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2.3 Sustainability Parameters


On Social Development, the World Summit in 2005, identified three major areas that contribute significantly to the social science and philosophy of sustainable development. These “pillars” in many certification schemes and national standards, form the backbone of solving the main issues that the world faces now.


Figure 2.1: Venn diagram of sustainable development: at the confluence of three constituent parts Figure 2.2: A diagram indicating the relationship between the “three pillars of sustainability”, in which both economy and society are constrained by environmental limits

2.3.1 Environmental Sustainability

Previously it was known as the prime reason for sustainability. It continues to play an important role and has been further incorporated into the corporate habitat.

Environmental sustainability means giving the planet to future generations better than how it was taken, protecting natural systems and ecological balance from destruction. It is necessary to take into consideration ecological balance and saving in consumption of non-renewable resources Sustainability of a resource is dependent on ability of renewal itself at the same time. To keep it simple, environmental sustainability means handing over of natural resources to the future generations without any destruction. For this reason, when determining usage level of natural resources; it must be taken into consideration the rates of renewal of these resources

Environmental sustainability requires being thoughtful in the subjects of

• Protection of liveliness and variety on the earth,

• Conservation of life-supporting systems,

• Sustainable use of renewable resources, • Savings in using non-renewable resources,

• Minimizing destruction to the environment and its living things, and • Protection of cultural and historical environments.

2.3.2 Economic Sustainability

The economic pillar has the most innovative possibilities to combine sustainable practices, technology, and money-making tools.

The development models that we see today depends on boundless production and consumption of services and products. When it is taken into consideration from an ecological aspect, an above-mentioned model requires using existing resources as if they are endless. Nevertheless, it is a fact that these resources which can meet the basic needs of people are finite and these resources are getting reduces day by day without restoration as a result of excessive usage. On the other hand, again it is clear that there are environmental issues as a result of wastes which are results of this consumption. In economic process, because production - consumption balance must be set by considering ecological susceptibilities and social fair matters, economic sustainability is one of the major subjects of sustainable development.

A sustainable economic development requires;

• Strengthen and maintain current jobs • Promote stimulants that work with human nature to encourage sustainable practices. • Promote fully informed accounting and market practices to promote environmental health and social prosperity.

• Improve understanding and quantification of ecosystem services in cost benefit analysis. • Positively impact costs of processes, services, and products throughout the full lifecycle

• Promote cost structures that reduce risk and premium for new technologies.

2.3.3 Social Sustainability

The social pillar with the quality of life as one of the major priorities is focused on wellness, health, and education of the people.

Social Sustainability which is an important goal of sustainable development aims at some basic freedoms and rights simply related to being a human. The most important one of basic right and freedom is equality and balance among generations. Resources can be transferred down to next generation to assist their existences and provide their wealth. A sustainable economic development need:

• Protect health of communities affected by pollution by empowering them to take action to improve their environment and health.

• Strengthen the education about sustainability of the common public, stakeholders, and affected groups.

• Protect, preserve and restore access to basic resources like food, water, land, and energy for present and future generations.

• Encourage the development, planning, modification or building of communities to promote sustainable living.

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