5 minute read

If you love great music, fun times and camping under the stars, then the Gympie Music Muster, famous for its good vibe and friendly atmosphere is the perfect festival for you. The Gympie Music Muster is one of Australia’s most-loved camping and music experiences. Staged deep within the natural surrounds of the Amamoor Creek State Forest, the Muster showcases a mix of country, roots, blues and country rock music as well as workshops, dancing, bush poets, kids’ club and more. The fourday event will run from August 24th to 27th this year.
This year’s Gympie Muster will feature more than 100 artists, showcasing Australian talent from a variety of genres. Our Aussie artists include chart topping expat Morgan Evans straight from
Nashville plus Adam Brand, The Angels, Ash Grunwald, Ashleigh Dallas, Brooke McClymont & Adam Eckersley, Busby Marou, Caitlyn Shadbolt, Casey Barnes, Chad Morgan, Don Walker, Felicity Urquhart & Josh Cunningham, Gina Jeffreys, Hoodoo Gurus, James Blundell, Kasey Chambers, Melinda Schneider, Sara Storer, The Screaming Jets, Sunny Cowgirls, Travis Collins, Troy CassarDaley, The Wolfe Brothers and many more! In 2023 we also welcome US country music favourites Midland and Canadians Gord Bamford and Dan Davidson.
Four-day festival passes and Single Day tickets are on sale now! Don’t forget to purchase your four-day adult ticket before August 13th to be in the draw to win a Newgen NG17 Off Road Caravan!
Plus, all four-day adult passes include general camping from 19th August through to the 28th August. Tickets are available at muster.com.au

How Not To Catch Fish In 1898
Areport in the Gympie Times in September 1898 was repeated throughout Queensland in a number of newspapers including the Western Star and Roma Advertiser published on 28th day of that month containing the following:
Accident with Dynamite
A man named Christy Sharry, a farmer residing at Kenilworth, met with a serious accident on Saturday afternoon, which resulted in the loss of his right hand and forearm. Sharry, it appears, was fishing with dynamite, about three miles below Kenilworth at about 4 o’clock on the afternoon in question. He held the explosive in his right hand with a 3 inch fuse attached, and after repeated attempts to light it, the charge suddenly exploded, the fuse never apparently having spit. His right hand and forearm were blown off and he was likewise thrown down with considerable force.
On rising he made an attempt to walk home, but feeling himself getting weak through loss of blood, which was flowing very freely from the wound, and fearing this might cause a fainting fit, he started to coo-ee.
placed above the injury and the flow of blood stemmed. Mr. Beattie then obtained a buggy and conveyed the injured man as far as Peakin’s, about half way to Gympie.
It being too dark to proceed in a vehicle, horses were procured, and the remainder of the distance – 20 miles – performed on horseback, the Gympie Hospital being reached about one o’clock on Sunday morning.
On examination of the injured member by Dr. Geddie, the right hand was found to be almost blown into a pulp. Dr. Morgan was then sent for, and the patient’s hand amputated just above the wrist. On inquiry at the hospital last night we learnt that Sharry was progressing as favourably as could be expected, though suffering a good deal of pain. In addition to the injuries already noted, he was also slightly cut about the face. He has had a run of ill fortune lately, as all his crops were ruined in the floods at the commencement of the year. He is also a married man, having a wife and four children. A subscription is being got up to help them in their serious misfortune.
Christy Sharry passed away in January 1925, aged 58 years. He left a widow and eight sons. Mr Sharry had been a Maroochy Shire Councillor for Division 1 from 1910 until 1919. He was Chairman of the Council in 1918-19.(Nambour Chronicle 30.1.1925, page 3)

Hear more stories of events in Kenilworth at the Museum in Alexandra Street every Sunday from 10 a.m.
~ Lenore Meldrum, President Kenilworth and District Historical Assn Inc.

Beattie, manager
Mrs Hannah Sims, a neighbour, attracted by the cry, soon arrived on the scene, but all attempts on her part to stop the flow of blood proved futile. Mr. Duncan
Cheerio From The Churches
The ecumenical study group continues to meet each Thursday at 10:30am at St John Bosco’s Church, following Meditation which starts at 9:30am. Some consideration is being given to holding church services at St Luke’s again on Sunday mornings, followed by shared morning tea. This could replace the services on Saturday afternoons.

Much rejoicing at St Luke’s with the success of the application for a community grant to buy chairs to replace the pews. Our thanks go to Ted O’Brien MP for Fairfax whose office processed the application. There are still some pews left if anyone wishes to buy one. Please contact 0427 723 848. Pews can be collected from the church by arrangement. The St Luke’s community space is being used more with positive feedback from the users. Recently, a very enjoyable two day painting workshop was held, organized by Kenilworth Arts Council.
~ Cheerio from the churches
Kenilworth Arts Council
KAC was successful in receiving Sunshine Coast Council grants funding to purchase a new photo copier/printer to replace the creaking old machine we have had for years. We have been told that parts are no available for the old dear which is fast becoming beyond repair! Our sincere thanks to the SC Council for the funding.
A very enjoyable and productive Chinese Brushstrokes Painting workshop was conducted by Stephen Cassettari on 17/18 June. It was great to welcome Stephen and Robyn back to Kenilworth.
The KADS group continues to meet every Friday at the KAC building to make merry music together. If you would like to join, just come along at 10am and join in. No auditions! It’s a very enjoyable morning and good for your health and well being!
Book Club continues to meet every second month to discuss a range of books. It might sound very serious but with lively conversation, lots of laughter and always a yummy afternoon tea, it’s a very enjoyable afternoon. If anyone is interested in any of these other activities, do let KAC know :- social outings for meals and/or entertainment (eg. plays/music in neighbouring towns); cards/games sessions; knitting/crochet/handcrafts; poetry/writing group; self help painting/craft group; children’s art/craft classes; jewellery making; card making and any other activities you would like to suggest!
Congratulations to the Quilt and Craft Group for another amazingly beautiful exhibition. Always a visual feast of colour and a display of fine needle work –works of art!
Time to get cracking and plan your scarecrow entry for the 2023 festival in the Mary Valley!
The annual event is theming itself on the Wild West and organisers want to see who can create a Wild Bill Hickok or Annie Oakley for display.
There are cash prizes and to cap off the fun, one supporter is creating Woody the cowboy for a scarecrow hunt competition! We want you to track down Woody and snap a photo with him. If you and share it to our Facebook page using the handle #Woody, you could win $150!
Registration opens on Friday August 11, and to be eligible for judging, you need to send in an entry form and have your scarecrow on display by Saturday September 9. Winners will be announced on ABC Sunshine Coast on Wednesday September 13.
A Google map will show locations of all scarecrows so you can take a day trip to go scarecrow spotting in the Mary Valley.
Download your entry form from the website: https://www.maryvalleyartslink.com.au/mary-valleyscarecrow-festival/ or pick it up from Kenilworth Information Centre, Mary Valley Traders at Imbil or Kandanga Farm Store.

Come and visit Eva or Alana, Catchment Officers for the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC).
On Kenilworth Office days located at the back of the Kenilworth Information Centre, Eva (ort Alana) will be there 9am to 4pm on the following days:
19th July, 2nd August, 16th August, 30th August, 13th September
Landholder Environment Grants are open for application from the 10th July for 3 months. Please contact Eva to make an appointment or just drop by.
Phone: 07 5482 4766
Mobile: 0408 749 162
Email: eva.ford@mrccc.org.au