2 minute read
from 2022 Yearbook
It's been another busy year for the Senior Maths Department. We have enjoyed further successes from Year 7 right through to Year 12.
Despite a disrupted start due to the covid restrictions, the senior students proved that they were more than up to the challenge of working remotely and independently which will stand them in good stead for their future studies.
The Senior students studying General, Methods or Specialist Maths sit 50% of their assessments during the year with the remainder of their marks hinging on the external exams at the end of the year. Many of the Year 12 students went into their final exam with a strong set of results behind them which certainly takes some of the pressure off.
Many of these students dedicated their Wednesdays before and after school time to attending Maths Club. I'd like to thank all the teachers and students for investing their time in this initiative, it is certainly paying dividends!
Further down the school we have continued to incorporate PSMTs (Problem Solving and Modelling Tasks) into our assessment program from Year 8 to Year 10 with a view to continuing our success in this assessment piece in Year 11 and Year 12. The Year 10 Core groups had a go at designing roof trusses this year, applying their trigonometric skills with a view to connecting Mathematics to trades and industry.
The new Australian Curriculum is slowly being introduced over the next few years. Next year we will incorporate the new syllabus into our Year 7 and Year 10 work programs. The new syllabus does not represent a radical shift in topics being taught but will encourage us to focus on applications of mathematics to modern contexts and an increased use of technology.
Our NAPLAN results for Years 7 and 9 continued to be above average in relation to similar schools. Our PAT-M testing from Year 7 to Year 9 also shows positive individual and cohort progress is being made across different attainment levels.
Termly internal diagnostic Numeracy Tests administered in Years 7 to 9 have also allowed us to identify any areas of weakness and provided teachers with useful information regarding topics needing consolidation.
The Inspire Mathematics Program is continuing be embedded in our teaching practice, with an increased focus on delivering fundamental concepts, discussing ideas, and collaboration. Making mistakes and struggling with new skills remain important positive aspects of learning mathematics.
In addition to competing in the QAMT Maths competitions, several of our students took part in a 'Students in Maths Day' hosted by St Saviour's College, including a talk by Professor Jonti Horner, one of the world's leading astrophysicists, now based at UniSQ, here in Toowoomba. This event involved a number of STEM based activities and challenges which the students enjoyed.

We continue to operate one extension group and two mixed ability groups in Years 8 to 10. Year 7 classes were all mixed ability groups throughout the year and we are planning on continuing this model next year.
A variety of research supports the notion that setting students in ability groups works best when it is done as late as reasonable, and only to a moderate extent. We feel that this model meets these recommendations.
I would like to thank all the teachers and students for their hard work this year. We continue to build a positive Maths culture here at Mary MacKillop, and have enjoyed the year immensely.