AsSabiqoon # 7

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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#7May 2014


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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#7 May2014

Allah Subhana wa T’ala clearly states in the above verse in the Qur’an, that Allah Subhana wa T’ala wants us to observe Ramadan, so that we become from ‫!املتقني‬


‫!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫!الحمد هلل رب العاملني‬ ‫!والصالة والسالم على أشرف املرسلني‬



‫ع َلى ال َِّذي َن‬ َ ‫ب‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا ال َِّذي َن آ‬ َ ‫ب‬ َ ‫ع َليْ ُك ُم الصِّيَا ُم َكمَ ا ُك ِت‬ َ ‫منُوا ُك ِت‬ ِ َ ‫!م ْن َقبْلِ ُك ْم َل َعلَّ ُك ْم تَتَّ ُقو‬ ‫ن‬

O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2). (Surah2-AL Baqarah: Ayah 184)!


Rejoice, rejoice, Subhan Allah, glad tidings, glad tidings! Ramadan is at our doorstep! What a joy! The means to the solution to problems in the neighbourhood! The opportunity to start a new page, the opportunity to erase all negative past, the opportunity to start new!!


Yes dear readers, we are told and we are taught to be good to neighbours, to be kind to guests! Subhan Allah, Ramadan is now a neighbour, are you not going to welcome your neighbour? In just over a month’s time Ramadan, is going to be your guest! Are you not going to open your heart and accept this guest wholeheartedly?!


This is it! You have to open your heart to Ramadan, so that Ramadan is a means for a refreshing change in your life! What is the purpose of this blessed month, beloved readers?!


Dear reader, a muttaqee is a very peaceful slave of Allah Subhanah wa T’ala. A muttaquee runs to please Allah and he stops where the displeasure of Allah is imminent. A muttaquee brings harmony to the society! Why? Because he lives a life upon the “asseeratul al-mustaqueem”, a life upon the straight path, the balanced path, the path of the righteous that can lead only to Jannah and this Jannah can be witnessed in your heart, while you walk in the streets of this Dunya even before you enter and “taste” Jannah in the hereafter. Does anyone have any doubt, that Ramadan is that month, where you can witness this Jannah in your heart, every day and every night of those the blessed month? Subhan Allah.!


Yes indeed dear reader! No doubt, if you are really going to strive to please Allah in this month, your life is going to see a change, and this change can be as permanent as you want! But for that we need to prepare, and above all we need to have the right intention as we approach the month Ramadan! It is just over a month to go and we need to ask Allah first and foremost to make us reach this blessed month and then that we really reap all the fruits in this month.! May Allah make Ramadan 1435 a means of opening all the doors of paradise for you and closing all the doors leading to the hellfire! ! We beg Rabbana to make us reach Ramadan with an increasing faith.! ! ‫!الحمدهلل رب العاملني‬ ‫والصالة والسالم على أشرف املرسلني‬

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#7 May 2014

Pages 22-25

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This Issue

In the Light of Dawah -The Importance of Patience: Pages 16 - 17!

Introduction: Page 2!

Power of Dua with Faith: Pages 18-20!

The Gems Box: Page 4 !

Learn Tajweed: Page 20!

Linguistic Miracles of the Glorious Quran - Quran Imagery: Page 5!

The Real Superstars: Pages 22 - 24!

Learn, Live &Love the Names of Allah Azza Wajal: Pages 6 - 8!

Gems of Surahs: Page 27-28!

Brain Squeeze: Page 26 !

Cheer Up! Pages 9 - 11!

Shaa’ban: Page 29 - 32!

Eating Right for a Spiritually Healthy Ramadan: Pages 12-15!

Home Truths: Page 33 - 35! Masjid Bani Hashim: Page 34 - 36

Look around you: Allah created everything to serve you! The only thing He kept for Himself is your heart! Consequently, you should make sure it remains pure from sins: Imagine your heart to be like the full moon! The light of faith is so strong that it shines within the darkest night! Your sins are like the clouds that come and cover the full moon... In order to get the light of faith back: turn to Allah in repentance! Moral: Faith is not constantly high, it needs to be renewed! Imagine a leakage in your house. You place a bucket underneath it to collect the water. Within one hour the bucket is almost full! The sins are like each drop of water that fall and fill your heart. Clean your heart with repentance before it is too late! Experiment: Hold an empty glass of water with your stretched arm for few minutes. Despite the lightest of the glass, you will eventually start feeling a heaviness that will force you to stop. Your sins are similar. It seems to be very light initially but their true weight will be shortly felt if you do not repent for it. “Faith wears out in your heart as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts.” [Narrated by al-Haakim in his Mustadrak and al-Tabaraani in his Mu’jam]

ِ ‫ )ا ْلب‬is running where the falsehood (‫َاط ِل‬ from the truth (ِّ‫)ا ْلحَ ق‬. To hurl (“We hurl the truth…”) is to throw with great force and a great force will only be used if your enemy is at a stretch from you or running away from you. "


Quran Imagery ! ِ ‫ع َلى ا ْلب‬ ُ ‫م‬ ُ ‫غ ُه فَ ِإذَا‬ َ‫هو‬ َ ‫َاط ِل فَيَ ْد‬ َ ِّ‫ب َْل نَ ْق ِذفُ ِبا ْلحَ ق‬ ِ َ‫ز‬ " ِ ‫اهقٌ َو َل ُك ُم ا ْلوَي ُْل ِممَّا ت‬ َ ‫َص ُفو‬ ‫ن‬ “We hurl the truth against falsehood (like a spear/arrow/rock), and the truth bashes its skull in. And for you is destruction from that which you describe” [Surah Anbiya 21:18]." The Noble Quran fundamentally was revealed to guide mankind and jinn towards the right path. It is also called Furqaan (Separating the Truth from the Falsehood). In all the linguistic beauty of The Glorious Quran, the study of Quran Imagery leaves one’s mind astounded with awe and amazement. How beautifully Allah portrays an Ayah by creating a vivid image of the context in the minds of the readers."


The above Ayah is one such example. It is taken from Surah Anbiya and exploring this Ayah will help in understanding what is meant by Quran Imagery. Reading and revising the above Ayah slowly and carefully paves the way for an image

Another interesting notion to be highlighted here is the hatred that Truth has towards Falsehood. It is exemplified in the Ayah when Truth bashes the skull of Falsehood. Bashing the skull is used to demonstrate how the Truth exterminates even an atom of Falsehood. Note that skull is the primary part of the body and is as necessary for a living thing to exist as long its brain and skull are in place. However once they are eradicated, it leads to death. "


A powerful image is created by Allah (‘Azza wa Jal) in this Ayah demonstrating to the readers how falsehood is a characteristic of cowardly people who run away from truth; and how truthfulness is bravery and is always the winner at the end."


This is one Ayah amongst the many other similar Ayat of Allah (‘Azza wa Jal) whereby the message is empowered by a clear image. Perfect are His words, in every purpose and context. And only He alone knows the true miraculous nature of His Speech.


Ar-Rahman ! (Allah the Exalted said, 'I Am Ar-Rahman. I created the Raham (womb, i.e. family relations) and derived a name for it from My Name. whoever keeps it, I will keep ties to him, and whoever severs it, I will sever ties with him.') ! ! “The Arabs denied the name ArRahman, because of their ignorance about Allah and His attributes.''

! !

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (r) said: "AlRahmaan is the Owner of vast mercy, because the fa'laan form in Arabic indicates vastness and abundance, as it

is said rajal ghadbaan (a very angry man) when he is filled with anger.! ! ! Another narration in Muslim is reported by Salman Al-Farisi (ra): Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Allah has hundred mercies, out of which one mercy is used by his creation for mutual love and affection. Ninety-nine mercies are kept for the Day of Resurrection.''!


ArRaheem " (The Most Merciful)! Root Word RaHa-Meem!



Alaah because of His Mercy rewards the believers in the Hereafter,and due to their belief and righteous deeds He admits them to Jannah.!

When one knows that in the Hereafter,Alaah confines His mercy to the believers (and deals with the unbelievers with His justice),one will seek to worship Allaah and come nearer to Him in order to deserve this mercy in the Hereafter. ! Allaah (swt) is Merciful,in the world, to both disbelievers and believers,and to the more pious and the pious among the believers.! I is mercy is only for the believers in the hereafter. "And He is Merciful (Raheem)to the believers."[33:43]!


Allah loves those who are merciful to His Slaves and is most Merciful to them.! Allah will not show mercy to who ever does not show it to the people (AlBukhari,7376)! Abu Hurairah (Ra) reported:I heard Mesenger of Alah (Saw) saying,"WhenAlahcreatedthe creatures,He wrote in the Book,which is with Him over HisThrone:`Verily,My Mercy prevailed! over My Wrath" [AlBukhariandMuslim]!

Abu Hurairah(ra) reported:Messenger of Allah (saw) said,"Allah has divided mercy in to one hundred parts; and Here tained with Him ninety nine parts,and sent down to earth one part. Through this one part creatures deal with one another with compasion so much so that an animal lifts its hoof over its young lest it should hurt it".! [AlBukhariandMuslim] !

! !


Al Maalik, Al Malik," Maalik AL Mulk"

Root Word: Meem -LaamKaf" Allah has three Names that are similar to Malik: Maleek (‫ )مليك‬and Maalik (‫)مالك‬. The meaning for all three names is: One who possesses the attribute of Mulk. What is Mulk? Kingdom, dominion, power, authority. Mulk has three meanings:!


ُ ‫م ْل‬ 1) Possession and ownership (‫ك‬ ُ ‫َل ُه‬ َ ‫ات َو‬ ِ ‫األ ْر‬ ِ ‫ السَّمَ ا َو‬To Him belongs the ‫ض‬ Ownership of the heavens and earth 2:107)!



ُ ‫َل ُك ُم ا ُملْ ْل‬ Control and authority (‫ك‬

‫ ا ْليَوْ َم‬For you in the authority this day 40:29)!

Description: Up-pointing red triangleHe does whatever He wants! Description: Up-pointing red triangleThe kings and all the owners are humble in the sight of Allah and they are lower.!

! ! 3)

ŮŽ ‍ ŮŽاŮ„ ŮŠŮŽŮ…Ů’ Ů„Ů? Ů?ŮƒŮˆâ€ŹThey Ability and power (‍ن‏

do not possess ability 13:16)Al Malik: appears eleven times,five times it isused for Allah (swt)! Al-Maleek: Used once in the Qur’an.!


đ&#x;”… Malik and Maleek have the similar meanings, Sovereign, King. The different one is Maalik. ! đ&#x;”… What is the difference between Malik and Maalik? đ&#x;”… Maalik is the owner, and đ&#x;”… Malik is the one who owns and executes his command. For example, one can be a maalik of their house but they cannot control how much the bills are. Al Malik is the One with Supreme Authority whose Command is executed.!


Description: ! Up-pointing red triangleThere is no Maalik except Allah ta’ala.!

Description: No entry sign Prohibition of naming yourself great names. Only Allah is Al Malik, Maalik and Maleek. A hadeeth in Saheeh Bukhari states that the worst name near Allah ta’ala on the Day of Judgment is one named: Maalikul Mulk, King of Kings.! Description: Up-pointing red triangleWe should be humble in front of The King.!


"La ilaaha illa allahu wahdahu la shareekalahu, lahul mulku,Wa lahul hamdu,Wa hua ala kulli shayyin qadeer"! Whoever says: , ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent.’ 100 times he will receive the reward of freeing ten slaves. 

‫ الرحيم‬ ‫ الرحمن‬ ‫ اهلل‬ ‫ بسم‬

The Productive Month! !‫الحمدهلل رب العاملني‬ !‫والصالة والسالم على أشرف املرسلني‬ ! ِ ‫ن ال َِّذي أُنْ ِز َل ِف‬ ٍ َ‫َّاس َوبَيِّن‬ ِ ‫هدًى لِلن‬ َ َ ‫ن ۚ فَمَ ْن‬ ُ ‫يه ا ْل ُق ْرآ‬ َ ‫َضا‬ َ ‫ش ْه ُر َرم‬ ِ ‫َى َوا ْلفُ ْر َقا‬ ُ ‫ن‬ ‫ش ِه َد ِمنْ ُك ُم‬ ٰ ‫ات ِم َن ا ْل ُهد‬

َ ُ ‫سفَ ٍر فَ ِعدَّةٌ ِم ْن أَيَّام ٍ أ‬ ً ‫م ِر‬ َ ‫م ْن َكا‬ ‫ُس َر َو َال يُ ِري ُد‬ ْ ‫خ َر ۗ يُ ِري ُد اهللَُّ ِب ُك ُم ا ْلي‬ َ ‫يضا أ َ ْو‬ َ ‫ن‬ ُ ‫الشَّ ْه َر فَ ْلي‬ َ ٰ‫ع َلى‬ َ ‫َصمْ ُه ۖ َو‬ ْ ‫هدَا ُك ْم َو َل َعلَّ ُك ْم ت‬ َ ‫َش ُك ُرو‬ َ ‫ع َلىٰ مَا‬ ‫ن‬ ْ ‫! ِب ُك ُم ا ْلع‬ َ َ​َّ‫ُس َر َولِتُ ْك ِم ُلوا ا ْل ِعدَّةَ َولِتُ َكبِّ ُروا اهلل‬

[Translation]: The month of Ramadân in which was revealed the Qur'ân, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadân i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allâh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allâh [i.e. to say Takbîr (Allâhu Akbar; Allâh is the Most Great) for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him. (Surah-Al Baqarah: Ayah 185).!


Dear readers, do you think that the Prophet SAW and the Sahaba (RA) used to laze around in the month of Ramadan? Do you think, they used to have luxurious iftars and would either sleep till late or keep up till late? Do you think, they stopped

working or their productivity went down that all economy stopped functioning, except for the “eat and drink” business in the evening? NO dear readers, this was not the case! Ramadan was not and is not supposed to be the month of lazing! Ramadan is the month that actually could be the most productive month of the year as long as we implement the sunnah of the Prophet SAW and of his companions RA.Life does not stop in Ramadan! Actually Ramadan is an opportunity to start afresh, to start a new chapter in your life. This Ramadan, write a totally new book of your life! And your book should be based in the Qur’an, which was revealed in this month. Hence the importance of Ramadan as the month of Qur’an, the month when Allah subhanahu wa ta'alah started to reveal the Qur’an through Jibreel AS to the heart of the Prophet SAW. The Qur’an is the guidance, is the Furqaan, the criterion of right and wrong! So this is the challenge In Shaa Allah for each one of us to open this Ramadan with the Qur’an and then on the basis of this blessed book, this Mubarak kitaab to write our own book! Subhan Allah.!


Ramadan is a month of disciplining ourselves but also of extreme joy for every Muslim. May Allah make us reach Ramadan, again and again and may each Ramadan be a greater opening for each one of us. Let’s make use of this month to change our lifestyle to a healthier one, filled with quality worship, where every moment is a moment spent in attaining the pleasure of our Creator, AlKhaliq. Let’s make our meals filled with dates and healthy food and let’s share our blessings with others. Let’s work and be productive in our work with the help of Allah Subhanah wa’talah. Yes it can be challenging, especially in countries where the fast starts very early and breaks very late. But do not despair because with faith, trust and reliance in Allah, He will make it easy and only He can make easy!!


Ramadan is a month of uplifting and do not worry if you are sick, pregnant, or elderly and cannot fast! That is ok, Allah knows your heart and heart is what it counts! Do not forget “Allâh intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you”.!


In a nutshell, In sha Allah, let’s make this Ramadan filled with organization, discipline, recitation, understanding and implementation of the Qur’an. Let’s eat healthy food, strengthen ourselves with the right means, such as eating dates (sunnah of the Prophet SAW), sleeping reasonable hours, waking up for ! tahajjud and eating suhoor. Let’s not oversleep and spend half of Ramadan sleeping! Let’s not overeat and spend the other half of Ramadan eating! Let’s go to work and say Bismillah and work smarter than outside Ramadan. However, we cannot do it on our own, we need Allah, AlQawiyy (The All Powerful) to help us and only Allah can fulfill our good intentions and only Allah can give us the strength and acceptance of our imperfect efforts. Alhamdulil Allah Rabbi al-aalameen, Wa assalato was assalamo alaa ashrafol Anbia'a wa al mursaleen.

 The fast is broken at sunset, and it is termed in Arabic as iftaar. It is a time of happiness and refreshment after experiencing the pangs of hunger and thirst. It is usually broken with dates and in many cultures a light soup with bread or small side dishes. Breaking the fast is followed immediately by the evening obligatory prayer.!

ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, MSG (to enhance flavour), lots of sodium and typically all the wrong heart-clogging oils. Junk foods like chips, candies,etc are basically void of nutrients and should not be used as a side dish. How will you have any energy to get you through a long day of fasting and long night of prayer if your food gives you nothing in The Prophetic etiquette of breaking fast: three return for rutab (moist dates), or with tamr (dry dates), if eating it? rutab were not available; or with water if When you eat dates were not available. He or she is food that is recommended to recite the the following two wholesome du'aa upon the breaking of the fast:! and packed َ ‫صمْ تُ َوعَلى ِرزْ ِق‬ َ ‫!اَل ّل ُهمَّ َل‬ with ُ‫ك أَفْطَ ْرت‬ ُ ‫ك‬ O Allah! For You have I fasted and upon Your nutrition, you will feel sustenance have I broken my fast. [Abu more Dawood]! َ َ‫َّت ا ْل ُع ُروقُ َوثَبَت‬ ِ ‫َب الظَّمَ أ ُ َوابْتَل‬ َ ‫ن‬ ْ ِ‫األجْ ُر إ‬ ُ‫شا َء اهلل‬ َ ‫ !ذَه‬satisfied. In fact, you may even find yourself needing to eat less of it than filler foods that The thirst has vanished, the veins have been hardly satisfy the stomach and make you wetted and the reward is established crave more.! InshaaAllah. [Abu Dawood]!



A fasting person needs good, nutrient-rich food that provides the energy necessary for the priorities of daily life and no other time of the year is that more important than during Ramadan when we're fasting for long hours. Here are some tips for eating healthy in the month of Ramadan:!


Avoid "White" Foods!

White foods (i.e., white bread, white rice, white sugar, etc.) can fall into some of the above categories. White breads are made from white flour, which is processed and stripped of the nutrition that should be in bread and the same applies for rice or even the type of sugar you use. Instead, choose breads from Eat Real Food, Not Processed and Junk Foods! whole grains and organic brown rice. Refined Surely processed foods can seem convenient, foods fill you up quickly but since they are devoid of fibre, they do not last long and but they're usually filled with unhealthy


make us feel hungry quickly. Complex carbs like wheat, barley, wholemeal flour and quinoa release energy slowly and this helps one handle the fast better. Another essential ingredient to add to your menu for breaking the fast are fibre-rich foods like bran, cereals and seeds, vegetables such as green beans and almost all fruits, especially apricots, prunes and figs.!


Know the Foods That Hydrate Your Body! When fasting, we're slowly being dehydrated over the course of the day, so once we break our fast and during the non-fasting hours we need to have foods that hydrate our body, not deplete it further. It can be difficult to eat a lot of super-hydrating foods, but you can make juices out of the fruits and soups out of the vegetables to give your body the additional water it needs. Avoid salty spice mixes and condiments that sneak their way into our rice and meat dishes only to leave us wondering why we're so thirsty afterwards. A great way to break the fast is to enjoy your favourite dates, of course, but also consider having coconut water, or making smoothies and juices, which are super-hydrating. They can be consumed at the Suhoor or at the Iftar followed by soup to preface your main meal. Consider limiting coffee and tea which are very dehydrating to the body, to about half of what you normally drink.!


Avoid Fried & Sugary Foods! In an effort not to spoil any cultural traditions in Ramadan foods, its not about advocating that everyone forgo their favourite samosas at Iftar. But, it's possible to bake them by lightly brushing oil on top instead of frying. Fried foods are harder to digest, especially when they're the first foods to be eaten after a long fast. Let's save the sweets for 'Eid ul Fitr and try to hold off on as many desserts as possible to avoid any sugar crashes later in the day. If

you must have something sweet, make it natural. Use real honey or natural raw cane sugar in your recipes, or eat fruits that are a bit more on the sweet side to satisfy the craving... naturally.!


Narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radhiallaho anho): Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said, "Whoever 
 establishes prayers during the nights of Ramadan faithfully out of 
 sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not for showing 
 off), all his past sins will be forgiven." 
 Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1 : No. 36 Go Easy on the Carbs! While we love a hefty portion of potatoes or rice with meat, these are all carbohydrates to minimize during Ramadan. Carbohydrates are converted into sugars and can eventually take their toll on your body way after you've finished eating. When you do have your carbohydrates, be sure to pair them with protein-rich foods like beans, meat or eggs to balance the meal.! !

Narrated by Anas bin Malik (Radhiallaho anho): Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam)said, "Take Suhur as there is a blessing in it." ! Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 3 : No. 146 Eating Dates! Dates are an excellent source of fiber, sugar, magnesium, potassium, and have carbohydrates which will aid the body in maintaining health. The carbohydrates found in dates also make the fruit a slower digesting food, much better than fried or fatty foods which digest fast and leave one hungry for more!!

Fasting during Ramadan can have great beneficial effects on the body if it is done correctly. To understand how best to break one’s fast, it is important to first understand what happens to the body when it undergoes a prolonged fast. Usually the body’s main source of energy is glucose which is stored in the liver and muscles. When we fast, glucose is used up first. After that, the body turns to its fat reserves to use as energy. During Ramadan, the body’s energy source can be replaced during Iftar and Suhoor and the latenight meal. This prevents the body’s musculature from being damaged and even results in weight loss leading to better control of lifestyle-related illnesses. It also results in detoxification as the toxins stored in the body’s fat cells are also eliminated. In fact, according to experts, higher levels of endorphins in the blood after a few days of fasting makes one more alert.!


moderation and avoiding deep fried and spicy food, besides reducing your intake of caffeine, will help in controlling heartburn.! ! Dizziness, feeling sweaty or disoriented: ! This could happen because your blood sugar has dipped. These symptoms can also be caused by dehydration. Due to fasting, the body will lose water and essential salts through perspiring and urinating. So it is important to replace these at your meals.!


Ibn Umar, radhiallaahu ‘an'hoo, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Seek Laylatul-Qadr (i.e. the night of decree) in the last 10 days of Ramadan” [Bukhari]

Headache: Hunger pangs, dehydration or missing your mid-morning cup of coffee can cause a headache. To keep the chances of headaches at bay, you must not miss your Suhoor and must have lots of fluids at this meal. Additionally, when outdoors, take precautions like wearing a hat, using Otherwise one could be dealing with a host of sunglasses and avoiding direct sunlight.! problems:! ! Constipation: Fasting can affect the bowel Heartburn: While fasting the amount of acid motions therefore, it is important to include in the stomach is reduced. However, the plenty of fibre in your diet by increasing your thought and smell of food can make the brain intake of fruits and vegetables. ! order the stomach to produce more acid. Since Stress: When you enter a different routine, it the stomach acid in our abdomen doesn’t have can have an effect on your sleep. If you do not sufficient food to digest and this excess of pay attention to your nutrition, it can lead to acid can result in heartburn. Eating in increased stress. It is particularly important It is important during Ramadan to break the fast with a balanced diet ensuring that the essential nutritional needs of your body are met by eating sensibly at Iftar and Suhoor despite the temptations.!

! !

during this month to avoid caffeinated drinks to reduce the additional strain on the body.! ! Weight gain: If you give in to temptation and eat without bothering to plan your meals and make them healthy, you will find that despite fasting, you have put on weight.! ! Dehydration: While fasting, there is no intake of water and fluids, so one needs to pay extra attention to the fluid intake at other times. It is vital that you drink plenty of water after Iftar and eat fruits that have high water content like watermelon and grapes. At Suhoor. include homemade juices with less or no sugar to your menu plan as these will also replenish your vitamins and minerals. These will also keep your body hydrated during the fasting hours. !

Narrated by Ibn Abbas (Radhiallaho anho):
 When Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) returned after
 performing his Hajj, he asked Um Sinan Al-Ansari, "What did forbid you to perform Hajj?" She replied, "Father of so-and-so (i.e. her husband) had two camels and he performed Hajj on one of them, and the second is used for the irrigation of our land." The Prophet said (to her), "Perform 'Umrah in the month of Ramadan, (as it is equivalent to Hajj or Hajj with me (in reward)."
 Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 3 : No. 86


As the Prophet (saws) said: “Enough for a human being to have luqaimat (=from 3 to 9 mouthfuls) that prop up his spine and, if he must have more [in his stomach], then one third of food, one third of water, and one third of air.”!


May everyone who observes the blessed month of Ramadan have a peaceful & spiritually healthy time engaging only in elevating oneself in the eyes of Allah.

Abu Hurairah, radhiallaahu ‘an'hu, reported that the Prophet salla Allaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Whoever stays up praying during LayiatulQadr (i.e. in prayer) out of faith and in the hope of Allaah’s reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven.” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim]

In the Light of Dawah The Importance of Patience !

‫!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

AsSalamu aalaikum dear readers. In this issue we will see in light of the Dawah of Nabi Nuh and other prophets, the importance of patience in the field of Dawah.

Know dear readers, that Allah out of his perfect wisdom chooses whomever he wishes. After the creation of the heaven and the earth when Allah decided to place a Khalifa on earth, did not the angels say "Will you place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify you with praises and thanks”. Wasn’t Allah SWT‘s answer “I know what you know not”? He chose among his creation his prophets, bestowed his blessing upon them and embedded in them qualities required to fulfil his mission. Indeed Allah conferred a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from among themselves, reciting unto them His Verses, and purifying them, and instructing them (in) the Book and Al Hikmah [the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet. When asked the Messenger (pbuh) said to them: "We are no more than human beings like you, but Allah bestows His Grace to whom He wills of His slaves. “


Indeed they are the Khalifah and His soldiers, and whenever Allah has sent his messengers for each nation they all

solemnly called to the worship of Allah alone. “And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): Worship Allâh (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Tâghût (all false deities, etc. i.e. do not worship Tâghût besides Allah)" said Allah.


Allah ordered us to obey them and equal our disobedience to them as done to him by saying “We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allah’s Leave”. As they have come to bring glad tidings and warn as prophet Noah (AS) said “O my people! Verily, I am a plain Warner to you”. They were upholders of justice but above all they came to do Dawah and call to the way of Allah. However we can notice that the main trait which characterized all the prophets in their mission is patience.


Definitely dear readers, patience for them was always the great weapon in advocating people to the truth, in their dealings with their families or with the non muslims, when they faced rejection or suffered humiliation etc…


The epitome of patience is best highlighted in the Dawah of Prophet Noah who spent 950 years doing it. Subhan Allah! 950 years! Through the account of his patience many more aspects of his morality transpires; for indeed the elements of patience are

many! Allah says: “Verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah”. He also encourages steadfastness, and the control of one’s desire.


Allah says ”Verily, We sent Nûh to his people (Saying): Warn your people before there comes to them a painful torment." Noah (AS) warned the heedless and persistent sinners against Allah’s wrath, for the latter fails to remember that Allah is swift in punishment. He said: "O my people! Verily, I am a plain Warner to you,… you should worship Allah (Alone), be dutiful to Him, and obey me…Verily, the term of Allah when it comes, cannot be delayed, if you but knew."


The extend to which Noah (AS) did Dawah is impressive. He said: "O my Lord! Verily, I have called my people night and day, I called to them openly (aloud)…and "Then verily, I proclaimed to them in public, and I have appealed to them in private.” The love and Yaqeen in Allah is the fuel that kept them going and is the one that we too should refill ourselves constantly. Similarly, when we do Dawah these steps should be our guidelines. He then gave them hope in the promise of Allah "I said (to them): 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving.’ He will send rain to you in abundance; 'and give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and

bestow on you rivers.”. We should not only instil hope that whatever the past is, it can still be amended but also try to awaken the seeds of faith in their hearts by watering it with the words of Quran and Sunnah as this faith which in-built in our fitrah .


Noah lovingly admonished them saying: “He has created you in (different) stages, See you not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another. And has made the moon a light therein, and made the sun a lamp? … And Allah has brought you forth from the (dust of) earth. … Afterwards He will return you into it (the earth), and bring you forth (again on the Day of Resurrection)? And Allah has made for you the earth widespread ….. That you may go about therein in broad roads”. Subhan Allah these words of wisdom of Prophet Noah (AS) reminds the endless bounty and grace of Allah. What we learn here is amazing! A beautiful combination of doing dawah, which balances the love for Allah by the good that he bestows to his creation as well as hope of a bountiful reward by abandoning an act he dislikes. Subhan Allah!


Every prophet in adversity demonstrated Humbleness, Ihsan in Speech and action. Yunus when swallowed by a whale or Ibrahim when he forced in exile made Dua. He constantly bore with patience when he had to abandon his wife and infant or offer the son in sacrifice. He never failed to be the surrendered slave of

Allah so much so that his patience rightfully deserved him his title of Khalilullah! May Allah makes us of the Patient Ones. Ameen.


Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was an exemplary role model in regards to patience and endurance. We should exert ourselves in adopting his poise and grace not only in the field of Dawah but also in our life in general. How much mistreatment he received at the hand of the people of “Taif” and yet he prayed and hoped that they should live to be Muslims one day. Later they did visit him in Medina and finally accepted Islam. For every suffering at the hand of Quraish and their plot to kill him, his forced exile, and migration to medina, the Prophet (pbuh) demonstrated patience, Rida and Shukr in his heart to Allah SWT. Allah gives victory to whomever he wills so did He Azza wa Jal to Mohammed (pbuh) and all those who had believed and accompanied him . They had lost everything while migrating, yet remained steadfast and relied on Their Disposer of affairs. Did not Allah give him the sweetest and most triumphant return back to Makah where he famously said ”‫ ”جاء الحق وزهق الباطل إن الباطل كان زهوقا‬in a rejoicing tone and infinite joy? With the blessing of Fath Mecca even the ex slave Bilal acquired the honour of sacrificing himself for the sake of Allah. How patient he must have been when savagely beaten and tortured yet wasn’t he heard saying “Ahad Ahad!” Allahu Akbar!

Dear Readers, I ask Allah to give us all the highest of Eman to always stand for His sake. Ameen.


Allah enriched them beautifully, but above all promised them reward in this life and in the hereafter. The reward for such patience is as Allah says, “Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without reckoning”. He further promises, “For those who have done well is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more (i.e. having the honour of glancing at the Countenance of Allah) neither darkness nor dust nor any humiliating disgrace shall cover their faces. They are the dwellers of Paradise; they will abide therein forever. Therefore [O Believer] endure all adversity with beautiful patience”.

! !

ً ‫صبْ ًرا َج ِم‬ ‫يال‬ ْ َ‫ف‬ َ ‫اص ِب ْر‬

Last but not least I would like my dear readers to ask Allah to grant us this:

‫صبْ ًرا‬ َ ‫َربَّنَا أَفْ ِرغْ َع َليْنَا‬

Our Lord, Pour out patience onto us! Ameen

Seeking refuge - Continued from last issue ‫ ))وأعوذ بك من شر ما‬:‫قوله‬.‫ وهو من البدايات‬,‫ عزم املريد على الدخول في الطريق‬:‫أحدهما‬ ‫ حيث‬,‫ والباطن‬،‫ الظاهر منها‬,‫ وكبيرها‬،‫ صغيرها‬:‫ وهذه االستعاذة شاملة من كل الشرور‬:((‫تعلم‬ ‫ وهذا‬,‫قيد االستعاذة من الشرور الذي يعلمها سبحانه؛ ألن الرب تبارك وتعالى يعلم كل شيء‬ ‫ والتعظيم للرب حال الدعاء‬،‫ واألدب‬،‫في غاية التلطف‬. (‫ )وأعوذ بك من شر ما تعلم‬And I seek refuge in You from the evil You know. This is a complete seeking of refuge for all evil matters – the small, big, apparent and hidden. So Allah (swt) is sought in refuge from all evil that He knows, because Allah (swt) knows all things. And this is a way of etiquette and magnification of Ar Rabb while supplicating. Subhan Allah.

‫ ختم الدعاء بطلب‬:((‫ ))وأستغفرك ملا تعلم‬:‫قوله‬

Allah (swt), “Verily You are the Knower of ‫ واملدار؛ فإنه خاتمة‬،‫ االستغفار الذي عليه املعوَّل‬the unseen”. This name indicates the ‫ كما في كثير من العبادات‬,‫األعمال الصالحة‬.! vastness of Allah’s knowledge, because the َّ word (‫)عالم‬ shows excessiveness due to the ‫وهذا االستغفار يع ّم كل الذنوب التي عملها العبد‬ great and all-encompassing knowledge of ‫ ))فإن من‬,‫ واملستقبل‬,‫ والحاضر‬,‫في املاضي‬ Allah (swt). So this is a way of beseeching ‫ ومن‬,،‫الذنوب ما ال يشعر العبد بأنه ذنب بالكلية‬ Allah (swt) and showing manner and ,‫ وال يذكره وقت االستغفار‬،‫الذنوب ما ينساه العبد‬ exaltation of Allah (swt) while ،‫ فيحتاج العبد إلى استغفار عام من جميع ذنوبه‬supplicating to Him. And the Prophet ،َّ‫ والكل قد علمه اهلل‬,‫ وما لم يعلم‬،‫( ما علم منها‬pbuh) even affirmed this with using (َّ‫– )إن‬ ‫‘ !وأحصاه‬verily – and the additional pronoun (‫– )أنت‬ (‫)وأستغفرك ملا تعلم‬: And I seek Your forgiveness for what You know. The Prophet (pbuh) ended this supplication by asking for encompassing forgiveness. This seeking of forgiveness entails all sins that a servant has committed in the past, present, and future. There are sins that a servant does not feel or know are sins, or those that he has forgotten and thus does not remember to mention when seeking forgiveness. So the servant needs a general forgiveness for all of his sins – those he knows and those that he does not. And remember that all are known by Allah and counted with Him. Subhan Allah. ‫ من صفات اهللَّ تعالى‬,‫ بأحسن ختام‬,‫ثم ختم دعاءه‬ ‫ التي تدل على‬:((‫العظام ))إنك أنت عالم الغيوب‬ َّ ‫)عالم( صيغة مبالغة لكثرة العلم‬ ‫ فإن‬,‫سعة العلم‬ ‫ فيه‬,‫ لهذا املقام العظيم‬,‫توسل جل‬ ‫ فهذا‬,‫وشموله‬ ّ ‫ وذلك أنه أ ّكده‬,‫ للرب الجليل‬,‫غاية األدب والتعظيم‬ ,‫بـ)إنَّ( وضمير الفصل )أنت( الذي يفيد التأكيد‬ ‫ في اختصاص رب العاملني‬,‫والحصر والقصر‬ ‫!بالعلم الواسع‬ Then he (pbuh) ended the supplication with the best of endings, with the attributes of

‘You’ – showing even more affirmation – so ‘Verily You’ – double affirmation. This captures and specifies that only Rabb Al Alameen alone has vast and infinite knowledge. Subhan Allah.! ‫ إلى جاللة هذه الكلمات في‬,َّ‫وأنت ترى رعاك اهلل‬ ‫ واملضامني‬,‫ واملطالب‬,‫ من املقاصد‬,‫هذه الدعوات‬ ‫املهمّ ة؛ لذا أمر صلى اهلل عليه وسلم باكتنازها؛‬ ‫ألنها هي الكنز الحقيقي الذي ينمو في ازدياد من‬ ‫ واالدخار في الدار اآلخرة‬,‫الخير في الدار الدنيا‬.! So you see that Allah (swt) is more than taking care of you through these honorable words of this supplication – in terms of its requests and all that they entail. For this reason the Prophet (pbuh) commanded in keeping it as a treasure, because this is the true treasure that will grow in increasing you in goodness in this life and safety in the next. Ameen.

AsSiffat ‫الصفات‬ Abu Umama R.A reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah S.A.W saying: “Recite the Holy Quran, because on the Day of Resurrection, it will come as an intercessor for its reciters”. (Muslim). Dear readers, as Ramadan is approaching and everyone would want to recite and finish the Quran at least once in this blessed month, let’s try to recite it in the correct way with proper tajweed to get more ajar In Sha Allah and not just rush to finish it. Hadith: Ibn Mas’ud R.A reported that Allah’s Messenger S.A.W said: “If anyone recites a letter from Allah’s Book, he will be credited with one virtue and a virtue gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that ‫ الم‬is one letter but ‫ ا‬is

‫االستعالء‬. Sometimes the makhraj is same but sounds are different because of the sifaat, for example, ‫ت‬ and ‫ ط‬has the same makhraj. Similarly ‫ س‬and ‫ ص‬has the same makhraj but sounds are different because ‫ ت‬and

a letter and ‫ ل‬is a letter and ‫ م‬is a letter”. (Tirmidhi).

! Sifaat Al Huroof !

(Characteristics of Letters) As this is a Newsletter we will deal with only the most important sifaat and not go into details so it would be easy to understand In Shaa Allah.

‫ س‬are light letters or istifaal while ‫ط‬ and ‫ ص‬are heavy letters or istaila in


3.‫ قلقلة‬- Moving or shaking of the sound, an echo. In order to pronounce qalqala, the letter must have a sukoon on it. It cannot be pronounced with a haraka meaning if a letter has a fatha , damma or kasra on it. There are 5 letters of qalqala which we remember as (‫د‬،‫ج‬،‫ب‬،‫ط‬،‫قطب جد )ق‬. To pronounce


1. Most important is ‫ االستعالء‬raising the tongue up to the roof of the mouth. These are the 7 letters (‫ظ‬،‫ق‬،‫ط‬،‫غ‬،‫ض‬،‫ص‬،‫)خ‬, which we usually remember with the Arabic term ‫خص‬ ‫ضغط قظ‬. All other letters are huroof ‫ االستفال‬where the tongue is not raised


but kept low.

2. ‫ اإلطباق‬- In these letters, the tongue not only goes up but also has to stick to the upper palate and then lower, rounding or closing the mouth forming like a tunnel in order to pronounce these letters. These are (‫ظ‬،‫ط‬،‫ض‬،‫)ص‬. All letters of ‫ اإلطباق‬are also letters of

which the mouth closes, forming like a tunnel.


these correctly we have to put sukoon ْ َ ‫ا‬، ْ‫اَق‬. on the letter and alif before it e.g ‫ط‬ There are 3 levels of qalqala depending on where these letters occur. If it occurs in the middle of a word, the qalqala is the lightest. If it occurs at the end of a word, it will be little bit stronger, but if the qalqala occurs and the word has a shadda (ّ )on it and we stop on it, then qalqala would be even stronger.

means white and blushing-a rare feature among them.


Aisha (RA) was the daughter of Abu Bakr (RA) from Quraysh. Her mother was Umm Ruman bint Amir from Kinanah. She was born into the deen of Islam and has said in an authentic hadeeth, "I never saw my parents practicing other than Islam”. She was known for her striking beauty and her extraordinary memory. She has narrated more than two thousand ahadith. She had a great love of learning and became noted for her intelligence, learning and sharp sense of judgement.

! Continuing with the family of Abu Bakr(RA), this month's Superstars is truly one of the greatest Muslim star out there. There is rarely a muslim family, without someone having this name. A beautiful name, with a beautiful personality to match. She is one of the Mother of the Believers (Umm ul Mu'mineen), favourite wife of the Prophet (SAWS), great scholar and teacher to the famous sahabas. There is no need to ask, 'can you guess who it could be'... the answer is obvious. But let me answer that question with the following hadith from At Tirmidhi: Amr Ibn al-As related that he asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, “Who do you love most, O Messenger of Allah ?”
 He replied : “Aisha”
 He asked : “Who among men”
 The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, replied : “Her father”.


Aisha (RA)-- The Beloved wife of Prophet (SAWS), who he used to call Homayraa’ a short form of “Hamraa’ which, according to Ibn Kathir, means the white skinned woman.
 Aldhahabi also said that “Hamraa’” in the language of the people of ‘Hejaz’

Aisha (RA) related that the Prophet(SAWS) told her that she was shown to him in his dreams. Jibreel (AS) brought him a picture of her in a silk, green cloth and told him: “This is your wife in this world and in the other world”. Even though she came from a wealthy family, she accepted to live in poverty. The house of the Prophet (SAWS) would spend months without cooking and surviving on dates and water.


Her marriage to the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) at an early age was an advantage to the Muslim Ummah. Since she was young, she was naturally inquisitive and would keep asking the Prophet(SAWS) different questions till she was absolutely clear about any subject . This is the reason she was crystal clear about any matter and could advise the Sahabas with confidence and wisdom, in the most complex of matters.
 She was an eye-witness to a number of revelations and therefore had a clear idea of the circumstances in which they were revealed.The companions relied on Aisha (RA) a great deal to assist them in applying the Deen correctly. They would go to her and ask her questions to seek her advice. After the Prophet’s (SAWS) death, many of the Sahabah would go to

her seeking answers to the questions they had.


Through Aisha (RA) we can have a glimpse of Prophet (SAWS)'s personal life how did he did certain things, on how he ate, how he slept, how he prayed Qiyaam, etc. We learn so many things about our dear Prophet (SAWS) through her which we otherwise would have never known. She did not hide any of the details, nor did she feel shy to reveal any of the intimate details of their lives or even the times when she was reprimanded for something by the Prophet (SAWS). She did this in the interest of the Ummah, so that we could extract lessons from the incidents and learn from them.


She has narrated about the times that the Prophet (SAWS) played with her and her friends, how he would joke with her and help her in her work. The Prophet (SAWS) would race with her and would be patient with her for whatever she wanted. This gives us a wholesome picture of the Prophet (SAWS), of how good he was as a husband apart from being the great leader that he (SAWS) was.


It was because of Aisha (RA) that the Ayah regarding Tayammum was revealed (Surat An Nisa 4:43). This Ayah lessened the hardship for all muslims on how to do wudhu and ghusl, in the absence of water.


Aisha (RA) went through a difficult time when she was accused of adultery. Although it was a trying time, she never lost hope in Allah and she knew that she would be defended by Allah. During the

time of her slander, she stayed at her father's house. When the Prophet (SAWS) came to visit her there, he said: "If you are innocent, then Allah Himself will protect your honour, and if by accident there has been a lapse on your part, then seek the forgiveness of Allah and He will pardon you, for when a slave admits a fault and turns to Him in repentance, then Allah also turns and accepts that repentance.” Aisha (RA) was crying before the Prophet came to the house. When she heard these words, her tears dried up and looked at her parents to defend her. But when they were at a loss on what to say, she said something so beautiful, which shows how much faith she had in Allah. She said, "I am a young girl who does not yet recite much of the Qur'an. By Allah, I know that you have heard this story that people are saying and it has become fixed in yourself and you have believed it. If I were to say to you that I am innocent, you would not believe me. If I were to confess to something to you,that I didn't do and Allah knows that I am innocent, you would believe me. By Allah, I can only say what the father of Yusuf, pbuh, said: ِ ‫وجا ُءوا َع َلىٰ َق ِم‬ َ ‫ب ۚ َق‬ ٍ ‫يص ِه ِب َدم ٍ َك ِذ‬ ‫ت َل ُك ْم‬ ْ ‫سوَّ َل‬ َ َ ‫ال َب ْل‬ ِ ِ ٌ ‫صبْ ٌر َجم‬ ‫ست َ َعا ُن َع َلىٰ َما تَصفُو َن‬ َ َ‫س ُك ْم أ َ ْم ًرا ۖ ف‬ ُ ُ‫أَنْف‬ ْ ْ‫يل ۖ َواهللَُّ ا ُمل‬ ’Patience is beautiful, and Allah is my protection against what you describe.’ (Surat Yusuf 12:18)”. Then she said, "Then I turned over on my bed, Allah knowing that I was innocent and hoping that Allah would proclaim me innocent. However, by Allah, I did not think that any revelation would be sent down regarding me. I thought too little of myself that something would be said in the Qur'an regarding me, however I hoped that the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) would have a dream in which Allah would exonerate me. I had hardly finished speaking when the Prophet (SAWS) received a direct revelation of some more verses of the Qur'an, and

when it was over, he smiled and said, "Do not worry, Aisha, for Allah has revealed proof of your innocence.” Aisha's mother, who had been standing next to her, said, "Get up and thank him.”"By Allah," exclaimed Aisha,, "I will not thank him and praise him but rather Allah Who has given the revelation that has protected my honor!” Then the Prophet (SAWS) went to the mosque and recited what had just been sent down: “Surely those who fabricate the lie are a group from among you. Do not think it is bad thing for you; no it is good for you. Every man will receive what he has earned for this sin, and whoever had the greater part in it will have a great punishment. Why did the men and women believers, when they heard it, not think good in themselves and say: 'This is clearly a lie?' Why did they not produce four witnesses? Since they did not produce witnesses, they are certainly liars in the sight of Allah. If it were not for the grace of Allah, and His mercy on you in this world and in the next world, an awful doom would have overtaken you for what you repeated. Since you received it with your tongues, and repeated what you did not know anything about with your mouths, you thought it was a trifle, but in the sight of Allah it is serious. Why, when you heard it, did you not say: 'It is not for us to repeat this, Glory be to You (O Allah), this is a serious rumour.' Allah warns you to never repeat anything like this again, if you are indeed believers and Allah makes the signs clear to you; and Allah is Knowing, Wise. Surely those who love to spread around lander about those who believe will have a painful punishment in this world and in the next world; and Allah knows and you do not know. “(Surat An-Nour: 11-19).

reputation had been protected by a revelation from Allah could not be ignored by anyone, and from then on everyone was more aware of her high station with Allah.


Aisha (RA) was an extremely charitable person. She never thought twice about giving things away in charity even if she herself was in dire need of that thing. Once she received a gift of one hundred thousand dirhams. She was fasting when she received the money. She distributed it to the poor and needy, even though she had no provisions in her house. Her maid servant said to her, “Couldn’t you have brought a dirham’s worth of meat with which to break your fast?” “If I had thought of it,” she replied, “I would have done so!”


She was nicknamed the Mother of Fragrance, for every time a beggar knocked on her door, she would touch the money with perfume before giving it to him. When asked why, she explained that the charity would reach Allah before it reached the beggar’s hands, and she wanted the charity to be given to Allah in a fragrant condition.


Aisha (RA), the Mother of the Believers, was not only a model for wives and mothers, but she was also a commentator on the Qur'an, an authority on hadeeth and knowledgeable in Islamic Law. She narrated at least 2,210 ahadith that give Muslims valuable Aisha (RA) forgave those who were insights into the Prophet's daily life and involved in the slander and in later years behaviour, thus also preserving the would not hear anything bad said about Sunnah. It was on her bed alone (and no them. The fact that her honor and other wife's) that the Prophet received


Wahy (Divine Revelations) several times. This helped her in interpreting the ayaat. At the time of the Prophet's death, the Prophet's head was on her lap. It was in her quarters that the Prophet (SAWS) was buried. The Prophet (SAWS) said, "The superiority of 'Aisha to other ladies is like the superiority of Tharid (i.e. meat and bread dish) to other meals. Many men reached the level of perfection, but no woman reached such a level except Mary, the daughter of Imran and Asia, the wife of Pharaoh.” Tharid was the Prophet (SAWS)'s favourite dish [Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Narrated by Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari Hadith 4.643].


Musa Ibn Talha (RA) said, "I did not see anyone more eloquent than Aisha.” Urwah (RA) said, 'I have heard the speeches of Abu Bakr, and the speeches of Umar, and the speeches of Uthman, and the speeches of Ali, but none of them were as eloquent as Aisha (RA) .She was a better speaker, she was more eloquent than all of them.' He said she was the most knowledgeable not only in fiqh, hadith, but also in poetry and medicine. He said, "There was not a scholar from among the companions, except that I saw him seeking knowledge from Aisha.” Abu Musa al-Ashari (RA) said, "Whenever we, the companions, couldn’t figure something out, we would just go to Aisha , and she always had clarity on the issue." She was good at even issues of inheritance, which are the hardest issues. She always was able to figure it out.


Imaam az-Zuhri said that she was the most knowledgeable of all of the wives of the Prophet (SAWS). He said if you took all of the knowledge of the wives of the Prophet (SAWS), and compared it to the knowledge of Aisha (RA), her knowledge was more.


Umar Ibn Al Khattab (RA), during his (RA) own Caliphate said that without Aisha he would be lost and destroyed. In every small and big issue, he used to ask her for advice and consultation. How many Muslim men today seek consultation from a woman if she has more piety and knowledge than them? How many Muslim men today respect their wives, spouses, or daughters or anyone in society for their knowledge and calibre, regardless of their gender?


Aisha (RA) showed us that a woman can have a role in society, can be a scholar, can be a speaker, and maintain her modesty at the same time.


She passed away in the night of 17th of Ramadhan at the age of 66, after suffering from an illness.


One cannot open Islamic books about the Qur’an, the biography of Muhammad (SAWS) or jurisprudence, without finding Aisha (RA)’s name referenced in there. What a great honour for such a woman!





2 5


Across:! 1.What is the name of the month mentioned in the Surah Al-Baqarah in which you are required to fast when the new moon is sighted? (2:185) !




1 1 2


! 2.There is ease for fasting when one is ill or on a …… (2:185) !


3.What does Allah intend for you when you observe fasting in Ramadan? (2:185) !


4.What is the name of the gate in Paradise through which the ones who observe fasts will enter exclusively on the Day of Judgment? Sahih al-Bukhari 1896!


! 5.Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬ said, "Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere _______ (across), and hoping for a ______ (down) from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven." Sahih alBukhari 1901 !


! ! Down:! ! 1.What was revealed in this month? ! !

2.Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "When Ramadan begins, the gates of ______ are opened." Sahih al-Bukhari 1898 !


3.If the sky is overcast and you cannot determine the crescent of the month of Shawwal….how many days of Ramadan are there? (as advised by Prophet Muhammad ‫ )ﷺ‬Sahih AlBukhari 1900 !


4.What is the name of the pre-dawn meal (eaten before Fajr) that has blessing in it? Sahih al-Bukhari 1923.


‫! بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬ Surat Al Baqarah, Ayah 285-286!

Quran Outline! The purpose of this breakdown is to see the Surahs of the Quran in an ‘outline’ format. This facilitates the way of seeing the flow of the ayat, and it helps to remember the words, in sha’a Allah. !


Virtues of the Last Two Ayat of Surah Al Baqarah! ♣ Revealed as a light from the heavens: ! (Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: While Jibril was sitting with the Messenger of Allah he heard a sound above him. He lifted his head, and said: "This is a gate which has been opened in heaven today. It was never opened before." Then an angel descended through it, he said: "This is an angel who has come down to earth. He never came down before." He sent greetings and said: "Rejoice with two lights given to you. Such lights were not given to any Prophet before you. These (lights) are: Fatihah-til-Kitab (Surat Al-Fatihah), and the concluding Ayat of Surat Al-Baqarah. You will never recite a word from them without being given the blessings it contains." (Muslim, Book #9 Hadith #1022).!


♣It will be sufficient (removal of worries in this lifetime and hereafter): ! (The Messenger of Allah said: “He who recites the two Ayat at the end of Surat AlBaqarah at night, they will suffice him.” (Agreed upon, Book #9 Hadith #1017).!


Surat Al Baqarah – Ayat 285-286 – Last two ayat – (‫!)سورة البقرة‬

ُ ‫َّس‬ ۚ ‫ول ِبمَ آ أُن ِز َل إِ َلي ِۡه ِمن رَّب ِِّهۦ َوٱ ُملۡؤ ِۡمنُو‬ ‫سلِ ِهۦ َال نُفَرِّقُ بَ َنيۡ أَحَ ٍ۬د مِّن‬ ُ ‫م َلـٰٓٮِٕ َك ِت ِهۦ َو ُكتُ ِب ِهۦ َو ُر‬ َ ‫م َن ِبٱهللَِّ َو‬ َ ‫نَ ُكلٌّ َءا‬ َ ‫َءا‬ ُ ‫م َن ٱلر‬ ِ ۡ‫ك ٱ َمل‬ َ ۡ‫ك َربَّنَا َو إِ َلي‬ َ َ‫غ ۡف َران‬ ُ ۖ‫س ِم ۡعنَا َوأَطَ ۡعنَا‬ ‫صي ُر‬ َ ْ ‫ُّسلِ ِهۦۚ َو َقا ُلوا‬ ُ ‫( ر‬ï٢٨٥µ) ‫س َع َها ۚ َلهَا مَا‬ ً ‫َال يُ َكلِّفُ ٱهللَُّ نَ ۡف‬ ۡ ‫سا إِ َّال ُو‬ ِ ‫َاخذۡنَآ إِن ن‬ ِ ‫َسبَتۡ ۗ َربَّنَا َال تُؤ‬ ۡ َ ‫َّسينَآ أ َ ۡو أ‬ ‫ص ۬رًا َكمَ ا حَ مَ ۡلتَ ُه ۥ‬ َ ‫َك‬ ۡ ِ‫ع َليۡنَآ إ‬ َ ‫خطَأۡنَا ۚ َربَّنَا َو َال تَحۡ ِم ۡل‬ َ ‫ع َليۡہَا مَا ٱ ۡكت‬ َ ‫سبَتۡ َو‬

ۡ ‫عنَّا َوٱ‬ ‫ٱنص ۡرنَا‬ ُ َ‫موۡ َلٮٰنَا ف‬ َ َ‫غ ِف ۡر َلنَا َوٱ ۡرحَ مۡ نَآ ۚ أَنت‬ َ ُ‫ع َلى ٱل َِّذي َن ِمن َقبۡلِنَا ۚ َربَّنَا َو َال تُحَ مِّ ۡلنَا مَا َال طَا َق َة َلنَا ِب ِهۦۖ َوٱعۡف‬ َ ‫ع َلى ٱ ۡل َقوۡم ِ ٱ ۡلڪَـ ِٰف ِري َن‬ َ (î٢٨٦¶)!

The Messenger (SAWS) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allâh, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. (They say), "We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers" and they say, "We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all)." (285) Allâh burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. "Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have

mercy on us. You are our Maulâ (Patron, Supporter and Protector, etc.) and give us victory over the disbelieving people." (286)!


♣ !

What do we believe? ُ ‫َّس‬ o! The Prophet (pbuh) believed (‫ول‬ َ ‫!) َءا‬ ُ ‫م َن ٱلر‬

♣! ♣!

In what was sent down upon him from His Lord (‫!) ِبمَ آ أُن ِز َل إِ َلي ِۡه ِمن رَّب ِِّهۦ‬ ۚ ‫!) َوٱ ُملۡؤ ِۡمنُو‬ And the believers (likewise) (َ‫ن‬




In Allah (َِّ‫!) ِبٱهلل‬


And His angels (‫م َلـٰٓٮِٕ َك ِت ِهۦ‬ َ ‫!) َو‬ And His books (‫!) َو ُكتُ ِب ِهۦ‬ And His messengers (‫سلِ ِهۦ‬ ُ ‫!) َو ُر‬

♣! ♣!

All believe (‫م َن‬ َ ‫!) ُكلٌّ َءا‬


َ •We make no distinction between one of His messengers (ۚ‫ُّسلِ ِهۦ‬ ُ ‫!)ال نُفَرِّقُ بَ َنيۡ أَحَ ٍ۬د مِّن ر‬ o! And they (believers) say (ْ ‫!) َو َقا ُلوا‬ We listen (‫!)س ِم ۡعنَا‬ َ


And we obey (ۖ‫!) َوأَطَ ۡعنَا‬


َ َ‫غفۡ َران‬ ُ )! Your forgiveness, Our Lord (‫ك َربَّنَا‬ ِ ۡ‫ك ٱ َمل‬ َ ۡ‫!) َو إِ َلي‬ And to You is the final return (‫صي ُر‬

! !




Bearing burdens in this life! َ o! Allah does not burden a self (‫سا‬ ً ۡ‫!)ال يُ َكلِّفُ ٱهللَُّ نَف‬ Except what it can handle (ۚ ‫س َع َها‬ ۡ ‫!)إِ َّال ُو‬


•For it is reward for good it earned ( ۡ‫سبَت‬ َ ‫!) َلهَا مَا َك‬


•And against is punishment for evil it earned (ۗ ۡ‫َسبَت‬ َ ‫ع َليۡہَا مَا ٱ ۡكت‬ َ ‫!) َو‬

♣! ! ♣!

What do we ask our Lord while bearing these burdens?! ِ ‫!) َربَّنَا َال تُؤ‬ o! Our Lord do not punish us (‫َاخذۡنَآ‬ ِ ‫!)إِن ن‬ If we forget (‫َّسينَآ‬


ۡ َ ‫!)أ َ ۡو أ‬ Or fall into error (ۚ ‫خطَأۡنَا‬



Our Lord and do not lay a burden on us (‫ص ۬رًا‬ ۡ ِ‫ع َليۡنَآ إ‬ َ ‫!) َربَّنَا َو َال تَحۡ ِم ۡل‬ Like the one You laid on those before us (ۚ ‫ع َلى ٱل َِّذي َن ِمن َقبۡلِنَا‬ َ ‫!) َكمَ ا حَ مَ ۡلتَ ُه ۥ‬ o! Our Lord and do not lay on us (burdens) (‫!) َربَّنَا َو َال تُحَ مِّ ۡلنَا‬ Which we have no strength to bear (ۖ‫!)مَا َال طَا َق َة َلنَا ِب ِهۦ‬











♣! !

♣! !



And pardon us (‫عنَّا‬ َ ُ‫!) َوٱعۡف‬ ۡ ‫!) َوٱ‬ And forgive us (‫غ ِف ۡر َلنَا‬ And have mercy on us (ۚ ‫!) َوٱ ۡرحَ مۡ نَآ‬ You are our Patron (‫موۡ َلٮٰنَا‬ َ َ‫!)أَنت‬

So make us victorious (‫ٱنص ۡرنَا‬ ُ َ‫!)ف‬ Over the disbelieving people (‫ع َلى ٱ ۡل َقوۡم ِ ٱ ۡلڪَـ ِٰف ِري َن‬ َ )

Sha’baan :The Neglected Month
 There are four sacred months out of twelve in Islam. These include DhulQa`dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab. Sinning in these months is worse than sinning in other months and rewards are greater for doing good deeds. It is forbidden to kill anyone in these months as they were appointed sacred by Allah so pilgrims could travel for Hajj and Umrah safely without fearing for their life and so trade caravans could travel without the fear of being ambushed.!


Sha’ban is the name of the eighth month of the Islamic calendar and it is so called because in this month the Arabs used to disperse (tasha'aba) in search of water, or it was said that it is so called because it sha'aba (branches out or emerges) i.e., it appears between the great months of Rajab and Ramadan. While Sha’ban isn’t defined as a sacred month per say, its merits are still great when it comes to following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam).!


One of the greatest Sunnah’s that we can accomplish during this month is that of fasting. Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used to spend the most part of Sha’ban by fasting. Imam Bukhari reports in his Saheeh that Aa'ishah (radhi

allahu anha) said: “The Messenger used to fast until we thought he would never break his fast, and he would not fast until we thought he would never fast. I never saw the Messenger of Allah fasting for an entire month except in Ramadan, and I never saw him fast more than he did in Sha’ban.”!


Ibn Rajab (rahimahullah) said: “Fasting in Sha’ban is better than fasting in the sacred months (i.e. Dhul-Qadah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab, and the best of voluntary fasts are those that are (observed in the months) closest to Ramadan, before or after. The status of these fasts is like that of Sunan al-Rawaatib, which is done before and after fard (obligatory prayers) and which makes up for any shortcomings in the number of obligatory prayers. The same applies to fasts observed before and after Ramadan. Just as Sunan al-Rawaatib are better than other kinds of voluntary prayers, so fasts observed (in the months) before and after Ramadan are better than fasts at other times.” [Lataa'if al-Ma'aarif fimaa li Mawaasim al-'Aam min alWazaa'if, by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali].!


When Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) was asked, why he fasted so abundantly in the month of Sha’ban, he said: “(Sha’ban) is a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.” [an-Nisa'ee] 
 The phrase "Sha'ban is a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan" indicates that because it comes between two important months, the Sacred Month of Rajab and the month of fasting, people are preoccupied with those two months and they do not pay attention to Sha'ban. Many people think that fasting in Rajab is better than fasting in Sha'ban, because Rajab is one of the Sacred Months, but this is not the case.
 This and other narrations of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) show that it is Mustahabb (liked) to perform good deeds during times when people are likely to become negligent of Allah's remembrance and worship. For example the Salaf would devote time to prayer between Maghrib and Isha because

this is a time when people get lazy and are negligent of prayer. Likewise

remembering Allah in the market place was also a form of worship that they would practice, as this is a place where people get busy in their dealings of the world and are negligent of their Creator. Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has said: “Worship at times of tribulation (fitnah) is like Hijrah (migration) to me.” [Saheeh Muslim (2984)] The virtue and superiority of worshiping Allah when people are negligent of Allah's remembrance is because worship at such times is more difficult than worshiping Allah when everybody is engaged in the worship.! The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) also used Sha’ban to complete any voluntary fasts that were outstanding from the previous year. He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would make them up during Sha'ban so that his nafl (voluntary) fasts would be complete before Ramadan arrived. Similarly, if he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) had missed some Sunnah

prayers or he had missed Qiyam al-Layl (night prayer), he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) would make it up. 'A'ishah (radhi allahu anha) used to make the most of this opportunity to make up any obligatory Ramadan fasts that she had missed because of menstruation.

until after the following Ramadan except in cases of necessity (such as a valid excuse that continues between the two Ramadan’s for e.g. pregnancy and breastfeeding). Whoever is able to make them up before the (second) Ramadan and does not do so has to make them up after the (second) Ramadan and in addition to that, he has to repent and to feed one poor person for each day that he missed. This is the view of Malik, al-Shafa'i and Ahmad.!

It should be noted here that anyone who has any missed fasts to make up has to make them up before the next Ramadan arrives. It is not permissible to delay it Another reason why fasting is encouraged in Sha’ban is because it serves as training before Ramadan. If a person fasts in Sha’ban he will have gotten used to fasting by Ramadan and will be energetic in Ramadan. Sha'ban is like an introduction to Ramadan and it has acts in common with Ramadan, such as fasting, reciting Qur'an and giving in charity. Salamah ibn Suhayl used to say: "The month of Sha'ban is the month of reciters (of the Qur'an)." Habeeb ibn Abi Thabit used to say, when Sha'ban came, "This is the month of reciters (of the Qur'an)." When Sha'ban came, 'Amr ibn Qays al-Mala'i used to close his store and devote his time to reading the Qur'an.


However, fasting the whole month of Sha’ban is Makrooh (disliked) and against the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger. Ibn Abbas said: “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) did not fast any entire month apart from Ramadan.” [Sahih alBukhari] It is also prohibited to fast at the end of Sha’ban with the intention of not missing the first days of Ramadan, except for those who have the habit of fasting regularly and the last day of Sha’ban coincides with a day when the person habitually fasts, those who are bound by vows or have to make up some obligatory fasts. It is reported in Saheeh al-Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “Do not pre-empt Ramadan by one or two days, except for those who have the habit of fasting regularly, in which case they may fast.” [Saheeh al-Bukhari] Fasting at the end of Sha’ban is prohibited to maintain distinction between the

obligatory and voluntary fasts - it is also a precaution to prevent the people from falling into the trap of Shaytaan, who persuaded the People of the Book to add more fasts to that which Allah had made obligatory for them. For this same reason, it is also prohibited to fast on the 'day of doubt.' A day of doubt is when people are not sure about the start of Ramadan, because of reasons such as not being able to see the moon with the naked eye due to cloudy weather etc. !


With regard to the fifteenth of Sha’ban, also known as Laylatul nusuf min ash Sha’ban or Shab-e-Baraat in the eastern subcontinent, all ahadith that are mentioned with regard to this being a great night in which much worship should be done and that in this night the fate of people is written are fabricated and are falsely attributed to the Messenger of Allah. This is a regular night and treating it specifically in any way more special than any other nights of the year will be committing an act of bid’ah or innovation and is extremely sinful.!

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taste true success. With no real research or effort conducted to ascertain and choose this faith I didn’t appreciate its magnificent value and remained deprived of its benefits.


The ‘Muslim’ label or identity in the sight of Allah needs to ARE YOU DEPRIVED? be earned and proven by our Why are some of us deprived despite knowing belief, actions and by what Allah revealed? Why does the Quran sit following the example of his collecting dust in our homes, whilst our hearts final prophet (SAW). Being and lives remain empty of its benefits and born to Muslim parents can wisdoms? sometimes lead to a false feeling of security and Although reading leads to greater awareness, comfort for us because we increases our knowledge and opens our minds may believe we are to new ideas and vocabulary — it is how we automatically under the read is important. The assumptions and attitude umbrella of Islam and we begin with affects the outcome and belief in salvation, just out of our mere what we are reading. existence. For many Muslims today having a Muslim name The Quran contains the most powerful words or calling our self ‘Muslim’ and messages, and is from the owner and because that’s what we were creator of the entire universe. When we read it taught to do to fit into our with that realisation it has the ability to transform family or community — has our characters and lives. become rhetoric or habit. But, our efforts and actions matter. When I approached the Qur’an with the realisation Allah guides those who want - that it is directly from my Creator, I was incredibly to know the truth and make touched and enlightened by it. It was also very sad effort to seek it. though, because it meant that all my previous life had passed without this certainty. Even though I To improve our was born into a Muslim family and knew many understanding and lives we hadith and recited Quran frequently, that day have to critically analyse when I truly realised and believed, was a turning and assess ourselves. point. For the first time I knew what was at stake, and I knew I had to make changes if I wanted to



Why do you read the Quran? Is it to enjoy the recitation, gain reward from it, or learn something from it? Striving to think and understand what we are learning can be humbling and empowering, if we do it with a sincere correct intention.



The reason why we do something is important. As we know: "Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah)” (Bukhari & Muslim) Our Intentions matter!


READ, THINK AND REFLECT Many of us waste our precious time in useless activities that bear no real success, in the long term. Our prayers may feel like a chore because they don’t affect our hearts. Without strong belief of this religion being the truth—we are unable to submit or understand - because the foundations of our faith are shaky and weak. There are many deviations, temptations and strategies that Shaytan uses to waste our time and keep us away from thinking and reflecting. Through this reflection and effort to understand and act on the message from our creator — we can come closer to him, understand his message — and reach true success Insha Allah.


We may skim, scan and turn pages thoughtlessly and stay deprived of the gems, examples and parables mentioned in the Quran and hadith. Do we prioritise making time for thinking and benefitting from what we read? Reflecting upon what we read in the Quran can take our reading to another level. How can we reflect though?


1. MAKE TIME FOR PONDERING We are encouraged by our creator to reflect on what we read and see - and think and look for answers. In the Quran He tells us: “And on the earth are signs for those who have Faith with certainty, And also in your ownselves. Will you not then see?” (Adh-Dhariyat, 51:20-21)


“He brings the night as a cover over the day. Verily, in these things, there are Ayât (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.) for people who reflect.” (Ar-Rad, 13: 3)


The Qur’an not only describes things with amazing accuracy, but also in great detail. Reciting and listening to Quran is a good thing but we should also strive to focus on its meaning and teachings. There are great rewards for reciting Quran; we receive 10 hasanat (good deeds) for every letter. But, by interacting

and trying to relate to the Quran, we can gain greater benefit from its teachings.


Reaching paradise through the mercy of Allah is the ultimate goal for every Muslim; it depends on the sincerity of our efforts, the accuracy of our knowledge and understanding.


2. PERSONALLY RELATE AND INTERACT With every ayah, ask, how does this ayah apply to me and what do I learn from it? What is Allah teaching me through this ayah? In the Arabic language this reflection is called ‫( تدبر‬Tadabbur) and this concept is mentioned in the Quran: ۚ ‫ن ٱ ۡل ُق ۡر َءا‬ َ ‫أَفَ َال يَتَ َدبَّ ُرو‬ َ‫ن‬ “Do they not then consider the Qur'ân carefully?” (An-Nisa, 4:82)


3. QUESTIONING OUR SELF AND DEDUCING LESSONS Within every ayah is a message from our creator to each one of us. Analytically pondering on what we read and deducing lessons takes our understanding to a much higher level. Every time there is a question or story – we can extract the lessons and message it teaches us, and apply it to our lives.


4. USE TAFSIR (SCHOLARLY INTERPRETATION) In the case where we are confused and can’t deduce the message behind an ayah we can find out from tafsir. Where there is a will -Allah provides a way - for those that make sincere effort. In order to interpret correctly we must understand the context behind the ayah and the situation in which it was revealed. We can turn to the mufassireen (people who specialise in tafsir) for clarification.



Guidance and knowledge is a provision from Allah, so, we should invoke and beg Allah our provider, to help us achieve the correct understanding - never giving up on our quest for the truth. We must seek forgiveness from Allah, for all our shortcomings, and remain sincere, truthful and willing to accept the truth, precisely as it was revealed to us. Being happy with Allah (SWT) as our lord and Muhammad (SAW) as our prophet and Islam as our religion and way of life can only come after learning what each of those things mean. After truly believing in Allah, knowing and understanding his commands, we can move towards obeying Allah (SWT) in the way he deserves to be obeyed - and reap the comfort and peace of our beautiful faith. No matter what age or stage we are at, we should strive to learn, so that we can improve our understanding, and have stronger belief in the truths surrounding us Insha Allah. May Allah guide all of us in our quest for knowledge and truth, and grant us the ability to reflect and act upon the truth, Ameen!

Masjid Bani Hashim! At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai

! Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah ‫عز وجل‬, opened its doors 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 & is a Non-Profit Organisation. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures, workshops, Tafseer elQuran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet pbuh & major Islamic Studies.!

! Our Mission! Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (saws). Masjid Bani Hashim welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray & recite Quran.

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