A monthly newsletter from Masjid Bani Hashim Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue#34 August 2016
A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue #34 Aug 2016 بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم السالم عليكم و رحمة اهلل و بركاته Introduction “Be like a bee” Ramadan 1437 came to the conclusion a couple of days back. There is sadness at the departure of Ramadan, but there is also joy that Allah SWT allowed us to witness and complete one more blessed month of Ramadan in our lives, Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen. So what now? First and above all we ask Allah SWT to accept our Ramadan. Surah An Nahal (ayat 68-69) أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم ن َ ِشو ُ الشجَ ِر َومِمَّ ا يَ ْعر َّ ن اتَّخِ ذِي ِم َن الْجِ بَالِ بُيُوتًا َو ِم َن ِ َ ك إِلَى النَّحْ ِل أ َ َُّوأَوْحَ ىٰ َرب And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: "Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect. ك َ ِن فِي ذَٰل َّ َِّاس ۗ إ ِ ختَلِفٌ أ َ ْلوَانُ ُه فِي ِه شِ فَا ٌء لِلن ْ م ُ ٌشرَاب َ خ ُرجُ ِم ْن بُطُو ِنهَا ْ َك ذُل ًُال ۚ ي ِ ِّسبُلَ َرب ُ َاس ُلكِي ْ ث ُ َّم ُكلِي ِم ْن كُلِّ الث َّمَ رَاتِ ف ن َ َآليَ ًة لِ َقوْم ٍ يَتَفَ َّكرُو "Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think. Allah SWT called a whole surah The Bee, An Nahal, subhanal Allah, this means there is something special about the bees, and we need to read this surah so that we can see how we can apply the learnings of this Surah in our life. The above two ayat tell us a lot if we reflect upon the purpose behind revealing this ayat to us, human beings. Note Allah SWT has revealed, has inspired the bees how they should go about their existence in the earth, He SWT inspires the bees where they should establish their habitations. Then Allah SWT tells them that they should eat all fruits and to follow the ways that Allah SWT makes easy for them, i.e. “your job is to eat all fruits and follow what Allah SWT makes easy for you”. If they do this, then Allah SWT will produce from their bellies a precious drink for all of us which is HONEY, a substance in which there is healing by the Will and Power of Allah SWT.
A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue #34 Aug 2016 How do we apply this to our lives? Allah SWT has taught us through the Qur’an which was a revelation from Allah SWT to the Prophet SAW that our purpose in life is to worship Him SWT and this would be made easy for us if we followed His SWT’s commands as described in the Qur’an and by following the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW. Our life should be a worship, whatever we do, should be in the pursuit of the pleasure of Allah, this applies to the actual acts of worship as commanded by Allah SWT and also to our personal, social, professional and other spheres of our lives. If we now move to Surah Al Layl, Allah SWT mentions that our endeavours are diverse, i.e. we all have different strengths and hence we need to find out what is that particular talent that Allah SWT has given is and which should be used to acquire His SWT’s pleasure. Allah SWT goes one step further and tell us what does He SWT wants us to do: he who gives (in charity only to attain His SWT pleasure) and has taqwa and in all sincerity testifies to the best, Allah SWT will make his path easy just like He SWT makes easy the path of the bees as they act according to the inspiration received from Allah SWT. Surah Al Layl (ayat 3-7) أعوذ باهلل من الشيطان الرجيم َٰاألُنْثَى ْ خ َلقَ الذَّ َك َر و َ َومَا By (the mystery of) the creation of male and female― َٰشتَّى َ س ْعيَ ُك ْم ل َ ن َّ ِإ Verily (the ends) ye strive for are diverse. ٰعطَىٰ وَاتَّ َقى ْ َ م ْن أ َ فَأَمَّا So he who gives (in charity) and fears (Allah), ٰسنَى ْ َُص َّدقَ بِالْح َ و And (in all sincerity) testifies to the Best― َى ٰ ُسر ْ َس ُرهُ لِ ْلي ِّ َسنُي َ ف We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Bliss. May Allah SWT guide us to be as productive as the bees who produce the purest of the honeys and may He SWT inspire us to follow the path that is easy and pleasing to Him SWT. Alhamdulil Allah Rabb al alameen. Wa salato wa salamo ala Rasulil Allah.
A Monthly Newsletter by Masjid Bani Hashim, Jumeirah Islands, Dubai Issue #34 Aug 2016
This Issue Introduction: Pages 1 - 2 The Real Superstars: Pages 4 - 6 Sincerity is the Way to Salvation #6: Pages 7 - 11 Arabic Pronouns: Pages 12 - 13 Cheer up: Pages 14 - 15 Surah Yusuf #49-52: Pages 16 - 19 The Amazing Camel: Pages 20 - 22
Allah Created the Universe: Pages 23 - 25 The Sins of the Youth: Pages 26 - 28 Masjid Bani Hashim: Pages 29 - 31
for cats- He is Abu Hurayrah (RA), the famous companion of the Prophet (SAWS) whose name is present in every hadith book. His (RA) birth name was Abd Ash Shams (Servant of Sun) which the Prophet (SAWS) changed to Abd ArRahman (Servant of the Most Merciful) after his conversion to Islam. He (RA) was born in Baha, Yemen into the Banu Daws tribe, 19 years before Hijrah. He (RA) embraced Islam through Tufayl Ibn Amr, the chief of his tribe, about 2.5 yrs before the Prophet (SAWS)’s death. Abu Hurayrah (RA) went along with Tufayl to Makkah to meet Muhammad (SAWS) and since he felt that he had lost out on a lot because of his late conversion to Islam, he stayed on at the Prophet’s mosque and devoted himself to his (SAWS)’s service and also to learn from him (SAWS). This month’s real superstar is someone without whom we wouldn’t have much of the sayings of the Prophet (SAWS). He (RA) has narrated over 5000 ahadith (actual number being closer to 1300 but because of the various chain of narrators, the number of hadith is amplified). He (RA) is a test of our faith due to a prayer he (RA) requested from the Prophet (SAWS). He (RA) said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah to make my mother and me dear to His believing slaves, and to make them dear to us.’ Prophet (SAWS) obliged and supplicated on his behalf, ‘O Allaah, make this slave of Yours and his mother dear to Your believing slaves, and make the believers dear to them.’ (Bukhari)
He (RA) gave up all the luxuries of life and dedicated himself to learning the Qur’an and the hadith from the Prophet (SAWS)- he was inseparable from him, following him wherever he went. Abu Hurayrah (RA) didn’t know how to read or write, so he depended on his memory for all that he learnt. He (RA) told the Prophet (SAWS): “I hear many Hadiths from you but I forget them.” The Prophet said, “Spread your covering sheet.” Abu Hurayrah (RA) spread the sheet and the Prophet moved both his hands (as if scooping something) and emptied them in the sheet and said, “Wrap it.” Abu Hurayrah (RA) wrapped it around his body, and since then he never forgot a single Hadith. (Bukhari)
He (RA) is famously and lovingly known as “father of kittens” because of his (RA) intense love 4
There is another narration from Abu Hurayrah (RA) where he recounted the reason for his powerful memory, "I was a poor man, and used to stick to Allah's Apostle contented with what will fill my stomach, and the Muhajirin (emigrants) used to be busy trading in the markets, and the Ansar used to be busy looking after their properties. One day I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'Who will spread his Rida' (a garment covering the upper body) till I finished my speech and then fold it, (i.e. wear it), in which case he will never forget anything he had heard from me?" So I spread my garment which I was wearing; and by Him Who sent Muhammad with the Truth, ever since, I have never forgotten whatever I heard from him (the Prophet)."
a companion that narrated more ahadith than him. (Bukhari)
Zayd ibn Thabit (RA), a famous companion of the Prophet (SAWS) also reported the following incident: 'While Abu Hurayrah and I and another friend of mine were in the Masjid praying to Allah and doing dhikr, the Messenger of Allah came to the masjid and walked towards us and sat among us. We became silent and he said: "Carry on with what you were doing.'""So my friend and I made a supplication to Allah before Abu Hurayrah did and the Prophet began to say Ameen to our dua." "Then Abu Hurayrah made a supplication saying: 'O Lord, I ask You for what my two companions have asked and I ask You for knowledge which will not be forgotten.'" "The Prophet, peace be on him, said: 'Ameen.' "We then said: 'And we ask Allah for knowledge which will not be forgotten, and the Prophet replied: 'The Dawsi youth has asked for this before you.' Its this zeal of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that makes him a household name today- his thirst of knowledge, his dedication to the Prophet (SAWS) and his desire to do greater good for the Ummah made him narrate whatever he knew. He (RA) said there wasn’t
guidance after We made it clear for the people in the
After the death of the Prophet (SAWS) when Omar (RA) told him to stop narrating so many hadith so that people could concentrate on memorizing the Qur’an, Abu Hurayrah (RA) disagreed with him and felt it was his duty to convey all that he had learnt. He (RA) said “if these two verses would not have been revealed in the Book I would have never transmitted anything (to anybody):” Indeed, those who conceal what We sent down of clear proofs and
Scripture - those are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse (Baqarah 2:159)”. (Muslim) Abu Hurayrah (RA) gave up all the luxuries of life, dedicating himself to gaining knowledge, foregoing chances of earning a living and personal comfort to learn as much as he could. Abu Hurayrah (RA) knew that it was not his right to beg for food or money or to complain of hunger or need, and he never did. On the authority of Abu Rafi’, it is narrated that Abu Hurayrah (RA) said, “No one gave me a gift except that I accepted it. But as for asking, I would not ask.”( Ibn Al-Jawziyy. Sifat As-Safwah.) He (RA) said, “When I was afflicted with severe hunger, I would go to a companion of the Prophet and asked him about an ayah of the Qur'an and (stay with him) learning it so that he would take me with him to his house and give food. One day, 5
learnt, he lived it and showed people by example. He (RA) was patient in adversity even when he had little food to eat. He (RA) got upset when he saw a group of Ansar in the marketplace doing business when they could be in the masjid praying and studying from the study circle in the masjids. He (RA) urged them to go join these circles comparing them to ‘inheritance of the Messenger of Allah’. During the Caliphate of Omar (RA), he (RA) was appointed as the governor of Bahrain. And later during the reign of Marwaan he (RA) served as the governor of Madinah.
my hunger became so severe that I placed a stone on my stomach. I then sat down in the path of the companions. Abu Bakr passed by and I asked him about an ayah of the Book of God. I only asked him so that he would invite me but he didn't. Then Umar ibn al-Khattab passed by me and I asked him about an ayah but he also did not invite me. Then the Messenger of Allah passed by and realized that I was hungry and said: "Abu Hurayrah!" "At your command" I replied and followed him until we entered his house. He found a bowl of milk and asked his family: "From where did you get this?" "Someone sent it to you" they replied. He then said to me: "O Abu Hurayrah, go to the Ahlas-Suffah and invite them." Abu Hurayrah (RA) did as he was told and they all drank from the milk and in the end Abu Hurayrah (RA) drank to his fill. Abu Hurayrah (RA) was a pious and God fearing man, who imbibed the knowledge that he
Even though he (RA) was illiterate, he had over 800 students who learnt and narrated through him. He (RA) remained humble throughout his life, and relied upon Allah (SWT) in all his matters. He (RA) made best use of the time he had, he would stay up at night worshipping Allah (SWT) and being grateful for the opportunities that Allah (SWT) had given him. Abu Hurayrah (RA) died in 59 AH, at the age of 78. He (RA) was buried in Madinah. Author Asma Elkabti sums his (RA) life : "He was a young well-built man and could earn and live in comfort but he saw the unique opportunity available to him to learn from the Prophet of Allah - an opportunity of a lifetime. So he availed of that opportunity, sacrificing everything to attain it. He knew the value of his limited time with the Holy Prophet for he would be able to learn that which would benefit the rest of the Ummah for generations to come."
Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, said: My love is obliged for those who love each other for Me, and those who sit with each other for Me, and those who visit each other for Me, and those who give each other generously for Me.
Sincerity in Love:
Capture with sincerity, the good words and speech.
Surah Al Hadid, ayah 16 ۖ َستْ ُقلُوبُ ُه ْم َ األ َ َم ُد فَق ْ ْشعَ ُقلُوبُ ُه ْم لِ ِذ ْك ِر اهللَِّ َومَا نَزَلَ ِم َن الْحَ قِّ و ََال يَكُونُوا كَا َّلذِي َن أ ُوتُوا ا ْل ِكت َابَ ِم ْن َقبْلُ فَطَالَ َع َليْ ِه ُم َ ۞ أ َ َل ْم يَأ ْنِ لِ َّلذِي َن آ َمن ُوا أ َ ْن تَخ َو َكثِي ٌر ِمن ْ ُه ْم فَاسِ قُو َ ن Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) to be affected by Allâh’s Reminder (this Qur’ân), and that which has been revealed of the truth, lest they become as those who received the Scripture [the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] before (i.e. Jews and Christians), and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Fâsiqûn (the rebel lious, the disobedient to Allâh). From darknesses into light You ask me, how do I come out of my darknesses? I respond, darknesses??? Is there more than one darkness? You answer, surely there are many darknesses! Darkness of disbelief; darkness of ignorance; darkness of arrogance; darkness of blind pursuit of the desires of this world; darkness of the false attachments; darkness of the sin…so many; subhanal Allah However, Allah SWT invites you to ONE and ONLY ONE Light, the Light of Belief and this is the Light that Allah SWT mentions in the above ayah 16 of Surah Al Hadid. This Light of Belief results from the reciting and understanding of the Qur’an, which is the Word of Allah SWT; this Word will connect you to Allah SWT, will tell you Who He SWT is and the Qur’an is a companion that will not leave you in your grave and will also intercede for you on the day of Judgement if you are really
truthful to its teachings, if you are truthful to Allah SWT, Who revealed this book through the noble angel Jibrail AS to the Prophet SAW. Yes, dear readers, has not the time come for us to come out of the world of “novels” and spend time reading, understanding and reflecting on the Qur’an? Indeed, now is the time, tomorrow we do not know! But for sure and may Allah SWT grant us certainty there is the day of judgement and on that day we will see with our own eyes the actual reality that Allah SWT was warning us about in the Noble Qur’an, Subhanal Allah. The Qur’an is a miracle, it tells you about the past, it makes you stop in the present, it teaches you how to live in the “NOW”, in the moment while simultaneously prepares you for the future. The unknown becomes known through the Qur’an and the darkness of the unknown is replaced with the Light of beneficial knowledge and this beneficial knowledge will give fruits when the knowledge penetrates the heart and is reflected in our behaviour, this is TAUFEEQ. Then in shaa Allah we will be of the successful ones because we would have been gifted with the best gift anyone can have, which is the gift of TAUFEEQ, hidaya/ guidance in application, hidaya in heart, tongue, limbs and this in shaa Allah will result in good actions done with faith, which will be accepted by Allah SWT, Al Ghafoor Ar Raheem. Surah Al Mumenoon, ayah 109 ني َ خيْ ُر الرَّاحِ ِم َ َإِنَّ ُه كَا َن فَرِيقٌ ِم ْن ِعبَادِي يَقُولُو َن َربَّن َا آ َمن َّا فَا ْغ ِف ْر َلن َا وَارْحَ مْ ن َا َوأَنْت Verily! there was a party of My slaves, who used to say: “Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy!”
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah RA, who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Allah SWT said: If My servant likes to meet Me, I like to meet him; and if he dislikes to meet Me, I dislike to meet him. Prophetic explanation of this Sacred Hadith: He who likes to meet Allah, Allah likes to meet him; and he who dislikes to meet Allah, Allah dislikes to meet him. Aishah RA said: O Prophet of Allah, is it because of the dislike of death, for all of us dislike death? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: It is not so, but rather it is that when the believer is given news of Allah's mercy, His approval and His Paradise, he likes to meet Allah and Allah likes to meet him; but when the unbeliever is given news of Allah's punishment and His displeasure, he dislikes to meet Allah and Allah dislikes to meet him. It was related by al-Bukhari and Malik. The Prophetic version is related by Muslim. (Hadith Qudsi 30) 15
سورة يوسف Surah Yusuf # 49 - 52 ْصرُو َ ن ِ َّاس َوفِي ِه يَع ُ ث الن ُ ثُ َّم يَأْتِي مِن بَ ْع ِد ذَٰل َِك عَا ٌم فِي ِه يُغَا Then will come after that a year in which the people will be given rain and in which they will press [olives and grapes]. 12:49 Yusuf عليه السالمnow gives addi/onal informa/on, which is not a part of the dream. Fourteen years will pass. ثُ َّم يَأْتِي مِن بَ ْع ِد ذَٰل َِك عَام This will be a crucial /me. A<er 7 years of abundance and 7 years of drought, there will come one year which will be different. فِي ِ ه In this year ث الن َّاس ُ يُغَا In the Quran, the word [ ]غيثis used for beneficial rain, and the [ ]مطرis used for a deluge which brings punishment or destruc/on. Here [ ]غيثhas two connota/ons : - beneficial rain - the river Nile This year a<er 14 years will be one of abundant water resources, whether from rain or the Nile. The river Nile will swell with water, the flooding will resume, which was the ancient Egyp/ans' method of irriga/on. The seasonal flooding would cover their fields with silt and water, giving forth abundant crops. This is life, القبض و البست, constric/on and abundance. When there is extreme hardship, and all ways are closed, the relief is near, the ease will come soon. Compare this to
peeling off a bandage adhering to the skin; there is sharp pain for a flee/ng few seconds, then ease. This is فتح من اهلل, opening from Allah. The key to quick victory is pa/ence. The more impa/ent you are, the more you prolong the hardship. The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلمsaid : ُس ِ ر ْ َوأ َ َّن َمعَ ا ْلع، ِ َوأ َ ْن ا ْلفَ َر َج َمعَ ا ْل َكرْب،ِالصبْر َّ ََّص َر َمع ْ وَا ْع َل ْم أ َ َّن الن ُس ًرا ْ ي ١٩ حديث،مام الن ّووي And know that victory comes with patience, relief with af fliction, and hardship with ease. (Part of a longer hadith) ْصرُو َ ن ِ َوفِي ِه يَع When there is an abundance of produce, the common prac/ce is to make juice, jam, preserves, pickles and oil, rather than let the produce go waste. In this year, the ancient Egyp/ans would have so much produce, that they would press it to make juice and oil includes fruit, olives, vegetables, sesame seeds, etc. This year would bring comfort for the people. Difficulty never lasts. الالتِي َقطَّ ْع َن أَيْ ِديَ ُه َّن ۚ إِ َّن َربِّي ِب َكيْ ِد ِه َّن َعلِي ٌ م َّ َو الن ِّْس َو ِة And the king said, “Bring him to me.” But when the mes senger came to him, [Yusuf] said, “Return to your mas ter and ask him what is the case of the women who cut their hands. Indeed, my Lord is Knowing of their plan.” 12:50 Yusuf عليه السالمwas very righteous, he did not try to take revenge by withholding informa/on; he told the servant 16
everything he knew. He did not ask the servant for any help, not even to put in a good word for him with the king. The servant went back with all this informa/on, and narrated it verba/m, not taking any credit for himself. We are not told any details of his return, but it is obvious he told the king about Yusuf عليه السالم, by the king's order which follows. َوقَالَ املْ َل ُِك ائْت ُونِي ِب ِ ه When the king heard the interpreta/on, he knew it was the truth, and immediately wanted to meet the man who gave it. It seems the servant narrated all he knew about Yusuf عليه السالم, his goodness of character, his gi< of interpre/ng dreams, his other miracles, and his preaching about Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Allah سبحانه وتعالىput in the heart of the king the desire to meet Yusuf عليه السالم. So he immediately ordered his advisors in his court to take Yusuf عليه السالمout of prison and bring him to the royal palace. To this end, a royal messenger was sent. جعْ إِ َلىٰ َرب َ ِّك ِ َّسول قَالَ ا ْر ُ فَلَمَّ ا جَ ا َءهُ الر When the messenger at last reached Yusuf عليه السالم, traveling long miles, to the remote prison, Yusuf عليه السالمrefused to go with him. He did not want to be released from prison as a favor upon him for interpre/ng the dream of the king. الالتِي َقطَّ ْع َن أَيْ ِديَ ُه َّ ن َّ َاسأ َ ْل ُه مَا بَالُ الن ِّْس َو ِة ْ ف Yusuf عليه السالمwanted the king to 'reopen the inves/ga/on of his case'. He wanted his reputa/on to be restored, and his name cleared. Yusuf عليه السالمwanted to leave the prison with honor. When the ladies of the city cut their hands, their husbands panicked, and shoved Yusuf عليه السالمin prison. But the injured hands of this group of pres/gious women could not be hidden, at the very least, they would have needed medical aZen/on. Yusuf عليه السالمdid not want to expose the women. He stated his demand clearly and precisely; he wanted the ladies to be asked why they cut their hands.
A believer is like a pure diamond. The diamond starts its journey as a coal. It is put under great pressure, and it endures this pressure pa/ently. It then emerges as a precious diamond, clarified from all impuri/es. We are all made of clay. For us to be good enough to go the Paradise, we need to be put under pressure, through trials. These trials are tailor-made for each person, never more than each one can bear. A<er you are purified, take care of the pure heart; this is الثبات, firmness. The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلمsaid : ثُ َّم أَتَانِي الدَّاعِي أل َجَ بْت ُ ُه، ُُوسف ُ ثي َ السجْ نِ مَا َل ِب ِّ َل ْو َل ِبث ْتُ فِي ٦٩٩٢ # ، حيح البخاري If I had stayed in prison as long as Yusuf, then the mes senger came, I would have responded to his call (to go out of prison). Every prophet was different, with different circumstances and struggles. The Prophet Mohammad صلى اهلل عليه و سلم taught us to take the way of ease whenever Allah سبحانه وتعالىpresents it for you. We must take the example of him. Yusuf عليه السالمwas nurtured during his years in prison. His faith had increased. إِ َّن َربِّي ِب َكيْ ِد ِه َّن َعلِيم Allah سبحانه وتعالىknow all the details of the plot of the ladies, their inten/ons, and what is in their hearts. اشهللَِّ مَا َعلِمْ نَا َ َُوسفَ عَن نَّفْسِ ِه ۚ ُق ْل َن ح ُ خطْبُ ُك َّن إِذْ رَاوَدتُّ َّن ي َ قَالَ مَا صالْحَ قُّ أَنَا رَاوَدتُّ ُه َعن َ َصح ْ َاآل َن ح ْ سو ٍء ۚ قَالَتِ ا ْم َرأ َتُ ا ْل َعزِي ِز ُ َع َليْ ِه مِن ني َ الصا ِد ِق َّ نَّفْسِ ِه َو إِنَّ ُه ملَ ِ َن Said [the king to the women], “What was your condition when you sought to seduce Yusuf?” They said, “Perfect is Allah ! We know about him no evil.” The wife of al-’Aziz said, “Now the truth has become evident. It was I who sought to seduce him, and indeed, he is of the truthful. 12:51 The king was wai/ng to see Yusuf ;عليه السالمinstead, the messenger arrived with his request. That made him 17
curious, and he decided to inves/gate he maZer. The king commanded the city ladies to be presented in his court. خطْبُ ُك َّ ن َ قَالَ مَا When someone has commiZed a crime, he feels guilty in his heart, even though he has not been exposed. The king inves/gated the maZer before summoning the ladies to his presence, and knew what actually happened. But he wanted to hear their side of the story before judging. ُوسفَ عَن نَّفْسِ ه ُ إِذْ رَاوَدتُّ َّن ي Imagine these fashionable trendse]ng ladies, all dressed in their best, coming to the court of the king, crea/ng a sensa/on. The king asked them in an indirect way, whether Yusuf عليه السالمdid anything to encourage them. These women were from the elite of the city, with husbands in influen/al posi/ons in Egypt, and the king did not want to dishonor them by accusing them directly. At the same /me, he had to get to the truth. The aZempted seduc/on by the city ladies was done through body language and words. The verses don't tell us all these details, but they can be read between the lines. ِاشهلل َ َُق ْل َن ح : حاش هلل perfect is Allah This was an expression used by these ladies before as well; maybe it was a fashionable statement at that /me. سو ٍ ء ُ مَا َعلِمْ ن َا َع َليْ ِه مِن The ladies confessed, in court, in front of everyone, that Yusuf عليه السالمdid not encourage them, or ini/ate the aZempted seduc/on. Their husbands must also be present at that /me. The truth was out, a<er a long period of at least 9 years. Yusuf عليه السالمwas now acquiZed of the crime for which he was thrown behind bars, even though everyone knew he was innocent. There was s/ll the one loose end le<, the wife of the Aziz.
صالْحَ ق َ َصح ْ َاآل َن ح ْ This confession was very difficult for the wife of the Aziz. She had a high status in society, her husband was the chief minister; she was in the court of the king. The confession was her repentance. The truth always reveals itself. أَنَا رَاوَدتُّ ُه عَن نَّفْسِ ِ ه Yusuf had not men/oned her at all; she exposed herself, because she was feeling so guilty she could not bear it anymore. She confessed that she tried to seduce Yusuf عليه السالمby force. ني َ الصا ِد ِق َّ َو إِنَّ ُه ملَ ِ َن This was the greatest proof of his innocence; she admitted that Yusuf عليه السالمwas saying the truth when he declared his innocence. The story of Yusuf عليه السالمshows لطف اهلل, His beneficence, kindness, and placing things in their places with smoothness. Yusuf عليه السالمwent from one situa/on to another, smoothly, slowly moving towards the goal to bring him to power in Egypt. This was also a way of eleva/on for him. The decree of Allah سبحانه وتعالىis always good, even when it seems bad to you. All trials and tests in life are a means of eleva/on for you, if you are pa/ent. ني َ خن ْ ُه بِا ْل َغيْبِ َوأ َ َّن اهللََّ َال يَ ْهدِي َكيْ َد ا ْلخَا ِئ ِن ُ َ ذَٰل َِك لِيَ ْع َل َم أَنِّي َل ْم أ
قَالَتِ ا ْم َرأ َتُ ا ْل َعزِيز Now she spoke up. 18
The wife of the Aziz now tried to jus/fy herself a liZle, that she was not all bad.
She is implying that there is some good in her. She could have lied to protect herself, or take revenge from Yusuf عليه السالم, for not responding to her advances, which was an insult to her. Her confession was very difficult and embarrassing, and it was a way of reforming her. It was also a way of honour, because her confession is men/oned in the Quran.
ْب ِ خن ْ ُه بِا ْل َغي ُ َ ذَٰل َِك لِيَ ْع َل َم أَنِّي َل ْم أ
ني َ َوأ َ َّن اهللََّ َال يَ ْهدِي َكيْ َد ا ْلخَا ِئ ِن
She says that she didn't actually betray her husband. This has two interpreta/ons : so that her husband the Aziz would know that : زوجها she didn't actually succeed in the seduc/on. She does not think she commiZed adultery, although what she .did is actually a betrayal to her husban
Some/mes the verses of the Quran are a means of quick nurturing for us, a shortcut, without having to go through a situa/on. Everyone goes though nurturing in life. She was made to realize that Allah سبحانه وتعالىdoes not guide the people who betray. She accepted her sin, and repented, so was forgiven.
The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلمsaid :
If someone gives you a trust, you must uphold it. You must not announce or expose it. Every gathering is also an amanah, you should not discuss it a<erwards with people.
That is so Al-Aziz will know that I did not betray him in [his] absence and that Allah does not guide the plan of betrayers. 12:52
ني تَزني والقلبُ يَزني فزِنا العنيِ النظَ ُر وزِنا القلبِ التمَ ن ِّي ُ الع الفَر ُ ج ُصدِّقُ ما هُنال َِك أو يُ َكذِّبُه َ ي مسند أحمد: املصدر- أحمد شاكر: أبو هريرة املحدث: الراوي
Evil plots are exposed by Allah سبحانه وتعالىeventually, even if years later
16/153 :الصفحة أو الرقم إسناده صحيح:خالصة حكم املحدث The eyes commit adultery, and the heart commits adultery, so the adultery of the heart is the gaze, and the adultery of the heart is the wish, and the private parts confirm or deny it. Royal courts were rife with these kinds of flirta/ons, and it was accepted behavior. The only thing frowned upon was 'going all the way'. There is a covenant between the husband and the wife, a trust which needs to be upheld. Any betrayal is adultery. was absent, s/ll in prison. She عليه السالمYusuf : يوسف confessed in his absence. She could easily have blamed him, and he was not there to defend herself. عليهSo the betrayal could also mean accusing Yusuf .unjustly لسالم
Narrated Ibn `Abbas RA: The Prophet (peace be upon him) once stayed for nineteen days and prayed shortened prayers. So when we travelled (and stayed) for nineteen days, we used to shorten the prayer but if we travelled (and stayed) for a longer period we used to offer the full prayer. (Bukhari - Vol. 2, Book 20, Hadith 186)
THE AMAZING CAMEL MEET THE VERY TECHNICAL, HIGHLY ENGINEERED DROMEDARY CAMEL. When I'm hungry, I'll eat almost anything- A Naturally, the water I swallow first goes into leather bridle, a piece of rope, my master's my stomach. There thirsty blood vessels abtent, Or a pair of shoes. My mouth is so tough sorb and carry it to every part of my a thorny cactus doesn't bother it. I love to body. Scientists have tested my stomach and chow down grass and other plants that grow found it empty ten minutes after I've drunk here on the Arabian desert. I'm a Dromedary twenty gallons. camel, the one-hump kind that lives on hot deIn an eight hour day, I can carry a four hunserts in the Middle East. dred pound load a hundred miles across a My hump, all eighty pounds of it, is filled with hot, dry desert and not stop once for a drink fat-my body fuel -- not water as some people or something to eat...{!} believe. My Mighty Maker gave it to me because He knew I wouldn't always be able to In fact, I've been known to go eight days without a drink, but then I look like a wreck. I lose find food...{!} 227 pounds, my ribs show through my skin, As I travel across the hot sands when I don't And I look terribly skinny. find any chow, my body automatically takes But I feel great! I look thin because the billions fat from the hump, feeds my system, and keeps me going strong. This is my emergency of cells lose their water. They're no longer fat. They're flat. food supply. If I can't find any plants to munch, my body Normally my blood contains 94 percent water, just like yours. But when I can't find any water uses up my hump. When the hump gets smaller, it starts to tip to one side. But when I to drink, the heat of the sun gradually robs a little water out of my blood. get to a nice oasis and begin to eat again, my hump soon builds back to normal. Scientists have found that my blood can lose up to 40 percent of its water, and I'm still I've been known to drink twenty-seven galhealthy. lons of water in ten minutes. My Master Designer made me in such a fantastic way that Doctor's say human blood has to stay very in a matter of minutes all the water I've swalclose to 94 percent water. If you lose 5 perlowed travels to the billions of microscopic cent of it, you can't see anymore; 10 percent, cells that make up my flesh. you can't hear and you go insane; 12 percent, your blood is as thick as molasses and your 20
heart can't pump the thick stuff. It stops, and you're dead...! But that's not true with me. Why? Scientists say my blood is different. My red cells are elongated. Yours are round. Maybe that's what makes the difference. This proves I'm designed for the desert, or the desert is designed for me. Did you ever hear of a design without a Designer?
My hooves are wide, and they get even wider when I step on them. Each foot has two long, bony toes with tough, leathery skin between my soles, My feet are a little like webbed feet. They won't let me sink into the soft, drifting sand. This is good, because often my master wants me to carry him one hundred miles across the desert in just one day. (I troop about ten miles per hour.)
After I find a water hole, I'll drink for about ten minutes and my skinny body starts to change almost immediately. In that short time my body fills out nicely, I don't look skinny anymore, And I gain back the 227 pounds I lost.
Sometimes a big windstorm comes out of nowhere, bringing flying sand with it. My Master Designer put special muscles in my nostrils that close the openings, keeping sand out of my nose but still allowing me enough air to breathe. My eyelashes arch down over my eyes like screens, keeping the sand and Even though I lose a lot of water on the desun out but still letting me see clearly. If a sert, my body conserves it too. Way in the begrain of sand slips through and gets in my ginning when my Intelligent Engineer made eye, the Creator took care of that too. He me, He gave me a specially designed nose gave me an inner eyelid that automatically that saves water. When I exhale, I don't lose wipes the sand off my eyeball just like a windmuch. My nose traps that warm, moist air shield wiper. from my lungs and absorbs it in my nasal membranes. Tiny blood vessels in those Some people think I'm conceited because I membranes take that back into my always walk around with my head held high blood. How's that for a recycling system? and my nose in the air. But that's just bePretty cool, isn't it...? It works because my cause of the way I'm made. My eyebrows are nose is cool. My cool nose changes that so thick and bushy I have to hold my head warm moisture in the air from my lungs into high to peek out from underneath them. I'm water. But how does my nose get cool? I glad I have them though. They shade my breath in hot dry desert air, and it goes eyes from the bright sun. through my wet nasal passages. This proDesert people depend on me for many duces a cooling effect, and my nose stays as things. Not only am I their best form of transmuch as 18 degrees cooler than the rest of portation, but I'm also their grocery store. my body. Mrs. Camel gives very rich milk that people I love to travel the beautiful sand dunes. It's make into butter and cheese. I shed my thick really quite easy, because My Creator gave fur coat once a year, and that can be woven me specially engineered sand shoes for feet. 21
into cloth. A few young camels are used for beef, but I don't like to talk about that. For a long time we camels have been called the "ships of the desert" because of the way we sway from side to side when we trot. Some of our riders get seasick. I sway from side to side because of the way my legs work. Both legs on one side move forward at the same time, elevating that side. My "left, right left, right" motion makes my rider feel like he is in a rocking chair going sideways. When I was six months old, special knee pads started to grow on my front legs. The Intelligent Creator knew I had to have them. They help me lower my 1000 pounds to the ground. If I didn't have them, my knees would soon become sore and infected, and I could never lie down. I'd die of exhaustion. By the way, I don't get thick knee pads because I fall on my knees. I fall on my knees because I already have these tough pads. Someone very Great thought of me and knew I needed them. He designed them into my genes. It's real difficult for me to understand how some people say I evolved into what I now am. I'm very technical, highly engineered, dromedary camel. Things like me don't just happen...{!} ['Tabaarak - Allaah'] ~ تبارک اللہ
Narrated `Abdullah bin Buhaina RA: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) got up after the second rak`a of the Zuhr prayer without sitting in between (the second and the third rak`at). When he finished the prayer he performed two prostrations (of Sahu) and then finished the prayer with Taslim. (Bukhari - Vol. 2, Book 22, Hadith 316)
Narrated Anas RA: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Madinah is a sanctuary from that place to that. Its trees should not be cut and no heresy should be innovated nor any sin should be committed in it, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits sins (bad deeds), then he will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people." (Bukhari - Vol. 3, Book 30, Hadith 91) On the authority of Abu Hurayrah RA, who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath. It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah Hadith Qudsi 1 22
ALLAH CREATED THE UNIVERSE ASTEROIDS AND COMETS Scientist state that the probability of a collision between Earth and some of the known asteroids increases by the day. Duncan Smith, reader in space technology at the University of Salford said scientists had identified more than a thousand asteroids, of various dimensions, that have orbits around the Sun that cross the path of the Earth. Scientists say that big asteroids have hit Earth before and it is only a matter of time before one strikes the Earth again. Each year, many fragments of debris hit our planet, but most of them are so small that they burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere, unnoticed by us. However, some of this material is larger than what the atmosphere can handle. Geologist Walter Alvarez lists the probable events of a comet (shooting star) entering Earth's atmosphere in his book T-Rex and the Crater of Doom where he describes the world 65 million years ago: Doom was coming out of the sky, in the form of an enormous comet or asteroidâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we are still not sure which it was. Probably ten kilometers across, traveling tens of kilometers a second, its energy of motion had the destructive capability of a hundred million hydrogen bombs. If an asteroid, it was an inert, crater-scarred rock, dark and sinister, invisible until the last moment before it struck. If a comet, it was a ball of dirty ice, spewing out gases boiled off by the heat of the Sun, and it announced impending doom with a shimmering head and a brilliant tail splashed across half the sky, illuminating the night, and finally visible even in the daytime as Armageddon approached. Scientists believe that a very large celestial body (most probably a comet) collided with Earth 65 million years ago and marked it considerably. Based on this experience and subsequent collisions, it is possible to predict the events following such an impact and the probable consequences for our planet. The potential energy of a comet before impact is equivalent to 100 billion megatons of TNT, which will cause it to evaporate in seconds and can leave a crater 40 kms (25 miles) deep. In comparison, a hydrogen bomb has the force of 1 megaton of TNT. At the height of the cold war, there were 10,000 such weapons. On the other hand, a comet's potential force is 10 million times greater than the force of all of the explosives that existed at that time. The Qur'an reveals that on the Day of Judgment there will be shocking tremors, that everything will be leveled, and that the oceans will boil over. A collision with a comet or an asteroid could cause all of these disasters. Massive seismic waves would disturb the ocean beds, causing landslides and huge tidal waves. Scientists remark that previous tidal waves caused in this way were of such a magnitude that they left their marks on the ocean bed.
Recent research reveals that a large object that fell into the Gulf of Mexico created large-scale tidal waves headed for Florida . While traveling toward their destination, they grew even larger and endangered the coast. They eventually destroyed large areas of forest. Although many people live as if their death and the Day of Judgment will never come, there is no reason why such a catastrophe should not occur. For instance, one day before the above catastrophe occurred, the soil covering great swathes of America and Mexico were fertile; soon after it struck, however, all of it was rendered useless. Fourteen centuries ago, Allah (SWT) revealed that on the Day of Judgment the sky will split apart (١٦) ٌٱلسمَ آ ُء فَ ِهىَ يَ ۡو َمٮِٕ ٍ ۬ذ وَا ِهيَ ۬ة َّ َِٱنشقَّت َ و (Surat al-Haaqqa, 16) and will be like molten brass
(٨) ٱلسمَ آ ُء كَٱملۡ ُ ۡه ِل َّ يَ ۡو َم تَكُو ُن
(Surat al-Ma‘arij, 8). This scenario resembles the effects of a comet or a large meteor colliding with Earth. Paul Davies, in his book The Last Three Minutes, says that a comet on a collision course with Earth will emit such an intense light that the atmosphere will begin to burn up from above and melt like metal. He also states that the escaping gases in the vacuum of space will create a tornado. These statements are quite similar to what the Qur'an says, as follows: (٣٧) ِٱلسمَ آ ُء فَكَانَتۡ َو ۡر َدةً۬ كَٱل ِّدهَان َّ ِٱنشقَّت َ فَ ِإذَا When Heaven is split apart and goes rose-red, like dregs of oil. (Surat ar-Rahman, 37) The melting and running of the heavens like molten brass or dregs of oil is reminiscent of a hot, thickflowing liquid. In such a case, the skies would take on a red-hot color. As Davies states, on that Day the superheated gases could form tornados, and the resemblance thereof to a red rose is obvious. Allah (SWT) will bring the Day of Judgment at a predetermined time and fulfill His (SWT) promises. These events may take place one by one, or all at once. Similar things have happened before, for both asteroids and comets have caused localized and, at other times, widespread, damage. Only Allah (SWT) knows the time of the next one. Scientists predict that an asteroid will come close to Earth in 2028. According to them, if it falls into the Atlantic Ocean, America and Europe will be submerged; if it falls onto land, it will be far more destructive. Asteroids entering the atmosphere would cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the dust of which would veil Earth in darkness. Astronomers point out that even the proximity of such a comet would pose a great danger to Earth. Scientists refer to the Swift-Tuttle comet, which passed close by in 1993 and is expected to return in 2126. Calculations suggest a high probability of a collision, as it is expected to pass by at 2 weeks' distance—a close encounter indeed—and many scientists are genuinely concerned and worried about such a near miss. The inconsistent orbits of these objects create a continuous traffic, which means that Earth and other planets are constantly at risk. According to experts, Swift-Tuttle or some other object eventually will collide with Earth. Some of them could cause greater devastation than all of humanity's nuclear weapons combined. We just do not know when this will happen.
Davies says "when it does, it will be bad news for people. There will be an abrupt and unprecedented interruption in the history of our species." He says that a collision would almost certainly spell the end for humanity. He deals extensively with this subject in his book The Last Three Minutes, in which he states that on the 21st of August 2126, Swift-Tuttle will strike Earth and thereby usher in our planet's final day. There is a great similarity between what he relates and what Allah reveals, as follows: The date: August 21, 2126. Doomsday. The place: Earth. … The diminutive head of the comet belies its enormous destructive power. It is closing on planet Earth at a staggering 40,000 miles per hour, 10 miles every second—a trillion tons of ice and rock, destined to strike at seventy times the speed of sound. … Directly above ground zero, the sky splits open. A thousand cubic miles of air are blasted aside. A finger of searing flame wider than a city arcs ground ward and fifteen seconds later lances the Earth. The planet shudders with the force of ten thousand earthquakes. A shock wave of displaced air sweeps over the surface of the globe, flattening all structures, pulverizing everything in its path. The flat terrain around the impact site rises in a ring of liquid mountains several miles high, exposing the bowels of the Earth in a crater a hundred miles across. The wall of molten rock ripples outward, tossing the landscape about like a blanket flicked in slow motion... Within the crater itself, trillions of tons of rock are vaporized. Much more is splashed aloft, some of it flung out into space. Still more is pitched across half a continent to rain down hundreds or even thousands of miles away, wreaking massive destruction on all beneath. Some of the molten ejecta falls into the ocean, raising huge tsunamis that add to the spreading turmoil. A vast column of dusty debris fans out into the atmosphere, blotting out the sun across the whole planet. Now the sunlight is replaced by the sinister, flickering glare of a billion meteors, roasting the ground below with their searing heat, as displaced material plunges back from space into the atmosphere. No doubt, this description is not farfetched. Just one comet can cause such damage, but we do not know when it will collide with Earth. Regardless of how much people try to deny the existence of the Day of Judgment, it can confront them as a possibility that is closer than they think, for the Qur'an reveals that: (٧٧) ٌشىۡ ٍ ۬ء َقدِي ۬ر َ َِّب إِ َّن ٱهللََّ َع َلىٰ ڪُل ُۚ َص ِر أ َ ۡو ُه َو أ َ ۡقر َ ٱلسا َع ِة إ َِّال َكلَمۡ حِ ٱ ۡلب َّ ۡض َومَآ أ َ ۡم ُر ِۚ َٱألَر ۡ ٱلسمَ ـٰوَٲتِ و َّ َُوهللَِِّ َغيۡب The Unseen of the heavens and Earth belongs to Allah. The matter of the Hour is only the blink of an eye away, or even nearer. Allah has power over all things. ( Surat an-Nahl, 77)
In this issue we feature sins and their harm-
stem from others while others lead to some-
ful eďŹ&#x20AC;ects. Some special mention is
thing worse. Possessing any of them
needed regarding young Muslims, espe-
makes change necessary because to con-
cially those in their teenage years.
tinue doing them may lead to worse sin, hy-
It is often taken for granted that these are the years of carelessness and not those of serious thought. This is not an Islamic position. Indeed we find youth in the time of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) performing heroic deeds and very serious in their practice and dedication. Examples
pocrisy and disbelief. It may not seem like it, but even you, as young as you are, could face death at any moment. Do you want to meet Allah SWT in a sorry moral condition? One step toward correction is recognizing one's faults and setting out to do the opposite.
such as Ali Ibn Abi Taalib, Ibn Abbas, Anas
A second step is honestly seeking Allah's
Ibn Malik, Usamah Ibn Zaid, Mus'ab Ibn
SWT help and asking His SWT forgiveness.
'Umayr, Ammar Ibn Yaasir and others (radi-
There have been people who commit terri-
allahu 'anhum ajma'een) will be forever re-
ble sins and Allah SWT has guided and for-
membered for their sacrifices and willing-
given them after true repentance and strug-
ness to give their lives in the cause of Islam
gle with themselves. Certainly you can too.
at tender ages. This is a character assessment checklist aimed at the youth to assist them in making their own assessment of themselves and decide if changes in their character are in order. Parents too can use it as a gauge. In fact, what is listed are sins certainly not limited to youth. Each point is an interre-
Look at yourself and ask yourself if you do any of the following: 1.Lie to and disobey parents. 2.Raise your voice to or abuse parents or other family members. 3.Disregard the advice of parents.
lated sin that either weakens eemaan (faith)Â or comes from weak eemaan. Some
4.Disrespect adults. 26
5.Break your promises. 6.Insult the opposite sex. 7.Freely mix with the opposite sex by flirting or looking lustfully at them, Backbite
19.Waste a lot of time and never study the deen. 20.Find it easy to do wrong and difficult to do right.
and gossip.
21.Hate to be reminded of religious duties.
8.Look at bad movies and listen to music,
22.Feel little or no sense of shame or mod-
especially sexually explicit types or that
have a lot of profanity. 9.Use profanity. Lie or steal. 10.Devise ways to avoid anything Islamic.
23.Hate proper hijaab. 24.Do not enjoy listening to the Quran. 25.Only try to learn Arabic or how to recite
11.Spend your money on what is haraam.
the Quran if pressured.
12.Think mostly of yourself and little of oth-
26.Don't go to the masjid or consistently
go late to prayer (for males) when there is
13.Do as little as you can to assist in the home. 14.Put minimum effort into schoolwork. 15.Imitate, respect or love the ways and manners of kuffaar.
no obstacle to doing so regularly and on time. 27.Dislike going to prayers or concentrate little in them and hurry to get them over with. 28.Rarely give charity or gifts.
16.Act hard with Muslims and easy with kuf- 29.Avoid the company of striving Muslims. faar. 17.Smoke or do drugs.
30.Rarely or never make extra (sunnah) prayers.
18.Mostly keep company with weak and sinful Muslims or kuffaar.
31.Read anything else other than the Qu-
of their position or situation it is because
ran or authentic hadith that is of little or no
there are too many of them who take the
value or haram.
attitude that Islam is not the number one
32.Read the Quran or the hadith only if forced to attend circles of Islamic knowledge only if forced and pay little attention. 33.When you do Never give thanks, seek forgiveness from Allah nor seek refuge from wrong doing. Don't use the faulty logic that I am young so I want to enjoy as much as I can before I get old and I will ask forgiveness before I die!
concern in their lives and it is not important to follow or that it's for old people. Are you a part of the problem or part of the solution? Practicing Islam to the fullest is a cause for great inner joy, satisfaction and happiness and totally eliminates the desire or need for any other means to feel good, better or best. May Allah SWT help you to be the kind of youth that all Muslims can be proud of. Narrated Al-Mughira RA: The Prophet
Such people almost never change on their
(peace be upon him) used to stand (in
own. They usually get worse because sins
the prayer) or pray till both his feet or
become a part of their character that they
legs swelled. He was asked why (he of-
can no more rid themselves of than they
fered such an unbearable prayer) and he
could the noses on their faces. Being good
said, "should I not be a thankful slave."
or right according to Islam has absolutely no importance in their lives. Almost any-
(Bukhari - Vol. 2, Book 21, Hadith 230)
thing else is more important than their religion and they couldn't care less about how Allah SWT sees them. They may even be
Narrated Abu Huraira RA: Allah's Messen-
ashamed to be Muslim! This is a sure sign
ger (peace be upon him) said, "If any
that they are headed for the worst fate if
one of you improve (follows strictly) his
they don't change.
Islamic religion then his good deeds will
You are a Muslim and you must not take a defeated attitude or think that your sins affect you only. When the Muslims complain
be rewarded ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed and a bad deed will be recorded as it is." (Bukhari - Vol. 1, Book 2, Hadith 41) 28
Masjid Bani Hashim At Jumeirah Islands, Dubai
Masjid Bani Hashim by the Grace of Allah (SWT) عز وجل, opened its doors on 2nd Ramadan 1434; July 10th, 2013 and is a Non-Profit Organization. It envisions to offer intensive courses, lectures, workshops, Tafseer el Quran with Taddabur, Tajweed, Seerah of the Prophet & صلى اهلل عليه وسلمother important subjects in Islamic Studies. Our Mission Masjid Bani Hashim’s mission is to provide authentic understanding of Islam based on Qur'an & Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammed ()صلى اهلل عليه وسلم. Masjid Bani Hashim welcomes all and provides a golden opportunity to access Islamic Courses to all seekers of Ilm. Without rushing back home, you can make a stop at Masjid Bani Hashim to nurture your soul, pray and recite The Quran.