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Goals for Success
We asked Tamie Endow, Technical Department Manager a few questions about the GOALS for Success Program... Can you give a brief overview of the GOALS for Success Program?
The GOALS for Success Program is designed to provide children who attend school in urban areas an opportunity to play soccer after school while strengthening their social and emotional skills. These are players who may not have the opportunity to participate in the local soccer program due to cost or lack of transportation. The program is designed to increase the following life skills: teamwork, goal setting, social skills, problem solving & decision making, emotional skills, leadership, time management, transfer of life skills, while learning the game. The program typically runs for 6- 8 weeks in the fall and spring. Meeting once or twice a week for an hour directly afterschool, on the school grounds.
Who does the Goals for Success Program serve?
We are currently running this program with Burncoat Prepatory School in Worcester, MA. Burncoat Prep is a Worcester Public school that serves approximately 260 children. Many of the students who attend this school live in public housing. 100% of the school population receives free lunch (this was true prior to the pandemic as well) The demographic makeup of the school is 55.4% Hispanic, 23.8% White and 13.1% African American, 4.2% two or more races and 3.5% Asian. We are currently working to expand the program to additional schools in this neighborhood beginning in the Fall of 2023.
What is the purpose of the program?
The purpose of the program is to provide students in Urban and Underserved communities, the opportunity to learn the game, while learning real life skills. This has become more important in the return to school after the pandemic. Many of the students served through our program had a notable decline in both physical activity and their social and emotional skill levels when they returned to school.
Is there a cost to participate in the program?
This program is offered to the school and its students free of charge. Currently funding comes through grants and private donations.