ELI Student Newspaper: "International Student News"

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International Student News

ELI Newspaper Fall 2013, Issue 1 Online at eli.gmu.edu

As American as Apple Pie! • Written by Tirad Al Maiman • Main photo by Abdulla Al Kaabi • Side bar design based on photo by Sultanah Alsenani

Contents: Field trip

Stribling Orchard



p 2-3


p 4-6




p 11—17



I think this field trip was the best trip in the ELI’s history! On September 25, the Eli students and their teachers went to an apple farm, called Stribling Orchard, in Virginia. Although it was far from the GMU campus, 97% of the teachers and students went on the trip. We traveled on two big buses and it took an hour to get there. Everyone enjoyed the ride on the buses because our ELI teacher, Sarah, taught us the American saying “As American as apple pie”.

At the orchard the students learned about American culture and the farm’s history. We all had the opportunity to pick many kinds of apples in the orchard. Each student got a free bag to put all the apples they picked. Also we could buy different things like honey at the store. All the students and teachers ate lunch together on the hill at the top of the farm. We had delicious apple pie and apple cider. We all had a good time because the trip was excellent and well

organized even though we were about 150 people. Finally, we got back to campus at 3:00 pm after a beautiful, sunny and warm day in the Virginia countryside. After that day the students only have one sentence about their experience on that trip with their friends and teachers and that is “You should give it a try and go to Stribling Orchard one day. In conclusion, these are the reasons why this was the best trip in the history of the ELI!

International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p2 Survey results written up by Moni Page designed by Abdulla

My class-mates and I have done a survey at GMU on speaking more than one language. Here are the results that we have found : half of the students we surveyed speak English as their first language, and the other half speak another language as their first language. We discovered that 100% of the native English speakers we interviewed believe that is important to speak a second language, even though, shockingly, 42% of them only speak their own language which is English! However, 58%, of them speak at least one other language. In fact 22% of native English speakers speak more than two languages. Most native English speakers said that Spanish or French were the language they would most like to learn. Also, for those people who only speak English, Spanish was the most popular choice. It was twice as popular as the next most popular language which is French. Also, 68% of native English speakers think that Chinese would be the most difficult language to learn. However, people who speak Chinese as their first language, voted Arabic as the most difficult language to learn for. (But, Arab people agreed that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn.) It is good to learn that everybody agrees that it is important to speak more than language, even if not everybody does!


Survey on speaking more than one language  Do you think it’s important to speak a second language? o Yes o No  How many languages do you speak? o 1 o 2 o 3 o more than 3  What new language would you like to learn? Spanish___ Arabic___ Chinese___ French___

Korean___ Russian___



 Which language do you think would be the most difficult to learn? _________________

Internatio nal Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p4

Moni Alhaidr

Dreams For The Future I was born in Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia. I am very ambitions girl who is trying to find her pathway to reach her big goals. I am trying to create something in my life by being useful, giving meaning to the world, and adding unique color to life. As a result of that, I decided to finish my studies in the U.S. to finish my education there. My name is Moni

Alhaidar and my hobbies are: listening to music, jogging, traveling, reading, and meeting new people. I also got talent at printmaking art

post my artwork there. I wanted to see some criticism about my work to figure out if I need to improve and get better with my drawings. I capture realty reflecting, people’s condition, and summarize songs in my drawing.

I created a profile on social network called Instagram to

Silence Silence! Silence has kept a circle of trust in people’s lives. People believe that silence is the secret of living happily ever after! What is the reason for silence becoming part of human life? Freedom of speech, practicing different religions, and telling the truth has disappeared from the human dictionary by choosing silence. People forget that freedom of speech exists to save public rights and dignity. However, the irony is that some people fight anyone who tries to speak out. It does not matter if the person is right or not, or even if the person is making sense or not. People just do not want to change because of fear.

for no particular reason. We can say that we made culture from the dust that women should not drive. Maybe the fact that none of us women thought about it and none of us dares to speak out has made it worse. But that stopped in 1990, on the 6th of November when women started doing something about it. There were 47 women who took the wheel in Saudi Arabia trying to give hope to other women that we still have the chance to speak out and tell others that we are humans who deserve to practice our rights just like men.

Unfortunately, most of the community did not like Humans are restricting what happen and still does not their visions by their behaviors. like what is happening now. Not only are they actually What is bothering me is why causing racism and sectarianism, people have to be aggressive but also they are helping and hesitant when someone is segregation and inequality. For giving his/her opinion or when example, women in Saudi someone wants his/her right Arabia are not allowed to drive back? It is really a shame on

people that they are still having this kind of argument. Humans cannot settle on anything, so if some of us still argue about waiting for people to agree that will never happen because people in general rise to agree to disagree. The point is, with silence people give the sign to their children and to the world that they are weak and they are giving up. They are making their life worse than it is already without realizing. So silence has to be broken and people should have the freedom to express, to talk, and to accept each other especially when they do not agree with nd 2 eachcolumn other’s opinions, behaviors, personalities, and religions. If people Your article will want to see some changes have a decent automaticallyto continue to life, then, they need to accept this column also to be respectfully with others opinions, period.

Different expressions for different cultural

International student news Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 5 AlHanoof Al Sharief

Different religions have alternative ways to express their similar prayers. In traveling, Jewish and Muslims have different expressions before and after traveling. For example, Jewish people say “Shema Israel” before traveling, and that is a prayer to God to have a nice and safe trip. In English they have a similar saying which is “have a nice flight”; however, this saying is not as strong as Jewish’s saying for containing a prayer, hope, and belief in God. After arriving from a long trip, Muslims have a beautiful expression

It is not only a greeting; it is a combination between greeting, saying, and a praying. For instance, Muslims say “Alhamdu llah alaa al salama’’ which means thank you Allah for our safety. It is usually told between travelers themselves or other people such as family, friends, or a person who is sitting beside you on the plane. It is quite an important expression for its religion background and its cultural impact on Muslims

How to take care of our children It is obvious that parents

they are taking care of their

around the world want the

children. For example, only if

best for their children;

parents give children

however, these achievements require some risks to take. Taking care of our children

the opportunity to explore the world independently

goes through many levels,

will they survive in their

one of which is giving our

future. In addition, it is

children the chance to

crucial that parents provide

become more independent.

the best education for their

Children will eventually come

children. Education is the

to be more independent and

key for everything in our

more responsible, so parents need to build this aspect while

life, and there is a strong relationship between education and success.

For example, people with higher level of education have better chance in their life than people who do not have. Furthermore, education will enhance children’s ability to distinguish between wrong and right. Therefore, it will play an important part in parents’ taking care process.

WHO AM I? International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 6 Written by: NEHAL

“Here in the world beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid” Frederick Buchner. Feeling beautiful and feeling good are not superficial. God created beauty to feel good, so we should not to be afraid of showing what God gives us. Maybe that’s why I like to play makeup artist sometimes. I love beauty and I like the feeling when I put a smile on someone’s face or give happiness to others when

I put a small touch from my brushes on their faces. I remember once how I helped my cousin. She was invited to some big wedding, and I was her makeup artist. She was so happy when she looked at herself in the mirror. She turned around at me and said: “Nehal, you made my day. Thank you!” Before I go on let me introduce myself. My name is Nehal Turkistani and I am studying in the U.S. for bachelor degree.

My dream is to be a fashion designer. Believe it or not fashion is my best friend. I can tell people’s personalities or their moods from their outfit. Somehow I can express myself by designing some clothes. If you take a closer look at life and understand it you might get what I mean. Life is full of great different colors and so is fashion.


Written by: NEHAL

Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young people, both women and men. They think it is a good way to be cool and that it is a stress relief if they smoke. Nowadays, we have many different types of cigarette. That variety can be the biggest way to get people interested in smoking. The difference can be in the shape or flavor. It can be more appealing for the people. However, smoking has many

disadvantages. Smoking doesn’t affect only these who smoke. It also affects those who smell it, which is called secondhand smoke. Smoking brings many diseases for the smokers. Research shows that smoking is killing Americans daily. Every hour that ticks by 50 Americans die from lung cancer and heart disease caused by cigarettes. And even if smoking doesn’t kill them it might still affect their respiration. For example, smokers can’t run for a long time because they

can’t breath well. Many cigarette companies are compelled to write cautionary warnings about smoking. For instance, “smoking kills.” On the other hand, smoking is also killing smokers’ money. The average cost for a pack of cigarettes is above $5 in Virginia State. The price can change depending on the state. For example, if they buy one pack daily that will costs them almost $170 monthly, and $2,040 annually. For all these reasons, smoking is a very bad idea.

International Students News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 7 Ghadir Batarfi

My hobby “Drawing� Drawing is my favorite hobby. I started drawing when I was 9 years old. I like drawing a landscape of color when I am relaxed and optimistic, but when I am upset or I have a problem I draw the things around me because it empties the worry inside me until I quiet down. I think drawing with charcoal and pencil is very wonderful and beautiful, but it needs to be in very professional and accurate hands. Usually it is used in drawing people. The landscape painting

is more beautiful and clear when drawn in color because it reflects the photo.

The drawing is not easy for everyone, but now it has been facilitated by computer programs which make it easy for anyone to draw.

Actually I have a portfolio of my handiwork but I left it in my country. However I painted new ones quickly to share my hobby with you.

Finally, drawing is an expression for my emotions towards objects and things and translates my feelings to musical harmony, as well as turns my impressions into forms and colors.

My experience in the Math Olympics Since I was a little girl I have liked math and I like solving mathematical problems and thinking about them. I took part in competitions in school and I sometimes got first, second or third place. When I went to high school my teacher chose me

to participate in the Mathematics Olympics because my degree was complete.

a beautiful experience and it broke the barriers of fear.

This was the first challenge for me. Before participating in the Olympics I took a training course for three months. After that I took the test. It was difficult, and I was very scared and nervous, but it was

Although, I did not get a high score I like Math very much.

My Major The international students Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 8 Thekra

When I was in elementary and intermediate school, there were many different situations that interested me. For example, if I saw a baby in the beginning of his life crying loudly and then he stopped once his mother cared for him, I asked myself, "How does he recognize his mother?" On the hand, when I see an old person afraid of death, a person who prefers to be alone every time, or a riotous student or child I used to think about these situations in a scientific way. I was looking for the best science which would give me all the

Every one of us has a special close friend, who is different from all the other friends. We all have some one that tells us a lot of things about our life, problems, and adventures. But sometimes we have something we cannot tell anyone about, even though this person is very close to us. Sometimes, we need to keep this thing secret but we can express it through

answers to all the questions in my brain. I think Psychology is the best science to help me.

After I started studying, I saw the crying baby as a normal situation because all of us had a birth shock in the beginning of our life, but we can recognize our mothers by smiling or feeling. For the old person he could have "death anxiety". The noisy

child could be a very "plus active child". So Psychology tells me the specific name for all different situations. Not just that but it can tell me all the solutions for the problematic situations and depends on a scientific base. It has many theories which are very important to solve any problems related in the human psyche.

Sigmund Freud

The writing

Sigmund Freud

different ways, such as drawing, playing music or writing poems. For me, writing is my best friend who is can listen to me all the time.

thrown it away. Since I become able to use a pen and papers, I have used my own word to express everything that is important to me. When I am happy, sad, angry, or upset, I write everything. If I have a new experience, if I go to any new place, I write and describe the smallest details such as accurate paintings or video clips in my own words.

It records all my hopes for last mistakes because I write everything in my life and I keep it and I have never

International Student news Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 9

Written by :

Tirad Al maiman  

Born: 1994/08/01 Home country : Saudia Arabia, Al Riyadh city.

Our horse Plara with her son Hetler, at our farm north of Al- Riyadh city.

THE BEST FAMILY IN THE WORLD In my opinion, my family is the best family in the world because of our treatment and our love to each other. First, my father and my mother work together in the military and their age is 50. They are also cousins! Second, I have only one brother. His name is Ebrahim. His age is 25 years. Third, there is me: a kind-hearted person whose age is 20 years. Fourth, there is my little sister whose age is 15 years, and fifth there is my older sister who is 17years old. Therefore, there is not a big difference between our

to graduate from George Mason University where I am staying. And then I will stay with all my family for good. In conclusion these are some of my reasons why I regard my family as the best family in the world.

Moreover, I am a student in the U.S now and my brother is in Austrialia. We keep in touch every week together with my parents, and my sisters every weekend. On the other hand, the military is in my parents` blood. They are still serious and strict sometimes. Finally, I hope and I hope

Hetler grown up.

Our Family’s Horses On our farm, there are 5 horses that we bought from the U.K.All of my family like the horses because it is a sport, a hobby and a business at the same time. Usually, we buy the horses in their early years from anywhere, and then we train them for jumping and racing. We have two trainers who have excellent experience.

My father’s English horse.

ages and we love each other . In addition, our parents gave us freedom. They told us, “Do whatever you think is your duty for your life”. Although, each of my parents works in the military, they treat us with kindness, and equality.

Every weekend after school, all of us go to the farm to renew and spend the whole weekend there. We enjoy that a lot because we gather together there after a long week.

Horses are very expensive. They cost a lot of money and need very high care. For instance, they need special fruits, sugar and vitamins. We have a saying in The Middle East “the horses sport is the kings” sport .” On the other hand, horses are extremely friendly. There is research which shows the second most friendly and loyal kind of animals after the dogs are the horses. There are two kinds of horses in the world English and Arabic horses. English horses are heavy and huge. People use them for the

jumping. Arabic horses are beautiful and slender. People usually use them for the racing and running. In my opinion, it is the best hobby and sport to all. And you should give it a try one day.

My mother’s Arabic horse.

International student news fall 2013 Issue 1, p 10 Essraa alsobhi

Introduction of myself It is interesting to talk about myself. I am married and I have a son. His name is Ayed. He is two years old. I have a bachelor’s degree in English. Now, I live in the USA to study English language at George Mason. I am going to tell you a little bit about my background, hobbies, and goals. Although I am from Saudi Arabia, I was born in Egypt. It is a very beautiful city. I lived 11 years there because my mother is Egyptian. I enjoyed it a lot there. Cairo is known as the Pharaohnic civilization. Moreover, there are the pyramids of Giza and theSphinx. The pyramids

are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Further more, there is the Nile River that is the longest river in the world. In addition, millions of tourists visit Cairo every year.I like Cairo a lot because I spent my child hood there.

When I play with my son, I forget the entire world. I can see the happiness in his eyes. Also, I like cooking. I have become a good and famous cook in my family. I can cook all kinds of food like Italian, Chinese, Indian, and Mexican.

After that, I moved to Saudi Arabia with my family. It is an amazing place. It is the most important place of Islam because there are the holy mosques there. It is a comfortable country. Then, I come to USA to complete my master’s degree in teaching English language.

I hope to get better in English. I want to get my master’s degree in English language with high grade. Also, I wish to be a good teacher in college. I have to work hard to achieve my goals. My primary goals are to get high scores in master’s degree and to be professional teacher in English

My interests are playing with my son and cooking.

Traveling is my hobby A hobby is a special activity that we like to do for our entertainment. I think hobbies are the greatest thing in people's lives. My hobby is traveling. I have a passion for traveling. Traveling is a charming way to discover new places. I have visited many countries, such as Egypt, Turkey, Dubai, and the USA. In Egypt, I visited

the pyramids and Sphinx. Also, I saw many museums. I shot many pictures there. I learned about their cultures and the Pharaohnic Civilization. Also, I visited Turkey many years ago. It is an amazing country. I was impressed with the nature. I liked the tall trees that were like sky scrapers. I rode the cable car between the green mountains and trees. I

took a lot of pictures with my husband there. Moreover, I went to Dubai. I visited Khalifa tower. It is the tallest in the world. I went up to the highest point to take many pictures of Dubai.

Finally, I came to the USA. I found nd thing in this every 2 column country, such as mountains, natures, Your article beaches, andwill museums. automatically continue to I have enjoyed this column all my travels a lot.

International Student News Spring 2011 Issue 1, p 11 Anfal

When somebody says to me” Talk about yourself, “I feel shy and all the words hide from my mind. However this time I will collect my ideas to talk about myself. I am a girl like any girl in the world. I have many dreams and wishes I want to achieve. I live in a family with five girls and two boys. I have very wonderful parents. I am from Saudi Arabia. I studied in Princes Nora University, but I have not graduated yet. My major is business

administration. In future I would like

to work in a bank.

By the way, I am committed to the customs and traditions of my country such as weddings, food and clothes. In addition, I have many interests like listening to political news, watching movies and making

dessert in my free time. I prefer to share with my friends their interests such as swimming, horses riding and reading books, especially psychology books. I think when I do that it gives me motive to improve myself. I have a strong personality in difficult position but I am kind hearted and I like making friendship and socializing. I think I talk a lot but the words and feeling shy remain when I am asked to talk about myself.

Dream become true When I was a child, I liked to read Walt Disney stories. I dreamed that one day I would meet Cinderella, shake Snow White’s hand or play with Mickey Mouse. I didn’t expect this dream would become true.

On May fifth, we, my

family and I, traveled to Orlando by airplane. When we arrived in Orlando, it was raining. Then we went to the hotel to take a rest. After that we went to Disney land. When we entered I thought I was in dream. I watched a dancing Disney character show in front of Disney Pales. After that I took some pictures with famous Disney character like Jasmina, Donald and Goofy. I spent a great time with them.

Then I went on all the rides there like I took a tour by Steam Train and I rode a race car. At night, the lights turned off ready for fireworks. I was entranced by the show. In summary, that day deserves to be written down in a diary. nd 2


Your article will automatically continue to this column

United Arab Emirates capital city of UAE,

World Club

interested to write

Dubai, Sharjah,

Championship in 2009

about my country in

Ajman, Ras Al-

and 2010.


this news paper. Iam

Khaimah, Umm Al-

Fall 2013

from the United Arab

Qwuain and Al-

Emirates, which is a


International Student

I am so

Issue 1, p 12

unity of seven

Abdulla alkaabi


The United

 

Each city has a governor, and they are working to find what the people need to live a decent life. The seven emirates are Abu Traditional confusion

Dhabi, which is the

Also UAE is going to host the World Expo 2020 in Dubai. It is one of the

Arab Emirates also is a

most important events

center of many

which happen every

different cultures and

five years. It brings the

communities. There

whole world in one

are more than 30

place to work together.

communities who live

For example, they are

in it.

going to work to find In fact, there

are a lot of important global conference and events held in the UAE. They had the

permanent sources of energy and water and how they can growth and develop the economy.

Abu-Dhabi Ferrari World example, it has the

Arabic food. In

world's fastest roller

addition, you will not

coaster, and this is my

leave without buying

favorite . I have been

gifts from the largest

there more than ten

Ferrari Store in the

time. Also, it has small

world, for example,

Abu-Dhabi Ferrari World

Ferrari cars for the

clothes, shoes and

is the biggest indoor

kids. Also, you will

models of the Ferrari

park in the world. It’s a

have a chance to

cars. For me I bought

great place to spend our

choose many different

a model of Ferrari car,

time in because It has

kinds of restaurants

and put it in my

many facilities for the

and food, for example,


whole family. For

Italian, Chinese and

About Me International Student News Spring 2011 Issue 1, p 13 Amal

I have a bachelor's

this accent. However, I will

have my own daycare, it is my

degree in Human Recourse

try to learn this beautiful

Management from King

best dream!

luxury accent one day.

Abdul-Aziz University in

I have many plans

In addition, I have a lot of hobbies and interests, I

Jeddah, and one day I want to

in my life, and I hope to

be a business woman.

love to shop with my friends,

achieve these plans. I think

and buy a lot of new things. My

when I write these plans one

and I am from Saudi Arabia. I

favorite things which I always

by one then I can achieve all

am an English student in

love to buy are clothes and

of my dreams.

GMU, and I have been in the

bags, I cannot stop buying these

One of my plans after I learn

U.S.A since April.


English is to complete my

am in my country, I always

master's degree. Thereafter, I

States of America to study

meet my aunt on weekends, and

hope to find a good Job in my

English. I will be proud of

we watch movies with each


other. We love to watch scary

My name is Amal,

I came to the United

myself if I can speak two

and funny movies.

languages Arabic and English!

I really miss

My favorite accent, which I

my family, and I hope to see

love to listen to, is British

them very soon.

accent. I always read Oxford

short story with a British accent because I want to learn the pronunciation of

Also when I

I wish to meet new people, and My big plan, that I wish to achieve someday, is to have

learn more things from the life experiences.

my own business. I hope to

Jeddah City Bride of the Red Sea is my city Jeddah. It is one of the main cities in Saudi Arabia. It is called “Bride of the Red Sea" because it is located on the Red Sea. Also, it has the biggest

Jeddah is a wonderful city.

restaurants like Apple

However, it is a crowded

Bees, Chili's and Fridays.

city! It has many tourists

These were my favorite

and people from different

restaurants in Jeddah.

countries. It has many malls such as Mall of Arabia and Red Sea Mall.

fountain in the world which is built in the middle of the Red Sea. The water enters this fountain from the Red Sea.

There are many palm trees in Jeddah's street. The palm trees produce a lot of delicious dates

These are the most popular malls in Jeddah. In addition, it has a lot of famous American

which come in different kinds. Over all, I hope my city always be a beautiful bride.

MY BACKGROUND AT International Students News FALL 2013 Issue 1, p 14

Sultanah x Alsenani

Education: I graduated from the Chemistry department at University Of Taibah. And I am planning to complete my study in Master and PhD in the same major. Now I am an English Language International student at George Mason University. Hopefully, I can complete my higher education here, because I like living here and it has international students and I want to learn about cultures, too.

In Yanbu we have a big annual celebration every spring called “Flowers Festival”. Lots of people from other cities come to see it, and take lots of pictures. Also, there is a big carpet design. It is quite amazing. And there are lots of activities in this festival such as songs and old style dance from yanbu. Men and children wear special clothes for that kind of dance, It is narrow at the top and a very wide at the bottom. There is also a bazaar for selling traditional food from my city and some traditional clothes, too. I took some pictures of the festival with my own camera and I hope you like them.

Hobbies: Hometown: I am from Yanbu, which is in the west of Saudi Arabia. Yanbu has an amazing sea”Red Sea”. I ike going to the beach every weekend with my family and friends. I like seeing view of sunrise and sunset. It is the most beautiful view that I have seen in my life. Also, people in my city are friendly and kind.

I like reading, especially books that talk about selfdevelopment and time management because I like to develop myself and control my time. Also, I like cooking and I love to create a new dish. All my friends and family like my cooking and they call me great cook. I like watching television, especially movies, but I do not like watching News because there is some unrealistic news, which exaggerates everything and repeats it too.

Flowers Festival Additionally, the things that I most like are the kinds and colors of flowers such as Iris which is a purple color, tulip which is a yellow and red color, daffodil has a yellow color, and anemone is blue, purple and white, finally Persian Buttercup is yellow and pink . And these are some pictures of them.



Impassioned Life International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 15 Soheir Alamri

I am like a butterfly. I can’t stay in one place for a long time. I have dreams and a lot of things to do in my life. First of all, my name is Soheir. I come from desert country. This means high heat temperature. I came to the US in February so it was cold and snowy. This was a shock for me. I have two amazing children who are usually very activity. They like to play all the day. However, in my life I have had a dream since high school to take a science major and I did it. Now I have two

Puctures from google

majors: physics computer science.


In addition, I have a lot of other dreams. One of them is to take a master and then begin my own business. My life is an adventure. I like to travel to stirring new places. I traveled to Malaysia, France, Egypt and Dubai. I wish I could travel to Jamaica,

Maldives Seychelles too.


As for the end of the week, there is another plan. I go to the shops, parks, museums and watch movies. You can’t find me at home in the weekend In conclusion, I have a varied life and I still want to do more and more new things

Natural Disasters The natural disasters are common now. There are many kinds all over the world, and the impact cannot be changed by the easy way. Hurricanes, floods and volcano are examples of natural disasters. All countries which are located on the risk line are in real danger.

Volcanos are the great danger, and they occur because of collision between tectonic places in the earth. Indonesia is a famous country for volcanos. It has 130 of them. The worst one was in 2012 at Merabi Mountin. It killed a lot of people. There are thousands of people who drown in floods every year. Actually, it is a common disaster in many places. For example,, two weeks iago n Colorado they had a big flood where several people died.

Every where we can find different kinds of natural disasters by different ways. So we must anticipate them happening any time. All in all, no one can stop any natural thing because it just happens, but we nd to be prepared for it 2need column so we can minimize the damage and loss of life. Your article will automatically continue to this column

From My Memory International Student News

do anything. He should think before he decides what he wants. The last one and the most important thing is to not take others’ stuff because he does not know what might happen if he uses it. And even if he uses it, he should be very careful and remember that is not his own stuff.

Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 16 Rakan

Like many people, I have a lot of strange things that have happened in my life and specifically when I was a teenager. So when I remember what I and my friends did, I remember one of the strangest and biggest things that my friend did in his whole life which was The Theft! The story began in the high school exam time. He finished the exam and went home by taxi. His parents were at their work, his older sister was in the university and his younger brother was sleeping deeply! So the position was very good to go to his parents’ room and steal one of his father’s cars. He opened the key box and got the van’s key. He thought that it would be okay to drive and get

experience, because there were some of our friends driving cars and they were making him feel exited, and he wanted to be like them because he did not want to be afraid. He knew just a little of how to drive but he was not doing well with the mirrors because there are several mirrors in the car. So what happened was he had an accident with the car when he was right in front of me because he didn’t notice that. He was just looking for who was next to me and who was behind me. He absolutely learned from that thing a lot of lessons. First of all, he should be a frank person with his parents and tell them clearly what he wants because they Second, the parents’ permission is not enough to

If time takes him back to the past, he will not steal the others’ stuff and specifically the dangerous things like the car keys for many reasons. First of all, if he does not drive today, he will drive tomorrow. So he will wait until the legal time to drive. Second, he will try to drive more carefully and avoid the accidents. Third, he will learn how to drive perfectly without any mistake. In the end, he hopes he gained some benefits from his experience and that you enjoy reading about it. Remember that driving is not hard to do because most of us have a car at least and drive it, at the same time but it is not so easy. So be careful and see what the law says because the law is the correct way to be on the safe side.

UYGHUR International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 17 Varis


Crzay Transfer Deadline Day

“I’m Uyghur not Chinese. Ok! What is Uyghur? ” This kind of conversation always happens to me. As a Uyghur student, and maybe the only one in the ELI, it’s my pleasure and responsibility to introduce my country and culture to people who don’t know anything about Uyghur. Our country is East Turkistan that the Chinese government calls XinJiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It is located in the west of mainland China and next to Kazakhstan. Our language is also named Uyghur which means together and united. Since we are one of the Turkic ethnics, our language is similar to Uzbek, Turkish and other Turkic ethnics’ talking.

Muslim; Islam reached this area in the 11th century. Culturally, 12 Mukam is really famous since it is the longest piece of music in the world. 12 Mukam includes 12 songs whose lyrics are kind of like epic, and every one has its own background based on the different places where it was produced in East Turkistan. This is a famous painting named Muqam. Also, it was drawn from a Muqam performance.

In this picture they used several well-known instruments; for instance, Dutar- on right side and half way down of the picture; Rawap- at the bottom right. Satar- in the centre of the picture. These instruments are also used in regular music. East Turkistan is a large country, so you can find something in each area. As a Uyghur, I hope you become familiar with us. I can tell you more if you want to know more.

(MUQAMprovided by Google)

Moreover, we are

Arsenal F.C. 5-1 Real Madrid Maybe, you are curious about the headline. I think you want to ask me,” Did they play recently?” My answer is “NO”. But do you know what happened on the transfer deadline day? After Gareth Bale transferred to Real Madrid from Tottenham Hotspur, Mesut Ozil went to Arsenal, and this is the beginning of my story. On the transfer deadline day, everybody was waiting for Real Madrid to announce that they had finished the trade to bring Bale to Bernabeu stadium. Nobody thought that this trade would fail, and it was

a big deal this season. But when the deal was almost done, some new gossip broke out, “Arsenal wants to get Ozil.” Immediately, Ozil became the hot topic of deadline day. Fans of Real Madrid were depressed by this information, so they posted, “Don’t sell Mesut!” to Perez during Bale’s welcome ceremony. However, some people didn’t believe it was true, because Wenger had a reputation of being a stingy manager for several years even though he showed a sly smile after the north London derby.

Finally, the gossip became news. Arsenal announced that they had gotten Ozil for €50m which was half of Bale’s transfer fee. To contrast the sales status of Arsenal and Real Madrid; Arsenal has sold five times more Ozil uniforms than Bale’s. Perez wanted to use Bale to cover Neymar’s sensation, but he failed. But we should wait to know whether they are reasonable trades. Also, we do not know yet who the winner is, but the loser is certainly Tottenham.

Me & my family International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 18 Omar Almasoud

Hello, here is a little bit about me and my family. I'm Omar Almasoud. I’m from Saudi Arabia from Riyadh. I have a great mother, three sisters and two brothers. We live in a big house in Riyadh. We meet every weekend in our house. I like it when we stay together. We talk, drink tea or coffee and laugh. I miss those days.

That was a little bit about my family. For me I studied school in Riyadh. I graduated with my bachelors from

the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport in Egypt. My major is logistics. It's hard but so interesting. It’s hard because we learn something new and difficult. Interesting because we work out of the college and we like what we learn.

I lived four years in Egypt. I like that country. I made good friends. We had a good time hanging out many times, and I miss them.

My future plan is to speak English very well. After that I will start my masters, and I wish to Barcelona VS Valladolidstudy for my PHD. I hope after that to get a good job.

That's a little bit about me and my family. Last Saturday there was a match between Barcelona and Valladolid. The match was in round 8 of the Spanish La Liga. When the match ended, Barcelona had won four goals to one against Valladolid. The referee of the match was Fernando. The Valladolid team scored the first goal, and then Barcelona scored th by Sanches in the 14

minute. The first half ended a draw between the teams. In the second half Xavi scored for Barcelona in th the 25 minute. Then Sanches scored a third goal for Barcelona and the second for him. The last goal for Barcelona was by th Niymar in 70 minute. The match was good and exciting from both teams. But Barcelona was controlling most of the

match. The referee Fernando tried to control of the match but the fans were angry about some of his decision. After this match Barcelona is now first in the Spanish La liga and has 24 points. Valladolid now is 17th in the Spanish La liga and has 6 points. Finally the fans cheered the players for their performance.

MOREGLEE APPLES ! International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 19



The USA has as many TV series as it has apple pies. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. So I’ve started watching TV series since I came here. Thus, the TV series that I am going to recommend is Glee.

backgrounds, Mr. Will always has a lot of problems getting everyone to get along with each other. But the glee club makes some achievements and many funny and moving things happen.

Glee is showing on FOX 9/8C every Thursday. It is a musical drama and involves a little bit of comedy and romance.

The most exciting part of Glee is that they always sing songs in the glee club. They sing not only for practicing but also for showing their emotion. You could listen to so many famous songs, and they cover them really

In Glee, the story happens in a local high school in Ohio. The storyline begins with Mr. Will (Matthew Morrison), who is a Spanish teacher in this high school,. He wants to create a glee club to help students to achieve their music dreams. Rachel Berry (Lea Michele), Finn Hudson(Cory Monteith), Kurt Hummel(Chris Colfer) and other students attend it. But Ms. Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch), who is the coach of the cheering team, doesn’t want Mr. Will or glee club to become successful and popular. Plus, because everybody in the glee club has different

nice with their own style. With the development of story line, more and more characters will attend the club, and some members will go to colleges to continue their musical dreams. If you ask me to give stars, I will give 4.5 stars; Glee is very appropriate for our peer group. Moreover, I think this is a good TV series to welcome Friday on Thursday night.

International Student News Fall 2013 Issue 1, p 12

Apples by Soheir

Apples by Abdulla

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