Socrates Almanac 2014

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Socrates Almanac


ISSN 2053-4736.(Print)

Socrates Almanac (issue 2) Publisher: Europe Business Assembly Europe Business Assembly 2 Woodin’s Way Oxford OX1 1HF Tel: +44 (0) 1865 251 122 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 251 122 http://www.ек Text copyright Europe Business Assembly or as otherwise stated. Reproduction in whole or in part of any content contained in this publication without prior permission is strictly prohibited. ISSN 2053-4736.(Print) The information contained in this publication has been published in good faith and the opinions expressed here are those of the authors and not of Europe Business Assembly. Europe Business Assembly cannot take responsibility for any error or misinterpretation based on this information and neither endorses any products advertised herein. References to materials used in creating this publication are included.

The Socrates Almanac (ISSN 2053-4736) is an annual publication of the most important and interesting research into science and education, including modern educational programmes and advanced methods of teaching, promising innovative solutions, and financing mechanisms. Among the participants of the project are rectors of leading European universities, heads of scientific research institutions, industrialists, and business people. The publication contains popular scientific articles, informative and biographical material, and journalistic essays that describe the best representatives of the business, scientific and creative circles.

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The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. UNESCO has 195 Members and 8 Associate Members. It is governed by the General Conference and the Executive Board. The Secretariat, headed by the Director-General, implements the decisions of these two bodies. The Organisation has over 50 field offices globally. Its headquarters are located at Place de Fontenoy in Paris (France), in an outstanding modernist building. Inaugurated in 1958, the building has recently been renovated.


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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization








Cape Verde



Central African Republic





Antigua and Barbuda
















Cook Islands



Costa Rica



Côte d’Ivoire












Czech Republic



Democratic People’s Republic of Korea



Democratic Republic of the Congo





Bolivia (Plurinational State of)



Bosnia and Herzegovina


Iran, Islamic Republic of


Dominican Republic





Brunei Darussalam




El Salvador


Burkina Faso

Equatorial Guinea








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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization




Saint Lucia



Saint Vincent and the Grenadines






San Marino



Sao Tome and Principe

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

New Zealand

Saudi Arabia












Sierra Leone












Solomon Islands






South Africa


Papua New Guinea

South Sudan






Sri Lanka

Marshall Islands












Micronesia (Federated States of)

Republic of Korea



Republic of Moldova

Syrian Arab Republic





Russian Federation




The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


Saint Kitts and Nevis


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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization







Trinidad and Tobago

United Arab Emirates

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Viet Nam


United Republic of Tanzania



United States of America





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The Bologna Process currently has 47 participating countries. While the European Commission is an important contributor to the Bologna Process, the Lisbon Recognition Convention was prepared by the Council of Europe and members of the Europe Region of UNESCO.


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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization



















Bosnia and Herzegovina












Czech Republic











United Kingdom






Vatican City

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Confucius [551–479 BC, Zou, Lu state]


By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.

[c. 469 / 470 BC – 399 BC, Athens, Greece]


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Entire ignorance is not so terrible or extreme an evil, and is far from being the greatest of all; accumulation of poorly assimilated knowledge is even worse. The really bad person is not the one who doesn’t know anything, but the one who doesn’t want to know. Because two vices combine in him.

Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living differ from the dead.

Plato [c. 428-427 BC – c. 348-347 BC, Athens, Greece]

Aristotle [384 BC – 322 BC, Stagira, Chalcidice]

Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body. Marcus Tullius Studies are a spur to the young, a delight Cicero to the old, an ornament in prosperity, a consoling refuge in adversity, they are pleasure for us at home, and no burden [106 BC – 43 BC, abroad, they stay up with us at night, they Arpinum, Roman Republic] accompany us when we travel, they are with us in our country visits.

Leisure without books is death, and burial of a man alive.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca [c. 4 BC – 65 AD, Cordoba in Hispania]

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Articles on pioneering figures in the field of science and education

Gaius Petronius Arbiter

Education is a treasure and culture never dies.

[c. 27 – 66 AD, ancient Marseille]

Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus

Joy and consolation are both in education.

[61 / 62 – 113, Como]

Kai Kaus

Education is the face of the mind .

[11th century]

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

Wisdom is the daughter of experience. Intellectual passion drives our sensuality.

[1452 – 1519, Republic of Florence]


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Everything that comes is transient and only science is eternal.

Sebastian Brant [1458 – 1521, Strasbourg, France]

Education is the best way to make human’s spirit to be heroic.

Giordano Bruno [1548 – 1600, Nola, Kingdom of Naples, Italy]

Education is nothing but a reflection of reality.

Sir Francis Bacon [1561 – 1626, London, England]

All the sciences are connected with each other in such a way that it is easier to study all of them at once than only one of them individually.

Rene Descartes [1596 – 1650, La Haye en Touraine, Kingdom of France]

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Articles on pioneering figures in the field of science and education

Blaise Pascal [1623 – 1662, Paris, France]

Denis Diderot

Accidental discoveries are made only by trained minds. All our dignity then consists in thought. But we must elevate ourselves, and not by space and time which we cannot fill. Let us endeavour then, to think well, this is the principle of morality. To foreknow is to rule.

Education gives a person dignity and even the slave begins to realise that he wasn’t born for slavery.

[1713 – 1784, Langres, France]

Immanuel Kant [1724 – 1804, Konigsberg, Kingdom of Prussia].

Adam Smith

Each natural science has as much truth as much mathematics.Enlightenment is a way out for a person of the state of minority in which he was, through his own fault. Minority is incapacity to use one’s own mind without the guidance of someone else. Minority though one’s own fault isn’t because of a lack of intelligence but due to the lack of determination and courage to use it without somebody’s guidance. Be wise! Have courage to use your own brains! This is the motto of Enlightenment!

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.

[1723 – 1790, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, Great Britain]


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Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [1749 –1832, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt,Holy Roman Empire]

A person is immortal thanks to his perception. Perception and thinking are the root of his life, his immortality.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [1770 – 1831, Stuttgart, Wurttemberg]

The lecturer should give the audience full reason to believe that all his powers have been exerted for their pleasure and instruction. The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are concentration, discrimination, organisation, innovation and communication.

Who opens a school door, closes a prison.

Michael Faraday [1791 – 1867, London, England]

Victor Hugo [1802 –1885, Besancon, France]

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Articles on pioneering figures in the field of science and education

Will Durant

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

[1885 –1981, North Adams, Massachusetts]

George Washington Carver

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

[1864 – 1943, Diamond, Missouri, U.S.]

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

Love of science is love of truth, that is why honesty is the main virtue of the scientist.

[1804 – 1872, Landshut, Bavaria]

Herbert Spencer

Science is organised knowledge.

[1820 – 1903, Derby, Derbyshire, England]


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First among all nations will always be that one which surpasses others in the field of thought and mental activity.

Louis Pasteur [1822 – 1895, Dole, France]

Science investigates religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power religion gives man wisdom which is control.

It is about time that science takes the lead over imagination.

Martin Luther King, Jr. [1929 –1968, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.]

Jules Gabriel Verne [1828 – 1905, Amiens, France]

Work, look for peace and calm in work: you will find it nowhere else. Science is a common heritage, but because justice demands the greatest scientific glory to be given not to the one who first expressed the well-known truth, but to the one who was able to convince others of it, the one who has shown its validity and made it applicable in science. Science starts when people start to measure. Exact science is inconceivable without measures.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev [1834 – 1907, Verkhnie Aremzyani, Russian Empire]

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Articles on pioneering figures in the field of science and education

Robert Frost [1874 –1963, San Francisco, California, US]

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde

1. Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. 2. Education doesn’t change life much. It just lifts trouble to a higher plane of regard.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

[1854 – 1900, Dublin, Ireland]

John F. Kennedy

The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.

[1917 –1963, Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.]

Rabindranath Thakur

Wise men, men of science, break through the thickness of knowledge reaching eternal glory with the help of permanency and daring.

[1861 – 1941, Calcutta, Bengal Presidency, British India]


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Science is a great beauty. A scientist is not just a technician in his laboratory, he is a child who faces the phenomena of nature that are acting on him like a fairy tale.

Sklodowska Curie [1867 – 1934, Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland]

Edith Hamilton

To be able to be caught up into the world of thought – that is being educated.

[1867 – 1963, Dresden, Germany]

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. Science is not and will never be a completed book. Science is the incessant centuries-old work of the thinking which brings together all knowable phenomena of our world by means of a system. Real progress of humanity depends not so much on the inventiveness of the mind, but on the consciousness. Science is the main element that unites the thoughts of people scattered across the globe, and it is one of the highest of its purposes. In my opinion, there is no other human activity where agreement between people could be more obvious. Science opens enormous opportunities to those who serve it. Science is necessary for people. The country which doesn’t develop it turns inevitably into a colony. The further an experiment is from the theory, the closer it is to a Nobel Prize.

Albert Einstein [1879 – 1955, Kingdom of Wurttemberg, German Empire]

Jean Frederic Joliot-Curie [1900 – 1958, Paris, France]

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Articles on pioneering figures in the field of science and education

Lev Davidovich Landau [1908 – 1968, Moscow, Russia]

Nelson Mandela

The Chief Justice of any physical theory is experience. Without experimenters, theorists become sick. The sciences are divided into natural and unnatural ones. A new theory begins to predominate when the followers of the old one are dead.

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.

[1918 – 2013, Mvezo, South Africa]

Stephen King

The brain is a muscle that can move the world.

[1947, Portland, Maine]


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Taken from “The Week” magazine, the following article lists eleven of the most fascinating scientific discoveries of 2014

1. Tesla’s electric cars are not the holy grail of a greener future

With the promise that Tesla’s Model S will “liberate its owners from the petroleum-burning paradigm,” this electric car is an example of just how far technological innovation could take us towards achieving carbon emissions reduction targets and reducing consumption of fossil fuels. The technology is certainly impressive but it is concerning to see innovation of this kind being held up as the holy grail of a more sustainable future — especially if it comes at the expense of pursuing other ways to solve the problem. One reason why the Model S has caused such excitement is its matching of conventional cars in performance, design, and desirability. Many of the previous shortfalls of electric vehicles, such as acceleration, driving range, and battery life, have been addressed. The U.K. government’s target of “almost” every van and car being emission free by 2050 is starting to look more reasonable, and the hype is alluring: technology has resolved the problem and life can carry on as normal. It’s worth reminding ourselves that although the Model S produces zero emissions, electric cars use electricity and this has to be generated somehow. As a recent OECD report points out, electric cars displace their emissions to the energy generation sector, rather than remove them entirely. In this sense, zero emission vehicles would only arrive with an entirely de-carbonized electricity supply — which is hard to imagine. Now the problem is debated only in terms of emissions targets. National policy in relation to all forms of transportation is heavily 22

focused on vehicle technology to the detriment of other possibilities. These policies actually reinforce current patterns of consumption, tying us to a future in which the use of private cars continues to dominate and increase. This is reflected in the substantial road -uilding program, which comes part and parcel with low-emissions vehicle policy.

2. Is the modern world making us smarter?

Over a mere 20,000 years, the human brain has evolved from directing mammoth hunts to something capable of orchestrating space shuttle flights. So what marvels will our brains be capable of in the near future? The modern era has already seen a measureable uptick in certain areas of brainpower. Since the 1930s, standardized test scores have been steadily increasing, a phenomenon called the Flynn Effect. One standard intelligence test is Raven’s Progressive Matrices, developed by English psychologist John C. Raven in 1936. The test is a series of 60 non-verbal multiple-choice questions that’s ideal for measuring abstract reasoning. A test-taker is shown a series of patterns in a 3×3 grid, with one picture missing; the person has to pick the right pattern out from multiple choices. It’s not the kind of test you can easily cram for. Researchers have come up with a few different explanations for why IQ scores are on the rise. Better nutrition and educational opportunities for the underserved in the world, especially for girls, are thought to be huge factors. Improvements in education across countries are bringing increased focus on scientific topics to more and more people, which fosters abstract thinking.

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Education researchers are now trying to figure out how schools can take advantage of a hyper-connected, visually rich environment. In one 2012 working paper published by the Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, Germany, researchers looked at 319 schools in small communities in Peru that participated in the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program where every student was given a laptop. After the students had used the computers for 15 months, researchers collected and analyzed their scores on several tests, including Raven’s Progressive Matrices.

3. Faster, stronger, sleeker

Technological developments and the bravery of drivers have kept creating new land speed records all through the last century. Even though the first record was set in an electric-powered car, most of the first half of the century worth of records were dominated by piston engine driven vehicles. These internal combustion engines, as they are known, are found in almost all modern petrol or diesel cars. But they could only get up to 400 mph. To push beyond, car builders needed more power. That is when they turned to jet engines and rockets to take over the job of propelling these vehicles. This was also the time when, as speeds kept going up, the resistance caused by air became too important to ignore. Aerodynamics of cars became critical in a successful land speed record attempt. Aerodynamics is the study of the flow of air moving over bodies and the forces it induces on that body as a result. The mathematical equations that describe this phenomenon are so complex that until supercomputers arrived a few decades ago, nearly all aerodynamic studies had to be conducted as experiments in wind tunnels or rocket sled tests. However, now we are able to get remarkably accurate mathematical models by solving these equations using supercomputers. With greater processing power, computers can run “virtual” wind tunnel testing. Keeping the nose of the car down might not be the real problem. In fact, provided that the height of the nose above the ground is

just right we have been able to keep the front of the car almost lift neutral by ensuring that the flow rate under and over the nose is balanced. Instead the problem was keeping the rear of the car on the ground due to the strong shock waves generated by the large, outboard rear wheels and suspension. This unforeseen aerodynamic behaviour led to the 6-month rear suspension optimisation study that resulted in the “delta fairing” design, recently published in the Journal of Autmobile Engineering. This design effectively protects the base and underside of the vehicle from the high-pressure cushion created on the rear wheel when the car overcomes the sound speed barrier. Without the delta fairing design, the Bloodhound would lift off the ground at approximately Mach 0.9 (90 percent of the speed of sound), much like Campbell’s vehicle did in 1967.

4. The surprising science of butter

Julia Child had it right: “With enough butter, anything is good.” The 2014 World Science Festival event “Scientific Kitchen: Butter Lab” revealed the scientific truth behind Child’s wise words. Chemist Kent Kirshenbaum, physicist David Grier, and pastry chef Michael Laiskonis teamed up for a comprehensive and interactive discussion on the intersection of butter and science. The science of butter starts with the primary ingredient — milk. Milk is 88 percent water, 3.5 percent fat, 3.25 percent protein, and 4.6 percent lactose (sugar). After a cow is milked, we typically do two important things to refine it and make it safe. Pasteurization treats milk to destroy any harmful microbes. And milk is homogenized to prevent the fat from rising to the top of the milk. This is achieved by “forcing fat globules into smaller and smaller particles so they can’t find each other again, similar to pushing water through a shower head into smaller and smaller droplets,” Laiskonis said. Next, Kent explained the chemical basis for that key transition from cream to butter. The key principle to keep in mind is emulsion, the term for when one substance is fully dispersed in another substance. Cream is an emulsion in that fat molecules

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New ideas, discoveries and developments in 2014

are dispersed in the main component, water. Whipping up cream, however, shakes the system enough to invert the emulsion. Fat molecules become the continuous phase with particles of water dispersed within, creating butter! Butter itself has many chemical and physical properties that play roles in the baking process. Starch and protein in flour will toughen dough, while sugar tenderizes it. Butter is mostly fat, so it tenderizes dough, however it still possesses 16 percent water, which will act to strengthen dough. This principle is used to make puff pastry, where the layers of dough folded on top of each other use the steam that evaporates from butter chunks in the dough to become airy and flaky in the oven. But butter is not totally uniform. The carbon and hydrogen-filled tails of fat molecules vary in length and construction. “Not all fat molecules are created equal, so not all butter is created equal,” Kent said. The variable fat molecules consequently affect the physical properties of butter, such as its melting temperature, and its brittleness and flexibility. In a surprising demonstration, Laiskonis showed how butter with 83 percent fat could bend much more before breaking than butter with a mere 2 percent decrease, with 81 percent percent fat. This principle comes into play for recipes where dough is repeatedly folded, as with puff pastries, because a flexible dough will yield the best result. As an accent to the scientific information, the team provided delicious samples of butter, paired with a soft baguette and dusted with a sprinkle of sea salt. Following the main lecture, the audience broke into activity groups. Kent led guests through the process of making butter themselves by hand-shaking it in a mason jar. Grier showed the difference in molecular activity between skim milk, whole milk, and chocolate milk under the microscope. And Laiskonis gave a hands-on (mouth-on?) demonstration of the flavor extravaganza that arises when butter is browned and caramelized, capping off the night by dishing out a round of desserts including brown butter cookies, dulce le leche, and brown butter ice cream.

5. Mental health problems can we overcome in the next decade

Clearly, mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease are becoming overwhelming. Disorders of the brain pose the greatest economic health challenge. In the UK alone they cost more than £100 billion pounds a year. This is in part because they are very common. Yet despite the fact that one in four of us will suffer from a mental health disorder at some point in our lives, we do not check ourselves on a regular basis or seek help until disorders become serious and chronic or relapsing. What we need to do is focus on good brain health and well-being at an earlier stage and throughout life, and to rapidly detect when things go wrong. There has been an explosion of neuroscience techniques, which can be applied to tractable, important problems. These new techniques include: induced pluripotent stem cells, which can be generated 24

directly from adult cells; new-generation antibodies; brain receptors engineered in the lab and which only respond to specific drug molecules, otherwise known as designer-receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs, or DREADDs; and optogenetics, which uses light to control sensitized neurons in the brain. All will be game changing in terms of understanding neurotransmitters and neural circuits in healthy brains and producing new drugs and other treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression. For example, engineered receptors could one day be delivered into the human brain via viruses although a safe and effective way of doing this still needs to be refined. And optogenetics has already been used to study the neurotransmitter systems in the brain and understand the circuits involved in the healthy brain and in animal models of disorders, such as in autism, depression and addiction. Brain health, like good physical health, has to be worked at. It is not something that can just be expected to happen without active participation by society and government. There is great expertise in a range of relevant areas that could be integrated to promote both good brain health and to stimulate the UK economy but currently, we are not realizing this potential. But with the impact of neuroscience, innovation, and technology, brain health in a flourishing society can be achieved within the next ten years.

6. The deadly sexism of hurricane naming

Giving hurricanes human names makes it easier for the public to keep track of storms, remember safety information, and make historical references. But the names we use, (which are chosen by the World Meteorological Organization), can also cloud our judgment — sometimes to lethal effect. When researchers from the University of Illinois and Arizona State University looked at the death tolls for all hurricanes that made landfall in the U.S. from 1950 to 2012, they found that storms with feminine names were more deadly than storms with masculine names. Atlantic hurricanes are named somewhat arbitrarily, with alternating male and female names pulled from pre-determined lists, so there’s nothing inherently more destructive about “female” storms. Instead, the researchers think, the problem is the perception that people get from gendered names. We’re often socialized to think of women as the “fairer sex.” Men are “expected to be strong, competent, and aggressive, whereas women are often expected to be weak, warm, and passive,” the researchers write. If people let these stereotypes creep into the way they think about hurricanes, and assess a storm’s threat not just by its severity, but its gender, then they might assume that female storms will be gentler and less severe. “As a result,” the researchers say, “a hurricane with a feminine vs. masculine name will lead to less protective action and more fatalities.” To test that idea, the researchers did six follow-up experiments, asking hundreds of people to make predictions about hypothetical storms and how they would react to them. Men and women each thought that storms with female names would be less intense and risky than ones with male names or no name at all, and that they

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would be less likely to evacuate on their own or follow a voluntarily evacuation order from authorities if the storm had a female name. In some of the experiments, the people surveyed were asked whether they thought men and women had different traits, and the results stayed the same. People who believed there was a difference in men’s and women’s warmth and aggressiveness and those who didn’t said they’d be less likely to evacuate if the approaching storm had a feminine name. What’s happening here, the researchers say, is a “hazardous form of implicit sexism,” one with implications for policymakers, weather forecasters, and the public. Gendered names for natural disasters can tap into gender stereotypes, whether we think we hold any or not, and have unintended and potentially dangerous consequences. In which case, the researchers suggest, it’s worth considering a new system for hurricane naming that takes gender bias out of the equation. If that’s a bridge too far, then we might at least stop and think about whether we’re judging a hurricane objectively, or letting its name — and what we’d expect from something named Irene or Sandy — influence our actions.

7. E-cigarettes are making drug-resistant bacteria more aggressive

Smoking weakens the immune system and lowers the ability of human cells to fight infection — research has shown this over and over again. Smoking cigarettes, and breathing in secondhand smoke, puts people at risk for developing severe lung and respiratory track infections. Smokers are two to four times more

likely to develop pneumococcal pneumonia than non-smokers. Cigarette smoking also increases the rates and severity of influenza infection and increases the risk of tuberculosis. But what if the problem isn’t just that cigarette smoke weakens the immune system, but actually makes the bacteria more aggressive? Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a growing problem worldwide. MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is one of the most common, causing thousands of deaths every year. About 20 percent of people are colonized by MRSA, and the nasal passages are the most common site for these bacteria to live. Because this organism inhabits an area that is exposed to inhaled substances and is a common cause of invasive disease, we began studying it in the lab. I hypothesized that cigarette smoke would put stress on bacterial cells, just as it does on human cells, and that the bacteria would respond by protecting and arming themselves. Our research, recently presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference in San Diego, has found that cigarette smoke increases the resistance of MRSA to being killed by a host’s immune cells. In particular, cigarette smoke induced resistance to antimicrobial peptides — substances produced by human cells, which kill bacteria like antibiotics do. As the e-cigarette market boomed, I wondered if e-cigarette vapor would have the same effects, so we ran parallel studies on the effects

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New ideas, discoveries and developments in 2014

of it on MRSA virulence. We have found over the past few months that both regular cigarette smoke and e-cigarette vapor make drug-resistant bacteria more virulent. We have not yet pinpointed the components of e-cigarette vapor that trigger these effects, but preliminary findings suggest that the nicotine in e-juice (the liquid used in e-cigarettes that is vaporized and inhaled) is a significant contributor.

to be able to say that it is a lesser evil. But as best as we can tell from the data we have, e-cigarette vapor is not benign. In fact, it appears that e-cigarette vapor both makes bacteria tougher to kill and weakens the immune system. Together these early findings suggest that people who vape are at increased risk of developing serious bacterial infections.

Regular cigarette smoke has more than 5,000 components and nicotine is a small part of this. E-cigarette vapor has many fewer components, so it could mean that nicotine plays a bigger role in the effect we see on MRSA. E-cigarette users take in two to 20 times the amount of vapor in volume, and thus nicotine, than normal smoke. This is because it is so easy to keep inhaling from an e-cigarette — it can keep going for the equivalent of a whole pack of cigarettes, doesn’t make your clothing or breath smell, and can be vaped indoors. This means that vapers are dramatically increasing their intake of nicotine, and therefore increasing the exposure of their colonizing bacteria to this substance.

8. How did flightless birds travel around the world?

Like cigarette smoke, e-cigarette vapour exposure also weakens our host defences, making it easier for bacteria to cause invasive infections. This means that the vapour is influencing bacteria to be more aggressive and harder to kill, and suppressing the ability of our own cells to attack and kill bacteria. MRSA in particular is spreadable to other people via touch. There have been outbreaks on school sports teams for example. It is an aggressive bug, so it can cause disease in healthy people as well as the infirm. It already has antibiotic resistance, so making it even more resistant to antimicrobials and killing by host cells is a dangerous thing. It can be incredibly hard to clear MRSA infections, and we are running out of antibiotics powerful enough to eliminate it. It is hard to believe that anything could be as bad as cigarette smoke. But we simply don’t know enough about the effects of vapor


Despite being flightless, the ostriches of Africa have distant relations in Australia, New Zealand, and South America. All part of a group called the ratites, these birds share some common interests, like laying eggs, running fast, and not flying. But a logical question has bedeviled ornithologists for years: If these birds can’t fly, how did they spread across the globe? The standard explanation is that their common ancestor, also flightless, once roamed all over a southern supercontinent called Gondwana. As the continent split up millions and millions of years ago, populations of this bird were separated from each other on newly-formed landmasses. As their homes drifted into new positions, the isolated birds adapted and evolved in different ways, giving rise to the diversity of earth-bound birds we know today. It makes sense, but new discoveries about the branching of the ratites’ family tree doesn’t quite fit the story and suggests instead that their ancestors could take to the sky. The key to figuring out their evolutionary relationship hasn’t been what’s alive, but what’s dead. The kiwi and the now-extinct moa, for example, are both from New Zealand, so they should theoretically be each other’s closest relatives. But recent studies have shown that kiwis are more closely related to Australian emus. The closest living relatives of the moa, meanwhile, are the tinamous (which can fly, but do so reluctantly and poorly) from way over in South America.

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Africa and Madagascar, meanwhile, were the first landmasses to drift away from the supercontinent. We’ve already been introduced to the ostriches of Africa. In Madagascar, the aptly named elephant bird — which at 10-feet tall was the tallest bird of its time — patrolled the island until it went extinct in the 16th or 17th centuries. If the standard explanation is true, ostriches and elephant birds should be the oldest line of ratites and closely related. But, while the ostrich is indeed an old ratite, it turns out the elephant bird’s relationship to its distant cousins has been very difficult to pinpoint. A study published today by researchers from Australia and New Zealand has finally figured out the extinct bird’s place in the family tree — and the finding further complicates the “out of Gondwana” hypothesis. After analyzing mitochondrial DNA from two elephant bird species, the researchers found that the extinct birds are most closely related to the geographically far-flung kiwi, and evolutionarily distant from the physically closer ostrich. What’s more, dating of the DNA suggests that kiwis and elephant birds didn’t diverge from each other or the other ratites until after Gondwana split apart — meaning whatever ancestral population they came from had to arrive to both Madagascar and New Zealand post-breakup. And that would make walking there, very, very challenging. So, instead of descending from flightless ancestors being driven apart by geology, it now seems that the ratites got where they are today because of ancestors that flew. Once settled in on different continents, each group must have lost their ability to fly independently. This probably started to happen, the researchers think, in the time after the dinosaurs went extinct and before mammals got too large. This “ecological vacuum,” with few big predators and plenty of niches to fill, provided a window of opportunity for the ratites to give up flight for life on the ground.

9. Why don’t octopuses get stuck to themselves?

Life can’t be easy for octopuses. Sure, they’re universally loved for changing color, opening jars from the inside, and predicting the winners of World Cup games. But they have eight very flexible arms to keep track of, which aren’t even under their full control. Each arm is fairly autonomous, and a lot of the motor control happens in the neural circuitry of the arms themselves instead of the brain. Forget about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. At any given moment, not a single octopus tentacle knows what the other seven are up to — and neither does the octopus. Not only are these eight arms writhing around unhindered by elbows, wrists, or a central control system, but each one is also covered in hundreds of suckers that will reflexively stick to just about anything. You would think that this would lead to octopuses getting tangled up in themselves pretty regularly, but it doesn’t. A new paper published today shows why: The one thing that the suckers don’t stick to is the octopus’ own skin. For about an hour after amputation, an octopus arm pretty much acts as if it were still attached. It moves similarly, while the suckers grasp and stick to things they touch. In what must have looked like a darkly surreal experiment to anyone who stumbled upon it, a team of Israeli and American scientists observed what these flailing arms would and wouldn’t grab. In more than 30 trials, the researchers found that the suckers wouldn’t attach to another octopus arm, whether it came from the same animal or a different one. Nor would they latch on to a petri dish that was covered in octopus skin.

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New ideas, discoveries and developments in 2014

They would grab another arm if it had been skinned, though. And if a petri dish was only partially covered, the suckers held the exposed plastic but avoided the skin. It was starting to look like the skin made all the difference, so the researchers coated petri dishes in a gel that was soaked in dissolved chemicals extracted from the octopus skin. When they offered these to the amputated arms, the suckers grabbed them, but with 10 to 20 times less force than they did the regular, uncoated ones. This confirmed that some chemical in the skin hinders the attachment reflex, thereby preventing the suckers from sticking. For the octopus, this means that each arm keeps the others from grabbing hold of it without the octopus having to worry about the details. Interestingly, live octopuses have the ability to override the suckerstopping signal when they want to. In another experiment, live animals showed they could grab amputated arms, but were less likely to do so if the arm had been one of their own. This suggests that they can tell their own limbs from another’s. Furthermore, it’s possible that their skin-recognition trick might involve the brain, and isn’t limited to skin-sucker interactions. Still, it’s unclear which specific chemical prevents sucker attachment. Researchers think the mystery chemical probably acts on the chemical receptors in the individual suckers. However it works, the self-avoidance system, the researchers say, is a “striking addition to the list of surprises” in the octopus’ body. It not only keeps octopuses from tying themselves in knots, but also frees them up to do all the cool things we love them for.

10. How spiders can tell if their mate is sleeping around

Humans sometimes fret over how many people their partners have slept with in the past. But for certain spiders, knowing a potential mate’s sexual history isn’t just a psychological hang-up — it can be a matter of life or death. Both male and female orb-weaver spiders, for example, have paired sexual organs. The females have genital openings on both the left and right side that lead to a sperm storage organ. Meanwhile, the males have a pair of appendages on each side of their body called pedipalps, which resemble legs and are used to transfer sperm during mating. For both males and females, only one organ is used at a time. Because of the way the organs are set up and the peculiar mating habits of the spiders, sex can be a little tricky. To keep other spiders from mating with a female and to secure his paternity, a male will break off a pedipalp and leave it inside a female as a “genital plug” after sex. After that, both the male and the female will have only one organ they can use during their next mating session, which will also be their last. And they can only mate again with a partner whose genitals match theirs — that is, the pedipalp and the unplugged opening need to be on the same side for things to work. As a result, 28

some orb-weaver males mate twice with the same female to make sure their parts line up both times. But some species can’t or won’t do that. One of these is the St. Andrew’s Cross spider. These guys like to spread their sperm around a little and seek out a second mate when they’re done with the first, but playing the field can be a risky proposition for spiders. If a male attempts to court a female who already has two genital plugs or is blocked on the wrong side for his remaining pedipalp, he’s not only wasting his time barking up the wrong tree, but could also wind up a meal for a hungry and pregnant female to whom he’s useless as a mate. Fortunately for the guys, choosing a mate isn’t a total gamble. Previous studies have shown that male spiders can use pheromones to tell if a female has been bedded already. More recently, a trio of researchers led by German biologist Stefanie Zimmer found that these chemical cues not only help males distinguish mated females from virgins, but also tell them how many times the lady spider has had sex. The researchers collected St. Andrew’s Cross spiders from parks in Sydney, Australia, and ran the males through different mating trials to see if they could tell the difference between two females from afar. In the first two experiments, virgin males and males that had mated once chose between females that had either already had one partner or two. In the third round, once-mated males had their choice of two once-mated females, one whose unplugged opening matched his remaining pedipalp and one whose opening was on the wrong side. The male spiders were placed on a wooden skewer that the females had used to anchor their webs, giving them access to pheromones in the silk. In the first two rounds, the males overwhelmingly chose the once-mated females over the ones that had had two partners. Seventy-five percent of the virgin males, and ninety percent of the mated ones, went for the female with only one previous partner. In the third experiment, though, less than half of the males picked the female whose virgin opening matched their pedipalp. It’s not clear from the experiments exactly which chemical signals the spiders use as a guide, or where they come from. They could be transmitted by the female’s previous partner during mating, hanging around as a deterrent to other males, like the genital plugs. Or they might be released by females, either wafted through the air or mixed into her web silk. If that’s the case, the researchers say, it could be that once-mated females produce the pheromones as an advertisement of their availability. Wherever the pheromones come from, it seems that they can tell a spider on the prowl how many partners a prospective mate has already had, but not if her private parts will match his, leaving a little bit of risk in trying to court her. Apparently, even with spidery sense, everyone strikes out once in a while.

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The following list briefly describes scientific discoveries of 2014 and is taken from the Wikipedia page on the subject

A number of significant scientific events have occurred or are scheduled to occur in 2014. The United Nations has declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming and Crystallography Cancer researchers report that e-cigarettes “get so hot that they, too, can produce a handful of the carcinogens found in cigarettes and at similar levels”. The World Health Organization (WHO) announces that the spread of polio is a world health emergency - outbreaks of the disease in Asia, Africa and the Middle East are considered “extraordinary”. The third National Climate Assessment is released by the US government. The first realistic “virtual universe” is created, simulating 13 billion years of cosmic evolution in a cube with 350 million light year long sides and unprecedented resolution. Researchers announce that they successfully introduced two artificial nucleotides, Unnatural Base Pairs (UBRs), into bacterial DNA, and by including the individual artificial nucleotides in the culture media, were able to passage the bacteria 24 times; they did not create mRNA or proteins able to use the artificial nucleotides. The artificial nucleotides featured two fused aromatic rings which formed a complex mimicking the natural (dG–dC) base pair. For the first time, researchers sequence the genome of the spider.

2013, suggesting that the comet fully disintegrated hours before perihelion. The maximum theoretical limit of energy needed to control the magnetisation of a single atom is demonstrated, a finding that could improve nanotechnology devices and quantum computers. After eight years of development, a new hi-tech bionic arm becomes the first of its kind to gain FDA approval for mass production. New research shows unlimited heat potential in graphene. Even the multiverse will come to an end, according to a new view of quantum theory. A new device is developed that can sort, store and retrieve individual cells for study, using components similar to those that control electrons in microchips. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decides to consider two options regarding internet services: first, permit fast and slow broadband lanes, thereby compromising net neutrality; and second, reclassify broadband as a telecommunication service, thereby preserving net neutrality.

Global scientific output doubles every nine years, according to a new analysis going back to the year 1650.

Jupiter’s red spot continues to shrink, as shown in new images.

8 May – Scientists publish a comprehensive study of Comet ISON and its disintegration, reported to have occurred on 2 December

NASA extends the Kepler mission to the K2 mission, a reduced two reaction wheel operation mode necessitated by faults in the

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New ideas, discoveries and developments in 2014

originally designed four wheel mode used to accurately aim the telescope, to continue exoplanet discovery as well as new scientific observation opportunities. In a report published in the journal Science, genetic testing of the skeleton dubbed “Naia” indicates that Paleoamericans and modern Native Americans have the same descendants. Genetic mutations that drive cancer are tracked back to cancer stem cells in patients for the first time.

Two international trials have shown a promising breakthrough in the treatment of advanced skin cancer. Astronomers have detected the first Thorne-Żytkow objects (TŻOs). These hybrids of red supergiant and neutron stars, first proposed in 1975, had been “theoretical” until now. Earth and the Moon are 60 million years older than previously believed, according to new evidence. The salmon genome is fully sequenced.

Paleontologists in Argentina discover what appears to be the largest dinosaur yet found. Based on its gigantic thigh bones, it was 40m (130ft) long and 20m (65ft) tall, weighing 77 tonnes. The as yet unnamed species of Titanosaur lived in the forests of Patagonia between 95 and 100 million years ago. Scientists announce that numerous microbes, like Tersicoccus phoenicis, may be resistant to methods usually used in spacecraft assembly clean rooms, and as a consequence, may have unintentionally contaminated spacecraft. However, it’s not currently known if such resistant microbes could have withstood space travel and are present on the Curiosity rover now on the planet Mars. NASA begins construction of the 2016 Mars Lander, InSight. Antarctica is now losing about 160 billion tonnes of ice a year to the ocean - twice as much as when the continent was last surveyed. The International Institute for Species Exploration (IISE) announces its annual list of the “Top 10 New Species” and includes the microbe Tersicoccus phoenicis which is resistant to methods usually used in spacecraft assembly clean rooms to prevent contaminating celestial bodies that spacecraft may visit.

Researchers have presented new evidence indicating vast amounts of water in a transition layer below Earth’s crust. Although not in liquid form, this discovery may represent the planet’s single largest reservoir. A new hybrid, flexible, energy-efficient circuit that merges carbon nanotubes with other thin film transistors could replace silicon as the traditional material used in electronic chips. The breakthrough, reported in Nature Communications, could be commercially available in the 2020s. Researchers at King’s College London have developed a new dental technique known as Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralisation. This allows a decayed tooth to effectively repair and heal itself without the need for drills, needles or fillings. Sedentary behavior increases risk of certain cancers, according to a new study. A new way to attack antibiotic-resistant bacteria has been discovered which involves blocking the mechanism they use to build their exterior coating.

Researchers have found a mutated gene common to a rare, but particularly virulent, form of pancreatic cancer.

Astronomers report lowered confidence in confirming cosmic inflation evidence of gravitational waves announced earlier on 17 March 2014.

The first two attempts at a database of every single human protein the “proteome” - have been made public.

Globally, May 2014 was the hottest May on record, according to data released by NOAA.

Scientists have transferred data by quantum teleportation over a distance of 10 feet with a zero percent error rate.

NASA claims to have found strong evidence that nitrogen in the atmosphere of Titan, a moon of the planet Saturn, came from materials in the Oort cloud, associated with comets, and not from materials that formed Saturn in earlier times.

Inspired by dinosaurs, Scientists from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) developed a robot that runs at a speed of 46 km/h (28.58 mph) on a treadmill. NASA releases the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field image composed of, for the first time, the full range of ultraviolet to near-infrared light. The image, in the constellation Fornax, includes some of the most distant galaxies to have been imaged by an optical telescope, existing shortly after the Big Bang.

NASA reports the Curiosity rover on Mars completed its first Martian year—687 Earth days—after finding that Mars once had environmental conditions favorable for microbial life. The Worldwide Integrated Assessment, issued by the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides, has provided “conclusive” evidence that neonicotinoid pesticides are damaging a wide range of beneficial species and are a key factor in the decline of bees.

The Curiosity rover on the planet Mars observes the planet Mercury transiting the Sun, marking the first time a planetary transit has been observed from a celestial body besides Earth. 30

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The following list of discoveries is taken from the SciTech Daily website.

New Technique Provides a Clear and Rapid Means of Classifying Supernova Remnants

Suzaku observations of 23 supernova remnants, including those shown here, reveal a distinction between those from massive stars and those from white dwarfs. The peak X-ray energy from the so-called K-alpha emission line of ionized iron serves as a fingerprint to quickly ID the explosion source. Image Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center By observing specific X-ray emissions from iron atoms in the core of supernova remnants, astronomers developed a new technique that provides a clear and rapid means of classifying supernova remnants.

Scientists Discover New Species of Horned Dinosaur – Mercuriceratops Gemini

Cleveland, Ohio – Scientists have named a new species of horned dinosaur (ceratopsian) based on fossils collected from Montana in the United States and Alberta, Canada. Mercuriceratops (mer-cureE-sare-ah-tops) gemini was approximately 6 meters (20 feet) long and weighed more than 2 tons. It lived about 77 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous Period.

Scientists Develop New Method for Producing Self-Organized Nanomaterials

An international team of scientists have developed a new synthesis method that enables the production of wafer-thin carbon layers for a wide range of applications. Scientists have developed a promising nanomaterial that may be adaptable for use in a wide range of applications. An international team headed by scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam-Golm has developed an

elegant method for producing self-organized carbon nanolayers and equipping them chemically with a range of functions. Such functionalized carbon nanolayers are believed to be suitable for various applications. For example, they could act as coatings that make surfaces both scratchproof and dirt-repellent, or as sensors for the detection of extremely small amounts of substances. The electrical conductivity of carbon layers also makes them suitable for use as electronic components in various applications.

Astronomers Discover a Potentially Habitable Nearby Super-Earth, Gliese 832 c

An international team of astronomers, led by Robert A. Wittenmyer from UNSW Australia, report the discovery of a new potentially habitable Super-Earth around the nearby red-dwarf star Gliese 832, sixteen light years away. This star is already known to harbor a cold Jupiter-like planet, Gliese 832 b, discovered on 2009. The new planet, Gliese 832 c, was added to the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog along with a total of 23 objects of interest. The number of planets in the catalog has almost doubled this year alone.

Kit Researchers Create Mechanical Invisibility Cloak

In the past years, invisibility cloaks were developed for various senses. Objects can be hidden from light, heat or sound. However, hiding of an object from being touched still remained to be accomplished. KIT scientists have now succeeded in creating a volume in which an object can be hidden from touching similar to a pea under the mattress of a princess. The results are now presented in the renowned Nature Communications journal. Magicians and illusionists make things disappear by means of a skilled use of mental delusions and diversionary tactics. KIT

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New ideas, discoveries and developments in 2014

researchers, by contrast, use invisibility cloaks based on the laws of physics. In the past years, various physical invisibility cloaks were developed. Optical invisibility cloaks, for instance, make objects appear invisible, while others appear to let heat or sound pass uninfluenced. A completely new type of invisibility cloak is the mechanical one developed by KIT scientists. It prevents an object from being touched. The invisibility cloak is based on a so-called metamaterial that consists of a polymer. Its major properties are determined by the special structure. “We build the structure around the object to be hidden. In this structure, strength depends on the location in a defined way,” explains Tiemo Bückmann, KIT, the first author of the article. “The precision of the components combined with the size of the complete arrangement was one of the big obstacles to the development of the mechanical invisibility cloak.” The metamaterial is a crystalline material structured with sub-micrometer accuracy. It consists of needle-shaped cones, whose tips meet. The size of the contact points is calculated precisely to reach the mechanical properties desired. In this way, a structure results, through which a finger or a measurement instrument cannot feel its way.

Physicists Identify the Origin of Superconductivity in High-Temperature Superconductors

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have made a breakthrough in identifying the origin of superconductivity in high-temperature superconductors. They discovered that ripples of electrons, known as charge density waves or charge order, create twisted ‘pockets’ of electrons in these materials, from which superconductivity emerges.

Cassini Reveals Firm Evidence of a Very Salty Ocean Inside Saturn’s Largest Moon Titan

New data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft reveal that Saturn’s moon Titan has a very salt ocean, and support the idea that the moon’s icy shell is rigid and in the process of freezing solid. Scientists analyzing data from NASA’s Cassini mission have firm evidence of an ocean inside Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which might be as salty as the Earth’s Dead Sea. The findings are published in this week’s edition of the journal Icarus. “This is an extremely salty ocean by Earth standards,” said the paper’s lead author, Giuseppe Mitri of the University of Nantes in France. “Knowing this may change the way we view this ocean as a possible abode for present-day life, but conditions might have been very different there in the past.”


The new results come from a study of gravity and topography data collected during Cassini’s repeated flybys of Titan during the past 10 years. Researchers found that a relatively high density was required for Titan’s subsurface ocean in order to explain the gravity data. This indicates the ocean is probably an extremely salty brine of water mixed with dissolved salts likely composed of sulfur, sodium and potassium. The density indicated for this brine would give the ocean a salt content roughly equal to the saltiest bodies of water on Earth. Their findings also support the idea that the moon’s icy shell is rigid and in the process of freezing solid. The thickness of Titan’s ice crust appears to vary slightly from place to place. The researchers said this can best be explained if the moon’s outer shell is stiff, as would be the case if the ocean were slowly crystalizing, and turning to ice. Otherwise, the moon’s shape would tend to even itself out over time, like warm candle wax. This freezing process would have important implications for the habitability of Titan’s ocean, as it would limit the ability of materials to exchange between the surface and the ocean. The data also touch on a major mystery: The presence of methane in Titan’s atmosphere. Scientists have long known that Titan’s atmosphere contains methane, ethane, acetylene and many other hydrocarbon compounds. But sunlight irreversibly destroys methane after tens of millions of years, so something has replenished methane in Titan’s thick air during the moon’s 4.5 billion-year history. The rigid ice shell model published in Icarus suggests that any outgassing of methane into Titan’s atmosphere must happen at scattered “hot spots” (like the hot spot on Earth that gave rise to the Hawaiian Island chain), not from a broader process such as convection or plate tectonics. “Titan continues to prove itself as an endlessly fascinating world,” said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, who was not involved in the study. “With our long-lived Cassini spacecraft, we’re unlocking new mysteries as fast as we solve old ones.” The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

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Education is a service for the transmission of knowledge and skills. The quality of education in any country is determined by the positions of its leading universities in international rankings. The calling card of a university is a place in the most popular international university rankings. University rankings are a mark of the quality of education provided and a guide for entrants and investors. Nowadays, the most trustworthy global ratings are the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. We present here several international university ranking systems which provide quality ratings for studies, starting with each ranking system’s stated aims and goals in evaluating quality of teaching and studying.


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QS links high achievers from the graduate, MBA and executive communities around the world with leading business schools, postgraduate departments at universities and with employers, through websites, events, e-guides and technical solutions. QS organises the largest business education events in the world, the QS World MBA Tour, the QS World Executive MBA Tour and the leading postgraduate studies information event, the QS World Grad School Tour, amongst an extensive product range including print and online publications and software solutions.

The Complete University Guide has been publishing league tables online since 2007, the league tables are compiled by Mayfield University Consultants.

QS is the leading global career and education network for ambitious professionals looking to further both their personal and professional development. With extensive contacts in the field of higher education, our industry expertise and experience gives us the flexibility to adapt to the needs of our prospective clients. Criteria: Research Teaching Employability Facilities Internationalization Innovation Engagement Access This area looks at the accessibility of the university to students. It looks at areas such as scholarships and bursaries, disability access and gender balance.

The Complete University Guide site is managed by Robinson Digital Publishing in collaboration with Mayfield University Consultants.

The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2014 measures the scientific performance of 750 major universities worldwide. Using a sophisticated set of bibliometric indicators, the ranking aims to provide highly accurate measurements of the scientific impact of universities and of universities’ involvement in scientific collaboration. The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2014 is based on Web of Science indexed publications from the period 2009–2012.

Differences with other university rankings

Compared with other university rankings, the Leiden Ranking offers more advanced indicators of scientific impact and collaboration and uses a more transparent methodology. The Leiden Ranking does not rely on highly subjective data obtained from reputational surveys or on data provided by universities themselves. Also, the Leiden Ranking refrains from aggregating different dimensions of university performance into a single overall indicator.

Improvements and new features

Compared with the previous edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, the 2014 edition includes a number of enhancements. First of all, the number of universities included in the ranking has been increased from 500 to 750. In addition, the normalization methodology that corrects for field-specific citation practices has been improved, leading to more accurate citation impact indicators. Another improvement relates to the breakdown of the ranking into a number of broad fields of science. Instead of five fields the ranking now offers seven, and these fields have been defined at the level of individual publications rather than at the journal level.

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Rankings. Ratings of national and international universities

The ‘Webometrics Ranking of World Universities’ is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain.

and technical support. CSIC was founded in 1939 from a previous body, the Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas created in 1907 under the leadership of the Spanish Nobel Prize Prof. Ramón y Cajal.

CSIC is among the first basic research organisations in Europe. The CSIC consisted in 2006 of 126 centres and institutes distributed throughout Spain.

The Ranking Web or Webometrics is the largest academic ranking of Higher Education Institutions. Since 2004 every six months an independent, objective, free, open scientific exercise is performed by the Cybermetrics Lab (Spanish National Research Council, CSIC) to provide reliable, multidimensional, updated and useful information about the performance of universities from all over the world, based on their web presence and impact.

CSIC is attached to the Ministry of Education and its main objective is to promote scientific research to improve the progress of the scientific and technological level of the country which will contribute to increasing the welfare of the citizens.

· History CSIC also plays an important role in the formation of new researchers and technicians in the different aspects of science and technology.

· Objectives and motivation · Philosophy and justification

The organisation collaborates with other institutions of the Spanish R&D system (universities, autonomous governments, other public and private research organisations) and with social, economic, national or foreign agents to which it contributes with its research capacity and human and material resources in the development of research projects or in the form of consultancy and scientific

· Composite indicators and Web Impact Factor · Design and Weighting of Indicators

w w w . c w u r. o r g

CWUR: World University Rankings 2014

The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) publishes the only global university ranking that measures the quality of education and training of students as well as the prestige of the faculty members and the quality of their research without relying on surveys and university data submissions. CWUR uses eight objective and robust indicators to rank the world’s top 1000 universities:

4) Publications, measured by the number of research papers appearing in reputable journals [5%] 5) Influence, measured by the number of research papers appearing in highly-influential journals [5%] 6) Citations, measured by the number of highly-cited research papers [5%] 7) Quality of Research, measured by the university’s h-Index [5%]

1) Quality of Education, measured by the number of a university’s alumni who have won major international awards, prizes, and medals relative to the university’s size [25%]

8) Patents, measured by the number of international patent filings [5%]

2) Alumni Employment, measured by the number of a university’s alumni who currently hold CEO positions at the world’s top companies relative to the university’s size [25%]

In addition to providing consultation for governments and universities, the Center for World University Rankings aims to provide the most comprehensive university rankings available, which are trusted by students, academics, university administrators, and government officials from around the world.

3) Quality of Faculty, measured by the number of academics who have won major international awards, prizes, and medals [25%] 36

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Universitas 21 Ranking

The Universitas 21 Ranking is the only one in the world to assess national higher education systems, and meets a longstanding need to shift discussion from the ranking of the world’s best universities, to the best overall systems in each country. U21 developed the Rankings as a benchmark for governments, education institutions and individuals, and the project aims to highlight the importance of creating a strong environment for higher education institutions to contribute to economic and cultural development, provide a highquality experience for students, and help institutions compete for overseas applicants. The first Ranking report was published in May 2012, with a second following in May 2013. The results of the third annual Universitas 21 Ranking were announced on 15 May 2014. The 2014 report includes the same 50 countries as in the 2013 report, which have again

been ranked separately in four areas (Resources, Environment, Connectivity and Output) and overall. The research authors, based at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, looked at 24 measures across these four areas, allowing them to create a very detailed picture of the higher education system in each country. New for 2014, this data has also been compared against the values expected at each country’s level of economic development, to create a second and separate set of ranking results. The 2014 Universitas 21 ranking of national systems retains the methodology of the 2013 rankings, but the Connectivity component has been extended by including measures of interaction with business and industry.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), commonly known as the Shanghai Ranking, is a publication that was founded and compiled by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to rank universities globally. The rankings have been conducted since 2003 and updated annually. Since 2009, the rankings have been published by the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. ARWU is the first global ranking of universities to be published. Originally, the purpose of ARWU was to benchmark the performance of top Chinese universities but it is now used as a reference for universities worldwide in international academic standings. AWRU ranks more than 1,200 universities worldwide each year and publishes the top 500. It also publishes separate subject fields and subjects rankings. The Academic Ranking of World Universities is regarded to be one of the three most influential and widely observed international university rankings, along with the QS World University Rankings and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Its consistent and objective methodology is praised when compared with other rankings. However, it has also been criticised for its heavier focus on the natural sciences over the social sciences or humanities, and on research over the quality of instruction.

· staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals (20 percent), highlycited researchers in 21 broad subject categories (20 percent), · articles published in the journals Nature and Science (20 percent), · the Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index (20 percent) · the per capita academic performance (on the indicators above) of an institution (10 percent). The methodology is set out in an academic article by its originators, N.C. Liu and Y. Cheng. The methodology used by the Shanghai Rankings is entirely academic and research oriented. Further details concerning ranking list can be found on the website.


The ranking compares: · 1200 higher education institutions worldwide according to a formula that took into account alumni winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals (10 percent), Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Rankings. Ratings of national and international universities worlds-best-universities-rankings

U.S. News & World Report is a multi-platform, publisher of news and information, which includes and www., as well as the digital-only U.S. News Weekly magazine. U.S. News publishes annual print and e-book versions of its authoritative rankings of Best Colleges, Best Graduate Schools and Best Hospitals. In 2012 U.S. News launched a conference division focusing on important national conversations and solutions in STEM Education and Hospitals of Tomorrow.

· Faculty student ratio – 20% · Citations per faculty (from SciVerse Scopus) – 20% · Proportion of International students – 5% · Proportion of International faculty – 5% In addition, rankings in five broad faculty areas are produced:

U.S. News has earned a reputation as the leading provider of service news and information that improves the quality of life of its readers by focusing on health, personal finance, education, travel, cars, news and opinion. The U.S. News World’s Best Universities rankings, based on the QS World University Rankings, evaluated schools in countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, China, and more, and identified these to be the world’s top universities.

· Arts & Humanities · Engineering & Technology · Life Sciences & Medicine · Natural Sciences · Social Sciences & Management.


· Academic reputation (from global survey) – 40%

Further details concerning ranking list can be found on the website

· Employer reputation (from global survey) – 10%

Youth Incorporated, a leading youth magazine in Mumbai, India is owned by Splash Publication Pvt. Ltd., a publishing house with a young team that gets serious when it comes to career deciding choices. We strongly believe that today’s students are ambitious, confident, gogetters, who will become the fearless leaders of tomorrow. A decade ago, an average teen may have conceded with his or her destiny and chosen any conventional profession from the few options available. That is no longer so. Today’s youth firmly believe in the axiom ‘It’s choice, not chance, that determines your destiny.’

Over 6,500 recruiters were sent emails with the survey link. The recruiter list was prepared from the responses of the institutes and also included internationally well-known recruiters. Below are the factors we considered and the overall weight assigned to them: · Careers, recruitment and industry viability of students – 55% · Diversity and international outlook – 10% · Innovation – 10%

They chose institutes across the world after having discussions with thousands of students, recruiters and faculty. Youth Inc’s Research Unit (YRU) also studied domestic rankings in various countries to find the best institutes. We sent survey links to 1,100 institutes and provided them with unique codes so that they could submit their responses online. Current students of the institutes were asked to specify the stream they were studying and then rate specific statements pertaining to the factors considered in this ranking. Several institutes directly contacted their current students and recruiters and asked them to take part in our survey. 38

· Campus, extracurricular activities, exchange programmes – 15% · Money, student satisfaction – 10% Further details concerning the ranking list can be found on the website

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The Times Higher Education World University

Rankings 2012-2013, powered by Thomson Reuters, are the only global university performance tables to judge world class universities across all of their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The top universities rankings employ 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available, which are trusted by students, academics, university leaders, industry and governments.

Our 13 performance indicators are grouped into five areas: · Teaching: the learning environment (worth 30 per cent of the overall ranking score)

· Research: volume, income and reputation (worth 30 per cent) · Citations: research influence (worth 30 per cent) · Industry income: innovation (worth 2.5 per cent) · International outlook: staff, students and research (worth 7.5 per cent).

4 International Colleges & Universities is an international higher education search engine and directory reviewing accredited Universities and Colleges in the world. includes 11,160 Colleges and Universities, ranked by web popularity, in 200 countries.


Universities and Colleges are ranked by our exclusive University Web Ranking. The ranking has been published since May 2005. Since then the ranking methodology has been periodically fine-tuned in order to provide better results. The current ranking is based upon an algorithm including five unbiased and independent web metrics extracted from three different search engines: · Google Page Rank · Alexa Traffic Rank · Majestic Seo Referring Domains · Majestic Seo Citation Flow · Majestic Seo Trust Flow Web metrics data are collected on the same day to minimise temporal fluctuations and maximise comparibility. A precomputational filter is adopted to detect outliers in the raw data. Further investigation and a review of Alexa Traffic Rank data is carried

out for universities adopting a subdomain (highly not recommended) as their official institutional home page. Once filtered (outliers) and reviewed (subdomains), web metrics data are normalised to a scale of 0 to 100 taking into consideration the logarithmic nature in which both the Google Page Rank and the Alexa Traffic Rank are expressed. The three normalised values are aggregated based on a weighted average algorithm which generates the final score and web ranking. The exact formula adopted to aggregate the three web metrics is not disclosed for copyright reasons and to minimise attempts of manipulation from university webmasters in order to achieve better rankings. The same philosophy is adopted by Google with regards to their search engine ranking algorithm. As the University Web Ranking is a non-academic ranking, the need for ranking methodology transparency and the ability of testing and reproducing the results, as suggested by the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions, is less stringent than for academic rankings. The aim of this website is to provide an approximate popularity ranking of world Universities and Colleges based upon the popularity of their websites. This is intended to help international students and academic staff to understand how popular a specific University/College is in a foreign country. Further details concerning ranking list can be found on the website

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Rankings. Ratings of national and international universities

This is the ranking of top-500 best regional Universities*. It is still in progress, and the results of the ranking will be represented at Oxford Summit of Leaders ‘Science and Education’.

· technical equipment level;

While drafting this list, experts-analysts of the EBA exercised the following criteria**:

· diversity of applying methods and programmes;

· involvement in international educational and exchange projects;

· regular implementation of new courses and subjects; · affordability of education in the University (price of education, conditions for applying);

· accessibility for foreigners;

· professors and staff qualifications;

· quality of education;

· University accreditation and certification;

· opportunities for international cooperation.

· alumni and students’ opinion; This ranking includes Universities of the fast-developing countries of Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Arab World.


** When compiling this list, such sources as The Times Higher Education, TopUniversities, Academic ranking of World Universities, Webometrics, 4International Colleges and Universities and other open sources were used.


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The world's top 10 most innovative companies in education 2014 From teaching government a thing or two about education reform to deploying a data-centric learning platform that even a kid could use, these are the world's top 10 most innovative companies in education


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For rewriting the book on e-books. In the rush to embrace everything digital, many ed-tech companies forgot that people, not robots, are the end users. Enter Inkling, producer of lushly designed educational content for tablets and mobile phones. Last year, Inkling raised $16 million from Sequoia, among others, and signed deals with textbook giants Pearson and Elsevier to digitize its academic materials. It also opened its publishing platform, Habitat, to let publishers in-house create their own masterpieces, which founder Matt MacInnis says has helped net the company "eight figures" in revenue. True, there are other solid digitized textbooks, but with Inkling's multimedia features – live Q&As, how-to videos, interactive quizzes – its prom-queen level of popularity is well deserved.

For letting the everyman explore the hidden corners of science. Community laboratories like Genspace, based in Brooklyn, New York, and BioCurious, based in Sunnyvale, California, are attracting biotech hackers interested in bridging the gulf that separates synthetic biology researchers from, well, everyone else. For a $100 monthly membership fee (which defrays the cost of running the lab), DIY geneticists can tinker with a vortexer, an ultrasonic bath, and gel electrophoresis to create cool experiments like glow-inthe-dark plants, wormlike creatures that crave butter, and robots that can do your pipetting for you. “It is science for the people,” says Genspace cofounder and executive director Ellen Jorgensen.



For understanding that teaching starts with teacher education. Founded in 2011 by a charter school chief and a McKinsey consultant, LearnZillion charges districts to supply teachers and students with five-minute mini-lessons based on the Common Core State Standards initiative – designed to align states’ curriculums – and delivered by master teachers. Students can use LearnZillion to review class material, but equally as important, teachers can use it to get ideas for their own classes and to study videos to improve their teaching methods. The company has about 120,000 registered teachers (and adds 5,000 new teachers every week) and reaches about 1.4 million students. LearnZillion, a favorite of ed-tech enthusiast Bill Gates, has also formed alliances with Washington, D.C., and Syracuse, New York, public school systems.

For stepping up to make sure every student gets a chance at higher education. While almost everyone agrees that some form of post-secondary education is crucial, less than 10% of students from lower-income families obtain a college degree – compared with nearly 75% of middle- and upper-income kids. However, neither high schools nor colleges seem to be able to focus on exactly when and how lower-income students slip through the cracks. The San Francisco–based nonprofit Beyond 12 offers an online tool that helps high schools track what happens to their students once they doff their mortarboards, while also providing colleges a tool to help retain vulnerable students who are trying to beat the odds.



For teaching government a thing or two about education reform. Most of us can agree that the U.S. school system is a mess: State education budgets are shrinking, while businesses' expectations for job preparedness are ever rising. Charles Best, founder and CEO of, is trying to make sure teachers and students have the resources to do their part. The crowdfunding nonprofit has raised $225 million to help more than 175,000 teachers fund more than 400,000 projects, from securing school supplies for the semester to helping make field trips happen. Best, formerly a public-school history teacher in the Bronx, has managed to rein in some deep-pocketed donors and partners, including Sheryl Sandberg, Stephen Colbert, and Google, which is helping Best use his site in transformative ways, such as bringing AP STEM classes to more than 330 high schools and helping entrepreneurs market new educational tools directly to classrooms.

For testing and prepping students for the new era of education. The 75-year-old industry stalwart might have started as a test-prep company, but it continues to evolve to keep pace with students' changing learning habits – and the changing job market. It's wholly embracing and developing new tech-centric curriculums: Last year, it launched a pilot program at its university's School of Information Technology, which used the gamification platform Badgeville to boost participating students' grades by 9%, graduated the inaugural class of its Techstars-powered education startup accelerator, launched a boot camp for aspiring Ruby on Rails web developers, and – in its most strategic, and perhaps preemptive, move – acquired Grockit, the notable online test-prep service that recently logged on its one millionth user.

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NOVA LABS wgbh/nova/labs/

For using data to learn the way students learn. Adaptive learning is what good teachers have done since the dawn of time: When a student gets a question wrong, the teacher figures out where their knowledge failed and builds from that base. Now imagine that seemingly simple but complex process controlled by a series of computer algorithms, and you have the secret of Knewton, the former test-prep company that is fast achieving dominance in the digital learning space. Knewton has signed deals with textbook giants like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Macmillan to add an adaptive-learning layer to their content, and the company now boasts more than a million students from kindergarten through college as users of its technology. Unlike regular schooling, where learning can be limited by class size, the more Knewton users the better: When students use the platform, Knewton collects data on their progress and uses those analytics to weed out weaker questions in favor of stronger ones.



h t t p s : / / t w i t t e r. c o m /

For unleashing its engineering expertise to hack together a nextgen engineering school. While the hype grows around massive open online courses (MOOCs), Twitter University may be the tech innovation that really breaks higher education wide open. Last year, Twitter acquired Marakana, an open-source technical training company, to help keep their engineers at the top of their game – and perhaps more crucially, to find an efficient way to get their master engineers to amp up the skill level of recruits. If it works, imagine Twitter University (or Facebook or Google University) forming partnerships with community college-goers to create skilled workers, ready and able to do the job on Day One.


For nurturing and empowering a budding generation of scientists. Once home to fans of famed astronomer Carl Sagan, Nova Labs is now the go-to site for a nerd herd of thousands of U.S. high school students. With funding from NASA and Lockheed Martin – and under the watchful eye of education director and astrophysicist Rachel Connolly – Nova Labs is mixing fascinating narratives with big data to create a new kind of educational tool. The website, which is produced by PBS, allows curious minds to tinker, compete, and collaborate with the same data professional researchers use, to, say, build robots or track tropical storms. Nova wants to make sure this new generation of scientists is ready to take on the world. “Big data is fundamentally changing the way scientists do research” – says Connolly.

For deploying a data-centric learning platform that even a kid could use. Adaptive-learning tools can be intimidating for younger students. But KnowRe has developed a mathematics app that uses a fun, achievement-based, gamified interface to figure out what skills middle schoolers need to master algebra, then uses adaptive technology to tailor lessons, practices, and quizzes to make sure those gaps get filled in. While KnowRe is in its early stages, it has shown significant promise, with major buzz in the ed-tech industry: It was the winner of Google’s Global K-Startup competition and has already amassed data and feedback from more than 11,000 beta users – including students and teachers from 34 pilot schools across the United States.

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КITENPI: Kolarctic It

The northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and NorthWestern Russia are characterized by a sparsely distributed population and an enormous potential for development. These regions have therefore been given special funding from the countries and the European Union. In today’s society ICT services are widely used at work and in personal life, and the Nordic countries are world leaders in ICT. The potential for new business is therefore very good, and deployment of ICT services in the Kolarctic region is increasing rapidly.

Programmes of cooperation

Aurora – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education

The project aims at promoting university-to-business cooperation in consortia. Aurora builds on an agenda of higher education institutions and business benefiting from working together. In this context, universities need to develop partnerships with enterprises in order to be able to respond better to the demands of markets. Aurora develops the management capacity of Partner Universities, e.g. sharing good practices on mobility and mobility administration; creating transparent, democratic and open administration processes that enhance mutual responsibility and accountability in the decision-making processes; and improving transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications. For participating institutions Aurora will increase capacity for international cooperation and modernisation; transfer and sharing of knowledge and innovations between education institutions and business; foster a universities’ role in the regional economy; long-term partnerships and profitable opportunities.

Demand for ICT professionals is increasing, and their skills can be a basis for development and growth in the region. Regional employers require higher technical education, industrial experience, knowledge of the latest technologies and proficiency in English. ICT professionals with these competencies are however a scarce resource in the region. The Nordic countries experience low levels of student admission to ICT education. On the other hand recent studies show that lack of qualified ICT professionals will become a major problem within a decade if nothing is done.


KITENPI strengthens competitiveness of the involved regions in the area of ICT for increasingly global markets, and promotes competence in cross-border collaboration. KITENPI has three specific cross-border objectives: · academic integration, to create a common pool of jobs and highly-trained ICT professionals, and tapping into the potential of recruiting more female students into ICT education, · innovation facilitation that increases industry involvement in education and exchange of best practice among the involved ICT regions, infrastructure improvements with an extended open IP network, and ICT tools that make distance education and collaboration easy.

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Innovations in education awards – British Council The ELTons (English Language Teaching Innovation Awards) are international awards given annually by the British Council that recognize and celebrate innovation in the field of English language teaching. They reward educational resources that help English language learners and teachers to achieve their goals. Currently sponsored by Cambridge English, the ELTons date from 2003. Applications are submitted online by the end of November and they are judged by an independent panel of ELT experts, using the Delphi Technique. The shortlist is published in March and the winners announced at a ceremony in London in May.

THE WINNERS IN 2014 ARE: Excellence in Course Innovation This award recognises innovation in the complete course packages which publishers produce for EFL or ESL learners of any age.

Winner – Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (Dystefl) – Dystefl Project

This course is an innovative professional development programme that aims to raise teachers’ awareness of the foreign language learning needs of dyslexic students. The training booklets are freely downloadable from the project website and the course is available in an online self-study format. The judges described the winner as “a much-needed course for teachers and one that addresses a gap in the market.” 46

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Innovation in Learner Resources

Digital Innovation

This award recognises innovation in any product or service across any media intended for learners.

This award recognises the innovative use of technology.

Winner – Academic Skills Series – Collins

This is a six-book series for students who are studying, or preparing to study, at an English-speaking institution. Essential study skills and English language practice are combined to help students step up their performance from their IELTS or TOEFL score to achieve academic success on their course. Each book stands alone, focusing on one skill required at university. Skills include writing, research, lectures, presenting, group work and numbers.

Winner – Doctors Speak Up: Communication and Language Skills for International Medical Graduates – R. Woodward-Kron, C. Bow, C. Fraser, J. Pill, E. Flynn

This is an interactive English for Medical Purposes (EMP) webbased resource for non-native English speaking doctors. It includes doctor-patient consultations that can present challenges for clinical communication. Users watch the videos and explore language and communication issues related to cases involving alcohol misuse, depression, sexually transmitted infections and chronic pain.

The judges described the winner as “even native speakers could benefit from the kind of structured, systematic thinking taught in this entry.”

The judges described the winner as “a fascinating insight into the world of doctors, patients and the English they need”.

Innovation in Teacher Resources

Local Innovation

This award recognises innovation in a product or service aimed at developing and supporting EFL and ESL teachers.

This award recognises innovation in creating learner or teacher solutions to meet a specific local need within a specific local context and which are developed at a local, national or regional level.

Winner – The Disabled Access Friendly campaign – Katie Quartano and Paul Shaw

Disabled Access Friendly provides ELT teachers with a large bank of free, downloadable, stand-alone lessons covering all learner levels and age ranges in a variety of forms. These resources are unique because besides focusing on linguistic aims thematically, they focus exclusively on raising awareness about mobility disability. The judges described the winner as “a great initiative to embed useful social content into mainstream ELT lessons.”

The Macmillan Education Award for New Talent in Writing This award is sponsored by Macmillan Education and gives previously unpublished writers the opportunity to win a £1,000 prize and have their work published. Through this award the British Council and Macmillan Education aims to discover and encourage up-and-coming ELT authors to take the next step in their writing careers.

Winner – Compass (Upper Intermediate) by Elizabeth (Lizzie) Pinard

Compass (upper intermediate) is a six-task module designed to stimulate and support learners who are studying in an Englishspeaking environment. It incorporates task-based learning theory and aims to foster the intercultural awareness and communication skills necessary for success in a globalised world.

Winner – P.A.L.S Scheme, (Promoting Acceptance of Language Students) – Country Cousins Ltd

This is a scheme set up by Country Cousins alongside Devon Youth Service that aims to recruit teenagers from the Ilfracombe area to integrate international language students into the community. Each member is given formal training and provided with a uniform so that they are identified by our students. The judge’s described the winner as “a worthy project that is very effective”.

The Lifetime Achievement Award This awards an ELT professional who has made a substantial contribution to the ELT profession throughout their career.

Winner – Michael Swan

“Must-have texts” and “an influence on a generation of students” – just some of the phrases that describe the impact of Michael Swan on the world of English language teaching. Michael is a hugely worthy winner of the lifetime achievement award at this year’s ELTons. He modestly describes himself as a “freelance writer, specialising in English language teaching and related matters” but he is so much more, including being an influential writer and an award-winning poet. The British Council is thrilled to be presenting him with the award.

The judges described the winner as “very innovative and thorough. It includes current and controversial themes that will evoke real discussion, and is fun and engaging to use.” Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Innovation centres

Skolkovo Innovation Centre

The Innovation Centre for Community and Youth Development

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The Skolkovo Innovation Centre is a planned high technology business area being built at Skolkovo near Moscow, Russia. The site aims to be a highly modern complex created to encourage science and technology companies. Although historically Russia has been successful with development of science and technology, its lack of entrepreneurial spirit led to government intervention with patents and the non-proliferation of Russian tech companies beyond the scope of regional service. This site is tasked with not only the development of technology start-ups but also marketing them properly. As corporations and individuals become ‘residents’ of the city, proposed projects and ideas receive financial assistance. Skolkovo was announced on 12 November 2009 by then Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. The complex is headed by Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg and co-chaired by former Intel CEO Craig Barrett.

The Innovation Centre for Community and Youth Development unleashes the potential of youth, adults, organisations, and communities to engage together in creating a just and equitable society. We have succeeded in our mission when: Community organisations are stronger, more willing, and able to pursue and share innovative solutions to age-old problems. · people of all ethnic, racial, gender, class, educational, and geographic backgrounds gain recognition and sufficient support to contribute to community and youth development and youth civic engagement. · the field of community and youth development is more diverse and responsive to the courage, competence, and dedication of underrepresented youth. · young people are viewed as valued resources and partners in every community, and they respond to their respected status by devoting their tremendous energy and focus to the pursuit of social and economic justice.


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Food Innovation Centre

Spice: creating a science pedagogy innovation centre for Europe. The primary objective of the SPICE project is to collect, analyse, validate and share innovative pedagogical practices, particularly those using inquiry-based learning, whilst enhancing pupils’ interest in the sciences. Following the lessons learnt from the Inspire project regarding the use of resources in Maths, Science and Technology classes, as well as the insights gained from the Travel well projects, in December 2009 European Schoolnet (EUN, Belgium), a 2-year project funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (DG Education and Culture), with the aim of establishing a Science Pedagogy Innovation Centre for Europe. SPICE supports this objective by singling out, analysing and validating good practice pedagogies and practices in maths, science and technology, which nowadays are mostly ICT-based, and disseminating them across Europe. The good practice criteria allow new projects to have guidelines to ensure their innovation and quality. SPICE involves teachers and experts from 16 participating countries. In each country one maths and/or science teacher has been selected to be part of the SPICE teacher panel. The teacher panel, along with a science expert panel, has helped the SPICE partners in defining 24 good practices (GPs) and characterising them correctly, so that the GPs can be transposed and tried out in schools in other countries. Each GP is tested in more than one country. Results of the trials are shared at a summer school organised by DZS in the Czech Republic.

The Food Innovation Centre (FIC) Agricultural Experiment Station is located in Portland, OR. The FIC is a resource for client based product and process development, packaging engineering and shelf life studies, and consumer sensory testing. Research work is conducted to develop innovative processing and packaging technologies. The FIC also engages in scholarly research in agricultural economics and marketing. The Agricultural Development and Marketing division of the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) located at the FIC provides local, national, and international marketing access and development. Our clients include producers, processors, marketers, and entrepreneurs. We are committed to taking food products to market and advancing foods in and from the north-west USA. We partner with: the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) to provide educational programs and subject matter expertise, the Small Business Development Centre (SBDC) to provide startup business development education for entrepreneurs, Portland Development Commission (PDC) for grant funding opportunities, Oregon Micro-enterprise Network (OMEN) working with small enterprises in both rural and urban locations. The collaborative work at the FIC provides many opportunities for producers, processors, marketers, and entrepreneurs to actualise their food-to-market goals.

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German Centre for Research and Innovation

European Institute of Innovation and Technology

The GCRI New York was opened on February 19, 2010. It was established as one of five German Houses of Research and Innovation (DWIHs) worldwide and is part of the German government’s Strategy for the Internationalization of Science and Research.

The GCRI’s primary goals consist of:

· Presenting Germany to the North American market as a land of research and innovation · Enhancing the dialogue between academia and industry · Creating a forum for the initiation and enhancement of transatlantic projects · Providing an information platform for the German research and innovation landscape · GCRI’s mission is to strengthen transatlantic collaboration in science and technology to help solve the global challenges of the 21st century.

GCRI fulfills its mission by

· Convening scientific conferences and symposia to examine cutting-edge research and explore solutions to global problems that integrate understandings of science, the economy, and society

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an agency of the European Union which was established on 11 March 2008. It was set up in order to “address Europe’s innovation gap”, and is the EU’s flagship education institute designed to assist innovation, research and growth in the European Union. The idea of a European Institute of Innovation and Technology has been developed within the framework of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs, and has been specifically implemented to address Europe’s innovation shortcomings. It is based on the concept that innovation is a key driver of growth, competitiveness, and social well-being. The EIT has established its headquarters in Budapest, Hungary, in April 2010. The EIT is not a research centre and does not directly contribute to financing individual projects. Instead, it provides grants to so-called “Knowledge and Innovation Communities”, composed of networks of existing businesses, research institutes and education institutions or universities which work together around innovation projects and assist or fund individual innovators and entrepreneurs, all over Europe. The three first innovation communities of the EIT have been selected in December 2009 and are established in co-location centres (i.e., places where they can physically work together) in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

· Providing a “one-stop shop” for information about the German research landscape and funding sources · Celebrating and promoting German contributions to research and development through lectures and exhibitions · Developing workshops for graduate students and other young researchers to facilitate engagement with German institutions and support them in their careers · Supporting North American universities as they develop strategies to enhance international research collaboration with Germany · Organizing events that bring together international experts and partners from research institutions, industry, and government


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Microsoft Executive Briefing Centre

Located at the heart of the European Institutions in Brussels, the Microsoft Executive Briefing Centre for European Innovation offers a platform to engage in executive and structural ways with European Government Officials, Public Sector & Education customers and industry partners. At the Executive Briefing Centre (EBC), Microsoft and its European partners showcase innovative technology solutions that enable governments and the education community in Europe to create richer and more effective information technology infrastructures and services to the benefit of businesses, educators and citizens.

The Microsoft Executive Briefing Centre for European Innovation includes three competence centres: · Centre of Excellence for Public Services and eGovernment Solutions which demonstrates strategies and solutions and shares best practices to help governments develop strong, sustainable information technology infrastructures that deliver ease of use, value through innovative technology and a clear roadmap for future. · School Technology Innovation Centre which provides a handson demonstration and learning laboratory for educators where innovative teaching practices can be shared and where information, training and equipment is provided to enhance the use of information and communications technologies in classrooms and curricula. · Cloud and Interoperability Centre which demonstrates strategies and solutions and shares best practices to help governments understand the concept of Cloud Services and Interoperability and implement cloud services solutions. The Centre also provides a platform for discussion on key policy issues related to both Cloud computing and interoperability.

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European Union Programmes


The ERASMUS Programme – studying in Europe and more

Euroguidance supports internationalisation of guidance and counselling

ERASMUS is the most successful student exchange programme in the world. Each year, more than 230,000 students study abroad thanks to the Erasmus programme. It also offers the opportunity for student placements in enterprises, university staff teaching and training, and it funds cooperation projects between higher education institutions across Europe.

· to promote the European dimension in guidance,

Erasmus became part of the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme in 2007, covering new areas such as student placements in enterprises (transferred from the Leonardo da Vinci Programme), university staff training and teaching for business staff.

Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance. Euroguidance centres operate in about 34 countries. All Euroguidance centres share two common goals:

· to provide quality information on lifelong guidance and mobility for learning purposes. The main target group of Euroguidance is guidance practitioners and policy makers from both the educational and employment sectors, in all European countries.

52 erasmus-plus/index_en.htm

Erasmus is the perfect example of a European success story: close to 3 million students have participated since it started in 1987, as well as over 300,000 higher education teachers and other staff since 1997 (this type of exchange was also expanded further in 2007). The annual budget is in excess of 450 million euro; more than 4,000 higher education institutions in 33 countries participate and more are willing to join.

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EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion


EU programmes for education and training If you are a researcher planning your next move in Europe, look here for career opportunities and find relevant information and assistance. This link gives access to the web pages of the European Commission dedicated to Community programmes and actions in education and training.

Europass comprises five documents to make your skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe: Two documents freely accessible, completed by European citizens: · the Curriculum Vitae helps you present your skills and qualifications effectively and clearly. You can create your CV online using tutorials or download the template, examples and instructions;

· the Language Passport is a self-assessment tool for language skills and qualifications. You can create your Language Passport online using tutorials or download the template, examples and instructions.

Three documents issued by education and training authorities:

· the Europass Mobility records knowledge and skills acquired in another European country;

Tempus Programme

· the Certificate Supplement describes knowledge and skills acquired by holders of vocational education and training certificates;

· the Diploma Supplement describes knowledge and skills acquired by holders of higher education degrees.

TEMPUS is the European Union’s programme that supports the modernisation of higher education in the EU’s surrounding area. Tempus promotes institutional cooperation that involves the European Union and Partner Countries and focuses on the reform and modernisation of higher education systems in the Partner Countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region.

A network of National Europass Centres is the first point of contact if you want to learn more about Europass.

It also aims to promote voluntary convergence of the higher education systems in the Partner Countries with EU developments in the field of higher education. With regard to the Western Balkans, Tempus contributes to preparing candidate and potential candidate countries for participation in the integrated Life Long Learning Programme.

· to help employers understand the skills and qualifications of the workforce;

In addition to promoting cooperation between institutions, Tempus also promotes a people-to-people approach. Tempus provides support to consortia of institutions composed mainly of universities or university associations. Non-academic partners can also be part of a consortium.


· to help citizens communicate their skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or training;

· to help education and training authorities define and communicate the content of curricula.

The Tempus programme is implemented in close coordination with the Erasmus Mundus programme, which provides scholarships to third country students allowing them to participate in top-level Master courses and Doctorate programmes outside the EU. Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



International scientific prizes Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances. The will of the Swedish philanthropist inventor Alfred Nobel established the prizes in 1895. The prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace were first awarded in 1901. The related Nobel Memorial Prize in economic sciences was created in 1968. Between 1901 and 2012, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in economic sciences were awarded 555 times to 863 people and organisations. With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes a total of 835 individuals and 21 organisations. The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while the other prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most prestigious award available in the fields of literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, peace, and economics. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences; the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature; and the 54

Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded by a Swedish organisation but by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The various prizes are awarded yearly. Each recipient, or laureate, receives a gold medal, a diploma and a sum of money, which is decided by the Nobel Foundation, among more than three people. The Physics Prize has been awarded to 194 Nobel Laureates since 1901 ‘The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics…’ (Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel). Physics was the prize area which Alfred Nobel mentioned first in his will. At the end of the nineteenth century, many people considered physics as the foremost of the sciences, and perhaps Nobel saw it this way as well. His own research was also closely tied to physics. The Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.

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The 2014 Nobel Prizes have not been awarded yet. In early October, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences selects the Nobel Laureates through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Laureates are then announced. The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony takes place on 10 December in Stockholm.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013

Francois Englert

Martin Karplus

Born: 1932

Born: 15 March 1930 Vienna, Austria

Affiliation at the time of the award: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium Prize motivation: ‘for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider’

Affiliation at the time of the award: Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Prize motivation: ‘for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems’

Arieh Warshel Peter W. Higgs Born: 1929 Affiliation at the time of the award: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom Prize motivation: ‘for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider’

Born: 20 November 1940 Kibbutz Sde-Nahum, Israel Affiliation at the time of the award: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Prize motivation: ‘for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems’

Michael Levitt Born: 9 May 1947 Pretoria, South Africa Affiliation at the time of the award: Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA Prize motivation: ‘for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems’

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International prizes and grants in the science and education sphere

UNESCO prizes related to Education The purpose of UNESCO’s Education prizes is to reward outstanding efforts in the drive to achieve quality education for all. The themes of the prizes (literacy, special needs, information and communication technologies, human rights and peace) are in conformity with UNESCO’s policies and programmes. Nominations are made by the governments of Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions, and by nongovernment organisations maintaining official relations with UNESCO. An international jury, appointed by the Director General chooses the prize winners.

UNESCO Emir Jaber al-Ahmad alJaber al-Sabah Prize for Research and Training in Special Needs Education for the Mentally Disabled

UNESCO King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education

This prize, awarded biennially, supports special needs education for children with mental disabilities.

Awarded annually, this prize supports the creative use of information and communication technologies to enhance learning, teaching and overall education performance.

UNESCO International Literacy Prizes

UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights

These prizes are awarded annually on International Literacy Day (8 September) to promote excellence and innovation for a literate world.

UNESCO Prize for Peace Education

Formerly known as the UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Education, this prize is awarded biennially to institutions, organisations or people who have contributed to the building of a universal culture of human rights, including through education and training.

This prize, awarded biennially, supports activities designed to increase awareness and mobilize consciences in the cause of peace.

The aims of the UNESCO Natural Sciences Sector are advanced through a selection of awards, prizes, international days, weeks and years. Awards and Prizes

· MAB Young Scientists Awards

· Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science · Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management · Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation · Mercosur Award in Science and Technology · UNESCO/Institut Pasteur Medal for an outstanding contribution to the development of scientific knowledge that has a beneficial impact on human health · L’Oreal-UNESCO Prize for Women in Science · ERAIFT regional postgraduate school Prize


· Mondialogo Engineering Award · Research Grants for Young Scientists specialising in Great Apes of Africa · UNESCO-Obiang Nguema Mbasogo International Prize for Research in the life sciences

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UNESCO Prizes in Social and Human Sciences

UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights

(former UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Education)

The UNESCO/Bilbao Prize, awarded every two years, carries on the UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Education, which was created in 1978 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The purpose of the prize is to reward the efforts of institutions, organisations and individuals that have made a particularly important and effective contribution to the promotion of a culture of human rights at regional and international levels.

UNESCO – International Simon Bolivar Prize Created in 1978, the purpose of the prize is to reward an activity of outstanding merit which, in accordance with the ideals of Simón Bolívar, has contributed to the freedom, independence and dignity of peoples and to the strengthening of a new international economic, social and cultural order. Such activity may take the form of intellectual or artistic creation, a social achievement or the mobilization of public opinion. It is awarded every two years, and funded by the Government of Venezuela.

UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize for the Promotion of Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO – International Jose Marti Prize Created in 1994, the purpose of the prize, awarded every two years, is to promote and reward an activity of outstanding merit that, in accordance with the ideals and spirit of José Martí and embodying a nation’s aspiration to sovereignty and its struggle for liberty, contributes, in any region of the world, to the unity and the integration of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and to the preservation of their identities, cultural traditions and historical values.

UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence The purpose of the prize is to reward outstanding activities in the scientific, artistic, cultural or communication field aimed at the promotion of a spirit of tolerance and non-violence, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitution of UNESCO. The Prize was created in 1995 through the generous contribution of the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Indian artist, writer and diplomat Madanjeet Singh. It is awarded every two years on 16 November, International Day for Tolerance and the anniversary of the foundation of UNESCO.

UNESCO – International Simon Bolivar Prize

Created in 2009, its purpose is to reward social science research work by young researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean which has contributed to stronger research-policy linkages. The prize, awarded every two years, consists of a sum of US $10,000 which may be divided equally among a maximum of three prize winners. The Prize also provides for the publication of the prizewinning thesis from extra budgetary funds, if available, with the assistance of a publishing house and under the auspices of UNESCO. It is funded by the Government of the Dominican Republic.

Created in 1978, the purpose of the prize is to reward an activity of outstanding merit which, in accordance with the ideals of Simón Bolívar, has contributed to the freedom, independence and dignity of peoples and to the strengthening of a new international economic, social and cultural order. Such activity may take the form of intellectual or artistic creation, a social achievement or the mobilization of public opinion. It is awarded every two years, and funded by the Government of Venezuela.

Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science

UNESCO Albert Einstein Medal

This prize, awarded biennially, supports activities designed to increase awareness and mCreated in 2003 on the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the purpose of the prize, awarded every two years, is to reward the activities of individuals and groups in the field of ethics in science.

The UNESCO Albert Einstein Medal is awarded to outstanding scientific personalities who made a great contribution to science and international scientific cooperation. The medal was established by UNESCO to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein in 1979. The medal is awarded in gold, silver and bronze.

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International prizes and grants in the science and education sphere

Humboldt Research Award The award is granted in recognition of a researcher’s entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future. Academics from abroad, regardless of their discipline or nationality, may be nominated for a Humboldt Research Award. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of qualified female academics.

Meneghetti Award 2014 for research on Physics, Medicine, Economics and Philosophy The Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation, headquartered in Paradiso Switzerland, hereby launches an award of EUR 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand) for research in each of the following areas: physics, medicine, economics and philosophy, the sciences that can be associated with ontopsychological knowledge.

The WISE Prize for Education The WISE Prize for Education was established for determining, demonstrating and promoting of innovative projects in the field of education all over the world. The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development supports the transition of Qatar from a carbon economy to one based on the development of knowledge. It was established in 1995 by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani. Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser is Qatar Foundation’s Chairperson and driving force. Qatar Foundation structures its actions around three pillars: Education, Science and Research, and Community Development. w w w . w i s e - q a t a r. o r g

The Karpinsky International Award (A. Tepher foundation, Federal Republic of Germany)

Interbrew-Baillet Latour Award (Belgium) This annual award is intended to recognise outstanding scientific achievements in biomedical research and/or their practical applications for human health, and to encourage the laureate in the pursuit of his/her career. In exceptional circumstances the Prize may be shared between two persons who have collaborated over a long period.

The Wolf Prize (International Award, the Wolf foundation, Israel)


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Eduard Rhein Award for Informational Technologies and Science (Federal Republic of Germany)

Russian Award for Scientific Achievements (Independent Charitable Triumph Foundation Award)

The Global Energy Prize The Global Energy Prize is one of the world’s most respected awards in energy science, awarding 33 million roubles (approx. US$1.17m) each year for outstanding achievements and innovations in the field of energy.

The Kyoto Prize (Inamori Foundation, Japan) The Kyoto Prize is a Japanese award similar in intent to the Nobel Prize. It recognises outstanding works in the fields of philosophy, arts, science and technology. w w w . i n a m o r i - f . o r. j p / e _ kp _ o u t _ o u t . h t m l

The Crafoord Prize (an annual science prize, Sweden)

EPS Edison Volta Prize The European Physical Society, the Centro di Cultura Scientifica ‘Alessandro Volta’ and Edison S.p.A. have established the ‘EPS Edison Volta Prize’ to promote excellent research and achievement in physics. The EPS Edison Volta Prize is awarded to individuals or groups of up to 3 persons on a biannual basis. The Prize consists of a cash award of Euro 10,000 for the prize winner(s), as well as a diploma and a medal.

The Harvey Prize (Israel) The Harvey Prize is awarded annually in a variety of disciplines within the categories of Science & Technology and Human Health. The Harvey Prize has also been awarded for Contribution to Peace in the Middle East.

Max Planck Research Award (the Max Planck Society, Germany) Since 2004 the Max Planck Research Award has been conferred annually to two internationally renowned scientists, one working in Germany and the other abroad.

The Linnean Medal The Linnean Medal (formerly referred to as the Gold Medal) of the Linnean Society of London was established in 1888, and is awarded annually to alternately a botanist or a zoologist or (as has been common since 1958) to one of each in the same year.

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International prizes and grants in the science and education sphere

Open Society Institute Award (the USA)

The Blue Planet Prize (Japan) w w w . a f - i n f o . o r. j p / e n / b l u e p l a n e t / l i s t . h t m l

Guggenheim Award of the International Academy of Astronautics

Abel Prize in mathematics The Abel Prize is an international prize presented by the King of Norway to one or more outstanding mathematicians.

Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics The Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics is an award given jointly by the American Physical Society and American Institute of Physics every year since 1959.

L.D. Landau Gold Medal The L.D. Landau Gold Medal has been awarded by the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1993 for outstanding performance in the field of theoretical physics, including the physics of nuclei and elementary particles.

The Fields Medal The Fields Medal, officially known as International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics, is a prize awarded to two, three, or four mathematicians not over 40 years of age at each International Congress of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), a meeting that takes place every four years. The Fields Medal is often viewed as the greatest honour a young mathematician can receive.

"This is a great honor. I will be happy if it encourages young female scientists and mathematicians," Mirzakhani told Bjorn Carey of the Stanford Report. "I am sure there will be many more women winning this kind of award in coming years." For the first time in its 78-year history, a female mathematician has won the Fields Medal, the discipline’s most prestigious prize. Maryam Mirzakhani of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, joined the list of 52 previous winners, along with three other recipients of the prize this year: Artur Avila of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu in Paris, Manjul Bhargava of Princeton University, and Martin Hairer of the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. In all, the International Mathematical Union (IMU) gave out eight prizes in opening ceremonies at its quadrennial International Congress of Mathematicians on 13 August in Seoul. 60

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King Faisal International Prize (Saudi Arabia) Of the many philanthropic activities of the King Faisal Foundation, the King Faisal International Prize is the most widely known. By drawing attention to important issues and rewarding gifted scientists who have made these issues a priority in their careers, it is hoped that the direct and indirect effects of the Prize will be far reaching.

The Dirac Prize The Dirac Prize is the name of four prominent awards in the field of theoretical physics, computational chemistry and mathematics, awarded by different organisations named in honour of Professor Paul Dirac, one of the great theoretical physicists of the 20th Century.

The J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics The J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, is presented by the American Physical Society at its annual ‘April Meeting’, and honours outstanding achievement in particle physics theory. The prize, considered one of the most prestigious in physics, consists of a monetary award, a certificate citing the contributions recognized by the award, and a travel allowance for the recipient to attend the presentation. .

The International Prize for Biology The International Prize for Biology is an annual award for significant contributions to biology. The award was created in 1985 to recognize Emperor Hirohito of Japan’s long term interest in, and support of, the biological sciences. The selection and award of the prize is managed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

The Elsevier Scopus Awards The Elsevier Scopus Awards, started in 2005, recognize and reward the talent, knowledge and expertise of young scientists around the globe in a variety of disciplines.

The Draper Prize One of the world’s preeminent awards for engineering achievement, The Charles Stark Draper Prize was established by the National Academy of Engineering and endowed by Draper Laboratory in 1988 to recognise innovative engineering achievements and their reduction to practice in ways that have led to important benefits and significant improvement in the well-being and freedom of humanity. The Prize recognizes achievement in all engineering disciplines, and engineers worldwide are eligible to receive it. The Prize is awarded annually during National Engineers Week in Washington, D.C.

The Lobachevsky Prize The Lobachevsky Prize, awarded by the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Lobachevsky Medal, awarded by the Kazan State University, are mathematical awards in honor of Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky.

The Isaac Newton medal The Isaac Newton medal of the Institute of Physics is awarded to any physicist, regardless of subject area, background or nationality, for outstanding contributions to physics.

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International prizes and grants in the science and education sphere

International Grants GERMANY

The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation (Christine NüssleinVolhard Stiftung ) was initiated in 2004 for the promotion of science and research and supports talented young women with children. It aims to enable them to have the freedom and mobility required to further their scientific careers. The Foundation wishes to help prevent science losing excellent talent. It is aimed specifically at graduate students in the fields of experimental natural sciences and medicine.

Gerda Henkel Foundation (Gerda Henkel Stiftung) – is a private organisation that seeks to support research projects, scientific conferences and to provide fellowships to German and foreign graduate students who conduct their researches in the field of humanities.

Fritz Тhyssen Foundation (Fritz Тhyssen Stiftung) is one of the private foundations in Germany that aims to support young scientists from all over the world (in the form of grants) in conducting their researches in universities and public research institutions in Germany. It also upholds the bilateral scientific collaboration between universities and research centres.

The International Visegrad Fund is an international organization based in Bratislava founded by the governments of the Visegrad Group. The purpose of the Fund is to facilitate and promote the development of closer cooperation among citizens and institutions in the region as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially the Western Balkans and countries of the Eastern Partnership. The Fund does so through grant support of common cultural, scientific and educational projects, youth exchanges, cross-border projects and tourism promotion, and through individual mobility programs (scholarships, residencies). php?page=home_en



The Matsumae International Foundation, created in 1979, provides fellowships to scientists from different countries for conducting researches in scientific institutions of Japan.


The Queen Jadwiga Foundation, founded in 2002 at the Jagiellonian University, provides an opportunity for young scientists and graduate students from Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and the Balkans to undertake scientific training in Krakow (Poland), for a period of 1-2 months.


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) – is a public organisation under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, that aims to evaluate and carry out all research capable of advancing knowledge and bringing social, cultural, and economic benefits for society, to contribute to the application and promotion of research results, to develop scientific information, to support research training, to participate in the analysis of the national and international scientific climate and its potential for evolution in order to develop a national policy.

European Science Foundation is non-profit national organisation, established in 1974 in France and that consists of 78 scientific institutions in 30 European countries.

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Educational Funding and Awards

The AAUW has a long and distinguished history of advancing educational and professional opportunities for women in the United States and around the globe. One of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, AAUW is providing more than $3.7 million in funding for more than 245 fellowships and grants to outstanding women and non-profit organisations in the 2013–14 academic year. Due to the longstanding, generous contributions of AAUW members, a broader community of women continues to gain access to educational and economic opportunities breaking through barriers so that all women have a fair chance. Fellowship and grant recipients perform research in a wide range of disciplines and work to improve their schools and communities. Their intellect, dedication, imagination, and effort promise to forge new paths in scholarship, improve the quality of life for all, and tackle the educational and social barriers facing women worldwide.

The Foundation of Public Researches and Development (CRDF Global) is an independent non-profit organisation that promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training and services, provides cooperative research and development (R&D) opportunities that enable scientists and engineers to address critical security, economic, education and other societal needs, advances peace and prosperity by funding civilian research and development projects that contribute to global non-proliferation objectives, promotes the application of science and technology to economic growth through international partnerships and training that foster invention, innovation, entrepreneurship and the commercialization of technology, strengthens university research and education in science and engineering.

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is the largest multinational corporation in the world focusing on information technology. IBM produces and sells hardware and software and provides scholarships to talented graduate students from all over the world who focus on the development, design and creation of information technology in scientific disciplines and fields of knowledge (which are fundamental for the development of innovations) like computer science and engineering, mathematics, electro-mechanical engineering, chemistry, materials science, physics and economics.

The Havighurst Centre.

The Havighurst Centre for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies was established as the result of an endowment from the late Walter Havighurst, a long time Miami University English professor and author. Professor Havighurst taught at Miami from 1928-1969. The Centre is interdisciplinary, with faculty associates in many departments throughout the University. In addition to the Centre’s Director and Staff, the Centre relies on Faculty Associates who are drawn together by their mutually held interests in exploring issues related to Russia and the post-Soviet region. opportunities/postdoctoral.html

American Councils for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS) is an international non-profit organisation that aims to support educational development all over the world. The organisation is focused on academic exchange, professional and distant learning, working out of curricula, providing of technical support, supporting of researches and institutional development w w w . a c t r. o r g


Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS)

A primary aim of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies is to foster, develop and support Ukrainian studies in Canada and internationally. This is done in part by offering or administering a postdoctoral fellowship, graduate fellowships (to master’s and doctoral students) and scholarships to undergraduate students. Grants are also awarded to established scholars to support research work that would lead to publications or dissemination of results in other forms.

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is the state federal institution that supports discoverers and innovators of Canada through the grants system and programmes. It also promotes the partnership among universities, government and private sector. The field of researches consists of natural and technical sciences.

John Kolasky Memorial Endowment Fund provides annual scholarships to postgraduate students and research workers from Ukraine for probation at the University of Alberta.

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ICHEM 2015: International Conference on Higher Education and Management January 19-20, 2015 London, United Kingdom

ICEPS 2015: International Conference on Education and Psychological Sciences January 23-24, 2015 Paris, France

ICEPS 2015: International Conference on Education and Psychological Sciences February 12-13, 2015 Amsterdam, Netherlands

CES 2015: International Conference on Educational Sciences February 16-17, 2015 London, United Kingdom

CEST 2015: International Conference on Educational Sciences and Technology March 26-27, 2015 Madrid, Spain 64

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CECET 2015: International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Technology March 29-30, 2015 Singapore, SG

ICESS 2015: International Conference on Education and Social Sciences April 13-14, 2015 Venice, Italy

ICEEPS 2015: International Conference on Education, Economic, Psychology, and Society May 14-15, 2015 Amsterdam, Netherlands

ICEDT 2015: International Conference on Educational Design and Technology May 19-20, 2015 Dubai, UAE

ICEIHE 2015: International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education June 25-26, 2015 Paris, France

ICDEL 2015: International Conference on Distance Education and Learning July 29-30, 2015 Zurich, Switzerland

ICHE 2015: International Conference on Higher Education August 17-18, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey

ICLEGS 2015: International Conference on e-Learning, e-education and e-Government Systems September 14-15, 2015 Berlin, Germany

ICSMHE 2015: International Conference on Strategic Management in Higher Education September 21-22, 2015 Paris, France Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


International Conferences in the field of Education, Science and Technology

ICET 2015: International Conference on Educational Technology October 4-5, 2015 Lisbon, Portugal

ICLFLHE 2015: International Conference on Language Futures: Languages in Higher Education October 8-9, 2015 Bali, Indonesia

CAETMS 2015: International Conference on Advanced Education Technology and Management Science November 5-6, 2015 Cape Town, South Africa

ICEST 2015: International Conference on Educational Sciences and Technology December 17-18, 2015 Bangkok, Thailand


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Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



European Union NASA Education Program Opportunities Students, educators and faculty may explore and experience unique space and aeronautics content through NASA’s education opportunities. Use the lists below to learn about ways to interact with NASA. List of All Student Grades K-12 and Higher Education Projects

Browse this list to find opportunities such as internships and cooperative education programs, scholarships and fellowships, summer research, team competitions, after school activities and more.

Alphabetical List of All NASA Education Projects

Browse this alphabetical list that includes all student, educator and faculty projects.

List of All Educator Grades K-12 and Higher Education Faculty Projects

Browse this list to find opportunities such as research, team competitions, professional development, design challenges, fellowships, summer employment and more.

Toastmasters International Educational Programme – Communication and leadership development

Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, the organization has more than 313,000 members in more than 14,650 clubs in 126 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people of all backgrounds become more confident in front of an audience.

Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. The membership is 292,000 strong. These members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 14,350 clubs in 122 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations. Membership in Toastmasters is one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself. At $36 every six months (club dues may vary), it is also one of the most cost-effective skill-building tools available anywhere. MembersFunctionalCategories

Articulate Europe Welcome to the official representation of Articulate in Europe. We manage entire product sales through existing and new resellers. Articulate provides intuitive e-learning solutions which are currently being used by more than 30,000 companies worldwide. About Articulate

Articulate® is the global leader in rapid e-learning. Thousands of corporate, government and academic customers in more than 50 countries use our powerful, intuitive technologies to train and communicate rapidly, widely and effectively.

That’s what Articulate is all about – putting the power of rapid e-learning in the hands of anyone who needs to share knowledge. Our goal is to ensure that you can train, motivate, inform and persuade the people who will move your organisation forward.

We know how people learn. We understand how organisations work. We believe that superior learning and communications technology, widely available across your enterprise, provides competitive advantage. Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Educational programmes

Articulate Europe

Our story

IXL Learning was founded in 1998 when we released Quia, the first website that allowed teachers and learners to create and share customised study materials. The initial version featured three formats: a matching game, a concentration game, and flash cards. Soon after, quizzes were added, along with a dozen more game types. The concept was an overnight success, and Quia quickly became one of the most popular education sites in the early days of the Web. Our mission, since then, has been to develop educational technologies that people can’t live without - if only they existed. Our second product, Quia Books, is a highly interactive online textbook and workbook platform created specifically for language learning. Released in 2001, at a time when e-books weren’t much more than PDF readers, Quia Books supported immersive, online workbook exercises with real-time feedback and an intelligent grading system. Combining the best of computer learning and traditional classroom instruction, Quia Books allow publishers to mix and match closedended, computer-scorable questions with open-ended questions that are gradable by students’ actual instructors. To date, more than 350 secondary and higher education language textbooks have been published on the Quia Books platform. These books are used in language courses ranging from Spanish and French to Chinese, Latin, and Arabic. Our attention turned toward maths in 2007, when we introduced IXL, a groundbreaking platform and curriculum for K–12 maths education. As the world’s most comprehensive maths practice programme, IXL covers more than 2,500 distinct maths topics in a progression from pre-kindergarten to high school. All questions - even word problems are algorithmically generated, meaning that every question is unique, and students never see repeats no matter how long they practice. For teachers, IXL provides unparalleled insight into student performance through business-calibre reports and data analysis tools. In 2013, we expanded IXL to include English language arts, offering unlimited, targeted practice of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. IXL is now used in more than 15,000 schools as well as at home by families worldwide.

Our mission

At IXL Learning, we are passionate about creating and supporting the best educational technology possible. We develop first-of-theirkind products used by millions of learners, from children to adults. People count on us to make learning as effective as it can be, and we are deeply committed to solving the real-world challenges faced by students and teachers around the planet.

Our products

Practice makes perfect, and IXL makes maths and language arts practice fun! IXL motivates students through interactive games and exercises while keeping teachers and parents informed and involved. With more than 2,500 skills spanning pre-school through to high school, IXL offers a dynamic and enjoyable environment suitable for any learning style. Students who use IXL are succeeding like never before. Quia Web provides educators with tools to create, customize, and share their curricula online. Quia Web pioneered the ‘createyour-own’ concept, giving educators the freedom to go beyond publisher-provided materials and create their own interactive, online experiences for their students. Through a thriving online community, teachers collaboratively develop and share their Quiabased materials, all the while contributing to a constantly expanding library of educational content. Quia Books are web-based versions of workbooks and textbooks and are produced in partnership with the world’s leading publishers. Built on our award-winning technology platform, Quia Books engage students and make the learning process more satisfying through interactive exercises full of vibrant colour, sound, and images. Educators reap the timesaving benefits of computer-based grading and tracking and can fully customise Quia Books based on individual course materials.

Argonne’s Goal: Innovate to Educate The mission of Educational Programmes is to enrich science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education through programmes that advance Argonne’s strategic energy, environment and security initiatives and to develop new educational programmes based on transformative discovery that furthers the Department of Energy’s workforce development and science literacy mission.


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Embassy of the United States Moscow, Russia

Education & Exchanges

The foundation of Russian-American relations – both our friendship and our capacity to work together as two great nations – ultimately rests on how well ordinary citizens on both sides understand each other. That is why the U.S. Government believes that the most important contribution we can make to a stronger Russian-American relationship is to invest in expanding knowledge and contact among people in both countries. As a result of U.S. Government exchange programs, more than 50,000 Russians and Americans have had the opportunity to take part in academic or professional exchanges during the past decade. The effect of an exchange experience on a person’s life extends far beyond the time actually spent abroad. Similarly, an exchange program affects not only individual participants, but also those who get to know them while the United States and those back home in

Russia who hear about their experiences once they return. In this way, people-to-people exchanges between Russians and Americans benefit both countries by improving our ability to understand each other, by enabling us to compare and share approaches to common problems and by increasing the network of ties binding our nations together in the peaceful pursuit of common goals. The website provides an overview of our current exchange programs, as well as the numerous educational activities supported by the Public Affairs Sections of the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in the Russian Federation.

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Shape the Future helps governments to imagine and attain universal technology access for all their citizens. We help build the public/private partnerships that lead to greater employability, economic recovery and a better future. Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Ministries of Education


Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic

Ministry of Education(Portugal)

Ministry of Education (Syria)

Ministry of Education and Science (Albania)

Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport (Romania)

Ministry of Education Turkmenistan

Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (Bulgaria)

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Department of Education (Philippines)

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany)

Ministry of Higher Education and Research (France)

Ministry of Education (Sri Lanka)

Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Sport and Culture (Greece)

Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (Croatia)

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan)

Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Iceland)

Ministry of Education and Research (Sweden)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education and Skills (Republic of Ireland)

Ministry of Education Department of Higher Education (Lower Myanmar)

United States Department of Education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania

Ministry of Education and Science of Kazahstan

Ministry of Education (Brazil Ministry of National Education)

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Education (Israel)

Ministry of Education (Peru)

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Netherlands)

Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

Puerto Rico Department of Education

Ministry of Education and Research (Norway)

Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (South Korea)

Ministry of National Education (Chile)

Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland)

Ministry of Education (Malaysia)

Department of Higher Education and Training in South Africa

Ministry of National Education (Poland)

Ministry of Education (Singapore)

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in Australia

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National Academies of Sciences Albania Akademia e Shkencave e Shqiperise - ASHSH

Austria Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - OAW

Belgium Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences - RAOS L’Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Academie royale de medecine de Belgique

Belarus National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Bosnia and Herzegovina Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Royal Society of Edinburgh – RSE

Royal Society of London

British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Greece Academy of Athens

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National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Denmark Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber ATV

Latvia Latvian Academy of Sciences

Kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab

Lithuania Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

Estonia Estonian Academy of Sciences

Macedonia Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Ireland Royal Irish Academy - Acadamh Rioga na hEireann


Spain Instituto de Espana

Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation Nederlandse Akademie van wetenschappen KNAW




Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL

Gottingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

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Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities National Academy of Science and Engineering

LeopoldinaNationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften


Poland Polish Academy of Sciences

Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences

Portugal Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa

Russian Federation Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab

Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Russian Academy of Arts

Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences – NTVA

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

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National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Russian Academy of Education

Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Turkey Turkiye Bilimler Akademisi

Turkish Academy of Sciences

Cameroon Cameroon Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Hungary Hungary Academy of Sciences

Romania Romanian Academy

Hungarian Academy of Engineering

Serbia Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Ukraine Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Slovakia Slovak Academy of Sciences

National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Thailand Thai Academy of Science and Technology

Croatia Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia

Slovenia Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Croatian Academy of Engineering

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French Academie des sciences

Swiss Academy of Sciences

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)

Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences Swiss

French Society of Agriculture

Academy of Medical Sciences Schweizarische

Czech Republic Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Finland Academy of Finland

Kenya Kenya of the National Academy of Sciences

Akademie der Tewchnischen Wissenschaften

Sweden The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry

Uzbekistan African Academy of Sciences (AAS)

Sri Lanka National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka

Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

Saudi Arabia King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

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National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Ghana Ghana Academies of Arts and sciences (GAAS)

Viet Nam Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology

South Africa Academy of Sciences of South Africa

United Republic of Tanzania Tanzania Academies of Sciences

Jordan The Royal Scientific Society, Jordan

Sudan Sudan the National Academy of sciences

Madagascar Madagascar the National Academy of Arts, Literature and Science


Australia Australian Academy of Science

Tajikistan Academy of Sciences


Nigeria Nigerian to the Academy of Sciences (NAS)

Bangladesh Academy of Sciences


Senegal Academie Nationale des Sciences et Techniques du Senegal (ANSTS)

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Uganda The National Academy of Sciences


India Indian Academy of Sciences

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Republic of Korea The Korean Academy of Science and Technology

Malaysia Academy of Sciences Malaysia

Nepal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology

Pakistan Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Armenia National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

Azerbaijan Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Georgia Georgian Academy of Sciences

Indonesia Indonesian Academy of Sciences

Iran, Islamic Republic of The Academy of Sciences of IR Iran

Israel Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Kazakhstan National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

Mongolia Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Philippines National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines

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National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Research institutes

A research institute is an establishment endowed to perform research. Research institutes may specialise in basic research or may be oriented to applied research. Although the term often implies natural science research, there are also many research institutes in the social sciences as well, especially for sociological and historical research purposes.

AfricaRice The Africa Rice Centre (AfricaRice) is a leading pan-African rice research organisation committed to improving livelihoods in Africa through strong science and effective partnerships. AfricaRice is one of the 15 international agricultural research centres that are members of the CGIAR Consortium. It is also an intergovernmental association of African member countries.

Centre for Earthquake Studies The Centre for Earthquake Studies (acronym: CES), is a national academic earth science, earthquake studies and mathematical research institute, located in Islamabad, Pakistan. The institute is headquartered in the campus area of the National Centre for Physics (NCP) and conducts mathematical research in earth sciences in close coordination with the NCP.

Centre for International Forestry Research The Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) conducts research on the use and management of forests in lessdeveloped countries.

Centre for Tropical Forest Science The Centre for Tropical Forest Science, or CTFS, is a consortium of forest researchers who pursue long-term research on tree populations using the comparable census method. The work developed out of a study of 50 hectares of forest on Barro Colorado Island in Panama begun in 1981. All individual trees larger than 1 centimetre in stem diameter were measured, mapped and identified; this included 300 different species. This census has been repeated every five years since, most recently in 2010. A total of 30 research institutions have now carried out parallel censuses of large forest plots. There are two such large-scale census projects in Africa, four in Latin America, and eight in Asia. Moreover, the census program has been expanded to include temperate and subtropical forests in China. Approximately 2.5 million individual trees of 6000 species are being monitored. Numerous scientific research reports on tree species diversity, distribution, life span, and growth rates have been published based on these plots. CTFS is directed from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama City, Panama. Researchers and institutions in 14 other countries participate in the network.

Central European Institute of Philosophy (SIF) The Central European Institute of Philosophy (SIF) (Czech: Středoevropský Institut Filosofie, German: Mitteleuropäisches Institut für Philosophie) established in 2010, is a joint institution of the Charles University Faculty of Humanities and the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Philosophy. The SIF seeks to follow in the footsteps of Prague’s ‘Cercle philosophique,’ which was established by Czech and German professors from the University of Prague in 1934, but soon disbanded with the German occupation of Czechoslovakia. The Institute promotes philosophical research - with an emphasis on the phenomenological as well as on trans- and inter-disciplinary. 80

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Central European Institute of Technology CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic) is a European centre of excellence in the fields of life sciences and advanced materials and technologies, which was established by the most prominent Brno universities (Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology etc.) and research institutes, with the support of the South Moravian Region and the City of Brno. It is an establishment of modern laboratories with state-of-the-art instrumentation and technologies that will ensure suitable conditions for conducting both basic and applied research.

CERN The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (French: Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire Italian: Organizzazione Europea per la Ricerca Nucleare, known as CERN, is an international organisation whose purpose is to operate the world’s largest particle physics laboratory. Established in 1954, the organisation is based in the northwest suburbs of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border, (46°14’3’N 6°3’19’E) and has 20 European member states. The term CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which employs just under 2,400 full-time employees, 1,500 parttime employees and hosts some 10,000 visiting scientists and engineers, representing 608 universities and research facilities and 113 nationalities. CERN’s main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research - as a result, numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN following international collaborations. It is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The main site at Meyrin has a large computer centre containing powerful data-processing facilities, primarily for experimental-data analysis; because of the need to make these facilities available to researchers elsewhere, it has historically been a major wide area networking hub.

Coady International Institute The Coady International Institute is located on the campus of St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Established in 1959, the Coady International Institute is world-renowned as a centre of excellence in community leadership education. The Institute is named for one of Canada’s great heroes, Rev. Dr. Moses M. Coady, a founder of the Antigonish Movement - a people’s movement for economic and social justice that began in Nova Scotia during the 1920s - and author of ‘Masters of their Own Destiny’.

DevLab (research alliance) DevLab (Development laboratory) is a research centre headquartered in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. It is an alliance of thirteen small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In close co-operation with universities, with a network of professors and lectors, research projects are carried out by graduate students, PhD students and employees of the member SMEs. Alongside this, DevLab is also a partner in larger consortia together with industry, universities and other research institutes.

Edward Bouchet Abdus Salam Institute Edward Bouchet Abdus Salam Institute was founded by Professor Abdus Salam in 1988. The institute is named after two great people, known as Edward Bouchet and Abdus Salam. This institute was founded on 30th September 1988 by Abdus Salam the late Nobel Laureate and Founding Director of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) (now known as the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics). Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Energy and Resources Institute The Energy and Resources Institute, commonly known as TERI (formerly Tata Energy Research Institute), established in 1974, is a research institute based in New Delhi focusing its research activities in the fields of energy, environment and sustainable development. According to Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the International Relations Program, University of Pennsylvania, TERI was ranked 20 in the list of top global think tanks on environment and 16th in the top global think tanks on science and technology

Environment Institute University of Adelaide The Institute brings together leading research groups at the University of Adelaide in the fields of science, engineering and economics relating to the management and use of natural resources and infrastructure. The Institute combines the research strengths of four centres and two programs. The mission of the Environment Institute is to develop practical solutions to difficult problems by bringing together the best people from Science, Government and the wider community.

Euro-India Research Centre Euro-India Research Centre (EIRC) is an information and service platform formed to facilitate collaboration between Indian and European organisations (from industry and academia) in conducting joint research and technology development under the European Commission’s largest funding Programme - FP7. EIRC is also the Functional Arm of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) National Contact Point (NCP) Network of India. EIRC not only operates in the ICT sector but also in the Environment, Energy and Biotechnology sectors covered under FP7. EIRC aims to eventually operate and provide service in the remaining sectors of FP7. EIRC helps Indian organisations access and benefit from EU funding in Research and Development. EIRC will achieve this through a permanent platform for co-operation between India and the European Union that will promote co-operation at a research level. In India, the National Contact Point (NCP) is the entity that supports the scientific and business communities in accessing European funds for Research and Development. The Ministry of Information Technology (MIT) has been chosen by the Indian government as the NCP for ICT co-operation with the European Union. MIT will be supported by the Indian Research Support Network (IRSN).

EuroBioBank EuroBioBank is an organisation which manages a network of biobanks in Europe. It provides human DNA, cell, and tissue samples to the scientific community for research on rare diseases.

European Bioinformatics Institute The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is a centre for research and services in bioinformatics, and is part of European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL).

European Forest Institute The European Forest Institute (EFI) is an international organisation established by European states. By the spring of 2013, a total of 25 European states had ratified the Convention on EFI. With about 130 Associate and Affiliate Member organisations, five Regional Offices and one Project Centre, it offers forest research contacts and collaboration at the European level. The headquarters of the Institute is in Joensuu, Finland.


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European Molecular Biology Laboratory The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is a molecular biology research institution supported by 20 European countries with Australia as an associate member state. EMBL was created in 1974 and is an intergovernmental organisation funded by public research money from its member states. Research at EMBL is conducted by approximately 85 independent groups covering the spectrum of molecular biology. The Laboratory operates from five sites: the main Laboratory in Heidelberg, and outstations in Hinxton (the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)), Grenoble, Hamburg, and Monterotondo near Rome.

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) is a joint research facility supported by 19 countries (18 European countries and Israel) situated in Grenoble, France. It has an annual budget of around 80 million Euros, employs over 600 people and is host to more than 3500 visiting scientists each year. Research in the ESRF focuses, in large part, on the use of X-ray radiation in fields as diverse as protein crystallography, earth science, palaeontology, materials science, chemistry and physics. Facilities such as the ESRF offer a flux, energy range and resolution unachievable with conventional (laboratory) radiation sources.

European University Institute The European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (Italy) is an international postgraduate and post-doctoral teaching and research institute established by European Union member states to contribute to cultural and scientific development in the social sciences, in a European perspective. By statute, the EUI is an intergovernmental organisation.

Family Health International Family Health International (FHI) is a public health and development organisation dedicated to improving living standards of the world’s most vulnerable people. Family Health International has 2,500 staff conducting research and implementing programs in fifty-five countries. Family Health International endeavours to advance public health initiatives and to improve local capacity to address development problems. Since 1971, Family Health International has been a global leader in family planning and reproductive health; After 1986, Family Health International became a leader in the worldwide response to HIV/AIDS. FHI’s research and programmes also address malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious and chronic diseases with international agencies, governments, foundations, research institutions and individual donors. FHI partners include the United States of America.

German Institute of Science and Technology (Singapore) The German Institute of Science and Technology (abbreviated GIST) is an institute for research and education situated in Singapore, formed by collaboration between the Technical University of Munich, the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and the Singapore Institute of Technology. It is also known as GIST-TUM Asia, being the full subsidiary of the Technische Universität München (abbreviated TUM).

IMEC Imec, formerly the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre, is a micro- and nano-electronics research centre headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, with offices in Belgium, the Netherlands, Taiwan, USA, China, India and Japan. Its staff of about 2,000 people includes more than 600 industrial residents and guest researchers

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National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Institut fur Rundfunktechnik The Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH (IRT) is the research centre of German broadcasters (ARD / ZDF / DLR), Austria’s broadcaster (ORF) and the Swiss public broadcaster (SRG / SSR). It is located in Munich and is responsible for the research and standardisation of broadcasting technology. Nowadays it is focused on digital technologies. They invented important standards such as DAB and DVB-T. Institut für Rundfunktechnik is a founding member of the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) the consortium of broadcasting and Internet industry companies (also including SES, OpenTV, Espial and ANT Software) that is promoting and establishing an open European standard (called HbbTV) for a single user interface for hybrid set-top boxes that receive broadcast TV and broadband multimedia applications.

Institute for Energy The Institute for Energy or IE, located in Petten, the Netherlands, is one of the seven institutes of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), a Directorate-General of the European Commission (EC). The Institute for Energy provides scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of European Community policies related to energy. The institute pays special attention to the security of the European energy supply, to sustainable and safe energy production, and to environmental compliance.

Institute for Environment and Sustainability The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is a specialised institute of the Joint Research Centre directorate of the European Commission, based in Ispra, Italy. Its mission is to provide scientific and technical support to EU policies for the protection of the environment contributing to sustainable development in Europe.

Institute for Health and Consumer Protection The Institute for Health and Consumer Protection or IHCP, based in Ispra, Italy, is one of the seven institutes of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), a Directorate-General of the European Commission (EC). The Institute for Health and Consumer Protection provides scientific support for the development and implementation of European Union policies related to health and consumer protection. The institute carries out research to improve the understanding of potential health risks posed by chemicals, biocides, genetically modified organisms, contaminants released from food contact materials and consumer products.

European Science and Technology Observatory The European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO) was the first project of the Joint Research Centre’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies based in Seville, Spain. It was set up to attempt to ‘create a platform of experts engaged in monitoring and analysing scientific and technological developments and their relation and interaction with society’. After some 10 years of work, ESTO developed into two new networks: the ERAWATCH Network, a web-based service that presents information on national research policies, actors, organisations and programmes; and the ETEPS Network (European Techno Economic Policy Support Network), a network of European organisations that operates in all 27 EU Member States, covering policy subjects such as agriculture, consumer protection, energy, environment, enterprise, health, information society, innovation, research and transport. 84

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Institute for Transuranium Elements The Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) is a nuclear research institute in Karlsruhe, Germany. The ITU is one of the seven institutes of the Joint Research Centre, a Directorate-General of the European Commission. The ITU has about 300 staff. Its specialists have access to an extensive range of advanced facilities, many unavailable elsewhere in Europe.

International Centre for Theoretical Physics The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is an international research institute for physical and mathematical sciences that operates under a tripartite agreement between the Italian Government, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It is located near the Miramare Park, about 10 kilometres from the city of Trieste, Italy. The centre was founded in 1964 by Pakistani Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam. ICTP is part of the Trieste System, a network of national and international scientific institutes in Trieste

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR, Russia, is an international research centre for nuclear sciences, with 5500 staff members, 1200 researchers including 1000 PhD’s from eighteen member states (including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Kazakhstan). Most scientists, however, are eminent Russian scientists. The Institute has seven laboratories, each with its own specialisation: theoretical physics, high energy physics (particle physics), heavy ion physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear reactions, neutron physics and information technology. The institute has a division that studies radiation and radiobiological research and other ad hoc experimental physics experiments. Principal research instruments include a nuclotron superconductive particle accelerator (particleenergy: 7 GeV), three isochronic cyclotrons (120, 145, 650 MeV), a phasotron (680 MeV) and asynchrophasotron (4 GeV). The site has a neutron fast-pulse reactor (1500MW pulse) with nineteen associated instruments receiving neutron beams.

Latin American Social Sciences Institute The Latin American Social Sciences Institute (Spanish: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales or FLACSO) is an inter-governmental autonomous organisation for Latin America and the Caribbean dedicated to research, teaching and spreading of social sciences. It was created on April 17, 1957, following a UNESCO initiative at the Latin American Conference on Social Sciences in Rio de Janeiro. Its membership is open to Latin American and Caribbean countries that subscribe the FLACSO agreement. Current members include: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic and Suriname.

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National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres

Environmental Research Institutes This list includes environment research institutes established internationally. These institutes undertake research on the sustainable management of resources, including water, energy and biodiversity. · Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) (in the US)

· Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)

· Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology

· Environmental Assessment Institute (EAI) (in Denmark)

· Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM)

· ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)

· Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)

· European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)

· Conard Environmental Research Area (CERA)

· European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

· Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research

· Finnish Environment Institute

· Cooperative Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Terrestrial Applications (CIASTA)

· Florida Environmental Research Institute (FERI) · Florida Institute of Oceanography (FIO)

· Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research (CICOR) · Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) · Cooperative Institute for Climate Applications and Research (CICAR)

· Global Energy Network Institute (GENI)

· Cooperative Institute for Climate Science (CICS)

· Global Environment Facility (GEF)

· Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER)

· GNS Science (formerly the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences) (in New Zealand)

· Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS)

· Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research

· Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)

· Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)

· Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

· Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) (in Japan)

· Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)

· Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER)

· Cooperative Research Centre (in Australia)

· Institute of Zoology (IoZ) (in the UK)

· Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (in New York in the US)

· Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) (at first in the US, now international)

· Curie Institute (Paris)


· Curie Institute (Warsaw)

· International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical)

· Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (in the UK)

· Israel Institute for Biological Research (IBR)

· The Earth Institute, Columbia University (New York in the US)

· McMaster Institute of Environment and Health (MIEH)

· Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) (in the US)

· Mir Environmental Effects Payload (MEEP)

· Energy and Environmental Research Centre (EERC)

· National Environmental Engineering Research Institute(NEERI)

· Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

· National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark (NERI)

· Environment Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia

· National Institute for Environmental eScience (NIEeS)

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· National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)

· Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden

· National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) (in the US)

· UCLA Institute of the Environment, University of California at Los Angeles, USA

· National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) (in the US) · USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies (WIES) · Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) · Oxford Environmental Change Institute, UK

· Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany

· Property and Environment Research Centre (PERC)

· Yale Centre for Environmental Law and Policy

· Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre (SERC)

Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research Ludwig Cancer Research is an international community of scientists dedicated to preventing and controlling cancer. It encompasses the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR) and the Ludwig Centres at six US institutions, all pursuing discoveries to alter the course of cancer. It was endowed with the majority of philanthropist Daniel K. Ludwig’s international and domestic holdings. Research areas of focus include: cell biology, clinical trials, genomics, immunology, neuroscience, prevention, signalling, stem cells, therapeutics and tumour biology

National Centre for Physics The National Centre for Physics, known as NCP, is an academic physics and mathematical sciences national research institute located in Islamabad - federal capital of Pakistan. Since 1999, the Pakistan Government had the jurisdiction over the institute, until it was made an autonomous scientific organisation in April 2004, though funding is arranged by the Pakistan Government. The establishment of the NCP was a dream of Abdus Salam who first proposed establishment of this institute in 1951. Since its inception in 1999, the institute operates under the quadripartite supervision of ICTP, PAEC,INSC, and CERN and its main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for theoretical and high-energy physics research. As of today, the NCP emerged as one of the world’sleading particle physics institutes, producing hundreds of papers by world scientists who joined this institute. Numerous scientific experiments have been constructed at the NCP by national and international collaborations.

Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics The Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, or NORDITA (Danish: Nordisk Institut for Teoretisk (Atom)fysik), is an international organisation for research in theoretical physics. It was established in 1957 by Niels Bohr and the Swedish minister Torsten Gustafsson. NORDITA was originally located in Copenhagen (Denmark), but moved to Stockholm (Sweden) during autumn 2006. The institute is now located at the AlbaNova University Centre. The main research areas at NORDITA are astrophysics, biophysics, condensed matter and particle physics.

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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO; is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN). Its purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with the fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter. It is the heir of the League of Nations’ International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation. UNESCO has 195 member States (it recently added Palestine in November 2011) and eight Associate Members. Most of the field offices are ‘cluster’ offices covering three or more countries; there are also national and regional offices. UNESCO pursues its objectives through five major programs: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information. Projects sponsored by UNESCO include literacy, technical, and teacher-training programmes; international science programmes; the promotion of independent media and freedom; regional and cultural history projects; the promotion of cultural diversity; 88

translations of world literature; international cooperation agreements to secure the world cultural and natural heritage (World Heritage Sites) and to preserve human rights, and attempts to bridge the worldwide digital divide. It is also a member of the United Nations Development Group. UNESCO’s aim is ‘to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information’. Other priorities of the Organisation include attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning, addressing emerging social and ethical challenges, fostering cultural diversity, a culture of peace and building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication. The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community - as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities. UNESCO Headquarters is established in Paris. Offices are located in two places in the same area:

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The Council of Europe

The Council of Europe is an international organisation promoting co-operation between all countries of Europe in the areas of legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and cultural co-operation. It was founded in 1949, has 47 member states with some 800 million citizens, and is an entirely separate body[1] from the European Union (EU), which has 28 member states. Unlike the EU, the Council of Europe cannot make binding laws. The two do however share certain symbols such as the flag and the anthem. The best known bodies of the Council of Europe are the European Court of Human Rights, which enforces the European Convention

on Human Rights, and the European Pharmacopoeia Commission, which sets the quality standards for pharmaceutical products in Europe. The Council of Europe’s work has resulted in standards, charters and conventions to facilitate cooperation between European countries. The headquarters of the Council of Europe are in Strasbourg, France, with English and French as its two official languages. The Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress also use German, Italian, and Russian for some of their work.

International programs of ES in area of higher education


TEMPUS is the European Union’s programme which supports the modernisation of higher education in the EU’s surrounding area. Tempus promotes institutional cooperation that involves the European Union and Partner Countries and focuses on the reform and modernisation of higher education systems in the Partner Countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region. It also aims to promote voluntary convergence of the higher education systems in the Partner Countries with EU developments in the field of higher education. With regards to the Western Balkans, Tempus contributes to preparing the candidate and potential candidate countries for a participation in the integrated Life Long Learning Programme. In addition to promoting cooperation between institutions, Tempus also promotes a people-to-people approach. Tempus provides support to consortia of institutions composed mainly of universities or university associations. Non-academic partners can also be part of a consortium. The Tempus programme is implemented in close coordination with the Erasmus Mundus programme which provides scholarships to third country students allowing them to participate in top-level Master courses and Doctorate programmes outside the EU.

Erasmus Mundus

Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education which aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with third countries. In addition, it contributes to the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of higher education institutions in third countries by increasing mobility between the European Union and these countries. The Erasmus Mundus programme provides support to: · higher education institutions that wish to implement joint programmes at postgraduate level or to set-up inter-institutional cooperation partnerships between universities from Europe and targeted third countries · individual students, researchers and university staff who wish to spend a study / research / teaching period in the context of one of the above mentioned joint programmes or cooperation partnerships · any organisation active in the field of higher education that wishes to develop projects aimed at enhancing the attractiveness, profile, visibility and image of European higher education worldwide.

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International science and education organisations

European Higher Education Area

The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was launched along with the Bologna Process’ ten year anniversary in March 2010, during the Budapest-Vienna Ministerial Conference. As the main objective of the Bologna Process since its inception in 1999, the EHEA was meant to ensure more comparable, compatible and coherent systems of higher education in Europe. Between 1999

and 2010, all the efforts of the Bologna Process members were targeted to creating the European Higher Education Area, which became reality with the Budapest-Vienna Declaration of March, 2010. The next decade will aim to consolidate the EHEA and the current EHEA permanent website will play a key role in this process of intense internal and external communication.

International associations, unions and unions in the field of science and education ISSA International Step by Step Association

The International Step by Step Association (ISSA) is a membership organisation that connects professionals and organisations working in the field of early childhood development and education. ISSA promotes equal access to quality education and care for all children, especially in the early years of their lives.

individuals and organisations, ISSA’s core members are the 31 nongovernmental organisations, located primarily in Central/ Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which implement the Step by Step Program initiated by the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 1994. Within its network, ISSA supports a wide array of programs that collectively provide a comprehensive set of educational services and advocacy tools intended to influence policy reform for families and children, with a special focus on the years from birth through to primary school.

Established in the Netherlands in 1999, ISSA’s network today stretches across the globe from Central and Eastern Europe to Central Asia, Asia, and the Americas. While ISSA offers general membership and information-sharing to all interested

EBHA – European Business History Association

The EBHA was established at the end of 1994 as the professional body for individuals interested in the development of business and management in Europe from the earliest time to the present day.


The Association aims to promote research, teaching and general awareness of all aspects of European business and management history. It intends to create a network of information and to encourage collaboration through shared and comparative projects and scholarships as well as the exchange of graduate students.

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I A S P – International Association of Science Parks

IASP in a few words: our mission is to be the global network for science parks and areas of innovation, and to drive growth, internationalisation and effectiveness for our members.

· enhance new business opportunities for companies and research organisations located in these areas. · assist the development and growth of new parks and other areas of innovation.

What we do: · coordinate a very active network of professionals who manage areas of innovation and science/technology parks.

· increase the international visibility of our members and sponsors.

Global Fund for Women

Global Fund for Women invests in women’s groups that advance the human rights of women and girls. We are honoured to work in a supportive, trust-based partnership with women’s rights organisations in nearly 200 countries. The extraordinary courage, perseverance and leadership of these groups advance the international women’s movement and promote social justice worldwide. To ensure that our vision of gender equality at the individual, local, and global level is achieved, Global Fund is committed to a

grant making process that is clear, user friendly, and respectful of grantee’s time and resources. The grants we award reflect the diversity of engagement with our grantee partners. The majority of our grants are given in general support to organisations, which allows women to make decisions about how to allocate funds in ways that best address the needs of their communities. We trust and value local expertise and we are committed to grant making collaborations that advance women’s human rights.

Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) is a dynamic think tank in the area of international cooperation in higher education. Its goal is to promote innovation and internationalisation of European higher education while maintaining a global outreach. ACA’s activities include research and analyses, evaluations, consultancy for private and public bodies, advocacy, publications, and much more.

The Academic Cooperation Association is a not-for-profit panEuropean network of major organisations responsible in their countries for the promotion of internationalisation in education and training. ACA’s Secretariat is located in Brussels - a privileged position from which to create and maintain close working relations to the European institutions.

ICA - International Communication Association

ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. ICA began more than 50 years ago as a small association of U.S. researchers and is now a truly international

association with more than 3,500 members in 65 countries. Since 2003, ICA has been officially associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental association (NGO).

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International science and education organisations

The Association of Language Testers in Europe

We work to promote multilingualism across Europe – and beyond – by supporting institutions which produce examinations and certification for language learners. Through our work we raise

awareness of the benefits of a multilingual society, provide a forum in which related issues can be discussed, and set quality standards for language assessment.

EAIE – European Association for International Education

Founded in 1989, the EAIE is the acknowledged European leadership centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education.

We equip academic and non-academic professionals with best practices and workable solutions to internationalisation challenges and provide a platform for strategic exchange.

We are a non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions through a combination of training, conferences and knowledge acquisition and sharing.

We partner with key stakeholder organisations and institutions to promote our membership interests, and advance international higher education in Europe and the rest of the world.

European Science Foundation

The European Science Foundation (ESF) is an association of 72 member organisations devoted to scientific research in 30 European countries. It is an independent, non-governmental, nonprofit organisation that facilitates cooperation and collaboration in European research and development, European science policy and science strategy. It was established in 1974. The ESF offices are in Strasbourg, France (headquarters), and in Brussels and Ostend, Belgium. The ESF Member Organisations are research-performing and research-funding organisations, academies and learned societies across Europe. Together they represent an annual funding of about €25 billion. The European Science Foundation awards the annual European Latsis Prize. With 40 years’ experience in all areas of research, the European Science Foundation (ESF) was originally set up to act as a coordinating body for Europe’s main research funding and research performing organisations. But as the research landscape has evolved, so has ESF’s role in supporting scientific endeavours.


Today ESF is continuing to honour its commitments to its Member Organisations and the science community through the coordination of collaborative research programmes in all scientific domains, but we are winding down these traditional research activities to reach completion by the end of 2015. Our current role, in today’s changing climate, needs to be redefined. Europe has overcome past obstacles, but is facing new challenges; at ESF we have the experience and agility to develop solutions and services to face these new challenges and turn them into opportunities. With a new approach in the future to working with our stakeholders, as a service provider rather than a wholly memberowned organisation, we are poised to launch valuable offerings to the scientific and academic communities - such as peer review, evaluation, conferences and career tracking. We hope to support and drive the future of a globally competitive European Research Area while maintaining our strong track record of successful research programmes for our members. The future is in our hands and we are taking on this new endeavour with a commitment to high quality for our Member Organisations and the science community to provide valued services to Europe and beyond.

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Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research is an international organisation whose purpose is to operate the world’s largest particle physics laboratory. Established in 1954, the organisation is based in the northwest suburbs of Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border, (46°14’3’N 6°3’19’E) and has 20 European member states. The term CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which employs just under 2,400 full-time employees, 1,500 part-time employees, and hosts some 10,000 visiting scientists and engineers, representing 608 universities and research facilities and 113 nationalities.

CERN’s main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research - as a result, numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN following international collaborations. It is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web. The main site at Meyrin has a large computer centre containing powerful data-processing facilities, primarily for experimental-data analysis; because of the need to make these facilities available to researchers elsewhere, it has historically been a major wide area networking hub.


Euroguidance supports internationalisation of guidance and counselling Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance. Euroguidance centres operate in about 34 countries. All Euroguidance centres share two common goals:

· to provide quality information on lifelong guidance and mobility for learning purposes The main target group of Euroguidance is guidance practitioners and policy makers from both the educational and employment sectors in all European countries.

· to promote the European dimension in guidance

EUA – European University Association

The European University Association (EUA) is the main voice of the higher education community in Europe. EUA membership is open to individual universities and national rectors’ conferences, as well as associations and networks of higher education institutions.

With approximately 850 members in 47 countries, EUA is building strong universities for Europe through targeted activities aimed at supporting their development. These activities include policy dialogue, conferences, workshops, projects, and more targeted services such as the Institutional Evaluation Programme, and an independent service dedicated to doctoral education.

Erasmus Student Network (‘ЕСН’)

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is one of the biggest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe. It was created on 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchanges.

We are present in more than 430 Higher Education Institutions from 36 countries. The network is constantly developing and expanding. We have around 12,000 active members in many sections, supported by ‘buddies’, mainly taking care of international students. In this way ESN uses around 29,000 young people offering its services to around 160,000 international students every year.

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International science and education organisations

Associations of Universities ERENET – Entrepreneurship Research and Education NETwork of Central European Universities

ERENET – (Entrepreneurship Research and Education NETwork of Central European Universities) is an open-ended research and development network aiming at carrying out research on entrepreneurship and developing entrepreneurial curricula and teaching materials among the Central and Eastern European high-schools and academic universities. The network is based on a partnership relation among its members.

· Collect best practice on entrepreneurial education, detail new syllabus and curriculum on entrepreneurship

Aims of ERNET and its main fields of activities:

· Organising conferences, workshops, seminars in the field of entrepreneurship and SME-development issues, e.g. for the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with European Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB), etc.

In order to realise its objectives the network has undertaken the following actions: · Creation of an international network of higher education on teaching and investigating entrepreneurship

· Providing exchange of information, informing each other about their curriculum and research · Explanation about and implementation of common research projects

· Provide policy advice in the field of national entrepreneurship and SME policies, especially in such regions as Central and Eastern Europe, Black Sea Economic Cooperation, and South-Eastern Europe

· Promotion of exchange of their professors, researchers, and possible students · Develop an Internet-based quarterly publication called ERENET Profile which is collected in the Library of Congress as a reliable information source on enterprise development in Eastern and South Eastern Europe.

Association for the Development of Education in Africa

The Association for the Development of Education in Africa, previously known as ‘Donors to African Education’, is a ‘network and partnership’ established by a World Bank initiative in 1988. It groups Ministries of Education, international development agencies, NGO’s and education specialists. It currently focuses on helping Ministers of Education and funding agencies to coordinate their efforts to create successful education policies based on African leadership. ADEA has also become aware of the informal sector’s relevance, and thus recognised the need for increased vocational school training as a way to help the informal sector. ‘Diverse forms of learning’ ADEA has been based in Tunis at the African Development Bank (AfDB) since August 1st, 2008. ADEA publishes a newsletter ADEA newsletter to inform about its activities. 94


ADEA maintains educational policy communications between the ministries of developing countries and financing countries, and strengthens the countries’ administrative and planning capacity. These operations cover the entire education sector, from early childhood education to higher education and adult education. ADEA operates as a discussion forum, information provider and intermediary and it promotes the sharing of good practice policies among African countries. At the same time it promotes integration on a continental level as well as regionally. ADEA has partnered with the African union and African Development Bank (AfDB) and its secretarial office is based in Tunis at an African Development Bank branch.

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Global Bioinformatics Network

EMBnet, The Global Bioinformatics Network, is a world-wide organisation that brings bioinformatics professionals together to serve, support and sustain the growing field of bioinformatics in the biological and biomedical research domains.

The main task of most EMBnet Nodes is to provide their national scientific community with: · access to bioinformatics databases · specialised software

EMBnet’s mission is:

· to provide education and training in bioinformatics

· sufficient computing resources

· to exploit network infrastructures

National nodes also collaborate: · to develop good practice

· to investigate, develop and deploy public domain software · to assist biotechnology- and bioinformatics-related research · bridging between commercial and academic sectors · promoting global cooperation through its community networks

· to develop and share capabilities and software with local communities · to offer a variety of services, including the provision of advice, training and workshops in bioinformatics, according to local capacity and needs.

Currently EMBnet has 35 nodes spread over 29 countries. The Nodes include:

· bioinformatics related university departments · research institutes · national service providers

Global U8 Consortium

The Global U8 Consortium or the GU8 is an educational consortium of eight leading universities located in coastal, maritime and seaport cities in Australia, China, France, Israel, South Korea, UK and USA. U8 universities collaborate on three main objectives:

· development of joint education systems with common curricula, including joint degrees, cyber-classes, etc. · conducting of joint research, with a focus in global logistics, business, marine affairs and high-tech sectors.

· creation of a global benchmark in administrative cooperation (e.g. information sharing, a global library, etc.)


CONAHEC advises and connects institutions interested in establishing or strengthening academic collaborative programs in the North American region. Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


International science and education organisations

American Association of Community Colleges

The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), headquartered in the National Centre for Higher Education in Washington, D.C., is the primary advocacy organisation for community colleges at the national level and works closely with directors of state offices to inform and affect state policy. In addition, AACC is a member of ‘The Six’ large, presidentially based associations, and collaborates with a wide range of entities within the higher education community to monitor and influence federal policy and to collaborate on issues of common interest. The association has ongoing interaction with key federal departments and agencies including the U.S. departments of

Labour, Education, Energy, Homeland Security, and Commerce and the National Science Foundation. The association represents nearly 1,200 two-year, associate degree-granting institutions and more than 13 million students. AACC promotes community colleges through five strategic action areas: recognition and advocacy for community colleges; student access, learning, and success; community college leadership development; economic and workforce development; and global and intercultural education.

Association of American Universities

The Association of American Universities (AAU) is a nonprofit organisation of 62 leading public and private research universities in the United States and Canada. Founded in 1900 to advance the international standing of U.S. research universities, AAU today focuses on issues that are important to research-intensive universities, such as funding for research, research policy issues, and graduate and undergraduate education.

The 60 AAU universities in the United States award more than onehalf of all U.S. doctoral degrees and 55 percent of those in science and engineering.

AAU member universities are on the leading edge of innovation, scholarship, and solutions that contribute to the nation’s economy, security, and well-being.

AAU works to maintain the productive partnership between the nation’s research universities and the federal government. The major activities of the association include federal government relations, policy studies, and public affairs.

AAU programs and projects address institutional issues facing its member universities, as well as government actions that affect these and other universities.

1994 Group

The 1994 Group is a coalition of 11 top ‘smaller research-intensive universities’ in the United Kingdom founded in 1994 to defend their interests following the creation of the Russell Group by larger researchintensive universities earlier that year. The 1994 Group represents eleven of the UK’s leading research-intensive universities, including many of those founded in the 1960s; around half of the top twenty universities in UK national newspaper league tables are 1994 Group members. The 1994 Group members describe themselves as ‘internationally recognised universities in Britain, who share common aims, standards and values’.

The 1994 group’s aims are:

· Maximise the group’s influence in policy and decision making by increasing the visibility of the group · Attract the highest calibre of students and staff through international awareness of member institutions · Maximising income to the members through teaching and research excellence

· Co-operate on practices that increase student and staff experience · Collaborate to create services which allow members to adapt rapidly and flexibly with the dynamic market of higher education


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Association of African Universities

About the AAU

The Association of African Universities is an international nongovernmental organisation set up by universities in Africa to promote cooperation among themselves, and between them and the international academic community. The AAU, whose headquarters is in Accra, Ghana, was formed in November 1967 at a founding conference in Rabat, Morocco, attended by representatives of 34

universities who adopted the constitution of the Association. This followed earlier consultations among executive heads of African universities at a UNESCO conference on higher education in Africa in Antananarivo, Madagascar, in 1962 and at a conference of heads of African universities in 1963 in Khartoum, Sudan. The AAU is the apex organisation and principal forum for consultation, exchange of information and cooperation among universities in Africa.

The Association of Arab Universities

The Association of Arab Universities is a non-governmental organisation with an independent legal charter. Its membership now consist of 240 Arab Universities. Following the approval of the AARU’s by-law by the Arab League, a temporary Secretariat General was formed. In 1969, the First General Conference was convened in

Alexandria and a resolution was adopted to designate a permanent Secretariat General. The Association also maintains close relations with many national, regional and international institutions and organisations. Its permanent headquarters is in Amman, the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Association of Pacific Rim Universities

The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), formed in 1997, is a consortium of leading research universities in the Pacific Rim. APRU aims to foster education, research and enterprise thereby contributing to economic, scientific and cultural advancement in the Pacific Rim. APRU embodies a commitment to global academic and research standards in both its objectives and guiding principles. From 2012, APRU has embarked on a new strategic framework driven by three priority areas: · Shaping Asia-Pacific Higher Education and Research APRU universities can together shape the policy environment for higher education and research, and influence social, economic, political and cultural forces that impact the future of universities.

capabilities of faculty, administrators and students as well as those of their institutions. · Partnering on Solutions to Asia-Pacific Challenges APRU universities will work together and with partners from government and business, international organisations, other universities and community leaders on solutions to regional and global challenges. APRU recognises that its activities can be powerful catalysts for expanding educational, economic, and technological cooperation among the Pacific Rim economies. In this regard, the association seeks to promote dialogue and collaboration between academic institutions in Pacific Rim economies so that they can become effective players in the global knowledge economy.

· Creating Asia-Pacific Global Leaders APRU universities will cooperate to enhance the global leadership Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


International science and education organisations

Australasian Association for Institutional Research h t t p : / / w w w . a a i r. o r g . a u /

AAIR is the professional association for institutional research practitioners in higher education and other institutions in Australasia. ‘Institutional research’ is viewed as a range of activities involving the collection, analysis and interpretation of information descriptive of an institution and its activities, including its students and staff, programs, management and operations. The findings of such ‘institutional research’ assist institutional leaders (in both academic and administrative domains) by informing their planning and decision-making. Established in late 1988, AAIR continues to draw members mainly from Australia and New Zealand, with further members from the Pacific, Southeast Asia, and the African continent. Members contribute to planning, decision making, policy formulation and analysis concerned with the management of tertiary education. The broad aim of AAIR is to benefit, assist and advance research which leads to the improved understanding, planning and operation of tertiary education institutions within Australasia. AAIR has the following principal objectives:

· to raise the level of professional competence and practice in the fields of tertiary education institutional research, planning and analysis in the Australasian region · to enhance inter-institutional cooperation in the undertaking of comparative institutional research projects · to assist the professional development of members by: organising an annual conference (the AAIR forum); developing and fostering cooperative links with the AIR and European AIR; encouraging regional meetings of members to augment the annual Forum.

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is an organisation that represents Canada’s colleges and universities. Formed in 1911, it represents 95 public and private not-for-profit Canadian Universities and University Colleges in Canada. It provides member services in public policy and advocacy, communications, research and information-sharing, and scholarships and international programs. The AUCC works in an advocacy role with governments to promote higher education and awareness of the contributions that Canada’s universities make to the country. Its priorities are increasing funding for universities’ operating and capital costs, research, and international programs, along with improved student assistance. It is also involved in the government’s copyright reform process. The association is also active in the international arena, managing several partnerships and programmes around the world, particularly with developing countries. The focus of much of AUCC’s work is using university partnerships to strengthen governance and to promote sustainable development, goals which reflect Canada’s Official Development priorities, CIDA’s poverty-reduction mandate, as well as the development priorities of developing countries. 98

Financed by the Canadian International Development Agency and administered by AUCC, the University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development (UPCD) program has funded 118 projects in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Eastern Europe. In furthering curriculum development, strengthening academic departments and training and further education for professors, the UPCD projects focus on collaboration between partner organisations which forge long-lasting institutional linkages. The Students for Development program is geared toward seniorlevel university students and faculty members from Canadian universities, who work together with partners in the developing world to promote good governance. AUCC also manages several other international programmes open to Canadian universities and seek involvement in technical assistance projects involving a number of institutions, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the African Development Bank, and the Caribbean Development Bank.

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Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is the world’s first and oldest international university network, established in 1913. A UK-registered charity, the ACU has over 500 member institutions in developed and developing countries across the Commonwealth. Drawing on the collective experience and expertise of our membership, the ACU seeks to address issues in international higher education through a range of projects, networks, and events. The ACU administers scholarships, provides academic research and

leadership on issues in the sector, and promotes inter-university cooperation and the sharing of good practice – helping universities serve their communities, now and into the future.

Our mission:

To promote and support excellence in higher education for the benefit of individuals and societies throughout the Commonwealth and beyond.

European Association of Conservatoires

The Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) is a European cultural and educational network, which was established in 1953 (see AEC History). It represents the interests of institutions that are concerned with training for the music profession. Today, the AEC includes over 280 member institutions in 55 countries.

The AEC works for the advancement of European Higher Music Education and, more generally, of music, the arts and culture in contemporary society and for future generations. It does this through providing support, information and expert advice to the specialist institutions offering Higher Music Education, through engaging in advocacy and partnership-building at European and international levels and through measures to raise understanding and enhance standards of Higher Music Education across the European Higher Education Area and beyond.

Association of East Asian Research Universities

The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) is a regional organisation founded in January 1996, with the goals of forming a forum for the presidents of leading research-oriented universities in East Asia and of carrying out mutual exchanges between the major universities in the region. Expectations are that

this regional union, on the basis of common academic and cultural backgrounds among the member universities, will contribute not only to the development of higher education and research but also to the opening up of a new era leading to cultural, economic and social progress in the East Asian region.

Universities Research Association

The Universities Research Association (URA) is a consortium of 86 leading research-oriented universities with members primarily in the United States, and also in Canada, Japan, Italy, and the United Kingdom. At the behest of President Lyndon Johnson’s Science Advisory Committee and the National Academy of Sciences, the not-for-profit

URA Corporation was founded in 1965 for management and operation of research facilities in the national interest. URA’s charter is ‘…to acquire, plan, construct, and operate machines, laboratories, and other facilities, under contract with the Government of the United States or otherwise, for research, development and education in the physical and biological sciences… and to educate and train technical, research and student personnel in said sciences.’

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International science and education organisations

European Consortium of Innovative Universities

In 1997, some of Europe’s most innovative universities came together to form a new continent-wide network, to share and build on their successes as entrepreneurial institutions. Eleven universities then signed a charter to establish the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU).


The name of the consortium underlines the European dimension of a select group of entrepreneurial universities dedicated to the development of an innovative culture in their institutions, and to a catalytic role for innovation in industry and society at large. The ECIU is a unique network of universities with its base in Europe, but building on the experience and insights of institutions in other parts of the world to reflect the global nature of Higher Education in the 21st Century.

· To build on existing innovation and enhance quality, in the member institutions, in the areas of: international collaboration; teaching and learning; regional development; technology transfer; and staff and student development.


ECIU will be one of the global leaders in the higher education through its collective expertise and commitment to innovation in teaching and learning, and members shared history of fostering economic and social development in regions in transition.

To contribute to the further development of a knowledge-based European economy, with due consideration to the increasingly global nature of the higher education market by inclusion of ECIU overseas members (Associate Partners).

· To develop high-quality collaborative educational programmes, by building on research and teaching strengths within individual ECIU member institutions. · To act as an ‘agent of change’ by serving as an example of best practice and by influencing debate and policy on the future direction for European higher education, within the context of the changing global realities. · To take Europe to the World.

Association of Russian Classical Universities h t t p : / / w w w . a c u r. m s u . r u /

The Association of Russian Classical Universities is non-profit organisation uniting the classical Russian universities on a voluntary basis.

ASEAN University Network

The ASEAN University Network (AUN) is an Asian university association. It was founded in November 1995 by ASEAN member countries including 13 universities. After the enlargement of ASEAN by the ASEAN Charter in 1997 and 1999, the AUN membership has been increasing. Following the latest membership enlargement, the AUN membership increased to 30 Member Universities. The ASEAN University Network is an arrangement between 33 universities in the ten ASEAN countries. The AUN is composed of a Board of Trustees (BOT), the participating universities, and


the AUN Secretariat. The Board of Trustees consists of one representative from each of the ASEAN Member Countries, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, and the Chairman of the ASEAN subcommittee on Education (ASCOE) and the Executive Director of the AUN. The BOT has the task of formulating policies, approving project proposals, the allocation of budgets and coordinating implementation activities. The board makes decisions on these activities on the basis of consensus. The participating universities have the task of implementing the AUN programmes and activities.

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The T.I.M.E Association is a network of 53 leading Engineering Schools and Faculties and Technical Universities which offers, through a system of voluntary bilateral agreements between its members, promotion and recognition of academic excellence and relevance to the international labour market in the form of Double Degrees in engineering and in related fields. Students, chosen from amongst the best in their respective Universities, study for a total of between five and six years and are awarded two Master-level Degrees from two different countries at the end of their study. Through its double degree activities, T.I.M.E. promotes highquality engineering education and produces graduates who are able to work trans-nationally and in trans-cultural environments.

T.I.M.E.’s values include a strong commitment to ‘long-cycle’ engineering studies, high scientific quality based on research, high quality of teaching and active partnership with the industrial sector. The main role of T.I.M.E. as a network is to facilitate bilateral agreements for exchange of students between its members, leading to Double Degrees of the ‘long cycle’ type (i.e. at the Master’s level), with a prolongation of study of no more than one academic year. Other roles determined in the Statutes are: fostering exchanges in other areas such as continuing education and research and facilitating contacts with institutions which for various reasons may not be T.I.M.E. members.

For its students, T.I.M.E. develops qualities of (intellectual and physical) mobility, adaptability, openness and awareness of other cultures and realities, as well as giving an in-depth engineering education.

Russell Group

The Russell Group is a member organisation supported by a small team and led by Dr Wendy Piatt, Director General & Chief Executive Officer. The Director of Policy is Alex Thompson. The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities which are committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience and unrivalled links with business and the public sector.

Aims and Objectives:

Russell Group universities play an important part in the intellectual life of the country and have a huge impact on the social, economic and cultural well-being of their regions. Our aim is to ensure that our universities have the optimum conditions in which to flourish and continue to make this impact through their world-leading research and teaching.

International Alliance of Research Universities

The International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) was launched on 14 January 2006 as a co-operative network of 10 leading, international research-intensive universities who share similar visions for higher education, in particular the education of future leaders. At the launch the presidents elected Australian National University Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Chubb as chairman for 2006-2009. His successor, Professor Tan Chorh Chuan from the National University of Singapore, is the chairman for 2009-2011.

Its Presidents meet annually at a host university venue to discuss joint initiatives under the following categories: 1) Global Education Initiatives, which includes the flagship Global Summer Program, 2) Institutional Joint Networking, 3) Grand Challenge, and most notably its Campus Sustainability, and 4) Research initiatives.

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International science and education organisations

Coimbra Group

Founded in 1985 and formally constituted by Charter in 1987, the Coimbra Group is an association of long-established European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard. The Coimbra Group is committed to creating special academic and cultural ties in order to promote, for the benefit of its members,

internationalisation, academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society. It is also the purpose of the Group to influence European educational policy and to develop best practice through mutual exchange of experience.

Southern African Regional Universities Association

Founded in 2005, SARUA is a membership-based organisation open to all public universities of the 15 countries that make up the Southern African Development Community (SADC). SARUA currently has 57 members. SARUA’s mandate is to assist in the revitalisation and development of the leadership and institutions of higher education in the southern African region, thus enabling the regional higher education sector to meaningfully respond to the developmental challenges facing the region. These broad principles serve to establish the fundamental modus operandi of SARUA, and provide SARUA’s strap-line:

SARUA’s overall aim is thus to strengthen the leadership and institutions of higher education in the southern African region, thereby consolidating a southern African agenda for higher education, and enabling higher education to make a significant contribution to national and regional development.

The purpose of SARUA is:

To strengthen the leadership and institutions of Higher Education in the Southern African region, thereby consolidating a Southern African Agenda for higher education which results in a significant contribution by Higher Education to national and regional development.

University of the Arctic

The University of the Arctic (UArctic) is an international cooperative network based in the circumpolar, consisting of universities, colleges and other organisations with an interest in promoting education and research in the North. UArctic was launched on June 12, 2001, endorsed by the Arctic Council and in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the Rovaniemi Process and the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy.

The overall goal of the University of the Arctic is to create a strong, sustainable circumpolar region by empowering indigenous peoples and other northerners through education, mobility and shared knowledge. The University of the Arctic is governed by a structure in which the member institutions are represented through various mechanisms. It has evolved steadily since the organisation’s founding in 2001, with the latest addition being the Rectors’ Forum (2006).

Utrecht Network

The Utrecht Network is a network of European universities. Founded in 1987, the network promotes the internationalisation of tertiary education through summer schools, student and staff exchanges and joint degrees. Though broadly-based, the network remains highly selective in its membership in order to retain a manageable scale and flexibility of action. This makes the Utrecht Network an institutional network which covers a very broad base, while ensuring a manageable scale. 102

The Utrecht Network is particularly committed to such areas as student and staff mobility, summer schools, the internationalisation of curricula, joint curricula and double/joint degrees, while remaining open to other kinds of activities that maintain and strengthen its profile.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

International Association of Universities

IAU is a worldwide association of universities, higher education institutions and university organisations, bringing together more

than 620 institutions as well as several national, regional and international university associations from around the globe.


AIEA is the only association in the world focused exclusively on professional development, advocacy, information sharing and networking for leaders in the field of international higher education.

Association of Independent Technological Universities

Established in 1957, the Association of Independent Technological Universities is an organization of leading private American technological universities and colleges whose mission is to play a vital role in securing the future of American competitiveness in the global marketplace by:

· Recruiting the best and the brightest to member schools by promoting the liberating experiences and rewarding careers that a technology-oriented education offers; · Fostering and advancing excellence in engineering, science and professional education from K-12 onward.

· Sharing ideas and best practices to advance and inspire creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship within the membership;


ACE is the USA’s most visible and influential higher education association. It represents the presidents of the U.S. accredited, degree-granting institutions, which include two- and four-year colleges, private and public universities, and non-profit and forprofit entities. Our strength lies in our loyal and diverse base of more than 1,800 member institutions, 75 percent of which have

been with ACE for over 10 years. That loyalty stands as a testament to the value derived from membership. It convenes representatives from all sectors to collectively tackle the toughest higher education challenges, with a focus on improving access and preparing every student to succeed.

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Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peerreviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation.

JOURNAL GISAP (Global International Scientific Analytical Project)

Hodder Education focuses on school and college markets, providing a wide range of market-focussed innovative print and digital services, tailored to both core UK and key international markets. Hodder Education is the second largest secondary school publisher in the UK, providing materials supporting the curriculum in almost every subject area and at every level, including online assessment and resources, and training services for teachers. Dynamic Learning is the online platform which makes lesson planning and delivery easy for teachers.

The National Academy of Science and Higher Education offers the International Research Analytics Project which has no comparison around the world, regarding:

In the college market, Hodder Education publishes one of the largest vocational lists in the UK, as well as textbooks and professional resources. We sell our textbooks, etextbooks and digital services to over 140 countries worldwide.

· scale of implementation; · innovative method of holding; · scale of promulgation of scientific works and citations; · authoritativeness of publication; · quality and professionalism of assessment of scientific works; · development of title attributes which characterise scientific achievements; · international recognition of scientific works presented in the project - creation of incentives for researchers’ scientific progress; · development of exclusive methods to form individual and collective research effectiveness rankings; · development of effective tools for communication and interaction between participants.


To address subjects of critical interest to science educators, the Association publishes a professional journal for each level of science teaching; a 52-page newspaper, NSTA Reports; and many other educational books and professional publications. Publications, books, posters, and other educational tools are available through the NSTA Recommends catalogue and online.


OMICS Group International is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Established in the year 2007 with the sole aim of creating ‘Open Access’ for science and technology information, OMICS Group publishes 300 online open access scholarly journals in all aspects of science, engineering, management and technology. OMICS Group has been instrumental in taking knowledge of science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research scholars, students, libraries, educational institutions, research centres and the industry are the main stakeholders that have benefitted greatly from this knowledge dissemination. OMICS Group also organises 100 International conferences annually around the globe, where knowledge transfer takes place through debates, round table discussions, poster presentations, workshops, symposia and exhibitions. OMICS Group International, through its Open Access Initiative, is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. OMICS Publishing Group journals have over 3 million readers and its fame and success can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 25000 eminent personalities who ensure a rapid, quality and fast review process. OMICS Group signed an agreement with more than 100 International Societies to make healthcare information Open Access. OMICS Group Conferences make the perfect platform for global networking as they bring together renowned speakers and scientists from around the globe to a most exciting and memorable scientific event.

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Publishing houses, magazines, newspapers on science and education



U.S. News & World Report is a multi-platform publisher of news and information, which includes and www., as well as the digital-only U.S. News Weekly magazine. U.S. News publishes annual print and e-book versions of its authoritative rankings of Best Colleges, Best Graduate Schools and Best Hospitals. In 2012 U.S. News launched a conference division focusing on important national conversations and solutions in STEM Education and Hospitals of Tomorrow. U.S. News has earned a reputation as the leading provider of service news and information that improves the quality of life of its readers by focusing on health, personal finance, education, travel, cars, news and opinion. U.S. News & World Report’s signature franchises include its News You Can Use® brand of journalism and its ‘Best’ series of consumer guides that include rankings of colleges, graduate schools, high schools, hospitals, nursing homes, mutual funds, health plans, diets and more.


The mission of the International Journal of Educational Reform (IJER) is to keep readers up-to-date with worldwide developments in education reform by providing scholarly information and practical analysis from recognised international authorities. As the only peer-reviewed scholarly publication that combines authors’ voices without regard for their political affiliations, perspectives, or research methodologies, IJER provides readers with a balanced view of all sides of the political and educational mainstream. To this end, IJER includes, but is not limited to, inquiry based and opinion pieces on developments in such areas as policy, administration, curriculum, instruction, law, and research. IJER should thus be of interest to professional educators with decision-making roles and policymakers at all levels turn since it provides a broad-based conversation between and among policymakers, practitioners, and academicians about reform goals, objectives, and methods for success throughout the world. Readers can call on IJER to learn from an international group of reform implementers by discovering what they can do that has actually worked. IJER can also help readers to understand the pitfalls of current reforms in order to avoid making similar mistakes. Finally, it is the mission of IJER to help readers to learn about key issues in school reform from movers and shakers who help to study and shape the power base directing educational reform in the U.S. and the world. 106

Pearson is the world’s leading education company, providing educational materials, technologies and related services to teachers and students of all ages. Pearson is where learning comes together with imprints that demonstrate a rich educational and literary heritage dating back to 1724 when Thomas Longman founded Longman in London. Today, Pearson has the most widely trusted and respected programmes in educational and professional publishing. Its imprints, including FT Prentice Hall, York Notes, SAMS and QUE Publishing, to name a few, all stand for quality, consistency and innovation in education and life-long learning.

PUBLISHING HOUSE SPRINGER w w w . s p r i n g e r. c o m

Our business is publishing. Throughout the world, we provide scientific and professional communities with superior specialist information - produced by authors and colleagues across cultures in a nurtured collegial atmosphere of which we are justifiably proud. We foster communication among our customers - researchers, students and professionals - enabling them to work more efficiently, thereby advancing knowledge and learning. Our dynamic growth allows us to invest continually all over the world. We think ahead, move fast and promote change: creative business models, inventive products, and mutually beneficial international partnerships have established us as a trusted supplier and pioneer in the information age.


Oxford University Press (OUP) publishes the highest quality journals and delivers this research to the widest possible audience. We achieve this by working closely with our society partners, authors, and subscribers in order to provide them with publishing services that support their research needs.


Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works our content spans all areas of humanities, social sciences, behavioural sciences, science and technology.

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ELSEVIER w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m

As part of the Royal Society of Chemistry, we support the society’s vision: · To be foremost in the world promoting and developing the chemical sciences for the benefit of society. We aim to foster and encourage the growth and application of the chemical sciences by the dissemination of chemical knowledge. We publish a wide range of journals, books and eBooks, databases and magazines. Our market leading journal portfolio is guaranteed to make an impact. In addition to the core chemical sciences, our titles span fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics. And the average impact factor across the portfolio is more than double the average for a chemistry journal. Our high quality books programme covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, ranging from the highly specialised to educational textbooks and popular science titles.

As the world’s leading provider of science and health information, Elsevier serves more than 30 million scientists, students and health and information professionals worldwide. We partner with a global community of 7,000 journal editors, 70,000 editorial board members, 300,000 reviewers and 600,000 authors to help customers advance science and health by providing world-class information and innovative tools that help them make critical decisions, enhance productivity and improve outcomes. Headquartered in Amsterdam, we are a global company employing more than 7,000 people in 24 countries. We are a founding publisher of global programs that provide free or low-cost access to science and health information in the developing world. Elsevier’s roots are in journal and book publishing, where we have fostered the peer-review process for more than 130 years. Today we are driving innovation by delivering authoritative content with cutting-edge technology, allowing our customers to find the answers they need quickly.


Wiley is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world’s leading societies. Wiley publishes nearly 1,500 peerreviewed journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online, as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory protocols.

The Educational Press Association of America was founded in 1895 by a small group of editors to exchange information and to promote open expression of educational opinion. For more than 100 years, it existed as a university-supported organisation. As technology evolved, publishing expanded from print to multimedia. In 1995, the board decided that the Association should reflect the changing publishing industry. The organisation became self-sufficient and was renamed the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP), assisting print and digital publishers of all sizes, in all media, and for any educational setting. Accomplishments included the expansion of the AEP Awards; the development of the Content in Context conference and other professional development programmes to advance industry knowledge; and initiatives like the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, Innovation Through Inclusion, and government relations to increase the voice of publishers in education.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Publishing houses, magazines, newspapers on science and education


Robotics and automation

· Acta Mathematica

· International Journal of Humanoid Robotics

· Annals of Mathematics

· The International Journal of Robotics Research

· Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society · Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics · Inventiones Mathematicae

Earth and atmospheric sciences.

· Journal of the American Mathematical Society

· Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

· Publications Mathématiques de l’IHÉS

· Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

· Journal of Algebra

· Earth Interactions

· Topology

· Eos

· Duke Mathematical Journal

Statistics · Journal of the American Statistical Association · The American Statistician · Biometrics · Biometrika · Journal of Business & Economic Statistics · Journal of Industrial and Management Optimisation · Journal of the Royal Statistical Society · Statistical Science · Journal of Statistical Software · Revista Colombiana de Estadistica · Technology Innovations in Statistics Education · Technometrics 108

· Geophysical Research Letters · International Journal of Speleology · Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology · Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences · Journal of Climate · Journal of Geophysical Research · Journal of the IEST · Journal of Physical Oceanography · Journal of Soil and Water Conservation · National Weather Digest · Weather · Weather and Forecasting · Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften (Journal for the Geological Sciences)

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Materials science

Biology in general

· Advanced Materials

· American Naturalist

· Advanced Composite Materials

· Biological Reviews

· Advanced Functional Materials

· BioEssays


· Biophysical Journal

· Journal of Electronic Materials

· Cell

· Light Metal Age

· Journal of Cell Biology

· Materials Today

· International Journal of Biological Sciences

· Metallurgical and Materials Transactions

· Journal of Theoretical Biology

· Nature Materials

· Journal of Molecular Biology

· Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

· PLOS Biology

· Computational Materials Science

Computer science Mechanics · Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics’ · Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

· ACM Computing Reviews · Artificial Intelligence · Communications of the ACM · Computer · Electronic Markets · IEEE Transactions on Computers


· Journal of Functional Programming

· Acta Crystallographica – parts A, B

· Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

· Advances in Physics

· Journal of Machine Learning Research

· American Journal of Physics

· Journal of the ACM

· Journal of Physics – parts A-D, G

· SIAM Journal on Computing

· Nature Physics · New Journal of Physics


· Physical Review – parts A-E and Physical Review Letters

· Genetica

· Reports on Progress in Physics · Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society

· Genetics · Heredity · Journal of Genetics · Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Nutrition and food science · American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Health care and public health

· International Journal of Obesity

· American Journal of Public Health

· Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

· Bulletin of the World Health Organisation

· Journal of Food Science

· Health Affairs

· The Journal of Food Science Education

· Health and Human Rights Journal

· Journal of Nutrition

· Mayo Clinic Proceedings

· Obesity

· Milbank Quarterly Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Publishing houses, magazines, newspapers on science and education


Pharmaceutical sciences

· Agronomy for Sustainable Development

· Daru-Journal of Faculty of Pharmacy

· Journal of Animal Science

· International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design · Phytotherapy Research

Medicine · Annals of Internal Medicine · Archives of Internal Medicine

Biophysics and biochemistry

· British Medical Journal

· Biochemical Journal

· International Journal of Medical Sciences

· European Journal of Biochemistry

· Molecular Medicine

· FEBS Journal

· Journal of the American Medical Association

· Journal of Biological Chemistry

· Journal of Clinical Investigation

· BiochemistryXenobiotica

· Journal of Experimental Medicine

· Proteins

· The Lancet · Nature Medicine · New England Journal of Medicine · PLOS Medicine · PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases · The Scientific World Journal · Social Science and Medicine


Chemistry The journals listed below are the 10 highestranking chemistry journals that publish papers in all areas of chemistry, ranked according to the total number of references. · Journal of the American Chemical Society · Angewandte Chemie · Chemical Communications

· American Journal of Botany

· Chemical Reviews

· Annals of Botany

· Accounts of Chemical Research

· International Journal of Plant Sciences

· Chemistry - A European Journal

· New Phytologist

· Chemistry Letters

Engineering · Advances in Production Engineering & Management

· Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan · Helvetica Chimica Acta · Canadian Journal of Chemistry

· Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering · Fluid Phase Equilibria · Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Astronomy and astrophysics

· International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine

· Astronomy and Astrophysics

· Journal of Environmental Engineering · Journal of Hydrologic Engineering · NASA Tech Briefs · The Post Office Electrical Engineers’ Journal · Radioelectronics and Communications Systems 110

· Astronomical Journal · Astrophysical Journal · Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society · Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Arts and Education

· International NGO Journal

· Educational Research and Reviews

· Scientific Research and Essays

· International Journal of Psychology and Counselling

· International Journal of Peace and Development Studies

· Philosophical Papers and Reviews


· International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies

· Journal of Engineering and Technology Research

· International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education

· International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

· African Journal of History and Culture

· Journal of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science · Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology · International Journal of Computer Engineering Research · Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research · Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations · Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research · Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering

· International Journal of Library and Information Science · Journal of Media and Communication Studies · International Journal of English and Literature · Journal of African Studies and Development · Journal of Fine and Studio Art · Journal of Languages and Culture · Journal of Music and Dance · International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research · Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Publishing houses, magazines, newspapers on science and education

Biological Sciences

Medical Sciences

· Journal of Cell and Animal Biology

· International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

· African Journal of Biotechnology · International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology

· Journal of Medicinal Plant Research · African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

· Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews

· Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

· African Journal of Microbiology Research

· International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery

· African Journal of Biochemistry Research

· Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology

· African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

· Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

· African Journal of Food Science · African Journal of Plant Science · Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment · Journal of Entomology and Nematology · Journal of Bacteriology Research · Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis · Journal of General and Molecular Virology · International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation · Journal of Biophysics and Structural Biology · Journal of Evolutionary Biology Research · Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research · International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry · Journal of Brewing and Distilling · Journal of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Research · Journal of Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering

· Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health · Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences · Clinical Reviews and Opinions · International Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism · Journal of AIDS and HIV Research · Journal of Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology · Journal of Cell Biology and Genetics · Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology Research · Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research · Journal of Clinical Pathology and Forensic Medicine · Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology · Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity · Journal of Medical Genetics and Genomics · Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis · Journal of Metabolomics and Systems Biology

· Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials

· Journal of Neuroscience and Behavioral Health

· International Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research

· Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology · Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology · Medical Case Studies · Medical Practice and Reviews · Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Physical Sciences · African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research · African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry · International Journal of Physical Sciences · Journal of Geology and Mining Research · Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology · Journal of Internet and Information Systems · Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science · Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels

Social Sciences · Journal of Geography and Regional Planning · African Journal of Political Science and International Relations · Journal of Economics and International Finance · Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism · African Journal of Business Management · Journal of Accounting and Taxation · International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology · Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research · African Journal of Marketing Management

Become a part of EBA!

EBA World – The world of successful people


John W.A. Netting Director General Europe Business Assembly

Dear colleagues, we welcome leaders from the worlds of business, the sciences and the arts. I will be proud to greet representatives from many countries gathered to share experiences, in the above key areas of endeavour and influence, from across a wide spectrum of human endeavour. Not only, of course, will we be sharing experiences but we shall also be recognising and celebrating the success of individuals of high achievement during our International Socrates Award Ceremony. Over the past recent years events organised by Europe Business Assembly have become famous for the value realised during conference activities, the recognition accorded to outstanding achievers, and the good times enjoyed by all participants.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly


he European Business Assembly (EBA) is an independent corporation for the development and management of economic, social and humanitarian collaboration. As a non-government organisation, EBA promotes best economic practices, the establishment of economic, educational, cultural and scientific ties and the creation of national groups of highly-skilled business people. The creation of positive images for dynamic developing regions, companies and individuals in the European and global business communities is the main mission of the EBA’s institutions, representative offices and strategic partners: The British Business Alliance, UK; the European Market Research Centre (EMRC), Belgium; the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE), Russia; and many others. The intellectual, organisational and legal structure of EBA is based on the leadership of national elites integrated into influential international public institutions: · ICL (the International Club of Leaders, President: Paul Briggs, UK. ICL is an association of top managers from the world’s leading enterprises). · CRE (The Club of the Rectors of Europe. CRE - is an association of rectors, professors and academics from the major university and academic centres of Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa). · OGMV (Knight Order of Grand Master La Valette, Grand Master Professor John W.A. Netting, UK. OGMV - is a chapter of leaders from different spheres of public life that advocate for the triumph of universal human values, humanism and patronage). The EBA’s informal public institutions play an important role in the development of Euro-Atlantic economic integration, in technology and know-how transfer, in the democratisation of rapidly developing regions and are guided in their activities by guidelines from the European Union ‘Good-Neighbourliness’ and ‘Eastern Partnership’ programmes. The EBA organises worldwide specialised forums, conferences, business meetings and exhibitions on a regular basis, publishes reference catalogues and makes efficient use of other information resources, forming an all-European register of companies leaders. Based on statistical data, the recommendations of analytical, sociological, information and advertising agencies,

rating and PR agencies and the results of international and national contests of professional achievements, business entities are selected to receive consulting, marketing and legal support from leading companies of Europe. The EBA is an organiser of the annual Socrates ceremonies and a founder of prestigious European prizes and awards that are well-known and enjoy the trust of members of the highest levels of national business communities. Among them are: ‘Socrates International Award’, ‘Queen Victoria’, ‘United Europe’, ‘European Quality’, ‘Best Enterprise’. The following world-famous companies are among EBA prize and award winners: ‘Rusneft Oil Company’, ‘Interribflot’ (Russian Federation); KRKA d.d. (Slovenia); the joint-venture company Aluminium of Kazakhstan (Republic of Kazakhstan); the public corporation ‘Belshina’ (Republic of Belarus); ‘Banca de Economii S.A.’ (Republic of Moldova Republic); ‘Azer-Ilme Company Ltd.’ (Republic of Azerbaijan); ‘Effat College’ (Saudi Arabia); ‘Union Tobacco & Cigarette Industries Company’ (Jordan); ‘Benzochem Lifesciences Pvt Ltd.’ (India); ‘Tajik Post’ and ‘Tajik Railway’ (Republic of Tajikistan); Tbilisi Public University ‘Metekhi’ (Georgia); ‘Airсompany Armavia’ (Republic of Armenia); ‘Moi University’ (Kenya); ‘R& M Industrial Services’ (Poland) and others. At different times EBA prizes have been awarded to well-known statesmen, public and religious figures and businessmen for their outstanding merits. Among them: Presidents Viktor Yushchenko (Ukraine) and Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus); Prime-Ministers Viktor Chernomyrdin (Russia), Akil Akilov (Tajikistan) and Adrian Nastase (Rumania); Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey Abdullah Gul, Speaker of State Duma of Russia Gennadiy Seleznyov, Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the United Kingdom Akin Alptuna (Turkey), Indulis Berzins (Latvia), Ian Winkler (Czech Republic), Member of European Parliament Barbara Kudrycka (Poland), Patriarch Cyril, Chief Executive Officer of UNIDO Carlos Magaranos, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Arkady Volsky, President of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Anatoly Kinakh, President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists Bronislovas Lubis. The EBA, as an interactive platform for business cooperation, is open for collaboration.

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Organisational and legal structure ICL




Office in Ukraine


Office in Russia

Office in United Kingdom

Office in Nigeria

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Office in Iraq

Europe Business Assembly

HISTORY The Summit of Leaders is a regular interactive platform for international collaboration. It has been held in the centre of the world scientific community in Oxford, United Kingdom, since 2004. Over this period more than 6000 delegates from 56 countries have taken part and hundreds of innovative projects have been presented. Special meetings to exchange experiences and make contacts have been held as well as receptions for Rectors. Well known politicians and businessmen have spoken at the summits as part of programmes of business collaboration: Lord Digby Jones, Sir Richard Needham and Sir John Michael Middlecott Banham; Lord Mayors of Oxford: Bryan Kin, Robert John Price, Jim Kempel, Ellis Bendjamin; deputies to Euro parliament: Derek Clerk, Barbara Kudricka, Katherine Berder: Heads of diplomatic missions in London: Turkey – Akin Alptuna, Latvia – Indulis Berzins, Czech Republic – Ian Winkler, Armenia – Vahe Gabrielyan, and hundreds of other authoritative people from in European business groups. Traditionally the forums take place in various different cities: Moscow and London, Vienna and Barcelona, Dublin and Montreux… The authorities and communities wholeheartedly support the initiatives of the participants of the summit – the experts, investors and scientists aiming to transfer technologies and exchange economic practices and new knowledge. Co-chairmen of the organising committee: John Nettin, General Director of Europe Business Assembly (UK), Paul Briggs, President of International Leaders’ Club (UK). The address of the organising committee: 2 Wo o d i n s Wa y , O x f o r d , O X 1 1 H F, Tel: +44(0) 1865 794 362, +44(0) 1865 251 122 Fax: +44(0) 1865 251 113 E-mail: Web-site:

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Paul Briggs President, International Club of Leaders; CEO, Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group, UK

In an increasingly global society, it is now universally accepted that British business leaders must work together with their counterparts from around the world if the full potential of UK plc is to be realised. It is in this spirit that the International Club of Leaders initiative operates; an ethos to which we as an organisation are completely committed. For our own part, we have invested in a platform to facilitate and encourage dialogue and support, which is exclusive to the European Business Assembly: Corporate Global. Globalisation may have become an overused term; the lesson, however, is clear: as international barriers reduce, the opportunity for competitive advantages increases for those companies that have the flexibility and innovation to respond. Let’s embrace the new world order. Let’s think corporate global.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly


he International Club of Leaders (ICL) is a joint programme between the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group and the EBA (United Kingdom) directed at the development of democracy, market relations and Euro-integration ties in the dynamically developing countries of Eastern Europe and Middle Asia. Membership to the ICL means: · an exclusive right of everyone to realise the potential of his/her business in EU countries; · membership of the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group (United Kingdom);

Leaders come from the boardooms of leading companies from around the world: · Vladimir Afonin – Director General of the LLS ‘PhosAgro Service’, Russian Federation · Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi – Director General of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, United Arab Emirates · Sergey Anpilogov – Director General of the LTD ‘Ukrainian beer group (UBG)’, Ukraine · Imre Cseke - Director of the Waterwork & Sewerage PUC, Serbia

· a right to primary service within the framework of the EBA and the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group promoter programme; · discounts for training, consultations and participation in seminars held under the auspices of the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group, EBA, CRE; · increasing work efficiency and effectiveness by forming a corporate image using the information resources of the TVCCG, the EBA and other international organisations; · brand positioning of corporations within the framework of prestigious international forums, summits, groups of special interest, meetings and business receptions with opportunities to present your achievements (at major events); · special nomination for international awards and honorary titles of the EBA and its international partners with the rights to use those award attributes and images in marketing and advertising (marking products, labels, etc).

· Farid –El-Tobgui - Vice Chairman Bavarian Auto Manufacturing Co (BAMC), Egypt · Manana Kirtbaia – Rector of the Tbilisi Public University ‘Metekhi’, Georgia · Valery Serov – Director General of the World Trade Center Moscow, Russian Federation


Social projects of EBA is the specific support for the specific people

The ЕВА provides information, advertising, marketing and finances for leaders who develop their abilities in the following spheres:

HEALTH PROTECTION We support the hospitals of Iraq, where the civilians who have suffered from terrorists are being treated, with medicine.

SPORTS We support the female rowing team of Oxford University. Photo: EBA is an official sponsor of St Hilda’s College, Oxford University ladies boat racing team

EDUCATION We help Nigerian children to get their higher education, paying for textbooks for poorly-paid students.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

CULTURE We support talented youth: artists, musicians, writers, scientists. Thanks to sponsorship by the EBAa fund for modern art called ‘Artfenks’ in Kharkov, Ukraine can now arrange exhibitions of work by talented national artists. ‘EBA – we help to raise talents in Ukraine’ says a director of the fund; Valery Polonskiy.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Social projects

GURBANOV Seifaddin Ali-Ogly People’s Artist of Ukraine, sculptor Honorary citizen of the Kharkov region Head of a chair of sculpture of KSADA (The Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts) He was born in Nakhichevan (the Republic of Azerbaijan) in 1962. He graduated from the Kharkov art-industrial institute in 1989. He studied under the guidance of Professor V.P. Volovik.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

NOSAN Volodymyr Graphic artist, painter, designer. Born in June 10, 1970 in the town of Balakliya. Graduated from KhSAS (1992), KhAII (1998), teachers V. Zvolskiy, V. Sizikov, O. Brahin, V. Hontarov. Works at KhSADA, senior teacher of drawing department. Participant in Regional, AllUkrainian and foreign exhibitions since 1993, personal exhibition. Member of KhRO NUAU since 2003. Email:

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Our summits and publications are an interactive platform of corporate communication and sharing of best practices, it is a unique opportunity for international cooperation, publicity and PR initiatives.

Europe Business Assembly

Summits. London – Oxford – Stresa



Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

The Summit of Leaders is a regular interactive platform for international collaboration. It has been held in the centre of the world scientific community in Oxford, United Kingdom, since 2004. Over this period more than 6000 delegates from 56 countries have taken part and hundreds of innovative projects have been presented. Special meetings to exchange experiences and make contacts have been held as well as receptions for Rectors. Well known politicians and businessmen have spoken at the summits as part of programmes of business collaboration: Lord Digby Jones, Sir Richard Needham and Sir John Michael Middlecott Banham; Lord Mayors of Oxford: Bryan Kin, Robert John Price, Jim Kempel, Ellis Bendjamin; deputies to Euro parliament: Derek Clerk, Barbara Kudricka, Katherine Berder: Heads of diplomatic missions

in London: Turkey – Akin Alptuna, Latvia – Indulis Berzins, Czech Republic – Ian Winkler, Armenia – Vahe Gabrielyan, and hundreds of other authoritative people from in European business groups. Traditionally the forums take place in various different cities: Moscow and London, Vienna and Barcelona, Dublin and Montreux… The authorities and communities wholeheartedly support the initiatives of the participants of the summit – the experts, investors and scientists aiming to transfer technologies and exchange economic practices and new knowledge. Co-chairmen of the organising committee: John Nettin, General Director of European Business Assembly (UK), Paul Briggs, President of International Leaders’ Club (UK)

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’




Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

The Oxford Summit of Leaders 'Science and Education' took place in Oxford, UK, 16-19 December 2013. It provided a close, high-level gathering where academics, university presidents and rectors, scientists and researchers, investors all over the world could network, learn and share ideas to better modern science and education. The Summit was opened by Prof. John Netting, EBA Director General and Dr. Wil Goodheer, President of the Club of the Rectors of Europe (CRE). More than 180 participants attended the Oxford Summit of Leaders conference. The participating countries were: Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kyrgyz Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, North Cyprus, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Benin, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of Uzbekistan, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Sudan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe. Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE, Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford University, a neuroscientist, writer, broadcaster, member of the House of Lords, UK delivered a speech ‘The Generation, Diffusion & Application of Ideas. The Role of the 21st Century University’ during the plenary session which provoked interest and shaped the further discussion. John Netting, Director General of the Europe Business Assembly; Prof. Dr. WilGoodheer the President of the Club of the Rectors of Europe, Prof Vincent Ado Tenebe, Vice Chancellor of National Open University of Nigeria; Madam Layla Al Blooshi, Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research; Prof. Dr. Ramzan Korkmaz, Chancellor of Ardahan University; President of Caucasus University Association (CUA); Prof. Sinerik N. Ayrapetyan, President of the International Postgraduate Educational Centre (LSIPEC) of UNESCO were moderating the main panels of the Oxford Summit of December 17-18. The main topics at the forum were: new trends in higher education, the popularisation of modern educational programmes and methods, the presentation of scientific advances and emerging

innovative solutions, and the extending of international cooperation in scientific and educational spheres. The Summit hosted the conference, express exhibition, contest of innovative projects, leading scientists and educational establishments. Also, the almanac dedicated to science and higher education was presented. The Summit programme included visits to such famous places as Christ Church College, the Bodleian Library and The Oxford Union. On December, 17 the best world representatives of science and education were recognized with prestigious international awards at the Socrates Award Ceremony in the Main Hall of Oxford Town Hall. The function honoured outstanding university rectors, scientists and managers of innovative enterprises. Christmas decorated Oxford Union hosted the New Year's University Chancellors Ball. The ball brought together rectors, innovation centres leaders, outstanding scientists and representatives of the scientific and cultural communities worldwide. The ball gave a unique opportunity for international scientific, intellectual and educational elite to join informal communication and successful experience exchange. On the EBA conference closure on December 18 in the Oxford Union the diplomas were presented to the winners of the international competition ‘Science and Education’ The solemn procession of rectors wearing academic robes opened the ball. During the honourable ceremony of new members’ admission the following Rectors joined the CRE. Beautiful music, a classical dance programme presented by the best European dancing waltz masters, gourmet cuisine, contests and raffles, gifts to the guests of the ball and concert performances created the atmosphere of the event. The impressive international business event - EBA Official New Year`s Reception was held on December, 19. The meeting provided an exclusive interactive platform for business, presentations and exchange of ideas and technologies. Within the framework of the reception, EBA honoured the most highly esteemed and recognized international businessmen with prestigious awards and diplomas. The Summit participants were able to combine their successful scientific and business networking with a truly pleasant sightseeing of English historical and cultural offering.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Europe Business Assembly

On April 16-17th, 2014 in the heart of Great Britain the London Summit of Leaders ‘Rapid Urbanization: Economy, Society, Management’ was held. Main functions of the summit took place in the Royal Institute of Directors – one of the most prestigious business centres of London, which was established in 1903 according to the Royal Charter. The forum was opened by welcome speech of John Netting, Director General of the Europe Business Assembly (Great Britain). During the two days of the conference attention of participants, guests of the summit, as well as representatives of mass media and the business community was focused on the events of the international scientific conference where leading experts in urbanization took the floor. Among speakers: Ian Mulcahey, Managing Director, Gensler’s London office, UK; Rodney Turner, Professor of Project Management at the SKEMA Business School, in Lille, France; Hiroshi Tanaka, Global Project Management Analyst, Founder of PMAJ, Japan; Gregory Yager Senior Vice President, RTKL International Ltd, Shanghai; Prof. Dr. Saleh Mubarak of Qatar University; Heinz Wehrle, Managing Partner of Horwath HTL, Switzerland; Peter Busby, Managing Director of the architectural and design company “Perkins+Will” (USA) and other authoritative and well-known experts in the world community. During the plenary session and investment sessions of the conference potential investors, businessmen, scientists, authors of essentially new technologies submitted administrative solutions of urbanization problems, offered investment projects of territories economic development, programmes on ecological safety,and creation of comfortable conditions for living. The International

Socrates Ceremony ‘Achievements-2014’ was the highlight of the London event. During the ceremony outstanding personalities, as well as the representatives of the best companies and establishments were nominated with prestigious international awards for achievements in their professional activity in 2013. This year the high level meeting has been arranged in honour of the Summit participants who were nominated to get the following awards: “Socrates International Award”, The International Award “Queen Victoria”, The International Award “United Europe”, The International Award “The Name in Science”, The International Prize “Best Institute”, The International Prize “Best School”, The International Prize “Best Enterprises”, The International Prize “European Quality”, The International Award “Commander of the Order “Commonwealth”. Among the laureates there are more than 50 successful companies and outstanding persons from 32 countries (photo gallery of the Solemn Ceremony). During the London Summit of Leaders summing up the announcement of the “Innovative City of the Future” competition winners took place. Among the primary aims of the competition: formation of the best designers and builders registry, drawing investors’ attention, certification of progressive architectural and design decisions and innovative construction products. Information on the competition categories winners will be published on the EBA official Internet resources after April 20th. Guests of the London forum unanimously noted high level of its organization, eventfulness with interesting activities important for solving global problems caused by consequences of rapid urbanization

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’




Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

On 1-4 July Health and Wellness Summit and Award Ceremony 2014 was held at the magnificent venue Grand Hotel Des Iles Borromees, Stresa, Italy. The event brought together medical, health and spa professionals from over 30 countries spanning from South Africa to the UK and from Malaysia to Canada. The key note speech by Vincento Costigliola, President, European Medical Association covered the Important issues of Medicine and Spa facilities working hand in hand as well as accreditation of such services. Dr Costigliola also informed the audience of the differences in motivation factors for health travellers from the developed versus developing countries. Furthermore, David Vequist, President, Centre for Medical Tourism Research, Texas, USA shared his research and empirical studies in globalizing market of health tourism and importance of creating highly personalized packages for health tourists and adding value to services and products.

Among other speakers of the summit were:

Iain Mcintosh, The British Global and Travel Health Association, UK Laszlo Puczko, Xellum Kfl, Hungary Jean-Guy de Gabriac, International Spa Consultant, TIP TOUCH CEO, Belgium Martha Wiedemann, Wellness Advisor, Badrutt’s Palace Hotel, Switzerland Erica D'Angelo, Owner and General Manager, Ti Sana Spa & Detox Retreat, Italy Roger Allen, Managing Director, Thermarium Lesiure Management, Austria During the official Award Ceremony and Gala Dinner, EBA was pleased to honor the recipients of the Socrates Awards for Outstanding Achievement. On the second day, participants shared their practical experience through a number of workshops and company presentations. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for their contribution to the success of the event.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



For honour, dignity and glory! The solemn investiture of the Knight Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem is traditionally held in the cathedral of St. Dominic, one of the oldest beneficiaries of Valette. The procession of knights in traditional dress with their flags marches nobly into the cathedral. The melodic chorus emphasises the atmosphere of the spiritual unity of the attendants with knights of all generations. Boy scouts fall into line with the knights and highranking Prelates knight new members of the Order. This unforgettable ancient ceremony stays in the memory for the rest of people’s lives!


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’




Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Vienna, Emperor’s Hofburg

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Awards of EBA are the peak of leadership excellence

Socrates committee, ceremonies


EBA is the organiser of annual Socrates Ceremonies, the founder of prestigious European prizes and awards, is widely known and has won the trust of national elite groups and business communities. The awards are made from precious metals in the workshop of prominent London jeweller Alfred Winiecki. Legal and patent rights belong to EBA and are protected by British law. Enterprises are selected on basis of statistical data, recommendations of analytical, sociological, research, advertising, rating and PR-agencies as well as on the results of international and national competitions of professional achievement and receive consulting, marketing and legal support from leading European companies.

The Socrates Ceremonies are held in the most prestigious cities of Europe: Barcelona, Oxford, London, Valetta, Moscow, Vienna and Montreaux.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



The participation and counsel of International Socrates Committee – members of which are leaders in the business, education and science communities – have helped to establish the EBA Awards as the preeminent awards. They, their staff, and other select business leaders help to determine the winning nominations for the International EBA Awards. Professionals recruited from companies worldwide perform the preliminary judging. Committee Co-Chairs: John Netting, Paul Briggs Armenia: Artush Gukasyan, Rector, Armenian State Pedagogical University Austria: Manfred Froschauer, Managing Partner, SERY Communications Azerbaijan: Isa Akper Oglu Habibbayli, Rector, Nakhchivan State University Bulgaria: Mickhail Stancev, Doctor, Sofia State University Czech Republic: DSB EURO s.r.o., Owner and General Director, Hlavac Milan Estonia: Juri Martin, Rector, Euro University Georgia: Manana Kirtbaia, Rector, Tbilisi Public University ‘Metekhi’ Germany: Igor Dementyev, Professor, Bonn University Ghana: Mr Isaac Dakwa, Top Brass Ltd. Malta: Hector Cassola, President, ‘Business Entrepreneurship’

Middle East: Sami Kashkool, Secretary General, Iraqi British Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nigeria: Babalola Afe, Rector of Afe Babalola University Poland: Jan Chehotski, CEO, EMPEX Russia: Evgeniy Kachalov, Director, Centre of Market Research Serbia: Mica Jovanovic, Rector of Megatrend University Switzerland: Michael Derrer, Director, Swiss Institute of Quality Tajikistan: Usmonov Nurullo, Director General, NUR Ltd. Trinidad and Tobago: Knowlson W Gift, KWG Associates Ukraine: Viktor Andrushenko, Rector of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Vietnam: Prof. Thanh Xuan, Hanoi University of Foreign Studies


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Awards of EBA are the peak of leadership excellence


he main objectives of the EBA are to promote European leaders and to strengthen international economic, scientific and cultural relations as well as to promote European integration. Personalities, politicians as well as public figures, businessmen, scientists and artists are presented with EBA International Awards for their achievements in and contributions to today’s society. The awards are created by the prominent English Alfred Winiecki’s workshop in London. They are made of precious metals, covered with 24 K pure gold and encrusted with Swarowski crystals. Legal and patent rights belong to EBA and are protected by British Law.

Exclusive commemorative medal on a golden pendant ‘Queen Victoria’ (reg. # 2367599) – for maintaining traditional values of virtue, bravery and integrity

The major award – ‘Socrates International Award’ (reg. # 2349306) – is awarded for personal contribution to intellectual development of today’s society and for professional achievements

‘Name in Science’ Award – for prominent scientific research

‘United Europe’ (reg. # 2367598) – for personal contribution to the development of European integration

Honorary title ‘Knighthood Order of the Grand Master La Valette’ (reg. # 2511555)

‘European quality award’ (reg. # 2351135) – for production of competitive high-quality goods and for provision of such services

‘Best Enterprises’ (reg. # 2401351) – for professional achievements in commercial activities. The Director General of nominated company is presented with the ‘Best Manager of the Year’ Award

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



‘The Name in Science’ in the field of scientific researches General provisions Instituted by a mutual decision of the ICL, CRE, record of proceedings No. 11.07.10, Oxford, UK. A holder of the title ‘The Name in Science’ receives the following attributes: · A memorable sign on the blue ribbon ‘For contribution to world science’. On the front side of the sign there is a bass-relief of Aristotle and an inscription ‘To the glory of science’. On the reverse side there is an inscription Socrates Committee and medal number, Oxford, UK. · A Diploma of a holder of the title ‘The Name in Science’ confirming that the nominee’s name has been recorded in the World Register of Outstanding Scientists (in the leather case). · Nomination of candidates for the International Award in the field of scientific researches ‘The Name in Science’ is given to scientific teams, scientific societies, authorities, public organisations, business structures, scientists, politicians and public figures.


Evaluation criteria. The International Socrates Committee while making a decision on granting the Award ‘The Name in Science’ in the first place follows the following principles: · urgency of the scientific research for civil society development, democratic basis of management; cost efficiency; · a personal contribution of a candidate to scientific research, his/her personal achievements in the development of national science; · a possibility of science research transformation for solving regional and global social, political and economic problems; · ratings and reviews of scientific press and the public, recommendations of profile committees, scientific societies, scientists; · The attributes of the Award are presented at the annual Socrates ceremonies in Oxford. If attendance is difficult, a laureate can receive the attributes of the Award by courier or mail.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



The main goal of the Order is to unite prominent politicians, businessmen, scholars and cultural figures who carry out charitable, voluntary or socially significant activities. Those who appreciate lofty human values: honour, loyalty, courage, generosity, mercy, nobility, gallantry. Those who are willing to devote themselves to restoring in society a sense of high spirituality and morality, the inner essence based on the principles of knightly honour, valour and nobility. Knighting to the international Knight Order of Grand Master La Valette is to be held in the Chateau d’Aigle (XI century), one of the most majestic castles in Switzerland, or in a similar testament to the age of chivalry.

Code of Honour of the Knight Order of Grand Master La Vallette

· The Knight’s Code of Honour is mandatory for all persons of noble origin who call themselves Knights of the Order; · Each Knight has an Order, a diploma and a monogram-signet that confirm his noble origin; · Knights of the Order are noble and fair in all respects; infused by honour and truth, they will never join together against a single opponent; · Knights of the Order are strong, courageous and brave, their shields serve to defend the weak and the oppressed; · Knights of the Order never hurt anyone, value friendship and respect worthy opponents; · Knights of the Order are kind and merciful to people, always ready to pardon an offender who asks for forgiveness − the one gone astray, but repentant;


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

· Knights of the Order are able to exercise self-control, their actions are not motivated by pride or vengeance; · Knights of the Order are always gallant with Dames; · Ignorance of the Knight’s Code of Honour is not a circumstance that will mitigate guilt of perfidious people who derogate from its regulations.

Events and Entertainment

Members of the Order attend a wide range of cultural and social events in the course of year. Such events include business meetings, receptions, society occasions, conferences, summits, congresses, banquets with prominent people and musical gatherings, as well as the inauguration of new members of the Order in suitably historic locations.


Membership of the Order is open to politicians and persons outside politics, to men and women, regardless of their faith. The Order is a society of noble people, wherein the charitable and patronly aspirations of each one will be an example for all. The Order collaborates with other Orders all over the world which encourages the generation of new ideas and projects seeking to raise social standards of life, and supports individual exponents of modern best practice. The Order is wholly sovereign and is associated with the honourable traditions of Knight Orders the world over.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Public institutions of EBA are qualitatively new informal associations of talented professionals.

Publicity – ЕВА information and presentation opportunities


Is the interactive online discussion platform that provides an opportunity for academics, university chancellors, scientists and researchers, and investors from around the world to network, learn and share ideas with one another for the advancement of modern science and education.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Europe Business Assembly

Socrates Almanac – compass of the world of knowledge The Socrates Almanac 2014 is an annual edition covering the most interesting scientific research, modern teaching methods, promising industry innovations and an analysis of financial frameworks. The collection also contains ratings of universities worldwide, registers of innovative projects and educational programmes, popular scientific articles, factual and biographical material and journalistic essays on world-famous scientists Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



The Club of Rectors of Europe represents an amazing opportunity to celebrate the excellence and outstanding achievements of higher education institutions in the International ‘Science and Education’ Competition. We look forward to a wealth of strong contenders showing talent and creativity. If you believe that your institution, staff or management deserves recognition, get your entries in now and good luck!

Free for participants of the Summit! Please see the Contest terms and conditions for full details.

International science and education competition Provisions Objective: Promotion and support of new knowledge and authors. Patronage: Club of Rectors of Europe, Socrates Committee (Oxford, UK) Expert Advice: The Academic Council of the Club of the Rectors of Europe Frequency: Annual Summing up: Oxford Summit of Rectors Participation: Only accredited members of the EBA Network


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Nominations: ‘Education: excellence and innovation’

‘Best Manual’

‘Best lecturer’

’Best university library’

Universities, colleges, business schools and other educational institutions.

University teachers and the teachers of other higher educational institutions.

‘Best scientist’

Academics, graduate students, scholars, and researchers of universities and educational institutions.

‘Best student’

The following materials are accepted in the competition: manuals books, coursebooks, book set created individually or jointly by the institution’s officials.

University or other institutional libraries only.

‘Best academic website’

Internet university websites where information is accessible for assessment during the competition. Websites with advertising of noneducational purposes will not be considered.

‘Best student career supporter’

Students from higher education institutions.

Educational institutions, business schools and colleges.

‘Best innovative project’

‘Best campus’

Projects, innovative initiatives and recent developments of university academic and research centres.

The campuses of universities, colleges and other higher education institutions.

Terms of participation:

Pedagogical teams, student organisations and individuals submit applications and recommendations for the competition to the Academic Board of CRE up to 01.09.2014.

Procedure and criteria for evaluation:

The winners are evaluated on the results of expert judgments, articles in the press and free interactive voting by teachers and students, as well as other interested persons on the competition organiser’s site.

Information on the results:

The winners of the contest will be posted online by the organiser and in the annual almanac of Oxford Summit of Rectors.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Our comfort is your office!

CRE cabinet lounge The Club of the Rectors in Europe opened an office for its members in Oxford (2 Woodins Way, Oxford, OX1 1HF). The office of the club is in the centre of this historic university town on the banks of a tributary of the Thames. At the rectors’ service are: a private office, a personal secretary, high-speed Internet, scanners, printers and other administrative aids. In Oxford you can work and also receive guests, hold business meetings or just have a rest after an intense workday. While you are absent the personal secretary will can act on your behalf. The Personal Rectors’ cabinet lounge can make arrangements for you to travel to the United Kingdom, be met at the airport, make hotel or private apartment reservations and also arrange visits to Oxford University Colleges, excursions to London, Edinburgh, Cambridge and other cities of United Kingdom. The Clubman’s personal gold card allows use of the office for five working days during each calendar year. Preliminary accreditation is required.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Europe Business Assembly

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Best University 2014. Brief profiles of worldwide universities



Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (United States)

Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University











November 10, 1766


Public; Research University


Robert L. Barchi

Academic staff: 2,937

New Brunswick,Piscataway CamdenNewark, New Jersey, USA


Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is a leading national research university and the state’s preeminent, comprehensive public institution of higher education. Rutgers is dedicated to teaching that meets the highest standards of excellence; to conducting research that breaks new ground; and to providing services, solutions, and clinical care that help individuals and the local, national, and global communities where they live. Rutgers teaches across the full educational spectrum: preschool to precollege; undergraduate to graduate; postdoctoral fellowships to residencies; and continuing education for professional and personal advancement.

January 1, 1971 Public

Unknown, teaching existed since 1096; 917 years ago


The Rt. Hon. Lord Patten of Barnes

Paris, France

Jean Chambaz

Academic staff: 5000

Pierre and Marie Curie University, UPMC, is the largest University in France and represents 5000 permanent staff members and 20,000 students. Three UPMC laboratories, LOCEAN, LAtMOS and LOV are contributing to the new EU Arctic project of the 7th framework program, the so called ACCESS project (Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society, 2011-2015) in response to the ocean of tomorrow joint call launched by the EU in 2009. UPMC was the coordinator of the major EU integrated project, DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies 2005-2010, 6th fP) during the International Polar Year and UPMC is coordinating ACCESS contributing to a decade worth of Arctic research.

University of Oxford (United Kingdom) Established:


Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen (Germany)








Oxford, England, United Kingdom



Public Law foundation


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel

Admin. Staff:


Göttingen, Lower Saxony,Germany


11.876 Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas.

Gottingen and world leaders seem to go together. Otto von Bismarck studied law here and Napoleon declared: ‘Gottingen belongs to the whole of Europe.’ Founded by England’s King George II in his capacity as Elector of Hanover, it first accepted students in 1737. Since the Brothers Grimm taught here, 45 Nobel laureates have walked its grounds. Currently there are around 24,000 students at the university, which is informally known as ‘Georgia Augusta’.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland) Established:



Écublens (near Lausanne), Vaud, Switzerland





Patrick Aebischer

University of Zurich (Switzerland) Established:

Academic staff:





Public University

Zurich, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland


Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer

Website: From its foundation in 1853 as part of the University of Lausanne, the ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, EPFL, has evolved into a top-ranked research and teaching institution that attracts some of the best intellects in the world. Nearly 12,000 people – students, professors, scientists and administrative staff – share this campus in its idyllic spot overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps, with excellent sport facilities.

University enjoys international renown as a place of education and research. Two thousand lecturers in 140 special institutes provide the broadest range of subjects and courses available from any Swiss seat of higher education. With 24,000 students and 1,900 graduates every year, Zurich is also Switzerland’s largest university.

Stanford University (United States)

University of Michigan (United States)











Academic staff:




John L. Hennessy


Stanford, California, U.S.


Mary Sue Coleman 6,615


Ann Arbor, MI, US

Academic staff: 1,995

Stanford University (Cardinal) is recognized as one of the world’s leading research and teaching institutions. Leland and Jane Stanford founded the University to ‘promote the public welfare by exercising an influence on behalf of humanity and civilization.’ Stanford opened its doors in 1891, and more than a century later, it remains dedicated to finding solutions to the great challenges of the day and to preparing our students for leadership in today’s complex world.


The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan and the world through preeminence in creating, communicating, preserving and applying knowledge, art, and academic values, and in developing leaders and citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future. Students have the opportunity to work with world-renown faculty. There are literally hundreds of clubs, groups, and organizations covering a variety of social, cultural, and academic interests. The University abuts the city of Ann Arbor, which has its own thriving social and cultural identity. There is literally something for everyone here.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

California Institute of Technology (United States)

Akademia GorniczoHutnicza














1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena, California, U.S.



Edward M. Stolper

Academic staff:

294 professional faculties; 1207 other faculties

April 8, 1919

34 248


Krakow, Poland

Prof. Tadeusz Słomka

Academic staff: 1 953

The California Institute of Technology (commonly referred to as Caltech) has six academic divisions with strong emphases on science and engineering. Its 124-acre (50 ha) primary campus is located approximately 11 mi (18 km) northeast of downtown Los Angeles.

It is worth emphasizing that the cooperation between staff and numerous companies, industrial plants and central government as well as municipal bodies enables students to follow the latest technical and scientific achievements. It also allows to play a part in the development of up-to-date technologies.

Autonomous University of Madrid

Ghent University














José María Sanz Martínez


Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain




Anne De Paepe


Ghent, Belgium

Home to 29,000 students, the university has two campuses: the main campus is on the outskirts of the city and includes the faculties of philosophy and arts, economics, psychology, law, science, computer and telecommunications engineering, and teacher-training and education. Its medical school is in the city of Madrid, next to the university hospital.

Latin was the language of instruction when Ghent was founded in 1817. That changed to French when Belgium won independence in 1830, and changed again to Dutch in 1930. It has 132 departments in 11 faculties and five doctoral schools scattered across the ancient Flemish city, with around 2,000 academic staff looking after 31,200 students.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

University of Chicago (United States)




Academic staff:





Academic staff:




Public 2,630

Lyon, France



Private nondenominational coeducational




Chicago, Illinois

Robert J. Zimmer

Website: The university Claude Bernard Lyon 1 consists of faculties of sciences, medicine and pharmacy. Based on its budget and the number of its research laboratories, the university is seen as the principal higher education establishment of the region and figures in top five French universities.

One of the world’s premier academic and research institutions, the University of Chicago has driven new ways of thinking since our 1890 founding. Today, UChicago is an intellectual destination that draws inspired scholars to our Hyde Park and international campuses, keeping UChicago at the nexus of ideas that challenge and change the world.

Pohang University of Science and Technology (Republic of Korea)

Durham University (United Kingdom)


Academic staff:









President: Yongmin Kim


Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea





Sir Thomas Allen

As one of Korea’s top universities dedicated to science and engineering, POSTECH offers four-year programs in 10 departments and POSTECH’s Graduate School offers programs in 11 departments. Students here are instructed by some of the finest professors and scholars in the world. POSTECH also provides some of the best research facilities and learning resources available on the beautifully laid out campus for its students and faculty to utilize during their tenure here.



Durham and Stockton-on-Tees, England, UK


Durham University offers its students a challenging and rewarding education through its ethos of research-led teaching combined with opportunities for personal development. They are taught by around 670 academic staff in 25 departments and schools grouped together in three faculties: arts and humanities; science; and social science and health.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

University of British Columbia (Canada)

Autonomous University of Barcelona












University Endowment Landsand Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada


Stephen Toope

Academic staff: 10,186

June 6, 1968


Public University

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Catalonia,Spain



Ferran Sancho Pifarré


The University of British Columbia (UBC Thunderbirds), established in 1908, is one of Canada’s leading research universities and is consistently ranked among the top 40 in the world. The university attracts 54,000 students from across Canada and 140 countries around the world to two major campuses.

The people that founded it wished to establish the four main beliefs of autonomy: the freedom to be able to choose staff to teach, to make entry accessible to every student, the freedom to produce its own plans of study and the freedom to manage the University’s capital. The university is a growing university, but during its brief history it has progressed quickly.

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Catholic University of Leuven












Viktor Sadovnichiy


Moscow, Russia



Independent/Free catholic university



Leuven, Belgium


Academic staff:

Rik Torfs

The University is well-known for its strong natural sciences tradition: 11 (of Russian 18) Nobel Prize winners and 6 (of Russian 8) Fields medalists were alumni or academics at Lomonosov. The 39 faculties cover virtually all areas of research, except engineering. The University has its two campuses in the center of Moscow where there are 4 museums, 15 research institutes, one of the two botanical gardens, Science Park and a number of service units. The library of the University holds over 9 million volumes. The University has 6 branches in Russia and five of the former USSR republics.

The KU Leuven is a strongly research-oriented university. Among its many accolades is to be reckoned among the top universities of Europe. In the 2012-2013 Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) university ranking, the KU Leuven was ranked 58th in the world and 13th in Europe, making it the highest ranked university from the low countries (The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) in either category.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Saint Petersburg State University

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv













1724 (1819)



Saint Petersburg, Russia

Nikolai M. Kropachev

The high level of the University academics’ proficiency enables them to carry on a wide range of research projects for Russian and foreign companies and organizations. The top scientific priorities for the University are nanotechnology and material science, biomedicine and human health, ecology, nature rational utilization and protection, information systems and technologies.




Kiev, Ukraine

Leonid Huberskyi

It is an institution of higher education that trains specialists in many fields of knowledge and carries out research. It is considered the most prestigious university in Ukraine and a major centre of advanced learning and progressive thinking. It consists of more faculties and departments, and trains specialists in a greater number of academic fields, than any other Ukrainian educational institution.

National Pedagogical University

Seoul National University (Republic of Korea)














Andrushchenko Viktor Petrovych


Kyiv, Evpatoria, Lubny, Prague, Ukraine



National Prof. Oh Yeon-Cheon Ph.D.


Gwanak, Seoul, South Korea

Academic staff: 4,336

The University is composed of 12 faculties, 65 departments, correspondent affiliate in Yevpatoriya, Yalta Humanitarian Institute, pedagogical colleges, gymnasium, physics and maths oriented lyceum… The university is a co-founder of the Ukrainian-American International Institute ‘Visconsin International University’ (USA) in Ukraine.


Seoul National University is looking for talented students and future researchers from all corners of the world to join this premier institution for higher education at the academic hub of Asia. For both undergraduates and graduate students, SNU offers a world-class education and a wealth of extraordinary opportunities that only SNU can offer. Since its foundation in 1946, Seoul National University has been the undisputed leader of higher education in Korean and has established a global reputation. Its graduates have long served as leaders in Korean society and in the international community.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

University of Warsaw

΄ Gdansk University of Technology







November 19, 1816



Warsaw, Poland


Professor Marcin Pałys

October 6, 1945 Gdańsk, Poland The Gdańsk University of Technology is a technical university in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz, and one of the oldest universities in Poland. It has nine faculties and more than 24 thousand undergraduate, as well as about 400 doctoral students. In 2004 it employed 2500 people, including 1200 academics.

Vrije University Brussel




University of Warsaw (UW), founded in 1816, is the best university and a leading research centre in Poland. The high level of scientific research, its connection with the education of students and the diversity and attractiveness of our teaching determines the position of the University in the country and worldwide.



Warsaw University of Technology Established: 1826




The Vrije University Brussel, a dynamic and modern university with two green campuses in the Brussels-Capital region, offers highquality education and research.

The Warsaw University of Technology is one of the leading institutes of technology in Poland, and one of the largest in Central Europe. It employs 2,453 teaching faculty, with 357 professors (including 145 titular professors). There are 19 faculties (divisions) covering almost all fields of science and technology.

Brussels, Belgium

Warsaw, Poland

Technical University of Denmark Established: 1829


Lodz University of Technology Established: 1945




It was founded in 1829 at the initiative of Hans Christian Ørsted as Denmark’s first polytechnic, and is today ranked among Europe’s leading engineering institutions, and the best engineering university in the Nordic countries.

The Lodz University of Technology has developed into one of the biggest in Poland. Originally located in an old factory building, today covering nearly 200,000 sq. meters in over 70 separate buildings, the majority of them situated in the main University area. Approximately 21,000 students are currently studying at the University. Educational and scientific tasks of the University are run by about 3,000 staff members.

Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.

Łódź, Poland

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Vienna University of Technology Established:



Technical University of Berlin Established:





The Vienna University of Technology – TU Wien (TUW) – is located in the heart of Europe, in a cosmopolitan city of great cultural diversity. For nearly 200 years, the TU Wien has been a place of research, teaching and learning in the service of progress. The TU Wien is among the most successful technical universities in Europe and is Austria’s largest scientific-technical research and educational institution.

The Technische Universität Berlin, known as TU Berlin is a research university and one of the largest and most prestigious research and education institutions in Germany. The university alumni and professor list include National Academies elections, two National Medal of Science laureates and ten Nobel Prize winners.


Berlin, Germany

Institute of Science and Technology Established:



University of Leoben






The draft concept was developed by the Austrian physicist Anton Zeilinger in 2002. Preparation work started in 2007. The concept includes a focus on science and technology an interdisciplinary approach an independent and long-term strategy the entitlement to award PhDs.

The University of Leoben is the country’s university for mining, metallurgy and materials.

Klosterneuburg, Austria

Austria, Leoben

Graz University of Technology Established: 1811

It was founded on 4 November 1840, as the SteiermärkischStändische Montanlehranstalt in Styria, Austria’s mining region. In 1848 Peter Tunner relocated the university to the nearby town of Leoben, where it is still located today. That year the university had a mere 48 students enrolled.


Dresden University of Technology


Austria, Styria The Graz University of Technology is the second largest university in Styria, Austria. In world-wide competition with comparable institutions, Graz University of Technology pursues top teaching and research in the fields of the engineering sciences and the technicalnatural sciences. An integral part of putting together excellent education and training programs is knowing about the needs of society and the economy. Ultimately, the quality of the education and training at Graz University of Technology is carried by the strength of its knowledge-oriented and applied research. Numerous competence centers, the Christian-Doppler laboratories, special research fields, research focuses, and large EU projects are only a few examples of the University’s extremely active and successful research. 170

Established: 1828



Dresden, Germany The Technische Universität Dresden is the largest institute of higher education in the city of Dresden, the largest university in Saxony and one of the 10 largest universities in Germany with 36,066 students as of 2010. The university is one of the eleven German universities which succeeded in the Excellence Initiative in 2012, thus getting the title of a “University of Excellence”.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Brno University of Technology Established:



Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne Established:





Brno University of Technology is a university located in Brno, Czech Republic. Being founded in 1899 and initially offering a single course in civil engineering, it grew to become a major Czech university with over 24,000 students enrolled at 8 faculties and 2 university institutes.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology and is located in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Brno, Czech Republic

Czech Technical University in Prague Established:



Écublens (near Lausanne), Switzerland

The school was founded by the Swiss Federal Government with the stated mission to: · Educate engineers and scientists · Be a national center of excellence in science and technology · Provide a hub for interaction between the scientific community and industry


Prague, Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague is one of the largest universities in the Czech Republic, and is one of the oldest institutes of technology in Central Europe. It provides high-quality university education through an extensive portfolio of primarily engineering branches of study, conducts basic and applied research and numerous scientific projects with great emphasis on industrial use and applications.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Established: 1855



Zürich, Switzerland

University of Freiburg

Established: 1457


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich is an engineering, science, technology, mathematics and management university in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. It is considered the best university in continental Europe by the Shanghai Ranking ARWU, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings Ranking and the QS World University Ranking. It is currently ranked 8th best university in the world in engineering, science and technology.


Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany The University of Freiburg consistently achieves top positions in all university rankings. The university’s research and instruction received the “Excellence” seal in 2007 and again in 2009. More than 160 fields of study and a wide array of possible degrees attract a total of around 21,000 students to Freiburg, including many international students and junior researchers. Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

University of Cambridge




Polytechnic University of Milan Established:



The University of Cambridge is a collegiate research university in Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in English-speaking areas, and the world’s third-oldest surviving university. Today, Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions that include 31 constituent colleges and comprehensive academic departments which are organised into six Schools. It has nurtured many notable alumni, and 90 Nobel laureates have been affiliated with the University,which is the highest in the world.

Polytechnic University of Milan is the largest technical university in Italy, with about 38,700 students. It offers undergraduate, graduate and higher education courses in Engineering, Architecture and Design. It is the oldest university in Milan.

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

Milan, Italy

University of Edinburgh




Sapienza University of Rome Established:





The University of Edinburgh is the sixth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland’s ancient universities. The University is ranked 17th in the world by the 2013 QS rankings. It is ranked 11th in the world in arts and humanities by the 2012–13 Times Higher Education Ranking.It is ranked the 15th most employable university in the world by the 2013 Global Employability University Ranking. It is a member of both the Russell Group, and the League of European Research Universities, a consortium of 21 research universities in Europe.

The Sapienza University of Rome is the largest European university by enrollments and the oldest of Rome’s four state-funded universities. In Italian, sapienza means “wisdom” or “knowledge”. Sapienza is present in all major international university rankings. It is among the best Italian universities

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Rome, Italy

Imperial College London

Established: 8 July 1907


University of Florence

Established: 1321




Imperial College London is a public research, specialising in science, engineering, medicine and business. A former constituent college of the federal University of London, it became fully independent on 9 July 2007, as part of the celebrations of its centenary.

The University of Florence is one of the oldest and biggest universities. It is an Italian public research university .It comprises 12 schools and has about 60,000 students enrolled.

London, United Kingdom



29 November 1863

Florence, Italy

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Delft University of Technology Established:



Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Established: 1975




Delft University of Technology also known as TU Delft, is the largest and oldest Dutch public technical university. With eight faculties and numerous research institutes it hosts over 19,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate), more than 3,300 scientists and more than 2,200 people in the support and management staff.

Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications (AUPET) is one of the most well-known universities in the field of power engineering and telecommunications in the Central Asian region. Students from all over central Asia study at AIPET.

Delft, South Holland, Netherlands

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Eindhoven University of Technology Established:


23 June 1956

Kazakh-British Technical University Established: 2001




The university was the second of its kind in the Netherlands, only Delft University of Technology existed previously. Until mid1980 it was known as the Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. In 2011 QS World University Rankings placed Eindhoven at 146th internationally, but 61st globally for Engineering & IT. Furthermore, in 2011 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) rankings, it was placed at the 52-75 bucket internationally in Engineering/ Technology and Computer Science (ENG) category and at 34th place internationally in the Computer Science subject field.

Kazakh-British Technical University is an educational institution in Kazakhstan, which focuses on teaching Petroleum, Chemical and IT Engineering as well as Management & Economics. It is one of the leading universities of Kazakhstan for training specialists for the oil and gas sector of the Kazakhstan economy. KBTU staff includes 582 employees. Among them: 12% administrative management; 64% faculty members, scholars, and department staff; 24% service staff.

Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands

Almaty, Kazakhstan

University of Groningen

Established: 1614


Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University Established: 1934




It is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands as well as one of its largest. Since its inception more than 200,000 students have graduated. It is a member of the distinguished international Coimbra Group of European universities.

Kazakh National Technical University named after Kanysh Satpayev is a leading technical university in Kazakhstan (Almaty).

Groningen, Netherlands

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Budapest University of Technology and Economics Established:



Norwegian University of Science and Technology Established:



The Budapest University of Technology and Economics is the most significant University of Technology in Hungary and is also one of the oldest Institutes of Technology in the world. More than 110 departments and institutes operate within the structure of eight faculties. About 1100 lecturers, 400 researchers and other degree holders and numerous invited lecturers and practising expert specialists participate in education and research.

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology commonly known as NTNU, is the second largest of the eight universities in Norway, and, as its name suggests, has the main national responsibility for higher education in engineering and technology. In addition to engineering and the natural and physical sciences, the university offers advanced degrees in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, architecture and fine art.

Budapest, Hungary

Trondheim, Norway

University Centre in Svalbard Established:



Corvinus University of Budapest Established:





The University Centre in Svalbard is a Norwegian state-owned limited company that provides university-level education in arctic studies.

Corvinus University of Budapest is one of the most prestigious universities in Budapest, Hungary. The university offers degrees in multiple disciplines, but it is characterised by its programmes in economics, management and social sciences. Corvinus University is consistently listed in the top 50 in the Financial Times European Masters in Management rankings.

Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway

Budapest, Hungary

University of Strasbourg

Established: 1538


University of Nantes

Established: 4 April 1460




The University of Strasbourg is the second largest university in France, with about 43,000 students and over 4,000 researchers. In the 1970s it was divided into three separate institutions: Louis Pasteur University, Marc Bloch University, and Robert Schuman University. On 1 January 2009, the fusion of these three universities recreated a united University of Strasbourg, which is now amongst Europe’s best in the League of European Research Universities.

Founded in the XVth century, then closed for nearly 200 years, Université de Nantes reopened in 1962 and went on to become one of the top French universities. With its history and its dynamism, the University is ready to face the challenge of international competition. Today, University of Nantes is one of France’s top multidisciplinary universities. It is located in an attractive area boasting strong economic and demographic growth over the past two decades.

Strasbourg, France




Nantes, France

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Lappeenranta University of Technology Established:



University of Coimbra

Established: 1290




Nowadays, LUT’s strategic focus areas are green energy and technology, the creation of sustainable competitiveness and operation as a hub of international Russian relations. Being located near the eastern boundary of Finland, the university also offers comprehensive know-how related to Russia. Its international community is comprised of approximately 6,500 students and experts engaged in scientific research and academic education.

The University of Coimbra is one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world, the oldest university of Portugal, and one of its largest higher education and research institutions. It is a founding member of the Coimbra Group, a group of leading European research universities, whose inaugural meeting it hosted. On June 22, 2013, UNESCO added the university to its World Heritage List.

Lappeenranta, Finland

Coimbra, Portugal

University of Porto

University of Oulu

Established: 1958


Established: 1911




The University of Oulu is one of the largest universities in Finland, located in the city of Oulu. The university has around 16,000 students and 3,000 staff. It is ranked in the Academic Ranking of World Universities as the second best university in Finland and between 303 and 401 worldwide.

The University of Porto is the largest Portuguese university by number of enrolled students and has one of the most noted research outputs in Portugal. It is considered one of the 100 best Universities in Europe.

Oulu, Finland

Porto, Portugal

University of Helsinki

Established: 1640



Helsinki, Finland It is the oldest and largest university in Finland with the widest range of disciplines available. Around 36,500 students are currently enrolled in the degree programs of the university spread across 11 faculties and 11 research institutes. The University of Helsinki places heavy emphasis on high-quality teaching and research of a top international standard. It is a member of various prominent international university networks, such as Europaeum, UNICA, the Utrecht Network, and is a founding member of the League of European Research Universities. Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

University of Tokyo

Established: 1877


Tokyo Institute of Technology Established:



The University of Tokyo is the first of Japan’s National Seven Universities, and is considered the most prestigious university in Japan. It ranks as the highest in Asia and 21st in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013. The University has 10 faculties with a total of around 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign.

Tokyo Institute of Technology is the largest institution for higher education in Japan dedicated to science and technology. Tokyo Tech enrolled 4,850 undergraduates and 5,006 graduate students for 2009–2010. It employs around 1,400 faculty members.

Tokyo, Japan

Meguro Yokohama Tamach, Tokyo, Japan

Kyoto University

Established: 1869


Osaka University






Kyoto University is a national university located in Kyoto, Japan. It is the second oldest Japanese university,one of the highest ranked universities in Asia and one of Japan’s National Seven Universities. One of Asia’s leading research-oriented institutions, Kyoto University is famed for producing world-class researchers, including eight Nobel Prize laureates, two Fields medalists and one Gauss Prize. The university has been consistently ranked the second best institute in Japan since 2008 in various independent university ranking schemes.

Osaka University is the sixth oldest university in Japan and one of Japan’s National Seven Universities. Numerous prominent scientists have worked at Osaka University such as the Nobel Laureate in Physics Hideki Yukawa. It has 11 faculties for undergraduate programs, 16 graduate schools, 21 research institutes, 4 libraries, and 2 university hospitals.

Kyoto, Japan

Suita, Osaka, Japan

University of Dublin

Established: 1592


University of Limerick

Established: 1 January 1972




Trinity College builds on its four-hundred-year-old tradition of scholarship to confirm its position as one of the great universities of the world, providing a liberal environment where independence of thought is highly valued and where staff and students are nurtured as individuals and are encouraged to achieve their full potential. The University of Dublin is one of the seven ancient universities of Britain and Ireland. It is a member of the Irish Universities Association, Universities Ireland, and the Coimbra Group.

It was established in 1972 as the National Institute for Higher Education, Limerick and became a university by statute in 1989 in accordance with the University of Limerick Act 1989.The university was the first university established since the foundation of the State in 1922. The university has currently in excess of 11,000 full-time undergraduate students and 1,500 part-time students. There are also over 800 research postgraduates and 1,300 taught postgraduate students at the university.

Dublin, Ireland




Limerick, Ireland

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Nanjing University




Peking University






Nanjing University, is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China. Following many changes through dynasties since CE 258, it was established as a modern new-type school in 1902 in the end period of Qing Dynasty, and became a modern university in the early 1920s, the early years of Republic of China, and is the first Chinese modern university with the combination of education and research.

It is a major Chinese research university located in Beijing, and a member of the C9 League. Today, Peking University is frequently placed as one of the best universities in China by many domestic and international rankings. In addition to academics, Peking University is especially renowned for its campus grounds, and the beauty of its traditional Chinese architecture.

Nanjing, Jiangsu, Republic of China

Haidian District, Beijing,China

University of Science and Technology of China Established:



Tsinghua University

Established: 1911




The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is a national research university and is a member of the C9 League formed by nine top universities in China. The inception and mission of USTC was in response to the urgent need for the national economy, defense construction, and education in science and technology. It has been featured by its competence on scientific and technological research and expanded into humanities and management with a strong scientific and engineering emphasis.

Tsinghua University is a research university and one of the nine members in the C9 League. With its motto of “Self-Discipline and Social Commitment”, Tsinghua University describes itself as being dedicated to academic excellence, the well-being of Chinese society and to global development.It has been consistently regarded by most domestic and international university rankings as one of the top higher learning institutions in mainland China.

Hefei, Anhui, China

Beijing, China

University of Calcutta

Established: 1857


University of Delhi

Established: 1922




By foundation date, it is the first institution in South Asia to be established as a multidisciplinary and secular Western style university. Within India it is recognized as a Five Star University and a Centre with Potential for Excellence by the University Grants Commission and the National Assessment and Accreditation Council.

The University of Delhi is the premier university of the country and is known for its high standards in teaching and research and attracts eminent scholars to its faculty. It was established in 1922 as a unitary, teaching and residential university by an Act of the Central Legislative Assembly. The University has grown into one of the largest universities in India. At present, there are 16 faculties, 86 academic departments, 77 colleges and 5 other recognized institutes spread all over the city.

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Delhi, India

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Ural Federal University




Bauman Moscow State Technical University Established: 1830



The Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin is one of the leading educational institutions in the Ural region. Ural Federal University acts as a research and innovation center of the Ural region, has close cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences. Training of students is carried out in three main directions and 67 academic majors.

The Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a public technical university and it is always ranked the first among Russian engineering education institutions. BMSTU has 19 departments providing full-time education. University provides postgraduate and doctorate programs and has two affiliated secondary schools. More than 19,000 students study in BMSTU, and specialties cover all range of modern machine and instrument building. More than 320 doctors of science and 2000 candidates of science teach and do research in BMSTU. Main parts of the University are eight scientific and educational divisions. Each of them consists of scientific and educational branch. Several branch departments also exist, dealing with particular fields of industry. They are based on big factories and organizations, situated in Moscow, Moscow suburbs (Reutov, Krasnogorsk and Korolev) and in Kaluga. Also BMSTU has unique experience of teaching hearing-impaired students since 1934.

Yekaterinburg, Russia

Moscow, Russia

Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University Established: 1899



Saint Petersburg, Russia Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University is a major Russian technical university situated in Saint Petersburg. The university is considered to be one of the top research facilities in Russian Federation and CIS member states and is a leading educational facility in the field of applied physics and mathematics, industrial engineering, chemical engineering, aerospace engineering and many other academic disciplines.



Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Lviv Polytechnic

Established: 1844


Established: 1930




Lviv Polytechnic National University is the largest scientific university in Lviv. Since its foundation in 1844, it was one of the most important centres of science and technological development in Central Europe. In the interbellum period, the Polytechnic was one of the most important technical colleges in Poland, together with the Warsaw Polytechnic. Today the University is also the National Defense University (Military Institution).

It is one of the leading technical universities of Ukraine. The Academy consist of the Architectural Institute, the Construction Technological Institute, the Civil Engineering Institute, the Institute of Engineering and Ecological Systems and has such faculties as Building, Economics and Construction Management, the Design of Industrial and Housing Construction, Hydro-technical and Transport Construction, the Centre of Post – Diploma Education, the Centre of specialists training for foreign countries, the centre of Pre – Academic Education that train specialists in such specialties as Painting, the Economy of Business, Marketing, Management, Building, Architecture, Hydro – techniques (Water – Supply), Geodesy, Card – Graphics and Land Cadastre.

Lviv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Established: 1898



Kiev, Ukraine Today the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” is the largest technical university of Ukraine research type universities, one of the leading universities in Europe and world. It has about 30,000 students, including foreign students. It consists of 30 teaching and research departments (9 institutes and 19 departments), 8 scientific research centers, 12 research institutes, 14 research centers and 1 design bureau. In January 2012 Webometrics Ranking KPI made it into top 1,000 – taking 957th place out of 20,300 universities.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Adamawa State University P.M.B. 25, Mubi, Nigeria Phone: +2348037013774 Email: Website:

Adamawa State University was established in 2001 by an act of State legislature. Academic activities commenced in 2002/2003 academic session with three academic Faculties, ten Departments and a School of Foundation and General Studies. At inception the Faculties were: Agriculture, Science, and Social and Management Sciences, while the Departments were; Animal Production and Aquaculture, Crop Production, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Science Education, Business Studies and Public Administration. Currently there are 17 Departments offering 24 programmes, a Postgraduate School, and a School for Remedial and Basic Studies

Prof. Alkasum Abba Vice Chancellor

Ardahan University Atatürk Street No:74 Centre / Ardahan 75000, Turkey Phone: +90 478 211 50 00 Fax: +90 478 211 44 91 Email: Website: www.

Ardahan University took the first step toward being a worldwide university when it was founded with the assistance of Law 5765 of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, on 22nd May 2008. It continues to develop and improve day by day in science and knowledge, searching for information, learning, producing and sharing, aiming to solve not only the region’s and country’s problems, but also shine a light on international problems. As a state university, our institution is a non-profit institution. Founded five years ago, our university is founded and governed by the Caucasus University Association, an international educational and scientific body with 42 member universities from eight countries. It has organised several international and national cultural, scientific and sporting events. It has broadened its education to include foreign students from more than 20 different countries with no official fees paid.

Ramazan KORKMAZ Ph.D., Rector 180

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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Akhbar El-Yom Academy 6 of October City – 4th Industrial Zone, Giza, Egypt Phone: +202 38347120 Fax: 202 38334811 Email: Website:

Akhbar El Yom Academy aims at offering distinguished education and contributing to producing, developing and spreading knowledge; in addition to training scientific personnel capable of achieving the development goals and fulfilling the needs of Egyptian and Arab society. The Academy has concluded a number of agreements for scientific and cultural cooperation and has succeeded in equating the academic degrees with the degrees granted by the University of New Brunswick (Canada) and the University of North Umbria In England as well as the University of ULUM in Italy. This has helped to achieve international recognition for the benefit of the Academy graduates. The Academy includes Electronic Engineering department, Journalism Department, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science Department. The Academy under supervision of the government, that grand certificates approved from minister of higher education

Ahmed Zaki Badr Professor, Computer & Systems Engineering, Former Minister of Education, Egypt Position President of Academy

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Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Amity University H.O. E-27 Defence Colony, New Delhi – 110024, India Phone : +91-11-41888000 Fax : +91-11-24339100 Email: Website :


Amity University, India’s top-ranked non-profit Private University is part of India’s leading education group with 100,000 students 17 schools & pre-schools, 150+ institutions and campuses also in London, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, New York, California, Mauritius, China and South Africa. Amity University and its Institutions in Management, Biotechnology, Engineering, Telecom, Law, Hospitality, Fashion, Mass Comm and Insurance are continuously ranked amongst the top by prestigious surveys. Amity University has been awarded the highest ‘A’ rating by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC), IET (UK) Accreditation for B.Tech programmes, and ACBSP (USA) Accreditation for its Management programmes.

Mr. Atul Chauhan Chancellor

The Amity faculty has the unique distinction of filing 520 patents and developing over 700 mgmt. casestudies, bought across 47 countries. They are also carrying out over 300 sponsored research projects for leading Government bodies. Amity also has collaborations with over 80 global universities and labs. Amity is one of the few Universities in India to offer students a choice of over 250 Degree programmes across 50 diverse disciplines from Anthropology to Virology, besides future focussed areas like Renewable Energy, Nuclear Science and Nanotechnology. In the last years, 47,000 Amity students have got on-campus placements in top corporates and leading Government.


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Apollonia University of IASI Muzicii Street, No.2, Iasi, Romania Phone: +40232 210 310 Fax: +40232 210 310 Email: Website:

`Apollonia` University as an institution of higher education and Scientific research that operates under the Romanian Constitution and legislation in education is working in full autonomy and academic freedom and operates under responsibility and public liability for the education offered. The mission that `Apollonia` University assumes as sized on three main areas: culture, education and formative. Through cultural component, the university is committed to promote science in the spirit of democracy, academic freedom and integration in the international scientific community. Education department engages university through its structural components (Faculty of Medical Dentistry contains Medical Dentistry, Dental Technique, Balneophysiokinetotherapy and Recovery, General Nursing study programs and Faculty of Communication Science consists Journalism, Communication and Public Relations study programmes). The University also provides 2 research institutes (`Ioan Haulica` and Modern Languages Institute). Apollonia University offers a practical training platform and a clinical training platform. All these structural components provide academic facilities in order to satisfy a wide range of educational requirements. Formative side insists on creating elite specialists, active citizens, responsible and tolerant, to the quality of the knowledge-based society, culture and continuing education.

Vasile Burlui Professor, PhD, President

Apollonia University was founded in February 1990, going through several steps in accordance with law 88/1990 on accreditation of higher education institution. -In 1990-1991 school years, according to the law 54/1990 and the approval of the Ministry of National Education, no.82799/18 July 1990, in the Apollonia University of IASI began operating the Faculty of Medical Dentistry, University College af Dental Technology and University College of nurses. -By Law 481 of 11 July 2002 was accredited the Faculty of Medical Dentistry – dental studies program; institutional accreditation. -By G.D. no. 966 of 29 September 2011 it is settled the structure of Faculty of Medical Dentistry: Medical Dentistry, Dental Technique, General Nursing, Balneokinetotherapy, Balneophysiokinetotherapy and Recovery and the Faculty of Communication Sciences including Communication and Public Relations, Journalism. Apollonia Universities shares `The Lima Declaration on Academic Freedom and Autonomy of Institutions of Higher education`(1988), `The Magna Charta of European Universities` (Bologna, 1988) and `Academic Freedom and University Autonomy` (Sinaia,1992) and adhere to university organizations that recognize these documents.

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A’ Sharqiyah University c/o A’ Sharqiyah University PO Box 42, 000400, Sultanate of Oman Phone: +96825560700 Email: Website:

A’ Sharqiyah University (ASU) is a private University located in Ibra, in the Governorate of Northern A’ Sharqiyah region, in the Sultanate of Oman, and was established by Ministerial Decision (78/2009) issued in 2009 by the Ministry of Higher Education. A’ Sharqiyah University is comprised of three Colleges, Business Administration, Engineering and Applied Sciences

Goals and Objectives:

· Promulgating high quality and modern knowledge and the consolidation of life-long learning skills which not only implant ability to learn in learners, but make them fond of learning.

Abood Al Sawafi PhD, Vice Chancellor

· Creating an educated society which is characterized by academic excellence, thinking originality, practical implementation of knowledge and civilized behavior. The University aims, in the same time, at the continuous development of academic programs and activities to assure the sustainability of excellence that enables it to compete. · Producing knowledge of an international standard through academic and scientific research based on commitment to the highest ethical criteria. Encouraging researches and consultative studies relevant to the needs of local communities which directly contribute to economic and social development and meet the requirements of the market in both public and private sectors. · Preparing students to join labor markets or postgraduate study programs from several locations and through various techniques to meet economic and social needs which witness continuous variations in the Sultanate of Oman, the Arab region and other parts of the world. · Realizing fame and reputation for the University based on academic excellence, autonomy and commitment to its principles through the achievement of its graduates and their integrity and devotion. Attracting distinguished teaching and administrative staff who work through close follow up and continuous guidance to students to inspire them to achieve the highest possible level of achievements. · Strengthening relationship with the society through propagation of knowledge, continuous learning programs and training as well as cultural and social activities. · Cooperating with the local, regional and international academic societies to exchange experiences and to enrich knowledge, thought and culture.

Colleges and Programs:

The University started with three colleges, namely, College of Business Administration, College of Engineering, and College of Applied Sciences. The University future plan is to open another two colleges: the College of Medicine and Health Sciences and the College of Graduate studies.


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Baku State University Academic Zahid Khalilov street, 23,Baku city, AZ-1073/1, Azerbaijan Republic Phone: (+99412) 439 08 58, (+99412) 439 05 17 Fax: (+99412) 598 33 76 E-mail:

History The decision on foundation of university in Baku and the acceptance of its statutes was made on 01 September 1919 during the assembly of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s Parliament – there was created a new educational center where Europe and Asia jointed. The University started its 1st educational year with two faculties – faculty of philology and medical faculty and with 1094 students. The 1st rector was the professor of the Kazan University, well known surgeon V.I. Razumovski. The leading teachers of the University in 1920-30 were the genius Azerbaijani writer Abdurrahim bek Haqverdiyev, well known orientalist – Profesor P. K. Juze, Proffesor A. O. Makovelski, Professor A. O. Mishel and other well known scientists. During that period the administration of the university invited to Baku such teachers as N. Y. Marr, V. V. Bartold, the academician of the Eastern Science Academy Fuad bek Kuprulluzade. The well known fellow countryman, laureate of the Nobel award L. D. Landau was studying at the university in 1922-24.

Mr. Abel Maharramow Rector

In 1930 the university was liquidated according to the decision made by Council of the People’s Commissar on reorganization and instead there was created High Pedagogical Institute. Only in 1943 the State University resumed its activity and very soon became Republic’s scientific-pedagogical center. Despite the great shortage of university teachers due to the fact that most of teachers went to Second World War, University managed to keep its leading position. In 1945 the teachers of the University took active part in foundation of The Azerbaijan Academy of Science. Most of the University’s functioning in the Republic, such as Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan University of Economy, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and others were founded on the basis of our University. The years following after the year 1969 can be considered as the years of development in the direction of knowledge and science. This is related with the coming of the world known graduate of the university Heydar Aliyev to the governing of the Azerbaijan. Covering the wide historical period of time, during those years there were founded faculties on modern specialties, departments and about 30 scientific research laboratories started their activity. As a result there was created a strong assurance of future development.

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Kazakh-Russian International University 52, Aiteke bi Str., Aktobe, 030006, Republic of Kazakhstan Phone: +7 713 221 73 65 Fax: +7 713 221 29 98 Email: Website:

Kazakh-Russian International University was found in 1994. It got its name owing to the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev.

Today KRIU is an innovative higher education institution with excellent infrastructure and interactive equipment: · Laboratory of perfect management;

· Laboratory-simulator “Teaching Management Centre” based on neuro-linguistic programming; · Multimedia laboratory for translation from foreign languages; · Laboratory of Chemistry, Ecology and Life Safety Fundamentals;

Temerkhan Berdimuratov

· Russian Centre;Health centre;Library;Café-canteen;Hostel;Gym and swimming pool. KRIU actively takes part in integration into international educational and scientific area; takes care of students and faculty creating favorable conditions for their learning and teaching.

Prof, Dr, President

KIIT University (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology) Chintan Building, Campus-4, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar - 751024, India Phone: +91 674 2725 113 Fax: ++91 674 2725 113 Email: Website:

Dr. Sasmita Samanta

KIIT was established in 1992 as an Industrial Training Institute with only 12 students and 2 faculties. Now KIIT is an accredited institute having more than 20,000 students into its various distinct streams. Each academic program is functioning in different independent campuses. The university has signed several memorandums with foreign and national institutes of excellences. KIIT also became the youngest member of Association of Commonwealth Universities.The University offers under-graduate and post-graduate courses in Engineering, Bio-technology, Medicine, Management, Law, Computer application, Rural management, Fashion, Film Studies, Journalism and Sculpturing.KIIT has the distinction of becoming the youngest institute ever in the country to be declared a Deemed University by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. All the academic programmes are accredited by NAAC of UGC and NBA of AICTE, which are benchmarks of excellence. KIIT has a Research and Development wing headed by a Director along with other qualified faculty members who collaborate with various Research Organizations. Thrust of the R & D Wing of KIIT University is interdisciplinary research through multidisciplinary interactions. The vision is to unleash creative thinking and enable KIIT University to become a well-known technological university for research and development as well as for post-graduate education and doctoral research.

Registrar 186

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Caledonian College of Engineering P O Box 2322, CPO Seeb 111, Sultanate of Oman Phone: +968 24536165 Fax: +968 24535675 Email: Website:

Now Caledonian College of Engineering (CCE) is the leading private higher education institution providing high quality technological education for the Sultanate of Oman and the region in general. The college has affiliations with Glasgow Caledonian University in the UK and collaboration with Vellore Institute of Technology University in India and has produced over 1,500 diplomates and over 2,500 graduates since its inception in 1996. Today, CCE is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious private academic institutions in the country with a student population of around 3,000 and over 300 academic, support and administrative staff. CCE is categorised as a ‘university college’. Over the years the Caledonian has become a hallmark of quality learning and teaching in the Sultanate, taking an innovative approach to programme design and to the delivery of programme materials. Modern facilities, including wi-fi, smartboards and new laboratories, together with an emphasis on independent learning, allow for a variety of teaching and learning methodologies in the classroom and also enable learning to take place off-campus.

Ahmed Hassan Al Bulushi Dr., Dean

Graduates of the college enjoy a high record of employability due to quality programmes that fully conform to the Oman Qualifications Framework. All CCE programmes meet international standards as prescribed by agencies such as the Quality Assurance Agency, UK and the All India Council for Technical Education.

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Cempaka International Ladies College Persiaran Timur 1, Bandar Enstek, 71760 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Phone: +603 90768400 Fax: +603 90761329

The first Cempaka School was founded in 1983, three decades ago, in a rented bungalow near the Royal Selangor Golf Club, in Kuala Lumpur, by Freida Pilus, mother of three little boys at that time. She wanted the best possible education for them, in line with her vision of a fine school. She established a new platform for private school education in Malaysia. She began an unknown school with half dozen teachers, a few dozen students, and a rented bungalow. Today, three decades later, name ‘Cempaka’ echoes quality private education, here and internationally, with four hundred teachers, and a total enrolment of three thousand students spread over three locations, and managing a private school owned by the Malaysian central bank. Cempaka International Ladies’ College is the fifth Cempaka School, and the first private all-girls’ boarding school in Malaysia.

Freida Pilus

Located on a 35-acre site just thirty minutes from the Kuala Lumpur International airport, CILC is a haven of learning in the bucolic Enstek Park. It is unrivalled in the country for academic, co-curricular, and sporting facilities, from an Olympic size swimming pool, to its art, music and dance studios.

Founder/Mentor of Cempaka Schools, Principal

Coimbatore Institute of Technology Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore, India Phone : +91 422 2574071, Fax : +91 422 2575020 Email : Website:

The V. Rangasamy Naidu Educational Trust devoted to the cause of promoting technical and scientific literacy, established Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT) in 1956. CIT is one of the most reputed and prestigious educational institutions in South India since 1956. The Institute backed by World Class research and development attained autonomous status in 1987 and is affiliated to the Anna University of Technology. The Institute boasts of strong academic-industrial interaction and a high quality of research and consultancy. CIT, managed by a pedigreed lineage for the past 50 years, enjoys national repute. The Institute has the services of competent qualified faculty, and visionary management to enhance the quality of education at all levels and maintain its position in emerging global scenario.

Campus and Infrastructure

Dr. S.R.K Prasad Chairman 188

All the departments are well staffed and well equipped to meet the needs of latest technological trends and International standards.The total campus area is 25.4 hectares. The red buildings in the campus houses Laboratories for various departments. CIT has 40,000sq.m. of built up area for academic and administration purposes and all facilities for most of the sports and games. There are currently around 3000 students pursuing their technical education. There is a separate library block, state of the art auditorium, a guest house, a canteen, hostel blocks, gymnasium, sports, recreational facilities and a bank.

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Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP) Hindi Bhawan 800001 Patna India Phone: +91 612 2200489 Mobile: +91 9334832745 Fax: +91 612 2231878 Email:, Website: Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna (CIMP) was established in year 2008 as an autonomous institution with active support from the Government of Bihar (India). It was established with an objective of contributing substantially to the academic and development credentials of Bihar, while fulfilling the primary role of training students to become professional managers. The reputation of the institute is a fact that stands substantiated by its achievements and accolades, rankings and performance. CIMP has settled for nothing less than quintessential and outstanding performance in all verticals -academics, research and placement. Within five years of its inception, the institution has scaled glorious heights and created new benchmarks. In all passing out batches every student got excellent job opportunities.

Dr. Vellu Pillai Mukunda Das

College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 7th Central Street, Defence Housing Authority, Phase 075500 Pakistan Phone: +923072222533 / 922135887111 Fax: +922135893062 Email: Website:

The College is a unique postgraduate medical institution in Asia. Founded Fifty-One Years ago, it has the objective of promoting specialist medical practice; arrange postgraduate medical training and research and advance the high principles of medical profession. The institution has grown to be the one awarding about 1000 Fellowships in 64 specialties / sub-specialties and Membership in 19 disciplines, in 2006. The College has attained high standards of learning, training, research facilities and of assessment for its Fellowships and diploma programs with international recognition. CPSP is perpetually in the pursuit of excellence and it ceaselessly strives to develop and maintain its academic standards at the highest level. Its faculty is drawn from amongst the most eminent professors and distinguished specialists of various fields of medicine and surgery. CPSP has set standards for the trainees who help attain perfection and expertise in the field of their specialty.

Zafar Ullah Chaudhry Prof., President

CPSP, through improved programs of monitoring and IMM, regularly helps the candidates to improve their attainments and invites, highly qualified and experienced, medical educationists and experts to conduct various courses, imparts training and skills necessary for higher medical education programs. The assessment of training is finally conducted through a candidate friendly system of examinations, supervised by the elite of the medical profession in the Country and from abroad.

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Gauhati University Gopinath Bardoloi Nagar, Jalukbari, Guwahati, 781014, India Phone: +91 9435050159; +91 0361-2570412 Fax: +91 0361-2700311,+ 91 0361-2675515 Email:, Website:

Over the years and across the decades since its existence, Gauhati University has emerged as a symbol of integration, it has offered opportunities of Higher Study to students from the ethnically and culturally diverse mosaic of communities of the North East.

Resources of the University:

· 41 academic departments within 7 faculties and a Law College inside the campus · A faculty strength of 290 full-time and 102 guest faculty · Fully equipped laboratory facilities in all the science departments · A Central Library with over 3 lakhs of books, periodicals, journals etc.

Mridul Hazarika Vice-Chancellor

· A sprawling botanical garden with rare flora · An Astronomical Observatory · Various Research Centres · 20 residential hostels for both and girls · An Auditorium with seating capacity for 2000 persons · A Guest House and Hospital with resident doctors

In addition to the forty-one academic departments, the University has other academic units: · The UGC Academic Staff College

· The Institute of Distance and Open Learning · The Pre Examination Training Centre · The Extension Education Centre · The Internal Quality Assurance Cell In response to the changing perceptions of needs and expectations of society, Gauhati University has introduced a range of programmes of study. In addition to the traditional emphasis on the pursuit of original knowledge within the higher education system, many of the new programmes introduced have a more practical, technological as well as professional orientation.


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Great Zimbabwe University P.O. Box 1235 Masvingo, Zimbabwe Phone: +26339266666 Fax: +26339266650 Email: Website:

The Great Zimbabwe University, then known as Masvingo State University, was established in 1995. Today University has bachelor and master programmes at the following faculties: Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Culture and Heritage Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences. Great Zimbabwe University with the thrust that it has taken of a Multi Campus Approach, a system which is the norm regionally and internationally has come up with various campuses which include the Mucheke, City, Mashava and the Main Campus. The Research and Post Graduate Studies Office was established at Great Zimbabwe University to contribute towards the fulfillment of the University’s vision, mission and Strategic Plan Objectives. It seeks to realize its mandate by cocoordinating and administering all research, and implementing an integrated post graduate training system.

Zvobgo Rungno Jonas Vice Chancellor, B.A. Hons, M.A., M.Phil and PhD

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INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE EDUCATIONAL CENTRE (LSIPEC) of the UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences Acharian 31, Avan, Yerevan 0040, Republic of Armenia Phone: +374 10612461 Fax: +374 10624170 Email:, Website:

Member of:

· International Society of Invertebrate Neurobiology (ISIN) · European Society for Neurochemistry (ESN) · International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) · International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) · Bio-electromagnetic Society (BEMS) · Armenian Biophysical Society

Sinerik N. Ayrapetyan Prof., President

· Member of the Board of Associate Editors for the Journal: “Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine” · Associate Editor for Biomedical Research of “Journal of Inernational Dental and Medical Research”

Editorial Board:

· Member of Editorial Board of “ISRN Biophysics”. · Member of Editorial Board of “Advances in Life Sciences”. · Member of Editorial board of Journal of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence. · Member of Editorial Board of “Journal of Applied Pharmacy”. · Member of Editorial Board of “European Journal of Biophysics”. · Member of Editorial Board of “BBA General Subjects”. Background of the organization: In 1999 the Biophysics Center of Armenian NAS received the status of UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences and was reorganized in Life Sciences International Educational Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA. The purpose of the Chair is to promote cooperative research, advanced training and exchange of information in neurosciences, biophysics, medical genetics, environmental sciences, algology, biotechnology and pharmacology in Armenia and other countries of the region to facilitate the collaboration between highlevel, internationally recognized researchers and the local scientific community. In collaboration with different international organizations the Chair is organizing regular International UNESCO Seminars on modern problems of Life Sciences with participation of leading scientists from different countries. The Chair is carrying out bi-sided and multisided international research projects with some FSU countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus) in framework of ISTC, EOARD, CRDF, INTAS, FAO and other Programs.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Benson Idahosa University University Way, Ugbor, Off Upper Adesuwa, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria Phone: +2347038338889 Email: Website:

Welcome to Benson Idahosa University, a Private Christian university located in Benin City, Nigeria. Designated as one of the top-private universities in Nigeria, Benson Idahosa University continues to enhance the state, the nation and the world through its human development capacities. This is geared towards a comprehensive economic development program, training, and Research and Development initiatives. We value our alumni and friends, Church of God Mission International, our student entrepreneurs, inventors, and Leaders who help to make us great. We have assembled some of the best students in the nation for training and mentoring by world-class staff using state-of-the-art classrooms. Beside air-conditioned classrooms, Benson Idahosa University also provides state-of-the-art laboratories to conduct cutting-edge research to re-enforce materials presented in the classrooms.

Prof. Ernest B. Izevbigie

We welcome and greatly accept the challenge and opportunity of producing quality leaders who are complete in body, mind and spirit to change Nigeria for the better.

Vice Chancellor

Harare Institute of Technology P. O. Box BE 277, Belvedere, Harare Zimbabwe Phone: +263 4 741 422-36 Fax: +263 4 741 406 Email: Website:

Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) was granted degree awarding status in 2005 with the promulgation of the Harare Institute of Technology Act {Chapter 25:26}. Harare Institute of Technology is the hub of technology development and delivery of quality technology programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. HIT is Zimbabwe’s most energetic and responsive institute offering unparalleled educational opportunities for those seeking highest quality undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous professional development. It is at the forefront of growing Zimbabwe’s industrial base and natural resources beneficiation. HIT was established in 1988 as a National Vocational Training Centre (NVTC). Overtime, it evolved into a Technical College offering courses in automotive, electrical, and mechanical engineering, producing artisans capable of operating and maintaining machinery in industry with little or no research or generation of new technology related knowledge.

Quinton C. Kanhukamwe Vice Chancellor

HIT conducts research, design, manufacture, develop, incubate, transfer, and commercialise technology for all sectors of the economy. Harare Institute of Technology produces highly qualified technical human capital that is creativity driven, project oriented, understand all stages of invention including idea generation and development and have the ability, stamina and courage to set up high-tech enterprises.

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Lomonosov Moscow State University Leninskie Gory, 1, bld.2, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119991 Phone: +749 59391000 Fax: +749 59390126 Email: Website:

MSU is a major traditional educational institution in Russia. Its undergraduates may choose one of 128 qualifications in its 39 faculties, while post-graduate students may specialize in 18 branches of science and humanities and in 168 different areas. The total number of MSU students exceeds 40,000; besides, about 10,000 high school students attend various clubs and courses at MSU. Various kinds of academic courses and research work are conducted at MSU Museums, affiliated subdivisions in various locations in Russia, on board scientific ships etc. MSU is a centre of research science famous for its major scientific schools. There have been 11 Nobel Prize winners among its professors and alumni, out of 18 Russians who have received the prestigious prize so far. Many more MSU scientists have been awarded various.

Prof. Victor Sadovnichy Doctor, Rector

Among those who teach and do research at MSU there are 2,500 higher doctoral degree holders and almost 6,000 holders of candidate degrees, the total number of professors and instructors being about 5,000; there are over 300 full members and correspondent members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies. About 4,500 scientists and scholars are currently involved in 350 research projects in various fields. Besides its 39 faculties, Moscow University comprises 15 research institutes, 4 museums, 6 local branches in Russia and abroad, about 380 departments, the Science Park, the Botanical Gardens, The Library, the University Publishing House and a printing shop, a recreational centre and a boarding school for talented children. A number of new faculties, departments and research laboratories have been recently established, new academic programs are being continuously introduced together with new curricula; there are over 140 distance learning programs. Research has recently started in 30 new interdisciplinary areas. Nowadays, as it has done throughout its history, the University retains its role of a major center of learning and research as well as an important cultural center. Its academics and students follow the long-standing traditions of the highest academic standards and democratic ideals.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Universiti Malaysia Perlis 11th Floor KWSP Building, 01000 Kangar Perlis Malaysia Phone: +604 979 80 08 Fax: +604 977 84 22 Email: Website:

Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) is located in northern part of Peninsular Malaysia and has proven to be the choice of more than 10,000 students and staff as their higher education destination in Malaysia. It hosted international students and staff from more than 24 countries worldwide. Since its establishment in year 2002, the University gathered prominent academicians, researchers, administrators, students, artists and sportsmen in various platforms such as, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, cultural performances, sports tournaments and high impact visits. UniMAP was the first university in Malaysia selected to host Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF) 2013, 20th Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS) Conference, Asian University Woodball Championship 2013 and World University Woodball Championship 2014. Academic reputation agenda drives UniMAP towards active collaboration in organising prestigious events including QS In Conversation (2014), 12th QS- APPLE Conference (2016) and 7th QS- MAPLE Conference (2017).

Kamarudin Hussin Vice Chancellor

University of Namibia (UNAM) Private Bag 13301, 340 Mandume Ndemufayo Ave, Pionierspark, Windhoek, Namibia Phone: +264-61 206 3111 Email: Website:

The University of Namibia’s education and training as well as research and development programmes have been designed to meet national and international, human resource requirements. This is done through quality teaching, research, consultancy and community service. Located in the heart of the Namibian capital Windhoek, the University of Namibia is the largest tertiary institution in Namibia. It houses 8 faculties namely: Health Sciences (consisting of the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing and Public Health), Law, Humanities & Social Sciences, Economics & Management Science, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Science, Engineering and Information Technology and Education. The faculties offer a wide range of diploma, degree and postgraduate courses. Through competent and dedicated staff and quality infrastructure, the University has continued to contribute significantly to national and international knowledge.

Prof. Lazarus Hangula Vice-Chancellor

The University continues to concentrate on key objectives of enabling students to reach their optimum levels of academic performance and improvement with respect to independent thinking and practical learning, communications skills, knowledge, networking for problem solving and trans-disciplinary approaches, research capabilities, publications and writing skills. The University’s graduate employment record continues to be encouraging. The University of Namibia cherishes diversity and encourages multiculturalism. Against this background, we welcome international students from all over the world.

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University of Security Management in Kosice Kukučínova 17 040 01 Košice Slovak Republic Phone: + 421 (0) 55 677 33 11 Fax: + 421 (0) 55 72 010 71 Email: Website:

The University of Security Management in Košice (hereinafter USM Košice) was established in 2006, but its foundations and focus of the study were laid in 2001. It was connected with establishment of the detached office Faculty of Special Engineering, the University of Žilina in Košice. In the contrast to other private universities was the establishment of the university laid on five years experience of detached office in Košice and Faculty of Special Engineering, the University of Žilina Educational and scientific potential which was created during the development of the security management on Faculty of Special Engineering and its detached office in Košice significantly helped to develop and formed the USM Košice.

Dr.Sc., Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Marian Mesaros Rector

Scientific and technical cooperation between the Faculty of Special Engineering, the University of Žilina and the USM Košice is socially necessary and beneficial for the development of crime prevention in all areas such as: the management of security systems, the economic security, the security of information and communication technologies, the safety in transport and transport infrastructure and the environmental security. Nowadays the USM Košice organizes the university education in the study programme “Management of Security Systems” and field of study “Protection of Persons and Property” for the 1st level of university education (Bc.) and 2nd level of university education (Ing.). The University has approximately 3,000 students in each academic year. The main aim of the USM Košice is to provide the university education in area theoretical and practical knowledge of the crime (mainly on the issue of the reasons and consequences for the individual and society as a whole). The study is for members of the Police of SR, the Custom Administration, the Public Administration, The Private Security Services, The Armed Forces of SR, but also for everybody who is interested in studying the security of citizens and their economic activities, in the area of the environmental security, the information and communication security and the safety of transport infrastructure. Currently, the field of study “Protection of Persons and Property” is accepted by the Ministry of Interior and a great number of students are from the Police Force. However, the USM Košice provides wider possibilities to applied knowledge in everyday life, business, of security systems development, personal but also in business life in the contrast with the university education at the Police Academy. The strategic aim of the USM in the area of education is to provide the university education in all three levels. The USM is incorporated to the group of universities with name “the non-faculty university”. The organizational structure is divided into the Rector, the Bursar, five institutes, but one of them (the Institute Humanitarian and Technological Sciences) has five departments. A separate organizational unit is the academic library and the Department of Science, Research and Foreign intercommunications. Institutes are located in separate blocks of learning, while importance in the establishment of institutes was put on absolute autonomy, infrastructure, input and output blocks to school. This solution is focused on the university education and everyday student life in the spirit of internal order the USM Košice and targeted promotion of preparing students for their future careers. The USM Košice has involved in scientific and research activity based on basic and applied research since 2006. The USM Košice considers research and development activities for its primary and permanent role. Scientific and research projects are focused through the security management on all


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

specific areas of human life and existence. The dominant feature of these projects is the protection of people and property oriented in the field of security of the environment, the economy, the transport and the transport infrastructure, the logistics, the information systems and the industry. Specific projects in specific areas carry criminalistics and criminology related mainly to crime prevention. Scientific research projects of basic and applied research are solved at the national and international level. The USM Košice creates sufficient material, quality and technical basis in the form of research and technical laboratories with equivalent instrument park for successful solving of scientific research projects. The USM Košice was solving during the last six years scientific research projects under the guarantee of their own academic staff in corporation with more academic and research institutions, government organizations but also with private companies and companies from practice. In the process of the transfer of scientific knowledge from the research activities the university focused on their practical application in practice of many businesses, the Government Entities and State Authorities, especially the Police of SR at almost all levels of management. Outputs of several scientific research projects mainly of applied character helped to solve a crime prevention offending people especially the youth, in many aspects helped to increase safety in transport and transport infrastructure, security in logistics and environmental information systems.

International University Travnik Bunar bb, Dolac 72 270 Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: + 387 30 540 586 / +387 30 509 682 Fax: +387 30 540 587 Email: Website:

International University Travnik is a public, independent and autonomous high education institution. Founder and Rector of the University is Academic Prof. dr Ibrahim Jusufranić. Foreground task of this institution is striving for comprehensive systematic and scientifically based world image and human position in it through unification of educational and scientific-research methods and procedures. University is dating from 2006 with the establishment of the Faculty of Economic and technical logistics. Today International University Travnik contains six faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Faculty of Ecology Study, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Media and Communications and Faculty of Polytechnics Science.

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jusufranic

Implementing academic and professional programs in various scientific areas and spheres, this university respects, enriches and affirms the highest education standards – learning, evaluation and knowledge applying. Modern-based and always open for new ideas, the educational and scientific programs of the university need to be powerful instruments of communication and interaction with other educational institutions.

Rector Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Siva Sivani Institute of Management Kompally, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500014, India Phone: +919866509434, + 9140-65457236/65457237 Fax: + 91 40-27165452 Email:, Website:

Siva Sivani Institute of Management (SSIM) is promoted by the Siva Sivani Group of Educational Institutions, which has been running the prestigious and internationally renowned Siva Sivani Public Schools for more than five decades. SSIM started functioning as an autonomous institute in 1992 . Since its inception SSIM has a rich tradition of pursuing academic excellence and overall personal growth. This is achieved by conducting regular examinations, providing excellent infrastructure and above all, the presence of dedicated and highly qualified faculty members, who strive in ensuring the all round development of the future business leaders. SSIM is consistently working on its courses to offer the latest and most effective approach towards imparting education. SSIM is consistently ranked amongst the top B-Schools in the country and occupies a place of prominence in the national scene with students from across the length and breadth of the country, showcasing a mini India on the campus.

Smt Aarathy Sampathy President and Chief Executive


The pedagogy at SSIM is in tune with the latest practices in the world. There is a heavy emphasis on self learning and the strong team of highly experienced faculty plays the role of facilitators. Placements department at SSIM has a strong team of personnel and has been successful in achieving the consistent track record of 100 percent placements. SSIM has tied up with lot of foreign universities in USA, UK, UAE and Australia to bring international, qualitative and affordable education to Indian students and corporate executives.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Takoradi Polytechnic P. O. Box 256, West Africa, Takoradi, Ghana Phone: + 233312022436, +233247254602 Email: Website:

Takoradi Polytechnic was established as Government Technical Institute in 1954. In 1965, it was upgraded to a second cycle institution. For almost forty (40) years, the institution operated under the administration of the Ghana Education Service. During that period, it offered programmes mainly at the Craft and Technician Certificate levels in commercial and technical subjects. As part of the Ghana Educational Reforms which began in the late 1980s, Takoradi Polytechnic was upgraded by the Polytechnic Law 1992 (PNDCL 321) as amended by the Polytechnics Act 2007, (745) to become part of the Ghana Tertiary Education System. Takoradi Polytechnic began to offer Higher National Diploma programmes in the 1992/93 academic year. Currently, the Takoradi Polytechnic has two campuses at Effia (Takoradi) and Butumagyebu (Sekondi). The Takoradi campus is the main campus and houses the Central Administration, Degree Programmes, the Schools of Applied Arts, Applied Science and Engineering while the School of Business Studies is situated at the Sekondi campus.

Prof. Daniel Adjepong Nyarko Rector

Scientific-Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and Ecology Prof. Apsalikov Kazbek Doctor of Medicine

258, Gagarin Str Semey, 071400 Republic of Kazakhstan Phone / fax: 8 (7222) 54-63-49 Email: Scientific-Research Institute for Radiation Medicine and Ecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in 1991 on the basis of Antibrucellar Dispensary №4 of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, which was operating as classified Top Secret. The main activity of the Institute is implementation of state policy in the field of radiation medicine and ecology, reconstruction of effective doses of radiation, estimation of medical and social losses as a result of nuclear weapon tests, estimation of genetic effects of radiation, medical rehabilitation of radiation-exposed population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Director of the institute is Kazbek Apsalikov doctor of medical sciences, professor, author of over 200 scientific works of national and international significance.

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Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Technical Trainers College (managed bei GIZ) P.O. Box 2159, Riyadh 011451 Saudi Arabia Phone: + 966 5 66853750 Email: Website:

The Technical Trainers College in Riyadh (TTC) offers a three year Bachelor Degree in technical disciplines such as Mechanical Technology, Electronics and Electrical Technology and Information Technology. The program offers a new approach to the training of vocational educators combining training in the vocational discipline with vocational pedagogy. Additionally, trainees acquire their first practical experience through internships and training in Applied Vocational Pedagogy. As English is the main language of instruction during the entire Bachelor program, intensive instruction in Technical English forms an important part of the students’ education. The three-year program combines the latest vocational pedagogy training with a thorough education in a chosen technical specialization. There is a 60:40 split between theoretical and practical training. During the theoretical training, half of the time is used for pedagogy-related courses, while the other half is reserved for technical training. In order to ensure high standards of quality in vocational training, TTC cooperates with a number of leading international vocational training institutes, especially in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Werner J. Stueber

Successful graduates will receive a Bachelor of Engineering Technology.


National University - Sudan P.O.Box 3783 Khartoum, 011111 Sudan Phone: +249 912304985 Fax: +249 155775788 Email: Website:

National University - Sudan was established as a PCL shared by teachers from higher education institutions in Sudan, mainly in health sciences. Offers bachelor degrees in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, radiography, health informatics, physiotherapy, laboratory technology, nursing and midwifery, business administration, accountancy, marketing and business information systems. Offers Masters degree in Human anatomy, Industrial pharmacy and radiographic technology. Forthcoming plans of development 2013-2014: Establishing the building for the colleges of engineering for three programmes: Bachelor degrees in civil, architecture and electrical engineering. The first intake will be for the year 2014-2015. 2014-2015: Introducing three programmes: Bachelor degrees in foreign languages (English, French) diploma of ambulance and emergency care.

Prof. Qurashi M. Ali

2015-2017: Establishing a conference and exhibition centre.

Vice Chancellor 200

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Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys (UFVJM) Jeguitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys, Rod. MGT 367 km 583, nº 5000, Alto da Jacuba, Diamantina, Minas Gerias, 39100-000, Brazil Phone: +55(38) 3532-6032 Email: Website: Founded on September 30, 1953 by Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, the Federal Dentistry School of Diamantina (Fafeod) attained the level of federal school on December 17, 1960 and on October 4, 2002 became Integrated Federal Schools of Diamantina (Fafeid). It was raised to the level of Federal University of Jequitinhonha Valleys and Mucuri (UFVJM) on September 06, 2005. The UFVJM comprises three campuses. Campuses I and II are located in the city of Diamantina, in Minas Gerais (MG), and have five schools and twenty-three undergraduate courses; and the Campus of Mucuri is located in the city of Teófilo Otoni, also in Minas Gerais, and has two schools and nine undergraduate courses. Besides, the university will begin its activities in two new campuses, in the cities of Janaúba and Unaí (MG), and their activities are foreseen to start in 2014.

Prof. Dr. Pedro Angelo Almeida Abreu Rector

The area of Research and Graduate Studies of UFVJM coordinates, supervises and supports all research and graduate studies activities within the university, aiming to strengthen this area, searching to occupy a highlight position among the institutions of excellence in research in graduate education in Brazil. In the area of Outreaching, UFVJM understands the university outreaching as an educational, cultural and scientific process which articulates teaching and research in an inseparable way and enable the transformer relation between university and society, contributing to the socio-economical and and cultural development of the Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka Malaysia Phone: +606 5552008 Fax: +606 3316111 Email: Website:

Situated in the heart of the historical state and UNESCO World Heritage City of Melaka, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), the FIRST technical university in Malaysia was established on December 1, 2000. Conforming to the objective of its formation, UTeM pioneers the ‘practice and application oriented’ teaching and learning methodology, setting path for higher technical education in Malaysia. This is in accordance with the government’s call to prepare for high technical-skilled human resource needs for Malaysia’s industries. UTeM operates from the main campus and is supported by two branch campuses. With seven faculties at its helm which provide in-depth specialization in engineering, engineering technology, ICT and technology management disciplines, UTeM aspires to lead in providing high technical-skilled human resources for the development of the nation.

Professor Datuk Dr. Ahmad Yusoff bin Hassan Vice-Chancellor

The faculties at UTeM are Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, Technology Management & Technopreneurship and Engineering Technology. UTeM offers academic programmes at the Diploma, Bachelor, Master and PhD levels to local as well as international students. Over 13 years, UTeM has produced 13,120 graduates of whom 86.1% successfully secured employment within 6 months of study completion. To date, UTeM has over 10,000 students with an increasing number of international students enrolled from 22 countries including Yemen, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, UTeM also places special emphasis on student mobility programme and has since received 110 inbound students from France, Korea, Germany, Indonesia, Japan and India Research and Innovation in the areas of science and technology are pivotal to the success of the university. These two elements are the university’s vital resources and strategic investments for human capital development and capacity building. The enculturation of positive attitudes towards research and innovation through awareness, monitoring, and strategic management programmes at all levels are crucial in creating a climate for invention, innovation and technopreneurship. In line with the University’s research direction for excellence, UTeM has identified its niche in ‘Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT)’. AMT involves the use and integration of new innovative technologies to improve products and/or processes. AMT is strengthened by four focus research areas that are linked to outstanding international presence. Excellence in the focus areas identified as Green Technology, Emerging Technology, Systems Engineering and Human-Technology Interaction. With the tagline ‘Always A Pioneer, Always Ahead’, UTeM strives to forge forward in strategic knowledge and technology foresight in its quest to create future technologies and to provide leadership in technical education. UTeM is committed to contribute to the development of a Knowledge Society; a society that creates, shares and uses knowledge to improve wealth and the well-being of its people.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

University of Cоrdoba Avda. Medina Azahara, nº 5, 14071 Córdoba, Spain Phone: + +34 957 218071 Fax: +34 957 218071 Email: Website:

The UCO is heir to a century-old historical and cultural legacy as well as a passion for knowledge, tolerance, and harmony among civilizations, that have made the city that houses our institution a paradigm for humanity. This equilibrium and harmony is reflected in the three areas in which the UCO undertakes its activities: Food and Agriculture, Science and Technology; Humanities and the Legal and Social Sciences; and the Health Sciences; each with its own particular characteristics. This balance is also manifested in the quality of its teaching and research, ranking it among the top academic institutions in Spain. The UCO is one of the foremost research institutions in Spain; a distinction that will be further consolidated with the CEIA3 (Agrifood Campus of International Excellence), and the creation of the Rabanales 21 Science and Technology Park and the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research. Our university is an international leader in the agrifood field, one of the institution’s main vocations; without overlooking the importance of the humanities sector in a city that is known worldwide for its artistic and monumental heritage.

Prof. Jose Manuel Roldan Nogueras Rector

A young, dynamic university, dedicated to research and in constant evolution, the UCO is firmly committed to the problems and needs of the community at large. As a public institution, it connects closely with the society it serves, but is also dedicated to aiding other peoples and countries. The UCO also maintains strong ties with the business sector, while also structuring much of its own activity around an entrepreneurial vision. Most importantly, it is an institution that is not only committed to training qualified professionals, but to supporting and encouraging its students to grow as people and as citizens.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu Mures Gh. Marinescu 38, 540139 Romania Phone: +40-265-215551 Fax: +40-265-210407 Email: Website:

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu Mures was established in 1945. In 66 years of its existence the University has become a landmark in the Romanian medical life. Today, it is a historical witness of hard work, staff`s feverish enthusiasm in service of several generations of healthcare specialists. We are focused on achieving the main goal - to become an advanced research and education institution. Scientific research has been and still is the main objective of our University, involving the teaching staff, doctoral students, residents or students.

Our strategies have developed in the following directions:

· creation of research laboratories with advanced equipment and multiple functionality

Prof. Leonard Azamfirei Rector

· promotion of the concept of entrepreneurial initiative in research · performance appraisal in conjunction with individual results in basic and applied scientific research · emphasis of the scientific results reflected in publications, grants/ research contracts, participation in national and international scientific meetings The quality of student education is a key objective in our academic activity, starting with recruitment of high-quality students and continuing with a student-centered education approach and implementation of a lifelong-learning programme at all the levels of academic education. Support services and the comfort of students are also our priorities. The students can benefit from new lecture halls or laboratories, high standard sports facilities, dormitories, all of which are places of living and learning in a community, an impressive modern library with books, journals and a quiet space for learning.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

University of Medicine, Magway 7th Mile, Natmauk Road, Magway City, Magway Region, Myanmar Phone: +9595004548 Fax: +956325309 Email: Website:

University of Medicine Magway was established in 2001 as the fifth government medical university in Myanmar. Recognition of the University for awarding the medical degree that allows the practice of medicine in the country by the graduates of the university by the government of Myanmar was granted on December 14th, 2000. The very first classes of the university were started on May 22nd, 2001. The graduates of the university become eligible for medical licensure on November 3rd, 2007. The university was listed in the list of Avicenna Directory of Medical Schools by World Health Organization in 2011.

Prof. Dr. Win Myat Aye Rector

Started good international cooperation and collaboration with foreign universities in 2010 for the first time in years. Upgraded the infrastructure and physical campus of the university. Opened the first in-campus student hostel in Myanmar after the 88’s revolution. Started the first student service center in Myanmar. The existing curricula were reviewed, revised and updated according to the modern needs in cooperation with foreign universities. Forthcoming plans of development: to cooperate with foreign universities as well as local ones; to establish a good medical education system by changing the teaching and learning methods to be student-centered for active learning and better student engagement; to upgrade the degree offered by the University for better recognition.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

National Open University of Nigeria 14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos Website:

The Vice chancellor, National Open University of Nigeria, Prof. Vincent Ado Tenebe has demonstrated a global social network in achieving access and equity towards use of ODL in Nigeria and Africa. The National Open University of Nigeria is the first African university with commitment to share its wealth of intellectual property with the world. NOUN has fully OERize all its courses and MOOC’s. The pictures attached are unique functions towards the democratization of access to higher education.

Prof. Vincent Ado Tenebe Vice Chancellor


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Volgograd State Medical University 1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd 400131, Russia Phone/fax: +7-8442-38-50-05 Email: Website:

The University started as Stalingrad Medical Institute founded in 1935. In 1993 it got the status of the Academy, and in 2003 it was granted the status of the University. The University is currently headed by the prominent Russian scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy for Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir I. Petrov. The Volgograd State Medical University is an active participant of a number of international projects promoting medical research and clinical practice. This accounts for a genuine interest in the activities of the University on the part of government officials of various countries. It has recently been visited by the ambassadors of the USA, Malaysia, India, the People’s Republic of China, Brunei, Bangladesh, etc., top officials of Medical and Dental Councils of different countries.

Dr. Vladimir I. Petrov Chancellor

The Volgograd State Medical University has built up relationships with a number of foreign universities the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (USA), Albert Ludwigs Universitaet (Freiburg, Germany), Martin-Luther Halle-Wittenberg Universitaet (Germany), Belgian, French, Chinese universities, etc. This collaboration has been fostering the advance of medical science in such fields as family medicine, poison control, family planning and reproductive health, arterial hypertension, epidemiology, tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment, pharmacology, pharmacy, etc. One of the latest developments is the newly set up RussianAmerican Family Practice Clinic which is a unique clinic of this type in the whole of the south of Russia. The University has been collaborating with the World Federation for Medical Education, with the World Health Organisation (WHO), with UNESCO, with the British Council, with the United States Agency for International Development, with the American International Health Alliance, and participating in a wide range of joint international research projects.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

The Center of Distance Learning of the Ural State Mining University 620144, Yekaterinburg, Kuibyshev St., 30 Phone: +7 (343) 295-15-92, +7 (343) 257-66-61 Email:,, Website:

The Distance Learning Center is a structural subdivision of the Ural State Mining University. It was established in 2007 year. The Center provides educational programs for professional postgraduate education in the field of geology, geophysics, mining, environment, computer science, automation and mining engineering. The Center of Distance Learning of the Ural State Mining University makes extensive use of remote sensing technology in training of professional and scientific personnel at the courses of qualification improvement for geological, mining industries of China, Korean People’s Democratic Republic (KPDR, Mongolia.) Some significant experience has already been accumulated in the use of various remote sensing information and communication technologies as well as in development of educational-methodical materials in the sphere of e-learning.

Tamara Silina

The Center has created a virtual Geological Museum, which is used by students for educational purposes and by all others who wish to get to know about the mineral wealth of the Urals.

Head of Center of Distant Education, Associate Professor We are always open to cooperation.

Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ‘King Michael I of Romania’ from Timisoara 119 Calea Aradului, 300645 Timisoara, Romania Phone: +40 256277009; +40 0256277122 Fax: +40 0256200296 Email: Website: As a member of the national educational system of Romania, BUASVMT educational misson is to confer qualifications and higher education degrees in agricultural sciences, horticulture, landscaping, forestry, animal science,veterinary medicine, biology, biotechnology, food processing technology, genetic engineering, environmental engineering, equipment for agriculture and food industry and management. BUASVMT includes 6 faculties, 22 undergraduate specializations, 26 master specializations and two doctoral schools. University has received the qualification of High Degree by the Romanian Quality Assurance Authority in Higher Education and ISO 9001:2008 IQNet certification. The research infrastructure is very well developed and includes accredited laboratories according ISO 17025:2005. We are EFSA partners (Framework Art.36 of Reg. (EC) 178/2002).

Prof. Pirsan Paul Rector 208

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Wellington School Carleton Turrets, Craigweil Road, Ayr, KA7 2XH, UK Phone: +44 1292 269321 Fax: +44 1292 272161 Email: Website:

Wellington School is an independent day school for girls and boys between the ages of 3 and 18 years. There are approximately 580 pupils within the school. The school aims to create a caring, ordered environment where the potential of individual pupils can be fully nurtured and developed. This is achieved through providing a wide range of educational experiences and opportunities both in and out of the classroom. Staff have high expectations of success in academic work, in sport, music, drama and art. The school upholds traditional values and standards whilst looking to the future and embracing new educational developments. Pupils are encouraged to develop citizenship skills, to develop an understanding of the need to serve others and contribute to the school community and to society as a whole. Wellington has been awarded full International School status by the British Council, in recognition of its work to bring the wider world into the classroom, and this year gained its first Cycle Friendly School Award. The School has been awarded its second Eco-Schools Green Flag.

R. M. Parlour Headmaster

University of Abomey-Calavi Campus d’Abomey-Calavi, 01 BP 526 Cotonou, Bénin Phone/fax: +229 21361119 Email: Website:

The University of Dahomey was established in 1970, became the National University of Benin in 1975 and later the University of Abomey-Calavi after the establishment of the University of Parakou (in the northern part of the country) in 2001. With its dynamic cooperation, the University of Abomey-Calavi is recognized as one of the most prestigious Universities in West Africa. Since 30th December 2011, the governing board of the University led by Professor Brice Augustin Sinsin has been focusing on the assurance and quality of education, and also the employability of its outgoing students.

Prof. Brice Augustin Sinsin Vice-Chancellor Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Medical University – Plovdiv 15A, Vassil Aprilov blvd., 4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Phone/fax: +359 32 602 593 Email: Website:

Medical University – Plovdiv was established in 1945. It is located in the south of Bulgaria in the town of Plovdiv. The University includes four faculties: Faculty of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health, as well as a medical college. The University Hospital is one of the largest hospitals on the Balkans and the Auditorium Complexes is one of the best in Europe. The University has been granted the International Quality Certificate ISO 9001:2008. It is also a member of EUA and has signed agreements with over 75 universities from all over the world. It has an annual student enrolment of about 4800 Bulgarian and foreign students. Medical University - Plovdiv issues its own journal, Folia Medica, which is indexed in the MEDLINE/ PubMed database.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kostianev Rector

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Website:

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University was founded in 1919. Our University is a complex system with a number of tutorial and educational, science and production bodies, scientific and research centers, innovation centers, a well-stocked library, several museums, an astronomical observatory, an experimental agricultural station, a publishing centre and a modern sports centre. The University incorporates 3 Research Institutes, 6 Faculties offering 58 degree opportunities for about 10000 undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Tuition is provided by 43 Departments which employ over 600 faculty members. Achievements of our University were awarded by the prestigious international and national rankings. Rector of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University is Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor Petro Saukh.

Prof. Petro Saukh Rector 210

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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Near East University Phone: +90 (392) 223 64 64, +90 (392) 680 20 00 Fax: +90 (392) 223 64 61 Email:

Near East University combines academic success within a vibrant social environment, set on the most beautiful island of North Cyprus situated in the Mediterranean. Founded in 1988 by Dr. Suat İ. Günsel, NEU is considered to be one of the most highly regarded academic institutions in the Middle East. Dr. Günsel based his entire life philosophy on the belief that the education system is the foundation on which the achievements of future generations are built and NEU today represents the cornerstone of his vision. NEU offers a world-class education to over 24,000 students from over 65 countries. Our modern and aesthetically-designed campus provides the perfect environment for our successful and forward thinking future graduates to pursue their goals. With 17 Faculties, 92 Departments, 5 Graduate Schools, 4 Vocational Schools and 28 Research Centres we offer a diverse selection of degrees that prepare our students for their careers. In addition to academic faculties, the University provides many other facilities including: · Near East University Hospital

Suat Irfan Gunsel

· Innovation Centre – IBM Super Computer

Founding Rector

· Grand Library · Olympic Swimming Pool/Sports Centre NEU is now the first and only academic institution in North Cyprus to offer education in both Dentistry and Medicine. Our Hospitals – accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) for Clinical Excellence are also the only facilities in the Middle East region that offer such a wide range of training and research opportunities. Amongst other firsts, NEU’s sister university, the University of Kyrenia was established in 2013. It took over the training and education of NEU’s Maritime Faculty and added the Faculty of Aviation to its specialization. NEU is dedicated to promoting academic achievement and provides several scholarship opportunities to students, especially for Departments that are instructed in English. As a result, many of our students gain the right to have scholarships and can enjoy the benefits of the extensive educational opportunities that NEU has to offer. Under the guidance of our qualified administrative and academic staff, NEU strives not only to provide its distinguished students with the highest possible standards of education and instruction but also to nurture confident, responsible and creative individuals.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University 56, Tynchtyk Avenue, 720044, Bishkek - KYRGYZSTAN Phone: +996 (312) 54-19-41/42/43/44/45 Fax: +996 (312) 54-19-35 Email: Website:

Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (KTMU) provides an access to higher education opportunities that enable students to develop knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professional goals, improve the productivity of their organizations and provide leadership and services to their communities. The University was founded in 1995 by the governments of Turkey and Kyrgyz Republic. Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University has become one of the leading universities not only in Kyrgyz Republic, but in Central Asia as well. Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University is an international university with a multicultural population of students from 16 different countries and 23 different nationalities. Presently about 5000 students are enrolled with the use of innovative technologies in educational programs. KTMU presents high level of education, has more than 550 well-qualified and experienced academic staff from 7 countries. Education in KTMU is tuition-free. In addition, three degrees of scholarships are available for students from the University’s own sources. KTMU offers on-campus dormitory facilities for about 1350 students.

Prof. Sebahattin Balci President

The faculties are: Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Veterinary, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Theology. The University has also 4-year Colleges, such as School of Tourism and Hotel Management, School of Foreign Languages, Conservatory and School of Physical Training and Sports (at the level of higher education). There are 3 Research centers: Research Center of Turkic Civilization, Center of the Study of Central Asia, Biotechnology and Biodiversity Research Center. University has laboratories including: Computer, Graphics and Animation, General Physics, Environmental Engineering, Information Technologies, Food and Product Analysis, Microbiology, Food Technologies, Physics, Biology, Graphic Technique and Applied Anatomy and Analysis Laboratories equipped with modern technological facilities. KTMU has also a fully equipped TV Studio, Manas FM Radio, film studios, a cinema hall, computer and animation labs, a library, documentation and learning centers and modern buildings with lecture halls equipped with wireless Internet and other infrastructures which provide the best opportunities for students to prepare themselves for the future.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

The students at KTMU can also benefit from funded internships, international exchange programs, dedicated career development services and extensive cultural, sports and leisure activities. Faculty members at the university departments guide and evaluate students` experiential learning through academic internships, which enable students to explore academic and career options, make career decisions and lead them into either graduate programs or the professional job markets. Personal development, acquisition of independent learning skills and a well-balanced education are other significant benefits to students participating in internships. Around 300 students go abroad for the internship and around 100 students participate in different exchange programs during one academic year. Our University graduates are currently working in more than 30 countries all over the world and some of them have started their own businesses. The University has a lot of regional and international partnerships with different institutions and universities all over the world. KTMU is one of the founders of Association of Universities of Turkic World, member of Silk Road University Association, International Association of Universities (IAU) and CCID (Community Colleges of International Development, Inc) and Signatory of Magna Charta Universitatum. KTMU has a lot of ongoing projects in the framework of EU Programs, Scientific Research Projects with international partner universities and capacity building projects. The University has several strategic partners: universities and scientific-educational centers of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Portugal, South Korea, Azerbaijan, Turkey, USA and many other countries. The University`s educational and recreational facilities and academic staff, as well as its impressive array of resources and opportunities, the quality of its faculty staff and research institutes, all contribute to establish a lifelong learning environment where students can learn and challenge themselves as they come into contact with people, cultures and ideas from all over the world.

Socrates Almanac â€˜ĐĄore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics Lermontovskiy Ave, 44, Saint-Petersburg, Russion Federation, 190103 Phone: 007 (812) 575-03-00 Fax: 007 (812) 575-02-70 Email: Website: St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics (SPbUME) is one of the largest educational institutions in European Russia. Its teaching staff currently includes 30 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international academies, more than 110 professors, and in excess of 250 PhDs. Over the years, SPbUME has gained recognition as a lead institute in Russian and foreign scientific and educational communities.

Prof. Victor Gnevko President, Ph.D., Economics,

The University is at present implementing a system of continuous education as part of its ongoing efforts to fit within the framework of studies set forth by the Bologna process. In consequence, SPbUME offers the following sorts of instruction: Education for the Disabled (provided by Institute for Pre-College Education); Higher Education (the Institute of Economics, Management and Information Technology, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Law Institute); and Postgraduate Education (training of qualified personnel). Additional professional education exists within the context of long-term and short-term programs such as Presidential Management Training Program for the National Economy of the Russian Federation (RF), Master of Business Administration, and Doctor of Business Administration. St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics operates under the scientific and methodological guidelines established by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Department of Social Sciences. Consequently, SPbUME has ordered its basic departments so they address the standards set up by the relevant RAS research institutes. Senior Fellows of the latter, it should be observed, offer lectures and workshops for students, trainees and graduate students working on their final qualifications (master’s theses and doctoral dissertations). University teachers often train in the research laboratory of the Institute of Sciences, thus participating in their students’ research works and projects. In the more advanced area of post-graduate studies, SPbUME has expanded its ‘footprint’ to embrace five important areas of training. During the 01.01.03-01.01.14-span, for example, the following number of theses and dissertations were successfully defended at the University: 12 theses for degree of Doctor of Economics, and 250 theses for degree of Candidate of Sciences (245 of the aforementioned ‘defendees’ studied at the University’s graduate schools). Every year SPbUME holds a series of international and Russian scientific and practical conferences. In 2013, for instance, more than 25 conferences were organized and conducted. They included, inter alia, the publication of expert reports, and the holding of intense scientific workshops and master classes (in collaboration with the Institute of Sciences). Finally, we should note that SPbUME’s professors and teaching staff have contributed a significant number of publications to leading Russian and foreign journals. St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics, in fact, has exploited its large, technically equipped publishing base to publish employee monographs on scientific and other specialist subjects for itself and for other universities. These have appeared in ‘Economics and Management’, ‘Sociology and Law’, and ‘Scientific Notes of the St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics’, with these scientific journals noted by the RF Higher Attestation Commission.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Iraqi Centre for Cancer and Medical Genetics Research QADISSIYA Q, SEC 604, ST 23, BAGHDAD, IRAQ Phone: +9647901475964 Email: Website:

The Center was established by the effort of Dr. Nahi Yousif Yasseen as a first research centre that deals with cancer and genetic diseases in Iraq. It was built during very difficult conditions surrounding Iraq. However, this Centre has been able to establish a very strong basis for cancer and genetic research and offer new diagnostic, medical and clinical services for all Iraqi population. It is the only Iraqi Scientific Centre which offers cytogenetic and chromosomal studies for cancer and genetic diseases. The Centre was able to establish Iraqi cancer cell lines and graduated many postgraduate students in the field of cancer and genetic diseases. It is the only Iraqi centre which can give specific diagnostic, medical and clinical services for all Iraqi people. Patients from all Iraqi cities, towns and villages can visit the Centre to get their requirements for medical purposes. Therefore this Centre provides unique and great services for people, most of services are free while some are done by cheap fees in order to support the health system in Iraq.

Dr. Prof. Nahi Yaseen Director General

The Centre directly or indirectly develops research level in Iraq and offers new services for all people. These activities will support the development process in the country. In Iraq all Research centers work under the umbrella of the government, therefore all Centers’ activities will go through governmental benefit. Almost all the Centre programmes are designed for the social benefit either for diagnostic or medical services. Most research projects deal with Iraqi population such as environmental pollution impact, cancer incidences, genetic malformation, abortions and sterility etc. Every year the Centre Council puts a scientific plan for new research project and for offering better services for people. The forthcoming plan is to build specialized hospital, establish educational institute and to establish many specialized clinics in many cities.

Position :

Director General of The Iraqi Centre For Cancer And Medical Genetics Research. Iraqi Centre for Cancer and Medical Genetics Research is belong to the University of Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq. I established this centre in the end of 1994 as a first Iraqi Centre dealing with cancer and medical genetics fields. Before that time there was no any Centre dealing with such vital fields. Fortunately I was able to build up this Centre. This Centre includes four departments: Department of cancer research, Department of medical genetics, Department of molecular genetics, and Department of experimental therapy.

Main responsibilities:

Managing the centre scientifically and administratively, doing routine work in chromosome analysis for patients (including blood and bone marrow, prenatal diagnosis), supervised postgraduate students, proposed research projects for the centre teams in the field of cancer and medical genetics, tissue culture maintenance and establishment of cancer cell lines, Direct the genetic counselling unit, Giving lectures for under- and postgraduate students, Leading training courses to increase the ability of interested people in understanding all cytogenetic techniques.


PhD in cancer and medical genetics graduated from the Department of Clinical and experimental microbiology, Medical School, University of Sheffield, and Langhill Centre For Human Genetics, Sheffield, England in 1990.Research activitiesDoing research projects in the field of cancer genetics, stem cell, cytotoxicity, gene therapy, medical genetics, medical biochemistry and scientific writing approaches.

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Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Ghana Technology University College (GTUC) PMB 100, Accra-North, Ghana Phone: 030 222 1412, 030 222 1446 Email: Website:

Ghana Technology University College (GTUC) is a technology oriented institution of higher learning, committed to providing an educational experience of the highest quality. Established in November 2005, GTUC was granted accreditation by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) on March 30, 2006 and officially inaugurated on August 15, 2006. The University College is governed by a nine-member University Council, supported by the President, Vice President, Registrar, Deans of Faculties and staff. GTUC is affiliated to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, Aalborg University, Denmark and Coventry University, UK. The University College is working to carve an outstanding reputation as a leader in teaching excellence, and a world-class centre of research and intellectual creativity.

Prof. Osei Kofi Darkwa President

GTUC offers world class Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate programme under three core faculties: the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Informatics and Faculty of IT Business. Nearly 4,000 students are pursuing various programmes at the University College. Courses and programmes of the University College are carefully structured and taught by seasoned lecturers with state-of-the-art equipment in a conducive learning environment. These prepare students for meaningful and rewarding careers which are a key to the nation’s economic growth and social well-being. Graduates of GTUC’s have the theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience that equip them for successful careers in the telecommunications, business and ICT industries. The University College has three campuses located at Tesano (main campus), Abeka and Kumasi. The focus on preparing graduates for the telecommunications and ICT professions is the hallmark of GTUC.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

The College of Romanian Veterinarians Splaiul Independenţei 105, District 5, Cod 050097, BUCHAREST Phone: +4021-319.45.04 Fax: +4021-319.45.05 Website:; Email:

The College of Romanian Veterinarians was established by Decree-Law no. 3594 of 30 September 1939 signed by King Carol II. The College was led by Dr. Gheorghe Ionescu - Braila, its first Dean. The first College was organized into 11 sections, corresponding to the 10 provinces of the country and Bucharest. The activity was interrupted in 1948, taking up in 1998, with the adoption of Law 160/1998 for organization and practice of the veterinary profession. The organization and functioning of The College of Romanian Veterinarians is done on the principle of territorial eligibility and hierarchy. Governing bodies of the College of Veterinarians are: The National Congress; The National Council and the 41 counties councils and Bucharest’s council. In Romania there are currently almost 10 000 veterinarians, of which 8869 members enrolled in The College of Romanian Veterinarians. 4512 of them are practitioners.

Dr. Viorel Andronie President

The College of Romanian Veterinarians is an autonomous body, non-governmental, apolitical, nonprofit, legal personality and its own heritage, which represents the interests and defends the professional rights of its members. The College of Romanian Veterinarians membership is mandatory for the veterinary profession practice. All veterinarians with the right to practice in Romania, must be enrolled in the College of Romanian Veterinarians, membership being attested through the veterinarian’s identity card. The main purpose of the College of Veterinarians is to ensure an increase in responsibility and authority of its members in professional duties, respect for existing laws to protect animal health, public health, consumer protection and the preservation of environment and ecological balance. The College of Romanian Veterinarians is constantly supervising the application and enforcement of the medical and veterinary Code of Deontology, to maintain prestige, honor and professional dignity. Our organization shall hold qualification, re-qualification, initiation, and specialization and training courses in the veterinary medicine field and constitutes the competent authority for professional recognition of diplomas, attestations or other degrees of the veterinarian profession.

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Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

University of Professional Studies, Accra P.O. Box LG 149, Legon, Ghana Phone: + 233245794397 Email: Website:

The University of Professional Studies, Accra was formerly called the Institute of Professional Studies. It was established in 1965 as a private institution and was taken over by the Government of Ghana in 1979. With time, the Institute became a force to reckon with and a path blazer in the provision of professional business education. Accordingly, the Institute of Professional Studies Act of 1999 (Act 566) was enacted by Parliament which transformed it into a tertiary institution with the mandate to offer professional programmes in the disciplines of mainly Accountancy and Management leading to award of degrees, diplomas and certificates. The Institute attained fully-fledged university status on 1st September 2008 when it was granted a Presidential Charter. The significance of this development was that the Institute, which hitherto was affiliated to the University of Ghana, then had the authority to run and award its own accredited degrees, diplomas and certificates.

Prof. Joshua Alabi Vice-Chancellor

The Institute was renamed the University of Professional Studies on 9th October, 2012 following the Presidential assent to the University of Professional Studies Bill passed by Parliament on the 31st of July 2012 to bring into effect the University of Professional Studies Act, 2012 (Act 820). The University which has a total student population of about ten thousand, six hundred and thirty-one (10,631) is until recently, Ghana’s only public university that offers degrees and diplomas as well as tuition for internationally recognized professional programmes.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

BUITEMS, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering & Management Sciences Airport Road, Baleli, Quetta, Pakistan, 87300 Phone: 92-81-111-717-111 Fax: 92-81-2880522 Email: Website: Balochistan University of information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences started its academic activities on October 14th, 2002 with a modest strength of 90 students in its two departments. It now spreads across three campuses, housing five faculties with more than 7000 students enrolled. At BUITEMS, we are committed to providing quality education with focus on research and to equip students with the art of living as productive members of society, contributing to the socio-economic uplift of Pakistan in general, and Balochistan in particular.

Engr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai Vice Chancellor

Every third student at University receives Financial Assistance either in the form of scholarship, fee wavier or work study, while BUITEMS career services office provides career counseling, internships and job placement facilities for its graduated students. These are a few apparent reasons to project BUITEMS as a forward looking institution of the country. BUITEMS has been ranked 4th in the Computer Sciences and Information Technology category on national level, by Higher Education Council, whereas, the University also got International repute. The World Education Congress Award, International Socrates Award and Visionary Leadership Award are being bestowed upon the Vice Chancellor BUITEMS, is the example of international acknowledgment of the institution. In a short span of 11 years, the University is entering into new dimensions by seeking membership of various international organizations and networks, some of them highly esteemed such as, The International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), International Association of Universities (IAU), United Nations Academic Impact, Association of Commonwealth Universities, The Talloires Network, the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAHEE) and Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN). Being a member of all such networks means an inclusion to world ranking. As an institution BUITEMS is planning to enhance the impact of technology in its own day to day working environment by; establishing Access Control System, Electronic Surveillance, Learning Resource Centre, Centrally controlled BUITEMS domain, Local Area Network built on Optical Fiber medium pronouncing establishment of Wi-Fi and Mobile video conferencing units for live coverage of all important academic and co-curricular events. BUITEMS also plans to open new channels of communication. With Quarterly newsletters and annual reports already being published, an FM Channel broadcasting 6 hours of on-air time and a proper television channel telecasting 3 hours of coverage are some of the projects that will be completed by the year 2021. We aspire high and want to be among the leading universities of the world, accessible to all, imparting quality education and promoting cutting edge research. We plan to give the world proud Pakistanis achieving glorious heights while adhering to the values that bring about enlightened contemplation, academic enquiry, peace and global harmony. BUITEMS aim is to inculcate spirits of adopting education as a passion and lifestyle choice rather than practicing the pedantry of imparting only existing knowledge.

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Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities

Institut Catholique de Kabgayi P.O. Box 62 Gitarama Sector of Nyamabuye, Muhanga District, Rwanda Phone: +250 0 252 562 545 / +250 0 252 562 265 Fax: +250 0 252 562 270 Email: Website:

The “Institut Catholique de Kabgayi” (ICK) is a private Higher Learning Institution founded in 2002 by the Catholic Diocese of Kabgayi. ICK provides Higher learning education services, namely: teaching undergraduate programmes within three faculties which are composed of the following seven departments (The Faculty of Sciences of Development, The Faculty of Social, Economic Sciences and Management, The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies) The institute runs a postgraduate programme in education in partnership with a specialized public institution, Kigali Institute of Education (KIE); provides academic research at the institutional level and interinstitutions level; fellowship research; provides community services.

Dr. Vincent Kagabo Rector

At the end of their studies, the graduates are awarded Bachelor’s Degree with Honors in Development Studies; Environmental Management; Management; Sociology; Economics; Journalism; Public Relations. The institute also delivers Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). The ICK confers Certificates for short courses trainings and specific English Language Proficiency Certificate. Through the office of Students’ Services, the ICK realizes social programmes for the community members, especially the students and involves people in the neighbourhood. The office has three departments: The department of Socio-Cultural Services and Gender Promotion; The department of Spiritual-Pastoral Service and Training; The department of Sport and Leisure. Other social programmes targeting the external people are realized through the Consultancy and Community Services unit under the University Centre of Research and Professionalization.


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Brief profiles of worldwide universities

Instituto Superior de Ciencias e Tecnologia de Mocambique Rua 1394 - Zona FACIM, 322 - Maputo Mozambique Southern Africa Phone: 00258 326 3000 Email: Website:

ISCTEM – Higher Superior Institution for Science and Technology was founded 1995 and opened the first Computer Science, Pharmacy and Dentistry Graduate Courses in Mozambique. Started with 150 students and currently has around 2000 students in several courses, namely, Low, Public Administration,. Social Sciences, Architecture and Urbanism, General Medicine. A Business School was created offering courses on Business Administration, Audit and Accountability, Insurance Management, Human Resources Management, Communication Sciences. Also opened a High School offering the last 2 high school levels. Was the first regional Cisco Academy. ISCTEM was able to move from rental premises to new build ones and support fully all the courses that required high investments and was able to create exclusive academic programmes. In order to ensure high quality of the courses, from the beginning until today, Academic professors from Europe are invited to come to offer some of the subjects and all costs related to that are all fully supported by ISCTEM.

Prof. Dr. Joao Leopoldo da Costa

ISCTEM started in a rental premises and in 3 years moved to the new build campus located in downtown area of Maputo.


ISCTEM in the first 5 years achieved around 650 students and was able to build the first data centre. Also build a dental clinic for the practice of the students with a capacity of 10 seats, a pharmaceutical technical lab to offer the pharmacy students. ISCTEM campus is implemented in a 15 thousand square meters In 2012 a Simulation Clinic Lab was created in order to offer practical training for the students in an environment equivalent to an hospital. Through a programme of Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation with the University of Eastern Finland, students of Informatics from both institutions will soon be involved in a process of development software solutions for mobile phones applied to Tourism and Medicine.

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S.C. CORAL IMPEX S.R.L. Romania Phone: (0040)-244 517 610; Email: Website:

CORAL IMPEX PLC, specialized in providing pest control services, rodent and insect control, disinfection and phytosanitary treatments, was founded in 1993 in Ploiesti. The considerable experience of its founder, his passion and desire to revolutionize the way these services are performed in Romania, led the society to a continual and steadfast development.

Mr. Alexandru Badea Founder and General Manger


Given the Romanian market opening to foreign investors, many international renowned companies have opened plants into our country. Given that such investors need competent and serious partners for pest control activities, since the first years of operation, the company invested heavily in the acquisition of modern technical means and thorough training of its employees, with special emphasis on the quality of work performed. We managed to attract well-known beneficiaries, such as Philip Morris Romania, CocaCola Romania, British American Tobacco, Interbrew Efes Brewery, and many others. The style focuses on both our professionalism and efficiency and on meeting the rising expectations of our customers. We are a company that always keeps its promises. We do what we promise to do and we behave according to our code of ethics. There are three key words that characterize how we relate to our customers: reliability, professionalism, competence. The emphasis we place on the training of over 100 employees of our company, the national coverage offered to our customers, and the possession of European standard technical facilities entitles us to say that we are number 1 in Romania in the pest control field.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


‘OPTIMA Group’ – Limited Liability Company for manufacturing and trading Banja Luka Registered office: 37a Kralja Alfonsa XIII St, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +387 51 228 610 Fax: + 387 51 228 620 Email: Website: In early 2008, ZARUBEZHNEFT established a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the name ‘OPTIMA Group’. The task of ‘OPTIMA Group’ is planning and managing of the oil industry development through the companies ‘Oil Refinery Brod’ and ‘Oil Refinery Modrica’, as well as development and expanding of the ‘Nestro Petrol’ petrol station retail network. OPTIMA Group’s business activities include the purchase of raw materials for petroleum products manufacturing at the Oil Refinery Brod, marketing of finished products on domestic and foreign markets, marketing of base oils manufactured at the Oil Refinery Modrica on the world market, as well as development and expansion of ‘Nestro’ petrol station retail network in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Andrey Ozerov CEO

Although a young company, OPTIMA Group Ltd. is one of the most important economic entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As such, the OPTIMA Group pays great attention to its employees, to the society and the environment. OPTIMA Group, along with other companies from NESTRO Group, makes one of the most important economic entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, contributing to the development and industrial production growth of Bosnia and Herzegovina. OPTIMA Group is also one of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s largest exporters, as shown by the data of Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Merryland International School Plot 13, ME-9, Mussaffah, Abu Dhabi, UAE Phone: +971 (2) 5519626 Fax: +971 (2) 5519627 Email: Website:

Merryland was founded in 1978 by Mrs. Susheela George with just three teachers and forty children. Today, after more than three decades, it has taken the shape of Merryland International, recognised by The Ministry of Education, the Abu Dhabi Educational Zone and the Abu Dhabi Education Council. Our Vision is to create world class peace loving citizens, who shall enrich this world with unique aspects of ethos highly empowered with knowledge and respect for all - sans borders. Highly applauded for academic achievements, strong sense of discipline and effective teaching and learning methods over the past thirty one years, Merryland has now developed into an International School located in Mussaffah, ME-9, with cutting edge technological advancements incorporated with modern teaching methods. Since its inception, we at Merryland have successfully strived to create gentlemen and ladies of tomorrow who possess intellectual maturity, emotional stability, moral fibre and strength of character to make the right decisions in life.

Mrs. Susheela George ‘Changing lives nations wide’ Founder


This is the motto of our school. It is the vision of our founder, that not only will our pupils grow up to be world citizens in the truest sense, but they will also make a positive impact in the countries of their origin. This philosophy places the school in an excellent position to cater to individuals from different ethnic backgrounds who are interested in gaining a world class international education.

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Sarit Centre P. O. Box 14474, Nairobi, 00800, Kenya Phone: +254 (0)20 3747408/9 Website:

The Sarit Centre is a modern inter-active shopping mall that has four levels of retail and service outlets, two tower office blocks, a health facility run by the Africa Air Rescue and private doctor’s rooms. It is located in the suburb of Westlands, a dynamic commercial growth centre three kilometres from Nairobi’s CBD. The mall is designed to meet the requirements of residents and businesses who want to avoid the crowded CBD. It brings together a huge range of products and services in a neat, enclosed environment where people feel secure and comfortable. Virtually all retail and service requirements are met under one roof. This has been achieved with the ambiance of wide malls, security and a degree of entertainment that meets the needs and expectations of most Nairobi residents. Loyal shoppers can obtain and build up points on purchases to later trade these against other purchases, parking fees or participation in promotions. The Centre’s main focus is to provide excellent world class customer service. To achieve this, consultants from South Africa have trained tenants on aspects of customer service, shop front and lighting improvement as well as display techniques. Customer service remains the Centre’s most important challenge.

Mr. Nitinkumar Amritlal Shah Chief Operating Officer

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JIS Group Educational Initiatives 7 Sarat Bose Road, 1st Floor, Kolkata 700 020, India Phone: +033 22893944 Fax: +033 22893945 Email: Website:

JIS Group is born out of Sardar Jodh Singh’s entrepreneurial zeal and vision, which through the years have spanned in the fields of dairy business, telecommunication, transportation, infrastructure, logistics, education, healthcare and social service. However, his aspiration to serve society by imparting knowledge, education and employment culminated into JIS Group Educational Initiatives. It all started with a joint venture project in 1998 namely Asansol Engineering College, at Kanyapur, Asansol.

Taranjit Singh Managing Director


JIS Group Educational Initiatives is a premier education service provider in West Bengal, having 22 Institutions, 21,000 students offering a spectrum of 58 academic programmes. Spread across several sprawling campuses, JIS Group Educational Initiatives then resumed its journey towards fulfilling its mission – Igniting Minds, Empowering Lives from the year 2000, with JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani. Presently, JIS College of Engineering is an Autonomous Institution, the only self financed college in West Bengal with NAAC accreditation, NBA accredited streams and has also been selected to participate in World Bank assisted, and MHRD sponsored Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP, Phase II). Narula Institute of Technology (NIT) (2001) has also procured TEQIP Grant and is on its way to gaining Autonomous status shortly. In the year 2002 a Centre for Management Studies was launched at JISCE followed by a separate School for Management Studies at NIT. Guru Nanak Institute of Technology (GNIT) was established in the year 2003, and then the Group’s initiatives continued to extend its boundaries and forayed into health education with the first private dental college in West Bengal – Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Sciences & Research (2003) and Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology in the year 2005. The Group also ventured into hospitality education in 2005 through its speciality institute Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management.

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The year 2008 was a momentous year for us, as the foundation stone for the private Medical College & Hospital- Guru Nanak Institute of Medical Sciences & Research has been laid. In 2009, a new technical college - Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College (DSCSDEC), Dumdum was established. Other Joint Ventures of JIS Group includes- Greater Kolkata College of Engineering and Management (GKCEM) at Baruipur and ABACUS Institute of Engineering & Management (AIEM) at Mogra. In 2012, the Group has collaborated with Konkan Gyanpeeth in Maharashtra which comprises four colleges in the fields of Engineering, Pharmacy, Science, Commerce and Humanities. Our students have time and again proven their academic excellence by topping the chart in University Exams achieving more than 8 CGPA as an average track record. They have also qualified in reputed institutes pan India like IIM, ISI, IIT and also abroad in countries like UK, US & Germany. We have placed our students with major national and multinational brands like TCS, Capgemini, L&T, Infosys, IBM, Cognizant, Ranbaxy, Glaxo, L&G, and Google. Students have also procured esteemed placements in Govt. Organizations’ like ISRO and BARC. The United Bank of India recruited our students from both Management and BTech streams. Further, many have joined illustrious careers in UK, USA and Germany. In the year 2012, the highest salary package received by our students was Rs.10 lakhs per anum. The students aspiring to study in JIS Group can choose from a wide gamut of courses and study courses accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi, and approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Dental Council of India (DCI), and Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and also enjoy sprawling campuses with all technological conveniences. Moreover, JIS College of Engineering and Narula Institute of Technology have been selected to participate in World Bank assisted; Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) sponsored Technical Education Quality Improvement Programmes (TEQIP) 2011-12. JIS College of Engineering has received TEQIP Grant, Phase II, subcomponent 1.2 and Narula Institute of Technology has received the same grant under subcomponent 1.1. The Group’s Industry-Alliance with IIPC (IndustryInstitute Partnership Cell) as well as EDC (Entrepreneurship Development Cell) helps drive business initiatives for the society. This apart, the colleges have prestigious and strategic collaborations with Volkswagen, Texas Instruments, IBM, Infosys, MSME, and ICICI amongst several others to equip the students with cutting edge skill.

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Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd 4th Floor Angwa City, Cnr Julius Nyerere/Kwame Nkrumah Ave Phone: +263 4 752069-71 Fax: +263 4 752 070 Email: Website:

About Us


To be the preferred local and international provider of high quality and durable timber based solutions for both industrial and end-user markets.

Core Values

Dr. Joseph Kanyekanye Group Chief Executive Officer

· · · · · · · · · ·

Commitment to quality A passion for superior market knowledge Relentless quest for innovation Ethical conduct Recognition of the organizational key assert: our people Empathy for all stakeholders Teamwork that enhances customer satisfaction Equitable reward for results Promotion of entrepreneurship Commitment to sound environmental practices

Mission Statement

To enhance shareholder value through the provision of superior quality timber based products and solutions driven by customer requirements

Core Business

Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd is the largest timber resource base in Zimbabwe. It is a Government of Zimbabwe wholly owned private company that is headquartered in Harare with its main activities situated in the Manicaland, Midlands, and Matebeleland regions. ATZ Northern Timbers is situated in the Nyanga area made up of Erin and Stapleford while Southern Timbers in Gwendingwe and Chimanimani and Central which has retail outlets in major cities and also runs Mtao pole plantations in the Midlands and Gungunyana in Chipinge. The company also owns ATZ Saligna which is situated in Penhalonga that specializes in the production of Saligna, a round hard wood that it sells as wet or kiln dried timber locally and through exports as well. The company has a subsidiary company established in Botswana which receives and sells timber products and also carries out treatment of gum poles at its treatment plants in Gaborone and Francistown Pole Treatment Plant. Allied Timbers Zimbabwe has over 33 thousand hectares of forest plantation which are perfectly poised to deliver value to all customers both locally and internationally. Most customers in the construction and furniture industry in Zimbabwe and southern Africa are currently receiving quality timber based solutions from ATZ. Its operations involve Plantations, Harvesting and Processing, marketing and selling of both pine and gum including Teak. It specializes in sawn timber such as industrial pine, mukwa hardwood, teak hardwood Saligna hardwood and PAR, poles and other value addition products such as doors, flooring, block boards, laminated timber, plywood, brandering, roof trusses, transmission poles and moldings. The company‘s environmentally managed multiple land use capacity is exploited in the provision of holiday accommodation, mushroom production and grazing. The estates strive for excellence in the provision of forest products and services to diverse stakeholders. 228

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A strong human resource base which consists of skilled, experienced and professional staff reinforces the thrust of the group to succeed.

Strategic Business Units Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Northern) (Pvt) Ltd

Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd (Northern) comprises of Stapleford Timbers, Erin Timbers, that focus primarily on the management of forests and operation of sawmills with the aim of providing quality timber for both the local and international market. This company has the largest forestry operation in Zimbabwe. Its main activities range from planting trees to silviculture operations, logging and sawmilling. This company remains the nerve center of the group as it shapes the destiny of all other companies in the group except for Allied Timbers Saligna.

Allied Timbers (Southern) (Pvt) Ltd

Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Southern) (Pvt) Ltd which runs Gwendingwe and Chimanimani Forests runs a manufacturing division and is the driving force behind the creation of value added timber by creating an array of value added products mainly for the export market. Allied Timbers has an export processing zone whose main areas of focus are: timber production from its forests including Cashel operations and value addition of timber products mentioned above at its Mutare factories which are sold locally through its sister company, ATZ (central) and also supply to Altim Timbers Zimbabwe Botswana, its sister company and South Africa.

Allied Timbers Zimbabwe Saligna

Allied Timbers Zimbabwe Saligna was acquired from EC Meikle in 2002 and operates from Penhalonga, 23 km from Mutare and specializes in wet and kiln dried hardwood timber. It is a vast plantation of hardwood poles that are harvested and processed as transmission poles and for furniture manufacturing. The Government of Zimbabwe holds the majority Shareholding in the company while a small percentage is still owned by the Meikle family. The company produces hardwood for both the local and export markets.

Altim Timbers (Pvt) Ltd Zimbabwe

As part of the groups’ commitment to quality service Allied Timbers Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd offers timber to customers through a retail network called Altim Timbers which has recently rebranded its products to the Altim brand. All the value added products produced at the ATZ factories and all transmission poles and pole products including roof trusses under the Brand name - Altim. Altim Timbers has retail outlets in Zimbabwe’s major cities and gives direct access to a wide selection of timber products to customers.

Altim Timbers Zimbabwe has under its wing Mtao and Gungunyana Forests which are serious exporter of Treated poles. It currently exports to Kenya, Botswana, Zambia and other Southern African Countries. Also at Mtao Forests, Altim Timbers processes Charcoal through its Kilns for disposal on both the local and export market. At Mtao, the Saligna sawmill is now functional and is targeted to produce 300 cubes of saligna which is in demand locally and regionally. Kilns will be installed so that all the saligna produced is sold as a dry product. Mtao Forests also produces Honey at its Apiary which is also proving to be a lucrative venture whose untapped market is giving the Zimbabwean populace a better alternative to sugar shortages. The honey is popular with diabetics and an important ingredient in the production of cough and flue mixtures in the medicine production in Zimbabwe. Mtao Forests is also popular to farmers who are being supplied with fencing poles, droppers and poles for horticulture and greenhouse ventures. Other customers are buying poles for thatching for either homes or lodges. Besides poles at Mtao, Altim Timbers Zimbabwe’s core business is the selling of value-added products which include laminated pine, block board, plywood, veneer etc.

Altim Timbers Botswana (Pty) Limited

Altim Timbers Botswana is a company that manufactures and retail timber and timber based products in Botswana Market. Tapping the Botswana market has proved to be a worthy venture taking into consideration that that country does not have timber plantations. The company runs a pole treatment plant in Francistown where poles are sourced from Mtao Forests and Gungunyana Forests in Zimbabwe. It has the biggest market share for poles which are in great demand in this cattle ranching country. Altim Timbers Botswana also has two truss plants based in Gaborone and Francistown. This operation is a value addition process done using timber sourced from ATZ.

Historical background

Allied Timbers Zimbabwe runs plantations from silviculture, harvesting and processing, marketing and selling locally and internationally. Allied Timbers Zimbabwe rebranded from Forestry Company of Zimbabwe in 2007 after realising a huge turnaround of the former timber commercial sector to emerge as a huge and swift profit making entity of the GOZ carrying out activities mentioned in 2, with a separate independent Board sourced from private companies in Zimbabwe. This realization that commercial activities must be run as a separate entity to realize profit in the country from timber production prides ATZ to have commitment to quality customers can expect only the best products and service.

It produces Roof Trusses in Harare’s Msasa area and Bulawayo’s Kelvin Road Industrial area.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



SOFT SOLUTIONS LIMITED, ICT #9, Mcgregor Road, Ikoyi -Lagos, Nigeria, +23401 Phone: +234 816 888 3339, +234 1 761 2051 Fax: +234 773 9864 Email:, Website:

Soft Solutions Limited (SSL) is an IT Solutions and Consulting Company based in Lagos city, Nigeria. Since its establishment in Nigeria over 19 years ago, the company has emerged as one of the leading solutions provider and consultant in the Nigerian IT space. Over the years, through relentless innovation, strategic collaborations and state of the art technology, SSL has constantly partnered with clients to address enterprise challenges by providing comprehensive solutions and services that combines deep domain expertise. SSL delivers technology solutions that are cost effective, easy to use and adaptive to enable next level growth. Our solutions provide the platform for an agile ICT environment that drives an organization towards set objectives. They instantly transform any organization and deliver visible return on Investment.

Fatumata Soukouna

We are experts in delivering Technology Solutions. With highly trained System Architects and Engineers, SSL enables organizations to proactively identify clogs in their core infrastructure, cost effective and innovative solutions, hence improving productivity.


Rigworld International Services Limited P. O. BOX CT 9253, CANTONMENTS-ACCRA, HSE NO. P2 ROMAN RIDGE – OFF ENGINEERS CENTER Phone: +233 (0)320 768143 Email: Website:

Headquartered in Ghana, Rigworld International Service Ltd. is a 100% Ghanaian owned upstream logistics, labour, material & equipment supply services provision company for the Oil and Gas industry in Ghana, West & Central Africa. The company was established in 2010 with the clear intention of becoming a chosen collaborator for, not only the aforementioned industry, but for other sectors and individuals committed to bringing top talent to develop the Oil and Gas industry.


With a dedicated, quality, and experienced management team in the sector, we are able to meet effectively all labour and the industrial service demands for our clients and to a large extent, assist in reaching their target goals on investment. The success of RigWorld International Services Limited in logistics and manpower provision for the oil & gas, and related industries in Ghana and the West & Central African regions is easily described by the words INTEGRITY, QUALITY, TEAMWORK and FOCUS.

Mr. Kifo Amoa-Abban Managing Director 230

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Companhia Mocambicana De Hidrocarbonetos, S.a. 4003, Avenida Julius Nyerere, Maputo City, Mozambique Phone: +258 21498257 Fax: +258 21498262 Email: Website:

CMH was established on 26 October 2000. On the same date, the Petroleum Production Agreement (PPA) was signed between the Government of Mozambique, and Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, EP (ENH) on one side and Sasol Petroleum Temane (SPT) and CMH on the other. Through this agreement, Sasol Petroleum Temane (SPT) and the Companhia Moçambicana de Hidrocarbonetos (CMH), have been granted the rights to carry out the petroleum operations in the Pande and Temane gas fields. In November 2002, the Pande and Temane field Development Plan was approved by the Government, thus granting to Sasol and CMH the rights to develop the gas fields and the construction of the Central Processing Facility (CPF), in Temane. In 2002, SPT and CMH signed the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) which establishes the rights and obligations of each partner in the Unincorporated Joint venture (UJV) and SPT was appointed Operator of the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Project.

Estevao Tomas Rafael Pale

According to the Petroleum Production Agreement and the Joint Operating Agreement, CMH had 30% rights to the gas fields and an option right to acquire 30% interest in the Central Processing Facility (CPF) located in Temane.

Chief Executive Officer

In 2003, CMH and International Finance Corporation (IFC), (a World Bank member), signed a Farm-out Agreement under which CMH undertook to assign 5% of its rights interest in the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Project to IFC, with effect from the 1st April 2006. From that date onwards, the participating interests in the project are: SPT with 70%, CMH with 25% and IFC 5%. CMH achieved its financial closure on 1st April 2006, against payment of its participation interest in the Project following loans granting for the Project by AFD, EIB and DBSA. The total loan amounted to USD 65 million, which allowed CMH to exercise its participating rights in the venture with Sasol and IFC, i. e., to fund its share in the project costs (until then, being incurred by the Operator) and receive its share of revenues derived from the commercial natural gas production and sale. In June 2008, CMH became the vehicle of participation for Mozambicans in the Pande and Temane Natural Gas Project, with the public offering of its social capital to private Mozambican investors, through the sale of 10% of ENH’s capital shares. Therefore, CMH acquired a new structure and the challenge to incorporate around 1300 Mozambican shareholders. In April 2009, these shares started to be listed and traded at the Mozambican Stock Exchange Market (BVM). In May 2012, the Expansion Project from the installed capacity of 120 MGJ/a to 183 MGJ/a was launched in Temane. Hence, the Project operates at the new increased capacity, aiming at meeting the commitments of gas sales not only to the foreign market but also to the Mozambican market.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



J.K. Cement Ltd Kamla Tower, Kanpur, 208001, India Phone: +915122371478 Email: Website:

J.K. Cement Ltd is a member unit of 125 years old J.K. organisation, a business conglomerate having operations in diverse business segments i.e. cement, Tyre, Paper & Pulp, Readymade Apparels, Woolen Textiles, Sugar, Food & Dairy Products, Cosmetics etc. with an annual group turnover of US$ 2 billion and a workforce of more than 25,000 employees. Company enjoys 40 years experience in the Indian Cement Industry and is multilocational cement player having four Grey cement plants in Rajasthan & Karnataka with total capacity of 7.5 Mn. TPA. The company is the second largest producer of White Cement & Wall Putty with a capacity of 0.5 Mn TPA & 0.5 Mn. TPA respectively.

Yadupati Singhania Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer


J.K. Cement was the first company to install a captive power plant in the year 1987 at Bamania, Rajasthan. J.K. Cement is also the first cement Company to install a waste heat recovery power plant to take care of the need of green power. Today at its different locations, the Company has captive power generation capacity of over 100 MWs. J.K. Cement Ltd has made its first international foray with the setting up of a green-field dual process white cement-cum-grey cement plant in the free trade zone at Fujairah, U.A.E to cater to the GCC and African markets. The plant at Fujairah has a capacity of 0.6 million tonnes per annum for White Cement with a flexibility to change over its operation to produce up to 1 million tonnes per annum of Grey Cement.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


TSOULE EVENTS OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITIES 14, Adisa Bashua street, off Adelabu, Surulere. Lagos Phone: 08138184554 Events: Weddings: Website:

Temitope Amodu is the debonair CEO of TSOULE Events, a charismatic leader. He has a background in computer engineering and worked as a senior project manager for a reputable engineering firm in Lagos and has Cisco professional certification. With an excellent knowledge of project management in Asia, Africa and Europe his creativity and flair for design have been infused into TSOULE Events. Temmie was named Best Event Manager of the year in Nigeria 2011 by The Nigerian Events Awards; he has also named the young achiever of the year by the same prestigious award organisation. Temmie has guided the company to winning the Wedding Planner of the year from another award organisation (Wed Awards in 2013).

Temitope Amodu CEO

TSOULE (pronounced “soul”), was founded in 2006 and is one of Nigeria’s few top-notch Event Management companies. Tsoule’s objective is to deliver turnkey events/ project management services efficiently and effectively. TSOULE has, amongst other feats, attained the successful creation of a perfect and seamless event flow as each project/event is particular and deserves to be treated as such. TSOULE Events delivers the art of delightful event management through finesse, precision and style. TSOULE Events provides a unique one-stop-shop for the planning, logistics and rentals for any great occasion. TSOULE is arguably the fastest growing event management firm in the whole of Nigeria and has been establishing itself as a leader in the field winning The Nigerian Event Awards’ (TNEA) Event Manager of the year 2011. TSOULE goes far beyond the design or logistics of an event; it is in the business of creating exceptional experiences. From conception to completion, events organized by TSOULE evolve with style, flair and professionalism and unrivalled attention to detail ensures that every event has the ‘wow factor’. Within 6 years of active contribution to the industry, TSOULE has built an impressive repertoire and client base for its range of services without compromising its most important principle... “Every event must be unique”. Each concept is original and tailor-made to suit each event/ project/ client while still ensuring a cost-effective delivery. Tsoule’s strength lies in its core values; resilience, follow through, quality, integrity through its committed members of staff with creativity and ingenuity that transcends beyond Lagos to Europe and the Gulf; and a research base, which is tirelessly driven to ensure every project delivers the best outcome for each client. With integrated business solutions, TSOULE is strategically placed to provide services that are above and beyond its client’s expectations.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



INTEK Ltd. 14-260 Lubawa ul.Grunwaldzka 18 Email: Website:

INTEK Ltd. has been present on Polish, European and international market since August 2003.

Janusz Stefanski CEO


The company was born on ashes of another company-POM. It happened when POM was forced to cease its activity due to financial problems which couldn’t be overcome. Janusz Stefański, the current owner and CEO of INTEK Ltd. at that time was working for another company which was closely cooperating with POM. Many contracts had been already signed and they couldn’t be changed or reassigned. In this situation not much could be done. As a person in charge of contracts signed with POM Janusz Stefanski was about to make a life-changing decision. Neither purchase of a failing company nor creation of a new one was possible options for his former employer. After long conversations and negotiations his boss, another shareholder and Janusz Stefanski decided to found a new company that would take POM over along with its employees and all remaining assets. INTEK Ltd. was born. Since 2003 Janusz Stefanski has been creating and developing a new team that makes the company grow every day. A ten-year action plan was created back in 2003. It has been entirely accomplished! The owner and his staff worked hard on their development and their identity as a part of the company as they believe that ‘self-improvement leads to success’. POM was poorly equipped with tools and machinery. Its structure and technical facilities needed to be adjusted to new requirements. The company had no ISO certification. Yet, there was something that was worth a lot- employees’ know-how, their skills and competencies. This was what INTEK Ltd. had at the beginning of its journey. Subsequently all the necessary makeovers were made. The company was renovated, new tools and machines were purchased. Also new customers needed to be found. At that moment INTEK Ltd. was manufacturing mainly metal parts and carrying out simple assemblies of devices based on outsourced documentation. It was developing employees’ foreign language skills and gaining first job-relevant certifications. The company’s structure was adjusted to the current production process. New production spaces were created and the existing ones were renovated. New products were introduced as new customers started to appear. Those new products were technologically more advanced and that was just the beginning. New departments were created: steering unit, mechanical design unit, electrical design unit. First turnkey contracts were signed. According to the feedback from the customers, INTEK Ltd. entirely fulfilled their expectations. This positive evaluation encouraged the staff to improve their actions and made them realize that a company understood as a team - is the real power. The positive feedback from the customers is the best reward any company can achieve. Gained experience has been confirmed by large number of certifications. Currently the company keeps building its own infrastructure. 300 highly qualified staff and the hi-technology of metal work also let INTEK Ltd. manufacture the final products of high level of transformation.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


ECOHORNET SRL Highway Bucharest-Pitesti, km. 13,2 exit Ciorogarla, 4 Italia Street, Chiajna, 077040 Ilfov, Romania Phone: +40 745 050 050 , +40 740 888 085 Fax: +40 21 351 58 64 Email: Website:

ECOHORNET was founded in 2010, the main activity is the manufacture and sale of ecoHORNET equipments for the production of heat and electricity with pellets and agro-pellets which apply the new technology invented and patented by Iuliean Hornet. The new technology consists in high-efficiency and environment-friendly burning at incineration temperatures over 1250 ° C, with minimum emissions of garbage, residues, domestic waste, etc., granulated and compacted in the form of pellets. ECOHORNET technology is the only one which capitalizes the entire energetic potential of this ecological and rapidly regenerative fuel, by burning at a higher level that simultaneously integrates processes such as gasification, condensation, direct combustion, incineration, post combustion and optimized heat transfer.

Mr. Hornet Iuliean CEO

ECOHORNET SRL proposes a new approach on sustainable development of both rural and urban areas through conversion of biomass: garbage, debris and green waste, agricultural, forestry and woods, livestock animal waste, selection of household waste, energy crops, wood chips, especially dry and damages of forests and uncultivated lands, even those with high content of silica or mixed sawdust, etc., compacted and granulated in form of pellets, clean granules odourless, non-toxic, unalterable, into the cheapest and cleanest thermal and electrical energy, by using high performance equipments. The ecoHORNET equipments are designed to respond to the most demanding requirements of the 3rd millennium in point of efficiency ( 94-97%), emissions ( CO emissions < 250mg/m³, VOC emissions < 10 mg/Nm³, particulate emissions < 7.4 mg/Nm³), lowest-cost of MWatt, while offering access to a renewable, inexhaustible and eco-friendly fuel source, i.e. biomass, without encouraging deforestation. Products manufactured by ECOHORNET SRL: - pellet heating units 20-500 kW ( 1MW) - cover entirely the heat and hot water demand for the civil and industrial sector; - injector-type pellet burners 20-500kW ( 1MW) - replace all diesel, gas, oil injectors, which use expensive and highly-polluting fuels. ; - pellet burners for radiant tubes 20-75 kW - The ideal solution for heating high spaces. By using the ecoHORNET combustion technology, the BIOMASS (pellets) has become a source of energy which: is efficient and inexhaustible, economic and independent, green and smart; it enables the development and implementation of strategies for energetic independence of communities; it creates jobs; it reduces pollution rapidly (50 %); it reduces fossil-fuel use and relieves us of worries, but, especially, the future generations, when the extent of the pollution will be very important and pollution will be very expensive.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Eduspec Holdings Berhad No.18, Level 2&3, Jalan Pemaju U1/15, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor D.E., Malaysia Phone: +60 3 5569 0150 Fax: +60 3 5569 2864 Email: Website: Lim Een Hong (E. H. Lim) serves as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at Eduspec Holdings Berhad (Eduspec) since November, 2008. Prior to joining the education industry, E H Lim is an advocate and solicitor, and was a senior partner of Messrs EH Lim, Lee & Partners in Kuala Lumpur. E. H. Lim graduated with a Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) from University of Malaya. The change in E. H. Lim’s focus from law to the education industry is driven by his passion and conviction that K-12 education should be institutionalized. E. H. Lim also advocates public-private partnership in education. The adoption of education technology is lacking in this region except for Singapore. E. H. Lim’s vision is to bridge the gap between the have and the have-nots in accessing quality education that involves the knowledge of education technologies. The vision also includes providing skills needed for youths to qualify for jobs in the current and future industry.

Lim Een Hong CEO

Since achieving listing status in 2010, Eduspec has progressively expanded to Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In 2014, Eduspec is expanding to Thailand, and Myanmar. E H Lim also cultivated new strategic partnerships with iCarnegie Global Learning Inc., HANBAN China, Beijing Animation and Games Alliance, Google, Microsoft, YTL group, and Apple. E H Lim also supported the initiative by non-profit organizations namely CyberSecurity Malaysia and Youth on Unity (Y.O.U.) Eduspec collaborates with schools and universities to campaign the importance of ICT education in Asia. E H Lim believes in providing services to schools by giving them the best integrated services, and not just selling them hardware or software per se. E H Lim also prioritizes corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, and was the first to introduce moral IT in schools. Under E H Lim’s leadership, Eduspec has grown to become the number one K-12 IT education provider in Asia.

Eduspec has been at the forefront in providing innovative information and communications technology (ICT) education programs for schools since 1984. Eduspec has operations both in Malaysia and Singapore. The organization has since expanded operations to Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and China. In 2014, Eduspec is also expanding to Thailand and Myanmar. Eduspec promotes educational activities and research & develop new educational products throughout the Asia Pacific region. Eduspec products and services include IT learning labs, Language labs, Digital School System, School Management System, School Library System, e-learning, Learning Management System, and innovative programs such as Robotics, DynaMice, and SWIPE.


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


STEAK HOUSE Restaurants PO Box 16460, Riyadh, 11464, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +966 011 243 9191 Email: Website:

STEAK HOUSE opened its doors to the public in 1992 as a modest 60-seat restaurant in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Over the two decades of operating in the Kingdom, the STEAK HOUSE chain has twelve locations in all regions of the Kingdom and is the largest volume and most successful casual-dining chain in Saudi Arabia. Popular with the local Saudis and Expats from around the Globe, the restaurants provide seating sections for both families and bachelors with a ‘western dining experience’ while still catering to the needs of the conservative culture found in the Kingdom.

Steven Skoien Executive General Manager

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STEAK HOUSE More Than 20 Years in KSA! 238

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We are pleased to be honored with a “ “Best Enterprise” designation by the European Business Assembly in Oxford, UK on October 14, 2014.

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Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

World scientists. Success stories

World scientists. Success stories

Robert Nizhegorodtsev Chief of Laboratory of Economic Dynamics and Control for Innovations in the Institute for Control Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Full Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dept. of Informatics and Cybernetics, Full Member of Philosophical and Economic Academic Community (Moscow Lomonosov State University) lab. 67, ICS RAS, 65, Profsoyuznaya St., Moscow, Russia, 117997, Phone: +7-495-334-9309 Email:

Doctor of Economics (2002), Chief of Laboratory of Economic Dynamics and Control for Innovations in the Institute for Control Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia).

The head of research projects in economics and control studies since 1994. The research advisor of 5 PhDs in economics and technical sciences.

Full Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dept. of Informatics and Cybernetics (2009). Full Member of Philosophical and Economic Academic Community (Moscow Lomonosov State University). Honorary Professor of Kazakhstan Economic State University (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Honorary Professor of Ural Economic State University (Yekaterinburg, Russia). Honorary Doctor of Karaganda Technical State University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan). The author of more than 600 scientific publications, including 22 monographs and 6 handbooks. The member of editorial boards of 10 scientific journals in different branches of economics and science: Control Sciences, Problems of New Economics, Financial Space, Control for Large-Scale Systems, Transactions of Economic Integration et al.

Majors in Informational economics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Regional economy, Institutional economics, Economic forecasting. Interested (and has several printed works) in Social philosophy, Tertiary education, Higher and Elementary mathematics, Comparative linguistics. Gives lectures on Macroeconomics and government policy, Economics of innovations, Economic forecasting and other subjects in the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation, Government RF Financial University, Moscow Aerospace Institute, South-Russian Polytechnic State University, Kazakhstan Satpayev National Technical University, University of Banking (National Bank of Ukraine).

Mrs. Deborah Maharaj-Newling Acclaimed Educator, Speaker, Entrepreneur, ISO Auditor and Chartered Marketer, Professional Institute of Marketing and Business Studies Ltd. (PIMBS) #1 Harris Street, Curepe, Trinidad, West Indies Phone: + (868)662-7467 Website: Email:

Mrs Deborah Maharaj-Newling is an acclaimed Educator, Speaker, Entrepreneur, ISO Auditor and Chartered Marketer and is equipped with a wealth of knowledge in the fields of Chemistry, Microbiology, Food Technology, Business Strategies/Development, Marketing and Quality Management. Her involvement with the Tertiary Education sector is both rich with experience and achievements, having served in various capacities on a National level. She has served as the Managing Director of one of the nation’s leading business schools for the last seventeen years. The School has been recognised as having trained the largest number of 242

marketers in the Caribbean region, to achieve the prestigious Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) Qualification. She was awarded the title of “Manager of the Year” as the head of the “Best Institute” in the region, namely – Professional Institute of Marketing and Business Studies Ltd. in December 2013, by the Socrates Awards Committee, Oxford, UK. The following year she received the European Award for Best Practices 2014, for the Quality Management Strategies implemented in that organization. Through this Institute, she has spearheaded many research topics, involving Public Health, Psychology, Education, Environmental Science and Music Culture.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Rauf Ablyazov President, Founder of Cherkassy Academy of Management Doctor of Technical Science, Full Professor, USSR State Prize Winner. Website:

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” This idea spoken by Winston Churchill characterizes an active personality of Rauf Ahmetovich Ablyazov. He manages to perfect any business overcoming the obstacles and difficult situations. All his life Rauf Ablyazov has set high standards for himself and tried to reach them. All his achievements would be enough for the whole staff. But his every new success, his new development is not a subject for self-satisfaction. His new achievement becomes a new milestone in his life and inspires new ideas. Rauf Ablyazov is a Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, a member of the Ukrainian Academy of Science, a member of International Engineering Academy. In 2006 he was awarded the title of the Master of Science and Engineering of Ukraine. He has a lot of various honorary rewards for all his achievements. Among them are the Order of Saint Nicholas Thaumaturgus for the charity and the Order “Intelligence of the Nation” for high professional achievements and noticeable contribution into intellectual development of Ukrainian society. Rauf Ablyazov was recognized not only within Ukraine but far beyond of our country. He became the member of the Club of Rectors of Europe and was awarded The Socrates Prize. So what kind of person is he? Where can he get inspiration and energy for all his ideas? He was born in 1935 in the village of Kamkino, Russia. He had to meet with the war. He knew the sorrow of that time. His character tempered during difficult postwar period. He faced pain, regret as well as joy and pleasure of the youth. He graduated from Gorky Polytechnic Institute. He started his working and scientific career as a junior constructor in Gorky, Russia (now Nizhny Novgorod). In

the seventies he moved to Cherkasy and was appointed as a chief constructor of the construction department “Sokol”. He showed himself as a responsible, reliable, hardworking, broad-minded, decisive and ambitious person. All these features characterize a person who can run any business. So in 1986 he became a director of one of the most important and significant plant in Ukraine “Photopribor” that produced devices for aerospace industry. In spite of his work commitments he found time to improve the life of Cherkasy community. It was he who initiated the construction of the complex which included a polyclinic, a canteen and other social facilities needed for Cherkasy inhabitants. His great figure and leadership skills always draw attention and excite general admiration. He manages to find like-minded people who help him live out a dream. In 1992 willing to create an alternative higher educational institution, a group of progressive scientists united their forces to achieve the common purpose. Having broad experience of work at a higher educational institution and wide experience of practical activity they became the founders of the first private higher educational institution in Cherkasy. They tried to form the concept of the higher educational institution of a new type and chose the most prestigious specialties and worked out curricula to train professionals for developing economics of Ukraine. Today East European University of Economics and Management is a large multifunctional higher educational institution with excellent prospects for further development. To work with such a person is both a great piece of luck and a great piece of work. The awareness that you work with him requires being at the best, constantly cultivating the abilities and keeping up with the times. One can gain a great experience to work under the guidance of Rauf Ablyazov. Such features of Rauf Ablyazov as far-sightedness, wisdom, the feeling of novelty always encourage people working with him to achieve much success in all their projects.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Buket Akkoyunlu, Ph.D. Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey Website:

Professor Buket Akkoyunlu holds BA degree in Sociology from the Hacettepe University, MA degree in Curriculum and Instruction in education from Hacettepe University and a Ph.D. in Educational Technology from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. She is working as a professor at the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies at Hacettepe University. She is teaching and supervising on e-learning, instructional design, development and evaluation of instructional materials related courses both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Her main research areas include information literacy, web based learning, multi media learning, instructional design, development and evaluation of instructional materials. She has conducted research and published articles and books in the field of educational technology, web based learning, multimedia learning and information literacy. She is also involved in EU projects

such as Children As Researchers in Primary Education – (CARIPSIE) – Commenius (Partner with Norway, Belgium, England, Sweden, Lithunia and Latvia - 2006 - 2009), Higher Education as Generator of Strategic Competiencies (HEGESCO) (Partner with Slovenia, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Lithunia – 2010 - 2012), Firing up science education S-TEAM – 2009 – 2012 (FP7), Strategies for Assessment in Inquiry Learning in Science (SAILS – 2012 - 2016) (FP7), Inquiry for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education (INSTEM) and Mathematics and science for life (MaScil – 2013 2017) (FP7). She was the Dean of Faculty of Education, at Hacettepe University between 2006 – 20012. She was the member of Higher Education Board - National Committee on Teacher Education between 2009 – 2013. She also worked as the Bologna Coordinator of Hacettepe University between 2009 – 2012. She is a member of program committees of numerous conferences and also serves as a referee for many scientific journals.

Tamara Belousova Chief and Founder of the Medical Centre (Zaporozhye, Ukraine) Website:, Skype: centr-belousovoy Email:

Essentially Tamara Belousova’s technique differs from traditional manual therapy in that, in the course of correction, traction, vibration and torsiya are used, but the main thing is an individual approach to each problem. Treatment is gradual, very ‘soft’ and sparing. Before the procedure the patient undergoes careful diagnostics while drawing up the individual’s card. Brusque pressure here is inadmissible. Tamara Belousova invented and patented elastic tools in order to completely exclude the probability of complications while under 244

manual influence. This special form in combination with softness provides local vibro-treatment with a precise return of bone structures to their normal states. The uniqueness of this method is that while investigating a backbone, an exact diagnosis of diseases of all parts of the body can be given. And when the reason is discovered, it can be eliminated and rules for a healthy lifestyle can be recommended. Belousova’s method is simple, without complications.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Evdokiya Luchezarnova Founder of the knowledge about Rhythmotime, Head office of NNOY ‘Irlem’: Post code: 125040 9, Yamskoe pole the 5th street, Moscow, Russia Phone: 495 87 99, 812 309 05 58, 812 309 34 79 (twenty four hour) Email: Website:

Evdokiya Luchezarnova is the author of the so called Rhythmomethod 7 R0 EDLM and the author of more than 300 books with general circulations of more than three million copies. Mrs. Luchezarnova has written 20 scripts for performances and musicals, besides 100 films are shot about her. Since 1989 and to this day she has held more than 600 multi-day meetings, presentations, and conferences in which about 10 thousand people from Russia, the countries of the near and far abroad take part. Evdokiya Luchezarnova was born on September the 19th in the Urals region (Russia). In 1974 she graduated from the Ural University named after M. Gorkiy in Sverdlovsk, the faculty of physics and acquired a profession of an astronomer-surveyor. Since 1974 to 1989 she was an employee of the State rocket center in Miass in South Ural. In 1998 mrs. Luchezarnova established Author’s Center publishing house ‘Radast’.

In 2004 she became the member of the Union of writers of Russia and the International Association of writers and publicists (MAPP). In 2005 she organized and participated in the Expeditions to the North and South Poles. She also initiated the ‘Peace Mission’ movement and organized petition under the open letter in the UN with the offer to found the International Day of Reason, having forbidden this day manifestation of any sort of aggression: wars, conflicts, terror. In 2006 Evdokiya Luchezarnova organized and participated in the Expeditions round the Equator. One year later she organized and participated in the round-the-world Aero Expedition on the Greenwich Mean Time and the Line of change of dates. From 2005 to 2012 she edited the newspaper called ‘Rhythmotime’. 2010 she received the first prize for the book ‘Irlem’ at the VIII Kiev International book exhibition ‘Book World -2010’: ‘The right to think, the right to read’ in the nomination ‘The best literary and art edition’.

In May of 1998 in New York the presentation in the Russian Mission of the UN has come.

In 2013 the edition of a magazine called ‘Rhythmotime’ has been started.

In 2002 she established the Rhythmology Institute in Moscow named after Evdokiya Luchezarnova (Marchenko).

From 1999 to 2014 she opened 100 salons-shops called ‘Alive book’ that are working in Russia and abroad.

Lubov Shpak PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Rector of East European University

Lubov Shpak was born in Kyiv in 1980. She graduated from Cherkasy Polytechnic University and obtained complete higher education in the speciality ‘Finance’. During her studying she took an active part in social life of Ukraine and in different youth movements.

She experienced in the movement ‘Youth in Parliament’ being an assistant of the head of the committee in Verhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament). She does all her best to contribute to the development of the Ukrainian science and education.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Evgeny Kablov Director General of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials – acad. of RAS 17, Radio Street, Moscow, 105005, Russia. Phone: +7(499)261-86-77 Fax: +7(499)267-86-09 Web: Email:

Director General of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials – acad. of RAS prof. EVGENY N. KABLOV, laureate of State Prizes of the USSR and RF, Government Prize of RF. He was awarded many state decorations: Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Degree III and IV, Order of Honor, Certificate of Merit of the President of RF, medals. Born on February 14, 1952 in Spirtzavod village, Mordovia, Russia. In 1974 graduated from the Moscow State Aviation Technological Institute and started work at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM). Since 1966 the head of this institute. Professor, PhD in technology, since 2005 Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

His scientific interests include service life and efficiency growth of cast cooled blades for gas-turbine engines, metallurgy of heatresistant alloys, development of active control methods for the process а optimal structure formation in blades metal. All-Russian R&D institute of aviation materials, VIAM, a leader of domestic material science, carries out fundamental and applied researches, climatic and microbiological tests of materials and parts, develops metallic and nonmetallic materials, coatings, production processes and equipment, methods of corrosion protection. VIAM is the owner of hi-tech knowledge-intensive technologies to make various materials, semis and special production equipment.

Tofig H. Garagyozov Head of Laboratory of Bioengineering and Biotechnology Institute of Botany, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Laboratory of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Institute of Botany Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 40 Batamdar highway, AZ 1073 Baku, Azerbaijan Phone: (99412) 97-50-73 E-mail: He was born on December the 18th, 1948, Baku, Azerbaijan. He graduated from the Azerbaijan State University, Faculty of Biology. He was a Chair of Plant Physiology from 1966 to 1971, had a postgraduate studies 1976-1980, PhD (plant physiology) 06.06.1985.

5. Clonal reproduction of plants;

Field of scientific interests:

7. Ecology Methods: all kinds of preparative biochemical techniques, plant cell and tissue cultures, cell engineering and biotechnology, gas chromatography;

1. The hormonal regulation of morphological processes of plants;

6. Production of bioactive substances by unconventional technologies;

2. Problem of adaptation and stability of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses;

8. Biotechnology of propagation of saffron.

3. Studies of hormonal regulation of morphological and physiological processes in vitro;

He trained 6 candidates of Sciences. Also he is an author of more than 90 publications.

4. Elaboration of cellular and tissue models for transduction of foreign genes;


Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Valeria Mikhalevich;

Professor V.I Mikhalevich is a protozoologist, a micropaleontologist and Corresponding Member of the European Academy of Science, Arts and Literature (EASAL). She is also an honorable member of the Grzybowski Foundation, Member of EURO SCIENCE, SPASS and several other scientific societies. As a poet, she belongs to the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg and Russia. She has made important contributions to science as the author of three monographs and about 300 articles, all published in established Russian and international scientific editions. As a poet and translator of poetry, she has published 14 books. Her own poetry is inspired by her science and is devoted to living nature and the

universe. She has received awards both in science and literature: Russian Academy of Science Award – 2002, Grzybowski Foundation Award – 2006, Zabolotsky Award – 2007, Woman of the Year in Science in St. Petersburg – 2009, the European Academy of Science, Arts and Literature Award – 2012. For her motto, she has chosen the words of a great Russian scientist and poet, Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), ‘The sciences show the arts the way. The arts hasten the birth of science. Both serve in mutual harmony the common good.’

Vitold Pestis Rector of Grodno State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (Republic of Belarus) Website: Phone/fax: +375152721365 E-mail:

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Honoured Worker of Belarusian Education, Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna, Vitold Pestis is the author of 10 monographs, 25 course-books, 400 scientific papers, 45 manuals, 120 patents on inventions and utility models.

Vitold Pestis leads the scientific school specializing in refinement of livestock fodder and ration quality by means of extensive use of local natural sources high in proteins, minerals and vitamins.

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World scientists. Success stories

Prof. Artem A. Markaryan Pharm. Dr., Professor, Head of the Department of the scientific cooperation, youth and communication programs, Roscooperation, Ministry of the External Affairs, Scientific tutor to 8 Ph.D. and 3 Grand Ph.D. Phone: + 7 9854114828 Email:

Education and trainings

2000 - postgraduate study at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, pharmaceutical faculty, Associate Professor of pharmaceutical science,

from natural raw substances, its standardization and market launch. As the Head of the Department of the scientific cooperation, youth and communication programs, under the Ministry of the External Affairs, responsible for international partnership in the sphere of science and technologies transfers, education among youth. Support Russian innovative tech transfers to foreign countries.

2005 - PhD

Scientific publications

1997 - Graduated from the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, pharmaceutical faculty

2010 - Professor

Work experience

2001 - 2006 - I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, promoted from position of assistant to the pharmacognosy chair of the pharmaceutical faculty to holder of the pharmacy chair 2007 - 2010 – Head of the Expertise Institute of professional qualifications of HCP, Federal Service on Surveillance and Social development in the healthcare


2010 - 2012 – Principal on the international cooperation and postgraduate study, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Expert member of the Council on State pharmacopoeia at the MoH

Main activities and responsibilities

One of the leading specialists for providing scientific assessment for medicines, food supplements, cosmetology items development


More than 150 scientific publications, 10 received patents in the Russian Federation, monographer “Food supplements containing natural raw substances used in urologic practice”, co-author of the monograph “Psoriasis, patient school”, “Violet, prospective sources of effective and health-improving medicines’, text book for postgraduate studies of the pharmacists “ Technologies of producing lipophilic medicines” Chairman of the technical Committee on medicines’ standardization, Federal Service on technical regulation and metrology

Member of the Dissertation Advisory Committee under the Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Department of the physico-chemical biology and innovations

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Bleskin Boris Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief researcher of the Federal State Budget Institution “Russian Scientific and Research for Medical Engineering” of Federal service on surveillance in the Healthcare Borisovskie prudi str., 22-1-120, Moscow, Russia Tel. +7(495) 3418079, +79163272040 Email: Web-site:

Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and AMTN, the chief researcher of Federal state budget institution “Russian Scientific and Research for Medical Engineering” of Federal service on surveillance in the Healthcare, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Academy of medical engineering science, a doctor of higher category. He graduated from 2nd Moscow medical institution named after N. I. Pirogov in 1971 and did postgraduate study in 1987, having been a Doctor of Medical Sciences since 1997.

Boris Bleskin worked in hospitals and clinics in the cities of Taiga, Tomsk, Ivanovo, Belits (GDR), Volgorechensk and Moscow. Liquidator of the Chernobyl accident. He has been awarded the medal “For Rescue of the Perishing”, the signs “Excellent Student of Health Care of the Russian Federation”.

Diabetes of type I

Bleskin Boris

Bleskin Boris

New earlier unknown regularity of etiopathogenesis diabetes of type I, being that in an initial stage of the chronic inflammation in Langergans's islands, caused by a virus infection, takes the first place, hidden and is delayed till 1 year of reversible character of the current, bringing to the B-cells degeneration (a priority of 20.05.1982). For rehabilitation of insulin function of B-cells in Russia No. 2000782, 1152595, 2104000, 2182475, 2391971, 2514529 inventions are created.

Obtaining electric energy from the atmosphere

The author of more than 60 inventions on a problem of cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, schizophrenia, coronary heart disease, congenital and hereditary pathology, a series of devices on use of atmospheric electricity.

New law unknown earlier is revealed that in etiopathogenesis hereditary and congenital diseases the primary role is carried out by chronic insulin by deficiency caused by defeat by a slow virus infection of B-cells of islets of Langergans and result in secondarily damaged fetal genome. The most negative for conception are the periods of 1.5 weeks and 1,5 months after spring and autumn equinox and summer and winter solstice when the Sun makes active a slow virus infection in the B-cells, leading to a congenital pathology. B-cells affection by a slow virus infection is widespread and proceeds without a painful syndrome. The pathological condition of a tail part is detected by contact thermography and ultrasonic. With due regard for etiopathogenesis, hemosorption and plasmapheresis are proposed to be used for preventive purposes (before conception) as well as for new purpose.

Bleskin Boris

Alternative to sources of receiving electric energy existing now is use of electric energy of the atmosphere including a lightning. For use of atmospheric electricity in Russia patents No. 2030132, 2000128, 2332816, 2369991, 2482640 a number of devices are invented. Distinctive feature of technical solutions is that the reception block contains cupola-shaped triboelement below the crosswise antenna. Invention of a role of infringement insulin system, a slow virus infection and the Sun rhythm on etiopathogenesis congenital and hereditary diseases

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Smailova Nurgul Ph.D., Associate Professor HAC KZ, Professor PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, Academician IIA, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of editorial Board of international scientific electronic journal “Science”

Born in Pavlodar region, January 10, 1971.

Major works published in leading international journals:

Graduated from Kazakh State Technical University, Specialty: machines and technology of metal forming.

1) Investigation of Regularities of Variations in the Structure of Metal under Simple Shear. – Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2009, Vol.50, No. 6, pp. 622-627.

The total number of publications: about 80, published in the CIS and abroad, 8 - in international scientific journals, including 6 with according to the information base by Thomson Reuters (ISIwebofKnowledge, ThomsonReuters) non-zero impact factor, 3 monographs, 16 copyright certificates on inventions and innovation patents. Under her leadership, were written and defended two master’s theses on topical issues of technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing. In 2010 she was awarded the badge of the Ministry of education and science “For contribution in development of science of Kazakhstan”. Since 2012 she is an academician of the International Informatization Academy. In 2013 she was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Science and Education”. In 2014 she was included in the editorial board of the international scientific electronic journal ‘Science’.


2) Investigation of Regularities of Variations in the Structure of Metal under Tension of a Sample.- Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2010, Vol.51, No. 1, pp. 69-73. 4) The monograph «Technologya kovki v instrumente s izmenjausheisja formoi» (“The technology in the forging tool with changing shape”).- Publishing house «LAP Lambert Academic Publishing», 06.08.2012. – 664p. 5) The monograph «Problemi kovki titanovykh splavov I ikh reshenia. Chast 1».( The problem of forging titanium alloys and their solutions. Publishing house «LAP Lambert Academic Publishing», 18.10.2013. – 238p. 6) Influence of Thermal Condition Prorollers to Formation of CrossSection Profile of Hot-Rolled Strips, Rolled on the Longitudinal -Wedge Mill. – Universal Journal of Engineering Science 1(3): 80-88, 2013. 8) Quality of Strips at the Longitudinal-wedge Rolling Mill. – Universal Journal of Engineering Science 1(4): 126-132, 2013.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Dr. Rami Hikmat Fouad ALHadeethi The Hashemite University, Academic Enterprise Dr., Associate Professor Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, P. O. Box 330127, 13133 Zarqa, Jordan Phone: Work: +962 (0) 5390 333, Ext: 4575 Secretary: 4461 Mobile: +962795688394 Viber: +962787139194 Email: URL:

The Hashemite University as a youthful and prominent higher education institution is committed to actively participate in achieving the goals of the comprehensive national development through preparing loyal men and women who are not only technically competent in their professional fields, but also life-long learners who have a breadth vision, loyalty to their nation, and a sense of civic and moral responsibility and a devotion to the fundamental values of human life. It is oriented toward achieving an academic pioneering position and excellence in university teaching, scientific research, at both the national and regional levels, to serve society through its educational functions, and to participate in the advancement of knowledge.

Dr. Rami Hikmat Fouad AlHadeethi was born on the 2nd of December, 1961, in the city of Hadeetha in the west of Iraq. He is married and blessed with three children: two girls and a boy. Dr Rami completed his undergraduate studies with a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Baghdad in 1983 and proceeded abroad for further studies; he undertook his postgraduate studies at the prestigious University of Cranfield in the UK where he successfully completed his M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering and Production Management in June of 1988. He later joined the University of Bradford for his Doctorate and completed his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Technology and Operations Management in 1991. During his postgraduate studies in the UK, Dr Rami has worked as a teaching assistant, supervising undergraduate projects and helping to teach and deliver engineering courses. On completion of his studies in the UK, as a beneficiary of funding for his studies by his country’s Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, he voluntarily returned to his home country of Iraq to impart knowledge to his fellow countrymen and women. Afterwards, he joined the University of Baghdad in Iraq and in September 1997 was appointed as coordinator of the Industrial Management Department. The following are some of the key milestones in the academic career of Dr Rami spanning more than twenty-five years: In September 1998, he was promoted as the Head and Founder of the Industrial Management Department.

In September 2000, he joined the Industrial Engineering Department at the Hashemite University in Zarqa, Jordan. The Faculty was then in its infancy and he was thus appointed as Head and Establisher of the Industrial Engineering Department. In 2004, he was responsible for establishing an MSc program in Maintenance Management and coordinating postgraduate studies with a view to initiating educational links with overseas academic institutions, with a particular focus on UK universities. In 2006, he was appointed as Vice-Dean of the Engineering Faculty. Other major academic responsibilities included the Chairmanship of the ABET accreditation committee, the Chairmanship of the scientific research committee and the Chairmanship of the postgraduate studies committee. Other duties included supervising college exams, timetables and administrative staff. In 2007, he was appointed as Vice-Dean, Deanship of Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies. Dr. Rami is a qualified Mechanical Engineer with M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Industrial Technology and Operations Management; both degrees were obtained from United Kingdom institutions. He possesses great soft skills and strong interpersonal skills in establishing academic departments as he was the founder of the Industrial Management Department at the University of Baghdad in Iraq (1991-2000). He also participated in establishing the College of Engineering and founded the Industrial Engineering Department at the Hashemite University in Jordan (2000-present) where he still teaches in his capacity as an Associate Professor. He has taught many undergraduates and postgraduates on a part-time basis at the University of Technology and Al-Mansour University College in Iraq, and at the University of Jordan and Israa University in Jordan and has supervised and chaired many postgraduate dissertations. Dr Rami helped in setting up links with industry; this has added to his administrative knowledge and practical experience and has allowed him to improve his relations and links with the industrial sector. It has also allowed him to work on applied research, student graduation projects and student field training, focusing on several real-life industrial problems.

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World scientists. Success stories

Dr. Rami is also certified in instruction and e-learning systems and experienced in teaching e-learning, distance learning and blendedlearning courses; he has taught many distance learning courses on a self-employed basis with the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMeU), Dubai, UAE. Dr. Rami has also covered cost analysis courses as blended courses at the Hashemite University in Jordan. Moreover, Dr. Rami is a director, across the Middle East and GCC countries, of the SUPCO e-training Company in the United Kingdom and chaired two e-learning conferences in Amman and Istanbul.

The spectrum of these topics includes the fields of Total Quality Management (TQM), Statistical Process Control (SPC), Operations and/or Production Management, Maintenance Systems & Management, Japanese Management & Lean Manufacturing, Strategic Management, and Inventory Control & Management, at the following: Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, e-TQM Institute, Dubai, UAE. TUV Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE; (Member of TUV NORD Group – Germany).

Dr. Rami has chaired international conferences worldwide. His participations over the last five years in various aspects are as follows:

Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO), League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt.

Chairman, The 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM2013), Sanya, China, 27-29 December 2013.

EuroJordanian Advanced Business Institute (EJABI), Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI), Amman, Jordan. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Professional Training Group, Jordan.

Session Chairman, International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Systems Management (ICIESM), Paris, France, 28-29 November 2012. Chairman, the 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM2012), Zhengzhou, China, 10-12 August 2012. Organizing Committee, The Sixth Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, Las Vegas, USA, 6-8 August 2012. Keynote Speaker, The 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM2011), Zhengzhou, China, 12-14 August 2011. Steering Committee, The Fifth Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, Dubai, UAE, 1-3 June 2011. Steering Committee, The Fourth Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, Sarawak, Malaysia, 2-4 December 2010. International Program Committee, The Third Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2-4 February 2010.

Hashemite University Center for Studies, Consultations and Community Services (CSCCS), Jordan. Jordan Academy of Maritime Studies (JAMS), Jordan. Continuous Education Center at University of Technology (UOT), Baghdad, Iraq. Arab Centre for Consultations and Managerial Skills Improvement at University of Al-Mustansiria, Baghdad, Iraq. Consultations Center at University of Baghdad, Iraq, and many other consulting and training companies around the world. Concerning the research side of Dr Rami’s activities, he is involved in two main streams. The first is theoretical and survey based studies while the second is related to the application of engineering aspects to solve industrial problems; this has resulted in the publication of 42 papers and three books, and he is still active through his continuous scientific research efforts. He is a member of: Iraqi Union of Engineers, with the rank of Consultant,

Session Chairman, International Reviewer and Program Committee Member, The Second Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization, Bali, Indonesia, 1-3 June 2009.

Jordanian Engineers Union (JEU), Arab Trainers Union (ATU),

International Advisor and Technical Reviewer, National Postgraduate Conference (NPC 2009), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia, 25-26 March 2009.

Jordanian Trainers Society (JTS), and Jordan Society for Quality (JSQ).

Dr. Rami is an internationally recognised consultant with a unique perspective on mixing engineering knowledge and administrative abilities. He utilises his 24 years of varied experience in the design, development, organisation and delivery of several worldwide short training courses that cover an extensive range of engineering disciplines and business-related topics. 252

He is also a Member of: Editorial Board, Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, ISSN: 2222-7059 (Print); EISSN:2222-7067 (Online), American Scientific Publishers.,

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Editorial Board, Advances in Information Sciences and Services sciences (AISS) Journal, ISSN : 2233-9345 (Online), ISSN : 19763700 (Print), Advisory Board, Globus International Journal of Management and Information Technology, ISSN 0975-721 X, http://www. During his academic work, Dr. Rami has twice been invited to become Visiting Professor, Department of Business Administration; Ahmed Bin Mohammad Military College, in Doha, Qatar. He has taught many courses including Operations and Production Management, Knowledge Management, Scientific Research Methodology, Statistics, Principles of Management, Knowledge Management, and Mathematics. Moreover, he set up the supervision of Graduation Projects and presentation activities. Given the range of his commitments on training courses and the quality of his industry research contribution, he has made immense it has to be cited Dr Rami’s major contribution to the learning and teaching process. One aspect does stand out; however, he has proved himself to be the most effective point of contact to undergraduate and postgraduate, MSc and MPhil/PhD level students. He has total commitment to bringing out latent talent in those he collaborates and most colleagues in other faculties are continually surprised by the quality of the work and support he produces on the training courses. This is, of course merely an obvious manifestation of the dedication which Dr Rami brings to learning and teaching at all levels. It is very regular for colleagues to describe him to have amiable disposition and a dedicated colleague. He would be described to be innovative and completely reliable. He carries out every responsibility well and in a timely manner. Dr Rami has an outstanding record of contributions in promoting and developing research to enhance levels of cross-cultural competence in academia and industry practitioners, staff and students in academic settings. He has led, and currently leading numerous large-scale collaborative research projects in academia and industry. He has long term working collaboration with many international academic and research institutions not just in the Arab

world but in Europe, Asia and the USA. Any reputable University or research institutions will be proud of its association with Dr Rami. He has published extensively in his area and program of research, and continues to generate and attract big funds to his University for various projects on engineering and management and is on editorial board of numerous and prestigious academic journals. He has significant experience in championing quality in teaching and learning. Dr Rami has also been invited to become Visiting Professor at AlFateh University’s Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Tripoli, Libya. He taught Operations and Production Management and Operations Research, supervising many Graduation Projects and chairing discussion committees. Moreover, he covered training courses for the Academy of Postgraduate Studies and Economic Research, Tripoli, Libya. With regard to Dr. Rami’s voluntary work, he is an honorary member of the JICA alumni association in Jordan (JAAJ), and a member of the Iraqi Union of Engineers, the Jordanian Engineers Union and the Jordan Society for Quality (JSQ). Dr. Rami has helped in several aspects and sat on several committees within these bodies. He is a member of a committee responsible for organising several conferences held in Amman. Dr Rami has also covered many voluntary workshops, chaired several sessions at various conferences and helped in evaluating the submitted papers. Finally, and according to all the above-mentioned highlights, Dr. Rami is considered to be a highly skilled and disciplined person. He has a wide-ranging and proven academic track record and a sound understanding of business and management in an engineering context; he is able to work as a member of a team and is also highly capable of leading a team and undertaking leadership responsibilities. Dr Rami is able to work under pressure and meet stringent deadlines, and he has a distinguished academic and administrative personality. Moreover, he has proved his ability to work in different countries and in different multicultural environments. On the personal side, he is a very caring person who enjoys travelling, sight-seeing, volley-ball and swimming. Dr Rami holds a Full British Driving License and a National Insurance Number. He loves the UK and visits frequently, always expressing his gratitude for what he has learned there.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Dr. Saad El Kabbaj Laboratoire de Recherche et d’Analyses Medicale de la Gendarmerie Royale, Medical Analysis Laboratory Saâd EL KABBAJ, Doctor, Director

10 Avenue Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco 10100 Phone: + Fax: + Email: Website:

The «Laboratoire de Recherche et d’Analyses Médicales de la Fraternelle de la Gendarmerie Royale» (Laboratory of Research and Medical Analysis of the Fraternal Royal Gendarmerie - LRAM), established in June 1989, is located in the beautiful site of Agdal neighborhood (Rabat). It is a state-of-the-art lab with more than 2 086 m2 of technical surface and 257 employees, including 11 doctors (6 MD- Biologists, 3 PhD-Biologists and 2 Chemists) and 5 PhD students in various disciplines. The LRAM has benefited, since opening its doors in 1989, of highlevel technical resources making it one of the most advanced laboratories in Morocco. Thus, the LRAM quickly demonstrated its technical expertise in different areas of such as Medical Biology, Toxico-Pharmacology, Food Microbiology and Biosafety. The LRAM, since 2003, was committed to a quality approach crowned in March 2012 by its accreditation by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) in accordance to the international standards DIN EN ISO 15189 which is specific to Analytical Medical Biology Laboratories and known for its strict requirements for quality and competence.

and Chief of the Medical analysis Department and was promoted to Director of this institution in 2001. He holds this position to this date with a mission to provide strategic direction, ensure its implementation, lead and manage different teams, manage budget and administration, achieve environmental and health policy and advise clinicians on the biological medical matters. Dr. El KABBAJ, since 2003, was in charge of building and is running the first biosecurity laboratory in Morocco. In parallel, he engaged the LRAM in a quality approach which was crowned by its accreditation by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) in accordance to the international standards DIN EN ISO 15189. Dr El KABBAJ also holds a university degree in `Quality Assurance in Medical Biology` from the René Descartes University (Paris V) obtained in 2006. Dr. El KABBAJ is involved in many scientific and technical activities such as manager and consultant for the Mohammedia’s UFM plant manufacturing surgical masks FFP2, since 2008. He is also the scientific and technical advisor to the coordinator of the national commission in charge of fighting against avian influenza and H1N1 flu.

The LRAM is the only accredited laboratory in the Maghreb area. Dr. El KABBAJ has been very active as a researcher as he authored and co-authored several scientific publications in different renowned national and international journals. Dr. Saad El KABBAJ obtained his medical degree at the Rabat Medical and Pharmacy School in 1985, completed a medical biology degree from the same school in 1990. He then joined the «Laboratoire de Recherche et d’Analyses Médicales de la Fraternelle de la Gendarmerie Royale» (LRAM) as Deputy Director


Dr. El KABBAJ received, in 2014, the International Award Arch of Europe (IAE) awarded by the famous Business initiative directions (BID).

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Yu. P. Ampilov Website:

Yu. P. Ampilov graduated with distinction from Geophysics Division of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1978, and attained a PhD degree in geophysics in 1982. He attained a degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (in the field of inverse geophysical problem solving) in 1994, and an academic title of Professor in 2000. In 1982-1996 he was working at NPO SOYUZMORGEO in Murmansk when major shelf fields, such as Shtokman, Prirazlomnoye, Rusanov, Leningrad, etc. were discovered. Then he worked for 15 years in GAZPROM-VNIIGAZ institute, initially heading the laboratory of shelf geological-geophysical modeling, and then as the Director of the Offshore Oil and Gas Field Center. He dealt with construction of digital models of offshore fields, including Shtokman, and for this he was awarded the 2007 Russian Federation Government Prize in Science and Technology. He is the author of more than 170 published scientific works, among them 8 scientific monographs and 6 text-books and workbooks. More than 30 works have been published in authoritative

foreign publishing houses. One monograph (Yury P. Ampilov. From Seismic Interpretation to Modeling and Assesment of Oil and Gas Fields, EAGE Publications BV, 2010, 278 p.) became a European scientific best-seller after its publication and was included in to EAGE top-10 publications. He was awarded the honorable title of Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation by the Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. 950 of July 10, 2010. Since August 2011 heads the Russian representative office of Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (Norway). At the same time chairs the section of Exploration Geophysics within the Scientific Board of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) on the matters of physics of the Earth, Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Seismic Exploration Technologies magazine. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (since 2001).

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Tatiana Dancheva Director of the medical center “Arnica” (Odessa), candidate of Psychological Science (Odessa)

- Work for the good of our neighbor is not a burden but a joy, - convinced Tatiana Dancheva, head of one of the best medical centers in Odessa. Tatiana Dmitrievna is a native inhabitant of Odessa, passionate patriot of her own city. That is why she has always tried to do a lot of good things for her fellow countrymen, to perform her work perfectly and approach it creatively. And it was quite successful. Thus, medical college Tatiana graduated with honors. A few years later, as a nurse one of the clinics in Odessa, she won the contest of professional skills, both on the district stage, and municipal and regional levels. Later Tatiana on-the-job took a course at the Faculty of Clinical Psychology in Odessa State University and became a certified medical psychologist. Problems of medical psychology and psychotherapy captivated her so much, that after University she continued her education in the graduate school at her alma mater, and in 2013 she defended her thesis on topic “Individual manifestations of the psychological health of the person” for the scientific degree of candidate of Psychological Science. - I consider, that psychologists and psychotherapists are urgently needed to our society nowadays, - says Tatiana Dancheva, - This psychological help can return the patient’s thoughts in a positive direction, to make healthy his spirit, teach to resist the stresses and difficulties. And as you know, the health of the soul is closely connected our physical condition. It is proved, that optimists are cope with illnesses easier and maintain good health for many years. Research activities Dr. Dancheva combines with active work in the field of practical health care. For nearly 15 years in Odessa is successfully operating and has a good reputation the Private medical center “Arnica”, that is a favorite brainchild of Dr. Dancheva.

as urology, andrology, ozone therapy, reproductive gynecology, efferent technology systems (system of blood purification). A lot of doctors have their own know-how, patents for inventions. In particular, Tatiana Dancheva has a patent for an invention in the field of urology. The center expands every year a list extremely popular nowadays cosmetic services, improving the quality of psychological and psychotherapeutic care, actively implemented various types of physical therapy, new methods of healing and cleansing the body. Employees of the center “Arnica” regularly participate in national and international specialized symposia and conferences; get acquainted with the experience of foreign clinics. The center has the atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation; here is the spirit of innovation. Therefore it is not surprising that this medical institution is the winner of the prestigious national rating contests, as “Public Recognition”, “Best companies of Ukraine”, “One hundred best goods”, “Enterprise of the Year.” Highly appreciated the professional and personal achievements of the center’s director. She is the winner of the Ukrainian-French order of Queen Anne, business award “Golden Mercury”, the award-winning “Laurels of Glory”, “Leader of the Ukrainian economy,” “Specialist of the Year”, the winner of the international economic rating of “League of the best” in the nomination “Leader of the year”. Among her regalia are “St. John the Baptist’s Maltese Cross” for charity and humanism, honorary title “Business woman of the year”. In 2010, because of the tenth anniversary of the center “Arnica”, Tatiana Dancheva was awarded the title of honorary professor of the International University of Vienna.

Clinic meets all modern requirements. Here established diagnostic equipment of new generation, necessary for quality treatment devices and supplies. For example, in 2013 in the center “Arnica” appeared one of the first electromyostimulator in Odessa. This device is used to diagnose and treat a variety of serious illnesses, including strokes, neuralgia, and arthrosis. Patients of this center served by the qualified specialists in more than twenty specialties, the majority of which are candidates and doctors of Medical Science, specialists of the highest quality. Centre is rightly proud of its own employee’s scientific development in such fields of medicine


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Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Zhumart Karabayev Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Member of the People’s Academy of Kazakhstan “Ecology”, Chief Research Scientist of the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan Website:; www.famous/

Zhumart Karabayev is an outstanding zootechnician-stockbreeder scientist and knowledge expert. He is a Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Member of the People’s Academy of Kazakhstan “Ecology”

- in the area of information activity: Preparation and Publication of Abstract Bulletin: Methodological Guidelines. - Almaty, 2007. – 20 p.; Scientific Activities Assessment and Development Perspectives of Science in Kazakhstan// Vestnik of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan. 2012.- No. 8.- p. 3-9.;

Z. Karabayev was born on 29 March 1946 in Issyk, Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1970 he graduated from the Alma-Ata Veterinary Institute. He underwent a training course in the Moscow Agricultural Academy after Timiryazev, 1975, Xinjiang Agricultural University, 2003. He delivered reports at the Ninth Annual Seminar “Electronic Resources and International Exchange: East-West”, Washington – New York, 2007; at the Fifth International Conference “Internet and Library-Information Resources in Science, Culture, Education and Business”, Fergana, 2008; at the First Training Workshop “Information and Communication Management in Agriculture for Development” for employees of the agricultural information centers of CAC countries, Tbilisi, 2011; at the Twentieth Annual Stockbreeders Summit, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2011; at the Fourth International Forum “The Problems of Information Society Development”, Kiev, 2013.

- in the area of philosopho-didactic, bibliorgraphic and editorial activity: Ageless Truth.- Almaty, 2012.-306 p.; http://science.ukz. kz/library; Abstract Bulletin series 3 “Agriculture and Forestry, Food Industry” – Scientific Editor in 2000-2011; Periodical “News of Kazakhstan Science”-Chairman of Editorial Board in 2012-2014.

He trained four candidates of sciences and published 148 scientific papers, some of which: - in the area of zootechnical activity: “Fundamentals of Sheep Breeding”, Almaty, 1994.-170 p.; Scientific Basis of Sheep Acclimatization//Vestnik of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan, 2005.P. 41-45; Clinical Scores of Heifers of Alatau and Hereford Breeds// Scientific Thought of Information Century-2014/International Research and Practical Conference: Sp. Z0.0., “Nauka I Studia” Poland. – 2014.

Zh. Karabayev started his scientific activities in the Problem Laboratory on creation of cross-bred sheep raising in Kazakhstan. The work on creation of cross-bred sheep raising was accomplished by breeding of a new Kazakh meat-wool breed of sheep. For the first time in Kazakhstan he used Australian corriedales in cross-breeding, and also studied acclimatization of Australian merino sheep and showed that they are resistant to high and low unfavorable ambient temperature exposure. He identified that the biotype of South-East Kazakhstan meets the main living requirements of Australian merinos. The project entitled “The Key Productive and Reproductive Indicators of Acclimatization of Foreign Livestock Breeds to Technological Aspects of Feeding and Management in New Weather and Climate Conditions of Kazakhstan” developed by Zh. Karabayev was awarded grant financing for 2013-2015 of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Omirserikov Murat Shukeyevich PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, Full Professor, Associate member of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Omirserikov Murat Shukeyevich, PhD in Geology and Mineralogy (1997) was born in 1954. Mr. Omirserikov M.S. graduated from the Kazakh State Institute named after Kirov S.M. (nowadays-Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi) majoring in “Solid state physics”. Mr. Omirserikov got employed by the Institute of Geology named after Satpayev K.I. in December 1979 into the Ore Physics Laboratory; in 1987 he defended the PhD equivalent degree thesis and in 1997 PhD thesis on “Ore area geoinformational system and its commercial mineralization forecasting” with the specialization in “Geophysics, geophysical methods in prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits”. Mr. Omirserikov M.S. is the Director of the Institute of Geology named after Satpayev K.I. since 2011.

shortage and strategic raw materials forecasting (gold, copper, zinc, lead, rare metals, rare earth, iron, manganese)”.

The scientific activity of Mr. Omirserikov M.S. includes complex research of the minerals deposits; development of the minerals prospecting and forecasting criteria in a local and regional scale; complex research of the ore control factors by development of digital geoinformational system of the ore region and determination of ore area perspectives from the commercial ore mining point of view; development of ore formation theory on the basis of rare metals deposits formation processes modeling.

In 2012-2014 large scope of works had been performed with major exploration companies and Subsoil Users of Kazakhstan including Kazakhmys Corporation LLC., CNPC Ai-Dan Munai JSC, Zhezkazganredmet State Company, AltynAlmas JSC, South Oil LLC., AsB Industries LLC and others.

Mr. Omirserikov M.S. provided personal supervision of the following state research and engineering programs and projects for the recent years: In 2006-2008 Mr. Omirserikov M.S. was the Research Supervisor on the subject “Development of dynamic model of endogenous ore formation systems of rare and non-ferrous metal deposits in Kazakhstan” as part of the fundamental research program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2009-2011 Mr. Omirserikov M.S. was the Research Supervisor on the subject “Development of raw mineral resources in hydrocarbons as well as mining and processing industries” as part of the program “Process technologies for the hydrocarbons as well as mining and processing industries and associated domains”. In 2012-2014 Mr. Omirserikov M.S. managed the execution of the national program “Scientific rationale of the minerals reserves replenishment as part of the industrial development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period of 2012-2014”. Mr. Omirserikov M.S. managed the execution of the three projects within the scientific engineering program “Scientific and engineering rationale of rare metals industry in Kazakhstan for the period of 2011-2014” and grant financing project on “New theoretical aspects of the global and Kazakhstan metallogenic science, large-scale ore genesis, critical


The Institute of Geology named after Satpayev K.I. headed by Mr. Omirserikov M.S. conducts over 30 top priority scientific and engineering programs and projects: “Scientific and engineering support of the ore production intensification in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2011-2014”, 16 projects (2012-2015) with grants financing under the Subsoil Use Committee of the Ministry of Science and Education of Kazakhstan, 3 innovative projects (2011-2014) for the National Agency on Technology Development of Kazakhstan JSC.

As directed by Mr. Omirserikov M.S., advance trainings on the mineralogy, petrology, digital mapping (ArcGIS 9.8), 3D modeling (MacroMINE), processing and deciphering of the satellite images (ENVI) had been launched for the young Specialists within the Geology Institute named after Satpayev K.I. Full Professor Omirserikov M.S. is the author of more than 100 scientific works including 4 monograph theses as follows: “Dynamic theory of the natural electric field of the solid bodies” (Almaty, “Science”, year 1984, 114 pages); “Geoelectrochemical model of the sulphide deposits hypergenesis” (Almaty, year 2008, 183 pages); “Introduction to the applied geology” (Almaty, year 2010, 215 pages); “Geological dynamic model of rare metals deposits formations” (Almaty, year 2011, 221 page); Mr. Omirserikov M.S. is the author of 1 training manual on “Field theory” in Kazakh language (Almaty, year 2005, 200 pages) and 1 training manual on “Theory of potentials” (Almaty, 2006, 51 page). All publications of Mr. Omirserikov M.S. are available in the library of the Institute of Geology named after Satpayev K.I. and in other geological research and development centers and institutes. Mr. Omirserikov M.S. was supervising the development and defense of two PhD theses already and is currently supervising two PhD students. Mr. Omirserikov M.S. is awarded with the “Achievements in Kazakhstan Science Development” recognition lapel pin and “Honored Subsoil Explorer of Kazakhstan” recognition lapel pin as well as “Labor Glory 3rd class” medal, “Al-Farabi Gold” medal for the enormous achievements in the scientific and production domains.

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Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Professor AbdulSattar Ahmad Al-Alusi Chartered Fellow, Chartered Quality Professional the CQI, UK P.O Box 2286 Ras Al-Khaimah –UAE

Mobile: +971-50-6903329 Phone: +971-7-2059990 (direct) Fax: +971-7-2059982 Email:,, Website: http://


PhD October 1985 - September 1988 Bradford School of Management, University of Bradford, UK Specialization: Operational research/Management Science Thesis Title: The Practical Use of Dynamic Optimisation in Operational Research: ‘A study of the role of System Dynamics Simulation and Heuristic Optimisation in Operational Research and its application as an advanced technique for Policy Design in Defence Models.’


1. Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board, The GLOBUS Journal: An International Journal of Management and IT,, ISBN 0975-721X 2. Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board, Business Review Journal: A Research Journal of the IIMT College of Management, IIMT Group of Colleges, India, ISBN 0975-0916. 3. Member of the Editorial Review Board, Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations (JIITO); published by the Informing Science Institute, 131 Brookhill Court, Santa Rosa, California 95409 USA.

M.Sc. October 1976 – 1977


University of Southampton, UK

1. Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Quality Institute (www.thecqi. org), UK, since 2012 - now

Specialization: Operational Research: An Algorithm for Solving the Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, February, 1978. B.Sc. in Mathematics, College of Science, 1975

2. Member Affiliate of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE); (http://www. ), since 2011 - now 3. Member of The Association for Information Systems (http://, since 2003 - now.

Al-Mustansiriyah University, IRAQ. 4. Member of The Association for Institutional Research (http://, since 2003.


ASIA’S BEST B-SCHOOL AWARD: “Best Professor in Information Systems”, July, 2010. Nominated as a Laureate of the International Prize in the field of Scientific Researches “The Name in Science” by Europe Business Assembly (UK), (# 528 October 20, 2011)

5. Member of The International Society of Iraqi Scientists (http:// since 2000 – now. 6. Founder & President (elected) of the Iraqi Operational Research Society; 1995 to July 1996; Baghdad. 7. Member of the UK Operational Research Society since 19761990. 8. Member of the International System Dynamics Society: MIT: USA; since 1986.

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World scientists. Success stories

Rafael Huseynov Email: Website:

The prominent Azerbaijani orientalist, outstanding researcher on literature and art, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Member of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Director of National Literature Museum named after Nizami Ganjavi, Active member of Academy of Science of Republic of Azerbaijan. Huseynov Rafael Babaoghlu was born on 12 August 1954 in district of Kurdamir of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Rafael Huseynov graduated from the Department for Oriental Sciences of Baku State University in 1976. On 11th of January 1980 he defended his dissertation entitled “Baba Tahir and his poetical heritage” and became PhD on philology (specialization – literature of the peoples of Asia and Africa), in 1992 he finished his Doctorate research (“The creative biography of Mahsati Ganjavi” – specialization: world literature/Persian literature/Azerbaijani literature, presented his thesis) and was granted the high scholar rank. He was nominated associate correspondent of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Azerbaijan in 2007 and elected to the position of Active member in 2014. The scientific activities of academician Rafael Huseynov were always very effective and covered many branches of Philology. Along with launching a new branch in the fields of research of classical Azerbaijani literature and History of Art, he became an author of nearly 500 research papers, books and articles. His works “Higher than time’’, ‘Rafibeylis’, “The grain of nation”, ‘Eternal Javid’, ‘The soul in the name of motherland’, “The monument for Word”, “Ascention of Word’’, “Signature. Thoughts on Art” and many others gained an excessive recognition among the scientific community. Academician R. Huseynov has made a consistent research on the works of great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fizuli (1494-1556). Academician Rafael Huseynov’s determination in research and worldwide publicity of 12th century exceptional Azerbaijani poet Mahsati Ganjevi


is extremely valuable. He is an author and publisher of nearly 30 books about Mahsati’s life and literary activities.Rafael Huseynov is not merely a scientific theorist in the field of Art and Literature,but also a creator of some very noticeable art examples.He wrote the librettos for drama ‘Fizuli’, for ‘Heydar oratorium’ and ballet ‘Mete Khagan’. One of the main directions of academician Rafael Huseynov’s research activities is an analysis of Art of Music of Azerbaijan. Since 1975 Doctor Huseynov has been producing the weekly program in Azerbaijani radio called ‘’Evening randevues’’.That is probably a unique case in the history of broadcasting that a person single-handedly could produce a program for the 40 subsequent years and through this means he achieved accumulating the rarest examples of Azerbaijani Music and voices. He was the first to present to the attention of scientific community many works of 18th century poet Shakir Shirvani, translated and published from Arabic and Persian the works of Ismayil Ibn Yasar (8th century), Shihabeddin Yahya Suhreverdi (11th century), Baba Kuhi Bakuvi (11th century), Zulfigar Shirvani (13th century) and many other classics as well as Edward Fitsgeralds (19th century) ‘’Kuzename” from English. Academician Rafael Huseynov is a scholar with many interests. He is a dedicated researcher of Middle Age Azerbaijani and Middle East Art and Literature. Meanwhile he is a keen investigator of contemporary Azerbaijani literature and Perfomance. In his researches he examined the works of Art of Middle Age Azerbaijani scholars such as Gathran Tabrizi (11th century), Falaki Shirvani, Mujraddin Beylagani (12th century), Shams Tabrizi (13th century), Shah Ismayil Khatai (15th century) and others together with classics of Indian Turkish and Persian literature and art such as Omar Khayyam (12th century), Amir Khosrov Dehlevi (13th century), Jalaleddin Rumi (13th century), Muhammad Bayram Khan (16th century), Nurmuhammad Endelip, Mahtimgulu Faragi (17th century), Ovliya Chalabi (17th century). His books have been published in 30 different languages in various parts of the world.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Vagif Rakhmanov The Head of the Ukrainian Psychotherapeutic Rehabilitation Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk, Senior Researcher of the Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology, Scientific Consultant of the Department of Hearing Rehabilitation of Institute of Otolaryngology of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, MD, PhD, Professor, Honoured Rationalizer of Ukraine Email:

Professor V.M. Rakhmanov is a Ukrainian medic with a world-renowned name, recognised by the scientific community as the author of effective methods of treatment for such terrible diseases as autism and anorexia, hearing loss caused by damage of the central nervous system, locomotive system diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurosis. For almost four decades of medical practice this man has performed daily wonders, restoring the health and joy of patients who were refused treatment by other doctors. Vagif Rakhmanov was born on January 14, 1951 in a small Azerbaijan village. He dreamt of becoming a doctor since he was a child. The choice was largely driven by the advice of his father, a village teacher and a wise and moral man. As an aside, three of the eight children of Mamed Rakhmanov became doctors. Vagif started his career as a nurse in a local hospital. This experience gave the young man an opportunity to ensure that medical care would be his true vocation. He studied at Baku Medical University and then received an invitation to work in distant Dnepropetrovsk. The young doctor started his career in the Department of Neuroses in the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Clinical Mental Hospital. He has been heading the Department for many years. At the beginning of his medical practice V. Rakhmanov started working on a method for the treatment of nervous and mental diseases based on non-medical means (the doctor considers them an incentive for the awakening of the latent capabilities of the organism, launching selfhealing mechanisms) and the eastern art of acupuncture known since ancient times.

The practical work of the talented doctor is complemented by fruitful scientific research. He has received his PhD and doctorate (twice – in Ukraine and in Russia!) theses in three specialties of medical psychology, psychiatry and otolaryngology, and published more than three hundred significant scientific works, including a number of monographies. V. Rakhmanov is an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine and the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the International Personnel Academy, Director of the Dnepropetrovsk branch of the Society of Psychoanalysts of Ukraine, member of the European Association of Psychotherapists. His merits were marked by a gold medal of VDNKh of USSR, orders of Nicholay Pirogov and Yaroslav the Wise, an honorary award for personal contribution to the development of spirituality, science and culture “Saint Sophia”, medals “For the Health of the Nation” (Ukraine) and the Leibniz Association (Germany), honorary decoration of ‘Patriot of Ukraine’. In 2012 Professor Rakhmanov was awarded the international prize “The Name in Science” in the register of the best scientists of the world (Oxford, United Kingdom). Today Dr. Rakhmanov is as full of creative plans and new ideas as he was before. In their implementation he is helped by students and followers – there are many of them in Ukraine and other countries. Among the disciples are his three sons. They made their professional choice in favour of medicine, following on the example of their father, who has become a model of humanism and commitment for them.

By the end of the 70’s, the young doctor gained fame as a magician patients came to him from all corners of the Soviet Union and, in most cases, had their lost health returned to them. Given the high effectiveness of his methods, in 1979, Vagif Rakhmanov created the first USSR psychotherapeutic centre with outpatient facilities, in Dnepropetrovsk. Now there is the only deaf-neurological centre in the country, a modern multidisciplinary clinic which employs highly skilled psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, defectologists, educators and other specialists. Professor Rakhmanov not only receives and treats numerous patients at the centre but also finds time to work in the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Charity Foundation for parents of children with disabilities.

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World scientists. Success stories

Dr. Patrick Kalasa Kalifungwa P.O. Box 38490 Lusaka Zambia UK: 9 Prodger Longfield Road Collindale London NW95TD Phone: +260 211 237 897, +44 (0) 208 358 37 11 Mobile: +260 978 430 872, +44 (0) 794 447 76 80 Email:

Academic and professional attainment: PhD, Applied Management, California South University, American University. 6th October, 2011


President: Africa Travel Association (Africa, Europe and North America

DBA, Business Administration, Glamorgan University, Prifysgol Morgannwy. UK. 7th December, 2006

President: Lusaka Agreement Task Force- Regional agreement on cooperatives, Enforcement operations directed at Illegal trade in wild Fauna & Flora (CITES)

MSC, Management Research, Glamorgan University, Prifysgol Morgannwg., UK. 26th June, 2008

Chairman: ATA-Africa Travel Association Conference Livingstone/ Lusaka, May 2004.

MBA, Finance, University of Lincolnshire & Humberside, UK. 13th June, 2000

Chairman: IIPT – International Institute for Peace through Tourism Conference, Lusaka, February, 2005

ABE, Management, Central London College, UK. 26th June, 1981

Board Member: IIPT – International Institute for peace through tourism, International. Advisory Board.

CIM, Marketing Management, Central London College, UK. 28th March, 1981 ECDL, Computer, European Computer Driving License, UK. 23rd August, 2007 Certificate, Leadership, Harvard University, JFK School of Government.US, June, 2002 WCCDE, Economic Strategy, William College Center for Development Economics. 27th July. 2001 GCE, Certificate, Chiwala Secondary School, Zambia, December, 1971.

Board Member: ICTP – International Council for Tourism Partners Advisory Board. The ICTP supports the UN Millennium Development goals, and the World Tourism Organization’s code of Ethics. I had been a cabinet Minister responsible for tourism Environment and Natural Resources; transformed the tourism sector and merged the ministries of Environment and tourism into one ministry. Hosted successfully the 28th international congress for the African Travel Association in May 2003, which Zambia was hosting for the third time. The long term vision for the tourism sector was to ensure that the country became a major competitive tourist destination with unique features to contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. The strategic vision was private sector mobilization.

JSSL, Certificate, Chiwala Secondary School, Zambia, December, 1968


Best ATA President’s award (Africa Travel Association-USA) International Socrates Award. UK


Professionally affiliated to the Zambia Institute of Marketing, the chartered institute of Marketing, the Association of Business Executives and also involved in charitable organizations and served as chairman of the Association of Round table in Zambia and have served on a number of boards.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Dr. Essen N. Suleimenov Vice-Head Laboratory of Perspective Materials and Technologies, Kazakh-British Technical University 59, Tole bi Str., Almaty 050000 Republic of Kazakhstan Phone: +7 727 266 24 71; +7 777 212 24 98 Email:

Graduated from the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgy Institute, metallurgy department in 1960 with a specialty of metallurgical engineer in the area of non-ferrous, rare and precious metals. Candidate of Technical Sciences (1970), senior research associate (1981), Doctor of Technical Sciences (2005). Fellow of the International Informatization Academy (November, 2004), member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (January, 2007). After graduation was assigned to work in the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Benefication of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR. During the work in IMaOB performed job duties of a senior laboratory technician (1960-1961), engineer (1961-1963), junior (1963-1971) and senior (1972-1986, 1995-2000) research associates, research team (multidisciplinary) leader (1985-1995), head of laboratory (2004-2005), head of department (2005-2006), deputy director for science (2000-2004), acting director of the Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Benefication (2004). Worked in the alumina physical chemistry, titanium physical chemistry, autogenic processes laboratories, the oxide melts structure study team, the alloying metals laboratory, the plastic yield processes physical chemistry laboratory, the metal and material science laboratory. The main research task during the entire research activity period was the establishment of modern scientific base for the development of metallurgical and chemical technologies of new generation, adapted to the complex mineral raw materials which have become the foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan mineral resources base. This goal was set in the 1960s by the member of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences V.D. Ponomarev. In the course of this work the team conducted a research in the area of physical chemistry, structure and structural transformations in condensed systems typical for metallurgical and chemical industry. All aforementioned scientific achievements are significant for the development of natural sciences, including physics, physical chemistry and theoretical non-organic chemistry. These researches form a foundation for a new scientific base of metallurgical technologies adapted to multi-component, complex, bare and refractory mineral raw materials which become the basis for the future metallurgy. Participated in experimental and industrial experimental tests and implementation of the technologies of titanium slag chlorination in saline chlorinator, titanium slag chlorination in fluidized

bed, titanium tetrachloride purification, granulation of titanium concentrates, cyclone smelting of high-silicon alumina-containing raw materials, copper concentrates smelting in fluid bath, metal direct reduction processes, pigment titanium dioxide production technologies, alumina production red mud utilization technology. In 1969-1971 worked as a senior teacher at the department of metallurgical processes and furnaces theory of the Kazakh Polytechnical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. In 1995-1996 (combined duties) worked as an assistant professor at the department of non-organic substances technology of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpaev. During the teaching activity he held courses on general metallurgy for metallurgy students, chemical and environmental engineers. Developed and held courses in energy technology processes, plasma chemistry etc. Held a practical course in a theory of metallurgical processes. Held short courses on melted slags theory and new processes in heavy non-ferrous metals metallurgy. 2009-present – deputy head of the ‘Advanced materials and technologies’ laboratory of the Kazakh-British Technical University.

List of some conferences (2012-2014):

11th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. USA. Theoretical and Computational Electrochemistry, Georgetown, Washing, 21-23 May, 2012. p. 104. III International Research and Practice Conference. Munich, Germany. October 30th–31st, 2012. XXXII International Research and Practice Conference ‘Models and Methods of Solving Formal and Applied Scientific Issues in PhysicoMathematical, Technical and Chemical Research”, 20-25 September, 2012, International Academy of Science and Higher Education. London. Fifth International Scientific and Practical Conference KBTU, Almaty, February 21-22, 2013. The International Conference on the Transformation of Education proceedings. Held by SCIEURO in London, England. 22-23 April 2013. Zing Conferences ( “Electrochemistry Conference”. 25th – 28th February 2013. Lanzarote, Canary Islands. 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology. 17-18 June 2013.

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World scientists. Success stories

International Conference on Science and Technology of Ironmaking and Steelmaking”, Section ‘Chemistry, Microstructure and Properties’, Jamshedpur, India, Dec 16-18, 2013. The 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Ubiquitous Electrochemistry 31 August-5 September 2014 Lausanne, Switzerland. 15th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry Interfacial Electrochemistry at Atomic, Molecular and Nanoscale Domains 27-30 April 2014 Niagara Falls, Canada.

Sulejmenov E.N., Utelbaeva A.B., Meldeshov A.A., Romanteev Y.P., Utelbaev B.T. Kinetics of growth and weight of vanadium gel on short-circuited probes from a various material. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, ISSN 1934-7375, USA, January 2013, Volume 7, No.1, p 13-17. Utellbayev B.T., Suleimenov E.N., Utelbayeva A.B. The Relationship between Energy and Mass in Chemical Reactions. The collection includes The International Conference on the Transformation of Education proceedings. Held by SCIEURO in London, England. 22-23 April 2013, V 1, pp 44-55.

List of some publications (2012-2014):

Suleimenov E.N. Microstructure of Electrolytes. 11th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry.USA. Theoretical and Computational Electrochemistry, Georgetown, Washing, 21-23 May, 2012. p 104.

Suleimenov E. N. Microstructure of Liquid System. Zing Conferences ( ‘Electrochemistry Conference’. 25th – 28th February 2013. Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Poster Abstract: ZiNG Electrochem 2013.

Kenzhaliev B.K., Suleimenov E.N. Effects of Electric Current Parameters on Metals Solubility in Inorganic Water Solutions. 11th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. USA. Theoretical and Computational Electrochemistry. Georgetown, Washing, 21-23 May, 2012, p 105.

Suleimenov E.N., Utelbayeva A.B., Utellbayev B.T. Microstructure of Electrolytes: the Real Look. Proceedings of the ‘3d International Conference on Science and Technology’. 17-18 June 2013, London, pp. 184-205.

Suleimenov E.N. As aqueous solutions of inorganic oxide melts and conduct electric current. Materials digest of the XXXII International Research and Practice Conference ‘Models and Methods of Solving Formal and Applied Scientific Issues in Physico–Mathematical, Technical and Chemical Research’, 20 - 25 September. 2012 International Academy of Science and Higher Education. London, p. 117 – 121.

Kenzhaliev B. K., Berkinbayeva A.N., Suleimenov E.N. Use of conjoint reactions for extraction of metals from mineral raw materials. European Scientific Journal. Vol. 10, № 6, 2014, pp. 147-155. B.K. Kenzhaliyev, R.R. Iskhakova, Z.D. Dosymbaeva, E.N. Sulejmenov. Gold and Silver Extraction from Leach Solutions. European Researcher, 2014, Vol. (7 0), № 3-1, pp. 450 – 458.

Baron Sir Linjie Email:

Sir Linjie holds advance diploma in family succession management from the Shanghai Jiaotong University and finished the doctor studies in business ethics from the University of Munich. He also holds several honorary doctorates from USA, Venezuela and Malta. He served also as the diplomatic advisor for the Princiapto di Seborga and also for the Prince of Montenegro. Baron Linjie


is currently the Knight Commander of the Constantinian Order of Saint George of the imperial house of Montenegro and in 2012 awarded by the U.S. Governor Steve Beshear the Kentucky Colonel distinction. Sir. Linjie provides exquisite PR solutions for institutions and individuals.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Sailaukhan Sultangazina Auelbaeva Doctor of rehabilitation medicine, healer of international class, psyhoenergotherapist Republic of Kazakhstan

Phones: 8 (727) 2253822, 2253829, 2946172, 87011790606, 87014323455, 87029627893, 87474294660 Email: Website: The state license № 0007330 serie Ast LP from 28.04.2009, it was given by establishment of folk healers «Shapagat», Astana city. To live and work for the sake of other people’s lives – is a primary mission of a man on earth. Not everybody is given this quality. Such people on earth are very rare. And this mission is paramount for them; it is their calling, purpose of their life. And this person is Sailaukhan Sultangazina Auelbaeva. She is a bright representative of Kazakhstan traditional medicine, psyhoenergotherapist, Doctor of rehabilitation medicine, healer of international class, Honorary member of Association for psychologists, doctors, religious and folk healers of the world. For her achievements in the field of healing and traditional medicine in 2012 Sailaukhan Auelbaeva was awarded with International Award after Queen Victoria, which is established by the Europe Business Assembly (Oxford, United Kingdom) in support of traditional human values. This award is presented upon the decision of International Socrates Committee. Winners of this award are prominent personalities, leaders in their sphere of activity from different countries all over the world. In 2014 achievements of Doctor of rehabilitation medicine Sailaukhan Auelbaeva were also recognized by the International award in the field of scientific researches ‘The Name in Science’. Healer Sailaukhan Auelbaeva possesses a unique innate gift of healing; her abilities allow treating virtually the entire spectrum of diseases, including oncologic diseases. She dedicated most of her life to learning of the root causes of diseases, search for methods of influence on them and combining this knowledge in the struggle for the people’s lives. For many years of fruitful work Sailaukhan Auelbaeva managed to create her interesting and effective technique allowing achieving results in giving aid to ill and incurable people even in very complicated cases. In 2006 Sailaukhan Auelbaeva has created treatment and rehabilitation complex ‘Sailaukhan’, which focuses on treatment, promotion and implementation of non-drug methods of prevention and treatment of different diseases into everyday life. The complex method of treatment is used in the treatment and rehabilitation complex ‘Sailaukhan’. The method comprises bioenergetics abilities of healer Sailaukhan, as well as widely used balneotherapy.

Treatment and rehabilitation complex ‘Sailaukhan’ is in a state of ongoing development. New projects are realized, grand plans are designed, accumulated experience is perfected and new achievements are celebrated. All employees of the complex are professionals in this field. They have one purpose – to ensure health and well-being of many people. A lot of people were healed, many lives were saved! In 2014 treatment and rehabilitation complex ‘Sailaukhan’ was awarded with the International prize “Best Enterprise” for high professional achievements, commercial leadership, significant contribution to the development of economy, high quality of produced goods and services, together with presenting Award “Best manager of the year” to director Sailaukhan Auelbaeva. Healer of international class Sailaukhan Auelbaeva created a product with unique properties - mineral water ‘SailaukhanSu’ which has become one of main directions, fundamental basis for patient therapeutic sanitation course in treatment and rehabilitation complex ‘Sailaukhan’. Amazing properties of this water have beaten records in treatment, prevention and patient’s postoperative recovery. Today water ‘SailaukhanSu’ is recognized worldwide, making society reconsider the connection between man and nature. Numerous researches by scientists have proved: water ‘SailaukhanSu’ - is a genuine natural product, its physical and chemical composition has no analogues in the world. It is worthy of note that with the help of this unique water many Kazakhstani cured themselves and helped their near and dear to restore their health. Healing water has become probably the only salvation for some patients. Examples when water ‘SailaukhanSu’ beat the odds in healing patients are plentiful. Also many people of elderly age, disabled and children were sanitized. This ‘activated water’ has universal antioxidant properties, ability to harmonize the distribution of energy in the internal organs, to accelerate the removal of biological waste, toxins, carcinogens, etc. Effect of water ‘SailaukhanSu’ on the human body is similar to the effect of melt water which slows down division of cells having genetic damage, and accelerates the regeneration of healthy cells. Activated water ‘SailaukhanSu’ has a preventive effect when used internally, which can be enhanced in the case of a special intake

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World scientists. Success stories

method. Correctly prescribed water dosage regimen provides a beneficial effect on the secretion of corresponding digestive glands, increasing selective directional effect of water on the body.

knee pads, therapeutic cushion, therapeutic sheets, therapeutic headwear, various men’s, women’s and children’s wear and much more.

This water can be used in health-improving purposes to normalize metabolism, disorders of the intestinal micro flora, in order to improve the antibacterial and anti-viral defense, to protect the liver and detoxification of the body, as an antioxidant, general strengthening and tonic remedy, as a geroprotector, slowing aging processes.

Results of treatment with these objects bore fruits. The impact of such items on the human body has interested researchers from abroad. Therapeutic objects rightly received high accolade in 2013 at the famous International Summit in the UK, earning the sign ‘European Quality’, and they also received Quality Certificate of the Swiss Institute for Quality Standards.

Activated water ‘SailaukhanSu’ allows treating diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems, female genital system, circulation, digestion, liver and biliary tract, pancreas, kidney and urinary tract, endocrine system, metabolism, movement organs, impotence, infertility, etc. Scope of use of the medicinal water is multifaceted and is not limited in its effectiveness and versatility.

So what’s special? Their therapeutic properties are able to penetrate into the human body, namely the cell, thereby increasing metabolism. As a result of increasing metabolism of the patient, an increase in cell vitality is observed. In addition, the vibrations generated by such things, coinciding with own cells vibration, contribute to the opening of the capillaries that provide internal cell respiration and transport of nutrients into the cell, that is, carry out vital processes. As a result of such mechanism, relief of some symptoms of various diseases comes and patients are healed. Moreover, this method of healing has yielded positive results in the treatment of difficult and complex diseases. And, most importantly, such treatment enables to reduce drug intake or even give up drugs completely, thereby significantly reducing chemical effects of drugs on the body.

Activated water ‘SailaukhanSu’ may also be used by patients when taking warm, cool baths, swimming in the pool. Such water in the bath or pool can be prepared by healer Sailaukhan remotely: activated beforehand, for example, via phone call to the patient. Nowadays in the world there are no such healers who are able to remotely activate the water as Sailaukhan Auelbaeva can do. In modern lifestyles, fast pace of our time it is very convenient. Wherever the patient is, he can get remotely diagnosis as well as treatment through the activation of water via cellular or landline. Sailaukhan Sultangazina has the ability to charge water for each individual patient at greater distances, anywhere in the world, with water being recharged almost instantly. Sanitation with the help of therapeutic objects has a significant place in the treatment and rehabilitation complex ‘Sailaukhan’. Its arsenal consists of exclusive products of more than 60 items: therapeutic sleeping bag, therapeutic mug, therapeutic bed linen, set for infants, therapeutic blanket, therapeutic eyecups and


It should be noted that the miraculous power of objects is able to start the processes of regeneration and self-healing in the body, it has a strong antioxidant effect. All objects are made exclusively from environmentally friendly material, many from the sheep and camel wool. By the way, any object acts on the organ not only locally, but also controls functioning of the whole body by recognizing what areas failed, sending impulses to these organs, restoring the smooth functioning of the organism. Autonomous operation allows the use of some of the objects on the road, at home, at work. Its advantage - high speed of achieving a therapeutic effect. In addition to conventional treatment, these

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

objects have also cosmetic, anti-aging effect. Amazing properties of the objects have a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, dispel fears, relieve nervous tension, deprive of insomnia. They ease headaches, relieve dizziness, improve alertness and memory, are helpful in liver and kidney diseases, purify blood and cells from viruses, are a good preventive measure against colds, enhance immunity, give a person feeling of joy and peace. Each object reprograms work of the body from disease to health, creates an information pattern of healing. Nevertheless, all objects have no medical contraindications and adverse side effects. The objects are used before and after the operating conditions. Medical paste “Sailaukhan” also helps in the healing of patients In addition to medical activity, Sailaukhan Sultangazina is engaged in research work in the field of medicine and biology. Sometimes the impact of negative thin energy waves, invisible to the human eye, are the source of all changes in the patient’s body at the mental level, including diseases, constant failures in his/her personal life, business, etc. Sailaukhan Auelbaeva is notable for competent treatment, and most importantly - the ability to work with this subtle energy, and thus she is able to solve many problems that are considered difficult or completely intractable in our time. As it was mentioned above, the work of the medical complex “Sailaukhan” is built on non-traditional methods of treatment. Those who did not get any good from medical care or received partial relief make resort to it. Those, who have a sincere desire to be cured, it would seem, from the incurable diseases, also go here. Many patients of this complex come with diagnosis such as oncopathology. And, much to their surprise, here this problem is taken to be solved, a full recovery is guaranteed.

Skin diseases are effectively cured in the treatment and rehabilitation center ‘Sailaukhan’. Sanitized patients who have completed treatment course at Sailaukhan Auelbaeva are eternally grateful to her and her staff for their care, attention and professionalism. This is because even very severe forms of skin diseases, including oncologic, are cured. Sailaukhan Auelbaeva applies her unusual abilities not only in medicine, but also in other areas, for example, agriculture. For several years cosmoenergetic abilities of Sailaukhan Auelbaeva are used successfully in the country pest control, in particular the Colorado potato beetle. The healer effectively helps Kazakhstan agriculture, farmers and individuals to get rid of this pest on farmlands. Sailaukhan Auelbaeva is able to remotely charge the water for irrigation, to clear the fields from the Colorado potato beetle for a long time. Of great interest are researches into UFOlogy by Dr. Sailaukhan Sultangazina, which were undertaken in 2004 after healer’s contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Following these events, she started to receive information on a regular basis, particularly in the form of signs on the water, which, if deciphered, bear phenomenal data. One of them was related to the continuation and decryption of the world famous Mayan calendar. The practice of Mrs. Sailaukhan therapeutic activity proves the effectiveness of her methods, uniqueness and unrivaled gift of healing, helps to carry out the main task of the person in the world: to be healthy, happy, devoid of ailments and share your knowledge and experience for the benefit of others!

Oncologic diseases are successfully cured in the treatment and rehabilitation center ‘Sailaukhan’. Even patients abandoned by doctors are taken to be treated. The results of treatment impress even the most experienced oncologists.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Prof. Maria Amata Garito President/Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO UNINETTUNO International Telematic University Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 00186 Rome Phone: 0039(0)669207627 Email:

The Networked Universities: UNINETTUNO International Telematic University Model

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was established further to the success of the Med Net’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities project, which saw the participation of 31 partners belonging to 11 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, France, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey). All partners created a technological network based on receiving and transmitting digital satellite technologies, and today they can produce, broadcast and receive educational contents, via Internet and on satellite television. A technological network that is supported by a network of people, of intelligences that can interconnect and share their knowledge ant jointly developed a virtual area for higher education and for the circulation of knowledge in the EuroMediterranean, capable of giving rise to UNINETTUNO University. The development of Med Net’U from project to system, with the birth of UNINETTUNO University, was supported by the Governments of the partner countries and was made effective by the conclusion of academic agreements with several universities of the Arab World. We jointly succeeded in developing UNINETTUNO and make it rapidly become one great university in which prestigious lecturers of important European and Mediterranean Universities deliver their courses in several languages in various faculties. Jointly we succeed in creating the first e-learning portal (www.uninettunouniversity. net) of the world where teaching and learning are carried out in 5 languages: Italian, French, English, Arabic and Greek. UNINETTUNO students come from 104 different countries of the world; with no more space and time limits, they can attend the university and can choose to study in the language they prefer. In the different learning environments of the Didactic Cyberspace, students can get digitised video-lectures linked in a multimedia and hypertextual way to books, texts, selected bibliographical and website references and virtual laboratories. In the virtual classroom the professors of each subject interact with the students being constantly supported in their learning progress. Through forums and chats intelligences get interconnected and knowledge is exchanged. Realising shared curricula based on UNINETTUNO internationalisation model


In these years UNINETTUNO has been designing and realising common curricula that are recognised in Europe and in some countries of the Arab World. In the process of definition of the study programmes UNINETTUNO made reference to the guidelines provided for by the Bologna/Sorbonne process and by ECTS, European Credit Transfer System complying with the European Qualification Standards. As it regards, instead, the partner Universities based on a country that did not join the Sorbonne/Bologna process, UNINETTUNO developed a model for shared curricula design that has been already successfully tested. A concrete example is represented by the double title developed jointly with Helwan University, Cairo; after a first phase of analysis of the contents of the respective study programmes and of the contents treated within each discipline, we decided that, for the first three years, the students of Helwan University, beside completing the study programme of UNINETTUNO degree course in Computer Engineering, had to add, for each year, the disciplines characterising the study programme of their own University. As a result, cultural differences were respected and the students were able to obtain a title acknowledged in Italy, in Europe and in Egypt. This model of shared curricula was applied also to other Universities of other countries of the world. The analysis and integration of the study programmes allow the realisation of study paths suited to supply the competences required by the new labour markets. Cooperating in realizing networked study programmes has a great value in political and cultural terms. The networked world of the Web let people interact with individuals coming from countries having completely different political, religious and cultural backgrounds; not all academic institutions are able to supply tools to facilitate communication, understanding, dialogue and cooperation. At present, most of the Universities worldwide still deliver customised and localised curricula. In each country they teach “their own philosophy”, “their own history”, contradicting all what is going on in our society at present. From one side there are training institutions providing localised training paths, on the other side people connecting with the whole world in real time and socially and professionally interacting with a globalised setting. If the universities would start to network and integrate their own training paths, they could supply tools capable to meet the needs and demands that the knowledge society requires.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

The internationalization of the Universities

UNINETTUNO model created and is still creating new alliances between the Universities of various countries of the world and allows to jointly develop new real and virtual spaces to build new shared knowledge and realize a new model of distance University moving with not boundaries. Working together, sharing knowledge of the different Universities allowed to develop new knowledge as well as to consider cultural, religious and political differences as a wealth for humankind. In my opinion, the respect for differences will never be achieved if educational and training systems are still unable to provide appropriate tools enabling to better understand the cultures of other people, yet in many cases they make differences even sharper.

Today we should use Internet’s global web to bring knowledge and expertise to all the citizens of the world with no more space and time limits. Democratizing the access to knowledge allows to feed the minds of all men and women, to assure all the same starting-point and eradicate the slavery of ignorance. Building and transferring knowledge over the Internet borders disappear; frontiers are places of continuity and not of conflicts. Therefore, today UNINETTUNO, thanks to its psycho-pedagogic and organizational model, can assure its users on the quality of the supplied contents, transforming university into an open system able of updating itself and integrating all knowledge available on the Web and concretizing the exchange of knowledge worldwide thanks to the model of a Distance University without distances.

Larysa Bezukladova President of the International Academy of Spiritual Sciences, candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna Email: Website:

L. Bezukladova was born on August 4, 1951 in the Rostov region. After graduation from the Rostov Pedagogical Institute, she became a creative teacher, responsible for a number of innovations. From 1976 Larysa Bezukladova lived and worked in the Crimea, in the Crimean Humanitarian University where she gained a higher degree, having previously received a diploma of administration of educational institutions with honours. L. Bezulkadova has been working on her concept of ‘The Ecology of Thought’ since 1986. After the planetary scale of the Ukrainian Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the attention of the scientific world and the public was focused on issues of environmental protection. These events prompted Larysa Bezulkadova to apply an ecological approach not only to all spheres of human life, but also in the area of thinking. In 1994 L. Bezukladova and her followers founded the Crimean branch of the International Academy of Spiritual Unity of the

World. In 2006, this structure was transformed into a Scientific Public Organisation called the ‘International Academy of Spiritual Sciences’. She was elected an honorary Professor of the International University of Vienna, accepted as a member of the Club of Rectors of Europe, was awarded the International prize ‘The Name of Science’, was awarded the highest distinction from the European Business Assembly for a personal contribution to the intellectual development of the modern society – the Socrates Prize, marked the orders of Queen Victoria (UK) and ‘Commonwealth’ (Russia), the diploma of the winner of international rating of personal achievement – ‘Name of the Year 2012’. She has also been the winner of awards such as ‘Golden Mercury’, ‘Golden Jaguar’, ‘Saint Sophia’, ‘Intellect of the Nation’, as well as the highest award of the Assembly of Business Circles of Ukraine in Science and Culture – Grand Prix ‘Golden Pectoral’.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Prof. Serik Kumekov Director Institute of High Technologies and Sustainable Development Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev 22, Satpayev Str Almaty 050013 Republic of Kazakhstan Phone: +7 701 731 33 64 Email:

Serik Kumekov is the Director of the Institute of High Technologies and Sustainable Development at the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, and Professor of Physics at the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of that University. He was born on November 17, 1944, in the city of Taraz (formerly known as Dzhambul), Kazakhstan. He received an M.S. in physics from Tashkent State University, Uzbekistan, in 1967, and a Ph.D. and a Habilitation Doctorate in physics and mathematics from the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1973 and 1988, respectively. From 1973 to 1994 Kumekov worked at Dzhambul Institute of Technology, eventually as a Provost, in 1991-1994. From 1994 to 1998 he served in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, most recently as a Director of the Administration for inspection, licensing and certification. He joined Kazakh National Technical University in 2001 as a Director of the Administration of Science and International Relations. In May 2003 he was elected Head of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics, and in February 2010 he was promoted to the position of the Director of the Institute of High Technologies and Sustainable Development. Research interests of Professor Kumekov center on theoretical condensed matter physics. He is a principal investigator of a number of research projects funded by the governmental programs for promotion of basic and applied studies. Kumekov is the recipient of many awards and honors, including The Order of Kurmet, badges ‘For Merits in the Development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan’, ‘Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan’, and ‘For Excellence in Education’, and the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was a prizewinner of the ‘Super-Ideas Competition’ of 1995 held by the National Academy of Sciences. Twice, in 2005 and in 2006, he was awarded with the governmental grant ‘Best University Professor’.


List of some conferences:

The Third International Symposium ‘NANOTECHNOLOGY, ENERGY AND SPACE’, 6-8 August 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan. AIChE (AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS) 2013, SanFrancisco, USA

List of some publications:

S.E.Kumekov, A.T. Mustafin Relaxation Oscillations of Superluminescence in Semiconductor ISESCO Science and Technology Vision Volume 7-Number 11 - M a y 2 0 11 (p. 48-51)

Kumekov M.E., Kumekov S.E., Lisitskij O.L About the mechanism of the formation of polycrystalline heterojunction n-ZnO/p-CuO 2011 V.K.Sysoev, K.M.Pichkhadze, S.E.Kumekov, B.T.Suimenbaev, Zh.B. Suimenbaeva Green Energy and Space. The Concept of the Demo Version of Solar Space Power Station. Book of Abstracts. The Third International Symposium NANOTECHNOLOGY, ENERGY AND SPACE.6-8 August 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan, p. 85-86 A.A. Saukhimov, G.C. Dannangoda, S.E Kumekov, K. S. Martirosyan. Carbon Combustion Synthesis of Rare Earth Ferrites AIChE (AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS) 2013, San-Francisco, USA, A.A. Saukhimov, M.A. Hobosyan, G.C. Dannangoda, N.N. Zhumabekova, S.E Kumekov, K. S. Martirosyan FABRICATION OF YTTRIUM FERRITE NANOPARTICLES BY SOLUTION COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, volume 16, number 1, 2014, pp.27-34

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Nukeshev S. O. Doctor of Engineering

Nukeshev Sayakhat Orazovich was born in 1970 in village Aktogay of Zhezkazgan region.

I developed an authorial course ‘Mechanization of Variable Rate Technology’ for Master’s degree programme.

In 1988 after graduating from a secondary vocational school No.14 I entered Tselinograd agricultural institute, agricultural mechanization department. In 1993 I began to work as an assistant in «Mechanization of livestock farms» chair, Tselinograd agricultural institute. From 2001 to the present I have been working as a dean of a technical department of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University.

I was a holder of ‘The state grant for talented young scientists of RoK’ scholarship in 2003. I was twice awarded the state grant ‘The best teacher of higher education institute’ in 2006 and 2011 and a holder of Germany DAAD scholarship.

In 1998 I passed Ph.D. defense, in 2010 I passed doctorate thesis «Mechanical and technological Bases of Variable Rate Technology in the system of precision agriculture». Since 2005 I have been a Senior Project Manager of 8 research grants of the Ministry of Education and Science, Agriculture Ministry, Ministry of Industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. My field of research is mechanization of technological processes of agricultural production, development of new automated technical means for seeds of white straw crops, fertilization and tilling in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. I published more than 370 scientific, educational and methodical works; among them there are 1 monograph, 3 textbooks, 11 manuals, more than 100 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries. I tried to teach discipline ‘Details of cars and a designing basis’ in the Kazakh and Russian languages at high methodological level.

According to the results of Republican competition of achievements in the field of invention ‘Shapagat-2011’ I was awarded a nomination ‘The Most Active Inventor’. I was awarded the badge of Ministry of Education and Science of RoK ‘For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ in 2012. For high scientific achievements in December, 2010 I was elected as an Academician of Agricultural sciences Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in June, 2012 the corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAN RK). I am a holder of the international grant of the President the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘Bolashak’. Under my supervision one Candidate of Technical Sciences and 8 masters passed defense. Now I am a research advisor of 4 doctoral candidates. I have passed the Internship in the Higher school Weihenstephan Trizdorf and at Agrarian University of Hohenheim of Germany. I am married and have got 3 children.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Serik Akimovich Mashekov Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev Address: 22, Satpayev Str., Almaty 050013 Republic of Kazakhstan

Domicile: 3, Abai Str, Terekty, Karasay district, Almaty region 040925 Republic of Kazakhstan Phone: +7 701 111 13 57, +7 717 388 41 07, +7 702 100 17 00 Email:

I, Mashekov Serik Akimovich, was born on May 4, 1957, Shanhanay Guard District, Taldykorgan area. I have graduated from high school in 1974. From 1975 to 1977 I have served in the Soviet Army (Chernivtsi city and Ivano-Frankivsk city, Ukraine). In 1978 I have entered and in 1983 have graduated with honors from plant VTUZ, the Karaganda Metallurgical Combine, specialty 0408 – ‘Metal Forming’. As a student, I always took an active part in the social life of the Institute. I was a commander of the construction team, student council president, the secretary of the Komsomol committee of the institute. During the study at the Institute, I was awarded the excellent study of the Komsomol and two bronze signs of the Komsomol and certificates. After the graduation I was assigned as an intern researcher at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISA). In December 1985 I have entered the graduate school at the internal branch of MISA, and in November 1988 I have successfully completed it with the defence of a thesis on the speciality 05.16.05 – ‘Metal Forming’. Date of defence is 11/07/1988. In MISA I actively participated in the public life of the Institute. I was a member of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan operational unit. In February 1998, I defended the doctoral thesis on the specialty 05.16.05 – ‘Metal Forming’ in the Ural State Technical University - UPI (Ekaterinburg, Russia). Date of VIVA is 13.02.1998. In June 1999, I have successfully passed nostrification in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) and received diploma of Doctor of Technical Sciences of RK. Nostrification date is 28.06.1999. I have the title of professor of Higher Attestation Commission of Kazakhstan. This title was awarded in 2001. More than 30 years dedicated to scientific and educational work in various institutes and universities of RK. During 1989-1999, I worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy of dean and dean of the part-time education faculty, head of the department ‘Theory and technology of metal forming’, Karaganda Metallurgical Institute. From 1999 to 2001 I have worked for the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications and the Almaty Technological University. In these universities worked as a professor, deputy dean of the Faculty of Nonacademic Education and first vice-rector.


Later I have worked as a professor and head of the department ‘Machine tools, materials and techniques of engineering production’ and ‘Metallurgical machinery and equipment’ in the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (KazNTU Satpayev), as well as an assistant-professor and associate professor of Kazakhstan - British Technical University. Currently I work as a professor of the Department ‘Machine tools, materials and techniques of engineering production’ KazNTU Satpayev. During the work I was a supervisor and responsible worker of state budget projects dedicated to develop new technologies in the field of processing and the formation of structures of steel and titanium alloys, in addition I was the head of the state budget-funded projects and projects running under economic contracts with JSC ‘Top-Salda Metallurgical Production Association’. Participated in exhibitions STCY-88 (USSR National Economy), AMM CONGRESS 2012 (ASTANA MINING AND METALLURGY CONGRESS-2012). Working in different universities I wrote and published 2 books and 7 manuals in the Kazakh language and 6 textbooks in Russian. Currently in the KazNTU K.Satpaev typography there are forthcoming textbook and three manuals on the print. In 2007 with the other scientists-co-authors we wrote a glossary ‘Engineering’ in the Kazakh language. I have published more than 270 scientific publications, including seven books and produced more than 60 copyright certificates and patents Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia on the invention. More than 20% of scientific papers published in the proceedings of international conferences. Participated in the organizational work of the International scientificpractical conference ‘The accelerated industrial and innovative development in metallurgy’ (Almaty, 11-13 November 2010), International Science and Technology Congress ‘Fundamental problems. Innovative Materials and Technologies’ (Moscow, 14-17 April 2014), the International Scientific and Technical Conference ‘New technologies and achievements in metallurgy and material engineering and production engineering’ (Częstochowa, 29-30 May 2014). Under my supervision 2 doctors of technical sciences and 15 candidates of sciences, as well as 5 theses for the academic

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

master’s degree in ‘Machinery and Technology of Metal Forming’, ‘Metallurgy and heat treatment of metal forming’, ‘Mechanical Engineering’, ‘Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing’ were prepared. During work in universities I took an active part in public life. I was a member of the Academic Council, institutions, member of the Dissertation Council for the Defence of theses. Now I am a member of the Scientific and Technical Council KazNTU Satpayev, expert JSC ‘National Agency for Technological Development’ and JSC ‘National Center for State scientific and technical expertise’, as well as a member of the editorial board of ‘Rolled’, Moscow, Russian Federation.

My active contribution to the teaching and research work has allowed me to award the MES of RK state grant ‘The best teacher of the university’, the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2006 and 2010. For my contribution to science I was awarded the State Scientific Scholarship for academics and professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology, and I was awarded the diploma of second degree in the category ‘Mining’ in the Republican contest ‘Innovative Kazakhstan’ organized by JSC ‘Samuryk Kazyna’.

List of some conferences (2012-2014): ASTANA AND METALLURGY CONGRESS, 2012

Recognizing my scientific achievements, I was elected a full member of the International Informatization Academy (2002). According to the results of scientific work of students and undergraduates, led by me, received 12 innovation patents for inventions RK, 5 articles, materials presented at 9 conferences. Students participated in the competition, which was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Three students were awarded by the Diploma of 1st degree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK MES), along with the other three students who were awarded by the diploma of 2nd degree of MES of RK, and one more student was awarded by the 3rd degree diploma of MES of RK. For directing scientific works of students I was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and science of RK. In 2012-2014 I took an active part in preparing students for regional and national competitions of scientific projects. One student was awarded by the diploma of 1st degree at regional competitions of scientific projects and the second student was awarded by the diploma of 2nd degree. Furthermore one student was awarded by the 2nd degree diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the national competition of research projects. For active participation in the work on research projects, assisting in the development of creative abilities of students, as well as for the preparation of the winners of the regional and national competitions of scientific projects Head of Specialized Lyceum ‘Arystan’ Major General stock, Doctor of Education S. Taulenov expressed sincere thanks and deep gratitude to me. For services in the field of higher education and research has been awarded numerous honorary diplomas.

New technologies and achievements in metallurgy and material engineering and production engineering. (Częstochowa, 29-30 May 2014)

List of some publications (2011-2014):

S. A. Mashekov, N. K. Smagulova, A. S. Mashekova, L.A. Kurmangalieva / Influence of Chemical Composition of Steel ST3SP on the Quality of Hot-Rolled Sheets // International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 11(3), 2013.1362-1370. Mashekov S.A., Shokobayeva G. T., Myrzakhmetova, Mashekova A. S., U. A., Akimbekova M. M. Influence of Aluminium alloy Chemical Composition with Ultrafine-grained Structure on the Mechanical Properties of thin Sheets / International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 12(2), 2014, 715-729. Mashekov S.A., Smaylova N.T., Smagulova N. K., Mashekova A. S., Tukibay A. A. Quality of Strips at the Longitudinal-wedge Rolling Mill / Universal Journal of Engineering Science 1(4): 126-132, 2013. Mashekov S.A., Mashekova A. S., Smailova G.A, Bekmukhanbetova Sh.A. The Study of Rolling Temperature Condition Influence on the Formation of Hot Strip Cross-Section Rolled on the Longitudinal Wedge Mill / Universal Journal of Materials Science 2(1): 5-11, 2014. N.T. Smaylova, Y.Z. Nugman, G.A. Bekmukhanbetova Sh.A., Smailova / Influence of Thermal Condition Prorollers to Formation of Cross-Section Profile of Hot-Rolled Strips, Rolled on the Longitudinal - Wedge Mill // Universal Journal of Engineering Science, 1(3), 2013. 80-88.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Prof. Elena Lobanova Dean The Higher School of Finance and Management 82, Prospect Vernadskogo Moscow 119571 Russian Federation Phone: +7 495 434 90 27 Strategic Financial Management, Finance for Executives, Managerial Finance, Financial Diagnostics, Strategic Finance, Value-Based Management: Financial Aspects

Ms. Lobanova is D. Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Dean of the Higher School of Finance and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Head of Chair of Finance Management and Managerial Accountancy and IFRS at the SHFM. In 1976 she graduated from the economic department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with degree in economic cybernetics. In 1978, Ms. Lobanova won a Ph. D. degree for her thesis on problems of managing circulating capital. In 2000, she won a D.Sc. degree in economics for her thesis ‘Development of Financial Management at Russian Enterprises’. In 2000, she took the position of Professor at the Chair of Finance Management of the Higher School of Finance and Management. In 2004, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation awarded her the status of Professor. Since 1979, Ms. Lobanova has been with the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the Government of the Russian Federation first as senior researcher, senior instructor, then Associate Professor at the Chair of National Economy Planning and Finances. In 1993, she was appointed director of the program ‘Financial Manager’ at the Department of Academic Tutorial Programs of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. In 1996, Ms. Lobanova became dean of the Higher School of Financial Management. Professor Lobanova focuses her tutorial activities mainly on master degree programs, MBA and EMBA programs. She also devotes a lot of attention to corporate tutorial programs, which, during the last few years, have been offered to Evrazholding, the Board of RAO UES, the administration and top management of the Adamas Corporation, the financial department of GidroOGK-1. Ms. Lobanova holds regular seminars for instructors of Russian MBA programs. For several years, she was an OECD expert on the issue of corporatisation of Russian industrial enterprises (report ‘Sweet Hunt for Krasny Oktyabr’ at the World Forum on Privatization in Russia). At present, she is member of the European and International Associations of Financial Management, member of the Board of the British Institute of Professional Financial Managers. In 2006, Professor Lobanova was elected full member of CAG IAASB and in 2010 received full member status at CAG IESSB. Since


2008, Ms. Lobanova is a member of the Dissertation Council # D 504 001 01 of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2006, she became editor-in-chief of the Russian scientific journal ‘Corporate Financial Management’. In 1992 and 1993, Ms. Lobanova took a six-month training course under the CEETP program at the Harvard Business School (Strategic Management), and at the Wharton Business School (Finance and Accounting). She took advanced training at Cambridge University ( the One-to-One English project), at the Institute of Management of Cambridge University, at the German Academy of Management, at the School of Business in Barcelona, Spain, at the International Institute of Trade and Finance (Switzerland), at the Professional Institute of Bankers in the UK, at the Swiss Banking School (SWAPs, Project Financing). Professor Lobanova is the author of manuals, monographs, numerous articles in Russian and foreign periodicals (a total of 117 publications with an overall volume of 310 quires). Ms. Lobanova has often acted as scientific editor of foreign monographs published in Russian. She is a regular participant in domestic and international scientific and practical conferences, seminars on the subject of corporate finance and financial management, as well as on the subject of business education development. Four post-graduate students of the Academy have won Ph. D. degrees in economics under the supervision of Professor Lobanova. In 2006, she won an award of the Institute of Professional Financial Managers of Great Britain (IPFM) in the nomination ‘For a Special Contribution to the Development of the Profession of Financier’. In 2008, Ms. Lobanova received a public award – the Order of the Golden Star ‘Financial Valour of Russia’.

Major Publications

1. Lobanova E., Limitovskiy M., Palamarchuk V., Minasyan V. Corporate Financial Management. Moscow, Uright Publishing House, 2012. 2. Lobanova E., Palamarchuk V., Minasyan V. Financial Substantiation of Strategic Decisions in Russian Corporations. Moscow, Delo Publishing House (RANEPA), 2011. 2014.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

3. E.N.Lobanova, M.A.Limitovskiy, V.P.Palamarchuk. Financial Manager-II. Volumes 1-3. Moscow, Delo Publishing House, 2010.

- Participation in conference BMDA, 07.05.14-10.05.14 Riga, Latvia - Participation in conference BIZZ 2014, 25.04.14-05.05.14 Italy, Venice

4. E.N.Lobanova, M.A.Limitovskiy, V.P.Palamarchuk. Contemporary Financial Management. Moscow, Uright Publishing House, 2012

-Participation in conference ‘Сonference for deans and general directors of EFMD 2014’ 28.01.14-02.02.14 Sweden, Geteborg

5. E.N.Lobanova, M.A.Limitovskiy, V.P.Palamarchuk. Monograph. Moscow, Uright Publishing House, 2014

- Participation in conference in Nottingham 2013

The list of conferences

- Participation in conference in BMDA in Poland

- Participation in EFMD Annual Conference, 14.06.14-19.06.14 Vien, Austria, subject: ‘General Assembly’

- Participation in 11th annual BMDA conference 05.05.13-11.05.13 Lithuania, Kaunas

Shapekova Nelya Doctor of Medicine Sciences, Professor

Shapekova Nelya Lukpanovna was born on November 24, 1960, in the Caratube village, Ural region. She is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. She graduated from Aktobe State Medical Institute, Medical Faculty and received the diploma of a Medical Doctor or Surgeon in 1983. After graduation she was sent as a district surgeon to Kalmykov village, Taipak district, where she worked for more than 9 years. In 19911993 she studied in the targeted clinical residency in the specialty of “Cardiovascular Surgery” on the basis of the all-Union Scientific Center of Surgery in Moscow, 1992, she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis of ‘14.00.44-Cardiovascular Surgery’. In 1998 she defended her doctoral dissertation on cipher ‘14.00.27-Surgery’ and ‘14.00.44-Cardiovascular Surgery’, then she worked as a physician consultant in leading clinics in Astana. Since September 2005, she accepted a position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Pedagogical Faculty of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

In April 2009 she was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, when it was firstly derived from the Natural-technical Faculty of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. She has published more than 150 scientific papers, published 7 books, 9 textbooks and other educational publications/scientific articles in international journals, abstracts, guidelines, etc. Dr. Shapekova was awarded the badge of ‘Honorary Worker in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ for her scientificpedagogical activity (2011), gold medal of the European Scientificindustrial Chamber (2013) and won the title of ‘Best Teacher of Universities-2012’. Concurrently she is working as a Professor in the Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, gives lectures on biomedical disciplines, including professional courses in medical biotechnology, and she is also supervisor of 3 masters course students in biotechnology and team leader of research projects in priority fields of the natural sciences. Since 2001, she is a member of the ‘NurOtan’ party. Currently she is also the Chairman of the primary party organization and a member of a city branch of ‘Nur’ Political Council.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


World scientists. Success stories

Nurbekova Zhanat Kunapianovna Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of International Informatization Academy and Kazakhstan Pedagogical Science Academy Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Was born Feb. 22 1968, Bastaushi Samar region of East Kazakhstan. She is an alumna of the Republican Physics and Mathematics School (Almaty, 1985). She was graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Tomsk State University named after Kuibyshev in 1990. Since 1990 she worked as a teacher, a senior lecturer in the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Since 1996, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy director of the Institute of Natural Science, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov. Since September 2011 is the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov. In 2008 she received the degree of Doctor of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.02-Theory and training and education (computer science, informatization education). The theme of her doctoral dissertation is ‘The fundamental teaching of programming and advancing students of” science’. Since 2002 she was a member of Dissertation Councils K14.65.02, D.14.65.02 at Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, specialty 13.00.02-Theory and training and education (computer science, information education) and a PhD in Special Education (Natural Sciences). She trained more than 30 masters in the field of ‘Applied Mathematics and Computer Science’, ‘Computer’, ‘Information Systems’. She has under the 7 PhD candidates of science on the specialty 13.00.02 – Theory and training and education (computer science, information education). From 2008 to March 2012 supervised Center for Informatization of Education Pavlodar State University S.Toraigyrov, during this period she designed multi-functional educational portal of University (http:// with the collective center. She developed more than 20 thousand interactive, multimedia components, 5 thousand laboratory


practices, tests, 50 interactive lectures, maps, 2 Lingvo e-simulators, etc. She has more than 200 scientific works and inventions, including more than 40 public evidence of intellectual property. Since 2009, she is an expert and a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal ‘Open and distance education’ which was included in the number of recommended publications of WAC Russia. She has a certificate of scientific activities for the work in the research group ‘Innovation in education’ in the Republican University of Navarre (2010, Spain), Certificate ‘iOS Development Fast-Track’, Plymouth University (2012, UK). Participates in EMEA Academic Days IBM 2014: ‘Cognitive Systems for Smarter Business and Computing’ (Milan, Italy, 2014). She is currently involved in conducting applied research in priority for the government direction as the computerization of education, smart education, the introduction of e-learning in the education system of Kazakhstan, the development and implementation of e-content for enterprise e-learning. Nurbekova Zh.K. elected an academician in Kazakhstan Pedagogical Science Academy and International Informatization Academy. She is the best teacher of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan (2009). For success in the scientific and educational work repeatedly awarded with letters of thanks Rectors, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor the MES RK, Gold Medal S.Toraigyrov (2010), Badge Y. Altynsarin (2010), award of the KISatpayev for contribution to the development of science in the Pavlodar region (2010). Nurbekova Zhanat was winner of exhibitions: IT AWARDS KAZAKHSTAN: Best development ASU university, 2009 (co-author), a grant of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan: a series of electronic textbooks, (2011), winner of the contest ‘Innovative Information and educational technologies in the IT Education 2013’, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (2013).

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Success stories. Hall of Fame. The Name in Science

Prof. Gheorghe Rudic Director Center of Modern Pedagogics ‘Learning without borders’ Address: 1220 Lucille Teasdale #311 Terrebonne Qc, J6VOE6 Canada Phone: +1 514 827 5335, +1 450 704 27 12 Email:

Post-secondary education

1992 Doctor habilitate of Pedagogy (Russia, Kazan Pedagogical University) 1980 Doctor (PhD) of engineering (Russia, Novochercasc, Polytechnic Institute) 1980 Bachelor (Institute of Arts G.Muzichescu Chisinau) 1970 Bachelor (Polytechnic Institute Chisinau)

Academic qualifications

Professor in Pedagogy. (Chisinau, Moldova) Honorary Professor of Euro-Asian National Institute of Labour (Almaty)

Work experience

1970-1982 Lecturer at Chisinau Polytechnic Institute 1982-1984 Lecturer at Chisinau Pedagogical Institute 1984-1990 Assistant Professor at the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training in technical and vocational education (Leningrad) 1998-2002 Vice-Rector of the Institute of Intellectual Property in Chisinau 2002 -2008 Head of the Department at the Chisinau Institute of Continuing Education 2008 to the present time - Director of the Center of Contemporary Pedagogy (Montreal, Canada) 2014 - Professor at the National University of Kazakhstan, Astana

Scientific articles and tutorials 263 scientific articles 106 textbooks

List of some publications:

Cum gandim azi – asa vom trai dupa cinsprezece ani/ Materialele Conferintei Stiintifice Internationalt 1-2 noiembrie 2012 Pledoarie pentru edicatie – cheia cretivitatii si inovarii. Chisinau 2012 Modern pedagogy in multi-measured space. Oxford, 2013 Modeling of meta-system for lifelong education for teachers novadays. Lifelong learning. Continuous education for sustainable development/Vol. II Part. – Saint-Petersburg 2013. Pp.I43-146

List of conferences (2012-2014):

1st International Scientific Conference 1-2.11.2012 Advocacy for education is the key to creativity and innovation. Chisinau 2012

Inter-regional conference ‘Implementation of competence pedagogy in schools of Kazakhstan: Stae and Prospects.’ Kostanay. 2012. International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Reading in Baytursynovsc – 2012’ ‘The role of science and education in the implementation of the Strategy of Industrial and Innovation Development of Kazakhstan.’ Kostanay. 2012. International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Social Economy in civilized changes in the modern world: paradigms and vectors of development. (22.09.2012). Almaty The Eleventh International Conference ‘Lifelong Education: Continuing Education for Sustainable Development’ (the first stage) from 28.04 to 1.05. 2013, St. Petersburg International Scientific Conference. From 18.10.2013 to 19.10.2013. Education for sustainable development - innovation, competitiveness, education. III correspondence International scientific-practical conference ‘Science yesterday, today and tomorrow’. 4.09.2013, Siberian Academy. Summit of LEADERS ‘SCIENCE AND EDUCATION’, Oxford UK, 16-19 December 2013 International Conference ‘Kazakhstan’s way - 2050: integration and innovation in education’. Taraz, 2014. The 12th International Conference ‘Lifelong Education: Continuing Education for Sustainable Development’ (the first stage) from 28.04 to 1.05.2014, St. Petersburg International Congress ‘Education of the 21st century’ Iashi, 27.02.2014 The 12th International Conference ‘Lifelong Education: Continuing Education for Sustainable Development’ (the second phase) 10-11.10. 2014, Astana (Kazakhstan). The First International conference on development of psychological science in Eurasia 15.09.14 - Vienna, Austria Getting Inside the Outsider: Credentials and Queerness in the Academy 30.09.14 - Ontario I International Scientific Practical Conference ‘Prospects of integration of science and practice’ 31.08.14 - Stavropol International Conference ‘Modern science and education: new realities and scientific solutions’ 30.07. 2014 Moscow International Conference ‘Objectivity in Science: Reality or Myth’ 16.08.2014, Donetsk II International scientific and practical conference: Domestic science in the era of change: the past and the postulates of the theory of modern times, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 12-13.09. 2014 International Conference ‘Science in the era of imbalances’, 30.04. 2014. Kiev

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’



Scientific articles

Open and Distance Education Programmes in Nigeria: Challenges and Way Forward Dr. Aminu Ladan Sharehu


(Being a paper presented at the Summit of Leaders, Science and Education, Oxford, UK, 16th -19th December, 2013) Website:


It is a well known fact in Nigeria that there are millions of applicants who completed their secondary education without opportunities for them to go further because the number of higher institutions in Nigeria are grossly inadequate to accommodate the number of applicants wishing to pursue higher education and obtain additional certificates like Diploma, Nigeria’s Certificate in Education (NCE), Higher National Diploma (HND), Degree or Post Graduate Degree programmes, hence the introduction of ODE programmes and establishment of ODE institutions such as National Teachers’ Institute (NTI) and National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) by Nigerian Government. The National Teachers’ Institute (NTI) is charged by government to specifically “organize and provide programmes for the training, development, upgrading and certification of teachers; conduct postgraduate courses and examinations in education for graduate teachers; to carry out research in conjunction with other bodies on any matter relevant to educational development in the country; to formulate policies and initiate programmes at all levels of education designed to improve by way of research, the quality and content of education in Nigeria; to foster and enhance international cooperation in the education of teachers; etc”. The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) dedicates itself to preparing professionals in various disciplines through the distance learning mode. It offers a choice of qualifications from Certificates, Diplomas to Post Graduate Diplomas and Degrees. It also caters for the continuous educational development of professionals such as Accountants, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Politicians, Self-employed, Businessmen and Businesswomen. This paper will highlight on the details of Open and Distance Education Programmes in Nigeria.


Distance Education is an area of learning that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom. It has been described as “a process to create and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both”. The Commonwealth of Learning (2012) explains Distance Education as “the delivery of learning or training to those who are separated mostly by time and space from those who are teaching and training. The teaching is done with a variety of mediating processes used to transmit content, to provide tuition and to conduct assessment or measure outcomes”. Similarly, UNESCO (2002) sees Distance Education as “any educational process in which all or most of the teaching is conducted by someone removed in space and/time from the


learner, with the effect that all or most of the communication between teachers and learners is through an artificial medium, either electronic or print”. Greenberg (1998) defines contemporary distance education as “a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to reach learners at a distance and is designed to encourage learner interaction and certification of learning”. Teaster & Blieszner (1999) say “the term distance education has been applied to many instructional methods: however, its primary distinction is that the teacher and the learner are separate in space and possibly time”. Keegan (1995) says that distance education and training result from the technological separation of teacher and learner which frees the student from the necessity of traveling to “a fixed place, at a fixed time, to meet a fixed person, in order to be trained”. Some of these definitions are clear, that the student and teacher are separated by space and time, while others explained that they may be separated by space but not necessarily by time. This would include compressed video, which is delivered in real time. As stated earlier, this type of live video instruction is the fastest growing means of distance learning today.

DISCUSSION ON THE MAJOR ODE INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA: NATIONAL TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE (NTI) AND NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA (NOUN) The National Teachers’ Institute (NTI) Kaduna, Nigeria was established in 1976 to upgrade and update teachers’ skills and knowledge for effective classroom performance in Nigeria. The Institute is one of the parastatals responsible for the production of quality teachers in Nigeria. The Federal Government of Nigeria through Act No. 7 of 1978 charged the Institute to among other things provide courses of instruction leading to the development, upgrading and certification of teachers as specified in the relevant syllabus, using Distance Education Techniques.

Specifically, the functions of the Institute includes: I. Upgrade under – qualified and unqualified teachers;

II. Provide refresher and other upgrading courses for teachers; III. Organize workshops, seminars and conferences for the enhancement of teachers; IV. Conduct examinations for participating teachers in the NTI programmes;

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Scientific articles

V. Carry out researches on the best, current and scientific ways and methods of imparting knowledge to Nigerian teachers; VI. Foster and enhance International cooperation in the education of teachers;

2. Created access to quality teacher education materials. 3. Offered various continuing professional development programmes for teachers.

VII. Improve the quality and quantity of Nigerian teachers.

4. Collaborated with various international development agencies to improve the quality of teachers.


5. Emphasized innovative techniques of teaching in all her programmes.

I. Teacher Certificate Grade II (TC II): 1984 to 2006.

II. Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE): 1990 to date. III. Pivotal Teacher Training Programme (PTTP): 2000 to date. IV. Advanced and Postgraduate Diploma in Education: 2005 to date.

6. Enabled personnel of educational institutions at all levels and across the country to engage with open and distance learning techniques, as well as innovative techniques of teaching at the basic education level. 7. Provided well equipped Centres for Educational Technology in the study centres for teachers.

V. Special Teacher Upgrading Programme (STUP): 2007 to 2009. VI. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme for teachers on demand by States and other Agencies: 1980 to date. VII. Capacity building programmes for teachers under the MDGs: 2006 to date (NTI, 2007). The National Teachers’ Institute (NTI) is one of the leading Institutions in the production of teachers in Nigeria. The institution has been playing active role in Open and Distance Education activities in the country, as a result of which the Commonwealth of Learning and International Council on Distance Education (ICDE) among many organizations recognized the Institute as one of the most reputable and largest teacher training institutes all over the world. The Distance Education programmes of the Institute provides unlimited access to education to all categories of people in Nigeria, especially to those who due to one reason or the other would want to further their education in the ODE system because they want to remain on their jobs and businesses or for the robust and openness of the system. The Institute has established strong partnership with the British Council on Continuing Professional Development for Trainers of English Language Teachers (CPDTELT). The Institute is the Secretariat of the West African Teacher Consotium; member of African Council for Distance Education (ACDE) and a member of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Vancouver Canada, UNESCO, USAID, JICA, UNICEF, etc (NTI, 2007).


Since inception, the Institute has made significant achievements and pursued vigorously its mandate. It has enabled teachers to engage in lifelong education. In summary, the Institute has: 1. Increased the supply of teachers in Nigeria and the neighbouring African countries, like Benin Republic and Niger.

8. Supported the production of open educational resources and sensitized teachers on OERs. 9. Produced and transmitted high quality radio and audio programmes. 10. Commenced work on the mobile telephone project in collaboration with UNESCO, NOKIA and British Council.


The National Open University was initially established on 22nd July 1983 as springboard for open and distance learning in Nigeria. It was suspended by the government on 25th April 1984. However, its tremendous and unassailable role in tackling the country’s educational problems including access, equity, and education for all became so evident and consequently its resuscitation was begun on the 12th of April 2001. The National Open University of Nigeria is an Open and Distance Learning (ODL) University, the first of its kind in the West African sub-region. The University, at present, has 47 study centres spread across the nation. It has a student population of over 120, 000. The university is also recording landmark achievements in various feats. It was recently rated 7th position among universities in Nigeria and 86th position out of the 100 universities in Africa by Webometric International. In addition, NOUN was given the European Quality Award in Education 2011 at Oxford, UK, among others. Indeed, the university is well prepared for you The National Open University of Nigeria dedicates itself to preparing professionals in various disciplines through the distance learning mode. It offers a choice of qualifications from Certificates, Diplomas to Post Graduate Diplomas and Degrees.


The NOUN employs a range of delivery methods to take education to the people and make learning an enjoyable activity. These methods include:

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Scientific articles

Printed instructional materials, audio, video tapes and CD-ROMs. These would be transported to you by courier companies, NIPOST and NOUN’s in-house transport division.


Television and radio broadcast of educational programmes

Greenberg, G. (1998). Distance education technologies: Best practices for K-12 settings. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, (Winter) 36-40.

Electronic transmission of materials in multimedia (voice, data, graphics, video) over fixed line (telephone or leased lines), terrestrial and VSAT wireless communication systems.


The only general misconception and misunderstanding of distance education in Nigeria and other parts of the world where it is practiced, is that the conventional programmes are rated as better in quality. This is not true and it is totally false. Good or bad quality formal conventional education can be found in either of the systems. It all depends on how either programme is conceived, developed, delivered, and evaluated, the quality of materials used, the dedication of staff and the effectiveness of the learner support system. It is necessary here to emphasize that in order to address the challenge posed by unequal access to education; there is the urgent need in Nigeria for a shift from the current dependence or relying completely on conventional education system, claiming that there is no solution to the problem of inadequate access to education, to large scale expansion and mainstreaming of distance education at the tertiary and post primary levels.

Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada. “Defining open and distance learning”. http//

Keegan, D. (1995). Distance education technology for the new millennium: compressed video teaching. ZIFF Papiere. Hagen, Germany: Institute for Research into Distance Education. (Eric Document Reproduction Service No. ED 389 931). National Teachers’ Institute (NTI) Kaduna (2007). Kaduna: NTI Press. Teaster, P. & Blieszner, R. (1999). Promises and pitfalls of the interactive television approach to teaching adult development and aging. Educational Gerontology, 25 (8), 741-754. UNESCO (2002). Open and Distance Learning: Trends, policy and strategic considerations. Paris: UNESCO.

Biotechnology of propagation of saffron (Crocus S. L.) T.Q. Karagezov, I. V. Azizov, M.Q. Mamedova, S.Sh. Asadova

123007, Russia, Moscow, 11, 5-ya Magistralnaya, office 11, speakerphone code 11 AMPHORA Labs Phone.: +7 (495) 940-1909, +7 (495) 646-2301 Fax: +7 (495) 940-2434 E-mail:


About 10 to 25 fully developed and viable microtcorms are obtained by the method of induced morphogenesis of the disks of Crocus SL (saffron) corms.


There are identified not previously documented conditions that ensure efficient organogenesis on a modified MurashigeSkoog medium.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Scientific articles

Valentin Fedorenko

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the UAS Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Rector Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute Novovokzal’naya st.17, Kiev, 0308, Ukraine

Dedicated to a brave person, patriot of the Motherland — Maria Fedorenko-Skalinskiy


Considering the investment process, its trends, ways of revitalization, strategic ways for improvement, it should be noted that the solution of the state’s economy crisis, its stabilization requires reasonable investment policy and the creation of a favorable investment climate. Decline in investment activity takes place in all sources of investment. The cause of decline is explained by the lack of industrial development. Moreover, it should be noted that the crisis of the Ukrainian economy is caused by its inefficiency and may lead to a prolonged recession and stagnation. Creating a new economic system, capable of stimulating growth on condition of stable self-regulatory prices, is the main task of the economic reform. It is possible to achieve such a growth on the basis of financial stabilization, structural adjustment, privatization, creation of capital markets. Especially difficult is the issue of revival of the financial market as a self-transfusion of the capital, of longterm investment. Investments are needed for companies and organizations to shift to normal economic activity, to upgrade production, to improve product quality. These processes become of significant importance at the macroeconomic level, where the government should regulate the creation of favorable investment climate, formation and development of stock market, to facilitate the direction of investments into priority productions, etc. The profound changes in the economic mechanism of Ukraine and Poland, caused by the transition to a market economy, require increased attention to issues of investment activities. As one of the most important areas of expansion and reproduction of fixed assets and capacity management based on science and technology, investment activities enable the regulation of the economy’s development, significant increase of its effectiveness. Particular attention to the development of investment activity should be given in the transition to market conditions, when due to the redevelopment needs of most enterprises the economy requires large investments. Economic growth and investment activity are achieved only through the establishment of a functioning capital market and privatization of resources and capital. The task of the revival of markets of

financial investment and capital includes both short-and mediumterm aspects that presuppose the rise of the efficiency of the banking system and long-term aspect related to solving problems of equity capital markets and government securities. Under modern conditions the primary securities market began to develop in Ukraine and Poland. Issuers of securities are exchanges, investment companies and funds, companies of the manufacturing sector. Development of a set of relevant regulations will accelerate the corporatization of companies, will facilitate a sharp increase in securities. At the same time demand for securities will increase, which can be caused for example by the desire of the population to insure their own savings against devaluation due to inflation. As the previous practice of industry restructuring has shown, the processes in the financial market both in terms of the development of its individual sectors and segments, and from the position of the development activities of investment institutions are very dynamic. With regard to this, the state plays an important role as a warrantor of stability of the financial market. On the basis of the movement of the financial capital the government and the participants of the securities market support the private and organized markets, promote economic efficiency and economic growth in general. Active invasion of entrepreneurs to the financial market, activation of investment activity of the population, which is poorly aware of the objective laws of development of financial capital and market, with no experience of market self-regulation can lead to large losses of individual accumulations and savings, and to market crisis in general. Entrepreneurship in market economy is conducted under market conditions. The entrepreneur must be able to foresee, calculate and evaluate. The risk greatly modifies the concept of investment and financial decisions in the market economy. Capital formation and functioning of an enterprise is closely connected with the financial market. One of the problems that an entrepreneur faces is the creation of an optimal capital structure of an enterprise in the new environment. Therefore, taking care of the establishment of a civilized market, it is essential to investigate the objective properties of financial capital, investment market, considering them in relation to the practice of the development of the financial market. In this case it is

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necessary to analyze the processes of capital accumulation of different categories of custodians, identify tendencies in market sectors.

their logistics, qualification of agents, scientific and technical level of project solutions, the state of the organization and planning of investment process, provision of it by financial resources.

Particular attention to the development of investment activities, as indicated above, should be paid under the transition to a market economy, when the economy, due to the need of redevelopment of most companies, requires large investments. Significant investment demand is also caused by privatization processes. Under the economic crisis that Ukraine and Poland are going through, domestic investment opportunities have decreased significantly, which is primarily connected with the reduction of investment opportunities of the state budget. The hope is given to the arrival of foreign investments, but this process is being yet hampered by privatization, unstable political system.

In Ukraine and Poland the essential condition of investment efficiency at the present stage of economic development is the revival of financialcredit and investment markets, as already discussed. It is possible to achieve economic reinforcement and activation of investment only with the creation of capital market. This task is multifaceted and includes both short- and long-term aspects, which are connected with the solution of the problems of equity capital and government securities market development. The latter is achieved by the encouragement of earnings and investments, as well as funds from privatization.

During the transition to the market economy the subjects of investment activities can be public, cooperative, joint-stock and other institutions, as well as individuals. Whereby, all of them have the same rights, social and economic guarantees. Because of such a variety of their activities it is already impossible to regulate with the help of administrative methods, it is necessary to work out and implement as soon as possible such an investment mechanism, which would make this process efficient. Efficiency of investment activity is determined by the level of capital construction development, investment, industrial and building complexes, which, in turn, depends on production potential of

The existing mechanism of investment activity is so far incomplete and has no any methodological basis. Such directions as the financial mechanism of capital reproduction of investment process, the mechanism of formation of resources and sources of investment in an enterprise, formation of the stock market and others are not quite worked out. It is necessary to deepen the study of capital accumulation, the mechanism of the stock market and to join the economy of construction industry to other branch economies into a collaborative process, adjusting it to economic conditions in Ukraine. The suggested tutorial aims to provide scientific and practical contribution to the further development of the important economic science – investment studies.

The paradigm of eternal cycle of matter Hatam Guliyev

Head of the Department of Tectonophysics and Geomechanics Institute of Geology, corresponding member of ANAS 29A, Baku Az1143, Azerbaijan E-mail: Website:

The paradigm on the universe has been proposed. It’s considered that the matter that consists of physical, biological, information forms, substantial and energy aggregate states exists in form of eternal 284

cycle of its aggregate states. The cycles are supported by motions caused by “struggle” between substance and energy. Time notion, its directivity and ubiquity, space notion have been determined.

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А book ‘Welcome to time’ Luchezarnova Evdokiya Dmitrievna Founder of the knowledge about Rhythmotime Head office of NNOY ‘Irlem’: Post code: 125040 9, Yamskoe pole the 5th street, Moscow, Russia Phone: 495 87 99, 812 309 05 58, 812 309 34 79 (twenty four hour) Email: Website: p. 4-5 Mankind is getting wiser and wiser with an access to new revelation which helps making everybody’s personal life easier. Until now all discoveries have been carried out either for the sake of a body or in order to develop and increase in energy and decrease in mental activity. Huge number of equipment brought all possibilities for development to an end. In the meantime any person rests his head against time. In time is his everyday routine. In time he holds important meetings with other people. In time he estimates the duration of his life. The quality of life also depends on time expenditure. Thus imperceptibly time surrounded a person from all directions and became a substance which is worth entering. The door in time is called care of a brain. The brain operates not only gestures but also any kind of estimation. The brain constantly gives signals to action. The brain operates all sense organs and removes from them indicators, focuses a person motivating all his activity. Just nourish your brain or feed it correctly and it will serve you faithfully with all gratitude and appreciation as the return coefficient is always more than the investment one. Gradually monetary banks will be replaced by time banks. The most valuable storage is time storage. Approaching the door in time, you need to know that conflict information ruins the brain; information free of friction recovers and feeds the brain. It is necessary to leave conflict information behind the gate because from the moment of an entrance to time you are expected by happiness, beauty, force and power over your own life. p. 18-19 Consciously or subconsciously the feeling of eternity lives in each person. The human reason is reason of eternity. The reason wants to be eternal. Moreover the reason is eternity itself. The matter or space is always infinite. A person is a unique being in whom the eternity and infinity have met. On my long supervision people do use infinity but practically unable to use eternity. Eternity is a category of time while infinity is a category of space. The goal and the object of the Rhythmomethod 7 R0 are to familiarize people with a life in time. Time is of the same reality and even more reality than the space when the brain is transferred to time, where it is supposed to live.

Time is a very strict value for a spatial human being. But for the creature being caught in time, it is super nice. Time is possible to dense, time is possible to rarefy, it is possible to enter time and it is possible to leave time. In time there is a luxurious life, eternal life where different kinds of reason communicate with one another and it is possible to switch from one type of reason to another. Intellect separates from reason and it turns out that from the point of view of space all people called smart are considered to be spatial. They are able to organize their life in matter, however, any creature inside his brain and subconscious believes that the state of reason is the most sacred one. A state of reason is directly connected with the state of enlightenment or inspiration called ‘ozarenie’. ‘Ozarenie’ is the exact knowledge of the meaning: why this is happening now, why it happens to you and why it was recorded by you. p. 22 Time is always changing, while space stands still. Space is condensed or loosened in the presence of force. Time creates ‘life without efforts’. In space brain is getting tense, demands rest, relaxation and change. In time the brain feels comfortable, there is a feeling of never-ending inspiration, the brain is surprisingly healthy. p. 52 Space getting dense with vibrations creates signs on time impulse. Time operates the space. Space is always in the bottom, it is denser. The task of the time is to send a correct impulse for rarefying or extracting rhythm from a cycle, then this type of a matter stops the existence, or for entering a rhythm into a cycle and forming a new form of matter existence. p. 31 The brain in time starts to fix a huge number of states in one stage and they need to be placed in memory. On each interval (hour, minute, second, an instant) in memory different events with different extent of the coloring, different density of sign rows flow down. p.8 A person mastering Rhythmomethod 7R0 on the finish comes to the state of a rhythmologist. Originally he chooses specialization: a rhythmologist of a body, a rhythmologist of food, a rhythmologist of clothes, a rhythmologist of money, a rhythmologist of a country, a rhythmologist of nationality and so on. All aspects of the previous activity are divided into the rhythmological pieces.

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Kazakhstan technical and vocational education and training’s prospects Abzhapparov Abdumutalip Abzhapparovich

Doctor of technical science, professor. The academician of the National engineering academy of Kazakhstan and of the International academy of Sciences of the higher school

Quality education as the most important factor of economic growth and development of any country contributes to its competitiveness in the global space. Kazakhstan confidently positions itself in the world rankings thanks to one of the fastest growing economies in the world. In our country, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (hereinafter - TVET) is currently prioritized. The state, business and citizens are interested in its advanced development.

3) strengthening the human capacity of TVET organizations by professional training; 4) ensuring the interaction of national, regional and branch councils for TVET development; 5) involving employers and branch associations to training; 6) developing international cooperation;

The head of state in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan “Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050” identified the priority task of the education system – “vocational, technical and higher education should be oriented primarily at meeting current and perspective needs of the national economy in specialists.” Now Kazakhstan is in the process of reforming and modernizing the education sector, the main objectives and directions of which are designated by the State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. In accordance with this program, the aim of reforming the system of technical and vocational education is the modernization of the TVET system in accordance with the requirements of the society and industrially-innovative development of the economy and its integration into the world educational space [1]. TVET system ensures high availability of the population of different age to receiving educational services provided by both public and private sector. Modernization of TVET system, regarding the popularization of the technical specialties, has increased the number of students being trained in this direction. Saving versatility and multifunctionality of technical and vocational education organizations allows providing high availability of education for all throughout all life. Within 5 years, Kazakhstan intends to build an effective system of experts’ training; in a basis of all system the effective interaction between the education organizations, branch associations, business and investors will be put.

The main activities of the TVET system:


7) participating in work: · on development of the national qualification system with the involvement of employers’ associations; · on development of professional standards and the introduction of industry-wide system of qualifications’ certification of specialists; · on development of methods of per capita funding [2]. To ensure the qualification compliance of the graduates with the requirements of the labor market there is implemented in a country the system of assessment of vocational learning outcomes and assignment of expert qualification with the participation of employers. This system has been operating for the eighth year. Thus, TVET ensures the transparency of assessment and control procedures aimed at improving the quality of educational services in the country. Kazakhstan education is directed on the introduction of public and professional mechanisms to regulate the quality of education.



1) updating the content of technical and vocational education and training (development of state general education standards, educational and model teaching tutorials);


2) developing TVET infrastructure and strengthening the material and technical base of TVET educational institutions;


2. The system of technical and vocational education

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Role of scientist associations in scientific research and education: the Russian experience V.I. Mikhalevich, D.I. Raskin

Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg State University Email:;

The general picture of science and education development in modern Russia would be incomplete without some significant appreciation of non-government organizations of scientists. These include organizations created on the initiative of the state power-houses: the Russian Union of Rectors created in 1992 and the Russian Association in Support of Science created in 2011. The organizations created by the scientists themselves are the SPASS (St. Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars) existing since 1989 and ONR (Society of the Scientists) organized in 2012. These proved to be of much more efficient activity.

Science and education of the post-Soviet Russia were a subject of the multiple studies. There was a lot of professional societies of scientists working in this or that scientific field in the USSR. Some of them originated before the revolution of 1917. During the Soviet period these associations played certain role in the development of science and education, but this role went down significantly in the 1990s and on, mostly because of the dependence on the state organization and funding. Recent attempts of the authorities to revive some of them, such as, for instance, the Russian Geographical Society, or the Russian Historical Society, so far failed to produce any results matching the corresponding efforts and expense. The independent associations of scientists and college employees proved to be much more efficient. The Russian Union of Rectors created in 1992 represents the interests of administration. This organization formed on the initiative and support of the President of Russian Federation is rather influential, but it is recognized as a conservative one having close connections with the state power-houses. On the other hand, the St. Petersburg Union of Scientists (= SPASS, St. Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars) was organized in 1989, mainly by a group of people from the Russian Academy of Sciences fighting, at that time, for the election of Academician A.D. Sakharov to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. SPASS now counts

25 years of an uninterrupted successful operation, a long and rather unusual term for any non-government, non-profit organization in modern Russia. SPASS unites now about 1000 researchers and university teachers who work not only in St. Petersburg, but in other Russian cities, as well as in other countries. It also maintains close partnership with EUROSCIENCE and AAAS. The main SPASS activities are: 1) professional expertise of the drafts laws concerning science and education, 2) organization of the independent research centers, expeditions, seminars, etc., 3) participation in setting up the new type of colleges, and support of the new educational programs, 4) dissemination and promotion of scientific achievements, and help for high school students in choosing their future scientific specialization, 5) some human rights activity. SPASS is publishing two journals, one of them being a popular science magazine “Spring of Knowledge” for school students and teachers. SPASS is a founder of the two higher education institutions of new type: European Institute (St. Petersburg), and the High School for Religion and Philosophy (St. Petersburg). One should also mention the SPASS annual cross-disciplinary sessions where leading scientists report the newest scientific achievements in their respective fields explaining them for non-specialists, as well as organizing popular science TV and radio broadcasts. In 2012 the Society of the Scientists (ONR, from the Russian abbreviation) came to existence; it also was created by scientists themselves, and it is more radical and more oriented towards the web activities and various protest actions. The role of this Society in the life of Russian scientific community is quite noticeable; ONR and SPASS maintain good partner relations. The Russian Association in Support of Science was founded in 2011; it unites mainly the academic and university establishment, and was founded by the quite officious Public Chamber of Russian Federation. Because of this, the influence of this organization is so far weaker as compared to what had been planned by its organizers. All in all, the general picture of science and education development in modern Russia would be incomplete and ill described without some significant appreciation of non-government organizations of scientists, and their scientific and educational effect.

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About sensitivity and specificity of the medical methods of influence included in the standard of sanatorium help A.R. Agasiyev

Azerbaijan State Institute of Doctors Improvement named after A. Aliyev, Baku Phone: +994504347271 Email:

Sanatorium help in many countries, especially in Russia and in the republics of the former Soviet Union is the most important form of disease-prevention care, the effectiveness of which is proved by observations of many scientists. In 2004, the Russian Federation approved packages of standards of sanatorium help for patients with different pathologies. These standards specify the list, frequency of appointment and frequency of application, about 50 methods of medical effects at 3-week sanatorium treatment. In accordance with the concept of developing standards they contain optimal set of medical measures for the treatment of a concrete disease. At the same time none of standards give individual indications for application of this or that medical method of influence and in the standard are given one nosological form, averaged indicators of frequency representation, which ranges from 0 to 100%. Therefore there is a question: what is the sensitivity (the probability of the method prescription of medical effects, if indicated) and specificity (probability of method prescription of medical effects in the absence of evidence) the use of the medical methods of action included in the standards of sanatorium help? The goal in this paper is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the medical methods of influence with the sanatorium help according to standards of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. Materials for the study were the standards of sanatorium help for patients with 10 groups of clinical entities: arterial hypertension; ischemic heart disease; cerebrovascular diseases; pathology of the autonomic nervous system; polyneuropathy; lesion of the nerve root and plexus; urolithiasis; glomerular diseases; hepatopathy, gallbladder, bile passages and pancreas; diabetes; arthropathy. The choice of these standards for the analysis involves the use of their systems in the sanatorium network of Joint Stock Company “Kurort” Azerbaijan Republican Confederation of Trade Unions. At the analysis were applied two options. In the first version we compared the frequency of the medical methods action recommended by the standards and actual appointments throughout. In the second version, were compared results of treatment of patients group with the maximum frequency of use and the lack of a specific method of medical effects. The comparison was carried out according to the scheme of fourfold table:

Disease, the treatment of which is recommended the highest frequency of using the medical method Medical method applied of treatment not applied







Were calculated the following indicators: · The reliability of the differences by chi-square; · The sensitivity (Se) - the probability of applying the medical method in the presence of the disease (index of standard) [а:(а+с)]; · The specificity (Sp) - the probability of not applying the medical method in the absence of the disease, that has maximum frequency of application [d:(b+d)]; · The predictive value of the necessity for the (PV +) method [a: (a + b)]; · The predictive value of absence the necessity for the (PV-) method [d: (a + d)].

Results and discussion.

All 10 groups’ nosological forms standards of sanatorium help consist of compulsory set with different frequency of the following medical methods of influence: · The dry-air baths (maximum 50% with coronary heart disease, minimum 10% with arthropathies); · sinusoidal modulated currents (maximum 60% with lesions of individual nerves, nerve root and plexus, polyneuropathy, minimum 2% with liver pathologies, gallbladder, and pancreas); · low-intensity laser radiation (maximum 40% with lesions of individual nerves, nerve root and plexus, polyneuropathy, minimum 2% with hypertension); · Reflexology (maximum 50% with liver disease, gallbladder, bile passages, pancreas, minimum 1% with coronary heart disease);


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· Medical exercise (maximum 100% with the impact of cerebrovascular disease and arthropathies, minimum 20% with hypertension). Sensitivity varies in the range of 40-100%, which is predetermined by the requirement of the standard. The specificity of considered methods varies in a narrow range (about 80-98%). The absence of a compromise between sensitivity and specificity of the medical methods can be considered as insufficiently strict indications for the appointment of any method of medical effects from a mandatory set of the sanatorium help standard. Therefore, the predictive value of presence (83, 3-98, 0%) and absence (62, 0-100%) of indications

for these medical methods of influence in the standard are different. Probability of the necessity of these methods by maximum and minimum size of indications for applying differs from each other in 5-50 times. Thus, the medical methods of influence in the set of the sanatorium help standard for patients with various disease groups have different characteristics of sensitivity, specificity and predictive value, which show a lack of indications differentiation for their applying. Therefore, the choice of attending physician is crucial in the provision of sanatorium help for patients based on his primary and concomitant diseases.

Contract awarded to design a ‘hypersonic spaceplane’, which is as cool as it sounds Amrita Jayakumar

Covers federal government contracting for Capital Business The Post’s local business publication

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has commissioned three companies to design a next-generation space plane whose description sounds straight out of a science fiction movie. The contract is for the first phase of DARPA’s ‘Experimental Spaceplane (XS-1)’ program — an effort to find reusable, affordable space launch systems for the government. It’s no secret that the government has been on the lookout for technology to make satellite launches faster, cheaper and more efficient. So how will this ‘hypersonic spaceplane,’ as it’s known, accomplish that? Here’s how it works: A satellite is traditionally launched into space via a giant rocket, which is an expensive undertaking that requires scheduling years ahead for limited slots, DARPA said. The new craft is envisioned as an airplane-like vehicle. It will ferry an expendable rocket and the satellite into suborbital altitude. Once it deploys

the rocket, the plane will break off and fly back to earth, just like any other commercial flight. Then it will be ready to go for the next launch. As part of the contract, DARPA wants each company’s spaceplane to demonstrate 10 flights in 10 days, fly at least once at 10 times the speed of sound, and do it all for less than $5 million per flight. The companies selected to design this futuristic plane are partnerships between space giants and start-ups. They include Boeing with Blue Origin and Northrop Grumman with Virgin Galactic. The third contractor is a joint venture between California start-ups Masten Space Systems and XCOR Aerospace. “We chose performers who could prudently integrate existing and up-and-coming technologies and operations,” Jess Sponable, the agency’s program manager, said in a statement.

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Literary school and poetic traditions of Nizami Ganjavi in Eastern and Western cultures Rafael B. Huseynov (Azerbaijan)

Website: Email:

Key words: Nizami, Khamsa, nazira, influence, followers, literary school

Genius Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi (1141-1209) is among the rare personalities of both his own nation, Eastern and world literature and this exeption has abundant undeniable proofs. Pursuing just on of these features, the influence of Nizami to the development of literary thinking after him obviously indicates that the sage from Ganja owns unconditional right of superiority regarding the number of his followers, the spaciousness of geography of their belonging, the duration of the effect and the variety of their spheres. Even common depiction of this panorama of superiority generates an impression of the vivid evidence of the genius of Nizami.Undoubtedly, the depiction of such panorama immediately engenders further questions that what is the reason of such power of influence, such spaciousness and spread of the wave of Nizami and the speediness regarding time? Certainly, being more specific questions they make necessary to investigate the inner power of Nizami heritage, to analyze and present the basic elements of influence and attraction of Nizami from different angles of vision. Nevertheless, another significant question emerges that besides his individual talant and capabilities, which moral sources, school, reading, education and atmosphere facilitated Nizami’s turning to phenomena of such level? Each of these questions requires independent research and actually, significant activities have been implemented regarding each of these directions. However at that time the number of sources relating to Nizami and his sphere of influence that existed in scienific circualtion, was not considerable and only due to the secrecy of the sources which became known afterwards, incomplete or incorrect suppositions had been put forward. For correctness of conclusions one requires above all the opportunity to view the panorama of the initial sources within possibly broad scope. The most convinient condition in this respect has emerged within 300 years since the formation of the investigation of Nizami’s literary heritage as a sphere of science. When comparing with the passed times of more closed borders, more limited relations and less developed technologies it becomes obvious that researching Nizami’s literary heritage has currrently gained considerable achievements. Moreover, during recent 60-70 years the sources relating directly to Nizami or specifying the views regarding his personality and literary activities, have been discovered with further publication and these generate reliable grounds for making more correct and firm conclusions. Namely the current level of 290

knowledge and views about Nizami makes necessary to present and perceive him as a poet not only of Azerbaijan and Moslem East, but also as an event of world literature and culture.For that reason let us initially try to point out major parametres relating to the spread and influence geography as well as chronology of Nizami poetry.Canonization of Nizami heritage occurs less than hundred years following his death. Since 13th century “Khamsa” of Nizami has been perceived as a pattern and the replies have been written to it in most various countries in most various languages (6, 22-27). However from very beginning one should take one moment into considertaion. Writing replies to Nizami, creating the poems resembling the ones of Nizami is merely one direction of being influnced from Nizami. Nazira has been a direction fairly wide-spread in literature of the nations of Moslem East and tradition of writing poems resembling to the works of the most distinct poets in most different periods has continued. But the influnces of Nizami was not concluded with just writing naziras to the topics and plots of “Khamsa”, as well as poet’s system of characters, his mode of thinking and expression has been learned and continued by his followers. The indicated influence has not touched upon solely those reading Nizami in original but also those reading works of Nizami in translation. In 18th century hundreds of Oriental poets got amazed at the words of Nizami having read them in original and wrote them replies in various languages – Persian, Turkic, Arabic thus talking of themselves with proud as disciples of Nizami literary school. In 1697 French orientalist d’Erblau in his ensyclopedy “Oriental library” dedicated two articles to Nizami thus presenting him to France and whole Europe (4). In 1785 Nizami through English orientalist V.Johns startes to speak directly to Europe. Further to V.Johns who translates 20 short stories composing the basis of “Treasure of secrets”, the first poem in the chain “Khamsa” into English (7, 49-50), in 1836 J.Atkinson translates “Leyli and Majnun” and W.Klerk “Iskandarnama” into English (7, 50). In 1809 in Leipzig J.F.Von Hammer-Purgstall translates the selections from “Khosrov and Shirin” into German and publishes them (5; 7, 78-79). All of these translations had been made in prose and certainly, it was out of question to preserve the mode of expression reflected in verse of Nizami in the indicated translations. Nevertheless, due

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to the power of poetic thinking of Nizami which was so obvious in spite of its translation, great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) in his “West-East divan” written in 1814-1815 entitled him “wisdom of sensible and high talant” and his works “breathing with delicacy and beauty” (8, 182). With his poetic intellect he felt the genuine might of the word of Nizami even behind the thick curtain of translation thus writing “Saginama” under the influence of the word-master from Ganja.“Saginamas” written by over 30 Persian poets under the direct influence of Nizami have been collectedin “Tazkire-yimeykhane” prepared by Fakhr az-Zamani, literary critic of 16th-17th centuries (6,4). Genre of saginama has been initiated by Nizami in the literature of the nations of Near and Middle East and therefore, pursuing Nizami by Eastern followers namely in that rhythm and style through their works appears natural.This is a vivid example of direct influence. However generation of “Saginama” by Goethe due to the impulses coming from Nizami already is other level of literary impact (8, 98-110). Not the external beauty of Nizami verse noted in the translation, but the energy of thinking and feelings inside the hemistiches attracts the German poet thus instigating him to wrtite in such mode on the indicated theme. Expression of literary benefitting marked as nazira, respond, tatabbo, imitation and other stable terms only through a few words in Western languages (for instance, a through “imitation” in English) is not accidental. Imitations exist in Western literatures as well. It has existed in all phases of history but it has never carried a character of trend and particular tradition. However, in the East it appears approximately in the level of one streamline with various assortiments, therefore a lot of terms have been created in order to concretize its entitlment. Alishir Navai, genius Uzbek poet of 15th century in his poem “Farhad and Shirin” written as a respond to Nizami’s “Khosrov and Shirin” (in which he repeated the plot of Nizami, his many episodes and all major characters) stated that “galloping the horse on the trampled road is not a decent act” (2, 105). In other word, he clearly noted his opposition to the reiteration. A person unaware of the essence of the tradition of nazira writing in the East can find strange the indicated conclusion of Navai in his work namely seeming as a one repeating Nizami. More skillful expression within the background of the same topic, same plot, same events and same heroes was assessed as a capability of originality and high professionality by the pattern of Oriental literary sense. Even translation of one poetic sample into other language through verses is considerd by Oriental literary sense not as a simple translation, but as an original and independent work. Nizami has also written “Divan” comprising his lyrical and philosophical verses and no doubt that after acknowledgement of Nizami as aliterary school, numerous responds have been written to that collection. However, unfortunately, due to the absence of the complete version of “Divan” by Nizami, one can not pursue precisely and in detail its influences to the literary environment of late 12th century. Nonetheless, the responds written to separate verses included in “Divan” of Nizamialso affrims the existence of such pursue. Nevertheless, not the responds written to separate verses

of Nizami but his 5 poems united under the title “Khamsa” has turned the poetic activities of Nizami to the literary school. Nizami has written each of these works in various years for various reasons and their unification under single title is an initiative undertaken by literary critics of the period when the poet was not alive. Those doing that have accepted the existence of the close ideological and topical relation among 5 poems of Nizami as well as their making up components of the single entirety.Nizami never states his intention of his obligation of writing 5 poems or creating a complete epopee consisting of the chain of poems. Had his lifetime been longer, he might have been written more poems by number. As the poet completed his last poem “Iskandarnama” at the end of his life.Therefore, we perceive unacceptable the opinion of Turkish scholar Agah Sirri Lavand and others that Nizami constructed his “Khamsa”, the chain composed of 5 poems as if in the manner of “Panchtantra”, unprecedented sample of Indian literature (3, 226). Or it is not correct to accept the opinion of Iranian scholar Agha Bozorg Tehrani saying that Nizami created his “Khamsa” in honor of the famous five treasures (called “khamsat kunuz”) of Sasanid ruler Khosrov Parviz or in honor of five planets – Utarid, Zohra, Mushtari, Zuhal (Mercury, Venera, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) called by the Middle Age astrologers “khamsat al-mutahayyira” (6, 17). We reiterate that transformation of these poems to a single entity is an assumption emerged fairly long after the death of Nizami. As all of these works are the products of the pen of Nizami, irrespective of their posession of distinct themes they certainly enjoy logical, esthetical and literary linkage between each other. However, most likely, had the author even intented to present these separately written poems afterwards as chapters of single entity, he would have added definite linking elements to masnavis. Nevertheless, these elements are absent.The truth is that Nizami actually created in his each work the modules, formulas and the ways to be continued after him and as a result his literary activities on the whole turned to the entire principle. There were both such complete “Khamsa” writers as Amir Khosrov Dahlavi, Abdurrahman Jami, Ashraf Maraghayi, Alishir Navai, Sarfi Kashmiri who wrote responds to all poems of Nizami and the ones who wrote naziras to Nizami’s separate poems or his just single masnavi. However, despite the distinct writing manners and peculiar styles of each of them, the accurate observation of the common esthetic principles deriving from Nizami is the factor uniting all of these persons. In Middle Age Nizami was comprehended in the region as an etalon of perception as good poet and the canonized dimensions of the heritage of Nizami was accepted as a programme of becoming a true poet. The final peak of “the gold age” of Persian classical poetry was Hatifi, a nephew of Abdurrahman Jami and this person was also among those who had written respond to “Khamsa”. According to sayings, when Hatifi shares with his uncle the desire to join the row of the acknowledged poets through writing respond to Nizami, Jami gives him an advice. Jami telles him to pass easier phase through writing respond to Firdovsi, Sadi, Anvari and then to transmit to Nizami. And Jami discloses the philosophy of his advice saying that each of the indicated genius poets is a prohet of the world of poetry, but Nizami is God of verse. The figurative expressions of this story once more affirms the obvious truth that Nizami used to be perceived

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as beacon, the major criteria and dimension of the highest skill in so-called poetry legislation of the Middle Age. “Leyli and Majnun” is a poem of Nizami which has been written responds most of all. Besides nearly 100 “Leyli and Majnun” masnavis, numerous valuable works have been created quite in different forms and in other areas of art such as cinema, theater, music under the influence of the indicated poem of Nizami (1, 8-11). Majnun, who had been selected by Nizami as the main character of this poem, had historical prototype. Geys ibn Mulavvah was a poet, had lived the legendary love and those stories had been reflected in certain sources. As he did in his other works, Nizami had lead separate research prior to starting to write thus attentively investigating sources existing in various languages. Possibly, some of the poets who had addressed the theme “Leyli and Majnun” after Nizami faced other sources relating to this love story and they got familiarized with completely different and new details about life of Majnun. This assumption is also manifested by the facts regarding the reflection by some post-Nizami “Leyli and Majnun”s the episodes absent in Nizami. Even certain followers of Nizami made initiatives towards supplementing gazals, rubais and other forms of verse to poem after its certain chapters thus overstepping the structure of masnavi. However such kind of innovative efforts have not got the massive character and abiding the original of Nizami has been perceived as the superior quality. Even there were found some people among the respondents who intended to make addition and changes to the entire structure of “Khamsa”. “Khamsa” written by Khaju Kirmani as a respond to Nizami was not so far “quintet” thus turning to “Sitta” comprising six elements, as the new one had been added to the row of traditional masnavis. Or the respond of Abdurrahman Jami to “Khamsa” became “Sabe” consisting of seven elements and the author added two more masnavis to the chain calling it “Haft ourang” (6, 19). Nonetheless, these certain formal changes, increases and decreases had not changed the essence. Even those who put forward such other love stories as “Yusif and Zuleykha”, “Salman and Absal” in their “Khamsa”s as the alternatives to “Leyli and Majnun” and “Khosrov and Shirin” included in “Khamsa” of Nizami, could not got rid of the enchantment of Nizami thus remaining under his inevitable attraction. Because what was coming from Nizami used to be the way itself. According to the language of the post-Nizami inventions, the rails and the trains on them were as in Nizami. The passengers were distinct and this did not change the essence thus merely having the illustrative character. Furthermore, non-continuation of the experience of those trying to be distinguished with separate improvisions and the continuation of the literary activities on writing canonic “Khamsa”s once more proves that the major grounded criteria is namely the basic esthetic principles existing in Nizami and their preservation is enhanced by the spirit of the literary progress in Near and Middle East. From its foundation, Nizami and his literary world used to lean on international strongholds and this can by no means be considered as purely national heritage. Nizami spoke languages and had learned quite fairly well not only the cultural and literary history of the East but also the keepsake works of the antic hellenic world. His deep 292

knowledge about antic hellenic philosophers and his sympathy with their scientific heritage manifested not only in his including the images of those sages into his works but also in his quoting them as well as in his sharing his views about the various ideas of these sages. Nizami supported the idea of the spread and intellectual domination of that heritage among his nation and this was actually among the formulas of morality proposed by the poet for his own nation and region. In Azerbaijan and other countries of the Moslem East the names of Platon and Aristotel were easternized being transformed to Aflatun and Arastun and applied within centuries. And if these names have been up to know being given to new-borners as national names, we have to confess the influence of Nizami herewith. That is to say Nizami and his “Khamsa” has generated “Khamsa”s written under the influence of Nizami which lead to the existence of the Western mode of thinking in the East besides the moral and behaviour criteria as well as mode of thinking rooted in “Koran” and these two trends of sense, taste and spirit should have joined organically thus making Azerbaijani and Eastern people more perfect and richer with respect to morality. Nizami wrote his “Khamsa” in Persian, the common poetic language of the Middle Asia in Middle Age, in line with the literary tradition of that period. Nevertheless, the responds to his “Khamsa” were written in Persian, Turkic, Arabic, Sanskrit, Georgian, Urdu and so on. The revival of the patterns of Nizami in other languages was the tool of penetration of this pattern of thinking into the living of the nations speaking those languages and encoding in their genetical memories. Nizami who perceived himself to be a descendant not only of several relative nations, the region and the Moslem East where he belonged to, but also of the civil world of that period, had destructed the frame of limitations through his themes thus creating genuine internationalist panorama in his “Khamsa”. He also through the ongoing impact of his poetic school directed to the senses of the future generations the message about the importance of tranforming this panorama - this common atmosphere into the joint space of life and communication thus desiring the commonalization of this principle. Within last three centuries Nizami has been among the Oriental poets mostly translated into world languages. And when sounded in the translated languages, the works of Nizami were admitted not only like the keepsake of the past and the sweet Oriental tale, but also like the pearls closer to the Western human with its essence, spirit, modernist mode of expression. Therefore, these works had impact both in the East and the West, rendered its positive effect on the literary activities of the various great poets thus leaving after itself its significants traces. From one hand, this was partially acknowledged by the literary men themselves, from other hand, it was partially defined by the Western literary critics investigating the developoment path of the literary process. Prominent Azerbaijani artist Ogtay Sadigzada in one board within his work entitled “Nizami and world culture” and composed of 5 boards dedicated to the literary activities of Nizami Ganjavi (which clearly indicates the essence of this phenomena) revitalized the Eastern followers, in other one the Western followers and in other two boards the Eastern and Western followers of Nizami.

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Furthemore, it is not the product of the illusion of the artist, but the correct description grounded on the precise scientific researches. Among the western followers of Nizami and the great personalities who have benefitted from his creations we see considerable number of literary persons whose names and works have been eternally engraved in the history of literary sense of the world. Barthélmyd’Herbelotin his work “Bibliothèqueorientale” affirmed that several adventures reflected in French literature had been taken from such poems of Nizami as “Seven beauties” and “Khosrov and Shirin”. Namely in that century French poet and playwright Alain Rone Lesaj (1668-1747) having benefitted from the various episodes of Nizami’s “Seven beauties”, wrote such librettos as “Good and Evil”, “Chinese prince” and these works of opera which were staged in 1721 at “Comedie Fransaiz” within 15 years (from 1721 to 1735) preserved its position in repertory thus guarding its popularity (9,30; 9,53-54). Due to the interest generated by Nizami’s “Seven beauties” in French cultural atmosphere, the celebrated composer of his period Luis Nicolas Clerambol (1676-1749) translated that masnavi of Nizmai into French. It is assumed that the objective of the French composer was to write opera on this theme. Because that translation was not published by composer as a separate book which he had been keeping in his personal archive and at present the indicated translation is being preserved in Paris National Library (9, 34). Italian playwright Carlo Gotsi who like the French Lesaj used to take interest in plots of tale and adventure, established “Theater of tale” and in order to be performed in that stage wrote “Tales collection for theater” in 1761 and “Turandot” one year later. Qotsi also did not neglect the story “Good and Evil” which was repeteadly performed at stage thus benefitting from this plot taken from Nizami’s “Seven beauties” in interpretation different from Lesaj (9, 54). The early 16th century is noteworthy with respect to the development of the multilateral relations between Italy and Azerbaijani state of Safavids. Namely within that period we observe closer mutual investigation and benefitting between Azerbaijan and Italy through the bearers of the most distinct cultures.Within 1516-1532 the work “Furious Orlando” (Orlando furioso) which had been considerably enlarged and then published, was a great success thus awarding his author – poet and playwright Ludovico Ariosto with unprecedented fame in the literary world. The indicated work which is considered to be among the biggest poems of Europe with its 38736 hemistichs trepasses the national borders thus being accepted with sympathy in the literature of other nations as well as positively effecting the literary activities of such mighty pen-owners as Lope de Vega, Servantes, Bayron, Volter and Pushkin. That work itself was influenced by “Leyli and Majnun” poem of Nizami. The literary activities of such prominent representatives of German literature Volfgang Goethe and Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1796) and Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) reflect the positive echo of the heritage of Nizami and this circle can be much more emlarged. However, our examples belongs to the early period when the heritage of Nizami newly started to be translated into European languages and the related preliminary researches were made. In the second half of 19th century and in 20th century Nizmai

Ganjavi conquered Europe and the world in the genuine sense of the word. His works came to birth not like initially in fragments with abbreviations, but as a whole with translation into many languages, moreover, hundreds of valuable research works about his life and literary activities emerged, Nizami begun to dominate more and more in hearts and brains in Europe. Certainly, while new and new translations into English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, Czech and other languages emerged, Nizami became closer to the literary and cultural figures of those nations thus giving them a gift from his light in order to write new monumental works. Therefore, today fully to determine the precise panorama of the useful influence of Nizami to the European and global culture and literature appears incredible. Only the overall investigation of the traces of Nizami in the literature and culture of every nation and country can generate the opportunity to reply these questions more or less profoundly. Genius Uzbek poet Alishir Navai, one of the most brilliant followers of Nizami literary school wrote that if even the Earth overflows and the heavens turn to scales, it is powerless to carry the weight of Nlizami. The unexaggerated and well-aimed truth in these words told with poetic comparisons and hyperboles is that the grandeur of Nizami Ganjavi cannot be confined within dimensions and time-frames known to us, the complete discovery of Nizami is beyond the possibilities. With his personality and creations Nizami Ganjavi is an endless and vast space and the mankind will constantly be disclosing its new and new beauties and will continue to learn, to benefit and take pleasures from it.


1. Agah Sırrı Levend. Arap, fars, türk edebiyatlarında Leyla ve Mecnun hikayesi. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi. Ankara, 1959 2. Agah Sırrı Levend. Ali Şir Nevai. I cilt. Hayatı, sanatı ve kişiligi. Ankara, 1965 3. Agah Sırrı Levend. Türk edebiyatı tarihi. Ankara, 1973 4. Barthélmyd’Herbelot de Molainville, Bibliothèqueorientale, ouDictionaireUniversel. Paris. Companie des Libraries,1697 5. NizamiGanjevi. Schirin, einpersischesromantisches Gedichtnachmorgenlandishen Quellen. (Nachgebildet von HammerPurgstall). Leipzig, 1809 6. G.U. Aliyev. Nizami’s themes and subjects in the literature of the peoples of the East. Publishing House “Nauka”, Moscow, 1985 7. Rustam Aliyev. Nizami. A brief bibliography. Baku, “Yazichi”, 1983 8. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. The West-Eastern Divan. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1988 9. əsgər Sərkaroğlu. Nizami frasnsız mənbələrində. Azərbaycan Dövlət Nəşriyyatı, Bakı, 1991

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Third Millenium Education Anatoly Vasilievich Pikalov

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Environmental and Humanitarian Institute, Moscow

The XXI century that we live in displays the highest level of development in the fields like gene engineering, microelectronics, information technology, means of communication, nanotechnologies, microbiology, energy industry… The list is endless. These achievements are a result of efforts by highly educated specialists and scientists, whose successful work has become possible mainly thanks to the education they had been given which is the basis of human civilization. Contemporary educational tendencies, especially, in higher education, presuppose the students’ mobility, development of their skills in self-sufficing work with information, developing trans-border education and its internationalization. It is necessary to notice a growing importance of specialist field differentiation, reorientation to multiple applied sciences and departure from the common mainstream humanitarian education system. But at the same time, the XXI century made current contradictions which become sharper every day as clear as they had never been. This has been explicitly demonstrated by economic, environmental, political and social crises around the globe. Factors of unstable development are evident. It is thus logic that the studies on how to make development sustainable include the largest and unprecedented in the History of Science range of environmental, philosophical, political, financial, social problems and many others. Will the XXI century become the last one in human history? For the first time, human civilization faces the phenomenon of possible death due to its own activity. Evolution provided all of the living beings including people with instinct for self-preservation. But we should recognize that human race taken as a whole did not succeed in generating such an instinct. That makes sense, as evolution has been going on for many hundred millions years, while the civilization’s hasty growth in technological power lasted only two or three centuries. Scientific and technical progress lifted human race to a new level, allowing us to considerably increase production and consumption. Scientific discoveries, technical revolution, developing technologies created a false illusion of almighty power and an ambition to govern nature. In science, in the knowledge field, we notice a shift towards technicism. Faith in infinite possibilities of technical progress somehow played down the significance of human individuality pushing


humanitarian values into the background. This is exactly within that period of time that a retarded development of Man’s consciousness outlined (above all, in moral and ethical terms) compared with technical development, and the cult of consumption evolved. Consequently, we observe a discontinuity that has been formed and keeps on growing steadily between the rate of technological activity and the level of responsibility for the consequences of this activity. Reaching its heights by the end of the XX century, this discontinuity made the environmental crises inevitable. The degeneration of biosphere, which includes humans, raises the question of survival for the entire human race as a species. Personal human attributes have undergone serious changes during the lifetime of only two generations. Under the pressure of a hastily growing scope of information, education was mainly and imperceptibly reoriented towards getting knowledge, developing competency and gaining focused specialization. This was harmful for the bringing up process, which for many centuries, was inseparably associated with education, was not only aimed at transferring knowledge from generation to generation but also taught how to use the knowledge gained. The balance necessary for a harmonious development of humans was disrupted in the prejudice of the people’s personal qualities. Everywhere we observe a decline in the level of common culture among school and university graduates, corruption of their ethical and aesthetical vision. Besides, we notice an increase in aggressiveness, asociality, egocentrism, ultimatism and people’s will to gain object at whatever the cost. These are the consequences of educational dehumanization which are already evident today. But there are also less evident ones: taste for relentless and dishonest competition, neglecting other people’s interests, cultural values, ability to violate the law and rules of morality. Today, in the shadow of growing local and global crises another educational model is gaining vital importance, which is aimed at training specialists ready to not only fulfill their tasks as singlediscipline professionals, but also to resolve conflicts, keep in mind partners interests, preserve natural, historical, cultural and material values and, finally, responsible for the consequences of their activity.

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Scientific articles

International Conferences on Environment and Sustainable Development (Stockholm, Rio de Janeiro, Manchester, Kyoto, and Johannesburg) have marked a new era in human history. These summits helped to raise interest to environmental issues from the great masses of international society, and led to signing several important international treaties. The transformation of public conscience has thus become a pressing global human task and a must for a sustainable development of the civilization. Education is the only way to persistently accomplish this mission within a reasonable time (taking into consideration the forecasted exacerbation of the ecological crisis by mid-century). Traditional education has never had this task to carry out. To make sustainable development possible, we need a more dynamic educational system capable of self-improving and first of all capable of staying ahead (anticipating education) among other fields of human activity, knowing how to use prognostic and probabilistic methods, learn from the future. But the main objective of education for sustainable development must be the formation of a new kind of person who has an environmental world view and a developed responsibility. Educational model for sustainable development was elaborated in the Moscow Environmental and Humanitarian Institute in 19921993 and keeps on upgrading ever since. The basis of this model features expended humanitarian and ecological components integrated in the educational and bringing up process. Meanwhile, the basic component, specifically, national education standard has remained unchanged. The model combines principles of both anticipating and ecological education. Humanitarian component is meant to develop student’s common and inner culture,

communication skills and includes culturology, ethics, law, foreign languages, imagology etc. Another important fact is to be mentioned concerning this humanitarian and environmental education system. Educational and bringing up process is active and practical. Students participate in research projects performed by Students Scientific Society where they use the knowledge they have just gained. This year, the institute took up residence in a new specially designed building in south west Moscow in the valley of a little river, Samorodinka. The new building is equipped with everything to meet educational needs: comfortable classrooms, ICT rooms, laboratories, a first-class conference hall, a multifunctional sports and dancing hall, a student café. The Institute is being prepared to merge with another Moscow institute and thus transform into a university. The humanitarian and environmental education system is a wellthought-out and fundamental alternative to the educational dehumanization. It proved to be effective both in training specialists and forming graduates personal qualities fully oriented to modern challenges, to a constructive social, natural and co-evolutionary activity. The expansion of the System may become the main step towards the transformation of public conscience in order to turn principles of sustainable civilization development into reality. We are ready to share our experience with you and give a helping hand to people and organizations wishing to develop this type of education in all of the countries and regions around the globe. Within this framework, we create a foundation featuring big financiers, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, journalists, and just partners interested in developing the University of Future.

Pentahelix as a Concept of Knowledge Production in Innovative Economy Fyodorov M.V., Peshina E.V., Gredina O.V., Avdeev P.A. Upravlenets.2012. No. 3-4 (31-32). P. 4-12 Website: The paper examines positive and negative sides of the three modern concepts of knowledge production: traditional discipline-based knowledge (Mode 1), “second type” knowledge (double helix)

(Mode 2), “triple helix” by Professor H. Etzkowitz (Mode 3). The fourth concept of knowledge production – Pentahelix (Mode 5) – is suggested and justified.

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations Education in the Distance Learning Tulbasieva Saule Kalidildaevna

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, The Republic of Kazakhstan


wide range of both traditional and new information technologies.

The article analyzes the distance learning system, which is based primarily on self-learners getting the required volume and quality required knowledge and at the same time involves the use of a

Keywords: system, distance learning, education, educational activities, educational technology.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Scientific articles

Obtaining electric energy from the atmosphere Boris Bleskin Borisovskie prudi str., 22-1-120, Moscow, Russia Phone: +7(495) 3418079, +79163272040 Email: Website:

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief researcher of the Federal state budget institution “Russian Scientific and Research for Medical Engineering” of Federal service on surveillance in the Healthcare Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and AMTN, the chief researcher of Federal state budget institution “Russian Scientific and Research for Medical Engineering” of Federal service on surveillance in the Healthcare, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Academy of medical engineering science, a doctor of higher category. He graduated from 2 Moscow medical institutions in 1971 and did postgraduate study in 1987, having been a Doctor of Medical Sciences since 1997. Boris Bleskin worked in hospitals and clinics in the cities of Taiga, Tomsk, Ivanovo, Belits (GDR), Volgorechensk and Moscow. Liquidator of the Chernobyl accident. He has been awarded the medal “For Rescue of the Perishing”, the signs “Excellent Student of Health Care of the Russian Federation”. The author of more than 60 inventions on a problem of cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, schizophrenia, coronary heart disease, congenital and hereditary pathology, a series of devices on use of atmospheric electricity.

Diabetes of type I

New earlier unknown regularity of etiopathogenesis diabetes of type I, being that in an initial stage of the chronic inflammation in Langergans’s islands, caused by a virus infection, takes the first place, hidden and is delayed till 1 year of reversible character of the current, bringing to the B-cells degeneration (a priority of 20.05.1982). For rehabilitation of insulin function of B-cells in Russia No. 2000782, 1152595, 2104000, 2182475, 2391971, 2514529 inventions are created.

Obtaining electric energy from the atmosphere

Alternative to sources of receiving electric energy existing now is use of electric energy of the atmosphere including a lightning. For use of atmospheric electricity in Russia patents No. 2030132, 2000128, 2332816, 2369991, 2482640 a number of devices are invented. Distinctive feature of technical solutions is that the reception block contains cupola-shaped triboelement below the crosswise antenna.


Invention of a role of infringement insulin system, a slow virus infection and the Sun rhythm on etiopathogenesis congenital and hereditary diseases. New law unknown earlier is revealed that in etiopathogenesis hereditary and congenital diseases the primary role is carried out by chronic insulin by deficiency caused by defeat by a slow virus infection of B-cells of islets of Langergans and result in secondarily damaged fetal genome. The most negative for conception are the periods of 1.5 weeks and 1,5 months after spring and autumn equinox and summer and winter solstice when the Sun makes active a slow virus infection in the B-cells, leading to a congenital pathology. B-cells affection by a slow virus infection is widespread and proceeds without a painful syndrome. The pathological condition of a tail part is detected by contact thermography and ultrasonic. With due regard for etiopathogenesis, hemosorption and plasmapheresis are proposed to be used for preventive purposes (before conception) as well as for new purpose.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Scientific articles

Right to Education: Problems of Implementation Under Conditions of Modernization in Russia Higher School L.V. Ten, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Professor Altai Akademy of Law and Economy

656000 Russia, Barnaul, Komsomolsky, 86 Phone: (3852) 24-48-08 Email:


The article deals with the research of the right to education as a natural, integral, fundamental and absolute human right. The author has analyzed the practice of higher school modernization from the point of view of its implementation and come to the conclusion that higher education management system should be reformed taking into account market conditions in education and the role of education relations subjects in solving the problem of higher school organization economic mechanism quality. Key words: right to education, higher school, modernization, quality of education, market of educational services, organizational economic mechanism of higher school functioning

Any modern society recognizes the right to education as one of integral, fundamental, indisputable and absolute human rights, enshrined in Constitutions of all countries and admitted by global community in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit… Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups”. [1]. These principles are stated in Article 43 of the Russian Federation Constitution and thus correspond to responsibilities of the state “to recognize, to observe and to protect human and civil rights and liberties”. Being a derivative from individual human qualities and needs for perfection the right to education belongs to integral, natural and inviolable human rights. The state should not interfere into human rights and liberties but provide the conditions for them to be fully implemented. The right to education cannot be limited no matter what jurisdiction the human being belongs to. Neither can it be limited by another’s will even if the choice of a person to get a professional education does not correlate to economic needs of the state, job placement or technological goals of an employer. Inadmissibility to deprive the citizen from the right to education is stated in the imperative norm of Article 22 of the Russian Federation Constitution. Motivation to get education should be legally independent for any subject, including the state, if it does not suppose activities that

contradict the federal law except the cases when foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, individual rights and interests, country defense and state security need to be protected [2]. Despite the fact that constitutional and legal principles and norms act directly they turned to be declarative by nature in many respects due to objective and subjective reasons, which prevented them from being implemented. Under the conditions of planned economy Soviet system of higher professional education was aimed exceptionally at training a certain number of specialists that the country needed. As a result it failed to support demands of more than 50% people who wanted to get higher education. The lack of strict licensing the system of non-free (paid) education, which was introduces in 1992, resulted in an uncontrolled increase and a strong growth of undergraduates as well as pseudo-higher schools. This happened in the period when school financing was considerably reduced while the teaching staff, educational area and other infrastructure elements, which were in great demands for state higher schools during pre-Perestroika period remained the same. At the same time non-state higher schools could easily do without the most important elements of educational activities. More than 50% of non-state higher schools and their branches were established by state higher schools not because they wanted to contribute into training such popular professionals as lawyers and economists but to get profit. As a result the decrease in professional training quality, which started in the Soviet period due to conservative methods, forms of education and mass unreceptiveness of the command economy to innovative approaches, has speeded up. Liberal voluntary measures undertaken by the state in 1990-s discredited the idea of nonfree (paid) and private education and thus the content of right to education that supposed an alternative and high quality came down. Consequently in contrast with other countries paid schools in Russia did not improve the level of education but made it worse. All over the world non-state higher schools proved to be an effective form to attract investments and a competitive means to implement the right to a high quality education. Today the state policy witnesses a transition from liberal voluntarism to a strict administrative regulation. Ministry of Science and Education makes an effort to smooth out negative effects of its own activities and takes bureaucratic measures that are not typical of an intellectual

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sphere. The aim of the measures is to reduce the number of higher schools, students’ enrollment and faculty staff. According to S.I.Ozhegov’s “Russian Language Dictionary” monitoring of higher schools effectiveness can be defined as: “a red tape, negligence to the essence of the matter for the sake of formality” [3]

e) higher schools and commercial sector are taxed equally while the former have not the same rights as corporate business has. Thus economic independence and resource potential of colleges and universities are limited and as a result they do not meet increasing market and consumers requirements.

Evidently, such a policy returns a Russian higher school to its starting points when it was not able to meet education needs. This contradicts global education development trends. According to the European Union statistics the number of students in EU countries has doubled during 20 years. During the post war the number of the first year students in developing countries has increased by a multiple of 100 [4]. The increase of social demand for higher education could be compared to a social explosion when all states tried to meet the rapidly growing demand.

The monitoring that currently takes place does not solve the quality issue, which is urgent not only for the higher education institutions that were found non-effective. It is impossible to solve the problem by having mechanically reduced the number of higher schools and put obstacles on the way to higher education. These are other more substantial measures which are taken by the government so that to improve resource support of state institutions and financial position of faculty and students. Wages and salary rise is very important but it will not itself lead to the renovation of educational process. Students’ scholarship can and needs to be increased, but the rise of scholarship will not itself make the studies more activity.

No matter how noble the intentions might be no restriction of human rights that contradicts the Constitution of Russia and prevents from meeting natural human needs for self-development and human thought can be approved. It was possible to apply such restrictions when the issues of higher education system were considered on the bases of bylaws and administrative law relations rather than by federal legislations. Nowadays the Ministry of Science and Education license, certificates, accredits and monitors effectiveness of higher schools by means its own regulations. No doubt such a situation is rather disputable. Yet under the circumstances of market and rule of law all subjects of civil law including higher schools and their students should be protected from voluntary interference of the authorities. It is quite obvious that no administrative body is allowed to restrict the implementation of the constitution right to education, which is the ultimate power of the federal legislation (Article 1 of the RF Constitution).

These statutes include the following statements:

Under the condition of the current system a high level of financing will not give a positive result since the requirements for education have increased considerably. The money will be thrown away because it is impossible for the whole country to live according to the market economy law while education still keeps to the laws of the Soviet period. We can certainly be proud of our yesterday’s accomplishment and the traditions of Russian fundamental humanitarian education established in the Soviet period. But to conserve what used to be the best is to lag behind rather than to go ahead.

a) according to the enrollment rules the undergraduates who have not got a minimum passing score at CT (Centralized Testing) are not affiliated;

Reality, richness of content and stability of the right to education considerably depend on the way the management system is appropriate to the relationship in education sphere.

b) the equal civil right to free education is violated when the Ministry of Education reduces the number of budget support students in certain fields of training independently on the number of applicants; this also refers to non-state higher school institutions;

Fundamental reforms in economy and society were not accompanied by the adequate changes in education aimed to satisfy the needs of both an individual and a society for education. These needs were imposed by a considerable growth in science and technical information as well as a wide access to education. Quality management cannot be the prerogative of state bodies only. The task of the state is to create such a system of economic relationship that would provide a relevant quality; the final consumer, i.e. the person who gets education, would be the main QC check. The state should regulate rather that to produce services [5].

c) the right of citizens to choose a higher school they want to study at is restricted because state higher school institutions are offered various preferences and thus Article 8 of the RF Constitution that provides equal forms of property and WTO rules, which do not allow to discriminate higher schools and offer them preferences on the bases of their foundation is violated; d) criteria indicators 5 and 6 of effectiveness monitoring seem to be unlawful since they keep higher schools to focus on profiting while all Russian colleges have a status of non-commercial institutions aimed at humanitarian results. It is justified by the fact that higher schools with accredited education programmes have been found non-effective; 298

State grants and education innovations implemented within the frame of the national project are extremely urgent and important. However the lack of motivation to the final outcome when money but not innovation becomes the objective itself can result in destruction of the achieved success.

The present day education management system, as well as the Soviet one, is characterized by a high degree of centralization, uniformity of higher educational institutions and a lack of motive to self development. The most sufficient drawbacks in the present day education management systems are: a) monopolism and a lack of self -government in higher schools;

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b) technocratic and administrative manipulation approach to a professional education development; c) exclusively economic pragmatism and purely utilitarian approach; d) ignoring the market reality in professional education. Command-administrative system that was rejected when economy was being reformed has been preserved in education. More over in recent years commanding functions of education management bodies have considerably increased and the vertical of power has strengthened. Such renovations and State Standards, licensing, attestation and accreditation are resided in the hands of a single department that acts as a monopolist. All the innovations turned to be nothing but a petty instrument to regulate higher school vital activity and to manipulate on education services market. This has not improved the system of education but has resulted in the growth of bureaucracy willfulness. Such measure as Centralized Testing, testing the permanent knowledge, state exams and competitions that are nothing but a concealed form of distribution system and hierarchy of higher education institutions can result in still greater strengthening of administrative rather that economic means and will contribute into suppression of self-independence and civilized competition on education services market. Many academicians claim that education cannot be a product or a service. This idea does not allow identifying the role of the state in education correctly and does not correspond to the postulation statement that labour force is a product and qualification which were acquired while training. If the qualification is acquired on the compensatory basis it becomes the object of trade on labour market.

Informational society that Russia is entering, changes the role of education in social and economic development. Knowledge, skills, innovations, initiative and enterprise become the main souses of profit and power of development. An old paradigm of labour cost, which did not take into account fundamental role of information and education in economy, is substituted by an information theory of value and human resources. In information society knowledge and intelligence turn into the main capital that makes relationships in education a part of economic relations. Being intellectual in nature education activity is being implemented in the form of services and goods. [6]. If education is recognized as a field of economic activities and has all features characteristics of market it will lead to substantial changes in management system.


1. The Universal declaration of Human Rights. – URL: http://www. 2. Comments of The Russian Federation Constitution. M.: BEC Publishing House, 1994, p. 51. 3. Ozhegov S.I. The Russian Language Dictionary/ S.I.Ozhegov. – .The 17-th Publication - M.: Russian Language, 1985. – p. 58 4. Eigher G. Reconceiving the issue of Post-Secondary Education/ G. Eigher, T. Shevalier// – Higher Education in Europe. – 1992. – V. 17. – N 1 – P. 12 5. Tchirkunov O. State and Competition. O. Tchirkunov – M.: New Literature review. 2012. –P. 62 6. Bell D. The Social Framework of Information Society/ D. Bell// The Computer Age: A twenty Year review. – London, 1981. – P. 168.

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Scientific articles

Solution of the region environmental problems by means of conversion of soda production largetonnage wastes into construction materials R.F. Vagapov, A.A. Oratovskaya, D.A. Sinitsin GUP Institute BashNIIstroy, Ufa, Russia R.F. Vagapov –Director Email:,

The given article presents the actual environmental problem – cleaning of soda production wastes disposal yards. As a result of given type of wastes recycling, the lime-containing binder can be obtained for silicate and gas-silicate items. Soda ash production provokes formation of great amount of wastes in kind of slimes. There are 8-10 m3 of slimes per 1 t of product that contain 200-250 kg of solid phase. These wastes are poured into slime storages where solid particles settlement occurs. The solid phase of slimes (TOC) is a slime of 25-60% moisture containing fine particles consisting mainly of calcium carbonates. It contains also magnesium carbonate, hydroxides of calcium and magnesium, admixtures of gypsum and chlorides, clay compounds. Chlorides content depends on material moisture that increases with the depth of material being.


was put into operation. The blocks density was 600-700 kg/m3, the strength was 2,5…5,0 MPa, they were fully in line with the requirements of GOST 21520-89. However, despite the successful production experience, in the process of operation there appeared a series of technological complications. Partially naturally dehydrated slime obtained from the slime reservoir surface and by this reason having the significant heterogeneous composition was used as initial raw material. Increased slime moisture made the process of its burning in kilns difficult, so the production line had to be periodically stopped. The heterogeneity of the initial raw material complicated the technology of binder production (periodical correction of composition was demanded) and decreased the quality of the final product. In 1986 the production line was stopped for reconstruction and then the production was not resumed.

Investigations carried out with the Institute BashNIIstroy in 19701980 years showed that by means of TOC burning at t=850-950 о C, a product is obtained the properties of which are similar to lime. Based on this product and with the combined grinding with quartz sand, the non-cement lime containing binder (LCB) was obtained. Laboratory investigations showed that autoclaved cellular concrete and silicate brick could be made of this binder. The Institute BashNIIstroy obtained several author certificates (No.505184 dated 05.11.1975, No.1076410 dated 28.02.1984) to non-cement binder of autoclaved and non autoclaved hardening and 4 foreign patents.

At present, press filters are widely spread that allow slime dehydration and TOC ready to burning obtaining. This essentially simplifies the burning technology. Press filters can filtrate the fresh slime coming directly from production and having homogeneous chemical composition. This allows obtaining the maximum homogeneous final product (binder). While slime filtration in a solid phase, the content of chloride salts is decreased. This allows expanding the scope of non-cement binder application. As a result of this work, the Institute BashNIIstroy obtained the patent No. 2396227.

In 1980 based on technology developed by the Institute BashNIIstroy, the experimental production of LCB of burnt soda production wastes and quartz sand was built and put into operation. In 1984 the experimental line on production of building gas concrete blocks of autoclaved hardening based on non-cement binder

It should be noted that the suggested technology of wastes processing can be used at other plants producing soda ash. In particular, the Institute BashNIIstroy obtained the offer from Argentina at the beginning of 2000 years to work out the technological documentation for similar wastes processing.

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Department of Physics and Chemistry (Head of Department Alimkulova Elmira J.) The Kazakh Agrotechnical University after S. Seifullin, Astana Email: The efficiency of the antiidiotypic antibodies (the 2nd antibodies) use for studying of the immune response regulation mechanisms and for elaboration of vaccines and diagnostic products for various diseases is noted by many researchers (Osipova L.P, Pivovarova, M.P. et al., 2003; Fagiolo E. 2003; Perosa Federico, Favoino Elvira, C. M. Antonietta, Dumamacco Franco, 2004; Frantseva I.A., Imanbekova J.A, France A.P, Baisheva S. A et al. 2008, etc.). The aim of our work is the determination of the possibility of using a monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies as an immunochemical «internal image» of Brucella antigen. The hybrid cells strain producing the monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies to specific immunoglobulins (the 2st antibodies) against Brucella antigen was obtained. (Pat. 2009 / 0083.1 Republic of Kazakhstan. The hybrid cells strain Mus. musculus L. is used to obtain monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies to immunoglobulins against Brucella antigen / Ospanova S.G, Bulashev A.K, Serikova Sh., Suranshiev ZH. A., Eskendirova S.Z., Shenzhanov K.T., the applicant and patentee of “KATU after S. Seifullin». - №68706; 2011). The immunochemical properties of the monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies produced by this strain and of their F(ab)2 fragments were determined in indirect, direct and competitive ELISA. The results of this research showed that they interact with the xenogenic rabbit and cattle antisera to the lipopolysaccharide antigen of Brucella abortus. In the competitive ELISA antiidiotypic antibodies inhibit the binding of lipopolysaccharide antigen with the positive antisera. The commercial microrotary chromatographic columns of «Thermo Scientific» (USA) company were used for obtain F(ab)2 fragments of the monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies. The actual direction of modern immunology and biotechnology is the research of anti-idiotypic antibodies as the biological basis for the elaboration of protective drugs (V. A. Fedorov, Devdariani Z.L 2006; Wei Li, Heng Cui, Fan-Qiang Meng, Xiao-Hong Chang and Guo Zhang, et al., 2008; Diaz Y., Gonzalez A., Lopez A., Perez R. and Vazquez AM, et al., 2009; Hilmar Lemke, Radu I. Tanasa, Ahmad Trad and Hans Lange, 2012, etc.).

To determine the protective properties, the monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies and their F(ab)2 fragments were used for preparation of the antiidiotypic sera of the third generation. BALB/c mice were injected on the 1st, 7th, 11, 12, 13th days with monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies and their F(ab)2 fragments intraperitoneally, 50 and 100 microgram per animal. At the first time the immunization was performed with the Freund’s complete adjuvant, the second one was injected with the incomplete Freund’s adjuvant. The first screening of the immune sera was performed 3 days after the last immunization. The results are presented in the Table 1. Table 1 - The titer of the antibodies in the experimental sera Immunogen

Dose, The titer of microgram the antibodies

The lipopolysaccharide antigen of Brucella abortus as the positive rate of control



The monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies



The monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies



F(ab)2 fragments of the 100 monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies


F(ab)2 fragments of the 50 monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies


According to the Table 1, the monoclonal antiidiotypic antibodies and their F(ab)2 fragments induced in mice high level of specific antibodies, although the their titers were lower in comparison with lipopolysaccharide antigen. The optimal dose was 50 microgram.

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The Networked Universities: UNINETTUNO International Telematic University Model Prof. Maria Amata Garito

President/Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 00186 Rome Phone: 0039(0)669207627 Email:

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was established further to the success of the Med Net’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities project, which saw the participation of 31 partners belonging to 11 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, France, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey). All partners created a technological network based on receiving and transmitting digital satellite technologies, and today they can produce, broadcast and receive educational contents, via Internet and on satellite television. A technological network that is supported by a network of people, of intelligences that can interconnect and share their knowledge and jointly developed a virtual area for higher education and for the circulation of knowledge in the Euro-Mediterranean, capable of giving rise to UNINETTUNO University. The development of Med Net’U from project to system, with the birth of UNINETTUNO University, was supported by the Governments of the partner countries and was made effective by the conclusion of academic agreements with several universities of the Arab World. We jointly succeeded in developing UNINETTUNO and make it rapidly become one great university in which prestigious lecturers of important European and Mediterranean Universities deliver their courses in several languages in various faculties. Jointly we succeed in creating the first e-learning portal ( of the world where teaching and learning are carried out in 5 languages: Italian, French, English, Arabic and Greek. UNINETTUNO students come from 104 different countries of the world; with no more space and time limits, they can attend the university and can choose to study in the language they prefer. In the different learning environments of the Didactic Cyberspace, students can get digitised video-lectures linked in a multimedia and hypertextual way to books, texts, selected bibliographical and website references and virtual laboratories. In the virtual classroom the professors of each subject interact with the students being constantly supported in their learning progress. Through forums and chats intelligences get interconnected and knowledge is exchanged.

Realising shared curricula based on UNINETTUNO internationalisation model

In these years UNINETTUNO has been designing and realising common curricula that are recognised in Europe and in some countries of the Arab World. In the process of definition of the study programmes UNINETTUNO made reference to the guidelines provided for by the Bologna/Sorbonne process and by ECTS, European Credit Transfer System complying with the European Qualification Standards.


As it regards, instead, the partner Universities based on a country that did not join the Sorbonne/Bologna process, UNINETTUNO developed a model for shared curricula design that has been already successfully tested. A concrete example is represented by the double title developed jointly with Helwan University, Cairo; after a first phase of analysis of the contents of the respective study programmes and of the contents treated within each discipline, we decided that, for the first three years, the students of Helwan University, beside completing the study programme of UNINETTUNO degree course in Computer Engineering, had to add, for each year, the disciplines characterising the study programme of their own University. As a result, cultural differences were respected and the students were able to obtain a title acknowledged in Italy, in Europe and in Egypt. This model of shared curricula was applied also to other Universities of other countries of the world. The analysis and integration of the study programmes allow the realisation of study paths suited to supply the competences required by the new labour markets. Cooperating in realizing networked study programmes has a great value in political and cultural terms. The networked world of the Web let people interact with individuals coming from countries having completely different political, religious and cultural backgrounds; not all academic institutions are able to supply tools to facilitate communication, understanding, dialogue and cooperation. At present, most of the Universities worldwide still deliver customised and localised curricula. In each country they teach “their own philosophy”, “their own history”, contradicting all what is going on in our society at present. From one side there are training institutions providing localised training paths, on the other side people connecting with the whole world in real time and socially and professionally interacting with a globalised setting. If the universities would start to network and integrate their own training paths, they could supply tools capable to meet the needs and demands that the knowledge society requires.

The internationalization of the Universities

UNINETTUNO model created and is still creating new alliances between the Universities of various countries of the world and allows to jointly develop new real and virtual spaces to build new shared knowledge and realize a new model of distance University moving with not boundaries.

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Working together, sharing knowledge of the different Universities allowed to develop new knowledge as well as to consider cultural, religious and political differences as a wealth for humankind. In my opinion, the respect for differences will never be achieved if educational and training systems are still unable to provide appropriate tools enabling to better understand the cultures of other people, yet in many cases they make differences even sharper. Today we should use Internet’s global web to bring knowledge and expertise to all the citizens of the world with no more

space and time limits. Democratizing the access to knowledge allows to feed the minds of all men and women, to assure all the same starting-point and eradicate the slavery of ignorance. Building and transferring knowledge over the Internet borders disappear; frontiers are places of continuity and not of conflicts. Therefore, today UNINETTUNO, thanks to its psycho-pedagogic and organizational model, can assure its users on the quality of the supplied contents, transforming university into an open system able of updating itself and integrating all knowledge available on the Web and concretizing the exchange of knowledge worldwide thanks to the model of a Distance University without distances.

Innovations in Science Education in Bhutan in context to curriculum change Wangpo Tenzin, Curriculum Specialist

Department of Curriculum Research and Development, Bhutan Ministry of Education Thimphu: Bhutan P.O. Box #: 112 Email: Phone: 00975-02-334307/322719/325816 Fax: 00975-02-325183 The science curricula in Bhutan were either adopted or adapted from neighbouring countries. The recent ‘Needs Assessment of Science Education in Bhutan’ revealed that the curriculum is fragmented, lacked progression, learning is not standard based, and of the general public perception that it does not prepare learners with life skills. The curriculum framework and textbooks were developed, and teachers were inducted for the change. The framework encapsulates broad goals of science education and unifying themes or strands. The content strands are life processes, materials and their properties, and physical processes; while working scientifically, focuses on the 21st Century Education Skills of critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, investigation, selfmanagement, and ICT use, with Gross National Happiness as the ubiquitous philosophy of education. Since Bhutan is severely handicapped with expertise, science educationists from both governmental and non-governmental agencies were engaged in the textbook development, rather than procuring them from other countries. Such books are alienating for learners in many ways. Framework ensures that the content of

textbook is developmentally appropriate; learning is for conceptual construction as opposed to learning by memorization; underpins effective pedagogy; facilitates conducive ambience; facilitates systematic scientific language developments; inquiry-based learning; and that ICT is integrated as the tool of learning. The development of textbook is based on the Directed to Activity Related Texts strategies that engage learners in activities such as field trips, library research, cartoon concepts, research based project work, maintain scrapbook and do science journaling, inquiry based learning, experimentation, group work, and community engagement. Assessment underpins the ideal that learners learn better, if varieties of stimuli, in terms of tasks and contexts challenge learners cognitively. As such, the emphasis is assessment ‘for’ learning as opposed to assessment ‘of’ the learning, and objectivity of measurement of competencies with clearly defined tools. The innovation of scrapbook and journaling in science are means to move away from the vicious cycle of listening and copying notes as the sole writing exercises. It is a source of entertainment and learning for learners of all abilities.

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Manifesto of Harmonious Consciousness Crises, Cataclysms and Conflicts: how to Overcome the Destructive Synergy of Three «C» (New redaction) Uraz Baimuratov

Professor, Director of Research Institute of Financial and Banking Management

Harmony will save the world

Today the attention of scientists and politicians is focused upon the global financial and economic crisis. But there are also other crises – ecological, military-political, spiritual-and-moral, and in a number of the countries there is also a demographic crisis. All types of crises, cataclysms and the conflicts are disharmony in society. Some of them gain sharper lines (defaults, cataclysms, big wars). All of them are interconnected, but meanwhile there is a search of ways of exit only from the financial crisis. Many people try to find recipes of getting out of the crises without having defined their sources – they treat only symptoms, instead of illness genesis. The dominating technocratic approach leads away from the truth. And the road to it lies through the harmonious thinking (consciousness) recognizing the domination of spirituality over corporeity, and not vice versa that would have been the deadlock. At that, purity of thoughts defines righteousness of actions. In the harmoniously developed consciousness of an individual there is individualism and altruism at the same time. Harmonious economy based on high spirituality and morality of individuals corresponds to Harmonious thinking. It is formed under the conditions of development of demography and democracy in a society. Harmonious mode of thinking correlates of harmonious economy supported by the high level spirituality and morality of individuals. Such economy evolves in the conditions of developing demography and democracy in the society. Harmonious economy is a growing component of the economic system. Similar to the opposite disharmonious economy it forms and develops according to its own objective laws. Second type of economy is the most extensively studied. First one, on the contrary, is less explored except for a number of the research papers. The laws of disharmonious economy did not become a subject matter of economic science. Although a Harmony, at least its spiritual and moral bases, prevails in the economic thinking of individuals. In real life, there are two worlds – the world of Harmony and the world of disharmony. Dissimilarity and duality in the society materially affect the economic behaviour of individuals and entire society, as well as a complexity and nonlinearity in building of the social Harmony, its laws and forms of their manifestation. Here a term ‘duality of


universe’ means the presence of believers, atheists and doubters in the society, i.e., it is defined by criterion of strong personal faith, hence, by living as required by religion. Therefore, it can be said that individuals and society of high spiritual and ethical (moral) development, in general, adhere to the opposite object laws in comparison with a law of rising material necessities in the laic society, as the conceptual frameworks of social evolution in both cases are completely different. Therefore, we argue that spiritually and morally advanced individuals and society as a whole, i.e. the World of Harmony, tend to follow the Law of the dominant elevation of spiritual needs over material needs, as compared to the law of elevation of the material needs in secular society, i.e. the world of disharmony, so the conceptual foundations of social evolution in both cases are completely different. Two worlds are two objective laws of rising necessities. In the realworld context of duality in the society the objective laws of rising necessities apply not only in multiple directions and ways but also with continuous struggling, as described in the law of balancing of Harmony and disharmony in the society, in economy and its other aspects. The perfect Harmony in the society and economy (any sphere) is beyond attainment, it is an ideal, however each step (even little) closer to the Harmony represents a real possibility and vital necessity. We revealed the essence of the newly discovered law of the social Harmony as the law of dominance of the rising spiritual needs over the material necessities, non-material needs and wishes of individuals. This law states a correlation of human goal set (spiritual growth) and living conditions (consumption of goods). The goal, obviously, dominates the conditions and ways of its achievement in all systems. Faith plays a leading part in human life, there is no denying that. In the course of exploring the objective world science cannot disregard for reality, otherwise it ceases to be so. By virtue of that the objective law incorporates both goal and conditions of social life, it is considered as principal, main. Thus, the principal law distinguishes an interrelation between the life goals of individuals and society, in common, and conditions for achievement of the goal set. As human reproduces needs permanently, including reasonable needs, the principal law

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captures their rising in dynamics, as a reproduction process. Reproduction of needs is associated with their satisfaction, for which they serve as the strongest motivation and driving force of economy.

but also in the territory of aggressors under the law of justice. At that, war psychosis arises, and aggression grows, that moves away kind qualities in consciousness of people to the background. So, the evil overrides the good, but as life teaches, for the time being.

This discovery reveals the logical connections between the concepts of ‘truly spiritual’, ‘material and non-material needs’, ‘moderation’ and ‘reasonableness in consumption’, ‘rising necessities’ in the context of the social Harmony.

In modern conditions any war is not a way of solving economic and political tasks. In present ecological conditions it can become a detonator of cataclysms of the world scale, where there are no winners. That dictates the necessity of reduction of military expenses, rational consumption of riches, especially the food. It should be noted that the famine of the 30-ies in the SU in our opinion has not been studied thoroughly. Researchers only identified immediate causes of famine; deep roots remain without their attention. The problem of water resources demands special attention, first of all, drinking water.

The contemporary economic theory has no researches of the certain concepts (‘true spiritual needs’, ‘moderation’ and ‘right mindedness’, ‘believers’ world’ and ‘world of non-believers’), therefore no logical connections between them are investigated. The principal law of Harmony closes an existing gap in the economic theory. The formulated law resulted from a synthesis of spiritual and scientific knowledge, analysis of statistical data and observations. Economic Law of harmony indicates vector to progress, and on the contrary, economic law of disharmony ultimately leads to the road to “nowhere”. All three ‘C’ have one deep reason – disharmony between quickly growing material needs of people and strongly lagging behind spiritual and moral principles – the basis of any society. It is expressed in deformed consciousness of many people. Soullessness and immorality can cause fatal consequences. Let’s recall death of rich peoples such as Ad, Samud, Nukh, Sodom and Gomorrah. There are also examples of later time. The main thing is to understand that without elimination of the fundamental reason of crises the effect will be short-term, development will be unstable, and subsequently it will result in a collapse. Economic activity of the mankind produced huge material values and served for development of the civilization. On the other hand, it caused huge damage to the environment. Ecological violations caused negative changes of planetary scale – climate warming up, formation of ‘ozone gaps’, tsunamis, earthquakes, desertification etc. In different parts of the planet natural cataclysms with huge number of victims and huge economic damage became frequent. And this tendency is unlikely to stop. Disasters become heavier not only because of irrational economic activity, negative thoughts and actions of people also have serious influence on the course of natural processes. Cataclysms are a signal about limits of anthropogenous impact on the nature. That is why each step of the human should be carefully verified. The unreasonable complacency should be excluded. More and more resources should be accumulated and sent to the struggle against consequences of natural cataclysms and man-caused catastrophes. Special danger is caused by armed bloodsheds which can develop into war of world scale. Aggression roughly contradicts commandments of the Almighty, and responsibility for it, as it is known from history, arises adequately and inevitably. The military conflicts distract huge resources from acute problems of economic growth and social development, and aggravate difficult situation of billions of starving people. Moreover, they increase threat of new and stronger natural emergencies not only in the zone of hostilities,

The peculiarity of our epoch consists in extreme aggravation and synchrony of the most different crises, large natural cataclysms and the military conflicts. Their further deepening and expansion will create real threats to social and economic development of many states and civilization on the whole. These threats will immeasurably increase, if local conflicts are frequent or develop into a large-scale war. The modern arsenal of weapons (first of all, nuclear missile weapons) of powerful states is very big, that in conditions of global crises and cataclysms extremely dangerous for the whole world. So, the level of threats depends on sharpening of disharmony of one, two or three ‘C’ with growth of destructive synergy of their interaction. It is useful for politicians and governors of all countries responsible for well-being of peoples to know this regularity. Aggravation of three ‘C’ is a huge challenge for all mankind. Under laws of nonlinear system represented by our difficult world, combination and interaction of processes and factors give positive or negative synergies depending on the vector of changes. All crises, cataclysms and conflicts strengthen each other. Thus small mutual influence is capable to cause huge destructions in the system on the whole. Aggravation of various crises, increase of natural cataclysms and synchrony of their passing through the time has already lit the SOS signal. Their achievement of critical weight cannot be allowed, and urgent preventive measures are necessary so that not to cause the ‘domino effect’ leading to the global disaster. Crisis of spirituality has probably reached its bottom, and soon the epoch of its rise over the unspiritual will come. The mankind faces the need to clean its thoughts from an “economic” virus of superenrichment, money fetishism, to change its way of life, to come back to old kind values, to achieve reasonable balance between modernism and conservatism. True spirituality is formed on the basis of true directions of world religions. So, in Islam, for example, it is forbidden to be the first to use the weapon, i.e. aggression is inadmissible due to religious reasons. The new non-aggression pact and the pact of non-use of nuclear weapons of all the countries should put a barrier before aggressive intentions of anybody. It is impossible to ignore the fact that increase of the negative in consciousness of people worsens their economic activity and gives

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rise to new aggressive plans. Therefore the remained potential of the Earth is to be used only for peaceful and creative purposes, remembering its limitedness – the mankind has already used its limit of rough intervention in the environment. Spirituality strengthening, dialogue of civilizations, establishment of trust in international relations, consolidation of forces in the struggle against crises and cataclysms provide a saving way which has no alternative. Here joint efforts of clergy, science, education, power, institutes of civil society, i.e. all people are very important. Synthesis of spiritual and scientific knowledge about our world is necessary. Persevering movement to Harmony of society, economy and environment is necessary. The formula of Harmony is simple: D+3D, that means that for harmonious demo-economical development the same development of other three components of social evolution – democracy, demography and demo-ethics (spirituality and morality) – is necessary. Harmony is formed on the principles of social

justice and moderation in everything, while spirituality and morality perform the role of the stable society base. For example, principles of Islamic ethics and economy, the huge creative potential of which has not been fully used anywhere in the world, serve as the vector of social evolution leading to Harmony. In the multi-confessional countries their combination with traditional economic model and finance, i.e. creation of mixed economy, is possible. The world has not yet perceived that it runs down to abyss in its most part. For full assessment of the extent of different threats and development of system answers it is expedient to convene a world Internet forum of scientists, politicians and spiritual leaders on the subject ‘Modern world: challenges and vector of harmonious development’. Governments of countries of all continents could become its sponsors and organizers, and the words ‘Consolidation instead of confrontation’ could be its motto. Fortunately, our uneasy world still has chances for further civilized development.

Forming a polycultural personality in the system of education Kurmanbayeva Maira Zhanorazovna

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, “Astana Daryny” Director, Kazakhstan, Astana

Nowadays separate existence of nations and cultures becomes impossible because of increasing numbers of ethnically mixed families, multinational groups of people in social institutions that can greatly expand the scope of intercultural interaction. Hence all these factors and transformation of the social sphere is characterized by Polyethnicity. Framing the foreign policies of the State the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev points out that Kazakhstan strives to live in peace and friendship with the world community and strengthen interethnic Concord within the country. Initially the Concept of multiethnic education existed as an independent field however then it was expanded to multicultural. Multicultural education is referred to not only interests of the ethnic group but also interests of the State and the entire international community. It is aimed at cooperation and collaboration development. The analysis of the experience of multinational states in the sphere of organization of multiethnic education (D.Banks, G.Grosh, B.Leen, V.Nike and etc.) showed that its main aim is to develop students’ intercultural (ethnocultural) competence. In this case, individuals retain their ethnic identity and functioning effectively within the overall culture of the State. 306

The polyethnical education is the most perspective and educational strategy in the ethnic incoherent sphere and we consider it as a part of modern education which promote learners to attach to their native ethnic culture; to assimilate knowledge about other cultural and ethnical communities and their representatives; to conceptualize global and unique in traditions, lifestyle, cultural values of nation; to form the readiness and ability to live in polyethnical sphere. There is one more important point, if an individual has a requirement in his national culture and language if he has a desire to possess his own language and to identify himself with his nation. The state has to provide the ways of these factors’ formation, to help and to create an incentive to learn native language and culture. However the personality’s position is the crucial importance. For most the polycultural personality has to possess holistic ideology. It means that knowledge and abilities of this individual are composed in a definite system reflecting complicated, interrelated and interdependent character of the world, society and culture’s ties and relations. So an integrity is a characteristic of high-developed and rationally organized ideology. The polycultural personality is an individual with a developed linguistic consciousness. Native and state language knowledge and foreign

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language learning are boarding the personality’s horizon promote his/ her multifaceted development and conduce to tolerance formation and wide-world vision. Personality who is developed linguistically has an ability to react to situation modification quickly and he has more flexible mentality. Linguistic consciousness is developed by literature too. So we attach an important value to World and Kazakhstani literature. In future we’d like to make a condition for perception of all values of World literature in the Kazakh language. If learning of World literature brings up an educated, cultural, intelligent person with luxuriant imagination, well-developed fillings, acute mind, inculcate universal human value, the knowledge of Kazakhstani literature enriches in personality feelings of patriotism and national honor, the knowledge of nation’s culture. In school education it is necessary to take care of the relationship between mother language and history, culture, and traditions of nation, with national method of thinking and attitude to world. Bringing up bilingual person is one of theoretical module of ethnocultural education. The basic component of ethnoculture is national language. Language is an important characteristic of ethnic peculiarities. The language of any nation is an only instrument which as a mirror reflects the traditions, culture, inner world, history and nation’s background. If many people subtract from culture, the reason is innocence of mother language. Language is not only method of speech, writing, speaking but and the weapon of policy and ideology. In most legends, myths, folklore Kazakh language is described as the most bitter and sweetest in the world. So we are sure that for each person, nation, state, the language is holy which we have to proud to and value. It is much better to Republic of Kazakhstan as a young state appeared in global stage. Multicultural identity is an individual with relief historical consciousness that is the basis of historical consciousness with ethnic and national consciousness. National mentality folding in the ethnic group of the thousand-year history of myths, symbols, images, stereotypes can be known only through knowledge of the national history. Knowing the history of the people who inhabited the country, the history of the state creates a sense of historical continuity, historical roots, a sense of belonging to the earth’s history, common destiny of people living side by side for decades and centuries. Condition for the implementation of multi-ethnic education is the educational environment that we mean as a part of the educational environment of any school which is a set of conditions that influences the formation of personality who is ready for effective inter-ethnic interaction, preserving their ethnic identity and striving for understanding of other ethnic cultures, respecting generality of other ethnic groups who are able to live in peace and harmony with people of different nationalities.

and inexhaustible source of values, the first poet and philosopher. At the same time namely the people is the talented teacher and educator from the first days of birth of any person. The pedagogy of the family education which was created by the genius of the people is an educational foundation of human culture. In the last decade the scientists of Kazakhstan conduct intensive researches in area of ethnic pedagogics and folk education. So scientists of I.Altinsarin research institute under the direction of K.B.Zharikbayeva and S.M.Kalieva carry out the study of problems within the framework of ethno pedagogy; the scientists(K.Seisembayev,Zh.Sakenov,T.Imanbekov,Zh.Akparova,S. Uzakbayeva,K.Kozhahmetova,K.Boleev and others) in scientific works rise the problems such as the problems of domestic ethno pedagogy, children education of preschool age on materials of Kazakh folk pedagogics, the problem of school children education by facilities of folk pedagogics, the problems of musically-aesthetic education of studying young people by facilities of traditionallyartistic culture and etc. The term “ethno pedagogy” in pedagogical literature firstly was applied by G.N. Volkov who defined it as science “about experience of the folk masses on education of rising generation, about their pedagogical views, science about pedagogics of lifestyle, about pedagogics of family, origin, tribe, nationality and nation. Ethnic pedagogics investigates to the feature of national character under influence of historical terms saved due to the national system of education and suffering evolution together with the terms of life, together with a pedagogical national culture” (144, p.3). K.Zh. Kozhahmetova distinguishes separately Kazakh ethnic pedagogics and underlines the features of Kazakh ethnic education historically existed in the concrete ethno specific terms of Kazakh ethnos residence which influences forming its own culture, way of life, customs, traditions, language, and beliefs. She gives the following definition: “Kazakh ethno pedagogy is a main part of pedagogical science, its industry integrating ethnography, Kazakh philosophy, ethnic culture, the subject of it is the system of Kazakh ethnic education that carried out continuously during the whole life in family, in establishments of folk education” (4, p.163). Today the questions of ethno-cultural interests’ realization in the field of education are actual for Kazakhstani system of education and teaching. It is related to the ethno national and multicultural features of population and semi centennial domination of the compatible system of education, resulting in alienation of people from history, language and culture of the people. In this situation Kazakhstani society needs the new education and teaching paradigm adopted by ethno cultural education and in the special theoretical-methodological comprehension of its pedagogical aspects.


1. Browley U.V. Remarks of ethnics theory. M, 1983. Continuity of folk pedagogy in modern conditions enables new generations to absorb and to develop the best that was created prior history of mankind in the new conditions to enrich the diversity of spiritual values of society. In this historical process, not only the power of the people serving the first creator of wealth but the sole

2. Stelmakhovich V.G. Folk pedagogics. К., 1985. 3. Goloshymova G.S, Svinina N.G. Ethnocultural education of young learners/primary school-2003, №8, p. 22-27.

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Micro-invasive recovery of central nervous system and peripheral nerves Maximilian Kravchik, Professor, MD, PhD, neurosurgeon at “International Medical Center” (Moscow), head of the department of rehabilitation at “Pain Clinic” (Tel-Aviv) Galina Karimova, MD, head of “International Medical Center” (Moscow)

There are many orthopedic, rheumatologic and neurological pathologies associated with impaired function of peripheral nerves. In practice the treatment of such pathologies traditional surgical and therapeutic methods are insufficient effective. The method of restoring sensory and motor functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves is an alternative to treatment after failure of the latter. The result is achieved using the claimed method is the high efficacy of the therapy in case of defeat to 90% of nerve synapses, allowing to achieve a complete cure of the patient and reduce the time of rehabilitation, as well as the possibility of outpatient treatment and absence of contraindications. The claimed technical result is achieved through the implementation of ways to restore function of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, which consists in the fact that the treatment is carried out in three stages: a) Implanting in the nerve at least two hollow electrodes proximally and distally (above and below) to the nerve injury site. The hollow electrodes are typically made of a biologically neutral conductive material; usually stainless steel alloys are used. As electrodes can be used catheters for puncture of the spinal cord. b) Course extracorporeal focused shock wave therapy (F-SWT), consisting of at least five sessions with electrical stimulation, designed to stimulate axonal growth peripheral nerve fiber regeneration and forming the myelin sheath of Schwann cells - at this stage, the formation of new synapses peripheral nerves;


(amount is defined by the length of the defect rate of the nerve tissue at the two electrodes each 5-6 cm of the damaged nerve) above and below the site of injury. This manipulation is performed under aseptic conditions - operating or procedure room. If the open wound surface, convenient to carry out the invasion of electrodes during visual inspection, otherwise implantation is performed under ultrasound-shots. Electrodes should be introduced into the nerve at a depth of 0.5-1cm, fixed to the skin and closing sterile adhesive antibacterial wipes. Through hollow electrodes drip directly into the nerve of the drug solution with simultaneous connection of electrical apparatus and drug iontophoresis. Hollow electrodes remain in the patient for the entire course of therapy. The success of the first phase of treatment is determined by the results of repeated ultrasound images of the affected nerve, which is determined by the accuracy of invasion electrodes. In the second stage of treatment used, at least one course focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy, consisting of 5 to 20 sessions, in conjunction with intraneural electrical stimulation and iontophoresis, aimed at stimulating the growth of axons of peripheral nerve fiber regeneration. The number of sessions is depending from the results of electroneuromyography. Rates continue to until saved increasing the positive dynamics of the affected nerve electrical impulse.

c) Removing of implanted electrodes is used, at least one session with electroneuromyography to coordinate a newly formed synapses peripheral nerves.

Method focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy (method F-SWT) based on short-time (0.1-0.3 seconds) application to the field of disease-focused low-frequency sound wave shock. F-SWT improves local circulation and loosens fibrotic lesions affecting the normal reunion damaged axons of nerve cells. One of the major effects of the shock wave is to stimulate the development of new microvasculature in the problem area.

The main difference between the claimed method for the recovery function of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves of other known methods is in a controlled accelerated regeneration of neurons in highly enriched culture in the injured nerve, which allows for rapid and uniform growth of axons towards each other with simultaneous synchronization nerve synapses, and accordingly to create conditions for full recovery of sensory and motor nerve function.

Theoretical aspects of the F-SWT based on the creation of a shock wave with high flux density, which focuses on a limited target area. This is to ensure that the shock waves will develop a complete energy exclusively for the treatment of selected site without damaging the surrounding tissues. Hyperbaric effect F-SWT based on the ability to form a cavity acoustic vibration in the tissues, F-SWT produces micro-massage, which is very important in the treatment of edema.

Combination therapy for the treatment of the first step of treatment comprises implantation two or more hollow electrodes in the nerve

In the acute phase of inflammation, shock waves facilitates removal of tissue histamine and prevents the formation of other risk factors

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in the cells that is associated with an increase in the diffusion of calcium ions across the cell membrane. The result of this process is to reduce the intensity of inflammation in the tissues. In the granulation step of the inflammatory process stimulated by the formation of neurons as well as for fibroblasts and new collagen of the capillary network. Thus, various effects are produced on the tissue to stimulate the healing process due to intensification of the metabolic process that is used in the cases observed in neurosurgical practice for treating paralysis and paresis of the peripheral nervous system, post-operative complications, neuralgia, neuropathy, etc. In the claimed method of restoring sensory and motor functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves is focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy is performed at the threshold energy. Density of energy (from 1 to 5 Mpa) and pulse frequency (from 1 to 5 Hz) is settings during the session F-SWT. If the patient begins to experience pain even when properly focused stream of shock waves, it is necessary to reduce their energy 0.5-1 MPa. It is also possible to lower the pulse frequency 1-2 Hz. Given the frequency and energy are recommended and can be varied depending on the specific circumstances. Electrophoresis drugs (iontophoresis) - a method of introducing drugs into the body by a constant electric current through the skin or mucous membranes. In the case of interstitial (intraneural) iontophoresis electrodes and the drugs injected directly into the diseased tissue (nerve), within which is also distributed by means of a constant electric current. As a result, changes the ionic balance around the cells, accelerates the healing of skin wounds and bones recovered fibrous tissue, increases cellular metabolism and restores the potential of cell membranes, increases microcirculation. As a result of their interaction, the influence of each of these factors resulted in a qualitatively new effect is observed. The drug solution is injected directly into the affected nerve, and the composition of the solution consists of the following drugs: Placenta compositum 2.2ml, Mydocalm 1ml, Diprospan 0.25ml, Procaine 2.2 mL. This formula of the drug solution is a special case and not to limit the claimed invention - as a drug solution can be any compound that is selected depending on local conditions, experience and preferences of the physician. Intraneural electrical stimulation - a method of electric shocks on the neuro-muscular system. During electrical stimulation used toward permanent pulsed electrical current at low voltage (60 80 V) and low power (up to 50 mA), the pulses of different form and duration. Because of the rapid rise of the current processes

of diffusion and osmosis do not have time to compensate for violations of ion concentration in the tissues. These disorders are greater than when exposed to a galvanic current of the same strength. Basic physiological reactions and therapeutic effect: there is a pronounced irritant effect of pulsed electric current. The response to this stimulation – fibrillation of muscle fibers. Upon closing the circuit muscle contraction occurs at a cathode under a current of less than under the anode. Excitation of muscle activity pulsed electric current prevents the progression of degeneration reactions, acceleration and restoration of damaged nerve fibers. In the claimed method of reconstructing the functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nerve electrodes are introduced to a depth for 0.5-1cm directly into the affected nerve, which in variablyvector mode served bipolar modulated current (6 mA 15-20 volt 25-50Hz) - it allows to evenly distribute the drug throughout the area of the nerve between the two electrodes. Duration of treatment is 45 minutes. The success of the second phase of therapy is determined by the results electroneuromyography, which is held every fifth session of treatment. The criterion for completion of the second phase is to achieve the lower limit of the conduction of impulses according to standard tables EMNG. In the third stage of treatment is removing of implanted electrodes are used, at 5-10 session with electroneuromyography to coordinate a newly formed synapses peripheral nerves. The described method for the recovery function of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves is exceptionally high performance even in case of defeat to 90% of nerve synapses. According to statistics obtained by the Israel clinic «Pain Clinic Unique methods of medical treatment» based on 15-year experience of more than 5,000 patients with various neurological disorders, the effectiveness of the treatment close to 95-99% clinical and laboratory confirmation of a positive result Amount of damaged nerve Amount of damaged nerve synapses before the treatment,% synapses after the treatment,% 1. Less 20

1. More 95%

2. From 20 till 40

2. 90-95%

3. From 40 till 60

3. 80-90%

4. From 60 till 80

4. 60-80%

5. From 80 til 90

5. More 50%

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Scientific articles

DISTRIBUTION OF SPOTTINESS OF GRAIN CROPS` LEAVES IN THE CONDITIONS OF NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN Nauanova A.P., Ishmukhanbetova G.N., Khasanov V.T., Bisenov Zh.A., Baimbetova E.M. Kazakhstan, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Nauanova A.P., Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan Astana сity, prospect Pobedy, 62 010011 Phone: 8(7172) 30-20-24, 39-38-47 Email: S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Abstract. Results of research of biological features and specific structure of activators of spottiness of grain crops` leaves are given in the article. It is established that the most aggressive activator of spottiness of barley leaves are fungi Cochliobolus sativus, Alternaria tenuissima, Drechslera graminea, and Bipolaris sorokiniana. Keywords: phytopathogens, spottiness of leaves, grades of grain crops.

Productivity of grain summer crops depends on potential opportunities of a plant, weather, agrotechnical and biological factors. Among the last the important place is taken by numerous infectious diseases which affect plants at all stages of their organogenesis. In recent years the most widespread and harmful diseases of grain crops are spottiness of the leaves, caused by a complex of phytopathogenic fungi in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. Spottiness of leaves for this region is rather new illness, much progressing in connection with broad introduction of zero technology of cultivation of grain crops. Spottiness of leaves is one of the most widespread and harmful diseases of grain crops in Northern Kazakhstan and is caused by a complex of fungi of Drechslera graminea, Cochliobolus sativus Coch., Bipolaris sorokiniana, species of fungi of Alternaria: Alternaria arborescens, Alternaria tenuissima, Alternaria alternate, Alternaria triticina. Four main types are revealed: dark-brown, striped, alternarioous and septorious spottiness of leaves as a result of realized mycologic analysis of specific structure of activators of leaves spottiness on barley. Dominating types are Drechslera graminea, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Alternaria, the frequency of occurrence of noted fungi varies from 51,2% to 71,5%. Cultural-morphological, physiological-biochemical properties are studied at activators of spottiness of leaves. The active growth of an air and substrat mycelium is observed at the majority of species of the fungi causing spottiness of leaves, in limits 18-30ºС.


Temperature range makes at least 6 ºС, an optimum – +18-+30 ºС, and at most +35ºС. Sodium nitrate and urea are the most favorable for growth and development among all studied sources of nitrogen optimum. Starch, maltose and glucose are the best sources of carbon for phytopathogenic fungi. The most aggressive activator of leaves` spottiness of barley appeared Cochliobolus sativus, Alternaria tenuissima, Drechslera graminea, and Bipolaris sorokiniana in the conditions of in vitro among the tested types of phytopathogens. Intensity of defeat of barley leaves varied from 61% to 75%. Toxicity of a cultural filtrate of activators of leaves` spottiness consisted in decrease in viability of seeds. Metabolites of phytopathogenic fungi reduced viability of seeds of Astana 2000 grade to 38 - 78%, and a grade Tselinnyi 30 for 27-67%. In droughty conditions, infection of barley plants by suspension of a strain of Alternaria tenuissima to a phase of full ripeness led to decrease in safety of barley grades to 16,7-39,5%, an empty ears hesitated ranging from 76,0% to 82,8%. On an infectious background infection of plants of barley with the activator of alternarious spottiness promoted decrease in a crop to 87,8%. Injuriousness of fungi of Drechslera graminea was shown on plants of grades of barley Tselinnyi, Tselinnyi 9. Puny, defective grains were created at these grades. Decrease in productivity of these grades by 2,5-3,5 times in comparison with control is noted. On an infectious background on an intensity of illness development barley grades on stability are differentiated. The grade Solonetzic can be related to steady; this grade was characterized by low defeat of plants for ontogenesis extent. Grades Donetsk 9, Astana 2007, Karaganda 5, Medikum 307, Tselinnyi 30 and Tselinnyi 93 are carried to moderately steady. Illness development on an infectious background fluctuated ranging from 22,1% to 45,3%. The main share of samples is carried to susceptible; this group included zoned grades of barley Complex, Tselinnyi, Tselinnyi 91, Astana 2000 where illness development on an infectious background exceeded 50% and above.

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Scientific articles

Developing Potatoes viral diseases rapid diagnostic tests V. Khassanov, V. Shvidchenko, S. Borovikov, M. Kuibagarov, G. Dyussenova, A. Nauanova, Z. Abisheva, B. Beisembina, A. Fida Kazakh Agro Technical university named after S. Sefullin, Kazakhstan, Astana

Vadim Tagirovych Khassanov

S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, 2001-2013 62 Prospect Pobedy, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan Phone: (8-7172) 4922 24, fax: (8-7172) 316-072 Email:


A protocol of potato virus Y- (PVY) accumulation in Nicotiana tabacum (N. tabacum) callus tissue has been developed to gain highly purified virus. Preparations of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies specific to PVY have been obtained. The design has been defined, the main steps and manufacturing parameters of the test for PVY antigen detection in plant material has been worked out. K e y wo rd s : p o t a t o v i r u s Y, m o n o c l o n a l a n t i b o d y , lateral flow test

One of the effective diagnostic tests for potato virus determination is lateral flow immunochromatographic assay [1]. The test allows detecting viral infection in 10-15 minutes outside laboratory. The purpose of our research was to develop a lateral flow test for detection of PVY in plants. During the research PVY accumulation protocol in tissue culture of N. tabacum has been worked out to obtain purified virus. N. tabacum variety Samsun inoculated with infectious sap of two potato’s clones (varieties Cherie and Artemis) has been transferred in vitro. Callus has been induced from leaf-explants of N. tabacum in agar nutrient medium. After 4 passages 97 gr and 120 gr of each type of the infected callus has been obtained. Highly purified viral preparations have been obtained from the tissue culture of N. tabacum with concentration of 410 µg/ml and 120 µg/ml, which belong to the group of “necrotic” (PVYN-L) and the “normal” (PVYO-F) strains. We have defined the optimum scheme of rabbits immunization with purified (PVYO-F) consisting of three subcutaneous and a single intravenous injections at a dose of 10 µg/ml with 14 days interval, which allows getting serum with high content of specific antibody. Purified Preparation of polyclonal antibodies has been obtained and their basic immunochemical properties have been studied.

higher than 1: 25600 of specific antibodies was recorded, which indicated active induction of B-cell clones producing antibodies of predetermined specificity. Hybridization of X63Ag8.653 myeloma cells and spleen cells were carried out by the method of Oi V., Herzenberg L [2]. 2 strains of hybridoma (2B4G9and4F6A3), stably producing monoclonal antibodies specific to PVY have been obtained. Basic immunobiological and immunochemical properties of hybridoma and monoclonal antibodies (Mab) have been studied. It has been determined that the Mab refers to immunoglobulin of G class, G1 subclass. The maximum titer in ELISA was 1:12800. The binding constant (affinity) of the antibodies against various strains of antigen which was used was from 2х10-8М to 2,5х10-8М. Mab (PVYO-F) conjugate with colloidal gold (20nm) have been prepared according to G. Frens [3] method with the use of sodium citrate (Sodium citrate dihydrate, Sigma) for reducing gold-hydrochloric acid (Gold (III) chloride hydrate, Sigma). The main manufacturing steps and parameters of immunoassay using specific reagents have been worked out. To construct the test a set of membrane for immunoassay Easypack Membranes Kit, Dipstick (Advanced Micro devices Pvt. Ltd) was used. In order to determine the specificity of the developed immunoassay test some laboratory tests have been conducted. As a result, technical indicator of the developed diagnostic kit meets the requirements of other similar tests and allows detection of PVY antigens in plant material.


1. Price C.P., Kricka L.S.// Сlin. Chem. 2007. V.53. №9. Р. 1665-1675. 2. Oi V., Herzenberg L. Immunoglobulin – producing hybrid cell lines // Selected methods in cellular immunology // Ed. By. Mishell B and Shiigi. – San Francisco, 1980, P. 351-352. 3. Frens G. Controlled nucleation for the regulation of the particle size in monodisperse gold suspensions // Nature Phys. Sci. - 1973. - V. 241. - P. 20-22.

As the result of BALB/c mice immunization with (PVYO-F) preparation in a dose of 5 µg/ml immune response with a titer

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Scientific articles

S.C. CORAL IMPEX S.R.L. Mr. Alexandru Badea Phone: (0040)-244 517 610 Email: Website:


In terms of quality standards, environmental protection and occupational health and safety the company obtained and maintained the following certificates: · the authorization certificate for Quality Management System, according to SR EN ISO 9001:2008 standard, certificate awarded by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance; · the authorization certificate for Environmental Management System, according to SR EN ISO 14001:2005 standard, certificate awarded by AEROQ; · the authorization certificate for Health Management System, according to OHSAS 18001:2007 standard, certificate awarded by AEROQ; · the First Class Licence awarded by A.N.R.S.C. (Regulatory Authority for Local Public Services) - which allows the company to perform pest control services within urban communities with more than 300.000 inhabitants. The efforts made by the company have been rewarded on one hand by the continual growth of our client portfolio and on the other hand by acquiring rewards and diplomas of excellence from the Romanian Small and Medium Enterprises Council and of Prahova Commerce Chamber, and, on the other hand, this recognition exceeded the borders of our country. In 2007, the activity of our company has been internationally acknowledged by receiving the international “Leader in quality prestige TNA 2007” prize awarded by the trade magazine Actualidad from Spain and by the ,,Diploma of excellence for performance corresponding to European Union Standards” - awarded by the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. The same year, the company received the title of observer member within British Pest Control Association. In 2008, the company received the ,,Special Award for Impressive Results in Its Activity” - conferred by the World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises. SC CORAL IMPEX SRL has been founded in 1993 and unfolds as its activity the pest control services. The considerable experience of its founder, his passion and desire to revolutionize the way


these services are performed in Romania, led the society to a continual and steadfast development. The Company developed steadfastly as the years passed by and, gradually, it developed partnerships with more than 30 city councils around the country, and, in order to be closer to the clients, it established ten branches in: Ploiesti, Cluj-Napoca, Bucuresti, Brasov, Targu Mures, Tulcea, Pitesti, Slatina, Alba lulia and Zalau. During these years the company developed an impressive portfolio of clients, many of them maintaining the contractual relationship up to the present days. In the following years, the company aims at nationwide coverage for pest control services and at steadfast increasing of trade turnover by acquiring new clients. The opening of the Romanian market to numerous foreign investors, many world-renowned companies have opened production facilities in our country. Understanding that such investors need competent and reliable partners to perform pest control services, even from the beginning of its activity, the company has invested heavily in acquiring modern technology and in the thorough training of its employees, with special emphasis on the quality of work performed. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of certain clients, our society developed techniques of its own to perform pest-control services wherever the use of toxic chemicals is prohibited, succeeding to satisfy even delicate clients such as: Philip Morris Romania, Coca-Cola Romania, British American Tobacco, Interbrew Efes Brewery, and so on. Pest control services Support for: orphanages, children with disabilities, asylums, poor families, and so on. Sponsorshipsfor: young people with outstanding performance in school / college; local social events organized by the City Council: Improving quality management systems; Investing in acquiring modern technology and new equipments and in the thorough training of the employees; Increasing the client portofolio;

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’

Scientific articles

Development of e-learning in higher education Nurbekova Zhanat

Doctor, prof., dean L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University URL:

The development of the education system according to global trends of modern civilization and the emergence of a postindustrial intellectual society, lobalization and internationalization of education, requires innovative methods of teaching and learning and usage of optimal ways for implementing the educational program. It should be noted that the effective management of the learning process has a direct benefit to the performance of the learning process. The didactic plan identifies the following critical issues of e-learning: - The organization of full exchange of information between subjects of the educational process; - The determination of the specifics of informational and communicational objective environment during e-learning; - Providing the effective learning activities of the subjects of the learning process with the use of intellectual technologies of information and communication.

The effectiveness of education depends on the individual learning style which characterizes the optimal mechanism for the perception of the educational material by a student. In this regard, the provision of effective educational activity means a self-organization of cognitive activity of students, organization of individual support trainings for each student with teachers, and the organization of joint training activities for students working on projects. The concept includes the following principles of e-learning: - Optimization of the educational experience of students (provision of student-oriented learning and support the learning process), - Maximization of the efficiency and effectiveness of e-learning (delivery of funds and services of e-learning, e-learning communication, the administration and the management of e-learning, grading of learning student’s achievements and the learning process effectiveness), - Expansion of research activities (establishment of a national research center in the field of e-learning and innovative teaching practice). The main directions of the development of e-learning:

The implementation of mixed type of learning and the related elimination of the boundaries between traditional and distance learning involves a holistic approach to education through the integration of educational technologies and technologies of information and communication. The main problem of e-learning is the creation and effective use of informational and educational environment. To provide the sustainable development of e-learning in educational institutions there is need to explore the essence of e-learning and systematize the work on the e-learning implementation. This work is reflected in the concept of development and implementation of e-learning at the university. It defines a system of views, understanding the essence of e-learning, the implementation of the system and the process, a set of principles and the development trends and ways to achieve the objectives in the education system. The purpose of the Concept is to improve the effectiveness of the studying and the observance of the academic requirements for the subjects of the educational process in order to achieve the planned learning outcomes.

- Creation of a legal base of e-learning; - Development of the national infrastructure for e-learning in the form of a virtual controled and intuitive cross-platform accessible learning environment that is integrated with a system of e-government; - Strengthening the component of e-learning for students with physical limitations due to health; - Development of science based education system in electronic format; - Improving the quality of educational services, regardless of the location and type of educational institutions; - Providing staff to e-learning industry as a new segment of services (training of teacher-technologists, tutors, experts in teaching design, designers of digital educational content, etc.)

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Scientific articles

Why Yahoo’s troubles reflect bigger problems for media Hayley Tsukayama

Covers consumer technology for The Washington Post

Two years into Marissa Mayer’s tenure as Yahoo’s chief executive, there are still big questions about the direction of the company. It’s hard to sum it up better than the following chart, which shows that the estimated value of the company’s stake in Chinese Internet Company Alibaba is worth nearly as much as the company’s entire market cap. Yahoo has the same problem that many other media companies – newspapers included – are facing: how to make money selling online ads on desktops and on mobile devices. Even for those who don’t give a hoot about Yahoo – or the legacy of Marissa Mayer – the company’s woes reflect an important shift in consumer habits. Now, people use mobile devices to look things up. And tiny mobile ads are even less lucrative than the big ones that splash across computer screens. Yahoo is particularly vulnerable. Google has recently been making less money off each ad its sells, but its volume offsets any falloff in the value of each ad. That’s given it time to develop better mobile ad products; a report from Adobe reports that Google’s actually now seeing modest per-click revenue growth after years of stagnating. Microsoft’s Bing division is struggling with the same issues, too, but it’s just one division in a very diverse company (albeit one that just laid off 14 percent of its employees.) Yahoo has no such fallback plans – and it’s starting to really show in its earnings reports. Total revenue last quarter fell three percent to $1.04 billion. That’s despite a 100 percent increase in Yahoo’s fledgling mobile display and mobile search ads, which simply don’t provide enough money to combat the shift from desktop ads to cheaper mobile ads. Overall, search revenue actually ticked up 6 percent, but the company was dragged down by sliding revenue in the display ads, which dropped seven percent to $394 million. Since the earnings report, shares have dropped nearly 6 percent, to just under $34 per share, as grim information about Yahoo’s core business has started to sink in. In fact, the brightest spot in the earnings report was the announcement that Yahoo will be able to hang on to 68 million


more shares of Alibaba stock, post-IPO, than originally thought. That’s hardly an endorsement of Yahoo’s core business. To Mayer’s credit, she’s taken on a tough job. She was Yahoo’s fifth CEO in four years in 2012, after a long period of mismanagement and dithering over whether the company was a media, tech or advertising firm. As she’s settled in to her role, she’s articulated a vision of Yahoo as a company that’s essentially all three: a company that makes money off of good apps filled with good content. To that end, she’s built out the company’s news and video catalog, striking deals to get exclusive rights to historic episodes of Saturday Night Live, and hiring Katie Couric to lend some star power. She’s built up her tech talent roster, by way of a $1 billion purchase of Tumblr and deals with dozens of startups that have added of young entrepreneurs to Yahoo’s ranks. And she’s focused heavily on improving Yahoo’s mobile presence, with a suite of well-received apps and a new system for selling mobile advertising. But so far the rebuilding efforts, ambitious as they are, haven’t balanced out the downward trends in Yahoo’s core search and desktop advertising business. To date, the apps have been more about getting Yahoo back onto the average consumer’s radar than a major revenue play. Mayer tellingly talks about active users rather than revenue when touting app success. It’s too early to say Yahoo’s doomed, by any means. Mayer’s definitely managed to change the conversation around Yahoo, casting it as a comeback kid rather than a dying dinosaur. And it continues to be the subject of fascination. Merger speculation caught fire after reporters saw Mayer and AOL chief executive Tim Armstrong deep in conversation last week. But Yahoo’s troubles only reinforce that selling online and mobile ads is tough business these days – and that the company’s substantial stake in Alibaba is easily its brightest spot. wp/2014/07/17/why-yahoos-troubles-reflect-biggerproblems-for-media/

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Scientific articles

Net neutrality was just the start. Can the FCC keep states from banning public Internet? Brian Fung

Covers technology for The Washington Post URL:

While everyone’s worked up about how to keep the Internet an open platform, another little-known controversy is quickly gaining steam. How it plays out could determine whether millions of Americans get to build their own, local alternatives to big, corporate ISPs such as Comcast and Verizon. Last night, House lawmakers pushed through legislation that would effectively undo those prospects for many cities around the country. In an amendment to a must-pass funding bill, Republicans led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee approved an amendment that would prohibit federal regulators from ensuring cities’ ability to sell their own high-speed broadband directly to consumers. Cities have lately been taking matters into their own hands, attempting to lay down publicly owned fiber optic cables where they say there are gaps in coverage, quality or price from incumbent ISPs. In Blackburn’s state, Chattanooga has emerged as a prominent example of a city that successfully challenged the status quo; the local government now offers 1 Gbps service for $70 a month. (Those speeds are roughly 100 times faster than the national average.) Longmont, Colo. is also moving forward with its municipal broadband project despite earlier resistance from the cable industry. In Longmont and various other jurisdictions, though, state laws have made it difficult if not impossible for cities to build their own broadband networks. Some states, like Colorado, require voter referendums to reach a certain threshold before it’ll let cities proceed. Google Fiber reportedly passed over Boulder, Colo. because of such restrictions, meaning that consumers missed out on a potentially game-changing service. Other states have sought to ban municipal networks outright: Earlier this year, Kansas tried to outlaw city broadband before public opposition convinced the legislature to back down. New Mexico is also considering a ban. The Federal Communications Commission has signaled its intention to intervene, saying that its congressional charter, the Communications Act of 1996, gives it the authority to overturn or “preempt” the state-level restrictions. A federal court seemed to agree with that interpretation of the law in January when it wrote that the bans posed a “paradigmatic barrier to infrastructure investment” that the FCC is empowered to move against.

“If the people, acting through their elected local governments, want to pursue competitive community broadband, they shouldn’t be stopped by state laws promoted by cable and telephone companies that don’t want that competition,” wrote FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler in a recent blog post. But opponents of intervention argue that whatever the law says about the FCC’s authority, the agency must first deal with a higher constitutional problem. By leaping into the municipal broadband debate, the FCC would be inserting itself into the relationship between states and their cities — a potential no-no when it comes to the issue of federalism. There’s some precedent for this situation. In 2001, a Supreme Court case known as Nixon v. Missouri Municipal League found that the FCC’s preemption power — found under a part of the Communications Act called Section 253 — couldn’t be used in the city context. The Court argued that states should be allowed to prevent cities from building and providing their own telecommunications services, and that Congress, in writing the Communications Act, probably never intended to let the federal government free municipalities from state regulations. In a bicameral letter to the FCC last month, Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), one of the original co-authors of the Communications Act, effectively said the Court got it all wrong. “It was the intent of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to stimulate more innovation and consumer choice,” Markey wrote, along with a number of other lawmakers including Sens. Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker and Reps. Henry Waxman and Anna Eshoo. “We urge you and your colleagues to utilize the full arsenal of tools Congress has enacted.” Municipal broadband advocates admit that whatever Congress may have meant to say, the Supreme Court’s interpretation is problematic. “Nixon is a precedent to be dealt with,” said Matt Wood, policy director for the consumer group Free Press. “Though the FCC’s statutory authority argument may be different this time.” What Wood is talking about is the FCC’s attempt to use a different part of the Communications Act to justify its preemption power. That’s Section 706, the same part of the law that’s supporting the agency’s new net neutrality rules. It’s not clear whether the FCC can successfully argue the point. But Republicans don’t seem open to letting Wheeler try.

Socrates Almanac ‘Сore issues and solutions for science and education. Oxford Review’


Scientific articles

How the democratization of funding is changing the venture capital landscape Linda Bernardi

Technologist, entrepreneur, author, investor and public speaker focused on transforming global companies. Wrote Provoke, which discusses why disruption is necessary for global innovation. Previously founded and served as CEO of ConnecTerra

ups. You can do so either individually or in a groups that collectively evaluate the opportunity (due diligence) and are able to invest extremely rapidly. The pot has gotten much richer and in the right consortiums you could see over $1 million raised in a week, or much larger sums. Angels are very strong in initial rounds, but quickly fizzle out in subsequent larger rounds (as the risk appetite and investment tolerance is limited), and that is when the VCs step in. 4. Super angels. These are individuals with extreme high net worths and an appetite for investment. These individuals can fund an entire round by themselves and this is becoming quite prevalent. Such investors can bet in the tens to hundreds of millions with very little politics and in record speed. This definitely is in the sweet spot of VCs as that is where they would be playing and threatens the VCs chance to play. Entrepreneurs are benefiting from a wealth of funding options. (BigStock)

Over the last decade the venture capital and funding market has changed dramatically. Whereas in the past venture capitalists were the go-to-guys in the playground, there are new players giving entrepreneurs with many choices. One used to focus their efforts in the famed VC offices on Sand Hill Road, but today it is happening in every corner and coffee shop around the world. Here are nine of the new entrants into the funding game: 1. Corporations making equity investments in start-ups. These are generally strategic investments and can have potentially huge upsides. Often a precursor for an intended acquisition and could mean a large investment, but the corporation is not interested in leading the round. They are generally passive investors and not on boards. 2. Corporate venture funds. With billions of dollars in reserves, companies are very well equipped to make large venture investments. Most large companies have very large VC operations, i.e. Intel Venture Capital, which has billions of dollars invested in start-ups and larger companies, and runs as a lucrative venture firm. Other companies with major venture operations include Google, Samsung, and many others. This assures a seat at the table for the large corporations and close involvement in innovation. 3. Angels and angel consortiums. There are tens of thousands of individuals with high net worth around the globe, investing in start-


5. Equity investment funds pouring money into deals. These are equity companies who invest in companies and could be affiliated with large financial institutions or stand-alone firms. 6. Boutique VC firms. They are generally founded by a few highly successful entrepreneurs who have had some phenomenal exits. Unlike the traditional VCs these boutique VC firms are hot and sexy and the ‘in’ group! They are super connected with the current pulse and are cool and highly sought after. 7. Accelerators and incubators: These started out as kind hosts to help start-ups become successful. In return they get a percentage of equity of this start-up. Over time, after a number of successful exits, the equity adds up into millions and hundreds of millions of dollars, and voila in comes this new player into the funding game. Often very dynamic entities, with great and current connections, who greatly drive and impact what the “next big thing” is. This is one of the places that VCs and the above entities go shopping to see what is hot and what to invest in. Hence, they have an interesting driver role in addition to being where very new start-up entrepreneurs want to be associated with. 8. Crowdfunding platforms: Thanks to Kickstarter and Indiegogo now everyone can invest in an idea or a company from around the globe in a matter of hours. You can put in from a few dollars to thousands and beyond. Equity is not shared with the investors, so the founders get to keep the money raised, to make greater headway faster. It can be at the pre-prototype stage or purely conceptual. It is about what the market will respond to so creating

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Scientific articles

Funding now pours in from around the globe. (Alexander Gerst/NASA/Reuters)

passion is key. Today via these platforms, a start-up or an idea, can raise millions from the general public while at the same time they are mass testing their idea on the spot. 9. Global money: The VC investment field used to be dominated by the United States, specifically Silicon Valley. Somewhat like Hollywood, the folks that believe they are magnificent and exceptional. Rightly so at times, as they made major bets which paid off, allowing us to have today’s amazing tech industry. However, large bets are being made in all continents and in places such as China, Russia, India, South America and every part of the world and the bets are massive. This game is no longer only dominated by Silicon Valley. In fact, the largest tech IPO we are expecting to see will be from China, Alibaba this August. This category is directly a threat to the current VC market. As an angel investor in the United States and other countries, and an entrepreneur who has been on the fund-seeking side, I love today’s world. If you have talent and passion, you are no longer beholden to a few VC firms. The world is your oyster. The more passion you possess (the more viral you are), the more people (from all the groups above) you can pitch to, you can get your product huge upfront visibility (market awareness) and have many choices about how much and from whom you want your funding from. I call this the democratization of funding. I believe this is disrupting the VC landscape dramatically, but in the long run in a very positive way. The democratization of funding is and will continue to create a healthy and vibrant ecosystem with many, instead of a few entitled players. The most important element for an entrepreneur which no VC can solve upfront is ‘how will the market accept my product?’ and to do so quickly. Crowdfunding platforms have opened up the theater of possibilities to all from around the globe. Within days you can know if your idea has appeal. A healthy ecosystem is vital for the future success of innovation and enabling entrepreneurs around the world to succeed. Market validation upfront (at the seed investment

stage) will directly help the entrepreneur correctly value their company, and the visibility will allow more players to participate. This disruption will evolve us from the closed door (only a few see what is going on) secret term sheet discussions, to a transparent and vibrant world discussing innovation and great ideas openly. Of course, soon after the initial seed phase, start-ups need serious funding and that is when the VCs will get to play and compete with the large players. This is a growing-up period for VCs to realize that they are not the only players, rather one of many. Among VCs there are those who bring massive experience and expertise to the start-up. These VCs will thrive. However, those VCs who simply got to invest because they were the first to the table, or because the start-up was out of funds, will struggle. This vibrant and healthy ecosystem of many players and the democratization of funding is core to this inevitable and fantastic transformation ahead. Most importantly, this democratization will bring much larger segments of the globe into the vital discussion of innovation. More ‘what-if’ discussions taking place, more possibilities explored and as a whole far better for the many instead of “just the selected few.” Every person, from anywhere in the world, investing a dollar or looking at product ideas on the open crowdsourcing platform is a micro-funder in this new democratized funding ecosystem. Imagine the possibilities when many play in this game of innovation and the impact of this awareness on advancing our civilization. In my next piece I will be discussing this notion of democratization of funding with key players in the various sectors discussed above, for us to get a healthy and dynamic exchange started. In this democratized world and dialog I hope you will be a participant. So looking forward to it! wp/2014/07/18/how-the-democratization-of-fundingis-changing-the-venture-capital-landscape/

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Table of contents United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization .............................................................................................................................................4 Bologna Process ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Articles on pioneering figures in the field of science and education ......................................................................................................................................10 New ideas, discoveries and developments in 2014 ....................................................................................................................................................................22 Rankings. Ratings of national and international universities ...................................................................................................................................................34 Innovation .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................42 International prizes and grants in the science and education sphere ....................................................................................................................................54 International Conferences in the field of Education, Science and Technology .....................................................................................................................64 Educational programmes..................................................................................................................................................................................................................68 National Academy of Sciences, academic institutions and centres .......................................................................................................................................72 International science and education organisations ....................................................................................................................................................................88 Publishing houses, magazines, newspapers on science and education............................................................................................................................ 104 EBA World – The world of successful people ....................................................................................... 115 A world of success, recognition, and perfection! ..................................................................................................................................................................... 116 Organisers ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 118 International Club of leaders (ICL) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 120 Social projects .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 122 Summits. London – Oxford – Stresa ................................................................................................... 127 Summit of Leaders .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 128 Oxford Summit of Leaders ‘Science and Education’................................................................................................................................................................ 130 Summit of Leaders ‘Rapid Urbanization: Economy, Society, Management’ ...................................................................................................................... 132 Health and Wellness Tourism Summit of Leaders .................................................................................................................................................................. 134 Knights’ meetings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 136 Society routs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 138

Socrates committee, ceremonies ......................................................................................................... 141

Socrates ceremonies ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 142 International socrates committee ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 144 International Award ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146 The Knights of the International Order of Grand Master La Vallette .................................................................................................................................... 148 Publicity – ЕВА information and presentation opportunities ................................................................ 151 Leaders network ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 152 Socrates almanac ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 154 The International ‘Science and Education’ Competition.......................................................................................................................................................... 156 Oxford Office of University Chancellors ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 158 Best University 2014. Brief profiles of worldwide universities .............................................................. 161 Brief Profiles of Worldwide Universities ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 162 Partners .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 222 World scientists. Success stories........................................................................................................... 241 Scientific articles .................................................................................................................................. 279

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