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What We Eat
GMO’S foods are being placed in America’s refrigerators everytime we buy groceries.
by Marco Gutierrez
What is Genetically Modify Food? The term GM foods or GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is most commonly used to refer to crop plants created for human or animal consumption using the latest molecular biology techniques. These plants have been modified in the laboratory to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content. The enhancement of desired traits has traditionally been undertaken through breeding, but conventional plant breeding methods can be very time consuming and are often not very accurate. Genetic Engineering, on the other hand, can create plants with the exact desired trait very rapidly z example, plant geneticists can isolate a gene responsible for drought tolerance and insert that gene into a different plant. The new genetically modified plant will gain drought tolerance as well. Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms also can be used. The best known example of this is the use of B.t. genes in corn and other crops. B.t., or Bacillus Thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium that produces crystal proteins that are lethal to insect larvae. B.t.crystal protein genes have been transferred into corn, enabling the corn to produce its own pesticides against insects such as the European corn borer. For two informative overviews of some of the techniques involved in creating GM foods, visit Biotech Basics (sponsored by Monsanto)
Left, USA produces 86% of its corn GMO. Botton, The Belgian Blue, a modified cow that produces low percentage of fat.
Biotech industry is fond of saying that they offer genetically modified (GM) crops that resist pests. This might conjure up the image of insects staying away from GM crop fields. But “resisting pests” is just a euphemism for contains its own built-in pesticide. When bugs take a bite of the GM plant, the toxin splits open their stomach and kills them. The idea that we consume that same toxic pesticide in every bite is hardly appetizing. But the biotech companies and the Environmental Protection Agency–which regulates plant produced pesticides–tell us not to worry. They contend that the pesticide called Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis) is produced naturally from a soil bacterium and has a history of safe use. Organic farmers, for example, have used solutions containing the natural bacteria for years as a method of insect control. Genetic engineers simply remove the gene that produces The the Bt in bacteria and then insert it into the DNA of corn and cotton plants, so that the plant does the work, not the farmer. Moreover, they say that Bt-toxin is quickly destroyed in our stomach; and even if it survived, since humans and other mammals have no receptors for the toxin, it would not interact with us in any case.
Plants According to the FDA and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),there are over 40 plant varieties that have completed all of the federal requirements for commercialization Some examples of these plants include tomatoes and cantaloupes that have modified ripening characteristics, soybeans and sugar beets that are resistant to herbicides, and corn and cotton plants with increased resistance to insect pests. Not all these products are available in supermarkets yet; however, the prevalence
of GM foods in U.S. grocery stores responsible for producing the allergens in is more widespread than is commonly cats and destroyed it with a method called thought. While there are very few geneti- “gene silencing.” As the name suggests, it cally modified whole fruits and vegetables can be a very torturous experience for the available on produce stands, highly animal—and perhaps an unjust one, considprocessed foods, such as vegetable oils or ering the pet owner could just vacuum more breakfast cereals, most likely contain some often and maybe take some antihistamines tiny percentage of genetically–modified now and again.The most common animals ingredients because the raw ingredients throated with GMO technics are, tilapia, have been pooled into one processing cows, and pigs. stream from many different sources. Also, the ubiquity of soybean derivatives as food Mostly Male Tilapia additives in the modern American diet Tilapia have been genetically modified to virtually ensures that all U.S. consumers drastically reduce the time it takes for the have been exposed to GM food products. fish to reach maturity, to make them larger, and to help them survive with less food. That’s all standard stuff for genetically Animals modified animals, but there’s one tweak What can you do when you are a cat or dog lover, but are extremely allergic to them? I that’s largely unique to their species: Tilapia guess you could accept your less-than-perfect farmers want their fish to be primarily male. immune system and settle with having a goldfish—or you could purchase a hypoallergenic pet. A company called Lifestyle Pets claims that they are able to breed hypoallergenic pets by selecting cats and dogs that have “naturally occurring genetic divergences” for breeding. This group of cats and dogs doesn’t produce the types of pet allergens (a total of four in cats and six in dogs) responsible for allergic reactions in humans. But with prices starting at $6,950, you might find you prefer owning a goldfish anyway. It’s interesting to note that before Lifestyle Pets found the proper pets to breed, they actually turned to gene modification to produce their first batch of hypoallergenic pets. The scientists isolated the protein
Super Cows The Belgian Blue is a breed that has a defective myostatin gene (the gene that is responsible for muscle inhibition) that results in double muscling. Belgian Blues are said to have more lean meat and reduced fat content, which leads to significantly more health risks (and inbreeding) than other breeds and puts a premium price on these steaks
Popeye Pigs Dubbed “Popeye Pigs,” these pigs have been inserted with a spinach gene that converts saturated fat into unsaturated fat (linoleic acid).
GM foods may include even the adition of DNA from species that would not breed in nature.
P er c ent age O f P r oduc t i o n s O f Gmo is an organism whose
G m o ’s Cr o p s I n T h e U s a
genetic material has been
altered using genetic
engineering techniques.
GMOs are the constituents
of genetically modified foods.
Combination of specias that have absolutely nothing in comon. manipulatios is going farther than any
70% Itens in American food stores conteining GMOs.
The USA is the largest producer of GMOs in the world, and doesn’t havemandate for labeling them.
In more than 30 Countries GMO foods were banned
or restricted because they are no consider safe..
Soy Beans
Cross-species–or Transgenic– genetic
expectation that humanshave ever had.
93% Cotton
90% Canola
86% Corn
National Opinion Of Gmo’s
Wa n t G M O s l a b e l e d .
Wo u l d n o b u y g e n e t i c a l l y m o d i f i e d f o o d
Kids are in highest risk of getting sick by consuming GMOs food.
Pros and Cons of Genetically Modify Food Con: Allergic Reaction GMO’s foods can present significant allergy risks to people, according to Brown University. Genetic modification often mixes or adds proteins that weren’t indigenous to the original plant or animal, causing new allergic reactions in the human body. In some cases, proteins from an organism that you’re allergic to may be added to an organism that you weren’t originally allergic to, prompting the same allergic reaction experienced from the first organism.
Pro: Insect Resistance Some GMO’s foods have been modified to make them more resistant to insect pests. The University of California in San Diego reports that a toxic bacterium can be added to crops to make them insect repellent, yet safe for human use. This can reduce the amount of pesticide chemicals used on the plants, thus potentially reducing exposure to pesticides.
Con: Decreased Antibiotic Efficacy Some GMO’s foods have had antibiotic features built into them to make them immune or resistant to diseases or viruses, according to Iowa State University. When you eat them, these antibiotic markers persist in your body and can make actual antibiotic medications less effective. The universiwarns that such ingestion of GMO foods and regu lar exposure
A new report claims that Con: Gene Transfer geneticallymodified foods (or A constant risk of GMO foods is that the organisms) can damage your modified genes of the organisms may escape into the wild. Brown University health and even cause cancer, warns that herbicide-resistant genes but some experts say they’re from commercial crops may cross into an inexpensive and healthy way the wild weed population, thus creating to put dinner on your table.” “superweeds” that are impossible to kill
to antibiotics may be contributing to the decreased effectiveness of antibiotic drugs that is being noticed in hospitals around the world.
Pro: Environmental Protection Oklahoma State University reports that the increase of GMO crops and animals often requires less chemicals, time and tools, and may help to reduce environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and soil erosion. This can improve the general beauty and health of the environment surrounding farms and contribute to the sustaining of better air and water quality, which can indirectly benefit your personal well-being.
with herbicides. A related risk is that the escape of genetically enhanced animals and vegetation can create new super-organisms that can out-compete natural animal and plant populations to drive certain species into extinction.
Pro: More Nutritious Foods The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations reports that some GMO’s foods have been engineered to be more nutritious in terms of mineral or vitamin content. Not only does this help you get the nutrients you need, it can also play a significant role in battling malnutrition in the developing world. The United Nations advises that vitamin A-enhanced rice is helping to reduce global vitamin A deficiencies.
GMO’s Can Even Cause Cancer A new report claims that genetically modified foods (or organisms) can damage your health and even cause cancer, but some experts say they’re an inexpensive and healthy way to put dinner on your table. Modifying the genetic structure of food is not a new concept. For centuries, farmers have improved our food supply by crossbreeding different types of plants or animals to come up with new organisms that would taste better, yield more, and grow in more difficult conditions. The result is thousands of different crops that feed billions of people. These practices were once limited to
combining the traits of organisms only within the same species. Today, due to advances in biotechnology, that is no longer the case. Scientists can now genetically engineer different species so that they share the same genetic material. For example, they can breed corn with a built-in pesticide that can kill bugs or survive chemical sprays. Or they can move the gene from a fish that lives in cold water into a tomato so it can survive in cold weather. This new technology has the potential to revolutionize how we produce food to feed a growing population – but at what cost? These advancements have concerned consumers and activists. Though the intentions may be for good, the effects of these foods are controversial. Is this new form of
genetic modification safe? A new French study says no. Why? This is what they found: NK603 is a type of corn that has been genetically modified to be tolerant of a commonly used herbicide, which would eliminate surrounding weeds, but it would also be present in small quantities in the foods we eat. The scientists fed rats NK603 that contained levels of the herbicide. They found the rats eventually developed massive tumors after seven months and died earlier than animals fed a “regular” diet. Despite studies about it, more research needs to be done on the long-term effects of genetically modified foods on humans. Until that happens, many European countries, like Russia and the UK, have already banned certain types of GMOs for human consumption.
Campaign against GMO’s food in the US, is being supported by markets and consumers.
Gmo’s Provoke Immune Reactions According to GM food safety expert Dr. Arpad Pusztai, changes in the immune status of GM animals are “a consistent feature of all the studies.” Even Monsanto’s own research showed significant immune system changes in rats fed Bt corn. A November 2008 by the Italian government also found that mice have an immune reaction to Bt corn. GM soy and corn each contain two new proteins with allergenic properties, GM soy has up to seven times more trypsin inhibitor–a known soy allergen, and skin prick tests show some people react to GM, but not to non-GM soy. Soon after GM soy was introduced to the UK, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50%. Perhaps the US epidemic of food allergies and asthma is a casualty of genetic manipulation.
Genetically Modify Food Possible Risk Food Designed To Produce Toxin GM corn and cotton are engineered to produce their own built-in pesticide in every cell. When bugs bite the plant, the poison splits open their stomach and kills them. Biotech companies claim that the pesticide, called Bt—produced from soilbacteria Bacillus thuringiensis—has a history of safe use, since organic farmers and others use Bt bacteria spray for natural insect control. Genetic engineers insert Bt genes into corn and cotton, so the plants do the killing. The Bt-toxin produced in GM plants, however, is thousands of times more concentrated than natural Bt spray, is designed to be more toxic,has properties of an allergen, and unlike the spray, cannot be washed off the plant. Moreover, studies confirm that even the less toxic natural bacterial spray is harmful. When dispersed by plane to kill gypsy moths in the Pacific Northwest, about 500 people reported allergy or flu-like symptoms. Some had to go to the emergency room. The exact same symptoms are now being reported by farm workers throughout India, from handling Bt cotton.In 2008, based on medical records, the Sunday India reported, “Victims of itching have increased massively this year related to BT cotton farming.”
Animals Dying In Large Numbers In India, animals graze on cotton plants after harvest. But when shepherds let sheep graze on Bt cotton plants, thousands died. Post mortems showed severe irritation and black patches in both intestines and liver (as well as enlarged bile ducts). Investigators said preliminary evidence “strongly suggests that the sheep mortality was due to a toxin.…most probably Bttoxin.”In a small follow-up feeding study by the Deccan Development Society, all sheep fed Bt cotton plants died within 30 days; those that grazed on natural cotton plants remained healthy. Bt corn was implicated in the deaths of cows in Germany, and horses, water buffaloes, and chickens in The Philippines. In lab studies, twice the number of chickens fed Liberty Link corn died; 7 of 20 rats fed a GM tomato developed bleeding stomachs; another 7 of 40 died within two weeks. Monsanto’s own study showed evidence of poisoning in major organs of rats fed Bt corn, according to top French toxicologist G. E. Seralini.
Dangerously Few Studies, Untraceable Diseases AAEM states, “GM foods have not been properly tested” and “pose a serious health risk.” Not a single human clinical trial on GMOs has been published. A 2007 review of published scientific literature on the
Dubbed “Popeye Pigs” these pigs have been inserted with a spinach gene that converts saturated fat into unsaturated fat.
It seems to be an unlikely story–the farm and big data–but Monsanto hasbrought this concept to the forefront with their $1 billion purchase of the Climate Corporation
“potential toxic effects/health risks of GM took more than four years to identify that plants” revealed “that experimental data an epidemic was even occurring. By then it are very scarce.” The author concludes his had killed about 100 Americans and caused review by asking, “Where is the scientific 5,000-10,000 people to fall sick or become evidence showing that GM plants/food are permanently disabled. It was caused by toxicologically safe, as assumed by the a genetically engineered brand of a food biotechnology companies?” supplement called L-tryptophan. Famed Canadian geneticist David If other GM foods are contributing to Suzuki answers, “The experiments simply the riseer know. In fact, since animals fed haven’t been done and we now have GMOs had such a wide variety of problems, become the guinea pigs.”Headds, “Anyone susceptible people may react to GM food that says, ‘Oh, we know that this is perfectly with multiple symptoms. It is therefore safe,’ I say is either unbelievably stupid or telling that in the first nine years after the deliberately lying.” large scale introduction of GM crops in Dr. Schubert points out, “If there are 1996, the incidence of people with three problems, we will probably never know or more chronic diseases nearly doubled, because the cause will not be traceable from 7% to 13%.To help identify if GMOs and many diseases take a very long time are causing harm, the AAEM asks their to develop.” If GMOs happen to cause “members, the medical community, and immediate and acute symptoms with a the independent scientific community to unique signature, perhaps then we might gather case studies potentially related to GM have a chance to trace the cause. food consumption and health effects, begin This is precisely what happened during a epidemiological research to investigate the US epidemic in the late 1980s. The disease role of GM foods on human health, and was fast acting, deadly, and caused a unique conduct safe methods of determining the measurable change in the blood—but it still effect of GM foods on human health.”
Genetically Modify Food Firms The GM firms present themselves as operating out of futuristic laboratories and hi-tech greenhouses in order to provide farmers with innovative crops with valuable new traits. But in reality, all the leading GM firms developed out of the chemical industry and they remain the world’s biggest manufacturers of agrochemicals. The leading GM corporations together control nearly 75% of the global pesticide market.
Monsanto Monsanto was created in 1901. The company’s first product was the artificial sweetener saccharin. In the 1920s Monsanto expanded into basic industrial chemicals. During the Second World War Monsanto contributed to research on uranium for the Manhattan Project, which lead to the atomic bomb. Monsanto continued to operate a nuclear facility for the U.S. government until the late 1980s. During the 1940s Monsanto also become a leading manufacturer of
synthetic fibres and plastics, including polystyrene – ranked fifth in the EPA’s list of chemicals whose production generates the most total hazardous waste. From the 1940s onwards Monsanto was one of the top 10 US chemical companies. The key to Monsanto’s metamorphosis into a biotechnology company was the run away success of the herbicide Roundup. Within a few years of its 1976 launch, Roundup was being marketed in 115 countries. According to Glover, “Sales grew by 20 per cent in 1981 and as the company increased production it was soon Monsanto’s most profitable product (Monsanto 1981, 1983)... It soon became the single most important product of Monsanto’s agriculture pision, which contributed about 20 per cent of sales and around 45 per cent of operating income to the company’s balance sheet each year during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Today, glyphosate remains the world’s biggest herbicide by volume of sales. Monsanto offers farmers a wide range of corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, canola, sorghum and sugar cane seeds. Monsanto Products cover different aspects of the
crops production and this company has patented thirty three products in the market: Asgrow, Certainty Turtf, Channel, Degree Xtra, Dekalb, Deltapine, Fontanelle, Gold Country seed, Harness, Hubner Seed, Intrro, Jung Seed Genetics, Kruger Seeds, Lariat, Lewis Hybrids, microTech,Outrider-IT&O,Re Hybrids, Roundup Custom, Roundup Power Max, Roundup Quick PRO, Roundup Wathe MAX, RT 3, Specialty Hybrids, Steward Seeds Tryple FLEX,WestBred.
Bayer How a chemical and pharmaceutical giant with an appalling record of corporate crimes became a key player in the development, commercialization and sale of GM crops. Bayer AG is a chemical and pharmaceutical giant founded in Barmen, Germany in 1863 by Friedrich Bayer and his partner, Johann Friedrich Weskott. Today it has its headquarters in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It trademarked acetylsalicylic acid as aspirin in 1899. It also trademarked heroin a year earlier, then marketed it world-wide for
decades as a cough medicine for children “without side-effects”, despite the well known dangers of addiction. In the early 1990’s Bayer is said to have placed patients at risk of potentially fatal infections by failing to disclose crucial safety information during a trial of the antibiotic Ciproxin. Up to 650 people underwent surgery using Ciproxin without doctors being informed that studies (as early as 1989) showed Ciproxin reacted badly with other drugs, seriously impairing its ability to kill bacteria. In 2001 Bayer had to recall its anticholesterol drug Baycol/Lipobay, which was subsequently linked to over 100 deaths and 1,600 injuries. Germany’s health minister accused Bayer of sitting
on research documenting Baycol’s lethal side-effects for nearly two months before the government in Berlin was informed. Today Bayer CropScience is one of Bayer’s core business divisions, which include: Bayer HealthCare: drugs, medical devices and diagnotic equipment;Bayer MatealScience AG: polymers and plastics; Bayer CropScience: GM crops and agrochemicals.BayerCropSciencehas been involved in a large number of controversies related to GM crops, perhaps most notably the contamination in 2006of much of the US long-grain rice supply by Bayer’s unapproved Liberty Link GM rice. This caused the U.S. rice industry’s worst ever crisis with:over 40% of US rice exports negatively affectedmultiple federal lawsuits
Thousands of Portlanders around the Lloyd Center after a rally in Holladay Park to voice anger over Monsanto,
filedtrade with the 25-nation EU at a standstillother countries banning US longgrain rice importsmany other countries requiring testing of all mports of U.S. rice some markets for medium- and short-grain rice being affectedanother unapproved Bayer GM rice (LL62) also being detected in U.S. rice supplies US rice farmers being warned they would never again be able to validly describe their crop as “GM-free”.
Campaings Again GMO’s Foods Protest again GMO Rallies against the giant agricultural company Monsanto are taking place practically around the entire world. The demonstrators are accusing Monsanto of them adopt laws protecting the company’s producing genetically modified products interests. traOn October 5, the Movement . The entire US and Europe are gripped against Monsanto launched what they call with rallies. Marches are also taking “a Twitter storm” calling on people to write place in Canada, Latin America, South against Monsanto’s using of GMO in its Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and production in Twitter and Facebook as some other parts of the world. This is the much as possible. second worldwide march of protest against The campaign gains GM food are taking Monsanto. The first one started as a small place around the work but definitely is event on May 25, 2013 but turned into in EU and the US where they are more a global campaign with over 2 millions actives. In the US farmers demand the end participants in 52 countries. of Monsanto’s “campaign of intimidation In Washington, people dressed up as against America’s family farmers” and their bees are mourning real dead bees. Its is relentless push for GMO (or genetically suspected that dubious insecticides are engineered-GE) crops. The rally followed developing nerve diseases in bees, which a court hearing earlier in the day in the leads to their deaths.In London, protesters ongoing and landmark Organic Seed marched near the Parliament’s building. Growers and Trade Association at all. Hundreds of people marched in Chennai, Monsanto case, in which OSGATA and southeast India.Over 700 people took part other plaintiffs sued the biotech firm for in a rally in Chicago at noon. In Moscow, its continual and aggressive harassment Russia, protesters marched along the city’s of organic farmers and independent seed central streets with corn cobs in their hands. growers. The protest suggested an uptick The “Russia without GMO” campaign in efforts to demand labeling, which was started in 2013. Its organizers hope to defeated in a California ballot initiative in collect 1 mln signatures.On September 23, November. Creve Coeur-based Monsanto Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvevev spent at least $8 million in an industry-wide signed a law that allows planting GMO effort to sink the California proposition. sees in the country. Vermont state Sen. David Zuckerman Experts are concerned that the coming said at the rally that he is leading an effort trade agreement between Europe and in his state seeking legislation requiring North America is likely to create even labeling of genetically modified food. more favorable conditions for Monsanto Organic farmers, who are pressing a lawsuit in Europe. Some experts are also claiming against Monsanto, often complain that their that they have evidence that Monsanto products are threatened by wind-blown has put pressure on politicians to make pollen from genetically altered crops.
The importance of GMO’s Food Labeling Wouldn’t you like to know if the foods you eat are made with genetically modified ingredients? It seems like a no-brainer yet not everyone agrees. GMOs, or Genetically Modified Organisms, are combining the genes of separate organisms to engineer a new one using DNA technology– and are a hot topic these days. Some GM foods include maize, soybean, oilseed rape (canola), chicory, squash, potato, pineapple and strawberries. GM foods may provide greater resistance to pests and viruses, higher nutritional value and longer shelf life. However, their safety, potential risks and ethical concerns are still being debated. Regardless of whether you are for or against GMOs we have a right to know what is in our foods.