Portfolio Massimo Peota

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CV+P Massimo Peota Via G.Carducci 4 36040 Meledo di Sarego Vicenza, Italy Watergeusstraat 4b-1 3025 HS Rotterdam Netherlands Email: massimo.peota@gmail.com Tel: 0683122171 00393405020305




Telephones E-mail(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender

Massimo Peota Via Carducci n°4 36040 Vicenza (Meledo di Sarego) 0039 0444820360 Mobile 0039 3405020305 massimo.peota@gmail.com Italian 07/02/1982 Male



First name / Surname Address

WORK EXPERIENCE Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

09/2009 - .... Member of HUB ROVERETO ARCHITECTURE TEAM Interior Design of the new HUB office in Rovereto HUB ROVERETO Piazza Manifattura 1, 38068 Rovereto (TN) Hub International 07/2009 - 08/2009 Collaborator Architect Interior design and elaboration 3d images for Shangai Tobacco Factory (China) FREI(T)RAUM Haidgasse 15/16, 1020 Wien (Austria) Architecture Studio 04/2009 - 05/2009 Architect Architecture’s competition for a new square in Asigliano Veneto, Vicenza. Projectual development and graphic processing. ENGINEER FABRIZIO NEGRO General Vaccari 96, 36054 Montebello Vicentino (VI) Architecture and Engineering

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

01/2009 - 05/2009 Stage Collaboration with the technical office of “Provincia di Ferrara” as building site supervisor. TECHNICAL OFFICE “PROVINCIA DI FERRARA” Corso Isonzo 26, 44100 Ferrara (Italy) Public Administration 04/2008 - 10/2008 Collaborator Architect -Project plan and elaboration 3d images for a new hotel in Yalta (Ukraine). -Project plan for 3 house near Vicenza. -Project plan and elaboration 3d images of “Equipe Factory”, saddle’s factory in Arzignano, Vicenza. VERLATO+ZORDAN ARCHITETTI ASSOCIATI Piazza M. Lorenzon 33/1, 36100 Vicenza Architecture Studio

Type of business or sector

09/2007 - 11/2007 Collaborator Architect -Architecture’s Competition for the project of a square with a social buildng in Montebello (Vicenza). Project plan and graphic layout. -Elaboration 3d images for 2 house in Monteforte, Verona. STUDIO DI ARCHITETTURA E DI INGENIERIA ARCH. FEDERICA FELTRE, ING. FABRIZIO NEGRO Via General Vaccari 96, 36054 Montebello Vicentino (VI). Architecture and Engineering Studio

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

04/2006 - 05/2006 Collaborator Architect Interior design and elaboration of 3d images of an house in Bologna. Arch. Luciano Pollifrone 30124 Venezia (VE) - S. Marco, 4274 Architecture Studio

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

06/2000 - 08/2000 Trainee Tecnical drawing of an house in Lonigo, Vicenza. Collaborator of building site surpevisor. EDILCOSTRUZIONI DI CALLEGARO & ZUFFELLATO S.P.A. Via Salgarelle, Lonigo, VI 36045 Property Developer

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

EDUCATION AND TRAINING Title of qualification awarded Dates Principal subjects Name of organisation providing education and training

Master Degree (I° level) 11/2008 - 05/2009 Project Management technique. Università degli studi di Ferrara

Title of qualification awarded Dates Principal subjects Name of organisation providing education and training

Graduate Degree in Architecture 09/2005 - 04/2008 Specialisation in city planning. Università di Archittetura IUAV di Venezia

Title of qualification awarded Dates Principal subjects

Undergraduate Degree in Architectural Science 09/2001 - 09/2005 The degree programme combines a strong cultural tradition with the innovative discipline of project design and planning based on the issues of contemporary living. Università di Architettura IUAV di Venezia

Name of organisation providing education and training Title of qualification awarded Dates Name of organisation providing education and training

High School Diploma in Surveying 09/1996 - 07/2001 I.T.S.G. “A.CANOVA” di Vicenza

PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Mother tongue Other languages

Italian English (LEVEL B2.2) Spanish (LEVEL A1.2)

Computer skills and competences

Excellent knowledge of Autocad (2D and 3D), Autodesk Maya (rendering with Mental Ray, Maxwell Render and Vray), SketchUp and all Adobe Design Suite and Adobe Premier. Basic knowledge of 3dMax, Rhino, Vectorworks, Cinema4d. Competent with Microsoft Office programmes. I can work with MAC OS or WINDOWS OS.

Organisational and technical skills and competences

-Good experience in complex architecture project. -Excellent skills with 3d model and 3d animation. -Interior design. -Ecology network and infrastructures for mobility(my degree thesis at university). -Pubblic space and public building(my specialisation at degree courses).


DEGREE THESIS Infrastructures and network: study about intersection

Degree thesis at Iuav University at the Faculty of Architecture with Giulia Sartore. The theme of the project is infrastructure and ecological networking. The project started with the study of the new “high speed” train lines present on the market and their influence and impact on the surrounding enviroment. The result of our research was that the high speed trains actually used in Italy,especially in the north of the country,don´t have a good impact on the enviroment and on the citizens,living in the zones nearly situated to the railways. For this reason we decided to develop our project on the interaction and the creation of new infrastructures. The new train line, with a new appropriate plan of the surrounding areas, especially the intersection points between the new infrastructure and a new network of ecological areas , could be the example of a good working interaction and could bring opportunity for all the parts involved (people and enviroment). The first step of the analyze was the knowledge of the territory, with a special awareness ofthe ecological situation, to understand the critical points and the ecological possibilities of the enviroment. The second and final step brought us to develop a map based on the ecological network, thenew high speed line and the critical points of the project. From that point on we worked on the critical points to develop our idea.

UNDER A COMMON ROOF Re-think the Plecnik’s houses under a common roof.

Project made at IUAV university with another student. Re-think the Plecnik’s project for Ljubljana made in 1944 and find a place where place it in a small town of north Italy. We chose the small town of Oderzo, Treviso; a characteristic small and old town near Venice. Oderzo is called “the city of arcade”, the perfect place for our project. The development of design start from this: searching a rennovation for the arcade and covered walk. Under this common roof we putted, near the city centre, a service block with shop and residences and in the other part we studied four new duplex typology houses.

POINT AND LINE TO LAGUNA Individual design for a rennovation of Venice north laguna.

Venice north laguna is a low density area where the water change every day the shape of variuos islands. The city of Venice was born in this area and in every island there is a fragment of this story. POINT AND LINE TO “LAGUNA” is a rennovation project for this area. “Point” and “line” are two new element but they are the revival of a typical Venetian element: the jetty. The “point” buildings are in all the area and they work like an “park and ride”. The “line” building is the main element for all the area. The building work like a new gate for the north laguna and is possible see it from Venice. It’s start from San Giacomo in Paludo island, pass Lazzareto Nuovo island and it’s over at the “Torre Massimiliana” in Sant’Erasmo Island. In these islands the “line” is an itinerary through ancient buildings and beatifull naturally places. For the three old buildings in San Giacomo in Paludo island there is a specific restoration project.

T0URIST RESORT IN LJUBLJANA 3 week IUAV intensive workshop

During the first three years of studies, IUAV university organised this intensive workshop. For three weeks students work under the guide of Italian and foreign architects, faculty professors and professionals from outside academia. In this workshop me and other 3 students worked with Prof. Giancarlo Carnevale for a tourist resort in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We focused especcaily on the development of the rooms appartment. We paid attention at the influence and impact on that particular enviroment.

100 X 100 m3 3 week IUAV intensive workshop

Another workshop with prof. Stefano Boeri for the 6th Arquine competition. All the submissions had to resolve a program consisting of 100 studios, measuring 100 cubic meters each, in whic to work and live, a pedestrian landscape with cultural and commercial spaces, an exhibition gallery/concert hall (for resident artists as well as visiting ones), a wellness center/gymnasium area, and a common area with communications (cafeteria with internet).

ASIGLIANO VENETO Architecture’s competition for a new square.

The competion would requalificate the city center of Asigliano Veneto. This topics can describe all the project: _Research of urban identity; _The meaning of “genius loci”; _Relation with urban context; _The sustainable materials ’ employment.

V+Z ARCHITECTS Collaboration with Verlato+Zordan Architects.

Verlato+Zordan architect is an architecture studio in Vicenza. I collaborated with they for 8 month. My assignament was especially 3D model and rendering. The main project during this period was: _OPERA PRIMA HOTEL. An italian style hotel in Yalta (Ukraine) with collaboration of Atelier Collaborative (Venice). _PMG HOUSE. Enlargement and restoration works of an old house in Arzignano (Vicenza). _EQUIPE FACTORY. New saddles factory in Vicenza.

Opera Prima Hotel

Equipe Factory PMG House

FREI(T)RAUM Collaboration with Frei(t)raum studio

Frei(t)raum is an architectural/design studio in Vienna. I collaborated 2 months with them.The project was the interior design of the the new building of Shangai Tobacco Company’s factory. My assignament was especially 3D model and rendering. There was two different phases. The work try to translate the typical chinese architecture detail in a moderrn and functional building.


FOOTBRIDGE A footbridge in Meledo di Sarego, Vicenza.

Project for a footbridge along the main street of the little town of Meledo, Vicenza. In front of the bridge there is the entrance of “Villa Trissino”, the famous Palladio’s unfinished villa. End of works: December 2010

Pianta Scala 1:200

Prospetto Scala 1:100

Sezione Scala 1:100

r e t s am

m a d

6 A

e r e m al

ALMERE Analysis about city of Almere and its urban plan

A research about the development of Almere with prof. Paola Viganò. In this research I’ve studied the variuos urban plan for Almere during its short life, and principally the solutions for infrastructure: water, roads/highway and ecological.

sviluppo del Flevoland

1967_boniďŹ ca del polder

1977_Almere Haven

1979_Almere Stad

1983_Almere Buiten

1990_creazione sistema di autobus

1997_completamento piano del 1983

1997_piano amministrazione

1996_Masterplan OMA

2007_situazione attuale

sviluppo del polder dalla boniďŹ ca alla situazione attuale


tavola 05

1 km o km

piano dell’amministrazione 1997

5 km 3 km


Plan 1983


Plan 1997




Winy Mass_ City Architect of Almere Winy Maas

Winy Mass_ City Architect of Almere

Dal 2004 Winy Maas è city architect della città di Almere. Nel suo progetto di sviluppo della città Maas guarda soprattutto alla costa, trasformandola da una struttura anti-erosione statica, vuota e monotona in una serie di sfere ed ecosistemi localizzati lungo il bordo dell’acqua. Nel progetto si possono distinguere lungo la diga che circonda attualmente tutta la città, dodici diverse identità o sfere, ognuna con un proprio carattere, programma e orientamento verso l’acqua. Queste dodici parti della città per Maas devono essere portate al di sopra della diga fino ad avvicinarsi all’acqua, man mano che il bordo dell’acqua definisce questi paesaggi mutevoli. Collegando queste nuovi nuclei costieri al centro città si andrebbero a formare delle nuove arterie di percorrenza radiali, come gli antichi assi radiali che nelle antiche città attiravano la compagna verso il centro. Questi nuovi assi potranno contribuire a creare un desiderio di relazione con la costa e potranno arricchire la vita urbana. Secondo Maas “il nutrimento di tale desiderio non è dato da dove ti trovi ora ma dalla sensazione di dove puoi essere o dove puoi andare”. Per questo questo nuove arterie di collegamento che portano direttamente all’acqua potranno dare alla città solo una dimensione ulteriore e migliore.


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