PORTFOLIO “Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.�
M. van der Rohe
Heygate (Un-)Real Estate - Manifesto
Massimiliano Ros
apartment renovation
new rural school
heygate (un-)real estate
quebec city - reinventig our rivers
milan - community library
sub saharan green belt
superquadra 110
mediterranean fondaco
architecture | renovation | interior | residential
architecture | education | culture | landscape
architecture | landscape | housing | regeneration
urbanism | environment | sustainability | regeneration
architecture | culture | education | event space
urbanism | detail | sustainability | housing
architecture | landscape | detail | housing
architecture | sustainability | hospitality | culture
r o o f
apartment renovation marilisa da re architetto
Objective of this project was the overall renovation and reconfiguration of an attic located in an environmentally restricted zone in an historical area. The main design challenges faced in the design phase were a complex internal geometry and limited light sources plus the requirement of a small terrace without altering the elevation. The solutions were partial demolitions to increase the areas under the pitch and add built-in furnitures, opening new roof lights and a cut-into the roof terrace.
B context
demolition reconfiguration
new rooflight
plan 1 : 200
sections 1 : 200
A-A’ 04
2 1 3
3 05
l o ĹĄ b a t e s
new rural school boyarsky murphy architects Our design proposes an open, light and welcoming school for the 21st century. Its layout is based around a sequence of shared spaces, both outdoor and interior, for entry, play, teaching, and gathering that will form the heart of the school. This provides for the clear separation of classrooms, which are to the south, and the public facilities, that run parallel to the forest, in order to create a lively spatial dialogue for future generations to learn and grow in a caring and safe environment.
functional diagram
gymnasium cafeteria
playground outdoor sports
arts centre administration entry square
entrance view
educational gardens entrance hall
classrooms caretaker
hall view
groundfloor plan
section 07
heygate urban and typological regeneration boyarsky murphy + mauro galantino Through the years of abandonment the estate alternatively became a movies and social protests venue, hosting guerrillia gardening and performance art events. Moreover, once closed, the estate became the venue for illegal botanical tours, where once existed one of the most biodiverse and rich urban forests. These considerations were the starting point that set the aim to present an alternative and total regeneration project, realistic yet surreal; in which addition started by removing, but never erasing. project axonometry
(un-)real estate
typological regeneration
landscape layering existing typology
typological regeneration
existing typology redesign
existing typology redesign to duplex conversion 10
new typologies
towers structure and circulation
quebec city - reinventing our rivers boyarsky murphy architects Our analysis has led us to understand how each river has a wider territory of communities, infrastructures and spheres of influence with unique constraints and opportunities. Our proposal addresses this wider social territory and suggests that the rivers become generators for the transformation of Quebec City by recalibrating its relationship with nature to create a more connected and interactive landscape and reset the balance between domestic life, leisure, work, and knowledge.
urban strategy | focus areas | criticalities
4 r i v e r s
focus area and environmental strategies
library cut out
milan community library boyarsky murphy architects The new library is conceived as an open and welcoming urban pavilion in the park. It is permeable, transparent, and responsive to its context creating connections to the surrounding area and to the trees and nature. The interior organisation of the library and the flexible arrangement of the main public areas reinforce the openness and accessibility of this new hub for learning, culture and community that will enable visitors to experience a new interior world of discovery and community that is clearly linked to nature, the park and the city.
functional diagram
youth zone
labs office and deposit
lab courtyard
groundfloor and first floor plans
sub saharan green belt benno albrecht The descent of the Sahara desert and the population increase are the core elements and the starting point of this project. Our solution is a system of “green filaments� with low urbanization located along the main infrastructural networks, that will gradually grow in thickness and density. This element will initially solve the urgent food and housing needs, the final configuration will allow the organization of a structured and complete economic network. From local self-sufficiency to a supranational economy.
elements and hierarchy
aerial photomontage
a f r i c u l t u r e
prototype axonometry
The construction tecnology seeks an integration between low-tech and high-tech. The structure is a modular steel frame. This is the only element, at the beginnign, sourced externally; in the further developement this basic module will be produced in the settlements provided with this specificity. The building reach completion with local tecnologies such as straw and clay. These tecnologies, however, are re-elaborated allowing the realisation of preformed clay panels, cladding the structure and using the straw as insulation between the steel frames. The roof acts as a rainwater collector. This dry tecnology aims to be applicable and reproducible with basic tools as a screwdriever or a welder.
superquadra 110 aldo aymonino
After an in depth study on Brasilia’s quadras, emerged a constant undefined relationship between the housing elements and the surrounding landscape. The aim of this project is to redifine the original system maintaining the Quadra’s founding elements: internal car infrastructure, now in parking towers; and the housing vertical circulation, now inside the pillars of the new bridge-buildings. This adaptable solution allowed us to define different areas and relationships with the architectonic elements.
bridge block connection
green court
lower pathw footprint
project’s element
courtyard connection
main pathways
parking greenery public
mediterranean fondaco r. albiero - g. mucelli - l. schibuola The project is based on two different structures: a permanent one, the gridshell assolving the main environmental tasks; and a temporary one, a flexible structure fulfilling temporary and variable needs. The fondaco (meaning in greek hotel and in arabic storehouse) was a building or a building compound widespread in the Mediterranean Sea which fulfilled the role of storehouse, hotel and even embassy for foreign traders. In the modern fondaco we trade culture; the project area is in Sicily, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
o p e n
r o o f
axonometric details
A - market square B - garden square C - accomodations D - multipurpose centre E - piazza / event space F - garden theatre G - atelier / workshop H - exhibition centre I - leisure zone
first floor plan
visual elaboration “iconoclash� for F. dal Co
r o s .ma ssimi lia n o @g m ail .co m