AsSabiqoon # 3

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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#3 February 2014 ‫!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

1) By Al-`Asr.) (2. Verily, man is in loss.) (3. Except those believe and do righteous deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience.)! Allah subhana wa t’ala is swearing by the Time that we are in a loss unless we do two things:!

! ‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الحمدهلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على أشرف‬ ‫املرسلني‬

Ladies & gentlemen; our sisters & brothers ‫السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل وبركاته‬

This is our III issue ‫الحمدهلل‬. The question that comes one’s mind is that: Are we really moving close to our Khaleq, Creator or is this just a wishful thought? !


Beloved readers, life is a journey & like all journeys, they are limited on time. Hence, the importance of making the best use of time. We take time for granted, we think it is a free resource. However the truth of the matter is that time is all we have! We have heard people describing time as money…no beloved reader! Time is more valuable than money, time is your life! Time is the most precious asset you have & its importance is highlighted by Rabbana in Surah Al Asr, when Allah subhana wa t’Ala swears by the time! Surah Al Asr is a wakeup call, it is an alarm clock!!


ِ ‫ن الر‬ ِ ‫ِسم ِ اهللَِّ الرَّحْ مَ ـ‬ ِ ‫َّحيم‬ ْ ‫!ب‬

ِ َّ‫ إِن‬-ِ‫َصر‬ ِ ‫منُوا ْ َوع‬ ْ ‫َم ُلوا‬ ُ ‫نسـ َن َل ِفى‬ َ ‫ إِ َّال ال َِّذي َن ءا‬-ٍ‫سر‬ َ ‫اإل‬ ْ ‫خ‬ ْ ‫َوا ْلع‬ ِ َ‫!الصَّـلِح‬ ‫َاصوْا ْ بِالصَّبْ ِر‬ َ ‫َاصوْا ْ بِا ْلحَ قّ َوتَو‬ َ ‫ـت َوتَو‬

! !

1. Those who perform good deeds. Your faith cannot be complete unless it transforms you into a good individual who does good to himself/herself, his/her family, society, humanity & all of Allah’s creation. To do good, we need mercy which starts from the heart. This is what the world is in desperate need of. Let us remind ourselves that the Messenger of Allah (prayers & peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah is Merciful for those who are merciful among his servants” [Reported by AlBukhâri].


2. Then Allah goes one step further & says that once you have believed and started to live your belief by putting it into practice, that is performing acts of obedience to Allah, being truthful to the Prophet & to all the creation by doing good deeds, then comes the responsibility to advise others to do good & advise others to be patient.


So today, I leave you with a question for your reflection. What do you do with all the knowledge you acquire is the key decider. At the end of the day, you only concerned with yourself want to be a means of guidance to others?!


‫الحمد هلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على أشرف‬


!A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#3 February 2014 Pages 17 - 18

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This Issue

Brain Squeeze: Page 12!

Introduction: Page 1!

The Righteous Child: Pages 13 - 15!

The Gems Box: Page 3 !

Tajweed: Page 16!

Linguistic Miracles of the Glorious Quran: Page 4!

The Real Superstars: Pages 17 - 18!

Learn, Live &Love the Names of Allah Azza Wajal: Pages 5 - 6! Cheer Up! Pages 7 - 8 ! Power of Dua with Faith: Pages 9 - 11!

The Olive - A Health Giving Plant: Page 18! Masjid Bani Hashim: Page 19!


!! Linguistic Miracle Surah Al Fatiha

servant, and My servant Part 2! shall have what he has “Ihdinas siraatal asked for.’ And when he mustaqeem. Siraatal says: ‘Ihdina s-sirata lladheena an ‘amta’ mustaqim, siratal ladhina alaihim. Ghairil an amta alayhim ghayril- maghduubi’ alaihim maghdubi alayhim wa la waladaaleen.”! d-dallin’, He says: ‘This is The remaining Surah for My servant, and My describes the last part of servant shall have what Ayat 4: “wa iyyaaka he has asked nasta’een”: ! for.’” (Muslim)! We ask Him to guide us to “Allah (mighty and Surah Al Fatiha is the the straight path, the path sublime be He), said: ‘I prayer which the above of those He has blessed, have divided prayer Hadith mentions. Let’s not of those upon whom between Myself and My unfold its linguistic He is angry and not of servant into two halves, those who are lost. And, it and My servant shall have beauty:! is only He, Allah whose what he has asked for. help we seek (wa iyyaaka When the servant says: ‘Al- Part 1! “Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil nasta’een)! hamdu lillahi rabbi lalamin’, Allah (mighty and ‘alameen. Ar-Rahman ar- The “wa” in Ayat 4 sublime be He) says: ‘My Raheem. Maaliki yaumid (Iyyaaka na’abudu wa Deen.”! iyyaaka nasta’een) is used servant has praised Me.’ Up until the above Ayat, to divide the Ayat, exactly And when he says: ‘Arthe first part of Ayat 4 is in the same way as we rahmani r-rahim’, Allah being described: “Iyyaaka have divided the first three (mighty and sublime be Ayats and the last two He) says: ‘My servant has na’abudu”: ! Ayats above.! extolled Me,’ and when he We Praise and Thanks Allah, we call Him by His says: ‘Maliki yawmi dmost beautiful Names and Hence, Surah al Fatiha is din’, Allah says: ‘My servant has glorified Me’ - we declare He alone is the beautifully divided into Owner of the Day of two parts, the first part for and on one occasion He Judgment. It is He, Allah Allah, where we Praise said: ‘My servant has submitted to My power.’ alone Whom we worship and Glorify Allah and the second part for us where And when he says: ‘Iyyaka (Iyyaaka na’abudu)! we seek His help for this na budu wa iyyaka dunya and Aakhirah.! nasta’in, He says: ‘This is



between Me and My

! ! !

‫!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

Rules Regarding Allah’s Names and Attributes - Affirm the Siffat without Likeness & Negate without Denial! Four things that must be avoided:! 1. Takyif (how)! 2. Tashbih (anthropomorphism)! 3. Tahrif (twist)! 4. Taa’til (abandonment)! The first two are extremes in affirmation, and the second two are extremes in denial.!


I - Takyif!

We do not have the authority to question “how” does Allah’s actions take place. For example, to describe ‘how’ Allah descends in the last third of the night. This is not knowledge that we know, it is not something that we were told, nor do we question it. Neither did the Prophet SAW nor the Sahabah inquire the how. The “how” is plainly accepted as is.!

II - Tashbih!

This is more specific than Takyif, in that it describes the ‘how’ by comparing Allah (swt) to His creation. So for example, if one were to say Allah has Hands, the same way we have Hands, then this is tashbih. Every act of tashbih therefore is takyif, but not every takyif is necessarily tashbih.
 An example is an ayah everyone quotes in this regard, “There is nothing like Allah, and He is the All-Hearer, All-Seer.” [42:11]
 It is interesting to note, that this ayah does not end in the Names of Allah like Jabbar, or Quddus, but it ends in Hearing and Seeing, something that is also a trait of the creation. This is in order to make us understand that Allah Sees and Hears. However, His Seeing and Hearing are different from our hearing and seeing. Just like we have milk, honey, and fruits in this life, are the milk, honey, and fruits of Paradise the same? The aim is for us to understand the concept, rather than comparing the likeness of the fruits of Jannah with the fruits of dunya.!


III - Tahrif!

This is to change the meaning of a word, and it is a characteristic of other nations. “They change the words from their (right) places.” [5:13]
 An example of this are the people of Musa saying ‘hinta‘ instead of ‘hitta‘ as they were commanded [al-Baqara]. Another example of this is to say that istiwaa (to rise over) means istawla (conquer). Tahrif can also be by letters, for example, some people changing the ayah, “wa kallamAllahu Musa takleema” to “kallamAllaha“, i.e., instead of saying Allah spoke to Musa, they change the meaning to “Musa spoke to Allah.”!


III - Ta’til!

This means to abandon. Every act of tahrif is ta’til, but not vice versa. It is like saying that the words have no meaning, for example, to say that Allah has a Yadd (hand) but that we don’t really know what “yadd” is. It is just like Alif Laam Meem. This is in clear contradiction to the principles established for approaching the Quran and Sunnah.! Continued on next page.

!continued from last page "

Linguistic Meaning of Attributes are Understood The linguistic meanings of the Attributes are understood but not the manner of their existence.

The Names of Allah have a literal, apparent meaning that everyone can understand. However, some people automatically assume this means anthropomorphism. That is, to say Allah actually has a Hand, they automatically assume you mean like the hand of the creation. This is an evil presumption to make by automatically jumping to tashbih. The concept of a hand is understood, but the modality of it is not. Uniqueness of His Names and Attributes does not mean He has no Hand, rather, His hand is not like ours, and we do not know how it is, nor do we question it.

Another important point is to be consistent with that methodology. We

take that approach with all His Names and Attributes. Other groups would pick and choose. If one starts to claim that some ayaat are metaphorical, then what is there to stop them with doing this to every single ayah of the Quran? Again, the Quran is sent such that we can read it and understand its basic message, it is not an intellectual puzzle. !

Asma wa al-Sifat]

There are many lessons from this narration. First, it is clear that the man understood istiwaa to mean rise above, and not ‘conquer’ (istawla) or some other meaning. Also, Imam Malik beautifully explained that not only is there a meaning, but we understand it, we affirm it, it is obligatory to 
 believe in it, and at the An important narration same time the ‘how’ of it regarding this issue is the is not understood, nor can aathar of Imam Maalik, it be understood. This is a one version of which is:
 rule that can be applied to Yahya bin Yahya (d. all of the Names and 234AH) reported, “We Attributes of Allah (swt).
 were sitting with Malik 
 bin Anas when a man This is also in clear came in and asked, “‘arcontradiction to those Rahmaanu ‘alal arsh who claim istiwaa does istawaa‘ (The Most not mean to rise above, or Merciful rose over the those who claim istiwaa Throne [20:5]), how did has a meaning, but we He istiwaa?” At this, don’t know what the Malik lowered his head meaning is. It also shows until sweat began to pour that we do not make down his forehead (out of anthropormorphism, but anger). The he replied, are in the middle path ‘The istiwaa is not between the extremes of unknown, and the kayf denial and affirmation. (how) is not comprehensible; believing in it is obligatory, and asking questions about it is an innovation. And I am sure that you are an innovator.’ He then commanded that the man be expelled.” [Bayhaqi’s

!he was a carpenter and had been gifted by Allah, Al Hakeem (The All-Wise) with hikmah (wisdom).!


There is a beautiful report from Ibn Kathir about the insight of Luqman, Subhan Allah . Ibn Jarir recorded Reflections on Surah that Khalid ArRabee`i said: "Luqman was an Ethiopian Luqman: Part 1 of 2 slave who was a carpenter. His master said to him, `Slaughter this sheep for ‫!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬ us,' so he slaughtered it. ‫!الحمدهلل رب العاملني‬ His master said: ‘Bring the Peace and blessings of best two pieces from it,' so Allah be upon the Prophet, he brought out the tongue his family, companions and and the heart. Then time passed, as much as Allah followers. ! willed, and his master said: In shaa Allah, this time I `Slaughter this sheep for want to invite you to meet us,' so he slaughtered it. Luqman, the wise one. His master said:`Bring the Luqman the one that has worst two morsels from it,' been exalted by Allah so he brought out the ‫ سبحانه وتعالى‬in the Qur’an.! tongue and the heart. His master said to him, `I told Just imagine, he was not a you to bring out the best prophet, he was not a two pieces, and you messenger but he was brought these, then I told highly regarded by you to bring out the worst Rabbana to the extent that a two pieces, and you whole chapter has been brought these!' Luqman named by his name said, `There is nothing “Luqman”.! better than these if they are good, and there is nothing Before we go into reflecting worse than these if they are upon some of the ayat of the bad.'' Shu’bah narrated Surat Luqman, I would like from Al-Hakam, from to share with you some of Mujahid, "Luqman was a the historical findings about righteous servant, but he this wise man. The most was not a Prophet.'' (Tafsir favoured view is that Ibn Kathir)! Luqman was not a prophet but was a righteous servant Now let’s move to the best from Africa. By profession of the speech, the Qur’an,






the word of Allah Subhanahu wata’aala.! Surah 31 Luqman, ayah 12:!


ِ ‫ن ا ْل‬ ْ ‫ن‬ َ ‫َو َل َق ْد َءاتَيْنَا ُل ْقمَ ا‬ ِ َ ‫ح ْكمَ َة أ‬ ‫اش ُك ْر‬ ِ ْ‫َش ُك ُر لِنَف‬ ْ ‫َش ُك ْر فَ ِإنَّمَ ا ي‬ ْ ‫هللَِّ َومَن ي‬ ‫س ِه‬ َ َ​َّ‫! َومَن َكفَ َر فَ ِإنَّ اهلل‬ ‫غ ِنىٌّ حَ ِمي ٌد‬ And indeed We bestowed upon Luqman Al-Hikmah saying: "Give thanks to Allah.'' And whoever gives thanks, he gives thanks for (the good of) himself. And whoever is unthankful, then verily, Allah is All-Rich, Worthy of all praise.)! Subhan Allah, how powerful is the above statement from Allah, Al Hakeem. Allah SWT is connecting wisdom to thankfulness…let’s reflect upon above…!


What was Luqman thankful for? What are you thankful for?!


Subhan Allah, first of all the gift of hidayah, the gift of guidance, of knowing there is Allah and then knowing Who Allah is! Luqman knew his Lord and he was grateful for the provision that Allah had bestowed upon him. No doubt Rabbana had bestowed upon him a very special provision — wisdom.! continued on next page...!

!...continued from last page ! ! Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says in Surah Al Baqarah, 2, ayah 269:!


ِ ‫يُؤْ ِتى ا ْل‬ َ ‫ح ْكمَ َة مَن ي‬ ‫َشآ ُء َومَن‬ ِ ‫يُؤْتَ ا ْل‬ َ َ‫ح ْكمَ َة فَ َق ْد أُو ِتى‬ ‫خيْ ًرا‬ َ ْ ‫َك ِثي ًرا َومَا يَذَّكَّ ُر إِ َّال أ ُ ْو ُلوا‬ ِ‫األ ْلبَـب‬

He Grants Hikmah to whom He wills, and he, to whom Hikmah is granted, is indeed granted abundant good. But none remember (will receive admonition) except men of understanding).!


Now we move to ayah 13 of Surat Luqman:! َ ‫َو إِذْ َق‬ ُ ‫ال ُل ْقمَ ا‬ ُ ‫ن الب ِْن ِه َو‬ َ‫هو‬ ْ ‫! ي َِعظُ ُه يَبُنَىَّ َال ت‬ َّ‫ُش ِر ْك ِباهللَِّ إِن‬ ِ ‫!الشِّ ْر َك َلظُ ْل ٌم ع‬ ‫َظي ٌم‬ And when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him: "O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily, joining others in worship with Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed.'')!


(disbelief) is the major form of ungratefulness. All universe is screaming La Ilaha ills Allah, no one is worthy of worship except Allah but the human being screams “power, money, prestige, children, family... are worthy of my dedication” more than the one that created me, fashioned me…Yes, yes dear reader you are CREATED by ALLAH and for Allah. This is your label! Hence, our aim is to use all the blessings we have, whatever the blessing it is, however small it is to please Allah azza wa jall.!


Submit to Allah and be We seek refuge from grateful for each and being of the ungrateful every blessing that Allah ones, and the main form has bestowed upon you, of ungratefulness is not however small or big recognising your Rabb and with the help of (Your Lord, Nurturer, Allah, you will be free and Reformer), your from all bondage except Khaliq, your Creator. the bondage to Rabbana. That’s why kufr You will be screaming to

your Lord from the depths of your heart that I am happy with your provision ya Wahab (Oh, The all Bestower of all blessings) and Allah will never fail in his promise… Surah Ebrahim 14, ayah 7:!


َ ‫ن َربُّ ُك ْم َل ِئن‬ َ َّ‫َو إِذْ تَأَذ‬ ‫ش َك ْرتُ ْم‬ ‫عذَا ِبى‬ َ َّ‫َأل ِزي َدنَّ ُك ْم َو َل ِئن َكفَ ْرتُ ْم إِن‬ َ ‫! َل‬ ‫ش ِدي ٌد‬ 7. And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "If you give thanks, I will give you more; but if you are thankless, verily, My punishment is indeed severe.'')!

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‫!الحمدهلل رب العاملني‬

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet, his family, companions and followers.!

! to be continued next issue…" !


‫شدَّا َد بْ َن أ َ ْو ٍ‬ ‫ص ِ‬ ‫حبْتُ َ‬ ‫ع ْن َرجُ ٍل‪ِ ،‬م ْن ب َِني حَ نْظَ َل َة َق َ‬ ‫س رضى اهلل عنه‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ال َ‬ ‫علِّمُ َ‬ ‫س ُ‬ ‫سفَ ٍر فَ َق َ‬ ‫ك مَا َكا َ‬ ‫ول اهللَِّ صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬ ‫ال أ َ َال أ ُ َ‬ ‫ِفي َ‬ ‫ن َر ُ‬ ‫سأ َ ُل َ‬ ‫ن نَ ُق َ‬ ‫يُ َعلِّمُ نَا أ َ ْ‬ ‫ع َلى‬ ‫ول اللَّ ُهمَّ إِنِّي أ َ ْ‬ ‫م ِر‪َ ،‬وا ْل َع ِزيمَ َة َ‬ ‫ك الثَّبَاتَ ِفي ا َألْ ْ‬ ‫ُوجب ِ‬ ‫عزَ ِ‬ ‫سأ َ ُل َ‬ ‫سأ َ ُل َ‬ ‫غ ِف َر ِت َ‬ ‫َات َرحْ مَ ِت َ‬ ‫الر ْ‬ ‫ك ُ‬ ‫م ْ‬ ‫كم ِ‬ ‫ش ْك َر‬ ‫ك‪َ ،‬وأ َ ْ‬ ‫ُّش ِد‪َ ،‬وأ َ ْ‬ ‫ائ َم َ‬ ‫ك‪َ ،‬و َ‬ ‫ص ِ‬ ‫سأ َ ُل َ‬ ‫سأ َ ُل َ‬ ‫س َن ِعبَا َد ِت َ‬ ‫ِنعْمَ ِت َ‬ ‫ك‬ ‫اد َقاً‪َ ،‬وأ َ ْ‬ ‫ك‪َ ،‬وأ َ ْ‬ ‫ك‪َ ،‬وحُ ْ‬ ‫سانَا ً َ‬ ‫ك َق ْلبَا ً َ‬ ‫سلِيمَ اً‪َ ،‬ولِ َ‬ ‫غ ِف ُر َك َ ِملا تَ ْع َلمُ‪ ،‬إِنَّ َ‬ ‫خيْ ِر مَا تَ ْع َلمُ‪َ ،‬وأَعُوذُ ِب َ‬ ‫ك ِم ْن َ‬ ‫ِم ْن َ‬ ‫ست َ ْ‬ ‫ك‬ ‫شرِّ مَا تَ ْع َلمُ‪َ ،‬وأ َ ْ‬ ‫!أنْتَ ع َّ​َال ُم ا ْل ُ‬ ‫غي ِ‬ ‫ُوب‪ .‬الترمذي‪ ،‬كتاب الدعوات‪ ،‬باب منه‪ ،‬برقم ‪3407‬‬

!A man from Banu Handalah said: “I

accompanied Shaddad bin Aws [may Allah be pleased with him] on a journey, so he said: ‘Should I not teach you what the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to teach us? That you say: “O’Allah, I ask You for steadfastness in the affair and I ask You for determination upon in following the right path, and I ask You the means for Your mercy and the determination for Your forgiveness, and I ask You to make me thankful for Your blessings, and excellence in worshipping You, and I ask You for a sound heart and a truthful tongue, and I ask You for the good of what You know, and I seek refuge in You from the evil of what You know, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which You know. Verily, You are the Knower of all that is hidden” (At Tirmidhi 3407)


and I seek refuge in You from the evil of what You know (‫) وأعوذ بك من شر ما اعلم‬


And I seek Your forgiveness for that which You know. (‫)وأستغفرك ملا تعلم‬


Verily you are the All-Knower of all that is hidden. (‫) إنك انت عالم الغيوب‬


Brief Summary of Hadith ‫ فقد‬,‫ في غاية األهمية‬,‫هذا الدعاء العظيم املبارك‬ ,‫ واآلخرة‬,‫ والدنيا‬,‫اشتمل على أعظم مطالب الدين‬ ‫و فيه من جوامع الكلم التي ال تستقصيها هذه‬ ‫الوريقات لجاللة قدره‬. This grand and blessed supplication is of utmost importance, since it encompasses the greatest requests for deen, duniya, O’Allah, I ask You for steadfastness in all and akhirah. And it consists of words that this explanation cannot possibly my affairs measure the ability of Dhul Jalali wa Al ‫اللهم إني أسألك الثبات في االمر‬ Ikram, Owner of Honor and Majesty. and determination in following the right ‫ولهذا ْأمر ْالنبي ْصلى ْاهلل ْعليه ْوسلم ْشداد ْبن‬ path, ‫ولهذا أمر النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم شداد‬,‫ْأوس‬ (‫) والعزيمه علي الرشد‬ ‫ والصحابة رضى اهلل عنهم باإلكثار من‬,‫بن أوس‬ ّ ،‫هذا الدعاء بأجمل األلفاظ‬ and I ask You the means for Your mercy ‫ ))يا‬:‫وأجل املعاني فقال‬ (‫) وأسألك موجبات رحمتك‬ ‫ إذا رأيت الناس قد اكتنزوا الذهب‬،‫شداد بن أوس‬ ‫ وصححه األلباني‬.((‫ فاكنز هؤالء الكلمات‬,‫والفضة‬ and I ask determinations for Your 3228 ‫ برقم‬،‫في سلسلة األحاديث الصحيحة‬. forgiveness. (‫) وعزائم مغفرتك‬ And for this reason, the Prophet (pbuh) I ask You to make me thankful for Your commanded Shaddad bin Aws and the blessings companions, may Allah be pleased with (‫) وأسألك شكر نعمتك‬ them, to increase the saying of this supplication. For he said, ‘if you see the & I ask Allah to give me excellence in people treasuring (safekeeping) gold and worshipping You. silver, then treasure (safe-keep) these (‫) وحسن عبادتك‬ words’ (Corrected by Albani) 3228 I ask You for a sound heart, (‫) وأسألك قلبا سليما‬ Continued on next page...



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and a truthful tongue (‫) ولسانا صادقا‬


I ask You for the best of what You know (‫) وأسألك من خير ماتعلم‬



‫السالمة من كل شر في كل األحوال‬ ‫واألزمان‬.!


7. Forgiveness of sins – of the past, current, and up to the point I will reach.! ,‫مغفرة الذنوب في املاضي‬ ‫ واملآل‬,‫والحال‬.! ‫فتضمَّن هذا الدعاء املبارك على عدة‬ ‫مقاصد ومطالب جليلة في أعظم‬ ‫ منها‬،‫ واملعاد‬،‫ واملعاش‬،‫مهمات الدين‬ So this supplication consists of many parts and requests related to the deen, livelihood, and the final return, it includes:


Definitions (‫!)املفردات‬ Treasure (‫)الكنز‬: ! The original meaning of treasure is hidden wealth that is buried under the ground, and if it is discovered and removed, 1. Ask Allah (swt) for then it is no longer a firmness in His guidance treasure. And a treasure is for all matters.! something precious that is ‫ سؤال اهللَّ تعالى الثبات على الهدى‬hidden. Just at the Prophet ‫في كل األحوال‬.! (pbuh) said: (There is no might or power except with 2. To have success in Allah is a treasure of one of completing the righteous the treasures in paradise)-(Al & good deeds.! Bukhari 6384).!



‫التوفيق إلى صالح األعمال على‬ ‫ التمام‬.!

‫ ))أصل الكنز املال املدفون تحت‬:‫الكنز‬ ‫األرض؛ فإذا أخرج منه الواجب عليه‬ ‫ هو الشيء‬:‫لم يبق كنزا ً(( والكنز‬ 3. To be Grateful for all ‫ ومنه قول النبي‬,‫النفيس املدخر‬ blessings and gifts throughout the night and ‫صلى اهلل عليه وسلم ))ال حول وال قوة‬ .(‫إال باهللَّ كنز من كنوز الجنة‬ day.! ‫ باب الدعاء الشكر على النعم واآلالء في الليل‬،‫ كتاب الدعوات‬،‫البخاري‬




4. To reform the actions of the heart and limbs.! ‫إصالح أعمال القلب واألركان‬.!


matters and during all times.!

Guidance to be on the right path (‫)الرشد‬:! It is the opposite of ‘al ghay’ which is to be far away from the right path, it also means to be reformed for the better, success, and being in the right.!


ْ ‫َّش ُد والر‬ َ ‫ الر‬:‫الرشد‬ ,‫ خالف الغي‬:ُ‫ُّشد‬ ‫ والصواب‬,‫وهو الصالح والفالح‬.!

The sound/peaceful heart (‫ )القلب السليم‬It is one which is free of shirk, disbelief, hypocrisy, sins, and any type of dispraised quality. Subhan Allah.! ‫ هو الخالي من الشرك‬:‫القلب السليم‬ ‫ والنفاق واإلثم وكل وصف‬,‫والكفر‬ ‫ذميم‬.!


With the definitions and initial summary of this beautiful hadith, we will stop here now. In Sha Allah in the next issue we will focus upon the explanation of this hadith and the dua. !

! ! ! Determination (‫)العزيمة‬:! ! It is ‘knotting’, tying the heart on doing a matter – on ! obedience in this case. As Allah (swt) says: “When you ! are determined (on a matter), ! 6384 ‫ برقم‬،‫إذا عال عقبة‬.!

5. To have success in all goodness and continue on it.! ‫الفوز بكل خير ومنوال على الدوام‬.! then place your reliance upon Allah”. (Surah Al E 6. Safety from all evil in all Imran 159)!



‫ عقد القلب على إمضاء‬:‫العزيمة‬ ‫"فَ ِإذَا‬:‫ قال اهللَّ تعالى‬: ‫ يقال‬,‫األمر‬ َِّ‫ع َلى اهلل‬ ْ َ‫عز‬ َ ”! َ ‫متَ فَتَوَك َّْل‬

Brain Squeeze Crossword Theme: Places mentioned in the Quran where messengers were sent to or stayed


4 5


2 5

3 1

2 3

Answers on page 14

Across: 1. The place where Zakariya ‫ عليه السالم‬received the glad tiding of Yahya ‫ عليه السالم‬who was to bring the message of Allah (3:39) 2. Allah sent Salih ‫ عليه السالم‬to the people of this place with the miracle of a huge she-camel that came from a rock (7:73) 3. The place where Allah sent the angels; Harut and Marut as a test to the people (2:102) 4. The country where Yusuf ‫ عليه السالم‬was residing in when he reunited with his parents (12:99) 5. The sacred valley where Allah ‫ سبحانه و تعالى‬addressed Musa ‫ عليه السالم‬and ordered him to take off his shoes (20:12)

Down/Up: 1. Allah ordered Adam ‫ عليه السالم‬and his wife to dwell in this place before he was sent down to earth (2:35) 2. A group of young men fled for refuge to this place and invoked Allah to facilitate for them their affair in the right way (18:10) 3. Shu'aib ‫ عليه السالم‬was sent to the people of this place, advising them to give full measure and full weight when trading and not to do mischief on earth (7:85) 4. Nuh ‫'عليه السالم‬s ship rested on this mountain after the decree of Allah that destroyed the wrong-doers (11:44) 5. Hud ‫ عليه السالم‬came to the people of this place; they were known to build high palaces on high places but didn't live in them (26:123)

Seeking Knowledge - By Mu’adh Bin Jabal (RA) • Acquire knowledge for the pleasure of Allah, to learn piety, reverence for one's Lord and for His fear. • Seeking knowledge for Allah's pleasure is an act of worship, studying it is a celebration of God's glory • Searching for it is a rewarding struggle (Jihad) • Teaching it to someone who realises its worth is a charity (Sadaqa) • Applying it in one's home strengthens family unity and kinship. ... • Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness. It is the best companion to a traveler. It is the innermost friend who speaks to you in your privacy. • It is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close comrades.


Salih Al Munajjid, we are happy to share tips and recommendations on how to get the barakah (blessing) in what we do in our home. On one side we are encouraged to use the means but without Allah how can we achieve anything in this life. We desperately need Him (Most Exalted He Be).!

please Allah above all His creatures who are His slaves and belong to Him (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). It is the parents’ duty to inculcate such a habit into their children and make sure they gain the proper

knowledge about their Creator and their purpose of existence which is to worship Allah alone as Allah mentions in His Noble Book ‫الرحيم‬ ‫!بسم اهلل الرحمن‬ (Surah Ath-Thariyaat 51 :56) :! Narrated in Saheeh 56. And I (Allâh) created not Muslim, the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ All the praises be to Allah, the jinns and humans except We thank Him, We seek His said:” The! they should Worship Me Likeness of a house in Help, and We ask for His which Allah is remembered (Alone).! Forgiveness. We seek This verse deserves our and the house in which refuge in Allah from the Allah is not remembered is utmost interest since this is evil of ourselves and the our very purpose of existence.! that of the living and the bad consequences of our

! !

deeds, whoever Allah guides, none can misguide him, and whoever Allah lets to go astray, none can guide him. I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Mohammad is His servant and messenger.!


dead, respectively”!


Our home must be a primary place where Allah is mentioned in all sorts of ways, privately and openly “whether in our hearts, verbally, by reading the Quran, by discussing Islamic issues or reading all Parents and kinds of Islamic books of Productivity! our Salaf AsSalih. Morals Organising your Muslim Home! values should be discussed Continuing on our previous and shared so that the topic, an important aspect members of the household deepen their knowledge that should not be overlooked is making our about what is permissible or not in the religion such home a place of Dhikr (Allah’s remembrance). On as the free “mixing of the reading a wonderful book sexes between relatives who are not Mahram” and by Shaikh Mohammad so on. It is an imperative to

! !


May Allah help us in achieving only what is pleasing to Him. Ameen.!


Health: Treating with Ruqyyah! Ruqyah in Islam is the recitation of Qur'an, seeking of refuge, remembrance and supplications that are used as a means of treating sicknesses and other problems.!


Two Kinds of Ruqyah:
 1) Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeya
 2) Ruqyah AshShirkiyah!

! continued on next page

! destruction in this life and the next. It increases calamities and sicknesses. This type of Ruqyah is prohibited. It includes: Magic (whether learning, practicing, or teaching it), Fortune telling, Horoscopes, superstitious belief, and at’tameemah (charms and amulets).!

! To be continued….! ! ...continued from last page !


Ar-Ruqyah ! AshShar’eeyah:! Ibn Hajar (rahimuhullah) said

there is a consensus on the using of Ruqyah if three conditions are met:! 
 1) It must be with the speech of Allah (Qur'aan) and his names and attributes.!

Education: Home Schooling - Part 2! Before we start our introduction on the pros and cons of home schooling, we thought it would be wise to introduce the different types of school curricula which have spread among the Muslim society most of the time without parents enquiring much.!


In our current time, the different school 
 methodologies have come 2) It must be in the Arabic language, or what is known to from the West and it is interesting to look into the be its meaning in other variety of approaches each languages.
 3) To believe that Ruqyah has methodology endorses. As a Muslim parent venturing in no benefit by itself, but the the home schooling realm, it benefits are from Allah. 
 is essential to choose a 
 method which is not in This type of Ruqyah is contradiction with Islamic permissible and is the main values and to be aware of the subject of this topic.
 type of methods to avoid.!


Ar-Ruqyah Ash Shirkiyah: This contradicts the conditions of Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah and has in it Shirk - associating partners with Allah. It leads a person to his


Method 1 : Classical Home Schooling Method! Based on the philosophy of education used in ancient Greece and in Europe during the Middle Ages, this is a rigorous style of education

that views education in three phases. !


These stages correspond to the development of a child’s ability to reason. The first stage is when the student learns how to learn and has the ability to memorise many facts. The second stage is when connections are made of the facts already learned. The third phase is when the student is able to use the connections of facts and formulate and articulate his own opinions. Grammar, logic and rhetoric are all important components of the Classical method, as is Latin, usually. The Socratic method and the Great Books of Western tradition are also key parts of this method.!


Source: Homeschool Curriculum! To be continued…!


The Perfect Way of Life! The perfect way of life lies in the harmony gained when following the commands of Allah. One interesting topic to address is teaching our children good manners.This month we address the topic to seeking permission to enter.!


Continued on next page…!



! Du'aa asking for righteous children


‫ رب هب لي من الصلحني‬ Rabbi hab lee mina AsSaliheen “My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous.”


! ...continued from last page! ! !

Allah ‘Azza wa Jal says in His Noble Book (Surah Noor 24: 27-28) :! 27. O’You who believe! Enter not houses other than Your own, until You have asked permission and greeted those In them, that is better for you, In order that You may remember.! 28. And if You find no one therein, still, enter not until permission has been given. And if You are asked to Go back, Go back, for it is purer for you, and Allâh is All-Knower of what You do.!


And: so enter houses through their proper doors, and fear Allâh that You may be successful.!

! ! ! ! !

Reference from Quran: This was Prophet Ibrahim’s prayer to Allah and his prayer was granted with the birth of Ismail - one of the most obedient sons. Quran - Surah AsSaaffat



1 AlMihrab 1 Paradise 2 Thamood

2 Cave

3 Babylon

3 Mad’yan

4 Egypt

4 Judi

5 Tuwa

5 Ad

Answers to Brain Squeeze

(where the sound of each (b) middle part has ‘a'ain’ (‫)ع‬ letter should come from).! and ‘ha’ (‫ )ح‬and ! 4. ‘AsSifaat’ (‫)الصفات‬: The (c) The upper part close to the characteristics of letters in back of the tongue has the manner of articulation.! ‘ghain’ (‫ )غ‬and ‘kha’ (‫)خ‬. ! !

AlMakharij (‫ارج‬š‫خ‬š‫م‬š‫!)ال‬


3-‘AL LISAAN’ (‫ )اللسان‬The Is divided into 5 general areas Tongue! Tajweed is divided into:! which has 17 specific areas out 4-‘AshShafatain’ (‫ )الشفتني‬The 1. “Ilmi”(‫)علمي‬The two lips! theoretical part (learning Has 2 makharij and 4 letters: the rules for correct (a) Where only the lower lip is recitation).! used which touches the upper 2. “Amali”(‫ )عملي‬The front teeth and is the makhraj of the letter ‘fa’ (‫)ف‬. ! practical part (learning (b) When both the lips are the correct recitation by pouted, then ‘waw’ (‫!)و‬ practice).! of which the 29 huroof (c) Complete joining of both emerge.! lips by rounding it, then Most part of Tajweed is ‘meem’ (‫! )م‬ completed by practice and it is also “fard A'ain”(‫)فرض عني‬, 5 General Areas! (d) Meeting of the dry outer parts of lips and pushing that is, it is a compulsory on 1-‘AL JAUF’(‫ )الجوف‬The Chest! air through the nasal every muslim to read the This is all the empty space passage, then ‘ba’ (‫)ب‬. It Quran in the proper way that occurs from the chest, up taught by our dearest Prophet to the throat and out through pronounced by pressing s.a.w whereas the ilmi part is the mouth without touching the lips firmly and quickly called “fard kifayah”(‫فرض‬ with a bouncing sound.! anywhere. From it emerges ‫)كفاية‬, that is, if one group of 5-’Al KHAISHUM’ (‫)الخيشوم‬ muslims within an area are The nose! teaching and learning then it The sound of ghunna or the is sufficient for all. So dear nasal sound which comes readers, we will insha Allah ْ ) and with noon sakinah (‫ن‬ cover the ilmi part in our news letter and hope you do meem sakinah (ْ‫ )م‬.! the rest by practicing.!






Out of the 4 parts we have covered 7 makharij and 10 There are 29 letters in the letters, that is, one makhraj of Qur’an. The correct recitation Jawf, 3 of Halaq, 2 of 2-’AL HALAQ’ (‫ )الحلق‬The is achieved by giving each shafatain and one of letter its due (using the organs Throat! khaishum. The rest of the 10 of speech) through:! This has 3 makharij and each makharij comes from lisaan 1. ‘Harakaat’ (‫)حركات‬: ! has 2 letters so total 6 letters out of which 18 letters emerge emerge. ! 2. Vowel.! which we will cover in our (a) The lowest part close to 3. ‘Makharij’ (‫ )مخارج‬: next newsletter insha Allah.! the chest is the makhraj of Prescribed point of exit ‘hamzah’ (‫ )ء‬and ‘ha’ (‫! )ه‬

Letters (Huroof)!

the long vowel sounds of aa ,ee and oo.!


The Sahabas were a support to the Prophet(SAWS)during the early days of the dawah in Makkah to the latter days of the Prophet's(SAWS) life when Islam was established in Madina.! The Sahabas were ordinary people; with extraordinary and exceptional qualities. Their stories are full of lessons of perseverance, hardship, sacrifice, steadfastness, unwavering Iman, Taqwa, etc. They were Last issue we talked about the most pious hearted, had who we, as Muslim Ummah, deepest knowledge yet were should consider as our role least pretentious and were models, Our Superstars. After very humble. They fought the Prophets of Allah, the along with the Prophet Sahaba of Prophet (SAWS) are (SAWS), against the Kuffar, the role models for us, in with their wealth and lives. ! many ways. Ibn Mas'ud(RA) said: Whosoever amongst you Allah chose them for the wants to follow an example , responsibility of preserving then let him follow the Islam for the coming example of the Sahaba of the generations. They are our Prophet Muhammad(SAWS)! protection as the following hadith states: Abi Burda Who are the Sahabas?! reports from his father: " He The Word Sahaba comes from (Prophet Muhammad the Arabic root word ‫ص ح ب‬ (SAWS)) raised his head ِ and from the verb ‫ب‬ َ َ ‫صح‬ toward the heavens and said: "The stars are the protection meaning "accompany","keep for the sky — when the stars company with"associate have gone, that which has with”and it refers to the been forewarned will come to companions, scribes and the sky. I am the protection for family of the Prophet my Companions - when I Muhammad (SAWS). ! have gone, that which has been forewarned will come to Sahabee (plural: Sahabah) is my companions. My anyone who saw the Companions are the Messenger of Allah (SAWS), while in the state of Imaan and protection for this Ummah died in the state of Muslim. It when they have gone, that which has been forewarned can be both men and women. will come to this For women the term Ummah." [Saheeh Muslim]! Sahabiyaat is used. !






The Messenger (SAWS) clearly stated that ten of his Companions would be in Paradise. The Prophet (SAWS), said: "Abu Bakr will be in Paradise, `Umar will be in Paradise, `Uthman will be in Paradise, `Ali will be in Paradise, Talhah will be in Paradise, Al-Zubayr will be in Paradise, `Abdul-Rahman ibn `Awf will be in Paradise, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas will be in Paradise, Sa`id ibn Zayd will be in Paradise and Abu `Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah will be in Paradise." Ahmad and Tirmidhi. Its isnad is sahih. [Sahih al-Jami` as-Saghir, 1/70, no. 50]!


The sahabas were of different personalities, backgrounds, and outlooks. They were unique in their own way, but united upon Islam. It is because of their different personalities that we can take from their lives distinct lessons. Abu Bakr was known for being the most wellrounded of the Sahaba. 'Umar bin Al-Khaṭṭāb was known for his power, and strong personality, 'Ā'ishah was known for her scholarly mind and her well-developed wisdom.!


continued on next page...!


continued from last page !


One may say that our best example is the Messenger of Allāh (SAWS), so why should we look beyond him as role models? Of course the Prophet (SAWS) was the greatest of all examples. But by following the Sahaba, we are following the Prophet Moḥammed (SAWS). They learnt the religion from him directly. By looking into their lives ,we learn valuable lessons for ourselves in how to conduct ourselves. ! Both the Qur'an and Sunnah arrived at our hands through their transmission. They understood the revelations deeply, as they were present at the exact time of revelation, and were often the triggers for parts of Islam being revealed. If there were any questions or doubts, they would turn directly to the Messenger of Allāh (SAWS). The Sahaba therefore had a greater, and more complete depth of understanding of the Deen than anyone who came after them.!


For these reasons, among many others, we should learn about the Sahaba. And although we may learn about them , it will never be possible for us to reach the status they reached or ever do as much as they did. But we may hope to bring into our lives some positive change by trying to emulate them.

The Olive - A Health Giving Plant!

Olive and its tree is mentioned a number of times both in the Quran and hadith. Olive is considered a “blessed” fruit in Islam and besides it being a good source of nutrition, it is also used as a health food and used in “ruqyah treatment.” In his books on prophetic medicine, Ibn Al-Qayyim encouraged the use of olives and its oil.!


Allah mentions olives in a number of verses in the Quran. ! ِ ‫ن َو‬ َ ‫! َو‬ ْ َ‫شجَ َرةً ت‬ ِ ‫ه‬ ْ ُّ‫سيْنَا َء تَنْبُتُ ِبالد‬ ‫صبْغٍ لِ ْآل ِكلِ َني‬ َ ‫خ ُرجُ ِم ْن طُو ِر‬ “And a tree (olive) that springs forth from Mount Sinai, that grows oil, and (it is a) relish for the eaters.” [Surat AlMu’minoon 23:20.]!


Ibn Umar recorded the well-known hadith “use olive oil and anoint yourself with it, because it is ‘from a blessed tree’”(24:35) [Al-Bayhaqi]!


Some benefits of olive oil:! •According to researchers' reports, people who consume large quantities of olive oil and cooked vegetables can have a reduced risk of rheumatic arthritis.! •Whether consumed hot or cold, olive oil protects the stomach against diseases such as gastritis and ulcers by reducing gastric acid levels. • An olive-oil rich diet is more effective than a low-fat diet in controlling and treating obesity.! • New Italian research finds olive oil contains antioxidants… that combat disease processes, including LDL cholesterol's ability to clog arteries.!


To be continued...


Masjid Bani Hashim! At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai


Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah ‫عز وجل‬, opened its doors 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 & is a NonProfit Organisation. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures, workshops, Tafseer elQuran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet pbuh & major Islamic Studies.!


Our Mission!

Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (saws). Masjid Bani Hashim welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray & recite Quran.


Masjid Bani Hahsim Location! It is located in the Jumeirah Islands. From Sheikh Zayed road, take Exit 29 & follow Jumeirah Islands (Road Signs) & it will take you to the Masjid.

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#3 February 2014

Ways to Get AsSabiqoon


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