Newsletter 1 issue dec 2016

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Volume 1  Issue 1 Summer 2016

Editor’s Desk

Inside this issue: Spiritual Growth 2 Personal Growth 3 Socio-Economic Growth 4

Hello and welcome to the first Growing Smart Leaders Newsletter. Growing Smart Leaders (GSL), is a movement made up of passionate young people who are loyal to the conviction that service and education can end poverty in our world. We are breaking the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through the Growing Smart Leaders Initiative. Our activities empower rural and urban youth to transform their communities through the lens of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Once they have that basic foundation of knowledge, the GSLI propels them to create incomegenerating activities— which catapults the culture of engaging in self-sustaining socio-economic expansion activities. Well, you’ve figured by now this is an empowerment and leadership development publication. A group of varied and inspiring articles to help you grow shall drop in your inbox every month. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did putting it together. If you have any feedback on this issue or suggestions for our next ‘issue, please write to us. We’ll be glad to hear from you.

Volume 1  Issue 1 Summer 2016

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Spiritual Growth The “Poison” of Gossip When I first read Pope Francis’ strong thoughts on gossip, I was both astounded and chastened. His words about gossip are so strong. I was sad to realise that despite of my constant advice on others about the toxicity of gossip, we are probably all guilty of it at some point. This destructive habit is of such grave concern in that one of the finest spiritual leaders Pope Francis emptied his thoughts and warned us about this dysfunctional habit. Just like enjoying a piece of candy could result in teeth cavities, there is an element of gossip that brings people together. It is human to want to belong and realise that you’re not the only one experiencing a miserable human interaction. Nonetheless, it is poisonous in the end as it fills the heart with bitterness as we destroy others with words. We pass judgement as we only focus in other people’s flaws and we fail to see the good in the world or the ability for others to change. As I continued to read, what struck me the most was that “gossiping is terrorism because the person who gossips is like a terrorist who throws a bomb and walks away, they destroy with their tongue, they don’t make peace.” More often than not, we gossip in order to convince l ourselves that we would never be caught saying or having done a certain act, our much-needed fulfillment comes from putting other people down.

Once you’ve decided that it is time for a spiritual awakening within, here are some practical steps you could take in the road less travelled and be the force for good in your area of influence.

Steps You Could Take In The Road Less Travelled And Be The Force For Good In Your Area Of Influence Would I want someone to say this about me Silently walk away from conversations that are unkind, passing on private informa-tion about someone else, or in-depth speculating into someone’s personal life. Steer the direction of the conversation Politely and intelligently interrupt the conversation with some delightful small talk. Always take the high road Throw in a different perspective, be the one to be on the lookout for grey areas. Al-ways bring in compassion and encourage diverse perspectives that lead to finding common ground. Purposefully avoid gossip and silently pray for the person Praying for the person that we have been gossiping about reminds us of the other person ’s humanity and God’s perspective on the situation. It reminds us that we are both immensely loved by God and that we are all human beings on our way to God.

Volume 1  Issue 1 Summer 2016

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Solving It With Palesa Makara We all have the choice to feel sorry for ourselves, blame everything and everybody or take ownership and reflect on the questions below. 1. How did Elton get to that state of


2. What do I need to get there? What

or who assisted Elton? talents and skills do I have 3. to get me out of here? 4. What’s keeping me here?



5 years into the future, imagine you have taken positive steps to unleash your full potential and follow in the direction of your dreams Join our Spa of Ideas Chat Page every Wednesdays at 19h00 in the Growing Smart Leaders FaceBook Group


Volume 1  Issue 1 Summer 2016

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Leave No 1 Behind William Pescod Growing Smart Leaders Chapter Growing Smart Leaders is calling for every young person to do his or her part and actively participate in creating awareness and accelerating the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. High School Learners at William Pescod in Kimberley – Northern Cape Province in South Africa heeded to the call. Through the GSL Initiative these young minds Are determined to work together to break the cy-cle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through a number of interactive activities harnessing their ability to spark positive changes in their school and communities

Through employing the SDGs as our yardstick to encourage resourcefulness, young people an invaluable work ethic and community pride that can benefit them far beyond the classroom. Furthermore, our leadership development address all dimensions as it empowers young minds through their full participation in all aspects of political, economic and social life, especially in the design and implementation of policies that directly affect their immediate and neighbouring communities.

Volume 1  Issue 1 Summer 2016

Shaping the Future With Growing Smart Leaders

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