Masakatsu Inoue Virginia Tech 2009 B.Arch
Masakatsu Inoue Academic
540-239-0917 Professional
Museum of Steel
Museum of Nature
Cemetery, Underground
Sky garden Tokyo,
Project Firefly
Summer trip (Europe)
Shigeru Ban Architects
Takenaka Corporation
Other Skill
Thesis in Progress
5 Tanaka Architects (Kobe, Japan) 8
8 Donna Dunay 1st year studio
5 8 2005
David Brothers 2nd year studio 5 8 Paul Bataglia 3rd year studio Pre-fab-Education Museum of Nature Cemetery, Underground
2006 5 7
Summer trip (Europe) Dodici 12 Architects (Kobe Japan) Full time intern
7 8
Paul Emmons 4th year studio Noritake Associates (Alexandria, VA) (At Washington Alexandria Architectural Center) Part time intern 3 Museum of Steel 5 5 Shigeru Ban Architects (Tokyo, Japan) Full time intern Sky garden Tokyo, 2008 Takenaka Corporation (Yokohama, Japan) Part time intern A.L.X, Studio M (Tokyo, Japan) Part time design aid 5 5 2007
Donna Dunay 5th year studio Project Firefly Thesis in Progress Present
Design Skills
AutoCAD, Vector Works,Google Sketchup, Rhino4, Revit Architecture 2009 Adobe Photoshop, In design, Illustrator, Microsoft office (Power Point, Excel, Word)
English, Japanese
Museum of Steel
Museum of Nature There TThe Th here re is is a br b bridge rriidge dg ge g e in in deep deep ee ep e p forest, ffo ores re esst, t, being bei be b ei e eing ing ng loved lov lov oved ed by by people pe peo eo ople ple pl e in in Blacksburg Bllaack B acck cksbu burrg b g for fo or long lo lon ong time. on tim me e. The Th Th he e timber tim imbe im be structured ber strruc st ucctu u tu tur urred ed bridge brri bri b rridge idg dge d ge looks ge lo oo oks ok kkss that th that at itt has has ha as been been be en dedicating ded d ed dic dica ica catti ca tin iin ng to the th he village villag vil lag ge for ffo orr long o lo ong ng g time, time ti me e,, and and nd seems se ssee eem ee mss that that th at it iit’ it’s tt’’s aalm al almost llm mo osst ost st e ending ndi nd ndi din ng g it iits ts life. lif iffe ife e.. However, How owev wev eve verr,r, th the he sur surrounding urrro rrou ou o un nd ndi diing d ng nature natu na tu tur urre aare arre re aalmost lmo lm lmo mosstt aas assimilated ssim sim simila imiila la late te ted ed d w with iith it tth h b bridge, riid rid dg ge, ge e,, e seems ssee eem eems mss that that na n natures attur ures es ar aare re aacc accepting ccce ept ep pttiin p ing ng n g tthe he h e sc sscale caal ale lle e o off bri br b bridge rriid dge dg ge g e aass tthe th their he h eir ir whole. wh whol ole ole le. Th TThe h he e museum m eu mu mus um of of nature natu aatture ture tu re is is a ffacility aci aac cciilit lliiitty wh lity w which hic icch h rrespect esp e es spe sp eccctt aand ect nd d nd delights eliights el eli ght ght gh hts th tthe he existence e exi existe ex xxiiste t nce nce e o off m mot mother o otth ther her lland. he and. nd d. The d. The he combined co com om ombin mbin biin ne ed d layers laayye yer ers of er of elements el ele em eme me ments ntttss create n crrea eaate e te the the h museum, m mus usseu u eu eu um m, and an an nd d the th he e continuity cont co nti n ttiin nu nui uittyy o ui off tthe he h e la lay layers aye ay ers er rrss w will iillllll be be se sseen ee en n as as h how ow w ba b bamboo amb m o mbo fforest for orre est es sstt creates crre rea eaaatte e te es it its ts who w whole ho ole le w wi with ith th g ga gathered th the hered re ed d eelements lemen lem lement ent nts off si ssimple impl m e sti sst sticks. ti t cks c . ck Th Th The he e view vie ie iew ew w point po oin oi in nt is d desig designed esig igned ned e aass a rectangular ed rectan rec ectan tangul g ar element gu gul el elem em eme me en ntt pen penetrates ne ettrat etrat attes e th the e ccombined co com o om mb biine ed d layers llaaye yer errs will wilill p w pro provide ovvid de on de o onl onlyy vvie viewable ewab wable le sp space ace ffor or th the he b bridge rid idge ge fr ffrom ro om bridge. th the h museum, m mu useu seum m, and an nd itt delights de d elig ights ts th the e eexistence x ten xis tence ce of o the he bridg h br idg ge. e.
4 3 2
There is a bridge in deep forest, being loved by people in Blacksburg for long time. The timber structured bridge looks that it has been dedicating to the village for long time, and seems that it’s almost ending its life. However, the surrounding nature are almost assimilated with bridge, seems that natures are accepting the scale of bridge as their whole. The museum of nature is a facility which respect and delights the existence of mother land. The combined layers of elements create the museum, and the continuity of the layers will be seen as how bamboo forest creates its whole with gathered elements of simple sticks. The view point as an element penetrates the combined layers will provide only - viewable space for the bridge from the museum and delights the existence of the bridge.
The spreading sky, the blazing sun, and the hearthealing trees of mother nature. Imagine an educational environment that can be freely transported to any desired locations, while holding a structural capability of capturing and absorbing the surrounding nature as a whole. California currently possesses financial and spatial restrictions leading to an insufficiency of classrooms. However, I look at this as an advantage, and propose my moving classroom Architecture. 2 1
Cemetery, Underground
Church-path Diagram
Community City
Energy, Active, Create
To live. Importance of living has been forgotten as the technology evolves. Did we born to the earth to offer some kind of knowledge to this world, so we keep gaining it? Or, should we just feel the sun, stand firmly on the ground and finish the life while seeing the sea calmly waving? Answer? Nobody knows‌ It keeps changing in the age, and will be changing as time passes by. To die. Isn’t it true that our thinking and beliefs towards dieing has been shallow comparer to the past? Perhaps, we are loosing our time and place. There is a question which we all may have, considering religion, cultural, and racial difference. What one is the world of the death? I assumed it to be the world of nothing. The aught expressed in the dark covers and carries out the life there.
Bell Tower
Stop, Death
Sky and light losses its existence, just as the aught denies your own existence. Also, it becomes the greatest existence just as one candle about to disappear in the dark. In the space, you will fell the meaning of the death and warmth of the life by not being before.
Sky garden, Tokyo
In the world largest city Tokyo, high rise buildings jostle each other, just as they are competing its existence. Cutting edge technology allows us to build high rise buildings, and air conditioners creates better environment. On the other side, heat exhausts and wastes are rising to the sky as a symbol of our corrupting society. However sky calmly surrounds us, and pretends that it forgives everything. I would like to propose this idea to all the buildings in Tokyo. The water spread on the roof top would reflect the sky with a little wave created by wind. And it will illuminate the sky as jewelry. At lunch time, it would be nice to take out the used furniture from the office, perhaps have a lunch on the roof top, feeling the glazing sun and appreciate the beauty of out motherland.
Project FireFly
In daylight, transportation is tied to the changing scale of surroundings by the speed at which one travels. When the light of day weakens, a different manifestation of a similar scale change occurs with illumination around a source of light. The Washington Monument and other buildings along the National Mall not only illuminate themselves and the sky, but also their surroundings as they link together to increase awareness of their own and the city’s existence. On a more human scale, Firefly provides quiet illumination of itself and the area in close proximity. The egg-shaped monuments of decreasing size lead away from the water taxi station and towards the city and utilize light to evoke a realization of the changing scale light has. As the bright light becomes less and less, passengers become aware of the difference in scale of transportation that is no longer present at night.
On a more human scale, Firefly provides quiet illumination of itself and the area in close proximity. The egg-shaped monuments of decreasing size lead away from the water taxi station and towards the city and utilize light to evoke a realization of the changing scale light has. As the bright light becomes less and less, passengers become aware of the difference in scale of transportation that is no longer present at night. Additionally, each passenger is presented with a small pendant that provides just enough light to brighten the passenger and his or her immediate surroundings. As they walk away from the station, the amount of illumination from the eggs decrease, and they are eventually left with only their pendant as it become their own personal firefly.
As the passengers move from water taxi to National Mall, they slowly become lost except for their immediate surroundings as the size of the city overtakes them. When they finally reach the monuments, they are completely consumed by the light and understand the city as a whole.
Media Exploration
Professional experience
26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26. 26.
30. DN 27.
26.休憩室 27.社員便所 28.浴室・脱衣室 29.リネン室 30.会議室 31.倉庫 32.講習室 33.店舗スペース
6.00㎡ 20.00㎡ 11.78㎡ 8.00㎡ 29.72㎡ 14.84㎡ 24.80㎡ 31.50㎡
東立面図 S=1/500
中2階平面図 S=1/500
屋上テラス EV 36. 35.
EV 38.
42. 34.CMC詰所 35.倉庫 36.駅電気室 37.倉庫 38.ホテルズ事務所/ 店舗スペース 39.コインロッカー 40.公衆便所 41.多目的便所 42.店舗スペース
77.00㎡ 16.51㎡ 51.64㎡ 40.60㎡ 78.35㎡
UP 駅前広場
33.70㎡ 62.47㎡ 8.00㎡ 155.77㎡
東西断面図 S=1/300
Takayama Station Competition
Professional experience
Professional experience
Las Vegas Hotel Lobby (SD) Photoshop
Hotel in New York (SD) Physical Model
Thesis in progress