Natalia Maksymowicz

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1. In my opinion, AIESEC, first of all, is a group of people whom I treat as a family. That's why I am focused on a common success. Ever since I joined AIESEC, a lot of changes happened in my life. Due to a lot of situations which made me leave my comfort zone quite often, I changed from a shy and quiet girl into a charismatic person who is capable of taking risks. 2. The AIESEC should have a trust of the OC. They should be understanding and friendly, at the same time should be strict and charismatic. They should also inspire the OC to develop their skills and take new challenges. In my AIESEC path I learnt to be strict, and my character causes that I try to be understanding and friendly. I am aware of the fact that I might still be lacking in charisma but I'm no longer preoccupied before public performance, so there is a considerable progress in this area. 3. EB should give a good example and try to integrate everybody in the LC. They should be full of positive energy. It is difficult to work with the people whom we don't know. I will try to do my best to fulfill my duties, as well as keep good relations within the EB, so that the others know what a good team should look. 4. *the improvement reception, so that the interns will be a walking promotion of the LC We have to make people realize how important it is to take care of the interns. We shouldn't allow such an attitude that someone will do our stuff instead of us. We should also make more interesting events, so that everybody can have fun without having to drink beer. * the popularity of our logo Still not too many people know AIESEC, and how shall we expect the companies to trust something that is not visible? Therefore we need to work on the visibility of our logo and of Eddie. We should make the symbols of AIESEC visible everywhere possible so that people hear about AIESEC. Comics, recording, flyers, T-shirts, stickers, etc * integration of the LC members The meetings of the MM and LCM, or going out with a LC gadgets (promotion amongst the students and the integration at the same time), a get to known with more people. Going ice-skating or to the cinema together etc. 5. Living diversity – ever since I joined AIESEC I was a person who was responsible for contacts with foreigners and I enjoy spending Times with the foreigners, even the people of contradictory characters.

Activation of leaders – I'm an OCP and I realize this isn't the easiest task there is, but anyway I'm trying to encourage others to give it a try and take up this challenge. It's because I believe it changes a person forever and it helps to draw conclusions for the future. Enjoying cooperation – I'm a 100% team player, and I find it motivating and pleasant to be around people. I'm very happy if the atmosphere in the team is perfect. 6. Global Internship Program - AIESEC is all about multiculturality, so the OGX should definitely more help with promotion and search of interesting internships for the future EP Team Member Program- The OC must have a feeling that they belong to the team. Unfortunately, some of the OC, who are braver or more charismatic, are more active outside of the project, motivated by the surrounding. I know that if the EB and MM will try to integrate with the OC, this way they will get mutually motivated and share new ideas. 7. *recently I managed to motivate one of my friends to follow her dreams and now she's been navigating on the Red Sea, to finally get to see the coral reef, of which she has been dreaming for the past 15 years. * I managed to convince my OC to take up a challenge and apply for the leaders commission * as an OCP of the Inspirator Project, I enable the interns to influence the youngest members of the society * and now, the best part: I managed to convince 65 year old aunt to use life and now she is studying IT at the Third Age University Finance -What steps would you take to ensure that every project in LC Łódź is self-financing? The exchange projects should find a long term relationship with schools which guarantee accommodation, such as hotels, students dorms etc, which which we could sign an agreement, and with whom we could rent rooms for 6 weeks and who could give us a discount. Try to find partnership and financing and media support.

Talent Management -How would you like to implement Reward and Recognition system inside project? Suggest at least two solutions and time line for implementation. Public rewards motivate people, because these days it is hard to find financing for bonuses such as conferences, or gadgets. Communication -Considering the recognition of AIESEC LC Lodz among the students in Lodz, evaluate shortly the current state of brand recognition and brand experience at universities in Lodz. Please suggest the ways to improve this process by mentioning at least 5 solutions. In my opinion nobody knowi AIESEC so we should show it to the big gest Mount of people possibile: * group pictures in LC t-shirts * posting the stickers with our logo or with Eddie

* create channels on youtube with our conferences and AIESEC dances * use demotivators and kwejk to publish our comics with Eddy and with the logo of our LC and a website link * take care of our facebook fanpage *our posters and websites should look professional -.How do you think AIESEC in Lodz could benefit from the cooperation with local government of Lodz (The City of Lodz Office, Marshal's Office of the lodzkie region). How would you improve the relations with them and start constant cooperation? Please specify at least 3 actions. We should think what we need and what we could give In Exchange Take the initiative so that everybody knows we are willing to cooperate Make public appearances and make open projects so that the student societies notice us and ask us to cooperate

External Relations -What should be the focus of the ER area for the term 13/14 to ensure financial stability of the Local Committee? Get as many media patronate as possibile MR Better trainings for the OC who will be going to the companies, so that we can sell more products

ICX -In your opinion, what are the main benefits for companies who are cooperating with GIP program. Suggest at least 3 ideas how to improve positioning GIP program in external environment as First Choice Partner. English in the workplace Knowing the different job market Fully qualified partner A translator for the business meetings

OGX -Describe two crucial synergies that can work between OGX and other areas. Common events for the IGX and ICX, where the EPs can tell their internship stories for the coordinators of the GIP and iGCDP Common internet websites Help with the promotion

Natalia Maksymowicz Date of birth: 27.11.1991 Telephone: 503 323 170 E-mail: Address: Horodnianka 8/1 19-020 Czarna Białostocka

Education From 10.2010 Wyższa Szkoła informatyki w Łodzi, (??) Wydział Sztuk Pięknych i Projektowych (??) Major:: Artystyczna grafika komputerowa – B.A. studies From 09.2007 till 06.2010 VII Liceum Ogólnokształcące o profilu artystycznym w Białymstoku (?) Art High school? School of Art.?

Career overview: from 03.2012 AIESEC poland OC team member -making posters in DIVERSITY -taking care of the EPs Organization of activities for the LC -OCP Inspirator 2013 -award for active participation In marketing -summer internship in AIESEC Łódź in marketing SKILLS: Trainings: 07.2008 and 07.2009 Kaplan ESL Vacation Course Languages: English: proficient skills: Computer and programmes: (MS Office, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator, Adobe Flash, Corel Draw, 3D Max) Knowledge of Windows and Macintosh

Interests: computer graphics, koncept art., animation, music, travelling, art, graphic tablets, drawing, painting

Natalia Maksymowicz Horodnianka 8/1 Czarna Białostocka 19-020 Tel: 503323170 e-mail:

Łódź 12.02.2013

Hey AIESEC! My name is Natalia, and I would like to apply for the Local Committee Vice President of Communication position 2013/2014 in the Local Committee Lodz. I chose this area because managing the incoming exchange will help me start my careers in marketing. I strongly believe that my performance in AIESEC so far proves that I am a responsible, communicative and positive person with many ideas and open-minded nature. These are the key skills that, in my opinion, each Executive Board member should possess. Many graphics that were created for the benefit of our committee such as: posters, rollups, etc. were designed by me during my practice in AIESEC. I have many ideas on how to promote your LC by students who previously have not been used. Sincerely yours, Natalia Maksymowicz

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