1 minute read
from 2022 Yearbook
Chess at Mary MacKillop Catholic College continues to be a success with many students enjoying the opportunity to play games that assist in developing logic, reasoning, and thinking skills.

This year, students participated in the Primary Teams Chess Championship at Toowoomba Christian College and an inhouse chess competition held at the College. All students participated in the spirit of chess, demonstrating good sportspersonship.

Congratulations to all involved.
Chess Club have been held each week in Year 6 Stradbroke in 2022 but will be relocating to Year 6 Diamantina in 2023. There are two chess groups that operate for Beginners/Intermediates (Tues 10:50-11:30am) and Advanced players (Wed 7:30-8:15). Students from Years 1 to 12 are welcome to attend lessons, free of charge.
Our two highly respected and knowledgable chess teachers, Mr Les Lord and Mr Ted Kitto, teach students many new moves and help them to gain a better understanding of the game of chess.
All are welcome!