A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#9Aug 2014
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A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue #9 Aug 2014
!بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم
Where do we go from here?!
Allah SWT decreed Ramadan for a set number of 29 - 30 days only & this is Allah’s wisdom. Ramadan was a school of Taqwa, so what about the rest of the year??? The rest of the year is the time to establish everything we learnt & gained in Ramadan. Ramadan prepared us for the rest of the year by disciplining our bodies, making us function sometimes with less sleep than what we usually require, without the coffee or tea that some of us crave so much when we are not fasting. All this was possible because Allah SWT has blessed this month, chained the shayateen & has opened the gates of heavens & as if that is not enough, we have the night of Qadr, where there is peace & tranquility until dawn.!
Ramadan was the month when you discovered yourself, re-designed yourself, retreated to your own cave Hira, in Jabel Noor, where the Prophet SAWS used to meditate & where the revelation started. So does the story finish in Ramadan? No, of course not! The night of Qadr when the Prophet SAWS received the first revelation from Allah SWT through Jibreel AS was actually the beginning & so is the Ramadan. It is your new beginning! !
Every year Ramadan comes as a reminder that الحمدهللwe have one more opportunity to cleanse ourselves from the “dirt’ of our sins & move one step closer to Allah’s Mercy by performing acts which are most beloved to Ar Rahman. Ramadan’s purpose was to build our taqwa & the realisation that both success in this dunya & akhirah can be obtained only by knowing Allah because if we know Him, we cannot but love Him & when we love Allah, we will want to please Him & avoid any act of disobedience to Allah SWT. So Ramadan is the month when you discover yourself & actually live up to the beautiful ayah, where Allah SWT has honoured the human being:!
ِ ه ْم ِم َن الطَّيِّب ِ ْخ َل ْقنَا تَف ً ض َ ع َلىٰ َك ِثي ٍر ِممَّ ْن ُ َات َوفَضَّ ْلنَا ُ ه ْم ِفي ا ْلبَرِّ َوا ْلبَحْ ِر َو َرزَ ْقنَا ُ منَا ب َِني آ َد َم وَحَ مَ ْلنَا يال َ ه ْم ْ َّ! َو َل َق ْد َكر
And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At-Taiyyibât (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment. Surah Al Isra, ayah 70!
So what now? Now the story & the journey has to continue! You cannot stop! Yes, the amount of worship will potentially reduce compared to Ramadan but with the help of Allah our taqwa, piety, awareness of Allah SWT will have reached a height that can only be sustained with reliance in Allah. This taqwa cannot reduce! And only Allah SWT can maintain & increase this awareness, which is taqwa. So as you started Shawal, say الحمدهللfor whatever good that you achieved in Ramadan & say Bismil Allah, Tabarak Allah (In the Name of Allah, Blessed be Allah’s Name) because for the 11 months that lie ahead until (In Sha Allah) next Ramadan, you will surely need the blessings of Allah to continue in this beautiful journey towards success in dunya & the ultimate success in Akhirah, when you meet Allah SWT & are awarded Jannah. May Rabbana accept all our imperfect efforts in Ramadan & forgive our sins. الحمد هلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على رسول اهلل.
A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#9 Aug 2014
4 1 2 1 s Page
Pages 15-17
A Fig Full of Benefits
“Wa maa’tha baa’da Ramadan”?
1 8 s e Pag
What After Ramadan?
11 e Pag
s6 e g Pa
Pages 26-28
The Issue of Interdiction in Islam
Page 4
Page 5
This Issue
Pages 22-25
Introduction: Page 2!
A Fig Full of Benefits: Pages 12 - 14!
The Gems Box: Page 4 !
The Real Superstars: Pages 15 - 17!
Linguistic Miracles of the Glorious Quran - Accuracy in Prepositions: Page 5!
Shaytaan: Pages 18 - 21!
Learn, Live & Love the Names of Allah Azza Wajal: Pages 6 - 7! “Wa maadha ba`da Ramadan”? What After Ramadan?: Pages 8 - 10! Cheer Up! Page 11!
The Issue of Interdiction in Islam: Pages 22 - 25! Home Truths: Page 26 - 28! Traps of Shaytan: Pages 29 - 31! Masjid Bani Hashim: Page 32 - 34
A Successful Ramadhan? How would you know if your Ramadhan was accepted? Only Allah knows of the acceptance of your deeds but here are some signs you can consider in order to find out…
--------------------------------------------------------------“Seeking forgiveness frequently” The first sign of the success of your Ramadhan is the level of your humility and Taqwa. If you find yourself repenting to Allah more and being fearful that none of your deeds was accepted, then this is a proof of your success.
--------------------------------------------------------------“Following good deeds with good…” If you find yourself in a good state of Eman after Ramadhan, performing many good deeds and righteous actions, then this is another proof of acceptance. If the opposite is true, and you find yourself following good with evil, heedlessness and turning away from the obedience of Allah, then this is a proof that it hasn’t been accepted. You are the best judge to yourself. If you find yourself in a better state, then thank Allah, as this shows His acceptance. And if you are in a worse state, then repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness.
--------------------------------------------------------------“Never despair of the Mercy of Allah” No matter which state you find yourself after Ramadhan, you should never loose hope of the Mercy of Allah. "Say: O my slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins). Do not despair of the Mercy of Allaah: verily Allaah forgives all sins. He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Az-Zumar: 53)
PALINDROME IN THE NOBLE QURAN Palindrome is a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward. We will take one example from the Holy Quran to demonstrate how eloquently Allah (‘Azza wa Jal) speaks in this miraculous fashion.!
Surat AlMud’daththir, Ayah 3:!
spelt backwards and forward in the same exact way. There are palindromes in other languages too; however, all other palindromes may have been written, where as Quran is Allah’s speech, unedited. Who other than besides our Master can speak in such a perfect unique manner?!
! “And declare the greatness only of your Lord.”!
The وis used to start a new sentence. Let’s break the sentence letter by letter:! َ َّ َربand the last letter Taking the first letter of ك of َف َكبِّ ْر we start to make a pattern and continue in the same style as shown below:!
! !
! ! ! !
ب ر
َ َّ! ! َرب ك
!فَ َكبِّ ْر
A beautiful example of palindrome in the Arabic language is portrayed above. It is
The challenge for the humans in the above Ayah is to come up with a translation in any language that can translate this Ayah in the same miraculous way. In fact, there is no other language besides the language of this great Book, which confirms the truthfulness of our Rab and Messenger (may peace be upon him). Every Ayah of the Quran is a miracle, it is for us to ponder, it is for us to strengthen our faith and it is for us to obey our Lord.
Disputing with the Language of the Sacred Texts - C - Problem of
(metaphorical) and Haqiqi (literal). This was a categorisation unknown to early scholars and rejected by some later ones as well, such as Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim. No famous scholar of the Arabic language ever mentioned it either. One thing to note about Ibn Taymiyyah’s opinion is that he contextualised things to show the primary meaning. For example, if someone says “Abdullah was a lion on the battlefield” it is automatically known that this means bravery and not a physical reincarnation of a lion. Thus, Ibn Taymiyyah would argue, this is in fact the Haqiqi meaning even though technically it may be a ‘metaphor’.
Toa’wal (Majazi and Haqiqi)!
! To say we need to make Taa’wil implies that Allah spoke incorrectly regarding the most noble matter. Also when one does Taa’wil it opens the door to doing the same thing to other ayat. There is no evidence to indicate we should make Taa’wil or make it only in regards to Allah’s Attributes, as groups of Kalam have done.! An example of Taa’wil is also people who claim that Istiwaa has 15 meanings and only Allah knows which one it really is. This is refuted by the Athar of Imam Malik. !
Also related to this is the issue of Majaz. Some later scholars made a categorisation (that was later propagated heavily by the Mu’tazilah) of Majaz
The importance of this, is that groups of Kalam would claim the Attributes of Allah were Majazi. This is problematic for quite a few reasons. First is that the verses are taken to be Haqiqi unless there is evidence indicating otherwise. It is quite inappropriate to claim that the ayat revealed by Allah establishing the fundamental concepts of Tawheed are all somehow metaphorical and detached from their apparent meanings. If someone wants to interpret them differently, then they must bring proof showing the validity of the interpretation. Also, when one combines all the ayat and narrations regarding the Attributes, etc. it becomes clear that the Haqiqi meaning was intended. A good example of this is looking at all the narrations of the ‘Arsh (i.e. the hadith
indicating there are Angels holding it, that it was above water, etc.). If someone makes the fundamentals like Tawheed open to metaphorical interpretation, what then about things like fiqh? Even if Majaz was true, it must still rest upon something that is known, and not unknown. For example, when you say so and so was a lion on the battlefield, it is known what is being referred to. But there can never be an analogy for Allah’s Attributes, and this is what the people who make Taa’wil will fall into. One of the ways Majaz is defined is something that can be negated. For example, you can say Abdullah wasn’t a lion, but he was brave.
issue. The Ahlus Sunnah have unanimously agreed in affirming those Attributes (of Allah) that are found in the Quran or Sunnah, and believing in them as Haqiqi, not as Majazi, except that they do not explain the ‘reasoning by asking how’ (Kayfiyyah) of these Attributes, nor do they limit them to a particular manner. As for the people of innovations, from the Jahmiyyah, and the Mu’tazilah, and the Khawarij, then they deny these Attributes, and they do not understand them in a Haqiqi manner…” [Majmoo’ al-Fatawa v. 5 p. 198]
There is no clear way to differentiate Haqiqi and Majazi when it comes to the unseen when this methodology is employed. If Allah’s Attributes can be made metaphorical, then what about Jannah? Is it metaphorical as well? unfortunately, some people even claimed later that Jannah is simply a state of mind.Finally, all the early scholars of Islam were of the opinion that Allah’s Attributes are understood at face value, and are affirmed as Allah Himself affirmed them, but that they do not resemble at all the attributes of the creation. Ibn Abdul-Barr (d. 463AH), a famous Maliki scholar, said that there is Ijmaa (unanimous consensus) on this
In summary, the people of Kalam approached the Quran with preconceived notions, and tried to twist the ayat to fit those notions. This also relates back to the muhkam and mutashabih, in that we affirm the meaning, and this is muhkam, but the ‘reasoning by asking how’ of the Attributes is mutashabih.!
! !
“Wa maa’tha baa’da Ramadan”? What After Ramadan? AlHamdulillahi wa kafaa, was-Salatu was-salamu `alaa `ibaadihi-lladheena Stafaa!
We leave the blessed month of Ramadan, its beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We leave the month of Qur’an, Taqwa, patience, jihad, mercy, forgiveness and freedom from hellfire. But have we fulfilled the requirements of Taqwa and graduated from the Ramadan school with a diploma of the God-fearing? Have we fought our soul’s desires and defeated them, or have we been overtaken by our customs and blind imitations? Have we performed our actions in a way that fulfils the conditions for receiving mercy, forgiveness and release from the Fire? Have we forgiven those who hurt us and ask forgiveness of those whom we hurt? Are we still full of ourselves and couldn’t repent? Many questions and numerous thoughts come to the heart of a sincere Muslim, who asks and answers with truthfulness. What Have We Gained From Ramadan?!
Ramadan is a school of Iman and a ‘stop to recharge one’s spiritual batteries– to acquire one’s provision for the rest of the year. For when will one take a lesson and change for better if not in the month of Ramadan? The noble month is a true
school of transformation in which we change our actions, habits and manners that are in variance with the Law of Allah ‘Azza Wa Jal. “Verily, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” [ArRa`d, 11]!
If you are from those who benefited from Ramadan, fulfilled the requirements of Taqwa, prayed in it with truthfulness, and strove against your soul, then praise and thank Allah by asking Him for steadfastness upon it until you meet your death. Be not like one who has sewn a shirt and then destroyed it. Have you seen one who sewed a shirt or Thawb, so when she looked at it, she liked it. Then she destroyed it pulling a thread by thread for no reason. What would people say about such a person?! Or have you seen one who earns a fortune by trading throughout the day, but when the night comes, he throws away all that he earned, dirham by dirham. What would people say about such a person?! This is the condition of one who returns to sinning and evildoing after Ramadan and leaves obedience and righteous actions. So after he was favoured with the blessing of obedience and enjoyment of communicating with Allah he returned to the blaze of sins and evil actions. How
“Wa maa’tha baa’da Ramadan”? What After Ramadan? evil are the people who know Allah only in Ramadan!!
Jal. “And remember when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor] …” [Ibrahim, 7]. So if the servant is truly thankful to his Lord, you will see him guided towards obedience and distanced from sinning. Thankfulness is leaving sins, as the early Muslims said.!
My dear readers, falling short in one’s commitment to Islam after Ramadan is manifested in many ways, including:! 1 – Men leaving the five prayers in congregation, after they filled mosques for Taraweeh prayers, thus going to the masjid for recommended prayers and leaving obligatory ones.! 2 – Return to musical entertainment, forbidden films, women displaying their adornment beyond that which ordinarily appears thereof, free mixing etc.!
“And worship your Lord until there comes you to the certainty [i.e. death].” [al-Hijr, 99]. The Muslim must continuously be in the state of obedience to Allah, firm upon His Sharee`ah, steadfast upon His Deen, so that he or she is not of those who worship Allah only during Ramadan. Rather, the believer knows that the Lord of Ramadan is also the Lord of other months, and that He is the Lord of all times, so he is steadfast upon the Sharee`ah of Allah until he meets Him while He is pleased with him. Allah Ta`ala said, “So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have turned back with you [to Allah].” [Hud, 112] And, “So take a straight course to Him and seek His forgiveness.” [Fussilat, 6] And the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, “Say ‘I believe in Allah’, then be steadfast.” [Muslim]!
From the signs that one’s deeds are accepted is that he or she has improved in his or her obedience to Allah `Azza Wa
✤ If the fasting in Ramadan has ended, then there remains voluntary fasting,
This is not thankfulness for blessings and favours, nor is it the sign of acceptance of one’s actions, rather this is opposition to favours and absence of thankfulness. These are from signs of one’s deeds not being accepted – and Allah’s refuge is sought – for the one who truly fasts rejoices on the occasion of `Eid, praises his Lord for helping him complete the fast, and remains fearful that Allah may not accept his fasting, just as the Salaf would continue asking for acceptance of their actions in Ramadan for six months after it.!
“Wa maa’tha baa’da Ramadan”? What After Ramadan?
such as fasting six days in Shawwal, on Mondays and Thursdays, the three days in the middle of the month, the days of Ashura and Arafat, and others.! If standing in prayer at night during Ramadan has ended, then there remains voluntary night prayer throughout the year. “They used to sleep but little of the night.” [AdhDhaariyaat, 17]! If the charity in Ramadan and Zakat ul-Fitr have ended, then there is the obligatory Zakat, and also there are many other open doors to charity, voluntary actions and jihad.! Reading of the Qur’an and contemplating on it is not only for Ramadan, rather it is for all times.! Righteous actions are for all times and all places, so strive – O my brothers and sisters – and beware of laziness. And remember that it is not allowed for us to leave the obligatory actions or delay them, such as the five daily prayers on time, in congregation etc.!
And do not fall into forbidden actions, such as forbidden sayings, food and drinks, or by looking at or listening to what is forbidden. Be steadfast and upright upon the Deen of Allah at all times, for you do not know when you will meet the Angel of Death. Beware of
him taking you while you are in a state of sin. “O Allah, Who turns the hearts, keep our hearts steadfast upon Your Deen.” Ameen. !
I ask Allah to accept from us and you our fasting, our prayers and other righteous actions, that our condition after Ramadan be a better one, that the state of our Ummah improves, that we are granted honour and that we truly turn to our Lord…Ameen!
Important note:! Ayub (RA) reported that Prophet Muhammed (Sallaallahu alayhi wa salam) said: Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a life time. {Muslim}. Being that the 6 days of Shawwal are specific voluntary days, one must make the intention to fast before fajr. This can be done on each individual day, or if one is fasting 6 consecutive days, then they can make the intention at one time upon beginning the fast. If a person does not make his/her intention to fast the 6 days of Shawwal before fajr, then he/she will not receive the reward of fasting Shawwal.
! بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم الحمد هلل رب العاملني والصالة والسالم على أشرف !املرسلني
Cry and smile, and say !الحمدهلل
ُّمنُوا َوتَطْمَ ِئنُّ ُق ُلوبُ ُه ْم ِب ِذ ْك ِر اهللَِّ ۗ أ َ َال ِب ِذ ْك ِر اهللَِّ تَطْمَ ِئن َ ال َِّذي َن آ وب ُ !ا ْل ُق ُل
Those who believed (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism), & whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allâh, Verily, in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest. (Surah Ar-Rad, Ayah 28)! Beloved reader, life is a “sad story” without the remembrance of Allah. Actually there is no permanent and complete “cheer up” in life except when you are remembering Allah. As the ayah above clarifies, it is in the remembrance of Allah that the heart of a believer finds peace.!
Subhanal Allah, we live in testing times! Friends disappoint us or our love for loved ones is not reciprocated. You complain that you are always there for them, but they are not there for you. You turn the world around to please your loved one, your friend, you name it! But you feel the pain, because you are not remembered by them as you would like to be remembered. The world has become selfish with people running to achieve their happiness, not yours! You complain, is this the brotherhood/sisterhood?!
If I can give you a piece of advice…forget it! Stop dealing with people, start dealing with Allah SWT. Return to Allah & make Tauba constantly. Allah will respond always. May Allah give us the understanding for us to be able to grasp Allah’s response. If you want to do good, do it for Allah & not for anyone’s sake. When you feel alone & not reciprocated in your love, then again run to Allah. He will not leave you alone & in the remembrance of your Rabb, you will find rest, tranquility, satisfaction & an infallible companion. But for you to remember Allah, you need to know Who is Allah & you know Who is Allah, when you know & understand the beautiful Names & Attributes of Allah. Then you will be able to live in peace in this world with real peace within you, your Creator & the creation. This will be your paradise on earth before you reach In Sha Allah the eternal Paradise. May Allah SWT grant us Paradise.!
So from now on, do not spend too much time becoming friends with the world. Spend more time building your friendship with Allah because this is the best investment you can make. And when Allah makes you His friend, then yes you will have the most trustworthy friend, who is not going to betray you ever! ! Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen. Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah.
A Fig Full of Benefits !
"By the Fig and the Olive.."! [Surah at-Teen; 95: 1]! Allah SWT has sworn by the name of this fruit in the Holy Quran. The reference to the fig in the first verse of Surah at-Teen & the whole Surah being named after is evident of the benefits imparted by this fruit.!
One single dried fig provides two grams of fibre: 20% of the daily recommended intake. Fibrous foodstuffs are divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. Foods rich in insoluble fibre facilitate the passage of substances to be expelled from the body through the intestine by adding water to them. They thus accelerate the digestive system and ensure its regular functioning. It has also been established that foods containing insoluble fibre have a protective effect against colon cancer. Foods rich in soluble fibre, on the other hand, have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by more than 20%. These are therefore of the greatest importance in reducing the risk of heart attack. !
In one study performed by the University of Scranton, it was determined that dried figs had a much higher level of the phenols, which is rich in antioxidants, than other fruits. Phenol is used as an antiseptic to kill Figs are thought to be originally from Asia and are one of the first fruits cultivated ever. It micro-organisms. Another study, by Rutgers is said that humans could live on figs alone as University-New Jersey, revealed that due to the essential fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and a source of food -- such is the goodness and nutrition in the fruit! Although dried figs are phytosterol contained in dried figs, they can help in reducing cholesterol.! available throughout the year, there is nothing like the unique taste and texture of Since figs do not naturally contain fat, sodium fresh figs. They are lusciously sweet with a or cholesterol but have high levels of fibre, texture that combines the chewiness of their they are an ideal food for those trying to lose flesh, the smoothness of their skin, and the weight. The fibre also regulates the digestive crunchiness of their seeds. ! system and alleviates the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. At the same time, Figs are a rich source of calcium, iron, magnesium, Vitamin B6, and potassium while figs have higher mineral contents than any other known fruit. Forty grams of figs being low in fat. They provide more fibre contains 244 mg of potassium (7% of the daily than any other common fruit or vegetable.
requirement), 53 mg of calcium (6% of the daily requirement) and 1.2 mg of iron (6% of the daily requirement). The calcium level in figs is very high: The fig ranks second after the orange in terms of calcium content. A crate of dried figs provides the same level of calcium as a crate of milk.!
Figs are also thought of as a medicine which gives strength and energy to long-term patients as they seek to recover. They eliminate physical and mental difficulties and give the body strength and energy. The most important nutritional component of figs is sugar, which comprises 51-74% of all fruits. The sugar level in figs is one of the highest. Figs are also recommended in the treatment of asthma, coughs and chills. !
Health Benefits:! Listed below are some common problems and illnesses and how they can be avoided by the use of figs:! 1. Insomnia! Figs contain a nutrient called tryptophan which promotes good sleep and helps the brain use glucose properly, encouraging and stimulating good circulation.! 2. Memory loss! Figs contain a lot of natural sugar - up to 60%. Sugar stimulate the brain so we can think faster and recall information more quickly. Figs are the ultimate brain fuel!! 3. Fatigue! Fresh Figs contain up to 80% of water, as well as being one of the fruits with the highest levels of natural sugars. So they are a brilliant source of energy and stimulant for the brain making you more alert, responsive, fresh, as well as detoxing.! 4. Skin! Due to the Fig's high water content, they are ideal for improving the skin. The skin requires a good level of water. !
5. The heart! Due to the fig's high level of natural sugars, they are an excellent way to replace the bleached (white) sugars with a healthy alternative. They contain a natural fructose and glucose sugar. A high fibre diet is one of the best ways to improve cholesterol levels, and as a result aid oneself against heart related diseases. The nutrient 'tryptophan' contained in Figs encourages good circulation, allowing blood to flow more easily around the body. Figs contain the ingredient Pectin (and soluble Fibre) which is known for its cholesterol lowering effects. Thus, Figs are beneficial for those of old age, those suffering from Hypertension, Diabetes, etc.! 6. Blood pressure! Figs are a particularly good source of Potassium, which is crucial to the control of blood pressure. People who eat potassiumrich foods tend to have lower blood pressure and, subsequently, have less risk of related conditions such as strokes.! 7. Stress! Physical stress results from having high levels of work to do, illnesses, not eating properly, lack of sleep. Emotional stress is triggered from family woes, work/school troubles and so on. Figs are extremely nutritious and an ideal fruit to overcome stresses and anxieties.! 8. Anaemia! Figs contain Iron which enriches the blood, and helps to produce it. Thus, they are ideal for women, girls and those suffering from Anaemia (lack of Iron).! 9. Bones! Figs, with their high level of calcium are ideal for young growing children and for the development of bones. They are also invaluable for those suffering from Osteoporosis and brittle bones.! 10. Respiratory Disorders:! The high mucilage content in figs, helps to heal and protect sore throats. Figs are quite
useful in various respiratory disorders including whooping cough and asthma.!
Some cures:! Listed below are some common problems and ailments which can easily be cured from the use of Figs:! 1. Anaemia ! Soak 2-3 dried figs in 1 cup water. Take them with milk for 1 month.! 2. Constipation! Take fig either fresh or dried.! 3. Haemorrhoids (Piles) ! Clean 2-3 figs thoroughly with hot water to easily digest them later. Soak them overnight in cold water and take 1x early the next morning and 1x in the evening. Repeat 3-4 weeks. Take the fig together with the water used to soak them as some of the nutrients may have transferred to the water.! 4. Corn! The milky juice of green figs help to soften corn that has been suffered for a long time.! 5. Bladder Stones! Boil 2 figs in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month.! 6. Abscesses, boils! Apply as paste a baked fig that has been cut in half over the inflamed area.!
Bonus Benefits:! ✤ Figs are a fantastic source of vitamin B6, which is responsible for producing moodboosting serotonin, lowering cholesterol and preventing water retention.! ✤ According to many studies, figs can help prevent breast cancer in pre-menopausal women and protect against macular degeneration that leads to vision loss.! ✤ Figs are one of the most alkaline fruits to help balance our system since most of us consume a highly acidic diet.! ✤ One serving of figs (3 large figs) provides 14% of your daily value of manganese, a
very important trace mineral that most women severely lack in their diets.!
How to add figs to our diet:! It is easy to incorporate figs into your diet. Dried figs are readily available and easy to store, but make sure you choose ones that are sulphite free otherwise you will negate the fruit’s positive health characteristics by consuming sulphites. Choose fresh figs that are tender, plump and bruise-free, and wash them only right before you eat them. Add fresh or dried figs to oatmeal or any other whole grain breakfast porridge. Fresh figs stuffed with goat cheese and chopped almonds make fabulous hors d’oeuvres. Add figs to baked goods like muffins and scones. Enjoy figs alone and savour their taste, texture and shape.! ! Our Lord provides the substances required by human beings in this fruit, which is so pleasant to eat, already packaged and at the ideal levels for human health. The way that this special blessing from Allah is mentioned in the Qur'an indicates the importance of the fig for human beings. From the point of view of human health, the nutritional value of the fig was only established with the advance of medicine and technology. This is another indication that the Qur'an is indisputably the Word of Allah, the Omniscient.
similar to Nuh (AS) & Musa (AS). Omar (RA) used to carry a stick just like Musa.!
After Abu Bakr(RA) and his two beautiful daughters, we come to another Sahabah who also was the “Strength of Islam”. He was given the title “Al Farooq” as he was known for his justice he could distinguish between right & wrong. His Shahadah (declaration of being muslim) caused such an uproar that the Takbir could be heard from the house of one of the Sahabah to the Ka’aba. Abu Bakr (RA) loved him the most after Prophet (SAWS). Abu Bakr (RA) said, 'He has been my helper & been with me through all my hardship’. He is one about whom the Prophet (SAWS) said that if there were to be a Prophet after him (SAWS), it would be this man. (AlTirmidhi ). !
He is none other than Omar bin Al Khattab (RA).!
The Hadith given above indicates that Omar (RA) had many attributes of a Prophet in him. It is also narrated from Prophet (SAWS) that his attributes were
Omar (RA) was a special person, he had a unique personality. If Abu Bakr (RA) is known for his Eman then Omar (RA) is known for his strength. Prophet (SAWS) said that there were people who were Muhaddathun before him (in earlier generations) & if there is to be a Muhaddthun in his Ummah it would be Omar (RA). Ibn Hajar gives 4 meanings to the word Muhaddathun:! 1. Men who are inspired by Allah.! 2. The man whose intuition is right because of something that is put into his heart.! 3. The one who speaks the truth without any effort.! 4. The man to whom the angels speak to without being a Prophet.! And these are the qualities of Omar (RA). The Prophet (SAWS) said Allah shows the truth on the tongue of Omar & in his heart. Subhan Allah!
Omar(RA) was born 11 years after the Year of the Elephant (the year when the Prophet (SAWS) was born). He was 27 years old when the Prophet (SAWS) received the revelation. He was the 40th person to embrace Islam (according to most narrations). Omar(RA) was born in Makkah to the Banu Adi clan. His father was Khattab bin Nufayl & his mother was Hantama bint Hisham. In his youth he used to tend to his father’s camels in the plains near Makkah. His father was known for his intelligence among his tribe. Omar (RA) once said of his father, "My father, Al-Khattab was a ruthless man. He used to make me work hard; if I
didn't work he used to beat me & he used to work me to exhaustion.”!
Omar bin al Khattab (RA) was a tall person. He was so tall that if he was in a group, people would think that he was on a mount of a camel. Subhan Allah! Can you imagine how tall he was! He (RA) was a wrestler in the Jahilliyah times as ! he was a large person. He (RA) had a strong personality & had an intimidating presence. Some of his friends were even scared to speak to him. It is reported that once he (RA) was walking & there was a pregnant woman behind him. When Omar (RA) turned back to see, this woman got so scared that she had a miscarriage! It is said that even Shaytaan was scared of Omar (RA) & would change his path if he saw Omar (RA) coming down that path. Subhan Allah! But even though he (RA) had all of these tough characteristics, his eyes would be quick to fill with tears. He (RA) was humble & in constant fear of Allah. One would think that with such a strong personality, he would be arrogant & hard of heart. It was not so. Omar (RA) was a man of steel with a soft heart. Omar (RA) loved poetry & literature. According to the tradition of Quraysh, he learned martial arts, horse riding & wrestling.!
There are some important incident that took place before Omar (RA) became a Muslim. As we know, when Prophet (SAWS) began preaching the message of Islam, Omar (RA) was one of the staunch enemies of Islam along with Quraysh. He persecuted the Muslims ruthlessly, torturing them by being extremely harsh & cruel. He (RA) would beat his slave girl
for becoming muslim till he got tired. Before becoming a muslim he (RA) used to be a heavy drinker & would go out drinking with his friends. One night Omar (RA) didn't find anyone to drink with & he (RA) thought of doing Tawaf around the Ka'bah since he (RA) had nothing else to do. He (RA) went out & saw a man praying alone at the Ka'bah. He (RA) went closer & saw that it was Prophet (SAWS). He decided to do something to disturb the Prophet (SAWS). Omar (RA) hid under the cover of the Ka'bah & went slowly to the spot from where he (RA) could hear the Prophet (SAWS) reciting the Qur'an. Whilst Omar (RA) was listening to the recitation of the Prophet (SAWS), he was impressed by the Qur'an & thought that this might be the words of a poet. At that very moment, the Prophet (SAWS) reached the part: ! ِ ش ً ِاعر َقل َ هوَ ِب َقو ِْل َ يال مَا تُؤ ِْمنُو ُ !ٍ َومَا ن It is not the word of a poet, little is that you believe! {Surat Al-Haqqa 69:41}! Omar (RA) was amazed at this so he thought that this might be the words of a soothsayer & then he heard this:! ِ ! َو َال ِب َقو ِْل َك ً ِن َقل َ يال مَا تَذَكَّ ُرو ٍ اه ن Nor is it the word of a soothsayer (or a foreteller), little is that you remember! {Surat Al-Haqqa 69:42}! Omar (RA) was now really stunned at this. This was perhaps Allah's way of preparing Omar (RA) for Islam. !
Another incident where we could see Omar (RA)'s heart softening towards Muslims was when he (RA) saw one
Sahabiyya leaving Makkah & doing hijrah to Abyssinia. He (RA) said, “Are you leaving?” She (RA) replied, “Yes, because you have oppressed us & persecuted us! We are going to travel in the land of Allah, in order we can practice our religion freely.” He (RA) said, “May Allah be with you!” This statement was contrary to the nature of Omar (RA). Omar (RA) showing compassion to a Muslim was not possible. When Nu’aym bin ‘Abdullah (RA) came back, he was with the Sahabiyyah (RA), she told him what happened. He said, “It appears that you are hoping for Omar to be a Muslim.” She said, “Yes.” He said, “Let me tell you, the donkey of his father would become a Muslim before he does.”!
Omar (RA) becoming a Muslim was something that the Muslims at that time couldn't fathom because of the way he (RA) was against the Muslims & the message of Islam. But his conversion to Islam was inevitable for the Prophet (SAWS) had made a du’a:“O’ Allah, give Islam strength and power through the most beloved of the two men to you.” The two men were ‘Omar bin Hisham (Abu Jahl) & ‘Omar bin al-Khattab (RA). Allah (SWT) chose ‘Omar bin al-Khattab (RA), & this was what the Prophet (SAWS) wanted too.!
The story of how Omar(RA) became Muslim is famous of how he was on his way to kill the Prophet (SAWS), but when he (RA) learnt of the conversion of his own sister, he deflected & went to the house of his sister where he (RA) heard the words of Qur'an being recited. The opening Ayah Surat Ta-Ha were
instrumental in turning his heart towards Islam. He (RA) then went to the Prophet (SAWS) with a different intention than the one he started with. He (RA) accepted Islam. It was such a joyous occasion for the Muslims. They were more confident & later began practising Islam more openly.!
Abdullah Ibn Masood said "Omar’s Submission to Islam was a conquest, his Migration was a victory, his Immate [period of rule] was a blessing, I have seen when we were unable to pray at "the house" [Kabah] until Omar submitted, when he submitted to Islam he fought them [the antagonistic idolaters] until they left us alone & we prayed.” !
Omar bin Al Khattab (RA) entered Islam with sincerity & he wanted to give Islam all the strength he could. Since he (RA) grew up in Jahilliyah, he (RA) knew the ways & customs in & out. When he (RA) accepted Islam, he (RA) could appreciate its beauty & true nature. He (RA) understood the great difference between guidance & misguidance, disbelief & faith, truth & false hood. He (RA) once said, ! “We were the most humiliated people on earth and God gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, God will humiliate us again.”! How true are these words!
! ! !
Dear readers, Shaytaan is the name of a demonic creature that either makes the weak souls shiver and become superstitious or it makes the strong ones seek Allah’s protection through the verses of Surah Al Baqarah or Mawadathim! Choose your ethos!
This article is a reminder for those who sincerely decided this Ramadan to introspect. The words “Satan” and “Jinn” are numerously mentioned in the Qur`an while the latter has a Surah of the same name (Surah Jinn). The word Jinn is etymologically derived from “to hide” or “to be hidden”. Iblis however is a proper noun and the Arabic name of the particular Satan who disobeyed Allah and deceived Adam (A.S) to be expelled from our original home Jannah! “Satan” is a noun that is used to denote any creature that is mischievous, misleading, or devilish whether it is human or not. From the Hindi/ Urdu language “baccha Shaytaan” is used on a lighter note to refer to a naughty child. The reference to Shaytaan is plenty. However, in this article we will talk specifically about Iblis and his acolytes - the Jinn according the the Islamic view are held legally accountable before Allah (swt) and can choose to believe or disbelieve. !
What are the Siffat and attribute of this accursed Shaytan? ! Satan is clearly depicted as an insignificant egoistic self-centred and
arrogant being. The Qur’an explicitly unveils the dialogue between Satan and Allah in his episode of disobedience so that we realise his strong grudge against us. If we think about it his enmity started even before we were created!!!!
“When Allah fashioned Adam in Paradise, He left him as long as He wished to leave him. Then Iblis roamed around him to see what he actually was and when Iblis found him to be hollow from within, he recognised that the new creature had been created with a disposition such that it would not have control over it. “ (Muslim)! Not only did he harbour enmity within his heart, but he dared to express it in a unequivocal manners his doubt on Allah’s knowledge saying: ! ! يس َ َٱسجُ دُوا ْ َ ِأل َد َم ف ۡ َو إِذۡ ُق ۡلنَا لِ ۡلمَ َلـٰٓٮِٕڪَ ِة َ ِسجَ ُد ٓوا ْ إِ َّآل إِبۡل ِ َخ َل ۡقت َ سجُ ُد َ ِمل ۡن َ ! َق طينً۬ا ۡ َ ال َءأ "Never would I prostrate to a human whom you created out of clay from an altered black mud leading to his perdition & his being at odds with God”. Iblis’ disobedience was different from Adam’s because the former saw his creation as superior to Adam, while Adam’s disobedience was due to his weakness. He said: Shall I make obeisance to him whom Thou hast created of dust? (17: 61). After all Shaytaan was deluded with his arrogance, a blameworthy characteristic that prevented him to bow at Allah’s order.! َ ۟ ال أَنَا َ ُم ۡرت َ منَ َع َ كۖ َق خيۡ ۬رٌ مِّنۡ ُه َ َ َسجُ َد إِذۡ أ َ مَا ۡ ك أ َ َّال ت ِ ۥ ِمن ُخ َل ۡقتَه َ خ َل ۡقت َِنى ِمن نَّا ٍ۬ر َو َ ! ٍ۬ ط ني
Shai’taan And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. Subhan Allah! Indeed what a delusion that Shaytaan judged his own mind over the orders of Allah when:! “I am better than him (Adam), you created me from fire, and him you created from clay.” (7:12)!
lead him out of Jannah and warns us against his tactics.! يس َ َٱسجُ دُوا ْ َ ِأل َد َم ف ۡ َو إِذۡ ُق ۡلنَا لِ ۡلمَ َلـٰٓٮِٕ َك ِة َ ِسجَ ُد ٓوا ْ إِ َّآل إِبۡل ِ م ِر َرب ِِّهۦۤۗ أَفَتَت َ َكا ِ ن ِم َن ٱ ۡل ۥ َُّخذُونَه َ َسق َ َجنِّ فَف ۡ َ ع ۡن أ ِ ۥۤ أ َ ۡولِيَآ َء ِمن د َُوذُرِّيَّتَه ُ ُونى َو س َ ه ۡم َل ُك ۡم َ ۡ ع ُد ۢوُّۚ ِبئ ً!لِلظَّـٰلِ ِم َني َب َد ۬ال He (Satan) was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord. Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than me while they are enemies to you? Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange. (18:50)!
But if we think about it for a moment, his comment that fire is far superior to clay is debatable. Actually clay can put off the fire so the claim of superiority is relative and not absolute. He asked Allah to grant him a respite in a sole idea to win his vendetta against us: !
Do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. (2:168)!
ِ غوَيۡت َِنى َألَ ۡق ُع َدنَّ َل ُه ۡم َ َص َرٲط ۡ َ ال فَ ِبمَ آ أ َ َق . ست َِقي َم ۡ ۡك ٱ ُمل َ َني أَي ِۡديہِ ۡم َو ِم ۡن ِ ۡ ثُمَّ َألَ ِتيَنَّهُم مِّ ۢن ب ع ۡن أَيۡمَ ـ ِٰنہِ ۡم َ خ ۡل ِف ِه ۡم َو َ ه ۡم َ ! َوعَن ِ شمَ آٮِٕلِ ِه ۡ ۖم َو َال ت ُ َج ُد أ َ ۡكث َ َر شـ ِٰك ِري َن “I will sit on the Sirat Al Mustaqeem He vowed! Then I shall come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right hands and from their left hands, and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden (unto Thee) (7:16-17)!
Satan is very agile in the ways of misguidance. His hatred will not subside. He has elaborated plans to deceive even the skilful of man. Then the Satan made them slip there from (the Paradise), and got them out from that in which they were. Here Allah underlines who was in fact responsible for Adam’s mistake that
ِ َّاس ُك ُلوا ْ ِممَّا ِفى ٱ َألۡ ۡر ض حَ َلـٰ ۬الً طَيِّبً۬ا َو َال ُ يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلن ِ خطُو ُ ْ ! تَتَّ ِبعُوا ِ َٰٲت ٱلشَّيۡطَـ ع ُد ۬وٌّ مُّ ِب ٌني َ ۥ َل ُك ۡم ُنۚ إِنَّه
Shaytaan promises that he will never fail to fulfil a promise. My dear readers, he spares no effort in tempting man to submit to sin and disobey Allah until they reach Hell for he has described by Allah to have said, ! ِ ال َألَت ِ ََاد َك ن ِ َّخذَنَّ ِم ۡن ِعب َ ! لَّ َعنَ ُه ٱهللَُّۘ َو َق ۬ صيبً۬ا مَّفۡ ُرو ضًا "Whom Allah cursed, and he said: Surely I will take of Thy bondmen an appointed portion” (4:118)! ِ غوَيۡت َِنى ُألَزَيِّ َننَّ َل ُه ۡم ِفى ٱ َألۡ ۡر ۡ َ ال َربِّ ِبمَ آ أ َ َق ض ِ خ َل ۡ ۡ( إِ َّال ِعبَاد ََك ِمنۡہُ ُم ٱ ُمل٣٩) غوِيَنَّہُ ۡم أَجۡ مَ ِع َني ۡ َ! َو ُأل ص َني Shaytaan assert “I shall misguide them all except your sincere servants.” (15:39-40)!
Ibn Qayyim ranks the 7 strategies Shaytaan uses to wipe you out. It is based on our ability to overcome it but you know that ultimately his long-term goal is to take you to hellfire Audhu billah.!
! ! ! !
1. To make someone a Kaafir (someone who is given the message and he rejects it) or calling to worship human beings or idols other than Allah.! 2. To make someone commit Al Bid’ah (innovation).! 3. To make someone commit major sins.! 4. To make someone commit minor sins.! 5. Wasting time doing things that are permissible.! 6. To choose to do the lesser of two good deeds.! 7. An attack on the prayer. Did you know that a devil called khinzah comes between one and his prayer and recitation of the Quran and confuses him? Prophet (pbuh) said seek refuge in Allah from him and spit (or blow*) on your left side three times.!
Since we all know Satan’s stratagem and so weak it is, yet we do we let him be victorious. While Satan promised: ! َ َني أَي ِۡديہِ ۡم َو ِم ۡن ِ ۡ ثُمَّ َألَ ِتيَنَّهُم مِّ ۢن ب ع ۡن أَيۡمَ ـ ِٰنہِ ۡم َ خ ۡل ِف ِه ۡم َو َ ه ۡم َ ! َوعَن ِ شمَ آٮِٕلِ ِه ۡ ۖم َو َال ت ُ َج ُد أ َ ۡكث َ َر شـ ِٰك ِري َن “I shall approach them head on and from behind and from the right and from the left.” (7:17). But Allah is best aware of his status and thus says:! ِ إِنَّ ِعب َ ن ٱتَّبَ َع َ ۡس َل ِ م ك ِم َن ُ ع َليۡہِ ۡم َ ك َ َادى َلي َ س ۡلطَـٰ ٌن إِ َّال َ !ٱ ۡل غا ِوي َن Allah says “You (Satan) have no power over my servants.” (15:42)! ْ س ِبي ِل ٱهللَِّۖ َوٱل َِّذي َن َكفَ ُروا َ منُوا ْ يُ َقـٰ ِت ُلو َ ٱل َِّذي َن َءا َ ن ِفى ِ غ ُ ٰس ِبي ِل ٱلطَّـ َ يُ َقـٰ ِت ُلو وت فَ َقـٰ ِت ُلوٓا ْ أ َ ۡولِيَآ َء َ ن ِفى َ ن َ ن َكا ِ ٰنۖ إِنَّ َكيۡ َد ٱلشَّيۡطَـ ِ ٰ! ٱلشَّيۡطَـ ض ِعيفًا
Allah says “So fight you against the friends of Shaytaan (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytaan (Satan). (4:76)!
We tend to give Shaytaan every power to affect us but where is our part of responsibilities? Shaytaan is accused excessively, not to say the least. However they are not powerful enough, they are only able to achieve anything by permission of Allah. ! ْ منُوا َ ُن لِيَحۡ ز ِ َٰى ِم َن ٱلشَّيۡطَـ َ ن ٱل َِّذي َن َءا ٰ إِنَّمَ ا ٱلنَّجۡ و َ ضآر ِِّه ۡم َ ۡس ِب ِ ۡشيۡـًٔا إِ َّال ِب ِإذ ع َلى ٱهللَِّ فَ ۡليَتَوَكَّ ِل َ ن ٱهللَِّۚ َو َ َو َلي َ !ٱ ُملۡؤ ِۡمنُو ن And know that “Nothing can harm them except by Allah’s leave.” (58:10) !
Ibn Kathir says in his commentary that “Satan perches and lurks at the heart of the human. If the latter is neglectful, then Satan whispers into his heart but if he remembers Allah, Satan withdraws”. So the responsibility is shared. !
Ibn Qayyim in his book “Talbees Iblis" or “The Devil’s Deception” writes in an exceptionable parable about this battle between man and Satan. He said: “The heart is like a fort that is surrounded by a wall and the wall has gates from which it can be torn down. In it lies the mind. The angels frequent that fort and next to the forts are places where the desires lie. The devils enter into this surrounding area without being prevented from doing so. The war exists between the inhabitants of the fort and the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. The devils never stop circling the fort and look for an opening where the guard is heedless and from
Shai’taan where he can tear down the fort. It is obligatory for the guards to be completely aware of all the gates of the fort that must be guarded as well as all of its weak points from which destruction can come. The guard cannot take a break because the enemy never takes a break. A man’s defence to the fort is lit by the remembrance of Allah and faith in Him. In it is a mirror through which [the guardians] can then see anything that passes by. The first thing that Satan does is to blow smoke into the fort to blacken the view in the mirror. This causes rust and damage in the fort. Sound thought repels Satan and remembrance of Allah cleans the mirror. The enemy has carriages and sometimes they are able to enter the fort. The guards may come upon them and force them to leave. Perhaps! they may enter due to the heedlessness or carelessness of the guards or due to the smoke and the rust., Satan tries to enter through any way and he is not perceived. It could be that the guard is injured by heedlessness or is taken prisoner by following desires. And perhaps he becomes like the criminal who does evil.”!
After all this being said and written, there is one big truth about this whole thing!? After Ramadan who is at fault for inviting you to sin? Who is taking you to your own perdition then? Allah says:! ِ إِنَّ ِعب َ ن ٱتَّبَ َع َ ۡس َل ِ م ك ِم َن ُ ع َليۡہِ ۡم َ ك َ َادى َلي َ س ۡلطَـٰ ٌن إِ َّال َ ! ٱ ۡل غا ِوي َن
“Indeed as for My servants you do not have any authority over them, except the perverse that follow you.” (15:42)! ! So this Ramadan fight your own Nafs to reach Taqwa!! And fight to keep remembering that every disobedience to the Merciful is obedience to Satan!!!
The topic this month, dear readers will deal with the issue of interdiction in Islam. All Praise is to Allah (SWT) the Exalted, who is Tayyib and only accepts that which is Tayyib (Good, clean, Pure). He commands us, the believers through the messengers, saying “O (you) Messengers! Eat of At-Tayyibat (all things good and pure), and do righteous deeds” [23:51]. Dear readers, in Islam you should know, the issue of interdiction is only from a divine order, and cannot be the object of self-man-made laws. !
The Issue of Interdiction in Islam ! ِ خ َرجَ هُمَ ا ِممَّا َكانَا ِف ْ َ عنْهَا فَأ ُ فَأَزَلَّهُمَ ا الشَّيْطَا ۖ يه َ ن ٍ ْض ُك ْم لِبَع ُ ه ِبطُوا بَع ْ َو ُق ْلنَا ا ع ُدوٌّ ۖ َو َل ُك ْم ِفي َ ْض ِ ٰع إِ َلى ِ ! " ا َألْ ْر ٍ ح ني ْ ضم ٌ متَا َ ُستَ َقرٌّ َو
We are tested in the obedience to Allah whenever we face it an issue of interdiction. In this example cited-above Allah was testing Adam’s obedience but when the latter failed to follow, he exposed himself to sanctions from Allah. [2:36]!
الحَ جرmeans "sinful’ and refers to any displeasing act to Allah that incurs a punishment (adultery, fornication, shirk etc..). Only He (Subhana wa Ta’la), as our Creator, can define, out of His will and Hikma (wisdom) that which is good or evil for us. It is out of the same Hikma, that Allah addresses Adam (A.S.) saying:!
! !
َ ُاس ُك ْن أَنْتَ َوزَ ْوج ك ا ْلجَ نَّ َة َو ُك َال ِمنْهَا ْ َو ُق ْلنَا يَا آ َد ُم ِ ث َ َر ُ ْغدًا حَ ي شئْتُمَ ا َو َال تَ ْق َربَا هَ ِٰذ ِه الشَّجَ َرةَ فَتَ ُكونَا ِم َن الظَّا ِملِ َني.! "O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Paradise and eat both of you freely with pleasure and delight of things therein as wherever you will, but come not near this tree or you both will be of the Zalimun (wrong-doers).” [2:35]!
Moreover what constitutes a haraam act results in a sin, as it is the highest status of prohibition whose transgression consequently binds its sinner to a punishment.!
Sometimes the forbidden things have an obvious and logical reason to be avoided, as we can see their destructive effects. Wine & cigarettes are the best examples. As Muslims, we believe in the concept of “Ghayb” or unseen that non-Muslims generally don’t accept because they have believed in empirical views of things thus when Allah says:! ِ ُ خنْ ِزي ِر َومَا أ ِ ع َليْ ُك ُم ا َملْيْتَ ُة َوالدَّ ُم َو َلحْ ُم ا ْل َّهل َ ِّحُ ر َ ْمت َ ْغ ْي ِر اهللَِّ ِب ِه َوا ُملْن َ ِل خ ِن َق ُة َوا َملْوْ ُقوذَةُ َوا ُملْتَ َردِّ َي ُة ِ َوالن ََّطيحَ ُة َومَا أ َ َك َل السَّبُعُ إِ َّال مَا ذَكَّيْتُ ْم َومَا ذُ ِبح ِ َستَ ْق ْ َ ُّصبِ َوأ ۗ ٌسق ْ سمُ وا ِبا َألْزْ َالم ِ ۚ ذَٰ ِل ُك ْم ِف ْ نت َ ُ ع َلى الن ِ س ال َِّذي َن َكفَ ُروا ِم ْن ِد َ خ ْ َين ُك ْم فَ َال ت ُ ْشو ه ْم َ ا ْليَوْ َم ي َِئ َ خ ْ ! َوا ِ ْشو ن Forbidden to you (for food) are AlMaytatah (the dead animals - cattle-beast
not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine, & the meat of that which has been slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than ! Allah, or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allah's Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering, & that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns - & that which has been (partly) eaten by a wild animal - unless you are able to slaughter it (before its death) - & that which is sacrificed (slaughtered) on An-Nusub (stone altars). (Forbidden) also is to use arrows seeking luck or decision, (all) that is Fisqun (disobedience of Allah & sin). [5:3]! ! We see this as a favour, a blessing and a protection from Allah upon us which disbelievers don’t. Whether we can see the immediate effect of its destructiveness (drugs) or not, we must remember that Allah wants for us what is lawful - At‑Tayyeba (this includes all good and lawful things pertaining to things, deeds, beliefs, people and food) and prohibits the unlawful Al‑Khabaa’ith (this includes all evil and unlawful pertaining to deeds, beliefs, people and food). This is for us to have a perfect spiritual and physical balance as well as a society that promotes good and forbids the evil. This leads to enabling us to fulfil the reason behind our creation. !
Whenever Allah states the forbidden action, He almost systematically classifies
The Issue of Interdiction in Islam its actors as fasiq, thalim etc. to raise our awareness as to what status one actually reaches in front of Him. Dear Readers, He Alone has the Hikmah of what is inwardly and outwardly good or bad since He created all things. It means that crossing the boundaries set by Allah, thus disobeying him will expose us to his punishment. Were not Pharaoh, the People of Lot, Aad or Thamud destroyed for transgressing? Were not Bani Israel, once favoured over the worlds, disgraced and humiliated? In truth, dear readers know that Allah does not like the wrongdoers.! Among the haraam things, shirk is the highest of sin about which Allah says: ! َ ِن ذَٰل ْ ني ْ َُش َر َك ِب ِه َوي ْ َإِنَّ اهللََّ َال ي َ غ ِف ُر مَا دُو ْ َ غ ِف ُر أ ك َ ِمل ْن ِ ى إِثْمً ا ع َ !ي ْ م ْن ي َظيمً ا َ َشا ُء ۚ َو ٰ ُش ِر ْك ِباهللَِّ فَ َق ِد افْتَ َر Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. [4:48]!
As He created it all, and created us too, He will take us to account. If only we could visualize the Khabaa’ith and wrath
we are exposing ourselves to whenever we sin!!
The Issue of Interdiction in Islam
Regarding trade, for example, Allah has made Riba (interest) haraam (forbidden) and there is wisdom in it. Allah calls the one dealing with it as a disbeliever! Subhan Allah, for Riba not only unjustly eats other’s money and harm the needy ones, but also burdens them as they can’t return the principal. It makes one stop exerting effort to get his wealth and prevent any philanthropic act, for the sake of Allah. It prevents kindness and support which is required to build a healthy Ummah. Allah says: !
! َ ن ٱلرِّبَوٰا ْ َال يَ ُقومُو َ ٱل َِّذي َن يَأۡڪُ ُلو ن إِ َّال َكمَ ا يَ ُقو ُم ٱل َِّذى َ ِخبَّطُ ُه ٱلشَّيۡطَـٰ ُن ِم َن ٱ َملۡسِّۚ ذَٲل َ َيَت ك ِبأَنَّ ُه ۡم َقا ُلوٓا ْ إِنَّمَ ا ٱ ۡلبَيۡعُ ِمث ۡ ُل ٱلرِّبَوٰ ۗا ْ َوأَحَ لَّ ٱهللَُّ ٱ ۡلبَيۡعَ َوحَ رَّ َم ٱلرِّبَوٰاۚ ْ فَمَ ن َ ۥ ُجَ آ َءه َس َلف َ ۥ مَا ُمو ِۡعظَ ۬ةٌ مِّن رَّب ِِّهۦ فَٱنتَ َهىٰ فَ َله
َ ِٕم ۡن عَا َد فَأ ُ ْو َلـٰٓٮ ُ ٰۖب ٱلنَّا ِر ه ۡم ۡ َك أ َ ۥۤ إِ َلى ٱهللَِّۖ َو ُم ُره ۡ َ َوأ ُ صحَ ـ َ ! ِفيہَا َ خـٰلِدُو ن
“Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands that is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, "Trade is [just] like interest." But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest”. [2:275]!
Islam completely forbids adultery and all that leads to it. Just imagine a lady who does not cover her aurah and this might lead to fornication. Allah has created man weak. Allah orders: !
! ِ ن فَـ َ ٰح َ ۥ َكا ُ! َو َال تَ ۡق َربُوا ْ ٱلزِّنَىٰٓۖ إِنَّه ً ۬ س ِبي ال َ سآ َء َ ش ۬ةً َو “And do not come near to adultery, for it is a shameful deed and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)” [17:32].! Qur’an orders Muslim men and women to lower their gazes, prohibits seclusion from the opposite sex (khalwa) as well as informal interaction between them. These acts incite evil and create enmity among people and disturb the family balance in the Muslim society. In Islam, Allah created most things halal for us and made haraam much less that what is halal. Therefore, abiding by Allah’s rule is actually easier than disobeying. The story of a man who was asked if he could do adultery or kill is an illustrious example. He blatantly rejected these possibilities. The moment he approached alcohol and got drunk, he not only fornicated but also killed. Audhu billah! The transgression of one haraam act surely leads to the other. If humans were َ ”أ َ ْكث َ َرwe would not not the “شي ٍْء جَ د ًَل even leave all the halal to cross the ‘little’ that is haraam, Subhanallah!!
It is only a for us to take a great lesson (ibrar) that the (the Prophet (saws) spoke
about a man—who had been traveling for such a long time, that his hair has became messed up and he was covered in dust— and he raised his hands towards Heaven (and prayed), ‘O my Lord. O my Lord,’ while his food was from Haraam (impermissible source), his drink was from haraam, his clothes were from haraam and he was fed (and grew up) from haraam. Therefore, how can his pleas be accepted?” (Muslim).!
When Allah has created and ordered us not come close to anything forbidden in order that we may find the security with Him and from Him on the Day of Punishment; we should dear readers, take this piece of advice from Moosa (عليه السالم,) stay away from haraam, and live our lives in the light of these verses which says about Allah:! َ ال َِّذي ِ خ َل َق ِني فَ ُهوَ يَه ِْدي ُ َوال َِّذي,ن هوَ يُطْ ِعمُ ِني ْ ضتُ فَ ُهوَ ي ْ م ِر ِ َش ِف ِ َس ِق َوال َِّذي ي ُِميت ُِني,ني َ َو إِذَا,ني ْ َوي ِ خ َ غ ِف َر لِي ْ َن ي ْ َ ثُمَّ يُحْ يِني َوال َِّذي أَطْمَ عُ أ طيئ َ ِتي يَوْ َم ِ !الدِّي ن It is Allah Who has created me, and it is He Who guides me; “And it is He Who feeds me and gives me to drink and Who will cause me to die, and then will bring me to life (again and Who, I hope will forgive me my faults on the Day of Recompense, (the Day of Resurrection)” [26:78 -82].!
For you my dear readers, I pray that you live away from haraam in a way pleasing to Allah. !
! !
The Issue of Interdiction in Islam !اللهم إنا نسألك علما نافعا ورزقا طيبا
! Evaluating and assessing is very important to improve ourselves. If we don’t know what we should be doing, or want to be doing, we cannot analyze and measure whether or not we are successful.
Our level of faith (Iman) fluctuates depending on our actions, efforts and intentions. To keep our Iman high we need to work to increase our knowledge, belief and good deeds. Some of us need to make a drastic change to our lives and give up our bad habits. Some of us need to decide to continue with some of our good habits from Ramadan. Some of us need to instil new habits in order to improve… Deep down we all know what needs doing. Make that change! The sun may rise tomorrow, but we may not. Plan and strive to improve today! إن شاء اهلل
! Ramadan is a good indication of what we are capable of achieving. And, with the help and will of Allah, by fasting six more days in Shawwal we
can get the reward of fasting the entire year; what about after that though? How can we seize these moments and better our lives to continue to progress? Planning, preparation, and efforts. We can plan, live and prioritise our lives and find the right balance of what truly would make us happy and give us everlasting success. Undoubtedly we are all unique in our thoughts and desires.
Islam encourages us to ponder, question, analyze, plan and prioritize. Writing things down and having a vision which includes specific – measurable – attainable – realistic – time-bound (commonly abbreviated as SMART) targets is one way of planning which can be applied to many aspects of life; so that we are better Muslims by next Ramadan إن شاء اهللand being sincere in our wish to come closer to Allah so that our previous worship is accepted إن شاء اهلل.
! We can plan our time and decide which Ibaa’daat we would like to implement. This could be more charity, Dhikr, fasting, night prayers or being more helpful to our neighbors, friends and family. When planning our time we must ensure we are specific about what we want to achieve. This involves thinking clearly about why and how. Our targets should be measurable e.g. knowing how much of something we
consider to be successful. Targets should also be realistically achievable. Giving ourselves a time frame, with clear deadlines, for each task makes us less likely to falter in making the necessary effort and evaluating ourselves regularly.
Time and life is precious and fleeting... We want to fill our lives with the tasks we are happy with. To prioritise effectively and evaluate our actions and tasks from the moment we wake up, to the moment we sleep, we can divide them into the 3 following categories:
SHORT-TERM GOAL WITH SHORT-TERM GAIN Examples include having hair coloured or preparing a beautiful healthy meal. The effects of these actions last a short amount of time but they may be very important to us, so that we can live our daily lives feeling confident and staying well. Having these kinds of short-term goals is fine, and in fact— depending on our intentions—they can contribute to our larger long-term goals.
An example of this may be attending school, college or a course. Although this may be a relatively short-term goal, it contributes to our goals in our larger scheme. Offering Tahajjud, Dhuha, daily Adhkar, giving charity and ensuring we excel in learning, worship, reading more and pleasing Allah are all examples of this.
! LONG-TERM GOAL WITH LONG-TERM GAIN This is where many people stumble and don’t have a fixed direction. Unless we know the reason why we are doing something and we are content with that reason fitting into our bigger picture - we stumble - struggle - and wander emotionally lost and confused - at the first sign of hardship. Living for temporary instant gratification is not only illogical and unproductive, but it also distracts us from our true long term and final goal of Paradise — which needs constant daily effort and strategic striving. For a Muslim the
Judgement. Seeing life in perspective is crucial to being content and satisfied with our lives; this helps in making the right choices and laying our individual foundations for success.
! answers are crystal clear in terms of their long-term vision of achieving Paradise; and—with Paradise in focus —all the other matters rest beautifully within that context. When we get lazy in our worship and regarding our true purpose in life, then we find ourselves off track...
Prioritising everything in terms of the wider context stops us from getting overly attached to the many temptations and desires in life. We are responsible and accountable for our actions. Remembering each action is being watched by our creator and recorded by his angels can help motivate us, so that our own actions don’t become our own worst enemy and testify against us on the Day of
By recognising every action pondering on why it is being done establishing and purifying the intention - we can plan according to our grand scheme of direction in life. We can then decide if we would like to continue, modify or discontinue with every action.
True success spanning from this life to the next comes only by the mercy and will of Allah, and to Him is our return.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala grant us all true satisfaction, barakah, prosperity and eternal success.
Traps of Shai’tan As we come out of the blessed month of Ramadan, we have entered back into the war zone of constant jihad with ourselves made only more difficult with the release of Shaytan. It is due to the seriousness of Shaytan’s fitnah (temptations, tricks, deceptions) that Allah has given us details on his history, goals and plots to destroy us. Allah says: “Surely, Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy.” [Surah alFatir (35): 6] Our first job as a Muslim is to recognise that Shaytan is a real threat to us, more so than anyone or anything else in the world. But how can we be expected to fight an enemy without knowing him?!
knowledgeable persons amidst the Angels. This fact caused him to be arrogant…” [See, Tafseer Ibn Katheer for (2): 34] So Iblees refused to prostrate before Adam and said, “I am better than him [Adam], You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.” [Soorah al-A'raf (7): 12] This rebelliousness caused him to be expelled from the heavens and to be cursed by Allah. Thereupon, Iblees avowed to lead mankind astray and, ever since, he seeks to take each one of us into Hellfire with him. He is thus, mankind's greatest enemy. (Exposing Shaytan, p.8)
According to Ibn al Qayyim rahimahullah, there are eight main strategies which Shaytan adopts to misguide us:!
Literally, Shaytan means, ‘rebellious’ & it describes anyone who is disrespectful & seeks to divert people away from the obedience of Allah, whether he be from the Jinn or humans. In the beginning, Iblees used to worship Allah alongside Angels. After having breathed soul into Adam, Allah commanded the Angels to prostrate before Adam as a sign of honor. Although Iblees was not an angel, he was included in the command to prostrate because he was striving to imitate the Angels in their behavior and deeds. However, Iblees thought too highly of himself and was arrogant. Ibn Abbas said, “Before he undertook the path of sin, Iblees was with the Angels and was called Azazil. He was among the residents of the earth and was one of the most active worshipers and
1) He calls us to Shirk and Kufr: First he tries to completely take us off the path of Islam by causing us to doubt our creed, worshipping graves, practicing magic etc. This is because there is no forgiveness to Shirk and a mushrik will be thrown straight into the fire which is Shaytan’s ultimate goal. If he succeeds here, the slave becomes a slave of Shaytan instead assisting him by taking ideas of Shirk and Kufr to the rest of the world. 2) He calls us to Bid’ah (innovation): Shaytan does not give up if we escape his call to Shirk. He tries to make us do practices in religion that were never performed by the Messenger of Allah
Traps of Shai’tan (salAllahu alaihi wa sallam) or his Companions or their Companions. For example, he will call people to celebrate mawlid or the birth of the Prophet, single out nights for worship such as the 15th of Sha’ban, celebrating the night of Ascension (mi’raj) etc. Sufyan athThawri said, “Bidah is dearer to Shaytan than sin, for, one may repent from sin, but not from bidah.” ! This is because, the sinner, knows that he is disobeying Allah and may at a time return to Allah, seek forgiveness and be pardoned. But he, who practices Bidah, deems his action to be a form of worship to Allah and thus, never even thinks of repentance! “Say (O Muhammad), ‘Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect to (their) deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!’” [Soorah al-Kahf (18): 104] meaning, they performed deeds that were not in accordance with the prescribed way and thus not acceptable.!
3) He calls us towards Major Sins: If we escape the trap of Bid’ah as well, Shaytan’s next strategy is to cause us to do major sins, which need sincere repentance from Allah if we want to be forgiven from them. These include abandoning prayers, disobeying parents, cutting off ties of kinship, committing adultery, taking interest, not paying Zakah, withholding the rights of an orphan, gambling, slandering people, giving or taking bribes etc. Keep in mind
Shaytan goes about making us commit these sins slowly by brainwashing us and by making us steps close to the haraam till we reach his intended goal for example, he will first make us stop praying in the masjid, then he will make us delay our prayers at home by making us watch a movie, then he will make us feel guilty by saying how can you face Allah after watching a movie and committing sin thereby making us leave our prayer altogether. It is for this reason Allah says, “…and do not follow the footsteps of Shaytan; surely he is your open enemy.” (2:168) Shaytan is patient, cunning and has been doing the same thing for thousands of years. He comes at us through our weaknesses and attacks there so we need to protect ourselves with the words of Allah at all times. 4) He calls us to Minor Sins: If, as God conscious slaves of Allah, we still manage to remain steadfast and not fall for his traps, Shaytan refuses to give up. He calls us towards minor sins. “Shaytan has despaired of ever being worshiped in this land of yours, but he will be obeyed in matters that you think of as insignificant, and he will be content with that.” (Tirmidhi)! “Shaytan will be content with that,” because even minor sins can have devastating effect on one’s Hereafter. Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) warned us concerning minor sins by giving an example of how a great fire can be
Traps of Shai’tan kindled by means of small wooden sticks collected in a place. Similarly, minor sins if allowed to accumulate, might destroy the sinner. He (SAWS) said, “Beware of the insignificant sins, like a people who stayed (abode) in a valley, then this one brought a stick, that one brought a stick and others brought sticks too, until they cooked their bread (meal). Verily, the person who commits these (minor) sins will be seized by these sins and be destroyed.” [Musnad Ahmad] 5) Keeps us Preoccupied with the Permissible: Shaytan then tries to keep us busy in things that will neither gain us reward nor get us punished. For example, he will try to make us waste our time by sleeping, eating, pursuing worldly affairs, etc. This is so that he misses out on rewards he might have collected by doing a good deed. 6) Keeps us busy in deeds with Less Reward: If we are good time managers and realize its importance and fight Shaytan off here as well, he keeps us preoccupied with deeds of lesser reward rather than something bigger we could have done and gained more reward from it. For example, instead of waking up for Tahajjud in the middle of the night, he makes us pray two rakah’s nafil after Isha prayers. !
7) Stirs up Doubts: If after employing all kinds of temptations and deceptive arguments, Shaytan still does not
succeed in diverting the son of Adam from his religious commitments, he resorts to corrupt his acts of worship and deprive him from the rewards. He stirs up doubts and makes the person anxious and uncertain about his deeds. This however, is one of Shaytan’s weakest tricks and this trick is thwarted by the hadith: “When one of you doubts about his prayer and does not know whether he prayed three or four, let him resolve his doubt and act upon what he is more certain of. Then prostrate two prostrations of forgetfulness before tasleem. If he prayed an odd number, then it will complete it evenly for him; and if he prayed four, then they are a humiliation for the Shaytan” [Muslim]!
8) Harms the individual: If the person still remains undefeated, Shaytan’s next step is to harm the person, for example, by causing him to be persecuted, or by distorting his reputation and by trying to prevent people from benefiting from him. By this trick Shaytan intends to discourage the person from his religious commitment. He empowers the kuffaar to persecute real scholars. How many scholars have been tortured or killed in prison because of their commitment to Islam!
Masjid Bani Hashim! At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai
! Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah عز وجل, opened its doors 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 & is a Non-Profit Organisation. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures, workshops, Tafseer elQuran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet pbuh & major Islamic Studies.!
! Our Mission! Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (صلى اهلل عليه وسلمs). Masjid Bani Hashim welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray & recite Quran.