AsSabiqoon # 11

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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#10 Sept 2014

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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue #10 Sept 2014


‫صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬

‫! بسم اهلل والصالة والسالم على رسول اهلل‬


،‫!السالم عليكم ورحمة اهلل وبركاته أما بعد‬ َ ‫عذَابِى َل‬ :ٌ‫ش ِديد‬ َ َّ‫! لئن شكرتم َألزِي َدنَّ ُك ْم َو َل ِئن َكفَ ْرتُ ْم إِن‬


Surah 14: Ayah 7: And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "ʺIf you give thanks, I will give you more; but if you are thankless, verily, my punishment is indeed severe.'ʹ'ʹ


ِ ‫ َوالصَّ َل‬ ِ‫ بِالصَّبْر‬ ْ ‫ است َِعينُوا‬ :‫ الصَّـ ِبرِين‬ َ‫مع‬ ْ ْ ‫منُوا‬ َ ‫ َءا‬ ‫ ال َِّذي َن‬ ‫ يَـأَيُّهَا‬ َ َ​َّ‫ اهلل‬ َّ‫ إِن‬ ‫وة‬

Surah 2: Ayah 153: O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-­‐‑Salah (the prayer). Truly, Allah is with As-­‐‑Sabareen (the patient).


Dear reader, what are the two ingredients that make life worthwhile to live? Answer: Shukr (gratitude) & Sabr (perseverance). I cannot believe that we can ever achieve happiness in this temporal existence without shukr & sabr. Have you realised, the moment you do not appreciate the gift of life that Allah has given you & all the gifts that He keeps showering on you, then your negativity will start reflecting in your blessings being taken away, may Allah save us from ungratefulness. If you thought you had “liUle,” with your ingratitude & negativity, this “liUle” is going to decrease further & is not going to be beneficial anymore. Hence we have to learn to make shukr, so that we can enjoy the increase promised by Allah AsShakoor (The Most Appreciative, The Most Grateful) in the verse from the Qur’an quoted above.


Allah has given us this life with a limited timespan & hence we cannot afford to waste time. We should not waste our energy questioning why xyz have been blessed with gifts that we do not have. It is enough of looking outside us! Let’s start counting the blessings that Allah is showering us with all the time. However, the problem is that we do not do shukr for what we have & we do not do sabr for what we do not have. Subhanal Allah. Sabr is a struggle for all of us! We have learnt to scream for our rights! Sometimes we scream so hard that we lose our dignity. All these are signs of our lack of understanding of Allah’s plan & wisdom. Let’s make the best use of what we have, rather than chasing what others have!


Time is precious & we need to get the balance right! Shukr for all we have, however liUle, does not maUer! It is Allah’s promise, He is going to increase & no one is more truthful than Allah ‫ وتعالى‬ ‫ سبحانه‬ for what we have not achieved or do not have! Allah is going to become our companion (Surah 2: ayah 153 mentioned above), He is going to give us that strength that we need to overcome what has missed us or what we have not achieved or lost. Moreover, if you have not got it today, it does not mean that Allah is not going to give you in the future, if that is good for you. However, if you do not get it, rely with complete submission & full hope in the goodness & wisdom behind Allah’s plan. Subhanal Allah & this way we will be always winners, beidhnil Allah! Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen. Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah.

A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#10 Sept 2014

Pages 14-16

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River of Jannah

Page 4

Page 5-6 ! !

! This Issue

Milk! Pages 19-22

! !


The Real Superstars: Pages 14 - 17! Introduction: Page 2! Amongst numerous linguistic miracles of The Quran is the miracle of word Patience: Pages 18! The Gemsmiraculous Box: Page 4nature ! choice. The Quran’s reflects in the choice of words and their One the Rivers in Jannah : Milk: usage in a particular context. leaves absolutely noofroom for error and erases any Linguistic Miracles of theItGlorious Pages 19 - 22! doubt that may come to mind. This requires a deep study of the Ayat Quran - Accuracy inone’s Prepositions: 5 - !6! Masjid Bani Hashim: Page 23 - 25 mentioned in thePages Quran.

! ! ! !!

Learn, Live & Love the Names of Allah Azza Wajal: Pages 7 - 10! Cheer Up! Pages 11 - 13!


Back to School! The virtues of seeking knowledge Prophet, may the peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Whoever takes a path in search for knowledge, Allaah will facilitate for him a path to paradise.” [Al-Bukhari]

--------------------------------------------------------------“Knowledge protects You… [vs]… You protect Money” If Allaah bestows knowledge upon you, it enters your heart and it does not need any box or key to be secured. Your heart becomes the safety box of the knowledge and no one but Allah can take it away from you. Guarding knowledge in your heart will then protect you from all what could harm you and endanger your faith. Yet, you carefully hide your money and precious stones inside your secret safety box and you are never reassured! --------------------------------------------------------------“The Inheritance of the Prophet” (may the peace and blessings be upon him) Abu Hurayrah reported that one day he passed through the suq of Madinah and naturally saw people engrossed in the business of buying and selling. "How feeble are you, O people of Madinah!" he said. "What do you see that is feeble in us, Abu Hurayrah?" they asked. "The inheritance of the Messenger of Allah, peace be on him, is being distributed and you remain here! Won't you go and take your portion?" "Where is this, O Abu Hurayrah?" they asked. "In the Masjid," he replied. Quickly they left. Abu Hurayrah waited until they returned. When they saw him, they said: "O Abu Hurayrah, we went to the Masjid and entered and we did not see anything being distributed." "Didn't you see anyone in the Masjid?" he asked. "O yes, we saw some people performing Salat, some people reading the Qur'an and some people discussing about what is halal and what is haram." "Woe unto you," replied Abu Hurayrah,"that is the inheritance of Muhammad, (may the peace and blessings be upon him)


Allah is Near

So many a time we find ourselves lost, lonely and sad. We wonder in our minds “Where is Allah when I need him the most”. Our hearts restlessly look for the answers our minds produce but we often forget or neglect the one true source of all the answers: The Holy Quran. !


Enriched with endless miracles, the Glorious Quran has the answers to all our problems, and Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬addresses the issue of how close He is to His slaves in a miraculous way indeed! In Surat AlBaqarah Ayah 186 Allah (‫سبحانه‬ ‫ )وتعالى‬says:!


ِ ‫عبادي عني‬ ِ َ ‫سأل‬ ‫ك‬ ‫فإني َقريب‬ َ ‫!وإذا‬

“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near.”!


In the above Ayah a slave is asking Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬about Allah, hence the expected answer should be from the Prophet (‫) صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬ to the slave. But Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬changes the entire tone of the Ayah in the most spectacular way! He first addresses Prophet (‫)صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬, then immediately answers the question HIMSELF, directly talking to the believer who asks about Him! !


SubhanAllah! How near is Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬to us can be easily deduced from this Ayah. He is not near to us in a physical state, rather He is near to us through His help, love, mercy and knowledge. We have to open our hearts to believe in His nearness. Our Rabb, our Master is so near to us and He is telling us that in the Glorious Quran.!


Surely this gives immense comfort to the hearts of the believers. Allah - The All Mighty, The Supreme, The Holy is speaking directly to us and telling us that He is near to us, we just have to believe in Him and obey Him. We must have a strong Tawwakkul in Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬that no matter what may come, He (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬is always with us, Watching us, Guarding us, Protecting us, Nourishing us and Guiding us. Indeed we can never thank Him enough for His countless bounties that He showers upon us and the Glorious Quran being a great blessing and a source of light for the believers. !


This is amongst the many eloquent linguistic miracles that the Glorious Quran holds. May Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬enable us to truly appreciate them and learn

from them, and may He forgive us for our shortcomings.!

for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. [10:57]!


This Ayah is in contrast to the people of Kalam who call the Quran ‘A Book of Majaz'. The Quran is a book of guidance, not a book of tricks and puzzling meanings.! ِ ‫َاب ا ُملْ ِب‬ ِ ‫ َوا ْل ِكت‬.‫
حم‬ .‫ني‬

Disputing with the Language Haa Meem. By the Book that makes of the Sacred Texts: things clear [43:1-2]! Affirming the Lucid and ! Clear Language of the Divine It is also a book sent in a clear Arabic Texts


language so that people may have Taqwa.! 
 ِ ‫صرَّفْنَا ِف‬ َ ِ‫َو َكذَٰل‬ ‫يه ِم َن‬ َ ‫ع َر ِبيًّا َو‬ َ ‫ك أَنْزَ ْلنَاهُ ُق ْرآنًا‬ ِ ‫!ا ْلو َِع‬ َ ‫يد َل َعلَّ ُه ْم يَتَّ ُقو‬ ُ ‫ن أ َ ْو يُحْ ِد‬ ‫ث َل ُه ْم ِذ ْك ًرا‬

This article is about simply affirming the fact that the Quran is clear enough to refute the previous concepts discussed. It was revealed in a clear language such that the scholar and bedouin both can recite and understand it. While the scholar will obviously be able to extract much more benefit and wisdom from it, which will never contradict the basic meaning that even the bedouin would understand.

And thus We have sent it down as a Quran in Arabic, and have explained therein in detail the warnings, in order that they may fear Allah, or that it may cause them to have a lesson from it (or to have the honor for believing and acting on its teachings). [20:113]

The Quran has been characterized as a Maw’idha (admonishment/instruction), Shifaa’ (healing), and Hudaa (guidance).


‫َّاس َق ْد جَ ا َءتْ ُكم مَّو ِْعظَ ٌة مِّن رَّبِّ ُك ْم‬ ُ ‫! يَا أَيُّهَا الن‬ ِ ‫! َو‬ ُ ‫شفَا ٌء َملِّا ِفي الصُّدُو ِر َو‬ ‫هدًى َو َرحْ مَ ٌة لِّ ْلمُ ؤ ِْم ِن َني‬ O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing

If the Quran was as the people of Kalam claim, how could we have Taqwa of Allah?
 These Ayat lead to the command to ponder over the Quran, the greatest message of which is Tawheed, !

! ! ! !

ْ ِ‫ن ۚ إ‬ َ ‫ن أ َ ْو يَع ِْق ُلو‬ َ ‫َسمَ عُو‬ ُ ‫ب أَنَّ أ َ ْكث َ َر‬ ‫ن‬ َ ْ‫أ َ ْم تَح‬ ْ ‫ه ْم ي‬ ُ ‫س‬ ً ‫س ِب‬ َ َ ‫ه ْم أ‬ ُ ‫ه ْم إِ َّال َكا َألْنْعَام ِ ۖ ب َْل‬ ُ ! ‫يال‬ َ ُّ‫ضل‬ Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle; nay, they are even farther astray from the Path. (i.e. even worst than cattle). [25:44]
 َ ‫! َو َل َق ْد َيسَّ ْرنَا ا ْل ُق ْرآ‬ ‫مد َِّك ٍر‬ ُ ‫ن لِلذِّ ْك ِر فَه َْل ِم ْن‬ And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)? [54:17]


And,! َ ْ‫َاب أَنْزَ ْلنَاهُ إِ َلي‬ ‫مبَا َر ٌك لِيَدَّبَّ ُروا آيَا ِت ِه َولِيَتَذَكَّ َر‬ ُ ‫ك‬ ٌ ‫ِكت‬ ِ ‫!أُو ُلو ا َألْ ْلب‬ ‫َاب‬ (This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember. [38:29]


Allah (‫ )سبحانه وتعالى‬criticised those

They are like the Mushrikoon who have a barrier between themselves and the Quran,! َ َ‫ن جَ َع ْلنَا بَيْن‬ َ ‫َو إِذَا َق َرأْتَ ا ْل ُق ْرآ‬ ‫ك َوبَ َنيْ ال َِّذي َن َال‬ ْ ‫ن ِب‬ ِ ‫خ َر ِة‬ ِ ‫اآل‬ َ ‫
يُؤ ِْمنُو‬ ‫َستُو ًرا‬ ْ ‫حجَ ابًا م‬ And when you recite the Qur’an, We put between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a concealed partition. [17:45]
 It is also a characteristic of the Munafiqoon (hypocrites).! َ ْ‫َست َِمعُ إِ َلي‬ َ ‫ك حَ تَّىٰ إِذَا‬ ‫خ َرجُ وا ِم ْن‬ ْ ‫م ْن ي‬ َ ‫َو ِمنْ ُه ْم‬ ِ ‫ال‬ َ ‫ِعنْ ِد َك َقا ُلوا لِل َِّذي َن أُوتُوا ا ْل ِع ْل َم مَا َذا َق‬ ۚ ‫آنفًا‬ َ ‫أُو ٰلَ ِئ‬ ‫ع َلىٰ ُق ُلو ِب ِه ْم َواتَّبَعُوا‬ َ َُّ‫ك ال َِّذي َن طَبَعَ اهلل‬ ُ ‫هوَا َء‬ ْ َ ‫!أ‬ ‫ه ْم‬

people who did not ponder over it, who And among them, [O Mu?ammad], are did not understand it, but only listened those who listen to you, until when they depart from you, they say to those who or read,! were given knowledge, “What has he said just now?” Those are the ones of َ ‫ن ا ْل ُق ْرآ‬ َ ‫!أَفَ َال يَتَ َدبَّ ُرو‬ ٍ ‫ع َلىٰ ُق ُل‬ ‫وب أ َ ْقفَا ُلهَا‬ َ ‫ن أ َ ْم‬ whom Allah has sealed over their hearts Do they not then think deeply in the and who have followed their [own] Quran, or are their hearts locked up desires. [47:16]
 (from understanding it)? [47:24]
 Those who make Tafwid are basically This is in sharp contrast to the people accusing the Sahabah of this, when of Kalam, the people of Tafwid, and they say that the way of the Salaf was Ta’wil, those who read without to not understand what was said!! understanding,!


(Islamic) religion, and that they may warn their people when they return to them, so that they may beware (of evil). [9:122]


Shafi’ee, Bukhari and many others said that Nafara can refer to one person, or a small group. Allah (swt) also said,! ِ َ‫ن جَ ا َء ُك ْم ف‬ ْ ِ‫منُوا إ‬ ‫اسقٌ ِبنَبَ ٍإ‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا ال َِّذي َن آ‬ ِ ‫نت‬ ْ َ ‫َفتَبَيَّنُوا أ‬ ‫ُص ِبحُ وا‬ ْ ‫ُصيبُوا َقوْمًا ِبجَ هَا َل ٍة َفت‬ ِ َ‫ع َلىٰ مَا فَ َع ْلتُ ْم ن‬ ‫اد ِم َني‬ َ !

That which has been narrated by a number of people in every level of the chain such that it is impossible for all of them to make a mistake or error. Ahad is the opposite in that it contains less than 4 narrators at any given level of the Isnaad. Mutawatir has more than 4 at each level. (Please note that the !

O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with a news, verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done. [49:6]


exact number has been differed over, but this is what I have come across in my own personal study). The people of Kalam made a distinction in that they would only accept Hadith Mutawatir in matters of creed (Aqeedah). The following are some proofs showing that this is a faulty position.


So by this token, if a trustworthy person comes, then there is no need to verify.
 The belief of not taking Khabar alAhaad led Amr bin Ubayd (a Mu’tazili) to say in regards to the Hadith of Qadr, “If Ibn Mas’ood said it, I would call him a liar. If the Prophet(s) said it, I would reject it. If Allah said it, I would say that You did not create us for this” (a’udhubillah). !

Allah (swt) says,! َ ‫ن ا ُملْؤ ِْمنُو‬ َ ‫
 َومَا َكا‬ ِّ‫ن لِيَنْ ِف ُروا َكافَّ ًة ۚ فَ َلو َْال نَفَ َر ِم ْن ُكل‬ ِ َ‫ ِف ْر َق ٍة ِمنْ ُه ْم ط‬The Prophet(s) also normally sent just ِ ‫ائ َف ٌة ِل َيتَ َفقَّهُوا ِفي الدِّي‬ ‫ن َو ِل ُينْ ِذ ُروا‬ َ ‫م ُه ْم إِ َذا َرجَ عُوا إِ َل ْي ِه ْم َل َعلَّ ُه ْم يَحْ َذ ُرو‬ ‫ن‬ َ ْ‫ ! َقو‬one person to teach people, for example Mus’ab Ibn ‘Umayr to Medinah. They And it is not (proper) for the believers to go out to fight (Jihad) all together. Of did not reject and ask for a Mutawaatir group of people. Imam Shafi’ee also every troop of them, a party (nafara) only should go forth, that they (who are quoted the following Hadith as a proof for Khabarul Waahid in his book Arleft behind) may get instructions in Risaala,

The Prophet (saws) said, “May Allah brighten the face of a person who heard my speech, and then memorised it and ! understood it, and passed it on to others.” [Tirmidhi]
 The action of the direction of the Qibla changing from Jerusalem to Mecca is also a proof, as only one caller was sent out to the different Masjid announcing it and everyone accepted the command.

example a distressed person saying that his father died. Also, he said that the Hadith found in Bukhari and Muslim constitute certain knowledge since the Ummah has agreed on them.

The early scholars also had many statements regarding this issue.

Certain Knowledge

Miscellaneous Issues

People who deny Khabar al-Aahaad in matters of Aqeedah argue that it does not constitute certain knowledge, and therefore cannot be acted upon. Certain knowldge and acting on knowledge are different things that should not be confused. For example, if a trustworthy person comes and says it is raining and to take an umbrella, you will act on it even though you might not be 100% sure of it. But you will still act on it since the person is trustworthy. If 10 people come into the room soaking wet and tell you its raining, then it’s ‘certain knowledge’. So whether or not Khabar Al-Wahid gives certain knowledge or not is irrelevant in regards to acting on it.
 Ibn Taymiyyah argued that Khabar Wahid can be certain knowledge depending on the situation, for

The most important point, perhaps, is that this differentiation was unknown to the Sahabah and early generations. It was made by the latter scholars. There is also no precise demarcation between what is Mutawatir vs. Ahad. According to one opinion, it is to have at least 10 people in each level. As-Suyuti tried to compile the Hadith fitting this condition and only came up with ~110. This shows that making this distinction basically leaves us with no religion.
 Lastly, the same people who use this distinction due so out of their principles of logic and philosophy and clearly reject Mutawatir narrations when it goes against their ‘philosophy’. An example of this is the Hadith of Nuzool which will be covered later in great detail and is a Mutawatir narration mentioned by 39 Sahabah.

‫الحمد هلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم‬ ‫!على أشرف املرسلني‬


‫!أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم‬ I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed !


! !

Are you a leader?!

Surah Al Baqaarah (2), Ayat 124:!


ِ ‫َو إِ ِذ ابْتَ َلى إِبْ َر‬ ٍ َ‫هي َم َربُّ ُه ِب َكلِم‬ َ ‫ـت فَأَتَمَّ ُهنَّ َق‬ ﴿‫ال إِنِّى‬ ِ َ‫ج‬ ِ ‫ك لِلن‬ َ ‫ـع ُل‬ ُ َ‫ال َال يَن‬ َ ‫ال َو ِمن ذُرِّيَّ ِتى َق‬ َ ‫َّاس إِمَامًا َق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫عه ِْدي الظَّـلِ ِم َني‬ َ ﴾!

(124. And (remember) when the Lord of Ibrahim (Abraham) tried him with (certain) commands, which he fulfilled. He (Allah) said (to him), "Verily, I am going to make you an Imam (a leader) for mankind (to follow you).'' (Ibrahim) said, "And of my offspring (to make leaders).'' (Allah) said, "My covenant (prophethood) includes not Zalimin (polytheists and wrongdoers).'') !


In shaa Allah, let’s discuss leadership in this edition of AsSabiqoon. Actually I cannot think anyone being a righteous leader without him or her being AsSabiqoon. The example I am going to be talking about is the Prophet Ibrahim, PBUH. Let’s remind us that he was called a leader by Allah, Azzawajal in the Qur’an, 2:124. Moreover he is known as father of the Prophets (Ishmael and Isaac) and the grandfather of Prophet Jacob. He

is also one of the ancestors of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and is highly regarded not only in Islam but in Christianity and Judaism.!


So how do we define leadership? In my humble view, leadership is about believing in an ideal, in a goal and then living this ideal in your life, in your personal and family dealings, in your profession, in whatever you do…because if you really are a leader, then you have to “walk the talk” and your talk and walk is based on high morals and integrity, you character is exemplar, so people will want to follow you.!


Ibrahim (PBUH) is known also as a Prophet of determination due to his resilience and steadfastness in performing the commandments of Allah, Azzawajal.! He went through many tests. Most of these have been highlighted in the Qur’an:! - The struggle against his people, who were idolaters as He was trying to preach them Islam (Submission to The God-

Allah) and the favour of Allah upon him when they tried to burn him alive. Allah Azzawajal cooled the fire for him (Qur’an 21: 69-70). What level of belief and trust in Allah and note the appreciation of Allah for those who advise the truth and put their full trust in Allah, Allah turns around the laws of nature…the fire became cool…it was not extinguished! It actually became cool, Subhanal Allah!! - Command of Allah to sacrifice Ishmael (PBUH) and the submission of both father, Ibrahim and son Ishmael. Subhanal Allah, how Allah Azzawajal rescued Ishmael at the precise moment of sacrifice, upon fulfilment of submission (Qur’an 37: 102:111).! - Building of Kabah by Ibrahim and Ishmael (2:127).!


He succeeded in all the tests, this is what a true leader stands for! He went through each test with humbleness, realising that even if he did not like what he was requested to do, he had to fulfil the Command from his Rabb (The Lord, The Nurturer, The Reformer), there was complete submission and reliance in Allah’s plan, Allah who is Al Aleem, Al Hakeem (All Knowing, All Wise) and Allah is Shakeroon Shakoor (The Most Appreciative, The Most Grateful). This is evident by how Allah saved him in all the different trials he went through and honoured him with the title of imam (leader).!


So what are the key traits in Ibrahim (PBUH) that made Allah give him the title of leader:! 1. He realised that he was a humble slave of Allah, in total submission to the ABSOLUTE LEADER, Allah (Qur’an 16:60).! 2. His complete reliance, tawaqul in Allah Azzawajal.! 3. His submission to the laws and legislations as set by Allah, Al Wakil ( The Trustee, the Disposer of Affairs) and avoidance of any acts of deliberate displeasure to Allah (resulting from consistent sinning without due repentance). ! 4. His submission to the decree, whether good or disliked. This is sabr (patience, resilience, steadfastness).! 5. He was also not selfish and was thoughtful of future generations by asking Allah for leadership to be provided to his offspring. Please note that this leadership is not about acquiring power but it is about guiding humanity to the utmost Truth, which is lailah illal Allah (There is no true God worthy of worship except Allah). However, Allah Azzawajal, clearly highlighted that He would not give the leadership of the religion to the oppressors (Quran 2: 124).!


! In a nutshell, Ibrahim (PBUH) was truthful, truthful to the covenant of Allah Azzawajal and this truthfulness led him to being elevated by Allah to the title of leader, Subhanal Allah.!


Moreover, Allah Azzawajal honoured Ibrahim (PBUH) even further, for all the generations to come, as we Muslims send salutation to Ibrahim (PBUH) in our daily prayers:! “O Allah! Send Your Salaah on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your Salaah on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim, for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious.! O Allah! Send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent your blessings on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim, for You are the Most Praiseworthy, the Most Glorious.” (Al-Bukhari)!


So, what are our key learnings from Ibrahim (PBUH)’s example:! Whatever you do in life, whether you are a housewife, a mother, a wife, a professional, a businessman/ woman, politician, scholar, student, retired etc… you are a leader whether you realise it or not! So the key question is, how do you become a good leader?!


Probably, all would agree that good leadership is about talking less, more action, more listening and taking advice

from those around us. This does not mean we should not talk good or advise what is right, by no means! Talking good, advising what is right is better than silence and silence is better than talking vain, false or just for the sake of it, without any purpose! However a great leader is one who after taking his fellows’ advice, he will ask Allah’s guidance and will rely ultimately on Allah’s guidance, which is the best advice. !


In shaa Allah this will then result in sound decision making… and be reflected in sound behaviour and action…!


Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen! Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah !


Rasulullah.” So Omar (RA) asked her hand in marriage and she agreed.!


He (RA) had 13 (some say 14) children in total: He (RA) named two of his sons Zayd (Zayd al-Akbar, Zayd al-Asghar ) because his elder brother was Zayd whom he (RA) used to love very much and had died as a Shaheed. He (RA) named three of his sons ‘Abdul Rahman, (‘Abdul Rahman AlAkbar, ‘Abdul Rahman Al-Awsat, ‘Abdul Rahman Al-Asghar) because he (RA) used to love the name very much. !


He (RA) was the father of Hafsah (RA) the wife of the Prophet (SAWS), so he (RA) was the father-in-law of Prophet (SAWS). Subhan Allah!! We continue with our Superstar - Omar Bin Al Khattab (RA) this month listing some less known but interesting facts.!


Not many know about the family life of Omar (RA), about how many times he married and how many children he had. He (RA) married 7 or 8 times in total, although he (RA) was not married to more than 4 at any time. !


Omar (RA) wanted to marry the youngest daughter of Abu Bakr (RA), Umm Kulthum who was born after the death of Abu Bakr (RA) but she refused. ‘Aishah (RA) asked her, “You don’t want to marry Ameer ul-Mu’minin?” She said, “His lifestyle is harsh.” So ‘Aishah (RA) told ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas (RA) about her and he went to Omar (RA) and said, “I have a suggestion for you. Why don’t you marry the Umm Kulthum, the daughter of ‘Ali? Because by marrying her, you’ll have a relationship into the family of


Omar Bin Al Khattab (RA) was given the nickname Al Farooq, which means: “He who distinguishes truth from falsehood.” He is also known by the names Amir alMu’minin, Abu Hafs ,Al-Qurashi, Al-‘Adawi.!


Omar (RA) was a pioneer in many affairs; especially in the time of his Khilafa.!


✤ Omar (RA) was the first to introduce

the public ministry system, where the records of officials and soldiers were kept. He (RA) also kept a record system that had the messages he (RA) sent to governors and heads of states.! ✤ He (RA) was the first to appoint police forces to maintain civil order (Sahib-ulAhdath).! ✤ He (RA) was the first to discipline the people when they became disorderly.!

✤ He (RA) was the first to unite people in

✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤

✤ ✤

✤ ✤


Taraweeh (earlier they used to pray in smaller groups).! He (RA) expanded the Prophet’s (SAWS) masjid.! He (RA) invented the post and mail system.! He (RA) was the first to introduce the Chief Secretary (Katib).! He (RA) was the first to appoint a military secretary (Katib-ud-Diwan).! He (RA) was the first to appoint revenue collectors (Sahib-ul-Kharaj).! He (RA) was the first to appoint a treasury officer.! He (RA) was the first to appoint a chief justice for the legal system.! He (RA) started the use of Hijri Calendar.! He (RA) used to patrol the streets of Madina to find out the needs, requirements, and conditions of the people.! He (RA) created the drainage system.! He (RA) started the memorising of Quran, and giving a prize from his treasury.! He (RA) developed tax on imported goods.! He (RA) decided that coins should have specific weight.!

Omar(RA) was assassinated by a Persian slave on the 26th of Dhul Hijjah, 23 Hijri (643 CE) when he was 61 years old. As per his request Aisha (RA) allowed his burial to be by the side of the Prophet (SAWS). !


We end this article with the wise words that Omar (RA) is reported to have left. One cannot but reflect upon the mercy, justice and Taqwa of one of the Greatest

Sahaba - Our Superstar. May Allah have mercy on him.!


“Be kind and generous to the Muhajirun and the Ansar. Those out of them who are good, be good to them; those who are bad overlook their lapses. Be good to the people of the conquered lands. They are the outer line of our defence; they are the target of the anger and distress of our enemies. They contribute to our revenues. They should be taxed only on their surplus wealth. !


Be gracious to the Bedouins as they are the backbone of the Arab nation. I instruct you to be good to the Dhimmis for they are your responsibility. Do not tax them beyond their capacity. Ensure that they pay the Jizya without undue inconvenience. !


Fear Allah, and in all that you do keep His pleasure in view. In the matter of people fear Allah, and in the matter of Allah do not be afraid of the people. !


With regard to the people, I enjoin upon you to administer justice with an even hand. See that all the legitimate requirements of the people are met. Be concerned for their welfare. Ensure the safety of their person and property. !


See that the frontiers of our domains are not violated. Take strong steps to guard the frontiers. !


In the matter of administration do not prefer the rich to the poor. Be hard against those who violate the law. Show them no mercy. Do not rest content until you have

brought the miscreants to book. Treat all the people as equal. Be a pillar of strength for those who are weak and oppressed. Those who are strong but do wrong, make them pay for their wrong-doings. ! In the distribution of booty and other matters be above nepotism. Let no consideration of relationship or selfish interest weigh with you. The Satan is at large; he may tempt you. !


Rise above all temptations and perform your duties in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Get guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Freely consult the wise men around you. Apply your own mind in difficult cases, and seek light from Allah.  

Be simple in your living and your habits. Let there be no show or ostentation about you. Lead life as a model Muslim. As you are the leader of the Muslims, justify your leadership by being the best among them all. May Allah bless you.�!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


One of the Rivers ! in Jannah : !

Milk !

ِ ْ‫َّنب َوبَحْ ُر ا َمل‬ ِ َ ‫! ِفي ا ْلجَ نَّ ِة بَحْ ُر الل‬ ‫َس ِل‬ َ ‫اء َوبَحْ ُر ا ْلع‬ َ ‫ ثُمَّ ت‬،‫خمْ ِر‬ َ ‫! َوبَحْ ُر ا ْل‬ ‫ُشقَّقُ ا َألْنْهَا ُر ِمنْهَا بَعْد‬


“A description of the paradise promised to the good wary: therein are streams of unstaling water, and streams of milk unchanging in flavour, and streams of wine delicious to the drinkers, and streams of purified honey; there will be for them every kind of fruit in it, and forgiveness from their Lord. [Are such ones] like those who abide in the Fire and are given to drink boiling water which cuts up their bowels?” (47:15)!


Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was brought milk, and he drank (it). He (pbuh) then said: Let whoever is given milk to drink must say: O Allah! bless us in it and! give us more of it, for no food or drink satisfies like milk. (Abu Dawud).!


Milk is made up of a mixture of water, fat and cheese. The cheese makes a solid food, the fat is good for the body and the liquid part gives energy to the constitution.!

Every kind of milk stays fresh for a certain amount of time. Then its taste changes and it goes sour. Thus Allah (swt) describes the milk of the Jannah by saying “… and streams of milk unchanging in flavour…” (47:15)! Fresh milk produces chyme, which purifies the body. Milk relaxes the bowels, relieves depression and stimulates the brain. When taken with sugar, milk improves the complexion and helps increase weight. It alleviates minor itching and scabies. It also improves the memory. Camel milk is a diuretic and is used in treating cases of dropsy (swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities). However it should be avoided by whoever has a headache or a fever. Ibn Abbas reports in a

hadith recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to rinse his mouth out after drinking milk, saying that that the fat in the milk was bad for those who suffered from fever and headache. !


obtained from milk are mandatory for According to Ibn Masud, the Prophet healthy human body and help in (pbuh) also said, “Allah did not create any prevention of chronic ailments.! disease without also creating a remedy for Milk is filled with nine essential nutrients it - so drink cow’s milk, for cows feed that benefit our health:! from all sorts of plants” (An-Nasai). Thus 1. Calcium: Builds healthy bones and teeth; maintains bone mass! milk types differ depending on the different kinds of fodders that the animals 2. Protein: Serves as a source of energy; builds/repairs muscle tissue! eat. Camel milk has low fat and is more 3. Potassium: Helps maintain a healthy likely to loosen the bowels. It does not blood pressure! curdle in the stomach. It is also very good 4. Phosphorus: Helps strengthen bones for gastritis due to weak liver. ! and generate energy! 5. Vitamin D: Helps maintain bones! Hence, the Ayah from Surah an Nahl 6. Vitamin B12: Maintains healthy red makes so much sense:! blood cells and nerve tissue! 7. Vitamin A: Maintains the immune system; helps maintain normal vision ِ ُ‫س ِقي ُك ْم ِممَّا ِفي بُط‬ ‫ون ِه‬ ْ ُ‫َو إِنَّ َل ُك ْم ِفي ا َألْنْعَام ِ َل ِعبْ َرةً ۖ ن‬ and skin! ِ ِ ‫س‬ ٍ ‫َني فَ ْر‬ َ ‫ث َو َدم ٍ َلبَنًا‬ ً ‫ائ‬ ِ ْ ‫!م ْن ب‬ ‫غا لِلشَّا ِر ِب َني‬ َ ‫صا‬ ً ِ‫خال‬ 8. Riboflavin (B2): Converts food into energy! 'And verily! In the cattle, there is a lesson 9. Niacin: Metabolises sugars and fatty for you. We give you to drink of that acids! which is in their bellies,from between excretions and blood, pure milk; palatable The nutritional value of milk has always to the drinkers'' (An Nahl 16:66).! influenced people all over the world to include it in diet. The health benefits of Health benefits of milk include good bone milk can be achieved from milk directly or health, smooth skin, strong immune its products such as cheese, butter, curd, system, prevention of illnesses such as clarified butter or ghee, dairy whitener, ice hypertension, dental decay, dehydration, cream, cottage cheese, flavoured milk, respiratory problems, obesity, milk sweets etc. Some of the advantages of osteoporosis and even some forms of drinking milk are as follows:! cancer. The beneficial health nutrients

! ! !



✤Calcium: Milk is the best source of drink at least six to eight glasses of fluid calcium supply to our body. Calcium every day. Milk contains a good quantity protects the body from major chronic of water molecules and is considered ailments such as cancer, bone loss, the best fluid for rehydration.! arthritis, migraine, pre-menstrual syndrome,obesity in children and aids in ✤Skin Care: Milk is known to benefit our losing unwanted fats.! skin by helping us maintain a fair and smooth complexion. Hence, milk and ✤Healthy Bones: As mentioned above, milk based products are used in a milk is rich in calcium, which is number of cosmetic preparations. Milk essential for growth and proper is also good for dry skin related development of strong bone structure. ailments. Applying milk to skin Osteoporosis can provides be prevented nourishment and with daily intake smoothens the of adequate skin. The lactic Abu Huraira reported that Allah's quantity of milk. acid present in Messenger (may peace be upon him) was Children milk is known to presented two cups at Bait al-Maqdis on deprived of milk aid in removing the night of Heavenly Journey, one have an increased the dead skin cells, containing wine and the other chance of bone thereby containing milk. He looked at both of fractures when rejuvenating the them, and be took the one containing injured.! skin.! milk, whereupon Gabriel (peace be upon him) said: Praise is due to Allah Who ✤Healthy Teeth: ✤Improving Diet guided you to the true nature; had you Encourage and Vitamin taken the one containing wine, Your children and Intake: According Ummah would have gone astray. youngsters to to medical (Bukhari) drink milk for research, drinking excellent dental milk considerably health, as milk improves our protects the enamel surface against intake of vital minerals and vitamins. acidic substances. Drinking milk for Drinking milk can help fulfil calcium energy and health would dissuade requirement per day.! children from consuming soft drinks, ✤Acidity Reduction: Consumption of thus reducing the risk of decayed teeth and weak gums.! milk products can also help in reducing acidity.! ✤Rehydration: Fluids are an integral part ✤Wholesome Food: Milk contains a whole of human body. The body needs to be replenished with liquids at regular lot of vitamins and minerals to keep you intervals. Growing children should fit, healthy and strong. A glassful of milk









contains vitamin A & B for good eyesight and increasing RBC count, carbohydrates for vitality and energy, potassium for proper nerve function, magnesium for muscular function, phosphorous for energy release, protein for body repair and growth.!

✤Osteoporosis: If milk and milk based products are removed from the diet, it can lead to an inadequate intake of calcium. This is of particular concern for women and the elderly, who have high calcium needs. Calcium deficiency may lead to disorders like osteoporosis (a disease characterised by bone loss).!


✤Colon cancer: some studies have found that people who regularly eat dairy products have a reduced risk of developing colon cancer.!


✤Blood pressure: An increasing number of studies suggest that consuming 3 portions of dairy each day, along with 5 portions of fruit and vegetables as part of a low salt diet can reduce high blood pressure in both adults and children. Although the exact mechanisms involved are not clear, it is thought that the calcium, potassium, magnesium and proteins within milk are all likely to contribute in the reducing high blood pressure problems.!


✤Type 2 diabetes: Studies suggest that regular consumption of low fat dairy products can help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which has been a longstanding problem in adults, and is becoming increasingly common in children and adolescents. This might be


due to the combined effects of many beneficial nutrients found within dairy foods including calcium and magnesium, or the fact that dairy foods have a low glycemic index, which helps to control blood sugar levels.!

It is no wonder then that this food has been chosen to be one of the flowing rivers in Jannah by Allah (swt).



Masjid Bani Hashim! At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai

! Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah ‫عز وجل‬, opened its doors 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 & is a Non-Profit Organisation. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures, workshops, Tafseer elQuran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet pbuh & major Islamic Studies.!

! Our Mission! Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (‫صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬s). Masjid Bani Hashim welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray & recite Quran.

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