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Civil Rights Trip
Senior Lecturer Regina Cassell has difficult part was staying motivated to finish my realized just how important the connection school work,” Buchanan said. with students truly is. One thought that was synonymous “I had 26 students in MM199 this semester,” “Mass Media faculty among everyone included here had nothing to do with what was going said Cassell. “There deeply care about on now, but what the future would be is already a lot of technology in the class, our students and like. COVID-19 has left some and many students had they are committed questioning what it holds, while to overcome the initial shock before they were able to jump back into to helping them be successful.” others, like Grimmer, had a clearer vision of what was to come, even if it was not all positive. classwork.” - Maria Stover “While I don’t think things will For Sarah Buchanan, the transition was not Professor and ever go back to the same as they were, I do think we will find a new too difficult because she Department Chair normal that can be just as satisfying had taken online classes as the old one,” Grimmer said. in the past. In addition to teaching classes,
“I did miss saying my bi- or tri-weekly faculty met weekly to discuss policies and hellos to my classmates and exchanging strategies that could help Washburn students this ideas for projects and activities. The most fall as well.
Complement your major by adding a minor in Communication Studies!
To earn a minor in Communication Studies, completion of CN 101, CN 150 and 3 upper-division CN electives is required.
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