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Junior Wellbeing Report
Ms Bridget Rillie | Assistant Principal: Wellbeing Junior
Courage, hope, curiosity, patience, and bravery are key character strengths that I have witnessed in the Junior School throughout 2020! It has been a privilege to witness such growth in all our students throughout this year.
2020 has been filled with change, asking of us all to demonstrate resilience, adaptability and to cope with the challenges we have never encountered before. I have been very impressed with the students in the Junior School and how they have risen to these challenges. Some of the large obstacles to overcome this year have included finding the persistence and resilience to adapt to online learning and/or learning from home; changes to school drop offs and pick-ups, assemblies without parent and community support and managing the many changes that contribute to the culture of our college. At the same time our students were managing change, our Junior staff modelled to students, how to manage during times of such change. They showed adaptability with curriculum planning and implementation, whilst at the same time staying connected with all the students in their class - whether it be face to face or online.
We began the year with a focus on setting high expectations for our students and embedding the MMCC ‘Positive Learning Behaviours’ into our everyday practice. The end of term 1 saw a high percentage of students receiving Joey Merit Points, which speaks to the development of character and positive learning behaviours that add depth and richness to student learning. This development supports our students to be successful, competent, and creative learners.
During online learning, our connections to each other and families looked very different. At the beginning of term 2, our assembly format went online. Students still received WESTIE awards and Teaching and Learning Awards,