A publication of the Maryland Province Jesuits Autumn 2009 | Vol. 4 No. 1
of God
Page 10
Ignatian Spirituality Conference Page 3 | Honor Roll of Donors Page 13
& then
Photos courtesy Brian Gnatt, Georgetown Preparatory School
Moving In Day at Georgetown Prep— Although the sports jackets and dresses worn on Moving In Day at Georgetown Prep in the early 1960s (left photo) have been replaced by shorts and sneakers, the corridors of Boland Hall remain a place to meet new people and catch up with old friends as they did when the new school year got underway Aug. 30 (top photo). Boland Hall is Georgetown Prep’a main residence for students as well as the main administrative building on the North Bethesda, Md., campus.
around the province
Ignatian Imprints is a
publication of the Maryland province of the Society of
Jesus. Now published as an
insert to Company magazine,
Ignatian Imprints is designed to highlight the works and
people of the province engaged in spreading the Ignatian goal of forming “men and women
for others.” Published quarterly, the magazine endeavors to
inform, teach and spread the Good News.
James M. Shea, SJ Provincial Mary K. Tilghman Editor and Designer Ed Plocha Director of Advancement Betty Shenk Advancement Assistant Joe Young Web Editor Please send subscription re-
quests, letters to the editor and other correspondence to:
Ignatian Imprints
6800 LaSalle Road, Suite 620 Towson, MD 21286 443-921-1310 www.mdsj.org
Photos by William Rickle, SJ
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio anoints the hands of Richard Curry, SJ, at his ordination to the priesthood. Below, Fr. Curry poses with family members, Archbishop Broglio and James M. Shea, SJ, provincial of the Maryland Province
Brother Richard J. Curry ordained a priest Richard J. Curry, SJ, was ordained to the priesthood at Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown, Washington, D.C, onSept. 13, at 7:30 p.m. The Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, Archbishop for Military Services, presided. Following ordination, Fr. Curry offered Masses of Thanksgiving Sept. 20, at Holy Trinity Church, Washington, D.C.; Sept. 27, at Old St. Joseph’s Church, Philadelphia, and Oct. 4 at St. Ignatius Loyola Church, New York City. Fr. Curry, a native of Philadelphia and a Jesuit since 1962, is the founder-director of the National Theatre
Workshop of the Handicapped in New York City and director of the Jesuit Academy for Veterans at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He has also published books on Jesuit bread making and soup making and founded a bakery to support people with disabilities, and works with military chaplains on post-traumatic stress syndrome and spirituality.
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Fr. O’Brien to work with WJU alumni
James O’Brien, SJ, has been named special assistant for alumni relations at Wheeling Jesuit University. Fr. O’Brien will work 10-15 hours a week, assisting Kelly Klubert ’85, director of advancement and alumni relations, with her work in developing active alumni chapters in Washington, D.C.; Baltimore; and Cleveland. Fr. O’Brien will also work with currently active alumni chapters, offering guidance, support and encouragement. Fr. O’Brien has taught at Wheeling for 47 years and remains active as a professor in the philosophy department. He has a strong interest in justice and peace issues and is well known for his service trips to assist the underserved in southern West Virginia.
Ignatian spirituality series set
Loyola Blakefield will sponsor a series of presentations on the Ignatian Vision and Mission. This year, these presentations will center on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, the seminal work which forms the basis of Ignatian Spirituality. Speakers participating in this year’s program are: • J-Glenn Murray, SJ, who will speak on Thursday, Oct. 22 on Gratitude; • Howard Gray, SJ, who will speak on Thursday, Dec. 3, on Healing; • Dr. Tim Muldoon, who will speak on Thursday, March 4, on the Call; and • Dr. Ronald Modras, who will speak on
First Vows
Five Jesuits pronounced First Vows Aug. 15, at Holy Cross Church in Dewitt, N.Y. They are (left to right) John Peck, SJ (MAR), A.J. Rizzo, SJ (MAR), Travis Stoops (MAR), Henry Shea, SJ (MAR) and Dan Corrou, SJ (NEN).
around the province Thursday, May 6 on Co-Laboring. These talks will take place in the Chapel of Our Lady of Montserrat in Burk Hall at Loyola Blakefield at 7 p.m. For details, contact John Weetenkamp, director of Ignatian Mission and Identity, at jweetenkamp@loyolablakefield.org or at 443-841-3524.
Pope blesses Vatican observatory
Pope Benedict XVI visited the new headquarters of the Vatican Observatory at Castelgandolfo Sept. 16. Fr. General Adolfo Nicolas and the Observatory staff were there to welcome the Pope, who blessed the new offices and Jesuit residence which the Vatican recently renovated for the Observatory in the papal gardens of Castelgandolfo, replacing its offices which were previously located in the papal villa. Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, of the Maryland Province is featured showing the pontiff around in a video taken during the visit. View the video at www. youtube.com/watch?v=CYgIxSdsM08
St. Aloysius marks 150th year
St. Aloysius Church in Washington, D.C., will celebrate its 150th anniversary on the weekend of October 16-18. The anniversary Mass will be offered Oct. 18 at 9:30 a.m. Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, D.C., will preside and preach. There will be a light reception afterwards. For details, go to www.stalschurchdc.org
Seeing God’s work through an Ignatian lens
Photos by Richard Roos, SJ
Brian McDermott, SJ, a professor at Loyola College, listens to a participant during the question and answer session that followed his presentation at the conference on Ignatian spirituality.
Jesuits, lay colleagues gather at Fordham University to explore how God sees us and how we can see God By Peter Feuerherd They included a psychologist from Ecuador, with others coming from as far as California and Canada, and as close as the Bronx. A diverse group, some speaking English, others Spanish, some with doctorates and others without college degrees, the 430 participants at a conference on Ignatian Spirituality held at Fordham University in June heard how God sees the big picture, and, at the same time, works in the intimate details of business and family life. Sponsored by the Jesuit Collaborative, a project of the New York, Maryland and New England provinces, the conference was a second large-scale bringing together of spiritual counselors and others steeped in Jesuit spirituality. A similar conference was held two years ago at Fairfield University in Connecticut. The Jesuit Collaborative, formed in
2006, promotes Jesuit spiritual practices and education among clergy and laity. Keynote speaker Brian McDermott, SJ, professor of theology and pastoral counseling at Loyola University in Maryland, told participants to view God’s activity in the world as akin to checking a location via Google Earth, drawing down to a look at a single individual. Father McDermott used the example of “Steve,” the head of Human Resources at a software company navigating through troubled times.
Anxiety in modern times
Steve suffers from a common anxiety among those, once part of a booming economy, now forced to participate in the lay-offs of valued work colleagues. “He feels he is the object of all kinds of spite and anger,” said Father McDermott, adding that Steve often thinks about questions such as “What is God ignatian imprints | 3
The role of Jesuit spirituality, said Fr. McDermott, is to help people see how God is working through individuals and communities to shape lives, despite struggles and heartache. up to in my company?” “What should I want God to major tenet of Ignatian spirituality about God’s pasdo?” and “Is God abandoning my company?” sionate love for all creation. The role of Jesuit spirituality, said Father McAt St. Anthony’s, children preparing for first Dermott, is to help people such as Steve see how Penance are asked to do their own Examen, an IgGod is working through individuals and communinatian technique in which people are urged to reflect ties to shape lives, despite struggles and heartache. upon their triumphs and failings each day. Children Prayer, liturgies and are taught to use their speakers — in both imagination in their English and Spanish prayer, reflecting upon – hammered the point Scripture passages, such that Ignatian Spiritualas the parable of the ity, formed in the 16thProdigal Son as a story century writings of Igabout God’s mercy and natius of Loyola, the forgiveness. founder of the Jesuits, is Allison Thomas, a a means of opening up parishioner at St. Ignato God’s presence in the tius Church in Brooklives of modern people lyn, a Jesuit parish, atperplexed by difficult tended the workshop times. on children’s spirituality, The Spanish-lanand said that it gave her guage workshops were hope that future genparticularly popular. For erations can retain the example, a workshop treasure of Jesuit spiriBrendan Higgins and James F. Higgins talk during the given in Spanish on Ig- Friday night social held during the conference. tuality. natian Discernment by “If we introduce Claudio Burgaleta, SJ, professor of theology at Fordthis kind of prayer and if we start early, then they ham, attracted a crowd that overflowed the hallways, will really get it later on in life. They will have a gut with participants listening intently from chairs set feeling of what’s right and what’s wrong,” she said. up outside.
The Examen for children
Carol Mackey Doherty and Molly Zarba, religious educators at St. Anthony’s Church in Oceanside, a Jesuit parish on Long Island, emphasized in their workshop that Ignatian spirituality can be made accessible to children as well as mature adults. Ms. Zarba, holding a beach ball in the shape of a globe, indicated how the toy could be used to illustrate a 4 | Autumn 2009
Why bowl alone?
Another keynote speaker, Anastacio Rivera, SJ, associate director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Anaheim, Calif., told a Spanish-language group about the insights of Robert Putnam, a Harvard political scientist, and his theory that Americans have become too individualistic. Mr. Putnam’s landmark work is “Bowling Alone,” which posits that Americans are more inclined to do
things themselves versus relying on others. The end result, as evidenced in bowling alleys, is that people are now less inclined to join leagues and other associations, preferring to bowl on their own. Mr. Putnam says there has been a society-wide breakdown in community activity and social action. Fr. Rivera said that development contrasted with Ignatian spirituality and the Gospel of John, which reveals a God who says, “I want community with you. I love you. I want relationship with you.” Latino immigrants, he said, come to this country with a tradition of strong social and family ties. He warned, however, “We can lose the gift we have been offered,” adding that the choice is stark: “Do we want to be turtles in our shells, or do we want community?” Other speakers brought varied perspectives to the theme of Ignatian spirituality. Charles Moutenot, SJ, president of the Loyola House of Retreats in Morristown, N.J., noted that the Exercises “move us from a narrow piety to an open faith” by encouraging those who undertake them, in the words of Ignatius, to “desire and choose only that which is more conducive to the end for which we are created.” William A. Barry, SJ, co-director of Tertianship for the New England Province of the Jesuits, said that the Ignatian Exercises are based upon “belief that God is active in everyone’s life, that God wants everyone’s friendship.” The Ignatian emphasis on “indifference,” often misunderstood to mean a detached feeling about matters grave and small, is intended to show us “the blind alleys we go down to assuage the desire for God.” Lorrette Pierre, director of religious education at St. Ignatius Church, said she came to the conference as a way to develop her own spiritual growth and to see how that could be applied to her work in her Brooklyn parish.
ignatian spirituality
Jim Conroy, SJ, the newly appointed executive director of the Jesuit Collaborative and Maryland Jesuit, and Anastacio Rivera, SJ, one of the Spanish-speaking keynote presenters at the conference, receive the gifts during Mass. While she had been introduced to Ignatian spirituality, in large part because of the Jesuit presence in her parish, she found the conference helpful in putting it all into context. “It gave us an opportunity to hear where all this came from,” she said. James R. Conroy, SJ, executive director of the Jesuit Collaborative, proclaimed the meeting a success. The large turnout, and its ethnic and regional diversity, made “the case for broad interest in the Spiritual Exercises,” he said. The next large-scale conference sponsored by the Collaborative is expected to be held in two years, most likely at a location in the Maryland Province. Mr. Feuerherd writes from New York. ignatian imprints | 5
‘In love with work Jesuits do’
A.J. Rizzo, SJ, pauses in front of Collins Hall, at Fordham University in Bronx, New York, where the newly vowed Jesuit has begun his studies. Photo courtesy Fordham University, Janet Faller Sassi, photographer
A.J. Rizzo, SJ, has pronounced his first vows and is ready for the next step A.J. Rizzo, SJ First Studies Only a few days after he pronounced his first vows, A.J. Rizzo, SJ, was moving into his new home in Ciszek Hall at Fordham University where he will begin First Studies, two years of graduate level philosophy. He still had to register for classes, buy his books and do all the things a student does to get ready for a new semester. But already, he was feeling prepared. “The novitiate, the first two years, have prepared me well for this next step,” he said. After all the new experiences of these past two years, he’s learned how to adjust, how to feel a little less nervous at new places and new people. He knows, he said, “God is faithful.” “I have met people who have made my life as a Jesuit beautiful and full of joy and I have faith that will happen again.” Mr. Rizzo, a Philadelphia native, spent three years at Loyola Blakefield, a boys preparatory school in suburban Baltimore, before entering the Society of Jesus. At Loyola, he spent a year as assistant to the school’s chaplain, Joseph Michini, SJ, followed by two years as Loyola’s director of Christian service. A graduate of St. Joseph’s Preparatory School in Philadelphia and the University of Scranton, he has gotten to know Jesuits since he took a summer program at the Prep before his eighth grade year. Each experience brought him closer to entering the order. “I first thought about it while I was in high school,” Mr. Rizzo said, remembering “Jesuits at the Prep were real role models for me.” After working along side Jesuits after college graduation — one year volunteering at the Prep and then three years at Loyola — he “fell in love with the work that the Jesuits do.” And something more, too. Ignatian spirituality drew him into a closer relationship with God and with the world. Mr. Rizzo was attracted to the way Jesuits pray and how they see the world. “It spoke to who I am
and who I want to be,” he said. The last two years have been full ones. While studying at the novitiate in Syracuse, Mr. Rizzo has worked in schools, hospitals and in another country. He spent the spring semester in campus ministry at Georgetown University. Last fall, he visited patients and distributed communion in a hospital. The previous spring, he worked at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx, where all first year novices spend time working with terminally-ill patients. Five novices provided physical care for patients as nurses aides. The first semester after his entrance into the Society, he taught English and religion in a grade school in Syracuse — and spent the last hour of each school day helping the first graders get their things together to go home. Every novice makes the 30-day silent retreat, the Spiritual Exercises, and then spends two months in an international apostolic work. Mr. Rizzo went to Belize. He went, he said, “all charged and excited to live out the Ignatian spirituality.” Most of the time was spent in the Jesuit schools and parishes of Belize City where he worked with people of the parishes and little kids of the schools, “meeting God in the people that God sent my way every day.” But the highlight was a visit to Mayan villages in Punta Gorda with a classmate. They lived with families, getting to know them, praying with them. “They took wonderful care of us,” he said, profoundly moved by their lack of materialism and the richness of their love. “It was beautiful to be part of that,” he said. At First Vows, pronounced Aug. 16 in Syracuse, Mr. Rizzo was surrounded by his family — he’s the second oldest of six children — and many of the people from the apostolates where he served. “All my parents and my family want is for me to be happy,” he said, noting the support they’ve given him since he decided to become a Jesuit. At First Vows, they saw how happy Mr. Rizzo is. While at Fordham, Mr. Rizzo will serve as Jesuit liaison for a Jesuit Volunteers community in Harlem and he hopes for another apostolate in the Bronx. ignatian imprints | 7
Halfway to ordination
I have felt since I was a first year novice, I was doing ‘real stuff,’ says second year Regent Peter Folan, SJ Peter Folan, SJ Second Year Regent Six years after Peter Folan entered the Jesuits, he’s a little more than halfway to ordination. “It’s not like I’m spending 11 years in a holding pattern,” Mr. Folan said. “I have felt since I was a first year novice, I was doing ‘real stuff.’”
Now in his second year as an adjunct professor of philosophy at the University of Scranton, Mr. Folan has ministered both in and outside of the classroom. He helped resettle refugees while studying in Syracuse, serviced in campus ministry at LeMoyne College and later full time at Saint Joseph’s University. He tutored in a public high school while studying at Fordham University, directed the Maryland
jesuits in formation
Province’s Family Retreat Program, spend a summer in India and helped out with the Six Weeks a Jesuit program last summer. “As a novice I was doing the work that one day I would be doing as a priest,” Mr. Folan said, noting that that knowledge has sustained him through his years of formation. The Amityville, N.Y., native, who is 31, felt drawn to the priesthood before he considered the Society of Jesus. But it was meeting Jesuits socially and working with a Jesuit while on the staff of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that led him to the order. With each step along the way, particularly the monumental moments such as First Vows, he says the answers to why he became a Jesuit change. And he gets asked about why he wanted to be a priest all the time. He often hears comments such as “You’re such a regular guy; you’re such a normal guy.” “People are interested in why somebody would do this,” he said. Younger people, both Catholic and non-Catholic, are quick to ask about his religious vocation. And Mr. Folan says he welcomes their openness and their interest. “I think there’s something really charming about it,” he said. Learning about Ignatian spirituality, particularly the Spiritual Exercises and the daily Examen, came naturally, said Mr. Folan, a graduate of Chaminade High School and the University of Notre Dame. With his family, he had prayed nightly since he was a little boy and was used to spontaneous prayer. Ignatian prayer, such as the daily Examen, has required him to examine how God had touched his life during each day and he learned the power of reflecting on Gospel stories by putting oneself on the scene. “It was a natural fit for me.” Mr. Folan enjoyed the past year as a philosophy teacher at Scranton and looked forward to another
year of teaching introductory classes (five sections) and a logic course. He’s passionate about the topic he said, and pays attention to university evaluations so he knows what students are thinking as a semester ends. In addition, he works hard to bring a sense of humor into the classroom — something he said he learned was essential while teaching high school for two years. “I want to keep them interested,” he said. Luckily, he has his family to thank for helping him develop a sense of humor. “They help me laugh and laugh at myself,” he said. And living in community with Jesuits, helps him sharpen his wit. “You need some of that,” he added. What’s next? Mr. Folan likes to teach and thinks he’s good at it — but with the Jesuits you just never know what you’ll be asked to do next. And that variety is something he likes. Some things are certain such as the three required years of theology study. So it will be at least another four, maybe five, years to ordination and plenty of more opportunities to bring the Gospel to people hungry for it.
Peter Folan, SJ, speaks with sophomore William Wing and senior Elizabeth Pulice on the campus of The University of Scranton. Photo courtesy of The University of Scranton. Terry Connors, photographer
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Prayer is a dialogue, not a dramatic monologue.
Some Reflections on the
Extravagance of God
Ignatian discipline begins with letting God open God’s self to us. By Howard Gray, SJ Ignatius Loyola presumes that the human response to God is to God, not to oneself. Prayer is a dialogue, not a dramatic monologue. Moreover, that response is to something God has revealed to us about our relationship. Too often this response is presented or interpreted as an obligation or a duty. For example, in the Principle and Foundation we read that we are “to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save our soul.”
Acting out of love
We can read or hear this to mean that we have a creaturely obligation to be the good creature, i.e., subservient and yielding to the God whose power has made us something out of nothing. While we appreciate that creation is an act of love, lurking in the shadows of our religious consciousness one suspects that this love is, ultimately, an act of obedience, the fulfillment of our creaturely duty. In short, we do not respond to God’s amiability or loveable overtures but to God’s power. This can be a lovely act of Christian submission, humbly and wholeheartedly embracing what it means to be a creature before the Creator. However, my experience has led me to another kind of interpretation, emerging out of the meaning of the term colloquy. What does it mean for a friend to reveal who she or he is to the friend? Revelation is selfdisclosure, an opening of identity and the promise that your opening up would be mutually regarded.
God teaches us about praise
In that light, then, the Principle and Foundation, for example, is first of all about God. The reason we can praise, reverence, and serve is that God teaches us how. This means that creation is
revelation of a God who praises us, reverences us, and serves us — first. In Genesis God sees everything created as good and finally as very good. I want to suggest that Ignatian prayer begins with our acceptance of this kind of divine disclosure. It also means that God delights not just that there are things out there that God claims as his but that God delights in both the multiplicity and specificity of each created reality: this fir tree, this waterfall, this mountain, this man, this woman.
Open to God
Consequently, the discipline of the Exercises is more than locating places and times for prayer. Ignatian discipline begins with letting God open God’s self to us. Stilling the restless compulsion to talk first allows God to be open to us. The rhythm of the Exercises is a movement from God’s selfopening, climaxed in the gift of Jesus the Christ, the total opening of God to us. We look at Jesus first to learn from what he shows us who he really is and what kind of Father God is and what kind of Spirit confirms his presence. What does Ignatius want us to learn? The extravagance of God that climaxes in the reflections of the Contemplation to Attain Divine Love. All is gift and every gift is divine self-disclosure. There is no end to the ongoing revelation of God. And that, I believe, is why Ignatius so prized the virtue of magnanimity. Magnanimity is our way of participating in God’s extravagance, of finding God in all things. Howard Gray, SJ, an advisor to the president of Georgetown University, speaks throughout the United States on Ignatian spirituality. ignatian imprints | 11
Joseph F. Curran, SJ ministered in Wheeling, Canada
Joseph F. Curran, SJ, died Sept. 3. A Jesuit for 66 years and a priest for 53 years, he was 85. Born Feb. 2, 1924, he entered the Society of Jesus Feb. 1, 1943, and was ordained to the priesthood June 15, 1956. Fr. Curran’s assignments included Wheeling Jesuit University where he was a chaplain, and taught political science. He later went to Canada where he was a pastor, hospital chaplain and political science teacher.
Hugh A. Kennedy, SJ served Province for 45 years
Hugh A. Kennedy, SJ, died Sept. 6. A Jesuit for 73 years and a priest for 61 years, he was 90. Fr. Kennedy, born Oct. 27, 1918, in Braddock, Pa., entered the Society of Jesus Sept. 7, 1935, and was ordained June 20, 1948. Fr. Kennedy first served at the Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues, as Socius (assistant) to the Master of Novices, Subminister of the Jesuit Community, teacher of French and Latin and choir director from 1950 to 1955. He became rector of the Jesuit Community at Wernersville, and in 1962 was named Socius to the Provincial, a position he held until 1980. He became Secretary to the Provincial 1980 to 1996 and Assistant Province Secretary 1996 to 2007, serving the Maryland Province for 45 years — during which time he sang with the Handel Choir of Baltimore and played several instruments including the trumpet.
William M. King, SJ Loyola, St. Joseph’s professor
William M. King, SJ, died Sept. 3. A Jesuit for 61 years and a priest for 49 years, he was 81. William King, born April 4, 1928, entered the Society July 30, 1948, and was ordained June 19, 1960. Fr. King taught history and political science at Loyola College in Maryland and then went to Saint Joseph’s in Philadelphia to teach history. After earning his Ph.D., he continued teaching at Saint Joseph’s and was director of the university’s London program in 1988-1989. From 1994 to 1995, he worked on the English version of the Historical Dictionary of the Society of Jesus in Rome. Fr. King later was parochial vicar, guest master and prison minister in Albuquerque. 12 | Autumn 2009
Joseph L. Quinn, SJ, in memoriam University of Scranton professor Joseph L. Quinn, SJ, died Sept. 7, in Scranton. He was 73. A native of Baltimore, Fr. Quinn entered the Society in 1953 and was ordained in 1966. Fr. Quinn joined the University of Scranton in 1978 where for more than 20 years he taught courses on American Literature, Hemingway, James, Twain and the Transcendentalists. In 2000, he co-translated with Midori Yamanouchi, Ph.D., Kike Wadatsumi no Koe (Listen to the Voices from The Sea), a collection of diary entries and letters of university students in Japan who served in World War II, some as kamikaze pilots.
William A. Ryan, SJ teacher, pastoral minister
William Aloysius Ryan, SJ, a Jesuit for 77 years and a priest for 64 years, died July 19 at age 94. Fr. Ryan, born in Baltimore Sept. 19, 1914, entered the Society of Jesus in 1932 and was ordained June 17, 1945. Following ordination, Fr. Ryan served as minister to the Jesuit Community at Georgetown and rector at Georgetown Prep. He then was executive assistant to the president at Saint Joseph’s University and spent 13 years at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School teaching Latin, Greek and religion. From 1972 to 1983, Fr. Ryan was secretary general for the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, established in 1909 by Pope Pius X. Other assignments included parochial vicar at St. George Church in Glenolden, Pa., assistant director for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Catholic Information Center, and pastoral minister at Loyola Center at Saint Joseph’s University.
William E. Schaffner, SJ, taught religion, led retreats
William E. Schaffner, SJ, died Sept. 15. A Jesuit for 73 years and a priest for 61 years, he was 91. William Schaffner, born April 11, 1918, entered the Society July 30, 1935, and was ordained June 20, 1948. Fr. Schaffner was professor of religion at the University of Scranton from 1950 to 1956. He was professor of theology at Loyola College and retreat director at Loyola Retreat House 1964-1967. Later assignments took him to St. Ignatius and Corpus Christi churches in Baltimore, Greater Baltimore Medical Center and Wernersville. He returned to ministry in Baltimore from 1979-1993.
honor roll of donors 2009
Through the generous support of the following donors, the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus is able to promote domestic and international ministries that provide help to the sick, outreach to the materially poor, education for youth of lower-income families, assistance to vulnerable populations and spiritual direction to those who request it. This honor roll lists contributions and estate gifts received between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. You, our friends, are true collaborators with the Society of Jesus in helping to shape the apostolic character of ministries that you support. $100,000 or more Individuals
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Mauer Estates and Trust
Anonymous (1) Estate of Robert L. McDevitt Joseph Pentony Jr. Trust Mary V. Quinn Charitable Fund Foundations
The Loyola Foundation, Inc. $10,000-99,999 Individuals
Anonymous (1) Ladner Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mace Mrs. Marilyn P. Maledon Mr. Thomas P. † & Mrs. Maria F. McDermott Mrs. Margaret C. Nadler Estates and Trust
Anonymous (2) Estate of Robert L. Carroll Organizations
Sant’ Andrea Society
$1,000 to 9,999 Individuals
Anonymous (4) Mr. Robert E. Barker Mr. James A. Barrow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Beiter Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Bennett Ms. Catherine T. Brennan Mr. Fred S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brzozowski Mr. Charles J. Capozzoli Mr. Timothy J. Capuano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Caramanico Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Carr Miss Ruth Carroll Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cochran Mrs. Mary C. Conti Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Cravath Mrs. Mary Kocken Darling† Mr. Robert J. Dietrich Mrs. Josephine S. Dowbenko Ms. Doris E. Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Varghese Robert George Mrs. Margaret J. Gibbons Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Gomsak, Jr. Mrs. Dorothea S. Guokas Mr. Al Guokas Dr. & Mrs. James A. Hall Mr. Detlev V. Hauck†
Mr. Joseph C. Hauf, III Ms. Cynthia Hausmann Mr. Richard T. Horigan Ms. Andrea M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. William S. Kanaga Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kempton Mr. Walter J. Kenna, Jr. Ms. Mary Virginia Kenna Rev. James V. Keogh, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Kilmer Mr. & Mrs. John F. Klein Ms. Mary Shelley Darling Knach Ms. Margaret Ladner and Mr. Cliff Brittain Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Laffey Mr. Tony Lao and Ms. Leslie Daniels Mr. James F. Ludden and Rev. Carol P. Ludden Mr. & Mrs. Bao Luong Ms. Josephine M Mahaney Mr. Joseph M. McDade Ms. JulieAnn McGrath Mr. Joseph P. McGurk Mr. & Mrs. William J. McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Merchent Mrs. Jane Merritt
Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Modjeski Mr. Alfred Montville Mr. & Mrs. L. Francis Murphy Col. & Mrs. Jose R. Olivero Dr. Lawrence G. Pape Ms. Helene F. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pilachowski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Powell Mrs. Cathleen L. Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Shurer Mrs. Barbara A. Shurer Mr. & Mrs. David J. Steinbacher Dr. Sachdev P. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Trainor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Vicidomino Dr. Julio Vidaurrazaga Mr. William J. Welch Mrs. Kathleen G. Wills Mr. Joseph S. Yacinski Mr. Steven A. Zabicki Mr. & Mrs. George M. Zuk Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zungailia, Jr. Estates and Trust
Estate of Mary M. Healy The Mary K. Fleming Memorial Fund
Named Funds (sometimes called burses) support the ministries of the Maryland Province Jesuits. These funds can honor a loved one, a family or a Jesuit in perpetuity. Call the Office of Advancement at 443-921-1332 for more information on creating a Named Fund with the Maryland Province Jesuits. Name of Fund Anna and John Benvegar Mission Fund Vitus and Mary Benvegar Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Dufour Family Memorial Burse Rev. James B. Horigan, SJ Judge Jesuit Residence Judge Jesuit Residence Rev. David Madden, SJ Rev. Brian A. McGrath, SJ Sant’ Andrea Guild Burse
Contributor Anonymous Anonymous Ms. Kathleen Banks Mr. Gregory DuFour Ms. Diane Gaudio Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lammie Mr. & Mrs. William P. Meehan Mrs. Kathie Pasquarella Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Mr. Richard Piacentini Mrs. Lauren A. Sufrin Ms. Marilyn S. Yarosz Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Cerny The Charitable Foundation of the Burns Family, Inc. Mrs. Marguerite Breimeister Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Busillo Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Cerny Sant’ Andrea Society
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Estate of Emily Burbach Estate of Antoinette K. Nee Estate of Joan DeJohn Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick St. Boniface Church, Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Flood Williamsport, PA Mrs. Mary H. Frank St. Matthew School, Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J. Philadelphia, PA Organizations Frederick, Jr. Microsoft Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Frisone $200-499 Accion International Mrs. Shannon Gallina Individuals Braganza Associates, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Galvin, III Anonymous (4) Society for The Propagation Mr. John P. Hacala Dr. & Mrs. George D. Balsama Of The Faith Ms. Adelaide P. Hemphill Ms. Margaret K. Baumgardner St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Mrs. Mary V. Hofmeister Mrs. Agnes S. Benison Parish, Woodstock, MD Mr. Frederic J. Hueber Mrs. Helen R. Boarman Mr. & Mrs. Cornelis J. Jansen Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bonomo Foundations Mr. John C. Kirby Mr. Joseph M. Brady The Isabel Allende Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Lane Mrs. Peggie Breimeister The Charitable Foundation Mr. John Earl Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Brennan of the Burns Family, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Marcel S. Lobo Mrs. Roseann N. Britcher John P. & Anne W. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Martin Ms. Rose A. Brown McNulty Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Michael Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Brzozowski Alexander C. & Tillie S. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Burkhard Speyer Foundation Mrs. Jane M. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Burns, III The T.R. Paul Family Hon. Stephen J. McEwen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cahill Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Metrey Mr. & Mrs. Bill Calvert Ms. Mildred Miller Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Campbell Associates Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Canuso Gonzaga College High School Muldowney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Capuano The Villiger Guild Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Carusi Ms. Clara S. Nardini Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Cerny $500-999 Sr. Margaret M. Nugent Mrs. Linda M. L. Chang Individuals Mr. & Mrs. John H. Plunkett Mr. J. Albert Chatard, Jr. Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. James R. Purtill Ms. Teresa M. Colgan Mrs. Emma M. Allen Mr. Louis M. Rehak, Jr. Mr. David D. Colgan Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Amrhein Mr. & Mrs. William P. Ryan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Connelly Pastor Anita Baly Mrs. Aurora A. Santiago Mr. Michael W. Cowell Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan Mr. John C. Shuhler Mr. & Mrs. Herman L. Mr. John W. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Carl Shurer Crowley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Slakey Mrs. Dorothy A. De Cartagena Mrs. Helen L. Charette Mr. Edward A. Smearman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott Dean Mrs. Anna B. Clifford Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Soma Mr. & Mrs. Donald Deane Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Condon Rev. Steven F. Spahn, SJ Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Mr. Robert P. Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Stockton Dietrich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Cox Dr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Stowe Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dorsey Mr. Charles B. Cummings Mrs. Dorothy Strand Mr. Donald J. Drabant Mr. & Mrs. John F. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. C. Jerome Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. John E. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Curtis Dr. Kevin L. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Drobnic Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Deegan Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Szuba Ms. Josephine Merrick Dudra Ms. Marjorie A. Deitrick Mrs. Marie-Claude Terrot Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Dr. James Dilorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Gino Valenti Durmowicz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Arthur Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wangenstein Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Dvorscak Dincher Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Warfield Ms. Charlene M. Eiswerth Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Dincher Mrs. Joyce L. Wenner Mr. & Mrs. John T. Elson Mr. & Mrs. Martin C Donze Mrs. Maria C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John T. Enoch Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Zanella Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Mr. Frederick W. Dreher Eshelman Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Edmund Estates and Trust Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Espy Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fessler Estate of Anita M. Horigan Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fischer Mrs. Julia W. Flaxel Although we strive for Organizations Ms. Margaret R. Foley accuracy, errors do occur. Sisters of IHM, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Gannon Please call 443-921-1332 Arlington, VA Ms. Joanne Gilmore if your name has been listed Sisters of IHM, erroneously or omitted. Mr. & Mrs. Calvin T. Godfrey Philadelphia, PA
14 | Autumn 2009
Ms. Karen M. Golz Mr. J. Michael Gomsak Mr. & Mrs. John K. Greaney Mrs. Margaret M. Grega Col. & Mrs. John C. Griffin Mr. Thomas E. Hagenbach Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. William F. Henderson, Jr. Mrs. Georgette Henry Mrs. Jean S. Horak Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann Ms. Carol F. Hosey Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Howser, Jr. Mr. Donald R. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Jason L. Hurd Dr. & Mrs. Francis G. Hurite Mr. & Mrs. David S. Jernigan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kahn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kenneth Kanai Mrs. Valerie G. Kanouse Balsama Mrs. Janice S. Karavassily Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Katrosh Mrs. Patricia L. Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Kempter Mr. Joseph R. Kenna Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kenna Mrs. Eileen T. Kennedy Mr. J. Frank Keohane Mr. & Mrs. Ban-An Khaw Ms. Margaret Mary Kiely Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. King, Jr. Mr. William H. Kirvan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Klarich Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Kotasenski Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Kourlas Ms. Barbara Krainak Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Ksiazek Mr. & Mrs. Zal Kutar Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Lander Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Lavelle Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Lawyer Mr. Terrence J. Ligday, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Light John and Barbara Linsenmeyer Dr. & Mrs. Donald Loebl Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lofink Mr. & Mrs. James G. Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mallon Mr. John E. Manley Mr. & Mrs. John C. Martin Mrs. Mary Jo Mathena Ms. Veronica W. Maus Mr. Patrick M. McCauley
Mr. Louis G. McComas Mr. Eugene McGurrin Mr. & Mrs. Michael McMahon Mrs. Eithne M. McMullen Ms. Kathryn W. McNeal Dr. & Mrs. Desmond P. McNelis Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Milan Mr. & Mrs. Harold T. Miller Mr. John R. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Mount, Jr. Mr. Joseph F. Mugford Mrs. Mary J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Musson Dr. & Mrs. Floyd T. Nasuti Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Nesfeder Mr. Nseobong I. Ntukidem Mrs. Elizabeth O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. William B. O’Connell, Jr. Mrs. Joan E. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Mara Ms. Mary T. O’Neill Mr. James M. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. O’Neill Mr. Francesco G. Pace Ms. Mary Elaine Partridge Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Wardner G. Penberthy Mr. Daniel J. Polacek Ms. Elissa J. Proto Ms.Caroline Ramos and Mr. Michael Wallenhorst Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Annemarie Rogers Ms. Sissy Rothwell Mrs. Sharon S. Saia Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Sandman Mr. & Mrs. Indranil Sanyal Mr. Carl Schubert Dr. Henry H. Scofield Dr. & Mrs. Hoan Seng Tan Mrs. Mary K. Sheehan Mr. Samuel C. Shialabba, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Short Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Shurer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Shurer Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Smith Ms. Regina R. Smutz Mr. Michael J. Stephan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strawbridge Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Sweeney Mrs. Justine O. Veith Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Vemuganti Ms. Lois Von Nostitz Mr. & Mrs. Leroy A. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Weirman Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Weitz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Welch Mr. Michael A. Wincek Mr. James M. Yelle Mr. Thomas J. Yelle Estates and Trust
Estate of Robert William McNamara
The Southdown Institute Society of St. Vincent DePaul Immaculate Conception Church Immaculate Heart Convent Sisters of IHM Notre Dame Preparatory School Sisters of Christian Charity
Gesu School Inc. Jesuit Community, Wheeling Jesuit University Foundations
The Scully Family Foundation
Anonymous (6) Dr. & Mrs. James Abell Mr. & Mrs. James H. Agger Mrs. Betty G. Airgood Rev. Bert Akers, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Allwoerden Mr. & Mrs. John C. Altmiller Mrs. Marian E. Altoz Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Aluise Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alvarado Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Angelucci Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Aschenbrenner Ms. Constance M. Athens Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Backe Mr. & Mrs. R. Tyler Baesman Mr. & Mrs. William Baird, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Banscher Mrs. Joanne M. Barry Mr. & Mrs. George Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Leif C. Beck Ms. Barbara B. Becker Mr. & Mrs. David L. Beeghly Mr. & Mrs. J. Carter Beese Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Begley Dr. & Mrs. Brent C. Behrens
honor roll of donors 2009 Mrs. Joan M. Bellwoar Mr. & Mrs. Jose R. Benki Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beyer Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Blandin Ms. Lucille A. Bonacci Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bonthron, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John W. Borelli, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Boring, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Winslow J. Borkowski, Jr. Mr. John P. Borneman Ms. Rosemary W. Bower Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Boylan, DDS Mr. & Mrs. Francis Xavier Bracken Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bracken Mr. Robert P. Brady Mr. Patrick A. Brady Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Branzell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Brew Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Brewster Ms. Diane C. Brown and Mr. Steven B. Duff Mr. & Mrs. John F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Brown Mrs. Dorothy T. Brown Ms. Lucinda Brzozowski Mrs. Mary H. Buchness Mr. Walter Budko Mr. Brent Buescher Rev. Sidney C. Burgoyne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Burke Dr. & Mrs. James L. Burne Mr. Anthony Burns Mrs. Sophie Burns Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Butler Hon. J. Norris Byrnes Mr. Samuel Cabot, III Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cahill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Cale, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Caliendo Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Callahan Ms. Anne Marie Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Capuano Ms. Eileen R. Carpino Br. Robert L. G. Carson, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald K. Cassidy Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cesare Dr. Mary B. Chagnon Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Ciepiela Mr. Joseph F. Cimini Mrs. Luane M. Cindea Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Clapps Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Clarke
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Close Mr. & Mrs. Jay Gordon Cohen Mr. & Mrs. James R. Colbeck Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Coleman, Jr. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth G. Colgan Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Collins Mr. Nicholas P. Conti Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Cooke, III Mrs. Maryann J. Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Ron Cosentino Mrs. Winifred L. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne L. Cox Mr. Robert L. Creamer Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Crnkovich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Crow Ms. Elizabeth C. Cryer Mrs. Eleanor M. Currie Mrs. Jeannette T. Custer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Dadig Mrs. Eileen G. Dagit Mr. & Mrs. Tim Daily Mrs. Joan C. D’Aleo Mr. Edward J. Deeney Mr. Salvatore DeFazio Mr. & Mrs. Richard Degenhard Mr. Gerald F. Deitrick Mrs. Jean M. Deitrick Mr. & Mrs. William P. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Delvaux Ms. Katherine A. Demetor Mrs. Madeleine DempseyRymar Mr. Michael B. Devereux Ms. Margaret Mary Dietz Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Dincher Mrs. Mary E. Dincher Mrs. Dorothy G. Dincher Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Dincher Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dincher Mrs. Catherine B. Doehler Ms. Helenmarie A. Dolton Ms. Louisa C. Dubin Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Dwyer Dr. Joseph L. Eckenrode Mr. Thomas J. Edwards Mr. Charles R. Egoville Mr. Harry E. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. John J. Erwin, Jr. Mrs. Jean Everts-Persie Ms. Joan Le Faivre Mr. & Mrs. John W. Fantom Ms. Jane F. Farber Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. William F. Fearn
ignatian imprints | 15
Ms. Arlene Fedorchak and Mr. Niles Overly Mr. & Mrs. John H. Feeley Mr. & Mrs. John Feldmann Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ferguson Mrs. Claudia R. Fielding Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Filiaci Mr. John J. Finan Mr. & Mrs. Stewart S. Finkler Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Fiore Mr. Thomas G. Fish Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fish Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Flood, Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Flynn Mr. Norman F. Foran Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Forrester Mr. Joseph A. Fox Ms. Catherine T. Foy Mr. Andrew J. Frankle Mr. Melvyn Freid Mr. & Mrs. John A. Fritzges Mr. John P. Fromm Mr. Glen Gall Mr. & Mrs. William O. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. John Gallant Mr. Robert Gallant Mr. & Mrs. William P. Ganley Mr. Edward C. Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gaul, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Gaus Mrs. Virginia Gawthrop Mrs. Jean K. Gendron Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. George Mr. Daniel J. Gerber Ms. Clara M. Gerber Ms. Marguerite E. Gerlach Mrs. Sarah R. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gilroy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Gisriel Mr. & Mrs. William L. Gladstone Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Going Ms. Indra Gongba Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gontaryk Mr. & Mrs. Andrew V. Grainger Mrs. Helen C. Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Kent I. Groff Ms. Ann Z. Grumpelt Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Gryczko Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guastella Mrs. & Mrs. Doris Guercio Mrs. Helen M. Gugerty Ms. Louise T. Gunderson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Haley Mr. & Mrs. John K. Haley Mr. Edward Paul Haley Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hallden, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randolph G. Harmon
16 | Autumn 2009
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Healey Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hellen, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Henley, Jr. Mrs. Mary K. Hennessy Mr. Charles E. Herbst Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hoffman Br. John B. Hollywood, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Joe Houlton Mrs. Ann Marie Hricko Ms. Susan B. Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hurd Ms. Patricia M. Isaacs Ms. Keli Isaacson Ms. Charmaine Mueller Iversen Mr. John J. Jagodzinski Mrs. Anne K. Jeffrey Mrs. Sally B. Jenkins Mr. Lawrence H. Jones Mr. Stephen G. Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Kaluza Mrs. Kerry Aline Kearney Dr. & Mrs. Francis X. Keeley Mrs. Glenna L. Keene Mrs. Anna R. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kelly Dr. Marita D. Kenna Ms. Jane F. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kenney Mrs. Patricia M. Kenny Dr. & Mrs. G. Richard Kern Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kertz Miss Ellen Lee Kiel Mrs. Antoinette M. King Ms. Lorraine M. Knight Mrs. Mary Barbara Kogler Mr. Peter P. Koliss Ms. Josephine Kosiak Mr. Arthur Kresse Sr. Doris Kresslein, SSND Mrs. Karole J. Kreutter Mr. & Mrs. J. Philip Kuebler Mrs. Mary E. Kupinski Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Labadie Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lacey Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lammie Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Lanzi Mr. & Mrs. John M. Leach Ms. Jane M. Lelby Dr. Fred C. Leone Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lesuer Mr. Alan B. Levine Ms. Nancy E. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. John A. Lippert Mrs. Marguerite Lobo Mr. Francis X. Locke
The Jesuit Legacy Society was created to honor those who remember the Maryland Province in their estate plans. This list includes persons who have made a Legacy Gift by remembering the Maryland Province in their estate plans. Thank you for such lasting gifts.
Estate of Antoinette K. Nee Estate of Anna T.L. Benvegar Estate of Bernice R. Devlin John Maurice & Alice M. Dunne Trust Estate of Francis X. Quinn Estate of Robert L. Carroll Estate of Emily Burbach Estate of William E. Kidd, Jr. Samuel U. Schultz Trust Estate of Louis E. Leilich Mrs. Marian Affiliani Mr. James A. Barrow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Bartel, Jr. Dr. Frank R. Bellomo Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Burke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Butler, III Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Byrnes Mr. Robert F. Carroll Mrs. Frances F. Clancy Mrs. Martha M. Colleran Mrs. Winifred L. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Crocenzi Mrs. Joseph P. Devine Dr. & Mrs. James J. Diamond Mrs. Josephine S. Dowbenko Ms. Ruth Doyle Mrs. Phyllis M. Drake Mr. Gregory DuFour Ms. Mary A. Eisel Ms. Joyce F. Eng Mr. Chuck Fair Mrs. Regina Fatz Col. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Forkhamer Mr. & Mrs. John T. Galvin, III Mr. John W. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gavin Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hacala Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hamm Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Heller Mr. & Mrs. James F. Higgins Mrs. Katherine Ann Hoffar Mrs. Jean S. Horak Mr. John Jablonski Mr. Robert J. Kichline Mrs. Kathryn Knott
Ms. Emily M. Kohler Mr. Charles Lambur Ms. Sally LaSala Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Light Mr. John Earl Lucas Mrs. Pearl M. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Paul Magree Ms. Marianne Marlo Dr. Judith G. Massicot-Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McCord Mr. David McGauley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. McGuinness Mrs. Margaret B. McKinney Mrs. Anthony D. Molinaro Ms. Jeanne M. Mott Mrs. Regina S. Mulcahy Mrs. C. Terry Murray Mr. Lou Niznik Mrs. Helen T. Norman Ms. Katherine Nugent Mr. Martin J. O’Brien Ms. Maureen O’Brien Mr. Christopher T. O’Keefe Mr. Anthony Pamelia Mrs. Harry Pfister Mr. Frederick Pontuti Mrs. Pauline L. Price Mrs. Joan Quick Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Reed Ms. Wendella M. Ricker Mrs. Concetta Rogers Ms. Dorothy Rue Mrs. Inez F. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William H. Scharr Ms. M. V. Seaton Mrs. Patricia J. Steidle Mr. & Mrs. David J. Steinbacher Mr. Thomas E. R. Stribling Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sweeney, Jr. Mrs. Marie-Claude Terrot Mrs. Charles Troop Mrs. Mary E. Unterkoefler Mr. & Mrs. Gino Valenti Mrs. Anne M. Walsh Ms. Margaret D. Walter Ms. Carolyn Wile Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Lorson Ms. Catherine E. Love Ms. Kathleen T. Love Mrs. Anne R. Loy Mr. & Mrs. James P. Lutz Mr. Robert H. Mace, Jr. Ms. Charlotte M. Mahoney Ms. Anne E. Mahoney Dr. & Mrs. Courtney M. Malcarney Mr. & Mrs. Amando M. Malvar Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mason, Sr. Dr. Judith G. Massicot-Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn T. Masuda Ms. Alice McAndrew Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCaig Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McCormick Dr. & Mrs. W. Scott McDougal Mr. & Mrs. John P. McGee Mrs. Mary C. McGee Mr. John W. McGrann Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. McGuinness Deacon & Mrs. Arthur M. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McHugh, Sr. Mrs. Jean McKernan Dr. & Mrs. Mark P. McKinley Mr. & Mrs. John S. McManus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. McPhaul, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Meagher Mr. Christopher J. Melnick Mr. Samuel J. Merlino Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Milani Mr. Glenn Miller Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Miller Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Miller Ms. Annmarie D. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mitchell Mr. Patrick J. Monaghan, III Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Monahan Mr. Joseph Montville† Mr. Stephen G. S. Moxley Ms. Dianne M. Mruk Mr. John L. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Munns Mr. & Mrs. James B. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leo Murphy Ms. Sharon Mussomeli Mr. & Mrs. George F. Nagy Mr. & Mrs. William J. Nauman Mr. J. Kevin O Neill Mr. & Mrs. George Nemphos Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Nesfeder Mrs. Robert E. Nolan, Jr.
Mrs. Dolores M. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Carl Norby Mr. & Mrs. Victor B. Noschese Mr. Fred J. Novak, DDS Mrs. Helen M. Nugent Mr. & Mrs. John K. O’Brien Dr. & Mrs. Arthur S. O’Brien Rev. Kevin F. O’Brien, SJ Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Donnell Mrs. Mary C. O’Hara Mrs. Carol T. O’Hara Ms. Elizabeth Onofrey Mrs. Ruth L. Opeil Mrs. Eleanor M. O’Rourke Ms. Regina M. O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ossman Dr. & Mrs. Rudolph A. Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Packard Mr. & Mrs. C. William Pacy Mr. Bob W. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Pecon Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Pellegrino Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Pereira Mr. & Mrs. Maurice A. Peter Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Petrisko Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pettit Mr. Richard Piacentini Mrs. Patricia G. Pierret Ms. Cynthia Pisinski and Mr. John Lacko Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Pittenger Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Plott Mr. Edward P. Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Price Dr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Principato Mr. Thomas E. Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Seth A. Quillin Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quinn Mrs. Pamela M. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. X. Rafferty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ramirez Mrs. Marie S. Ramirez Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Reinhardt, Jr. Mr. Raymond C. Reinmann Mr. Martin Stephen Rendon Mr. & Mrs. David Reynolds Mrs. Florence Ricci Mr. William J Ricci Ms. Wendella M. Ricker Ms. Patricia A. Rigby Mr. & Mrs. James E. P. Ring Ms. Elizabeth A. Riordan Ms. Dorothy J. Ritter Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts Mr. John J. Robinson
honor roll of donors 2009 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Rocco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Roche Dr. & Mrs. John L. Roche Dr. Rita M. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. John J. Rogan Mr. & Mrs. David W. Rohland Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rohrer Mr. Joseph V. Roller, II Mrs. Theresa C. Roney Ms. Teresa R. Roth Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruggieri Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Ryan Mrs. Sara M. Santilli Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas B. Scheetz Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Schlegel Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Schmergel Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Schranz Mrs. Mary R. Schu Mr. Harry A. Schult Mr. & Mrs. Carl Joseph Scichili Col. & Mrs. George A. Seamands Mr. & Mrs. Tarun K. Sen Mr. William J. Sena Mr. Michael A. Shields Mrs. Ann P. Shine Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso E. Sierra Mr. & Mrs. George T. Simmons Mr. Joseph L. Simon Mr. Wilbert H. Sirota Mr. & Mrs. Edward Skopal Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Slakey, Jr. Mrs. Cornelia M. Smith Ms. Mary Julia Smith Mrs. Patricia K. Smyth Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Socci Mrs. Frances L. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stafford Ms. Dolores Stankiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Stenson Mr. James Stergios Mr. & Mrs. Henry P Stonelake Mr. & Mrs. James L. Stopper Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stull Ms. Rosemary D. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Swetz Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tam, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Taneyhill Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Temkin Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Teschemacher, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. John Tight Rev. Raymond F. Tribuiani Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Tschiderer Mr. & Mrs. John Turano Mr. & Mrs. William G. Uptegraph, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Urbancic Ms. Mary Jane Vaeth Ms. Patricia H. Vanderslice Mr. & Mrs. Adam L. Verchinski Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Verduce, II Mr. & Mrs. F. R. Verrier Mr. Francis C. Vincent Ms. Kelly A. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ward Ms. Nancy C. West Mr. & Mrs. James R. Wetzel Mrs. Frances Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. James J. Whelan, III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Whipple Ms. Eleanor D. Willard Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Wilson Mr. Charles J. Wolf, II Mrs. Mary C. Wood Mr. John Woynicz Mrs. Dolores Yacapsin Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Yarrish Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Zacharski Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Zaepfel Mr. Jason M. Zazyczny Estates and Trust
Estate of Robert William McNamara Organizations
St. John’s Preparatory School, Inc., Danvers, MA The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc., Malden, MA Sisters of IHM, Somerville, NJ Saints Simon and Jude Church, West Chester, PA Church Of The Immaculate Conception, Towson, MD Mitchell-Wiedefeld Funeral Home, Inc., Baltimore, MD Suzanne Rindfleisch, DO and Associates, PA, Arnold, MD Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Pittsburgh, PA Sisters of the Sacred Heart Honolulu, HI St. Rita Bread Ministry, Dallas, TX Upscale Resale Furnishings, LLC, Gahanna, OH Boston College/ Heffernan House, Chestnut Hill, MA Associates
St. Joseph’simprints Preparatory School, ignatian | 17 Philadelphia, PA
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