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Deputy Principal's Address
Ms Charmaine Cridland | Deputy Principal
This year was always going to be a special one, a milestone for Mary MacKillop Catholic College, to have its first graduating seniors and a brand-new senior schooling system of Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).
What no one predicted was a year of lockdown, social distancing and Covid-19 restrictions, that impact on every decision that was made throughout the College.
2020 started with a full calendar of events, excursions, and celebrations, but by the end of term 1, we were doubtful if we would even regather as a College and were preparing for a year of lockdown and online learning. Tremendous efforts were made by staff and students to upskill in the digital and virtual world, that was thrust upon us. Developing new and fun ways to remain in contact and continue teaching and learning.
There was a lot to be learned and several things served us well and are likely to continue. It is my guess that a hybrid version of schoollife is the way of the future. Picking out best practices of ‘the new’ and ‘the old’, making efficient use of time and resources to achieve the best outcomes for students, the College and the community.
A sincere thank you goes out to our dedicated staff for a long but successful year of quality teaching and learning.
A thank you to our students for all their effort in staying the course, balancing home and learning when it would have been much easier to stay in bed for a few more hours or play that bit longer. But instead, you managed those temptations and have shown fantastic growth regardless of such adversity.
And to our parents and families, who were juggling their own work situations and having to take on the role of supervisor/teacher while potentially under considerable financial pressures. A huge thank you for your support and understanding during these difficult times.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe and healthy Christmas holiday. May the New Year bring everyone happiness and joy.