Australian Plumbing - Autumn 2024

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Future proofing the family business Plumbing industry growth // Best 4x4 revealed AUSTRALIAN AUTUMN | 2024 Australia’s industry and member news


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Wayne Hutchinson hopes his daughter’s positive experience can encourage other women to plumbing

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4 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024
Disclaimer API is published for the plumbing industry and Master Plumbers Members by the Master Plumbers’ and Mechanical Services Association of Australia (MPMSAA) ABN: 56 296 473 997. Responsibility for comment in respect of elections in Master Plumbers is taken by Peter Daly of 15/306 Albert Street, Brunswick, VIC, 3056. Advertising: No responsibility is accepted by the publisher for accuracy of information contained in advertisements. Publication of any advertisements does not constitute endorsement by the publisher of any product, nor warrant its suitability. Advertisements are published as submitted by advertisers. Copyright: No part of this magazine may be produced without the publisher’s written permission Contributors: The views of external contributors and advertisers are not necessarily the views of Master Plumbers. Master Plumbers supports green printing initiatives. This magazine has been printed on FSC® certified paper using vegetable based inks by Southern Colour under ISO 14001 environmental certification. Welcome 7 From the President Industry feature 8 Insights into plumbing Industry feature 12 The danger of silicosis Tech’s most wanted 16 Find the answers to some of the most asked questions Tech talk 18 Cooktop complexities Around the nation 20 What’s happening in plumbing, locally and nationally Member profile 32 Succession planning for families Health & wellbeing 34 Handle stress at work Business insights 36 Using AI in marketing Vehicle reviews 40 Iconic or not? Heritage collection 44 Chipping away at innovation Product news 46 In an industry as dynamic as plumbing, post trade qualification training is vital to ensure currency Silica safety Game changer Positive trends
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to the Autumn edition of Australian Plumbing Welcome

This year is already keeping us on our toes with a suite of regulatory changes coming into effect and more on the horizon.

Late last year, the Victorian Government announced that, as of January 1, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions will no longer be approved unless the property is fully electrified and does not have an active gas connection. The announcement was made without consultation with the industry, was short on detail and sent shockwaves across the pumbing sector. Master Plumbers has expressed its concerns widely and we slammed both the decision and the way it was announced.

In the wake of this announcement, the Government also revealed it is now considering forcing households to rip out existing gas appliances as part of a Regulatory Impact Statement to be released later this year. We have already seen electricity supplies cut off due to severe weather events and predictions of more blackouts loom. These incidents don’t mean that we shouldn’t be moving towards carbon-neutral energy futures, but they do highlight the risk of putting all our eggs in one basket. Over the coming year, Master Plumbers will be actively engaged with key decision makers to try and temper the transition in a sustainable and practical way for our industry and our communities.

For the past few years, the State Government has been investigating options for introducing a mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for building and plumbing practitioners in Victoria. Master Plumbers has been actively engaged in the consultation process to date and we are pleased to note that the Government has now released a Regulatory Impact Statement RIS detailing the proposed way forward.

Master Plumbers believes that mandatory CPD would be a valuable addition to the existing framework for the regulation of plumbing in Victoria. Ongoing practitioner competency verification through CPD, is a particularly important consumer protection/compliance measure in regulatory settings such as Victoria’s which relies so heavily on self-certification.

Master Plumbers already operates a leading CPD program for the plumbing industry in Victoria, with almost 4,000 participants. Such schemes deliver benefits to many practitioners, and by extension consumers and

the community. However, voluntary programs are unlikely to deliver the sorts of industry wide, compliance, consumer protection, or professional development outcomes which the industry requires. They tend to attract those are already keeping on top of industry developments rather than those who are most likely to need upskilling.

In an industry as dynamic as plumbing – where new innovations, technologies, systems, techniques, and materials are being developed, refined, combined and incorporated into the built environment every day –ongoing, post trade qualification training is not a “nice to have”, but is vital and necessary to ensure currency.

The key to a successful mandatory scheme is to design one which is relevant to all practitioners, has the right mix of technical and industry and professional development units and is designed to gain and retain practitioner buy-in and not become compliance driven.

A regulated CPD scheme would place requirements on all license (or registration) holders. The scheme must therefore be flexible enough to accommodate the variability in work types, skills classes, skill breadth and level, within and across the various license classes of plumbing and fire protection. While individuals may have a license in common, it would be wrong to view all practitioners within those license or registration categories as homogenous groups.

We are currently preparing a submission to the RIS built on the insights and invaluable experience of our own CPD program. We believe it would be a waste of limited resources for government to build a program from scratch when existing programs such as ours have already successfully established governance structures, active participant bases and momentum.

We look forward to playing an integral role, not only in shaping a future mandatory scheme in Victoria but in the delivery of CPD programs for the industry.

Find out more… Visit Master Plumbers CPD program for plumbers at | 7

Insights into the future of Australia’s plumbing industry

In December 2023, IBISWorld released its annual ‘Plumbing Services in Australia’ industry report. The report contains comprehensive data and in-depth analysis on the state of the Plumbing Services industry in Australia. Below is a summary of the key information and conclusions/recommendations contained in the report. The full report is available to be purchased from

Industry feature

The Plumbing Services industry in Australia is poised to reach $21.9 billion with an anticipated annualised revenue growth of 2.0% over the five years through 2028-29. This growth is underpinned by a combination of factors, including recovering conditions in the residential sector, continued demand in non-residential segments, and the ongoing demand for plumbing repairs and maintenance services across diverse markets. As the industry navigates challenges and embraces opportunities, it remains a crucial player in ensuring the effective functioning of Australia’s infrastructure and households.

Navigating challenges and opportunities

According to the report, the industry is facing challenges, with revenue expected to contract at an average annualised 0.9%, reaching $19.8 billion in 2023-24. This includes an anticipated drop of 3.4% in the current financial year. The decline is primarily attributed to installation work on single-unit housing projects, triggered by increased mortgage interest rates as the RBA raised cash rates to contain inflationary pressures, as well as the withdrawal of subsidisation under the Federal Government’s HomeBuilder scheme.

The installation and maintenance of commercial-style plumbing fixtures and fittings in the multi-unit apartment and townhouse construction markets surged to a record peak in 2017-18. It has since fallen sharply with oversupply conditions in several markets, the withdrawal of foreign investment coupled with the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. Construction of multi-unit dwellings is expected to grow by 2.9% in 2023-24 and provide scope for expansion in installation work for the larger plumbing contractors.

In spite of these obstacles, many smaller plumbing contractors experienced a surge in installation work on new house construction through 2021-22, driven by historically low interest rates and the Federal HomeBuilder stimulus. Still, the recent hike in interest rates is expected to dampen house construction by 12.6% in 2023-24, threatening the industry’s overall performance. Commercial building activity dipped during 2020-21 immediately following the outbreak of COVID-19 as property developers set aside projects in response to stay-at-home restrictions.

Despite the challenges in the residential sector, the plumbing services industry is resilient thanks to positive trends in the non-residential building and infrastructure markets. The non-residential building market has remained positive, in spite of the minor contraction of commercial building investment in 2020-21 following the COVID-19 outbreak. Anticipated growth in non-residential building construction by 2.6% during 2023-24 will provide an opportunity for some larger plumbing contractors. Larger and specialist plumbing contractors have found solid installation and maintenance work installing commercial fixtures and fittings in offices, retail premises,

hospitals, schools and industrial warehouses. This has helped to mitigate the slump in residential building. Opportunities exist for specialist plumbing services within non-building markets, as increased government capital expenditure drives forward growth in plumbing installations, upgrades, and maintenance work related to water, sewerage, irrigation infrastructure, and water treatment projects.

Investment in non-building infrastructure construction drives specialist plumbing work on high-pressure gas and liquid piping systems for industrial applications. There has been solid growth from piping installation on the LNG processing and coal seam gas infrastructure across northern Australia, as well as installing and maintaining water and sewerage treatment infrastructure. Heavy industry and non-building construction climbed during the COVID-19 pandemic but is anticipated to dip by 0.8% in 2023-24.

Sustaining profitability through adaptability

Over the past five years, consistent profitability in the plumbing industry has been driven by maintenance work on large-scale building and infrastructure projects. At the same time, many smaller plumbing contractors have profited from a steady stream of emergency repair work on existing plumbing fixtures and fittings in the household market. Plumbing installation, maintenance and emergency repair work are all influenced by trends in household discretionary income and household spending capacity. Household discretionary income saw a big increase through 2020-21 in response to the injection of government funding in income support packages to counter the COVID-19 pandemic and low unemployment levels. Household discretionary income is expected to inch downwards by 0.1% in 2023-24, in response to cost of living pressures and rising interest rates. This stable revenue performance is a testament to the diversification of installation activities across various downstream building, industrial and household markets. The research shows, that one of the best ways for businesses to navigate the inherent volatility in the industry is by cultivating a strong reputation for delivering quality work and offering value-for-money quotes. Furthermore, businesses need to demonstrate their adaptability by seamlessly transitioning between slower and faster-growing markets, while also staying attuned to market demands. This can be done by reading construction cycles and adjusting their work accordingly.

Positive trends and new challenges

Looking ahead, plumbing contractors are in a great position to capitalise on positive developments in installation projects within the non-residential building and apartment construction markets.

A recovery in the apartment and townhouse construction market, driven by population growth | 9
Innovation in plumbing software packages can improve efficiency
Spending on plumbing repairs and maintenance services is projected to maintain favourable conditions for contractors

pressures, will contribute to robust expansion. This includes the installation of commercial-style fixtures, fittings, and comprehensive water supply and drainage systems for large-scale buildings. The potential relief in interest rates, coupled with population pressures, may also support a modest recovery in the single-unit house construction market, driving demand for domestic installation services and civil plumbing on residential subdivisions, including bathroom, kitchen and laundry fixtures and fittings, hot water systems, dishwashers, gas heaters and ovens. While smaller plumbing contractors will continue to focus on revenue from maintenance and repairs in residential dwellings, they may encounter heightened competition from contractors operating under franchise arrangements.

These favourable trends are expected to enable some larger plumbing contractors to experience widened profit margins on new installation work. However, challenges with the Victorian Government’s ban on natural gas connections in new residential developments will have an impact. Despite these obstacles, sustained spending on plumbing repairs and maintenance services across household, commercial, and industrial sectors is projected to maintain favourable conditions for most contractors.

Lifecycle and technology

The Plumbing Services industry exhibits slower growth than Australia’s GDP, primarily propelled by construction project installations and ongoing maintenance and repair services. While gradual changes in technology and a tighter regulatory environment offer potential for new products and markets, the inherently labourintensive nature of plumbing services limits substantial transformation. The industry’s fragmented structure also hinders consolidation, despite the emergence of new franchise groups.

Technological advancements in the delivery of plumbing services mainly comes from building management software for scheduling, workflows, project estimates, and client invoicing, alongside innovations like nondestructive digging equipment and easily assembled plumbing fixtures to enhance labour productivity.

Expanding and contracting products and services

Water plumbing services have maintained a steady share of industry revenue, balancing the decline in residential

installation work with the rise in water infrastructure projects to address population growth and water security.

Modest growth in sanitary plumbing services was supported by public sector funding for sewage facilities and non-residential building expansion. Civil work on sewerage connections for residential subdivisions previously stimulated the industry before the recent downturn in new housing construction.

Contractors found opportunities for plumbing installation work from the growth in non-residential building construction, installing and maintaining complex water plumbing systems for offices, universities and healthcare buildings. Ongoing maintenance and repair activity also provides a stable revenue source for many commercial plumbing contractors and facilities management companies.

Gas fitting services fell sharply, with the industry continuing to service existing gas ovens, cooktops, heaters and hot water systems. Revenue from burst pipe detection and repair services to gas mains will remain a constant source of revenue from the household, commercial and industrial markets.

Mechanical plumbing services in the non-residential building market expanded through 2023-24, including installing and servicing large-scale climate control and ventilation systems for commercial and industrial buildings. Maintenance activity in this market tends to be seasonal and climbs during the cooler months.

Plumbing contractors who adopt new technology in equipment and training including using water jetters, rodder machines and drum machines to clear drains will have a competitive advantage. Innovation in plumbing software packages can improve efficiency, while technological advancements in capital equipment can innovate the delivery of plumbing services.

Reputation paramount in a competitive landscape

The primary battleground for contractors lies in establishing a reputation for quality, where plumbing professionals set themselves apart through the excellence of their work, punctuality, cleanliness, and positive customer referrals. By aligning themselves with trusted networks and emphasising service excellence, these contractors not only enhance their credibility but also open doors to a broader customer base, reinforcing their position in the industry.

Editor’s note: Since this report was published, further bans on gas appliances have been foreshadowed, and are likely to impact the plumbing industry. The full impact of this will not be clear with further lobbying from Master Plumbers due through 2024 – see President’s column on page 7.

10 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024


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Silica safety

As more and more becomes known about the danger of silicosis – an irreversible and potentially fatal lung disease caused by inhaling unsafe levels of silica dust – experts and decision makers have explored the best way to keep safe those who could be exposed, Kathryn Kernohan writes.

With plumbers, construction workers and other tradespeople at particularly high risk of silicosis due to the ongoing popularity of engineered stone bench tops, various states around the country have moved to introduce their own regulations.

In late 2021, Victoria amended its Occupational Health and Safety Regulations to introduce specific controls to be used when working

with engineered stone, such as a permanent ban on the dry cutting of engineered stone, as well as a new licensing scheme.

Master Plumbers’ National OHS and Risk Manager Zane Martin says the reforms had led the country in responding to the silicosis risk in an evidence-based way.

“Anyone in Victoria that’s dealing with, manufacturing or working with

engineered stone is required to be licensed, and must meet key criteria to be licensed. These regulations have significantly reduced or removed the potential harms associated because the controls are quite stringent,” he says.

“If you’re going to drill and put a new kitchen tap through a stone bench, here in Victoria you require licensed personnel to come out and do that

Industry feature
12 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

drilling, which means it’s got to be done via wet cutting, it’s got to be vacuumed up and cleaned up and disposed of. That must be done here in Victoria.”

Last year, Safe Work Australia published a report recommending a complete ban on the use of engineered stone, regardless of crystalline silica content. The report highlighted that the first local case of silicosis was reported in 2015 and that a disproportionate number of diagnoses relate to engineered stone workers.

“In these workers (compared to workers exposed to silica from

natural sources), silicosis is associated with a shorter duration of exposure to silica, faster disease progression and higher mortality,” the report reads.

Australia’s complete prohibition on the use, supply and manufacture of all engineered stone will commence in the majority of jurisdictions from July 1st this year.

In response to the recommendation, in December 2023, the Federal, state and territory governments unanimously agreed to Safe Work Australia’s recommendation to prohibit the use, supply and manufacture of all engineered

stone with the majority of jurisdictions to commence the prohibition from July 1st.

The prohibition will ban a person conducting a business or undertaking from carrying out work or directing or allowing a worker to carry out work, on or with engineered stone. This includes manufacturing, supplying, processing and installing engineered stone.

The prohibition will not apply to the repair, minor modification, removal or disposal of engineered stone installed prior to the prohibition.

WorkSafe Victoria has flagged further exceptions for engineered stone | 13

products with trace levels of crystalline silica (under 1%).

Master Plumbers acknowledges that silica-related diseases are preventable and the need to comprehensively address the risk in industries where there is a high-risk of accelerated silicosis and occupational lung diseases.

“As employers we have a duty of care to make sure that we provide a safe work environment, and we are required to protect ourselves and look after our own health and safety and the safety of others around us.” says Zane.

“It is critical however to ensure that any changes come with clear, simple and practical rules so that businesses know what they need to do to comply and by when. It is also important to acknowledge the stringent measures that have been put in place in states like Victoria and that transitional arrangements are worked through and clearly mapped out.”

Safe Work Australia notes that “until the prohibition of engineered stone comes into effect, workers and businesses can continue to work with engineered stone in a controlled way.”

Australia’s complete prohibition on the use, supply and manufacture of all engineered stone will commence in the majority of jurisdictions from July 1st this year.

In Victoria for example, current Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws in relation to exposure to silica dust or working with engineered stone, and the associated employer obligations, remain in place. Until 1 July 2024, employers or self-employed persons planning on undertaking any engineered stone process must still hold an engineered stone licence. If you currently hold an engineered stone licence it will remain valid until the ban comes into effect.

Readers are advised to stay up to date with individual state or territory regulations by contacting their local WHS regulator and members of Master Plumbers are encouraged to reach out to their local Association for further advice. In Victoria, Master Plumbers members can reach out to to speak to our in-house experts for further guidance.


facts about silica exposure


On this day in December 2023 Governments agreed to prohibit the use of all engineered stone as per Safe Work Australia’s recommendation


Silica is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, which means you can be breathing it in without knowing


Four main diseases exposure to silica dust can lead to are lung cancer, silicosis, kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

14 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

Plumbers/ Every Day Heroes

Thanks to all the plumbers we rely on to keep our communities running.

Join us on Friday 15th March to celebrate World Plumbing day.

Know the hot topics

In this Master Plumbers’ Series, our technical advice team share the answers to some of the most asked questions. For our Autumn Edition, Sam Welsh takes on the quick questions that evade the young guns.

Q If I would like to be able to complete gas-safety checks, what licence do I require to be able to do this?

A Residential gas-safety checks are to be completed by plumbers who hold a licence or registration in the main class of gas fitting and the specialised class of type A gas servicing (see image of licence registration card on page 17).

If you are unsure if you have this licence, check the back of your Victorian Building Authority Plumbing Licence.

Additionally, any individual who does this work needs to be at least Registered in this specialised class of work, even if Supervised by a licence holder.

Q Is there a maximum distance you can run a PTR drain line off a hot water service?

A The short answer to this question is yes!

AS/NZS 3500.4, Clause 5.11. outlines the standards for PTR drains including size, material, lengths, and changes of directions greater than 45° you can have in a PTR drain. Check out the specifics to be sure.

Lengths and changes of direction:

Q What type of work do I need to submit a compliance certificate with the Victorian Building Authority?

A As the VBA’s website states:

1 Where the total value of the work (including materials, appliances, labour and GST) exceeds $750. Note: The cost of materials and appliances must be included, regardless of whether they were supplied by another person.

16 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024
Tech’s most wanted
Maximum relief drain length (metres) Maximum numbers of changes of direction (greater than 45°) 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 6

2 For the following types of plumbing work, regardless of the total value of the work –the installation, relocation, or replacement of any Type A gas-using appliances, regardless of the cost. Note: Complex gas installation and Type B appliances are not covered by the VBA’s compliance certificate scheme. This work is overseen by Energy Safe Victoria.

3 The conversion of a gas-using appliance for use with a different gaseous fuel.

4 including the installation, modification, or relocation of consumer gas piping (other than work carried out on behalf of a gas company).

5 The construction, installation or alteration of any below-ground sanitary drain or associated gullies.

6 The construction, installation, alteration, relocation, or replacement of a cooling tower

or of any other part of a cooling tower system, including the installation or replacement of any associated device or equipment.

If you are a licensed plumber issuing a compliance certificate, you must issue it to the customer within five days of completing the plumbing work, or within five days of the termination of a plumbing work contract. You must also lodge the compliance certificate with the VBA within five days of completion of plumbing work. This needs to be done through VBA360.

Q I’m installing a fire hose reel, is there a certain clearance there must be around the outside of the hose reel?

AAll standards needed to install a fire hose reel can be found AS 2441. Clause 11 explains that you must have 100mm clearance around the outside of the hose reel when surface mounted, in a cabinet, recess or cavity. | 17

Cooktop complexities

Standards surrounding clearances for domestic gas cookers are not as straight

forward as you would think. Let us clear this up.

Overhead clearances

Range hoods and exhaust fans should be installed in line with the manufacturers’ installation instructions. When a difference in height occurs between the installation instructions and the Australian standard, the greater clearance shall apply.

What is the clearance currently?

Australian standard 5601.1:2022, clause, outlines clearances to range hood and exhaust fans. For a new installation, the clearance between the cooking support surface for the cooking vessels and the rangehood shall not be less than 650mm. For existing installations or a changeover of a gas cooker, the clearance to a rangehood from the highest part of the highest burner of the appliance or the hob, shall be not less than 600mm and should be more if the installation instructions specify a greater clearance.

Exhaust fans above domestic gas cooking appliances also have a clearance that must be applied. This clearance remains unchanged. For a new installation and existing installation or changeover, AS 5601.1:2022 states the clearance between the highest part of the highest burner of the appliance or the hob shall not be less than 750mm.

Note: Removeable accessories such as a wok trivet that sits upon a hob trivet are not considered in determination of the supporting surface for the cooking vessels.

Downward clearance

Any Downward facing combustible surface is required to have a clearance greater than 650mm above the supporting surface for the cooking vessels.

So, what if I can’t meet the 650mm requirement?

This clearance can be reduced to 450mm but would require the surface to be protected for the full width and depth of the cooker hob. In any case the clearance to any overhead surface shall not be less than 450mm.

Side clearances

Side clearances from combustible surfaces are also another important consideration. You require a minimum of 200mm clearance, when measuring from the outer edge of the nearest burner to any vertical combustible surface. If that surface is closer than 200mm, it must be protected. This surface protection must be to a height of no less than 150mm above the

most outer edge of the nearest burner and be the full width or depth of the cooking surface area. If the cooker is fitted with its own splash back, rear wall protection is not required provided the splash back achieves the protection indicated above. If the side clearance to a horizontal combustible material (eg: a benchtop) is less than 200mm from the outer edge of the nearest burner, then the cooktop must be installed so the top of the hob is no less than 10mm above the height of the horizontal surface.

Note: Side clearance does not apply to a freestanding or elevated gas cooking appliance which is designed to prevent flames or the cooking vessels from extending beyond the outer edge of the appliance.


• Cooking surface area is defined as that part of the appliance where cooking is normally taking place and does not include those parts of the appliance containing control knobs.

• Cooking support surface is the part of the cooker that holds the pots and pans over the burner.

For any combustible surface that requires protection within the clearance zones specified, approved methods of protection can be found in AS 5601.1:2022, appendix C, table C.3.

18 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024
Tech talk

Any other materialc that satisfies (a) or (b):

(a) When tested to AS 1530.1, be deemed not combustible.

(b) When tested to AS/NZS 1530.3, have indices as follows:




a Toughened safety glass shall conform to AS/NZS 2208.

b All toughened safety glass used as a cooker splashback shall be marked as “toughened safety glass” to indicate that it is fit for purpose. Where glass is not marked, a document from the manufacturer shall be provided to confirm the glass is toughened and conforms to AS/NZS 2208.

c Reconstituted stone or quartz surfaces contain polymer resins and may not meet the requirements of Clause C.2(a) or C.2(b). If used, conformance shall be confirmed. | 19 Facing material Minimum thickness mm Backing material Minimum thickness mm Ceramic tiles 5 Gypsum-based wall board 10 Fibre cement board 6 Toughened safety glass a,b 5 Gypsum-based wall board 10 Fibre cement board 6 Sheet metal 0.4 Fibre cement board 12 Fibre cement board over 10mm gypsum-based wall board 6
– zero (0)
– zero (0)
Heat evolved
Smoke developed
to 1) Fibre cement board Fibre cement board over 10mm gypsum-based wall board 12 6
– zero (0) (iv)
– zero to one (0

Victorian news

Update on gas ban

The Victorian Government’s fast-tracked decision to ban gas connections in new builds has been followed up with an announcement that it is now considering extending it to gas appliances in existing homes.

As of 1 January, this year, new home builds in Victoria that require a planning permit have been banned from connecting to the gas network.

In December last year, the Victorian Government updated its Gas Substitution Roadmap, announcing that it is also considering forcing households to rip out gas appliances in existing homes as part of a Regulatory Impact Statement process.

The initial ban on new homes occurred without any consultation with industry, was short on detail and sent shock-waves across our industry. While consultation for the next phase is welcome, Master Plumbers has warned that the community and the industry expect genuine engagement and input,

fast facts

not just a token process seeking to justify a foregone conclusion. The need to move away from carbon-based fuels is not in question. In fact, the plumbing industry has been at the forefront of the clean energy transition to a low carbon economy. However, the rush towards electrification, without genuine consideration of the critical role gas can play is a knee-jerk reaction by a government chasing ambitious timeframes.

It is also difficult to understand how promises could be made about energy savings without engaging with the very businesses which help consumers and building managers make informed choices in homes, workplaces and public spaces about heating, cooling, hot water and cooking.

Plumbing businesses are on the ground actively helping people reduce their carbon footprint and they see the limitations and costs that can come from choices that don’t deliver on consumer expectations.

It would be entirely understandable if consumers are becoming cynical about more government

announcements on future energy savings when all they see is their bills increasing and choices being restricted. In the middle of a housing crisis and unprecedented demand for trades, the indications are that these moves will only impose further pain on renters, homeowners and small businesses who will bear a disproportionate cost.

Master Plumbers has attended initial consultations ahead of the release of a Regulatory Impact Statement, due to be released sometime this year. Items flagged so far by government for consideration in the RIS include:

• Expanding the current gas connection ban on new homes requiring a planning permit to include all new residential dwellings and some commercial buildings.

• Transitioning Victorians to electric appliances as older gas appliances reach the end of their lives – including in existing homes and some commercial buildings.

We will continue to keep our members and industry informed and engaged as this process progresses.

Melbourne Aquarium has re-opened its oceanarium, known for its glass tunnel walkway and 360-degree tank room where creatures glide over the heads of onlookers, after a massive refurbishment. Here are some facts:
2.2 the number of million litres that had to be drained from the “oceanarium”

4 the number of days it took to replenish the tank water

24 the number of years since it was installed and the first time that it has been emptied

72 tonnes of salt was added to the water

Aquarium 20 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

Find your local association

Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia (Victoria)

T (03) 9329 9622

Master Plumbers Association of Tasmania

T (03) 6272 2199

Master Plumbers Association of Queensland

T (07) 3273 0800

Building Equality Policy

Master Plumbers & Gasfitters Association of Western Australia

T (08) 9471 6661

Master Plumbers Association ACT Inc

T (02) 6112 8630

Master Plumbers Association of South Australia

T (08) 8292 4000

Master Plumbers & Mechanical Contractors Association of New South Wales

T (02) 8789 7000

Know the building equality policy

The Victorian Government has now officially introduced its Building Equality Policy (BEP) after a transitional period that ended in December 2023.

The BEP seeks to:

• Address the gender imbalance in the construction industry by introducing targets and requirements for women on government funded construction projects; and

• Increase training and employment opportunities for women in a male dominated industry.

The BEP has three (3) actions:

Action 1: requires Contractors to meet minimum onsite targets of the total estimated project hours of:

• 3% for each trade position; and

• 7% for each non-trade Construction Award covered position; and

• 35% for each management/ supervisory and specialist position.

Action 2: requires at least 4% of total estimated hours of work on the project for apprentices and trainees and cadets to be performed by women.

Action 3: requires Contractors to develop Project Specific and

Organisation Wide Gender Equality Action Plans. Members who will be subject to these provisions should familiarise themselves with the BEP.

Members of Master Plumbers have been sent further detail and an information sheet outlining the changes. For more information contact Senior Workplace Relations Adviser, Phil Eberhard at for advice.

For more information, visit | 21

Victorian news

Why choose a plumbing apprenticeship

As the first term of the school year ends this month, many senior secondary school students will be planning their futures. Many young people in a gap year might also be starting to wonder what next. Plumbing apprenticeships make sense for many school leavers, those looking to start a career and even those looking to switch careers.

In Victoria, we are fortunate to have an industry scheme for plumbing apprentices. This scheme has some strong advantages.

Here are the top five:

1. We pay more. We care more. At Master Plumbers, we have a team of professionals whose job is to shape your apprenticeship experience. This dedicated team of Field Officers help to monitor your progress, help you troubleshoot and keep you engaged in work.

We also pay more than the Award:

• Above Award hourly rates in the domestic sector

• We will pay you as if you have completed year 12, even if you haven’t

• We will match the Union EBA rates when you are working in that environment

• We will pay you Fares and Travel, which amounts to approx $100 per week when you wouldn’t be entitled to it if working direct for a Plumber. We even pay this for you to travel to and from your Registered Training Organisation

• We allocate your centre of employment to one of our PICAC training centres which means your travel radius is bespoke to you

• We pay all Apprentices Incolink and convert your unused personal leave to portable sick leave upon completion, regardless of the environment you work in

• We pay Public Holidays at the rate where you are placed

• We average out your time working in Union EBA or Domestic environments and pay for your time at Trade School at the rate where you’ve spent the most time


Benefit from job placements in different plumbing companies in commercial, industrial and domestic sectors

Our Plumbing-specific scheme is the only one of its kind in Victoria. We only do plumbing. The scheme is designed to make sure our Apprentices don’t get bogged down doing the same repetitive job for the term of their apprenticeship. We have Host Employers working across greater Melbourne in numerous fields. As an Apprentice with PAV, our program seeks to move you to Host Employers who need a hand.

So, for your Apprenticeship you will get a greater variety of experience by being placed with many different types of plumbing companies in commercial, industrial and domestic environments.

3. Get access to our Private Registered Training Organisation in State-ofthe-Art facilities

The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC) is the most innovative training complex in Victoria.

Master Plumbers is the only plumbing training provider with access to these unique and highly sought after facilities.

4. Get through the VBA “Journeyman’s” exam the first time

Our graduating students exceed industry expectation. When it’s time to sit your final exam, our apprentices can rest easy knowing our average pass rate is in the high 90% range, far above the state-average.

5. Transition straight into employment when you finish your apprenticeship

When you complete your Apprenticeship, you can seamlessly transition to our arm that handles qualified labour Plumbing Staff Solutions.


Contact the team at PAV:

Live in Queensland?

Contact Plumbing Apprentices Queensland (PAQ):

22 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

Value of membership

Membership at Master Plumbers is more than just access to expert technical advice, discounted services, targeted and up-to-date training and access to high-quality apprentices, it is about connection.

In 2023, we upped our game in face-to-face and hybrid events across Victoria while maintaining our online connection options. Thanks to everyone who joined us to tap into the latest industry and technical developments, connect with our leading industry experts and simply connect with Victoria’s best and brightest plumbing professionals.

Access our 2024 events calendar visit: email: call: (03) 9329 9622

24 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

Bosch Condens

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Removable side panels allow for easier servicing and maintenance access ▶ No electrical power connection required ▶ No battery replacement ▶ No water flow restrictors YEARS 30 Bosch Hot Water Solutions Internal Compact Pilot Ignition HydroPower

Tasmanian news

President’s report

The year has kicked off fast and we have lots to work on over the coming months.

There are some regulatory issues that we will be tackling including our push to have plumbing licensing competency testing implemented for holders of RPL as well as tackling the ongoing issue of substandard roofing, and often illegal work, being undertaken by builders with a Restricted Roof Drainage Endorsement, which was introduced

in 2018. We remain extremely concerned over some of the work being performed under this licence endorsement and will continue to lobby the regulator to ensure that if the endorsement is to remain, training is put in place and works are audited.

At the training level, we will be launching more online CPD courses throughout the year, which will be

focused on industrial relations and technical subjects.

Lastly, a special welcome to Abco Bloc from Premium Plumbing and Gasfitting, who has just joined our Board. Abco brings a wealth of experience and professionalism to our Association, and we are really looking forward to having Abco on board and putting him to work!

Aussie Pumps Ü High tech Honda iGX800 Ü Massive 31 lpm, 4,200 psi Ü New Strong Stainless Steel Frame Ü New Stainless Steel Reels Ü New Stainless Steel Cobra Loc AUSSIE’S BIG BOYS! Deluxe PYTHON JETTERS Aussie’s most powerful Jetter JUST (+GST) $ 15,757 Available from The Jetters Edge, Reece, Tradelink & approved plumbing outlets FREE FREIGHT Australia wide to nearest Distributor Australian Pump Industries (02) 8865 3500 Class B ... FREE Safety Pack (RTO Operator cert required) while stocks last | 27 PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE INDUSTRY EDUCATION RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH NEW TECHNOLOGY TESTING & CERTIFICATION 7-11 Fullard Road | Narre Warren, Victoria 3805 | Australia | (+61) 3 8684 9580 | | ©IAPMO2024 IAPMO The only marks that matter Oceania_HalfPg.indd 1 1/22/24 1:27 PM

Tasmanian news

A more meaningful connection

When workmates Andy and Craig decided to leave Tasmania’s Howrah Plumbing and form their own business, it was on one condition. Kathryn Kernohan reports.

“At the time I was the project manager estimator at Howrah, which at the time was the biggest company in Tassie, and those two guys were my foremen on a lot of projects that we ran,” recalls Todd Curtain.

“They approached me and said ‘we’re going out on our own, but we want to do it with you, we need

you to come with us.’ It took a bit of convincing, but that’s how things happened.”

Todd, Andy and Craig now run Hobart’s Moonah Plumbing, a locally owned and operated company bringing together more than 50 years of collective experience between the trio.

“It’s an equal partnership between the three of us. Andy and Craig are predominately on the tools and run our larger projects whereas I’m probably 50-50, I’ll run around and do the quotes for our mum and dad customers, schedule the other guys for work and also get out on the tools when I need to,” he says.

28 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024
Moonah Plumbing brings together more than 50 years of collective experience between the trio

The business name comes from the Hobart suburb of Moonah, near the Derwent River, but there’s a more meaningful connection for Todd.

“My one condition when I came on board with the boys is that I said we’d have to call the business Moonah Plumbing. My father has passed away now, but when he was working for himself, he went by the name of Moonah Plumbing. He was a bit of a one-man band, driving around in an old ute, and I really wanted to get the name going again.”

It was Todd’s father that got him his start in the business. “He came and dragged me out of grade 10 and said, ‘I’ve got you an apprenticeship, let’s go’. I was a couple of weeks short of finishing grade 10 and he just said, ‘this starts next week, let’s go,” he recalls with a laugh.

And while Todd has had a couple of short stints away from plumbing, the industry has been his livelihood for more than three decades.

“It was good to see the other side of things – I had a short stint doing compliance work as a plumbing inspector with Glenorchy Council – but plumbing has been great to our family.

“My wife Sarah works in the office with us and we’ve got my son working for us as well. He’s a tradesman and I love that I get the chance to work with him on the tools,” he says. “Hobart is such a small place, the guy I was in business with when we were in our 20s works for us as well. He’s been my mate ever since we were apprentices when we first started out.”

When Moonah Plumbing began, the three owners mainly focused on residential new builds and renovation work.

The team has grown to eight plumbers, including two full-time maintenance and gas workers

Now, the team has grown to include eight plumbers, including two full-time maintenance and gas workers, and the work has expanded in turn.

“We do a lot of school maintenance, insurance work, renovation work, we do the maintenance for the Risdon Prison Complex and lots of little bits and pieces like that. Mum and dad customers keep us pretty busy with the day-to-day stuff, and we also do a little bit of wastewater work and minor to medium construction. We pump out a bit for a small crew,” says Todd.

Supporting a steady flow of apprentices – with two currently at the business – is also something Todd enjoys. “It’s great to see them grow from kids that have got no idea when they rock up to becoming valuable members of the team. And they all become mates, which is awesome.”

Tasmania’s construction industry was already booming prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was when Moonah Plumbing was founded.

“We’ve been going for five years now and we started just as the industry was about to hit its peak, which was a bit of good luck and good timing,” explains Todd.

“Like in other places, it’s slowed down since then, due to interest rates and other factors. But the Tasmanian Government is pouring a lot of money into social housing which we’re into, so that’s kept us rolling along nicely. Our regular building clients are also still pumping out properties for first homebuyers, so things are going well, and there are lots of opportunities for a business like ours.”

LPG cylinder adaptors

The Tasmanian Government's Consumer, Building and Occupational Services has released new guidance notes following a recent incident in Western Australia, which has highlighted the risk associated with the use of LPG cylinder adaptors that convert the previous Type 21 (Prest-O-Lite - POL) valve outlet to the new LCC27 connection.

The incident highlighted that tightening an LCC27 connection onto an adaptor may loosen the POL connection at the cylinder valve due to the opposing threads and can lead to dangerous gas leaks.

‘Due to the increase in popularity of prefabricated and trailer-based structures for the use of homes has prompted CBOS to release guidance notes for prospective buyers and contractors engaged to connect them to services as well as providing clear guidance for the statutory approval process."

The notes are available at | 29

National news

Get some satisfaction

Young Australians who have completed an apprenticeship/ traineeship or postgraduate qualifications report stronger employment outcomes, earnings, and job satisfaction than their peers, an Ai Group report has found.

Innes Willox, Chief Executive, Ai Group, said these strong outcomes might be due to the more specialised, occupationspecific nature of apprenticeships/ traineeships, and to a certain extent, postgraduate degrees.

“This data tells us that education and training pathways that have a closer or more direct link to an industry or occupation can deliver strong outcomes,” Mr Willox said.

For more on the report, visit

Apply now for apprentice grants

Rheem Australia is encouraging Australian apprentice plumbers and gas fitters to apply for a share in $60,000 through the 2024 Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants program.

This year Rheem has increased the number of grants on offer from 10 to 20, to support even more up-andcoming apprentice plumbers in the progression of their studies and help launch their plumbing careers. Recipients will receive $2,000 to assist with their TAFE/RTO fees and textbooks, and $1,000 to help build their essential trade toolbox.

Following a record number of applicants last year, Chris Taylor, Managing Director of ANZ, at Rheem Australia, says: “I encourage all to apply for a Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants. Apprentices have nothing to lose and everything to gain by applying.”

Applications for the 2024 Rheem Apprentice Plumber Grants program close at 11:59 pm on Sunday 28 April 2024. To apply visit,

Know the rules

New rules are now in place to limit the use of fixed-term contracts. This means employers can’t employ someone on a fixed term contract:

• that is for longer than 2 years

• that has more than one extension option, or

• where the employee will be employed under consecutive contracts. There are some exceptions, and these rules don’t apply to casual employees.

For more information, visit

20 x $3,000 GRANTS APPLY NOW! Page 1 of 3 Last updated: December … Important: New employees also need to be given the Fair Work Information Statement. Visit There are new rules that limit the use of fixed term contracts. In summary, from 6 December 2023, employers can’t employ someone on a fixed term contract: Ü that is for longer than 2 years Ü that has more than one extension option, or Ü where the employee will be employed under consecutive contracts. There are exceptions to the new rules that mean they don’t apply to all fixed term contracts. These rules don’t apply to casual employees. Read this statement to find out more. Contracts before 6 December 2023 These rules apply to new contracts entered into after this date. However, fixed term contracts entered into before 6 December 2023 do have to be considered when considering applying the consecutive contracts limitation for a new fixed term contract entered into on or after 6 December 2023. What is a fixed term contract? You’re on a fixed term contract if you enter into a contract with an employer that terminates at the end of an identifiable period. For example, the contract ends after: Ü a set date or period of time, or Ü a season Employees engaged on fixed term contracts who are engaged on a full-time or part-time basis have similar conditions and entitlements as permanent (ongoing) employees. This includes leave entitlements. There are 2 main differences between full-time or parttime fixed term employees and permanent employees: Fixed term Permanent Noticeof termination andredundancy ( Noteligibleif employment finishes at the end of the contracted period ' Generally entitled to notice of termination and redundancy Unfair dismissal ( Generally noteligibleif employment finishes because of the end of the contractedperiod ' Eligiblefor unfair dismissal after 6 months (12 months for employeesofa small business) For more information on fixed term employment, visit … Important: Fixed term employees are not the same as independent contractors (sometimes called ABN workers or subcontractors). Independent contractors usually negotiate their own fees and working arrangements, have the ability to delegate or subcontract work and can work for more than one client at a time. For information on independent contracting, visit Whatarethenewlimitationsonusingfixed term contracts? From 6 December 2023, there are rules (called limitations) about the use of fixed term contracts after this date. There are 3 rules, and all rules need to be followed or the contract’s end date will no longer apply, which means the contract won’t automatically come to an end at the end of that time. 1: Time limitations A fixed term contract can’t be for longer than 2 years. This includes any extensions or renewals. 2: Renewal limitations A fixed term contract can’t have an option to: Ü extend or renew the contract so that the period of employment lasts longer than 2 years, or Ü extend or renew the contract more than once. Example: Renewal limitations Chelsea is given a contract for 6 months which has a right for her employer to extend it twice for up to 4 months each time. This contract breaches limitations because a fixed term contract can’t have an option or right to extend it more than once, even if the total period is less than 2 years. 3: Consecutive contract limitations If the first 3 points below all apply, and one or more of the scenarios in the 4th point applies, an employee can’t be offered a new fixed term contract. 1. Their previous contract was also for a fixed term, and 2. their previous contract and the new contract are mainly for the same work, and 3. there is substantial continuity in the employment relationship between the previous and new contracts, and 4.any of the following apply: a) the previous contract contained an option to extend that was used b) the total period of employment for both the previous and new fixed term contract is more than 2 years c) the new fixed term contract contains an option to renew or extend, or d) there was an initial contract in place (before the previous contract): Ą that was for a fixed term Ą that was for the same or similar work, and Ą where there was substantial continuity in the employment relationship. Example: Consecutive contracts Ahmad was employed on a fixed term contract as a site engineer for a construction company. His initial contract was for the period of 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. It included an option for extension, which his employer used for an additional period of one year, making the new end date 31 December 2023. On 1 January 2024 Ahmad signed a new fixed term contract for a term of one more year for the same position. This contract breaches the limitations for reasons including: Ü hisinitialcontract contained an option to extend that was used by his employer Ü the total employment period is for more than 2 years, and Ü the contract is for the same position. Fixed Term Contract Information Statement Emp oyers must g ve this document to new fixed term employees when they start work fairwork gov au/ftcis See 30 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024 | 31 * e.g. CliniMix® 1500 TMV, powered by RMC Reliance Valves, is a suitable replacement for the Aquablend 1500 TMV by Enware (WaterMark Lic. 1593). The original Australian Made TMV with NCC 2022 Lead Free compliance. The quality you’ve known and trusted for years, now with Galvin Engineering. Genuine parts and accessories for new and legacy products available.* Explore the full CliniMix® Healthcare TMV range at Developed for the plumbing community, to support your installation, maintenance Q™ Premium WIN A Weber® Q™ Caroma Plumbers' Hub-Key Visual-HalfPage276x205-0124-FA.indd 1 2/2/2024 5:54 am December 2023

Succession planning

Wayne is making sure his family business continues well after his retirement and he is making sure gender is not an issue. Amy, his daughter, said she and her siblings are ready to take on the challenge. Read more.

Member profile
32 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

Amy Hutchinson was living in Byron Bay, working as a chef, when the COVID-19 pandemic started disrupting health and livelihoods. With the hospitality industry, among many others, hit hard Amy had some decisions to make.

“I’d sort of realised that being a chef wasn’t for me anymore anyway and then the industry took a massive hit.

I decided to move back to Melbourne where all of my family and friends are, and then the opportunity came up where Dad asked if I wanted to start working with him, so the timing was perfect,” she says.

Amy’s father is Wayne Hutchinson, Director of Tullamarine Plumbing and Drainage, the business his father Jim established in 1987.

“It’s always been a family business, originally it was my father, my brother and myself,” says Wayne.

“Sadly, my brother passed away 12 years ago and Dad is retired now, he hung the boots up about 15 years ago. So, it’s just been me for a while, but I’ve got the kids involved now. My son is involved in doing the estimating and my other daughter is in the office doing accounts.”

Amy adds that Wayne and her mother actually met through the business.

“My mum’s dad was working for my dad’s dad, and even my grandfather on the other side was a plumber so the industry has always been a massive part of my life,” she says.

Prior to COVID, Amy’s career had taken her from office work to seasonal work at the snow, but says she always had an interest in joining the industry she grew up around.

“I remember wanting to do plumbing out of high school but back then it was not common whatsoever for women to be in trades, so I was deterred at the time.

I remember as a kid when all the job sites were shut over Christmas, the big crazy machinery would come to our place and as kids we were in awe of it!”

The business undertakes all types of hydraulic service projects, ranging from design and construct to construct only projects and commercial maintenance work.

Previous clients include Brighton’s Cabrini Hospital, Parliament House and the redevelopment of Melbourne’s Pentridge complex, including a shopping centre, Palace Cinemas and the recently opened Adina Hotel.

“We pretty much offer everything apart from roofing and mechanical work. Our team varies from 20 to 40 depending on how much work we’ve got going on at the time,” says Wayne.

Amy admits that some of the apprehension she felt as a teenager was still there when she commenced her apprenticeship.

“I guess I thought it would be a bit scary, basically not that welcoming for women. I remember one of the guys didn’t want me to lift the ladder, didn’t want me get into the

trench, and one of the foremen said to him ‘she wants to be a plumber, so she’s got to work!’.

“That’s changed over time and I’m definitely just Amy now. I know when I have to ask for help, like if something’s a bit too heavy, that there’s no shame in it. Everyone was much more welcoming and helpful than I could have imagined.”

Amy has also been supported by Master Plumbers’ Women in Plumbing program, which connected her with a network of other women in the industry.

“It’s been a really positive experience meeting other women in plumbing, as you don’t see that many girls out on site. There’s a group of us and it’s really good catching up for a drink and being able to have a chat about how we’re going,” she says.

Wayne hopes that his daughter’s positive experience can help to encourage other women to consider a career in plumbing.

“I knew that she was starting in an industry that’s dominated by men but things are changing now –you see more women in trades … from plumbers to electricians and other jobs, and in general women are more accepted than they’ve been before,” he says.

Amy recently completed her Journeyman’s Exam and says the family is already considering a succession plan to ensure Tullamarine Plumbing and Drainage becomes a third-generation business.

“We are thinking that eventually my siblings and I will take the reigns when Dad’s ready to retire,” she says.

“She’s going to come into the office for probably 12 months and get a bit of experience in estimating and whatnot to help her round out her skills. It’s great to think that the kids will be able to take over one day,” adds Wayne. | 33

Health & wellbeing

Incolink supporting you to handle stress at work

As the safety net for plumbers Incolink cares about your health and well-being.

Life can be full of surprises, and we all face challenges from time to time.

Sometimes stress at work can come in the form of a tight deadline, a project coming to an end or a challenging situation between different people on site.

If not managed or addressed stress can impact your mental health and relationships both on and offsite, making it tricky to navigate.

There is no perfect solution but there are things you can do to help you handle stressful events when they come up.

Here are some strategies Incolink recommends for a healthy mind and body.

How to set yourself up for success

There are some things you can build into your routine that will help keep your mind healthy.

Move your body after work

You’re active all day everyday but exercise after work can help release stress. Things like lifting weights, yoga, boxing or going for a 30-minute walk all help set you up to manage any stressful situations that come your way.

The body holds stress and when you exercise you are releasing the

stress from your body reducing the feeling of stress.


Sometimes we can look at a long list of things to do and feel overwhelmed. Breaking big jobs down into small steps can help make it feel more managable.

To help prioritise tasks there are a few questions you can ask yourself Does this need to be done today or can it be done next week? What is the most important task on my list?

Having a list in the notes app on your phone or on paper can help visualise what’s left and you can look forward to the hit of dopamine each time you tick something off.

Check in with yourself

Sometimes we can get caught up in the moment and forget to think about how we’re looking after ourselves. Take some time think about how much sleep you’re getting, how hydrated you are and what type of content you’re consuming. Whether it be on social media, reading books or listening podcasts. If you like reading you could consider picking up a personal development book next time.

Prevention over cure is the way to go when it comes to handling stress. The more mentally resilient you are prior to stressful situations occurring the less a stressful event will impact you.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation

Sometimes stressful situations are unavoidable, it can be helpful to have some strategies in place to help you get through them.

Take three breaths before reacting to a situation or comment it’s our reaction that gets us into trouble most times. Taking a few seconds to collect your thoughts will help you to respond rather than react.

Ask yourself the question: ‘What can I control?’ Letting go of what you can’t control is a great way to prevent you from getting worked up. If the mind feels that it has some control, it will feel safe. The best thing you can control is your own reaction and response.

Gain perspective over the situation. Ask yourself, ‘Is this situation going to affect me in 1 year?’ If the answer is no, let it go. If the answer is yes, then some deeper support like counselling may be a good idea. There is no shame in taking a two-minute breather, away from the situation to clear your head.

Creating physical space between yourself and the challenging environment you’re in, also creates mental space, allowing you to come back with a fresh perspective.

Support is available

Asking for help can be difficult but there is no shame in seeking support. For more information you can visit

34 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024


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Using AI in marketing

AI is a game changer for many, so how can you integrate it into your business? Curtis de la Harpe takes a high-level look at the powers and pitfalls of AI.

Undoubtedly you have heard of AI, and you have almost certainly interacted with it.

What is AI?

In simple terms it is an advanced algorithm that learns from the information you feed in and the giant repositories of information that it accesses from the web to return results. It finds patterns in this incredibly dense information and returns results based on what is most likely to be correct or perceived to be correct by the user. The response from the user is then fed back into the algorithm and over time, it learns their preferences, tone and requirements as well.

How are businesses integrating AI?

Two decades ago, Google ventured into AI with a desire to improve the search interface for both customer experience and for advertising targeting.

The first widely available use of AI in business was language and conversation models, which have also been around for decades, and formed the bases for chat-bot technology. For many years businesses chat bots have been the first point of call for clients. From basic call routing like “in a few words please tell me the purpose of your call today” through to what we are

seeing today, which are full-service chat bots that many would struggle to identify.

Today, more and more businesses have introduced AI to help with things like digital advertising and generating new customers.

Businesses feed their customer data into AI for it to build incredibly detailed demographics, find “look-alike” prospective new clients and suggest how to target them.

There is no doubt you have been a target of AI generated marketing over the past decade or more.

What considerations are there with AI?

AI is still young so, for all the benefits, there are some considerations required and risks to mitigate.

AI is only as powerful as the information you provide. This means that to truly utilise its ability

Business insights
36 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

Did you know we regularly search out duplicate member accounts?

There may be several reasons why a member has more than one Cbus Super account. However, like having multiple accounts with different super funds, having two accounts with Cbus, means members could be paying more fees than they need to be. To help our members, Cbus Super undertakes a monthly process to identify members who have duplicate accounts (such as two Cbus Industry Super accounts). Once identified, we undertake steps to

verify if the duplicate accounts should be merged.

Key assessment criteria include: what, if any, insurance the member has; the most recent contributions received into their account; the member’s investment choices; and any beneficiary nominations.

We’ll notify the member once their accounts have been merged and let them know of any insurance premiums or administration fees that may have been refunded to their account.

If you or your employee notices that they have two Cbus Super accounts, they can also contact us on 1300 361 784 (8am to 8pm AEST, Monday to Friday) or by email at to request their accounts to be merged. | 37 Local service and support Our dedicated and experienced statebased teams can help get your super sorted so you can get on with running your business. This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn't account for your specific needs Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making any financial decisions. Read the Employer Handbook, relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as Trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund ABN 75 493 363 262 (Cbus and/or Cbus Super). 0429 166 785 Contact Martha for your business super needs Martha Coro - Senior Employer Engagement Manager Cbus Promotion This information is about Cbus Super. It doesn’t account for your specific needs. Please consider your financial position, objectives and requirements before making financial decisions. Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination to decide if Cbus Super is right for you. Call 1300 361 784 or visit United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 as trustee for the Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund (Cbus and/or Cbus Super) ABN 75 493 363 262.
your Cbus Super accounts

to comb through your user data, you need to give it your user data. For some businesses this is certainly a deal breaker, particularly in turning over customer data, as we see a rise in cybercrime.

Another consideration is that, though AI is getting better every day, it is far from perfect. Companies looking to implement it should not rely on it. Everything it spits out should be checked and qualified and made to sound like your company.

Furthermore, AI is still not 100% believable. It cannot necessarily detect emotion or provide more specialised responses. So, for chat bots, some people can work out that they are not talking to a human and may not like talking to a machine.

How can AI help me market my business?

An AI cannot hold a wrench… yet.

So, for now, it’s only real use to a plumbing business is going to be in the administrative, marketing and customer analytics. In fact, if you use Google, Facebook or Instagram advertising, you are already using AI. You could also use it in a chat-bot function on your website. It can receive incoming messages and talk to your customers as they describe their problems and book a call out.

Some businesses have integrated AI into their CRM solutions to help automate tasks like customerreview, follow-up messages and responding to reviews automatically. They are using AI to reach out to customers to schedule servicing of things like hot water services and air-conditioning units.

Almost daily there is a new integration of AI into existing business practice including,

• Building new websites and optimising user experience.

• Writing emails and content for social media.

• Creating video content.

• Building and redesigning business identity in design software.

This may be through buying specific AI software to integrate into your business or even using another company’s AI integration. Software companies like WIX (website maker) and Canva (graphic design software) have AI assistants in which you can ask it to do something for you and it is created, regardless of your design skills. This can be incredibly useful for small companies that were outsourcing much of their design work.

Almost daily there is a new integration of AI into existing business practice

When will it hold a wrench?

It is doubtful that AI models will replace plumbers but in coming years, we will see further AI integration into smart plumbing products. Hot-water services that learn your usage and adjust its energy use to it are already in the works. HVAC systems that are AI controlled and adjust temperature based on who is in the building and how many people are in a room. AI algorithms will start popping up in all sorts of products much like how every product got Bluetooth added in the mid 2000’s.

In future we may find AI will be used to design plumbing layouts in buildings or allow a plumber to take a picture of a job and have the AI design, print a material list and produce an automated quote. Many other industries are using AI to do the grunt/paperwork and the expert to qualify the results. There is no reason to suspect that the plumbing/construction industry will be any different.

38 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024 | 39 See our technical literature online. Allproof’s premium range of stainless steel drainage solutions for commercial kitchens and food and drink production facilities. FOOD PRODUCTION DRAINAGE SYSTEMS MC SERIES Modular Channel System SL SERIES Slot Channel Drain VCC SERIES Vinyl Floor Channel CK SERIES Commercial Kitchen Drain

Vehicle reviews

Iconic or not?

Understand how the top three iconic 7-seater 4x4 wagons stack up, according to Byron Mathioudakis.

Once upon a time, managers would swan about from site to site in a Ford Fairlane or Holden Statesman. These cars were markers of success, but without being as conspicuous as, say, a Mercedes-Benz.

With locally made luxury sedans now a fading memory, full-sized 4x4 wagons promising cross-country adventure have taken over. Here are three of the most compelling options.

The Contenders as driven:

Toyota LandCruiser 300 GXL from $109,876: The global standard

Land Rover Defender 110 D300 SE from $106,720: The crown jewel, reimagined

Nissan Patrol Warrior from $101,160: The off-road hot-rod

40 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

LandCruiser –what’s next?

Only launched in late 2021, the 300 Series is still relatively new to the market, but a fourcylinder petrol-electric hybrid powertrain is predicted within the next three years.

After on-road costs

Toyota LandCruiser 300 GXL $109,876

Since the 1950s, the Toyota LandCruiser has been woven into the Australian cultural fabric like no other vehicle. It really has endured in every corner of our vast country like a trooper.

Now in its sixth generation, the latest wagon version refines rather than reinvents the tried-and-tested formula of body-on-frame construction, low-and-high range, go-anywhere capability and caravan-ready towing ability.

Along with the gently-evolved styling, there is the adoption of a lighter yet stronger platform, a new powertrain and advanced electronic driving-assistance technologies. Collectively they bring improved steering, handling and ride comfort on the open road, without compromising off-road prowess. As spacious and airy as ever, the now-roomier interior features a modern, beautifully presented, thoughtfully designed and easy to use dashboard, comprehensive multimedia, excellent climate control, supportive front seats and superb vision. The middle row is also larger than before, though at the cost of some cargo capacity. And boot access is now via a one-piece lift-up door. The old split tailgate and barn-door alternatives are history.

Keep in mind that the $98,076 GX is the workhorse with rubber floors,

five seats and steel wheels, so you’ll need to step up to the GXL for seven seats – which now has third-row seats that finally fold into the floor, not on the side. A great move.

On the safety front, you’ll find 10 airbags, autonomous emergency braking (AEB), adaptive cruise control, rear cross-traffic alert, blind-spot monitoring and MultiTerrain Select – tech that alters the engine, transmission and driver aids to suit the terrain below. This thing is a mountain goat.

Speaking of which, the classic old


Toyota LandCruiser 300 GXL from $109,876

V8 twin-turbo diesel makes way for a new V6 twin-turbo diesel, resulting in strong acceleration for eager responses, though the old V8 exhaust burble is gone. At least today’s LandCruiser is more economical – aided by a 200kg weight cut, which in turn makes it steer and handle a lot less like a truck. More progress.

Yes, it’s expensive, but the LandCruiser delivers a spacious, comfortable and extraordinarily adept package for the whole family. That it can also climb mountains is just another side to its multi-faceted talents.

Engine 3.3-litre V6 twin-turbo diesel

Transmission 10-speed automatic

Power 227kW@ 4000rpm

Torque 700Nm @ 1600-2600rpm

Kerb weight 2580kg

Power-to-weight ratio 88kW/tonne

Average fuel consumption 8.9L/100km

CO2 235g/km

Fuel tank 110L

Warranty 5-year/unlimited kilometres

Service interval 6 months/10,000km

Turning circle 11.8 metres

Length/width/height/wheelbase 4980/1980/1950/2850mm

Ground clearance 235mm

Towing capacity braked/unbraked 3500/750kg

Payload 700kg

Gross Vehicle Mass 3280kg

ANCAP rating (out of 5) HHHHH | 41

Defender –what’s next?

Land Rover Defender 110 D300 SE from $106,720

After 67 years in production, the original Land Rover was discontinued in 2016, and was replaced in 2020 by today’s L663 ‘post-modern’ Defender.

New from the ground up, it comes in three sizes – short three-door ‘90’, intermediate five-door ‘110’ wagon and a ‘130’ wagon with an elongated rear – spread over nearly two-dozen variants.

All Defenders now feature aluminium unibody construction instead of separate chassis, setting them apart from most other 4x4s, as well as independent suspension.

The 110 is basically a five-seater wagon with plenty of space up front, sufficient room for three in the back seat and a very usable cargo area. Hefty doors, grandstand-style lofty seating and exceptional vision are key plus points, along with a designer, quality ambience for a premium vibe.

Uniquely, there’s also a $1,853 six-seater ‘Jump Seat’ (basically a bench seat up front) option, or a $4,973 5+2-seater three-row arrangement as per the others here. The latter is, however, pretty tight for adult travellers.

The cheapest 110 trim level is the turbo petrol-only ‘S’, starting with the $91,270 P300’s leisurely 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbo engine, or $97,970 P400’s far more rapid

3.0-litre inline six-cylinder (I6) version. Equipment levels include AEB, adaptive cruise control, air-suspension, leatherette trim, surround-view camera and a fast multimedia system.

You’ll need the ‘SE’ if diesel’s your thing, ushering in the brawny D300’s 3.0-litre I6 from $106,720, as tested here. That adds upgraded audio and a few other tempting luxuries. And then you can keep spending even more on hybrid and V8 models, with some approaching $250,000.

Whichever you choose, all offer

A facelifted Defender is anticipated by 2026, offering an electric vehicle option for the first time, along with a host of other updates across the range.

After on-road costs

exceptional off-road capability as you’d expected, along with a level of civilised on-road comfort and confidence that you may not, putting some related Range Rovers on notice. Speedy, smooth, frugal and refined, the D300 is also surprisingly nimble, assisted by direct steering, taut road control and an absorbent ride.

Sure, the options list is endless and expensive, but the Defender in 110 D300 SE guise could well be one of Land Rover’s most enjoyable value 4x4s to drive on as well as off-road.

42 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Land Rover Defender 110 D300 SE from $106,720 Engine 3.0-litre I6 twin-turbo diesel Transmission 8-speed automatic Power 221kW@ 4000rpm Torque 650Nm @ 1500-2500rpm Kerb weight 2405kg Power-to-weight ratio 92kW/tonne Average fuel consumption 7.9L/100km CO2 207g/km Fuel tank 89L Warranty 5-year/unlimited kilometres Service interval 12 months/10,000km (approximately) Turning circle 12.8 metres Length/width/height/wheelbase 5035/1996/1970/3022mm Ground clearance 218-290mm (with standard air suspension) Towing capacity braked/unbraked 3500/750kg Payload 953kg Gross Vehicle Mass 3200kg ANCAP rating (out of 5) HHHHH

Patrol –what’s next?

At last! Nissan is poised to release an all-new Y63 Patrol this year, finally bringing the long-lived SUV into modern times. We can’t wait for that one.

Nissan Patrol Warrior from $101,160

Already three years late when it arrived in Australia in 2013, the Y62 Patrol initially failed to resonate with its traditional buyer base, having ditched the diesel engine for a V8 petrol, nearly doubling in price and lacking a manual gearbox option.

Sales were slow, but the pandemic and subsequent supply shortages (including with the Toyota LandCruiser that has been the Patrol’s arch rival since 1951) has given the long-lived Japanese 4x4 wagon a big boost.

Now, in turn, Nissan has shown it some extra love.

Enter the Warrior – an off-road upgrade package developed by Melbourne-based Premcar Vehicle Engineering. It scores more ground clearance, chunkier tyres, wider tracks, improved body control, revised suspension, a growly bi-modal side-exit exhaust, additional tow latches, a bash plate, restyled grille, beefier bumpers and wheel-arch moulds, enhancing what is already a capable off-road luxury wagon.

The big V8 remains untouched, and understandably so. It’s powerful enough – maybe too much for the regular Patrol. But, thanks to the drivetrain upgrades, the Warrior seems less nervous to drive at speed.

Plus, with an addictive exhaust note to match the stirring acceleration,

After on-road costs

it feels quite special compared to the duller-sounding diesel competition. But, the fuel consumption is truly alarming – our trip computer read 20L/100km-plus. And the dead-light steering is not confidence-inducing.

Inside, the tired old chrome and wood cappings have been binned for some classy Alcantara and glossy black trim. While these cannot fix the woefully dated dash with its ancient touchscreen, pre-smartphone-mirroring multimedia system and other interior misgivings, they’re better

than what you find in regular Patrols.

On the other hand, there are enough luxury trappings inside what is a massive three-row eight-seater wagon, encased in loads of plush leather and quality fittings, to effectively isolate you from the outside world.

Ultimately, the Warrior is the Y62’s last hurrah, and the best version there’s been. Far from perfect, but somehow more characterful than it has any right to be. This Patrol lives up to its name. | 43
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nissan Patrol Warrior from $101,160 Engine 5.6-litre V8 petrol Transmission 7-speed automatic Power 298kW@ 5800rpm Torque 560Nm @ 4000rpm Kerb weight 2884kg Power-to-weight ratio 103kW/tonne Average fuel consumption 14.4L/100km CO2 334g/km Fuel tank 140L Warranty 5-year/unlimited kilometres Service interval 12 months/10,000km Turning circle 12.6 metres Length/width/height/wheelbase 5269/2079/1990/3075mm Ground clearance 323mm
capacity braked/unbraked 3500/750kg Payload 810kg Gross Vehicle Mass 3620kg ANCAP rating (out of 5) n/a

Chipping away at innovation

Master Plumber Association (MPA) member, Bendigo’s Phil Kelly, donated a Chip Heater to the Association’s Collection in 2019.

Heritage curator Peter Jensen told Australian Plumbing the story.

One of Phil Kelly’s long-term clients showed he understood the value of heritage when he handed the plumber a water heater shrouded in heavy, brown wrapping paper. Underneath the wrapping was a brand-new Chip Heater. Its shiny chrome finish was immaculate.

The Chip Heater was a very early form of hot-water service; a big improvement on heating water in a copper over an open fire.

This particular Chip Heater had “THE CASH” embossed on the front.

A little research showed W.E. Cash was a plumbing merchant at 204 Sydney Road in Coburg, phone number: FW1131. The date stamp was on the heater: 11/09/1948.

An instruction sheet headed “The Cash Improved Fuel Bath Heater” came with the heater and explains how to use the product.

This Chip Heater was a single, opened-point, tankless, domestic, hot-water system popular in Australia and New Zealand from the 1880s to the 1960s. It consisted of a cylindrical unit with a fire box and flue, through which a water pipe was run with transfer/mixing pots. Water was drawn from a cold-water header tank and circulated through the fire box. When heated, the water was drawn off to an area to be used, typically in a bath or a shower. An Ash Box Tray under the fire, allowed air flow and there were various dampers in the flue.

44 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024 Heritage collection

The fire box was relatively small and fed by tinder, such as newspaper, pinecones, small twigs, or chips of wood from the wood heap. The use of the “Chips” from the wood pile gave the chip heater its name.

I couldn’t find any drawings, so I set about doing my own (pictured).

There were several other manufacturers around that period in the same design including two in the MPA Collection. MPA Members, Nott & Drew, from Geelong also have a great collection of brands including Daynite, Radiant, The Little Hero and a McIlwriath.

Heat transfer lungs

Hot water outlet (15mm open end)

Alternate capped outlet

Cold water inlet (15mm at rear outer jacket)

W.E. CASH (Plumbing Merchants) 204 Sydney Rd Coburg N13 Phone: FW 1131

REG 16020 The Cash (stamped)

Date stamped at rear 11/9/48

Got a slice of plumbing history? Get in contact with Peter on 0451 744 336 or

Fire box door

Air ventilation holes

Grate handle

Air flow opening

Ash tray | 45

Product news

Intuitive wiring configuration ensures ease of use and maintenance

High grade stainless steel provides a durable and hygienic solution

Allproof drainage systems

Allproof manufactures drainage products suited to commercial kitchen and food production facilities. The systems are available off the shelf in stock sizes or custom fabricated to suit project layouts. Manufactured from high grade 304 and 316 stainless steel they provide a durable and hygienic solution. Grates options allow selection based on load rating (AS3996), slip resistance (AS4586), heelproof or catchment properties though grate opening sizes and hydraulic performance. CK (Commercial Kitchen), SL (Slot Drain) and MC Series (Modular Channel) come with 15mm epoxy filled safety edge allowing for a hygienic join to the flooring surface. With a portfolio of high-profile projects, including an international soft drinks factory, international pet food factory and Griffin’s potato chip factory, Allproof’s product range has an established in-service history providing the confidence needed in the systems selection.

For more information, visit

New Python Deluxe

Aussie Pumps’ new Python Deluxe Jetter offers more capability for plumbers clearing blocked drains. The new version, powered by Honda’s high tech iGX800 engine, delivers more flow, at pressure. The Python Deluxe offers the capability to clean up to 9” diameter pipes. The ‘Big Berty’ gearbox drive pump delivers a maximum pressure of 4,200 psi (290 bar) and 31lpm flow. The Aussie Python now comes with a sculpted stainless steel heavy duty frame, a 30 litre stainless steel break tank with cut off float and low water cut out pump protection. Stainless steel reels are included in the standard package. Hales stresses the machine is a Class B unit that requires an operator certification. “Best of all these machines are an export hit and our new big production runs mean we can pass savings onto plumbers and offer these machines at a great price,” said Hales.

For more information, visit

Johnson Suisse Venezia Sentinel

The Johnson Suisse Venezia Sentinel™️ Electronic Urinal transforms efficiency in water usage with its WELS 6-Star rating, boasting a minimal 0.8L per flush. Elevating convenience, the Microwave Sentinel™️ Sensor is strategically placed on the rear of the urinal thus eliminating the need for additional room sensors. Simplifying installation and maintenance, its intuitive wiring configuration ensures ease of use and maintenance. The Integrated Stadium Mode reduces water consumption in high use environment makes it ideal for any commercial installations backed with 25 years on Vitreous China and 2 years product and parts replacements warranty.

For more information, visit

Viessmann condensing hydronic boiler

As a German market leader in climate solutions with over a century of history, Viessmann remains committed to fostering sustainable living spaces for generations to come. The Viessmann Vitodens 100-W is a wall-mounted gas condensing boiler renowned for its cutting-edge performance, unwavering reliability, and remarkable longevity. Designed with precision, the Vitodens 100-W boasts a compact form for easy installation. Vitodens 100-W is 20% Hydrogen Ready. It also comes with built-in WiFi for internet connectivity to be used in conjunction with the ViCare app, compatible with both iOS and Android. It offers easy control, real-time remote monitoring, and energy-saving features.

For more information, visit

46 | Australian Plumbing Industry Magazine | Autumn 2024

fast facts

from around the nation

By 2028-29 $21.9 billion

Value of the Plumbing Services industry in Australia 2.0%

Anticipated annualised revenue growth

Source: IBISWorld

Ridgid SeeSnake

The RIDGID SeeSnake Mini Pro is our newest TruSenseenabled diagnostic inspection reel. With our smallest and most rugged 25mm digital self-leveling camera and mid-flex push cable, the Mini Pro is designed to navigate hard 90-degree bends and inspect 38mm to 203mm lines for up to 61m. When used with a TruSense capable monitor, the Mini Pro’s innovative self-leveling technology produces the most stable in-pipe view, without mechanical rotation. TruSense technology delivers high dynamic range (HDR) imaging for superior imaging in the pipe and a TiltSense™️ inclinometer, which gives the pitch of the camera in the pipe.

For more information, visit or phone 1800 743 443

Designed for professionals needing a reliable, easy to install surface water solution Series 200 Series 100 Series 150 Durable recycled plastic Integral side flange for corners and intersections* Galvanised steel edge rails Galvanised steel grates Anti tamper locking bars* *Series 100 - 150 only Grate Options Scan to view range RECYCLED PLASTIC AUSTRALIAN MADE & OWNED PRODUCT WARRANTY 5 YEA R CHANN E L 1 Y E A R GR A T E MADE IN THE USA
Storm Drain Pro™
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