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February Programs at a Glance
Please check the website for updates and, once registered, your e-mail before attending the program.
The American Funding Katie Moore, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Ann Daly, Mississippi State University
Comment: Simon Middleton, The College of William & Mary
8TUESDAY | 6:00 | VIRTUAL PROGRAM Poor Richard’s Women: Deborah Read Franklin & the Other Women Behind the Founding Father Nancy Stuart
9WEDNESDAY | 6:00 | VIRTUAL PROGRAM Challenging Assumptions in Telling Underrepresented History Cynthia Cowan, Historic Newton; Stacen Goldman, Framingham History Center; Kyera Singleton, Royall House and Slave Quarters; and Barbara Brown, Hidden Brookline
10 THURSDAY | 6:00 | VIRTUAL PROGRAM Film Club: Amistad Sara Martin, current Editor in Chief of the Adams Papers, and Jim Taylor, former Editor in Chief of the Adams Papers
17 THURSDAY | 6:00 | HYBRID PROGRAM “Twas not long since I left my native shore”: Phillis Wheatley’s Celestial Cartography William Decker, Oklahoma State University
22 TUESDAY | 5:15 | VIRTUAL SEMINAR Back on the Clock: Labor Control in the Cold War Military’s New Workforce A. Junn Murphy, Brandeis University
Comment: Lauren Hirshberg, Regis University
23 WEDNESDAY | 6:00 | HYBRID PROGRAM The Combat Zone: Murder, Race & Boston’s Struggle for Justice Jan Brogan
Talking Headstones: What Biographers Learn From Visiting Their Subjects’ Graves Julie Dubrow, Tufts University; Natalie Dykstra, Hope College; Megan Marshall, Emerson College
28 MONDAY | 6:00 | HYBRID PROGRAM The First Kennedys: The Humble Roots of an American Dynasty Neal Thompson