2 minute read
All those cars and vans and campers headed out this way in recent months, the chances are that some will be planning to wet a line in the Mary. Because it’s important that everyone understands – although it’s not been widely announced – there's a three month ban on fishing in significant parts of the Mary catchment. The reason for the closed season is that it coincides with the breeding season for the endangered Mary River Cod.
The Mary River Cod’s reproductive behaviour makes it particularly vulnerable during these three months as the male is very defensive of the eggs, while continuously fanning water over them to keep them oxygenated. While no angler ever admits to “targeting” Mary River Cod (it being illegal to do so, and attracts a hefty fine) anyone dangling a line in the vicinity of a male on egg – tending duties is more than likely to hook one. When a male is removed from his well-tended eggs, egg mortality is high in even a short time.
The unsuspecting angler, taking time to unhook his catch, and maybe pose for the apparently obligatory photo, may well have consigned several thousand young cod to oblivion. For this reason, as well as it being well-nigh impossible to prove that an angler was “targeting” Mary River Cod, there has been, since 2019, a total ban on fishing in parts of the Mary system known to be significant cod habitat. There are two year round bans (i.e. total closures to fishing).
• One is on Obi Obi Creek from the Baroon Pocket dam wall to Obi Obi Creek crossing 4 (Manuel Hornibrook Bridge). The other is on Tinana Creek and tributaries upstream of Teddington Weir.
• The one that is particularly relevant around here is the three month closure to fishing anywhere in the Mary River and tributaries upstream of Gympie. The DAF website explains that “a person must not possess or use a fishing line from 1st August to 31st October in the Mary River and adjoining waterways upstream of its junction with Six Mile Creek (near Gympie).” This includes not only the river itself, but also the remainder of Obi Obi Creek, Six Mile Creek, Kandanga, Amamoor and Yabba Creeks.
• The only exceptions to this are Baroon Pocket Dam, Borumba Dam and Lake Macdonald, all of which are stocked impoundments.
Further information is available at https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/__ data/assets/pdf_file/0010/1458973/recreational-fishing-ruleshave-changed.pdf
And – https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/ recreational/recreational-fishing-rules/closed-seasons-waters/ freshwater-areas
Ian Mackay, Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee

Mary River Cod - it is illegal to catch them anytime. Please note ALL FISHING is banned their during breeding season Aug-Oct when the males tend the eggs, continuously fanning water over them to keep them oxygenated. Hefty fines apply.