Mass Audubon 2011 Year in Review

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our vision our vision

A Massachusetts in which nature —whether found in a city park or deep inside the forests of western Massachusetts or within an urban greenway or along the 1,500 miles of Massachusetts coastline—is valued as essential to quality of life in the Commonwealth, and people live with appreciation and respect for the complex ecological systems that sustain life on ear th, working together to ensure that they are protected. Mass Audubon Board of Directors 2011 CHAIR

Jonathan Panek VICE CHAIRS

Jared Chase Nora F. Huvelle PRESIDENT



Elaine Kile

Nora F. Huvelle Christopher Klem Erik Knutzen Beth Kressley Goldstein Virginia Lawrence William Madar Deborah Miller Jonathan Panek Jeffrey F. Peters Helen Pounds John Riehl Anne Snyder James Sperling Brooke Stevens David Straus COUNCIL CO- CHAIRS:



Gary R. Clayton Bancroft R. Poor Jan O’Neil DIRECTORS

Julian Agyeman Robert Ball Walter (Jerry) Bird Catherine Campbell Jared Chase Richard Chute William Coady Donald Cooper Nicholas d’Arbeloff Nina Doggett Scott Edwards Thomas D. French

Nora F. Huvelle Beth Kressley Goldstein COUNCIL

Priscilla Bailey James Baird Marygrace Barber Peter Barber Carl Beatty Robert Bertin Joseph Brevard Sara Brydges George Butterworth III* Charles C. Cabot III Dix Campbell Shawn Carey Elliott Carr Alfred D. Chandler III* Jennifer Charles John W. Cobb

Printed on 50% recycled paper with soy-based ink.

Jeffrey M. Collins Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld* Donna Cooper

William F. Macauley Mary McFadden Bernard J. McHugh

Elizabeth Valentine* Rosamond B. Vaule William Wachenfeld

Paula Cortes Sarah Creighton Thomas A. DeMarco III Alexander Ellis III Kathleen Emrich Barbara E. Fargo* Marjorie M. Findlay Jennifer Firth Richard T. T. Forman Ayla Gavins Thaddeus Gillespie H. David Gold John Green* John Hammond Lynn Harvey Elizabeth Heide Terilyn A. Henderson* Chris Heye Deborah V. Howard* James Hoyte Richard Johnson Gillian S. Kellogg Jared Keyes John Kricher Daniel W. Latimore Edwin F. Leach II James Levitt * Ann Lewis Donald Lewis Thomas S. Litwin George Cabot Lodge Jr. Allegra Lowitt David Lubin Leiha Macauley

Kevin McLellan Ann McNay Edward J. McNierney Virginia L. Nicholas Al Nierenberg Charles Nims Sheila Nutt J. David Officer* Ronald P. O’Hanley Michael J. Pappone George Pendergast Patricia T. Poitras George Putnam III* Edward H. Raymond* Mary Lou Roberts Walter Rosenfeld* James Saalfield Doug Sacra Judy A. Samelson* Edgar Schein Jackie Jenkins Scott Dedee Shattuck David Sibley Phyllis Solomon Andy Solow Lee Spelke* Marcus Springer Lisa Standley Deborah Swenson Jeffrey Swope* Alexander L. Thorndike John L. Thorndike* Patricia Thornton* Marian Thornton*

Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade* Simon (Chip) Walker* Thomas T. Warren* Anna S. Whitcomb Jay Wickersham Alan Wilson* Bryan Windmiller Julia Yoshida

Mass Audubon 208 South Great Road Lincoln, MA 01773 781-259-9500

* = Honorary Director HONORARY DIRECTORS

Kathleen S. Anderson Robert C. Baron Anne Brooke Brian Brooks Hamilton Coolidge Lewis S. Dabney Eugene B. Doggett Mrs. Alexander Ellis Charles H. Fargo Dr. Robert L. French John C. Fuller Henry Lee Shirley M. Jenkins Mrs. George M. Lovejoy Jr. Merloyd L. Ludington Deborah W. Moses John F. O’Connor Herbert W. Pratt David Starr David Walsh Nancy Weiss Dudley H. Willis Laurence W. Zuelke

© Mass Audubon 2011

ourourvalues values

Dear Members and Friends,

love of nature

As another year comes to a close, we are once again pleased to thank you—our wonderful members, donors, volunteers, and visitors—for your steadfast support. We continue to have significant success in our efforts to protect the nature of Massachusetts—by preserving and managing land, inspiring people of all ages to learn about and enjoy nature, and encouraging government to act to protect the environment and ensure clean water and air and healthy communities now and for future generations.

When we reflect on our achievements and consider our work across the state, especially in the context of daunting challenges here and elsewhere, we find our values to be a source of strength and resolve for the organization. This year Mass Audubon marked the 115th anniversary of our founding in 1896. We are proud to carry out our work in this century with the same passion and commitment shown by our founders Harriet Hemenway and Minna Hall more than 100 years ago. Their love of nature—like ours today—continues inspiring action. Our credibility and teamwork are the foundation of our organization, as we aspire to have our work support people and community for many years to come.

passion and commitment inspiring action people and community credibility teamwork

We look forward to the year ahead, and we very much appreciate your support. Together we can protect the nature of Massachusetts for people, for wildlife, and for the future.

our role our role Jonathan Panek Chair

Laura A. Johnson President

To serve as a leader and a catalyst for conservation, by acting directly to protect the nature of Massachusetts and by stimulating individual and institutional action through conservation, education, and advocacy. 1

love love of nature of nature

We value the diversity and resilience of nature and treasure its beauty. Nature sustains and renews us, provides unexpected moments of joy, and inspires our daily work.

A Natural Evolution “Hello. My name is Katie Pierson and I am a Wellfleet Bay lifer.” So began a speech Pierson gave to a group of Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary supporters this summer. If anyone can speak to the impact that an early exposure to nature can have on a child, it’s Pierson. Pierson first went to Wellfleet Bay when she was eight years old, and she never stopped going back—as a visitor, day camper, volunteer, camp counselor, naturalist, and researcher. It was at Wellfleet that she learned the difference between

Eye of the Beholder Rachel Carson wrote, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” We are inspired and renewed through our own irreplaceable experiences in nature—and also by encounters with art reflecting others’ experiences. The Mass Audubon Visual Arts Center in Canton offers unique opportunities to explore nature through artists’ eyes as well as experience it firsthand on the 124-acre wildlife sanctuary. The Visual Arts Center, which houses an extensive collection of

male and female fiddler crabs, caught diamondback

wildlife art, presents exhibitions by

terrapins in the marsh, enjoyed breakfast at the

internationally recognized artists

marsh cabin after early-morning birding, made

and an annual array of related

lasting friendships, and developed an understanding

education programs. This year, visitors saw Andrea Rich’s stunning reduction

and appreciation of nature that only grows

woodcuts influenced by Japanese and Renaissance traditions; wildlife

stronger every day.

photographer Chris Linder’s views of Adélie penguins in Antarctica; Catherine Hamilton’s contemporary, thought-provoking watercolors; and the exquisite miniature birds of 20th-century master carver A. J. King. As Mary Edna Fraser, a previously featured artist, reflected, “It was a pleasure to hang my work there in the Mildred Morse Allen Gallery. I felt a sense of community and love of nature in this fine gem of an organization.”

This summer, Katie defended her master’s thesis, “The response of finfish to large-scale oyster reef restoration,” which was inspired and informed by her time spent at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on Cape Cod. “It would have never happened if Bob [Prescott, sanctuary director] hadn’t taken a

The radiance of nature, and its expression in art, is closely tied with the

chance on me just four months after I graduated

desire to protect and preserve the natural world. The founders of Mass

with a biology degree and offered me the oyster

Audubon surely referenced this deep connection when they chose to

restoration project manager job,” said Pierson. Of

name our organization after the iconic artist of American birds, John James

course, Prescott knew he couldn’t go wrong working


with a passionate and responsible nature lover.


We are committed to nature and to people. We share our passion with others to connect people with nature and to inspire everyone to be stewards of the environment. Notes from the Field

passion and passion and commitment commitment

If you spend a lot of time in the woodlands, fields,

and marshes of the North Shore, you may have run into Jim Berry. Then again, maybe not.

As Essex County coordinator for Mass Audubon’s Breeding Bird Atlas 2 (BBA2), Jim tends to go

deep, seeking evidence of birds breeding—often

far from human activity. He’s a dedicated “atlaser,” working with ornithologists and hundreds of volunteer citizen-scientists to help gauge the health of Massachusetts birdlife.

An Indispensable Resource

“It’s not as sexy as hawk watches or other bird

Peanut butter and jelly. A needle and thread. Some things just naturally

migration work,” admits Jim, 67, “but breeding and

go together, like Mass Audubon and volunteers. Amazingly, this year

nesting birds have

8,798 volunteers contributed a total of 130,165 hours to advance our

always been my

mission. That’s the equivalent of 65 people working full-time! Money can’t buy

priority interest.”

the incredible commitment, talent, expertise, care, and good old hard work

Jim joined the inaugural Breeding Bird Atlas (1974-79) project and met many others who connected to the natural world by monitoring birds. Thirty years later, Jim recalls, “I was asked to be the coordinator of Essex County for this Atlas,” which covers 2007 to 2011.

that volunteers provide year in and year out. From our Board of Directors, Council, and Sanctuary Advisory Committee members who provide thoughtful leadership and guidance; to our citizen scientists who spend countless hours collecting critical species-based data; to the sanctuary volunteers and docents who greet, orient, and educate our visitors, we are sustained because of their efforts. This spring, 750 people worked at 14 sanctuaries across the state for Work for Wildlife, our 5th annual

For BBA2, the Ipswich resident was responsible for

Statewide Volunteer Day.

90 observers who worked 78 three- by three-mile

Among many achievements,

blocks (out of 1,055 blocks statewide) and reported

they built 140 feet of fences,

6,355 breeding records in the county. Jim spent

cleared 31 truckloads of

more than 1,200 hours in the field and almost

invasive and non-native

twice that editing data and helping his volunteers.

plants, spread 73 yards of mulch, and cleaned up over 30 gardens. We think

Beyond the science, of course, he enjoys the sense

they had fun too!

of camaraderie, teamwork, and enthusiasm. “Espe-

Whether they show up day-in day-out, all year-round, or help out for

cially when other people tell me how excited they

just one day, we deeply appreciate the children, adults, and families who

are about this work and that they’ve learned

support Mass Audubon through their volunteer service. We couldn’t do

a lot,” Jim says. “It is pure fun!”

it without them!


Opening Doors “Caring for the earth should be within everyone’s reach!” says Edie Sisson, a longtime teachernaturalist at Drumlin Farm in Lincoln. Throughout her tenure, Edie would learn of requests from

We care deeply about our colleagues, our partners, our members, and the communities in which we work. We learn from their experience, expertise, and beliefs, and together we build conservation communities that welcome and respect all people.

people and community

children, families, and teachers who wanted to experience the farm’s programs but could not

afford them. Thanks to her visionary leadership, the Drumlin Farm Outreach and Assistance

Resources (DOAR) program was created, and through it we have been able to provide that financial support to

people and community

countless schools, groups, and families.

In 1999, Edie led the effort to improve both

the financial and physical accessibility of Drumlin Farm’s programming and the site to better

Green Dream Team

Getting high school students interested in anything outdoors in these times of video games and smartphones can be a challenge. Nonetheless, Mass

Audubon is making inroads connecting urban youth with the natural world around them—even in a city as densely developed as Lawrence. Our Lawrence Initiative was created as a new model for Mass Audubon to reach underserved populations in cities where we do not have a wildlife

sanctuary by working in close collaboration with a local organization. In this case, our partner is Groundwork Lawrence and their Green Team, a group of high school students who learn about and lead local environmental and healthy-community initiatives. With the support of Mass Audubon scientists and educators, the teens studied local flora and fauna, and then used their new knowledge to undertake Rapid Ecological Assessments of the parks along the Spicket River Greenway, documenting their ecological welcome visitors of all abilities and backgrounds,

value. They also spread their knowledge through presentations to civic

and to ensure that all could experience Drumlin

leaders and residents, acquiring valuable leadership skills in the process.

Farm and explore their connection to the natural world. Through Edie’s persistent efforts and support, the DOAR program has grown enormously, with thousands of dollars granted annually. “I feel strongly that everyone benefits from access to nature, and I know well how Drumlin Farm gives

My overall attitude about the environment and nature has changed. I am more aware of the beauty of nature around me.

opportunities for children, adults, and seniors to

Green Team Teen

relate to the natural world,” Edie said. “All people

Member — Lawrence

deserve the chance to know and love nature, and to have experiences that help them understand

Mass Audubon’s work is expanding upon and advancing the work that

the nature of our local environment. In this way

Groundwork Lawrence has already accomplished in reclaiming the Spicket

they form a basis for understanding environmental

River. With the support of many forward-thinking funders, we are now

problems and issues they may face.”

building on this relationship to expand our outreach in Lawrence, including a new “science of gardening” curriculum for schools and creation of an


Urban Adventure Summer Program for children in Lawrence.

inspiring inspiring action action

We believe that every person can make a positive difference. Through education, personal discovery, and transformational experiences, we foster a conservation ethic in current and future generations.

Catalyst for Change

When Judy Samelson has an idea to make things better in the world, she doesn’t wait for others to

Shaping the Future

act. Her irrepressible go-get-’em attitude is infec-

In communities throughout Massachusetts, people are increasingly concerned

tious, and, fortunately for us, much of her bound-

that development patterns are unsustainable environmentally, socially, and

less energy has been directed toward advancing

economically. Mass Audubon receives hundreds of calls from people requesting

the mission of Mass Audubon. As a longtime Board

help in finding ways to protect habitat or chart a better path for development in

Member and now Honorary Director and Council

their cities and towns. While local leaders and citizens have a strong desire to

Member, Judy has been behind many new initia-

improve their community, they frequently lack the tools to implement innova-

tives. For example, her involvement in developing

tive community planning. That’s where Mass Audubon’s Shaping the Future

the first-of-its-kind Snowy Owl Satellite Telemetry

of Your Community Outreach and Assistance Program comes in.

Tracking Project helped deepen the understanding of these amazing raptors. Three years ago, Judy’s passion for protecting the natural world turned to ensuring that town planners, land trusts, and interested citizens were better informed and better positioned to work together for positive change.

Shaping the Future focuses on finding options that can meet local needs for housing and jobs while reducing impacts to land, water resources, and municipal infrastructure. It does so through customized community-based workshops, web-based tools, and direct assistance. And it is working. In Middleborough, for example, Shaping the Future held a workshop discussing the importance of protecting the region’s rich agricultural heritage, and highlighting the Community Preservation Act (CPA) as a tool for funding

Thanks to her vision and generosity, the Outreach and Assistance workshop series of the Shaping the Future of Your Community program was born. (See related article on this page.) Citizens and planners are working on creative, cooperative, and

farmland protection efforts. The program was aired on local television, and a newspaper article was picked up by local Twitter accounts, creating quite a buzz. Two weeks later, Middleborough residents voted to adopt the CPA at town meeting. The project has also sparked formation of local Agricultural Commissions, zoning revisions, and land protection projects.

environmentally sound plans for their communities. More than 800 people have attended nearly 40 Shaping the Future workshops And we know that’s just the beginning. That’s the

to date, and the feedback and results from programs that have already been

magic of inspiring action—the circle of influence

implemented suggest that this hands-on approach is helping communities get

keeps widening, like ripples in a pond.

what they need as citizens work to protect their local environment.


We bring expertise, sound science, long-term thinking, and community knowledge to solving pressing and important environmental challenges. Our personal and organizational integrity serves as a foundation for our work.

credibility credibility

A Perfect Science

Making the Grade This year marks the 25th edition of Mass Audubon’s Legislative Report Card. Produced by our Advocacy Department, the Legislative Report Card documents and educates the public about the environmental voting records of the legislature to inform the public of your elected officials’ performance in protecting the nature of Massachusetts. This is just one of the ways that the staff of our Beacon Hill Legislative Affairs Office support conservation action through their activities at the State House. We take every opportunity to make an impact on the administration’s goals for conservation and stewardship, fight for endangered species protections, advocate for funding for land conservation, as well as for the passage of

Since our founding, the strength and credibility of Mass Audubon have been tightly linked to the expertise and dedicated involvement of volunteers. Emily “Paddy” Wade is a stellar example of that connection. A member of Mass Audubon since 1949, Paddy was elected to our Board of Directors in 1962, serving until 1985 when she was elected as an Honorary Director. Throughout her service on the Board, Paddy worked to advance Mass Audubon’s education, conservation, and advocacy mission. Paddy received a degree in chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a long history of commitment to the sciences and education. Among many other accomplishments, she is the founder and current president of the Museum Institute for Teaching Science (MITS), a nonprofit organization focused on strengthening the teaching of

measures that will support affordable housing and

elementary and middle school

smart growth while thoughtfully protecting wildlife

science, technology, engineering,

habitat. By being “plugged in” on Beacon Hill, we

and mathematics through informal

are able to identify current areas of concern and

collaboration among science

help government as well as conservation organiza-

education institutions.

tions direct limited resources to better protect

To acknowledge her support of and influence on Mass Audubon for more than 50 years, Paddy was awarded Mass Audubon’s Allen Morgan Award for Lifetime Achievement at the organization’s 114th annual meeting in November 2010. We are honored to be among the many organizations to have benefited from Paddy’s dedication, determination, and passion.


the nature of Massachusetts. “In a world of many competing interests, Mass Audubon’s report card helps Beacon Hill keep its focus on critical environmental issues,” says Representative Stephen Kulik (D-Worthington), Vice Chair of the House Committee on Ways and Means.

We work together to embrace opportunities and challenges in an ever-changing world. We encourage creativity, innovation, and action, while respecting individual points of view. Award-Winning Approach Collaborating with others expands the depth and success of our programs. Mass Audubon’s Drumlin Farm began a partnership with Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust in 2005, and since then, Community Teamwork, Inc., Lowell Public Schools, Lowell National Historical Park, Girls Inc., and Light of Cambodian Children. Together we have implemented Stewardship Through Leadership, an out-of-school program serving upper elementary, middle, and high school students in Lowell.

teamwork teamwork

Finding Common Ground

Unexpected partnerships often yield unexpectedly wonderful results, and Mass Audubon’s partnership with the Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club is a case in point. Hunters and other sporting men and women have a long and proud history of working with land trusts and other partners to protect important lands all across the country, and this year, working with the Sportsmen’s Club and the town of Sharon, Mass Audubon was able to protect 71.5 acres of land located near our very first wildlife sanctuary, Moose Hill, established in 1922. This newly protected land supports state-designated priority habitat and rare wildlife as well as woodlands and wetlands that help secure the town’s drinking water.

Through this program, youth develop skills in field research and scientific inquiry, build an understanding of local habitats and environmental issues, and develop leadership skills by working with community leaders to design and implement their own stewardship projects on local conservation lands. Our time with these youth has transformed the way they see their city. They tell us about birds they observe in their backyards, bring their families to share in their delight when we include wildlife in the programs, and enjoy spending time outdoors caring for special places in their neighborhoods.

Saving land has always been fundamental to the Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club’s 60-year mission. “Protected open space is important to our members and their children and necessary for a variety of outdoor activities, and we are

The collaboration’s greatest accomplishments

very pleased at the outcome we achieved by working with the town and

resulted from the successful, ongoing relationships

Mass Audubon,” said Club President Joe Traut.

we have built with youth development professionals in Lowell. In recognition, the youth in this partnership received a Congressional citation from Representative Niki Tsongas on River Day, recognizing their stewardship work along the new Concord River Greenway.

Club member Sam Hawley enthused, “As a longtime Mass Audubon member and avid hunter, I am very happy to see cooperation taking place between your great organization and a rod and gun club that is helping new generations of kids learn about the outdoors and conservation. Keep up the good work!” We fully intend to do just that.


Land Protection Summary –

Fiscal Year 2011 Mass Audubon permanently protects more than 34,600 acres of land across Massachusetts, providing critically important opportunities for humans to experience the many wonders of nature firsthand, while also safeguarding a wide range of habitats and native species. This year, with the support of generous individuals, families, businesses, communities, and public and private partners, we protected 640 acres of important land across Massachusetts. A special thanks to key partner organizations and municipalities, which are listed here in bold.

Purchases of Sanctuary Land

Acres Municipality Sanctuary Robbie Leppzer 10.1 Wendell Whetstone Wood Part of a larger project that includes acquisition of a Conservation Restriction (CR) on an adjacent 5-acre parcel, this land is surrounded by Whetstone Wood Wildlife Sanctuary and identified as a priority for conservation. This addition to the sanctuary expands the contiguous protected land area that makes this wildland sanctuary an oasis for interior forest species and others. Elizabeth Teter 22.5 Pittsfield Pleasant Valley Acquisition of this land helps to establish a wildlife corridor connecting Pleasant Valley and Canoe Meadows wildlife sanctuaries. In addition to its prime ecological location, it is mapped as BioMap Core Habitat and Critical Supporting Watershed, and accordingly was ranked highest priority for conservation in the land protection plan for those Berkshire sanctuaries.

Gifts of Sanctuary Land Robert and Sherry Bechtold

Acres Municipality Sanctuary 2.3

Marshfield North River

This property protects a significant riparian corridor known as the Hannah Eames Brook corridor, and is part of the North River Watershed system that supports a public drinking water supply area. This land abuts North River Wildlife Sanctuary and was identified as highest priority for conservation.


Nasuti Family Realty Trust



Stony Brook

Thanks to Norfolk’s Open Space Preservation zoning, the developer of an adjacent subdivision reduced his 14-lot development and dedicated this parcel, adjacent to the sanctuary, to Mass Audubon. The land includes part of the esker that wraps around Bristol Pond and helps to secure a wildlife corridor between the sanctuary and a nearby town-owned conservation area. Massachusetts 0.3 Wellfleet Wellfleet General Hospital Bay This parcel of land straddles the developed area of Lieutenant Island and the tidal flats we own and protect surrounding Lieutenant Island—a known nesting site for Diamond-backed Terrapins. The land is classified as both Priority Habitat of Rare Species and BioMap Core Habitat. Wazu Realty Trust 0.7 Worcester Broad Meadow Brook This parcel of wetlands and forest is surrounded on three sides by Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, making it a very welcome addition to our landholdings.

Purchase of Conservation Restrictions Arlington Land Trust

Acres Municipality Sanctuary 1.8



Located in the middle of 100-acre Spy Pond in Arlington, Elizabeth Island is both a unique oasis of significant habitat and a defining element of the community’s identity. Mass Audubon provided technical expertise and fundraising assistance to Arlington Land Trust as they navigated through the transaction with the landowner, and now coholds a CR with the town of Arlington. Sacred Hearts 93.1 Wareham Wareham Seminary Sanctuaries Fronting on Buzzards Bay at the tip of Great Neck in Wareham, this religious lands conservation project is part of a larger effort by the Great Neck Conservation Partnership to create an area of nearly 300 contiguous acres of conservation land. Led by Mass Audubon, the Conservation Partnership is also comprised of the Wareham Land Trust, town of Wareham, and the state Department of Conservation & Recreation. The land is classified as Priority Habitat of Rare Species and BioMap Core Habitat. Robbie Leppzer 5.2 Wendell Whetstone Wood Acquisition of this CR was part of a larger project including the addition of 10 acres in fee to Whetstone Wood Wildlife Sanctuary. The protection of the total 15 acres helps build and insulate the wildland habitats of this unique and large sanctuary.

Gifts of Conservation Restrictions

Acres Municipality Sanctuary

The Almy Family


Dartmouth Allens Pond

Nestled against Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary and a conservation restriction granted to Mass Audubon by Anne Almy in 2007, this land was an identified priority for conservation. This property is classified by the state as BioMap 2 Critical Natural Landscape for its contribution to biodiversity conservation and as “Distinctive” (highest rating) in the state’s 1982 Scenic Landscape Inventory. Dan Cheever and 8.8 Wareham Wareham Sue Stasiowski Sanctuaries As with the acquisition of the Sacred Hearts Seminary land (see p.8), the conservation of this land was part of a larger effort by the Great Neck Conservation Partnership to create an area of nearly 300 contiguous acres of protected land. Mass Audubon designed and constructed a beautiful two-mile nature trail, which traverses this land and the broader area to be conserved by the partnership. Sharon Conservation 54.3 Commission


Moose Hill

Mass Audubon accepted a CR on this land as part of a cooperative land conservation project we facilitated involving the town of Sharon and the Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club. We also accepted a stewardship easement on 17.19 acres (see description at right). The complete conservation outcome of the project has been the creation of a 350+ acre corridor of ecologically significant land protecting the Massapoag Brook and other natural resources.

Land Protected via Conservation Assists to Other Organizations and/or Agencies

Acres Municipality Sanctuary

Deep Woods, Inc. 337.0 Belchertown and Granby Mass Audubon worked with The Trust for Public Land, Kestrel Trust, The Friends of the Mount Holyoke Range, and the state Department of Conservation and Recreation to acquire Deep Woods, a large scenic landmark, and save it from development. The second phase of the project involved Mass Audubon’s sale of the land to DCR at a discounted price for addition to the abutting Mount Holyoke Range State Park. Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club



Moose Hill

Mass Audubon accepted a permanent stewardship easement on this land as part of a cooperative land conservation project in partnership with the town of Sharon and the Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club (see description at left). Mass Audubon also acted as project facilitator and accepted a CR on 54.26 acres directly abutting our Arguimbau Farm CR. The Slater Family 75.0 Dudley Pierpont Meadow With Mass Audubon’s technical and financial assistance, the Dudley Conservation Land Trust acquired these oak woodlands abutting Mass Audubon’s Pierpont Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary in the midst of a large 500-acre natural area.

Land protected by Mass Audubon within the past 12 months

Land Under Mass Audubon Stewardship as of June 30, 2011

Acres directly protected by Mass Audubon

Acres Owned by Mass Audubon 29,422.3 211.2

Acres protected through assistance to other organizations/agencies


Total Acres Protected within the past 12 months


Acres Under Mass Audubon Conservation Restrictions Total Acres of Protected Land

5,180.7 34,603.0


Message from the Treasurer

FY 2011 Income

We are pleased to report strong financial results for fiscal year 2011. The solid financial health and stability of the organization are due to the ongoing loyalty and generosity of our members and donors, the hard work and dedication of our staff and volunteers, and the responsible fiscal management exercised by our officers and board. We continue to be very grateful to everyone who has helped Mass Audubon achieve its mission in what was another successful year, especially in these challenging economic times.

Member & Donor Support Program & Other Income 37.0%

Membership Dues 16.6%

In FY 2011, Mass Audubon recorded an increase in membership dues and respectable revenues from gifts, grants, and government contracts. Program income, which is largely generated by our staff and volunteers in the sanctuary system, showed a healthy increase. Both income and expenses were in line with our budget expectations. The overall performance for FY 2011 was consistent with prior years, producing a modest deficit from operations and positive results with the addition of unrestricted bequests. Sincerely,

Program & Other Income

Gifts, Grants & Gov’t Contracts 19.6%

Investment Income 26.8%

FY 2011 Expenses

Program Services Development

Administrative Services 10.7%

Administrative Services

Development 5.1% Member Services 9.6% Advocacy 2.4%

Jeffrey F. Peters

Science 3.3%

Wildlife Sanctuaries & Environmental Education 68.9%

Operating Results

Gifts and Grants

FY 2011

FY 2010


FY 2009

$4,350,185 $4,314,707

Membership Dues

3,172,859 3,162,073 3,127,745

Program Income


6,509,733 6,308,901

Investment Income



Other Income


195,281 (281,091) 72,801

Total Operating Income


Salary and Benefits


$18,901,488 $19,102,440 $14,677,448 $14,548,497

Non-Salary Program Expenses


Other Expenses

(301,275) (425,000) (457,258)

Total Operating Expenses Operating Deficit Unrestricted Bequests Results Including Unrestricted Bequests*


$19,150,052 $19,350,887

$(233,210) $234,155 $945

4,897,604 5,259,648

$(248,564) $(248,447) $581,866 $1,649,119 $333,302 $1,400,672

* Pursuant to Mass Audubon financial policies, unrestricted bequests are added to a Board reserve fund, which is available for capital projects (for example, land purchase, energy conservation, all-person accessibility, and major building repairs) and other special Board withdrawals. However, accounting principles require that unrestricted bequests be reported in the operating fund. The net asset value for Mass Audubon is $213,719,602 (June 30, 2011). This includes the booked value of 34,603 acres of land in 90 communities, as well as buildings, structures, property equipment, vehicles, furnishings, and fixtures at more than 40 sites. A complete copy of the audited financial statements is available upon request from Mass Audubon Vice President for Operations Bancroft Poor. Members should feel free to contact him at 781-259-2110 or with any questions about Mass Audubon’s finances.


Supporters Fiscal Year 2011 Symbol Key:

Mass Audubon gratefully acknowledges the individuals, foundations, corporations,

H a Founder’s Circle member

and government agencies whose generous financial contributions and pledges

—an individual who has provided $2,500 or more in support for Mass Audubon’s general operations or operating support for a particular sanctuary or program

provided critical support for our conservation, education, and advocacy efforts between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011. We are pleased to recognize the leading contributors and express our gratitude to our more than 100,000 members. For gifts of land during this period, see page 8.

_ an individual who

passed away this year

Your great outdoors This year, Mass Audubon was pleased to open three new wildlife sanctuaries to the public—Conway Hills in Conway, Great Neck in Wareham, and Barnstable Great Marsh in Barnstable. Our wildlife sanctuaries are created and maintained due to the loyalty of our members and the countless contributors— like the many listed on these pages—whose generosity ensures that these beautiful places are always available for you and for future generations to enjoy. Visit our website at to learn more about the sanctuaries and how to connect to your great outdoors. Go ahead: escape,

play, and


Every effort was made to accurately reflect each contributor. If you find an error in the list, please accept our sincere apology and contact the development office at 781-259-2123.

We wish to thank the following gift funds and foundations, which recommended grants to Mass Audubon through donor advised funds and other giving vehicles during Fiscal Year 2011: Ayco Charitable Foundation The Boston Foundation The Cape Cod Foundation: A Community Foundation Combined Jewish Philanthropies Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fleet Charitable Gift Fund Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Santa Barbara Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Leadership Giving Program Including individuals and individuals giving through foundations $25,000+ Anonymous (7) Wendy & John Q. Anderson Francis S. & Elizabeth Blake C. Hunter & Pamela T. Boll Robert V. Clem_ Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Creighton Jr.★/A. Creighton Narada Foundation Laura C. Cutler Laurie A. Gabriel★ Crawford Gordon★ Lindsey & Zack Gund/Zachary & Lindsey Gund Foundation Nancy C. & John S. Hammond★ Dr. & Mrs. James LacknerGraybiel The Family & Friends of Raymond & Eleanor Longley William and Amanda Madar Patrick MeLampy & Rev. Priscilla Lawrence Elizabeth Mellor Morgan Palmer★ Mason & Ina Phelps

Judy A. Samelson & William Schawbel Parkman Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Binkley C. Shorts Jane & Peter Talbot John L. Thorndike★ Patricia A. Thornton★ Brooks & Linda Zug $10,000- $24,999 Anonymous (12) Robert P. Ball★ Elizabeth J. & Robert M. Burke III★ Martha J. Carter & Family★ Ann & Jared Chase★ Richard & Patricia Chute★ William Coady & Irfan Ali John W. & Bayard H. Cobb★ Franz & Anne ColloredoMansfeld★ Donald D. & Donna J. Cooper Judith & David Craver★ Peggy Davis Edmund P. DeLaCour★/ The DeLaCour Family Foundation Eugene Bicknell Doggett & Nina Lord Doggett★ Kathleen Emrich & Robert Sherwood Beth Kressley Goldstein & Dennis Goldstein★

Jeremy & Hannelore Grantham★/Jeremy & Hannelore Grantham Charitable Trust Robert H. Grohskopf Jr. & Lisa Van Tassel★ John & Jillian Hayes Crosby Hitchcock★ John Hitchcock★ Robie Hubley & Anne S. Awad Alison S. and Peder Johnson Laura A. Johnson & Arthur W. Rogers★ Stephen Kay★/ The Aquidneck Foundation Chris & Sue Klem★ Erik & Sarah Knutzen Family★ Virginia Maloney Lawrence★ Harry E. Lockery Merloyd Ludington & John Myers★ William F. & Sheila R. Macauley★ Carolyn McCane-Chin & David Chin★ Katharine E. & Albert W. Merck★ Rosalee & Richard Newburg Jonathan & Jessie Panek★ Jeffrey F. & Christina Sage Peters★


In Memoriam: Polly Shakespeare 1915-2011 This year we said goodbye to Mary “Polly” Sage Shakespeare, a very special member of the Mass Audubon family. Polly worked for Mass Audubon for 25 years, as an illustrator, designer, and layout artist; but she is best known for designing Mass Audubon’s iconic Ring-Standard Calendar. The desktop calendar, now in its 115th year, is a staple of the Audubon

Patricia T. & James W. Poitras★ William & Helen Pounds★ Margaret L. Rhodes★ John & Linda Riehl★ Mrs. Margaret W. Riehl_ Thomas T. & Deborah B. Riquier Ed Schein★ Elizabeth S. Shanley Julie Shanley Katy S. Shanley Robert H. Shaw/Robert H. Shaw Fund David A. & Patricia Straus★ Rosamond Vaule★ Bancroft R. & Mercy Wheeler Alexander Whiteside Judith Whiteside Doris Wilson Grant M. & Helene T. Wilson★

Polly Shakespeare

Shop. Thousands are sent across the US and around the world each year. Even after her retirement in 1982, Polly faithfully continued to design and help produce the unique calendar each year. We are honored that ultimately she bequeathed the lovely calendar designs to Mass Audubon, so that they will always be a part of our history and our future. Polly has best been described as having an “unquenchable creative spirit.” She loved nature and learning. We will miss her terrific sense of humor, her stories, and her unflagging awe of the natural world.


$5,000- $9,999 Anonymous (9) Mimi & Ivan Ace★ William P. & Sue M. Anderson/ The William P. Anderson Foundation Morene R. Bodner & David P. Carlisle★ Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Brooks★ Pierce B. & Elise R. Browne★ Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Buck★ Alfred D. Chandler III & Susan Esco Chandler★ Paul L. & Susan P. Chern Frederick H. Chicos/The Christie Foundation Chris Connolly & Marjorie Liner★ David & Victoria Croll★/The Croll Foundation Henry P. Davis/Belle and Henry Davis Foundation Jennifer Johnson Duke★ Herbert & Pauline Emilson★ Barbara E. Fargo★ Elaine Foster Thaddeus R. & Elizabeth Gillespie★

Paul & Cheryl Hamel★ Evelyn B. Harris Elizabeth C. & Ulf B. Heide★ Barbara B. Herzstein★ Elizabeth & J. Atwood Ives★ Marianne & Charles Ives Philip Johnson & Joanne Davenport★ B. A. & Judith King★/The Judy and Tony King Foundation Pamela Kohlberg★ Bruce & Ellen Kunkel★ Betsy P. & William R. Leitch★ Carol A. & Martin B. Levin★ Jim & Jane Levitt★ Nathaniel & Karen Levy★ Ginny Loeb & Jim Sperling★/ The Dorothy and Jonathan Rintels Charitable Foundation Anne R. Lovett & Stephen G. Woodsum★/LovettWoodsum Foundation Inc. Katherine MacGregor Eileen L. McDonagh & Robert E. Davoli★/Robert E. Davoli & Eileen L. McDonagh Charitable Foundation Bernard J. McHugh & Frances H. Clark Dr. Karen McKoy & Dr. Paul Lesser W.L. & Kathryn A. Medford Richard Mlynarik & Elizabeth Willey Fred & Barbara Murphy★ Al Nierenberg★/Evergreen Charitable Fund, Inc. J. David Officer & Dr. Marcia J. Wade★ Rienzi B. & Mary F. Parker★ Esther Pelletier George Putnam III & Kathy Z. Putnam★ Sally Quinn★ Robert D. & Amelia R. Rands★ Abby A. Rockefeller Robert C. Sheehan Nancy B. Soulette★ Lee & Judith R. Spelke★ Mrs. Virginia Sprong★ Garrett J. Stuck & Pamela Coravos★ Lanny & Anne Thorndike★ Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade★ David & Jade Walsh★/The Free Lunch Foundation Thomas T. & Anne Marie Warren Mr. & Mrs. Holyoke L. Whitney David & Patricia Williams★ Linda Williams & Stephen Walch Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wohlgemuth★/ Esther & Morton Wohlgemuth Foundation, Inc.

Nancy Wolf & Jacob Rosengarten Shirley Zaret★ Mr. & Mrs. Laurence W. Zuelke $2,500- $4,999 Anonymous (8) Richard I. Arthur Peter & Marygrace Barber★ Dian Benson Jerry & Grace Bird★ Jim & Carolyn Birmingham★ Nancy Brach★/Brach Family Charitable Foundation Kib & Tess Bramhall Jay C. Brewer & Maya Bazar★ Joyce M. Brinton & Bruce M. Hauben★/Helen G. Hauben Foundation Sara H. Brydges★ Charles C. Cabot III & Sarah S. Cabot★ Fred C. Cabot Catherine M. Campbell & Jack W. Orrock Shelley Cantor & Paul Surface Jennifer & Edmond Choi★ Barbara F. Coburn Eric & Christine Cody★ Ferdinand & Susanna Colloredo-Mansfeld Peter H. Creighton★ Dr. Modestino & Mrs. Nancy Criscitiello Bob & Vickie Cunningham★ Kevin B. Darcy & Stephanie B. Prisch★ James R. Deane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. DeMarco III★ Mrs. Mary & Dr. John Deyst★ Frank Dunau & Amy Davis★ David & Edith Engel★ Sally Searles Ferbert & Fritz Ferbert/The Searles Family Foundation Mary B. (Sissy) ffolliott Hollis & Rosemary French★ John C. & Janet A. Fuller Craig & Nancy Gibson★ Ann & David Gray★ Jane C. Hallowell★ Sarah E. Hancock Irene S. Haney★ Ruth H. & H. Jan Heespelink★ Elizabeth H. Heide Donald F. Henderson★ Cynthia & Arnold Henson★ Theresa Horn★ Mr. & Mrs. Arnold W. Hunnewell★ Richard Hussong & Melinda E. Stewart★ Frank Isik & Nicole Gibran★

Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Jamieson★ Corinne Johnson Leonard & Marjorie Johnson Susan Kadezabek & Aravind Vijayakirthi★ Ann & Paul D. Kaplan Jared Shaw Keyes & Song-Mei Keyes★ Pam & Rob Kindler★ Jayne R. & John F. Korn★ Jonathan Kutchins Miriam G. Lasher★ Dan and Rebecca Latimore★ Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence★ Linda & Jeffrey Levin-Scherz★ Stephen & Valerie Loring★ Dick & Pat MacKinnon★ Noel A. Mann★ Gary & Karen Martin★ Mary McFadden & Lawrence P. Stifler★ Kathy & Rives McGinley★ Henrietta N. Meyer★ Deborah & James Miller★ Mary & Elijah Moran Martha S. Mugar★ Robert & Alison Murchison★ David & Sharon Neskey★ Charles W. Nims & Peggy L. Ulrich-Nims Paul G. & Elaine O’Connell Mrs. Stephen D. Paine★ Andrew S. & Samuel S. Pang★ Bertram & Marla S. Perkel★ Marc & Emily Isberg Reardon★ Ann & Norval Reece Deborah L. Reichert & Chanchal Samanta★ Dwight & Margaret Robinson Professor & Mrs. Nicholas Robinson★ James & Roseanne Saalfield★ Marsha C. Salett Barbara & Stanley Schantz★ Kathy Seymour★ Bill & Hatsy Shields Mrs. Jensie & Dr. William Shipley★ Dr. Lisa A. Standley Brooke Stevens & Thomas L. McCorkle★ Sharon B. & Joseph W. Stichter Dr. Herman D. & Dr. Joan C. Suit Dick & Marian Thornton★ Conrad H. & Harriet Todd★ Mr. & Mrs. John H. Valentine★ Robert & Lois Vessels★ Robert Weeden★/The Weeden Foundation Esther C. Williams★

Louise Wolfe & Stefan Ahlblad/Herbert O. Wolfe Foundation Roxanne & Michael J. Zak★ Elizabeth C. Zimmermann $1,250- $2,499 Anonymous (19) Dr. William C. & Mrs._ Frances D. Ackerly Michael Ahearn Dr. & Mrs. F. Knight Alexander Ann & Bill Allan Steven W. Allen Ramon L. Alonso Annemarie Altman & Dave Cook Dorothy Altman Sandra L. Anderson & Meg Wallace Rich & Heidi Angle Barbara & Reed Anthony Emily Anthony & David Maymudes/AnthonyMaymudes Family Foundation Dr. Alexander J. Asch & Dr. Rhonda Fogle Richard J. & Sally Avery Susan R. Avery Jean & Ralph Baierlein Sandra J. Bailey & Amy Grabel James Baird Dorothy H. Baldini Kristin Barr & David Pitkin Michael & Donna Bass Suzanne & Henry Bass James Becker & Aber Lynch The Bedford Family Constance & Stephen Bernier Robyn Bernstein/The Benjamin and Miriam Bernstein Family Fund Jean & Neal Birnberg Arthur F. & Camilla C. Blackman Margaret & James H. Blackwell Eugene & Sharon Bolinger Christine M. Bordonaro & Lawrence E. Felton Anne & Peter Brooke Mr._ & Mrs. Alexander K. Buck Lalor & Patricia N. Burdick Allison G. Burger & Mary Beth Grady Alice Burgess John & Lale Burk Katharine F. Burnett Alta-Mae & George S. Butler Dr. Paul A. & Mrs. Katie Buttenwieser/Catherine & Paul Buttenwieser Foundation Dix & Elizabeth Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Elliott G. Carr Sheila Carroll & Mark Lynch

Barbara Centola Micah & Iris Chase Ken & Jane Cheek Dr. Daniel S. Cheever Jr. & Ms. Sue Stasiowski Betty & Larry Chelmow Susan B. & David D. Clark David C. Cole & Betty Slade Richard & Dorothy Cole Gregory & Cynthia Conigliaro Hamilton & Barbara B. Coolidge Marie & Dennis Corcoran Thomas J. & Cynthia Costin Melvin S. Cutler/Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation Lewis S. & Edith L. Dabney/ Kenwood Foundation Melvin and Carolyn Darack Jill & Nick d’Arbeloff Bruce & Lynn Dayton Martha L. & William P. Densmore Charlotte de Sieyes/Apple Lane Foundation David & Carolyn Dettinger Mary Dockray-Miller & Michael Miller Mark L. & Pilar V. Doughty Joseph & Dorothy Duffy Alexander Ellis III Jim Ellis & Betty Ann Sharp William & Betty Ellis/William V. Ellis Family Foundation George F. Ellison Alan Emmet Judith Emmons Peter Erskine Romeyn Everdell & Mary R. Anderson Andrew J. Falender & Jaquelyn A. Lenth Winifred S. Ferguson Bruce Fishbein & Sara Shields Gregory Fishbein Peter & Bette Fishbein Stephen Fishbein Warner & Mary Fletcher Nancy & Richard Forbes Rick & Joan Francolini Nora Frank & Walter Houseman Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Gable Frederick & Kathi D. Gariepy Michael J. & Linda L. Garrity Barbara Gaudette Lorna Gibson & Jean Hess Kay Davis Grado Larry & Marcia Greene Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Grigg Alfred L. & Sally Griggs Diane A. Griliches Barbara & Andre Guay Dr. Gary P. & Mrs. Ann M. Gurka

Ann T. Hale Lorli Hardigg & Jamey Pope Mrs. Johanna A. & Dr. William H. Harris/The William H. Harris Foundation Frank E. & Jane Heart John G. Henderson & Belinda Eichel Teri Henderson, Tim Ryan, & Matt Ryan Betsy Hewlett Joseph & Victoria Hibbard James E. & Kathleen Hogan Charles H. Hood II & Judy Hood Benjamin & Jean Horne Deborah & Frank Howard Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Howe Ruth & Robert T. Hucks Jr. John & Marcia G. Hueber Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Isaia

Debra M. Listernick Lael Locke Christine Lojko Anne S. Lombard Richard & Roberta Longley Robert L. & Gwyneth E. Loud Janet Lovejoy Peter L. MacDonald George & Ann Macomber Anita & Michael Malina Phyllis Mandel Brian & Anne Mazar/ Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust Karen & Warren McFarlan Ed & Kate McNierney Jeff & Cindy Mello Robert N. Meltzer & Sharon Camm Chris Miller & Robin Feuer Miller Sharon A. Miller

Judith Pierce & Robert M. Graham Sherrill Pierce Karen & Tony Pierson Keith D. & Ellen Heath Plapinger Patty & Bob Platten/ Marian Craig Leers Charitable Trust Mrs. Hitt Potter Dr. & Mrs. Ganson Purcell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Record Jr. Jeannette S. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Walter Rosenfeld Jr. Gail F. & John Sampieri Susan Schappert & Daniel M. Hellerstein Joe & Diane Scott Marcia D. Seeler Stephanie N. Selden Kathy Sferra & James Salvie Alice & David Shearer

Sandra A. & Richard E. Johnson Gerald S. & Linda B. Jones Harriet A. Karkut, M.D. Joan M. & Louise A. Keefe Lorna Keith Kathryn J. Kramer Dr. Anne C. Kubik & Mr. Michael A. Krupka Maria & Wes Kussmaul Alvan Lampke Susan K. & Jeffrey A. Landon Lynn L. & Richard Landy Virginia & Andres Laurits Lindsey C. Lawrence Cindy & Seth Lawry Mr. & Mrs. David S. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lee Albert E. Lees Mr. & Mrs. A. Dix Leeson Jr. David P. & Faye H. Lieb

Dr. Stephen W. & Mrs. Christina G. Miller Paul & Ellen Mintzer George B. & Elise U. Mock John S. & Susan Morris Mr. & Mrs. Douglass H. Morse Alice Moulton Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Nelson Dr. Carolyn & Dr. Eli H. Newberger Mr. & Mrs._ Edmund W. Nutting Wendy & Dennis O’Leary Robert E. & Melinda S. Oleksiak Dr. David C. & Dr. Elizabeth H. Page Martha R. & Arthur M. Pappas, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Finley H. Perry Jr. Mary C. Persky Greta & David Peterson

Willow B. Shire Frances A. Shirley Sandra & Robert Silk Ron & Mary Skates Kathleen M. Skelly Art & Corinne Smith Austin C. & Susan Smith Sheila & Nicholas Smithie Ed & Ann Snape Karen R. Sollins Paul & Phyl Solomon Caren & William Stangel Debbie & Jack Swenson Jeffrey & Linda L. Swope Mr. & Mrs. Hooker Talcott Jr./James Talcott Fund of the New York Community Trust


Profile: Judy Nackoney “As a birder, I was naturally drawn to Mass Audubon,” explained Judy Nackoney. And drawn in she was! Judy is a 20-year member and an accomplished birder, who is coming close to her goal of seeing 650 North American bird species. She travels far and wide with Mass Audubon tours, participates in Bird-a-thon, attends educational programs, and provides countless hours

Donald_ & Ruth Taylor Susan J. & Charles O. Thompson Jr. Michael & Andrea Urban Virginia Ursin Sophie Vanderbroek and Jesus del Alamo Peter Von Mertens William T. Wachenfeld Stephen L. Wasby David K. & Kitty P. Weaver Nancy L. Weiss Richard & Carol Whalen Christine & Steven Whitebread John D. Williams & Anne L. Eaton Barbara D. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Dudley H. Willis Alan Wilson & Charlotte Bensdorp Wilson

Judy Nackoney

as a volunteer in our membership department. “I have enjoyed the travel and adventure, educational opportunities, volunteering, and friendships. I love being involved here and am happy to give back.” Judy’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious and reflect the spirit of Mass Audubon.


Corporations, Foundations, and Other Supporters $25,000+ Anonymous (4) Amgen Foundation Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation Bank of New York Mellon Charitable Giving Program through the generosity of the Arthur F. Blanchard Trust Bank of New York Mellon Wealth Management Claneil Foundation Friends of the Mount Holyoke Range Island Foundation, Inc. Hollis Declan Leverett Memorial Fund Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences

Marine Biological Laboratory Amy B. Morrill Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Sheehan Family Foundation William E. Simon Foundation Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation Stoddard Charitable Trust $10,000- $24,999 Anonymous (1) Elise B. and Earl Bradway Charitable Fund Cape Cod Five Charitable Foundation Copeland Family Foundation, Inc. Josephine and Louise Crane Foundation Fred Harris Daniels Foundation The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Duxbury Beach Reservation, Inc. EarthShare of New England The Edey Foundation Energy Consumers Alliance of New England EnTrust Fund Fallon Community Health Plan Fletcher Foundation The Marshall Frankel Foundation GE Foundation The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc. Harding Educational & Charitable Foundation Gilbert H. Hood Family Fund Intel Corporation Janet Malser Humanities Trust Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation William J. McKee Foundation Medical Information Technology, Inc. Bessie Pappas Charitable Foundation The Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust The Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation Saquish Foundation Tern Foundation Three Bays Preservation, Inc. Towards Sustainability Foundation Margaret Evans Tuten Foundation Edwin S. Webster Foundation University of Wisconsin $5,000- $9,999 Anonymous (1) Aetna Foundation Bruce J. Anderson Foundation Artisan Industries Inc.

Associated Grant Makers Summer Fund The Auburn Foundation of Greater Worcester Community Foundation Bain Capital Children’s Charity Ltd. Bird Watcher’s General Store The Christie Foundation Citizens Bank Foundation Rosemary Davis Memorial Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation The Mary-Louise Eddy and Ruth N. Eddy Foundation Philip Evans Scholarship Foundation Felix Neck Wildlife Trust, Inc. Fields Pond Foundation The Fieldstone Foundation, Inc. The Fuller Foundation, Inc. Gunst Charitable Foundation The Grace & John Harrington Foundation IBM International Foundation Intex Solutions, Inc. Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Nichols Foundation Nuttall Ornithological Club: Charles Blake Fund Red Acre Foundation River Stewardship Council John J. Sacco and Edith L. Sacco Charitable Foundation Save Popponesset Bay, Inc. Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Foundation $2,500- $4,999 Anonymous (1) A.U. Bird Trust Colonial Road Runners Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, Credit Data Services, Inc. Fund Draper Laboratory Fiduciary Trust Company Foundation for MetroWest The Garden Club of the Back Bay, Inc. The Hart Foundation The Herb Society of America, Inc. Leicester Savings Bank Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation Lincoln Ridge Homeowners Association Linders, Inc. Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank The Gertrude Pomeroy Fund Quidnet Squam Association, Inc. Shurtleff Children’s Services, Inc. Standard Auto Wrecking Co., Inc.

Stearns Charitable Trust United Way of Tri-State Wellfleet SPAT Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. $1,250- $2,499 Anonymous (2) American Birding Association Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Beacon Hill Garden Club Berkshire Bank Foundation Bernier’s Market, Inc. Bird Watcher’s Supply & Gift Boveri Trackman Family Foundation Inc. Cambridge Community Foundation Commerce Bank The Conservatree Environmental Insurance Agency Farm Neck Foundation Friends of Sengekontacket, Inc. Greylock Federal Credit Union Harvard University Hoche-Scofield Foundation Houghton Mifflin Company Kraft Employee Involvement Programs Marblehead Neck Association Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Minox USA, Inc. The Naduse Foundation Nantucket Garden Club, Inc. Network for Good The Robert Treat Paine Association Permanent Endowment Fund for Martha’s Vineyard The Quebec-Labrador Foundation, Inc. Adelard A. Roy and Valeda Lea Roy Foundation SABIC Innovative Plastics State Street Corporation H. E. Thompson Foundation The Toop Family Fund The Walmart Foundation Waters Corporation

Government Agencies Local and State Agencies Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission City of Boston City of Worcester Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs

Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development Coastal Zone Management, Coastal Habitat Grant Program Department of Conservation and Recreation Department of Fish and Game MassWildlife Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program Massachusetts Cultural Council County of Dukes County Massachusetts Bays Program Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Town of Chatham Town of Dartmouth Town of Harwich Town of Lenox Town of Sandwich Town of Truro Town of Westport Town of Yarmouth Worcester Arts Council Federal Agencies Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Hanscom Air Force Base/ US Air Force Institute of Museum and Library Services National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Marine Fisheries Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, U.S. Forest Service Parker River National Wildlife Refuge U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Memorial List Thoughtful gifts were made in memory of the following individuals. Michael Ackerman Miriam “Mimi” Adler Arthur & Jean Alexander Louise Allan Charles Edward Allen Dorothy Jane Ames William John Anderson Arthur Aronoff Helen A. Arthur Robert W. Atkins, M.D. Theodora “Teddy” Bagg

Betty Bagshaw James L. Baird Dr. H. Thomas Ballantine Nancy Baratz-Culkin Alberta Grigas Barbash Bert Barrett Betty May Preston Beck Frank Weston Benson II Beatrice Berberian Gabby Blomfield Gideon Blomfield Alice M. Bonney Dorothy Bowen Hobart Braden David Brainerd Pauline Braman Lillian Braun Robert Braun Helen Brettell Horace A. Brooker James K. Brown Frances Bruni

Robert Coughlin-Wilkinson Charles H. Crowley John Culici Henry H. Cutler Robert F. Dalton Carolyn J. Dannemann Virginia M. Day Madeline Dean Edward DeAngelis Harriet B. Dickson Carlene M. Dillon Frank Donovan Mary Ann Dooley Robert Raymond Downing Jane Doyle Joanne Drinkwater Louise Duncan Marjorie Eisinger Keith D. Eisner Chris Ellison Dianne Engelhardt June E. Eustance

Raleigh Fox Goldberg Mary Ellen Edmonds Golden Edward H. Goodwin Ruth Graff Mary Lewis Gray Walter Greeley, Jr. Pauline Clayton Greene Douglas N. Greene Wayne Hanley Ronald Harlow Eoghan Raymond Harney Marie Y. Harrigan Robert & Gale Haydock Donald & Ann Haynes Peter Heidt Dr. Victor Himber Mildred Hockman Joan Hoover Emily Hulse Marie Jackola Evelyn Jaeger Judith James

Jozsef Lore Rita L. Lowe James A. MacGregor Wade Mackie Donald J. Mahony Dr. Robert F. Maier Maureen “Mitzi” Kivlin Mar Douglas Maston Sandra Ann Matkowska Marion M. Mazzarelli John M. McPhee Grace Mcvickar Lucy Metcalf Dr. Roger Dawson Milkman Joe Moore Donna Munafo Larry Murphy Jerome O’Connor Nealon Marilynn Neat Henry H. Norwood James A. Notopoulos George Nutial

Jeffrey Bryans Margaret Cabell CamNat Members Antoinette Chapman Anne A. Churchill Vincent Ciampa Constance M. Clark Louise Clark Roberta Ann Clark Alden Gould Clayton Robert V. Clem Richard Collin Kenneth C. Collinson, Jr. Susan C. Connell Eleanor Cook Jennie Couch

Corinne Pitman Everett John Farian Katherine Mary Faucher Alice Fisher Ann Fitzgerald Naomi Ruth Fitzgerald Lorna T. Flanders Charles Forbes Elizabeth Forbes Phillip Adrian Formel William W. Frank Linda B. Fuller Raymond Gazzillo William Gemeinhardt Emile Genest Garnett Gibson

Wallace Johnson Berle M. Jones Dr. F. Thomas Juster James Kalweit Katherine Kelly Dorothy Kierstead Charles Kinney Baby Kirk Robert “Stubby” H. Knowles Joseph Kuzmeskus Thomas Langdon Irene LaScala Donald LeStage III Amy Marcus Levitin Patricia Lockery Eleanor Bradley Longley

Richard Oest Jean Marshall Olson John C. Parent Michael Petit Norma I. Pinkerton Hustace H. Poor Barbara K. Pope Theodore Porcella Elizabeth Webb Pratt Nancei M. Radicchi Michael Radlhammer Robert W. Reichard Nancy Reider Ruth E. Rial Frederick Ricketts


Elliot Gilfix To capture the winning photo for the 2010 Mass Audubon Picture This photo contest (pictured on the cover), all Elliot Gilfix had to do was step outside his front door. “The first thing I noticed were the mushrooms and how the sunset was filtering through a nearby bush,” said Gilfix, a 15-year-old sophomore in high school. Being awarded the Grand Prize in the 18 and under category was a surprise for the budding shutterbug, who started snapping photos only three years ago. “My first thought was

Margaret Wade Riehl June River Michael “Woody” Robicheau Bert A. Roens Harold B. Roitman Marlene Rothmann Louise Russell Paul A. Samuelson Genevieve Sanborn Douglas Scarff Eleanor Schmidt Harry & Jennie Schofield Ernestine L. Schroeder Mary Sage Shakespeare Judith Shea

Elliot Gilfix

that there were plenty of photos of mushrooms, but then I looked closer and it was mine.” This year, Gilfix joined the panel of esteemed judges to identify winners of the 2011 photo contest.


Dorothy E. Slade Martin & Ruth Sorkin David J. Sousa Kay Stevens Chester Stoklosa Neil Sullivan James I. Summers Norman Frank Swanson Albert Szyluk Humphrey Lewis Tallman John Philip “Phil” Talmage Helen Marie Tarpy Doris Bain Thompson Bruce Thrasher Michael Ursin Dece VanderBogart Garret VanWart Margaret Vargos John E. Wade, Jr. William R. Wagg, Sr. Carolyn Waggett

Hugh C. Ward, Jr. A. Carlton Warren Robert W. Weinig Ronald Wilczek Richard P. Winchell Charles Woodward Mary Lowe Young

Bequests Richard J. Bearce Vivian F. Bucknam Pearl E. Campbell Robert V. Clem Dorothy Conkey Mrs. Frederick C. Crawford Eleanor D. De Nunno

Patricia Gordon Susan M. Jackson William P. Kadlec Rose A. Kalns Lucile S. Longview Frances Loomis Dr. Christopher H. Lovelock Mrs. Edward Miller Evalyn Noyes Ruth Packard Sven E. Siemen Mrs. R. G. Smith Mrs. R. Stoughton William E. Walker Irene G. Welsh Elizabeth R. Wolfe Inez K. Woodberry Gerald F. Zecher

The Tern Society The following individuals have established a life income arrangement with Mass Audubon or have named the organization as a beneficiary in their will or estate.

_ deceased member of the Tern Society Anonymous (25) Diana Abrashkin Donna H. Adams Deborah C. Almy Nicholas Clapp Arguimbau Priscilla H. Bailey Ruth Haskins Bass Lolly Bennett Debbie Bombard Helen M. Bowdoin Sara H. Brydges Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Carpenter Daniel D.R. Charbonnet Nancy Rideout Chisholm Richard P. Coonan Beth Cooper Modestino & Nancy Criscitiello Mr. & Mrs. Lewis S. Dabney Carolyn and David Dettinger Anne Rich Dewees Eugene Bicknell Doggett & Nina Lord Doggett Mr. & Mrs. David C. Donaldson Norman Dorian Wendy J. Dwyer Anne Eberle Richard J. Erickson & Laurie S. Miles Merry & Ralph Eustis Ronnie S. Fischer & Charles P. Sweet Clare E. Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Lester E. Forbes Sara Foster John Freeman & Linda Lacki Lorna Gibson John W. Gintell Terry Goplerud Diane Asseo Griliches Sylvia Charman Guthrie Leonard F. Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Harvey C. Hayton John Hitchcock Thomas P. Hosmer_ Noelle Hoy Kirsten Hviid Carol A. F. Jeffery Marianne & John Jeppson II Barbara B. Jones Virginia Jordan Beth & David Kimball Maribeth & John A. Klobuchar Jayne Rebello Korn

Chester & Ann Kulisa Debora LaRoy Miriam G. Lasher Bruce & Lois Lessard Ruth Joann Levine Corinne M. Lilie Martha G. Locke Anne S. Lombard Daniel J. Lombardo Stephen & Valerie Loring Clara R. Ludwig Robert & Linda MacIntosh Dick & Pat MacKinnon Marilyn & Don Malpass Elspeth E. Matkovich David Matsis Kathleen M. Morehead Barbara Munkres Fred & Barbara Murphy Pam Musk Edmund W. & Mary_ H. Nutting Jonathan & Jessie Panek Mary & Rienzi Parker Esther B. Pelletier Robert & Veronica Petersen Ina & Mason Phelps Katharine S. Plimpton Anne C. Porter William & Helen Pounds Margaret W. Riehl_ Chandler S. Robbins Rev. Lois F. Rose Barbara A. Rosen Barry & Libby Schiller Peter & Naomi Schmidt Mary Sage Shakespeare _ Evelyn B. Silver Theodore S. Smith, Jr. Virginia Sprong Diana Squires Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Steward John L. Thorndike Patricia A. Thornton Marty & Juliette Touchette Marcia Wade & J. David Officer Lyle L. Warner Stephen L. Wasby Sarah S. Webb Linda A. Welter Bill & Bobbi Whiting Doris Wilson Emily & Kenneth_ Wolf Charlotte S. Wyman Gerald F. Zecher_

Volunteers The following individuals have generously given 250 or more hours of their time this year to assist Mass Audubon in accomplishing our mission. Bill Allan Annemarie Altman Gabriel Antonucci Meg Atkins John Blake Dr. James Brown Susan Coe David Cole Brad Conant Fred Costanza Elyssa Davis Maggie Delude Janet Drohan Joe Dwelly Carmela Emerald Sue Fox Robert French Allan Greenberg Laura Hallowell William Hobbie Jeffrey Jasukonis Gary Johnson Kelly Knight Miriam Lasher Joseph Lawler Jonathan Leavy Don Lewis Judy Macioci

Richard MacKinnon Natalie Marsh Meghan Mason Judy Holland McChesney Kaileigh Newman Charlie Nims Sue Wieber Nourse Jackie Pascucci Anne Patterson Bob Paulson Alan Poole Faith Preston John Preston Eileen Rafferty Marj Rines Kathy Seymour Susan Silva Arlene Sliwoski Nancy Soulette Ava Steenstrup Emily Swartz Lee Turner Ann Vaughan Doug Wade Rick Walker David Weaver Strickland Wheelock Elizabeth Whitney

Photography Cover Mushrooms—Elliot Gilfix© Pg. 1 Laura Johnson and Jon Panek— Bonnie Baker at© Pgs. 2 – 3 Jim Coe—Harry McChesney© Katie Piersen—Robert Dunn© Jim Berry—Chuckie Mains© Pgs. 4 – 5 Edie Sisson—Tom Sisson© Green Team—Groundwork Lawrence© Shaping the Future—Emile Bruneau© Pgs. 11 – 16 Ovenbird—Mary Dineen© Flower and butterfly—Emilee Crowell© Judy Nackoney—Denny Nackoney© Yellowlegs—William Wrobel© Elliot Gilfix—Daniel Gilfix© Inside Back Cover Father and son at pond—Lauren Kreyling© Caterpillar—Michelle Cusolito© Gray Tree frog—Joy Marzolf© Starfish—Tom Baratz© All other photographs provided by Mass Audubon.

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208 South Great Road Lincoln, Massachusetts 01773 ▲

Mass Audubon has 51 wildlife sanctuaries open to the public year-round. They provide important habitat for wildlife and opportunities for you to enjoy and appreciate nature.

32 Boston Nature Center, Mattapan 33 Blue Hills Trailside Museum, Milton 34 Visual Arts Center, Canton South of Boston 35 Moose Hill, Sharon 36 Stony Brook, Norfolk 37 Oak Knoll, Attleboro 38 Attleboro Springs, Attleboro 39 North River, Marshfield 40 Daniel Webster, Marshfield 41 North Hill Marsh, Duxbury 42 Allens Pond, Dartmouth and Westport 43 Great Neck, Wareham

= Wildlife sanctuaries with nature centers Berkshires 1 Pleasant Valley, Lenox 2 Canoe Meadows, Pittsfield 3 Lime Kiln Farm, Sheffield Connecticut River Valley 4 Road’s End, Worthington 5 High Ledges, Shelburne 6 Conway Hills, Conway 7 Graves Farm, Williamsburg and Whately 8 Lynes, Westhampton 9 Arcadia, Easthampton and Northampton 10 Laughing Brook, Hampden


Central Massachusetts 11 Pierpont Meadow, Dudley 12 Burncoat Pond, Spencer 13 Broad Meadow Brook, Worcester 14 Eagle Lake, Holden 15 Rutland Brook, Petersham 16 Cook’s Canyon, Barre 17 Wachusett Meadow, Princeton 18 Lincoln Woods, Leominster 19 Lake Wampanoag, Gardner 20 Flat Rock, Fitchburg

North of Boston 21 Nashoba Brook, Westford 22 Joppa Flats, Newburyport 23 Ipswich River, Topsfield 24 Endicott, Wenham 25 Eastern Point, Gloucester 26 Marblehead Neck, Marblehead 27 Nahant Thicket, Nahant Greater Boston 28 Habitat, Belmont 29 Drumlin Farm, Lincoln 30 Waseeka, Hopkinton 31 Broadmoor, Natick

Cape Cod and the Islands 44 Ashumet Holly, Falmouth 45 Sampsons Island, Barnstable 46 Skunknett River, Barnstable 47 Barnstable Great Marsh, Barnstable 48 Long Pasture, Barnstable 49 Wellfleet Bay, Wellfleet 50 Felix Neck, Edgartown 51 Sesachacha Heathlands, Nantucket

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