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A Look Ahead: April and May Programs
Take a look at our upcoming slate of online author talks, panel discussions, workshops, seminars, and brown-bag lunch programs. Please visit www.masshist.org/events for updates and to register. Please check the website for updates and, once registered, your e-mail before attending the program.
Wednesday, April 6, at 6:00 PM: Female Genius: Eliza Harriot & George Washington at the Dawn of the Constitution, with Mary Bilder, Boston College Law School.
Thursday, April 7, at 5:15 PM: African American History Seminar, Black Abolitionists & the Meaning of Higher Learning, with Michael Jirik, Carleton College, and comment by Steven Wilder, MIT
Tuesday, April 12, at 5:15 PM: Environmental History Seminar, Pipe Dreams: The Pursuit of Desalination & the Promise of a Water-Abundant Future in the 1950s & 1960s, with Elizabeth Hameeteman, Boston University, and comment by Megan Black, MIT.
Wednesday, April 13, at 6:00 PM: Ill-Fated Frontier: Peril & Possiblities in the Early American West, with Samuel Foreman, MD.
Thursday, April 14, at 5:15 PM: History of Women, Gender & Sexuality Seminar, Queer Abby: Newspaper Advice Columnists as Allies for Gays & Lesbians, 1960–1980, with David Ferrara, University of Alabama, and comment by Lauren Gutterman, University of Texas at Austin.
Wednesday, April 20, at 6:00 PM: 54th Unmarked Dead in Olustee, Florida, with Barbara Gannon, University of Central Florida.
Thursday, April 21, at 6:00 PM: Narrative History, with John Demos in conversation with Catherine Allgor, MHS.
Monday, April 25, at 6:00 PM: Benjamin’s Last Bet: The Favorite Founder’s Divisive Death, Enduring Afterlife & Blueprint for American Prosperity, with Michael Myer.
Tuesday, April 26, at 5:15 PM: Malgeri Modern American Society & Culture Seminar, A Decent Home: The 1950s Suburban Boom in Long Island, with Michael Glass, Boston College, and comment by Rebecca K. Marchiel, University of Mississippi.
Wednesday, April 27, at 6:00 PM: Film Club: The Bostonians, with Jim Vrabel and Susan Wilson.
Thursday, April 28, at 5:15 PM: Digital History Seminar, The Dartmouth Digital History Initiative: Digital Humanities, Data Visualization & Oral History Archives, with Edward Miller and Bryan Winston, Dartmouth College, and comment by Janneken Smucker, West Chester University.
Thursday, April 28, at 6:00 PM: Confronting Economic Injustice: The Story of Parcel C, with Michael Liu, author of Forever Struggle: Activism, Identity and Survivor in Boston’s Chinatown; David Moy, Hyams Foundation; Lydia Lowe, Chinatown Land Trust; and Carolyn Chou, Asian American Resource Workshop; and moderated by Margaret Woo, Northeastern University School of Law.
Monday, May 2, at 6:00 PM: Sponsor Reception at 5:30 PM, Making History Gala, with Heather Cox Richardson and GBH’s Jared Bowen.
Tuesday, May 3, at 5:15 PM: Pauline Maier Early American History Seminar, Honoring Daniel K. Richter: McNeil Center Alumni Discuss Their Research & Experiences, with William Huntting Howell, Boston University; Elizabeth N. Ellis, NYU; Chris Parsons, Boston University; Alicia DeMaio, Horace Mann School; Sari Altschuler, Boston University; Joseph Rezek, Boston University.
Wednesday, May 4, at 6:00 PM: Filming First Ladies, with Aaron Cooley and Mark Farkas, in conversaton with Catherine Allgor, MHS.
Thursday, May 5, at 5:30 PM: Peter J. Gomes Book Prize Ceremony, with Abram Van Engen, Washington University—St. Louis, and Adrian Weimer, Providence College.
Monday, May 9, at 5:30 PM: Boston at 200: Where We Were, Where We Are & Where We’re Going, with Robert Allison, Suffolk University; Karilyn Crockett, MIT; Kerri Greenidge, Tufts University; Peter Drummey, MHS; and Luc Schuster, Boston Indicators; with remarks by Councilor Ed Flynn, District 2.
Thursday, May 12, at 5:15 PM: Dina G. Malgeri Modern American Society & Culture Seminar, The Reinvention of Tradition: Conformist Nationalism in the United States, 1923-1931, with Kelly Lyons, Boston College; and comment by Jonathan Hansen, Harvard University.
Monday through Friday, May 16–21: Member’s Week.
Tuesday, May 24, at 6:00 PM: Film Club: The Friends of Eddie Coyle, with Ty Burr.
Thursday, May 26, at 6:00 PM: Confronting Racial Injustice: Rising Asian American Political Power, with Boston Mayor Michelle Wu; Paul Lee, former partner at Goodwin, Proctor & Hoar; Phil Nash, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund; Representative Tram Nguyen, 18th Essex District; and moderated by Margaret Woo, Northeastern University School of Law.
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