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sions, with many special awards. The series of three shows are held at Rozena’s Field in Raynham, Massachusetts. Two affiliated shows are held at Briggs Stable in Hanover — the Hanover Hunt and Riding Club June Show and the Massachusetts Horsemen’s Council’s “The Classic.”
Tanheath Hunt Club
In July of 1958, a small group of people met at Glean Maura Farm in Ashland, Massachusetts, and formed the Tanheath Hunt Club (THC) as an added attraction to the riding schools in the area. The schools would rent horses to guests for the day of the hunt. In April 2014, the club reincorporated in Connecticut, and voted to change from a live hunt to a drag hunt. A new kennel was constructed in North Franklin, close to THC fixtures. In addition to foxhunts, the club holds spring, summer, and fall hunter paces; intro to foxhunting clinics; the Blessing of the Hounds; hunter trials, and a turkey trot.
Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association
The Western Massachusetts Appaloosa Association (WMAA) has been a regional club, holding a charter from the national Appaloosa Horse Club since the 1960s, with members throughout New England. The WMAA’s primary goal is to support and promote the Appaloosa. The WMAA holds the Yankee Color Classic Appaloosa and All Breed Show annually.
West Newbury Riding and Driving Club
The West Newbury Riding and Driving Club (WNRDC) preserves and improves riding opportunities in West Newbury; organizes riding activities with members of the equine community and the general public; and promotes camaraderie and understanding with all users of the preserved open space areas. The WNRDC is dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of open trails in its local communities for the purpose of passive recreation and the benefit of the environment. The WNRDC holds two horse trials annually to raise funds to continue to improve the town-owned Pipestave Hill Equestrian Recreation Area, in West Newbury, Massachusetts. The club also holds an annual Adventure Trail competition, with funds from that event going to benefit trail work in West Newbury.
Western New England Professional Horsemen’s Association
The Western New England chapter of the Professional Horsemen’s Association (WNEPHA) holds an annual awards banquet for equestrians attending WNEPHA–affiliated hunter/jumper/ equitation horse shows at member farms in Massachusetts and eastern New York.
Westfield Riding Club
The Westfield Riding Club (WRC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1939 by a group of horse enthusiasts committed to fostering healthy horses, good riders, and excellent horsemanship. The WRC plans a year full of exciting events including shows, trail rides, clinics, educational seminars, parties, contests, and raffles. The WRC owns five acres in Westfield, Massachusetts. The grounds feature a rustic meeting house with a kitchen, fireplace, and a nice porch; a riding arena complete with a judge’s booth, as well as a cookshack, a small storage barn, and plenty of room to park trailers.
In every issue, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island equestrian-related nonprofits can be listed here and have their events listed in the Events Calendars. Each member of the nonprofits will receive a free one-year online subscription. Club officers and board members receive a free one-year print subscription — thank you for volunteering!Our goal is to build our equestrian community, and one of the ways we do this is through our Partners Program. Nonprofits gain exposure in the community and new members. These new members help clubs become stronger, building a better community for all of us. Would you like to see your local organization or nonprofit listed here? Email partners@communityhorse.org.
Stop Kick is a rechargeable, batteryoperated device that is attached to the outside of stall doors and stops kicking and pawing at doors and walls through the use of sensors and controlled water jets, which are activated only when the door or wall is kicked or pawed. Stop Kick is completely painless and requires no human interaction beyond fitting the device to the stall door. The horse modifies its own behavior because the correction applied is completely consistent and instant. The unit is portable.
1 CTRA GAY CITY RIDE, Hebron. cttrailridesassoc.org.
1 – 2 CHJA NEHC USEF PINES OPEN, South Glastonbury. pinesfarm.net.
2 CHJA OX RIDGE SHOW, Westport. chja.net.
2 TANHEATH HUNT, Bass Farm. Scotland. tanheathhunt.org.
2 WGHA GO FISH RIDE, Pachaug State Forest, Voluntown. wghaweb3.wixsite.com/wgha.
2 VOLUNTEER TRAINING, High Hopes Therapeutic Riding Center, Old Lyme. highhopestr.org.
8 CHJA SPRING SHOW, Ethel Walker School, Simsbury. ethelwalker.org.
8 HORSE SHOWING, Washington. horseofct.org.
8 CHSA SPRING SHOW I, Gales Ferry. chsaonline.com.
9 CHSA CHJA SHOW, Magnolia Run Equestrian Center, Willington. chsaonline.com.
9 – 10 USEF NEHC SHOW, Ashford. eastfieldfarm.net.
15 USHJA CHJA CHSA SHOW, Suffield. endofhunt.com.
15 CHJA SHOW, Fairfield County Hunt Club, Westport. chja.net.
15 OPEN AIR TACK AND TAG SALE, Horse Power Farm, Canterbury. horsepowerfarm.info.
15 – 16 LISA NASTRI BARREL RACING CLINIC, Sonny Brook Farm, Middletown. (860) 306-1750.
16 TANHEATH HUNT, Ayer Mountain Farm, North Franklin. tanheathhunt.org.
16 REINDEER SCHOOLING SHOW, Westbrook. bhcmanagement.info.
16 CHJA CHSA NEHC SHOW, Simsbury. follyfarmshowstables.com.
21 – 28 MUSTANG GENTLING RETREAT, Wild Ride, Sterling. wildridect.org.
22 NBLA SLOW AND GO RIDE, Newtown. nblact.com.
22 COOPERATIVE HORSEMANSHIP, Dream View Farm, Meriden. luckystarhorsemanshipny.com.
22 BEAUTIFY HAY BURR INN, Plainfield. hayburrinn.org.
22 NEHC OX RIDGE SHOW, Westport. oxridge.com.
22 SPRING HORSE AND TACK SALE, Middlefield. (860) 883-5828.
22 – 23 LISA NASTRI BARREL RACING CLINIC, Sonny Brook Farm, Middletown. (860) 306-1750.
22 – 23 CHJA CHSA NEHC USEF PINES OPEN, South Glastonbury. pinesfarm.net.
23 CHJA FWPHA SHOW, Ridgefield. steppingstonefarmct.com.
23 SCHOOLING DRESSAGE SHOW, Coventry. ctequestrian.com.
23 CDCTA DRESSAGE SHOW RIDE-CRITIQUE-RIDE, Fox Ledge Farm, East Haddam. cdctaonline.com.
27 – 30 CHSA CHJA NEHC SPRING FLING SHOW, Westbrook Hunt Club, Westbrook. chsaonline.com.
29 FAIRY TALE SCAVENGER HUNT, Plainfield. hayburrinn.org.
29 TACK AND TAG SALE, Tolland Agricultural Center, Vernon. tac_events@outlook.com.
29 – 30 ANDREA MONSARRAT WALDO “TAME YOUR LIZARD BRAIN” CLINIC, Treasure Hill Farm, Salem. horsepowerfarm.info.
29 – 30 DRESSAGE SHOW, Mystic Valley Hunt Club, Gales Ferry. (860) 464-7934.
30 CTRA WHITE MEMORIAL RIDE, Litchfield. cttrailridesassoc.org.
30 DRESSAGE SHOW, Woodbury. frazierfarmct.com.
5 – 6 CROSS-COUNTRY DERBY, Canterbury. horsepowerfarm.info.
6 CDHR GELDING CLINIC, East Hampton. ctdraftrescue.org.
6 CDA DRESSAGE SCHOOLING SHOW, Sperry View Farm, Bethany. ctdressage.org.
6 VOLUNTEER DAY, Washington. horseofct.org.
6 CHJA SHOW, Morris. foxcrossingequestrian.com.
6 GRTA DOGWOOD RIDE, Sabine Farm, Greenwich. thegrta.org.
6 FLYING FREE’S GALA, Woodstock. flyingfreetherapeuticriding.org.
6 CHSA CHJA SHOW, Willington. magnoliaruneqcenter.com.
6 CHJA NEHC, Fairfield County Hunt Club, Westport. chja.net.
6 RECOGNIZED DRESSAGE SHOW, Sperry View Farm, Bethany. sperryviewfarm.com.
6 – 7 LISA NASTRI BARREL RACING CLINIC, JK Farm, Oxford. (860) 306-1750.
7 CTRA GAY CITY RIDE, Hebron. cttrailridesassoc.org.
7 TANHEATH HUNT INTRO TO FOXHUNTING, Ayer Mountain Farm, North Franklin. tanheathhunt.org.
7 CGA GYMKHANA, Hillside Equestrian Meadows, Wolcott. facebook.com/ConnecticutGymkhana.
7 CHJA CHSA NEHC SHOW, Simsbury. follyfarmshowstables.com.
7 SNEHA SHOW, Glastonbury. snehassociation.com.
13 SMOKIN’ GUNS, Bethany. ctrenegades.com.
13 CTRA WHITE MEMORIAL RIDE, Litchfield. cttrailridesassoc.org.
13 CHJA FWPHA SHOW, Ridgefield. steppingstonefarmct.com.
13 – 14 CHSA CHJA NEHC PINES OPEN, The Pines, South Glastonbury. chsaonline.com.
13 – 14 LISA NASTRI BARREL RACING CLINIC, Falls Creek Farm, Oneco. (860) 306-1750.
14 USHJA CHJA CHSA SHOW, Suffield. endofhunt.com.
14 GHC PARADE PRACTICE, Holcomb Farm, West Granby. granbyhorsecouncilct.com.
15 NEHC SHOW, Eastfield Farm, Ashford. eastfieldfarm.net.
19 YARD SALE FUNDRAISER, Plainfield. hayburrinn.org.
19 BREECHES AND BOWTIES SPRING GALA, Wee Burn Country Club, Darien. newcanaanmountedtroup.org.
20 OPEN HOUSE, Washington. horseofct.org.
20 CHJA CHSA MHC NEHC SHOW, Hebron. windcrestfarmct.com.
20 BSTRA LIVELARK PLEASURE RIDE, Thompson. bstra.org.
21 NEW ENGLAND HOUND SHOW, Tyrone Farm, Pomfret Center. tanheathhunt.org.
21 HORSE SHOW, Woodbury. frazierfarmct.com.
21 CTRA MACHAMOODUS RIDE, Moodus. cttrailridesassoc.org.
21 CGA FUN DAY, Lock, Stock, and Barrel, Bethany. facebook.com/ConnecticutGymkhana.
21 CCBA SHOW SERIES, Glastonbury. connecticut-color-breed-association.mailchimpsites.com.
21 CHSA CHJA SPRING SHOW II, Mystic Valley Hunt Club, Gales Ferry. chsaonline.com.
27 CHSA CHJA SHOW, Westport Hunt Club, Westport. chsaonline.com.
28 CHSA CHJA SHOW, Avon Valley Show Stables, Avon. chsaonline.com.
28 TANHEATH HUNT, Tyrone Farm, Pomfret Center. tanheathhunt.org.
29 CHSA CHJA SHOW, Terry Allen Farm, Terryville. chsaonline.com.
2 MEDAL DAY I, Ethel Walker School, Simsbury. ethelwalker.org.
2 – 4 TRI-STATE HORSEMEN’S OPEN SHOW, Falls Creek Farm, Moosup. tristatehorsemen.com.
3 CHJA CHSA NEHC SHOW, Simsbury. follyfarmshowstables.com.
3 WGHA SASQUATCH RIDE, Pachaug State Forest, Voluntown. wghaweb3.wixsite.com/wgha.
3 – 4 FWPHA CHJA SHOW, Fairfield County Hunt Club, Westport. chja.net.
4 CTRA NATCHAUG RIDE, Eastford. cttrailridesassoc.org.
4 COMBINED TEST, Woodbury. frazierfarmct.com.
4 SCHOOLING DRESSAGE SHOW, Coventry. ctequestrian.com.
4 FWPHA SHOW, Fairfield County Hunt Club, Westport. fwpha.com.
4 POLO MATCH, Greenwich. greenwichpoloclub.com.
4 VERSATILITY CLINIC, Coventry. dawnbonin.com.
4 CYNTHIA JENSEN MEMORIAL SHOW, Terry Allen Farms, Terryville. chsaonline.com.
4 CHJA SHOW, Mystic Valley Hunt Club, Gales Ferry. chja.net.
5 MEDAL DAY II, Ethel Walker School, Simsbury. ethelwalker.org.
8 – 11 5A BAKER PRODUCTS CHARITY HORSE SHOW, Somers. 5abakerproductscharityhorseshow.com.
10 BIG BARN BASH, High Hopes Therapeutic Riding Center, Old Lyme. highhopestr.org.
10 CHJA FWPHA SHOW, Ridgefield. steppingstonefarmct.com.
10 PAINT WITH HORSES, Plainfield. hayburrinn.org.
10 BASIC HORSE CARE CLINIC, Washington. horseofct.org.
10 VERSATILITY COMPETITION, Coventry. dawnbonin.com.
10 – 11 CHJA BLUE RIBBON VENTURES CLASSIC, Westbrook. chja.net.
11 TANHEATH HUNT, Ayer Mountain Farm, North Franklin. tanheathhunt.org.
11 GHC BUILDING CONFIDENCE FOR TRAIL RIDING CLINIC, Holcomb Farm, West Granby. granbyhorsecouncilct.com.
11 CTRA MOUNTAIN LAUREL RIDE, East Hampton. cttrailridesassoc.org.
11 SNEHA SHOW, Glastonbury. snehassociation.com.
11 POLO MATCH, Greenwich. greenwichpoloclub.com.
11 GRTA GREENWICH SHOW, Greenwich. thegrta.org.
15 – 18 OX RIDGE JUNE SHOW, Fairfield County Hunt Club, Westport. oxridge.com.