Mash ups
Helping people share thinking across categories
nships Relatio parents n betwee kids – and ship” “friend
Original id and how eas becoming mit is ore importa ever to snut than young peop rprise and be innovale tive
Put stuff out there- small sub-brands; it is ok to fail The perceived age thing and the fact that age groups are getting blurry
nate, Passio ted commit e cultur
up Not mixing uth o targeting y ng a and targeti irit youthful sp of – Examples Lynx etc
Radio 1 fits around other commercial st atio to fill in gaps ns Therefore ther. are opportun e for behaving inities more ways
THE TYPICAL MASH CHALLENGE? There’s no such thing... How can we learn more about targeting men by co-creating with industry trend setters?
How can we harness the potential of fragrance to win in personal care?
If we launch in the US what should our positioning be and do we need a new brand?
What impact did dual screening have on people’s experience of the Olympics?
How do we build a global opportunity model that can fit on the back of a napkin?
How do we bring sociability to the heart of my brand architecture?
...but one thing remains the same; the key to the answer probably exists in your business already
Most brands aren’t short of information and knowledge, it just needs to be Most brands aren’t short of information and knowledge, it range just needs to be unleashed. That means pulling out insights from a wide of sources unleashed. That means pulling outmedia, insightsthe from a widecontext) range of and sources (data, (data, reports, people, social cultural colliding reports, people, social media, the cultural context) and colliding them in a creative them in a creative process that moves thinking on to a new place process that moves thinking on to a new place. Call Mash to unlock the power of what Call Mash to unlock theknows power of what your business already
your business already knows | +44 7734 563 541 | +44 7837 077 387 +44 7734 563 541 | +44 7837 077 387
Mash Unit 18, Archer Street Studios, 10-11 Archer Street, London W1D 7AZ Jonathan Williams +44 7734 563 541 Conrad Persons +44 7837 077 387