\' Tll csuay c\'er lll',g. 11 :1I'\,cy (; u~ ti\l \\'as ill Sf\l'i\1 ~' ll o\'(J alld th· " mgT.UIl is <1 .- f ,II.I.,\\,,; : Isaac : lou t waH 11 Xenia visitor . ·unday. l a~t Fr iday. 111\'" 'aliwl :'I1 1·s. 1{lIth B. ~ l llITil\' :'Ilis..'! II I1rictta Mcl<in::ley will en~ I iSH Clara lIawke spent· las t week , W. W. (' ran!:! . u f PI ' . '1'1 - tl'l' tain lhis afternooll in honor uf . l . (' , In, was II I 11': AlneJ'i ~ an Indian . '"' ' " "' ,,. 111 layLon . I own M •. nday . .. .. .. " .... " Anlirll nll'da ('. 'l'homp';')}1 .\Ii.;" Snrah SI·lI e r~, IJr ( 'lI lumlllls. l'I.'11I1I'th Hili g'c. o f lJayton, s nent l (' . 1\1. (( "I,ilzpr \\':lS in Ci nc innati H.)~l lJn Ily mn .... . . Emm a L" la Ellis Thl! ~I i"':'t's Ann a and Hannah KelSunday Il l' re . lin l)lI s in('ss 'I'll .s lay. . " Thl' Shi p Htl ild"r" Tr va F. Hu\'ll '; I "The Il l'itlg'<''' .. ...... . E\'u :'Ilari,' I<lIi ,; 11'.1' (·nll;'l' l aint!t1 ·a l 1 ~ I)'clu·k dinne l' MI' . and MrR. '. H. Clements w ere Mi s.'! Ann Phi llipR is s pending En_ "TIll' I'ri '1IlIH:!r f ill' Debt " ", ....... ' .. . . 'lInday i\11'. and tvll':-l. '. H. Clemin Ua".T Lon j'·l'itluy. 'am l)l1lent \\'('ek in XeI1i·.'' . \\"I11Ju r I'',a r I.' ma II c y ell iS ulld family. . . . . . . .. , .. , . . . . , .. Wal t r f\l c lure and son . Carl, l\lr. and Mrs. Ol to Ilu rnick Th eSl a \·l· ShiJlH .. . lkss icLoraCollin~ a re . . 'Th e I leacoll '!i l\1asterl)i ce " .. .. .. .. l i:-;-; Lu ·lla 'rnell was ho~t ss aL were ill Bellbrook Sunday . RP 'nding- lhis \\. ek in \l·nia. ... ........ ....... Lillian I·~. lIea th el'ag-(' a s uppi:!r at hcr home Friday evenMiss Alma Clements is recoveringHoy Schwartz, uf Lebanon. W,L<; Neces..,;ity of Edu cation ............... .. ing . Those pres 'nt were Misses frol11 a n attack of ton ·illitifl. , here from Ld':1null Sun day. . ..... ... ...... Hel ·n Loui se Ed\\,:.I\'(I ~ Std la and Mary \ hit.t! , J t!ssie Marlall and Marlha U'Npa11. II a ITY ' i ll earne, 0 f i b I 'I:H f'll l'1 IL'I'WOI)d WWi the g Ul'!iL "Looling B:lckward .. .. ......... e anon, was " (:n .:> ...... ... ..... .... .... . Mab .. 1 Le e ...... Chil. es viflil.i IIg fl'icnd::l here u nd ay. u f fri ends III Day tOil SlI nun v. I' I) . r I)' I . . l'eselllatlUl1 0 1\-1 llma;;...... .... .. MI'. and Mr~ J. O. Carlwright enBurn, to Mr. and. Mrs. Frank H ecCushier Fretl Hartsock haR I, en ...... .. .. .... .. .. . trawdel' H. Hinger te t·tained the Oard Club very pleasathorll, Ju ne 13lh, a fin e boy baby. under the weather for se\'er,,1 days. I Th e 1Tl1l!'ic will he furni shed by the antly las t Th ursd ay evening. There Miss Bert ha Brown, of L banon, 1\11':. VV. II. Allen has be n ill dUI._ I·'pring-b.o ro orch(',;tra, and the pro- :vere about thirty present and d elicwus the gues t of friends here ."unday . ing the pas t w >ek, but is mueh iJ ~ lt e l' g'ram will h ' a g'u(Jd one. lUllS t'efreshments were erved. .

l I


more t han a giullce tu fully CUITl pre- Cl't!t of a IJappy Hume" was t he topic hend and estimate th! full purpurt for disc us iun. MiHS ~wa'n an d Mr. of that declaration in the first pre. lJu ke opened th e arg ument, and p reamble adopt ed by th charler m em o ::lented excellen t thoughts as to their bel'S to proceed to purchas grounds ideas of a happy home. A number and construct a ct!metel'Y thir ty-four of the members t alked upon thi::: years ago. lIubj ect so r erJl ete with interest foJ' I - - - - - .. - - These beautiful grounds we re used a II . Mr and Mrs. S.D. Everly. of now. II DI~(jREEOF \\.<\STER Of-ARTS Miss May W righ t was hostess at for agricultural purposes. What A delighcful instrumental s Iceliun Dayton , visited relatives here Sunday. Ml·ssrs. I{aymond Da vis and Ra\'- ' - -.1 h n1uII II '{lllrl I' \·vet·e I' ll D:lyl'lll S'UI'I- : Th Illany fl'i (, lId " of Mr. Whittier a d e lig'ht. fuI 6 o'clock dinn e r Weullesa marve Ious c h ung-e anu t e stuptm· by Anna May Deardotr. was follow ,d • Will Macy. of 'ente r ville, was th e (Iav . I Burn ·t w ill b . 1J\('ased to leal'll that day v ning. 'ovel'S were la id for d OUl:! undertaldng that was be for thl: by a lectuJ'e, or t:alk g ive n by Rev g Ut!st of Mr . and Mrs. Ed Macy Sun'. . '. . ' . l Oll June .uh he g'l'ailuatl'd f rom the MI·s. J. 0 Ca rtwrig ht, Mrs. W. H. few public llpiriled men that became W A Cooper, of L uanon; the s ub- day. M ISS J enl1le I-I a:um, ' .1 0 f Morrow , IS: Univ e rsit v of Cin cinnati \\' ith th e de- All n, Mrs . Ge . Hawke, Miss Myra responsible and assumt::d the arduou ject being hi> trip to t he southwel\t, th egueso t f hll· '" . .etl I CDo'am k i f am - " Tl'ecofMaste ~ h .. ofArtu. Bair·rI . Mi"Emma H eigway an d M rs. Byron Ii a r ts ock an dd aug ht er 'I and complicated duties bef ore them. giving us an in sight into the lives of ,., " They pledged their mean s. gave their cow boys , so different from many re- Justina, vi iCed friend ' in Morrow 1 y. Mr. Hurnet did the ni crs ily work ' Mrs . E. V. Barnhart. valuable time and best talents, for ports we had received of the m. As last week. D r. and Mrs. TatE', of Day :on , tog-eth I' with his r g ular work as the success of the enterprise. he ministered un to them. he f ound called on friends here Sum!.:!)' afler- l~ t acher in th e 'incinnati schoolR. H €' Mi s Emma Heighway was hostess Miss Zadie ' neathe n , of Lebanon. I I' . tl h . M ... My friends. the blessed privilege t hem always ready tu return his air noon. )e leves In lorou g preparatIOn, at supper, onday evemng, g Iven In that we enjoy :.oday , in the possess- tentions with kind acts. He was lifl- is spending some t ime wit.h her aunt, Mr ' HI " d I and i fast fOl'gin~ to t h, frunt in compli ment to Mi Mes S tella and .. fib 'f d Miss Watson he r e. J. . aw < VI Sit . l eI' 1his chosen prof ~sion. Mary Whit, or Owensboro. Ky. Ion 0 .t lese eauti ul an sacred tened to with sp cial regard nnu daug ht 1' , Mrs. J uhn F rom m In Day- I T . . . . . grounds , for tht! lallt resting place of a vote of thanks t nder elJ him for Mr . and Mr!! . B. S. Ho\\ ell and Mr. to n last Thursday , hat the graduatIon tiny might be I Those presen t were, Mlsses EdIth our sainted dead, are the frui ~ of presenting this ubj ect in so in erest- and Mrs. E. V . Ba rnhart autoed to . ,. . . Ia gala one, and to honor Mr·s. BUI' - I, Mosher. Donna and Emma Hawke, many years of the best thought and ing a manner to the club. The meet- Cincinnati Monday. . Harry H.amilt~n , of Dayton, spent 1nett's mother, whose b ir thday cam e Rosamond Dakin , May Wright, Mesvaluable time volunteered by self- ing then adJ·ourned. "One of the Sunday WIth hI S parents, Mr. and i on .that Ja~e, as w~lI as celebrate dames Geo. Hawke a nd D. L. Crane. Mr. and Mrs . Dan Hockett and ba- M rs. George H a mI' Iton . th e ll' we d Ii sacrificing mf'n of Waynesvi lle and best." was the universal opinion. mg M an ni versary, rs . ; t h' Wh _ • by werf' in Bellbrook Sunday attendBurnet invi ted a happy company of . adJ'ol'n 'n en we go inl/: K. of P, decorat ion. IVlr. a nd Mrs. Deskan Lewis , of [friend s to njoya' 'I k d' . Mr. a nd Mrs. U . M. White enter-, I g owns IPS , to the records and find the long list CHILDREN'S DAY Utica are r ejoicing over the arrival 'th t th . IX °t~ oc :nnel tained at dinn l' Thursday in honor of names that have rendered s uch val Mr. and Mr!!. A, B. ~ides w I'e of a b'oy born June 9th :VI N em: Ir pre y new lome of Misses Stella and Mary White, of . uable service 't o our lovely cemetery Chil.dren's Day exercises were h~ld g uest s of Mr. and Mrs. R a y m o n d ' . 10 rwoo . • _ ~ Kentucky, and E lsie VanHarlingen, we hOllor them for what they gave us at the M. E. church Sunday evelllng Eyel' in Dayton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wan"ick. of FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY of Beavertown. Fried spring chickand we will revere t heir memories as at 7:30 O'clock. The church, unde r Lebanon, were guests of Mr. and n was t he special att raction of a delong as reason has its throne. the sup£rvision of Miss Sybil Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Smith , of Cov- Mrs. Roy Irons Sunday. In spite of t he pouring r a in last licious three ('.ourse meal. Those . The one thought that I relish most was beautifully dEcorated with flow- ing ton , Ky., we re Sunday g uests of . , Friday afternoon a goodly number of present were Misses Martha O'Neall, today is the spiri t manifested by our ers . . The program, \yhich was well Mr. and Mrs . Ray Smith. Mrs. J oel Maulsbury, of Maine- ladies attend d the meeti ng of the Luella Cornell , ...J~ie Marlatt, Hen- _ _ l . . h I carned out was as foll ows· vi ll e, was the week-end guest of Mr. I o t owners In presprvmg .t e egacy , . . Mr '. Chas. Smar t and daughter, Wom n 's FOI'eign Missionary 'oc iety I ri etta McKinsey. Donna Hawke. left us by thesp. unselfish gentiemen . Organ Prelude ...... Miss Sybil Hawk€:' Gr ace. are visiting- r elatives near a nd Mrs. Harvey Gustin . of the M. E. ch urch , which was held Edith Mosher and Mra: Fred HartThe dispgsition on,lhe part of our Cho ir- "Ring. Ye Bells of Heaven" Cincinnati for se veral days. Mrs. Seth Cook al'l'ived home from at the pleasant home of Mrs. J . A . sock. people to still ~dvance in extending Opening Prayer .. " ....... ... Rev. Bailey Chi cago Saturday nig ht, after a visit Funkey . The p rogram con. isted of and beautifying our grounds is both Scripture Lesson ... ... Mrs. Hathaway MI'. and Mrs. Clifford Ridge, of of several weeks wi~h r elatives there. readings by Mesdames SChwartz" The chiltlren of Mrs. Mary. A. commendable and e ncouraging. The Choir- "Trust in God and Do You r Dayton, spent Saturday a nd Sunday Mc . I tlr~, Rhoade' , Hat haway and Wise gave. her a delig htful ~urprise devell"pment and progres.<; of Miami Best." with Mr. and Ml·S. Mah lon Ridge. Misses Olive Carlisle, of Gambi er, Will te lI1terspersed with selections on h er anmversary day, WhlCh was Cemetery a long all lines has sur- Recitation - "Children 's Day........ Miss Blanche Sheehan, of Spring a n :'! 'arah Se ll ers , of Columb us, are on the piano la, and Mrs. Rhoades last Sunday. A big dinner was passed the expectations of the m ost, .. :" .. : .......... ..... . .. ... ..Gr ace Swartz Valley, and Miss Edith She ehan visit- g uests of Miss Edith MoshE;!' t his rende r ed a beautiful vocal solo . planned and the surprise was successsanJ{uine. It now outranks in gen- RecltatlOn ...... ........ . F rances Janney ed r e lat ives in Centerville last week . week. During t he soc ial h lIr delicious fully carried out. Those present eral appearance. capacity and wealth Duet- "To the Robin." .. ... H elen Mr, and Mrs. J ohn McClelland ami sl1m'be t and cake were served. were: Mr. a nd Mrs. Ed Macy, Mr. any cemetery in t he state, comider ... .. Marlatt, and J eannette Janney Miss 'Ruth T homas , of Franklin fa mily, of Sprh1gboro, spent unda y and Mr . Geo. Thompson. Mr. and ing the population from which it Recitation- "I'li Do My Part" ..... ancl.Miss Ma bel Moore. of Hillsboro, with Mr. and Mrs. J. E . Jan ney anu MEMORIAL SERVICES Mrs. Thos. Cummings. of Xenia, Mr. draws its support. .., ............ !\1argaret Satterthwaite are the guests of MI'. and Mrs. R. A. family . The K . of P . ~lnd the J. O. U. A. and Mrs. J ohn Gibbons, J. B. Cum, .In our last rep.ort:ve adv~se<l you ::Four Treasures'~ .. F~~r Little Girls l Cross. . M. ludges will decol'ate t he g r aves of m ings, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. James (If the b9ard cons~derm~ t he Improve· Temperance Spee~h .... :);(oss Irons l Mr. C. M. Robitzer and son , F r edMrs. Mali,nda O»born went to Sligo their deceased brothers n xt unday, McDonald, and family, of ~rwin, me~t o~ two new sectIon: 0 and P, Son~ ... : .. ........... .. ...... P~lmary Class j erick, returned home last week ailer Sunday , where she will spenu several June ]9th. Ther e will be a good Mrs MaLt Pa~hall , Mr?: Juha Bel'WhlCh he on. the east and west ofthe Rec~tat~on ... ::. ; .. ........ Elsle Ha~~ock l a two week's visit with relatives in weeks with her son. J erry Osborn speaker and music will be fUI'ni shed I g~n, MeRs rs WIll Mac~, [errel Macy, ~e leadmg fr.o m the.. south en- RecltatlOn- The Reason Why .. . Mi~ouri. and family . by the Cadet b'md Th . , MIch ael McDonald. Misses arguert ranee. Th e excavalOn t' . ' c . exercises. ·· d and Ed an d fill'109 .. ... .......... ...... .. .... HID' e en mWI'dd ·· le: ' br. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett, Dr wi ll be in the afternoon at etwo o'cl ock Ite Th ' om pson,.w·mm.tre . yth a was completed last fall. The sur- Recitation ..................... Alice Carey ' Misses Edna and Maria Stout, An- a nd Mrs. J . T. E llis and Mrs. Sarah at the cem et e r'Y. I M~cy, Kathe rme GIbbons, Masters 8urveYl.'r has given us lines~nd Ilum- Quartct - "Can God Depend onYou?" na Clen:ents and Mr. I saac Stout at- Zimmerman au t oed to Dayton MonM embe l'~ of both lod ges at. asked ~lJ I Lon.rhompson ..Floyd and Don~ld bel'S of lots, and the corner stones "Summer Time is Here" ...... ...... " tended a picnic at S pring Vall ev last day afternoon. . to be present a nd So_I ummlll g, of Xenia a nd James Glbcontracted for by Mr. Schwartz, .......... ... .. ... ..... Three Little Folk s Thursday. . . b bons .. "Ro ' M d M Ch C II I .Journtng mel11 ers are co rdially in. --arcon t h e groun d an d a p~rtion of R eClta~lOn ses' ... Pauline Allen Mr~ . Everett Zentmyer and three r . an rs. as. orne ane ..1 ted t o be pr esent. Miss Ed ith Mosher ~Iltertained at them planted. These secllOns are Crowmng the Book ....... ... ......, ...... . Ch 'II-1 . C ro"slllg. . I ncI .• a re Mr. and n· • - - I "~OO · , T · d • . ul'en . o f· P 81'1S . Mrs. Frank Zell spent Su r .. h . favorably located , commandmgaper... .......... .. ..... MISS MIranda s Class . f M d M J H k day WIth Mr . and Mrs . ,Jallles Zell, Wi-da-me---Gcnuinc IndiUII Salve , ·J on ues ay evemn~ In 0~01 . f h '11 t ' S I " J . f T d .. S b'l guests 0 r. an rs. os . . awe, 0 f Y e II ow S· f h el' h ouse gues t S, M Isses 01 IV e pnngs. Iu. f ect vIew 0 t e VI age to 'he west, 0 0- . ust 0: ~ ay .. y I Hawke f or sevE-ral weeks. and the--valley to the north, near the CollectIOn RecltatlOn ...... ... Ross Irons . M i M H B tt d For the Home , Nature 's own Hcm- l Carlisle, of Gambier, and Sarah Sel. . I'. an! rs. ar vE'y JUI'n o an I f (' I b Th t mortuary chapel. an. d not a long dIS- Remarks .......... Supt. Dr. Hat haway Mrs . M.aI'Y LeWIS and l\'frs Emma , J It l 'u ' I I~) I eny. Pure l., · Vegetable. (;uH l'anteed ~rs . 0 0 um ·IS. · ose presen "H ' I I K' II • A k f D h ( a ug l e t·, ant !HISS ,a ura .osnagc . ~ . M d M W'II O' N II . . Ch' tance to reac h t he Iots 'af t el' leavlOg 011'al t Ie 109 I ceI', 0 ayton , were t e gu ests f S . b i t ' under the . S. Fond and Drug Ac t, !were: • r . an _ rs. I ea , . . B d" . . . I 0 nrmg oro , we re umay g ues s J 1\1 and Mrs J '1 man M and the avenues. Thelle::lectlOnscontam ene IctlOn .... ..... ........... Rev.Batiey of Mr. and Mrs. FrankZel and ot her fJ LSI. ' I df " 1 une 3D , ~t)li . Tl'i ed and prov n l r . . oe lap . ' r. . fiw e f u II Iots, b'u - --:- - I ' h t wee k . 0 • . lee1an an 'arm y. ]'vIrs' · Fre·u1 Hal·tsocl{ a b out Slxtye SI es re I atlves e r eias goo d f or 1)\, h c lIm atish1 . atal'l'h,' . '. ' MIsses Luella a number of desirable fracti ons. WI> ANTI-SA~OON ~EAOUE .. . MeS:!rs . J. E. H ockett, J . C. Hawke Cr oup , Neu ral gia , Bluod P oisoni ng , C~ rnell, ,J essl~ Marlat~. Martha are offerin"" this ne w territory at the T' h ' 11 b . .S Mr!l. Howard Hopkin S and sons, F C Schwartz L A Zimmerman Ringwll l'l1I, U lcers, Hch , Old Sores, 0 eall , Hennett.a McKinsey , S tel.. . ere WI e a umon AntI- aloon I M d M C d' d d' I .. ., . . , I d ~ Wh I) 1 k . h . M E han, same price per foot as the pro.pert y L r. an rs. on It an aug 1- 1A Maffit and Jam es Benh'un a ttend- Chapped Ha nus. 'orn Bu nions a a n 1~l ary Ite, onna haw e. eague meetmg at t e . . C urch f D . f M' . ' " I d I) k ' K h' Al in the othe r sec tions. All who are S d . .' t.e r, 0 ayton. were gue:sts 0 IS. 'd 1(, of P . Memo rial ser vices at EC1.ema, Di seas " of the Skin etc. {osamon a m, a.t erme exnext un ay ev.e mng at 7.30 0 clock. ' AII'ce Keys al1u fanll' ly Sunday · p I nd e r Anna Me'- dlth ' Kathyrn ''anticipating to select a place in OUI' Supt. W. C. Eldridge will be present •. Sprmgboro Sunday . rice 50c a box . PO I' sale by Ladies a .' ,e ; beautiful cemet.e ry for their loved and talk. All are cordially invl'ted to Miss Mamie Robinson and Mrs. Dak In Ronald , a nd the Messrs. Bert HartMiss Kathryn Dakin, who has just Aid Suciely of_ _'hris _ _tian Church. SliCk, Hawke, Warrell K eys, ones to res t and wait the r esl1rrection come an d h ear h'1m. . U· . .. , Ik ,,~mme vv a 'er,o f Wh ee I'mg, W . Va .. g raduated from the Nationa l Park ST. MARY 'S CHURCH Harold Howell. E rnest Rosnagle, we urge you to make no delay in --. • were the gu e ts of Mr. and Mrs. th t d . bl I ' BROTHERHOOD ~EETING Seminary. Was hington, U. C, arH.aymond Davis. Stokes Silve r. Em. c h oosmg e mos estra e ocatlon. B _ _ anI{sD a k'In sevpra \ d ays IUS t wee k . rived here Tu esday morning f or an Rt.. Rev. Boyd Vincen t will con- est Robinson, id Ellis, Dr. Mill er. (Continued on page 5) The M .. E. Brotherhood me t ThursMiss Rosamo~d Dakin of Hanni- extent.1ed visit to he r grandmother duct t he se l'v icesaL St. Mary's church We ley Whi t taker, of Spring Valley. COLLEGf: COMMENC~MENT day evening at the church. The bal. Mo., . arrived Satur(!~y evening . Mra. Amanda Wrir,'ht, and aunt, Miss S unday morning at 10:30 o'clock a nd and Robert Blair. of Lebanon. main topic for the evening was.a de - to spend the summer at the h?me of May. will adl'\linister the rite of con fir ma~- .. - • Miss ¥ary Frost, r eader, and Miss tion . All are cord ia lly invited to EASTERN STAR The Wilminglon Colli1ge CO/llmence bate, and sever\ll good points~ wer e h er. grandmother, !\1rs, Amanda . W h come and he'ar him . ment will take place F,:riday.:June broug ht out. De Iicious refreshmenl..'i rIg t. Laura CUl)ningham, soloist. of Leba.. ,__ - - 'fhe Eastern Star lodge met Mon17th. There will .be twentY,- five were .served. day evening in r egular sessioll. . Two '. Miss Pearl Colvin spent sev.e ral non,' will give 'an entertainmen't at SHIPPING GOons graduates. Everybody is,invited' to candidates . wer e initiated, and tw~ ' WAV'llE8VIL~E DEFE~TED dayswith lady friendsat'Spring ·Val- the Christian chur«h.Friday evening attend . . '. The WaYlIesv ille canning cOlnpany application.s were received. . ler. a~tending the wedding of Miss JUl1e. · 24th;. at 8 O'!~I,<>~k, .~nd er. the .' - - ' - -are shipping lots of tomatoes. and by Next Monday evening, June 20th. E'mma Wood, the Boxwell-Patterson auspIces ~f the Ladles Ala oClety . 'SAY, Wf"RE IT! . The Waynesville .Base ·Ball team . . \ went to ) (enia .Sunday, ~nd 'were de- 'comTl'lencement and MasS M~ting9f The~ . Iad~es al'eboth well known tl:le time lIe\\" ones corrie in, will have the Grand ' Worthy Matron wilrbe _The ~azette ,building is' ~eceiving feated by . th~ 3core · of 6 to 0; The Spring Valley Township schools and· a~d ~Ill glve a fine pr?gram: . Ad- t hem .all sold. Tomatoes ' was a drag h ere to ins pect the lopge. A-1t'Eas'tern' coat of. paint, ...·blcb . a~as .·materi- boys played g~od ·ball .. but played the Piano 'ReCi't al of Miss Myrtle mlSSlon, adults ,15c, chIldren unde r 011 the market but ·the de mand has Stars are cordially' invited to be been gr~atin t he last few days. present. SOuders. ' 12 'YOON. lOco ' , JUI)' to 't he looka of the street. " bard-luck game• .

! I


















\ '

Have You a Baby'


CHAPTER IV.-Cont inu e d.

nothing tn s how thnt 'In s ide bart a llli Slid· lI ' n dent h. 111 on of the tulip b€'ds bac k of th hOIl a n ea rly blnckb lnj wns pec king \'1 Inu Rly nt sOUleth ing lh at glitter d in the light. 1 plcke(1 11\)' way ging rly over through tho d ' IV lIud s tooped dow n ' nlmoll t buri ed In tha soft r. round WIl S a r vol -,er! 1 sC' rnped th e IIl'lh off it w llh III tip of my sl\o£'. a nd. pic' king it UP. slippt'd it Into lilY por lie t. :-'; ot IIntil 1 b a d got inlO my b drooru a nd dOllbl ·10 ked tll (\001' did I venlure tt, \.llke it out and ex· aml n it. On e look W IlS all I ne dctl. It w as llal s£' y's r evolver. I had unpnclel'd it th<- day before a nd pul It on h is shaving li lulHI. and tiler cou ld bt' no ml s la kt' . !l Is nUllIa was on a s mull ~ llvf'T plat . on t he ha ndl . I sf't'med to se a ne twork 'Ios lng !ll'Ound IllY boy. Innoce nt as I kn e w b e Wa s. Tilt' revo lv er- I am afraid oflh em. \:l il t nnxiely gn vl' rue ('ourag to look throug h til ba rrel- th e r e volv I' had fo tlll tw o bu lle t.s In It. [c ollid on ly brf'a l he a prayer of l hankCll lness that [had found the revolver be forfl any s harp- red d toctive had come around . I decld d to kee p what clu s I bad . th uff·llnk, th e golt s ti ck a nd th e roo \'ol\·e l'. In a secure place unti l r could s s ome r eason for di s play ing them. Tho cllff·llnk had b en dropp d Into a little filigr oe box on my toll t .table. I opcn ed the box nnd felt aro und for it. The box was emptr-llie cuff·link had disappeared! WrIR

h l' n mys l. I'Y find vlolenc

"Es ppcialiy whal?" ··F.s pt'c iully t;lnr . ,Jack nu il!'Y and Arnol d A rlll s tron~ w r> notoriously bad frl n d ~. It was Ball y who got Arnol(t Illto troubl e las t !<prings Olllelhlng about lh e banic An.d th cn . t oo- " "Go on ," I said. " J( thero Is anything lUore. I ought to kn ow." "'I'h r'S n oth ing lUor," be snl d evas lv .ly. " Th r 's Jllst a ile thin g we ma y bank O~. 1\\ls8 Inn s. Any court In th ountry w!ll acquit a mun who k ill s an Intrllder In bis house at ni g ht. If Halsey-" CHAPTER V. " Why. you don't t hink Halsey did It !" I xcla lmed. Th er was a qu ee r Gertrude's Engagement. fee ling of physi cal Dausea coming At ten o'clock th e Oasa nova hack o ve r me. b I I Tb I t .. o. no, not at all ." h said with roug 1t up t Iree men. ey n roo dlll~e d th emse lves as t.h e coroner of forc d cheerfuln ess. " ome. !\tlss In· n es. you're a ghost of you rseJr. and til e coun ty and two detectives trom I am gotn g to help yo u ups tairs and call YO\Jr mai d. This h us becn too much for you ." About six o'clock Gertrud e cam ~ In . Sh e waG fu ll y dressed. a nd I sat up ne rvously. " Poor Aunty!" she said. "Wllat a shockIn g ni ght ' you have hadI" Sho 1m--. came over nnd sat . down on the bed . and r tlaw sh e leokod v ry tired and


Practical Fashions LADIES' TUCKE~ SHIRT .. WAIST.

his fa ther's house two o,lghts In suc. I . .- - - . s aion. st allng in like u thie f, wben . h n aded only to ask entrance to b e -.-I-+-flU/i admitt d ." 1'h co ron er was a very s ilent man; he took olli notes after this. but h 8 e lUed anxious to. make the n xt : traltl back to town . 'He se t the In . . . _.......ques t fo r the following Saturday. gave r s top s uddenly. as If she had b en Mr. JalUleson. th e younge r o~ the t wo slru k. . det ctl\' S. and th e more Inte ll ig nt "li e do a not." s he said lu 1\ ton e looldng, u few Instructions. and. after that wus not he r own . " Mr. Dall ey and grav ' ly s haking hands with Ole a nd my broth I' know nothlug oC this. r el»rc ttin g t h unfortunate an'air. took The mUl'd ,. was ommltted nt three. his d epartllf'. I\ccomllanled by th Th y left th e bouse at a qu arter be. other d lective. for e th ree." I WIi S just beginning to brea th e " How do YOII know that?" Mr. Jam. fr ee ly wh n 1\11'. Jamieson. who had leson asked oddly. "Do you know li t bNm stan ding by tho window, calli whnt time they left?" ov ,. to Ill e. "r dO." g ertrud e ans\\'e red firmly. "The fum !ly con s ists of yo urse lf "At a quarte r b tore throe illY brotht' f alan. 1\1I5S Innes?" and Mr. Dall ey left th e bouse. by the "M y niece Is h rp." I said. ma in e nlran ce. I- was- ther e." "'I' hen, Is no on ~ but yourselr and ··Gertrude." 1 sa id xclted ly. "you your niece?" arc dr eami ng! "Vhy. at a quart r to " My nep bew," 1 bad to molstc n three-" my lips. ··LIRten." sh suld . " At balf.past "Oh. n nephe w. I should like ~o two th e downstairs t elephone rang. I see him. if be Is here." bad not go ne to s le P. and I henrd It. "l1 e Is not he r e jus t ,now," I said a s Then I heard Halsey answ er It, and Quietly as [ could . " I expoc t hlmIn a few minute s he CIUlie upstairs a nd at any time." kn ock d nt illY door. We-we ta lked "He was bere yest rday evening. I fer a minute. th en I put on my dress. bell \'e?" In g gown a nd sllppers. and wen t down. "·o-yes." stairs with him . Mr. Dllll ey was In "Didn't he have a guest with him? th e billiard room. We-we all ta lked Anoth er man ?" t ogether for perhaps t en mJnutes. " He brought a fri end with him to Then It was decided that-that they stay over Sunday. a Mr. Bailey," should bolh go a",a)' -" "M r . John Dalley, the cashier at the "Can't YOli be more explicit?" Mr. Traders' bank, I believe," And I kne w Jami eson as ked. " Why did they go that some one at th e Greenwood club away?" had told. "When' did they leave?" .•[ nm only telilng you whnt hap. "Very early-I dod't know at just pened. no t why It happened." s he said what time." evenly. "Halsey we nt tor the car. Mr. Jamieson and Instead of bringing It to the house turned suddenly and looked at me. and rousing l,e o[lle, ho we nt by t he lower road from tbe stable. Mr. Bailey was to meet him at the foot of the law n. Mr. Bailey left-" "Which way?" II1r. JamIeson asked shar ply. "By the main entrancc. He leftIt was a quarte r to three. 1 know exactly." "The clock In the 11all Is stopped, Miss Innes," said Jamieson. Nothln, seem d to escape him.

worn. "Is the r e anything ne w!" I asked .anxious ly. ··Nothlng. Th e car Is gone . but WarD~r"-be • IR the ch a ufl' ur-"Warne r Is at the lodge and knows nothing about It." "\1\ ell," I said. "If I e ver get my bnnds ~n Halsey Innes ' l shnll not le t go unU I I ha ve told him a few tbin gs. When we get this clear ed liP, 1 am going back to the city to be Qulot. One more ni ght like t11e las.t two will end mc. The peace of the country-

" He looke d at his watch," she replied, and I could see Mr. Jamleson's eyes snap. as if he had made a dts. co very. As for myself. during the whole reCital I had been plunged Into' th e deepest amazement. " Will you pardon me for a persona l question ?" The detective was n youn gish man. and I thought h e was somewha t embarrassed. " What are your- your relations with Mr: Dalley?" Gertrude hesitated. Then fih e came ove r and put her h and lovingly III mine.

tldd lesticks' " 'W here upon noisel' the night treme, nn Ie figure on th<! veranda In the east wing . . A:J an afterthougbt I broug)lt out the 'p a l'l cuff·llnk. "] have no doubt now." r sa id. "that It was , Arnold Arms trong the night before last, too. H hud a key. no doubt. but v,' by h e s hould stenl Into .hIs ruth er's house I cannot Imagine . IHe cou ld have come with my p I'Inls· 'slon easily enollgh. Anyhow. whoever : it was that night le ft this little BOU' ..,\'onll·... Ger trude look one look at lh e cutr· -linl! and went as whlto as th e pear ls In It; -'he clu tched at t.h e foot , of t he bed a nd s tood s taring. As 1'01' ru e. I was Quite as asto nis h d as s he was. " Wb ere dld-yoll- fincl It?" she ;nsk ed finally, with a des perate n'or t ;at calin . And w hile . J tal Ii her she <stood looking Ollt or the window with a :ook 1 01lid not fa thom on her fac e . It was a rolief wh n 1\1,·s . Wn,t son tapped at lh e door nnd brought me "One Look Was All • Needed." SODle toa nnd toast. Th e coo li. was In l,ed . completely cI 1I10ra II ze .1u. se " Ple nse try to be more ex p I'IC, h r e· lhe ity. The ,,"cone r led the way at it" h ~ ported . and Liddy , bra ve wit h t he day- on 'e to th e lock d wing. nnd with the snit! . "You say your nepbew and Mr. light, WIIS looltln g fo r footp rin ts a rollnd aid of one of th e detect.lves xamined BaHey were In the 110use last night. th e houlje . Mrs . Wa tSOIl he rself was th e rooms and t il e botly. Th o other and ye t you and your niece, with some a wreck; she was blu e-whit e a rollnd detec ti ve. after a short scrutiny of the wome n serv ants. (ound th e body. - til !' lips. a nd she had one hand tied dead ma n. bus ied him self with the Where was your nephew?" \IJ) . Sho snld she had fa ll en rlo wn· outs ide tlf the house. H was ouly aft· I was entirely des perate by that stairs In u er excite ment . It was namr· ar th ey had got a fall' Idea of thing» time. al. of course. t I III t ttIe tlII ng WOII Id as th y were that th ey sent for Ille. "I do not know," I cried. "but be shock h r, ha vi ng b e n tl Ie AI'm· J receiv ed them In t.he I\viutT room. sllre of this: Halsey knows nothing I f s trongs' bOil S!' ee p(' r 0 1' sev rn I years ~nd Iliad made up my mind <>e xactly of thl8 thing, and no amount of .elrA Id ~wh,nt to tell. 1 had tak. en the house cumstantial evide nce can make an 10. an d knowing Mr. rn a we II . Ger t rud e bod ,s lipped out d ur Ing my for "the s ummer, I sllld, while the Arm- nocent man guilty." 'talk with Mrs. ·V atson. nn dId r esse d s trongs wer e In California. In s pite "Sit down." h e said. pushing for. and we nt down s tairs. 'rh 0 bli ll or d 01 n rumor among the servants about ward a chair. "There are sOllle things h and card rooms we re Ioc I{C d IIntl'1 te s t range nolses-l cited Thom as- Doth- I have to tell you, and. In r eturn, coroner and th e detect Iv s got t hI') ro. illg had occ:urred the flrst two nights. please toll me 11-11 you know. Believe f . t h e c 11I b IlalI gun G On th e t.hlrd night I beli eved that me. things always come out. In'the .antI UIC mell rom · na I c Iat hi >ig. ' s.lme one had been in th e house ; 1 first place. Mr. Armstrong was sho.t back for more conven t IO 1 could hear 'rhoma5 in the pantry h ad heard a crashing sOllnd. but be· from above. The bullet was fired at . .alte rn ately wai ling f 01' ,\1r. Arno Id . ing alone with one maid bad not in· close range. entered below tbe shdul· .JI.S he call ed h im . a nd oitlng the vQs'lgated . The bou se had been del' nnd came out, after passing , • token!l Wa t had prec urs ed th e murd er . loclted In the morning and .a pparent· through the honrt. well down the Th e house s eemed to choke me. a n(l. Iy undi sturbed. back. In other words. I bellevlJ the Tben, os clearly as r could. I related murderer stood on the stairs and fired. IIlipp lng n shaw l hrOUlld ru e. r went -(lot on th e drive. At the corner by how, th(: night before. a s hot had down. In the lIecond place. I found ·'the east willg J met Lidd y. Her sk irt8 roused us; that rolf niece and I hud on tbe e dge of the billiard table a w e "e dra ggled with de w to her knees InvelHigated and found a body; that I charred cigar which had burned Itself 'flnd her hair WIlS stili In crimps. did not know who the murd ered lIleln partly out, and Il cigarette which had "Go righ t In and cha nge your was until Mr. Jarvia from the club consumed Itself til the cork tip. Nelthdotht?!l," I said s hurply. " You 're a in form ed me, and that I knew of 110 er one had been more than lighted, light. Hnd .at your age !" r roson why Mr. Arnold Armstrong the n put down and forgotten. Have Sl,e hod a golf stick . In , her h and, should steal luto his fat her's house at you any Idea wbat it was that made and Bhe salll s be had found It on the night. I should II l1 ve been glad to al· your nephew and Mr. Bailey 'cave lawn . Th r was nothing u'nus ual low hlin entree th ere at any time. their cigars and their galllo. talre 'o ut " Have you reason to beli eve;' Miss the automobile ' without call1n~ the 8bollt It. b ut It occunell to mo t~nt a lolf sfA It with a IT! ta l e nd , might Innes." the coroner a sked. "that any cbautreur. and all that at-let mOf aee ha ve b<leD th ,,1)jel; t th:lt had s cratch· ml:n1b or of your household. Imagining -c'eriatnly before three o'clock 'In the ed 'thll 8 U1;i; a lI (! ar lh e cardroom. I l\[ r. ~. rmstrong was a Qurga lr. sho~ morning"!" , took ' It fru11l her, nnd sent her up ror him In ·self.defense ?" "I don't' know," J said , "but. del'end dry «at11\Co tS. lIer day light coorag ':L !lave no r'e ason Cor thinking so," on It. Mr. Jamleson, Ralsey · wlll be and .! lelr·\mportance. Iln~. her shud· l said (uletly. back 'hlmself to eJPlllln everytblng" l derlllj( d Ifght in lil t;' Ill) stery, Irrl· 1 I th t M A t "I sincerely hope so" he said " 1\Ilss t at d rn,~ \) yond words. After ' 1 left " Your tb ory a a.b r. rms rang Innea has It occurred'to you that: Mr b I ... i I ( tl buildl was followed her e y some enemy , . . at II1Il... e a';. Tcn t 0_ 10 d t1 . h ".. Bailey might know sometbtnK of NOlhlllg II Illed to hI' d isturbed; tb fl ond shot us h e entere 1e ou~e. thi9?" ' . .bouse loo~ d as calm arid p'!:Lceful. j;J "I don't thl.'lk I have ,a theory," till' tllo rn lng !;lun as It had tlJI'j day I! said. " Tho thing that has puzzled me llcrtrude bad come downstaln and "'al1 1o(J~ 1I 0 0 I'l'ed Into taklD4 IL. T hero . I~ ''\ hy :Mr. 'A l'mSlronc should ellter ~UJt WI he sPOlce l'bG came 111. 'I&W


ng-I ---




Every woman knows how ImpetaUv~ Iy ,n cessary it 1s· that. bab1's . things sbould bl! absolute ly and perfectly cl an. Sho knows tbe trouble she has wllh oertaln yellow soaps that leave the dirt In and· often make the little gar'" menls harsh and Irritating to b·aby·!!. skin. Easy Task sOI1~You can get It of your grocer-Is tbe quickest and snfest cleanser mad ; It Is antlsoptlcand it r educes the war\( of washing by hall. At the Funeral. " li e bo s b 'en not only a. mll.lletcr. but nn editor," " 'I au don't sny !' Then hl B chances or g!'ltlllg to heave n nro even." ":-';0. his chan 'os of getti ng to beav ('fl nl'o not Quite 50 good . H e was 1111 cclilor only u s hor t time-not elloug h to malee It nn even thlng."LIfe.

"I ani engaged to marry him," ahe said s imply. I had grown s o accustomed to sur. prl!les that I could only gas p again, and as for Gertrude. the hand that lay In mine was burning with feve r. "And-after that," Mr. Jamlesoll went on . "yOU went directly to bed 1'\ Gertrud e hes itated. " No." she said I1nal1y. "1- 1 am no~ n ervous. and after I had extinguished th e light. I remem ber d something I had le ft In the billiard room, and I felt my way back th ere througb the darkn ess." "WllI you tell me what It was you bnd forgotten?" "I cannot tell YOU," s he "ald slowly. " 1-1 did not leave the Mlllnrd room at once-" "Why?" The deteotl"le's tone was Imperative. "Thls Is very Important. Mi ss Innes. " "I was crying." Gertrud e said in a low ton e. "When th e French clock In the drawi ng room struck three I go.! up and th e n-l h eard a step on the east porch, just outside the cardroom. So IDe one with a key was working with the latch. and I thought, 01 course . at Halsey. When we took the hou Re h e called that hIs entrance. and he had carried a key for It ever since Tbe door opened and I was about to I\sk what he ' had forgotte n, when, there was a nash and a report. Some heavy body dropped. and, balf crazed with terror and' sbock. I ran through the drawIng room and got upstalrs-J scarcely remember how." She dropped Into a chair, and 1 thought Mr. Jamieson must have fin. Ished. Bnt he was not through. "You certainly clear your brother and Mr. Dalley admirably," he said " The testimony Is Invaluable. especial . Iy In vie w of tbe fact that your brotb. er and Mr. Armstrong hail. I believe , Quarreled rather serlou,sly some Hme ago."

A Sa mple Boit of Resina. Ointment Was Nearly Sufficient in This Case. E nclosed find monoy to pay for ReB' Inol. Just th e s umvle rou sent has ulm ost cured Eczema on my little girl's face. I will gladly tell my fri ends of the great merlta · of RaslnoL Mrs, E mma B. McConkey, Hacker Valley. W. Va. Ea sy for Him. Tommy's Mother- Why aren't you a Paris Pattern No. 2051. All Seams good boy, like Wllll o DJoncs! Allowed.- This simple shirt waist Tommy- Huh! It's easy sDough tor model. with its two brand tucks turn· him to be good; he's sick most of tho Ing to ..... nrd th e shoulder. Is suitable tlme .- Phllade lphlu Roc.rtl. tor tan'etas, a's well as for oashm ere, albatross or fr ench flann el. Any of the heavy linens or madras would look equally well made In this style. a nd chambray. Indlan·head cotton. victoria of persian lawns are also good mate· rlale for Its development. Tn grny and black striped handker ch ief linen, worn with a linen collar nnd a broad tie of black satin, It would bo s ui table tor every day wear. This pattern Is In 8 slzes-32 to 46 tnebes . bust meas· .ure. For 36 bust the waist requIres 4J,i, yards of material 20 Inches wide. 3J,i, yards 27 Inches wide, 21h yards 36 InChes wide and 2~ yards 42 Inches wide.



Cured by Lydia

To procure thI s pattern send 10 cents

to "Pattern Departme nt," ot this paper.

Wrtte namlt and address I!lalnly. and bo aure to a1ve slu and number ot pattern.

NO. 2051.

SIZE .... ........... ..

NAME .......... . ................ : ........ . .... .

'tOWN .......................... ... .......... . STREET AND

NO..................... ..

B"rA 'l'JD ................................................ " ........ .. ............. ..



E.Pink. made me a woman. and I wonId like to t e ll thuwholeworld of it. I , suffered fromfcmal e trouble and fearful pains in my back• . 1 had the b est dootors and thoy all ' d ec ide d that I }Ul.d a tumor in addition to ml f emale trouble, and advised an opem. n. Lydia E. COlmulDuIld made me a woman no more backaobe. I hope I can·b e lp~ othe rs by tolling them what L~ E.l'inkMm·s Vegetable Compound bas done for me." - MRs. EWIAIMsE, S33 First St.. MilWaukee, Wis. . - The above Is only': one of the thousands of gI'!ltoful letters which are constantly _ b eing receind bY' the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, :Mass., which prove b eyond a doubt that Lydia. E. Pink~m'8 Vegetable Com. pound. made fr om roots and berbs, actually does'Curo those obstinate diseases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf. erlng woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegeta.ble C-ompotUld a trial before submitting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery.

Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn. MalIS., invites all sick women to write ber for advice. Sbe 1A88 guided thousands to health. and her advice 1.8 tree.


WESTERI CAIADA What Govarnor Den..';, of IIlInola, Saya Abollt It,

Paris Pattern No. 2725, All Seams serviceable little frock for school and e very dRY wear Is here II· lustrated. The model Is adalltable to serge, cheviot. wool bati8t e or cashruero. and Is very becoming to th e figure of the growing gIrl. The waist has • wide tuck over each should er. stitched from neck to wa ist. and the 111nlted skirt Is A ttacb~d to the waist under a belt of the ~nterlal. th e. dress Closing at tbe center·back. If deslTed the col· lar and cuffs mo.y he of a contrasting c010r or materIal from the frock Itself. A pretty contrast would be to make the dre8s of navy blue serge, wIth col· lar and cutrs of plaid. the buttons beIng t.he cloth·covered varIety match. Ing the most prominent color In the plaId. The pattern Is In flve slzes6 to 14 years. For a girl at 10 years the dress requires 6% yards of material 27 Inches wide, 4~ yards 36 inches wIde or 31h yards 42 Inches wide. ~lIowed.-A

To procuro tht. pattern. send 10 cente

","'atlern Department." ot lhls paper. "Nonsense." I broke In. "Things are to Write name and address plaInly. 1I.nd be bad enough, Mr. Jamieson, without In· • .ure to .Ive atae and Dumber ot pattern. ven ,ingGertrude, bad feeling where It doesn exist. I don't think Halse yt Ien aw tho.:.-the murdend man. did NO. 2725. SIZE ............... .. he?" But Mr. Jamieson was sure of his NAME........................................ ,round. TOWN.................................... ,.. ('1'0 DE CONTINUED.) STREET AND ~O....................... A New Sun.Defylng Cloth, BTATI!l..................... .................. A new , cloth Is being made In Cal· cutta, India, which Is manufactured OIi scientific .prlnciples to conform to . Self·Defense. nature's plan of warcllng otr the sun's Perklns-"Wby' ~Id Mra, 'De . Meal: rays. as exemplified In the color of the eres get rid 'Of ber boarder, the patent skin and' the ph:ments. 'under the skin·. medicIne manufacturer?'l E8t1erll-"~o. It la the .bellef ;,l physicians that one &aYe b~rself from gO.lng ~o tba poor·. of the chief reasons for the many house. The .mail. had a l\ of treat, ~e~ths r~cord,e ~ hi' hot weather is . Ing tbe ' 0t1!~r -b~ardet.s to free aalD·. .th(r.t ' at imp,roper clothing.. The dlto 1)Ie8 .of his arllletizer. . . Signers of ·what'we must 'wear to be dt ' . ' the elect may ordain a ' COIOl~ or tex. SeeIng the Truth. h' I It d t thSam" day there will be neither o~ ture thoroug y unsu e a e pre. . valling climatic .c ondltlons, and safety tllnJlIl» Ilor peaslmlats, and that I. and comfort arc often JeopardIzed II doubtt~II" what the 'i!rophet .mea,ni · _ N~ M",a:daeo when he lays lhs"'1IIlsts wtll 1et ce••• · cClnsequenoe. .. . to obc~re tbe trutb.;....P.uck .

.. .

' all

a Pink·

---_._- -

Sticky Swe(Jting Palms after takl~ lalte or ea.thanlo

tba~ .

waters-did you eVer notice weary all gone feeling-the palms of. your handll IIweat-and rotten taste In your mouth _ Oatbartics

c:.RET'and ::No~~~~llee~'~~~§l::u~ . ~~~ .: how mucb ~ea.ter the

job III done _ how bmIil better ,

you loot




a balr rot

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II 'week',

tffttmnt, aUdrunUlI ' IIlqHueller '1Il lb. w;orl4. 'XIIIloa bciiei: a_Ua.






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Girls' Summer Dresses Enclosure and Liberty

HERE are two joys worth mark· Ing In It man's life; the joy of passing froln the confinement of the house Into tile space and tr edam at th e outside w.orld, and the joy of passing trom the bleakness of the world wllhout Into the comfort and safety of his dw elling. In the open door be t", 11 the littl e and the large world , In th recurring transition frolU fr eedom to s hlter nnd from s hel· ter to fr edom, lie the mov ement nnd to get a mennlng of p.xlsl ence, writes O. W. Fll'ltlns, III Unity . Man "ullds for hlmso\! a cabin to get one, ngalnst th e rain nnd tb e wind. but be hus no soo ner compacted its wall s and stopped Its fisslir s than he pi erces It BABY~ SCALP CRUSTED willi a door thot he may walk forth Into the air, and ijllls It with windows "Our lIttlo daughter, when three that. ev n whil e be lies at rest under months old , began to brealc out on the the thatcb, bls yes may roam ubroad hond and VIe had tho bes t doctors to and soar Into the heave ns. Birtll it· treat her, but they dId not do her any self Is his first grasp of freedom, and good. Th ey said sho had eczema. Her It Is only wh en life leaves him at tbe scalp was a solid scale a ll ovor. The dge of the grave thllt he succumbs to burning and itching was so severe that complete and flnul e nclos ure. Nature she could not rest. day or night. We hil I! housed him In a casing of fl esl! hod about given liP all hopes when we and bon e ; and not content with thl:! read of the ClIticura Remedies. We at he strips the fieece tram the sheep and once got a cake of Cuticura Soap, a the nber from th e pod to spin and box of Cutlcurn OIntment and one bot· weave a little te nem ent of his own HE model at the left Is of pink tle of Cutlcura Resolvent, and fol· which he takes about with him In all volle. The lon g blouse Is gath· lowed dlrecllons carefully. Aft I' the journeys ; but even thus he leaves his ered and has a bertha of luce first dose of the Cuticura Resolvent, fuce baro to the sun and sends bls eye ancl a gllimpo of tulle. The we used the CulicurD. Soap freely and uud ear to tmvel abroad througb short skirt Is finish ed with a appUed the Cullcura Ointment. Then space and bring blm fora ge and booty lace edge and the sash is at she began to Improve rapidly and In even from tbe di stant horizon. ribbon. two weeks the scale came olr ber Man's Contradictions. The next model Is of white serge head and new hall' began to grow. In He bullds his chal et In the valley and Is composed of a skirt nnd a a very short time she was well. She Is now sixteen years of age and a pic- behind the shield of the mountainside, blouse without sleev s. It Is made ture of health. We used the Cutl· but he follows his goats upward to the CUrD. Remedies about five weeks, reg· •peak that while they browse he m!lY ularly, and then we could not tell she overlook the world. He buries himself BEST FORM OF EMMROIDERY bad been alrected by the disease. We In the heort of the prime val forest; used no other treatments after we but always, If he may, by tbe edge at Ribbon Work a Charming Pastime and May Be Made a Source of found out what the CuUcura RemedIes a great stream by whose aid his rart Income. would do tor bel'. J. Fish and Ella M. or canoe may find Its 'way back to the Fish, Mt. Vernon, Ky., Oct. 12, 1009." cities he has left or forward to the un· Probably the expen s e alone keeps pierced wilderness. He frames his houue at oak or of marble to be a fast· many women from takIng up the An Unusual Attribute. Tbls LIWe. Johnnie, who cannot pro- dess for hlmsel! a nd bls sons against beaum'll ribbon embroIdery. nounce S, has been frightened into the destroying centuries; · yet at the Is Idesl work, however, for those keeping out of the attic by tales told same moment he heats water In a who noe!! not con s ld or expense and , by hIs nurse at a dreadful ghost that sealed cbest that the fierceness ot Ita too, fat those who make pln·money lives In the dim recesses under the rebellion may transport hIm to the from tbl!lr embroId ery articl es. They eaves. The other day he was over· ends of the earth. He fashions a make an appeal to th e pnylng puhllc heard to say confidentially to a small church where he may be alone wltb that less fancy articles do not. his Ood; and, to exclude the world For the sake of economy all of th ~ fri end: "We've got an old gho't up In our from his precinct, he makes Its doors ribbon tram an eighth to an inch In musllive and tempers its ~Ight and width should be got by tho piece. attic! .. To which hIs fri end, much Inter· stal oll Its windows ; but straightway. More of the extr mely narrow width s to get back to th e freedom he has lost, will be required. and It Is economy In ested, responded: "Do he uull'?" he draws out Its nave Into columned UJe long rlln to lay In a suppl y of the ais les of noble amplitude, and rounds wanted colors. $100 R.eward, $100. Corded s ilk and poplln are the bes t na ftIIdffll 01 ib~ pape~ will be plealfd to . . . out a mighty dome Into the very Image &bat there II at I....' ODO drea<llld dlJco_ that " " _ ribbon embroidery, hu been ..lIle to .u~ In all lUI I "'!loa. and thaI II and sem blance of the sky he has ex· Dllckgrounds for O&laITb. Ball'I C&l&trb Cure Is onl, poeItlva cluded. lIe rims blmself In the little !tod all t hinner sl\l{s s hould be basted cure 00" kIIo"o 10 tho ml'<:lIca1 frakrnlty. Catantl square of his bed at night. but tho first upon an open weave canvas to ~~:I ~:~~uo~alU'~~ta1r~':": kmaU, aeUIII( dlrecU, upon tho blood and mueo.. s leep which shackles his limbs more orevent their pul\lng and prawlng. c JUrIacee -01 th. S)'Ium. Ihucb y d"I",~DI lbe firmly than Iron Is the door through AIJ short spaces may be crossed on loundatlon 01 the d - ' ILtId !f1"lmr the pallen' his spirit escapes Into the the wrong side In going from flower to atrtD,lb b, buUdlnl UP the ronlltllullon and _ _ ",,' hlcb m"::~~trb ~I~f. I~~~~ :::ni'~~~~I.~:, ~~ boundl ess and patbless kingdom of nower, but for longer distances tht! One Hundrtil Don... lor "DY eaae that Ii IaUI III dreams. Connned In tile body to a dot ribbon Is cut. and a fresh start made eu.nt. BeDd!or nit 01 losUruouln1ll of time and often to a shard of Ilpace, 'lVlth a small knot, both to prevent Add.... F. J. ClIENEY ~ co~ Toledo. 0. Bold b, "II Druclrlllu' 7Gc. he plays with the earth In his mind 8.8 anslghtly drnwlnp; .and as an economy 'hU Hall', Jramllv PIIlI tor CIOllatlpatJoQ. n child with a toy balloon, and his In ribbon. Understood the Sex. Imagination makes the centuries Its That delightful pulred elrect In the His Daughter-Daddy, you were balls or marbles. blossom II will be destroyed If the rib· twenty·flve when this was taken, bon Is drawn too tightly. and all nt· Need of Rest and Security. weren't you? Why, you might have Bllt It be Is born to seek freedom, tempts at fastening ends should be sat for It yesterday. he Is non e tha less filled with tb(. need left until last, abd th e cut ends be Her Fnther-M'yes; your mother's for r!i!st and I!ec urlty. He emerges pasted wIth library paste ·to the own daughter. Well, well, you'll find from the mother's womb only t.o find wrong sIde to Insure flatness of back· It on the table, I think. . hImself with his own consent In tb, -(round. His Daugbter-Flnd what, daddy, scarcely wider Inclosure at bel' arms. darling? Realism In Millinery. On the great prairie he pitches his Her Fnther-The checkbook, my tent or rears hIs house of logs, shllt· Yet another luxury has been Invent· own lamb. tlng hlInself from the. glory of the sky ed for women's benefit. Tbls Is the tllat he may sbleld blmself likewise trimmIng of the hat wltb perfume d boctora Know Soap. from Its terror!\. Adventure and youth flowers . Ask your family physician what be For the use of the woman who Is are strong 'wHhln blm, and he lea vel' ~Inks about~ laundry soap that Is the land tor the free, broad spaces at wearing other than the flower hal, lit· madeor1)()rax, cocoanut oil, clean tal· th e sea. but his first step thereto Is to tie sachets have bee!) made by a well· low and naphtha. He'll tell you lIuch a rim himself In 8 narrow boat, and It known firm. These are stitched in· soap wlll be cleansing, sterlllzlng and he stays aboard for a night he will !ride the crown at the hat to obtain antiseptic. That means ~t w1ll not only root himself III with a cabin that he the "scented hat" eITe ct. make your clothing sweet and clean, !Jut may, screen hlmse!.! from the vastness One of the flrst perfumed flow ers that It will also ' save you trom the he has longed for. tIe loveD, and the which has arrived from Paris was a dangers ot contagion that lie In com· world Is too little (01' his dilated heart; beautiful Mnlmalson cal'na(\on, th e mon ·soaps. Easy Tasle soap Is the only and his next step Is to stake ot:t a plot ;:lerrulne·sachet of which Is entire ly ons that would fill his prescription. and build waJls and carve a root·tree hidd en in Its base. Violets will smell like fresh violets. within which the great world, cosmic His Reason . . or public. shaJl have no license to In· lilies as lili es. and th e sume witb all "How did you come to leave your trude. With the wings which lovo the flow ers all the tIme the hat Is wife In Paris?" gives him he flies ouly to tbe nest: worn, for the scent Is lasting. "She couldn't decide whether she He Is artist and poet; he will put the wanted three yards and a halt or four slty 'u pon canvas, but always within Double Skirt This Year. yards, and I got tIred of wailing:" 11 framo; ho w1l1 let out his soul In As· a natural outcome of the tunic music, but only In the palings oC :den there comes the double skirt, Red, Weak _ WWlIlI'"J.:! Watel'7 £Te •• Relieved By JMurine Jj;ye Remedy. Try verse. Tile mercy at I'ature has madn plaited ond of soft material. It must Murine FOT Your Eye Troubles. You WllI Llk Murine. 1l Soothes. 50c at Your oven .the boundless Ileavens ossuml! under no condition be attempted in Druggists. Wrlto For Eye BookK. Free. to his feeble eyes the aspect of the auy rough, heavy weaves unless the .Murlne Eve Remedy Co .. Chlca,o. ceiling of a habitation . Space for his tub be your Ideal for n sllhoutto. Those who are untrue to themselves sake narrows Itself Into a I'oo.f and Much can be said In favor of the are false to others. the stars which are worlds for his un· double skirt. Tho many bordure mao derstandlng lire only tallers for his . tOl'lnls can be plaited nnd quickly senses. He Is set In the narrow curb fashion ed Into round lengths. . Em· and frame of lifo, lest be should per. broidery, if you ' nre able to use t.wo Ish from tJle mere welgbt of 1m mol" flounces aEl a double slttr". ts not for· tallty. . bidding tn Its cost. Shou.'d we venture too far In saying . In some 'ltlvanco IL.JOels that como that no the Instinct for fre edom Is as heralds . of tb~ ne w styles the rQoted In the soul of man, the Instinct double ,skirt ~ plaited quite full on tor repose .and ehe lter Is . no ·Iess deep. the lower tter with a scantier plait· Iy Imbedded In the body? 'the one Ing of the uversk.lrt. urges 111m ' Into the lonely spaces; the other ne.atles 01'- crouches ' best'de the' . Velvet. In Vogue. ParIs costumers 's how ' many ready· flre. ~s Icing a's man lI ~es , ,t he In.; • IltinCtS ' WTes tl~ v.llth . In.t erqbanglng to;wear oostumos constructed at chIC· . . ~~d death can encl ' the /ltrJt~· Jons, !Ilarqulsettes a~d chiffon 'cloths .. ·.only ~y p'lU'ttn~ t~fl! c~m~at"an~a: ThEf ,bunt o;v~ r ·.sa"t1n fo~ndation8 . . ' bc.dy.~ fi.nlla In ~ho g~ave '~he ot.'solut~.· .. Anotlle.r Paris ~asl1fon fayors the .(1Jld flnal goal of.., It. Instinct ·to,,·ard ..Sf)' 0[,. ve1vets ·tor next tall and ·wln· ", '. ' ()!!cl~uJ:e, and t\le soul reoQh~ ,its ' ,er. :Yelvets 'w ere much In .e.v ldence In ()pmp~~te lIte or'1,ts tottil etr~cenierlt IIi Pa- ls': and o'tlier fashion. centers last th~... at:til~nm~t :ot ~bat. 1IJ1Ilrty 'Which ~all ' .~iid.. ",Inter. Velyelee'u s will Its. asplratl.ons have preftgwoed. . " ·doubtlG8s · participate tJl tbe, increased _ . ,.' . . ' . 'demand, an'd as raw cotton 1s now A" hpppy nature Is a gift . about'·.slxtv '·pet · ce~t. ~lgb~ : than It 1I~.'l!1~"'w,,,.!'.! , b '; It. b .-also .a:gr:a.ce, and. there:-' ', ail at ~ Is· 'tlm'e lalit: year, prices of "tqr~, be" c~1Uvat':d·. and aCQulre'd' ..IUliS ·.~el.e~~e~& . s~eadUy' adv~D~IpI. It. a},iould. 1!,e a (lltftn,te aim' with 'those , '. ' ...,"" " , .'.' . wbo ar,. triilolq " .cbUd•• ~Luc7 '&.out" Be1~' I!ot:~ tn m~'. ~es 10 d.l rect b7. ' ." ~ . . . . . - . , tQntraa.t to .~e CO\lt aD!! .alm ~ . ItIUite4 .nb '' ''aiet and aId..t Ill.....






Your Liver is Clogged up


Many wom n who suffer with back· a che, bearlng·down pain, headach s and nervousness ' do not know that That's Wb, You',. Tired-a.. . . I these ailments arc u SlIally due to Sorta- Ha"e No Appetite.. t ruuul with the CARTER'S kid ne ys. D a an ' s UVER Plll.S Kidn y Pills reo wiU put you right mo\'e the cause. in .. I",., d"yt. They do Mrs. Jo s o ph Cross, Chur h St., their duty. ewe Morrlllon, A I' k . , CODltip •• says: "For we ks !loa, 8i1. I was b nt doub le ioalDell, Ino!iaeru.., aDd . by pai n In my back SMAlL PIll. SIIA1.1. D051;. SIIl4lL PlJCI and tho k idney se· GENUINE mUlt bear .ignature: cretions w ' rc profu se. ~ ry f c t and ankles were badly swollen aud r had headac hes and dizzy spell s. Six doc· tors treated me withou t I' lief and I Shoe Bolls, Capped Hock, Bursitis finally b gan taking Doau's Kldn oy AR E lLA)(V '1'11 t · t: Itt; , ret, Pills. They c ll red IU ." ABSORBINE. n member the n ame-Doan 's. For salo bv all de nIers 50 cents a I wIll ro,"n'o u,J)oe8 .. u nntl 1o'!lYe , .. I n o lllrru'lollrft. IIUt. hll Abox. Foster·l\Iilburn Co. Burrola N , Y. l"r ur r,'wO vo t h " blllr. t:ur •• ,


_ _ _ _ _ _' _


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Description of a Mounta in. ".JImmy" so ld th e tl!achcl' ' "",lIat Is , ope?"


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M ,I n ufIH' lurl',lll nly


. A ca pe Is land exle nding Into the II. /'. YUCM ' . r·. Il . r .. sau 'It.vl. b.. , " 1,,"'.0<111, . . . . wat r." - - - - . -.. - -- -. -- - -- -"Correct. William, defin e n gu lf." 18 WHAT WE CAN SAVE " A gllif is wate r extendin g into the YOU ON ANY BUGGY I!l nd ." TOP Huggil!S. Ru oabouts. "Goad. Christopher," to n small. , arls an \1 ""·allons. _ eagel'·looklng boy, "what Is a mou n· \Vbeels,TopTrimmiolls, tain 7" . . Writ" lor Prices Christopher shot up from his seat TEL. CAlUt 2m BUOB & SCHEU CO. so s udd enly as to startle th e teacher, 400 Court and Broadwa, Cinci nnati, Ohio. nnd pr()lIllltly res pond ed : "A mountain with box plaits. whlcb are trlmmeO Is I ud extending Into tbe air" 0'0 40'0 ~~, '.;, ~CC~~~'I~r~ ,I • ,I l Hlnk wbeu you with an mbroidery In colors. Tha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . can buy Important to Mothers \Jnd l'bloll se and 81 eves aro of tucked Examin e CUI' fully every uoUle at white batiste. Th belt 10 of pa ton t CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for SII Per Cent Real Estate Bonds1 lea th er. lofants aud chlldren, and see that It B s id". s barlng In tb e IlrOUIS o f '" great cor· porlHlo n. Write for fnl particulars. D e pt. K. Th Ullrd mode l Is of strawberry Dears tb e ~ ~/fY;'--­ DEBENTURE CORPORATION OF NEW YORK colored volle. Both blouse a nd skirt New Yorll Olt)' S34 Fifth Avenue are pla ited. Th e bertha and glrd l are Signaturo Of~~ at silk embroidery. The yoke Is at In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Dou\:ht. lace.




Quite a Job on Hand . "What's h is bu siness?" WORN BY FASHION LEADERS "Well, as near a s I can malte out he Is matrimoni al agent for his two New Ideas, Both In Materia ls and daughters."-Stray Stories. Makeup, Mark the Styles of the Scalion. SUCCESS FOIt SE\ 'ENTY VEAItS

~hl lfll th o r ec:o rd o r J"" ' IIk. ' "~r ,J'trf'1/lJU1JI,'/' A flO-

Woolen knitted coats In light colors c:':~1:la1~~~1rigi ~~~~~~':in'!!. fi~~~n~~d\k~"el ar extr mely popular. They reach A smil e that won' t come olT soon be· a lmos t to the h em of th e skirt and comes monotonous. are In the pales t and mo st deli cate shades , as w 11 as In tb e usual scarlet and navy blue colors. Prelly and Inexpensive drellslng Toll, says the proverb, Is the sIre of gowns are mqde of cotton volln In tam e.-Euripides. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 23-1910. lav end er, l)lnk or plgeon·blu e. Cot· tall crepe Is also used. They arl!, at course. not so warm as woolen and , flann el kimonos, but are much pret,~, ALWAVS SU\' lHE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ~~ . tier and daintier. Medieval reception gowns are much the rage · th is year. They are greatly m()dlfied, of course, though they stili retnln enough of t he medIeval not to give a certain romantic eerect. They arc most of them made with tight· fltllJ!g tran sparent sleeves and oval. sqaped yokes, fini shed at the throat with a rather hIgh collar band. The material Is of ve lvet, cashmere or crepe de chine, the skirts us ually d c· MANUFACTURED BY THE orated with · heavy embroIderies and draped at tbe knees. • Satin reticules to match every dress Is the lates t craze In hand bags. - Sunday Magazine of the Los An · geles Herald.




CO. ~


The original and genuine ~yrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, known throughout the world as the best of family laxatives, for men, women and children, always has the full name of the California Fig ~ Syrup Co. printed on the front of . . every package. It" is for sale by an leading druggists everywhere, size only, regular price SO per bottle. The imitations sometlrnes offered are of Inferior quality and do not give satisfaction; therefore, should be declined.

Curious Materials. The Introduction of an odd bit of material Ilpon a ver:, usual dress Is one of the new notes In dressmaking. There Is, for Instance, red felt aD broadcloth-a bright flame red or an English pink-the merest patch or strip of It with a raw, cut erlge as the one spot of color on a shepherd's plaid costume trimmed with blaC K satin. Chamois with cut edges appear on another, and strange us It may seem, Ihe dress on which 'It was used was a lavender linen. Colored Lace Veils. I3rllllant green lace , deep myrtle, rose nnd other colors ure fr ee ly uscd as cUl'rlage or. motor v li s nnd nrc well liked. Green Is uni ver sally lilted. possibly because tbe co lor Is restful to the e yes. The veil s are heavily decorated, so much so, In fact ,that features [Ire conceuled a lmost U~ thoroughly as It heavy crepe was wort.




Glorious Colorado No . one can say he has seen the world he has seen "(Jolorado."


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• And now 'comes the- "cbantecler" parasol; whIch realiy' 'soems more ap.. pro'p rlate tHan 'the " "Chante~ler" .;hI\tl and. veil/!. T~e1 ar~ shown In white. t~ ,anll lP'een, wlt\1 all ~prts ot g~1 pluma,,!!! .blrds disportIng t,h emselver -on top. A few · of- U1!1m' m!,de t.,IIelr . Initial uppM'rance' on' AtiAAtlc dlt,.. ~ walk In ~~tterpar.aclo.

. AI" about ~ pe~naU)' , . . ~odilCted toun to Yenowatooe ,NStiQna1 .Park'

For fun liuqrmatlo·o . tickets, etc., address

E. L . LOMAX, G. P. ·A. . .U!llQn R. R. Co. . O~ Nebraska


, .1


- ---- -



Cou nty Cou rts

Alb" I:.t i. ~ ~Il


Ij.:ht>y , :!li,

1)!li ll ~

I, I 'tlrrol lt D tl tlu l\ln~ gl\nJ t

-_. -, --.


r llf lnll),o

' Pre~ iden t's


Repo rt

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OT BUY A METT ER Boy lr." ] ' ' IIC Ll'btLllon , . ' 11 J I " , T' L ' l tl ' .,,' \uborpr of LebCo n m on Pica s COll r t, " I Ill' Ill\- IlIH1 vleu. a 1'::\ III eu • • nl ,l , I , t,~., TH AN , . t '1Io 'l1no" n o' Vlll llll ,~~, ,).) (If I', iiI>' 'Ilio n fl n(1 .I!L' I0 1•a J , n . . yo • nr ' tlftllllt! on ,n \' ( 'I k,.. ew ui ts IIn(lll11)1r,)\I(llil nt 1I1 01l1-t the I Ill' f- tmnkll u , I hrr\' L H osnc r IlR, ;L;" dUIl,Ii,t villi, )1I1((i , lillt ,1 I' l '''lI I' \V ' l' F, M. nnui og ltum, \y, ~', Eltlf.rot h t ,I ' . , . "I, 1PrJuu" \\' 1\ ' th (' (I \\'n ~' r IIf thl'C" . 11 .11 , IUl i>:.u n " Bud 'Y . 'b e~ll'r !\l!1I)ll~ , plllintll1'" V!! I f :\! Il rrow lIotl L ,1III 11" , fl' tllll1~ "j (t lnlll~ lJ \l r III ~ .. "l"" 1I11:l Wl110 , ' 11",(,111 aud LOYI X, (lnst,iu , " f ':'Ilull' ll \\', I 1 tl 01 11 I ht 11 11th 01 t h \:' d ill' ndlLnts , PAtl1 iun fur 111 on 11,\' I'll /ll, IIIH 1(' Rea l Es(ate Tr.msfc r • The Paint possess ing every essent ia l quality . II"S oILlllliu u hold hlo SllIlIll tl'IlCt.1 clllllllOd t o lit' dn f'l r s(>f vic Ii' r II Nothin g in it but what .should be there. Oil tit, . I,\1Ih ~1(1 (II tlH' pilH', j\ /.!I'I:'P I el m'eel in Ihe 1I1ll0lln t o f :j:I" O. EIllll1a Y I)111('e Iw(l ;'yru W , II hl" t,n lml h partiE' II (10nl l'lI t w ~ Nothin g lac k lng that will Impro ve it. YUUIll'S t o l1l'Or1-{O H, Mo n tgulIll'T, . mild, IIl,ddug ' I I e n~lII (:t. Ilf t h e Pigme nts sc~tifica l1 y com bl n e d , a n d f inely ground in Pure Co urt P r occcd in jls. tnl c t" ill WII!'ltin g t 0 towns hip. $1 '11Ir!ls\'illo 1'011 (1 111(' linn ThiS HI' Linsee d Oil, rinn (),,:wIIII! n nd Mflry Knopp YS .J o"P)11t K nopp (' 111'terl'll , r ,lo g'('IlW n l VI" I,b 1'011 1'11 full con 11 h':i111f1tfl C' k-Frono h l\l uEt ll rKit III' ('ou rl oru r;~ lIl'ff'nll llll\, to I'll)' Wi, 'l)II1 JHlll ,\', l ot III Lehnllll trlll of 1111 IIHl ~rtlllll d IYlug D. $1, f I(Joll tlgn. 1 plnilJtif i' snm of ~~ ~, I ' {' ,,-, Unru r s 111111 J.(l11!1 IJUl'Ill'S III Ill! " h, IIIH h llH]" riOI'll! 0 I 10 r Ollu, M ay m e Mdi:lwl li ll \' s .. E£lrl )1 );;1 ' ~lllrv IIml l . .1, l-Illll1('lI IlIbl", qUIt l'illilll !l ll ll IbllY ut , 1II 0 , ' IJU;':II!l tu Clllllr I w tdn , Div Ol','O gralll,l<1 on !;rllllDLL un t ~u c t til Ilu r ltlll that outwe ars all others , and that in wearin g away dOt:s so tLl ~ll sh il" 1 WIIV lhuuld l' u bLl:l h, I' ' I",)ving I hu g rad uof g l',,,,>< II l'glec t of dnl Y !lilt! (, Il ~t o(lj' .John :-<Il'urt'r IIIHl ~lill ['VII ::.ill'urol' nn :-;!'g h II ,v 11'1 U, IIIU Il I{ til ' But-ir e lin e a lly leavi0l r n pencct surfac e for re paintin g. of l hilllrel1 gi \'(\11 to pllliut lO'. , to J UU,..OIl " Ull lln l'lI, lots ill C~'l.lld of th e r UI ul RIHI IIdor)) I li n SlIm e w ith Annn Lvtle ~h\ll't VEl , H lIry C" 1 I "1 fOR SALE BY • (I\'(~rgl'etlllS !t nu o rn lu nen lnl sh r ub .. , . lUll , ,, . oh I1rtR A nul], Dnn n Olall A !JILrtV J u h I! , y , R e t./lll io k t o Adum B, A jon" ttt l'l te ll of llll !' b wir e fp IJ('p d e fon ufmt.. Court onlor. d efenunnt l '10rl'I" ~ Ilrlll .1.. An llil Bl.lIlO, ]711.7,1 "-/I I'~TII () v l'd 11 nel r ppillcfld w it h I hp l o sU jJIJOrt c hildro n during lJ' u tllm ry t~ " 1 ~. rno"t Ilwt\prn Amen('1 I1! \\love n \\'11' 1 ' LIl'rot; III cuun y, ' W ayne sville Nmll' or witlliu c lo"6 ru o~e of I,hl' of 'IlS , O h io " I ,Jus ph Will Inns 11111] E . ,1. \ Yat eutrnno Lydiu E V,ln Eln r hn os t l1 Ihtl g r uunt!s ge n , tho uoard U.UHe , k ' . t B l.J 'fUlIIel' truet iu county t I ItlS u . , uduptOI! t h o idl'1I of 11 WHII ro n s l'l'l' t I:ll\t t led Ulllldis llli d, eLl {Ju{J lu r uoa l'd fou j U p ll intPIl l 1I \, A LUE OF A SOW FlonlDc f' v Alo u zo ' n o rs d 1'0 1\ 0 k t o Fred J Leigh t , I th D ivo r ce granted un d, us to uy of ulld' rA nt,tr llctivl', T it" "'o w t hn t. b r ill/!'" I \\' 0 t ' nnu. JJ"I'~'\'t, l ot~ I' U "·ru.u " ll' u PUI'l) W Iitt', n~ ch I II ..: u '" ~ ildre n given t o l>ll1intl ff , " And :lin e t,h H c:I1'l lI~H !l ICI tl y o f our II YC'/I!' !lu ll no ur ll:!hes t. lu m \\'ll n u "1 f I .. I{" 1t!I'c " ' o rtll t \\" 0 1' h 8 r1 esMolt r\" , Oui sy ' touo(1t ul lot OWIlOI'~ h ll \ ' 0 contl11f1uttHI a " (I I', I I "x ", p , ' , ; " ' I U· r!...uc h t bl' e tIm es pork " prices, h o wev r Coln'ml-SSI'oncrs ' Procced in"s. C our t g ra nts 1:) (11t..Ys to (jlIe pelt. tri nbly g ou t b bOlln1", ' jndgme nt .. ChRf I' 1 I :-le ve r fli tteD • le Burrou 17bs vs, V illnge vUlr w e 11 1'0 In l-nllHlug o ur pnrc h:J!>e I1 g I pI 1'>' lIl UY I ll> b l k ,. f . Frankl in . Jndg ru..e,Dt of m u vo rof B ill sBurr et Bro . , 'i1 nu s , o r of Jl n w 'r,; , Om' Iti lU ill to Ii ' P I he:< o .vuu r r e I ' II 11 ' \ ttl \7 'tll' l' t o til I {l ~o\V!l lin t Ii bl ,f ' court con fi r med, Builito r " (\,30; <:1 , RoWStllI a bll , Jnl'Y "to ru u o,l,;, U t,h!lt 1\I'tl 80 till 'r et! t o u ll o f Ie fl' II_ _ P __ _ _ __ _ comm ission $1 ; W . ~ , e c ,AlID1~ r UI:I, al:! ueHut,i f u l U'lU jiloll1ling til \VA YN ESVIL LE Cl1UR, CH E$. Probate Court. ~t5 i M, " W ikorr, II llm e f(j; I, F , loour pa t rons ll!' uu r 1I1f'll ns will 1 ('\ 1'_ _ _ _ _ __ Is your year up for 1 Bigony , s um e , $6 ; E. C, T b om p, o n , llIi t , Uut' oX l'e nditn r os fOl' 1'IIn Esta te of Sil us Kette r mnn, do , med ioul sorv ioos, St. August ine's Catholi c Church . ' 15; r... t r Il:! 1I 11c1 o ruum e otB.1 shr u bs t.h ls !-'"I hc r (icon: \! Mul't:nho dcl'. oeused , Fir t n ud, fi na l ncco o n t u.p. B OIl S('\, mea ls fo r juror s 20 ; Lob \vIl S :foli.; i 11 1l we l':! to ti ll cv"ry ,ccunJ Sumlu\, of l he luolllh aL prlJved , a llowed und confirm ed, !Ln on n t io nal Btlnk, re n t fo r sa fety on r VIl SO!l u o n II do r n o ur b nB will I' : UII a, w , E s tate o f Chris A , G r ot-e, d eceased d e p b ox , i V uIJ t hlln %::;0 tlVo it e,u£I St. Mary's Episcop al Chu rc h. Fir t a nd fi nal acoo un t appro v ed, a l. Co,,' r en t an d t olls, ~3, ey T e le phone no t be 1 5; Dan Arth ur Ill0 QO 1Illl Kine; II totuli of ~ ll j , 'Tb l o wed and con fi rmed. bridge r e pnirs, " 2fi i 'V, C, Turton , oonditi on nnu ILppear I!P\' , J I-' !,,,,tw allu(\c r, HI' llll', nn o o f th e et:! m , ,Es tate of Frunk J ohnson , d eoe!\sed 001\1 f or cour t b (l u e , $1'\ !,;ulHl:l\, S,' hnul 0 ' :11) IL, UJ ~I ril ing, r flO; J o hn A, et r y mu!! t a ppaul to IllI lLlike fl' llm ..-tc '. IU :;)O:l., '" , lIoly O' OIllUlll olI the !lrsl FIrst a n d final aeooun t approv ed , ai , Hites maD , s ervices on s(lld iers burial t he noi v r aul prui!;6 thut we I'ocfliv e " ulllluy ul l'ach 1110mb . If it is, we have a giltlowed Bud oonfi r m ed , I oommi ssion , $3 i E d mond R e t a l- f ro m our Bum r o n v isito r s The Estate 0 ' Wi lbur Morton l'~ aI , liok, sam e, $ 1 i A , Co llie edge , prop ositio n to Met hodist Episcop al Churcb . r, s ume, $-1.; board , officer!!, n nd employ ees RI'e minors . 1I'0 0r , h aoooun t, approv ed Mbimp & Zimme rman, n ov, u , W, D'uiley, l'o.stor, We can offer you good olothin g for r n de r ing t h e h e t erv lee in e uc h offer you. This is a ,' u"Iln,\' 'clIDe)l . Il ::\(J a, tn , ~Iorlllnll' sc rallowe d Ilnu oonfirm ed : , ,-tcc, 1 0 : l.)U a . Ul . pris one rs. ,5 i Frank Zell, land up- of their cllpacit ies t E{) WO rL} ) r.. CI. ~UC I 7 : 0(1 1)Payin g E mpl oy me nt o mainta in t h e 1/1 , I,; \'cn lll l: ~e n'l grea t pape r, an d evEsta.te of Bel le RoblDe oD, 1mbe- priliser , $24, M; FruDois Curroll , up , pre ent hi g h Rtlt n da rd , lt.nd it Idl'o rull I'r tye r Meetln '. 7 cpc, , m-;-, ; 00 p , Ill , ~J hlw C k that you wlll enjoy and oile. Fourth acooun t appro ved , ul_ pruise r, $24 tiD:. ta te of Ohio VS, Bid 0\ plea s nre onoe mOl'(I to m e ntion ery, farm er oug~t to l owed and confirme~. at home , W rite to-day Christi an Churel l. Pope, oos~, $3 75 i J, W, McCmr y, po bliol y tb e vtLlllUble e rvi ce renfl o\', . Esta.te of Wilhel mmB. Romoh r de- burilll o f Hllrve Mmi t.. O. Thompso u, J'nsl.Or, have it in his home . t h, $75 i C , S, dar ed b y o ur s npe r int,6nde ot, Mr , illhlo S boot. D:ao l n. m. Social mooting, Address oeased. !:)eoond and final a?o?un t Roo khill , admini s I 0 :3 U (\. m , ChrisLiIll\ :U~nueu \'or, 7,:O U p , Ill. tering plls t e\ll Cast , an d we ext e nua w o rd o f prai se ~ernlO n by Com e in and we will p ru;tnr, ~"ery Inltcrll MC Suuday (\~ a.pprov ed t1110 wed and confir~l ed. t r eatmen t, $100 i Wa.rren The Butter lck Publis hing Co. R ose, bourd t o our supe rintend ent 's assi~t-llnt, 10: 30 n , Ill, null 7 , aO p , m . I Dutte rlck Dulldlll il. New York, N. Y. Esta.te of Ma.y Mounts nllnor . M6 ; W, R 60el P ost, m e morinl day I Mr, R oy h e no weth . The bOll rd Hicksit e Friends Church . B;xth aooo•• , opp,ov.d, allo w.d ,, ... i John K. n I P u.t, fee Js g rtlRtly favore d by hlLvi ng such I"ir~ l Day M~c ( I Il ", 111 :00 n, m , ' FlI;s t Day , ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ and oonfirm ed , ~ct ool. J I ;0(1 :1, Ul . l"nunb Day Me" L l n ~ \ Sllme, $25 ; Inquell t over body of worthy men to ca re fo r the s aored I U :00 a, In, Esta.te of Andrew Baird, de ceased, Duaiel Leer , ~,ijO i Frank p, Eorg y, trust. 'rwelft h a ooount approv ed, allowed horses !lnd vehiole 'Ortho dox Friends Church , s, $ 25 i Bam D. it. Mince ou'r lust meotir;lg the board HAT HAW AY n C\' Bcnjamin H ;twkln , Pu8tor, and confirm ed, Heokle fees and expens es, *50,!5 ; and m e mbers o f the For fUrth e r inform ati' n, ado .. a 8ooilltio o have !;abb:nh ' chool , 1/ :;10 a, m, RCj( clturoh Estate o~ Eliza J , .Murph y, de- ~,penoer WI\ .y '.les ville's Lelldin p- Dentls t Monroe , lumber, '63 2,74; m a t with an irrepllT able loss by B cn-lce. brisllau l~lldCa\'or· 1 ()ffi ce i1\ K eys B ldg. the -; :;j 0 p , u:10 ,QO II, ID , oeased, First and final aocoun t, tlp John W, Jones, paperin Muln at g, $75 ,05 ; of Mr. John Tuc ker , The lo t proved , allo Ned and oonfirm ed. Lebano n Ioe and Coal Co., coal and olV~ers of Massie townsh ip mnny Estate of Barrle t .It1. Smitb, de- ice, $12, 50 ~ E. p, Forgy, Wayn esvill e, Ohio boardin g yea r:! ago sel ected Mr , Tuoke r to ctmse~, First and Unal flCCOU~t ap. pris oners, '2il 50; The Wester n Sta.r, repre s ent thei r intere sts in the p illc o proved , all owed and confirm ed, indexin g slips, '30; s n bsori p tion to of ~Vm, CJ e livBr, deceus ed, The Esta.te of AmtlDd ll M, choell, de- .ltmuur y, 1911, ' 3; Xenia Workh ouse bOlll'd kn o ws best tLOel will tesUfy oea.sed . 'rhird aClloun t upprov ed , boardin g pril'!one r g, '7.75 ; W . R , t o Mr , Taoker 's real w orth, When allowe d !lnd confirm ed , Jackso o (,~ Son paint aud supylies , iu h alth h e WIlS seld om I1bRent tit Esta te of Margar et A. Whlt aoro, 'G, 62 ; LehllOo n GaM 0 0" g as fo r j a il , the r g u lu.r meet in g, He WIIS d e ceBsed, First accoun t approv ed, U,75 i Lewis Drake, Q.pprllis er, , a 8,50 chairm a n o f the oomml t tee on nv Illlowe d nnd confirq led. Inq uest over denrt body of James l::i n u P li'Dd :!h!l,red the r sponsi bilitie s Estote of Elizabe th Randal l, de. Wintro w, $ 10,75 i George W, Cu.r ey With' Mr, R . y , Colle tt' lD tbe oure cea~ed . Seoond a nd final accoun t, inquest over body of Charles Knox, und ke eping o f o ur bnildin gs. At approv ed, allowed aud oon~rm ed. ~v. »ti ; GILllion Irl)U W orks, sewer tbe sugges tion of many of tbe r e pr e Estate o~ Mary F, Itetalho k, de- pipe, ' 137,70 , , , sentllti v e p eople of Mllstlie towotlh ip ceased, F irs t und finalac oount RP • t he boardn ppoint e d Mr . Samue l ElJiR proved , ullowed Ilnd pOllfi~med, A Woma n's Oreat Idea t o a s ume tbe duties left by Mr for Feeble Old People , Delicat e Childre n, Weak, Run-do wn . Estate of WilliaD l J, Retnlli ck , de · i bow to mn,ke herself att raotive , 'rucker , until th'e annual me~tit;lg, oeused. First and flna i llocoun t u.p, But withou t beilltb Person s, and to Counte ract Cbron,i c Coughs , Colds and , It il> hard for We glad t o 81ly Mr , Ellis bus proved , nHowed and oonfirm ed. Bronch itis, is because it combin es the two \nost worlQ-f amed ber to be lovely iu fuce , form or proveu himself , in the' short time of temper , A w etlk, siokly w o roun ~m tonics - the medicin al, stre ngthent ng, body-b luldmg elemen Marriage Licenses; ts be n er vous tLod iuitl.l.b le , Constlp~- servioe , a vulunbl o ucquisi tion to our of C~d Liver "Oil and Tonic Iron, without 0~1 or grease, J , Walter Smitb 22, engine er of tion and Kidney p ois ons s bow \0 boul'd, I.I.nd trm!t h e mny be ei e<?ted tastes good, and agree s with ever! o ne. Wayno sville a nd Llluri• .A , Werntz , pimple s , bl otch tls, Rkin ~ ruptions t o It fu ll te rU!. , Ilnd n. wre t.ohed oomple xlOn, Bat 19, of Corwin . J . 0, Cartwr ight" trellsur er of t,he We return your money wit~out q,!eati on if Vinol Eleotrio Bitters III wuys prove a g odsend t o women who wunt hea.lth , a ssooill tiotl , will ,r e p does not accom pliah all we claun for It. ort [,his atterbeauty and fri e nds , 'I'h y r~gul!\.t o nv OD the tiD!Lncia! oondlti o n of the J. E. J ANNE Y, Drug gist, Wayn esvill e. sloPl>I'd III ~rnluute!l Stoml1ch LiveI' tlnd K idneys. pU,n fy ol'glwilr.Q,ti ou , !\.nd I know thut yo u HUrl) wilh Or. :Shoup'!I the bloQd gi va ~ tr ull g ne rves, brIg h t will r ej oice with u C roU )J HI woo)', One s to le urn that eyes, pure bre llth , s nlootb , vel vo ty tc,1. will Burel» p ro\'o. 1'b I e N,~ . omitW!1, 110 di .. s k in 10 vely onm plexloD, goo dhelllth , not.wit hs t/lnding OUI' tress. A 8 11 .... I\Ud " lonsing s),l'Up-OOo.. D~&.L I a rlt exp 11,l'l'Y \-,b em. 50c Itt ,li'. C , Shwllr t z 's, ditores l)n impr o ve m en ts of OUI' Bow To Find Out. - - • g l'o uucls oucb y ar, W H nr tl ou th e Pill a botUeoTcommon glass with your WHER E EVE RY DROP COUNT S W ILY ol'ea.tin g a s urpl us th l1t p oint l:! water and let it sta ml twenty- four hours; t o t hl:l lIcCllll1ulut.i OD o f U u t 1I bri ck dust sedi' ~r I ' . f lIIcllt, or selt li ng, I n t h e Y ukimlt. >uII A)" \ a s 11l1g- fund t h (lt w ill rnllk tl U 9 in 1I UTI I' o strin gy or llI ilky to n w h ere tl> f\ big!l}Jp les l1l' e g ro wn , tilll tl lJl'll cl i 'Idl y su lf Hll p() l't i ng oul r appcara nceofte n ulld lJetll'in g orohard s sell at $1,000 ~i u(~ of our Y(,II l'l,V l'eoeiJl l~ Y o u r indicates a n U IIIrrigtl t ioD h ca llil Y condi. un uc r e, rain is scar co, ' t el El 'l'rell!l ur ol' willl'l:lP01't In u e nss tion of the ki d- il:! praotis ed eve r ywher e, But n olV £lil OV 7a t ill I.I Ul OUqt d oe!> not iu n '\'5 ; desire t oo fre(I1lellt to and then durin g t he gro win g l:ma 80 n elurl e Olll' illl (Jle lll on t !! tlnu S \lpl'li o~, '" -,_ _ _ pass I or paID In tI. , 't " " Il'g ht min will fnll for the back are al so sym ptollls that,te ll you utes, Th ese rnill S llre a fe w min nlilkill " /l. co n Re l' vlLli ve inv e ntol' Y o f ALL ' FOR; hi g hly pl'i~Btl , our t'J'ftlc t!l, tlnd the pro fi ts fr OfU OU r the kidneys andion, blailih:r are 'Out of 'O rde r f or Jrnga and need a ttent ' ' t 1011 ' wa t' er ilO m e ll,l> ul'eu SU1)1>II'e~" '\' 0 11111 11[)r oid):lIll te aD illONLY What '1'0 Do. olosel y, und sE'r ved to oa ch u se r io v es tme n t of !ji()50. This amo un t There is <!Otpfort ill tbe kn owledge S'O p r opor t ion to h is nCl'eugo , add ed t o the ne t II Sl:!e ts . ns r e PGlrte d'1 oftell ede, g reat ~hat kiDr. S wamp.exprcss Root, th dney Kilmer' remedy,s _ t s umme r u frui t ~rower wh o m t'• kes_ the g rnnu t u ta l $11059 73 , fulfills almost every wish ill c'Orrecti ng own ' 40 nores of o r ollind Wil l> re· G oiug ouok t o th e r e port of last year rheuma tism, pain in:r),the back, idninary eys, J'oloin g in o n e of th ese pre cipi ta wa Cl80erttl ill liver, bladder ~nu en pa rlof thekur to t u, 1 !18sets were " passage . Correc ts illalJili trto hold wa ter tlOllli of U1ol~tor , wh tlll on e at' bis ~585' 77, showin g ItO increaS e of this McCa ll's Maga Is n large , artistic, handsom ely aud sClLltliog pai n in pm. lUg it, or bad bit· d m ell e nter ed the illustrat ed hundred zine -page monthly n~agq~iue. It conhOUtl8, y ear over lo s t o f :1\201, 9j). ' I tafns sixty t'e\ v Fas hion DeSigns i n each. issue, y woman effects followlllg usc, of li quor, wiue or I , \VbV dor. 't yo u s tlty out in t,he need!! It Cor up-to-d,a te N umhe r of lots sold, ,:1; grave ' beer, and overcomes that unpleasu nt nef.ashions . eutertai ning stories lind complet e informa tion Qn a l\ home ces~ity of being compell ed t o go often rain ?" inqnire d t,h n ·frUit Over one ' milliol) g row e s r llbscrlbe , ri g lits, 7 ; numbe r ,of sltlte V: llult s, rs. through t he ooy, Hud to get lip mnny Home and F Reg ula,r pru:e, 5 _ce nts ~, ~opy, Magn2,lOe, 'Oh. t hut 's all right, II ' r eplied t he 14 Worth dOuble. the i numbe r of 'b uriuls, JII!!t yea r ;', 60 i .. tengeff~ct of ,swamp . immedia t imes duri t ill! ni!{ht. ,z _ i s The ·~oot. " mild a nd Ol un . ' A II' ttl" lik e thlLt d oe n 't totR'1 u umbe r L b Ul'ials on reoord 'M,eC,a ll Patte r..s , The 'Miam i Gaze t.e 600n realized . It , taaUs the hig he's t be- bot.h r m e ubi : can \vork ri g ht 3,G26 , . : . " So simple cnu;;e o.f its t cDlQrk'llJle · · ,Oil ' cannot them: along 'J' U, t the IlUl e, o j ' One of the- hest ' in this part of You Ilre ' p-xIJe, c ted ' t_0 eleot ., thi!l af' Absolutely al:curate, - In style, Irreproachable, h ealth propJhe State. • thc;news tlml's fit'tn print ertjes, If YOI1 occ'd a " 'l 'hn.t isn 't the point," You may selICt, free, any McCall Pattepn ypu. Intere ,ting ,and t ornooo t bref·.'tru stees, one treasnr er Uled icinebeYOI! de ire from _ first num her of, the magazine every Warne ville hople. ive: in , the 'run h or, , Nex.t ,titll El' it 1'8,lns; havet.he t , should Id by Regtl\ar pnce,able OD.e olerk. " .$ l.OO ' , I 1 io\'hich Regular pm:e,-1 cents', d per year. . ' druggists ill fi ft y-cent , 5 , you ao m e into the h()ose, wan ,au,d one-<iQIlQr sizc8" s ubml tte , tbat wa-t er OD' tlhe tand 1"-Yo nt.b 'N ' You m:iy ll(lve lIl'RtllpleH.'''ql bottl~ 1:;, Lev , C~rtwri81It. Pres. , . . I , • _ • : Add" . , D, . Co., Bmg. . ' . . )i(\UltQ o,N. Y. l\! cntion this fll peroud . m.rk CaD at. _ , or ...... . _ ...... to THE I' GAZETrE, ~t owith abiroh l' , ' , . RO()t, lindcverybo the address, . .' 13iugha mton, ' tl I'fi ' ve y,~ Oil 'people in it. cansan a..tory. ttU\ rod. , ' . ',.









"Th e Mad e to ' We ar Pai nt"



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The Ohio farmer


Are You Loo king lor a Posi tion ?




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Talk it Ove r

__ H.E.

Miami -Ga zett e



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ThoDsands Haye Kidney Trouble and Neyer Suspect It.


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One Year's Subscription 10" McCall's M~oazine ,Any ' 15· Cent McCall Pattern, you . may ' select One Year's -Subscription lor Miami Gazette




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DON'T' MIss _' TH'I'S,' EX ER' . "',TRA ,' ORDI'NARY . '. '.OFF ' ' . of1ice

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(1III.,IJro>lpel'l UI"l'lIl' flU witb n oruI1l1 Yltl ll, l OU pe l' 0011 t . itlltt'8 uf S ub8cril ltion . uorH.I· ", prll!lpe{'t. uompllr d with ~1111'.t" I~: I':'.:' ~Nl l'l e ll ~' ill UtI'"II1'O ): . . ... ,. , 1.11 11 mill ylt' lcI , ' Hl PI1I' Of'nt.. ' H ~ . II ~ ,.. . ... ... . . , U6 . _ _ .. __ _ _ _ . .. _ _ . \\ int ur BlIl'l tl \', prOl' lhlot oo mpured co'" () f 1\Ad vt~ r t " I wilb [1"'-01111 "it'ItI, 1'<4 PAr cl1 n t.. I'at ~ ISing . , ~ prln :.; H'II'I (1Y , ',)l'II"I,uc; L 1:" II1I).nl'ml U I'1\ d l ll ~ 1.,U'a l ~ . 'kH' Hill' . . .. . . . fH' 111'11" "' ': 1."'·IIlh. b ind, (U'·I· . I"'r lI'h' , . "" . with u Ortll ll1 Yll11rl \Ill Jlur cnnt.. I'III,.,;IIIIJ( I .\\ls . 110 1 I II " X''I'cd III" hll\'~ 'lovl1r, 11I'II>l PPet, (lulIlJJllretl witll ' I'lirev I n MC I· tj( J U,.; , • • " . . . . . ~~H IIlo illl ll l'leg . II .., IIII'II"S r,.,.\! ; ",<,,' Ih . n OI'O\,,1 :y iolll , till IJe r eOllt. I ncllt~. p.'r linc . . . . . .. . ~, . Tim oth y, lJ\' n~ p ec t ('orupllrfld wi l,h , 'lIrd or Lllllnl," . . .. . . . . . . . .. ... .. . ~ :, ' : n or llll.ll yie ld , ;j per Ce nl.. I( U61)\lIl io ll ·" ..... ........ . .' ... • . . . • . . . ' OOc Suduls .. t,·. ,,1I, 'ru .. lillrllO I. IIIIHI.... . ~ 3ITiUl llthy, dllulU ged lJy g rub wornl. Jli ~ plll Y ,\,11 e l'l b ill l( I'U I' 1111'11. . . . Ilk ' iI P r ce nt., Jl I:lcullI ,l s 1(111'" ,,', ",," II·urt. l:i og~, feu for ~ \lnl\lHl r ulnrk otA, 3!l JlOI' ce n t . Hogtl, cOlllli tlO 1l oompa re tl witb lin Ilveru ge. \lG pur cent. t:\pring pi gl'l, Dumbe r !'I llved oom NEW AUTO COLOR p'll ell wltll 11 0 IIv e ra ge . !l7 per oe nt. We also have a full and comp lete line of all The Stnt.e uutomo b\Je dt.ptlrt m tl nl oheep, e ndil ioD co mprlrad With kinds of Harn ess and every thing neede d for the has udoptel l bl'tok ILS t·ile oolor for aD al'tlr age, I)[i )Jor cent . horse , which we are sellin g at ROCK BOTTOM next y Ill' . Tbl~ t.ugH for RUt-OS for 1.!lmbM, numbe r . ,ved oO lllpllrod PRIC ES. Give us a call. the 19U will he 001.1 ul 'Ick with with 1.1.0 0 v (lru~o, IliI per oent llgures III '.1l111l1 0 1. Frni t, )Jr o~pHot comJlo rf' d wit hnorlllal yield , 43 Jlor CE'o.t. I~SECTS ,\ND ALFAL fA Ohio I:\h onlrl produoe ·1O,nOO,Coo lHlsh l>l of wll ent each y or, uut no · It lilt!' ben u di!lCllv tl r ell thllt thl:! til the Ill'el~ is greotly inorel.lEwu thi" hon ybee ill of eve ll more importl lllof' East of Canal DA YTO Otl.nD"t be reah zerl. 'I'll areu ~ ~e ll ea ' - - " " ' " - - - - -N, to t be ulflllf~ t U1I1l the IIlfulfll. hI t o _I to wh ell t is etltilllll ted at 1, 72 1,030 tho oee. The wonder ful strengt u wME tl.or e ~,· the (!orre!lp ond e uts . e tiI1nd 1!1Ieed o j th e bees take tb em long dh.tllf\CeH fur their f ood, unll mate t.Bo pro~peot' ut tbis ti m e 93 ___ _ Fune ral Dire-:tor. ON HER DlGNIT Y they h lwe re cu ur~ o to Il ~rellt VIl, lety per ceot of II. yield oompa rmi witb 11 CHEST ER PAI1K tltandar d averaJ( 6. Kept the King at Home {) ( V11l1l t R. Hut· t,he peoulia r 0 0 0'l'be figures on oatR huvo beelJ " I sh ou ld lik e Il driok of wlltor , " \ struoti on of the alfu\ta bl ossom ren- oorupll "F~r the Oll ~t yea r W€I h ave kop t Te,1 e phone day ow night. edon IL si milu.r t!ystem t,othtl t !!lLid the young mlln politely . Anotho r gr eutllllll lllorn en tnnvo lry th e Kin glofll ll Inxu tiv s- Dr. King '!! ders It uOl~bh~ to fert ilize itself, Bnd Valley phone No.1, Loog hnB heen lllunoh ed in Ci nOlnnu ti b'-' N.,w \...ife Pi ll!!-in our b;>mo It nn "You'll to wait until mother Us shupe nlll ktls cross fertlliz lltlon of wlleat, exoept that 30 bushels 00). I . M. M!lrtin , J th ey I1t1VO Distanc d e.No. 69-~'. III r eady the d ioomes dow nstllire ," sald tho young prove tI. bl ellsi D ~ to 011 per aore is stllnd!~ru represe nted by very dlffiolll t. our fnmily, " wr ites Pou l M'L t hulku ludy, hl1ll ghtily. lOO pel' oent, "I want you to JlD· r oting bead of Ch est er Park, be of Bufflllo, N . Y EnllY , but sur~ W A YNESV ll.lE, Toe 0001 wet wea.the r during t.hol Orpbeu m Tbeb.trfl and the OHIO• • Cbeste r r em e ly for all 'tomoo h , LIVer tlnd d erst,and thllt I Dever go into' tbe OREAT PROFI TS IN COFFE E mont~ hilS retordA d oorn plan' Operu (;0., Sotu rd liY evenin k itoben , " . g Juu e Kidney tro u lJle~. Ool¥ 2:';0 at F red P Branch Office, Ha"e1 f1burc . lUh 0 th t d t tl 0 b A New Yvrk ooffee Import er told iag. Where elirly plonted growth ' : 0 IL a, e le rp euOl U. tlohwa rt z's . Garden 'VB ope n d · 1'bi R - - - .... _ .. a bou8e cOlllmi ttee the ot,her day uas been slow, /lud wliny oorresp on R oof . . . THE BLADE BLIGH T OF OATS dents report oonditl on os Ruch t.hILt \~ III b~ tbe firs t r oof ga rde n fo~ rell l th .. t 'he middie mlln '8 profit on ooffet· thoatr!o lll eut~ rtll1DlU ~nt ut sllle of io t·hill of)uo~ry it! aplJro.x illlately 10 repltmt ing will be n eoeRRa ry, ThiH diR6use is again lJrevllle nt AND Fruit shl)ws the f' trects of In.te New.Y o r4c. RIL,lat d 600 oents u pound IIglll'l~t, German y'lf ( et· tLbo\re Its rw,use"is de finit ely ko c wn to COllblnallDil Cb",.~- LlCk' Omhll, d-S... be frosts, th~ pl ospeot f()f the tl\te be t be city proper the g r oa,t r oof t hnt 7 oents profit. lie lIulu that uuriog due to Il >l t1eoifio b lotflriul ll, [\ od its 00 lJerlod of Ulllny yeur!! tbe price 01 Ing estim!l. teu [~t 43 per cent oom- ex t ends for an entire on to p pro~,.tl ..s is fll vo r ed by oloudy ru1DY ooffeo laid dowo ut New York ha s Illlr"d with a n orlllal y ield. One of t h e Orpheu rn Th eat er buildin g, weILther. Tbe di8ease beg ins IlS CHESTIIUT AID FRDn STS,. will be uni que in Lbe oOllDt,r y s s mu.ll ye llow COLa 11111, ORID liverB~ed 7X oent!!, uod the oost 01 tn'lnth ago lhe pro pelt was report oenters on tbe blades ed lit 54 per cent. amusem ent enterpr ises lind B eaSOn or rO 'IstlDg ~Dd prepur lng it 2 to 2,X as long Dlurgin al Ie IOnH ooc upyA small numbe r of h ogs ure be of groat SUCCOI:IS is prophe oenttl i bot the oonsum er pays for sied OD all ing one or bot.h edgtls of the lel1f, . tbi8 25 cents a pound oDd upwflrd tug fed for summA r mllr;'kets . '1'l1e Bides. oru etimes yellow i ng t be whole leaf Whioh is more ioteres ting ligbt on general averag e for the stllte being Chest-er Purk will b e in full swing And even llx~D.ding dnwn the s h ea~h 39 pe r oent. the first r enl day of ummel'S fOl' the higb CO!!t of Ii ving. -India napoli s Orten the points of infect.t on are so _ _ _____ • jllHt us soon us ( Id ' 01 IlS~ rts him News. plentif ul "s_~Q. beo;)rne confiue nt, Marvel ous Discov eries self tb e great Oh es ter Blltbin g Belloh Expert Optlcla n,i caustng 11 yellow , U .ottled IlppelU&nCe mark the wonder ful progress of Mle will opeD. The free va udevill e nt WHER E WE OET ASBES TOS of the whole lellf, Short peri ods of Ilge. Air flight.s on heavy mllohiDel'l, Cllflste r t his seuson is proving even suns bine olLu!le ~he infeote d areat! to Over 20 Years Practic al Experfe ru:a More tbBn four-fif th!\ of tbe telegrll ms witbou t wires, t arribl e m ur e pop,ultlr thun in past y elirs turn quickly brown or re u . war inventi ons to kill mell, Imd world's supply of t}8bes~08 oomell that wonde r of wonder s, Dr. King' \! owing t.o tbe hlgb oluss feature 1i0tll . The amoun t of loss oCCll.sioned from &he provlno e of Quebec , i-o New Disoo very-t Gustin Hotel, WaynfSville,O. o save life when tbut 111L ve been booked . PIBns have I by this dise llse is excepti onally large what Is known tiS the serpen tine threate ned bycoug bs, oolds,l ligripp e been Ilpprov ed for t~~ enlargi ng of during oertain seasons . In 1!lU7 belt, ronnin g throug h the oount·ietl asthma , oroup, bronohi tit!, hemor the va udevl\1 t at Saturd ay In every month e pli Vl han tho t now mnny of the fields suffere d tL loss of or Thetfo rd. Uoleral ne, Roberts on rbllges, hay fever aud whoopi tig seots 1500 . Ches te r's quiok gr C'wth ooo-ha lf to two-tb irds of t be c rop oougb and Brough ton, about 1UO miles brooob or lung trouble . For all is also to be e l1lpha si7.ed by t,be en produo ing oats w eighin g on ly 22 t~ ltll Itffeotio ns it hilS 1)0 eqUId from Montre al. Wbile tho history [t relteve s in~tontly . Its the surest larging of tile ba ll r oom wbere 1000 26 poonds to tho bushel. '1'hisis ex. , - - - - - T R Y LIVERll'ES----~ of t·be Indus'r y dutes baok to 1877, oure. Jumes M. BlaCk. of At!he vi\le, oouples ol1n now d unce . plllined by tbe impair ed foliage . it bas only oXpAnded to its present N . C., R . R. No .4, ,writes it oured 'l'h e Cheste r Opera Co ,whioh will Soi ls whicb 'ure of hig h fe rtility propor tions during tho last few aim of 8n obstinl lte oough aftflr all Include Stl h stur s 11 9 EI ~ i e Bowen, oert/lin ly favol' the oal~ uod it Olay other romedi es fail ed . GOo snd ,1.00 Y.8 ars. The provin ce bus Illreltdy A trlol bottle free, . Guaran teed by I I~te stllr of ('Tbe I.ove (;ure" and possi bly paV to stim ul ate the oats produc ed over t2u, OOO,()00 wortli of Fred' C, Bohwllrt.z ThoOlU@ RichlLrds, who pllye(i' t he orop with a lig h t dressi Llverlt es for a Cold, BaCka che and Weak Liver or Kidney ng of 11 mix. •• asbest0 8 "and is now u verHgin g , title role In t'h e In tely olosed long tu re of on6 pllrt nitrate of so(ia with HEIOH T , AND HEFT COUN T, 12,-000,000 worth a vear .-Chic ago run of "The Ch ocola t e Soldie r" in t~o part aoid ph)8ph ate, t1 lthougb Preve" ~ Journal. ';on of is N ow York, will op'en its l'euson June An ounce them in kee. the Always Men weighi ng less tban 151 p )unds 'hie bas n ot heen demon str ated , At worth a pound 191h. A ohoruR of twe nty-fou r is house ready of cu re. ' 11ny rate t he fertiliz er will n ot be CHINE SE BUSIN ESS HONES TV Ilre to ill Ive been disoha. rged n llW r ehoar8i u g for use. for the firs t prodllo from oertaln railroa d WOI kshops lost If the oa.ts is foll o wed by w h(\[\.t tiOD, "A UhlneRtI Hon ey m oon ." With due respeo t for others, the Mell weighi ng more thlLD 190 pounds , Prepar ed from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleans e the System Bulleti n 2 10, whieh trelLts of this "and - -Purify the Blood and thus PREVE NT SERIO US SICKN ESS. Chinam an is perhap s the most bon- lin less usually tlLll, have been " re disel\se, will be Rent upou r equest How to Be a Certain Failure orable and uprigh t busines s man in leBs~d" as street ' car conduc tors tiS Addres s: the world ,today. ,Hts busines s prlD to fat 'to tbreud the throng ed aisles Ohio Experi m eDt Station , Flrst-U onllnJt Tom, Diok linc clole8 are fOUDded entirel y upon Men over 40 fiDd tt. hard to get jobs Bnrry in maHer Woosle r, Ohio. s of bU!lineSB and honest y,andh eadber es .t o bis polloy beOBuse they !lre too old . Men un th en fo ll ow n ot t he befit ,u t the 1I1-- t with the inslsten oe of ~ leeoh . 'rbe der 25 find promot ion difficul t ' be" a t! vioe gl Y ~n. obase after dollllrt!l 8tops if be has to oause they are too young. Will the t:ieoond -In stefld of ·'I.B robing resort to Ii low triok to get tbem, world's work preseu tly IlI1 be done straigh t ove r trouble With n firm Of course, '" litlle 't blng hke telling by 'Ilen betwee n 25 and :35 and of fr ont" orouoh nnd le t it murou ' over a falsebo od oeolisioDully doe, not medium height und tbiokno s!l? And yon, bother hl,m 80 JDlloh, uut wben it what will all the othel'S do? Third-H R. \'0 no minll of yo ur own ()()m6!l to pI )U' ng Imd "cheml ng - - -no self-rel ian oe Btl AS IlD8tabl ~ IU101 THE 0000 OF SHEEP to defraud Rome one tbe tosk be shiftin g 11M tbe slLlld on the setiRho re (lomes distast e,f ul. The equal of the Fourth -If you Are kn ooked down There is no oll\ss of live stook thltt .Jnpllne se lulnitil lUve IiDd fore~lght , lookll as well on t.he farm as 11 fl ook t oday oonolud e th .. t is your pluoe be ilt muoh their superio r when of well oll.rej for sheep, and no in,lefinit.ely . integri ty is ooncer ned , A Japllne se Fifth-B eofluil e it rains todll,ya nd ,lther stook will take I1S good oltre does no't tblnk twice before decidill g is disDlal , mlLke up your mlDd tbltt of tho farm, l-lheop may be regar.d . -to get the best of yoo . He olilou. it is going to be rainy und disDlul uled 118 glel\ne n of profit, for they will !Jate8 that you are lil.lble to ohange eat alDiost all klnd8 of weeds and wu,!s" 'your mJnd or to get oot of reaoh if briers. And, then: the weed soede ' l:hxth-N~ver I~ok I~mong your be indulge s il;1'a little mental debllto t b 'h " \1 t . t 1010UdS for SIlver llDlngs , ll Ali to tbe proprie ty of oheatin g you. 61\1 teh~ y 8 eop Wd nbo 80rmIDda e Sevent h-EoU ow these directio ns n e manur e an w en onoe e ' . ., _Book keeper . £Ii.' . . . t' .' 1 d olo",ely and fallme will track your s •.. roy ed' b y ea 109 are en,uo y e· : 't d ' steps like B bloodb ound i in adver.s i s roye . ty you will be as . worthle ss a an old A Dreadf ul ~ Wound r ott pn sheet tor iI. sale in a. &nla of , (rom" knlf~. g'o n, tin oo,n, rusty nail, wind; wh~n .fl'r~ c.omes, al oome·it firewor ks, ot' C'f. any other naturr, milllt, you wll1 find ~1l th~ m~t,'I.I you 'tlAmf;lndR prompt treatm ellt ~U11. ever had in yon la turned to dro1l8' Buckle D's Arnica. Salve to preven t a'n d in the fire :yoo kno~ . dro$s nev~ YQU would hke to supply blood polson or gangre ne Jt's tbe . , , , i. fc;r' .tuberc~().l. aad wel!-k JUIl.ia.: ·qu)oke(lt.~· 8urest ,healer 10.r ' Mbob ~~ur~8.e8 nor refine s-it only burQR. your table With this high': It la' uving hundre d•. of your Il.eigh" wound s &04 also f<!r Bnrns, BoUlI, xc aoge. • _ • grade silverware fre~ ,of· bon, wby Dot )'ouT ~n't w.ait until Sore .' , l'Ikin Er~pt.ion~, EozemH, it. too.1at~. Send to-da, for valuabl e t O~bappoo ,~and", cost, Uor~s write us for our speor Pllas. .250 The ~uli!lrity of I' orank is that . Irlet " on t u beRUO... I _1 . We ."Dd it a , Fred_ boo ~ ,_ Sohwll rtz __ It'e his ' . a , h e alW~Y8 thtnks turn. c~al oftef. : Address .. _ _ - - JlO.t~pald, fi'fl! of.c;barge. " . , . Addn. : Tile Nature !. er,aUOD Co. " The di.fJerell~ be~weeD sleDder H Jr,lss81 were ous the nD. STANDARD fASll.N e.IIPANI ...... Co. Cobuia..... ohio. • RDd bOO1.trll Jr meral ,. matter ot . rl wQald poison. have '0 work overSIn!eI. New In. JII. I. a. . ', d• JIIOome. "

S pe ci al fo r Ju ne


Br ow n Bil l


C"" l t .


TlI e only heap \\n.y ·t o put worn. o nt.lrLud Int.O s hnp&i~ t.o eed it UOWll \ ill Keep • to cl ll ver, u t fl tl e or op nnd leu v th e ~, cODrl gr owth t o be plowed und er.) Ih n til t> lanu will be in shupe t o . r e ponu t o l' e rtili~ orB. I hll v fo und J cou ld gtlt I IIUI' A illomllo fro m -AND1.1. piece of land by dmg do wn half of it t o olov or unrl \lut, t, i n ~ ull the n lilon TO n'HI fertlh~ e l' 0 11 i ho rM OJllioi fi g hili f, LitH 0 hy t r .vi ng h l Jwep th wh ul l pi e('a in ('11 11 i vali lJ n, ~l t YB A t hi ~ re. iri pnce, 3X miles west of a writN io Bll ililll lll'e ArlH'ri 'I~n WaYIlf'H vill (', on th Upper SpringAfte r n .V flllr Il r Iwn III r.l n vl'r lIu d boro jJike, for: the season of 1910. g rullH, tli o ut·b<:'r hilif woultl Ul.l rm W BIL L is a good gene ralpl o we d np . On" fr o ~ l1 twd t\ good purpOHe horse. dressin g of ('h e1l1 '('lIl fprt iliz r ,; '\' ill CLOVE I{OAL Eis one of the bestP 'IY woll bred l 'en :he rol1 horses in this section of Lhe e(lunLry. H e is fifteen years A TIREL ESS TURBIN E old . anu is withou t « .blem ish . III Il gill< fn etory ILl. l vry. neln P uris, [t LuvlL! ttlTbin o , Ilrl \'en uy TER MS: jf?tll o f tit nID, W II S on ce Ret to wOlk. and when fnirly und e l' way WIIS $10_0n to in ure a living colt. Any parting with mare forfeits the drive n for 1.600 houn, or 150 dtlYtl , one insuran ce. withou t stu Jl lli n~ for an Instunt. An Ilutoill atio oiler kept it In-brica t , ~ .~.~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ eel, ~nd IL workm an. visited it once l C. W. HEND ERSO N M D 10 12 h our~ t,o r epl e Dl sb t ho oil res· ' • • rvoir . The speed o{ the ci r U1l1 · Wayn esvil le Ohio. fer nOfl of t he r otlltlDg disk being , uUOllt 8ix 1.1111 R i\ minute ,a p oint on Valley Phone 153 MainlS tree t llllt oirou llIf r eli c must hav e trave l ~d in t h o OO1lrtle of th e HiO days III Dlost fj ve nn d /I lIn lf t i mes tbe d istunce fr orn the eur b t t he m oon . - WAL TER MCC LUR E, l:l nr per '~ Wee kl y .

A goo d $20 .00 Rub ber- mou nted Bug gy Har ness for : :: $15 .00 A hea vy leat her Tea m Fly net, per pair , for two horses, $ 5.00 A goo d roun d lash leat her Buggy Fly net : : : : : : : : : : $ 2.00


4'2 E. 3m~.7 op~:Yne-:!!,I G ER




Clo ver dal e










Liveriles Prevents Serious Sickness


.--.•- - -


.. -----

----- ..

.Na tur e's,

18", RogerS

SHver'ware 11





'''J. v.....


Red ' Ilea a,. C!oveted wltb .uoh leg ~rlfta, but most aUentlon has heen attract ed to them in the more thickly settled portions of Europe, wbere tbey hnv ,oecasloneu the population an Immense amount or trouble. The const of No rfolk, In Englund Is fringed ,\'Itb 'and hill s 50 or liO fe et In h olght. wh re III more than One Ins tance wb I villnges and an le nt ohurcb es hu \'o b ' n burl d by the lIl aterln l. In Eccl s th e \'Ill nge church In J ::H was Ill mollt C01lll11 te ly hid by the urlftIng sanu \yhl 'h e ll\' loped It., whll o 30 y ai·s later th e sn me wind which

The Miami Gazette . 0, L. CRANE.

" AY1\ ES V1 LLEl.



It very often hr.llpens tb at a pfJfSOn ~l\l ge t ma d In a rguing a matte r (If when some one d it'f£'rtl with hi m. On e commits a grea t mis take wb n 1) 0 ncts thus. He weakens h lmselt and Anger s t rengtbllnS bl s ndvl"rsnry , dlmlnl sbt's t h forco of on a rguUlCn L As soon os nil gets mnt.l In nrgu lng a powt., Il e s bould s top ta lk ing r changl.' _ bl s temp r. Anger s tandll In th o wa y _ - -..... HOSE wbo li ve In the wellor truth, It contra cts one's vltjw. wate r d porti ons or the spoils k.nowledg(\, Ren l wIsdom, aew rId, w h 1'0 rk h vegl'la· li on co vc rs th e surfa e corc1lng to tbe Scr ipturE'S. Is "Hrst I nlld protects It from th e d .nlldlng force of t he pure, Iwd (I\t' n peacenb le, g ntle nnd cusy to be t' nlr ated," suys Ohi o Stu te wind , ('u n ha ve IIltl e rea li7,I ng senso of th e ell'ect. J ournal. There Is no room for nnger In wisdom, a nd cPr taln ly, wh en a mnn \I'e n ss of tills e \' r-a tlve geologica l agenr y. Yet Is ngaged In dlITe rlng wit h his neighbar, It Is hes t to be wise. MC' n so me- ('\'en In some well ·wut e rod regio ns times can't bea r to be disputed, As d unes nre fnmillar pb e nom nu. DlJnes floo n os ono di ll: ra, t hey su mm on up a rc sim ply "ur ift s" of sanu , closely retheir Ire, ha ke th eir fis ts, and ,-ush aem ulI lIF; th e Rnowd rlrts ot winter all d down on a ma n like a clatter or ton gs ' J) ro~ectlo ll aga in sl Ihe m Is secured by si milar means. .\S In snowy reglous It docs no good , It confirms t he ad· on e BC s lon g l In es of close bourd versary In his view and the rancor fenccs some distan ce from th e windr eac ts upon thos e who Indulge In It. ward sId e or lhe railroad to stop lhe Observe whell you have bad an argu· drifting snow On Its onward ca reer, so m ent with a mnn, and got mad, bow he may In many plllees see wIndalten'ard you regret It; how really It breaks to stop the drifting sand , Dut see med a little devil had Intruded It. In many cases wb ere the windbreak selt upon your talk and lett Ita tracks Is not sufficie nt a constant force ot workmen Is necessary lo remove the In your heart! And then, what a lack sand' from the track at stated Inter. of pleasure there Is In Kettlng mad! vals or atter every unusually severe The only argument trlat Is pleasant storm. At such places the railroad and etrectivo Is that wblch Is pure, compRnles, to tbelr sorrow, learn the peaceable and centle. enormous power of tbls constantly toiles from It. This cons is ts or a belt had uurl d th e churc h un cov ered It acting geological torce In transte rrlng of salld hills Il half·mlle or so III und exposed. It to "l e w upon th e olher Ripon, Wisconsin, Is rich In hlstorlo finely comminuted earthy material wldtb, which Is slow ly tra\'ellng east- side of tbe clu ll e. Th e church es of ILasoclations, beginning with the lolU'- .rom one place to another. ward a cross the state. The prevail- 8t. Plran and Gwlthla n In Cornwall ney th.r ough the state In 1673 of Father One of the best known localiti es for Ing southw est winds ar ' constantly passed through s imilar experiences, iMarquette and Louis Joliet on their observing dunes Is found on the soutb- bl owing the material from tbat side whll · In J 668 n part or Santon (Sand· way to the discovery of the Mississip- eastern shore ot Lake l\lIcblgan . and drifting It over onto the north- town). n ar Th etford, was over· pI. The tamous Fourier phlantatery Nearly all, If not all, tbe railroad s ap· eastern sId e. thus gradually shirting wb elmed by sallu which bnd bee.n proachlng Chicago [rom the eas t pass th e li ne of the belt. So irregular are s lowly blown In from five mlies to tho ~xperlment of Warren -Chase and pthers took ..,lace at Ripon In the '40s. through this series of du nes all they t he drifts, !Joweyer, tbat Innumerab le west. Tn the course of a ce ntury this come around the southern end of the hollows are left between them, and so dune had travel ed four m iles alld Lat.r the ctty was associated with the lake. Many of the dunes are very slow Is the movement that vegetation sprend o\:er 1,OQO acres ot land . Sherman Booth episode and the organ- , fresh, with no coverin g of vegetation, covers tlt elr slopes and, water Is preThe north\\' stern coast of Frnnce baUon at the Republican party. Ripon and rise, like snowdrifts, 50 feet or served In I hem ; bence Uley furnish Is specially exposed to ll.le destructive jw111 celebrate Its history with a his- more above the general level. Others favorite cente rs for rnn chmen, mover;nent of duties. On tbe coast 01 Tbe source of the material ot lhls Gascony "tbe sea fo r 100 miles Is so ~rlcal pageant on the 14th of June, Rnd Brc of such age that th ey have been no' doubt the occasion will attract covered more or less with vegetation, traveling embankment mO\' ing so ma- bnr red by sand dunes that In nil tba t tr~e8 of considerable size being found jestically across tbe wes tern plains dis tance only two outlets exist for throngs of Visitors. upon them, But In all cases tbe ac· of Nebraska and tbe manner of Its the discharge of the drainage of the tlon of th e wind, In moving the sand moveme nt nre even more Interesting Interior. As fast ns on.r ridge Is The statement by Commissioner of souUlward trom tbe lake, Is evident. than the sim il ar phenomena around driven away from a beach a nothElr Immigration Wl11lams that a large number of Immigrants bound' for can- Tb e wind blowing trom the north Lake MIchigan. The sand ot wblch form s In Its place, so that a. series of ada have been excluded at Ellis Is- keeps an exposure of bare sand upon this helt of dunes Is composed Is prob- huge sandy billows, as It were, Is con· land, New York, because they were ·that s ide and drifts It 'over Into expo- ably derived from tbe trough of tbe stantly on tbe move from the sea mnr· unable to meet the Canadian requite· sures of equally bare san d upon the Platte river, where duri ng the great gin toward the Interior ." Th e enti re coast of Flanders and of ments or the United States, wl11 rena- outer margin. Th e width of this belt of floods of a former period It had been lIure nervous patriots who have been dunes around the south end of Lake brought down from the Rocky moun· Holland and northern Germany Is gi rt Imas1nlng that scores ot undesirables Michigan a verages a little more than talns a nll deposited along the ban Its. with these drifting sand hills, In Hoisneak across the Canadian Une Into one mile. The material, beln« clean- wh ence It as lifted by the winds and lana they someti mes rise to a helgbt the United States, and thus clroum- wasbed sand, Is unfit tor agricultural started upon Its victorious career Qver ot 200 teet, but average only trom 50 pUJ'])()ses and tbe area Is occupied by th e uplands of the Interior. Th e wbole to 60 teet. Dunes of smaller extent . vent our ImmlgraUon law8. \'e ry few llOuses, and those mostly be- movement Is exceedi ngly slow. but It also line the western shor e of Irela nd longlni\' to railway employees. IR enslly perceptibl e. es pecially to and' Scotland , but on the Dutch coast Sir Ernest Shackleton says that it The source of the material ot tl.los6 wbo have built t heir houses and tbey are som etimes as much as five he had all the money needed to equip cultivated th eir garu cllS upon the miles wide. On tbe exposed shores an expedition properly, he c.ould guar- which these dunes are composed and eastern side, But when one consid ers of th e Bay of Biscay , where vegetathe rate of Its movement are subjects antee tbat he would reach the south the vast amount of material that Is tion has not had time to protect them, pole. The ve il of awe bas been torl\ of great interest. The sand Is de- being tran sported by the wind along they are traveling Inward at tbe rate away trom the poles. Now It Is de- ri ved, In th e first . place, from the this en tirE! belt tbe movement Is ma- of 16 feet por annum, while In Den· clared that proper equipment Is all shores of the lake fartber nortb, jestic In the extreme, _ mark they Bre In some places moving that Is necessary to take anyone any- wblch are constantly being eaten The arid lands ot Utah and Arizona as ' tast as 24 feet per annum. The where In the polar regions. This Into by the waves and currents. All lind other portions ot tbe great west only method of protection against aeems to be true; but It has taken ex- along the western sbore. from Evans- alford Innumerable illust rations of the them, which. happily, Is partially sucplorers a long time to flnd out w1!at ton to Racine. the waves are wearing activity of wind In drifting sand Into ceflsful, Is to plant pine foresta, whlct. away the sbore at an avcrage rate of that equlpmen~ Is. tbree or tour teet per annum. The regions distant from Its original readilY ' grow In the sand and througl, material tbat falls Into tbe lake from 1!ource of supply. The desert of Saba.- the production ot turpentine become The supposition Is that the German tbe blutrs tbus eroded Is worked ove r ra, Arabia nnd the region about the the source or considerable revenue. balloon which collapsed or explotled "'Y during a storm over the vUlage of by the waves until the very finest "C " O O = C O C O C ' = : -"""'= ' =~:><;..-a;OCOO "" ooo=" =- == Relchensachsen, Germany, and tell to particles are washed out and floated.... IIr... A the earth, killing the tour occupants Into deep water, while tbe sand ~ yy aT 0 S IYJ4 of the car, was struck by IIgbtnlng. mains near the sbore and Is gradually ' - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - This may have been the cause of the wasbed southward by the prevailing facture of toys and, and tbe disaster, as happenings of that kind currents. Everyone In Chicago knbws' must be expected wben gllollbags con- how land Is tormlng on' the shore. 80me FactorIes In America, But About small town of Sonneberg, In the $2,000,000 Yearly Thuringian forest, alone produces art FII Contributed I M k gl vlng rise to legal ,contests as to owntend wltb storms In the clouds. o ore gn a ers. tlcles for tIle nmusel.n ent of children ershlp, From observations of the United States englneers It was found to the value of $150,000 yearly. Dolls have amused the world for Ge rman I"adles are eXllert doll Som.e eastern railroads have ceased that 129,000 cubic yards or snnd were to employ young woman stenographers II d b th t I ages, and seem to have been well dressers. and ther e Is a YCRrl y Christannua y stoppe y e wo p era known In the dn"s of tbe Pharaohs, because they are tound to bave such bl h r extended out Into the lake ~ mas exhibition of dolls at Berlin. A w deep c wewater. e Tbls vast amount rep· tor, In the tombs of anci ent Egypt. great deal Is made of tbe Berlin doll a habit of getting married. , June Is to coming In just a tew weeks nnd the r esented: however, but a fraction at figures ot paint ed wood, of terra exhibition, and society turns out In cotta, of Ivorylimbs and ofwere rags made have movbeen Iarge num b ers t t l It. BUrrer1og corporat Ions fcel t h at t h ey tbe "n 'hol e amount of sand that was found whose 0 pa ron ze have to keep the wheels turning on the being carried by the currenta PRst able for the delight ot children. Tbere are wbole towns In Germany tracks even wblle the annual ,, ____11'" Cblcago to the, soutb end of the la ke. that do littl e else but make dolls for a In the ruins or Etrurln s imilar toys epldemlo Is at Its height. On reaching the south e nd of the ' nave been di scovered, and In China, American children. They are mostly Jake the Bnnd Is washed up by the BS well as In India, movable figures simple country folk, They get s mall Now Is th e Beason when little, wab· waves during storms nnd left for a were made to aot from time 1m memo- PBY tor making even Bn excellent bly-Iegged calves nre uelng added In considerable portion of tho year ex- rial by hand and on strin gs. or' as doll, but It must be remembered that their wants are few. great .numbers to the bovine popula- posed to the action of the winds, shadows behind a curtain, Which have drifted It out Into tb e belt tion or the prairie stales, and In the of dun es, with which so large a porThe ancient Gree ks we re eXj)erts alkali country solicitous cowboys at'e tion of the traveling public Is famil- In the manufac ture of pupr,ets, InFamily Study Valuable. engaged In pulling the fesU"e two-year- Iar. But, owing to the fact that the cluding wax dolls, and several of Speaking to th e students In an Enjfold out or the alkali mudhole by the pre vailing winds of n i ls region are their poets allude to offerings of dolls \Ish women's college, an educator aJd of a pluto pony, a rope and a sea- westerly, tile largest accumulation ot to Artemis and Aphrodite, made by snJd: "Dig out a11 your family skel· soned vocabu lary. dunes Is tound upon th e east shore, maidens perore tbelr marriage. etons. YOuI' relatives will probably Do~l :.. were e vidently first Intended be ar,noyed, but dig tbem out and face In Michigan. Travelers upon tbe Scientists who have established tel& Michigan Central railroad cannot fall to Amuse children, but the adults them, Malte out your podlgree, tra· pnthlc commu ni cation with Mars and to have noticed th ese great drifts of soon adopted them as a source of en- clng your fumlly back to your greatlearned a ll abo ut Its Irrigation system sand , nearly 100 feet high" at Michi- tertainment. Puppet shows were all grandfathers and their brothers and tbe rage In Europe In the slxteanth have reason to fear tbe rivalry ot tbe gan City. This belt of dunes, about century, arr!;'lng at sucb perfection sisters. By this means you can learn Q. quarter of a mile wid e. rising someHarvard lJrodlgy who bas devised a times to more tban 100 t eet In height, tba t the pertormances rivaled In at- what traits to avoid and wbat dis· easel!! to guard against. It takes time, meau s o( reac hing the planet Venus extends northward all along the shore, trn~Uon those otlh1ng actors, tact and temper to hunt back to the In 20 minutes wl tb a radium ae roplane. being specially promin ent at St. JoIn Covington, Ky., Is the largest record of one's family, but It I, worth seph and Grand Haven . In many don fnc tory In the Hnlted States, and It. Two men may seem tb'\!l same, yet CQld storage Dl cn say chat mas todon plnces Uley threaten to overv.. helm the re are many other establishments one man may hand down disease Bnrt steak , pres n ed by Ice (or more tba!] whole vlllagfls and to compel the ratl- In the eastern statffs, But the most crime to his de.llcendanta, while the 250,000 years , Is dellcloufl. Our portion roads to remove their traolts to get dolls, and we are sorry to have to ~e:r may hand down only those qual. tod ay must bave been kept on Ice too out at tbe way at the drifting m.ate· sny It, the bes t dons, are Imported. Itles th~t are good." . tial, while In some cases houses nnd ana tbe AmerIcan ~hlldr ~n contribute ,long. for es ts bB ve been completely burled about , $2,000,000 e Vl:lry year to Europe What They Will Do. tor (lolls. ' The nlted States will hnve t'ltO ne" ou t of sight. , The members of , the $Ta~uatln8 It lIas been. profitable 'to dwell thus There are SOII'.e very fine doUs c/ass of Wellesley college are 288 In war sbills, to co~ t $6,000,000 eacll. .We Barn stly bop tb country mal' get tully upon the dunes around the mnde In. 'England; but the very finest number and ot these only eight will southeastern portion of Lake Michifully $l2,OOO,OIl0 wonh of 'peace Ollt of gan, not bocau~e they are the largest come from France and Germany, .~d adinlt that they plqn tQ marry w.hen they qre made ~lth a de~rEie of ~er- school days are over. Eighty-six 01 tbllQl. or the most conspicuous In tbe world, fectlon most surprising, Even cheap them exoept to becom.e teachers, two but b cause they are the most accesSp aklng nl.lout tuxleabs. It will be a sible and tbe best known to the dolls can close ~helr eyes and say will b~ prote~810nal farmers, nine Will oom pllment now to you r personal ap- people of the United States, In /lome ~'IlQpn" and "mll.mtI\~. " For a llttle do religious and charltabl~ work, 's ll mote monllY you ....can buy a creeping will adopt 'literary car~ers and thre peara.nce, If the ta.xl oab mnn dOEsn't respects a still more Interesting belt doll 01' ~ walking doll. TheD , ijlere will 'travel; oDI, one expectlllg to. take Uk for his pay In ad vance. of dunes occurs 10 western Nebraska, are dolls that "lng-only the music, uJ! domestic IIclence. It 18 said that atretch lng nearly across the northern or coorlle-nnd · (he very latact doll i8' , but few ot tbe 86 C)tpecUnc to teacb Perhaps It really was eheaper to pan of the state, approximately par- pro't'ld~d wit h a. phonograJjb, /lnd 1I1ll reali, c&l'e for this kind of work. Sey mo•• ' than pay rent' lD thp II(){~' QI~ allel with tbe course 01: tbe. North re cite pr-ose 'anel QoeU'y. en\T,tbree of the cia.. wlU ' .~ Platte river••at at a, -1WtMM ot m&Il7 ,.. OermaDY .. tamoull for th. mlau- atI\J at home.









CALIFORNIAN FIRST WAR Spy C. Bak er W as the First Chief of Detect ive Bureau of

l afayette

thc Un ited States. To Ca li fo l'Jll n fl' ll Ih t, honur tn the durl( Il av ' of II1\' ('\ \'II wa r of s upp ly· In g tb l' iinn 11 11 110 11 11 1 (' hi l'f oj' th o gO Y' t' rnm l'lIt lI el!'c ll v l! uu r 'a u. The 1l1 UII C b OS l' 1I to h e a(\ I his 1Il0!! l IU 1Jl 0 1'lll lll d ejlllrtU 1I' Ilt w as LafaY I'l lt' C, IIn l(l'r, wh l) [1 1'1'11" ('( 1 il L th tl (; ohll'1l gal' In 1853, cO lllln g by way oi' Panam ll, 11 <' \\ a ~ nn Il l'llvp 1ll t;' l1l b l' of Ihl' \'1;.;1 1:\110'1' CO llI ' \l atHe,. ae SIl U I"rall ci:w n fro lll 15;;1i to ISGI. Enrl y III til· sp ring ClI' 18G l he rOl urll II (o, :-; ow Yorl!, "X [l "~li ll '; to reo Ill al n III Ih ' l' a ~ 1 onl y. a ~ hl) rt ti m, but III lh., n~ ry lIl Ull ll' IlL h p wa s ("('lIdy to

libby's Evaporated Milk Contains double the nu~ triment and none of the impurities so often found in so-called fresh or raw milk.


The use of liLLy's insures pure, rich, wholesome, heahhful milk that is superior in flavor and economical in cost.

Libby'. Evaporated Milk is the purest. ~reshest high grade milk, obtained from selected, carefully fed cows. It is pasteurized and then evaporated (the water taken out). filled into bright, new tins, sterilized and sealed air tight until you need it. Use Libby's and tell your friends how good it is.

Wy, McNeill " Libby



He Was Compel le d to Kill One and Wound Two Others.

stnrt for the Pn 100 s lope tb tocsin of wa r startled t.h lund , ond In ammon with the loyal -Itlz ns of til north he d ocld d to a bandon his priva te busllI ess en terprises nnd serv o the hnpt' r· lied coun try. It WIlS in April of that yenr thnt Baker .... Islted Was hi ngton city for the purpose of a llying blmself with tb e government In th e ucfcn s of his cOli n· try, There be had nn Intervl ow with Genera l Scott, who was til n In command of the army of tbe nlted tatcs. Present n·t th e Intervl w was Hon. George W. " righl of California, and at tbat tim e the plnns were di s ussed and laid for a visit to be mad e by Baker to mahmond. wblcb was tbo capita l o( the onfoderacy. In pursunnce of this plan the start was made for Richmond on July 11, the purpose of th e bazardous journey being to lenrn, If possible, the locality and strength ot the hostile troops and of their fortlfl ctalons, There being traitors In the government and ,Jigson- When a man!s young he's In t he army, tb e 1]ulon troops were not nnxlous to show his knowledge, let Into the secret or the expedi tion Jagson-Wh e n he gets older he's . or its mission. Th erefore Baker's first just as anxious to conceal his Ignorstep from Washington In the direction nnce. or the "sncred 80il ot Virgin I!}" was one of g reat risk, as any attempt to pass Spreading the New •• tbe lines might cause his arrest. Postmaster Fuller of Rockla nd, Me" Twice at least he was apprehenued was the sparkling wit at the postmasand returned to Washington, but after ters' dinner, He announced with mock many trlbulatlon.s he succ eded In solemnity tbat he had just received evading the outposts and hired a. negro word from his congressman that his boy to row him across lhe river. Here name had been sent In somew here In he was promptly placed under arrest Washington for reappointment. In by the confederate sentinels. By them recognition of ,hIs effi cient service and the votes be could swing, h ~ was discredited and looked Ullon "I have dashed tll& momentous news as n s py. wh en Ije sssured them that h e was a peaceful citizen, unarmed and of my trlulllllll to distant Rocklllnd to my wife, and If I am nequaluted with on hill way to Richmond, the lady, as I belie ve th at I am, the Four days a fter bls arrival In Rich· glad t.Idlngs have ere now penetrated mond Baker was usbered Into the pres· to tbe most re mote seelion of tbat ence of President J etrerson Davis, the distriCt," was a sally that brought audience being In the frollt pnrlor of do\vn the house. the Spottswood hou se. The weather being warm, the confederate chieftain HARD ON CHILDREN. wore simply a light linen ' coat. withWhen Teacher Has Coffoe Habit. out vest, cravat or collar. Davlfil I\s. tened with ludllTerence to the story "Best Is best, and best will ever told by Baker, and at tbe conclusion of live." When a pertlon reels this way the narrative gave no Intimation as to about Postum they are glad to glvQ his probable action, After · a lapse testimony tor the benefit of others. of tbree days the sllspected spy was A scbool teacher down In Miss. for tbe third time talten Into the pres- 3ays: "I had been a coffee drinker since ence of DRVls. Impersonating Sam, a my childhood, II,nd the last few years son of Judge Mun son of Knoxville, who It had Inj.ured me seriously. "One cup of cottee taken a( breakwent to California at an early day, Daker succeeded In deceiving the pres- fast would cause me to become 60 Iden t, from whom he. received a parole nervous tbat I could scarcely go that released him trom confinement through with the day's duties, and and 1>ledged himself not to leave Rich· this nervousness was often accom. mond withnut first bavlng received per- panled by deep depl'esslon of splrlta mission from the .provost marshal. and heart palpitation. Richmond thus became an open book "I am a teacher by· profession, and to Ba.ker, who soon obtained . all the when under the Inlluence or cotree Information he desired relati ve to the ,bad to struggle against CrQS31leSS movements, llians, fortltlcatlons nnd wben In the school room. "Wben ,talking this ove r with , my strength of the en'omy , Being anxious to return to the north wltbout delay, . physician, he suggested that I . try h e .IIecured a pas a thut carried hiin to Postum: so 1 purchased a package nnd Fredericksburg. At a point four mileY made it ' earefuily" acciirdlng , to , direc' below, that ci ty he croseed the Rappa· tlons; tound It excellent of fiavor, arid. -' ., hannock without dl.fficulty, but In steal: . nottrlshl,n g, , , Ing un old rowboat ' ln which to 'e~ .' "!n,a short time I noticed very gratifeet -his esca,pe across' the Potomac he fying effects. My norvousness dtsllvwas so closely purs.ued tha he ' was pearedl .I ~as not Irl'llatt;d· \;Iy ,my pucompelled, to kill' one and wound ' two 1)lIs; lite ~eomed fulI of s uJi.ehlnj:l, and ot the c(Jn(ederate sentinels who. were my heatt . trOUbled me no 10l;lger. . 'guarding the dver bank. ' ,. "I attribute m¥, change in ,h ealth il:Dd . This; then, Is the story 'of the- be£tn- sJ?lrlt.s to P08tt~ alclDe:'" " nJng of th(l. secret service department . Read the little book, "?-'lle Roa~ of the government, although Jt 'was W~~vllle,"Jn. pkga. ' ~1'beNl'8 a'ReMoa " 'ftJld t • • • •~ Jette'" A -"ew, not until August .. ,S61, thg,t Baker b. o . ....... f .... 10 dIP, TIIe? _ came regularly attached to tile wat .... .. . . . . . . t . . . . . . . tall 01 · .......


, .m

depart.'lleDt as secret sceat.

...... .t. ...




ROMANES lECTURE GIVEN BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT Eve!!t Postponed by King's Death Attracts a Large Audience at Oxford---Lord Curzon Introduces the Distinguished American. Oxforll, Englnnd -Before an nudlc nc of distinguished m o n nnd stu<ients of Oxford university, Theodore Roos ve lt on Juue 7 d liv e red th e llomlln es lecture, his sllbject being · 1H0log lcni Analogies In Hi story" Th le ctllr had beo n sch dilled for d e livery ()n J\luy 18 but of courso was I)Ostpon,' d on IIccount of King Edward's demi se It was g iv en In th e SheldonInn theater and Lord Curzoll, as chan('ellol of th univ ers ity. presilled and Introdu ced the le<!ture r In seeldng to penetrate tbe causes of tbe 11l} st rles that surround not only monklnll but all life. both In the present and th e past. sold tllr Roose\·elt. we SI'O strange analogies In the ph enomena of lite and death, of birth g ro .... th and cllange. between those ph) s lcal grouDs of animal lite which II e des ignat e as species. forms. races and the highly complex and composite enlill s whi c h rls~ b e fore our minds wh e n we speak of nations and clvllI'lutions It Is this study. he assert{It\ . thst has given science Its presentd av promlOence. and the historian of mankind must work In the scientific 'flplrlt and use the treasure-bouses of scien ce To Illustrate. the lec ture r took fievernl Il1slances ot the development of Jl ew spec ies and the extinction of speci e s In the history of mammalian life. s h o\\ lug thal In some cases the causes cun b e tra ced with consJderable accuracI nn d In olher cases we cannot so milc h os hazard a guess as to why a gll'en change occurred Analogies In Human Hlstory_ ontilluing. M r Roos eve lt said In part No\\ as 10 n il ot thellc pnenomll nn In the ~vol\lllon ot s pecies. th ~re arl). It not homol o!;"I"". nt lellst certain analoglell, In lh e h ls lory o r human lOocl tlell In Ihe hl sto r~ ot th rI s e to promlnenc . ot tho <1 e \ e lo pm e llt and Chong. o r the temp ,ary dOlllll1lln c • alHl tl l'ath or truns(or"," ll on. o r Ih e groups ot var}.lng kind '" hle h (arm rflcell or nations A8 In blnlob'Y. 80 In human hlstor). a ne\\ form m uy r~~ult rrom th o ap e lalfzatl on nr " long-exlsllng nOll hllhf)rlO I l' ry, IIlo",l~ -I'h.loglng ~enernllzed or nonal'~ fo rm liS (or Inst an e. \\ hen a hn I lJa rl' ruco trom (\ va rlelY of causl's sudtl ~ lIly ,l e y"loJ\s u m o re ompl!.'x ulUlal lnn Hn,) olll ll7. n Uon That Is what 0 .. urr..... (o r Ins t"n • In w ~tprn Europo durIng til ~ nlllrlBS ot t il .. T ut nle nnd Int pr th S ca lldln lllilln ethni c o .... erno\\. frolll Ih' Il(.rlh All th ", oderu ~ounlrlcs or \\ I'5t rn Europ are des c~ n,1 d from 1110 crrllted by Ih eBe northern Invade r s 'Vh e n flrs t cr cat('d they c ou ld bo cn ll d • n n w··



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th o


thnt part or All ot th o people compo~lng th", 'It'r dN!ccnded tram rn oes that hlllo rt o had not he en e ll I\Ized at all. and t»llt th r e fo r e Cor th e Or5t lime ntcr ed o n lloe CA r .. ~r at ch 1HZI' ll eommunltll's 111 tlol' aouth e rn pllrt ot \\ 1'1I1ern Europa til" ",''v stAl es Ihu8 form ed conslsl ed In bulle of lhe Inhnbltanta already In the land lIllIl er the R o man e mpire and It was h !'r p thnt Iho 1I0W kIngdo ms first took III pe 'rhrough n reOel( action th lli r InO ul'lIcc then exl nded tm k Into Ihe cold tor~ R I H rrom II hl c h Ihe Inv aders had come IIlId C l' rmnJlY and Scnndlna,la wltn Rse d tlu' rl o r communities "Ilh essenlln ll y th £' ~.Ime l'h lllY-ntlon a8 Ih elr eouther ll ",'h:hborN I hlllll:h In those co mmunfll es. IInlll, ' th!' M Ulh e rn commllnll l e ~ thele Wil l! no In (uRlO II o ( n,> w blood nnd In clle ll ra s ... th o II " c hlllzcd nnllon whkh sradunll~ d VI'\o' I" U WAS ~ompos c d e ntlr I} ot m e mbe rs or I h· 8A mb rn~e whl ~ h In the 811111e 1I' l:l o n Ih ,d ror ages III cd th lire of n ~ l o' \I~' <IInn;.;ln " barbari s m Th o 88me II(I~ Iru (It tl,,· 1111'9 nnel th Sln\onlzed FIllns o( ('nl<IL' rn 11:uroJ)0 , wh en an Innttra tl nn ot c.1n dlllnllun lend e r's rro m Iho " orlh an tI Intlltrntlon ot BYzantine ~ulturCl tro m Ihe 90uth jnln ed 10 prod uce till' "hllnj:fJs 1\ IIl e h hnvp ~raclua lly. out or th o lilt! RIIl\ <'IIInmun lll es ot th forest JUld II ..' R\"P1W (~H'd th o rnlghl~ Russian "In,plr...---on od LY "New" and "Young" Nat/ons. A~"ln Ihl!' new torlll may r ep r~ sent m l'r ' l} n SI'Hlllng off from n 10 nl\' I'slnbII s llt' d. hll(hl v <l eI e lopt'd nnd spe. lllllzed ""lion III tills ~n~ o Ih e nAtion Is u ~ uully







o ung,

nnd 1M corr ec tl)'

flpnllen of ns II "ncw." - aUon but Ihe t erm "hQll ld II l\ltlY!l be UBNI with a clcllr • nR", of th o difference he t"!.',,n what 18 dps c rlhrd In 811 h cnse. nnd "hat Is del\orlh c1 by till' s ume t ~rm In speAking at a c l\'llIzlld nnll o n jus t del e loped trom 11 bo rhur ls lII Ilrlhoge and Syrllcullo were n ow d \l es "ompu l cd wllh Tyre and CorInlh IJut Ih e Crecll or PhoenIcian racc was In e \ Pr) se ns o f tho \\ o rd as old In tho n l'W clly liS In Iho old Ity So nowadllYII. VIL' lo rla or M"nllobals a new community (llllparcd \\lth England or Scolland. but th o nncelllral t~ po or cIvilization and cul(lire III as old In one case all In tho other 1 or ('o llr~c do not mran tor Il mom~nt thnt great ' hnn~e9 nre not produced by the tnHO rllct that Ih e old civilIzed race 141 Kuchlenl)' pia cd In eurroundlni!"8 where It hllR aKaln to go through the work ot tllmlng the wlhlt·rneI!9. a work nnlsh ed nll\ny ~enturle!!l hefore In Iho orltrlnal hOllle ot the roce. 1 ml!rely mean that tllp An, "8lral history Ie tho sarno In eaeh olllle We ('an rightly use th e phrase "a n ew 1:001'1,," In IIpeaklnll' at Canadians or Auslrullans. Americans or Afrlkanders Bnt we ust'! It In an entirely dlrrerent tlcnlltl trom thnt In which we use It when tlpellklntr 'It l'OUch communltlc8 all IIloae tounded by the northmen and their delIcenrlantll during that period ot MtonlshIng growth which saw the descendants of the Norlle ilea-thieves conquer and trnnltorm Normandy. Sicily. and Ihe Brlll.h 181nnl18 , we IIHII It In an entirely dlrrerent lIenso trom thnt In which we ulle It when speak lnll' of tho new statell that grew up around Wnrsaw. Klef. Nov/(o'ro.d. and Moscow. all the wild 8&vaaea at the IIteppes and the mllrshy roreate IItrugrled haltingly and etum\)ltngly upwal'd to become bullcjerll of oltles and to torm IItnbls governments_ 1'h. klnrdom. - of Oharlenlarne and Alfred were ··new." oompared with tb. empire on tbe nOIphorull. 'they \vere aleo In every way different: their tlnell ot ancelltral dllfcont had nothln&" In common ')wIth thOle of thlt polYJlot tealm 'jfhlcl,l pllid tribute to the Oa",sarll of Byzantium; their loelal prob. lem. and atterflme hlator,. were totally dlft'erent. 'rhls Is not true of tho88 "ne"," lIationa whlc;b aprlllg dire t trollJ ol~ natlonl_ ~r. .lI. the Ar.entlne. th.!l Uillte4 State.. are aU "new" DalloM. com])are4 wtth the n8t1ona ot Europe: but with ""alever I!han... In detail. their ClvSUutlall aav.rWeI... of the .....raI JD\u'O-


peAn t y pe os s ho\\ n In Portllgal Sllaln and Enl:land 'l'h .. tlllTe r e n e y bet wre n lh ese n IV Am c rl ca n u nll Ih se old' rllropcon nn tl OIl H urc not liS grellt tiS Ih ose whi c h 8 parnt lh o n ~ '" nallons one fr om nn CJ tlipr an tl thn " o ld" nations one

(10m anal her '1' hr re nrc In I.'[, .. h 'IlRe H' IY rpu l ,JIIT" r !.' n,,!'. he lwe n Ih e ne w and lhr o ld IIlfl o n - tlltTp r C' l1 rf!9 b o th

fnr good

and for evil hut In Il< h Clt8 th ero III the saono ancestra l hlsl ory to recll on wllh J" lIump IVI'O u t dvlllzu t\ Cl n wllh Its 111t nd!lnt bpn(' nl H ano! _hort ' omlnss and ntter Ih o pl o nr·rr slngps are pussell tho prob l(,l1ls to II 8011 e <1 III s pite o r !lupertlelal dlffere nCI'8 nre In their essence th e sam e tliey oro IhoHu thut "onrront ull civilized pl'opl , • • nnt those Ihllt co nfront p eople8 strugsllng (rom barbarism Into clvlllzaLlon So, when "c speok ot th "dr nth" ot a tribe n nallnn or 11 civilization th e ,,' rm ma y b e used for e ith er one or I" 0 totally different pro 'sses the annlog~ \\ IIh whul occurll III bl o los:-It-al hIstory being comp le le Ce rttlln Irlbes ot snl a g es. the 'I·o.nulnlons (or Inslan ~!l und I arlou .. 111tle c luns or Am e rlcnn Indian s hnl e wllhln the Inst c nlury or Iwo co mpletely di ed out all ot Ihe Indlvlelunls hll\ 0 perished. l env ln~ no d escendAnts. and the blood IIIUI dl511.ppenred Ce rt a in other I rlbes at Indl uns ha\ e a8 Irlbes dlsllPoe nred or are now dlslI.ppcarlng but their blood remnlna being nbsorb"d Inlo the veins ot th e white Intrud ers. or ot th e IJlllck men Introduccd by these white Inlrud r s so that In reality th cy ore mor Iy being tran s ro rm ed Inl o some thing ubsolutely dltrer ent fro m whnt they w e re A IIko \\lIdo dll eralt y In f nct may be cOllered In the statemen t thaI a civilization hilS 'dled out" Phenomena That Puzzle. In d en llnl:. not wllh I:rOUp8 ot human b einG''' In "Imp le and prlmlll\'e r ela llon!!. hut with hlKhl~ complex. hlahly spe~lal111cil. civilized. or semi- cIvilized 80cle tl es . th ore Is need ot great caution In dra"lng nnalogles with what hns occurred In the d ve lopm ent at the alii mal world Yet evon In th eso cnses It Is urlous tn se~ how Borne of the phenomena In the growlh a nd dlsa pPl!'n rance at Ihese compl ex . nrUnelal gToups at human beings r esemble what has happened In lJ!y ot Instances In the history at life on thIs plan et Why do greal nrUOc lnl empIre s whose clll% ~ llS Aro knit by a hand at spe ec h And ~ lIllure lOu l'h mor than by 1\ hand ot blood sho w peri ods ot exlra ordlnnry (l"ro .. th. ond Ilgaln o t sudde n or IInll'erlng d" cA~? In J'lome CUBes we Ciln IIll s we r r atilly en o u~h In olhe r casps IYO cannot a N ) ct iiI n /;U .,8 8 \\ hot th e pro per onswer ~ h o ul!l b e It ~n any 811 h ca se t h <'('nlrl(lIga l tore 5 Ol'er eome Ih e ce ntrlpetul th e nation will or course fly to pl"ces and th e r ason (or It s ra lturo 10 b .. 'O lll a domlnnnt rnr ee Is 11at nt 10 e\ t' r} one Th e mlnllle that Ih o spirit wh ic h Onds Its hpa lthy dM lopm e nt In 10cII I ~o tr -"o "'· rnm e nt. lind In the antldole to tll dangers of an elli rem o centralizati on (I \l' lnps Into me re p nrtl c ularlsm. Int o Inabili ty to r.omblne l'f'eCllve ly for IIchlev!.'llIcnt o f 11 co mmon end t hen It 18 hopel el!s to eX l'c ct gr a t resu lts Poland and ceo rlal n t~ pllbllc s o( t he "I!'s tern h e mlRpher fl t o Ih" standA rd I!'x ampl es o r failure ot thl8 Illnd. Ilnd tht! Unll ed SIalc8 woulol halo ranked I IIh them. and lIS n amo ,,'o uld IUI\ e b eco me a hy\\ o rd ot .d rlsloll. If th (orces ot union hOld not trlllmp hed In th e c l\1I \\ lI r S o the gro\\ th or soft luxu ry Ilfler It has r('n c h d a oertnln poi nt beco m es a nntl onnl d a nger Pllt nt t o .111 Allnln II n~t'ds butlltllp. or the vision or 1\ seer to (orel II whut IIlUst hnppen. In .illY cOlllmunlly It the nveruge woman Cea"t's to \)('co m e Ihe mOlh !.'r o r II fa mill' ot h ollhy chlldr!'n. Ir the averase mlln lo!!es th o \11\1 and Ih e po\\ er to work liP 10 old ug ontl 10 fi ght I\h ell I r Ihe n e d ari ses It tho hom e l), . co mmonplace vlrluPs die out. It " trellglh o r c hllrnet r vanl8h es In I:racerul ReIC-lndul/;en ce I( the vlrlll' qunllli es atrophy th n Ih e n llUon h as los t what n o materlul prosperity can OtTlI t ' But th er e ar pl ~ nly of olher phenomenn \\ holty or parllally In cxp ll nbl o It Is f)R~~ t o !II' "h y Rom tre nd e d downward '" h pn greB[ 81(IVe-1I1I U rarms s pread ovor whr.t ha ll o n ~ been a countryside ot roerullln t proprlelors wh e n gr e d llntl lux urv nnll sensullllty nl e 11\10 a c lrls Into the tlber or th e upp r classes. while th o mass ot Iho c lll %e lls grew 10 d ... pe nrl not upon th Alr o\\n "X rtin ns but upon the s tllt e. (01 lh ~ lr pleAsures Ind Ih elr H!ry IIv e llh(lod B.ll Lhls do~,. nOl exp luln why the !on\lud IlI O \ ,m1<' nl s l(lpped at dlff<!r nt tim s so rnr ns !lllYerent matl~rs " erc con ernerl. at ono time AS r egu rds III " rllIll re. lit another lim e as r gnrrls arc hltecturo. a t anottlcr tim C'i as r e!;"nrds city building W e co nnot ('\" n 1:11 ss "hy tho s prings ot one Illnoi or en or l:l ,)rled up whllo I h re WUtl yel no ccssa llon ot anolher Il lnd Holland ill an Example, Take another and smnller I nSlan c' that of H ollllnd For R. pe riod cove rlll!: a lillie more than the sel entcenLh ce ntllry. Holland. 111,0 some of the Itallnn city stutes at an eorller I)crlod. Btood on tho danl:erous heights or ".,.eulne8s beside nations 80 \a tty her 6ul'crlor In territory and populatton as to make It IneVitable that suoner or laler 8he muat tnll trom the glorious and perilous emlnonce to which ahe hull b een raised by her own IndomItable soul Her filII came It could not hnvo been Indennltely postponed. but It cnme tar QUIcker thnn It needed to come. bC~fl u se ot shortcomings on her part 10 whi ch both Oreat Britain nnd the Unltel\ States would be wise to pay h eed Her government wall singularly InetTectlve. the decentralization beIng lIuch nil otten to permIt the 8eplll'lllla t. the pnrtlc ularlst. spirit of the provlncell to rob Ihe central authorIty of all eillcioncy This was bad enollgh But the tntal weakness WIUI that 110 common In fl"h, peace-Io'1ng socletlell. where men hate to think at war M p08slble. and try to JusUry theIr o",n reluctance to tace It either by hlah-soundl nil" moral pllllltudes or olse by a phllollophy of short-sllthte., mnterlallJ'lm. The Dutch were very wealthy. :rheYI grew to beli eve that they could hire oth.,r, to do their ftll'litlng for them 011 I&nd. and on 88a. where they did their o,,\,n ftrhUnr. and ' vory well. they retused In time at peace to m&ke ready fteets 110 etftcl ent aa either to Inllure the Dutch aglllnllt the peace b.,lng brolten or olle to sive them the vIctory when war came. To be opulent and unarmed I. to lecure flue In the preaellt at the almolt cer~aln cost ot dlsaater In the tuture. It la theretore elllY to aee why Holland IOlt when ahe did her posItion amon. the powers: but It III tar mor-e dlmoult to explain Why at the Ill!l1e llme there should have come at leaat a partial 10111 or pOelUon In the world of art and lettere_ Some IPAl'1t ot divine ftro bl,lrned Itlelt out In the !lauonal aou., Aa the IIn"8 of .reat slatamen. of ~t warrto",. by land and Ma, camfl to an end, ao the line ot the areat J;>utch painterii' ended_ The. loa of

pN04ml"enlle In the .choola 101l0we4 the

the adva \ll:e ot mankind. and the two chl"t rcnSO ll1l wlly e ither th /Ulyance 01' tho pleSl'l"Vutlon o( manklntl l II \~Tlh whU p It Is n.n I!'vtl and n. dr~ad(u l thing to h UIIOll8 to Borrow unCI sllrre rlllg and blind 10 ou r (l u l Y t o do all thln g~ possible for III t' ~ tl c rnl cnt ot BOCJIl I o n,II\lonli But It Is un uns peakab ly toollsh thl n~ t o I rl\ 0 (or I hIs h ~ llerm e nl by Ill \Hln~ so Th r ur QueR tlon" "hl r h wo or the .1 Rtl UJOlIl'o Ih ,\1 I he~' would I,a" lit) BOb"'C t clvlll% d no.llons are cv r tem pted to ~"' I :>n dltl on s 10 b ' tter In d~allng "lth ask ot the futUre Is OU r time or growth all th es" NHcla l probl e ms. with t ho Inlldra (\ ing to Iln cnd? Are \\ e as nations 1lI1I1(I r eln tl ons n f Ih e fam il y \llIh wea llh Mo" n t o COOIC unil or th " r u le or tlont great III prll o te lise a nti busin ess u se, with 111IUI\ Cd ea lh whi ch Is ll.selLbliUUU:t..JlLUl."-kul r . \\ Il h P"H rl " . Ihe onll 'p rlrn o Il t'c sgrcAt lnw o C lire ? Non l'u n t ell F or ces sill' Is til To II, n,bllr that. th ough IHu dth rlt \\ c C IlII S • nnd olher (orces that aro II< 98 nf li en rt Is II 1:1 ~A t el II. It Is no hldd n o r Ihat ( lin b~ it \lIl1lly be oppre- gr,'uI, r 1111 "1 II t hll n sort ness o r hend hend ed Ire n t worl' nil uround u s, hOlh Bu t In I\d,lIlIon to tlo "sl! prohl rns Ihe (or g ood lind (or \ II Th e grow lh In lux- m OR t IIIIlnl" I.' lin" lrllport"nl " t I,ll ur), In 10\6 o f ""5 .... In tas te (or yapld \\hl r h 10 a 1'"1;1'1 r less d"lrll'a orr. tall Ilnd frl\ oloull ex It ·ment. Is \)olh evident Ih e Jl ind pl n " , t1 ,lO R s.' nlc what allk "" n nd Unlll'i. ltlov rhe m ost omln n us sign III Ih e dlmlou\l on I" the blrlh rnt e. In th or Ih,' I;r,"1 1II!lI OllS Ih.11 ha\u e" pll ntl ed IOS8 "r pre-emlnenoe In camp and In ou ncll challlbar In thll ltttle republic ot Holland. os In the grcnt ('mplre ot R o me. It \YUR not death \\hl e h l'lIm, but tra nsCormatlon Both Jl o ll nnd IInll ltnl~' teach U8 lhOot rOle os thnl fn ll IllIlY rise again Danger of Race Suicide,

rn.t o or n Ul uru l In t: r~ll.8e . now to a Inr,;-e r or 1t; ~s" r d t ,..:ree Hba rcO by nlos t or til

lhnt a ft "' 110 \\ In tJlllpllt.;.H N t r .: lllti o ns wilh OU r nno l hpr a. lltl \\lllI alh n rar~s. h lye

r ll' IIIZf'd 11I111 " nH


till I



l:u r opo



l Pnlrn l nIH1 " cs t rn

Atn e rl r n. onrt Au s tralia

n dlm-

Inuti o ll Sel g l l' Hlth tl lttJt cu l1tin tH' s for the ne x t c p ntu l~' al th u ril lo \\hll h lIn H obt tlillec] (o r ll ,a ITl" t oor. '. " r' ni l th moro ~



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II J I1~ to n nHtll Hl \\ hh h IHI 9~ S!H8 ti l. g .P llfst "ll1plre upuu\\ tllc h th 'S un h.1A t~ \t r h ll 'lJIl~ l 1) 1 l o ng LO U l1u ll n n 0 \1


" hld1 Iq Ir )!n/; li n II ocu l· Id illerio u n, x hI w .'rtc .,u t 1he pr l)h h\ lH~ or ~()V ~ rn m . lit tn, .t ",,1 hI' Ille 1'(olIpl " Il h ll" 01 tI ,I' RUlli . II ,.. oI"ln., Ih., Inl e 'n ' Iln nn l

.c tut y n f n. ~r, I1 t P O \\ t r (' rt at n til so h

proph ~ t of e\ tJ

{li n

Hilt 11\\ r \J ure \\ht ( h h n lh o f U ::i Ill l\8 n lld lI~ t o "hft h nu r Rtun durd s

pr ll l dj\tn~


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am p ll d

c.lh ":;-1) 11 ('; \ Ir} t n r hucl(\vltnJ Th e r e t ~ rnu c h th u t td lOllhl ~h (" U~ <,o n-


Devtc:e Shown in Accompanying Illustration WUl Answer All Purposes-Is Cheap and Easlly Made.

I'robl"In ' anrl s plrta l (l ull'" of o ur


hlf;hly clllll u d pt'n r lp \\111 he Mtullonllry or elsc tUI\ U h,·!.:Uil t so b" ck \\ .utl In p pulu.tJ OTl \\hll r nHjn~ or Ih .-'rn ",111 h o \ e ....


::: 1. ' •••


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c orn ror \l, ft tulllr~ Out I hero:! Is mu ch . ~h ou l l l b ~ II .. ~ IU'" Tlw I:nc;-II. I,, " ,n o the u l80 \\ hl<ll 8houl<I III' • us ho p., No man rn In n ( tll n nrhlsh 1'-leM In hi . \ II rlou/i Is nlor e npt t o b e m is tak e n tllg,n tho h ( ilUU4 1\. rll~ !'4 t l .. , fil H!i and t h e AnH'rl 1 b e ll ove \dth

n il rn):

h r. rh



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hr,lughl Inlo " ..Hap l \1 1t h utterly nlle n ~ s, " .. 1\ Ilh n e ll !llzlItl"n m or !! II nd ~ nt Ihnll (.lIr mI n nll"'r8 SIIII In (lr h" IlIg l il t r l" I'nl l} nr l"PH fr olfl II .., bnrt.1l1 ~ HI \\ hl ,, 10 "tlr () ~n(ll~ 10' " h' h lll ,1 ll «f'S

lo t ef) LURlc

ng-., 'rh,.. Il f ll td'I1 IS tl w t Jt. r hu"

nnd bear himse lf as \ n Hnnt·



..... -"' ~


he u rt thllt a great (ulure r emnln!! for UII hut wh e lher It dol'S or does nol. o llr dilly Is li nt nil. recl H owe", r tho baltt p may go th so ldier worth y or Ih e name IV II I "tth Ulm oR t ylgor oJu hIs nl I~ In dct ... nl as In vi c t ory Como) what will wo bplong to p eoples hllvll n o t yl ... ldclltuthc craven (ear ot be ing gf.,&.t. III the ages that have gono b), the great nall ons th e na\lon" Ihnt hil Vp I!X plI"lI cd and that hll\ o played a mlghly pa rt In the world. hl"c In the "nd grown old and weaken ed and Innlshed but MO hal'"" th.. nations whose o nl y thought \Va.., to avoid 011 danger. nil e f tort. "ho would risk nothing nnd who therefore Itltln ed n oth ing In t he end the same tate m a y over\\ helm nil alike but th e memory ot th o ono type perll:lhes wllh It while the other It'P HS Its mark de p on the history at nil the tuture at mankind A nation that seemingly dl'll! JIllll' b e born "g.lln anel '" e n thoul:h In tho ph ys ica l Bense It dIe utte rll. It mAY y e t hand d"wn a history o r h er oic a ' hi ' vem~nt nnd t or nil time to CO rY) n18) prntoundly Influence th e nations Ihat n rl se In II~ pla co by the Impress ot what II ha s do ne n 8t o C all Is It to do our r,art \\ e ll and at Lhe samc time to lIee our blood IIvo young and \Ilal In men and wom e n nt to tu lIa up the task ns \\ 0 la) It do\\ n t or SO shall our 8 ed Inh erit Ihe en Tlh But Lt this. \\hlch Is b st. Is d nl ed U9. t hen o t lells t II Is ours to remember that It w e c hoose we can b to r ~h -beA re r8. us our The t o rch h a s fathe rs we re b tore U8 been hnnd d on (rom nation to naUon. trom r. lllllzrtllo n to civilization throughout all recorded time. trom th e dim yea rs betore hi lor)' tla\\n d down to \lI e blazing Bpl e nuor ot this teeming c ntury ot ours It Is dr opped from Ihe hllnd at th cOI\ard nnd th e sluggard ot th e mnn wrapped In luxurv or 101' ot en s . th e man whoso soul was ea l n awav by sl:'l(Indulgen cc It .has bCPIl k pt aliGht only by Iholle who w r e m lgll tv o r h enr I nnd cunning ot h a nd >'i' hnl Ih ey \l orllcd nl. providing It W ILS \l orl h ding li t ,,\I \\a s o f no lE'tis mati r t hun how th ey \\ orllod. \,h e th e r In Ih e r('a lm of Ihe mind or the r ol m nr th e hoil~ If th ~ lr '\I, rll I\ns good If what I hl'v ae hle\ <,d 1\ ti ll o r au bSllln e. th en high su cc ss was rea lly th ei rs 1n t he first part ot thi s I Clure r elre w c rlaln nnn logl(>s he t" .. n \\h n t h"d o~ cllrred t o to rms of IInllll n l lI(e Ihroll gh th Pl OI ss lon or Ih e 1IJ.[t'!I on tills plnnet and" hal 11a8 occ urred und III orcu rrlng to th o grl'.l! nrllfkla l civiliza ti ons 1\ hl"h hilI" grnrl "" I1~ sp relld OI!.' r Ihe world 8 sl'r(llce during tho th ousnnils ot } a rs that hale .' llIl'sp<I 8 1n ~ III e8 o( t empl es and pal o.ces Ors t r ose be!!lde- th c /,<11 0 and th EUJlhrl! tt:s nnd th harhors of Minoan Crel e brlMlec\ \\ Ith the mns ts o t the A(>geA II ~rnrt But ot courSe th e. purall I Is true on ly In the rough cs t Moreove r e\ e ll anel fII os t aenernl \\ ay b tIle n lhe clvlllza tl ons of 10dllY and I he ell IlIznllons or onelent limes th er nro dl((l'rences so profou nd Ih nt II e must bp. ('au llouB In dlu"lng nn ;.- ronC\u s lo ns fo r tho prese nt bused on \I hut hll R hapllf) nNI In th e pas l Whll fr c~ ly nrlmlt till': 1111 of our (ollles lind wcnknesBt'9 ot tot.1 a~ It Is ~' el m r e per\ c rsllY to reruso to - r('allze th e In(' redlbl e n (h an e Ihllt hns b II made In e lhl ca l s tonrlaruH 1 do not boll,,\ o th a t th e r e Is th o . 1lJ:htcs t necess ary co nllo(' ll nn bctwr e n flny wC'ak c nIn J,<" o{ viril e (orce and this neh nnce In the m o ral stAndard Ihl s or the sl!' n~ e of oblll[allon tn one s n ~ lghb o r nnd o ( r lu tan ce to d that n eighbor l\To ng 'IN n eed hilI e s ~ anl potLl .. nc \\ Ith t h,lt s illy e ynl Is m "hle h In13 lsts IhAt Idn d llnes s of ('hnrac I r only II ccompanl es "ea lenes9 f hara 'l r n th ~o nlror~' jus t ['s In prlvlli e lire many o r th e lIl en ot s l rong 5t "hnracter nre I h" I cry m p. n ot lofll ('s t (lnd mosl exulted III r ll llll ~o 1 b('lI e \ e IhJ\t In lIallonol lite as lh" aR'CS gO hy \\ 0 shA ll tlnd Ihlll the p(' rm In Ant n n llon a l Iypes will llIore lind inOl e Irn d to\\ nrds I h s In \\ hl ch " hll I h" InlelIN t Innds h":h ~ hnrn('l e r I/lnd s hll(lo l' r In \\ hl c h rU':Rcd slre ngth ancl (o urnge rUJ:!;"cd cn l'ac lt) to r .. ~lst "rongrul UI!' grC'"s lnn by others \\ III go hand In lIItnd wll h rt l o rl~ s co rn or dolll{:' \\ ro ng 10 oth erR Thi s Is 1100 t~ pe of Tlm oleon or HAmpLien of Washlnl:toll nnd LIn co ln Th se " e rr as good ",I'n. as dl s lnterrRled llnd unReltl"h men. ns el Elr served a state a lloJ th ey were rd90 us strong men iUI evcr found ed or 'HlI ed n stille SlIrely sueh pxnlllpl c8 prO\ e Ihat there 10 nOlhIng UtopIan In our !.'ffort to cOlllblne jusU and strenglh In thc same nation Th e r ea lly hIgh clvlllzntlons mUAt Ih emselves s upply the anLidot o 10 Ih e Relt-Indulgenco IInel lo vo ot e(\8e \\ hlch Ihey t e nd to produ ce Problema of Motte,.n Nations. EVl'ry !nodern civilized nation hilS lIlany and terrible problems 10 1I0lvo within Its "wn borders. problems that Arl80 not merely from juxtnposltlon o C pOI'erlya nd riches but especlu\ly rrom the selt-~on­ flc lousness of both PO\ erty and rIches Etlc h nllUon must d al '" Ith these matt e rs In Its 0\\ n ta.hlon. and yet the spirit In \\ hlch thp. prohl em Is approached mURt ever be fundamentally the lIaml! It must be a spirit ot broad humanity. of brothl!'rly kindn ess. ot a cce ptance ot reIIponslblilty. one tor ellch and e nch tor all. and At the sllme Ume II. spirit RS remote WI the "OI~R trom every (orm ot weakne88 nnd sentlmenlallty_ As In war to pardon the coward I. to do cruel wrong to the brave man whose life hili coward ice jeopardlzell. so In civil arralrll Jt III revolting to everY' prlnc lplo of JUltlce to give to the lazy, the Vicloull. or even the feeble and dull-witted. a reward which la really the robbory of what braver. wiser. abler men have eorned, The only etrectlve way to htlp any man la to help him to help hlmllelf. and the worat lell80n to teach him III that he ean be permanently helped at the expense of lIome one eille True liberty shows ItRelf to best advantago In protecttng the rights ot othera. and eepeclally of mlnortUes Prlvlleae should not be tolerated because It Is to the advantage of a mlnortty, nor yet becauae It I. to tl'ie advantace ot a maJorlty_ No doetrthalre th\lorle. of veat". rl.hta or treellom at eon tract can aland In the way of our eytUn. Qut abuaes tram the body Politic JUllt a little can we aft'Qr"\! to toltow tl\e dootrln. alrea of ' an Impoplbl_nd Incidentally of a hl.bly undea\rabl_aoolal revolution "WhIch. In deatroytq IndSvldual rlrhe. (IDcludin. IIropert)' rlahta) and lh. lam~, would deatroy tile twO obl.~ ."Ilta SD


--- --,-- -, --

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P' .' pl.


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ni gh In r" 11\ Il lI bl' rl llll' IJI I~ I h e) cn nn ot b< "" I ,~cI h} t h,. (rJU IlHh . ~nlln, p nlalllv ot E I .I~ - lIt - h .. nil' p .... pl,. "l lh IIltlu p ll"nt rl'c lp'ij nwl 11100 ell l ,,, .. I ,1rl (I "" LlI le s or til> f,nlll l," 1 ,,"ra n II hlo' h hnl o ~u h II IBII H1 IIllnll , .1 11111 1)' 11 ",101 t h~ • ra~" ot <I ill'IIl AI f""es ~ pllhp r ,'n n 1\, ~ be s,)lved by Ihe , aw blu lnll " .1 t he m. n ,, 110 \I h" " ", r li t ho m " lI r I' n Ih o r ou gh ( rnn ll'r o r c l,IIIZ II II ..,,, LI.l o (l1 mlJ;ht 1'11.' tho fI "l y sl '",iln rd o r r l/:h t In ,I(, llIng \\Ith ul hp r ITO n nn rl Irellt .,II" n rn [ e~ ollly 'l~ SlI b l" , IR tr)r • ~ pl ol l Ul l nn 1'>; 0 I,,"rl .• nd r.IHt rlli o ,n n he (Irllwn a s nppl\ Ina 10 11 11 nll !! n r ' cr'~ III'c ouRe th ... y dllTpr (rom nne IIlIoth'r ta r mn r~ \I 1.1"_ Iy t ha n Rnm o r I hem ,II rr, r (r "ill II ' Bllt l il (' r ... Ilrl) on l' o r 1'1 0 I lJ l p~ \\h l~h ' nllM t nn l hI' f/Jr/; u ll " n Tn I ho Innf; run I I" ro rlln be n o Ju slltlrn ll o n rnr O il ra<~ III II n Ill(lng o r con l rnlllnc nn. ( he r IInl."s llo e mnnugP l11 f' rH

n n rl r untrH I nrf'


\:{'rC" l sc rl I n

th e Inl' rta t tlnd fnr Ih p b n" tlt or llo"t ol hl'r rll ~ I' This I ~ \\ hil i nu r p. nll l' H ha,,! III Ihl! m ll in dnn .. llnd "'lis t c onIInli o In I ho f ll illre In (O \ e n ~r< .uer .1 g r l'e to do In lndl a F:IO I'I n ntl Ih e, P h llIppln 's n.lIk l' I n t he II ' x t pin e'. 11M r 'I:'llrds 1'\ c r y rn ce <'\t' rI \\ h" .. , u t h nm e or abr" nd. \,,! cann .'t " rrord 10 <I \ I,,\(~ tram til " STln l rili o n( lll':lHt' USII(!SH \\hl r h bids " 8 trpu l ",neh man 0'1 his, worth ns n man B e IlIU s t nOI lo ~ s, .111 menIally (a l or ed becn ll M h e hplon"" to 11 1(1"1'11 rolet! he IIlll s 1 lIot be !'III "n ImnWfllll In wron g-doln/;, or p"rmlll ctl 10 r um\)pr t h~ grOlln " o r g il r n (Hiler prl v lI p J;~s II hl l h " oll ll! be ,j pn lcd t o tha I Ir lous and unfll "rnoul: Ih rn "ph s n Ih o nt h" r ha nll I\h e r .. ho A C t ~ In n " "Y I\ h lel' " o"ld e nlill him In rrs pl'rt lind r 'lI a rt:! It he " pr o r nll r OIL 'I ~to c k ho Is jlJs t us mu h I ntltl.-r! to thnt r" SI"lec t and r (' " a ,d It ho " " mes lO r Dn o lh ' r ~ I nr k even Iho ugh th a I nt h e r Slack prodU CP 6 A milch ~olU l\ e r pro po r llon o ( III n (0( his 1\ fl U th n n (\ oe" ou r ow n 'I'hl" hn8 nNhl n/; to dn "Ilh socln l Inl .. rml nRlln~ \11th \lh a t Is (ull , iI sno\al 1' 111 ,,11[1 It hilS 10 do lIl e l e ly " tlh I h,. 1j1l <,,, lIon of ,I nIng In .. a h m n ll nn.1 "'1( h \\ mnn Ih It cJ.. m ~ ntnrv Ju s ti ce whic h \\ III P I mit h lon nr hpr 10 gai n frolTl Ilfo the r<' ll nrd \\ llk h .. hould nh~n~' s Il.(companv t h lltl. pO hrlel~ s~ lr-('on lr o l r('sp c t for Iho rIgh I- o f oth t:' r s n n 1 h a rCl Ilnd Inl c\ lIr: III work 10 a gll c n "nil T o 1Il0rE' llonn fu c h just treatm .. nt nn man Is e nlill eri. lind 1<8S Ihan su ch Jus t tr IItm ~ nt no man s hOUld r ecell e




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Cooling Without Ice_ Th os l' w h o Ill e In th e r ura l dI s tricts and sma ll villa gPH oft e n Clll'ounte r h ,lrll s hlll!l during th e h o I s ummer monlh s. where th y al e compe ll d to 0.10 without Ice Oft e n muc h foo d Is s poiled that co uld have b een sav e d \\ Ith icc . or SOlUe othel method for 1\0 ping sa me coo l A deVIce suc h as shown In th e accompanying illustra lion utay h e InRtall e ll. e lth r In .l n e w or an old hous e , at RlI g ht xp e n se. and will afford mos t all tho b neOts derlve(! f l om th e Ice chest 0 nd Ice A sma ll excavfl tlou Is mad e . ot whatevor sIze sullR your n ee ds or ftU1CY, If' lh e h o use has n bnsc m nt 01 cellar Th e xCflvation s hould xtend several fe e t below the floor ot sum • It there 13 no ce llar. It sh ould go s ome d e per Th e xcava tlon e h ould b lin d with c oncrete. and the boltom covered with th e same mat rial. to k eep out tb e wnt r In Illu st ration th e excavation Is shown at • tho e llar floor at D 13, the Itltch en or pantry flo o r at A A. th e dumb "alLer for 10wClIng the food. to. at E. the bal.lD ee \\ ight at 0 and the hoisting whee l at. F A bol e th e proper s Iz e Plus t now he cut

through th e kitchen floor. and a shall built oC good tight lumb e r. from the c ' lIor floor to th e ceiling In tbe room abov e Doors c ut In tho shaft. both In the cellnr and the room above . In ord r to r e ach Ih e waiter El Th e waiter may be made ot almost lillY s tor box. and th e balance weight may b e uny large can or weight handy 1l s hould b e s li gh tly h eavier lhan Ihe walter whtm same is load e d. !ln d th e wire or rope. connecting saUlEl to th e walte l . s h ou ld b e wrapped twice around th hOisting \\ h ee l F If some old wh I cannot be found around the place. mnko OllO out of three wide boa ld s, hnvlng t.he ceute r whee! two Inches s mall e r th an th e out s ide wheels to form t b e flange Th e tront of th e \I lilt r should bo cov e r e d with SC I een wi r o o to k e pout ms eo ts If on e has sev e rnl Inl ge drain til es at hand, th y will se rve very well for the '\ e ll. If only a a mall waller Is n eed ed. but tb c e rn nt lin e d w e ll "III las t for e vel. and the d e vie will soon Slavo Its cost In omfort and the -food save d The de, i e Is very slmpl '. and Is soo n built by any man or hoy Build tho wife on


Humus. It is uud e r stood . Is that e l e m e nt In th e so il composed of decompos d organic subslauc s. and forms th e principal plant fo od of the so il Where H Is abundant we have Il c h soli. !Inti produco lurge crops ; wh e r e It Is abse nt crops are li g ht aod \\ e say the 8011 Is barre n

Duty of Nation to Nation Th o oth r type or duly Is Ih Inl e rna""nnl duty. Ih dUI ~ o l\ e .1 hy on" nu li on to a ll oth r I h nl' l Iha t th " In ws o f mal nil tv \\ hl c lo slJould gOI e rn Indl\ IduI\ls In their .1 nlingM o nt' II IIh Ih o oth er n ro just as binding rn"cornlng n atlo na In Ih elr cleallngs on "lIh Ih " nthl'r 1'ho nppll catlon ot th l) m orro I Ill w mllst ho differe nt In t h e 111 0 cases \)p cllu.e In on(" ellSc It hn 9 tlnd In th .. nltwr II has Is That Elesnent Composed o( Denot th e san c ti o n or n (' 1111 lil lY \\llh (o rce ~omposed Organic Substances, llr hlll,1 It Th e Indlvldllol Inn dope n" ( nr and Fortns Principal Plant hi s Il ghls lIpon Ihe cuU rls 111 111' h 1Ilf' 1rI Food oC Grouad, ~el\' es !lerh o th " lr fonLl (ro lll th o pcollee l'OIlPr of Ih Alnl e '1 h nn ll nlJ <fill c1,,pend upon no(hlnl( or th o kln (1 n llr! m y pn oF' R H LONOOrtlnr:r-;) IlIer ... rore as t h inI:" a r e 11 0 \\ II Is the 0 11 deficient In humus I of little high es t dUlY o r t h rn" Rt n,1I n ileI'd fln(1 (, eest p oplcs I n kee p IllP lll ~e h .," In SU..t1 \ n lue A !ll nl o ( rcu lin !IS n" III (orblol t u !lny liumus b enefits tbe soil In many bn rha rl s lfl or d !'spoti s lrl t h Io ,'nu er n rr sting th e prnJ;"r S8 o f th ' 1\ or lll 1)\ S 11 _ WIIYS Il lng dn"n th o nn ll o ns Ib " t I uri In Ihnt It makes 80 11 loose r. lightl' r, thus progress It wou lll h fO'lllsh h "lo<>d to v e ntilation and allowing [lll)' heNI t(l lho un\ll s p" rSOJlR 1\ h.) (\ n _ nldlug In Hire dls R.l"l1ll\m nt 10 hI' h " ~IIJI li v I hn poi s onous gases to es 'npe vrr y pe pll'" who o r n il n Ih. r. sh oll l,l It I{ eps the Boll from b comlllg not be le rt h cl lll .. ss h"fnr" \11\ P g81b h' roe Bul w!.' llIust rt prnh>l l" flnll .. ns 0\ rheate d 1t Is ,alliabl e In clay b c aus e by !\ Iro ngl~ bnlh tho lea rlt-, . on d II , p t{) l'h~ \\h o prnc tl sl' 01 ('n <'jurng c n r (ol ll l l) nl li g hl('ning lh e ground It Il\ ,l k e s It .ll;l;r sslon 1111(1 Inlq ull l b) Ihe Rln' "1': III lh e e~ llt' n "'e o r lil{" \\t \1\ '\"\ ( ~ lItlldd t o l - eas ie r 10 work It Is '1.1111ablo In sandy SO Il. flS It ('ra t ", h\\\'l cs sn RS ,\n ~ 1 \\ 1 I{r d n t"s ~ rtf 1111 r 11\ Ih o II PlIk II I l, y Ih p SlI o nJ; "nd hOl h he Ip s 10 blnll It together and gil e It w~nlc nn<1 slrulI~ , , (I "hnu l(l t n r f' lll r n more sub s lan ce Irl'at with Sl rllpll lnu_ fnlrn' s~ 1'h ~ ( r I t c h anges Dlltlerals that are In Ihe t! tJ.!n Jl{'lll c. ~ of 1. s;ren I it nil ~ f' l r·1 li l' f'C' t III$: ('nunl ry s hollid I. co n,lu (' t~cI O il ~xnr ll} 5011 to plant food It h o ld s nitrogen In the soli aud th e aame plnn o ( h'l " " r nr In sls ..' ,,, 0 upon one S 0" n right" II nll o r rrsp' , l for nil rug !'n Is tbe most vnluuble In g r f' dlIh e rlghlS ot otlh rs. ,I S \\ he n" IIrav e nlld ent In th e 80 11 Blld tho costliest to buy honnruhle lIlon Is d, ullnl: " lIh hlH r, I 10 \\8 P rml t IlItl tn "upp.1I I t h is stnt"- as fe rtilizer it Is th e home of benefi c ial bArlerla mf'nt alit of lilY Oil n exp" rl " nce I'or n""rly I'lght y ea .. I \\ us th e li ~a. 1 o t I It h e lps I he soli to r eta In moistu r o grt It nnll o'll nnd ~ha l g. d <'sp"c!nlly "IIh Plow YO'Jr ground d eply. liS this th e I ondu<I of 11 8 fo reign 1'011 0 n n,1 during' th o!51t \ e nrs J tn o k no H I tl o n ,, 1t h enables tht! humu s lo g t deep!} Into r et er e nce to any o th l' r peo pl e on th e (n, ~ Ib e so li. \\ b e re the long roots \\i11 get nr the !.'arth th at [ \\ Qu ld no t 10 11\ c (olt th e greatMt ben e fit from It jU!ltllled In taltlng LIS nil Indi v idual In On somo dese rt lands, lhe flrflt d<'aflnl: with o lhl'r Inrllvldu a l9 crop I bl'lIel e tho t \\ e o f I h~ I;r" It rlvl ll z"'d thing to be done 18 10 get a na tion s ot totlny IUlI o II right \l> fec i Ihat starled that "III add to tbe humus long ca r eer. ot achlev<' lllent li e be ro re ollr fte, e ral countlf cs To e ndl oC UK Is content of soil Ttll s can b e don e and voueh s .lfl'd I,h e hono raille prl vllr' I:' o r do- Is done, the r esu lt of tell b e ing soils ot Inl\' 11111 part howe \' e r '1111111 In Ihal "ork alIlllzlng te rtillty Let us atTho hnrdlly for SIU'''CS!I 0 \" ' 11 Ir by BO delng we rl .. k f"lIule spurning the "oore r sonls at 8mull end enl'or "ho know nellh Gr failure nor SU(,. '8" Le t us hope that our 0\\ n bl oil shl\lI cn lltl nue In the lan(\ thnt our ch ildre n and I'hlldren's c hildre n to e ndl ess l!'I' nerl1t!oll" shnll arlt!e to t a lle our plncell ~ .'<1 pllY a mlrht~ Ilnd dominant part In tne world But whether thlll be denied or "ranl ed by the yearll "e shall n ot see. le t nl 10llst the satisfaction be Ollrs thol we hn\ e ~nrrled onwurd tho Uahtcd to r \!h In o~·. own dll)' and gelleratlon It we do thi s thE'n, aa our el'Cs close. and we go out Into thll darkn eos. and other hands grllsp the torch. at lanst \\e elln say Ihat our P.rt baa been borne well nnd vallantly_ I


Feeding Ewes at Lambing Time. According to estimates mllde by the Virginia ex perim e nt staUo n . over 8 p r ce nl o f lh e lamb s born In Ihal stal last y ea r dlod b ecaus e th e ir motlle r s did not have s uffi cient milk to support tb em Inv estigation ShOW8 thnt tho ca us o for this lac k of milk wu s du lo llllwis o fe e ding b e fore anil art!'1 111m bin g One s ll Oil br 'cd I los t :lH!l per (ent of hi s Ill mb s from this cause - - - lJefore lamb Ing time h e fe d lhe ewes CO lli follrl l' allll timothy IJ!\Y Aft e r lamb in g llo' f 'Il bran and cut fodder Thi s s how s thllt it Is .\ grf'nt 1lIi sta ku to feecl s ll ee p o n tim othy hay 0 1 corn l odd I e llh e r b efo r e or aft e r l amhlng Nellhe r of these fee ds c ontain s


elloug h protei n 01 auccul -nee to maltO Thi s Illan f. a)S that It be had h.ld 500 bush e ls tUI nips he could have sa ve d nil hi s lamb s III Ilk

Haulln(J Cream. WI1\' u hauling cream Reo that a wet s a c k Is thrown (wer the call Thill will e n ab lo tb e .'ream to r each the Ilta tlon lit 1\ much low er t em p e ratul9 tban would oth e l wise be pO SS Ibl e Pure Water for Cows. "lllIt Is aboul 87 p er cent wat r If th e Oil'S have 10 drink stale. dirty "aler th ey ,\ III stint themselves and the millt flow will fall short


Charity and Prudence. The contradictions of ute are many. An observant mnn remarked recently In using the large and heavy farm that he was prowling about a certain city square. wben he came upon a machInery ot the day It Is necessary drinking fountain which hore two con- to double up the team torce and tbe ques!Jon of tbe proper adjustment ot flicting Inscrlptlons_ One. the original Inacrlptlon on the the eveners, as well as the drJvlng fountaIn, wal from the Bible: .. And reins, some~mes becomea a puzzle. whosoever wm. let blm take the wa- saya Kan"as F1Iormet_ The Bccompanylng dTBwlnf will show hitches ter ot lite freely." Above thll bung • placard: "pte.le made to cover the requirements of do not _ute the water."- -Youtb', ordinary farIp work where more tban twl') horsee al'8 used. The clrnwlDS I, ompwClD.

destgned to show by s lgbt the relaU\,e lengths of tlie two ends of each of tba e veners, as well a8 to bell) the nov,lce or one Who 1/1 Dot accustomed to drl· vlng thene larger teama, In adjusting his reins. These hltcbes are DOW It: dally use by etperlenced . farmel'S, tlioulth there may be oUters that are equally effective. It ao), of our read· era bate better tleal alCUB thl. lID. we ahall t. clad to bear trQIII tJl~


•• ••

The Neighborhood News

•• ••

___ w -..


...... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...... _ _ _ _








. .

" J' 'M"'~' u--'E'd"J" [J~ --' d nn ....... rs . r y I\n

•• _

. . _



on1 \\'a.- I' ,(: iv d h r 1'I'iJay by


IMr.andMI1I . Fl'unk Hawe ,of Mit.! r, e 'ull- dl R ' f h d h f h'. , \ 'yel man. dl n .pent Hn ndu.y witb Will Ker .\' ,. un, ~ t at . 0 t ell s?n , tind wife · WIlham, 111 Los Ang(>\es,' al. 1h \V e are Borry to statt1 t b 8 t tb e 1 :1 h I k'l l d Wellman gr sry is 1\ ng of t.lle 'rhe I\ttAndllnoe nt, th e ' . E . m e to t grum I'euu t at I was I pll t W d ,\ not know how t,o d o jng Iln!lIi.V' fl\' niog WIlli Ulllll! Ullll ' Thu day whil in the perfol'mance witboot II grnc(lry 1) the urner. lor~ Mr . \' r m u Hllr vey will of hi- duty, an d it is possibl that h Mrs . Mfl.l1d CI" v r Illlll dnughter 1 '11.1 U!t) ~lleetll1l-t nuxt un~111Y OIghr. was I lru ul d by a live wire. • .h ' L ,. 1 J . K . :::ip n aI' lind MI llS f... drl/\ w r ll \\ ere B 0ppl11g III eunnOIl ooe (ay In . L e bII uon '/1t nrl1uy n ft I ro ooo . Mr. HU\\ICS W <lS employed . by the t'~oeut l y M '1' : . d ' k Henry W e ll, of Cio 'inDll tl, visit- l os ng I s Pow I' and Il eatmg 0. , . hr. hlon lOt! Rlcb llU WI fe tOlu e,l frienlis b e re SnuIll,y , and ha be n wurKing for them for In t· e s g lIt.... In Dayton re. ent y MI L ' 1 M t llIn ' el1 t lHI 'Ibout four yea r' and was a a lua bl e 88 uct e IlBon e n ter Mr . N . B RiollJ wap tllken ty I!ur MiRses li llldvs ' penm'lr IWl! Luoill o l c .' .' . ' • • p rise Juoe t il 'l'hut l.)Hi ng b l!! Ix. Norton lLud Zf!.i n Ilnd Vern ArUlitu ge man In hi S POSltIOIl. . ty-fiftb birthday his wife IJlll nn ed llud WI'!! PotodI' Wodllesduy ui ,; ht.. I Services w ere Iwlt! in Los Al1g~1 'S n urprl~e, and thei r t oo d l lUg l~terl! -.-- - - F r iday a nd the body wa shipped imli nd fllmlh aR caUlP Wi th we ll til!ed New Burlington. ' m dia tely . The body is expe 'ted to hA.s ketll . The t/lllie gronnf'd WI th :. , . . .' . . good t hlUgH nnd Ih,'y Rpe n t tho day Dr. MoCrI\y's l\l)l'se beo/une fri g ht - <l11'1\ e hale rhursd<lY mornlllg. The \' ry pleo Rl\otl,v. it WIlIl one long to auetlnt /lU a uto m obil e lus t Montln y funeral will lake place at t he Cha pel ue remom bered , but thOlr t.bul1ght.s morUlu g . and while t r yi ng tu Ill /HI , Friday l1lol'l1inj{ a l 10:30 o'c1oc\(. t, ften w~ot. to th IIhsent, .]lI.ugbter Ugll him tbe docror WI\S t·hro1;Tn dow n I Mr. Hawes Iaad a host of f l'i 'mls nnd famIly In Texas for they were untIer tbe h or!!s's feat . Two riu" .. Aatl ly missed were broke n !l nLl bis lef t wrIst frac'- he re, w ho sympathI ze WIth t he parUoe Who WIIS Thero . tured. e nts ove l' their sudd n loss. - ----- _ .. J tlR. Pat rsou i:-1 g oing on orutohe!4 ul\viu g iuju r ed h is IIllkle oy rnllin ..: Walton 'ompton, a well known from tl IIlcl(\ r . resident of ew Burlil lgton , di ed Blue Ribbon Talc Powder RU A al Bllntly tlnll ftlmlly ha n . at 9:30 o'c lock Sunday nig ht af. lll n \' e<lIDto t.h e Murph y Ilro perty I Mrs . 'ha s . ioonbower IlUll ohi l- leI' a n Illness of threc years froll1 rlren wer ll ~ue:its of he r tJ II. r au t s nen r c nl a rg 'm enl of the s ple n H e was Wilh a m 11\8t week . about forty-five year of age. and SCHWARTZ'S Port A . H . Harlan and wife antert/Lined leav{'S hi wife who was befor~ ma l'on Tuesday : U. E Bliydock, J aU1t1tl· . ' . Hnydock I1nd family of ()nkl 1 nage, MISS LOUIse Harn er, and three - - - .... Id l~ , .. anI , I ' Mo. tlnd Mrl'. J . W. Haydook, T e ll r eno ' une l'a I servi.ces WI' 11 bE' I. )


10c a bottle



Miss Lucille Norton le ft Monday evening for a week 's vilii t in X enilL Allen Kibler lind famll v enter. "!:lined Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Retalliok Ilnd ohlldrt'n and the Whit'aore fam. ily at dinner Sunday . Mi8N Edna Hpenoer will attend t,he 01a8s reunion of the 190 gradu o.tes of the Lebanon High School at Miss Katherine Will 's in Lebanon, Wednesday evening . She will rend "'~ohoes of School Days. to Mrs. Frank elea ver and Mrs. J G. 80henok oalled on Mrs. Harry 'I'hompson, of Green Briar, t:)undIl.Y. Prof. and Mrl!. D. W. Williams Bre the happy parents of an eleven pound boy, Vlotor Her8ohel, born Wednesday . The O. E. bnainess meeting' was Poorly attended owing to the stormy 'veather: Mr. aDd Mr8. Guy Sherwood, of ,near Waynesville, were in town Hunday.



C. Haydook, wife Bnd da ughter, fr e vor 0 , Ha.ydook Bnd family all of this plaoe . , Our end of the township was well represented in tbe Boxwell Clom menoement. Florenoe Wood, Gruoe Veda and Vesta Hurley from this sohool and Esther Shl\mbl\ugb of fri ends h ' I'e, who are pai ned to hear No.3 were graduates. 'I'he Ma8~ f h' d . day progrum was very interesttn ~ 0 IS eJ'i1lse. and the exhibits from the differen t -.- - . . Hannah Wrig ht , aged six ty-eIght .oho018 showed a great deal of taste Ilnd skill. years of age died at het· horne in Mr. and ~rfl . B. Keloh, of Uhiongo ISpringboro, Monday m o rning at who are viSiting here were called t o 9 a. m., of hear t t roubl e, Miss Oayton lllflt week. A little Dleoe o f . . b f h the former Wus brought tbere for W~l ghl was a lifelong m em er 0 t e burial. Frtends church , and was well known Mr8 . Myrtle Goodriob, of New he rc. The fun e ra l will be held at, York oity, j~ spending her vUOtlti oll her late home in pri ng l.lor o Wednes with r81a.tiv~s h ere . day afternoon at 2 o'c lock. She was Frank BlaIr, of Dayton, Jas.' and ' . , .. Bert Blair, of Xenia, .. pent. Sunday a Stster of Dr. A. 1. WrIght. I1t home. • -ehBS. Wood was thrown from POSTMASTER IS NAMED I\. wagon, on ~aturday and badly Eo S. Conklin has been appointed bruised abont the head and shoulpos tmaster of Lebanon. He received ders. official notice from Washington Monday that he had been confirmed by the Senate t hereby bringing an end to a controversy of nearly a year's duration. Conklin was unanimously endorsed by both executive and central committees ant.! his appointment followed. He will take his seat July

lIntiocb ebautauQu'a

Opening Day-Saturday, June! 18 7:45

Mrs. Maude Wentz Mac Donald. Concert, Howe-Ziegler Con- 8:00 Lecture, "The White Plague, cert Co. Lantern. ..Dr. Chas. S. 3:45 Lecture, "Les Miserables," Bond. Han. Frank Willis. 8:00 Concert;, Howe Ziegler Con- 9:00 Lecture, "The Div·ine Rights of the Child," Mrs. Leocert u>. nora Lake, 9:15 Relldings, Miss Maude Willis


Second Day-Sunday, June 19 Sixth

Day-Thursday June 23

10:00 Solo, Mrs. Edith MacDonald 1:30

Kellogg-Haines Singing Par- .

10:16 Sermon, Rev. Arthur W. 2'00 "i:you Like It," The CoEvans. . 2,00 Solo.Mrs. Editb~acDonald 3'45 "~~~e~a~~l:graphY," C. H. Tyndall. 2:15 Sennon, W. 1. WIshart, D.' D •• of Pittsbura-. 700 S I M M d W t 0 0, rs. au e en z 3:30 Lecture, "Aristocracy vs.: DOE MacDonald. emocracy,. r. wans. 7'15 "The Merchant of Venice," 8:00 Vocal Solo, Mrs . Edith' The Coburn Players. MacDonald. 8:15 Lecture, Dr. Wishart. 9:30 Kellogg-Haines SingingPar9:15 Readings, Miss WtlIis. I ty, 19:00 "Radium," C. H. Tyndall. Third Day-Monday, June 20\ScVenth

Day-Friday June 24


Duett, Mesdames Edith'Saire , 2 00 Mrs. MacDonald. MacDonald and Maude 2:15 "The Bee." C, F. Ames. Wentz MacDonald. 13 :00 Kellogg-Haines Singing Par2:16 Lecture, "Sour Grapes," ty. Ed~ard A~hers~ qtt. 3:30 Address, "The U . S. in Its ~e admgs ,. MISS Wllhs, Mission for Peace." Can3:45 P'ano Recl~I.Jeanette Dul'gl'essman Isaac Sherwood no,. of Chl~ago .. . 17 :30 Kellogg-Haines Singing Pal'8:00 Re,admgs, MISS Wllhs. ty 8:15 Duett, T~e ~acDonalds. 8:15 Lect~re, "The Martyrdom 8:30 Lecture. Will Your Dreams of Fools" Thomas Brooks . ,ComeTru~i o~ The HauntFletchel:. ed Rouse, Edward Am- 9:15 "The House Fly," C. F. herst Ott. Ames. Fourth Day-Tuesday June 21 Eighth

Day--Saturday June 25

especially in lodge circles, having been secretary of all three depart· men ts of the Masonic orde r here for fourteen years. He is also a member of the Wa nen County Republican Central Commi ttee and secretary of that org anization. BULKY FEED FOR CALVES

Miss Donna .Hawk e was shopping in Dayton Tu esday , MI'. and Mrs. FI' d esbi t. of ."··c· 111' a, ""11 don fl'I' ellll", II I' ' unda" . ." ...." J Mix;; Ind ia Ranke r, of L banon, is the gUl'st uf MI'. and MI·8. C. A. Perry. Mis; ' H utchi n!'lon , of hicago , is mak ill g Dr. l\'ilsI'Y Cook an extend ed visit. Miss 13 ,,~ie Biven, of C1al'k::;ville, \Va., Lh~ ' lInday guesL of Dr. Ma ry 'ouk .

Tht' fl'ien d,-' II f, J ullll CU!'lw righ L. th wealLhy Wayn >sv ill RUllkt'I' a I'\:! boe ming him rol'Th noillinalioll f ' r tat se nat ur in lhifl i..Ii:-ltl'icll 01-)l-Iost' Hulfmun . f Hutl·l'. Mr. "'arL.vl'i~hl will umloubledly hav th e bll -kingol [ WatT n ount.y should he d -dd - t o h - a cH ndidale H is a loall ~If unCI -,' LiolleJ chal'aclcl' and a cleal1 rc .ml. 1-1 e i:=: of on of th bes t Q'l ukl.'l' famili sill lhis 'ou n· ly amI wuuld make all oPPoll ent I hat would malie Hulrmall jump hu rdl s - Wan:~n ounty Times, Th '1'(' is no uuuu t thal Mayor Cartwl'ighl would sUl'ely wi n if h e e ll tel'~ t he race Ihis fall.

. •. DENTIST .. :

- --


Mi:;s l-:L1nu Slout fi ta rted Mund ay for a we ,k's vi;;it with Mr. anJ Mrs. Saml. Surface, of Bellefuntaine. lV11·. alld ~ I rs . Frank Evans, o f . Valley, wc re t Ile g Ul?sts () f ,~ pl'lIll::' Mrs, 'u~al! 8lJel'Iy and family Sunday

L. A. Zimmerman is atte nding Gr and Lodge K. of P, at Lima. Ohio this \veek . He is a d elegate from Cr ow n lodg . !\Ilr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas. son and daughter, and Miss Ethel Cruwford , of Amboy, [nd ., were the weekend g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Madden ,


Messrs. Ed Retallick and James Prendergast al'e delegates to the State En campment at Xenia this week, and they will It'ave today to attend the Encampment. Many residents will also . attend during the sessions, of Wednesday, ThurSday and Frid_a_y_. _ _ _ _. - --


10 cents SCH~~~TZ'S


Tuesday and Friday Of Each Week

Office at the Gustin Honse


H Oll r ~

Good to Eat Tne Best Co ods The Lowest Prices


of Appointmcnt, Lo 12 Ill.




.\ l~

\\ 111 lie In~~· nt.:d tJI11', ' r t.1I 1'-. lu .ul lUI" l\'t ' II,ly I i \' f ' (' t ' 11 1:-. t. I" tllr l 'l' IIlM' I'U"n". \\' lIt ' li 1I l'i 11l J.! Ilot II1Ufl' tl l.\u 1\\ l: IInt-·~


'l'o I'pn t I., \ (l ll e 0 1' Ul OI U luclies , furnll'h eJ. iU'good 10 IL l· Relit r lllHllJIlltble inqUIre fol' fu rtu er pllrLlcultlrs lit thld ollioe

OO M l:i-




R. EAt-;TPIN-~ il""t qUllrl.-r, c li 1 ~.j.J \\'11 h I U I' i 111 M .. :.

(jIlt \V ..

h otwHtl lI A E ' i:u'''lllw, I II 'M IUd R ud Url ok ohul'oh. l<'lUd"r will latlve tit C.:iuu'tl,e ufllo . I .. Ollt

on 11111 I reet, g lll"t<tl!l in Cd .t!. FlIld tl l' lli e lltlt! IH,, '·ll· Bt G"n . Hllwku's l;r uoery Ilnd reo iva rew'lru .

t L ()8T-lal' G old



~ u~e


Uottltge ur gll l! in INorl oo ndltion . Fur pllrliolllllrs tn· qui rA of W. U. CnRt, Pllooll 53-3

HELP WANTED penH)D tUlly t'nrll monthly n rr Ati }JOIHlIoK I'or ue W8tJU-lJtl rs . N n Ollll VI1S!!tn~ . ::Ieul1 for tJ:\rll cul,lr8. Pr(l~tf tiy UI\rollte, B 1),2 1" Lookporr., N . Y. tnte lli ~e nt

~ lOU

BUSINESS E, !lily wbtlr£', on n 8f.&rt A NYON O1nll ord e r lll1!!in I!S h OIUIl. tit




Classified Ads



No CUI\VIISl!ltl~. Be yo uI' IjWIl hOM!!. 'end for free bouk let 'l'ellR how . Heuoook, A !i6l:!O, L uokport. N : Y

OF · COlTRSE WANTED girl for g'ioner-.t A GOOI) work . No wll sbing.

hOlllle. Write or 0,,11 W . 'r. Harrh., 38'10 Spenoer Ave" Norwood', Ohio.

KNOW-If you have lI\11'se, T o oow,plow, rake, orllnything to II.

- - -.....- ...- - -

Try our want colomn. We Columbus, $1.25 sell. oun sell them for you at IImltll oost. RVe bl\.ve Springfield, 75c HOUSEKEEPERS-Thtlt for slile at the G l:t.ette offioe


A correspondent of the Xenia Gazette boasts of the high graties of lots of nice oletlll pa·pers ((Or shel ves \ Miss Edna Rhubert at the recent SUNDAY, JUNEII9 Rnd to put nnder CllrpetR Prices Boxwell-Patterson examination by are obeup . I . ull nnd Sbe them. Train leaves WaynesvUIro 8:48 a. m. reason of which her teacher, Miss Marshall, secured a scholarship at Oberlin s ummer school, but did not give a word of credit to one of our teache rs, Miss Minnie Burgett, of Harm ony Gr ove school, Wa.v ne township, whose school she attended until . When purchasing silver.' , \ ' about the middle of March.

- - - .....

- .. --


ware rem em ber that in silver plate no name stands fo~ higher quality or' greater durability - than tbe renowned trade mark


"1841 ROGERS BROS.T:'P~(



(Osll'opalhic Physkiall )


First- Story of Jimmie Cassiday. Second-A flowe r duet, "The Month of Roses, " by Jeannette Janney and Helen Marlatt. Third- What The Flower Mission Means 0 the Communily. ' Fourth- Flower Missions tract cards report of 1909. The many heautiful fioweJ,'S were then arranged in boquets and taken to the sick and afflicted. Helen Hawkins, Helen Marlatt, Louell a ana Jeannette Janney assisted the ladies in the work. Leaders for the coming s ix months are as follows:

WI! nt'sv ille. O.

, \{lro



............-... 10 cents

Thursday, June 9th, the W. t:. T. U. observed "Flower Mission Day" at the White Brick Meeting Rou e and after the routine business the program for the day was taken up.

IlhJ jf.

Uru~ .


A Cood Tooth Brush



P . D. UlageLt !Lnd family Spdnt l:)undllY wltb Mrs, Alice MoKinsey, lind dtlUghter. UhtlR. ReynoldR, wife and little da.ughter Ytsited Mr . B Harlow lind ftimiJ Y' netlr Htlrveysburg t:)und"y . barn. . Mrs . Peuse and ohildren I.Lre visit. 9:15 Violin Recital AnnaSchilling Ninth Day--Sunday June 26 ing Mr. Geo. 1-' Ilnd fBmily. Mrs. F .. Golltn8 I'nd ohildren. of Fifth Day-Wednesday June 22 10:00 Mrs. McDonaid. Oregonlll, spent ~unda.y with their . 10:45 Sermon. re)a.tiv~s , W. Biggs Bnd family. 2:00 Mrs. Maude Wentz Mac 2:00. Mrs. McDonald. MIss' Dr>ra BtUt>s spent .T uesda.y in Donald . . ,. 2:15 Lecture, "LopSided F olks/ Xeoiu. 2:i5 LectuJ;e." A Message From George R. Stuart. Wm. Nadr)t was the guest of -his Kansas," Gov.E. W. Hoeb 8:00 Mrs. McDonald. nieoe, Ml'~. Alice MoRi~sey 'l'u~sday , 8:~ Piano Recital, ~aster .Ro- 8:15 Lecture, "My Stu~p Digan'd Wednesday. . bert Brain. I _ ger." Geo~ge R. Stuart. ,_ _ --Mrs. W.alt~l' O,,~t was'shopplng In .. _.~"~• •IIiII• • •,. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ • •.•.• •ilILebanon one day la8t wee~, .

. ,

Ed Redfern. who has be!;)n away from Way nesv ille for nearly twentyth l'ee years, is vis iling h ~ sister, Ml's. Se lh oak . ·

I'ml '

r ' rullll

I) , .


tan ~y

17Cood Tooth Brush


... - .. - - -

Durillg' the present sea~n ll, Olen Parle Columbus , Ohin, i ~ f)ff er ing mul' . am! be tler umLls 1ll'lIts I hall evel' bdu r '. '1'11 , spaciu wl I heater is oc 'up ied by lheStuhlls- Wi lsun playe l's, 311 e xcept ionally fin e compan\' of arlisL'l , which presents Lh latl''- \' and lll!~ t uram ali I-Ir uduclions III pupl1ll11' prices. A special fn'L'olll-doul' fealure fo l' twu weeks, ul'j{i nning' JUli e 12th is Frall 7. Ruilw l" s Tl'Oupe of Tyrulean Sin ge l's and Da ncers. whi ch attract d su mu ch uttt!ntioll al the !:;l. Lll ui!l Expo ition . There is 1l111!iic at a ll lim ~ in all parts of the Pa rk, including upe n-ai l' conce l·ts uy Powel's' Mili tary Band, Fl'om tlt e moment the visitor enters th e Park, until he I' aches lhe ex t reme end of the spacious g rounJs, I her is a conslantly chang ing panorama and an endl ess va l'iety of amu c men ta. Speci a l inducements and oncess· ions are off I'ed to schools, churches, Sunday chools, societies', fra te rnal m·ue rs. clubs , a'>."ociation , m a nufac· turing planL'l, business In n' s assoc iations . and all othel's de.qiring to atrang fo r an outi ng a t this magnifi. cent summer reso r t .

A new cal' of cement just ill at W. H. Madu c lI & '0', ". THE B EST ON

July ................. Mrs. Mary Sherwood August ............... Miss Marne Brown September, election of officers. October ............ ... Mrs. Ruth Janney Nove'm ber ........ .. Mrs. Anna O'Neall December ...... Mrs. Mabel Hathaway

----- ..- - -



Exyerienoe indioates the wisdom of feeding oalv s with bulky feed from I1n early period. '1'he objeo t is t\J seoure a Buffioien t distension 'of the pa.unch. Feoding meal is ex cellent for flltteniug aDd pfoducing flesn, but oontrlbutes little to en · larglng the s tomaoh. The Impor. tanoe of this lies in the faot that in the gr@wn ·auimul there is n eeded a large oU!JI.l city fe r feed . 'ril e co w thut oannot feed abundantly will of necessity bllve less value ns a milker It should 111 so be oonsidered thu·t Il oulf that does not beoome n good eater of coarse foud will soarcely pay for the expense of bringing It tllkeR IlEiveral yellrs for the heifer clIlf to develop into a servioeable oow. If there is fiuldly (l, fu.iiure t o produoe tl oow of rettl merit muoh of the expense of rel\ring is wa.sted money .

2:00 The MacDonalds. \ 2:00 Mrs. M"acDonald. 2:15 Readings, Miss Willis. 2:45 Lecture,"HowGod Made the 12 :15 Lecture, Gov. R. H. Glenn. Soil Fertile." Bob Seeds. ,3:30 " Insect Life," C . F. Ames. 8:00 Mrs. McDonald. 8:00 The MacDonalds. 8:15 Lecture, "The March of the 8: 15 "The Mystery ·ot the Mind," The Houstons . Centuries," Elbert HUb- ]



Mis ' Stella Lemmon I ft last Thurs· h VISIt .. WIt. ' h I'e Iatlvt!s . day for a mont's held at lhe M. E. church in New m Cynthiana and Williamstown, Ky, Burlington, Wednesday morning, Mi!;S Acldie Madden and neice, friends meeting at t he house at 1U , .. . . , . Janie Madden., of lal'ksville, spent u cluck. Burial WIll be 111 Miami Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. ceme l ery. Mr. Com pton was well known in Waynesville, and had many Madden.

On Antioch Campus, Yellow Springs, Ohio, will pre- 1st at the beginning of the fiscal year for the postoffice department. tfent the following program, under --",t= h=e_ _-I~I Conklin :s a stauneh - R-epublican management of Dr. S. D. Fess. and a prQmine'n t citizen of Lebanon,


~yton ::l unday .

arl Hawk e was in





•• 1

•• ••


Ask your dealel'.to show you the various exquisite p a tt ern s in which the


"Silvtr Plale Tlzaf Wtars" Re.~ ular

can be had. The "'ide latitude for choice ill knives, forks, spoons and fancy se'r vihg pieces aSSU1'es satisfaction to every ta.,te. . . \ Sold · by leading dealers everyWhere. Send for catal~g~e "C·L," sh~' jlll deslgns. .. , MERI~EN BRITANNia eo.

communication of Waynes ville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Tuesday evening June · 21. 1910 a.t eight o'clock. Sojourning brethern invited. . J. O.Cal't'#right W. M. E. Barnhart Sec'Y.






w~ have our. mill' fix:ep

and :,grind Tuesdays, . Thursdays. and ' Saturihiys. . . , :. . Cracked corn " and meal 'any day. . Tl')' our Polled cracked corn. ' .. Waynesvillle' Mills\ ~_






(J,aa.maUonalSU_ Co., 8a~.)

.&".ill: ... ··co .....





----------~ ,~~--~-







- ... . -

- - - ---

SlX'l'Y_FIRi-:'l' YE,AH .

-- ..- -

--- '


WE LE :N UMBER 3061 -

JE Z2, lIllO.




.-..----+------------ - _. . .

In Communication, Executive Committee of Burley To. bacco Society, Shows How Such a Provision Would Work Destruction of the Movement-Opinion of Lawyers Given in Letter



t· Personal Mention Here and ' ThereJ



. . l III a C'ommUlllC'atUll1 to mem leI'S, I B urt he l'xcc uti ve 'omm it tee of tIe ley Tobacco Soeiel) explains why nu Iler cen L "Iause was i~serted in the co'l Itract fOI' the HH O JJool, and why s uch a clause could not be embodied . Ac 'OIi'lpul"ying (hili eommulli calioll i8 :~ lette r from "'ot. John H.. All en , written March 5, in which is slated rneys for the Suo the OPI'll l'Oll of Attll ~. cI·eLy. 'j' he letters fo llow.'



On last Thursday evening occurred The WaYl1 e Township 'ommellci:l very ple.a sant social funCLion, the menl wi ll take place at Sehoul Ha ll +--~-..--.~-.-. ..... occasion being the annual reception Tueiulay evening, June 28th. An ·Smol<e MarCil Fin a Sc Ci)!;ars. Sl1lol,c il11parcial of . the New Century Club. The extensive pl'Og mm has b(;en arrangMrs. Emma Dakin has bl'I 'l1 \, e t·\ · \V . J . I'; il bull vas in Dayton Monbeautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. W. ed. upl 'ul vi n \Va!> fortunate in . .\ dUY. H. Allen was thrown open for the securing Pl'of. W. R. Mc hesney, of sick. entertainment of t he guests. Cedarville (·ullege. wh o is a very ab le Mi ss Helen tul< 'S Tll'nl :untlay in All kind ,. of Fireworks at Kilbon 's. The following attractive and inter- speaker. olumhu , . See til ' Ill. esLing prog ram was rendered during The music will be furnishecl by th e the CO lll"Se of the evening; flunou s Sp rin gfiel u Cadet orchesu'a, MI'. and 1\11." . •Joh n Smith \\' n' III ~l i ,;~ I';izzi' M 'rr itt was a Pay ton \'isiLUr Fl'lday. Piano Solo, Si lver Stars, Bohm .. ... It is needl 'f;S to say anything in /'e- Day ton Tu 'sday. ...... .......... ..... .. . MisR Sybil Hawke gard to t.~l \ mu sic, as this orchesLra See .the big cli. pl ay of Firt'w urK s Carl JI awke was a ' pring Valley Paper , College Settlements ........ ... al,:"ays gIves t he. best. at Kiluon 's s lo r . \' i::it() J' Slinday . ...... ......... ... Mrs. Edith M. Harris The prog ram IS as follow": Read mg, ' As th e Moon Ro se ...... ·.. I nvocallon ' .. .... Re\·. L. O. Thomp,;on MI'. antI MI·s . "brion I)ukp, of Mr. ano MI'!!. W. H . All en were in Dayton , werc in lown Sllnu<U'. Day tOil Monduy . .... .. .............. ... Mrs. C. A. Bruner · "Uncle Tas 'U::! anu the l>eed" .. .... .. Paper, Our Debt t n Our Ancestors ............... ...... ...... ... Nina 'imkins Messrs. Albert Ebrighl and Dav id I\1rs. F.d Macy spent three days of .. ....... .. .... Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader "Saved and aviol''' ..... Hertha I'l'i ce Evans were Dayton visiLors Friday. las t w ek in Xenia . Piano Solo, The Butterfly, Larallee "The Old Stone Basin" ... .... ..... .... . .. ..... .. ... ........ Miss Kathryn Dakin ....... ........ ...........J . Marie lI a rn I' Mr . and Mrs. J. i\1. Keys, of Gen[Jr. '. G. I{ut:dall. of Harv ysburi Dainty refreshments of Neapolitan "The King's l ~icture" ..... 8dna Smith t rvi ll e, w re gu<.:st.:· of l' lative, here WCC5 ill town Monday. ice cream, white and dark cake and The Living rre~en Stunf'\ Id Sunday. " l .. . N"\'a ~ Mrs. Hicks, of iilifornia, is t he lemon punch were' served. "Lighthouse May.. .. ......... .. .. ..... ... ~/'l1est Rosllug lc, vf SIJringuoro, g uest of MI'. and ·Mrs. Frank Zeit. .............. .. ... .. IJazel Mal'I'e Ilu tl.s Wfl. t he g u st of ])1'. alld Mr~. Ha thAI'out sl'xty guests were present 1 u • P resen t a LIon ' M essl's. •. J 0 f Cerll'fiIca tes...... ... away SUl1lla\, . . H aw k e an tl G'eorg e BOY DROWNED S l E II '1 ' Ogle, I.> mot red to Dayton'Monda),. Ad·d·.......... .. .. 1·; "' f" ,~~ I'~ '~ • . h 0 VIl1 Harris ~ ush e l' leav('s this, W d. res.':l ... .... ro ...... m C eHney Master Robert Bratten, of Kings William Goldsberg, son of Mr. and Benediction .. .... Rev. L O. Th ompsOI; nesday , I1101'ning for an exlended Mrs. James Goldsberg, of Centerville ____ __ • stay in Detroit . Mills, .v isited friends here last week. was drowned Sunday afternoun while l CHURCH OF CHRIST '11 Mr. ancl lVII'S. Sy lvanu s Thackara, MI'. Evart Anso n , of ClarksvI e , bathing in Caesar's Creek near Eli I of Sp l'I'nrTbol'o, atL nderl Memorl"'1 was visiti ng relatives near Lyt e Dean's' place. The young man Sunday is a red ·lett e l' day . Bible " ... servi ces hel'e Sunday. Fl'itl.ay . worked for Mr Frazer near the School Rally, 9:30 a. m Hazel Reed creek, and sever~1 boys in 'that neigh- will 8ing both morning a nd even ing . Mt·. and Mrs Reu ben M c ··~lIlum. Mrs. Cyn t hia Evans was in Cincinborhood wen t in bathing. It is sup- Other special music. of Day ton, were week-end g uests of nati and New Richmond Friday and posoo that he was seized with cramps The r.hildren's Day program will Mr. and Mrs. E li Dean. 'aturd ay. and went under. The boys sum- be rendered a~ night. The commiL~ I' M'Isses J ' k d L ' Miss Pearl Colvin spent part of last moned help, but it was 'f ully two tee is doing fine work. You should enme 00 - an orame hours before his body was found. hear the program . Fvery ' member H ~ml' It o~ , 0 f L e b anon, spent un d ay \v"'ek '" with het· friend. Miss EdRa 0&0 The funeral took place Tuesday of t he church and Bible schoo t is ex- wIth .theIr parents here. born, of Xenia . morning at . 11 o'clock at the Flat- pected to be present during Bible I Miss Katherine Pl'end rgast. o f Mrs. Merton Dakin , of Lebanon, fork church. Interment was made school, and bring a fri end. All are I the azette fo rce is confin ed to he r was the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Will in Miami cemetery welcomed h t f . k Thol'peSunday. • _'. ' -... orne on accoun 0 SIC ne . A L.\ROE EDITION CONFIRMATION AT ST, MARV'S Mrs. W. S. Graham spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs S. D. Everly, of Day. . . ' and Sunday at the home of Dr. and ton, were guests of Mr. arid Mrs. O. The Dayton News issued a large Rt.Rev.:~y: vmcentS conMfirme,d Mrs.Campbell,ofOsborn, hio . 'J. EdwardsSunday. edition Sunday 210 pages and shows seven can I a es at t. ary s . h t a d' ' ffi' church Sunday morning The BishMrs. Isaac Evans, of Roxanna. and Chas . Clements and farrulv spent wa bl mfo ~rn newspaper 0 ce IS op ,"eached a fine aerm~n and Mrs. Saturday night and Sunday with relcapa eo d omg. • Mre. Eva Moon , of Tippecanoe City, . . W' I • t Themail wassobigthat itfilledL.SRhoadessangabeautifuloffer-spent partof last weekwithMrs. E .atlves I~ I mmg on . . the mail wagon and carrier D. W. tory solo. The ch~rch was hand- It Colvin. Mrs. Abi Haines antl80n , Charlie, M !eks had to walk from the depot . .somely decorated With cut flower. of Dayton, attended the funeral of Web says it was the largest mail that and a large congregation was pres- -Lon Bur ton has accepled a position Will Hawes last Friday. ever cwne t.o town, and he knows. ent. with the Fren('h-Kilpatr ick Motor Postmaster Farr had O. M. Ridge Co., in Lebanon, and expects to go Mrs. John F romm and daughter, photograph the carrierS and their GRAHAM-DYKE about July 15th. . Kat herine, of Dayton, have b~n mail before thev started on their deMrs. Sellers, Mr. and Mr . James . guests of J. C. Hawke and family. Mr. Forest G,;aham, son of W. E. li ery Sellers, of Kansa.'l, Mrs. Ed Bergdall i"ses Trillena and Maggie Ed~ V. • _ • Graham. and Miss Blan'c he Dyke, ~ TEMPERANCE MEETING daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and 90n, of Dayton. are g uests of ward , of Dayton, were Sunday ' Dyke, of near Lytle, went to Center- Philip Hopkins and family : guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards.


5~ ~igars.

. M~~U~~ ~venin: ~~ a .r~~-Ietler ~ay 111 e IS ory 0 I~ml apter, o. 107, .Or de r o~ the ~ru:,tern St·lr. ~ ~pecI~ m~etmg .ha f e~n a~~ange 0 1' tIe Ins pectIon o · tIe apter, an~ the Grand W(\rthy Matron Oh M A B J k fA of f'l h,lo, I·N s. ~r5aO u: ,alcoc 'sH' .0 C~ra 11 "'.' apte.r O. ' .n a. nut t h db t d t I S,f 111 ~.' a een mVI e 0 per orm IS 0 ceo IJeur Sir;-Some persons who d - The hapter room had ':>een fitted ' h' d d d sl' r' tIle l'ul'n and destl'uclion of th e WI'tt1 new f urms mgs an ecorate Bur.)ey Tobucco Society and would ill in an a' tis tie manner. accompli'lhing t t>eir purpose deli"er An important ceremony of the ' h I'fi' f I 'I'0 baccD..growers b oun d h an d and Lle evenmg was t e exemp I catIon 0 th f th 'I' b th k b h .. . . f M · t f 00 t ll1 0 e powel' o ' e 0 acco e wor y t e ImtlatlOn 0 r. . T. rust, are t h roug h ncwspapers an d an d Mrs.E.H . C0 IVll1. on the stump demand in g tbat a 75 % Elaborate a nd delicious refreshc1auR be inserted in the pledge. ments ~ad been pre~ared and were Since there may be honest men who served m two courses m the banquet lioues tly bclievtJ that such a clause roo,m on the lowe.r. fl.oor. ·• b e mser ' t ed'm .tl16 pelle, Id !! b 011 Iu we ".1. wenty-two vlsltmg mem b ers 0 f ' · means (l f t e il mg ta ke t h IS you wby Warren ch apter, H arveys b urg, were those whohave your interestsat heart present. .M rs . Jacocks ~ade man! warm . and '~hom you,have chosen to protect your propel·ty did not and cou ld nOl friends and adm.lrers dUrIn.r .h?r inser t intbe 1910pledgea76 )J6 c1ause short stay. She was the guest while 1'he first pledge contained a pe/' here, of Mr, and 1drs.4. C. Hawke. cent clause, and He learned by ex- '- . periE.'nc' that there is danger in such INSPECTED CANNINO FACTORY P F dl t Th a clause. When we took legal steps against ure 00 nspec or omas was men who broke their 1)ledges some here last Thursday and inspected the Waynesville Cltnning Co.'s plant. lawyers who could mak e the worse H h .. h d' cause appear the better would take · . e was eot us'ashc over. t c con 1the ground that we did not have the tlon of the plant, ~nd even went required per cent . In a communi ty far as to S~y that It was t~e ~est m where officers of the law and public the state, m ~egard to sa~lItatton and sentiment were in favor of poolinJr, mod~ of puttmg up their p:oducts. the verdict would be for the Society. It .lS a source of gratficatton, not In communities where th e officers of ~nly to the company, but to our resthe law and public sentimen t were Idents to know th~t we have 8UC~ a 1 t t against pooling, tbe verdi et woulo be prosperous p an In our commum y. The yard, with its smoothly shaven for the man who broke his pledge. In g rass and. the flowers add to its apthis way the loss ef the pooled tobac· d' h f h co worked hard ship to the honf>st pearance, an IS t e cause 0 mue favorable comment from train trav- The union temperance meeting at ville Saturday, June 11th. and were Mesdames Walter McClure, Fred Mi sses Stella and Mary Whi te remembers. Seeing the di fl1culty elers, who observe it, l the M. E church Sunday evening married . They kept t heir secret turned to their home in Kentucky Schwartz and Frank Carey attended that it made, our lawyers adVIsed us __ _ was well attended, and the speaker, well, as but few of t heir friend s Sunday. after a month's visit with the Encampmen t in Xenia last Thursnot to put a percent clause in subse· SANE FOURTH OF JULY Rev. Hawk handled ~he subject in were aware of it until the license was Mr. and Mr. psh el'e Whi le. day. quent contracts. . . hand admirably. A special musical published. The Gazette ext nds Tickets for the Boxwell 'ommenceMr. B. S. Howell and son, Dean, We include in this circular a letter Mayor C~rtwright informs us that program was rendered. . hearty congratulations. ment will be on sale at Janney 's drug went to Peori a, m., last week, and from Col. Jno. R. -Allen giving his he will do all in his power to see that store on and after atul'day morn- broug ht back a hand"ome new Glide opinion on this subj ect. ordinances relative to the sale and exing. Aumission 25c; children lOco auto . The General Assembly has passed plosion of fireworks in the village are Ii all t he laws necessary to protect our enforced and not allowed to become Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerrick, of Society if we use com.mon sense and dead letters Recommendations from , Mr. and M I·S. ,Edm und Retallick Arcanum, a re spend iilg a few days the1tght o?'exper.ience. But to put th e state insurance department alo n ... - - - - -'. - - .-------~-+ attended hautauqua at Yellow ..... SJrings a t urday and Sunday and with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynoldll a pel' cent clause m the 1910 pledge this line are well to be observed. If Miss Donna Hawke en"ertained at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock enrer, Id th' h h' h • . • were g uests of Mrs. Clark }I unston . and daug hte r. wou open a gap loug w IC you are an Ignorance on the matter "500" Saturday evening. tained at dinner Friday evening, contract breaKers co~ld escape. "see the Mayor." · Misses Donna Hawke, Sarah Sellers, J esse Compton, of Dayton, a btendMr. and Mrs. Samuel MoClure, and A per cent clause m the contract. -+7 Olive Carlisle and Edith Mosher. ed the funeral of Walton Cumpto n little daughter, of Centerville, were would only make amar.k for the Trust WI-da-me--<lcnume Indian Salve The Card Club will meet Thursday . at New Burlington last Wednesday unday vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. to shoot at. If we mserted a 75 % For the Home Nature's own Rem- afternoon at the home of Mrs. Em. ' and stopped here awhil e to visit rel- Walt er McClure . ' clause the Trust would have only to edy Purel" Ve~etable Guaranteed mor Baily. , Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds en· atives. Miss Lau l'a Rosnagle, of Spring~UY up. 26% and ~hus make any pool under the ·U. S. Food ~nd Drug Act, ter~ined a t dinner Sunday, Mr. an d boro, a nd Miss Katherine Burnet ImpOSSible. Havmg boug ht the . . . . Mrs . W. W. Arnold, Miss Prud ence MISS Olt \ie Carltslc re lul ned to her were week-end guests of Dr. and smallest fraction ove~ one-fourth of.i June ~O, 1i~6. Trl.ed an~ prov~ Last Friday evenmg a Jol!y party Adams, Mr. Bert Barlow and family home in Gambi er. on Monday, and ' M nj. Hathaway . . the crop at good prices the Trust g~od ur e~mattsm, .ata:r, of Ilbo~t twenty of. our glrh and of Harveysburg, and MI'" Ma rvin Miss Sarah Sell ers, to o lu.n~bu:l .on . . . _ he able to control the re- ClOUP, Neuralgia, Blood POlsonmg, boys enjoyed a hay-ride. BI d 'fu esd a" after a week ' VIRlt WIt h Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caskey, of Leb ould w '" R' UI cers, Ite. hOld S ' anton an son, of Morrow. ~, ' d d . t St M ' mainder of the crop for anything it lI1gworm, ?res, Miss Edith Mosher . anun , atten e servIce a . ary s pleased to pay Chapped Hands, Corns, BunIons, . . chul'('.h Sunday and were guests of w~h way to get 75 11 pledged is to Eczema, Dise~es of the Skin etc. Miss Clara Hawke entertained at M W. S. Bonneville left for hIS hom e Mr. and Mrs . J. H. Coleman. go it and not to waste time and a by dinner Sunday, Misses Mary Hawke, 'I Los Pl·of. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner came energy in a wrangle about a techni- AId oClety o . rlsllan urc. of Lebanon, Emma Hawke and EIEdith Mosller Oll've Carll'sle' Sa r hl~g. Ie ~I L~ I III I. 0\ er f rom Mason last Thursday to . ...-. I 8h d , ., - IS unc e III 111CO n, .. , ma(111g a l CI b Ies cality that would seriously weaken ATTENDED ENCAMPNENT en . erwoo . . ah Sellers and Kathryn Dakin. northwestern trip home. a.ttelld the .New C~ntury u recepthe pool. The only reason that we __ _ Messrs. Bert Hartsock Stoke Silvel' tlOll and WIll remall1 a few days . and Dr. Miller.' Don't fail to heal' Miss Mary Fl'ust, MI'. anti Mrs. has. Cornell, Miss . have not 75% or 85,96 in the 1909 pool is that selfish or short-sighted AEmon g those who ~tte.ndled G, Ak MI8S Henrietta MoKinsey enter· reader, and Miss Laura Cunning ham Luell a Cornell and Mr. and Mrs. J. men claiming' to be the grow~rs' . nc~mpm~n~ at W.~n~~ ast w; t.ained the Mis8e8 Sarah t;cllll re, solois t, accompanied by Mrs. ~e~is, H. Col em'a n autoed to Xenia last friends made war on us durmg we~eM r.;n k ~Il I d orpe!M r. Donno. Hawke and Edith Mo~her at Miss Henrietta McKinsey en ter- all of Lebanon , at the ChrIStian Thul'sday to attend G. A. R. Enthe last pooling season and eon~used aH~ ' k rand M anW.glluesZetl'l Mrs. dinner MondRY, tained at her home in Corwin last Church Friday nigh t, June 24th, at campment. rs. I ,r. W d d 8 o'clock. . and misled the people. Don t be I IC S, !Ur. an 'lsled this time. \ and Mrs. Nathan Jones, Mr. and e nes ay afternoon in a delightful . . W. A. Benecke and famtly have m . . h S h manner in honot: of her guest, Miss H d M t W 11 h B t d 5th ' g) Mrs. S . L . Cartwrl~ t, Capt. mit, . Miss Kizzle Merritt entertained on Sarah Sellers, . of Columbus. The owar anmg on, a ayn esv l e I' moved into t e rown proper y on (con t'm~~!n... . ,pa e wife and daughter, Mrs.~. ~ysong, S d M' D EII's MI'ss Letl'tl'a boy, has been chos en secretary of Thil'd stre t. Dr .. Mary Cook has . . Matla . Stout, 'MunK ay,. MISS' · ora S r < I D eaIers ' AssoCla. ' d by. 'd M 1 , S L Cart- hours from ·. 2 to (> were 'pleasantly t h e T' rI' tate \:Joa taken the fl at f ormerl y occuple . 'd . ,Mrs. Roy lroris; MISS ~I!>S Mar~ Frost, read?r, an MI9!J Isaac Stout, 'Mahlon Ridge, Albert c. ay, r, an . rs. ; . spent at cards The refreshment~ tion, and his headquarters will be at t he Beneckes. Laura Cunnmgh~lll, solols~, of Leba- Mullen Henry Prater' Eli Dean wrIght and Leve,r·mg. were served by Mrs. McKinsey Toledo to which place .he will move M dM M'lt Sh h . M . l t' t t ' ' .', . . ted b M P D Cl , . . r ~n rs I on ee an, r. . '11' non, WI . give an e~, et' ammen . a 'Benj . Lippincott and Will Lippincott _ ._. --:S!S y . rs. • ' . agett. his family . . , d the Christian churCh, Friday evening . ' • _ . ' : . 1hose present were, Mrs. F r e < J ' and Mrs. ,Chas. Sheeh~n, ·Mr. an , June 24th, 'at 8 o'cio~k, uhder the A FREAK EGO . ...,. liairtsoek, MiSses ' Oljve 8arlisle; Mr. EdwardMar~h, nephew of the Mrs. Albert Sheehan, Mlsses,Blancbeauspices of the4dies' Aid Society.. . . " , '; . Su.nday after,noon Missel ' Edith $arah Sellers, Luella Cornell. Edith late ' Qapt. f!.oel, · and daughter, of .E thel ·and .R~va Sheehan, . Mesl!~. ThesEdadies are both ~ell 'known , ~atrll" Sm~~h Di'ou~ht . in a fr~ ~oaber, S~rab Sellers, Olive Carlisle, Mosh~r, Don·n a·..H~w~e, Kather},n lsand.uskY,. p~ed th rough here last R~lph and· Howard Sheehan, Cbff and will .give a .fine progra':ll,' Ad- egg from bu~ hennel')'. Tu~ay, and MeB8~. Ernest Rosnagle, fred and· :Alexander, Kathryn and Rosamond Thursday' 111 hlS auto. Theystopp~d Himes an~ Wendell Lawson s~nt -ml88ion, .. adult.8· ,15c, 'chil~re~ under wb,ich. !s,on exjlihition 'in our. office 'Ronald Hawke· picn!~ed at ~rt. Dakin, Alma.. Wate~houge. Alma . for a few hours and 'renewed .old ~o- Sun~ay ~lth Jason . Sheehan IUld .U yean~ lOco ... . '., ....' .Window. . .' . . . A!'cien~. · . Afer.aitb. S~l1a and ~ary White. quaintances. --: ~amlly. . . ' . .



SoCla · I Happeologs · D· urlD. g . W eek


I . .. .


P:iC~ 5~c b~~h ~o: sa6~ ~adies

ter~in:~d :e~s~e~r:yd e~~I;~~C~~s~~ ~n





~ngel.~~~ C:~~ :hl~~'~~la~;~~r~~



Miami Ga;c:tte'ROOSEVELT'S HUNT o. L.

WAYNE!:' \ rLLE.



011 10


An old-fashioned win ter has it s advantageI'. snd dl sadYnn t ages. It theBe Were t o be enume ra ted In pal'allel columns It Is probabl e tb at t he advuntages would I ad by a large ma jor it y. In a win te r like t he pas t one the ground Is usua ll y frozen to th e depth of R fe w Inches In No ve mbe r and th ereafter th e snow fall keells 1\ bl .. nket oyer the earth which prevents the fros t Crom crcc}Jing do,,-nwRrcl ' In ch by In cll un til It rCl1cbes a de pt h of fou r or five fe et. It kee ps nl1 plnnt life at t h e su r face oC th e soil In a Jl ' rfectly dor man t state. but does not complete ly sus peu d tho functi on of dee p lyi ng roots. A contInual ov r ing of loe and s now In t he citI es k cps the li tte r a nd flllh of the s t r {'l from being dr ied a nd fi nely powd e rec1 and ca r rIed a bo ut by e\-ery /lasslng breeze. T his Is one of the most common sou rc s of colds. influ n7.a. g rI p, In feclio ns of the Dose, and Its labyrin thI ne sInuses a nd t he thront , midd le ear a nd r espira tor y passages In general. Such affecti ons ha ve bee n less ge neral thI s year than In s everal precedIng season s. t oady cold, althougb ve ry trying to the old and to p eopl e of subnormal vital energi es, Is In r enll ty much b e tter than alterntlting warm spells and ze ro p1nches, tor th e la tter condItions InvIte Indiscretions In dress.

At thle seseon of the year household, ers' thonghts turn naturally to lawns and back yards. and there Is a general desire to have clean and ornamental lurroundlng8. Unfortunately, In many Instances the desire Is not strong enough to produce results. A man who tleautllles his tront lawn Is a publlo ~enefaotor. He no doubt f;ela some QtIsfacllon out of his effort and ex.,e.n se. but every passer enjoys the reBult of his effort. and the whole n eighborhood Is benefited_ When the effort extends to the baok yard the number at Individuals be nefited Is not so great, but perhaps the enjoyment by th e 8maller numbe r Is more Intense. No one enjoys a dl.rty back yard, nnd every person who sees one from 11 window forms an unfavorable opinion of the household er who pe rmi t s an unsightly accumulation of misplaced ma tter In hla envlronment_ A clean or ornate front lawn Is more common than a clean and orna te back yard, yet wUl better r epay elIort than a trim baok yard. It ca n be made to pro~uce grass and flow e rs Ins tead Of tin cans. ash h eaps and lise less wood , and the r e moval of household debris Is a sanitary precaution as welJ lIB an ".athellc demonstfa~ion_

gRm e cam e fns t n nd oh eetab s, gIraffes. l'hlnooerost'1l nn ll ' m ore lions "'li re ad d d to th p. !1st, ,In a ll 14 va ri U s or ailitll nll! b lug BC(lU r d . Mea n~ hI! Kprmlt wa!; btl$y wH h hi s , cn me ras unll th e ullt ui'alls ts pr<,pnred t be s p ·Ime u!l. , argo l\I ;\1I1I11n, nn Alnerlclln . WIIS tbe next hos t of th hlln l 'ra, an d B ,,Lions and Aniplals Shot in I'ru l W(:e l(8 w ' re spen t on hla fi ne JII Ju ranch lind In tll s lIlToll ndl ng 'oll nLarge Numbers. try. T h r t h game WIlS \" r)- pi ntlspecim ' n s wor ful nnd ma ny tl u hnggr d. !'-I mber s of' th par t y mnd e YEAR ON DARK CONTINENT ~ v ra l ox t nsl n i tr ips of ex plo ra ti on , no tllhly on und a round ~l o unt Ke nla . T h( exp dl tl on lef t East Arrlel! DeNaturalists Collected Hundreds of cember 19. cross d ga nd a a nd w nt Speo lmen. for the SmIthsonIan down t he White Nile. ge llin g back 10 InstItutIon-KermIt Photogcompllrnlive Ivl ll zat io n lit Gon Ll okor o. rapher of the Party. T he r tb ey wen t a llOlIrll 1\ stell me r I'U!. at th '1 r dl s Jl o~n l hy III !! Irdnr. T he do re lluose yelt's hunti ng trip n nll il jOll rll y.:d to Kh a rtllnt • . wbe re Arrlca, ofllda ll y know n as t bo Smith · ~l r~ . (( 005 ' vp lt III I h r h usban d , a nd ~onilln African (' xp d itJo u. lallt d llell r- uc:companl d h tm III a I ISllre ly trill t o Iy elHel] mo n th s null "'li S 1II0St. II C- C'fllro. Uurln !; hi s s tny In EgY itt Colce~sf \ll In overy way . T be 'olon 'I's onel Hoose \'e ll WIlS th r ee l pi nl . uf nlllny h Oli nrH Iln d mn d ' lu' vprll l deslro to h ll n l bIg gam tbat was bock of th e trIll, for t. h 51' pc h S. One of them. In whle h 11 • mltbson la u l u~tltutlo n wa nt d specl- pra ls(-II th e Ildll1l nlstra t lon of tl1(' m ns of t be fn llnll and fl ora of Ih t' Brit IRh, ga ve I'ons lrlt'rnh l otT ns to Dn rk Conti nent a nd commIssioned Lh , th nntlve ~ allu ll a ll sts. !\ t Ihe e nd (If ex-pres id c nt to obtain t h III . F or Ih ls lIlard i t hl' !tooHl'velt!! sall . . d for Ita ly. reaso n, u part of th e ex pe ns 1:1 w re In 1\ pr ' lI ll1ina ry rt' lwrt. to th o by th Ins ti tu tIon , but !\Ir. Smithso n Ia n Inll t lt utioll ;\Ilr. Hoose velt bo rn Roosev It pa id nil th e ex penses of slIm rrlllrlz d the nllll' rl lIl resul ts o f hl msolf fl lld h Is son Ke rmit, P I' s um u- lh xp ditlon flS .follows: hl y earning mu ch of lbe m hy b ls a rtl'·On th t rI p ~ I r. 1I f' ll l'r hns \l redes In a magaz lnfl ro r wblch ho 1'1'- pltr ' d 1,020 s iweime ns of IIlnm rn itts, calved a reco rd -breakIng prl e. th e majo rIty of la rg' s lz ; :\Ir. Loring Not was ti ng mu ch tim e aft r leu \-- has pr papd ~I.l 63. an ti Doctor MeRrn s ing the Whi te Hous , olonel Roose- 714-a to ta l of 4,897 ma mm uls. Of velt sailed from Ne w York on th e ul rds . DOl'lor ;\\lmr ns h as PI' pa red s teamsblp Hamburg, h en d d tor Na- n earl y :.!.IOO . :\11'. Lor inK R99 , Hnd Mr. pies. With him we re Ke rmit nnd H lle r a!Jout fif ty - a to tnl of uuout three uaturalls ts, Major Mearns , E d- 4. 000 birds. mund He ller and J . Alde n Loring, and " o r r ellt!l es and bat rac hlall s.l\!essrs . stowed in the hold was IUOSt of tb elr Mearn s, Lor in g nnd Helter colleC ted elaborate outfit for killin g or photo- about 2,000. graphing th e anJmals of East Afri ca "or fi s hes. n!Jout 50 0 we re collected. and for preserving the specimens des- Doctor Mearns call cled m a rin e fi s hes tined for the Smithsonian ins tltutlon.j near "l\Iom basn. a nd fresh' water fis hes Kermit had trained himse lf to be the elsewh ere In Ilrltl sb Eas t. Arrlcn, lind

Prof 'ssor La ughlin proposes to ea. tal1l1s h a ne w aris to cracy of t he simple l1I.e. E ve ry mUll can start an ar ls toc. racy oC that, sort on his own acco unt, but tbe trOUbl e I~ that It Is cuvtar to th e gene r a l, because In th e na ture of Lb e cnsil It ca nnot s upport a pi'ess agenl.

SImply 'nl nl' th is noli 'e l1ud ma il It to li S wit h two ( 2 ) busy Tasle OH II wml \1<' 1'11 (lIIt.' nU oII t b nam , of th Is pll\l('rl to Ih j [ 'wilt H i-os. SOU II Co., Duyton, Oh Io. Qll r 11IIhjects co ulI ls t of frlllt, la ncl Hc'ap , fl o wer. r llglous a nd s en ry 111 t nr s.


Suc h a Potlte Little Boy_ .. "" . 1;1' ' II Dill' o\\'n eow:' (l x\l la lllt'11 t It, · Ill1 s Lt' l:'~ . prolltll r. ··Su '\· "·rt~ SlIrf' Ilf ullr 1I1 1I1i '" " \ \" 1' 11 '" IIIl' ITII lll<,.1 t h, s lI1 all Ro n Ilr t lt t, l-!I " !il. Sl' ttl ll ~ dOWIi bi ll n 'II, ",mll,,'II,IIly 's Slllllg YO ll with U SOIl I" ow ." or ORln C, ..... 0 " TOLEOO. t •• J.t '" " ,\ :"tH ; ~1'f . r Fu,o\.\OX J . l"1IF.~r.\' Illnkrft onlh l hat hr 13 a-r nlot



II ;"1I[!,,:).o~t:r.~i.~f.~1 C~~'~·lIt~. ~~a ~~~'!: ~~::::~.. °tI1 W

afll-,'.s:t" l. fil ll i t ll lU Mh l nrtll \\ III ,,!loy Uw l UlU o r ., I : 1I 1' '''JlHJ-:P UUI.1 I1\ It ~ h,r one'h Bnd r\'C' ry t':I~ III C',,-r.-.IOIII ell:l ' ('a.lln ul lJu curcLl by t ho Uti or 1I AI L ' ", t.'A T AJllt l( f'llll:' ~wnr"

I 'j ..,,, \1.




chi r llhotog raph er of th e .expedltlon, but h e al so lurned out to be onslde rubl e of a hunte r. A greal throng of fri e nds and ad · mlre rs bade the colon el fare we ll and '. be sailed away, but coultl not e nt.r Iy se para te hlm se \[ from the world, for practi call y all the wa y a cros8 th e A t-



he and unln gham e co ll ected fi s hes In Ibe Whi te ·ile. " ·' Thls maltes, In al. Q[ ve rte brates : ~-r n rn. nu ls , ... ..... . .... . . .. .... _. ... .. . .. _ 4.897 II I n i l< " II Ie,lI t .. . .. . . . . . . .... . . . . ....... . .. 4.000 H l.· n ( II' ·~ fin d lJ a ! rul , ltl ll ll~ (n h n tlt ). .. .. :!.OOO

1"tHIr"8 luhrJlll) .. . . ..... . . . .... ... .. . ... .. 500 Tc\ tnl ... .. . .. .. .... . ........... . .. -.. . ... t t.!l!J7 "Th inv e rt eu rales we re collecled chi e fly by Doc tor M ea rn s, witb some ass ls t.a nce from Mess rs. Cuuln ghame a ud Ke rmit Il. oose \.l'lt . " '\ f{l w mnrln!' s hell s we re coll ected lI'e a r !\I om ba s a . a nd la ne] and fresh-

lantl c wireless communi ca tion · with th e Hamburg was malnlalned. M.or ove r, at t ho Azores , and nga ln at Gibraltar, he found th om 'Ials and people In s is ted all doIn g him honor. nnd wh en be r ell ched N apl e ~ on April 5 th o e ntire populace turn ed out to watl' I' s hell s thr01lg hou t· th e r egions vi sit d, as w{l1I a s cmlJs, b eetl es, mllllgreo t him with flow e rs and ch eers. p 'ci s, and ot h ' I' In\" rtl! bra les. n oanliu g t h Ger man s tenm s hlp Ad"Se ve ral t hOll sa nd pl a n tR we re colK Ing Al bert. t he ne w sOH:relg n of mimi fo r MOlllbus a, I\lr_ Roosevelt the He lgt ulI s, ts a progressiv e monarcb. found In bill ca bin l\ quantit y of flow- lec t.ed througho1lt th e regions visited One of th e wnys In whi ch tbls is· indl. crs and a lelle r from Empe ror Willia m by Doctot· Men rns , who e mploye d and wI s hin g hllll ··good hunting." At Mes- trnln ,d for t.he work 1\ M'nyumnezl cated is bls a pp roval of th e plan fOI nall.led lIl a lwn 'I1 rrl. who oon learnE'd assurIng re form s. In tb e Congo r egion 51nll a s top was made 10 vi ' W th e ho w to make vc ry !;ood specimens, f'a rth quak o ruIns, and th e re, at King I t I and op!Jnln g th e door for COlllln e rce In Victor Emmanu el's reQu es~, Mr. Roose-' a m urn e( out an e xce llent man In th at dIrec ti on. vel( nnd K rmult visIted th e Italian C V,~ ry wa y. monarch On board th e battl eship Re x A nthrop ological ma terials were It's a good scb In('l to make ea cb lJ lllherto. The party arrived at !\Iom- gath ' red by Doctor ~l earn s , with some h ead of a hous ~ h o ld bls own ccnsus Ilium April 2 l and was received by ass ill tnll ce fr om othor s; a collection make r, b caus l> tbe prolJllbillti es are Ac Ung Go ve rnor Jackson, \~ ho bad wns cont.rlhut cd by Major Ross, an that ho can Pllt down an a pproximate lJee n In s tr uc ted hy the Britis h gove rn- Am p.rl can In th e gove rnm e nt se rvice estim a te of hIs wlfe 's age without cre- me ut to do all In bls powel' to furtb e r' at Nalrohl. " E . WEBSTfm. th e pla ns of th e expedItion. Un1lsual !l.tlng a pa inful scene To Remove a Paint Staln_ prlvil !Jges we r e granted th e hunte rs. 'Fo r emove th e uD slghtly s tain of Musi c i!l re po r tlild to make th e bum· !lnLl Mr. Ro oseve lt and K rmlt we re !'Ialn t s pilled on th e doors te p, try the ble he n la y more prolifica lly. A IIttit' licensed to kill lions. At Mombasa the party was Joined follow ing plan : Make a s trong. soluInves tiga tion In t o th e n !lalive merits by R. .1. Cllningliame, a vete ran Afrl- tion of potas h arid we t .th e stalri well of Wague r or ra gtim e In th e e nte .taln· cnn hunle r and explorer, 'and L'e slle J. wi th Ihls, k eeping It we t until the men t of th e fowl mlgbt be of valueTarl e ton, and th ese two managed the pa int IJecomes soft. In a .s bort time expedilion In a most able ma nner_ It will readll y rUQ loose and It may Four pOor children, til old p.s t 11 Taking t raIn Lo . Kapltll plaIns, the th en be »,al!hed off wlth !loap 1\0(1 years of ' ngo, we re arr s ted In Cleve· par ty became the gues ts Of Sir Al fr ed wa.ter. if any color h"3 pene trated the land for 6t a llng a doll rrom a store Pease on hIs ranch . An Im'mense flb el's or: the woo.d kee p th e spot weli Its ow n r mus t h ave thought a lot cnrnvnn or 260 pe rsons was orgunlzed w t ' wlt.h. ,the ' 801ution, and It ot that <loU. 'nn cl on 'Ap rll 26 oione] Roose velt s hortly dlsap'p Ilr. Paint which has bad his IIrst Arrlcan huilt_ On this bee n. lE'ft OIl' for som e time will yield T\vo New York ' boys 0.11'0 have . su<> occasion h e bagged two wilde beests to thi s trealment. eeed d ..1,n t Ul'nlpg do ubl e bao k som.:!r· and a Thompson 's gazelle. April 30 _ Well Supplied. 118U.1tS. Surely tb e upllft. of lh e stagl' was 11 l)ota lJla day ~ the camp OJ) the . Athl, for o n tha.t day , the firs t Jlons 10 at hand! Ben vole nt ·Lally (to showglrl.) fell vl r tim to the lilaJ'ks manshlp . of And, cl ear chlll.t , have you nO_home? Showglrl- Y , lnH eed. My father KRlse r \ Ilhelm's s lx1 h /;.on Is to jolo t il R oo!le ~·elts. Theodore shot two til. DOVY . Wilhelm ol lght to ~a" nnd Ke nltll one, and the re \Vus great and 'm oth er have both married again rcJ i c;lng amoug the· natives who made i.Dtl I am w Icome at either place.uved ODe for the airs hip fleet. I \IV the ouranl1.. After 'bIll" Ute big Life.



Flt A S K J . ( ·rl P:>:!':\". allh~r l ht.·1 1 lu my vrl'M'nce. r. 1_ ~:A li O:-l . 1'fH\IIY I l n l lC,

CMftrrh ("UI" ~' n l l

" ti 'rn .

.-\. I"


18 lnkrn tnt .... rn nll)· Rnd nrta

t il h h il)l t IU h t I U'1(· t.I U~ fmrft1('('S C) r th e hlr H'~lI 1 HlJllh t ., tn"\' , F . J ," II 1';:-: F: \' .!: C .• T qlodo, 0.


An '· I1. \ (·~ . ·t


Ave rage.




It .. ll ll ld ·

11":,,1, '":' ''


:tt :t il :' rPi,Ii"11 Ih(' r,ellial , ItiWI' ~ t) nut "v" II lnIlR IllY \\II\'_ .\\ "" r~ 1I 10r, ' 111,," CIIOUr,1t II nlr for t wo



I116 E RG E Costum e fOI' Girl of T n to Twelve Y ars. -Pns te l blu o serge Is used h e r ; t he s kirt Is qulle plain and has a d e ll he m ; the coat is B n..cque s hupe, lightly embroid e r ed round th e n ck . as far ns th e buttons , whl cb form fa stenin g; two rows of stitching III' wor ked on th e sleeves at wr is t. Straw hat swath ed In chi lTon aud trimm ed with a large rose at t h e left sid . Mate rIal s r equired : F ou r yards serge 48 In ch s wId e, four but tons . :l\!! yard s I;lll{ for lining coat. t wo yards


s ut n for skir t, will be s ufficien t. Dr S8 fo r Girl of Six to Eight Yen ra. - But cher blue drill Is chosen (or thlll dress, which ruther sugges ts th e sall or styl ; a panel Is ta k ' l\ do wn cent t:l r of fr onl , joined to tho o the r par t of dress by a wrnppec} seam: IllaltR are th n made on \Joth bodice and skirt. The sailor collnr of white drill Is {ltlged with bu tc be r hlu cotton ])ra id; ' th o s lngl t Is plain , and a su ll or's l(fI ot. of blac k s ilk Is tl d below th e collnr. ~ I ut e rl a l re quired : Four yard s d r ill H in c h ' ~ wide.


T o-keep a Inrg sk ela of woo l which Is to o clums y for a wris t bull fr om ons tnntiy and In als t{lnUy roilin g ott the lap wh e n In li se, th e r e lire now fa s bloned m ost at trac ti ve we lg ht('d hox s t o s tand close to tb e arm ot th e c hair or on n nearby tabl e a nd hold t he b all firmly whe r e It should r ema In. These boxes are ea sily fas hI oned of cretonne or s ilk made with a small hole. at the top for th e ya rn to sli p throughT and gl "en--we lg-h t-Ril H oltd II:¥+- - -' ....~ by a little pIllow of s hot laid In tbe box. A small sache t of heliotrope and orris -powde r or .,;:,;;::-;::+ -;-- - +IIH place d In tbls case will r end r th e yarn doubl y a~trl1ctlv e to work with . Tbe more attractive ot th yarn boxes have a round top wIth fiat base, but th ere are many square desIg ns that are also excell nt. lu makIng such a case care must be tak e n to have th e Ins ldo as s ort and s mooth as th e outer cove ring, that th e re s hall be nothlllg to catch und pull th o de licate wool. Cblna silk makes a good \tnlng or so ft sa teen can also be used. Twin e boxes of all ldnds are now being pressed Into n ew service a s yarn cases and th ey serve spl endidly In this n e w capacity . . The perforated sliver twine boxes are especially good tor wool holde rs, and make a n attractive addItion to the work table_

Ildo ..... 00<'1 ~ Undorw09d. N. T_

hlli l

t-'u II 1'\' :111 'IrnL:I.! I .. I~ , - ',,' , 'll1l.l Ji.l l.l' 1 .\ 1111.\ " 11:4

AttractIve Receptacles for SkeIn of Wool-Prevent Material SlippIng Off of the Lap.




dlrtl"I,' tl ln.'" ~)


.t.ereo".... pb. ""I'yrlgbl. by

to t). tor£'

!.h l't lit II IJu y o J 1 •.'CcmlJcr. A . 1>,. IMIl,




will Ii 'n d you 1\ b uu Ifu l pi t IJ r& 8111tll I for f!'alllin g n bso l \lt ~ l y fl· • \\'


The wisdom of maintaining a de relJct patTol along the Atlantic coast. and of aendll{g· a derelict destroye r after wrecks fh t are reported at sea. f8 Indorsed br- }Je fart that th e re venue cutter Greisham ' has Just towed Into Provincetown, Mass., that ca p.Ized hull of a vessel that has been drUtlng about the s eas for th e past two years, a menace to sailing s hips laden with valuable cargoes. and to steamers with h eavy passenger li s ts. A Chicago magistrate tblnl{s that drunken men should not be arrested, but taken Instead by poli cemen to their homes. P e rhaps the next step In tills way of dOing things will be to give lLutolsts the right to exact damages _ _ _ from peopJe_they run down, on the ground ot the trouble and loss of time whI ch sucb collisions wi lh pedestrians entail.


£:hildren's llresses

To Wash Corsets. First rip th e front seam on bolh ' sides and take out tbe steels . Then dissolve somo soap jelly, mude by shredding half a pound of th e best yellow soap in one Quurt of boiling wate r, and s llp. merlng until dissolved In warm watel". Two tabl~s poonful s or je lly to h a lf a gallon of wate r Is usually 8\ltncle nt, hut v e ry hard wate r may require more. P U.t the corsets Into th e suds and allow th m to soak tor flv e mlnlites. Th en spread them on a board ancl brll Rh thorougbly with a we11sl)Aped n.,11 bru sb, dipping th e m occasionally Into the suds to r emove tbe loose ned dirt. When qulr.e d ean. rinse through .two lots (If warlll water and hang up to drip dry. Whe n almost dry, Iron on the In :;lde wlt.h a warm flatiron, and after thorough airing re place the front E<tcels Ilnd se w them firmly In . If. this Is careCully done, Ule corsets wlll eme rge from the washtub as good as nelr.

This Is a raded bille fac e cloth. The yoke of the skin Is cut with a dee p p61nt back Rnd front, It Is edgecl with a strap of materlnl; , the lower part is plaited to th e yoke. The bodIce has bret.ell es or Cloth , which are braided at th e edge. Piece lace forms the yoke; below tbls Is a braided cloth, the n blac k \lanne Is arranged In folds_ The sleeves lire qul t.e plain . Toqu e of straw trimmed with ostdch featbel's_ Mate rials required : S even yards cloth, on ~'-baU yard piece lace. s ix yurds braid, three-fourths yard !lanne 18 Inches wIde.

" \\ ' 11"11


"Fo r sixteen long yea rs I hnve been s uffe rin g wltb 11 bad cas or s kin dlscase. Wbllc a child th e re broke out a rpd 0 1' on th e I gs jtlst In back of my k ll el's. It wax d from bad to worse, lind a t l a~ t I snw I had a bad s kin d isense. I tri ed ma ny widely known docl o rs In dllTer ent cltl s but 10 no sa tls fuc tory r s uit. The plague bolh('red me mor e In warm wea th e r tba n in wInte r a nd boln g on my leg joints it mnd It Im/lossibl for me Lo walk, ond I was {a rced to Bt.UY Ind oo rs In th'" wa rm est weathor. Ill y hop s of r ecovery were by t bis tl mo RP nt. SIc pless nI ght s and rcst! 5 S daYR made III nn Hnb ura bl burd II . At last I w a s adv ised to try t he Cutlcll ru r tned l s [u tl cura oop, Oln tm nt anu Pills ] and I di d 1I0t 1\ ed Illor t ha n 11 tr ial m (hat I W:lS 011 the road th is t.lm . T boug h t wo ull cum n m dl's and after th so wer goo I was a dltter·E'nt ma n ent lr Iy. ( am n ow t he ha ppi s t ma n tbal Ih r Is at least o ne ' t ru ra r fot· s kin (lIlI a es. L eon a rd A. Haw tor. 11 Nos tra nd Ave. , Brook~ Iyn , N. Y., Ju ly :~ () and Aug. 8. '09,'· Ha rv ard Cotle ge. Th is pldJnttl'd Imltll(1oti ll n Is pi asantly s itll llll·d iu Ill ' bllrrnol1l of Put"I,(o( s, In Schonl s t rN'I. IllHI h!l!l \loupll " fruitl all ol'er l he rOllolry . I ha d 0 l ('t~ t ' r Y s ·d·y. by the Wh ~-. ( 1" "11 ollr IIwotlia l SI1 I1 , .\ r t mils..Ir .. who Is lit 1 ()w ct o lll " nll ge_ lr~lIi ll' " Ill, wrlt f.!s 1\1 that h,' iH 1I Bow dl}l n .\ ralJ. . Is It I:U IIl to I h ls '! Is Ihis boy liS I 11111·tur It wi th a p a rp ll t."~ l·nrl· Ilito his <:1111 11hooll 's hour- is he ":0111 ' to II a grnte AIIl~ri 1 11 h llllllH'is t'" Al nrli. I relH It Is t 0 troo. Why dl(l lfl I 1.11111 hi m Oll t to th tl Pa t ' lit TruYl·lI " \"1'~Ptn hl e I'll ~llIn , ns was slruck wit b h l~ 11 111) 'orflllce at. our Illst cOllnty rair, - wllnt _d hIm to gr) wit h him a nt! b a PIl II st 7 AI'. thes' 1Ioy,;-l hl'y II lt le know how th e old fol k ~, wor rh ' nllottt . ' m- From Llfe's Reprin t Pl"om 1\ I"t e mus ,,"nrc! .


A CynIcal Sy no ny m, " Poor ~ In ll i(l'll .. y:· ~ Illcl It lIIaga)(i n pdltol" a t Ill ... ""I hO I's' d li ll in :\ I' W Y OI'll. "WIlIl 1111111)&t as di s lr s!\ d :I S Mr_ nm egl nt tilt' 'IIi rlt of graf nnd c rooked n '3' rampunt nmo ng us. "T h(> ~' Oun~ writ 'r, at a dlnllel· or tll ugnzi n ('on t r i hul or~, !:' altt t bn t We worshi [}cd W a lth- thnt wat; our trouule '1'1 ' ~ h o cry Inlliz d It r l1I f'a n. lug in a n Ilnecdotfl. · ., h o sa id lha t aile III HII U8k 'tl ti ll oth e r : . .. ' Wh nt positi on .111(" nta nl( hOld III '.hl' l:ol11mun lty l ' ve ry ho nora bit· \Ios it IlIn ;' wa a th e I' ply. .. ' I!; h ' iVl!a lth y '!' ., ' Wen ltb li nd IlOlI (l": ~ aitl tb olh er. 'III" H ~' nO Il YIl10US t" !"IIiS i n i\l11l' r lcR toL1 ay.' .. FEED CHILDREN

On Properly Selected Food . It Pay. Big Divid ends. If purents will glvc ju s t n little fa. t ell!ge nt thou g h t to t h fcedlng uf tbOlr cbildren lhn dln't' rence III th e health.oC lhe li lt l foll(s wilJ pay, mnny tUll es O\·e r. fo r t bl' s lll ull troubl e. A moth er wri Les snylng: "Our children ure nll so tUli ch belle r and stronger than th ('y v ' r were before we made a ch a nge In th o cha racl er of th e food _ W e lI n" e !lui t us ing potatoes . three tim es It . dny WlLh corre(, and so much ~lO a l. "Now We give the lI tt l . ioll{s some fruit. eithe r fr es h s t{l W 11, or canned, some Grape- Nuts with rcnm occasionally som e soft bolle t! eggs. and some Pos tum for brenkfu Bt alld SUllo per_ The n for dinn Cr th ey bave some meat and vegetalJles. "It Would be' hard to realize the change , In th e cblldren , tb ey have gro~vn so sturdy and Ij trOllg ..' and we . a.tlllb\1 te this ohung to· tile 'food ele, menta tha ~, 1 und rs tnnd. exist In Grape-Nuts and .. . <>A s bort li me 11 ' 0 ~ y baby ' was .leethlng un.d h ad Ii I;I·ea t <l a1 at stomBoh aT)~ bowe l trou bl e. Nothingse m ed to agr e wi th hint lIutl! T hIed arape- ' uts soft!!.lled nnd mix d with rich milk. and. he improv d rlJ.~idl and got · sturdy lind WE'll :' Y, Read "The Road to W llvllIe" to d In pkgs. - "Th e re's a reason ,. ' un

Shampooing the Hillr. Defore washing the hair the scalp should be rubbed all over with a cut le mon, tho juice be ing le ft ' on the head for nv c minutes, wh en It should be qulokly washed off In warm water Net ShIrred on Rattail. softe ned by th e addition of a lIttle ShIrrings of net over colored salin borax. Next shampoo the hair with rattat! allpear on many of the new the yolk of an egg. The yolk should lace and n et dreSRes. The color shows be rubbed e ve nly over the hair and left to sink Into th e roots for a Qunrthrough attractively. and .the work nccess lbrlly done by hand; so that by ter of an hO\lr, after which It lOay be no mlst.ake In the sewing 'the sbirrlng rinsed off with tepid water. the hair beIng nnally washed with a goo'd soap will refuse to pull. This ·ts· but one of the many ways In the usual way and thoroughly 'of ornamenting the lingerie 'dress suc- rinsed. If possIble dry . the haIr by cessfnll/ at home; . and' this cording means of (nnning. ta!dng a tresB at a Is a ' goOd method for the drawing In time and fanning .unUl It is ' dry. ot th e full .skirt around the kn ees or beloW th.em, whlcl;l 18 a lltte, d ve lopNew Leather Bel~.. ment Of, th e ' panle.r. There ' s ems no. IIDlI~ to ~he length we . wlU · ~o thlR year 9n leather \>elts ... or, In fa~t. any kind of girdle. _ '·hree Popular Colors. It is difficult to 4Ieane Just whilt . Th.ere are new on es made of supple .colors are dominant this year. It "a-a . patent. leather t~a,t: ar alm..ost c:o'.:!!red , s eallon brilliancy, of 'mMY' tones wilh h e raldic orname,n ts In· gUt or" sllver: These al'e brllUant · In appear; and of much experiment. ' It Is said thal the colors ·that are nnee. ~ut they . shou\1l be wOlin .wlth E\'er ~d .... t! Ibl)" .. A new ' selling well In all fahrlcs are mignon· dashing .gowns of .c Ioth instead of suIts of wbite lineD. or Bw,e. .!.! :-..: ~:::i.'": from tim ... to 111111\ Tiley et.te, green, ·flame red aDd 'rlJl blue. . "'erein. • -,lid lull of "' _ _ .









~~:~~I~ ~~~~~~~ ESCAPES


Chickens-Most P .r a ct ka l HouS(l

Farmer. Can Use.

WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pinkbam'sVegetable Compound

r-; no part of thl' wO I'I(1 hnH I hI' art uf th \\'OIJH'II RIlY I,IP II brollgh t flO n .. n I' 11t'1" fl)cllo n us In I~ltrnll l' . It lllny ho unhesitat ingly sa id that lu Russin. which fa ir · Ir sw nl'lIl ::! with ('yes allli " III'S ur th ' CZllr, I he· illg', beautifu l wun~ un , or 1 11~1t "r('l' dillg- U1HI till , P rhap s, bas II ,', '1I 1H' t h · must n ee stlnry urm of Ilt ul IIJld ergrollnd syste m w hich ap· J't'"r" tu r l'ad thougllts as w ell us d . t Cl·t des i):nH. Th' K '<:ret so rvlce or Ru sliia and .Ia\lall I R th e lIloSt e!f\clent I n the "hili, : wor "'!, nu d I ~

E lwood, Ind.-ICYour re mcdi l" ~ have mo ann I Imv on ly tak en six bQtLl\!!\ o f Lytlia E. Pinkham' s Veget~ ,. , ble Uompolmd., I


Tlte C'OL//YTL'SS KA/il::)LEWnz

h I' Is A. \\'0011111 \\' h' ''11 lin ITXln cOlllc1 , was B i c k t h r e e fuse anythin g. all d ('onsI'C\1I ntly has ml)O t hs and could artfully nl',plirl'c\ a llllU wl l'dge of in t r· not walk. I BuflIational polilirr; of f'l ll'llrl f' lng vallie . ' red all the time. 'I'h :re Is nl 80 III thl" li st of ('\ ver he <Ill ·tors said l lid , not g-et w 11 WOIrl n l\ll1d a Cll'~ l\lltl1{,'·lI u n p , n )In' t y wi Lhunt an opera('O'lll lI r', who has IIPt'n on I hI' Rl v lf'ra. ti un, for I conld for Y aI'S, wh pl'e nil th e 111 . 11 han' fnl· hardly stand the l en ut h I' fec i , One'" It \\'I\S I' ' ported pains III my sidps, that she wa s dngng-e d to nn Eng-ll sh spt ~cinlly my r ight nobleman ; b llt It app eal's she jilted . II'. and down m y The Fresh· Air Poultry House . h im, for, Rrltlsh·l!ke, be had tak en the 1-...:L~':,IllllL..:>...L---:-...J rig" t I, g, 1 lx,gn 11 . , to f r l' \.I'r \\" Il' ll 1 hall ta l(en o n ly bpauty t oo ser Iou sl y. Th , COlin t ess Arl pr I' lgh~ ,I' l' nr~ (,Xpl' !'IN H'.e In I li se I wo sl1.PlI or hou sC's: No, t iUltt i(' qf ('omponnd, hut kept on Knrol ewltz an d MndulIl l' osk l·lllloe· 1)o ul1ry Il ~ ' plng Wllb l,ld ·f:1 !<lllllll l'd a e'onl llludnt "s ,10 bl'{'l' eh' r~, :-':0. 2 100. as l was afraid (,0 ::; tup ton soon."-:-.rrs. gen ur ' othor ~'o m n who h uv /) prie d , close d pOllllry hou ge!! lind poor : lIC" Th' lurge hou se Is adap t ed C' sp cln lly 'AII I I:: Mt;LL1,~ , 2128 N, St., .E lInto th Ihl' seer ts of ma ny lo t r nacess. I df'cld ed that lil Y fowl s n f' t' c\ C' tl for th e IHrKo nlllrk t · gog pl ants. I we od, Ind. tlonal Intl'lb'lleS wltb Sllccess, more frc!! 11 all' both Ili ght allcl tiny, 1I1!;0 'onsld el' It Ielenl for t h farlTlc r 'V hy wil! women t ake ch:\Ooos. with Durin,; tlH' period when th e r clll.o writes Jo~pp h Tollll an In Orung o Judd 1Jf' nllse It SU \' C'S much Lime nnd l obor. an opl'ralto n ?r drag o~t,a Si ck ly, t ions b l'twee n Huseia and Jopan were Farm er \\'orlllllg upnll thi s th e: I'y. I Th l' smn il colonv hOllse Is 10xlG feet· hn\f·btl'lrt II C~lstcm'~ , .ID l ssmg three. , ' . .. . , , . . . • f o urths of th JOy o( It vwg. \~h(,H thf' y b eOllllnp; more slrain d with ea 'b tool, thp "hldo\\ !; Oll t of Home of the th ' 1.11 J;C on o 14x21 f ee t. I pIa e a call lind health in Lydia E. l 'rukham'!J successi v day, SI. Pet ersburg SOciety houses In the fu ll of I !l1):1. '1'1:' birds door' 1111 th ens t si d about baIr way V egetab le Compound't di sco vl'red ther e were several vcry did so mil ch better Ihal I k l' llt th n lH'tw (!f' 1l fl'Ont nnd baek ndR, DirectFor thirty y ears it hns been t he b autlful Pari sie nn s In the Ity. window s out all winter. Thl li pallscd Iy OPflCl:i t e th e door Is a window. In stand ard re medy f r femule iUs, and 'l' hey were not only v r y benu tlful, t ary , bllt al\vays made amllzlng blun· but chormlng, and most of them fell a Lnllrkpr] Improvemcnt In th e h eallh th e 1I11'gr houRC' are two windows. has tired tbou sands of. warnell wl!o of both brc>ed ers and chlcI! (>IIS. In Th rront or south sid e Is O)l cn ni ght have betl~ trollblcll. With Bueh alld e I'S In attempting to r epeat wllat had In love with young officers of r ank. tbe fall of 1!1I).I I pl an nell an d hullt illY und I ' I t I o\"('i'l'd with o ne.lnch m ents a s dlsplacoments, inflamm ation, (aY. )1I S c . u\c ration. Ubr id tumor!!, irrpgnluribeen told th om . The wom anl y Iguor· Th ey had l ett 'r s of Introduction and first op on·front. frE's h·ulr 1I0115e'. From Illf'!; h poultry wlr n I tmg. If th e ties, periodic pains, ba.ckacho, indigesan cc of suc h matters charmed the wer warmly w I ollle d In om Inl ell' th e !!lart it lIa. heen a gn'at Ru('ceRR. l"lIl se iR sltu at cd In a very hi ak lIud tio n, and n rvo n!! prn strntio!l , youug offie r s all th e more, and at the cl es. It tallght m e th at frpsh' lllr methods ,' xp<lse d pl ac' " I U !H) on l y one·hnlf or I f you have the 1'l 1i~"te~t doubt sa m e lime put them orr t ll Ir guard . One nigh t at a hell glvBO at ODe m eall beiter, h(,lllthl l' r . 11101' TII'OIi t· (' \. n ou e.quart er ·lllch net. Th Is w l\l that Lydia E. Pinldmm's Vc:;:-enut, as a mutter of faet, they were of I he l ega tions, one of thft i:harmlng abl e poul\ry . good hntch H nnd big, l,l'C' 1' (lUI IlIOl'(' of lh,) " r i ft 1I 0W tban table (Jompolln.d will hell. you. very cl ev er women, and th eir Informa, write to Mrs. Pmkham a t Lynn. . French wom n was presen t. Sh w as II t urd y cli I(' I!C ns l h at II ve an d t I11'1\' ~' . lh l' largl' r 1Il1'~ h nettl np:, M f ad Ice Yotlr I(~tt"'r tlon was sp edl1y forward d to the v ery fri endly with th e col one l or a F'OW::l t IHI 11 I'11 ng!; or ~ tcly , coDJideutialt '" I I lOll S u~ 1 n op ' 11f ' r on ~nrm' pou I tryll1en ('1'Itl c I'ZO. tl Ie l ow will "b!ololu f r!;o tl n thot J apan, too: has made .Ia(lllnese I galion at P eking, which, Russian I' glment a nd several times !laOW pra c ti cally no ch ~c k In ('g~ f r ont of illY floul\ry hOll S , I.lI!el'UHe and the advice free. n turn, forward (\ va luahl e r ports to mil' of w om en t o ferrllt out t b e T okyo. Dy th e tim th ei r true c ho r . she In e,f[ectuully att empt d t o draw yi eld, no rna ll l'r how s'ver 0 1' how t h I' \' dn im t h t! RIm dIll' S not shino fur I nt (' nt!O!H; of th Ttusslan govern ment IIctel' wa s Icn own tbe French nctress. him Into a conve r sa tion. the burrten sudden th e wint!'r change>!. ,' n(;u~h h ac l" This Is not so, My TO ll 1Ir:JIIY !WI'IlHIII S II al Oll t sugar r pgardln!; th e R usso·Japau se war. e , who we r e spies f or Ihe Japanese, or which was th e I ng-th of time be [.'re sh ·alr hOURC'S nw an l'h a pl'l' con· I lIircJ>! ha\'e improv el a gr at dC1I 1 In whc n III,' w"l'ld JII"ds !IIora l sand . expected to b o detain d In St . Pet P I' !V structlon . 1Il01't! comfort, no \·C' n\llo· hl'tllth (I llri n g th Inst n\·c y aI' s whl1 0 Tlw y ar ' not, as 1\ rul , how 'vElr , .l ap· had l eft Port Arthu r fal' behind. IIU\' II.\\' I S· l 'A I:'i\tll. I .F:lt lIn"se wOlllen, w ho are si ngularly un· Th e urms of th e Ru ss ian Third Seo. burg, for It was a frequent OCCU rT nce !Ion to worry ahou t, warmth In wlllt er bl' ,puln g In th ' OPI' II bou ~. Th e wi n· f or n11 I 'I£ "I trt '" HI I' ut ", . hru l"I'!i. hll r n H u ,,,1 ," Ir d~ ... '"k" 11 I nt""'1ll 11)' I t , ' \I f r '" (tin rrhl''' und dr At- nit.' ", . Iltll'd for th e dell lite tusk. To meet th e tlon ar clasped around th e globe, aI, for u r g lm nt t o b e scnt to t he far an d cooln css In !mmrn 1', mOl' I;l;s. Il'r s lIn tn thi s hOll s . whi c h fnee'! '1 "' Yull l tUlt. :.11 till I' ., . '![,(.' . :'."uo U IIII :.Ik' , ast. A loch attempt she was In ter: better chi k s I1f1ll b tt I' p r ofits. I be· ~o llth 01' !>lIglitly to lh cas t. shlll CB nl l ~s ian RIlY Oll his or h er own ground liloug-h It5 l overes t rill' sent.1 tl v s II a Ulan wou l d be himself ht! m 'Js t a nd Jupa n se buve, It Is sa id, s cure d are tbose b r Ight wom en who abound rupted by a daslling R uss Ian womon lI eye th em to b til e be st and mos t into I he bllilding in D er m\.) f' r nn 6 th e s rvlc s of some of th e c l verst in E urope, who exist on th e exelt . who bappen ed to b o In tb e v1clnlty 01 I,rac tlcal houses th at farme r s ::til USI' , .Tanuol'Y ig ht to t en f et bacle fl'om t'l'fI :e to t hink of hlUl s I f. wom ell I n Europ , m any of them m ent to be d rived by bn ttllu g t hei r th e pair. Fi na lly the },'rench woma n :;Inc(> th ey sn ve bolh III I nbor all d th front . It ,g tll IIlLO the hulld l ng "Worn to a Frazzle." Fr<:'n eh W0111 n, and otten tbelr \'I slbl e wits against those or others quo lly n oticed th e pecullar clr uru stll,nce and money. Jl esll l\ s count. Lnst winl I' I arl y . ln Ih mornin g' nnd shin es fu ll 'Wh en Prosldellt Roo!; v I t popularlIlC'a ns of support Is by acting. Short· clever, and by ta king Pllrt In the d I. Inquired of the am l' th e name of t he h ad nn er:g rldd of 00 to GO pel' cenL lIntil Int e III th afternoun . The W!1s t izou th e \'ol'd "frazzl " he remind ed ly befor e th wllr burst sudd nly III Ica te In trlcnci s of Europcnn cUplo. woman wbo seemed to hO~'e r aroun d from a nork of 700 \\ hit ,Ply mouth window admits allditloua l su nllght In l ots of WOIll ' n of lh on l y e.x!)r sl;ion Ul e far , ast. Itn b ngll sh manager was macy. For this parti cular worlt It has them li ke an cagl e O\'er p roy, H e to ld Ho~ks , ;)1\ Inrge,' hcalthy, vigol'oll!;, t he aftern oon to th e r ear part of the tlln t t li s how tb ey I' 1.'1 after th o work condu'cl l ng a Japanese troup through b een found tbat women are far more h er, and th en sh' kn ew her mission fresh ·all· Idrd s. F rWIt}' In ('old es t building, thlls glvlog slI fI\ clcll t SUIl' of washuny or bOllS cleau lng with com· was al an nd , for she bad b e' n de· F.urop ', ond th tour l ed to Ru ssia. valuable th un men. Tbey are qui II' weath cr h eld betw een 75 and 1\ 0 per : hln e. mon old y I1'oW l aundry soap. Easy Whil e th troupe of actors was in wilted, fearless and full of r esources, tected by one or the cl everest Rus- c nt. The chlc\ls hatchc el extl'n well 'r nsl, Innndry soay--the hurd , w hite, Cost of Pork . 11 11dn p st a you ng Japan se pl ead ed able to Instantly d etect a move and sian api a. alld liver! , Til e 'ost f IlrodllC ing bacon ho"sll! (lUI'e , 'llllck·action s np-cuts th o work so hard to joi n th e company that h e ILc; full Import, abl e to check.mate at. Si n ce ad\' ocating fresh·all' m thodll, flgllr ' d Ollt by Willi am ParkInson of Rquar o in two anel k eeps women fro m The Moderni st In Relig i on. tinn ily persund d Ih e manoger to tak e 'tempts to destroy their work. and lDallY of t he agri cu l tural colleg 5 hui' nlll'lo at 2':-:1. to 21h c nls per pound getll ng frazz l ed O\~t. Modern i sm i s not Ilccldental 01' locnl, ad vi sed o pen ·frou t houses . Prot. C' him , He was tried upon th stage, always outwardly th e lovel y , Intellpc. - : . . - -b ut W aR fUlln d singularly incompeten t. tnal woman, wltbou t a care In the but g neral and charac terI st ic. I t III K . Grabam , w hile at Conneotlcut Agrl· fo r hogs w Ighlng 200 pouu I s live Rather Pe rso na l. H ow e\'E' r, something was found for world. . In the all'. The Illodernl st bas no seri- cllltunil coll ege, suc ess fully winter d \\" Ight, snys the SwIll Advocote. 1111'. Pnrkln son hns f ed over ,2,OOO bogs In 'I'J llnHIII- Ol1ly a fool lIl a l( ,,~ til' him to do, and he did not want muc h ' Th ese ".-omen are to be met with ous d efinite qUDI'rel with th t achlngs WhIte L gllol'lls In n small t ent and the l ast t l'n years and k oe ps a close ~;r ll l(' s un of Illi s tak e: th e se ond tim e. sa lary , so be WOB allow ed to remain wherever fashionable people and offi. of tb e chll l'ch . H is cont ending-, not had a good gg yield, with no fro zen nccollut of the cost of prod ll clng lb Ill. !-:IIll l'llIIan - lJo YOII III '11 11 to in sin u· w\th tb , co mpany while It wen t ials congregat e in Europe-Monaco for a n W do trine, but f or a n ew at- co mbs and no si clm ess. Prof..l . E . Takiu g a p n of t n pIgs fiv e w eel!!!' th oL I Hili l\ fool? titu de. " ' hnt he obj cta t o Is, not t h r ough th cza r's em pire. und, In fact , !Ill along til e Ri v i era. lll ce of l'o:ew YOI'll State coll eg e ~ ny s : o ld on May 1, he tlgur 8 th C'lr cost ot 1'"lI ll1 ~l lI -t 'C'I' taiTi l y 1101 , ~rac tlcally no t hing was !mown or Ther e are hosts of Ru ssians In exil e. orthodoxy. but fin ality, H e molnta ln8 "Tbe op en·alr h ouse h as b o m e 11 t-1h 1'1 11Irl ll - \\'" II , I d ld ll ' t Imow . I've the young man, b ut he was educated , In P arIs the N ihilists meet unobsl ru c t. t he rlgbt 10 examine the assertions or n xture In mod ern poultry hll s bandr~' . $ 1 each , In addition to skim nli11t to b fcd th e first thl' c 01' four m ou th s 1" ',"11 111111"1'1 1'11 I wit: '. n pl eusant com panion, and appeared ed by police; but th ei r eve ry move. th e old dh' l nes nnd of th e n ew alike WIth out pure air In n pOllitry hOll se Made Hi s Repu't atl ol1 . to hav pI ~ nty of money. After the m ent Is r eport ed t o t h e Third 'Se>:tion with equa l f r eedom ; he sees nothIng a poultryman cannot stuy 10 ll g In th e Ih ey woulll r <' Qulre 3,100 Ilollnds of II ;JI'I, ' r- Thal fp ll flW 1 1I ll(ln~ I ~ nn nd el t h e monng-er di scovered in St. P eter shurg. A few y an ago sacrosa act In c r eeds; b lievi n g In the busin ess unless he ha s a l al'p: ban ll ('or o nwal lit 80 cents )l eI' 100 POUlldS" t OUI' h - wus th e son of th e Japan ese ad· a certo ln "Mlle. Sense" w os In Wash. Holy Spirit, h o xpects a constan t occonnt to foot th e bill s. H n s will anel In c lOll of wh eat bran nt , $ 12 I' nlh "" II1S I. ISI1 'I h ,'? 1':lr IIP I'- Thal 's \\ hilt : YOIl 1(110" mlral whoso nnme Crequ ntll' ap· _ Ingtol\, She spok e th purest Paris- prog-ress in religion, ou t of . the im- d o far better i n cold, PilI' oi l' thnn 111' 1' tOil, Thi s wOllld bri ng the lotal Ill' Illtf!': to !' Ileak of hI1ll 5(' lf :11-\ a past into th e 1m· they will In warm, it1lllllle 1111', Fres h C'05t of till' pig!' to $-16., 0, an d on P Oll r ed III th e n ew spa per s in conne e· lan, and readily unssed tor a Fr nch perfection of th tlon wIth t,he wondel'ful naval feats woman . In Rus sian she Is Mme. Sitz. provement of the fntur . He Is not In· nir Is of mol' impol' ton ee t han t oht'l' 1 th 'Y ollgh t to w eigh ~O O " 1"11'1~ IIl Il Jl'! I II;rrlll' l" - )' (," , with M I'. Ch es t erton warmth If we cnnnot ha\' , lhl' tIl both ." pOllll,JS ar h. h e acco mpli shed during tb e war. In Id, on of til c l ever st of the czar's clln d to agr I I 'H l"k" I"- \\' ' II. t il .. oill y thin g h e "An open mind Is a th e ~fllll ompany w er e several cl ev· women spl s, Sh e Is' a wom an of when h e Rays: N ex t to -the tig ht or los 1I hOIlH ' I Cucumb e r.Orang e . I I' v"l" <l ill III thlll IIll e W II ~ 10 p:o 111 a an open mouth. th e curtaln·front Il ou~p., with a s ('l"al r ho I' .Japan se women, who k ept their gr ent beauty of h igh birth anti p r . mark of folly, Ilk S, II ill, U \'llculllbel' grow r wild ~II"~ " .. 1I :L;.o thrr" vc~"ri; agu , mouths, were mode to in g shcd, In thi s Rty l e on e I!; ob l h:;cll of lI uI.-unl ey cs and ars open durin g, the tour, fect breeding. Whll e ah WIIS In Mind s, 11k M ~ e.s a 'hw;etls, found on ol'llngu _. ,_ _ . ___'__ nlld thcrE' I II lItlJe d()ubl that th Ir Washin gton sh e gave l essons In shu l." H e fi nds that a closed mouth t o pro\'icl e a com lll ntll ion building , tl',)l! I n bl osRoni In hi s cllcumb er hot Good Work Pr oc eeds Slowly. r e ports to their gov ernmen t hud some- French to clJlld l"n lu sev era l of the mllY he l ong to 1\ man w ho Is dumb. or whlcb \ll'<lctlcally 11I('I\ II S t wo !lou s, '" h Ollsp SOIl1 t ltlll' ago. H e tl'oll ' f ' ned ,\ Ih e' PI" ' ~f' nl !"I11l' of Inl: l"I'lIR ' n car· t hlllS to do with th rapIdIty with mha sslcs, alld, no doubt, l earned ignorant. or afra id ; and he i nf rs tbat to each' nock. nil op n·[ront sh cl nnel th poll n from til e oran go bloss Clm Iy 1(l l't ~·· n \ " )"l'arl' tlllISt ('I nll!le before wh i ch t he Japlln se stru ck the first lllu ch to interest h er gove rnlll nt. th e el os d mind Is a sign of similnr n closed roostin g hOlls. '\ s th p fow l s to a lIellm\) t· blo!lR()Ill. A s th c cu slIlIleiPll t II" ' plUl I :1('('olll llloclatl n IlS to H claIm s th e rlgbt to dn rln g th e gl'eal I' part of th o ti me bl ow. Mme. l\1neaborlvlt7., who ill said to be con dition s. Cllm lJ or ~l' (> w It \' l1l al n p(1 1'0111111 1111" ' l' ro\'lt.!1' I IlI" ,,1\ Ih ,. IlI u lgf' lIl (, OIl StllU )I' Th' .hl(laneso pOlice and mllit.:ll'y th e wluow of n Russlnn otfl c r. Is gen· mal,e ' xllerlm ents - an d mistal! s. Ill' In Ith el' th e . hed 0)' th e r oost ing an oran ge, hut lwei Ill e RIcin o f a Cl\· 1h'"" III I ll(' \ 'I1 I1 (' d ~Hall'!; will h )lro· Rystelll has, of cOllrs , Its secret s n ·· erally consld r ed the most , b aut ifu l His slIpreme purpose Is to r estate reo house, lind IUllst OC-CU IIY t ho loltel' n \\' Iicu, j'lp c I t O flfHl Ill c1 1I v!ell·<I . d t'clan'~ tt l<' . ' Uli f nOli :\ t<so!:ia· l:lIll1 her . he Ilglon In th e terms 0(' current tht;'ugh t night, on hu s n h OIlR cn parlly Quo l \)rl g ht Or ango color, and wn s pi Il si\nt li" l1 for rh l' St1l d y /l IIU 1'1'(> I'l' lI liuII or I ct.!; but it i s not n early so ulJlqultouR r th e wh ite cza r' s worn n spl s, a s Is th e so·called Tbird Seellon of has been all 0\'01' th e world , anr] hn s for th bett er application of It t t he o nly to th e slz ' of th '" rnoRling honse, t o tll C ln st . T III"'I','ul(lsIK Although 1)\' ('1' 7,000 dll RlIs!'\lun p lico. Y et during the ' also Hsed her ey s and ears in ~oPlln n eed.; of cllncnt llfe,-G orge Hodges, no mntter how larg till' fll' ratch ill g" I.. el ~ i ll h\l~ p itals , ';lI u:t tnri:r . (,limp s ~hed- may be. 1 At n ight It hns n il o f Cov el' for Milk Palls. last f c w rill'S th re hus little of 110' to tb saUsfllc tlon of hor go v ern!ll nt. In tlw A t1autlc. ;;;'; ll""s------a lld \\';rnl>, rill" tllh" I'l' lilllll :, palit'l lJol'tnllce transpired In Europe aI'Cect· lhe advontag<'s of th e !'Iose tl house , A N ew .T (' r . Py farn1l'r hil I' IJIltC'n t l'cl 1\ 1' 1'1 ' " s talJlI ~ It ,· d l ast y(! ar, til !' l"e ar~ lu g th situation In tb e f il l' east or TI~ ~se fow l s spelili n \'el')' l arg e pll r l n C'o\'C'r for 1Il111<llI g pall s that IldlUilH I'lI lIy :~I)n,1I1I1J inu ig,·1l1. C'o n slIlll\ltive::l whi ch t bo .Japanese (ol'ei gn office bas of th eir time on th roo st. Th ey IIN' II tlH' milk Ihrou ~ h a strnluPI' C'O\'l'r d whu 011 £ 11 til \J r Illa ('(' d ill HIIC ' II insli tu·\ lon g b een Ignornnt. H er ' agents, thu fr osh all' \...·hil e llH're, JURI I1 R II l ll1'h tHI " ' Ilh It ('I o lh Ihat nUl" ho r e IllfJ 1'('(1 1i 0llS unci Il tnlil l of /lilly ~~.72u tJl' ll s III best of th em lhose so-cnlled French ~ --------------------~------------ t hey do at oth ol' ti 111 1'S, proh~ hly er II for l' l eOIl~l n~ all" wh i ch e\'c ll Iccepe III, eulirl' 1'01111 try . 011 l\la~' I , 1!l09, " r ha\'e jU !il com from tllP. m emo more, In cl osed r(J(l~tinR IJU31·t l' I'S IlIIpllre air f rom l'lI t l' rin g th o pall. e cLrl'sses , have foun ll n way of b eIng Representative Norris Rather Played Ih"I"I ' wI' rl' 1 5,~ 14 b"d s fur I·IInHulllt!· h"!rs' di ulng room," sn ld :-':ol't'i s. "Ue· th ey ha v' to hrel1thl' IlI1p'II1'C nil'. and _ ___ _ _ _ _ • . It "Low Down" on Unsophisti. Jlrese nt wh e r vcr th ere wa s anytblng lh' PH mltl :!!l1 illflll til ti 011 S . Th e ann ual i:-:ig lat in tb e nft moon, tl1er e Is on Iy t hat menns loss of \"llaill y !tnd li nh ll · Pcanut:s In Japan. to be I :lrn ed. Often tb ese wom en cated Newspaper Man. l'\'llort of ttl(' na ticJIl lI 1 u sso('itlti(,n oue member of th e house l eft In th ere. Ity to disease. 1 cOll sld('r u n open A .J npn II 'Bll om 'Ial r port gi\' fl th e en co untered the 'Women spi es of the Bhow !! an il!r r eIUI<:' o f !HI ill Stitll t loll8 Ru ssillu government, who ore un· Slnc.e th e day wh en R epresentativ e He is !lOW ea ting his IlIlIch . H e has (I'ont sunel'io!' to the u!'wl n f r ont be· :1 ('1;11 of I,,"nnu ls III Japl\lI III l!lOi !IS anti 7.500 h cl l':, d ouhtedly among the cleverest detec t- George W . Norris of Nebraska Intra· g ray hull' and g ray whIsker s and ca use as th ~ l atter Is mu ch mo r e '0111 ' 1 '1. ~~5 [l('n' ''. y i eld 1.:W:!.1l!i7 bUHhelll. Ives In tbeir line In the world. duced his resolution d eposi ng Spea l(cr wars a carn ati on hi his coat. You p l! cd t ed mu ch rl epend R Ul lOU th ju(I!':· Til l; tolnl pxport s In t ho snmo ye ar pr ('enL Governments at war, or on the Cannon as a member o( the committee go In th er e an.:! tell him you are a m ant of the op rator in usi ng th e CIII" \ W('l'O 10. 1 ' 5, 1 1 pOll nds. SCi fl b(' ln g ship ped to th e nlted Sla t es. brink of hostiliti es, require th servo on rules and enlargIng that august personal fri end of mine and that I taln. t ces of two distinct classes of splcs. body correspondents bav e f elt that would r egnrd It aR II. p er sonal (1\\' 0\' If Th ere must b e many men connected theIr day' s work Is n ev er complete un· h e wouid tell YOH tho story of his rewiUI thi s d\lngerous servIce; but for less they look up th e Nebraskan to tirem ent from congress." The correspondent follow ed Instruc· th e most part the w,ork demauds get th e news from the Insllrgent camp, courage nnd skill rather than the del, A m ember or the press gallery saw tlons and found tb e mUll who answered And satisfaction to thtl las t lellte diplomacy which Is required, too, Mr. Norris coming out of the house the description given by Norris. It mouthfulwas ' Speaker Cannon, QWp-lly munch· bul Is generally, certainly so far as restaurant a day or two IIgo and Ru ssla ' is concerned, asslgnetl to worn- asked ' him ro express his vIews about Ing a bowl of cracker s lind milk,en at culture, education, beauty weI the retlrem'e nt of Senators AldrIch Washington Times. rare judgment. With the troops at and Hai'e. Mr. Norris did so In his ,T hose Com~lexio" Beautifie rl. th e enemy are sent the men spies, nnd characteristic language, · Intlmatlng I'


l Oll"






, Didn't Get an Interview

A Taste

A Smile


,,'Ith the c ommanding omeers, with the very. plaInly that the people of the "or course," says the flrst fnll 'iplomats, with the brains which sit In country ought to be glad that the ~'oung thing, "l nm not at 0.11 I;oneeit. Bt . P etersburg and move ,nmile!! power of the regulars In tbe senate ed about It, !lor urn I unduly proud, &,000 miles away as It they w ere was h elng broken. but 1 thInk it is something to boasl IJaw n eon a ch ess board, the Ing'ratl"Anything ' else on ,your mInd?" at when I can say that poems llavE! aUng, clev r women spies are to be asked the correspondent, prepl\rlng ,b een written about my eyebrow s and round. ' to go upstairs lind reduce the observa· my balr and my lI))s and my c heokx nnd my hands." \ hlle th e Japanese have not be en tlons of the Ius urgent to prInt. "How nice, I" coos the necond faJ! t egarded as having an especially em· ' ''I ha~'e nothing else myself," r p.· thost l en t seoret serVice, the evellts~ of the marked Mr. Norris after a moment'll y oung thing. "1 have reud "'al' demonstrated that the plm:lOns thqught. ,"1 ' think, however, 1 know IloemB." "Yoti l.ave ? 1 dldn't know they hall wbo' w ere \v.atchlng· day, ~nd illgM for .where J can put you 'on to · a good them ', had been of ' the gteatest value. story, but: I rather: hesitate to do so." b een publfshed. Wbe~ Md YOIl see Jl is )mown lhat Just/ about the ti!lle "Wha't lil tJ:lf~ yarn I\bout?" , he was themt' . "0~ , 80me street cp.r: carill, as' adver. the ;'var hroke ouf ther!i were In Fort asked. . Artbur se~er3l , French' dan.cers, who . "Ob," obsei'ved Norl'ls, ."lt Is right in tislng... . .bad captured every Rus!lian line with' tb'e tetlrement of these two hel\rt, ' dlst1ngulshed.. se'n ators. ' In . t~ct! it re~ Moat Important Crop. They were not only -attrActive dan- lates to' the retlrement of a' dlstln"How do you de/ilre uplifted 1'" cerll, but beaut/ful 'women, who gutshe!1 member at tbe bouse. On fs ~e Questl~ a wr.1ter in the Ne" dressed well and blU1 ' most enga& second thougbt, ,!. ~es tate to \to so,. , I.- York Sun puts into tbe JIlouth. of tbe manners. Tbe Russian omeera ,'W~re don't · think Cbe member ' ,wanta the ,commlaaloner at tbe '(armer's door. charmed ' with the.m,., They loon b9" tact t'O become known just yet.·· ·~W.I." , repUed I'e.fme~ ~rrlek, "y~ came betler aeQuabated and proved to The eOrreBp(lDdellt pleaded earneit- mllht .tart in by lP'owlng a b.ett!tl be very agreeable ~omp~lona. The, ~ for the UP.1!JlIl UoallJ Norr" acreeit. c1us of cltJ boar4.ra,~'-Youth:. Co_ wk a l1'eat blteNR tblll~ ~lll- to it to him. ' pulOD. "




Post Toasties

, f~



!!~\w~ i i i .\: , Wt ,-

._ .... ! :-

pleasure in ev ry A t ria l will s how f asci nating fl;; vour,

Ther e' s

p ackage . th e


fn lin th e packc ream .u r milk and some times , fruit - fresh or stewed. right

a ge wi rh

--- . --------~----

- - - - - .- - - - - , .

"The MemorY Lin~': ., To QbtJlln lin even grade"In trenches where tiles are to be Inld IItretch lines acr~s tbo ditch five feet above tbe bed. The lines are tied securely to atak..,. on either side at the ' ditch. Wbl(e cotton · rope Q~e·fou'tth mcb In <lIJUueter II the beat kind ~ 'D&ke'

ensy sighting. Tbe proper bitch on the stakes 1s shown In the lower Ilhlstra· tlons. In praetlse a mark can ,be made on, the long hanqle of the shovel five feet from tbe pOint and the sight· Ing done wltbout delay all tJle wort loel Oil,

Pkg•• I Uc ana 1Sc. Sord by Croc:era.

, Postom Cereal ·Co., Ltd. Battlo Creek, Io'iich.

County Courts



Common Pleas Court. New Suits




Jennie B. Bunter vs 'rhe M. Rumlev Company . Certifiol\te from Jus 'ioe of the Pelloe telling of the over roling of motl 0n for appeal is filed . Lawrenoe Urton VS. Elill.abeth Urt on Petition for cli vorot' on arounds of adultery and desertion . Plaintiff aver!! that they were mar r ied Angus, 21 , 111110, and tbe followi OIl ohUdren b rn Amanda, aged 18, Lester aged J ~" Leola aged 1U anu Roth aged .!. Plaiotlff pru.ys fQr ous· tody of children. "-ndrew Gottel'Y VB . Cnrey ~'. Barnll. l'etition for money on promtssory notes, amounts due beIng 1200 I\nd ,200 with interest. Bltmohe Johnson vs. Robert John. son. Petition for dlvoroe plaintiff olaiming habitual dronkeness and gross negleot of dnty. Petition states that tbey were married Maroh 7, 1905, and to them one oh11d, M. H . Johnsoo, aged 6, has been born. Plaintltf prays for oustody of ohild. William Wheaton vs. U. P . Wheaton e' 1.1. Petition for partition of oertain propertY' delloribed.






'fh diHtinot fOl>ture of the lu st vloe vro!!itient" I Ill'will l)h ' l' 'r, Lnl'· day of the Grnnd Army enoamp· d on ; corrcll\lontii n' tH' r tlfry, W' The Paint possessing every essential quality . I WIlS the parude of veteran!! ilL 1 :::l U V . LIIC', ~ prio!! ""Iley; r.'co!'d ing I Nothing in It but what s hould be there. • p. ro . t:)evernl thousl1nd of tbe old secretu!'y . ,)l\c01l H.I iller, Pl en"ul t Nothing. lack'l ng that will Improye It. soldiers were in line with 'Dany Hill . . I Pigments , scr..nUflcally combined, and finely ground In Pure bl1nds nnd (]rum oorps . The DI1Y ton 'rhe -! '1,1t () V 1. UIRO It 10 II r, • I : Linseed Oil. veterl10l! ocoupied a prominent plaoe onion nudrells6s b o io~ dllltvorou \' Y in the parade whioh was one of the R A . WillioUHlliud G ell . U M ZA!! bellt bf1ld by the organlzu.ti on in re IeI'. The fnllowio gldllc r W T {1('I('ot 06ntY61uR. linenfmaroll Eld; Presitl nt, AUlll1s t (~ rllo , Hllm waR !inell with spe taturs wllo g l·ee' · ilton; se( retarY,J . A ~Ilun (l r, Wes tthat outwears all others, and that In wearing away does 50 iradued the line of sturdy old wluriors boro. There WIlM u. vioe )ll'e/liuo u t aUy leavlni a periect surface for repainting. with oheers. 'rhe line of nlilroh eleoted f rORolJ cOlllpanY, lls fulloWR: was n ecess ~rily short. FOR SALE BY J oseph Levan!!. Cin oi nnllti ; W . 8 . The e lection of omcers I\nd the Kimbnll , 'l'nla)l0 08 t~. 0 . ; Willl"ID parade praotiou.l1y mark tbe olosing A . Rit.tweger, Ox ford; Alextlod er of the encampment, IIlthough oamp Rnrt, Camden; .1.1:1 . BoHony, Bltlll lirel were held Thursday niglJ t choster; Ueor ge \Y. Norris, FindltlV ; Waynesville Ohio at the opera bouso and tbe Presby- J . W. Boyd, Puyne; b enry 'chlolllor terian oh urohes . Ansonlt'i L B . Vl e nuuDiu, Mu.ttu The ololing feature of the second mora; J . W. Ho.lstuad, BlIluoh 08t 1' . H EN DE~SON,M.D. day of the O. A . R. eDoampmsnt The only matter of importunce lJ" W88 1\ magnifioent display of fire fore the !.Jusiness sell~i u n of til Waynesv ille, Ohio. works at Roberts field WednesdllY Grllnd Army Wednesday. was the evening, the prinoipal set pieoe ba· indorsement of the ,30 a ~nontb \' all ey Phone 153 Main 8tr("t ing a naval battle. pension plan . When the campfire at the opera At the meeting of the W. R . '. house was oalled to order tb ~ hall Mrll. Mary G . Wentll.l:ll, president, ~ubsrribe for the Gazette Court Proc:eedlnK5. WIUI orowded to the doors. Com. introduced nine dElpartment proslBarbara Meir vs. lohn F. Soheer, Olander Newton WIUI in cbarge and dents, three national offioers and Is your year up forti WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. et a1. Par~l68 defendant Wilde and addresses were made by Gen. I . R . Mrs. ~"ry Banghn m, of CnHforniu, file jOint answer. Partltlon of real Sherwood of Toledo i R . B. Brown, II pa llt department seoretary. St. Augustine's Catholic Church. _tate ordered. past oommander, of Zanesville; I·-"the r George Mnf l'oho · fe r . P as tor William C. Spenoer vs. Eva Spen- \Vhi 1e t h e ch11 d ren 0 f t h a H ome gave M"~s eVt' ry sc(~o "oI Suml"l' of lhe IUOUlh on 'fh f d 'd t f d oer, Court orders that plaintiff pay ~t d ill ere ara onr oon I f\ 6S or e- " : 00 a. w . . lome pre. y r s. , f V ~ defeodant '2 p6r week for main· Th fi t h F ' t U P partmeo t oom mander of tbe 8. 0 . St. Mary's EpiscopaJ Church. ~80aooe of ohildreo and defendant h ehoam Pi re hO t e f Jlrs W · i' M. J . Heintz, of Cincinnu.ti; E. \V " uro WIUI 0 0 arge 0 . • • Hev. J . I". ('lldwall 'ld r . Hector. given leave k> see ohildren every f T d dd ed b Breeze, of Mt. Vernon; M. H. Bennet. Sun day ·hool. 0 :ao 'I. lI1 Mornin g 'c r ' nans,o rOY,an was a ress y 0 f Day t 00, Bn d G . 'v other Suoday. , , . Morgl1n, 0 f ·l'Ice. 10 :30 a. 01. Iloly Communion Lhc t\ r~ l If it is, we have a gilt~ uncluy at ea'\I 1.11 0 mb , PhtUp Hall vs. Lida Randall et a!. JB·1od.l!· lIat~kf' °C~iSaindU8tki y, and ltev. Bellefontaine. Indication!! fav or the ~ get. , 0 no Dna . edge proposition to Coun grant.a plaiotiff leave to file T I fi t Zi seleotion of Mr. Beunett. A large Methodist Episcop81 Churcb. here was a 10 a camp re a on b f D t b f th We can ofter you good reply tn 30 days. Baptid ohoroh, Rev , B. F. Watson, num er 0 ay on mem ers a e offer you. This is a Rov. H. W. Do.Uey. Pastor. D~_ "oo.gome organization Bre here bOClming bis uudny chool, 0 : :\0 a . In . Morning ~cr ' ~ -. ry VI. Al oozo ohairman. Paying Employment \' 1 C, IU :;)O it . m. EpwurLh I.c "gue, 7 :UO p. great paper, an d evl4ontgomery. OtToroe gran~ 00 oandida.oy, and the Colombus dele· m . E"cnln g s ervice. 7 : 00 p. w. ~1111wc\ll< Governor Harmoo paid the enthat you will enjoy and .... of "r088 n-I I . has promised Its sopport to Pr lyer ~eeLln K, 7 p. m. ery farmer ought to •• nn.a. ....... .... eo.• w ith pain. oampmeot a visa Wednesday, oom· lati'Jn hi at home. Write to-d!lY Christian Church. tiff uvinl onatody of ohUd. ing shortly after his seoretary had m. have it in his home. Rev. L. O. Thompson, Pnstor. Barbara )leler VI. John Soheer et telegrapher\ that he would oo~ bo Loraio was selected as the plaoe Add" .. Biltio School. 9:80Ia. m. Sodal meeting. Come in and we will a1. Oourt orden eale of property prelent. Be was taken to the O. B. for the encampment in 1911. lo: ao a. m. CllrIBLIa.oIEndeavor. 7:00 p. nl. Sormon by p1l8tor every lalternate Sunday at The Butlerlek Publishing Co. I at pnbllo anotioo. and S. O. Bome, wherl a large 10:30 a . Ill. anll 7:30 p . m . Butterlck Build .... New York, N. Y. Real Estate TranJfera. gathering of ve~rllns were on hand Wednesday the ladies of 'he Hk:ksite Friends Church. witlll8S drllls by tbe ohlldren. G. A. R . elected the . following offi. Firt!l Day Meetlm(. lU :0011. m. FlrsL Day ' E. P. Nem, to Lydia E. Van Har. Ho returoecUo Columbul at 6 :10 p.m oers : Department president, Mrs. chool . 11 :0(\ a, 01 . J.' o unh Day MceLi n& " ~~~~~~!"!'!!"!~~~~~~~~ 10 :00 a . m . . ....... linlen, 138.22 aeres in Wayoe town. Several regimental reunions were Cora T. Coosn&l, Toledo; I!enior vioe Ihip, '1. . held Wedoetday, the 74th O. V. I. department president, Rose Robbins Orthodox Friends Church. 1 BATBA'V. A Y For further information , nddress Rev. B enjamin Hawkin g, Pastor. George II. D. Huntsburger to haTing 82 members pr88en\. They Younglltown; junior vi~e depart. Pheba D. Jon_, ' .• 6 aorellin Frank. elected oilloerl &II followl: Prelli~ ment pre.iden" lIiss Bertha Witzel, !;abbath Scbool, \I :30 a . m. HCKUlar ChUrCh! Wn .Y''.les ville's Lelld1np' .D entlst. se rville. 10·110 U. Ill. Christian 'En(leavor. om .... I 8t ce in K eys BId g. D~a n 1m towulhip, ,5100. deot. Robert GOll8llrd; fil'8t vice Middletown; department treasurer, 7 :30 p. III Daniel L. Santon to Annie M. president, J. W. Smith; second vice Anna D. Cost, I:3priogfiel~ ; depart · Waynesville, Ohio S'-ntonquitelalm 70aorea In oounty presideo~, C. N . Smith; third vice ment ohaplain , Mrs. Pritmer, Col · '100. preaident, John Jonea; leoretary, umbus; members of 001lnol1 of ad. Harry Hayner and Mamie Hayer J.. W. Hedges i trt\a8urer, T . J. administration, Josephine to Viotor Van Riper, lot in South North i qn&rtermalter, Comrade Hamilton, Dayton i Mrs. Mary Fran Lebanon, '400. Bigger. John Smith is chairman of ces, Lima; Mrs, Lett, Youngstown . Lulu Dunn to Elsie Bines, lo~ in the exeoutive oommlttee. The W. R. C. elected Mrs. Lulu iJollth Lebanon, f1. Fifty.three members of the HOth Huffman, Wilmington, department Staoy E. Malon to Charle. T. O. V.I., Ueoeral Keifer's regiment president; Mrs. Charlotte DavidsoD , Hawke, tract in Wayne wwo.hip attended th~ regimental ren!}ton, Xe~i~, senior vice department presl '100. eleoting the foUowiog officers: dent; Mrs. Dora Brush, Cleveland, Probate Court. President, Noah Tbomas, London i junior viae department pre8ident.

"The Made to Wear Paint"




c. w.




Are You Looking for a Position?

Talk it Over



D u. H.E.


Miami Gazette



Eetate of H. H. Krone, deceased. Final aooouot filed by Joho M. Owen S. BigKio@, Joho Shawhao freight 2G oents i John W. I:3hawhBn, Krone,admtnia~rator. and J. S. M.orris appointed apprais· premium on in8UranJ8, '15 i J. M. Estate of Abiah H. Wilkerson, de. ers. Mulford, postmaster, stamps, $7 is, oeued. Fourth aooount filed by Ira Estate of Margaret m~ments, de· D. Henkle, fees and axpensEls, 'Ill.· 1'. Bilony, executor. oeased. Sale bill filed by F . M. 65; Frank Zen; I1sslstant assessor, Estate of KittleC. Lohr, decealed. Hamilton Jr., exeoutor. $60; Theo. Vogelsburg, lumber, PenODal proper~y of eet.ate ordered Estate of Mary C. Clements, de. _177 .43; H. P. I.ane, Ilppraisflr .. SU; BOld. oeased. Sale blll filed by W. R. llI. M. Dill appraiser, S84; F . H. Estate of "-my A. Cowan. de. Alien, executor. ' Il:3tubbS, appraiser, '56 .; Samuel Fox, ceued. Barry E , Cowao, appoioted Es*"te of Frank Clark, deoeased. appraiser, S56 i W . L Harvey, apt adminiltrator at bood of '15.000. First and flnalaocount filed bv Cora praiser, $14; T. F. McGuinn, ape MoKay, administratrix . Ipraisor, $87.50 ; Perry Borden, ar~~============= In matter of aS8ignmeot of J. L . ' praiser, S5t.50; Estle Snell, apprais · U II. UI Ildlllllnbil Van '0 Arthur . Bryant. Report of I er, S49 i W . B. Gaskill, appraiser, private aale oonfirmed by oourt. ,110 .5'0 ;lE. C. Jeffrey, appraiEler,"5 50 .J IYIeJ II' Bradder Trtuble. E8tate of Josephus Witham, de. Z. O. Worley, appraiser. ,3!'.50! L . First and final aocount R. Randall, appraiser, '42. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, oeased. dilCOur&geaaDdle&Sensambition; beauty, filed by L . W. W.itham and W . J. - - ... - - - vigor and cheerful. 1:30ott, administrators. Marvelous Discoveries ness 600n disappear In matter of trust oreated by Hem mark the wonderful pr og ress of the w hen the kidneys are out of order or dis- ll;eventh In will of John Eyer, de- Itge. Air Jlil{ht.s on heavy mR chineR , eased. telegrllms withoot wires, terrible Kidney trouble has oeased, Henry Reed appOinted trus· war invent,ions to kill lOon, unll become so prevllient tee vice Henjllmin H. Phillips re that wonder of wonders , Dr. King''! ~~~ that it is Dot uDcom. ttigoe<1. Bond of '0200 appproved . New Discovery-to sava life when r. mon for a child to be born afflicted with .Estate of WRiter Shank, minor. threatened by ooughs, colds, 1l1grippe ~eak kidners. If the J F. Shank appointed guardinn nt asthma , croup, broncbititl, hemor rhuges, hay fever nnd whooping ehild urinates too orteD. if the urlDe scalds ouugh or lung trouble . For 1111 the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an $500 bond. bronohial affeotions it hus no equal age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetl\\arriaKe License&. It relieves instantly. Its the surest tiD" depend upon it, the cause of the difficure. James M. Black. of Ashevt\le, culty is kidney trouble, and the first Clifford H. Runyan, 21, former of N. C ., R . R. No . 4, writes it oored Itep should he towards the treatment 01 LebanoD and Cordelia M. Justioe, bim of' an obstinJ1te oough after all tbeee im,POrtant organs. This unpleasant other remedies failed . GOc and 00 trouble II due to a diseased condition of 111, of Lebanon. A .trlal bottle free. Guaranteed by the kidneys and bladder and not to a For.,st H. Graham 9.0, farmer of Fred C. Schwartz habit as most people BUppote. Women as well as men are made miser· Waynesville lAnd Blanohe Dyke, 111, ...- - able with kidney and bladder trouble, of Wayne8ville. WOOSTER FIELD 'PICNIC and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of On JUDe 24th, ' there will be held a ..... _ _ b t · al' d It . ld Commlasioner.' Pr~in. ls. ·'· ~"'--r-",oo lssoonr..: sze. 1180 a general . bakaet pionic ' Bnd wheat by druggists, in fifty. cent and , one-dollar Bllls-Z"in Armitage, · oootraot, field m!leting at the Ohio Experiment aize bottles. You Inlly 145 i Be.rt Reed, bridge.repairs; t19 .2G Station at Woos~r. There will .be :;v-:':ilf~~e .t:~tl: B. B. Mills, bridge lumber, t18.25; au fnllpeotion :o( the · field work of pamphlet telliDg all 8. K. Stephenson: bridge lomber, th~ Sta~~on during the day, followed 'ia!cl\l:1i:::::J;~IT~~th=:'~d;:;t=ti- f25 .90 i Jo~n Lioder, servioes as in. ,by il.ddre8~e3 in the eveolog by Dr~. IiIonia1 letters received from sufferers firmary direotor, $40 i Dan P . Bone, U. G. Hopkins, of tbe Experimept ·. . ..hQ I~nd Swamr.;Root to be 'just the oosts, 17.59 i .P hillp Spe~ce, general Statioo of the Univerl!ity 9f.lUiools, 1'!IDCd,..pmed. D writing Dr. Kilmer iodex88,-,S12 , ; M.. B. Oswald, burial ·Prof.. C; A. Mpoers; of the Experia: CO~, B~ton~ N. Y., be ' lure aDd ~UOD· tIilt 'paper. !?on't an, of Edward Smith, t7&'; qeorge WU- ment Btat\oo of the UnivfI's*tyof . IIliJtake. but remember. ~he name] Dr. 'kenon service. 00 Bold1en' Burial Tennel!&ea, auil others, Everybody , ·Kilmer·1 8~p-lloot. aDd the adC1Rll, . . .........~~. 1'., Clf'0VC17 bottle. '. Committee, ,I.,• ~. V. Williams, s ~ordlallY invited.


IS .


for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, is because it comb'i nes the two ~ost world-famed tonics- the medicipal, strengthening, bOdy-building elements orCod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron , without oil or grease, tastes good, and agrees with everyone.

We return your money without question if Vinol doea not accomplish all we claim for it.

J. E. JANNEY, Druggist, Waynesville.

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The Miami Gaze.le One of the. bes t newsRapers iri thi s part ·of the Stat~, G've~ alllhe news that's fit In print: ' Interestlllg and progressive.' I ndisjlensable in eve~y .Warne.wille home. R~IIJar l>rice, puy~~





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'owmon nil i fI, ohall p cbemic« oents per 'pound in barrels of 480 25 1 pound8 eaoh, or more at r eta il. b ID g ~old nt nbou 1. 10 to "'t~llrl)' UI W h )' IIIJS \ ili li. (Ili ilt L " lper llll l'rel of ~ '0 tl, ~ II ' ~odiutn ursanite is -rather an xOJ.'F I ' f.] VIII lulU ohl rill is obtainable flt,l penslve OIlem lctll , upon whloh we - '. M A I ~ . TH E !!:'}' 1£ dl the time f d I i IPOill tt! in t he POlUel' uy fialt d istriot have 110 q notatlonS.- Oh lo Experixt,en OM 0 . f b II " I t!::ita t IO ' VA I. LI<; Y 'I'EI.E J' HI ), E-- <:AI.1. ,:-In. 112 I It N b ieo ' ar og • a t u prlc 0 U out.,\' llll per ton, AR8 men U. t ie POQ (I ove01 Ar 1st g ves two th I t It . k d ' d . a n O!lr 0 II II> pac , e In ruOlS b l) 'L"d~ UI O opportu nl t v to pass on It . . . b t to d e· of 000 Lot 's wlf" may blwe looked _ bnok D. L. C I(A ~ I': ' Edi tor anel Mi,n ng-er '[' 1I 0 11( IIIt Ii r(I 1Ill!! t b' e rig ' , to 700 pounds ' all h. _ __ . t t b VO llper s ul fll. te 18 so ld by II.lw os t ' - anrl t hfl o lignin she O1l1 y -_._I l' III rtl I Ie l.h lU1 0 If prior ,0 0 a er . JU . d gmen , t ti Ra tl'1I of. Subscr iption Ilit" .I. f In t llelr leyd eem a-ll d rugglRtll, n no oosts fro m 5 to 6 ta lked baok . C'"1' \'1'IIr clilriC:ll r III U... Vll l1' ·!! ) .•.. •... f l. "l l II b ~ H t . 'I'lw De w board, eleoterl l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~_~~~ _"!'~~~~~~~'!"'!!! IUKlu "U,,) . ' . . ... . ,. ... . 0 '" '1 bO'lI. ( k l ll be r 1", 1t0,I repreRAo'tio g 111 t1 \\ 111 or IU Od\! wlt .,b lw (\ just, uleot, , Rnlf'R of Ad H' rti siuJ,l' I' ll I.II pl lt , will lHI VI;\ th e r ig u t t o d I< I'U" III 1.11. uls. lit' " 1111 0 . . ~.• ' cd lll'tl IIIt1 III )IJI un U II (01' lJeroru No. i II H" w llll ' I. .. : " ls. III" ..., hOI" ' . I ...·'· ilu.·








Special for June



( '1" ""111,,.. A, I• .


""I I" e." ·...... II,,· 1I,,",s

l ilt"

VUI II I ... ..

A good $20.00 Rubber-mounted Buggy H a rness for : : : $15.00 A heavy leather T eam Fly net, per pair, for two horses, $ ' 5.00 A good round lash leather Buggy Fly net •. •· •· •· •· ·• ·• ·• .• .• $ 2 •00


Silver Plate that Wears"

1,, 1..

Itt;! tmll y we muil ed Y OI. ~ fO U I - , p.lgl) "hf'l-t, COll tu illiu g II f ull d i"cu!>. I ( ' u.rd or tl ilu ali.,\. , ... " " . " . " , . .. 2 iw . 11111 1I f. tltH 1Il1lr.t,fHII of d ill' o re ll (~e I Illltiu lu tlull 0, ••• " • • • • • • • •• . •• • •• • , . . . 5U" ht1 I,WlIfl ll Ih t! Huol flt.v nnd UlOse wb o S')(' h tl ~ ot,·. w h ~ ro d ,arg" I~ 11 1111.1,1. .. .• • ~u. . Wll p.ll rn flHt ly hope l " s p lllY ,h" ur i i~ I" 1( I'l' r 1111'1 .. " I II" M.. ,dc lIll r rui n . Ih ut, .\'U I1 Wilt t'ik e tlUl ll to reud /Ill ' ~ I J I~' ·ulI " l . " i"' 11 "" 1'1>"1 ,'",'1. tU IlI, j" i ll t lwso fOll r pll gtlH Iiod 111so til l:! CUUt llDI !:! of' Il stlcon(l s uoe t whi cu I ~ 10 . Wfl ,,!til II send yo n in It few II IlY II. It iii t,he faI'ml:!rH' fuult to work too Even !\ IIhort miLD mlly It " va b & milch II Del to rtlll d ILDd, t.hink t oo ' ' 10llg lIult, l, e. It ill j l1 Ht t1A necellllll ry to lt.'1t better \... btl IJorrec t thl\n it, ill fUhin tlliu Itn Hr g,mh;uti u[1 to se ll t o be oorrflo t,'lri your !oll,tCco uta good price UII it is t,1) j.\ r ow it .. ----:dill oflre ly Yllurs, 011, YO U KIOI Ex. Vom . Burl ey Tobaooo :30 Blilly "wlllI lJwed 11 0Ilrpel. W8U 'tt kit, Moth e r t houl( ilr LJ Il O V wll llll1 8urt' l eller from Col. John R. Allen . Iia Vf' a Ii !, 111110'·' 1"" " .. . . , .• . ..

C ' h l ll lltl' l~ti. 11 \' 0 i l ll'lIl~h ft'\' ~ ; !l v.'r rh I II 1'1 I l 't' , I K!I' lint', , '


- --.-- -_. .. - ..

We a lso ha ve a full and l'ompiete line of all kinds of Harn ~ss and everythin g needed for t he horse, which we are selling at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Gi ve us a call.

Sin~e 1 ~47, the year Rogers Bros. ori ginated electro-silver pl atin g. silverwa re bearing the trade mark "lID ROGERS BROS." has been renowned for quality, wearability and beauty, '


stamped on fo rks,. spoons . and fancy servin g pieces is a But huby (lai d : "(; lll iJ hillu ! X~ y! Lex in gton, Ky , glla r~n. t ee of. hea v les~ platm g, perfect workmanship and e llo-Iu '" Murch 5, 111 10 eX 911 1slte d~sl gn, ass urmg long and satisfying service. Any ,Meanin g : "He putl!' down carpetF, Exeout ive Baud nf BllrIEl.V 'l'flbllCCo article of ~ t1 verwa re marked .. 00 RI)8fRS BROS." may be uut, I put. ci UWIl ttl okR !" bllciet,y. selected without further investiga tion. Ufl ntleUlen :- Mr . Peutlleton Ilod .Sold by leading deal ers everywhere. Send for catalogue Kept the King at Home II C-l" showing all patterns. mvself have gODe over t he drtLft of " 1i'llr the Utl llt yet\r WEI ha V I:! kept tile pledge for t·he year 19 10, and ret .ERIDI:II BItITIIIIIII co .••• rld.". c."". (ID!ernaUonal SUyer Co~ 8uce_or ,) the Kin g of ailioxatwett- Ur. King '" ~orn the same with certain amend . New Lite Pills-in our b .l me aDd they hit ve prov ed tl blclt81ng to all ments and changes whioh ~e sugour tamily," writes Puul Mtlthulktl, I(eiltild and whioh are noted thereon. of Buffalo, N. Y Ellty, but sure We have heretofore ad vised 'he TH.E KAFFI Il'S DAY .OFF remedy for all t:ltomaob, Liver and Board very st rongly no' to embody WALTER :M.cClLURE, Kidney troublel!. Only 250 at Fred 10 the pledge any guaranty of the When t he ~ o uth AfnolLn Ka ffi r V. tiobwartz'8 . peroentage of tobaooo to be pooled h l\o u " day 011 " a nd sets about en Funeral Dir",:tor. or any number of aorea to be pooled joying himself, ODe of hili greate, t; SPECIALISTS' $15.00 TRIP before the pool beoomes effeotive, pleasures is to dress b imllelf up in Every winter .. n in ore"8In~ num- and we are glad to know after talk lIom e ex traordin a.ry f ushi on and geD Telephone day or nig ht. ber of Europetin hotel man and doc iog wUh the Board that the major- ernlJy pillY t he fool Valley phone N o.1. I~oQ~ tOrti come'over to Ne w York to sel' Ityof the Board agree with us In Th e fete day umbrella and Bilndry Distanoe .No. 69-'''. bow tbey olin attrflot Amerioon trllde tbis opinion. ouri08 forms of headge ar are brouBht at oore resorb!. and in 80me C8se~ Oor experience wUh litigation forth . Several h old up oandles, 81- WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • doctors Ine brough' over nnder growing out of sui til agalnat d umpertl thougb it is daYlight. to show how Branch Office, Hnrve1f1burK. O. a gualantee. i. that a guaranty of a oertain per oivlli zed and up-to date they are, A physioian whoJIl a lIpeotaUst in oonta"e of the aoreage or a guaranty Crude musioal intltruments-any Rome .ort of athletio treatment camp of a percentage of the amoun* of to tbing tbat will make a Doi&6--are over lallt winter from Carl8bad for haooo to be pooled before the pool greatly to the fore on suoh occasions Il sbort sealiOD of plealurf' aDd profit beonmee effeotlv~ wae _ great detrl atI tbase.-Wide World . 1847 Rogers ... in New York Rumor bad" tbat ment to us under the 1.01 pledge I.\.LJj a wealthy A'Uerlolln had guara'lteed and put ns at. Ireat dislulvantage, A OREAT BANANA COUNTRY him '16,000 if he would make the because In every Inlltilaoe the peritefl The growing of banaOl's for ex f If you would ltke to supply . t ill.. _ plead that we did not have the per purt is the great uU3io indnstry of BI8 tees were f20 a beatment and oentage pooled a& we olalmed, and It Hondurtls. The enor mous inorelUle 1 your table with this high'he soon got tOietber a large olientele, wonld neoeslltate, If the s"meolau&e in reoent years in the oonsumptlon grade silverware free of ~peoially .fter Il fashioDa ,Ie physi were oontalned in tbe 1910 pledge, of bananas aDd the fortunes made cost, write us for our specian had reoommended hill treat· • great , deal of trouble and expense by suooessful growers makes tbls cial offer. Address ment. It 1& not reoorded what p"rt and inveltlgatlon in order to prove a subject of wide interest. The exof tbe 115,100 his patrou had to that we had the neoellsary percent. ports of this fruit from Central STANDARD FASHION COMPANY makeup. aKe pooled. Yours ~ery t,ruly, AmerlO<Lbuve treuled during the Int U-16 Vandam Strut, New York. N. Y. ---(Signed) John R . Allen, A~torney . ten years !lnd oOllstitut.e about 80 A Woman's ureat Idea • - • per oent of all tbe bananas Imported til bow to mlike herself attraotlve A Dreadful Wound into the UDited States. Bot, without health , It 1& hard for her to be lovely in flLoe, form or from a knife. gun, tin can, r08ty nail, The'banana in Honduras grows temper. A weak, 8iokly woman will fireworks, 01' of any other nature, wild In praotlcally all puts of the be nervousand.irrltllble. Con8tipa- demtlnds prompt treatmeut with country up to tln elevation of 3 000 Undertaker and Embalmer. tlqn and Kidney polsontll show In Buoklen's Arnica Salve to prevent ' pitnple&, blotoh~, "kin eruptions blood poison or gangrene. U's t.he feet or more, .but the Indus.try of Will be found In the old and a wret'()hed oomplexlon Bot quloke8t, surest healer for all 8uch oultlvatlng thiS fruit for expor' is Bank Building. oppoaite Electrlo BiUers alway. prove a god- wounds alt also . for Burns, BoUs, oonfined to the rioh, bot lande along t.he National Bank. send to women who want he"lth . ~ore4, ~kln Eruptiona, Eczema, tlie north ooast and not e_tending Telephone in house and of. bea~ and friends...., Tbey regnlate Ohappod Bands, Corns or Piles. 250 f h i ' I d t i t th fioe where J can be called Stomacb-Ltver and KldneY8. purify at Fred V. Sohwartz's. urt ar n an a any po n an day or nigbt, the blO8d give strong nerves, bright - -fifty or seventy five mileM. Puerto Valley Phone U-2, eyes, pnre brelith, smooth, velvety IS WEEDSPRAYINO PROFITABLE Cortero, Ceiba and Trojillo are the Main Street, ftkln, 10velyoomplexlonJ.good health. shipping points . W ayne&ville~ Ohio. Try them . 500 at 14', u . Shwar'z's. It is yet to be· proved whether . • -... weed spraying is a profitable busi· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAS MISSED MUCH ne~8 proposition under our Ohio 000. - - head of th ~ ditiODS, , We Ilre entering upon this George M. Reynolds, w()rk lD tbe spirit of inquiry. The t»OO,OOCl,OOO <':ont.lDenh.i and (Jom IIwallamouut of work oooe In 1909 merolal bllnk In Vhloago, I\t t·he agt' of 4a, is Il 11 vi ng example of wbat at. iDdioatll8 sOme very dtisirtlble reMults within our reaoh with respect to telldlng strlotl y to buslDe88 WIll d o freeing our station farm and teAt for Ii milD. Pre!'ldent of .. be seoond farms from Buch perl!it;tent growths financit~l inRtltution 10 A merlolt Save part of your shoe Ult poison.lvy and horse nettle The . while YOUUIl enougb to be tbe sop of . I IItation h()119S to investigate this money and get better maoy of his dlreotorp, Mr. Reynolds matterof weed 8praying in tbe 8 lrlt ,' P shoes. ENDICOTT, Is a man who oeVdr stepped out of sitltl'd, and t.o be lible to gin, the I eibe beaten traolr or ever @toPPAd JOHNSON & CO., World's working ILnd Dever (lulf~red It re Bults obtaioed, in tbo oourse of time, largest tanners and shoeverse. He ha. never lost': day for the bendit of tbe publio Whllever bas no troublesome makers sell direct to you, from siokne8s ; he hilS never tn ken a vaoatlon tbat dill no\ have bOllloes'l weeds through slovenly methods of -no middlemen's profits. oillture iD ollltivated orops, sooh as iDslde; he does not drink; he doel! oorn and potatoes, is not likely to ENDWELL shoes excel in lIot smoke; he dOAS not I'lay bridge i ba assisted by weed apraytng style, fit and wear because be d oos no t p Iay go If ; h e h as no ' th h b h b'" bot grass meadow lands, pastures. they are made by a plan that f avor itI) au O.r· e as DO 0 .'y kl h t ,roadsides along our highways, along saves all unnecessary profits. ba b nt'd n n ,,; ,d e lUll no o,oo"n ry 'railroadl and eleotrio liDes, and 8nob rei enoe' h e oell no even a e eIand' all cost of production that " grounds as parks alld l&~ ns, are el'oille i he work8 nine ·hour!! a day d ff id it ld r does not add value to the "Make yoor businellR vour pleasqrfl open an 0 er" very we . e or shoes. 200 styles-all leathers · I . 'rh ' 'm determining the uS6fol08ss aud profit an d marry ellr ,/, eSA are y " " -$3, $3.50 and $4. . I ,. Id M 'R Id ' III mar .of ohemloal .sprllY8 .to de~tro:v: tl!8 ru ee, . ea .r ..' , 8Jno S , wee d 8 i D th elD Insist on shoes made by ried at, 19 ~ girl . in the httle Iowa . ENDICOTT. JOHNSON & CO•. oouotry town ' where I ~as calhier TOil 0081' OJ' BPRAY o RIDno ALB, and iook. for the name the of sbe bank. My he"lth Is fiue. ~ The · apray ohemleals Ulen~loDed dOD', play aoy outdOQ!' gam8ll-J are not ezpeO&ivb. Tbelronsulfate sole~ , ,have 00 interest In them-aod 1e~ hi . sagar or' IJ'Ilnnl,a r ·torm~. a ' b1 ' For 8ale by I W.I in ,~ beU8l.' health in my produot in wire fence maD~aotQre. S •. HOWt:LL, 11 e I bave an antomobile. I ride 10 bags, thl~ grannlar 8ulfate Ie _brae 'ltD.,. a wee)t. I never went quoted alleu 'haD 80 ~nte per 100 Wayn~8vllle, Ohio. SO "ny 0011818. I began lUI a mee·1 pQuocie, f. 0 'b. at prinol~l Ohio

------ .. ---



412 E. 3rd St., opp Wayne Ave. , East of Canal




the Gazette's Classified Ads

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Sil verw are







....... ,... but.t 1'-" .

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" 1':1~

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Over 20 Ycars Practical


Gustin Hotel, Waynesville,O. 1st Saturday In every month



Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness Llverltes for a cold, Backache and Weal< Liver or KldneYI.

Preventi on ofis An ounce worth a pound of cure.



them in keep the I house Always rendy for use. .

Prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System-and Purify the Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS.

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Meanl WClik K ldneYI.

TAKING OF BURNSIDE BRIDGE Letter From Gen, George Croo k to a Comrade PIOIces Honor' Where I t Belong s ,

SYNOPSIS , ;\ f l ~e I nl1" .... 6rl"~ t" r a n d ~H. \ldlil n IIf rind I t ' ~I~, \. t1!'<l 1:lhll"hh l ~1:1I1111 I t lf· ' ,dq tl:1J1 1I'" HI ~ Hl lll) ~tt j.o \11 1 ,1 -'1 (,' \ H 11111 ~ d 1111 . J II It-:-; t I. t' . ' : ' oj " ' ..... ". ~" It· "

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CHAPTER V,-Continued,

"TIl e q llarr el , I bpllf'v(', " h I' P 1'il l!I \ E'd, " \ as ubolll '1111', Al'l n !; tl' o l1 ~ ' S co nd uct 1.0 ), 011 , lIIi !ls Gf'rtrlld o. II ., h ad b een pay i ng yo u uUII' d ' o m e a l t pn li OIl R. " Aud I had nev I' seen th o m u n ! "'-h n sbe nodd ed a " y es" I saw l ro' lU endous posslbil ltiNI Involved. thl ll dl't ectiv e could prove that Gel't l' ud e f eared and di sliked th e mur· d er ed man , nnd that. Mr. Al'm strong had b f.>e n ann oyin g and possibly purRu lug h er wi t h hatefll l nttentlons, nil Ihllt, lidded lo Gel'lrude's conf ss lon o f h er presen ' f' in lhe billlal'd room al tb tim of th e cl' lme, lookt'll s tran gf' , III say th e l east , ·Th e prom I· n .' nee f l h e farr.lly nss ur d a slrenuOilS e/Tor't to flnt! tb e murder c l', aDd if - e had noth ing worse to look forward !n, w o W (, I' sure of a di slast ful publil' lly, Mr, J um l t! on shut his nol -bool, w ith a sn np Rnd lhanke d \IS . "1 hl1ve an Idea, " h e said. apropos o f nothing a t all, "that nt auy rat lhe ghost I s lai d h er e, Whatovc r the ruppings bav b e n- and th e colored man s ays tb y began when tb family w e nt w est three months ago-they are likely to stop now," Which shows bow much he kn e ll' aboul It, Th o ghost was no t luld ; with the murder of Arnold Arm strong b e, or It. only seem ed to take on fresh vigor, Mr, ,Jamieson lert then, and wb en (J I·trud e had gone upstairs. as sh e did at once, I sat aud thougbt ovel' what I uad just beard, H er ellgagement. on ce so engrosslllg a matter. puled now beside th e signlflcnnce of l1er Rlorv,_ If Hals y und, Jack Bniley bad l ert herol'(! Ul e crime, ho w ('ame HaJBY'S r evolver in tbo tulip bed ? What 1- - -_'ttHb1! mystorlomrc:rns-e- or th eil' Budd n flight ? What b ad Gertrud e I ft In lhe billi ard room? What was the tlignlflello ee of th e cUI!-lin k ar, d where was It?

Casey at the Bat. This fa mOlls poc m i s cont.aln 'd In the Coca Co lli BU tle ltllll lh'cord Book for 19 l 0. tog th r with r e 'ol'dll. Ilch ednlet! for ltolh 1 ugu s and oth('l' vIIIUllblt· lta st-ball Infol'lll fl ll uu ('olllpil d . by IIU· IhorIlI L'N. 1'hl tl i nt f' I'p.Klillg book sen t bl' th e C'o II Coin 0 " of Atl unt:l, Gil" oil nlce ll)[ of 2 ' ta mp for p osl llg , A l so copy of tl\('11' bonlc!,,1 "Th' Tl'lIth Ahollt Corll C'ola " whi ch l li s ull n houl thi s cl eli cl ollll lill Y rage Ulld why it I ~ 60 PII I'!' , \\'h o l. ,;om > lIne! I' ' f l" 'ti ll l ng, \re v II (' \' 0 1' h ot- tll'p.ll - lbll':; l y? nl'ink - OC II nlu-II If; coo lln ~, r eli (' \'l';; f ll tl ~ lI(:! ami q llt' lH'h f'B Ih thirst. At Rod n fountains allCl cnrbonaled III bolll s-5c e ve r y wh ero ,


~uarrel ,

A W onder Worker.

1 Bel ieve."

Sa"I ' lghh, "pl 'ali l ng of 'I 'r trl el l)" lha l n l nk c'll nil' thln k M hi l "pplIf It(' II Il y, ;\11'. Snr. 1 Ig h '.' Is n ' l It 1't ' lIIl1r k ult ll' whHt t' lt'c tJ' it'i l )"

Important to Mothers Ex nlllin c arcl'lIli y (' \' ry ue)l li of A STORIA, a snf Ilnd stlre r em dy for lut'alll!l 1l1I1l chllll r n, IInll He' thal It [Jtoars Ihe ~ /,fY;; -Sl gllutll rl' Of ~~ In F se ror Ov ' I' 30 Y ellrs Th e KInd You Ha Vl' AlwuYtl Uought _

The Wretchedness of Constipation c.. quid!, be -



CHAPTER VI, In the East Co/'ridor, V h en th e d f.> tectlvo I ,ft he enj(lin . Ib ,;oluf e secr ecy on everybody in th , 1I 01l ~ holll , Th e Gre 'nwood club ', p ro m l sed t h r> sa m e t blng, nnr] a s lher are no Sun dny afternoon pnpers, th e lII ur d ' l' w as 1I0t pulJll cly known IIntii ' lond ay , T h oron er him self ootlH ' 11 h e Arm sfron g fnmll y. I n wy 1'.' and 'r arl y In l be aftorn oun 'h e caUl e ou l. -1 hall n ol se n II I r , Jamieson !'l inea ,m ol'nln g , hil l I 1m \\' h e h ad II en 1'1t I'rognti ll g th e sen uuts. Gertrud wa s ·l uclw J ill 11 I' 1'00111 with !\ headftC ', nil( a il Tu nc 1 .on a lone , , [\11'. H arton . th e In w ye r. wa R a littl e, t hin m on , nl1 el h e l ooli ed as j f h e did !l(lt I' e li s ll hl H ll-usi n ess I ha t da y . " Til l ,,; I::; w r y lIni'ortllnat , i\11 ~s lu n e'1<," h e ~ a id , nfter 11' 0 bad sh !lk ell b ;lU (I:i . " ;\105l un f or tun a t e-anti my;;1'! I'loll,'. W it h I h e fath er and moth l' 1n t he w t!s t. I li nd Y ' I'yt llin g d ' vol v l"8 0 11 mt' ; and , a ~ Y O U cun und erllLQud. il Is all uDpl' !;l Sallt dulY ." " No dou b t." I s:dd ab !'lf' ntly . ." :\11'. H U lOlI, I UIIl goi ng 10 II sk you S OIl\ (' 'lll"'lil lon t< , a n d I hope YO II will aU ll w t' r Ih" II1 . I ft'I'1 LIm I filii (' lIlltl "' d to ~o nl e kll llw lt'ti g" , uer all se I nnll lil Y f :4mlly a n' jUBl 11011' in a 1II0s t a lllhl gu o us po sit Ion ." I don ·1. 1(11011' w hPlhro r It t ' lind eI" III r'lod 111 (> 01' lIot : h I' !ook ort bi s ~ \ a':s ' \:I li nd \I i[leu 111(' 11 1. " I s hall IJ ' v ery h a pp y ," h e ~ altl w il h o\ ci -I a sh i u ll c d r ,)Ilr ('" y . " Tll ailk yo u . !III' llano n, flit! :'Yr. Arn o ld ,\rlll !' lr on ~ I;n u l\' tha i S1IlI n y· ti l '1(' h a c\ b lJlJ n n 'II ! · '!! '.' " "J I h l lll(- y{' ~ , til' (li d. [n fael , I lilY ' lIel f laid h i m a bo1l1 il : ' " A n d he kn pl\' wl m th e 1 nnn l " ""' (\ 1"('1 7"

" \' C!; ."

" Il l' h ad 1I0t b r n 1I\' ln g wlt b lh l ' ra mily f or ~ O Il1f' yr'ar ll, I 1ll' 1it' '' ;> '!" " :-': 0 , t IIfor tlln at ", l y , lh pn' hntl h ' n tro ubl e u Pl \\, e'u A r ll ll\il :1IIc1 hi::; fu · ther . Fo\' t \\' o y (,:l l'ij hp had 11 f'd in t own ," . ,lTh flrl II w01lld \)1' \l 1I )j~ Iy thlll h <' r-nm e b er e 11I i< o j-h l to Gt I P O,, ~t's~ i o o o f a ny t ilin g hl!lo!l gl n", to him ?" . " ) Ilhou l d t hluk' It hanE y possibl e," fl o Il,dml L d . . "1' 0 l) e I)tr f 'clly f l'ault , 1\1188 IUII C's. I c n II I) tpln k o f nnr , reaaou ""ha t vcr f or hl ~ (; om'lng , ~ r ·' ;;18 h did , lIe had be n ' iliay ing I\t, :th e Clull hOIlE! Ilc r oss Ib 'a ll p), for 1-1\1' !Wt \I' k , J a l'l'i ~ -I! l\ III , b,ut tha t only e.x plnlll S h erl\' h nm ' h r e, '110 , whY- It I s a ruost un ortun&te

!all111y" UI' ,\J~~ bl!i \J (;'all

UeS [lllllCf \'l.'tl),

They do their cLq. SlIIaU Pill, Small 001., Small Pri«.


benT aignalure:

- ~~ ....- ---


'6,14,'3.50,$3, ·'2.50& '2 THE STANDARD FOR' 30 YEAR~.

Millinn> of men wear W : L Oous:lao oboeo becaule the~ a re tbe low· e ll price.. quality con· aidered. in the world. upon boaor,of tb ..

I•• tb".... by tho akilled workmen, tbe !ateol (..bion .. L Dou.u. $5.00 .nd $4.00 oboe. .,....t CUltODt Bench W .... COIw.. $8.00 to $8.00. Boys'S!t-. ,3,I2,60.A,2 bell moot In all W_

POlitlon BehInd Fence_

Bolted Down St .. lnr,


.. t



a Stone

eral Sturgis' division _ I went su fficI ently far in advance to see the si tuation lind to convince myself that the bridge could not be taken from that poInt. 1,Ieft the Eleventh Ohio where it was nnd took the, Tw enty·elghth Cost\! One Hundred Dollant and Ohio and a section of Simmonds' bat· Its DlUDC is REMINGTON. t<>ry to the right of the Eleventh and up the creek Into some small hills, leaving the ThIrty-sixth In the road REMIMGTON n ear the brick house. I posted lhe secTYPEWRITER tlon of artlllery on n point that enfilad ed th e enemy\s position. and In the COMPANY meantime had directed part of the (Incorporated) Twenty-eighth to cross the creek New York nltove the bridge by wading the stl'eai.lI. llce ping lbe r emaInd er of lhe and Everywh~r~.__ Twenty- Igblh as a support of the arKlLLERf:::~,m~.h:;:';,~ tillery, My intention was to cross the "Ntll" .nl l!'." , .'r1la'Ulln· bl'ldge with lhe' Thirty-sixth ' Ohio m, ,opOY enl t l1 t. ~l... p.

The Best Typewriter That Money Can Buy


self. "111 a short time nfter opening the hatlel'Y's fire and the crossing of the Twenty-eighth above the position of lhe eDemy they retJ'eated, and '. by t he time I reached ' the Thirty-sixth lvi'o r egiments of some' othel' command walked across the bridge without having aoylhlng to do ' taking It. 1 may also add that these tw.o regtmen!s r eferred to ~re !.!!e fll'st trooP's I 8MY outside Wlare. It GOel. of 'o tir qwii" commn~d. "That . ma~ mn,d e. ari ,Immense . • ." "If aDY oth er· troops lhan out brlgtrolJe. out of a simple IIttlq Invention. ' -ade had anything to do wllb takLng "Indeed! 'Wbat dId he . Invent?" "ID' of the bridge, 1 don't know It, ' I tee I ~el.t? N:o~IDi, tou dU. ..• ." .. &Ia. sure · In /DY OWD mind they didn't, pnmoter I" i·Yolln . ltncerely, OC)orl8 Crook,"

I ...", All 11 .... ., . M • •If!

nr tuc,oar,IIQ'

. 111




Practical Fashions

Commi ttee . on Disease In Europe Corn h Not to Blame .



London . May H .-OJ'. ·a mb on. :I m mlJ 'r or It l' FIf)ld com mitt '15 whl ·It has bE' n invps t igu ting thl' <ll se n' e pollllgra . tcll'!; I'llph s frOl1l I1tJ1 un thaL th e cOlTlmit \( " hns d Onlt t' ly prov >d tha t moiz ' or Inlli lln ('o rn I,; lint. tb e I caus€' or pellagra . Thfl COlllIllIU · e flnd ~ tllu! Ih l' para· !;itIc conveyo r of tb e d l".~ n s e il< th e "Rl m ull um r ·pan s. " a RJ)'I' h ) R of biting ! gnat .




HE il E Is 1\ s tnge o f I' Il glo .. s In· ter st whI ch feels a p ec ullnr fns If/allon about try ing to d ~ · Iln what precIsel y constltu tE'l religIon In nn In dlvldu e. 1. ThI n pnper IR nn attempt . If not B.t de finition. at leuRt at descrip tion of wbat consl tutes p )'son!ll re ligI on In Chris ti an men. I well r me mber th o PX I1eC lllnt In· INest with wh lcb r wellt In 01)' Rlu· dent dnr A to St. Giles' cath dral . Ed · Inburgh . to ht'Dr Dr. I\l nl'CII! nod~ fJr eac h on "W hat Is n ChrIs ~lsl1 ?" J ranrlot nnw relllelilb e r 1II11t:b tJC the SI' r ItlOIl. hut I 110 very \'lvil1ly r pcn Il th e n 'Rson 1'0), my eng r Int res t. wrll('s Gf'llr ge A. J ohn1!ton R oss In Th Int · )'i01·. III til 11I'cnehlll l': (a t leas l th e e Vflng tl lls tlc PI' aching) of /.llOSf dn Y!l. a VE'ry Rhar p dlstln 'I\on was drnwn b ' 1w e OIl t ho . ,~ w h o w r e 10 th , Idn g dll lll nnd t hose who " 'cr e wltll vut; a lid '0111' Df liS YO\l n g pE'ople (fo r wh Om It wa R hardly possIble In Ibf IlII llla t ml ty of Ollr kn ow ledgo of !i ff to fl?!i' l th a t we Iiall fllily y ie lded tI the \'agl1(' ly conl'clveti 'Ialms of God) - 1;0111£\ r liS went d nll y baunte d by ml ggl vlngR flS to wh eth er we r eally had or had nOI hee ll "I' cel ve d Into thr. fo ltl of Chr ist ." "hal precisel y con t!tnted a · llrlstlan - whot. I menno In b lief ur s urrcnde r or p erBOnal habit or nttl tude- was of vital Inter est to us. In th matter of these ml!lglvl ngl Bnd ' an~letles th e preBe nt generat ion Is fr a nkl y a IllI zzle to me. I cannot makc Olll huw rUf sllc h anxietie s exist - th ey nre s o ve il e d In "the ologIcal dlf· flou lt leR" or b y lI ght·hea rte d d em ean· o r . I ao n ot t hink th ere Is l es s n eed than th ere IIsed to be to arriv e at a true Id ea of th e esse ntial content. s of hrlstlan hood . L t us try to get at lh e h ea rt of tbe matte r with o ut tech· n lc nl 1I\ II I;IIDg('. and by wny oC de scrlp· tlon .

At th e Bov in e Faucets . '" 5 nl lilY lit t II' h,,), on hl ~ Ill'sl \"1,;11 10 th e cOll ntry l !l~ t \\·(','k ." sal (\ tt \\'a s h· 1 i !· ~ton · Il £' I ~h l s

my boyhood

milk Ll Nt l,' I' . " ,\ llholig h .

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Inr ll! . W illi I' hllH ~r(l\\, 11 10 Ih ,' l ll!" (I ( rlgh l In ('ht' ciI Y. Il c h arl 1"" ' 11 "':ot"Ii · l ing l ' Iti' 11:' Il l,z" ldlO h nillk t 110' ('ti l\' I,ll \ h i" firsL e n ·nlllg . :lnll Wli l' l h,' ro ' , turll <I to Ih ... b ous.· his !l lllll a!' I(,'" him : " ' Is I ' ll 'If' 11,'1.7. 1,· throll g h mill;lnl! Yl' I. \\'lllle '~ .. '"ol yet,' all s Wt' l'I'" W ill i,' ' 1I l' haH fl n ls h f' tI two f,llI Cl' lH n nt! h a~ jll~ t l uegun a ll th e othr' r lWo.'''





Yo~-Li ke

Pictures . On of tbe mos t man' loun Inven· t ions is th~or r e producl ng In the actual colaW the m!l s tel'pl(>c! 's of th e grea t st artists of a ll lillie. Anothe r o( th e greates t inve ntions of Ihe p ast h a lf entlll'y is Easy Tusk son p. the soa p that u tB la undry labo r in h a lf lind does t be washing b e tt e r th an sny oth· er. Twcnty·f1v Easy T as lt soa p wrap· pel's a nd 0. t \Yo·cent stam p will bring to YOll from t bo ma nufu cturers a lJ e au· tHul plct.ure. fr ee. r eady for fr ,lmln g .



Libby'a Cooletl Comed Bttl There's a marked distinction between Libby's Cooked Comed Beef and even the best that's sold in bulk. Evenly and mildly cured and scientifically cooked in Libby's Great White Kitchen, all the natural fl avor of the fresh, prime beef is retained . It is pure, wholesome, delicious, and it is ready to serve at meal time. Saves work and worry in summer. Other Libby (( Healthful" Meal-Time-Hints, all ready to serve, are:

Pari s Palt e rn :"'0. 28 38 . All Sellms One day a s tockma n who ha d come Peerleaa Dried BeeF All ow ·d ..,... ~o styl Is more l.l co min g Into !':outb Ontnha with a train of Vienna Sauaage, Veal Loaf to th e growing g Irl t ha n ne of these s heep dropp ed In at UnIon Pac Ific Evaporated Milk . seml·/lt tct/ o ne·plec · !\ n '55 ' . wh ich headqu a rte rs to see Gan e ml Sup rln· preseT\" th o lon g lin E'S of the figure te n.I enl W. L. Pnrk on bus ln ss. and Baked BeIlDl, Chow Chow ' without outlinin g It to any gra nt ex· In th.) c ours e of bls COnl' el'sDtIon be · Mixed Pickles t ent. Tbe mode l illust I'i'lted Is degan te lling of tb e trip dovm Crom J immy 's Definiti on. v eloped In p ink poplin. which v,'oshes Id aho. H e batl hatl lots of trouble " Whut I!I gro g\'llphy? " !l . k.~d th e .. Purity goes hand in hand a s well lIS linen . I\nd gives an equal fa l hl'l'. who Wll loading nnd unloadt ng. be sold, until ~ t!' Still!; hi s i'<tJlI'~ prog' amou n t of weur. with the Libby Brand." Two wid e tucks . I'f' S ~ in !ltlldy. he reac hed North Platte. Ne b. eltber s ill of the front a nd baCK, give "Dut th ere I s aw tb e funnl os t thIng "Co ogl'onhy ." r.·pli tI \l Ith' J immy Libb". _at_ your a broa ll ·sb ou ld er ed ' !'fc Cl th at Is very .J ISgs . " Is whut In my life ." he laughed . "The station YO II puL ill sl de rau l' b eco mIn g. Tho narrow Illo\\' s l eves trous e rs wh e n agent tbE:re has a boy and that boy you t h ink YOll l1r l' going are !lnlsh d with turn\)ac k ClIffs of th o to gl't a wh has a goa t- jus t a plain old billy goat, ill ping,"- Sunday :\111/.\a ;d Il C Un en. trlmm d with I) ar.1 buttons, of 1.0 8 ng And t.hat bIlly goat bas learned to les Tim R. and the s h a ped belt. which fast ' ns at HE UnIon Pacific rullro ad bas c hew tobacco . , th e ce nt r bnelt. Is also For of tho Any lin en, Disease or In-jury to dI sco ve red a ne w use tor billy Libby "When ""e got read)' to land our s ll'pped through lIorrow straps a t th e llw eye. u ~c PETT IT' l~Yr.:: :-:.\ IX I·;, nh· gants nntl e very day at half a s hcf'fl. that kid took a plug of· to · ~olul und e l~' el' hnrml e 'R. nct .. qui .kh-. 2:'r. All arm seams. Th e pattern Is In hundre d stock reedi ng s ta tion s hocco In hi s hanu and Claic:qo rl r ll l!gislA or Dowal'd Bros., lhiffnlu, • -. Y. started. Bmf The Compel ling Idea l and the Chris· 6 s lzes-4 to 14 Years. Fol' a g irl or on the IIn o of th e ' bi g railroad s tarted aft r th tobacco tian Respon se. . The kid 10 years t h e 'dress as Ill ustrated reo sys te m. so le mn goatB with lo ng walk Ii t hroll g h th e sh T h gra nd r llr of life Illay come To b egin with. that Ideal which qu!r'cs :? r;. yards or mater ial ;~G Inche!! e p and old " 'hlto b arrls a t th e IJU rt of .Jl1das. Bill y followed h im. Ihrou g h Its combat s, but its s we (ness And blaw ed If all tram outs ide th e vis ible order (Ill wid e . with 1 WI yards or co ntras ti ng COILl A th ro ll gh the ("·hroc l·y pnr t:! l nf l ur lLl g unsu s pecllng s hoelJ to th e ir t hooe shel' p dltln ·t wal k rIght after whi ch WE' st r ug gl for bread. for mnt -r ial 20 or ma r Inch es wid ; or ronten doom. Llltl o did th o grave III mlle l's th ut old goat. Tbey t.-Ho h t' l ollyer. thou g ht be was knowl E'dge . (or wealth. for r ecognl· of 011 !TInt ria l It needs 4 ya rd s 27 o C th e Int r s tat olllm rc cOlll mls· one oC t hem. a nd you know a sheep tl on) mnlt es Itself inc fe lt hes wllbln wid c. us 34. n.. yard s 30 In hes II'lde. MN. WInSlOW'. s lon thlllk wh e n th p.y mltd n ruli ng will follow wh er S,rnr· " o r r h ltUrf'O " '('Ilbt UM· .o tt en" tho tlum another on' lead s . a moral presure An u tH linmons - thiA, or 2* yards '42 In ch's wid . ... P ·ducf'l'Il n . !lUwlJll1uuu .lI-lI<1y. puln.c u .... " llldrollc. :::;C ULt,LLlu. t hllt ll v stoc k II r Ollt l! 11'0111 th ...H·cat What Prof. Shaw. the Wall.Kn own ...... "T h , bOY wnlll',1 up th esus d . cla I' d to bl! th prps n ce of To hut procure e tnto thI s pnltern f! nd 10 cen ts w"sler u I'tlllg( .g to t bO' Illlcilln' il ulls s on" or t h ca r R. Wh e n 1\ man drl s liP like a mummy .1 . CUlturl a!:ls", About Dilly was rl "lIt be- a Jlersona l b Illg. to be Id en tified with to ", ':!Itern Dt'(Jll rlll "·llt." or Iliis pap(· r. Itz along th o Mlss olI;'1 rlvcr . ~hollid lI Ot hind hi m Ant! !ih '''rit e llli m ,,'ulld address plulnly. a nd loo he usulllly t.hlllk R he IL sai nt. II we I' sim ply fall· th te rna l fou nt un d ori gI n of our life KurU ~ 'Q U-'''. .... u.w .c.. to g l\'e Ize LInd num b r o r pallcn!. b e k ep t abolll'" l'allroo,1 trains ror In!; 01"1' th mR .~ lv es to get In. The and wit h wbat we all Provltl lice. mol' thnu 28 co nr.E'c ut\ \I . hOlll' S . bll t b y~ Du d Bill y. r t! mulned n eal' til tloor Tbl s P e rso n worl,s within us ns mind thnt . at th o e Xjlil'lltion of t hal period. all<1 when th :1\0 . 2838. SIZE . . ... .... ...... .. cal' w a~ fill II with onl' cy ln g' his m :wlng to our mInds th nnllnuls s hould b tal<en f rom til e s ll e p th ey gal Oul nn d the door was In rut lonnl but un lqu Iy Intimal. :l\A:llE .......... .......... .......... ........ .. ClIrs alit! giv E'1l wat r un d pl'o v ' nd E'r closcd. wnrs. Tha t "Goo" Is pe rsonal os tb n th rulin g would be respo n s ible TO'YN .......... .......... .... _..........~ .. . "Th ol fr -dlp·fu ced kid !lnd thnt old Futh 1'. and th a t he Is In llma t e an for th e Crp.ll tlo ll or a bant! of goa ls bill y gout did In flv mluu tc!!\ wha t Spl rlt- thl'S" toge the r make the Ilrs t STREET AND NO .......... ...... ...... . train ed to In grallll t UIE' I11S Iv s In to h alf 11 dozcn III n co uld not .\Juvo dOllo o[ Chrl t 's rnphos ' s In bis Interpr t ath e confide nce at tnnoccn t II tt! lambs. In til." BTATE .......... ........ . .......... ....... .. tion of t h.~ mornl an d s pi ritual s um matron ly e w B 011,1 Blut.e ly r. ms on',1 Thl) s tockm an so ",, onl y a fUllllY oc· mons we h!'ar \\'I thin us. brIng l~ so do.lYll to th e ir d eath. urr II C In th e work of th> goat . bllt 1'\ XI. Jesus tallght the nll·emb rnclng LADIES ' NINE·G ORED SKIRT. Bllt s uch Is l he CIl SC'. And th e II lOll Pari; sow th e solutiOn of a big j1rob· pow er of thi s spiritua l pe rso n WhOUl Pacifi c r a ilroad hilS it fl oc k oC ~eut s. le nl. \\'c hear within . I do not know wh tho each Individu al m e m hor of. which '1"'0 bours la te r a s pecial trllin car· el' J esll s was a " mo nis t" or not. H e can do be tt e r worlt along th e r yln g th e gen rol 5111>el'ln t ndp ut lott cpr tol llly tr ated v II a s a grim r ea l· lin es for which It Is t l'aln e.1 th an hulC th e Omaha yord s des tInation be· Ity . DU l I 11111 su re he so be lieved In a doz n m n coulrt do In twi ce the In g North PIBtUe., Its On arriving there th e SlIllrem[1 y of God nnd In the un l· tlllIe. th e 'boy pro udly mad e Dilly s how off. versn li ty of his Interest ns to bold Wh e n th e 28·hoUf law went Into ~\ Ithln a month .( 'very f eelllng sta· firm ly th llotentln l unity of all per eIT ot the Union Pnc ll1c railroad fOlln,1 lion on tho Union Pucillo srst m was sons In him. Aft I' t hat. J sus taug ht It necessa ry to \)ulld big feeding yards equippe d with U coulJl e of bill y goats tha t tbl s spirit ual pres e nc e Is hol ynt nllm " l'OUS Ilnlnts n lollg Its line-In and th e ir training was begun. holy beyo nd our thought and flnnlly. tact. th ese yard s wlwe In. t nll e,1 Ahont Send postal for 1'o .I.\Y. wh e n 8 long lin e of I' tock wIth l1Iost emphns is ot a ll . h e taug ht eve ry 25 mll oH from e lld to lid of tho CII I·S. ~ n c h !lllc d wltb Free Packn ge sh ee p. draws up thut ' un nlt rin g love dwe lls at th bi g syst ITI . During t he sh iPlllng sea· at a r,~ e dlng yard. of Paxtil le. one of th ese ' goats benrt of thIs IIrgency tbat Is upon SOIl thnt rAi lrond hl'lngs hUlldrel ls of Is sent Better aDd more eeono mlcal up th e cblltes anll Into the oar liS. and Ihnt It III love·ln· sacrlfic e. thou !\allds of s beop from lh e g re at amon g th sheep. Oum Uqald &DUs e""e. H e qulCkly makes !';ow let li S r etllrn to aliI' qu estion. ran g 9 at· Wyomin g. ' olorado. tah. th t! acqualn lance at th e newly arrive d "V.' hot III ALL TOILE T 118£5. a h rl s lllln?" It is obvious Id uho. Oregon. 10ntall" . allfornl s anlmal l :I.ntl then C81mly walks out thAt if a hri !:l tJ an Is one wh o l) . Ilnrt th e sOllthw es t e rn states 10 the th e <lour. True to th e Idea o[ follow· deavors to r es pond to th e ide al as pAcking houH s at Om nhA. tlnd r ' the Ing 8 le ad e r. th e sheep tall In line and Jesus cOllce .l'e d it, we for you. That'S why we want yo: hav e in th esf) n e w law It was n ecessar y that these march out be hlnl! 01,1 Bill. "empha ses" of .1 RIIS th e lE'adln g to take' CASC ARETS for liver an sheo p be unlolblo d •...!ed..-a nd\V't\te r d. ThIs actioll Is relleate d until nil the "no tes" of th Chrls linn lifE'. These bo-;vels. It's not adverti sing talkand th n r e londed ov e ry 28 hours . CIU'B nt c e mptied -und th en Bill gets are th e brl('[ s UUlmarl es of the Cbrls· Cive. o';e a aweet .breath; clean, white. Those III n who hnl' o e\' r atte mpt· his r eward - a chew but ~-the C&reat. wonde rful, of tobacc o. ParIs Pattern No. 278 8. A 11 Seams tlAn di Rtl nctiv e nsp lratIons . ee teeth-an tiaeptic: AJly clean eel W !lrl'le Rlieep will remomb e r how lasting The gonts have learne.1 to che w to· merit of ASCARh"'TS that / .tlow ed .- Thls sImpl e and prac l lcu l mouth and throat-p urifiea the breath dlm cult the task Is. esp c ln.lI r to get bacco tram th e train we want you to know 'by trial. Then r:o en who pet and Th. Problem of Living Out Chrlst's T'lod el. rol' t.h e walltlng s ki l'l of se r ge> . after Imokin i-diape la all diMgree able th o unlmals h c nd ed In the rIght I\lrec· te use th em ' wh e n Interpre tations. you'll have faith-a nd join 't he milperapira tion and body odora-m uch aptweed. c heviot. mohall'. IIn E' lI . kbn lcl e ve r th ey hav e tbe tlon. "As timid ns n slleeo" Is a OPI)Ortun lty. anll preciate d by dainty women. A quick the "chew" Is IISU ' Let me t ry In a se nt ence or two to of ve n e Uan cloth Is cu t III nnn'Ow li;:;ns who keep well by CA$C Aprol'orb . a nd Its truth Is proven every ally g iv en them remedy for aore eye. and c:atarrh. as a r e'l" ard when mnke t hi s ci ' ar. I· lrs t. to tb e Illan gorcs. shape d Into th e wn ls t lin e at RETS alone. ~ ti llY and every banI' wh e re vel' sh eep tll Ir ta.,k at unlondl ng a traIn of \\'h o accep ts hrlst's r e nd e ring at th e t he upper edge. giv in g th e fa s hi onabll' A little Puline JXlwder cfis.. CASCAR RTS tOC a bas fOT 1\ w....k·. !lr hnndl p.11. ~ IOlved sh ee p Is comlll~ted. Th railroad com· fa cts of th u moral life. ' there in a I{lau of hot slim wiler App eara n ce \0 th e figur . F or t he t r.BI1"""~. nil drUIIRll ts. Dlgg.. t ~ lIor Is a t If th o s heo p ar e In t he stock CArs pany Dlukes a • make. • delightful antiteptic:: 10in til" world. IIlilholl bo~.8 II WOIlLJi. r eg ular allowan ce to the ce nt e r or his lite, AS Its mos t so· co ming · s limm e r s kirts of vi ctoria . IUlioa, poueaaing elltraorclU wy It Is n hi g Job to g t th (' m alit. glTol't s pay tor tobacco for cr -d e xp rl c nce. a PE' rsol1ul relation· law n nrc 'to be mu ch WOl'll willl t he th ese goats. . deaDJing. germicidal and hear. of th e att endantR to ~e t th 'Ill to Ipllve When ready to r oload. the goats are s hip of UU~ l1st obli ga tions. and a per· 3epurot e wals l of ball s te OJ' na l n ~ oo k . :, ing power, and absolutely harmth e Mrs IIsllally 1'(' Hult in the whol e ng llill s~nt among and thi s lIlod e l Is sonn n n l ()xcE' spIritua th e sheep. with IIPn t one for l action welcom ed lind leu. Try a Sample. 5Oc•• bunch crowdin g up In onc LHI nn .1 roo whom th ey fro lic s kirt s of this IUnterla l. · Th THlltc rr: large box at drugsifta or by mail. a few minut es. nn,\ \'o lued Ilbol'e a ll e lse. !';OIV to !illch 111s lng to go o ut tho 11 001'. 0111 ·' tim es th en the}' start tor the cnrs . followed II mlln. p E' rso ns wlll m ea n more thull Is In Ight slzes-2 to ;J G In(' il l' wal~ l. TH'E PAICTqN TOILET Co., BoOTON. MASII. It was even nccessAry that eRch Indl· by th e !ill ~e ll. Whqn all cars ar load· thin g!! . ond B[liritun l va lu es mor e thrill me a surc. For:!G wais t th e s k irt. mad e vl,1\1Il1 ~heep be octllolly lifted liP and c d the gonts r eceive anoth e r chew of m nterlal \' n lu ~·s. He will jud ge that a of mnt erllll wIth u a p. req u lrp s 9 yards l-alcen from the cm·. tobacco . ma:I' s life conf<ists nOl in what ' l:o 20 Inches wi de . 4 ')~ yard s ~G inc h es j\BSO RBIN E Anti sometim es thi n 28 .honr limit The fe!'llln g ynrds are nil quipp e d po£se!1ses, but In the spIrit which wide. 414 ya rds 42 IUI'IIes wid e . or will rPd':If~o Infianlo, I,8WOll€'n\JulntA. expired In th e d en,l of ni gh t. wh e n th e wl l h e lec tric IIght.s posscss es him . The c h aracter of t hn"" 3% yards 54 In ches wid e; witho ut n a p AO "rulH e K,~(Jrt "un c hc ~ . c.:urc· Uul.", ~h e p we re nil lyin g IIs leep on the be load ed and I1nload ed that curs may he lov es; loyalli s III Flatula or '1."1 uutu-'nlt' .y lIo r., it n ceds S'A, yards 20 Inch es wid. 4 % friend ship ; th .> ot night. thus qulckl)' , pl (1a bllnt. to Ub": dutl lJ nut. Solid Sbaving Comrort floor of tb e car. At. s llch tim es It was s aving much tim e ljJllt,ur untJ u r bundAjii(O ur r OUlIWl) 'ho . And when a tmln mailltcn an ce in IllIbllc and dom e~ t to yards 36 incb e s wId e, 3 ?fI yal'(] J; 4~ h [ll r . n u ll 1011 cun "'-!Irk t il" hll r .,,' , n al roo:<t Impossi ble to IInloa,l xcept by :\J'l'lv es Dt nIght. pcr b<llllo. lJura .. JJook 7 t: froll. NO STROPPING es pec ially nre lho ilCe of clean moth-e Ilnd untal'D Ish ed In c he s wid e or 2?" yard~ 5·1 Inc h eR NO HONING th e "hand" method . At tim es half on gon t~ n ecl ssary . ARfl OltUIl'>'F .. JR , 'fur n,un · At such times they honor- In a wo rel. all t hat exalts tho wid e; width of lowe r ertge AIJout " kind. '" ana l:.a ptH' b"U ln. Ilrod11('t!!I bour WAR consum ed In un, oa dlng It s In· Pliler th e COl'S where yard s. V nrlc c'l ~ \ ' _ln8., V ltrl ('()(' I' ll'. H ydro-' the s heep are Iy· spiritua l In porsona l life will intcrt'st ("f:l ~ . Of I ro, 'V f"I1 B, N&raln lt, U f"l lI h('H, gle car. To procuro L'1ts pntt"rn srnd 10 ('ents IlIg on thc floor nnd butt the sleepIng and attra l't hIm most. b1op s l"nln unci lutlnllHIH llion. Yuur to " J-'all rn D,·purlll l e ",." ur thI s pnp~r. Atter lho sheep were f, J and \Va· n.nlmals II-I'ound unlll C1~~:~I'{..fllal ~fi,*l:tI':."~l~~~Ol !O ~::;; tbey are thor· Aguln. thE' mphu Is on the e xalted 'Wrlt e !lome and addt'ps~ platol y. 3ntl bo - - '.11"" ~',=" ._" .-ilJ.",,· rlt('. Mnnnfnrt ufud onl y by tered came the reloadin g. and ugaln oughl)' uwltk one,\ - and then they lead helsht or God's holin ess means for t.he eure to gl \'e size und number or p:lItern. .... r. 'l'U L'X". 1". U. r., 1'0 T_ple Bl" tiLlr1 .... 1~, ,.--. thf're 'was trouble. almost 8S much as th e m out Into tb a fe eding pe ns. hrlBtlnn Intlnltlld e of aspirati on and when unloadi ng. . 'l'h ll>le g .. nts are great fA.\·orlte s of tnflnilu de of rIuty. This Is WIIITED ~lti :;'" ~u~:~b~rd(~:!~'i~lf:.J:U~lu~~l~~~~ NO. 2788. tho hnsnl SIZE .. . .. .......... . . The railroad found It nece ...;ary to the ro.llro!,d men nnd ~7r~?' O~~~~lllr~e~~l';;~~~!: Wr\It!J't·~:, ;;;. ~'_\neccs~ seem to know parudox of th e Christia n lifE'; It I ~ maintai n 11 large torc of III e n at . e v~ry bl'akem an snd traIn employ ee baunte d by the Inllnlte -by n ~( 'U O ll t SUtWWCUL'I'r 00 •• lit.) a. ,.ill Sl., St!W NAME .......... .......... .......... ........ .. Yurk CU,. thllt wilich each teed!ng stapim. It .he ln g (oun.1 on the h~ divlslca . But not a sIngle In lhe' fi e ld of stri vi ng combin es I h e TOWN ...... . .......... .......... .. _...• · ...• more ecollom lc to do '. this than , to a ile r tht railroad ers Is more nec e s· stimula ting ·and th tl hop eless. " W li sllend hOllrs and hours loading Rn,1 . s ary to th econom STREET AND NO .......... .......... .... ical .operotl on at lIre saved In hope." unloo'd lng a traIn. This cos t mo.1 Y. th e lIno U>an Is noe of the Bill s . and • . And th n, lastly, the emphas is e ll aTATE .......... .......... .......... ....... an'd luts of It. but there seemed no !lon£ of I h ~m rio mor e worl{ for their love·ln·s acrillce produco s lhe , most m'e ans of avoidin g 'the expen se. Tb.:lre !inlarlell ,: than th~ , goats for their feed choract erlstIc note ot th Chri stian stood tbe' ·Unltell Statos ·courts read y. lind tohncao . lICe; It Is In love ,with sacrifice . Ch rist Back to the Dead Past. to ,Inflict a ' $1 00 flail every time a. 'car The, fapillty of the gont {or thl!1 il\lg~t . that God's A Gaelic cemeter y cotltaln lng Qr~b· v.ery lite Is loveof sheep. wse nqt ted and wateree ! , . ~ork lias long ~eell known lit'. tile t hat' he Is bJmself b "cause 1:11 gives Cleologlcl\l ·remaln s. da,tlng llac'.c bee \'ery 28 hours. Employ .lng the men ~!lckln g ··hoUl~es~ , wlrere .they ~re hlmse.l1'i and .thll paradox Is r epro· tw een two and three thou and. year!!. w~s cheaper tban tines. u~llIzed tt' lea~ _ anlmals' to slaught er· duc d ' In \lle Christia n. Only tbat baB b.e en dlscoye red at Pogny, near wblcb G~d wbollr Is, ·the Christia n Rb el~s. The o~lects Jnclud e mag· only partly Is. · H e know&- -tbst fullest nlficent vases. bo(;Vls. necklac en 4Dd ' "HI. ·"hilo~hY. . indepen dent Spirit. Hank Stubbs -Ambit ion aln't bard· "This eartb get. a chance ~c ser lira Is In se1f.glvl 'ng; ' bill 'the spirit of brace l ts. some richly Jeweled . ly wulh. whUe. Hnlley's ,.(Irnet only one.e In 75 years." se lf~lndulge noe struggl es with the .. Not' Co:.tnted. . Bilge Miller- WhY not? "Well." .replied the mal) w.ho .. spirit of selt·6lier il:"g. And It Is be· "!,.(ar::ma, are the hairs of Ollr' head , Hank SlubJ!B -:Waal. et you are be- strong PD loelll pride, "we aren't le~· oause of , this IDne!' oontrad lctlon anet . hlod the process ion you h after ~eep t11lJt 8-'''' the worst of It. That·' •• conflIct that .tbe attitude of "depe.. cl. aU n~lnbered 1" "Yel, dal"lInr :! "WeJ~ bumpl'D tato .cnnebody. Ro' ,e yO\1 git often aa ifalley' . c.o Dlet pg a 1lUIl0i pee 01: (lbrilt" Ia' ror~ uPOD til. then. bow many fa there Is that wad o' balr you lea.e- aD the . dnuer at aJaeat\ Jou're liable to lit-teDer..c oped. to see tbe euth." C~lSUU . • . f DllbU"





l~ \ -.


--. -



1--- -- -.

Nothing Too Good








Libby, McNeill &:



...... - ... _ _ -l-_.--,- . . _ _ . --11-1i


- -.. . .a. -




Pllin~. ; =.:.:~.:;.-~~xa'-:':'TE:::Dl''''''~··":ZIIIIiI:_::a.l~-~=-_IZ:DA YTON , ·0 H I()-'--~-------~~-----I

Ihe !'cboollloq _~ bol' I Mrs. Frank 'IAo\,or n 'tnr netl '" I urun . . veIling from a bri e f \'i ~lt I \ it'll hrr !l i ·t(l r io X ~ ultl. li~ii G1 tHl s Svcr c( \. und Z ~ ln I, nuitn.gc, t oge ther Wl tll atbe rs of ' L i 1ll11 . ienl but., flpc nt. f ri .lII ('v in g wi th Prof. lind Nr:!. P.l1fu 'l 1.. ' r ~{'y. Prof. L O. ''' illt 1'. 011, of CIII' I l.~ll', t fit "lIcll'll uu<:>i'lC . ll oro u C \\' , UIlY las t we k.

n's pecial ale I

b iggest s ale of the \' Ul'. Saturday we '1 ('~ . 'lll staple Good , .at 9 , 1'1 duc('(l froul 25c,, Hie and lOr. comprIsing goods taken from OU l· regular slocI(.


$ $


$ $ $


i ~(',; t

09 Men's S irts OH ' I 2:- D' Sh " l 9, 09 ' :ji;) l ess Shil'h; li S....... ·· ····......·· 39c . 50c Dress U9 I r . \ \ ' 'k CO l ' I ' 4r,c 09 . G"elll NOli' ,'1Ir s ..,' :ts··...... .. '4~c' em cg Igee S h 11 ..... ... "

2 boxe: MaCarllni ...... ... ...... 2 boxc. ood!e . ..... .. .... .. .. . r.lot.licr:' Qllal •. 0. I ' ... .... orn FlakC's .......... .... ....... .. Pufl"d Wheat .... ...... ..... .....

0 09 09 09 09

15c iolel Talcum ...... .. .. .. .. O. Perox i e ' r am ·.. ..... . .. .. .. .. on ~ \ .... 15c Ladi es'Vests ...... .. .. ..... 09

h- -


Men 's Trouse


09 09 09 09 09

::-hirt s o r DrawE:'rs ... .. 45c 5c Men's Balbriggan, small ~i zes ....... .... ... l !)c

C0 ff'ee P ots...... .... .. .. .... ..... . Tea Pots .................. ..... ... Large Pudding Pans .. ... ...... Set of Table Pads ......... ..... ·e·;:·.·.·.·.·.·.· ..,

09 09 09 09 099

Ladles' Oxfords $3.50 Black Suede Oxfords$2.89 3.00 Pat. I~atherPumps. 249 300 Gun Metal Pump.q . .. 2.49 3.00 Tan lind Oxblood Oxfords .............. ... 1. 98


2 cr een Door Springs .. .. .... 1 pair pl'ing Hinges .... .. ... ..... Padlocks ... .... .. ... .... .... .. ..... ..... Iron Handles ... .... .... ..... .... " . 9-in flat Files ....................

~ ~i~ ~~~~e;i~·i·~;:::::.·::.·:. .~

Men's Shoes

$3.00 Work Shoes ... ...... $2.75 3.00 Dress Shoes...... ... 2.75 . 2.50 Dress Shoes........ . 2.26

See our 9c display Saturday. !It' will interest you.

New Potatoes, ~ Cucumbers ~ 0 . ranges

Sweet Potatoes



lDeapp es

Every'thl·ng Good t'ft Eat ,"

You'can' exchange your Butter, Eggs andPoultry for anything you want here.


$ ~

$ $

Sale starts Saturday morning, July 2nd and lasts two weeks

"nd fUUli ly . WilFred Zl( l' t.mfln ,

. 1



$ $ .$

$ $ $ $


Spring Valley.


'rhe Boxwell commenoe'ment ond maSI:! meeting of the townsh}JJ echoolil was beld --in- t he to wn ballitLet Thursday and wu s well a ttend ed . The exhibi~ of the sohools far exoeeded the work last yAll r. There are a large number of Jase of whooping oough In our villuge Mrs. Dave Rut"D Ilnd ohlldr on, of v'arysville,ure guests o( bor paren ts O. Griffy !.Ind family. Miss P eurl Colvin waS tbe g uest of t riends here a few da ys lust week · A very pretty weeldin g \V I! 111 111





• • - - - " - . " . ...


A large number of Eour oitlzens at,tended the U: A. R. ncampment nt Xenia last weak. Mrs . A. B. Ho.rlrm spent last week at t,he hOlUe of Mr. Il.ud Mrs. N, A.




Alp:olld~r ul~d ~ visltin~ '*~


**' *'*'*

~. l:J arltm , of Cen ter vill e. The Misses Kibler spent Sunda y DENTIST Stud ente of Wilmtngton Col~ege ,with Prof. and Mrs. H . E. Wilso~, •• , ... f t h VUCt~tlOn ,'Iof Springboro. Miss Laura. remain · nre a ome or K8 ummer ' Pence Dtdg. W '11 0 ~ 11 1 O \'e r Cross Dros. Slore aynes\'1 e, ' ~,.., Mrs . Chas Mc IUD ey wn s ou. ec led for a. week'. visit. t.o Leosburg lu.;;t 'Wednesday by the Mrs . L . H. Holzlin of Kings Mills , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . _ . :t d t(ib of her fl1th er . . IVisited h er mother here SundIlY. ,;r..' g Mrs. Thomas Ht!.ydock. IS vis.l tin Miss Luoile Norton has returneu a ,r;~ 10 ,'enin, at t ho h ome o~ b er Sltlter , from It plaatltlt visit with Miss Hor. Smoke M 1 1'8. sa\'el u Collott.. tense Mqrglln, of Xeniu.. 'Ji!..' ~'''' ~eve1'tlll)erf:jOD,;t at trmded tho 111- The Ladies' Aid Societv cloanfu ~rca . "...... · ner basket mee 109 n t Ull es t er on th e churcb one lluy li st wcek, !Lak ISnnda y . . . Ing 0. great chang') in its appeal" -AN O + '7" Clarenoe Bent.ley cut h ill left wrlst unce. btld ly On Friday while sharpening (l C. H . ~llerwo od nnd wlftl VIRitod


*' :.ffl jft'na ,'.*",., .;;nmparctaI......t;;:



dep..tu,• ._

Sam B,emlay 'eft ""tu ....y io,

Williatn~ ·


the DY tower. Professor js taking. his pliloe here a8 H:!econtlJ 'Several trom here attended t.he trlok" operator. .' Boxwell oOJllme~oement at' the ·T . .R . tipenoer. wife and two ohU.. BeectlGrov6 ohuroh Tue,eday eV43· dren, took (lInner with K . SpeDp tng, o'&r and famtJyl::huuia,.




Bavana Cigars




The pup,'1 s 0 f M'ISS Myr tl e S ou d ers fiN '11 I g 'IV e a piano recital at the M. E. church Thursday evening. Admission wili be by card. The Starr piano will be used. Foll.owing is the -program ~



Germantown, Ohio. .

"to. "~*'.



Due.t- Roses de Bo'h eme


Spring Voices

Robin's Lullaby

K t"Oyrnamn

F ink




In' th"



Brig ht Butterflies DELE N


Krogmall 1t

T ,\ S

R ip l ey



(a ) Mocking nird (II) Bathers Rp.frain

Kern Wa chs




(a ) May Breezes (b) Valse Impromptu


Bachm.ann B I e ~r

(a) MazUl'ka (b) In the. Meadow...


( ) T' . . lt~nlaI a (b) A Fr~ ic

Lan ge




n u'rn




l..1es"het';-I. ,,~~y -!l(li a.Rive-Kin g




'*' "*' '* ~,,..

Le~bure~Wely ..,.




Blue Ribbon Talc Powder


H, Greth.1 . •





• ,

Fiuder will



AND I"OT-In Corwin , HOU:S E Boulle r eoently paluted, in goorl rElpair or Rod nicely loollted. A good bome a JtC'od inveRtment.. Inquire ilt this office .

** C .~

BICAGO Cottnge orglln in good condition. ' For pllrticulllrs ioquire of W. C. Cast, Phone 53.3 · "

* **' .* A ... ,,.. ',;r..


intelJi s ent person mu.y el\rn monthly oorresponding ~ for ' Dawll po·pers. No 0l1ovlls8ing. 8end fur plu tioulurs. Pre~s Syndi.~ otlte, B 5721, Lockport, N. Y. ~ tOO

'*' ,.",.,

; "',,.,


·.t., . **


.. yuywhere,

oan .start 0. mail order business at home. . No canvasslog. Be yourTells own hoag. I:;enrl for free booklet how. "+' Beucook, A Ci620, Lookport, N . Y. ,


* '** . ,;r..' .' ....




A GOOI) .gener~l· housework. gul Nu forwushing. Write or ·c a.I.' W .. T . 8810 . ...,'" Ave" NorWOOd, 0111<;1. " ..



.~. .~.... .TO .. KNOW-Ifyou .hav.~", borl!le., #<,

...',;r.. ,,.. sell. cow, rake, oraoy.thiogWe to ' rrry'plow, our ' wa.ntoolnm~.

'*' AIISS~S ,OO~~ S9UDE~S ~ I ' * ' 10c a bott e I * * * ' . . ' • SOHWARTZ'S *$.***.,****$****.'*.*,**.~****: d&


and Red Briok churoh. Jellve Ilt Gnz tte ofllo .

',;r.. ANYONE,




*... ~,....




1' ,



~t... (al Drc' "ml' ng Hea'l·t ~+..'" ;*... (b) May Song

5c Cigars



JUpU£i' l\ectta


'*' *'








.... - - -

k nife. 'f E·j S llerwoo d flD d f IIml'1y,o f ., onro e . A 1l1rge oon g regation of .peoplo la st week . Little 1I1~s T11:elm ,~ ·re . nl t at the M. E. chorch on \"\ ednee' l turned bome Rith them . d f pay the la st. Miss E tbel. 11'0011, w110 has b1eo ay 0 ) week , tribute of respeot to one of our most nursing ber sister hore left Fridl1'y h ighly osteema.d . oi~illenR, Wu.lton e:v~n"ing . · \J ' . . . Compto~. Doting. hiS 10llg ana t eo Mrs . E.J Armital1'A '!DcleOD Vtnnt', dioufl illness, he hlLd tue. ilympa t , y and Miss Luoile ..N orton called un I. b " f C" d s ~b 0 monrn h IS ' Mr Ilnd' Mre, "'(~Illlnooney t;onila.y. of.a host then



• - -And 8omet·ime8 a Ki rl tllilJks Rb r ~tl't btUllost ber ' hellrt when it is ou ly .," Zain Armitage and Bomer Death· her appetite. 'Jf: erage were in Lebanon Sn.t urday - - -+. _ ...- - Af a. man gets on the shady night. Side of forty he deoides he would Miss Cora Kerl!ley left last 'week for a three mouths' visit through rather be rioh than bfl.ndsome. the East. IShe will villit Washing,.",.. .~. ton, D., C., Philadelphit~ anjl Ooean J W MILLER Uity. DR..., ,.",..,


New Burlington.



, LOST to 'b",~~ mey _UDdm,.od__Ul_e:, er q Uflrt dut· ..- - . -.~ - B REASTPIN"":l::)l1v 'ell 1!<.J4 wi th Ini "C. W .. Ch euowet.b 'R Lost betweeu A.

*'*''*'*-'****'*''*'*'~*~ '* *~,*,,*,~~,*'~r;ic*~~ * * , '1

""""'''''''''''''"'''''' Ch tH . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~ Mary Zentmre r . and Children; c f - - - -- -- Paris Crossing, Iuu ., uro hrr 1 •• parents, Mr. and lI' . JUSl' p 1 Huw ke ••



~ --- - . - - - - - .-

u! r. n nu •

l hei r ll l'Ule Trout, wifo &otl dnngllt r were gl10!l ts u fe w il uys lu ·t 01

The Neiahborhood News


A mnn cu n ul wavs fiu ll on (, xO.l ~e I The doctor wh o ~ pe lL k ii bu t on ~

Mr!l B:l . uJt :::I deport ed fo r :.l\;!) t. , Dayton,

•• ••




!f~~~f.:~:i;.~~:J.~::G?f;i}li,~i ~o:o'~:o:' t~:~; ,!;t~~~

~ !~~e~areDts,



two weeks' viBi.t _ ..

H' f\' C<l



fearl on Tuesdays,

f lLmily.

~ ret re~llllleo l :,l wcro


We have our m ill fixed and g rind I The K. of. P.'s and Juni ol' Order Thursdays and lodges decorated th graves of t he Sat urd ays. deceas~d m embers unday after(OsteopathiC Physician ) Crar.ked co rn an d meal any day . . noon . At 1 o'clock the orll e t·s assem. 'flY Ollr Polled crack ed corn. bled at lh eir r espective halls, a nd Wnvnesvillle Mill!!. j pl'eceded by the adel band marched Tuesday and Friday - - -+ _. to the cemetery . Th t'e was no Of Each Week QUARTERl Y J\lEETING peakel" as orig inall y in tended, a nd - - .- . . after decorating the gt'aves, th e 01'QUBr tel'ly Meeting at .M . E. l~ulch der ma rch d back to tow n and di _ Office at the Gustin House next Sunday . Con;mumon service a t b d d l 10:30 a . m. Ser mon by r. G. W., an e . _. __ _ _ • a. Ill. CHILDREN'S DAY Dubois , at 7:30, a nd Quar terly ConHOUl'S of Appoin tment, • I to 12 m. fere nce Monday at 7:30 p. m. \ . - - -- - .. . The hristian hurch W Ill ob t!rve CARD OF= THANKS \Chi ld ren's Day S und ay, JUlie 26th , at 8 0'clock. Th e prog ram furni shed We de ire to thank our many almost entirely by children. friends and neighbors for their b Olassified Ads LOSES FI~E HORSE .., ............ ., .................. . ............ ...,.,.. .. kindness during our ly.te ereavement in the loss of our dear son. MIs w ill h e IlIs~ nt" l ulloI"I' ~hl, h... tl (or twen t v ·U,·o cln , rOr:l:hrc c 1I" erll." •• Wm. A. F ranCis and Mary Ha.Nes. Mr. J ohn Stroop lost a fine horse, Wh l' lI u Mt n ~ 1I 0 l m o r e ttl , n :1\,(: Itne"". _ ' __ _ _ _ Brown Bill, last week, i ~ dea th being , caused by indiges tion. Mr. St roo p . POST·t;ARD SHOWER feels the loss keenly. FOR RE NT -- _ .. - _ _ Mrs. F . C. Schwartz received a At thi s tnge of the game the hog post-card on her birthday. pen is mightier t,hflD the IIword . which was last Thursday . The sur· ___ _ __ OOM ' -1'0 r ut to o OlJ e 01' m ore Illdleti, furDl t!hflU. in Knoll InOIlI. prise was planned by her little It doc 'n ' t m e nu mutte rs to fix tlt t" d a ughter, Helen . v of n. ra\ll'Onrl \Vt't!ck Ity . R ent rl;lusl/Uablu. InqUire for fortber )lurMcl1l ul's Itt thiS otTIoe. .. _ • . • _ ..._ __



. W a Iter ··J . K 1·lbon · , $ "01.l:I e~s



X niu, i


--- - - - - - - - - ------_._- -- - -

- -- - ,- -- - - --

~ll ~t ll Dilvis . Mr!$. Alioe McKin sey wns B gl1e8 \ ' I1nday of Dr . 'J g e ll.~and [lIlIlily. Mr. and Mrs. Bel t fi:ul \V Hud children n.utl Mrs . ll! l(n ~J o nnd li t tlt> : on, of Morrow, S p O. I 8nndny wilb t hei r J' Itit ivei' Clltls 11 u lIlil · IIn w




lDayton Agents for Ladles' Home Journal Patterns )

~ pelldiD g thU:1 week will ucr cou ln,

Cabbage Bananas Lemon s .


That th i., simple anno un cement of the fact is a ll h at i:: nccessa ry. As i!:our custom - x:ceVl a few items sold by contracL--during th ese ~ al(' d ay s,

Everyth ing Is Heduced

Men's Oxfords (,hus. Brown tlDd fumily h ud f T $3.50 and $4 Tan or Oxblood ..... t.heir g uests SODdns, Mr . •Johu Oxfor:1s ..... . ..... .. .... $2.49 ..... Whitflker a od fu mil y, und Mrs. 3.50 Pat . LeathftrOxfords 2.98. Brown's s1ster, Mrs . Gr egg, 0 1 3.50 Dull Calf Oxfords ... 2.98 3.00 Oxfords ...... .. ..... .. .. 2.49 8pringtleld , ~ho will r emain for fI

09 09 09 09 09


$ $


i i i$ ..._ ~~~ ~~~~::...~

Summer Sale



$ $ $ ~. i::t~:" ~;~o~e:ot~I~~, ;~j~~~~onp~~:~ $

M~~;~.... B~ib·~ig~~~ .. 39c

'hildren's Hose ... ... .. ....... .. Boy. and Misses Hose ........ Men's Sox .. .. ................... Neclies, worth 15c and 25c .. Ribbon Rem nant~ .. ..... .... ...

I.I.n(1 daugh t

, ' til ES

Ilal1 gllter , Mr , WiI! P billips, , j Cun terYi lle . Mrs, Ho pe Stiles II nu IIltl e grund . t!'lug ht.or, Gruce P..ttto u, wer e ill X'm il1 lust w ek.

9 C GOc Mtm 's PoroskmtSh lr ts or Drawe rs ........ .... 39c 50c Black Shirts or Draw-


Mrs. Hope


Underwear Sl.uO Men's Un ion ~its ......

~ ig~ :~~ g~ t~~~~' Jos·!~::: ~~


. So well amI favorab ly l<no \'n has b come 0\11' annual

Mr ~ Wm . /Short. WUI, B tdlieltl . wl' fe Il o d utHl"hter , of Xeniu, Ger. '" tru(l'",. H'Lt , tleld of Wi lmington, uO ll Mrs. Wm . Rodgers Il.nd AOO . of Wa. vA r ly,Ollio. f hI r. }f to CIa r k, of Rprill"" I 1<1, vlkiteu hi S fatb er , Mr . I ud '1IIrk, /I few ullYs tbis weC:lk . , "j r.lrs. LirHef W'HI . hopplng In , :\. oinnllt.lon (I,IY r eO! ot ly . Hl'l:lsie ~1Il it h , u f .... n' uyoesvI' 11 e, 8peot Sun duy wi th E llInHI. R Hph u'l . Wm . Ric ll , wife nnu SOD, of IJ(nl WnYflesvil l , visited J a mes Mor~u u 'l nu wi fe t; und oy. ' Mrs . •1:1 l11e9 McCormi ok noJ liltlt .. on, were g ues t of 1101' llI Ut ll ·. 1 ~ I ·' l1nuuy . Mr!l. Lydill G 1'(l on i vi. iting h ('r

Our Entire Lot of Men' s 82, 1.50 and 1.25 Trou s 1'9 .. 1.00 Cuvert loth Trouse rs ..... . 1.00 Thc best work pants mad c



'$ $

.') 0 Lu,:e anu.1 1n,;el' t 'Ion . .... · .. · .... ....... .. ..lI8 c \\'alsts I GO Embl'oiuory Skirts ... ~ c :15(' Ladie:' Drawers ...... 19c n flOC Co nwl Cove rs ....... .. 3:7c · 9"oC 1 50 ' omuillatioll S·UltS... 25c l'or'et Cove l·s ....... .. We

Tllmatlws. pel' can ... ... H e~l l ·orn. 1 el' ca n ............ Best Pm>1 . p r can ··· .... .. .. .. J~an cy J'',\'ap0l'all:'( II > :I~ Iles.. J·u lll-ib. pa('kage !{alsIIlR... Fa ncy Prun e.... .... . ............ .

., ,

$ $




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Corwin .

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will offer over 500 arti









.aU 'hom '0' yO? at .mon


HOUSEKEEPERB-Tb"'-t 'we have Duet-Galop • -. - -Dessaux,;r.. for BIlJe ·at. the :oftlce BUTH. HARTSOOK. RUTEr ZIMMERMAN IQt80f nice olean papera f;'r ahely8lt and .to put und~r oarpe~, Price, and





l"ll.ab~~eethelD, .







WED NESDA Y J NE :In, lIll0.

i-F~;;;;citiz-;;;i ~~lIL~l::ti:tn ~:.~ :~e~~~:s:il_ i-Pe~~~i Menti~';He;- ;;d-Th;;-I. _---- ______-:_e +-------------+-------- ----




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: Social Events


urc n' s Day xe l"ises IaRl S unday lain erl ln th~ mO!-ll ueli g-hlful man - .~~...-.....--... ~..,.. - - .- e MI'. and Mrs . . Leund I' Layrn ull \ e ve llin g .. 'I'h' pro&:ram began with 511101,(: Imp.m: ial 5c Cigars, SOlol(c t\\arca rina 5c Cigars. m . 1' la st F l'iday aft moon . Mis.'1 Mis.<; Emma Hawk e entertained hav e lYlovpd to Chilli oth(', hio, 10 !l sli ng by dw JUntPI' horu ' com Lizzie 'arroll wa.'; the hu. t s Ilnd Mi s.~ Clara Hawke. Mes.'1rs. John mak ~ lhal city th err fuLure l' ume. pI/sed of t went..y· tiv children. This Mi :;s Huth M I'ford w as visiting in W. II . All ' 11 waR in incinnati th me ting place the beautiful rawn and Earl Hess aturday was follow ed by the readin)! of thl! D ~ylon las t week Tue. da . grounds of the Whi t Bri ck churl'h. 'I'e ning . M;T." H. Booth writes us t'rom New S'f'ipt ure k~son liy lilli e Lura Waller HUl'n ett was in Dayto n , J , ('. Ir i~py w as a I ayl' ''' vi .·itol· It waH I:l'l·taillly an id, 'al spo t f ul' MUllday . such a III eli ng on such it tlay , for ~Ir. allu Mrs, Frank Zell and their YQrk Ci ty, tu say that she wi" spend Tit II III p!mn , after whiclt cam recita- 'alurdayan d ·ullday. which was a " II k . C" . \, CI a ltholl"7'h the thermomet e r regis tered house g'u ('st . Mrs. Hicks. were enterthe summH wilh fri ends in Harlfurd, liunsI.andM so .ng'sL'amung , tl 1 .1 ~ , ('u . aw e wa;; III lllCl llnat l on I al'on 'lun dl er was in Payton '" su I0 uV al'le Ippmco alH a ullet t. . I ., l' d UjJ ill tit" ninetie::;, a 'onlinual urcpze tain ed at slipper Sunday e.vening by COtH}. · th }{ 1. 1 u I' hi ul1 ;; II1t.!S~ ast Ihursuny . ues flY. IJ)' L U er eynu uS an \at l'en blowing t hruugh the trees mad!' It MI'S. Alice McKinsey and uauihter, I Mrs. I·:dith Harris was a Dayt"n Chas. Smart RI)('n~ Suncla\' . .wilil '001 and pleasa nt. Twt'n ty- fuur of Many o f the friellU :i of MI' . Benj . HaineH. ~ nH~ 0 f tl1(! sp cia . 1 ea f tures were VISI "1 0 1' Ias t Inet II I nes! Iny. hi S family h··I·.... . Robt' rl s , of Oswego. Kan., rt: lll em· .,o . , til' twenty-five members res pomleu beret! him lo!'!t Saturday by ~t' lldin g' somC' .. muvi ng' pictu res caught n Prof and Mrs CA R' I er I'~_ J . ,lIawke wa:-; in Spl'inrriJo l'o to roll call b" gh' inO' (I uotations frum I{ v. and Mrll. H . W. Bailey, Mr. ' U " h' . 1111 " '" J,.., 1 . him pos t-canis , in honol' uf h is !:lU th ~J'111'1.urcn S ay, w leh Yo' re amus- , turn d to Mason last Saturdav. Saturday un uu siness. "Hiawatha. " and Mrs . Chas. Co rnell and Miss Luanni vers ar y. In g' ly acted uu t by three of th e J un- , ' Aftet· Ihe reading of the minu t e.'1 ella Cornell were guests of Mr. and . c IlCl ru s ~ir Is; a beautiful solo. " A II Miss J'th elyn J ones• has Eli B Im elt lmn: acl rl businf'ss in and othe r busil1 es, th e prog ram which ' J\1I'~ . Sam\. Mer rli th a t dinner last - -'lOr .. ', . , re t m'nceI Lebanun last Th ur!\day . had been arranged for an "Indian Friday. Miss Kale Fra n», daug hle r u f MI'. UI'eall1 of Paradise," by Haz I R 'd; from a pleasant visit in Daylon. and MI' . Will F rame was ma l'r ied to a flag drill by six girls and six boys JI.'lis. El sie. and Master Howard Maxi, Hamil ton, of Hruwn County, Day" wall carried out. Aduet, "My Mr . and Mrs. Chus. Gray and famMI'. H. B. Pipe r, in Pasadena, Cal .. allll a. tableau con isting of the small - (;u stin arc visiting Tl ar Mainev ill e. is in town (01' a ft'w days. Ain Countrie," was beautifully sung ilyentertained Su nday. the followon May 2 ·th. He r manv fri ends er ch ildren M'ISS M una. . . tuut sp Ilt a few uays b Y Mrs. Ilas. J-I aw k an d Mrs .J. \V . 'I" ~ I . . b 'f II . 1 Georg-I' Ogl esbee atte nded a t oha 'ing gue ts: Mrs. Ma ud Cleaver and he re wish them all possible happin es.c; . .Ill ' "'1'IUmlS 'b urg Iast...'atS I ..., n~l Wl'e k \\'1 ' Ih f' I t ew IJ I.' I IOUS was com ec tll1g 1'lelHsa DU t'- White . . .euu tlu " Vu cO, I'at. son, Clarence and daughter ' Abbie, ~nd !-lUC 'ess. lin gton Mrs. J . L. M nd en hall harm d e d WIt I hon ey surkle , f IllS and Ithf!'!. . I The church wa.· c rowd ed to the Ull ay. . her hearel's by giving a book review and Mr. Carl Cleaver, of Dayton. The Xenia He rald in a special fl'om doors and many cou ld nol be accUI11Mr. and Mrf! . Nathan Jones were Will Russum , of Dayton, was the of Ramona." Thi s was written in g uests over Sunday of .relatives in gu est of MI'. and l\1r , O. J . Edwards a most inlel esting sty le and varied Clifton. Greene Co" hus the follow· moda t d, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Henderson ening Thre new au tomobiles ca me An offering of about *12. ' was Hamilton. 'u nd ay. by xtracls I'ead from the book. tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and to t wn last week. Dr. Harris I'e- taken for mi ions . MI'. C, M. Austin. of alumet , Miss Loui e Mathe r, of I{i chm ond, .. Red Jackel's Ol'ation on Ke ligion" Mrs. Lee Henderson and daughter, ceived a 4 cylindcl' Reo. Mr. Fueg '. .. - - - - Mich., is spcnding his vacation with Ind, was the week end g uest of Mi s was read in entertaining 'tyle by Mr. and Mrs. Otho Henderson, Mr. a I3rus h, and Dr. F. C. Adams a Modd A Local Institution MI·s. E. S. Baily. his parents. Grace Smart. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and two 10 Buick Roadster. . To Be Proud Of Mrs. Funkey then read an excellent d'iughters, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miss r ora qu ires , of neal' H a l'· _ Mi ~s Mary Gr t .. ingel', of Xen ia, i!' v~y 'burg, has been the g uest of paper 011 "Indian Arls and Crafts." Cross, Mr.' alld Mrs. Robert CrosB. Mr. and Mrs ..CI~d e Hi a.ttand 1~1tI (l 1 If good b anking' is evidenced in RpenJing a week with MI'. and Mrs . fri ends here. The las t paper on the program daughter, M~rJurl e Wnght .J-lIa Lt. surplus and profit accumulation, th .. Otto Hornick. was "OUI' Trealmentof the Indians." has . omeH and family were by Mrs , Ward ,'which was written in Last Friday afternoon Misses Sybil are p. art of a Joll: crowd o~ Wlllches, ! Wayn esv ille Na~io nal Bank. ought to H. D. Kellison. of pringhoro, guests of relativ es near New Burt r people who have gone to roo.l<ed feel particularly proud of its record . slopped in tf\wn a f ew miuutes TuesIl clear concise manner and well de- Hawke and Henrietta McKinsey lirwton Sunday . livered. chaperoned a few little folks at a Lake, Ind., for a few week's outIng, The institution on the National Bank day of last we k. / Mr. B. F. Parker, of harleston. "Goo · Be With You 'Till We Meet picnk in the Red Brick church yard. M ra. H~att writes ~hat the ~sh bit '1 " Roll uf Honol'" hows a gain cif s ut'Frank Fraddock joined lhe S pring by d~y an~ mosqu l to~s bY.nlght,. but plus and profits as compared with boro band , and played in Miamis- W. Va., is shaking hands with frien ds Again" was rend ered as a duet by The time was spent in playinlt pmes he re this week. d.esPlt thIS they at' havrng a Jolly the previous year of nine per c nt, burg la'lt Saturday. Mrs. Hawke and Mrs . White and all after which they enjoyed a delicious tune . h' joined in on the chorus. At the close lunch. Those in the party ~ere, a .... lIIost ex traor d'mary sowing. Mrs. Lina Devitt attend d the Mi , Elizabeth Chandler is attendof the program the retiring president ! Ruth Harris, of Dayton, Dora Squires MI'. Henry MatLhpwH, an old and It hould b proud also of the fact Stat Universalist convention at ing school in Lebanon during the Mrs. J. E. Janney, with a few l'e- of Harv~ysburg, Heltm Marlatt, valu d subsrriber, in re.newing his Lh~ t . it stan.ds fir~tin , WalTen ounty, Plain ity last week. summer term.. marks handed the gavel to her suc- Helen Hawke, Louella, Jeanette and s ubscription for another yeur, says: ' thlrteenth .In Ohl~, a~d 4.41st ~mong Mr. "arl Cleaver, of Daylon, was Mr and Mrs. Edwin Barbel', of cessor, Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader who Francb Janney, Tacey Glagett and "I am well and our beautiful PI'air_ 17,OOO Nat~onal m stltutlOns m the the guest of Chas. Gray and family Norwood, were week·end guests of accepted it in a few well-chosen I Ethan Crane. ies are . looking nice. Small grain country WIth respect to the percent· for n few day I last week: M..s. Cynthia Evans, words. --and grass are doing .nicell, but cO'r n age. of its surplus ~ccumulation to Miss Agnes Schwartz, of CincinDuring the social hour deliciou raMis.'l Jessie Marlatt planned a luris backward' Fros t killed almost all capItal. Last year Its number was Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge were in the fruit here, but I think we will 474th. There are prominent banks incinnati last week learning ne w nati, ip spending the week with F. C. freshment'l were served in two cours- prise on her father~ Mr. J. D. MarSchwartz and family. es. Each memb r was the recipient latt, Monday evening which was IUC· hav some." throughout the country which would "wrinkles" in photography. -- -be glad to pay thousands of dollars Mr. Willard Clark. of incinnati, of an unique and tasteful place·card. cessfully carried out. Mr, Marlatt Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hornick, of was t he g uest of his aunt, Mrs. the handiwork of the hostess. rhad invited his Sunday school claal 1.0 Mr. W. H, Gal'd, of Monrovia, to occu'py this enviable place, but poMrs. Ward gave the Club acordial spend Saturday evening at his home, Cal., in a letter to Mr. and Mrs. S. sition on the "Roll of Honor" cannot Xenia, spent Sunday with their son, Mahlon Ridge, Sunday. invitation to spend the day with her but Miss Jessie had invited them. and L Carhvrilitht, of recent date, says: be bought- it mu st be earned. Not Mr, Otto Hornick. and family. Mrs. Mary Zentmyer ·and children, at the time of the next meeting which when he returned home from down - "I hav just received the last issul.' alone the oRlcersand directors of thc> Mr. Hendley Corron, of West are gue ts of relatiVe! in Lebanon was accepted by unanimous vote. town on Monday eveninlt he was very of the Miami Ga7.ett" and read youI' bank can take pardonable pride in Leipsic, Ohio, was circulating among alid Oregonia this week. At a late hour all reluctantly de- much surprised to find his class allnual repol't of Miami ("emetery , this excellent 'tanding, but the old friends here one day last week. Stephen Phillips, of Washingt on C, parted feeling that the day had been awaiting him. ~e ' evening was and feel that I cannot allow it to whole community may have a like pa.'1S without sending you my con- feeling in an institution which the Mr, Frank Zell and her house H, was in tpwn Saturday and Sunday a fitting close to the year's work. I:Ipent in various games and chatter. - - -- About ten o'clock they were inyitgratulations and compliments on-the people have helped to build. guest, Mrs , Hicks, spent a couple of the guest of Miss Ann Phillips, happy vein of thought that perme--;; day last week with relatives in Day"CLEAN.UP DAY" ed into the dininl' room, where eleMrs. Eliza Jacobs and daughter, gant refreshments were lerved by ates the el1tirearticle. I feel tha OBITUARY ton . Mi ~s Alice, of Lpveland, we re guests the inception of the planning of Mrs. A. A. Linton and daughter, over Sunday of Miss Emma Heigh. ToJ. O. Cartwright, Honorable May- the hostess. At a late ho.u r they all Wm . A., son of Francis and Mal'Y f W'II mmg . t on, were gueEts 0 f M r. departed declaring they had spent a Mihmi Cemetery was inspired by lof' 0 or of Waynesville, Ohio. way. ty, noble purposes in the little band Hawes was born November 16,1877, and Mrs, Saml. Butterwor h last most enjoyable evening. Those presThe ~ embers of the "New Centu- ent were: Misses Justina Hartsock, Misses Hazel and Eva Al exander, of charter members who risked and was killed by an electric wire at Thursday. of Covi ngton, Ky., are here to spend ry Club" suggest that you recom- Ethel Hosier, Alma Waterhouse, Lusacrificed so much and who builded Los Angeles, Cal., June9, 1910, aged \ 32 years, () months and 23 days. He. W, H. Allen i ~ driving a new .Bu- the s umm I' with J . 1>. Marlatt and mend to the Board of Health that cile \cornell, Helen Stokes, .Elsie even b tter than they krlew. In thi:! left his home for the last time over Ick No. 19 . . It IS a handsome piece family. they issue a call to observe Frid IlY Hartsock and Clara Hawke. words of our avior , ' 'Oth~r .that . . meJ'lo la. four years ago and smce tIme 0 f goo dS, an d M r. All' en IS prou d 0 f ~uly 1st, as "general clean·up day"; Miss Ruth Harris, of Dayton, ha.'! that. a notice be iasE'rted in each .of bored and ye are entered mto t h e i r . ' . . his new car. Power and Li,ht Board Meet labors,' They are richly entitled to hastbeen In the s tate of Cahforma, been visiting her grandmother and your tributeS of praise, More such' bu was always thou~htful to send Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Irons and aunt, Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Miss the village papers and each family This board met last Thursday b\Jt be notified that teams will caU on c::-=>.pr.a.ise for-wprthy, unselfish' endeavor messages of love home almolt every Mrs. Amanda Reed and son, of Leb- Henrietta. said date for all such refuse as mak~ nothing of importance but allowing and less censure for failures would week. , . . anon, are guests of Roy Irons and be conducive t9 the building up of a , He was always of a qUle~ dlsposl· family this week'. Messrs. Frank Pratt, delegate, and premises unsightly and unhealthful. of bills was done. The matter of placinsr arches on lvlain street was higher class of citizenship." bon never had any ba.d hablt~. SevGeorge Oglesbee. alternate, attended _ __ ~_ . ' , eral ye.a rs ago he umted WIth the Mr. ay\d Mrs. Andrew Fife, of Day- the Democratic State convention in (Signed) Mrs. Benjamin Hawkins brought up and discussed. bu~ notb· DEATHS M. E. Church at Waynesvklle, and ton, and, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chandler Dayton las t Wednesday. Mrs. E. V. Barnhart ing definite came of it. has been deeply interested in the and famIly were guests of Mr. and D' .. f Mr/!. J .. A. Funkey It would be a fine thing for the . M ' A B CI dl S d on t yo u want a mce pall' o· M Ed'th H . lown to have this done. Put up sa!, Mr. William Thompson, of Mani· study of the scriptures and we bers. · . . lan er un ay. BI ._ S d P ? K'lb II rs. 1 art'ls 'ed h' . . . ac .. u e umps. I on se sa J. W. White si'K arches, one at each end of Mam I d 1 a l: IS home heve has b~en .tau~ht of .G~d and ~s Misses Edith Moshel' and ybil $3.50 pump for $2.89, that is ve ry tou S prings, Ca., Committe. street, one at Miami and one at there last Wedne8day, deat.h l·esult, now baskl~g 1~ the sunhgnt of hIS Hawke are guests at a " house party swell. Go and s'e e them. . ing from an operation. He was 67 love, and hIS friends mourn only to \at the hom of Mr. Robt. Mosher in I . ~ Pers uant to the abov e suggestIOn, Tyler street, and two at North street. years old, and had been a resident of feel the ties of earth are severed fOI' C d' Oh' thO k Mrs. Hamet E. Furnas and sons, and by the power invested in u s by ar IIlgton, 10, IS wee . EI' d L . S d I NEW SMOKE STAt;K Manit.ou for about eight years. Mr. surely he has left bright evidence ~ I an aurence, spent un ay the Board of Health the undersigned Thompson was an active man in civic that he had a blessed hope that reach· , Miss Lizzie Stewart has been at- with her siste r, Mrs .. Mary Gillam II request that on th~ above date all The Waynesville Canning Co., put affairs, and was a man of cheerful es beyond thisvaleof tears. 'Tis sad tending the Chautauqua at Yellow and family, of neal' Wilming ton. residents of our village remove to up a new smoke stack at their factonature, and was beloved by all who to think he was so far away from ' Spring, and was the guest of Mr.\ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen , mo· the street, alley or other location ry last week. The work was done by knew 'him. . home. and loved ones. y~t we. trust Funston, formerly of this place. . tore~ to }i'r~n~lin Sunday: acco~. ~ ebSY of access, all rubbish, ashes an~ a Dayton firm. The new stack ia He is survived by his widow, Mrs. he WIUl surrounded by kmd fn ends, II Mrs. Philip Hopkins ancl )!uests" panted by MISS Myra BaIrd, MISS other refu~e matter so that teams about sixty-five feet high. . L~ney Thompson, who .was formerly He leave, father and mothe~ to Mrs . Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Jame I May Wright and Miss Georgia Had- may haul It away. One. tea~ WIll MISS Laney Sands, sIster of Mrs mourn the loss of a kind and dutiful S II d 'of "'d B d' II t den. start from the corporallon llIle at QUARTERLY· CONFERENCE 'd t f d . ff e ers an mrS . 1.:.. erg aspen h ' d f F kl' R d d d f t enry P ra er,an ormer res 1 en ' 0 ~on, brother an sIster lose an a ecI t Th d 'tl I n' . t O R d K 'lb ' d ' th I ran In oa H . . . as urs ay WI 1 re a ve a re.ea I on s a III ano er co - t I! upper en 0 . an , WayneSVIlle; a daughter, Mrs. C: E. tlonate brother, One· sIster has pre· It '11 H' I I t ' the other from the corporatIOn Ime Dr. G. W. Dubois, districtsuperin· Bruce and son, W. I. Thompson, The cecledhimtohereternalhome. gonia. umn Wl ~ayyouih' Is on upper Main street. Let all tendent of the M E. Church, adminwee funeral took place Ft'iday at his late " 'Tis so hard to break the tender MI's ..J. D. Marlatt and daughter, X Rl~rpru,seR IS sa °lsl s lIlfce : citizens unite to make the "Clean-up istered Holy Communion at the M,E. · J ' d M J L FI t k ea' I care f u y, 01'1 M iss eSSIe, an home. chord rs.. ar soc 't mas '11 Ime. .D ay " a success. • church Sunday morn inK' and preached Where love has bound the heart attended the funeral of Wm. Alex- 1 WI pay you. J. O. Cartwright, Mavor. in the evening. Mrs.Laban Taylor died ather home 'Tis hard so hard to !o'peak the words ander's child, in Covington, Ky., last Mr. Carey Eyler, who has been in :Thos. Sherwood, M. D. Health Officer --in .Carlisle, last Thursd'ay a.nd w a ' forever part." . Th ursd ay, . ft'',ugene, 0 reg., WIt . h h'IS d aug h ter, .. - -- -' . ' Wes must MEMORIAL SUNDAY burled Sunday afternoon ~t Bell. _ .. ..... Mrs. Chas. Brown,' arrived here last RECEIVED APPOINTMENT Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Conn and The members of the Harveysburg b rook . \Th e b o d. ~ was t a k en t 0 th e AN ENTERT~ININO P~OOR"M . Thursday for a short visit. will . home o~ Mr., .J ul.lUs, Taylor,.on the ~on,' KenlJeth, ·and Misses Ada· and leave Thursday for Hillsboro to visit Patrons of the postoffice are Eastern Star held Memorial Hrvic:es 'k d 'th e f I t. 00k . , period. shaking hanus :. wit h M r. F . H'. F•arr unera ·The entertain~enta~ t~eJ)hristian .Minnie Bos.'1erman, of Springfield, his ~n there' for an indefinite in their hall last . Sunday. ' 'two D aytdn'Ill . e l . !;In, from.his; ..egi~ence. M~. ray.- ch).m;h l~t . Friday Even,i ng, \vas very were' guests 'of Israel Satterthwaite . ' .. - . . who received his nppointmen.t as deaths have occ'l irred in their lodge lor wa.':i the mother cf 'Mt·s , J1 .lank well atten·d ed. Miss Frost · in her and farriil~. last week. . ODDFELLOWS' DECORATION post.master last Saturday. M.r •.F~rr .d uring the laSt y~ar'. . --:Burnett, ' . uni!lue 'role ~;st'ori teller' . ~as Mrs. Cr,nthia Ev~ns an4 .~iss. bora . ' .. . : . h~ . ni~de g~od' johi!! p~sitiori PO!;ltW. C. T. ·U. MEETlNQ WILL HAVE P'ICNIC ' . very ·entertaining,and M,~s.~tCupnirJg-, 'Ellis, l~ft;: Tu,esdayevening for New . WYO~Ulg Lodge.~ . No. 10'2, L 0.0.•' master; and w~ heartily congr~tulat6 . . .....:, ! ham, woo has ~ ·b.eautiful .vP\cesa~g. ' Yor~ and y."ith t\le Dayton pa~ty .two F. hel<llts de~oratloJ? Sunday after- l')im upon . 'his appointment. ' Mr. The sunaaY7sch.o~1 : of the: ~. E,' in.a.~armi~g an,d ,umi1:f~.ted nJ~tmer:' of whom are Mi.~Trillell~a· and Mi.88 noon. : 'J.'h'e~e was a' good turnout Farr informs.· tha.t .t he postoffice ·The· W; c. T. U. 'will .meeta(tbe ·, ch\m~h will bold th~tr iinJ)ual picnic T/le.I..adie,s Aid nett.e<l qu~te a:neat Maggie Ed\V~rd!!, will. saiL for Eu- and ~~Q?t mnet~. grave~ w?re dec?- f~rce, will remain the same as at home ·of:Mrs.; Viola ,K. "Hawkins on . Jul11, 1910. 'Pleasenotic:e~hedato, J't Crosa' ItfoVe th}" af~oon. .~m. ' . , '.,. rope on Thu~ar mormnlt, . ~~ed:- Fhue was no speakmg. present.


J .









.. - ..- - -



i ..







The Miami Gazette D. L. CRA NE. WAYNE~


OHIO. ::s


Of' Pec uli a r Interoat to Women.

Mra . Mary ], Rem in gto n, ElgloD rrr nt., says: " 1 Buffer ed s~ l e \'c r(> ly tr011l nal n o.n d sore ness o verth e kidn ys that It w us a tas k for me W turn ov e r In bed. My k Idneys act e d ver y fl'oQu ently. lltl t. the secretlolls w e r6 r eta rd ed an d t b e PIUIlIa ges s calde d. I was wea k and run 110wn. After takIng o ther r emedi es \\:Itbou t bell ' fit . r begllO u s ing Doan's Kidney P!lls and ""B S pe rm a nen tly ollred . I wus go Ing th rougb th crltlcu l p tlrio d of a wO Dl un '1! ll fe at th a t t ime a nd afte r usi ng V an'l! Kid ney p iil t! til I' \1'1111 a mi racu lous hunge for the be t ter In my hea lth ." R em emb e r lho lIamo- Doun's. For Allie by all dea lc rs. 50 cents IL box. FOlStel·· ...l llburn Co .. Burrulu. r..; . Y_ St. , lillroy,

Potnt Ins ures or Pre v e nts Good .Plowlng and Light. Draft - GrClund Can Be W ell Plowed Only When It Pulverizes . I


Rulers and People of , Many Lands Greeted Him as Most Distinguished Citizen 01 United States --- His Lectures in Three Cities.

The sea on o f th e tr asu 0 hun t III on ce more "on ," Bnd all alon g the At· lantlc const, from Labrnrlor to th Gu lf or Mex ico, with s Ide excurs ions to llIe Is lands at th fl nrllibenn sen , op· tl mlsUc l)e rSO nl! who hav6 r s urrected lome I('ge nd at pi rate gold wh ich Ie ms to Wem convincing. aro touring th o fa'ce of nat ure In nn nttempt to find cilests ot colu an d j (' wels-or cask ' of r um . At thi s point th o r eader 1\' 111 AURped an a nti ·cll nl:l.:'{. Th e state· Ol ent I s lO t. 50 Inl nded . Uucca neers ba d to cac he tb e lr s ores of !'o lld ami li Quid provis ion. nnrl IhC'y did not al .

All Europe, kings and co mmoners Blilte, rec iI'cd Th eodo r e 11 9 th o most dlstlngllished of living Am erlcaos. He was entertain d by royalty nnd no bility everrwber e b e w nt. and nj. wnys lho peo ple greeted him with \'odr rous applause. What possibly "" aYII find opportu ni ty t o 1111; th(' m up pI nsrd th o form e r pr slde nt m oro again. A tTaliltluo f s1I\lhlnnc(' at· I thn n all thi s wus the fact th ll t lit r · l!I('b t:s to 011k is lllnd. In ~Iahon bay. ' a ry nod s cientific cir 1 s reccll' cd him Nom Scotia . nn lh e 5ren(' of n "pl:ln " a Ula n at letters nnd sci Ilce and ot " nhH'11 be",' rn g('f;. and an aml:l\)l!' I BOV ra l lellrDed sucletles elected a Im \'aguboud who profe!'s ell to have US· to membe rship. I n Pnrls. hrisllanla. Derll n nn d sls t('d nt Its un covering nnd to h'l ve "drnnk som or th e rUlIl." Is t Ill a Cal'll t.Ir. Hoos e vd t delivered scholarly Q1If'!-. liouaLlr ornal11~nt of th o lIay at \l1lb lic nd d r~sf'es and the Ih erary and Funuy regloll. Cn clo uht dly muc h scl c nlltlc circ les p nell to le t h im lu trea stll:e of a mora d es lr nble quallt)' lnd mll rv I d at th e wld o scope at h is

vi d with each oth or In dolng' bonor to th e \' Isltor, an d for amuseme nt he W It.8 tnken· to the fi e ld of aviation, wbera he snw some exci ting a e ropl a ne Ill g h ts. Trave ling northward somew hat le l8urely, by way o( Bru ssel s , Ams te rda m nnd Copenhage n. fro Roos e ve lt arriv ed at Chris tiana lin d dellvored a n ati dress on Interuntlonnl peace be tore tbe Nobe l prIze comm Ission, w hl cb ha d awa rd d to blm the !\obe l peace prize fur h Is s uccessful eaorts to end the Hu ~s l nn·Jnlla n ese war. Emllero l' William bau made gr ea t plaus for tb o e nt ortal n Ul e nt at the expres ide nt III n er lln . llut t he dea th o r King Edward caused tbe curtailment kno\\'l~dge. at 11'1 p rogram to a co nsid erab le e x· Tho evo nt con nec ted with ::'I l r . te nt. Instf'll d of belug the Imlser'8 • th Roost've ll's Eu rop a n tOll r th a t ' s,u es t ,n e palnco. l\lr. Rooso vo lt a,roused tb e mos t In ter 'st nnd xc lt ~ s toppod at th e American e mbass y, me nt occurred Immod la tely afte r' bls lin d til ollg il \"llJlam rec Ived blm a nd arrIval In ltnl y early In Allrl!. Hefor dined hllli and showe d h im tbe Ge rbe lef t Afri ca bls desl r o 1.0 rmy h is man army In man eu vers, t be more res pects to the pope bad b cn can· s pectacula r and public featur es were veyed to th e Vatican nnd the holy omi tt ed. On May 12 Mr . Hoosevelt d&~Ilotb e r had Intimate d that he would be III'e red at the Uni ve rs ity at BerJ!n an Ilad to s ee tbo dis tingui shed Ame rl· addr 9S on mod e rn ci vI lization wblcb ~ an. About the same ti me former wns h ighly p rai sed for Its scholnrly Vlce.Pr eslde nt Fairbanks wus In qualities. Rome nnd ha d arrange d for an audl. H av Ing been appOi nte d s pecIal amsnce at t be Vatica n wblcb was can. bnssndo r of the United States to lit· celled by th e pope becau so Mr. F ai r. teu d t h e funeral at Kin g Edw ard, Col· ba n ks first addressed the Me thod ist one I Roose ve lt n ext crossed tbe cha n· n lsslon In R ome . W he n olone l ne I t a E nil' Ia n d . an d II' 1l en t h e bo d y a t D _ h d d h id h ,",oseve lt reach ed tb e Eternal City he t een monar c was ca r r e to t e rece ived , throug b the America n m in Is· tomb h e was one a r t h a re marka ble ler. a messnge tram Cardlnnl Mer n crow d a f r oya I perso nages a n d dl s tl. n· •~e I V a I, papal sec re tary of s tate, to gil Isemen h d to f II owe d th e gun tha ' ffi ~ b e e rr ect tha t th e pope wou ld grant carr Iage on w h ic b E d war d s co n waa In au dience to Mr. Roosevelt If he borne. Afte r the fu ne ral he was roaid no t repeat the mis t ake mnde by celved by King George a nd Queen ~r. Falrbanl(s. The colonel promptly t ary and by the wIdowed Quee n called It a li off , stating that a s an In. mother an d In a QuIet way m a d& ne olIellend e nt Ameri can cltizen he couid essa r y 'by tbe mourni ng at t be na tion not submit to s uch r eslrlctlonB. The much atte ntion was sh ow n him. Tbll bead of th e Meth odis t mission tr ied to culminated, In Londo n, by a r e ceptioD ma ke r e ligious capita.! out ot this , an d In th ' Gu ild Hall. a t w blch the free-



? as been exbum ed during th e lo s t cen· l ury or two uud qui e tly carri ,..d awny, there be ing more t bnn one r ason why dI scoverers of such loot sllould hol d Ihelr tongu es about It. P rohn bly, how· ever. tb e ICi:e nd thn t gOI'O tb clue will persis t for ce n url es to come, In· spiring adv entur ers ye t un bo rn to spe nd mn cb valu able tim e. In digging Dn J ewel Is la nd or Gardln ers Islund or Campobe llo or a ny a na oi u hllndre d ntber places. The possIbilities nnd t he utili ty at t he borne gard en a re g tting pre tty we ll un der stood In Kan sl\s It)'. Las t r ear's num erous experim e nts brought Ilrofitable r es ults. \\ Ith th o City c lub Wd the Athenoeum re ady to co·ope rate, roady to give practical s uggestio ns to &bose who wis h to cu ltivate garden ~atcb es , th e home owne rs of Kansas City s hould take advantage oC this w eans at be ttering the ondltlon or th olr tabl es and partl clpaUng In good, wholesome outdoor exer cise at the s ame ' time, says l{ans as Ity ta r. T be cul tivation of a li ttl e piec e 01 g round can do mucb towa rd ellmlna· tlng the excesses of the grocer y bill. Tbe reward Is to lhe enterprising an d tbe Industrious. Oe t lhe boys nnd girls In ter es ted . It Is good for tben: It will make lli e m produce rs. It Is about time t o re viv e t bose s tories about ha il stones as big a.s h en', eggs. And now t he yarn comes tram the sea-a "prltable ta le to ld by, and n ot to, til e m a r ines. The capta in of t be Brltlsb s t eamer Aureole, arrl ved a t 'Ga lv stan, says tb e vessel passed through a remarkab le storm In t be Gul f of Mexi co. d uring which damage was do ne to the rigging and sup r· I truclure by the hail , "which range(l tn s Ize to la rge r t han il en's ggs.' A nd a s th e ca ptain ca n point to the bu/.te red app arall e of hIs s h ip a~ pr"ol', It would seem th ut h Is Qultt' b e l'ond s lI sp lc lon as beI ng a fak e r. Th e old proverh . "N e ver loo k a glfJ h orse ' In th o moulh," Is be lieve d to r epresent on th e subjec t to which \I r ef I'S the call clive I\'l s d m of the nges. "Neve r jlut n campaign c iga r In (he mou l h" mlgb t be proposed fo r its running mute If half Is true whi c h Is all geda ga lns t th e campaign cigar. HoweH'r, t h re &1' ca ndidatos now a nd th cll who li se real cigars w hile wurlilug til ' 11' camp aig n. Th e Frenc h ep. m d e s tin ed to be th6 world's great "bird mOil." The y le a d In ne roplu n lng. ;;.,s tll y led in tile develollmc nt o[ au tom olli llng. . G ~rmany may fi ll th e aIr with military 'dtrl gl· bles, but Fl'UDCe w ill 600n ba ve IlwarnliIlg clouds of barking pla nes. In Ame rIca wo hav e t he Wrlg hlS a od Curtiss ; in I' rance th y hal' c ue a rl y II d oz n luve n lors ,;boso ma chi nes a re o n tho marke t. Cuba's Ilrompt di s patch or troo ps au d mnc hlne guns 1.0 Its di s affecte d p rovi nces s bows tbn l i t Is r a pitlly l earning t he ' art of self·governme nt 'ra k ing to th e wood s Is no longe r ml s· ta ken for pat ri otism In tha t Is la nd, bu t I s. a ppraised In its propor I'elalion as a n attuck on til e go\'ernme nt. During h is mce froUl Lo ndo n t.( Mancllester, Pr. ulha n. the Fre nc h a vl ator, cove r d 11 7 mll el:! In two ha ul'S an d fifty II1lnute. It bl'glus to 10011 a s t!.lough Hying will lie n cOI!l merc lal possiLJllity bOfor t bo [ll'escn' 'g cnera t lOD Is many y ' a l's older. . A St. LoulH I"ll'b I' w!ll reti re an d d v/)t e his lift) to phllosn pill en i tu dy Wb u b ' bl:ls finish II with ou e o f lb ~ , II i 'Il C t:i~ he \\ 1Il rU b bla chit· a n ll caU "N lxt!"

That' t\,rue ll prof s sor \; IlO 511101, d • . clgcr ror ii .111nUL s p" obnQly want; e d tn t; how t h;J t h e ('ould s tllo!,e at' 10\ llg l1S It took lll~ wlfo to II I'ells. ' , An Ohio man \V al; atr s tud for steal Ing ~wo ,1ICI.lS of bacon. Ue. hi ch.&t'g~ .-1I.h ,rand la rr.:cll~"



ShowIng the Wing (W )

W ithou t Be a r Ing .Surface. !'ell thnt sum clent b nr lng surfnoe II Ol~ ILLINOI .) g iven to th H win g. T bere a re runny <Illl'e re nt Iclnti s at Wh e n the ""Ing wearll o fT. leaving plows. bllt tb cy lIlay a ll be divIded but a s ma ll beurln g s urface u pon the ( BY FRED R. (' R ANP-. UN I\'E RStTY

Int o three t ypes. nc cord lng to t ho bottom at th o fu l'l'ow at t.ha t co rn e r Rhnpo o f t ho mold ·board. One Is th e It a llay,s th e 111011' to tip towa rd lhe Bod plow. with the long, sloping mold· furrow. In a ridi ng plow t be beqr · b OlU'c.I W h i c h t ur ns t 1le SO(I c Ienr ove l·. Ing s u rface at t be win" .. Is dec r ea sed. T he second has a mold.boar d at me. g ll' lng tho share milch gr ente r angle ut thut poin t . T h is ben.rl ng su r face Is dl um s lope, w blc h tu rns the tu r r ow not needed to hold the r iding plow u pon edge , bu t does not t hr ow It en. level because It Is load d on wbeels tl re ly over. The thi rd t "l>e Is a bl u rt and suppor ted In a r igid position so J mold ·boarll , w h ich tur ns the fur row u p that It cann ot ti p. In sharpenin g t he a nd thorou«hl y pulverizes It. C> share at a wa lltlng plow, it Is Impor. Gr ou nd can be we ll plowed on ly whe n It will ul" I t h hi 11 tant to soe th at s u ffic ient bari ng IIUi"'. p er ze oroug y. face Is g lv n to t be Wi ng. It turus u p In chu nks and cakes t he I land Is not pr ope rl y u nd erd r nl n ed. Man y tar mer s aro fi nd ing t hat t he ir I til e d fie lds are not thor ou g hly draln od a nd _are putti n g In 11 w strIngs at tile bet ,..een t he old onos. Th e plo w bottom Is the part of the W e l~ Known, F a ct AJUOll.1r Stock. Imp loment th at does th e work. Tu r u ttlc n Tha t Firs t Hundre d Pounds I s Choa p est Mea t Put on Antthe Illow u pon Its ba ck and look across znals -Nced Much C are. th e bo ttom, p ut a stralght·edge lengthwise u pon the bottom or !lolo ot an o ld plow and ot a n e w one a nd Pig!; wblch com In March or April fi nd wh et her the shar s d ip dow n a t and hav e th e r lgbt br edlng 'can be t he poin t. It th e poi n t d Ips dow n as mad e to we igh t 200 to 250 pou nds tor the plow stonds In the furrow, the tbe October mark t, bil l th ey w ill need poInt woul d of course tu m up wh en th e h est or care und fee d. t he plow Is Inverted anll the str algb t· ~ I a n y fa r mers In ' the b usy season I e d ge will tou c b t he poin t o f t he sba re neglec t the Lr you ng s tock. Th yo re ' and the heel at t he land side. bu t so busy pla n ti ng nn d barvestl ng tha t th e re '!I'lII be & space of a bout th r eo- th ey cn n not, o r th ln le th ey cannot.flnd si xt een ths at a n In h hetw ee n the time to feed nnd water the gro wing stralgbt·edge an d the Innd s Ide, wt,e r e anI mals . . T he crops at course n eed at. the latl r joi ns th s hnre. T his dl.D- tent Ion in seaso n, biJt 80 docs t be ll ve p in g down of the poi n t Is to ma lt th e stoclt . It will PRY be tte r to h ire hands at . plo w go Into the groun d and It Is big wag s th a n to a llow field crops i c a lle d th e "sucti on" at the plow. The or s tock to suITer for want of at. plow as It com es fr om tho rac tory te nt lon . should he and gem rall y Is construct· Ju st as soo n a !.prl ng pigs are n e el s o thut It floa ts frc Iy In th e day or two old tb ey must be a llow ed g round. cutting a u niform fu rrow of to go out or th e house and xe rclse t h d pth for which Ih e plow fs ad. III th Ilen. , t I If I us Pot. a wn II( I,n g I> Iow r eflu Ir es to After th e y ar e a w(' ole o ld they be fo rc ibly tII te, 1 or be ld In a c e rtain f' bou lrl bo g h'en th ru n of 11 g l' nss y posItion tb e r e Is !;olll ethi n g the mat· lot 01' pas t uro with t he s ow, a nd a li t el' with th e Impl m e nt. l u the rld ln.1; thl'ou gh th summe r til y m us t be _ .~pb . OOP7r1a b ~ ~7 u .. ~ ... _ is: t: ,,~ .",ood.N . Y. ~l ow t he s uc tion sho uld be tw ice as allow ed freedo m to Ceed aud xe rc lse rr a t all In th e walltlng p low. T he on good rang e. It Is a wa ll known fact mnong stoelt· Mr. R oosevelt th creupon canceled t be dc.m or the city In • gold cas ket waa me tlon or di p of t.he point Is almost nlways ri ght In the n e w p IOlY. me n t hat th e ch('apest ' me at put on pla::ls fo r a gen rn l recep tion t o whIc h presented to h im. After the plow has been lIsed for' an anlmn l Is the fi r t h UDd l' d pounds. .b e Me thodists ba d b en Inv ited. He was th e gllosl, t berea ft er. of Thus. wIth h is usual lu cie a nd facUlty s vel'll I p romI n e n t Englis hmen , and some tim th poI nt ofte n gets wo rn und that the seco nd b un d re d J)OtlDd s fo r "coming out on top," he had lhe on June 7 he deliver ed the Roma nes ott or " f, n ub he d up" so that a straight· Is put on more ch ea ply th a n lhe third. bes t of tb e matte r a ll a round and his I Clure at Oxford, wb lcb llau been e dge- laid upo n tho bottom of the plo w W llh bogs, at t he present prices ot cond uct was ge l1 c rall y c ommend ed a ll pos tpon ed by lbe demise ot the ki ng. as before would r ock O\'o r tho mldd l(>. grain . th o Ih lrd a nd fo ul'th h u ndl'ed \Vlth over lhe wo rld. Th is was t be m ost pre te ntJo us of all Suc h a plow c'nnnot be m a de to stay pound s ' I'O[JI'csent no protits. . M:·. a nd !\frs . R ooseve lt and Ke rmit hIs Eu ro pealJ. add ressos a nd t he best. a t t he p rOller c\ eptll In t he g ro n nd spri n g pigs on good pas tu r e a nd fe d h iS subje ct was " lJ lologlcul Ana logies wi t hou t nlnte rl nlly In crHastn s t.he mo rn ing a nd ev e ni ng wit h good slo p dra ft. It Is s upposed th at t his s uc· of s hor ts an d a li tt le dr y corn tb ey In H is tory ," 'fl.e lJn lvc rs lty of Cnm br ldge han - tlon will he co r rected hy t he t urro \\' . will p ut on a ponnd o f wc lgh t ea cb nred l\lr. ROCl s'vo lt by co n fc rrlng up· In a rl tllng p low t he bari ng s ur fa ce day a nd be read y for bell vy fee dIng on him t he de!\'r e of d oc tor or la ws . a t th e win g Is d ec r eased . g l In g t he wh€'n CO l'll Is ri pe or ready to hog and tue occn s ion se rv e d to demoll . s hal'() m uc h g r eater :lI1 g1e at th at do wn. 'l'hey w ill not do It on water T he va rl ely durin g ftrate his popu la rIt y with a ll c1asse .• . point. Thi s bea r i ng s ur face Is not anti corn al one. As Mr. R oo~ e ve l t accept e d hi s (11 - n eede::! 1.0 ilol.;1 tb. ;.!o1u. plow lo ve! the t 11I0u tbs of grow t h mus t he plom a . fro m t ho hand s of Vlce-Cbau· b ecaus e It Is loa cl e l! ' 011 wtreels anc! furni sh e d to give th e m la rge fra me coll ar Mason. th e s tu de nts wbo erowl1- s upportc u in a. rigid pos ition flO It and VlgorO Ull co nstitution . so that th ey t'd t lJe gall r ies s houted "Teddy! c ann ot tip . In s ha r peni n g th e s hare wlll ha ve ClI pa 'lI y for gra in tee d In T e dd y !" a nd le t dow n a la rge Teddy ' at a wallting p low It Is ImjJort ant to th e fall .· Tb e who lo ben r from th € ce ilin g. !lu dle nCIl c heNed a nd t he colone l, as he passed out , smiling ly pntled tho T e ddy bear. r th a t day Mr. I Hoosc ve lt ad dr e ssed 700 gra duates, on a ll kinds at to pics, On Jun e 11 the t rave ler, toge tber with Mrs. R oosevelt. K e rmit and Miss Bth e l. sailed on tb o K a lse rln ,Auguste Victoria on th eIr way to Ne w York nn d tb e r ousi ng welcome tha t he knew wns a waIting bllu tram bls tellow countrymen.

"~Vhy d iu Rip Van W Inklo s lee p !! () years '!" "1 dou't know , unl ss he wa nted to dod go hls tax es ."

W hy J on es W as S a d . .1ooes· ri ch IF nlll1lot he r di ed aO I .J a n et; scem ' d unn atu ra lly d l' pl'esl!ed and Hud. I I is fri nds tried to cbc"Ibll1\ . "::lll o left ala. twill nnd tes tam e n t, I s up pa ' .... sn ld .J e nkul s . car ·leHs ly. "O b, yes." lin It! .10 11 s, rul sl n,; bls. hea t! lit la s t, " s bl' left a wlll nml t l!Stanlt nt." " All. " .hlnwd In Bl'owlI. " you \l' l'rO a lway a fr l nd of IlI'l'li! f COllI'S ' your Ila ll1 ' was I1l c utlun (·I! ." " Y s." answ(' r d Jon es , bursti ngInto flood s of l an;, "my na m' WU8 mentiolled, boys. I- I alU to have-" Th ey hUll' c . po ctant, whllo Ulo r c soils bo k .d back his words. " I," he doc lllr d at los t. "a m to h a v6 th e T es lnm ' ut! "-Sr raps.



T he La ug hi ng Barber. Jim HI 1'. th e cuacl of th e olllmbla. cre w. was praIs ing u stalwllrt [I' s b· !Dun . " 11 -.'s so youn g and tend r ." sn ld th o coar. h . " you 'd 11 ve l' think be co ulll row . W h y. Ih Y laugh al h lru Ilt th barll 1"5 • "As h., w as g tUn g IJls hair C1It l h e olh " 1' uay be s a id to th e ba ru I' \\ is t fully: " ' 1)0 you Ih lnk I'll h nve a strollg bearrl '! :'1 ), lath t) r' hus a \'e ry strong 011 t>.' "' 11 10l'\," to 111 , ,' sahl t he ImrOer. 'a s th oug h yuu look a ft' I' your 1Il0thc r.' ,.








Ta k Ing the Air


Austr Ia.

weTe r eceived by t lle ltl n g nnd qu een of Ita ly a nd spe nt Borne days In tbat co untry . The colonel nnd h is wlf vis· Ited Ve ni ce a nd tra v led once aglli n lbe R iviera :-on te that tll y passed qver on th Ir boney m oon , a np nex t Mr . Roose ve lt ~Is lt ed Yien na and Buda.pest , where he w as ' g iven a roy a.l w~ l­ come. P ari s WII S nen on bl s ItInerarY, ana, tlIe re ou Aprll 23 be lectured .In the Borbonno before a grea.t a udl ellce Qr nVllnts and s tudents. Tbe m uni~lpaJ' It; and ttoll officlll>!a, thu pres ide nt of I'rMOt ao4 variG1l1 learned BodeU ..

That Cart·Wheel Hat. Matin ee crowd s wer e malting their way homew ard . r e la tes the N e w York Globe. In to nn all' ady weIHllIed Broad way car came II. fashionably a~ til' t1 yonn g wo m an . Two wom e n, al· r eady :;cated, p ushed apart and 111 an(>.,. <1 to c rea te II. limite d spac e be tw"1en t hem- which tb ey mo tioned to hal' to nc(!ept: S ite s e a t ed herselt-,-or start· d to ; t h en r os e "~Ith 1\ flu s be d face an d an m barrntlBed ·alr and s elze'd • strop. " Wa nd r what's the trouble?" querie d a malC' . passenger or his neighbor. "You dlda 't' notice it. .,h 1" was th e r espon se. ",WEJi!, '(hi lIee botb those ",'o men bave cart·wb~el hata. 90 ba s th e othe r woman- an\\ wben ah, ~rl e d to sit .down th e re IIlmply WaI'D'( room for th e t hree wtde.8p~1# bats all bl D. row."

Gasoline en gi nes aro becoming gen· 'er a l In t-helr lise by farm e r s. :rhe II· ']us trlltlon shows a 15·hol'se·powe r e n· glne .wliJcb run s the s pread e r, t tnrs ila g e culter, ..leva tea JUl Y rntq the barni turnr. (.,ur ilu g e c ream s eparatora on a :shaft and .. In. tact, does ' three-fltt.he Ot all the work aD .the rAI'm, whlOh Is 260 actH In extent. aud

wh loh m ain tains nearly 20'() ,head at

!itoCk. , '


T he Voca bul ary. \\. 'Lslc r wn s COlUlll1iug th e d l .ti o o. arv , ttln g t g(' thcr n fr w wOI'd s to use III a fJ ·word telegrnm," ho explain tI. I IN e wilh th pU blic called him hl !'s d. _. -- - - - - - Res ults All Th at Count. \Yh u n s l(~ \\'11 ' 111 0 1' til e nt'rny woro ,le r( 'Hl ed by s trat !;y Ul' br \'ulol' ?Virg il A DOCTOR ;S--EX PE- RI ENCE Medicin e Not Needed In This Case'.


I t Is har d to co n vince sa m peoplo th at cu tf('e does th e lll an Inju r :' ! 'I'be y lay th ('l r bad f ee li ngs to nlmost ('verr cause but the tr ue and unsuspected ono. !Jut th e dOClo'!' kn ows. H is wide e xperil' n 0 hilS prove n to h im t ha t to 601l1(;j S ),!H llIS, coffeo IH a n Ins ld lolls tJo ls on that und e rmines th e h ealtb. As k the d oc t or If co n'oe Is the causo :Jf onstiputl on, s tomac h a nd n ervous troll ble. " I hll \, o been a oITee drinke r all my lite. I a m now 42 years old nnd {b en taken sI ck two yea rs a go with lIe rv ous prostration , the do ctor salll tb at my n e r vous sys te m wall broke n. down a nel that I wo uld ba \'e to give Ujl corree. ". got !l0 weak and s haky I coulcJ not work . a nd r ead Ing your advertlseme n t oC P ostllm, 1 as ked m y grocer it be had a n y at It. H e s aid : ' Ye s: and Iha t he used I t In his famil y, and It \\'us all It cla imed to he. " So ] Qui t cottee and c om me nced to use Postu m st eadily ' autl foupd In ahout t wo weE! ll s' tl mo I could s leep soun dlJ a t nI g ht and ge t up In t he mor n ing f eeling ·f res h. 'Ill I1bout tw o I m on rhs I bpsan to gain fl esh. weig h eel only 14.6 pounds when I com· hl enc a o n PostUlli, a nd no w I weigh ' 167 and feo l b ti er t ba n · r di d at 20 l'cl/l r s at a ge. I " " I am w orkin g every d a r and s leop . well at nIg h t. My two child !' n we t e .gT at cottee drinker s, b ut tb e y' h li ve not d rank. an-jr s ince Postum ca m ~ th e h ouse. nnd " arc far more b ealtP1 th a n t il y w Te be for e." . , R ead " Tbe Roa d a We llvllle:' founcl In P\(;;8. " The re's, II l'(~n90n ."

Sour Manger an . AbOminatIon. A- 8QUr manger III the abomination of a reall''y good horse. T'l le man ' who foroe s Bn : anlmal 'to eat from s uch a vile place Is sure to be the JOler and F.vt'r r~.d tlae abo" .. ' ...t1 ..rr A • ..,., wll1 IIfKll..Umes lose the horse .wlui ta- ..... "~p,,.~ 'rota 'I Ime to tlen... ..,11.,. tesUnal dlsordG."s. lllc1u,UDg cq\lcs. - ut' " .......", ua~. rwu lbtrT".',


D' .......

- - "'C


Taffeta Gowns

NATION',. GREETS . THEODORE . ROOSEV'ELT ON HIS RETURN Monster Recep~ion for the Former President at New York-·~Spectacular Parades on · Water and Land·-.Mayor Gaynor Welcomes the Traveler. NplY Yorlc-. ' 0 such w Ieome W IlR glv n an Am rl ca n citizen as thut II'hlch was acco r ded Th eodore Hoosove lt wb II he I' turn ed to tho laud of his birth a ll June 18. In ac· cordan with bi s r eqll st , tb e gre t· ,Ing wns wholly fr ce from partisanship, and Ind eed his Injunc tion wa's scarcely needed. for it scemed th e e ntire na· tion was eager to welcome hOUl e th e form or prcs id e nt. Since eme rging from the Afrlcau jungle tb e latter part of Mnrch , Mr. Hooseve lt has be(' n . the guest or n eal" Iy every EuropeB n rulo r Bnd almost unprecede nted honors bave bee n he apcd on h.lm. The roceptlon by his fellow 'C Itizens was a fitting cll· max to bls triumphal tour and must bave b n the most satisfactory event connect ed with It. Flotilla Meets H 1m at Quarantine. More than a montb ago every avail· able craft In Ne w York harbor had been e ngaged ror the day, and nu· merous big organizations: like the Re'l publican club of New York and th o Hamilton club ot Chicago, had char· tered regular coast line steame rs. vel' h for

" :'ly motto is 'Th e truth, tb wpol. t r llth a lld 1I0thlllg qut the t ruth.' "

"Yes; hut ) ou'd ralher llav a sOUle· hie te ll It."


SAVED OLD LADY'S HAIR "My mother IIsed to have a very bad hUlU o r on her h ead whioh tbe doc tor. called a n eczemn, and for It I had two differe nt doctol's. He r hoad was very sore nnd her hall' nearly all f.'11 out tn spite at what th ey both did. One day h er nlt-ce cnme In and th y were Sl)(lnklng of bow her hall' was failing (lut an d the doctors did It no good. Sbc says, 'Aunt, wby don'! YOII try Cutir.ura Soap and Cutlcura Oint· nl (' nt?' Molhe r did and they helped h 1', In six months' time the Itching, burning and scaling or her h ead was (lver and h e r hnlr b gan growing. To· day she tee ls milch In de bt to Cut!· CUi'll Soap nnd Ointment for the fine hond of hair sh o has for an old lady Of sevent)'·four. " My o wn case was an eczema in my fe e t. As soon ns th e cold weather cam o my feet wou ld ll ch and burn and tb n th ey would craclt open and bleed. Th en I thonght I would floe to my mO lh r's fri ends, CuUcura Soap and Cntl urn Ointment. I dId for four ' or fi ve wlnt rs, and now my teet are 8S smooth as anyon e's. Ellsworth Dun· b a m, lllram, Me., S ept. '30, 1909." Children. Li s ton to this opinion from David aWl r r .J orda n : "Ther Is nolhlng In a ll the world flO Important as ohlldren , nothin g so inter sU ng. It you Il ver wish to go In to r sam philanthropy, It you e ver ,wis h to bo or nny r ea l use In th e world. do something tor children. If you e ve r yearn to be truly wise, study 'Childre n. We can dres!} the sore, iba ndage the wounded, Imprison the criminal, heal the sick and bury the del\d, but th ere is ' alwa)'s a chance Ithat we can save a child. If lhe great army of philanthropists ever exter· mlnate sIn nnd pestilence, ever work ut our rac e's salvation, It will be be· caus e a little child has led lhem."Nautil us.

Would Mean a Better Shl)W. " .Iohnny," said the teacher. "here 1s :l book. Now, st,nd up s t raight nnd sing like a little man," The Bong was "Nearer, My God." No tiooner had 'tbe scbool commonced to"'li1ll1r than lit Ie girl w'a ved her IlIlnd rmnti cnlly . Stopping the "Ing. 1ng, Ule teaohe r Inquired the cause. "Please, tea ·her. I think Johnny w ill ge t nearer If . he whlsUeli."Judgo. Resinol Ointment Is Used In Every Country of the World as the Best Remedy for Itching Piln. T was t erribly annoyed with Itcblng Plies for tw e nty·flve years. I found fluc h great r eller with the tlrst appU('aUon of Reslnol Ointme nt that In tu· ture I would not think of being with· Ollt It. An occasional application Is all that Is necessary. ~ hrl s topher Holmes, Brookline, Mass. Up In the Air. "I have been at tbe top of Pike's Peak, which Is more than 14,000 feet .nbove sea level. What was the great· ~st belght YOIl e.v er reached?" "/ don 't know jllst wbat the altltude was , but It must have been muoh ,greater than that which you mention. 1 made the ascent shortly after I had stopped with my bare ree~ on a bUnl' :tile bees' nest." Hermann the Great. Hermann the Great, the tamolia mn· glclan, could take a rabbIt out of " sllk hat, and a bunch ot roses out oC all ~ml>ty paper cone, Easy Task .laun dry, soap takes tbe d!rt out ot clothe" like maglc. You don't have to boll the clothell; Easy Task gets nfter the dIrt and sends !t tiylng while the clotbe. .oak. bur best housewives say It I. the finest' soap 801d in , ~pr1nsfleld. '. Uncle Ezra Saya: .. plByln' on ,one' sb:Jng soon 1\'eara. out .string ez ' well ez tb.a pla'yer.~oston ll~raJd. ' .

t!1" .


Min: ROD


~t~'::~~~·$!:'~~ .~'l3:~~a :::.":'~

&alII*' &M .-epala\oloD foroyet7t,,...n.aeJ!6falld 60&'

0008 a COW becOuut laQded IIropert1 phen turned lDto a' fteld T . • •





. NotltlDg. sul;'ee ·us richer tbat doel ~~ make,.. more thankful.

So It wc nt all the way up' to Twen· ty,thlrd s trep t, where th e parade turn(ld nnd !Dndo It!! way lJa k to the Halt ry. At that his toric spot at the lower 'nd of l\lallh atla n Island Col· on e l n OOf\(~ v e lt land ed to r ece ive the formal wokum home. Welcom ed by Mayor Gaynor. In un enc losu re In t.he ce nle r at Bat· tery parl{ were · 200 distinguishe d guests, In hiding s nata l's , r e present· aUves, ambassadors and close per· so nal frl t' llIls of Mr. Roose velt. Sur· rounding this enclosure was another roserv e d 'B pace which was occ upied by about 2,500 prom loent meo aod memo b rs of th o big rccepUon comm ittee. , The cb e rlng aod music were al· mos t continuous as the colonel en· tered the park, but finally quiet was restored and Mayor Gaynor stepped torward a nd dellvered a cordial ad· dress of welcome on behalf at the na· Uon and th o c ity. Mr. Roosevelt r eo :~ ERE Is something d eligh tfully sponded brleHy but teellngly, and quaint and picturesque about a s hort speeches were made by several turre to gown- the:9 see m always other prominent men. Much ' as he would have ltJied to be', present to to be associated with lavender and ru e greet hi s predecessor, President Taft and blWl of old lace. It Is this old· Ume all', toge th or with an adorable primness not lacking hie, that mak es taffeta one of tbe fashionable silks or thed". ' The n ew taffetas are deli ghtfull y sort In texture and wondertu l In color. The favorites are the c\Jamelt!on et· fe,cls-at moments a beautiful sub· du ed s eemin gly one·tone fabr ic, th e n Il,t a turn of th e silk flas hing In to brll· lIa ncy, a marvel of changing li ghts. The changeab le s ilks of a lovely color shot with gold or s ilver are the most exquisite. but tor gowns for !jay w ear ' Buch as are sketcbed, two colors are best, and lovely combinations tlley are, too. . The t atreta gown has brought In Its wake a trail at quain t accessories, a mo ng them t he embroid e r ed glove, odd little shoulder wraps, cameos, old



Tomato Chicken



co rals and small parasols . The parnsol, .by tbe way, must not matoh th e gown In color. Rather, It ca tch s up some vivid note of color In the trlmmirrg of th e gown, perhaps a wee bit In the glrdl e,o. note In the em broid er y, or even a nower at the belt. Puffing, Quilling aDd ruchIngs 01'0 the IIs ual trimming for th e taf· fe ta fro cks , two at wh~ch are s hown In th e sketch, with a s ilk Bu lt, each on e of the favorite obang ub i e lfecWl In attractive combln a tlou s. 'rho first s ke tch Is at r oya l hlu e nnd blaok changeable taffe ta, with black sa Un button s and white lace collar. The ce ntral sketch Is a simple frock in lovely shades of rose and corn color, with cream lace frills and a black sutln ti e. The gown In the remaining sketch Is a green and iliac shaded tnlfeta, with white e mhrold ered li nen r evers, net gUlmpe and black sa tin trimming. The skirt Is finished with ' a frill ruche of the tartela.

and ten other kinds. Delightful natural flavor and made from the very best materials, with the care of experienced chefs, in the great White Enam8led Kitchens. , LIbby'. Soups are ready for immodlate use byaddine aD equal POrdOD oChot watel'



AlA ,Ottt' grocet" ' fot' Libby's So.p. I

Libby, McNeil & Libby -!.--------- - - -

DAISY FLY KILLER 1'lfla,.9hta r:::::,:;ru::ri~!; D,arcam • •• ,.t,COOYfb'cO l..e-h..p.

l.uw.&III ...... M~I . nra. t> ,.t ,C.DD.'

~I~~I~~~ :~fDj:~''':~~ · ,hlo., Ouaru'Mtt.f·

r.cUn . lU.U ....... ,.


or ... ll t (lI'"t'IN II1 r~,200. H4ROLD SO_Ilia

......,...... ,... no .,.a:Mlb ",

Posalble to Spend Any Amount One Bulgarian Work Is Extremely Popular May Dealre on Elaborately for the Furnishings of tho Carved Handle. Ordinary Bedroom.


Ea rly In th e morning tbls ' Immense flotilla sailed fnr down tIle hay, and when, about 9 o'c1ock, the scouting tugs and motor bO'a ts camo flying In with th e word that the Kalserln Au· gusto Victoria was approaching, all made r eally for the first greeting. Beware of OIntments for Catarrb As th e big line r came Into sight, ev· that Contain Mercury. ery whistl e on every vessel was tied open and shrieked the w loome to the : dm:,~~.:.~t ~~:~ d~~F..~. ~.,,~r Colone l Roose· .... terln~ It througb ~ rouco,,,, aurfa..,., Buob retu rning wand er e r. :r.':~I~ro~O~~Ut!:~I:rP:;'I: ~c~g! ~~Ir, " elt, with !'1rs. Roosev elt and Ker· '"It do .. len lold to \be rood you caB P<*iblr de- mit by his side, stood on th e deck, :rlv. from thorn, nail'. Catan1l Cure. manufac:tured by F . J . beney '" Co .• Toledo, Q .. no mer· ·cury. Md .. taken In\croolly, aclln. dl_tl)· upon be blood and muco,,,, IUrlac... 01 Iho 8}'1Item. In 'buying Hall'. CIIl.arrb Cure be Ruro yoU 110' tboI ..,nulne. 1\ .. ' ake/\ Intemall)' Bo4 mado 1ft 'l'olodQ .ohIo. by F. J . Chonoy & Co. T .... Umonlala!roe. Bold by Dru~KI'I.a . l'tlee, 7~c . per boltl~.. TlIko H&II', Family J'WI lor oolllllpatiOD.


was ke pt away on account of his offi· clal position and by a previous ea· gagement. Parade Through the Clty.;When the speech maklng was over, the parade througl~ tho city street!! started. It was originally Intended to conclude th e rece ption with a mono s ter parade, and Inyllatlons were Iss ued to various organlzatlons through. out the cou ntry. Within a few daya, however, th e committee was fiooded with so ~Iany appllcatlons tbat. the

The quality ot uDobtruslveness Is not the moat oharacterlstlc one or maDY of tbe new parasols, The han· dies of many of these are most ramark able, and never has there been 1\ season when greater opportunlUes for expenditure In this line were ortered. Carved ivory figures in full rellet may cost any amount that one cares to live if an effort Is made to secure ,enulne works of ' art, tor which, ID· deed, It may be necessary to resort to the antique. At Jeast there Is every Incentive to do 80 if one has the money, now that carved ivory. figur es as paraso l ban· dles are among the lates t suggesUons ot fashion. Tbose which h ave so fu r been imported . a re deli cate figures CIt piquant maidens, but the fad opens the way to any amount of rivalry In the ertort to Becure exquisite mlnla· ture figur s that sball be uniqu e and lJarUcularly suited to one's atylo. . There are also colored horn ha ndles among tbe lates t ImIlOrtations. These are made at th e Bame seml·trans lucent material that wus onco so mu ch used for (ancy combs. The des igns are of heads In quaint poke bOlluell!, etc_, Ilnd the colors are d nrlt green, umbe r. tortoise sh e ll brown a ull dull dark rose. There or also beu ds In Ivory among the new handles .

Bulgarian embroidery on linen II now very popular ror the small tur· nlshlngs of bedrooms of a certain style. This sort oC decoration Is not suitable for an excessively dainty pink and white or all white apartment, tor the colors employed are vivid and the designs striking. Addod to this, the embroidery Is at Its best on rather heavy Unen, a richer or more delicate fabric not makhig n early so attractive a background. There are many girls, es pecially tbo~e away at scbool, who bave th e ir rooms furnish ed in q fas hion which requires some touches of bright color, and for th ese the Bul· garlan embroider ed fittings or one or two pieces ot It are ve ry satlsfactory. It Is particularly good (or hays' roolUS at school or college, bec ause It has B mu ch more sturdy look tban moal Un ell articles. R ed, blue and groen on the natural line n Is the usual color harmon),. Som e of th e plee a, howe ve r, nre dec· orated with 'only one or two ot th ese colors. R ed and blue or gr een and r od on the line n color are pe rhaps more nttracllve comblnlltlonR than th at of th e thr ee colors. Pillows, tabl e and burf'au scarfs Il nd hags a re mad e of th e line n deco r ated In thl4 fash ion.


DAINTY LITTLE COSTUME Polka Dot Handkerchiefs. Colored hondke rcblefs ha ve B talr chance of be ing usod more than \\;hlte ones. Th e 11 west of th ese are In polka·dot designs . The dot Is of col· ors on a white 'ground, or just the other way around_ There Is II. tiny selvedge at the color. Other colored handk f(' hlefs have stripes to fo rm sq uares over tb e s ur· fac e ; other s hav e a border of color, with the Initia l e mbroidered In a col· ored circle. The buttertl y and olher ornam ents It colors have give n place to the Initial and the circle. .perslan Trimmings. The re Is a ge nuine craze [or all Persian effects. Coats display collar nnd curts of the silk. ' rom '''''COl(raplJ,eopyrlllb " t.7 Uaalrwood a Uaclanrood , N. y . Pongee parasols are borde red with THE ' VOYAGER HOMEW~RD BOUND foulard printed In Persian colors. Gowns are trimmed with folds at it waving hi s hand nDd sDHlIng the fa· parade feature hnd to 'be curtailed . mlliar smile, and th e wattlng thou- All organlzlltions thllt wished to par· and vests wl~b pipings. tlclpate In the pa rod e we re a ssigned , It torms tbe decoration Cor hnts on sanda cheered him again and again. . certain' blocks alon g th e line of the ecru ord~. Reception Committee Takes Him. It I~ even seen on handbags . At , Quarantine · th e necessory for· march ; for Instan ce, one or two Pipings of Persian. silk, also cord· ' mallUe.s we re Quickly , over and tho blocks wer asslgne:l to some v!sltlng o'fficihl reception committee 't oo Ii: the club, and the next to the public, aud Ings, may be bought by the yard, all ready to apply. (ll)lonel and bls party aboard its rev·' so ,on. The procession Its If was campara· eDue cutter. :rbat vessel at, onoe ~tarted up the harhor and all th!! gaily U,vely sm all and ,'was led by. the mount· Pretty Rompe,.. for Children. Sky,blue zephyr is used. for tRill 'decorated craft, filled with clubs and ed pollee Qf Ne.w Yorlt, who were fol· A new Idea JIl cblldren'. rompers Is dainty little dress. The panel, wblch Ilrlvate 'parties, tell In l:)lihlnd ' and' lowed by the police band on fqot. a circular cut designed more especial· 1s taken fr om shoulders down center formed a D)ost spectacular watet pa· Then came the escort at .600 Rough ly tor' small gfrls' play, 'beCl,\use the ;of trant, Is lightly embroid ered at the rade. Qn nlmost every boat was a Riders under tbe command at Robert fullness cre4'~d by the 'circular sug- edges with white. The bodice Is then blind. and, all the way the muslclanll Hunt-er at , Oklahoma cHy, presl!1enr gests 'a stlrt. It Is made from pink fulled lnto a band at the waist, and played at t\l~ toP. of the ir ' hinge. 'MIe of the organization. Colonel Hoose. and whit,_ or blue and wblte. checked the plaIted skirt is alao joined to thlt sho'res were black with people' wbo veil came next in a carriage,' and UII gingham. The sleeves are elbow other edge at It. Embroidered hand. @boute.!l Ulelr greetings to ' "Teddy" carriage was (ol~owed by a JOJlg pro- length, taken tnto bank qutfs, and the , are aet to the sleeves at wrlat. as be passed and tbe factories and cession of .vehlcles contaJnlng . th. lannent ia prettily trimmed with DarMaterlaJa requJrad: Two an4 , I 'lillls added the nolee or tl.elr wbl.. members of the commlU-ee alld lh. row ·told. white plpiDg. J1alt ,.ards zephyr 42 iDahe. wid.. apeakerl, ot! to 'tho pnerN dlil.


Docile Cheete. . Andre w Carn egie, while eating ""'lIh appeUte and couruge last month the dlslles cooked by the young girls of th e Margaret Morrison school In Pittsburg, said : "1 bave no fear before these ex perimental dis hes. He wbo has oate n In France learns to eat boldly. "Think of the French cheeses alone! ,IWhy, one afternoon In a restaurant In th e [lo ul evard des Italiens, I h eard a g uest s hou t angrily : .. 'Wultel', look bor , this cheese Is w!llklng all 0\' 0 1' th tuble :' , .. 'A b, bave no fea r, mons ie ur. It won't esca pe,' the Walte r re plied. 'If It goes too fa r, jU8t t~ all ' Jules, .Jlll es!" It a lways anaw.!fS to Its name: .. Casp.y at the Jet. 'What's this 1 hea r about Cas y?" a sl{ed McGlnnlR. "He 's h ell trying to asphyxiate hlms It," su ld O'Hellly: "G' wa n.! ",'hot (lid he do?" "Hn III 01' r y gas j c t In tbe house and Slit ,down alld walted."-E\·(!!'y, body's. How About "Lift Thine Eyes?" Tho E ng lis h Tourist- Exc use me , my frl ' nd and cli lln ol ag ree us to th e lIa me ut that r unll'e of bills . Can YOII t.e ll'-: Tb e S ot ( !I verPl y)- Mon , th e Sawhath Is na th' dny for s pclrlng hlliot ' w/Jat.e vcrl -Ske lc h .. A pcsBlull st ))all uves It a waste of tim e to nr~lI e wit h th e Iceman , as he's bound to have his own we ig h.

A Happy Day Follows a breakfas t that is pi >as in g a nd llcalthful.

Post Toasties Are plea s ing and llealtbfuJ, and brin g smiles oJ satisfaction to the whol~ family.

"The Memory Linsersu Popular Pltg. 100. Family Slze 1$('" Poetum Cereal Co., Ltd. Battle Creek. Web.

.... .. .. .. r-----------OAYTON,OHlo------------.. ~~~-- .~~--


~~~~~~-- ~ --~ -.-~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~-~~~~~~~~- !- - - !!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~ -,- - .- - "HICH PAYS ,THE BEST? - - - - - - T R y LIVERITES---.-01!--~

Liverites Prevents Serious Sickness

It Is becom in g q ui te oomm on fo r farmer living n ea r rail way stations --'~---------------()ur'------~------or t l'action lines to I! ~ll t hei r mil k Llverltes for a Cold, Backache and· W eak ~Ive r ~r Kidn ey,. pr oduct t o dC':1lors tIl b shipped to t,lle cities, w hile 80me fnll into the regu laf busina , of deliverio g milk Prcventi is th m In keep t he An ouncoll of l>Y rotui l to ity oustomers, D IIv - worth u pound hO ~I !; '. rllady crlu g in b ul k at th u railwl~Y Of trno· 9f CUI' , _ f m us . stations bas som e s pecia l IIdtiou Begins v ant~l g s. ·sinoe it diminishes t he Iu. P re from Pure Native Herbs. they Cleanse the BY,s tem and Purify t he Blood and thuM PREVENT E IUOUS SICKNESS. bor of clt r iug for the m il k at hom .. , Most f ll rine r ~ . h owever , prefer th e old wu of b anriling t be m ilk ut borne. milki ng bu tter nnd sending It to mar ket A ludy who oo ntlnues AND to wor k on th is li ne w r ites ILS fe lComblnatloll Chlnlld- lockllfurhaulld- S.... .I.bUIll low!';: ,. We Dutk e butter and tlt io k- it puys mucb better tb lLn sellin g the Thi s :la le, simply means , that you can buy, at will. t hroug h our cotUIIBIJlI, OHIO CHESTNUT .MO FRONT SIt, milk. We only h ave t o tlLkp or bri gh t , clean stock of the BEST of me rchand ise for pr ices t ha t ordinaril y hutter t o market OOOA a - week, you wou ld be asked fo r much inferior quali ti es. while if we took the t rou ble t o soli onr milk we sb ould have t o go The choice is good -the qualities represen tative- t he prices LOWWAYN ESVIL~E CHURCHES. a genuine barg ain opportunity. e\" er.v day. 'and n ow we h ave our skI m mil k and butte r milk fo r pigs St. Augustine's Catholic Church. E.'C ccpt the fe w items we contract to sell at a fixed pric 1·'lI l her Geo rge Mu r enhodf'r . I'a ~ flnd ohickens, und li n ve a ll the cr eflm Mlls s e very b ' 0 1111 S UU,llII' 01 lll e m Oll lh ;u we want and make us m uoh m oney V:0001. w . 1£ you would It ke to su pply ItS If we sold m iJ k, We ht,ve a t ubular. oream tlepa"ator. bn,rrel ohu rn your tabl e with this highSt. Mary's Episcopal Church. He,·. J . !~ . 'ud wa!llIde r , Rec t o r. lind a butter work er . We make grade silverware free of Sun,l ay S~hoo1. 0 :ao u. UI M orn i n g se r'l Ilbout 190 pounds butter 0, mont.h v l cu. lU :ao Ol . Ill. Hol y COlDlUU ll l ou Lh c IIrsl cost, write us for our spefr om eigh t cows, a nd we a verllge Suuli ny 0 1 e a c h m omh , cial offer. Address over 32 oents for our butter tbe Methodist Episcopal Churcb. year uround to pri vat e ollsto mers . ,. Rov. H . w. B a lluy. PIISLOr , STANDARD fASHION COMPANY Afte r the expenses of feeding t1.nd umhl )' ' chou!, U : :10 a ID, MOrll !n ,:: s c r· IZ.I& Vandam Stru t, New York, N. Y. v ice, 10 :ao :I . Ill , ;': pworLh L ague, 7 : OU p . so on are dednoted there is left u. fllir (Dayton Agents for Ladles' Home Joumlll:Patterns) III. Io:vc nln g " e n · lee , ':' : 00 p . m . MltI .... ccl< I' If not II. speculative profit . But Pr Iyer NoeLl nu , 7 p. Ill , far mers ' profi ts do not ienera lly Christian Church. run into s peeuilitions. ':l'he best n ov, L , o. 'I'hoDi psOn. PnsLor. Ilbout it IS t hat fa rming g e n e r~lIy Di ble School . o :aO) IL m. BacIlli meeting, 10:3 011. m. Ch.rlstltm:lE udoavor. 1:0U p , m. Vharles B. Glanoy, to Anthony affords Ii oomforta,ble Ii vlng. witt Sormon iJy J)ll8 LO r overy I ll lt.orll l1Le SIWLlI1Y 11~ Pieroe, 26,679 aores in Clearcreek a m argin of profi t where it is well 10:3 U 6 . Ill . !lOll 1:30 J) . m . township, ~3000. oonduoted. Hid<slte Friends Church. Vlifford Doughman and Lulu Common Pleas Court. Firs t Day Mcc tl n l(, ) U:00 6, m. 1"lrst Day bey. First account filed by E. E. I' boo!, 11 :00 a , m. F o u r Ui Day MeClln& Doughman too Wallaoe W , Boyer. Kibbey, trustee. A Dreadful Wound 10 :00 a. w. New Suits lot in Deerfield, a1. In of will of Charles, E. from 0. knife. gun, tin can, rusty nail, , Orthodox Friends Church. fi rework s , 0 1' of any other nature, American 8ecurHy &5 T rust Com . Wood, deceased. Authenticated Commissioners' Proceed InKs. H e,' , Uen j am! n H awk l n • P ns l or, demands prompt treatmeut wit h pany I1S trustee under th e last win oopy af will admitted to probate· • abb lHh School . O:ao a , m. Re~u!a r ohuroh Arnica Salve to prevent Buoklen's' and testament of Charles E. Wood, Estate of KUlie V. Loehr, deceased Bills-Corkins Chemioal Vo. mdse. blOod poi's un or gangrene . I t 's the senle , 1 0 · qO u. QI . Ohrlstlan E udeavOr . 7 :ao p. QI deoeased VS , E urine I. Wood, and Due proof of publioatlon of n.otioo of ' 2. 50 i .W. I), Tut'.on ooal for j!!oil, quiokest. surest healer for all BelCb tho American Security & Trtl8t .)Om. appointment of thfl administrl'tor ' 4 68 i J. M. Mulford. poslmaster, wounds tI.tI also for Burns, Boils, panya. exeoutor of the last will and filed by Ralph B. Parks. stamps, '~i WilllluDs & Monfort, 8 0r e ~ , Skin Eruption!'!, Eczema. testament of Vharles E. Wood, de E8t1t,te of J, L. Van, assignor. eleotrioal repairs. ' 4,40 i The West. Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. 250 WALTER McClLURE, at Fred V. Sohwartz's, ceased. Petition for partition of Dne proof of publication of notioo ern Star, stationery for reoord«?r, -:'" real estate filed. of appointment of fl88ignge flIed by '21. 50 i L. M. t:;oofield, gold dult, Funeral Dir~:tor. FORTUNES OF CIRCUS KINOS Adam Frazier VS. Annie Frazier, Arthu.r BryaD~. '1.50 i inquest over dead body of Petition fordivoroe. P laintiff avers E!'tate of Raohel8mlth deceasod. William MUler, '5.70 ; J. W. Lingo, \ 'rhe riohest of all showmen wall .t hat they were married November IA. M. Mmlth &ppoiDted ad.miniJItra- mdse, 110.8i i 8eamenlng & Steker, Telephone day or night. r , Barnum, whose e8tate was p . 28. 11100, in Dayton. He says de Itor at bond of 1800. LeWis Baldwin mdse., 11.50 i 11'. F. MoGuinn, land Valley phone No. i . Long fendant is ~unty of gross negleot Philip Whitacre and Grant Goodwin appraiser, iT. F. MoGainn, land worth more than '3,000,000. He bist&nce' No. 09-~". of duty in that sbe left the home appointed appraisere. appraiser, ' 38 50 i W. A . Scott , had good investments in real e.tate in Bridgeport and in New Yorlr. in provided by hioi. P. B , Rue. aUor. Estate of J , L. Vail, assignor. bridge repairs, 17.5U i J. C. Mulford, WA YNESVILLE, OHIO. • We an offe r you good ney for plaintiff. First and final &OCount filed by Ar. bridge repairs 119,25 i Simeon Wil. addition to his olrous Interests. Branch Office, Harve7l1burar, 0. P ay iilg E mpluy m e nt --thur Bryans, &8IIiguee. liam. oontraot . '20.50 j V. J ., Zent" The'rigbt to nee his namt'l in oonnee Court Proceedin2s. £State ·~f Martha War., deoeased. myer, oontract, '25.50 i Central tiOD with "The uretl.test show on that you \-\T ill enjuy and WilHam E. Brooks vs. Obio Elee. Martha Ridley appointed adminie· Union Telephone Company, rents. Earth" alone was worth a small at home. Writeto-day trio oompany. Detault for answer tratrlx at . bond of 1800. W. A, 112. 40 iValley Telepoone Company. f<>rtune. His' partner, James A, Bailey, letto more than '1,000.000 i set a side lind leave granted defen. lierritt, WiUiam Harvey and Frank rente, 120 40 i Galion Iron Work Vo. Add"" likewise, James L. Hutohinson. who sewer pipe. ,a5,60 i Gertrude M~ller . dant to tile motion to m~ke petition Harris appointed appraisers. , The BuHeriek Pabllt!ihIDg Co. m ore defi nit e. Estate of Joseph ~. Moor•• lmbe- ,1l881stant assessor, 160; O. K. Miller, oompleted the famous trio, whose Butlerlek BulldlDg, New York. N, Y. names have tlaehed from billboards John D. 8mith vs. Harry L . oile. Inventory filed by A. M. assistant assessor, "0. t.he world over. Adam Forepaugb Smith et Ill. Property ordered sold Lewi. administrator. Contraots-Contraot was e,nte~ed dibd very riQ,h . W , W. Cole. who at pnblio a uotion as a wh Ie Estate of :Amy Cowan, deoeased. into with E. M, Gaskill for oleaDlng was a grea't olrous man in his day, Jaoob F. Brown vs ,M.~n;oe Cli k Inve~tory and appraisement filed by and painting steel bridge at Cozad dale statton in H&milton tOWDSbip aud who is now a resideut of .New et al. Cou"rt orders ~laint1ff to rOe. Barry E, Cowan, admiDistrator. York, is a milli'onaire. The Sells oover f rom defendantl!lum of '384, 42 at estimate of 115 ,. . Undertaker and Embalmer. and ooste. I Marriap Licenses. I Plans, speolficatlOns and estimate brothers (LouiM, AI, Peter and Eph. raim) built up a tQrtuue of several Will be found in tbe old 1I!I rtl' n A Ja for oonorete extension to abutments ~ , m eBOn. axe cu t or, vs , N IG ~ 2" h . I f Bank Bundlng, OPpOsite Phoebe Glenny, et at Settlement oe . _ussey. u, p ysw an 0 and oonprete p~ving between abu.t. mlllloni and left their families with the National Bank. Glendale and Penelope P. Lever. 24, ments of a bridge west of Twm big estates. I;lut the 'wonder obb·p.. of estate mad Telephone in house and of. e. of Loveland. Creek on Mane road in Franklin ter Ib modern oirous annals is the fioe where J can be called Probate Court. Algernon H. Shorta, 22, farmer of tOWDtlbip were approved and COD- record' of the Ringlings. fhlrty day or nigb t. l:r gaoImmediate ftllef. from South Lebanon and Eva G. ~mith. tract let to .Olint W. Stanton at tho ago the five brothers (AI, Valley Phone U-2. Estate of Walter Sbank, minor. Chllrle" John , Otto Bnd Alfred T,) U Dr. ~oop's MajIc OlnlmclJ4. 19, MaMon, estimate S72. / .t Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio• J . F. Shank appointed guardltl.n at were "troaplng" with a few hora"s, Tbomas J . Gam, aa, railroad 1180· Plans, specifi)ation8 ~nd estimate bond of 1600. ~an man of Uorrow Ilnd Rosie tor oonorete abntments to bridge a few denB of animals and providing In trust of estate of John R . Kib. Cozl.d , II, of Oregonia, near residonoe of p, Benban on Tur- the .muRio themselvl\8. 'foday they )dillard 'l'homas 21, laborer of tlecreek road in Union .township 0"1 n the three greatest, the Soutb Lebanon aud Ids Jd. BurD8, were approved and oontraot let t o one whioh be~rs their name. n' the The Cause of Many 23 . of South Lebanon. Charles Henderson at estimate Bllrnum and Bailey I!how and the Expert OPtician, 8el1s.Forpl1ugh circu8, and dominllte '127,1 5. Sudden Deaths. the husiness . These three oirouses Real Estate TranJfers. Plana, speoifioatlons and estimate There is a disease · prevailing in this Over 20 Years Practical Experlen~ for a OODorete bridge near the resi re present a total invetltmeI1t of at> ~ ouotry m ost dangerous because so decep. ;:::; I tive. Many sudden George O. Haroh, W. F . EltZl'oth denoe of Abe Snook in Sontp prOXimately 18,000,00,1. PL 11 d eaths arc caused and Carroll C. Eulas81 to J : Warren Lebanon road in Union townsbip by it-heart dis. Gustin Hotel, Waynflsville, O. A wom .ioU has less faith iu bf r .- . ease, pneumonia, Wood,.trustee for University Realty were approved a~d oontraot let to beart failure or OOlnpaIlY, of Lebanon, lots on Uni· Abe Snook at the estimate '109.42 ideals after lll~rrylng . o ne of tbem .st Saturday In every month apoplexy are often Plans, specificllttons and estimate the r esult of kid· versity Heights, qnit olaim , ney disease. If Louise Folk Pardee to Minnie for stOlle abutment to bridge near [ kidn ey trouble is I::lkinner. lots in Fnulin, ~700. the John t3eull farm on Montgomery " allowedtoadvance F , f::j. Pullen to .J . M . M' a lford, lot road in Ueerfie14 townsbip were ap. the kidn ey.poisonA Good Painter with Poor Paint lets Poor Results ~"'---_ ed blootl will at- in LeblUlon, '1. proved and .oontract let to Bert tack the vital org ans, ca using catarrh of Augusta Willen burg to L J, Wil. Reed at theestimllte , 33 69 A Poor Patnter with Good Paint gets Better Results t he bladder, brick-dust or sedinlent in t he urine, head ache, back ache, lame len burg lot in East )(orro'W. t1. Misoel1llneous-A certified trnn back, dizziness, sleeplessncss, nt!rvous. L. J . Willenbnrg to Peter, K . Ur. script of the prooeedings of the trusness, or the kidneys th emselves break But a good painter , with too.. lot in East Morrow. $1. )tees ot Franklin township in r e d own and wast e away cell by cell. Bladder trou bles almost a lways result Benry W. Meeker to Andrew J. gard to tb.., alteration of tbe Oxford f rom a derangement of the kidneys and better health in that organ is obtained McC}jn~c and Ll1ura G, M. MoUlin· ·road was preilented lind ordered -' placed on file. quickest by a proper treatment of the kid- tic, lot in FranKlin 1750. n eys. Swamp-Root corrects inability to Jonathan R. Ertel and Feate Ertel It was ordered that 11154 14 be h old urine Bnd sca ldiug pain in passing it. and overcomes that unpleasant necessity t o Hannah A. Roat, . traot in counf.y transferred temporarially froUl the of being compelled ~o. g o often througb , GOO. special bridge fund I)f 1908 to the , carr proI uce resu ts In every way satisfactory. lhe day, and to get up m an y t imcs during John H. Stanton to Ada .Y"y Stlln. oounty fund also that "00 be traDS t he nig ht. The wild and immediate effect terred t~mporarily from the I::loldiers of Swa mp-Root, the g reat kidney remedy ton, lot i~ Franklin, 1,800, is soon rt;a li z.ed , It stands the highest bC. , ~ onathlUl and Minnie M . orris to IMonument fuud .to tM oounty fon~. cause of Its remarkable health restoring E . B . and Bernice J. DaldD traot in ' . - • .' r SE~L go further, wear .properties. A trial will convince anyone, . w8nJp..Root is pleallBnt to take aott is Htlrveysburg, Kept the King at Home longe'r.. look better, and a~tually. save the COnsuI.ll~r ... sold by all. druggists in' fifty-cent and Ida M. Tucker et al to E.. B . a.t;ld CI}j'or the Dilst yea.r we have kept one-doUar sue bottles, Vou may have. .15 to on a. job of painting. ' ., . . sample bottle aud a book that tells all Bernioe J . DakID,"tract 1.n JeI&.rveys-. the King ofalllaxlltives-Dr. Klng's about it , both sent free by ma il. Address. burg, 11. " . . New Life. Pills-In o~~ home and Dr. Kilmer & Co.• Bing h amton, N. Y. Will E Harlan to W A lIerrtu they have proved II. blessing to . all \ hen writing mention reading this gen. . . . • lour family I " ." Write8 Pa~l Mathulkl!o, erous ofTer in this paper, Don 't m ake' 10& In Barveysburt, 11. , " , . of Buffalo, N. Y. Eaey, but eure auy mistake, but remember the name, Robert Keever, ·Catherbl., Keeftl' remedy for all tltomaob, Liver' and S wamp-Root, a nd dOn't let a dealer 'sell Kidney troubletl. Onll 250 at. Fred 7.bQeomething in place of Swamp-Roo~ 8t &l t o &mllel W. Ke.e.el', I.f ¥OIl olaim 01)' 60 O. tiObW.rtz'•. . Waynesville • • • . do 1011 will 1M cJWppoiJati:d. ,




Summer Sale

Saturday Morning




July 2nd




1847 Rogers Silv erware (nLJj

Everyt-h ing Is Reduced





Notes from · the County Courts

----- ..- - -

. .


Are You Looking lor a Position?





J.' N. HOY1",





lanna's GI88n S8al Paint d


' .\




PAINT will


- ',

acr., .1.



J. E. •




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THE-;IAMI G~Z~rrEHOW TOFIGHT:;';;;;;;HINCH BUO rMose Cohen's 1 ulJlIHhulI

O il \r l f.

' AI.i.": \'

Thfl hie Elxperiment tut.ion sends to nIl wlio reque t it a sll'lIdl wrH b: I, ')' puoltuge of fungus oulture whioh under fllvoT llblt> ciroum'!t,ltnoos 1\8 Nil. 11 2 !!is tll ill oont.rolling tl~e chinch hug.

, aY III!.S\'iilo • . U hf"

- - - - -- - -.


MAl '

n; L1~ I'n{)NF;--(,A I,I,

B d · F d 0 y IS oun


, 'rhe body of Mose Cohen, aged 43,

11l;Oh~t)~:! F:~~.J!r:t~I~:·u~~:e!~:j be gl'ell ter t,han ever before. $& 6" 000 in ' pr i~es, and premiums, Live t:itock , MO,uOO i Poul try, ~ 2, OOO i Ag. riouitum l P rod ucts, $6,500 i Art li!Jd Wom un' Wo rk,f3000i Mus io a nd , ' speoia l a t tmctiuns, Sl G,OOO. Kn t r iea olose Augu~ t 20tll. : PremiuUl lis t son~ f ree upll n re· ques t to t he Ohi o De pa rtmen t of I Agrioulture, CO llllJlb u~, Ohio. I


30-DAY ROUND TRIP It nun not ue reli ed on , however , to Dllyton merchfLDt missing since FAb ,Hi\ NB..-Ed itol' and Manager bA of Illuch vlllue in cool, dry W6llt h- r uary 1st, last , wa.~ found in the LOW F ARE T ICKETS er, Iwd oth ~ r m eth uds of oontrol are MIami rIver jus t p~ low the W11!.lh. Rates of Subscription fUor90ert/Lin , hinoh bugs are no N rington street dl1m F'ridllY about 11 :;10 To OIl U Y oar (l<lrlcli y III IUIVllIII'O ) .. , . ... . $ 1. 0(1 II.hllUdu.o t in nlllny wheat fields lind 'a. DI . , l:IlllHlu I·OI'Y.. ........ .. .. .. ' , .. .... .0 0 will !lel'io~HlY injl1r,e udju.oent,. corn '1'he identifiollti o~ :vas made p osi. -fi elds t\~ soon 0 8 t,lJe whea t rlp~D8 •. Live by Coroner SWIsher when be Rates of Advertising unless preventive meli81U6S lire found 'ollen's watoh oontainlng 1:" llIlIlIg IlOr lil(UI ,o '." ., ' I.. a ))icture of Mrs. Cohen, Ilis s igna. G MEN WANTE D-Il,'It,1I 1111 L')I"ItI~. Loeu lR. lllnl'k ~' r. ' lill" , . l lJ6eC adopte(l at t,h e riglJ t time. And Other Ocean Resorts ChlllHl 1i tI A ti H. lIo L I II OX"I'ell 11 \'0 Iilll'" I As soun a Ei the woather will per. tared pooketbo ok, severlil blink Dally until Septe mber 30t h inclusIve Th ree iusort IUUH . • • • • . . • • • '" The Ohi o !:l tllte Bourd o f Agri oul . I Oltl\. lIl1rlcN , 11\'0 hll ' III'K (1'00 ; OV er lI \"e ~ lH' wit, ILCter the grain commence!! to I note!! nnd book , locket and popers DIRECT ROUTE O R turo is u ll xi \J l1~ to StlC Ul'e t,lle n 'Wle I inchCl! . I/O\' 11 110 . . , , . . , Dt' r.lp&n plow up a strip of ground containin g Coh en's numo . VIA WASHINCTON l10d adfl rellf' o f yo un g m en wh o hllve , ( " "'lI o ( Lhlll1l(s . . , . . . . . .. , . . , , , , , .. . , , ~ r.1' ahout ten feet wide urouml the in· 1 Wbil e launohing hill cnn oe in the WITH STOp ·OV ERS HU>k ,lu t luu '" . . . .. . . " . . ,.' , ' " . ' " . : .'. , taken n t'WI) or fo ur yuu r onurRe in 1 DUc fields, dien dillk and drag river , Arthur Lloyd , aged about 20, l:Inl'i lllH I e , wh um "l lIu'go IH I lIlId '" ' " 3 ~ fested the Ag riculLurIll Uol1 o ~e of til e Ohio I D iHI.III)' AI! \'orlIHIlIg per Ind. , . , . . , , , .. l lk: wit·h brnllh bundles until the I!oil is , found the body. olol'ado and Pacifi Coast As Lloyd's boat lJ Il<COlIlll s KI \' UII II II l' ll llll·\I~ L. ~ tate University and h u ve siuce en. pulverized into (I. fine .lust. Now caught in 8ume driftwood l1ud he North Michigan R . or t~ gaged iu pmotsca l farrulfl ~, dll.irylng 'l'd llr[:or.1 Tlcl~o t R Oil ,.al(' dAi l y durlo ;..; 111f ' --' IIIIIIIWI' , IIl1 l1 i l1l i1. III~ ~------------------------ with 11 short log, from eight inohes got out to looHen it, he noticed frui t g rowin g, Htoc k hr ~e(lin g, t,Q. I lll' t l X P ~IIM ' o ( R ((cll~hLfIi I \ ' .1(,11 110 11 ouli ng- 11 11 Ll w t , I'unl l . ald ·Jo. Jl ' E 29, 1910 , 1\ 11( 1 III Ltw :'\ o l'I!lWt":U, :Iud \\" ~I . 11I 1t:.,: n !IUr u In u l L t o one foot in diamtlter, or with a foot tl oating in the water. Be. baoco rflisin g , truck ~t\rtlenin g, etc , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a triangular trough made by nailing Heving it to be an old shoe Lloyd Ma ny requests oo rn e to the Ohio 1 two bOlifds together' and then reaohed fol' it, but was h orrified to . MAUD MULLeR IN 1910 Depar t ment of Agrioulture aslting An nua l Lo w F aro E xc' lI rsl liu "tl K II N ~ l71u weighted witll stOlle, make a furrow find the body. Hou nd 'fri p I G.f, O lI'u ", W UYll e~\' lllc . tor persons wllo Ilre s killed alon g by dragging baok and forth in the Following II. bU8iness orash, whioh (Puck'8 Patent Whittier. ) some of th e~e liliel:l tmd who can ! same trl10k untIl a good ditoh has mllde Cohen bankrupt, the m erchant The Jud~e was out in his new mao b3en mllde aoross the line of ohin ch 'di8Ilppfl~red from hIS home, Febru. make a good address to s ummer , A II KlIst 4. 8 10. 0(1 Round 'rrlp (rom Wa YIlc-_vlllo, Ohio, to ;\ t ltllt~ . l' City. (; uI'e M ay uo d EI" hl OUwr Hr80rl,8. bug marcll. Where neoessary, dress ary 1st. The last seen 01 him was farmer picni cs , re uui on s im d iu tl II ohine, 1 A nifty imported Iimousino. the sides of the furrow with a hoe, by Walter Berringer. olerk to Mayor tutes. Fourth of July Excursions It will be worth while fol' uny i H e h on k eu ·• hi s h on k er In . th e sh a d n<', making sure that u.1I slopes are even Burlthart. Mr. Cohen was walking , " young J?ltln wh u Is so qUfl!ified to ! J ill y ~. :1 al\d 4. co ns ul! 81:ClltS (o r IlIIr( il'ul urs or tho ap Ie tree, t,o call the maid, and dusty so that tbe bugs will be west on Fourtb street a,t 12 :1" write to the ' 1,' ,,11 lufornllttin n 8 hnll~ fa rc· •. ,,,,,to., an' I IIthor lolailR wi ll llo e ll 'or(ull y P certll.ln to slip baok to the bllttom of Tuesday u.fternoon, in front of the rllru ls h('ll u n ro'lIl 05 ~ . Cali 0 11 or : "Idrcs~ Departmen t 01' Ag ricultur e; Anj asked for water from tbe 8pring tho furrow whtln they attempt to Arcude . He was walking very slow. Columl)Qs, Ohio, I T. R. · SMITH, Ticket Agent To 0001 his motor s~ul tering. ~scend . ly. with his head bowed down seem. ---.. I, With a. post:hole digger mllke inglv greatly deprtl8sed. Ohio. she stooped where the 0001 spri~g A Woman's Ureat Idea IL ________________- -Waynesville, --------He had been in poor hell.lth oooa. hol es every 12 to 15 teet in the bot bobbled up, , is Ilow to mak e h erself attraoti ve . 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~ tom of the dltch to oatch tbe bugs sioned by business worry , for a long And filled twelve times,a. big tin oup. . I' . Bnt, without henlth, it il> hard fOf l as they orawl along the bottom. time, and had , been in the habit of her to be lovely. in fll ce, form ? r i C W. HENDERSON M.D. DR.H.E.HATHAWAY When massed in the holes thay may taking long walks . Be left home temper . A wel1,k, slokly wO?-ltm ~'Vlll ' I And blushed, /l.S she gave it, looking be destroyed by pouring kerosene or early in the morning, lind when he ~e nervous fl:nd Irritll~)l e. conBtIP~- 1 W '11 Oh' ''JaY ':1esl'ille's Lel1<linll Dentiet down ker080ntl emulsion on them, or failed to appear at the expeot.ed time, hOD Il.Dd Ku.lDey pOison!! sh ow III aynesvi e, 10. I: OfTlCe .' .In K eys BId g. Matn S& pimples, blotch~8 , Hkin eruptions . At her !lhoes, lill mud, and her tat- a blook of wood may be sawed from Mrs. Cohen grew worried and began aDd a wretched complexion . Bnt l Valley Phone 153 Mam Stre{t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tared gown . a post of suitlible size and a rod telephoning libout the oity . Eleotrio Bitters I1Jwaye prove n god. \ I ' Communioation Wll8 lllter had ,. 'Bilged '" 8liid the Judge, "and all fastened into its oenter, this beini send to women who wl1nt henlth, 81f1 PJll'<:' III m. mIDDIA!!I , Surll Wi t B h oruody. Dr. tlhoop II used 118 a rum to orush tbe bugs in with Cinoinnati relatives, Chicaio beauty and friends . 'Ihey 'hat rot, regulate CroUI' One for the G tt t ost wlii.Burol)- pro v8. Jove' but the beasUy thing was hot" the holes. If necessary, use the autborities and New York friend 1 - Stomach Liver and Kidneys purify . strong nerve,' b r i g ht Subscribe aze e ' tress. A SIl4.0apdplousingNos)'l1Ip-600.~1a. . u'lJI tips.. 110.11" dl t·he blotild gIve post-bole digger to clean out the in faot, the disappearanoe was eyes, pure breath, smootll, velvety He spoke of'tbe clutoh and power de/l.d bugs Ilnd keep the holes in or- spread througbout the United !::ltates skin , lovely complexIon, good hea.lth, and gear. . . Owing to rll.ins nnd use, the and though reports of his being Try th em . 500 at Jj'. O. Shwartz 's. Of motor aDd Shllft, while Mau~ gave - - -.. -+-- -sty side8 of the furrow may be. found several times oame to )land, ear i ESQUIMAU CANDY oome passu.ble to the bugs in whioh yet every clue proved ' fragile and cue it may be renewed by dragging the mystery deepened. Then he talked of tires, and won. Tallow is the Esquimau's candy . the brush bundle through it again, Mose Cohen was a hoosehold word dered whether It is put up in bright, red paokages or it may be better to make a new in and, liround Dayton . He was Tba\ patcbed bind-tube would hold ~ade out of the feet of water fowl. dtt-ch parallel with the old. a friend to eVflrybody, and had lots togethor, The women oot off the red feet of , In oase the new ditoh Is made, of them in and around Waynesville. this blrd, whioh is called the dovekie, the old may be used for a ooal tar • And Maud forgot ber spattered gowD drliw out the bones and blow up the DA YTON'S FALL FESTIVAL And Hp~ing.drenolied ankles, muddy barrier. The aides of the old fur· skiD 10 as to make pouches, whioh row should be firmed with a hoe so brown, they fill with the reindeer tallow dust partioles wilt not rattle down DaytoD, 0., (t)peoial)-<-The latest for their litHe folk. None of the And listened, wbile a da~ed surprise on the tar. A slender line of tar in oonnection witb the coming Fall Look~ from her-doD't know oolor 8hould then be strung along the Festival in thIS oity is the announce. food tho.t the E8quimaus eat seems -ayes. bottom (If the furrow, or it may ba ment that Theodore Ro08evelt may very invi&ing to us. but they are ex· poured along a line of harden'e,d tfoil be pre8etlt at the un veiling of the tremely fond of it, and are very apt At laat, like one who for delay just ontlide the dust furrow. A new MoKinley Memorial statue, to overeat. It is said by explorers Seekll vu.tnexouse, be ohoglted liway. water pot with a tubular spout i8 whloh i8 planned to take place on who have gone into Greenland that a. good vessel for distributing the one of the days of the Exposition it is no UDcommon sight t,o see an Maud Muller dodged and sighed: tar. The first line will soak into i:Jeptember 19 to 24 Col . Roosevelt Esquimau man who has ellten an , "0 Gee I .the ground, bnt soon forms a. hard. will be IDvited to deliver the prinoi- enormous meal of the raw fro zen That 1 the .Jul'~e'R hridemlgh~ be I" ened orust so that a seoond Jine pal speech of the day and this will fiesh of the reind(l6r, seal or Wl1lrU9, poured onto the first five or six be the flrst publio appearance of the lying on his back and eating blubber • - .. Marvelous Discoveries houra later, will Rlve good results. distinguished hunter and traveler until be cannot move,-Fur News . - -- --.- - mark the wonderful prolJre88 of the The should be renewed about sinoe his return from Africa and There are s~ilI as go.xl fish in t,he age. Air flight!! on heavy maohines, twice per day during the migrating , Enrope. It has alr,e ady been an. • • • • • • • • • • telegrams without wires,meD terrible war inventions ' to kill and period of the in&eots, wbioh usually noonced that President Taft is to be sell. ' as hllve ever been lied I1bout. tha.t wonder of wonders, Dr. King''!! lasts ten dl\Ys or two weeks. Po~t- I. vi~itor at the Exposition I\nd he Some meD, to judge by their ooa· We also have a full an'd complete line of all New Olscovery-to save life when holea for traps may be dug along will probably open ft. The governveraation,:nevlr recover from Clut- , thr63tened by ooughs, ooIds, lagrippe the inside of this strip of tar and ors of Ohio, Indiltona, Illinois and kinds of Harness and everything needed for the asthma oroup, bronohitis, hemor bURS wtlJ be caught not withstand Kentucky will also be present with ting their "I.Teeth. 11 horse, which we ' are s~lling at ROCK BOTTOM rhages,'.or hay lung fever~rouble. and whooping their 's taffs and they have alll1greed oough For all ing wet weather. PRICES. Give us a call. bronohial affeotions It hilS no equal Dr. Forbes of the Illinois Station to serv6as Honorary Commissioners I~eUeve&-instantly. Its the surest estimates that a man or b'lY, giving . These are It. few of the featuTes cure. James M. Blaok.of Ashevllle, a.ll hie time to guarding the barrier whioh the Cht\mber of Commerce To Introduce our very complete Spring line of beautifullwool suitlnss. wash falJl'ies.tancy N. C:, No . 4, writes oured !lim of R an. R. obstloate /lough it after all and keeping it in oondition,oan care Commit,t ee is preparing to offer to walstlugs. silks , etc .• hdkfs luce.s nud petticoate. All up-to-date New York ity patierns. other remedies failed . 500.nd f1.0(, for 80 ~o 150 rods of barrler. The 0 ~yton and its vlsitor~ during the 1' llIest Hne OD the market. D eWing d irect witb the mills you wiii tlnd our prices lo w. A trial bottle free . Guaranteed by tar will oost about 2G cents per day week of the lndustria.l Exposition ProlltsllO.OOto 412 E. 3rd St., Opp Wayne Ave., IBO.OOlwookIY. Samples ami DAYTON, 0. , fnli IDBtructioDB paeked in a lleat s am pill case. East of , Canal " Fred C. Schwartz for a lhl~ 100 rods in length. and Full Felitivl1l. A few of the shipped expl'6IlII prepaid. No money ro(lulred. territory, Write for particulars. • - ,• 1f by ohanoe or negle~t th~ bugs other attrllotions will be the fiights ExCIl1lIive Be Drat to apply. STANDARD DRESS How fa.r 011.0 you get from home suooeed 'in reaohing the oorn, !lprl~y of the W righ t Brothers, whose a'ero. GOODS 00•• Dep" 5' L Binghamton. N. Y before you bec~m.: ~ 8trlinger? the (utside rl}ws with kerosene plane faotory is looated in Dayton i , Whiskey 'flnd love never affeot emnlslon before the insects spread three beautiful 8peotncult~r street two men In exaotly the flame way , over t,he fie,d. I:;praying \Vi~h this pageants on historical', allegorloal - - - - --. materi~l will oost leslf than 00 and industritll so bject,s i Ii O(1mpre Mend your own faults and don't. per acre for , ingr£dients.-ll. A. hensive it dustril1l exbibit io the let the fllulttl of ,othe\'8 worry Y' u t Gossard. ' new Expollitiou Hull j I1n immense , ' , I !!~!"!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!'!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!~~~~=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!!!" European hi l'podrome perfor'llllnoe il;1 the Memori"l Building j a Veni 'Ian ,Ollrnivlll and a host of uthfll' ShOWII, features ond nOVE!} tll.trao . f' ,_ ~ tiuns , The Dllyton Ch"mber of Co~merce is bllOk' of the ~xpoi\itit)n . The aged father and mother and it is expected tbli t half n mil. ONLY ()f a prominent .Boston lawyer lion visit(1rs will c:nne to the oity safely carried through tI- ,e last that week. D. L.








New Yorl{ City Atlantic Cit)" Cape May


I To Niagara Falls

To the Seashore


i •



Special for June


A good $20.00 ,Rubber-mounted . Buggy Harness for : :: $15.00 A heavy leather Team Fly net, per pair, for two horses, $ 5.00 ,A good round lash leather Buggy Fly net · · · · · · · · . .. $ 2.00


. - ..- - -





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FATHER 80-MOTHER,76 two winters by



The son says:" My father . and mother owe their present strength ana goOCl heal th to VinoI. During the: la!t two trYing wi~tei-s neith~r , of " th~in ha,d a cold"an"~ 'were able to walk farther and do more than ' for year~. . I think Vinol is perfectly w'ond~rful. 0' It, ce~t~,nly IS the .great¢st blood-.m.aking; strengthemng tomc IJr .old, people 1 ever 'h:eard of." 'w e waDI every •••Id. old penoD III tIda .Icnn. 10 b7

'W e wID rebIna am mODe), wllIaoDI . . . .U.D U II ........,.eeoilDpU........ . . . . 10I"1e ,


. J. E.


Druggist, WlU'nesvID".

-- --,--...- - ,



GREAT BUTTER MARKETS Aooording to local, St. Panl i~ the seoopd largest butter making oityin the world. Omllh&, alone surpasses 8t. Pl\ul ill the amount or' butter made eaoh twel \'e motithe ' ~l~hln the oonfinee of the ', ohy. Nearly ten mUllan pounds a year is made Ii~re : by creamories from oream, shipped io tile oity from all over the S&ate, allo pol-tioas of Iowa aDd Sooth Dakota. The industry f~, , on the hioreue. and there are posst. ~llit.~811 'bat thillyear tile prod~o~lon 'Will amoun' to twelve millloQ

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o .l lw k Hallc'Y. wll h wh om she h n d lk" ' 1 In tho h llllnrd rOl1m IC r,· w 1110I'lIl s ,,,· for o I h ~ nlllrdl"·. Jnlllit'8o n l o lct ft liS Inn H that IIh(' \l' U >! hiding 1I\'ldl'l1I' ro m him. H(' Imprl sou " ll 11I1 IlItrtHl"r In "lIIpl )' r oom . '1'h o pri s o ll l'r I'~"n p r " own /I !/Hlndn· (·hu tc. It d eve lo p 1I th a i h ~ Inlrtul r WIUI probn l/ly II womlll1 .


CHAPTER V'I.-Contlnued.



"Liddy." I called . " lro through the

~OlL8e at once Rnd s e who Is mlsulng.

r It anyon e Is . . We'll have to clear

III thing at once. Mr. J a mleBon. If ou will wutch b re I will go to the

odge Rnd find Wurn r. Thomas 'oulrl be o{ no lISO. Togeth l' r yOIl ay b a ble to for('e lhe door." "A good Id R," h USR nted . "R utle ro are window R, of course. and b E- re Is nothing to prf've nt ",hoevel' Is n 't1l('re from g tung out thllt way ." "Then lock th door at the top of lUI ' basement sla irs." I suggest ed, tand patrol th e' hO ll8e trom the out~Id e."






'Practical Fashions

agreed to th I II. and 1 had a e ling that the rnyate ry of SunnyId e was nbout to be Bolv d. I ran own the s teps and along th drive. ust at th corner t ran filII tilt into . omebody -,vho see med to be as much larmed as J was. It was not until I ~ad r ecoiled a step or two Ulat I r ecIognlzed Gertrude, and Bbe DIe . · " (;{lod graCI()IlR. Aunt Ray." slle ex\clalm d. "wbat la tho matter?" , "Th re's somebody locked . In the . auudry,'~ I panted . "That Is-unlollsJ'Ou didn't see anyone c rossIng the awn or s kulking around tho house, did you?" . "I . think we have mystery on the l'aID," Oertrude sai~ wearily. "No, haven' t Been anyone. except old hom'as, who looked for all tbe world s if be had been ransacking the panry. 'lVhat bave you locked In the IJRundry'" "f can't walt to explain." I I' plied. must get. Warne r from the lodge. U ou cam . e out for !lir. you'd better put 11 your overBhoes.'· And then I noced that Gertrude was limping-not uch. but suffici e ntly to make h e r Iprogress very slow. nnd seemingly W




!p8.i n fill.

"You have burt yourself," I Bald Ishanll), . " I fell over the oa rrh~ge block." sbe explained . "1 thou ght perhapR I ~ight . 8 e e HalBey coming bome. li eIle ought to he here." 1 hastened to tbe lodge. I " Where iB Warner?" Tas ked. • "1- [ tbink b e'R In bed, IIIIl·am .... "Oct him up," I said, " and tor good~ Cfols sake ope n the door, Thomas. I'll 'w ai t ror Warner." " It's kind o· close In h r e, IUIl'am ," ~' I' Ilai d. ot/pylng gillg rly. and dlsclos· ~n g a cool IlOd comfortniJle·looking In~ I!r ior " Perhaps you'r! k eo! to set on :till' Ilorc h an' I' ' s t you·self." 11 waR 1;(1 I'vid t'nt t ha t Thomas did tWI wnnt Ino in Aiti e thaL ,I we llt in. "Tdl Warlle" ho is 11 (' d r d III fI hur· it},. " J I'CP N ltl'd . II lId tllrn cd lnlo t he '\lttic s itti n ~ 1'00111 . I r'ould h ' ll r 'rhOIll:LH ~n lll g lO p til[' s tn irs. co uld 11 HI' hllll rOIl SI' \\' aI'll CI' . anti th o IIte p s o t thp r,h nuf'fo ur al:! hp hlll'rletll y i1 rl"~~,'d Hut lilY :-Itt"!lt inn \l'n s bll s y V11l 11 ti ll' 1'0 0111

bl'lm\ .

tI (' t· l'nl ror t llb l,' , 01' ·n . was a II al : ld n t ravr'li n/; li ng II. wali {lli e d .wi th Iw ld ·tolllWci hull I.. " n nll ill'lls hes. I II

I'll : r he' dnpr t('l t h" b a";" tn!'ll l s tairs w a~ t1ouh lt' hiIIT,' d . alld had :l table l'\l ~ hf'tl n~III Il ;; t. It: a nd b,' Itl lItH· on Ih,' t~bl(' was 111091 of lh" kit r hf'1I I '"I" /I pIli' na lli i. " DI'1 ~' ou 0;"1' If lb ,'r c \\'0 1' any ('I ll missllt~ In lil t' h Olls ,,?" I 1\ ~ li, ' t1 . j~lI l) r · In~ th ar ray of s a llc ptill S. roilin g I'ins Il ll lJ Ih e' POlll' l' IIr th ... I'UII{;e' . "Hm;\e is mi !'s ll ll; ." Lhl d~' ~ n ld with IIn(· IIOII. Silt' JI :lLl ohjl'ctPd 10 Rn ~ 1 . tllf' pall"r III II Ict. fr olll lh p ti lart. " ~·ln;. \\'lIt ~lI tI II'l'l1t IlIlfI I"'r 1'110111. a nrl fou nd s lH' had ~on \\ I t lHl ll t hl 'r hat. I'I'0 pl 0 Ilwt tl'U ~t th O IIl ~l' I\·N' II dozl' lI mil l'S from th dty. In ll'lIn~,' h OIl : I'!;, with Re n 'allts thC'y d nll 't Iwo\\, . nl'('\ln ' t bl' s lll'lll'lsC' d !r th c' ~' wal,,' 1111 ~n ll1C mornin~ li nd find th rl r thrn:l\ s Cllt." Art ro r whlt'h nl'rofll li ,l" \''' " ed >lo r' a~1Il l.lddy r, · lap ~ l'tI InlO gloom . W UI" n I' I'HIIlt' In th l' ll \I Ilh n lIanllfll l of s lII a ll toOl 3. a 11ft :\11'. Jllml csol1 W(,Tlt with hil1l to t h' b :1S(,11I nl. Odd ly n(l ug ll . I wo s n ot :11111'11I('d . With all nlY hear t r wi~ h d for JI als y. but I was 1I 0t fl'i ght p l1 p rl . .'\L thc door he was to force \\' lIrn<'l' Pll t dowl1 his tools Iwd look ed rlt It. Then he turn ed th!' ha nd I..,. \\, It hout th slightl'fl t tll ffiC'ulty th e dom olle n eci, r eveulIn g th e blaclm ss of th drying room be yond! 1\11' . .Tonaicsol1 ga \' f' nn exc lamlltlo n of di ~g ust. "Gone!" he aid. "Confound Buch careless work! I might ha l'O known ." It was tru e e no ugh . We got the lig hts on finall y and looked all tbrough th o three rooms ' that cons ULut d thi s wing of the blls ment. Everythi ng wns qui e t und e mpty. An eX lllaoatlon of how the fugitive had escaped iu j ury was found In a heapedliP bas k t of clothes under the hute. Tho baske t had b ell overturn ed. but that wasal\' Mr. Jami!:'son oxumlnedthe

The Other Half of the LInk. ":\11 >1:< Illll es ," the d e~ c liv b ognn. Itg ure " I\' II"t Is you r op ill ion of t h yon ::1 \\' 011 t be e tt !<t ver anda th e ni g ht you a nti YOlIl' muid were In tho hO\ll;e 010 11 ""!"

" It

\ , ' Uf,!

n woman ," I sa id 1'0sl tiYely.

aid with his "And yet your maid afilrIn R with frl ntll:v !:lUlU . "In fact. Miss Innes, oqlllli Ilosit!I' cu Ill:! that It ",os a ma n ." [ am quito c rtnln sbe did no t. nut " NOI I 8 l' n ~t''' ' J . broke In. " Lhld y a. l o n~ as Il ea I'D only parts of th e 11Ilt! hcr oy s Shu l- s h e always Sh Ul 1l Irlllh, from boLlI you aM be l', wha t thcm wh ' lI s h ." fr l/;"h tl.: ne d." CI\l1 r do? I know you pi cked up some" And YOU l1 ovel' th oug ht th f' n thnt t hlll g In th e now e r bed; you reruse thl' illtrlld I' who ca me Illtc r tllat to t ,II III wllat It was. 1 Im ow Mi ss night. might be a \\'om Rll- th e woman GCl'u'udo wont 'back to th b!1lID~d In fH ('t , whom you snw on the Vl~ rall ' roo Ul to g e t BOlli th ing, s h e retuses to till ?" ,;u y wllat. Yo u s us pect wba t ba ppened "/ h:1d I' ll ~o n s for thinking It was to th curT-link, but you won't tell me. 1\ man." I said . r ' llIl' lUbcrlu g th e pea rl So far, all I nm s ur of Is tbl,,: I do c un<·lInk. DO'. bell \' Arno ld ArlDstl'ong was fht) ":O-;ow we ar gc tti nl; down to blls l· midnig h t d sltor wllo 0 alarm' d you lI ast;. \"h at w'l'e you r reasons for by llropping- sbllll we tlay, a golf· thlll lllllg thal 7" t\ tl ck '.' And I be lle v tha t whe n he 1 11 tl ltute d . did come h e was ndmltt d by s ume " 1I' you ha \' e a ny reason for bell V· one In tb o house. \Vbo know s-:ll May ing th at your m idn igh t g uest wa s 1\Ir. bav been- Liddy!" ArmRt rolll;, ol bc l' th a n his \'Islt he re I s Urred my teu a ngrily. th e n ex t ni g h t. you Olll;h t to t II Ole. "I bavo always heard." I said dry· ' Miss Innes. \\·e cu n take nothing for Iy. "that undertakers ' a ssistants are gru nted . If. fot' inl;tance, the Intru· jO\'lal youug m en. A man's sense of de r who dropped the bar a nd humor s eems to be In Inverse propol' sc ratched th e s t;llrcase-y ,\ see, I tl un to tbe gravity or bls profession." know uhout that- If this visitor was "i\. man's sense or humor Is a bar· II WOl11a n, why s bould not th e Bame baroU!; and a cruel tblng, Miss Innes." woman bave come back tbe following he admitted. "It Is to the feminine night, LOet 1\11'. Armstrong on the cir· a s th e bug of a bear Is to the scratch cular sta ircase, and In ala rnl s bot of- woll, anything with claws. Is that him ?" YO Il. Thomcls? Come In.'' "It was a man." J r Iterated. And Thomas Johnson stood In tbe d.oorthen, becouse I could tbl nk of no oth- wny. H e looked alarmed and appreer r ea son for my statement, I told b n sh ·e. and suddenly I I' me mbered him about the pearl cutc·lInk. He was the sea lBkin dressing bag In the In ten sely In te res t ed . lotlg . Thomas came just In sid e the "\VIII you glvc mc the llnk." h Bald doo r and s tood wlt.h bls h ead dr Ope when I finlsbed, " or, at least. let me Ing. bl s yes, und er th!:'ir s haggy gray brows, fix ed on M.r. Jamieson. "Thomas," said the detecllve, not unkindly, " 1 sent for yo u to te ll us what you told Sa m Bohannon III th e olub, tb e day befo re l\llr. Arnold wna fo und h e re, dead. Let me Bee. You came b ro Friday ulght to s eB Miss In lies, dlda't you? And came to work her e Saturday lUornln!?" For s ome unexplained nlason Thom as looked reli eved. " Yas. sah." he said. "You eee It wor e like thts: Wben Mlstnh Arm· Rtron g and tbe flun'ly went away. )oIls' Watson au' me , W6 was 1ef' in charge till th e place wae r ented. 1IUs' Wat· Bon, Bhe've bin here a good wblle, ' an' she \\ am' skeery. So s he s1ep' 1n the house: I'd bin havln' tokens-I tol' Mis' Innes Bome of 'em-an' I aleif' In tbe lodge. Then one day Mis' We.tson, sbe came to me an' she sez. Be. BQch- !!l!bemas, you'U h.ey td sleep up In the , big house. I'm too nervolUl to do It any lUore.' But I jeB' reckoll to myselt that ef it'B too skeery r«r her, It's too skeery fer me. We h8l'1 It, then, sho' nutr, and It ended Up with Mis' Watson stayln' In the 10dp nlgbts an' me lookln' fer work at de clUb." "Did Mrs. Watson say that an1' thing had bappened to alarm b er?" "No. sah . Sh e was jes' natcba11, Bkeered. Well, that was all, far'B I know, unUl the night I come over to see .1Is' Innes . 1 come across the \'uil y, a long the path from the club house, a nd I goes . home that w')T. Down In th.o creek bottom I almost run Into a man. He wuz standln' with bls bacle to me, ,lin' h e was workiu' with on e of lhese yere e lectric U,bt things that fit In yel' pocket. He WlB hlll'ln' troubl e-one minute It'd ftlVih out. an' the ne x' It' d be gone. I hM n vie w of "ls wblte dress sh irt nn' d e, ns I passed. I didn't ~ee his face : BlIt I know it wal'n·t MI'. Arnold . It WolS Il tnll I' ma n t han 1\'11'. Arnold. Bcsldes that. Mr. Arnold was playln' cards wll pn I got to th e club bouso, same's be'o been doln ' all day." "But Before We Go On, I Want to Say -Thil1." "And tho n nxt morning YOIl came back along tho path." pursued Mr. wi nllow s; oll e IYas unlockcd . a nti of· sec it'? co ns id ,!1' It.a most Impo r· Jami eson l'el('Jl,llessly. fe red an C'l.1 ~ Y C!;CA ))e. Th' winflow or tant cl e w." "Th e nex' Il!ornlri' I CO'lle bs\:k t h door ? Whi ch w61Y had th fugi'·' Von't tb e d!:'scri(ltion do ?" afon g the patb an' down whe re I d \1O liv e eSC'llpcll'f Th e dool' scemetl most "Xot u s we ll as th e original." 'ee th e man night b efoh. I picked Hp proba bl e, and I hoperl it had been so. "\Ve ll, I'm ve ry SO ITY, " / sa id , as lhls he r e." The old roan held out 11 I ould not IlIlI'o bome. just th eil, to calmly a s I COUld. " I- th · thing is lIny object and Mr. Jamieson took It. think tbot 'Il wa B my POOl' Gertrud e lost.' It-·lt mu s t havo fall en out of Then he h eld It 011 his extended palm we Ilod b n hounding through th e Il box on my dreslilng table." for me to see. It waB th~ other half darkn t·ss . and yct- f had m e t Ge r· \\'hatevef he thought of my cxpla- of the penrl cuff-link! lrude not f;l l' fr om that ve ry wIndow. nation, aud I knew h e doubted It, be But MI'. Jamieson was l:ot qultl! I we nt IIp,,t nlrs at la s t. tired anti made no Hign . H e a s ked me to de- through qu estioning him. '''Alld so you showed it to Sam, al d,)pr 'ssed . MI'!'. v,'ats ou and Liddy sCI'lbe the link acc:urut ely, lind I did wl're IIInld nJ; t ea In th e kitc he n. In Iso. wbUe h e g lanced at a list he took th e club. and asked him If be knew C: I'l'tllln wall.s of life th e tea pot Is th e frOID his pocket. auy one who owned such Il link, and I'ef ug in tiDl CS of stress . trouble. or "One set monogram cuff-links," b e Sam said-what?" Hlckll ess; [hey give t ea to .tlle dy~ng read. "0'10 set plnln pearl links, one "Wal, Sam, he' lowed he'd seet a ud t hl'Y put it lu th e baby s nurs lOg set cuff·llnks woman's head set witb such a pllir of cuff.buttons In a Ehtrf bottle . :Ill'S. Watson was fixing a tray diamonds and emeralds. Tbere Is no beloilgln' to Mr. Bailey-Mr. ,Tack h .. to be sl' n t In to me. an d when I nslted menlion of Bucb a Ilnk as you de. [' '1 1 I t H I I fl h .111 e y, ~a . . )(01' II lOll (l;; C S Ie con !'llIcd er scrlHc, and yet, if your theory IB rIght. "I 'U k ee p this link, Thomas. absf' nc!:'. Mr. Armstrong must have taken bMk while," tbe detective ·sald . "That', "Sh . ' l:j no t h e l'e:' s he sa iel ; "but f In bl s cuffs one complete cUff·lInk_ nnd all I wanted to know. Good-night." wou id Hut think D1m'h of that . l\li ss In· a half, pe rhaps, of the othe r." As Thomas' shuffled out, Mr. Jaml. nll'. Rosie Is a jlre lly YOllllg girl, The Idoa was new to me. l' I' had son watched roe sbarply. aur! perhapt; s he hus a S\'vco th ea rl. It \ • not been the murdered man who had "You see, Miss Innes," be lIald. "Mr. wi ll bn a good thing If s he hUI;. The ' if 1." enter. e d the bouse tbat night, who Balloy inslstB on mixing l:ilrose 'If ... maids stay IIlU('h be ttel' whon th ey had It been? this thing. It Mr. Batley came hera ha ve somethin g Ilk that to hold t hem . he r ' .'. "Tbe re are a nur,nber of stra~ge tbat Friday night eJq1eclng to meet' thlugs connected with this case." tbe Arnold 'A rms trong. and missed ' him-Gertrud had gon a bo r. k to lI e r ' . dotective went on. "Miss Gertrude It, as I say, he bal! done .thls; might room , and whll e ' f was d r lnkln'g my Innes tesllfied tbat. s be heard some he not, seeing him enter "t~e followlna CU ll of bot t n, Mr. Jamieson came in. one fumbllng with the Illek, that t.he night,' bave . IItruck 'b lm Clown, as ' be ':We might take up th conv ersation 4.0 0r 'op~ned, and that !llmpst Immedl. had lu •..,.-'Rp, ';/:'lore1" wh r e w e left ot;, n~ hO\lr and 11 balr ately the abot . was fired. l·row, · Mlsa ' jjJ3tit' the motive?" 1 gas{led . . ' ago. 1I h e said. "'Qut b efore we go 'on, InneB, her e Is the strange part of that . "There · could be motive proved, I 1 wa nt to flay this: 'rhe p lT S OU "v'ho. Mr. Armstrong . bad no key. WI't h' him. think: ,Arnold Armstrong · and ' John esca ped frow the laundry ,vas a WOI11- 'l'here was no key: ~ the lock. or on ' Bailey have been enemies ' since the . t he noor. In ,oth~r words, the eVl- latter, '11 cashler_ of the Traders' bank. un \\ Itb (\ • LOot• 0. .1U0d e ratc size and dence points ab.s olutel] to· thJs: Mr. hrought. Arnold almo!'t Jnte! well ' arnbed. She wore nothlog bUl Armstrong was. 'a dmltted to the hollse' ' clutches of the law. Also, you ,fora ' stocl,jng on her right fnot, ano;- In frorn · w.lthln." , . ~t that both roen have been paylq spite of tb ~ unlocked door, she es·, "It Is tmIl03slble," i broke 'In. "Mil. attenti.9 n to Miss Qertnllie. " ~a1lQ'. CUlled by the windOW." ~.Ja.mleBOn, do you b .o ", what your 1l1gbt loo~ bad, too.'.' AlJd s~llln I thought of Gertrude'll wor!l_ Itnply? 'Do you kfl(IW .that "ADd you think Ha1se, helP.tlCl ~ s'pralned ankle. Was It Ul. rl,ht or you are 'p ractically aceu_lng Gertrude to e8Qape'"

UI' PlI lIl(,d o'IHII, ·II(·.. . IU lill ,·Y. fcrnIn lnity IITHII ,,'pr), illl'h or surfa ce. ,II n \,' did it Jw t tlH!I''' ·.' 1 \\' ;(fl ~ tlll ali k. ~t1 ,:; Illysf' lf tl l . q U('tl ll fl ll \,' hpn \\'ar ne r C'lI lll ;' J'lliltl in,:: down ti l\' ~ tlljnl a nd lratfl lite' I'OO IJl . He w"" ('nll1pll't ely bu t " " :Iw \\,hut iU I·llI!..: rllllll!< ly dl'l ·s~ C'l1. a ll tl II i>, flpf· l\. hll~'lsh fa r" l"ol,,·tI a ba s hed. 1/ 1" lI'as a l· tHlllI ry bo)' . ahsolut('ly f rA ll k ano rtlli llb lc·. nr fai :, e u ucaU n ll enrl intt'lli gf' ncf'---Otl c of the !!m n ll army 01 IIll'rl c!ln yo u l hl:! wllo tur n a II rlllll'u l uptituc!' 1'(.,. 1I\ "I ' hall ic~ Into tlt r. RJI l' lal lipid fir III ,.. Hllt0 I11 0bll .. 61\d ('a m goorl sal ll l' k t\ in a ('(lfl ge uial oCf'''pa t ion . " '\' hat iI; il. M'IS'; I ntl" ~·.' " 111' lJ " lit'd IlII XIII \l>;(Y . "l'h~l'e l>j SOUle on' Ind" Li In tb la undry," 1 l·e pl\ed . "MI'. ,Ja mi eson WlIlI lS rou to he lp h llll br u k th c IOI·k . WllrnN'. ""'hoBe bug ill t.h is·!" lf l' "'liS In tile rI0 (/1'\"3Y b)' lhl 15 lim e. Slid ht· pI'ell' nrl cd no t to hOIlI'. " \\'lI l'n 1' ." 1 'all (' d, ""OIllC buc!( 11 (>J·e . . Wbos bllg h; lIii!l?" H t' s toPI/cd then, but he did not turn flrcuud , . ··It·s- it b(' lon &5 to ThoUla ," he biliil. lllll1' n ' d up th drive. . To . Thumas! A Lon.dOo . b.Rg with .tnfrrofH SAd CO'ttl Uc jars of whi c h '!'bOUlas auld not vc n havo gil !lsed U1(' 11M! How ver. f put tl;l e bag In th bk 'k oJ illY. ruln tl. which was fast becolDlug s lort'd \VI t ti Illiowulous aud tl\llplIl'vnlly Irrecon~lll1 hle facts, and rollo\\'cd WltrD r to tbt:' boW!t'. . Loidd1 11M comc b. k &.8 ChI! kltcb the lefi1 Qurl II




Jnn of admltt~ that ID&Df'

WHO HAVE DAUfiHTERS Find 'Help in Lydia E. Pink,. ham's Vegetable Compound I

quite that." b e

r,.. "




Hudson, Ohio.-"If mothers r ealized the good your r!1medies would do delicate Is I believo there would be f we r woak and ailing womell. Irrcgular and painful or lods and suell ullles would bo at once 1.::\ cases. ! Jydla. nkham'8 V egeComJ?Ound Is for ailmg girls run-down woTheir d olicate !.UlnnC1l1H need a tonlo the Compound life trom the STRICKLER,

82. Hundreds of such letters from mothers cX..llre881ng their gratitude tor wbat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.ble Compound bas accomplished for them have been received by the LydIa ,E . Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn,


Paris Pattern No. 3625, All Beama AUowed.-A good design tor the lIght,velght woolens, as well as pongees and the heavy washable materials, Is shown In tbls smart · model. Deep plnlts each side or the front gIve a gracerul fulness that Is softly gathe red In to the belt.. The sleeves are In regulation shIrt waist style. The pllttern Is'ln 6 slzes-32 to 42 Inches, bust m easllre. For 36-lneh bust the waist will require " yardB ot material 20 Inches wide. 3IA. yards 24 Inches wid, 3%' yards 27 Inches wide, 2% yards 36 Inches wide, or 21As yards 42 Inches wide. 'ro procure this pattern Bond 10 cente to "Patte rn Dr partment." of this paper. Write name and addrclIlI plaInly, and bo l .. give size and number or pattern.

YOUDg Girls, Heed ThIs. Girls who are tfoubled with painful

or Irregular perloda. backache, bead.ache, drai!lrtng-down sen8atlon8,ialn~ lng &pellt! or indige8t1on. should take Immediate action to ward off the serlous consequences and be restored to ; health by Lydia E. Plnkllam'8 Vege. table Oompound. Thousands have been festured to health by its use.

It you would like special advice about your case write a confidential lettcr to 1'1r8. Plnkbam, at Lynn, Mllss. Der advice 18 free. ILnd always hclpful.

The Army of Constipation



BIZE ...... . ... .

NO. 3025.

NAME . ................ , ......... . ........... .

TOWN ... , .• , ...................... ·· · ... •... STREET A.N D NO ......... . .... ....... .. STATE ...••••••.• . ..~ .................. -.. ..

c:unl(';:~ tiN. liolll_ ~Iar



.... WJa-ti-. Sick ...... s.a- SHr.. , IJIALL rIU. SJWJ. DOSE. SIIALL rllCl \ GENUINE DIIUl bear .&lUre:

~~~zC / New York. JUDe 10.1910 Dear Sir. Eacb 5100 IDveated In CeJa Grande Soilar Plantattoa. three years allo ha. broullbt tbe lavestors 538 to date. aod the pbyslcal CloadllloD and earnloll power of the property now better thaD ever. These profit• . will coati Due to be earaed from year to year. aad the value of tbe property Is CloDstllatly lacreasloll. I am now oUerlnll you ooe more opportualty to participate-the last 00 this bll\Sls. 'Wrlte aad let me tell you about It. Yours truly. GEO. H. GILLEtt. 43 Ellchonde Place, New York City.


P. S.-Thls leUer will Dot be publt.hed alleto.

Parts Pattern No. 2179. All Seams A llow d.- A ny of t he plain or figured chams, or silk chinese crepe. nuns ve iling. cashmere. voile, or' henrietta clotb ore ' Rultable materials Cor this pre tty wrappe r, c'u t on prlnces8 lineB. The low round collar. und s~ralgbt narrow CII Irs are made of Lhe same, or IIUI' beading and edging. The pattern Is .in 7. BI ~!e B-32 to 44 a contrasting material. The put·. tern Is In 8 slzes- :l2 to 46 Inches, bus t measure. For 36 bUBt the wrap. pe r. In material with nap, requires 13%. yards 20 , Inchell wide. or 9 '1~ yards 27 lnche. wide, or 7'A, yards 36 Inches wide, or 6'h yards .42 Inohes wide. or, In mate.1111 witbout nap, It re quires 11 yards 20 Inches wIde. or 9 yards 27 InclieB 'Nlde, or 7 yards 36 In ches wide, or 6¥.! yardtl 42 In.c bes wide. . .

- -------

. To procuro thhl pattern send 10 cents to "Pattern De partment," of this papol', V,' rlte name and addreBs ptalnly. and bo lIure to elve aile Bnd number or pattern. S~ZE ..• 4 .

·tI • • • • • • • • • • •

NAME ...... ...................... ............ .

'tOWN •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• ST.REE1' AND NO .............. . ........ . 8'1' ATE •••••

I I •• " ••••••••••••••••••• I . ' ••••••

·.M ournlng Wedding ' Ring..

Iil Russia It Is tbe .custom for peaa- . ant women ' to have ' tbelr wed din, rings covered with .black cr.ape upon , 'the' death of tbelr husbands and to wear tbem 80 decorated for IIbr month'!/. WIll P'ant a Ve~glll.n Grove. A plaD Is aJ)pr.oved .whereby ' an area -between Mantlia' and Pletol~, ItalY, II 14J1l1lr.4M'!1 to be f/l)Dverted .ato a ,,~d lIacred to the memor1 01 VlrsU."bere all ttall hetba, trea aDd pluta menUoned ..

bla Bucolic. 1\'111 be. relPftliiPlte4

.. ~~- -



NO. 2179.



THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JR., 'WEDS MISS ALEXANDER Eldest Son of Former President and Pretty New York Girl Are Married in Gotham---Will Reside in San Francisco.

"1'7Y This, This Summe r. :I'b yery n ext. tIm you're hot, tJr 11 or th Irs ty , stt! p up to a soda fountain and g e l, II glass or Co ;.t. ·ola. Jt wi ll cool you 011', n:lI yeo you r j)odlly and w6ntal fallg ue lind (jlll!lidl YOU I' tl;lrat d elig htfully. At sodll. I'o untnlnll PI' ··a.rbona ted In lIoul 's-Cic en'l'y",b r e, Dt:!iclous, I' '1'1' sh lug an d wholeHotn c. Sand to th Coca·Co la a " A tl an ta, Gu" for th II' freo book I t "The Truth About lIeu·Coln ." TplItl wll It ('0 ·a· GGla Is nn d why It It! so d<,lIcioU9, r e· frllBh l ng an d , thlrs t·qll!'\\c hlng. Anll send 2c s tamp for til 'ocn·('ol a DaN C· ball HeC'ord Tlool, for 1910- eo ntalns lIle famous poem "Cas('y A t Th e Out," rllcord s, s ' hedulf'S for both ll'ilgUCI'I ~D d ot ber valuabl e basebnll Illforwu ,. ~ ,o n om p iled by auth ori tie R.

The Dignity, of Hum an Natu re

' N


Farm lands tn Canada Increas ed In mn:umnmummm:nuumm valu e thIs ~prlng from fift een to tw en. AT R E Jlurs ues bl!!' calm un· Iy per ce nt, and us a result o t this varying r ou nd; she e lfects h e r Increas e tbousan ds at thoBe wbo bav", sublime purpose s with Infinite gone th e re within th e past few years e as e, nnd SE' ldoO!. find s It neclls, bavo had that much more value udded eary to hav e r eco urs e to tho ee stu· to tb elr hold ings. There Is proof h e re pe ndous exerti ons whld; e xcite the ,tbal us a 11 Id tor Inves tment tb e ro fell I'S. nw ake n til e wo nde r, Bnd e le vate New York. -The Fifth Avenue Pres· , vard, lJu t In t h e Is nowher e to be found a more lHOft t. maIn Ite has bee n less tb e feelings or men. Her un ceasing able one tban lu purcbas lng tarm uy re rian church was tbe scene of a entiJIISI11s ti c 011 Ill Q lI ubj ecl or OLD~ li fe In ope ra ti ons are con tin ued from {' t erDl ty lunds In anada. And. as a field to r wedding on June 20 tbat attra cted the the ope u th an hi li fatli e r and brother to etern Ity; and cannot ue I~lerrll pte d 'occu pation nnd working the farms atte nti on RUU Intc r cs t or th e na tioll Ke rllllt. H b us a lways b ee n or n b y th re pl nl ngR of 11 foo l o r the tb e re Is nowh e re on tbe contin e nt tb ut of Th eodore Roos v e lt, Jr., and st udi ous ua tllre fi nd bl A rOOlan e with ravin gs of 1\ uJUnlne. She Is ne ve r Mistl Eleanor Butle r Alexa nde r. wh ere maI'o satisfa c tory re tul'u Is MI St! A l :<a n,t el' Is so ld 10 h ave had In lm s te; sll nen' r <'lllllloy>! more ,A lurge numbe l' of pro min e nt peo· Its b ~ Innlll gI ven. Tho crOl18 are ulways su re a nd gs In Ihe llIutual love or for ce thull Is )J erl'ssary for th e com· pic witness ed tb e th e prlCea are slways good, ce re mony, hut na t· t il , YOllug pE'o ple fo r Illulllc, lUllUFA£TURED. B'l. Til&: WIL!.l F or pl etlo n of h r dp81,,1I1>. It Is only rnllr9 ud!! e nt e ring nnd trave rs ing all II rti ll y th most n Ol lced p r son In llli all t.h ut "Tedtly , J r. ," bali escbe wed th wh!'u she llP e ts \\'Ilh upposltl o n fl'olU 1be sille d (l a l' ts. tb ere ure ve ry f . IV chun'b, after the bride fwd groo m , WII~ se llFm llollul In out lloo l' ,athl ell cs, h e dill th o ha ullc tl'nd " II(' y or tbill!;!!, 01' th e dl!! t r lc ts In whi ch th e farlll ,. will he Col. Tbeodo re H oo~ e ve lt , fath e r of Ih ~ pal'llr.:lpm l\\'l) yeu l's ago In a bal· s tull hor n In ertia of malt l' r, ,thnt she m o r' th an froUl ten to twe lve miles young lIlun w ho W HS Pllt e r ln g t h!' B ata 101)/1 lII!;ht 1'1'(1n l Wushln g on , iu nnn ,YA IIt'rselr In t l! rror~, und ri ses II I fr olll a rallll'ny s Ul ti un. H oads uro of matrlmo u y. '!'h " d ato of th e W('el· II'bl<' h h " :lII d Ihe two a nJl ), officers In ',uajrs ty 10 l'UUrOUU ~ til .. oppo ~ '1' 9 cooll. nt;d big londs ar e euslly h undl ed . of lIP !' IJOWI 1', OKE SIZE ONLY. RIGULAn PRICE ~1~ 'I'll prI cll or g ulling grai n to tb, 111'1. wn ry llI urltut Is low OU th Is n ccou u t,. KNOW N SINCE 1836AS RELIA BLE noll tlum In reachin g t he wor ld'!! mar· I TRADE MARK ) kets th o rallwuy s huve the ir rnte tl cou· trollcd uy til Go \' e rnm nt, nnd what m ay . l.J o co ns ld e r "d a filiI' d eal is c e r'l ORCAPSULE'S lain. iood price>! for all kind s of !;rt\lu It! the I'll I , and If I II Inv es to l' SUPERIOR REMEDY FOR MENETc.ETC AT DRUGGISTS TRIAL BOX BY MAIL 50<;, hus mad good llIo ney by t he In creased PlANTEN , 93HENRY ST, BROOKLYN,NY , VUltl' glv 'n to his Iln work d lalld, It III nol tl lOlc lllt to ul1ll orsta nd thnt th e IS WHAT WE CAN SAVE proflt to Lhe mlln wh o works his la nd YOU ON ANY BUGGY Is jU Bt tbat nluc b more, li nd th ere Top Bugg ies, Rlln al JU IS, will b no d e preolatl on. The Illu n S urri cs, P ony Vehirle!i , who ho ld s a f reo h omesteu d or on e 'a rts and Wngons. hllnd r 'd nud s lxly ur res or la nd, ~ Wrlto for Prices . wbl eb Il e got fO I' $10 ' fill a n enlry fe'l, .,.. BUOB ... SCHEU CO. lI u>! lnnd will h at It B lowest ('stlma te ~OO Court and Broad .. " Is worth $1 0 un ncr -y Il, $I~ aotlc re Clnclnnatl,Ohto - tbe mom ent h e has comple ted b ill 01. Why necopt 4% thr e y an; ' r esld Emce duti es. It w ill ,0 f,'om .. ''''''l lIgs lmuk when .l'uUl continu o to Incr Rile In valu - ulI tll Its OYSTE R BAY SCHOO LHOUS E. "0 bn,\' ar nl ng power g ives a reasona ble In· Where Th eodore Roose velt, Jr" Attend e d School W hen Per Real Bonds1 t e l' a t on a ce rtain ~o m. 'rhut Is , It a Boy. n std.R ~ bn r lllg In th e !,rnl1t9 ot n. greAt 1'0"': b e tak es orr I h la nd fift een to tw enty dIng ba d uee n Ii pvmllon. I\'rlto (o r rul Iml·L!c ulll ra.. V"pt. lL t to )J rmlt th e at. ! who we r e h is [" llow pas se n ge rs ba d dolla rs Jl er acro c l 'ar prolll e ach year, te n dan ce of th e forme r IJresld ent, and semo ralh I' e:o;.(,\tillg experie nces. DEBEN1URIi CORPORATION OF NEW YORK hI s IRnd Is " 'ortb to blUl , a t a fall' !'Ute thi s was one (If his ve r y fi l'st !loclal 1134 },~ lfth A ""0110 TllI!re WIlS 11 0 111 tie su rpri se on the N ew 'York ,CIt; of Inte res t. $~OO un acre.. If h e only gage men ls aiter his I' tu rn from pa rt of t he pu bllo wb e n Tbeo· rea li zes $10 an acre clear profi t , It Is a broad, for he laud If .... Wlnoto ... ·" """ thlnl' Sy ru". or Morphine Habit Treated; d In ,ew YorK do r /1, .Jr., upon COlli \)1 tl on or h is 01· "'tee lrial. uu. whl!.re DlhH worth $100 pe r acre. ~~("~~18~~~atr:)~~~~'n~~t:c';.·;lbnd~U:: ~:c;,"a1ra: Now, thou- oul y two days bero re. ,.mteli •• haY. 'lil.d, avec"U, leg' course t.wu yean; a go, chos a desil't'o . Givr narticull . sa nd s of farmers are du pl1 callng til se Mrs. nowd n Fabnes to cl( , who be- lJu "lnc~B CHreer as Or. a , G, OOIlftU.L , BII.. DU, " . . .. !lJ4 aL, . . . y . . hi s life worl(, and tl g'\Ir s. Tho prl co of la nd In Ca nada fore he r own recent marrlag o WI' S SIIlI 1I10l'e wond er was arons d wh n to·day Is mu ch IOSB than · its r ealizing l\lIss E llz:tbeth Bert ro n , was 1be ma· he took elllploYIIl t' Ut In n 'oll uecUcu t ,·alue. Tho fuct tb al th e fifty thou- tron at bo uol'. and lho bril.lesm ald curpe t fa c tory I II I!>r de r 10 gath e r tlanu America ns wh o w e nt to Canada w r c Miss ' E'h I R oosevel t, "118s J es· ItIl ow li!lIge Ilt fi rst h ll nd f t.he pracll· y ' al' b<'fore Illst w e ro followed by one sle Mllilngt on·D rake, \\ll!;s Janet ta cal s id e o f carpc t ma nu fact ure. He b undred thou sand In t y ar olrers Alexll nd 4J r. Miss J enn DI!llIno /,Ind Miss s ta rt l! d nt t he lo\\' st round of thEl Iud · , t; OJ I' vld n r c. lind good e vld n ce , too, 1I:1I'rl o.J L Al('lcnn der. d 1', ns ufls ldll d workma n at n th at 01('1' 1 ill '!:, tllng to be a pretty fu lr R e \'. lI en ry J. Snnd rn , a gr at small slliary, or ou r se bo was 1'1'0JllI owl !lbo that mo ncy Is to bo mnd e lu uncl e of t hu brId e, CIIDclntec! , assisted mot d a s h e mastor tI th e Ill l r lcncl s Canada land l:i , As un Inv stm ent Illon e y l.Jy Dr. Gordon Russe ll ot Cra n· or th e busin ess, bul 11 continu ed to 18 to be !nadC', hilt more, by living I fo rd, N. J . , li ve lJul e tl~' In u modest lIoard ln:; upon III luntl, ecurd Ithe r by born e- I Afte r Ibe cer~ mon y t he brida l J)llrty bOlls. lIIany pers ons wero s kep tica l 5t ad or parchas e. Th one h undred tllollsnn d of lust y ar 1II ~ one bUll' ] dred and ,fifty t bousa nd thla year. Th So com p!' ls p eoplo from every I stat III llle nlon. a nd It I!I just bei ng I l'eall z d th nss t th a t awaits the 'C' hOUl esoe ke r In Dlllldn. T h e larg e n umbe rs that h ave gone, tl,lOUg h' j lllnlt s no app reciab le differe n ce lu Ih ' supply of la nd . Thore Is s tili I rt vo st Qltantll IE'S or the b s l of Il. ,But tb e 10llger n d lny Is mad in arrivi ng lit a d eciSion, til prlc(' wi ll a(] \':J nce l lropol'ti oll ULl'Iy, nnd ' th mol' de- I 81mble hom s teads n ar til railway lin es Ilecotllo 1II0re Iliffi t'u lt to Ii 'cure. Th ' GOI' 'rllm nt publi shes Int resting Jl t ' ralure, wh le- h mltY b h nd 0 11 np· plicatio n to nny of Ihe 11~' uts whose am cas are locn le d at dlITNf'll t Iloln t s through t h e St'ates, an d lhey (the agen ts) w ill bu pleased to ass ist in I nny WAY possible In the choice of Illcation. Fletche rl to Losts H Is Count. A perfec t Remedy forCon s lipa. "~O bhy," suld his moth r, "sit 1f[ lion , Sou r S tomach, Diarrho ea, stl'nlgbt , a ntI don't tll c k yo Ill' nupk lu Worms ,Convul sions ,Fe\'erj ~ h· und e r your chin. ..I'vo told yo u \JUl!· ness and LosS OF SLEEP. dredFo r -ttnrr= .. , "Th ere!" eXl1 lod d T om JU~" "you '",~ fae Si mile S;gna ture 0(,' The W isdom of Ba sha. m'utl me los , t he Ollu t! I don't know "Thc ll s tood liP IIn : ha, Lh,' ~o n 01 n ow Wh et he r II.·s :tuG or :;~G !lmes I'VlI ~ Barna, In th e fIIld s t or the congrcg a h ew ' d tlli s cia III !" tl on, und spak IIn to th " mullilllClc, s[{y iug: 'Giv e <'llr. 0 yn nnt f< , i u th l! When Rubbers Become Necessl words of my Jll olltli and lay liP illY And y ou r 8hoe~ pllll' h. sha llC In ll:' ';Y l our ,hoes Allt'n'R F oot· Elise. t ho II nlls.'pUc c oun se l ~ In your hearts, Y , kllow powder f cll' I h e fl~ 'I. Cur 6 UrI''', Hehln G' ReadIng From Left to Right: Theodo re Rooseve lt, Jr., Mrs. that 1 ha ve giV E- II lilY d:1 Ys 10 ~ l lI d) f eet nn tl I n.k "~' t he stl n/:' Ollt o C Co rns l\11(1 Rooseve lt, Mrs. Buni on s. AlwlIYR usc It for Brenk tnl( In Longwo rth, La rz Anderso n . snd lilY nights to 1'0ltt enlJ, lalioll; thai N ('\\' shoos alld f or <itllll' tnj; pnrll o', Sold I ha ve di scovere d l h(' Itature of tho ev ur Y" ' h el'o 2fic. S n m ph mull ed 1,' nC:"1. was ent I·ta ln pd at t ile hom e or tb e as to wheth e J' y oung Addross, AI\OD ~. OIJlls tet.l, L~ n o)" N. Y. Hoose v(' lt wOll lc1 firmam ent amI ('o n sl d!'r , d the CO U I' SO Lrldo's nncle. Gh arl s n, Al exa nd e r. s li ck t o a nrosa ic ;m !'xl t ence , but of the still'S. The refo re. 0 ye citi ze ns Ir n ma n wbo Is early to bed and \ t leas t n part of th e hon eymoon will he Is ",v ld e nll y d l'ter m ln ed to will h is of Hobah . nnd inh ab ltnnts or th" ,:lIll' e arly 10 ris e doesn't get rich , his wlfo be sp cn t at Sagamo re HIli, lh couu· fort.11J1IiI III Ihls sp h e re. hlll, a tte ncl to th e dl ' tut "~; {If \\'i~cJom. Is firml y oon vlnced It's becau s e he III t!' )' horn e of th e n oosevel t fa mil y at Whe n yo~]r fath r rs Rf'l ll pd ill Ih lH \'a l· too honest. Oys te r ORY, Lon g Is land . Later lil th e Ga rd e n Work an Aid to Beauty. le y th ey wel'e a little lialld. lIli s<'I'a ble Slimm el' f ho YOltIlg coup le will s tart ' ''''orkln g in th e ~arden and pi c king and 1)001'; bllt· Itoiv ye an! b l! C'O nlP all fat' {In Francis co, wh e r 1111'. Roose- nowe l's make ' gentl e e xercIse Ih ut ,h o s and on th e sea -3 hol'e, or a s the \' It Is to Ile In cbarge of th e Inter· t 'nd s 10 '1l'u pro\, e Ih e Ilgure. M.allY RO' s tars of h e ;l.I'c n . whIch cannot b e nIlJfI. ' ests of the carpe t manufa cturing firm elet y WOol II be lI eve t hi s , and on Long b er ed . But ye hav waxed prolld, lind w\t h whi ch h e Illls been assocta ted islu nc1 th er as s alt! to b e R scor e of have for gotten th e pl'eN' pt !1 of thOo! [or saute lime. soc l ly wom en who are l'esortln g to la w. Know y 1I0t that our t'alhl 'rs No one can say he has seen the world Th e love story of the young couple th is treutme nt for h ealth and Ius· h nve t old \1 8 that IV e s bould nU Rb ollr bUll been a qul ck·movl n g roman ce. tlcity. Mrs. O. 11, P . Be lmc nt spe nd s InIrdeu R b e ro!'p. \I S , Ilud no t drng Ihelll until he has seen "Col orado ." Tb e lr engagem ent waB anno ltn ced dn ly mu c h tim e In' he r g ard en In South· afl er UB accorul ng La tlt t> lJI unll er of last winter and th e n ews was ca bled ul1lpton , Mrs. H erb er t M. J-Inrrl mJl IJ the h e ath e n . Ye t, notll' iUlst an e!l ng thi s, to Colon el HooRe velt. "es ultlng In th e Hn d many ,otherll s ay W rite for the books that th ey d elight t o o ye UlltS. I h a ve seen YOll tll l'n yo u r speedy r eceipt of bl s upprov a l and IJlc k ftow rs, and pictur e and descri be it hinder tbe ques t iOIl hu s pa]'ls to tlt e templ e of OUI' god, congrat ulntlons . The bride, who Is been raised wh e tl1 I: they ure n o t fol as we n.s~elld etl this boly · mOlln tal n th e daught( 'r of H enry Addis on Alex· 10'V ln g tbe advl 'e , I of a b e lluty s pecial. ",blcb was glv n -to our fa th ers ; t h('re· and er of New York, is twe nty.'one i. L Who ad v ises tols for h ealth ane! fore the h eave n s are troub led; th ereyeal's o ld. at a little more thun me· th o fOI'Ill. "If a woman Is in ('ar nes l for e, tbe sun li as hldd n hi ' face; n lld dlum heIght; 's lender and of ve ry at· ubou t b coming sli m," says the b eR ut y th e e ar1h Is Blink n trom h e r 'en te r.' .trac tl ve llppenrn nce, hnvlng un es pe· docto r, "she will use "While h e yet spak e, th e re ('arne a lh e same lUll S' <; Inlly hea utlful ·I''l on. h e Is cles In work Ing o\' r a fl owe r b ecl ,o!' wil d .b eas t from the foresl of L <: bu via the co n. as onlmute d a9 11('1' ramous iSl er·ln· she will In xercislll g In a gym na!'luJII , nnl! trod tlol\~ n tile hillock." law, ?tI l'S. AJI~e R oosevel t Lon g worth. We d ing sel:l lll prosaic, bllt It If! ex· wbos house ,guest h e 1V1lS for 11 Um-e l' 11 nl x r e lse. on at my pat! nt H 'A, Pray~r. ju st II .fol'e M 1'5. Lon wOI'th sailed for carn e to me i' ecen tl~· and so ld 'She , E nglund to 'join her fath er. ' wlsb d to <leve lop her at-IPs and her E te rnal Hod of' lo\, : w'e lhan 1, tit,~ 1' b eodore Rooseve l t , Jr., 'stron gly reo thnt thy h eart follow s · us In profo urid "The Safe selubles bl u fatb e']1 In lobks. but Is de- sh6ulde rs. I told h ' l' lo go hom e a n d ,s olicitu de throu~h Lbo worl" Thall t'UIl tho Ia.wn ,IDo,\'el·. he ~\'\ls" art w ith us In fhe del/tils and ,hi tho cid edly I"esc(ve d nnd 'Is generally credo Ited wi t h be ing far I ss demoerl ltlc' led ', a t first , but rlnnl\)' she 10UoII' '. h -igll ts. In everY 'J)ln r.e Mu sphere, our ,Mk about our personally conducted tour-do Y~Jlowstone National Park my ndvlc a nd, it did h e r a. world of abid ing o.ut.lse lor thun cer ta in other -nlllm bel's or thu ' good and rl'l nd; Almost ." ' For full informa tioD, ticke ts, etc" add resa falllli y . As a boy ' be rode horseba ck, too wonder ful to helt(lve. Thou art and ngf\ged ~n 1111 the oUler outdoor u nd <ll' 0 \\1' burde n!!,' d.ud s h/l \'est our Was fo r Forest Conserv ation. PUI'!llll ~~ of the JUv enil e Rooseve lt cIao arrows. Thy sYIllP~th'y · In t ull and Ht')usew tto-,-A re )'011 willing to cbo t E. L. LOMAX; G., P. A. at t heir borne :It ' Oyster Day, rind he IlQm wood for YOUI' sw el , r,nd, thy: lovo Is an ' Immeus ur. dlnll ~'r? Union Pacifi c R. R. Co. . took s"om'e part In athl tics durIng his 'lble sea. .l;ielp un to 'be «:aim and can. Ploddin g Pet~Surr:", mum, lmt I D.dent, always 'bellevl ng that lJltJuult e: prepal'u tory , 8cl1001 caurse 'at Gro- am a Plochot maG.-":U Omaha, Nebraska ostoll TraIl· Iy thy love wm brlnl us lIome tel' til),• ton Bnd Ida collegIa te CGune !It Har· lI~rtpt. --



, N ' TEN'S , BL~CK


C '& C



60~o V5.











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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2_ _ _ __

.1 . '11. ' Whit·,km' /LncI fQ l1lily, Ilf B Iw'o nt, olOveu in IDllll s r W..,bb ·s . . pl' . llert y QU We' s t·re t, lu st t40o ~ (lluite 1\ llirgn l'owd P!.'l Ol1le at tillY . t flll d'ecl tb K of P .. de oru tioll Illst Mrs . ( . R. l' tersCl o n·o \l MI 11 Snudav , the prinoipul Rpen.ker belDg )U rI'in Kemp w r e O il ·tOLl :lh opperl" Pr f . C . R. 'l'lt l w, of Fllirfi Ill. . ! llIst Friday . Boro to MI'. . uod Mrs . Rlmo Plero'e Ellu r 'on nor. a,od wi.fe nnu htlby . . o ?r~h of town v Isited h,lt! grll,od-pu r. eu ... t of towll, t\viJl!!. . . . . ent.ll, M r . nd M r ~ . \'\ Ill. onnn or :' ph n Rosell '~' h o hns lJe n v ry. 111 1illl!t SUIlC} I\,;,. wi t h onnear o f the flto lUllCh, dl bd Mi sseH . L\lIlrl 110d Min nie 1 nJer lll$t buturrl~ .v veni,lI g n t IliR ili tt wool1 I\.lt od ed n piuno r eoital III h ,)me nOllr Spra t.ts nrLl r . Y tOU Illtl' Fl'ld Y !l ig ht.. I\1 rs. Rlch llrd Purdom /lnd Mrs. Mr. an d 1\1r ... HlllllOl' BOll11 Ii ntl HurryTb oDlns llttondeclthe<3 . A R. hli .. Bert.hlL Purdum nt,te nded th o Enoumpm nt fit Xelllllillst, ·.n iursdLIY K. of P. deoorution ELt Wuynesv illu Mr s. Cli re)' G ran, of \Ynsh ingtou lllllt ~ llu(hw . M iJ I~, IA very s i('k with pn eumOni tL. '. M. AnRtlll w ho li ves sr nth of Mr . Rod Mrs. J . M. !olon eLI to:vn rf'tn rn ol} h omo lllst F rida v t Rrtt\ined Mr . RUI I ;\I re. Churl es eveni ng w it,h h is uri de whloh W ill' P terllllU, of Dtlyton. IIlRt Hllnuu v . II Sl1rlll'lIlO to lll !ol IllHny f!'l eu d s h er f"









JOu)'ca r Gold Fillet!



If t huse \\' ho ,:re d elinqu('nt in th ei r lig-ht nnt! wa te l' renl a ls do no t pay the sa nte by July ]0. 1!1l0, the li g h t or wat.l"r (L~ S ease may bel shall bt' l turn ed 011 a nd lIot be tll l'lI ed on a gain lIlllil a ll renLa ls arc paid, wi th add itill ll of "lIe d ollar ( ~ l. Ult) I [01' t llming- "If and un . ' By order Board of Tru s t >c~.

}o;t ' p l t 'IIlhcr


'''" ~ I 1\'111 1'11. If' y\'llI' 0I 0 \ UIUt 'I1L , a n d


~~~""~~"""""~~ ~ .. ~

t li(\

\nlt ' l'f It

n ,. " q , .. t :old

t't"'·. S\\lss

to t it(· buy 1'(\('('h


t llu 11If}:-- t. \ll t t 'S un I ll h' u .. t anl L'iukl \V atl'll. JO· Yl.'ar ~old · J\IIf·d t' a~' ~wiss IIh) \ t' lIlt' lll \ IItts~ w ill he C'U1U llOd t 'ud. M Ollda y ,\ltd I lw Hoy II ltd Girl r . ("t ·. i'~ItI J.! lilt' IIJl1 .... t vot ,'s t'lld l w(lfi l\. , .\\t \


\\1 11 P('t'~""1


Ith a

tllll' Ill)'\.


\\' 0


JII,' w bor pU(,l'lIllso.


;rClJlI Ti l' kl' l ~




lI u l y (or tlli l'o Co nt t' s t , S tart F avori te - li ulp SlllIle HI "" tUlti (Orrl t, ) . ,'('u n· a ,,1 ,'11 (101,( \\ 11 11'1" \\' 011'11 Ih'l pnpurs ftlr parli. 'u lurs ouch w eel\ t:'u Ul~"it l'UU11I1 0 IiI" ' S 0.' ul~ 1s t , ~O\lr



We have a nice assortment

No.1 Galvanized Tubs ...... Mo. Galvan! "ed Tubs ...... No . 3 Galvanized Tubs ... ... 14-qt.Galvanized Buckets .. 2h W dB k ts - OO p 00 uc e ........ Was h B oar ds·· .. .... ·.. . B rass

~ $

i ....

.... .,.

i .... .,.


tre 30-ball. Roman also the lar.. Candles, Shooting Stars, Flower Pots • etc •

45c 50c 55c 19c 13 c 21c



\~'a~~e~~i ll~ a t

Miscellaneous Races of all Kinds Music by


DR. J. W. MILLER. W ayncs\' iIIe, . 0.

P o nco nltl ~. (h' o r CI'USS Bt'IJ~. Storo




New Burlington.

Groceyr ? 8l1~~~'~I~·,J~( ~~'~\I~~fn~~:r)~;::~h~~~ tIi

past week fl, Miss Laum Kibl er hU E! r eturn t<he W Ill toke m dHlul t l' tLt.llI pn t . from a. pleaslln t visit with Mr~ B . • M t F t 'th ' tl E. Wilson , of Springboro fl !' Ilr orres · III I IS \ ' !! 11 '!It ,of hi fr iend Lr'ste r J nlt o w r ' in I Walter Clea ver wuS borne from \v as )l .lU g t on '.8 . S prlDg ' fi e Idover S undu.y . The Best Goods at. the lowest pI'ice ____ Dr . Lol' nz 's hI dioi n e how WIIS I Miss bohuyle of rDa yton, paid n. AnDa week end vis itr , to el"tl ' ves The Best Prices fo r cou ntry produce I n a nI' '' III IIge n 11 1tlR t, w e k' . 'I'h 0 II 'R P r lo rm /loce, we r e v r.v iotl r estin g



Admission 25c

Y OU -----~--.------

That you always get a . Square Deal at


famous Waynesville Cadet Band

Come and Enjoy Yourself


Warren ·mi t.lJ And cbum, of Day. t/)D, hu. ve been v is iti ng the ~herwood family here . Miss M!1ry Conner , of .Morrow, ha!-1 been the g uest of friends h er e tb (


Farmers shou lJ.i make t his t he occa.'Iion for a baskc>t pi cniC' . Bring your fami ly and stuy all ti LlY . Lebanon wil l Ita e the uig-.gest F o ur t h of t hem a ll. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- .. - -

... DENTIST ...


$ $ ____________...1.1_____________ . $$ .,. # $. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~

~ of Fireworks for the children;



Eve rything good to eat at



Tubs and Buckets

I'l\'t'!i ~::!O I'aee. 2 : ~1I 'I'rot.t :n·t: 1l 1';\('1'. Thn'<' l\1illul , T rot. I 'u r~t'~ $ 1:,. $ 111 alld $!'I . \-'uur· rnitllli 'I:'ul o r 1':1<:1:' , I Illil e h 'Ht; h ur:-;(' trol l ill)! III' pal: ill g llf:!u l'e:;l to -! llli nlllt·:; wins th e pri zl' .


Cincinnati, 90c

III Ill)

t-Ct llHl

$ $~ ~~;~ ;;~~~~~~. $ ZIMMERMAN'S $

~ix j.!tllld



Morning Program-lO a. m.

Afternoon Program - l p. m .

or Ch ",·,,·

~''' u I hf' tlesl at tlt u L u \\t ·s(, I'l' in! ~ and 1'0 · yo u ,:,· t It l·IIt·,·k wl l It " al'll

fAIR GROUNDS, lEBANON, 0., Hand C( 'IH.:vrl Oil Bruadway uy th e WUYIll'::''' illl' Balld H, 'allill)! III' )) t'd aral.ioll .11' Inli<'Jl t' lldf' IH'C' hy ))il l~lll H. \v il:-:llt1 Add:'c!'s by Jlld ~~ · .111'; 'plt W, () ' Nt'rlll I'a lriotic M f:! ting' and I{ClIllioll of Old Soldier,;.



l ·IIll lilltl'· 10 ~"' I

( irtlf'(."ri ,"'~


500 cans hand-packe.~ Tomatoe.s, ev~ ery can warranted, this week only, 5c. ~ Think of it! A full-weightcan of Tomatoes ~ for only 5c! Try a can and you will want a ~ case. Li m it, I case- 2 doz.-·to a customer


Inlt........ ,

Our sale Saturday was the largest tlti. year• . ~ We still have a large stock and will offer the same ~ ~ bargains thi~ week beginning Wednesday. 500 ~ articles go at 9c, reduced from 25c, 20c, 15c and lOco We will add a lot of Baskets t his week; also a big assortment of Enameled Ware at bar-


Givcn und er thc lI spiL:cS of tllC WarrcII t;u un ty 1\'alil1 cc Club for BCI\cfil uf li~h t ~iarn css I·torscs, tu be 'Ill'ld a l tlte:


) lltdi. ,t'I '

H" I" III"'''

July 4, 1910


To thc' Ui r i l\lld IIllv \l1llolt'r l ' \·('u,.,. l l'e l'\\ lvln~ Olt' 1I10S I ' 't ltos Ilt. /1\11' S\.\tro . \\' u Wi ll ":1 \' (1 tiud, c USlum r n tin'l' li ('I\ ' h HeKist "r ( ' \"'f' k \\1111 "nell pur · d UJ.."'e, l lltt I tlll1 ~ tll o lll t.u \ ll t u (III' t t w i r (uvI II'i t t) (i irll1J' UIIY - fHWh l ' UI1' r p prtt + I:'t . ' \ .. \\11 1 III"PSt ll\t t.1I ' J,:" lrl



Watches FREE

~l'1I 1 111 L:' lUll' \llltl,

Celebration and Races

~li ss MYl'lI "utl rsp l'~:;cnl d h t' pupils ill \i I'C 'ital at the M. I';. ch u1' h . lust Thu rfiday eve ni" g . Auout thl' huntlrerl invila tio ns WeI" :-len t ou t and the chu l' ·h wag omf rtably till d by the paren ts and fl'i emls f th e pupils . Th playing o f each ( ne show I t! th' L'XC ·1I0nL t railling' g iVl!ll them by 1\1iss 'o ull 'I'S, who is a very cllicien l tC:.lcll l' r .


marca jfina 3J mparcirtl. .... - A.1'iJ)-

5c' Cigars

Hand - Made Ha ¥R I1:l Cigars oompose " of 'the Fruits and Vegctables for Saturday [Lod t e sh o w WII ~ we ll put,r r.lO lzect . :. 11 Mr!4. Fred McKinnev ent rtn iuecl I Worth 50c to 76c, t his week, each ... ... .... ................... ......... 25c Misses Mabe} Sherwood and G I(t d vs Oranges Lemons Pine Apples on 'l'uesc'lI:lY of III !!t 'wotlk , MI sl<es ' Mfg. by EUREKA CIGAR CO. Calf Weaners, worth 60c, now .. .... .... .... .. ; ..... ................. ..... 19c Spenoer, Omar Bollingsworth, Zain Banan as Tomatoes Dor a 'furner, .Flot'1.\, !LUll M'lUd litH.! Armitage and John Sherwoou mo · Peaches ' Cucumbers Water melons ,llt n, .J ennie, EU",abetllllud J o 'evil ine l Germantown , Ohio. tored ont to ~he oommencemen t ex Muskmelons' N P t t Reflves. I eroisee a.t Silver G r ove last Thur s ew 0 a oes d ay Ol Old Potato' es . MI 8 friends Marl ll htrtlnt, . 'g- h·•. 3 b ars Lenox S oap; ..... ...... 09 Ladies' Under Muslins vlslttld t'e IIIof t,Wa weeykue. (limit 3 bars) C. A . Spenoer is Ildding an extr a 'on t th h . db F Y S d " p. ' Bel'nic HtL wkins u t,tendetl Ant·l· room 0 e onse now ooouple y' or our atur ay SICS ooh bltv.tnuqun. \t\st Thu rsday. ' 2 b ars I vory S oap .. ....... .... .. 09 $1 50 Lace and Insertl Old Dutch Cleanser ..... ...... 09 Waists ............. .......... 98c Prof . Williams and family . 2 boxes Washing Powder ... 09 1 50 E mbroidery Skirts ... 98c Come in and buy a can of Mi s!1e .M llrtllll Billund Effie 8111'. 3 'bars Scouring Soap ...... .. 09 35c Ladies' Drawers ...... m c . their guests for Sunday dinner Mr . I t: c urns f or on y ....... ...... .. .. . IOc nett a tt Dded t h e C. E. (Jon v utlOll.jl 2 boxes Clothes Pins ........... 09 50c Corset· Covers and Mrs. Henry Ke r sey !tnd MI' l!. 20 c ca n 0 f Peac h es f or ........ ...... . 15c in Cl o in nu ti. t' S.. ..... ' t .. 39c 98 1 50 Co m b ma IOn Ul s ... c Gertrude, and Mr. and Mrs. ~cGill Th e W F . M. S. m et. lit the hom e I (OsteopathiC Physician ) 25.c Corset Covers ...... .. . 19c and son . of Mrs Wm UOml)ton on Hntl1t'duy , All kinds of Car'tned Goods and all " . " '1 :Best Tomatoes, per can ... ... 09 Walter Gll rd has been seri ously Miss Thelmn. Powell, of Xenin, ill Best Corn, per can ............ 09 Men~s Shirts ill for severttl, weeks . kinds of Cereals tht1 g uest of her aunt, Mrs . Chlls . , Tuesday and ~riday Best Peas, per can .... · ........ 09 The Misses Mabel Sherw ood and Mendenha ll . Of Each Wcek Fancy Evaporated Peaches .. 09 $1 25 Dress Shirts ............ 89c Gladys Spencer, Omar HolliDKS Bour's Royal Garden Coffee The Npw BurJington 1m1l team de. Full 1·lb. package Raisins ... 09 G 50c Dress Shirts ..... .. ... 39c ~ worth Imel Zl\in Armitage atten ded --I fellted Buveyllbllrg Slltl1rdtLY by n e m W ork Shirts .............. 46c Ba U ma' Fancy Prunes .. ...... ...... ...... 09 band conoert Il.t Lebanon Satur dtt:r n s B rea d B 8Core 0 f 1 11 t a . Gem Neg ligee Shirts ........ 45c ~ . Off· t th e G ustan . H .,. night. Is just as go d s th t tI I' At mi (ln ig ht on WedD esd t~y of u;e a ouse Men's Trousers .... Mr ILnu Mrs. Guy Sher wood, of • 0 a a mo 1er ma, es last weAk Cu rl MoKinney of tbte 2 boxes Macaroni ....... .. .... .. 09 .,. near Wuynes vilJe, were In town Yours truly, plaoo WAS m arr iec1 to tl Mi8H 8 t e· 2 boxes Noodles .. ...... ...... ... 09 Our EntIre Lot of Men's Sund llY. phen R, of n ellr G qes They wel'e Hours of Apf\ointment, 8 a . m. Mothers' Quaker Oats ........ 09 $2,1.50 and 1.25 Trousers ..$1.00 C. A. SpenC1er, wif~, and cbildren HaWl"e .ma~ri ed by H.AV. Amos Cook !It bls to 12 m. CpornffedFIWakhes ..t.. · .. · .. · .. · .. ....... 0 9 Covert Cloth Trousers.... ... 1.00 stopped here S und B-Y 00 their wuy •• u ea ..... ........ ....... 09 The best' work pants made ~ home from Sp rin g Vtllley. "!! - -_ . "! ' , G e o r g e Suoker, of Morrow, will Underwear be our r egular i'second trick " opel'· .utor here now. Mr . UJld Mrs . Sn ck 15c Violet Talcum .: .; .... .. .... 09 Peroxide Cream .. .... ........... 09 $1.50 Men's Union Suits .. ... 98c er will board with R . B . Emmons . 50c Men's Porosknit Shirts Arthur Elzy and famil y, s pent or D r awers ..... ... .. .. 39c Sunduy wl· t.b relatives '· ere . · , V ts 15cLadles es ...... ... ..... . OJ 50c Black Shirts or Draw.. U 10c and 12c Lad iss' Vests ... 09 ers -9 The U . B. ohuroh g (lVe an ioe IOc and 12c Ladies' Hose ..... 09 50c Men;~· .. ··B~ib~i~~·~~ D C oreum s upper 10 the sohool house Children 's Hose ... .. ....... ..... 09 Sh ' t D 45 yard WedneHdq,y evening. H 09 Ir s. or rawe rs·.... c . · B oys an d M Isses ose........ 25c Men's Balbriggan, Men 's Sox .. ...... ... ............ 09 s II . 19 Necties, worth l 5c and 25c.. 09 rna sIzes.... .. .. ...... c

Horse' and Cattle Yokes



. .


vllle' I ]~~~~~~~~~~~~E~








$ $ $~ . $


Coffee Pots ........................ Tea Pots .. ... ............. .... ... L arge f udding Pans ....... .... Set of rab le Pads .. .......... .. Po rch Seats ......... ... ........... Children's Garden Se ~ .... ..



Ribbon Remnant:i... ...... ..... 09


09 I 09 I' 09 09 09 ' 09 I


$3. ~0 3. 0 3.00 ~ 00



Ladles' Oxfords Black Suede Oxfords$2.89 Pat. Leather Pumps. 2.49 Gun Metal Pumps ... 2.49 Tan and Oxblood Oxfords .. .... .. ... ...... 1.98

Men's Oxfords , $3.50 and $4 Tan or Oxblood I Oxford s .. .... ..... .... .. $2.49 I 3.50 Pat. Leather Oxfords 2.98 3.50 Dull Calf Oxfords ... 2.98 , 3.00 OxfordR ...... .. ... .. .. .. 2.49 I Men's Shoes '1\ $3 00 Work Shoes ... ...... $275 See our 9 c display Saturday . ::3:00 Dress Shoes.. .. ..... 2:75 It will interest you. 11 \ 2.50 Dress Shoes .. ....... 2.25

2 Sc:-ee!' I?oor Springs ... ..... 1 paIr Spr:mg Hmges ... .. .... Padlocks ..... .. ....... .. .. .. ....... I r on Handles ..... .... ..... .. .... g,!n tlal Fil e~ .. .... ........... ... 6.m Taper FIles ..... ... ... ...... 6-in Butcher Knives .. .. ... .. ..

09 09 Of) 09 09 09 09

i I'

New Potatoes, Cucum bers Oranges

Sweet Potatoes T omat()es Pineapples

Cabbage . Bananas Lemons

Ev e r y t·h·log G'. ~od t () Ea t



$ $ $ $ ~~~i~A~~ A~~ $



wil l


Inserted unll 'r Lltl ~



h eall fur

J. Kilb!Jn ,

$ A-



UTOMOBILE8-As I am pl'ep~r· ing to move wost nex. mouth 1 hlwe the followlug l1utomobil ell for sale One " Autooa r" 1U07 Runubout Lever Rteel', 14 h, 2 oylinder e ng ino; top, 30x3X reu.r tll'eH. 2~x3 f r ont in good condition, tools, pump, j 10k and 3 extra inn er tuhell go with tbe oa.r. (Jost $1,000, will sell for $275 if sold a.t onoe. One " .lford ': Model '1' . touring oar, 1909 model wlth 19103 pedlil truns miElsion: Bus top, m ugnet o: wind shield, s peed omete r , presto .li te tank, and and full set of tools and extra. tnbes und oh~ins. Prioe 1700 ' Thes~ OlUS . are bu,rgains . Either nla.y be seen at-Spring Vl~lley or by ~ a.ppointment a.t Xenia. Dr . D . W. .~ Bedinger, 8pring Vt4Jiey, Ohio.

Of Dry Goods; Notions, Men ' s and Women 's Fllrnishing~, the biggcst event of' the kind in Dayton, begins


$ $



Clearance Sale....


You can exchange your Butter, Eggs and Poul- .... HOUSE AND LOT-In Corwin try for anything you want here. .,. . . Bou:se r~cientlYllainted, in good ~ aud Oloely Ipoated. A good

$ . 'Walte:c

1, • • • •

twe nt uy·sit1ng vo not C" l1l~ wh oll murerort itaLhree n tlve IIlS".·tltlUij, li n es.

~ ~~~:_1:~~~,,.'. i :~~~:~:n~;,od~::.~.nt, ':9 $_",,0,. .



$ $

$'. $



0i "

REASTPIN-Suver qu~rte~, dlLt- · ed . lM4 with Initials . "0. W." Lost between A. E. Chenoweth'8 and Rea Briok churoh. Finder will


Tuesday, July 5th · 1 ~ >.

. I


., ~ -:

HunTBR 6t HlI·RDI E 14, 16, and 18 East Third St



I The Storel That 'Sells' 'Reliable. Goods - " ___:"~ '___ '.-...--~ •• ,",,_ ·ft ·.,..,.,.,.,.,......""'"


.~. . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . .~. . . .~. . . .~. . . . . .~. .~. . . .~~~~~~~. .~~~~~. .

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