MASCULINE DEVELOPMENT w w w. m a s c u l i n e d e v e l o p m e n t . c o m
What is a Oneitis? An “Oneitis,” as it’s called, is when you have a soul-crushing fascination over a single woman in your life. This can take the any form like girlfriend, wife. It can even take the form of a co-worker or a classmate.
Oneitis is the term used to describe the suffering a man feeling when he has developed an attachment to a picky girl who don’t feel the same way back. Often, the man is in love with the girl – bordering on obsession – and simply cannot 'get over' her. In short, an Oneitis is when you’re absolutely desperate for a particular girl’s approval. Even you can’t sleep without her; you can’t eat and breathe without her. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t stop thinking about her.
When you’re obsessed over a girl, sometimes it can be hard to see things straight. You end up doing things that you would normally never do, and acting like a completely different man. It’s almost like having a Oneitis hijacks your brain, and turns you into a different person. Getting over an Oneitis will probably be the hardest thing you ever do. That being said, I’m here to guide you through it. So without further ado, here’s the Masculine Development guide to getting over your Oneitis.
THANK YOU Masculine Development
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