Let’s break down how to design and present marketing-based attribution reports from individual top-of-funnel campaign performance so you can connect the dots from awareness to conversion and prove marketing’s overall contribution to revenue.
There are many different ways to showcase attribution and influence data. How an organization presents these reports will depend on a few factors:
Who is looking at the information;
What insights they are seeking to obtain (for example, individual campaign performance versus overall marketing contribution to revenue);
The length of time being considered (for example, a quarterly overview will look different than overarching annual reporting).
Regardless of design or layout, any visualization developed using attribution data needs to highlight Marketing’s success through the presentation of revenue results. Here are four essential reports to start demonstrating marketing's impact on revenue.
A baseline campaign attribution report would be developed at the end of each campaign to clarify which channels produced the best ROI:
A tactical report can provide a more visual representation of which channels resulted in the highest number of MQLs, Opportunities, and Won Sales across time.
Finally, a Funnel Report can offer an Executive Summary of how a particular campaign or the overall organization is performing.
Executive Summary
There is no need to present a highly sophisticated report right away. An elementary version of the above four reports pulled from a CRM can suffice until methodologies are established to bring in additional tools.