Portfolio 2023

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Step into a realm of refined elegance, where sunlight dances throughetherealdrapes,andeverycornerbreathesanexquisite tapestryofcomfortandstyle.

In the realm of eclectic modern residential interior design, boundaries dissolveandartisticexpressiontakesflight.Atapestryofcontrastingelements seamlessly intertwines, where bold colors and patterns dance with minimalist elegance. Unconventional pairings of vintage and contemporary treasures create a visual harmony that sparks curiosity and invites the soul to wander. This captivating tapestry transcends conventional norms, awakening a sense of wonder and fostering asanctuary where individuality finds its voicein every carefullycurateddetail.

This residential interior is a symphony of beauty, inviting you to surrender to its captivating embrace.


Intheheartofthebustling metropolis, where concrete jungles stretch towards the heavens, a modern commercial complex emerges its exterior design a testament to nature’s intricate beauty. Inspired by the delicateveinsthatcoursethrough the leaf’s verdant canvas, this architecturalmasterpieceweaves together organic elegance and urbansophistication.Eachcurving façade mimics the rhythmic flow of life-giving sap, as towering glass panels embrace sunlight, casting kaleidoscopic patterns onthevibrantwalls.Justasveins intertwine, connecting every part ofaleaf,thisremarkablecomplex harmoniously links bustling offices, vibrant retail spaces, and serene communal areas forming an interconnected ecosystem of creativity, commerce, and communalharmony.

As one gazes upon this awe-inspiring creation, the essence of nature transcends traditional boundaries. The complex’s exterior captures the very essence of a leaf’s veins, transcending mere imitation to embodythevitalityandresilience found in the natural world. With its intricate network of pathways, cascading greenery, and flowing water features, it fosters an environment that celebrates both human ingenuity and the beauty of the surrounding landscape. This modern commercial complex stands as a testament to the interplay between urban development and organic inspiration, a sanctuary where commerce and nature entwine, beckoning visitors to discover theharmonious balance between modernityandtheeternalallureof thenaturalworld.

Itssleeklinesandinnovativedesignbeckonvisitorsintoaworld ofcontemporarysophisticationandlimitlesspossibilities.

The exterior design of the commercial complex draws inspiration from the intricate network of veins found within a leaf, giving rise to a visually captivating and organic architectural masterpiece. Like the delicate veins that branch out and intertwine, the complex’s facade showcases a harmonious interplay of curvilinear forms and angular elements. The sinuous lines that mimic the veins create asenseofmovementandfluidity, imbuing the structure with a dynamic energy that engages the senses of passersby. The transparency of the glass panels reflectsthetranslucencyofaleaf, allowingnaturallighttopermeate the interior spaces, while the juxtapositionofmaterials,suchas concrete and steel, adds a touch of modernity and strength to the design.Thisartisticinterpretation not only evokes a connection to nature but also creates an enchantingarchitecturallandmark thatseamlesslyintegrateswithits surroundings.

As one ventures closer to thecomplex,theintricatepatterns withintheleafveinsbecomemore apparent,transformingthebuilding intoacaptivatingworkofart.The exterior surfaces showcase a seriesofreliefsculpturesinspired bythecellularstructureofleaves, adding depth and texture to the overall design. The rhythm and repetitionofthesepatternscreate a mesmerizing visual experience, reminiscentofthedelicatebalance and interconnectedness found within nature’s creations. The playoflightandshadowonthese sculptural elements throughout the day adds a sense of drama and depth, further enhancing the building’s aesthetic appeal. Thisremarkablefusionofnatureinspired design and architectural ingenuity creates a commercial complex that not only stands as a testament to human creativity butalsocelebratesthebeautyand intricacyofthenaturalworld.

Deriving designs from nature enhances sustainability, aesthetics, and human well-being.


Through the intricate dance of curves and lines, nature’s essenceintertwineswithhuman ingenuity,birthingalandscapeof parametricdesign—asymphony ofartandinnovation.

Parametric landscape design commences with a delicate interplay between the natural world and the digital realm. The majestic peaks and undulating slopes of mountains become the blueprint for a transformative process, transcending the boundaries of conventional design. Through meticulous data collection, digital modeling,andalgorithmicmanipulation,the essence of the mountains is encapsulated withinanethereallandscapeframework.

Parametric landscape design commences with a delicate interplay between the natural world and the digital realm. The majestic peaks and undulating slopes of mountains become the blueprint for a transformative process, transcending the boundaries of conventional design. Through meticulous data collection, digital modeling,andalgorithmicmanipulation,the essence of the mountains is encapsulated withinanethereallandscapeframework. Beyondthestaticrealmoftraditional landscape design, parametric landscapes come alive in the fourth dimension: time. Thesedynamiclandscapesevolveandadapt, mirroring the perpetual transformation of mountains under the ever-shifting forces of nature. Like a symphony composed in temporalharmony,theparametriclandscape invites viewers to witness the passage of seasons,thedanceofsunlight,andtheebb andflowoflifeitself.

Lines, curves, and planes emerge as the vocabulary of this artistic discourse. Every contour of the mountainous terrain is deconstructed and understood as a series of geometric elements, allowing designers to reconfigure thefamiliartopographyinfreshand evocative ways. The curves mimic the graceful dance of the ridges, while the sharp lines trace the dramaticprecipices,captivatingthe eyeandstirringthesoul.

Parametriclandscapedesign transcends the mere replication of nature; it breathes new life into the mountainscapes. By incorporating parametric systems, algorithms becomethebrushesofthedesigner’s palette. These algorithms engage in a symbiotic dance with natural processes,simultaneouslyimitating and transcending the mountainous forms.Theresultisachoreography of organic morphologies, where digital intricacies blend seamlessly with the splendor of the natural world.

Semi Open Amphitheatre for hosting Festivals and Gatherings

The Iconic Walking tower featuring the Landscape Design

The paramount objective of parametric landscape design is to evoke a multisensory experience, stimulating the viewer’s mind, body, and spirit. The ethereal dance of light and shadow across the undulating formsbeckonstheeyestowanderand explore.Thewhisperingwinds,artfully channeled through carefully designed apertures, embrace visitors with a gentlecaress.Thescentofindigenous flora, thoughtfully integrated into the landscape, invites visitors to embark on a sensory journey, immersing themselves in the tapestry of nature’s finestfragrances.

Parametric landscape design,bornfromtheawe-inspiring splendor of mountainscapes, enables a transformative union betweenartandscience.Through thefusionofdigitalalgorithmsand artisticintuition,designersbreathe newlifeintolandscapes,imbuing them with an ethereal quality that captivates the soul. These dynamic environments, pulsating

withthepassageoftime,engage the senses and invite viewers to revel in the profound beauty of nature’s poetry. With parametric landscapedesign,wearegranted an opportunity to witness mountainscapes transformed, perpetuating the eternal dialogue betweenhumanityandthenatural world.


Welcometoarealmwhere elegance meets grandeur, where thespiritoftheFrenchRenaissance danceswitheverybreath.Nestled within this residential colony, the architectural marvels transcend time, echoing the opulence of a bygone era. Immerse yourself in the splendor of ornate facades, regal symmetries, and graceful arches,asyouembarkonajourney throughtherichtapestryofFrench Renaissancearchitecture.

Intherealmofarchitectural marvels,theechoesoftheFrench Renaissance persist, enchanting us with their timeless elegance. Thoughborncenturiesago,these majestic structures continue to captivate our hearts, offering a gatewaytothepastwhileinspiring the future. The importance of following French Renaissance architecture in modern times lies in the interplay of heritage and innovation,craftingaharmonious symphonythatenrichesoururban landscapes.

Like a poet’s pen strokes onparchment,theintricatedetails and symmetrical proportions of French Renaissance architecture embody the pursuit of beauty, grace, and proportion. In an era where efficiency often trumps aesthetics,honoringthishistorical styleremindsusofthesignificance of balance, of adorning our cities with structures that elevate our spiritsandevokewonder.

Moreover, embracing French Renaissance architecture serves as a bridge across time, inviting us to unravel the stories woven within the walls. Every ornate sculpture, every grand façade whispers tales of human creativityandresilience.Itreminds usthatourpresentisbutachapter in an ever-unfolding narrative,

urgingustoconnectwithourroots andfosterasenseofbelonging.

In the context of modern times, where concrete and glass dominate the skyline, the inclusion of French Renaissance architecture breathes life into our surroundings. It offers a counterpoint to the monotony, infusing our cities with a touch ofmagnificence.Byintermingling contemporary design with echoes of the past, we create a dialoguebetweeneras,adialogue that harmonizes tradition and progress, reminding us of the enduringpowerofheritage.

In conclusion, embracing French Renaissance architecture in our modern age represents a nodtooursharedculturalheritage, acelebrationoftheeternalpursuit ofbeauty.Byweavingtheessence of the past into the fabric of the present, we cultivate a rich and diverse urban landscape that uplifts our spirits and inspires generations yet to come. Let us, therefore, stand as custodians of these architectural gems, preserving their splendor and embracing their transformative influence, ensuring that their ethereal grace resonates through thetapestryoftime.


Apoeticdancebetweenkioskandnature,lushgreeneryintertwineswithdesign,breathing lifeandtranquilityintospaces,paintingavibranttapestrythatreconnectsuswithourverdantorigins.


Thesymphonyofparametricarchitecturebreatheslifeintokiosks,shapingetherealforms thattranscendfunction,beckoningviewerstoexplorethelimitlessboundariesofdesign.

© ma.sidhiq

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