1 minute read
Terrific Two's
from 2022 Yearbook
What a memorable and exciting year it has been in Year 2!
We have learnt so many new things, made new friends, and celebrated many special occasions together! Throughout the year we have spent time exploring, designing, creating, discovering, making, and learning. Our THRIVE and religious lessons have taught us about friendship, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, and respect.
Term 1 we explored the world around us with Australian Animal investigations and learning the continents and oceans.
In Term 2, we immersed ourselves in Australian Indigenous culture. With much excitement, we travelled on the college bus to Amaroo Outdoor Education Centre to experience “What’s the Bush About?” program. We continued our study about Australian animals and the environment and met a new furry friend up high in a tree! Students sculptured their own clay animals and went on a bushwalk.
We took the time to create gifts and cards for the special Mums and Dads in our lives, and celebrated Mother’s day and Father’s day with breakfast and liturgies.
NAIDOC week was celebrated in Term 3, consolidating our learning of Australia's first people and their traditions. Students celebrated Mary MacKillop feast day with a shared picnic and various activities.

We dressed up for Book Week to the theme of "Dreaming with eyes open" and participated in the exciting Readers Cup challenge. We wore our crazy socks for Socktober and joined in with many other fundraising days to support the less fortunate.
Term 4 we delved into Advent and the Nativity story in the lead up to Christmas. In the last week of term, we joined the whole Junior School and sang our hearts out to all our favourite Christmas carols.
We have had a wonderful year together and thank you for all the love and support you have given your children and us!
It is sad that this year come to an end, but we are excited to see the students off to Year 3ready for their next adventure!