5 minute read
from 2022 Yearbook
Good afternoon parents, friends, family, teachers and, most importantly, 2022 graduates, congratulations.
My name is Josie McQueen and I am the 2022 College Captain alongside Lane Richardson.
Over the past 12 months, we have received a fair amount of advice on how to write and present a speech. Beginning with Mr Gabbett’s obvious but needed reminder to bring up at least some notes. A documentary’s five points: speak loudly, keep your feet grounded, keep eye contact, control your hands, don’t run away at the end. More recently some wise women came to me with their suggestions.
My mum recommended I go and watch Tim Minchin’s 9 Life lessons, which I now recommend to everyone else. And finally, Mrs Richardson recommended that I only write this speech when I was in the right headspace.
I have spent the past two weeks wondering when the dam would break. I genuinely thought while writing this that I would be bawling, that the thirteen years of legally required nostalgia we have accumulated would all come washing back. So, when they didn’t— when these pieces of advice were the only thing coming to mind—I kind of hit a wall.
So, I wrote some notes, rewatched Tim Minchin and prepared myself for having to say goodbye. Part of me was too scared to admit that this is all coming to an end. One of my oldest memories is the start of school, at Geham, swinging on the bars with Lex Preston while waiting for our mums to get our prep uniforms. I was more than reluctant to remember my first day at Mary Mac when Sophie Howard pinned my name badge on for me, and I walked into Mrs Adler’s class to sit down, not knowing that I was surrounded by a bunch of my future friends. Honest to goodness, I cannot remember my first day of Year Seven, but I can remember lunch times during COVID-19.
Having to come to school because my parents were essential workers and sitting with Cassie, Jess, and Sarah. I remember falling off several blocks, poles. Jumping into several bushes, muddy puddles. Crash tackling at least three people in this room. Talking too loud in every class. Having friends stay up to help with assignments. Joking over the most ridiculous topics. This school is the reason that I am able to stand before you and smile that this has finally finished. Not because I’m glad its over but because I can look back and be filled with, as LottieD would put it, the warm fuzzies. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I’m so much better off because of the 21 students in this room. I have learnt a lot from all of you. How to do basic math, how to take a joke, how to know when I’m burnt out. I can promise you these lessons will not stop just because we’ve finished school.
Hi all, I just wanted to start by once again saying, we made it. Despite all the challenges this year has thrown at us, we have succeeded. We have all strived to perform to the best of our abilities, from Levi, Hopefully, 100%ing Physics, to everyone who completed certs, we have all found success in our own right. This success stems from the hard work we all put in throughout the year. I know for many of us there were many late nights and much time spent stuck behind a desk. I’d also like to make special mention of the few mentally ill individuals who managed to maintain their grades while working multiple jobs. You guys are amazing, and I really admire your work ethic and drive.
At the awards night, I mentioned how much the college had grown in my time here. We have grown just the same. Over the years at this college, many aspects of our character have been nurtured and developed. We have gotten more resilient, more patient and, most importantly, have developed our sense of integrity. We learn and grow from our experiences and keep moving forward as better people. Right now, we are standing on the precipice of one of the biggest changes we will face in our lives. We can’t run from it, and we can’t go back to the way things were. All we can do is keep moving forward. You may be asking yourself, “When will I know when I’m ready to make it on my own?” You won’t. It’s a leap of faith that we all have to make at some point.
There will be hard times, but we will overcome them just as we overcame the challenges of this year. Hold onto the good and weather the storm because there will be soaring successes as well. This week, and to a larger extent this year, has a notion of the end attached to it but, at the risk of sounding very cliché, this is only the beginning. Each and everyone of us is destined for greatness and, through hard work, will achieve it in our own ways.
Remember who you are and where you came from as you move into the following years. MMCC will forever be a part of our individual journeys. Take the values you have learnt here and strive to be the best version of yourself possible. Good luck to everyone in whatever you may decide to do, I will miss you all and wish you a happy and fulfilling life.
We would also like to make some formal affirmations and thank you’s:
Thank you Bre, for demonstrating how to make the best out of a bad situation, how to persevere.
Thank you Tom, for always making everyone feel genuinely happy about being here.
Thank you Blair, your constant pieces of wisdom and humour never cease to put a smile on our faces.
Thank you Riley, your instant connection to our grade is admirable and will always stay with us.
Thank you Caitlin, you are humble and hilarious, you brighten everyone’s day.
Thank you Levi, your achievements are a credit to your determination and focus.
Thank you Jess, for caring and for inspiring us to always try our best.
Thank you Dylan, your humour is mostly always appreciated, but we could not enjoy ourselves as much without it.
To Lex, my day one, thank you for keeping us on the ground, your influence in my life is immeasurable.
To Taylor, there is no telling how many jokes and stories you told that saved us from taking everything too seriously.
To Rohan, thank you for coming on this journey with us, you have grown with us and I am proud to be graduating with you.
Thank you Emma, for your commitment this year, you truly put leading by example into action.
Thank you Reagan, there was rarely a class where your wit or knowledge didn’t come in handy.
Thank you Sarah, for your genuine friendship and care for younger students.
Thank you Cassie, for soothing my doubts and keeping everythingt light and friendly.
Thank you Ash, you made my year and, hopefully, every year after this.
To Abs, your infectious smile can light up any room.
To Mikaela, your understated hardwork is beautiful and accomplished.
Katelyn, thank you for your companionship and stark humour, it gets me through the week.
And, to Lane, your work this year has been irreplaceable, here’s to adventures in 2023
Finally, Lane and I would like to thank some of the most important figures in this journey, our teachers, guardians, parents and the concept of Gnomes.
Thank you all, it’s been fantabulous.