2018-2019 Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Handbook

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Introduction Mary of Nazareth Catholic School has been established in accordance with the school laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the recommendations and regulations issued by the Department of Education and the Diocese of Pittsburgh Department for Schools. Both the Diocese of Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Department of Education certify the faculty. In addition, the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the National Catholic Education Association accredit the school. Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is a Catholic elementary school founded in 2015 with educational programs for children from preschool through eighth grade. Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is the name given to the union of St. Angela Merici School and St. Joseph Regional School both of which were in existence for more than seventy years. The educational program meets the standards set by the Diocese of Pittsburgh and by the State of Pennsylvania. The Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Handbook is a statement of our school policies and procedures. The quality and strength of our educational program depend on the close relationship between the home and school. The procedures and policies reflect the concern that the school personnel have for the safety and spiritual, academic and physical development of the students. No child will be denied admission to appropriate educational programs on the basis of race, color, sex, creed or national origin. However, all transfer students will be screened to determine if placement is appropriate. All transfer students are admitted on a probationary basis and some transfer students will be admitted on a probationary and conditional basis. These students will be monitored very closely to be sure placement is appropriate. Please keep this booklet for future reference. School Office Fax E-mail Website

412-672-2360 412-672-0880 maryofnazarethcs@gmail.com www.maryofnazarethschool.org

Ministers of Education Board of Pastors:

Fr. Terrance O’Conner

Fr. Thomas Wagner

Principal Administrative Assistant Receptionist Development Director

St. Angela Merici Parish St. Robert Bellermine Parish St. Patrick Parish Corpus Christi Parish St. Michael Parish Queen of the Rosary Parish St. Mark Parish

Lynda B. McFarland Chris Candiello Susan Normandy Amy Sullivan

Faculty/Staff Members: Homerooms Preschool 3 Preschool 4 Preschool 3 Aide Preschool 4 Aide Kindergarten Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Technology Art Music Physical Education Special Education Special Education Speech Special Education Social Skills Special Education Inclusion Special Education Motor Skills Special Education Aide Instrumental Music Primary Spanish Remedial Reading/Math Speech/Language Counselor Maintenance Cafeteria Manager Cafeteria Food Preparation

Elizabeth Payne Carole Nilson Dawn Kent Andrea Betzner Kathleen Burd Nancy Lesko Maryann Gibbons Kristin Wasko Robin Makovics Nathalie Leng Judith Butler Thomas DeMoss Diane Johnston Susan Walters Patricia Martin To be announced Diane Johnston Bridget Perlaky

Lana Timmins Shirley Gentile Mary Aland Lauri Davidson Patricia Trappen Richard Sullivan Susan Potts Nancy Opfar


Definition of Bullying

All situations of conflict are not necessarily bullying. When people are interacting and have different opinions, different ways of doing things, different ideas, etc., conflict can occur. Mature people can often work through the differences and move on. However, when working with developing minds, it is not always easy to find commonality and moving on doesn’t happen readily. Bullying on the other hand is different from conflict. The NCEA legal definition of bullying consists of three parts: 1. Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves 2. An imbalance of power (a group of children can gang up on a victim or someone who is physically bigger or more aggressive can intimidate someone else, for instance). Bullying behavior can include teasing, insulting someone (particularly about their weight or height, race, sexuality, religion or other personal traits), shoving, hitting, excluding someone, or gossiping about someone. Bullying can cause a victim to feel upset, afraid, ashamed, embarrassed, and anxious about going to school. It can involve children of any age, including younger elementary grade-schoolers and even kindergarteners. 3. Bullying behavior is frequently repeated (unless there is intervention). As you can see, not all conflict falls under the category of bullying. Teaching young minds how to resolve conflict is a very effective way of preventing bullying. When students are armed with selfconfidence, tolerance, and the ability to work through differences, they reduce their chances of being bullied. If you believe that your child has been bullied, please call the office.



Educational Ministry Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Philosophy of Education

The educational philosophy of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is to encourage children to grow and mature in the faith according to the Gospel of Christ. Accordingly, children are expected to become witnesses to Christ in this world. Because the spiritual values of a Catholic education are often counter cultural to the materialistic values of society, the education of each child must involve his or her whole being: soul, mind and body. In line with the foregoing views, Mary of Nazareth Catholic School espouses a philosophy of education embracing the basic tenet that each child is an individual with special gifts, abilities and talents. In each child, there will be instilled certain Catholic beliefs, ideals and values leading to the expression of one’s gifts, abilities and talents in service to the world as a Christian witness. It follows, then, that a curriculum based on such a philosophy will be deeply sensitive to the special gifts, abilities and talents of the individual child. A curriculum of this kind is called continuous progress. Underlying the curriculum is the concept of continuous, individual learning, reflected in a teacher’s outlook on each student. Recognition of individual differences in learning style, rate and capacity reinforces the belief that education is an individual phenomenon unique with each person. The basic challenge for the administration and faculty is flexibility in order to accommodate the needs of each student. Integrated with the program of study is an emphasis on worship as a reflection of values and a manifestation of faith. For the successful implementation of such a philosophy, parental and communal support is necessary. Parents interacting with administration, faculty and community have a crucial supportive role. Philosophy, curriculum and participants all interact dynamically. Vision Statement Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is a teaching ministry of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. The primary goal of the school is to provide faith centered academic instruction in which the Gospel message, worship and social concerns are integrated into the total learning experience of students, faculty and parents. The school achieves its academic goal primarily by the dedicated service of faculty members who are certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh. The same faculty, moreover, oversees academic instruction within the broader context of religious and social concerns. Accordingly, academic excellence is inculcated by rigorous standards, by the assignment of meaningful and constructive homework and by useful study habits. Accompanying the development of a student’s intellectual potential is the emphasis on his or her spiritual and social growth. As a result, Mary of Nazareth Catholic School educates and harmonizes the various elements of the total person: intellectual, spiritual, moral and social.


The education of the total person is available not only to the Catholic residents of White Oak, McKeesport, Port Vue, Glassport, and adjacent communities but also to the non-Catholic residents of these same communities. Mission Statement Mary of Nazareth Catholic School The Mary of Nazareth catholic school community exemplifies the highest academic and catechetical standards of excellence. Our students participate in a challenging academic program that uses crosscurricular lessons to enhance their faith formation. We encourage our students and families to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ which is centered on our Eucharistic celebrations and expressed through catholic social teaching in our school, in our parishes, and in our communities. Vision Statement Department for Catholic Schools The Vision for the Department of Catholic Schools is to promote and to sustain Catholic Schools of unparalleled quality, which integrates faith into every aspect of life and culture, producing graduates who continually strive for human and Christian perfection. Philosophy of School Department of Education It is the aim of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School to provide a Catholic, educational setting in which our students and their families can integrate Gospel values in daily living. We strive to create a climate in which each child can develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially, and in turn, enhance the world. Each child will develop an understanding of Catholic Doctrine, Liturgy, Sacraments, Sacred Scripture and Personal Prayer to build a personal relationship with Christ. All children will be provided with challenging, yet realistic goals to achieve their full potential. Individual learning styles and rates of achievement will be recognized. Each child will receive guidance in developing sound attitudes and habits for both mental and physical health. Each child will develop a Christian awareness of responsibility to God, family, parish, community, nation and world. Middle States Accreditation The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools have accredited Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. Middle States accreditation is an expression of confidence in Mary of Nazareth Catholic School’s mission, goals, objectives, performance and resources and validates publicly the excellence in education. The Middle States Evaluation is an ongoing process requiring the submission of updated plans every three years. After seven years, the school is reevaluated for continued accreditation.


Catechetics Catechetics is the center of the Catholic school. A conscious effort is made to create a Christ centered atmosphere and to integrate catechetics into every aspect of the school curriculum by stressing Christian values in the classroom as well as throughout the school. Our belief in Jesus has drawn us to this school community. Our beliefs are expressed in and strengthened by daily communal prayer. Students develop skills and a love for the Church’s daily worship. Prayer includes the school community praying together each morning, prayers before and after lunch and at the end of the day. Faith experiences are an integral part of catechetics. Opportunities for Eucharistic Liturgies, Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross, classroom prayer and service to others are to be included. Community is at the heart of Catholic education, not simply as a concept to be learned, but as a reality to be lived. The principal, in conjunction with the Board of Pastors, work with the teachers in the religious development and sacramental preparation of the students. Parent Preparation Programs for the Sacraments of Initiation are held during the year. These are parish programs and involve all eligible children and parents of the eight parishes. II.

Daily Practices and Policies Absences/Tardiness

Regular attendance at school is a major factor in determining academic success. Students who are absent from school for more than twenty days during the academic year may be denied academic promotion. Absences from school are defined as either Excused or Unexcused according to guidelines from the Pennsylvania School Code. A child is considered absent if he/she is not present in the classroom for four consecutive hours of the school day. Excused absences include illness, quarantine, impassable roads, recognized religious holidays and urgent reasons, such as a death in the family or a court appearance. The state guidelines also permit an excused absence for educational trips if a request is sent to the school prior to the dates of the trip. (Homework is not given to any student who is absent for an educational trip). If no prior notice is received, the absence is classified as unexcused. An unexcused absence does not warrant the possibility of making up missed work. According to the Pennsylvania School Code (1327, 1327.1), “the person(s) who are caring for the child – usually the child’s parent(s), but sometimes a guardian, relative or foster parent – are legally responsible for making sure that the child attends school.” Parents/guardians must call the school office by 8:30 A.M. each day that their child is absent from school. The parents/guardians need to give the child’s name, homeroom teacher and reason for absence. Homework will be given only when a child is absent for two consecutive days (except if those days are for an educational trip. Homework will be assigned when the child returns from the trip). Special needs students will be able to get homework on a day to day basis. Upon returning to school from an absence, a student must submit a written excuse to his/her homeroom teacher as required by state law. If this excuse is not submitted within three days 5

following the absence, the absence will be classified as unexcused and the child will not be permitted to make up the missed work. A written excuse should be given to the teacher for the following reasons: • For an absence • To be excused from gym class • For an early dismissal • To be removed from school for an appointment (child should return to school after the appointment) • For attending a funeral • For a educational vacation • To change the usual procedure of transportation According to the Pennsylvania School Code, Section 1332, “The absences of any pupil who remains out of school with or without his parent’s permission, and is not absent because of illness or for other urgent reasons, as defined in the School Code, shall be unexcused. Such absence will be recorded as ‘unlawful-unexcused’ for a pupil who is under the compulsory attendance age.” Section 1333; “Any such child who has been absent three days, or their equivalent, during the term of compulsory attendance, without lawful excuse…shall be given written notice. If, after such notice is given, attendance is again violated by the person, such person shall be liable for referral to the magistrate.” After a student has been absent for three consecutive days, or a total of twenty days, a medical excuse from a licensed physician is necessary. A doctor’s excuse is required for each absence after the 20th day for the remainder of the school year. Parents and guardians of students who are excessively absent may be required to provide documentation from a physician indicating that the absences are relating to an existing medical condition. Otherwise, parents/guardians may be subject to a hearing with the magistrate. A child will be considered tardy if he/she is not in his/her homeroom for the 8:15 A.M. bell. Students who are tardy must report to the office to sign in. Excessive tardiness will be treated the same way as excessive absence is treated. The Truant Officer will be contacted for those students who are excessively absent and/or tardy. There is no monetary reimbursement for time missed from school (absence). Academic Support A team of teachers have been trained to collaborate with their colleagues to develop and monitor effective interventions for students who may need to have a Growth Plan. A Growth Plan enables a teacher to monitor accommodations and adaptions made for those students who are at least one grade below level on the Standardized Test and who struggle with regular class work.


Admissions/Registration Policies Mary of Nazareth Catholic School admits students of any race or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to all students formally accepted into the school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin in the administration of our educational policies, admission policies, athletic or other school administered programs. Children who are not Catholic are expected to participate in religion classes and to attend all religious functions of the school/church.

Children entering 3 year old preschool must be 3 years old by August 31. Children entering 4 year old preschool must be 4 years old by August 31. Children entering kindergarten must be 5 years old by August 31. (Children entering preschool/kindergarten must be toilet trained.) Registration for school begins in January for all students. Official certificate of birth (mandatory), immunization records (mandatory) and baptismal record (if applicable) are required at the time of registration. Those registering for grades 1-8 must fulfill the age requirement for the desired grade. Grade level and academic group determinations are made on the basis of school records. Immunization records must be complete before any child may enter school. The requirements are as follows: • 1 dose of chicken pox vaccine • 4 doses of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (one dose must be after the fourth birthday) • 3 doses of oral polio vaccine • 2 doses of measles vaccine after the first birthday (or proof by blood test of having had measles) • 1 dose of mumps vaccine after the first birthday (or proof by physician’s letter of having had mumps) • 1 dose of rubella vaccine after the first birthday (or proof by blood test of having had German measles) • 3 properly spaced doses of hepatitis B vaccine (K-4) Altar Servers Students in grades 5-8 have the privilege of serving at Eucharist Liturgy. Students who choose to participate in this privilege are expected to fulfill assigned responsibilities and be on time. Servers are expected to be in the sacristy fifteen minutes before the liturgical service. Asbestos Statement Pursuant to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), our school was inspected by a certified AHERA Inspector. An Asbestos Management Plan was developed and submitted to the State of Pennsylvania Department of Education.


Assemblies Assemblies are held for children throughout the school year. The assemblies are planned in conjunction with the principal, faculty, and the PTG. Assemblies will usually have an educational focus. Individual teachers may have speakers come into their classroom or may group with other grades for particular assemblies. Athletics The school athletic program is part of the educational program offered by Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. Therefore, the code of conduct established for the students applies to both participants and spectators at athletic events. The athletic programs will function only when a coach is able to attain the proper certificates to coach. A Criminal Record Clearance, Child Abuse Clearance, Pastoral Code of Conduct and Protecting God’s Children are the mandated clearances. When coaches are available to coach, the following sports are offered: Basketball – Instructional (Grades 3, 4) Junior Varsity (Grades 5, 6) Varsity (Grades 7, 8) Volleyball – Instructional (Grades 3, 4) Junior Varsity (Grades 5, 6) Varsity (Grades 7, 8) Soccer Instructional (Grades 3, 4) Junior Varsity (Grades 5, 6) Varsity (Grades 7, 8) Cheerleading - Instructional (Grades 3, 4) Junior Varsity (Grades 5, 6) Varsity (Grades 7, 8) Cross Country Track – Instructional (Grades, 3, 4) Junior Varsity (Grades 5, 6) Varsity (Grades 7, 8) If there are coaches for other sports, we may have other teams. Before a student may practice or participate in any sport, each year a permission form must be signed by a parent or guardian and a physician must indicate that the child is able to participate. All sport programs are the responsibility of the Board of Pastors/Principal. The Diocesan Guidelines for Elementary Catholic Schools Sports programs guides the policies.


Band Band instruction is available for students in grades 4-8. The Diocesan Program dictates a monthly fee. The instruments are rented with the option to buy. Small group lessons are provided one period per week and band practice is held once per week. The periods are rotated so the same class periods are not missed repeatedly. However, it remains the responsibility of the student to make up missed class work. A meeting is held at the beginning of each school year to provide more information for those interested. Cafeteria All students must bring or purchase a lunch. Those students bringing a lunch may purchase a drink in the cafeteria. Glass bottles are not permitted in the cafeteria. Students may purchase a lunch and pay daily or the parents may receive a monthly bill for lunch. The use of good manners is encouraged; therefore, the following cafeteria rules apply to all students. • Remain seated unless disposing of garbage, etc. • Refrain from abusing food; your own or that of others. • Always walk while in the cafeteria. • Be courteous and respectful to all those helping during the lunch period. • Absolutely no food or drink is to be taken from the cafeteria. The cafeteria is operated in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, handicap, religion or national origin. The cafeteria will operate under the direction of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. The cafeteria manager and cook are certified by the Health Department. The food provided will be cooked fresh daily! Food from any restaurant cannot be brought in for lunch. Only a packed lunch or cafeteria lunches are permitted. Catholic/Non-Catholic/Affiliate Student Based on Diocesan guidelines, Catholic students are those: 1. Who are baptized Catholic 2. Whose family is registered in a diocesan parish and 3. Whose family uses the parish envelope system These students will pay the Catholic tuition rate with the completion of the Pastor Verification form. Non-Catholic students are those: 1. Who are not baptized Catholic 2. Whose family meets partial Diocesan requirements These students will pay the non-Catholic tuition rate. 9

Affiliate students are those: 1. Who are baptized Catholic 2. Whose family is registered in a diocesan parish other than one of the parishes that make up Mary of Nazareth Catholic School and 3. Whose family uses the parish envelope system These students will pay the Catholic tuition rate with the completion of the Pastor Verification form. Clothing Identification Parents/guardians are strongly urged to mark their children’s personal belongings with their names. Since children do not readily claim lost items, proper identification helps us to find the owner and save parents the cost of replacement. The lost and found area is located in the front lobby. Parents/guardians and children are encouraged to look for lost clothing items there. Other lost items, such as glasses, watches and purses, if found, are to be turned in to the office. Items that are not claimed by the end of each school year are donated to charity. Development Director The events orchestrated by the Director of Development are events and activities that are not related to fundraising. These events and activities will not be associated with the fundraising account for which each family is responsible. The ultimate goal of the Development Director is to accrue enough funds for the school that the family fundraising account can be reduced or removed altogether. Detention/Suspension Discipline is the key to good conduct and to respecting the rights of others and is essential to learning. Classroom standards and expectations for student behavior vary according to age and are determined by the individual teacher. If behavior warrants action, any member of the faculty may issue a student detention. Detentions may take place before or after school; in either case, parents are responsible for transportation. In the event of a serious act of misbehavior or repeated acts or misbehavior, a student may serve either an in-school or out-of-school suspension. If misconduct continues, a student and his/her parents will meet with the faculty and administration to determine what course of action will be taken. If a solution to the problem cannot be determined, a student may be asked to leave the school. The final decision rests with the administration and may be necessary for the benefit of the total program. Dismissal Dismissal occurs on both sides of the building concurrently. Bus students are dismissed from the front of the building. During the time of dismissal, the front driveway is a bus lane only. Vehicles other than buses are not permitted to be in the front driveway during the posted times. Violators may be fined.


Students who walk or ride in cars will be dismissed from the back driveway. At the time of dismissal, the back driveway travels in the opposite direction than usual. Signs are posted and must be followed. Violators may be fined. Those picking up children by car in preschool 3 – grade 4 should get in the pickup lane. Cars in the pickup lane should not be left unattended as this creates an unsafe condition. Students will be called as their family car approaches the door. Students need to wait quietly while cars approach the door so as to hear their name being called. Car riders will be escorted to the backseat of the car. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to attach seatbelts. This cannot be done in the pickup lane so that the flow of traffic is not impeded. Parents in the pickup lane are not permitted to block cars and/or driveways on Summitt Street. When the line reaches the turn to the upper parking lot, parents should turn into the lot, circle around the top of the lot and come down and get into the car line. Students in grades 5 – 8 and their younger siblings who will be picked up as a car rider will be escorted to the back (church) parking lot and will get into their cars in the lot. Walkers are always dismissed after all vehicles have left the premises. Children whose parents/guardians come to the building to pick them up will automatically be considered walkers and will have to wait with their parent to be dismissed until after all vehicles have left the premises. This procedure protects both those in moving vehicles and those walking. Early Dismissal Parents/guardians should make every effort to schedule appointments at a time that school is not in session. However, if a child must have an early dismissal, he/she must have a written note for the principal’s approval. For these dismissals, parents or an authorized adult must meet the child at the office and sign him/her out at the authorized time. Children who arrive later than 10:30 A.M. will be marked absent for the morning. Children who leave school before 12:00 P.M. will be marked absent for the afternoon. • • • • • •

Early dismissal will be permitted when the student has a note written by a parent explaining the reason for the request. All students requesting early dismissal must present the note to the office before the time of dismissal. The principal will sign this note. Early dismissals will be noted on the absentee list. The parent/guardian must come to the office for the child. Students who are dismissed early are responsible for making up any work that was missed.

Requests for early dismissal made by telephone will be honored only when the call can be verified and the integrity of the caller can be established. When this does not occur, the child will not be excused from school. Requests made in person will be granted if the parent/guardian is recognized and if the circumstances warrant it.


Emergencies Emergency Cards At the beginning of each school year, a parent/guardian is required to complete a Student Emergency Card. It is imperative that the school be able to reach a parent/guardian in the event of a child’s illness or of an emergency situation. The school has the right to refuse admittance to a child whose parent/guardian does not provide a legitimate phone number. It is also important to list the names of those who have transportation who can be contacted in the event that the parent/guardian is unavailable. Please keep information on the emergency card current! Emergency Closing and Delays If inclement weather or some other emergency requires that the school be delayed or closed, this information will be relayed via the School Messenger phone system. Please be sure that the school always has updated phone information. In the event of a two hour delay for specifically named Mary of Nazareth Catholic School, all children should report to school at 10:15 A.M. Half day kindergarten and half day preschool will have the opportunity to report to school at 10:15 A.M. and remain the rest of the day. If an announced delay does not specifically mention Mary of Nazareth Catholic School, but does name one of the public districts that service our school, only those children living in that district should follow the announcement. Please Note: Because our attendance registers are legal indicators of a child’s presence at the times we are in session, children who arrive late or are absent because of busing when school is in session will be marked as Excused Tardy or Excused Absence. On days that Mary of Nazareth Catholic School has an early dismissal and a two hour delay is called, we will nullify our early dismissal, come in at 10:15 a.m. and have a full day of school so as not to have a makeup day. If McKeesport Area School District announces a delay or closing due to weather, then Mary of Nazareth Catholic School will be delayed or closed. Mary of Nazareth Catholic School will also make an announcement using the School Messenger phone system. If transportation is suspended by the local school district in which a student resides, then no transportation will be provided to Mary of Nazareth Catholic School by that district. Follow your local school district delay schedule for transportation by bus. If Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is in session and your child(ren) does/do not attend school, he/she will be marked absent. Emergency Dismissals In the event that Mary of Nazareth Catholic School would be required to dismiss school early, that information will be announced via the School Messenger phone system, e-mail, and an announcement will be made on TV and radio. However, because phone service may be interrupted in the school, some emergency situations may not allow for this option. Children will be dismissed as parents are notified and transportation is arranged. Students who are bus riders will be dismissed when their bus arrives. Parents/guardians will complete a form at the beginning of 12

the year indicating their preference as to what they want the school to do in the event of an emergency dismissal. Field Trips Every class is permitted field trips during the year. Each student must have a signed permission slip before he/she is permitted to participate. Students will not leave the building without a signed permission slip. Transportation, in accordance with diocesan directives, is provided by bus and a fee is charged to cover costs. Guidelines for both students and chaperones are in effect for each field trip. The teacher will send a copy of the student guidelines home so that the parent may help to reinforce the guidelines presented. Field Trips are privileges afforded to students, not absolute rights.

A student will be denied participation in any field trip if he/she fails to meet academic standards, school attendance standards, homework standards, and/or behavior standards. Bus fees are not refundable and some admission fees associated with field trips may not be refundable if a child does not participate. Fundraising The Diocesan policy for funding elementary Catholic schools calls for each school to have fundraising activities to generate 10% of their total operating budget. School parents/guardians are expected to participate in these fundraising activities so as to assist in keeping tuition increases as low as possible. Each family is expected to comply with the family fundraising quota by fully participating in fundraising or by opting to pay the fundraising quote in full. Each fundraiser has a percent of sales that is accredited to the participant as profit. By February of each year, that quota needs to be met by every family. If a family has students in K-8 and in preschool, the preschool fundraising quota is negated. Fundraising for the eighth grade field trip has nothing to do with school fundraising. Fundraising money that is over and above the tuition balance will not be reimbursed. Parents must keep track of their own fundraising and tuition balance by checking their FACTS Tuition account online. Gender Policy Policy for Catholic Schools and Parishes Regarding Gender The gender of every human being is a gift fashioned by God that enriches the human family through the complementarity of masculinity and femininity. At this time the Diocese of Pittsburgh recognizes gender according to a student’s birth certificate. “Learning to accept our body, to care for it and to respect its fullest meaning, is an essential element of any genuine human ecology.� (Pope Francis, Laudato Si #155) 13

POLICY AND PROCEDURE Catholic Schools and all catechetical programs of the Diocese of Pittsburgh recognize that all children, because they are made in the image and likeness of God, deserve to be treated with charity, love and respect. Each school strives to provide a safe educational environment that fosters academic success as well as physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The teachings of the Church are followed, including those teachings related to gender, in a Christ-centered atmosphere that promotes Gospel values. Our Catholic schools and catechetical programs will follow these procedures: 1. Administrators will maintain student permanent records and other legal records and documents using the student’s legal name and gender. 2. School personnel may honor requests of parents/guardians to address a student by a preferred name or nickname. 3. Students are to use bathrooms according to their God-given gender. Where possible, arrangements are to be made for a private bathroom to address special needs. 4. In all other circumstances students are expected to comply according to their God-given gender. RATIONALE AND AUTHORITY "By his incarnation, the Son of God has united Himself in some fashion with every human being. This saving event reveals to humanity not only the boundless love of God who ‘so loved the world that He gave his only Son’ (John 3:16), but also the incomparable value of every human person." (Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 2) With these words, St. John Paul II reaffirms our deeply rooted belief in the inherent dignity of every human person. Each person that we encounter is to be regarded as the image of the living God. According to the divine plan, the image and likeness of God for every human person is embodied in a specific gender as either male or female. The distinction and complementarity of men and women is thus to be accepted from God as a gift to be received, honored, and affirmed. As Pope Francis explains, “The acceptance of our bodies as God’s gift is vital for welcoming and accepting the entire world as a gift from the Father and our common home, whereas thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns, often subtly, into thinking that we enjoy absolute power over creation” (Pope Francis Laudato Si, no. 155). Instead of seeing gender as something to which we ascribe our own meaning and self-determination, the Church believes that the gender each person receives from their mother’s womb is a sign of God’s love for the person and all humanity. It is on this basis that the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms that, “Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity [because] physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life” (CCC no. 2333). During the early years of life, children experience the natural developmental process of growth in all areas of their life, but especially in regard to their sexuality. Due to the supreme dignity of human sexuality and the personal feelings that surround the development of a person’s sense of personal value, no form of contempt, bullying, or mistreatment in regard to gender will be tolerated in our Catholic Schools. Loving pastoral care should be provided with due consideration to fairness, safety, and the privacy rights of all students.


Homework A reasonable amount of homework, according to grade level, is of great educational value and so is assigned daily. Assignments are not always written; study and memory work are frequently assigned. Homework is assigned to: • Enrich school experiences • Provide practice and review • Develop good study habits • Teach responsibility • Foster originality Parents/guardians can assist students with homework assignments in the following ways: • Provide a quiet spot away from the television, telephone, computer, video games or other distracting elements • Check to see what was accomplished during the designated study time regarding completeness, neatness and correctness • Be willing to listen to reading, spelling and math facts and to explain procedures but never do the assignment • Consult the teacher if the child uses the excuse “no homework” too often If for a legitimate reason the child cannot complete an assignment, the parent/guardian should inform the teacher by written note stating the reason. Arrangements should be made as soon as possible to make up the incomplete assignment. The Diocese recommends the following time schedule for homework: • • •

Primary (Levels 1, 2, 3) Intermediate (Levels 4, 5) Middle (Levels 6, 7, 8)

10 to 30 minutes 40 to 50 minutes 60 to 80 minutes

The above are general guidelines for homework time. A particular student may take longer or finish sooner than the above time frames. At the discretion of the teacher, homework is not generally assigned on weekends. On the second day of a student’s absence, requests for homework should be made by 9:00 a.m. Requests made after that time are not guaranteed. Homework is not given to students who are absent for reasons of vacation and/or educational trips. Those students will be assigned homework upon their return to school. Failure to turn in homework assignments on the date they are due will affect the students overall grade. Notification will be sent to parents/guardians after students have failed to turn in two homework assignments. Homework Assignment Books are required and will be provided to all students in grades 1-8. Homework is to be written in the assignment book daily. 15

Late Fees Late fees occur when tuition is not paid by the due date. These late fees are the responsibility of the parents/guardians. Late fees reoccur monthly until tuition payments are made current. At the end of the year, late fees become part of the tuition payment. Lost and Found If a child is missing anything, it may be put in the lost and found bin located in the front lobby. To facilitate finding lost articles, please put child’s name in school/gym clothing, on lunch boxes, in book bags, etc. Money Anytime a payment is sent to the school, please place it in an envelope with the child’s name, grade level and what the payment is for on the outside of the envelope. If payment for several items is being made at one time, each payment must be on a separate check and put in separate envelopes. Payments usually go into different accounts and/or to different organizations, thus the reason for separate checks and separate envelopes. Preferred payment is by check or money order, cash payments are discouraged. The school will not be responsible for cash not received. When a check is returned NSF twice for the same family, that family must pay all fees using cash or money order only. All monies collected for any organization must be deposited in the school account, PTG account, Development account, or Athletic account. PARENT/GUARDIANS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO KEEP OR HOLD MONEY FOR ANY REASON AT ANY TIME. If a parent/guardian issues a personal check in the name of the school or any of its organization without the administration’s knowledge/permission, that check will not be reimbursed. All fees for Mary of Nazareth Catholic School or any of its organizations must be paid for with a school check. To get a school check, parents/guardians need to contact the school office. Option C Students’ grades can be monitored on the Option C program. Grades, homework and attendance are all recorded at this site. Parents may monitor this site as often as they wish. The site is blocked when a family is two or more months in arrears on tuition. There is a $5.00 fee for Option C to issue a new password, if the original issued password is lost. Parties The PTG sponsors parties for special occasions during the school year. No other instructional time should be used for parties without the principal’s permission. Guidelines for Snacks and Parties The Federal Guidelines for Nutrition and Wellness went into effect on July 1, 2006. Because we are a National School Lunch Program school, these guidelines apply to us. Therefore the following guidelines need to be adhered to by the school. These guidelines apply to parents/guardians when parents/guardians are sending snacks to school and/or for birthday parties, etc. 16

Permitted Beverages “Water or seltzer water without added caloric sweeteners; fruit and vegetable juices and fruitbased drinks that contain at least 50 percent fruit juice and that do not contain additional caloric sweeteners; unflavored or flavored low-fat or fat free milk and nutritionally equivalent nondairy beverages (as defined by the USDA).” Non-permitted Beverages “Soft drinks containing caloric sweeteners; sports drinks; iced teas; fruit-based drinks that contain less than 50 percent real fruit juice or that contain additional caloric sweeteners; beverages containing caffeine, excluding low-fat or fat free chocolate milk (which contain minimal amounts of caffeine).” Foods • • •

Will have no more than 35% of its calories from fat (excluding nuts, seeds, peanut butter, and other nut butters) and 10% of its calories from saturated and trans fat combined; Will have no more than 35% of its weight from added sugars; Will contain no more than 230 mg of sodium per serving for chips, cereals, crackers, French fries, baked goods, and other snack items; will contain no more than 480 mg of sodium per serving for pastas, meats, and soups; and will contain no more than 600 mg of sodium for pizza, sandwiches, and main dishes. A choice of at least two fruits and/or non-fried vegetables will be offered for sale at any location on the school site where foods are sold. Such items could include, but are not limited to, fresh fruits and vegetables; 100% fruit or vegetable juice; fruit-based drinks that are at least 50% fruit juice and that do not contain additional caloric sweeteners; cooked, dried, or canned fruits (canned in fruit juice or light syrup); and cooked, dried, or canned vegetables (that meet the above fat and sodium guidelines).

Portion Sizes Limit portion sizes of foods and beverages to those listed below: • • • • • • •

One and one-quarter ounces for chips, crackers, popcorn, cereal, trail mix, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or jerky; One ounce for cookies; Two ounces for cereal bars, granola bars, pastries, muffins, doughnuts, bagels, and other bakery items; Four fluid ounces for frozen desserts, including, but not limited to, low-fat or fat-free ice cream; Eight ounces for non-frozen yogurt; Twelve fluid ounces for beverages, excluding water; Fruits and non-fried vegetables are exempt from portion-size limits.


Party Invitations Please do not send party invitations to be distributed for birthdays. This may cause hurt feelings among the students who are not invited. The only exception to this is if every boy or every girl or all students in the room are invited. Patrol Students are selected for bus/corner patrol from interested volunteers in grade eight. Their selection is based on parent/guardian consent and a willingness to strive for the following qualities: leadership, reliability, good attendance, punctuality, interest in safety, obedience to rules, courtesy, respect for others, attitude of service, and an understanding of the limits of their authority. The Safety Patrol is organized to help students arrive at and leave school safely. It is never the Safety Patrol members’ responsibility to act as “school guards”. The job of the patrol is on the sidewalk to help students find their buses or to assist them in boarding/deboarding in a safe and orderly manner. Safety Patrol may direct cars on Summitt Street and the upper parking lot. Monitoring conduct on the buses is the responsibility of the bus drivers, not the students. Principal’s Absence When the principal is not present in the school building, a teacher or teachers is/are assigned to handle any emergency that arises concerning the school children. Random Search Random, unannounced dog sniff drug searches are not deemed a “search” by law and are legal whether it’s a private or public school. Physical searches of lockers/cubby spaces/desks are permitted in private schools pursuant to governing contracts (i.e. student/parent handbook). Mary of Nazareth Catholic School retains the right to conduct both announced and unannounced searches of cubby spaces, desks, etc. during the school day. Students shall have no expectation of privacy therein. Discovery of illegal materials in a school locker/cubby space/desk may result in discipline up to and including expulsion and/or referral to appropriate authorities. Rights of Non-Custodial Parents The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives full rights to each parent, unless the school has been provided with evidence that there is a court order, states’ statute or legally binding document relating to such matters as divorce, separation or custody that specifically revokes these rights. Such an order is to be on file in the school office and those persons responsible for the child(ren) are to be informed of the circumstances. Every effort is made to keep the non-custodial parent apprised of the progress of the child(ren) through reports, report cards and parent/teacher conferences. The non-custodial parent needs to inform the school in writing that he/she would like to be informed of all reports, notices, events, etc. that pertain to his/her child(ren).


Scholarship Money Scholarship monies are available for eligible families via the Private School Aid Service (PSAS) application. An independent evaluator employed by the Diocese of Pittsburgh assesses these applications. This one application is used for the Scholastic Opportunities Scholarship and the Bishop’s Education Fund and must be filed by the designated deadline. Applications are available in the school office in February. School Messenger Mary of Nazareth Catholic School uses the School Messenger calling system to inform families of weather delays, school closings, and any other information that needs to be given to parents in a timely manner. Please be sure that the school has the most updated phone information so that the system contacts each family at a valid phone number. School Supplies For the convenience of families, supply lists will be made available each June via the school website and in the final report card and then again at the beginning of the school year. Students provide their own supplies but are expected to comply with individual teacher requirements. Selling and Posting Personal selling and posting cannot be done on school property. The administration must grant permission and authorization for the selling of any item and/or for the posting of notices. The distribution of fliers is limited to student participatory activities only. The activity must not discriminate based on residency, ability, etc. Student Activities There are various activities that the students participate in throughout the school year. The list below is indicative of some of the activities that the students participate in during the year; this is not an exhaustive list.

Altar Servers Band Basketball Bus/Safety Patrol Cheerleading Chimbote Mission Choir

Cross Country Drama Club English Festival Festival of Trees Geography Bee Live Nativity PA Announcer

Science/Technology Fair Science Fair Soccer Spelling Bee Student Council Volleyball Yearbook

There are other activities that students may participate in throughout the year. These may be school or PTG sponsored; all of these activities are for Mary of Nazareth Catholic School students only. No exceptions will be made.


Student Council Student Council consists of students from grades six to eight. To be elected, those students who desire to be an officer on student council write an essay and receive the endorsement of four teachers. The students then prepare a speech, which is presented to the student body. Finally, elections are held in individual grades and the officers are chosen; representatives are appointed by the faculty advisors. The officers are given the charge of planning and running the meetings with the help of the faculty advisors. The organizational goal is to foster spirit de corps through student planning and implementation of school activities. The Student Council sponsors social events, stewardship projects, charitable causes and spiritual encounters. Telephone Students are not permitted to use the telephone except for emergencies. Forgotten homework, books, lunch, gym clothes or changes in afternoon plans are not sufficient cause to call home. In all cases, the office will make the phone calls home! Students may ask to call home for two reasons only: glasses and band instruments. The use of cell phones during school or during any school activities is strictly prohibited. Cell phones will be confiscated if a student uses one during the school day. There is an automatic suspension attached to the use of a cell phone during the school day. Testing Standardized tests, textbook tests, teacher made tests are administered to students throughout the year. These assessments require students to synthesize information, apply what they have learned and demonstrate their understanding of what has been taught. Midterms and final exams are given to students in grades 7-8. Standardized Tests Students in grades K-8 are administered a standardized test to measure progress from one year to another. A component of the standardized testing program is an aptitude test that helps to define the ability of a student in relationship to the results of the standardized test. If a child should be absent due to illness, every attempt will be made to enable the child to make up the tests. However, since the tests must be mailed on the last scheduled test day, make up testing often necessitates taking more tests daily than is ideal. To prevent this, we ask that you do not schedule trips or appointments during the time of standardized testing. Performance Tests Each child in grade K-8 participates in a Performance Assessment. This task allows students to respond to open ended questions and to demonstrate their ability to use higher order thinking skills. Readiness Tests Students entering first grade are administered a Readiness Test to determine how ready they are to enter into a highly structured learning situation. 20

Teacher Made Tests Tests that are constructed by teachers to measure, evaluate, and determine what students have learned. Textbook Tests Tests that accompany textbooks adopted for use with students are administered at the conclusion of a chapter and/or unit. Textbooks Mary of Nazareth Catholic School participates in Pennsylvania’s Act 195/90 whereby the state purchases textbooks and instructional materials that are non-religious in nature. A parent form with permission to have a student use these books is kept on file in the school office. All books are to be covered at all times. Stretch covers are not permitted because they break the spine of the books. Students are responsible for the condition of the books given to them at the beginning of the year. Students will be required to pay for a book if it is damaged or lost. Books taken to and from school are to be placed in a book bag. Transfer Students All students transferring into Mary of Nazareth Catholic School do so with a 90 day probation period. Any student who is a discipline problem during that time may be asked to withdraw from the school. Some students may also transfer into the school on a conditional basis. All transfer students are monitored closely to be sure placement is appropriate. When a student transfers to another school, parents/guardians should notify the school office as soon as possible. Academic records will be forwarded when all financial obligations to the Mary of Nazareth Catholic School have been met. Transportation It is important that we know the ordinary means by which each student arrives and departs daily. A note is to be sent when a change is necessary. For reasons of safety and insurance, each child is to ride his/her assigned bus. Students who live more than a 1.5 mile radius from Mary of Nazareth Catholic School are eligible to be bused to the school. Those who live along a route that has been declared “hazardous” are also eligible for busing. The Board of Education, Transportation Division, determine “hazardous route” claims. The student transportation policies and procedures of the local educational agencies responsible for busing students are applicable to all students in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students are permitted to ride only the buses of the local school district in which they live. Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior while in route on the bus. Every bus follows the guidelines that are within our own discipline code. If the bus driver/company recommends that a student be removed from the bus, the administration will support it. This will result in the student losing bus privileges. The student’s parents/guardians will then be responsible to make other arrangements for transportation.


Students are expected to remain in their seats at all times. This insures safety for everyone. If improper conduct occurs, the driver prepares a report that is sent home to alert the parents to the problem. If the behavior persists, the bus company has the right to ask the school district to suspend the student’s privilege of riding the bus, temporarily or permanently. During arrival and departure, the buses will enter through St. Angela Way and will exit through Kelly Street. During those times, no other vehicles are permitted in the bus lane. Students are permitted to ride only the bus of the school district in which they reside and are assigned. The following bus rules are to be obeyed: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Remain seated at all times until the correct stop has been reached. If the driver has assigned seats, these assignments are to be honored. Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus. In vehicles where seat belts are available, use them properly. Do not ask to ride a bus other than the one to which you have been assigned nor ask the driver to let you off at another stop. Only the Department of Transportation can authorize such changes. Observe the same conduct as in the classroom. Quiet talking is permitted. Loud talking, etc. may distract the driver, prevent students from hearing instructions or prevent the driver from hearing signals from emergency vehicles. Be courteous; do not use profane language. Do not eat, drink or chew gum on the bus. Keep the bus clean. Cooperate with the driver. Do not put anything out the window of the bus. Do not be destructive. The driver is in charge. Any directives of the bus driver in addition to the above area to be followed.

Students Who Arrive Late Students arriving by car after 8:00 cannot be in the bus line and cannot park in front of the building. Those vehicles should park in the parking lot on either the church side or on the double lot side of the school building. If a child needs assistance with getting out of the car, the parent/guardian should park in the parking lot and assist child and then walk the child to the front door. The front driveway is strictly for drop off so as to accommodate parents/guardians who need to get to work. Tuition and Fees The Diocese of Pittsburgh has mandated tuition guidelines. We have been and will continue to keep tuition as low as possible. This is made possible because of the valiant efforts of the Mary of Nazareth Catholic School families regarding fund raising and volunteerism. All tuition will be paid to FACTS Tuition Management. 22

Tuition is payable in 10 monthly installments beginning July 1 and ending April 1 if the family registers by June 1 and creates a FACTS account by that same date. Families who do not register by June 1 may have to pay tuition in installments of nine months or less. Tuition not paid within 10 days of due date will be charged a $25.00 late fee. All tuition, unless paid in full by June 1, must be paid to FACTS Tuition Management. All financial obligations for the prior school year must be paid in full for a child to be registered for the next school year. Tuition and/or fundraising is to be paid in full by April 1. Report cards will not be issued nor will school records be forwarded for any student if tuition, fundraising, and any other financial obligation has not been paid and if sports uniforms have not been returned. Parents/guardians are responsible for checking the tuition statements for errors and notifying the school office if the statement is in error. Catholic families who belong to a Diocese of Pittsburgh church must submit a Pastor Verification Form and a Catholic School Parents Memorandum of Understanding Form to Mary of Nazareth Catholic School office when tuition contracts are signed in order to receive the Catholic tuition rate. Volunteers The help of volunteers is always needed in the school and at school sponsored events. Please consider using some of your time and talent to help enhance our quality program. The possibilities are endless. At Mary of Nazareth Catholic School parents/guardians play an integral role in the education of their children through the PTG, athletics, fundraising, homeroom parents, playground/lunchroom monitors and field trip chaperones. This partnership is invaluable to the success of our school. All volunteers must be registered on the EAppsDB through the diocese and must have a Child Abuse History Clearance, must take the Protecting God’s Children workshop and must read and sign the Pastoral Code of Conduct. III.

Curriculum Auxiliary Services

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School offers a strong traditional curriculum. In the “Continuous Growth Program” of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, students advance through a defined curriculum according to their individual needs and abilities. In addition to meeting all the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the curriculum gives special attention to the integration of Gospel values. Curriculum Guidelines for all subject areas are utilized by the Catholic elementary schools and provided through the Department of Catholic Schools. The guidelines endeavor to give continuity to the teaching/learning process and are geared to meet the individual needs of students and to guide the teaching/learning process. All textbooks have been selected from the list of recommended texts devised by the Curriculum Directors of the diocese. They are approved because the philosophy is consistent with the Catholic 23

philosophy of education, the subject matter is adaptable to the Continuous Growth Program and because there is sequential, consistent development of material. Act 89 Services Allegheny Intermediate Unit personnel work with and provide support to students in remedial math and reading. These teachers, in collaboration with the classroom teacher, identify educational needs and design educational interventions and strategies to help a child succeed. Counseling A certified counselor provides individual and small group counseling sessions to children in grades K-8. Children are referred by parents/guardians, principal, teacher and through self referral. Individual counseling requires parent permission. Counseling is mainly for school related problems and/or for home/school related problems. The school counselor is not a therapist and does not conduct therapy sessions. At Mary of Nazareth Catholic School, we value the personal and social development of your child as much as their academic growth and success. Throughout the school year, our school counselor will be visiting classrooms to present lessons based on the American School Counselor Association standards. ASCA standards address the career, academic, and personal/social development of all students. Remedial Reading and Remedial Math The Title I program is designed to provide additional assistance to students who are not demonstrating grade level proficiency in reading and/or math. Funding for these services comes through the local public school district. Referrals for the program are based on teacher referrals, standardized test results and parent/guardian approval. Alternate strategies are planned for students in accordance with individual instructional goals and in support of the classroom curriculum to help students develop mastery of basic skills. Speech/Language Speech and language services are provided to students who need assistance in developing speech patterns and language skills. This is a special service offered to students to enhance communication skills that directly impact social and academic interactions. Student Assistance Program The purpose of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is to provide the opportunity for the school, parents and child to be part of a process in designing strategies and sharing resources to help the student become a more successful learner. Act 211 of 1990 mandates the Student Assistance Program (SAP) in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is a comprehensive program of prevention, intervention and support for students in grades K-12. The members of the SAP Team are the principal and faculty members of the school who have received special training through approved agencies.


The program exists in order to promote the growth and development of the child. The team members work with students who are experiencing behavior difficulties which impact their social, emotional and educational progress. Faculty and/or parents/guardians make referrals for the program. Once the team has received a referral, classroom teachers are asked to complete a form which helps identify the behaviors. The SAP Team then makes informed decisions as to what is needed to help the student, conveys this information to classroom teachers, parents/guardians and evaluates the results. If necessary, after consultation with parents, appropriate referrals are made to outside agencies. Team members must maintain all information regarding students and their families under safeguard of privacy and confidentiality. Access is limited to those who have a legitimate educational interest. Catechetics A formal catechetical program is taught daily. The Diocesan Catechetical Curriculum Guidelines contain a balance of doctrinal content, scriptural understanding, faith formation, prayer and worship experiences. A variety of materials and resources are used to foster both spiritual growth and moral development. Non-Catholic students are catechized and are expected to learn the information for tests but are not expected to convert to Catholicism. If, however, a student asks to be converted, and permission is given by the parents, the process for conversion to Catholicism will begin with the pastor of one of the eight parishes that make up Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. Fine Arts Instruction in the Fine Arts contributes to the development of the whole person; promotes individual expression; allows experimentation with diverse materials and elements; enables exploration and appreciation of the works of other students and major artists; develops an awareness and sensitivity toward the environment and finally promotes a deeper understanding of heritage and culture. The Fine Arts curriculum provides a holistic approach to education, which incorporates many aspects of the core curriculum and can be integrated into the total educational experience. Health and Physical Education A quality Physical Education program recognizes the value of teaching students to stay physically active and to develop skills for present and future leisure. To achieve this goal, Mary of Nazareth Catholic School incorporates the Department for Catholic Schools Curriculum into the program. This program assists students in identifying their strengths, to build on their strengths and to achieve personal goals. We also participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program. The physical education curriculum strives to establish healthy, active students so that each child can develop to his or her potential. Students learn to respect the rights of others and to follow rules through games and to be physically active. Learning to constructively channel energies helps the student to develop a good self-image. The skills, habits, sportsmanship, and attitudes developed within the program provide opportunities for greater success in the students’ lives.


Language Arts The Elementary Language Arts Curriculum for the Diocese of Pittsburgh has been developed to enable each student to be introduced to language as a viable form of communication, as an invaluable skill and an art to be enjoyed. English classes center on improving writing skills, grammar and speaking skills, as well as expanding vocabulary and improving spelling. Language, as a skill, provides the student with the important tools to speak fluently, to read and to comprehend, to compose, to write legibly and to spell correctly. An awareness of the history of language and the continuous development of vocabulary also are important phases of skill development. Students in grades K-5 center on an integrated approach to Language Arts, developing the necessary skills essential for success including phonetic skills of the student. Students in grades 6-8 learn an appreciation of literature with skillful authors who vicariously open new worlds of adventure of far off places, times long past, and modern trends of good reading. Having developed a love for good literature, this aesthetic element overflows into the student’s personal, oral, and written expression. Mathematics The mathematics curriculum is designed to help students meet the mathematical needs of the present and future, to provide practice in logical reasoning, and to develop the ability to find patterns and recognize structure in mathematics. Basic facts are taught in the lower grades and must be memorized. Concepts are taught sequentially. In primary grades, students are introduced to many ideas that are fundamental to an understanding of algebra. Algebraic topics are taught in the intermediate and middle levels and algebra is taught in the eighth grade. Teachers promote problem solving skills and an exploratory inquisitiveness in all students to assure critical thinking skills. Cooperative learning in the classroom is essential to heighten student awareness in the value of cooperation in group situations, to strengthen communication skills in mathematics and to promote a mathematically literate society. Science The science curriculum is specifically designed to develop a student’s understanding of science in human experience and the individual’s role in the community and in society. Examples of scientific phenomena are explained and demonstrated. Students become scientists as they learn to understand and use the scientific method to organize ways to solve problems and to seek the answers to the wonders of God’s world. Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students study the basics of chemistry, biology and physical science with hands on participation. Students in grades 1-8 submit a science project yearly and the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students compete on a local and state level. Social Studies The Social Studies curriculum begins with an introduction to community helpers. It progresses to the study of family and friends and later encompasses a more in depth study of the community. Beginning in fourth grade, the curriculum focuses on the study of the United States history through the Civil War and a study of the United States geographical regions is covered. Sixth grade students study World Cultures and World Geography with an emphasis on the countries of the Eastern Hemisphere. Seventh grade studies United States history to the Reconstruction and eight grade studies United States history beginning with the Reconstruction to the modern era. Map and geography skills are 26

taught at all levels. Values such as social justice, peace, cooperation between states and governments’ opposition to the “isms” such as racism, sexism, and materialism are integrated in the Social Studies program. Technology The technology curriculum in the primary grades develops familiarity with functional uses of the computer through the use of programmed software. In the upper grades, skills such as word processing, writing html code, spreadsheets, internet use, creating databases, and other components of Microsoft Office are studied, to name a few parts of the curriculum. The program is very progressive and teaches many more skills. Guideline for Internet Use Policy Implementation and Practice This guideline is established to ensure understanding and application of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Internet Use Policy. Mary of Nazareth Catholic School reserves the right to amend these guidelines at any time. It is understood that the administration of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School will inform parents/guardians of any changes made to these Guidelines. Students’ parents and/or guardians are required to review these guidelines with their child(ren) and complete and return the attached parent/guardian consent form. This guideline includes, but is not limited to the following areas: • Information and news from a wide variety of sources and research institutions • Public domain and shareware software of all types • Discussion groups • Access to any educational institutions and libraries Etiquette • Be polite when sending written messages to others • Appropriate language is expected in all messages • Anything pertaining to illegal activity is expressly forbidden • Do not reveal access information, personal or otherwise • Do not disrupt others’ use of the internet access • All users should remember that deleted materials could be retrieved The following actions, which are not exhaustive, are considered unacceptable actions by the administration of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School and may result in serious consequences: • Placing unlawful information on the internet • Using the internet for non-school related activities • Sending messages that are likely to result in loss of the recipients work or systems • Using the internet for commercial purposes • Using the internet for political lobbying that does not support the expressed philosophy and tenets of the Catholic Church • Sending or receiving copyrighted material without permission • Plagiarism • Using internet access to send or retrieve pornographic material, inappropriate file text, files dangerous to the integrity of the system, violent or threatening material or messages • Circumventing security measures on school or remote computers or networks 27

• • •

Putting any unauthorized sites on the internet in the name of the school and/or any school events, functions, activities, etc. Vandalism Falsifying one’s identity Students and parents must sign an Internet Use Agreement. World Language

In World Language, students learn the sounds and syntax of the language. Students are also introduced to culture. A variety of materials and methods are used for instruction. Students are working toward proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Spanish language. IV.


School information will be sent home via email and/or with the youngest child in every family. Parents/guardians are asked to return the family folder to school empty the next day. A monthly calendar and our monthly hot lunch menu are e-mailed to each family. Families who do not have email will receive paper copies of all emails that are sent. (Those families may receive paper copies later than the date of the email). Any question concerning a student should be directed to the teacher. Please call the school office and the teacher will be notified to contact parent/guardian at the number that is designated. Positive communication between teacher and parent/guardian is vital to our total educational program. Teachers are not to be called at home. Parents/guardians are informed of the student’s progress and other school information as follows: • Option C • Quarterly report cards • Parent/teacher conferences • Conferences on request • Conduct referrals • School website • PTG meeting Appointments If a parent/guardian wishes a special conference with the principal or a teacher, he/she should either send a note to school or call the school for an appointment. 28

Telephone Procedure All phone calls involving parents/guardians and school personnel are recorded in a phone log. This is kept on file for legal purposes. In case of an extreme emergency while students are at school, the School Messenger phone system and/or email will be used to implement contact with parents/guardians as quickly as possible. If parent/guardian cannot be contacted, phone numbers on the Emergency Card will be utilized. Please keep the Emergency Card updated with appropriate phone numbers. V. Discipline Introduction Mary of Nazareth Catholic School administration and faculty are committed to teach and model Gospel values to encourage students to live their lives as a reflection of Christ. The philosophy of the school strives to recognize and respect the dignity of each person and to offer a positive, Christcentered safe learning environment based on the Social Teachings of the Church. Discipline is considered an element of moral guidance not as a form of punishment. Every teacher and staff member shares the responsibility to model appropriate behavior and to support the structure necessary for learning self-discipline. Students are encouraged to assume responsibility for their actions, develop self-control and accept responsibility and consequences for inappropriate behavior. A Christ centered school environment fosters the following behavior: • • •

Recognizing and fostering the uniqueness and dignity of each individual Nurturing respect in all relationships involving school and parish communities Developing a sense of rights and responsibilities and commitment to the entire school and parish community.

Social skills, both interpersonal and intrapersonal, are taught, modeled, practiced and infused into the daily life and experience of the school family. Guiding Principles The following seven principles are the basis of Catholic Social Teachings and are the principles that guide us in all of our interactions. • • • • •

We believe in the life and dignity of the human person. Each person is sacred. We believe we are called to family, community and participation. It is our duty to support each other by our actions. We believe that we have rights and responsibilities. Every person has the fundamental right to life and responsibility to and for one another. We believe that we have an obligation to the poor and vulnerable. We are called to put the rights of others before our own. We believe that we are called to care for God’s creation. We are all stewards of the earth. 29

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We believe that solidarity is our call. We are one family regardless of our differences. We believe that workers have rights and that work has dignity. Work is a form of participating in God’s creation. Expectations

As a matter of safety, students are expected to behave in the following manner: Before school: • • •

To gather in the designated area To engage in quiet conversation To line up quietly when the school bell rings

• • • • •

To walk quietly through the halls To use proper language at all times To follow the dress code for school days and dress up/down days To respect school property and the property of other students To have a note from their parent/guardian if they change their mode of school transportation

In school:

In the classroom: • • • • • • • • •

To follow the classroom rules of each teacher To be responsible for submitting homework on time and making up assignments missed within the given amount of time To have a respectful attitude toward teachers and one another To be responsible for appropriate supplies To be honest in all communications To use computers and school equipment appropriately Not to chew gum Not to remain in or enter a classroom at any time without a teacher or a designated adult present To refrain from cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of deception

During recess: • • • • • •

Not to re-enter the building unless for an emergency To display good sportsmanship and exercise self-control To play in assigned areas only To stay on school grounds at all times (This includes not retrieving a ball that has gone off school grounds.) To obey the directives of playground supervisors, courteously and promptly To stop playing at the first bell and walk quietly to the designated area to get into line


During lunch: • •

To remain seated until finished eating and the recess bell rings To clean up, pick up all papers, scraps of food, etc., and dispose of them properly

After school: • • • •

To follow dismissal procedures To walk to assigned place to wait until bus or car ride arrives Not to run or play on school grounds during dismissal To leave the school grounds immediately

At athletic events and assemblies: • • •

To practice good sportsmanship as spectators and participants To show respect towards coaches, referees and visiting teams To maintain an appropriate silence during special performances

Outside school: • To behave responsibly off school property when representing the school. (If the principal is made aware of misconduct off school property of a child recognized to be a student at Mary of Nazareth Catholic School, parents may be contacted; however, it is important to note that the school is not responsible for student’s actions that occur off school property when the student is not representing the school). • Principals will forward disciplinary notices given by public school bus drivers to parents to support the disciplinary report of the bus driver. Harassment Policy Harassment is punishable by an immediate one (or more) day suspension for the first offense. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated. Unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct that offends, denigrates or belittles an individual is considered harassment. This includes but is not limited to lewd, vulgar or profane language and gestures, sexual comment/remarks or actions, unwanted or unnecessary physical contact or any other behavior that disrupts a student’s opportunity to learn. When any of the above occurs, the child must be enrolled in the school SAP program and possibly in private counseling. Hazing Policy Hazing: Any intentional, knowing or reckless act meant to induce pain, embarrassment, humiliation, deprivation of rights or that creates physical or mental discomfort, and is directed against a student for the purpose of being initiated into, affiliated with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization, club, athletic team sponsored or supported by any parish, elementary or secondary school in the Diocese of Pittsburgh The following are examples of hazing; hazing is not limited to just these offenses.


• Recklessly or intentionally endangering the physical health, mental health, safety, or dignity of a person • Willful destruction or removal of public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into affiliation with, or as a condition of continued membership in any organization • Forcing or requiring the drinking of alcohol or any other substance • Forcing or requiring the eating of food or anything an individual refuses to eat • Calisthenics such as push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, and runs • Paddling or striking in any manner • Treasure or scavenger hunts, road trips • Marking, branding, or shaving the head or body hair • Preventing/restricting normal personal hygiene • Sexual harassment, such as “tea bagging”, causing indecent exposure or nudity at any time • Physical harassment such as pushing, cursing, shouting, etc. • Requiring uncomfortable, ridiculous, or embarrassing dress • Requiring the carrying of items • Requiring personal service or acts of servitude • Treating a person in a degrading or demeaning manner • Requiring New Members to practice periods of silence • Conducting “interrogations” or any other types of questioning POLICY AND PROCEDURE A. If a hazing incident is witnessed by a student or supervising adult, it is his/her responsibility to report the incident to the principal. B. Individuals or groups found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action that could include suspension or expulsion from the school. C. The school principal will be responsible for the full implementation of the anti-hazing policy. It is his/her responsibility, in conjunction with the Department for Catholic Schools, to determine if there has been a violation of this policy. If the principal determines that such a violation did involve one or more of the students at the school, the principal must immediately insure that the following steps are taken: a. Immediately contact the Superintendent for Catholic Schools or Assistant Superintendent who will advise the principal as to what steps should be taken in addressing this situation, including possible contact with the police. b. Submit a written report by fax to 412-456-3098 within 24 hours with the details of the suspected violation of the anti-hazing policy. c. Ensure that Media contact will be handled in accordance to the External Communication Policy of the diocese. d. Conduct any investigation of the incident that is warranted with the school staff under the direction of the Department for Catholic Schools. Appropriate intermediate steps including suspension will be determined by the principal after consultation with the Superintendent. e. Final actions, including such decisions as expulsions or cessation of activities, will be made by the school and the Department for Catholic Schools.


Discipline Code The disciplinary code spells out the regulations of the school and the manner in which these will be enforced. It will also indicate whether the infractions are punishable by admonition, suspension, expulsion, or some other penalty. All disciplinary action will be documented and filed. As often as possible, positive reinforcement will be used to bolster self esteem and to eliminate or diffuse a potentially negative situation. Attempting to change negative situations into positive experiences could eliminate the need for disciplinary action. Respect is an absolute necessity! Students and all school personnel will have mutual respect for each other as well as for the position a person may hold. Courtesy, honesty and responsibility are rights and obligations accorded to and expected from all. Students must take seriously their obligation to develop lifetime habits of self control and concern for the well being of others. Home and school will work together to help the student to learn and live the qualities of responsible behavior and the elements of good citizenship. A student who chooses to disrupt the good order of the school or to violate a policy or regulation will have to accept the consequences of those irresponsible choices. Appropriate discipline is within the discretion of the principal/teacher. Accountability for uncooperative or disruptive behavior will take the following forms: •

• • •

Actions which violate the law, threaten, or cause harm to other students or staff members, disrupt or impede the welfare and progress of the school community or bring discredit to the school will not be tolerated. Such actions or other severe violations of school rules may result in expulsion. If a student persists in violating basic obligations of courtesy, consideration, respect, cooperation or safety, a Principal/Parent/Student conference will be scheduled. All subsequent discipline, counseling consultation and corrective action plans will be reviewed as positive home school efforts to help the student improve behavior. If these cooperative efforts of parents and school staff prove ineffective, the student will be subject to expulsion. When detention is scheduled, parents will be notified. Students may only be dismissed from detention to a parent/guardian or another responsible adult age 21 of older. Most suspensions will be held in school. The student will work alone the full day under the supervision of an adult. Expulsion is viewed as a radical action at which point the school is saying the student’s interest would be better served in another environment or that the student’s behavior is a serious threat to the school community or both.

In order to provide school wide discipline, consequences will be given in accordance to the violation. The following list, which is not intended to be exhaustive, will be handled in the classroom or by the administration if necessary. • Disregard of specific classroom rules • Disrespecting the rights and property of others • Disruption of learning • Uniform violation • Verbal abuse • Fighting 33

• • •

Use of profane language or gestures Gum chewing Technology violations

Major violations will be handled by the principal with the assistance of the Board of Pastors and the teacher. Major violations will require a meeting with the parents/guardians at which time an appropriate consequence will be made manifest. Major violations include but are not limited to: • • • • • • •

Vandalism or theft regarding any school/personal property. (Parents are liable for damages) Possession of matches, lighters, alcohol, drugs, weapons (or any instruments that may be construed to be a weapon whether real or imitation), contraband material/substance or obscene pictures/magazines. Truancy Serious injury to another Blatant defiance of an authority figure (faculty member or other duly appointed adult) Alcohol, tobacco (including vaping), drugs and/or drug paraphernalia Sexual harassment (written, verbal, technological, et al.) Consequences

Please be aware that any disrespect, destructive act or inappropriate behavior will be dealt with accordingly. If an individual student does not meet his/her personal responsibility for good conduct, the school may discipline the student. The severity or repetitive nature of non-compliance to the above expectations will determine the appropriate consequences. To remediate unacceptable behavior, the following actions may be taken: • • • • • • • • • • •

Teacher/students conference to develop a plan for remediation Notification to parents Administrative referral Referral to the SAP team School service required Loss of recess Detention Denial of participation in school activities, including sports School probation Suspension Expulsion

The following behaviors will result in immediate administrative referrals and can result in referrals to law enforcement or other government agencies. • Vandalism or theft regarding any school/personal property. • Possession of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and/or drug paraphernalia 34

• •

Possession of weapons (or any instruments that may be construed to be a weapon whether real or imitation), contraband material/substance or obscene pictures/magazines. Written, verbal, technological, et al, threats to cause violence, injury, bodily harm, or abuse of any kind to a student, a student’s family, a staff member or a staff member’s family. Substance Abuse

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is a drug free, alcohol free, tobacco free school! The possession, use, sale, distribution and/or intent of distribution of any illegal or controlled mood altering medication, chemical and/or alcoholic substances are absolutely prohibited on school property and/or at any school sponsored event. Tobacco use in any form is not permitted. Violation of this policy will result in immediate expulsion from Mary of Nazareth Catholic School, notification of municipal authorities and referral of student to the appropriate drug and/or alcohol agency. Tobacco/Smoking Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is a smoke free building. Act 1988-168 prohibits the use of tobacco on school property, including school buses. The possession and/or use of tobacco by any student will result in an immediate ten day in school suspension. Weapons Weapons will not be brought onto school property, including but not limited to, the school building, outdoor facilities, playground, school buses and/or to any school related activities. A weapon shall include but not be limited to any type of knife, cutting instrument/tool, nunchuck sticks, box cutters, firearms, laser light pens or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting bodily injury, which is possessed under circumstances not appropriate for lawful uses which it may have. This includes firearms that are not loaded or lack a clip or other component to render it inoperable. A person in possession of a weapon also violates state criminal statutes. Violation of this policy will result in immediate expulsion from Mary of Nazareth Catholic School and notification of municipal authorities. Electronic Equipment Recorders, radios, DVD players, MP3 players, iPods, iPads, beepers, cell phones, laser pointers, cameras and lap top computers or any other computerized/digital equipment are not permitted to be brought to school. Cell phones cannot be used by any student during the school day. If a child uses a cell phone during school, the cell phone will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will have to come to school to get the phone. Use includes text messages, vocal messages, picture taking, recording, playing games, etc. The use of a cell phone in school will be cause for suspension. IV.

Dress Code

Mary of Nazareth Catholic School maintains the right to establish a uniform dress code for its students. It is recognized that proper school attire and good grooming are conducive to a student’s educational and social development. This dress code was developed: 35

• • • • •

To promote a Christian atmosphere To free children for academic concentration To de-emphasize competition among children regarding clothing To allow more economical dress for school To provide some choice to accommodate individual differences

This dress code is required of all students in grades kindergarten through eight. This policy is intended to maintain a standard of dress that is neat, economical, modest and attractive. Children need to attend school ready to go about the business of learning and clothes and hairstyles should not be a deterrent to learning. Parents are requested to support the dress code by monitoring their child’s dress for school. Preschool – Grade 8 Socks or stockings must be worn at all times including at school related functions. All shoes including sandals must have a back strap. Level K-8 Uniform All components of the school uniform must be purchased through Schoolbelles Uniform Company. Plain white shirts and/or plain white blouses can be purchased anywhere. Girls Level K-8 •

Girls in levels K-3 must wear plaid jumper with a white blouse and Peter Pan collar, girls in grades 4 and 5 will wear a plaid skirt and white blouse with a Peter Pan collar and in level 6-8 the uniform is plaid skirt and white Oxford blouse on school liturgy days. The length of this apparel is to be no more than two inches above the knee. When purchasing these items, account for growth during the year by wearing clothing a little longer in the fall.

Girls Required Uniform: (Liturgy) Levels K-3 Levels 4-8 Levels K-5 Levels 6-8

Jumper, uniform plaid One inch pleated skirt in uniform plaid or Wrap-Around Kilt Skirt or Pleated/Flat front Skort Peter Pan blouse, white (short/long sleeve) Oxford blouse, white (short/long sleeve)

Boys Required Uniform: (Liturgy) Levels K-8

Navy blue trousers, navy blue, black or brown belt White Oxford or cotton dress shirt; long/short sleeve (tucked into trousers) Uniform plaid tie

Girls Optional Uniform: Levels K-8

Slacks: Navy/Khaki 36

Knit Short/Long Sleeve Golf Shirt: Gold with school monogram or Navy with school monogram Shorts: Navy or Khaki Hosiery: Knee Hi’s, Cotton Knee Socks, Ankle High Crew socks Boys Optional Uniform: Levels K-8

Slacks: Navy/Khaki Knit Short/Long Sleeve Golf Shirt: Gold with school monogram or Navy with school monogram. Shirts must always be tucked in to trousers. Shorts: Navy or Khaki Hosiery: Cotton Knee Socks, Ankle High Crew socks

Boys and Girls: Walking shorts:

Trousers: Knit shirts: Shoes:



Navy blue or khaki; navy blue, black or brown belt Shorts must be worn with regular school shoes and socks. Shorts may be worn from August to October 31 and again from May 1 to the end of school.

Navy blue or khaki; must be worn with a navy blue, black or brown belt Must have school name and must be tucked into trousers/shorts; can be long/short sleeve Dress shoes with leather or crepe soles Loafers, tie shoes or slip-ons No backless shoes (This is a safety issue). Shoes should be at least ankle high Shoes with laces must be tied Gym or tennis shoes can only be worn during gym class Sport shoes cannot be worn as school shoes Both socks have to be the same color Boys need to have socks at all times Girls need to have socks, tights, or pantyhose on at all times Hair color cannot be altered. Hair must be neat, clean and off of the face Hair length for boys is no longer than the shirt color Girl’s headbands, barrettes, ribbons or bows must be small in size and in a complimentary color Heads cannot be shaved nor are Mohawk haircuts permitted.


Can not be worn in the school building.


Students may wear only one small earring in each ear Students cannot wear heavy chains or necklaces 37

Students may only wear one bracelet at a time Students may wear one ring on each ring finger Tattoos:

May not be worn for any reason. If a student has a tattoo, it must be completely covered at all times.


May not be worn during the school day


Students may not wear jewelry in any piercing other than the ears

The principal/teacher has the authority to determine whether the school uniform dress code is being followed. Dress Down Code • • • • • • •

On dress down days, students will not wear jeans below their waist. Shorts must be no more than four inches above the knee. Sleeveless tops will not be worn. Imprint on T-shirts etc. must be school appropriate. For safety, all tie shoes will be tied. Blouses will not be see-through. Underwear will not be visible.

Gym Uniforms The following must be worn: a solid white color T-shirt, navy shorts that are knee length, white socks and tennis shoes. All clothing must be labeled. V.

Health and Safety

It is often difficult to decide if your child should stay home from school when complaining of illness. An objective sign is an elevated temperature. Children must be kept home from school until the temperature is normal for 24 hours. When your child tells you that he/she feels sick, please do not send them to school and tell them that if he/she continues to feel sick to let the teacher know. In a child’s mind this is license to go home. Please keep him/her home so that other students aren’t exposed to the illness. If a child has a temperature, skin rash, diarrhea/vomiting, sore throat, earache or evidence of lice, the child will be sent home. Parents are asked to use discretion in sending their children to school if they display any of these symptoms. Please inform the school office if your child becomes sick with a contagious illness. Notes will be sent home with the other children to warn parents of contact and incubation of communicable diseases. If your child has had or has been exposed to a communicable disease, he/she must bring in a doctor’s note telling us that he/she is no longer contagious. The note must also contain the name of the communicable disease. If your child is in school with a rash or other unknown malady, he/she will be isolated from the other students while waiting to be picked up. You will be asked to present a doctor’s note telling what the rash/malady is, whether or not it is contagious, and when the child is cleared to return to school. 38

Immunization Requirements Required for attendance. All of the following immunizations are required as a condition of attendance at school in this Commonwealth: (1) Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Four or more properly-spaced doses administered in a combination form (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) or diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis (DTP)). If a child has a contraindication to pertussis vaccine, the child shall receive diphtheria—tetanus toxoid vaccine (DT) to complete the vaccination series. The fourth dose shall be administered on or after the 4th birthday. (2) Poliomyelitis. Four properly-spaced doses of either oral polio vaccine or inactivated polio vaccine, which may be administered as a single antigen vaccine, or in a combination form. The fourth dose shall be administered on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose. (3) Measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella (German measles). One of the following: (i) Multiple antigens. Two properly-spaced doses of live attenuated measles, mumps, rubella combination vaccine, the first dose administered at 12 months of age or older. (ii) Single antigens. In the event the antigens were given separately, and not in a combination vaccine, the dosage is as follows: (A) Two properly-spaced doses of live attenuated measles vaccine, the first dose administered at 12 months of age or older. (B) One dose of live attenuated rubella vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older. (C) Two properly-spaced doses of live attenuated mumps vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older. (iii) Evidence of immunity. Evidence of immunity may be shown by a history of measles and rubella immunity proved by laboratory testing by a laboratory with the appropriate certification and a written statement of a history of mumps disease from a physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant. (4) Hepatitis B. Three properly-spaced doses of hepatitis B vaccine, unless a child receives a vaccine as approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for a two-dose regimen, or a history of hepatitis B immunity proved by laboratory testing. Hepatitis B vaccine may be administered as single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (5) Varicella (chickenpox). One of the following: (i) Varicella vaccine. Two properly-spaced doses of varicella vaccine, the first dose administered at 12 months of age or older. Varicella vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (ii) Evidence of immunity. Evidence of immunity may be shown by one of the following: (A) Laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease. (B) A written statement of a history of chickenpox disease from a parent, guardian, physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant. (C) Special requirements for tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine and meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV). 39

(1) Required for entry into 7th grade. In addition to the immunizations listed in subsection (b), the following immunizations are required at any public, private, parochial or nonpublic school in this Commonwealth, including vocational schools, intermediate units, special education and home education programs, and cyber and charter schools, as a condition of entry for students entering the 7th grade, or, in an ungraded class, for students in the school year that the student is 12 years of age: (i) Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap). One dose of Tdap in a combination form. (ii) Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV). One dose of MCV. (iii) Exclusion. A child who does not have an exemption as permitted by § 23.84 (relating to exemption from immunization) and who does not receive the immunizations as required in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) may be excluded in that school year and each succeeding school year that the child fails to obtain the required immunization. Accidents and Injury In the case of accidents or injury at school, parents are contacted to take the child home, to the doctor or to the hospital. It is important for your child’s safety and comfort, as well as the effective operation of the office that emergency information needed to locate parent/guardian is available for each child and that this information is kept up to date by parent/guardian. Parents/guardians of children who have any type of physical disorder should contact the principal, school nurse and teachers to make them aware of the problem. All cases of head lice must be reported to the school immediately. Dentist/Dental Hygienist The Dentist/Dental Hygienist makes routine visits to our school and is responsible for maintaining all dental records. The Pennsylvania School Health Law requires dental examinations for students entering grades 1, 3, and 7. These grades were selected because they represent critical periods of growth and development in a child’s life. Fire Drills Fire drills are held monthly, weather permitting. Exit directions, which are posted in prominent places in each room, are to be followed. No one, teacher, student or other personnel may remain in the building during fire drills. When the students hear the bell, they are to leave the room quickly and quietly in single file lines. Students remain outside until summoned back to class. Lock Down Drills Lock down drills, like fire drills will be conducted monthly. During the drills, all school personnel and students will assume the lock down position. The building will be swept for security and upon completion of the drill, everyone will continue the regular day. Medication Whenever possible, medicine is to be given at home. Parents should request that the attending physician adjust the schedule for administration so that medication can be given before and after school hours. If medicine must be administered at school, the following guidelines apply: 40

1. The medication must be delivered to the school by a responsible adult along with a physician’s written request for distribution by school personnel. 2. Medication brought to school must be in a container labeled by a pharmacist or doctor. The label must include the student’s name, the name of the physician, date of prescription, dosage, and frequency of administration. 3. Parents/guardians must sign an Indemnity Agreement that has been prepared by the Legal Office and distributed through the school office. 4. The medication must contain all physicians’ instructions. Playground When enough monitors are present and weather permitting, the students enjoy an outside break supervised by a staff member and volunteer monitors. Organized play is encouraged. Rough games, stone throwing, etc. are not permitted. Students are never to leave the playground area without the permission of the principal and the knowledge of the playground monitor. In case of illness or accident, the student is to report to the school office. Lunch monitors have the responsibility of enforcing rules. They are to be obeyed and treated respectfully. When the bell rings to end the playground session, the students will be brought to the gym where they will meet their teachers. The following rules are to be observed on the playground: • • • • • •

Do not re-enter the building unless for an emergency Display good sportsmanship and exercise self-control Play in assigned areas Stay on school grounds (This includes not retrieving a ball that has gone off school grounds) Obey the directives of the playground monitors, courteously and promptly Stop playing at once when the first bell rings and walk quietly to the line

If inclement weather makes it necessary to stay indoors at lunchtime, classroom rules are to be observed: • •

Stay in seat Engage in quiet activities School Nurse/Nurse Practitioner

One school nurse is assigned to Mary of Nazareth Catholic School each year and is present in the building twice per week. She is available in any emergency situations. The responsibilities of the school nurse include: • •

Keeping updated health records for all students Screening students for hearing in grades K, 1, 2, 3, and 7 41

• • • • •

Assuring the completion of a physical examination before entrance to school and in the 6 th grade Screening students for vision Scoliosis screening in grade 7 Recording height and weight for students Recording required immunizations Security

All doors to the school will be closed and locked during school hours. Students will always be able to leave the building as all doors are fire doors. Parents/guardians and visitors must enter through the main school door to gain entrance to the building. Visitors For security reasons, anyone entering Mary of Nazareth Catholic School is to report to the office immediately regardless of the purpose of the visit. For the safety of all students, a visitor’s badge must be worn. Communication with teachers and students will be handled by the school office and will be done in a manner that does not disrupt the educational process in the school. Any articles or items to be left for a student will be left in the school office. This will eliminate any unnecessary interruptions to classes and instruction. Weather Emergency Drills Weather emergency drills are practiced twice a year. Teachers follow the policy governing weather emergencies for student safety. Students must maintain silence at all times during a weather emergency drill.

The Board of Pastors and/or the Principal can amend this handbook at any time.


Mary of Nazareth Catholic School Handbook Signature Page 2018-2019

It is important that parents/guardians, students, and staff know the policies and procedures of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. To ensure that the process of communication is complete, please read the Student/Parent Handbook with your children. When you have reviewed the contents, please sign and return this form to the school office via your child. Family Name (Print Legibly):_______________________________________________________ Children’s Name(s): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ I have reviewed and understand the contents of the Student/Parent Handbook of Mary of Nazareth Catholic School. Parent Signature:________________________________________________________________

Print Name:___________________________________ Date: ________________

Please return this sheet by Friday, August 31, 2018.

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