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Junior School Report


Mrs Natalie Adler | Assistant Principal: Teaching & Learning Junior

It has been an atypical year, a year that will be forever etched in all our memories. Some would even say, “This is not the year to get

everything you want. This is the year to

appreciate everything you have”~ Unknown. We have the power to choose how we remember the year that was, and I choose to remember it positively. The opportunity to recapture quality family time, to play an integral part in a child’s education. To remember the importance of community and not take it for granted. To remember that our children are resilient and can overcome adversity, prevailing with greater determination and confidence. To remember as adults, we too can reach for the stars and overcome the impossible.

As I reflect upon the year that was, there really is so much to acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate. The year began much like any other year. Teachers were enthused and students excited about creating the next chapter in their book of life. Learning occurred at speed, expectations were set and the path to success was carved. This path took an unexpected detour and the journey to success began to look a little different. The scenery had altered on this path, but the one constant remained – the ability to adapt and overcome change. It was a steep learning curve for us all.

“God is good and has brought light and help when all was very dark” Mary MacKillop 1899.

We came together, gathered our strength and collective wisdom and our path to success soon began to look more familiar. Teachers and students embraced technology. Teachers found creative ways to deliver curriculum, working collaboratively to share their collective wisdom and expertise. In many instances, teachers found that they had greater communication with parents compared to ‘normal’ teaching.

There are so many educational accomplishments to celebrate this year:

Our Reading data growth is phenomenal. We have reached 86% of growth across P-6, an

increase from 71% in 2019. Much of this growth has occurred in the range of ‘high’ growth. This means that students have achieved more than a year’s growth for a year’s learning.

Our PAT data reflects similar growth across Reading, Mathematics and Grammar & Punctuation.

Our Annual Action Plan stipulated a target of 95% of students in each cohort would attain a “C” grade or higher. We achieved this!

We acknowledged just over 200 recipients for Academic, Sporting and Cultural excellence at our annual Awards Ceremony. A significant increase from 2019.

How have we achieved this? Our teacher’s dedication to ensuring all students had access to the curriculum through providing differentiated content and planning for personalised learning. Quality teaching is what gets the results, in conjunction with a working partnership with parents. Do the best you can until you know better. "Then when you know better, do better." ~Maya Angelou

In 2021, we will undertake “Write that Essay”, “Inspire Maths” and the “Assessment, Feedback and Reporting Framework”. These initiatives will further support teachers to provide an education that is underpinned by the most up to date research and supports the transfer of knowledge from surface to deep.

It is an honour and privilege to be a member of Mary MacKillop Catholic College. Our College is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow. The entire MMCC Staff is dedicated to the success of every child. Our goal is to provide a healthy, happy and safe place, so our students can have the best educational experience possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours in Teaching and Learning

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